Re: [gmx-users] Zinc (Zn) parameters

2008-07-25 Thread Maik Goette

Hi Ramon

As Tsjerk already mentioned, its generally not that easy with such an 
"exotic" metal.
Depending on the question you want to get answered, certain aspects 
should be regarded.
If the zinc is just keeping the structure in the correct conformation, 
and is not directly included in the region of interest, the probably 
easiest way is to use the bonded method, where you simply introduce 
bonds, which keep the ZN in place (due to LINCS or SHAKE). A harmonic 
potential didn't work here (for me).
However, if this is not possible because it resides e.g. in a  catalytic 
center of interest, its not that easy.
The cationic dummy method is probably hard to apply, because the 
construction of virtual particles in GROMACS depends on at least two 
real particles. This is obviously not true for one ZN atom.
Therefore, the best you can do is, using Tsjerks hint and compute the 
charge on your ZN in its environment via QM and see, if it remains, 
where it should.
I observed, that ZN likes to leave its place, when complexed to 2 CYS 
and 2 HIS, given a charge of ~ 0.7.

Maybe, also dependent on your interest, QM/MM could help here.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2305
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Ramon Crehuet wrote:

Dear Gromacs users,
I am planing to do MD of an enzyme that has a Zn in its active site. Up
to now I have used QM/MM or ONIOM approaches but now I need to perform a
long MD and would like to model the Zn with MM, preferably in OPLS.
I know that there are three possible approaches: Bonded, nonbonded and
cationic dummy atom. I have seen a thread, where Maik Goette said that
onyl the bonded approach worked. I would like to know in more detail
what kind of problems could I encounter. What does "not work" imply?
Weeks of unreliable calculations...?
I would also be very grateful if people working in this area could send
me some reference publications, in particular of what can be done with
Gromacs. I have only found: "Zinc binding in proteins and solution: A
simple but accurate nonbonded representation" Roland H. Stote, Martin
Karplus, 1995.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: [gmx-users] Strange dV/dl profile in free energy calculation

2008-07-09 Thread Maik Goette


Always hard to tell, cause one doesn't know, if your parameters are 
correct ;)

Anyway, the LJ-part always looks a bit unintuitive, probably due to 
softcore. I saw similar curves in my base-deletions. I think, you can 
trust the curve.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2305
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Robert Johnson wrote:

Hello everyone,

Sorry if you get this twice. It seems to me that the previous message
didn't go through.

I'm computing the binding free energy of DNA bases (just the base, no
sugar, no phosphate) on a carbon
nanotube following the prescirption of the Dill group Wiki
and the Boresch paper (J. Phys. Chem. B., 107, 9535, 2003). I split my
calculation up into two parts. In the first part, I turn off all the
charges in my DNA base (guanine in this case). In the second part, I
turn off all the LJ parameters. I run MD at each lambda value for 15
ns. An image of the dV/dl plot obtained from the previous
simulations is located here: The
error bars are included in the graph (they are very
small...less than 1 kJ/mol in all cases).

My concern is the dV/dl curve for turning off the LJ parameters (i.e.
making the base "disappear") looks fairly strange. First it increases
and then decreases to a minimum value at lambda=0.8, and then
increases again. This looks significantly different than the identical
curve for disappearing a methane molecule in water:
The methane calculation followed the steps discussed in the Dill group
Wiki and agrees with the result reported there. Is there anyone who
has some experience performing these calculations that can comment on
my curve for the DNA base? Does my curve look reasonable?

Bob Johnson
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Re: [gmx-users] Free energy of discharging and then recharging not zero

2008-05-20 Thread Maik Goette

Hi Robert

I wouldn't expect that either. Morphing G to A should yield quite 
reasonable results, cause you just have few dummies in your system.

The process, you describe is the way, one would think of, yes.
Just to get you right. Are you swithing off charges of a whole base or 
nucleotide? In the case of a nucleotide, you morph away one netto 
charge. That could be problematic with PME (?). Maybe trying reaction 
field could help here.

Now, if you turn off the charges of the base and then turn it on again, 
both contributions should actually lead to the same values, as David said.
As long, as no dummies are involved, everything should run smooth. I 
suggest, you simply do position restrained simulations at the discrete 
lambda steps, when turning on/off your charges. Maybe, they converge 
faster then. This would indicate a sampling problem, indeed.

For a purine to pyrimidine morph (or vice versa), I'm still convinced, 
that you would have to sample for ages to get a converged system, though.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Robert Johnson wrote:

Hi Maik,
That's exactly what I'm attempting to do...morph G to A etc. All I'm
doing here is turning off the charges of G and then turning them on
again. Wouldn't you do this anyway in the morph step? Wouldn't the
process go something like: Turn off charges -> Morph LJ parameters ->
Turn on charges.

It seems like I've got to be doing something wrong. I can't believe
that simply turning off/on the charges would drastically perturb the
entire system and prevent convergence.

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Maik Goette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Robert

 Sounds familiar to me. I also tried to compute free energy differences by
letting whole bases appear/disappear. I ran into the same problems and
haven't found a solution yet. Probably the perturbation is too large to gain
converged results. My solution was stopping those simulations.
 This doesn't sound promising, I know, but actually, I fear, there is no
proper solution. Maybe you should morph G to A or T to C or something like
that, where just a few atoms have to be perturbed.


 Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
 Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
 Theoretical & computational biophysics department
 Am Fassberg 11
 37077 Goettingen
 Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
 Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
 Email : mgoette[at]
 WWW   :

 Robert Johnson wrote:

Hello everyone,
I'm trying to calculate the free energy of binding of DNA bases on a
carbon nanotube. I'm running some tests to make sure that I'm doing
everything correctly. One thing I tried was turning off all the atom
charges of the DNA base and then turning them back on again.
Theoretically, the free energy changes of these two processes should
be equal and opposite and thus sum to zero. However, this is not what
I'm finding.

For guanine, I get a free energy change of 648 kJ/mol and -618 kJ/mol
for turning off and turning on the charges, respectively. Obviously,
they are not equal by 30 kJ/mol, which seems pretty big. I have done
some error estimation using the g_analyze -ee program. One thing I
find strange is that the error estimates in dV/dl for TURNING ON the
charges is large (over 2) and do not even converge for a 7.5 ns
simulation. In contrast, the error in dV/dl for TURNING OFF the
charges converges extremely quickly (using small block sizes of 50 or
less) and is smaller at 0.3. So it seems like I have some sampling
problems with the TURNING ON portion. Is there some reason why you
must sample a longer trajectory when turning on the charges?

I'm following the procedures of

Does anyone know the reason for the discrepancy between these two
(seemingly identical) processes?


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Re: [gmx-users] Free energy of discharging and then recharging not zero

2008-05-08 Thread Maik Goette

Hi Robert

Sounds familiar to me. I also tried to compute free energy differences 
by letting whole bases appear/disappear. I ran into the same problems 
and haven't found a solution yet. Probably the perturbation is too large 
to gain converged results. My solution was stopping those simulations.
This doesn't sound promising, I know, but actually, I fear, there is no 
proper solution. Maybe you should morph G to A or T to C or something 
like that, where just a few atoms have to be perturbed.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Robert Johnson wrote:

Hello everyone,
I'm trying to calculate the free energy of binding of DNA bases on a
carbon nanotube. I'm running some tests to make sure that I'm doing
everything correctly. One thing I tried was turning off all the atom
charges of the DNA base and then turning them back on again.
Theoretically, the free energy changes of these two processes should
be equal and opposite and thus sum to zero. However, this is not what
I'm finding.

For guanine, I get a free energy change of 648 kJ/mol and -618 kJ/mol
for turning off and turning on the charges, respectively. Obviously,
they are not equal by 30 kJ/mol, which seems pretty big. I have done
some error estimation using the g_analyze -ee program. One thing I
find strange is that the error estimates in dV/dl for TURNING ON the
charges is large (over 2) and do not even converge for a 7.5 ns
simulation. In contrast, the error in dV/dl for TURNING OFF the
charges converges extremely quickly (using small block sizes of 50 or
less) and is smaller at 0.3. So it seems like I have some sampling
problems with the TURNING ON portion. Is there some reason why you
must sample a longer trajectory when turning on the charges?

I'm following the procedures of

Does anyone know the reason for the discrepancy between these two
(seemingly identical) processes?

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Re: [gmx-users] Free energy - Hydrogen bond solute-solvent - Ethanol as an example.

2008-05-07 Thread Maik Goette


I'm not to sure about how Berk exactly did that.
But, if I understood that correctly, he let things vanish (which is for 
sure the better method, than letting things appear). If he did that, he 
computed the DEsolvation free energy. This actually is the inverse of 
the solvation free energy. Therefore, I think, you have to switch the 
sign of your calculations and you're fine.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Eudes Fileti wrote:

Hello to all
I have tried to reproduce the hydration free energy (TI) of the ethanol 
from Hess and van der Vegt (JPCB, 110, 17616).
The value I have obtained is around 20kJ/mol while the reference value 
is -20.1kJ/mol (if not the sign ...).

If someone can help me find the mistake I would be very grateful.
Below are the simulation details.

I followed the protocol of the paper, Berk:
I used 47 lambda values (because of hydrogen bonds between 
solute-solvent) (dense near lambda=0 and between 0.46 and 0.72).

I am turning off the LJ and Coulomb terms separately.
Softcore (alpha = 0.5, power = 1), OPLS-AA
Timestep = 2fs,
sd = integrator,
constrained = none
trajectories = 40ps (NVT) (I know that is small, but I looking for 
qualitative results) after 20ps of equilibration (NPT).

I have found a value of -4.8kJ/mol for the DeltaG(vacuum) (relative to 
mutate the ethanol to dummy in vacuum).

My dv/dl curve (for DeltaG(water) is below. Should I expect this form?
I think there are many "high" positive values. The numerical integration 
is 15.9kJ.

So, DG(hyd) = DG(wat) - DG(vac) = 15.9 - (-4.8) = 20.7kJ

I believe that this protocol is OK (but I want to confirm that).

@title "dG/d\8l\4"
@xaxis  label "Time (ps)"
@yaxis  label "dG/d\8l\4 (kJ mol\S-1\N [\8l\4]\S-1\N)"
@TYPE xy
0.000   4.431073e+02
0.005   3.660083e+02
0.010   2.987275e+02
0.015   2.023206e+02
0.000   4.431073e+02
0.005   3.660083e+02
0.010   2.987275e+02
0.015   2.023206e+02
0.020   1.905198e+02
0.030   1.086573e+02
0.040   4.217960e+01
0.050   4.101856e+01
0.060   2.314358e+01
0.070   2.223774e+01
0.080   2.669019e+01
0.090   1.696131e+01
0.100   6.089735e+00
0.110   9.569030e+00
0.120   1.505562e+01
0.130   2.785974e+00
0.140   2.440906e+00
0.150   3.050463e+00
0.160   8.578429e-01
0.200   3.577259e+00
0.240  -3.532969e+00
0.280   5.842623e+00
0.320   7.912565e+00
0.360   9.322502e+00
0.400  -2.930754e+00
0.440   2.797944e+00
0.460   5.113900e+00
0.480  -3.919665e+00
0.500  -9.000282e+00
0.520  -7.636168e+00
0.540  -7.574299e+00
0.560  -2.144124e+01
0.580  -6.618514e+00
0.600  -2.755925e+01
0.620  -1.491331e+01
0.640  -2.541398e+01
0.660  -5.213154e+01
0.680  -2.364612e+01
0.700  -2.535817e+01
0.720  -7.767502e+00
0.760  -1.096362e+01
0.800   1.136031e+01
0.840   2.883933e+01
0.880   4.465743e+01
0.920   5.461566e+01
0.960   6.882000e+01
1.000   7.673736e+01

Eudes Eterno Fileti
Centro de Ciência Naturais e Humanas
Universidade Federal do ABC
Rua Catequese, 242 - 3º Andar
09090-400 Santo André - SP Brasil
Tel: +55 11 4437-1600 ramal 408
skype: eefileti

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Re: [gmx-users] Re: combining differently-generated force-fields

2008-05-07 Thread Maik Goette


This IS a textbook-chapter. It seems very fresh. Just found it here on 
Bert's desk. After a very rough inspection, I don't expect anything new 
or any breakthrough, though.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Thanks Soo Mei, that might be interesting. I couldn't access it either. 
I think it is a book (

MacKerell's website indicates that it is not yet in press, although I am 
not sure how recently that was updated:

Guvench, O. and MacKerell, A.D., Jr., ?Comparison of protein force 
fields for molecular dynamics simulations,? In Molecular Modeling of 
Proteins, A. Kukol,

Editor, Humana Press, Submitted.

--original message --

A related reference might be this?

Comparison of protein force fields for molecular dynamics simulations.
 Methods Mol Biol. 2008;443:63-88.
Guvench O, Mackerell AD Jr.

Not that I've read it yet, because my institute doesn't have access to
that journal.

Soo Mei

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Re: [gmx-users] free energy calculation

2008-04-23 Thread Maik Goette
So, obviously, no one knows how to do that by g_lie. Most people here 
compute free energies by TI.

Do some background reading and find out yourself how it works. Posting 
mails twice or more won't help you


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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shuai lu wrote:

Hi everyone,
I want to calculate free energy between protein and ligand  by "g_lie" 
command. So the average Coulomb interaction and average Lennard-Jones 
interaction of ligand-solvent are need. But I do not know if average 
Coulomb interaction is the result of "Coul-SR" plus "Coul-14", which are 
calculated by "g_energy" command, and also if Lennard-Jones interaction 
is the result of "LJ-SR" plus "LJ-LR" plus "LJ-14". Hence I hope anyone 
who know about them may help me kindly.
Thank you!

Lu Shuai

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Re: [gmx-users] GTP in topology

2008-04-17 Thread Maik Goette

It means:

Include the topology, you got from the PRODRG server as an itp file in 
your general topology file

If you don't know, what I mean, read the manual about including 

Btw, more info, more answer


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

s lal badshah wrote:

Hi All,
I have taken the GTP topology from PRODRG server but now how can I make 
a connection with my original topology file: As in Errors of Gromacs it 
is mentioned

==> find a topology file 
<> for the residue / 
molecule and include as a .itp file 

what does it means? I am using OPLS/aa force field.
Lal badshah.

M.Phil Scholar
NCE in Physical Chemistry,
University of Peshawar.
Cell # 03349060632.*

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Re: [gmx-users] set up topology in free energy calculations

2008-04-07 Thread Maik Goette


1. Yes. I'd use version a) because of, the less dummies, the better.
2. Yes
3. Of course, charges have to vanish for dummies, too. Keep the bonded 
terms. If not, your dummies will "diffuse" away.

Yes, your assumption about dummies is right.

Actually, I won't use this system for your first perturbation. Take 
something simpler.
Second, as indicated by point 3, you will have to tackle a disappearing 
netto charge of -1 (depending on the pH of course). This usually is a 

There were discussions of PME being problematic here.
Morphing an ion to counter that charge difference is possible. However, 
I think this would lead to a very bad equilibrated system and no 
reasonable results.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

friendli wrote:

Dear Gmx users,

I am calculating the mutation free energy from amino acid Asp to Asn as 
a test job for my practice.

I have some questions about setting up the topology file.

1, from Asp to Asn mutation, the -CH2-COOH changes to -CH2-CO-NH2 or 
simply -OH to -NH2.

In topology, O <-> N.
What about the hydrogens, do I need one or two dummy(DUM) atoms?

a), DUM <-> H ; H(of OH) <-> H(of NH2)
b), DUM <-> H(of NH2); DUM <-> H(of NH2); H(of OH) to DUM
a) or b) should I use?

2, I need to provide the coordinates for the dummy atoms in the .gro 
file(Asp), right? since otherwise the # of atoms in .top and .gro will 

3, from the tutorial(methane) I read, the masses of the dummy atom keeps 
like real atom and the C6 and C12 changes to zero in [atomtypes] to 
vanish the nonbonded interactions.  How to deal with the bonds and the 
charges for dummy atoms? bonded interactions?

I think I am a bit confused by the definition of the dummy atom.  I 
understanding is a dummy atom is a atoms with same mass but no 
interaction with all other atoms. Is that right?

thanks for help and suggestions are appreciate.

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Re: [gmx-users] Black whole simluations

2008-03-18 Thread Maik Goette
Thank you Sir

If this was fake or not...Me and my dear colleagues had a good laugh,
anyway...also about the nice comments.

Maybe this inspires:

"Black hole sun, won't you come"


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

roger han wrote:
> Dear mister gromacs
> My professor interested in black wholes. How can I put a particle in a box 
> and set mass to infinity? Which solvent is best choice and could there be 
> problems with pressure? I'm also not sure about periodic boundaries. Could 
> two black wholes see each other if box too small? 
> Many thanks
> Ben
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Re: [gmx-users] traj.trr

2008-03-14 Thread Maik Goette

Read the manual...

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

s lal badshah wrote:

Dear gromacs users,
In my simulation directory one file is present on the name of traj.trr 
Is this shows that my mdrun  crashed?


M.Phil Scholar
NCE in Physical Chemistry,
University of Peshawar.
Cell # 03349060632.*

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Re: [gmx-users] Ki estimation

2008-03-11 Thread Maik Goette

You can't compare a Ki directly from the MD AFAIK.
What you could do is, computing the free energy difference between two 
ligands and compare it to the difference in Ki (which actually is 
closely related to the famous Kd), if that helps you


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

V. Tanchuk wrote:
Dear Users,
I am working Drug – Enzyme Complex. Unfortunately, docking software 
(AutoDock) was not able to give any resonable results. I have tried to 
use Gromacs and got a resonable binding. The best results were obtained 
in the case of simple minimization of the crude AutoDock's results. The 
question is how to estimate Ki.
There is also another problem. I have the best correlation between 
experimental and calculated results only for the total energy in the 
case of optimization (it seems that other kids of energy are not 
available without molecular dynamics, but total or any other energies 
obtained after molecular dynamics do not correlate).
Thank you in advance for your help.
Sincerely yours,

V. Tanchuk

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Re: [gmx-users] problem with undistribution of water

2008-03-07 Thread Maik Goette

That "problem" is called periodic boundaries.
Try inserting a second bilayer to get, at least on one axis, a water 
layer between the two lipid layers, if you want to prevent PBC for a 
part of the waters.

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

sudheer babu wrote:

Thanks Mr .Justin for your response,
I am describing answers for  your questions,
1.My box size is 6.0nm in xyz dimensions.
2.The forcefield  I am using "ffgmx.itp" for membrane which I downloaded 
from Pieter Tieleman webiste and deprecated FF for protein.

3 .I inserted protein into membrane by using genbox command.
4. I used force constant 1 on protein.
  There is no leaking of membrane, the stucture is fine till EM, but in 
PR the water molecules are moving from one side of the bilyaer to the 
other side. No water mol between lipid bilyer hydrophobic region. Ok I 
tell you in clear way, Assume on membrane  each side 200 water molecules 
are there but after equilabration 30 to 50 water molecules are reaching 
other side , so one side its appearing  more  rather than other side.  
But it looks in cubic form how appears in EM but only increasing water 
molecules on other side. Popc and protein are fine. Will it cause any 
problem later when I run further simulation by taking this output file.I 
hope you got my problem.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [gmx-users] Strange dgdl-value together with lincs

2008-02-21 Thread Maik Goette

David, Berk,

> Hold on, if you are doing this with hardcore, there is a singularity
> in dG/dlambda. It won't be numerically integrable so whatever you
> compute will be in error. See my recent JCP paper that I referred you
> to before.

thats what I thought.
With the latest patched code, I get really good results for the 
three-step process and, for the hardcore LJ a deviation, which really 
comes from the singularities, I guess.
Now, the 10ns hardcore slow growth and the 3-step discrete lambda 
sampling yield perfectly the same number and this is fine.
I will now continue with computing the non-equilibrium values for the 
switching process, but I think, those numbers will be ok, too.

> For what it's worth, too, a delta_lambda of 0.02 is insanely fast
> "slow growth".

agreed ;)
This was just for bug tracking issues. The step I will use for 
production will be slightly smaller :)

Thanks for all your help.

