Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Fred
I'll most likely be there (90% probability).


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Jeff Smith
I'll try and make it, let me know the time (or the usual

--- Ken D'Ambrosio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Donald Leslie {74279} wrote:
> > I was wondering if we should have a social meeting
> tomorrow and maybe 
> > discuss the future of the group .
> Well, I guess I should pipe up, then.  I've taken up the
> mantle of 
> "meeting coordinator," and a dinner get-together sounds
> like a great 
> idea.  I'm planning on a "real" meeting next month,
> though I have to 
> firm up some stuff, first.  So: who's interested in
> getting together 
> tomorrow night?  I'll call Martha's and make a
> reservation tomorrow 
> morning...
> -Ken
> >
> > Don Leslie
> > ___
> > gnhlug-discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Anyone experienced PCI Parity error intermittent failures on Dell 2650 servers?

2005-02-23 Thread Benjamin Scott
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, at 10:49pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Purely a hardware question: has anyone run across a Dell 2650 server that
> flashes "PCI Parity Error E13F4" on the PC Health LED? 

  Not that in particular, but a "PCI parity error" generally means a
low-level signaling problem on the PCI bus.  That is, a bus signal got
corrupted.  If this happens more then once, it means big trouble.  
Replacing the defective hardware (and quick) is generally the only solution.

  Sounds like you're on the right track with that.

| The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do  |
| not represent the views or policy of any other person or organization. |
| All information is provided without warranty of any kind.  |

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux fan from Manchester seeks advice

2005-02-23 Thread Jim Sheldon
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who responded, I really
appreciate it.  You guys have given me a lot of sites to look at, and
given suggestions of what kind of jobs I should look into.  I'll let
you know if/when I land a linux job!

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 01:07:05 -0500 (EST), Benjamin Scott
> On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, at 11:03am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > My name is Jim Sheldon, I'm 24, I live in Manchester, this is my first
> > post.
>  First post!  Oops, sorry, thought this was Slashdot for a second.  ;-)
>  Anyway, you might try sending your resume to
> with a suitably descriptive subject line and appropriate cover letter.
> That's the company I work for In Real Life.  We're a small system integrator
> indeed of good people who know both doze and nix, and we might be able to
> use somebody like you.  I don't make the hiring decisions, so I can't
> promise anything, but OTOH, it can't hurt to try.
>  Cheers!
> --
> | The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do  |
> | not represent the views or policy of any other person or organization. |
> | All information is provided without warranty of any kind.  |
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Jim Kuzdrall

> > I would attend.  Maybe bring a wife, if one is available.  Any
> > time is OK with me.  Make it some place not too noisy.
> "Take my wife - please!"

   This list has needed a "straight man" for some time.  I will try to 
fill the role from time-to-time.

   Of course your wife is welcome to join us, but then who would stay 
with the exploding kids?

> I'll be hopefully going, barring sudden explosive misbehavior of 
> children, which I don't expect.

   Do any women ever participate in LUG lists?  They certainly are 
under-represented.  Maybe we should ask Harvard to study the issue.  

> Meetings in the past have taken place in Martha's, I believe, which
> proved to be a bit noisy, but nothing that couldn't be handled.

   If food (and its ever increasing expense) could be sacrificed, 
Borders Books might have Wednesday night open.  They have a stage area 
that performers and lecturers regularly use.  It is quiet and free (as 
in beer).  They have coffee and snacks.  Some of the computer 
aficionados wandering around the store might peek in at Linux.

  The upstairs room at Martha's gives more privacy and flexibility for 
presentation, of course.  The relative suitability depends on the size 
of the meeting. 

Jim Kuzdrall

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Lara Ullman
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 08:52:33 -0500, Jim Kuzdrall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Do any women ever participate in LUG lists?  They certainly are
> under-represented.  Maybe we should ask Harvard to study the issue.

Very funny :)  Perhaps we are just quiet.

Probably never having sent anything to the list means there's no
"participation" really though.

