Re: Recording GNHLUG meetings (was: mythtvfest)

2007-03-26 Thread Bill McGonigle

On Mar 26, 2007, at 15:12, Ben Scott wrote:

 We can Open Source it and let the bazaar fix it for us.  Right?  ;-)

OK, I'll put the 30GB of raw .DV on liberty. ;)


Bill McGonigle, Owner   Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC  Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cell: 603.252.2606 603.442.1833
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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Recording GNHLUG meetings (was: mythtvfest)

2007-03-26 Thread aluminumsulfate
> Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 12:08:28 -0400
> From: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   If someone with a digital video camera wants to volunteer to record
> the meeting, we can put it online at the GNHLUG website.  Or YouTube,
> for that matter.  This was one of the explicit goals for our new
> Internet server.

What?  And show the world how stupid we all look with black tongues?
If we taped the GNHLUG meetings, all my friends would probably disown
me. :)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-26 Thread Seth Cohn

I'll be giving the talk again in June in Concord, for those who can't
make it first time in April in Peterborough.

Now I just have to get my talk together and scripted, with about 2 weeks to go.


I've been playing with drupal a bit lately.  I've also looked at
WordPress and Joomla.  All are very cool, my impression is WordPress
is for those who just want to blog, Joomla! for those who just want to
point'n'click, and drupal for those who are used to extending their
environments ad nauseum by hacking the framework (i.e., drupal is the
emacs of the CM world :)

I'm bummed I won't be able to make it to this talk, though, it would
be really cool if it could be recorded and put up on for
later viewing.  Huh, that leads to the though of :) We[1]
could video our meetings and place them up there for download for
those who can't attend[2] the actual meeting...

[1] By "we" I mean those of *you* who actually attend meetings and
have either the equipment or inclination to do this :)

[2] By "can't attend" I mean me :)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-26 Thread Ben Scott

On 3/26/07, Seth Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now I just have to get my talk together and scripted, with about 2 weeks to go.

 I usually wait until the night before, so that gives you 13 days, right?  ;-)

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Recording GNHLUG meetings (was: mythtvfest)

2007-03-26 Thread Ben Scott

On 3/26/07, Bill McGonigle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The downside to doing a video is that people don't necessarily want
to see el-crapo video.

 I dunno, that stupid Paris Hilton sex tape blew countless mail
servers out of the water, and I've shot better video with the lens cap
on.  ;-)

I spent too much time adjusting volumes, gamma curves,
color balances, etc. to get it to be watchable.

 We can Open Source it and let the bazaar fix it for us.  Right?  ;-)

Passing the token on this task might be useful.

 I sure ain't volunteering any more of my time, other than that to
set-up hosting on liberty, should that be desired.  :-)

... we don't want to be bad net neighbors and hog the whole
non-profit bandwidth allocation at MV.

 Yah.  That.

 All this is moot if nobody records the presentations, though
Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Recording GNHLUG meetings (was: mythtvfest)

2007-03-26 Thread Bill McGonigle

On Mar 26, 2007, at 12:08, Ben Scott wrote:

 If someone with a digital video camera wants to volunteer to record
the meeting, we can put it online at the GNHLUG website.  Or YouTube,
for that matter.  This was one of the explicit goals for our new
Internet server.

 The size of motion video may necessitate heavy compression and/or
down-scaling (to conserve disk space and/or bandwidth), but see also
YouTube, above.

I did a recording of Doug McIlroy's presentation to DLSLUG - it  
predated Google Video, so I uploaded it to  Both will  
accept large high-ish quality video.  Google Video and YouTube are  
set to merge, as I hear it, so I'm not sure if that means all low- 
quality Flash or not.  Either way, if you can get through the upload  
process on the hosting is quite good.

The downside to doing a video is that people don't necessarily want  
to see el-crapo video.  I spent too much time adjusting volumes,  
gamma curves, color balances, etc. to get it to be watchable.  Sure,  
if it were properly miced and lighted that wouldn't be such a  
problem.  But it wasn't.  I picked up a wireless mic for future use,  
should the need arise again.  There's about a 3x multiplier on  
runtime to do a decent basic editing job, so it's worth keeping in  
mind.  Passing the token on this task might be useful.

 Audio-only extracts of a video recording are another possibility.
As long as the sideshow is separately available, this may be all that
is needed.  It's not like we need to video tape a sideshow.