Btw, cause I already uploaded the pics, here they are:
The 1-step hardcore process:
3-step QQ off:
3-step QQ on:
3-step LJ and bonded softcore:
3-step LJ and bonded hardcore:

This actually proofs again the problem of singularities while using 
hardcore LJ morphs. Anyway, the softcore part looks fine and the sum of 
the single contributions fits quite well.

As I found out recently, the GROMACS version on the cluster I used, was 
without the november bug fix, so I can't tell which fix helped with the 
problem. Sorry for that.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

David Mobley wrote:


 Assume, you take the interconversion of ethane to methanol in solvent in
 one step.
 You sample hardcore at 11 evenly spaced lambda values for, lets say, 2
 ns each.
 You get the dG/dl mean from every run and integrate via simpson to get a
 total DG.

Hold on, if you are doing this with hardcore, there is a singularity
in dG/dlambda. It won't be numerically integrable so whatever you
compute will be in error. See my recent JCP paper that I referred you
to before.

I think if you are using hardcore, you *have* to use slow growth and
the Jarzynski or Crooks expressions, or do some sort of polynomial fit
to the singularity in dG/dlambda and integrate the polynomial.
Integrating dG/dlambda directly will simply fail since you can't
numerically integrate a singularity.

If you're using softcore, you have more options, and simple numerical
integration can work.

For what it's worth, too, a delta_lambda of 0.02 is insanely fast
"slow growth".

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Re: [gmx-users] Strange dgdl-value together with lincs

2008-02-20 Thread Maik Goette


I'm aware of that bug and using the 3.3.2_pre, with the bugfix included.
Btw, I don't see how to sample "backwards" ;)
Probably you mean in the case of slow growth, no?
In that case, the problem occurs in both directions.

Berk, there are quite a few files (44 in that case).
I will sample the system a bit longer (66ns for each case in total) and 
make a gz-download.

Anyway, to me they look normal.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

van Bemmelen wrote:


This is just a hunch, but since you're turning charges on (instead of
off) in the third step, maybe this is also a case of bug 175
( That is, if you're
using PME for electrostatics.

This bug has been fixed for the CVS version. Another "fix" would be to
do all steps in the reverse direction.


Unluckily, both numbers deviate by roughly 10 kJ. I have the 
feeling, that hydrogen bonding could play a role, but 
intuitively, I'd say it shouldn't differ in the free energy of both.

Thanks again for the help

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.

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Re: [gmx-users] Strange dgdl-value together with lincs

2008-02-19 Thread Maik Goette

Thanks, Berk

I'm also quite sure, that this spike doesn't explain the deviations I 
see in adding up single DG contributions. Maybe I just bring it up once 

Assume, you take the interconversion of ethane to methanol in solvent in 
one step.
You sample hardcore at 11 evenly spaced lambda values for, lets say, 2 
ns each.
You get the dG/dl mean from every run and integrate via simpson to get a 
total DG.

Now, you do the same, but split your process into 3. Switching charges 
to zero, morph the vdw and bondeds, switching charges back on. All 
hardcore to keep comparability.

You take 3x11 lambda snapshots and sample for 666ps each.
You do the integration 3 times like above.
The sum of these 3 DGs should yield the same DG as the run above, I suppose.

Unluckily, both numbers deviate by roughly 10 kJ. I have the feeling, 
that hydrogen bonding could play a role, but intuitively, I'd say it 
shouldn't differ in the free energy of both.

Thanks again for the help

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Berk Hess wrote:

Subject: RE: [gmx-users] Strange dgdl-value together with lincs
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:20:14 +0100

Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:27:24 +0100
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Strange dgdl-value together with lincs


here comes the topology for this run (vdw morph):
Its OPLSAA and the hydrogens have bond terms. This is the standard 
OPLSAA FF for ethane and methanol.


OK, I found the problem.

You have a delta_lambda of 0.02, which is so high that the kinetic energy
of the constrained degrees of freedom is no longer negligible.
I am not sure if constraints with kinetic energy are formally correct.

But anyhow, you had unconstrained_start=yes, which is probably incorrect,
since I assume your equilibration run had delta_lambda=0 and therefore
in the starting configuration the constraint velocity is zero.
The spike in dG/dl therefore corresponds to building up this kinetic energy.

Now even if you would set unconstrained_start=no, this would not help,
since Gromacs would not put velocities into the constraints at startup.
I have managed to fix this in the code (not committed).
But when delta_lamda is so large, the is another issue.
The coordinates are constrained after the update with lambda of the current
step, but the constraints in the updated configuration should actually obey
the lengths for the next step.
I have to think if things can still be somewhat correct with such a large 
before I starting correcting these two issues.


I have now properly fixed this issue in the CVS head branch.
The constraint lengths are now exactly correct at every step
and with unconstrained_start=no the spike in dG/dl due to the velocity is gone.
Note that the error would normally be extreme small, since delta_lambda
is normally extremely small.


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Re: [gmx-users] toluene tutorial sc-power value

2008-02-15 Thread Maik Goette

Fine :)
So forget what I wrote before...I mentioned exactly that :)

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Hi maik
I made the calculation with sc-power=2 adding 3 lambda values. Now i get
integrating the plot of average free energy for the mutation of toluene in
water 0.559 instead of 15,8 in previous calculation.
if i combine with the free energy in vacuo i have -3,41 KJ/mol vs (-3,1
KJ/mol exp.). This is quite ok!! :)
So the error was a combination of number of points- sc-parameter but for
sure number of points are really important for the integration part!!! in
the calculation of free energy.
. regards

On Fri, February 15, 2008 11:07 am, Maik Goette wrote:

I had a veeery short look into the tutorial and found an error.

DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_3-DG_2 for the cycle is wrong.

The correct cycle would be:


=>DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_2+DG_3 with DG_3 =0

So its:
DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_2 instead of DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_3

Anyway, this won't help you, cause the only effect is a change of the
sign to +19 and therefore worse.

Can you show me the topology, you made?
As far as the free energy experts here discussed it, sc-power=2
shouldn't be the lambda-dependance of choice. I can agree to that from my


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
mgoette2[at] WWW   :


Hi maik

the energy DEltaG_hyd=deltaG_mutation(vacuo)-deltaGmutation(water)

for fisrt one deltaG_mutation(vacuo) =-2,85 for second
deltaGmutation(water) =15,87

so i found DEltaG_hyd = -19 kj/mol instead of -3,1 kj/mol

i'll do a series of calculation with sc-power=2 and see the difference
see if there's some significant difference. geraldine

On Thu, February 14, 2008 10:57 am, Maik Goette wrote:


Now, make sure, that you apply the thermodynamic cycle correctly.
I wouldn't wonder about large errors. Depending on the definition of
large. Error estimation from free energy calculations can be very
tricky. Using mpi shouldn't influence your calculations outcome.
Still I don't know the error.
How to post the numbers: Exp. value (+error) and your calculated value
 (+error) ? From those I could tell you if something is terribly
wrong or not. :)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
mgoette2[at] WWW   :


Hi MaiK,
Sorry i forgot the subject. Thank you to have answered this email.
tutorial is about solvation free energy of toluene using
thermodynamical cycles. two energies have to be calculated according
to this cycle, the hydration energy of toluene and the mutation
energy from dummy to toluene in vacuo. For each energy calculation
several MD simulation for different lambda value must be performed.
in the mdp files given i added the line sc-power=1 and made the
calculation. from the file dgdl.xvg obtained for each lambda value i
used the g_analyse command to get the average and the estimated
error of free energy. i made the plot =f(lambda) for the first
part (hydration of toluene) integrated and get the integrated value
of the plot and did the same for mutation energy of toluene and made
the difference of the two integrated values. I really don't know
where the error came from : -version of gromacs, the fact that mpi
has been used for the first part and single process for the mutation
part (because of shake block problem) won't change anything i guess,
I would carefully go through one
more time and check why i didn't get the right value. I don't know
if this high estimated   error is really problematic. regards

On Wed, February 13, 2008 6:19 pm, Maik Goette wrote:


First of all: You can be quite happy, if anyone reads a "no
subject" mail. sc-power seems to be set to zero in the newer
version, in contrast to the old ones, where it was 1 by default.
Therefore GROMACS
complains. 1 is the value, you should use. I don't know the
tutorial, but if you use exactly the files given there (and add
sc-power = 1), you should get values, which are close to the
experimental one (I guess, cause a tutorial won't make sens

Re: [gmx-users] toluene tutorial sc-power value

2008-02-15 Thread Maik Goette


10 points is strange ;)
11 is the number with equally spaced points. ANyway, it should suffice 
to get a more or less proper number.
I guess, they use simpsons integration, what should be ok. I compared my 
scripts results, which uses simpson, with those of xmgrace and they fit.
The longer you sample each lambda value and the more lambda values you 
sample, the better the results, but with this system, I think, 11 lambda 
values with 1ns each should be enough.
Be aware of the fact, that you should cut away a few picoseconds of each 
dgdl-file for equilibration purposes (100-200).

The topology seems not too bad. I'm not used to that forcefield, though.

As a general suggestion, its always better to sample many lambda points 
and each longer, than wasting time with using sc-power=2 :)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :



concerning the cycle i saw this error since i started the tutorial, i paid
attention to that but as you said it's not that important since my energy
value is too high. i'm right now doing the problem again with sc-power=2
and also 10 points is it enough to have an approximate correct value since
i have to integrate the average energy plot by xmgrace, i don't know what
kind of integration they use, trapezoid? or... it could have an effect if
i don't have enough point. but then .. here attached is my top. file.

On Fri, February 15, 2008 11:07 am, Maik Goette wrote:

I had a veeery short look into the tutorial and found an error.

DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_3-DG_2 for the cycle is wrong.

The correct cycle would be:


=>DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_2+DG_3 with DG_3 =0

So its:
DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_2 instead of DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_3

Anyway, this won't help you, cause the only effect is a change of the
sign to +19 and therefore worse.

Can you show me the topology, you made?
As far as the free energy experts here discussed it, sc-power=2
shouldn't be the lambda-dependance of choice. I can agree to that from my


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
mgoette2[at] WWW   :


Hi maik

the energy DEltaG_hyd=deltaG_mutation(vacuo)-deltaGmutation(water)

for fisrt one deltaG_mutation(vacuo) =-2,85 for second
deltaGmutation(water) =15,87

so i found DEltaG_hyd = -19 kj/mol instead of -3,1 kj/mol

i'll do a series of calculation with sc-power=2 and see the difference
see if there's some significant difference. geraldine

On Thu, February 14, 2008 10:57 am, Maik Goette wrote:


Now, make sure, that you apply the thermodynamic cycle correctly.
I wouldn't wonder about large errors. Depending on the definition of
large. Error estimation from free energy calculations can be very
tricky. Using mpi shouldn't influence your calculations outcome.
Still I don't know the error.
How to post the numbers: Exp. value (+error) and your calculated value
 (+error) ? From those I could tell you if something is terribly
wrong or not. :)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
mgoette2[at] WWW   :


Hi MaiK,
Sorry i forgot the subject. Thank you to have answered this email.
tutorial is about solvation free energy of toluene using
thermodynamical cycles. two energies have to be calculated according
to this cycle, the hydration energy of toluene and the mutation
energy from dummy to toluene in vacuo. For each energy calculation
several MD simulation for different lambda value must be performed.
in the mdp files given i added the line sc-power=1 and made the
calculation. from the file dgdl.xvg obtained for each lambda value i
used the g_analyse command to get the average and the estimated
error of free energy. i made the plot =f(lambda) for the first
part (hydration of toluene) integrated and get the integrated value
of the plot and did the same for mutation energy of toluene and made
the difference of the two integrated values. I really don't know
where the error came from : -version of gromacs, the fact that mpi
has been used for the first part and single process for the mutat

Re: [gmx-users] toluene tutorial sc-power value

2008-02-15 Thread Maik Goette

I had a veeery short look into the tutorial and found an error.

DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_3-DG_2 for the cycle is wrong.

The correct cycle would be:


=>DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_2+DG_3 with DG_3 =0

So its:
DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_2 instead of DG_hyd=DG_1-DG_3

Anyway, this won't help you, cause the only effect is a change of the 
sign to +19 and therefore worse.

Can you show me the topology, you made?
As far as the free energy experts here discussed it, sc-power=2 
shouldn't be the lambda-dependance of choice.

I can agree to that from my simulations.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Hi maik

the energy

for fisrt one deltaG_mutation(vacuo) =-2,85
for second deltaGmutation(water) =15,87

so i found DEltaG_hyd = -19 kj/mol
instead of -3,1 kj/mol

i'll do a series of calculation with sc-power=2 and see the difference
see if there's some significant difference.

On Thu, February 14, 2008 10:57 am, Maik Goette wrote:


Now, make sure, that you apply the thermodynamic cycle correctly.
I wouldn't wonder about large errors. Depending on the definition of
large. Error estimation from free energy calculations can be very tricky.
Using mpi shouldn't influence your calculations outcome.
Still I don't know the error.
How to post the numbers: Exp. value (+error) and your calculated value
(+error) ? From those I could tell you if something is terribly wrong or
not. :)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
mgoette2[at] WWW   :


Hi MaiK,
Sorry i forgot the subject. Thank you to have answered this email. This
tutorial is about solvation free energy of toluene using thermodynamical
 cycles. two energies have to be calculated according to this cycle,
the hydration energy of toluene and the mutation energy from dummy to
toluene in vacuo. For each energy calculation several MD simulation for
different lambda value must be performed. in the mdp files given i added
the line sc-power=1 and made the calculation. from the file dgdl.xvg
obtained for each lambda value i used the g_analyse command to get the
average and the estimated error of free energy. i made the plot
=f(lambda) for the first part (hydration of toluene)
integrated and get the integrated value of the plot and did the same for
 mutation energy of toluene and made the difference of the two
integrated values. I really don't know where the error came from :
-version of gromacs, the fact that mpi has been used for the first part
 and single process for the mutation part (because of shake block
problem) won't change anything i guess, I would carefully go through one
more time and check why i didn't get the right value. I don't know if
this high estimated   error is really problematic. regards geraldine

On Wed, February 13, 2008 6:19 pm, Maik Goette wrote:


First of all: You can be quite happy, if anyone reads a "no subject"
mail. sc-power seems to be set to zero in the newer version, in
contrast to the old ones, where it was 1 by default. Therefore GROMACS
complains. 1 is the value, you should use. I don't know the tutorial,
but if you use exactly the files given there (and add sc-power = 1),
you should get values, which are close to the experimental one (I
guess, cause a tutorial won't make sense, if the files don't yield the
desired value).

Sorry, but more help is hard to give with so few information.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
mgoette2[at] WWW   :


Hi all,
i 'm a beginner in molecular dynamics. I was doing the tutorial of
md group, hydration free energy of toluene :

i have some problems regarding the calculation of toluene in water.
the thing is that in the examples files equ-10.00.mdp and
data-10.00.mdp no sc-power were mentioned and doing the calculation
the error files mentioned about sc-power must be >0 so i added this
line sc-power=1 to those files. Analyzing the dgdl.xvg fi

Re: [gmx-users] (no subject)

2008-02-15 Thread Maik Goette

grompp cant find your mdp-file.

Please give a subject next time, as well as more detailed information.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Luisa Calvanese wrote:

Hello gmx-users,
when I try to generate preprocessing binary files (.tpr) using the

grompp command the following error message appears:

creating statusfile for 1 node...



Program grompp, VERSION 3.3.2

Source code file: futil.c, line: 345


File input/output error:




Can you help me?




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Re: [gmx-users] Strange dgdl-value together with lincs

2008-02-15 Thread Maik Goette


here comes the topology for this run (vdw morph):
Its OPLSAA and the hydrogens have bond terms. This is the standard 
OPLSAA FF for ethane and methanol.


[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass 
typeBchargeB  massB
 1   opls_135  1E2M CB  10.0 12.011 
opls_1570.0 12.011
 2   opls_140  1E2MHB1  10.0  1.008 
opls_1560.0  1.008
 3   opls_140  1E2MHB2  10.0  1.008 
opls_1560.0  1.008
 4   opls_140  1E2MHB3  10.0  1.008 
opls_1560.0  1.008
 5   opls_135  1E2M CA  20.0 12.011 
 6   opls_140  1E2MHA1  20.0  1.008 
opls_1550.0  1.008
 7   opls_140  1E2MHA2  20.0  1.008 
DUM0.0  1.008
 8   opls_140  1E2MHA3  20.0  1.008 
DUM0.0  1.008

[ bonds ]
;  aiaj functc0c1c2c3
1 2 1 0.10900284512.0 0.10900284512.0
1 3 1 0.10900284512.0 0.10900284512.0
1 4 1 0.10900284512.0 0.10900284512.0
1 5 1 0.15290224262.4 0.14100267776.0
5 6 1 0.10900284512.0 0.09450462750.4
5 7 1 0.10900284512.0 0.10900284512.0
5 8 1 0.10900284512.0 0.10900284512.0

[ pairs ]
;  aiaj functc0c1c2c3
2 6 1
2 7 1
2 8 1
3 6 1
3 7 1
3 8 1
4 6 1
4 7 1
4 8 1

[ angles ]
;  aiajak functc0c1c2 

2 1 3 1 107.800 276.144 107.800 276.144
2 1 4 1 107.800 276.144 107.800 276.144
2 1 5 1 110.700 313.800 109.500 292.880
3 1 4 1 107.800 276.144 107.800 276.144
3 1 5 1 110.700 313.800 109.500 292.880
4 1 5 1 110.700 313.800 109.500 292.880
1 5 6 1 110.700 313.800 108.500 460.240
1 5 7 1 110.700 313.800 110.700 313.800
1 5 8 1 110.700 313.800 110.700 313.800
6 5 7 1 107.800 276.144 107.800 276.144
6 5 8 1 107.800 276.144 107.800 276.144
7 5 8 1 107.800 276.144 107.800 276.144

[ dihedrals ]
;  aiajakal functc0c1c2 
2 1 5 6 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.94140 2.82420 0.0 
-3.76560 0.0 0.0
2 1 5 7 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0
2 1 5 8 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0
3 1 5 6 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.94140 2.82420 0.0 
-3.76560 0.0 0.0
3 1 5 7 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0
3 1 5 8 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0
4 1 5 6 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.94140 2.82420 0.0 
-3.76560 0.0 0.0
4 1 5 7 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0
4 1 5 8 3   0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0 0.62760 1.88280 0.0 
-2.51040 0.0 0.0

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Berk Hess wrote:

I assume your are using a united atom model.
What are the bonded parameters for the methanol H
in the ethane topology?
Does it have the no

[gmx-users] Strange dgdl-value together with lincs

2008-02-14 Thread Maik Goette


While trying to find, whats wrong with some of my free energy 
calculation, I stumbled upon a strange thing, I don't understand.

I'm simulating the interconversion of ethane to methanol in vacuum.
I'm splitting the process into 3 steps:
1. charge of perturbed atoms -> 0
2. morph of LJ-parameters and bonds
3. charge of perturbed atoms -> B-state values

Each system is morphed with 1 fs timestep and within 50 steps.
The total energies at the "borders" of the simulations (qqoff/vdw, 
vdw/qqon, qqon/vdw and vdw/qqoff) perfectly match and show no jump; the 
following simulation always got energies and velocities from the one before.

Now, when running the LJ morph A->B with lincs, the dgdl looks like this:
For B->A:
Doing both without lincs yields:
For B->A

I find this spike in the first step extremely strange. Additionally it 
only occurs, when using shake or lincs as constraint solver. I guess, in 
a longer process it will contribute to the integral in a neglectable 
manner, but maybe theres some bug. The latest CVS shows the same behaviour.

Any comments on that?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :
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Re: [gmx-users] toluene tutorial sc-power value

2008-02-14 Thread Maik Goette


Now, make sure, that you apply the thermodynamic cycle correctly.
I wouldn't wonder about large errors. Depending on the definition of 
large. Error estimation from free energy calculations can be very 
tricky. Using mpi shouldn't influence your calculations outcome.

