Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-27 Thread Budgie

Hi Vangelis,

On 27/09/15 02:23, Vangelis forthnet wrote:


On Sat Sep 26 17:07:13 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

with long complex titles with meaningless reference numbers

These are the default filenames GFV generates, based on the
RTMPDUMP playpaths (i.e. stream identifiers) used on the
ITV V-O-D RTMP server; a recent example would be:


While the first "serial number" does seem meaningless
to us (it probably does mean something to ITV stuff),
the rest of the filename is descriptive enough;
"PC01" refers to stream type (... for PCs!),
while 1800 refers to nominal overall file bitrate
(currently the highest they offer: video BR ~ 1700kbps,
audio BR ~ 96kbps); 16X9 is self evident
(896x504p for PC011800).

If you choose to use GFV's --filename (-f) switch
in the download command (e.g. -f  "Downton-Abbey-S06E01.flv";
MUST include file extension), then the
downloaded FLV file will have a more "meaningful" filename...

Many thanks for the explanation.  My point was that unfortunately 
obvious descriptions like S1E3 are seldom extant in the filename and 
typing accurately is slow and tedious.

Why would you need to type manually long filenames?

I leave the filename "as is" until I am satisfied that they are OK, ie. 
have re-muxed OK and metadata is all intact and they play on my 
renderers.  This way if I need to download again I know which to get. 
On the ITV site the description title is not always the same as the 
download title.

On win32 I choose "Rename" from the right-click context menu
and then save the filename to clipboard - from there
it's usually pasted onto a text editor, where I compose/edit
any command to be pasted onto the Command Prompt Window...


I do not find myself often in need of batch remuxing FLV files -
Usually I do them one-at-a-time, using a simple windows batch file;
if anyone cares, here it is:

FLVtoMP4remux.bat =>
@echo off

Title Losslessly Remux FLV to MP4
echo *** Remux AV streams to MP4 container ***

FOR %%F in (*.flv) DO ffmpeg -i "%%F" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -f
mp4 "%%~nF.mp4"

rundll32 user32.dll,MessageBeep MB_ICONWARNING

echo [If you don't want this, close (X) the Command Prompt Window]

DEL "*.flv"



Thanks for that.  I see you are still using the -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc 
option.  I understood from your earlier posts that it was no longer 
required.  Otherwise a much more complete and properly commented batch 
than my quick fix.

The mp4 files are all about 3 MiB smaller (in 1.0 GiB). Why is that?

Fear not! This is a lossless remux, so no loss of quality
(either video/audio) is involved.
If you care to see the output from the ffmpeg remux,
in the end it states something along these lines:

video:704889kB audio:47404kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global
muxing overhead: 0.362477%

"muxing overhead" is the extra file size (disk space) needed for the
media file to be created in the chosen media container (this is put
very grossly, I'm sure others can rephrase this more accurately...).

"muxing overhead" = (Overall media file size) - (combined sizes of all
RAW media streams contained inside)

The MP4 container has less overhead (is more compact)
than the initial FLV one, hence the small reduction in file size;
as a rule of thumb, when the exact same raw streams are at hand,

muxing overhead: .TS > .FLV > .MP4 ~= .MKV

The difference between MP4 & MKV is less pronounced...

OK thanks for the explanation.

When running the script I get the following comments for each file

[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers

This omission does not appear fatal but what is going on?

Please read my June 20th list post:

Both are benign warnings, issued by FFmpeg branch 2.7+,
that do not translate to any end file deficiency...


That is good to know but I wonder why nobody has fixed it yet.

A personal comment to the thread title ( Requests For Features):

Up until this time, I am still hoping that some Perl wizard
out-there will undertake the task of integrating ITV support
to GiP (much like the case in GiA) - the plugin
that is used in GiA for indexing ITV offerings

OT No Metadata in ITV Downloads

2015-09-27 Thread Budgie
This is OT because the ability to download ITV is a only a (forlornly) 
requested feature in GiP.  I hope it does not offend!

I have downloaded ITV files with get-flash-videos and they appear to 
have no metadata other than the title.

I thought I had lost the metadata when re-muxing to mp4 but there is 
none in the original flv file.

In contrast BBC mp4 files have an abundance of useful metadata.

Is the absence of metadata in ITV flv files due to an error on my part 
or an economy by ITV?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT No Metadata in ITV Downloads

2015-09-27 Thread Budgie

On 27/09/15 16:30, Shevek wrote:

On 27 September 2015 at 16:25, Budgie <> wrote:

This is OT because the ability to download ITV is a only a (forlornly)
requested feature in GiP.  I hope it does not offend!

It does not offend, but it doesn't belong here either.

The correct place to ask your question is here:;



Hi Shevek,
Many thanks for the reminder.  I have posted there so I shall see.  I 
never had much regard for that forum due to getting more rubbish PMs 
than answers.  GiP subscribers are more knowledgeable.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-26 Thread Budgie

On 13/09/15 17:49, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

ffmpeg -i "itv.flv" -c copy -f mp4 "itv.mp4" ; I also use
"-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc" in the above command, maybe it's not strictly
needed - as someone said - but to include it won't do any harm.

Hi Vangelis,
Had a few moments to sort out my flv downloads.  There are quite a few, 
all with long complex titles with meaningless reference numbers which 
make them difficult to type without error so I tried a wee batch file 
based on your advice to run in the directory with all the flv files as 

for file in *.flv ; do ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -f mp4 ${file%.flv}.mp4 ; 

This seems to work OK but if you can suggest improvements please do. 
Meanwhile I have a couple of naive questions:-

The mp4 files are all about 3 MiB smaller (in 1.0 GiB). Why is that?

When running the script I get the following comments for each file 

[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but 
container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but 
container format requires global headers

This omission does not appear fatal but what is going on?

BTW Thanks again for all your help.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-26 Thread Budgie

On 26/09/15 20:49, Peter S Kirk wrote:

On 26 Sep 2015 at 17:07, Budgie Budgie <> wrote:

Had a few moments to sort out my flv downloads.  There are quite a few,
all with long complex titles with meaningless reference numbers which
make them difficult to type without error so I tried a wee batch file
based on your advice to run in the directory with all the flv files as

for file in *.flv ; do ffmpeg -i $file -c copy -f mp4 ${file%.flv}.mp4 ;

This seems to work OK but if you can suggest improvements please do.
Meanwhile I have a couple of naive questions:-

The mp4 files are all about 3 MiB smaller (in 1.0 GiB). Why is that?

Different containers store different meta data in different ways. Use the
same command to convert an mkv to mp4 and the mp4 is larger.

When running the script I get the following comments for each file

[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x22d38e0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but
container format requires global headers

This omission does not appear fatal but what is going on?

A quick google shows:

BTW Thanks again for all your help.

get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Peter,
Thanks for the link but I have no understanding of what I am reading 
there.  Where does ffserver fit in?

More important, what is the effect of this bug on my remuxing exercise? 
 Should I be changing my script to add corrective action if that is 


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: PVR Search for same programme on both podcast and radio

2015-09-22 Thread Budgie

On 19/09/15 00:29, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Fri Sep 18 23:05:19 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

Now both are in list so hope I didn't miss too many.

Hi - glad to have helped :-)
The Podcasts for TEMS are available indefinitely - no way to miss one...
As for the broadcast version, according to
you can get the 06/09/2015 episode via PID (the 13/09/2015 one will
remain in the radio cache until Sunday noon...).
BTW, Sunday's episode will be a repeat from April last year, so there's
already a 20min podcast for that!
( -> Download MP3)


get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Vangelis,
Many thanks.  I have my pvr list sorted out now.  The Sunday broadcast 
you mention I already had in my collection.  One of my favourites from 
1960's.  I still have the LP with Rita Gore, not available in CD AFAIK.

I see that if I play the broadcast on BBC website the player screen 
shows markers for the beginning of each track and if you hover mouse 
over the marker it gives the track title.  My question; is this metadata 
in the downloaded .m4a file from GiP?

get_iplayer mailing list

PVR Search for same programme on both podcast and radio

2015-09-17 Thread Budgie

I record both the full broadcast programme and the much abridged podcast 
version of The Early Music Show.  In the past podcasts were entitled 
"Early Music Show" and broadcast was "The Early Music Show."  It was 
therefore easy to set up two searches and get both versions.

BBC have recently changed their titles so both have the definite 
article.  No problem I thought, make one search for --type=podcast and 
one for --type=radio.

Unfortunately when I try and do this for the same search subject, one 
overwrites the other.  How do I get both searches into the list please?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-13 Thread Budgie

On 17/04/15 16:45, C E Macfarlane wrote:

See below ...

 Why are we having this discussion on this list ?

Because I thought, and still think, it a perfectly reasonably thing to

 The only people that
 inconveniences are those who want to access their content for nothing.

Or people like myself who, for the moment, can't get a signal.

get_iplayer mailing list

First please forgive the OT nature of this post as it concerns 

Using gfv gives me, not surprisingly, .flv files.
I thought when I used it a couple of years back that it could deliver 
.mp4.  I am imagining this?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-13 Thread Budgie

On 13/09/15 16:28, C E Macfarlane wrote:

See below ...

 First please forgive the OT nature of this post as it concerns

 Using gfv gives me, not surprisingly, .flv files.
 I thought when I used it a couple of years back that it could deliver
 .mp4.  I am imagining this?

Not AFAIAA.  I use ffmpeg to do the conversion.  From memory, the command
ffmpeg -acodec copy -vcodec copy -i  

Many thanks for the command.  It is just that I was sure some of my GFV 
downloads had been .mp4.  I am of course happy to convert the new ones 
using ffmpeg.

PS to macfh, please forgive direct addressing.  Pressed the wrong button.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-09-13 Thread Budgie

On 13/09/15 17:49, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Sun Sep 13 15:48:42 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

Using gfv gives me, not surprisingly, .flv files.
I thought when I used it a couple of years back
that it could deliver .mp4.


GFV is a multi-downloader, supporting a vast variety of sites.
Each site may use a different streaming method,
hence the downloaded file will vary in its container/file extension...

If you're using GFV to fetch ITV video-on-demand,
this is being streamed via RTMPE protocol and the tool
GFV uses to do the fetch is rtmpdump - AS I HAVE POSTED

You can losslessly remux to another container (e.g. MP4/MPEG-TS)
post download via ffmpeg; I have posted the relevant command
in one of our previous exchanges, both here in the list and in private
(ffmpeg -i "itv.flv" -c copy -f mp4 "itv.mp4" ; I also use
"-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc" in the above command, maybe it's not strictly
needed - as someone said - but to include it won't do any harm...).

For the record, prior to Feb 2013, GFV - via its plugin - used to save ITV VOD with a wrong
file extension ".mp4"; again, that was audio-video
streams saved by rtmpdump inside the FLV container,
but the file was erroneously given the ".mp4"
extension, when it should've been ".flv";
this inconsistency was fixed by commit:

So, YES, your imagination is not playing tricks on you...

Many regards,

get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Vangelis,
Many thanks and I had not forgotten your earlier help.  It was just I 
thought my memory was playing tricks.  Glad to learn it is not, at least 
on this matter.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Refresher Requested on MPEG4 Container and AtomicParsley

2015-07-29 Thread Budgie

On 28/07/15 23:48, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

Hi Vangelis,
Many thanks.  That should keep me quiet for a while!
Best wishes,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Budgie

On 25/07/15 13:13, Jim web wrote:

In article, Budgie wrote:

On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:

In article, Budgie wrote:

2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv
adds in sequential timestamps. i.e. using

ffmpeg -i infile.ext cleanfile.ext

To start at the beginning and why this is on GiP list is that all the
problem downloads are from GiP and are BBC 3 classical music downloads
such as The Early Music Show or Opera on 3 and they are mostly hi fi
stereo or supposed to be!

FWIW I use gip a lot to fetch R3 files and don't get such problems. I
usually play them with Audacious without any problems.

The problems I have date from the various times when my GiP setup was
flawed or atomic parsley not installed, all through my ignorance.  They
fall into two categories, those that play but must be played from
beginning to end (no time markers,) and those which do not play at all
and stall the control app.   (I am using BubbleDS control app and Linn
Majik renderer playing files served by Minimserver from NAS.)

