[Goanet-News] India, the hype and the reality... (Radharao Gracias)

2010-06-29 Thread Goanet Reader
We are not great, we have to strive to become great
By Adv.Radharao F.Gracias

It was sometime at the beginning of the nineteenth century
that a soldier in Napoleon's army when asked to justify the
incessant wars that France launched against its neighbours
gave the classic reply which immortalized him. The reply: My
country, therefore right. The soldier: Nicholas Chauvin. He
gave us an entire new concept: Chauvinism.

  We, as a people, seem to have the highest regard
  for Chauvin and have mastered the art of
  chauvinism. If chauvinism were to be declared as a
  sport, India would sweep all medals at the
  Olympics. A symptom of our chauvinism is apparent
  in the oft repeated slogan Mera Bharat Mahan (My
  India is great). The question that arises, is it
  really so?

There has been no greatness about our country, not in the
last two thousand years or so. Our history is nothing but a
record of invasions, conquests, subjugations and enslavement.
History shows that perhaps no other country has been the
victim of invasions and conquests as much as India has been.
The Huns, Scythians, Parthians, Greeks, Mongols or whosoever
have simply marched into the country pillaged and ransacked.

As a consequence of our cowardice and failure to defend
ourselves, invaders who marched in at will, marched out with
booty and tens of thousands of Indians as slaves. The poor
underfed vegetarians from the plains were driven ruthlessly
over the mountains of Afghanistan, where they died like
flies, as history records. The mountains themselves came to
be known as Hindu Kush Mountains. Hindu Kush does not mean
Hindu happy; it means Hindu killer, in the local language.

Geographically, the country was by far the most defensible
against battle technology available in those days. The
Himalayas form a huge bulwark towards the north. No invader,
has crossed the Himalayas into India until the Chinese 1962.

The eastern borders with Burma are rugged hills. No invader
had come, from the East, until the Japanese advanced over
7,000 kms from their island home to reach Kohima during the
Second World War. The South has a vast ocean around it. No
invader entered from the sea till Afonso de Albuquerque
conquered Goa in the sixteenth century.

  All previous invasions into the country were
  overland from the West. And there were just two
  routes of entry into the country; the Bolan Pass
  and the Khyber pass. Most of the invaders poured in
  through the Khyber pass which is about thirty four
  kilometers long and in places only three metres
  wide. There was no other entry point into the
  country. However it never occurred to our
  countrymen to fortify the passes and permanently
  block access to invaders.

In this context, I am reminded of the designer advertisements
being released by the Indian army inviting fellow Indians to
join the army. The advertisements are couched in a language
which practically seem to suggest that the Indian army is a
five star hotel with all sorts of facilities for those who
join it. Despite such enticing advertisements, the shortage
of manpower in the army has mounted to fourteen thousand

If we have to join the army there is only one reason to do
so; and that is because the country needs the soldiers to
defend it. It is here that patriotism comes in. No other
reason is required. One point two billion people and we are
running short of fourteen thousand officers. Can you beat

I have seen how when the Government of Goa announces
vacancies for police sub inspectors, thousands of Goans apply
and are known to have paid bribe price of up to
Rs.15,00,000 to be selected. I understand that shortly
another batch of sub inspectors is to be recruited. The
bribe price has reportedly touched Rs.25,00,000.

Mark my words, there would be thousands, seeking to pull
strings and willing to pay the bribe price to be selected.
None of these applicants for PSIs would go anywhere near an
army selection camp where one would be gladly and freely
selected. Who wants to be at risk of being killed in the
battlefront when it is much easier to make a killing in the
police force? That's our patriotism.

I often wonder about the Sangh Parivar which today seems to
hold a monopoly on patriotism. The RSS itself claims a
membership of over twenty five million cadres who dressed in
khaki are frequently seen marching in military formation. The
Bajrang Dal, Ram Sene and the VHP have their tough-looking
volunteers who have unleashed their 'patriotism' in Gujarat,
Karnataka and not very long ago at Fontainhas in Panaji too.
So presumably, the Sangh Parivar is full of young energetic
country men willing to defendant the country's honour.

  That being so, why does the RSS and its sister
  organizations not hold camps of its patriotic
  sevaks and call upon the army, to 

[Goanet-News] Anyone out there in Brussels?

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
Some art objects of the Museum of Christian Art at Old Goa and the
(former) Prince of Wales Museum at Mumbai are also being exhibited

You can visit my images of these art objects here:

[Don't miss the silver casket and the belt made of gold coins!]


* * *

Exhibition in Brussels: A Passage to Asia

Photo taken on June 24, 2010 shows a Statue of Saint Margaret of
Antioch from Goa India during the press opening day of the Exhibition
A Passage to Asia in Brussels, capital of Belgium. More than 300
relics from museums of 16 Asian countries show the 25 centuries of
exchange between Asia and Europe. The exhibition will last to October,
when the 8th Asia-Europe Summit will be held in Brussels. (Xinhua/Wu

* * *

Asian-European Exhibition Opens in Belgium  
Written by E.Bayannasan
Tuesday, June 29, 2010.

There are Mongolian best works of art in a special exhibition named “A
Passage to Asia”, which was opens in the Fine Arts Center of Brussels,
Belgium on June 25, 2010. The exhibition is being held within the
framework of 8th Asia-Europe Meeting, which will be hosted in

Over 400 works of art from a total of 16 Asian-European countries are
being displayed in there.

Ambassador of Mongolia to Belgium Battur Avirmed took part in the
opening ceremony of the exhibition and there are over 20 works of art
of Mongolia in the exhibition.

In addition, Mongolian President Ts.Elbegdorj will visit this
exhibition during his participation in the ASEM to run in October 4-5,
2010. The Exhibition is available for public viewing until October 10,

Frederick Noronha

Re: [Goanet] Conversation with Churchill Alemao (in defense of Arwin -Agnelo Pinheiro)

2010-06-29 Thread floriano

I whole-heartedly second Agnelo's bold message.
Power to sincere people. Power to sincerity.


- Original Message - 
From: pinheiro gift.pinhe...@gmail.com

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:21 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Conversation with Churchill Alemao (in defense of 
Arwin -Agnelo Pinheiro)


The remarks about you by our adversary were paid advertisement or else 
Alaric Gomes, Senior Reporter of Gulf News should had clarified with you 
before publishing the report.  The keyboard is showing some signs of 
ruckus in political circles. Keep doing what you think is right follow 
your heart, at times people do hurt.  Remember, Great revolutions started 
with small people.   Great Kings were toppled by minuscule peasants.

Agnelo Pinheiro 

Re: [Goanet] We was robbed?

2010-06-29 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Frederick Noronha wrote;
 Don't you think the Germans were just fighting for their fair share of 
 colonies then? 

I spent half my life being taught, first by nuns, then by the socialist, then 
by communist and finally by the capitalist, on their version of what happened 
in the past.

The past is one area where some people just cannot get out off.

I would like to spend what is left of my life deciding what the future will be.
Both for myself and for others. 


[Goanet] Know your neighbours

2010-06-29 Thread Cecil Pinto

[Goanet] Barking dogs ?

2010-06-29 Thread Antonio Menezes
*I*  am not fit to be in the company of our great Churchill bab. But here I
am venturing to say something to
my fellow Goans which could attract criticism  a la Churchill's squealing
We Goans are like barking dogs that bark at different but nevertheless wrong
trees. If all the zelassos,
arwins, bernardos etc. could get together and put pressure on the Goa
Government to discourage the
obscenity called Tourism in Goa , half of our problems would have been
solved overnight. Any takers ?

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (29Jun10)

2010-06-29 Thread alexyz fernandes

*** Goa: Safe Destination - Tourism Dept ***

Teacher says Yes...Safe...But for Illegal Mining...Mega 
Projects...Sex...Corruption...Underground Politicians...!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Daily Grook #740

2010-06-29 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

dumping her by sms
cld get real vexed,
to avoid this mess
prepare a pretext!

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[Goanet] Sacred Heart , Parra 100 years!

2010-06-29 Thread Bernado Colaco
Shri Antonio,
I thought that you posted names of chaps from the pre 61 period. I am surprised 
by your comment about pre 61 education when your school itself was established 
in 1912. Besides a post on GN is subject to query or debate. It is time to get 
real and stop being an infant - I am referring to your comments on the last 
line of your first para. 
Dear Mr. Colaco,

For one thing the report initiated by me was focusing on the aspect of the
Centenary of the School and remembering and honouring the great
personalities of the past; for another thing post '61, the school certainly
has not produced cynics and bitter frustrated people who crow and drool
about a regime which was shaken off from Goan soil like a flea off a dog!

Post '61 the school has produced people across the spectrum of vocations and
professions - priests, doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, engineers,
but most of all educated citizens, who under the previous regime could not
have even dreamt of  acquiring, a learning.

Best wishes,

[Goanet] Ivo Coelho's, Philosophical Musings blog

2010-06-29 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Three interesting posts below from Ivo Coelho on his blog

William Richardson, SJ   25 June 2010

Retrieving Good Work   24 June 2010

Functional history   8 June 2010

*Mundaka Upanishad* 3.2.3
You cannot have the knowledge of the Supreme Soul by
means of reasoning, erudition, or studying of the Vedas;
Only through causeless mercy does He reveal His own
person unto him whom He does accept as His own.

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Dignity of labour

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha

soter wrote:
Some of my friends have been kind enough to personally point out that 
one of my postings on goanet gave the impression that I held certain 
type of jobs in contempt... It is in that context that I 

 expressed that I am proud to be struggling in my
homeland Goa and not cleaning the toilets of europeans. I in no way hold 
that cleaning toilets is a lesser job but the comparison was used to 
drive home a point.  In fact I have great respect for people doing jobs 
which are looked down upon by society. If we had the same in our home 
State we would not have hordes of migrants invading us. I myself do 
certain jobs which Goans look down upon.

Plumbing and sanitary engineering -- to give it a good name -- is a 
crucial task. Obviously, we in Goa have a lot of unfinished tasks on 
this front too. Unfortunately, we leave it to many of shit jobs 
(literally) to poor migrants to do, in Goa too. At the same time as we 
pour scorn and shit (metaphorically) on their head at the least excuse.

