[Goanet] Demonstration against attacks on Christian Minorities in India and Pakistan on Wednesday 18th March at Azad Maidan atv 4.30 p.m. in Mumbai

2015-03-17 Thread Save Our Land


warm regards,
Dolphy D'souza

Protest against attacks on Christian minorities in Pakistan & India at Azad 
Maidan, Mumbai on Wednesday 18 March, 4.30pm

Dear All,

A demonstration to express our solidarity with the victims of attacks on 
Lahore's Church will be held in Azad Maidan on Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 
4.30 pm. As you are aware two suicide bombers attacked 2 Churches in Lahore on 
Sunday in which 15 people lost their lives and more than 70 people were 

The attacks on minority communities be it in India or Pakistan or Bangladesh or 
Sri Lanka are increasing and it is a matter of concern. A nation must treat its 
citizens equally without any discrimination. Rape of a 72 year old nun in West 
Bengal and rising attacks on Churches/ Christians  in India are shameful. The 
incidences are on rise since BJP led government came into power. Avijit Roy, a 
blogger, was recently killed for criticizing religious fundamentalists. 

Request to participate and spread word.


Jatin Desai, Feroze Mithiborwala, Dolphy D'souza, Anil Tyagi, Kishore Jagtap, 
Salim Alware, Jyoti Badekar, Arif Kapadia, Farouk Mapkar, Mayur Thakre

[Goanet] Food for thought.

2015-03-17 Thread Con Menezes
Meddling into the affairs of others.

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[Goanet] Goanet - Great City?

2015-03-17 Thread Cecil Pinto
Dear Mervyn,

Your analysis of recent GoaNet posts is very interesting and insightful.

But I do not know why you called Roland's post a bauble. Vivian lives many
months of the year in Goa and the remaining months in various places in the
USA including Baltimore. Even when in Goa Vivian travels around a lot and
observes things and gets involved in real-life issues. What does Vivian
know about cities and Baltimore and Panjim and Goa as compared to Roland
Francis? After all Roland does more armchair research and analysis than any
six overseas GoaNetters combined.



From: Mervyn Lobo 
To: "estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet - Great City?

Goanet used to be a great meeting place, once upon a time.?
This evening, as I started opening the posts for the past 10 days I found:
1) Approx 65% of the emails were composed entirely of a link i.e.
essentially directing the reader away from this forum.
2) Another 25% of the emails were from people who either have a tough time
writing a simple thought or are writing entire posts encrypted.?
3) Two posts from an interesting writer who sends a copy here, of what he
writes elsewhere.
4) Lots of great pictures.
5) And then, there is the following bauble!
>On Sun, 3/15/15, Roland Francis  wrote:
>Dear Vivian,
>Years of living in Goa have no doubt made you soft in the head.
>How else could I explain your "Panjim could be a world class city" and
comparing what happened in Baltimore to the possibility in Goa.
>Are you cut off from reality, Socorrkar?

[Goanet] Attention dear Julio Ribeiro , my feedback to you Sir.

2015-03-17 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Bosco,

I read article of Julio Ribeiro a astute and strong cop of all times who
had best of the position in the country as DGP and other positions. He says
in the subject of his article that he is stranger in his own country. My
reply is that he is stranger and will remain  stranger for ever. For Goa he
was always stranger to us. . For his information and that you
could forward this mail to him as unfortunately I do not have any of his
contact numbers to express my sentiments.. Mr Ribeiro is a strong catholic
and always remained from his childhood which is appreciated. But telling us
that he is suddenly became stranger in his own country was not a miracle.
He was stranger and will be always remained a  stranger
no matter what activities at the retirement age  does now.
We Catholics are few in this country and we have no value even if we have
many Julios in this country to fight for it.

Stephen Dias, D.Paula
Mob: 9422443110

.Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 19:42:10 -0400
From: Bosco D 
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] As a Christian, suddenly I am a stranger in my own
country, writes Julio Ribeiro

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Written by Julio Ribeiro
 | Updated:
March 16, 2015 2:44 pm

There was a time, not very long ago ? one year short of 30, to be precise ?
when only a Christian was chosen to go to Punjab to fight what then Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi termed ?the nation?s battle? against separatists. I
had accepted a ?demotion? from secretary in the Union home ministry to DGP
of the state of Punjab at the personal request of the prime minister.

Then home secretary, Ram Pradhan, and my dear friend, B.G. Deshmukh, then
chief secretary to the government of Maharashtra, were flabbergasted. ?Why
did you accept this assignment?? they asked. The same question was put to
me over the phone by then President Zail Singh. But Arjun Singh, the
cabinet minister who personally escorted me by special aircraft from Delhi
to Chandigarh, remarked that when my appointment was announced the next
morning, the Hindus of Punjab would breathe more freely and rejoice. I
presume Hindus would include RSS cadres who had been pinned into a corner
by the separatists.

When 25 RSS men on parade were shot dead in cold blood one morning, then
Punjab Governor S.S. Ray and I rushed to the spot to console the stricken
families. The governor visited 12 homes, I visited the rest. The governor?s
experience was different from mine. He was heckled and abused. I was

Today, in my 86th year, I feel threatened, not wanted, reduced to a
stranger in my own country.  The same category of citizens who had put
their trust in me to rescue them from a force they could not comprehend
have now come out of the woodwork to condemn me for practising a religion
that is different from theirs. I am not an Indian anymore, at least in the
eyes of the proponents of the Hindu Rashtra.

Is it coincidence or a well-thought-out plan that the systematic targeting
of a small and peaceful community should begin only after the BJP
government of Narendra Modi came to power last May? ?Ghar wapsi?, the
declaration of Christmas as ?Good Governance Day?, the attack on Christian
churches and schools in Delhi, all added to a sense of siege that now
afflicts these peaceful people.

Christians have consistently punched above their weight ? not as much as
the tiny Parsi community, but just as noticeably. Education, in particular,
has been their forte. Many schools, colleges, related establishments that
teach skills for jobs have been set up and run by Christians. They are much
in demand. Even diehard Hindus have sought admission in such centres of
learning and benefited from the commitment and sincerity of Christian
teachers. Incidentally, no one seems to have been converted to
Christianity, though many, many have imbibed Christian values and turned

Hospitals, nursing homes, hospices for dying cancer patients needing
palliative care ? many of these are run by Christian religious orders or
Christian laymen devoted to the service of humanity. Should they desist
from doing such humanitarian work for fear of being so admired and loved
that a stray beneficiary converts of his or her own accord? Should only
Hindus be permitted to do work that could sway the sentiments of stricken
people in need of human love and care?

The Indian army was headed by a Christian general, the navy more than once,
and same with the air force. The country?s defence forces have countless
men and women in uniform who are Christians. How can they be declared
non-Indians by Parivar hotheads out to create a pure Hindu Rashtra?

It is tragic that these extremists have been emboldened beyond permissible
limits by an atmosphere of hate and distrust. The Christian population, a
mere 2 per cent of the total populace, has been subjected to a series of
well-directed body blow

[Goanet] exercise and effect of Lenten season

2015-03-17 Thread Nelson Lopes
AROUND US and thus make ourselves closer to our faith
Lenten plays, dramas are new popular  medium of concentration,con
sensitization through oblique entertainment
and labour to bring out this transformation, often leading from the front ,
but it is a monotonous, lack luster  traditional religious ritual, neither
inspiring or touching the lives and hearts of most intended audience.Since
 year after year, we have to repeat this exercise , admitting  partial
effect of change and fragility of our spirit.  Giving of alms, resorting to
prayers, attending ceremonies are easily done but not desirable internal
change.,I know of people who fast for 40 days, do not smoke, avoid alcohol,
abstain from eating meat, make pious promises in right earnest ,but come
Easter, it is back to square one, till the next Easter
nelson lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] GOA: An evening of song at the Fundacao Oriente...

2015-03-17 Thread Goanet News
>From Goanet's Own Correspondent

Dr. Michael Lobo's *A Thousand Pages of Songs* -- a work of
scholarship and research, an encyclopedia of songs of all
eras from medieval folk songs to parlour songs of the late
19th and early 20th century, to the rock and roll music of
the 1950s and 1960s -- was presented at the Fundacao Oriente
on last Saturday.

Not too large a crowd... but a lively session with Retd.
Justice Micheal Saldhana -- a friend of the mathematician
with an interest in song and family-trees, Dr.  Micheal Lobo
-- being in town to grace the occasion.

  Faye and her accompanying keyboard player
  enthralled the gathering.  Justice Micheal was very
  impressed and Micheal Lobo was moved and inspired
  enough to present a copy of his books to them.

There was even an impromptu quizzing session.  Some of the
song compilations were aired and the gathering had to name
the singer.  A few of us, including this writer, were angling
for a prize...  for not being able to name any of the singers!

