Re: SpinRite

2013-05-01 Thread Mike Bilow
On 2013-05-01 23:58 ET, Joshua Judson Rosen wrote:
> Mike Bilow  writes:
>>> SpinRite will read every block on the disk, to make sure they still
>>> can be read.  This is useful.  But even CHKDSK/SCANDISK will do that,
>>> and have since DOS 6, circa 1993.
>> As explained, SpinRite went directly to the hardware, which was the only
>> way to bypass ECC. By the way, CHKDSK does not by default read every
>> sector: the "/R" switch is required to enable that behavior, and it
>> certainly could never disable ECC.
>>> SpinRite will read-and-rewrite blocks.  There are scenarios where
>>> this may be a plausible benefit, such as allowing the drive's built-in
>>> relocation mechanism to relocate a marginal sector.  But "badblocks
>>> -n" will do the same thing, for free.
>> SpinRite was not looking for bad blocks, which are easy enough to find,
>> but for "gray area" blocks that were good enough to be readable with ECC
>> enabled but not good enough to be readable with ECC disabled.
> But, how do you circumvent the sector-remapping that modern drives do?
> (and, if the answer is `you don't', then what is SpinRite actually
>   doing that's useful *today*? And haven't some of Gibson's
>   `direct manipulation' claims basically decayed into outright lies?)

It is possible to disable automatic sector remapping, toggling "AWRE" 
and "ARRE" bits on the device, but whether this is a good idea or not is 
a different matter. Modern drives with intelligent controllers are 
capable of doing in constant normal operation exactly what SpinRite did 
as an occasional diagnostic procedure, which is notice that a sector is 
weak enough for it to require ECC salvage and remap it elsewhere. Drives 
that support standardized reporting of such events using SMART will try 
to give early warning of impending failure while trying to protect data. 
Exactly what happens in such cases is determined by the manufacturer and 
tends to be correlated with the cost of the drive, the number of spare 
sectors held in reserve, and so forth. Even ECC algorithms can be 
tweaked to trade-off between capacity and redundancy, differentiating 
substantially identical hardware based upon its intended use for either 
consumer- or server-grade applications.

> And what about everything that John Navas included in his critique?

I agree with most of John Navas' technical assertions in that article. 
His criticisms of SpinRite's marketing hype are obviously on target, but 
I'm not sure any marketing copy for anything in the computer industry 
could survive competent technical vetting of this sort. Even in its 
heyday, SpinRite never made idiotic claims such as recommending that 
users not bother to make back-ups. I do disagree with Navas on two 
substantive technical points, however.

First, while Navas is strictly correct that the magnetic information 
recorded on the media does not fade per se, it is undeniable that the 
media itself abrades and grows thinner, with the result that the 
detectable magnetic information does, in fact, weaken. This is by no 
means a common failure mode for drives in practice because usually they 
will fail due to some more likely cause long before this becomes an 
issue, but if a drive survives long enough it can be a problem. Of 
course, SpinRite could not correct this but it could detect and warn of 
the condition, something only possible today with SMART.

Second, Navas is outright wrong in saying that the low-level format 
tools built into the controllers in the MFM/RLL days were comparable to 
SpinRite, because they were only available as destructive operations 
that would prepare and erase the entire drive while SpinRite was capable 
of doing a non-destructive low-level format of parts of the drive, 
usually down to the granularity of tracks. SpinRite was a consumer 
product designed to take into account convenience and ease of use, so 
periodically low-level formatting media without it would have required 
backing up all of the data somewhere and then restoring it -- in an era 
when USB external drives did not exist.

Low-level formatting ceased to be a significant issue in this context 
once intelligent controllers moved the task to the drive, reducing ATA 
and SCSI controllers to doing some basic setting up, Mode Pages and the 
like, and then just sending a command that amounted to "format 
yourself." By that time, drives were designed to account for temperature 
variations and other environmental factors that SpinRite could address 
only coarsely from outside the drive, but in the MFM/RLL era that was, I 
believe, valuable.

> And...:

Re: SpinRite (was: FYI)

2013-05-01 Thread Mike Bilow
t the time, and even
> today, I suppose a nicely-presented, integrated package might still
> have value.

SpinRite used pattern testing specifically to trigger worst-case 
scenarios with the (2,7) RLL encoding that became the de facto standard. 
Technically, the physical drive is identical whether the encoding is 
relatively sophisticated such as (2,7) RLL or relatively unsophisticated 
such as (1,3) RLL (which is a special case known as "MFM"), and Gibson 
realized that the bandwidth requirements of such encoding methods would 
translate directly into tolerance constraints for dimensional stability 
and timing. This was by no means obvious in the 1980s, and it must be 
remembered that SpinRite emerged in an era contemporaneous with music CD 
technology that was driving cutting-edge research into (2,10) RLL and 
the first commercial use of Reed-Solomon ECC.

>But that doesn't mean Gibson's bullshit doesn't stink.

Yes, SpinRite was misunderstood and overhyped, and it stuck around as a 
magic elixir for far longer than it should have, but 25 years ago it was 
a remarkably effective and prescient utilization of stone knives and 
bear skins.

>> (And it makes possible the Security Now! podcast.)
>Regardless of the efficacy of SpinRite, Steve Gibson is in way over
> his head when it comes to security.  His habit of being uninformed and
> making stuff up has burned him more then once.

I cannot defend Gibson on security.

-- Mike

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] MerriLUG: April 2nd 2013 - Bitcoin

2013-04-01 Thread Mike Spenard
I would like to learn more about the Bitcoins! Because our president Obama is 
using a psycho-active ink at the US Treasury! Some sort of anti-capitalism 
ink-drug that is on all of our monies! Until we all have the Bitcoins, send 
monies to be cleaned to:
Mike Spenard
Manchester, NH 03103

-Original Message-

 [] On Behalf Of kenta

Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 4:09 PM


Subject: [GNHLUG] MerriLUG: April 2nd 2013 - Bitcoin

Passing this information along for Chris Gagnon, the coordinator of MerriLug.

MerriLUG is having a meeting on Bitcoin this Tuesday!

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: From failed drive to hero in many steps

2012-12-11 Thread Mike Bilow
It may have been helpful for you to know about SysRescueCD, a live Linux 
distribution optimized specifically for data recovery. It is based on 
Gentoo and is available as a simple ISO file that is intended to be 
burned to CD, although it can also be put onto a bootable USB stick. 
More information here:

In addition to including "dd_rescue" which as you discovered would be 
the most important tool, it comes with a number of utilities to mount 
and repair NTFS beyond the capability of native Windows.

A particularly important tool that you didn't turn out to need is 
"PhotoRec," which is capable of recovering recognizable data files even 
when the file system container is unmountable or substantially missing. 
It works by having intimate internal knowledge of a fairly long list of 
common data file formats, such as JPEG image and MS Word DOC, hunting 
through raw disk clusters and piecing them together like a jigsaw 
puzzle. It is included in SysRescueCD but can be downloaded 
independently, and there is also a Windows version:

Although "PhotoRec" is less effective with natively compressed formats 
such as DOCX, SXW, and ODT, it is very effective with everything it 
recognizes, often approaching 99% recovery for JPEG.

Finally, CrashPlan is a cloud backup service that supports Linux clients 
as well as Windows and MacOS clients. The software is free, allowing you 
to back up one computer to your other computers, but there is an 
optional CrashPlan Plus service that allows unlimited backup to their 
cloud from one computer for about $6 per month or unlimited backup from 
up to ten computers ("family plan") for about $12 per month, with 
discounts as much as 50% for paying a year or more in advance. You can 
elect various levels of encryption for your cloud data, the middle level 
of which uses a passphrase to encrypt a 448-bit session key without 
which your data would be unrecoverable even under a subpoena to the 
cloud provider:

Note that the CrashPlan client for Linux can run in a quasi-documented 
"headless" mode on a machine that has no GUI at all and is remotely 
controlled over the network. In fact, I often control the headless Linux 
client by connecting to it from a Windows client over the network. The 
Linux client is written in Java and runs fine under OpenJDK, including 
in headless mode using headless OpenJDK (for which Debian has package 
"openjdk-6-jre-headless"). Although the quasi-documentation could be 
better, it is here:

-- Mike

On 2012-11-18 at 20:20 -0500, Mark Komarinski wrote:

> This is going to be long and rambling, so tl;dr: Make sure you have
> backups.  If you're like me, read on.
> Wife's hard drive in her netbook died last Thursday morning. Died bad.
> System would see the drive but wouldn't boot, neighbor tried to use a
> live CD, she even broke down and bought a one-time support help from the
> vendor.  Everyone told her the drive and data was gone.  This was not a
> week after I told her to clean off her iPhone and get some of the photos
> moved to her netbook to free up space. Let's just say this was one of
> the few times she listened to me .
> I didn't get home until late Thursday after all this diagnosis was
> complete.  I had on hand:
> netbook with unbootable drive
> 2 16GB USB sticks
> Linux server in the basement with ~600GB free in LVM
> Win 7 desktop with 256GB SSD
> Time to channel my inner MacGyver.
> Downloaded Ubuntu Live on one of the USB sticks, boot the netbook and
> start poking.  Drive is spinning and recognized, partition table appears
> sane, but trying to mount the 300GB NTFS partition results in many nasty
> messages into the kernel ring buffer.
> Can I clone the drive somehow, maybe get dd to get a copy of the data?
> Server downstairs becomes an NFS server.  Fire up dd and get an I/O
> error within 5MB.  Looks like that's it.
> Or not.  I found and downloaded copies of dd_rescue and dd_rhelp.
> dd_rhelp uses dd_rescue to copy an entire partition and skips over bad
> blocks, retrying them again later on.  That took about 2 days to run to
> completion.
> Now I have a 300GB NTFS image on my Debian server.  Tried to use
> mount.ntfs - nope, still had problems.  Tried ntfsfix - which oddly
> enough doesn't work with image files, only partitions.  Ok, make a 300GB
> partition and dd the image into the new partition.  6 hours later, I
> have a partition, but ntfsfix still doesn't like it. Looking online
> suggested Win 7's chkdsk could do something better. But how do I get an
> image or partition availabl

Vendor independent certifications?

2012-03-08 Thread Mike
A friend of mine is looking for a career change and asks what sort of 
vendor independent certifications (that is, not another college degree) 
would help them get in the door in programming, web design, or system 
administration? She is not mainly asking about actual education, but 
rather how to prove knowledge in such a way that would convince 
prospective employers. She would be willing to consider short-term 
classes or seminars coupled with and leading to such certifications, but 
is trying to avoid anything that would take longer than a year. Suggestions?

-- Mike

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: drive recovery of dual-boot system

2012-01-25 Thread Mike Bilow
Filesystems (and therefore "fsck" targets) reside on partitions of the 
disk, something like "/dev/sdc3", rather than the entire device (or an 
image of it). This is inherent in the design of the system and is 
independent of the types of filesystems or how they are mixed.

In order to access partitions within an image file, you want the 
"kpartx" utility:

Also, those annoying Dell machines that will not boot from CD will boot 
from USB Flash memory, and it is easy to make one up with SysRescueCD:

-- Mike

On 2012-01-26 00:47, Greg Rundlett (freephile) wrote:
> I have an internal hard drive that won't boot.
> The system (Dell Studio Hybrid) also will not boot from CD-ROM 
> (regardless of what I do with the boot sequence, F2, BIOS settings 
> etc.)  In fact it doesn't seem that BIOS settings actually get saved. 
>  But that's another matter.  I'm concerned with recovering data from 
> the failed drive.  And obviously using a bootable CD like the System 
> Rescue CD won't work.
> I bought an enclosure so that I could read from the drive using my 
> laptop as the working host.
> The bad drive in question is 250GB and has a number of partitions and 
> file system types:
> Disk /dev/sdc: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
> 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
> Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disk identifier: 0x5000
>Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/sdc1   1   7   56196   de  Dell Utility
> /dev/sdc2   81966157286407  HPFS/NTFS
> /dev/sdc3   *19665881314539617  HPFS/NTFS
> /dev/sdc45882   30401   1969569005  Extended
> /dev/sdc55882   29402   188932401   83  Linux
> /dev/sdc6   29403   30401 8024436   82  Linux swap / 
> Solaris
> At first I tried dd_rescue to copy the entire device to a file on an 
> external 1TB drive.  The device is a dual-boot setup so it has a 
> Windows partition and a Linux partition (plus factory-installed 
> recovery and utility partitions).  dd_rescue copied a lot of data but 
> it complained when I ran fsck on the resulting file:
> # fsck -y /media/disk-a/backups/hybrid/backup.img
> fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
> e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
> fsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...
> fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open
> /media/disk-a/backups/hybrid/backup.img
> The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
> filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2
> filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the
> superblock
> is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate
> superblock:
> e2fsck -b 8193 
> This leads me to think that I can't create a backup of the entire 
> device to a single file if the device is partitioned into multiple 
> file system types.  So, I'm back to square one.  I'm going to try gnu 
> *ddrescue *and create a copy of just the Linux partition into a file 
> on the external USB drive.  Then I'll try mounting that file as a loop 
> device to see if I have my data.
> Is my understanding correct, or should I be able to backup the entire, 
> multi-filesystem, multi-partition device.  In the latter case, I was 
> going to restore it to a new drive (still in the mail) and hope that 
> I'd still be able to dual-boot the system.  If I can only do one OS at 
> a time, then I'm hoping I won't run into problems trying to install my 
> licensed copy of windows onto a new hard drive from media that I don't 
> have.
> Greg Rundlett
> my public PGP key 
> <>

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: home design + construction + landscape design software?

2012-01-06 Thread Mike Lalumiere
You might check out It's written in Java and 
licensed under the GPL. 

I have not run the program but it looks like what you described. 

- Mike Lalumiere

On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 10:19:46AM -0500, Greg Rundlett (freephile) wrote:
> Is anyone aware of Linux-compatible software for modeling architecture,
> landscape and home construction projects?  I want to model a basement
> finishing project, and I have carpenter friends who would also enjoy such
> software.
> I've used store-bought software many moons ago on Windows, but don't know
> of the current options.  And when I go looking at them (e.g.
> I haven't seen any that either say "linux" or else are online services that
> can be accessed through the browser.
> p.s. is a cool CAD/CAM FOSS package - but it's
> not at all what I'm looking for.
> Greg Rundlett
> my public PGP 
> key<>

> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [semi-OT] SPAM email headers don't mention my email address?

2011-11-06 Thread Mike Bilow
It is important to understand that the message itself, including both 
the headers (such as "From" and "To") and the body, can be transmitted 
in multiple ways other than Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and 
many of these systems, such as UUCP, were in widespread use 
historically. Because of this, it was important to the development of 
the protocols that SMTP not rely directly upon the content of the 
message, because otherwise this would lead to a dependency of one 
protocol upon the other in a way that would cascade difficulties and 
complexities should either need to be modified.