-Lara Ullman

(Pardon if this gets double posted.  I'd forgotten my gmail address
wasn't the one I'd subscribed under, so my original message was held
for approval.)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Jon maddog Hall
I can make a meeting tonight at Martha's.

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director   Linux International(R)
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557   Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.

Board Member: Uniforum Association, USENIX Association

(R)Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in several countries.
(R)Linux International is a registered trademark in the USA used pursuant
   to a license from Linux Mark Institute, authorized licensor of Linus
   Torvalds, owner of the Linux trademark on a worldwide basis
(R)UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the USA and other

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread David H. Bahi
does comming late need a reservation?
don't plan to eat will be happy to imbibe the local brew.
i'll try to make it by 7.
(insert similar remark about "exploding kids" here.)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Michael ODonnell

If any of Messrs. Wittbrodt/Freeman/Puissante
will be there I'll also show up to deliver the
free gear they've claimed from me.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Bill Freeman
Sadly, I have a dance lesson to teach tonight, so don't bring
my stuff.

I could, however, drop by your place tomorrow evening.  Will
that work?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Free Sparc Stuff

2005-02-23 Thread Andrew W. Gaunt
I have some free sparc equipment if anyone would like it.
Repond for details if interested...
Andrew Gaunt
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Lara Ullman
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 08:52:33 -0500, Jim Kuzdrall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Do any women ever participate in LUG lists?  They certainly are
> under-represented.  Maybe we should ask Harvard to study the issue.

Very funny :)  Perhaps we are just quiet.

-Lara Ullman
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Ken D'Ambrosio
Okay; 1830 hours (or 6:30 p.m. for the uninitiated).  Martha's Exchange;
I'm making reservations for 10, but I imagine we can always fit more if
they show.
Jim Kuzdrall wrote:
  Do any women ever participate in LUG lists?  They certainly are 
under-represented.  Maybe we should ask Harvard to study the issue.  

As a matter of fact, I have received out-of-band confirmation that a
double-X-chromosome-type person will be in attendance.
  If food (and its ever increasing expense) could be sacrificed, 
Borders Books might have Wednesday night open.  They have a stage area 
that performers and lecturers regularly use.  It is quiet and free (as 
in beer).  They have coffee and snacks.  Some of the computer 
aficionados wandering around the store might peek in at Linux.

This is an interesting thought, but I think that -- for now, at least --
Martha's is where we've been, and what we're familiar with.  For those
who are new [a big "Hi" to Mike Medai and James Orman], the way it has
worked in times of yore is that at six-ish precisely, we'd get together
for grub and informal socializing; when done with socializing, etc.,
we'd wander up to the function rooms they have upstairs at Martha's for
a more formal meeting.  By "more formal," I mean anything ranging from
just general talking about Linux and showing off latest endeavors, to
actual speakers and their ilk.  [We'll probably take a pass on the
upstairs tonight, since
a) I have absolutely zilch planned, and
b) since we get the room (essentially) gratis, we have to ask in
advance... which this isn't.  ;-]
In addition to all the above, the truly lucky just might get a glimpse
of Santa at the holiday meeting.  Does he keep his N&N list on MySQL or
PostgreSQL?  Or Berkeley?!?!
 The upstairs room at Martha's gives more privacy and flexibility for 
presentation, of course.  The relative suitability depends on the size 
of the meeting. 

So, I dunno -- I'm not married to Martha's (my wife might object), but I
have no objections to it, either.  Are folks interested in changing our
meeting site?  I really do think that the ability to set up computers,
etc., makes Martha's function room hard to pass up.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

id3v2 tag editing

2005-02-23 Thread Travis Roy
Does anybody know of any id3 tag editors for the console that do v2 
editing. I tried mp3info and id3ed, they are both id3v1 only :(

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Speaking of SATA...