  It was awesome to meet Justice Saldanha... full of
  anecdotes and jokes and incidents that took place
  while he was on the Bench.  Oops, I think presided
  over the Bench is the politically correct expression.

One of the  gentlemen from Mangalore who accompanied Dr.Lobo
is now looking forward to organizing events in collaboration
with Goa artists and artistes in the near future.

Here's to some Goa-Mangalore collaborations!

Contact for Dr Michael Lobo: michael_lob...@yahoo.com

That's it, for now.

[Send in short, snappy reports of cultural or other events
involving Goa or Goans anywhere. If we like it, we'll
circulate it widely on Goanet. Send it in via f...@goa-india.org ]

Re: [Goanet] A Stanger In My Own Country- JFR

2015-03-17 Thread Roland Francis
What gives a very brave man a siege mentality in his own country to the extent 
that he has to prove his stellar service to his nation?

Are things really that bad? Have incidents like the burning down of a few 
churches in ignorant Hindu pockets of northern India, dastardly rapes of 
hardworking nuns, criticism of St and Mother Theresa and other similar but 
isolated incidents really got the community's back to the walls?

I felt bad that JFR had to bring forth his contributions both in service and 
while retired and those of the community, to various aspects of India's 
progress, it's defence and it's education.

It was almost pathetic, for want of a better word, that this great man who 
easily hobnobs with the most powerful in India would bring out to bolster his 
argument the incident at an airport in which a Hindu Brahmin couple working in 
Kuwait, recognized him and showed great respect.

JFR must realize that if and when real harassment and persecution of the 
Christian community and it's institutions come, it will not be from the likes 
of his colleagues, or from the educated Hindu middle class but from the 
populous rabble of India's uneducated masses who are susceptible to being 
brought to a frenzy by criminal and callous politicians.

These are the people he must really shut down through his powerful friends but 
India being a democracy in the worst and weakest sense of that word, will stand 
helpless while it is being done and only learn in hindsight. Not to say that 
learning lessons like other countries do, is India's forte, as it's history 
since independence proves.

Personally I think that before such a tragedy can happen, the responsible 
politicians and their party will be driven out at the polls.

If India has shown one thing, it is the deft and wise wielding of the 
democratic sword when it is time for the vote.


Sent from my iPhone

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Open Letter: Quo vadis AAP... just what the hell is the top leadership smoking? (Dr Oscar Rebello)

2015-03-17 Thread Tensing Rodrigues
On 17 March 2015 at 18:44, Goanet Reader  wrote:

> Dr Oscar Rebello
> campalhealthservi...@gmail.com
> docosca...@rediffmail.com
> My dear Team AK / Team YY-PB:
>   Permit me to introduce myself. I am an ordinary AAP
>   volunteer from the state of Goa.  I haven't quit my
>   job as yet to dive headlong into the world of
>   politics, but many of my friends have.  Cheerfully
>   (and often despondently), they are building the
>   organization in the state, brick by brick: step by
>   step and heartbreak by heartbreak.
> Presumptuously, I have taken it upon myself to speak for them.
> And the one overwhelming  question that is driving a dagger
> in our hearts, at the moment, is this: "Just what the hell is
> the top AAP leadership in Delhi smoking?"
> Why has it induced this inexplicable crash after that dizzy
> high of Delhi 2015?  Why this messy split in the marriage,
> when the family is still young and the kids are still
> learning to take their baby steps?
> ​With due respect to Dr. Oscar, I would like to submit my views on what he
has said; I do not doubt his sincerity ​

​or acumen. But definitely I cannot say the same thing about the persons he
talks about.

> To understand this, let us first get some indisputable facts
> on the table.
>   FACT 1: There can be no question that Arvind
>   Kejriwal (AK), despite his eccentricities, is our
>   lodestar.  In Ashutosh's memorable words, our
>   undisputed gladiator and hope.  Almost single
>   handedly, he navigated our creaking, wooden boat to
>   a resounding victory defeating the mighty flotillas
>   of the BJP/Congress.  His sincerity, leadership and
>   passion is simply unrivalled.

​All that was achieved by the meteoric rise of ​AAP was offering India to
BJP on a platter.

> FACT 2. Yogendra Yadav(YY) and Prashant Bhushan (PB) are
> easily, two of the most enlightened minds in the country.
> Unyielding in their conviction of ideology, they are men of a
> million ideas.  Many of these ideas may be outdated and
> exasperating to the younger generation, but their integrity
> and unbridled love for AAP can never be doubted.  And
> certainly they can never be painted as some evil, conniving
> Darth Vaders slyly walking around with a nuclear arsenal, out
> to torpedo our Starship Enterprise to Utopia.  None of us buy
> into this silly argument.  They were only asking relevant,
> pertinent questions. If we cannot answer them, the least we
> owe them is an explanation.

​AK, from the very beginning, when he joined the movement for Lokpal, he
showed symptoms of a craving dictatorship - ​

​both personal power and acute lack of faith in democracy. I am happy that
the movement fizzled out. ​Its success on the lines envisaged by AK would
have been the death of democracy.

> FACT 3: Delhi 2015 was like the magical elixir of life for
> all of us. It reinforced our belief that the idea of AAP was
> not just alive, but kicking and kicking real hard.
> Reverentially (but not sycophantically) we must acknowledge
> that the credit for this resurrection of AAP goes to AK.
> Without him, we'd be buried for a long time, and if Delhi
> 2015 were not to happen, we'd probably enjoy the same
> relevance as a vaudeville act in ISIS controlled Iraq and Syria.

​Once again, what the AAPs second win in Delhi has achieved is reinforcing
BJP's conviction that it is the only voice of sanity in the midst of fools
and rogues.

> But then, is Delhi 2015, our only goal post? Or are we aiming
> to shoot faster, higher and stronger, in the near future?
> Hence, if these are all undeniable facts, what then is the
> genesis of this macabre display of the unbelievable absurd,
> unfolding in Delhi, almost on a sickeningly daily basis?  The
> answer to my mind lies in the proverbial, titanic clash
> between the 'Theory' and the 'Practicals' of our politics.
> The 'Theory' of our politics, that YY and PB are prepared to
> defend to the death, consists of absolutely no compromise
> with any candidate, with even a light shade of gray in their
> character -- forget 50 shades.
> But in this ruthless world of politics, is any elbow space
> for maneouver permitted, to ensure victory at the hustings?
> Is self righteousness the only antidote to corruption?  That
> is the practical question.
> Because, 'practical' (electoral) politics is a different,
> unkind kettle of fish altogether.
> Here, the art of negotiation and compromise is necessary. A
> little bit of 'jugaad' here and there, so long as you don't
> lose sight of the larger picture, which is transparent and
> accountable politics -- the calling card of AAP.
>   It would have been so much more prudent, if once in
>   power, Team AK and Team YY would have expended
>   their energies to set up


2015-03-17 Thread floriano.lobo
- Original Message -
From: floriano.lobo
To: CC oscar Rebello Dr. ; goa2...@herald-goa.com
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:45 AM



Dear Oscar,
We at GSRP can see that the  utter desperation has set in.
And, No. You are very much wrong when you say " BADE BADE DESHON MEIM AISI 
CHOTI CHOTI BATEIN BOTI REHTI HAI"  Founding principles of any Institution or 
Organization are not CHOTI CHOTI BATEIN. They are the mainstains, which can 
pull down the building if tempered with, like your heartbeat Kejri has done.  
USSR, for your kind information went down because it went for gun-power rather 
than the bread to fill up the hungry bellies. They realized that they couldn't 
compete with a nation which, as a priority, keeps bellies full and then invests 
in guns. These are, again, not your type of Choti Choti Batein.

The AAP topi was totally out of place on a A-POLITICAL HEAD of yours, anyway. 
We could see it from a distance.
No, You wouldn't give up your Medical Carrier for no AAP, just like Remo, but 
saw a wonderful chance to exercise you Master of Ceremonies 'tonsils'  ALL OVER 
INDIA as the Super-Star Mascot of AAP. Apart from this 'gift of the gab' what 
do you have w.r.t. to Social Activism, Oscar??

We wetted our pants when you were made the convenor of GBA. But then, we had to 
rinse them twice over when you declared GBA APOLITICAL and helped the crook 
politicians to nibble at the foundation of our very GOA. To give you an 
example, you were put on the Task Force to check out the Draft  Regional Plan 
2011 from cover to cover. But Datta Naik's ambitious projects of building 
CONDOMINIUM for Migrant Labour in Goa escaped your scrutiny. WHY? HOW?  This 
was the reason you were shamefully thrown out as the failed Convenor of GBA, 
and it is still finding its tottering feet. Were you responsible? You did not 
need to use flowery language to resurrect the limping horse of AAP when you 
yourself could have been carried by GOANS on gold-trapped palanquins if you had 
the sense to judge the pulse of the 5000 odd crowd at the Azad Maidan in 2006 
agitating against the RP-2011. But Masters of Ceremonies and medical wheesels 
do not have the brains to evaluate these sentiments of the people.