So presumably your problem may be down to the player/renderer or something
odd about your setup when the files were fetched.

FWIW I keep files on a NAS and play them via access using a standard
network filing system. Just use general purpose programs - audacious for
audio and VLC for AV. Fairly basic and simple.

The files are delivered by my GiP setup as .m4a files and there is no
video but there is usually a thumbnail and useful metadata about the
particular recording which I would like to retain.

OK, I tend to use --no-tag which I think means to discard any tagging. But
I may be wrong about that.

The simple command with ffmpeg you gave above halved the size of the
file but it would not play.  I tried various other variations, some
using winff GUI but none worked.

Ah. Be warned that using the command with no codec specifications at all
might change the codec/payload. You should use one of the ways we've
already described to specify keeing the codec payload unchanged. e.g. the
way I add

-acodec copy -vcodec copy

or the alternatives people have explained.

If you don't do that ffmpeg might have changed the content to some defaults
it thinks appropriate for you. Hence the change in file size.
Alternatively, the files may have junk in them for some reason I don't

Do your playing programs report the codec, bitrate, etc, so you can see
what they think they are getting?

If you or others have time I would appreciate some further help and it
may be appreciated if I went off group or started a new thread until I
can announce success!

I can't say what others feel about this being relevant. But if it isn't
welcome here you could ask on a newsgroup like since your
interest is audio for this.

ffmpeg is accompanied by probe and play programs. If you have these one
will give info on a file. The other will try to play it. If it plays it
will confirm that ffmpeg can make sense of it even if your usual players

If all else fails for the broken files you could try using ffmpeg to
generate an LPCM wave file as its output. If that works it is easier to
check, and could then be converted to something like flac for use if the
problem is otherwise unsolvable.

Afraid the above is only general comments as I'm not clear on the cause of
your problem. I haven't used the other things you mention so have no idea
what they may have done.


Hi Jim,
Many thanks.  I shall now do a check to see if these files play over the 
lan on a laptop.  My setup is not particularly exotic but I agree the 
control app may be the issue in some cases.

I ran ffprobe on the first offending file and cannot see anything wrong. 
 Trouble is I have no idea what to look for.Will go back over above 
advice in list.  I am sure the data is in the file so in worst case I 
could go down the LPCM route but not ready yet.

Will have a look at too.
Many thanks again.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Budgie

On 25/07/15 17:46, Chris Davies wrote:

On 21/07/2015 18:47, Budgie wrote:

The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to
finish but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme. Since
they are 2 hours long this makes life difficult as I seldom have an
uninterrupted 2 hours!  My understanding is that time markers are
missing but have no idea if this is correct analysis or if it can be
rectified. If you have any suggestions they would be appreciated.

I'm pretty sure that mplayer -idx will sort this for you. Or mplayer
-forceidx if it still won't play.


Hi Chris,
I gave up on this subject due to pressure of work back at the end of 
2013 and had forgotten how far I had reached.  It appears that for the 
GiP Radio 3 downloads I messed up there are no time markers and it is 
the Linn Player which needs them.  Linn advised me as follows:-

AAC files store data about the media stream they contain within their 
outer MPEG4 container. Seekable AAC files will also provide a collection 
of offsets allowing an AAC decoder to jump to a variety of points in the 
media stream, enabling seeking.

The file you provided us with appears to contain only 1 offset: the 
offset of the start of the audio track within the file (after all the 
metadata). Therefore, there are no further offsets that can allow our 
AAC decoder to safely move to another point within the stream.

As a solution to this, we would recommend using a ripper (e.g. 
dbpoweramp) to transcode the track to another format for use with the DS.

I concluded and hoped from this there was no need to transcode to 
another format if I can just transcode to the same format.  I just 
need to get the ffmpeg command correct.

Will keep trying.  I am not sure if the -idx options in mplayer will do 
the job but can give it a try.

Thanks again,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-25 Thread Budgie

On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:

In article, Budgie wrote:

The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish
but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.

I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't know the
specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.

1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This means the
version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)

I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall off-hand
what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may report
that later.

2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv adds
in sequential timestamps. i.e. using

ffmpeg -i infile.ext cleanfile.ext

ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that sometimes
I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but another
didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to hand!)


Hi Jim,
I tried this as the simplest place to start and have made no progress. 
Also tried using Winff GUI and I think I need guidance on codecs etc. if 
you are willing.

To start at the beginning and why this is on GiP list is that all the 
problem downloads are from GiP and are BBC 3 classical music downloads 
such as The Early Music Show or Opera on 3 and they are mostly hi fi 
stereo or supposed to be!

The problems I have date from the various times when my GiP setup was 
flawed or atomic parsley not installed, all through my ignorance.  They 
fall into two categories, those that play but must be played from 
beginning to end (no time markers,) and those which do not play at all 
and stall the control app.   (I am using BubbleDS control app and Linn 
Majik renderer playing files served by Minimserver from NAS.)

The files are delivered by my GiP setup as .m4a files and there is no 
video but there is usually a thumbnail and useful metadata about the 
particular recording which I would like to retain.

The simple command with ffmpeg you gave above halved the size of the 
file but it would not play.  I tried various other variations, some 
using winff GUI but none worked.

If you or others have time I would appreciate some further help and it 
may be appreciated if I went off group or started a new thread until I 
can announce success!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-23 Thread Budgie

On 23/07/15 00:22, Kevin Lynch wrote:

I don't know why but I did not think you would be a *nix user.  Here's
the link to the opensuse package

On 22 July 2015 at 23:55, Budgie wrote:

On 22/07/15 18:02, Kevin Lynch wrote:

If ffmpeg/avconv seems too intimidating to you. Remember you can use a
helper app winff it has a
nice UI that lets you easily access configuration information.

If you repost with a subject re-encoding old mp3's with a broken
timestamps some of the experts in the group will probably give some
hints on the minimum work your computer needs you need to fix the files.
IE if you expand the files out to uncompressed wav and then re-encode
to MP3, it will use a lot of CPU resources and you might lose the



On 22 July 2015 at 17:04, Budgie wrote:
   On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:
   In article, Budgie wrote:
   The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a
   of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my
   up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to
   but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.
   I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
   'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't
know the
   specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.
   1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This
means the
   version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)
   I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall
   what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may
   that later.
   2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv
   in sequential timestamps. i.e. using
   ffmpeg -i infile.ext cleanfile.ext
   ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that
   I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but
   didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to
   Hi Jim,
   Thanks for the reply.  Yes I wondered if passing through ffmpeg
would do the trick but was not sure of correct commands.  Will try on a
copy.  No time at present.  Book keeping!!!
   get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Kevin,
Many thanks and yes a user friendly gui is what I need if only to help with
my education.
Thanks for the link.  No windoze her but there is a link to linux.  I use
openSUSE 13.2 which is not yet on the one click install but am now on to it
so will find solution.
Thanks again,

Many thanks,
Yes I have it.  Will report progress with time markers in due course.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-22 Thread Budgie

On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:

In article, Budgie wrote:

The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish
but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.

I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't know the
specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.

1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This means the
version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)

I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall off-hand
what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may report
that later.

2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv adds
in sequential timestamps. i.e. using

ffmpeg -i infile.ext cleanfile.ext

ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that sometimes
I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but another
didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to hand!)


Hi Jim,
Thanks for the reply.  Yes I wondered if passing through ffmpeg would 
do the trick but was not sure of correct commands.  Will try on a copy. 
 No time at present.  Book keeping!!!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-22 Thread Budgie

On 22/07/15 18:02, Kevin Lynch wrote:

If ffmpeg/avconv seems too intimidating to you. Remember you can use a
helper app winff it has a
nice UI that lets you easily access configuration information.

If you repost with a subject re-encoding old mp3's with a broken
timestamps some of the experts in the group will probably give some
hints on the minimum work your computer needs you need to fix the files.
IE if you expand the files out to uncompressed wav and then re-encode
to MP3, it will use a lot of CPU resources and you might lose the metadata.



On 22 July 2015 at 17:04, Budgie wrote:
  On 22/07/15 09:33, Jim web wrote:
  In article, Budgie wrote:
  The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number
  of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set
  up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish
  but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.
  I've encountered similar symptoms from files captured with a DVB-T2
  'dongle'. (i.e. from UHF broadcasts rather than iplayer). I don't
know the
  specifics of your case but can make two points that may help.
  1) It may depend on the software you use to play the files. (This
means the
  version of the software and its settings as well as the type.)
  I use VLC. Changing its settings can affect this. I can't recall
  what setting I got to fix a similar problem, and am busy now, so may
  that later.
  2) You may find that simply passing the file though ffmpeg or avconv
  in sequential timestamps. i.e. using
  ffmpeg -i infile.ext cleanfile.ext
  ffmpeg will tend to clear up and tidy a stream or file. Note that
  I've found that one version of ffmpeg/avconv did the trick, but another
  didn't. (This is one reason I tend to keep more than one version to
  Hi Jim,
  Thanks for the reply.  Yes I wondered if passing through ffmpeg
would do the trick but was not sure of correct commands.  Will try on a
copy.  No time at present.  Book keeping!!!
  get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Kevin,
Many thanks and yes a user friendly gui is what I need if only to help 
with my education.
Thanks for the link.  No windoze her but there is a link to linux.  I 
use openSUSE 13.2 which is not yet on the one click install but am now 
on to it so will find solution.

Thanks again,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread Budgie

On 21/07/15 17:49, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Tue Jul 21 16:28:36 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

the end product is .flv

Hello Alastair :-)

By default, anything downloaded by rtmpdump ends up inside the Adobe FLV
container, with .flv as file extension!

gfv reports sampletype mp4a

Again, this is reported by rtmpdump (INFO: sampletype mp4a, you should
also see: INFO: audiocodecid mp4a) and this info refers to the
elementary audio stream inside the FLV container.

How do/can I  I run it through ffmpeg to get .m4a files?

.m4a is the file extension of MP4 files containing only an audio
stream inside the MP4 container; is that what you really want to do
(i.e. extract only the audio from the FLV file and put in within the MP4
container)? My guess is that you'd rather LOSSLESSLY REMUX the FLV file
to an MP4 file, keeping both video+audio streams...

Use ffmpeg to perform the remux:

ffmpeg -i foo.flv -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc foo.mp4

On the subject of ffmpeg, will this insert time stamps when
transcoding and how does one set the interval?

Pardon me, but I do not quite understand what you're saying here - my
command above does a lossless remux without transcoding - TRANSCODING is
not what you'd want because it is a source (and time) demanding
procedure - resort to transcoding in the event your hardware media
player does not support the H.264 AVC video codec (very unlikely...)

Regards from boiling hot Greece (30C inside, 38C outside...)

get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Vangelis,
Just showing my ignorance and you have guessed my intentions correctly. 
 It is the MP4 container I was looking for.  It now seems, however, 
that I don't need it as the file plays fine on the renderer I am using.

The business about the time stamp reference is because I have a number 
of radio gip downloads that were messed up due to an error with my set 
up a couple of years back.  As a result these play from start to finish 
but I cannot fast forward to any point mid programme.  Since they are 2 
hours long this makes life difficult as I seldom have an uninterrupted 2 
hours!  My understanding is that time markers are missing but have no 
idea if this is correct analysis or if it can be rectified. If you have 
any suggestions they would be appreciated.

Many thanks for your reply.
Regards from wet and cool Scotland.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-07-21 Thread Budgie

On 21/07/15 18:20, C E Macfarlane wrote:

 On a technical note, the gfv reports sampletype mp4a but the
 end product
 is .flv.  How do/can I  I run it through ffmpeg to get .m4a files?

I dare say there's more than one way of doing it, but this is what I use ...

For audio only:
ffmpeg -i input-blah.m4a.flv -acodec copy output-blah.m4a

For audio and video:
ffmpeg -i input-blah.mp4.flv -acodec copy -vcodec copy output-blah.mp4

 On the subject of ffmpeg, will this insert time stamps when
 and how does one set the interval?

