Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 465

2016-09-07 Thread John Gomes
Anna has lost his relevance. He is too innocent to fathom the murky world of 
politics  today which Kejriwal is facing the full brunt! Of course he is not 
perfect, nobody is. However he has been unfairly targeted by both the Congress 
and BJP dirty tricks propaganda and Lt Governor help!So much so that he does 
not know who to trust, so he relies on his coterie of loyal faithfuls. Asutosh 
gave his views before the female who had consensual sex complained (perhaps 
coerced to now). I fail to see what crime he has committed for the NCW to send 
him a letter for explanation and then summon him! They have not let the AAP 
work in peace and relentlessly sabotaged whatever good done! We should resent 
the wool being pulled over our eyes?

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 2:05 PM, "" 

Today's Topics:

  1. ANNA has lost his relevance (Nelson Lopes)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2016 11:45:04 -0700
From: Nelson Lopes 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] ANNA has lost his relevance
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Anna has lost relevance

Anna Hazare never supported AAP and the party won massively in spite of
Anna`s silence.

There are  people in other parties who are stuck like  lumpen , in spite of
all odds against their continuance

At least Arvind has got rid of rotten apples, may not be as quickly as
expected only  in AAP. How is it  possible to forecast anybodys character ,
behavior for all times to come., People change from worse to good and
vice versa
that is the beauty of human ability. The media and BJP is all out guns
blazing to show AAP in poor light. The AAP is only perceptible threat to BJP
aspirations. The central Govt. is backing Governor Najib Jung to do at its
bidding.  All sorts of huddles are  placed in the path of smooth running
its Delhi administrations, because it is helpless to face AAP having been
mauled badly in Delhi elections., BJP is nursing hurt wounds that  cannot
be  healed when scars are showing .Why Anna Hazare is featured to discredit
AAP at this junction ?, Where  was Anna  when India is burning due to
indifference ,intolerance on all fronts. The best way to support BJP is to
discredit AAP, which is ensuing a real political threat  to it all over
India, where AAP wants to establish its presence, be it Punjab, Goa, Arvind
is being accused of not being in Delhi, but what about P.M , who is
permanently out  on foreign trips and leaving the administration in the
hands of??

People have been fed up with just new term of 5 years of BJP and AAP is
real threat to their existence. Such scandals are endemic in all parties
and we have seen how it has been handled, AAP is not expected to be Godly
to prophesies at all times under all circumstances. How many bad elements
are thrashed immediately. Those who had to leave the AAP are singing sing
songs against AAP. Hazare  views are antiquated and no one has the desire
to follow him. He has been dumped after use and throw away principle, Why
BJP does not appoint Anna as its guide, guru, instead of firing from the
shoulders of Anna only at  convenient times to stretch a point..,
Corruption, scandals sexual escapades are not the monopoly of any party.
Gandhi had great expectations, but who listened to him.? He became isolated
for speaking the truth . .AAP is the rainbow on the political  horizon of
Indian politics What miracles are expected of AAP in few years, when in
decades parties have shattered the hopes of their voters caring two hoots

BJP will meet its water loo soon and no amount of hired media will convince
the voters about their disappointment

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim




2016-06-14 Thread John Gomes
LET'S HAVE MORE LOVE THAN HATEThere are some people who want Marathi to be the 
official language of Goa. Some want the Portuguese Embassy to be shifted to 
Delhi etc. When there are so many other important issues which can bother them, 
I wonder why they need to agitate and spread so much deep seated  venom! Indian 
States have been created on a linguistic basis. Konkani is the official 
language of Goa and the issue of being a part of Maharashtra has long since 
been settled, where the official language is Marathi. Since it has been 
recognized that Marathi is deeply rooted in Goa, it has been given status of 
associated language, there is no bar whatsoever to its use and Marathi is used 
is freely in education and festivals, films  music and so on. Why cannot we 
live happily without dividing people on basis of language or any other divisive 
matter? The Portuguese have long since been gone. Portugal has naturally a 
strong connection with Goa rather than Delhi. India has cordial relations with 
Portugal and goans wanting Portuguese passports for their migration to better 
opportunities, the fantastic work the embassy is doing in the arts and cultural 
field must be appreciated rather than condemned. Let us not ascribe imaginative 
motives and negative thinking. Some group wants to tell us what to eat, another 
what to wear, another what to read or see and enforce moral policing and so on! 
The present generation cannot be blamed for all the ills in the past! Culture 
is rich dialogue not boring monologue. I'm sure the present educated generation 
will opt for more enriching love than hate.  Let us help our PM who is trying 
to unite not only India, but the world and narrow minded, stifling,stagnant 
views are completely out of date!


2016-06-06 Thread John Gomes
The government has patted itself on the back after 2 years in office and the 
Prime Minister must  no doubt get the credit for rejuvenating stagnation in 
governance and improving our world stature. However he has promised the nation 
the moon and this expectation has seriously been dented by poor delivery. 
Regardless of projected GDP figures of 7.6% growth which economists question, 
industrial and agricultural production is down. The job market is down whilst 
prices of essential commodities are shooting up.To add to this fuel price hike 
and so many extraneous surcharges and cess with lowered bank interest rates are 
playing havoc in the middle and lower classes lives. The government looks after 
the corporate and permits manufacturers to pass on taxes to customers; for 
private profits and public has to pay? Plenty of money for lavish celebrations 
and advertisements. "Abki Baar, Mahilonko Kushiyan Apaar" portrays a woman 
dangerously seated on the floor next to an LPG cylinder and stove. Air India 
flight forced to take a child heart patient against safety for passengers. 
There was already a senior citizen needing oxygen on board. This 17 hour flight 
precluded carrying of so many oxygen cylinders. Perhaps humanitarian 
considerations for the boy took precedence, but government firm on rules for 
judges selection making inroads to control the judiciary is not. So also is 
Chairman of NHRC lamenting that it is the sweet will of the authorities to 
accept their  painstaking investigation and considered recommendation making it 
a "toothless tiger". The unnecessary controversies like Tanmay Bhat video, 
however bad humor, treated like blasphemy to joke about icons and reported 
reluctance of the RBI governor to accept a second term, together with non 
reigning in of the dangerous militant fringe elements of the Sangh Parrivar 
bodes ill for our democracy. 
What is going on in Bihar where God men or cults can occupy government land and 
build private armies with lethal arms and land mines, requiring PIL and court 
directions for administration and police to act!  Bagrang Dal trains children 
with swords and rifles to kill, some other organization and fringe groups given 
free reign with the Prime Minister's silence encouraging protection of these 
groups, and unprofessional policemen seen begging with folded hands MPs/MLAs to 
follow their directions. These are are very dangerous trends!


2016-06-02 Thread John Gomes
situation around us compared to the security provided for the political class, 
when they block vital police and administrative reforms we desire and legislate 
so they can do whatever they want with impunity, we have a lot of questions to 
ask! What is the use of police if they ignore pleas for protection or refuse to 
register a FIR or we cannot trust them? What is the use of VIP visits to 
tragedy hit families, after they are allowed to happen? A high tension 
electrical wire snaps and falls on a school bus. Two boys immediately die 
others in hospital nursing electrocution. Is it an act of God? Unfortunate and 
no one responsible? A scooter hits a pot hole on a crowded road and the rider 
consequently is thrown off under moving traffic and severely injured or dies. 
Rash and negligent driving?Water tanker sprays road so Maharashtra CM can have 
dust free ride whilst people do not have water to drink! Leaking water tanker? 
Not from what we can clearly see live on Television and witnesses confirm. 
Permissions are given for illegal construction/deeds, children still keep 
falling down open bore and man holes etc. Why is this allowed to happen again 
and again with impunity?  It is high time someone in government is held 
responsible and punished without fear or favor and show importance to citizens 
they are duty bound to protect. Loss of lives, maiming, ruined families result! 
The executive is not doing its job, escaping responsibility and the courts are 
overburdened. With a responsible and accountable government, there should be no 
need for people to become victims in the first place or have to go to court for 
justice. Prime Minister Modi has promised once again after two years in office, 
to deliver good governance and justice. Please let us see some changes here!


2016-05-28 Thread John Gomes
etched in stone for posterity, and egos of Politicians enable this easily. When 
new parties/ politicians come to power, they tend to put their own heroes and 
remove the villain's names hogging the limelight from the previous party 
machinations! The policy of who is worthy is debatable. Rishi Kapoor thinks it 
should be those who have contributed to the state/nation like for example his 
grandfather who was a pioneer and great film actor etc. Others will disagree 
who was first or greater. This being subjective and a mugs game of renaming 
roads and so on, it would be a wise government which legislates a policy of 
naming generally as per the geographical, actual use which is indisputable viz 
Racecourse Road, Mumbai International Airport, Zuari Bridge, Porvorim Cricket 
Stadium, 34th Avenue etc. There is also no need of inauguration of hot mixing a 
road and routine jobs which are funded by government and credit should go to 
the government department for job done well or when due. And if not done well, 
or in time, the Minister/MLA concerned should inaugurate an inquiry and take 
exemplary action to recover loss and ensure accountability!

[Goanet] THOUGHTS about change

2016-05-24 Thread John Gomes

There appears to be some AAP bashing and also blaming some section of media for 
promoting the  AAP cult! Wrong headlines of Rajdeep Sardesai willing to be CM 
of Goa taken out of context, emphatically when interviewed he stated otherwise! 
Open letter from writer Adelmo to Kejriwal brings forth a lot of trolls. No one 
or any party is perfect. In a democracy we have different opinions which maybe 
civilly tolerated or politely disagreed with like dignified goans.  AAP  has 
been fighting for survival in a hostile BJP (added to  Congress) environment, 
where the LG is in control of police and the bureaucracy transfers. They also 
stymie every pro active move of a different type of government that wants to 
try out new things in public interest.  AAP is anti establishment. There is 
therefore need for AAP advertisements to let the people of India know what they 
are achieving in spite of establishment counter offensive to overcome their 
vicious propaganda and trolls! Please note that the AAP and Congress have 
thrashed the BJP in the recent Delhi civic polls! They have enthused the common 
man in Delhi! Change is always resisted, but there is generally no improvement 
without change.  This is also the reason why Donald Trump is winning his 
primaries in America and has taken over the Republican party against the party 
philosophy! And in fact people all over the world are becoming anti 
establishment and are crying for change from business as usual that has brought 
the world and all of us ruled by the establishment to a sorry pass? AAP is 
definitely a force for change from communal-ism and Freebees/ largess 
(disguised bribes) and men prostrating themselves before Amma to people of 
India bowing before politicians, all making themselves VIPs, and their 
chamchas, police and their goondas that is going on all over India that we see 
in our daily news .Shameful!


2016-05-16 Thread John Gomes
DANGEROUS TRENDSWhat  had shocked me was a police officer saying "I am scared 
to arrest him because if elected he may become a minister and tomorrow I may 
have to bow down to him!". With brawn and money power deciding elections, 
elected representatives and their kin are causing havoc in citizen's lives! The 
investigation report of the Jat stir where 90 officials (incl SDM,DSP etc) have 
been found negligent, watching, doing nothing to stop loot, damage and arson 
because they felt if they take action without orders, and someone gets killed, 
the government will not support them is frightening! People are being beaten 
up, arson and looting going on in front of their eyes and under the Criminal 
Procedure Code and the oath they take to maintain law and order, it is the 
police duty and responsibility to take action, no orders required. Why this 
attitude under the BJP superior (as claimed) governance? Rocky Yadav driving a 
1.5 crore SUV shot dead Aditya with an Italian sophisticated pistol. Turns out 
his father Bindi Yadav rose from a bicycle thief to dreaded gangster to member 
of Lalu Yadav RJD and then to Nitish Kumar JDU, cornering government and 
development contracts. Now reportedly he is a super rich business man owning 
Malls, hotels,15 petrol pumps,with business interests in roads,constructions 
and liquor! With money and influence, his wife Manorama Devi became a member of 
the Bihar Legislative Council. The people by and large specifically voted for 
Modi as Prime Minister of India and not the BJP. These are dangerous trends and 
I do not see Prime Minister acting swiftly and decisively to rectify these 
matters that are internally and dangerously threatening our democracy! OVERDUE 


2016-05-08 Thread John Gomes
DGP Sir, You must be reading the feedback from the Press/ media and 
letters to the editor on this subject. I congratulate you on the traffic 
initiatives now taken. Please note the following:1)In general I still find 
traffic police not aware of their own importance in traffic control! They stand 
at the corners where we cannot easily see them in time, are very casual and 
chit chatting, and do not command respect. Consequently traffic is not 
controlled effectively nor violators hauled up. Except for challaning helmet 
violations, checking of rash, negligent and dangerous driving is still 
overlooked. Not to mention unauthorised horns,dark sunscreens, extra bright 
dazzling lights, unauthorised modifications etc which also compromise 
security!2) I would beg of you to please keep a cop in the center of the 
Mandovi bridge with communication and  catch to deal severely with all those 
crossing, overtaking and speeding across the yellow line, including the red 
beacon cars! Do this for a week at different times, You will be disciplining 
90% of undisciplined drivers (both 2 and 3 wheelers) if wide publicity is given 
to those penalized/caught. I have suggested this umpteen times, right from the 
previous CMs to SP(Traffic). They just will not do it!3) You must direct the 
SP(TR) to look into the madness (stated politely) at the Holy Family Church 
crossing where we dare not venture without putting our life and limbs to severe 
risk! You will agree that prevention is better than cure I hope and pray.


2016-05-08 Thread John Gomes
ATMOSPHERE FOR MEGA CORRUPTIONThe BJP was elected on the plank of good 
governance and zero tolerance for corruption. How is it that it is possible for 
a non goan tenant migrant woman to be able to obtain documents to make the 
landlord her parents?Not only that but obtain a birth certificate, marriage 
certificate, driving license as Goan and apply for Portuguese citizenship! It 
is further reported that the police are were tardy in investigation and action. 
It is only after meeting the Margao Municipal Commissioner CO Deepali Naik that 
a preliminary departmental inquiry has been ordered. Changing names, vital 
certificates obtained etc will require compliance by high level 
officials/bureaucrats/professionals and mega corruption in the government 
machinery. It is also reported that Mangueshi villagers fed up with non action 
after morchas and knocking on the doors of the Collector, Mamlatdar, BDO,  TCP, 
police, government offices  in vain, decided to enforce their Gram Sabha 
resolution against the illegal construction of mega project in Priol. The 
Panchayat finally took the law into their hands and under section 66 of the 
Panchayat Act demolished the illegalities! Is this good governance? Under the 
guise of development, illegalities will ruin Goa, the harmony of it's people 
and encourage greed and corruption. This question is to be asked "Development 
at what cost and for whom?". Instead of zero tolerance there is an atmosphere 
for mega corruption.

Re: [Goanet] Reminder to Chief Secretary - Remove Unconstitutional Clauses in IPB Act and new Bill

2015-10-19 Thread John Gomes
Alina has precisely been removed for this reason. No dissent tolerated! 
Ordinances galore. They believe the sword is mightier than the pen. 

 On Friday, 16 October 2015 3:58 AM, GBA office 

 *Goa Bachao Abhiyan*

C/o 77, Defence Colony, Alto Porvorim-Goa

 *13th October 2015*

*To *

*Chief Secretary,*

*Secretariat, Porvorim - Goa.*

*Sub: Action against unconstitutional clauses in the IPB Act and *

*a new draft Bill that seeks to legalize illegal structures.*

Ref: Letter inwarded 17th August warning of IPB Act transgressions

Ref: Draft Bill "Regularisation of Unauthorized Structures and
Encroachments Act, 2015".

The IPB Act *( Ref. Extraordinary Gazette No.3, 16th September 2014.),
unconstitutional enablers which are sweeping and unjust in their nature.
They open doors for misuse by overriding the Regional Plan along with
almost all other centrally mandated Acts, as well as in its attempt to keep
certain citizens above the law.

The GBA reiterates that the IPB policy can fit well into definitions of
existing State Acts, especially the Regional Plan and does not need to
override anything, least of all the jurisdiction of courts.


They are itemized below and need to be removed immediately.

*1 - Overriding all centrally mandated State Acts with regard to land
distribution, by-laws, policy and governance, which includes the Regional
Plan. *

*( Ref. Para 5(4), para 7(3), 31, 32.)*

*2 - Protection of members, no courts have jurisdiction over suits filed
with respect to IPB Act.*

*( Ref. para 26, 28 )*

Overriding constitutionally mandated Acts as well as keeping a group of
citizens above the law is not acceptable, and your office is responsible to
check such unconstitutional Acts from being legislated. These are clauses
that come into effect during a national emergency.

Shockingly, the new draft bill for *"Regularisation of Unauthorized
Structures and Encroachments Act, 2015" *is another that seeks to repeat
these clauses.

We wish to officially bring this to your notice for action as Chief
Secretary of State, and as evidence that we as a concerned group
representing civil society has informed your office of the same before
pursuing any other avenues.

These clauses need to be removed with immediate effect from the IPB Act, as
well as from any draft Bill that seeks to do the same.

Reboni Saha - Secretary

Goa Bachao Abhiyan


Re: [Goanet] Ante-nuptial agreement...

