[Goanet] Shame on Manohar Parrikar

2008-06-21 Thread Miguel Braganza

In the unlikely event that I may have to choose between the two
Parrikars  give me Rajan any day! At least he has a sense of

Mog asundi.


Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 08:50:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Shame on Manohar Parrikar

Manohar Parrikar's utterance today branding Goan
activists as Naxalites is despicable.  Shame on him.



Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Construction scenario booming despite opposition

2008-06-21 Thread Goanet News Service

Construction scenario booming despite opposition

PANAJI - Taking away plots of land, which were allotted to the companies 
under the Special Economic Zones, opposition to the mega housing projects in 
the villages and bringing curtain on the hill cutting have not affected the 
construction scenario in the state.

The people are expecting something unexpected to happen and awaiting 
desperately for some kind of pact with the builders and contractors or as 
regards land deals or flats.

A survey conducted by 'The Navhind Times', revealed that scarcity of land 
has created more demand for plots of land and flats in the state.

'The prices of flats and plots went skyrocketing in the few months, due to 
Aldeia de Goa and more so due to IFFI. Otherwise, the prices were stable in 
the state and there were absolutely no problems in the construction scenario 
of the state, says a city builder,' Mr Deepak Naik.

He said, although there was crash in the construction raw material prices 
like steel and cement but it never had any impact on the sale of either land 
or flat. People have even stopped inquiring into the prices and expecting 
something will happen sooner or later, he informed.

Mr Nilesh Salkar, director of Sushila Homes  Properties Pvt Ltd stated that 
with the type of activism going on and as per the new Regional Plan most of 
land is being put into negative list. The prices will shoot up again with 
the new trend setting up in the construction industry and almost everyday 
rates are climbing up.

There is no supply of land particularly in coastal belt like Colva and 
Benaulim, so prices here are obviously more than prices in Margao and its 

'Rates are contrary going up. Sea land is being withdrawn from development 
and a sort land scarcity has been created in the construction scenario. 
Market trend may have come down because of slow market prices but when a 
commodity is not available in the market prices will go up,' revealed the 
proprietor of Soares and Associates, Mr Soares.

Mr Eli Furtado, a reputed contractor in construction line states that SEZ 
was a temporary phase, which Goa witnessed. This kind of temporary trends 
will never affected Goan reputed and well-known builders. Now, the beauty of 
state will remain intact. Having high-rise buildings will definitely cause 
fluctuations in the infrastructures like electricity, water supply, sewage 
and garbage et al. So what is the use of multi-stories without? building 

'You see, big builders will always escape by hook or by crook but is a small 
builder that suffers. Even the RBI guidelines are affecting the builders and 
the rate of interest is also gone up. All this will affect Goans and not the 
builders,' says Mr Ahmad Khan.

A builder from city wants to remain anonymous states that when malaria cases 
are on the decline mean construction activities are down. It is a sick sign 
to revoke construction permission once it was issued. Now architects, 
engineers and labourers have no jobs and are sitting idle for want of work. 
If this continues how employment avenues will be created?


Re: [Goanet] Going soft on Narvenkar

2008-06-21 Thread mario rodrigues

Dear Floriano, 
I hereby openly declare that if GOA has to be saved, we need more people like 
FLORIANO , moreover should I say more parties like GSRP(rather one and only 
party GRSP) because Florian can well be called ONE MAN ARMY, and GSRP an ARK 
like the noah's which can shelther the best of GOA, while the rest  surely is 
supposed to be and should be  washed away with the floods of corruption. Only 
then can Goa be CLEAN. Lets not waste time  running around and looking for 
different parties when we can FOLLOW HIM/GSRP, as this is a party with a 
Mario A 
Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger 

[Goanet] FW: Abuse of Parliamentary Privileges.

2008-06-21 Thread Averthan D'Souza



From: Averthan D'Souza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:53 AM
Subject: Abuse of Parliamentary Privileges.


Dear Editor,

The accusation made by the Leader of the Opposition that
Naxalites are gaining ground in Goa has already evoked a swift and
unambiguous response from Goan citizens who are struggling to stem the tide
of environmental degradation by the mining industry.  This is welcome and

The aspect of abusing Parliamentary privileges, however, is
something that somehow has missed the general public.  An Ad-Hoc Committee
of the Legislature to hear   public views on the functioning of the Home
Department was the occasion for the Chairman of this Ad-Hoc Committee to
misuse his position by making  unsubstantiated accusations against citizens
who are legitimately protesting the encroachments of the mining industry in
Goa.  In  particular, the Chairman named an individual and accused him of
being a Naxalite who was importing Naxalism into Goa.

In other Democracies, a House Committee Hearing is a solemn, and
quasi judicial process in which the Committee seeks to assess the views of
concerned citizens on specific issues of government policy. The Chairman
of such a House Committee NEVER misuses his position to hurl accusations
against anybody - individual or group.His role is clearly defined by the
Rules governing such Hearings   The other members of the Committee are
also required to observe a strict protocol.The so-called House Ad-Hoc
Committee of the Goa Legislature appears to be a public free for all
where anyone and his uncle can say anything on any subject which s/he
chooses.Hence the atmosphere of a durbar  which has characterized the
recent exercises of the Goa State Assembly.The lack of proper rules to
govern the public hearings and the lack of procedures has degraded this
recent attempt to give the impression that the Assembly is serious about
public participation in the framing of policies. From the reports
appearing in the Press it appears that the entire exercise is an eye wash.

The point at issue here, however, is the fact that the Leader of
the Opposition, as the Chair of this particular Ad-Hoc Committee  has
flouted all norms and misused his position to make unsubstantiated
allegations against citizens who are exercising their legitimate rights to
draw the attention of the Government to areas which need attention.

The Speaker of the House and the Chief Minister should formulate
clear regulations to govern the workings of the House Committees.  Such
hearings  should be treated as sacred and should not be used by
politicians to give vent to their own personal agendas.   The House
Committee should be seen to be objective and unbiased rather than a public
forum in which charges and counter-charges are traded.


Yours truly,

Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula,  Goa 403 004.

Tel:  2453628.

[Goanet] Solidarity with Seby

2008-06-21 Thread Pravin Sabnis
Innocent, peaceful Goan villagers 
like Seby Rodrigues, Rama Velip  others
who are resisting the illegal mining
in an effort to save their land, lives and livelihoods
have been labeled as Naxalites…
Come, join the solidarity 
lend voice and support 
to the collective denouncement 
of the culprits who are murdering
justice, democracy and human rights.
On 23rd June 2008, Monday, 
4.00 - 5.30 pm sharp
at the historic T B Cunha Hall, 
opposite Azad Maidan, Panaji
please spread the message

  Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it on 

[Goanet] I can't keep up with Goa's intrigues

2008-06-21 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
This message is in reply to Message No: 2, dated Sat, 21 Jun 2008 by Miguel

Nothing about politics - Miguel provides Selma with wrong information and
adds to her confusion! 

Miguel wrote: Manohar Parrikar ...He is an addvo Bamonn affiliated to
Partagal Mutt [not to be confused for Portugal] and so is a Shiva
worshipper [Hence,perhaps, Rajan Parrikar's phallic fetish].

My Clarification: Goan Brahmin is broadly divided into two. One group is
called Smarth (as per terminology used by you they are also called Addve
Bamonn) who are worshipers of Lord Shiva and are affiliated to Kavle Mutt.
The other group is called Vaishnav who are worshipers of Lord Vishnu and are
affiliated to Partagal Mutt. 

This being reality how come you say Manohar Parrikar is - Addvo Bamonn - and
yet you say that he is affiliated to Partagal Mutt! 

I think you will have to do some more research on above information provided
by you before you confuse Selma any further. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] SPEAK UP ...while you CAN

2008-06-21 Thread Miguel Braganza


Manohar-bab Parrikar has called Seby [Sebastian Rodrigues] a NAXALITE. The 
other Naxalites with him were FOUR post-graduate students of MSW [Master of 
Social Work] from Nirmala Niketan's College of Social Work, Mumbai, on their 
summer assignment work doing a survey of water sources used by the villagers of 

That Colomb has become a news media bomb for the District Administration ... 
and, by extension, the Government of Goa, that directs it ... that badly 
handled the Citizens' protest on 25 March, 2008. Police men and women, in full 
uniform, were HIRED for personal security of mining staff. There is a legal 
provsion for this and the amounts are payable as per routine process. Police 
men, in the same uniforms as the 'hired' policemen arrested men and women who 
were standing in Government property under forest that was being cut to make 
way for the trucks to transport ore out of a private mine operating illegally. 
The Government was protecting the wrongdoer and arresting those who wer, in 
fact, helping the Goa Government to prevent a crime in broad day light. For 
their efforts these poor villagers, most of them women, have ben charged with a 
Chapter case No. 25/2008 under Section 107 of the Criminal Procedure Code or 
Cr.P.C. The policy is simply to give the
 dog a bad name and then shoot it.

Now it is claimed that using women to fight ones battles is a Naxalite tactic 
and Seby is to blame. One ex-Editor [NOT Rajan Narayan] is even claiming 
...surreptiously and without byline ...that Seby is a CPI-ML Card Holder 
[apparently the Communist equivalent of the American Green Card]. I wonder 
why he did not ask this question of Seby when he was at Don Bosco's Farm and 
School in Sulcorna on 05 June to celebrate World Environment Day. I thought a 
journalist asked questions, found the answers and reported faithfully and we 
had cooks to make masala curry and recheiado fish. Now some journalist have 
stepped out and are making something fishy with lots of masala in it!

The time to Speak up is NOW. If you are in Goa, keep your Monday afternoon free.

If you are not convinced, read what Pravin Sabnis has written and quoted below. 
The Fascists are here ...facetiously telling us that we are Naxalites!

Mog asundi.


--- On Sat, 21/6/08, Pravin Sabnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Pravin Sabnis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: 23rd June (monday) 4 pm at Panaji
 * *
 *First they came… is a poem attributed to
 Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German 
 intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their 
 chosen targets, group after group.*
 * *
 First they came for the Socialists,
 and I didn't speak up,
 because I wasn't a Socialist.
 Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
 and I didn't speak up,
 because I wasn't a Trade Unionist.
 Then they came for the Jews,
 and I didn't speak up,
 because I wasn't a Jew.
 Then they came for me,
 and there was no one left
 to speak up for me.
 Innocent, peacefully resisting Goan villagers
 Have been labeled as Naxalites…
 We  must lend voice and solidarity to the collective
 * * *

  Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite Yahoo! group 
at http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/

[Goanet] Why can't Goan politicians dress-up?