Can't help there ...


Hi Charles,
Many thanks.  I am now OK with flv files thanks but see my last reply to 
Vangelis about the time markers (or whatever they are called,).  It 
explains the problem but finding solution not urgent, just part of the 
housekeeping for my music library.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Changes at BBC Resulting in PVR Duplicates

2015-06-30 Thread Budgie

On 30/06/15 11:48, George Eycott wrote:

The BBC changed their podcast system a few weeks ago which resulted in my
podcast download system re-fetching years worth of programmes.

and more details here

RSS pages have moved (in theory the old ones redirect but it didn't work for
all my subscriptions).

Note I use castget on my Qnap box to get podcasts, keeping GIP for radio
that either does not have a podcast or individual shows.

Hi George,
That is it.  You have described what happened to me.  Not a problem, 
just a bit of a surprise.


get_iplayer mailing list

Changes at BBC Resulting in PVR Duplicates

2015-06-29 Thread Budgie
I have a number of programmes set up pvr which is run as cron job each 
night.  One of the programmes is The Early Music Show.

I save both the full broadcast .m4a version which is titled as The 
Early Music Show and the mp3 podcast abridged version which has been 
titled Early Music Show

I have just found about 180 no.  .mp3 files entitled The Early Music 
Show in my recordings directory.  These appear to be duplicates of the 
original .mp3 downloads but with the different title and pid.

Anybody understand why this might be or have the same situation?  I ask 
because I also have In Our Time in pvr list and there are rather a 
large number of podcasts available for this programme.   At this rate I 
could be exceeding any fair usage policy if I had one!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GetIPlayer PVR not working from cron

2015-06-24 Thread Budgie

On 23/06/15 11:05, C E Macfarlane wrote:

 The usual method is a job with asterisks for all periods, and echo
 $PATH /tmp/path as the task.

Yes, I did something similar, I output a set command to a file.  As you
suggest, this revealed the cron environment to be very minimalist.

 I'd ensure that /opt/share/bin is explicitly set at the front of the
 PATH. Cron usually keeps its PATH really simple, PATH=/bin:/usr/bin,
 for example.

Yes, though in fact what I did to get it working last night was 'source
/etc/profile; GIP PVR command'.

I still don't understand why the GIP perl script is not picking up the path
from its own options file, though.

Thanks for all your help, and regards
Charles Macfarlane.

get_iplayer mailing list

I had this problem when I started using cron a few years ago.  The issue 
is one of environment variables and you have found the solution.

I use a KDE desktop and cron is wrapped up in a Task Sceduler which has 
provision for setting the correct environment.  There are some notes on 
this somewhere in man pages.  Sorry I only just read your message and 
glad that others have helped.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT Live Streaming Radio 4 News

2015-05-27 Thread Budgie

On 27/05/15 20:51, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Tue May 26 10:11:05 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

I listen to Radio 4 using a networked Linn device
The Linn device offers various radio channels directly
On several occasions recently,
the news stream has been interrupted and
all I get is a recorded loop telling me that
due to rights restrictions
the programme is not available.
Is the problem with BBC or Linn?

On Tue May 26 10:36:25 BST 2015, Derek Kaye wrote:

but perhaps someone with a more detailed
knowledge of how the streaming works can

On Tue May 26 21:59:59 BST 2015, Christopher Woods wrote:

Some highlights or clips from sporting events
may not come with requisite rights to be broadcast online,
even when part of a news bulletin

Hello Budgie, Derek et al :-)

Earlier this year (I think 't was the end of February),
the BBC killed off the Windows Media Audio (WMA)
streams both for Listen Live (Live Radio) and Audio-
on-Demand; this was an announced move, so no surprise there...
What wasn't foretold was they'd also switch off the
Listen Live Shoutcast AAC streams...
Most Internet Radios and other networked devices
(especially if somewhat old) relied heavily upon those
discontinued streams; another important detail was
that those streams were available at two different flavours:

1. UK-only, fed only to UK IPs; this version included
content (usually sports) with UK-only broadcast rights.
2. Overseas, served to the rest of the world.
That was offered in a significantly lower bandwidth
and all UK-only content was excluded, blanketed out
by the due to rights restrictions...  loop you mentioned.

The beeb and their Audio Factory department have
replaced the old streams with new ones, employing the
newer AppleHLS streaming methodology (chunked streaming
over HTTP). HOWEVER, in their infinite wisdom, by doing
so have effectively cut off all older devices with
firmware that doesn't support HLS. They claim they had
warned the main manufacturers of the scheduled changes
to HLS that would require firmware updates, but there's
a big controversy over who's to blame for the predicament
many Internet device owners found themselves into...
I haven't caught up on this, but at the time of the
change only some new models of the Pure brand were
HLS enabled...
As an interim fix (backward compatibility) and only
for Live Radio, the BBC have generated Shoutcast MP3
streams, compatible with the majority of older devices.
HOWEVER, as a cost cutting measure, there exists only one
universal stream for each BBC Radio Station, @ 128kbps,
for both the UK  International listeners.
In a few words, the UK users receive the same stream as overseas
ones, i.e. the very stream which is devoid of UK-only
copyrighted content...
After the intervention of the BBC Radio 3 controller,
a HD (UK-only) shoutcast AAC stream was reinstated,
but only until this year's Proms...
No solution as yet for AOD for older devices.
Those older devices, after the cessation of WMA
and ShoutcastAAC, have fallen back automatically
(via stream aggregators) to the Shoutcast MP3
live streams.
It is my gut feeling your Linn device is using this
international MP3 stream when connecting to Radio 4;
as Christopher said, content for which no int'l
streaming rights have been negotiated by the BBC
is excluded...
The beeb have promised they'll introduce geo-filtered
versions of Shoutcast MP3 streams for the UK,
to anger down frustrated Radio 5 Live ( Sports Xtra)
listeners - nothing concrete has yet come to my knowledge...

What you can do until then:
1. Contact Linn and investigate whether a firmware update
for your device has been made available, that would
enable AppleHLS reception - the BBC's AppleHLS
new streams come in UK and non-UK varieties...
2. Use a different medium to listen to those AppleHLS
streams in the UK; obviously iDevices (by Apple)
are supported, but you can use software players
on your computer, too...
GiP 2.92 supports the streaming to MPlayer/VLC
of those streams (--type=liveradio --modes=hlsaac)

My summary above is based on the relevant BBC Internet
Blog entries:





get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Vangelis,
Many thanks for your helpful and detailed explanation.

I shall raise the question on the Linn group.  I am sure they will sort 
it out as they frequently issue updates and I think the Linn devices are 
linux based so easily fixed.  Will post any further info when I get it.


OT Live Streaming Radio 4 News

2015-05-26 Thread Budgie
Please forgive the OT.  Most mornings I listen to Radio 4 using a 
networked Linn device which I also use to play my GiP recordings.  The 
Linn device offers various radio channels directly so I do not need to 
use GiP.

On several occasions recently the news stream has been interrupted and 
all I get is a recorded loop telling me that due to rights restrictions 
the programme is not available.

Rights restrictions on the News???  Before 08:00!!!  What is going on 
here.  Is the problem with BBC or Linn?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Requests For Features

2015-04-13 Thread Budgie

On 11/04/15 22:32, Terry L. Ridder wrote:


The ITV plugin is broken. The most it is able to do is down the ITV cache file. 
Get-iPlayer-Automator only uses it for that purpose. The code that GIA uses to 
download ITV is in GIA.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2015, at 12:47, Budgie wrote:

On 11/04/15 07:59, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

On 10/04/2015 20:32, Peter S Kirk wrote:
On 10 Apr 2015 at 19:02, C E Macfarlane C E Macfarlane wrote:

2)How near are we to an option to download output from other
sources, such
as RTE previously discussed, but also C4, ITV?

You mean like:

Yes, but for Windows

I too would like the addition of ITV. C4  C5 are not possible as they
rtmpe and afaik no solution has been found.

Channels 4 and 5 are no great loss to me but ITV would be nice.


get_iplayer mailing list

Isn't that what the ITV Plugin is for?

It has been a while since I used GiP for downloading an ITV programme but it 
used to work.  Not straight forward as I recall and I needed help: Not sure if 
it was on list or via PM.
Perhaps somebody could update us on this.

get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Terry,
I have lost instructions and cannot remember how I used to download ITV 
with GiP but as several subscribers have expressed an interest they 
might wish to try get-flash-videos.

This presently works well for ITV catchup but not at present for 
Channel4 and 4od.  Please forgive the OT nature of this message.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Incorporating Thumbnail in .mp4 file

2015-04-05 Thread Budgie

On 05/04/15 02:07, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Sat Apr 4 23:40:31 BST 2015, Budgie wrote:

I understand it is possible to run something like ffmpeg
and incorporate the .jpg into the .mp4 container. Please could
somebody give me some directions on this.

You'd better stay away from FFmpeg - it transforms the image file to a
video stream; this is not what you want!
Use a dedicated MP4/M4A tagger, like AtomicParsley, MP4Box etc.
Read more at:

Print help files for AP/MP4Box for more detailed How-Tos...
If on Windows and prefer a GUI, Peter's suggestion works fine!

If you are not trimming/deleting your get_iplayer history file and
you've managed to get AP properly installed now, there's a good chance
your history file contains entries for those tagless files. E.g. if your
tagless mp4/m4a file corresponds to pid=,
you can place it inside GiP's download folder (where it was initially
created) and then tag from history:

get_iplayer --history pid: --tag-only

This should work if
1. There's only ONE instance of  inside history; I have found
that if I re-downloaded via --force and a second instance was created,
the above command fails (@ dinkypumpkin: possible bug?).
2. The file was not downloaded before the Oct 2014 BBC changes (death of
XML feeds). In that case, history points to a non-existing thumbnail


get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Vangelis,
Many thanks.  Files date from 2012 so cannot use your neat suggestion.

I have a linux equivalent of Peter's suggested tagger; Puddletag.  Will 
see if that can do the job.

Many thanks again,

get_iplayer mailing list

Incorporating Thumbnail in .mp4 file

2015-04-04 Thread Budgie
Been doing some housekeeping and find I still have a number of 
downloaded episodes with separate .mp4 and .jpg files dating from one of 
the times when I failed to install AtomicParsley correctly.

I understand it is possible to run something like ffmpeg and incorporate 
the .jpg into the .mp4 container.  Please could somebody give me some 
directions on this.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: pvr search term no longer works

2015-03-20 Thread Budgie

On 20/03/15 11:49, Shepherd, Ben (STFC,DL,AST) wrote:

Works OK for me from the command line:

C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayerget_iplayer Thursday Opera Matinee
get_iplayer v2.92, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
   This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
   conditions; use --conditions for details.

10146:  Afternoon on 3: Thursday Opera Matinee - Mozart - La clemenza
di Tito, BBC Ra
dio 3,

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
Ben Shepherd
CCS11, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK
office: +44 (0) 1925 603691
lab: +44 (0) 1925 603125
mobile: +44 (0) 7870 928072

On 20 March 2015 at 10:08, Budgie wrote:

I am trying to record Afternoon on 3 - Thursday Opera Matinee using pvr and
gip v2.92.  After some patient help from dinkypumpkin in April 2013 with the
command required to add to pvr list:-

get_iplayer --pvradd --type=radio --fields=episode Thursday Opera Matinee

This has worked fine until recently when we had to upgrade to accommodate
changes at BBC and my machine went down for a while.  All is now working as
before except for this one programme.

The entry in my pvr list is:-

pvrsearch = Thursday_Opera_Matinee
 fields = episode
 search0 = Thursday Opera Matinee
 type = radio

Does anybody have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong please?


get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Ben,
Yes, thanks, the command line you suggested works for me too, with the 
addition of --type=radio of course.