2014-09-21 Thread John Gomes
Nowadays the court would require assets to be stated in detail etc. There was 
an article on this subject only by a lawyer in Gomantak Times or maybe Navhind 
a couple of months back. Considering the many marriages going on the ricks and 
the Pope himself lowering the norms for declaring marriage null and void, it is 
a very practical thing to do these days, just in caseJEG

On Sunday, 21 September 2014 7:54 PM, Frederick FN Noronha *  फ्रेड्रिक 
नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

Just an odd query --

Does anyone have a draft for an ante-nuptial agreement, in keeping with the
Goa format?

Note 1: This is *not* for me, but a friend raised the query and got the
better of my curiosity.
Note 2: I agree, that starting a marriage on this note sounds almost like a
vote of no-confidence, and would probably plant ideas which should not be
there :-)

P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436 W
T @fn on Twitter  R Saligao, Goa, India  Stay in touch. I reply email.

Re: [Goanet] business of medicine, Goa style

2014-09-06 Thread John Gomes
Whilst I agree about our FDA, I would not be too sure about the stuff available 
in our Pharmacies! You all may have heard about the Ranbaxy case in USA and 
even a sincere and experienced Raj Vaidya of Hindu Pharmacy says these days he 
frankly couldn't vouch for most of the stuff available or he is selling. 
Cautious optimism these days is prudent, where we are cautioned not to eat even 
eggs because hens are injected and the eggs/ stuff we eat render our immune 
systems prone to anti biotic medicines rendered ineffective. And Yes, I am no 

On Friday, 5 September 2014 2:12 PM, Cecil Pinto  wrote:

A response from my friend Savio Figueiredo
who can be contacted on rendeep1 at yahoo dot com


I do not wish to get personal. I googled Mr Roland Francis and have noted
that he is based in Toronto Canada.I dont know whether he is from the
Pharma field . On the other hand  I am a Pharmacy Graduate  and have worked
in Pharma industry in Goa in the manufacturing , Materials- Purchase,
Logistics and now Retail Pharmacy for more than  29 years. I have worked
in Managerial positions in the CMM Group of Companies & German Remedies
Ltd.and have been associated with M/s Unichem Laboratories Ltd.

Just because we are employees of the company does not mean that they have
purchased our souls.Please note that we are possibly talking about life
saving medicines and it would be a criminal act to play with the lives of
patients. During my time I have been witness to batches worth lacs of
rupees being trashed as they did not meet standards. I have known the QC
Pharmacists stand their ground about the quality of the  raw materials &
final products.

India produces the best & cheapest medicines in the whole world. Why on
earth would someone wish to bring in medicines  in container loads and sell
them cheap in Goa ? This may have been happening 40 years back when there
was no manufacturing base in Goa & India

Today I can proudly state that the availability of spurious, duplicate or
mis-branded products at the pharmacy level in Goa  is almost zero and the
FDA in Goa is one of the most honest Departments in Goa as well as India
and this has been so over the last 25 years & more due to honest leadership
of the Directors.

To say that everything is hunky dory ofcourse would mean that either I am
naive or a fool with no idea about what goes in the Pharma Industry. I
cannot speak for Government tendered medicines or vouch for their quality.
There are many issues such as homeopaths & ayurveds  quacks prescribing
allopathic medicines left right & centre under the nose of the MCI , "
setting" between physicians & pharmaceutical companies  which results in
unnecessary medicines being prescribed to the patients in private & public
domains, over-presription of antibiotics by GP's who do not have the right
& the knowledge to prescribe them, prescription of new molecules without
follow up etc which needs to be exposed and will be.

Savio Figueiredo B. Pharm
Community Pharmacist

Dr Carlos Medical Stores
Aldona, Bardez, Goa 403508
Tel : 00918322293307 (M) 9822142037

"The hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray " ( copied from a
T-shirt slogan at Mapusa Market)


Re: [Goanet] Fwd: [New post] How new rape law caught up with Tarun J. Tejpal

2014-03-01 Thread John Gomes
The new rape laws do not say what if a woman behaves inappropriately with a man 
or another woman in the same way or a more sadistic way!

On Friday, 28 February 2014 2:50 PM, Gerard de Souza  
   churumuri posted: " Tehelka founder-editor Tarun J. Tejpal has been in
jail for over 80 days now on the charge of "raping" a junior colleague
during an event organised by the magazine at a Goa resort. The Goa police
have charged him on seven counts under the new rape law"    Respond to this
post by replying above this line
      New post on *sans serif*
  How new rape law
caught up with Tarun J.

[image: tarun] 

founder-editor *Tarun
J. Tejpal*  has been
in jail for over 80 days now on the charge of "raping" a junior colleague
during an event organised by the magazine at a Goa resort. The Goa police
have charged him on seven counts under the new rape law that came into
effect after the Delhi gangrape in end-2012.

Meanwhile, there is a subtle but noticeable shift in the discourse in
drawing rooms on the plight of the high-profile journalist, as the words
"witchhunt" and "political vendetta" are bandied about loosely.

Is "a 10-year prison sentence for three minutes of non-penile misconduct in
a moving lift *" just? Is
politically correct India making a big issue of a "small offence"? Is the
new law too harsh and far removed from the emerging male-female
relationship in the modern Indian workplace, etc?

Those questions which were being asked *sotto voce*, have found open
expression in chain e-mails and posts on social media. A former
*Tehelka *journalist
writes in a Pakistani
Tejpal's "friends and family are going around meeting editors and
opinion-makers to argue their case".

Those questions also reveal ignorance and incomprehension of the new rape
law, which, as *The Times of
(in image,
*above*) demonstrates is being applied not just on Tarun Tejpal but also on
other sexual offenders since it came into force in April 2013.

The women's rights lawyer *Vrinda Grover* explicates Tejpal's case in a
column in *Outlook **:

"In the case of Tarun Tejpal, it's an aggravated rape because, by his own
admission and by the statement of the complainant, he was in a position of
dominance, trust and authority having known her father, as well as being
her boss. These are statements of fact.

"The law has expanded the coercive circumstances to include these
categories. Nothing dramatic has happened now, but everyone is getting very

"I'm very puzzled at the high level of anxiety from men in all professions.
Is it really that men are doing this so rampantly that they are suddenly in
panic mode? That they have been putting their body parts into women without
their consent?

"In that case I have a word of advice to them: now this is the law, don't
do it, and if you do it, you will be arrested. And if the courts deem it
fit, you'll be punished. That's a hard-won reality. The new law just
clarified what consent meant. It said there has to be an unequivocal,
voluntary agreement by word or gesture.

"In the case of Tarun Tejpal, the victim is saying to him, 'Don't do it,
stop it'. How can that message not go across? If you continue to do it,
then I'm sorry, it's a crime."

Former *Tehelka* journalist *Shivam Vij*
takes up a couple of more bogeys being
bandied about in drawning rooms, in
the Pakistan paper, *Express

"Firstly, we are told about trial by media. What's funny here is that when
the Indian media began its culture of doing campaign activism for one or
two cases, *Tehelka* had a key role to play. It was *Tehelka* that
mobilised youth and TV cameras at India Gate to ask for justice for a
murdered model, *Jessica
*Tehelka* even did a sting operation on the
Nobody wondered how the accused felt about such a trial by the media.

"Secondly, Tejpal wants a trial by media. Since his legal case is so weak --
he's admitted his crime on email -- he knows the only battle possible to


2014-02-08 Thread John Gomes
This is ultra vires the Constitution as elucidated by Soli Sorabjee, ethical 
and independent thinking Supreme Court lawyers Dave among others and shows that 
the Centre thinks of the Delhi government as one of its departments! Besides 
dirty politics of blocking the draft Bill, even before it is tabled for 
discussion in the Vidhan Sabha is killing Parliamentary democracy. Kejrwal has 
our full support in doing what it takes to uphold the spirit of the 
Constitution in our Democratic Republic! JAI "AAM ADMI PARTY" for this!!! 

On Saturday, 8 February 2014 5:14 PM, Shantaram Naik  

602, BRAHMAPUTRA, Dr B.D Marg,

new Delhi

8 th Feb 2014



*                                                                    PRESS

*Mr Shantaram Naik M P and Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing
on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice  has said that  under
section 22 of the Union Territories Act 1963  previous sanction  of the
administrator , namely,  Lt Governor, is required  to introduce or move in
the Assembly of an Union Territory  , legislative  proposals on the
subjects mentioned in the state  list  and concurrent list.*

* Mr Naik,  who hails from Goa which was a part of Union Territory Goa,
Daman and Diu,has said that  such legislations along with legislations in
some other matters too,  cannot be introduced or moved without prior
sanction of the Lt Governor (Administrator) .*

*It  is the law of the land , namely, U T Act 1963, which is enacted under
the Constitution of India and no one has the liberty to defy it, added Mr

*Any one who violates provisions made under section 22 of
 the U.T Act,
1963, violates  Constitution of India, Mr Naik said.*

*UTs , it may be noted  , Mr Naik said, are administered under the 1963
Act,  besides , as regards, Delhi it is also administered under Government
of National Capital of Territory of Delhi Act, 1991.*

*However, section 22 of U T Act has not been repealed  after coming into
force the Delhi Act.*

*Further,  in any case, Mr Naik said, if there is any conflict between the
law enacted by Central Government and State Government, the law enacted by
the Central Government shall prevail according to the provisions contained
in the Constitution.*

*Mr Naik said that concept of holding Assembly sessions in open maidan,
defying and abusing constitutional authorities and introducing a concept of
right of  legislating on streets , has no place in Indian democracy.*


Re: [Goanet] To Whom Does the Black BMW with number 007 belong to?

2014-01-13 Thread John Gomes
We have a police who cannot see anything except Helmets, seat belts , and work 
only during working hours, with useless daytime nakabandi sometimes, which 
mostly achieves harassing the aam admi! 

On Monday, 13 January 2014 4:28 AM, augusto pinto  wrote:
Some time ago I saw in Panjim a black BMW with the number 007 and the
picture of a hand holding a gun after it (as in the Bond movies).

I wonder who owns this superb car which also probably has the ability to
become invisible everytime a policeman happens to near it.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] Fw GEMS TIMEPASS:::::Hindi Songs 1937 to 1960

2013-07-23 Thread John Gomes


1937 TO 1960
This is the one you  will enjoy.

No need for CDs. The whole collection is here!

Just click and enjoy the music.
Year =Movie =Name Of Song 

1937=President =Ek Bangla Bane Nyaara K.L.Saigal
1938=Street Singer =Babul Mora K.L.Saigal
1940=Zindagi =So Ja Rajkumari
1940=Zindagi =So Ja Rajkumari : Lata's Tirbute To Saigal
1940=Zindagi =Soja Rajkumari
1943=Tansen =Diya Jalao Jagmag Jagmag - K.L.Sehgal
1944=My Sister =Do Naina Matware K.L.Saigal
1945=Pehli Nazar =Dil Jalta Hai Mukesh
1946=Sahajehan =Jab Dil Hi Toot Gaya K.L.Saigal
1947=Do Bhai =Mera Sunder Sapna Beet Gaya
1948=Mela Old > =Dharti Ko Aakash Pukare
1948=Mela Old > =Gaaye Jaa Geet Milan Ke
1948=Mela Old > =Yeh Zindagi Ke Mele
1948=Mela Old > =Yeh Zindagi Ke Mele
1949=Andaz Old > =Hum Aaj Kahin Dil Kho Baithe
1949=Andaz Old > =Jhoom Jhoom Ke Nacho Aaj
1949=Andaz Old > =Tu Kahe Agar
1949=Barsaat Old > =Chhod Gaye Balam
1949=Barsaat Old > =Hawa Mein Udta Jaye
1949=Barsaat Old > ; =Jiya Bekarar Hai
1949=Barsaat Old > =Jiya Beqarar Hai Ai Bahar Hai
1949=Barsaat Old > =Mein Zindagi Mein Hardam Rota Hi Raha Hun
1949=Dillagi Old > =Tu Mera Chand - Suraiya Shyam
1949=Dillagi Old > =Tu Mera Chand Main Teri Chandni
1949=Dulari =Suhani Raat Dhal Chuki
1949=Mahal =Aayega Aa New >Ala
1949=Mahal =Ayega A New >Ala - Lata Mangeshkar
1950=Baabul Old > =Chhod Babul Ka Ghar
1950=Baabul Old > =Chhod Babul Ka Ghar [2]
1950=Baabul Old > =Milte Hi Aankhein
1950=Malhar =Bade Arman Se Rakhha Hai
1950=Nirala= Tooti Footi Gaadi
1951=Albela =Bholi Surat
1951=Albela =Dhire Se Aaja Ri Akhiyan Mein - Lata Mangeshkar
1951=Albela =Sham Tale Khidki Tale
1951=Albela =Shola Jo Bhadke
1951=Albela =Shola Jo Bhadke
1951=Awara =Awaara Hoon
1951=Awara =Awara Hoon
1951=Awara =Ek Bewafa Sey Pyar Kiya
1951=Awara =Ghar Aya Mer a Pardesi
1951=Awara =Hum Tujh Se Muhabbat - Mukesh
1951=Awara =Jab Se Balam Ghar Aae
1951=Deedar =Bachpan Ke Din Bhula Na
1951=Deedar =Hue Hum Jinke Liye Barbad
1951=Naujawan =Thandi Hawaien
1951=Sazaa =Tum Na Jane Kis Jahaan Mein Kho Gaye
1952=Ambar =Song Of Great Legend Mohammad Rafi With Lata
1952=Anand Math =Jai Jagdish Hare
1952=Anand Math =Vande Madaram
1952=Baiju Bawara =Bachpan Ki Mohabat
1952=Baiju Bawara =Bachpan Ki Mohabbat - Lata
1952=Baiju Bawara =Bachpan Ki Muhabbat Ko Dil Se Na Juda Karna
1952=Baiju Bawara =Hari Omraga Malkauns From Film 'Baiju Bawra'
1952=Baiju Bawara =Jhoole Mein Pawan Ke Aayi Bahar
1952=Baiju Bawara =Mana Tarapath Hari Darushanko
1952=Baiju Bawara =Mohe Bhool Gaye Sanvaria 1952=Baiju Bawara =O Duniya Ke 
1952=Baiju Bawara =Tu Ganga Ki Mauj 
1952=Baiju Bawara =Tu Ganga Ki Mauj 
1952=Daag Old > =Ae Mere Dil Hai Nadaan 
1952=Daag Old > =Ae Mere Dil Kahin - Male 
1952=Daag Old > =Ae Mere Dil Kahin Aur Chal 
1952=Do Bhiga Zameen =Mausam Beeta Jaye 
1952=Jaal =Ye Raat Ye Chandni 
1952=Jaal =Yeh Raat Yeh Chaandni Phir Kahaan 
1953=Aah =Chhoti Si Yeh Zindagani 
1953=Aah =Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat 
1953=Anarkali =Yeh Zindagi Usi Ki Hai - Lata Mangeshkar 
1953=Anarkali =Yeh Zindagi Usi Ki He 
1953=Anarkali =Yeh Zindgi Usiki Hai Part 2 
1953=Anarkali =Zindgi Pyar Ki Do Char Ghadi 
1953=Nastik Old > =Dekh Tere Sansaar Ki Haalat 
1953=Patita =Yaad Kiya Dil Ne 
1953=Patita =Yaad Kiya Dil Ne Kaha Ho Tum 
1953=Patita =Yaad Kiya Dil Ne Kahaan 
1954=Aar - Paar =Sun Sun Sun Sun Zalima 
1954=Aar Paar =Babuji Dheere Chalna 
1954=Aar Paar =Babuji Dheere Chalna 
1954=Aar Paar =Kabhi Aar Kabhi Paar Laga Teer - E - Nazar 
1954=Jagruti =Aao Bachchon Tumhen Dikhayen 
1954=Jagruti =Cahlo Chalen Ma - Slow 
U>1954=Jagruti =De Di Hamen Azadi Bina Khadag 
1954=Naagin Old > =Jadugar Saiyan - With English Sub Title 
1954=Naagin Old > =Man Dole Tan Dole - With English Sub 
1954=Naagin Old > =Mera Dil Ye Pukare - Lata Mangeshkar 
1954=Naagin Ol d > =Mera Dil Yeh Pukare - Lata Mangeshkar 
1954=Naagin Old > =Nagin 1954 Colour Scene 
1954=Naagin Old > =O Zindagi Ke Dene Wale 
1954=Naagin Old > =Tere Dwar Khada Bhagwan 
1954=Naagin Old > =Tere Dwar Khada Ek Jogi 
1954=Shart =Na Ye Chaand Hoga, Na Taare Rahenge - Geeta Dutt 
1954=Subah Ka Tara =Chamka - Chamka Subah Ka Taraf 
1954=Taxi Driver =Jayen To Jayen Kahan 
1954=Taxi Driver =Jayen To Jayen Kha Lata 
1955=Baradari =Bhoola Nahi Dena 
1955=Baradari =Tasveer Banata Hu Talat 
1955=Bhabhi =Chal Ud Ja Re Panchi 
1955=Bhabhi =Chal Ud Ja Re Panchi - Part 1 - Mohd Rafi 
1955=Bhabhi =Chal Ud Ja Re Panchi - Part 2 - Mohd Rafi 
1955=Bhabhi =Chal Ud Ja Re Panchi 2 
1955=Bhabhi =Chal Ur Ja Re Panchi 
1955=Bhabhi =Chali Gori - Hemant Kumar 
1955=Bhabhi =Chali Gori Pee Ke Milan Ko Chalee. 
1955=Devdas Old > =Balam Aaye Baso K.L.Saigal 
1955=Devdas Old > =Dukh Ke Ab Din K.L.Saigal 
1955=Dupatta =Chandani Raatain 
1955=Dupatta =Chandani Raatain 
1955=Dupatta =Chandni Raaten Remix 
1955=House No. 44 =Teri Duniya Me Jeene Se 
1955=House No. 44 =Teri Duniya Mein Dil Lagata Nahin - Mukesh 
1955=House No. 44 =Teri Duniya Mein Jeene Se 

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 479(Monsoon in Peril)

2013-07-22 Thread John Gomes
Nandkumar kamat is very knowledgeable in many disciplines and he is certainly 
not in the idiot category! Global warming and climate change are serious 
issues. This monsoons the rains were excessive and covered the whole of India 
one month before schedule. The rainwater is not pure and contains patogens as 
tested by him in the Lab! Big changes are taking place due pollution, the Gulf 
Stream reportedly has changed direction etc  there can be chaos in weather 
phenomena, consequently. in sea food availability.Instead of surmising others 
idiots, be prepared to cope if monsoons are erratic in future or worse still 
fails to come! That will be some peril, will it not?

