[Goanet-News] SITEWATCH: http://www.goarusha.com/

2010-10-16 Thread Frederick Noronha

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Farewell of Alain Randria

Farewell of Philu



Variety Show 2009

Nativity Play 2009

GOA Day 2010

6th East African Goan Convention in Mombassa


Follow us on facebook

For sponsorship  donations please contact Ray or you can directly
make the donations at Bank Of Baroda, Arusha Branch. Account No.

The Goans of Arusha Trust (G.O.A.), are proud to have their website. Thanks to
Sebastiao Fernandes (a.k.a. Seby) and Alain Randria for creating this website.

Welcome to our website and thank you for spending time to know about us.
Geographically, we, the Goans of Arusha (G.O.A.) are located in the
northern region of Tanzania.

We are joined by the Goans of Moshi to be in our ambit.
Arusha is the mid-point between Cape Town and Cairo while Moshi lies on
the foothills of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain of Africa.

The G.O.A. is a registered Trust. In addition to social gatherings, we
look into welfare issues to the extent we can manage, and we integrate
with other communities.

Since its formation in 1990, the G.O.A. has steadily grown and has now
received recognition from Goan communities within East Africa.

We are happy to share our experiences with the rest of the world and
we hope this will propagate to the generations to come our traditions.

In ending my note, I wish to thank the past and present managing
committees and the community members for their tireless efforts to
keep our trust serving at all times.

Ray Travas
Goans of Arusha Trust
Managing Commitee
E-mail: raytra...@bol.co.tz


Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

[Goanet-News] DOCUMENT: GBA's memorandum to the chief minister (October 14, 2010)

2010-10-16 Thread Goanet Reader
Goa Bachao Abhiyan
77, Defence Colony, Alto Porvorim-Goa
Phone: 9767701245

14 October, 2010

The Chief Minister,
Government of Goa,


Due to the opposition of the people of Goa led by the GBA,
the Government of Goa, then headed by Mr. Pratapsing Rane as
CM, revoked  the notified Regional Plan for Goa 2011 in
February, 2007. The current Government of Goa set up a Task
Force on RP 2021 first in October, 2007 and changed its terms
of reference in February, 2008. A draft RP2021 was notified
in October, 2008 and then State Level Committee was set up to
finalize RP 2021 with inputs from village level committees.
All the committees for RP 2021 have been headed ex-officio by
the Chief Minister since October 2007.

When the draft RP2021 was sent to the villages, the people of
Goa made the effort to study it and gave their suggestions
and comments trough the Village Level Committee on RP 2021
and the Gram Sabha meetings across Goa hoping that the RP2021
will stop the destruction of Goa and the necessary
legislative changes would be made to make a people's
participatory plan legally binding on all.

  However, the RP2021 is yet to be completed and no
  changes have been made in the laws in force to
  provide for participatory planning. In the meantime
  the destruction continues. On the contrary,
  retrograde changes have been made in the Goa TCP
  Act, 1974 to provide for PPP vide amended Section
  16  16 A and the administration has notified the
  'Goa Land Development  Building Construction
  Regulations, 2010' last month to provide for 80 FAR
  across Goa when many villages have asked for a cap
  at 50 FAR.

Enough notice has been given to the elected Government of Goa
and the Goa Administration. The people marched to the CM's
official residence on 04 March, 2010, and when no action was
forthcoming, to the residence in Margao on 27 March, 2010.

The CM has given an assurance on the floor of the Goa
Legislative Assembly on 27 March, 2010, that the RP 2021
would be finalized in six months. This period has ended.

Repeated meetings have been held with the CM, Chief Town
Planner [CTP] of Goa and other officials. A structured
meeting was held on 21 April, 2010, with the then Secretary
to CM and Secretary for TCP, Forests, WRD  Public
Grievances, A Chain in the Rain protest was held on 11
June, 2010, at Panaji, to highlight the Goa Government's
failure to keep its promise.

Very little progress has been made and a lot of damage
suffered by the people and ecology of Goa in the meanwhile.

  The continuance and growth of rampant illegal
  mining, hazardous industries in residential areas,
  destruction of traditional livelihoods like fishing
  and agriculture, demolition of houses, construction
  of big housing projects in villages, displacement
  of local residents in the name of development,
  non-planned construction, denial of tribal rights
  by non implementation of Forest Dwellers Act 2006,
  no legislation for participatory planning, etc, are
  several issues relating to planning which is
  plaguing the state. People of Goa have patiently
  waited for promises and assurances given in the
  Assembly to be fulfilled.

In the wake of governance failure the people of Goa have
decided to re-launch the agitation to get the just demands

Four common issues have been identified by the people after
consultations held by GBA along with representatives of
various groups to protect Goa for posterity.

We Demand

  1. Notify VP3 status with 50 FAR  in ALL the
  Villages that have opted for VP3 in the RP 2021.
  Where there is conflict between the Panchayat Body
  and the Gram Sabha, adhere to VP3 till the issue is

  2. Notify all Eco-Sensitive Zones [ESZs] at least
  as shown in Draft RP 2021, like steep slopes,
  forested areas, paddy fields, mangroves, wetlands,
  lakes and ponds and protect them form

  3. Implement the High Court order  prohibiting
  development of multi-dwelling units till the
  infrastructure is in place [roads, electricity,
  drainage, garbage disposal, etc] All files with
  proposals for development without satisfying the
  above directive is in contempt of the court and
  should be returned to the applicant, NOT sent to
  TCP Dept for NOC.

  4. Legislate and amend Acts for participatory
  planning and development which is in consonance
  with Article 243 of the Constitution of India after
  the 73rd and 74th amendments to it. The
  Participatory Planning Process [people's PPP] must
  have a legal basis

[Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: Understanding Mando -- the song of Goa

2010-10-16 Thread Goanet Reader

Dr. Francisco Colaço

What is Mando? Everyone is talking of Mando these days. Mando
is a dance-song with lyrics that convey pathos and imagery.
It is a concrete symbol of the synthesis of two cultures: the
Latin Christian and the Indian Hindu.

  Nowhere else one sees a file of men dressed in
  purely Western outfits and a file of women in
  Indian costumes holding fans gently swaying back
  and forth to a melancholic tune. Mando conjures
  reminiscences of a fantasy world of yesteryear to
  which today's renowned composers have added new,
  pressing themes that make it a felicitous blend of
  the new and the old.


Mando is said to be the biography of the Goan heart: a long
tale of our bitter-sweet history with all the joys and

Something that expresses with immortal lyrics the glory and
the martyrdom of Goan heart with its immense capacity to love
and to suffer.  Any event connected with the Mando generates
profound interest among its aficionados.

Recently, Goa witnessed one such momentous occasion. Against
the backdrop of nostalgic Mando music by Curtorechim Salkam,
Dr. Maria Aurora Couto released the book Song of Goa Crown
of Mandos written by Dr. Jose Pereira, Michael Martins and
Antonio da Costa, a 497-page hardbound book, co-published by
the Saligao-based Goa-1556 and Broadway Publishing House. It
has proved to be the fruit of much labour, patience and
dedication by those who rose to the challenging task.

Dr. Couto with her well-known verve and fluency waxed
nostalgic about those days when she, her late revered husband
Albano and Dr. Jose Pereira formed an inseparable trio.

While extolling the grandiosity and scholarship of Dr. Jose
she made it a point to stress the latter's simplicity and
originality that make him unique, a giant among mortals. She
concluded quoting lines from Dr. Jose's touching letter of
condolence upon the death of husband Albano (and this brought
tears to the eyes of many).

Dr. Jose Pereira, the co-author of the book, who had
specially flown from US to grace the release function, rose
then to speak. With precise, measured, erudite words he gave
a scholarly overview about Mando and its significance.

  Dr. Jose Pereira is the professor emeritus of
  theology of Fordham University, New York, where he
  lectured on History of Religions. A multi-faceted
  multi-talented personality, he has taught and done
  research in various academic institutions in
  Lisbon, London and Varanasi and has published 16
  books and over 130 articles on theology, history of
  art and architecture and on Goa and Konkani
  language, culture, literature and music. He has
  devoted a great part of his life to the study of
  Mando, something that fascinates him immensely.

Dr. Jose had earlier written a trilogy of books on Mando.
Because of the huge demand, no sooner these books were
released, they were out of print. This obviously left a big
lacuna that had to be filled. The present book Song of Goa
Crown of Mandos is a welcome release. The word Crown has
been aptly chosen because Mando is indeed a crown made of
four jewels: Mandos of Yearning (Utrike), Mandos of Union
(Ekvott), Mandos of Lamentation (Villap) and Mandos of News

Our immortal Mando composers of yesteryear dealt poignantly
with the ardent and passionate love that yearns for union.
Since yearning for love at times culminates with marital
bliss, at times with failure to achieve union, the love
forlorn, the jilted love affair leading to despair,
desolation and lament, our great composers of Mando dealt
also with this aspect admirably.

A sizable space has also been reserved to describe social and
political events. Mandos of Fobro deal with historical
happenings, scandalous fashions, clandestine affairs and
anecdotes from composer's personal life -- truly a portrait
of traditional Goa, depicted with humour and malice. It is
said that malice delivered impersonally and without prejudice
used to be a developed fine art in that bygone era.

The book Crown of Mandos is the fruit of much
scholarship and meticulous research and beyond doubt, the
authors have succeeded in bringing a real treatise on Mando.
They have dug through a lot of archives, taken the trouble of
interviewing hundreds of people, reviewed thousands of
manuscripts, and obtained a wealth of information, treading
the breadth and length of Goa, Saxtti in special.

As a result, we have now the voluminous reference material at
our disposal in the form of a compendium: Song of Goa (Crown
of Mandos). Anyone who is interested in the subject (even
those who have a bent for research) can now approach mando
with a scholarly mind. They are given the rare opportunity to
analyze Mandos in a manner never made previously possible.
Information about 

Re: [Goanet] My world is always better than your world...

2010-10-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Like Admin Noronha, I too do not see that this guy is claiming that his world 
is better than someone else's. His proposal is that mythology and traditions 
shape people's ways of behaving and doing business. While there is some truth 
in this view from the subjective standpoint, the problem I see with his talk is 
that he goes overboard with his generalizations and metaphors, and ends up 
wrongly conflating the subjective with the objective. It is a classic example 
of comparing apples with oranges. The dichotomy he creates between the east and 
the west is entirely artificial, and of his own making, for this reason.