2008-06-21 Thread Carvalho
Why do Goan politicians always have to dress like they are out taking their dog 
for walk, even if they are addressing public meetings and gatherings? What is 
the virtue in wearing that bush-coat hanging out over a cheap polyester pant 
and chappals that have seen too many monsoons pass by? 

Even the Chinese, who you can't beat for nationalism and patriotism, will not 
leave the house without a proper business-suit or atleast that Chairman Mao 
jacket. What is this notion, that the politician has to represent the common 
man?. Which common man in Goa goes for a business meeting or even a ladainho 
without a proper long-sleeved shirt, pant and tie? Can we all just contribute a 
few bucks and gift these politicians a Raymonds voucher?

If that isn't bad enough, all our intellectuals and activists look like they 
need a good bath and shave. Come on guys, that Che Guevara beard went out of 
style in the 1970s alongwith psychedelic T-shirts and the thing stimulating 
about beards is lice. Also please ditch the sling-bag, unless you're collecting 
tickets on the Kadamba Express to Panjim.

Infact, I am waiting for Wendell to form his own party and put in an 
appearance. Atleast then we'll have politicians who'll be walking down the ramp 
with flowing white clothes and flouride-white teeth.

(Floriano this doesn't apply to you. I think you look swell. From now on I have 
decided to back only politicians who look good. My vote is for Floriano. Kamat 
should definitely resign. He looks like he swallowed the entire ghee-fried 
jalebi stall at the last Panjim Church festa.)



[Goanet] Goan Intrigues and incarnation

2008-06-21 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
Miguel wrote

1. Manohar Parrikar cannot be an incarnation of Vishnu. He is an
addvo Bamonn affiliated to Partagal Mutt [not to be confused for
Portugal] and so is a Shiva worshipper

Miguel, Miguel...tsk tsk, such a lack of knowledge of our rich and glorious
ancient culture...

Do you know Rameshwar, where Rama, incarnation of Vishnu, worshiped Shiva on
the beach? Who knows the workings of the Divine? It is possible for Vishnu
to incarnate among the addvos, if only to prove once and for all, who is the
one true and omnipotent one of them all.

Though once again I am not so sure how one tests such a claim...Shiva has
not incarnated (at least not puranically) and the world has done just
fine...poor Vish has had to incarnate time after time and is apparently
still tryingthe battle continues

But I wouldnt go so far as to credit Manohar kaka with being a
vishnu-avaatar. For a long while, i thought him to be an incarnation of
Hitler...which he could still be, but I would see him more as an incarnation
of Dr. Antonio Oliveira Salazar (Tio Antonio)...no wonder the upper caste
catholics love him despite the damage he would do to them.

More seriously, I think it is Rajan Parrikar who should be credited with
being the true incarnation of Hitler. While Manohar kaka has been smart
enough to avoid making silly statements that reveal his actual plans
(another reason why he should be seen as an incarnation of Dr. Salazar, who
was a professor at the world's best university, the University of Coimbra),
Rajan bab is different. He makes all these autochthonous, xenophobic and
genocidal statements. His responses the last few days, where he has
practically had spittle flying from his mouth as he rages, both virtually
and corporeally. This is more Hitler like 

And seriously, this  is exactly the route the Hitler adopted to get to
powerhe charmed the German elite (as Rajan Bab does the Catholic groups)
and held the thugs at bayonce he became the hero (as our Rajan bab is
becoming with the Rape of Goa being used to show us what we can already see
anyways- are we blind?)..he let loose the dogs of war (remember the
homosexuals, Jews, communists, socialists, Catholics, artists and dissenters
who were murdered in the Holocaust)...

To return to the Vaishnava reference...both Krishna and Balarama were from
the same household...and incarnations of Vishnu...so ...??? But God does no
evil, so they must be incarnations of Kansa (of the  killing of the
innocents fame, a la King Herod)

De profundis clamo ad te, domine, domine

Read my thoughts at www.dervishnotes.blogspot.com

[Goanet] Goanet] Our legacy for future generations of Goans, courtesy of Goanet.

2008-06-21 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:37:36 +0100
From: Paulo Colaco Dias [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posts by a number of authors (me included) are nothing
else but a waste of time, space and bandwidth. Often
our written claims lack integrity,  factual
credibility and in some cases also lack substantial
legal sufficiency, which, in essence and all put
together, leads to most claims, conclusions or
discussions to be unreliable and useless to say the

This is what is wrong with Goanet!

We Goans seem to suffer from lack of detail and
excellence in whatever we write. It is easy to write
rubbish and because we are not used to quality
reading, we tend to contribute with even more rubbish.

Mario observes:


I'm glad you included yourself in the opinion
expressed above, but, in my opinion, you need to take
a deep breath and loosen that kashtie, just a little.

There, I'm sure that feels better:-))

a) You are taking yourself and everyone else too

b) This is a recreational open public forum where
Goans can get together figuratively to let off steam
and speak their mind, kibbitz with their friends,
ridicule their adversaries, have a little fun and
perhaps learn a thing or two.

Those who have better things to do with their time
should get on with it and not post meaningless rubbish
on Goanet:-))  There is enough bandwidth to accomodate
all the rubbish we can come up with, and then some:-))

We may even solve some of Goa's problems, especially
if I can get them to listen to me about how to make
development compatible with Goa's natural beauty and

Paulo wrote:

One thing we can be sure: whatever we write today will
be available for eternity through the internet. Isn't
this scary enough?

Mario observes:

I hope our descendants have better things to do, and
current events to talk about, than to read what was
written by their ancestors on Goanet:-))

When was the last time you looked in the Goanet
archives to see what was written last year, or even
last month for that matter?

Had you looked you may have found some profound 
thoughts, at least under my name, and learned
something - or not.:-))

Paulo wrote:

If not, we ought to introduce factual credibility in
whatever we write or it would be better not to write
it at all.

Mario responds:

In my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own
opinions, ridiculous and misguided as you may think
they are, but not to their own facts.

Freedom fighters the world over have given their lives
so that you can speak your mind.  Some of our
Goanetters in the Gulf don't have that luxury.

Facts, on the other hand, are, by definition, 
verifiable and actual and have an objective reality,
and, if anyone mis-state sa fact, someone on Goanet
will be sure to let them know.

Paulo wrote:

Especially for those who claim to be professional
researchers or academics that surely could do much
better by not having non-factual claims above their

Mario responds:

Now look what you have written - a vague and vapid
generality where we have no idea what you are talking
about.  Some may even call it rubbish, especially the
researchers and academics:-))

To be useful, you will have to cite some specific
examples of their misrepresentations, and let them
respond.  That way we may all learn something.

That's how a forum should work in my not so humble,
constitutionally protected, opinion.

Re: [Goanet] Telo Mascarenhas by Shashikar Kelekar not Shashikala Kakodkar

2008-06-21 Thread J. Colaco jc
Samir Kelekar wrote:

1: People of slave mentality who dont have any shame and have taken
Portuguese citizenship have no caliber to comment on not just
Telo but on Goa's freedom movement too.
2: Lohia remains and will remain an icon for Goa and we should take
inspiration from his courage of that day in 1946 to fight the corrupt.

jc's comment:

a: I suppose the following are examples of GoaNetters (et others) who
are people of slave mentality as per the classification of Dr Samir
Kelekar: PhD

jc, Dr. Teotonio de Souza, Naraina Coisoro,  the late Pundalik
Gaitonde, the late Jose Inacio Loyola (Portuguese slaves), Cornel da
Costa, Eddie Fernandes (British slaves) et al...

b: Yes yes ...brilliant words about fighting the corrupt from someone
who thought it to be No Problem to bribe a line operator to get a
telephone connection.

 As the Velim based Xri Konfucious would say: Have mouth, Will Speak.



2008-06-21 Thread Shanti Dhoot

The RadioGoa network is a most praiseworthy undertaking

And there is without doubt, no mistaking

That it has played a tremendous role,

In achieving its laudable goal

Of keeping alive interest in Konkani for which old-timers are aching.

One can now listen to our golden oldies in the background,

Or listen with ear-phones so that others are not disturbed by the sound.

It is a most pleasant way to maintain

One's knowledge of some old refrain,

And maybe once in a way learn some new song that one had earlier not found.

Hats off to Benedict Lobo who initiated this scheme,

And turned into reality this cherished dream,

That evokes memories of the gentle balmy sea breeze

And the rustling of palm fronds of coconut trees,

And brings to the eyes of Goans abroad a nostalgic gleam.

This is indeed a most welcome marriage of Goan psychology

And the innovative use of modern technology.

Now others must seek fresh avenues

Whereby we can likewise use

The Internet to maintain and spread Goa's cultural anthropology.

 -   Shanti Dhoot

Message: 9 of 19 Jun 2008
Subject: [Goanet] 'RadioGoa' a gift to Konkani music lovers
PTI June 18, 2008
PANAJI: RadioGoa, a unique venture by Dubai-based NRI Goan, has helped
Konkani music transcend its traditional boundaries and be available
worldwide. http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?newsid=1171938

[Goanet] Was Goa liberated or Conquered ?

2008-06-21 Thread Rishi
There is an interesting discussion taking place on orkut on events in
Goa in 1961. Many history students and academics are part of this

Would you be interested in participating in this thread on a social
networking site like orkut ? Just go to http://www.orkut.com and
register yourself. 

Then click on the below link - 



BTW Orkut seems to be better social networking site than a mailing list
like goanet

[Goanet] Imminent construction in Bainguinim, Old Goa

2008-06-21 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Something's afoot near the hills of Bainguinim, Old Goa.

The guards scattered when I pointed by camera at them -


The slopes have been cleared -



I hear there is a connection here to an aspiring politician
from Aldona -


Goa is being dismantled.  Unless construction and conversion
are stopped NOW, we are finished.