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 473-Ration Card

2013-07-21 Thread John Gomes
The problem is simple. Politicians vote bank and corruption. Ration Card IS 
ONLY FOR RATIONS! Today it is legally and officially (Our Civil Supplies Dept 
has even sent a notification/published in newspapers on Consumer Protection 
Council insistence) NOT VALID FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE! Why all these 
illegalities, no action on illegalities,and poor people in these difficult 
times where essential commodities prices have gone through the roof, NOW CANNOT 
they have an Aadhar card, children in school and a bank account ? Any citizen 
of India anywhere should not die of starvation or for that matter children due 
mid-day meals? Million of tons of government stored food grains rotted, year 
after year, no politician or bureaucrat punished, infected food grains through 
PDS etc. What an irony! 

Message: 6
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 00:08:04 +0530
From: Camillo Fernandes 
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [Goanet] How to be a Goan in 8 steps?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

        How to be a Goan in 8 steps?
        From a ration card to EPIC, to a driving licence to a Passport and now 
the Aadhaar Card, becoming a Goan is easy for a migrant
          Team Goan ,Mangor 20 July 2013
        This is easily the mother of all stories on
the politics of migration. A former Vasco Councillor - a migrant - had his name
in three electoral rolls, one in Vasco and two in his native Uttar Pradesh.But 
as we found out, you don?t need to be
councilor to be on electoral rolls easily. The seemingly innocuous ration card
creates new Goans. A journey through the slums of Mangor is a revelation of how
Goa has enabled many migrants to have dual identities and hence dual benefits.
One as a Goan and another one back home.?Though it has become stringent now, it 
very much possible in the past to make a Ration Card which would open up
multiple opportunities for you,? explains Anil Chopdekar, former Vasco
Councillor from Mangor. The process is fairly simple. A migrant labour first
comes to Goa and takes up a job. The luckier ones get registered with a
contractor, while the free floaters search for jobs at daily wages. Next they
approach the local panch or councillor to get a ration card. ?We get food
cheaper from the government with the ration card and then we can also include
the names of our family members and relatives when they join us later,?
explains Seetharamaiah K from Bijapur who resides in Patrong, Baina. These
ration cards as we found out are separated into different ration cards as the
family expands.The ration card is next used to apply for a
driving license and including the migrant?s name in the voter?s list as well.
Both require a No Objection Certificate from the landlord and the local panch
or councillor who willingly obliges. ?We were constantly under pressure from
the local MLAs past and present, and other elected representatives and party
functionaries to include names in voter?s list not very long ago. Thankfully
now we insist on deletion certificates, which are proof of that fact that you
have deleted your name from a ration card in your earlier place of residence,?
says a senior official at Mamlatdar?s Office in Vasco.The ration card emerges 
as key factor too,o
in getting the migrant a permanent address of sorts that helps him procure his
PAN Card, open a bank account, apply for a driving license and even apply for a
passport. ?Why just these documents, even the Adhaar card can be made using the
ration card. What we have is one document that is illegal, since the migrant
has often not surrendered his card back home, to create a whole series of
documents?, points activist Yatish Naik. No wonder then that many of Goa?s MLAs
have offered to setup Adhaar card kendras in their own offices.

The migrant continues to have a permanent
home away from home and a dual identity thanks to a willing governance system.
                How to be a Goan: A migrant's primer
        STEP 1 - Get Ration Card 

Helping Hand ? landlord?s NOC + local MLA?s
letter or local Panch / Councillor undertaking)

STEP 2 ? Get Gas / Electricity / Water /
Telephone Connection 

Helping Hand ? Ration card plus landlord?s
NOC and letter from local MLA 

STEP 3 ? Inclusion in Voter?s List 

Helping Hand ? Ration Card + local MLA?s or
local Panch / Councillor?s letter, and Affidavit of residence)

STEP 4 ? EPIC or Voter?s Identity Card 

Helping Hand ? Inclusion in Voter?s List

STEP 5 ? Driving Licence 

Helping Hand ? Ration Card

STEP 6 - Bank Account 

Helping Hand ? Ration Card or EPIC or
Driving Licence

STEP 7 ? Passport 

Helping Hand ? Ration Card + Driving
License + EPIC

STEP 8 ? Aadhaar Card 

Helping Hand ? Ration Card + Passport or
Driving Licence or EPIC + Gas / Electricity /


2013-07-05 Thread John Gomes
1. Sustainable development and environment are do 
or die issues.
2. Disaster/ Emergency Management  infrastructure 
and protocol cannot be taken lightly.
3. The Army, Air Force and Navy are like Insurance. 
We resent the premium, but savior when needed.
4. Religion must not become opium of the 
5. CMs Maharashtra,Gujarat intruded 
into Uttarakhand reportedly to save only Maharashtrians and Gujaratis 
respectively. Shameful!
6. Last but not least,there is no substitute for 
good governance.


2013-06-27 Thread John Gomes
It is reported that the CM is to leave for an 
overseas tour on Thursday and has handed over to No3 in his cabinet Mr. 
Ramakrishna Dhavalikar since the deputy CM is also away on an overseas tour. 
people are entitled to know the why and where of these tours,specially if 
by the exchequer. When in the Opposition, a hew and cry was made about foreign 
jaunts. Why no transparency and both CM and deputy away at the same time?Even 
guests of foreign governments,it is in the capacity of being our 
and we are entitled to know the details and outcome. With Google and the 
internet, and our financial position not rosy, besides holidaying, there must 
some plausible good reasons?

[Goanet] Fw: A very practical explanation of . . . What is Cancer and how to avoid getting it.

2013-06-05 Thread John Gomes


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Listen to this 5 minute talk, it
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Mob:  +91 98208 42884 / Email: 

[Goanet] Fw: Fw: Fwd: AN ODE TO SORPOTEL

2013-02-14 Thread John Gomes
We treat sewage water and then it becomes fit to drink.The vegetables grow with 
manure and fish/shell fish etc eat crap.I needn't go on,I think?

- Forwarded Message -
From: "" 
Sent: Wednesday, 13 February 2013 9:26 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Fw: Fwd: AN ODE TO SORPOTEL


You may wish to read the following, in particular the conclusion
"That said, if someone offers you sorpatel, you may want to pass" before 
you indulge:

[Goanet] Fw: Fwd: AN ODE TO SORPOTEL

2013-02-13 Thread John Gomes


>>For the hotch potch known as Haggis
>>Let the Scotsman yearn or yell
>>For the taste of Yorkshire pudding
>>Let the English family dwell.
>>For the famed Tandoori Chicken
>>That Punjabis praise like hell
>>But for us who hail from Goa
>>There's nothing like SORPOTEL!
>>From the big wigs in Colaba
>>To the small fry in Cavel
>>From the growing tribes in Bandra
>>To the remnants in Parel
>>From the lovely girls in Glaxo
>>To the boys in Burma Shell
>>There's no Goan whose mouth won't water
>>When you talk of SORPOTEL!
>>And Oh! for Christmas dinner
>>Don't you think it would be swell
>>If by some freak of fortune
>>Or by some magic spell
>>We could, as they have in Goa
>>A bottle of the cajel
>>And toddy leavened sannas
>>To go with SORPOTEL
>>And from good ol' Kolkata,
>>Please let me add some thoughts,
>>Of hing-aer kachouris, and tea in chatty-pots.
>>A perfect combination,
>>I'm sure you'd remember well,
>>But for that sit-down dinner,
>>It's got to be SORPOTEL!
>>Now the anglo-bras will swear,
>>by smelly balichow,
>>And butt curry from Chulias,
>>(You know, the innards of the cow.)
>>But they get all stoned and dreamy
>>when they get that heady smell,
>>of toddy-drunken sannas and steaming SORPOTEL!
>>And every bloke from Cal ,
>>Will talk of kati roll.
>>Of puchkas, dalpuri and nehari,
>>And sometimes maachaer jhol.
>>Panthey Kowswey jhalfrezee and pepper water
>>Oh I love them as well,
>>But if we have to go to the polls


2013-02-04 Thread John Gomes
The Lokpal and Lokayukta bills and the ordinance on 
changes in rape laws are going the business as usual way!  Thank God the 
Supreme Court has got the message, even though our Netas and Judicial System 
not! Judges K.S.Radakrishnan and Dipak Misra of the Apex court, in a recent 
verdict said inter 
alia:"It is devastating to  expect infinite patience. Change of attitude is the 
warrant and command of the day. Speedy justice is the prime morality of justice 
and ethical fulcrum of the judiciary. It is also astonishing that the lawyers 
sought adjournments in a routine manner and the court acceded to such prayers!" 
This is happening all the time. The aam admi goes to court for justice, not to 
give business to lawyers or waste money, time and effort  tolerating pompous 
procedures with corrosive adjournments at the drop of a hat. The sooner the 
Justice Varma report is implemented in toto, the better for our nation. For 65 
plus years we have debated,discussed and  not only failed to get rid of our out 
dated and lethargic System, but added 1000's of more laws to complicate 
matters.The President and Governor are not meant to be rubber stamps and 
Parliament, governmentsand political parties appear to be out of touch with 
fast changing realities.


2013-02-03 Thread John Gomes
I sent the below short letter to all the English dailies.No one published it; 

It is reported that the  Assembly condoled the 
death of Maharashtra politicians, Bal Thackeray, RSS Swayamsevak etc. I feel we 
should either condole the death of personalities of every State of India, or 
Assembly remain non partisan and stick to those from/ connected to Goa;  its OK 
tomention universally acclaimed  figures like Kurien and Maestro Ravi Shanker. 
will parties do the right thing without fear or favor  due political 
or whims and fancies of the party in power? 

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 54(Water Tankers & PWD staff)

2013-01-20 Thread John Gomes

 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, 20 January 2013 12:09 PM
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 54
This is an old story with PWD staff themselves owning water tankers etc. Some 
staff are so influential that they cannot be transferred/ organize them. Matter 
was even discussed in the Assembly by politicians and Churchill (PWD 
Minister)ISSUED TRANSFER ORDERS ANS SO ON. But there was no follow up and the 
matter is back to stage one! I trust Parrikar will have to tame the water mafia 
holding us all to ransom, when he has the time, as the System is too deep 
seated and has to be up-rooted!

[Goanet] Fw: Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 28( AG not divulging info underRTI)

2013-01-11 Thread John Gomes

- Forwarded Message -
From: "" 
Sent: Friday, 11 January 2013 1:01 AM
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 28
Send Goanet mailing list submissions to

Today's Topics:

      (Aires Rodrigues)

The Allahabad HC has written their own Rules to the Act, that dilute the RTI 
ACT! A PIL by Common Cause -Delhi was dismissed and so they have gone to the 
Supreme Court! This is exactly what is wrong with our country. Those who make 
the laws and are supposed to uphold them think that they are above the law!


2013-01-09 Thread John Gomes
It is reported that Tourism minister along with 
Deputy CM and other government officials are planning a tour to Israel and 
countries to study  village tourism! In today's age where there is internet, 
video conferencing and Google maps to go there visually sitting at 
home, and navigate anywhere, with plenty of search engines to find any 
information needed,I am surprised that Parrikar is condoning this! We certainly 
condemn these sort of  jaunts financed by the strained public exchequer and if 
it materializes,we would like to know what they learned that could not be 
intelligently studied from their offices, communication facilities and contacts 
in Goa and India, and how is it proposed to be applied to Goa.  Also details of 
all expenditure incurred for this jaunt. Why are the Parivartan as promised, 
from the dirty habits of the previous government not evident and being firmly 
controlled ?

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 960(Love Marriages)

2012-11-19 Thread John Gomes

There are two serious flaws in non lasting relati0nships, and specially today's 
so called love marriages:

1. You have to love the other person NOT in spite of the differences, but 
BECAUSE OF the differences.

2. A person requires love most when that person deserves it the least

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 914(Notarising Racket)

2012-11-01 Thread John Gomes
Advocate Aries Rodrigues is like the Kerjiwal of Goa. He dares to go where no 
one dares at great risk and expose the wrongdoings of those we normally dare 
not point fingers at;  in this matter, specially he being a lawyer. Yes, 
notarizing has become a big racket. Pay your money,obtain stamp paper and 
anyone can notarize anything! You should see the affidavits being produced for 
holding onto multiple connections of LPG cylinders and availing government 
schemes. I have never read of exemplary penalization for perjury/ false 
affidavits, that are regularly given or wrong statements /documents notarized. 
I cannot understand why judges during hearing/deciding cases, cannot 
penalize/launch investigations and bring some respectability to affidavits and 

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 839 -WRONG MOVE BY CM

2012-10-01 Thread John Gomes

I have never understood why people must flock to the Ministers and MLAs to get 
their legitimate jobs done, seek favours and use their quotas etc ! That is bad 
administration. People should be able to get their jobs done and complaints 
attended to quickly and efficiently by the administration and procedures which 
are drawn up with the citizen's convenience in mind FIRST! If Parrikar is 
moving towards that by restricting visits to the Secretariat, that would be a 
wonderful sea change from dependence on benevolence of those in power.


2012-08-17 Thread John Gomes
This is what vote bank politics can do! Rely on migrants who are 
protected and pampered over residents to ensure winning at elections. In Assam  
Congress got a second term, and business as usual to get a third 
term. Immigrants provide cheap labour. It is government and vested 
interests that have subverted the Constitution,dispensed with 
immigration laws etc to stay in power.Using communalism, and permitting 
rabid fanatic organizations to function, politicians have made a mess of the 
nation! We aught to be grateful to Anna and Ramdev. Their quirks and perceived 
corruption (overlooked so far, but highlighted now) are irrelevant, which is 
what the government uses to deflect from the message! Shoot the messenger, 
forget the message. And we like fools swallow this hook,line and sinker!


2012-08-02 Thread John Gomes
The tried and tested "Heavyweights" have been reshuffled. Shinde from power to 
Home, Chidambaram from Home back to Finance, and Moiley will hold additional 
charge of Power! Sharad Pawar is too powerful to be moved anywhere except up. 
What comes across is arrogance in the firm belief that whatever happens, they 
will not be held accountable/responsible!The mess in agriculture with food 
grains rotting and millions starve whilst it is exported and farmers committed 
suicide mostly in Maharashtra. The BJP will be after "Chidu" in Parliament and 
the new Home Minister was raving about dalits and how he is grateful to the 
Gandhis etc.When he was asked what would be his priority as  Minister he 
replied "I have no thoughts! I have an open mind". Further having no 
compunction that half of India was under blackout under his watch as Power 
Minister, he arrogantly said even America had power blackouts! "Black money at 
rest, will remain at rest, scams in motion will
 remain in motion, until and unless an external force for a strong Lokpal bill 
is applied by people outside parliament". With apologies to Newton's Law.


2012-07-24 Thread John Gomes
Pranab Mukerjee is well qualified to be our respectable President, so is 
Manmohan Singh as PM and Manohar Parrikar as CM. We have somehow got the 
best rising through the worst. No one is perfect. However the best, and like 
all of us, are hamstrung by the System that is full of red tape, built for 
corruption and a democratic polity that favours the worst!The  presidential bad 
loser Sangma, Sharad Pawar in the cabinet,Yedurappa in Karnataka and a host of 
like minded "me first" players will not let the best at this critical juncture 
prevail. Divisions within the party and caste,creed,crony capitalism, 
opportunism, standing together protecting and scratching each others back is in 
vogue. Neither will conscience be permitted to prevail, as can be seen by 
action contemplated on those who cross voted for Mukerjee in the elections. In 
a country like India, unless good reforms are allowed to be quickly framed and 
legislated and more importantly
 implemented by drastically changing this rotten System, it is inevitable that 
the worst will prevail.