My problem is with pvr and how previous search item, which used to work, 
does so no longer.  It seems like the episode function is the problem 
but I would like to know why.  Any ideas


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: pvr search term no longer works

2015-03-20 Thread Budgie

On 20/03/15 16:17, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:

Budgie wrote:

I am trying to record Afternoon on 3 - Thursday Opera Matinee using pvr
and gip v2.92.  After some patient help from dinkypumpkin in April 2013
with the command required to add to pvr list:-

get_iplayer --pvradd --type=radio --fields=episode Thursday Opera Matinee

The operand   --fields   means   search only in the named field(s)/columns
of the data in the cache file.

Previously the programme Afternoon on 3 had values like

   Thursday Opera Matinee - Verdi La Traviata

in the episode field, so your search worked.  However, now there's several
programme names for Afternoon on 3, eg this week we have:

  Afternoon on 3: BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
  Afternoon on 3: German Radio Orchestras
  Afternoon on 3: Thursday Opera Matinee

and the episode column gives specific details of the content of such a

For you I think you maybe just have to stop telling the PVR to look in the
episode column, as I think it will look in the programme name column by

Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for the confirmation that things seem to have changed.  I have 
been doing a bit of further investigation and understand the position as 

Afternoon on 3 is on every week day and there have always been episodes 
of which the Thursday Opera Matinee was one, hence dinkypumpkin's advice 
back in the day.

What appears to have changed is the status of Thursday Opera Matinee 
which seems to be a programme in it's own right rather than an episode. 
 Hence a search now on Thursday Opera Matinee yields a result when 
previously it didn't.

I have revised my pvr search list accordingly as you suggest and hope it 
will work.  Meanwhile downloaded the operas I missed using --pid.

Many thanks for the guidance.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: missing thumbnails and audio-properties

2015-03-05 Thread Budgie

On 03/03/15 15:34, Sharon Kimble wrote:

Whenever I download a radio programme now with get_iplayer v2.91
it downloads OK, except there is no thumbnail and when its loaded
into ncmpcpp [a ncurses front-end to mpd] it does not display the
programme name, its station it was broadcast on, nor any other
details of it. In fact when I look at the audio-properties in
nautilus all are *unknown*.

Back-history = my computer died on 30/01/15, and I now have a new
one. My get_iplayer options have not changed, but looking at a
programme downloaded before the computer death, that has a thumbnail
and complete audio-properties. get_iplayer is from the most
recent git-clone, and is working well except for the missing
details. I download with get_iplayer -g 13386 which is the same as

I suspect that I'm missing some needed programme which is giving the
missing details, but what? Can anyone help please?


get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Sharon,
When this happened to me it was because I had forgotten to install 
AtomicParsley on a new installation.

I have no idea if you have same issue or same problem but if you look 
through the archives of this list for thumbnail threads you may get more 

Good luck.

get_iplayer mailing list

OT: Home Automation - Open Systems

2015-01-19 Thread Budgie
Please forgive the OT but I am trying to find out if there is any PLC 
controller type hardware and Linux based software I can use for home 
automation project.  (In part related to use of GiP product)

If anybody here has experience of this please PM me.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Help Please with Radio Download

2014-11-24 Thread Budgie

On 23/11/14 23:37, Dave Liquorice wrote:

On Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:18:50 +, Budgie wrote:

I have Rumpole set up on pvr chron job list but during the various
revisions to GiP some of the episodes have incorrect tagging and no
thumbnail.  I saw that these episodes were still available so thought I
would download again with the latest Githead version and pid.
Sadly I received the following message:-

INFO: Episode-only pid detected
INFO: Trying pid: b007jz59 using type: tv

Error: type: tv clashes with Subject: Radio download

(flashhd,flashvhigh,flashhigh,flashstd,flashnormal) available for this
programme with version 'default' (try using

Have you tried that suggested --modes option (and told it --type=radio)?

Hi Dave,
Many thanks.  Sorry to be so dumb.  I didn't see that.  Downloading as I 

Many thanks,

get_iplayer mailing list

Help Please with Radio Download

2014-11-23 Thread Budgie
I have Rumpole set up on pvr chron job list but during the various 
revisions to GiP some of the episodes have incorrect tagging and no 
thumbnail.  I saw that these episodes were still available so thought I 
would download again with the latest Githead version and pid.

Sadly I received the following message:-

INFO: Episode-only pid detected
INFO: Trying pid: b007jz59 using type: tv
INFO: Trying to stream pid using type tv
INFO: pid not found in tv cache

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Checking existence of default version
INFO: No specified modes 
(flashhd,flashvhigh,flashhigh,flashstd,flashnormal) available for this 
programme with version 'default' (try using 

ERROR: Failed to record ' -  (b007jz59)

I conclude that the pid was found but please could somebody advise what 
version I should now use for speech radio.  (Also for music on radio 3)

The pvr continues to work a treat so many thanks again dinkypumpkin et al.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Slow radio downloads - a bit off topic

2014-11-18 Thread Budgie

On 18/11/14 21:36, George Eycott wrote:

Who is your ISP?

BT :-) They have admitted the exchange is in congestion. And the good
news is that a new housing estate is being built in the village so that is
going to help Not

You may be too pessimistic.  If I were in your situation I would be 
speaking to the developer now.  Good broadband connection speed is a 
very significant criterion for house buyers; in the same order as good 
local schooling.  If the development is significant the developer will 
move BT where a private individual would be ignored.  Just a thought.

get_iplayer mailing list

OT - List mailing (was Re: iplayer audio to lpcm)

2014-11-12 Thread Budgie

On 10/11/14 17:36, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:

David Woodhouse wrote:

On Sat, 2014-11-08 at 23:54 +, Square Penguin wrote:

Quick question - how do you deal with CC's in your inbox and duplicate
messages in mailing list folders (assuming you filter to folders)?
Simply ignore the duplicates or do you have a filtering/deletion scheme
in place?

I get a copy in the list folder, and a copy in my inbox.

Lucky you.  (I mean it.)  I found recently that this doesn't happen for me;
it's not a (local) mail client problem but instead my mail provider (AAISP)
whose system detects two copies of the same mail being delivered to the same
mailbox on their server, and stores only one copy.  My POP3 collection then
only collects that single copy.

In blissful ignorance as usual here.  I too use AAISP but hadn't given 
the absence of the second copy any thought.  System suits me as it is 
although I went over to IMAP when my OS/2 system died.  I am concerned 
by your last sentence:-

The mails in this thread that people have thoughtfully CCed to me 
personally have arrived, but the mail-list ones have not.

I have sent this using Reply List and not CCd it to you, so will you 
receive it I wonder?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-09 Thread Budgie

On 08/11/14 23:54, Square Penguin wrote:

If you're using Thunderbird on Mac as I am now this is not the case by
default. Thunderbird offers 'reply' and 'smart reply' which attempts to
intelligently select the behaviour you desire.

I too very much like the existing system and thank David for his 
considerable efforts on our behalf.

I have never seen Smart Reply offered on client but Thunderbird 31.2.0 
on my openSUSE 13.1 machine offers Reply and Reply List buttons. 
Seems to work OK if I press the right button.

My only further comment is that my mail box is full of this OT stuff 
whilst titles still suggest GiP business!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: ePetition Covering Public Data From The Likes Of The BBC

2014-11-05 Thread Budgie

On 04/11/14 14:40, C E Macfarlane wrote:

Now available for signatories.  Please sign if you are a UK resident and
feel remotely able to support it:

get_iplayer mailing list

I am new to this concept of ePetition and don't know what else is out 
there.  I fully subscribe to the proposal however and note there is some 
resonance between this petition and the recent change in schools 
curriculum when, in September 2014, England became the first country in 
the world to teach computing from the start of school.  (That is proper 
computing, not using M$Office)

It also has a connection I feel with the work of Etag (Education 
Technology Action Group) and UKForCE (UK Forum for Computing Education).

Finally I understand that there has recently been a decision made for 
all official government documents to be in Open Document Format.

I wonder if argument supporting your petition might be strengthened if 
it were to make reference to these existing initiatives.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: No programmes are available for this pid

2014-11-05 Thread Budgie

On 04/11/14 11:39, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

I'm puzzled by this message:
No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default
which I get when trying to download two programmes (PIDs p0299nz3 and

Yet the programmes (Autumnwatch Extra) play on the BBC iPlayer site
without problem. The other 6 programmes in the Extra sub series all
download fine and all 8 have an expiry about 20+ days hence.


get_iplayer mailing list

Did you ever solve this problem with Autumnwatch Extra.  I tried just to 
understand what the problem was and I too couldn't get the programme 
with that PID even though it appeared to exist.  It looked like a live 
stream though so perhaps it was no longer available.  Please let us know 
if you cracked it and what was the solution.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: No programmes are available for this pid

2014-11-05 Thread Budgie

On 05/11/14 13:01, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

On 05/11/2014 11:12, Budgie wrote:

On 04/11/14 11:39, Alan Milewczyk wrote:

I'm puzzled by this message:
No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default
which I get when trying to download two programmes (PIDs p0299nz3 and

Yet the programmes (Autumnwatch Extra) play on the BBC iPlayer site
without problem. The other 6 programmes in the Extra sub series all
download fine and all 8 have an expiry about 20+ days hence.


get_iplayer mailing list

Did you ever solve this problem with Autumnwatch Extra.  I tried just
to understand what the problem was and I too couldn't get the
programme with that PID even though it appeared to exist.  It looked
like a live stream though so perhaps it was no longer available.
Please let us know if you cracked it and what was the solution.

Sorry, I've not had a chance to view the forum today until now.

Yes, I solved the problem. There were a number of issues at play here,
all tied up with the seven day limit.

Firstly Autumnwatch screened over four days from Tuesday through to
Friday - I would have thought that the individual programmes would have
been made available for 30 days from the date of each screening. But if
you go to the Autumnwatch Extra page (the Red Button live feeds) you
will see that they all expire at the same time - yesterday that was 22
days hence, today it is in 21 days time. So the programmes went over the
seven day limit yesterday.

I don't know if you recall but a while back when DP released version
2.87, he stated that you could not download programmes older than 7 days
unless you had version 2.87 or later. I normally use my Windows 7 PCs
for get_iPlayer and have been upgrading as we have gone along. Since
Sunday night, I've been on v2.90, so that PC was showing the files as

Unfortunately, large files such as these barf in Windows - the last time
I had this problem (in Summer when Wimbledon was on) I found that I
could complete the downloads on a PC running Linux Mint. But I've not
used Mint since then and had forgotten that get_iPlayer was still at
version 2.83! Once I upgraded that to the current v2.90 it found the
programmes in question and downloaded them without problem!

Hope that helps.

Best wishes


get_iplayer mailing list

Hi Alan and thanks for the reply.  I recall and try understand the 
earlier discussion but I am using GIT Head version on 64 bit linux 
machine (no windoze here,) and they still didn't work.  Will try again.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer 2.90 released

2014-11-03 Thread Budgie

On 03/11/14 02:08, dinkypumpkin wrote:

Forgot to fix the damned Web PVR Manager for damned ancient Perls.
Upgrade from 2.89 isn't an immediate concern for you unless you use the
Web PVR manager with perl 5.10.0 or below.

Release notes are the same:

Just to add my thanks to the others posted.  I have read all the recent 
posts and even understood some.  PVR is now working so with luck I shall 
get the episodes I missed and didn't get round to using PID.

Thanks you again for the many hours you must have put in.  We all owe you!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Thank You

2014-11-03 Thread Budgie

On 03/11/14 19:27, Charles Holding wrote:

Thank you to everyone involved for fixing get_iplayer, I can now get
back to downloading CBeebies for my little ones to watch over and over

Is there a donation link anywhere? I'd like to buy you all a drink.


My thought too.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Solutions to loss of RSS feed

2014-11-02 Thread Budgie

On 02/11/14 06:42, Rob Dixon wrote:

On 01/11/2014 16:32, Budgie wrote:

Hi Rob,
Because I never use iPlayer I am not sure what functionality the BBC
offer but I have found the GiP PVR function invaluable for grabbing
radio programmes which I wish to hear but which are not necessarily on
at specific times.  I do not have time to pour over schedules.

Take for example Trollopes' Barchester Chronicles.  These are being
broadcast from time to time in groups according to length.  Having the
PVR set up for these I do not have to search through the schedules and
the episodes appear in my file from time to time.  I have a few other
likely candidate programmes which I download by default and then delete
the rubbish when I have time to listen.