Warm regards,


[Goanet] Happy birthday, Chacha

2008-06-21 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
A eagle in Sweden mentioned that it was Alfred Tavares' birthday
today. Many happy returns to you Chacha... you add value to our
networks. FN
Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist
http://fn.goa-india.org * Phone +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Happy Birthday Alfred!

2008-06-21 Thread Clinton Vaz


May be a little bit late in announcing, but It's Alfred's birthday 
today. Warm wishes from everybody I'm sure, and I'll surely convey it 
across when I meet him this evening at his place at Hasselby in Stockholm.

Stockholm (Back on 7th July 7am onwards..)

Re: [Goanet] Goan Intrigues and incarnation

2008-06-21 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Jason Keith Fernandes writes:
More seriously, I think it is Rajan Parrikar who should be 
credited with being the true incarnation of Hitler.
And seriously, this  is exactly the route the 
Hitler adopted to get to powerhe charmed the 
German elite (as Rajan Bab does the Catholic groups)..

Ha ha ha.  The would-be academic finally goes cuckoo.
Allow me to cite Godwin's Law (do a Google search)
which states: As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the 
probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler 
approaches one.

I am delighted to be a data point to confirm Godwin.

Read my thoughts...

As soon as you have one, we will.  

Warm regards,


Re: [Goanet] June 18- Let the Revolution Begin

2008-06-21 Thread Eugene Correia
Miguel, again you have missed the point. It was not me but JC who raised the 
issue obliquely and then I said that I know that Telo was charged with bigamy.
The book perhaps tells how long Telo was sentenced. If not for Indian 
government's intervention, he would not have been back on Indian soil.
I wished you had read between the lines of my post that Telo was NOT happy 
that the Indian government that instead of him being made the supervisor of 
the Portuguese section of AIR, Nehru prevered Laxmanrao Sardesai.
JC likes to tease. He should give us the gist of the conversation with Telo. 
But then to ask in the same manner he asks others, how would others verify he 
is telling the truth and not telling us manufactured facts. However, stop the 
suspense and also stop this tread.
JC the ball is in your. You get the last word...probably.
Can I know from Goa-based netters if the book by Edila Gaitonde and also the 
Builders of Modern India are available in Goa? 




[Goanet] Goan Intrigues and incarnation

2008-06-21 Thread Pravin Sabnis
Jason wrote: More seriously, I think it is Rajan Parrikar who should be 
credited with being the true incarnation of Hitler.
I think that is a totally unfair comment on Rajan.
Hitler did not go around photographing the destruction 
that lay behind in the gas chambers. So there.
To many it can seem that Rajan's captions are excessive
but if you go out there on ground, the reality is sometimes worse
than what any camera can capture.

I do not appreciate his use of abuse
but so many of us, including me,
have done the same.
I have said this often in personal conversations 
that the first time he used the word ghati 
it was descriptive rather than derogatory.
But certain alert chaps pounced on him
and he began to repeat the word with greater intensity
maybe to spite his critics 
and ended up looking exactly the opposite of what he is. 
Trash the wrong that he may sometimes write.
But do not demonise the man who is giving it his all.
He is too transparent a man to mask his immediate emotion.
But in practice he is a sensitive music connoisseur.
Who has the guts to stand up to shin music.
I am ready to be blasted for an honest opinion,
But I know who I am talking about. 
And calling Rajan, Hitler is no different 
from calling Seby a Naxalite.

  From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Go to 

[Goanet] O Coqeiro

2008-06-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
O Coqueiro

I bring this to you as part of my memories 1970s/1980s

For us  (People from the South Goa),  O Coqueiro, those days,  was like the 
other name for Porvorim.
O Coquero was very famous for its authentic Goan food etc
It even had a long distance telephone hotline, where we used to go to make 
international calls (the only other place to make such calls were at Post and 
Telegraph offices in Panjim, Margao etc)
Charles Sobraj was re-arrested here (after he escaped from prison).
I sometimes  used to visit O coquero for my lunch (Rs.20 in late 80s) where as 
other’s at Betim etc fish curry rice thali was around 10.
Everytime there was a local Customs and Excise audit at our office, I used to 
take the party of 2 or 3 to O Coquero for a lunch there (this was a sort of 
bribe to Govt. officers, I guess it is still in practice now).

Last night we visited O Coquero after a gap of say 18 years.
The other reason we chose to go here on Friday was Emiliano and his Trio 
playing there live on Fridays after 8pm till 11.

So, what we ate?
Well,   we  order only 2-3 items, purely Goan viz
1 Pork vindaloo (120)
1 Bangde (2 small Mackerel fry) (85)
2 Goan Prawn Curry rice (350)
4 Samll plain chapattis  (32)
1 Portion Extra Plain Rice (45) (as we could not waste the leftover thick prawn 
4 Kingfisher beer bottles 650ml (340) –we preferred beer to wine
Total : 972 (Vat incl).

It was crowded with many guests including those from Goa Mariott etc.

We enjoyed not only the food  but the Live  Music too some of which was 
specially played for us.  It was really romantic.

Check this out

Pics  (Emiliano and his boys at Coqueiro)

Check  these previously capture clips at GrapeEscapade 07
Emiliano and his Trio

Playing Goan special

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

[Goanet] Politicians are responsible for more deaths than Naxalites

2008-06-21 Thread Samir Kelekar
Though I dont have sympathy for the Naxalite method, I think a big deal
is being made about Naxalites and their violence.

By commission and ommission, politicians are responsible for more deaths
in this country. If only we had some accountability and pinning down
of responsibility, we will realize that

lack of enforcement of traffic rules, and the state of the roads gives rise
to huge number of deaths on our roads, people die due to negligence in our
public hospitals, as well as due to diseases such as malaria, we have
had kids dying due to low hanging electricity wires, we have had miners
going under the rubble due to lack of safety standards in our mines,
we have had swimmers dying due to lack of guards on our beaches, construction 
labourers dying under the rubble when constructions are done without any care 
of safety standards, we have so many murder cases unsolved
which means there are criminals roaming on our streets without any fear,
we have people committing suicide partly because there are no opportunities
for the youth
- whom do we consider responsible for all of the above deaths or
possibility of deaths above ?

And we are bothered naxalites are in our midst.



[Goanet] Goanet posts

2008-06-21 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
I find a curious situation on Goanet in several posts from quite a few veteran 
(frequent) posters.  They present themselves as being too busy to continue 
this dialog. Their stated excuse is they have to run - possibly because 
they have the runs.:=)).  Then they continue to write posts that suggest they 
are constipated, at least in their thought process and the fact that their post 
on the run are just too long.  
Likely in their own mind, they view their writings with an air of 
respectability.  Yet, through repetition of the same confused facts, and 
distorting other peoples' posts, they drown everybody elses' writings into 
submission.  They write stories concocted to cover up the truth, yet from time 
to time they confess that they are really talking about anecdotal cases.  But 
who cares about the truth, especially when one is busy patting themselves on 
their back as the undisputed victors.
It pains me to see some 'highbrow' netters delight in telling us everything 
they do not know.:=)) And in case we missed it, they repeat the same set of 
non-facts (disguised as opinions).
In case the readers of this post still have their humor, highbrow is a 
person educated beyond his intelligence. (Brander Matthews).
Regards, GL

[Goanet] Telo Mascarenhas by Shashikar Kelekar not Shashikala Kakodkar

2008-06-21 Thread Samir Kelekar

?jc's comment:

a: I suppose the following are examples of GoaNetters (et others) who
are people of slave mentality as per the classification of Dr Samir
Kelekar: PhD

jc, Dr. Teotonio de Souza, Naraina Coisoro,  the late Pundalik
Gaitonde, the late Jose Inacio Loyola (Portuguese slaves), Cornel da
Costa, Eddie Fernandes (British slaves) et al...

Dont try to evade the issue Jose or hide behind other names. tell me --- are 
you of a slave mentality or
not ? Does the lathi of 45 years back hurt or not? Is your going for Portuguese
citizenship a purely opportunistic thing or not?

Accept the fact that you have
teamed up with our conquerers. Even Portuguese would respect the Goan
freedom fighters but not white-wannabe bootlickers such as you. As they
say, in a hotel, the waiter has more arrogance than the owner.

So, tell me, are you trying to do this to impress the Portuguese consular 
members who might be members on this list ? Do you get some brownie points
for every post that you make denigrating your own kin ?

And from where do you get the gall to criticize Lohia ? you who
vamooshed to Bahamas on just getting one stick, and still remembering
it 45 years later, compared to Lohia who held the hand of a gun wielding
policemen and stopped him in his tracks ? You are not even a mosquito in
front of a giant personality like Lohia, man. 

Re: the line man that you are talking about, if I have done anything wrong, I 
am willing to pay the penalty as per the law of the land. I have nothing
to hide.

Come to India and prosecute me if you have the guts. You probably dont
have the guts to even live in India. It is not easy as pounding uselessly from 
a keyboard in Bahamas.



Re: [Goanet] June 18- Let the Revolution Begin

2008-06-21 Thread J. Colaco jc
Eugene Correia:

1: Telo was NOT happy that the Indian government that instead of him
being made the supervisor of the Portuguese section of AIR, Nehru
prevered Laxmanrao Sardesai.

2: JC likes to tease. He should give us the gist of the conversation
with Telo. But then to ask in the same manner he asks others, how
would others verify he is telling the truth and not telling us
manufactured facts. However, stop the suspense and also stop this

jc's response:

So Eugene, Telo expected a job from Nehru in return for some speeches
hanh? Brilliant!!!  Is that the type of nationalism that Fred, you
and Samir have been touting and flouting? How come, then that you guys
do not support Aires for a Govt post?

You are right on one point. I do like to tease. If the
'hypersensitive' journos (especially the ones who believed that Ole
Xac BC was either Paulo Colaco or definitely jc) ...yes...IF those
alleged 'hypersensitive' journos get a Type 1 hypersensitivity
reaction every time I post something, I suppose - they deserve it.
These alleged 'hypersensitive' journos have been in charge of the
information station for several decades. What stories have they told
you and when? Have they not buried their head in the sand - until the
very end? WHO really fought hard and openly against the communal VCD?
When did the alleged 'hypersensitive' journos join? When did they know
about the infamous VCD? When out they have known?  And there is this
chap aka Mario Cabral.anyway. And these journos have the nerve to

BTW: Have I stated any facts in my recent posts on Telo, or merely
asked questions? Never mind your interpretation - but do provide me
the list of facts that I may have manufactured like some of the
folks here.

