Re: [Geoserver-users] Test stress

2018-09-16 Thread Steve Omondi
You can use Apache Jmetetr (

steps to use it are outlines in Geosolutions Geoserver docs and a
bunch of other places.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 10:25 PM Pablo J. Zader  wrote:

> Hi list
> I have been working on a "webgis" for some time using geoserver as a map
> server. The project has been growing, which implies that the performance of
> the system has decreased. What I have to do is to know the limits of the
> use of the software (how many simulated requests it supports). Can someone
> guide me to a tool to use it to perform a stress test on the geoserver?
> Thanks
> Pablo
> --
> Pablo J. Zader
> Lic. en Cs. de la Computación + MSc. en Aplicaciones Espaciales de Alerta
> y Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias
> Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
> Av. Valpáraíso s/n Ciudad Universitaria
>  [image: skype] [image: linkedIn]
> <>
> *"Los Grandes Hombres hablan sobre ideas...  Los Hombres Promedio hablan
> sobre cosas...  Los Hombres Pequeños hablan.. de otros Hombres.*
> *del libro Matemática estas ahí? A. Paenza "*
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this list:
> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Anyone using Geoserver 2.13.1? Layer get deleted from the Catalog configuration when I change Layer configuration like Overview Policy?

2018-08-27 Thread Steve Omondi
... 61 more
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
creating bean with name 'DiskQuotaMonitor' defined in URL
Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not locate a layer or layer group
with id LayerGroupInfoImpl--ab1020c:1657a38f0e0:-7ffd within GeoServer
configuration, the GWC configuration seems to be out of synch
... 73 more
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not locate a layer or
layer group with id LayerGroupInfoImpl--ab1020c:1657a38f0e0:-7ffd within
GeoServer configuration, the GWC configuration seems to be out of synch
... 80 more

And this has happened every time I have changed something in the *Coverage
Paramaters* of a layer e.g OutputTransparency, Overview Policy.

So I tried to change the Layer Configuration from a different section - S*tyle
- *of a Layer that belong to a group. Then I reloaded the geoserver
Configuration via the Admin UI and even restarted Geoserver and this time
the layer is present and even layer group and GWC is not out of sync.
Although, according to GWC preview, it's still using the old style as the
default style opposed to Geoserver preview which is referencing the new

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 4:00 PM Andrea Aime 

> Hi Steve,
> I've just checked with a 2.13.1 that I have locally, a few plugins but
> nothing dealing
> with the catalog (e.g. no JMS clustering and no JDBCConfig), updated some
> publishing
> params 

Re: [Geoserver-users] Rest configuration of layergroup fails

2018-08-27 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Nikolaus,

Your probably will need to rewrite your XML document


*To something like this  *




You can see here plus it
worked this way for me.
Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 10:57 AM Nikolaus Pruzsinszky 

> Hi list,
> I am trying to set up a layergroup consisting of layergroups that I
> created before and I run into the same error all the time. Is it because of
> the empty style elements? But how do I address a style for a layergroup?
> This is what I tried:
> curl -v -u %login% -POST -H "Content-type: text/xml" -d
> "testcollins:Collins_Midscale_Stadtcollins:Collins_World_Hintergrund"
> %url%/workspaces/collins/layergroups
> *   Trying ::1...
> * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> > POST /geoserver/rest/workspaces/collins/layergroups HTTP/1.1
> > Host: localhost:8080
> > Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46Z2Vvc2VydmVy
> > User-Agent: curl/7.61.0
> > Accept: */*
> > Content-type: text/xml
> > Content-Length: 199
> >
> * upload completely sent off: 199 out of 199 bytes
> < HTTP/1.1 500
> < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
> < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> < Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2018 07:32:24 GMT
> < Connection: close
> <
> Layer group must not be empty* Closing connection 0
> This is what I find in the log:
> 2018-08-27 09:32:24,217 ERROR [] - Layer group must not be
> empty
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Layer group must not be empty
> at
> org.geoserver.catalog.impl.CatalogImpl.validate(
> at
> at
> org.geoserver.catalog.impl.AbstractFilteredCatalog.validate(
> at
> org.geoserver.catalog.impl.AbstractCatalogDecorator.validate(
> at
> org.geoserver.catalog.impl.LocalWorkspaceCatalog.validate(
> at
> at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor790.invoke(Unknown Source)
> at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
> at
> at
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle(
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.invokeHandlerMethod(
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal(
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle(
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(
> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> at
> org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service(
> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
> at
> org.geoserver.filters.ThreadLocalsCleanupFilter.doFilter(
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFi

[Geoserver-users] Anyone using Geoserver 2.13.1? Layer get deleted from the Catalog configuration when I change Layer configuration like Overview Policy?

2018-08-27 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi guys,
Has anyone using *Geoserver 2.13.1* experiencing this?

When I change a configuration of a Layer for example I change the Coverage
Parameters (Overview Policy, Output Transparency, Multithreading etc), the
layer is depersisted from the calalog xml configuration and only available
in-memory such that when I reload  configuration or restart Geoserver. The
layer is no longer in the catalog. And in a case where it belongs to a
layer group, then the whole geoserver won't start because GWC is out of
sync and all.

Anyone seen this?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

[Geoserver-users] Creating Tiled Layers via Geowebcache REST API (geoserver integrated gwc) return could not find the geoserver Layer

2018-07-19 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi guys,
Has anyone had success Creating CachedLayers via the Geowebcache REST API?

According to the documentation one ought to PUT the layer.xml in to the

*Curl output is*
ERROR [geoserver.ows] -
org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: Could not find layer PRIVATE_AERIAL

*The Tile Layer is created but when I try to preview the WMTS of it,
Geoserver Logs tells a different tale.*

ERROR [geoserver.ows] -
org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: Could not find layer PRIVATE_AERIAL

*Note.* The layer PRIVATE_AERIAL is a global layergroup and it exists and
WMS works fine.
Any help will be appreciated.
Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver+postgis: how to complete creating database via REST API?

2018-07-13 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Miodrag,

I have a related issue but in my case I'm creating datastores of already
existing postgis databases both Postgis and Postgis (JNDI).
*My Steps*
I create the workspaces via REST and its okay.

Then when I create ImagePyramids stores via REST again in the above
workspace it works perfectly. Publishing Coverage Layers via REST is great
as well.

Creating  Postgis and Postgis (JNDI) datastores also works perfect via REST.

*However, the problem comes when I try to publish FeatureType Layers via
REST again of the datastores created above. I't doesn't work and the log
point to namespace related issues.*

My solution to this was like your case where I had to go to the
WorkspaceEditPage in Admin UI and click save to resolve the association
between Workspaces and their Namespaces.

I did ask about this on this forum but I haven't received any responses on
what could be the issue. I hope someone with more insights on geoserver
Catalog Configuration could shade some light.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 9:23 PM Miodrag Vidanovic <> wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I'm using geoserver 2.13.1 with postgres 9.5 and postgis 2.4.2.
> I am trying to use REST api to create workspace (works) and in it a
> datastore of postgis type. I have already prepared a template database in
> postgres and trying to use it here (this is the xml body of the post
> request to /geoserver/rest/workspaces/workspace_name/datastores):
>   datastore_name
>   dummy description
>   PostGIS
>   true
> false
> venue
> 1000
> 50
> 20
> false
> mydbname
> 5432
> 1
> postgis
> true
> localhost
> 10
> foo
> bar
> true
> WITH TEMPLATE=mydbtemplate
>   <__default>true
> The geoserver datastore is created as expected (and I'm getting 201 http
> code back), but the database itself is not created. No error messages. Only
> if I open that store now via geoserver web interface and click on the save
> button (without changing anything), only then is the database really
> created using desired template. So, all those params are correct, but there
> is something missing on the server side, like a commit or something, that
> would trigger the create db job.
> I have tried:
>- sending /reset and /reload requests afterwards - no db created
>- changing workspace and datastore properties with put request to
>trigger datastore saving somehow - changes are accepted, but no db created
>- I even tried sql injection by putting commit in that create database
>params entry after "with template" statement - also no error and no db
> I don't see any other REST API function looking even remotely related to
> "apply changes". So, how can I achieve that via REST API?
> Cheers,
>   Mickey
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this list:
> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

[Geoserver-users] Publishing PostGIS Tables via Geoserver REST API returns Schema does not exist

2018-07-03 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi guys,

I have used the geoserver REST API to Create Workspace/Namespace ->> the
Create datastore (Postgis) and now trying to publish a layer via REST still.

I get this error when I try to publish the Postgis datastore tables.

Note: the layer name is appended at the end of the Namespace URI. Why would
that be so? Example XML tat I'm posting to the REST endpoint for
featureTypes is this



Here is the Geoserver Stack trace

2018-07-03 11:57:49,919 ERROR [] - Schema '[prefix]:rivers' does not exist. Schema '' does not
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor554.invoke(Unknown Source)

//What solves my problem is a problem to me as well

This Stackexchange question
led me to try out opening the workspace from the Geoserver Admin UI and
clicking SAVE again.

And this seems to do away with the problem. But I think this is not
sustainable for me.

What is likely to be the problem, any proposals on how to deal with this.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Seeding with custom Gridset

2018-05-21 Thread Steve Omondi
Now it works. I I can't understand why this was a problem last week.

Anyway, thanks for your response.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 10:23 AM, Tõnis Kärdi <> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> can you give some more insight into as in what the problem is? There
> was one case that I was involved with using two custom gridsets (for
> EPSG:3301 and EPSG:3857) and both of them seeded just fine using
> GeoServer bin deploy v 2.11, and after upgrade to 2.12.1 aswell. And I
> had no problems with the EPSG:3301 gridset in 2.13 aswell.
> All the best,
> Tõnis
> 2018-05-21 9:54 GMT+03:00 Steve Omondi <>:
> > Hu guys,
> > Is there a solution to seeding with custom gridset say EPSG:3857?
> >
> > It doens't seem to work. I'm using Geoserver 2.11.
> >
> > A question related to this exixt in StackExchange as of Geoserver 2.8.2.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Steve Omondi
> >
> > 
> --
> > Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> > engaging tech sites,!
> > ___
> > Geoserver-users mailing list
> >
> > Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this
> > list:
> > - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
> >
> > - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> >
> >
> > If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:
> >
> requesting-and-integrating-new-features-and-improvements-in-GeoServer
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

[Geoserver-users] Seeding with custom Gridset

2018-05-21 Thread Steve Omondi
Hu guys,
Is there a solution to seeding with custom gridset say EPSG:3857?

It doens't seem to work. I'm using Geoserver 2.11.

A question related to this exixt in StackExchange as of Geoserver 2.8.2.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] How to fix Error: Tile Layers out of synch ?

2018-05-09 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Martin,

This error comes up when you have modified the Geoserver Catalog
configuration but GWC configuration is not aware of the changes. For
example, you deleted a layer from Geoserver catalog but the layer reference
was not removed from gwc-layers.

Solution: 1. You'll need access to *geoserver_data_dir/gwc-layers*
directory and delete this layer LayerInfoImpl--2c3fc31e:159ff9b77e2:-7f6a.

2. Now that you don't have directory access, You'll need to reload
Geoserver Configuration which may force reload GWC Configuration. Hope it

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 8:15 PM, Martin Davis <> wrote:

> We get the following error message when invoking the Tile Caching / Tile
> Layers panel in the web UI:
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not locate a layer or
> layer group with id LayerInfoImpl--2c3fc31e:159ff9b77e2:-7f6a within
> GeoServer configuration, the GWC configuration seems to be out of synch
> Is there any way to fix this?  Perhaps by deleting objects from the data
> directory?  Even better would be a way to fix it from the Web UI itself,
> since we don't have easy access to the server.
> There are previous reports of the same issue [1][2].  Seems like a
> candidate for some more gracefully failure handling..
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this list:
> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> userlist-guidelines.html
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> requesting-and-integrating-new-features-and-improvements-in-GeoServer
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
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If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver 2.13.0 Coverage Parameters not workingg

2018-04-18 Thread Steve Omondi
Oh, yes. Chrome works. This is a Firefox problem then. Thanks Andrea.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 5:37 PM, Andrea Aime <>

> Hi Steve,
> just tried, they are clickable for me. Using latest GeoServer and Chrome,
> on Linux
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 4:27 PM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> The Check boxes in Coverage Parameters are not clickable. Has anyone else
>> experienced this with *Geoserver 2.13.0?*
>> I've experienced it with two different installation while creating
>> ImagePyramid store.
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> --
>> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
>> engaging tech sites,!
>> ___
>> Geoserver-users mailing list
>> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
>> this list:
>> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
>> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
>> If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:
>> uesting-and-integrating-new-features-and-improvements-in-GeoServer
> --
> Regards,
> Andrea Aime
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> <>
> 55054  Massarosa
> <>
> (LU)
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob: +39  339 8844549
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

[Geoserver-users] Geoserver 2.13.0 Coverage Parameters not workingg

2018-04-18 Thread Steve Omondi
The Check boxes in Coverage Parameters are not clickable. Has anyone else
experienced this with *Geoserver 2.13.0?*

I've experienced it with two different installation while creating
ImagePyramid store.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] WMTS Cascading issues

2018-03-28 Thread Steve Omondi
> Can you request tiles from the source directly?
Yes. I can use the Tile in the Source Geoserver in Openlayers however not
in QGIS.

When I tried the WMTS from source in QGIS I can getCapabilities succesfully
but the layer is not loaded in the Map Canvas.

Next check if the requests being made work in the browser.

 Yes the request works in the broiwser but retuns the black image still

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 10:16 PM, Ian Turton <> wrote:

> Can you request tiles from the source directly? Next check if the requests
> being made work in the browser.
> Ian
> On Tue, 27 Mar 2018, 14:46 Steve Omondi, <>
> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Does anyone have experience with Cascading secured WMTS Services in
>> Geoserver?
>> I can seem to get it to work. WMS cascading work perfectly, but I want to
>> cascade WMTS instead.
>> I'm using Authkey for Authentication in the Origin Geoserver (i.e. WMTS
>> Source Geoserver).
>> When I preview in the Cascaded Layer as WMS I get this
>> *Here are the Logs*
>> 2018-03-27 16:30:29,018 DEBUG [] - Writing png image ...
>> 2018-03-27 16:30:29,022 DEBUG [config.impl] - Could not locate service of
>> type interface org.geoserver.wms.WMSInfo in workspace
>> WorkspaceInfoImpl[test], available services were [WMTSInfoImpl[WMTS],
>> WMSInfoImpl[WMS], WFSInfoImpl[WFS], WCSInfoImpl[WCS]]
>> 2018-03-27 16:30:29,022 DEBUG [geotools.styling] - number of fts set 1
>> 2018-03-27 16:30:29,508 DEBUG [] - Writing png image ... done!
>> 2018-03-27 16:30:29,508 DEBUG [geoserver.filters] - Not compressing
>> output for mimetype: image/png
>> 2018-03-27 16:30:29,508 DEBUG [resources.image] - Failed to clear
>> rendered image adapters field to null. Not a problem per se, but if the
>> finalizer thread is not fast enough, this might result in a OOM
>> java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: theImage
>> at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(
>> at org.geotools.resources.image.ImageUtilities.cleanField(
>> at org.geotools.resources.image.ImageUtilities.
>> disposeSinglePlanarImage(
>> at org.geotools.resources.image.ImageUtilities.
>> disposePlanarImageChain(
>> at org.geotools.resources.image.ImageUtilities.
>> disposePlanarImageChain(
>> at org.geotools.resources.image.ImageUtilities.
>> disposePlanarImageChain(
>> at org.geotools.resources.image.ImageUtilities.
>> disposePlanarImageChain(
>> at org.geoserver.wms.RasterCleaner.disposeImage(
>> at org.geoserver.wms.RasterCleaner.disposeImages(
>> at org.geoserver.wms.RasterCleaner.finished(
>> at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.fireFinishedCallback(
>> at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.handleRequestInternal(
>> at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.
>> handleRequest(
>> *The Source Geoserver Logs look like this*
>> 2018-03-27 16:30:29,003 DEBUG 
>> [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher]
>> - Matched Path: /gwc/service/wmts, QueryString: authkey=e18d97d7-b43e-4fd2-
>> 85c4-da9d0045542e?request=getTile=EPSG%
>> 3A3857=2063=WMTS=image%2Fpng=
>> =2467=1.0.0=aerial%3AAERIAL_2015=EPSG%3A3857%3A12&
>> with /**
>> 2018-03-27 16:30:29,003 DEBUG [geoserver.filters] - Creating a new http
>> session inside the web UI (normal behavior)
>> java.lang.Exception: Full stack trace for the session creation path
>> at org.geoserver.filters.SessionDebugFilter$SessionDebugWrapper.
>> getSession(
>> at org.geoserver.filters.SessionDebugFilter$SessionDebugWrapper.
>> getSession(
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper.getSession(
>> at
>> tenceFilter$1.doFilter(
>> at$
>> NestedFilterChain.doFilter(
>> at

[Geoserver-users] WMTS Cascading issues

2018-03-27 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi guys,

Does anyone have experience with Cascading secured WMTS Services in

I can seem to get it to work. WMS cascading work perfectly, but I want to
cascade WMTS instead.