Still I don't know the error.
How to post the numbers: Exp. value (+error) and your calculated value 
(+error) ? From those I could tell you if something is terribly wrong or 
not. :)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Hi MaiK,
Sorry i forgot the subject. Thank you to have answered this email. This
tutorial is about solvation free energy of toluene using thermodynamical
cycles. two energies have to be calculated according to this cycle, the
hydration energy of toluene and the mutation energy from dummy to toluene
in vacuo. For each energy calculation several MD simulation for different
lambda value must be performed. in the mdp files given i added the line
sc-power=1 and made the calculation. from the file dgdl.xvg obtained for
each lambda value i used the g_analyse command to get the average and the
estimated error of free energy.
i made the plot =f(lambda) for the first part (hydration of toluene)
integrated and get the integrated value of the plot and did the same for
mutation energy of toluene and made the difference of the two integrated
values. I really don't know where the error came from :
-version of gromacs, the fact that mpi has been used for the first part
and single process for the mutation part (because of shake block problem)
won't change anything i guess, I would carefully go through one more time
and check why i didn't get the right value. I don't know if this high
estimated   error is really problematic.

On Wed, February 13, 2008 6:19 pm, Maik Goette wrote:


First of all: You can be quite happy, if anyone reads a "no subject"
mail. sc-power seems to be set to zero in the newer version, in contrast
to the old ones, where it was 1 by default. Therefore GROMACS complains. 1
is the value, you should use. I don't know the tutorial, but if you use
exactly the files given there (and add sc-power = 1), you should get
values, which are close to the experimental one (I guess, cause a tutorial
won't make sense, if the files don't yield the desired value).

Sorry, but more help is hard to give with so few information.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
mgoette2[at] WWW   :


Hi all,
i 'm a beginner in molecular dynamics. I was doing the tutorial of md
group, hydration free energy of toluene :

i have some problems regarding the calculation of toluene in water. the
 thing is that in the examples files equ-10.00.mdp and data-10.00.mdp
no sc-power were mentioned and doing the calculation the error files
mentioned about sc-power must be >0 so i added this line sc-power=1 to
those files. Analyzing the dgdl.xvg files the estimate error(err. est.)
 is about 5.79 for each lambda value studied while the mutation of
toluene to dummy in vacuo gave really reasonable rms of about 10E-5.
Combining the integration value of the plot in water and vacuo did not
give me the right solvation free energy value (compare to experimental
one). i assumed that this is the free calculation in water which is
problematic. I tried to play with sc-power and sc-alpha but still even
if those parameters seem to influence a lot on the energy no real
improvement are visible. Would you have any idea what could be the
problem? geraldine Helsinki university

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Re: [gmx-users] (no subject)

2008-02-13 Thread Maik Goette


First of all: You can be quite happy, if anyone reads a "no subject" mail.
sc-power seems to be set to zero in the newer version, in contrast to 
the old ones, where it was 1 by default.

Therefore GROMACS complains. 1 is the value, you should use.
I don't know the tutorial, but if you use exactly the files given there 
(and add sc-power = 1), you should get values, which are close to the 
experimental one (I guess, cause a tutorial won't make sense, if the 
files don't yield the desired value).

Sorry, but more help is hard to give with so few information.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Hi all,
i 'm a beginner in molecular dynamics. I was doing the tutorial of md
group, hydration free energy of toluene :

 i have some problems regarding the calculation of toluene in water. the
thing is that in the examples files equ-10.00.mdp and data-10.00.mdp no
sc-power were mentioned and doing the calculation the error files
mentioned about sc-power must be >0 so i added this line sc-power=1 to
those files. Analyzing the dgdl.xvg files the estimate error(err. est.)
is about 5.79 for each lambda value studied while the mutation of
toluene to dummy in vacuo gave really reasonable rms of about 10E-5.
Combining the integration value of the plot in water and vacuo did not
give me the right solvation free energy value (compare to experimental
i assumed that this is the free calculation in water which is problematic.
I tried to play with sc-power and sc-alpha but still even if those
parameters seem to influence a lot on the energy no real improvement are
Would you have any idea what could be the problem?
Helsinki university

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Re: [gmx-users] Deviations in free energies with slow growth (single and 3-step process)

2008-02-08 Thread Maik Goette


Thanks for your answer.
I'm aware of that problem, but the idea was, that such a small system is 
very close to equilibrium on a 10ns timescale (maybe to optimistic).
Actually, the thought behind it was to compare the results of the 
different free energy calculation methods. Now, if I assume slow growth 
has a systematic error of X because of non-equilibrium, I expect this 
error to occur more or less in the 1_step and in the 3_step calculation.
However, I didn't mention, but I also did non-equilibrium tests (e.g. 
BAR) with this system and the deviation is exactly the same; means:
BAR gives a difference of 7 kJ/mol for the ethane to methanol in 1_step 
hardcore and 3_step hc/sc/hc for the first and third being coulomb and 
the second being Lennard Jones.
This actually puzzles me a bit, cause in the case of some tripeptide 
sidechain morphing (SER to ALA), the results of 1_step and 3_step 
perfectly match. I don't have to tell you, that the cycle together with 
the sim in gas phase gives a difference in free energy of solvation 
which is somewhat 15 kJ/mol away from the experiment, though. ;)

For me the question arises, how to publish such "shitty" results.
Do you think, 7 kJ/mol lies within the usual error of free energy 
calculations? If, one could never resolve reliably smaller free energy 
differences and the whole method won't be applicable for say drug 
screening or so.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

David Mobley wrote:


I simulated a switching process (slow growth TI) over 10ns of ethane to
methanol with hardcore slow-growth in water (365 TIP4P waters,PME) and
in vacuum. The thermodynamic cycle of this calculation yields a DeltaG,
which is in perfect agreement with the experiment and other calculations.

Slow growth is notoriously problematic, because it only gives the true
free energy in the limit that you do it infinitely slowly. Otherwise
you're really measuring nonequilibrium work values, which are
connected to free energies but only in an average way (see the
Jarzynski relationship for a more recent discussion of this).

This could be a classic example of "just because a method gives
perfect agreement with experiment, you can't be sure it's giving the
correct value for the force field." In other words, since force fields
have their own limitations, we can't necessarily expect that when we
do things right, we'll get optimal agreement with experiment. In some
cases one may get better agreement with experiment by doing things
*wrong* than by doing them right. i.e., suppose the correct value for
the force field is actually off by 2 kJ/mol from the experimental
value. If you make a protocol mistake, there's roughly a 50% chance
(assuming the errors are randomly distributed!) that it will give you
a value that's closer to the experimental value than your original
value was.

Now, when splitting this simulation into 3 steps (3x 3.2ns), where I
switch the charges to zero in the first step (hardcore), morph the LJ
and bonded in the second (softcore or hardcore) and switch the charges
back on from zero in the third step (hardcore), all in solvent, the sum
of the single contributions does NOT yield the same number as the
"single-step switching".
In vacuum, the work values I get from the single step process and from
adding up the values from the 3-step process perfectly match.

The topologies for all systems are the same (except +/- water) for the
1-step and the 3-step simulations.

Now I'm a bit puzzled and can't get an idea, where this difference in
the solvated system may come from. I exclude a problem due to softcore,
cause I also simulated the 3-step process all hardcore...

Any ideas?

I'm betting your problems are largely due to the fact you're doing
slow growth. Again, see the Jarzynski relationship; I especially
recommend his Phys. Rev. E. paper on convergence (2001?). It's also
worth noting that slow growth transformations in different directions
have different convergence properties, and with slow growth
(interestingly enough) particle insertion actually converges more
quickly than particle deletion. So you could try reversing the
direction of the transformations and see what happens. But again, slow
growth isn't recommended these days -- you should probably make sure
you have a very good reason for doing it and are aware of the



Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen

Re: [gmx-users] pdb2gmx: Adding non standard residues and molecular moieties

2008-02-06 Thread Maik Goette

Sorry, with this question, probably no one can help you.
You're probably missing a FF entry. Which FF are you actually using?
Search the mailing list/Wiki for how to parametrize a molecule!

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Eddie Mende wrote:


I am trying to generate a topology file, and
need to add the phosphate ion in my pdb

How to do this?


eduardo Graduate minion
some random prestigious program
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Re: [gmx-users] RE : FEP : separating components of dgdl

2008-02-06 Thread Maik Goette

> Maik, what is the power you are using for soft core ?

As Berk and others suggested, sc-power = 1.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

BON Michael wrote:
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Re: [gmx-users] FEP : separating components of dgdl

2008-02-05 Thread Maik Goette


This warning is really strange.
You could try to execute grompp with -pp to get the preprocessed 
topology and have a look, if the the B-parameters are included 
correctly. As far as I know, it should; I do it the same way.
Anyway, you could also explicitly take the parameters for that dihedral 
from the forcefield and write them in the topology.

BTW, in your case its not problematic anyway, cause they are the same :)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

BON Michael wrote:

Thanks Maik for your parameters for amber99 soft core !

Berk, you were right. The missing term is indeed the one associated to the use 
of constraints=all-bonds. And yes, there was a mistake in my .top file...

May I ask an other question ?

I still have a warning message with grompp : 
"WARNING 1 [file "XXX.itp", line 3451]:

   Some parameters for bonded interaction involving perturbed atoms are 
   explicitly in state A, but not B - copying A to B"

where as the line 3451 is  (dihedral) : 

175 177 178 187  1 nucleic_imp_10  nucleic_imp_10

nucelic_imp_10 being defined in ffamber99bon.itp. 

It seems to me that the state B is explicitly specified. How to get rid of this 
warning ? It does what I want anyway, but I want to understand what is 

Michaël Bon

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[gmx-users] Deviations in free energies with slow growth (single and 3-step process)

2008-02-04 Thread Maik Goette

Hi all

I ran into a problem while testing some free energy methods.

I simulated a switching process (slow growth TI) over 10ns of ethane to 
methanol with hardcore slow-growth in water (365 TIP4P waters,PME) and 
in vacuum. The thermodynamic cycle of this calculation yields a DeltaG, 
which is in perfect agreement with the experiment and other calculations.

Now, when splitting this simulation into 3 steps (3x 3.2ns), where I 
switch the charges to zero in the first step (hardcore), morph the LJ 
and bonded in the second (softcore or hardcore) and switch the charges 
back on from zero in the third step (hardcore), all in solvent, the sum 
of the single contributions does NOT yield the same number as the 
"single-step switching".
In vacuum, the work values I get from the single step process and from 
adding up the values from the 3-step process perfectly match.

The topologies for all systems are the same (except +/- water) for the 
1-step and the 3-step simulations.

Now I'm a bit puzzled and can't get an idea, where this difference in 
the solvated system may come from. I exclude a problem due to softcore, 
cause I also simulated the 3-step process all hardcore...

Any ideas?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :
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Re: [gmx-users] MD of DNA-protein complex AND non-protein inhibitor

2008-02-04 Thread Maik Goette

To enhance Marks reply.

One way to do it could be:
Take the pdb-structure of your ligand and feed it to a QM-software (e.g. 
Gaussian). Optimize the geometry and compute the partial charges (RESP).
The bonded interaction are, as usual somewhat more tricky; maybe this 
GAFF from amber can help you with that. If not, try to find the correct 
atom types and the according bonds,angles and dihedrals.
All this is in fact really advanced MD stuff. Don't think you can do it 
by some clicking in a program. You have to read the background 
literature about parametrization and test your topologies in the best 
case against some experimental data.

Good luck

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

jlenz wrote:

dear gromacs users,

i used gromacs calculate MD trajectories of protein and DNA covalently 
linked. to do so i applied the AMBER ff ports.
afterwards i used a molecular docking tool to dock small non-protein 
ligands into potential cavities built of the DNA-protein complex.
now i am facing the problem, that i again want to simulate the molecular 
dynamics of the most promising complexes of the protein-DNA complex and 
the ligand but do not know which force field to use. additionally how 
can i set up the parameters for the ligands?

any suggestions would be of great help

thanks in advance


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Re: [gmx-users] Rugged dG/dlambda when turning off charges

2008-01-31 Thread Maik Goette
As long as you morph pyrimidine into pyrimidine and purine into purine, 
everything is fine, I'd say.
Morphing a pyrimidine into a purine is really problematic, cause you 
have to morph the whole nucleoside. Until now I didn't find a 
possibility to do that without perturbing all atoms of the base, which 
leads to a very heavy perturbation and therefore a very "spiked" dG/dl.

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Robert Johnson wrote:

Thanks Maik for your advice. I think what I'm going to do is to look
at the relative binding free energy differences between the bases.
Thus, I will morph the bases into one another, leaving the sugar and
phosphate intact. Do you think this is a better strategy?

On 1/28/08, Maik Goette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, forget my first reply and the mentioned topology splitting ;)
It MAY be a problem, that you switch off two charged molecules, but I
really dont know, if this is the problem.
Try some totally artificial process, where you build a neutral base and
use no counterion and morph the neutral base away.
 From my experience with DNA I can tell you, that these huge
fluctuations are quite intrinsic due to the size of the perturbation.
Actually, I don't have an idea, how to get rid of them.
Trying to sample much longer could help to converge the system.
Furthermore, using more lambda-steps could help you in getting a better
total error and stuff.
Again, from my experience I can tell you, that calculating free energies
from letting nucleotides appear/disappear is really no fun.
If you come up with a solution yourself, I would be highly interested in it.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Robert Johnson wrote:

Thanks David,
Since I'm turning off the VdW parameters as a second step, there
really isn't any reason to use the soft core potentials when turning
off the charges right? Thus, sc_alpha should be set to zero when
turning off charges?

On Jan 25, 2008 5:38 PM, David Mobley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It will only be smooth if you don't use soft core (i.e. sc-alpha =0 ).

David Mobley

On Jan 25, 2008 12:40 PM, Robert Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everyone,
As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm trying to compute the free
energy of binding of a DNA base on a carbon nanotube. My system
consists of a single DNA nucleotide (base, sugar, phosphate group) on
a rigid carbon nanotube in aqueous solution. A single Na+ counterion
is also included for charge neutralization. I'm proceeding with this
by computing the free energy associated with the following

Water + Nanotube + DNA + Na+ -> Water + Nanotube + Nothing
Water + DNA + Na+ -> Water + Nothing

For each of these transformations I FIRST turn off the charges on the
base and counterion over a set of 5 lambda values (0.0, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75, 1.0). From literature and other posts on the GMX mailing list,
it seems like this small set of values should be adequate because
dG/dlambda tends to be pretty smooth for discharging the molecule.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in my system. Here is
a table of the dG/dlambda values I get from running 5 ns trajectories
of my system:

0.0   6211.105
0.25 1055.254
0.5   1230.675
0.75 1128.359
1.0   756.2904

If you plot this you will see a large drop from lambda=0 to 0.25. Then
dG/dlambda increase slightly from lambda=0.25 to 0.5 and then smoothly
decreases after that. This seems like a pretty strange result. Also,
it seems that something weird is going on around lambda=0. If I
compute dG/dlambda for lambda=0.05, I get something around 1200-1300,
which is again a very sharp decrease from the value of 6211.105 I get
at lambda=0. Thus, it doesn't seem like simply adding more lambda
values is going to help me.

Here are the values I'm using for the free energy calculation:
free_energy =  yes
init_lambda =  0.05
delta_lambda=  0
sc_alpha=  0.5
sc_power=  1
sc_sigma=  0.3

Also, here is an excerpt from my topology file:
[ atoms ]
1   P   1   DG  P   1   1.1659  30.9700
 P   0.  30.9700
2   O   1   DG  O1P 1   -0.7761 16.

Re: [gmx-users] RE : FEP : separating components of dgdl

2008-01-31 Thread Maik Goette

I think, there are some "best" parameters :)
Ich tested them with some smaller systems and found, that sigma=0.3 and 
alpha=0.25 seem to perform quite well.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

BON Michael wrote:


You were right for the bonds, I forgot that I was using constraints = all-bonds.

Could the missing term be the soft core then ? Or is it included in VdW ?

Anyway, I noticed that this problem of hidden extra term happens when I modify 
something else than a hydrogen. Does it make sense ?
For example, I did N->DUM with all the parameters kept the same : every 
components of dVdl are 0 (VdW, Coulomb, angle, proper dihedral, Ryck.,  LJ 1-4, 
position restraint, disp. corr. ), but dVdl/dlambda is -6. Any idea ?

Other question : is there some information available about the "best" settings 
of soft core parameters with amber99 ?

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Re: [gmx-users] Rugged dG/dlambda when turning off charges

2008-01-28 Thread Maik Goette

OK, forget my first reply and the mentioned topology splitting ;)
It MAY be a problem, that you switch off two charged molecules, but I 
really dont know, if this is the problem.
Try some totally artificial process, where you build a neutral base and 
use no counterion and morph the neutral base away.
From my experience with DNA I can tell you, that these huge 
fluctuations are quite intrinsic due to the size of the perturbation. 
Actually, I don't have an idea, how to get rid of them.
Trying to sample much longer could help to converge the system. 
Furthermore, using more lambda-steps could help you in getting a better 
total error and stuff.
Again, from my experience I can tell you, that calculating free energies 
from letting nucleotides appear/disappear is really no fun.

If you come up with a solution yourself, I would be highly interested in it.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Robert Johnson wrote:

Thanks David,
Since I'm turning off the VdW parameters as a second step, there
really isn't any reason to use the soft core potentials when turning
off the charges right? Thus, sc_alpha should be set to zero when
turning off charges?

On Jan 25, 2008 5:38 PM, David Mobley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It will only be smooth if you don't use soft core (i.e. sc-alpha =0 ).

David Mobley

On Jan 25, 2008 12:40 PM, Robert Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everyone,
As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm trying to compute the free
energy of binding of a DNA base on a carbon nanotube. My system
consists of a single DNA nucleotide (base, sugar, phosphate group) on
a rigid carbon nanotube in aqueous solution. A single Na+ counterion
is also included for charge neutralization. I'm proceeding with this
by computing the free energy associated with the following

Water + Nanotube + DNA + Na+ -> Water + Nanotube + Nothing
Water + DNA + Na+ -> Water + Nothing

For each of these transformations I FIRST turn off the charges on the
base and counterion over a set of 5 lambda values (0.0, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75, 1.0). From literature and other posts on the GMX mailing list,
it seems like this small set of values should be adequate because
dG/dlambda tends to be pretty smooth for discharging the molecule.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in my system. Here is
a table of the dG/dlambda values I get from running 5 ns trajectories
of my system:

0.0   6211.105
0.25 1055.254
0.5   1230.675
0.75 1128.359
1.0   756.2904

If you plot this you will see a large drop from lambda=0 to 0.25. Then
dG/dlambda increase slightly from lambda=0.25 to 0.5 and then smoothly
decreases after that. This seems like a pretty strange result. Also,
it seems that something weird is going on around lambda=0. If I
compute dG/dlambda for lambda=0.05, I get something around 1200-1300,
which is again a very sharp decrease from the value of 6211.105 I get
at lambda=0. Thus, it doesn't seem like simply adding more lambda
values is going to help me.

Here are the values I'm using for the free energy calculation:
free_energy =  yes
init_lambda =  0.05
delta_lambda=  0
sc_alpha=  0.5
sc_power=  1
sc_sigma=  0.3

Also, here is an excerpt from my topology file:
[ atoms ]
1   P   1   DG  P   1   1.1659  30.9700
 P   0.  30.9700
2   O   1   DG  O1P 1   -0.7761 16.
 O   0.  16.
3   O   1   DG  O2P 1   -0.7761 16.
 O   0.  16.

I'm not perturbing any of the bonding interactions or VdW parameters -
I'm just turning off all charges on the molecule.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about how this can be improved?