--- On Fri, 10/15/10, Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Selma,
 Devadutt Pattanaik
 struck me
 as making some very important points.
 His view didn't strike me as arguing that India is
 better, but just
 different. Not just India, but a whole lot of societies
 which have a
 non-linear approach towards time.
 When viewed against the West-is-best, science-is-god,
 approaches, the points being made struck me as something
 We could quibble about the examples he used to make his
 point, but
 what he said did ring a bell while I viewed it. FN
 Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490


[Goanet] Goa: The Cruellest Inquisition

2010-10-16 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Instead of giving us the London-based Zimler's opinion about Inquisitional 
events in Goa, why not provide the actual data about the victims of the Goa 
Inquisition.  We know the number subjected to capital punishment. So why do not 
we have a breakdown of their ethnicity?  If we do not know the ethnic 
can we claim one group was a greater victim than another?

Zimler's novel is a classical example where fictional novels are used to back 
Goa's history.
In fact many references used to substantiate the Inquisition in Goa on 
are fictional novels.  So much for the desire / insistence of Goans to use 
references.  Venatitius are you reading this?:=))

Whoever wrote the Wiki article about the Inquisition in Goa did a great hatchet 
job.  I did not see any references to historians of the 17th /18th century who 
recorded Goa's history 'real time'.  Rather we rely on novels written in the 
20th / 21th century.

Regards, GL 

--- Eddie Fernandes

Muslims were the major victims of the Spanish Inquisition in Goa. Richard 
of course focuses on the couple of Jews. But his work is seminal in the sense 
that it highlights the plight of the Goans... 

Zimler says,  My novel, Guardian of the Dawn, takes place in the Portuguese 
colony of Goa during the early 17th century, and it is an historical mystery 
that explores the dangers of religious fundamentalism... 

[Goanet] Can a GSB background be humble? Join the debate at tambdimati: the Goa review

2010-10-16 Thread tambdi mati

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Understanding Mando -- the song of Goa

2010-10-16 Thread Goanet Reader

Dr. Francisco Colaço

What is Mando? Everyone is talking of Mando these days. Mando
is a dance-song with lyrics that convey pathos and imagery.
It is a concrete symbol of the synthesis of two cultures: the
Latin Christian and the Indian Hindu.

  Nowhere else one sees a file of men dressed in
  purely Western outfits and a file of women in
  Indian costumes holding fans gently swaying back
  and forth to a melancholic tune. Mando conjures
  reminiscences of a fantasy world of yesteryear to
  which today's renowned composers have added new,
  pressing themes that make it a felicitous blend of
  the new and the old.


Mando is said to be the biography of the Goan heart: a long
tale of our bitter-sweet history with all the joys and

Something that expresses with immortal lyrics the glory and
the martyrdom of Goan heart with its immense capacity to love
and to suffer.  Any event connected with the Mando generates
profound interest among its aficionados.

Recently, Goa witnessed one such momentous occasion. Against
the backdrop of nostalgic Mando music by Curtorechim Salkam,
Dr. Maria Aurora Couto released the book Song of Goa Crown
of Mandos written by Dr. Jose Pereira, Michael Martins and
Antonio da Costa, a 497-page hardbound book, co-published by
the Saligao-based Goa-1556 and Broadway Publishing House. It
has proved to be the fruit of much labour, patience and
dedication by those who rose to the challenging task.

Dr. Couto with her well-known verve and fluency waxed
nostalgic about those days when she, her late revered husband
Albano and Dr. Jose Pereira formed an inseparable trio.

While extolling the grandiosity and scholarship of Dr. Jose
she made it a point to stress the latter's simplicity and
originality that make him unique, a giant among mortals. She
concluded quoting lines from Dr. Jose's touching letter of
condolence upon the death of husband Albano (and this brought
tears to the eyes of many).

Dr. Jose Pereira, the co-author of the book, who had
specially flown from US to grace the release function, rose
then to speak. With precise, measured, erudite words he gave
a scholarly overview about Mando and its significance.

  Dr. Jose Pereira is the professor emeritus of
  theology of Fordham University, New York, where he
  lectured on History of Religions. A multi-faceted
  multi-talented personality, he has taught and done
  research in various academic institutions in
  Lisbon, London and Varanasi and has published 16
  books and over 130 articles on theology, history of
  art and architecture and on Goa and Konkani
  language, culture, literature and music. He has
  devoted a great part of his life to the study of
  Mando, something that fascinates him immensely.

Dr. Jose had earlier written a trilogy of books on Mando.
Because of the huge demand, no sooner these books were
released, they were out of print. This obviously left a big
lacuna that had to be filled. The present book Song of Goa
Crown of Mandos is a welcome release. The word Crown has
been aptly chosen because Mando is indeed a crown made of
four jewels: Mandos of Yearning (Utrike), Mandos of Union
(Ekvott), Mandos of Lamentation (Villap) and Mandos of News

Our immortal Mando composers of yesteryear dealt poignantly
with the ardent and passionate love that yearns for union.
Since yearning for love at times culminates with marital
bliss, at times with failure to achieve union, the love
forlorn, the jilted love affair leading to despair,
desolation and lament, our great composers of Mando dealt
also with this aspect admirably.

A sizable space has also been reserved to describe social and
political events. Mandos of Fobro deal with historical
happenings, scandalous fashions, clandestine affairs and
anecdotes from composer's personal life -- truly a portrait
of traditional Goa, depicted with humour and malice. It is
said that malice delivered impersonally and without prejudice
used to be a developed fine art in that bygone era.

The book Crown of Mandos is the fruit of much
scholarship and meticulous research and beyond doubt, the
authors have succeeded in bringing a real treatise on Mando.
They have dug through a lot of archives, taken the trouble of
interviewing hundreds of people, reviewed thousands of
manuscripts, and obtained a wealth of information, treading
the breadth and length of Goa, Saxtti in special.

As a result, we have now the voluminous reference material at
our disposal in the form of a compendium: Song of Goa (Crown
of Mandos). Anyone who is interested in the subject (even
those who have a bent for research) can now approach mando
with a scholarly mind. They are given the rare opportunity to
analyze Mandos in a manner never made previously possible.
Information about 


2010-10-16 Thread Aires Rodrigues
There should be a total ban on politicians holding posts in sports
organisations. Having corroded the political sphere they drag in the same
rot into the sports arena. We have been seeing sports organisations going
down the tube due to such bad influence. In a way the politicians cannot be
blamed for always wagging their tails.  The dog's tail can never be
straightened,  so goes the saying.  Let the sports field be managed by
sportsmen and sportswomen. We have so many of them and they will do us

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Song for the day.

2010-10-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
IZ Kamakawiwoʻole - What A Wonderful World Video


What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Daily Grook #825

2010-10-16 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

working the pace
of the marathon,
will win a race
in the long run!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278


Re: [Goanet] The Great Benedict XVI

2010-10-16 Thread Ivo
Why They Bash Benedict?: The international media's long-running attacks on 
Benedict XVI stem in part because of an inaccurate view of him as a 
retrograde, illiberal and anti-democratic conservative, says a noted 
Italian journalist. Andrea Tornielli, co-author of Attacco a Ratzinger 
(Attack on Ratzinger), analyzed why the Holy Father has faced persistent 
opposition from the press. Secularized power fears the proclamation of an 
irreducible truth, said Tornielli. There are lobbies and groups with power 
who are irritated by Christian morality and the Church's ethical teaching. . 
In certain situations the Church's voice remains the sole bulwark against an 
anesthetized conscience.

Re: [Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-16 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

 ASPARTAME is a genetically engineered artificial sweetener used as
 sugar substitute. It is marketed in India as ‘Sugar free”, ‘Low
 calorie sugar’, etc.; it is also used in ‘diet’ products like ‘diet
 Coke’, etc. Read how though it was found to produce cancer, it was
 approved using political muscle power.


 And here are scientific studies.


RESPONSE: Are the above weblinks mainstream news or medical websites?? I 

Coca-Cola [1] themselves admit to using aspartame [2].  Does Coca-cola 
intentionally and knowingly include known carcinogens in their 
products?? And the FDA is not stepping in??

Perhaps, sometime in the future, the relationship between aspartame and 
cancer may be established just like bisphenol A [3]. But not yet.

I would caution against distributing such unfounded information to anybody.

- B




Re: [Goanet] Konkani Proverbs (5)

2010-10-16 Thread Albert Desouza

There is a book published on proverbs in konkani By fr.Antonio. The list of 
proverbs is endless. Albert

 From: icso...@bsnl.in
 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 23:20:13 +0530
 Subject: [Goanet] Konkani Proverbs (5)

 Konknni Mhonn'nnyo (5)

 Projechi zannvay mhonn'nnyam vorvim dokholl zata. Bhas ani sonvskrutay
 ekemekakodde zoddtat-zulltat. Mhonn'nnyo mhollyar sonvskruthik hatyaram,
 tantunt mulyam ani totvam melltat. Mhonn'nyo amchem dayz. Lamb onnbhov hea
 sangnnyam vorvim thavem zata. Teo amim boroylya, khup pustokam asat, ponn
 bogor-bogor tancho ugddas kelyar faydyak poddta. Hyo mhonn'nnyo amchya
 ulovpamni, sermanvamni, tyatramni drixttipoddtat. Hanvem suru kela, to vavr
 khup zonnamni amkam korun dovorla. Somestamni hya vavrak khand diunk zay.
 Khup mhonn'nnyo amchea sadhya-sudhya lokachya tonddantlyan vhanvtat. Hanvem
 Msgr.R.S.Dalgado-chya Florilégio pustokantlyo mhonn'nyo kaddlyat ani to
 boroyta te bhaxen boroylyat. Ponn atam fuddarak atanchya kallar ami
 boroytat, tech bhaxen boroytolom. Khup zonnamni mhaka xabaski dilya, hya
 khatir hanv dhin'vaxi. Hanv hyo Konknni mhonn'nnyo boroytona inglejint,
 toxench yer bhasamni, mhoje kuveti pormonnem, ditolom. Hi zannvay

 Us godd mhonn vaddham soyt khavunchim noy: sugarcane is sweet, but one
 should not eat its leafy part. Because fruits are sweet, we do not eat its
 seeds. One should not abuse the trust that somebody places on us.
 Portuguese: Ainda que o teu sabujo é manso, não o mordas no beiço.