If you think you are a superman, than think twice. Admittedly, you may be a 
superman when you put your pen to the paper. And, you may be a superman when 
you apply your oversized tonsils to the microphone. But surely, you do not know 
ABC of what ticks clean politics. If you need a refresher on this, just open 
the ROAD MAP FOR GOA and the Constitution booklet given to you with love and 
appreciation, which must be lying somewhere in your office cubboards and go 
through them if you want to learn how political parties are built.

And just one more thing, dear Oscar. You must know that OPPORTUNITY comes just 
once. You have BLOWN it. All that you can do now is to use that AAP topi [which 
has blown away in the photo caption of this TOI article]  to blow your sorry  
running nose over a failed enterprise that you invested in,  bait, hook and 


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[Goanet] A blog on Mother Teresa

2015-03-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

From: Sunny Fernandes 

A view on the allegations on Mother Teresa
Comments looked forward
Sunny Fernandes

Sunday, March 15, 2015 Smother Teresa
That’s exactly what Mr. Mohan Bhagwat tried to do. Smother Mother Teresa with 
an allegation that her service to the poor was to convert. If his statement is 
right, then in reality he is insulting Hindus, as Mother Theresa was called 
“The saint of the gutters”. So this means Hindus are the only ones poor, and 
end up in the gutters? If she cleaning up a rotting ‘alive human being’ and 
giving it a dignity of life or death, why do they need conversion, as anyways 
they aren’t going to live long and procreate kids to be Catholics. Their near 
or dear ones who have anyways abandon them will neither turn to Christianity 
seeing the ‘Sister Act’. 

We have a PM who is going about trumpeting a ‘Swach Bharat’ (Clean India) 
campaign. At the same time his cronies like Mr. Mohan Bhagwat find a problem 
with a religious order that is going about cleaning rotting and uncared human 
beings and caring for them. So is part of the Clean India movement getting 
rotting people also cleared like how people would be now cleared of their lands 
with the Land Acquisition Act? These landless would then end up in poverty and 
maybe some rotting in the gutter, and get them all cleared to a bin in the 
process. At least Mother Teresa gave the unwanted a dignity of death rituals 
and not having them rot to death.
Mother Teresa said “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that 
we belong to each other”. Mr. Bhagwat today you are destroying peace in our 
country with your venomous statements and trying to divide us on lines of our 
religious beliefs. The ruling party BJP to who your party owes allegiance too 
or vice versa, had one of its own MP’s, Sakshi Maharaj who claimed that Mahatma 
Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse was a patriot. If an assassin of the Father of 
our Nation can be praised, what can we expect for a Mother Teresa or for that 
matter any Mothers, Sisters and Nuns who are anyways getting raped in our 

The Father of our Indian Constitution Dr. B. R. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism. 
At a conference in 1935 in Yeola, B. R. Ambedkar declared that he would not die 
a Hindu, saying that it perpetuates caste injustices. The conversion to 
Buddhism happened post 1936, after an "All Religious Conference" was held at 
Lucknow, which was attended by prominent Dalit leaders. At the conference, 
Muslim, Christian, Sikh, and Buddhist representatives presented the teachings 
of their faith to win over the Dalits. So if Buddhism could win over The Father 
of our Constitution, Indians today don’t need a keeper or propagator like Mr. 
Bhagwat for the Hindu faith to protect it from Christian conversions. We 
Indians have realized that religion is a spiritual food and Mr. Bhagwat is not 
going to decide the menu. His party may have succeeded in deciding the menu of 
our physical food by banning beef, by trying to prove one man’s food is another 
man’s religion.BJP already faced the wrath of what happens when Indians 
collectively exercise the religion of their vote during elections. So in Delhi, 
BJP, the party who is ruling the Centre, was swept off its feet in their 
backyard. Not a coincidence the party that won had a broom as its symbol, as 
the parties like BJP would be swept to the gutters soon. They will not get any 
charity from Indians then, maybe they could look towards the ‘Sisters of 
Charity’ (a congregation started by Mother Teresa) definitely not for votes but 
for conversion of their twisted gutter ideologies. 

If Mother Theresa wanted to covert, the community that needs a real conversion 
to Christianity, are the Christians in India themselves. A community that 
cannot churn leaders like a Mother Theresa, or for that matter leaders to lead 
the country. A community that regales itself in pity as a minority community in 
India, when someone like Mother Theresa could be a ‘foreigner in India’ and yet 
win over a majority, globally, with the work she did. The only conversion 
Mother Theresa executed was converting people towards humanity. Humanity does 
not mean accepting injustice, as the Bible did not speak of a Christ who was 
only crucified, it also showed a Christ who whipped the traders outside the 
temple, it also displays the strength of a Samson and of a David against a 


[Goanet] Maharashtra: The UNSUNG HEROES . . ..of Zn-IX .. A Pride in Police Force & to the city ... May We have many more

2015-03-17 Thread Robin Viegas

Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 17:50:08 +0530
Subject: Fwd: The UNSUNG HEROES . . ..of Zn-IX .. A Pride in Police Force & to 
the city ... May We have many more
From: alm...@gmail.com
To: c...@maharashtra.gov.in; acs_h...@maharashtra.gov.in; 
sec_h...@maharashtra.gov.in; dgpms.mum...@mahapolice.gov.in
CC: addlc...@gmail.com; dcpzo...@mtnl.net.in; 
jcptraf...@mumbai.maharashtra.gov.in; dighavkarpra...@gmail.com; 
jkis...@gmail.com; digp@gmail.com; vnnpa...@gmail.com; 
director@mahapolice.gov.in; kmmprasa...@gmail.com; 
kharpolicestat...@mtnl.net.in; ps.santacruz@mahapolice.gov.in; 
bandrapolicestat...@mtnl.net.in; trafficban...@mumbai.maharashtra.gov.in; 
addlcptraf...@mumbai.maharashtra.gov.in; aditi.jaya...@gmail.com; 
15/03/15 .. Intimation to Hon CM , Hon HM , DG of Mah ,CP of Mumbai . Sub:- A 
FEW WR UNSUNG HEROES ... Of what I have learnt & experienced in my 7 years of 
activism ,West Region postings specially in Zone- IX Bandra ,Khar area is said 
to be lucrative , appeasing & one has to have a God Father as a politician to 
be posted here.I always call this place as a PG 3 posting .. I have seen most 
of them getting attracted to glamour & so and so  The same area whether 
it's the post of Adtnl CP , DCP or Sr PI's is supposed to be a hot seat. It's 
famous for political high handedness , vigil & vociferous citizens who do not 
lay low when it comes to demanding  justice .Over the years we have faced many 
ups & downs and in some police stations we are still facing it too.The  juggle 
continues ..My personal experiences with police are very bad & many a times I 
have taken on against their high handedness , behaviour ,non-compliance's and 
have staged silent protest too waiting outside police stations all night etc 
... Of course over the past we had some very good officers in Zn-IX like Mrs 
Archana Tyagi , Mr Niket Kaushik , Mr K.M.M Prasanna , Mr Dorje , Mr Ajit 
Sawant for whom till date we have very high regards but Of late , at one time I 
came across three people in hierarchy who I think most of us would like to 
acknowledge . As a teacher ,few years back in a language lesson I had read 
about  a poor sculptor named Jaikishan who sat in a not well lit corner in the 
king's palace busy with his intricate designs was questioned by a visitor as 
"Why are you sitting in such a dark corner making such beautiful carving which 
no one see. .. The sculptor looked up and replied ..." I am comfortable out 
here . I don't know who you are talking about BUT for those whom I am working 
know about it & my God knows it too " . Similar is what I see in Adtnl CP (WR) 
Mr Milind Bharambe who on 24/02/15 received Rashtrapati award for his 
meritorious services in the police force. He has always been a blessing in 
disguise for WR. Congratulations  We wish him success as an IG too. Then on 
13/03/15 , I learnt Sr PI of Khar Mr Dattaray Bharghude succeeded in one of his 
cases where an accused had raped a married woman & judge directed 10 years of 
imprisonment . This Enquiry was initiated when he was a Crime PI in Bhandup. 
Well ,it's very difficult  to continue with such a rigorous followup with court 
& your day to day hectic schedule ...Hat's Off. & now though for a short term 
for around 3 months we have as I/C DCP Zn-IX Mr Vinayak Deshmukh from LA who 
has done his best in his onfield work, resolving issues ,paying personal 
attention on various crime related issues as and  on when grieved citizens have 
approached him right from Bandra to Amboli ...  From last few Sunday's we have 
seen him on field every morning for 2-3 hours on the road  while Equal Streets 
Event is on. He is seen in conversation with public who are for or against the 
event. He is here till 19/03/15 . We thank him for his short benefited services 
.  The above three are feathers in the cap of Maharashtra /Mumbai Police force 
& for me when I realised ,I thought 'Chirag Taley Andhera .' The simplicity of 
the above three and also Jt CP (Traffic )Mr B.K.Upadhyay's dedication,straight 
fowardness compels me to express my thoughts & hope successors or juniors down 
the line too believe in this type of a 'Touch of Class Service' to the 
community . It's not that I have / had no indifferences with the above but they 
have/had always given repeated patient hearing to all our public interest 
issues & did their best in giving us justice too..   We need more of such 
officers who mean work , dedicated & committed to their service , patient with 
citizens who have lost their faith in Mumbai Police ... with the mushrooming 
crime, grug menace, night-life crime we as zone-IX citizen's are always in 
fright or gripes with the thought of who caomes in our area ..Our battle for 
justice will always continue ...Hon CM , Hon HM , Home Dept , DG, CP 
unanimously should decide on merit based promotions & not hand picked appeasers 
. The nation / city needs such good officers else no one can curb crime if 
criminals are within the f