I do not recall a similar functionality being available on iPlayer but
it is the only intelligent means of catering for people who are busy or
away from their computers for days at a time.  I wonder if this might
form the basis of an argument for gaining a Nitro Key to create an app
which provides a similar service?

Thank you, that's very helpful. It looks like the Nitro interface is a
BBC-only thing until next year at least, but I've tagged your email and
will use it for ammunition.


This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
protection is active.

Hi Rob,
Thanks for the reply and glad my experience was helpful if not profound. 
 (I am still trying to keep up with the discussion at the same time as 
doing my books ready for the accountant.)

I later went back to the BBC site and noticed the tab for Favourites 
which looked as though it would serve my needs.  Enrolled as required 
and then tried to set up Opera on 3 and Afternoon on 3 - Thursday 
Opera Matinee, both of which worked (with correct syntax) on PVR.

I still have not worked out how to set this up using BBC Favourites. The 
BBC site is a nightmare; confusing issues with clips and excerpts and 
graphics I do not need and then not providing the simple feature I do 
want.  I shall refrain from a rant!!!

If any of the team here knows whether the Favourites page can provide 
what I want please let me know.  It would be really neat, and in keeping 
with everyones' objectives if one could use the BBC's own tools to give 
us at least part of what we need.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: some insights and thoughts

2014-11-02 Thread Budgie

On 02/11/14 17:56, artisticforge . wrote:


I have been talking with a friend, who is a presenter on BBC Radio 4
Extra. about the changes at the BBC.

For the past year I have noticed that changes have been made to
provide information where program episodes may be purchased.

Music programs have the Playlist detailing the music played and
where it may be purchased.

We both agree that the BBC archives are a Treasury trove that is worth
a good deal of £.

I have purchased many audiobooks off iTunes and

We both are of the opinion that the BBC is making changes to protect
the archives from being blundered.

who is going to purchase the Journey into Space - Operation Luna,
Journey into Space - The Red Planet and Journey into Space - The
World in Peril  series when they can download it off numerous web
sites? what is scary is that I can remember when the they were first
broadcast. ;-)

There are numerous other examples. Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, Ben
Moor's Undone series, EarthSearch series 1  2, The Paul Temple
series, The Charles Paris Mysteries, and the Lord Peter Wimsey series,
Doctor Who Audio Books from Big Finish Productions, Sebastian
Bacziewicz's Pilgrim series  and others.

We both wonder how many users of get_iplayer also support the BBC with
purchases of CDs and/or DVDs.

I tend to think that I am one of few.

I too remember the excitement of listening to the original broadcasts of 
Journey Into Space (well some of them) and have recently purchased the 
CD.  Sadly the original first series recording was lost I understand but 
a revised edition made some time later.  Still not had time to listen to 
the CD!!!

I understand your point about the value of the archives and the threat 
of them being blundered (sic) but we GiP fans are a small group and I 
feel do not represent a threat.  I believe it is the licence fee leakage 
that is the issue.  BBC will not wish to seek a change in legislation as 
that will open up a debate they do not want about the fee.   There are 
likely to be an increasing number of younger viewers who will however 
latch on to the time shift loophole and cease paying for licence. I 
remember when I was a student, friends using similar dodges to avoid 
trunk telephone calls etc.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Information Overload on GiP Changes

2014-11-01 Thread Budgie

On 31/10/14 23:36, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:

Budgie wrote:

First my grateful thanks for the massive amount of work which
dinkypumpkin and others have put into GiP.  I have made constant use of
--pvr facility, mainly for radio, over the last two years and am most
grateful for the work which has brought my family and me a great deal of
pleasure.  I too am deeply troubled by the loss of this facility.

I have been following the fast moving discussion and developments of
fall back options but regret have not been able to keep up.  In fact I
am left at starting gate.  Please could somebody point me to where I can
find out what exactly is Nitro API and where does it fit in with BBC.

NITRO is the new way that apps (including internal BBC ones) ask questions
of the database(s) of programmes etc and get answers back.  So for example
when you use the BBC website to search for all dramas, behind the scenes the
process is being handled by programmes following NITRO protocols.

It's irrelevant to us at the moment because- according to the BBC developers
website - no-one outside the BBC is beung granted access to write their own
code to interrogate that system directly.

Also I see references to JSON.  OK, JavaScript Object Notation but what
does it mean to me

Nothing unless you're a programmer.  It's a way of representing an
arbitrarily complicated data structure (eg a list of lists of lists of some
sets of information) in one long string of characters.  That string of
characters can be sent from one computer to another - eg as the answer to a
Nitro query - then the program that receives it can rebuild the list of
lists of lists... and manipulate it.

It's an alternative to representing a list of lists of lists... in an XML

Thanks Jeremy, that helps me understand a bit more.  Having continued to 
read on the BBC site it certainly seems to me they are working towards a 
closed system to prevent leakage of licence fees.

I guess the public will only get access to the iPlayer material if they 
have a TV licence or some new on-line license.  Just a guess but is it 
a credible threat?

Now to do some PID searches.

Thanks again,

get_iplayer mailing list

Information Overload on GiP Changes

2014-10-31 Thread Budgie
First my grateful thanks for the massive amount of work which 
dinkypumpkin and others have put into GiP.  I have made constant use of 
--pvr facility, mainly for radio, over the last two years and am most 
grateful for the work which has brought my family and me a great deal of 
pleasure.  I too am deeply troubled by the loss of this facility.

I have been following the fast moving discussion and developments of 
fall back options but regret have not been able to keep up.  In fact I 
am left at starting gate.  Please could somebody point me to where I can 
find out what exactly is Nitro API and where does it fit in with BBC.

Also I see references to JSON.  OK, JavaScript Object Notation but what 
does it mean to me and where does it fit in with GiP and BBC.  I 
thought, in my ignorance, that JavaScript was going the way of the brown 
ball.  Certainly I get grave warnings when it is used or fails to work 
on the web management interface of my L2 managed switch.

Hope to learn more in due course and with help.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Solutions to loss of RSS feed

2014-10-31 Thread Budgie

On 31/10/14 21:21, Rob Dixon wrote:

I apologise if this covers old ground. I have read most, but not all of
the mail that has arisen from this situation.

Three solutions to this situastion come to mind. From least to most

- Scrape the BBC web site directly for the information that used to come
from the RSS feeds. Apart from being a very clumsy approach, this is
almost certainly against the terms of service for the web site.

- Apply for a licence to use the Nitro API directly from get_iplayer,
and write a new interface to collect the necessary information from
there. This is by far the nicest of all options, but I doubt very much
whether the BCC would grant such a licence. At the moment, though, I
can't see any reason not to at least make the application. At least it
would demonstrate our willingess to be opend and cooperative.

- Write a new application that uses the Nitro API, ostensibly to provide
a different and more flexible way of viewing the BBC schedule, but
capable of exporting the information for use in get_iplayer. This could
even reconstruct the old XML RSS feeds, but I don't see a reason to add
such an awkward intermediate format.

This last option seems to me to be the most likely to succeed. I have
applied for a licence for my own use and I shall be experimenting with
what is possible. After some experimentation I will be glad to add an
export along the lines I have described, to be specified by those
responsible for get_iplayer.

What does the team think?

Having posted a request for help on finding out more about Nitro I have 
just found a relevant BBC Nitro page.  Having read their objectives:

The best integrations will do all three: they will surface the huge 
amount of available content (currently more than 500,000 programmes) in 
easy to navigate ways, they will be part of the open web, and they will 
entertain and inform users.  I wonder what exactly the BBC has against 
GiP.  I certainly like the sound of the last option and wish you well 
with your project.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer search and PVR functions no longer work - no fix available

2014-10-30 Thread Budgie

On 29/10/14 13:20, dinkypumpkin wrote:

The BBC have removed the programme data feeds used by get_iplayer, so
search and PVR functions no longer work. There is no programme
information to cache, and it was the cache that supported search and PVR
functions. There is no fix available at this time. You can still
download individual programmes via PID or URL.

get_iplayer mailing list

I wondered if something was wrong when I tried to get the radio index 
yesterday and found only one programme!

The podcast index still works but then these podcasts are, I believe, 
always available.

I have read but not studied the threads above concerning changes at the 
BBC and I mentioned over a year ago the implications for possible future 
encryption if they changed.  Looks like this may be happening by degree. 
 meanwhile for a non coder, what is the best way find required PID or 
URL to continue to get programmes while we can?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT podcast listings missing a digit

2014-10-01 Thread Budgie

On 01/10/14 16:33, Mark Rogers wrote:

On 1 October 2014 15:33, Owen Smith wrote:

I'm so used to Reply going to a sensible destination for all my other emails

There are two buttons: Reply and Reply All. There are two potential
actions: reply just to the sender, and reply to everyone.

Forget everything you think you know and try to match those two
actions up with the best button to use for each.

The problem is that you've been conditioned by other mailing lists to
expect something different, and this may well be the only list that
does it this way that you use, and it is your experience that is
defining what you consider to be sensible. Which is fair enough if
your experience is global (or sufficiently broad) so that others have
the same expectations. Very many lists work the same as this one
though, so many of us are used to this behaviour rather than the
reply goes to list behaviour. I suspect most of us have seen both
options and wish there was one standard (and, frankly, not care which
standard it was as long as it was global). But back in the real

Now, given that confusion is a given, (a) which makes most sense when
you take the various expectations based on past experience away, and
(b) which does least harm when it goes wrong. For the reasons above,
for (a) the behaviour here makes the most sense. For (b), is it better
that a public email stays private, or that a private email gets made
public? Surely the best option is one that never makes private email
public, and for that reason the behaviour here wins that one too.

But rest assured, *you* are not the problem. The issue is that various
list administrators over the years have changed the settings to make
things a bit easier for people who hit reply and wonder why it doesn't
go to everybody. Those people still have problems in normal email when
one is sent to a dozen people and whilst the reply is clearly intended
for everyone it only goes to one person due to them hitting Reply. The
second issue is that when some list admins make this hack, others
didn't. The third is that through luck (or lack of it) you've mostly
hit the hacked ones and learned to expect that behaviour.

As an aside, if you've ever replied privately to someone with a
problem, and included personal contact details in an offer to help fix
the problem, only to find that the contact details were sent to
everyone (I have...) you'll appreciate that private by default is a
good idea, not a bad one.


I have learnt to choose between Reply and Reply List.  It wasn't too 
difficult so I like the list as it is thanks.

I also prefer bottom posting.

I was slightly intrigued by the fact that the last two posts were 
thought by my mail system to be junk.

Waiting for a NAS to update and re-boot.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Can't find Horizon episode using PVR interface

2014-09-15 Thread Budgie

On 14/09/14 22:56, Geoff Soper wrote:

Hi Geoff,
Seeing your post I thought I had better check.  I find that I have the 
programme and it had been downloaded by pvr on 28 August when it was in 
the list.  However the episode title on the downloaded file and still 
using the PID you quoted is 5 not 3 as indicated on the BBC web site. 
Just one of those little BBC errors I guess!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Problem with thumbnails

2014-03-19 Thread Budgie

On 18/03/14 23:02, dinkypumpkin wrote:

On 18/03/2014 12:15, dinkypumpkin wrote:

There are a couple of things going on:

1. The default thumbnail URL generated by get_iplayer appears to no
longer be valid for some programmes.  For now, always use an explicit
--thumbsize=n, where n=1-6, or add it to your preferences.  If you
forget and get a solid grey thumbnail, you can use --thumbsize with
--thumbnail-only to re-download the thumbnail image.

2. The AtomicParsley error only occurs on Windows, and only with
get_iplayer HEAD.  I'm not sure why it has only begun to show up now,
but one of my earlier changes must have fallen foul of yet another
Windows gotcha.  For the moment, stick with the release version on
Windows until I can sort it out.