Bob Johnson
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Re: [gmx-users] Rugged dG/dlambda when turning off charges

2008-01-28 Thread Maik Goette
The point is: You want to do a severe perturbation. May I inform you, 
that I tried morphing base pairs for 3 years and now quitted? ;)
Anyway, if you have such a strong perturbation, you should think about a 
different setup, like softcore for vdw and harcore for qq.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Robert Johnson wrote:

Hello everyone,
As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm trying to compute the free
energy of binding of a DNA base on a carbon nanotube. My system
consists of a single DNA nucleotide (base, sugar, phosphate group) on
a rigid carbon nanotube in aqueous solution. A single Na+ counterion
is also included for charge neutralization. I'm proceeding with this
by computing the free energy associated with the following

Water + Nanotube + DNA + Na+ -> Water + Nanotube + Nothing
Water + DNA + Na+ -> Water + Nothing

For each of these transformations I FIRST turn off the charges on the
base and counterion over a set of 5 lambda values (0.0, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75, 1.0). From literature and other posts on the GMX mailing list,
it seems like this small set of values should be adequate because
dG/dlambda tends to be pretty smooth for discharging the molecule.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in my system. Here is
a table of the dG/dlambda values I get from running 5 ns trajectories
of my system:

0.0   6211.105
0.25 1055.254
0.5   1230.675
0.75 1128.359
1.0   756.2904

If you plot this you will see a large drop from lambda=0 to 0.25. Then
dG/dlambda increase slightly from lambda=0.25 to 0.5 and then smoothly
decreases after that. This seems like a pretty strange result. Also,
it seems that something weird is going on around lambda=0. If I
compute dG/dlambda for lambda=0.05, I get something around 1200-1300,
which is again a very sharp decrease from the value of 6211.105 I get
at lambda=0. Thus, it doesn't seem like simply adding more lambda
values is going to help me.

Here are the values I'm using for the free energy calculation:
free_energy =  yes
init_lambda =  0.05
delta_lambda=  0
sc_alpha=  0.5
sc_power=  1
sc_sigma=  0.3

Also, here is an excerpt from my topology file:
[ atoms ]
1   P   1   DG  P   1   1.1659  30.9700
 P   0.  30.9700
2   O   1   DG  O1P 1   -0.7761 16.
 O   0.  16.
3   O   1   DG  O2P 1   -0.7761 16.
 O   0.  16.

I'm not perturbing any of the bonding interactions or VdW parameters -
I'm just turning off all charges on the molecule.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about how this can be improved?

Bob Johnson
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Re: [gmx-users] Virtual site and constraints

2008-01-28 Thread Maik Goette

Virutal particles should not have any mass.
Its, e.g. for placing a delocalized charge (as in TIP4P) somewhere.
How about carefully reading the warnings and try to do, what they suggest?
How about this?:
>  5   opls_966  1FMT  D  112.0110.0

Now you have a charge there and no mass. Thats, how virtual sites work.
If you want to use a "free energy dummy", you may have to use a 
different approach.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Нилов Дмитрий wrote:

I`ve tried to name it like atom (instead of "dummy mass")
in this way:

1)enter new atom type in "ffoplsaa.atp":
 opls_966   12.01100  ; Virtual site in formate

2)enter description of new atom type in "ffoplsaanb.itp":
; name  bond_type  masscharge  ptype  sigma epsilon
  opls_966  DF  0  12.011  0.  D  0.00e+00  0.00e+00
(also I`ve tried to use "A" instead of "D" in ptype column)

3)correct my topology:
[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass
 1   opls_279  1FMT  H  1   0.22  1.008
 2   opls_271  1FMT  C  1   0.58  0.000
 3   opls_272  1FMT O1  1   -0.915.9994
 4   opls_272  1FMT O2  1   -0.915.9994
 5   opls_966  1FMT  D  10.0 12.011

[ constraints ]
;  aiaj functc0
1 3 20.19850
1 4 20.19850
3 4 20.22400

[ virtual_sites3 ]
; Dummy from funct a b
2 1 3 4 1 0.345 0.345
5   1   3   4   1   0.345   0.345

But it does not work because grompp runs with error
"virtual site D (Res FMT-1) has non-zero mass 12.011".
I suppose, that only "dummy masses"(particles named like "M*") could
have mass.
Could you help me, please?

Nilov Dmitri  

-Original Message-

Нилов Дмитрий wrote:
OK, could I add "dummy mass" that has coordinates and 
mass such as carbon to keep right moment of inertia?

I mean something like this:
[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass  
 1   opls_279  1FMT  H  1   0.22  1.008   
 2   opls_271  1FMT  C  1   0.58  0.000   
 3   opls_272  1FMT O1  1   -0.915.9994   
 4   opls_272  1FMT O2  1   -0.915.9994   
 5 MW  1FMT  D  10.0 12.011

Should I use some constraints for "dummy mass" to define its position
in simulation? And can I get "dummy mass" type from ffoplaa.atp or
its better to add the new one?

Have you tried naming it an atom instead of a virtual site?

I`m sorry, I`ve read manual and corresponding article but I have not
find irrefragable answer for my questions.


Nilov Dmitri


Нилов Дмитрий wrote:

Thank you very much, but in what way can I define the carbon
like massless when it treated as a virtual site(type 3)
in formate molecule?
You can define it as zero, but take care to get the right moment of 
inertia (by defining further virtual sites).

Grompp runs with error when carbon has mass:

converting bonded parameters...
# CONSTR:   3
# VSITE3:   1
Setting particle type to V for virtual sites
ERROR 2 [file "", line 82]:
  virtual site C (Res FMT-1) has non-zero mass 12.011

-Original Message-

Нилов Дмитрий wrote:

I would like to involve formate molecule (HCOO-)in my dynamics, but I have the 
problem when I use virtual site (type 3fd)for it.

When I run grompp for single formate molecule, it`s ok.
But after solvating in bath of solvent (tip3p) grompp runs with error:

In this case you would be best off defining three constraints from
H O1
H O2
O1 O2
and define the carbon as a virtual site defined by the plane (check 
TIP4P topology).

David van der Spoel, Ph.D.

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Re: [gmx-users] FEP trajectory errors

2008-01-22 Thread Maik Goette

Do really all atoms "freeze". So also the atoms, which are not perturbed?
Can you post your mdp-file?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Robert Johnson wrote:

The distortion was occuring because my position restraint potential
was too weak. Increasing the force constant keeps the base in the
right conformation.

I believe my topology is correct, but it seems that turning off the
VdW parameters causes the base to distort. I will look into this more.

Also, even with sc_alpha=0.5, I'm still experiencing this weird
"freezing" when lambda=1.0. The trajectory proceeds normally for about
2.1 ns, then all of a sudden all motion freezes and the atoms simply
vibrate about their "equilibrium positions". Any other ideas what
might cause this?

On Jan 21, 2008 3:39 AM, Maik Goette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


A value for alpha of 0.5 should work, although I tested some different
alphas with different test systems and I have to say, that a proper
value can be between 0.2 and 0.7 depending on the system itself.
The distortion, you describe is really strange. I calculated DNA and
single bases a lot and never saw something like that. Even a fully
"dummy-base" is stable, if your topology is correct. The bonded terms
are sufficient to keep it in the right conformation.
Are you sure, your position restrains in the topology are used with the
correct structure file?

Maybe, I should also mention, that, especially with such large
perturbations as a full DNA-base, you should split your topology into 2,
where you switch off the QQ hardcore and the VdW softcore in two steps.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Robert Johnson wrote:

Thank you David and Maik for your detailed replies. Yes, I am trying
to obtain an absolute free energy of binding. My thermodynamic cycle

NT+DNA(adsorbed) -> NT+ DNA(desorbed)  (obviously this is not the one
that I'm obtaining with the alchemic method)

Thus, the one I'm using in the simulation is:

Water + NT + DNA(adsorbed) -> Water + NT + nothing (DNA dissapears)
Water + DNA -> Water + nothing

Any suggestions about this? I will check out your recent publications.

I believe my topology is properly formatted. I wasn't expecting the
large distortions because I was using position restraints. Thus, I was
expecting the base to remain in about the same geometry. Perhaps I
will increase the force constant for the restraining potential.

I am going to repeat some of these computations using sc_alpha=0.5.

Thanks for your help.

On Jan 17, 2008 2:24 PM, David Mobley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm computing the free energy of binding of a DNA base on a carbon
nanotube. I think it's a pretty simple calculation and I'm proceeding
in a very standard way. This is what I'm doing:

An absolute free energy? This isn't necessarily straightforward --
there are a lot of wrinkles. Some of my recent work has some
discussions if this if it's helpful.

I have the optimal orientation of the base on the nanotube. I'm
constraining the positions of the base atoms with a soft harmonic

OK, that's a good idea for standard state reasons (see the 2003
Boresch paper) among other things.

I then am running two different FEP calculations: one where I turn off
the charges on the base atoms and a second where I then turn off all
the lennard-jones parameters for the base atoms. For each of these I
use the following:
delta_lambda = 0
sc_alpha = 0.7
sc_power = 1
sc_sigma = 0.3

I run a series of trajectories at constant lambda values from 0 to 1.

OK. I have some information posted on what I think the best settings
are for these on, especially at It is still
in progress but may be somewhat helpful. I doubt this is the source of
your problems though, although I prefer a sc_alpha = 0.5 which may
improve the situation somewhat.

However, I notice some problems with the trajectories when I turn off
the LJ parameters. As lambda is varied from 0 to 1, it seems that the
position restraints no longer are being applied. Additionally, the DNA
base geometry starts to become severely distorted at lambda values
greater than about 0.6. This happens despite the fact that I am not
perturbing the 

Re: [gmx-users] source code change

2008-01-21 Thread Maik Goette

You're welcome...

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

avinash kumar wrote:

To Maik Goette,

Thank you for your reply.

Avinash Kumar
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Re: [gmx-users] a problem,Thank you

2008-01-21 Thread Maik Goette

This has been discussed several times...
Search the mailing list archive.

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

 I use ffamber94 in gromacs,and I also use spc water model

However,I get wrong information when I am running grompp

Fatal error:
[ file "/usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/spc.itp", line 41 ]:
 Atom index (1) in settles out of bounds (1-0)

I don't know how to solve it ,please help me

Thank you!!!



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Today's Topics:

   1. source code change (avinash kumar)
   2. Re: source code change (David van der Spoel)
   3. Re: GMX CPMD K+ ion problem  (ggroenh)
   4. Re: problem regarding grompp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   5. Re: problem regarding grompp (Mark Abraham)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 21:01:01 +0530
From: "avinash kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [gmx-users] source code change
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hello all,

Thank you Xavier for your reply. I will explain why I want to change
the source code. I have to implement a modified Lennard Jones

 ⎨ 4 *epsilon{( _σ_ )^12 − (_σ_ )^6} − VLJ (rc ), r ≤ 
rc ,
r r

V (r) =
 ⎩ 0,  r > rc ,

The original Lennard Jones potential has no -VLJ(rc) term. This means
I want to subtract some constant from the Lennard Jones potential
which the GROMACS will calculate. Please tell me where in the GROMACS
source code should I make a change so that it will be implemented.
Afterwards will I need to compile it again?

Thanks in advance,


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 16:34:18 +0100
From: David van der Spoel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] source code change
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

avinash kumar wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thank you Xavier for your reply. I will explain why I want to change

> the source code. I have to implement a modified Lennard Jones
> potential,
>  ?

>  ?
>  ? 4 *epsilon{( _?_ )^12 - (_?_ )^6} - VLJ (rc ), r ? rc ,
> r r
> V (r) =

>  ?
>  ? 0,  r > rc ,
> The original Lennard Jones potential has no -VLJ(rc) term. This means

> I want to subtract some constant from the Lennard Jones potential
> which the GROMACS will calculate. Please tell me where in the GROMACS
> source code should I make a change so that it will be implemented.
> Afterwards will I need to compile it again?
Why not use one of the built-in shift potentials? This change will have 
no effect on the dynamics and only add a constant to the overall energy.

Another alternative is to use a tabulated potential.

> Thanks in advance,
> Avinash
> ___

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David van der Spoel, Ph.D.

Molec. Biophys. group, De

Re: [gmx-users] source code change

2008-01-21 Thread Maik Goette


> Afterwards will I need to compile it again?

Don't want to be mean, but are you sure, after such a question, you can 
actually write and understand C-code?

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

avinash kumar wrote:

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Re: [gmx-users] FEP trajectory errors

2008-01-21 Thread Maik Goette


A value for alpha of 0.5 should work, although I tested some different 
alphas with different test systems and I have to say, that a proper 
value can be between 0.2 and 0.7 depending on the system itself.
The distortion, you describe is really strange. I calculated DNA and 
single bases a lot and never saw something like that. Even a fully 
"dummy-base" is stable, if your topology is correct. The bonded terms 
are sufficient to keep it in the right conformation.
Are you sure, your position restrains in the topology are used with the 
correct structure file?

Maybe, I should also mention, that, especially with such large 
perturbations as a full DNA-base, you should split your topology into 2, 
where you switch off the QQ hardcore and the VdW softcore in two steps.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Robert Johnson wrote:

Thank you David and Maik for your detailed replies. Yes, I am trying
to obtain an absolute free energy of binding. My thermodynamic cycle

NT+DNA(adsorbed) -> NT+ DNA(desorbed)  (obviously this is not the one
that I'm obtaining with the alchemic method)

Thus, the one I'm using in the simulation is:

Water + NT + DNA(adsorbed) -> Water + NT + nothing (DNA dissapears)
Water + DNA -> Water + nothing

Any suggestions about this? I will check out your recent publications.

I believe my topology is properly formatted. I wasn't expecting the
large distortions because I was using position restraints. Thus, I was
expecting the base to remain in about the same geometry. Perhaps I
will increase the force constant for the restraining potential.

I am going to repeat some of these computations using sc_alpha=0.5.

Thanks for your help.

On Jan 17, 2008 2:24 PM, David Mobley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm computing the free energy of binding of a DNA base on a carbon
nanotube. I think it's a pretty simple calculation and I'm proceeding
in a very standard way. This is what I'm doing:

An absolute free energy? This isn't necessarily straightforward --
there are a lot of wrinkles. Some of my recent work has some
discussions if this if it's helpful.

I have the optimal orientation of the base on the nanotube. I'm
constraining the positions of the base atoms with a soft harmonic

OK, that's a good idea for standard state reasons (see the 2003
Boresch paper) among other things.

I then am running two different FEP calculations: one where I turn off
the charges on the base atoms and a second where I then turn off all
the lennard-jones parameters for the base atoms. For each of these I
use the following:
delta_lambda = 0
sc_alpha = 0.7
sc_power = 1
sc_sigma = 0.3

I run a series of trajectories at constant lambda values from 0 to 1.

OK. I have some information posted on what I think the best settings
are for these on, especially at It is still
in progress but may be somewhat helpful. I doubt this is the source of
your problems though, although I prefer a sc_alpha = 0.5 which may
improve the situation somewhat.

However, I notice some problems with the trajectories when I turn off
the LJ parameters. As lambda is varied from 0 to 1, it seems that the
position restraints no longer are being applied. Additionally, the DNA
base geometry starts to become severely distorted at lambda values
greater than about 0.6. This happens despite the fact that I am not
perturbing the internal bonded interactions of the base. Here is a
sample of my topology (included just the first line of each section):

Hm, on the position restraints, depending on your version of gromacs
you may need to additionally specifiy the B state position restraints,
else these may be assumed to be zero. I believe you can do this by
adding additional columns in your posre.itp that give the B state

In terms of distortion, it's not clear to me why you think the
molecule should *not* be distorted once you turn off the LJ
interactions (which includes internal LJ interactions). The bonded
parameters (especially torsions) are of course derived after LJ
parameters are already fitted, in most cases, so they only can be
relied on to give meaningful conformations when the LJ interactions
are on. The beauty of the thermodynamic cycle approach, though, is
that you can (at least in principle) get correct binding free energies
even if your molecule of interest samples wacky, artificial
conformations when it's noninteracting.

Also, I am experiencing additional problems when lambda=1. After about
2ns, all the motion in the system begins to 

Re: [gmx-users] How to remove H atom from residue in gro file?

2008-01-18 Thread Maik Goette


First of all, I think its dangerous to perform MD simulations without 
any knowledge about the details of MD.
So the first suggestion is: Inform yourself (by reading the manual) 
about MD and GROMACS. Using a black box is, maybe, often done, but 
surely not the best way to go.
Before starting a simulation with non-standard residues I'd suggest to 
start some tutorial-simulations with "normal" proteins to improve your 

To solve your problem the easiest (and hopefully the best) way, I would 
suggest to use the amberFF port and then build your phosphorylated 
residues according to these parameters:

N Homeyer, AHC Horn, H Lanig, H Sticht - Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2006

This is for sure some work and you need an understanding of how GROMACS 
makes use of residue parameters and stuff, but its IMHO the best way to 
produce reasonable results.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Nelson Cotrim wrote:

Hi gmx users,
I am rather new to MD, Linux environment and almost everything related
to it. I am a geneticist working on mutations, so please, keep it
simple :)
This may be trivial and there may be an answer on the list already,
but I do not even know how to search for it - the way I tried did not
return anything useful.
I am analysing a mutation in a binding domain of a protein, and the
ligand is phosporylated (a SER). I tried to use ff43a1p but kept
getting errors in the FF files (hdb, rtp, etc), so instead I am used
PRODRG to parametrize the PO4 (PO3+OG), changed the SEP to SER in the
PDB file and then edited the .gro and .top files adding the data for
the PO3.
Evertyhting works great know, with the exception of the HG that
pdb2gmx adds when converting the .pdb into the .gro. This HG is in the
place that should be taken by the PO3, but I do not know how to remove
it. Which values will I have to correct in the .top, if any? Should I
just remove the line with all the parameters and just correct the
subsequent atom numbers? Is there an easier and foolpŕoof method to do
this (it is easy to mistype the numbers this way)?
Many thanks,

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Re: [gmx-users] free energy calculation

2008-01-17 Thread Maik Goette

I bet, this topic has been discussed on the list multiple times before.
Numerical Integration is the keyword here and be aware of the problems 
in calculating the total error from the single errors (look into Shirts 
I suggest to inform yourself intensively about free energy calculation 
methods, their pros and cons in general.
Using a tutorial is not the only thing to do, to compute meaningful free 


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Li Qiang wrote:

Dear all,

Can anybody tell me how to calculate the free energy difference after
running simulation with lamda(0, 0.1,...1)?

I am following the tutorial on wiki, but i have no idea about the
details to do the "data analysis".

any software can do it? and any reference for the instruction? I am new

thanks a lot


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Re: [gmx-users] FEP trajectory errors

2008-01-17 Thread Maik Goette


I think, I cant help you too much, cause your problem involves too many 
sources of errors.

Your topology (if continued that way) seems to be ok.
Your TI-params seem to be ok, too.

First, make clear: Do you use Position RESTRAINTS or (distance) 
CONSTRAINTS. There is a fundamental difference.

Second you should be aware of how to get out the restraint/constraint 
term from your free energy, to get a correct one. Don't ask me how, I 
don't know ;)

Second, I suppose, your restraints/constraints are wrong somehow. Please 
give some info about the restraints/constraints and the mdp-entries, you 

I'm really wondering about the distortion of your base, cause this must 
not happen if you perturb the bonded terms the way, you describe.

Be aware, that, if you position restraint with e.g. posre.itp, 
B-parameters should be available there, too. I don't really know, if the 
A-parameters in the posre-file will be copied to B, too. Test that with 
a gmxdump.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Robert Johnson wrote:

Hello everyone,
I'm computing the free energy of binding of a DNA base on a carbon
nanotube. I think it's a pretty simple calculation and I'm proceeding
in a very standard way. This is what I'm doing:

I have the optimal orientation of the base on the nanotube. I'm
constraining the positions of the base atoms with a soft harmonic

I then am running two different FEP calculations: one where I turn off
the charges on the base atoms and a second where I then turn off all
the lennard-jones parameters for the base atoms. For each of these I
use the following:
delta_lambda = 0
sc_alpha = 0.7
sc_power = 1
sc_sigma = 0.3

I run a series of trajectories at constant lambda values from 0 to 1.

However, I notice some problems with the trajectories when I turn off
the LJ parameters. As lambda is varied from 0 to 1, it seems that the
position restraints no longer are being applied. Additionally, the DNA
base geometry starts to become severely distorted at lambda values
greater than about 0.6. This happens despite the fact that I am not
perturbing the internal bonded interactions of the base. Here is a
sample of my topology (included just the first line of each section):

[ moleculetype ]
; Namenrexcl
 dg-disappear 3

[ atoms ]
1   P   1   DG  P   1   1.1659  30.9700
 DUM 0.  30.9700

[ bonds ]
1   2   1   0.1480  439320. 0.1480  439320.

[ angles ]
1   4   5   1   120.5001836.8000

[ dihedrals ]
1   4   5   8   1   0.  1.6039  3
 0.  1.6039  3

[ position_restraints ]
1   1   100 100 100 100 100 100

So you can see that I am not perturbing the bonded interactions as I
have just copied the same values from topology A.