In this context, I would salute the foresight of a Bideshwar Pathak 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bindeshwar_Pathak Foresights, concerns and 
agenda-setting by people like him have had a huge dent far and wide. It 
has, in fact, even helped urban Goa to have access to sustainable 
sanitation more in keeping with the needs of the time. FN

Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo)

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 29 June 2010 08:20, J. Colaco   jc cola...@gmail.com wrote:

 BTW: The last day to legally prevent uninhibited migration into Goa
 was Dec 19, 1961

Was there no large-scale migration into Goa before Dec 19, 1961? Where
did all the Goans come from then? And were all our rulers before
then Goan too? FN

PS: I know you will turn around to say the in-migration then wasn't so
proportionately large.  But please do a fact-check on your history,
who is labelled an insider and who an outsider.

Re: [Goanet] The Website of Goa Su-Raj Party [GSRP] -www.goasu-raj.org

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 29 June 2010 11:11, floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for capping our happiness.
 You would probably have the know-how how to cook the website 'hit -counter'.
 Kindly share it with us.

Maybe it would help to give people some reason to visit your site
regularly. What would attract them there? People want to read
something that is more than an advertisement.

Secondly, it might help to carry a link to your site (specially, to
the latest posts on it) in your .sig (signature) file.

Also, you could briefly tell readers on Goanet and other lists,
Goa-related forums etc whenever you update your site with something
significant. Above all, content is important.

Lastly, it would surely help if you cross-pollinated between your
site and other 'social' networks like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut and the
like (very much of catchwords these days, but they have their utility

Others could correct me and add to this debate, I'm no expert on SEO
and related issues! FN

Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo)

2010-06-29 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 29 June 2010 04:57, Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com wrote:

Was there no large-scale migration into Goa before Dec 19, 1961?  did
all the Goans come from then? And were all our rulers before  then
Goan too? FN



1: While what FN says is correct, his statement refers to a tangential
point I was not making.

2: I invite FN to concentrate on the phrase 'legally prevent
uninhibited migration'.as in immigration control, which, I submit
once again to Arwin, cannot be applied post 1961.

3: I will further add here that, even to (say) the UK and USA, there
has large scale migration. But those countries have had and still do
have the capability to 'legally prevent uninhibited migration'.


Earlier I had stated this: BTW: The last day to legally prevent
uninhibited migration into Goa was Dec 19, 1961

[Goanet] Is demand for State Human Rights Commission will solve mining created problems in Goa?

2010-06-29 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

Few days back Dr. Nandkumar Kamat from department of Botany
at Goa University made a poignant suggestion to 
begin solving of woes of Goa’s mining affected region in one of his
mails to goanet mailing list. He pondered whether mining generated problems can
be interpreted as Human Rights issue. If yes then why then cannot be addressed
as such. Further he said that it is important that there lobbying work must
begin to set up State Human Rights commission as a first step towards finding
legal way out of the imbroglio. This is a very interesting interjection in the
ongoing discourse on mining in Goa. This article is an attempt to explore this

In mining generated hardships to people in Goa a human
rights issue? 

To reply to this would be: Mining generated hardships in Goa
is also human rights issue but in no
way only human rights issue. It is
directly human rights issue in a sense that there are over 50 instances of
police repression on people resisting mining wrath in various parts of Goa.
Some of the cases have also been referred to National Human Rights Commission
(NHRC) by people in mining belt of Goa. The rest of the aspects relating to
water, air, traffic, forest, land, fisheries 
very tricky to interpretation as Human Rights issue simply because these
are grey areas still being debated in various case laws. The large focus is
still on the first generation of Human Rights. We in India have still a long
way before dust settles down to recognize second and third generation Human
Rights. Surely it would as the jurisprudence finds itself robustly grounded in
near future.

It is not the only
human rights issue largely because there is large number of government agencies
– central as well as state agencies involved in the perpetuation of mining
industry in Goa in the manner it is proceeding currently. Also lager number of
dimension involved besides Human rights. There is an important dimension of
security of country at risk with continues depletion of minerals due to
exports. The country in near future will be left with very little mineral if
every reserve is exploited for exports. There is sober silence on this aspect 
intellectuals in Goa. Why? There is also dimension of conservation of minerals
for domestic use in future. Our current rage of exploitation is reckless. We
are in a mighty hurry to fill up coffers of British Vedanta (that owns Dempo
mining company in Goa and Sesa Goa mining company in India) and rest of the
brutish mining companies in Goa, build up economy of Japan (as we done it since
1948 after it was reduced to ashes after Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear
bombings by USA in 1945), and massive fuelling of economic growth of China. Our
intellectuals in the centers of higher learning are yet to apply their minds to
this aspect. They are yet calculate what is the cost of ore that we exported
over the past 60 years, to which countries, which companies exported how much,
how much companies profited, how much foreign exchange Indian government
earned? How much Goa government earned as revenue since its liberation? How
much colonial Portuguese colonial government benefited from mining industry so
as to continue retaining Goa as its colony till 1961? What was role of mining
companies in colonial state? What is the role of mining companies in governance
of the state of Goa since 1961 till date?

It is not the only Human
Rights issue also because almost every major aspect of Goa’s life influenced by
mining industry. We hardly have proper audit done in this regard. We only have
propaganda of the mining companies that reinforces hegemonic dominance of
mining industry over Goa. As a result our minds are constantly filled with
negative entropy. Our intellectuals in the centres of learning instead of
countering this have involved in furthering this proliferation of confusion to
the infinity. One of them Dr. Nandkumar Kamat has been circulating extracts of
mining companies welfare work besides flamboyant  sarcasm in prose as well as 
poetry  full of innuendos on people involved in
resisting mining industry (without naming them) as well as praises to
politician from mining company. Another one Dr. A.G.Chachadi from department of
Earth Sciences, Goa University in his reply to PIL at Bombay High Court at
Panaji has heaped nasty sarcasm on people of Sirgao who has been active in
their struggle for survival from mining industry. He carried on number of
studies for mining industries and details ware furnished by Goa University in
rely to RTI. Third one Dr. Untawale , former director of National Institute of 
Dona Paula publicly scolded Villager from Pissurlem who demanded that mining
companies supply water to their paddy fields. This was on 1st April
2001 at Old Goa Panchayat Hall, Tiswadi. Later on he went to sign the report
that in Panchwadi there are no mangroves even though it is densely mangrove
populated. He did this in order to back up Sesa Goa’s plans to build exclusive

[Goanet] Pacheco's wife question by crime branch

2010-06-29 Thread Mauricio Pereira

The Goa police crime branch on Tuesday quizzed former state tourism minister 
Fransisco Pacheco's estranged wife Sara in connection with Nadia Torrado death 

Sara, who is facing a divorce petition from Pacheco, arrived at the Crime 
Branch along with Auda Viegas, President of NGO 'Bailancho Ekvott'. 

Sara is being questioned over the death of 28-year-old Nadia, who died after 
allegedly consumed rat poison on May 30. 

Pacheco along with his close aide, Lyndon Monteiro, are accused in the case. 
The duo is absconding ever since the Crime branch accused them for Nadia's 

Viegas said that Sara married Pacheco in 1999 and their marriage is on the 
rocks since 2004. 

In December 2008, Sara filed a complaint of domestic violence against Pacheco 
claiming that he abused her often and threw her out of the house. 

Subsequently, in January 2009, Pacheco filed a divorce petition seeking to 
separate from Sara. 

Sara has also filed a complaint of forgery against Pacheco last year alleging 
that he sold all her flats and a vehicle, which was in her name. 

Viegas said that Sara was not well and could not attend the summons, which were 
issued earlier.   
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[Goanet] Comparison of Health outcome in six developed countries

2010-06-29 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Subject: Comparison of Health outcome in six developed countries


[Goanet] World Cup 2010 - Portugal vs.Spain

2010-06-29 Thread Antonio Menezes
This evening Spaniards and the Portuguese  will battle for supremacy on a
football field at Cape Town
near the Cape of Good Hope.
It would appear that Spain is in a stronger position  to win the battle but
if the mythical giant Adamastor
who ruled the stormy seas at the intersection of Atlantic and Indian oceans,
deigns to smile upon his
old enemies  i.e. the Portuguese sailors  of the 15th century then perhaps
Portugal may sail through
to the quarter final stage.


2010-06-29 Thread ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE COMMERCE -MAPUSA - GOA - INDIA - 403507 (0832-2262356-www.xavierscollege-goa.com)


	A solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Episcopal Vicar, 
South Zone, and Responsible for the Apostolate of Education in the 
Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, was held on 26th June, 2010, to mark the 
inaugural of the new academic year 2010-2011.

	Reflecting on the theme of the Mass, “Xikxonnachem karia follaborit 
kor, Jezu; Zann’vaien ani kurpen ami vaddot vochum”, he stated that the 
development is the outcome of quality education for which purpose God’s 
assistance is essential.  While advising the students, “to be good” and 
“do good”, he observed that the words, good and God are intertwined, and 
if the letters g o d are removed from the word ‘good’, then the letter 
that remains is ‘o’, i.e. zero, implying, thereby, that we cannot be 
good and do good if we do not possess God within us.

	On this occasion, a cultural programme was put up by the students.  An 
instrumental piece, “prelude (te Deum) by Charpentier was executed by 
the College Orchestra.

	In his welcome speech, the Principal, Dr. (Fr.) Walter de Sa, stated 
that around 1,000 freshers had joined St. Xavier’s, and he welcomed them 
and all others expressing the hope that all challenges would be met 
successfully in collaboration with teaching and non-teaching staff.

	All the meritorious students were then felicitated with a token of 
appreciation; and the students, employed under the scheme of Xikta, 
Xikta, Zodd, were presented with a certificate at the hands of the Chief 

	Three research publications were also released; (1) Proceedings of the 
Seminar on “Human Rights and Environment: A Focus on Goa”, published by 
the Department of Political Science; (2) Proceedings of the Seminar on 
“Impact of Climate Change,” by the Department of Physics, and; (3) A 
book on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants by the Centre for Medicinal and 
Aromatic Plants, Department of Botany.

Ms. Tricia Vaz, Head, Department of Political Science, Mr. Nelson Lobo 
from the Department of Physics, and Dr. Maria Fonseca, Head, Department 
of Botany, gave a brief outline of the publications.

Dr. Filipe Rodrigues e Melo, from the Department of Commerce, delivered 
lectio brevis on “The Impact of Recession on Select Indian Service 
Sectors: A Study on Strategic Alternatives.”

Ms. Larissa de Souza, Third Year B.Sc. shared her experiences in the 
College and welcomed the freshers.  Mark Pereira, Second Year B.Com. 
proposed the vote of thanks, while Meenal Bale (Second Year B.A.) and 
Jonathan Rodrigues (Second Year B.A.) proposed the vote of thanks.  The 
programme ended with the college anthem.