Re: [Goanet] Open Letter: Quo vadis AAP... just what the hell is the top leadership smoking? (Dr Oscar Rebello)

2015-03-17 Thread Jose
An Unsolicited Open Letter to Dr. Oscar Rebello from a Distant ObserverPardon 
any Typos. This IPad does some curious auto- corrections

Dear Sir,

I am NOT going to ask you What YOU are smoking or even . IF would benefit 
from it. I'd merely state the following:

Doctors, in general, make very poor politicians. Having observed you over the 
years, I believe you would do very well NEVER to quit your day job. Politics is 
not meant for physicians, especially honest and dedicated physicians like you.

Three closing points: (1) A team player NEVER writes Open Letters to Party 
Central, unless he is about to quit OR wishes to draw attention to one's own 
self (2) it would be an absolute miracle IF you, dear doctor, would win an 
election from Panjim or thereabouts unless on a BJP, MGP or Congress ticket. 
(3) Political Parties are not know to give tickets to writers of Open Letters 
to Central. Hence consider yourself self-disqualified after scoring an own goal.

BTW: I hope you noticed that the dissident AAP faction members have requested a 
meeting with Kejriwal .



On Mar 17, 2015, at 9:14 AM, Goanet Reader  posted:

(Oscar Rebello wrote:)
My dear Team AK / Team YY-PB:

Permit me to introduce myself. I am an ordinary AAP volunteer from the state of 
Goa.  I haven't quit my job as yet to dive headlong into the world of politics, 
but many of my friends have.  Cheerfully (and often despondently), they are 
building the  organization in the state, brick by brick: step by step and 
heartbreak by heartbreak.

Presumptuously, I have taken it upon myself to speak for them.

And the one overwhelming  question that is driving a dagger in our hearts, at 
the moment, is this: "Just what the hell is the top AAP leadership in Delhi 

Why has it induced this inexplicable crash after that dizzy high of Delhi 2015? 
 Why this messy split in the marriage, when the family is still young and the 
kids are still
learning to take their baby steps?...etc

[Goanet] Open Letter: Quo vadis AAP... just what the hell is the top leadership smoking? (Dr Oscar Rebello)

2015-03-17 Thread Goanet Reader

Dr Oscar Rebello

My dear Team AK / Team YY-PB:

  Permit me to introduce myself. I am an ordinary AAP
  volunteer from the state of Goa.  I haven't quit my
  job as yet to dive headlong into the world of
  politics, but many of my friends have.  Cheerfully
  (and often despondently), they are building the
  organization in the state, brick by brick: step by
  step and heartbreak by heartbreak.

Presumptuously, I have taken it upon myself to speak for them.

And the one overwhelming  question that is driving a dagger
in our hearts, at the moment, is this: "Just what the hell is
the top AAP leadership in Delhi smoking?"

Why has it induced this inexplicable crash after that dizzy
high of Delhi 2015?  Why this messy split in the marriage,
when the family is still young and the kids are still
learning to take their baby steps?

To understand this, let us first get some indisputable facts
on the table.

  FACT 1: There can be no question that Arvind
  Kejriwal (AK), despite his eccentricities, is our
  lodestar.  In Ashutosh's memorable words, our
  undisputed gladiator and hope.  Almost single
  handedly, he navigated our creaking, wooden boat to
  a resounding victory defeating the mighty flotillas
  of the BJP/Congress.  His sincerity, leadership and
  passion is simply unrivalled.

FACT 2. Yogendra Yadav(YY) and Prashant Bhushan (PB) are
easily, two of the most enlightened minds in the country.
Unyielding in their conviction of ideology, they are men of a
million ideas.  Many of these ideas may be outdated and
exasperating to the younger generation, but their integrity
and unbridled love for AAP can never be doubted.  And
certainly they can never be painted as some evil, conniving
Darth Vaders slyly walking around with a nuclear arsenal, out
to torpedo our Starship Enterprise to Utopia.  None of us buy
into this silly argument.  They were only asking relevant,
pertinent questions. If we cannot answer them, the least we
owe them is an explanation.

FACT 3: Delhi 2015 was like the magical elixir of life for
all of us. It reinforced our belief that the idea of AAP was
not just alive, but kicking and kicking real hard.
Reverentially (but not sycophantically) we must acknowledge
that the credit for this resurrection of AAP goes to AK.
Without him, we'd be buried for a long time, and if Delhi
2015 were not to happen, we'd probably enjoy the same
relevance as a vaudeville act in ISIS controlled Iraq and Syria.

But then, is Delhi 2015, our only goal post? Or are we aiming
to shoot faster, higher and stronger, in the near future?

Hence, if these are all undeniable facts, what then is the
genesis of this macabre display of the unbelievable absurd,
unfolding in Delhi, almost on a sickeningly daily basis?  The
answer to my mind lies in the proverbial, titanic clash
between the 'Theory' and the 'Practicals' of our politics.

The 'Theory' of our politics, that YY and PB are prepared to
defend to the death, consists of absolutely no compromise
with any candidate, with even a light shade of gray in their
character -- forget 50 shades.

But in this ruthless world of politics, is any elbow space
for maneouver permitted, to ensure victory at the hustings?
Is self righteousness the only antidote to corruption?  That
is the practical question.

Because, 'practical' (electoral) politics is a different,
unkind kettle of fish altogether.

Here, the art of negotiation and compromise is necessary. A
little bit of 'jugaad' here and there, so long as you don't
lose sight of the larger picture, which is transparent and
accountable politics -- the calling card of AAP.

  It would have been so much more prudent, if once in
  power, Team AK and Team YY would have expended
  their energies to set up and strengthen
  institutions to oversee honest governance in Delhi
  and they still have five years to do so.  This
  interminable slug fest is simply such a waste of time.

Fundamentally, Team AK and Team YY/PB have not been able to
reconcile these two issues.  They've been unable to blend the
'Theory' and 'Practicals' of our politics into a workable model.

Sadly, they have let their bruised egos and innate over-
sensitive natures ride over common sense and are needlessly
letting their hearts rule over their heads.  Is there a way
out of this impasse?  Someway, for this ghastly bloodletting
to stop?

Yes, there is.

  There is however only one man who can do this. AK
  himself, our gladiator and hope.  Despite his pain
  and anguish for being hauled over coals,
  repeatedly, he must summon the courage to unleash
  the most powerful weapon of a great leader -- the
  weapon of forgiveness.

He must be charit

Re: [Goanet] Goanet - Great City?

2015-03-17 Thread Jose
Dear Mervyn,

What else can I say.you have said it so well.

I believe that it may be related to the following 

(a) It no longer serves the original purpose it possibly was founded for ie To 
find a Mate
(b) The inequitable application of Salazarist moderation.
(c) Time for the Salazars to train (even a few) Marcelo Caetanos and step down.
(d) The younger generation are NOT into writing more that (say) 4 Twitter words.
(e) The few older ones, who write, are getting repetitive and boring.

The one credit to Goanet moderators: Unlike the moderators of Goa Book Club 
(who are equally Salazarist) , They do not publicly behave in a disgustingly 
petty and abusive manner with each other and others.

BTW Mervyn, I am copying this to you and bcc to others.  Not sure this will 
appear on Goanet


> On Mar 16, 2015, at 9:11 PM, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
> Goanet used to be a great meeting place, once upon a time. 
> This evening, as I started opening the posts for the past 10 days I found:
> 1) Approx 65% of the emails were composed entirely of a link i.e. essentially 
> directing the reader away from this forum.
> 2) Another 25% of the emails were from people who either have a tough time 
> writing a simple thought or are writing entire posts encrypted. 
> 3) Two posts from an interesting writer who sends a copy here, of what he 
> writes elsewhere.
> 4) Lots of great pictures.