WRT the conversations with Telo: There is a riverfront room - first
left as soon as you enter a former Palace in Goa. It was known as
the VIP room. Now ...you go figure out - if you are interested. As I
said before, I support breast feeding, not spoon feeding.

I will provide one bit of spoon-food for those (like Samir) who might
not know. The Opinion Poll was NOT 45 years ago! Let us learn to
research properly (and as Marx/Gadgil say ...Question everything)
before we jump up and down saying ...Zoi Zoi.


Re: [Goanet] The International Goan Convention July 2008

2008-06-21 Thread edward desilva
Mario said:
This post contains my responses to first Seb and then
Edward who both misunderstood what I had written
Mario had previously said:
and we Ph.D.'s are just a bunch of Einstein wannabes.
Einstein was a PhD was he?
I, all along thought he had left school and was working as a clerk in an office 
facing the clock tower, working out his own calculations in his spare time when 
he was bored.
Seb asked you a simple question; 'are you' or 'are you not a PhD'. 
Who had lost the train of thought?
You go on to say he has spelling mistakes, yet your next mail to Rui 
says spelling does not matter on Goanet. 
If you are not a PhD, why put yourself among them by saying WE the PhDs? 

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

Re: [Goanet] We need Whistle Blowers like Mr. Parrikar

2008-06-21 Thread floriano
Mark, with due respect to you, you  must realise that the Leader of the 
Opposition is not a simple, inexperienced whistle blower.
Ex CEOs like him must be pat with their home work since, all the 
where-withals are at their  disposal.
Evidence is a plenty that this whistle blowing is done to appease some 
vested interests, unprepared, raw at best opening his vulnerable flank  wide 
open for attacks.

HOME-WORK, dear Mark, Home-work is not seen here.

Btw, when you say that the police has every right to investigate , we accept 
that. And we too, as a party, whose member Sebastian is, want him 
investigated for possible naxal connections.  But that should have been done 
prior to such shallow dramatics. Here, it looks like it is a kid who is 
performing to get a lolipop which is a must get at any cost.

Also, BTW, the general feeling is that  the conduct of the HOME open session 
of this Ad-Hoc committee by the Ex-CEO stinks as he has not followed the 
procedures laid down and has gone on a totally different tangent  not only 
to the alarm of senior department heads like the CS and the IGP but also to 
the ire of the general public attending, the house having been full to the 
capacity. As for me, I have given him 2 marks out of 10 for his performance. 
It is not the person that I have reservations about but the procedures 
followed and things done  that I have reservations about. or instance, Babu 
Kaulekar, Damu Naik, Davalikar (Junior) and especially Jose Lourenco have 
performed exceedingly well. We expected excellence from the Ex-CEO, but it 
was just a down the road whistle-blower :-)).


- Original Message - 
From: Mark D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 1:18 PM
Subject: [Goanet] We need Whistle Blowers like Mr. Parrikar

It is very surprising the way people are targeting Mr. Manohar Parrikar 
his statement or information he has given to the Police about some 

activities simmering in mining areas of Goa as he is duty bound to do so
being the Chairman of the Ad-Hoc house committee on Home Affairs.

The police have been in the knowledge of  these activities and have in
camera accepted that they are having some information of naxal activites 
are keeping a vigil on the same. It is their duty to nip the naxal 

in the bud before the same spreads to the entire state and converts the
peace loving Goan populace into terror activists...

[Goanet] Shame on Manohar Parrikar

2008-06-21 Thread edward desilva
Rajan said:
To Goanet -
Manohar Parrikar's utterance today branding Goan
activists as Naxalites is despicable.  Shame on him.

I'm amazed that inspite of your resident abroad (for a short time) you could 
not detect the ulterior motives of MP.
Why didn't you see at the interview that:
1. The way he was sitting - he did not care a damn about YOU.
2. The way he was waving his hands in the air - he considers the public as 
3. Why was he given the questions in advance to study? was it fair?
4. Couldn't MP find some other word other than N'lite to describe Goans 
activists, does MP have a vocabulary? Is IIT a waste of time?

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

Re: [Goanet] Happy Birthday Alfred!

2008-06-21 Thread Roland Francis
May many more bottles of ABSOLUT vodka find their way down Alfred's thraot.


On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 6:26 AM, Clinton Vaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 May be a little bit late in announcing, but It's Alfred's birthday today.
 Warm wishes from everybody I'm sure, and I'll surely convey it across when I
 meet him this evening at his place at Hasselby in Stockholm.

[Goanet] Your presence on Sunday, June 22 at 10.00 a.m.

2008-06-21 Thread Dolphy D'Souza

Hello Sabhaites and Friends,

Re: Meeting in support of Sisters at Mary Immaculate Girl's H. School, 
Jeevan Bima Nagar, next Karuna Hospital , Borivali West at 10.00 a.m on 
Sunday, June 22.

We want a large turnout for this meeting. A brief details of what happened 
is given below and our specific demands. We also need to plan our future 
course of action.


The activists of the MNS barged into the school premises of Mary Immaculate 
Girl's High School, Jeevan Bima Nagar, Borivali West on June19, 2008. The 
mob was unruly and behaved in a threatening manner., hurling abuses and 
derogatory remarks against the School Principal and Manager who happened to 
be Nuns. We are surprised that they have not been taught elementary manners 
how to behave with women. This pressure tactic was a ruse to seek 

The local DCP Mr. Ranade was very helpful

But the Sisters have been terified by such type of goonda tactics.

We understand that they have threatened the Institution that they would 
return back on June 24th at 10.00 a.m. They have also threatened if their 
demands are not met than they will shut down the school for an indefinite 
period of time. This warning is not limited only to your school but to all 
convent schools.

We demand the following:

1. The intervention of the Deputy Chief Minister and Home Minister to 
provide police protection to the Sisters and the said Institution and to all 
Convent Schools.

2. Restraining order on such elements
3. Our constitutional rights as a Minority Institution should be protected 
at all times.

4. Apprehend the culprits and prosecute them accordingly.

The Bombay Catholic Sabha will monitor the situation and plan its future 
course of action accordingly.

Best Regards,
Dolphy D'souza
St Michael's Church,
Mahim, Mumbai 400 016.
Tel:24463853 / 9820226227 

[Goanet] Memorandum regarding the Official Language Aact 1987 of Goa

2008-06-21 Thread pratap naik
 I have spoken my views concerning the Official Language Act 1987 and submitted 
a memorandum to the Chairperson of ad hoc committee on Official Language.  the 
text of memorandum is as follows.
Pratap Naik, S.J.
20 June 2008
Hon’ble Speaker,
Goa Legislative Assembly
Porvorim, Goa

Sub:  Deletion of “Konkani Language means Konkani in Devanagari script”
in the Official Language Act 1987
Respected Sir,
Hon’ble Finance Minister of Goa in his Budget Speech of 2008-2009 has quoted 
Chanakya saying “The happiness of the commoners is the happiness of the King. 
In happiness of his subjects lies the King’s happiness, in their welfare his 
welfare. I believe that the type of script should not become a barrier for 
language development. Though, Konkani is the State Language of Goa, it is 
spoken and also written in many parts of the country… For instance, in 
Karnataka, it is written in both Kannada and English script.  My Government is 
committed to develop Konkani language by supporting the institutions working 
for the promotion of this language.”
 In Goa Konknni is written both in Roman and Devanagari scripts.  Roman script 
is the most popular script of Konknni.  In Goa prior to liberation and even 
afterwards, written Konknni was equated with Konknni in Roman script only.. 
Yet, the Official Language Act 1987 has deliberately ignored the Roman script 
and has defined 
“Konkani language” means Konkani language in Devanagari script.
This mischievous definition of Konknni has done injustice for the last 21 years 
to a large section of Goan population “commoners” who use Roman script for 
Konknni. Besides, this definition has hampered the growth of Konknni.  It has 
caused irreparable division among Konknnis, namely Konknni speakers. Those who 
use Roman script are labeled as pro-Portuguese and anti-patriotic no class 
citizens of the State of Goa. 
A Language and its script have no intrinsic connection. Language is first 
spoken and when the need arises it is used for written communication. Besides, 
while defining a language nobody defines it in terms of a particular script.  
For example, nobody will say Marathi means Marathi written in Devanagari 
script. While formulating the Official Language Bill and passing it in the Goa 
assembly, the Devanagari proponents through their conspiracy succeeded to 
introduce the definition of Konknni.  This historical injustice and fraud has 
to be rectified.  Equality, dignity and justice must be restored in the 
Official Language Act to all Konknnis of Goa. 
Hence, as a researcher of Konknni I request the Goa Govt. to delete the 
definition of Konknni in the Official Language Act 1987 as early as possible to 
foster peace and unity among Konknnis. If the present Govt. sincere about the 
quotation of its Finance Minister which I have quoted earlier, then without 
further delay the Govt. should initiate the process to rectify the Official 
Language Act.  I am giving my justification based on facts related to Konknni 
which I have compiled. I have enclosed these facts along with this letter.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Dr Pratap Naik, S.J.
Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
B.B.Borkar Road
Alto Porvorim, Goa – 403 521
Cell phone: 9850658565
 Enclosed: Facts related to Konknni Language as on 19 June 2008

  Messenger blocked? Want to chat? Go to 

[Goanet] Mishearing Parrikar

2008-06-21 Thread George Pinto
 Manohar-bab Parrikar has called Seby [Sebastian Rodrigues] a NAXALITE. 


Manohar Parrikar said Seby is Nice all night and day, in fact Seby is nice 
all the time since he is fighting to protect the villagers against the 
construction and mining mafia and their agents (Goan politicians). This has 
been misheard as Naxalite.


Re: [Goanet] We need Whistle Blowers like Mr. Parrikar

2008-06-21 Thread George Pinto

We do not need whistle Blowers like Mr. Parrikar [Manohar]. We need more Sebys 
and those figthing to save their land from abuses from the corrupt building and 
mining mafia.  

Solidarity with Seby and the other good people {activists and villagers) who 
are fighting the good fight.


