[Goanet] Good-hearted person Mr Francis De Souza.

2018-09-25 Thread Arlette Azavedo
Well, I am posting this article which I had written for our local newspaper
but they simply refused to print it as they found it 'unsuitable'.

Dear Goodhearted Person
How would one define a goodhearted person? Well, English dictionary defines
one as a kind, caring and generous person.  It’s said that when you have a
good heart – you help too much, your trust too much, you give too much, you
love too much and finally it always seems you hurt the most. I would like
to add kind, helpful, caring, understanding, patient, and loving are some
of the words that come to my mind when asked to list the qualities of a
goodhearted person.
Well, the good hearted person that I am indicating here is none other my
childhood and family friend MLA Mr Francis De Souza. A genuinely good
hearted person who is simple, truthful, soft-spoken, humble, does not step
on other people to get ahead.   He  is a man of humble beginnings who is
known by all whether they are rich or poor, young or old as he basically
has a charisma to interact with others which is a God given unique trait to
him. He touched many people, and the outpouring of affection from his
friends is incredible. Nevertheless, he treats people with dignity, and
appreciates the goodness in them. His life is of great faith and
generosity, a life of service to others, a life of simple joys.
To me, personally Francis is “un grand bonhomme” or rather an incredible
persona - who lives a full life, a successful life, mostly a happy life,
without any regrets.  He is a man of iron will and a man of unshakable
dignity. He is a man of impeccable intuition; always a leader and yet a
constant servant to his love for his family and friends. He does not have
an unkind bone in his body. He believes that if you're on this earth, you
better live it well with all sincerity. It’s incredible to say that inspite
of whatever may come over him; he is always cheerful and witty and above
all never talks ill of others, even about those who might have hurt him in
one way or the other. People change and it’s often scary, as despite being
a political figure, he maintains his friendship with one and all.
His great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun
grows cold. Apparently, many a times being a good hearted person seems like
the worst possible thing to be, almost as if it’s a trait that works
completely against  you.
However, being a good person does not always depend on your religion,
status in life, culture or political views. I believe it depends on how
good you treat others that shows your true character. In today’s world our
huge problem that we face is others taking advantage of a good hearted
person. But, let this not get to you ever, instead, let it be a lesson to
realise that not everyone will truly appreciate your kindness. One of his
beliefs in life is the importance of being authentic with people, and this
is exactly Francis’s trait saying what needs to be said nothing more or
nothing less at the most appropriate time.  Unfortunately, his health is
not so good at the moment and we need to pray instead of being insensitive
to his ailment. He is a great man - he always will be to me.

[Goanet] Francis De Souza enters a milestone of his life 60th birthday, a momentous occasion

2014-10-07 Thread Arlette Azavedo
Here's an article written by me for Mr Francis De Souza Dy Chief
Minister who entered a milestone of his life 60th birthday on 4th Oct

Mostly when I write, the words flow easily. However, when I sat down
to write, I had a problem, as there are so many things to say and
wondered how I could possibly say it all about a man who stands tall
and having a personality of a genuine honesty and above all a humble
and down to earth and irreproachable human being. In today's busy
world, we seldom take the time to honor the people we hold dear.
Usually, we wait until their death, to honor their life. Today we have
the opportunity to honor a very special person Mr. Francis De Souza,
Deputy Chief Minister -the man who means a lot to many as he enters a
milestone of his life his 60th birthday, it’s indeed a momentous

Francis born to great and humble parents late Mr. Pedro & Mrs. Sofia
De Souza who lived at Mapuca in a large ancestral house together with
his siblings, a family united and who stood for morals beyond anything
else. In his childhood he was pampered by his mother as she used to
dot on him begin the only son. However, I remember him as a quiet and
reserved in his younger days but not without mischievous moments. His
simplicity and unassuming personality are well-know tenets of his
character which paved a way for his successful life. The abundance of
practical morals and magnanimous generosity bestowed upon Francis by
his parents helped him to provide the foundation on which he stands
today. Due to his modest nature he successfully rose to become the
most influential politician of our times being the present Dy. Chief
Minister of Goa state.

Having lost his father at a very young age, his sense of obligation
and duty to his mother and siblings, prompted him to be responsible
towards his family. He excelled at the school and college level and
went to do his LLB where he did well for himself. He was a great
sportsman and brought laurels to his college too. He was a
distinguished student and always put his best effort in everything he
did; hence his hard work never went unnoticed, even today. As a
youngster he mingled with all without any reservation, apparently the
best lessons he not only learned from books but also with each life
experience that he encountered in his life with determination and
courage and strength, Francis proved that nothing is unattainable.
He is an inspiration to many as inspite of his busy schedule he makes
time for his family and his friends. His warmth and kindness are
immediately apparent to anyone who approaches him. His life and his
easygoing spirit even being at the helm of Government of Goa as the Dy
Chief Minister speaks volumes of him.

Through all the changes in his life around him, the one thing that has
not changed Francis is his humility and his sense of humour. His smile
is constant on his face inspite of any tricky situation. He is the
adviser, teacher, counselor, listener, helper, patriot, friend,
husband, loving father and the icon who he is looked upon by all these
years. He is the first person to offer assistance, guidance or support
hence you shall see so many people thronging towards his house in a
hope that he will help and precisely he does assists those in need.
This is an inherited quality in Francis and therefore he is loved by
the numerous people from far and wide. His parents had this unique
quality of helping all those who came to their home for any help and
their house was open to all their children’s friends (specially those
who needed shelter after the tiring sports events) who were welcome to
spend a day or two. Likewise this is an innate trait of Francis to
help all and sundry without any reluctance. The best characteristic
that I have seen of him is honesty and respect for others of which is
not only is his own reward, but is rewarded in kind with respect,
trust and genuine friendships by others to him.