[Goanet] As a Christian, suddenly I am a stranger in my own country, writes Julio Ribeiro..IE March 16th

2015-03-17 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

Is it coincidence or a well-thought-out plan that the systematic targeting of a 
small and peaceful community should begin only after the BJP government of 
Narendra Modi came to power last May? - 
There was a time, not very long ago — one year short of 30, to be precise — 
when only a Christian was chosen to go to Punjab to fight what then Prime 
Minister Rajiv Gandhi termed “the nation’s battle” against separatists. I had 
accepted a “demotion” from secretary in the Union home ministry to DGP of the 
state of Punjab at the personal request of the prime minister.
Then home secretary, Ram Pradhan, and my dear friend, B.G. Deshmukh, then chief 
secretary to the government of Maharashtra, were flabbergasted. “Why did you 
accept this assignment?” they asked. The same question was put to me over the 
phone by then President Zail Singh. But Arjun Singh, the cabinet minister who 
personally escorted me by special aircraft from Delhi to Chandigarh, remarked 
that when my appointment was announced the next morning, the Hindus of Punjab 
would breathe more freely and rejoice. I presume Hindus would include RSS 
cadres who had been pinned into a corner by the separatists.
When 25 RSS men on parade were shot dead in cold blood one morning, then Punjab 
Governor S.S. Ray and I rushed to the spot to console the stricken families. 
The governor visited 12 homes, I visited the rest. The governor’s experience 
was different from mine. He was heckled and abused. I was welcomed.
Today, in my 86th year, I feel threatened, not wanted, reduced to a stranger in 
my own country.  The same category of citizens who had put their trust in me to 
rescue them from a force they could not comprehend have now come out of the 
woodwork to condemn me for practising a religion that is different from theirs. 
I am not an Indian anymore, at least in the eyes of the proponents of the Hindu 
Is it coincidence or a well-thought-out plan that the systematic targeting of a 
small and peaceful community should begin only after the BJP government of 
Narendra Modi came to power last May? “Ghar wapsi”, the declaration of 
Christmas as “Good Governance Day”, the attack on Christian churches and 
schools in Delhi, all added to a sense of siege that now afflicts these 
peaceful people.
Christians have consistently punched above their weight — not as much as the 
tiny Parsi community, but just as noticeably. Education, in particular, has 
been their forte. Many schools, colleges, related establishments that teach 
skills for jobs have been set up and run by Christians. They are much in 
demand. Even diehard Hindus have sought admission in such centres of learning 
and benefited from the commitment and sincerity of Christian teachers. 
Incidentally, no one seems to have been converted to Christianity, though many, 
many have imbibed Christian values and turned “pseudo-secularist”.
Hospitals, nursing homes, hospices for dying cancer patients needing palliative 
care — many of these are run by Christian religious orders or Christian laymen 
devoted to the service of humanity. Should they desist from doing such 
humanitarian work for fear of being so admired and loved that a stray 
beneficiary converts of his or her own accord? Should only Hindus be permitted 
to do work that could sway the sentiments of stricken people in need of human 
love and care?
The Indian army was headed by a Christian general, the navy more than once, and 
same with the air force. The country’s defence forces have countless men and 
women in uniform who are Christians. How can they be declared non-Indians by 
Parivar hotheads out to create a pure Hindu Rashtra?
It is tragic that these extremists have been emboldened beyond permissible 
limits by an atmosphere of hate and distrust. The Christian population, a mere 
2 per cent of the total populace, has been subjected to a series of 
well-directed body blows. If these extremists later turn their attention to 
Muslims, which seems to be their goal, they will invite consequences that this 
writer dreads to imagine.
I was somewhat relieved when our prime minister finally spoke up at a Christian 
function in Delhi a few days ago. But the outburst of Mohan Bhagwat against 
Mother Teresa, an acknowledged saint — acknowledged by all communities and 
peoples — has put me back on the hit list. Even more so because BJP leaders, 
like Meenakshi Lekhi, chose to justify their chief’s remarks.
What should I do? What can I do to restore my confidence? I was born in this 
country. So were my ancestors, some 5,000 or more years ago. If my DNA is 
tested, it will not differ markedly from Bhagwat’s. It will certainly be the 
same as the country’s defence minister’s as our ancestors arrived in Goa with 
the sage Parshuram at the same time. Perhaps we share a common ancestor 
somewhere down the line. It is an accident of history that

[Goanet] Arambol beach, sunset etc

2015-03-17 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Arambol beach, Goa 
Harmol beach

or visit blog here
   6.15 - 6.35pm

arambol beach











Main passage, access to the beach




Beach football

rocky rock



Crab hunters
Hunting dogs


Push cart
Baked corn



flowers at the car park area



Beach calf or cow

Video: Arambol beach

or blog


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Mumbai (Dadar/Bandra): Urgent : Latest Urgent openings. Please pass the message around. Thank you.

2015-03-17 Thread Robin Viegas

From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

From: Personnel People 

have listed below vacancies. Please recommend and pass the message 
Our client is one of the oldest and leading companies 
in the field of beauty accessories located at Dadar. 

1 Accounts Executive Jr- Two 
Graduate should be B.Com  with one year of experience 
in an accounts department. Import- Export knowledge would be preferred or 
have worked in an  Export House or Export Dept . Salary between 
15,000- 25,000 depending on the experience besides all other 
 2]  Production / Technical Asst Engineer- 

should be either Diploma in Electrical Engineering or ITI 
[Electrical].  Freshers who are dynamic  can also apply
position is for their factory at Thane..
3] Factory Asst : Location : Thane: Salary Rs 15,000- 
18,000 plus benefits.
should have 6 months to one year of experience with some experience in stores 
and warehouse. Pleasant and willing to work hard. Position reports to the 
Factory manager.

Another client, a leading Pharma company located in Bandra needs the 
following candidate:
Office Executive : Salary between 15,000 and 20,000 with all other 
should have one year of experience. Graduate essential.  Familiar with 
Excel. Good communication skills both spoken and written and computer 

candidates  should follow the procedure listed below:
IMP: Candidates should email us their resumes with the following 
 Job or Position interested on 
note we do not collect fees  from the Candidate before and after they are 
Please first email  us your resume with all the above details. If you 
do not receive a response via email within 72 hrs than please call 
Dolphy  A  
Dsouza – 9833 884227
43, Kalina, Santacruz 
Mumbai 400 029.
Email: personnelpeo...@gmail.com


[Goanet] Fwd: Sporting Clube de Goa register Alber and Glan

2015-03-17 Thread Sporting Clube de Goa
*Sporting Clube de Goa register Alber and Glan*

Sporting Clube de Goa have injected some young Goan blood into their squad
after registering Alber Gonsalves and Glan Martins for the second phase of
the I-League, in Panjim, on Tuesday.

After joining from Sesa Football Academy in the summer, the twenty year old
Glan made four appearances for the Flaming Oranje in the Goa Pro League.
After suffering an injury Glan worked hard in training to force his way
back in to the Coaches plans.

“Glan is a good defensive midfield player, who has the ability to win the
ball and unlock opposing defences with his ball distribution,” remarked the
Sporting Clube de Goa Head Coach Mathew D’Costa.

Alber who turns twenty five this month, netted five times for Sesa Football
Academy in the first round (nine matches) of the Goa Pro League, which
caught the attention of the Sporting Goa management. He has been training
with the club for the last three months and has shown promise.

“Alber is most constructive on the wing, where he can use his pace to burst
forward and cross or is equally dangerous cutting in and having a shot at
goal,” explained Mathew.

PHOTO: (Left to right) SCG Head Coach Mathew D’Costa, Alber Gonsalves, Glan
Martins and Clifford Chukwuma.





Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Electricity Department, don't pass on the shock to the consumers

2015-03-17 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Dr Sachin, How much would that cost? Do you feel the street lighting is
well thought of? As below:


The current situation, if one goes by what's being done on the
Saligao-Parra road, for instance, seems to be (i) light up the entire place
like a christmas tree (ii) spend the maximum amount possible (iii) when the
bill comes, pass it on to the consumer

I am also surprised that people mostly lack the civic consciousness to
volunteer to put off a street light once dawn breaks. We really need to
save power just because we have a (probably unsafe) nuclear plant in
our backyard, that's no excuse. Or is it?


On 17 March 2015 at 06:29, Sachin Tendulkar  wrote:

> Goa Electricity Department also need to avoid wastage of energy by
> installing light sensor for switching on/ off the street lights which are
> presently manually done by a driver, electrician and big Tempo. The damage
> to underground cables need to be recovered from respective department. Many
> inaccessible meters are billed minimum should stop.

P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at archive.org https://archive.org/details/goa1556


2015-03-17 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Tomorrow are the Zilla Panchayat elections in Goa. The Government has
declared the day as a Public holiday. Section 135B of the Representation of
People's Act 1951 also mandates that polling has to be a paid holiday.