Also, I am experiencing additional problems when lambda=1. After about
2ns, all the motion in the system begins to freeze and all the atoms
simply vibrate about a fixed position. Soon after that the simulation

Can anyone comment on what's going on here?
Bob Johnson
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Re: [gmx-users] Dihedral with parameters set to zero

2008-01-11 Thread Maik Goette

No Holland-Speek here! ;)
Anyway, you maybe right...:)

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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van Bemmelen wrote:

Hmmm, thanks. An obvious solution, but I had not yet thought of that

Well, you know what they say:
Een dag niets geleerd is een dag niet geleefd! ;-)

Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 19:27:38 +0100
From: David van der Spoel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Dihedral with parameters set to zero
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

van Bemmelen wrote:

OK. Now I'm confused. What did you mean by the second part?

Of course, when doing FEP with the B state different, you would 
gradually introduce a dihedral as lambda increases. But that would 
still mean that setting all dihedral parameters to 0 for the A state 
would be exactly equivalent to having no dihedral at all, 
only for the 

simulation at lambda=0.0. Right?

Or did you mean something else?


P.S. Actually, in such a setup one would probably run into trouble 
anyway because according to the manual the multipliciy cannot be 
perturbed. But let's ignore that for now.
but that can be solved by defining two dihedrals with 
different mult and turn off one and turn on the other.

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Re: [gmx-users] Generating topology file for a molecule (FNP) not in the gromacs library.

2008-01-11 Thread Maik Goette


This is, what I usually do, too.
Still you need the parameters for your ligand from somewhere ;)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Chris Neale wrote:
When actually building the topology I find it easiest to create the 
residues in the relevant .rtp and allow pdb2gmx to build the topology 
for you. However, all this does is correctly connect everything and put 
your parameters where they should be. All previous comments (in this 
thread and the hundreds of other threads on this topic) still apply 
about how to come up with the parameters... read the original papers and 
reproduce their methodology.


Dear users,
I am working with PTP1B protein. Recently I tried to 
run it in gromacs along with an inhibitor 
is that  gromacs does not recognize  FNP and hence I am not able to 
generate a topology file of it using pdb2gmx. I tried using the The 
Dundee PRODRG server to generate the topology file with the pdb file 
as the input. The problem is that it does generate the topology file 
but without any hydrogens. Even the  polar hydrogens information is 
not available inspite of it being a part of my input pdb file. Thus I 
am not able to use FNP with the polar hydrogens for my runs.

If anyone has faced similar problems please do help if you can.

Thanking you,

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Re: [gmx-users] energy perturbation

2008-01-09 Thread Maik Goette


If I'm not totally wrong, a howto setup a free energy perturbation 
topology is written in the manual. Additionally David and others brought 
up several links to tutorials here in the mailing list. So simply use 
the search function and read the manual.

A perturbed atom entry for OPLSAA ( and in fact for all others) looks 
like this:

#ID  TypeA Resn  Resid  Atom  hargegr. ChargeA   Mass A   Type B 
  Charge B  Mass B

12  opls_224B  2TRP CA  3   0.14 12.011 
opls_223B 0.08 12.011

A general tip: Before proceeding, inform yourself about the different 
free energy calculation methods and how they are used in GROMACS. 
Especially have a look into "softcore" and be aware of using it JUST for 
vdw morphing...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Farzad Molani wrote:

Hi Mark
I read the manual and I used umabrella sampling and I got a curve for 
pmf but now I want pmf by energy perturbation that I want to sure about 
my curve that I got by umbrella sampling.

my question is about .itp file and how do I create.
thank you very much.

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Re: [gmx-users] How can I add ffG43a1p force field to gromacs software?

2008-01-09 Thread Maik Goette


Try the -ff option of pdb2gmx, if you're not able to get it working.
This less complicated.
pdb2gmx -f pdb.pdb -ff ffG43a1

Should work


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Mitra Kheirabadi wrote:

Dear Dr.Periole
I add ffG43a1p to FF.dat/ top and changed 11 to 12 on this file but 
sorry again I did not appear. please help me.

*/Mitra Kheirabadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

Dear Periola
I appreciate your kindly help.

*/Xavier Periole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

On Tue, 8 Jan 2008 06:35:28 -0800 (PST)
Mitra Kheirabadi wrote:
 > Dear Dr. Smith
 > I want to run a virus phosphorylated protein by gromacs.
Furtunatly, you
 >construct related force field by ffG43A1p name. I copied this
force field to
 >top. file gromacs but when I constructed pdbgmx, there is no
any ffG43a1p to
 >select. Could you help me?
 > I be so grateful to receive any information about it.

you must modify the file top/FF.dat and include the new force field.


XAvier Periole - PhD

NMR & Molecular Dynamics Group
University of Groningen
The Netherlands
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Re: [gmx-users] topology treatment in free energy calculations -possible bug

2008-01-07 Thread Maik Goette


Thanks for the clarification.

I was aware of A-values copied to B-values, when no B-values in the FF 
exist, but actually this was new to me.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Berk Hess wrote:

This behavior is itentional.
But it can indeed be confusing.
Therefore in Gromacs 4.0 a warning will be generated (and I have added
a table in the manual that explains all the possible combinations).

If you explicitly define parameters for the A-state, I don't see why
you would want the B-parameters to be looked up based on atom-type.
You would only want that when the A-state parameters are also determined
by the atom type.


From: Maik Goette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
To: GMX-mailinglist 
Subject: [gmx-users] topology treatment in free energy calculations 
-possible bug

Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 15:15:57 +0100


I just found a strange behaviour of GROMACS, when processing 
topologies with B-values. Maybe I just think of it as unintuitive/bug, 
but here we go:

e.g. OPLS

Consider an angle given (all atoms have B-values, which 
angle-parameter can be found by GROMACS in the bonded.itp for the A- 
and B-state):

Original topology entry:
101214 1

Manually edited entry (with the correct ff-term):
101214 1 109.700 669.440

Now, a dump from the tpr-files yields the following:
functype[109]=ANGLES, thA= 1.09700e+02, ctA= 6.69440e+02, thB= 
1.09500e+02, ctB= 2.92880e+02

functype[109]=ANGLES, thA= 1.09700e+02, ctA= 6.69440e+02, thB= 
1.09700e+02, ctB= 6.69440e+02

Now, what obviously happens is, that GROMACS searches the entries of 
the angle in the FF for both states and uses them in the case of the 
original topology.
If one puts a manual entry into the topology for the A-state though, 
the B-state is simply copied, instead of searched by GROMACS.

This, IMHO, is quite inconvenient. Is this a bug or a feature?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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[gmx-users] topology treatment in free energy calculations - possible bug_2nd

2008-01-04 Thread Maik Goette

Hi once more

It just came to my mind, that the behaviour, I described in the first 
mail will be quite dangerous, whenever #define statements are in the 
topology, cause this would lead to the insertion of the FF-values in the 
topology, when preprocessing, and then be copied into the B-state 
afterwards, even if the values are crap for the B-state...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
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37077 Goettingen
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Email : mgoette[at]
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[gmx-users] topology treatment in free energy calculations - possible bug

2008-01-04 Thread Maik Goette


I just found a strange behaviour of GROMACS, when processing topologies 
with B-values. Maybe I just think of it as unintuitive/bug, but here we go:

e.g. OPLS

Consider an angle given (all atoms have B-values, which angle-parameter 
can be found by GROMACS in the bonded.itp for the A- and B-state):

Original topology entry:
101214 1

Manually edited entry (with the correct ff-term):
101214 1 109.700 669.440

Now, a dump from the tpr-files yields the following:
functype[109]=ANGLES, thA= 1.09700e+02, ctA= 6.69440e+02, thB= 
1.09500e+02, ctB= 2.92880e+02

functype[109]=ANGLES, thA= 1.09700e+02, ctA= 6.69440e+02, thB= 
1.09700e+02, ctB= 6.69440e+02

Now, what obviously happens is, that GROMACS searches the entries of the 
angle in the FF for both states and uses them in the case of the 
original topology.
If one puts a manual entry into the topology for the A-state though, the 
B-state is simply copied, instead of searched by GROMACS.

This, IMHO, is quite inconvenient. Is this a bug or a feature?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Re: [gmx-users] ATP, GTP and REX

2007-11-29 Thread Maik Goette


You can use the AMBER ports for 3.3.2, I'd say.

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Robert Fenwick wrote:


I would like to make some unrestrained simulations of ATP and GTP 
binding proteins and wondered if there were any topology files floating 
about for OPLSAA or the GROMOS96.1 forcefields for these two ligands?

I understand that the gmx forcefields have been deprecated and that I 
should use one of the newer ones, however there are not that many ligand 
topology files about.

I am just starting out, so any suggestions would be welcome. The systems 
are approximately 300 residues in size and I am interested in the 
stability and rms fluctuations of the systems.

A secondary question is that of the AMBER forcefields, I am using the 
3.3.2 version, however the amber files state specifically to use the 
port for the relevant version, one of which is missing for 3.3.2. Is it 
safe to use the 3.3.1 amber ff port with version 3.3.2 of GROMACS?

Finally, if anyone can point me in the direction of a small test project 
that does some simple replica exchange, with some instructions as to how 
to get it to run, I would be very grateful.


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Re: [gmx-users] free energy calculations in charged systems

2007-11-21 Thread Maik Goette


Cant' give you a sound answer, but from what I heard from talking to 
people in the field, PME can't handle that properly. Maybe 
Cut-Off/Reaction-Field should be the long-range treatment of choice. 
Still, I don't know, if there may occur problems with that.

Maybe David (both) or Berk have some more sound comments on that.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Argyrios Karatrantos wrote:
Hi all, 

i am  working in polyelectrolyte solutions, and i would like to calculate the free energy 
for the polyectrolyte system (charged) to change to a neutral (non-charged) system.

The question is if it feasible to use the PME electrostatics in gromacs for the 
 free-energy calculation.



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Re: [gmx-users] How to specify .mdp file for position restrained simulation?

2007-11-20 Thread Maik Goette


Use the following term in your mdp:
define   = -DPOSRES

Now, everything is true, depending on the question you ask and the point 
you're standing...

What you may mean is the following:
POSRES-Sims are mostly (not always) used for equilibrating the solvent 
around the protein. These simulations are in general quite short, 
because relaxation of water happens quite fast.
In this case a Posres-Sim is much shorter (say 200ps or so) than a 
"real" run (usually in the range of ns).
Please be aware, that there is also a parameter file for 
position-restraints (e.g. posre.itp), which, if automatically generated 
by pdb2gmx contains the positions of all heavy atoms with a force 
constant for x,y,z.

And now a suggestion. Please, before starting MD inform yourself about:
a. The theoretical aspects of molecular dynamics
b. The program you are using (i.e. the manual)

The probability of getting good results and no crap increases 
dramatically with following the two points above...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Peggy Yao wrote:


How to specify the .mdp file in order to run position restrained
simulation? From the examples I found on the internet, it seems that
the only difference between the .mdp file for position restrained
simulation and the one for actual MD simulation is the simulation time
-- the position restrained simulation is much shorter. Is this
observation true in general?

If yes, usually, how long is enough for the position restrained simulation?

If not, how to specify the .mdp file for position restrained simulation then?

Thanks a lot!

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[gmx-users] Minor Bug in latest stable release update

2007-11-15 Thread Maik Goette


I found a missing entry in include/pme.h. Could be connected to the free 
energy/PME problems, Berk recently solved.
In the declaration of spread_on_grid, there's a variable in the function 

This is how it looks:
extern void spread_on_grid(FILE *logfile,
   t_fftgrid *grid, int homenr,
   int pme_order,   rvec x[],
   real charge[],   matrix box,
   bool bGatherOnly,bool bHaveSplines);

This is how it should:
extern void spread_on_grid(FILE *logfile,
   t_fftgrid *grid,  int homenr,
   int pme_order,rvec x[],
   real charge[],matrix box,
   bool bGatherOnly,
   bool bFreeEnergy, bool bHaveSplines);

Leads to a break while compiling GROMACS

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Re: [gmx-users] ffamber updates

2007-09-28 Thread Maik Goette

Hi Eric

Thanks for doing that great job concerning the amberFF for GROMACS.
I recently came across this paper:

There Perez et al refined new alpha/gamma angles for nucleic acids. They 
claim, that these dihedrals in the original amber99 lead to irreversible 
 transitions, which have an influence on the correct conformation of 

I thought about including them in the amber99-GROMACS port, but maybe 
it's better if you do, because you have more experience in building the 
amber-ports. What do you think?

I didn't read the paper according to your 99sb-port yet. Do you think it 
makes sense to switch from the amber99 to amber99sb?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Eric J. Sorin wrote:

Hi GROMACS users,

We've updated our ffamber ports to include the AMBER-99SB force field. 
Please visit the new website for information and downloads:

Eric ___
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Re: [gmx-users] gromacs result

2007-09-28 Thread Maik Goette

Right, but I can just warn anyone.
Trying to use TI on a docked structure is insanity...
The docked structure is an approximation in its best case (more likely 
its simply crap). Applying a free energy calculation towards such a 
structure will give you everything...but sure not the the correct free 
energy of bindingexcept you are very luckyIF you are that lucky, 
play lottery instead and enjoy life ;)

In fact it's (citating Mark) another expensive random number generator...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Mark Abraham wrote:

mahbubeh zarrabi wrote:

Dear all
I have 3 complexes of docking.(one receptor with 3
different ligands).I studied MD of 3 complexes in 15
ns by can i compare binding energy and
affinity of 3 ligands with receptor.(how can i
analysis gromacs result)

Shouldn't you have asked this question before designing your
simulations? :-) You can't measure binding affinity without taking a
difference between "before" and "after", which you don't seem to have.
You probably need to look at literature on thermodynamic integration, or
some such.


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Re: [gmx-users] Re: "Impulsive" motion resulting from AFM pulling

2007-09-21 Thread Maik Goette

Hmm.looks really strange...
What do you see in a visualization of the trajectory?
Do you see the whole tube hopping?
Or does it somehow stretch and shrink?
To me, the wells look somehow harmonic, what may be related to the 
spring (constant). Maybe, try a different spring constant for testing.

Is the position you plot the com or the pull group?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Robert Johnson wrote:

Can anyone recommend a remedy/explanation for this?

On 9/19/07, Robert Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everyone,
Eventually I want to pull a carbon nanotube through water at a
constant rate. Before I get to this, I'm pulling a nanotube in vacuum
just to make sure I'm using the pull code correctly.

My system consists of a carbon nanotube aligned along the z axis and a
single dummy atom fixed on the z axis. Here is my pull.ppa file:

runtype = afm
ngroups = 1
group_1 = nanotube
pulldim = Y N N
reference_group = dummy
reftype = com
afm_rate1 = 0.1
afm_dir1 = 1 0 0
afm_k1 = 10
afm_init1 = 2.00 2.00 4.042

Here, the coordinates for afm_init1 is the initial center of mass of
the nanotube (thus, the system should start out with zero applied
force). Applying this pulling force results in the nanotube undergoing
a complicated oscillation as it moves along the +x direction. A graph
of the nanotube position as a function of time is shown here:

What is causing oscillations of this type? I was expecting the
nanotube to move at a constant rate. Does this have anything to do
with the fact that I'm pulling the nanotube in vacuum? Perhaps in
aqueous solution, the solvent will damp these types of oscillations.
Any ideas as to how to remove this?

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Re: [gmx-users] Help! A dummy atom definition problem!

2007-09-12 Thread Maik Goette
The problem actually is, that you mixed up a dummy atom with a virtual 
site, I guess.

Virtual sites are not allowed to have a mass, as the error message 
claims. Also, a proper hydrogen should have a mass.

If you want a hydrogen to appear, you have to place a particle in 
A-state which has no non-bonded interaction, i.e. LJ & QQ interactions 
should be zero. If you want to prevent it from flying away, you should 
put bonded terms to the particle.
In the B-state, the QQ and LJ should be there (whereas the LJ 
interaction for a hydrogen is 0 anyway).

21  opls_9991   LG4 H21 21  0.  1.00800 
opls_1720.4650  1.00800

opls_999   DUM   0 1.008000 0.000A 0.00   0.00

So, I expect, this is, how it should look like.
Be aware of the missing bonded terms in the force field for a DUM 
particle. Maybe, you want to call it H instead...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Wang Qin wrote:

Hi there,
   I met the problem when I ran "grompp", the errors are:
ERROR 1 [file "", line 26741]:
  virtual site H21 (Res LG4-173) has non-zero mass 1.008
   Check your topology.
ERROR 2 [file "", line 26741]:

  virtual site H22 (Res LG4-173) has non-zero mass 1.008
   Check your topology.

  Then I checked my topology file, here were the definition of 
LG4-173 H21 and H22: ( I want to convert the dummy atoms to H atoms)
   ;nr  typeresnr   residue atomcgnrcharge  
masstype_B  charge_Bmass_B 
21  opls_9991   LG4 H21 21  0.  
1.00800 opls_1720.4650  1.00800
22  opls_9991   LG4 H22 22  0.  
1.00800 opls_1720.4650  1.00800

   in which opls_999 was from what I defined by myself in the force 
field itp file:

opls_999   DUM   0 1.008000 0.000V 0.00   0.00

  I changed the both of the mass_A to 0.0, but that didn't help. 
  Does anyone have ideas on that?

   Thank you very much.


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Re: [gmx-users] proper force fields for fullerene

2007-08-30 Thread Maik Goette

Have a look at the manual and search the mailing list.
You want to simulate a not recognized/parameterized molecule. Therefore 
you have to implement the parameters. How thats done can be found e.g. 
in the wiki.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
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serdar durdagi wrote:

Dear all,
I am trying to make MD simulation of fullerene derivatives with HIV 
protease..When I try to convert merged pdb file of protein+ligand to gmx 
file, using forcefields like G43a1 it gave error message as residue 
'lig' not found in residue topology database.
Is anybody knows which parameters in ff should I change?
Kind Regards,

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Re: [gmx-users] Pull code methods?

2007-08-20 Thread Maik Goette
I'm no umbrella user, but as far as I know, you have to set different 
parameters, according to the manual. These may be similar to the AFM 
parameters, but still, in the config file, they are separated.
Sure, you don't define a pull rate for Umbrella, because you build, as 
you said, discrete systems, where you put the umbrella potential onto 
one group along a reaction coordinate. It's clear that, depending on 
your system, you have to build N systems where your ligand is moved away 
from the protein along the reaction coordinate.

Now, I'm curious about you asking about afm_init you are 
finished with the umbrella business and want to do AFM now?

The sentence, in fact, is very clear. You can break down the statement 
to: Calculate the resulting vector from the difference of two other 
Therefore you have to find two vectors. One should be the COM of your 
reference group (you could also choose a single atom there...Just makes 
no sense to me) and one is either the COM of your ligand or, better, one 
single atom of your ligand, where the spring(AFM-tip) is attached to...

I think, this has been discussed in the mailing list more than once...
Maybe you should intensively search the archive for such things...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Hi Maik,

Thank you for the answer. I still have some questions.

I still didn't get the umberalla sampling method. It seems to me AFM and
umberalla are the same except that in umberalla we dont define a Pull
rate. Looking at the literature, people have been using umberalla method
with discrete simulations. i.e. 21 simulation windows. I kind of get the
idea that you will have to manually set up the the 21 discrete simulations
to get the final separated ligand-protein for the umberalla method?
correct me if I am wrong.

The other question I had is about init-afm position option. it says in the
afm init1 =
Vector describing the initial position of the spring relative to the
reference group. To start a simulation with zero initial force on the
pulled group, the initial position should be set to the position of the
pulled group relative to the reference group.

This sentence is very unclear to me. how do u calculated the poition of
the pulled group relative to the referene.  Is is by calculating the
Center of mass of the pulled group or by calculating the center of mass of
the the whole system (pulled group + reference)?

Thank you,



You have to tell GROMACS in the parameters-file (.ppa) which kind of PMF
you want to calculate (runtype=afm,umbrella). Depending on this choice
it's very likely that the afm_rate is simply ignored for umbrella, no?

