[Goanet] Konkani in Devnagiri script will kill Konkani

2010-05-25 Thread MD
(The below post is self explanatory and it appears 'devnagari lipi
only' was cunningly incorporated by those who write and read marathi
and want devnagari for KonkNi..just to pocket the award money, who
care if no one is interested??? Definitely not Mangaloreans, who by
far are the largest producers of KonkNi literature in Kannada script,
even old Goa records were maintained in Goikanadi, so Kannada script
can and will claim as the recognized scripts for KonkNi.)

Konkani Liberation Convention (Sotaak jeek meLche vater)

History has been cruel to the Konkani people. For reasons as varied as
natural calamities, political oppression and cultural suppression,
Konkanis have had to suffer many a migration, settling in various
regions of the west coast of India. Through centuries, the language
came to acquire many more varieties than an average Indian language,
with regard to the number of dialects, scripts, customs and
traditions. This variety has made Konkani beautiful and unique.

While the time-tested and successful mantra of India’s unity – namely
– ‘unity in diversity’ should have been also Konkani’s mantra for
unity, a small minority of Konkanis have defeated all efforts towards
unity, by attempting to thrust their lipi variety on all others and in
the bargain have tried to destroy all other varieties that exist.

They have, time and again, declared that the Devnagari Lipi is the
only true lipi for Konkani and that unity among Konkanis can be
achieved only if everyone gave-up their lipi and adopted the Devnagari
lipi. In pursuance of this fascist policy –

they have established the All India Konkani Parishad and made it an
exclusive club of ‘Devnagari Wadis’; they have taken over the Konkani
Advisory Board of the Kendr Sahitya Akademi and have ensured that
Konkani literature only in the Devnagari lipi is given the Sahitya
Akademi Awards; mischievously, added the clause ‘as written in
Devnagari’ in the Language Act of Goa; have unsuccessfully, tried to
confuse the Govt. of Karnataka while introducing Konkani in the school
curriculum, in Karnataka; above all, in the name of unity, have
succeeded in dividing the Konkanis through their ‘script politics’ and
have done irreparable damage to Konkani literature.

The eminent Konkani Litterateur Shri Edwin J. F. D’souza, who is one
of the 2 General Council members for Konkani at the Sahitya Akademi,
has now taken-up the issue of the wrong policy that the Akademi has
been practising – namely giving awards to a script and not to the
language – at the highest level and the matter has now been referred
to the ‘Language Development Board of India’ for resolution. We are
hopeful that, at long last, justice will be done.

An Ad-hoc Committee consisting of Konkani litterateurs/activists has
been formed to pursue this issue. The Ad-hoc Committee has convened a
Convention called ‘Suttke Samaavesh’ (Liberation Convention) to
discuss this grave issue and chalk-out a plan of action to liberate
Konkani from such damaging policies. The Convention will be held on
Sunday, May 23, 2010, at St. Aloysius College Auditorium, from 10am to
4 pm. Delegates from Goa, Mumbai, Bangalore, Mysore, Kerela and from
coastal Karnataka will be participating. ‘Unity in Diversity’ will be
the motto of the Convention – as against the ‘one script’ politics
that has ruled Konkani all these years.

This post was by:
"Marcel M DSouza, Machcha Milar, President, Writers Forum, Mangalore"
Posted on Wed May 19, 2010 4:20 a.m. in mangaloreanCatholics.com
Moderator: Ancy D'Souza, Paladka
Ancy DSouza ;


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 21:30:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sebastian Borges 
To: GoaNet fred 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Konkani in Devnagiri script will kill Konkani
Message-ID: <376415.87746...@web113310.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear friends,
Jerry Fernandes (Mess. #4, Iss. #487) seems to be going around in
circles. By (a) Romi Konknni and (b) Devnagari konknni I understand
(a) Konkani language WRITTEN in Roman characters and (b) Konkani
language WRITTEN in Devnagari characters. But for Jerry these terms
stand for Konkani SPOKEN in two different accents, (a) the one he
understands and (b) the one that goes over his head! And he says,
"Hope you understand." I confess that I cannot understand. In fact,
how could anybody understand? I would request him to provide a few
sentences in what he calls "Romi Konknni" and some (not necessarily
the same) in what he calls "devanagari Konkani." Then perhaps we could
make some sense of what he wants to say. Perhaps, like many members of
his tribe, he cannot write properly one single sentence in his Romi
Konknni using Roman characters. Gratuitously, he provides a few
sentences in Hindi, which is certainly beside the point. And I am not,
nor was, a professor
 of the Konkani Language. So he could cut that out too and refer to me
simply as 'borges'.
I can certainly write him a message in my Saxtti Konknni using Roman
characters: "Zannmuga! 

[Goanet] Flysing Squads fail - Now parade a donkey

2010-05-25 Thread soter
A report in Herald declares that the flying squad failed to halt filling of 
a low lying area in Mungul, South Goa. After one and half hour two policemen 
are said to have appeared on the site and did nothing.

Just to recall what I had posted on goanet about the flying squads on 
"So it is final. Dial 1077 from monday for the flying squad to tackle 
filling of low lying areas and illegal construction on hill slopes. 
Announcing is one thing and implementing is another. All depends on the 
connectivity of BSNL. If you hear "All lines on this route are busy" "Hea 
marga voileo soglleo line-i kamant guntleat" then you may keep dialling till 
the illegality is complete and no proof on site.
The catch word is 'illegal'. So if you get permission to fill a low lying 
area or construct on a hill slope it will not be a case for the flying 
squad. There are no base-line maps notified about low lying areas and slope 
gradients in Goa. So it is left to a civil servant to discern what is low 
lying and a hill slope which largely depends on his eyesight and mental 
Any how, let us wait and watch how the government initiative flies in the 
next week. There is no doubt that the benefit of 1077 will be fully utilised 
by citizens."

In a letter to the Herald despatched on 15/5/2010, I had stated
". All that talk about 'flying squads' being put in place is rubbish as 
it appears that the Digu Government is more interested in cultivating ' 
fleeing squads' that can help destroy the eco-sensitive zones as soon as 
possible. The filling of khazan lands and destruction of mangroves along 
Ribandar Patto is going on right under the nose of the TCP department which 
is situated just a few metres away. Destruction like in Naroa at Bicholim is 
like a slap on the face of Goans from these arrogant outsiders."

Just two days ago some village groups paraded a pig in Carmona. Now some 
others can parade a donkey.

All is well !


[Goanet] When life begins scientifically

2010-05-25 Thread Ivo da C.Souza

   [1] jc wrote:  Dear Santoshbab,  I disagree with both you and Fr. Ivo on 
this matter. I believe that "life" begins with the act which might lead to 

[2] Fr Ivo wrote: This is absolutely wrong. It is coming from a 
pediatrician (known as a "JOKER"). Good that he "believes" that life begins 
with the sexual-genital intercourse, which "might lead to conception". We are 
scientifically and medically illiterate ("quacks"), but we are sure that human 
life begins with the first moment of conception.


   I did NOT say that  .life begins with the sexual-genital intercourse, 
which "might lead to conception". Read again (if you wish) carefully. You just 
might spot the difference between what I wrote and what you (and possibly, MD) 

  Once again, I do not expect Fr Ivo to understand (officially, at least) what 
I wrote. 

  **I find JC beating around the bush. He does not tackle any problem 
seriously. He may divert our attention to "postal tuition" and despise the 
valid statements. I am not interested in the answers given by JC, which have no 
value whatsoever, though he holds a medical diploma. I stand by what I have 
said: Human life begins scientifically from the moment of conception. What else 
could lead to conception? I do not need any "official" document to say what I 
am saying.