Now I want to honor another person in Francis’s life and that is his
pretty wife Naty. She is a fortress in his life always besides him
caring for all his needs. Her continuing support is a major factor for
Francis to be who he is today. Also his two precious children Joshua
and Sofia are his pillars of success and he adores them. They three
are his strength and they together make a loving complete family.
Congratulations on your 60th birthday, Francis. It is preceded by
many, many outstanding accomplishments in your life now look back with
a great feeling of satisfaction. But I look forward to many, many




::: (_( …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…::
*: (=’ :’) :: GOD LOVE US  :
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…:::

[Goanet] St. Francis Xavier Chapel in Duler is going to be formally and canonically elevated to the status of a church

2014-03-27 Thread Arlette Azavedo
It gives me immense pleasure that St. Francis Xavier Chapel in Duler
is going to be formally and canonically elevated to the status of a
church and henceforth will be know as "St. Francis Xavier Church" on
29th March 2014. . It's indeed a time for celebration as finally the
long standing and cherished dreams of the Duler community comes to a
reality. Rev Fr Caetano Fernandes among others like Rev Fr. Simon
Diniz and Rev Fr. Tomas Lobo were instrumental in bringing this
project to fruition.
I am fully convinced that Rev Fr. Caetano has put in his dedicated
effort and now his good work has produced fruits for his parishioners.
Apparently, for the convenience of its growing parishioners a church
status was a must as the chapel fulfilled all the criteria for being
elevated to a church. Indeed, it was a long standing desire of the
Duler parishioners affiliated to this chapel to see that the chapel is
elevated to the status of a church and finally the dawn has arrived.
The parishioners together with Rev Fr. Caetano Fernandes are jubilant
that their most ardent wish, that of the elevation of the chapel into
a church seems to have realized. I pray that Rev Fr. Caetano Fernandes
may you shine and make St. Francis Xavier Church shine in the Lord's



::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...::
*: (=' :') :: GOD LOVE US  :
*.. (,(")(")¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...:::


2013-11-03 Thread Arlette Azavedo
We have for sale 2 bedroom apartments in a post locality on the ChogM road
at Porvorim.  Top class fittings and a small project of only 10
apartments.  It is situated besides Landscape City where Norbert's Gym is
situated. It's almost complete and shall take a month or so for the
The project is close to all the amenities like banks, hospitals, church,
bus-stand, super-markets,  showrooms, eateries, O'Coqueiro, restaurants
and  other hotels.
If interested you can e-mail me on valett...@gmail.com or call me on
Thanks and have a great week ahead.
Arlette Azavedo.



::: (_( …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…::
*: (=’ :’) :: GOD LOVE US  :
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…:::


2013-04-25 Thread Arlette Azavedo
The song “Here comes the summer” reminds me that yet again summer is here
for us to enjoy and to discover what fun is all about.  Well, summer
vacation during our school days used to be the best as those 2 months were
of all play, no books, no exams, and no rules. I am sure each one of us has
a long story to weave about this one. Each one of us has cherished memories
of our summer holidays and I for one used to wait for them as I could go
visiting my cousins and other relations and go and live by the beachside
which today is a dream. We would rent out a bungalow where all my siblings
and my cousins and the entire family, even our dog was tagged along where
we lived under one roof, in short it was one huge unending party for us. As
it was the season of mango and jackfruit, it was a season of fun and eating
which I so dearly missed now.  Sad to say our children will never get such
fun times by the beachside as today going to the beach is another story by
itself as the beaches lack cleanliness and not safe too.

My memories of summer are filled with loads of carefree childhood moments,
lots of time with family and close relatives, totally unstructured and
un-planned. The scorching summer heat didn't really bother us that much
either and we were perfectly happy with a pedestal fan in the room and some
cool water from the mud pot or fridge and a dash of Nycil prickly heat
powder on the neck to ward off the heat. Sleeping outside in the broad
veranda with doors and windows wide open with no fear of any thieves with
the breeze swaying the trees in the yard, while we chatted about everything
under the sun and counted the stars up in the sky was an awesome way to end
each day.

Also, those days there were Beat Shows at Calangute beach which used to
draw a huge crowd. Apparently, this was a meeting place where we would be
meeting all our friends from far and near and as everyone was in a holiday
mood it was indeed a colourful and vibrant feeling. My parents and my
brothers pampered treating me with ice-creams which thrilled me as they met
up with their friends. Oh, those were the days and they were my best summer
holidays then.

Life those days was simple with simple aspirations; so generally, we always
had a good time. Those days are never going to come back and I guess our
next generation will somehow always miss the joys in simple things like
playing in the sand and making sandcastles.   I cherish those days called
Summer Holidays for a reason and we made the most of it.

I end with a verse from Cliff Richards “Summer Holidays” - “We're going
where the sun shines brightly,

We're going where the sea is blue,

We've all seen it on the movies,

Now let's see if it's true”




::: (_( …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…::
*: (=’ :’) :: GOD LOVE US  :
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…:::

[Goanet] Tribute to his beloved Mother by Lovell Pinto

2011-06-05 Thread Arlette Azavedo
 would go a
step further and borrow this quote from George Washington to honestly
proclaim, “All I am I owe to my mother”.