The force constant is mimicking the stiffness of the spring. You want to
obey the stiff spring approximation (which still does NOT mean, you
should use a rod ;) ) and therefore shouldn't choose the fc of the
spring to small. I usually use a force constant of 500 kJ/mol*nm^2.
It actually DOES make sense, to choose a fc comparable to the
experiments, you want to compare your sim with, IF you want to compare :)

Hope that helps


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Dear all,

I have been reading the literature, mailing list and the manual.

There is some questions that I cant understand:

1) there is three methods for the pull code: constraint force, AFM and

in both AFM and Constraint force, there is an option of the rate of
pulling (contraint_rate, AFM_rate), however, for umberalla, there is
two options, a foce constant and position to be specified!
my question is: how is the pulling controlled in umberalla sampling

2) if I want to do an AFM pulling...what is a reasonalble force
to use? it seems people are using different K ranging from 10 to

thank u


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Re: [gmx-users] Residue 'UNK' not found in residue topology database

2007-08-16 Thread Maik Goette

Sorry, but first I suggest: Read the error message!

Fatal error:
> Residue 'UNK' not found in residue topology database

Now, what could this mean? This actually means, in the forcefield 
residue database (e.g. ffoplsaa.rtp) exists no entry for a molecule 
named UNK...
Rename the pdb to the expected name given in the rtp of the forcefield 
for your molecule, or if, more likely, the molecule really doesn't exist
you have to build an entry by either building it from reasonable 
available building blocks or parameterize it yourself...

And in general there's a very important rule to obey before posting to 
this mailinglist: RTFM...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Sagittarius wrote:

Dear Gromacs users,
Could you please help me to find out what the problem is.

I use command
pdb2gmx -f C:\Soft\Gromacs\Input\formaldehyde.pdb -o outputName.gro -p
formaldehyde.pdb looks like this:
REMARK   1 PDB to MMOD atom-numbering translation table; the mmod numbers

REMARK   1 pertain to the .dat file from which this file was created,
REMARK   1 not to one created from this file:
REMARK   1  PDB: 1 2 3 4 
REMARK   1 MMOD: 1 2 3 4 /

HETATM1  C01 UNK 0   0.000   0.302   0.000  0.00  0.00   0
HETATM2  O02 UNK 0   0.000   1.510   0.000  0.00  0.00   0
HETATM3  H03 UNK 0  -0.960  -0.262   0.000  0.00  0.00   0
HETATM4  H04 UNK 0   0.960  -0.262   0.000  0.00  0.00   0
Gromacs output is

Program pdb2gmx, VERSION
Source code file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual 
Studio\MyProjects\pdb2gmx\pdb2gmx\resall.cpp, line: 493

Fatal error:
Residue 'UNK' not found in residue topology database
Thanx for Using GROMACS - Have a Nice Day
Thank you in advance

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Re: [gmx-users] Pull code methods?

2007-08-16 Thread Maik Goette


You have to tell GROMACS in the parameters-file (.ppa) which kind of PMF 
you want to calculate (runtype=afm,umbrella). Depending on this choice 
it's very likely that the afm_rate is simply ignored for umbrella, no?

The force constant is mimicking the stiffness of the spring. You want to 
obey the stiff spring approximation (which still does NOT mean, you 
should use a rod ;) ) and therefore shouldn't choose the fc of the 
spring to small. I usually use a force constant of 500 kJ/mol*nm^2.
It actually DOES make sense, to choose a fc comparable to the 
experiments, you want to compare your sim with, IF you want to compare :)

Hope that helps


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Dear all,

I have been reading the literature, mailing list and the manual.

There is some questions that I cant understand:

1) there is three methods for the pull code: constraint force, AFM and

in both AFM and Constraint force, there is an option of the rate of
pulling (contraint_rate, AFM_rate), however, for umberalla, there is only
two options, a foce constant and position to be specified!
my question is: how is the pulling controlled in umberalla sampling option?

2) if I want to do an AFM pulling...what is a reasonalble force constant
to use? it seems people are using different K ranging from 10 to 1000's?

thank u


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Re: [gmx-users] Re: question about free energy. Gromacs user

2007-08-14 Thread Maik Goette
Because you are quite greedy with parameters, one can just rougly assume 
that,e.g. your distance restraints are too short and therefore just kind 
of bend your ligand. Therefore it seems to find an energy minimum in 
modifiying some internal degrees of freedom to your restraint potential.
Maybe you have to apply simply more distance restraints along the whole 
ligand. Maybe you should stick to methods like TI or pulling, which are 
implemented and heavily used within GROMACS...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Thank you David and Arneh for the comments.

I just have a couple of things i want to clarify about the constrain
distances i used.  The distance I used to pull the ligand and receptor
apart was a non-bonded distance between the amide nitrogen of the ligand
and the oxygen carbonyl of the receptor (on both ends).  looking at the
slowgrowth results of my 5 ns, the distances i specifed increased from
lambda 0 to 1, however, I didnt get separation as I wanted it since the
ends just separated and the middle interaction of the ligand-receptor
stayed intact. nothing unusal happened to the ligand or receptor.
I dont think my method altered the internal degrees of freedom of the
ligand. Can you please clarify this issue for me.

I used constraint=all-bonds in my mdp file.

Again, thanks you both for the comments.


Maybe it should be obvious, but (a) why are you constraining two
distances, and (b) are you sure your constraints aren't going to muck
with the internal degrees of freedom for the ligand? I would think one
would like to pull the ligand out of the receptor along some
particular direction, but without doing anything to alter its internal
degrees of freedom, or there would be a free energy associated with
changing its internal degrees of freedom that you wouldn't capture in
the PMF calculation.

I agree with David's comments here.  Check out the 'Special Topic'
of the GMX manual.   you can either do a pulling simulation or umbrella
sampling (where the position and constrain the ligand on some rxn
coordinate, in several simulation).  The output of such simulatsions is a
*.pdo file, which you can then run g_wham on to obtain a PMF.
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Re: [gmx-users] how to simulate a protein and a ATP molecule simultaneity?

2007-08-09 Thread Maik Goette

Be aware, that you can't use the ouput with every forcefield...
Attaching the gro-file to your protein gro at the proper position (right 
after the protein) and building the correct topology should do the job.

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

mjduan wrote:

Yes, I found a server (ProDrg) can get the .gro and .top files of ATP

Whereas one should also mention, that ATP isn't included in every
forcefield, GROMACS supports...
So probably, parameterization has to be done also.

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Mark Abraham wrote:

mjduan at wrote:

Dear GROMACS users:
I want to simulate a complex composed by a protein and an ATP molecule, 
and when I use the pdb2gmx to build the topology file and transfer 
the*pdb* file to *gro* file, it said "/Fatal error: Atom PG in residue 
ATP 1 not found in rtp entry with 36 atoms while sorting atoms/", So how 
can I build the *top* file and *gro* file for ATP molecular and simulate 
the protein molcular and ATP molecule simultaneity?

By reading chapter 5 of the manual thoroughly, understanding how the rtp
files work for your force field and modifying your .pdb file and/or
force field files to work suitably.

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Re: [gmx-users] how to simulate a protein and a ATP molecule simultaneity?

2007-08-09 Thread Maik Goette
As Mark suggested. If you have the parameters for your ATP, build an
RTP-entry and afterwards, give the protein together with ATP into pdb2gmx...

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

> Thank u very much for your suggestion, and now I had get the .gro file 
> and .top file of ATP molecule, but how to I add the ATP molecule into 
> the .gro and .top files of the protein? (If I paste the ATP's datas to 
> the end of protein's file directly, and do genbox, then the result (.gro 
> /.top file) only contain the atoms of the protein and water.)
> And is there any difference between the .mdp file to do grompp for this 
> complex and for the system only contain protein and water?
> mjduan at 
> <> wrote:
>>/ Dear GROMACS users:
> />/ I want to simulate a complex composed by a protein and an ATP molecule, 
> />/ and when I use the pdb2gmx to build the topology file and transfer 
> />/ the*pdb* file to *gro* file,
>   it said "/Fatal error: Atom PG in residue 
> />/ ATP 1 not found in rtp entry with 36 atoms while sorting atoms/", So how 
> />/ can I build the *top* file and *gro* file for ATP molecular and simulate 
> />/ the protein molcular and ATP molecule simultaneity?
> /
> By reading chapter 5 of the manual thoroughly, understanding how the rtp
> files work for your force field and modifying your .pdb file and/or
> force field files to work suitably.
> Mark
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Re: [gmx-users] Constrains and TI

2007-08-09 Thread Maik Goette

That sounds more reasonable...:)

In fact I like the idea of using distance restraints, but I still doubt, 
that will work...

I would really suggest to use the TI method. If you apply it properly it 
should give reasonable results. With proper application, speaking about 
using soft-core for VdW (with good parameters), hardcore for qq, back 
and forth morphing for an idea of the hysteresis or using discrete TI 
instead of slow-growth, etc. you should get reasonable results. But 
depending on your perturbation size this could also be a hard task, to 
obtain correct numbers and not just building the famous costly random 
number generator...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Thank you for the reply,

Sorry for the confusion of my two emails. I guess I was using the word
"pulling" in the wrong context. Now after my extensive reading, what I
meant  is that i want to calculate the absoulte binding free energy of a
ligand/receptor complex.

I have read the manual over and looked at the tutorials, and came to the
idea that i can constrain distances b/w the ligand and the receptor and
input a distance for state B to vary the distance using lamda. (Manual 3.3
chapter 6 special topics, section 6.3 Calcuating the PMF using the
free-energy code)

I am using contraints type 2, which can be perturbed in free energy
calculations. here is what I used in my calculation:
[ constraints ]
; ai   aj  funct  length_A  length_B
  44   258   2 0.2592.406
  123  179   2 0.3292.334

I am currently running a 5ns using the slow-growth method to give me an
idea of what happens to the system.

I am also looking into using orientational-restrains and using a
thermodynamic cycle instead of PMF of the unbinding of the ligand to

please correct me if I am wrong.

and thanks for ur help.



First, for the other topic you posted (which is probably somehow related
to this one):

Now, please be more specific with what you want to doYou wrote:
"What I want to do is calculate the free energy difference of pulling
the ligand away from the receptor"

This is a pulling approach, where you would like to do AFM sims and
afterwards use Jarzynski. If that is what you want, search the
literature for Jarzynski and try to understand his theorem (you will
see, one pulling sim is not enough for free energy calc).

Then you wrote:
"I want to do it using theromdynamic intergration using the Lamda 0/1

This is a totally different approach

With both, you can ESTIMATE binding free energies. Still, both are very
different in the way to setup a simulation in GROMACS. You WILL find
out, how to do it by:
1. Reading the manual
2. Searching the mailing list
3. Using the GROMACS Wiki
4. Using some of the tutorials, which were posted, by e.g. David Mobley

Now, coming to your idea about using distance restraints to "pull" the
ligand away (its more of a push).
I think (correct me if I'm wrong), that you can't use A and B state
distance restraints in GROMACS (or better say, they will stay the same
for both states).

I'd suggest to use either TI OR AFM pulling. For sure, you could do both
and see, if you get similar free energy differences with both methods...
I don't think, you can calculate the free energy difference by using
different distance restraints, anyway.


As I just saw it. Inform yourself about the difference between
CONSTRAINTS and RESTRAINTS (there is an important one...)

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


hello all,

is it possible to constrain a distance (or several) between a
ligand-receptor complex inorder to simulate free energy change of
separating the ligand from the receptor?

I intend to use TI and lamda to do free energy calculations.

any help is appreicated.


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Re: [gmx-users] how to simulate a protein and a ATP molecule simultaneity?

2007-08-09 Thread Maik Goette
Whereas one should also mention, that ATP isn't included in every
forcefield, GROMACS supports...
So probably, parameterization has to be done also.

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
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Mark Abraham wrote:
>> Dear GROMACS users:
>> I want to simulate a complex composed by a protein and an ATP molecule, 
>> and when I use the pdb2gmx to build the topology file and transfer 
>> the*pdb* file to *gro* file, it said "/Fatal error: Atom PG in residue 
>> ATP 1 not found in rtp entry with 36 atoms while sorting atoms/", So how 
>> can I build the *top* file and *gro* file for ATP molecular and simulate 
>> the protein molcular and ATP molecule simultaneity?
> By reading chapter 5 of the manual thoroughly, understanding how the rtp
> files work for your force field and modifying your .pdb file and/or
> force field files to work suitably.
> Mark
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Re: [gmx-users] dummy atom definition prob in FEP

2007-08-08 Thread Maik Goette

Your system will explode.
Actually I'm not sure, why that is, but probably, because some forces 
from the bonded terms are transferred to your mass-zero particle, which 
then accelerates infinitly fast...even though I would expect some 
division over zero error in the velocity calculation...

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Wang Qin wrote:

Thank you, Maik.
I do want to do standard FEP and thank you for telling me that FEP don't 
go with virtual sites. It does help.

BTW, may I ask you why I should define a none_zero mass for a dummy atom?


On 8/8/07, *Maik Goette* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


What are you trying to do???
If you want to do standard FEP with growing something into dummy (NOT
virtual site) or from dummy, you must not use virtual sites!
Virtual sites in fact, have no mass; neither in A- nor in B-state.
Please read the fManual about virtual particles, their usage and why
they exist in GROMACS (hint, delocalized charge)

As far as I know, you can't morph a virtual site to a real particle. I
also think, It wouldn't make much sense, though.

If you want to morph away e.g. a proton, define a dummy in the b-state,
which has no LJ parameters (eps and sigma=0) and no charge, but still
the original mass.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]mpi- <>
WWW   :

Wang Qin wrote:
 > Hi,
 >Thanks for reply. It seems that specifying mass_B = mass_A doesn't
 > help to solve the problem. However, if I don't use the directory
 > [virtual_site#] the errors disappear! What's the result if I do
 > Is the directory necessary  in the FEP  calculation  to define
the dummy
 > atoms?
 > Thanks,
 > Qin
 > On 7/20/07, *Stéphane Téletchéa* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
 > Wang Qin a écrit :
 >  > Hi there,
 >  > I have a problems when I do a FEP calculation.
 >  > Below is how I defined dummy atoms in the topology
 >  > [atom]
 >  > ;nr typeresnr   residue atomcgnrcharge
 >  > masstype_B  charge_Bmass_B
 >  > 21  opls_1721   LG6 H21 21  0.4650
 >  > 1.00800 opls_0  0.  0.00
 >  > 22  opls_1721   LG6 H22 22  0.4650
 >  > 1.00800 opls_0  0.  0.00
 >  > ..
 >  >
 > I think you need to specify the mass_B=mass_A, at least this
is how it
 > is setup in the tutorials i've done (the one from Berk Hess
and the
 > other one from David Mobley).
 > I've also done calculations without setting the mass for B
(like you
 > did) and did not encounter any problem, the error you're
seing could
 > thus come from another part of your system.
 > Cheers,
 > Stéphane
 > --
 > Stéphane Téletchéa, PhD.
 > Unité Mathématique Informatique et Génome
 > INRA, Domaine de Vilvert  Tél : (33) 134 652 891
 > 78352 Jouy-en-Josas cedex, France Fax : (33) 134 652 901
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Re: [gmx-users] Constrains and TI

2007-08-08 Thread Maik Goette


First, for the other topic you posted (which is probably somehow related 
to this one):

Now, please be more specific with what you want to doYou wrote:
"What I want to do is calculate the free energy difference of pulling 
the ligand away from the receptor"

This is a pulling approach, where you would like to do AFM sims and 
afterwards use Jarzynski. If that is what you want, search the 
literature for Jarzynski and try to understand his theorem (you will 
see, one pulling sim is not enough for free energy calc).

Then you wrote:
"I want to do it using theromdynamic intergration using the Lamda 0/1 stuff"

This is a totally different approach

With both, you can ESTIMATE binding free energies. Still, both are very 
different in the way to setup a simulation in GROMACS. You WILL find 
out, how to do it by:

1. Reading the manual
2. Searching the mailing list
3. Using the GROMACS Wiki
4. Using some of the tutorials, which were posted, by e.g. David Mobley

Now, coming to your idea about using distance restraints to "pull" the 
ligand away (its more of a push).
I think (correct me if I'm wrong), that you can't use A and B state 
distance restraints in GROMACS (or better say, they will stay the same 
for both states).

I'd suggest to use either TI OR AFM pulling. For sure, you could do both 
and see, if you get similar free energy differences with both methods...
I don't think, you can calculate the free energy difference by using 
different distance restraints, anyway.


As I just saw it. Inform yourself about the difference between 
CONSTRAINTS and RESTRAINTS (there is an important one...)

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


hello all,

is it possible to constrain a distance (or several) between a
ligand-receptor complex inorder to simulate free energy change of
separating the ligand from the receptor?

I intend to use TI and lamda to do free energy calculations.

any help is appreicated.


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Re: [gmx-users] Mutagenesis

2007-08-08 Thread Maik Goette


The question arises, is "physically acceptance" equal to "biological 
reality" and the answer is (with reasonable probability) no.

What I suppose, you want to do is calculating the affinity difference 
(free energy difference) for binding of a slab of DNA to a protein with 
"mutated" aminoacids.
Therefore you will calculate via TI or so the difference in free energy 
of two states, where A is the one with the original AA and B with the 
"mutated" AA. With GROMACS, you can morph between these states and 
calculate the DeltaG.
To get the atoms of the B-state positioned correctly, you may setup a 
library of your AAs and fit the backbone atoms to the BB-atoms of the 
original one. Then you have more or less reasonable positions for you 
B-state side-chain atoms. Afterwards have a look which side chain atoms 
of the B-state AA you really have to grow and afterwards start the sim.
Which kind of TI one should use is hard to say, but I'd suggest discrete 
TI (not slow growth), because your B-state has the time to equilibrate 
(more or less) properly.

If all this is feasible, one probably can't answer. At last, that's the 
best one can doand, btw., expect to invest some time to get this 

Hope, this helps.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Esther Caballero-Manrique wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am new to mutagenesis studies, so I was wondering if I could get some 
input on my approach. My task involves mutagenizing a residue (with all  
19 possibilities)  in a protein that binds DNA, and then deciding 
whether the resulting structure is physically acceptable.

My approach to do this is 1) mutate using MODELLER,
2) check the structure with something like PROCKECK (although since I am 
just mutating one residue, this doesn't seem important/useful),
3) align the resulting structure from MODELLER with the original and 
paste the DNA

4) check for clashes with PROCHECK, and
5) do MD to see whether the model is feasible/calculate free energy of 
Obviously all steps are easy and fast except the last one, and my 
question is, does anyone think that step 5 is overdoing it if one just 
needs to know whether a structure is feasible ( i.e., I am not using MD 
for refinement, but as a check of the feasibility of the complex)? Does 
anyone have a better/easier way to do this?

Thanks a lot for your help,

Esther Caballero-Manrique
Unit of Cancer Pathology
Center for Excellence in Research on Aging
University "G. D' Annunzio"
Via Colle dell' Ara
66013 Chieti Scalo (Chieti), Italy

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Re: [gmx-users] dummy atom definition prob in FEP

2007-08-08 Thread Maik Goette


What are you trying to do???
If you want to do standard FEP with growing something into dummy (NOT 
virtual site) or from dummy, you must not use virtual sites!

Virtual sites in fact, have no mass; neither in A- nor in B-state.
Please read the fManual about virtual particles, their usage and why 
they exist in GROMACS (hint, delocalized charge)

As far as I know, you can't morph a virtual site to a real particle. I 
also think, It wouldn't make much sense, though.

If you want to morph away e.g. a proton, define a dummy in the b-state, 
which has no LJ parameters (eps and sigma=0) and no charge, but still 
the original mass.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Wang Qin wrote:

   Thanks for reply. It seems that specifying mass_B = mass_A doesn't 
help to solve the problem. However, if I don't use the directory 
[virtual_site#] the errors disappear! What's the result if I do this?  
Is the directory necessary  in the FEP  calculation  to define the dummy 


On 7/20/07, *Stéphane Téletchéa* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

Wang Qin a écrit :
 > Hi there,
 > I have a problems when I do a FEP calculation.
 > Below is how I defined dummy atoms in the topology file:
 > [atom]
 > ;nr typeresnr   residue atomcgnrcharge
 > masstype_B  charge_Bmass_B
 > 21  opls_1721   LG6 H21 21  0.4650
 > 1.00800 opls_0  0.  0.00
 > 22  opls_1721   LG6 H22 22  0.4650
 > 1.00800 opls_0  0.  0.00
 > ..