2005-02-23 Thread Paul Iadonisi
On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 20:23 -0500, Derek Martin wrote:


> Secondly, if you're using Red Hat kernels, it's entirely possible that
> the bug you're seeing is not present in the Linus-blessed kernel.  Red
> Hat adds a lot of patches to increase functionality/compatibility,
> improve performance, and fix bugs...  These patches may not make it
> into the mainstream kernel for quite some time (if ever).  Depending
> on your problem, Red Hat may be your ONLY recourse.

  Although still true to some extent, it's less common than it once was.
The bug issue is still true, since Red Hat does incorporate patches to
fix upstream problems, but the feature issue isn't all that common
anymore.  On fedora-test-list or fedora-devel-list it was a stated goal
a while ago to stay as close to upstream as is possible not just for the
kernel, but for the entire distribution.  Between, I think, FC1 and FC2,
Red Hat when from around 400 patches down to around 40.  That went back
up a bit when FC3 was releases for various reasons, but the goal remains
to try and stay as close to mainstream as possible.
  I suspect that *may* have something to do with Andrew Morton's
statement some time last year that he was going to deliberately make
life difficult for those (and "you know who you are" was thrown in there
somewhere) who strayed too far from the kernel ;-).
  For the record, I think Novell/SUSE was in a worse predicament at
least not too long ago (I don't no about current releases).  There were
no less than *1000* patches in the source rpm for the kernel in SUSE.
That, I'm sure, made it an extreme challenge for SUSE to re-base to a
new upstream version of the kernel and retrofit every one of those
patches.  Hopefully, they've taken the more sane approach and backed off
on the number of changes they make.

-Paul Iadonisi
 Senior System Administrator
 Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
 Ever see a penguin fly?  --  Try Linux.
 GPL all the way: Sell services, don't lease secrets

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Marc Nozell
> I'll be hopefully going, barring sudden explosive misbehavior of 
> children, which I don't expect. 

Sounds like we need GNHLUG babysitting services so more of us can
regularly show up.  It would definitely help my attendance record!

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua Meeting

2005-02-23 Thread Christopher Schmidt
On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 04:05:08PM -0500, Marc Nozell wrote:
> > I'll be hopefully going, barring sudden explosive misbehavior of 
> > children, which I don't expect. 
> Sounds like we need GNHLUG babysitting services so more of us can
> regularly show up.  It would definitely help my attendance record!

Possibly... or perhaps we should set up occasional meetings with a more 
kid-friendly environment. Might not work for presentational things, but 
gatherings which are geek and kid friendly have happened a couple times 
recently (one of which was a viewing of all three Lord of the Rings 

I wonder what the start of the art is for kids and interaction with 
Linux - either educational or gaming wise. It seems that the oldies and 
goodies - Oregon Trail, things like that - which were the mainstay of my 
childhood, don't have equivilants on any platform that I can find.

I do have a 4 year old who loves to play a stickers game I found on 
LinuxForKids... a site which I've just discovered is now gone.

Has anyone any tips/tricks for how to get kids involved with computers 
at a young age? (Mind you, I'm not meaning the unhealthy addiction that 
I probably have with them at this point, but rather a healthy learning 
tool.) Our 7 year old writes in a LiveJournal that we allow some friends 
to read, which is good for her in a number of ways: improving her 
writing, learning typing, things like that.

Christopher Schmidt

Description: PGP signature

Re: Children's Software (was: Nashua Meeting)

2005-02-23 Thread Bill McGonigle
On Feb 23, 2005, at 16:20, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
Has anyone any tips/tricks for how to get kids involved with computers
at a young age?
Taking a left towards other-small-unix-like-systems, AlphaBaby for 
MacOS X is fantastic for the pre-verbal infant.  Simple shapes, funny 
sounds, and pictures of the family at their demand.
One could probably hack-up a WX/perl workalike in a couple hours. (and, 
yes, I know you could do it in 1:45 in python...) :)

Bill McGonigle, Owner   Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC  Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Mobile: 603.252.2606 603.442.1833
AIM: wpmcgonigleSkype: bill_mcgonigle
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Exploding children (was: Nashua Meeting)

2005-02-23 Thread Ken D'Ambrosio
Argh.  For various exploding-children-esque reasons, with which I will 
not now entertain you, I'm going to be running late; ETA is 7:10.  The 
reservation is for "The Linux Group" [sic], so please seat yourselves 
and get to know each other.  I'll be along as quickly as possible.