It grieves my heart today that owing to circumstances beyond control, I am
not able to be in this congregation to partake of Mummy’s final journey here
on earth. However, along with my siblings, my wife Lea, daughter Lysandra
and little baby Lenny (the grandson my mum never got to touch) I am united
in spirit with you all gathered here to celebrate our mum and grandma’s
fruitful and rewarding life. We thank the Lord for the precious gift that
was Xavita Pinto and reiterate that we will walk guided by her noble

“Mummy, we love you dearly for all you have done and given us. We miss you
terribly and will do so for every day of our lives”.

*- by Lovell Pinto*


Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--


2011-06-03 Thread Arlette Azavedo

*Dear all,

This is to inform you all about the sad demise of the dearly beloved mother
of Dr. Gretchen (st. mary's) and Xalen, Lovell n Warren  (all britto boys)
Xavita Pinto.  She left for her heavenly abode today afternoon.

**Our sweet God our Master came and wrapped His mighty arms around beautiful
and charming Xavita comforting her and took her  where she is already
surrounded by the Holy Angels, where she is  singing praises and sending her
blessings to her lovely children n her family and friends.*
I have no words however, I pray Eternal rest grant unto Xavita, Our
Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.  May her departed soul through
the mercy of God, rest in peace.

P;z pray one Our Father and Haily Pray for her departed soul.  Also, keep **Dr.
Gretchen, **Xalen, Lovell n Warren in your pray that they may find solace
and strength at this sad times.

Arlette Azavedo
** *



Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--


Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--

[Goanet] He has Risen

2011-04-25 Thread Arlette Azavedo
A few years ago, I remember hearing a story about a teacher who gave one
Easter egg to each student in the class. Her instructions were for each of
them to write what they enjoyed most about Easter or what it meant to them.
A day before Easter, she opened each Easter egg given to her students and
read each of their messages. One little girl shared how she loved to shop
with her mother for a pretty dress for Easter Sunday. Another student said
that eating with the family was what he enjoyed the most.
One little boy’s message was that he couldn’t wait to get all those Easter
eggs. And another wrote, I like having days off from school. Then the
teacher came to an empty egg. It belonged to a little shy boy named Reece.
The teacher sternly asked Reece “what’s the idea of returning an empty egg?
Doesn’t Easter mean anything special to you?” Defensively, Reece quietly
said, “The empty egg reminds me of the empty tomb. My Mom and Dad always
told me that this was the main reason for the celebration.”
The teacher was amazed and found so much of truth in what he said. Well, is
Easter all about Easter bunnies and Easter eggs, and new clothes?
Though these things are nice to have at Easter time, but it is not as
important as compared to how Jesus died for us on the Cross.
I’ve heard it said that the Easter egg represents ‘new life’ – as a chicken
hatches from an egg. It is okay to enjoy the goodies at Easter time, but let
us not forget the real meaning of Easter.
We have to believe that Jesus has risen and hope to spend our time eternally
with him in heaven.
Those who live on what we might call “The outskirts of hope” need a
transfusion, which is given during Easter. The resurrection gives our lives
a meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over, no matter the
Just as we dress our children in new clothes, God dressed his only son for
us. He was not robed in a fancy dress; instead, he was hung on a cruel cross
for all to see, as men gambled on his clothing at his feet.
Presently, we give baskets full of goodies and candy filled eggs to our
children and those of our friends. But, sadly Jesus was given vinegar when
he said, “I Thirst.”
They didn’t even offer him a glass of water; however, a sponge was dipped in
the sour liquid and lifted up to his innocent lips.
God gave his life for our sake. True love doesn’t count the cost; it gives
liberally. A true lover gives the best he has to offer, and everything he
has for the beloved.
God proved his love for us by giving us the best he had to offer — his only
begotten son, who freely gave himself as an offering to God for our sakes
and as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and that of the world.
A spotless lamb was He. He bled and died for you and me. Therefore, it is
high time to change our lives for the better and we can start from today
Easter reminds me of how Christ died for the sake of my soul, and how he
rose from the dead. I can testify that because of Easter, my Saviour, Jesus
Christ, lives forevermore.
God’s goal is to make all of us like his resurrected son. As for me, Easter
is the day when I would mediate and reflect on all the benefits I enjoy with
the blessings from the risen lord.
 I am thankful for the life and love that God’s sacrifice represents. I am
thankful for the opportunities it has afforded me.
I am also thankful for the grace that abounds in me because of that humble
Finally let me end with an apt quote “Jesus took my place on the cross to
give me a place in heaven.”
May you and your family enjoy the celebration of the Resurrection!
*Arlette Azavedo*


Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--


2010-11-24 Thread Arlette Azavedo
*Mapuca Deanery Youth Day

The Mapusa Deanery Youth day was held St. Jerome’s Church where the total
strength present on the day was 130 youth from various parishes. The
following Parishes participated in this event. St. Jerome Church Youth,
Mapusa. St. Francis Xavier Chapel Parish Youth, Duler. O.L of Flight Church
Youth, Cunchelim .St. Cajetan Church Parish Youth, Bastora.St. Elizabeth
Church Parish Youth, Ucassaim. O.L of Assumption Chapel Parish Youth,
Guirim. O.L of Candelaria Chapel Parish Youth, Porvorim. Holy Family Church
Parish Youth, Porvorim. St. Francisc Xavier Church Parish Youth, Pirna. St.
Diogo Church Parish  Youth, Guirim and O.L of Victory Parish Youth, Revora.