I think you need to specify the mass_B=mass_A, at least this is how it
is setup in the tutorials i've done (the one from Berk Hess and the
other one from David Mobley).

I've also done calculations without setting the mass for B (like you
did) and did not encounter any problem, the error you're seing could
thus come from another part of your system.


Stéphane Téletchéa, PhD.
Unité Mathématique Informatique et Génome
INRA, Domaine de Vilvert  Tél : (33) 134 652 891
78352 Jouy-en-Josas cedex, France Fax : (33) 134 652 901
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Re: [gmx-users] free energy perturbations and B-parameter specifications

2007-08-08 Thread Maik Goette


You have to be more specific...
Did you just do one sim for Gly->Ala?
Are you sure, you did the simulations in a way, you can compare it to 
exp. results? (think about doing the perturbation once in water and once 
in vacuum or so)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Soren Enemark wrote:

Dear Gromacsers,
I have been doing free energy perturbations Gly->Ala in one strand of 
Now, the problem is that I have later closely reread the section 5.6.4 

Energy Calculations") p. 105 in which it says:
"Bonded interactions between atoms that are not perturbed do not need B 
parameter specifications ..".
My questions are:
1. Does this mean that bonded interactions between atoms that ARE 
perturbed DO need B parameter specifications? Even if they are the same 
in state

A and B?
2. What about the other topology parameters (angles, dihedrals etc), do 
they need to be specified too?

3. What happens if I have not specified these specifications?
The relevant parts of the topology file which I use are:
[ atoms ]

87  N 13ALA  N 49  -0.2814.0067   ; 
qtot 0.72
88  H 13ALA  H 49   0.28  1.008   ; 
qtot 1
89CH2 13ALA CA 50  0 14.027  
CH1  0.0  3.019   ; qtot 1
90DUM 13ALA CB 50  0 15.035  
CH3  0.0 15.035   ; qtot 1
91  C 13ALA  C 51   0.38 12.011   ; 
qtot 1.38
92  O 13ALA  O 51  -0.3815.9994   ; 
qtot 1

[ bonds ]

   8789 2gb_20
   8990 2gb_26
   8991 2gb_26
[ angles ]

   858789 2ga_30
   888789 2ga_17
   878990 2ga_12
   878991 2ga_12
   908991 2ga_12
   899192 2ga_29
   899193 2ga_18
And so on, ie, no B specifications have been done except for the atoms!
Best regards, and thank you in anticipation,

Ps. One (non-gromacs -sorry) question, given that the above is not wrong:
For the pertubation Gly->Ala I have get a deltaG of 0.8 kcal/mol. 
Looking through literature, this does not seem all wrong, say if the 
pertubation took place in an alpha-helix. On the other hand, it is 
close to the thermal energy (~kT), and a previous article doing the 
exact same perturbation arrives at a deltaG around 8.6 kcal/mol. Could 
anyone comment on that?

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Re: [gmx-users] free energy calculation and constraint distance?

2007-07-16 Thread Maik Goette
Sorry, I really didn't get, what your goal is and what, in fact, you 
really want to do.

For free energy calculations, you can
- either do Thermodynamic integration (the lambda 0/1 stuff)
- or pulling (force probe) and afterwards use Jarzynskis theorem
- or umbrella sampling together with WHAM (if I remember correctly)

Now, it's up to you, which method you favormay also depend on your 


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :


Hello Gromacs users,

I am trying to do a free energy calculation, which I have never done
before. I have read the manual and the tutorial on the wiki but there is
still some issues not clear to me.

I am trying to calculate free energy difference of pulling the ligand from
a beta-sheet receptor. I understand there is a pull code with different
options or it can be done with constraint distances.

Please correct me if my procedure is wrong: I want to constraint several
distances between the ligand and the receptor and then  increase that
distance to one where the ligand and receptor are completely separated.
For that, I would have to modify my topology where i define [ constraints
] for the distances i want to constrain between the ligand and the
receptor and input the bond length for state A(lamda=0) and state B
(lamda=1) for each.

will the distances defined move the whole ligand away from the receptor?
since am only defining several distances between ligand and receptor only.

or is it recommended to use the pull code?

Any directions is appreciated.


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Re: [gmx-users] Question about DNA simulation

2007-06-19 Thread Maik Goette


I never had to change masses in the nb.itp and I ran lots of simulations 
with the amber-Port...Are you sure, that you had no dummies with mass 
zero or so?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

George Abadir wrote:

Actually I think that although the .atp file seems to be used, the 
masses in the ffamberxxnb.itp file must be changed from the zero values 
to the correct ones: when I ran a simulation without changing them I got 
infinite velocities and which did nor happen when I changed the masses 
to the correct ones.


David van der Spoel wrote:

Maik Goette wrote:


I think, I should not contradict to one of the developers, but if 
your statement is true:
1. Where, in fact, are the masses coming from (the masses in the 
amberFF port can only be found in the atp, as far as I know)?
2. Why does GROMACS complain about missing atoms in the atp-file, if 
I add a new atom type to the nb-section?

Just out of curiosity...

Hm, no problems contradicting me at least... I presume you're right.

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Re: [gmx-users] Question about DNA simulation

2007-06-18 Thread Maik Goette


I think, I should not contradict to one of the developers, but if your 
statement is true:
1. Where, in fact, are the masses coming from (the masses in the amberFF 
port can only be found in the atp, as far as I know)?
2. Why does GROMACS complain about missing atoms in the atp-file, if I 
add a new atom type to the nb-section?

Just out of curiosity...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

David van der Spoel wrote:

Maik Goette wrote:

Because it is?

The masses are defined in the .atp file. I dont't know how GROMACS 
handles the stuff, but that is sufficiantMaybe Eric was a bit lazy...

Why do you care for that...?

atp file is never used...

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

bo yang wrote:

I have a question regarding DNA simulation.
I have the amber99 package.
Can anyone give me an explanation why all the masses in the 
ffamberXXnb.itp are 0?

Thank you very much!

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Re: [gmx-users] Question about DNA simulation

2007-05-29 Thread Maik Goette

Because it is?

The masses are defined in the .atp file. I dont't know how GROMACS 
handles the stuff, but that is sufficiantMaybe Eric was a bit lazy...

Why do you care for that...?

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

bo yang wrote:

I have a question regarding DNA simulation.
I have the amber99 package.
Can anyone give me an explanation why all the masses in the 
ffamberXXnb.itp are 0?

Thank you very much!

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Re: [gmx-users] Total energy with different energy groups

2007-05-29 Thread Maik Goette

Random velocities?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Daniel Cheong wrote:
Thanks for your reply.  I thought so too, but i have checked it several 
times.  The only thing i changed was the "energygrps  ="  line in my 
.mdp file.  Then the inclusion and exclusion of energy monitor groups or 
just specifying different energy groups will result in a different total 
energy.  And the larger the energy group, the greater the difference 
when compared to the energy calculated with no energy monitor groups.   
i use the exact same initial configuration, topology, index files.

Mark Abraham wrote:

Daniel Cheong wrote:


I am trying to calculate the initial energy of some molecular 
configuration that I have.  I have also defined some energy groups.  
This gives me a set of energy values.  However when I changed the 
energy monitor groups, and repeat the calculation on the same 
configuration, i get a different total energy.  This seems strange to 
me.  I was under the impression that while the mutual interactions of 
the energy groups will of course be different, the total energy of 
the system should be the same regardless of what energy groups I 
define.  Is that right, or am i missing something altogether?  Thanks 
for any help.

Probably you're not doing the same calculation. You are right, in that 
the energy monitor groups will not affect the calculation of the total 

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Re: [gmx-users] Problems with forcefield amber99 in Gromacs

2007-05-29 Thread Maik Goette

Have a look into the tar again...

Maybe ffamber_tip3p.gro is what you are searching for
And to specify Mark's comment:
You may want to include ffamber_tip3p.itp in your topology file.

A further suggestion:
Don't think, a software can undertake the thinking for you...We all are 
waiting for the Do-whatever-I-mean-tool...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

bo yang wrote:

I have a question regarding to using forcefield amber99 in Gromacs.
I have all the parameter files of amber99.
I am doing the MD of carbon nanotube with DNA.
I have changed the .pdb file of the DNA according to the instruction.
I generated the topology of DNA with identifying -water tip5p.gro.
The topology file of DNA is also generated successful.
Pymol is used to visualize the DNA structure.
Now, I am doing the energy minimization. When I use the grompp command,
the output is that
"Fatal error:
No such moleculetype SOL".
I am wondering can anybody tell me how to use the tip5p model of water.

Also, actually, I want to do the simulation with tip3p. But I could not 

tip3p.gro. I checked back. There was also another person asked the same
question. But, I don't quite following the answer.

Do you minding telling me more about the process?

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Re: [gmx-users] FEP with real or dummy charges?

2007-05-23 Thread Maik Goette

I said, you may want to perturb all partial charges in the site, where 
the netto +1 charge sits OR place a virtual site somewhere in between, 
to grow a point charge, whereas I'm not sure, if a point charge is, what 
you want.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Georgios Patargias wrote:
Many thanks for your reply! Concerning the use of PME, I 
also put a counter charge in bulk in order to keep the whole 
cell neutral.

So, if I understood corectly, you suggest that I should perturb
all the partial charges around the vitual site? 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Maik Goette
Sent: Sat 5/19/2007 12:53 PM
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] FEP with real or dummy charges?
I don't really know, if this may solve your problem, but what I want to 
suggest is, not using PME for the simulation. I don't know, how other 
longerange-methods behave while changing the total charge of the system, 
PME won't work (as far, as I know).

Concerning your way, how to perturb the charge, it depends on, where you 
think the charge sits...In general, I would assume, that a site, where a 
netto charge is 0 and the same, where the netto charge is one, will be 
different in partial charges of most atoms in the area. Therefore 
perturbing the whole site (just the partial charges) would be the right 
way to do it. This in fact means, that you have the partial charges for 
the +1-charge atoms...maybe spreading the charge in a senseful way, 
should do it.

Using a virtual site would be the solution for a point charge in space, 
its coordinates relative to two or more atoms.

If you want to have the charge sitting on a special atom, just change 
that charge explicitly, although I'm really not sure, if that's the way, 
one should go.

Hope you get some help from that.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Georgios Patargias wrote:

I want to calculate the change in free energy (electrostatic contribution only)
when introducing a charge in a certain site of a protein using a single step 

Should this be done with charging an inserted virtual site (a dummy atom) or a 
protein atom (e.g. Ca)?  

I noticed that in the case of the dummy atom, the Coul-14:Protein-vsite zero. I am 
not sure why though...

Thanks a lot in advance for any feedback.

Best wishes 

Dr. George Patargias
Polymer IRC Group
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

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Re: [gmx-users] atom type not found error

2007-05-23 Thread Maik Goette

Hard to tell from that amount of information...
Seems, you don't include a forcefield...
Please describe in more detail, what you exactly did and maybe post the 
head of your topology-file...


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

mahbubeh zarrabi wrote:

Hello everybody;
when I try to create the .tpr file from my .gro and
.top files, using command "grompp", there is an error
saying atomtype (e.g. OS) not found. when I look at
the .atp file at gromacs directory,the atom types and
their corresponding masses exist there.what could be
the problem and how can I solve it?
thank you in advance

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Re: [gmx-users] antechamber installation

2007-05-19 Thread Maik Goette

Just wanted to mention that ;)

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:

Hi Francesco,

On 5/19/07, Francesco Pietra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it a script equivalent to .cshrc (as in antechamber
web page) available for bash? I am unfamiliar with


While the 64bit machine (Linux Debian amd64 etch
dual-core opterons) were to run gromacs is busy, I
want to try to install antechamber on a 32bit machine
(Linux debian i386 etch Athlon single processor) well
equipped for graphics, OpenGL etc.

At any event, I would prefer to have antechamber on
the 32bit because I refrain installing the X system on
the 64bit machine. The two machines "talk" with one
another through ssh, and it is possible to install the
ROOT package for monitoring.

I'm not completely sure whether you mean to have another question in
here :S In any case.., note this is a gromacs user list, and with
questions regarding antechamber and linux you're a bit out of scope



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Re: [gmx-users] FEP with real or dummy charges?

2007-05-19 Thread Maik Goette
I don't really know, if this may solve your problem, but what I want to 
suggest is, not using PME for the simulation. I don't know, how other 
longerange-methods behave while changing the total charge of the system, 
PME won't work (as far, as I know).

Concerning your way, how to perturb the charge, it depends on, where you 
think the charge sits...In general, I would assume, that a site, where a 
netto charge is 0 and the same, where the netto charge is one, will be 
different in partial charges of most atoms in the area. Therefore 
perturbing the whole site (just the partial charges) would be the right 
way to do it. This in fact means, that you have the partial charges for 
the +1-charge atoms...maybe spreading the charge in a senseful way, 
should do it.

Using a virtual site would be the solution for a point charge in space, 
its coordinates relative to two or more atoms.

If you want to have the charge sitting on a special atom, just change 
that charge explicitly, although I'm really not sure, if that's the way, 
one should go.

Hope you get some help from that.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Georgios Patargias wrote:

I want to calculate the change in free energy (electrostatic contribution only)
when introducing a charge in a certain site of a protein using a single step 

Should this be done with charging an inserted virtual site (a dummy atom) or a 
protein atom (e.g. Ca)?  

I noticed that in the case of the dummy atom, the Coul-14:Protein-vsite zero. I am 
not sure why though...

Thanks a lot in advance for any feedback.

Best wishes 

Dr. George Patargias
Polymer IRC Group
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

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Re: [gmx-users] Residue 'SIA' not found in residue topology database

2007-05-08 Thread Maik Goette
Right, Mark

But do you think, deleting something is the way, how to do it? ;)
Maybe it could be problematic, if this molecule is, what they want to
simulate in the protein...

Kong, a first step (maybe nothing for Newbies, thats for sure) would be
to make some QM-calculations with e.g. Gaussian or try Antechamber (?)
from the AMBER-package. After calculating reasonable partial charges,
you can try to get the LJ-Parameters and other stuff from existing
FF-entries. How to build the FF-entries, i.e. mainly an RTP-entry, one
can obtain from the manual.

Happy LEGOing


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Mark Abraham wrote:
> kong.winter wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> when I use the following command:"pdb2gmx -f 1G1T.pdb -p -o gr.gro"
>> There's a fatal error:
>> Residue 'SIA' not found in residue topology database
>> I checked the PDB file, the following details:
>> HET   SIA  C 601  20
>> FORMUL 2  SIAC11 H19 N1 O9
>> ..
>> Who knows how to solve it?
>> Any tip is appreciated, thank you very much.
> This means what it says: the force field you're using doesn't have an
> entry for residue SIA, which is apparently sialic acid. If you want to
> simulate with this molecule in the system, you'll need to develop a
> topology for it (and maybe parameters - this is not encouraged for
> newcomers), and put that into the .rtp file (read chapter five).
> Otherwise, delete it from your .pdb file.
> Mark
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Re: [gmx-users] Problems using grompp and amber force field

2007-05-08 Thread Maik Goette
Yes, the 3.3.1 amber-FFs should be used, because the implementation of 
the QM/MM parts changed the format in some FF-parameters files.

I would suggest, not to use the OPLS-DNA parameter set, because it isn't 
published, yet (as I know) and also uses RESP-charges, which may also be 
problematic with OPLS. Using the amber-port is, in my opinion, the best 
way to handle DNA/RNA (in GROMACS).

I fear, I can't really help you with your error, but did you try the 
amber99 FF? I use that and never ran into such errors. Did you had a 
look, if your total charge is more or less an integer? If not, one 
proton in your first base may be the wrong type...but this shouldn't 
result into your error.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

root wrote:

Dear GROMACS user:

Erik and Tom thanks by the comments, too. Sorry, I read the FAQ pages of and now I understand your comments.  
We tried with cpp = /lib/cpp -traditional in the mdp file. The warning

desapears, but the error messages is similar.
(Fatal error:

Atoms in the .top are not numbered consecutively from 1


We tested the file, and we verified that the atoms

are numbered

consecutively from 1 to 758.)

We download the ffamber_v3.3.1-doc.tar.gz, that we considered that
correspond to the 3.3.1 version of GROMACS.
Is this correct?

Thanks in advance.

El lun, 07-05-2007 a las 23:17 +0200, Erik Marklund escribió:
As someone already mentioned, the following can be found among the  

Why do I get a grompp warning "missing white space after `#define  
Set "cpp = /lib/cpp -traditional" in your .mdp file to remove these  
warnings, which result from the use of the N* atom type of the AMBER  
family of force fields and can be ignored.


Did you try doing that?

Good luck!


7 maj 2007 kl. 22.29 skrev root:


I think if you set "cpp = /lib/cpp -traditional" in your .mdp file then
should get rid of the warnings about "spaces are absent in target after
name of macro". For more info see 


--On 07 May 2007 20:42 +0200 David van der Spoel

David and GROMACS users:
Sorry we changed the error message in ...

/usr/local/gromacs/share/top/ffamber03bon.itp:541:22:  warning: spaces
are absent in target after the name of macro

because of the original message was in spanish.

We checked these files above. We run GROMACS in fedora 6.0
We analyzed the warning messages. They correspond to a format of
description of a dihedral angle. For example the 538:22 warning
 correspond to le line 538 column 22

 #define proper_X_CT_N*_X
 and there are a format problem with the * symbol.

 we don't know that to do still with this.

Thanks in advance

root wrote:
David van der Spoel
   Responder a:
Discussion list for GROMACS users

Discussion list for GROMACS users

Re: [gmx-users] Problems using
grompp and amber force field
Mon, 07 May 2007 20:42:51 +0200
(15:42 ART)

The procedure to simulate the DNA dodecamer was:

1) We generate the DNA topology and coordinates in gromacs format  

the amber03 force field ) using the pdb2gmx program:

pdb2gmx -f dickerson.pdb -o dick.gro -p -water spce

2) and we obtain the box with the dodecamer plus water coordinates
using editconf and genbox:

editconf -f dick.gro -o dick03.pdb -bf triclinic -box 6 5 6 -angle  
90 90

genbox -cp dick03.pdb -cs -o dick02.pdb -p

3) with the files dick03.pdb and we run grompp:

grompp -f em -c dick02.pdb -p -o dick.tpr -pp

The output of the program indicate
creating statusfile for 1 node...

Back Off! I just backed up mdout.mdp to ./#mdout.mdp.20#
checking input for internal consistency...
calling /usr/bin/cpp...
In the file included of /usr/local/gromacs/share/top/ffamber03.itp:19,
warning: spaces are absent in target after the name of macro
warning: spaces are absent in target after the name of macro
warning: spaces are absent in target after the name of macro
warning: spaces are absent in targe

Re: [gmx-users] soft-core potential in combination with PME (sorry, again)

2007-04-24 Thread Maik Goette

David Mobley wrote:

> If I remember correctly, basically what the Anwar paper tries to
> achieve is separately smoothing the two. You could probably accomplish
> the same thing by allowing separate sc-alpha and sc-power for Coulomb
> and LJ interactions so they can be tuned separately.

I would suggest to implement exactly that in the version 4.
As David mentioned, there CAN occur problems with the differing 
parameters. In contrast to David, I experienced no general benefit in 
using different parameters for coulomb and vdw, what may be somehow my 
fault, or, more likely (maybe also less ;) ), depend on the system one 

If you would change the code somehow, that the parameters can be 
modified independendly, I would also suggest to implement a sort of 
sigmoidal behaviour for the lambda change.
We did that for the 3.3.1 code, so I could, at least, provide you with 
the basic code for that.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

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Re: [gmx-users] Which force-field for DNA-protein complex ?

2007-03-21 Thread Maik Goette

I'm using amber99 port most of the time.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

mathieu coincon wrote:

I searched the database in order to choose which ff I should use.
But I would like to have feadback from people used to such simulations.
Thanks by advance

Mathieu Coincon
PhD Student
Universite de Montreal
(+1)514-343-6111 #5352
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[gmx-users] Thiophosphate LJ-Parameters

2007-03-21 Thread Maik Goette
I'm searching for LJ-parameters for a sulphur bound to phophorous in a 
I tried some literature search, but didn't find anything, except some 
statement of 1985, that in this case the negative charge is shifted to 
the sulphur (our QM calculations don't agree with that, anyway).