Despite the Goa State Election Commission having yesterday specifically
written to the officials of the Bombay High Court at Goa that tomorrow had
to be declared as a holiday, the High Court has refused to budge. Sheer
high-handedness and scant respect for the rule of law by no other than the
High Court itself.

It is a matter of concern that the High Court instead of upholding the
Majesty of law has infracted the same by denying its staff their lawful and
legitimate right of a government declared public holiday on polling day.

Nobody can be violating the law, more so the High Court. It is an irony
that injustice is being done to those working at Goa’s highest Temple of

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Good Will Of Royal States and Virdi Dam Dispute.

2015-03-17 Thread Siyona G Gaunkar
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 4:25 PM
From: "Secretary- Goodwill of Royal States" 

To: edi...@deccanherald.co.in
Subject: Press release -  Maharashtra CM on Virdi Dam.enclosed email from 
Maharashtra CM's office  on Virdi 
Sent :  3/9/15 at 8:02 AM From :  c...@maharashtra.gov.into:  Secretary- 
Goodwill of Royal States [goodwillofroyalsta...@secretary.net]
 Respected Sir/Madam,
 Forwarding this email for necessary action. Registry Section,Chief Minister's 
Office,Mantralaya, Mumbai.
 From: Secretary- Goodwill of Royal States [goodwillofroyalsta...@secretary.net]
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2015 12:24 AM
To: Chief Minister office
Subject: Virdi Dam Dispute
  Hon' Chief Minister, State of Maharashtra Is Maharashtra continuing work on 
Virdi Dam despite Tribunal order?
An inspection by Goa Government, Water Resources Department on wed 03/05/2015 
amidst controversy over the Maharashtra Government restarting work on ‘Virdi 
Dam Project’ despite a stop order by ‘Mhadei water dispute Tribunal’ confirmed 
changes at the dam site.
It mandatory to follow the order of the Tribunal.  However, Maharashtra 
Government has violated the Tribunal order to stop the ongoing work at the 
Virdi dam site.
Good will of Royal States reacts to this development as very outrages, 
disturbing the development of the areas, requesting the Maharashtra Government 
to review its intentions. 
By: NilkantSah Padam.
Assistant to Secretary, Goodwill of Royal States.

                     Goodwill of Royal states: is intra government organization 
built on a firm rock of our proud royal heritage, voluntary association of 
Indian states within the Indian Union, which consists of former royal areas 
ruled by the ancient Kadambas Kings and by virtue of their marriages with Gupta 
Kings and Ganga Kings who together ruled the whole of Indian sub-continent. The 
Kadamba prominence is proved by the fact that the great Gupta king, 
‘Skandagupta’ married one of Kadamba daughters. A second daughter was married 
to Ganga King Madhava. The offspring’s of these marriages 'the blood cousins', 
the future heirs lived, were raised and educated together by their royal grand 
parents in the Deccan, who later inherited their respective kingdoms within the 
Indian subcontinent , Such blood relationship established strong relations 
beyond diplomatic ties all over the area as early as (C405-30 C.E). 16th Oct 
1345, the Mohammedan attack on Goapuri and Chandrapura, this simultaneous twin 
cities attack on the Goa Kadambas, the assassination of Kadamba King Suriya 
Deva and later 1347 fall of the Hangal rule, forced the surviving members of 
the royal family to move to Southern Capital Velliapura, thier conversion made 
them invisible to thier enemies, where they continue to live today in present 
day Velim, South Goa. By Virtue of the Dec 26th 1961 meet in Kadamba Southern 
capital Velliapura present day Velim  South Goa, between the members of Kadamba 
Coterie and His Glory Highness Sri. Ave Leao, head of Velliapura royal family, 
one of the first steps in the formation of Goodwill of Royal States. 
Today the Good will of Royal states aim and objectives are to bring all those 
ancient areas under this forum, to solve their issues affecting them amicably 
or mediation as permitted under Indian Constitution. Politicians come and 
politicians go but Goodwill of Royal States should stand out like a guiding 
‘ray of light’ with long term objectives, together they should focus and shapes 
policies priorities and are to meet for mutual benefits under the influence of 
the love of our royals, every two years to elect a Chairman and working 
committee to discus issues affecting states at the 'Goodwill of Royal States' 
heads of Government meetings, hopefully to win the attention and be addressed 
by reigning head of the Velliapura Royal family.
To raise a Secretariat - As we see the rise in corruption and decline in 
Democracy, Goodwill of Royal States, is to promotes rule of Law in Indian 
Democracy, good governance, accountability and avoid loss of public revenues to 
corruption, attention on police brutalities, human rights, , social and 
economic development, Health and education, women affairs, youth affairs and 
interstate trade and border issues.
To raise a Fund - Goodwill of Royal States. Search and sharing Innovative 
approaches to reduction in poverty, migration and settlements of freelance 
labour, women leadership and 
enterprise development information and communication environment and heritage. 
Every year Good will of Royal States commemorates, 16Th Oct  with multi 
religious prayer service within the ancient palace premises in Pillar hillock, 
Goa Velha, Goa and Chandrapur

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Electricity Department, don't pass on the shock to the consumers

2015-03-17 Thread Sachin Tendulkar
Goa Electricity Department also need to avoid wastage of energy by
installing light sensor for switching on/ off the street lights which are
presently manually done by a driver, electrician and big Tempo. The damage
to underground cables need to be recovered from respective department. Many
inaccessible meters are billed minimum should stop.

On Mar 12, 2015 10:58 PM, "Goanet Reader"  wrote:

> Electricity Department, don't pass on the shock to the consumers
> Roland Martins
> goa...@gmail.com
> Any tariff charged to the consumer must be linked to the
> services offered by the service provider to the Consumer.  In
> the case of the Electricity Department (ED Goa), being the
> sole service provider to the electricity consumers in Goa, we
> need to be careful to scrutinize the services provided before
> any order is passed by the JERC on the petition for a higher
> tariff by the Electricity Department.  We have to see whether
> the Electricity Department has fulfilled its obligations as
> per the Electricity Act 2003 as well as the earlier Orders of
> the JERC.
>   Just because the Electricity Department has a
>   revenue gap of Rs.  929 crores, it cannot be
>   allowed to transfer this burden on to the
>   consumers.  It is time that the Goa Electricity
>   Department pulls up its socks and takes
>   responsibility for any financial mismanagement that
>   has occurred over the last three decades.  We
>   cannot be silent spectators to the fact that
>   Electricity Department seeks to give consumers in
>   Goa this Rs. 929 crores "tariff shock" in phases
>   by increasing the tariff over the next two years
>   i.e.  2015-16 and 2016-17.
> As in the future there may not be budgetary support from the
> Government of Goa, the Electricity Department must address
> the issue of it becoming a Corporation and run its business
> with accountability and transparency.
> The argument that the tariff has not been increased for the
> last ten years cannot be the basis for a necessary hike in
> tariff.  Good financial management and cutting down of
> distribution losses is in fact the need of the hour for the
> Electricity Department, Goa.
> Even today's newspapers have reports that the Central
> Government will respond in a positive way and provide Rs.
> 1200 crores to streamline power transmission and distribution
> in the State.  Will this money figure some where?
>   The consumer must pay for what is provided and not
>   for what is denied.  When consumers do not get
>   power, why are they not being compensated?  The
>   Commission needs to get the Electricity Department,
>   Goa to give a concrete assurance on the same when
>   passing its Order on the petition.
> Then there is the issue of fixed charges and minimum charges.
> Consumers are left clueless as to the basis of these charges
> being calculated.  The right to be informed seems to be
> ignored by the Electricity Department.  Many consumers are
> being arbitrarily charged for laying new power lines in their
> neighbourhood, but when challenged the officials of (ED Goa)
> have had to back track.  The Commission needs to ensure
> transparency and accountability from (ED Goa) before taking a
> decision on their petition.
> New electronic meters are installed but consumers not
> provided the Manual, Test Report and Warranty Card.
> Hundreds of consumers are not being provided these documents,
> which has resulted in many consumers doubting the metering
> and billing procedure.  Consumer education by the service
> provider is a must but the Electricity Department has not
> taken any proactive steps in this matter.
> Meter seal is also removed but in many cases not replaced.
> While the Electricity Department is constantly highlighting
> its losses, it does not have a system in place to curb the
> tampering of the meters.  The practice of ensuring the seal
> is in place for all the meters must be taken up by the
> Electricity Department.
> Then, there is the issue of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
>   The Electricity Department, in Goa, as a service
>   provider has a responsibility to encourage energy
>   efficiency and even promote the Bijli Bachao
>   Campaign in co-ordination with BEE.  Consumers in
>   Goa have been denied this opportunity and thereby
>   no effective power saving strategies have been put
>   in place.  Moreover such a campaign would save
>   lakhs of rupees of the Consumers if the Electricity
>   Department, as a service provider, was pro active.
> The Electricity Department, as a service provider,  also has
> a responsibility to implement the various Orders of the
> Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).  This is specially in terms
> of use of quality materials with ISI

[Goanet] VHP defends attack on Haryana church, calls 1857 'communal war' (Times of India)

2015-03-17 Thread roger dsouza
  VHP defends attack on Haryana church, calls 1857 'communal war'Deeptiman
Tiwary,TNN | Mar 17, 2015

[image: VHP defends attack on Haryana church, calls 1857 'communal war']
 VHP joint general secretary Surendra Jain also claimed that the
allegations of communal overtones in the gang rape of a Bengal nun were a
"conspiracy of the church" and that sexual exploitation of nuns was a
"Christian culture". (TOI file photo by Ravi Posavanike)
   NEW DELHI: Aggressively defending the demolition of a church in
Haryana's Hisar, VHP on Monday asked whether Christians would allow
construction of a Hanuman temple in the Vatican City.