 Assistant Parish Priest of Mapusa Parish - Fr. Adolfo Alvares, the Deanery
Youth Animator welcomed all and the day proceeded with a store of games,
ice-breakers, action songs, group discussion on topics like garbage disposal
problems, youth and world peace, youth and politics, youth and
drug-addiction, youth and the church in the modern world and youth and the
nature. It was an energetic and a fun-loving  programme. Fr. Caetano
Fernandes, Dean of Mapusa Deanery and Chaplain of S.F.X. Chapel, Duler
celebrated the Eucharistic Mass.  Later in the afternoon  there was parish
wise – activity - sharing session.  This session made the youth aware of the
activities conducted and organized by the respective parish youth groups.
 Overall the youth had learning and sharing experience with their fellow
parish groups. Fr. Aldrin D’Costa highlighted this year’s liturgical theme,
the life and struggle of Blessed Joseph Vaz.

Mapusa Deanery Youth Co-ordinator  Sharon Fernandes thanked the Mapusa
Parish Priest Fr. Francisco D’Mello, Fr. Aldrin D’Costa, Fr. Adolfo Alvares,
Fr. Caetano Fernandes and not forgetting the dynamic Mapusa Youth
Association helping them to  organize a wonderful event. She further thanked
Mr. Aldryk Azavedo, President of St. Jerome Parish Youth, Mapusa and Mapusa
Deanery Youth Vice-Coordinator aswell as Miss Avril Fernandes, President of
O.L of Candelaria Chapel, Porvorim and Mapusa Deanery Youth Secretary for
all their support and co-operation.

 Most of our grandfathers often said, “Erasers are made for those who make
mistakes”.  However, Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation had a
different perception to this quote and believed that “Erasers are made for
those who are willing to correct their mistakes”. On this positive note let
us keep in mind, that we the Youth are future hope of the Church and the
world.  And through virtues and faith in God we can surely “Shine like Stars
in the World”.



Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--


2010-05-07 Thread Arlette Azavedo
norance and war of any
kind. A day on which to begin to enjoy 'eight hours for work, eight hours
for rest, eight hours for what we will.' So, let’s remember all the workers
who have toiled their lives for their employers, as being committed is
wonderful for both employee and employer, but giving too much of yourself is
worse than giving too little. In both cases you may lose your job but giving
too much may mean trauma, stress and breakdown. Besides, you may lose your
backup system of family and friends if you fall too much in love with work!
It is said of an employer “If your thinking is sloppy, your business will be
sloppy. If you are disorganized, your business will be disorganized. If you
are greedy, your employees will be greedy, giving you less and less of
themselves and always asking for more.” Think about it.


t doorgoanet


Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--


2010-04-19 Thread Arlette Azavedo
ferred Bhartiya Vikas Ratna
Award in recognition of entrepreneurship, public service and social work.

But you don't measure the life of a man by simple facts, simply told. It's
been said that you measure it in the truths he learned, or in the times he
cried, in the bridges he burned, or the way that he lives. He learned to be
generous with himself and with his friends. He does not have an unkind bone
in his body. He fills his life with hope, even when there is little reason
to hope. He believes that if you're on this earth, you better have fun. He
is witty and amusing. He is a great man - he always will be to me. His great
achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold,
and these are the achievements of Mathew Braganca.



Cell no. 9422061766
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.--

[Goanet] REGRET TO INFORM THE SAD DEMISE OF Matildas Fonseca e Menezes

2010-01-06 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten



It is with deep regret and profound sadness that I wish to inform you of
the passing away of Matildes Fonseca e Menezes, beloved wife of Late
Tome Menezes and darling mother of Marcelina, Leticia, Eric, Sunita and
Late Donald, from Althino, Mapuca,

Eric and his wife Venite are a wonderful couple and they all have done a
lot to make their Mum's life easier and happier. Leticia, Eric and
Venite are very near and dear friends of mine and I pray that the Lord
grants them peace and blessings to accept the saddness. Let's keep all
of them in our prayers as what they need at the moment is
only prayers.

She had suffered a stroke a few months back, however, she was doing
okay today. The funeral shall be today evening at 3.15 p.m. at St.
Jerome's Church , Mapuca.

I remember her as a very cheerful and a very warm-hearted person. May
God's Angels be with her.

Kindly say a prayer for her soul to rest in peace and may Almighty God
give the strength to her sorrowful family members to have the courage
and strength to overcome this moment of grief.



2009-09-05 Thread Arlette Azavedo
 their life. We should always
respect our teachers and above all teachers need encouragement and support
from the community to feel that their devotion to students is appreciated.

Looking back, I think that one common thing that marked all the good
teachers, was their humility. The more they knew, the greater their
humility.  And then, their desire to impart the love and fascination for
their subject. There were some of my teachers who were very knowledgeable
perhaps, but did miserably at imparting that knowledge across to others.
They failed to kindle that flame of curiosity that makes you want to go on
and on... hence it is said that a good teacher is like a candle - it
consumes itself to light the way for others.  I hope and pray that today’s
teachers kindle that spirit of curiosity, which makes learning such a
pleasure and less of a chore.   And on this day, God bless our teachers with
patience, love and forbearance.

Also, on this day, we gratefully remember the great educationist Dr
Radhakrishnan. His dream was that "Teachers should be the best minds in the
country". Hence, Teachers' Day is very important for all our people, as the
teachers act as foundation for creating responsible citizens.  It is said
that an average teacher teaches, a good teacher explains, a superior teacher
illustrates, and a great teacher both learns and inspires students. We can
never thank our teachers enough for their efforts. Teacher's Day is
celebrated to show our acknowledgement and recognition of the hard work put
in by our teachers towards our development.