Fixes for both the above are now in get_iplayer HEAD.  The most
important thing is to make sure #2 is fixed.  If anyone sees Windows
AtomicParsley choking on thumbnails with latest HEAD, post the affected
programme episode here.  The issue never existed on other systems -
Windows only. As for #1, if you use the Web PVR you will still come
across solid grey thumbnails in the search results until the old
thumbnail URLs are flushed out of your caches over time.  However, the
downloaded files should have the correct thumbnail embedded.  Since the
Beeb splattered iPlayer with solid grey thumbnails, I can't help but
think it may a temporary problem on their side, but there is no point in
waiting to see if that's the case.

get_iplayer mailing list

Sorry to be so ignorant but I have the solid grey thumbnail problem and 
would like to fix.  Trouble is

1.	I have no idea what thumbsize to use.  How can I tell what has been 
used up until now.  Will experiment but then...

2.	Have used openSUSE repo version to date.  I am most grateful as are 
we all for dinkypumpkin's prompt fix.  I assume HEAD is a Git thing but 
please could somebody point me to the idiots guide on how to find and 


get_iplayer mailing list

pvr with apostrophe in title.

2014-03-15 Thread Budgie
Trying to add Michel Roux's Service to my pvr list.  Please could 
somebody tell me correct way to deal with the apostrophe.  The way I 
tried gave me three searches!!!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Seek Tables Missing from Radio Downloads

2014-01-01 Thread Budgie
On 17/12/13 00:18, Budgie wrote:
 I find that I am unable to use the progress bar on control point
 (BubbleDS) to select a point in mid programme on some downloaded radio
 files.  I have been advised that these .m4a files have no seek tables.
 I have searched for a while but cannot find out where and by what
 program these tables are built in the GiP download process.  Are they
 part of the data from the source or created during the downloading
 process?  If the latter, by which program?
 I am trying to understand the process a bit more so if anybody can help
 or point me to a good source of info so I can read up it would be much

I think my problem of .m4a files without seek tables stems from the
period when, after an update, I didn't have AtomicParsley (AP) correctly

Is it possible for me now to create seek information using AP?

Many of the files are long and since I do not need sound editing
precision when choosing a start point, is it possible to choose the
interval between data points to keep the seek data volume small?

Please could somebody help me here?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Strange mismatch of pid and radio program

2013-12-17 Thread Budgie
 to find a working UK proxy, too...

If you are comfortable with a code editor, you can temporarily
patch your local copy of the get_iplayer script to use the ms5
URL just for this specific problematic radio show, details are
within my Aug 2013 reply. IF YOU ARE TO GO DOWN THIS ROUTE,
AFTERWARDS! - I have found out that the ms5 URL messes up
TV downloads but I was unable to further investigate, as I am
perl illiterate :-(

I have briefly run the UK VPN just to test this, and it seems that

get_iplayer --type=radio -i --pid=b03kp831 --modes=flashaac --force

(from a UK IP) with a ms5 patched script begins to download the correct

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Checking existence of default version
INFO: flashaacstd1,flashaaclow1 modes will be tried for version default
INFO: Trying flashaacstd1 mode to record radio: Composer of the Week -
2. The Geyser Erupts
INFO: File name prefix =
RTMPDump v2.4-81-g2872601
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration  3540.55
INFO:   moovPosition  36.00
INFO:   audiocodecid  mp4a
INFO:   aacaot2.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate   44100.00
INFO:   audiochannels 2.00
INFO: tags:
INFO:   ┬σalb Composer of the Week - Iceland
INFO:   aART  BBC Radio 3
INFO:   ┬σART BBC Radio 3
INFO:   ┬σcmt Donald Macleod hears the 'original' geyser
in Icel
and and introduces works by Jon Leifs.
INFO:   cprt  British Broadcasting Corporation Copyright
2013, a
ll rights reserved.
INFO:   ┬σgen Podcast
INFO:   ┬σnam Composer of the Week - Iceland 10 12 2013
INFO:   ┬σday 2013
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   length156138496.00
INFO:   timescale 44100.00
INFO:   language  und
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletypemp4a

Hope you get it in time...


get_iplayer mailing list

Hi, just to let the OP know I have Composer of the Week as a regular 
download using pvr.  I have had no problems, I assume because pvr uses 
programme name not pid. Hope this helps.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Strange mismatch of pid and radio program

2013-12-17 Thread Budgie

Hi Vangelis,

On 17/12/13 17:09, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Tue Dec 17 13:25:23 GMT 2013, Budgie wrote:

I have Composer of the Week as a regular
download using pvr.
I have had no problems, I assume because pvr uses
programme name not pid.

Hello once again, Budgie!
I do hope you are sorting out your problematic audio files...

I wish!!!  Have been deflected by another problem; see my post 
concerning Seek Tables.

Without peaking into the internal intricacies of the PVR
(which I believe is part of the main get_iplayer perl script),
and only because I do not use it, I'd say that the PVR uses
the same mediaselector4 URL that the CLI does, so that
normally there shouldn't be a difference between the file
downloaded manually via the CLI or the one downloaded via
a scheduled PVR run; and - I stand to be corrected on that -
programme name not pid shouldn't make a difference either,
as the Programme Name eventually points GiP to a pid to
use for its download function...

Just to make sure, please check among the folder/list of your
Composer of the Week recordings that the episode for
Tue 10/12/2013 (titled  Iceland_2._The_Geyser_Erupts)
is indeed the correct one, with an ~ 1hr duration.

Looks OK to me.  Correct episode and duration 1:06:00 according to VLC. 
 Not tried to play it yet as it has not been uploaded to NAS.

If it is, then a logical explanation would be this:

Sometime after the first broadcast of the radio show
(that initially aired on Tue 10/12/2013 @12:00 GMT)
the beeb uploaded the correct 1hr long audio file on the CDN;
this remained there until later in that same day a scheduled
repeat of the show aired at 18:30 GMT - it shouldn't have been, but a
second (wrong) audio file was uploaded to the CDN, this one


and the ms4 URL redirected to this new one, while the ms5 URL still
pointed to the
correct initial one...

So it seems highly probable that you had been lucky and your scheduled
PVR run
was performed sometime during that short time frame between, say, 13:30
20:00 GMT last Tuesday, when only the one (correct) audio file was there
for grabs...

My --pvr runs as daily cron job at 02:10 hours.

OT: May I take this opportunity to wish all of those reading this a
very Merry Christmas (.i.e. for the Christians among you that observe
it) and
a Happy New Year (only the Gods and the BBC know what, if any, havoc awaits
get_iplayer and us users come next year, with the announced advent of DRM'd
audio downloads...)

Festive Greetings,

And to you my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year and thanks once 
more for your kind help.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Radio File Format Questions

2013-12-01 Thread Budgie

Hi Vangelis,
Top posting just to say thanks.  You have given me much to consider: 
More than I dared hope.  Will pursue over the next few days.  If I get 
stuck will start a new thread.

I have now proved to my satisfaction that my problem is due to issues at 
the BBC end.

My reference to flac was an aberration on my part.


On 01/12/13 05:22, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Sat Nov 30 23:14:55 GMT 2013, Budgie wrote:

Hi Vangelis,
I have been working on other stuff and only now return to sort out my
problem files.  Would you have time to help some more please?

Hello there Budgie :-) ; I was surprised, to say the least, that a 4.5
month old
thread was bumped... I'll try to do my best, but do keep in mind that I
have NO
knowledge of Open Source OSs, just the WindowsVista x86 I am running in
this aging laptop; I only hope you can extrapolate what I say to your
setup, else
the majority of the list members are savvy enough and can help you

I do have ffprobe but do not see any mention of HE-AACv2 or
AAC-LC when I run it on a problem file.  What I do see is :-

[Stream #0:0(und): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo,
fltp, 48 kb/s (default).

You may want to further investigate the capabilities of ffprobe by
printing its help

ffprobe -h  FFprobe Help.txt (this for Win).

What you'd need in your case is the more verbose command -show_streams.
Sacrificing the brevity of my reply, I've opted to illustrate this with
an example:

Running the following command (from a UK IP),
get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b03j5fxd --modes=flashaacstd --force -w
--file-prefix=aacla[b03fbbbt] --tag-podcast-radio

will get you what you've labeled as higher quality radio option; this
in fact is an MP4 container with the Apple
implemented .m4a extention (for Ipod compatible audio-only content),
which contains a AAC-LC audio stream @128kbpsABR.

ffprobe -show_streams aaclc[b03fbbbt].m4a

will produce a list of info; I'd have expected that ffprobe under
profile= would say
aac_low', but instead it says unknown.
However, you should pay attention to the following set of info:


This is indicative of the flashaacstd radio mode.

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b03j5fxd --modes=flashaaclow --force -w
--file-prefix=aache2[b03fbbbt] --tag-podcast-radio

will fetch the lower quality radio option, the one that IS NOT
SUPPORTED by your hardware player.

ffprobe -show_streams aache2[b03fbbbt].m4a

this time produces the next set of info:


which is indicative of the flashaaclow radiomode.
(codec_time_base=1/22050 signifies the presence of SBR, while
channels=1 may mean either a monaural stream, or, as is the case here,
the presence of Parametric Stereo [=PS]; AAC+SBR+PS= HE-AACv2 !
Please read further at )

Of course, with MediaInfo installed (on Windows), all is much simpler.
The programme injects a right-click context menu entry, which, when
selected, shows this info:


ID   : 1
Format   : AAC
Format/Info  : Advanced Audio Codec
Format profile   : LC
Codec ID : 40
Duration : 30mn 0s
Bit rate mode: Variable
Bit rate : 128 Kbps
Maximum bit rate : 192 Kbps
Channel(s)   : 2 channels
Channel positions: Front: L R
Sampling rate: 44.1 KHz


ID   : 1
Format   : AAC
Format/Info  : Advanced Audio Codec
Format profile   : HE-AACv2 / HE-AAC / LC
Codec ID : 40
Duration : 30mn 0s
Bit rate mode: Constant
Bit rate : 48.0 Kbps
Channel(s)   : 2 channels / 1 channel / 1 channel
Channel positions: Front: L R / Front: C / Front: C
Sampling rate: 44.1 KHz / 44.1 KHz / 22.05 KHz

I would urge you to install MediaInfo for your distro, if you
haven't done already, because it is way more practical in examining
media files than the CLI ffprobe - please ask for further help, if needed,
about installing it on your OS, as I am clueless in this field... :-{

I interpret this to mean that I have downloaded the flashaaclow
version which from your advice I interpret to be the HE-AACv2 encoded
version.  Is that correct?Judging only by the declared bitrate (= 48
kb/s), then YES - but if you had the patience to

read through my elaboration above, then you'd have figured this out
already :-)

Since I have no idea why I get these files from time to time

I can safely say that most probably it's

Re: Radio File Format Questions

2013-11-30 Thread Budgie

On 14/07/13 13:37, Vangelis forthnet wrote:

On Sat Jul 13 15:52:02 BST 2013, Budgie wrote:

As usual, a couple of questions.

Is the file format HE-AAC v2 the normal output for a low bit rate
download or is it another, to me, anomaly?

Yes, 'flashaaclow' radiomode yields an audio file packaged in an MP4
(whose format profile is Apple audio with iTunes info, hence the .m4a
which in it contains a raw ADTS (audio data transport stream) .aac file
encoded in
HE-AACv2 as you correctly state; HE-AAC is AAC+SBR, v2 indicates the use of
PS (parametric stereo). The encode uses a VBR with a mean value of 48kbps.
NB that if you come from a non-UK IP, this is the only audio quality
available to you
for National Stations.
If in the UK, the default high quality mode (= flashaac/flashaacstd) is
again an
.m4a file, but the audio stream contained therein is encoded in AAC LC
(no SBR, no PS)
@ 128kbps (320kbps for Radio 3) ABR, that's why it is more compatible
with software/
hardware players.
Depending on the player used, the PS part may be skipped (audio plays in
mono), or both
PS+SBR skipped, in which case audio plays in mono and in very low
quality, since only
half the sampling rate is used.
In my Windows setup I haven't come across a software player that does
not play at least
the AAC part of a HE-AACv2 encode. But hardware players (like your
network player here:

) behave differently; the features list of yours only mentions a
generic AAC decoding support,
so it may be expected that it does not support HE-AAC (try a World
Service download) or
HE-AACv2, as you have found out.

