[Goanet] Congratulations to Valmiki Faleiro

2010-12-15 Thread Carvalho
and Goa, 1556 on the publication of the book Patriotism in Action.
Not only is Valmiki a prolific, insightful and long-established writer with a 
style that flows as easily as his humour, but he is also genuinely a nice 
person. A conversation with Valmiki can keep you enthralled for hours and flits 
seamlessly between historical tidbits about Bernado Peres da Silva to landmarks 
in Margao. 

I look forward to reading the book - a valuable addition to chronicling the 
Warm regards,

Re: [Goanet] Renationalisation in a Flat World-IV

2010-12-15 Thread J. Colaco jc
U. G. Barad dr.udayba...@gmail.com FWDed an article Published in NT
on: December 12, 2010

UNLIKE some slavish neo-Salazarist and culturally rootless and
confused Goans ...etc



While the purification and froth continues, it might be worth visiting
the land of the members of our 'vote-banks'

A stone for Bhanwar Lal. Occupation: slave



[Goanet] Song for the day.

2010-12-15 Thread Gabe Menezes
Engelbert - am I that easy to forget.



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Press Note-TAG

2010-12-15 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa
*Press Note *

*For Favour of Publication*

*‘Improving the writing of scripts’ – workshop held*

“If we wish to take tiatr to greater heights, then the writers/directors of
tiatr should not continue to give the audience what the audience wants.
Doing things differently and giving the audience what the writer or director
wants can take any dramatic form including tiatr to greater heights,” said
Shri.Pundalik Naik during his interaction to the tiatr artistes on
14thDecember 2010. Shri.Pundalik Naik was the resource person for the
on *‘Improving the writing of scripts of Tiatr’* organised by Tiatr Academy
of Goa (TAG) on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Pai Tiatrist Joao
Agostinho Fernandes.

Shri.Pundalik Naik stated that tiatr is the most popular and commercially
most successful dramatic form of Goa. Yet, it needs to be developed in
various aspects of drama in order to be on par with other dramatic forms of

In his presentation, Shri.Naik gave an insight of the process of script
writing and spoke extensively on various happenings in the society through
which a writer can be inspired to script a play or any other literary form.
He made a clear distinction between inspired writing, which is original in
character and adaptation, or re-writing which amounts to depict without any
creativity. He said that a piece of writing with creativity can be called
original writing.

Answering numerous questions from the participants, Shri.Naik expressed
satisfaction over the interest shown by the participants in this workshop.
He further stated that such an attitude from the tiatr artistes will
definitely take tiatr to greater heights in times to come.

Earlier, Shri.Roseferns, Vice-President of TAG welcomed and Shri.Tomazinho
Cardozo, President, in his introductory speech stated that the tiatr
fraternity will be highly benefitted if they interact with artistes and
dramatists from other stages like Konkani, Marathi, Hindi, English etc. He
also said that the standard of tiatr cannot rise in isolation. Hence, there
is need of wider interaction for the benefit of tiatr.

*Victor de Sa*

Member Secretary

Re: [Goanet] One Of These Days - The Paradox of Our Times

2010-12-15 Thread soter
To my knowledge these words are from the writings 'Paradox of our times' by His 
Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV and are not the work of any anonymous person.


[Goanet] The Canadian Dream

2010-12-15 Thread Mervyn Elsie Maciel
How I enjoyed your comments to Roland.
Your mention of a young girl trying to teach you(a highly educated
individual) how to send faxes (and perhaps make coffee !!)reminded me of
something I experienced at my first job in London. My colleagues and I
shared a Dictaphone and were expected to dictate quite a few letters daily.
Imagine my surprise(and anger!) when one of the typists came
up to me and asked whether I'd used the wrong word.
The word I'd used was exculpate which she'd never heard.. As for
punctuation and grammar, forget
about it;  and yet, when we had hardly been in the country for  5 minutes,
we were often asked by recruitment agencies, have you any London
experience? The rest is history!

Mervyn (Maciel)


2010-12-15 Thread Bernado Colaco
Patriotism or just doing a job? Patriots are those who saved Goa from the ill 
fated merger in 67. If not we would have been Patriots in Action from 
Sawantwadi! I dont't understand this outside  people wanting to link Goa to 
their stories.
Goans in India?s Defence Services is a first ever 
attempt to compile a list of Goan commissioned officers in India?s armed 
forces, undertaken by writer Valmiki Faleiro. The ?Goan Officer,? with 
fine attributes of courage, loyalty, professionalism and an espirit de 
corps built himself into an institution with a reputation for 
dependability and fair play. When a junior officer was posted to a unit 
headed by a Goan, he would exclaim to his mates, ?Hey, I?m lucky, I have 
a Goan CO (commanding officer)!? Across its 344 BW and full-colour 
pages, this book celebrates that ?Goan Officer?.

[Goanet] Catholic priest Fr. jegath Gasper raided by CBI

2010-12-15 Thread soter
According to news reports, the CBI raid on catholic priest Fr. Jegath Gasper 
Raj founder of an NGO 'Tamil Maiyam' in connection with the 2-G Spectrum scam 
for his closeness to Kanimozhi of DMK. This must serve as a warning to 
religious leaders in Goa who take donations from ministers for various 
activities. Corrupt politicians divert their ill-gotten wealth for social 
causes to win the favour of the people and thereby get re-elected. 
Read more about Fr. Jegath: http://www.asiantribune.com/index.php?q=node/4959

[Goanet] Saree for the inconvenience-Times Crest

2010-12-15 Thread Vasant Baliga
Saree for the inconvenience
Chidanand Rajghatta | December 11, 2010

Expect the Indian chatterati to be foaming at the mouth over the next few days 
over the reported slight/humiliation/dishonour (depending on how much hyperbole 
you work into the episode) of the Indian ambassador to the US. By the time some 
of our more excitable television channels are through with the story, they 
have put poor Meera Shankar through a 'vastraharan, ' the storied disrobing of 
Draupadi in the Mahabharata, by those evil Kauravas (US airport security 
personnel ). Under media and public pressure, New Delhi would have issued 
demarches to Washington DC, extracted meek apologies from American diplomats, 
saved the saree from Western discrimination, and notionally restored national 
honour - till the next such episode. Most of this will be orchestrated by a mob 
wedded to the Western  sartorial habits and style, including a posse of anchors 
and news readers togged in pant-suit, tie-jacket etc. 

Hand it to Meera Shankar, though. Whether it is a White House ceremony, a state 
department reception, or a think-tank gig, Her Excellency is invariably draped 
in an elegant saree, rather than the business suit that many female foreign 
diplomats resort to when sent to Washington DC. This is true of most Indian 
women diplomats posted across the world, including our current foreign 
Nirupama Rao. In addition to the intellectual brio and diplomatic finesse they 
bring to the table, they also carry themselves with sartorial grace, a fact 
does not go unnoticed or uncommented in Foggy Bottom or 1600 Pennsylvania, 
there are equally accomplished, but mostly pant-suited, women at work. 

But to expect the uniformed airport security personnel in America, tasked with 
spotting the next undie-bomber, shoe-bomber,  wig-bomber etc, to recognise 
sartorial elegance and diplomatic accomplishment, is a bit much. Apparently, in 
the TSA handbook, individuals can be subjected to secondary screening if 
security personnel cannot reasonably determine that clothing is free of a 
threat item.  In this case, the agent thought the saree was capacious enough 
to merit greater scrutiny, diplomatic niceties be damned. 

Yes, there is an element of sartorial cultural discrimination here, but that's 
not unique. Sikhs have experienced it with their turban across the world, 
including in India itself, particularly during the 1980s. Trying wearing an 
Arabic dish-dasha or kaffiyeh and walk through any airport, including New Delhi 
and Mumbai. 

At this point, saree aficionados can scream themselves hoarse that the garment 
is famously said to reveal as much as it hides, but that is beside the point. 
The face of the matter is that in America, uniformed personnel feel,  and act, 
in an extraordinarily empowered manner. You don't mess with anyone in uniform, 
not even if you are Al Gore or Bill Gates. Especially, if you are Al Gore and 
Bill Gates;because the uniformed bloke (or woman) relishes nothing more than 
taking you on and having your travails splashed across the media, giving you, 
already famous, your fifteen minutes of notoriety, and him/her fifteen minutes 
of fame. 