--- On Sat, 6/21/08, Mark D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Mark D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Goanet] We need Whistle Blowers like Mr. Parrikar
 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Date: Saturday, June 21, 2008, 12:48 AM

 It is very surprising the way people are targeting Mr. Manohar Parrikar
 for his statement or information he has given to the Police about some
 naxalite activities simmering in mining areas of Goa as he is duty bound
 to do so being the Chairman of the Ad-Hoc house committee on Home

[Goanet] GMAS Press Release - June 21, 2006

2008-06-21 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

June 21, 2008
Press release

1) At a meeting held today, the Goa’s Movement Against SEZs (GMAS) discussed the
various issues pertaining to the SEZs in the state of Goa. Following the 
GMAS warns all promoters of SEZs in Goa to stop pursuing their exploitative 
designs on
Goa’s soil. GMAS reminds the SEZ promoters that all political parties, all 
NGOs, and
the entire population of Goa are opposed to SEZs in Goa, in any form. The 
of India cannot impose SEZs on the people of Goa when the people and the 
do not want these SEZs as they are not in the interest of the State and its 

2) GMAS warns the SEZ promoter Panchbhoomi not to use the projections of the 
Report of the Regional Plan 2021 to justify their SEZ. Present experience shows 
these projections are not at all realistic for the present population as well 
as existing
industry since both are facing severe shortages of water to the extent that 
they cannot get
continuous water supply even for one hour throughout the state of Goa. The ploy 
justifying Panchbhoomi SEZ based on mere projections is not only malicious but 
vested. Further, it is observed that much of the Panchbhoomi SEZ encroaches upon
forest area.

3) The Government’s proposal to part with land resources for the so-called 
Institutions was discussed in view of the scarcity of the land in Goa. Members 
concerns and questioned whether this was another move to brings in SEZs in 
form. Further, they questioned the benefits of All-India institutions that are 
functioning in the state of Goa to the local people. In view of this, parting 
with nearly 40
lakhs sq metres for the so-called higher educational commercial institutions 
appears to be
another attempt to sell Goa to the builders and land sharks from all over India 
and abroad.

4) At the meeting, GMAS members felt that the Goa government does not appear to 
have a
definite policy on the land use to fulfill the genuine needs of the people of 
Goa. This is
evident from the fact that offhand decisions are made wherein government 
indulges in
reckless disposal of prime and scarce Goan land resources to all and sundry who
approach them for the same. It is not known whether the Goa government operates 
on an
ad hoc basis on the matter of land use.

5) GMAS emphatically reiterates its demand and calls upon the Government of Goa 
and the
Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry to immediately denotify the 3 notified 
and to resolve the issues once and for all at the earliest. GMAS further 
demands that the
Government of Goa should abolish the SEZ policy in the state of Goa.

Matanhy Saldanha

[Goanet] Instigation Porrikar E-style...

2008-06-21 Thread cedrico dacosta
Instigation Porrikar E-style...

The allegations that Naxalities have infilterated into
Goa is shocking...but greateful to some one who had
the guts to say it loud and clear...

Goans by now know well...Goa is not at danger from
Naxals, but communial politicians...Nobody wants Goa
to be converted into a Gujarat...

Goa is in a greater danger of the communial divide and
instigators with a hidden agenda.

Porrikar is famous for his instigative and rumour
filled politics when he is out of power.

It is very unfortunate for the Goans to have such a
politician as the leader of opposition at the

Also, it is sad that Porrikar and his photographers
cannot capture the infilteration of the Russian and
Israli mafias into Goa.

Porrikar and his photographers and his front benchers
turn a blind eye to the large scale drug peddling
along the beaches of Goa. The garbage issues...

Well done Porrikar, yet another inciting and
provocative allegation from you...

I bet your agenda is to ignite flames that could
ultimately burn Goa and that will include yourself.

Cedric da Costa


Re: [Goanet] Goan Intrigues and incarnation

2008-06-21 Thread goasuraj

Well said that, Pravin



- Original Message - 
From: Pravin Sabnis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:27 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Intrigues and incarnation

Jason wrote: More seriously, I think it is Rajan Parrikar who should be 
credited with being the true incarnation of Hitler.

I think that is a totally unfair comment on Rajan.
Hitler did not go around photographing the destruction
that lay behind in the gas chambers. So there.

To many it can seem that Rajan's captions are excessive
but if you go out there on ground, the reality is sometimes worse
than what any camera can capture..

Re: [Goanet] The Rape of Goa.....as a tool to Save Goa

2008-06-21 Thread Sandeep Heble
Mervyn Lobo writes:
Sandeep, you have great mentors!
There is nothing creative about Rajans coarse language. I can send you two 
different emails of what followed from Rajan.
It may be beautiful language to you, I find it disgusting. You can also ask 
Miguel how he interpreted Rajan's 'literal' language.


I quoted Osho not because I consider him as my spiritual Guru but
simply to illustrate that words that may sound vulgar in one context
may not really be vulgar when used in a different context. Nothing
more and nothing less!

Let me now take the extreme position and come on your side. I'll now
grant it to you that his post may be crude and vulgar, but even then
the fuss over it is needless. The story of Buddha's response to the
angry young man who tried to insult him by spitting venom and abuse at
his face comes to my mind.  The Buddha simply asked the man if people
ever visited him in his home. Surprised at the change of topic, the
man answered yes. The Buddha then asked if his visitors ever brought
gifts. When the man replied yes again, the Buddha asked what would
happen if he refused to accept the gifts? Who would the gifts belong
to then? The man said that, of course, they would still belong to
those who brought them. The Buddha then calmly said, In the same way,
since I do not accept your insults, they remain with you.

Rajan's post, however crude and vulgar it may have been, should have
been ignored likewise. He probably used that kind of language to get
on someone's nerves and by being upset; you all gave him what he
actually wanted. If you would have ignored him, he would have ended up
looking like a fool himself. On a related note, I overheard two kids
fighting on the street the other day, probably over a similar silly
thing. One kid kept on abusing while the other stayed cool and calm,
absolutely unaffected by the barrage of insults. After some time, the
unaffected kid simply replied: I'm made of rubber; you're made of
glue, and everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

Maybe this little kid can teach us important lessons in life. Let's
simply ignore all the insults that are hurled our way and they will no
longer be ours. They will simply stick to haunt those who choose to
throw them.  However good Rajan may be as Pravin has repeatedly tried
to illustrate, it is equally true that some of his thoughts are not
compatible in a vibrant progressive democracy. Let's choose wise ways
to respond to him. We will ignore the obscene vulgar stuff!


[Goanet] Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Alfred!

2008-06-21 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Tio Alfredo,


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[Goanet] O Coqeiro

2008-06-21 Thread Tony de Sa
Hi All,

I had the dubious fortune of being present at O Coqueiro when the famous
Charles Sobhraj was arrested by(then) Inspector Madhukar Zende, the Super
Cop from Bombay (now Mumbai)

It was the wedding reception of my wife's first Cousin, George Martins from

The wedding reception had just begun and all of a sudden there was a
commotion. At first, we thought that the usual had happened - just a guy or
two getting high and having a fracas.

It must be noted that the reception was in the open air area of the newer
part of O Coqueiro and Gines Viegas was running his usual business from the
bar and the inner hall of the old building.

There were a number of clients there - some eating, some drinking, some
rubber neckers, others waiting to make a phone call in the bad old days when
you had to book a call hours and.hours in advance and wait and wait and wait
. What better than to quaff a few to lighten the boredom of waiting?

A large number of foreigners came to Coqueiro's to make overseas calls . In
the days when overseas calls were difficult to get (No ISD, STD), Gines,
with the flourish of a wand would enable these calls through his trusted
lieutenant Delfino.

Banking on this fact, Zende kept a watch on the Coqueiro and the rest is

When things had quietened down, curiosity got the better of us and
abandoning the reception temporarily, we went to the car where Sobhraj was
trussed like a chicken with thick ropes and manacled. A hyper Zende was
proudly announcing to any one and every one that the prisoner was Charles
Sobhraj the famous criminal and that this was the second time he had
arrested him.

Apparently, while arresting Sobhraj, Zende said, Hello Charles, do you
remember me? I am Madhukar Zende and I arrested you once before in Bombay.

Later that evening, there was a clamour for photographs of the arrest.
Unfortunately, I had left the camera at my in laws place in Parra where we
had made a pit stop after the nuptials. (Had I carried my camera like

Striking a different note, I would like to say that O Coqueiro of today is
not the same O Coqueiro of yester years when Gines supervised every thing
with his mother overseeing the  kitchen. It had a more homely atmosphere
with the proprietor interacting with the clients. Gines also had superb
culinary skills. Many a time, Gines would sit a a table and chat with a few
known clients. When in a mellow mood, he would produce a guitar and sing
South of the border and other oldies. wow!

Although the arrest of Sobhraj was a USP for Gines, I am sure he would not
have lionised him by putting up a statue of him in the balcao!

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470148
M: +91 9975 162 897
Once upona time there was a tavern...Those were the days

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goa, one of India's leading producers of ore... and pollution

2008-06-21 Thread Goanet Reader

Some shocking
realities about
Goa's mining
scenario from
the Centre for
Science and
2008 report on
the Indian
The footnotes
and boxes are
available in the
printed version
of the report,
available from
CSE-Delhi and
other booksellers.

Goa is India's smallest state -- spread over 3,70,200 ha --
it accounts for just 0.11 per cent of India's geographical
area. 1

It is, however, one of India's leading producers of iron and
manganese: four per cent of India's iron ore reserves and
eight per cent of its manganese ore reserves are in Goa (see
Table 1: Goa's mineral wealth).2 In 2004-05, more than 15 per
cent of the iron ore produced in the country came from Goa.3

The state has about eight per cent of its total area under
mining, the highest in the country (see Map on page 142:
Minerals and forests).4 Some 400 mining leases have been
granted in Goa till 2002-03, covering approximately 30,325 ha
-- this works out to almost five per cent of the total area
leased out for mining major minerals in the country.5 Of
these, 222 mining leases have been granted for extracting
iron ore: this accounts for 56 per cent of the total area
under mining (see Graph 1: Area under mine leases).6

The number of leases and the total area covered under them
have remained almost constant over the years -- in 1995-96,
the area under mining leases was 30,802, while in 2002-03, it
was 30,325 (see Graph 2: Mining leases over the years).