I'm using Authkey for Authentication in the Origin Geoserver (i.e. WMTS
Source Geoserver).
When I preview in the Cascaded Layer as WMS I get this

*Here are the Logs*
2018-03-27 16:30:29,018 DEBUG [] - Writing png image ...
2018-03-27 16:30:29,022 DEBUG [config.impl] - Could not locate service of
type interface org.geoserver.wms.WMSInfo in workspace
WorkspaceInfoImpl[test], available services were [WMTSInfoImpl[WMTS],
WMSInfoImpl[WMS], WFSInfoImpl[WFS], WCSInfoImpl[WCS]]
2018-03-27 16:30:29,022 DEBUG [geotools.styling] - number of fts set 1
2018-03-27 16:30:29,508 DEBUG [] - Writing png image ... done!
2018-03-27 16:30:29,508 DEBUG [geoserver.filters] - Not compressing output
for mimetype: image/png
2018-03-27 16:30:29,508 DEBUG [resources.image] - Failed to clear rendered
image adapters field to null. Not a problem per se, but if the finalizer
thread is not fast enough, this might result in a OOM
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: theImage
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(
at org.geoserver.wms.RasterCleaner.finished(

*The Source Geoserver Logs look like this*

2018-03-27 16:30:29,003 DEBUG
[security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path:
/gwc/service/wmts, QueryString:
with /**
2018-03-27 16:30:29,003 DEBUG [geoserver.filters] - Creating a new http
session inside the web UI (normal behavior)
java.lang.Exception: Full stack trace for the session creation path

Anyone has an idea how I can go about this?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Filter out Layers from WMTS GetCapabilities Document based on Authorization in Data Security

2018-01-31 Thread Steve Omondi
On top of getCapabilities document size;

In terms of Security, users are only supposed to see the Metadata for the
Data (Layers) they are authorized to see, but even with the HIDE MODE on,
still all users can access Metadata for all layers in our Catalog in the
getCapabilites documents (both WMTS and WMS)?

Is this a normal Geoserver behaviour? In ideal situation this should not be
the case.

Running Geoserver 2.11.2 on Tomcat 8.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 10:02 AM, Steve Omondi <>

> Hi guys,
> I'd like to filter out layers from the WMTS GetCapabilities Documemnt
> based on the Rules in Data Security so that I can reduce the size of the
> GetCapabilites Document (currently we download 3.8 MB everytime the Client
> map application loads - not good).
> The options I have tried are;
> 1. Using the Catalog Mode in data Security: HIDE does not work, still all
> users can download the full GetCapabilities Document as well as MIXED mode.
> 2. Turning OFF the Advertised flag in Layer Resource Info...this is not an
> option for us though.
> How can I achieve this? I mean filtering (hiding) layers from the
> GetCapabilties document depending on the Authorization a user has.
> Or
> How else can I ensure the GetCapabilites document downloaded whenever it's
> fetched is minimal.
> Any help appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

[Geoserver-users] Filter out Layers from WMTS GetCapabilities Document based on Authorization in Data Security

2018-01-31 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi guys,

I'd like to filter out layers from the WMTS GetCapabilities Documemnt based
on the Rules in Data Security so that I can reduce the size of the
GetCapabilites Document (currently we download 3.8 MB everytime the Client
map application loads - not good).

The options I have tried are;
1. Using the Catalog Mode in data Security: HIDE does not work, still all
users can download the full GetCapabilities Document as well as MIXED mode.

2. Turning OFF the Advertised flag in Layer Resource Info...this is not an
option for us though.

How can I achieve this? I mean filtering (hiding) layers from the
GetCapabilties document depending on the Authorization a user has.


How else can I ensure the GetCapabilites document downloaded whenever it's
fetched is minimal.

Any help appreciated.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver REST Reload with POST Request Returns ERROR 401 Full authentication is required to access this resource despite using admin user

2018-01-31 Thread Steve Omondi

> Are you using any specific configuration for the security system ?

​So, I'm runnning a number of non-default  configurations for my Geoserver;

The major configuration which has beena big problem is use of a different
Role Service (JDBC) as the Active Role Service -

This is a problem to GWC administration tasks like Seeding, truncate,
Configuration Reload since these require the Admin user found in default
role service.

Basically, It seems to me Geoserver and Integrated GWC can only work with
one Role Service at a time.
[image: Inline image 1]

Question...So I had Imagined creating the admin user in my JDBC Role
Service and delete the default Roles Service entirely but this is not
possible. Are these hardcoded somhow in Geoserver? Perhaps.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 9:30 PM, Nuno Oliveira <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just did a quick test with a GeoServer 2.11.2 running inside a tomcat
> instance and everything worked as expected:
> curl -u 'admin:geoserver' -v --data-urlencode -POST 
> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/reload
> *   Trying
> * Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0)
> * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> > POST /geoserver/rest/reload HTTP/1.1
> > Host: localhost:8080
> > Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46Z2Vvc2VydmVy
> > User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> > Accept: */*
> > Content-Length: 5
> > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> >
> * upload completely sent off: 5 out of 5 bytes
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 18:24:29 GMT
> < Server: Noelios-Restlet-Engine/1.0..8
> < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> <
> * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
> The error you are getting suggests indeed that you are using a login that
> doesn't have enough permissions to use
> that REST endpoint. I would double check that user configuration and give
> it a try with an administrator login.
> Are you using any specific configuration for the security system ?
> Kind regards,
> Nuno Oliveira
> On 01/25/2018 08:23 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to reload Geoserver configuration via a POST Request using CURL
> Utility but it fails with the following error;
> administrator@host:/media/config$ curl -u "admin:password" -v
> --data-urlencode -POST http://host:8380/geoserver/rest/reload
> *   Trying
> * Connected to ros-gs3 ( port 8380 (#0)
> * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> > POST /geoserver/rest/reload HTTP/1.1
> > Host: host:8380
> > Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46UjRtYW5pdGFpbCAtbjIwMC
> AtZiAvbW50L3Jvcy1jb25maWcvcm9zLWxvZ3MvZ3MzMy9HUzMzYWRtaW4ubG9nIA==
> > User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> > Accept: */*
> > Content-Length: 5
> > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> >
> * upload completely sent off: 5 out of 5 bytes
> < HTTP/1.1 401
> < Set-Cookie: remember-me=; Max-Age=0; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10
> GMT; Path=/geoserver
> * Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
> < WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="GeoServer Realm"
> < Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
> < Content-Language: en
> < Content-Length: 1171
> < Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 08:16:20 GMT
> <
> *HTTP Status 401 –
> Unauthorized*h1 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,
> sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:22px;} h2
> {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;
> background-color:#525D76;font-size:16px;} h3 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,
> sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:14px;} body
> {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;}
> b {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;}
> p 
> {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;background:white;color:black;font-size:12px;}
> a {color:black;} {color:black;} .line
> {height:1px;background-color:#525D76;border:none;}HTTP
> Status 401 – UnauthorizedType Status
> ReportMessage No AuthenticationProvider found for
> The request has not been a* Connection #0 to host  left intact
> pplied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target
> resource.Apache Tomcat/8.5.13 html>
> The provided user and password are correct.
> I'm not able to access http://host:8381/geoserver/rest/reload on the web
> as well while I can access http://host:8381/geoserver/rest/all
> the/other/endpoints
> I have tried to do the same with Apache 

[Geoserver-users] Geoserver REST Reload with POST Request Returns ERROR 401 Full authentication is required to access this resource despite using admin user

2018-01-25 Thread Steve Omondi
Hey guys,
I'm trying to reload Geoserver configuration via a POST Request using CURL
Utility but it fails with the following error;

administrator@host:/media/config$ curl -u "admin:password" -v
--data-urlencode -POST http://host:8380/geoserver/rest/reload
*   Trying
* Connected to ros-gs3 ( port 8380 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> POST /geoserver/rest/reload HTTP/1.1
> Host: host:8380
> Authorization: Basic
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 5
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* upload completely sent off: 5 out of 5 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 401
< Set-Cookie: remember-me=; Max-Age=0; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10
GMT; Path=/geoserver
* Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
< WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="GeoServer Realm"
< Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
< Content-Language: en
< Content-Length: 1171
< Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 08:16:20 GMT
*HTTP Status 401 –
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} b
a {color:black;} {color:black;} .line
Status 401 – UnauthorizedType Status
ReportMessage No AuthenticationProvider found for
The request has not been a* Connection #0 to host  left intact
pplied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target
resource.Apache Tomcat/8.5.13

The provided user and password are correct.

I'm not able to access http://host:8381/geoserver/rest/reload on the web as
well while I can access http://host:8381/geoserver/rest/all

I have tried to do the same with Apache Jmeter, and this
(/geoserver/rest/reload) is not available.

Happens for Geoserver *2.11.2 running on Tomcat 8 as well as Geoserver 2.9
running o Jetty.*

*I'm sure this is not normal, so anyone help me figure out what I'm missing

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig export Catalog to XML Catalog in GEOSERVER DAT DIR

2017-11-24 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Niels,

So I was trying out the Java class you shared. Here is what I did;
-> copied theJDBCexport into geoserver/WEB-INF/classes/
-> restarted the Tomcat
-> Tried to invoke the class on the browser with the following URLs;

http://host:port/geoserver/jdbcexport resulted into 404 Not Resource not
http://host:port/geoserver/rest/jdbcexport resulted into 403 Error
(Forbidden) Note that I'm logged into Geoserver as Admin

Is this the correct procedure I should use with this class?


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:

> Steve,
> Sorry for the confusion. This was not in response to you, but Andrea about
> dropping the module from geoserver altogether. I understand your decision
> because I have also found that  jdbcconfig is a problematic bottle neck
> (but as I mentioned, mostly because of the poor cache support and the
> unnecessarily repetitive queries).
> In the attachment you can find the code for exporting jdbc to hard drive.
> The file needs to be temporarily added to the class path and scanned by the
> spring appcontext, then when you are logged in as an admin you can call
> /jdbcexport from the browser to force the caching of the catalog. I hope
> you can use this somehow.
> Kind Regards
> Niels
> On 15-11-17 12:51, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
> ​Our intention is not to drop it entirely. But to run more or less ​a
> catalog that is based on XML for some specific workspaces that we really
> need to be performant urgently.
> While we have found jdbcconfig to be an excellent solution for clustering,
> it
> also
> ​ ​
> has made *3 Load balanced Geoserver 2.11.2 to be 6 times slower than 1
> Geoserver 2.9* all other configurations kept constant.
> ​ And this is an issue that we can't ignore in PROD for our case.
> We intent to move a few of the workspaces and layers especially complex
> LayerGoups fron the JDBC catalog to achieve better performance over
> convenience of the DB Catalog.​
> *Otherwise, JDBCConfig is an excellent module in use*.
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
>> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
>> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
>> The main problem seems to be the performance issues though, as this email
>> also proves, as well as both of the two PR's that are open who are related
>> to the same thing. But I believe this is rather solvable and would make a
>> huge difference.
>> I can review these PRs no problem, since they are actually related to the
>> work I am doing for this module.
>> Perhaps these improvements there can blow some new life into it.
>> Regards
>> Niels
>> On 14-11-17 20:10, Andrea Aime wrote:
>> Hi Niels,
>> today during the PSC meeting the topic came out of whether we should just
>> drop
>> JDBCConfig, since:
>>- mails related to it are not really getting answered
>>- pull requests related to it are sitting there not getting reviewed
>> We still have to see if there is some interested, but we need someone to
>> champion the module
>> just enough to make it worth keeping around (I'm not talking about
>> immediate answers, it's
>> a community/unsupported module, but at least some presence).
>> I'm also going to ping the people making pull requests.
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> First I'd like to say I have been doing some work on considerable
>>> performance improvements for jdbcconfig. It  happens to be the case tha

Re: [Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig export Catalog to XML Catalog in GEOSERVER DAT DIR

2017-11-24 Thread Steve Omondi
This is somewhere in WEB-IN/web.xml I presume?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 1:09 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> You need to add a
> to the spring context for it to work.
> Regards
> Niels
> On 24-11-17 09:20, Steve Omondi wrote:
> So I temporarily removed security for the /rest/* chain in Authentication
> and using http://host:port/geoserver/rest/jdbcexport just returns the
> default geoserver/rest result.
> Any pointers are welcome.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Niels,
>> So I was trying out the Java class you shared. Here is what I did;
>> -> copied theJDBCexport into geoserver/WEB-INF/classes/
>> -> restarted the Tomcat
>> -> Tried to invoke the class on the browser with the following URLs;
>> http://host:port/geoserver/jdbcexport resulted into 404 Not Resource not
>> found
>> http://host:port/geoserver/rest/jdbcexport resulted into 403 Error
>> (Forbidden) Note that I'm logged into Geoserver as Admin
>> Is this the correct procedure I should use with this class?
>> <>
>>  Virus-free.
>> <>
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>>> Steve,
>>> Sorry for the confusion. This was not in response to you, but Andrea
>>> about dropping the module from geoserver altogether. I understand your
>>> decision because I have also found that  jdbcconfig is a problematic bottle
>>> neck (but as I mentioned, mostly because of the poor cache support and the
>>> unnecessarily repetitive queries).
>>> In the attachment you can find the code for exporting jdbc to hard
>>> drive. The file needs to be temporarily added to the class path and scanned
>>> by the spring appcontext, then when you are logged in as an admin you can
>>> call /jdbcexport from the browser to force the caching of the catalog. I
>>> hope you can use this somehow.
>>> Kind Regards
>>> Niels
>>> On 15-11-17 12:51, Steve Omondi wrote:
>>> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
>>> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
>>> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
>>> ​Our intention is not to drop it entirely. But to run more or less ​a
>>> catalog that is based on XML for some specific workspaces that we really
>>> need to be performant urgently.
>>> While we have found jdbcconfig to be an excellent solution for
>>> clustering, it
>>> also
>>> ​ ​
>>> has made *3 Load balanced Geoserver 2.11.2 to be 6 times slower than 1
>>> Geoserver 2.9* all other configurations kept constant.
>>> ​ And this is an issue that we can't ignore in PROD for our case.
>>> We intent to move a few of the workspaces and layers especially complex
>>> LayerGoups fron the JDBC catalog to achieve better performance over
>>> convenience of the DB Catalog.​
>>> *Otherwise, JDBCConfig is an excellent module in use*.
>>> <>
>>>  Virus-free.
>>> <>
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Steve Omondi
>>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>>>> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
>>>> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
>>>> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
>>>> The main problem seems to be the performance issues though, as this
>>>> email also proves, as well as both of the two PR's that are open who are
>>>> related to the same thing. But I believe this is rather solvable and w

Re: [Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig export Catalog to XML Catalog in GEOSERVER DAT DIR

2017-11-24 Thread Steve Omondi
So I temporarily removed security for the /rest/* chain in Authentication
and using http://host:port/geoserver/rest/jdbcexport just returns the
default geoserver/rest result.