Dr. (Fr.) Walter de Sá
St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science  Commerce,
Xaviernagar, Mapusa - Goa - 403507 - INDIA.

[Goanet] COLUMN: The Goan picnic song medley continues

2010-06-29 Thread Cecil Pinto

The Goan picnic song medley continues
She’ll be eating kaalchi koddi when she comes

By Cecil Pinto

Y Yiii
In China they do it with chillies
The chillies are hot
And God knows for what
In China they do it with chillies

There was a man from Raia
Who wanted to start a fire
Feni got him high
But we don’t know why
Smoke always got him higher

Y Yiii
In China they do it with chillies
The chillies are hot
And God knows for what
In China they do it with chillies

There was a woman from Curca
Tried seducing a man from Varca
The poor guy was shy
This was his reply
“Let’s wait until it gets darker”

Y Yiii
In China they do it with chillies
The chillies are hot
And God knows for what
In China they do it with chillies

There was an aunty from Baina
Who said , “Atam mhaka zainam”
When paying a debt
She loudly wept
“Mhoje kodden kain na!”

Possorkarni possorkani
Di ghe mhaka bread
Please don’t charge me V-A-T
I’ll pay MRP instead

Possorkarni possorkarni
Don’t you dare be rude
With the prices these days
I know I’m getting screwed

Oh when the saints, go marching in,
Oh when the saints go marching in
Oh Lord, will they give me the number
So I too can live like a King

Oh from the Open, right to the Close,
Oh from the Open right to the Close.
Oh Lord, I need that lucky matka number
Whether Main, Star or Kalyan

Anil tow the boat ashore
Anil tow the boat ashore
Anil’s ship ran aground
Anil’s ship ran aground

Anil says he cares a damn
Anil says he cares a damn
Go’rments come, go’rments go
Go’rments come, go’rments go

Anil tow the boat ashore
Anil tow the boat ashore

Oh, you can't get to heaven
On roller skates
'Cause you'd roll right by
Those pearly gates

Oh, you can't pass through Quepem,
With your armour down,
Cause the mining trucks
Will mow you down

Oh, you can't breathe in Sanguem,
Without a mask
Cause there’s mining dust there,
From dawn till dusk

Oh, you can't get away
From that mining money
We’re all polluted
Aren’t we honey?

Woe is me. Shame and scandal in the family!
Woe, it worries me. Shame and scandal in the family!

In Sanquelim there was a family
With much confusion as you will see.
There was a Mama and a Papa and a boy who was grown,
He wanted to have, a party of his own.
He saw a small party, which suited him nice.
He went to his Papa to ask his advice.
His Papa said: Son, I have to say no,
That party is also mine, but not many know!

Woe is me. Shame and scandal in the family!
Woe, it worries me. Shame and scandal in the family!

In Benaulim there was a family
With much confusion as you will see.
There was a man and a brother and an ex-CM
The man wanted to bring a party down.
He saw a big party, which suited him nice.
He went to his brother to ask his advice.
His brother said Irmao, I have to say no,
That party is yours, and mine also!

Woe is me. Shame and scandal in the family!
Woe, it worries me. Shame and scandal in the family!

O Xezanni
Let’s go to the Caju Trees
Caju crop was bad this year
Feni will be even more dear

O Xezanni
Let’s go to the Caju Trees
So what if they are full of ants
I’ve got antidote in my pants

Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling, NRI
Thou art lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, NRI

Distant preaching, distant screeching,
Does nothing NRI
If you want to, then do something,
Oh my darling NRI

Walk the talk dear, walk the talk dear,
Oh my darling NRI
Put your money, where your mouth is,
Oh my darling NRI

That’s the one with the cream
Things are not what they seem

When the tender coconut vendor
Ask you what type you want
Don’t pause for a moment
If you like the flesh, just shout,

That’s the one with the cream
Things are not what they seem

Singing aye aye yipee yippee aye
Aye aye yippee yippe aye
Singing aye aye yippee
Aye aye yippie
Aye aye yippie yippie aye

They'll be comin' round the mountain
When they come,
They'll be comin' round the mountain
When they come,
They'll be comin' round the mountain,
They'll be comin' round the mountain,
They'll be comin' round the mountain,
When they come.

They'll be drivin' JCBs
When they come,
They’ll be driving Caterpillars
When they come
They’ll be driving orange trucks
They’ll be driving orange trucks
They’ll be driving orange trucks
When they come

There will be no mountains
When they’re done
There will be no forests
When they’re done
There will be no fields
There will be no fields
There will be no fields
When they’re done

Singing aye aye yipee yippee aye
Aye aye yippee yippe aye
Singing aye aye yippee
Aye aye yippie
Aye aye yippie yippie aye

There won’t be pink pyjamas
When they come
There won’t be red pyjamas
When they come
You’ll be wearing nothing
You’ll be wearing nothing
You’ll be wearing nothing
When they’re done


[Goanet] COLUMN: Congress backstabs its youth

2010-06-29 Thread Nisser Dias

Congress backstabs its youth
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

This Monday, while the High Court strengthened the faith of the general 
public in the judiciary by denying bail to disgraced MLA and former 
Tourism minister Mickky Pacheco and his sidekick Lyndon Monteiro, the 
Congress party in Goa disgraced itself, its supporters and more 
importantly the youth congress members by accepting Taleigao MLA and 
Education minister Babush Monserrate in its partyfold.

I know the judiciary and political parties are poles apart, but the 
feeling of the general public or the aam admi was one of elation and at 
the same time of despair. While the judiciary was trying to bring a high 
profile MLA to justice, the Congress party was resurrecting another 
equally brash legislator with a criminal record.

Whatever said and done about the country’s oldest party, a large section 
of the population has some faith in the Congress, but very often this 
goodwill and hope of the masses is sought to be crushed, when this 
particular political party indulges in hara-kiri. Acceptance of Babush 
Monserrate in the partyfold is termed as the return of the prodigal. I 
fail to understand in which party the Taleigao MLA will not be a 
prodigal. He started his political career with the United Goans 
Democratic Party (UGDP), then joined the BJP, thereafter the Congress, 
then back to UGDP and now back to Congress. In the bible the prodigal 
son returns to his father. In case of Babush Monserrate he returns to 
the party in power as to safeguard his interests and be in power. 
Moreover the prodigal son in the parable offered to be a servant of the 
father, I dare the Education minister to resign as a legislator and be a 
pen-pusher in the party office. Only maybe then, he could be seen as a 
prodigal otherwise a despot.

If one analyses Atanasio Babush Monserrate’s track record, be it 
political or otherwise, it is crystal clear that he is sort of a 
maverick and a rebel. He is not the kind of a person to stick by rules 
or act according to the book. He has got his own mind and has never 
accepted ‘no’ for answer. He himself has confirmed this trait of his, 
when the Congress refused a party ticket for his wife Jennifer to 
contest assembly election from St. Cruz in 2007; he had made his 
unhappiness amply clear to the party and walked out of the office in a 
huff. After ditching the Congress in the eleventh hour and filing 
nominations on the UGDP ticket, he had told the journalists, “I had told 
the Congress that I would teach them a lesson and I did it, I am a man 
of my words.” These words are recorded in the archives of the electronic 
media in Goa.

The Congress party in Goa is like a brothel, where anybody and everybody 
are free to come and go, as and when they feel. In 2007 the then 
Congress spokesman Sanjay Nirupam had said the party wouldn’t have any 
truck with Monserrates in future as he ditched the party at the eleventh 
hour, but today you see just the opposite. And it is not surprising 
because most of the Congress ministers and MLA’s in Goa have left the 
party at one point or the other including the chief minister and party 
president, infact Subhash Shirodkar has the dubious record of leaving 
the party highest number of times to be closely followed by PWD minister 
Churchill Alemao.

Be that as it may, in January this year scion of the Gandhi family Rahul 
visited Goa, now he is seen as the force behind the Youth urging the 
youngsters to join politics to cleanse it, his exact words were “You 
either play the game or go home. Don’t be a commentator be a player.” 
The acceptance of Taleigao MLA in to the partyfold is bound to 
demoralize members of the Youth Congress, because in the year 2007, many 
members of the youth wing of Congress were brutally assaulted by Babush 
and his supporters when they were holding a morcha to demand resumption 
of work at the Rajiv Gandhi IT habitat in Dona Paula, which was forcibly 
stopped by Taleigao MLA. The youth are still nursing a grudge against 
the legislator for his action. However now they are left gaping as Madam 
Sonia Gandhi gave the green signal for Babush’s entry, while Rahul 
Gandhi has been left to swallow his words.

That aside, the youth Congress do not have the nerve to stand up and 
object to Babush’s entry nor do they have the will to denounce the move 
of the Congress president to admit Babush into partyfold. The question 
now, will Rahul Gandhi come to the aid of the members of the Youth 
Congress, who already faced blows, lathis and stones at the hands of the 
Education minister. Their demand for a thorough probe into the merciless 
attack on them is bound to be vitiated or take a backseat. Furthermore, 
will the Youth Congress members have the guts to depose against their 
own minister or will they accept Babush’s largesse and clamp-up is to be 

If the youth congress members have any pride in themselves, they should 


2010-06-29 Thread Ashwin Alvares


On:   4th July 2010, 10 am to 4 pm.

Venue: Goa Chitra, the Museum, St. John the Baptist Road, Pulvado, Benaulim.

Organised by:   Goa Chitra, Benaulim in association with Vardaan 
Bookstore and Ecoshop, Margao

Registration:  Rs. 250 inclusive of lunch, training and tour of the museum.

Books, garden implements, inputs and seeds will be kept for sale at the 

Ph.: Eula 9527463684 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 
9527463684  end_of_the_skype_highlighting to register

Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] U.S. players mull what might have been

2010-06-29 Thread Goa-World.com

U.S. players mull what might have been

Print Associated Press

What Is The Future For USA Soccer?
After it crashed out of the 2010 World Cup, what does the future hold for the 
U.S. national team?What Is The Future For USA Soccer?
IRENE, South Africa -- They started scattering Sunday to the United States and 
Europe, never to come together as a group again.
All the optimism had vanished, four years of planning and effort foiled by a 
debilitating defense, faltering forwards and, in the ultimate insult to their 
pride, a sudden realization the most-talented soccer team in American history 
still wasn't good enough to consistently compete with the world's best.