It is the responsibility of the SMTP sending software, which is called 
the Message Transfer Agent (MTA), to do any needed looking into the 
message in order to figure out how to route it, and then to furnish this 
information to the SMTP receiving software (the recipient MTA) during 
the SMTP exchange. In other words, all of the knowledge about how to 
translate between message content and message routing must be 
encapsulated within the MTA, thereby isolating it from the protocols 
themselves. Most practical MTA implementations, such as Sendmail and 
Exim, keep the message data and its routing information in separate 
files linked together in the queue by a local message identifier tag.

Conceptually, SMTP is analogous to a postman looking only at the 
envelope rather than what is inside, and for this reason the routing 
information conveyed during the SMTP exchange is known as "envelope" 
information. Exactly how this happens is specified by the SMTP standard, 
the best authoritative source for which is probably RFC5321 -- -- although there is also a decent 
Wikipedia article about it that might be much easier reading:

Internet Message Format (IMF) is likewise specified by RFC5322 -- -- although there is also a 
Wikipedia article about e-mail generally that contains a major section 
about IMF:

Typical MTAs use heuristics that may modify how they add headers to 
messages they carry. In particular, most MTAs are configured to state 
explicitly the recipient e-mail address provided by the sending MTA 
envelope information in writing the "Received" header they prepend, but 
generally will not do this if it would compromise privacy, as when the 
message has multiple recipients handled by the same receiving MTA. 
Spammers can take advantage of these practices by adding bogus 
recipients at the same domain or omitting the real recipient from the 
"To" or "Cc" headers, triggering the receiving MTA to handle the message 
like a "Bcc" and put less information into the "Received" header that it 

-- Mike

On 2011-11-06 11:26, Michael ODonnell wrote:
> Yah, I had believed that the headers were consulted (rather
> than merely updated) as the message was transferred from server
> to server, but there's apparently some other (or additional)
> conversation taking place between the servers that governs routing.
> Yet more stuff to put on my list of things-to-read...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Representative Seth Cohn

2010-11-03 Thread Mike Bilow
Open source software is all well and good, but if you want to really 
scare the crap out of people and shake things up in a state legislature, 
start talking about open source _textbooks_ as well:

-- Mike

On 2010-11-03 16:44, Seth Cohn wrote:
> Thanks Bill!
> And that bill will come back this year, as I reintroduce it myself
> (after 2 tries, neither passing, having others introduce it at my
> request).  I'll get the ball rolling, using the past language, but
> would LOVE both input in changes and improvements, as well as help
> with testimony (both my own and others to give some)
> With the budget hole as large as it is, things like open source (ie
> 'free' software) might find the needed support, with the promise of
> saving both now and longer term.
> I'll post more when I find some time (I spent much of the day picking
> up signs and playing catchup after a long long (but good) day
> yesterday.)
> Seth
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Bill McGonigle  wrote:
>> For those not watching the races last night, our very own Seth Cohn is a
>> new Representative-Elect from Merrimack 7.
>> The first time I met Seth was in early 2006 at a House Committee
>> Hearing.  They were considering a bill to encourage the State IT
>> organization to consider Open Source software before buying commercial
>> solutions and a small contingent of GNHLUG'ers showed up to offer their
>> support.
>> Now Seth will be on the other side of the table.
>> Congratulations, Seth!
>> -Bill
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Professional GCC support?

2010-08-25 Thread Mike Bilow
For ARM, CodeSourcery:

They use the GNU tool chain to target EABI (bare metal), uClinux, or 

-- Mike

On 2010-08-25 10:58, Tyson Sawyer wrote:
> An excerpt from an email exchange where I work:
>> A tool I just found out they spent $9k on (two floating licenses) called
>> IAR says this about language support:
>> _
>>  " Language and standards
>>  The C programming language as standardized by ISO/ANSI C94
>>  with selected features from C99
>>  Embedded C++ extended with templates, namespaces, virtual
>>  and multiple inheritance and other C++ features that do not
>>  cause an overhead in size or speed.
>>  Full Embedded C++ library containing string, streams etc.,
>>  as well as the Standard Template Library (STL)
>>  IEEE-754 floating-point arithmetic
>>  MISRA C checker for code quality control
>>  Supports a wide range of industry-standard debug and image
>>  formats, compatible with most popular debuggers and
>>  emulators, including ELF/DWARF where applicable"
>> Obviously there is also GCC for ARM processors. I was told IAR was
>> purchased because management wanted to make sure nothing was
>> holding up  in his work with the SAM7x camera controller. I'm told
>> we can get support from IAR when we pay that much, and this does not
>> exist when we decide to use GCC.
> It is my belief that that last statement is wrong.  Can anyone point
> me to sources of professional support for GCC/G++ on embedded systems
> and some idea of what the pricing structure might be?  This would be
> for a C/C++ on bare metal environment.  Most of our work is on larger
> processors running Linux, but our "microcontrollers" have only
> recently started to be 32 bit systems that we might prefer to use GCC
> on.
> I'm looking for more than "yeah, someone will take your money".  I'm
> looking for something that provides a similar result to what is
> mentioned above.  It would need to be support that keeps us on
> schedules.
> Thanks!
> Ty
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: 64 bit C question

2009-02-17 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 05:30:00PM -0500, wrote:
> Is there some way to to compile a C or C++ program that will output a 
> 64bit hex value correctly?  This is what I have so far...
>   printf("long int   N = %16x\n", N);   // x8  correct
>   printf("long long NN = %16x\n", NN);  // prints 0 which is incorrect
>   printf("long long NN = %li\n",  NN);  // prints 4294976296, which is 
> Any suggestion to fix this?  The compile command I am using is really 


  printf("long long NN = %16llx\n", NN);

For longs, long longs, etc. you should specify the correct length
modifier to printf, so the three lines quoted above should be
written as:

  printf("long int   N = %16xx\n", N);
  printf("long long NN = %16llx\n", NN);
  printf("long long NN = %lli\n",  NN);

--  OpenPGP KeyID 0x57C3430B
Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark.
 The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."  Plato

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: GNHLUG in 2008, a retrospective by the numbers

2009-01-06 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 08:36:58PM +, wrote:
> > From: Paul Lussier 
> > Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 14:47:06 -0500
> > My question is this:
> > 
> >   What did his Administrator do to deserve being put in a box, and was
> >   he (or she) ever let out?
> The Administrator in the Box both alive AND dead until the box is
> opened, right?

Only if the box doesn't have 'net access.

--  OpenPGP KeyID 0x57C3430B
Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
Great things can be reduced to small things,
 and small things can be reduced to nothing.  -Chinese Proverb

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Upgrade guidance

2008-10-21 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 04:53:22PM -0400, Jarod Wilson wrote:
> > > I borked it pretty hard trying to yum upgrade from fc8->9 yesterday;
> > > some of the packages on a fully up-to-date fc8 system have higher
> > > version numbers than the same packages in the fc9 repositories, which
> > > made things interesting.  At least it is back up and running multi-user
> > > now, I just need to figure out what is causing gdm to crash.  I'm sure
> > > there are some "old" libraries hanging around causing the issue.
> > 
> > Oh, yeah, I hit this issue too.  Wasn't TOO hard to deal with manually,
> > but still quite annoying to have to.
> Packager error when you encounter that. Shouldn't ever happen, newer
> distro should always have a higher NVR.

In that case, something odd is happening here, because this was literally
hundreds of packages, including the kernel-* packages.  fc8 was on
kernel-, fc9 has kernel-2.6.25-14.  I'm not 100% sure, but I
think some of the problem here is the 'newkeys' repos.  I'm still digging
out from under the mess, but at least I've got X mostly working again.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition
 that's troublesome."  Isaac Asimov

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Upgrade guidance

2008-10-21 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:40:50PM -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> But I always go one step at a time.  Most recently I took one
> machine from F7 -> 8 -> 9.   Unfortunately I suspect I'll have
> a hard time bringing my FC3 system up to date that way. ;)

Maybe less trouble than you think, the machine I'm sitting at right now
was yum upgraded from fc2->3>4>5>6>7>8 not all that long ago, with little
trouble.  The yumupgradefaq saved me finding the pitfalls myself.  :)

I borked it pretty hard trying to yum upgrade from fc8->9 yesterday;
some of the packages on a fully up-to-date fc8 system have higher
version numbers than the same packages in the fc9 repositories, which
made things interesting.  At least it is back up and running multi-user
now, I just need to figure out what is causing gdm to crash.  I'm sure
there are some "old" libraries hanging around causing the issue.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
There is absolutely no substitute for a genuine lack of preparation.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Serial admin console program

2008-10-08 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 09:46:24AM -0400, Alan Johnson wrote:
> device is a Coyote Point E350si Equalizer and the servers are HP Proliant
> 300 series servers.  Turns out, there is a known problem with serial ports
> on HP servers with ILO that is causing all my problems:
> Of course, early on, I though it might be a bad serial port, and moved the
> connection to a different machine, but they were all HPs with ILO.  I
> figured I just had to be doing something wrong.  I am confident that I can
> get it working again by having the serial connection moved to a non-HP.
> Some day, I'll turn off the serial console ILO access on all those HPs, as
> described in that link, but I'm not going to reboot the machines just for
> that.

FWIW, you don't have to reboot the machine to fix this, though you
may have to reset the iLO processor if your iLO firmware is too old
(0 impact on the managed server, OS, apps, etc.).  Log in to the
iLO web interface, click on the "Administration" tab, click on the
"Global Settings" link, change "Serial Command Line Interface" to
"Disabled", cilck "Apply".  Problem gone.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
 When in doubt, mumble.
 When in trouble, delegate.
 When in charge, ponder.  -James Boren

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Price/Performance of time

2008-09-30 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 07:14:40PM -0400, Ric Werme wrote:
> We used to make comparisons like "If the automobile industry had improved
> at the same rate as computers"  It's been a long time since that made
> any sense - a car would travel at Mach 10, seat 1,500, get 500 mpg, and fold
> up and fit in your shirt pocket.

You mean you didn't get yours yet?  Mine was delivered in the mail
last week, I almost didn't see it at the bottom of the mailbox.
Great car, but yesterday it fell out of my pocket and I haven't been
able to find it since!

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
 and I'm not sure about the former."  Albert Einstein

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Fedora

2008-09-18 Thread mike ledoux
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 12:54:27PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> > Can one "relatively painlessly" upgrade from Fedora 9 to 10?
>   The official upgrade path for Fedora is to download disc images for
> the latest release, burn and boot from disc, and follow the prompts to
> upgrade.
>   I've read several reports about upgrading the running system
> in-place, using yum, but they always come with big warnings about how
> they're unofficial, not supported, here there be dragons, etc.

I've done several of these in-place yum upgrades, with little
trouble, from FC2->FC8, running each intermediate version for a
while.  There were some gotchas I wouldn't expect a typical home
user to be able to work around, but anyone with basic *nix admin
skills should be able to handle.  The version that turned SELinux
on by default (5?  6?) caused me the most trouble, until I realized
what the real problem was and turned SELinux off, the way Bob

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Moderation is a fatal thing; nothing succeeds like excess."  Oscar Wilde
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Questions about Ubuntu

2008-09-18 Thread mike ledoux
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 09:32:43AM -0400, Mark Komarinski wrote:
> Here's the things that Ubuntu gets right, at least on the desktop:
> - no need for root.  There's almost no need to log in as root.  You're 
> automatically set up with sudo access and everything goes through that.  
> For a desktop that's perfect for me.  Fedora still had some areas where 
> you needed the root password, some you could do via sudo.

What do you need the root password to do in Fedora?  The
workstation I'm sitting at right now is FC8, 'yum upgraded' from
FC2->3->4->5->6->7, and the only time I've ever used the root
password was the very first login after installing FC2, to run
'visudo' and add my user account to wheel.  I'm not even 100% sure I
know what the root password on this box is anymore.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"The only things that are real are things which never change."  Parmenides
"Everything changes."  Heraclitus

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Laptop external power from batteries (DC/DC)

2008-08-20 Thread mike ledoux
Probably more than you wanted to know, but you asked.  :)

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 06:24:32PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
>   Looking quickly, I can't seem to find amp-hour ratings from car
> battery makers/sellers.  Google finds various third-party claims, but
> they're all over the map (25 to 100 Ah on the first page alone).
> Assuming 7.5 A, and again doing the math, that is anywhere from 3 to
> 13 hours of operation at full power.

Car battery manufacturers don't typically advertize amp-hour ratings
because you don't really care about that for a starting battery; all
you really care about there is the CCA rating.

Also, the math really isn't as simple as what you are doing.  Those
amp-hour ratings are at a specific current draw--if you are drawing
at a higher rate, you'll get less out of the battery (Peukert
Effect).  Typically for a deep-cycle battery the amp-hour rating is
for 100% discharge over 20 hours, though some manufacturers rate
over 100 hours to make their batteries look better.

So, presuming your 100Ah battery above is a 20-hour rating, it will
provide 100Ah at a constant discharge of 5A.  Since you want to
draw more than that, you'll get noticibly less than 100Ah.  Without
seeing specifications for that battery, I'd anticipate a 10-20% drop
in capacity for the 50% higher discharge rate.  So, ~10-11 hours,
not 13.  That's to 100% discharge, which does damage the battery.

Of course, that presumes your equipment will operate on the battery
at all states of charge, which is likely not to be the case.  Below
about 50% charge on any 12V LA battery, the voltage will be <12V,
and your adapter (which was probably designed with the expectation
of being attached to a runing car, at ~14V for the nominal 12V
system) may not be able to cope.  So, presuming your adapter needs
>=12Vdc to operate, that 10-11 hours becomes more like 5 hours.

So far, all of these numbers are based on 100% efficiency, which
isn't realistic.  A good (and sadly, expensive) DC-DC voltage
converter is only about 85% efficient, so to get the 19.5Vdc @ 4.62A
you need, you will draw ~8.63A @ 12Vdc.  ~5 hours becomes ~4.5.

>   I know if one was planning on doing this on a regular basis, a deep
> cycle battery would be highly recommended.  For a one-shot, though,
> pulling the battery from a car might be feasible (?).

I wouldn't do it.  Definitely don't do it if you need that battery
to start the car to get you home after the event.

Car batteries are designed to supply a very large current for a short
period of time.  They are not designed for continuous draw, or to be
deeply discharged; doing either will severely reduce the lifespan of
the battery, and may kill it outright.  The thin lead sponge used in
these batteries to maximize surface area (and therefore current) is
easily damaged by deep discharge. For maximum battery cycles, don't
discharge more than 5-10%.

Deep cycle batteries have much thicker solid lead plates, which
gives less surface area (and lower maximum current), but these
plates will not crumble on deep discharge.  You can discharge a good
deep-cycle battery to 50-80% without harming the battery.