Audio is much more affordable to host.  I put an .mp3 of the above  
talk on the dlslug site and it hasn't cost me much in the way of  
traffic.  That's not really a concern on the MV deal, I'm guessing,  
other than we don't want to be bad net neighbors and hog the whole  
non-profit bandwidth allocation at MV.


Bill McGonigle, Owner   Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC  Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cell: 603.252.2606 603.442.1833
New Blog:

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Recording GNHLUG meetings (was: mythtvfest)

2007-03-26 Thread Ben Scott

On 3/26/07, Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

... it would be really cool if it could be recorded and put up on for later viewing.

 If someone with a digital video camera wants to volunteer to record
the meeting, we can put it online at the GNHLUG website.  Or YouTube,
for that matter.  This was one of the explicit goals for our new
Internet server.

 The size of motion video may necessitate heavy compression and/or
down-scaling (to conserve disk space and/or bandwidth), but see also
YouTube, above.

 Audio-only extracts of a video recording are another possibility.
As long as the sideshow is separately available, this may be all that
is needed.  It's not like we need to video tape a sideshow.

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-26 Thread Paul Lussier
"Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I'm giving a talk on April 12 about Drupal ...
>   Thank you.

I've been playing with drupal a bit lately.  I've also looked at
WordPress and Joomla.  All are very cool, my impression is WordPress
is for those who just want to blog, Joomla! for those who just want to
point'n'click, and drupal for those who are used to extending their
environments ad nauseum by hacking the framework (i.e., drupal is the
emacs of the CM world :)

I'm bummed I won't be able to make it to this talk, though, it would
be really cool if it could be recorded and put up on for
later viewing.  Huh, that leads to the though of :) We[1]
could video our meetings and place them up there for download for
those who can't attend[2] the actual meeting...

[1] By "we" I mean those of *you* who actually attend meetings and
have either the equipment or inclination to do this :)

[2] By "can't attend" I mean me :)


Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

A: Yes.   
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.   
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-26 Thread Christopher Schmidt
On Sun, Mar 25, 2007 at 08:59:13PM -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 3/25/07, Seth Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Ben, calm down.
>  Calm?  I'm calm!  I'm wicked calm!!  LOOK AT ME, I'M CALM!!! WHAT

To quote the Big Lebowski:

"Calmer than you are."

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-25 Thread Ben Scott

On 3/25/07, Seth Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ben, calm down.

 Calm?  I'm calm!  I'm wicked calm!!  LOOK AT ME, I'M CALM!!! WHAT

 Rather than continue the nerdwar, let me just say one thing:

I'm giving a talk on April 12 about Drupal ...

 Thank you.

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-25 Thread Seth Cohn

Ben, calm down.

> For more on this thread, see the semi-recent ESR thread where he
> ranted about Fedora and 'left' for Ubuntu. (No I have no intention of
> raising said thread from the dead, discussing ESR, etc...)

  Yet you just did.

No, I pointed people to it, because we've been there, done that.

  Whoop-dee-do.  They weren't at NHTI.

Agreed.  I wasn't there, nor was anyone else who advocated for
Debian(ish).  The group decision was made, and I'm not saying "change
it, change it!".

  I'm really freaking tired of all the Debian zealots who never miss
an opportunity to tell us how great Debian is, but are silent when it
comes to actually contributing.  Put up or shut up.

I'm giving a talk on April 12 about Drupal (which you can run on
Debian, Fedora, and even Windows based servers), and again in June.
(It was going to be in May, but thank you for switching dates with me,
Ben (and Ted)!)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-25 Thread Ben Scott

On 3/25/07, Seth Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For sheer upgradability, Debian systems tend to be more bullet proof.

For more on this thread, see the semi-recent ESR thread where he
ranted about Fedora and 'left' for Ubuntu. (No I have no intention of
raising said thread from the dead, discussing ESR, etc...)

 Yet you just did.

However, doing installs for newbies who might need to do future upgrades
themselves is one of the most likely scenarios.  That was my raised issue.

 Yah, if you really want to get into the nerdwar, I've had far more
problems with "apt-get upgrade" on Debian than I have with "yum
upgrade" on Fedora.  Clearly my personal anecdotal experience trumps
your personal anecdotal experience.  Neener, neener.