So in your busy schedule this Friday morning i.e. 5th September, I urge you
to take 10 minutes and email, call or write to your teachers who have made a
difference in your lives. Do it, they deserve all the appreciation and
gratitude from their students.



2009-06-09 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
Dear all,

This is to inform you all that our very own GOANETTER Domnic Fernandes from 
Anjuna suffered a stroke on the right side on April 14 and has been in bed 
since then.  Luckily, he was taken to the Goa Medical College within two hours 
where his nephew, Dr. Caraciolo Nazareth and his colleagues attended on him and 
saved him from permanent paralysis. He is slowly recovering from the stroke and 
hopes to be back in normal health soon, though he still needs a lot of rest.  

Let's keep Domnic in our prayers. Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of 
the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O dearest Comforter of the 
sick, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant Domnic 
the grace and strength to accept his ailment. Dear God, we place Domnic under 
Your care and humbly ask that You restore his health again. Above all, be with 
Domnic when he is alone or dejected. Comfort him when he is discouraged. And 
touch him with your healing Spirit that he may be get his normal health back 

Infact, I just spoke to Domnic now and he said he is recovering but he needs 
prayers from each one of you, so dears, plz say a special prayer for Domnic 
that he may recoup as soon as possible.

Wishing you all good health and keep safe.

Arlette Azavedo.


2009-02-16 Thread Arlette Azavedo
 Hi All,
It's been years of learning, growing and fun..at *B*ritto's, *M*ary's &
*X*avier's for each one of us and so as to revive our memories of our Alma
Mater, BMX-UK is coming up with a grand event of the year beginning from 11
th April to 16th April and for this all you BMX'er's scattered all around
the globe aswell as all those who are in Goa, register well in advance as
the date is fast approaching. Now is the perfect time to get connected to
all our ole school/college mates, before we realize, precious years have
quickly passed us by…So c'mon, join us for a toast to the future and
salute to the past reminiscence.

What can be more fun than catching up with old school and college friends,
then? Well, this might just be the chance you were looking for to give
something back to your school/college. We're all grown up now but still
giggling with glee as the great event *BMX-UK* is happening in Goa soon. So
what are you waiting for, then?
The *BMX-UK* team is coming out with a fun-filled programme that you shall
never regret for being a part of it. So welcome…..of course, not for
classes, though, but to be back with your school/mates and friends again
with those lifelong memories formed during school/college days for the
events. There shall be loads of nostalgia in the air…..so come be a part
of it. Remember the date…*11th April to 16th April*………..your Date with *
BMX-UK* in Amche Goa.
Mog Assundhi.
Below are the special rates for our Goans and itinerary updates for you all
sent by Richard.

Hi Arlette
Please spread the good news by to everyone.  This has always been our
intention to give special rates for our Goan folk back home.



Easter Vigil reception   Rs. 100/- single
Welcome Party Rs. 250/- single
Sundowner   Rs. 550/- single Rs. 1000/- couple
Cruise  Rs. 650/- single

Contact  |Leah Mathias tel. 9422057504Arlette Azavedo tel.
9422061766 / 9422449233

*Itinerary Up-date
* Food and some drink coupons are inclusive at the 4 events a) to d).
Details are subject to change

a) *11th April 2009*, *Holy Saturday,Easter Vigil Mass* at St. Britto's High
School, Mapusa
Commencing 10.00 pm.
Followed by Reception at The Appetite Restaurant (opposite back entrance to
St. Xavier's College)
Coach available from St. Brittos to reception
Co-ordinator Arlette Azavedo tel. 9422449233 / 9422061766

b) *13th April 2009*, *Easter Monday* - Welcome Event at 'A Lua' in Sangolda
(dress code: casual).
Commencing 6.30 pm onwards
Registration and information pack.
Music by Herman
A Lua tel. 241671 / 2416673

c) *15th April 2009, Wednesday - Sundowner* at Marinha Dourada in Arpora
(dress code: casual smart.)
Commencing 6.30 pm onwards
Music by Forefront
Cabaret  Variety Performances
Co-ordinator  Edwin Dias tel. 2276780 /1/2/3/4

d) *16th April 2009, Thursday - Daytime Boat Cruise* from Panjim.
Commencing 9.00 am for approximately 4 hours
Coach available from Mapusa, stopping at La Goa Azul, Marinha Dourada
(Arpora), St. Anthony's Chapel roundabout (Calangute)

[Goanet] Goanet] Schooling, Education, Culture and Garbage: How do we

2008-11-24 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
Dear Miguel,
Well said, Miguel..let's not make our children puppets, we have 
enough of them around us already, let the children be children as our children 
are the cement of life, its up to us to make the foundation of the future!

[Goanet] Re; Guess who? A new businessman takes on Anjuna. And he's one of us on Goanet

2008-11-10 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Subject: [Goanet] Guess who? A new businessman takes on Anjuna. And he's one of 
us on Goanet

Guess who? A new businessman takes on Anjuna. And he's one of us on Goanet:

Hi Rico,
Is this Domnic and Jyoti? Have I guess right, then
Wow..thanks for letting me know, atleast now I can get to meet him there.
It's wonderful to know that Domnic has started something of his own here at 
Anjuna, he must have made the Anjunkars proud of him, isn't???
All the very best Domnic and Jyoti in your endeavour!!!!!
Warm wishes from
Arlette Azavedo

[Goanet] India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.....

2008-10-14 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
r dream! 