If you're going to do this, save yourself a lot of headache and
buy/borrow a deep cycle battery & charger.  You'll need a pretty
big one for the load you're talking about, one rated for 250-300Ah.
More if you need to use an inverter, to account for the extra
efficiency losses there.  A portable generator might be easier, if a
long outdoor extension cord is not possible.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"There is nothing useless in nature; not even uselessness itself."
 Michel de Montaigne

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: automatic hard linking

2008-07-23 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 03:39:07PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:01 PM, mike ledoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (fscking scalix
> > requires a complete copy of the mail store to extract even a single
> > message for restore, which is nothing if not a massive PITA)
>   Wow, it really does work just like Microsoft Exchange... ;-)

No, I've admined Exchange, this is worse.  HHOS.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
Beware of and eschew pompous prolixity.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: automatic hard linking

2008-07-23 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 05:48:10PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> One of the cool features it offered was a series of hourly, nightly and
> a monthly backup of files.  We kind of surmised that it was some sort of
> hard linking of the same file name in a different directory...  i.e.
> ~/foo.txt
> hourly.0/~/foo.txt

If it was a NA, that isn't how they do it, what they do is closer to
how LVM snapshots work (copy on write), but at a filesystem level.
That said, you can approximate the result by playing games with hard
links.  Without real copy-on-write support in the FS, you do need to
keep an entire second copy of the data on-disk, though, or some file
changes will modify your 'backups'.

I use this method for keeping daily snapshots of our mail store
around for a few weeks, to make restores easier (fscking scalix
requires a complete copy of the mail store to extract even a single
message for restore, which is nothing if not a massive PITA).  All
of my filesystems are on LVM, which makes it easier.

The basic procedure is:

  1) briefly supsend filesystem writes
  2) make an LVM snapshot of the source filesystem
  3) resume filesystem writes
  4) mount the LVM snapshot
  5) use rsync with the --link-dest option to make your new snapshot copy
  6) umount the LVM snapshot
  7) remove oldest rsync snapshot copy
  8) I forget what 8 was for

If you've never used the rsync --link-dest option, here's an example:

 Say you have two filesystems, mounted as /data and /snapshots.
 /snapshots is a bit larger than /data, to allow for storage of
 multiple snapshots.  Snapshots are taken hourly, kept for 7 days,
 stored in subdirectories of /snapshots named with a timestamp in
 -MM-DD-hh format.  Your last snapshot was taken at 1400h on
 2008-07-23, so to run the snapshot at 1500h you could use a command

  rsync -oa --stats --delete --link-dest=/snapshots/2008-07-23-14 /data/ 

 This command will create the directory /snapshots/2008-07-23-15,
 and run an rsync copy from /data/ using /snapshots/2008-07-23-14
 for comparision.  Any files that are unchanged from 
 /snapshots/2008-07-23-14 will be stored in
 /snapshots/2008-07-23-15 as hard links to the copy already stored
 for /snapshots/2008-07-13-14, while new or changed files will be
 stored normally.

That should achieve most of what you're looking for, using as little
additional storage as possible.  How big to make /snapshots (best
to keep it on a separate filesystem, IME--I also like to put the
/snapshots filesystem on cheap SATA NAS (iSCSI) disk, instead of on
the fast SAN disk we use for primary storage), depends on how much
of your data changes, how often it changes, and how many snapshots
you want to keep around.  In my case for a ~1.5TB mail store with
about 50GB of changes daily, I'm comfortably storing a months worth
of snapshots on a 3.2TB filesystem.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
History doesn't repeat itself -- historians merely repeat each other.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Adding a new drive / fstab

2008-07-10 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 11:50:46AM -0400, Labitt, Bruce wrote:
> In the endless pursuit of upgrading this machine I have added a hard
> drive to my computer.  I have used fdisk to create a linux partition to
> the whole disk.  I made the disk use the ext3 file system.
> So now for fstab.  What is the philosophy for creating an entry?  At
> this point I'm not sure what the mount point should be.  /home sounds

I generally mount additional "disks" for data storage as /data/n/.
Simple, clean, easy to understand & maintain.  These days, for production 
servers, my typical partitioning is:

 /opt (if I'm going to install much 3rd party software that will use it)

/home and /usr/local are symlinks into /data, as is /opt if I
haven't given it a separate partition.  If additional data "disks"
are needed, I either use LVM to add space to /data, or mount the
additional volumes as /data/1/, /data/2/, etc.

Ocassionally (usually for Oracle servers) I will create other
application-specific filesystems, but it is getting more and more
rare as app developers gain clue.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Would you rather me stick it in your chicken?"  Richard Jerrell

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Firefox 3 AwesomeBar

2008-06-19 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 03:04:37AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> It seems like it'd be a step forward... maybe an example would help:
>   Say I'm looking for something called "gnhlug", but its URL is
> Typing "gnhl" in the NEW address bar would get me
> "";, among other URLs.  Typing "gnhl" in the OLD
> address bar wouldn't do squat.  You'd have to type "www" into the old
> address bar... and that would return everything starting with "www"
> (i.e., half the universe).  So, you end up having to type "www.gnhl"
> to get where you want to be.  Extra typing.  Bad.

Except that's not the way it works, in FF1.5 on my work machine, or
FF2.0 at home.  In both cases, typing 'gnh' in the address bar pulls out of the history just fine.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"The first and wisest of them all professed
 To know this only, that he nothing knew."  John Milton

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: power meters [ was low power linux PC? ]

2008-04-07 Thread mike ledoux
On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 11:53:00AM -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Alex Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I believe this item,
> > ""; that measures power
> > consumption might have been discussed on the list before but the same
> > folks now offer a more sophisticated model:
> >
> >
> I'm curious what the major differences between these two are.  The
> former costs $129.00, the latter $24.99.  Is it that the Watt's UP!
> model records and stores info whereas the Kill'O'Watt merely displays
> the current stats?

The expensive one has USB so you can offload the data to a PC.  I
have two of the cheap ones that I'd be happy to loan out, if people
are curious but don't necessarily want to buy a device they'll only
use a few times.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
For perfect happiness, remember two things:
 (1) Be content with what you've got.
 (2) Be sure you've got plenty.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: iostat strangeness

2008-01-15 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 04:52:21PM -0500, Michael ODonnell wrote:
> Depending on your versions of kernel and app, iostat
> apparently looks in some combination of these:

No file called sysstat.ioconf anywhere on my system.


This contains useful info, all of the devices I expect are
represented.  This seems to be the problem, the documentation for
/proc/diskstats indicates these are all 32 bit unsigned numbers in
2.6, so they can and do wrap. *grumble*

Still not sure why iostat isn't finding all of the devices with -x,
it finds everything if I run it with -d, which provides most but not
all of the data I'm interested in.  *shrug*


Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"I love the smell of underpants in the morning.
 They smell like... victory."  Peter Rogers

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: iostat strangeness

2008-01-15 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 04:57:02PM -0500, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> Its been several years (and major kernel versions) since I've played
> with iostat, but perhaps my statements here will goad someone with more
> recent experience to inject more accurate truths...
> * iostat used to "not work well" on SMP systems.

That's unfortunate.  Hopefully that's been fixed. 

> * your "510kB/s average write on dm-5, but only 184.01kB/s average
>   write on the enclosing PV?" observation may be due to "write
>   behinds", caching, and seek/latency optimization.

Caching issues was my first thought, but doesn't apply to the 43+
day average numbers in play here.  I don't think any of those other
optimizations would have such a significant effect over periods this
large, either.  Eventually all of the data written to the LV needs
to be written to the PV, right?

> * iostat essentially just does arithmetic on the counters kept by
>   the kernel.
> * For long uptimes, counters can overflow and produce some *really
>   strange* numbers. I would expect Linux to use 64 bit counters in
>   recent kernels though.

I'd hope there would be some trap to reset all of the counters to 0
if one overflows, but that may just be dreaming on my part.  That
may be what is happening, though, as the numbers look OK on 10
second intervals.  I suppose I'll have to schedule a reboot to get
decent numbers. *grumble*

> Don't you just love documentation written by developers (I'm referring
> to the iostat man page)?

I like it, but that's just me.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"I was walking down the street one day when a beautiful bird caught my eye.
 And I had to climb all the way to the top of a tree to get it back."
   Abhishek Gami

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Simple math considered physics

2007-11-24 Thread mike miller
Great book.  Also check out the magazine "MAKE".

  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Costolo 
  Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 5:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [OT] Simple math considered physics

  On Nov 23, 2007 10:01 PM, Jon 'maddog' Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

but here is another book along the same lines that I would recommend:

a reprint of Dan Beard's book: "The American Boy's Handy Book: What to
Do and How to Do It"  While Lord Baden-Powell was the originator of Boy
Scouts, Dan Beard was the movement's heart. 

  Likewise is The Dangerous Book For Boys.  A book my boy just got from his 


  "America is at that awkward stage.  It's too late to work within the system, 
but too early to shoot the bastards."
  --Claire Wolfe 


  gnhlug-discuss mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Simple math considered physics; turns out it's fun, not harmful

2007-11-22 Thread mike miller
The real physics (1960's vintage, no calculators, no linux) answers (plural) 
are even simpler.  If you're asking how fast is the ball going, it's going 
50mph.  If you're asking how fast does it appear to be going based on time 
of flight from the pitchers mound to the batter, the answer is 100mph. 
60.5' is about double the actual 33' over which the ball is being pitched in 
the batting facility.  If the ball is to cover twice the distance in the 
same time, it must be going twice as fast.  I agree that my estimate of 
doubling distance is about 10% off so the ball would actually only appear to 
be going about 90mph.  That's still not accurate to 4 significant figures, 
but we're looking for the physics solution, not the engineering solution 
(you've heard the one about the physicist, engineer and mathematician whose 
houses caught fire) and I doubt most batters could tell the difference 
between a 90mph and a 91.66mph pitch.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Greg Rundlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Geoff Rundlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 5:51 PM
Subject: [OT] Simple math considered physics; turns out it's fun, not 

>I really like the indoor batting facility in Salisbury, MA (Extra
> Innings).  I wondered how 'fast' the fast cage was.  It seemed really
> fast and has taken me a few visits to get to the point where I can hit
> the ball.  I asked today how fast the machine was.  The friendly staff
> person told me it pitches at 50mph and the machine is 33ft. from the
> plate.  A regular pitcher's mound is 60.5 ft from the plate.  He said
> if I have some friends who know physics I could figure out how fast
> that is in the big leagues.  I'm not making fun of the guy, but
> physics isn't involved in solving the problem, just regular math.
> nb: there are 5,280 feet / mile
> spoiler: the answer is below.  If you want to figure it out for
> yourself, stop here for a bit.
> anser below.
> anser below.
> 'fast' batting cage speed
> 50 miles / 1 hour = 264,000 feet / 3,600 seconds  = 73.333 feet / second
> X = elapsed time to home plate =
> X seconds / 33 feet = 1 second / 73.333 feet
> 73.333X = 33
> X = .45 seconds
> Y = Big League pitch speed =
> 60.5 feet / .45 seconds = Y feet / 1 second
> Y = 134.444 feet / second * 3600 / 5280 = 91.66 mph
> That's fast.  It's also faster than the guy said.  He said it was
> supposed to be somewhere in the 70 mph range.
> Perhaps the numbers are off.  There is another 'VERY fast' cage that
> supposedly throws 60mph and is slightly further away (like 33.5 feet).
> I don't know whether I should be happy (I am) that I can hit the
> equivalent of a 91mph fastball.  Or, if I should be sad that an
> average person might think that there is physics rather than math
> involved.
> -- 
> A: Yes.
>> Q: Are you sure?
>>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Lower power portable Linux

2007-11-21 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 06:03:31PM -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
>   A recent review[1] of the Asus Eee PC stated (paraphrased): Power
> management on Linux sucks.

I haven't read the review, but I agree with the statement that power
management on Linux sucks.

> Turning off the CRT was about it.  S3 (suspend-to-RAM) was often
> prevented by drivers.  S4 (suspend-to-disk) was experimental,
> unstable, and/or just plain didn't work.
>   Can anyone who has played with this more recently comment on how a
> modern Linux distro does on today's hardware?

I've had scripts to successfully 'hibernate' (suspend to disk)
my laptops for years, working at least as far back as 2.4-series
kernels.  I have yet to see suspend to RAM work on Linux anywhere.

>   I'm especially interested in how it fares for someone like me, who
> prefers to run a traditional *nix window manager and logon, without
> session management and a desktop environment and a bunch of extra
> daemons and so on.

I fit that description.  If you want my hibernate scripts, let me
know and I'll pack them up when I get home tonight.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"If I had but one life to give for my country, I'd pick somebody I really,
 really dislike."  Tidewater Joe

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Gimme that old time interface...

2007-11-15 Thread mike ledoux
On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 02:34:52PM -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
> > The "big" problem is that some idiot renamed the 'fvwm2' packages
> > to 'fvwm' in FC5 or 6 ...
>   I couldn't even *find* an FVWM (any version) packagein Fedora 5 or 6
> (or maybe both; I forget).  I think it got removed from the distro,
> and then put back later.

It was definitely there in both fedora 5 and fedora 6 (as 'fvwm'),
but in 'extras' not 'core'.  Extras seems to be missing from a lot
of the mirrors that claim to have it, so it is hit-or-miss if these
packages are going to show up in a 'yum search' or not (one of my
Fedora 6 systems can see them right now, the other can't).

It looks like it was missing entirely from Fedora 4, though.

>   Concurrent versions of the same package is something none of the
> major package managers really handle well.  Embedding a version tag
> into the package name is a kludge at best.  Of course, when that's the
> only option, *un*doing that is worse still.

Indeed.  In this case, I think calling the new package fvwm2 was the
right thing to do.  Given how long that worked just fine, I can't
see any good reason why they would change the name for these more
recent packages.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Why do old people drive so incredibly slow?  You think they would drive
 faster, since they're being chased by the icy cold hand of death."

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Gimme that old time interface...

2007-11-15 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 10:53:48AM -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
> On Nov 14, 2007 10:27 AM, TARogue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The problem with most of those is that they are FVWM2, which is nothing
> > at all like regular FVWM.
>   The config file syntax was heavily modified in FVWM version 2.x, no
> question.  For the better, I think, but it's certainly a pain to
> migrate a config one has carefully built over time.  But "nothing at
> all like" FVWM 1.x?  I have to beg to differ on that.

I, too, use FVWM, not FVWM2.  IME, FVWM2 is more resource-intensive
than FVWM, for comparable configurations.  That was enough to keep
me from migrating years ago, and now I'm just lazy.

> > I had to restore my laptop to Fedora Core 3, since upgrading to 7
> > also upgraded FVWM to FVWM2.
>   ...?  I'm pretty sure FVWM 1.x still compiles on recent distros.