Postmortem on U.S.' World Cup run
 What have we learned since the U.S. team arrived in South Africa in late May? 
Five things, for starters, writes Jeff Carlisle. Story 
It's one thing to believe in miracles. It's another to rely on them, writes 
David Hirshey. Story 
Following the U.S.' early ouster from the WCup, Luke Cyphers and Doug McIntyre 
mull the fate of several key cogs. Story 

There's a pretty empty feeling right now because I think coming out of the 
first round, we felt that there was a real chance of doing something bigger, 
U.S. coach Bob Bradley said the day after a 2-1 overtime loss to Ghana 
eliminated the Americans in the World Cup's second round.
While the roosters crowed at Irene Farm and people streamed in for brunch, it 
was the last day for the American soccer team in South Africa, where players 
arrived May 31 filled with optimism and enthusiasm.
They're leaving dismayed.
Some headed out Sunday, most planned to depart Monday.
Part of the group was going home to the United States, another to homes in 
England and Europe.
Many of these players will never see a World Cup again.
What went wrong? Pretty simple to discern.
For the four games, we were only ahead for two minutes, Bradley said 
(actually it was three) after reviewing the recording of Saturday's loss. The 
one side is just the maturity, the experience of knowing sometimes early in the 
game how to manage the game.
Now the U.S. team is off until Aug. 10, when it plays Brazil in an exhibition 
at the New Meadowlands Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. Bradley already is 
thinking about that game, but he may not be there.

 That's still the greatest challenge in the game -- to be someone who can 
consistently score goals. So it's an area where we do need to improve.” -- Bob 

Bradley took over from Bruce Arena after the U.S. made a first-round exit in 
2006, getting the job only after Juergen Klinsmann withdrew. Bradley said he 
and U.S. Soccer Federation president Sunil Gulati need time to make an 
At this moment, there's been no conversations,  Bradley said. I've always 
enjoyed new challenges, but I also from Day 1 have said and consider it a 
tremendous honor to coach the national team.
Even if Bradley returns, the defense needs a complete overhaul, a process that 
will start to unfold between August and next year's CONCACAF Gold Cup. New 
players will be tested by 2012, when qualifying starts for the 2014 World Cup 
in Brazil.
Oguchi Onyewu showed he hadn't fully regained mobility following knee surgery 
last October. Jay DeMerit and captain Carlos Bocanegra were a step late at key 
moments, leaving the openings that led to goals.
In some cases, there's players that still can help the team, but you're not 
certain what that will mean in four years time, Bradley said. In other cases, 
you feel guys have gotten experience and now for them to continue in their 
clubs to make progress will be critical for success for the national team. And 
then there's the part of determining who are the next set of young players that 
need to be pushed into it.
Bocanegra and Steve Cherundolo are 31, DeMerit 30 and Onyewu 28. Bradley 
finally admitted it would be impossible for Gooch to be at 100 percent given 
his seven-month layoff.
Clarence Goodson, who didn't get into a game, is 28. Jonathan Spector (24) and 
Jonathan Bornstein (25) have a chance to be back in four years, along with two 
players who were cut: Chad Marshall and Heath Pearce (both 25). There are 
numerous candidates to weave into the player pool, including Gale Agbossoumonde 
(18), Eric Lichaj (21), Omar Gonzalez (21), Ike Opara (21), Kevin Alston (22) 
and Tim Ream (22).
Lichaj and Agbossoumonde already have gone to Europe, a path that has helped 
players gain spots on the national team. Just four of the 23 players on this 
year's World Cup roster are with Major League Soccer clubs, including Landon 
Donovan, who spent part of this year with Everton.
Now 28, Donovan is the best American player ever, and if he's going to make a 
permanent move to Europe, this is the time. With three World Cup goals, he was 
the undisputed star of the U.S. team, and Everton manager David Moyes appears 
to want him back if a deal can be worked out with the Los Angeles Galaxy.
Midfield is the U.S. 

Re: [Goanet] The Website of Goa Su-Raj Party [GSRP]-www.goasu-raj.org

2010-06-29 Thread floriano

Dear Rico,

Thank you for the tips.

You must realise that I am no expert in websites and their cross 
polinations. I am simply doing the job of keeping Goans in Goa as well in 
diaspora informed what is happening in Goa and what our reaction is to it. 
Mostly because the newspapers feel that goasuraj is insignificant to publish 
what it writes.

We have not intended this site as a commercial base for the party. It is 
purely an informative  tool to tell Goans  what the party is all about and 
what it thinks about the issues. I cross post my comments  which I post on 
goanet etc on the website purely to keep Goans who may not be the subscibers 
of goanet etc.

If people want to read interesting articles then let them surf for the 
newspapers. If they want to know what Goa Su-Raj thinks about something, 
then let them hit the website.

You have made your statement in your earlier post. Now don't go justifying 
it. As a matter of fact today's hits total around 180, crossing the 128 mark 
of yesterday.
This is good enough for us to be happy about since we are small people and 
small things pleases small minds.


- Original Message - 
From: Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Website of Goa Su-Raj Party 

On 29 June 2010 11:11, floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks for capping our happiness.
You would probably have the know-how how to cook the website 
'hit -counter'.

Kindly share it with us.

Maybe it would help to give people some reason to visit your site
regularly. What would attract them there? People want to read
something that is more than an advertisement.

Secondly, it might help to carry a link to your site (specially, to
the latest posts on it) in your .sig (signature) file.

Also, you could briefly tell readers on Goanet and other lists,
Goa-related forums etc whenever you update your site with something
significant. Above all, content is important.

Lastly, it would surely help if you cross-pollinated between your
site and other 'social' networks like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut and the
like (very much of catchwords these days, but they have their utility

Others could correct me and add to this debate, I'm no expert on SEO
and related issues! FN 

[Goanet] tarvoteachim bondolam

2010-06-29 Thread Camillo Fernandes


I would like to clarify that I believe in dignity of labour and did not mean 
to condemn certain goans doing some menial jobs abroad to earn their living. 
My remarks were in the background of some derogatory remarks made against us 
back home by a couple of NRIs on goanet in the course of a discussion that 
ensued on the use of the term 'tarvoteachim bondolam' 



Comments :


It is only in India that many people look down on low paid  jobs by calling 
thembhungis, jaddoo walla, metrani etc.


This is wrong as every job is important and essential unlike begging.  Due to 
this mentality Goans abroad are


willing to do any job (ofcourse they are paid well) and not prepared to do the 
same jobs back home and look


down on others doing these jobs  and unwilling to do the jobs even in their own 
homes.  Abroad even a cleaner will drive a car and is on


par with other office jobs.  It is nice that Soter has clarified that he does 
not look down on jobs whether we hold a


professional job, skilled or unskilled, clerical or menial.  We are earning our 
bread and making our living and not begging.


Thanks and best wishes,

The world on four wheels in MSN Autos

[Goanet] OUR PLIGHT in GOA !!

2010-06-29 Thread Ren
 *This was published in the Oheraldo. Its a nice little cartoon clip which
makes u giggle but think about it on a serious note.Very soon this will be a

*We talk of Global Warming, we talk of shortage in water supply, we talk
about the water table not conducive, we talk about so much damage to the
Unfortunately our Government, THE CURRENT and THE PAST have only plundered
and looted us and brought us to this state of affairs we are now in. Major
projects are being approved in the name of development , in the name of
employment, but please believe me they are approved at a cut or a commission
or a under the table deal to fill the so called ministers pocket. NO PROJECT
today goes through without a minister getting his percentage or the so
called CUT.Thats the very reason no  Public project completed stands the
test of time as the contractors reduce the standard of Quality on the
project to maximize their profits.
Lets talk of the recent drug deal or the nexus between the police and the
drug dealer and the so called Politician son's. The case is getting weaker
and weaker as the clock ticks by. How in the first place did the law , the
CID  put the Police officers behind bar for so long if there was no case or
evidence , this clearly needs a lot to justify ! What about the ticket
scam,what about the River Princess that has been marooned in the north? why
is it still there after so many years? How many years does it take to  Float
a tender.
We need to realize that the past and the present Government HAS, IS and WILL
take us for a ride if we keep a blind eye. Lets wake up and not be treated
like puppets. Its high time we have the right qualified literate people on
board, people who at least have some values if not many to represent and to
work for the welfare of human kind.

[Goanet] Subject: Re: Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo) Message-ID:

2010-06-29 Thread Bernice Pereira
Agree with JC's letter that migration cannot be prevented.  But, is it not 
possible to put CURBS on wanton, unrestricted housing projects which are 
mushrooming all over the state.  The bhailes see Goa as a nice  milch  animal 
  which is tolerant, totally indisciplined and susegad, where they can do as 
they want with no restrictions at all.  They can  buy land build multistorey 
ugly buildings sell the flats and make their money and who gives them the 
permission to do so is the question. We must understand that these bhailes have 
no real love or feeling for our State.   Already the  Candolim, Calangute, Baga 
belt is just an ugly stretch..  What a pretty place it was upto the 70s.  The 
beaches are filthy (just like Juhu), littered with garbage and nobody cares  

Re: [Goanet] Sacred Heart , Parra 100 years!

2010-06-29 Thread Tony de Sa
Exmo Sr. Bernardo,

I am referring to your comments on the last line of your first para.

Sir, If the cap fits you, then wear it. Posts on GN are subject to debate no
doubt, but then cynical posts like yours deserve the treatment that they
get. If you must debate something then be constructive. It is you who need
to grow up to the simple reality that Goa is a part of Mother India -
whether by annexation, liberation, conquest or by whatever. The Portuguese
empire is kaput, finis or to use a Brithish expression, the sun has set on

Let me finish with a small quote from John F. Kennedy, FYI, a great American
President: Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past
or present are certain to miss the future

Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


[Goanet] Anyone out there in Brussels?

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
Some art objects of the Museum of Christian Art at Old Goa and the
(former) Prince of Wales Museum at Mumbai are also being exhibited

You can visit my images of these art objects here:

[Don't miss the silver casket and the belt made of gold coins!]


* * *

Exhibition in Brussels: A Passage to Asia

Photo taken on June 24, 2010 shows a Statue of Saint Margaret of
Antioch from Goa India during the press opening day of the Exhibition
A Passage to Asia in Brussels, capital of Belgium. More than 300
relics from museums of 16 Asian countries show the 25 centuries of
exchange between Asia and Europe. The exhibition will last to October,
when the 8th Asia-Europe Summit will be held in Brussels. (Xinhua/Wu

* * *

Asian-European Exhibition Opens in Belgium  
Written by E.Bayannasan
Tuesday, June 29, 2010.

There are Mongolian best works of art in a special exhibition named “A
Passage to Asia”, which was opens in the Fine Arts Center of Brussels,
Belgium on June 25, 2010. The exhibition is being held within the
framework of 8th Asia-Europe Meeting, which will be hosted in

Over 400 works of art from a total of 16 Asian-European countries are
being displayed in there.