 Bott ghalunk melltoch, hat ghalunk sodhta: allowed to place the finger, one
 places also the hand. It is also abuse of trust, goodness, benevolence.
 Port.:Não dês o dedo ao vilão, porque te tomará a mão.

 Mov mellta, thoym konnoy khonnta: one keeps on digging wherever it is soft.
 Also abuse of excessive 'goodiness'. Port.: Onde é mole, todos carregam.

 Dusryachem bhurgem baynt uddoun thav polleta: Somebody sounds the depth of
 the well by throwing another one's child. It means to seek one's own
 interest with harm being caused to others. Port.: Tirar a sardinha da brasa
 com a mão do gato.

 Zhogzhogta itlem-y bhangar noy: All that glitters is not gold (from William
 Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, 1596, where it is found glisters, it
 is changed to glitters in modern renditions of the play). Tudo o que luz não
 é ouro. Nem todo o branco é farinha. French: Tout ce qui brille n'est pas de




[Goanet] - Australia's first saint overcame excommunication -

2010-10-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Here is an interesting read.

Australia's first saint overcame excommunication - Yahoo News


Re: [Goanet] Goan jokes and riddles...

2010-10-16 Thread Edward Verdes

Tks Fred, reminds me that I need to add a new post on my blog for konkani
the Konkani riddles are neatly arranged with translations :) except the last
one which was Domnic Babs contribution!


Here is one konkani joke shared on facebook by NevilUk Goa

Ek ostori aple saikolir aplea dogaim cheddvank fuddlian ani fatlian bosoun
vatter pulis mevlo... ti saikolir tible seat gheun voita mhunn pulisen tika
pirluk marli ani rau mhunon sanglem
ti koxich tambonk nam...Pulis maman fatatfat ghaddi gheun tichea fatlean
gelo, tika addaili ani vicharlem
Pulis: Anvem tuka pirluk marleli, hath dakoilo, rau mhun sanglem tum kiteak
ravonk nam?.
Ostori: Are tumkam disona anv fudlian ek cheddvak ani fatlian ek cheddvak
bosoun vorta ani
tumi rau mhuntat tuka anik anv khuim bosoitolim?

Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: Frederick Noronha

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:10 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goan jokes and riddles...

Nice collection of Goan jokes and riddles here:

Thanks to Edward D'Lima for helping me to find this. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

Re: [Goanet] GBA meeting at Azad Maidan (A report with clip pics)

2010-10-16 Thread Joe lOBO

- Original Message - 
From: JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 8:06 AM
Subject: [Goanet] GBA meeting at Azad Maidan (A report with clip  pics)

GBA meeting at Azad Maidan (A report with clip  pics)


Where is everybody?
For god sake it was not something meant for a particular religion
Nor it was meant for a particular community or tribe or caste
It was for Goa or Goans as a whole.

Why should we go?
It’s not our Job, we don’t understand it any way.

What’s in there for us?
Meaning – Cash incentives, Free transport, snacks/drinks etc

(Some southern Political rallies etc, leaders offer Rs.15,000 to whoever
organises a bus full of people (say 25-30). Out of which he will
have to pay Rs.100 per head and the bus charges say
Rs.2000-3000). Snacks and water bottles borned by the politicians.
(Looks like we even accept cash to stay out)

Who else will be there?
Meaning Celebrities like Hema Sardesai, Remo Fernandes,
Oscar Rebello, Prince Jacob, Nana Patekar etc

(if nothing for us then..)

Ami paunaim
(We are not free)

Some may say 'Will let you know'
Meaning - after consulting their political leaders to whom they support

When the horse is thirsty, one can only take the horse to the pond
and not the pond to the horse

Ami nidentle kedna utt’ttole gai?
(When will we wake up?)

At first, on seeing the situation at around 4.30pm,
we even thought the meeting might have been cancelled
as the CM is out of Goa etc

The police force outnumbered those who actually present.
Police were on all side of the Azad Maidan.
Infact, two of the 4 gates were seen closed, guarded by police
There were 5 police buses, one of Lady Police only.

Where is everybody?
If you take away 50 odd media/press persons,
the remainder would be less than 150 that’s around 5.30pm

Imagine, what would be the resultant figure if we also
take away Moira, Tivim, Nuvem, Ambelim etc delegation /group

Amongst others, we also saw Fr. Erimito Rebelo,
Prajal Sakhardande, Florian Lobo etc

In this clip you will also see 2-3 speakers in the later half

For pics sent earlier, you may refer this link


for Goa  NRI related info...

For Goan Video Clips

In Goa, Dial 1 0 8
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] The Difference Engine: Buy quiet (The Economist, London)

2010-10-16 Thread rajendra kakodkar
SOME say privacy is the greatest luxury. Your correspondent believes silence is 
even more golden. Like others, he puts up with the hubbub of daily life as a 
trade-off for the convenience of living in a city rather than the wilderness. 
In doing so, he accepts there is no escape from the noise of vehicles on the 
road, aircraft overhead, construction workers hammering away down the street, 
and gardeners everywhere using lawn-mowers, hedge-trimmers and leaf-blowers. 
In-doors, the dish-washer, washing-machine, vacuum-cleaner, refrigerator and 
air-conditioning add to the cacophony. The last thing anyone needs is yet 
another man-made contraption capable of emitting copious quantities of 
decibels. Yet, that is precisely what, unthinkingly, your correspondent has 
just inflicted upon himself and his good neighbours.

Regular readers may recall your correspondent wrote earlier this year about the 
virtues of air tools over electrical ones (see “Air superiority”, April 30th 
2010). Since then, he has watched the price of air-compressors continue to 
fall. So much so, he could not resist buying a new one at a local tool-store 
sale. It offered twice the horsepower and storage capacity of his existing 
model, all for little over half what he paid previously. The only problem is 
that the new air-compressor makes a truly horrendous racket—over 100 decibels 
(dBA), by one measure, compared with the previous model’s 85dBA or so. He is 
now wondering how best to silence it—ideally, by at least 10-15dBA.

Everyone knows—or thinks they know—what a decibel is. The unit itself was 
devised back in the 1920s by engineers at Bell Telephone Laboratories to 
describe the amount of signal lost over a length of standard telephone cable. 
Because a decibel is ten times the logarithm of one quantity relative to a 
reference quantity, it can be used to measure the level of practically 
anything—say, the gain of an amplifier, the signal-to-noise ratio of a wireless 
transmission, or the level of air pressure above or below one atmosphere. The 
most common usage is as a measure of relative sound pressure—in short, loudness.

Ah, yes, loudness. That is not so simple a matter, either. On the emission 
side, it depends on the frequencies of the various components in the sound as 
well as their amplitudes. On the receiving end, the human ear—a non-linear 
device with enormous dynamic range—adds to the complication. From sounds so 
loud they can cause permanent loss of hearing down to the quietest the ear can 
detect spans a frequency range of a trillion to one. The base-10 logarithm of 
one trillion is 12. That equates to 120 decibels—the level, in sound terms, of 
a thunderclap immediately overhead, or the blast received in the front row of a 
rock concert.

Because it is non-linear, the ear is not equally sensitive to all frequencies. 
For good reason, it works best between one kilohertz and five kilohertz—the 
range where the sounds of predators and other hazards are most likely to be 
heard. A “weighting curve” has therefore to be used to make sounds measured by 
microphones and other acoustical instruments more representative of what people 
actually hear. Of the four different weighting schemes (A, B, C and D curves) 
developed since the 1930s, the one used most widely today is the so-called 
A-weighting—hence the term dBA. 

In general, people find sound becomes annoying when the level in the community, 
averaged over 24 hours, exceeds 65dBA. Since the introduction of high-bypass 
jet engines, with their big, slower turning compressor fans, airports have 
managed to keep more of their 65dBA sound contours within their own perimeters. 
Likewise, since the advent of welded track and electric locomotives, railways 
have become less of an annoyance.

Car engines, too, have been hushed to well below their annoyance levels. 
Electric vehicles have become almost too quiet. There is talk of having to 
equip them with automatic beepers, or even simulated engine sounds, in order to 
warn pedestrians of their approach. While sound barriers along busy highways 
have helped make life more tolerable for local residents, research still needs 
to be done on making road surfaces quieter. The bulk of the traffic sound today 
comes from the screech and whine of rubber on tarmac or concrete.

Transport industries aside, machinery makers in general have been slow to make 
their products quieter. Cost is the main reason. It takes a lot of engineering 
effort and extra materials to deaden intrusive sounds at source. To save on 
materials, for instance, consumer goods like washing-machines tend to have 
enclosures that are light and stiff—a perfect drum-like combination for 
radiating sound. A quieter model might have its motor installed in isolated 
mountings, the pump on a completely separate structure, the tub spinning in 
automobile-grade bearings, and the enclosure made of layers of material each 
with a different acoustical impedance. 

[Goanet] ''''''THIS IS IT''''''

2010-10-16 Thread Francis Furtado

 The Final countdown..30 days to go..  AVC Overseas Sports and 
Cultural Association - Kuwait in association Dreams Entertainment have set the 
stage once again after along break, bringing you an evening like never before 
titled ''THIS IS IT'' at the Al Andalus Hall in Crowne Plaza Hotel, 
Kuwait on 16th November 2010. In attendance will be '' ALCATRAZ''from Goa and a 
special performance by ''NIRMANA''. The event will start at 8.30pm and go on 
till early hours. Also in attendance will be Kuwait's top 6 DJ's John, Marlon, 
Brandon, Flip, Rishan and Lo. For early reservation contact Marlon on 97215904, 
Loyola 66260722, Zelito 99785425 and Kevin on 67783234

Re: [Goanet] World Food Day 16th October: Free demonstrations and Exhibition

2010-10-16 Thread Glorio Fernandes
All the best.

Glorio M. Fernandes 
Doha, Qatar

From: Goa Desc goad...@gmail.com
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Sat, 16 October, 2010 5:01:32 AM
Subject: [Goanet] World Food Day 16th October: Free demonstrations and 

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
World Food Day: Free demonstrations and Exhibition
The people of Goa are invited to come and participate in the
World Food Day to learn more about poison-free organic
practices to grow some of their  own vegetables at home ...
even in an apartment! There is no entry fee, no gimmicks.
All this is for the love of Nature.