But in the subcontinent, steeped in a VIP culture, security typically defers to 
fame and fortune. Politicians, film stars, sportsmen and other VIPs expect to 
be waved through because of their status.  Flunks come to the security gates 
to ensure they are whisked through. It's a cultural thing. Most stories about 
painful screening of VIPs from the region typically turn out to be bogus, the 
product of an injured ego or minor inconvenience. Notice how the travails of 
ordinary folks seldom make it to the headlines or streamers;we just  grumble 
get on with life. It's only the VIPs who have so many issues with security. 

In the case of Ambassador Shankar, the issue is not that she had to undergo 
secondary scrutiny, but that she was not afforded the courtesy and dignity of a 
private pat-down which is mandated under TSA rules. Even in the case of Sikhs, 
the community in the US fought long and hard to arrive at a reasonable 
compromise with the TSA about having their turbans searched. Under current 
rules, turbaned passengers can subject themselves to a pat-down by a TSA 
screener or pat down their own turban, and have their hand swabbed for traces 
chemical explosives. They can also request a private screening (in a room 
outside of public view) of their turban. 

The issue is still not settled. Last month, TSA announced that Sikhs should now 
expect their turbans to be searched every single time, sparking off another 
round of dialogue. Let's face it;security is  a tangled issue and it will only 
get worse. It's the times we live in.


[Goanet] NEWS: Now, Goa takes a step into 'm-governance'

2010-12-15 Thread Goanet News
Now, Goa takes a step into 'm-governance'
TNN, Dec 15, 2010, 05.25am IST

PANAJI: From e-governance (electronic governance), Goa stepped into
the realm of m-governance (mobile governance) on Tuesday as chief
minister Digambar Kamat launched 'e-SMS Goa Mobile Governance', an
exclusive project of the Info Tech Corporation of Goa Limited(ITG).
Kamat also launched theITG's 'IT Knowledge Centres' that are supposed
to take computer literacy initiatives to the rural areas of Goa.

With the launch of the 'e-SMS Goa Mobile Governance', Goa became one
of the pioneer states to adopt m-Governance or mobile governance in
India by setting up an e-SMS gateway for the exclusive use of all
state departments. This is a first step towards the delivery of
information to citizens through mobile phones. Citizens can now look
forward to receiving various informative services on their mobiles,
most of which were till now available only on the Internet. The
services will be rolled in phase manner.

Launching the service, the chief minister said it will enable citizens
to track the status of their applications before various government
departments by simply using their mobile phones. This is directly
linked to good governance in the state because citizens will get their
work done without any hardships, Kamat said.

In the first phase, the ITG will focus on launching services which
would have maximum government-to-citizen (G2C) interaction. This SMS
gateway will be used by the government departments to send alerts to
citizens through e- services. The SMS gateway is also being integrated
with e-governance and e- services software for the benefit of some
departments. In such cases citizens get automatic alerts when the
submitted e-services form is acknowledged by the concerned department.
Citizen also get SMS alerts regarding the status of this
e-applications such as whether they are pending, being processed, are
on hold or rejected.

The e-SMS gateway infrastructure is a unified platform that connects
to all the telecom operators in Goa. It would serve department
officials for intra and inter departmental communication and
government processes, ITG director Praveen Chandekar said.

ITG chairman Subash Shirodkar said over 600 persons have taken
admission in the ITG's 40 IT knowledge centres across Goa. These
centres provide basic computer skills to local youth, housewives and
other citizens, various job-oriented IT training courses, and
structured training programmes in a bid to make at least one person in
each family of the state IT literate.

Shirodkar said that although Goa will launch about 50 e-services by
Liberation Day, there are about 600 services that the government can
host online for the benefit of the citizens in the state. He said that
IT Knowledge Centres will help bridge the gap between the poor and the
rich and that to achieve this, IT training should be imparted to both,
government employees as well as the public.

Read more: Now, Goa takes a step into 'm-governance' - The Times of

[Goanet] Dettifoss

2010-12-15 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -




[Goanet] Goa book club.. meeting on Dec 16

2010-12-15 Thread Frederick Noronha
Just to say that the monthly Third Thursday Goa Book Club meets at
Broadway Book Centre on Dec 16, 2010 at 5 pm (the third Thursday of
the month). Do come if you can make it, and bring along a Goa book to
discuss too! FN

PS: The next meeting will be on Jan 20, 2011. Other Third Thursdays in
2011 are Feb 17, Mar 17, Apr 21, May 19, June 16, July 21, Aug 18,
Sept 15, Oct 20, Nov 17 and Dec 15.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] NEWS: Visa-on-arrival to woo Japanese tourists

2010-12-15 Thread Goanet News
Visa-on-arrival to woo Japanese tourists
TNN, Dec 15, 2010, 05.13am IST

Tags:Swapnil Naik|Sakhardande|Fr Henry Heras|Ellora caves
PANAJI: Sushi could soon be common fare served at beach shacks,
restaurants and hotels with the Goa tourism excited about a potential
deluge of Japanese tourists in the coming years.

Japan has been granted a visa-on-arrival facility by the Indian
government, and Goa is expecting to tap into this market.

Tourism director Swapnil Naik, who was part of a state delegation
which visited Tokyo recently, said that the focus would be on
attracting younger Japanese.

We are focusing on getting all types of tourists from Japan. It has
been decided that Goa should not just concentrate on the older
generation or the pilgrim tourists, but the youth as well, Naik said.
The tourism director says that this is where the beaches and the
casinos will come in. They (Japanese) are also known to be fond of
gambling, he said.

The Japanese' love for playing golf was also taken into consideration
by the Goa delegation. However, we found out that it is not the only
consideration for a holiday. It could be one component of a holiday.
There's no need to have a major golf course. Even a small golf course
will meet the purpose, Naik said.

Japan has an affinity to Buddhism, and its pilgrims currently visit
India to travel to places like Bodh Gaya and the Ajanta and Ellora

When asked why the state has not tapped into related heritage
precincts which could add to the Buddhist trail for a pilgrim tourist,
Naik said, We could create a circuit for such tourists, and have them
visit places like Hampi and Badami in Karnataka.

While the tourism director said the Lamgao caves in Goa's Bicholim
taluka have been added to the heritage circuit in Goa, the Travel and
Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG), which is compiling a list of
heritage places in the hinterland of the state, expressed surprise.

TTAG president Gourish Dhond said, We have nothing specific with
regards to Buddhist sites in Goa. However, we could start developing
such a list. We intend to compile a list of such places in the
hinterland that will be of interest to tourists.

Explaining Goa's Buddhist offerings, historian Prajal Sakhardande said
that in ancient times, Rivona was a seat of Buddhism. Local folklore
is that a Buddhist monk Purma resided in a cave at Rivona and on the
banks of the Kushawati river in Zambaulim. There are three Buddhist
caves at Rivona, including one which was an underground monastery.

He added that a statue of Buddha was also excavated at Mushira vaddo,
Colvale, by Fr Henry Heras and pointed out that Dharmanand Kosambi, a
son-of-the-soil, was a Pali Buddhist scholar who preached in Sri

He said the two rock-cut caves in Lamgao near Bicholim are
structurally similar to those found in Buddhist caves in the Deccan.

The name of the village itself is of Buddhist origin and it means
'abode of the Lamas', said Sakhardande. Meanwhile, Naik said the next
step towards opening the doors to Japan would be 'fam trips'.

We are going to arrange a 'fam trip' (familiarisation trip) for
Japanese tour operators soon, Naik said.

Read more: Visa-on-arrival to woo Japanese tourists - The Times of

[Goanet] Bridegroom wanted..

2010-12-15 Thread JoeGoaUk
Bridegroom wanted..


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Press Note-TAG (11 tiatr veterans honoured)

2010-12-15 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa
*Press Note*

For Favour of Publication

*11 Tiatr veterans honoured*

11 tiatr artistes of yester years were felicitated by Tiatr Academy of Goa
(TAG) at the hands of Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri.Digamber Kamat in a
special function held on the occasion of birth anniversary of Pai Tiatrist
Joao Agostinho Fernandes on 14th December 2010 at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.
The tiatr artistes who have been awarded are Master Vaz, Remmie Colaco,
Maria Platilda Afonso e Dias, Anthony Inacio J.D’Souza, John Gomes (kokoy),
Richard Rodrigues (Rico Rod), Alegre Antao alias Star of Arossim, Tony Sax,
Fr.Planton Faria, Antonio Moraes and Romaldo D’Souza alias Paul Rommy.