Ambassador of Mongolia to Belgium Battur Avirmed took part in the
opening ceremony of the exhibition and there are over 20 works of art
of Mongolia in the exhibition.

In addition, Mongolian President Ts.Elbegdorj will visit this
exhibition during his participation in the ASEM to run in October 4-5,
2010. The Exhibition is available for public viewing until October 10,

Frederick Noronha

[Goanet] Barking wogs

2010-06-29 Thread Bernado Colaco
What I have seen for the past 1 year is AM and who cares the bleep, hand in 
hand doing the zagai, zagai. Arwin and BC discuss real issues affecting Goa 
since 1961 and not who is a sudreka and a bramaneka. Tumche history kobrio ghal 
dobhiant. Why do you not take the tourism issue with the current regime?


*I*  am not fit to be in the company of our great Churchill bab. But here I
am venturing to say something to
my fellow Goans which could attract criticism  a la Churchill's squealing
We Goans are like barking dogs that bark at different but nevertheless wrong
trees. If all the zelassos,
arwins, bernardos etc. could get together and put pressure on the Goa
Government to discourage the
obscenity called Tourism in Goa , half of our problems would have been
solved overnight. Any takers ?

[Goanet] Konkani Literary Contest

2010-06-29 Thread Fausto Da Costa

GRAF's   Konkani Literary  Contest-2010

Goan Review Art Foundation [GRAF] the cultural body of the popular 
Konkani-English bi-monthly The Goan Review is organizing its Annual Konkani 
Literary  Contest. This Konkani writing contest is in the roman script only 
and in two categories as follows and is open to all:-

A. Essay .  Minimum 1200  words.

B.  Short Story.  Minimum 1500 words.

Subject / Topic - choice of the writer.

 1.. One contestant may participate in both categories but only one entry 
per category is permitted.

 2.. Both categories will carry 1st and 2nd prizes each respectively.
 3.. Entries should be on Foolscap paper leaving adequate margin and in 
clear handwriting or typed only on one side of the paper.
 4.. On the first page only the title of the feature should be written. 
Name and other details of the contestant to be written on separate sheet of 
paper as follows: a) Name  address, b) title,  c) contact no., d) date of 
birth, e) Signature of the contestant.
 5.. The envelope containing the entry should be marked GRAF Literary 
Contestand  along with the contestant's passport size photograph should 
be sent  to the following  address so as to reach before the 31st July 2008: 
The Goan Review, 14, Nafees Chambers, 121/123 Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai-400 
001. Tel. (022) 22630139
 6.. Decision of the judges will be final and binding on all. No further 
correspondence whatsoever in this regard will be entertained.

Fausto V. da Costa


[Goanet] Celebrating A Victor and A Popular Personality - Wilfred D'Sa

2010-06-29 Thread Goa-World.com
Celebrating A Victor and A Popular Personality
Wilfred D'Sa – Nuvem Constituency – 

Reviews of the Event 
Nuvem Kuwait Parishioners
By:Conceicao Teotonio Gomes

Farwaniya, Kuwait: 
Apropos! there was news filtering among Nuvem Kuwait Parishioners that a very 
well known personality will be visiting Kuwait from our Nuvem village in Goa, 
India and in no time everybody found out Wilfred D'Sa (alias Babashan). 
Hurriedly, plans were laid out by Nuvem Kuwait Parishioners (NKP) members 
communicating amongst themselves and decided to facilitate “Babushan” to show 
their gratitude and affection. Firstly for his general development work he has 
carried out at Nuvem Village Panchayat level for several years and secondly for 
the love and spirit of friend he has had helped in achiving in his village. 
Contrary to the sportive spirit and the mood was defusing when Germany victory 
crushed England to its 4-1 defeat at World Cup 2010 in South Africa.

Coming to the get-together at the Mughal Mahal Restuarant-Farwaniya to honour 
the Zilla Parishad member, and to acknowledge some of the able achievements 
under Babushan’s leadership, as follows:
• Undertaking tremendous work and development as Panch Member to his Ward and 
also supported surrounding wards with skilful planning over a period of almost 
a decade and half. 
• Collaborating and supporting with schemes which laid down and gave resolving 
understanding to affect the voters of each and every ward for the better 
development of all. 
• Motivating and resolving all laid down procedures to take shape and solving 
the problematic solution under as Deputy Sarpanch, at the time of ruling 
Panchayat body.

This is where he stands as of today and which helped him to win the support to 
be elected to the Zilla Parishad seat with great ease. In our humble endeavour, 
this motivated NPK and gave them tremendous joy and pride to facilitate him in 
their own special way.

The celebratory event commenced with Isequel Gomes welcoming the guest of honor 
Wilfred D'Sa and presenting a bouquet of flowers by Ms. Milita Fernandes 
(daughter of our Treasurer Augusto Fernandes).

There was yet another personality amidst from our village and he was the 
‘ONE-MAN-BAND’ Norman Cardozo - a hay-hot wire musical wizard, guitarist, 
drummer, and specialist in Musical ORGAN who can kill the mesmerizing keys to 
any dancing tunes with great ease. Norman was welcomed with a short 
introduction and a bouquet of flowers presented by Master Malcolm Gomes (son of 
Isequel Gomes).

The NKP-President Conceicao Teotonio Gomes called on the NPK members to salute 
the dignitaries with a standing honour and congratulated Wilfred De Sa. On 
behalf of NPK, he presented Babushan a “Memento of Appreciation” for his proud 
achievements and resounding election victory. Wilfred D'Sa, in his few words, 
was very articulate and prompt to touch the hearts graciously with his 
acknowledgement of appreciation for all the support Nuvem villagers and 
specially that of the Murda Grande voters.

In the ensuing proceedings, Wilfred De Sa was quick to get acquainted with his 
old comrades and schoolmates, as well, at the venue, reviving old memories and 
nostalgic happenings. He thanked everyone and conveyed his good feelings to 
others NKP members who could not attend this get-together. He appreciated NKP 
for organizing this day with prompt decision and while accepting the Memento.

Lino Gabriel Fernandes – NKP General Secretary gave vote of thanks and 
expressed his gratitude to all present. He also thanked Augusto Fernandes for 
his generous contributing of his colorful photographs. With lots of joy and 
tranquility of love blooming, this event concluded with happiness and a smile 
shining on the faces of the visiting dignitary and his well-wishers. A 
sumptuous dinner and delights of specialities of  Muhal Mahal Restaurant 
awaited all and with a small prayer and God’s blessings, everyone entertained 
themselves amidst their young and dynamic leader, Babushan.

[Presented by: Lino Gabriel Fernandes
NKP-General Secretary]

(As forwarded to www.goa-world.com by NKP on 28/06/2010)
Photos by: Augusto Fernandes 

Posted by Goa-World.COM

Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo)

2010-06-29 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Lets put ur logic to all other Indian States and Other Indian Countries. How
are Indian States divided today?

Why have borders/identities and lets be a jolly good cocktail?

Let everyone do it and perhaps I could agree!!

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 14:27:12 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 29 June 2010 08:20, J. Colaco   jc cola...@gmail.com wrote:

 BTW: The last day to legally prevent uninhibited migration into Goa
 was Dec 19, 1961

Was there no large-scale migration into Goa before Dec 19, 1961? Where
did all the Goans come from then? And were all our rulers before
then Goan too? FN

PS: I know you will turn around to say the in-migration then wasn't so
proportionately large.  But please do a fact-check on your history,
who is labelled an insider and who an outsider.

[Goanet] Poemoods:-04-:After making an epochal discovery:

2010-06-29 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat

( A treasure trove of Mesolithic rock art, the oldest so far in Goa was
discovered last week  by the writer. He knows that if the discovery is given
publicity the site would be rapidly vandalized. And if it is not published
then it is as good as having never existed before. )

:After making an epochal discovery:

I knew that I had walked here before,

Ages ago,

I knew that the essence of biosphere,

Which made me,

Had been at these coordinates,


So the discovery,

Was a rediscovery

Of myself, my own roots,

I discovered the oldest rock art,

At the most unlikely place,

Near the concrete forest,

It was a sign,

From the past to the present,

Here are the marks, the carvings told me,

Of the first human footprints,

On this island,

The first nomads,

The first travellers,

The first visitors,

The pioneers,

What shall I do with this epochal discovery,

In Mesolithic global rock art?

Who shall care,

And if I disclose,

The art would vanish in a week,

After some media interest,

A few VIP visits, some intellectual masturbation,

Pulverized to pieces,

The art would be lost forever…

It is just amazing,

How these marks revealed themselves to me,

It is still amazing when you know,

That you had been here before so many times,

But what is revealed now was unknown,

Then you see it, suddenly, freeze there,

You see the magic of the stone,

Precisely that could be the original purpose,

To bring the discoverer to the same coordinates,

In space and time,

Align the world lines,

And challenge the mind…look..read…solve the puzzle

I did it..

The epochal discovery

Made me humble, simple, perplexed, thoughtful,

What follows, who knows,

To publish or not to publish,

That’s the question now!
I am still waiting for its’ solution….

July 29, 2010

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

Re: [Goanet] Dredging/desilting of Mapusa river at the Mapusa Bridge end.

2010-06-29 Thread floriano

The two photographs show the Mapusa river  being de-silted/dredged  from the 
tiled park area
which has been beautified by the Bastora Panchayat for the first time since 
the Mapusa Bridge has been rebuilt after it was totally demolished through 
dynamiting it by the retreating Portuguese in 1961, more precisely on 19 
December (early morning), 1961.

What about dredging/de-silting the portion which is out of the reach of the 
earth moving machinery?

The cause of the heavy siltation is the unplanned and improvised 'piped 
bridges across the free flowing Mapusa river and elsewhere in Goa.

This is what Goa Su-Raj Party has to say in it's 'Roadmap for Goa' published 
on 20th August 2005 (to commemorate the World Goa Day)  about the culture of 
piped bridges over free flowing rivers in Goa under Chapter III [General 
Administration] (e) Bridges  Fly-Overs:

Pipe-structured bridges such as the ones on the Guirim-Carrasco Vaddo 
highway by-pass shall e replaced by arch bridges, as the submerged pipes 
pose hindrance to the free flow of water and is the cause for siltation of 
the river beds.


Goa Su-Raj Party is undoubtedly the forward looking Party of Goa. W.r..t. 
dredging small rivers like the Mapusa river end tributaries, a special 
floating bucket mini-dredgers will be commissioned to dredge all the rivers 
of Goa including the main stretch of the Mandovi river.