The event will be held at THOMAS STEPHENS KONKNNI
KENDR (TSKK) on Saturday 16th October i.e. WORLD
FOOD DAY from 10 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. and 17th October
Sunday morning.

TSKK is located next to XCHR, (same campus) behind
O'Conqueiro opposite SAI Colony , Alto Porvorim. It is
co-organized by students of various schools assisted by
Botanical Society of Goa, GOACAN, Green Essentials,
Earthworm, OFAI, Green Goa Works, TSKK and other
agencies and individuals.

The programme is designed for those  who are interested
in knowing:How to grow winter vegetables like radish,
knol-khol, cluster beans, brinjal, chillies, tomato,cabbage,
lettuce, etc

How to make WOW [Wealth Out of Waste] of the so-called
'garbage'. How to deal with plastic waste, battery cells and
now even e-waste. How traders adulterate your food items
in the market,Students of SFX High School, Siolim; Green
Valley High School, Pilerne and Holy Cross High School,
Bastora, will display their projects on Food Adultration
and how to detect it.

They could also buy
Garden tools, Seeds, Growth boosters and manures,
Books on gardening and vegetable growing, or take
free samples of: Rhizobium nitrogen fixing bacteria culture
for beans, peanuts, etc Trichoderma viridae fungal culture
to control diseases that kill plants
at flowering.
Demonstrations and Presentations: The Saturday morning
session is focussed on school students and others in the
below 18 years age group. The Saturday evening session
and Sunday morning sessions are focussed on adults but
children of all ages are always welcome. The event is about
learning, not about teaching.

For details, contact Miguel 9822982676, Yogita 9960643245
or TSKK office 2415857
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: *goa...@gmail.com* Visit: *http://goacan.blogspot.com
* --

[Goanet] Baina Fishermen writes to Goa's Chief Minister re: Fishing Jetty by MPT

2010-10-16 Thread Goa-World.com

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)®  www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/   
www.goa-world.com   http://www.goa-world.com/goa/credit%5Ccredit.htm    

Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani uloi, 
boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem 
khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem.

Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 

Goenchea Raponkarancho Ekvott
(Raponkars, Makars, Cantaikars, Pagelkars)
Regd. Under Societies Act. 1860   Head 
Office:    Affiliated to National Fish Workers Forum
Reg. No. RS./240/76 FABRICA BLDG   New Delhi. 
Reg. No. 487/8

 Date :- 11.10.2010.
The Chief Minister,
Government of Goa,
Secretariat, Porvorim,
Bardez, Goa.
This is to bring to your notice the bleak future that awaits traditional 
fishermen from Baina beach if the clandestine designs of the Mormugao Port 
Trust sugar coated with a cloak of philanthropy in the garb of constructing a 
fishing jetty for trawler owners at Baina beach is allowed.
In the first place, we firmly that it is the prerogative of the Government of 
Goa to decide and plan the infrastructure required in the state as it is best 
equipped to decide in the best interest of the people. Ironically, MPT appears 
to have usurped this sacred duty of your Government and gone ahead to sign a 
MOU with the boat owners without even consulting the Government, leave alone 
consulting the traditional fishermen who are also stakeholders.
Sir, currently there are around 1,200 fishermen community members besides the 
labour living off Baina beach from where they not only carry out their fishing 
activity but also live there as there are 90 residential houses along the 
beach. The MPT proposes to construct the fishing jetty at the Southern end of 
the Baina beach, which means all the fishermen living along Baina beach will be 
Besides, if the fishing jetty is permitted here, the fishermen will not be able 
to carry out their usual activity as the trawler owners will not allow them to 
fish in the area. As it is right now the trawler owners harass the traditional 
fishermen in various means like not allowing them to anchor near their jetty 
and even compelling wholesale fish buyers not to purchase the traditional 
fishermen’s catch.
Sir, this would mean that the poor and marginalized traditional fishing 
community will be deprived of not only their residential houses but also their 
means of livelihood, which is quite contrary to your avowed mission of working 
for the aam admi and therefore, you have to intervene and put the MPT in its 
place and assert your Government’s prerogative to govern the people of Goa.
We also would like to bring to your notice that the MPT is proposing the 
fishing jetty – which incidentally is a huge project involving construction of 
a breakwater – that will definitely have an impact on the hydrology of the area 
and the ecology. It is indeed ironical that MPT is gloating about this project 
without even carrying out an Environment Impact Assessment study, which is 
mandated for such projects.
As you are aware, the beaches in the Southern taluka of Canacona are facing 
severe problems of erosion suspected to be caused by the development of the Sea 
Bird project at Karwar. If MPT is permitted to construct the fishing jetty as 
per the plans prepared by them, the beaches in Goa will be severely impacted 
which in turn would affect the flourishing tourism industry that has come to be 
the mainstay of Goa’s economy as the tourists visit our state only for its 
beaches, and if there are no beaches left, there will be no tourists coming.
In addition, the Baina beach attracts a lot of people because of its natural 
beauty and particularly during the summer season when various cultural 
activities are conducted on the Beach. The Government too uses the Baina beach 
during the International Film Festival of India, which has come to stay in Goa 
We would also like to bring to your notice plans to displace fishermen from the 
Bimbeli beach which is a private property. Fishermen are given access to this 
beach primarily because it is a private property.
It has come to our notice that the Navy is 

[Goanet] New Konkani Album Release - Edwin D'Costa

2010-10-16 Thread Edward Verdes
Edwin D'Costa has released his new audio album last month..This is his 73rd 
album and has plans

to release 2 more albums..

To those of you who may not know Edwin D'Costa, he is a singer, composer and 
producer from Benaulim Goa,
presently in Dubai. Edwin has encouraged many new konkani singers in his 
albums mostly
released thru audio cassettes...many of the title songs in his albums are 
sung by Alfred Rose.

Here is a video promo of his album which is dedicated to late Fr. Thomas 
which has good songs/trios

sung by well known singers and is available in Goa.


Edward Verdes

[Goanet] Goa: The Cruellest Inquisition

2010-10-16 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
--- Frederick Noronha wrote:

Interesting! Since Priolkar, we've been lead to believe that the Inquisition 
somehow targeted  the Goan Hindu. Now, writers with Jewish names talk about 
Muslim and Catholic-coverts as victims. 

When will we stop playing 21st century games with the intolerance of the 16th 
(and maybe 17th and 18th too)? Some of these guys seem to be like the 
heirs of the Black
Legend creators... all using it for their own purpose. Will the Portuguese now 
catch up with the Spaniards? While the Inquisition was terrible, perhaps the 
continued use of its legacy (for political purposes) is worse.

- GL responds

We will stop playing 21st century games with the intolerance of the 16th (and 
may be 17th and 18th too) when some current native Goans take the time and 
effort to rebut the Wikipedia article on the Inquisition in Goa.  As described 
in my prior post on this thread, the Wiki article is a hatchet job done by the 

Now these writer(s) are going to blame those who quote from the Wiki article 
distorting and smearing their history writings. An excuse that is 
getting pretty 

Goans are their own worst enemies!

Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-16 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão


Goanetters are not an illiterate lot to be
fooled by false and inaccurate information obtained by 'cut and paste' method.  


They have google with them, and if they just
google “Aspartame, genetically engineered” they will get 60 thousand and more
sites to confirm from.


That will also confirm some of the netters whom
not to believe.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] a model for goa? the citizen's green manifesto for western ghats

2010-10-16 Thread tambdi mati

Re: [Goanet] Growing Old Gracefully

2010-10-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Please read the following information to guard against unsubstantiated claims 
regarding public health:




--- On Thu, 10/14/10, Gilbert Lawrence gilbert2...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Interesting article in the link
 Please see recommendation No. 6
 Regards, GL



2010-10-16 Thread Domnic Fernandes



Jacob C. de Souza married
Albertina Jorgina Bragança, a native of Baroda,
Britanica. She was a bhattkarn or landlady to the word – she spent most of her
time relaxed in an armchair. She passed away at the age of 72 (January 15, 1864
- July 30, 1936.) One year later, Jacob passed away at the age of 79 (April 24,
1858 – August 11, 1937.) 


Jacob and Albertina had eleven children
– nine sons and two daughters as follows:


1)  Walter de Souza (RIP: November 14, 1883 –
October 18, 1918). He married Martina Pinto. They had two children – Sylvia de 
(RIP: 1912 - 1984), Archibald de Souza (RIP: March 28, 1914 – January 15, 1969).


2)  Albert de Souza. He died at the age of two.


3)  Stanislaus Kostka de Souza (RIP: January 27, 1900
– February 24, 1961.) He married Maria Esmeralda de Souza (RIP: November 14, 
1909 – September 19, 2002).
They had four children - Maria Berylla Teresa de Souza (Born: October 30, 1930),
Dr. Alwyn de Souza (RIP: April 26, 1929 – September 29, 2000), Sr. Greta de 
(RIP: July 3, 1932 – March 7, 2001) and Raynah de Souza (Born: October 13, 


4)  Olive de Souza (RIP). She married Charles
Parrett. They had four children – Ivy Parrett (RIP: (November 25, 1907 – 
January 30, 1996));
Myrtle Parrett (Born: August 8, 1912), Hazel Parrett (Born: December
28, 1920), and James Parrett (Born: 1922). 


5)  Edwin William de Souza (RIP: June 25, 1889 –
November 6, 1960). He married Lily Marques - first wife (Died: February 2, 
They had one daughter, Sybil de Souza (Born: May 10, 1923). Edwin’s second
marriage was to Lily’s sister, Lucia Brigida 

Apolonia Marques (RIP: February 9, 1902 – August 10, 1987). They had two sons –
John de Souza (RIP: 1938-1938) and Bernard de Souza (Born: May 21, 1942).


6)  Alphonsus Ligouri de Souza (RIP: March 5, 1896
– January 18, 1942). He married Elsie Beatrice (RIP: 1894 - 1991). They had
four children – Olga de Souza (Born: 1922), Phyllis Virginia de Souza (Born: 
17, 1924), Cynthia de Souza (Born: October 16, 1927), Joseph Walter de Souza
(Born: August 8, 1933).


7)  Marie de Souza - died in infancy.


8)  Joseph de Souza – died in infancy


9)  Dr. Joseph Crysanthus de Souza. He worked in
Abedan. He married Norah Pereira. They had three children. Heather de Souza
(Born: December 26, 1938), Sandra de Souza (Born: 1946); Charmaine de Souza
(Born: October 26, 1956).