VHP joint general secretary Surendra Jain called the 1857 war of
independence a communal war fought for religion and said similar wars would
be waged if Christians did not stop conversions.

He also claimed that the allegations of communal overtones in the gang rape
of a nun in Nadia in West Bengal were a conspiracy of the church and that
sexual exploitation of nuns was a Christian culture, and not of Hindus. He
said the Pope is so worried about rape of nuns that he is promoting gay sex
to stop it.

In both Hisar and Nadia incidents, allegations of involvement of fringe
Hindu groups have been made. But VHP on Monday categorically denied its

'Can one build a Hanuman mandir in Vatican?'

Reacting to the Hisar case, Jain said, "This is a spontaneous reaction of
the local people. There are no Christians living in the village or around
it where the church has been attacked. So why was a church being built
there? Will the Christians allow us to make a Hanuman temple in the
Vatican? Let them allow that, and we will ask them to choose any place in
India for a church. We will fund it."

He added, "The church was for the purpose of conversion. Local people had
warned against it. But when it went unheeded, they took whatever action
they deemed fit."

Indicating that such attacks would keep on happening, Jain said, "This is a
country where the 1857 war was fought for the cause of religion. People
will react to aggressive conversion, just as they reacted to the killing of
Swami Laxmananda in Odisha in 2008."

On the gang-rape of a nun in West Bengal, Jain said it should be viewed as
a crime and not through the prism of religion. "It is a Christian culture
to exploit nuns. We don't do such things. The Vatican received 5,000
complaints of sexual exploitation in five years prompting the pope to
appeal for legalization of gay sex," Jain said.

The VHP member also supported the statement of Subramanian Swamy that "God
does not live in mosques but in temples". "This is a truth that even
Muslims agree to. Ask any Muslim if Allah lives in mosque and he will reply
in the negative. Saudi Arabia has demolished so many mosques for
developmental work, no body has objected," he said.

[Goanet] Attempts to make India saffron Pakistan won’t work: Former IPS Julio Ribeiro

2015-03-17 Thread Marshall Mendonza

Re: [Goanet] Goanet - Great City?

2015-03-17 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Goanet used to be a great meeting place, once upon a time. 
This evening, as I started opening the posts for the past 10 days I found:
1) Approx 65% of the emails were composed entirely of a link i.e. essentially 
directing the reader away from this forum.
2) Another 25% of the emails were from people who either have a tough time 
writing a simple thought or are writing entire posts encrypted. 
3) Two posts from an interesting writer who sends a copy here, of what he 
writes elsewhere.
4) Lots of great pictures.
5) And then, there is the following bauble!
>On Sun, 3/15/15, Roland Francis  wrote:
>Dear Vivian,
>Years of living in Goa have no doubt made you soft in the head.
>How else could I explain your "Panjim could be a world class city" and 
>comparing what happened in Baltimore to the possibility in Goa.
>Are you cut off from reality, Socorrkar?


[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] 5th Sunday of Lent

2015-03-17 Thread Jude Botelho judesundayreflecti...@yahoo.co.in [JudeSundayReflections]
Dear Friend,
We live in uncertain times and we are never sure of what is going to happen to 
the world and to ourselves because of the threat of terrorism that never gets 
wiped out. While most soldiers and their leaders are never certain of whether 
they would come back triumphant, alive or dead, from the battles they face, 
Jesus, as he prepared to face his ultimate battle, his passion and death at the 
hands of his enemies, was certain of His Father's love and the ultimate victory 
that the Father promised him. We too can be certain that the Father's love will 
never fail us! Have an affirming weekend! Fr. Jude
Sunday Refl. 5th Sunday of Lent  "God's love is eternal. His death renews His 
covenant!" 22-Mar-2015
Jer. 31: 31-34;          Heb. 5: 7-9;          John 12: 20-33;

Today's passage from Jeremiah provides comfort to the people in the midst of 
his gloomy predictions. The comforting part was the fact that Yahweh was going 
to make a New Covenant in the new and final age of salvation. This New Covenant 
would be God-centred and like the Old it would involve the people of God in the 
response shown to God's law. But the New Covenant would also be different from 
the Old in many ways. It would last forever and it would not be written on 
stone tablets or in books but on men's hearts, as God would intervene directly. 
Finally all this 'newness' would be made possible because God would create 'a 
new heart' for his people and give them 'a new spirit.' "Deep within them I 
will plant my Law, writing it on their hearts. Then I will be their God and 
they shall be my people."
How I would love to know you!Once there was a salt doll who lived so far inland 
that she had never seen the sea. Consumed with a desire to see the sea she set 
out one day and walked hundreds of miles towards the ocean. At last she arrived 
and she stood by the seashore enraptured by the wonder of what she saw she 
cried out, "O Sea, how I would love to know you!" To her surprise and delight 
the sea responded to her, "To know me you must touch me." So the little salt 
doll walked towards the sea and as she advanced into the oncoming tide she saw 
to her horror that her toes began to disappear. Then as her feet began to 
disappear she cried out, "O Sea, what are you doing to me?" The sea replied, 
"If you desire to know me fully you must be prepared to give something of 
yourself." As the doll advanced further into the water her limbs and then her 
body began to disappear and as she became totally dissolved she cried out, "Now 
at last, I know the sea!"James a Feeban from 'Story Power'
In the Gospel we see Jesus speaking of his forthcoming passion and death not 
with fear, but with hope and promise. We are told that a small group of Greeks 
came to John and expressed their desire to meet Jesus. "They wanted to see 
Jesus". Andrew knew that no one who desired to meet Jesus would be a bother and 
so they approached him. Jesus begins by stating that "Now the hour has come for 
the son of Man to be glorified." Earlier at Cana he had said to his mother: "My 
hour has not yet come." But now he openly stated "that the hour had come for 
the son of man to be glorified." Jesus' message here is that the way to glory 
for Jesus and for all of us, is death to self. Jesus challenges a worldly way 
of living. "Anyone who loves his life will lose it; anyone who hates his life 
in this world will keep it for eternal life." Spelling out his form of 
discipleship he points out that it is not enough to be Jesus' fans, admiring 
what he has done for us, we become his followers as we try to live like him and 
for him. Jesus interrupts his trend of thought with the confession of his own 
fear. It is human to feel fear in the face of great trials and suffering. We 
all know how we suffer at the thought of what is going to happen to us. Courage 
is not the denial of fear but rather knowing enough of what is to come and yet 
doing what you have to do. Once we begin to love we open ourselves to pain as 
well as to joy. When Jesus says; "Father, glorify your name!" what Jesus is 
saying is "Father use me as you will!" What God did for Jesus, he will do for 
everybody. In times of crisis God is glorifying us, and we should be ready to 
say, "Use me as you will!" For Jesus the hour of being lifted up on the cross 
was also the hour of being lifted up in glory. All who share in being lifted up 
on their crosses will also be lifted up in glory in Him.
Facing one's fearOne of his biographers tells us that Dr. Martin Luther King 
knew many low moments. One night, for instance, his house was bombed. This 
literally plunged him into the deepest pit of despair -he hit rock bottom. In a 
state of utter exhaustion and desperate dejection he fell down on his knees and 
figuratively threw himself into the arms of God. This is how he prayed: "Lord I 
have taken a stand for what I believe is right. But now I'm afraid. The people 
are looking to me for leadership

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...

2015-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Dean Martin - Always An ~Irving Berlin Composition.

B.T.W. I worked for Irving Trust Co, 1 Wall Street New York for many years!



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Ravonk yeta mhojean jeinastona ..