It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest 

Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined, 
or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance' 
be identified and accepted.

for a date in 2012

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness 

Re: [Goanet] U.S. players mull what might have been

2010-06-29 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Goa-World.com

 After it crashed out of the 2010 World Cup, what does the
 future hold for the U.S. national team?

RESPONSE: I found Team USA's performance in this World Cup very 
inspirational and would recommend any teenage soccer player to watch 
their 4 matches in this World Cup. Their 'never say die' attitude was 
fantastic.right to the end.

- B

Re: [Goanet] The Website of Goa Su-Raj Party [GSRP]-www.goasu-raj.org

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 29 June 2010 19:02, floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 it. As a matter of fact today's hits total around 180, crossing the 128 mark
 of yesterday.

Good going. Controversy is good for business too! FN

[Goanet] Awarding contract for River Princess removal in final stages: AG

2010-06-29 Thread Goanet News Service

Awarding contract for River Princess removal in final stages: AG


“The process for awarding contract for removal of M V River Princess 
which has been lying grounded off Candolim beach since June 2000, is in 
the final stages and a final decision would be taken after convening a 
meeting of the tender committee within this week,” told Advocate General 
(AG) Subodh Kantak to the High Court on Monday.

The Division Bench comprising Justice Justice A S Oka and Justice F M 
Reis were hearing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by the River 
Princess Hatao Manch (RPHM), an association of Candolim people who want 
the vessel to be removed at the earliest.

The AG also told the court that the bids of two companies have been 
short listed and meeting will be convened within this week to finalise 
the award of contract for removal of the vessel and sought time to 
convene a meeting of the tender committee and the matter was adjourned 
until July 7.


[Goanet] India, the hype and the reality... (Radharao Gracias)

2010-06-29 Thread Goanet Reader
We are not great, we have to strive to become great
By Adv.Radharao F.Gracias

It was sometime at the beginning of the nineteenth century
that a soldier in Napoleon's army when asked to justify the
incessant wars that France launched against its neighbours
gave the classic reply which immortalized him. The reply: My
country, therefore right. The soldier: Nicholas Chauvin. He
gave us an entire new concept: Chauvinism.

  We, as a people, seem to have the highest regard
  for Chauvin and have mastered the art of
  chauvinism. If chauvinism were to be declared as a
  sport, India would sweep all medals at the
  Olympics. A symptom of our chauvinism is apparent
  in the oft repeated slogan Mera Bharat Mahan (My
  India is great). The question that arises, is it
  really so?

There has been no greatness about our country, not in the
last two thousand years or so. Our history is nothing but a
record of invasions, conquests, subjugations and enslavement.
History shows that perhaps no other country has been the
victim of invasions and conquests as much as India has been.
The Huns, Scythians, Parthians, Greeks, Mongols or whosoever
have simply marched into the country pillaged and ransacked.

As a consequence of our cowardice and failure to defend
ourselves, invaders who marched in at will, marched out with
booty and tens of thousands of Indians as slaves. The poor
underfed vegetarians from the plains were driven ruthlessly
over the mountains of Afghanistan, where they died like
flies, as history records. The mountains themselves came to
be known as Hindu Kush Mountains. Hindu Kush does not mean
Hindu happy; it means Hindu killer, in the local language.

Geographically, the country was by far the most defensible
against battle technology available in those days. The
Himalayas form a huge bulwark towards the north. No invader,
has crossed the Himalayas into India until the Chinese 1962.

The eastern borders with Burma are rugged hills. No invader
had come, from the East, until the Japanese advanced over
7,000 kms from their island home to reach Kohima during the
Second World War. The South has a vast ocean around it. No
invader entered from the sea till Afonso de Albuquerque
conquered Goa in the sixteenth century.

  All previous invasions into the country were
  overland from the West. And there were just two
  routes of entry into the country; the Bolan Pass
  and the Khyber pass. Most of the invaders poured in
  through the Khyber pass which is about thirty four
  kilometers long and in places only three metres
  wide. There was no other entry point into the
  country. However it never occurred to our
  countrymen to fortify the passes and permanently
  block access to invaders.

In this context, I am reminded of the designer advertisements
being released by the Indian army inviting fellow Indians to
join the army. The advertisements are couched in a language
which practically seem to suggest that the Indian army is a
five star hotel with all sorts of facilities for those who
join it. Despite such enticing advertisements, the shortage
of manpower in the army has mounted to fourteen thousand

If we have to join the army there is only one reason to do
so; and that is because the country needs the soldiers to
defend it. It is here that patriotism comes in. No other
reason is required. One point two billion people and we are
running short of fourteen thousand officers. Can you beat

I have seen how when the Government of Goa announces
vacancies for police sub inspectors, thousands of Goans apply
and are known to have paid bribe price of up to
Rs.15,00,000 to be selected. I understand that shortly
another batch of sub inspectors is to be recruited. The
bribe price has reportedly touched Rs.25,00,000.

Mark my words, there would be thousands, seeking to pull
strings and willing to pay the bribe price to be selected.
None of these applicants for PSIs would go anywhere near an
army selection camp where one would be gladly and freely
selected. Who wants to be at risk of being killed in the
battlefront when it is much easier to make a killing in the
police force? That's our patriotism.

I often wonder about the Sangh Parivar which today seems to
hold a monopoly on patriotism. The RSS itself claims a
membership of over twenty five million cadres who dressed in
khaki are frequently seen marching in military formation. The
Bajrang Dal, Ram Sene and the VHP have their tough-looking
volunteers who have unleashed their 'patriotism' in Gujarat,
Karnataka and not very long ago at Fontainhas in Panaji too.
So presumably, the Sangh Parivar is full of young energetic
country men willing to defendant the country's honour.

  That being so, why does the RSS and its sister
  organizations not hold camps of its patriotic
  sevaks and call upon the army, to 

Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo)

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
Arwin, Are you suggesting that the borders of other states are closed
to Goans going and settling there? We already have what you call a
jolly good cocktail... and Goans have been benefitting from this for
some generations now. FN

On 29 June 2010 17:33, Arwin Mesquita arwinmesqu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Lets put ur logic to all other Indian States and Other Indian Countries. How
 are Indian States divided today?
 Why have borders/identities and lets be a jolly good cocktail?
 Let everyone do it and perhaps I could agree!!

Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo)

2010-06-29 Thread Inacio DSilva
I agree with Arwin Mesquita on the subject he has written. With regards to us 
Goans accepting ourselves as part of the Indian Union, we already have. But has 
India accepted that Goans are part of what collectively defines India? What is 
India? Is it not a collection of states each with their unique language  
culture? Together this becomes India. And if Goans want to preserve a part of 
what defines India, then definitely they should be  are well within their 

With regards to influx of people, it's not about Goan or Indian here. Goa 
doesn't have sufficient residential land. It's as simple as that. To be able to 
settle in Goa, rules are blatantly violated resulting in hills being cut, farms 
being filled etc. If this is acceptable  nobody minds an ecological disaster, 
then fine, we can welcome destruction of the environment. 

Another fact is more the people more the strain on the civic services. Clean 
drinking water, proper garbage disposal, power, law enforcement etc, need to 
keep with the sudden dramatic increase in population.

I mean it's not just the rights of the people here. What about the rights of 
the environment? We accused the colonial powers of exploiting our resources. 
Are we doing any better? 

How do we explain in a country thats mostly vegetarian, Tigers are on the brink 
of extinction? It's nothing but the two predators (human  tiger) competing for 
territory. One needs more land to reside  thus one of them has to give  we 
know where that's going. So once the Indian tiger, a symbol of India, 
disappears, can we blame the colonial powers?

I think we should look at Arwin's article  understand it thoroughly. Finally, 
when you analyze it, the focal point really comes down to effective proper 
planning with a vision for the future. How does the Government of Goa  India 
see Goa 5, 10, 20 years down the line? An overpopulated  polluted state  with 
crumbling infrastructure or a state with proper management where it's citizens 
enjoy healthy environment  are proud that their customs  traditions are 

Planning ( especially for the future) is severely lacking in India which 
leaves inhabitants frustrated  this frustration gets manifested in ways 
similar to the Marathi agitation against outsiders.

Unfortunately, media  people are quick to cry  react with Traitor or 
Disloyal to India. I guess this is much easier then solving the root cause of 
the issue. I mean, hey, why bother providing a solution, just accuse a whole 
section of people (if they complain) that they don't love India  they'll feel 
bad  fall back in line. Indians are extremely emotional anyways. Really easy 
to keep unhappy people in line, isn't it? In history (Europe), when people were 
unhappy revolutions occurred. Here, not so I guess.

And as I've mentioned in the beginning, it is the parts (states) that make the 
whole (India). You take away one  India ceases to exist. How India would 
prosper if it ensures that all parts effectively come together in a proper 
synergy, without strain or preferential treatment on few individual parts.

Of course, if the constitution states that conformance of only North Indian or 
any other particular non-Goan culture is what truly defines India, then in that 
case, I'm sorry to say that India shouldn't exist.

I am proud of my Goan identity  culture which contributes to define India  
India's uniqueness among nations.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: RAMPONN

2010-06-29 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: RAMPONN

When I get time (and the mood), I will write  about RAMPONN
I used to remember in 70s
With  Kudd, Zall, sinjel, voddem, Ulantti, zomar, orbol,  doram, 
danddo, ogoll, oddpak.Kharvi, Gaddio/Jasti, pattem, mati (Sand), 
pornel (Canoe), olo,  Bangdde, Tal’le, kol-balle, Bulgem/Gadho
(Dolphin), Shoutte, Zaram, Pellio  etc etc
In the mean time you way view these pics
of a smaller or mini RAMPONN which made my day
as I have witnessed RAMPONN after about 30 years
This one may have taken about  2-3 hours
But the RAMPONN  I am going to talk about took 2-3 days
e.g. Stage 1 (see below) alone took many hours
Ok let’s check the pics
Ground/Shore activities:
Stage: 1
Stage: 2
Final Stage

Extra: Related
Any ideas/thoughts of RAMPONN that you may have seen/known during 
your time, are most welcome
thank you.

When they put or spread the net (Ramponn) in the sea,
we did not say 'Raponn Ghatlia' 
but 'Raponn dovorlia'


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goa news for June 30, 2010

2010-06-29 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** HRD asks Goa to up school hours - Times of India
months after Act, RTE rulebook here

*** Raid on Goa disco, 11 prostitutes freed - Sify
racket busted at disco in Goa

*** Goa opens up competition - Variety
 The Intl. Film Festival of India in Goa has opened up its
competition section to films from all parts of the world. ...