Any pointers are welcome.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Steve Omondi <>

> Hi Niels,
> So I was trying out the Java class you shared. Here is what I did;
> -> copied theJDBCexport into geoserver/WEB-INF/classes/
> -> restarted the Tomcat
> -> Tried to invoke the class on the browser with the following URLs;
> http://host:port/geoserver/jdbcexport resulted into 404 Not Resource not
> found
> http://host:port/geoserver/rest/jdbcexport resulted into 403 Error
> (Forbidden) Note that I'm logged into Geoserver as Admin
> Is this the correct procedure I should use with this class?
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> <#m_-6294030542967299794_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>> Steve,
>> Sorry for the confusion. This was not in response to you, but Andrea
>> about dropping the module from geoserver altogether. I understand your
>> decision because I have also found that  jdbcconfig is a problematic bottle
>> neck (but as I mentioned, mostly because of the poor cache support and the
>> unnecessarily repetitive queries).
>> In the attachment you can find the code for exporting jdbc to hard drive.
>> The file needs to be temporarily added to the class path and scanned by the
>> spring appcontext, then when you are logged in as an admin you can call
>> /jdbcexport from the browser to force the caching of the catalog. I hope
>> you can use this somehow.
>> Kind Regards
>> Niels
>> On 15-11-17 12:51, Steve Omondi wrote:
>> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
>> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
>> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
>> ​Our intention is not to drop it entirely. But to run more or less ​a
>> catalog that is based on XML for some specific workspaces that we really
>> need to be performant urgently.
>> While we have found jdbcconfig to be an excellent solution for
>> clustering, it
>> also
>> ​ ​
>> has made *3 Load balanced Geoserver 2.11.2 to be 6 times slower than 1
>> Geoserver 2.9* all other configurations kept constant.
>> ​ And this is an issue that we can't ignore in PROD for our case.
>> We intent to move a few of the workspaces and layers especially complex
>> LayerGoups fron the JDBC catalog to achieve better performance over
>> convenience of the DB Catalog.​
>> *Otherwise, JDBCConfig is an excellent module in use*.
>> <>
>>  Virus-free.
>> <>
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>>> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
>>> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
>>> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
>>> The main problem seems to be the performance issues though, as this
>>> email also proves, as well as both of the two PR's that are open who are
>>> related to the same thing. But I believe this is rather solvable and would
>>> make a huge difference.
>>> I can review these PRs no problem, since they are actually related to
>>> the work I am doing for this module.
>>> Perhaps these improvements there can blow some new life into it.
>>> Regards
>>> Niels
>>> On 14-11-17 20:10, Andrea Aime wrote:
>>> Hi Niels,
>>> today during the PSC meeting the topic came out of whether we should
>>> just drop
>>> JDBCConfig, since:
>>>- mails related to it are not really getting answered

Re: [Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig export Catalog to XML Catalog in GEOSERVER DAT DIR

2017-11-20 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Niels,

With this code, there is the section //export jdbc config to jdbc store
and  package;

Do I have to have JDBCStore enabled as well? Currently I only have
JDBCConfig enaabled.


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:

> Steve,
> Sorry for the confusion. This was not in response to you, but Andrea about
> dropping the module from geoserver altogether. I understand your decision
> because I have also found that  jdbcconfig is a problematic bottle neck
> (but as I mentioned, mostly because of the poor cache support and the
> unnecessarily repetitive queries).
> In the attachment you can find the code for exporting jdbc to hard drive.
> The file needs to be temporarily added to the class path and scanned by the
> spring appcontext, then when you are logged in as an admin you can call
> /jdbcexport from the browser to force the caching of the catalog. I hope
> you can use this somehow.
> Kind Regards
> Niels
> On 15-11-17 12:51, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
> ​Our intention is not to drop it entirely. But to run more or less ​a
> catalog that is based on XML for some specific workspaces that we really
> need to be performant urgently.
> While we have found jdbcconfig to be an excellent solution for clustering,
> it
> also
> ​ ​
> has made *3 Load balanced Geoserver 2.11.2 to be 6 times slower than 1
> Geoserver 2.9* all other configurations kept constant.
> ​ And this is an issue that we can't ignore in PROD for our case.
> We intent to move a few of the workspaces and layers especially complex
> LayerGoups fron the JDBC catalog to achieve better performance over
> convenience of the DB Catalog.​
> *Otherwise, JDBCConfig is an excellent module in use*.
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
>> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
>> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
>> The main problem seems to be the performance issues though, as this email
>> also proves, as well as both of the two PR's that are open who are related
>> to the same thing. But I believe this is rather solvable and would make a
>> huge difference.
>> I can review these PRs no problem, since they are actually related to the
>> work I am doing for this module.
>> Perhaps these improvements there can blow some new life into it.
>> Regards
>> Niels
>> On 14-11-17 20:10, Andrea Aime wrote:
>> Hi Niels,
>> today during the PSC meeting the topic came out of whether we should just
>> drop
>> JDBCConfig, since:
>>- mails related to it are not really getting answered
>>- pull requests related to it are sitting there not getting reviewed
>> We still have to see if there is some interested, but we need someone to
>> champion the module
>> just enough to make it worth keeping around (I'm not talking about
>> immediate answers, it's
>> a community/unsupported module, but at least some presence).
>> I'm also going to ping the people making pull requests.
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> First I'd like to say I have been doing some work on considerable
>>> performance improvements for jdbcconfig. It  happens to be the case that
>>> jdbcconfig doesn't take good use of its cache and repeatedly sends the same
>>> queries over and over again. It looks promising but I still need to do some
>>> improvements and write some tests and I had other work coming on top of it.
>>> But this i

Re: [Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig export Catalog to XML Catalog in GEOSERVER DAT DIR

2017-11-15 Thread Steve Omondi
Great Niels,

We're gonna get right on this and we'll get back to you on the progress and
if we find something interesting.

I appreciate it.

Steve Ochieng

On Nov 15, 2017 17:02, "Niels Charlier" <> wrote:

> Steve,
> Sorry for the confusion. This was not in response to you, but Andrea about
> dropping the module from geoserver altogether. I understand your decision
> because I have also found that  jdbcconfig is a problematic bottle neck
> (but as I mentioned, mostly because of the poor cache support and the
> unnecessarily repetitive queries).
> In the attachment you can find the code for exporting jdbc to hard drive.
> The file needs to be temporarily added to the class path and scanned by the
> spring appcontext, then when you are logged in as an admin you can call
> /jdbcexport from the browser to force the caching of the catalog. I hope
> you can use this somehow.
> Kind Regards
> Niels
> On 15-11-17 12:51, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
> ​Our intention is not to drop it entirely. But to run more or less ​a
> catalog that is based on XML for some specific workspaces that we really
> need to be performant urgently.
> While we have found jdbcconfig to be an excellent solution for clustering,
> it
> also
> ​ ​
> has made *3 Load balanced Geoserver 2.11.2 to be 6 times slower than 1
> Geoserver 2.9* all other configurations kept constant.
> ​ And this is an issue that we can't ignore in PROD for our case.
> We intent to move a few of the workspaces and layers especially complex
> LayerGoups fron the JDBC catalog to achieve better performance over
> convenience of the DB Catalog.​
> *Otherwise, JDBCConfig is an excellent module in use*.
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
>> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
>> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
>> The main problem seems to be the performance issues though, as this email
>> also proves, as well as both of the two PR's that are open who are related
>> to the same thing. But I believe this is rather solvable and would make a
>> huge difference.
>> I can review these PRs no problem, since they are actually related to the
>> work I am doing for this module.
>> Perhaps these improvements there can blow some new life into it.
>> Regards
>> Niels
>> On 14-11-17 20:10, Andrea Aime wrote:
>> Hi Niels,
>> today during the PSC meeting the topic came out of whether we should just
>> drop
>> JDBCConfig, since:
>>- mails related to it are not really getting answered
>>- pull requests related to it are sitting there not getting reviewed
>> We still have to see if there is some interested, but we need someone to
>> champion the module
>> just enough to make it worth keeping around (I'm not talking about
>> immediate answers, it's
>> a community/unsupported module, but at least some presence).
>> I'm also going to ping the people making pull requests.
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> First I'd like to say I have been doing some work on considerable
>>> performance improvements for jdbcconfig. It  happens to be the case that
>>> jdbcconfig doesn't take good use of its cache and repeatedly sends the same
>>> queries over and over again. It looks promising but I still need to do some
>>> improvements and write some tests and I had other work coming on top of it.
>>> But this is definitely coming.
>>> Also, I wrote some code in geoserver for myself to conveniently export
>>> the jdbc catalog back to the file system. I found a way to do this easily
>>> by firing a bunch of catalog change events to the file system catalog.
>>> However, I am not sure to make it easily available to end u

Re: [Geoserver-users] Internal error occurred at by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

2017-11-15 Thread Steve Omondi
This issue was solved.

The solution lied in pointers we got from other mail archives.

Recreating the layers in the Database and publishing them  again solved the
issue. Something to do with Geometry fields, and SRS definition in the
database I guess.

Thanks everyone.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 4:29 PM, Steve Omondi <>

> Sure.
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> <#m_8437933461876292156_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Andrea Aime <
> > wrote:
>> That's unfortunate, it seems nothing quick and easy can be done without
>> having also access to your server.
>> Suggestion, try to reproduce the issue with the default GeoServer data
>> directory (the sample
>> data set), if you can do that, then open a ticket and share the steps to
>> reproduce on it
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Steve Omondi <>
>> wrote:
>>> With Geoserver Logging Level as Verbose
>>> This is all I get with StdOut (in Tomcat Logs)
>>> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionjava.lang.ArrayIndex
>>> OutOfBoundsException
>>> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
>>> Geoserver Logs records nothing to the effect that there is an error,
>>> except for the Service Exception XML file that I shared in the earlier.
>>> Also attached here
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Steve Omondi
>>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Andrea Aime <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Steve,
>>>> unfortunately the stack trace is cut and does not contain the actual
>>>> originating point.
>>>> Could you check the logs and see if you have more information?
>>>> Also, if an error is thrown too many times the JVM starts omitting the
>>>> stack traces, you might
>>>> get more info after a GeoServer restart
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Andrea
>>>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Steve Omondi <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>> I have a LayerGroup with 6 Vector Layers all from a Postgis Datastore
>>>>> (JNDI Connection). The LayerGroup is specific for Labels where I have
>>>>> applied  Label Style for every Layer.
>>>>> When I use Identify tool in Openlayers Client I get a Service
>>>>> Exception (Exception attached below.)
>>>>> GetFeatureInfo for the same individual Layers works fine.
>>>>> All the layers are in same SRS = 4326
>>>>> What could I be doing wrong?
>>>>> Geoserver 2.11.2
>>>>> ---Service Exception-
>>>>> ---
>>>>>; xmlns:xsi="
>>>>>; version="1.3.0"
>>>>> xsi:schemaLocation=" http://
>>>>> [domain]/geoserver/schemas/wms/1.3.0/exceptions_1_3_0
>>>>> .xsd?authkey=[authkey]">
>>>>> Internal error occurred Details: org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException:
>>>>> Internal error occurred at 
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.geoserver.wms.DefaultWebMapService.getFeatureInfo(
>>>>> at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor730.invoke(Unknown Source) at
>>>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at
>>>>> at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation
>>>>> .inv

Re: [Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig export Catalog to XML Catalog in GEOSERVER DAT DIR

2017-11-15 Thread Steve Omondi
Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.

​Our intention is not to drop it entirely. But to run more or less ​a
catalog that is based on XML for some specific workspaces that we really
need to be performant urgently.

While we have found jdbcconfig to be an excellent solution for clustering,
​ ​
has made *3 Load balanced Geoserver 2.11.2 to be 6 times slower than 1
Geoserver 2.9* all other configurations kept constant.
​ And this is an issue that we can't ignore in PROD for our case.

We intent to move a few of the workspaces and layers especially complex
LayerGoups fron the JDBC catalog to achieve better performance over
convenience of the DB Catalog.​

*Otherwise, JDBCConfig is an excellent module in use*.


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:

> Oh really, drop it? I thought jdbcconfig was the recommended way for
> clustering and is particularly useful when you are working with huge
> catalogs. I assumed it was actually being used in production by people.
> The main problem seems to be the performance issues though, as this email
> also proves, as well as both of the two PR's that are open who are related
> to the same thing. But I believe this is rather solvable and would make a
> huge difference.
> I can review these PRs no problem, since they are actually related to the
> work I am doing for this module.
> Perhaps these improvements there can blow some new life into it.
> Regards
> Niels
> On 14-11-17 20:10, Andrea Aime wrote:
> Hi Niels,
> today during the PSC meeting the topic came out of whether we should just
> drop
> JDBCConfig, since:
>- mails related to it are not really getting answered
>- pull requests related to it are sitting there not getting reviewed
> We still have to see if there is some interested, but we need someone to
> champion the module
> just enough to make it worth keeping around (I'm not talking about
> immediate answers, it's
> a community/unsupported module, but at least some presence).
> I'm also going to ping the people making pull requests.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:
>> Hello Steve,
>> First I'd like to say I have been doing some work on considerable
>> performance improvements for jdbcconfig. It  happens to be the case that
>> jdbcconfig doesn't take good use of its cache and repeatedly sends the same
>> queries over and over again. It looks promising but I still need to do some
>> improvements and write some tests and I had other work coming on top of it.
>> But this is definitely coming.
>> Also, I wrote some code in geoserver for myself to conveniently export
>> the jdbc catalog back to the file system. I found a way to do this easily
>> by firing a bunch of catalog change events to the file system catalog.
>> However, I am not sure to make it easily available to end users at this
>> point, I assume that just giving you the code won't be very helpful for
>> you. Perhaps we can work something out if you are interested.
>> Regards
>> Niels
>> On 09-11-17 11:02, Steve Omondi wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I have *JDBCConfig* enabled and connected to a Postgres DB. I have over
>> 500 layers spread across different workspaces and layergroups.
>> After running performance tests for GetMap requests against this
>> configuration versus XML Catalog based geoserver I really need to revert my
>> catalog back to XML in GEOSERVER DAT DIR and probably share it using NFS.
>> *Is their a method to export the Database Catalog (based on JDBCConfig)
>> back to XML Catalog?*
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> <>
>>  Virus-free.
>> <>
>> --
>> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
>> engaging tech s

Re: [Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig export Catalog to XML Catalog in GEOSERVER DAT DIR

2017-11-14 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Niels,

I wrote some code in geoserver for myself to conveniently export the jdbc
catalog back to the file system. I found a way to do this easily by firing
a bunch of catalog change events to the file system catalog. However, I am
not sure to make it easily available to end users at this point, I assume
that just giving you the code won't be very helpful for you. Perhaps we can
work something out if you are interested.