[Goanet] Ungrateful Goan Politicians

2010-05-25 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Ungrateful Goan Politicians


"Monxeak sondanch denk asonk zaiyo" is an old Konkanni adage, in English it
means, we have to be grateful to our benefactors. It is indeed only prudent to
be grateful, and in most cases this is accepted and religiously followed, as it
is only ethical and supposed to reflect a good upbringing. This particular trait
is not just evident in most average humans, but also prevalent in most animals
too, which they adhere to with due diligence, the dog being the epitome of this
congenial virtue, alas, it would have been so wonderful if only, some more of
our humans species, particularly the present breed of politicians had indeed
taken a lesson from the dogs and showed some sense of appreciation and gratitude
towards the electorate for electing and bringing them to power, even though the
choice of the electorate is certainly questionable.   


Last couple of years we the people of Goa have borne the blunt for the excessive
voracity and gluttony of our politicians, who in their quest for plethora of
wealth and affluence have subjected our peaceful lives to depravity and
degeneration. The peaceful, fun loving days of Goans have all but vanished and
with all that's prevailing in Goa, we Goans have become a peeved lot and our
corrupt politicians unflinching in their mission, undistracted by the surge in
agitations, continue to pour down disparity and melancholy over the already
aggrieved Goans, adding fuel to the already burning fire within.


Even though it is of utmost importance for politicians, while holding public
office, to conduct themselves with probity and a certain amount decorum, our
politicians certainly do lack in ethics and morals and from what has transpired
in Goa during the last few days, it's obvious that our CM is also suffering from
what appears to be a terminal case of a particularly virulent form of the
foot-in-mouth disease. 


Our CM says that he does not need our votes, which also means, stick up your
votes, you know where, showing us the middle finger and then in all sincerity
tells women, that politics is not for them, which means politics is macho, which
makes him a blatant sexist and his inflammable concoction of ego and libido is
certainly on display. It's not at all difficult to assume why the senior member
of the Congress and the only lady in the Vidhan Sabha has not been included in
the ministry. He just does not believe in the capabilities of women. If one goes
through history, women leaders of the world have had far fewer scandals, if not
minimal compared to their male counterparts. 


Whatever said and done we should not forget these two axioms of the CM, come
what may and give a fitting riposte during the next assembly elections. We all
know that the Congress in Goa has survived only on account of the Catholics and
the migrant vote bank, Catholics have surely not benefited from this unfortunate
amalgamation but now it's time to show just how valuable our votes are, the CM
may not need our votes as he has already made arrangements, courtesy Monti
Dongor, Kahrebandh, Dovorlim and of course Gandhi market, the new fish and
vegetable market and the wholesale market, but a good ethical and competent
candidate will surely need our votes.


In the last few days the arrogance of our elected representatives has come to
the fore, with the CM doing a commendable job and the PWD Minister following
suit, supporting a Bombay builder against the local populace. Now is the right
time that we Goans showed the corrupt lot the door. As people are united, they
should continue this agitation with vigour, especially our women should show our
CM, that they mean business, as about 50% if not more, voters are women. I think
it's time to bring down the Ali Baba government. We do not need ungrateful
people to govern us, "denk naslole monis amkam nakai",  Digambar Kamat Hai Hai !
Down with Digambar Kamat !


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Who the bleep cares about the Costas of Margao

2010-05-25 Thread Carvalho
Dear Antonio,
You are asking me to write on one of my favourite topics that of the author Gip.

He was the most unusual writer Goa has ever produced, not celebrated as much as 
her other authors perhaps because what he wrote was so hurtful to Goan society 
at the turn of 19th century. I am trying to collect as much information about 
him as possible and thanks to some family contacts and other helpful people 
have been able to compile some information, which I am keeping under wraps for 

He was a lawyer, much like many other Costa sons in the family. He then wrote a 
column in his uncle's newspaper O Ultramar, under the pen-name Gip. The column, 
Notas a lapis, was compiled into a book Jacob e Dulce, which I think might 
still be in print. It should be available either in English or Portuguese, as 
it was translated into English by his grand-nephew.

If you haven't already read the book, please do read it. I am sure you will 
thoroughly enjoy it. It parodies Margao elite society, and I believe when he 
wrote it, it was rumoured that he based the book on some elite families of 
Margao. This charge was never proven, he himself simply alluded to them being 
based on universal Goan characters. These characters as as alive today in Goa, 
as they were in 1890 when he wrote of them and in that sense, one realises how 
glacial the evolution of our society has been.

Take care,


[Goanet] Sorry Tale about 1077

2010-05-25 Thread Mario Andrew Rodrigues

Floriano(GSRP)  always does what needs to be done rather than expect others to 
Floriano(GSRP) always takes the initiative rather than wait for others to take 
Floriano(GSRP) always leads rather than follow..
Floriano(GSRP) always does what is good for ourselves rather than him-self
Floriano(GSRP) always tries his best to show us the way even though we choose   
some other way.
Floriano(GSRP)  always makes a straight forward statement rather than 
diplomatic which is often considered double standard

Floriano(GSRP)  always works on his table and not under his table

Floriano(GSRP)  always sits on his  chair which has legs  to serve others and 
not on a chair which has to be served legs

Floriano(GSRP)  always has agendas(road map) which is FOR GOA &  GOANS and not 
agendas like alibaba and 40 thieves which are AGAINST GOA & GOANS 

and many moreyou'll add them..

and last but not the least

IF GSRP is given a chance to govern  I do not think we will hear SABI LINEH 
VYAST HAIM as is the case with the current lot of busy government who are busy 
looting , selling , destroying Goa and they might even agree to turn beautiful  
Goa's to 'GUU-HA' state.


So much for now





> Message: 10
> Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 17:19:13 +0530
> From: "floriano" 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Subject: [Goanet] Sorry tale about 1077 - The much touted CMs Flying
> Squad
> Message-ID: <5d5f5d856de74f6db8c846d139dcc...@home>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> reply-type=original
> There is heavy hill cutting going on in my vicinity. Therefore, since I was 
> the victim of the police action at the secretariat for just this demand (of 
> the flying squad implementation) I called 1077 for the very first time. And, 
> as expected, the answering machine came on [SABI LINEH VYAST HAIM]. This 
> was happening since morning, today. Therefore, peeked about this, I decided 
> on some action. The first call was to the TCP Dept. Mapusa. They directed me 
> to TCP Panjim. Surprisingly I got the TCP Chief on the line. Exchanging 
> greetings, I told him my sorry tale about 1077. He was apologetic and told 
> me that it is not his department's concern but that of the Collector 
> (North). Could I please persue that angle? My next call was to the Collector 
> (North). I spoke to the collector's secretary (who is well known to me). She 
> directed me to the Flying Squad incharch Mr. Ferrao. I gave him the details 
> and the whereabouts of the hill cutting. I asked him to check if this site 
> has 17A (hill cutting permission) and to check this site nevertheless. I 
> also told him that I would wait with a garland to inaugurate his first 
> mission, if that was it.
> When he wanted to know who the caller is, I told him my various designations 
> and also informed him that I was one of the arrested at the secretariat for 
> asking questions about his Flying squad mission. That he better take action 
> to verify this complaint or else there would be an atom bomb under his seat. 
> He got the message.
> For the kind information of those who will encounter 'SABI LINEH VYAST HAIM' 
> when dialled 1077.
> Mr. Ferrao (Dy. Collector) incharge North Goa Flying Squad Mobile: 
> 9881445375
> Collector (North) 2223612
> Cheers
> floriano.l...@gmail.com
> from PPS to PPS [People for Political Sanity - to - People's Power System -
> 9890470896
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM [The Battle At Kruger]
> www.goasu-raj.org

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

Re: [Goanet] ' Paldadacho Munis' - Review by Derek Almeida - GT- May 25 Pg12.