Speaking on the occasion Shri.Kamat congratulated and thanked the 11
veterans of tiatr stage for their voluntary and sacrificing contribution to
the tiatr stage. Addressing the awardees he said, “You have worked
selflessly for the preservation and promotion of tiatr in very critical
circumstances. Hence, it is our duty to recognise your contribution so that
the new generations are inspired to work for the development of tiatr the
way you have done without any selfish interest.” Congratulating TAG for
formulating such a scheme to honour tiatr artistes of yester years, he
promised all help to TAG to implement all its schemes effectively so that
the tiatr, its song  music grow day after day.

Shri.Tomazinho Cardozo, President of TAG, in his address disclosed that TAG
has formulated about 30 different schemes which aim at developing each and
every aspect of tiatr, its song and music. He also stated that this was all
possible only because of the generous cooperation and financial help given
by Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri.Digamber Kamat. He further said that various
governments and numerous Chief Ministers came and went during these 50 years
since liberation but it is only Shri.Digamber Kamat who showed true interest
in the development of tiatr, its song  music.

Shri.Master Vaz, speaking on behalf of the awardees thanked the TAG and the
Chief Minister for recognising their services to the most popular dramatic
form of Goa, Tiatr. He also said that there are many who need recognition
and that he is confident that TAG will definitely honour them in the years
to come.

Earlier, Shri. Roseferns, Vice-President of TAG welcomed and Shri.Sridhar
Kamat, Vice Chairman of Ravindra Bhavan, proposed a vote of thanks. The
function was compered by Sharon Mazarello and Anil Kumar.

*Victor de Sa*

Member Secretary

[Goanet] Hmmm, do not grab Hamish by the horns...

2010-12-15 Thread Gabe Menezes


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Now, Goa takes a step into 'm-governance'

2010-12-15 Thread soter
Digambar Kamat is taking Goans down the steps to doom rather rapidly. From 
e-governance to m-governance. Goa had already graduated to s-governance (sex 
governance) and c-governance (casino governance). But there is no sign of 
p-goverance (political governance) anywhere.


[Goanet] NEWS: Ex-MPT boss complains to CVC against Digambar

2010-12-15 Thread Goanet News
Ex-MPT boss complains to CVC against Digambar
TNN, Dec 15, 2010, 05.27am IST

PANAJI: Former Mormugao Port Trust (MPT) chairman Praveen Agarwal has
alleged in separate letters to the chief vigilance commissioner (CVC)
and secretary, Union shipping ministry, that officials of the Goa
government have connived with private five-star hoteliers to encroach
on MPT land within 50 yards of the high tide line (HTL).

The letters state that so far six hotels have been allowed to squat on
MPT property.

This violates the government of India notification which states that
any property within 50 yards of HTL which does not belong to private
persons as on Goa's liberation day, December 19, 1961, should belong
to MPT,'' the letters add.

Agarwal shot off the letters dated December 5, 2010, to CVC P J Thomas
and Union ministry of shipping secretary K Mohandas in response to
chief minister Digambar Kamat's letter to the prime minister and Union
minister of shipping.

Kamat had alleged that MPT's massive developmental activities were
being done without any attention to the fallout on the fragile
environment of Goa; that MPT's operations would affect tourism
activities in the state; and that people and state government are
against the visions and plans of MPT to implement infrastructure

Over the years, private parties and state government officials have
connived to take away/transfer various lands belonging to MPT within
50 yards of the HTL. In the process, MPT has lost lands having present
market value exceeding thousands of crores of rupees. Efforts of MPT
to retrieve such lands have been continuously thwarted by the state
government. So much so that land areas have been given away by the
state government without any consent/approval from the board of MPT to
various hotels, the letters further allege. Agarwal has named the six

The letters which were also sent to planning commission members and
officials of the ministry of environment and forests, ministry of
commerce, and ministry of roads, are based on the knowledge about
facts gathered during the course of my posting as Chairman, MPT,
Agarwal told TOI when contacted.

In his letters, Agarwal has alleged that the state government is
recovering revenue from shack owners who are allowed to set up shacks
on the coastline of Goa during the tourist season. Even in respect of
shacks which are being erected on MPT lands, the licenses are being
issued by the state government, who are also collecting the revenues,
bypassing the Board of MPT. There are numerous other violations of the
environment laws and CRZ on such land areas belonging to Mormugao
Port. All these violations have been condoned and overlooked by the
Goa government, the letter alleged.

It is therefore earnestly requested that as and when the allegations
in the above referred letters from the CM, Goa, are looked into and
discussed with the Goa state government officers, an impartial and
unbiased group of senior officers of the Central government may also
like to examine the reasons why the state government is
obstructing/objecting to vitally needed infrastructure augmentation
projects, the former chairman has stated in his letters.

When contacted, chief minister Digambar Kamat, said, I will not
comment on officers who have demitted their office.

Read more: Ex-MPT boss complains to CVC against Digambar - The Times
of India 

[Goanet] NEWS: SVM slams Babu Kavlekar's statement on land allotment for SEZs

2010-12-15 Thread Goanet News
SVM slams Babu Kavlekar's statement on land allotment for SEZs
TNN, Dec 15, 2010, 05.12am IST

MARGAO: The SEZ Virodhi Manch (SVM) has condemned the statement of the
Goa Industrial Development Corporation chairman, Chandrakant 'Babu'
Kavlekar, that land was allotted to SEZ promoters based on the central
government's policy to encourage SEZs in the state.

The SVM pointed out that the high court of Bombay at Goa has rejected
all the above frivolous submissions in its judgment while quashing the
allotments made for SEZs.

The chairman fails to explain how and why the GIDC allotted the lands
for SEZ when no SEZ policy existed in the state at that time, the
press note states. The SVM has also demanded an immediate judicial or
CBI inquiry into the allotment of land for SEZs.

Read more: SVM slams Babu Kavlekar's statement on land allotment for
SEZs - The Times of India

[Goanet] POLITICAL OPTIONS FOR GOANS - This beggar is a Sarpanch

2010-12-15 Thread soter

Manjari Mishra, TNN
Lucknow:   Begging, confides Narayan Nat, may not be a highly rated career
choice but he won't swap it for anything else under the sun. Not even for
the gaddi of village pradhan that he has come to occupy now.  The
50-year-old widower, has been a professional, beggar since the time he re
members and is absolutely unapologetic about it.
''A totally honest way to make money if you ask. It gave me everything...
a roof  over my head,a small patch of land to till, enough to  keep my four
children and 14 grandchildren well fed and clothed. And now the  pradhani of
village Sahawar Shah in Badaun, which came my way only because  my patrons
knew me personally and came to have faith in me, he told TOI.
In fact, the candidature of Narayan during the panchayat polls zapped local
officials. It was a rather unusual choice, says Udaivir Singh, the
tehsildar of Bisoli. Narayan, he says, emerged as the unanimous choice.
Obviously fed up with other candidates, the villagers thought of giving him
a chance. The man, says Singh 'with grudging admiration, proved to be a
tough contender among a dozen odd competitors.And a lucky one too...he did
not spend a single rupee in the election and still emerged a winner.
Narayan calls it divine intervention. Goddess Lakshmi had been a little
tight fisted in my case but her husband seems to have overruled her
finally, he began with a phlegmatic laugh. The proposal did stun him at
first, he confided.
So love it or hate it, Narayan Nat has no intentions to quit begging. Both
will have to go together, there is no clash, he emphasIzes.

[TOI, Goa, Pg. 9, 15/12/2010] 


2010-12-15 Thread J. Colaco jc
re: The Goan Officer, with fine attributes of courage, loyalty,
professionalism and an espirit de corps built himself into an
institution with a reputation for dependability and fair play.  Across
its 344 BW and full-colour pages, this book celebrates that Goan

Bernado Colaco wrote: Patriotism or just doing a job? Patriots are
those who saved Goa from the ill fated merger in 67. If not we would
have been Patriots in Action from Sawantwadi! I dont't understand this
outside  people wanting to link Goa to their stories.


jc's response:

My dear Bernado,

I had scripted two responses to your (above quoted) post. Could not
decide which one was more appropriate. So, I thought that I'd probably
post both responses.