It will, but it is a minor pain to do.  I've had to write several
minor patches to work with modern libraries.  The "big" problem is
that some idiot renamed the 'fvwm2' packages to 'fvwm' in FC5 or 6,
so if you do a 'yum update' it breaks your window manager until you
figure out what went wrong.  I've since made an 'fvwm1' package that
will happily coexist with fvwm2 on a modern FC system:

Works for me.  Standard disclaimer applies.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time
 to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."  Oscar Wilde

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: A plague of daemons and the Unix Philosophy

2007-11-13 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 01:46:18PM -0500, Bill McGonigle wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2007, at 11:37, Tom Buskey wrote:
> > Is there a list of what each daemon does?
>  From the "you don't really know how to use a tool until you know  
> three ways to abuse it" department:
> run:
> cursor-over the service and hit F1.
> There may be a better way, but that's the one I've found and is  
> sufficient.

I don't know about 'better', but all that is doing is displaying the
"description:" field from the initscript.  If you don't want to use
a special tool, you can get that same info by just looking at the
top of the initscript yourself.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Forget the hug -- give that maple in your backyard some hot
 monkey love."  Rachel Blubaugh

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: A plague of daemons and the Unix Philosophy

2007-11-11 Thread mike ledoux
On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 04:46:46PM -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
>   I did go looking for information.  What I found suggests the
> architects just don't get it, and are not interested in getting it.
>   Example: When PulseAudio (which also apparently depends on D-BUS)
> was made the default on Fedora, it was stated that people who didn't
> like sound servers should go back to hiding under their rock.

Wow, talk about not getting it:

 "And test your application with PA!  Unfortunately, due to the
  heavy balkanization of Linux audio it is necessary to go through
  this list for each app seperately, and if necessary do some manual
  modifications to each seperately."

So, there is this problem with Linux audio, that there are too many
incompatable audio APIs.  We have this great solution, we'll create
a new one and try to convince everyone to switch to it!  


Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Good God!  This math is laced with physics.  I said I wanted
 *pure* math!"  B.C. Holmes

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Comcast!?!?

2007-11-10 Thread mike miller
The problem is that they are local.  It's still not available in this part 
of Goffstown, but cable is so I'm stuck with Comcast.  I guess that's not 
entirely true.  I could go back to dial up.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: Comcast!?!?

> On Fri, 9 Nov 2007, Tony Lambiris wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a good broadband provider in the Manchester area?
>> Im with Comcast right now, refuse to go to Verizon due to their
>> company practices, curious if anyone out there is using something
>> else?
> MV Communications offers DSL for rates from $25 to $75 for residential
> usage ($25 to $85 for commercial).
> They're a great local resource.
>  Tom
> -- 
> TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
> "On a scale from 1 to 10, people are stupid"
> -- Tengis (from
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Fedora Eight is out on the streets!

2007-11-09 Thread mike shlitz

When I lived on the NH seacoast and had DSL, I had no problems.  Here in 
Temple, NH I'm pretty much stuck with Comcast for TV and Internet.  I've had 
nothing but issues with their internet service (and I pay for their "fastest" 
speed burst option).

My Vonage conversations , if they go on for any length of time, are inevitably 
cutoff and I have to reset the modem to get my internet service back.  
Downloads and torrents seem sporadic as well, as was indicated in several other 
emails on this topic.  Several family members using the internet 
simultaneously, results in a slowdown reminiscent of the old college days in 
"VAX-Land" when the staff upstairs was doing "important work".

Comcast has been trying to get me to go over to their VoIP as well, and mumbled 
something about installing new lines in my house if I did.  I've heard that 
there were others having issues (with Comcast) with regards to their VoIP 
service as well.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 15:04:36 -0800 (PST)
> From: Bayard Coolidge 

> Or be a Comcast customer, unless you're VERY patient.
> Took 7.5 hours using BitTorrent, average d/l speed purportedly 145 kb/s.
> Started at 10:21 AM EST, and finished just a few minutes ago. D/L
> behaviour was very bursty, stalling for several minutes at a time and
> then cranking at over 900kb/sec. I'm leaving it up for a while to "share

I heard, somewhere, that Comcast is actually being sued for violating
net neutrality.  Supposedly, they're throttling BitTorrent traffic.
Sorry, I don't have any links to support this; this info is purely
from the rumor mill. :)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ___
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CPU utilization on a dual-core

2007-11-02 Thread mike ledoux
On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 03:16:35PM -0500, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Does anyone know how to determine per-CPU utilization on a
> multi-cpu/core system.  It's a 2.4 kernel, and top doesn't break
> things down per-cpu.  Unless I'm running an ancient version of top...

Even ancient versions of top can do this, IME.  On modern versions,
use '1' to toggle displaying separate CPU states, and 'I' to toggle
between Irix and Solaris style SMP display (Irix displays process
%CPU as % of 1 CPU, Solaris displays as % of all CPUs).

> Also, how can you tell (without opening the box) if a system is
> multi-cpu vs. multi-core?

/proc/cpuinfo on the system I'm looking at now (two dual-core Xeons)
shows info like:

  physical id : 0
  siblings: 2
  core id : 0
  cpu cores   : 2

for each processor.  From that I can make out that in this case
processors 0 and 2 are cores 0 and 1 on CPU 0, and processors 1 and
3 are cores 6 and 7 on CPU 3.  No idea why it isn't cores 0 and 1 on
CPU 1, but that's Intel for you.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"After the first death, there is no other."  Dylan Thomas

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Brother, can you spare a couple of SCSI SCA disks?

2007-10-22 Thread mike ledoux
On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 04:17:07PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
>   If somebody wants to donate sweet new 1U server with dual 500 GB
> SATA disks, that's fine too ;-)

Not new, and not really all that sweet, but I have a couple of old
(PIII-era) 1U servers that I'd be willing to donate to the cause.
If memory serves they've each got SCSI & IDE internally and room for
three or four drives.  No hot-swap, though.

They worked when I turned them off, but that was a few years ago now.

I'll dig them out of the closet tonight and let you know the full specs.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back.
 That is the point that must be reached."  Franz Kafka

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: List header cancer (was: Lawsuits, Red Hat, yummy....)

2007-10-18 Thread mike ledoux
On Thu, Oct 18, 2007 at 04:10:41PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 10/18/07, mike ledoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Au contraire, please send messages to both me and the mailing list.
> >>
> >>   Au contraire contraire, please do not.  Abuse of "Reply All" causes
> >> List Header Cancer!
> >
> > Here's a solution for both of you.  Use a mailer that supports
> > Mail-Followups-To:, set it to do what you think the right thing is,
> > and get what you want.
>   Part of what people are complaining about is how other people's
> behavior affects other other people, not just doing what the one
> person wants.  In other words, some people might think adding everyone
> to the Cc header is a good thing, but if I'm one of the people who
> don't, I'm still getting my address stuffed into a Cc header,
> regardless of what I set my headers to.

In other words, a local configuration problem on the reply end.
Mail-Followups-To is designed to fix this problem, by letting the
sender specify how they want replies to be handled, in a way that
lets the replying client software comply automatically.

Sure, the person generating the reply can still choose to ignore the
original sender's stated preferences, but that is a social problem.

>   Not that I really care *that* much; I just wanted to clarify that
> this is not a "getting software on my computer to do what I want"
> problem.

I'd argue that it is exactly that kind of problem.  Unfortunately,
the solution requires support on both ends.  On the bright side,
neither of those ends is the list software, so arguments about
misdirected replies can be handled privately instead of on-list.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
Death before decaf.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: List header cancer (was: Lawsuits, Red Hat, yummy....)

2007-10-18 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 10:47:19PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 10/17/07, Bill McGonigle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Additionally please send email either to the listserv or to the poster
> >> you are replying to, but not both.
> >
> > Au contraire, please send messages to both me and the mailing list.
>   Au contraire contraire, please do not.  Abuse of "Reply All" causes
> List Header Cancer!

Here's a solution for both of you.  Use a mailer that supports
Mail-Followups-To:, set it to do what you think the right thing is,
and get what you want.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially
 denied."  Otto Von Bismark

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Admin horror stories

2007-10-12 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Oct 10, 2007 at 04:53:32PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 10/10/07, mike ledoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Did you know the ULTRIX distribution tapes will let you install
> > ULTRIX on a DECStation?
> "ULTRIX is amazingly customizable.  You have to replace a third of it
> to make it usable."
>  -- Marcus J Ranum

Thanks, I couldn't find that quote when I was writing that message.  :)

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"I used to get really irritated at all of the spam in my email account, until
 I realized if I consolidate my debt and refinance my mortgage, I can invest
 the savings and afford a ton of porn for the rest of my life!"  Gary Tunstall 

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: grub

2007-10-11 Thread mike miller
So now I've got a windows only machine with an unused second hard drive that 
used to be formatted for linux.  Windows doesn't even see it. I thought I'd 
try to use a linux boot disk to format it but decided to stick it in my 
second dvd drive instead of the one that I had been using. It seemed to run 
ok so I just let it go through the whole installation again. (define crazy) 
Now everything works.  The grub menu comes up just like it used to and boots 
both into win xp and fc6.  I'm even getting the message about 262 updates 
again but I think that I'll ignore that for a while.  I have no idea why 
it's working now or if it will still be working tomorrow.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux User Group" 
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: grub

> On 10/10/07, mike miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was dual booting winxp and fc6 until the motherboard died.  I replaced 
>> it,
>> using the same cpu, memory, hard drives and other peripherals.  I was
>> pleasantly surprised to see the grub menu when I first booted but the 
>> linux
>> default boot failed.
>  Most likely, the initrd needed to be updated for the disk controller
> on the new motherboard.  Not that that helps you much now.  (inird =
> initial ram disk image, which is loaded by GRUB and used by the kernel
> to load modules for the driver for the controller for your root disk.)
>> On the reboot the screen froze at GRUB. Nothing about stage 2 ...
>  That's a tougher nut.  The first stage of GRUB lives in the MBR, and
> is responsible only for loading the second stage.  It sounds like the
> second stage is failing to load, and that's always hard to diagnose.
>  What's really odd is that it used to work, but failed after an
> update.  It could be that GRUB was updated, so the updater
> re-installed GRUB to the MBR, but that got messed up somehow.  But
> running a GRUB fix-it utility should fix that.
>  Do you have backups of any data that is on the disk?  If not, make
> some before doing anything more.
>  Check the motherboard BIOS for options having to do with disk
> translation or capacity limiting, and play around to see if they make
> GRUB work.
>  Check with the motherboard vendor for BIOS updates, and also any
> known issues with Linux.  A Google search on the motherboard model
> plus "Linux" might also be productive.
>> Using the windows xp install disk to fix the mbr didn't help ...
>  Now that's *really* odd.  The Microsoft MBR is about as simple as it
> gets.  Was your Windows partition set as active?  Were all other
> partitions not-active?
> -- Ben
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: grub

2007-10-11 Thread mike miller
As Ben suggested I looked through bios and tried changing a few things (one 
at a time) but no perceptable change so it's back to the defaults, where it 
was initially when everything was working.  It gradually got to the point 
where I could only boot into linux, even with super grub disk.  The grub 
menu showed a windows xp title and the entries looked correct and unchanged 
but when selected it would still boot into linux.  My last attempt at fixing 
the mbr with the win xp install disk got a corrupted partition message.  I 
finally broke down and reinstalled win xp successfully.  Of course then fc6 
wouldn't boot.  Attempts to fix that didn't work so I just reinstalled fc6 
(I should have kept track of how many times I've done this.  I'll have to 
check Guiness)  Now it only boots into win xp.  Even super grub disk can't 
make it boot into fc6. I tried installing ubunto 6.06 but that failed while 
trying to reformat sdb, the hard drive that my linux os and data is on. I 
can run Knoppix livecd but otherwise I'm back to a pure win xp machine.

The progression has been from a normally functioning dual booting computer 
to one that would only boot linux and now will only boot win xp.  The 
problems started during a fc6 update but I would have thought that 
reinstalling fc6, including formatting all linux partitions on the hard 
drive would have eliminated that source of trouble.  Could this be a failing 
motherboard?  I'm not getting any consistent error messages.  Should I just 
give up and use this for windows and build another machine for linux? 
Should I just reestablish relations with my slide rule?
- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux User Group" 
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: grub

> On 10/10/07, mike miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was dual booting winxp and fc6 until the motherboard died.  I replaced 
>> it,
>> using the same cpu, memory, hard drives and other peripherals.  I was
>> pleasantly surprised to see the grub menu when I first booted but the 
>> linux
>> default boot failed.
>  Most likely, the initrd needed to be updated for the disk controller
> on the new motherboard.  Not that that helps you much now.  (inird =
> initial ram disk image, which is loaded by GRUB and used by the kernel
> to load modules for the driver for the controller for your root disk.)
>> On the reboot the screen froze at GRUB. Nothing about stage 2 ...
>  That's a tougher nut.  The first stage of GRUB lives in the MBR, and
> is responsible only for loading the second stage.  It sounds like the
> second stage is failing to load, and that's always hard to diagnose.
>  What's really odd is that it used to work, but failed after an
> update.  It could be that GRUB was updated, so the updater
> re-installed GRUB to the MBR, but that got messed up somehow.  But
> running a GRUB fix-it utility should fix that.
>  Do you have backups of any data that is on the disk?  If not, make
> some before doing anything more.
>  Check the motherboard BIOS for options having to do with disk
> translation or capacity limiting, and play around to see if they make
> GRUB work.
>  Check with the motherboard vendor for BIOS updates, and also any
> known issues with Linux.  A Google search on the motherboard model
> plus "Linux" might also be productive.
>> Using the windows xp install disk to fix the mbr didn't help ...
>  Now that's *really* odd.  The Microsoft MBR is about as simple as it
> gets.  Was your Windows partition set as active?  Were all other
> partitions not-active?
> -- Ben
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2007-10-10 Thread mike miller
I was dual booting winxp and fc6 until the motherboard died.  I replaced it, 
using the same cpu, memory, hard drives and other peripherals.  I was 
pleasantly surprised to see the grub menu when I first booted but the linux 
default boot failed.  Trying again I found that XP worked fine, only needing 
a couple of driver updates.  After reinstalling FC6 everything was back in 
working order until I got the message about the 282 security updates.  I 
pared that down a bit, thinking that I'd do the rest another day.  The 
update finished normally and requested a reboot.  On the reboot the screen 
froze at GRUB. Nothing about stage 2 and no input from the keyboard had any 
effect except .  I tried everything that I could think of 
including reading the sections on grub in Linux in a Nutshell and Linux 
Annoyances and running grub from the command line.  There were several 
suggestions on how to recover but I couldn't make any progress with them. 
Using the windows xp install disk to fix the mbr didn't help, nor did 
reinstalling FC6.  I finally got both xp and fc6 to run normally by burning 
a copy of super grub disk and booting off of that. The repair features of 
sgd were unsuccessful however.  The grub.conf file looks normal and I'm not 
getting any error messages.  Any suggestions on which files I should be 
looking at for errors?