2010-05-25 Thread floriano

As we are writing this, WE ARE FURIOUS'


Because we are blue-blooded GOANs, having been born and brought up in this 
land called GOA. And we love our mother-tongue which is ' KONKANNI' (script 
does not matter one way or the other but the term 'only Devnagri' must be 
expunged from the Official Language Act, sooner the better).

And this word 'PALTADACHO' is as foreign to us  as GREEK. Therefore, we 
suggest that the maker of this famous movie, for once, decide,  if the name 
of the Movie is 'Paltadacho Munis' Or 'POLTODCHO MUNIS'

Goans have always understood 'Altoddi' ani 'Poltoddi' . Therefore the word 
should be 'Altodcho or Poltodcho'.

And a sounding goes to all and sundry who call themselves GOANS. Do not 
'bastardize' the Konkanni Language' please. As it is we are having enough 
problems within and without. This sounding also goes to our good friend 
Derek Almeida  who might not dwell on the importance of the spelling and/or 
the  meaning of the word 'Paltadcho'.

If, by any chance, the maker of the film stands by this word 'Paltadcho' , 
then this Party  gives a call to all Goans who are truly Goans to boycott 
this film, even if it is in Konkanni, because the name itself is foreign and 
'KONKANNI' lovers will not want to have anything to do with this film.

Enough is Enough

Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary,
Goa Su-Raj Party

It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest 

Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined, 
or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance' 
be identified and accepted.

for a date in 2012

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness 


2010-05-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
The post appended below indicates that its author has either overlooked the 
evidence I have provided in this thread, or does not know what is meant by 
proof or evidence. Please see my previous post in this thread for evidence of 
selective religious bias in the original propaganda piece posted here. Here is 
the link:


I have provided evidence as to why the news report, its title and the apparent 
background and focus of the researchers gives the erroneous impression that 
only Christian women face endless violence in the Kandhamal region. 

To bolster the fact that women of all religions in Kandhamal are victims of 
violence at the hands of criminals let me also provide another recent news 
report from Times of India regarding trafficking of women. Here is the link:


The title of this piece is: "Orissa formulates special policy to combat women 

Here is a pertinent excerpt:  

Data available with the home department said as many as 3,578 women, mostly 
minor and young girls, remained untraced between 2000 and 2005.

Of them, 1,418 were minor girls (12 to 14 years old) and 1,342 young girls (21 
to 30 years old). There were also 818 married women in the list and of them the 
police had rescued 238 married women, 294 young girls and 492 minor girls from 
different places, the data revealed. 



--- On Mon, 5/24/10, Anthony M Barreto  wrote:
> The good scientist Dr. Helekar has
> raised some questions without seeing the need to back them
> up with definite empirical proof to suggest that 1. it is
> religious propaganda and 2. it is selective. 
> Forget "these" researchers and activists, why are other
> researchers and activists ignoring violence against other
> women if there is any?
> Being objective is obviouly a prerequisite for a scientific
> attitude.  
> Regards
> Tony Martin

[Goanet] NEWS: Catholic Forum Launches Nationwide Protest Against Anti-Christian Facebook Pages (SAR)

2010-05-25 Thread Goanet News
Catholic Forum Launches Nationwide Protest Against Anti-Christian Facebook Pages


MUMBAI, Maharashtra (SAR NEWS) -- Catholic Secular Forum (CSF), a
Mumbai-based national activist community non-governmental
organization, has launched a countrywide protest against Facebook and
called upon the government of India to ensure that blasphemous pages
of any and all religions are taken off the website.

In a press release here May 24, CSF general secretary Joseph Dias said
a research by the forum had shown a number of pages on the social
networking site Facebook, especially in the ‘F***’ series, were worse
than the ‘Draw the Prophet’ pages, which were being protested by
Muslims throughout the world.

“These pages hurt the sensibilities of the followers of various faiths
and must be taken off forthwith. CSF joins the protesting Muslims,
especially since Jesus Christ is also considered a prophet in Islam
and respect the desire of Muslims not to have a depiction of their
prophet, as per the tenets of their faith,” Dias stated.

Facebook has a number of venerable figures and religions ridiculed,
saying religion is not above criticism. Links for these sites
available with the CSF have been forwarded to the Union government for
immediate action of getting the same removed from the website.

“These web pages are highly offensive to religious sentiments and
hence the call for action,” the CSF release said.

The forum also called upon Facebook to tender an unconditional apology
to the world for hurting the religious sentiments of millions of
followers of different faiths.

It urged Sonia Gandhi, the chairperson of the United Progressive
Alliance that heads the government at the Centre, and Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh to resolve the issue by blocking the website.

“CSF is not for banning Facebook or its related websites, as it would
adversely affect the interests of millions, many of whom are dependent
on the Internet for their living, business, networking, etc. Sites
like this must, however, be held responsible for objectionable content
to prevent the potential disastrous consequences of their actions,”
the release said.

Re: [Goanet] Sorry Tale about 1077

2010-05-25 Thread floriano

Dear Mario,

I am sure you will add 'Paltadacho Munis' to this long list.

I have always said that I do not want pats on my back. I do things because I 
am very very selfish, only for myself. And if these things come in handy or 
helps someone else/others, so be it.

Mni Mni thanks
Hopefully more of us will do more things because they want these things for 
themselves and not for others.


- Original Message - 
From: "Mario Andrew Rodrigues" 

To: "goanet goanet" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 11:07 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Sorry Tale about 1077

Floriano(GSRP)  always does what needs to be done rather than expect 
others to do 
Floriano(GSRP) always takes the initiative rather than wait for others to 
take it.

Floriano(GSRP) always leads rather than follow..

[Goanet] Fw: ' Paldadacho Munis' - Review by Derek Almeida - GT- May 25 Pg12.

2010-05-25 Thread floriano

- Original Message - 
From: floriano 
To: Devika Sequeira 
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: ' Paldadacho Munis' - Review by Derek Almeida - GT- May 25 Pg12.

Devika, My dear,

You don't know what you are talking about.
I am protesting the word 'Paltadacho' because as according to me, in Konkanni 
context,  it tries to sell me  'poltodcho' .

If you don't know your konkanni, don't blame me. The title must be as good as 
the movie.
I can accept 'P o l t o d c h o' but not 'paltadacho', because the Konkanni I 
grew with, has no word like paltadacho meaning poltodcho. If such a word does 
exist, then it is a bastardized version and anything bastardized will not work, 
at least with Konkanni.

I have not said anything about not  accepting the movie, only that true Goans 
should boycot it until the name is sensibly changed or corrected.

However, I shall want you to know that I have not yet seen the movie and shall 
eagerly see it as amd when to the name is announced as ' POLTODCHO MUNIS'

And I am calling you 'one' because you have the cheek to open up your gob on 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Devika Sequeira 
  To: floriano 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 11:19 AM
  Subject: Re: ' Paldadacho Munis' - Review by Derek Almeida - GT- May 25 Pg12.