  But the area under mining in Goa is all set to zoom
  in coming years. As per government records sought
  under the Right To Information Act, there are as
  many as 825 mining lease applications, covering an
  area of 67,822 ha, under various stages of
  processing. If these leases are granted, which most
  probably they will be, more than one-fourth of
  Goa's land area will come under mining -- a recipe
  for ecological disaster.

Iron ore is Goa's most significant mineral -- accounting for
more than 98 per cent of the total mineral production in the
state in terms of value (see Table 2: Mineral production).7
Most of the iron ore produced in Goa is exported and mining
for export has a huge impact on the state's economy and
ecology (see Box: Exporting ore, importing disaster).

Goa is a major producer of metallic minerals: the state
accounts for 10 per cent of the total value of metallic
minerals extracted in the country.8 At just 0.01 per cent,
the state's share in the country's total non-metallic mineral
value is negligible.9

The value of mineral production in Goa, which has
continuously increased since 2000-01 (see Graph 3: Mineral
value trends in Goa), stood at Rs 829 crore in 2004-05; iron
ore accounted for 99 per cent of this value.10 The value of
minor minerals produced in 2004-05 was estimated at Rs 55
crore.11 The state contributed one per cent of the value of
minerals produced in the country.12

  But the mineral royalty received by the state
  government was a pittance -- Rs 15 crore, Rs 18
  crore and a little more than Rs 17 crore
  respectively in 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05.13
  Revenues from mining account for a minuscule
  portion of the state's total revenues -- between
  0.8-1 per cent.14 While private miners are making
  windfall profits, the government and the people of
  the state are seeing none of it.

The mining industry in Goa employs about 11,000 persons
directly, and about 10,000 persons indirectly, during the
mining season from October to May.15 The major mining and
mineral-based companies operating in Goa are Sesa Goa,
Chowgules, Dempo and Salgaocar, which together extract about
67 per cent of Goa's total iron ore, and account for 68 per
cent of Goa's ore exports.16

The key iron ore deposits are located in Bicholim, Sanguem
and Satari taluks, while manganese deposits are confined to
the southern and south-eastern parts of Sanguem. Around 1,282
ha of forest land has been diverted for mining activities,
which is about four per cent of the total area under mining
in the state.17

There is reason to believe that the figures of forest land
diverted for mining are much higher. For one, large areas of
forests in the state are not classified in government
records. These are private forests or community lands, and so
forest clearance is not necessary here. Mining done on such
forest land is unlikely to be documented.

  Illegal encroachment is rampant. Even the state
  government admits it -- according to the Economic
  Survey 2005-06, an area of 2,66,000 sq m of
  government land has been identified as being
  'illegally encroached' by mining companies.
  Whatever the figures are, there is no doubt that
  mining has completely devastated Goa's pristine
  forests. According to a report 

[Goanet] Unity is the Key.

2008-06-21 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Hope at last, with groups/individuals on overtime to Save Goa  its Unique
Identity. However, some with perceived objectives for the same, are
fighting/sabotaging others working for the same objectives. What am I

I discussed with some MLA's, issues on Employment, Identity, Mega-Projects,
Uncontrolled Migrants Influx, Mining, Non-Goan Land Sales, Corruption etc;
they seem reluctant to address any critical issue. Empty Promises, Political
Excuses, Passing the buck etc summarises their response. I think that they
will not antagonise their Delhi Masters; who control their political
destinies and they will not jeopardise their illegitimate incomes or migrant
vote banks. They are in politics only to selfishly loot /destroy Goa. The
Government will act for Goan Interests ONLY if the people actually force
them to do so; for which we need unity!!

Clearly our historical disunity, immature crab mentality  simultaneous
exploitation by politicians, has affected Goa  Goans.  It's high time we
set aside our personal differences/interests  work in unity for Goa. My
let us at least work together on agreed, issue based, common objectives. Our
Unity is the Key to Saving Goa.

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please read my Blog:

[Goanet] EURO 2008 DRAW, proceeds to benefit Goa Sudharop

2008-06-21 Thread George Pinto
An update -
Another division runner-up wins. Russia over Holland. Spain is now the only 
undefeated team - will they prevail or will the last remaining division 
runner-up, Italy, win in tomorrow's game? When is the last time 4 division 
runners-up made it to the semis? 

For some of you football is a religion and tomorrow, Sunday, you will fulfill 
your religious obligation and watch the game. An exciting Sunday ahead.

5 teams, 5 people left in the pool.

SpainAidan Pinto
ItalyChris Vaz
Russia   Milan Kojnok
Turkey   Conrad Rodricks
Germany  Gabe Menezes

May the best team win.

George Pinto

[Goanet] Goa news for June 22, 2008

2008-06-21 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa vets examine hawksbill sea turtle - International
Animal Rescue
[11 hours ago]  In June the vets at the International Animal
Rescue centre in Goa had an unusual patient in the form of a
giant Hawksbill sea turtle. ...

*** Children\'s court issues notice to Fiona - Hindustan Times
[13 hours ago]  PTI Goa's Children's Court has issued notice to
Fiona Mackeown, whose daughter Scarlett Keeling was found dead
on Goa's beach. The notice, which is issued ...

*** Govt vows to restore all reserved seats for Goan students -
Navhind Times
[2 hours ago]  The NITs, formerly known as regional engineering
colleges, had reserved altogether 62 seats for the students of
Goa, Daman and Diu until the academic year ...

*** Police to revive citizens panel meets in South Goa -
Navhind Times
[2 hours ago]  MARGAO #148; The superintendent of police South
Goa, Mr Shekhar Prabhudessai recently said that the police would
revive the citizens committee meetings at ...

*** Goa govt. keeps vigil on Naxal-like activities - Hindu
[Jun 20, 2008]  Panaji (PTI): The Goa government is keeping a
close watch on naxal activities witnessed in recent months in
the mining belts of this iron ore-rich state. ...

*** Naxals gaining ground in mining belt: Parrikar - Herald
[Jun 19, 2008]  SIMI: Parrikar warned that the Students Islamic
Movement of India was shifting its operations to Goa as
Karnataka was becoming too hot for them.

*** Red corridor spreading to Goa - Times of India
[Jun 19, 2008]  PANAJI: The government is worried that the red
corridor could extend its activities to Goa. In the last two or
three years there have been Naxal activities ...

*** Rising concern over Naxal activities in mining areas -
Navhind Times
[Jun 19, 2008]  They may not have gathered any substantial
foothold in Goa but are definitely spreading discontent in the
mining areas, desiring to explode this discontent ...

*** Dazzling display of diamonds in Goa - Times of India
[18 hours ago]  We love organising our show in Goa. People
here are really warm and hospitable, said Rajiv Patankar, chief
of the organising committee. And why not? ...

*** Anti-mining drive refutes Naxalism in Goa - NDTV.com
[20 hours ago]  PTI As Goa state police confirmed keeping a
close watch on possibility of Naxal-like activities in the
tourist hotspot state's mining belt, anti-mining ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Goan Intrigues and incarnation

2008-06-21 Thread George Pinto
Jason Keith Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 More seriously, I think it is Rajan Parrikar who should be
 credited with being the true incarnation of Hitler. 

Dear Jason,

Rhetoric must be held in check, otherwise it becomes hyperbole and no one is 
served. I suspect you want to take the sentence above back. 

To the statewide problem - Rajan's and JoeGoaUk's photos of a Goa devastated by 
the building and mining special interests should motivate us all to one goal - 
protect Goa from land abuses and the accompanying problems. If people allege 
that Rajan focuses on Congress builders, let someone pick up a camera and show 
us the devastation by who they feel are BJP builders. It is impossible to trust 
either party and, hence, non-politicians need to come together in unity and 
oppose the forces who threaten to overwhelm us. I am sure the building mafia 
smacks it lips in glee when it sees infighting among activists.

Unity and solidarity,

[Goanet] DNAIndia.com : King of his castle

2008-06-21 Thread RUBYGOES
This message was sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED],
as a service of dnaindia.com

Comments from sender : 
Gday Goanet. All about Wendell Rodricks. Thanks Bosco. rubygoes

Full Story can be found at

King of his castle

Goa is oxygen for me, declares Wendell Rodricks, I breathe and live
in a creative bubble no one can understand. until they see my almost
yogic, pure existence here.

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[Goanet] The International Goan Convention July 2008 -

2008-06-21 Thread edward desilva
Mario wrote:
In the US we have a case right
now of an Indian professor [with a Ph.D. which will
make Edward happy] who is on trial for paying a hit
man $10,000 to kill his black daughter-in-law.
Yes Mario, When I read stupid action stories of PhD people, it does make me 
Which brings me back to my original belief that PhD people  are time wasters.
What is the point of a PhD?
If these people cannot see right from wrong?
PhD people (especially Indians) are book worms (that is what I meant by saying 
Plus, we have a special case in UK, where a DR Parsaud plagiarised for his PhD. 

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

Re: [Goanet] Why can't Goan politicians dress-up?

2008-06-21 Thread floriano

I  am certainly honoured, maam  :-))  ((-:

But then U wl never see the gaddhi or a K-Pajama on my person, ever. 
Reconcile to that??.


- Original Message - 
From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 1:46 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Why can't Goan politicians dress-up?

Why do Goan politicians always have to dress like they are out taking
their dog for walk, even if they are addressing public meetings and
gatherings? What is the virtue in wearing that bush-coat hanging out over
a cheap polyester pant and chappals that have seen too many monsoons pass

Even the Chinese, who you can't beat for nationalism and patriotism, will
not leave the house without a proper business-suit or atleast that
Chairman Mao jacket. What is this notion, that the politician has to
represent the common man?. Which common man in Goa goes for a business
meeting or even a ladainho without a proper long-sleeved shirt, pant and
tie? Can we all just contribute a few bucks and gift these politicians a
Raymonds voucher?

Re: [Goanet] The Rape of Goa.....as a tool to Save Goa

2008-06-21 Thread Chris Vaz

This is the first time I've heard that the words tool and ejaculate are 
vulgar and obscene.   How prissy do we have to be?