[Goanet] Fw: Interesting Facts about Religions

2012-07-23 Thread John Gomes

>>>One Christ, One Bible, One Religion
>>>BUT the Latin Catholic will not enter Syrian Catholic Church.
>>>These two will not enter Marthoma Church.
>>>These three will not enter Pentecost Church.
>>>These four will not enter Salvation Army Church.
>>>These five will not enter Seventh Day Adventist Church.
>>>These six will not enter Orthodox Church.
>>>These seven will not enter Jacobite church.
>>>Like this there are 146 castes in Kerala alone, 
>>>each will not go to the other's church to pray...! 
>>>So much for One Christ, One Bible, One Jehova
>>>What a unity! 
>>>One Allah, One Quran, One Nebi! 
>>>Shia and Sunni cannot see eye to eye 
>>>and kill each other anywhere and everywhere.
>>>The Shiawill not go to SunniMosque.
>>>These two will not go to Ahamadiya Mosque.
>>>These three will not go to Sufi Mosque.
>>>These four will not go to Mujahiddin mosque...
>>>There are 13 castes in Muslims and these brothers can't share their places 
>>>of worship. 
>>>The brothers have been killing/bombing/conquering/murdering/raping each 
>>>other in the name of Islam for the last 500 years, since the day Islam 
>>>They have never been or never will be at peace with Jews or Christians in 
>>>the name of religion, yet all 3 pray to the same God of Abraham. 
>>>The American attack on the Muslim land of Iraq and Afghanistan is fully 
>>>supported by all the Muslim countries around them!
>>>One Allah, One Quran, One Nebi!
>>>Great unity!
>>>All Muslims are not Terrorists, 
>>>but all Terrorists are Muslims. 
>>>and 60% of all victims of Muslim terrorism are Muslims. 
>>>1,280 Religious Books, 
>>>10,000 Commentaries, 
>>>more than one lakh sub-commentaries 
>>>for these foundation books, 
>>>330 million gods, 
>>>variety of Aacharyas, 
>>>thousands of Rishies, 
>>>hundreds of languages... 
>>>still everyone goes to the 
>>>Hindus never quarreled each other
>>>for the last ten thousand years in
>>>the name of religion. But the SCs are treated like outcasts and can't enter 
>>>most temples and are still treated like fourth class citizens!
>>>The strong intrenched cast system prevents their equality and unity    
>>>Buddhism is the world's first religion 
>>>Fourth-largest religion behindChristianity, Islam and Hinduism 
>>>Buddhism is both a religion and philosophy 
>>>largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama 
>>>Three concepts, Karma, Rebirth,Samsara 
>>>They classify themselves as Theravada or Mahayana 
>>>Both accept the Buddha as their teacher
>>>Both accept the Middle way, Dependent origination, Four Noble Truths, 
>>>Noble Eightfold Path and Three marks of existence
>>>Both accept that members of the laity and of the sangha can pursue the path 
>>>toward enlightenment (Bodhi) 
>>>Both consider Buddha hood to be the highest attainment
>>>They do not believe that this world is created and ruled by a God
>>>They consider that the purpose of life is to develop compassion for all 
>>>living beings without discrimination 
>>>and to work for their good, happiness and peace 
>>>and to develop wisdom leading to the realization of the Ultimate Truth 
>>>The moral is: 
>>>Discrimination is not taught by any religion but it is a man made malady
>>>The killing will stop
>>>And there will be peace on earth!!!

[Goanet] Fw: Guwahati Molestation Incident

2012-07-19 Thread John Gomes

- Forwarded Message -
From: John Gomes 
To: Goanet Org  
Sent: Wednesday, 18 July 2012 12:27 PM
Subject: Guwahati Molestation Incident

The molestation of a girl in Guwahati is now big news and with all the media 
reportage, I cannot understand why the victim has been absolutely whisked away 
without noting her complete side of the story, neither are the two boys and 
girls she was with been interviewed nor her friends at the pub or their parents 
or those of the culprits, and that should be bigger news than what is being 
bandied about! What about the altercation in the bar and/or the bouncers/people 
who are alleged to have thrown them out?The fact that this happened as early as 
9.30 PM on the busy GS road with the free for all stripping and molesting of 
teen aged girl is a shameful indication of where our society and governance is 
The case is complicated with a powerful Ministers wife owning the channel that 
is responsible for filming and airing the same. Many questions are being asked 
regarding how the mob permitted close filming and even helped in doing so!The 
ethics of news reporting for TRPs and police action/behaviour is also under the 
In the meantime real investigation and justice suffers. Social behaviour starts 
with parental guidance, morality of the citizens and civilised behaviour with 
respect for women and the laws of the land.When we are unable to ensure that 
the lawmakers and those who implement the law are morally upright people, 
society is doomed.

[Goanet] Guwahati Molestation Incident

2012-07-18 Thread John Gomes
The molestation of a girl in Guwahati is now big news and with all the media 
reportage, I cannot understand why the victim has been absolutely whisked away 
without noting her complete side of the story, neither are the two boys and 
girls she was with been interviewed nor her friends at the pub or their parents 
or those of the culprits, and that should be bigger news than what is being 
bandied about! What about the altercation in the bar and/or the bouncers/people 
who are alleged to have thrown them out?The fact that this happened as early as 
9.30 PM on the busy GS road with the free for all stripping and molesting of 
teen aged girl is a shameful indication of where our society and governance is 
The case is complicated with a powerful Ministers wife owning the channel that 
is responsible for filming and airing the same. Many questions are being asked 
regarding how the mob permitted close filming and even helped in doing so!The 
ethics of news reporting for TRPs and police action/behaviour is also under the 
In the meantime real investigation and justice suffers. Social behaviour starts 
with parental guidance, morality of the citizens and civilised behaviour with 
respect for women and the laws of the land.When we are unable to ensure that 
the lawmakers and those who implement the law are morally upright people, 
society is doomed.


2012-07-06 Thread John Gomes
It is obvious that things will only get worse 
unless there are reforms in all sectors and corruption is not a lucrative 
business. No change can be successfully implemented and those who try will be 
fixed or eliminated. Take RTI which has worked wonders, but the System has 
how to nullify its efficacy. The CIC Shailesh Gandhi whilst demitting office 
said "If it continues like this, the common man will run away from this like 
from most judicial and semi-judicial processes. In the next five years RTI will 
be dead". They are successfully doing it to the Consumer courts. Team Anna, 
discredited by the government using all its dirty politics, are not people from 
the roadside. No one is perfect and it is disgusting to see the arrogant holier 
than thou opinion makers refuse to
form a SIT to investigate the documented allegations by eminent people in team 
Anna, against the so far untouchable elected Lords who make the law for you and 
me but are a law unto themselves. Babus have been made into politicians 
"chamchas"(Siamese Twins according to Justice Santosh Hegde) and we have to 
bring them to justice, separating them by surgery! If we cannot elect morally 
upright people into government, society is doomed.


2012-07-06 Thread John Gomes

This is what my government SwarnajayantiAarogyaVimaYojana card proclaims. After 
visiting the empanelled hospital in my area, 
the Directorate of health and speaking to the ICICI Lombard insurers, I 
understand there is a MOI between the previous DigambarKamat government and the 
Insurer.  I was advised to find details from Google! Here Aarogya has only one 
"a" and it is Bima not Vima! A cashless scheme for those admitted for treatment 
upto Rs 60,000/-. Parrikar reportedly will raised the limit to Rs 2 Lakhs. The 
hospital I visited told me that it is only for when a patient is operated. No 
OPD treatment and no super specialist either, only primary and secondary 
diseases. They could not give me a list on what I am not entitled to! Also,I 
witnessed cards given to anyone without checking or even if  they said  only 
an Aadhar card, which was issued in a hurry to all regardless as a Unique 
Identification number. We were asked to produce our EPIC card, which those 
receiving then Rs100/- fee or those making the card never checked. Migrant 
labor easily got their cards made. So Goa will be insuring all Indians in Goa, 
whether not goans (what is the defination) or resident etc. 
This is important because when someone goes to the empaneled hospital they may 
admit patient for surgery even though not required, and may claim 
exhorbident/fictitious rates. All Hospitals may understand the MOU differently 
and the uneducated taken for a ride.The Goa government maybe paying a lumpsum 
as insurance fees. It appears no one is clear on what is exactly mandated by 
this scheme. The government must officially make details of 
this scheme clear to all concerned!The Hospitals, the Insurer and the patient, 
so there are least hasels and chances for another scam.


2012-06-04 Thread John Gomes
Since monsoons are fast approaching, road 
carpeting/repairs are being done in a hurry. It is observed that potholes are 
not filled properly before carpeting. No camber or drainage thought of! The 
existing drains are mostly blocked/damaged. And work 
is not done at night as was done properly a long time back, but continues 
peak traffic hours. I trust the Tenders are being scrutinized by the finance 
department as was assured by Parrikar, and the same old kick back /commissions 
system is not in vogue!


2012-05-17 Thread John Gomes
I cannot understand Advocate Satish Sonak wanting amendment to the Lokayukta 
bill before it is implemented.The President has once again approved the bill 
and it has to go to the Governor once again!ANY AMENDMENT NOW WILL ENDANGER IT 
GETTING CAUGHT UP IN PROCEDURES. The CM wants to implement it as soon as 
possible.We have good retired goan judges, any one of whom fit the bill.
After implementation and watching the practical problems in Goa,amendments can 
be made regarding appointment, giving teeth where required etc. The Lokpal bill 
will probably not include the Lokayukta which will be the States perogative. Of 
course we the people will have to ensure this happens! We cannot afford any 
further delay. 


2012-04-19 Thread John Gomes
I understand voting machines will not be used and counting will be manual. This 
has been used to find out who voted for whom! At previous such elections I have 
objected in writing to the same numbers on the counterfoil I sign and the 
ballot paper; to the election booth officer and followed it up with the SEC to 
no avail. I understand the number is to ensure no bogus ballot papers are 
filled in. This is an important election and citizens must be explained about 
a foolproof system in use to ensure complete secrecy of ballot.


2012-04-16 Thread John Gomes
The Himachal Assembly recently passed it's Lokayukta bill,in the absence of the 
Opposition Congress! The CM Premkumar Dhumal claims this bill is better than 
the Uttarkhand bill praised by team Anna. It is worth noting that in the Dara 
Singh fake encounter killing case,in which a DIG and BJP MLA were arrested,due 
accused given deferential treatment, the Rajasthan High Court finally in 
frustration stated "The aims and objectives with which the CBI was established 
have been compromised...and it is high time the agency needs to be shut 
The Congress sponsored Lokpal bill keeps firm control of the CBI!
2. The Goa government/Media need to let the people know what were the 
observations or objections of the central government authorities clearing our 
Lokayukta bill, the Goa government reply thereto and why the delay despite the 
Chief Secretary's special efforts. Citizens would also like to know the 
salient points/gist of the final bill.
 3.We have been told the bill has been cleared by the Home Dept and now awaits 
clearance by the President!The Presidential elections are due shortly and let 
us hope she approves the bill before that and her alleged trip to Africa 
planned ; before retirement to Palatial bungalow reportedly being built for her 
by the government.

[Goanet] Dan Driscoll

2012-03-19 Thread John Gomes
Dan Driscoll held a "Literary Hour" at XCHR, in tribute to departed  wife 
Germana in the presence of her Christian Ashram mentors and senior residents of 
Anjali Ashram where Dan's Guru, late Fr Amalorpavadass inspired him and taught 
him the Gayatri Mantri which he recited fluently and passionately. He also sang 
her favorite songs accompanied on the violin by Christo Fernendes of Kala 
Academy fame and also young boy violinist! He recited poetry from a booklet 
handout given to all those who attended, mostly her lifetime friends and 
relations. Poems by Emily Dickenson, Walter de la Mare, Yeats, and Ralph Waldo 
Emerson's poem BRAMHA!The Kingfisher by W.H.Davies etc.He also regaled us with 
stories if how he met his wife and why he left Canada 25 years back to live 
happily in Goa, with his wife after the hassls of renting/building of their 
residence by the Mandovi river. A beautiful painting of the photo he took of 
her with Umbrella opened as sunshade at Mira
 Mar was prominently displayed and the artist who drew it was on his way to 
attend, but unfortunately could not find XCHR before the function ended.

The whole function was conducted in his inimitable, informant and knowledgeable 
style. He will be leaving India and domicile in Canada as of March 21st. The 
art and literature world in Goa and his many friends, rich and poor from all 
castes and religions will surely miss him.

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[Goanet] Elections

2012-03-01 Thread John Gomes
It was found that Greece is in such dire straits politically and financially 
due to two main reasons. Corruption and government profligate spending due 
selfishness and greed, conditions rampant in Goa. We are on the downward slope 
and unless this election brings forth worthy candidates by voting out the 
winnable ones foisted on us,it will be business as usual and down the 
"greecy"slope we all will go. I trust Remo and IAC will knock some sense into 
our electorate.

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2012-01-21 Thread John Gomes
We must be grateful to the media for bringing up the history of our well known 
candidates standing once again for elections. We now look for manifestos.People 
tend to forget that most of our elected MLAs, besides defections, have major 
and minor criminal cases pending against them . Getting elected enables them to 
somehow ward off prosecution to its logical conclusion. Lokayukta of Madhya 
Pradesh in 2011 raided 38 government officials and unearthed illegal assets of 
around 75 crore. In 2010,it was to the tune of 24 crore!This included 12 crore 
from a peon and 30 crore from a clerk in the RTO .Result? Only a fraction of 
those officials suspended.Most continue to hold their posts whilst their 
respective departments are dragging their feet in conducting enquiries.No 
action against higher officials and minister indicted.
 This must change. Donot vote for anyone or party that does not have Lokayukta 
bill in their manifesto, along with vital Citizens charter, electoral, 
administrative and police reforms. There is a lot of churning, but we are 
presented with the same old wine in the same old "winnable" bottle. Presented 
with such options, it is not surprising citizens inadvertently contribute to 
political corruption and since corruption is why they win elections, the 
politicians and bureaucrats have made it systemic. Our voice and vote must be 
raised towards positive change.We get this chance only once in five years. Will 
citizens in Goa become less greedy and selfish, rise to this 
momentous occasion, and be a shining example to the other States?

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2012-01-02 Thread John Gomes
 Annual Goanetters Meet 

 Annual Goanetters Meet - January 3, 2012 - 12:30 - 2pm

Tourist Hostel, near the Old Secretariat, Panaji (Panjim)

Planning to attend? Send an email to with contact details


I stayed awake till midnight to watch the passage of the Lokpal bill in the 
Rajya Sabha.The Chairman was going"Please,please,you can't do this,sit down/go 
back to your seats,this is disgraceful etc" and this went on from both sides of 
the house,each trying to out shout/ outsmart the other! RJD Rajniti Prasad the 
last speaker,talks on and on then walks over and snatches the Lokpal bill from 
the minister of parliamentary affairs whilst he is making the government 
reply!When the deadline is midnight,house is adjourned for 15 minutes around 
2300 due rowdiness!Why cannot the Chairman assert his authority and warn unruly 
members/use marshals to remove them?Why Mr Prasad/members  not punished,not 
even chastised for "disgraceful" behavior?The midnight hour exposed the 
chanayaka behavior of our 'honorable"members !
I do not buy the argument that this bill was being rushed through. THE CANCER 
OF CORRUPTION NEEDS URGENT S.O.S SURGERY. After 42 plus years of sidelining 
this bill,there has been and were enough of talks/discussion,and all parties 
were aware of the key issues namely independence of the CBI and the Sense of 
the House clearly spelling it out?If after all that, the Parliamentarians 
cannot pass a strong anti corruption bill whilst handling the Trinamool 
Congress,BSP and RJD in the nation's interest,they are not fit to uphold the 
supremacy of Parliament which is accountable to "WE the People". 

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2012-01-02 Thread John Gomes
 Annual Goanetters Meet 

 Annual Goanetters Meet - January 3, 2012 - 12:30 - 2pm

Tourist Hostel, near the Old Secretariat, Panaji (Panjim)

Planning to attend? Send an email to with contact details


Tomazinho Cardozo is a principled man for all seasons. Besides a theatrist, 
a teacher,Sarpanch,Speaker, writer and a powerhouse of thought and action.No 
one is perfect, and he knows it! I personally consider him a genius
compared to the quality of people who are by and large admired in Goa! 
Congratulations and God's choicest blessings to continue the good work and rise 
to greater heights and achievements.

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:



2011-12-30 Thread John Gomes
 Annual Goanetters Meet 

 Annual Goanetters Meet - January 3, 2012 - 12:30 - 2pm

Tourist Hostel, near the Old Secretariat, Panaji (Panjim)

Planning to attend? Send an email to with contact details


I stayed awake till midnight to watch the passage of the Lokpal bill in the 
Rajya Sabha.The Chairman was going"Please,please,you can't do this,sit down/go 
back to your seats,this is disgraceful etc" and this went on from both sides of 
the house,each trying to out shout/ outsmart the other! RJD Rajniti Prasad the 
last speaker,talks on and on then walks over and snatches the Lokpal bill from 
the minister of parliamentary affairs whilst he is making the government 
reply!When the deadline is midnight,house is adjourned for 15 minutes around 
2300 due rowdiness!Why cannot the Chairman assert his authority and warn unruly 
members/use marshals to remove them?Why Mr Prasad/members  not punished,not 
even chastised for "disgraceful" behavior?The midnight hour exposed the 
chanayaka behavior of our 'honorable"members !
I trust all those who were saying Anna is destroying democracy will reassess 
their blinkered views?I do not buy the argument that this bill was being rushed 
through. After 42 plus years of sidelining this bill,there has been and were 
enough of talks/discussion,and all parties were aware of the key issues namely 
independence of the CBI and the Sense of the House clearly spelling it out?If 
after all that, the Parliamentarians cannot pass a strong anti corruption bill 
whilst handling the Trinamool Congress,BSP and RJD in the nation's 
interest,they are not fit to uphold the supremacy of Parliament which is 
accountable to "WE the People".