Mike Miller 

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Admin horror stories

2007-10-10 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 10:33:07PM -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 10/9/07, John Abreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> ... I looked in /bin for suspicious files, and that was the
> >> first time I ever noticed the file [ . It looked suspicious, so
> >> of course I deleted it.  :-/
> >
> >   Did you know 'rpm' will let you remove every package from the system?
> Did you know tar will let you install Ultrix on a Sun ?
> Of course, it won't work, as SunOS seems to get very ornery when it
> can't read stuff recently "upgraded" to the Ultrix version in
> /usr/lib, etc. :)
> There was PEBCAK bug involved in case it wasn't obvious :)

Did you know the ULTRIX distribution tapes will let you install
ULTRIX on a DECStation?

I found that out the hard way.

There was a poor decision involved, in case it wasn't obvious.  :)

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"I'm told fatherhood is the ultimate test of a man.
 Of course, none of this would be necessary if that condom manufacturer
 had just come up with a slightly tougher test of its own."  Brad Osberg
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: how to rotate a movie?

2007-08-30 Thread mike ledoux
On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 03:45:53PM -0400, Bill McGonigle wrote:
> Now, and this is really rusty, I think there's a way to read the JPEG  
> DCT matrix and rotate a JPEG without recompressing,

There is, provided the image geometry meets certain sensible
parameters that I don't remember off the top of my head.  The
tool I use for this is called 'jpegtran', available from if it isn't included with your distribution of

> and mencoder _might_ know how to do that, but it would have to be
> special-cased.  If anybody remembers what software could do that,
> and you could somehow split the .mov into its constituent JPEG
> frames and soundtrack, and then re-assemble them... well, major
> geek points and probably unwarranted for a home movie. :)

If each frame in the .mov file is really a full JPEG image, you'll
almost certainly want to recode it into a better format for video

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."  Jimi Hendrix

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: postfix

2007-08-30 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Aug 29, 2007 at 11:54:15AM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> > In fact, we discovered the theoretical possibility of a mail message doing
> > figure-8s between our sendmail/cyrus server and the Exchange server!
>   I used to work at UNH.  Imagine hundreds of computers, used by
> faculty/staff, running anything from DOS to MacOS to NetWare to doze
> to nix.  Many of them processing mail for their primary user.
> Sometimes mail hopped between four or five systems before end-user
> delivery.  One scenario I saw was [EMAIL PROTECTED] ->
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You can imagine what mail
> loops were like in that environment...

bit at the end of all that. :)

The really scary bit is that some of those addresses still work
today, 7+ years after I left.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
The walls here are so very soft, and I just love all the buckles on my
 new coat.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Re: I've got to get organized.

2007-08-14 Thread mike miller
It was actually "All people please to be getting off from street" but the 
accent is correct.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Ricker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Steven W. Orr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 9:18 PM
Subject: [OT] Re: I've got to get organized.

> On 8/13/07, Steven W. Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> A great line from "The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!" was
>> when Fendall Hawkins (played by Paul Ford) was yelling "We've GOT to get
>> ORGANized!".
> Aside from the map-folding scene (no line), my favorite is
>  "Ev-er-y-one to get from Street"
> with Boris Badenough accent.
> -- 
> Bill
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Charging UPS batteries outside the UPS

2007-08-09 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 09:24:40PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 8/8/07, mike ledoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I've checked the voltage on the battery, and it's less than 2 volts DC.
> >
> > In that case, there is almost certainly at least one internal short
> > in the battery, and no amount of charging is likely to fix it.  It
> > takes some serious work to get a 12V battery down to 2V.
>   Even better: That was for each of the 24V packs.  Your comment made
> me curious, so I pulled all the wiring off the individual units and
> measured each one.  Each unit is giving between 0.5 and 0.7 volts DC.
> So either each unit has the same "internal short", or they really are
> drained (or something else).

There is almost no chance that you'll get those batteries to take a
charge at all, if they were drained that low.  As you're probably
aware, each of those 12V batteries is made of 6 2V cells.  Fully
charged each of those 2V cells is good for about 2.15V, fully
discharged is about 1.75V (for good, working cells).

Generally speaking, if a 12V battery with no load is reading
below ~10V, something is pretty badly wrong with the battery,
usually a short across one or more of the cells.

>From what you're saying, you're reading less from the entire battery
than a single "discharged" cell should provide, so I'm going to go
out on a limb and guess that these batteries are pretty old, and
heavily sulphated.  You may be able to salvage the battery well
enough to start the UPS by running an equalization cycle on it, but
that is somewhat tricky/dangerous with a sealed battery as you're
*trying* to overcharge in order to boil the electrolyte to break up
the sulphation on the plates.

>   Te battery was sitting, hooked-up, inside the UPS for I dunno how
> long.  You can cold-start this UPS model (turn it on without AC
> input), so I expect it is always drawing at least a little power from
> the battery (since the UPS front panel is microprocessor controlled).
> Maybe that would do it?

Yeah, PbA batteries do not store well when not kept fully charged.

>   According to a doc on Panasonic website, these are, indeed,
> "absorbed glass mat with calcium grids".  Another doc does have dire
> warnings about charging, though.  The short version is that without
> "constant voltage control" (whatever that means), the electrolyte
> breaks down and the battery performance is shot.  Maybe they were
> overcharged and that's why their voltage is so low.

It is perfectly safe to use any *quality* 12V PbA charger on an
AGM battery.  The only thing to "worry" about is that you don't
try to charge too quickly, as that can generate excessive heat in
the battery, causing the electrolyte to boil, which is a bit of a
problem in a sealed battery.  For batteries as small as typically
used in a UPS I wouldn't charge at anything over 2A.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"At first I thought, 'How could women be from Venus?  It's got
 an atmosphere of poisonous gas!'  And then I made the connection:
 potpourri!"  Larry Hollister

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Charging UPS batteries outside the UPS

2007-08-08 Thread mike ledoux
On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 10:10:30PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
>   Off-topic but still techie question: Does anyone know anything about
> charging the batteries from a UPS using external equipment (i.e., not
> the charger built-in to the UPS)?


>   I've got an APC Smart-UPS 3000 (P/N SU3000RM3U) which I picked up
> for free (someone was getting rid of it).  It looks like it's in good
> condition, but it won't start[1].  I've checked the voltage on the
> battery, and it's less than 2 volts DC.  An aggravating quirk with

In that case, there is almost certainly at least one internal short
in the battery, and no amount of charging is likely to fix it.  It
takes some serious work to get a 12V battery down to 2V.

>   The battery consists of eight smaller units, wired together.  The
> wiring is easily disconnected.  Each unit is labeled "12 V, 7.2
> Ah/20HR".  Anyone if I can just hook each unit up to a regular
> automotive battery charger (one at a time) and charge them that way?

As others of mentioned, that depends on the battery chemistry.  Note
well that "sealed lead acid" doesn't necessarily mean "Gel".  It
could be an AGM battery, which will charge just fine with any decent
PbA battery charger.  OTOH, it sounds like the battery is already
pretty well fscked, so even if it is a Gel battery you aren't likely 
to make things worse (using a standard charger on a Gel battery will
not charge very well, and will certainly reduce the lifespan of the
battery, but it isn't likely to explode unless something else is wrong).

I have a few different chargers kicking around in my garage, I'd bet
at least one of them supports the charge mode your battery needs, if
you want to borrow one.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Software which OpenBSD uses and redistributes must be free to all (be they
 people or companies), for any purpose they wish to use it, including
 modification, use, peeing on, or even integration into baby mulching
 machines or atomic bombs to be dropped on Australia."  Theo de Raadt

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Syslog Analyzer

2007-07-18 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 03:10:09PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> As part of search to monitor the internet usage of our branch
> office, I am looking for a manager-friendly syslog analyzer. The
> Does anyone know a a good, granular syslog analyzer for this
> purpose? Open Source is always prefered, of course.

I've been using sawmill[1] for this for the past few years.  I
personally find the interface cumbersome, but it is trivially easy
to install, configure, and maintain, and management loves it.  Not
free, but cheap and easy.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."  Warren G. Bennis

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: authoring math documents (tex?)

2007-06-11 Thread mike ledoux
On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 06:38:47PM -0400, Lloyd Kvam wrote:
> My daughter is heading back to school and will need to write Math
> papers.  She is now running Fedora 6.  (The conversion from Windows to
> Fedora happened after graduation.)  She asked me what software she
> should use for writing her Math papers, and being an old ascii text guy,
> I did not know what to tell her.  

Learning LaTeX and editing it directly is still the best solution, IMO.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."  William Shakespeare

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Opinions about LaCie wanted

2007-06-05 Thread mike miller
Just one external hard drive, but based on that episode I would not purchase 
their products again.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Michael ODonnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 9:51 AM
Subject: Opinions about LaCie wanted

> Anybody here ever done enough business with
> LaCie that you have a well-founded opinion
> about the company or their storage products?
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Re: Request: Take Off-Topic Off-List

2007-05-25 Thread mike ledoux
On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 11:37:44AM -0400, Thomas Charron wrote:
> On 5/25/07, Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed in the below are the personal opinions of the
> > author, and do not necessarily represent the views or policy of GNHLUG.
> > On 5/25/07, Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ... I don't think there's anything wrong with a "little" OT ...
> >   What Ted said.
>   Obviously, the take it offlist conversation needs to be taken offlist.  :-P

Can we take the requests to take these conversations offlist offlist please?

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Dude, it's the pen that is mightier than the sword. Not a crayon."  Zoethe

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Pentium 805D has an interesting surprise

2007-04-25 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Apr 25, 2007 at 02:15:55PM -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > There are also a few dual cores with hyperthreading, Xeon was one
> > product line I noticed had such models.
> Yeah, I just checked one of our new machines which is a dual
> dual-core.  It reports 4 "GenuineIntel" CPUs in /proc/cpuinfo, all of
> which have the 'ht' flag set. 
> So, in theory, if I were to enable HT in my kernel, I might well see 8 CPUs ?

Unless the 'ht' flag is set on dual-core CPUs that don't actually
support it, yes. /proc/cpuinfo on the system I'm working on now (two
3.0GHz Xeon dual-core hyperthreading CPUs) reports 8 CPUs.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Fnord is neither a particle nor a wave."

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Dell 690 only seeing 3 GB RAM (was: slow last 128MB...)

2007-04-19 Thread mike ledoux
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 03:06:52PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 4/19/07, Michael ODonnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >We have a number of Dell Precision 690 boxes with 4 1Gb DIMMs
> >installed but our RHAT WS3 kernel ...
>  RHEL 3 is pretty old.  I think it might be old enough that you need
> to install a separate, special kernel package for systems which "large
> memories".

A little old, but not /that/ old.  You do need to install RH's
'hugemem' kernel if you have more than 16GB of memory, but less
than that works fine with the stock kernels.  The RHEL3 box I just
checked here in the office is running the standard SMP kernel and
sees and uses all 6GB of its memory just fine.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."  Einstein

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: I have no words to describe this...

2007-04-04 Thread mike miller
It may not be rap, but geek songs have been around for quite a while and not 
limited to one coast.  The one that I remember best from sometime in the 
'80s, don't know which coast, is "On the Xerox Line."

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "jsf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Mark Komarinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: I have no words to describe this...

There was a piece on MarketPlace morning report on NPR about
NerdCore... Rapping Geeks.. apparently, on the left coast it's been
all the rage since, like, 2001!

I guess we're late to the party!


On 4/4/07, Mark Komarinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 04/04/2007 10:24 AM, Paul Lussier wrote:
I have words to describe it:  Two days ago. :)

Studio version sounded better than the youtube version, but Weird Al
still takes the cake for being able to rap about tech (see White and
Nerdy and It's all about the Pentiums).

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Subject Lines on the Mailing list: [WAS: Looking for a NH mail list talking about Linux]

2007-03-27 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 01:50:56PM -0400, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> basically, IMHO, the GNHLUG is low volume enough that it probably would
> not need to be split into 3 lists, as Maddog suggested, though it would
> not be difficult to create the 2 additional lists, and use the main
> discuss list as a target of both. 

Say you have three sub-lists: gnhlug-chat, gnhlug-politics, and
gnhlug-tech. If gnhlug-discuss is subscribed to all three, postings
to any of the lists also get posted to -discuss.  All of these lists
are restricted to only allow posting from subscribed addresses, to
cut down on abuse.  So far, so good, that *seems* to be what we

Joe User finds GNHLUG, and decides that he wants to read all of the
mail, so he takes the shortcut and subscribes only to -discuss

Ben posts a message to gnhlug-tech.  Joe User tries to reply to
list.  One of two things happens:

  Joe's mail client reply to gnhlug-discuss.  Ben never sees
  Joe's reply, because Ben is only subscribed to gnhlug-tech.

  Joe's mail client tries to reply to gnhlug-tech.  Ben never sees
  Joe's reply, because Joe's mail is stuck in an approval queue for
  unsubscribed postings.

Joe has a question, which he posts to gnhlug-discuss since that
is what he has subscribed to.  Unfortunately for Joe, most of the
GNHLUG community never sees his question as they have subscribed to
the sub-lists they are interested in.

Everyone loses.

If we are going to break up gnhlug-discuss into smaller lists,
we need to just do it, and make everyone subscribe to whatever
lists they want.  Trying to have it both ways with sub-lists and a
combined list is just a recipe for disaster.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Profanity is the inevitable linguistic crutch of the inarticulate
 motherfucker."  Bruce Sherrod
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Dividing The List Considered Harmful [Was: Re: Subject Lines on the Mailing list: [WAS: Looking for a NH mail list talking about Linux]]

2007-03-27 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 11:52:01AM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
>  I'm not just arguing to be argumentative (that's room 12A); these
> are questions that would need to be answered for anything like a list
> charter to be drawn up.
> >... (and then ignore them later with the proper subject line).
>  Your parenthetical remark is one of my main points.  We still have
> the off-topic, endless debate, and discipline issues.  Moving the
> traffic around doesn't make those issues go away.
> >You could join "discuss" and get both.
>  What happens when someone posts to -social, but I (subscribed to
> -discuss) reply to -discuss?
> >We could try it, and if it does not work what have we really lost?
>  Depends on the transition grief.
>  For example, who do we subscribe to which list?  Or do we start both
> lists empty?

I have been through this a few times in the past, with different
groups, where the decision was eventually made to fragment the list
into multiple lists with more focused charters.  I have, to date,
never seen it work well.  With one exception, all of the mailing
lists I have seen fragmented this way have either reverted back to
a single main list (sometimes with a separate, often moderated list
for announcments, like we have), or gone away entirely.

That one exception had strongly focused charters, very clear lines
on what topics were appropriate on which lists, and a large team of
volunteer list-cops (over 50 when I was in charge of managing them)
to keep things on track and ban chronic offenders.  They did not
have the proposed bad idea of subscribing each of the sub-lists to
another list to form a combined list.