10) Robert de Souza. He
established a Travel Agency in Iran.
He married Mirum. They had six children – Ramzee Albertine de Souza, Larinka de
Souza, Herman de Souza, Lawrence de Souza, Lourdes de Souza, Pricilla de Souza.
Robert never came back to Goa.


11) Bernard de Souza. He died at
the age of 18


In this article I shall talk only
about three of Jacob’s sons and their families who were instrumental in
establishing and running the Sacred Heart of Jesus High Schools. 





Walter de Souza did his B.A.B.T.
from the Bombay University and became a teacher.





He married Miss Martina Pinto of
Pinto Vaddo, Verla, Parra, settled in her house and became a “ghor-zanvuim”.


On January 5, 1912 he set up a
school in his wife’s house in Parra and named it ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus High
School’ (now Sacred Heart High School
– the word ‘Jesus’ was dropped from the title to avoid confusion between the 
and Anjuna Schools.)


It catered to English education
and is the second oldest English medium school in Goa, the first being St. 
Joseph’s High School,
Arpora, which was established by Mr. William Lyons in 1887.


Walter died at the age of 35 (November
14, 1883 – October 18, 1918) of the World War I epidemic known as the ‘Spanish
Flu’ or ‘La Grippe’. It was the most devastating epidemic in recorded world
history. Once a person was infected, death was certain. 


In Goa,
most alcoholics survived the disease. In fact, Walter’s family doctor advised
him to drink alcohol but since he never drank, he rejected his advice and
became a victim of the flu. 


It was the most fatal infectious
disease which is why only close family members attended funerals – the dead
body was taken directly to the cemetery. Our boyyas or pede (grave diggers) who
buried the dead survived because they were always on drinks! 


Jacob’s sixth son, Alphonsus
Ligouri de Souza, was the first student to pass his S.S.C.E. through the Sacred
Heart High School Parra in 1914. 


He took over as the Principal of
the Parra School after the untimely death of his
eldest brother, Walter, and was the Principal for more than 20 years. 


Under his able guidance and
leadership the school achieved success in the academic field, sports and
co-curricular activities. 


When Ligouri ran SHHS, Parra,
Walter’s son, Archibald de Souza, who held a B.A.B.T., taught in the 

[Goanet] Lion Roars - Only in Goa

2010-10-16 Thread Lionel Messias
Miss Moneypenny flows

It rained this year more than even Dr Rajendra K Pachauri, Chairman of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, could have predicted even if he
could be accused of shooting off yet another set of rigged up figures on
climate change. In case, you’ve missed this – even global warming has had
its unfair share of contradictions, around the world. But then if you are
Indian today and doing well in A-broad, and it so happened that you were
Rajendra Pachauri, the UN’s bureaucrat with a bee in his bonnet, you can be
accused of anything especially if the accuser is a Brit leading newspaper
and is called the ‘The Telegraph’. What you don’t know is that it rained in
somebody else’s pocket (or many pockets for that matter) like rain water
gushing through storm water drains. You could say, the rainfall was straight
from the Mint for those with pockets like funnels, wide and channeled
directly into some bank account. Either that or the mountains of mining
rejects are getting the better of all the government’s feeble attempts to
keep Bicholim from going under. My point being, then why waste money if the
problem cannot be solved. It happened in Bicholim where Rs 8.84 crores was
spent to desilt the Bicholim river which again this year took its wrath out
on the residents of Bicholim town especially the Bandirwada and Gaonkarwada
areas. Undertaken by the Water Resources Department, the flood control
project was supposed to have been accomplished in three ways. 1. Improvement
of waterway to Bicholim river from Kudchire to L.I.S Scheme, Vathadev
–tendered to Pan Constructions. 2. Improvement to waterways from L.I.S
Scheme to Dhabdhaba – tendered to Noorudheen Construction Pvt. Ltd. 3.
Improvement of waterways from Dhabdhaba to Bagwada Pilgao – tendered to
Apollo Engineers  Contractors Pvt. Ltd.

Diamonds Are Forever

Is a group of retired government babus trying to emulate Sachin Tendulkar
who is never going to retire since he can pick and choose where to play? Or
is it that a cabinet-full of selectors just want them to bat on, and on. The
Chief Minister Digambar Kamat hired RA Verlekar as his officer on special
duty. His age as you read this is 67 years and eleven months to be precise.
His under secretary, Amrut Gaonkar is 64 years and ten months. He hired
Jagdish Kalangutkar as section officer. His age as you read this is 60 years
and four months, but that could be considered younger. Eight of his
ministers all have OSD’s (doesn’t that sound like some kind of James Bond
adaptation) over the age of sixty years. Licence to Kill or not, Joaquim
Alemao’s Man Friday is 68 years and two months old. More power to their
guns, but what I don’t understand is the government continuing to pay them a
hefty pension because pension deductions are being made from their monthly
salaries. BTW, Mickey Pacheco and his Man Friday split after many years of
Bonding together. Turned out as Mickey says that while he was manning the
cash counters, his Man Friday was on special duty secret assignments of the
asset accumulation kind. There is a guestimated Rs 3-5 crore missing from
the cash till and none of that I am told went overseas if you get my drift.
It’s all here, in Goa, in hard real estate. What was that you said about two
sides of the same coin?

Dr. No(Goan)

No silly, this has nothing to do with the Commissioner for NRI Affairs
Eduardo Faleiro’s, project (the third edition) of bringing well-heeled Goans
settled abroad on a holiday to Goa this November-December. This is about
non-Goans employed as doctors in the Goa Medical College (GMC). Call it a
limited edition. You thought doctors (lawyers too) was about the only career
Goans choose and become. You were right. So, explain this then. How the GMC
employed 66 non-Goan doctors till July 2010 and counting. In 2008 it hired
14 doctors. In the two months May-June, 2009 GMC hired 19 (of the 66)
doctors and two more in December 2009. In 2010 five doctors were hired. The
Goa Dental College  Hospital has 13 non-Goan doctors on its rolls. So, now
we don’t have dentists too. You wish those Goan Diaspora holidaying here
will get their teeth into this? I do too. The Goa College of Pharmacy has
two. They were hired in 2009 and 2010 as lecturers. The Institute of
Psychiatry  Human Behaviour rehired two clinical pathologists after they
retired in 2005.

For Your Eyes Only

The Goa Barge Owners Association (GBOA) president Atul Jadav is going around
telling any newspaper that listens that Goa is in dire need of a maritime
industrial estate. Inevitably, the case of the Dubai Maritime City was cited
as evidence without the corollary of course, that abroad there is definite
transparency and definitive law. It pissed off the Environment Minister
Aleixo Sequeira who called up Jadav. Thing is GBOA wants the government to
acquire five lakh sq mts at Bhoma near the Cumbarjua canal. Blunder 1. He
was cocksure that the new environment would be protected but agreed the
present repair 

[Goanet] Our Saint Jose Vaz !

2010-10-16 Thread eric pinto
 Goa born Jose Vaz had disagreed with his superiors. I am not sure if 
unhinged the complex, but they have long memories: he will never, never be 
canonized, not if he-- were to freeze over.    eric.

Here is an interesting read.

Australia's first saint overcame excommunication - Yahoo News


[Goanet] SON’VARACHIM SUNGTTAM: Motdarank M ol Yeta…

2010-10-16 Thread Goa-World.com

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)®  www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/   
www.goa-world.com   http://www.goa-world.com/goa/credit%5Ccredit.htm    

Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani uloi, 
boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem 
khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem.

Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 


Motdarank Mol Yeta…

- Jose Salvador Fernandes 

Otubrache 31ver, 2010 Gõyant Nogorpalikancheo vinchnnuko. Hea vinchnnukanchi 
toyari boreach nettan chalu asa. Toxem pollevnk gelear, halinchea kallar, 
uprant teo Panchayaticheo, Zilla Porixodecheo, Vidhan Sobhecheo, Lok Sobhecheo 
vo anik kosleo-i zaum, hea sogllea vinchnnukank sumara bhailem mhotv ailam. Hem 
mhotv noitik nhoi, sot’teche nodrentlean ubem zalam. Dekunuch, aiz khuinchea-i 
panvddeaveleo teo vinchnnuko zaum, tantum svarth asloleank apo-ap ‘interest’ 

Kosleo-i teo zaum, vinchnnuko lagim pavta-pavta, motdaranchem mol vaddunk 
lagta. Motdarank ogich, boslole kodden mhotv yeta. Toxem pollevnk gelear, tem 
mol motdarank vinchnnuk loddovpi umedvaruch ditat. Vinchnnukam vellar, 
vinchnnuk loddovpi umedvar motdarank mathear ghevn nachtat. Motdar sangtat tem 
kitem-i korunk te raji astat. Tea vellar motdarank khuxak dovrunk te pãymamni 
kitli-i vatt cholonk aite astat. Dusrea utramni, aplo zago tea-tea panvddear 
mozbut korunk te motdaram khatir kitle-i mov zavnk aite astat. Vinchnnukechea 
rattavollinchea disamni, te motdaranchea ghorache umbre maddounk zotiancheo 
kitleo-i paro zhorovnk toyar astat.

Konna-i koddchean tor chodd nhoi zalear, thoddem tori ‘business’ haddunk zai 
zalear, LIC-chea ‘agent’-ank ek gozal bore ritin khobor asa. “Business’-a 
khatir ‘client’ mhunn sodunk to jea ghorant bhitor sorta, tednam to tea ghorant 
lhan bhurgim aslear tancher kherit bhor dita. Tanche kodde chodduch khellta, 
fokannam korta, tanchi loktubay korta. Ani dusre pavtt to tea ghorak bhett 
ditana, tea lhan bhurgeam khatir bhurgeanghe avddichi oxi kosli-i vost hatant 
dhorta, ani apurbay kortole toren, avoy-bapai uzram ti khavpachi vost tea 
ghorantlea bhurgeank dita. Aplea bhurgeanchi khuinche-i ritin konnem-i apurbay 
keli zalear avoy-bapuy khuxal zatat. 