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[Goanet] (no subject)

2011-12-29 Thread John Gomes
 Annual Goanetters Meet 

 Annual Goanetters Meet - January 3, 2012 - 12:30 - 2pm

Tourist Hostel, near the Old Secretariat, Panaji (Panjim)

Planning to attend? Send an email to with contact details


I fail to understand how people do not fathom the crux of the 
government legislative desire, namely generally having power to give 
permission and action only on complaint!This gives government absolute 
manipulative control and permits them to get away with no action/ nullifying 
complaints. Their sins of comision or omission can also be indulged in with 
impunity! The CBI and Police have to be wrenched from government and 
influential people's control.The whole culture of government needs to 
change. Parliament is being goaded by civil society led by Anna to force a 
paradigm shift in governance.Elected representatives debating in Parliament, 
citizens doing so outside,many against Anna's methods. This churning is true 
 Parliament supremacy permits indulging in "conflict of interest" decisions 
when it suits them. They see nothing wrong in unilaterally raising their salary 
and perks,excessive security for themeslves as compared to safety of 
citizens,styming the Lokpal bill with accountability to parliament, forgetting 
their primary accountability to "We the People". All parties seem to be having 
hidden agendas.The Shiv Sena is right in saying that the existing laws are more 
than enough, but who is going nto implement them?  Wonder what tricks/ 
U-turns are up the sleeve of our honorable parliamentarians to keep the CBI and 
Lokpal firmly in their control.

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[Goanet] Hypocracy

2011-12-18 Thread John Gomes
The Winter session is progressing at a hypocritical pace.With so many vital 
Bills to pass and matters to discuss,both houses are stalled again on the 
matter of "conflict of interest" of Home Minister Chidaram's alleged 
indiscretions. Without condoning the HM,I want to ask our honorable elected 
members to tell me if by deciding/raising their own salaries and perks,  they 
have not indulged in blatant conflict of interest?


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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[Goanet] credibility of parliament

2011-12-15 Thread John Gomes
The monsoon session was a washout, ruling party wanting JPC and Opposition 
PAC.Finally the PAC also became a washout when their report was blocked! Thanks 
to pressure from Anna Hazare, a strong Lokpal Bill, blocked for 42 years is 
slated to be passed in the winter session with "Sense of House" promises. Cash 
for votes scams and hooligan behaviour, shouting in the well of the House etc 
seems to be the norm.So many Bills and important matters to discuss and there 
is constant logjam about some matter or other!The Standing Committee has 
finalised a Lokpal Bill. At close, 16 of 30 members have reportedly submitted 
disenting notes,2 never attended. So this report is finally approved by  only 
12 members (seven from the Congress!) .
However, Arun Jaitely says that this report violates the 'Sense of House" and 
is legally complex. Anna is obviously indignant.People find that Parliament is 
one when it approves their own salaries and perks and condemning the slap on 
Sharad Powar,but are not one discussing price rise or corruption or so called 
Sense of the House! The people in fact are targets of corruption,price rise and 
sham democratic governance. Politicians shout that Parliament is Supreme and 
violence has no place in Democracy! What example have they set? Person who 
waves a black flag at Rahul Gandhi is beaten up and  the Empire strikes 
back against anyone who dare criticise or complain or exercise their democratic 
All party meeting has been unable to clear deadlocks, specially the all 
important independence of the CBI. They are looking for ways to delay the Bill 
and not "rush it through".At the same time the session is further delayed on 
extraneous matters like home minister Chidambaram alleged indescretions!What 
are the priorities in this country and that of Parliament?The writing is on the 
wall, with illegal mining,black money and other scams being investigated and 
In Goa there are daily screaming headlines of rejection of RP 2021 by the 
people. It is a shame that competent authorities like Edgar Rebeiro have had to 
resign from the Task Force,and idiotic statements that people are like school 
children made, justifying politicians doing with impunity whatever they want. 
World renown architect Charles Correa wants to sell his house and run away 
from Goa due noise pollution. Parliament , the Centre and Goa government need 
to act as honest and dignified representatives of the people before people 
believe that agitation,gherao and the like leading to violence, or Anna 
Hazare's type pressure are required get any positive action! 


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2011-11-07 Thread John Gomes
The G-20 is grappling with the results of this cockyed theory, and "Occupy Wall 
Street" movement is public reaction all over the world!This one percent garners 
all the worlds riches and leaves 99% in bullock carts comparatively,whilst they 
drive in Formula one.Adv Amit Desai refuses to return 5 lakhs due Subodh 
Kantaks arrangements.Some Hon Justices  reportedly back him saying 
every "appeareance in Goa" was worth 1.25 lakh and not "appeareance in 
court".Furthermore he charges Rs25,000/hour to attend any conference in Mumbai! 
Katrina Kaif charges and gets 65 lakhs for one entry show up,and corporates pay 
Maliaka Arora Khan  20 lakhs for attending an event ,and she gets Rs 25 lakhs 
to attend a wedding.Sharuk Khan says he is not worried abut money.In his 
words,all he has got to do is shake his ass at some shows to earn in crores. 
The obsene salaries of corporates and bank CEOs and Ministers/MLAs salaries and 
perks, 6th pay commision salaries etc puts
 money in pockets to fuel (Greed over need) consumption,with resulting damage 
to earth and the environment permanently.With 7 billion mouths to feed and 
counting, the whole world economy has to be urgently re-oriented. The System 
has to change ,when there is no bread for the 99% and others eat exotic cakes! 


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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2011-11-01 Thread John Gomes

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Deputy Commissioner K.K.Soan says Ex Jharkhand CM Madhu Koda was beaten up by 
inmates insisting he has meals with others! However,he is shown by the media, 
front page news, with many microphones thrust in his face, alleging that he was 
roughed up by the guards when he went to check the quality of food.What is 
more, his partyJMM and his wife demand a high level Inquiry stating"Koda is not 
an ordinary person,and the assault on a former CM is tantamount to an attack on 
Since when did elected representatives become nawabs/extraordinary people?The 
very fact he is in jail is demeaning democracy,and it is really our fault 
that they cannot believe all are equal before the law. With more and more 
untouchable big wigs/heavyweights going behind bars,it is in their interest 
that they get down to earth and understand justice!Also high time we stop 
bowing and scraping before them to know and get what is our right.To be worthy 
of democracy by standing up to be counted.


2011-10-12 Thread John Gomes

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People convinced against their will,are of the samer opinion still! We have a 
lot of these Digvijay types on Goanet and of course  democracy is tolerance of 
all views. Smart Ass interviewers ask provocative questions and headline part 
answers. TRPs is their job and aim.With reference to the interview of Kerjiwal 
and Karan Thapar, which I saw, the context was unresponsiveness and arrogance 
in superiority of present lot in Parliament! Maybe present state of affairs 
suits them or people are used to being bossed/trampled upon,being servile.The 
Constitution is supreme, not Parliament!We the people gave them the powers, and 
we the people can take it away from them!
Without Anarchy,we have to change the system,  by knocking off the huge power 
and priveledge and fiefdom of the political class and bureaucrats.This is 
alomost impossible in our System. The cancer of corruption and gangrene in the 
political system will not be cured by medecines and needs urgent surgery! Since 
ruling party Congress will only change by votes or mass uprising, that is what 
is being attempted.The Constitution envisages making the citizen central  
to Indian democracy. Kerjiwal stating, in reference to the context of the 
interview and question asked, that Anna and the citizen is above the 
Parliament,  is stating the obvious. Ex CEC J.M.Lyndoh is also of the 
opinion that we only have adult franchise.Let us try to get ourselves some real 
democracy please. Haven't you noticed the change
in Congress thinking these days?The pressure has to be not only kept up, but 
increased, for the Lokpal and Ayuktyas
to be able to start the process.We have a long way to go.

[Goanet] Millstone Around Our Necks

2011-10-01 Thread John Gomes
1.Creating government jobs- The Parrikar period pre employment training scheme 
people were jobless after training! As it is,the army of bureaucrats need to be 
drastically pruned. High salaries,perks and pensions, not to mention strikes 
and unnecessary creation of work increases corruption and red tape, besides 
being permanent drain on the exchequer!In August 1,200 jobs were created (352 
posts in Dte of Arts and Culture under CM). Now additional 1,130 posts created. 
Laxmikant Parsekar mentions unheard of posts like patient attendants (Health), 
bull attendants (Agricultural dept) etc .The politicians people (created vote 
banks) are generally recruited and no one can thereafter make those recruits 
accountable.What will happen after the 7th pay commission!
2.Aadhaar- The planning commission objected to simply very massive expenditure 
and duplication with NPR also in progress. I understand now both are being done 
simultaneously as the same vendor has been contracted.Before there were two 
different organisations, and different departments responsible!.These 
exercises have bordered on harassment,specially for the uneducated/poor who are 
not guided properly.With Census taking exercise recently concluded,same 
uncoordinated exercises for Epic,then ration card APL/BPL and people have to go 
and spend some more money and time for passport,Driving License smart card etc. 
With a corrupt and incompetent administration supervising, how accurate will 
all this be?(And now they will increase control and LPG prices and taxes. 
Expensive security plates for vehicles is next). RBI says banks have to verify 
address, Nandan Neilkani says no! Migrant labour keep changing 
address,sometimes have none,so how are banks and
 others to trust old data?
When will they show more  coordination, accountability and efficiency and stop 
adding to the millstone already around our necks that we have been 
democratically tolerating!


2011-08-17 Thread John Gomes
 Facts are that from January, Team Anna  engaged everyone across the political 
spectrum.When they found no one is serious, Anna decided to go on fast in 
Delhi.The crowds that supported and turned up, specially after the Baba Ramdev 
episode, shook the government and therefore they agreed to 50/50 committee to 
draft a bill, BUT NO TELEVISED sessions! Poor chaps may get inhibited to speak 
frankly in front of a camera. So they bullshitted the civil society 
members,gave their usual double speak and false assurances.Then they drew up a 
JOKEPAL bill, with  limitations, applicable to some,firmly in control of  the 
appointments,CVC,CBI and keeping out many but including NGOs with malicious 
intent as seen in discriminatory handling!And OH the arrogance of  their 
elected supremacy.Could they not forward to the cabinet one draft with three 
columns.Details of every clause,
1Government 2.Civil Society 3.Agree/Disagree for reasons as follows.  NO. They 
simply forwarded the two drafts separately and completely ignored the vital 
points needing discussion! Consider the following:
We need a Separate body, obviously not under control of those being 
investigated or requiring  their permissions at different layers to tie us all 
up in knots.The final draft of the Jan Lokpal Bill was painstakingly crafted 
based on the sucessful Hongkong Ombudsman and with deep knowledge of our 
Constitution, parliament,government and judiciary.The bogeys of parallel 
super authority, undermining parliament etc are all put forward by those who 
refuse to consider the checks and balances/perhaps improve on them.ALL ARE 
EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW.Dont tell me we are so used to bowing and scraping before 
HONOURABLE representatives of ours,that we just cannot change this mindset! The 
Supreme Court Ruled ; " Rule of law affirms Parliament's supremacy while at the 
same time denying it sovereignity over the Constitution.This limits power to 
legislate.Any law will be subject to judicial review".So it is with the Jan 
Lokpal bill. I specifically confirmed this from
 Justice Hegde when he was in Goa! There are checks and balances, Lokayuktyas 
also thought of and integrated in the same bill!One Country,One people,One 
Bill, Justice for one and all equally! This principle must be put into 
practice. This Bill is only the first step! The Judiciary and Parliament have a 
place and so must the Lokpal/Lokayuktya, like the CAG,EC and institutions that 
we can be proud of !The world is watching.
We can show the world how to end corruption, Yes END, if we can think out of 
the box, have the will and determination to raise our moral standards and be 
worthy of our great Indian philosophical and spiritual heritage. Either you 
want change or you dont. Believe me, there is no time to waste before India 
burns like London and the middle east!Prevention is better than cure?


2011-07-30 Thread John Gomes
The Supreme Court has ordered immediate suspension of mining in Bellary 
district .Reason stated is over exploitation of iron ore causing large scale 
environmental degradation.Dempos was wise to get out from mining and 
sucessfully diversify into other areas.The RP 2021 has cut out completely the 
chapter on phasing out of mining which is more urgent here than in 
Bellary!I ask everybody in authority who cares for the aam admi and Goa in 
particular, GCCI and those wanting to green Goa and to create jobs,where is the 
semblance of proper planning to phase out disasterous policies instead of 
continuing and increasing mining activity under different guises and hidden 

Re: [Goanet] Medium of Education? Bhagvad Gita study compulsory in, Karnataka schools

2011-07-25 Thread John Gomes
This matter was already settled in 2005 in Karnataka when the govt made 
Kannada compulsary for all schools. The High Court had struck it down. 
As long as we have the fanatics,this will keep cropping up. In fact, 
perhaps teaching the best of ALL faiths in schools called moral science 
taught in catholic schools for non-christians during my days  will be a 
very good idea. Let children see what all religions teach and followed 
by their hypocritical elders in the breach! Maybe the universal values 
will make a comeback to raise the moral standards rapidly going down!

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 618

2011-07-03 Thread John Gomes

--- On Sat, 2/7/11, 

Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 618
Date: Saturday, 2 July, 2011, 12:30 PM

Message: 6
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 08:44:04 +0530
From: Marshall Mendonza 
To: goanet 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

John Gomes;

Nobody can act like Superman/Dictator,Everything will be transparent and
accountability is built in! The Lokpal has many members, with well thought
out checks and balances, and arms in all States. There are stringent
selection processes, procedures for removing members or the Lokpal, all
actions/decisions subject  to judicial review. It will be a body like the
Election Commission.Do not believe the propaganda by the government.They
keep repeating it on TV and in print! Justice Santosh Hegde is also with
Supreme Court service AND is a practising Lok Ayukyta,TRY AS HE MIGHT
IS unable to move and reign in corruption in the Karnataka government.I
spoke to him on these very points when he was in Goa! Further,this is not a
magic wand but required since the many laws in existance are definately more
than enough but are just not being or allowed to be implemented.Permission
has to be taken from those

alleged culprits to even start enquiry.,CBI is their handmaiden and
CVC hamstrung etc.The Civil Society members are experienced and eminent
people,the best we have for this purpose of drafting a strong bill.Yes,even
if passed,it will have to be implemented for which
electoral, police,administrative and judicial reforms must follow! Let us
take positive steps possible and not pontificate without moving forward .For
forty years they have blocked this Bill


* *


Dear John,

Please do not get me wrong. I am all for the Lok Pal Bill. However, kindly
pardon me if I appear sceptical about how it is going to unfold. The draft
bill of Anna Hazare & Co is at one end of the spectrum and the draft bill of
the government is at the other end. The issue is of the twain meeting.
Anna?s bill is highly idealistic and not driven by ground realities. It also
suffers from certain presumptions and creates an exclusive club of who will
stand in judgement. In this regard, I would recommend you to read Shekhar
Gupta?s article in the Indian Express (Our Singapore fantasy
Unless, there is change in the basic structure of funding political parties,
reforms in the police and judicial processes and systems, revampment of
legislations to bring them in line with today?s needs and realities like
that done in the financial sector ( witness the transparency and smooth
trading with the advent of online trading systems, the disappearance of
investor?s complaints by dematerializing stocks and securities, etc) , it
would be expecting too much from the Lok Pal. He would need an entirely
parallel apparatus of policemen, investigating officers, judicial officers,
witness protection, judicial powers to call for and preserve documents, if
he is to do justice to his post. (Look how Narendra Modi's government has
destroyed all records and evidences relating to the 2002 Gujarat killings or
how sensitive Adarsh files have gone missing) How on earth will anyone with
the best of intentions pin the guilty under conditions like this? Regards,

Dear Marshall,
   Skepticism is good,idealism is better! Why the hell has this 
whole thing arisen? Arent the PAC and Election Commission,CIC organisations we 
can rely on to uphold the law without prejudice?This is no exclusive club but 
an independent TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLE organisation which will not say you 
are unelected and unelectable,so shut up! Sure,we can endlessly ruminate 
on what should be.You reach for the sky and maybe you land on a treetop insted 
of wallowing in the dirt. Frail Anna is willing to risk his life for this 
"blackmail".The least we can do is back him and his eminent team who are still 
discussing and will modify their stand but keeping civil society and  
anti-corruption in mind.How on earth will???They are 
suggesting a path! What is your solution?


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 603

2011-06-28 Thread John Gomes

--- On Mon, 27/6/11, 

Message: 6
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 17:31:51 +0530
From: Marshall Mendonza 
To: goanet 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

The government says a strong Lokpal will be answerable to nobody,
civil society is trying to rewrite the Constitution and only higher
bureaucracy may be included!