  This is nothing short of absurd. 

  Have you seen the film? For once we have a Goan filmmaker who has defied all 
odds to make a really professional, sensitive film, shorn of all the filmi 
melodrama one sees even in 'parallel' Indian cinema, and you believe you have 
the right to challenge him on such a petty count?

  Please keep your low-level provincial politics out of art and literature.

  Devika Sequeira  

  On 25 May 2010 10:40, floriano  wrote:

As we are writing this, WE ARE FURIOUS'


Re: [Goanet] NEWS: 158 killed as AI plane overshoots runway, crashes in Mangalore

2010-05-25 Thread Glenn Pereira - Culinary Institute
It must have been a wet lease aircraft where the owner supplies the cockpit


-Original Message-
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org
[mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Oscar Lobo
Sent: Tuesday, 25 May 2010 3:10 PM
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] NEWS: 158 killed as AI plane overshoots runway,
crashes in Mangalore

It is a tragedy by all counts to loose the lives of so many.  May God 
give their families strength to overcome their respective catastrophic 

What intrigued me was why did the Air India Management recruit a Serbian 
or as some sources claim a Russian Pilot?  Don't we have enoughh Pilots 
in India? Or was the appointment of a non-Indian meant to cut costs?

A probe on the recruitment of non-Indian Pilot may be required.

Oscar C. Lobo

[Goanet] Caitan Fernandes. You have won!

2010-05-25 Thread JoeGoaUk
Caitan Fernandes. You have won pearl set worth Rs.2500.
Just pay delivery charges Rs.525. 
If you agree to pay Rs.525 SMS your name/address to 5667745.
Sender Ba-Lucky
Above SMS  received  yesterday on idea cellular network (name changed)
Another way of spamming/Scams by  taking your full  real name etc.
Looks likes anybody can access the subscribers personal details now.
As for DND or DNC (Do not disturb/Call), I  did register for this services.
However, it appears that like their vouchers & /plans, this services too 
has validity or expiry period say one or two years?
Don’t know if there is any separate service for ‘DNT’ (DO NOT TEXT)

copy to 
Pune/Maharastra  Idea Circle
some useful links
TRAI website (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)
DO NIT DISTURB  (DND) - Idea suctomers only


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] OMVN: Miramar

2010-05-25 Thread JoeGoaUk
OMVN: Miramar 

[Goanet] Goa CM challenges Sonia?

2010-05-25 Thread rajendra kakodkar

The Nation lauded Sonia Gandhi for being instrumental in getting the Women’s 
reservation bill passed against all odds. Her homework, balancing of forces and 
timing were impeccable in her efforts to get more women in politics.
But recently Goa CM, Digamber Kamat reportedly challenged her saying that women 
should keep off from politics. Does this not signal that he has become 
politically very very strong? Why did he promote gender bias? Are these remarks 
different than Khaps, Talibans and safrons? He also reportedly told Goan 
whistle-blowers, “I don’t need your votes”. 
Though the media paints him as meak, Kamat has been a bold and strong CM. He 
flung aside Narvekar and Madkaikar effortlessly. Narvekar or Madkaikar could do 
nothing. Despite the unwillingness of entire cabinet, he bullied through the 
first private interest ordnance of Goa. He has been taking GBA and other 
activists for a ride now almost three years. 
But with all these successful heroics, his feet are now certainly off the 
Rajendra Kakodkar  

[Goanet] FILM REVIEW: Paltadacho Munis (reviewed by Derek Almeida)

2010-05-25 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

A touching tale, but…

Movie Review
By Derek Almeida

Paltadacho Munis (The Man Beyond the Bridge)
Director: Laxmikant Shetgaonkar

Last Friday writer-director Laxmikant Shetgonakar’s internationally 
acclaimed film ‘Paltadacho Munis’ was released in the State to local 
audience for the first time…and the response was not as good as expected.

The film is a delicate and warm tale about a lonely man who takes in a 
demented woman, much against the wishes of the community. Then he takes 
her to bed, and matters get a lot more complicated after she gets pregnant.

The film, which is based on a book by Mahabaleshwar Sail, won the 
critics award at the Toronto film festival in 2009 and recently bagged 
the Grand Jury Prize for the best narrative feature at the 8th Annual 
Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles 2010.

Vinayak (Chittaranjan Giri) is a forester virtually condemned by the 
department to look after a large swath of forest. His constant requests 
for a transfer are turned down by higher ups. He undertakes his duties 
with diligence. Alone, Vinayak pines for his lost wife who died in an 
animal attack. His only interaction is with the labour force that tends 
the trees, men at the market and an elderly lady whom he refers to as 
‘mausi’ played by Prashanti Talpankar.

Life is quite mundane until he, one night, spots a seemingly demented 
woman lurking near his quarters. Initially, he tries to drive her away, 
but she is persistent. He first leaves food in a vessel for her to eat. 
Next he forces her into the bathroom and gives her a bath, some of his 
wives clothes and gradually a relationship build up. This sets the stage 
for a clash between Vinayak and the local community.

Shetgaonkar’s strength lies in the fact that he never loses grip of the 
narrative with actors coming and going but always pushing the narrative 
forward. The flip side is that this approach leaves little room for 
sub-plots, dramatic scenes, memorable lines or a touch of humour. 
Besides, the audience is not told who the woman (Veena Jamkar) really 
is, where she comes from, or the reason for her present condition.

The focus is kept on the two main characters at the expense of all 
others. Shetgaonkar’s dependence on visuals and symbols to tell the 
story results in poor dialogue lines and hence no other character really 
develops as the film progresses. This poses problems because intolerance 
of the community to Vinayak’s relationship is vital to the film.

The film, which runs at a rather slow pace, has some trying moments and 
some warm ones. The intimate moments between Vinayak and the woman are 
handled with great sensitivity with Shetgaonkar stopping short of going 

Another touching scene is when ‘mausi’ crosses the bridge for the last 
time leaving Vinayak alone on the other side. But overall, the film is 
more cerebral than a play of emotions, and yet a little heart warming.

‘Paltadacho Munis’ is definitely not a ‘multiplex’ film. It is not 
something made for a target audience. It is a simple film about a simple 
man who is forced to react when posed with a change in circumstances.

However, for the first film, Shetgaonkar has shown that he has a grasp 
of the medium, a rare talent for telling stories and a potential to 
scale greater heights. His greatest challenge in the future will be to 
keep a balance between the narrative, interesting dialogue and 
simultaneously create lasting characters. Even the best of directors 
lose their way along the path to making great films.  (ENDS)