Copied in this conversation is my colleague Nicolas, and we are very much
interested in the JDBCConfig especially on the work to optimize how it
handles resource caching. This would be the best for our system if we can
make it perform faster.

In the mean time, however, we are more interested on how we can bring back
the JDBC Catalog to XML to make our PROD Environment faster as a
workaround. We'd appreciate getting the code you wrote for yourself and try
to do something with it. We'll probably add a few things here and there to
make it work for our scenarion and communicate that back to you.
Are you able to share the work you've done on Exporting JDBC Catalog back
to XML?


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 7:24 PM, Niels Charlier <> wrote:

> Hello Steve,
> First I'd like to say I have been doing some work on considerable
> performance improvements for jdbcconfig. It  happens to be the case that
> jdbcconfig doesn't take good use of its cache and repeatedly sends the same
> queries over and over again. It looks promising but I still need to do some
> improvements and write some tests and I had other work coming on top of it.
> But this is definitely coming.
> Also, I wrote some code in geoserver for myself to conveniently export the
> jdbc catalog back to the file system. I found a way to do this easily by
> firing a bunch of catalog change events to the file system catalog.
> However, I am not sure to make it easily available to end users at this
> point, I assume that just giving you the code won't be very helpful for
> you. Perhaps we can work something out if you are interested.
> Regards
> Niels
> On 09-11-17 11:02, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have *JDBCConfig* enabled and connected to a Postgres DB. I have over
> 500 layers spread across different workspaces and layergroups.
> After running performance tests for GetMap requests against this
> configuration versus XML Catalog based geoserver I really need to revert my
> catalog back to XML in GEOSERVER DAT DIR and probably share it using NFS.
> *Is their a method to export the Database Catalog (based on JDBCConfig)
> back to XML Catalog?*
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
> list:
> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton: 
> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines: 
> Geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Internal error occurred at by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

2017-11-14 Thread Steve Omondi
With Geoserver Logging Level as Verbose

This is all I get with StdOut (in Tomcat Logs)


Geoserver Logs records nothing to the effect that there is an error, except
for the Service Exception XML file that I shared in the earlier.

Also attached here

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Andrea Aime <>

> Hi Steve,
> unfortunately the stack trace is cut and does not contain the actual
> originating point.
> Could you check the logs and see if you have more information?
> Also, if an error is thrown too many times the JVM starts omitting the
> stack traces, you might
> get more info after a GeoServer restart
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I have a LayerGroup with 6 Vector Layers all from a Postgis Datastore
>> (JNDI Connection). The LayerGroup is specific for Labels where I have
>> applied  Label Style for every Layer.
>> When I use Identify tool in Openlayers Client I get a Service Exception
>> (Exception attached below.)
>> GetFeatureInfo for the same individual Layers works fine.
>> All the layers are in same SRS = 4326
>> What could I be doing wrong?
>> Geoserver 2.11.2
>> ---Service Exception
>>; xmlns:xsi="
>>; version="1.3.0"
>> xsi:schemaLocation=" http://
>> [domain]/geoserver/schemas/wms/1.3.0/exceptions_1_3_
>> 0.xsd?authkey=[authkey]">
>> Internal error occurred Details: org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException:
>> Internal error occurred at 
>> at 
>> org.geoserver.wms.DefaultWebMapService.getFeatureInfo(
>> at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor730.invoke(Unknown Source) at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at
>> at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation
>> .invokeJoinpoint( at
>> org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation
>> .proceed( at
>> org.geoserver.kml.WebMapServiceKmlInterceptor.invoke(
>> at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation
>> .proceed( at
>> org.geoserver.ows.util.RequestObjectLogger.invoke(
>> at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation
>> .proceed( at
>> org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
>> at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy122.getFeatureInfo(Unknown Source) at
>> sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor729.invoke(Unknown Source) at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at
>> org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.execute( at
>> org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.handleRequestInternal(
>> at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handl
>> eRequest( at org.springframework.web.servle
>> t.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.handle(
>> at 
>> org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(
>> at 
>> org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(
>> at 
>> org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(
>> at 
>> org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at
>> org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service(
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFi
>> lter( at org.apache.catalina.core.Appli
>> cationFilterChain.doFi

[Geoserver-users] Internal error occurred at by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

2017-11-14 Thread Steve Omondi
at org.geoserver.filters.GZIPFilter.doFilter( at
at org.geoserver.filters.FlushSafeFilter.doFilter(
at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpProcessor.service( at
at Caused by:

--End of Service Exception-----

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-09 Thread Steve Omondi
Does that solve the performance issues you're having, and make the cluster
performance comparable
to the single instance case?

​I have cloned the Deployment and I want to export the Database Catalog
back to XML first (I have to figure this out, I can't imaging creating the
catalog again). Then I'll perform the test and compare.

Meanwhile, comparing the Single Geoserver with XML Catalog versus 3
Clustered Geoservers with DB Catalog, and all other configurations
remainign the same (i.e. rules, AuthKey Filter, JDBC Group & Role Service),
the Single Geoserver is much faster (4-6 times)​.

It maybe important to mention that, I tried testing WMTS request with
(TileCol X TileRow) in two separate Geoserver Instances. One Geoserver with
Data Security Rules
​ set on workspaces ​
and another instance without Rules. Interestingly WMTS request took average
754ms to GetTile where there are no Rules compared to
​ms with Rules. Both with JDBC Catalog. So I'm still not certain if it's
the JDBC Catalog my problem of the Data Security Authorization comined with
DB Catalog. Investigating further.


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Andrea Aime <>

> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 11:06 AM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Andrea and team,
>> After several tests using jmeter, I have resolved to move my Catalog from
>> DB to XML Catalog.
> Does that solve the performance issues you're having, and make the cluster
> performance comparable
> to the single instance case?
> I've answered to the other mail
> Cheers
> Andrea
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> <>
> 55054  Massarosa
> <>
> (LU)
> phone: +39 0584 962313 <+39%200584%20962313>
> fax: +39 0584 1660272 <+39%200584%20166%200272>
> mob: +39  339 8844549 <+39%20339%20884%204549>
> Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o
> nel/i file/s allegato/i sono da considerarsi strettamente riservate. Il
> loro utilizzo è consentito esclusivamente al destinatario del messaggio,
> per le finalità indicate nel messaggio stesso. Qualora riceviate questo
> messaggio senza esserne il destinatario, Vi preghiamo cortesemente di
> darcene notizia via e-mail e di procedere alla distruzione del messaggio
> stesso, cancellandolo dal Vostro sistema. Conservare il messaggio stesso,
> divulgarlo anche in parte, distribuirlo ad altri soggetti, copiarlo, od
> utilizzarlo per finalità diverse, costituisce comportamento contrario ai
> principi dettati dal D.Lgs. 196/2003.
> The information in this message and/or attachments, is intended solely for
> the attention and use of the named addressee(s) and may be confidential or
> proprietary in nature or covered by the provisions of privacy act
> (Legislative Decree June, 30 2003, no.196 - Italy's New Data Protection
> Code).Any use not in accord with its purpose, any disclosure, reproduction,
> copying, distribution, or either dissemination, either whole or partial, is
> strictly forbidden except previous formal approval of the named
> addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, please contact
> immediately the sender by telephone, fax or e-mail and delete the
> information in this message that has been received in error. The sender
> does not give any warranty or accept liability as the content, accuracy or
> completeness of sent messages and accepts no responsibility  for changes
> made after they were sent or for other risks which arise as a result of
> e-mail transmission, viruses, etc.
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-09 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Andrea and team,

After several tests using jmeter, I have resolved to move my Catalog from
DB to XML Catalog.
I have asked as question here, I thought I could draw your attention to it

*Is their a method to export the Database Catalog (based on JDBCConfig)
back to XML Catalog without loosing the Layers already published.*


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 4:40 PM, Andrea Aime <>

> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Andrea,
>> I have read the proposal GISP 155 (
>> geoserver/wiki/GSIP-155) and the status indicates that it's completed in
>> the *Geoserver-2.11-beta*. I am using *Geoserver-2.11.2*, was this
>> version released with the improvement?
> Yes , it part of 2.11 and 2.12. But it's an improvement for the standard
> in memory catalog, not for the JDBC one.
>> Otherwise from which version of Geoserver is the improvement available?
>> Do you have some recommendations for making JDBC Catalog more performant
>> for example would creating materialized views to replace the standard views
>> or add some index for more used objects/tables?
> Fixing the code is pretty much the only approach I'm afraid, it's not that
> the queries take too much time, it's that the code is doing way too
> many very small ones (query latency is killing it, not data
> finding/gathering), what's missing is a layer of caching in between (there
> is already one, but it's not sufficient) so
> that the queries are not run.
> Check the geoserver-devel archives, there is a discussion about it:
> So far nothing happened code wise, but it seems the way to go to fix the
> jdbcconfig on typical GetMap/GetTile requests.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> <>
> 55054  Massarosa
> <>
> (LU)
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob: +39  339 8844549
> Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o
> nel/i file/s allegato/i sono da considerarsi strettamente riservate. Il
> loro utilizzo è consentito esclusivamente al destinatario del messaggio,
> per le finalità indicate nel messaggio stesso. Qualora riceviate questo
> messaggio senza esserne il destinatario, Vi preghiamo cortesemente di
> darcene notizia via e-mail e di procedere alla distruzione del messaggio
> stesso, cancellandolo dal Vostro sistema. Conservare il messaggio stesso,
> divulgarlo anche in parte, distribuirlo ad altri soggetti, copiarlo, od
> utilizzarlo per finalità diverse, costituisce comportamento contrario ai
> principi dettati dal D.Lgs. 196/2003.
> The information in this message and/or attachments, is intended solely for
> the attention and use of the named addressee(s) and may be confidential or
> proprietary in nature or covered by the provisions of privacy act
> (Legislative Decree June, 30 2003, no.196 - Italy's New Data Protection
> Code).Any use not in accord with its purpose, any disclosure, reproduction,
> copying, distribution, or either dissemination, either whole or partial, is
> strictly forbidden except previous formal approval of the named
> addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, please contact
> immediately the sender by telephone, fax or e-mail and delete the
> information in this message that has been received in error. The sender
> does not give any warranty or accept liability as the content, accuracy or
> completeness of sent messages and accepts no responsibility  for changes
> made after they were sent or for other risks which arise as a result of
> e-mail transmission, viruses, etc.

[Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig export Catalog to XML Catalog in GEOSERVER DAT DIR

2017-11-09 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi guys,

I have *JDBCConfig* enabled and connected to a Postgres DB. I have over 500
layers spread across different workspaces and layergroups.

After running performance tests for GetMap requests against this
configuration versus XML Catalog based geoserver I really need to revert my
catalog back to XML in GEOSERVER DAT DIR and probably share it using NFS.

*Is their a method to export the Database Catalog (based on JDBCConfig)
back to XML Catalog?*

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-08 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Andrea,

I have read the proposal GISP 155 (
eoserver/wiki/GSIP-155) and the status indicates that it's completed in the
*Geoserver-2.11-beta*. I am using *Geoserver-2.11.2*, was this version
released with the improvement?

Otherwise from which version of Geoserver is the improvement available?

Do you have some recommendations for making JDBC Catalog more performant
for example would creating materialized views to replace the standard views
or add some index for more used objects/tables?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 11:04 AM, Andrea Aime <>

> Matteo and Steve,
> the clustering modules are officially unsupported (that's why you won't
> find them in releases), and both occasionally need some love (e..g,
> funding) to work better.
> All open source licenses state that you use the software at your own risk,
> but when even the project tells you something is unsupported, it
> often really is :-p
> In GeoSolutions we have used both clustering approaches for customer
> projects, but within contracts allowing us to make fixes and changes here
> and there
> as the need occurs.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 8:09 AM, Matteo Cusmai <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> With jms cluster you don't need jdbc config, because every catalog
>> updates are performed on all nodes.
>> The problem is gwc configurations, it seems that jms cluster doesn't take
>> into account them. I have opened a thread on this issue, but up to now I
>> haven't received any answers.
>> On 8 Nov 2017 07:40, "Steve Omondi" <> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrea,
>>>  Are you talking about serving cached tiles or tiles that need to be
>>> built on the fly?
>>> ​Both. I pre-seed some area to a certain zoom level, but I'm also
>>> leaving most of the seeding to be done by users on the fly.​
>>> Yes, this is well known, see this proposal I made at the beginning of
>>> 2017, it contains some performance numbers too:
>>> I cannot tell you how much of those 80ms are weighting on WMTS calls
>>> hitting already cached tiles on the embedded GWC, but I'm confident part of
>>> it will be there.
>>> ​I didn't quite look at it this way. But actually the JDBCConfig is a
>>> big difference between my clustered environment and the Single Geoserver. I
>>> could be going after GWC but the quesries are most likely the issue.
>>> However, this si a sacrifice I have to make to share the catalog between
>>> different machines.​
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Steve Omondi
>>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:07 PM, Andrea Aime <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Steve Omondi <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> ​I have 6 Geoservers + Embedded GWC spread on two VMs 3 each. Each
>>>>> running on separate Tomcat. All the Six Geoserver are running behind 
>>>>> Apache
>>>>> HTTPD proxy Balancer. I tried tuning the Java Process setting to optimum.
>>>>> On the other hand I had a single Geoserver+ Embedded GWC.
>>>>> On performing tests, The 6 Geoserver are 4-6 time slower than the
>>>>> Single Geoserver while rendering a layergroup of HR Aerial Imagery on
>>>>> Openlayers client.
>>>>> I made a list of the configuration differences between the clustered
>>>>> Geoservers and the Single Geoserver and some of the items are;
>>>>>- I use Authkey for Authentication in the Clustered Geoservers
>>>>>with a JDBC Role Service - so maybe every tile request has to perform
>>>>>authorization by querying the database and all those processes may 
>>>>> slow the
>>>> This certainly adds work, queries to databases are expensive (how much
>>>> so, depends a lot on your configuration, network, indexes and the like)
>>>>>- JDBCConfig is used in the clustered  Geoserver as opposed to XML
>>>>>Catalog in the Single Geoserver; same as above the query process could 
>>>>> be

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-08 Thread Steve Omondi
Thanks for the clarification Andrea.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 11:04 AM, Andrea Aime <>