I have been listening to the debates on TV and I can see that they are
fighting tooth and nail to defend their fiefdom. So it appears that
besides corruption,we will have to fight to defend and enforce the
true spirit and interpretation of our Constitution and Democracy!
John Gomes


The draft Lok Pal Bill and the debate thereon are like the Curate?s
egg ? good in parts. While it is true that we need some mechanism to
check and control corruption, the method being employed is
unfortunately lacking. We are blind believers that if pass stringent
laws or create constitutional authorities, the problems will simply go
away and we will have ram rajya. The truth of the matter is that there
is a surfeit of laws and a dearth of regulatory supervision.
Corruption has so permeated every regulatory authority that it is next
to impossible to eradicate it without drastic surgical intervention.
Can you name one sector which is devoid of corruption? Our judiciary,
our defence forces, our religious authorities, our educationists, our
doctors, our lawyers have all been contaminated by corruption. And sad
to say, I am seeing it even in the private sector and among NGOS
RESPONSE By John Gomes;
So far so good.However all the rest  below is farfetched.Nobody can act like 
Superman/Dictator,Everything will be transparent and accountability is built 
in! The Lokpal has many members, with well thought out checks and balances, and 
arms in all States. There are stringent selection processes, procedures for 
removing members or the Lokpal, all actions/decisions subject  to judicial 
review. It will be a body like the Election Commission.Do not believe the 
propaganda by the government.They keep repeating it on TV and in print! Justice 
Santosh Hegde is also with Supreme Court service AND is a practising Lok 
Ayukyta,TRY AS HE MIGHT IS unable to move and reign in corruption in the 
Karnataka government.I spoke to him on these very points when he was in Goa! 
Further,this is not a magic wand but required since the many laws in existance 
are definately more than enough but are just not being or allowed to be 
implemented.Permission has to be taken from those
 alleged culprits to even start enquiry.,CBI is their handmaiden and 
CVC hamstrung etc.The Civil Society members are experienced and eminent 
people,the best we have for this purpose of drafting a strong bill.Yes,even if 
passed,it will have to be implemented for which 
electoral, police,administrative and judicial reforms must follow! Let us take 
positive steps possible and not pontificate without moving forward .For forty 
years they have blocked this Bill
The revulsion against politicians is so great that we all would like
to believe the Lok Pal like some Superman is the answer to all our
ills. However, we tend to ignore the fact the Lok Pal will be selected
from one amongst us. What if he decides to take authority into his own
hands and act like a dictator. What is the recourse to civil society?
We all know how Giani Zail Singh tried to destabilize Rajiv Gandhi.
What happens if power goes to the head of the Lok Pal? We are aware of
how difficult it is to get rid of corrupt judges and other
constitutional figures. We need to have checks and balances in the
system. More importantly we need to inculcate good ethics and values
in our children and citizens. We need people of integrity and strong
character. Only then will there be positive change in society. While
we do need an institution like Lok Pal let us not expect too much,
lest we be disappointed.



** **


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 20:31:08 +0530
From: "SOTER" 
Subject: [Goanet] Easy availability of drugs, alcohol in state worries
Message-ID: <000701cc3411$e53de930$1901a8c0@user77948b9580>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="iso-8859-1"

Easy availability of drugs, alcohol in state worries church
TNN | Jun 26, 2011, 12.18pm IST
PANAJI: The social arm of the Catholic church, Council for Justice and Peace 
(CSJP), has expressed "deep concern" over the rampant abuse of drugs in Goan 

"Goa, famous the world over because of its natural beauty and hospitality, has 
unfortunately been in the news for being a haven for drugs resulting in 
drug-related deaths of tourists and the expo

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 594 LOK PAL BILL

2011-06-25 Thread John Gomes

--- On Sat, 25/6/11, 

Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 594
Date: Saturday, 25 June, 2011, 2:09 AM

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: St. Anthony (Mervyn Lobo)
   2. Re: How will Lokpal Bill solve. (Gerald Fernandes)
   3. What Are Electrolytes and Why Are They Good For Us? (Con Menezes)
   4. Re: How will the Lok Pal Bill solve the common man's
      problems? (Nascy Caldeira)
   5. Busy Sarpanch neglecting her son, husband etc (JoeGoaUk)
   6. Goan Welfare Society - Kuwait - Scholarships in Kuwait &    Goa
      (Wilson Coelho)
   7. Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs and muscle pain (Con Menezes)
   8. Goa's death confirmed -Mandovi, Zuari are shit rivers (SOTER)
   9. Re: St John's Feast Celebrated in Goa, Anjuna (Alfred de Tavares)
  10. Talking photos: Siolim Sao Joao 2011 (JoeGoaUk)


 The Lokpal/Ayuktas will be empowered to IMPLEMENT the laws.Right now you 
are all right, there are already laws and corruption; Those concerned are not 
implementing etc;you seek a magic wand.Get real!


2011-06-22 Thread John Gomes

The government says a strong Lokpal will be answerable to nobody, civil society 
is trying to rewrite the Constitution and only higher bureaucracy may be 
I have been listening to the debates on TV and I can see that they are fighting 
tooth and nail to defend their fiefdom. So it appears that besides 
corruption,we will have to fight to defend and enforce the true spirit and 
interpretation of our Constitution and Democracy!
Why is it that it has taken 40 years for a Lokpal Bill to  be seriously 
considered whilst corruption has reached its zenith in the highest echelons of 
the government,judiciary and also people with criminal backgrounds are in 
Parliament and Vidhan Sabhas?The government appears to be trying every trick to 
fool the highly experienced and eminent Civil Society members (Justice Santosh 
Hegde is a practising Lok Ayukyta frustratingly handling todays government big 
time corruption in Karnataka ) and the public to dilute and render ineffective 
a strong anti corruption Bill! They want to make exceptions,keep out various 
authorities and keep firm control of the CBI and enforcement agencies.Like 
unanimously raising their salaries and perks, they want to stand up together, 
protect and look after themselves with no interference from "We The 
People".Consequently cash for votes/questions and corruption are to be dealt 
with by the House. Nobody is punished/jailed
 for smashing furniture,throwing mikes etc. Suspensions and investigations lead 
nowhere.The PM may be bribed by foreign governments for deals in league with 
his majority party and he cannot be indicted whilst in office. All evidence can 
be destroyed before he demits office and that is when he is permitted to come 
under the Lokpal. The alleged guilty will have to be asked permission to 
prosecute themselves? The higher bureaucracy will  protect and get all the 
dirty work done by the lower bureaucracy and there will be no evidence on file 
etc. The political reality and gap between what is desirable and what is 
possible (Anna Hazare is our last bet to make the impossible possible) will be 
known only after government finally presents its Lokpal Bill!

[Goanet] Procuring CDs

2011-06-19 Thread John Gomes
Goan Diaspora are finding it difficult to get CDs of music and movies of 
concani/made by goans.Somebody has to buy them in Goa and send via 
courier/mail?I Understand books are not taxed but there is a problem regarding 
CDs. Is there some organisation that can be aapproached to obtain the above on 

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 539(Bandh)

2011-06-07 Thread John Gomes

This is how Arun Jaitley describes crackdown at Ram Lila grounds,the pot 
calling the kettle black! Isn't blackmailing the Congress by not permitting 
Parliament to function for its whole term demanding a JPC and blessing the 
corruption in Karnataka equally shameful?The Congress is now using the same 
tactics that hounded Tehelka to cover that exposure. Baba Ramdev has been 
called a fraud and a thug,When their usual bogus agreements and diluting 
Committee tactics were seen through, officially sanctioned police action on 
unarmed and peacefully sleeping protesters including women and children was 
unleashed resulting in externing Ramdev with resultant damage to people and 
material.Now the Empire will strike with laws and rules questioning his source 
of funding,land acquisitions,medicines patents etc.The same laws and rules they 
have generally flouted to permit amassing of assets disproportionate to their 
source of income and even stash it abroad! Now
 they will even use the fineprint and to exist in our System, no one can be 
lily white in any case. Equality before the law is a joke. Mobocracy rules.The 
rich stay out of the way. The poor and unconnected are helpless .
In Goa, the government seems to have learnt no lessons from the Balli 
violence.The Supreme Court has declared Bandhs as unconstitutional and has 
banned it! Further, any damage is to be recovered from those calling the bundh. 
Section 144 is to be used rarely and for the shortest period.Why is there no 
pre-emptive action on the politicians and big wigs enforcing illegality?Why 
must there be action during and after the event every time! Why is there no 
accountability from all the concerned? Why is the law applied only after the 
Courts are involved? Why are no fines imposed,compensation recovered?
Is it the Courts/ Civil Society responsibility to ensure governance as per law? 
--- On Tue, 7/6/11, 

Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 539
Date: Tuesday, 7 June, 2011, 9:47 AM

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Goanet digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Anti-corruption campaign- Nothing but a political game of    BJP
   2. Re: Cure for Cancer? (Santosh Helekar)
   4. The Family Love Letter, The Gift of Your Life (Con Menezes)
   5. Violent protests over English language issue in Goa
      (Goanet News Service)
   6. Bandh near total, reports of school buses smashed (Gabe Menezes)
   7. Goa temple bans entry of foreigners,    others impose dress code
      (Goanet News Service)
   8. Talking Photos: Goa Bandh - Panjim near total (JoeGoaUk)
   9. It's Official - Deception is fine with BJP and allies (SOTER)
  10.  Which is our Mother-tongue? (
  11. Re :  Goa temple bans entry of foreigners, others impose
      dress code (Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc?o)

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 4889 (Negligence Power Dept)

2011-05-20 Thread John Gomes

Reference "How Many More Deaths Mr CEE"(GT 19May), my official letters to the 
CEE via the Consumer Protection Council(CPC) of which I am a member listing the 
lacunae and with suggestions short term,long term and strategic(under headings 
Administration in Vidyut Bhavan, Trainning,Communication and General) were not 
taken  quite seriously despite many official reminders.In fact the last meeting 
of the Council was held on 21/10/09.This is the year 2011,no action taken 
report on the many decisions passed, no compliance of the CPC Act regarding 
regular meetings which High Court was assured is being done etc. They seem to 
be able to get away with anything! Just visit Vidyut Bhavan and ask for updated 
Citizens Charter.They charged me R2/page for pure information under RTI ,not 
involving any xerox or CD or maps etc. 
With the CEE reportedly on his 5th Extension of service, they all are a cosy 
mutual support bunch and can just ignore suggestions and complaints at their 
sweet will and fancy. No punishments,nothing going from their pockets, all 
doing very well for themselves.
 The Administration which I observed is in shambles/ no proper coordination and 
monitoring, requires a work study and complete overhall, but  with the present 
set up in government, I can see no hope. Facebook has thrown up others who are 
willing to match JoeGoa's cash offer to any public spirited lawyer willing to 
take up this serious matter of negligence in Court! 


2011-05-11 Thread John Gomes
Justice Hegde said in Karnataka no one admits wrong.Precedent has already been 
set and that justifies the wrongs! We see it regularly when Congress, BJP and  
Parties spokespersons debate. 
People in general are disgusted with the price rise and poor/no 
administration and  that they have to survive in the existing System.This can 
be compared to our Ferry crossings.Everyone rushes in and out at the same 
time.There is no control/administration existing.If you want ethics and correct 
etiquette, you will be jostled/pushed,bad mouthed or ejected/left behind.Either 
you want to cross or not! And doing this regularly becomes a habit.Today an 
honest politician  or voter is one who when bought will stay bought!
Let us hope Anna Hazare can galvanize the people to work towards getting rid 
of our shackles.


2011-04-18 Thread John Gomes
The first Meeting of the joint committee has taken place as scheduled and 
appears to be on track.Already efforts are on to scuttle the Bill. Anna Hazare 
is a naive simpleton being used by vested interests. His remarks regarding Modi 
and Mulayam being good Chief Ministers have drawn much flack. Sri Sri Ravi 
Shanker and Swami Ramdev are bad influences. The Bushans characters are being 
smeared by an anonymous CD. Crores have been spent on Annas movement.
The nation backed Anna's fast because it was fed up with these very same 
critics responsible for not passing the Bill more than 8 times in the last 42 
years ! Who is responsible for permitting criminals to enter the portals of 
parliament and become powerful Netas? Who is responsible for not permitting 
Parliament to function, making it almost impossible to impeach a corrupt judge 
or jail  scam tainted and criminal politicians and bureaucrats? After reporting 
scam after scam and "law will take its own course" procedures futilely being 
followed to nail the guilty, the whole nation and the world are watching 
details as I did on CNN, NDTV, CNBC and the Press.Let us all resolutely move in 
the direction of being proud to be an Indian.Neither IPL nor red herrings or 
any other distractions must be allowed stand in the way!

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 375 (Goa's CS Travel Costs)

2011-04-14 Thread John Gomes
 The information below, is nothing compared to the foreign jaunts,wining and 
dining, perks(official and official), accommodation, luxurious high 
end expensive vehicles using unlimited petrol and mobile phone calls etc. Lion 
roars column has been regularly giving details. With deficit financing and 
figures running into croresbut does anyone care?No one is 
accountable/ brought to book for illegally robbing the exchequer,giving 
freebies, living life king sized with access to unlimited bribe money. The Lok 
Pal Bill will hopefully  kick- start  Judicial, Electoral,Police and 
Administrative reforms. Long road ahead.Todays democratic process will require 
1000 Aires Rodrigues and Anna Hazares at the rate this nascent Lok Pal Bill 
movement is being torn apart right even before it has got down to work! Coming 
together is just a start.Keeping together is progress.Working together spells 

Message: 11
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 09:49:00 +0530
From: Aires Rodrigues 
    EXCHEQUER RS 8, 47, 827
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

In 2010 Goa?s Chief Secretary Mr. Sanjay Srivastava made 27 official
trips within India and two trips overseas. This has been revealed in
the information under the Right to Information Act by the Chief
Secretary?s office. The information has revealed that a total of Rs 5,
91,099 was spent on the 27 trips made by the Chief Secretary within
India while an expenditure of Rs 2, 56,728 was incurred on the two
trips overseas.

The Chief Secretary?s trips within India include 22 to Delhi, 2 to
Mumbai, 2 to Hyderabad and one to Udaipur. The two foreign trips were
a 13 day trip to Korea and the other a 7 day one to Spain. The only
unofficial trip made by the Chief Secretary Mr. Sanjay Srivastava in
2010 was to Varanasi under the Leave Travel Concession and cost Rs

One wonders as to why the Chief Secretary had to travel so frequently
given that we are in an age where issues could be sorted out through
video conferencing and other electronic means. Such frequent traveling
and extravagant expenditure is also  contrary to the Prime Minister
Dr. Manmohan Singh?s directive that there should be an austerity and
restraint in official travels by Ministers and officers.
While the Chief Secretary has been a frequent flier Goa?s Aam Aadmi
has been suffering as the local administration lacked direction and
has become dysfunctional.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 375

[Goanet] charges and counter charges

2011-04-13 Thread John Gomes
Our  Democratic System is reduced to being run by nepotism,corruption and so 
called coalition dharma, where the nexus of politicians,bureaucrats,vested 
interests and criminals reigns supreme, We have a corrupt mobocracy instead of 
a democracy. Just look at what is going on in Tamilnadu and Kerala! Anna 
Hazare's movement gaining nationality with quick catapulting of Government 
surprised everyone including Anna himself. Kapil Sibal ridiculed stating that 
if a poor person needs help for medical services or has no means for education, 
the Lok Pal Bill will not help but a Minister can! Precisely what the Lok Pal 
Bill will correct by ensuring politicians,judges and bureaucrats are made 
accountable and a citizen need not beg/depend on a Minister or his largess! The 
citizen, for all his needs, will have available an accountable Institution with 
a Citizen's Charter which will tell him all he needs to know and how to get 
it/help at his
 convenience.Congress spokesperson Abishek Singhvi says pre-condition for 
videotaping proceedings of Committee can never be permitted as it will inhibit 
candid discussions! Will we need Wikileaks to know exactly what went on if 
talks fail?The same spokesperson had argued that if notification was issued for 
the joint committee, it would be a mockery of the Constitution and set a 
dangerous precedent for the nation! Well,Indira Gandhi went straight to the 
President and issued a notification for Emergency without  any constitutional 
procedures. Goa government issued an Ordinance nullifying a Supreme Court 
Order. Fears of a powerful Lok Ayukta misusing its powers, checks and balances 
etc were all discussed in the sharp interview of Arjun Kerjiwal by Karan 
Thapar. A positive process is in motion, with erudite,experienced,balanced and 
the best citizens for drafting this Bill. The whole nation and the world is 
watching, whilst  charges and
 counter charges,cynicism and debate are part of the democratic process. Let us 
give it a chance! Let us wish it to succeed instead of sarcasm and negative 


2011-04-08 Thread John Gomes
The first was an all India mass revolution against foreign domination.This one 
is against our elected oppressors and their increasing arrogance and 
corruption.The PAC is scrutinizing the suspicious role of the Prime Minister's 
office and senior bureaucrats role in the 2G scam.Whatever the precedent and 
rules in normal circumstances,Parliament and Vidhan Sabhas have twisted them, 
and held the dignity of the House and nation to ransom by not 
permitting function and passing important Bills without discussion in 
pandemonium! Sorry Sirs,we shall not have it! 
How can the same self serving Legislators frame a Bill that seeks to indict 
their own actions and self serving behavior with layers of  
precedents,protection and privileges?For forty years the Lok Ayuktas/Lok Pal 
Bills have been shelved. Anna Hazare is not blackmailing government by going on 
a fast unto death.Neither are these some same NGOs who want fame; Lord Megnad, 
Amir Khan,Kiran Bedi, Arjun Kerjiwal,Mallika Sarabhai, lots of other eminent 
respected people and a whole lot of others from all over India,all walks of 
life cutting across language,caste,creed,wealth status, from Metros and Rural 
India, have joined the struggle! Instead of feeling ashamed,they are trying the 
same old tricks to  divide,quote precedents,rules,their prerogative to 
legislate anything they want?No, the IPL and nothing will distract this 
movement going to its logical focused conclusion.The Video and print media will 
be fully used by both sides until crucial aspects
 of not only the Ombudsman Bill, but also police,administration and the kind of 
Democracy as envisaged in letter and spirit of our Constitution is restored to 
this great nation.Politicians are shrewd and smart enough to know that this 
time they either agree to civil societies very clear demands or they 
will faster reap the whirlwind.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 355(Dum Maro Dum)

2011-04-08 Thread John Gomes

Banning books and movies or paintings etc stiffles creativity. In America a 
pastor burns the Koran,leading to terrible consequences for 
americans/christians world wide.Yet he cannot legally be stopped by State 
force, and Freedom is abused by all types,holy and unholy,bigots and 
fundamentalists.Where do we draw the line?
This nation is a potboiler of crazy people. Look at cricket so 
called religion,world cup heros and politicians giving them crores,land and 
what not, fundamentalists- cast,creed and 
language,intolerance..Coming back to the promo and one line 
taken,perhaps out of context perhaps when you see the whole movie.Sandeep Heble 
gives cogent arguments and even the Speaker when this matter featured in the 
Assembly said that is how our Tourism Dept projects Goa AND the fact of foreign 
prostitutes etc (never said  specifically only goan girls are cheaper?) .If we 
cannot stop the politicians- police-criminals-smuggler-drug dealers nexus 
,casino culture and corruption,what sort of dignity is being bestowed on Goa?


2011-04-04 Thread John Gomes
Every 10 years, a census shows important demographic information that is used 
in planning,policies and many other parameters effecting almost every aspect of 
This census was the fast and results analysed and released in quick time! There 
are a lot of  revelations like population growth has actually declined 
substantially(still 181 million is a big number!) Female literacy rate higher 
than male counterpart. Ratio of male to female sex rate plummeting. Better 
education medical and technological facilities has clearly not helped increase 
the girl child etc. However, the nation relying on this census,although a great 
effort and nicely and well thought out on paper, I believe practically, is far 
from accurate! Barring my own example where my signature was taken on a blank 
sheet after a few questions, and in spite of my personally reporting to the 
Census office, there was no follow up rectification action, Many people 
likewise affected/ wrongly interviewed, complained to me after the media helped 
make my experience public! I understand the BPL statics are less than 50% 
correct (There are more ration
 cards than population in many talukas).When every opportunity to lie and cheat 
is rampant,mother tongue/cast/creed not clear, or even manipulated ,I have my 
doubts! The world cup final saw security personnel and even students  with 
indulgent parents, making a killing and there are people willing to do 
anything, even pay a Lac for a ticket,proving Integrity is at an all time low! 
SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING?  Chalta Hai? I would not put too much faith 
in this Census !  

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 334(Education Minister caught red-handed)

2011-04-03 Thread John Gomes

--- On Sun, 3/4/11, 
Who says other Ministers were not caught red-handed! They were caught, raided 
by the authorities, and indicted, but they have immunity and power and masters 
at cover up. Like modern Management Guru Arindum Choudhary says "Count Your 
Chickens Before they Hatch". No newspaper or TV channel gave the exact amount. 
They merely said counting took hours,and he was carrying cash beyond the 
authorised limit. He has already been released and a million wheels of 
INJUSTICE will turn. I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED AT ANYTHING. For example a simple 
mistake in counting, passport returned with apology.The Congress has too many 
scams already exposed and more coming up in the pipeline.All parties are guilty 
one way or another. We appear to have become a nation of rascals,liars,cheaters 
and materialistic morons.Even tickets for the World Cup final were shown being 
sold by cops and bartered by others to make a killing.And there is a demand and 
those who fuel this
 ...Students with indulgent parents,industrualists,politicians, 
Security personnel,Touts etc. And our elected MLA ( and we have many more 
"controversial' popular ones) is appointed in a cabinet position.EDUCATION 

[Goanet] PSGB

2011-03-29 Thread John Gomes

The CM says by introducing this Bill, he is empowering the public and 
government to provide delivery of public services to the people.The basic 
requirement is the will to enforce the plethora of laws already existing to 
enforce justice and efficiency. The army of bureaucrats are a millstone around 
our necks. They have rules and laws to make us run from pillar to post and do 
most of their jobs, for which they take no responsibility either! The Citizens 
Charter is better than this Bill .It lays down exactly what each department is 
supposed to do in detail and time bound,who is responsible in the department 
etc. And puts the onus on the government! It is mandatory for all departments 
and to be given wide publicity and explained to the citizen.The bureaucracy 
despite the Consumer Protection Council's  best efforts buried it! The Public 
Services Guarantee Bill  puts the onus onto the public! Public has to complain 
to first Appellate Authority and
 procedures like the RTI Act. Who will have the time and the patience? If the 
CM is serious,he will not waste time and effort in  passing this unnecessary 
Bill, get all Departments to update (order is already there) and follow The 
Citizens Charter strictly under sever penalty for non compliance, inform the 
public and give them access wholeheartedly and  then just see the 
difference.But our government does not have the capability to 
confront/discipline our powerful army of bureaucrats.As long as corruption is 
permitted to reign supreme,nothing substantial can improve administratively for 
the public!

[Goanet] Fw: We Didn't Start The Fiah!

2011-03-28 Thread John Gomes

This song & it's title was an answer to a Final Jeopardy  -- only one person 
got it right.  Question was (paraphrased) "What 1980's song do history teachers 
praise for its educational value."  
Never could understand all the references on Billy Joel's song -- fortunately, 
with this VIDEO, given the picture(s), now can "see" what our "ears"  
Anyway, checked to see purpose behind the song.  Apparently, it's Joel's homage 
to the 40-years of historical headlines since his birth (1949).  Wish we could 
have appreciated the depths of this song when it was released.  
Twenty years later, it's amazing what Joel was able to put into music and 
lyrics lasting only a few minutes.
Whether you are a Billy Joel fan or not, you probably remember his great song, 
'We Didn't Start the Fire..'

Here it is, set to pictures... . It's a neat flashback through the past half 
century. I never did know all the words. Turn up volume, sit > back and enjoy a 
review of 50 years of history in  less than 3 minutes! Thanks to Billy Joel and 
some guy from the  University of  Chicago  with a lot of spare time and Google. 
Top left gives you full screentop right lets you pause.  
Bottom left shows the year.  The older you are, the more pictures you will 
recognize.  Anyone over age 65 should remember over 90% of what they see. But 
it's great at any age.

         click below
We Didn't Start The Fire 

[Goanet] Fw: Re: John, please help STOP this!

2011-03-23 Thread John Gomes

--- On Wed, 23/3/11, John Gomes  wrote:

From: John Gomes 
Subject: Re: John, please help STOP this!
To: "shubha rao-chikkerur" 
Date: Wednesday, 23 March, 2011, 1:18 PM

Caculos are influential tycoons probably funding the Ministers/government and 
obviously bribing the officials etc to get all the required permissions and The 
CM inagurated the Mall!  I said in my Letter published in Navhind Times 
"Mauling Goa". My whole letter was reworded and title "Mauling" changed . 
Gomantak Times published most of it. It was also on Goanet where I am 
forwarding your letter also for information.
The people affected must act without fear and with determination.I suggest the 
Residents affected send a legal notice to the Mall,and acordingly bring all 
these matters to ALL the concerned authorities in writing! Then follow up to 
its logical conclusion.
--- On Tue, 22/3/11, shubha rao-chikkerur  wrote:

From: shubha rao-chikkerur 
Subject: John, please help STOP this!
Date: Tuesday, 22 March, 2011, 5:35 PM

Dear John,

I recently returned to Australia after my annual trip to India. While in Goa, I 
visited the St. Inez area of Panaji. I request everyone visiting ‘Goa’s first 
Mall’ to take a walk behind the Mall to see something that really appalled me.

A huge generator and other equipment has been installed directly in front of 
the gates of a residential complex. While people are invited to shop in 
air-conditioned comfort (and the tills of the Caculo Mall ring merrily on), 
residents living behind the mall are forced to endure the constant noise of the 
equipment and breathe in the toxic, possibly cancer-causing, fumes being 
emitted. While the front facade of the mall sparkles, garbage from the mall is 
strewn at the back, right in front of these residential buildings. With loading 
and unloading taking place just in front of the building entrance gates the 
peaceful residential neighbourhood has been turned into a dirty fairground 
area. Residents (and patients at the nearby hospital) often have to endure 
loud, blaring music till the mall shuts down at 9:00pm. There are daily traffic 
jams caused by insufficient parking and the road to the hospital is often 
blocked, making it usafe for pedestrians, elderly
 residents and young children. Yet work is now on to expand the mall even 
further. Is this a deliberate move to dislodge the residents and the hospital 
and take over this prime space? How can gross violations like this be 
tolerated, more so in Panaji’s beautiful heritage city?



2011-03-10 Thread John Gomes
I do not understand the subject quoted.Nor your pessimistic references to Idi 
Amin etc.No one can predict the future!  The Egyptians are on the way,hopefully 
for the better. Who is going to give the space for informed political 
decisions?Time waits for no one.Fiddling whilst Goa burns without doing what 
one can is counter productive.Please keep an open mind.The Libyans are taking 
the first step, at great peril, without which there can be no others!

--- On Thu, 10/3/11, SOTER  wrote:
From: SOTER 
To: "John Gomes" 
Date: Thursday, 10 March, 2011, 6:58 AM 

- Original Message - 
From: SOTER 
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 6:57 AM


Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 12:39 PM

The letter titled 'Exorcising our Gadaffis' (Herald, 8/3/11) unfortunately
limits itself to just dethroning Goa's 'Gaddafis' . But what after the
Gaddafis and 'Mubaraks' are gone? Should Goa  make way for the 'Idi Amins',
'Musharaffs' and 'Hitlers'?
Mere emotions cannot become the driving force for a third front. What is
required to Save Goa is a rational and objective approach with a
pre-disclosed road map. Or else, it will be the same old case of the Romi
Konkani world realising only later that Konkani as official language - that
they fought for- meant konkani in the devanagiri script. Or, people joining
to scrap the Regional Plan 2011 being shocked later that the 'Save Goa'
frenzy propagated by some architects, doctors and engineers had no space for
the Gram Sabhas. That  for some Save Goa leaders, assertion of rights by the
Gram Sabha would amount to anarchy.
The recently formed GRA seems to be the repitition of a same political
strategy of encashing on the emotions of gullible goans. Will Goans ever be
provided the space for 'informed political decisions'?

-Soter D'souza

[Goanet] Fwd: FW: A Day Made of Glass... This is future. May be even better than this

2011-03-08 Thread John Gomes

Futuristic...maybe in a couple of years...!! If the 
fundamentalists,Taliban,Gaddaffis and such like allow progress in this fast 
colapsing world!

Subject: A Day Made of Glass... This is future. May be even better than this


Subject:  A Day Made of Glass... This is future. May be even better than this

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 233(Re Controversies etc etc)

2011-03-07 Thread John Gomes

It struck me that our situation vi-a-vis our government, bears a striking 
resemblance to Libya! Goa government has been hijacked by many Gaddafis who 
rule the roost! They have bled Goa and the "susegad" goans to ensconce 
themselves comfortably for life by becoming rich and powerful.They have built 
up their close relatives/clans for support,hired mercenaries, both local and 
outstation(paid in cash/kind by favors,fridges,TV sets,protection etc) 
and monopolize the bureaucrats,police and enforcement agencies.They have no 
problem in using the courts and issuing ordinances.They can do whatever they 
want with the connivance of the High Command and vested interests with 
impunity to live life king-size. 
2. To reverse the present entrenched corruption and destructive policies, none 
of the present parties and opportunist politicians must feature. We perhaps 
need a 3rd Front of caring professionals who maybe from any discipline, 
sportspersons and even educated Fisherfolk,Workers, Dalits and OBCs( Who can 
help raise their brethren to higher levels without the ills of 
reservation)to band together.This is possible if the Rajan Parrikars,Soters,Dr 
Colacos,Dr Rebellos, GBA, GRA and so on can bury the hatchet and 
proactively put their heads together with one united aim i.e. to dislodge our 
Gaddafis.The public meeting called by the GRA at 3PM on 15Mar at Azad Maidan is 
a golden opportunity for cooperation,road map and long term planning for 
"strength in unity" to change the tide in our Golden Jubilee year! 

[Goanet] Fw: Noted political activist Anna Hazare to fast unto death to protest rampant corruption

2011-03-06 Thread John Gomes

Noted political activist Anna Hazare to fast unto death to protest rampant 

is it happening? 
are we going to get another non-violent movement?
are things going to change for this country?
are we going to get a govt that is not a substitute for the exploiters of 
april 5th? will it mark the beginning?
dare we dream that the time has come?
conventional economics and wisdom have come to an end.
will we beget a solution?

so we meet on 5th april 2011

carry the national flag when you go


a mahatma announces fast unto death

Anna Hazare has given an ultimatum to the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to 
enact stringent anti-corruption law – the peoples “Jan Lokpal Bill”! Jail to 
the corrupt must happen! We have been betrayed by those that are leading us!

When & Where?

>From 5th April at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi.

Who is Anna Hazare?

A soldier, lone survivor in his unit in 1965 Indo-Pak war, Anna dedicated his 
life to the well-being of society. A bachelor, an ascetic, he has no 
possessions, no bank balance and lives in a temple. He is a living Mahatma 

In Maharashtra, Anna has single handedly transformed barren and dry regions 
into green and food surplus areas. He has fasted unto death on several earlier 
occasions. He forced the Maharashtra government to dismiss the corrupt - 6 
ministers and 400 officers. Due to his fast, the govt enacted the Maharashtra 
RTI Act. In 2006, when government of India tried to amend the Central RTI Act, 
he again went on an indefinite fast and forced the Indian government not to 
amend RTI Act.

Leaders, organizations and the common man from across India will be with him. 
This is a do or die moment – let us make it happen!

Across India, join Swami Ramdev, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Swami Agnivesh, Arch 
Bishop Vincent Concessao, Mahmood A Madani, Kiran Bedi, J M Lyngdoh, Shanti 
Bhushan, Prashant Bhushan, Arvind Kejriwal, Mufti Shamoom Qasmi, Mallika 
Sarabhai, Arun Bhatia, Sunita Godara, All India Bank Employees Federation, PAN 
IIT Alumni Association, Common Cause and many other prominent organizations and 
leaders, as India comes out on the streets! 100+ CITIES WILL RALLY BEHIND ANNA!

This is a defining moment for India that can give our children a better future! 
Let us unite and stand by him! Thousands will be there to support him. Will you 
be there?

Anna’s appeal to the people:

When I sit on fast from 5 April, I urge my fellow countrymen to

Join me in fasting for one, two, three or whatever number of days you can 
comfortably fast.

Along with fast, please pray to God (whoever you believe in) for better and 
corruption free India. Collective prayers from all the people of India would 
definitely have a huge impact.

Write an impassioned plea to our Prime Minister that we look upon him to pass 
“Jan Lokpal Bill”, else we will be compelled not to vote for his party in next 

Remain calm and peaceful and develop the courage to go to jail, if required, in 
this next freedom movement.

If possible, come and stay with Anna at Jantar Mantar for a few days from April 

Would you like to stay updated about this movement? Let us know your contact 
details at

Salient features of Jan Lokpal Bill

Drafted by Justice Santosh Hegde, Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal, this 
Bill has been refined on the basis of feedback received from public on website 
and after series of public consultations. It has also been vetted by and is 
supported by Shanti Bhushan, J M Lyngdoh, Kiran Bedi, Anna Hazare etc. It was 
sent to the PM and all CMs on 1st December. However, there is no response.

An institution called LOKPAL at the centre and LOKAYUKTA in each state will be 
set up

Like Supreme Court and Election Commission, they will be completely independent 
of the governments. No minister or bureaucrat will be able to influence their 

Cases against corrupt people will not linger on for years anymore: 
Investigations in any case will have to be completed in one year. Trial should 
be completed in next one year so that the corrupt politician, officer or judge 
is sent to jail within two years.

The loss that a corrupt person caused to the government will be recovered at 
the time of conviction.

How will it help a common citizen: If any work of any citizen is not done in 
prescribed time in any government office, Lokpal will impose financial penalty 
on guilty officers, which will be given as compensation to the complainant.

So, you could approach Lokpal if your ration card or passport or voter card is 
not being made or if police is not registering your case or any other work is 
not being done in prescribed time. Lokpal will have to get it done in a month’s 
time. You could also report any case of corruption to Lokpal like ration being 
siphoned off, poor quality roads been constructed or panchayat funds being 

[Goanet] Fw: Book Library

2011-02-10 Thread John Gomes

There is an active popular Circulation Library in Defence Colony,Porvorim next 
to Sainik Consumer Cooperative Stores run by a young couple Sailesh and Namita 
Shetye.They rent out all types of popular books and magazines.They also deal in 
Daily new Newspapers and Magazines .and also buy Raddi(Old newspapers and 
Mags). Consequently  people can buy recent expensive used magazines coming in 
after a week or so at nominal costs.