First published in Gomantak Times, Goa - May 25, 2010

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

[Goanet] God and You

2010-05-25 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- you are resting at home and the front door is open and you are 
enjoying the fresh breeze.Suddenly you get the visitor a couple who comes to 
your door with the message " we have come to give you the good news of the 
Lord." but instead of calling them in and allowing them to tell you the message 
that Jesus is the Mesiah you react violently and drive them out and abuse them 
calling them false prophets. Why do you react like that ! because you are not 
sure of your religion.You do not know Christ to distinguish between false 
prophets and the true shepherd. You are ignorant of the bible because you never 
open it.  You react because you do not have a bible and you do not know the 
meaning of the word of God and the value of the Bible. Today many Hindus have 
begun to read Bible. I met a Hindu woman who without asking came to me and 
started to speak about Jesus. She told me about the beatitudes and about Paul's 
letter to the Romans. I did not react violantly because I know the value of 
God's word.Jesus has told us to spread the gospel. For Roman Catholics it is 
only theoritical and not practical because we do not mind talking about 
politics and we do not mind talking about the priests and nuns and of the 
rising price but we feel ashamed to speak what is in the bible because we have 
no knowledge of the same and when we open the same it will be like someone 
talking about the atmosphLovere without knowing how many gases it contains.Many 
times we console ourselves by saying that Jesus has given us his mother who 
will save us. Catholic Religion is just a hollow religion which does not 
contain any aerodome to allow landing of plane of love and where there is no 
love there is no God and where there is no God there is no peace and when we do 
not have peace we cannot achieve salvation. Jesus has clearly said " I am the 
truth the life . read these words yourselves. Do not console yourself that 
your religion has been founded by Christ and you have every right to enter into 
the kingdom of heaven. Let these thoughts not be just infactuations and hope 
you do not lose happiness in heaven because you refused to accept Jesus through 
the Bible. After death there won't be any of these so called leaders to back 
you and help you nor can you come back to tell your family that all is not well 
with our religion because our catholic religion is mere theory but lacking in 
love for fellow men.   
The amazing world in sharp snaps

[Goanet] Broadcasting live

2010-05-25 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
I am sure that many are aware of this site ..but those who wish to
get unbiased and fair  views/opinions out, may consider this Audio
Video option


presently, I am following the happenings in Jamaica at

good luck


Re: [Goanet] Khristapurana, Brahman and Person: Essays by Richard De Smet

2010-05-25 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Dear MD,
This Eknath Easwaran is not Sant Eknath--let us be clear about
this! Needless to add, but he is also not on the Taize site, and the manner
in which my post was demarcated made it unambiguous.

Eknath Easwaran is a spiritual teacher and is the author of among other
books, 1000 Names of Vishnu; pub by Jaico Boks. He was a Professor of
English Lit at Nagpur, and travelled to the US via the Fullbright exchange
program in 1959. This Eknath if I am not mistaken is still alive.

Respectfully, the question about the blaming bit is not something that was
part of my post, which was a subtler analogy on Brahman [in a broad sense to
be seen as Ultimate Reality] via, Nada de turbe.So let us not go there!?

I am very aware of the Bhakti Sants, and have many books of their verse here
in New York. Thanks much for sharing. Hope this clarifies.

Btw, what does MD stand for?

venantius j pinto

Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 10:26:42 -0700
> From: MD 
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Khristapurana,Brahman and Person: Essays by
>Richard De  Smet
> (Del)
> Eknath wrote chiefly in the Ovi metre and his most popular work is his
> metrical translation of the Bhagwad Gita, generally called 'Eknathi
> Bhagwat'. He died in 1608.
> My comments:
> I came accross a website a few days ago,  that had the above information.
> Surprising, Eknath's name should come up here.
> I also happened to attend one Taize prayer in a Toronto Church and the
> hymns
> sung and the prayers indeed were wonderful, par excellence.  Soft light,
> soft music soft spoken prayers and time to reflect, it was great.
> This originated in Taiz, France.
> Come to think of it:
> "Eknath was put out of caste and once his poems were publicly sunk in the
> river Godavari."
> Who do we blame for this atrocity
> MD.
> Message: 4
> Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 23:34:13 -0400
> From: Venantius J Pinto 

> As usual in my opinion: a reasonable tangent.
> Nothing we receive to include the Self "can diminish the infinite stores of
> love and wisdom."

> >From Eknath Easwaran's Purna (Full) in 1000 names of Visnhu.
> By St.Teresa
> Nada te turbe,
> Nada te espante
> Todo se pasa.
> Dios no se mua
> La pacienza
> Todo lo alcanza.
> Quien a Dios tiene
> Nada le falta.
> Solo Dios basta.
> Let nothing upset you;
> Let nothing frighten you.
> Everything is changing;
> God alone is changeless.
> Patience attains the goal.
> Who has God lacks nothing,
> God alone fills all his needs.

> Btw, it is amazing to see and be a part of the youth at Taiz? sing a
> version
> of the above (in tandem with various Alleluia's, the Magnificat/s, B?nissez
> le Seigneur, Bless the Lord, etc. (Cluny
> chants),
> close to the Abbaye de Cluny 
> (in
> eng.), France.
> The Taiz? version <
> http://www.taize.fr/spip.php?page=chant&song=483&lang=en>
> .
> Na-da te tur-be,
> nada te_es.pan-te;
> quien a Dios tie-ne,
> na-da le fal-ta.
> Na-da te tur-be,
> na-da te_es-pan-te
> s?-lo Dios
> bas-ta.
> Nothing can trouble,
> nothing can frigh-ten
> those who seek God shall ne-ver go want-ing,
> God a-lone fills us.
> (DEL)

[Goanet] Holy Trinity Church Nagoa, Arpora, Baga Celebrating 450 Years ...

2010-05-25 Thread Vasant Baliga
History of Nagoa Church
The Christianity  : From Verem-Candolim the Franciscan Religious reached Nagoa. 
Nagoa became a vast parish : Parra, Anjuna, Assagao, Siolim-Marna, Oxel and 
Saligao wer under this parish. That is why the church of Nagoa was called 
MATRIZ meaning the MOTHER of all the other churches. As the number of their 
Christians kept rising, they would be constituted as independent Parishes later 
When did Christianity reach Nagoa? According to F. X. Costa, the Church of 
Nagoa was established in 1560 though the writer does not mention where he found 
this date (Anais Franciscanos em Bardez, Nova Goa, 1926). Keeping aside the 
Church or "Reitoria" of Verem, the Parish of Nagao should be the second in 
Bardez. As stated by Paulo de Trindade however, the Church of Nagoa is the 
First (Conquista Espiritual do Oriente - Lisboa, 1957, Vol I); but this is an 
error because atleast the church of Candolim was already there in 1556 (cfr. 
Achilles Meersman - p. 107).
The 1st church that had been built with the proceeds of begging must have been 
very simple, perhaps of mud and wood. In 1679 the church was rebuilt by the 
local "Communidades" and later on in 1893, it was further improved. 
Another source furnishes the following information: The Church of Nagoa was 
established and dedicated to the Holy Trinity when Frei Pedro de Belen 
(1560-63) was the Protector of Christians (Comissario Geral). To construct this 
church, that priest had to collect alms elsewhere in addition to the 
contributions of the villagers : that church was built in 1679. The church was 
given a new shape and it looked as the biggest among the churches of Bardez. It 
was renovated in 1893. In this year the Franciscan religious were not there in 
Nagoa or in Bardez.
In 1635 Frei Paulo da Trindade, O.F.M writes : The 1st church in Bardez is that 
of Nagoa; ten comes that of Reis-Magos. There are many Christians : 3357 of 
Confession, 100 of communion and 837 children. There are four villages under 
this parish : Nagoa, Parra, Arpora and Saligao.
At that time (September 1575 - August 1578) the Governor of Goa was Dom Diogo 
de Menezes. The Muslim King, Idalcao (Adil Khan) waged a war against the 
Portuguese; this war got the name of GORGA. The Muslims entered Bardez and 
tried to burn down the Church of Nagoa. That Church still looked as a chapel. 
The Muslim people entered the church and collected the dry coconut palms from 
the compound, filled the church with them and set them on fire. The church had 
then been already built and ready with a ceiling, etc.
Though the church was engulfed in fire, it suffered no loss. The church 
remained as it was earlier without any vestige of fire. Since they did not 
succeed in burning down the small church or chapel, the muslims got on to the 
roof of the chapel and destroyed all the tiles. Then they went into the 
churchyard. They sought help of some villagers of Nagoa too to cut down the 
cross that stood in front of the main entrance of the church. These were the 
villagers who were still non-Christian. The 1st blow came from those who were 
enraged with Christianity. 
After the war, the Franciscan Missionaries started raising the Cross again. For 
this purpose they needed a scaffold made of trunks of areca trees and other 
supports. Some of the villagers also came to help them in the task. 
This assault had taken place in spite of peace agreement made by the Portuguese 
with the Muslim King of Bijapur on 22nd October, 1576. Earlier in 1543 the King 
of Bijapur had, though reluctantly given the Portuguese the possession of the 
districts of Salsette and Bardez. In August of 1654 however the army of Bijapur 
entered Bardez and arrived in Mapusa and another reached Tivim.
IIn 1720 - Parra had then become a new Parish - there were 3593 Catholics in 
the Nagoa parish. The then Rector Frei Jose da Conceisao furnished this number. 
Frei Achilles Meersman presents the name of 8 rectors : from 1585 to 1767. The 
last Rector was Frei Lucas de S. Diogo (1766-67). But Leopoldo Rocha gives the 
name of 30 rectors. The 1st Diocesan Vicar was Caetano Rodrigues (1767).
Between 1602 and 1605 the Rector was Frei Joao de S. Matias. This Rector had 
learned Konkani very well and it was he who translated Cardinal Belarmino's 
"Symbolum Fidei" (Profession of Faith) into Konkani, first in prose and later 
in verse. He had also written the Life of Jesus Christ under the title of 