Even there, the off-topic posts remained, and there was the
additional problem of posts being sent to the wrong list, or
crossposted to multiple lists.  They stuck with it, at the cost
of enormous volunteer churn, and lost a large chunk of their
membership, myself included, when the "transition grief" was still
increasing more than a year after the actual transition was made.

I *STRONGLY* believe that this sort of change would be bad for
GNHLUG in the long run.

Consider how successful the various mailing lists for the local
chapters have been.  Consider how troublesome trying to keep the job
postings on the gnhlug-jobs list has been.  Consider how successful
the "linux cafe" list, created in response to exactly this complaint
back in 2005, was.  Does anyone really think this particular
division will be more succesful than either of those?

If GNHLUG does choose to fragment the list into -social and -tech,
please DO NOT try to create a combined 'discuss' list that is
subscribed to both, the problems with people replying to the wrong
places would be enormous.  People who want both can subscribe to
both easily enough.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
Remind me again what it is called when one keeps trying the same
thing expecting different results?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: off-topic - What happened to the TV series season?

2007-03-27 Thread mike ledoux
On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 07:25:02PM -0400, Jeff Macdonald wrote:
> I just watched Battlestar Galactica, which turned out to be the last one for
> the season. The next one won't be till 200 8. Ugh! The networks are giving
> me less and less reason to watch this stuff when it's aired (or in my case,
> within a week of it's airdate, since I'm a happy TiVo user). I just hope
> that by 2008 TiVo will figure a way to include the network shows that are
> available on the internet by then.

TiVo has that right now.  You can purchase content through Amazon
Unbox to watch on your S2 or S3 TiVo, and at least S3 also has the
ability to download (some) internet content directly.  It is part of
their "TiVo Online Services" feature, which, while not particularly
well-integrated into the TiVo experience, is there and does work.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Software which OpenBSD uses and redistributes must be free to all (be they
 people or companies), for any purpose they wish to use it, including
 modification, use, peeing on, or even integration into baby mulching
 machines or atomic bombs to be dropped on Australia."  Theo de Raadt

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Why we can't record our TV shows (was: In case you have not seen it.....Linux Media Center)

2007-03-26 Thread mike ledoux
On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 10:16:05AM -0400, Travis Roy wrote:
> >
> >I download each and every show I wish to watch (and I want for
> >nothing I can't get), getting not only high quality recordings,
> >but with commercials already removed.  Finding new shows is
> I'm transition to this solution, but the legality of it is
> debatable.  I'm still trying to figure out a good working solution

The legality isn't even really debatable.  Under current law in the
US, this is illegal.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"AOL would be a giant diesel-smoking bus with hundreds of ebola
 victims on board throwing dead wombats and rotten cabbage at the other
 cars, most of which have been assembled at home from kits."

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: a question about GREP

2007-03-26 Thread mike ledoux
On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 11:38:31AM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> Lloyd ([EMAIL PROTECTED])'s solution works:
> find -type f -name '*out*' | xargs grep -wli zip > zip.txt
> Question: "-type f" limits to "regular file", does the so-called "regular
> file" strictly mean "plain text files"?

It does not. "regular file" means not a special file, directory,
named pipe, symbolic link, or socket. "plain text files" are a
subset of "regular files".  If you just want to omit non-text files
from the output, something like:

  find . -type f -name '*out*' -print0 | xargs -0 grep -wliI zip > zip.txt

will probably do what you want.  The -I option to GNU grep tells it
to treat binary files as if they contain no matches.  The -print0
to find and -0 to xargs improve handling of file names that contain

> Steven's solution (listed below) only partially works, for reasons I don't
> know. By "partially", I mean his solution can only find SOME files matching
> the search criteria.
> find . -type f -name \*out\* | \
> xargs file | \
> awk '/ASCII/ { sub(/:/, ""); print $1}' | \
> xargs grep -l zip > zip.txt

If you run 'find . -type f -name '*out*' -print0 | xargs -0 file'
I bet some of the files you are calling "plain text files" are not
"ASCII text files", which is what the above is looking for.  For
example, a file 'file' reports as "ISO-8859 English text" will
almost certainly meet *your* critera for "plain text", but doesn't
include "ASCII" anywhere in the output of 'file'.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Working on Megatokyo is a lot like trying to fix the engine on a bus while
 it cruises down a bumpy highway at 75 mph with two monkeys fighting over
 the steering wheel and a brick on the accelerator."  Piro

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: a question about GREP

2007-03-23 Thread mike ledoux
On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 05:12:04PM -0400, Steven W. Orr wrote:
> On Friday, Mar 23rd 2007 at 16:33 -0400, quoth Jerry:
> =>Also, doesn't Grep stand for "global regular expression print"?
> General Regular Expression Processor

Jerry is correct.  The name grep comes from the ed command g/regex/p:
(search) global(ly for lines matching the) regular expression(, and) print.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Touch passion when it comes your way Stephen.  It's rare enough as it is,
 don't walk away when it calls you by name."  Marcus Cole

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Handhelds/PDAs - Palm vs Zaurus vs others - Opinions? Experiences?

2007-03-23 Thread mike ledoux
On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 09:47:40AM -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Sacha Chua (Cc'ed on this e-mail) who's since become a good friend of
> mine, introduced me to my current PDA/PIM device of choice: The
> Hipster PDA.

When they make a version that includes alarm functionality for
repeating events and to do list entries, I'll switch.  Until then
the Hipster PDA simply doesn't provide critical PDA functionality.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
This message closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Handhelds/PDAs - Palm vs Zaurus vs others - Opinions? Experiences?

2007-03-21 Thread mike miller
When my aging Handspring Visor disappeared down a well about 18mo ago I had 
to find a replacement. I had already decided that I didn't want a combined 
phone/pda.  The Dell Axim looked pretty good at the time so I spent the 
bucks and got it.  It did all kinds of neat stuff that I couldn't do on my 
old pda BUT with windows mobile 5 it took a couple of minutes to boot if you 
shut it off and ate batteries if you put it on standby plus some of the 
software that I had didn't work on WM5 and the developers had no plan to 
adapt it.  The Axim has now been lying on my desk for over a year, buried 
under a pile of junk and I carry a Palm Tungsten E that I bought at Sams for 
$67.  It does the basics just fine and if I want to listen to MP3 files I 
just plug in headphones and an SD card.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Greater NH Linux User Group" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:11 PM
Subject: Handhelds/PDAs - Palm vs Zaurus vs others - Opinions? Experiences?

Hello, world!

 So, I'm thinking about getting a new handheld computer (AKA PDA),
before the one I have now finishes crumbling into dust.  (For purposes
of this discussion, let's assume my handheld and my mobile phone will
be two different devices.)  I'd like to hear people's opinions and
experiences on brands, models, etc.

 I've been a Palm user since forever.  I used to be a big fan of
Palm.  But the limitations of the Palm OS are getting rather old,
development has stagnated, and Palm Inc has decided to go swimming
with a ball-and-chain named "Windows Mobile".  So I'm thinking it may
be time to get off this ship.

 I'm especially interested in the Sharp Zaurus.  I understand that,
while it's nominally not sold in the US, it's pretty easy to find
vendors importing it, and that the manufacturer support picture is
pretty good (for the immediate future, anyway).

 One thing I want from a handheld is that it has to be a good PIM
first -- good calendar, contact, task list, and notepad functionality.
Not Emacs, but something easily usable with one hand while I've got
my head stuck inside a computer cabinet.  This is one thing the Palm
always did *very* well.  What about the Zaurus?

 My handwriting sucks.  I've managed to train myself to Graffiti, but
that's about it.  If all the
Zauruses... Zauri... Zaurus models have built-in keyboards, I guess
that's moot.  Right?

 The Zaurus runs Linux, which is uber-cool, especially for more
sophisticated things.  Can anyone comment on how Linux software
translates to the Zaurus platform?  Is it just a recompile, or is it
mostly incompatible?  Does it use X for graphics, or something else?

 What about sync'ing with a desktop Linux PC?  I ass-ume, since it
runs Linux, that basic interoperability is a no-brainer.  Is there
anything like jpilot for the Zaurus?

 Any other handhelds people like these days?

 Comments, suggestions, flames, dopeslaps, etc., welcome.

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over 

 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] Re: Hosstraders Dead, but NEARFest Lives!!

2007-03-21 Thread mike miller
Check out the Dell recycling program.  They will pick up any brand of 
computer or peripheral including monitor at your house for recycling.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "David Ecklein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [GNHLUG] Re: Hosstraders Dead, but NEARFest Lives!!

We have a parallel problem to this in many small NH towns (including ours,
Rumney).  We are nickle-and-dimed at the dump for many things besides 
Since they charge $5 to $10 to dispose of them, it is not uncommon to see 

mattress rotting away in an otherwise beautiful ravine, or an old monitor
leaching out into the groundwater who knows what, as a result. 

is difficult.

Is there really no way to recycle monitors?  In the sense of reclaiming
enough material to at least pay for the disposal.


Dave E.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [GNHLUG] Re: Hosstraders Dead, but NEARFest Lives!!

On 3/19/07, Bill Sconce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The whole idea has drawbacks.

  True, true.

> Example 1a:  Just asking people to not bring CRT monitors would be
> effective at some level.  That is, most would comply.  The ones
> who won't comply will bring them in anyway.

  Fair bit of truth in that.  The main problem with an outright ban is
that those who want to bring a tube for legitimate reasons would be
barred.  Used oscilloscopes come to mind.

> (Are the organizers thinking of searching vehicles?)

  Heh.  I'd like to see them try, given the volume of crap shoved into
most vehicles!

  Seriously: Given that the only reason to bring a CRT is to use it or
sell it, both of which require exposure, simply walking around looking
for untagged CRTs would likely be a pretty effective enforcement.

  Someone could smuggle a CRT in and out, keeping it hidden the whole
time, but that's rather pointless, any in any event, doesn't effect
the operators.  Someone could smuggle a CRT in and then dump it on the
sly, of course, but you can do that anywhere, without paying an
admission fee first.

> Example 2a:  Asking for a $20 deposit requires issuing chits of SOME
> kind and tracking them with 100% accuracy.

  They make disposable stickers/tags that suit this purpose, and said
can be had very cheaply, if you buy in bulk.  (Whether the operators
have obtained any such, I dunno.)

  100% accuracy is not needed.  Only enough accuracy to make it more
cost-effective to administer the deposit system vs rolling the cost of
disposal into the admission fee.

  "The purpose of a car alarm is not to make it impossible to steal
your car.  The purpose is to make it easier to steal the car in the
next space over."

> Without an accurate control system, some
> of the CRTs which come in under other stuff would go out on top,
> grabbing a deposit "refund" on the way.

  One hopes the operators are not *that* naive.  (Such hopes have
proven optimistic in the past, of course...)

> Example 2b:  Without an accurate control system, some people who are
> entitled to $20 back on the way out (e.g., the buyer of suct a CRT)
> might not get it.  A hassle.

  Presumably, the hassle would have to exceed the supposed value
obtained by bringing the CRT in.

  From my point of view, the real problem I see with a deposit system
is that it may increase the incidence of illegal waste dumping
immediately outside the environs of the host site.  Presumably, the
local authorities will eventually figure that out, and complain to the
host site operators, who will in turn complain to the event operators.

  Hence the WEEE/RoHS stuff in the EU.  Not that that helps the
hamfest people any.

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over


  -- Rush, "Far Cry"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Handhelds/PDAs - Palm vs Zaurus vs others - Opinions? Experiences?

2007-03-20 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 05:11:00PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
>  I'm especially interested in the Sharp Zaurus.  I understand that,
> while it's nominally not sold in the US, it's pretty easy to find
> vendors importing it, and that the manufacturer support picture is
> pretty good (for the immediate future, anyway).
>  One thing I want from a handheld is that it has to be a good PIM
> first -- good calendar, contact, task list, and notepad functionality.
> Not Emacs, but something easily usable with one hand while I've got
> my head stuck inside a computer cabinet.  This is one thing the Palm
> always did *very* well.  What about the Zaurus?

I had a Zaurus (SL-5600).  The PIM software was almost, but not
quite, completely useless.  I tried several of the alternate
software loads, none of them worked anywhere near as well as the
Palm IIIc the Zaurus replaced, certainly not good enough for daily

> Zauruses... Zauri... Zaurus models have built-in keyboards, I guess
> that's moot.  Right?

The built-in keyboard on the SL-5600 was crap, I only used it when I
had to.

>  The Zaurus runs Linux, which is uber-cool, especially for more
> sophisticated things.  Can anyone comment on how Linux software
> translates to the Zaurus platform?  Is it just a recompile, or is it
> mostly incompatible?  Does it use X for graphics, or something else?

Something else, depending on which software load you are using.  You
can get X working, but it isn't particularly usable.

>  What about sync'ing with a desktop Linux PC?  I ass-ume, since it
> runs Linux, that basic interoperability is a no-brainer.  Is there
> anything like jpilot for the Zaurus?

Basic interoperability was pretty much non-existant when I first
tried it, the PIM apps for the Zaurus weren't available in any
desktop form I could identify.  I quickly gave up and just made
regular backups to a spare CF card.

These days I'm using a cheap Palm, which is working reasonably well
for just PIM functions.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing."

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: MonadLUG notes, 8-March-2007: Pitch your distro

2007-03-20 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 03:02:40PM -0500, Bill Freeman wrote:
> mike ledoux writes:
>  > On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 01:22:25PM -0400, Tyson Sawyer wrote:
>  > > ...oh crap!
> ...
>  > That is a problem... with your mail reader.  If it bothers you, I
>  > recommend switching to a mail reader that doesn't have that problem,
>  > rather than complaining.
> Then I'd have other things to complain about.

Sure, but finding new things to complain about is at least half of the fun!

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Nothing says 'This is serious' like a corpse on the floor."   Michelle Wincek
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: MonadLUG notes, 8-March-2007: Pitch your distro

2007-03-20 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 01:22:25PM -0400, Tyson Sawyer wrote:
> ...oh crap!  I replied to a message that came from a list, but when I
> was about to click send I see that my reply doesn't go back to where
> the message came from.  Now off to edit the To: field before I can
> click send.

That is a problem... with your mail reader.  If it bothers you, I
recommend switching to a mail reader that doesn't have that problem,
rather than complaining.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Touch passion when it comes your way Stephen.  It's rare enough as it is,
 don't run away when it calls you by name."  Marcus Cole

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Arabic NON-unicode fonts - Easy Char Mapping?

2007-02-25 Thread mike miller
Buy a Commodore 64.  The word processor included arabic, cyrillic, greek, 
hebrew and other fonts that were phonetically equivalent to the "normal" 
letters that they replaced.  It was fun (to some of us) to type letters in 
english and print them out in these other fonts.  If the recipient was 
familiar with those alphabets it was easy to sound out the original text.  I 
haven't found a modern alternative that works as well, but if someone else 
knows of one please let me know.  Then I'll be able to get rid of my 
Commodore 64.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Chabot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 10:25 PM
Subject: Arabic NON-unicode fonts - Easy Char Mapping?