Aplea bhurgeanchi apurbay korpi mon’xa thaim avoy-bapayche-i il’le-il’le korun 
boreponnache som’bond vaddtat. Ani tednam, hea LIC-chea nanvan aplo ‘business’ 
korpeak-ui tanche koddchean aplo ‘business’ korpak vatt borich meklli zata. 
Dusrea utramni, bhurgeam udexim to avoi-bapaychem mon jikta. Hem sangpa fattlem 
Hoi-nhoixe torechi gozal mhojea-i jivtant halinch ghoddli. Aitar soddun hanv 
ghora mellonam. Mhonntoch, fattlea Aitara, amche Nogorpalikechi vinchnnuk 
loddovpi, amchea vaddeantle, fattim-fuddem dog umedvar mhaka bhettle. 
Pottounche khatir…. Vinchnnukek apnnak mot ghal mhunn sangche khatir…. Punn, 
hansdot-hansot mot ghal mhunn sangche poilim, tannim dogaimni, ap-aple porim 
mhaka jikon ghevpacho prototn kelo…

Eklo mhonnpak laglo – “boro vavr korta tum… khubxe pavtti ‘paper’-ancher fottu 
polletam hanv tuje… khorench, tuje oxe fottu potrancher ba polletoch hanv 
khuzxal zatam… kitlem-i zalear amchea ganvak nanv nhoi tem? Osoch tuzo vavr 
chalu dovor… ani kednam-i, kosli-i karyavoll korpak tumkam mozot zai zalear 
sang mhaka… ”

Dusrea umedvaran-ui mhaka chonneachea zhaddar choddovpacho proyotn kelo – “ 
adim tujim borovpam vachtalom hanv… tim mhaka vachunk khub avoddtat… boro 
boroyta tum…” Monant mhonnlem, hem soglem sangunk Nogorpalikechi vinchnnuk yeum 
porian kiteak ravnk zai aslem? Ghor kaim chodd pois naslem? 

… vinchnnuko lagim pavta-pavta motdarak apo-ap mol yeta mhonnta ti hi gozal! 

Sonv'var, 16 Octubr 2010

Posted by Goa-World.COM 

Goan Agony Uncle with attitude!

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visit  http://www.graffitisys.com/ 
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[Goanet] 42 candidates in fray for BMC polls

2010-10-16 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM OCT 16: There are 42 candidates in the fray for the Bicholim
Municipal Elections as today 15 candidates withdrew from the fray.

In all 88 nomination papers were filed for the BMC elections out of which In
all 57 forms were accepted after scrutiny by the Bicholim deputy collector
on Tuesday. Today was the last day of withdrawal and in all 15 candidates
withdrew from the fray.

The 42 candidates who are now in the fray include

WARD 1- Anita Harmalkar, Archana Lamgaonkar, Asmita Malgaonkar, Deepa
Shirgaonkar, Milan Vaigankar, Rakshanda Pal, Reshma Pal.

WARD -2 - Bharat Chanekar, Kamlakar Teli, Sanjay Parmekar, Vithal Karmalkar

WAR -3- Gajanan Morajkar, Milind Pal, Narayan Betkekar, Nilesh Tople.

WARD -4- Abhijit Teli, Jayendranath Govekar, Kamlesh Teli, Kiran Kawthankar

WARD -5- Ajit Birje, Aman Pathan, Rajanikant Lawanis, Ravindra Divkar,
Shrikrishna Dhond, Yogesh Kansar.

WARD- 6- Abdul Baig, Abdul Rauf, Kamal Mirja, Nazir Baig, Niyamat Pathan,
Riyaz Beig.

WARD - 7- Anisha Vernekar, Deepa Mandrekar, Shama Gawde Mayekar, Usha

WARD - 8- Premanand Mayekar, Ramdas Mayekar.

WARD - 9 - Alornekar Shashikant, Gaonkar Rajaram

WARD - 10 - Karuna Govekar, Manisha Shirodkar, Sujata Hoble.

[Goanet] The MNE Manifesto for Mapusa for the Mapusa Municipal Elections-2010

2010-10-16 Thread floriano


This is to announce that MNE [MAPUSA NAGRIKANCHO EKVOTT]  has 5 candidates 
in fray as a PANEL in the forthcoming Mapusa Municipal Elections sheduled 
for 31st. October, 2010.  It will  be a peculiarity  to note that 4 out of 5 
candidates are WOMEN.
The joint visible campaign of the MNE for the Panel will commence from 
Tuesday (19 Oct) or Wednesday  (20th October)

The candidates are:
Jacinto D'Souza [Baby doll] for Ward No.3 [Karaswado]
Ms. Jeanette Gomes [Almira] for Ward No. 4 [Camarkhajan]
Ms. Freeda Coutinho [Almira] for Ward No. 6 [Feira Alta]
Ms. Samira Swar (Natekar) [Ball] for Ward No. 8 [Angod]
 Ms. Angela Sequeira [Almira] for Ward No. 15 [Morod]

This is for your kind information.

Thank you  Cheers

It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest 

Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined, 
or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance' 
be identified and accepted.

for a date in 2012

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness 



[Goanet] Goanet Personalities # 2 Introduction to Mr. Silvan M. De Sa

2010-10-16 Thread Tony de Sa
Mr. Silvan M. De Sa was born in 1942. Hailing from the village of Soccoro,
(fellow G'netter  to Vivian [Soccorkar] D' Souza), Silvan did his secondary
schooling from one of Bardez's  prestigious institutions, St. Anthony's High
School, Monte de Guirim - popularly known as 'Montir' or simply Guirim,
passing out from the class of 1959.

From 1960 to 1970, Silvan worked in Nairobi, Kenya. In 1972, he moved on to
better pastures in Doha, Quatar. There he served as the Head Cashier to a
Computer Manager for the then only 5 star Hotel in Doha, the Gulf Hotel
which has now been promoted to the Doha Marriott.

In 1990, Silvan finally hung up his gloves and made his move to Goa to be
with his family.

But Silvan's story does not end here. Silvan is too astute to let his
efforts of the past thirty years go to waste for he has, used his hard
earned experience and his intelligence to put it in his own words,  
to develop
and deploy useful application software for inventory control, accounting for
Churches and Housing Co-operative Societies, village census compilation,

Silvan can be found at his home address which is Ambirna, Soccoro, Bardez,
Goa or sil...@dataone.in

Fellow Goanetters, it is with pride and pleasure that I present Mr. Silvan
M. De Sa


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com


Re: [Goanet] Science for sale ...

2010-10-16 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
- Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcao  wrote:
From Mr. Santosh Helekar's posts on Goanet on the subject Science for sale..', 
it is obvious that he does not know how to discuss issues. I don't 
expect discussions to proceed in such manner, specially when one claims to be 
teaching post graduates and post doctorates. Basic knowledge of how discussions 
are to proceed is imparted as students in any field. I pity the students and 
regret the standard of education in any Institute where a teacher himself does 
not know to conduct a discussion.

--- GL responds:

The way I look at it, 'less than five' Goans, very educated but totally 
uncouth, have repeatedly held Goanetters hostage both on and off goanet.  Like 
self-appointed Mafia Bosses, they have prevented others having an 
and reasoned dialog.  

Yet some straight-talk from a few like Dr. Ferdandino, Gabe Menezes and others 
may have finally worked the magic. Straight talk for those who need spoon 
feeding is calling a spade a spade.  Dr. Ferdandino's training in psychiatry 
has helped him spot and expose some prominent Goanetters with behavioral 

I strongly support the notification to place Goan spam-posts on the 
international web and for archive. Now that Goan spammers have been put on 
notice, I would think anyone with the savvy and skill to do so, can do it. 

Goanet has become a past time and outlet of personal frustrations for those 
isolated. This may be in their rooms, on some remote island, no hobbies, no 
occupation; and for all that I know may even be ostracized by their own 
But others cannot be the victims of their plight.

Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 10/15/10, Bosco D bos...@canada.com wrote:
 I would caution against distributing such unfounded information to anybody.

Nobody can prevent such unfounded information from being distributed on Goanet 
or by chain emails. The only thing that one can do on Goanet is provide 
immediate informative refutations of it. Therefore, moderators must allow posts 
countering such bogus information to appear here in a timely manner. The reason 
even supposedly educated people fall for these urban legends is because they 
invariably conform to their beliefs and ideology. The best approach for any 
sensible person to adopt is not to trust what is claimed to be scientific, 
medical or health-related information displayed on political and ideological 
websites such as Huffington Post and Drudge Report, or for that matter, the 
various health guru and spiritual websites. 




Re: [Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-16 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Bosco D. wrote :
Are the above weblinks mainstream news or medical websites?? I doubt. 


[1] themselves admit to using aspartame [2]. Does Coca-cola intentionally and
knowingly include known carcinogens in their products?? And the FDA is not
stepping in?? 


sometime in the future, the relationship between aspartame and cancer may be
established just like bisphenol A [3]. But not yet. 

 I would caution against distributing
such unfounded information to anybody. 

RESPONSE: I would suggest Bosco go to
‘advanced Google’, and insert : ‘Aspartame genetically modified”. You will get
a million sites and many medical websites giving you some insight on this

I have precisely titled the subject as
‘Science of manipulations’ because it was approved by using political muscle
power. And when it is approved, where does your FDA have teeth? 

Coca-cola is a consumer product, so are all
others using Aspartame, and will definitely derive maximum benefit in their
sales when they can market it as ‘low calorie’ or ‘diet’. Products are marketed
by taking advantage of human susceptibility; overweight people want to reduce
with the least of effort. See how ‘low calorie’ or ‘sugar free’ products are
market on all media.

Bosco is right and cautious in saying “sometime in the future, the
relationship between aspartame and cancer may be established”; but does it mean
until then people can go on consuming at the detriment to their health? It is
not unfound information as he cites. No research has categorically stated that
it does not cause cancer, and anything Genetically Modified has its 
with your genes. It is for Goans to be cautious and aware, and be prudent that
this product is not totally safe. 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] (no subject)

2010-10-16 Thread Charudatt Prabhudesai

Bhale bab wrote,  Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam was the ideology of Bharatiya origin. 