[Goanet] Ref.: Godfrey Pereira's bloody rhetoric

2010-05-25 Thread tony martin
Godfrey Pereira's bloody rhetoric did not impress me. In fact Goa is indeed
heading for all types of trouble but what Goa needs is not rhetoric from
high pedestals across the seas. What we need is some action on the home
front. We don't need overseas-settled advisors who take the liberty to offer
us unsolicited advice on how we should protect ourselves and our beloved

Some of these f**king overseas Goans from the cozy comfort of their luxury
life always find themselves in the preaching mode. Perhaps it is their way
of entertaining themselves lost in an alien land they cannot connect.

But they certainly have better ways to show they care. Tell me what overseas
organisation is walking for the Goan cause. Most are sefish, self-seeking
parasites out to draw blood the easy way. If I had the patience and
inclination i could have exposed their true colours like the insides of a
rotting watermelon.
Rhetoric is an air balloon. The key is action. Can people like Godfrey
Pereira be a part of the action to fight what ails Goa? That is a big joke
nobody would like to laugh at.

Tony Martin

[Goanet] a couple of questions

2010-05-25 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
Goa's CM Kamat's remark - politics makes you crazy- made to some women who
wanted to meet him to discuss an issue intrigued me as did the video
surprise me. Did most people see both? Does politics make one crazy is a
good question? Why wasn't Kamat asked what he meant? Was he saying he is no
longer the same person after getting into power or was he implying only men
don't become crazy? Does he feel a sadness about it?  A fall from grace? Why
wasn't the point clarified in a dignified manner rather than the screaming
and shouting we witnessed in the video? Or is this normal behavior in Goa
I've been misquoted, how many times do we hear this statement? Don't Goan
reporters carry recording devices or not? Or are they banned when they meet
a politician? In future, it  might be a good idea to do so as it is easier
to identify the facts, who said what! All this appears so strange, something
you'd expect in Wonderland rather in Goa? Or is Goa, Wonderland?

[Goanet] football ground for practice for Goans in Qatar

2010-05-25 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Dear fellow GOANS
Once again its time for FOOTBALL, get your boots ready for SATURDAY 29th May
from 5 to 7pm at AL Ahli grounds,Once again FREE and OPEN to all Goans.

[Goanet] Much ado about nothing

2010-05-25 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi Joao,
True. So true about seeing/witnessing "action." Yet, it is it happening at
its own pace. It is hard to allow oneself to be propelled towards it, and
often harder to see too. Even rejecting certain ways/ways of being and not
accepting anything sub-par (including forced-existential realities) is a
form of action, which may not be regarded as such in these times. Thank
venantius j pinto

> From: Joao Barros-Pereira 
> To: goanet 
> Hello Venantius
> You know, you are not not wrong, a small point perhaps ...? Let's see some
> "action" when and if someone posts the dis(agreeable) facts ... etc 
> Best wishes, Joao

[Goanet] Are goans pig's???

2010-05-25 Thread Mauricio Pereira

It's a unique protest. A collective of rural NGOs and activists in Goa has been 
driving around a large pig, dressed in finery, in a pick-up van to hit back at 
a state minister comparing Goans with squealing pigs. 

Village Groups of Goa (VGG) has been moving around in large processions across 
south Goa villages since Monday to protest Public Works Department Minister 
Churchill Alemao's reported remark. 

"Whenever a construction project starts, Goans here start squealing like pigs," 
Alemao told a press conference last week, while defending the construction of a 
mega luxury housing project in the village of Carmona, 45 km from here. 

"Goans should not just protest against construction projects," Alemao had said. 

The multi-crore project, which envisages 600 flats in the small village, has 
been vociferously opposed by Goa Bachao Abhiyaan, an umbrella NGO for several 
protesting groups, and the VGG. 

These groups say the project will not only upset the social fabric but also 
worsen the already depleted basic infrastructural facilities like electricity, 
water supply and garbage disposal. 

"Since Churchill Alemao called us Goans pigs, he should also tell us who feeds 
a pig like this? Does the mega construction company feed this pig? Or does 
Churchill feed it?" VGG spokesperson Zarinha da Cunha said to reporters, 
pointing to the nattily dressed country pig, sitting pretty in the rear of the 
pick-up van. 

Judith Almeida, of the Colva Civic Forum, another NGO, said politicians were 
least interested in social welfare and infrastructure, and instead were keen on 
insulting the local citizenry for protesting against mega construction 
projects, which were cleared after bribing politicians. 

"Churchill should resign or apologise to this pig. He called us Goans pigs, 
didn't he?" Judith said. 

Civic protests are a constant feature in the rural landscape of Goa, with the 
state government clearing a number of luxury mega housing complexes. 

Alemao has landed in a soup when the controversy Chief Minister Digambar Kamat 
stirred with his reported remark asking women not to join politics is yet to 
die down. 
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

[Goanet] Football Academy admission open for Goans in Qatar

2010-05-25 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
There is good news for Goan youngsters who want to make it big in the world
of football.
An opportunity to hone the football skills is up for grabs in Qatar, thanks
to the lead taken by Sao Jose De Areal-born Mauricio Pereira,
who has tied up with one of the Qatar Stars League (QSL) club for the
regular football coaching facility for Goans.
All school-going children of Goan origin who are based in Qatar can enroll
for the regular football coaching programme.
The coaching will be imparted by professional coaches who are part of the
youth training programme of the QSL.
The training will start from September this year.
The admission to the academy will be on a first come first basis.
Interested students are to contact Mauricio Perera (Mobile No. 5817812) for
more details.

[Goanet] Air Arabia to operate two additional weekly Sharjah-Goa flights

2010-05-25 Thread Goanet News
Air Arabia to operate two additional weekly Sharjah-Goa flights
Monday, May 24, 2010 20:52 IST

Mumbai: Gulf-based budget airline, Air Arabia, will operate two
additional weekly flights on its Sharjah-Goa sector starting from
June, taking the total number of its services to five.