RESPONSE [1]  What has gotten (again) into Bernado? Can he not see any
good in the Goans that Valmiki's book is about? Is he one of those
chaps who will now try to 'purify' the Sagres for having entered the
un-purified Arabian Sea? Will he too be lining up to take advantage
(real advantage) of the Fundacao (originally based in his home town)
in order try wangle a phoreign trip?  Why is it that we Goans find it
so difficult to take a balanced,non-prejudicial and non-frothy view of
others who may not share the same political (or other) viewpoint that
we profess or possess?

RESPONSE [2] Now that Bernado has read most of the pages of Valmiki's
book, I am sure that Bernado will write his own book which will list
Goans who did not  possess ' fine attributes of courage, loyalty,
professionalism and an espirit de corps' and did not have 'a
reputation for dependability and fair play'.

On a personal note, like Selma and others, I commend ALL Goan authors
who write well-researched and appropriately referenced books. Writing
a book is an art which few possess and even fewer practice. I have not
yet read Valmiki's book but knowing his flair for writing, I am sure
it is an absolute must for every Goan home. (I'd say the same for
Selma's book).

The well known Goan author and my friend, Ben Antao often laments that
Goans do not support Goan authors. It has been my view that many Goans
rather spend their money on dances, picnics and alcohol (DPA) than on
a book. Could we not spend a few 'escudos' less on DPA and buy ONE
copy of a well-researched and well-referenced book by a Goan author?
PN that I do not and will not recommend that anybody waste One Single
Kavdi or Paisa buying books which are not well-researched (i.e. gas)
or not well-referenced (i.e. plagiarized).

I was in Toronto during Viva Goa a few years ago. I could not help
notice How easy it was for the 'Goa sausages' to be sold-out and how
difficult it was for books to 'move a millimeter'. One particular
author (whose name I will withhold) looked quite forlorn among his
books at his deserted stand. Depressing, as far as I am concerned.

ps: I congratulate Valmiki for his effort (and Frederick for his role
in publishing books). I also wish to congratulate Bernado Colaco, in
advance, for the book he is going to write and publish.

ps 2: What is the difference between dissing Valmiki's book without
even reading it and banning Leo Lawrence's book on Goa?

Bravo Valmiki!

good wishes

[Goanet] Now, Goa takes a step into 'm-governance'

2010-12-15 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Soter wrote : Digambar Kamat is taking Goans down the steps to doom rather 
From e-governance to m-governance. Goa had already graduated to s-governance 
(sex governance) 
and c-governance (casino governance). But there is no sign of p-goverance 
(political governance) anywhere.-Soter


You could add some more obvious governance:
h-governance (hutment governance),
b-governance (bribe governance),
i-governance (intimidating governance),
n-governance (nepotistic governance),
lu-governance (land usurpers governance),
mp- governance (Mega Projects governance),
bs-governance (Bridges  Sea links governance),
cia- governance (Castles in air governance),
Etc., Etc.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

[Goanet] Goa news for December 16, 2010

2010-12-15 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Demand for hotel rooms in city to double by 2013: report -
Indian Express
o-get-more-star-hotels/Article1-638993.aspxCity to get more
star hotels

*** Two and three wheelers to be exempted from paying toll in
Goa - The Hindu

*** Goa govt invites EOI to set up golf course - Economic Times
pending ...

*** Goa to boost computer knowledge among govt employees -
Goa takes a step into 'm-governance'

*** 'Goa is vulnerable to sea-level rise' - Times of India

*** Candlelight march of students on Dec 18 - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: A candlelight march by students on the eve
of Goa's Liberation day this year will launch the golden jubilee
celebrations planned by the art and ...

*** Centre misrepresented to relax CRZ norms - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe high court of Bombay at Goa has held that the
representations were made by the state government to the
ministry of forest and environment (MoEF ) on ...a class=

*** 'Greater Goa was a dream of Ravindra Kelekar' - Times of
mes of IndiaMARGAO: The issue of merger of Konkani speaking
areas of Karnataka into Goa may not subside soon as PWD minister
Churchill Alemao said that a greater Goa ...a class=

*** Jolie planning X-mas in Goa! - Times of India
the global star with six children, who jetsets around the world
...a class=

*** Plan to nationalize state waterways rejected - Times of
mes of IndiaTalking to TOI, Halarnkar said that considering the
long term interests of the state and the aspirations of the
people of Goa, he has said 'No' to the ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Renationalisation in a Flat World-IV

2010-12-15 Thread Santosh Helekar
Can someone please rebut, if possible, the statements quoted from the
historians M. N. Pearson and J. N. Fonseca in the following article by


 UNLIKE some slavish neo-Salazarist and culturally rootless
 and confused
 Goans, the Portuguese who fought Salazar and admire
 Saramago have no problem
 in having a fresh look at their forefathers' deeds or
 In 2001, Fundacao Oriente sponsored the festschrift
 volume-The Portuguese,
 Indian Ocean and European bridgeheads, 1500-1800 in honour
 of Professor K S
 In his essay the eminent Australian historian, an expert on
 colonisation, Professor Pearson had exploded the myth of
 superiority of the Portuguese. Raising important questions,
 he answered
 these himself. He asked, If we take a very long term view,
 can we say that
 the Portuguese opened the door for other Europeans to come
 in and change
 Asia profoundly? Were they harbingers of a future when most
 areas in Asia
 were colonised by the European powers, with very dramatic
 and deleterious
 consequences? Again this claim is difficult to sustain.
 Cultural and Linguistic Genocide
 What Pearson says further should put to rest any tall
 claims of the so
 called 'civilising' influence of the Portuguese.
 Freedom fighter, Late Laxmikant Bhembre, imprisoned in
 Portugal refused to
 return to Goa and had spent a considerable time in the
 libraries and
 archives there to collect the original evidence of the so
 called civilising
 Although he was denied access to some sensitive
 manuscripts, documents and
 books he succeeded in compiling enough evidence about the
 systematic attempt
 for three centuries of uprooting Goan cultural and
 linguistic identity.
 Unfortunately, his Marathi book published in May 1987, just
 a week before
 Goa got statehood could never be translated in English or
 The 40 chapters of Bhembre's book confirms the world's and
 Asia's least
 discussed cultural and linguistic genocide. Even the Nazis
 had not gone to
 the level of forcing people to eat like the Portuguese did.
 In her eye
 opening chapter' Vindaloo: The Portuguese and the Chilli
 Pepper' from the
 highly enjoyable and well researched tome, Curry: A Tale of
 Cooks and
 Conquerors (OUP, 2006), Lizzie Collingham mentions,
 Portuguese cooking was
 strongly meat based. Lamb, pork, and beef were the most
 favoured meats. Pork
 was, of course, forbidden for Muslims, as was beef for
 Hindus, and many
 Indians were vegetarian. Indifferent to the feelings of the
 population, the Portuguese continued to eat all these meats
 whenever they
 could. This was not unusual. What is striking, however, is
 that they
 succeeded in changing the eating habits of the Indians
 living in their
 territories. By the 1650s Jean-Baptiste Tavernier reported
 that beef and
 pork were the ordinary foods of the inhabitants of Goa,
 and Christian Goan
 cuisine today uses a great deal of meat, especially pork.
 Nowhere else in
 India did European settlement have this impact. The British
 certainly did
 not persuade their subjects to relinquish their taboos on
 meat consumption.
 Those who resisted diet engineering discovered the typical
 Goan fish
 curry-humon, amati or kol which has now become a fully
 indigenised and
 globally popular recipe. The black peppers, 'miri' were
 replaced by
 'mirsang', the Capsicum species introduced by the
 Pearson acknowledges such ingenuity and creativity of
 highly cultured and
 civilised people in Asia. Answering his own questions he
 wrote, As we have
 been pointing out, in many areas the Portuguese had no
 particular advantage
 over the Asian states and peoples with whom they had
 dealings. They were, if
 you like, as pre-modern or early modern as anyone else.
 Generally speaking,
 westerners had no superiority in any area at this time.
 This was obviously
 the case in terms of culture, society or religion, and it
 would be racist to
 say otherwise. However, this also applies in material
 matters, such as the
 production of goods, trade practices, technology, etc.
 Inequality appeared
 only when Western Europe industrialised, and for the first
 time we have a
 rich world and a poor world.
 Political Corruption
 While not denying credit that is historically due to the
 Professor Pearson fires a final salvo, We do not need to
 accept the
 grandiose claims of some historians which see them as
 bringing civilisation
 to Asia, or as achieving mastery over the ocean'. The
 ruthless Portuguese
 colonial rule had destroyed the beautiful and ancient
 social cultural
 architecture of ganvpon and gaunkaris' of Goa.
 Original pre-Portuguese archival documents in Hale kannada
 and modi scripts
 transliterated by epigraphist and archivist Gajanan
 Ghantkar prove the total
 absence of corruption in Goan society. The Gaunkaris had
 the fear of their
 deities and had not heard of 