  I don't recall any volunteers were overly familiar with Debian.
Maybe Debian users should spend less time telling everyone their
distro is better and more time actually contributing.  :-P

Yeah, those Debian & Ubuntu & Knoppix guys never do anything with mythtv.

 Whoop-dee-do.  They weren't at NHTI.  What happens elsewhere doesn't
help us at all.  Put your money where you mouth is and get involved,
or sit back and be quiet.

 I'm really freaking tired of all the Debian zealots who never miss
an opportunity to tell us how great Debian is, but are silent when it
comes to actually contributing.  Put up or shut up.


"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-25 Thread Seth Cohn

> For sheer upgradability, Debian systems tend to be more bullet proof.

For more on this thread, see the semi-recent ESR thread where he
ranted about Fedora and 'left' for Ubuntu. (No I have no intention of
raising said thread from the dead, discussing ESR, etc...)

  Fedora worked when we tried it.  The volunteers were familiar with
it.  That's about the grand total of the down-select process.

I understood that.  That's a very valid reason.  However, doing
installs for newbies who might need to do future upgrades themselves
is one of the most likely scenarios.  That was my raised issue.

  I don't recall any volunteers were overly familiar with Debian.
Maybe Debian users should spend less time telling everyone their
distro is better and more time actually contributing.  :-P

Yeah, those Debian & Ubuntu & Knoppix guys never do anything with mythtv.

Oh wait, yes they do. Never mind.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-25 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall

> Why not Debian or Ubuntu?  For sheer upgradability, Debian systems
> tend to be more bullet proof.

We had a pilot of this, and we chose a couple of distributions.  We
realized that was a mistake, as it did not allow us to "lockstep
through".  Remember, we were anticipating 30 or forty people, not just
five.  So we went with one distro.  Jarod works for Red Hat, is familiar
with Fedora, uses that at home.  It was as good as any.

> And Linux Media is built using Ubuntu. :)

When we had the pilot "Linux Media" was not announced yet.

> > The fact that this is an "appliance" and for most people they don't care
> > what the base distribution is.  Those that do can probably install
> > MythTV by themselves.
> True enough.

Again, in the future we may allow more distributions as things roll out,
but right now we want "one swell foop".


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-25 Thread Ben Scott

On 3/25/07, Seth Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The fact that we have used it before and it works.  We have not
tested MythTV with Puppy Linux, Slackware, Yggdrasil

Why not Debian or Ubuntu?

 My distro's better than your distro!

For sheer upgradability, Debian systems tend to be more bullet proof.

 Nuh-uh!  Clearly, Skeletor could take Mumra in a fight.  Oh, wait,
sorry, wrong nerdwar...

 Fedora worked when we tried it.  The volunteers were familiar with
it.  That's about the grand total of the down-select process.

 I don't recall any volunteers were overly familiar with Debian.
Maybe Debian users should spend less time telling everyone their
distro is better and more time actually contributing.  :-P

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-25 Thread Seth Cohn

On 3/25/07, Jon 'maddog' Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 16:23 -0400, Bruce Labitt wrote:
> Which distro will be used as the base for the installfest?

At this point we are recommending Fedora.

> What makes it "better" for the install?

The fact that we have used it before and it works.  We have not
tested MythTV with Puppy Linux, Slackware, Yggdrasil

Why not Debian or Ubuntu?  For sheer upgradability, Debian systems
tend to be more bullet proof.

And Linux Media is built using Ubuntu. :)

The fact that this is an "appliance" and for most people they don't care
what the base distribution is.  Those that do can probably install
MythTV by themselves.

True enough.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mythtvfest

2007-03-25 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 16:23 -0400, Bruce Labitt wrote:
> Which distro will be used as the base for the installfest?

At this point we are recommending Fedora.

> What makes it "better" for the install?

The fact that we have used it before and it works.  We have not
tested MythTV with Puppy Linux, Slackware, Yggdrasil

Familiarity of the installers and coaches with the distribution.

The fact that if everyone is stepping through the same install you can
just tell them "Hit Enter" (I almost said "Carriage Return") and they
all do the same thing at the same time.

The fact that this is an "appliance" and for most people they don't care
what the base distribution is.  Those that do can probably install
MythTV by themselves.


gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2007-03-25 Thread Bruce Labitt
Which distro will be used as the base for the installfest?  What makes 
it "better" for the install?

gnhlug-discuss mailing list