I repeat my previous message.   Has any one on this forum EVER engaged in 
what someone called a disgusting act?  Is that an obscene or vulgar 
function?  So those of us who have partaken of this disgusting act are 
obscene and vulgar people?   Then  those who are innocent of this affliction 
shall be allowed to cast the first stone!

Please, let's act grown up!

Mr. Moderator -- this unwarranted abuse of Rajan must stop.  The man is 
doing yeoman's work without remuneration and at considerable personal 
sacrifice--in fact he has been spending his own hard won treasure to bring 
the atrocities being committed to our land to everybody's attention perhaps 
in the hope that we Goans will finally take off the blinkers and face 
reality!  There are more important things to worry about--the corruption 
and concretization of Goa.  I wish everybody would put their differences 
aside and unite to rescue Goa from the rascals.  But we see prima donnas 
around who take umbrage at every imagined slight to plough their own course 
of action.  Unity is the best course of action--else the bhaille will soon 
overtake us and convert Goa into  another Indian slum!

Wake up, Goans!

- Original Message - 
From: Sandeep Heble [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Rape of Goa.as a tool to Save Goa

Mervyn Lobo writes:

Sandeep, you have great mentors!
There is nothing creative about Rajans coarse language. I can send you 
two different emails of what followed from Rajan.
It may be beautiful language to you, I find it disgusting. You can also 
ask Miguel how he interpreted Rajan's 'literal' language.


I quoted Osho not because I consider him as my spiritual Guru but
simply to illustrate that words that may sound vulgar in one context
may not really be vulgar when used in a different context. Nothing
more and nothing less!

Let me now take the extreme position and come on your side. I'll now
grant it to you that his post may be crude and vulgar, but even then
the fuss over it is needless. The story of Buddha's response to the
angry young man who tried to insult him by spitting venom and abuse at
his face comes to my mind.  The Buddha simply asked the man if people
ever visited him in his home. Surprised at the change of topic, the
man answered yes. The Buddha then asked if his visitors ever brought
gifts. When the man replied yes again, the Buddha asked what would
happen if he refused to accept the gifts? Who would the gifts belong
to then? The man said that, of course, they would still belong to
those who brought them. The Buddha then calmly said, In the same way,
since I do not accept your insults, they remain with you.

Rajan's post, however crude and vulgar it may have been, should have
been ignored likewise. He probably used that kind of language to get
on someone's nerves and by being upset; you all gave him what he
actually wanted. If you would have ignored him, he would have ended up
looking like a fool himself. On a related note, I overheard two kids
fighting on the street the other day, probably over a similar silly
thing. One kid kept on abusing while the other stayed cool and calm,
absolutely unaffected by the barrage of insults. After some time, the
unaffected kid simply replied: I'm made of rubber; you're made of
glue, and everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

Maybe this little kid can teach us important lessons in life. Let's
simply ignore all the insults that are hurled our way and they will no
longer be ours. They will simply stick to haunt those who choose to
throw them.  However good Rajan may be as Pravin has repeatedly tried
to illustrate, it is equally true that some of his thoughts are not
compatible in a vibrant progressive democracy. Let's choose wise ways
to respond to him. We will ignore the obscene vulgar stuff!


[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goa, one of India's leading producers of ore... and pollution

2008-06-21 Thread Philip Thomas
In this lengthy post, packed with data, I was not able to find ANY mention
whatsoever of AIR pollution due to the loading of ore in the ports. This may
be the most widely visible sign of the ravages of mining on the environment
of Goa.


2008-06-21 Thread Shanti Dhoot

Give a dog a bad name and hang him,

Is a saying that is so apt, however grim,

When one talks of Naxalites exploiting anti-mining activities

In Goa, alleging that people's natural proclivities

Is something of which one should take a view that is dim.

The truth is that the people have now awoken to the reality,

And now abandoned their former complacent mentality.

They have realised it is not enough to be whining,

If they really want to get rid of the evils of mining,

And need to raise their united voices with thundering vitality.

-  Shanti Dhoot


Goa news for June 22, 2008

Anti-mining drive refutes Naxalism in Goa - NDTV.com
PTI As Goa state police confirmed keeping a close watch on possibility of
Naxal-like activities in the tourist hotspot state's mining belt,
anti-mining activists have ridiculed the claim.

[Goanet] 'Parrikar's allegations baseless'

2008-06-21 Thread Goanet News Service

'Parrikar's allegations baseless'

PANJIM, JUNE 21- The Goa Su-Raj Party rubbishes the allegations made by 
Manohar Parrikar, the Opposition Leader, Chairman of the Ad-Hoc Committee on 
Police-Home, which had its deliberations on June 19 at the Goa Legislative 
Assembly Complex that Sebastian Rodrigues is a naxal operating in Goa's 
mining belts.

Its General Secretary Floriano Lobo, who also deposed before the Committee 
during the morning session, represented the Goa Su-Raj Party in the above 

According to a press release issued here, Sebastian Rodrigues was a member 
of the Party, a well-informed activist against the mining atrocities in Goa.

He was encouraged and aided by the Party to make the people of Goa's mining 
belts aware that the mineral resources of Goa is the 'Gift of God' to Goa 
and Goans and not to the mine owners/operators, nor to the Government of Goa 
and/or to the Central government.

he Party had authorized Sebastian Rodrigues to make the suffering people of 
Goa's mining belts aware that if the controlled exploitation of these rich 
mineral resources of Goa do not benefit Goa and its people, these must 
remain buried and untouched, irrespective of whether the mining lobby of 
Goa, the government of Goa or the Central Government likes it or not.

Goa Su-Raj Party has, at one time, financed a short  video  documentary 
made by  Sebastian Rodrigues on 'Pissurlem Mines'; the draining of the water 
from the deep mining pits to afford further mining, resulting in the 
domestic wells of the locality running dry soon after the monsoon season; 
cultivable agricultural fields silted, making the tilling of the same 
impossible, scores of citizens of the locality suffering from various 


Re: [Goanet] My Sincere Request...

2008-06-21 Thread Seb dc
I am amased at such a request by dr.barad. Until Satyawan was posting some
inner info. he was okay!. the dotor even said he loved reading his posts.
The moment he gave the dotor some medicine, he becomes an outcast, so much
so that the request comes to even delete his posting from the archives...

Funny isnt IT.


- Original Message -
From: Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 6:06 PM
Subject: [Goanet] My Sincere Request...

 Dear All / Goanet Moderators / Goanet Owner,

 Although Goanet does not insist identity details of a person TO BE A
 OF GOANET it should be one's moral responsibility as a true member of
 to come forward and share one's identity when any other member of Goanet
 puts out such request. Non disclosure of identity despite request raises
 suspiciousness in the mind of members about the authenticity of an

 Please recall the FAMOUS DEBATE ON FAKE IDENTITY which Goanet had to
 shoulder in the past.

 Now considering present fraud played by Satyavan Govekar I request Goanet
 (Moderators as well as Owner) to delete all the messages posted by
 Govekar to Goanet from the archives of Goanet.

 I will spell out my fine tuning request after you delete Satyavan's
 from Goanet archives.

 Best regards,

 Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] job vacancy in mumbai

2008-06-21 Thread edwardingoa
Theres a vacancy for a Receptionist at ICICI Bank Kalina Branch - if u know
anyone pls fwd her biodata -

rgds Viola

[EMAIL PROTECTED] viola.dsouza%40icicibank.com
Best of the Web: Your Eye on the World

Join me on YouTube

[Goanet] Telo Mascarenhas by Shashikar Kelekar not Shashikala Kakodkar - final

2008-06-21 Thread J. Colaco jc
In response to jc's comment:  I suppose the following are examples of
GoaNetters (et others) who are people of slave mentality (as per the
classification of Dr Samir Kelekar: PhD) :  jc, Dr. Teotonio de Souza,
Naraina Coisoro,  the late Pundalik Gaitonde, the late Jose Inacio
Loyola (Portuguese slaves), Cornel da Costa, Eddie Fernandes (British
slaves) et al...

Samir Kelekar asked some questions (My turn to get asked questions) (:-):

I do thank Samir for excluding from this post the FOUL words he used
(a la Rajan Parrikar) in the previous response to me - which GoaNet
obviously rejected . I know many PhDs - these are the only two PhDs I
know who use foul language with any amount of frequency.

Anyway ...back to Samir's questions/comments (1-11 infra): (My answers
commence with CAPS)

[Q1]: tell me --- are you of a slave mentality or not? :  [A1] :  I AM
an absolute slave of details and accuracy.

[Q2] : Does the lathi of 45 years back hurt or not? :  [A2]   QUESTION
REJECTED. Questioner asked to check the dates of the Opinion Poll
before resubmitting his question.

[Q3] : Is your going for Portuguese citizenship a purely opportunistic
thing or not?  [A3]   NO - If Samir knows of any opportunity JC had
or needed, he is invited to tell all.

[Q4] : Accept the fact that you have teamed up with our conquerers:
[A]  JC WILL NOT. You have been conquered by Bribery and other forms
of Corruption. JC can never be on that team.

[Q5]: Even Portuguese would respect the Goan freedom fighters but not
white-wannabe bootlickers such as you. As they say, in a hotel, the
waiter has more arrogance than the owner.  [A5]   NOT BEING A WAITER,
cannot comment. Are you one?

[Q6]: So, tell me, are you trying to do this to impress the Portuguese
consular members who might be members on this list ? [A6]:  TELL ME
WHO THEY ARE. I will try very hard to do the needful to impress them.
but NEVER will use foul language.

[Q7]: Do you get some brownie points for every post that you make
denigrating your own kin? [A7]  YOU have some to give? Use them as

[Q8]: And from where do you get the gall to criticize Lohia?   [A8]
QUESTION REJECTED. Questioner requested to provide proof that JC ever
criticised Lohia before resubmitting question.

[Q9]: You are not even a mosquito in front of a giant personality like
Lohia, man. [A9]   AGREE, JC is not a mosquito.

[Q10] : Re: the line man that you are talking about, if I have done
anything wrong, I am willing to pay the penalty as per the law of the
land. I have nothing to hide.: [A10]: FAIR enough but Is Samir is
telling us it is NOT wrong to bribe?

[Q11] : Come to India and prosecute me if you have the guts:  [A11]:
YOU PROBABLY are plain aware. Individuals do NOT prosecute anybody,
ONLY the State does.