[Goanet] Professor Avinash Dixit

2010-12-15 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

You won't find the name in an India Abroad Indians of the Year list, or
in the bozo chain emails Indians pass around.  He is 'unknown' except to
those in the know.  And unlike that imposter Amartya Sen, this is the
real deal.  Ladies  Gentlemen, Professor Dixit -



[Goanet] Fwd: Celebrations for 50th year of liberation

2010-12-15 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Celebrations for 50th year of liberation
Today, I suddenly remembered about Mohd. Jinnah, the man responsible
for the division of India, along with Nehru, who, has also been the
chief architect of the prevailing misery in Goa. During my college
days way back in the late 70’s I read about Jinnah who was taken to
court during India’s freedom struggle. The British judge irritated
with his attitude, stubbornness and lack of respect, waving his finger
at Jinnah  said “I see a fool in you” and Jinnah with a bow said “In
that case I must be the mirror”.
Yes indeed ! As our Political elite led by Chief Minister Digambar
Kamat are all waiting for the “gong”, to start off the celebrations of
the so called 50 years of liberation, they have to look within
themselves and see what their conscience reflects in the mirror.
Yes indeed ! In 50 years a lot can be achieved. As shown by the
Japanese, more than a decade ago, Nagasaki and Hiroshima mourned for
their dead and the destruction that was caused by the first two atom
bombs 50 years earlier and within 50 years both these devastated
cities look like any other Japanese cities. What an achievement it has
been ! yes indeed ! There is a vast difference between the Japanese
mantra and the Goan mantra and it espouses the will to do and perform
on the part of the Japanese and our apathy or indifference to do and
It’s been 50 years since the Portuguese left Goans shores, was that
liberation ? No my dear Goans, it wasn’t liberation, it was annexation
by force, India forced it’s self on us, it wasn’t a choice as there
was no referendum like the opinion poll, our Goan leaders fell for
conniving moves of some of the then Indian leaders and inherited their
legacy of corruption and communalism. Goa was never a part of the
Indian union prior to the arrival of the Portuguese, as there was no
Indian union then, there is history to prove it, neither were we part
to the Indian Constitution, so why did Goa become a part of India post
1961 ?
Fifty years of what are our politicians celebrating ? Goa’s freedom
from dictatorship to the subjection to India, victims of their pseudo
secular democracy ?  What has Goa achieved as a result of it’s freedom
? How much has the basic Goan quality of live improved ? Has the basic
situation changed or even improved in any way since 1961 ? At least
prior to 1961, we were Goans in Goa, living in security, today we are
becoming outsiders in our own land, living as insecure as a new born
baby, as a matter of fact we have reversed our time machine to the era
of lawlessness. Goa is being mutilated and disembodied, even more with
every passing year. Why are the promises made by Nehru not fulfilled
even after fifty years ?
It is our culture, customs, traditions, festivals, occupations,
hospitality, our very way of life and above all our language that
establishes our unique identity, which is certainly different from the
rest of India and well respected around the world. The over five
centuries of Portuguese rule had to have it’s effects on the lives of
Goans and that is the reason why Nehru had to promise Goa special
status to safeguard this unique identity.
Over the years due to the non implementation of this promise and the
greed of our own politicians, our unique Goan Identity has been
diluted and continues to dilute further, as Goa becomes a paradise
sought after by the affluent as well as the downtrodden along with
all the most wanted, from all over India and the rest of the world,
flocking down to Goa in hoards with little or no thought at all.
The limited mining legacy left by the Portuguese has been turned into
a free for all orgy, butchering the very innards of Goa, that feed
them, whereas the pristine beaches have been taken over by drug lords,
mafia and pimps. Crime and criminals have been feasting, courtesy of
the politicians-police-criminals nexus.
Looking at the turmoil and chaos in Goa, we do need to look hard
within ourselves, for our part in this degeneration of Goa through our
apathy and our inaction. In truth, it is we who are contributing to
the slow and agonising death of Goa, we should not be celebrating but
infact mourning for the 50 years of corrupt and communal ideologies
that were forced on us through their pseudo secular democracy by
As I see the political elite all decked up for the celebration, I feel
it’s utter shame and disgrace for Goans to celebrate 50 years of this
liberation that isn’t and that never was and will never be. I wonder,
what will our politicians see as a reflection of their conscience in
the mirror ? Epitomes of humanity or a disgrace to mankind ? Goa !
Take your pick

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

[Goanet] Talking photos: Season's special - Bebinca

2010-12-15 Thread JoeGoaUk
We call is ‘bebic’
cut pieces look little rough because i used butter knife
Now. Watch this..
(for the rest of the Goan delicacies)
It’s X’Mas time


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Respect our right to Identity

2010-12-15 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
A native can never be a governor of his native place. Nor can a native be an 
IGP. For obvious reasons (ie prevent possible coup-de etat or its 

Only exception to the above convention was when a Goan, Bernardo Peres da 
Silva was made a Prefect (Prefeito do Estado da India) rather than 
Governor-General, in 1822 and then again in 1827. 

Therefore, a Goan can never be a Governor or an IGP of Goa. 

- Original Message 
 From: Vasant Baliga vabal...@yahoo.com
 To: Goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Sent: Tue, 14 December, 2010 4:47:51 PM
 Subject: [Goanet] Respect our right to Identity
 Oscar Lobo: And by the way, I was asked Why do we have a Sikh as the 

 of Goa? Don't we have reputable Goans left in Goa for this position? How can 

 respect our identity with a Governor from other state?  Response from 

 As per the Constitution or maybe practice (I need to check and confirm) 

 from the same state cannot be appointed as Governors. However,  a few days 

 Fredertick posted a news item that the head of the State Human Rights 

 was a retired justice from Bihar.This I am not able to fathom why a person 

 Bihar needed to be appointed in Goa. 
 Comment from Vasant:
 There is no Constitutional Bar on any person being appointed as Governor of 

 state-General Sunith Francis Rodrigues was appointed Governor of Punjab in 
 2004-Sikhs could ask why a Sikh was not appointed to maintain the Sikh 
 Justice Ferdino Inacio Rebello has been appointed Chief Justice of the 

 High Court earlier this year.Why not someone from UP?

[Goanet] On Paranoia.

2010-12-15 Thread eric pinto

It exists both within and outside the bounds of medical psychosis. We have seen 
it manifest on the list, relentlessly, for a decade.
 We no longer live in a world that labels humans who exercise the freedom to 
choose a personal lifestyle: hence gay does not constitute 'lewd.'  Legally 
speaking, a paid public official is required to disclose a personal interest in 
the grant of favour or position to another. This did not happen in the case of 
the cabinet nominee.
 Indira was not a woman of principle.  That aside, nobody, I repeat, nobody, 
ever suggested she was a tramp. I do understand the burden of existance in a 
remote Oriental island culture that combines the best go-go features of the two 
hemispheres.  I trust the gentleman had the pleasure of meeting his own 
progenitors.   eric.

From: Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com

A case of where logic is low, foul mouthedness grows? FN

On 13 December 2010 18:18, Bernado Colaco ole_...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 Why do Goan stupidly continue to call their bridge and stadium after Nehru 
 life is based on lewd behaviour. It is alleged that even his daughter Indira 
 involved in romps. Atleast can we name the bridge as Filhoda p*** Pinto 

[Goanet] Deteriorating Benaulim

2010-12-15 Thread Arwin Mesquita
For the last so many elections; even going back into the previous decades,
Benaulim has elected (and re-elected) MLA's who have only made the
constituency worse. It appears that there is one sure way of winning the
Benaulim seat again  again i.e. have the most amount of cash, entice/buy
the gullible electorate, have a lavish PR campaign/celebration and you are
sure of winning. And after the win, there is no obligation to improve the
Constituency, as most people are all too happy to sell their souls for the
“goodies” that they get from the MLA's and give the respective MLA a free
hand to keep on destroying this beautiful constituency. It does not matter
what the source of funds are, that this MLA has at his/her disposal i.e.
corruption, illegalities, destruction of Goa etc to give away the “goodies”.
Today there are very serious problems in Benaulim, as a result of all the
in-competent  corrupt MLA’s who have bought their way to power, over the
last so many years/decades i.e. disgusting Colva beach, garbage  sewage
crisis, land filling, land/water contamination, mega-project monstrosities,
RP2021 in-consistencies, Threat of MOPA etc and it is only the few specific
activists in Benaulim who are fighting this onslaught, for the benefit of
all Benaulikars. The Majority Voters who have elected the MLA do not
question the MLA on the total performance failure and keep on enjoying their
selfish benefits, whilst their village continues to deteriorate. And once
the MLA has seriously damaged one constituency, he moves to the other. But
perhaps I am completely wrong and maybe most Benaulikars know best and
actually want their Constituency to be destroyed further, by electing the
 same type of people that they prefer to be in Power!!