> Matteo and Steve,
> the clustering modules are officially unsupported (that's why you won't
> find them in releases), and both occasionally need some love (e..g,
> funding) to work better.
> All open source licenses state that you use the software at your own risk,
> but when even the project tells you something is unsupported, it
> often really is :-p
> In GeoSolutions we have used both clustering approaches for customer
> projects, but within contracts allowing us to make fixes and changes here
> and there
> as the need occurs.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 8:09 AM, Matteo Cusmai <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> With jms cluster you don't need jdbc config, because every catalog
>> updates are performed on all nodes.
>> The problem is gwc configurations, it seems that jms cluster doesn't take
>> into account them. I have opened a thread on this issue, but up to now I
>> haven't received any answers.
>> On 8 Nov 2017 07:40, "Steve Omondi" <> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrea,
>>>  Are you talking about serving cached tiles or tiles that need to be
>>> built on the fly?
>>> ​Both. I pre-seed some area to a certain zoom level, but I'm also
>>> leaving most of the seeding to be done by users on the fly.​
>>> Yes, this is well known, see this proposal I made at the beginning of
>>> 2017, it contains some performance numbers too:
>>> I cannot tell you how much of those 80ms are weighting on WMTS calls
>>> hitting already cached tiles on the embedded GWC, but I'm confident part of
>>> it will be there.
>>> ​I didn't quite look at it this way. But actually the JDBCConfig is a
>>> big difference between my clustered environment and the Single Geoserver. I
>>> could be going after GWC but the quesries are most likely the issue.
>>> However, this si a sacrifice I have to make to share the catalog between
>>> different machines.​
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Steve Omondi
>>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:07 PM, Andrea Aime <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Steve Omondi <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> ​I have 6 Geoservers + Embedded GWC spread on two VMs 3 each. Each
>>>>> running on separate Tomcat. All the Six Geoserver are running behind 
>>>>> Apache
>>>>> HTTPD proxy Balancer. I tried tuning the Java Process setting to optimum.
>>>>> On the other hand I had a single Geoserver+ Embedded GWC.
>>>>> On performing tests, The 6 Geoserver are 4-6 time slower than the
>>>>> Single Geoserver while rendering a layergroup of HR Aerial Imagery on
>>>>> Openlayers client.
>>>>> I made a list of the configuration differences between the clustered
>>>>> Geoservers and the Single Geoserver and some of the items are;
>>>>>- I use Authkey for Authentication in the Clustered Geoservers
>>>>>with a JDBC Role Service - so maybe every tile request has to perform
>>>>>authorization by querying the database and all those processes may 
>>>>> slow the
>>>> This certainly adds work, queries to databases are expensive (how much
>>>> so, depends a lot on your configuration, network, indexes and the like)
>>>>>- JDBCConfig is used in the clustered  Geoserver as opposed to XML
>>>>>Catalog in the Single Geoserver; same as above the query process could 
>>>>> be
>>>>>slowing requests.
>>>>> Yes, this is well known, see this proposal I made at the beginning of
>>>> 2017, it contains some performance numbers too:
>>>> I cannot tell you how much of those 80ms are weighting on WMTS calls
>>>> hitting already cached tiles on the embedded GWC, but I'm confident part of
>>>> it will be there

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver Data Security Checks

2017-11-08 Thread Steve Omondi
A SecurityFilter that talks to a remote GeoServer is certainly possible if
someone wanted to write one, although it would lose some of the benefit of
caching since it would be going to the back end for a security check each

​This would be great. It could be implemented with an option to force GWC
to go to the backend Geoserver and perform security check just like the
Integrated GWC​ with the *Enable Data Security*

*[image: Inline image 1]*

So depending on whether I choose to E*nable Data Security Checks *or not
then GWC can leverage the *SecurityFilter *for the Tilesets.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 5:30 AM, Kevin Smith <> wrote:

> On 2017-11-07 12:45 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:11 AM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> *How do I use GWC in front of multiple Geoservers with data security
>> checks (Rules) workin and perform Authorization for the layers being
>> accessed and the seeded tiles? How do I mage Stand alone GWC perform Data
>> Security Check like the Embedded GWC does?*
> To the best of my knowledge, you don't. Security integration happens only
> if you run GWC embedded in GeoServer,
> a stand-alone GWC has no notion of security at all (can be developed of
> course, but does not seem a trivial task).
> The most recent stand alone GWC (1.12) has the notion of data security
> (the new SecurityFilter extension point).  It just doesn't have anything
> more than a notion as the only implementation of SecurityFilter so far is
> in GeoServer.
> A SecurityFilter that talks to a remote GeoServer is certainly possible if
> someone wanted to write one, although it would lose some of the benefit of
> caching since it would be going to the back end for a security check each
> request.
> --
> Kevin Michael Smith<> <>
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this list:
> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> userlist-guidelines.html
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-08 Thread Steve Omondi
Yes Matteo,

I'm wondering if I could have used that but then I wanted the database
catalog and JDBC Role Service together with monitoring so I could do other
quaeries with the database outside Geoserver environment. Which seems to be
costly now.

I may have to switch in the next upgrade.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:09 AM, Matteo Cusmai <>

> Hi Steve,
> With jms cluster you don't need jdbc config, because every catalog updates
> are performed on all nodes.
> The problem is gwc configurations, it seems that jms cluster doesn't take
> into account them. I have opened a thread on this issue, but up to now I
> haven't received any answers.
> On 8 Nov 2017 07:40, "Steve Omondi" <> wrote:
>> Hi Andrea,
>>  Are you talking about serving cached tiles or tiles that need to be
>> built on the fly?
>> ​Both. I pre-seed some area to a certain zoom level, but I'm also leaving
>> most of the seeding to be done by users on the fly.​
>> Yes, this is well known, see this proposal I made at the beginning of
>> 2017, it contains some performance numbers too:
>> I cannot tell you how much of those 80ms are weighting on WMTS calls
>> hitting already cached tiles on the embedded GWC, but I'm confident part of
>> it will be there.
>> ​I didn't quite look at it this way. But actually the JDBCConfig is a big
>> difference between my clustered environment and the Single Geoserver. I
>> could be going after GWC but the quesries are most likely the issue.
>> However, this si a sacrifice I have to make to share the catalog between
>> different machines.​
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:07 PM, Andrea Aime <
>> > wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Steve Omondi <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> ​I have 6 Geoservers + Embedded GWC spread on two VMs 3 each. Each
>>>> running on separate Tomcat. All the Six Geoserver are running behind Apache
>>>> HTTPD proxy Balancer. I tried tuning the Java Process setting to optimum.
>>>> On the other hand I had a single Geoserver+ Embedded GWC.
>>>> On performing tests, The 6 Geoserver are 4-6 time slower than the
>>>> Single Geoserver while rendering a layergroup of HR Aerial Imagery on
>>>> Openlayers client.
>>>> I made a list of the configuration differences between the clustered
>>>> Geoservers and the Single Geoserver and some of the items are;
>>>>- I use Authkey for Authentication in the Clustered Geoservers with
>>>>a JDBC Role Service - so maybe every tile request has to perform
>>>>authorization by querying the database and all those processes may slow 
>>>> the
>>> This certainly adds work, queries to databases are expensive (how much
>>> so, depends a lot on your configuration, network, indexes and the like)
>>>>- JDBCConfig is used in the clustered  Geoserver as opposed to XML
>>>>Catalog in the Single Geoserver; same as above the query process could 
>>>> be
>>>>slowing requests.
>>>> Yes, this is well known, see this proposal I made at the beginning of
>>> 2017, it contains some performance numbers too:
>>> I cannot tell you how much of those 80ms are weighting on WMTS calls
>>> hitting already cached tiles on the embedded GWC, but I'm confident part of
>>> it will be there.
>>>>- The fact that *GWC Directory and Diskquota are clustered could be
>>>>an issues*; write/access speed of the remote GWC directory seems to
>>>>me as a cause of slow rendering of tiles and as so it tops my list of
>>>> That depends a lot on the network file system in use.
>>>> ​The third point is the source of my motivation to run GWC as
>>>> standalone in front of the Geoserver Cluster proxy. The have the GWC
>>>> Blobstore closer instead of a network drive.
>>>>   Can you elaborate what you mean by "as efficient

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-07 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Andrea,

 Are you talking about serving cached tiles or tiles that need to be built
on the fly?

​Both. I pre-seed some area to a certain zoom level, but I'm also leaving
most of the seeding to be done by users on the fly.​

Yes, this is well known, see this proposal I made at the beginning of 2017,
it contains some performance numbers too:
I cannot tell you how much of those 80ms are weighting on WMTS calls
hitting already cached tiles on the embedded GWC, but I'm confident part of
it will be there.

​I didn't quite look at it this way. But actually the JDBCConfig is a big
difference between my clustered environment and the Single Geoserver. I
could be going after GWC but the quesries are most likely the issue.
However, this si a sacrifice I have to make to share the catalog between
different machines.​

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:07 PM, Andrea Aime <>

> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> ​I have 6 Geoservers + Embedded GWC spread on two VMs 3 each. Each
>> running on separate Tomcat. All the Six Geoserver are running behind Apache
>> HTTPD proxy Balancer. I tried tuning the Java Process setting to optimum.
>> On the other hand I had a single Geoserver+ Embedded GWC.
>> On performing tests, The 6 Geoserver are 4-6 time slower than the Single
>> Geoserver while rendering a layergroup of HR Aerial Imagery on Openlayers
>> client.
>> I made a list of the configuration differences between the clustered
>> Geoservers and the Single Geoserver and some of the items are;
>>- I use Authkey for Authentication in the Clustered Geoservers with a
>>JDBC Role Service - so maybe every tile request has to perform
>>authorization by querying the database and all those processes may slow 
>> the
> This certainly adds work, queries to databases are expensive (how much so,
> depends a lot on your configuration, network, indexes and the like)
>>- JDBCConfig is used in the clustered  Geoserver as opposed to XML
>>Catalog in the Single Geoserver; same as above the query process could be
>>slowing requests.
>> Yes, this is well known, see this proposal I made at the beginning of
> 2017, it contains some performance numbers too:
> I cannot tell you how much of those 80ms are weighting on WMTS calls
> hitting already cached tiles on the embedded GWC, but I'm confident part of
> it will be there.
>>- The fact that *GWC Directory and Diskquota are clustered could be
>>an issues*; write/access speed of the remote GWC directory seems to
>>me as a cause of slow rendering of tiles and as so it tops my list of
>> That depends a lot on the network file system in use.
>> ​The third point is the source of my motivation to run GWC as standalone
>> in front of the Geoserver Cluster proxy. The have the GWC Blobstore closer
>> instead of a network drive.
>>   Can you elaborate what you mean by "as efficient
>> and fast"?
>> My experience with the Integrated GWC (Six Instances of them which do not
>> share workload) is definitely slower as I've mentioned 4 -6 times slower
>> that a single GWC.
> Are you talking about serving cached tiles or tiles that need to be built
> on the fly?
>> In fact I have stopped one VM and move the Tiles (GWC dir) to a local
>> directory in the same machine as the Geoservers but still slower than one
>> Geoserver.
> Yeah, the two common topologies are:
>- Shared network storage, mostly read only, pre-seeded on some other,
>non online machine
>- One tile storage per network node, non shared, especially useful for
>data changes a lot
> I'd love to see a local storage option that allows picking tiles from
> other nodes via some clustering technology (e.g., hazelcast distribution),
> merging the benefits of the two world but... it's missing funding to be
> developed
> Cheers
> Andrea
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> <>
> 55054  Massarosa
> <

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-07 Thread Steve Omondi
*What kind of clustering are you using? *

*In my environment I have nfs shared datadir and jms clustering and we are
experiencing good enough performances.*

​I'm using Active/Active clustering with​ NFS Shared GWC DIR, shared
database Catalog using JDBCConfig. All the other configuration files that
are not handled by jdbcconfig I sync manually using FreeFileSync between
the machines.

I've also used symbolic links for some files and DIRs. The Data is in NFS

I use Apache mod_proxy for load balancing.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Matteo Cusmai <>

> Hi Steve,
> What kind of clustering are you using?
> In my environment I have nfs shared datadir and jms clustering and we are
> experiencing good enough performances.
> On 7 Nov 2017 19:09, "Andrea Aime" <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Steve Omondi <>
>> wrote:
>>> ​I have 6 Geoservers + Embedded GWC spread on two VMs 3 each. Each
>>> running on separate Tomcat. All the Six Geoserver are running behind Apache
>>> HTTPD proxy Balancer. I tried tuning the Java Process setting to optimum.
>>> On the other hand I had a single Geoserver+ Embedded GWC.
>>> On performing tests, The 6 Geoserver are 4-6 time slower than the Single
>>> Geoserver while rendering a layergroup of HR Aerial Imagery on Openlayers
>>> client.
>>> I made a list of the configuration differences between the clustered
>>> Geoservers and the Single Geoserver and some of the items are;
>>>- I use Authkey for Authentication in the Clustered Geoservers with
>>>a JDBC Role Service - so maybe every tile request has to perform
>>>authorization by querying the database and all those processes may slow 
>>> the
>> This certainly adds work, queries to databases are expensive (how much
>> so, depends a lot on your configuration, network, indexes and the like)
>>>- JDBCConfig is used in the clustered  Geoserver as opposed to XML
>>>Catalog in the Single Geoserver; same as above the query process could be
>>>slowing requests.
>>> Yes, this is well known, see this proposal I made at the beginning of
>> 2017, it contains some performance numbers too:
>> I cannot tell you how much of those 80ms are weighting on WMTS calls
>> hitting already cached tiles on the embedded GWC, but I'm confident part of
>> it will be there.
>>>- The fact that *GWC Directory and Diskquota are clustered could be
>>>an issues*; write/access speed of the remote GWC directory seems to
>>>me as a cause of slow rendering of tiles and as so it tops my list of
>>> That depends a lot on the network file system in use.
>>> ​The third point is the source of my motivation to run GWC as standalone
>>> in front of the Geoserver Cluster proxy. The have the GWC Blobstore closer
>>> instead of a network drive.
>>>   Can you elaborate what you mean by "as efficient
>>> and fast"?
>>> My experience with the Integrated GWC (Six Instances of them which do
>>> not share workload) is definitely slower as I've mentioned 4 -6 times
>>> slower that a single GWC.
>> Are you talking about serving cached tiles or tiles that need to be built
>> on the fly?
>>> In fact I have stopped one VM and move the Tiles (GWC dir) to a local
>>> directory in the same machine as the Geoservers but still slower than one
>>> Geoserver.
>> Yeah, the two common topologies are:
>>- Shared network storage, mostly read only, pre-seeded on some other,
>>non online machine
>>- One tile storage per network node, non shared, especially useful
>>for data changes a lot
>> I'd love to see a local storage option that allows picking tiles from
>> other nodes via some clustering technology (e.g., hazelcast distribution),
>> merging the benefits of the two world but... it's missing funding to be
>> developed
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> ==
>> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
>> for more information.
>> ==

Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-07 Thread Steve Omondi
​I have 6 Geoservers + Embedded GWC spread on two VMs 3 each. Each running
on separate Tomcat. All the Six Geoserver are running behind Apache HTTPD
proxy Balancer. I tried tuning the Java Process setting to optimum.

On the other hand I had a single Geoserver+ Embedded GWC.

On performing tests, The 6 Geoserver are 4-6 time slower than the Single
Geoserver while rendering a layergroup of HR Aerial Imagery on Openlayers

I made a list of the configuration differences between the clustered
Geoservers and the Single Geoserver and some of the items are;

   - I use Authkey for Authentication in the Clustered Geoservers with a
   JDBC Role Service - so maybe every tile request has to perform
   authorization by querying the database and all those processes may slow the
   - JDBCConfig is used in the clustered  Geoserver as opposed to XML
   Catalog in the Single Geoserver; same as above the query process could be
   slowing requests.
   - The fact that *GWC Directory and Diskquota are clustered could be an
   issues*; write/access speed of the remote GWC directory seems to me as a
   cause of slow rendering of tiles and as so it tops my list of culprits.

​The third point is the source of my motivation to run GWC as standalone in
front of the Geoserver Cluster proxy. The have the GWC Blobstore closer
instead of a network drive.

  Can you elaborate what you mean by "as efficient and

My experience with the Integrated GWC (Six Instances of them which do not
share workload) is definitely slower as I've mentioned 4 -6 times slower
that a single GWC.