Perhaps not all know the word Vasudhaiva kutumbakam. 
Vasudha + iva kutumbakam = Vasudhaiva kutumbakam. 
Vasudha means The Earth (world), iva means Only. which implies, '
The depth  height of Bharatiya thought  is breathtaking :-
Why is the earth called Vasudha? Why is Vishnu (Krishna) Vasudeva? 
Vasu means Divine delight. Dha (or Dhara) is 'that which receives/contains'. 
In other words, a receptacle ( of grace)
Bhale bab also said Bharatiya. What is Bharat? 
In Sanskrit Bha means light ( of cognition, of knowledge, of consciousness) 
'Ratah' means to play/live/engage,involve and the like. 
Wow! What deep meaning!! 
Simple Sanskrit subhashitahs uplift the soul to such an extent that the being 
forgets earthly toil 
and begins to rejoice again. That magic perhaps, is nowhere else.
Alas! We have lost most of this simple living and high thinking. The convent 
education, and other
Western brands of education, coupled with our near pathological need to ape the 
west has 
impoverished us all. But not all is lost. When I read Dr. Nandakumar Kamat 
talking about 
mushroom growing in his backyard, I see hope.
The fundamental thrust of Western mentality is towards an acute pragmatism. 
That makes
the whole culture narrowly utilitarian. Of course, all lofty thought must be 
put to use, but 
that should not make us utilitarian only. There must be ample space to dream 
lofty dreams without 
assuming that Man is the end of things. What prof. Hawking on Goanet can say 
for certain that Man is the 
final stage in evolution?
Man is a transitional being says Sri Aurobindo. That gives me hope, and 
restores my faith in the 
principle of the possible.
In 'Bharatiya' thought there is no room for discrimination between West and 
East, for
the whole world is my family.
But like Bhale, we are proud of these things we read in books of India's 
glorious past. 
That UNDESERVING PRIDE must be justified by beginning to live our high ideas.

Charudatta Prabhudesai
Auroville .
South India.


Re: [Goanet] Science for sale ...

2010-10-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Gilbert is now taking out his frustrations about Goanetters who have exposed 
his follies by smearing and insinuating their innocent families who have 
nothing to do with Gilbert or Goanet. What a shameful thing to do!

BTW, all responses to such abusive posts are already being posted on 
international Goan websites for the last 15 years.



--- On Sat, 10/16/10, Gilbert Lawrence gilbert2...@yahoo.com wrote:

 The way I look at it, 'less than five' Goans,
 very educated but totally 
 uncouth, have repeatedly held Goanetters hostage both on
 and off goanet.  Like 
 self-appointed Mafia Bosses, they have prevented others
 having an intellectual 
 and reasoned dialog.  
 Yet some straight-talk from a few like Dr. Ferdandino, Gabe
 Menezes and others 
 may have finally worked the magic. Straight talk for
 those who need spoon 
 feeding is calling a spade a spade.  Dr. Ferdandino's
 training in psychiatry 
 has helped him spot and expose some prominent Goanetters
 with behavioral 
 I strongly support the notification to place Goan
 spam-posts on the 
 international web and for archive. Now that Goan spammers
 have been put on 
 notice, I would think anyone with the savvy and skill to do
 so, can do it. 
 Goanet has become a past time and outlet of personal
 frustrations for those 
 isolated. This may be in their rooms, on some
 remote island, no hobbies, no 
 occupation; and for all that I know may even be ostracized
 by their own family.  
 But others cannot be the victims of their plight.
 Regards, GL

[Goanet] Goa to host NRB West Zone Championship(25-26th Oct)

2010-10-16 Thread Sandeep Heble
Goa will be hosts to the Inter State West Zone Badminton Championship
2010, to be organised by Goa Badminton Association in association with
the Sports Authority of Goa. The NRB Championship which will feature 5
States, namely Gujarat, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and
hosts Goa will be held at Indoor Stadium, Campal-Panaji from 25 to 26
October 2010. The NRB Group, Manda and Narayan Bandekar Charitable
Trust, are the major sponsors of the Championship.

The following players have been selected to attend the Badminton
coaching camp which will be held up to October 23rd, 5 pm onwards:

Mens: Govind Navelkar, Floyd Araujo, Navneet Nasnodkar, Sunny Sawant,
Pankaj Naik, Parag Chouhan and Darwin Barretto.

Under 19 Boys: Sharmad Mahajan, Rahul Chandrashekar, Chinmay Kamat,
Pratith Naik, Aniket Shenai and Krishnaraj Gawas.

Under 19 Girls and Ladies: Anushka Kuvelkar, Anura Prabhudesai and
Pranjal Chimulkar.

The Camp will be conducted by NIS Coaches Roy Athaide and Vinayak
Kamat who have also been appointed as Coaches of the Goa Teams for the
West Zone Championship. Sandeep Heble has been appointed as the
Manager of the Goa Badminton Team. Selected Players have been asked to
report for the Camp at the Venue.

yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Goa Badminton Association

[Goanet] NRB West Zone Championship(25-26th Oct)- 9 days to go

2010-10-16 Thread Sandeep Heble
West Zone Championship Poster available at:

yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Goa Badminton Association

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Personalities # 2 Introduction to Mr. Silvan M. De Sa

2010-10-16 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 16 October 2010 21:30, Tony de Sa tonyde...@gmail.com wrote:
 Mr. Silvan M. De Sa was born in 1942. Hailing from the village of Soccoro,
 (fellow G'netter  to Vivian [Soccorkar] D' Souza), Silvan did his secondary
 schooling from one of Bardez's  prestigious institutions, St. Anthony's 

Dear Tony, Thanks for that interesting introduction, and for helping
us to get to know about the work of other Goanetters. Your
volunteering is certainly helpful, and to be appreciated.

Though I met Silvan, your write-up told me about many other aspects
about him. In part, Goa is impoverished because the left hand doesn't
know the work that the right hand is doing in the State

Way back in 2002, I had written something on him. This might be of
interest to some others on the list:

* * *

Divinity @ Goa
Frederick Noronha


FROM sermons to software! That's the shift Silvan M. D'Sa wants to
nudge churches in Goa into as he polishes his code that seeks to give
the parish an IT thrust - and make it easy for priests to manage their
funds and the faithful.

From keeping tab of church revenues to listing devotees in a
particular neighbourhood, two of D'Sa's packages promise to make life
easier for church administrators.

One of them, Fabrica Accounts, keeps tabs of church accounts. It has
slots to account for payments made for a range of service - prayers in
the cemetery, processions, sermons, bells and chimes - or the
celebrant's stipend.

You don't need to think... just go to the right slot and enter the
amount, said D'Sa, who runs a small software outfit, Computech, out
of the north Goa town of Mapusa. From the church revenue, a part of
the earning goes to the priest as compensation for his work. This
segregation is done by the software, said D'Sa.

Each month, a summary of the accounts is automatically generated. The
software complies with the requirements of the Goa church. It confirms
to the income and expenditure register that is required by the Goa and
Daman Archdiocese's seccao das confrarias (section for confrarias).
Another software that D'Sa has written keeps records of parish
members. It cross-links devotees residing in the neighbourhood with
the ledgers where their records are maintained.

If a priest wants to get across his message by post, the software
generates neat mailing labels that list the heads of the households.
Posting out a message to all thus becomes an easier task.

But finding the right persons to run the software is no easy task.
People come for a month, and then leave. I've trained at least five
persons so far, lamented D'Sa.

Getting takers for the program is also not easy - not surprising,
given that software is a rather new field in Goa.


* * *

And this is what Silvan wrote about eight years ago, telling me about
his work here:

Thanks for your email regarding the Census software for Goan
Parish Churches.  Although I am not good at writing articles, here is
a brief description of the software package.

As I used to be a member of the Fabrica of  Our Lady of Socorro
Church, Socorro, Bardez, Goa from 1998-2001, I inherited a labourious
handwritten system of accounting for the various pastoral activities
of our Church.   After taking over from my predecessor, I decided to
computerize the accounting system.  Initially the system was DOS-based
but after learning MS-Access the implementation was converted to
Windows,  The system produces various reports and screen displays as
required by our Parish Vicar.  A Trial Balance is available at any
time to check the arithmetical accuracy.

In early 2000, our Parish Vicar needed a system to find out the
composition of parishioners of each ward of the Village broken down by
Sectors which are further made up of various individual households and
the details of all the persons making up each household.   After
almost 1 year of development, I have designed a Windows-based system
using the MS-Access platform called the Parish Census system.   One
can find out in seconds, the total number of parishioners in each
sector, ward, household as well as details of each individual such as
his name, age, date of birth, date of marriage, education, place of
work, whether
resident or non-resident etc. etc.  Facility also exists for printing
mailing labels of every Head of House for purpose of circulars and
mass mailings.   In addition, there are three modules namely,
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials where the data is input from the
official Registers kept by each Church.  Once this data is input in
the system, one can locate any parishioner's document by selecting his
name from a drop-down screen list.

The Beta version of this system was installed in the Socorro church
early last year [2001] and it is running well according to
expectations.  Both these systems can be customised according to each
Parish requirements.  I in the process of giving a 


2010-10-16 Thread Peter Fernandes
There should be a total ban on politicians holding posts in sports
organisations -Let the sports field be managed by sportsmen and sportswomen.
We have so many of them and they will do us proud. Yes, I agree to you
Aires Rodrigues.

Peter Fernandes
(Dubai UAE)

[Goanet] Oct 16 and...

2010-10-16 Thread Frederick Noronha
Can you believe it? Oct 16 and it's still raining (since late
afternoon) in Goa, almost as if it's the monsoons! Went to Miramar,
and there virtually wasn't a soul around on the beach. Not even
JoeGoaUk :-) FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490


2010-10-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
Just a question to the learned advocate:

Would it be constitutional?

and How about Lawyers  should they be banned from GoaNet, the Media etc?

Does anybody believe that the Goa politicians are any less crooked
than the Goa lawyers/


On 15 October 2010 20:01, Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com wrote:
 There should be a total ban on politicians holding posts in sports

Re: [Goanet] (no subject)

2010-10-16 Thread Frederick Noronha
Dear Charudatt, Nice to hear from you in Auroville, where I hope it's
raining less than in Goa! Trust your art is doing fine and flowering.

Just to take issue with what you say below:

* I disagree with the view that a single statement of intent (in this
case, a quote from the 12th century Hitopadesha, Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam, the whole world is one single family) can be used as an
argument to claim that this was actually practised. We do know that
the reality was different, as is bound to be in any society.

* Forget the world, people of another skin colour, another varna,
another language group, another tribe, another State are even to this
day not accepted as belonging to one family. (And you just need to
read some posts on Goanet to know this.)

* There is little or no reason to believe that your ancestors and mine
were not bigoted against The Other, as much as we are to this day, if
not more.

* Even if the BJP, Golwalkar, or Murli Manohar Joshi (at Auroville, no
less!) have cited Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam when they would like to reveal
a liberal face, it hardly masks their politics of hate.