Every person in all religions should come together as one big family and stop 
this. These people who are doing this are not from any religion. No religious 
person whether Hindu, Muslim or Christian will ever do this kind of brutality 
and cruelty to his brothers/sisters. I am sure that most of those who are hell 
bent to destroy and kill others, are they themselves educated in Christian 
educational schools.


Let's pray that the violence ends, and does not spread to the rest of India. 
Christians in general are a small minority in India, and because we're small, 
should not mean we're "different," such persecution should not happen. And last 
of all, let's pray for those who are obviously hurt and angered for whatever 
reason, and who are indeed, good people deep down inside, but are just blinded 
by emotions right now. We are all children of the same God, and it breaks God's 
heart to see us fighting like this.


Anger and intolerance are the twin enemies of correct understanding, was 
rightly said by Mahatma Gandhi. Let us develop respect for all living things. 
Let us try to replace violence and intolerance with understanding and 
compassion. And love. The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbour 
as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we 
hate ourselves. We are tolerant toward others when we tolerate ourselves. We 
forgive others when we forgive ourselves.


Finally let me end with a quote by Ann Emerson " The  essences of all religions 
speak of peace, compassion, justice and the interconnection of all life".

Arlette Azavedo

[Goanet] TEACHERS DAY!!!!

2008-09-06 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
and fascination for their subject. There were 
some of my teachers who were very knowledgeable perhaps, but did miserably at 
imparting that knowledge across to others. They failed to kindle that flame of 
curiosity that makes you want to go on and on... hence it is said that a good 
teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.  I 
hope and pray that today's teachers kindle that spirit of curiosity, which 
makes learning such a pleasure and less of a chore.   And on this day, God 
bless our teachers with patience, love and forbearance. 


Also, on this day, we gratefully remember the great educationist Dr 
Radhakrishnan. His dream was that "Teachers should be the best minds in the 
country". Hence, Teachers' Day is very important for all our people, as the 
teachers act as foundation for creating responsible citizens.  It is said that 
an average teacher teaches, a good teacher explains, a superior teacher 
illustrates, and a great teacher both learns and inspires students. We can 
never thank our teachers enough for their efforts. Teacher's Day is celebrated 
to show our acknowledgement and recognition of the hard work put in by our 
teachers towards our development.



So in your busy schedule this Friday morning i.e. 5th September, I urge you to 
take 10 minutes and email, call or write to your teachers who have made a 
difference in your lives. Do it, they deserve all the appreciation and 
gratitude from their students.  













2008-08-25 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
I would like to CONGRATULATE Fr. Simon DIniz who has recently been awarded the 
PhD Degree by Karnataka University, Dharwad, for his thesis titled, "A 
Comparative Study of College Students under Parents and Guardians in Relation 
to their Self-Concept, Adjustment, Social Competence and Achievement 
Motivation".  He was highly applauded by his superiors for the wonderful thesis.

He was guided in his doctoral research by Dr. P S Halyal, Professor of 
Psychology of Karnataka University.  Fr. Diniz has secured his Masters Degree 
in Clinical Psychology from the Pune University.

A Diocesan priest, Fr Diniz is the lecturer in Psychology at his Alma Mater, St 
Xavier's College, Mapusa since 1995. He is associated with the Diocesan Family 
Service Centre of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman. 

Keep the good work that you are doing in the vineyard of the Lord


Arlette Azavedo

[Goanet] Hats off to India on its

2008-08-15 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
Hats off to India on its 

61st Independence Day 

I'm proud to say that I'm an Indian. I salute all those freedom fighters and 
the great people of India who have struggled during our independence till date, 
so that we women can enjoy freedom, liberty, independence, respect, rights, etc.

Women have come a long way to be independent since 61 years and they are still 
going on.right from Indira Gandhi to the Sunita Williams of today, they 
have walked the path of success and led in every field they chose, competing 
with and sometimes doing better than men...

The first thing is we should do, is to thank our parents, who have given birth 
to us women and having taken care of us and taught us sound moral values. I 
think these moral values are being taught to every child whether it's a boy or 
girl. Both are equal in every way! With proper planning, financial status, 
elder's support, positive attitude and spirit, many Indian girls and women are 
being given a chance to express their talents.

Right from being a mother to being a working woman, all women are in one way or 
the other showing their talents and are in the news today with their success 
stories of ability and hard work. Doctors say women have more energy than men. 
In the olden days a girl was not given education, but she was taught moral 
values. Times have changed, in these fast ages, with the computers, all women 
are doing something, right from the women who are sitting at home and doing 
business to the women who are working outside home.

But there were times where women were beaten up badly and were also harassed. 
Even today these things do happen, but they are far less. We should try to help 
other women in such situations. We should also educate mothers who give birth 
to children but leave these unwanted children to die. 

"God " has given us brains and body, but its our duty to use it properly to be 

Women are now "independent" financially to help the family, emotionally to 
support everyone, physically to face all the problems and the responsibility of 
the family.

In the business world, within India or outside India, women are making money in 
many ways from taking tuitions for children, to fashion, beauty, trading in the 
stock markets, as computer professionals, etc. Previously it was for a change 
from the drudgery of house work that they spent time on their own interests and 
hobbies. However, today it has become a purpose in every woman's life. 

I personally congratulate all the women who are showing the "successful path of 
life " to other women. There are some women who help other women in one way or 
the other sharing information, encouraging and giving us support. Isn't this 

It is true that women have gone a long way in asserting their independence. But 
have we succeeded in finding an independent identity of our own? This is a 
question, which women need to ask themselves. If independence means economic 
independence, then certainly we have succeeded to a great extent. 
Mapusa, Goa.