On your laptop, any ffmpeg based software player (FFplay, + the ones you
can play fully HE-AACv2 audio streams.

What programme can I use to find out the detailed information of what is
in each .m4a file?

As a generic multimedia file investigator, you can use the CLI FFprobe,

which, together with FFplay, is part of the FFmpeg package - if it isn't
for your OS, maybe its fork avprobe is:

As a personal choice though, I'd recommend MediaInfo - it comes both as
and is available for a plethora of OSes, including yours (openSUSE 12.2)

what would you recommend I run to change
the format of the sound file and to what format?

dinkypumpkin in your answer to you has kindly suggested a recode from
HE-AACv2 - AAC-LC through FFmpeg (or avconv). If your FFmpeg
is built with support for one of the non-free AAC encoders (libfaac or the
far better libfdk_aac), then I guess it'd be fine,
but the native encoder (-c:a aac -strict -2)
lacks in performance, especially in music parts -
for speech is fine.

If I can humbly share my opinion, I have found that a transcode from
HE-AACv2 @48kbps - LAME MP3 @ 96kbps (for spoken content) /
112 (or even 128) kbps (for music content) is more than adequate and I
propose that, since your SneakyDS does play MP3 files.



Hi Vangelis,
I have been working on other stuff and only now return to sort out my 
problem files.  Would you have time to help some more please?

First question concerns diagnosis of the files which do not play on Linn 
device.  I do have ffprobe but do not see any mention of HE-AACv2 or 
AAC-LC when I run it on a problem file.  What I do see is :-

Stream #0:0(und): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo, 
fltp, 48 kb/s (default).


I interpret this to mean that I have the downloaded the flashaaclow 
version which from your advice I interpret to be the HE-AACv2 encoded 
version.  Is that correct?

Since I have no idea why I get these files from time to time I assume I 
do not have get_iplayer set up correctly so that is cannot download in 
this format.  First request then is what should I put in my options file 
to ensure I only get the higher quality radio options?

Second question is please could you help with ffmpeg command line to 
convert these files to files that will play as suggested previously by 
dinkypumpkin.  I regret my knowledge is not up to doing it without more 
help with command options.

Finally I note I could transcode on downloading and save these files as 
mp3 files but is it also possible to transcode to flac?

Grateful for any further help when you have time.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Recent issue with AtomicParsley?

2013-11-11 Thread Budgie

Hi dinkypumpkin,

On 03/11/13 23:07, Budgie wrote:

Hi dinkypumpkin,

On 03/11/13 18:45, dinkypumpkin wrote:

You need to provide full path to AP, not just directory:

--atomicparsley /usr/local/bin/AtomicParsley

You don't need this if /usr/local/bin is in path before /usr/bin (or
you've removed the old version of AP)

Many thanks for clear directions.  Done my housekeeping using package
manager and /usr/local/bin is before usr/bin in PATH so all OK for new
version of AtomicParsley.

The thumbnail was saved separately in a .jpg file.  My mistake?

Thumbnail must be saved in separate file for AP to add it to MP4 files.
  Unless you use --thumb option, thumbnail is normally deleted after
successful tagging.

Yes but on these occasions the .jpg file was not deleted because the
tagging failed at the last step.  I have run on all the faulty episodes
again with new AtomicParsley and all is now OK again.

I have now just upgraded to version 2.84.  Should I clear the swfVfy
line from prefs?

Yes.  See Reverting Your Changes in:

Thanks for the link.  Job done and all still OK.
Many many thanks once more.

Well I posted too soon it appears.  I have done the upgrading of AP as 
directed (it reports version 0.9.5 (utf8) and was obtained from the link 
you sent)  and get_iplayer (version 2.84) running on openSUSE 12.2 

I am sure all was working well after the upgrading and housekeeping.  No 
error messages so I had assumed all was well but now having loaded into 
NAS I find there are no thumbnails and the tagging is not working at all.

Should I have put an instruction in prefs pointing to AtomicParsley?


get_iplayer mailing list

Tagging problem when using pvr (Was recent issue with AtomicParsley)

2013-11-11 Thread Budgie
Running get_iplayer 2.84 with AtomicParsley 0.9.5 on openSUSE 64 bit.  I 
am still trying to diagnose the problem but it appears that if I do a 
download from a terminal all is well and downloads are correctly tagged.

However the downloads resulting from pvr are not tagged.

In my ignorance I wonder if it is a permission issue?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tagging problem when using pvr (Was recent issue with AtomicParsley)

2013-11-11 Thread Budgie

Hi Jeremy and dinkypumpkin

On 11/11/13 19:20, dinkypumpkin wrote:

It depends on how you're launching the web pvr.  If you're launching it
from the prompt while logged in with the same account and using the same
output directory, it shouldn't work any differently than the cli.  If
you're doing something else, explain what it is.

web pvr?!!  I just set up my pvr download list using cli.  It is run as 
a cron job in the early hours.

The first thing to do is to establish if AP is running.  Download
something in the web pvr and look at the output in the download window.
  Any output related to AP will be at the bottom.  It it dies or cannot
be launched by get_iplayer, there should be an error message.  If it
works, you'll see this:

INFO: MP4 tagging M4A file

Started writing to temp file.
Progress: ===100%
Finished writing to temp file.

AP runs fine when I do downloads from cli.
What I can do now is to remove a recent pvr download from download 
history and run it again, however this will still be from cli whereas I 
suspect the cron job will be a different account.  Hence my suspicion 
that it is a permissions issue.

Assuming it runs OK, you can use AP to do a quick check on the file:

AtomicParsley filename -t

should print out the tags.

When I run AP on the file from nightly pvr run the only tag I get is 
Atom ©too contains: Lavf55.12.100

So no tagging there.
When I run it on the same file downloaded using cli I get half a page of 
tag info and all as it should be.

I've never used the PVR so don't know if what I'm going to say makes
Possibly specifying   --verbose   somewhere - in a command string or
in the
preferences file(?) might produce more detailed output (or does the
PVR hide
that from you?) enabling you to see what happens.

You would indeed have to use --prefs-add and --prefs-del with --verbose
to add/remove it in the options file in order for it work with the web
pvr.  But --verbose may not be much help.  All it does is print the AP
command invoked by get_iplayer.  Before going that far, do as I
suggested above to establish what is actually happening on your machine.

OK.  I can easily add --verbose if needed.  I shall try running pvr from 
cli as noted above first.  If that does not give me the problem I shall 
need to fiddle about a bit to set up a new cron job but I am not sure 
how I can arrange to see what is happening as cron jobs run in 
background.  Back to my linux primer I think!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tagging problem when using pvr (Was recent issue with AtomicParsley)

2013-11-11 Thread Budgie

Hi dinkypumpkin,
How you found that link I have no idea but that is it.  Cron requires 
the setting up of environment.  I had assumed it would pick up mine as 
there is a button for Personal Cron.  Have run the script from your 
link and now I can see the environment variables have been set.

Once again I am in your debt for fixing my problem and teaching me 
somthing I didn't know.

Best wishes and thanks again.

ps Sorry to learn about your unfortunate brain condition.  Sadly asprin 
doesn't cure it I understand.

On 11/11/13 20:29, dinkypumpkin wrote:

On 11/11/2013 20:22, Budgie wrote:

web pvr?!!  I just set up my pvr download list using cli.  It is run as
a cron job in the early hours.

Sorry - got Windows on the brain lately

What I can do now is to remove a recent pvr download from download
history and run it again, however this will still be from cli whereas I
suspect the cron job will be a different account.  Hence my suspicion
that it is a permissions issue.

If you're using cron it is more likely that the PATH exposed to the pvr
job doesn't contain /usr/local/bin.  See this thread:

get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Radio Download Skipped Even with --force

2013-11-05 Thread Budgie

On 04/11/13 23:52, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:

Budgie wrote:

OK I shall try again but I did use --force and this usually does what is

If you download a programme, then watch/listen to it and delete it or move
the file somewhere else on your computer, then try to download it again, GiP
will fail because the download history says you've previously downloaded it.
  The --force option overrides that.

But the problem this time was that the file that GiP intended to put the
newly downloaded programme into already existed.  Using --force didn't solve
the file existence problem, just the already-downloaded it one.

Now I understand.  Hadn't appreciated the distinction.  Neat.
Have now achieved successful download.  No idea why the first one went 
wrong but original file was rubbish so once deleted and using --force 
all want by the book.

Thanks again.

get_iplayer mailing list

Radio Download Skipped Even with --force

2013-11-04 Thread Budgie
Trying to download an episode of Classic Serial.  For reasons only they 
Know, BBC has used the same title for episode 5 and episode 6.  I have 5 
and am trying to get 6 but the download fails.  Here is the text from 

IBMx3400:~ get_iplayer --get 10823 --type=radio --force
get_iplayer v2.84, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use 
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under 

  conditions; use --conditions for details.

10823:  Classic Serial - Sword of Honour: 6. Unconditional Surrender, 
BBC Radio 4, Classic  Period,Drama,Popular,Radio

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Checking existence of default version
INFO: flashaacstd1,flashaaclow1 modes will be tried for version default
INFO: Trying flashaacstd1 mode to record radio: Classic Serial - Sword 
of Honour: 6. Unconditional Surrender
INFO: File name prefix = 

already exists

INFO: skipping this programme
INFO: You may wish to try --modes=wma for version default
INFO: Note that wma mode is real-time only, and thus is generally only 
suitable for recording live radio.
ERROR: Failed to record 'Classic Serial - Sword of Honour: 6. 
Unconditional Surrender (b03g8gv7)'


Not seen these symptoms before.  Could it be result of recent updates 
and my errors?

Grateful for some help please.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Recent issue with AtomicParsley?

2013-11-03 Thread Budgie

Hi dinkypumpkin,

On 03/11/13 00:08, dinkypumpkin wrote:

On 02/11/2013 23:31, Budgie wrote:

*** glibc detected *** AtomicParsley: free(): invalid next size

This has come up before:

It should be fixed in latest AP.  You don't say what distro you use, but
it's a good bet you have an outdated version of AtomicParsley.  You
should build from source to avoid these occasional glitches.  See:

Instructions are on Overview page.  Download the tip archive (can just
use Download link on Overview page).  It will report version 0.9.5
when you run AtomicParsley -v, but for some reason the maintainer has
refused for over a year to actually tag the 0.9.5 release.

Very many thanks for this.  Done exactly as explained.
A couple of further questions which displays my ignorance once more.

The new installation has been put in /usr/local/bin but the version I 
had before is in /usr/bin.  Should I do some house keeping to clean out 
previous version?

How does get_iplayer know which one to use?
Thanks again,

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Recent issue with AtomicParsley?

2013-11-03 Thread Budgie

On 03/11/13 13:03, Budgie wrote:

Hi dinkypumpkin,

On 03/11/13 00:08, dinkypumpkin wrote:

On 02/11/2013 23:31, Budgie wrote:

*** glibc detected *** AtomicParsley: free(): invalid next size

This has come up before:

It should be fixed in latest AP.  You don't say what distro you use, but
it's a good bet you have an outdated version of AtomicParsley.  You
should build from source to avoid these occasional glitches.  See:

Instructions are on Overview page.  Download the tip archive (can just
use Download link on Overview page).  It will report version 0.9.5
when you run AtomicParsley -v, but for some reason the maintainer has
refused for over a year to actually tag the 0.9.5 release.

Very many thanks for this.  Done exactly as explained.
A couple of further questions which displays my ignorance once more.

The new installation has been put in /usr/local/bin but the version I
had before is in /usr/bin.  Should I do some house keeping to clean out
previous version?

How does get_iplayer know which one to use?
Thanks again,

OK.  Having read longhelp I instructed the path to the new atomicparsley 
using --atomicparsley /usr/local/bin and this time there was no stack 
dump but an error message concerning the thumbnail:-

SERIES --artwork 
failed at /usr/bin/get_iplayer line 2709.


The thumbnail was saved separately in a .jpg file.  My mistake?