Air Arabia currently offers flights to Goa on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

The airline has enhanced frequency to meet the increasing
passenger-demand, especially in view of the on-going summer vacation
rush, the airline said.

"In response to increasing seasonal demand for low-cost services to
Goa, Air Arabia will now offer five weekly flights between the
carrier’s hub in Sharjah and Goa," an airline press release said here.

The two additional flights will operate on Mondays and Fridays every
week starting June 1 and would continue operations until October 30
this year, the release said.

"Air Arabia has decided to increase the frequency of service due to
the increased seasonal demand on this popular route, enabling
customers to take advantage of great fares and convenient flight
timings to plan their ideal itinerary." Air Arabia's head of
commercial department, AK Nizar, said.

[Goanet] Goa news for May 26, 2010

2010-05-25 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** In mom Sushmita Sen's footsteps? - Mid-Day
ayWhile at a press briefing at the Alila Diwa in Goa, where some
of the contests leading up to the Miss Universe India
preliminary -- I Am She -- were being ...

*** Air Arabia adds two weekly flights to Goa, India - Kipp
Arabia to operate two additional weekly Sharjah-Goa flights

*** Repeat offender - Indian Express
elp groups, Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat randomly veered
off course and advised women not to hanker after 33 ...

*** Yasin's father financed mosque in Goa - Daily News &
ears-old is also known as Ahmed Siddibapa. ...

*** MJ Antony: Sidestepping judgments - Business Standard
seeks law ministry help to make new tribunal SC-compliant

*** Goa blast accused was an evangelist: NIA - Sify
ve bomb blast case in Goa was an evangelist and used to conduct
'satsangs' (religious congregations) in Goa, ...

*** Cop beaten up by suspected drug dealers in Goa - Sify
arcotics cell at a beach village here, police said. ...

*** Maha Engineering student gave tech know-how for Goa blasts -
Economic Times
ear-old engineering ...

*** Sesa Goa shares down 8 percent - Siliconindia.com
liconindia.comBy siliconindia news bureau Bangalore: Sesa Goa
was among the top losers, on a day when the Sensex ended with a
loss of nearly 310 points. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.siliconindia.com/shownews/Sesa_Goa_shares_down_8_percent_-nid-68220.html&usg=AFQjCNHm1wOh4gQ8ivc7-YJamJ98Yx80ZQ

*** Protest over minister's 'Goans-as-pigs' remarks - Times of
p van to hit back at a state minister ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Protest-over-ministers-Goans-as-pigs-remarks/articleshow/5973081.cms&usg=AFQjCNHWOHBngLoP9AmgAK66hEWkrpngOg

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Useful Indian Customs' tariffs website

2010-05-25 Thread Frederick Noronha
Useful Indian Customs' tariffs website:

Frederick Noronha

[Goanet] Attempted suicide: Hem ‘Girlfriend ’ konnachem? (Which high profile Politician from So uth Goa?)

2010-05-25 Thread JoeGoaUk
Attempted suicide: Hem ‘Girlfriend’ konnachem? (Which high 
profile Politician from South Goa?)
Ref. GN- Lakmat/MidDay
I am even more confused now..

Check who's chief guest at a Tiatr  near Cansaulim


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2010-05-25 Thread Anthony M Barreto
Dear Dr Helekar 
Your instant message in the Kandhamal context is given below. Objectively 
speaking, it is out of ANY context in the instant case. 
Some threads go on endlessly on goanet sometimes. But for a fresh reader your 
relevant post sounds completely baseless.  
Tony Martin
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 13:16:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar 
To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list"
Message-ID: <520705.30159...@web110307.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Why are these researchers and activists ignoring violence against women of 
other religions? Why this selective religious propaganda?



Tony Martin 
Copy/Content Writing
Galgibaga, Canacona


[Goanet] Revival of DGSC.

2010-05-25 Thread Anton Vaz


A vacuum has been felt on the Goan Community on the social, cultural
and sports front in the past few years, a place which former members
of Doha Goans Sports Club seek to close in with the revival of the
oldest Goan club in Qatar, established in 1985.

A suggestion to revive the old club has been taken by veterans of club
in consultation with youth members of the Goan community based in
Qatar. The motto of the club is to support youth and children, and
promote their individual talent. The decision to revive the club
enjoys equal support among the Ex. Doha Goans in Goa as well as the
Goan Cultural Organizers in Qatar.

The club seeks to promote sports, cultural and education related
activities among the community.
Incidentally, DGSC were the first one to come up with the concept of
the Annual May Queen.

DGSC seeks to provide support to the Church related activities and
also join other charitable organization in helping needy people, with
special emphasis on supporting Goan brothers and sisters during their
trouble times in Qatar.

It may be noted that the DGSC was temporarily handed over jointly to
Goan Welfare Association to comply with the arrangement arrived at by
the then Parish Priest of Qatar Fr. Lester Mendonca, in order to bring
the different clubs under one banner, with a view to promote harmony
and unity amongst the Goan Community in Qatar.

Obviously, it was a good suggestion, and some percentage has had been
achieved, however, we DGSC wants 100% results. So let's jointly have
an open forum, elect a popular and dynamic President and a dedicated
team (COMMITTEE) to carry forward the aims, aspirations and
expectations of the Goan Community in Qatar.





A. J. Vaz ( Mbl. 009745252098 )

Note : Request  the Moderators of Goanet and Qatar Goans to release this 


[Goanet] Murderer of Indian nun confesses, joins Christianity & proclaims Christians are India's Hope

2010-05-25 Thread Venantius J Pinto
With all respect, one must not see in the following sentence "Whatever the
outcome of that will be, Sister Rani Maria has already accomplished a
miracle." as a miracle having been accomplished. There is no need to
contemplate it.

venantius j pinto

> Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 17:38:45 +0530 (IST)
> From: Gina Fernandes 
> Subject: [Goanet] Murderer of Indian nun confesses, joins Christianity
>& proclaims  Christians are India's Hope

> Subject: Murderer of Indian nun confesses, converts & proclaims Christians
> are India's Hope
> To:
> Murderer of Indian Nun Confesses, Converts and Proclaims Christians are
> India's Hope
> Asia News (www.asianews.it/)
> Samandar Singh killed a Catholic nun in 1995. After that, he converted to
> Christianity and today he is a different man. He helps Tribals and for him
> Sister Rani's family has become his own. Sadly, he agrees that a climate of
> anti-Christian hatred is currently sweeping across India . He urges his
> compatriots to see the truth in the presence of missionaries in the country.
> (del)

> Whatever the outcome of that will be, Sister Rani Maria has already
> accomplished a miracle.

> Gina Ferns

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Once upon a time there lived big family..

2010-05-25 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Once upon a time there lived big family..
Every time I see such houses, it always makes me sad, making me to ponder..
Once upon a time,  there lived a big family in here with  several 
servants etc.
May be there was a priest or a doctor in the family too.
Where are they  all now or their children or grand children or 
great grand children  or their  legal heirs ?
All dead?
All settled in foreign countries and no one interested in their 
ancestors’ house?
I wonder what happened to the house hold (family/antique) items etc
I wonder what happened to the other properties like land etc that they 
may have owned?

This is just one example of abandoned or dilapidated houses in Goa.
I wish there was a law in saving/protecting such heritage structures

e.g. from Velsao


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Re: [Goanet] Khristapurana, Brahman and Person: Essays by Richard De Smet

2010-05-25 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Dear All,
I misread MDs post, so here is my corrected post, including details on EEs
lifespan. (vjp)

Dear MD,
Interesting how things come about. Eknath Easwaran and Sant Eknath.