In fact I have stopped one VM and move the Tiles (GWC dir) to a local
directory in the same machine as the Geoservers but still slower than one

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 4:41 PM, Andrea Aime <>

> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 1:32 PM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Of course I'm interested to know of other approaches to achieve this
>> without writing other software. Or, any one offer me advice on tuning
>> Embedded GWC on multiple Geoservers to perform as efficient and fast as
>> Standalone GWC.
> Can you elaborate what you mean by "as efficient and fast"?
> The integrated one has performance upsides (does not need to encode and
> decode the metatile in PNG) and downside (cannot spread a seeding job
> across all available GeoServer instances, will do it on the local one, you
> have to decide how to decide how to handle the multiple cache writers), and
> there are probably
> other performances related differences that I'm not thinking about right
> now.
> Are you after anything specific? Several years ago the stand alone
> approach was favored in high performance setups, nowadays
> I'm mostly seeing installations using the integrated one (mostly due to
> convenience).
> Cheers
> Andrea
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> <>
> 55054  Massarosa
> <>
> (LU)
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob: +39  339 8844549
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Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver

2017-11-07 Thread Steve Omondi
​Yes exactly.​

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Paul Wittle <>

> Ah,
> I see; you meant you wanted to apply the GeoServer rules directly to the
> incoming requests but on standalone. I was thinking about the requests from
> GWC to GeoServer.
> Paul
> *From:* Steve Omondi []
> *Sent:* 07 November 2017 12:33
> *To:* Paul Wittle <>
> *Cc:*;
> *Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver
> Hi Paul, my case is not really what is in the discussion.
> I have un-controlled number of users sending request for different layers
> (over 1000 layers and growing). Each user has an AuthKey (Based on the
> AuthKey Module). The Authkey is queried from the Database per user and
> added to the WMS request URL for Authorization. ALl this is dynamic and I
> don't have the luxary of setting the authkey property in the
> geowebcache.xml.
> In fact for my case I can't even set the layers one by one in the
> geowebcache.xml, I have used WMS getCapabilities in the
> Geowebcache-core-context.xml to load all the WMS layers at once.
> My desired solution would be how to parse the Authkey to the final request
> URL sent to geoserver by the GWc request to check data security and
> restrict access to layers and the already seeded tiles.
> For quick turnaround for my application I'm now doing an Authentication +
> Authorization Service in front of GWC and I'm also removing all the Data
> Security Rules in the Geoservers. This way the Authorization will now be
> checked even before the request hits GWC without depending on Geoserver
> Subsecurity System.
> Of course I'm interested to know of other approaches to achieve this
> without writing other software. Or, any one offer me advice on tuning
> Embedded GWC on multiple Geoservers to perform as efficient and fast as
> Standalone GWC.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:00 PM, Paul Wittle <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is the option referenced in this message thread not related to passing
> credentials with the requests?
> configure-user-name-password-in-geowebcache-xml-for-
> wmslayers-td5023835.html
> I was trying to use the same settings unsuccessfully but I don’t know why
> I thought something had moved on; perhaps not.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> "This e-mail is intended for the named addressee(s) only and may contain
> information about individuals or other sensitive information and should be
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> "This e-mail is intended for the named addressee(s) only and may contain
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Re: [Geoserver-users] Standalone Geowebcache and Geoserver Data Security Checks

2017-11-07 Thread Steve Omondi
Thanks Andrea for the concise response.

I'll have to reconsider my options.


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 11:45 AM, Andrea Aime <>

> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:11 AM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> *How do I use GWC in front of multiple Geoservers with data security
>> checks (Rules) workin and perform Authorization for the layers being
>> accessed and the seeded tiles? How do I mage Stand alone GWC perform Data
>> Security Check like the Embedded GWC does?*
> To the best of my knowledge, you don't. Security integration happens only
> if you run GWC embedded in GeoServer,
> a stand-alone GWC has no notion of security at all (can be developed of
> course, but does not seem a trivial task).
> Cheers
> Andrea
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> <>
> 55054  Massarosa
> <>
> (LU)
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob: +39  339 8844549
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> copying, distribution, or either dissemination, either whole or partial, is
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Re: [Geoserver-users] JDBCConfig vs JDBCStore ?

2017-10-13 Thread Steve Omondi
So Kevin,

How does JDBCStore handle Logging?

I have used JDBCConfig and it's amazing.


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 10:30 PM, Kevin Smith <> wrote:

> GeoServer has a framework for storing certain information including its
> catalog in XML files.  JDBCConfig stores anything using that framework
> in a JDBC database.  JDBCStore provides a virtual file system backed by
> a JDBC database that covers all the things stored in a GeoServer data
> directory.  Either can be used on its own, or they can be used together
> in which case JDBCConfig handles the catalog and friends, and JDBCStore
> handles everything else (Styles, GWC config, etc)
> On 2017-10-11 10:15 PM, drno wrote:
> > For cluster deployment of Geoservers, I am interested in having Geoserver
> > catalog in an RDBMS but rather confused between JDBCConfig vs JDBCStore.
> > - What are the differences?
> > - Which one to be used?
> > Both have similar description in the community modules site.
> >
> > cheers
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sent from:
> f3786390.html
> >
> > 
> --
> > Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> > engaging tech sites,!
> > ___
> > Geoserver-users mailing list
> >
> > Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this list:
> > - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
> > - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> userlist-guidelines.html
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Kevin Michael Smith
> <>
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this list:
> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
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> userlist-guidelines.html
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[Geoserver-users] Overriding logging.xml with JVM system variable GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION not working as desired.

2017-10-04 Thread Steve Omondi
Hey guys,

I have 3 Instances of Geoserver on 3 different tomcat servlets (same VM)
with same CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASEs. Each Tomcat  runs different
JAVA processes.
All the Geoserver Instances share the GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR which is

Running: *Geoserver 2.11.2 on Apache Tomcat/8.5.13 Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial*

I have set the GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION in the JVM processes for each
geoserver as GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION=/path/to/geoserver1.log,
/path/to/geoserver2.log and /path/to/geoserver3.log.

This is  following failed attempts  to set it as a Context parameter in the
../web.xml fro each Geoserver.

However, this  does not Override the *logging.xml *configuration. All the
Geoserver Instances emits logs in the respective Logfiles up to this point
then stops;

2017-10-04 14:13:43,872 DEBUG [jdbcconfig.config] - Checking Logging
configuration in case it neeeds to be reinitialized
2017-10-04 14:13:43,872 DEBUG [jdbcconfig.config] - =/= getId (logging.xml:
null, JDBCConfig:
2017-10-04 14:13:43,872 DEBUG [jdbcconfig.config] - === getLevel
(logging.xml:, JDBCConfig:
2017-10-04 14:13:43,872 DEBUG [jdbcconfig.config] - =/= getLocation
(logging.xml: /media/ros-logs/gs3/geoserver.log, JDBCConfig:
2017-10-04 14:13:43,872 DEBUG [jdbcconfig.config] - === isStdOutLogging
(logging.xml: false, JDBCConfig: false)
2017-10-04 14:13:43,872 WARN [jdbcconfig.config] - Start up logging config
does not match that in JDBCConfig.  Reconfiguring now.  Logs preceding this
message may reflect a different configuration.
2017-10-04 14:13:43,872 DEBUG [geoserver.logging] - CONFIGURING GEOSERVER
2017-10-04 14:13:43,873 DEBUG [geoserver.logging] - GeoServer logging
profile '' enabled.

No more logs are emitted after this  line. Sometimes the logs are mixed up
in one of the Logfile, including even those that are not in the same VM.

What should I change?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
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Re: [Geoserver-users] Labelling Geoserver Instances with Unique Names in Clustered Setup

2017-10-03 Thread Steve Omondi

Thank you Andrea. I've really been looking for this except from the wrong

This is great.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Andrea Aime <>

> Hi Steve,
> it's actually a core functionality, see here:
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 10:30 AM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I have 6 Geoserver instances (GS1, GS2,...GS6) behind Apache HTTPD Proxy.
>> I'd like to Label these instances in the Web Admin GUI with the names so
>> that I know which instance the Load Balancer has redirected to.
>> I have heard there is an extension which can help me do this but I can't
>> find it nor any documentation. What is the plugin? Could someone share with
>> me the link kindly?
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> <>
>>  Virus-free.
>> <>
>> <#m_7367027973464436087_m_226570970404746240_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>> --
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>> engaging tech sites,!
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>> this list:
>> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
>> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> --
> Regards,
> Andrea Aime
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> <>
> 55054  Massarosa
> <>
> (LU)
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob: +39  339 8844549
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> copying, distribution, or either dissemination, either whole or partial, is
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[Geoserver-users] Labelling Geoserver Instances with Unique Names in Clustered Setup

2017-10-03 Thread Steve Omondi
Hey guys,
I have 6 Geoserver instances (GS1, GS2,...GS6) behind Apache HTTPD Proxy.

I'd like to Label these instances in the Web Admin GUI with the names so
that I know which instance the Load Balancer has redirected to.

I have heard there is an extension which can help me do this but I can't
find it nor any documentation. What is the plugin? Could someone share with
me the link kindly?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

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engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] rest/seed/workspace:layername Problem communicating with GeoServer

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Nuno,

So I just found a solution thanks to Andrea and Darell van der Voort.
Precisely as you've pointed out it all about the

> *GeoServer \ GeoWebCache security mechanism,*

​So apparently is you are having rules in Geofence or the Geoserver Data
Security Subsystem that prevent access to that workspace or layer
Geowebcache administrative task does not run.​

I just removed the rules and it worked.

Solution: With this it means every time someone wants to Seed a Tile Layer
you have to create a temporary rule that allows access to the Layer and
remove the rule after the task is complete.

Works on *Geoserver 2.11.2* with integrated Geowebcache.​

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 12:10 PM, Nuno Oliveira <> wrote:

> Hi,
> there was some recent changes in GeoServer \ GeoWebCache security
> mechanism, I was not involved in that work
> so I don't know the details ... could you precise which version of
> GeoServer you are using ? This may help the involved
> developers to give you some feedback.
> That said, based on your description it looks to me that you find a bug, I
> mean if you can start a mass truncate for all the
> layers you should for sure be able to truncate a specific layer unless
> there is some specific rule that forbids you to do it
> for that layer (which would be very strange IMHO).
> If you don't get any other feedback, I would suggest you to open a JIRA
> ticket about this, providing the necessary steps to
> reproduce this with a default (vanilla) GeoServer.
> Regards,
> Nuno Oliveira
> On 05/25/2017 11:26 AM, Alberto CD wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I am spent a couple of days try to find a solution for this so If only I
>> could find help here that would be great.
>> Problem specification:
>> I am using GeoServer rest to truncate and seed layers after upload process
>> (done using the rest too).
>> Weird thing is /rest/truncate/masstruncate works fine but
>> rest/seed/workspace:layer.xml does not.
>> I am a bit lost about rest security and at the moment I have kept the
>> file using default configuration.
>> /**;GET=ADMIN
>> Using the curl command like so:
>> curl -v -u admin:passwd -XPOST -H "Content-type: text/xml" -d
>> "tests:field_id_test_uavngb_products-uavn
>> gb_20150130_120502_GNDVI_test3857> r>020<
>> format>image/png8seed
>> 02"
>> "http://IP:8080/geoserver/gwc/rest/seed/tests:field_id_test_
>> uavngb_products-uavngb_20150130_120502_GNDVI_test.xml"
>> I get this *200 response*:
>> Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
>> *   Trying IP...
>> * TCP_NODELAY set
>> * Connected to IP (IP) port 8080 (#0)
>> * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
>>> POST
>>> /geoserver/gwc/rest/seed/tests:field_id_test_uavngb_products
>>> -uavngb_20150130_120502_GNDVI_test.xml
>>> HTTP/1.1
>>> Host: IP:8080
>>> Authorization: Basic DEyMzQ=
>>> User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
>>> Accept: */*
>>> Content-type: text/xml
>>> Content-Length: 261
>>> * upload completely sent off: 261 out of 261 bytes
>> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>> < Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 10:03:29 GMT
>> < Server: Noelios-Restlet-Engine/1.0..8
>> < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>> <
>> * Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
>> * Connection #0 to host IP left intact
>> When I check the *log in debug mode* I see:
>> 2017-05-25 11:03:29,804 ERROR [org.geoserver.ows] -
>> org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: Could not find layer
>> tests:field_id_test_uavngb_products-uavngb_20150130_120502_GNDVI_test
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.parseRequestKVP(
>> :1489)
>> at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.dispatch(
>> at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.handleRequestInternal(Dispatche
>> at
>> org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handl
>> eRequest(
>> at org.geoserver.gwc.GWC.disp

Re: [Geoserver-users] rest/seed/workspace:layername Problem communicating with GeoServer

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Omondi
Thank you too.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 4:41 PM, Nuno Oliveira <> wrote:

> I see, thanks for sharing your findings :)
> On 09/29/2017 02:24 PM, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Hi Nuno,
> So I just found a solution thanks to Andrea and Darell van der Voort.
> Precisely as you've pointed out it all about the
>> *GeoServer \ GeoWebCache security mechanism,*
> ​So apparently is you are having rules in Geofence or the Geoserver Data
> Security Subsystem that prevent access to that workspace or layer
> Geowebcache administrative task does not run.​
> I just removed the rules and it worked.
> Solution: With this it means every time someone wants to Seed a Tile Layer
> you have to create a temporary rule that allows access to the Layer and
> remove the rule after the task is complete.
> Works on *Geoserver 2.11.2* with integrated Geowebcache.​
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 12:10 PM, Nuno Oliveira <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> there was some recent changes in GeoServer \ GeoWebCache security
>> mechanism, I was not involved in that work
>> so I don't know the details ... could you precise which version of
>> GeoServer you are using ? This may help the involved
>> developers to give you some feedback.
>> That said, based on your description it looks to me that you find a bug,
>> I mean if you can start a mass truncate for all the
>> layers you should for sure be able to truncate a specific layer unless
>> there is some specific rule that forbids you to do it
>> for that layer (which would be very strange IMHO).
>> If you don't get any other feedback, I would suggest you to open a JIRA
>> ticket about this, providing the necessary steps to
>> reproduce this with a default (vanilla) GeoServer.
>> Regards,
>> Nuno Oliveira
>> On 05/25/2017 11:26 AM, Alberto CD wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I am spent a couple of days try to find a solution for this so If only I
>>> could find help here that would be great.
>>> Problem specification:
>>> I am using GeoServer rest to truncate and seed layers after upload
>>> process
>>> (done using the rest too).
>>> Weird thing is /rest/truncate/masstruncate works fine but
>>> rest/seed/workspace:layer.xml does not.
>>> I am a bit lost about rest security and at the moment I have kept the
>>> file using default configuration.
>>> /**;GET=ADMIN
>>> Using the curl command like so:
>>> curl -v -u admin:passwd -XPOST -H "Content-type: text/xml" -d
>>> "tests:field_id_test_uavngb_products-uavn
>>> gb_20150130_120502_GNDVI_test3857>> r>020>> at>image/png8seed02>> threadCount>"
>>> "http://IP:8080/geoserver/gwc/rest/seed/tests:field_id_test_
>>> uavngb_products-uavngb_20150130_120502_GNDVI_test.xml"
>>> I get this *200 response*:
>>> Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
>>> *   Trying IP...
>>> * TCP_NODELAY set
>>> * Connected to IP (IP) port 8080 (#0)
>>> * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
>>>> POST
>>>> /geoserver/gwc/rest/seed/tests:field_id_test_uavngb_products
>>>> -uavngb_20150130_120502_GNDVI_test.xml
>>>> HTTP/1.1
>>>> Host: IP:8080
>>>> Authorization: Basic DEyMzQ=
>>>> User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
>>>> Accept: */*
>>>> Content-type: text/xml
>>>> Content-Length: 261
>>>> * upload completely sent off: 261 out of 261 bytes
>>> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>> < Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 10:03:29 GMT
>>> < Server: Noelios-Restlet-Engine/1.0..8
>>> < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
>>> <
>>> * Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
>>> * Connection #0 to host IP left intact
>>> When I check the *log in debug mode* I see:
>>> 2017-05-25 11:03:29,804 ERROR [org.geoserver.ows] -
>>> org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: Could not find layer
>>> tests:field_id_test_uavngb_products-uavngb_20150130_120502_GNDVI_test
>>> at

Re: [Geoserver-users] GWC tiles Seeding fails with error: Problem communicating with GeoServer ServiceException Could not find layer

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Omondi
This is very useful information @Andrea and Darell. I've struggled with
this issues for sometime now. Actually my production Geoserver currently
generates tile with user traffic.