Arwin Mesquita, UAE

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

Re: [Goanet] Now, Goa takes a step into 'm-governance'

2010-12-15 Thread Nascy Caldeira
dear Soter,
I am enjoying  all of your comments and other input on Goanet.
You are truly a concerned Goan to the core. Do keep it up, until some real 
solution come into play.

Nascy Caldeira

--- On Wed, 15/12/10, soter so...@bsnl.in wrote:
 Digambar Kamat is taking Goans down
 the steps to doom rather rapidly. From e-governance to
 m-governance. Goa had already graduated to s-governance (sex
 governance) and c-governance (casino governance). But there
 is no sign of p-goverance (political governance) anywhere.

Re: [Goanet] Now, Goa takes a step into 'm-governance'

2010-12-15 Thread soter
We can add one more s-governance (sulabh governance) to the list of Goa's 
acheivement on the 49th Anniversary of Goa's Libertirisation.


[Goanet] Eight Congress MLAs warn High Command: Goa's new G-8?

2010-12-15 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Eight MLAs met yesterday in a show of solidarity of the group and to warn the 
high command not to drop any present ministers, especially the NCP ministers. 
The under currents for this action is not difficult to read. 
Recent times saw many a news (rumours?) of mid-term legislative assembly 
elections. The basis: Big wins for Congress in the ZP elections (Jan 2010) and 
Municipal elections (Nov 2010), wherein BJP was vanquished. Digu has denied any 
such possibility. But he may force it through the High Command, which has 
before it a report stating that Congress will win 25-30 seats, if elections are 
held now. 
Congress and Digu have always been wanting to get rid of what is known as the 
20/21 impasse, where the government's survival is vulnerable to defection of a 
few RAJAs in the 40 member assembly. Churchills and Babushes have been using 
the wafer thin majority to blackmail Digu (just as Raja did to the PM) and the 
High Command and to extract their pound of flesh. 
If the Congress wins 25 seats, CM does not have to fear any group because 
at least 11 need to resign/defect to topple the govt. This is precisely what 
the Churchill and Babushes do not want. They want Congress to win only 17/20 
seats, so that they can be the King Makers, where King bows to King Maker. 
The new G-8 meeting is nothing to do with sacking any ministers, but to give a 
vieled threat to Digu (rather his advisers: miners and builders), that in the 
event mid-term polls are pursued, we shall regroup (Save Goas, Indpendents, 
revitalize UGDPs etc) in a manner that Congress does not win majority.
This is serious threat to Digu's aspirations for the CM's chair. If he does not 
win even majority despite the projection of 25/30 seats based on ZP/Municipal 
elections, Madam is bound to hold him responsible for the debacle and dump him.
But Save Goas is a second option for the new G-8. Four Alemaos are being 
planned in the next assembly: Navelim, Cuncolim, Benaulim and Sanguem. And 
still if CM's chair eludes, it is unbecoming of a seasoned politician.
Their priority therefore is to achieve the 20/21 impasse while remaining with 
Congress. But remaining with Congress means thumping majority for Congress. The 
only way out is to bring about the sacking of Dhavlikars. If MG is distanced 
from Congress, it is obvious they would align with the BJP, a single develoment 
that can reduce congress seats significantly in the next assembly.
The prospects for Digu's aspirations for CM's chair are pretty 
fragile. ZP/Muniipal data is firmly entrenched in Madam's mind. Any substandard 
performance by Congress would be viewed as Digu's personal liability of 
alienating people of Goa in a bid to help miner/builder lobby.  
This is in response to Navhind Times report:
8 state MLAs warn high commands against dropping ministers

Story Summary: 

Eight MLAs and ministers of the state government held a late-night meeting on 
Wednesday at the residence of GPCC general secretary, Mr Vijay Sardessai.
MARGAO: Eight MLAs and ministers of the state government held a late-night 
meeting on Wednesday at the residence of GPCC general secretary, Mr Vijay 
The PWD Minister, Mr Churchill Alemao, the Urban Development Minister, Mr 
Joaquim Alemao, the Panchayat Minister, Mr Manohar Azgaonkar, the Revenue 
Minister, Mr Jose Philip D’Souza, the Education Minister, Mr Atanasio 
Monserrate, the Tourism Minister, Mr Nilkanth Halarnkar and MLAs, Mr 
Chandrakant Kavlekar and Mr Alex Reginaldo Lourenco attended the meeting.
The meeting was a show of solidarity of the group and meant to be a warning to 
the high commands of the Congress and Nationalist Congress Party not to drop 
any present ministers, especially the NCP ministers.
The meeting was held after hints were thrown by the national general secretary 
of NCP’s women’s wing, Ms Bharati Chavan who came down to Goa on Tuesday to 
take part in the function held to celebrate the birthday of NCP national 
president, Mr Sharad Pawar.
Mr Churchill Alemao told the media that they would not allow the dropping of 
present NCP ministers as they are doing good work. The present government has 
two NCP ministers, the Revenue Minister, Mr Jose Philip D’Souza and the Tourism 
Minister, Mr Nilkant Halarnkar. Mr D’Souza said, We are united. We will not 
allow any of our members to be touched. He said that if any of them is 
dropped, it would risk the continuity of the government. Mr Kavlekar came and 
left early after attending the meet. According to sources, there could be other 
MLAs also who are supporting the group. 
Mr D’Souza has been under pressure after his alleged assault on ex-tourism 
minister, Mr Franciso Xavier Pacheco and was stripped of the presidentship of 
the NCP party. There were also rumours that he was to be dropped from the 
cabinet. Earlier, Mr Pacheco was dropped from the cabinet after the death of 
his friend Nadia Torrado and he has been pushing to regain his 

[Goanet] Natural-isation_Mui zaun sakor khavunk zai

2010-12-15 Thread Venantius J Pinto
My mother always said Mui zaun sakor khavunk zai. (One must become an ant to
eat sugar.) Ever since I was a child America has always fascinated me. ‘A
beacon of possibilities,’ as the sailors would say while sharing gifts. But
today, it is time to fess up, to dispel distractions and accept the side
that has nourished me for almost half my life. While still a Goan at heart,
should I decide to exchange my Indian passport for that of the country in
which I’ve spent the past several decades? A quick run-through of the steps
that brought me here:


venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Raja's courtiers? Ex-IFS officer, scribe a priest (ToI)

2010-12-15 Thread rajendra kakodkar

CHENNAI: The CBI on Wednesday raided a brother of A Raja, who had once been 
'conferred' an Indian Forest Service post, his sister who is a school 
headmistress, a pro-DMK journalist and a Left-leaning Christian priest.

Teams of the CBI fanned out across the state and knocked on more than 20 
addresses as part of their 2G spectrum scam probe. Initially, it looked like a 
random exercise to scan those close to the former Union telecom minister. But a 
closer look revealed that though Raja was at the centre of it all, many of 
those who had been raided were linked to each other. 

The raids on the premises of Jegath Gasper Raj, managing trustee of the NGO 
Tamil Maiyam, indicated that the investigators had their scanners on close 
associates of chief minister M Karunanidhi's family. 

Gasper Raj is a priest but effortlessly straddles the worlds of Christmas 
carols and Tamil Eelam. He has business interests and is known to be close to 
Rajya Sabha MP Kanimozhi. 

Kanimozhi is on the board of Tamil Maiyam, an NGO Gasper Raj heads. The two 
have been the chief organisers of Chennai Sangamam, a yearly cultural 

Some TV channels reported that Rathinam, an auditor who works for CM 
Karunanidhi's third wife Rajathi Ammal, too had been raided. But this could not 
be independently confirmed. 