Now, the question arises, which LJ-parameters for sulphur to choose.

In OPLSAA, there are some anionic sulphur LJ-parameters (which are not 
in the amberFF, but I guess, they could simply be ported)...still, I 
don't feel well, using those, because, our QMs clearly show, it's no 
sulphur anion.

Does anyone have any hints towards thiophosphate paramters (literature, 
chemists intuition ;) ), or at least an idea, which amberFF-sulphur I 
can use, without getting in to much trouble?
Furthermore, exactly this sulphur should undergo TI, which even makes 
things worse, concerning correct parameters.

Best regards

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
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Re: [gmx-users] oplsaa with tip4p

2007-03-21 Thread Maik Goette
Probably you have to rename MW to HW3 in your's a known 
issue, I guess.

Best regards

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Christian Seifert wrote:


I want to use the ff oplsaa with tip4p water (as suggested in the manual).

genbox_d -cp hpo4_box.pdb -o hpo4_water.pdb -cs tip4p.gro

creates a good pdf-file with tip4p-water, but the following:
pdb2gmx_d -f hpo4_water.pdb -o hpo4_water.gro -p -ff oplsaa -n 
hpo4_water.ndx -water tip4p

brings up this error:

Program pdb2gmx_d, VERSION 3.3.1
Source code file: pdb2gmx.c, line: 393

Fatal error:
Atom MW in residue HO4 1 not found in rtp entry with 4 atoms
 while sorting atoms

Is there any workaround?

Thanks in advance

Christian Seifert.
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Re: [gmx-users] Nucleic Acids -- Protonate ?

2007-02-12 Thread Maik Goette

> I don't know how to solve your problem, but merely adding counter-ions
> because you don't know where or how many hydrogens there might be is
> almost guaranteed to lead to a simulation that has no correlation with
> reality.

The answer to the problem has been presented (amber FF port), but I 
thought exactly the same...and btw...Mark, the one with the car mechanic 
was great...;)

Best regards

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
Fax   : ++49 551 201 2302
Email : mgoette[at]
WWW   :

Mark Abraham wrote:

Viswanadham Sridhara wrote:


I wanted to perform MD simulation on a DNA structure I found from After changing C, G, A, T to DCYT, DGUA, DADE and DTHY
respectively, I used pdb2gmx to create topology file. It says missing
hydrogens, which is obvious and I realized I could not use protonate
command as ffgmx2.hdb does not have these residues to be protonated.
Is there any other file to add missing hydrogens or Is there any other
program which you can use to add missing hydrogens to nucleic acids.
The total charge now is -43e, which is quite huge, and I am looking to
see electric field effects on the DNA. This will be a lot of charge to
neutralize by adding counter-ions, if I ignore hydrogens.

I don't know how to solve your problem, but merely adding counter-ions 
because you don't know where or how many hydrogens there might be is 
almost guaranteed to lead to a simulation that has no correlation with 

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Re: [gmx-users] free energy calculation

2007-01-29 Thread Maik Goette

You are probably starting your runs from a non equilibrated structure.
Assume, the system changes via a slow growth run.
The atoms may rearrange due to changes in their potentials.
Therefore it may be problematic, if you start from the same structure 
for different lambdas. Try simulating a one way slow growth and pick the 
snapshots close to your lambda value from the trajectory and start your 
"quasi-FEP" with those.

I can't answer your second question properly, because I don't know the 
code itself. But my guess is, that GROMACS calculates the potential for 
state A and B and then interpolates between them in a linear fashion 
(dependent of if you use soft-core or not). From this arises a yes for 
the second part of your question. If I'm wrong with that, I'm sure, 
someone who knows better will correct me quite fast. ;)


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
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Paolo Cerri wrote:

Dear all,

I'm trying to calculate free energy differences using the standard
method of thermodynamic integration.I calculate dG/dlambda for different
values of lambda and then integrate.

When decoupling LJ interactions i have LINCS WARNING:

Step 1, time 0.002 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 0.007366 (between atoms 7 and 8) rms 0.002535
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
  7  8   50.10.1010   0.1017  0.1010
  9 10   65.80.1090   0.1085  0.1090
 17 18   32.10.1010   0.1011  0.1010
 17 19   32.00.1010   0.1011  0.1010
and eventually the simulation stops (during the equlibration run at
lambda >= 0.9)

I obtain the following message:

Program mdrun, VERSION 3.3.1
Source code file: clincs.c, line: 559
Fatal error:

Too many LINCS warnings (10001) - aborting to avoid logfile runaway.
This normally happens when your system is not sufficiently
equilibrated,or if you are changing lambda too fast in free energy
simulations.If you know what you are doing you can adjust the lincs
warning threshold
in your mdp file, but normally it is better to fix the problem.

I remark that in my simulations lambda is not changed continuously
during simulation, but i perform several simulations at different fixed
lambda values.

I change only LJ interactions (having previusly turned of Coulomb
I use  Amber forcefield  ffamber99

thanks in advance


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2007-01-16 Thread Maik Goette

I guess you misunderstood that.
What you have there, is the terminal hydrogen, which is an hydroxyl one 
and therefore fully ok.
You should search for an atom at the nucleobase, which has atom type 25. 
This usually has to be changed. Strange error, though :)

I think its somewhere around N1 for guanines, e.g.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Andreas Kukol wrote:

Dear All,

I am using Gromacs 3.1.1 with the AMBER port. After following the 
instructions on the ffamber web-page, pdb2gmx works fine. But according 
to point 6:

"... However, for nucleic acids this also often causes pdb2gmx to 
replace an H atom in the first residue of all nucleic acid chains with 
an incorrect H atom, resulting in non-neutral charge. The correct atom 
is generally replaced with an atom of type amberXX_25 (hydroxyl H), as 
pdb2gmx treats it as a terminal hydrogen ..."

Indeed I find this atom in the first residue:

1 amber99_25  1DG5H5T  1 0.4422  1.008   ; qtot 

The solution given (a) is to correct the atom type and charge in the 
.top file by hand.

My question is:
What is the correct atom type and charge for this hydrogen ?

The ffamber03.rtp contains exactly this atom type and charge in the 
specification for the residue DG5. So it should be correct ??

Many thanks
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Re: [gmx-users] about afm !

2007-01-16 Thread Maik Goette

Sending a message again, won't help you, if you don't follow the Marks'
And please, not again a discussion about politeness...;)

This is, what he wrote:

hi everyone
>   I need to pull the two parallel monolayers together,the two monolayers
> are in the x-y plane , so i pull the one along the z direction,but it
> stay still! i tried several times ,but all failed!
> i use the
> [position_restraints ]
>  1   1  9  9   4000
>  2   1  9  9   4000
> the 1 and £²¡¡are the atoms in the long molecules that form the


> ,if i decreased the fx,fy,fz,it show core fault and stopped!
>  the ; Force constants in kJ/(mol*nm2)
> afm_k1   = 10
>   who can tell me why!

I can't even understand your statement of your problem, never mind
understanding the problem or helping to solve it.

If you want people to give free help, please write clearly, in full
sentences, describing what you wanted to do, what you actually did, what
the error messages actually were, and do all of the above using sensible
characters in sensible fonts.


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Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
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Email : mgoette[at]
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hi all
in my model ,in order to simulate a LB monolayer  adsorb on base 
,the  monolayer composed of 108 c17cooh that in a plane  !
i need to pull the monolayer!how can i to  pull the monolayer along 
the z direction while keep the molecular in a plane !

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Re: [gmx-users] AMBER atom type for Hydroxamate moeity

2006-11-30 Thread Maik Goette
Maybe, one could also think about calculating the RESP charges via QM, 
e.g. with Gaussian...Further parameters, like force-constants and 
dihedrals could also be evaluated...

But what's against an expensive random number generator?
I fear I'm doing this with FEP all day long...;)

Raja: We are (mostly) not doing LEGO here. You should inform yourself 
about the theoretic parts in general. Then you would see, that LEGOing a 
molecule can't be feasibleI suggest e.g. Leach, Molecular Modelling, 
Section 3: Empirical force field models.

There you can find lots of information about what MD in general resembles.

Best regards

Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Mark Abraham wrote:

raja wrote:

Dear gmxions,
I am writing a topology for a ligand using AMBER99 force field
convention. The ligand contains the hydroxamate group, for your quick
reference I have drawn it below
   \  /  \

Your N has an unsatisfied valence... what's missing? (Don't bother to 
tell me, it doesn't matter)

Please let me know which atoms type in amber can be used for these
atoms Especially the Nitrogen atom in this group. Since I  am using
carbonyl group and hydroxyl group atoms types for oxygen (But I am not
sure of its validity). Please help me to chose appropriate atoms type. 

Probably, none of them. Force fields are not magic numbers that can be 
applied to all possible "types" of atoms. They are constructs designed 
to be reliably applicable to fairly narrow sets of atom types under the 
range of conditions they were parametrized with (also normally narrow). 
You will see this when you read the paper that describes the development 
process of this force field. Notwithstanding, people routinely abuse 
them with gay abandon, probably on the bad advice of others, or their 
own experience of the fairly good transferability of quantum-chemical 

Your only vaguely reliable course is to find a set of experimental data 
consistent with those used for the development of the force field, work 
out what new values you need to derive and to follow a process to 
optimize those values to reproduce the experimental data. This process 
is not for the inexperienced, or for the faint of heart.

Otherwise, you'll have the usual expensive random number generator.

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Re: [gmx-users] Partial charge distribution for metal ligating atoms

2006-11-28 Thread Maik Goette


Depends on your system, but in principle yes.
A Cystein should be neutral. If you take a deprotonated one to build a 
complex with the zinc, it should be neutral afterwards.

Lets assume a case with HIS/HIS/CYS as complex partners. the resdiues 
without a complex are assumed to be neutral. Therefore, their charges 
added should be 0. Add your zinc to the complex, take a partial charge 
of 0.7xx for it and modify the charges of the complex partners (i.e. the 
S and in the case of histidine it makes sense to spread the charge 
difference over the ring). If you now add up all the charges of all 
complex partners, the system should again be at charge 0.

I can't see the problems, sorry.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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raja wrote:

Dear Mark,
Thanks for your reply. Well, I have well taken your point of making
separate charge group constituting Zn and its residues and I am working
out for it, in mean time I need some clarification in my present

I just detailed out my earlier mail hereunder.  I am using AMBER force

This is default partial charge distribution for deprotonated Cystine
 CYM  N -0.4157  
 CYM  H  0.2719  
 CYM CA -0.0351  
 CYM HA  0.0508  
 CYM CB -0.2413  
 CYMHB1  0.1122  
 CYMHB2  0.1122  
 CYM SG -0.8844  
 CYM  C  0.5973 
 CYM  O -0.5679 

Formal Charge = -1.0

Now my modified partial charge at SG to -0.6944

 CYM  N -0.4157  
 CYM  H  0.2719  
 CYM CA -0.0351  
 CYM HA  0.0508  
 CYM CB -0.2413  
 CYMHB1  0.1122  
 CYMHB2  0.1122  
 CYM SG -0.6944  
 CYM  C  0.5973 
 CYM  O -0.5679 

Formal Charge = -0.8100

According to manual, to ensure integer value of total charge on the
residue CYM (cysteine). Ideally, following the force field convention, I
would like to do readjustment of the individual partial charges to make
it as total =  -1. But on other hand this is my intuition that, formal
charge for -1 for CYM is applicable for free Cysteine residue in AMBER
force field, but in my case, it is harmonically bonded with zinc and
also the charge transfer is taken place. This makes me to think that the
formal charge of CYM should be adjusted to neutral. Please give your

With thanks !

On Tue, 28 Nov 2006 17:51:04 +1100, "Mark Abraham"

raja wrote:

Hi gmxions,
There are many references, say that Zn2+ partial charge should be
reduced to ~0.7 rather than the force field default value of 2. In line
with that there are many values published for distributed charge in its
surrounding ligand atoms in compensation for loss of positive charge of
OK, so this strategy preserves charge neutrality over the zinc and a 
bunch of ligand residues. It will not preserve charge neutrality of the 
individual residues, obviously.

Now I am having set of values to be distributed for my system's
active site residues, say for one SG-Cys, and two NE2-His atoms. My
question is that what will be net formal charge for these residues after
its specific atoms' charges are modified. 

The old value, plus the modification?

In other words, for example,
after modifying default partial charge of SG-Cys from  -0.8844 to
-0.6944, Should I adjust its net formal charge to -1 or to 0? 
Not sure where you're adjusting the "net formal charge" or why you think 
it's necessary.

What you really want to do is have charge groups with integral values of 
charge (see section 3.4.2 and some part of Chapter 5 for how to do 
this), so that probably means combining the zinc with chunks of these 
residues into one large +2 charge group.

Then on
what basis I can adjust rest of the atoms’ partial charges.
Why would you do this? Whatever you do should be consistent with the 
most reliable scheme in the literature, unless you want to create an 
expensive random number generator.

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Re: [gmx-users] protonated cys -S

2006-11-10 Thread Maik Goette

Try renaming the Cys in the the PDB to CYS2.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Giacomo Bastianelli wrote:

Hi Tsjerk,

the distance of the "not formed" S-S is 0.202
while the two "formed" S-S are 0.204 and 0.203.
Therefore, gromacs should recognize all three and
create the SS bonds.


this is the second line of my specbond.dat



Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:

Hi Giacomo,

The two sulphur atoms have to be at a proper distance to be recognized
as involved in a S-S bond. In your case, if you're certain that there
should be a bond, you have to edit the file specbond.dat, find the
entry which links two cysteine residues and set the distance to the
actual distance in your structure (there is a 10% margin).

Hope it helps,


On 11/10/06, Giacomo Bastianelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear users,

I have just found that gromacs protonate the -S of
my Cys and I would like to have it deprotonated
to form a disulphide bond (It is present in the original
pdb file).

Is there any way I can modify it?

thanks in advance,

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Re: [gmx-users] Strange problem with simple FEP (bug?)

2006-11-08 Thread Maik Goette

Thanks, but that's indeed not the problem.
I'm just doing a PR-run in state A. State B is not of interest in that case.
Somehow GROMACS mixes things up internally, I guess. The bugzilla-entry 
has been placed.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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David Mobley wrote:


I'm trying to do a simple FEP within a simple protein, which seems to
make things simple...but as you may is anything else than 

What I'm trying to do is morphing a Tyrosine into a Phenylalanine in 

Therefore the CZ is changed from the type of TYR to the type of PHE.
The oxygen(TYR) is changed to a proton(PHE) and the proton(TYR) to a
dummy (PHE). So this is very simple. We checked the tpr-dump and
everything looks fine (except, maybe, we missed it). Now, in the
position-restraint run (where state B should not be regarded by the
system), the OH-proton moves on top of the OH-oxygen and the simulation
crashes after a while. We then performed a FEP from TYR to TYR (so A-
and B-state are the same) and the system runs.

I am not an OPLS guy myself, and I don't know the details of your
transformation, so I'll just tell you one possibility, and you'll have
to decide whether it could apply in your situation.

Sometimes, if you are disappearing a Lennard-Jones site that still has
some amount of electrostatics, it can begin to interpenetrate with
other atoms which either do not have Lennard-Jones interactions
(hydrogens in some force fields) or which do (depending on the
combination rule you use). Obviously, this is bad because (for
example) protons can move on top of oxygens and cause blowing up.

A classic example of this is, for example, if I am turning off the LJ
on an oxygen site at the same time as turning off the charges on that
oxygen. In many FF's, water hydrogens lack LJ interactions, so they
can come and overlap with the oxygen I'm disappearing, which is still
charged (at least to some degree) and cause a "fusion" type event.

I don't know if that's what's going on for you, but you might think
about it -- do you have any atoms that you're disappearing, and are
there other atoms which the combination rules would allow to overlap
with those?

The way I get around this problem in my calculations is to always turn
off electrostatics on any atom I'm disappearing prior to modifying the
LJ parameters, so that I never have a charged atom which is being
treated using the "soft-core" potentials that allow overlap.

Not sure if that's your problem -- just a thought.


The whole thing was done with GROMACS 3.3.1 and TIP4P. Any suggestions?
Gerrit and me think of a bug somewhere.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Re: [gmx-users] Strange problem with simple FEP (bug?)

2006-11-07 Thread Maik Goette


Checked it with the Amber99 port. Same strange habit. It occured with 
another protein (system), too.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Maik Goette wrote:

Hey all

I'm trying to do a simple FEP within a simple protein, which seems to 
make things simple...but as you may is anything else than that.

What I'm trying to do is morphing a Tyrosine into a Phenylalanine in 

Therefore the CZ is changed from the type of TYR to the type of PHE.
The oxygen(TYR) is changed to a proton(PHE) and the proton(TYR) to a 
dummy (PHE). So this is very simple. We checked the tpr-dump and 
everything looks fine (except, maybe, we missed it). Now, in the 
position-restraint run (where state B should not be regarded by the 
system), the OH-proton moves on top of the OH-oxygen and the simulation 
crashes after a while. We then performed a FEP from TYR to TYR (so A- 
and B-state are the same) and the system runs.

The whole thing was done with GROMACS 3.3.1 and TIP4P. Any suggestions?
Gerrit and me think of a bug somewhere.


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[gmx-users] Strange problem with simple FEP (bug?)

2006-11-07 Thread Maik Goette

Hey all

I'm trying to do a simple FEP within a simple protein, which seems to 
make things simple...but as you may is anything else than that.

What I'm trying to do is morphing a Tyrosine into a Phenylalanine in OPLSAA.
Therefore the CZ is changed from the type of TYR to the type of PHE.
The oxygen(TYR) is changed to a proton(PHE) and the proton(TYR) to a 
dummy (PHE). So this is very simple. We checked the tpr-dump and 
everything looks fine (except, maybe, we missed it). Now, in the 
position-restraint run (where state B should not be regarded by the 
system), the OH-proton moves on top of the OH-oxygen and the simulation 
crashes after a while. We then performed a FEP from TYR to TYR (so A- 
and B-state are the same) and the system runs.

The whole thing was done with GROMACS 3.3.1 and TIP4P. Any suggestions?
Gerrit and me think of a bug somewhere.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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Re: [gmx-users] Possible Bug GROMACS 3.3.1 - NMA

2006-09-06 Thread Maik Goette

Yes, I'm using Cut-off. And the Error is reproducable.
I'll post the bug report.


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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David van der Spoel wrote:

Maik Goette wrote:


I just observed very strange results with my system (around 700 atoms 
in vacuum), when doing normal mode analysis. The eigenvalues were all 
I then took an old nma-system from Bert de Groot and did the nma with 
3.3.1 on it and observed the same strange results. After that I tried 
3.2.1 on that system and the results were quite similar to the ones 
Bert got with 3.1.4.
My vacuum-system yields (more or less) correct (not nice) results on 
the first look.

Is there something new to obey in 3.3.1 what isn't mentioned in the 
manual (3.11 NMA)?

If not, I would think, there's a bug.
Any suggestions?


Are you using cut-offs? In that case gromacs uses a different algorithm 
now, which might cause the problem. Anyway if you have a reproducible 
problem please report a bugzilla and upload the necessary files.

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[gmx-users] Possible Bug GROMACS 3.3.1 - NMA

2006-09-05 Thread Maik Goette


I just observed very strange results with my system (around 700 atoms in 
vacuum), when doing normal mode analysis. The eigenvalues were all negative.
I then took an old nma-system from Bert de Groot and did the nma with 
3.3.1 on it and observed the same strange results. After that I tried 
3.2.1 on that system and the results were quite similar to the ones Bert 
got with 3.1.4.
My vacuum-system yields (more or less) correct (not nice) results on the 
first look.

Is there something new to obey in 3.3.1 what isn't mentioned in the 
manual (3.11 NMA)?

If not, I would think, there's a bug.
Any suggestions?


Maik Goette, Dipl. Biol.
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical & computational biophysics department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen
Tel.  : ++49 551 201 2310
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Email : mgoette[at]
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