See you soon!
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Anyone experienced PCI Parity error intermittent failures on Dell 2650 servers?

2005-02-23 Thread Bill McGonigle
On Feb 22, 2005, at 22:49, Hewitt Tech wrote:
Purely a hardware question: has anyone run across a Dell 2650 server  
flashes "PCI Parity Error E13F4" on the PC Health LED?
I had some other weird problems with a 2650 and flashing the BIOS to  
current (last summer) cleared them up.  YMMV 

Bill McGonigle, Owner   Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC  Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Mobile: 603.252.2606 603.442.1833
AIM: wpmcgonigleSkype: bill_mcgonigle
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Any dialup ISP's besides EarthLink support LINUX

2005-02-23 Thread Richard A Sharpe


Does anyone know of any ISP's that have local NH numbers, who support 
users or have away to connect with a LINUX client, so far Earth Link has been 
the only one I can find and I am using it right now.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Any dialup ISP's besides EarthLink support LINUX

2005-02-23 Thread Neil Joseph Schelly
I've never had a problem with, albeit I haven't used 
dialup in awhile except from my VisorPhone.  And I've never hit a busy signal 

On Wednesday 23 February 2005 06:18 pm, Richard A Sharpe wrote:
> Hi
>  Does anyone know of any ISP's that have local NH numbers, who support
> LINUX users or have away to connect with a LINUX client, so far Earth Link
> has been the only one I can find and I am using it right now.
> Rich
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Any dialup ISP's besides EarthLink support LINUX

2005-02-23 Thread Dan Jenkins
Richard A Sharpe wrote:
	Does anyone know of any ISP's that have local NH numbers, who support LINUX 
users or have away to connect with a LINUX client, so far Earth Link has been 
the only one I can find and I am using it right now.

MV Communications (603-629-) ( is an excellent local 
provider, IMHO. I've recommended them for decades.

Rastech Inc., Bedford, NH, USA --- 1-603-206-9951
*** Technical Support for over a Quarter Century
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: id3v2 tag editing

2005-02-23 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 12:22:17PM -0500, Travis Roy wrote:
> Does anybody know of any id3 tag editors for the console that do v2 
> editing. I tried mp3info and id3ed, they are both id3v1 only :(

Try id3v2.  I seem to have gotten it from one of the semi-official
Fedora APT repositories.  I'm sure freshmeat or goole will turn it up.

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
This message is posted from an invalid address.  Replying to it will result in
undeliverable mail.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Thank the spammers.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Any dialup ISP's besides EarthLink support LINUX

2005-02-23 Thread Bill Mullen
On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 18:18, Richard A Sharpe wrote:

>   Does anyone know of any ISP's that have local NH numbers, who support 
> users or have away to connect with a LINUX client, so far Earth Link has been 
> the only one I can find and I am using it right now.

I use as my (backup) dialup ISP. I've never had
any problem connecting from Mandrake using Kppp or wvdial, nor has my
SmoothWall box had any trouble getting online. Their pricing policy is
attractive, if a bit unusual - free for up to 10 hours in one month,
each hour from #11 to #20 is $1, all hours above 20 in that same month
are free; for this reason, they make a very inexpensive backup solution.

They provide a wide array of access numbers in NH, and have other plans
that are more suitable to dialup-only users, such as an unlimited,
"accelerated" (IOW, transparently proxied) account with 5 email addys
for $9.95/month. One nice touch is that their POP server can be polled
from outside their network; they also provide webmail access.