[Goanet] THANKS!!!!!!!

2008-01-21 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO

I have already called e-mails and calls after reading the TRIBUTE to my 
sis-in-law on GOANET.

Thanks again.




2008-01-21 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO


Here is my Tribute which I have written for my dear sis-in-law (my brother's 
wife) Ana who expired after a brief illness of deadly cancer, six months back.  
I would appreciate if this is in included on the 22nd January as it is her 


Thanks again and God Bless.  Keep the good work that you are doing!!


Arlette Azavedo







The Lord plucked the most precious flower from our garden; He found Ana most 
pleasing to His heart and took her away to be amongst the beautiful flowers in 
His garden. The Lord shall nourish Ana with His gentle hands. 


Ana our dearly beloved..you have touched our hearts. Standing in shock and awe, 
we wipe our tears. As the "homegoing" news of our loved one we heard, our 
hearts ache as we wonder why? From our happy home God has taken one we loved 
most, Ana was too young to die. There were so many things for her to do. We 
little knew that fateful evening that God was going to call her name. In Life 
we loved you, Ana dearly; in death we do the same. It breaks our hearts to lose 
you, Ana you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, the day God called 
you home. You left us beautiful memories your love is still our guide, and 
although we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is 
broken and nothing seems to be the same, but as God calls us one by one, the 
chain will link again.


Your memories of laughing, charming smile, warmth and the unconditional love 
that you gave so freely and without compromise, shall remain with us for 
eternity. Your ability to love showed how big a heart you had. You were only 
one of its kind which we shall never ever find in this whole wide world. You 
were so vivacious and ready to lend your helping hand.  There was never sadness 
in your eyes only happiness which you used to spread where ever you went.  Your 
smile was your forte and you could turn a gloomy situation into an enchantment. 
 Your simplicity and gentleness was a gift from above. You were strength to us 
and I shall never forget all the things that you have done to me, specially. 
For me, you were not just my sister-in-law, but also my friend, you were always 
there for me, for this you will always be in our hearts, and every time I 
picture you Ana, I smile. I know that you are still there watching over 
everyone you love and making sure that we are ok, and happy.


You have left a rich heritage behind and that is Abigail and Ashton where you 
taught them the morals and values of life. Your bright eyes, and a tender smile 
and a loving heart knew no guile, Deep trust in God you had, You had the joy to 
make some other's lives bright, Your gentle act of love you showed us with no 
thought of yourself but of the others.


On that Sunday, God came and took you to a beautiful new home where you will 
never feel pain again, for this I am glad, because you so much deserve to be 
that wonderful person that we will always remember the Ana full of resilient 
energy and just being you.  Ofcourse, we all miss you very much, specially on 
your Birthday on 22nd January, but we know that you are in God's home now, and 
that you are happy, healthy, and watching over us all. God gave us an Angel in 
YOU, and we will always be so thankful, and every time we look at the stars, or 
the bright white clouds in the clear sky, we will remember you, and your 
eternal love. I know you share heaven with the Lord.


Ana, I shall not say that you are dead, you are just away; with a cheery smile 
and a wave of the hand you have wandered into an unknown land. You are God's 
Precious child, swept away by Angels on a Heavenly flight.  You are loved, 
missed nevertheless your memories carry us through, as the Angles have carried 
you. You are borne away from pain and sorrow to a nobler rest above. No one 
knows how much we miss you, none but aching hearts can tell; lost on earth, but 
found in heaven. Your dearly loved Asterio, Abigail and Ashton and all your 
family members shall recall your smiling and pleasant face knowing that 
someday, we shall clasp our hands in a better place, never to part again.


This is a tribute to my dearly beloved Ana, who was one of the most wonderful 
person anyone could ever meet. She was always full of life, love and happiness, 
and I truly miss her with all my heart. Ana, you have left us; however, you 
truly have left a special imprint in our lives.

Though it hurts to lose a loved one, it is most painful to grieve. Rather, we 
remember the blessings our dear Ana has left behind, with so many wonderful 


Finally, I quote Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by 
the moments that take our breath away. And in the end, it's not the years in 
our lives that count. It's the life in our years.

Missing you....till date.

Arlette & Valeriano




2007-12-27 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
Dear Rico,

May your days be filled with the wonder of God's special love for you. Happy 

On your birthday, I pray for your happiness, of course, but also for a greater 
sense of fulfillment in work, an ease of communication with those you love, and 
a sense of satisfaction in all that you have accomplished. Above all, may you 
rest secure in the knowledge of God's constant love and care for you, 

I take this opportunity to THANK-YOU; for all that you have been doing for our 
St. Mary's Net group. GREENCHILLIE net group as we call it and I pray that 
the Lord gives you many more years to enlighten the cyberkars about Goa and 
Goans. We love your work.  It is only because of you, Rico that I could start 
the yahoogroup to network the alumni of St. Mary's Convent High School, Mapuca, 
Goa. You helped me start the yahoogroup and you always motivated me that it 
shall take a while to actually start working.  I am happy that we are doing 
well today and even happier that we have just released a Book "GIRLS IN 
GREEN...Memoirs from St. Mary's".  Even for our Book you have put in so much 
effort and your precious time and for this I sincerely THANK-YOU from the 
bottom of my heart, as without your involvement and contribution we Mary's 
Girls would not ever get connected, and come out with our memories in print. I 
give full credit to you Rico more because you are not even our ex-student and 
despite of it you have taken endless pains to bring all our ex-students who 
have scattered all over the globe together.