I do have a question about Lohia. I hear that he thundered etc. Was
that a silent thunder or what? From what I have been know, Lohia did
not speak in Margao.

Now Samir...I hope i have answered you questions and responded to your
comments. As you may have noted (hopefully) I have not used foul
language in my response to you.

If you have something really significant to say - please do so. Yours
will be the last word on this topic at this time.


Chill out now ...don't hyperventilate everytime you are reminded of
those Negligent fathers of Goa who left the newborn to the elements
without any plans for the future ..or of your participation
(opportunistic) in the corrupt act of bribery. Just a fact of life.
Accept it and move Mukar Voss (Move ahead). Don't forever fall into
this Mukar Voss, Phattim Voss nonsense. That is meant for the
Kilinders in the bus not for waiters or lines-men (:-)

[Goanet] Mishearing Parrikar ... Seby is Nice all right! , NOT Naxalite

2008-06-21 Thread Miguel Braganza

Manohar-bab thought he was having a friendly chat at his second Home the new 
Assembly complex, [Remember his Speaker, Vishwas-bab, even refused to hand 
over the keys in February, 2005!]. What better time to begin his home-coming 
than a Public Hearing on Home affairs of Goa? He had a captive audience,a 
rare commodity for him these days, and it was supposed to be for a hearing 
anyway!! So he just informed the people  and the Press  that Seby was 
Nice, all right. He did not realise that the power failure in the Assembly 
Complex at that moment was a sign of the times ... and a bad omen for speaking 
about home affairs in public. The Bong Oops! Gong did not ring in his head 
then. Power failure, you see, can be infectious! ;-) Well, it is difficult to 
see the truth in the dark!

This morning I was trying to do things that most people would not dare to 
imagine ...reading the GT Weekender Editorial while listening to NDTV news 
...when a commercial break distracted me. It sounded like Pravin Sabnis singing 
My Goa lies over the green fields, my Goa lies besides the sea. at the Ganv 
Ghor Rakhann Manch meeting in Calangute on 25 May, 2008. It was the same 
familiar tune as My honey lies over the ocean, my money lies across the sea. 
that one hears in the Casinos ...but the words were different , again.My power 
was once in my shoulders went the background singing while two old men, in 
World Wrestling Federation-type WWF outfits, battled in the Boxing ring 
with one chair between the two, till the Punch line came through 'WHAT IS 

While, some people are searching for the LOO in Cidade de Goa [as Old Goa 
was once known] and others are thinking of their imminent Waterloo, Derek 
Almeida [the current Editor of GT] seems to be screaming What a loo? about 
the Nice all right facilities on the living edge of the forests and the mines 
at distant Colomb. 

In the meanwhile, the NEWS FLASH is that the LTTE helicopter thought it was 
Colombo and has bombed it last night. The women suicide squads have also been 
landed in the forest of Colomb. It is a case of mistaken identity. Why did 
someone have to say Oh! after saying Colomb ? One white Tata Sumo jeep with 
the licence No. GA 01 G 1196 with the word POLICE written on it was reportedly 
seen in the area. Perhaps, the Quepem Police are investigating. 

In any case, the humourous Editorial in the GT Weekender is a must read. One 
wonders if Derek actually wrote it . it almost looks like Cecil Pinto has 
planted it there. ;-) It is VANA-MAHOTSAV time any way. Reap as you sow and 
. Read as they plant. Life is too short to learn everything from one's own 
mistakes. In fact, one life time is not even long enough to make all the 
mistakes! Read Tomcat in the Herald, too. Cats have nine lives  and so they 
learn more, from the mistakes of others.

Mog asundi.


Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:55:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Mishearing Parrikar

 Manohar-bab Parrikar has called Seby [Sebastian Rodrigues] a NAXALITE. 


Manohar Parrikar said Seby is Nice all night and day, in fact Seby is nice 
all the time since he is fighting to protect the villagers against the 
construction and mining mafia and their agents (Goan politicians). This has 
been misheard as Naxalite.



Message: 4
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:01:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] We need Whistle Blowers like Mr. Parrikar
We do not need whistle Blowers like Mr. Parrikar [Manohar]. We need more Sebys 
and those figthing to save their land from abuses from the corrupt building and 
mining mafia. 
Solidarity with Seby and the other good people {activists and villagers) who 
are fighting the good fight.


--- On Sat, 6/21/08, Mark D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Mark D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Goanet] We need Whistle Blowers like Mr. Parrikar

 It is very surprising the way people are targeting Mr. Manohar Parrikar
 for his statement or information he has given to the Police about some
 naxalite activities simmering in mining areas of Goa as he is duty bound
 to do so being the Chairman of the Ad-Hoc house committee on Home

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[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Vareavelea Sunknneank Visov Ghevnk Zhaddam Nant?

2008-06-21 Thread lino dourado

 Vareavelea Sunknneank Visov Ghevnk Zhaddam Nant?
 Junachea mhoineant Poornima (full-moon) vo Omas-achea disa hindu ostoreo - 
zannche ghorkar jive astat - tankam bhoilaiki ani boro fuddar magun Vat Savitri 
palltat.  Hea disa, hindu bailen sokallche tond duin tea uprant donparchea 
vellar nitoll udkan nhavun zonn eklean Vat Vriksha (Banyan tree) vo voddachea 
zhaddaxim vochun udkacho ghontt ghevn Vat Savitrichi puja korcheli asta. 
Voddachea zhaddak sutli banddun fulam ani tandlanchi bhettovnni korun bhurgeank 
ani ghorkarak borem jivit anvddetat. Upas samballun chovttea disa chondr devak 
(monn god) udok bhettovun Vat Savitrik argam ditat. 
Sorginchea Bapan. sonvsar rochtanam mon’xakullacho jiv togpak khatir gorjecheo 
vostu varo, udok, rukh-zhaddam rochleant. Varea ani udka porim zhaddam-i bhi  
bhouch unchlem kam’ kortat. Mon’xanchea jivitak zhaddam khub gorjechim ani 
zhaddam xivai mon’xank jieupacho jinnecho orthuch nam zata aslo. Zhaddam 
soimbik bhuim vangoddachi (natural landscape) ek ghantt, kiteak tanchea vorvim 
hova (weather) kosmullchem addvarta. Zhaddam, jiv-prannik ani mon’xak prannvayu 
(oxygen) dita ani vattavoronnann carbon dioxide unnem korta. Tech porim 
zomnnicho thapomann (temperature) zay titlem samballpak adhar zata. Zhaddamchem 
rukhodd (wood) amchim ghoram nettoitat ani soboitat. Dekunuch mon’xak jieunk 
ani borem bholaikechem jivit jietolo zalear rukh-zhaddam odik ani odik ami 
rovpachi nibel goroz. Punn….
Udorgottichea nanvan, mhagelem bhangara sarkelem Goyem aiz zhaddam vinem 
vinglem zalam. Rukh-zhaddanim ani dongurlelim bhorlelem mhagalem Goyem vikallea 
poriavonnan (environmental) ghuspollun fuglam. Eka khallar panchvi (greenery) 
bhorlelem mhagelem Goyem atam konkritanim nettoilam. Ani poisulean (migrant) 
jiv tokun jivak irloso visov ghevnk sodtelim vareavelim sobit sunknnim Goyant 
zhaddam nam ti pollevn ran khateak (forest department) xirap ghalun dusrea 
zagear pollun geleant. 
Portuguesa khallar amkam hukumxay khanvchim poddleli punn mhagelea panchvi 
Goy-ak mat tannim bhurxello hat launk nam. Firgeamnim (Purtegezanim) haddil’lim 
vo vomplelim kaim foll-zhaddanchim aiz meren follam (fruits) khattat. Ani tim 
choddan chodd hindu bhousonkhea (majority) asul’lea ganvanim distat. Portugez 
des-bhoktt toxech tanche niz suttke zuzareanche Goyant asul’leo murti 
(monument) ami moddleo punn, tannim rompil’lim zhaddam mat azun amchea vangnant 
distat. Kiteak……..?
Him zhaddam amchea chaltea jivitachi kallzi ghetat nhoi? Oi! Dor ek dhorman 
zhaddacho upeg kela ani kortat. Zhadd naslem zalear Kristi dhormank orth aslo? 
Khoinchea zhaddar Svami Kristak khillailolo? Hem amkam mothvachem nhoi punn 
amchea hatant rukhoddacho (lankddacho) khuris dista teddnam ami amchea 
bhavartan tea rukhoddacho umo ghetat ani amcho bhavart ghott dovortat. Thoddea 
zhaddamcho jiv vorsanchim vorsam togtta. Povitr Pustokant Jeriko nograntlean  
Jezu vecho aslo. Angan mottvo aslolo Zakev, Jezuk pollevnk rumbddichea zhaddar 
choddlolo. Tem zhadd ajun thoim asa mhunn Jeruzaleak povitr nogrant (holy land) 
yatrikar vo bhett kortele sangtat.
Voddachem zhadd hindu dhormant ek orthabhorit xikonn dita. Zhaddak jiv asa 
mhunn sotmandtat. Magnnim ani dusreo bhetto vodd-zhaddaxim dovortanam jivitan 
vodd-zhadda itlem aplea ghorkarak jivit magttat (vodd-zhadd 250 tem 300 vorsam 
togtta) ani apnnacher randponn yevnchem nhoi mhunn hindu bailanchim magnnim 
astat. Amchea purvozanim roilelim ani rukh-zhaddamnim bhorlelim bhat-bhensam 
duddu melltat mhunn porkeank vikun kaddlim ani tannim koslech zhaddamche 
churchure korinastanam mega project vo vorixtt imaroti bandpache prokolp ube 
kele. Zhaddank lagun amchem Goyem mellea vattovoronann (atmosphere) bhorlam. Az 
ani fuddarak amkam nitoll varo huskarunk mellonam ani mellchonam. Urlele 
rukh-zhaddam fottkire udorgottik lagun katrit ravlear mhaka dista zoxem amcheo 
udkacheo baim duxit (polluted) zavn xud’dh (pure) udok piepak mineral water 
bottle hanchi goroz zalea tech toren thoddea vorsanim nitoll varo huskavpak 
oxygen bottle vikott ghevnk poddot mhunn
 bhirant asa.
Lino B. Dourado