Of course we'll look into sponsoring Geoserver development at some stage of
our work to support the work your team is doing which is great.
Thank you guys very much.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Andrea Aime <>

> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 12:12 PM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Darell,
>> So on your pointer I removed all the rules, leaving *.r.* to * users and
>> *.w.* to * users and the seeding worked.
>> Now this is obviously not a realistic scenario since I'll have to have a
>> lot of rules. How do I go abpout this. having rules and still being able to
>> Seed Tile Layers?
> I believe you'll have to sponsor some development (or do it yourself and
> donate the changes), as far as I know there
> is no way to configure security for the seeding threads, and they have
> always run with no authentication.
> I believe all the existing setups with security are either let the user
> traffic generate the tiles, or pre-seed the
> tiles on some other machine that does not have security configured, and
> then transfer the tiles.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> <>
> 55054  Massarosa
> <>
> (LU)
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob: +39  339 8844549
> Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o
> nel/i file/s allegato/i sono da considerarsi strettamente riservate. Il
> loro utilizzo è consentito esclusivamente al destinatario del messaggio,
> per le finalità indicate nel messaggio stesso. Qualora riceviate questo
> messaggio senza esserne il destinatario, Vi preghiamo cortesemente di
> darcene notizia via e-mail e di procedere alla distruzione del messaggio
> stesso, cancellandolo dal Vostro sistema. Conservare il messaggio stesso,
> divulgarlo anche in parte, distribuirlo ad altri soggetti, copiarlo, od
> utilizzarlo per finalità diverse, costituisce comportamento contrario ai
> principi dettati dal D.Lgs. 196/2003.
> The information in this message and/or attachments, is intended solely for
> the attention and use of the named addressee(s) and may be confidential or
> proprietary in nature or covered by the provisions of privacy act
> (Legislative Decree June, 30 2003, no.196 - Italy's New Data Protection
> Code).Any use not in accord with its purpose, any disclosure, reproduction,
> copying, distribution, or either dissemination, either whole or partial, is
> strictly forbidden except previous formal approval of the named
> addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, please contact
> immediately the sender by telephone, fax or e-mail and delete the
> information in this message that has been received in error. The sender
> does not give any warranty or accept liability as the content, accuracy or
> completeness of sent messages and accepts no responsibility  for changes
> made after they were sent or for other risks which arise as a result of
> e-mail transmission, viruses, etc.
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Re: [Geoserver-users] GWC tiles Seeding fails with error: Problem communicating with GeoServer ServiceException Could not find layer

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Omondi
No. I don't use Geofence module. However, I have some Data security rules
yes using the Geoserver Data Securty Subsystem.

I'm seeding while logged in with the admin user.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:00 PM, Darell van der Voort <>

> Hi Steve,
> Are the layers protected? Do you use the GeoFence plugin?
> Kind regards,
> Darell
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 11:05 AM, steve.omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I have a problem with Integrated GeowebCache.
>> Seeding Layers fails and here is the stack trace.
>> I have tried Vector and Raster layers a like. If it's important I have
>> changed the GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR=/serverDir/ externalized.
>> I have tried to have the raster style from the defaul Global workspace to
>> same workspace as Layer and nothing works.
>> Opening the Layer Preview through the GWC and WMS endpoint and zooming
>> around actually creates the tiles.
>> Seeding fails.
>> Prior to this Exception I have the following in the  logs.
>> 2017-09-29 11:41:09,759 INFO [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>> *user_projections/ was not found*, using the
>> default set of coordinate operation overrides (normally empty)
>> 2017-09-29 11:41:09,760 INFO [org.geotools.referencing.factory] - Using
>> "file:/opt/tomcat2/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/gs-main-2.
>> 11.2.jar!/org/vfny/geoserver/crs/"
>> as EPSG factory.
>> and
>> 2017-09-29 11:41:37,242 DEBUG [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>> Failure
>> in the primary factory: No code "EPSG:900913" from authority "European
>> Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type "IdentifiedObject". Now
>> trying the fallback factory...
>> 2017-09-29 11:41:37,249 DEBUG [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>> Failure
>> in the primary factory: No code "EPSG:900913" from authority "European
>> Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type
>> "CoordinateReferenceSystem". Now trying the fallback factory...
>> This issue is killing me. Kindly assist.
>> -
>> Kind Regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> GIS & DB Developer/DBA
>> Ramani Online, Ramani Geosystems
>> --
>> Sent from:
>> html
>> --
>> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
>> engaging tech sites,!
>> ___
>> Geoserver-users mailing list
>> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
>> this list:
>> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
>> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] GWC tiles Seeding fails with error: Problem communicating with GeoServer ServiceException Could not find layer

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Darell, thanks a lot for this. I get it.

*I can recommend the Geofence plug-in as this gives you much more control
> over data security.*

I have tried working with Geofence but it has a great conflict with Monitor
Extension due to difference in Hibernate Library used by each. I needed
Monitor Extension more than Geofence.

Let me try your solution on GWC and I'll let you know when it works perfect.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:17 PM, Darell van der Voort <>

> Ok. I faced the exact same problem, however I am using Geofence on top of
> the Geoserver security system. So maybe my solution does not work, but this
> is how I fixed it;
> First make sure that there are separate read and write data rules for the
> workspace in data security:
> workspace.*.r
> workspace.*w
> and make sure the admin has acces to these rules.
> Next set a Geofence data rule that allows every users to every layer of
> that workspace. This is a temporarily rule, which is only needed for
> seeding. If this rule is not applied, seeding does not work as the layer is
> still protected. After seeding you can remove the rule and the layer will
> be protected. The internal data rules should remain set.
> Hope this helps. I can recommend the Geofence plug-in as this gives you
> much more control over data security.
> Kind regards,
> Darell
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> No. I don't use Geofence module. However, I have some Data security rules
>> yes using the Geoserver Data Securty Subsystem.
>> I'm seeding while logged in with the admin user.
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:00 PM, Darell van der Voort <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> Are the layers protected? Do you use the GeoFence plugin?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Darell
>>> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 11:05 AM, steve.omondi <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> I have a problem with Integrated GeowebCache.
>>>> Seeding Layers fails and here is the stack trace.
>>>> I have tried Vector and Raster layers a like. If it's important I have
>>>> changed the GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR=/serverDir/ externalized.
>>>> I have tried to have the raster style from the defaul Global workspace
>>>> to
>>>> same workspace as Layer and nothing works.
>>>> Opening the Layer Preview through the GWC and WMS endpoint and zooming
>>>> around actually creates the tiles.
>>>> Seeding fails.
>>>> Prior to this Exception I have the following in the  logs.
>>>> 2017-09-29 11:41:09,759 INFO [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>>>> *user_projections/ was not found*, using the
>>>> default set of coordinate operation overrides (normally empty)
>>>> 2017-09-29 11:41:09,760 INFO [org.geotools.referencing.factory] - Using
>>>> "file:/opt/tomcat2/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/gs-main-2.1
>>>> 1.2.jar!/org/vfny/geoserver/crs/"
>>>> as EPSG factory.
>>>> and
>>>> 2017-09-29 11:41:37,242 DEBUG [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>>>> Failure
>>>> in the primary factory: No code "EPSG:900913" from authority "European
>>>> Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type "IdentifiedObject". Now
>>>> trying the fallback factory...
>>>> 2017-09-29 11:41:37,249 DEBUG [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>>>> Failure
>>>> in the primary factory: No code "EPSG:900913" from authority "European
>>>> Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type
>>>> "CoordinateReferenceSystem". Now trying the fallback factory...
>>>> This issue is killing me. Kindly assist.
>>>> -
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Steve Omondi
>>>> GIS & DB Developer/DBA
>>>> Ramani Online, Ramani Geosystems
>>>> --
>>>> Sent from:
>>>> html

Re: [Geoserver-users] GWC tiles Seeding fails with error: Problem communicating with GeoServer ServiceException Could not find layer

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Darell,

So on your pointer I removed all the rules, leaving *.r.* to * users and
*.w.* to * users and the seeding worked.

Now this is obviously not a realistic scenario since I'll have to have a
lot of rules. How do I go abpout this. having rules and still being able to
Seed Tile Layers?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:02 PM, Steve Omondi <>

> No. I don't use Geofence module. However, I have some Data security rules
> yes using the Geoserver Data Securty Subsystem.
> I'm seeding while logged in with the admin user.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:00 PM, Darell van der Voort <
> > wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> Are the layers protected? Do you use the GeoFence plugin?
>> Kind regards,
>> Darell
>> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 11:05 AM, steve.omondi <
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I have a problem with Integrated GeowebCache.
>>> Seeding Layers fails and here is the stack trace.
>>> I have tried Vector and Raster layers a like. If it's important I have
>>> changed the GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR=/serverDir/ externalized.
>>> I have tried to have the raster style from the defaul Global workspace to
>>> same workspace as Layer and nothing works.
>>> Opening the Layer Preview through the GWC and WMS endpoint and zooming
>>> around actually creates the tiles.
>>> Seeding fails.
>>> Prior to this Exception I have the following in the  logs.
>>> 2017-09-29 11:41:09,759 INFO [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>>> *user_projections/ was not found*, using the
>>> default set of coordinate operation overrides (normally empty)
>>> 2017-09-29 11:41:09,760 INFO [org.geotools.referencing.factory] - Using
>>> "file:/opt/tomcat2/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/gs-main-2.1
>>> 1.2.jar!/org/vfny/geoserver/crs/"
>>> as EPSG factory.
>>> and
>>> 2017-09-29 11:41:37,242 DEBUG [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>>> Failure
>>> in the primary factory: No code "EPSG:900913" from authority "European
>>> Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type "IdentifiedObject". Now
>>> trying the fallback factory...
>>> 2017-09-29 11:41:37,249 DEBUG [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
>>> Failure
>>> in the primary factory: No code "EPSG:900913" from authority "European
>>> Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type
>>> "CoordinateReferenceSystem". Now trying the fallback factory...
>>> This issue is killing me. Kindly assist.
>>> -
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Steve Omondi
>>> GIS & DB Developer/DBA
>>> Ramani Online, Ramani Geosystems
>>> --
>>> Sent from:
>>> html
>>> --
>>> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
>>> engaging tech sites,!
>>> ___
>>> Geoserver-users mailing list
>>> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
>>> this list:
>>> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
>>> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] GWC tiles Seeding fails with error: Problem communicating with GeoServer ServiceException Could not find layer

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Omondi
Sorry for the multiple messages. But I still need the help.


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 12:08 PM, steve.omondi <>

> Hi guys,
> I have a problem with Integrated GeowebCache.
> Seeding Layers fails and here is the stack trace.
> I have tried Vector and Raster layers a like. If it's important I have
> changed the GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR=/serverDir/ externalized.
> I have tried to have the raster style from the defaul Global workspace to
> same workspace as Layer and nothing works.
> Opening the Layer Preview through the GWC and WMS endpoint and zooming
> around actually creates the tiles.
> Seeding fails.
> --*Stack
> Prior to this Exception I have the following in the  logs.
> and
> This issue is killing me. Kindly assist.
> -
> Kind Regards,
> Steve Omondi
> GIS & DB Developer/DBA
> Ramani Online, Ramani Geosystems
> --
> Sent from:
> f3786390.html
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this list:
> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> userlist-guidelines.html
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

[Geoserver-users] GWC tiles Seeding fails with error: Problem communicating with GeoServer ServiceException Could not find layer

2017-09-29 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi guys,

I have a problem with Integrated GeowebCache.
Seeding Layers fails and here is the stack trace.

I have tried Vector and Raster layers a like. If it's important I have
changed the GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR=/serverDir/ externalized.

I have tried to have the raster style from the defaul Global workspace to
same workspace as Layer and nothing works.

Opening the Layer Preview through the GWC and WMS endpoint and zooming
around actually creates the tiles.
Seeding fails.


2017-09-29 11:41:37,257 ERROR [org.geoserver.ows] -
org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: Could not find layer
at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.parseRequestKVP(
at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.dispatch(
at org.geoserver.gwc.GWC.dispatchOwsRequest(
at org.geowebcache.seed.SeedTask.doActionInternal(
at org.geowebcache.seed.GWCTask.doAction(
2017-09-29 11:41:37,258 ERROR [org.geowebcache.seed.MTSeeder] -
Problem communicating with GeoServer
org.geowebcache.GeoWebCacheException: Problem communicating with GeoServer
at org.geowebcache.seed.SeedTask.doActionInternal(
at org.geowebcache.seed.GWCTask.doAction(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected:
RenderedImageMap, got null


Prior to this Exception I have the following in the  logs.

2017-09-29 11:41:09,759 INFO [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
user_projections/ was not found,
using the default set of coordinate operation overrides (normally
2017-09-29 11:41:09,760 INFO [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
as EPSG factory.


2017-09-29 11:41:37,242 DEBUG [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
Failure in the primary factory: No code "EPSG:900913" from authority
"European Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type
"IdentifiedObject". Now trying the fallback factory...
2017-09-29 11:41:37,249 DEBUG [org.geotools.referencing.factory] -
Failure in the primary factory: No code "EPSG:900913" from authority
"European Petroleum Survey Group" found for object of type
"CoordinateReferenceSystem". Now trying the fallback factory...

This issue is killing me. Kindly assist.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi


[Geoserver-users] No schemaLocation found, using ' jar:file:/opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/gt-xsd-filter-17.2.jar!/org/geotools/filter/v1_1/filter.xsd

2017-09-13 Thread Steve Omondi
Hey guys,

I'm currently experiencing this issue with Geoserver;

Geoserver Pages crashes on any page action that reloads the page such
changing options with "java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not deserialize
object from byte[]"

Other Key issues I have gotten from the Logs are these two.

DEBUG [org.geotools.xml] - No schemaLocation found, using '
 DEBUG [org.geotools.xml] - Found override for

I'm using Geoserver 2.11.22 + Geofence Internal Server + Control Flow +
Hazelcast Plugin + Monitor + JDBCConfig (enabled) + amonng other extension
and community modules

JDBC User/Group Service and Role Service.

Anyone who has ssolved a similar probllem kindly assist.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] [Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-8218) Layer Groups page crashes when trying to reorder layers

2017-09-08 Thread Steve Omondi
at at at at
at at at at
at at at
... 132 more Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String
cannot be cast to org.opengis.filter.Filter at
... 159 more


>From JIRA I noticed a resolution had been provided to you. Did it help and
what was the solution so I can use it?

Thank you?


Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 1:57 PM, Gnafu (JIRA) <>

> Gnafu <>
> *created* an issue
> GeoServer <> / [image: Bug]
> <> GEOS-8218
> <>
> Layer Groups page crashes when trying to reorder layers
> <>
> Issue Type: [image: Bug] Bug
> Affects Versions: 2.12-beta
> Assignee: Unassigned
> Components: Wicket UI
> Created: 11/Jul/17 12:57 PM
> Environment:
> Linux
> Priority: [image: Low] Low
> Reporter: Gnafu
> <>
> The error is frequent but pretty random.
> To reproduce:
> Create a layer group of layer groups. (I think it can fail with simple
> layers too)
> Open the LayerGroupEditPage
> Reorder the Layers list with the mouse drag and drop untill it crashes.
> Here's the stack trace
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not deserialize object from byte[]
>   at 
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.AbstractPageStore.deserializePage(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.pageStore.AbstractCachingPageStore.getPage(
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.DefaultMapperContext.getPageInstance(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.PageProvider.getStoredPage(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.PageProvider.isNewPageInstance(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.AbstractBookmarkableMapper.checkExpiration(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.AbstractBookmarkableMapper.processListener(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.AbstractBookmarkableMapper.mapRequest(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.CompoundRequestMapper.mapRequest(
>   at 
> org.geoserver.web.DynamicCryptoMapper.mapRequest(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.resolveRequestHandler(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.processRequest(
>   at 
> org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.processRequestAndDetach(

[Geoserver-users] How to get Requests Set based on User using Monitor Query API

2017-09-04 Thread Steve Omondi
Hey guys,

I'd like to query the Requests from the Monitor Query API by setting a
specific user as the parameter.

Basically my desire is to return only requests made by a particular *user*.

I tried this: GET
*this returned all the requests.

How can I achieve this?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Monitor-hibernate-plugin JARs breaking Geofence hibernate; Geoserver not starting

2017-08-31 Thread Steve Omondi
Thanks for the info Niels.  now I can confidently adjust my plan. I'll
share any further findings.

Steve Ochieng

On Aug 31, 2017 16:37, "Niels Charlier" <> wrote:

> Hey,
> This won't work, I have tried it before. Monitoring-hibernate won't even
> compile if you use the same version of hibernate that geofence uses.
> Unfortunately the library will need to be patched to become compatible
> with geofence-server.
> Kind Regards
> Niels
> On 31-08-17 14:27, Nuno Oliveira wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the confirmation, so if monitoring plugin is working some of
> this libs need to be upgraded.
> In your case you can do the following, remove the hibernate libraries of
> one of the plugins. The
> versions are so close that without the class path clash things will
> probably work just fine. If you are
> building the plugin by your self you may just want o create a fat JAR that
> will shade the hibernate
> libraries an include them on the fat JAR.
> A word of caution, all the solutions above are just *temporary solutions*
> and should no be pushed to
> production without being carefully tested. The correct solution here is to
> equalize the hibernate
> dependencies of the two plugins (this is why dependencies should be
> declared on GeoServer
> main pom.xml dependency management so this issue can be avoided). The
> current hibernate
> upgrade will (probably) do that for you.
> Regarding the ELK (Elasticsearch, Losgstash and Kibana) stack [1] is a
> solution that is specially useful
> when you need to aggregate the logs o several GeoServers a visualize them
> on some unified UI.
> Regards,
> Nuno Oliveira
> [1]
> On 08/31/2017 07:01 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Hi Nuno,
> You mentioned ELK stack, how do you use these to visualize and analyze
> the monitor data. Especially, I'd like to persist the data somehow so I can
> reuse the data.
> Could you point me to some simple and perhaps free tool for this. Thanks
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 8:29 AM, Steve Omondi <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Nuno,
>> The second case is correct.
>> I have monitor-hibernate working as expected in one instance of geoserver
>> without Geofence and correctly persisting monitoring data in a Postgis db.
>> I also have Geofence  (embedded) also working as expected in another
>> instance of geoserver without monitor hibernate.
>> I have looked at the common .JARS from the two and there versions are
>> different in almost all of them.
>> I will reproduce the Error logs and share here.
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Nuno Oliveira <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> I saw your mail in the *[Geoserver-devel] upgrade geofence hibernate*
>>> thread,
>>> I'm answering here because there is one thing you may want to check
>>> first.
>>> Is the monitor-hibernate-plugin actually working ? I have in mind that
>>> the last
>>> time I try it it was  actually not working ... typically I store the
>>> audit files in the
>>> file system and use an ELK stack or something similar to handle them.
>>> That say, if the monitor-hibernate-plugin is working as expected but is
>>> using
>>> a different version of hibernate non compatible with the version used by
>>> GeoFence ... well one of this modules will need to be upgraded.
>>> Can you share with the ML the output log show when GeoServer doesn't
>>> starts ?
>>> Regards,
>>> On 08/28/2017 08:24 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> I have Geofence Embedded working in Geoserver-2.11.2 and when I install
>>> monitor-hibernate-plugin Geofence is broken and Geoserver doesn't start.
>>> I need the Monitoring plugin to work with External Postgis database as
>>> well as Geofence internal server?
>>> How can I make sure these two work in harmony. So far I think the .jar
>>> files in the two are of different versions which is causing problems. I
>>> need a solution for this.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Steve Omondi
>>> <

Re: [Geoserver-users] Monitor-hibernate-plugin JARs breaking Geofence hibernate; Geoserver not starting

2017-08-31 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Nuno,

You mentioned ELK stack, how do you use these to visualize and analyze the
monitor data. Especially, I'd like to persist the data somehow so I can
reuse the data.

Could you point me to some simple and perhaps free tool for this. Thanks

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 8:29 AM, Steve Omondi <>

> Hi Nuno,
> The second case is correct.
> I have monitor-hibernate working as expected in one instance of geoserver
> without Geofence and correctly persisting monitoring data in a Postgis db.
> I also have Geofence  (embedded) also working as expected in another
> instance of geoserver without monitor hibernate.
> I have looked at the common .JARS from the two and there versions are
> different in almost all of them.
> I will reproduce the Error logs and share here.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Nuno Oliveira <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> I saw your mail in the *[Geoserver-devel] upgrade geofence hibernate*
>> thread,
>> I'm answering here because there is one thing you may want to check first.
>> Is the monitor-hibernate-plugin actually working ? I have in mind that
>> the last
>> time I try it it was  actually not working ... typically I store the
>> audit files in the
>> file system and use an ELK stack or something similar to handle them.
>> That say, if the monitor-hibernate-plugin is working as expected but is
>> using
>> a different version of hibernate non compatible with the version used by
>> GeoFence ... well one of this modules will need to be upgraded.
>> Can you share with the ML the output log show when GeoServer doesn't
>> starts ?
>> Regards,
>> On 08/28/2017 08:24 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I have Geofence Embedded working in Geoserver-2.11.2 and when I install
>> monitor-hibernate-plugin Geofence is broken and Geoserver doesn't start.
>> I need the Monitoring plugin to work with External Postgis database as
>> well as Geofence internal server?
>> How can I make sure these two work in harmony. So far I think the .jar
>> files in the two are of different versions which is causing problems. I
>> need a solution for this.
>> Kind regards,
>> Steve Omondi
>> <>
>>  Virus-free.
>> <>
>> --
>> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
>> engaging tech sites,!
>> ___
>> Geoserver-users mailing list
>> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
>> list:
>> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton: 
>> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines: 
>> Geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Nuno Oliveira
>> ==
>> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
>> for more information.
>> ==
>> Nuno Miguel Carvalho Oliveira
>> @nmcoliveira
>> Software Engineer
>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>> Via di Montramito 3/A
>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>> Italy
>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>> fax:  +39 0584 1660272
>> http://www.geo-solutions.it
>> ---
>> Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o nel/i 
>> file/s allegato/i sono da considerarsi strettamente riservate. Il loro 
>> utilizzo è consentito esclusivamente al destinatario del messaggio, per le 
>> finalità indicate nel messaggio stesso. Qualora riceviate questo messaggio 
>> senza esserne il destinatario, Vi preghiamo cortesemente di darcene notizia 
>> via e-mail e di procedere alla distruzione del messaggio stesso, 
>> cancellandolo dal Vostro sistema. Conservare il messaggio stess

Re: [Geoserver-users] Monitor-hibernate-plugin JARs breaking Geofence hibernate; Geoserver not starting

2017-08-30 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Nuno,

The second case is correct.

I have monitor-hibernate working as expected in one instance of geoserver
without Geofence and correctly persisting monitoring data in a Postgis db.
I also have Geofence  (embedded) also working as expected in another
instance of geoserver without monitor hibernate.

I have looked at the common .JARS from the two and there versions are
different in almost all of them.

I will reproduce the Error logs and share here.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Nuno Oliveira <> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> I saw your mail in the *[Geoserver-devel] upgrade geofence hibernate*
> thread,
> I'm answering here because there is one thing you may want to check first.
> Is the monitor-hibernate-plugin actually working ? I have in mind that the
> last
> time I try it it was  actually not working ... typically I store the audit
> files in the
> file system and use an ELK stack or something similar to handle them.
> That say, if the monitor-hibernate-plugin is working as expected but is
> using
> a different version of hibernate non compatible with the version used by
> GeoFence ... well one of this modules will need to be upgraded.
> Can you share with the ML the output log show when GeoServer doesn't
> starts ?
> Regards,
> On 08/28/2017 08:24 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I have Geofence Embedded working in Geoserver-2.11.2 and when I install
> monitor-hibernate-plugin Geofence is broken and Geoserver doesn't start.
> I need the Monitoring plugin to work with External Postgis database as
> well as Geofence internal server?
> How can I make sure these two work in harmony. So far I think the .jar
> files in the two are of different versions which is causing problems. I
> need a solution for this.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Omondi
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
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[Geoserver-users] Monitor-hibernate-plugin JARs breaking Geofence hibernate; Geoserver not starting

2017-08-28 Thread Steve Omondi
Hey guys,

I have Geofence Embedded working in Geoserver-2.11.2 and when I install
monitor-hibernate-plugin Geofence is broken and Geoserver doesn't start.

I need the Monitoring plugin to work with External Postgis database as well
as Geofence internal server?

How can I make sure these two work in harmony. So far I think the .jar
files in the two are of different versions which is causing problems. I
need a solution for this.

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

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Geoserver-users mailing list

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- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

[Geoserver-users] What is the functional difference between JDBCStore and JDBCConfig?

2017-08-17 Thread Steve Omondi
Dear Users,

What does JDBCStore offer as opposed to JDBCConfig? Is it recommended to
use them together and why? After my own reading here and there I still don
get there clear difference between the two?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Oauth2-Google and Geofence Connection

2017-07-06 Thread Steve Omondi
I appreciate Nuno.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Nuno Oliveira
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 4:16 PM
To: Steve Omondi;
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Oauth2-Google and Geofence Connection


I juts make a test and indeed Google oauth2 seems to not be working at least in
GeoServer 2.12.x. (see attached GIF) and indeed no exception is logged.

The web UI integration seems to be a bit broke too:

The plugin google-oauth package is also including the github and geonode 
bindings ... this is probably no intended.

I only used \ configured this authentication method once with GeoServer so 
maybe I'm missing
something ... let's see if anyone can provide you a more valuable feedback.

Otherwise I will proceed with opening a bug report.

Note, I think that the person who wrote the google-oauth module will not be 
available this week and next week.


Nuno Oliveira
On 07/06/2017 10:49 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:
Hi Nuno,
Attached is my Log file after raising to DEBUG Level
I has some interesting stuff, but I can’t figure out where the problem is 
For example. There is a point where Geoserver is looking for Geonode Session ID
Line 152: (and several other points)
2017-07-06 12:07:35,099 DEBUG [web.FilterChainProxy] - /web/ at position 2 of 7 
in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'GoogleOAuthAuthenticationFilter'
2017-07-06 12:07:35,099 DEBUG [] - Inspecting the http 
request looking for the GeoNode Session ID.
2017-07-06 12:07:35,099 DEBUG [] - Found 1 cookies!
What has this got to do with google-oauth2. I I’m not using geonode-oauth2 even 
though it was installed together with google-oauth2.
I’m using Geoserver 2.11.1 with 
geoserver-2.11-SNAPSHOT-sec-oauth2-google-plugin which had both geonode-oauth2 
and GitHub-oauth2 bundled with it.
Kindly assist where possible.
Kind Regards,
Steve Omondi
Ramani Geosystems.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Nuno Oliveira
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Oauth2-Google and Geofence Connection

GeoFence is not required, google-oauth module should work on is own.

I don't know much of the google-oauth module ... did you see any
exception on GeoServer logs ?

You change GeoServer logging level on the Global Settings:

and view the logs in the GeoServer Logs menu entry on the left of GeoServer web 


Nuno Oliveira

On 07/06/2017 08:20 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:
Hey Guys,
Does Enabling authentication using OAuth2 Google Extension for Geoserver 
require Geofence whatsoevcer?
I have installed the google-oauth2 extension and configured according to the 
provided docs however I’m not getting the desired behavior. While Geoserver is 
register under connected apps in my Google Account when I login to Geoserver 
with the my Google account, the google account is not added in Geoserver and 
the login does not happen.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10


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engaging tech sites,!

Geoserver-users mailing list
Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Nuno Oliveira
GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
for more information.
Nuno Miguel Carvalho Oliveira
Software Engineer
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 1660272
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Re: [Geoserver-users] Oauth2-Google and Geofence Connection

2017-07-06 Thread Steve Omondi
Hi Nuno,

Attached is my Log file after raising to DEBUG Level

I has some interesting stuff, but I can’t figure out where the problem is 

For example. There is a point where Geoserver is looking for Geonode Session ID

Line 152: (and several other points)
2017-07-06 12:07:35,099 DEBUG [web.FilterChainProxy] - /web/ at position 2 of 7 
in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'GoogleOAuthAuthenticationFilter'
2017-07-06 12:07:35,099 DEBUG [] - Inspecting the http 
request looking for the GeoNode Session ID.
2017-07-06 12:07:35,099 DEBUG [] - Found 1 cookies!

What has this got to do with google-oauth2. I I’m not using geonode-oauth2 even 
though it was installed together with google-oauth2.

I’m using Geoserver 2.11.1 with 
geoserver-2.11-SNAPSHOT-sec-oauth2-google-plugin which had both geonode-oauth2 
and GitHub-oauth2 bundled with it.

Kindly assist where possible.

Kind Regards,
Steve Omondi
Ramani Geosystems.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Nuno Oliveira
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Oauth2-Google and Geofence Connection


GeoFence is not required, google-oauth module should work on is own.

I don't know much of the google-oauth module ... did you see any
exception on GeoServer logs ?

You change GeoServer logging level on the Global Settings:

and view the logs in the GeoServer Logs menu entry on the left of GeoServer web 


Nuno Oliveira

On 07/06/2017 08:20 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:
Hey Guys,
Does Enabling authentication using OAuth2 Google Extension for Geoserver 
require Geofence whatsoevcer?
I have installed the google-oauth2 extension and configured according to the 
provided docs however I’m not getting the desired behavior. While Geoserver is 
register under connected apps in my Google Account when I login to Geoserver 
with the my Google account, the google account is not added in Geoserver and 
the login does not happen.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10


Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!

Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

Nuno Oliveira
GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
for more information.

Nuno Miguel Carvalho Oliveira
Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 1660272

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[Geoserver-users] Looking for assistance with Geoserver-Google-OAuth2 extension integration

2017-07-04 Thread Steve Omondi
Hey guys,

I’m looking for assistance with Geoserver-Google-OAuth2 integration.

Here is the detailed description of my issue on StackOverflow

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

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- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines: