[Goanet] Child Abuse - the problems

2007-11-25 Thread J. Colaço < jc>

St. Mary's Convent High school, Mapusa is staging a play titled "Lion King"
  December 1, 2007 - Hanuman Hall, Mapusa

 to fundraise for a false ceiling for the school hall
& upgrading the school playground

 Headmistress Sr. Namika A.C. / Teacher Mrs. Sonia Noronha

Child Abuse

There are atleast three facets to this sorry matter:

1. The plight of the child who (silently or otherwise) suffers the abuse.
2. The fate of the person who is falsely accused of abuse.
3. The quandary of those who have to make the decisions.

It is my belief that those among us who are parents, teachers,
brothers and sisters need to keep a close eye on our little ones.
Those who suffer abuse - surely - carry the emotional load throughout
their lives

It is also important that we watch out for those who might make false
accusations. Once an accusation is made - nobody will believe that the
accused is innocent - Even if the court throws out the case.

It is important to remember that there are some who will use the
'abuse' claim as an act of revenge. Specifically watch out for those
who want to mess up the life of a former husband or wife and those
who have failed to get a 'business contract' from the accused.

For those among us who have to make certain decisions - there is NO
room for error. If we are wrong, one of the parties gets hurt and hurt
very badly.

It is my submission that Cases should be reported and DNA samples
should be obtained as soon as possible. Apart from that - there is
unlimited scope for speculation and gossip.

vide comment on:  Goa Children's Act http://www.colaco.net/1/gca2003.htm


Re: [Goanet] Chandrakant Keni and Gulf Goans (cedrico)

2007-11-24 Thread J. Colaço < jc>

St. Mary's Convent High school, Mapusa is staging a play titled "Lion King"
  December 1, 2007 - Hanuman Hall, Mapusa

 to fundraise for a false ceiling for the school hall
& upgrading the school playground

 Headmistress Sr. Namika A.C. / Teacher Mrs. Sonia Noronha

cedrico dacosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote : < CK is my neighbour at
Margao and i prefer he sticks to writing literature than economics.

And to think of it that CK was the incharge of the NRI cell in Goa, at one time?

All i can say is the Arabs never came to Goa to call Goans to come and
work for them. It is the person who gets lured and choses to work in
the Gulf and forfeit many a previledges in his home country. All that
glitters is not gold, it never is and will never be.

If the situation in Goa was good and jobs were given on merit and not
sold out to outsiders for a price, Goans would have preferred to be
there in their own land with their loved ones.>

jc's response:

Extremely well written and Intellectually honest post.

My only addendum is as follows:

1. These hard working Gulf Goans have maintained their families and
the businesses(possre) in Goa for several decades.
2. These Gulf Goans are the true heroes of Goa. They toiled in a
distant and inhospitable land to help their own families make it.
3. Chandrakant Keni would NOT probably know that the Arabs did not
have to employ Goans. There are tons of people applying for jobs

Here ...some another xenophobic gem from Chandrakant Keni - a alleged
lover of Goa and Konkani who worked for a pro-Merger Marathi paper and
consistently supported a proMerger party in Goa - followed by a
schizoid anti-Marathiwadi post.




Re: [Goanet] Reply to JC regarding Aires Rodrigues (to Albert)

2007-11-24 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>

St. Mary's Convent High school, Mapusa is staging a play titled "Lion King"
  December 1, 2007 - Hanuman Hall, Mapusa

 to fundraise for a false ceiling for the school hall
& upgrading the school playground

 Headmistress Sr. Namika A.C. / Teacher Mrs. Sonia Noronha

Albert Desouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Mr.Jc
I appreciate Aires Rodrigues for his guts. There is rampant corruption
going on with the clergy and the church at large. The church is a
registered body registered under Maharastra Society Act of 1860 .It
has not disclosed the names of its primary members nor the names of
the governing body because there is something fishy. Unless this is
done the church cannot be absolved of anything. I would appreciate if
Mr.Aires does digging on the above subject to find out who are the
primary members of the church, who are the governing members of that
society and what is the MOU.There are no exceptions anywhere.

Dear Albert,

Pray tell me what relationship your post has with my comments wrt
Aires Rodrigues. I recognise the alleged 'guts' of Aires Rodrigues. I
submit however that there is a fine line between bravado and

BTW: Are you referring to the Societies Registration Act 1860 as
amended in 1976? Does it have any sections relating to the information
you write about? If so, is there a legal avenue by which either Aires
or you can obtain the information which can be officially disclosed?

or is it that one needs to be a rabble rouser (aka disordero) to
attract attention to self?

There is one further avenue that Aires Rodrigues can take (like you
and me et anyone else) instead of SPAMMING others private email
accounts (which Aires continues to do) i.e. Apply to contest for
elections, contest and let the people or the alleged voting banks




Aires Rodrigues wrote: Goa's Roman Catholic Church might have been
able to wriggle out of the Ribandar Church molestation case by Fr.
Newton Rodrigues

jc responded:

1: was the Goa Roman Catholic Church a "party" to the alleged
molestation case that Aires is all about all over again?

3: what was/is Aires' relationship to any person who may have wanted a
business contract from Fr. Newton Rodrigues?

5: Will Aires deny (on Goanet) that he did NOT make threatening phone
calls to the nuns in Old Goa?

PS:  I have zero problems with anybody (...) being held accountable
for impropriety and irregularity.  I do have a problem with the
Aireses of this world continuing to try cases thrown out by the courts
- in the public arena - over and over again.

Re: [Goanet] Alfred De Tavares

2007-11-23 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>

St. Mary's Convent High school, Mapusa is staging a play titled "Lion King"
  December 1, 2007 - Hanuman Hall, Mapusa

 to fundraise for a false ceiling for the school hall
& upgrading the school playground

 Headmistress Sr. Namika A.C. / Teacher Mrs. Sonia Noronha

bhandare wrote: [ Cedrico: chachi gets addled because even though 420
the accused
party is still twice born ]

Is Bhandare talking about Bandodkar when he/she says "420". He
couldn't be "twice born" unless we are talking about Luso-Indian as

Or is Bhandare saying that Dr Willy de Souza is a Hindu, Afrikaans or
Nazi? for ONLY Hindus practice the apartheid Caste System!  i.e. ALL
those who practice the apartheid Caste System are Hindus, Afrikaans or

I do know another CM ( a favourite, perhaps, of Bhandare) who is
"twice born" and a specialist in coups.

Do you know that twice born CM, Bhandare?


Re: [Goanet] JCs defence of selma and Bhandare's defensiveness

2007-11-22 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>

St. Mary's Convent High school, Mapusa is staging a play titled "Lion King"
  December 1, 2007 - Hanuman Hall, Mapusa

 to fundraise for a false ceiling for the school hall
& upgrading the school playground

 Headmistress Sr. Namika A.C. / Teacher Mrs. Sonia Noronha

Bhandare wrote:

1: please refer the archives and you will see the kind of language she
has used against me as well as others...

2:  "being wary of" and "hating" are indeed different terms but i
think some one who uses terms like "poisonous snakes" "wolves" etc is
taking things too far

3: as regards sonia gandhi i do not hate her

4: as regards the VCD issue i have explicitly stated that the
government had absolutely no business in peddling such a thing...

5: once again private organizations can do what they want as it comes
under the right to free speech... in fact that particular film was
also cleared by the censor board.

Dear Bhandare,

I appreciate the civility and courtesy of your response.

re 1: Please provide me with the URL of the offensive Selma posts. I
will do the necessary e-search and respond.

re 2: I do not hate the snakes/wolves or the BJP. I am wary of them.
Please advise me WHO hates the BJP on GoaNet as you have stated.

re 3: I am glad that you do not hate Sonia Gandhi

re 4: Who is responsible for the peddling of that VideoCD crap?

re 5: If one really has "free speech" - why does one have to rely on
the Censor Board? And can their decision not be subject to Judicial
review? Are they a rule unto themselves?



2007-11-21 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
airesrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Goa's Roman Catholic Church might have been able to wriggle out of the
Ribandar Church molestation case by Fr. Newton Rodrigues and the late
Fr. Eusebio Ferrao episode but this time the Goan Roman Catholic
Church may find it hard to grapple with this latest startling
revelation by Goa's Congress party.

jc's comment:

It is quite strange that a person with legal qualifications should
make statements like the one above.

I ask:

1: was the Goa Roman Catholic Church a "party" to the alleged
molestation case that Aires is all about all over again?

2: what was/is Aires' relationship to Fr. Newton Rodrigues?

3: what was/is Aires' relationship to any person who may have wanted a
business contract from Fr. Newton Rodrigues?

4: what was the court's decision in this case?

5: Will Aires deny (on Goanet) that he did NOT make threatening phone
calls to the nuns in Old Goa?

6: Will Aires advise us WHY he took a 'sabbatical'  or leave of
absence from Goa - after the nuns allegedly accused him of assault (I
am being kind here)?

PS:  I have zero problems with anybody (priest, IT consultant, lawyer
or liar) being held accountable for impropriety and irregularity.  I
do have a problem with the Aireses of this world continuing to try
cases thrown out by the courts - in the public arena - over and over


Re: [Goanet] Congress cancels holidays and Bhandare cancels civility towards Selma

2007-11-21 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ...Dear Sonia:

1: The main reason why some people on goanet hate the BJP

2: their visceral hatred stems from the fact that we are hindus...

3: it is naive to assume that had parikar not cancelled holidays or
had not come out with the VCD these people would have supported him...

4: as far as selma being a paid congress agent, thats not true..her
vaccuous nonsense is not something anyone will pay for:-)

5: dont pay too much attention to her types...that just emboldens them
moreonce in a while they should be censured so that they remain in

Dear Bhandare,

re 1: I wish you would point out one person on GoaNet who 'hates' the
BJP.  Hate is a sign of weakness. Besides, there is a difference
between Hating and Being Wary of.

re 2: could it be said that Bhandare hates Sonia (Gandhi) because she
was born a Catholic?

re 3: I have written to you before about the 'canceled holidays'  and
WHY I support Parrikar on the decision to cancel as many holidays as
possible for civil servants. They are forever on holiday. Please do
not mix up the "Holidays" issue with the Communal VCD issue.  I ask
you, would you trust a group of  avowed WHITE supremacists burning a
cross in your yard?

re 4: What about you?  Are you a paid BJP agent?  And Is your vaccuous
nonsense  something anyone will pay for?

re 5: holding you in check!


Re: [Goanet] J Colacos suggestions and Bhandare's response (to Barad)

2007-11-20 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Bhandare (On 04/11/2007) : We goans need to solve our problems and not
let outsiders fish in troubled waters..

JC: We may wish to ask ourselves: The outsiders never fished like this
before 1961. Why are they able to fish now? What besides the departure
of the Portuguese happened after 1961?

Barad: Is JC trying to project that Portuguese were insiders?
Surprised!! Have they as outsiders not "Fished and Troubled Goa"
during their rule. Have they not "Fished You" from your originality
and converted you to Christian! Should we not call those conversion
attempts "Dirty Fishing"!

jc's response:


May I suggest that those (like the Dr. Barad) who seek to respond to
my posts, please read the posts in context?

I do accept that English is a difficult language - for some, more than
others. Even so, please let us engage our brains before we open our
mouths (figuratively).

NOW, please ascertain WHICH "outsiders" Bhandare and Rajan Parrikar
have been writing (and Rajan posting photographs) about. YES, once
again - please refer to context.

MY position (and I repeat for the sound byte wallas): After 1961,
legally - there is NO such thing as an Indian citizen bhaillo or
bhaillem in Goa. ALL Indian citizens have as much land rights in Goa
as do any Goans. They can buy the land, sell the land and do whatever
they wish to do with that land within the legal parameters set out by
the various zoning restrictions. YES - money will talk!

These alleged "bhailles" could not do this for 400+ years before 1961
- could they?

Is the (immediately) above statement that difficult to comprehend? or
do we need to express our innate need to go on a weird tangent every
single time?

BTW, as far as my 'originality and conversion to Christianity': I
really do not know what form of religion or atheism my
fore-fore-forebears followed. They possibly worshiped some Kunbi or
Gavdi God or a Coconut tree, only to converted to the Brahman
dominated Casteism by the Aryans who came down from up north; then
re-converted to Buddhism during Ashoka's time, only to be reconverted
to Hinduism, Islam during the various bloody battles that Hindu and
Muslim rulers fought over what was then Goa  to be followed by the
Christian conversion.

I do not believe that ANY of the above conversions were voluntary.

I strongly believe that every single conversion was involuntary.

Dr. Barad is right. Every single 'conversion' that Goans have had
imposed upon them has been 'dirty'. Every single imposed one - and
that includes Brahmanism/Casteism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

I can tell you this though - my personal continuance as a Catholic is
absolutely voluntary.


Re: [Goanet] DEVANAGARI LOBBY, KONKNNI in Roman Script and the attack on Miguelbab

2007-11-18 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Sebastian Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mogall Miguel bab,
 I reckon you are suffering from chronic  jaundice.  The reasons for
this "diagnosis" etc etc

jc's response:

Dear all,

Three quick points:

1:  One does NOT suffer from jaundice
2:  Jaundice is not really a diagnosis
3:  Interesting that Sebastian Borges should first address Miguelbab
as "Mogall" and then proceed to attack him in the manner he did.
Anyone remember the Kiss of Judas?

One who believes that Miguelbab almost always makes a whole lot of sense

Re: [Goanet] Selma 's sensationalism (RKN)

2007-11-18 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 18/11/2007, Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I guess your'e just jealous of the "good life" the ancient Nairs had,
Dr JC! :-)

jc's response:

You call that "good life" ?

I do not believe that anyone can truly have a 'good life'  by abusing
and demeaning another.

Perhaps RKN believes otherwise.

Thank you GMail for storing the MANY episodes of conversation between
jc and rkn which do not mention the awful Nair suppression of "lower
caste" women in Kerala.

Re: [Goanet] Selma 's sensationalism (RKN)

2007-11-17 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 16/11/2007, Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dr JC  as usual,. can never  engage in a converstion with me,
either public or private, without raking up some "Nair history" and
assorted humbug.

jc's response:

1: Thank you GMail for storing the MANY episodes of conversation
between jc and rkn which do not mention the awful Nair suppression of
"lower caste" women in Kerala.

2: I can understand RKN's confusion or selective memory. For quite
some time, RKN thought that JC was Bernado Colaco!  Ew!

3:  But let us not worry about JC  I ask...Is it OK for RKN to
refer to the past when discussing the present (wrt Westerm Toilet
habits) but not OK for C to remind RKN about the ridiculous nature of
his comparing by refering to the Mair oppression of "lower caste
women" ?


Re: [Goanet] Observations about a Keri chaa and biscuti at the local gaado (Jeevan)

2007-11-16 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>

* GOANET  C * O * M * M * U * N * I * T * Y  E * V * E * N * T *

  Xavier Center of Historical Research  presents  HISTORY HOUR

   TOPIC:  Waste Wise - An Interactive Awareness Presentation
on Waste Management in Goa

  SPEAKER:  Clinton Vaz - November 16, 2007 - 5:30pm

  VISIT: http://tinyurl.com/222757

On 15/11/2007, Jeevan R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mr. Colaco:  You need to wake up to the reality, which is that Konkani
is not the
ONLY communication, business language of Goans. etc etc

Mr. Jeevan,

May I suggest that you please read my post in context of all the
'anti-bhaille' posts that the usual BJP-sycophants have been posting
on GoaNet?

I repeat my oft stated point: As of Dec 1961, ALL citizens of India
have EVERY right to be in Goa.

 If (as Rajan Parrikar states) the Goa that he knew will disappear -
as a result - So be it.  IF there are no toilet facilities for these
people - they will use the facilities provided them by nature. There
is zero point in trying to gross us out with pictures of some
'bhaillo' defecating somewhere. BTW: WHY are we invading his privacy
when he was probably in deep thought? (:-)

I understand the concern about the wanton destruction of the
environment - I do not however support the notion  'Goa is for Goans
only' . Not only is that immoral, it is also illegal.

Sometimes, it helps to engage one's brain before one opens one's mouth.

also a fluent Marathi speaker, if I may say so nyself !

Re: [Goanet] JC 's Observations about Keri chaa and biscuti (pravin)

2007-11-16 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>

* GOANET  C * O * M * M * U * N * I * T * Y  E * V * E * N * T *

  Xavier Center of Historical Research  presents  HISTORY HOUR

   TOPIC:  Waste Wise - An Interactive Awareness Presentation
on Waste Management in Goa

  SPEAKER:  Clinton Vaz - November 16, 2007 - 5:30pm

  VISIT: http://tinyurl.com/222757

re my comment:  You said that " IF I were visiting this area and saw a
shop with ONLY Marathi and NO Konkani notices, I would think that the
place is run by some "bhaillo" from Maharashtra'

Pravin Sabnis asked [1]: all shops with notices in English are run by
'baillos" from England?
and all shops with notices in Portugese are run by 'baillos" from Portugal?

jc's response[1]:   Pravinbaba,  I do not know about "baillos" - the
word 'baillo' (women) does not have a plural form.

BUT ...I'd say ...YES.  If there are shops in Goa 2007 with notices
ONLY in Portuguese or English, those shops are run by some bhailles.

Pravin Sabnis also asked:[2] " some of us who also write in "konkani
in the Romi lipi" are from Rome?

jc's response[2]: Yes, it is possible that there are some of us who
are from Rome.


Re: [Goanet] BJP ZEALOTS with catholic names on GOANET (edward)

2007-11-16 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>

* GOANET  C * O * M * M * U * N * I * T * Y  E * V * E * N * T *

  Xavier Center of Historical Research  presents  HISTORY HOUR

   TOPIC:  Waste Wise - An Interactive Awareness Presentation
on Waste Management in Goa

  SPEAKER:  Clinton Vaz - November 16, 2007 - 5:30pm

  VISIT: http://tinyurl.com/222757

re:  "I say whoever is ruling...power goes into their heads...look how
Digamber Kamat is lying...he is not aware of hill cutting he said...I
guess congress or BJP, all when in power speak the same language...Ask
the organisers of IFFI ---"
edward desilva wrote :  What is most appalling is that there is no
organised body or commission 'to question' the knowledge or lack of it
and the actions the ministers take regarding their power as ministers.
They very much do whatever they please.

Dear Edward,

This may not be entirely accurate. It is true that under the principle
of the 'separation of powers', the courts are cautious not to
interfere with the actions of the 'executive'. However, if the actions
of the authorities are illegal, irrational or (Wednesdaybury)
unreasonable, the courts may rule against the executive in an action
brought under Judicial Review. Please see Delhi Development Authority
v M/S UEE Electricals Engg.P.Ltd 2004 (3) SCALE 565


Re: [Goanet] Frederick's response to Selma and RKN's comparisons.

2007-11-15 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>

* GOANET  C * O * M * M * U * N * I * T * Y  E * V * E * N * T *

  Xavier Center of Historical Research  presents  HISTORY HOUR

   TOPIC:  Waste Wise - An Interactive Awareness Presentation
on Waste Management in Goa

  SPEAKER:  Clinton Vaz - November 16, 2007 - 5:30pm

  VISIT: http://tinyurl.com/222757

   Frederick to Selma: What you're used to in the West would probably not be
attained even in our dreams here.

Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote thus in response:

1: Fred. Since when have the Westerners become so  conscious of hygiene?
2: In the 18th and 19th centuries American farms  were malodorous pigsties.
3: But then it's always easy to poke fun at the poor and the defenceless
-- as if they are doing it for fun and not because they're being exploited
  and left to their own devices without even basic amenities.

jc's comment:

Was Frederick talking about the 18 and 19th century when he wrote to
Selma, or was he writing about the present?

It is just like saying that nudity in public in the year 2007 is OK
because the Nairs expected the 'the poor and the defenceless' "lower
caste" women (in kerala) to expose their bosoms to Nair men until the
turn of the 20th century?  It is also like saying that because the
Nairs in Kerala practised Kettukalyanam or Sambandham (mock and casual
marriage respectively) until the mid 20th century, it is OK to do it
in 2007.

How about being time relevant for a change?

I agree that the poor are often times left 'to their own devices
without even basic amenities' BUT who is exploiting them in a manner
which forces them to come to Goa?

Rajan Parrikar has made some good points on this matter. Besides, HOW
would RKN react if twenty plus of the 'the poor and the defenceless'
came into his yard and decided to 'use their own devices'?

Unless, RKN believes that Goa is one big toilet.

I'd say this to him: Not yet my friend, Not yet.

And WHO do Goans thank for this singularly brilliant development of
their homeland?


Re: [Goanet] Truthful reproduction of fiction does not make it the truth

2007-11-15 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 11/11/2007, Vinay Natekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I doubt
whether  there will be any case against him for serving the bhang in a
private party.

jc comment: I wonder what the Indian  Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Act, 1985 as amended in December 1988 has to say about the
above statement.


[Goanet] Observations about a Keri chaa and biscuti at the local gaado

2007-11-15 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 14/11/2007, Rajan P. Parrikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 A refueling stop for chaa and biscuti at the local gaado -


Dear all,

I had a close look at NOTICE BOARD on this alleged "chaa and biscuti" gaado

Is this Gaado in Goa?

My observation:  and NOT a word in Konkani ?!!!

It says in Marathi - "dar Ravivari dukan bundh rahil"
(The shop will be shut on sundays)

So ...WHAT is this bit about "Chaa and Biscuti"

Would some one point out these two items i.e. Chaa and Biscuti on the
"dar patrak"  i.e Fare Card?

What's up guys are you in the "wool business"  - pulling wool over eyes?

IF I were visiting this area and saw a shop with ONLY Marathi and NO
Konkani notices, I would think that the place is run by some "bhaillo"
from Maharashtra.

So ...what is the difference between a Maharastrian and a Bhaiyya 'bhaillo'?

OK I understands this chap votes in the right direction.


Re: [Goanet] Rajan Parrikar's "Don't Worry" advice - Hummmh!

2007-11-14 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 14/11/2007, Rajan P. Parrikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I once again call on the GBA and other like minded organizations to
come out against this anti-Goan government and demand its dismissal.
Start out by opposing IFFI with a call for a mass morcha on the
inaugural day.

Whether BJP or Manohar Parrikar benefits from this ought not to be
part of GBA's calculation.

jc's response:

What is Rajan Parrikar advising Goans - To leave their work, put
themselves at physical risk and protest against IFFI which was dumped
on Goa and Goans by the BJP?

He further advises Goans NOT to worry if the resultant chaos benefits
the same BJP which brought the IFFI to Goa in the first place?


jc's advice to GBA and Goans - Please look carefully at the nearest
chess board. Try identify the little pieces which are placed in front

If you did not know yet - please allow me to remind you. They are
called 'pawns'.

They are usually sacrificed i.e used and dumped.


[Goanet] Sharon reminds Vinay of BJP's days

2007-11-13 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Sharon Wilma D Souza wrote the following:

The BJP and Manohar Parrikar cannot deny the following:-

(1) The BJP came to power in Goa by back stabbing the MGP, and its supporters
(2) The BJP lured Dr Willy and then stabbed him at the best given opportunity
(3) The BJP lured Sardinha and then stabbed him at the best given opportunity
(4) Manohar Parrikar allegedly threatened the media when his dark
deeds were exposed
(5) Manohar Parrikar allegedly made crores of rupees through IFFI, the
Kala Academy is an example
(6) The BJP assulted a freedom fighter Shushrut Martins
(7) The BJP fabricated cases against Luzinho Faleiro for EDC scams
(8) The BJP zealots trespassed into the Bishops palace, and Manohar
Parrikar was the CM
(9) The BJP tried to remove the public holidays for Good friday and St
Xavier's feast
(10)The BJP tried to protect Narvenkar in the ticket gate scandal as
their staunch suporters were also involved in the scam
(11) The BJP defaced public property at Fontainhas
(12) The BJP tried to promote marathi
(13) The BJP national leaders holidayed in Goa at the cost of innocent
tax payers
(14) The BJP attacked Casa Portuguesa
(15) Digamber Kamat the then BJP no 2, turned Margao into a communial
paradise and also promoted Ghantis
(16) The BJP forged the signature of Neri
(17) Manohar Parrikar also recently tried to dethrone the Congress
government after it gained majority
(18) The BJP leaders in the north ran drug cartels specially at
Paradiso de Goa, through Nandan Kudchadkar
(19) The BJP leaders fuelled Goa's first communial riots at Curchorem
(20) The BJP circulated a fake CD which tried to show christaos in bad
light and promoted RSS and VHP zealots

20a Manohar Parrikar and his gang should go and drown themselves with
a lot of sea water from the Mandovi river.


jc's response:

re #1-3: I disagree with this interpretation. One cannot blame the BJP
if Dr. Willy and Sardinha fell for the BJP con. Besides, as Dr. Willy,
Sardinha and in fact Parrikar were told (by the electorate): "he who
climbs to the kodel by way of coups...is eventually pushed off
courtesy a coup. Just ask Salazar, Franco, Mussolini, Hitler and Zia
ul Haq. As far as the MGP is concerned, I'd say that MGP=BJP.

re #4,5,10,14 & 15: If there is proof of this, may be Aires Rodrigues
will organise a PIL or demand a public inquiry to determine the truth.
Perhaps, Dr. Wifred Mesquita will go on a day's fast at whichever

re #6: This is NOT true. What is certainly true is that Dr Shushrut
Martins (and Dr. Francisco Colaco) were given a very "kind" warning
NOT to Mess with things.

re #7: While this may be true or false - I wonder how the sudden
increase in personal wealth can be explained.

re #8,9, 11 & 13: True from all available evidence.

re # 12: Nothing wrong with promoting Marathi. What was and still is
wrong was/is trying to suppress the Konkani spoken by Goans. BTW: the
BJP/MGP folks are nOT the only ones who suppressed the Konkani that
Goans spoke and speak. There are other folks including some Catholic
priests and ex-priests who are helping the suppression!

re #16 & 17: That certainly appears to be the case.

re #18 & 19: I am not so certain about this. IF this is true, then Goa
is done for good.

re #20: That is the saddest event (IMHO) in post 1961 Goa. It is my
personal belief (and somebody please tell me I am wrong ) but the
idealogical zealots had decided that the time was right to totally
wipe out the Catholic Church from Goa. They had worked hard on
masalafied facts as "talking points" i.e. St. Francis Xavier,
Inquisition, Forced Conversions, Sonia Gandhi ...a Roman (Rome is the
capital of Italy), Roman Catholic Goans, Mother Teresa, Why don't you
have your Swadeshi Catholic Church?, They had brought in
'deputationists' from all over and filled up posts which Goans could
have easily filled, Many educated Catholics left Goa ...and the
Catholic community became identified with Churchills et al i.e. ALL
Catholics are like Churchil (unless like Aires, Matanhy and Mesquita
they support the BJP).

This was accompanied by the Language struggle and the Script battle
...after the Statehood and META troubles (to use an euphemism).

Catholics were softened up ..."Now, let's put the coup de grace on
them"  with this horrible communal VideoCD...one final step towards
converting Goa into the Kashi of the West!

Mercifully ... one change took place a few kilometers (:-) north of
Goa i.e. Sonia Gandhi was able to beat the Advani and Vajpayee crew.
That singular event, I submit, took all the 'phunk' from the Goa
communalists. No wonder they have a thing for Sonia.

re 20a: I would never say that. Tch Tch Tch.

Manohar Parrikar is our brother Goan. Sure, he has tried to do the
unimaginable to some among us (albeit with a smile). He is still our
brother Goan. I suggest that we never wish ill on a brother Goan -
whatever his faults and whatever his acts of commission against us.

BTW: He is one of the most capable Goans at the

Re: [Goanet] waiting for change - a response to Bhandare's post

2007-11-13 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
re: What exactly can anybody do to stop (say for example) the entire
population of Bihar from migrating to Goa?

On 13/11/2007, Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Jose:

[1]  Your arguments seem to be centred around your oft repeated
statement that ever since goa became a part of india in 1961 we are
powerless to prevent mass  migration from other parts of india into

If i may use an anlogy, the US of A too has regions which have
economic disparity. no US citizen needs any special permit to migrate
into any other state. Does that mean that thousands of poor people
from say alabama or arkansas or texas can merely squat on any
NYC street? can they merrily shit and pee wherever they feel like ?
can they operate businesses with impunity from any sidewalk?

[2] Who is stopping CCP in panaji from strictly enforcing laws?
general candeth? bhau? tai? nehru? more likely its babush , a niz
goenkaar...or maybe even parrikar...

we can do the following:

[3] refuse to be blinkered in our vision and vote in people who are
relatively more honest than the others..

[4] refuse to let outsiders tell us who is communal and who is
secular..more often than not these purveyors of falsehoods have their
own twisted agenda

jc's response:

Dear Bhandare,

re #1: Interesting that you should bring up the USA which strongly
respects the individual property rights i.e. No Mundkar Act.

In the US - try staying in an apartment a day after your lease is up,
and see what happens
In India - try getting a tenant out 10 years after his lease is up.

In the US - try putting a tent on someone else's field.
In India - try getting him out (especially if he bribes a Sarpanch and
gets a certificate that he was there for 1 year)

re #2: I do not know the answer to that question. A few years ago,
some anarchists went on a rampage in Fontainhas in Panjim. Manohar
Parrikar played Pontius Pilate and did nothing. As I believe Manohar
Parrikar is an efficient man and even he stayed silent. From that I
deduce that nothing can be done.

re #3 and #4: Please see answers to #1 and #2 supra

good wishes


Here is an article which I found interesting

Re: [Goanet] VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests (Vidyaghar) 2

2007-11-13 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
[ "VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests in Maharashtra" ]

Vidyadhar Gadgil wrote:

1:  I am not aware that this was a reposting,
2: The article doesn't say there were 25 priests; it mentions only one
priest, Fr. Victor Pareira.
3: Well, I post articles etc. that interest me and that I feel may be
of interest to other goanetters (note that the article above is from
CNN/IBN, not written by me).
4: Any view is necessarily 'biased'
5: ''objectivity' is a myth,
6: I am sure jc is not himself claiming to be 'objective' and 'unbiased'.
7: Question everything -- Karl Marx

jc's comment:

re 1: A posting of an article which has already been posted elsewhere
(in this case by IBN) is a reposting.

re 2: You prove my point. There was ONLY one priest mentioned in the
article. But do look at the sensationalistic headline you circulated.

re 3: and so do Rajan and Bhandare

re 4: I disagree that ANY view is necessarily biased.

re 5: I disagree

re 6: I am - you are invited to prove where I am NOT objective, and on
what basis you say so

re 7: What is the point of Marx and Marxists admonishing us to
"Question everything" when the Marxists never provided answers? The
Commies have a reputation of being intolerant of others questioning

just my view


Re: [Goanet] VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests (Vidyaghar)

2007-11-12 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 12/11/2007, Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted the following:
VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests in Maharashtra
Kanhaiya Singh / CNN-IBN

Mumbai: With broken ribs and a fractured leg, Father Victor Pareira is
just one of the 25 victims, who were brutally beaten up allegedly by
members of Vanvasi Kalyan Parishad, an oraganisation affiliated to the

The injured priest had to travel over 30 kilometers to meet the
Director General of Police to demand justice as the local police
station failed to act on his complaint.

... a charge the VHP leaders deny "It was done by the village sarpanch
(head) and the people. VHP has nothing to do with it," VHP Secretary
Arun Handa said.

jc's comment:

I fail to fathom Vidyaghar's primary purpose of reposting the above
quoted item - that too, without even bothering to analyse the story.

I do not believe that there were 25 priests in one village in
Maharashtra at one time - unless they were there for a convention.

Without prejudice, I ask ... Why were these 25 individuals there?

Were they trespassing on anybody's land?

What were the antecedants to this incident?

This is NOT to say that the VHP is known for their peace or for
accepting responsibility for the actions of those who are affiliated
to it.

It is absolutely wrong for anyone to take law into his/her own hands.
It is equally daft for someone to show up at a strange place and not
expect trouble.

IMHO many of Vidyaghar's postings on GoaNet are as unreasonably and
unnecessarily biased as Bhandare and Rajan's.


Vidyaghar:  Question everything -- Karl Marx
JC: and yet, the Marxists are NOT very well known for providing true
answers - IF at all!

Re: [Goanet] Waiting for change in Goa

2007-11-12 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: One fellow writes pompously that things don't
remain static, that we have to accept change. This is a hackneyed

Mervyn Lobo responded thus to Rajan:

1:  You are clearly afraid to debate anyone of Goanet. In fact, you
are scared enough not to mention the person you are referring to.
Given this condition of yours, I wonder how on earth you are going to
challenge those that you disagree with.

2: The Indian Govt is also paying for the maintenance of historical
buildings in Goa. The situation in Goa today is the way it is because
of the GOAN politicians GOANS have elected.

== jc's response

My dear Mervyn,

I doubt that Rajan is afraid of debating anyone ON GoaNet. My view is
that he does not care to do so. Individuals who know that they alone
are right, do not need to debate. They make pronouncements. After that
it is "My Way or Highway".

Having said that, let me hasten to say this ...I believe that Rajan
Parrikar is quite right in many of his statements. It's his solutions
that (I believe) are out of whack.

Rajan Parrikar has written that the Chougulos (oops Chowgules) are
involved in the Paithona environmental destruction. Are these the same
Chowgules to whom Ashok Chowgule belongs? Yes ...Ashok Chowgule who
heads the Mumbai chapter of the VHP (cousin of BJP) and
ex-prominent Goanetter who spouted the same "talking points" one
sometimes reads from Rajan and Bhandare?

And what, if I may ask,  will happen to this project IF the BJP take
over in Goa?

It appears that Rajan's heart is in the right place, but not his head
- unless the primary or collateral intent is to encourage the Goan
populace to "bring down THIS government" so that a BJP led coalition
can take over in Goa!

Be cautious Goans for what you wish your wishes may actually be
fulfilled. Please engage your brains before you carry yourselves (as
mesmerized pawns to do the bidding for others) on to the roads.

Mervyn, I also suggest that you may be ONLY partially correct about # 2 (above)

Please advise us wrt following:

Accepting that some politicians are using these slums et al as voting
banks, What exactly can anybody do to stop (say for example) the
entire population of Bihar from migrating to Goa?

I invite you to visit the city centre in Margao and Dharavi 2 in Zuari
nagar. Ask yourself - How did this debacle happen? Is there any method
of preventing it from wosening?

I submit that it is impossible for Goan to be legally able to
withstand the inevitable.

just my view

BTW: re "Waiting for change in Goa" .Change of what? ...Government? !!

Re: [Goanet] Goa 2007 and the views of Rajan and Selma

2007-11-11 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Rajan Parrikar:

1: We have turned the better things in our colonial legacy to sh*t.
2: I grew up in the epsilon-neighborhood of Miramar.  I don't go there
anymore because it is painful to see what has become of it now. I
would rather retain the old memories.
3: Goa ... was the last pocket of the civilized life left in India.

Selma Carvalho:

4: The man publicly defecating. I was revolted. I feel like I'm going
to throw up.
5: suddenly I understand Rajan's anger, which I've been calling
xenophobia for sometime now.
6: This is the indignity that Goans now have to live with
7: while we tell ourselves that everyone and anyone can make Goa their
home because afterall in 1961, we became part of India.


Dear Selma and Rajan,

What you have written is absolutely true. It is what yours truly has
been writing on GoaNet for over 12 years. He was summarily dismissed
as one who was a mere nostalgic Lusophile.

I suggest however that it is too late to turn anything around. All the
horses have left the stable and become part of Steak Tartar.

For political purposes, Goans were divided into religious groups. The
MG party (now BJP and Congress) played a lead role in this divisive
process. Next came the move by the MGP to try merge Goa into
Maharashtra. The MGP brought in 'deputationists' to fill posts which
Goans could have easily filled. The Congress Party (in Delhi) kept
Union Territory till the United Goans Party dismantled and became the
Congress Party. When the Congress Party (read United Goans Party)
became the governing party, the MG chaps (like Rane, Mesquita,
Narvenkar) jumped ship and became 'loyal Congressmen' and took control
of the party. When it was politically convenient, they supported
(albeit from ouside) the Parrikar BJP govt. We even had Wilfred
Mesquita (an MG from as long as I can remember - and then a convenient
Congressman), being nominated as a BJP candidate for elections - with
the mistaken belief (on the part of the BJP) that Catholics will vote
for Mesquita merely because he was a Catholic.

While all this foolishness was going on (i.e. while Goans were kept
busy with the language struggle and the divisive script battle)
non-Goans came and did as they pleased. To them this was a Vacuum that
could be filled without resistance. And it was.

The 'coup the grace' was the factually flawed and heavily communal
Parrikar VideoCD. (I am sorry Remo but you are wrong when you stated
on TV that the facts in the VideoCD were accurate.)  Ask yourself this
very simple question - WHAT exactly was the purpose of the VideoCD?

I submit that the BJP in Delhi and in Goa thought that the time was
right to fully destabilize Goan Catholics in Goa and finally uproot
Catholicism from Goa and. "make Goa the Kashi of the West"!

And now ...with relationships among Goans seriously fractured in
multiple sites, we are wondering what happened?

Learn to accept this: Goa was divided and it fell. It is now on the
auction block. To the highest bidder. There is nothing Goans will be
able to do about it besides rant and rave on cyberlists.

Pointless now blaming:

* the alleged and real Freedom Fighters for NOT planning for a proper
take over of governance after the Portuguese exit in 1961
* the MG Party for allowing a neighbouring state to have such a strong
say in Goa
* the party aka the Congress Party for participating in this confusao
* the BJP for trying their best to attack Goan Catholicism while
pretending to be the friend of Goa Catholics.
* the Newspapers (owned by vested interests) for telling Goans that
"all was brilliant".
* the Goan populace for falling from this swing

Instead, I suggest that Goans must educate themselves, work hard and
earn a decent living ...anywhere they are able to.

just my view


Re: [Goanet] "Goa - Only for Non-Goans"

2007-11-10 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
 Taking the debate further, can we blame the mundkar  laws in Goa for
Goans not wanting to rent out to fellow Goans?

On 10/11/2007, Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For once I agree with FN :-), as I have already mentioned in my post
on this topic.

If we are continually creating inequality in our society by the
absurdity of our laws and actions, then we cannot suddenly expect an
equal and just society.

How many times have flats been rented, never to be seen again. Even
the so-called 11 month contract is hardly enforceable in the state of
lawlessness that currently abounds.

== jc's response

I remember the story which my friend Gajanan Sardessai (ex AIR) told
me. He had allowed a chap from Kerala to stay in one room of his house
for a few months so that he could settle in Goa and find his own
place.  That was some years ago. Wonder if Sunanda ever managed to get
the chap out.

I submit that this has nothing to do with the mundkar act.

In the Mundkar Act (thank you Tai ...Thank you for nothing) land
titles were taken away from owners and handed over (a la Zimbabwe and
Cuba) to those who worked on the land BUT only after the MINES were
excluded from this provision.

Interesting stuff from the MGP (now BJP/Congress)

And we are wondering why all this is happening now?

Here are some questions to think about:

1: WHO owns the title to Dabolim Airport?
2: Who owns the title to the former Goa Medical College Hospital in Panjim
3: Who owns the title to the Old Goa churches and Mangeshi/Shantadurga temples?
4: Are the persons making decisions on the above properties - holders
of the title?
5: Why was the Communidade system dismantled by Gen Candeth?

I'd say this: Once we twist the laws to suit our political convenience
- we should not be too upset at the chaos which follows.

Chaps in certain 'western' places are finding that out ...and acting surprised!

just my view


Re: [Goanet] J Colacos suggestions in response to Bhandare's (to RKN)

2007-11-06 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
in response to this from me: re 1: We may wish to ask ourselves: The
outsiders never fished like this before 1961. Why are they able to
fish now? What besides the departure of the Portuguese happened after

On 06/11/2007, Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ha, ha, ha! The Portuguese were insiders and the non-Goan Indians are
outsiders! Great logic!!

jc's response to RKN

I understand that we are in the sound byte and attention deficit era.
However, I suggest that we read carefully and refer to context before
we let go of our proverbial Ha ha ha! one liners.

I believe that Bhandare is making very valid points i.e. that
"outsiders" are "fishing" in Goa. I happen to disagree that as of  Dec
1961 there are (by law) any Indian outsiders in Goa. Sure, there are
understandable concerns as expressed by Bhandare and Rajan Parrikar
that Goa's uniqueness is being chaotically dismantled by these alleged
outsiders but that is neither here nor there. As fellow Indians these
alleged outsiders have the right to dismantle what is theirs. That
should explain why Kashmir negotiated Art 370 - something Goans did
not have the opportunity to do. In fact, by decree, the Military
Administrator of Goa i.e. Lt Gen Candeth effectively dismantled the
Goan communidades. The confusion wrt transfer land titles went further
with the 'Tai' Mundkar Act after the MINES were excluded from this
process, of course.

Goans who set by silently and supported the MGP during the latter
event may wish to consider whether they have not been part of the
problem with land swiping that has taken place over the past 40 years.
I submit that once Govt (or individual) messes with Registered Land
Titles, there can be nothing but chaos. Please vide Cuba or Zimbabwe.
(perhaps RKN will tell us what, if anything, the Commies did in Kerala
with Registered Land Titles)

And yes, by international law (accepted by India by virtue of opening
a diplomatic mission in Goa), Indians were in fact outsiders in Goa
pre-December 1961 (at least pre1955). So were the Chinese in Tibet,
the Iraqis in Kuwait and so are the Indonesians in East Timor etc etc

just my view


Re: [Goanet] J Colacos suggestions and Bhandare's response

2007-11-05 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 04/11/2007, Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1:  For once I have to agree with Jose wrt to the paraphrasing of the
tele talk regarding advice to Parrikar by a goan academic. We goans
need to solve our problems and not let outsiders fish in troubled

2: I am glad that dr colaco has accepted that parrikar is the best
person to lead goa as of now

3: i am sure parrikar himself accepts that the vcd fiasco  the
responsibility to make amends is his...

4: i have always maintained that the solutions to goa's problems must
come from goans,both in goa as well in the diaspora...we do need
haskars and puniyanis to teach us what secularism is...after all
hindus and christaons have lived together for hundreds of years..

5: the christians should also accept that all BJP is not bad...true,
there are  a few hard core elements but once more and more mainstream
goans of all castes and communities start supporting BJP then the
influence of these elements would decrease...

6: people like mathany saldhana and aires rodrigues are not immature
people they have been in the thick and thin of politics and if they
can support the BJP why cant others do it too?

jc's response to Bhandare,

First of all, please allow me to thank Bhandare for a gracious
response. He has made some excellent points. Let me see if this
dialogue can move a step further. My responses to each of the above
Bhandare points follow.

re 1: We may wish to ask ourselves: The outsiders never fished like
this before 1961. Why are they able to fish now? What besides the
departure of the Portuguese happened after 1961? Please see

re 2: I did include the word "perhaps" for a reason. It cannot be the
same Parrikar we have seen in action thus far with : the multiple
coups and deals to gain control of power, the curious muzzling of the
press, the Francisco Colaco and Floriano Lobo episodes, the VCD for
sure, the expenditure on the flurry of BJP bigwigs who used Goa as
their holiday spots (who paid for these junkets?) etc.  If we learn
from history, we will learn that many efficient leaders are also
unfortunately very intolerant of opposing views and dictatorial in
their actions e.g. Salazar

re 3: It remains to be seen IF and when Parrikar will make real amends
for the disgraceful VideoCD affront to the sensibilities of Goan

re 4 & 5: Please see footnote

re 6: Are you serious? !  You expect Goan Catholics to take the lead
in this matter from Aires and Matanhy?


footnote:  an excerpt from http://www.colaco.net/1/TGFCommunalRiots.htm

"The word on the street is that "Goans are divided 'bhojjes' who keep
on re-electing corrupt politicians on the basis of a little election
time chicken biryani with beer, and a truckload of 'pokke' promises".
Goa is in for the taking.  All one has to do is "pay off the
politicians and stroke a few communal flames".

"The Hindus will take care of the Catholics - all they have to do is
say a few anti-Portuguese things (can be made up and even carried in
the Press. The media chaps will spread these bogus stories all over
the place),  bring up the Inquisition (not Sati) and write a few
glorious stories about Freedom Fighters (doesn't matter if the chaps
were no better than goons  caught in the act by Goan Police in
Portuguese uniform)."

"After the Goan Catholics are done in by the Goan Hindus, we only have
the Goan Hindus to outmuscle.  Goan Muslims are few and far between

Re: [Goanet] Info. required..URGENT PLEASE

2007-11-05 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Dear Mrs. Fernandes

Please contact Mr. Cecil Pinto.

His email address is attached in cc

I have utilised his services several times - I can only recommend him
very highly

good wishes


On 05/11/2007, W.F. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>   Can anyone advise how to send flowers and sweets from Dubai to 
> Goaespecially for Diwali and Christmas or by online
>   Jenny Flowers is a bit expensive..I think so...
>   Thanks,
>   Mrs. Fernandes
>   Dubai
>   __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [Goanet] Why did Willy Lose ?

2007-11-04 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Carmo DCruz wrote to ? Manohar Parrikar thus:

Hi Manohar,

I am wondering why Wilfred Mesquitta lost the Election.

... considering that my mom's Seeda Sada "Holier Than Thou" cousin Dr
Jose Colaco in the Bahamas considers him a good friend.

jc's response:

Please allow me to say upfront that Dr. Wilfred Misquitta is my friend
- He was my friend even though he was a major MGP supporter (i.e.
wanted Goa's merger with Maharashtra), and he will always be my friend
because he and his family are good people.  As to why he lost: Let me
guess  He (i.e. the BJP) received significantly less votes than
the other side.

Now ...this other bit is getting curiouser by the year ...

Last year, I was supposed to be Xri Carmo's cousin
This year, I am Carmo's mother's cousin
Please let me accept now that I am henceforth Carmo's grandfather's
cousin or uncle or whatever.! There you are that is progress.


Re: [Goanet] Kudos to Floriano - a response to Vidyadhar

2007-11-04 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 03/11/2007, Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[I have never cast doubt on Rajan Parrikar's abilities and skills nor
his commitment to improve Goa, in fact, I have appreciated both in the
past. What I have questioned are his politics, and the chauvinistic
and communal ideas he spouts, which can only lead to disaster. The
distinction between the two ...

I have seen the photos at
http://www.parrikar.org/images/deathofgoa/index.html as well as the
various photos to which he has posted links from time to time, and
been quite impressed.

If only he were to abandon his communal and chauvinistic posturing...]

jc's comment:

Vidyadhar has taken the 'words out of my mouth'. I agree with the
above absolutely.

In fact - there is some degree of commonality (and perhaps
communality) among the two Parrikars i.e. Rajan and his namesake in
politics i.e. Manohar; and that is a shame for both appear to be such
excellent, capable, qualified and determined individuals.

I'd say this from my perspective (from afar)

1. At the moment, there appears to be NO better politician to lead Goa
out of the present chaos than Manohar Parrikar. Unfortunately he is
burdened by the crosses (!) and possible prejudices he carries
courtesy some real and some selectively spun ghosts from the near and
distant past.

2. He is also in the real dilemma of being the master who is also the
servant of other masters from afar.

How could Manohar Parrikar effectively turn this around? Here are some

a: Accept the the responsibility and blame (inter alia) for the
communal VideoCD and the muzzling of the press and political
opponents.(eg The Dr. Francisco Colaco and Floriano Lobo incidents)
and promise NO repeat.
b: Find 23 untainted good, hardworking, honest and self sufficient men
and women and form a Goan party of Hindus, Catholics, Muslims and
c: Permanently cut the umbilical cord from the source which is
jaundiced with communalism.
d: Wipe the mental slate clear of all communal cobwebs.

The 1 rupee question is not whether Mr. Manohar Parrikar can do it
but whether he is willing to do it.

If he were - then, I submit that Rajan Parrikar's "death of Goa" can
be prevented.

just my view

ps: The Parrikars may wish to remember the advice given to the
political Parrikar by a Goan academic from Texas i.e. All of us Goan
Hindus, Goan Catholics and Goan Muslims are Goans. IF we do not put
aside our religious differences and look after each other, Goa and
Goans will be over-run by non-Goans. Barring exceptions, these
non-Goans will NOT have the same love for Goa as Goans. In a short
while, we will have no Goa as we knew it"
[paraphrased from a tel conversation (2004) ]

[Goanet] In support of Dr Wilfred Mesquita's call for a hunger strike ton Nov 4

2007-11-03 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Mesquita to go on hunger strike tomorrow
MARGAO, Nov 2: BJP candidate Dr Wilfred Mesquita has informed that he
would go on a day's hunger strike at the Lohia Maidan on November 4 to
atone for the sins of the enemies of Mother Goa, who have supported
the Special Economic Zone. He asked all the people to join the
movement to save Goa. [H]

jc's response:

I second the call by Dr Wilfred Mesquita to go on a day's hunger
strike to 'atone for the sins of the enemies of Mother Goa' i.e.

1. Those who have supported/support the Special Economic Zone
2. Those who wanted/want to merge Goa with another State
3. Those who worked/work against the Konkani spoken and written by Goans
4. Those who consistently disrupt governance in Goa by bringing down Governments
5. Those in power who do not pay their bills (be it at restaurants et
al services)
6. Those who migrate from one political platform to another as a
matter of 'principle' and 'interest'.
7. Those who bribe and then complain of corruption.

BTW: Please Eat before you start the day's fast. No food will be
allowed until "Night becomes".  'Liquid Refreshments' will be served
all day long. Stocks (left over from campaign) limited. Please come

PN: ONLY those who do NOT have to WORK on Monday November 5, 2007 - need attend.


PS: I had a feeling that my good friend Dr Wilfred Mesquita would
probably lose this election. My other good friend Aires Rodrigues has
made it an art (and probably science) of picking the losing candidate
to support.

Re: [Goanet] On learning from the Swiss

2007-10-31 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:
There is a thing or two we Goans ought to learn from the Swiss.  Both
the places are major tourist destinations but the Swiss just do it
much, much better.

The Swiss have an admirable policy, albeit unwritten and unsaid,
towards the visitors: "We want your money but we don't want you (to
stay on).  Spend your tourist dollars/francs here, but go home, the
sooner the better."  ... The policy for the Indian tourist should be
different, to wit: don't come, stay back and foul up your own home
Frederick [FN] Noronha responded:
What we also need to obviously learn is (i) how to keep their country
very clean, while sending their Ciba Geigys to be built on Church land
and (ii) how to live affluently after harnessing the wealth of
dictators from the Third World in a very spiritual manner.

jc's response:

FN's response - while being accurate - addresses a point quite
different from the point Rajan is making.

>From his writings, it is quite clear that Rajan is (justifiably)
disgusted with the filth which has overcome his motherland. (Ours
too). Rajan makes some very valid points.

I submit however that Goa will not be able to utilise the "Swiss"
model.  The Swiss policy, which Rajan refers too, relates to foreign
tourists.  There is no legal manner in which that policy can be
applied to Indian tourists in Goa. As far as I am concerned, as of Dec
19, 1961 - Goa is their home too!

Should existing laws wrt cleanliness etc be applied and enforced?
Sure. Should further legislation be enacted if necessary? Sure.  But
how many non-corrupt persons do we have to enforce those laws.

Besides - the door to the pollution of Goa was opened in the 1960s by
the Bandodkar Govt. That Govt brought in a seriously polluting
Agro-Chemical plant and allowed an accompanying "slum"  which BTW has
a good chance of taking over Vasco. (Have you heard about the "truck
method" of grabbing land ? Ask and I will provide you with the

Then - there was META.

I suspect that the clock can never turn back now. One may delay the
inevitable - cannot see how Goans can do any different than try apply
some band-aids to this problem which some of us have been complaining
about in Goan cyberspace for at least 13 years!

just my view

THE BIG LET DOWN:  http://www.colaco.net/1/letdown.htm
META:  http://www.colaco.net/1/META.htm

Re: [Goanet] Hague Apostille & CRC: jc responds to Swastik

2007-10-23 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
On 23/10/2007, Swastik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:
 Dear Jose,

The main questions to be answered are:
1) Why is the CRC not prepared to give in writing they will not accept
documents bearing Hague apostille from India?

2) What legal action can a common person take if the CRC is not
willing to give anything in writing?

jc's answers:

re Q1: Please refer that question to the CRC.

re Q2: A good way of finding an answer to that question is to test the
waters. Do let us know when you find a court which will admit your
legal action.

good wishes


Re: [Goanet] Re Legal Guidance Required

2007-10-01 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007


For public viewing. Registration at  The International Centre Goa.  (Ph: 
+91-832-2452805 to 10)

  Online Media Partner:  http://www.GOANET.org

In summary, from my understanding of the matter

1. If the matter refers to generalised harassment at the time visitor
visas, one's own government might be able to apply some pressure.
Visit visas are reciprocal arrangements. Immigrant visas are not
subject to such reciprocal arrangements. A foreign consulate or
embassy may refuse to consider applications or even grant interviews
subject to a number of issues which they are not obligated to share
with a foreign national or a foreign government.

2. As far as complaining to any 'supreme authority in that country',
it depends if any statutes of that country have been violated. The
exact wording and the interpretation of the relevant statute is very
important. If none has been violated, there is nothing any court
(which is the supreme authority to adjudicate in such matters) can or
will do anything about it. In European (and most common law
jurisdictions) there is something called the separation of powers. The
judiciary will not interfere with the executive or legislature for
that matter.

Hope this helps. I am afraid that I cannot comment further in a
vacuum. If you put forth a near-actual scenario without the names of
course - and detail what attempts have been made to contact which
consulate on what matter - and the basis of the application, some
among us might be able to comment and possibly advise.



On 01/10/2007, Swastik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Jose,

My query pertains to complaining an embassy/consulate of another
country and complainant being a citizen of india. As you have
mentioned that " A foreign govt's representative has no obligation to
respond to you or to meet with you."

In such a case where is a not a citizen of that country then what has
to be done? In such cases is there no way one can take up matters or
complain to supreme authority of that country.

Need to know the process as I do feel that there must be some way out
and adequate steps for resolution of such matters.


Re: [Goanet] Re Legal Guidance Required

2007-10-01 Thread J. Colaço &lt; jc>
 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007


For public viewing. Registration at  The International Centre Goa.  (Ph: 
+91-832-2452805 to 10)

  Online Media Partner:  http://www.GOANET.org

The question does need at least one specific bit of information:

Is one intending to sue/complain about one's OWN country's
consulate/embassy or that of another.

If the problem is with one's own consulate/embassy while one
is in a foreign land - one can complain to one's own govt.

A foreign govt's representative has no obligation to respond to
you or to meet with you. (i.e. one cannot complain about the
 Portuguese Consulate in Goa for not responding to whatever -
if one is  not a registered Portuguese citizen)

The Govt can summon the representative of another country to
a meeting IF there was an international incident warranting
such a meeting

That is the sum total of my understanding



On 01/10/2007, Swastik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hello,

There is no defnite problem, we just want to know that are there any
statuatory bodies in india or in the country whose embassy, consulate
is being represented.

Under what rules and regulations are embassies and consulate governed
and control. The main focus is on the aspect that if a common person
is unsatisfied with the maltreatment and disagreed with the attitude
and practices prevailing in the consulate/embassy and wants to object
the same and seek redressal of his grievences in a legal way.

Secondly, if any personel of embassy/consulate is not willing to
ACKNOWLEDGE the letters given to them and is UNWILLING to reply
anything in writing, then what has to be done.

Acknowledgement and giving reply in writing does establish sufficient
evidence; which can be used and is vital for intiating legal action if
it is injustified quoted unjustified. How can one approach to
consulate general or an Ambassador despite being not allowed to meet

As we all know that in india one can take matters to court and sue a
person or an organisation, send legal notices etc. Similarly is there
any appropriate mechanary through which one can atleast file a

That's it