*** Crime branch interviews Pacheco's wife in Nadia Torrado's
death - Daily News  Analysis
ily News  AnalysisPTI Panjim: Sara Pacheco, estranged wife of
former Goa tourism minister Fransisco 'Mickey' Pacheco, was
today questioned by the crime branch of the Goa ...

*** Navy launches two water jet-propelled fast attack craft -
The Hindu
commissions two fast attack craft

*** NCP names Phillip as Goa president - Sify
fyThe Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) has appointed Jose
Phillip D'Souza as its Goa president, it was announced Tuesday.
Jose Phillip is now the cabinet ...

*** Goa official caught taking bribe - Sify
Goa govt officer arrested for accepting bribe

*** BSNL Intros Unlimited Plans and New STVs In Maharashtra 
Goa - TelecomTalk
n Plans catering to both prepaid 2G and 3G customers in
Maharashtra and Goa telecom circle. ...a class=

*** Pacheco moves Supreme Court for anticipatory bail - The
e HinduGoa's former Tourism Minister, Micky Pacheco, and his
former Officer on Special Duty (OSD), Lyndon Monteiro, on
Tuesday moved the Supreme Court seeking ...a class=

*** Met Coke Division of Sesa Goa Ltd. wins Safety Award -
digITal Goa
Sesa Goa Ltd.  Met Coke Division, located at Navelim, won
Consolation Prize in Category C (251 and above workers) for
2009. ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] GOACAN to observe State Road Safety Week from 1st July.

2010-06-29 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
GOACAN to observe State Road Safety Week from 1st July
GOACAN will observe a State Road Safety Week from 1st July
to create an awareness among consumers on the importance of
Road Safety and Traffic Management, the urgent need to instill
traffic discipline and reduce accidents in Goa.

The death of 46 persons in road accidents in the 31days of
May is yet another reminder of the serious problem affecting
the State of Goa. The death of 19 riders and 11 pedestrians
further highlights the urgent need for consumers to get involved
in solutions.

The Week long program during this monsoon will promote the
formation of Road Safety  Traffic Management Committees
at the level of the Village Panchayat  Municipal Councils and
the submission of local Road Safety Plans prepared by the
Consumer Forums to the various agencies like Traffic Police,
Directorate of  Transport, PWD, RND  District Magistrate.

During the week Consumer Forums will promote the benefits
of  the Road Safety Patrol (RSP) and encourage its formation
in all High Schools in Goa as well as the benefits of the Traffic
Warden Scheme in co-ordination with the various Traffic
Police Cells.

The Consumer Forums will also promote village Gram Sabha
discussions on Road Engineering, the NHAI plans for highway
expansion, the importance of bus bays, zebra crossings, notified
bus stops, proper parking spaces, sub ways, speed breakers
and proper signages.

The Forum volunteers will disseminate the accident statistics,
examine the causes of the same and involve various stake
holders in finding solutions to reduce the fatalities.

GOACAN will also take the campaign for Road Safety 
Traffic Management to Educational Institutions, Mahila
Mandals, Self Helps Groups and NGO's working with the
disabled  senior citizens.

Proper knowledge of the rules of the road, safe driving practices,
importance of helmets  seat belts, dangers caused by the use
of  mobile phones  alcohol intake whilst driving, proper
maintenance  use of  vehicle lights and observance of speed
limits are some of the issues that will be highlighted by
Consumer Forum volunteers during this monsoon campaign.

GOACAN will pursue with the Public Works Department
(PWD) the need to set up a Road Engineering Cell (REC) as
well as develop suitable guidelines on the construction and
maintenance of safe roads for the Village Panchayats 
Municipal Councils.

GOACAN will highlight the need for Comfortable, Affordable
and Safe public transport which would include bus services
provided by Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd. and private
operators so as to limit the use of personal vehicles for
commuting daily to reduce traffic congestion and accidents.

GOACAN will promote the use of the Traffic Police Complaint
Cards among senior citizens and Complaint Boxes of Consumer
Welfare Clubs (CWC) for student commuters in High Schools,
HSS and Colleges to report unsafe driving practices 
harassment in public transport vehicles.

During the campaign Forum volunteers will also interact with
the Chairpersons of the Regional Transport Authority (RTA),
District Magistrates as well as senior officers of the Traffic
Police and Directorate of Transport with consumer feedback
on Road Safety  Traffic Management.
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: goa...@gmail.com Visit: http://goacan.blogspot.com

[Goanet] Bong without a bong but bong binging_There is nothing like a dame...er Bondu

2010-06-29 Thread Venantius J Pinto
After Bodhisattwa (Maity), now a Siddharth (Pinto) interviewing. Tumhi
amhar Bondu hoiche.

World Cup Sid meets Brazil supporter from Kolkata.


[Goanet] Goan Tolerance

2010-06-29 Thread Vasant Baliga
This article in Time Magazine shows how some Americans feel about 
immigration.There is a large Goan Community in New Jersey-and I wonder how 
Canadians would feel about the old and new Mississauga!Are the Goans Bhailes 
in the US and Canada?Food for thought!!
By Joel Stein
I am very much in favor of immigration everywhere in the U.S. except Edison, 
N.J. The mostly white suburban town I left when I graduated from high school in 
1989 — the town that was called Menlo Park when Thomas Alva Edison set up shop 
there and was later renamed in his honor — has become home to one of the 
Indian communities in the U.S., as familiar to people in India as how to 
instruct stupid Americans to reboot their Internet routers.
My town is totally unfamiliar to me. The Pizza Hut where my busboy friends 
stole pies for our drunken parties is now an Indian sweets shop with a 
completely inappropriate roof. The AP I shoplifted from is now an Indian 
grocery. The multiplex where we snuck into R-rated movies now shows only 
Bollywood films and serves samosas. The Italian restaurant that my friends 
cash from as waiters is now Moghul, one of the most famous Indian restaurants 
the country. There is an entire generation of white children in Edison who have 
nowhere to learn crime. (See pictures of Thomas Edison's Menlo Park.)
I never knew how a bunch of people half a world away chose a random town in 
New Jersey to populate. Were they from some Indian state that got made fun of 
all the other Indian states and didn't want to give up that feeling? Are the 
malls in India that bad? Did we accidentally keep numbering our parkway exits 
all the way to Mumbai?

Re: [Goanet] World Cup 2010 - Portugal vs.Spain

2010-06-29 Thread Pandu Lampiao
Battle? Pardon me Sa.
Its one sided written all over. The Japanese play a lot better
football than the Portuguese who played like they had a roast pigling
each for lunch!! I don't much care for Spain either but they
certainly are a class act.
My pet cockroaches can play a better game, if you don't mind me saying so.
Thank  Gwood, all the Portuguese flag-flying and screaming and blowing
horns will stop now, and they will go back to polishing shoes or their
construction jobs.

Next on the way home is Brazil, I hope. They are no longer entertaining.

I was hoping some of our brothers from Lusio world made it to the
finals: Mozambique (just missed) and Angola. That I would cheer for.
They have no pretensions, and play a honest game (no dropping every
few minutes).

Now for once I hope Ghana keeps their nerve and wins the thing!!! Its
time some outsider came by and did the number!


On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 7:14 AM, Antonio Menezes ac.mene...@gmail.com wrote:
 This evening Spaniards and the Portuguese  will battle for supremacy on a
 football field at Cape Town
 near the Cape of Good Hope.
 It would appear that Spain is in a stronger position  to win the battle but
 if the mythical giant Adamastor
 who ruled the stormy seas at the intersection of Atlantic and Indian oceans,
 deigns to smile upon his
 old enemies  i.e. the Portuguese sailors  of the 15th century then perhaps
 Portugal may sail through
 to the quarter final stage.

[Goanet] Y viva Espana!

2010-06-29 Thread Gabe Menezes
Poor thing wasn't given the free kicks he was looking for; Well, well his
reputation preceeded him and the Ref would have none of it. Got away with it
at Man. U - Yes Bosco smiled and took it. Sometimes, somewhere your past
catches up with you. Ole! Now enjoy the songs which I have chosen to go with
the theme.


and Adios:-

Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] tarvoteachim bondolam

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 29 June 2010 21:50, Camillo Fernandes camillofernan...@hotmail.com wrote:

 It is only in India that many people look down on low
 paid  jobs by calling them    bhungis, jaddoo walla,
 metrani etc.

Does the low payment come about due to the names called? Are the
low-status jobs the only ones which draw low payment? Or, is this a
wholly separate issue, quite different from (but running parallel to)
the issue of low payment for labour? FN

[Goanet] Any Goanetters out there in Edison, NJ?

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
I guess *we* must be seen as the *bhaile* out there, who get 
consistently run-down on Goanet by Mesquita, Parrikar et al:

My Own Private India

[Goanet] Medicos

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha

Might be of interest to medicos on this list...
Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436 +91-832-2409490
Journalism, editing, photography http://photosfromgoa.notlong.com

[Goanet] Barking wogs

2010-06-29 Thread manuel tavares
Bernado Colaco seems to have no concept regarding the economic value of 
Tourism. If Tourism, which is one of the principal Industries for Goa 
accounting for the creation of thousands of jobs, is eliminated, half the 
population of Goa would be without a source of income. It is like killing the 
Goose that lays the Golden Egg. What a stupid idea. I hope Benado has some 
solution for the thousands who would join the already numerous unemployed RG's 
in Goa.

Regards..Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

Re: [Goanet] Subject: Re: Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo) Message-ID:

2010-06-29 Thread J. Colaco jc
Bernice is making the same valid point that Rajan Parrikar has been making.

i.e. With the existing laws ..

[1] Prosecute those who squat on property not theirs

[2] Prosecute those who filthy up the place

The problem with all this is those 'bleeding heart' commies will then
make their tamasha

I believe that as long as .. Panchayats (Oh those fine local govt
entities) and the Sir Paunches are lured by the 33 pieces of silver,
and as long as there are corrupt lawyers (e.g. the ones who dump their
plaintiff clients and go with the other party AFTER contracting with
the plaintiffs) the land of Goa will be littered with concrete.

Ah Grace church property, Margao!

Gabe, have you taken note?

Ah the road to Dabolim!