The only glitch I've ever had with them is that on occasion their DHCP
server would pass along to connecting clients two DNS server numbers (as
it should), but the primary one would be down, leading to timeouts and
thus slowing the perceived speed of the connection; I worked around this
problem by hard-coding two of their working DNS server addresses into
/etc/resolv.conf, and then disabling the auto-updating of that file by
pppd by removing the line "usepeerdns" from /etc/ppp/options.

Bill Mullen
RLU# 270075

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Any dialup ISP's besides EarthLink support LINUX

2005-02-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark

One other small "problem" with access-4-free (etc.) is that they've
got their mail server setup to bounce (sortof) mail that comes from
sites that fail their mail-server's SPF test.

I write "sortof" because the bounce contains instructions as to how to
get the mail forwarded to the original sender.  The bounce is a tiny
bit cryptic but the instructions probably work.  I can think of a few
scenerios in which this scheme might not work so well, including:

   o  the hiring manager who you had hoped would have responded to
  your resume doesn't understand the instructions, so he/she goes
  to the next person (NOT YOU) on his/her list...

   o  this scheme doesn't work for some mailing lists, especially
  lists whose administrators have long since stopped paying
  attention to bounce messages.

access-4-free lost some of my mail, but I caught this quickly and it
turns out that you can turn off this "feature".  Sure, SPF is a good
idea but I'd rather be in control of what happens to my mail.

GnuPG ID: B280F24E And the madness of the crowd!kdc Is an epileptic fit
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Dang! [Or, that was fun!]

2005-02-23 Thread Ken D'Ambrosio
I have to say, having sixteen people (plus one recalcitrant but 
good-natured daughter) show up for a meeting on <24 hours' notice was 
pretty impressive.

What was even more impressive, however, were all the ideas, and the 
general zeal that was brought to the table -- even by our newest 
members!  First were the munchies, and general socializing, which was 
lots of fun; afterward, we meandered on upstairs, and had an ad-hoc 
meeting on meetings -- meeting metadata, if you will.  All sorts of good 
ideas were put forward, that I'll distill and share in the 
not-too-distant future.  [Have to transcribe my back-of-Shaws'-receipt 
notes, first.]

HOWEVER: one item of interest regarding meetings that is of paramount 
importance is... when to have them.  There was a general consensus of 
those who made it that Wednesdays aren't that hot, and that Thursdays 
would be preferable; currently looking at first or second Thursdays of 
the month.  How does everyone feel about that?  [Do we have any sort of 
mechanism in place for on-line voting?  Or shall I keep a tally?]

Anyway, again, it was awesome to see those who were able to show up, and 
I'm really looking forward to fun times ahead.  As always, if some 
meeting-related idea or concern occurs to you, please let me know.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

a simple idea for lugging

2005-02-23 Thread James Orman
For the next meeting I could bring a 2 port kvm switch for those who
want an easier way to bring their pc by. It would help speed up
troubleshooting when you have a reference computer to look through.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Dang! [Or, that was fun!]

2005-02-23 Thread Bill McGonigle
On Feb 24, 2005, at 00:02, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
HOWEVER: one item of interest regarding meetings that is of paramount 
importance is... when to have them.  There was a general consensus of 
those who made it that Wednesdays aren't that hot, and that Thursdays 
would be preferable; currently looking at first or second Thursdays of 
the month.  How does everyone feel about that?  [Do we have any sort 
of mechanism in place for on-line voting?  Or shall I keep a tally?]
Philosophically I'd like to see chapters avoid having their meetings on 
the same night so members can visit multiple chapter meetings.  DLSLUG 
does 1st Thursday and MonadLUG does 2nd Thursday:
How about the third?  Personally, I'm usually working in MA on 
Thursdays so I'd love to be able to stop by on the way home.

Bill McGonigle, Owner   Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC  Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Mobile: 603.252.2606 603.442.1833
AIM: wpmcgonigleSkype: bill_mcgonigle
gnhlug-discuss mailing list