Thanks for getting me to write and motivating me to do so every now and then..I 
am indebted to you and for this I THANK the Lord for a guy like RICO who puts 
in such a tremendous amount of your valuable time to help keep the Goans with 
all the info needed to know and without you it would have been just impossible 
to link the Goans all over the world.

God Bless Rico, Pamela and the lovely kids.

With much love,

Arlette Azavedo

Mapuca - Goa. 

[Goanet] A last FAREWELL to you....AUGUST.

2006-09-09 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
August Braganca was a great musician and a great human being. I don't have 
words to express his sad demise; he was a legend in the music world which now 
comes to a standstill.  We pray that the Lord gives beloved Precy, kids, 
Bertha, June, May and Alex and other family members the strength to withstand 
this untimely loss. 

There is no substitute for August in the world of music as his music was a 
divine expression of ecstasy.  He was an immortal soul worthy of this 
wonderful land on earth, as he was not only a great musician , but he gave to 
the world of music a voice, which could do wonders to the melody. He has given 
to the world of music, the milestones which could never be erased and not even 
touched. He has simply passed the levels where no mortal being voice could 
even be compared.

He was unique, and his voice provided you such solace that all the miseries of 
life and short comings seem to fade away. His playing had a sensuous, exotic 
quality that was original and instantly recognizable. 

August. your unassuming and humble face with a divine glow will linger in 
front of our eyes.Always!  You were a remarkable guy, who was witty and 
jovial, and a man with large heart.

He was dear to us as he was my next door neighbour and friend and his 
band "Symphony" played for our wedding and I can at this point of time, 
picture him along with Alex,  singing  the first song specially dedicated to 

My husband and I met him just a few months ago and I requested him to sing 
this song for us . to this August said to me, "Hey, you have a good memory, 
huh; I shall definitely sing this song for your Silver Jubilee" But 
unfortunately, I am sure that from Heaven above he shall  sing the song for us 
for our silver jubilee next year. It's sad that he had to go but am confident 
he shall be enthralling the angles above with his golden voice.

August, fate might have snatched you away from us, but it cannot snatch the 
fond memories we have for you! A last FAREWELL to youAUGUST.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!!!!

2006-09-05 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

This is specially to a teacher par excellenceAnnette...who is my cousin 
and more so a friend to me. I would like to sincerely wish you on this day 
being the Teacher's Day.  You are a gifted teacher admired by one and all.  I 
firmly believe that no one can be compared to your capability of shaping the 
personalities of your students.  You are above all.you are just great, 

Annette you are an exceptional person, and obviously greatly valued by all 
your colleagues, parents and the students. You deserve praise in every aspect 
of your work and role as a teacher.  As today being the Teacher's Day, it is 
time to reflect on the important role teachers have in our world and celebrate 
their contribution towards the society.

You are one teacher, I have seen who creates love for learning, not just for 
your students but also for yourself.  You get deeply involved in your students 
in imparting knowledge, thereby becoming an even more valuable resource to 
your students, which is a rare quality found in recent years.

No matter what the time was, your doors are always open and welcoming. You 
have the neck of molding the character of a student, and am extremely grateful 
as youinspired, motivated and encouraged my sons. And, this process is 
entrusted to you, by the Lord for a discerning teacher in whom is vested the 
inculcation of good habits and values.

You are the backbone of the each and every student. So we have to give due 
respect to our teachers. They are like a ladder. And we have to make use of 
these ladders to achieve success. You have done the best and that cannot be 
disputed by anyone..You are simply great

Annette, you have done wonders with your students and never consider anything 
negative in your life and think otherwise, as you are simply the best and 
remember best people are sometimes burden with life's challenge.  Keep your 
chin up, as challenges are God send and hence if we accept challenges, we are 
done, so that we may feel exhilaration of victory, one day. Hence keep a stiff 
upper lip and smile as we are all with you, today and always.

Being a gifted teacher has to do with your character. Not just what you teach, 
but who you are. Ultimately, when it comes to having an impact on students, 
the teacher himself is the main tool.

In our deepest moments of struggle, frustration, fear, and confusion, we are 
being called upon to reach in and touch our hearts. Then, we will know what to 
do, what to say, how to be. What is right is always in our deepest heart of 
hearts. It is from the deepest part of our hearts that we are capable of 
reaching out and touching another human being. It is, after all, one heart 
touching another heart.

Here's wishing Annette and all the teachers A HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Re - Domnic's Silver Jubilee at work

2006-08-19 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
Congrats Domnic! 

25 years of service is a great Achievement
I wish you love, joy, happiness and above good health.
May  all your dreams come true and continue to be active on the GOANET, giving 
us the most needed AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP (Thought for the Day ) everyday, 
without fail, as also your other articles.

Finally, remember that retirement, is a time to enjoy all the things you never 
had time to do when you worked.  


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Nachne

2006-08-17 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
Hello Rico,

Just this week I had the previlege to have Tizan.  My cousin made it
for my son Aldryk who is down with a fractured leg as she said it is
very good for healing purpose. She forced me to have it too, and I
must say that I relished it very much, and it reminded me of my loving
Mum who used to make if quite often for all of us on regular basis.
Rico, my cousin made it with milk but according to her it can be made
in coconut juice also, and the taste is even better. This is just for
your info,  ready packets of Nachne (Ragi Flour) are now available at
Bardez Bazar and you safe on the time.
Happy eating!!

Arlette Azavedo
Goanet mailing list