2015-03-17 Thread JoeGoaUk
  Ravonk yeta mhojean jeinastonaDolle bond korun ugddinastonaPunn matui mhojean 
ravonk zaina 'hea disani Urrak pivonastona..'
Lorna singing Tuzo Mog

For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Ghor bhav - a discussion on the term and concept

2015-03-17 Thread Joel DS
Dear Cecil,

There are many words that don't have exact meanings in other languages. I
MISKUTT, MUTTAME, BHORLA (slang), KURKURIT (slang), ETC have exact terms in
other languages. We don't have one-word Konkani meanings for many English

You've done well in coining GHOR-BHAV/GHOR-BHOINN. Congrats! Let's go ahead
and add a few more interesting words to Konkani.


On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Cecil Pinto  wrote:

> Very often it happens here in Goa that when all siblings have settled
> abroad, or are working abroad, one brother (or sister) either takes on or
> is given the responsibility of looking after the aging parents and the
> family house and property. Is there a term for such a brother who stays
> back? Maybe on the lines of 'ghor zanvuim' (house son-in-law). Can he be
> called "ghor bhav" or "ghor bhoinn". Have I just coined a term that will
> soon come into popular usage? Do you know of any ghor bhavs?
> --
> This post above from me on Facebook elicited interesting comments and
> responses. Below is a selection. Does anyone here on GoaNet have any
> opinions on the term/matter?
> --
> Irineu:
> There have been cases but the term you coined has not been known. Should we
> credit you with the term?
> Cecil:
> You don't have to credit me when you use it while speaking but if you use
> it while writing you have to put- (c) Cecil Pinto. This is only till
> October 2015 after which I will generously declare it Public Domain and
> everyone can use it without acknowledging my coining of the term. Example
> of usage, "My ghor bhav [(c) - Cecil Pinto] Edwin said Mummy insisted on
> being taken by taxi for all the ladainhas and so to please send some more
> money."
> Joy:
> Very true, something to ponder on. It is a sacrifice
> Cecil: Joy, I don't know about sacrifice. In some cases the siblings abroad
> contributed handsomely towards the upkeep of parents and house and the ghor
> bhav [(c) - Cecil Pinto] would have an additional source of income which
> allowed him to live a better lifestyle.
> Margarida:
> gosh Cecil so many of these around Goathey sacrificed and stayed
> behindbut when it comes to division of propertythey all come back
> ouncing on the GHOR BHAU anim BHOIN
> Cecil:
> Margarida although I like the sound of 'ghor rakhno' it sounds somewhat
> Anthony:
> padiser bhau vo bhoin as unsucessfull to settle else where !
> Cecil:
> Anthony, not always was the ghor bhav [(c) - Cecil Pinto] 'padisher'. Very
> often he had no desire to go abroad - for example someone like me. He
> often, by his presence in Goa, provided an opportunity to his siblings to
> enjoy a better lifestyle abroad without having to worry about matters back
> home.
> Joy:
> Cecil Pinto, understand personification! Ghor mazor is a term commonly used
> in konkani referring to people tied down to the house responsibility
> Cecil:
> Joy, please understand I am a cunning linguist. The term 'ghor mazor'
> refers to someone who likes to stay at home. It has no connection with
> 'responsibility'. Till today the term 'ghor mazor' has only been used
> online once and so it qualifies as a Googlewhack because if you put it
> without quotes in Google it produces only one result.
> http://issuu.com/goa-streets/docs/web_f8d57a34d71b21/20 . Now look at the
> usage there. It was in a Q&A to an agony aunt column which was written at
> the time by Jose Lourenco and has a sexual connotation.
> Gabe:
> The one who stays behind should inherit lock stock and barrel imho.
> Michelle:
> My brother is ghor bhav (c) cecil pinto) but he does not look after anyone.
> My mum looks after him.
> Arsenio:
> Ghor iramo
> Cecil:
> Arsenio, irmao is an elder brother. A ghor bhav [(c) - Cecil Pinto] is not
> always the eldest brother.
> Cecil:
> Side topic: The word 'irmao' is a loan word from the Portuguese language
> and means brother. In Konkani it conventionally means elder brother or is
> used as a term of respect for a unrelated elder male. Some people argue
> that it means 'brother' and not 'elder brother'. I am not sure of this. The
> fact that you will never call a younger male 'irmao' says something, no?
> Savika:
> Cecil Pintothis is unfair to those who collectively share
> responsibility towards their parentsand an encouragement to those that
> are waiting to shed responsibility to a prime person in the family
> Cecil:
> What is unfair Savika? The practice? Why? It works for so many people. What
> is your exact objection?
> Savika:
> Cecil Pinto, Yes the words that you want to coin 'ghor bhav' (sounds
> horrible ).In my circles so far everyone takes ownership of elderly
> parents
> Cecil:
> Savika you must be inhabiting ver

[Goanet] Lenten Music..... Have Mercy on me O God.

2015-03-17 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Why homeless Britons are turning to this Indian community. for help.

2015-03-17 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] As a Christian, suddenly I am a stranger in my own country, writes Julio Ribeiro

2015-03-17 Thread Bosco D
Written by Julio Ribeiro
 | Updated:
March 16, 2015 2:44 pm

There was a time, not very long ago — one year short of 30, to be precise —
when only a Christian was chosen to go to Punjab to fight what then Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi termed “the nation’s battle” against separatists. I
had accepted a “demotion” from secretary in the Union home ministry to DGP
of the state of Punjab at the personal request of the prime minister.

Then home secretary, Ram Pradhan, and my dear friend, B.G. Deshmukh, then
chief secretary to the government of Maharashtra, were flabbergasted. “Why
did you accept this assignment?” they asked. The same question was put to
me over the phone by then President Zail Singh. But Arjun Singh, the
cabinet minister who personally escorted me by special aircraft from Delhi
to Chandigarh, remarked that when my appointment was announced the next
morning, the Hindus of Punjab would breathe more freely and rejoice. I
presume Hindus would include RSS cadres who had been pinned into a corner
by the separatists.

When 25 RSS men on parade were shot dead in cold blood one morning, then
Punjab Governor S.S. Ray and I rushed to the spot to console the stricken
families. The governor visited 12 homes, I visited the rest. The governor’s
experience was different from mine. He was heckled and abused. I was

Today, in my 86th year, I feel threatened, not wanted, reduced to a
stranger in my own country.  The same category of citizens who had put
their trust in me to rescue them from a force they could not comprehend
have now come out of the woodwork to condemn me for practising a religion
that is different from theirs. I am not an Indian anymore, at least in the
eyes of the proponents of the Hindu Rashtra.

Is it coincidence or a well-thought-out plan that the systematic targeting
of a small and peaceful community should begin only after the BJP
government of Narendra Modi came to power last May? “Ghar wapsi”, the
declaration of Christmas as “Good Governance Day”, the attack on Christian
churches and schools in Delhi, all added to a sense of siege that now
afflicts these peaceful people.

Christians have consistently punched above their weight — not as much as
the tiny Parsi community, but just as noticeably. Education, in particular,
has been their forte. Many schools, colleges, related establishments that
teach skills for jobs have been set up and run by Christians. They are much
in demand. Even diehard Hindus have sought admission in such centres of
learning and benefited from the commitment and sincerity of Christian
teachers. Incidentally, no one seems to have been converted to
Christianity, though many, many have imbibed Christian values and turned

Hospitals, nursing homes, hospices for dying cancer patients needing
palliative care — many of these are run by Christian religious orders or
Christian laymen devoted to the service of humanity. Should they desist
from doing such humanitarian work for fear of being so admired and loved
that a stray beneficiary converts of his or her own accord? Should only
Hindus be permitted to do work that could sway the sentiments of stricken
people in need of human love and care?

The Indian army was headed by a Christian general, the navy more than once,
and same with the air force. The country’s defence forces have countless
men and women in uniform who are Christians. How can they be declared
non-Indians by Parivar hotheads out to create a pure Hindu Rashtra?

It is tragic that these extremists have been emboldened beyond permissible
limits by an atmosphere of hate and distrust. The Christian population, a
mere 2 per cent of the total populace, has been subjected to a series of
well-directed body blows. If these extremists later turn their attention to
Muslims, which seems to be their goal, they will invite consequences that
this writer dreads to imagine.

I was somewhat relieved when our prime minister finally spoke up at a
Christian function in Delhi a few days ago. But the outburst of Mohan
Bhagwat against Mother Teresa, an acknowledged saint — acknowledged by all
communities and peoples — has put me back on the hit list. Even more so
because BJP leaders, like Meenakshi Lekhi, chose to justify their chief’s

What should I do? What can I do to restore my confidence? I was born in
this country. So were my ancestors, some 5,000 or more years ago. If my DNA
is tested, it will not differ markedly from Bhagwat’s. It will certainly be
the same as the country’s defence minister’s as our ancestors arrived in
Goa with the sage Parshuram at the same time. Perhaps we share a common
ancestor somewhere down the line. It is an accident of history that my
forefathers converted and his did not. I do not and never shall know the
circumstances that made it so.

What does reassure me in these twilight years, though, is that there are
those of the predominant Hindu faith who still rememb