In the Bantuu language of South Africa, there is the concept of
Ubuntu (I am what I am because of who we all are.) But this hardly
stops inter-tribe strife. Kenyans and Swahili speakers have Harambee
(all pull together). But does this stop corruption in East Africa?
Mervyn could tell us more about Ujamaa (extended family or
familyhood...   a person becomes a person through the people or
community) in Tanzania. All good concepts, but the reality?

To me, there are more positions than simply having to choose between
(i) looking down on things traditional, and other religions, because
we can't understand them and (ii) claiming that ours is the best, and
can do no wrong. I think religions and cultures and ideologies are not
superior or inferior, just different. Each having its own set of plus
and minus points. If we could accept that, it would be a huge step
forward. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 16 October 2010 23:09, Charudatt Prabhudesai char-...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Bhale bab wrote,  Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam was the ideology of Bharatiya 
 origin. etc.
 Perhaps not all know the word Vasudhaiva kutumbakam.
 Vasudha + iva kutumbakam = Vasudhaiva kutumbakam.
 Vasudha means The Earth (world), iva means Only. which implies, '
 The depth  height of Bharatiya thought  is breathtaking :-
 Why is the earth called Vasudha? Why is Vishnu (Krishna) Vasudeva?
 Vasu means Divine delight. Dha (or Dhara) is 'that which receives/contains'.
 In other words, a receptacle ( of grace)
 Bhale bab also said Bharatiya. What is Bharat?
 In Sanskrit Bha means light ( of cognition, of knowledge, of consciousness)
 'Ratah' means to play/live/engage,involve and the like.
 Wow! What deep meaning!!
 Simple Sanskrit subhashitahs uplift the soul to such an extent that the being 
 forgets earthly toil
 and begins to rejoice again. That magic perhaps, is nowhere else.
 Alas! We have lost most of this simple living and high thinking. The convent 
 education, and other
 Western brands of education, coupled with our near pathological need to ape 
 the west has
 impoverished us all. But not all is lost. When I read Dr. Nandakumar Kamat 
 talking about
 mushroom growing in his backyard, I see hope.
 The fundamental thrust of Western mentality is towards an acute pragmatism. 
 That makes
 the whole culture narrowly utilitarian. Of course, all lofty thought must be 
 put to use, but
 that should not make us utilitarian only. There must be ample space to dream 
 lofty dreams without
 assuming that Man is the end of things. What prof. Hawking on Goanet can say 
 for certain that Man is the
 final stage in evolution?
 Man is a transitional being says Sri Aurobindo. That gives me hope, and 
 restores my faith in the
 principle of the possible.
 In 'Bharatiya' thought there is no room for discrimination between West and 
 East, for
 the whole world is my family.
 But like Bhale, we are proud of these things we read in books of India's 
 glorious past.
 That UNDESERVING PRIDE must be justified by beginning to live our high ideas.
 Charudatta Prabhudesai
 Auroville .
 South India.


2010-10-16 Thread Frederick Noronha
With due respect, JC is simply playing the role of Leader of the
Opposition here. This time, I agree with Aires Rodrigues, and feel he
has correctly diagnosed the problems caused by politicians who come to
the helm of sports bodies across India (and probably elsewhere too).

The case of chess in Goa typical. When nobody noticed it, Goa was
producing world champions. Once the politicians and moneybags noticed
this trend, intense politicking and battles for control began.

But what is the way out?

Who will ban the politicians from sports, as Aires suggests? Will
the politicians suddenly wake up one day, realise the damage they are
causing, and legislate to remove themselves out from the sporting

I think the questions one needs to raise are:

* Why do sportsmen allow politicians to infiltrate their arena?
* What are the structural flaws (being starved of funds, too many
seeking too little funding, nepotism and favouritism?) that encourage
(in fact, make it essential for) politicians to enter sporting
* Do we have any models where sports has succeeded without
politicians? If not, why not?
* Can we have a rogues gallery, pointing to particular politicians who
have ruined particular sports maybe starting with a small state like

Just a thought. Needless to say, I claim no expertise in this field,
and unlike others like Augusto Pinto or Shrikant Barve, have not been
a sports organiser in real (or imaginary) life. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 17 October 2010 00:42, J. Colaco   jc cola...@gmail.com wrote:
 Just a question to the learned advocate:

 Would it be constitutional?

 and How about Lawyers  should they be banned from GoaNet, the Media etc?

 Does anybody believe that the Goa politicians are any less crooked
 than the Goa lawyers/


 On 15 October 2010 20:01, Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com wrote:
  There should be a total ban on politicians holding posts in sports

[Goanet] Goan Literacy

2010-10-16 Thread pinheiro

Repsonse to Arwin:

I beg to differ on literacy factor for Good Governance in Goa.  If you look 
at 40 naughty MLA elected by Goan Electorate majority of them have fairly 
good educational back-ground.  And,  if you compare their performance, they 
are almost in par. The 5th grader Minister and BSC Chief Minster have more 
or less performed same in terms of corruption, nepotisms and arrogance etc. 
For that matter even the leader of opposition who is IIT has performed worst 
than 5th Grader.  IIT skills are being used to engineer defection and power 
broking then for good governance.   Take for example; Singapore which was 
marshy land is today best city state in the world.  And Goa, the Rome of 
East is now almost Pimp of East thanks to Bad Governance by our Goans.

Even a least literate person will do a better job provided he or she must be 
honest, sincere and trustworthy.  Late Sheikh Rashid of Dubai was not highly 
qualified but had a vision to turn desert in to business hub.  He did not 
have money yet build 2 biggest ports in the Middle East (Jebel Ali Port is 
now ranked 3 in the world) soon after its independence in 70's.

Singapore and Dubai marched ahead by building the Ports, whereas Goa which 
had natural deep sea port (Marmagoa) is still lingering in its development 
thanks to apathy of Goa Government and MPT .  Singapore and Dubai within the 
span of 25 years rose from sleepy marshy/dusty states to Modern States 
whereas Goa is going for dogs.   Politicians have to be patriotic to its 
motherland and not highly literate. Selfless service to nation will build 
the nation.  Self service will ruin the nation.  Self service is now rampant 
in Goa like other parts of India.

Agnelo Pinheiro

Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 05:23:00 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita arwinmesqu...@gmail.com
To: Goanet goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Literacy
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Many Goans sing praises of their beloved MLA's/Ministers who apparently 
them with specific favours. Surely, if the system of governance was 

working in the first place, there would be limited need for the MLA?s to
assist the people at the low micro level and these Politicians should 
been instead,  involved at the much higher Macro level, of taking the 
forward in the right manner for the benefit of Goa  Goans. It appears 

Goa's Politicians are hugely favored and possibly support a highly flawed
system of governance, with high level of corruption, lethargy  

in the Government Departments; as a result of which Goans are forced to
approach the MLA?s for ?assistance ?and then be forever enslaved to the
respective Politician. Then as a source of ?gratitude?, these people allow
corrupt Politicians to continue further with the Sale/Destruction of
Goa Environment  Identity; which is exactly what the corrupt
MLAs/Minister?s want!! Goans appear to be proud of their high
literacy/awareness, which is understood to be important for successful
democratic governance. But with such ignorance, I would argue if this High
Literacy rate has actually improved the state of affairs in Goa or is it
just an un-necessary Statistic!!


2010-10-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
With due respect, FN .I am neither playing Leader of the
Opposition nor in agreement with you.

Rules and Systems have to put into place and then followed.

If one of the rules or systems has to be changed, it has to be changed
- but without discrimination based on religion, sex, gender,
profession etc ..unless the profession ipso facto precludes the
individual from holding a post.

The method of solving a problem is by attacking the problem - NOT by
throwing the baby out with the bath-water.

Aires has done the right thing with the RTI and the GCA.

Similarly, anything which claims its existence to statute can be
challenged quickly (quite quickly) by way of Judicial Review.

The questions FN asks are very valid.

I submit that there is NO special need or benefit in having
politicians heading sports organisations. If there has been or is such
a benefit, then the sports organisation will pay the price.

There is a way out . either do NOT involve politicians OR (if
there is an avenue) get their decisions judicially reviewed..

But do not come up with rules which are discriminatory.

What may I ask will happen to (say) Sachin Tendulkar IF he contests
and wins a Parliamentary seat. Should he be precluded / prohibited
from holding a position on the BCCI Board?

Nonsense is all I will say to FN's nonsense.


On 16 October 2010 12:30, Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com wrote:

 With due respect, JC is simply playing the role of Leader of the
 Opposition here. This time, I agree with Aires Rodrigues, and feel he
 has correctly diagnosed the problems caused by politicians who come to
 the helm of sports bodies across India (and probably elsewhere too).

 The case of chess in Goa typical. When nobody noticed it, Goa was
 producing world champions. Once the politicians and moneybags noticed
 this trend, intense politicking and battles for control began.

 But what is the way out?

 Who will ban the politicians from sports, as Aires suggests? Will
 the politicians suddenly wake up one day, realise the damage they are
 causing, and legislate to remove themselves out from the sporting

 I think the questions one needs to raise are:

 * Why do sportsmen allow politicians to infiltrate their arena?
 * What are the structural flaws (being starved of funds, too many
 seeking too little funding, nepotism and favouritism?) that encourage
 (in fact, make it essential for) politicians to enter sporting
 * Do we have any models where sports has succeeded without
 politicians? If not, why not?
 * Can we have a rogues gallery, pointing to particular politicians who
 have ruined particular sports maybe starting with a small state like

 Just a thought. Needless to say, I claim no expertise in this field,
 and unlike others like Augusto Pinto or Shrikant Barve, have not been
 a sports organiser in real (or imaginary) life. FN

 Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

 On 17 October 2010 00:42, J. Colaco   jc cola...@gmail.com wrote:
  Just a question to the learned advocate:
  Would it be constitutional?
  and How about Lawyers  should they be banned from GoaNet, the Media etc?
  Does anybody believe that the Goa politicians are any less crooked
  than the Goa lawyers/
  On 15 October 2010 20:01, Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com wrote:
   There should be a total ban on politicians holding posts in sports

[Goanet] Talking Photos: ITM (International Travel Mart)

2010-10-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: ITM (International Travel Mart)

Campal Goa 
14th – 17th Oct 2010

Goa Chitra
effects of rain storm
Also, trying to make a small video


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