Going back to housekeeping I checked my prefs and note I still am using 
version 2.82 with the swfVfy instruction which corrected for a change at 
the bbc end.

I have now just upgraded to version 2.84.  Should I clear the swfVfy 
line from prefs?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Recent issue with AtomicParsley?

2013-11-03 Thread Budgie

Hi dinkypumpkin,

On 03/11/13 18:45, dinkypumpkin wrote:

You need to provide full path to AP, not just directory:

--atomicparsley /usr/local/bin/AtomicParsley

You don't need this if /usr/local/bin is in path before /usr/bin (or
you've removed the old version of AP)

Many thanks for clear directions.  Done my housekeeping using package 
manager and /usr/local/bin is before usr/bin in PATH so all OK for new 
version of AtomicParsley.

The thumbnail was saved separately in a .jpg file.  My mistake?

Thumbnail must be saved in separate file for AP to add it to MP4 files.
  Unless you use --thumb option, thumbnail is normally deleted after
successful tagging.

Yes but on these occasions the .jpg file was not deleted because the 
tagging failed at the last step.  I have run on all the faulty episodes 
again with new AtomicParsley and all is now OK again.

I have now just upgraded to version 2.84.  Should I clear the swfVfy
line from prefs?

Yes.  See Reverting Your Changes in:

Thanks for the link.  Job done and all still OK.
Many many thanks once more.

get_iplayer mailing list

Recent issue with AtomicParsley?

2013-11-02 Thread Budgie
I have been recording the Book at Bedtime - The Goldfinch.  Having just 
uploaded to NAS and tried to play I have found that episodes 4, 6 and 7 
have a problem  With episode 4 I only get about 10, minutes and it will 
not play.  (May need to move the moov atom but definitely something 
missing)  Sadly this is no longer available.

Episodes 6 and 7 download OK but fail to tag.  Episodes 9 and 10 seem OK.

I assume it is a problem at BBC end but has anybody else had this 
problem.  This is the message I received:-

*** glibc detected *** AtomicParsley: free(): invalid next size 
(normal): 0x00f59b90 ***

=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 
0040-00447000 r-xp  08:02 152773 
00646000-00647000 r--p 00046000 08:02 152773 
00647000-0065 rw-p 00047000 08:02 152773 

0065-0066a000 rw-p  00:00 0
00f55000-00f76000 rw-p  00:00 0 
7f122560-7f122579b000 r-xp  08:02 1313293 
7f122579b000-7f122599b000 ---p 0019b000 08:02 1313293 
7f122599b000-7f122599f000 r--p 0019b000 08:02 1313293 
7f122599f000-7f12259a1000 rw-p 0019f000 08:02 1313293 

7f12259a1000-7f12259a5000 rw-p  00:00 0
7f12259a5000-7f12259ba000 r-xp  08:02 1313430 
7f12259ba000-7f1225bb9000 ---p 00015000 08:02 1313430 
7f1225bb9000-7f1225bba000 r--p 00014000 08:02 1313430 
7f1225bba000-7f1225bbb000 rw-p 00015000 08:02 1313430 
7f1225bbb000-7f1225cb r-xp  08:02 1313301 
7f1225cb-7f1225eb ---p 000f5000 08:02 1313301 
7f1225eb-7f1225eb1000 r--p 000f5000 08:02 1313301 
7f1225eb1000-7f1225eb2000 rw-p 000f6000 08:02 1313301 
7f1225eb2000-7f1225f9a000 r-xp  08:02 141899 
7f1225f9a000-7f122619a000 ---p 000e8000 08:02 141899 
7f122619a000-7f12261a2000 r--p 000e8000 08:02 141899 
7f12261a2000-7f12261a4000 rw-p 000f 08:02 141899 

7f12261a4000-7f12261b9000 rw-p  00:00 0
7f12261b9000-7f12261ce000 r-xp  08:02 1313332 
7f12261ce000-7f12263cd000 ---p 00015000 08:02 1313332 
7f12263cd000-7f12263ce000 r--p 00014000 08:02 1313332 
7f12263ce000-7f12263cf000 rw-p 00015000 08:02 1313332 
7f12263cf000-7f12263f r-xp  08:02 1314169 

7f12265cb000-7f12265d rw-p  00:00 0
7f12265ee000-7f12265f rw-p  00:00 0
7f12265f-7f12265f1000 r--p 00021000 08:02 1314169 
7f12265f1000-7f12265f2000 rw-p 00022000 08:02 1314169 

7f12265f2000-7f12265f3000 rw-p  00:00 0
79603000-79625000 rw-p  00:00 0 
79775000-79776000 r-xp  00:00 0 
ff60-ff601000 r-xp  00:00 0 

INFO: Command exit code 2 (raw code = 6)
WARNING: Failed to tag M4A file

I am posting here just in case there is something I have done wrong. 
Can anybody shine any light on the above error message?


get_iplayer mailing list

Radio File Format Questions

2013-07-13 Thread Budgie
Further to my attempts to sort out my radio downloads, the size anomaly, 
which has been explained and non playing of some files, I found that the 
low bitrate file I mentioned earlier would not play on my Linn SneakyDS 
but the larger file did play.  Both files played well on other renderers.

I sought help on the Linn forum and this is the consequential post  from 
bubbleguuum, addressed to Linn Development Forum:-

[quote]Here's a HE-AAC v2 file that doesn't play on a DS.
It is from a BBC podcast.

It is an 48Kbps AAC SBR+PS file. foobar2000 and VLC play it.
Playing it to a DS fails silently. [quote]

As usual, a couple of questions.

Is the file format HE-AAC v2 the normal output for a low bit rate 
download or is it another, to me, anomaly?

What programme can I use to find out the detailed information of what is 
in each .m4a file?  I have used AtomicParsley to discover tagging 
metadata and then qtfaststart to sort out order of atoms where for 
whatever reason, these have been screwed up.

Pending Linn sorting out their DS player what would you recommend I run 
to change the format of the sound file and to what format?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Error when starting get_iplayer (0xc0000142)

2013-07-12 Thread Budgie

On 12/07/13 18:20, Alexis Fotiadis wrote:


1. Windows 8 update (Thu morning)
2. Low battery shutdown
3. get_player = 0xc142 error
4. reinstalled get_player - same error
5. System Restore to before update - same error
6. sfc/scannow  C: scan - Corrupt files successfully repaired.
- get_iplayer goes through BBC cache then exits.
7. uninstalled get_player
8. reboot
9. Windows 8 update (same as before, which I'd rolled back with System Restore)
10. reinstalled get_player - 0xc142 error

 From that it seems to be the Windows 8 update that's causing the 0xc142 
error. Not sure what else I can try...

I run Win 8 (64 bit), fully patched and have no problems with
get_iplayer, so the problem seems to be specific to your rig (sorry
that its no real help!)

I did another System Restore to the weekend when v2.83 worked i.e. before the 
latest Win 8 update, just to confirm. The 0xc142 error no longer appears! 
But get_iplayer again has the same problem that I had since November :-( So the 
issue is definitely a Windows gremlin, possibly specific to my Samsung laptop?

Current issue:
Run get_iplayer.cmd
cmd prompt window appears
  - get_player v2.83, Copywrite etc
  - scrolls through list of currently available BBC programs
  - Total: ~1000
  - cmd prompt window appears


You could, of course, switch to a user friendly linux operating system.
I use openSUSE with KDE desktop and have great results on my laptop.
My wife otoh has windows 7 on her laptop and is always having to ask me
to help sort out problems.  Forgive the slightly OT post but any port in
a storm!

I don't think I'm computer-literate enough (or currently have the time to learn 
to be) to change operating system...Windows is 'usually' ok for my level of 
computer usage. Aside from my current get_iplayer issues that is :-)

get_iplayer mailing list

I understand, but most of the pain has long since been removed from the 
transition to linux.  (There has been a recent new problem due to the 
introduction of the secure boot but there are solutions and 
documentation is improving all the time.)

Remember Linux is free so you can try out many versions using live CD 
approach which does not change anything on your machine and enables you 
to get an idea of compatibility with your system and the various 
desktops available.  Also you can get informed and good support from the 

Something for a rainy day perhaps.  Meanwhile good luck with getting 
your get_iplayer problem resolved.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: File size anomaly with radio downloads

2013-07-11 Thread Budgie

On 11/07/13 01:13, bat guano wrote:

, I would

like to understand why the file for the first episode is so much
smaller.  How can I find this out.

Probably because it is the low bitrate version (48Kbps).
Check it out with MediaInfo program.

for future spoken word downloads to
keep file sizes down?

Add --mode=flashaaclow to the command .
(Though I've found that low bitrate versions are sometimes not available for 
*all* the radio shows)

This is a sample command to try:-
get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b036jc3t --mode=flashaaclow  

Thank you.  That was it.  Not through any action on my part so it must 
just have been availability issue.  At least I have learnt something!

Thanks for the help with bitrate options.  Because I want the higher 
quality for music and most downloads are done using pvr as a cron task, 
I assume it is possible to include the mode setting in the pvr setting 
for the particular series.  Will try and sort this out.

Thanks again to both dinkypumpkin and bat guano.

get_iplayer mailing list

File size anomaly with radio downloads

2013-07-10 Thread Budgie
Dolphin reports the downloaded file size of The News Quiz Series 79 
Episode 1 to be 10.5 MiB but Episodes 2 to 8 to be 27.8 MiB.

I picked this up during trouble shooting because Episode 1 does not play 
through my normal renderer when served by Minimserver server.  The other 
Episodes do play from this server.

Episode 1 plays just fine using NFS share and VLC so file is complete, 
but before I dig further into why the first file does not play, I would 
like to understand why the file for the first episode is so much 
smaller.  How can I find this out.

Since for spoken word, as opposed to opera, the smaller file sounds 
fine, what can I do to reduce the file size for the larger files I have 
now and what prefs should I be using for future spoken word downloads to 
keep file sizes down?


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Thumbnails for Radio Programmes

2013-07-05 Thread Budgie

On 05/07/13 00:15, dinkypumpkin wrote:

On 05/07/2013 00:04, Budgie wrote:

Still need help here on this please.

Did my earlier reply offer no help?  If not, you'd better restate the
problem, because I told you exactly how to found out if MP4 files
contain thumbnails.

Is it possible that there has been a problem with AtomicParsley as
tagging also seems adrift.

You've got to provide more information than adrift.

From where should I get latest version of AP for use on openSUSE 12.2?

Same place as the version for 12.3:

Not the very latest version, but good enough for your purposes.

get_iplayer mailing list

I had my workstation fail a while back and have been too busy to do much 
at the keyboard other than having terrible time trying to get old SCSI 
cards to work in replacement mobo.  Meanwhile am running on another 
machine and have not done anything to downloads until recently, when I 
batch uploaded the files that had accumulated to my NAS.  I said adrift 
because the thumbnails on this batch of files were absent from the 
control point screen but I had not done any further checking until now.

Well that explains the problem.  I have had no AtomicParsley for three 
months worth of downloads.  I have no idea how, when or why this was 
removed but too late to cry now.  Have restored it and trust all is now 
OK.  Will report back if not.

For most of the stuff I download, the programmes use the same thumbnail 
each week so it may not be a problem for the majority and I can live 
without them if it comes to the worst.  I have read some instructions on 
recovering artwork which I shall re-visit but how long would this be 

Many thanks once more.

get_iplayer mailing list

Thumbnails for Radio Programmes

2013-06-26 Thread Budgie
I have just transferred about three month's worth of downloads to my NAS 
media server where they are served by minimserver.  Sadly it looks as 
though I have messed up, as none of the files has a thumbnail showing 
whereas all almost all the previously saved radio programmes do have a 
thumbnail which shows when I view library from renderer control device.

Is there any easy way to check the .m4a file to see if a thumbnail is 
What should my prefs be to ensure download includes thumbnail and that 
it is included within the file?

I confess I had this problem before but cannot access the old email 
messages as I am still trying to get legacy SCSI card to work with new 
mobo.  If anyone has time I would be grateful for help.


get_iplayer mailing list