On 29 June 2010 13:11, Bernice Pereira bernicepere...@yahoo.com wrote:

Agree with JC's letter that migration cannot be prevented.  But, is it
not possible to put CURBS on wanton, unrestricted housing projects
which are mushrooming all over the state.  The bhailes see Goa as a
nice  milch  animal   which is tolerant, totally indisciplined and
susegad, where they can do as they want with no restrictions at all.
They can  buy land build multistorey ugly buildings sell the flats and
make their money and who gives them the permission to do so is the
question. We must understand that these bhailes have no real love or
feeling for our State.   Already the  Candolim, Calangute, Baga belt
is just an ugly stretch..  What a pretty place it was upto the 70s.
The beaches are filthy (just like Juhu), littered with garbage and
nobody cares  anymore.

[Goanet] How dark chocolate may guard against brain injury from stroke

2010-06-29 Thread Con Menezes
Good news for chocoholics - as long as you eat the right type!


[Goanet] Top 10 Food Facts Everyone Should Know | Healthy Eating Tips - Upgrade Your Healthstyle | Summer Tomato

2010-06-29 Thread Con Menezes
Ten top foods everyone should know.
'Summer Tomato'

Re: [Goanet] India, the hype and the reality... (Radharao Gracias)

2010-06-29 Thread Santosh Helekar
I am always amazed why people counter hyperbolic nonsense on one fringe with 
something even worse from the opposite fringe. In this article it looks like 
chauvinism is countered by self-loathing, using a rather constricted definition 
of greatness and progress. If, as the silly line of argument in this article 
suggests, the principal measure of contribution to society is to join the army, 
then India has done quite well. It has arguably the third largest army in the 
world, after China and Russia.

But I am sure most readers of the article have more sense than to believe any 
aspect of the cartoonish picture sketched by it. Contributions to human
civilization involve much more than military prowess and scoring goals - 
indeed, much more than even technological advancement. There is language, art, 
music, dance, literature, sculpture, architecture, cuisine, philosophy and 
numerous other areas of human endeavor that characterize any culture and 
society. I would like to know whether the author of the said article has 
thought about them at all. His article certainly does not indicate he has. But 
if he has or if he does so now, I would also like to know what kind of 
objective method he would use to place India at the bottom of the pack in these 
areas as well.

BTW, the literal contribution of zero by an Indian to mathematics was one of 
the most significant inventions of humankind. It was as transformative as the` 
invention of calculus.



P.S. Also, encouraging or shaming the RSS and other Hindu extremists into 
joining the military would be the worst calamity anybody could wish upon India.

--- On Tue, 6/29/10, Goanet Reader goanetrea...@gmail.com wrote:

 We are not great, we have to strive
 to become great
 By Adv.Radharao F.Gracias
 It was sometime at the beginning of the nineteenth century
 that a soldier in Napoleon's army when asked to justify
 incessant wars that France launched against its neighbours
 gave the classic reply which immortalized him. The reply:
 country, therefore right. The soldier: Nicholas Chauvin.
 gave us an entire new concept: Chauvinism.


[Goanet] What’s in Your Toothpaste?

2010-06-29 Thread Con Menezes
Know the contents of your toothpaste.??
Surprising reading here..

[Goanet] Does Washing Lettuce Get Rid of Bacteria? | LiveScience

2010-06-29 Thread Con Menezes
Does washing your produce rids it of bacteria??
Live Science

[Goanet] Author, with a Varca link

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha

Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436 +91-832-2409490
Journalism, editing, photography http://photosfromgoa.notlong.com

[Goanet] How to Tell If Your Child Is Being Bullied - iVillage

2010-06-29 Thread Con Menezes
An indicator if your child is being bullied.

Re: [Goanet] India, the hype and the reality... (Radharao Gracias)

2010-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha
Easy to dismiss any criticism as self-loathing, smearing etc. That
way, almost anything could be dismissively cast aside  and written
away! Where's the space then for critical thought and questioning

As far as Radha's point on the RSS goes, I saw it differently. He was
merely pointing out to their hypocrisy -- talk about patriotism but
not do something like join the army and risk getting killed
themselves. In other words, ahem, something like skin-deep patriotism!

While I don't agree entirely with Gracias, and believe some of the
comparisons (with Japan, Turkey) might not be apt, because our history
has been so different, he does through up an interesting challenge to
think about.


Frederick Noronha

On 30 June 2010 02:34, Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com wrote:
I am always amazed why people counter hyperbolic nonsense on one
fringe with something even worse from the opposite fringe. In this
article it looks like chauvinism is countered by self-loathing, using
a rather constricted definition of greatness and progress. If, as the
silly line of argument in this article suggests, the principal measure
of contribution to society is to join the army, then India has done
quite well. It has arguably the third largest army in the world, after
China and Russia.
But I am sure most readers of the article have more sense than to
believe any aspect of the cartoonish picture sketched by it.
Contributions to human civilization involve much more than military
prowess and scoring goals - indeed, much more than even technological
advancement. There is language, art, music, dance, literature,
sculpture, architecture, cuisine, philosophy and numerous other areas
of human endeavor that characterize any culture and society. I would
like to know whether the author of the said article has thought about
them at all. His article certainly does not indicate he has. But if he
has or if he does so now, I would also like to know what kind of
objective method he would use to place India at the bottom of the pack
in these areas as well.
 BTW, the literal contribution of zero by an Indian to mathematics was
one of the most significant inventions of humankind. It was as
transformative as the` invention of calculus.

[Goanet] Re. Goan Tolerance

2010-06-29 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Surely you apprectiate that others mostly allow outsiders to a POINT that it
does not dilute their exisiting culture/customs/language etc

Is the same happening in Goa?  Yes Migration will happen but it has to be
controlled subject to the POINT I have stated above


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 23:27:13 +0530

From: Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance (Letter in Goan Daily OHeraldo)


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Arwin, Are you suggesting that the borders of other states are closed
to Goans going and settling there? We already have what you call a
jolly good cocktail... and Goans have been benefitting from this for
some generations now. FN

[Goanet] Daily Grook #741

2010-06-29 Thread Francis Rodrigues



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[Goanet] Re. Goan Tolerance

2010-06-29 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Yes but however in the Perspective of US and Canada.
(1) the Goan Bhailes are integrating into the US and Canadian
(2) They are entering via controlled migration


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 21:02:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vasant Baliga vabal...@yahoo.com
To: Goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance
Message-ID: 224500.85419...@web111301.mail.gq1.yahoo.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

This article in Time Magazine shows how some Americans feel about
immigration.There is a large Goan Community in New Jersey-and I wonder how
Canadians would feel about the old and new Mississauga!Are the Goans
Bhailes in the US and Canada?Food for thought!!

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] India, the hype and the reality... (Radharao Gracias)

2010-06-29 Thread Amita Kanekar
I think the below article contains quite a few sweeping generalisations,
often misleading. To take just 2 sentences at the start, *Our history is
nothing but a record of invasions, conquests, subjugations and enslavement.
History shows that perhaps no other country has been the victim of invasions
and conquests as much as India has been.
*The second sentence is not true. The first sentence applies to many if not
most places of the world. Today's countries have been formed out of
conquests and other events of history; most regions/peoples of the world
have suffered invasions, conquests, subjugation and enslavement. India in
fact is known to have have not had much slavery as compared to Europe,
Africa and the Americas. And the invaders and other migrants who came to
India, from the Aryan-speaking peoples to the Mongols, did not all pillage
and ransack and leave, many settled down and became today's Indians (see
writings by Romila Thapar and others). And India did not compare so badly
with the rest of the world as a place to live right up to Mughal times,
European visitors have noted the conditions of the Indian peasants was not
much worse -- and was sometimes better -- than those at home (Bernier, etc).
Of course, this was not paradise. Caste dominated society, discrimination
was rampant, and there were few opportunities for those at the bottom of the
caste hierarchy to live well or freely, but, as various scholars have
pointed out, the mix of religious cultures in India thanks to the rule of
the Sultanate and Mughals over a majority-Hindu populace, meant that no one
religion could dominate, thus avoiding the savage religious wars of Europe.
It was only with arrival of the post-Renaissance Europeans that things
changed, and the conditions like you describe (in those 2 sentences) can be
said to have appeared. These Europeans were interested in only ransacking
and pillage, and not in living here. And India did remain in their control
longer than most parts of the world.
(I agree though that today's India has huge problems, I think many of them
are connected to our caste culture.)

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 12:35 AM, Goanet Reader goanetrea...@gmail.comwrote:

 We are not great, we have to strive to become great
 By Adv.Radharao F.Gracias

 It was sometime at the beginning of the nineteenth century
 that a soldier in Napoleon's army when asked to justify the
 incessant wars that France launched against its neighbours
 gave the classic reply which immortalized him. The reply: My
 country, therefore right. The soldier: Nicholas Chauvin. He
 gave us an entire new concept: Chauvinism.

  We, as a people, seem to have the highest regard
  for Chauvin and have mastered the art of
  chauvinism. If chauvinism were to be declared as a
  sport, India would sweep all medals at the
  Olympics. A symptom of our chauvinism is apparent
  in the oft repeated slogan Mera Bharat Mahan (My
  India is great). The question that arises, is it
  really so?

 There has been no greatness about our country, not in the
 last two thousand years or so. Our history is nothing but a
 record of invasions, conquests, subjugations and enslavement.
 History shows that perhaps no other country has been the
 victim of invasions and conquests as much as India has been.
 The Huns, Scythians, Parthians, Greeks, Mongols or whosoever
 have simply marched into the country pillaged and ransacked.

 As a consequence of our cowardice and failure to defend
 ourselves, invaders who marched in at will, marched out with
 booty and tens of thousands of Indians as slaves. The poor
 underfed vegetarians from the plains were driven ruthlessly
 over the mountains of Afghanistan, where they died like
 flies, as history records. The mountains themselves came to
 be known as Hindu Kush Mountains. Hindu Kush does not mean
 Hindu happy; it means Hindu killer, in the local language.

 Geographically, the country was by far the most defensible
 against battle technology available in those days. The
 Himalayas form a huge bulwark towards the north. No invader,
 has crossed the Himalayas into India until the Chinese 1962.

 The eastern borders with Burma are rugged hills. No invader
 had come, from the East, until the Japanese advanced over
 7,000 kms from their island home to reach Kohima during the
 Second World War. The South has a vast ocean around it. No
 invader entered from the sea till Afonso de Albuquerque
 conquered Goa in the sixteenth century.

  All previous invasions into the country were
  overland from the West. And there were just two
  routes of entry into the country; the Bolan Pass
  and the Khyber pass. Most of the invaders poured in
  through the Khyber pass which is about thirty four
  kilometers long and in places only three metres
  wide. There was no other entry point into the
  country. However it never occurred to our