Does anyone know of an *easy* way to use normal letters *and* numbers to
display their Arabic counterparts?

Yes, Unicode has Arabic... but it's all mapped outside the normal range
of a US keyboard's single keypress range.

Basically I'd like to hit the "a" key for instance and see an 'alif
(unicode 0627h) or "b" and see an Arabic ba (unicode 0628h)...  Also the
same with typing a 1 and seeing an Arabic numeral 1 (like a, unicode
0627h) there.

Yes, one *could* temporarily remap a keyboard.  Yes, one *could* create
some sort of macro system... These are not "easy" solutions.  A font
that already does this would be much easier.  Add it to a bidi
compatible program and you're all set.

Why?  Because a friend of mine is taking a class in Arabic and wants to
have an easier time typing it out without splurging for a new
keyboard etc.

Yes, this is for Linux, so TTF would be nice...


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] MerriLUG Nashua, Thurs 15 Feb, Linux Saves Windows Server - Bill Gates Delighted!

2007-02-08 Thread mike shlitz
Hi Jim,

RSVP for two please...



--- Jim Kuzdrall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Who  : Lloyd Kvam, Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee LUG
> What : Linux box protecting the Internet from a
> Windows server
> Where: Martha's Exchange
> Day  : Thur 15 February **Next Week** (Galileo's
> Birthday)
> Time : 6:00 PM for grub, 7:30 PM for discussion
> :: Overview
> Want to get the most out of the Linux firewall
> technology?  Do 
> iptables, bridging, ebtables, and Ethernet frames
> need a good review?   
> Would you welcome a small, $65 "filter" computer
> that better isolates 
> your computers from Internet attacks? 
> Lloyd Kvam uses a delightfully clever reverse
> application to review 
> Linux firewall installation.  He placed a small
> Linux computer between a 
> virus-compromised Windows server and the Internet to
> intercept spurious 
> broadcasts from Windows, thereby protecting the
> Internet!  (And, it was 
> not necessary to take the Windows machine off-line
> for hours to purge 
> its viruses.)
> Learn about protection strategies, openwrt Linux
> for routers, and 
> the Linksys wrt54gl hardware.  Your new prowess may
> help you get more 
> from all your firewall applications.
>  >>> RSVP to Jim Kuzdrall for dinner to assure
> adequate seating. <<<
>  !!! If you are not a "Regular Attendee", please let
> me know. !!!
> Driving directions:
> Thanks,
> Jim Kuzdrall
> ___
> gnhlug-announce mailing list
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list


Any questions? Get answers on any topic at  Try it now.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Motherboard Recommendations, and a hello...

2007-02-02 Thread mike miller
Also check out PC Authority on Elm St in Manchester, near the corner with 
Dow St.  I've had good luck finding what I needed at competitive prices when 
I didn't want to wait for delivery from an online vendor.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Kaufman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: Motherboard Recommendations, and a hello...

Bruce and others -

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I may still have some bootable PDP-11 media kicking
around, if you'd like to add some variety to your
RT-11 inventory! :-)

I'll never turn down additional PDP-11 media/software
(especially if it's on RX01/RX02 media)!  I also can
archive some of this media for future use, as many 8"
disks are reaching their end of life.  I have an 8"
drive that I can run off a DOS machine, along with a
Catweasel board - so I can read and archive some
pretty wierd formats.  If anyone needs a boot disk for
an Osborne or a Kaypro let me know :)


I went with an ASUS P5B-Deluxe WiFi mobo, after
shopping around it seemed like the best balance of
feature set, technology and price ($130, a bargain
from CDW; NewEgg lists it at $195).


I wasn't aware of PC-Depot locally.  Good to know, as
I've purchased most stuff from NewEgg or ZipZoomFly.
Occasionally the 3-4 day wait is painful.

I'm trying to avoid a pre-built system.  I don't want
to pay the "microsoft tax" and I already have several
new cases/power supplies/harddrives etc already lying
around.  I'd like to hand-select components that will
be Linux-Friendly.  I'd also like the option of
overclocking - which the commercial systems or Intel
motherboards typically won't permit.

I had heard mention of the JMicron/PATA issue, thanks
for the reminder.  I'll remember to get a SATA DVD.
Thankfully they've come way down in price.

Good to hear that the ASUS P5B-Deluxe is working well.
Which distribution have you used with it?  Any issues
with audio or wifi driver support under Linux?

Many thanks!

- Gary

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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*NIX on Itanium

2007-01-30 Thread mike shlitz
Hi All,

I recently acquired (gratis) a Compaq ProLiant DL
590/64 Quad Itanium (Merced) server.  It has a (4)
SCSI drive capacity (hot swap).  7U form factor.  1 GB
RAM (64 GB capable).

This will be used at home for my tinkering and
enjoyment.  I have (4) brand new Seagate SCSI drives I
can use, (9.1 GB) which would give me about 27 GB in a
RAID 5 configuration, which would probably be adequate
for my initial purposes.

Questions and RFC's are as follows:

Reviewing HP/Compaq's forums I don't see much mention
of the 590/64, which tells me it is either (A.) a
hefty paperweight, or (B.) pretty much trouble free
compared to every other HP/Compaq server out there. 
I'm inclined by virtue of experience to view (A.) as
the most likely scenario.  Any advice, caveats, or
expressions of sympathy?

I'm looking for sources (cheapest) for (4) SCSI
carriers for same.  Also (cheapest) larger capacity
SCSI drives, and Memory (cheapest) for same.  I
usually go to DataMem in Salem, NH...  didn't know if
someone might have an alternative source.

Best choice for *NIX OS for this machine?  I have
CentOS running well on my old DEC Alpha.  Ubuntu
running smoothly on some iMac's, I see FreeBSD has a
port for IA64, or maybe FC-6 (64bit)?  The last time I
heard someone say "Itanium" at a LUG meeting, it was
followed by hoots of laughter.




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Re: PVR-150 (1042, 1045, 1062)?

2007-01-29 Thread mike miller
I looked at NewEggs website and found several listings for what appear to be 
variations on Hauppauge PVR 150.  All include "WinTV" in the title and only 
list Windows as the supported operating system.  Variations in descriptions 
include straight " Hauppauge WinTV PVR 150" other descriptions include "MCE" 
& "1042",  "1062", or "274" and there is also a low profile version.  Are 
these all different?  Is it possible that one of these is still the linux 
supported PVR 150?  Prices are all different.  Which one or ones are linux 
users having trouble with?  There is also a PVR250 and PVR500 listed.  Any 
word on whether or not these are still usable with linux?

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: PVR-150 (1042, 1045, 1062)?


Rumor has it Hauppauge has been putting HVR-1600 into PVR-150 boxes
even though the box still says PVR-150.  See the most recent comments


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Yet more OT humor...

2007-01-19 Thread mike shlitz
Here's yet another bit of off the mark Linux-oriented



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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

(OT) Humor...

2007-01-19 Thread mike shlitz
I just picked up this link courtesy of the TriLUG down
in NC...



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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: [OT] Re: Real Men

2007-01-19 Thread mike miller


Are you talking about real men or real old men?
My first computer was a CDC3500.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Joshua D. Abraham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cc: "Greater NH Linux User Group" 
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [OT] Re: Real Men

On 19.Jan.2007 05:44PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


what preceded the PDP-11 ?

PDP-10 ?


>From: Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2007/01/19 Fri PM 05:03:37 CST
>Cc: Greater NH Linux User Group 
>Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Real Men

>Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:
>>>>No, No, NoI much prefer arguing issues around arcane languages.
>>>>What about using SNOBOL? :-)
>>>Ha! Real men write right down on the metal in Assembler...
>>You use an assembler??
>>Real men program directly in '1's and '0's, and the ones that
>>have been doing it a long time only use write-once ROMs.
>And I bet they use switches! Now, wire-wrap and diodes...
>gnhlug-discuss mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Joshua D. Abraham
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science
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Re: Linux on Compaq Presario Laptop...

2007-01-18 Thread mike miller
I've been having trouble getting FC6 to recognize the Realtek RTL8139 NIC on 
another motherboard although Ubuntu did. I had some other issues with Ubuntu 
so I'm trying to get it working with FC6.  Let me know how you make out.

Mike Miller

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "mike shlitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: Linux on Compaq Presario Laptop...

Hi All,

I recently inherited a fairly new Compaq Presario
V2000 Laptop (V2606CU).  It came to me with MSW Home
on it and I'd like to switch it over to FC, CentOS, or
Ubuntu.  (Any suggestions or caveats welcome).

CPU is a Mobile AMD Sempron Processor 3000+  (787 MHz)

Current RAM = 256 MB (I know...)  of which 32 MB is
shared by the ATI Radeon Express 200M.  (system is
capable of 2GB, and user can then set video RAM up to

Matsushita UJDA 770 DVD/CDRW drive
RealTek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
Broadcom 802.11 b/g WLAN
Conexant AC-Link Audio
AC 97 Data/FAX Soft modem w Smart CP

(Also has a 7+ GB FAT 32 partition loaded with HP's
usual extras.)


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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Linux on Compaq Presario Laptop...

2007-01-18 Thread mike shlitz
Hi All,

I recently inherited a fairly new Compaq Presario
V2000 Laptop (V2606CU).  It came to me with MSW Home
on it and I'd like to switch it over to FC, CentOS, or
Ubuntu.  (Any suggestions or caveats welcome).

CPU is a Mobile AMD Sempron Processor 3000+  (787 MHz)

Current RAM = 256 MB (I know...)  of which 32 MB is
shared by the ATI Radeon Express 200M.  (system is
capable of 2GB, and user can then set video RAM up to

Matsushita UJDA 770 DVD/CDRW drive
RealTek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
Broadcom 802.11 b/g WLAN
Conexant AC-Link Audio
AC 97 Data/FAX Soft modem w Smart CP

(Also has a 7+ GB FAT 32 partition loaded with HP's
usual extras.)



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Fw: linux newbie

2007-01-12 Thread mike miller

- Original Message - 
From: "mike miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: linux newbie

Thanks for everyones help.  I've confirmed that the hardware is the 
Realtek RTL8111/8168B, identified the correct driver, downloaded the tar 
file and expanded it. When I tried to install it (make clean modules) I 
got an error (no such file or directory) after the line:

Make -C /lib/modules/2.618-1.2798.fc6/build 
I went to that directory and found a file named build but it was 
identified as a "broken link".  Every time I clicked on it, it would 
disappear until I refreshed the view.

There was another broken link in the same directory named "sources".

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this problem.

Mike Miller
- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "mike miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: linux newbie

On 1/8/07, mike miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

in the system network hardware window it's showing the 3Com
3C501 and won't let me change it.

 Hmmm.  That's kind of weird.  It sounds like Fedora really is
thinking you've got an ancient 3Com card.  That would explain why the
driver doesn't load.

I haven't had much luck finding the RTL8111 drivers but I'll keep 

 Good luck.  Keep us (the list) posted.

-- Ben

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

linux newbie

2007-01-08 Thread mike miller

I'm pretty new to linux and am having a problem that I could use some help

I've installed Windows XP and Fedora 6 on a computer with an AT8 32X
motherboard with an AMD 64 cpu.  The NIC is built in the motherboard.  When
I boot in windows I am able to access my home network and the internet with
no problem.  Same thing when I boot Ubuntu off of a cd.  But when I boot
Fedora, during the boot process I see after "loopback interface (ok)" the
next line is "bringing up interface eth0; 3c501 device eth0 does not seem to
be present delaying installation (failed)".  After booting is complete when
I try to access the network I get the message that it can't be found.  I had
the same problem previously with Fedora 5.  When I borrowed a pci nic from
another computer Fedora had no problem recognizing it and accessing the
network so I'm guessing its a driver problem.  NICs are cheap and the simple
solution is to buy one that works and plug it in, but I'd kind of like to
know what the problem is and how to fix it.

Everything else seems to work ok so far.

Any suggestions?
Mike Miller

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Need help with new monitor

2007-01-02 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 03:39:36PM -0500, Steven W. Orr wrote:
> Brian sent me what the sync rates are supposed to be, but I'm not sure 
> what I'm doing. The manual calls for 1440x900 in either DVI mode or not 
> (whatever that is). The connector from my puter is the plain old video 
> connector with three rows of pins going in, not the mac connector. (Is 
> that the difference between DVI mode and not DVI mode?) Either way, I 

DVI allows you to send a digital signal directly to the panel,
without converting digital to analog and then back to digital.

If you are using a standard d-sub 15 VGA connector (3 rows of 5
pins), you are operating the panel in analog mode.  Nothing wrong
with that, but you are almost certainly introducing some noise in
the analog stage, so the display isn't going to be as crisp as it
could be.

A DVI connector is bigger and more square than a VGA connector and
has more pins.  The various connectors look like:

If you have video hardware capable of DVI, and the monitor accepts
DVI input, you will almost certainly get a better image on the
display using DVI.

Either way, your X configuration doesn't change, unless your video
hardware has multiple connectors and you need to add configuration
to select which one(s) to output on.

Clear as mud, no?

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Need help with new monitor

2007-01-02 Thread mike ledoux
On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 05:26:02PM -0500, Steven W. Orr wrote:
> Lots of good stuff going on. Nothing is working exactly the way I'd like 
> it to. The closest I've gotten is
> which gives me a display of the desired 1440x900 but is for some 
> mysterious reason yielding a virtual display of 1440x1024. I can push the 
> display up and down to see the missing bits. Is there some directive that 
> will lock the virtual display to be the same as physical? The one I put up 
> on the web does use a modeline that I got which is supposed to be right 
> for the 1440x900. I have no idea where the 1024 is coming from.
> Anyone?

It is coming from the "1280x1024" mode you've left in the display
subsection--X.Org uses the largest setting in each dimension from
all of the modes to choose the virtual display size.  Remove it and
your virtual display will be the same dimensions as your physcal.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
Don't care if you're rich or not, as long as you can live
 comfortably and have everything you want.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: SPARC Live CD?

2006-12-20 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 03:04:33PM -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 12/20/06, Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'm curious what you mean by "painfully lacking modern command line
> >utilities".  What more do you need than various combinations of ...
>  Someone who works in a more heterogeneous environment will doubtless
> be used to this, and thus won't be in the habit of using "unportable"
> features, and thus won't even notice.

That.  It has been a few years since I last had to work on a
box that wasn't running either Linux or a modern *BSD, but my
environment and the way I work on a daily basis is still portable at
least as far back as Ultrix.  Granted, $HOME/bin contains some
"helpers" to make this a bit easier on me, particularly on those
older systems which are missing some modern must-haves (gzip, ssh,
etc.), but it works quite well.


Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
He who hesitates is sometimes saved.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: LMV Snapshots

2006-11-16 Thread mike ledoux
On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 05:25:47PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a RHEL4 system (with all updates applied) that is using LVM. Every six 
> hours, I have script that runs and does an LVM snapshot, mounts the snapshot, 
> and rsyncs the data over to another system. I was looking through the logs, 
> and I noticed some disturbing messgaes that I can't seem to find anything 
> about. The LVM snapshot is created without incident. However, when I mount 
> it, I get this in syslog:
> Nov 16 12:00:04 postal kernel: kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
> Nov 16 12:00:04 postal kernel: EXT3 FS on dm-3, internal journal
> Nov 16 12:00:05 postal kernel: EXT3-fs: dm-3: 109 orphan inodes deleted
> Nov 16 12:00:05 postal kernel: EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
> Nov 16 12:00:05 postal kernel: EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data 
> mode.

I've seen this sort of thing when the snapshot was made while writes
were happening on that filesystem.  Are you sure nothing is writing
to that FS when the snapshot is taken?

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day.
 Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime.
 Get a man hammered on Jaegermeister at the company Christmas party and you
 can talk him into eating tropical fish from the reception room aquarium."
  Tristan Fabriani

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: resetting saved lines in an Xterm?

2006-11-15 Thread mike ledoux
On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 01:10:05PM -0500, Michael ODonnell wrote:
> >> > /usr/bin/reset should do what you want here.
> >> Nope - that doesn't clear the scrollback history.
> >
> > It does on every xterm I've ever used.  It may not if you are using
> > some funky xterm replacement, or if you have TERM set incorrectly
> > as is quite common.
> I'm using "the" xterm (and, no - not in the way that
> Karl Rove had access to "the" poll numbers) and I
> claim that there's nothing funky going on with my rig:
>   fleagle:~ 1468---> xterm -version
>  XFree86
>   fleagle:~ 1469---> type xterm
>  xterm is hashed /usr/bin/xterm
>   fleagle:~ 1470---> rpm -qf /usr/bin/xterm
>  xterm-179-6.EL3
>   fleagle:~ 1471---> echo $TERM
>  xterm

Looks good to me, reasonably close to what I see on my systems here.
One has the same version of xterm, and works fine.  That system has:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mwl]$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/reset
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mwl]$ rpm -qf /etc/termcap

> ...and although that "reset" app (which is basically just
> the "tset" app) does send an escape sequence that clears
> the screen and puts certain things back to their initial
> states, it definitely doesn't clear the scrollback history,
> which is still viewable via Shift+PageUp or the mousewheel
> or the menubar slider thingy as always.

On my systems 'clear' does what you describe, 'reset' does what I
describe.  The scrollback history is definitely gone.  I am unable
to reproduce the behaviour you describe.

> FWIW, I've been using "the" xterm (as opposed to color
> xterm or rcvxt [sp?]  or the Gnome thingy or the KDE
> thingy, etc...)  and this has always been true, AFAIK.

Strange, I've been using xterm for longer than I can remember, on
several platforms, and 'reset' has always worked as I described.

Holder of Past Knowledge   CS, O-
"The man who listens to reason is lost: reason enslaves all whose minds
 are not strong enough to master her."  George Bernard Shaw

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Windows look and introductory distros Re: Copy of Kubuntu/Ubuntu?

2006-10-28 Thread mike shlitz
Hi Bill,

Thanks for the info re: PCLinuxOS, and SimplyMepis...

I'll be looking at those myself, since I am always
"tinkering" with new "flavors" for fun.

Thanks again! to Kevin Clark and Ben Scott for
volunteering to drop off some discs in timely fashion
for Bruce Bateman.  Hopefully he'll join us soon on
this forum  and ask a lot of questions.


--- Bill Ricker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While not being able to help with
> > I had a request from a person in Barrington, NH
> who
> > wants to try Linux for the first time.  I was
> > scheduled to be in Portsmouth, NH this morning,
> for an
> > appointment, but ended up re-scheduling for next
> week.
> > Is there anyone from SLUG who might be able to get
> him
> > a cd before then?
> the above request, since I'm in BLU territory,
> however I'll comment on
> the underlying request -
> > He asked that the "flavor"
> > be "As similar to 'Windows' as possible..."  I was
> > going to bring Kubuntu or Ubuntu, but he isn't
> being
> > picky.
> Ubuntu is pretty good as a starter / switcher
> distro. A recent UK
> "Linux Format" special issue, which may still be on
> major newstands,
> focuses on switching from Windows to Ubuntu 6.06
> "Daper Drake LTS".
> That's a keeper issue.
> However, in recent UK linux magazines (Format?
> User/Pro? I grab both
> at MicroCenter, so I forget which) I've seen both
> PCLinuxOS [1] and
> SimplyMepis [2]  reviewed as being simple,
> Windows-look-alike, good
> first-Linux distros.  Mepis is now based on Ubuntu
> 6.06 instead of
> Debian.  I don't use either of these myself, but
> might try SimplyMEPIS
> for such a purpose, since I'm used to the
> Debian/Ubuntu.
> [1]
> [2]
> -- 
> Bill


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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Copy of Kubuntu/Ubuntu?

2006-10-27 Thread mike shlitz
Hi All,

I had a request from a person in Barrington, NH who
wants to try Linux for the first time.  I was
scheduled to be in Portsmouth, NH this morning, for an
appointment, but ended up re-scheduling for next week.
Is there anyone from SLUG who might be able to get him
a cd before then?  (I am living out in MerriLUG -
MonadLUG territory now).  He asked that the "flavor"
be "As similar to 'Windows' as possible..."  I was
going to bring Kubuntu or Ubuntu, but he isn't being

If anyone can drop him a copy, I'll give you his



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Fwd: [TriLUG] Ubuntu Studio

2006-10-13 Thread mike shlitz
Hi All,

Saw this on the TriLUG list and thought it might be of


--- Cory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:43:02 -0400
> From: Cory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: [TriLUG] Ubuntu Studio
> Hello my name is Cory. I'd like to announce Ubuntu
> Studio. Its a Ubuntu 
> derivative focused on multimedia creation.
> Ubuntu Studio is aimed at the linux audio, video and
> graphic enthusiast 
> as well as professional. Someone who is already
> familiar with the 
> Ubuntu-Gnome environment.
> We are currently looking for packagers and people
> with audio hardware 
> who would like to test our releases.
> For more info please go to
> A quick bit about myself because I'm new.
> I'm 30. A stay at home Dad and I just moved from
> D.C. to Knightdale.
> -- 
> TriLUG mailing list:
> TriLUG Organizational FAQ  :
> TriLUG Member Services FAQ :

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Re: UPSes - MinuteMan, others?

2006-08-10 Thread Mike Medai


You definitely take an efficiency hit.  However, in this case
(extremely dirty power and extremely expensive and sensitive
equipment), I believe we don't have much choice.  We need something
that can handle frequent severe sags as well as all sorts of
distortions.  A stand-by UPS will be tripping on and off battery all
day long, and be dead within a month or two.  That's inefficient, too.

-- Ben

What you might be looking for is a "line conditioner".  We've used these 
before where our supply current/voltage was having difficulties 
maintaining a nominal value (in a calibration laboratory) and we needed 
a nice stable line voltage.

Tripp Lite also makes these:

Hth ..

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: GNHLUG SLUG - Wiki - 8 May

2006-04-30 Thread mike shlitz
Hi Dave,

Not Tru64, but I do have an old Alpha server (PC164LX
- 500MHz) that I got when a raster image processing
company was retiring it.  It came with NT4, I had it
running Debian Woody for a bit, and have tinkered with
the idea of running OpenVMS under the hobbyist

And as "Tollbooth Willy" said... "Welcome ta Woostuh!"


--- David Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been on the list for a few years now and
> wouldn't dream of heckling Ben
> or anyone else here;  way in awe of you guys.  I've
> been running Linux since
> RH 6.1 but what I know can fit on the business end
> of a pencil compared to
> you all.
> In exile from Vermont (temporarily, I hope) my new
> gig is in Woostuh Mass as
> a sys admin running OpenVMS and Tru64 UNIX (on an
> Alpha server) while
> stepping in the you-know-what from time to time with
> the Microsoft stuff, as
> they run that on servers and desktops, too.
> Any Tru64 folks out there on this list?
> Hope to see you at the HossTraders event again this
> year.
> Dave Hardy
> (formerly of Montpelier)

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Re: GNHLUG Nashua, Thr 20 Apr, Eric Eldred explains the CC copyright alternative

2006-04-19 Thread mike shlitz

If we need to RSVP for Martha's tomorrow, I figure
four people in my group.


--- Christopher Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 05:45:34AM -0500, Jim
> Kuzdrall wrote:
> > Who  : Eric Eldred
> > What : Creative Commons copyright alternative
> > Where: Martha's Exchange
> > Day  : Thur 20 Apr (*Tomorrow*)
> > Time : 6:00 PM for grub, 7:30 PM for presentation
> Is someone doing an RSVP to Martha's? (I'll be
> there, in any case.)
> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> Web Developer
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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Re: Visit LTSP.ORG booth at LinuxWorld...

2006-04-08 Thread mike shlitz

You might want to take a look at this site as well:

They are located in Keene, NH and offer a terminal
server - thin client solution, based in Linux.

--- hewitt_tech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One booth that had an interesting project on display
> was the Linux Terminal Server Project. LTSP provides
> terminal services support for Linux. This would
> allow you to setup a boot server and any number of
> thin/thick clients. One thin client on display at
> the booth booted Ubuntu in about 5 seconds and ran
> very smoothly. They also had a connection setup to
> access a Microsoft Terminal Services server. The
> performance wasn't very good but then they had a
> molasses slow connection to the server which was
> located somewhere out on the internet.
> Good stuff...
> -Alex

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Re: Red Hat man pages and escape sequences

2006-02-20 Thread Mike
> "Ben" == Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote the following on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 22:27:35 -0500


  > -- Ben "7-bit characters were good enough to go to the moon"  Scott

Actually, six bit characters were good enough to go to the moon.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: "Out of scan range"

2006-01-24 Thread mike shlitz
Thanks Ben!

Mission accomplished!


--- Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 1/24/06, mike shlitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The issue I have, is that the monitor I
> > have available here is older, and when RH boots, I
> get
> > the msg. "Out of Scan Range".
>   That typically means the vertical refresh rate
> (measured in Hz) of
> the signal being generated at the computer is too
> fast for the
> monitor.
> > What would be the most sensible way to go about
> > changing the monitor settings?  ... Is it possible
> to
> > boot into a "safe" mode in order to change the
> > settings via the desktop?
>   What you'll want to do is boot into runlevel 3. 
> Runlevel 5 (the
> default on Red Hat, most of the time) goes directly
> into X and the GUI
> login.  Runlevel 3 starts all the same services, but
> stays at the
> text-mode login on the console.
>   To specify the boot runlevel, add it to kernel
> boot parameters. 
> You're most likely using GRUB.  When the system
> first boots (after
> BIOS init and POST), you should get a boot menu. 
> (It may timeout
> after a few seconds, so be ready.)  Hit the [A] key
> to append boot
> parameters.  Type a space (to separate from the
> previous parameters)
> and then a "3" (a bare digit three).  Hit [ENTER] to
> accept the
> parameters and boot into runlevel 3.
>   Once you've got a usable console, you can run the
> X configuration
> utility, and specify that your monitor doesn't
> support the higher
> refresh rates.  If needed, pick a generic monitor
> type and limit it to
> 60 Hz.
>   The command you run to configure X can vary on
> different releases of
> Red Hat.  What release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
> are you running?
> -- Ben
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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"Out of scan range"

2006-01-24 Thread mike shlitz

I have a server with a recent install of RHEL, which I
received from a co-worker to use for testing some
software.  The issue I have, is that the monitor I
have available here is older, and when RH boots, I get
the msg. "Out of Scan Range".  I can access the scsi
drive with a Knoppix Live disc.  What would be the
most sensible way to go about changing the monitor
settings?  (Aside from fetching the other monitor,
which is out of the question at the moment.)  Is it
possible to boot into a "safe" mode in order to change
the settings via the desktop?  Any assistance would be



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Software search

2006-01-16 Thread mike shlitz

I'm interested in recommendations/opinions of two
types of software, something that can be used to
generate "trouble tickets" and another that can take
log data from server/network feedback and arrange it
into a nice report format suitable for sending to a
customer.  Any advice or caveats would be greatly



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Re: How to find rpms for various distros?

2006-01-14 Thread Mike

This one's been invaluable to me.  Click on advanced search to
restrict the search to interesting distributions.  

They also permit searching to satisfy file dependencies.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

mouse wheel ..

2006-01-14 Thread Mike Medai
I'm having problems getting my mouse wheel to work again.  I killed my 
X-server in the process of changing my monitor (I guess I picked a bad 
resolution or something), and ended up having to run XF86Config to 
rebuild and copy it resulting in a semblance of booting Kde again.  
(Major victory for me!  )

But for the time being, my wheel mouse does not respond as a wheel 
should by scrolling.  It does respond as a third key when pressed.  I've 
ran Yast (am playing with Suse 9.0 Pro with Kde 3.1), and the Kde config 
interface, and one or two other graphical interface configs that had 
something to do with a mouse .. plus the original XF86Config where I 
selected the mouse previously.

Any ideas on how I can fix this?  I've looked through my manuals/books 
but haven't been able to glean a solution.


ICQ # 264636151
"When shopping for an eyeball-scanning security system, I accidentally
ordered a 'rectal scanner.'  Luckily, it keeps out the strangers just
as well." -- John Gephart IV

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

OT: commute to Keene

2006-01-12 Thread mike shlitz

Sorry for the off-topic post.  I was wondering if
anyone from the list commutes the 101 corridor to
Keene?  If so, I'd be interested in carpooling even
occasionally.  I live just west of Milford.



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Re: One more bites the dust

2006-01-09 Thread mike shlitz

I've followed this thread with interest, because I
have an old DEC Alpha (PC164LX) that was used as a RIP
Server (Raster Image Processing).  It has about 128 MB
of RAM, and is currently running Debian/Gnu "Woody". 
I obtained it from a friend who worked for a company
out on route 128, that was tossing it.  I became
acquainted with the Alpha and VAX back in college and
thought it would make a fun addition to the home
flock.  When I received it, it was running NT for
Alpha.  After some research, I found there wasn't much
available software for it and thought I'd tinker with
OpenVMS at some point.  I've considered adding more
RAM, but I'm not sure if it would be worth the
expense.  I think I downloaded and tried every Linux
port for Alpha, but the only one I could get to kick
over was Debian.  (Not that that's a bad thing...). 
They did tell me that the machine cost in the vicinity
of $40K when new!  At any rate, I'd be open to
suggestions as to what I can do to "enhance" my Alpha


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