Among the others raided, Nakkeeran associate editor A Kamaraj has been 
personally close to Raja, Kanimozhi, and Gasper Raj. ''Yes, many of these 
people are close to each other. But the raids are just a wild goose chase. 
These are people who met Raja last week. That seems to have been the only 
criterion,'' said D Prakash, Kamaraj's colleague. 
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[Goanet] Patriotism in action

2010-12-15 Thread Bernado Colaco
I am to sure what frothy views you are talking about? Why did the author not 
name the book indian patritoism in action? What do Goans have to do with wars 
Jullunder, Sialkot or elsewhere which are beyond our shores? Do we have to 
continue being gullible and stupidos and bow our heads to the muppets from the 
north by greeting them with splendid words such as your excellency etc. Where 
our dignity?


My dear Bernado,

I had scripted two responses to your (above quoted) post. Could not
decide which one was more appropriate. So, I thought that I'd probably
post both responses.

RESPONSE [1]  What has gotten (again) into Bernado? Can he not see any
good in the Goans that Valmiki's book is about? Is he one of those
chaps who will now try to 'purify' the Sagres for having entered the
un-purified Arabian Sea? Will he too be lining up to take advantage
(real advantage) of the Fundacao (originally based in his home town)
in order try wangle a phoreign trip?  Why is it that we Goans find it
so difficult to take a balanced,non-prejudicial and non-frothy view of
others who may not share the same political (or other) viewpoint that
we profess or possess?

[Goanet] Goa's rootless culture

2010-12-15 Thread Bernado Colaco
A chicken may cluck and a dog may bark but please follow this link to the 
reality of Goa's culture 

Going   Beyond Nation and the East-West Divide 
Best wishes from


[Goanet] Fwd: Avoi Duyechim Zogdim

2010-12-15 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Avoi Duvechim Zogdim

Mhoji bolaiki bigodlea dekun dotoranni maka gymant nam vochpacho hukum
ghatla ani zata titlem cholunk sanglam taka lagon hanv sokalcho ani
sanjezcho ordem or taktiken choltam (brisk walking), hanv Karamachea
ek pontar rautam ani mhoje offisantanlo, zanche motoran hanv kamak
vetham to Karamachea dusrea pontar rauta. Mhojea ghara thaun
Karamachea dusrea pontar paupak, taktiken chollonk maka sumar vis
minttam lagtat taka lagun, Karama Parka (Karama park) boutim char tori
taktiken boudeo martam uprant, mhojea ixtta borim offisant vetam.

Sodanche porim aizui hanv Karama parka boutim taktiken boudeo marpak
survat kortanch, mhoji nodor davea vhatten goleantlean yetolea dogma
ostoreamcher podli, pollelearuch gomtalem ostoreo avoi ani du mhunnon,
avoi matxe orde piraie voir asli, todi motti ani motvi, du tor model
koxi, ekdom fitt ani sundor, trackpant ani tight blouse ghallun asli,
purai angacho akkar distalo, aiche khallacho khuimchoi tornato
cholyeak poleun anvdo giltolo aslo, nama baba nam mhojea monnant
toslem khainch vait evunk nam, maka, hea dissani mhojea duvensa bodol
anik kainch evzonam. Avoi sodul (baggy) kalsanv ani sodul blouse
nesson asli, kopde bore presache, “Nike” ani moche-ai “Nike” (just do
it), style ani nhexonna vorvim ghomtalem, astik mhunnon, lagim-sor
yena fudem, borea deodorant-tacho zum zum mhojea nakant xirkolo.

Tim mhojea mukaruch taktiken cholunk laglim, mhoje fuddem yeche adim
lagtalem avoi duve bitor ek ghombir bhasa bhas zatali, du avoiche
fuddem tidkin cholunk lagli tednam mhojea apurbayechi Konkanni bhas
tim ulloitalim ti mhojea kannar poddli, hanv tottaklom, Goykaram ani
Karamant Konkanni uloitalim ? Zaitea tempan rostear Konkanni
ulloilolim hanvem aikolim, jivak borem-xem dislem ani tanche fatofat
hanvui cholunk laglom. Tanchi oxi bhasa bhas hanvem aikoli

Avoi : Jenny (nanv boddollam) tuka bildingantlem bair sortanch hanvem
ek prosn vicharlolo, aikolam tuvem ? Du vogich rauli tori avoi
duvechea fatlean danvun vicharta; Jenny, Rati tuje sangata bildingeche
fatlean “kusur pusur” (cozily talking) kortalo to cholo konn ? Tori
chedum vogich rauta, ani avoi fuddem vicharta, rau go, to ek voros
fattim tujea ekvisvea vhad disachea somoropak aslo nhoi ?

Jenny tidkin mhonnta: Hoi to aslo ani tuka zanna zaunk zai to konn to
? To mhojo nouro ani ami don vorsam zalim mogan aslear.

Avoicher mollob koslon podlem, thoddo vell thuimch oggi ubi rauli anik
hanv lagim pavonam fuddem (tancheo ghozali aikunk hanvem mhoje chalir
todo break lailo), avoi danvun porot duve barobor cholunk lagli. Avoin
fuddem oxem mhunnlem;  Shee to tuzo nouro ? Tejeakin boro anik konn
mellunk nam go tuka ? Tachea kensank pollelear to tufanak sampodlolo
koso dista, kalsanv tachem bonka-kuleam sokol asta, kanant mundreo
(earings), ontak ani kitem toplam, tea bair dolleam voir mobailak
signal mellunk antina bosoilam dista, anik khuim kitem kitem toplam
mhunn Dev zannam, tondantlean chimnni koxi dunvor bhair sorot asta,
khotornak koidea porim bendantlean sogleo sank’lleo (chains) lambtat,
hatamcher tattoo, anik kitem go bai, oslo nouro ? Lok amkam hanscho
nam ? Goyant mhoje ixttinicho kai boro cholo asa, sobauvan boro, boro
xinkla ani zoddtai bi boro, bhatt bensui assam, anik kitem zai ?

Monant hanv hansunk laglom, avoi borich comic asli (good sense of
humor), titlem mhnnosor du ragaborit zavun avoik vicharta; Logn
zatolem hanv vo tum, hanvem nirnnoi ghetla, ani hanv to sambaltolench,
end of discussion.

Avoi: Rau go bai, to kitem kam korta ? Kitlem zoddta to ?

Du todi niraxi zaun mhunnta: To hotelant kam korta ani sangata MBA korta

Avoi hansun: Hotelant, saiba bogos aggo, tum Citi bankant (nanv
boddollam) officer assam, ani to waiter ? Shee baba, he choyecher
khuimcho denvchar bosla ?

Du tidkin mhunnta: To khonnui zaum hanv tacho mog kortam

Avoin apli ulloupachi chal boddolli, dusrea vatel duvek somzaunk sodta
ani mhunnta; Jenny tum zannam tujo bapui khalzacho moriz mhunn, ani hi
khobor tachea kannar poddot zalear taka dhokko boscho nam, tuka tanchi
khainch porva nam ?

Jenny hansun mhunnta: Daddik hanvem soglem sanglam, zaito sozmaucho
poddlo punn akkerek tannen manun ghetlam, to rund monacho ani
chintnamcho monis, tuje baxen oxir monacho nhoi !

Avoik ekdom tiddok choddta, ani oxem mhunnta; Tor bapui ani duve modem
boro sombondh asa ani maka avoik bhair udoilea ? Punn tuvem te choleak
sodchemch podtolem, mog mhullear kitem tem zanna tum ? Magir

Du raga borit zavun mhunnta; Tum tujea adlea mogeak, tuje ixttinichea
govak, soddun daddy lagim logn zalli mhunn makai toxemch kor mhunn-tai
? Tujea adlea mogeachea puta sangata naka logn za mhunntai ?

Bap-re-bap ho tor atom bomb futlo, baan ekdom avoichea khalzak toplo
ani kontiborit rodulli (in tears) zavun duvek vicharlem; Jenny hem
soglem tuka konnem sanglam ?

Jenny-n sotoch korun zap dili: Daddin

Avoi attam hollu hollu cholunk lagli, ekdomuch ragan tambdi zaun
mhunnok lagli; Tujea daddik dhakoitam, taka khuim oll 


2010-12-15 Thread Valmiki Faleiro


Thank you for the kind words. As regards our good ole Ole Xac,
a.k.a. Bernado Colaco, I shall answer his posers only if he raises
them AFTER he has read the book.