Eknath Easwaran  (December,
1910 – October 26, 1999) was a spiritual teacher and the the author of among
other books, 1000 Names of Vishnu; pub by Jaico Boks. He was a Professor of
English Lit at Nagpur, and travelled to the US via the Fullbright exchange
program in 1959. For some reason I was under the impression he was still

Respectfully, the question about the blaming bit is not something that was
part of my post, which was a subtler analogy on Brahman [in a broad sense to
be seen as Ultimate Reality] via, Nada de turbe.

I am very aware of the Bhakti Sants, and have many books of their verse here
in New York.

Btw, what does MD stand for?

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Another set of beautiful scenery etc

2010-05-25 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Another set of beautiful scenery etc

Miramar at dawn
Bit earlier
at dawn again but in Agassaim
This one taken from a moving car on the Zuari bridge

a beautiful view (From Velsao-Pale Road)
Fields, people at work, birds, Trees. 
pathway to the Cuelim hilltop chapel
and this is to you right (Sant Istev) Feast on 27th Dec.
Miramar beach subset velsao pale chapel st, Stephen our lady of 
Remedous Agassaim zuari river bridge fields coconuts trees kids playing  road 


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Targeting targets and the cackling geese

2010-05-25 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

In today's Herald, Admin Frederick Noronha rushes to the 
defense of Dean D'Cruz and Oscar Rebello, both of whom 
he alleges have been "targeted."  By whom, he does not 
specify.  Therefore, I have to step in and do the needful.

As everyone knows by now, Oscar Rebello was "targeted" and 
unmasked some months ago - by Oscar Rebello, writing in the 
Herald.  In targeting Oscar Rebello, Oscar Rebello admitted that 
he had "danced footsie" with the political establishment, the very 
political establishment he kept telling Goans he and his group were 
fighting against.  So Admin F Noronha is, er, on target here.

Now Dean D'Cruz: he was queried on Goanet about his conflict
of interest - a practicing architect who sits on govt bodies
crafting policies for his industry (the very industry that has wrecked
Goa), and simultaneously occupies a front row seat in GBA.  D'Cruz
has thus far failed to provide an explanation for why his is
not a conflict of interest.  I think Admin Noronha can assist
D'Cruz in formulating a response given Admin Noronha's intimate  
knowledge of what constitutes conflict of interest from his own
personal experience.

Heed the wise Admin Noronha's warnings about targets, 
fellow Goans, for Rome was once saved by the cackling 
of its faithful geese.

Warm regards,


[Goanet] Who the bleep cares about the Costas of Margao

2010-05-25 Thread Antonio Menezes
Thanks Selma for your note on Francisco Joao da Costa alias 'GIP'.(May 24)
The more we dig out such persons who were ostracised by you know who
and hence remained unknown, the better it is for the education of Goans.
Somehow Goan catholics have been and most of them still are, brainwashed
into believing that everything was hunky dory during the colonial regime.

[Goanet] COLUMN: Snore, and you snore alone

2010-05-25 Thread Cecil Pinto

Snore, and you snore alone
I don’t have a snoring problem, others do

By Cecil Pinto

Well at least I don’t grind my teeth while asleep. If you’ve ever tried 
sleeping with a teeth grinder in the same room then you will not be so 
critical of us snorers. Yes, snoring can cause alarm and hypertension 
but even us snorers are in awe of teeth grinders.

Also, I don’t excuse my snoring by using fancy sounding names like 
‘sleep apnea’. Those anal retentive (bonkan bot) Americans are good at 
coining ominous terms for perfectly normal bodily functions. For example 
in my grandparents’ generation nobody suffered from ‘depression’. At the 
onset of middle age one suffered from gas and acidity, both of which 
could be cured with a little Eno fruit salts and good sleep. Now 
suddenly the recently wealthy and Westernised Indian middle class is 
seeking psychiatric help for depression, hypersomnia and what not.

Like all good snorers I am not directly aware of the havoc my snoring 
causes to the life of my near and dear ones – most importantly my wife 
Beatrice. We have shared the same marital bed for thirteen years, some 
of which of course with children included – especially when there’s 
heavy lightning and thunder during the monsoons. Beatrice, being the 
main sufferer, has investigated many remedies for my snoring – to no avail.

And I have the bruises as proof of her attempts to cure her nocturnal 
misery. Besides being elbowed in the sides and the back, I have been 
pushed and prodded into various sleeping positions. I think Beatrice has 
even socked me a few times in my sleep but I don’t have conclusive proof 
of this, other than the occasional unexplained swelling.

As one snorer’s wife said, “Adultery is all very well, but snoring must 
surely be the biggest test of any marriage. I know many a wife who would 
happily overlook the occasional infidelity, as long as her husband did 
the decent thing and slept over.”

Short of leaving the room and spending the night on the hall sofa 
Beatrice has tried as many defensive techniques as she has tried the 
offensive route. Ear plugs don’t work, neither does covering one’s head 
with cushions. Consider that a loud snorer like me can easily reach 80 
decibels, what possible protection can one take against the equivalent 
of a passing train? And at least a passing train has a constant rhythm 
about it. My snoring rarely maintains a regular beat and changes pace 
and volume with each exhalation.

How do I know this? All my adult life my snoring has been recorded by 
various sundry friends and relatives. The first time was at an overnight 
corporate camp where I was oblivious to the world and kept a tent load 
of campers awake through the night with my snoring. They used a portable 
tape recorder to record my snoring and played it to me next morning. It 
sounded like someone shifting heavy furniture alone by dragging it on a 
rough floor. I was exiled the next night to sleep outside, and far away 
from, the tent.

More recently my son Desmond often records my afternoon siesta snoring, 
using my camcorder or even my cellphone. Even after all these years I 
still can’t get over seeing myself snoring so loudly and aggressively. I 
will put up a sample on YouTube someday so the whole world can watch and 
listen in awe as I rumble.

Beatrice and me had been dating a few years before getting married but 
fortunately for me, and unfortunately for her, she had never really 
encountered my snoring until it was much too late. Love is blind but not 
deaf. On the day after our wedding we went for the customary ‘porttonem’ 
at her family house in Divar. After drinks and lunch, as you can well 
imagine, I was quite in need of sleep. The lack of sleep the previous 
night hadn’t helped much. Just contemplating what the wedding catering 
bill would come to had given me nightmares. So here I was post lunch 
looking quite exhausted. Beatrice led me to a bedroom to grab a forty 
winks siesta while she caught up on gossip with her sisters in the front 
balcao. Basically finding flaws with my side of the family. Standard 
next-day-after-wedding routine gupshup.

About half an hour into the gossiping… Wait. Let Beatrice herself 
narrate what happened.

“I asked my Mum if the pump was left on and was running dry. There was a 
strained grating, grunting sound coming from the inside of the house. We 
all stopped talking to try and locate the origins of the sound which was 
getting louder and faster by the moment. It was as though a giant saw 
was slowly cutting through wood . Very slowly, while also simultaneously 
releasing a high pitched whine. A grunt, a grate, a whine, a grunt, a 
grate, a whine. Each louder than the previous one and threatening to 
shake the very foundations of the house. What manner of animal had been 
trapped in a room, and in which room?”

“With trepidation, and in a group to avoid being attacked, we went 
through the house. Within seconds it became evident