I am not on the politics of 1961. I am on the exceptional acts of
gallantry, leadership and administrative skills, and the sheer
numbers our tiny community provided to the defence establishment
of India. How many, for instance, know that the very first air warrior
to be awarded the Maha Vir Chakra (great gallantry medal) was a
Goan IAF fighter pilot, Gp Capt Sidney Basil Noronha, awarded
for his exceptional bravery during India's very first war, the 1948
JK ops? (In fact, during '48 ops, four IAF officers were awarded
the MVrC, and of these, TWO were Goans -- the other Goan later
rose to become the IAF's chief, Air Chief Mshl Hrushikesh Shamrao
Moolgavkar.) Or that Wg Cdr Ulrich Anthony D'Cruz, another Goan,
was the very first Indian soldier (across the three wings of the def
services) to be awarded the Kirti Chakra (medal for valour)?
There are DOZENS of such shining Goan examples -- and I have
restricted myself only to commissioned officers!

Talking of 1961, how many are aware that there were AT LEAST
nine Goan defence officers (that I know of, there sure will be more)
who directly participated in Dec-1961? May I very briefly mention
them here, by service/rank/alphabetically (and sign off on that note):

1. Air V/Mshl Erlic Wilmot Pinto was AOC-in-C, Operational Command,
for overall conduct of IAF’s ops in 1961. Shifting his base from Pune to
the Sambra air base in Belgaum, he planned and directed air ops over
Goa, Daman and Diu with minimum use of force and nil casualties to
the civilian population. Hailed from the Pinto do Rosario family of

2. Gp Capt Trevor Joseph Fernandes, then a young Flt Lt, was tasked
to fly a Hunter of 7 SQN from Sambra on the morning of Dec 18, to disable
the powerful transmitter of Radio Goa (Emissora de Goa) at Bambolim. He
did the job with a surgeon's precision at 0710 hours, just 10 minutes after the
programme “Alvorada Musicala” had begun and was still on. Same day, he
escorted the bombers targeting the Dabolim runway. During the mission,
he noticed the tail of a Super Constellation sticking out of a hangar at
Dabolim. He sought permission from Tactical Command to target the tail,
to immobilize the aircraft. Air V/Mshl Pinto declined permission because of
possible civilian casualties. Hails from Siolim.

3. Lt Col Louis Fonseca led a column of AMX light battle tanks of the 8 Armoured
Regiment into Goa during Op Vijay. Hails from Badem, Salvador do Mundo.

4. Lt Col Paul Baylon Fernandes headed a motorized column of the 17
Infantry Division (“Black Cats”). Amongst his tasks was to take charge of the
Portuguese Governor's fleet of limousines. Hails from Sarzora.

5. Cdr Joseph G Rodrigues accompanied the naval force to Goa on the
INS Rajput. Saw action with the Headland Battery at Sada, above the port.
Hailed from Piedade-Divar.

6. Maj Cezar PF Lobo entered Goa on Dec 18, 1961 and after Gen Vassalo e Silva
sued for truce the following day, Maj Lobo was immediately ordered by Gen 
to take charge and look after the VIP POW and his 200 men at Alpalqueiros 
as Maj Lobo was fluent in the Portuguese language (in fact, ALL the nine Goan 
listed here were fluent in Portuguese.) Hailed from Aldona.

7. Wg Cdr Vishwanath Balakrishna Sawardekar also participated in Op Vijay, but 
specific role is not available. Hailed from the well-known family of Sanvordem, 
huge ancestral mansion (still standing) was a rare one with two internal 

8. Lt Cdr John Eric Gomes was on the frigate INS Cauvery that engaged and 
the only Portuguese frigate then in Goa, the Afonso de Albuquerque. Hails from

9. Lt Avelino Jose Luis de Figueiredo Melo was on the anti-submarine frigate
INS Kirpan, the first to enter Goan waters on 15 Dec 1961. Hailed from Saligao.

Regards, v

- Original Message - 
From: J. Colaco  jc cola...@gmail.com

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] PATRIOTISM IN ACTION:

re: The Goan Officer, with fine attributes of courage, loyalty,
professionalism and an espirit de corps built himself into an
institution with a reputation for dependability and fair play.  Across
its 344 BW and full-colour pages, this book celebrates that Goan

Bernado Colaco wrote: Patriotism or just doing a job? Patriots are
those who saved Goa from the ill fated merger in 67. If not we would
have been Patriots in Action from Sawantwadi! I dont't understand this
outside  people wanting to link Goa to their stories.


jc's response:

My dear Bernado,

I had scripted two responses to your (above quoted) post. Could not
decide which one was more appropriate. So, I thought that I'd probably
post both responses.

RESPONSE [1]  What has 

[Goanet] Not so right? Elite schools find fault with RTE as reported in TOI

2010-12-15 Thread U. G. Barad
NEW DELHI: Private and boarding schools' opposition to the Right to
Education (RTE) Act is finally out in the open. The Indian Public Schools
Conference (IPSC) - a body representing 78 elite schools - has mocked key
provisions of the law, citing issues like social adjustment and
psychological impacts that underprivileged children will have to go
through if clubbed with their well-off peers. 

IPSC, which was set up in 1939, has sent a letter to the HRD that is bound
to evoke a strong response from the ministry. Doon School, Mayo College,
Lawrence School (Sanawar, Lovedale), and even government-run Sainik Schools
and Delhi institutions like DPS, R K Puram and Mathura Road, Modern School
and few others are members of IPSC. 
Jyotsna Brar, the chairperson of IPSC and principal of Welham Girls' School,
has questioned the definition of 'neighbourhood' mentioned in the RTE Act. 

She has argued, by definition boarding schools do not cater to local
children, but to students who come from distant places to study. Hence the
entire country, and even overseas is the neighbourhood, which a boarding
school caters to. 

Brar also finds fault with the no-screening procedure. She said, if there is
no screening, schools would find themselves in danger of being accused of
unfairness and subjectivity in selection, questioning, How can the word
'random' be practically applied to the selection of students? 

IPSC also does not agree with the provision that no proof of age is
required. Brar's argument: If children of very different age groups of the
same class are asked to room together, it can prove to be extremely
complicated - both for the younger and the older children - especially in
the age group being addressed by the RTE Act. She, however, did not
elaborate how it could be complicated. 

She also argued that parents of disadvantaged students would not be able
to interact with other parents and teachers and even with their children.
She felt that disadvantaged children would also have discomfort while
dealing with adolescence issues. Her logic: Comfortable in their
vernacular, they would suddenly need to speak in English...they would also
have to deal with alienation of the world they come from. All this in
addition with other challenges of the boarding school. 

[Goanet] SMILE............................ IT'S WEEKEND (16/12/2010)

2010-12-15 Thread CAJETAN DE
An Englishman (John Clerk), an American (Mark Hayden) and an Indian 
Sadarji (Harbeet Singh) are called upon to test a lie detector.
The Englishman says:-
John Clerk: I think within 30 minutes I can empty 40 cans of beer. 
BUZZ, goes the lie detector.
John Clerk: “OK”,  20 cans!

And the machine is silent.

The American says:
Mark Hayden:  I think within a 15 minuted I can eat 30 hamburgers.

BUZZ, goes the lie detector.

Mark Hayden: “All right 10 hamburgers.

And the machine is silent.

The Indian Sardarji says:

Harbeet Singh: “I think…”,
Machine continuously goes BUZZ. BUZZ. BUZZ. 

Harbeet Singh: (murmured) Oye teri Maa-ka.. Sakhi-Naka...
And the machine is silent.
Cajetan de Sanvordem

Re: [Goanet] Respect our right to Identity

2010-12-15 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
The comment a Goan can never be an IGP of Goa was made to me by a prominent 
DySP of South Goa for reasons mentioned earlier.  PS may have been in an acting 
position, but then I may be completely incorrect in this supposition.


- Original Message 
 From: J. Colaco  jc cola...@gmail.com
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Sent: Thu, 16 December, 2010 8:43:10 AMhe deputations arrived? 
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Respect our right to Identity
  Gabriel de Figueiredo  wrote: Therefore, a Goan can never be a
 Gorovernor or an IGP of Goa.
 Prabhakar Sinari?

[Goanet] Neo-Brahminist

2010-12-15 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Alternative title: Ambien, meet Selma Carvalho.

O berther, what is the world coming to?  More bad news for India
and the world, these brahminists!