[Goanet] 150 Scams (2005-2008)-Inder Malotra

2011-02-04 Thread John Gomes
By John Eric Gomes

Just like the Kama Sutra spells every aspect of Sex, every aspect of corruption 
reaching growing heights have been indulged in right from the controversial 
1948 Krishna Menon (Defense Minister) Jeep scam a princely Rs 80 lakhs those 
Major Scams include the Boffors Rs 64 crores kickbacks, Harshad Mehta ripping 
banks in stock markets estimated at Rs 5,000/- crores, Lalu’s Fodder scam of Rs 
950 crores, Telgi stamp scam Rs 30,000 crores, Ketan Parek scam Rs115, 000 
crores wiped out from stock markets, Satyam scam, Madhu Koda scam, Telhka sting 
scam, George Fernandes Coffingate during the Kargill war, sundry Bank scams, 
Corporate scams, CWG scams, 2G scam, Adarsh Society scam and plenty more 
omitted due space constraints.
 The Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) has issued orders for demolition 
of the illegal Adarsh Building within 3 months. This will be a test case with 
the world watching since it clearly involves high level Defense Officers, 
Politicians, bureaucrats, legal procedures and multiple agencies. It is also a 
high rise building, high costs, and environmentally sensitive area with 
security concerns and is a building fait accompli. The usual tactic 
increasingly used by corrupt governments is to issue illegal permissions, and 
if that is challenged/does not work, somehow regularize the fait accompli! 
Many ingenious ways are used to achieve this. Build quickly whilst stalled in 
files and courts, then to subvert demolition orders or use the excuses of 
wastage of funds, shortage of accommodation, saving innocent third parties, 
imposing fines etc. In all this, those responsible are protected and looked 
after! Fines are easily paid from all the black money made, use of high priced 
lawyers, bribing of witnesses and so on has become a well established 
procedure. Vigilance in Central and State governments is largely discretionary, 
and only after media/public outcry governments agree to institute inquires. 
Will shielding/protecting the involved Chief Ministers and high officials from 
the ruling party, delaying demolition, changing laws etc which has become the 
norm, be resorted to?
 The Lavasa project has got away by compromising and paying a fine. The Adarsh 
Society scam could be Turning Point in our fight against rampant 
corruption that is corroding the nation's soul if complete demolition is 
accomplished (Experts have precisely demolished bigger buildings) and all those 
responsible feel the heat! Big order for a large change in India's aam admi's 
so far futile fight against the all pervading corruption.
The Supreme Court whilst pulling up the MP government for misuse of 
discretionary powers in allotting 20 acres of prime land at throw away prices 
to the K.T.Trust having L.K.Advani and Venkaiah Naidu as trustees, bemoaned 
that powers meant to be used for public good during the last 50 years were used 
for just the opposite! 
When it was argued that we were better than highly developed nations like USA 
where pardon is granted to convicts after they donate to party funds, the 
Supreme Court retorted we were worse, and gave the example of upholding a 
conviction against a municipal corporator but the Harayana government exercised 
its power to grant pardon. Even after this was set aside, the government again 
nullified this order. Goa government circumvented the Supreme Court demolition 
order by ordinance in the Cidade de Goa case! With corruption reaching every 
profession and touching even the highest echelons in the Judiciary, drastic 
change is a crying need.
The recent much touted cabinet reshuffle by the Prime Minister has been likened 
to musical chairs. The same old stalwarts/heavyweights, never mind non 
performance, scandals and corruption are still there. No sign of new young 
blood being infused. Bureaucrats are now reportedly trying to dilute the RTI 
Act.  We can surmise what will happen if an RTI is filed wanting to know how 
much the President spent on her private trip to Goa with her family for boat 
rides, five star stay etc from the public exchequer? Our Governor first says he 
is not a public authority, then seeks exemption under the Constitution, as 
Governor cannot be held personally responsible for whatever he does when 
discharging his duty. RTI has been touted as a weapon against corruption. As 
long as high level functionaries, senior bureaucrats and kept immune or made 
exceptions to rule of law, corruption will never be tackled successfully! 
 What is the immediate solution? First ensure ‘We have to be the Change’ is not 
merely a cliché. Goa Chaka Chak campaign is an example. Start from our homes, 
each one walking in the path of right action, segregating and taking care of 
own garbage, employing civic sense and being good citizens. Second, there has 
to be a basic behavioral revolution or God forbid we will need a Maoist type 
 We require long term solutions. Right now the ‘Danda’ is


2011-02-03 Thread John Gomes
It is reported that the Goa Legislative Assembly has introduced 
TCP(Amendment)Bill 2011 to amend sub-section(2) of section 45 for raising the 
maximum limit of fee for filing an appeal before the TCP Board from the present 
Rs500/- to Rs 10,000/-. Reason more Revenue collection! It appears to me that 
the real reason is to discourage the aam admi further,who in the first place 
already has to pay for access to justice, now will not be able to afford it! 
But the  government and the rich and powerful will  find it a boon in more ways 
than one.It will be interesting to hear it debated and why and how this Bill is 
John Eric Gomes

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 109 (AC TOILET)

2011-02-02 Thread John Gomes
   Rs 20 Lakhs for an AC Toilet with hand dryers that will become germ 
havens after some use! Who will man this properly when public SULABS are in 
dire straits! Cost for a pee? And what about the running and maintenance 
costs?Whose idea was this and has it been built without kickbacks?Will an RTI 
application be needed to answer these questions?

--- On Wed, 2/2/11, 

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 18:01:50 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] "CM opens modern Soulabh Souchalaya"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Quite a comment on our priorities as a society! FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 1 February 2011 17:26

February 01, 2011
Chief Minister, Shri Digambar Kamat inaugurated ?the newly constructed
?Modern ?Sulabh Souchalaya Complex at the Margao Municipal ?garden at
Margao today.
? ? ? ?Minister for Urban Development, Shri Joaquim ?Alemao, Smt. Sushila
Naik, Chairperson ?of Margao Municipal Council, besides Councillors
were present on the occasion.
? ? ? ?The project constructed by Sulabh International has cost ?20 lakhs of
which the ?Margao Municipal Council has funded ?12 lakhs while ?8
lakhs was invested by Sulabh International.
? ? ? ?The complex is fully Air ? Conditioned ?and has facilities such as
European ?W.C. 2 for Gents and Ladies. Besides Gents Urinal 3, Hand
driers 2 and Music System as well.
? ? ? ?Informally ?speaking ?the Chief Minister appreciated ?the initiative
taken by Margao Municipality ?to provide toilet ?facility ?in the
prime ?garden of Margao.
? ? ? ?It may be noted that the ?Municipal ?garden existing ?in the heart of
Margao town has been upgraded by the ?Margao Municipality as part of
the beautification ?programme.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 94(March Against corruption)

2011-01-29 Thread John Gomes

Navhind Times 29 Jan,had half page advertisement JESUS CHRIST and quotations 
from the Bible which are apt. "STOP ALL THIS EVIL THAT I SEE YOU DOING AND 
COLD". Mathew24.
On turning the pages I see Headlined "Rally on black money at Panaji" by Bharat 
Swabhiman Trust,Patanjali Yog Samiti and the President of the North Goa Unit is 
Mr Anil Salgaoncar, at the head of the rally "India Against Corruption". He 
expected strong support from the people and will provide transport for all who 
wish to rally! It couldn't be the MLA Salgaoncar, mine-owner of River Princess 
could it?
Message: 10
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 07:38:24 +0530
From: "soter" 
Message-ID: <001801cbbf59$6fcad730$1901a8c0@user77948b9580>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="iso-8859-1"

'Martyrs Day' now appears to be exploited by some of the very forces that hate 
Mahatama Gandhi, to highlight their problem of corruption in this country. 
Carefully observing, it is not corruption in toto. There is a slant of Swiss 
Bank accounts. 
The mere presence of a galaxy of spiritual gurus like Delhi Archbishop  Rev. 
Vincent Conceisao along with some celebrity activists does not necessarily give 
this the sanctity as is being publicised.  If these persons had imbibed even a 
fraction of the  spirit of Gandhiji's teachings, I do not think they would have 
wasted their time for a meaningless road show in New Delhi. 
Gandhiji's teachings point out to violence (which includes corruption) in 
political governance as a consequence of exploitative and oppressive 
socio-economic policies.  While keeping the infection at the roots intact, the 
public seems to be entertained with plucking of some diseased foliage on the 
tree of democracy. 
It would have been more meaningful if energies on this day were focussed on 
taking Gandhiji's teachings of 'Hind Swaraj' to the masses.  That would have 
thrown light on the actual 'Truth' of India's present agony on its 62nd 
anniversary as a republic. 



2011-01-18 Thread John Gomes

The Ministry of Environment & Forests has issued orders for demolition of this 
illegal structure within 3 months.The usual tactics by vested interests 
in government are, to issue illegal permissions, and if that is challenged/does 
not work, regularise the fait accompli. 
Or use the excuse of costs,utility,job creation potential, innocent victims etc 
to fine the culprits and make more money in the bargain.No one is sent to jail 
or feels the pinch and they power on, bulldozing every impediment (including 
Laws & Rules) in the path with absolute impunity! Whats more a precedent is set.
The Congress is already on the back foot dealing with massive corruption as 
scam after scam surfaces.This will be a test case with the world watching since 
it clearly involves high level Defence Officers,politicians,bureaucrats, legal 
procedures and multiple agencies. Every argument/ploy will be used since it is 
also a very high rise building, high costs, environmentally sensitive area with 
security concerns and is a building fait accompli.  Will shielding/protecting 
the Chief Ministers and high officials from the ruling party by delaying 
demolition, changing laws etc which has become the norm, be resorted to? After 
all in Goa,the Supreme Court demolition order could be thwarted by ordinance in 
the Cidade de Goa case!
The Adarsh scam could be Turning Point in our fight against rampant 
corruption that is corroding the nation's soul if complete demolition is 
accomplished ( Experts have precisely demolished bigger buildings )and all 
those responsible feel the heat! Big order for a large change in India's aam 
admi's fight against this virulent cancer.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 109 (SPEED POST)

2011-01-04 Thread John Gomes

   Goa Sudharop Annual Awards
January 5, 2011 - 3:45 - 6:30pm
   Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

  Details at:


--- On Mon, 3/1/11, 


Today's Topics:

   1. Speedpost... within Goa (Frederick Noronha)
A letter from the Porvorim PO (a stone throw away),reached me 5  working days 
after it was received as per their stamped evidence. The post master told me to 
give a written complaint.This he sent to Customer Service Cell,Panaji for 
AT HIS END(As they say).After many reminders and seeing the Service 
Cell,Panaji, then Post Master Genera who directed me to Suprintendent of Posts 
etc,Finally after about 6 months,  to test efficiency, a test letter was sent 
from Panaji, with a form for me to fill ! No investigation why on that day it 
took 5 days,who was responsible or anyone even admonished.How can this silly 
system improve?


NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326),
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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1289(Goa Police car crash cost tax payer}

2010-11-28 Thread John Gomes

There is something seriously wrong with our legal system.The Kassab case 
dragging on is a prime example.I fail to understand why it is difficult to 
finalise open and shut cases! Why do we make the law an Ass .Here is a 
government vehicle used for unauthorised purposes. This is rampant. Liability 
is obvious. Indiscipline and cover up by the police force is nothing new. 
Politicians-Police-Criminal nexus etc.That is why people have little respect 
for them! Democracy requires rule of law and we are given a sham democracy!
- Original Message - 
From: "Aires Rodrigues" 
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 4:41 PM
4 ,33, 200

The 4th December 2009 car crash by the son of Goa?s former IGP, Mr.
K.D.Singh while driving his father?s official a Toyota Innova GA-07-G-0063
has cost the State exchequer Rs 4, 33, 200. This has been revealed in
information obtained under the Right to Information Act.

In another information furnished under the Right to Information Act it has
been informed that Rs 1833 a month is being deducted from the salary of
Police Driver Vinod Malvankar for an accident a Police van being driven by
him had met with on 27th August 2003. The records reveal that police
constable Vinod Malvankar is being penalized despite the Additional Sessions
Judge and a police departmental inquiry as well  ruling that he was not
driving rash or negligently.

If indiscipline and cover up was by higher ups in the police force not much
could be expected from the lower ranks. May be this liberation day the Goa
Government should reward former IGP Mr. K.D.Singh with a gold medal for
having successfully drilled a Rs 4, 33, 200 deep hole into the State

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372 

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1289

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1265 (Expressway Not For Goa)

2010-11-23 Thread John Gomes

You cannot knock some sense into senseless people. with a different agenda than 
yours! The RP 2021 does suggest bypasses and the will of the people who are all 
fools to be made use of and pandered to for keeping them in power and trappings 
of royalty! It is idiotic to have more traffic roaring through densely 
populated areas. In another 4 to 5 years further widenning will be required? 
Then what? It is rainning scams and crore is too small a measure these 
days.Maybe Maoism and naxalism are the only way open to the janta.

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 13:48:50 +0400
From: "Freddy Fernandes" 
Subject: [Goanet] Expressways Not For Goa
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="us-ascii"

Expressways Not For Goa

As usual, while browsing through the news papers of today, I came across a
numbers of headlines pertaining to the same subject, namely the National
Highway. One was, "Highway meet at Margao today, Churchill cries foul", another,
"Mapusa MLA slams government over highway widening" further "NGO's back demand
for realignment of highways" yet another "NH expansion rocks Corlim meet". 

Isn't it funny and ironic that Ali Baba and his forty thieves still claim that
they are doing the will of the people and Ali Baba himself claims, his is the
Aam Aadmi government ? Who are these people who are objecting ? How on earth
does the Aam Aadmi government fail to recognize the factual Aam Aadmi, crying at
the top of his voice asking for retribution? The politicians themselves suffer
from blinding disorders, and they inflict breathing problems on us Goans. We
have failed to immune ourselves against these distorted infections by our
willful acceptance of the charades for a long time and our enthusiasm to bring
about a change in governance is like the enthusiasm of a cadaver.

There is no doubt that the improvement in the road network is a necessity
especially the main arteries but do  we Goans really need a 6-lane expressway ?
Why not expand the existing roads where ever possible and build a one way bypass
where there is a congestion of dwellings, widening of the present roads and the
one way bypasses would more than handle the increasing Goan traffic but for this
to work we need governance that is committed to work for the betterment of the
people without destroying them, their dwellings and their livelihood. We should
all work together to improve infrastructure facilities with as little
destruction as possible where it's unavoidable, of land, houses and environment.

A 6-lane or a 8-lane expressway is not feasible for Goa, being a small state
land availability is sparse and all the land scams like SEZ, CRZ, Industrial
Zones, sale of communidade land, squatting migrants and mega projects have put
additional pressure on this valuable and most sought  comodity. We Goans do not
need to use the expressway to shuttle up and down at breakneck speed, it will be
mainly used by the money bags from Maharashtra and Karnataka to zoom through
Goa, so why should we sacrifice our land and our homes for their joyrides ?
Just expand the present highways to 4 lanes with a divider in between where ever
possible and a one way bypasses where required and it should suffice the needs
of Goans.  

Most of the present roads are in dilapidated conditions, if our PWD cannot
maintain our present roads, how will it be able to take care of expressways ? I
had the misfortune of driving to the Margao railway station on more than one
occasion while in Goa and the state of the roads was appalling, potholes like
craters along with back and neck breakers, no, I am not talking about the speed
breakers. Even the road leading to the station is in atrocious condition. This
route is used by thousands of people including tourists in a day and does not
look good for Goa, it only reflects the apathy of the PWD towards maintenance of
roads, if roads leading to our main landmarks are in such extremely decrepit
condition what about the interior roads ?  

The road from the railway bridge to Navelim Church is another backbone rattler.
The underpass at Comba is another classic example, slight rain and it's becomes
a pool and when there is no water one has to drive over a pile of rubble that
looks like the remains of a demolished structure in a war zone, we have already
lost one valuable young life in that area not too long ago and are waiting for
more to happen. People traveling on Betul Agonda road could get their jaws
dislocated with the constant rattling. We cannot maintain what little we have,
aur hum log chele expressway banane !

Is anyone there, who can knock some sense into the PWD Minister's thick skull ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Comments :  Camilo Fernandes
Freddy's above hard hitting post is excellent, to the point and exposes 
Churchill in what he really is though he may claim otherwise.   It is a shame 
that Goamag instead of exposin

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1238(AA Statistics)

2010-11-15 Thread John Gomes

I too wonder whether AA wants to get publicity and those sweeping 
statements.Most of the people I see drunk are either tourists,or labour,
and party animals from outside Goa coming here for a binge.Yes,I do know some 
goan alcholics, but they are either with AA or managing with public and family 
disaproval and self control.Many have given up completely and do not touch 
I do hope that what is portrayed by Herald is not true!

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1236-HEY JUDE

2010-11-14 Thread John Gomes
 Melvin Camara,
  Whenever I see this name as organiser,one thing I 
knowIt is a show I will not be able to afford . Surprisingly a lot of us 
who should be at those wonderful shows
are in the same boat. No wind to take us down by the riverside to the KALA. 
Like we cannot partake of a mega housing project. Its the money honey. Nothing  
else matters.Seems there is a lot of it around ! Austerity,high prices of 
essential commodities?Does it exist or change some peoples lifestyle ?God bless 
them all for being able to manage.


_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at


2010-11-01 Thread John Gomes
Thursday 28Oct saw me standing the Panaji-Betim Ferry at about 6.45PM.There was 
only one Ferry operating in the fading light and I could not board as it was 
hastily pulling away,  to escape the about 35 passengers and 20 more two 
wheelers also trying to squeeze into the already crowded and overloaded ferry , 
one scooter and people still on the ramp,When it came back around 7.10PM, there 
were about 60 passengers (many migrant labour) and about 35 two wheelers on the 
jetty in the dim lighting, commuters rushing in and out at the same time. More 
commuters and two wheelers kept rolling in!
With all this jostling of vehicles,men, women and children of all ages, whilst 
the ramp operators and Captain are rendered helpless to control such 
undisciplined mobs, serious disaster/consequences may result at any moment! 
Tempers rise, fights follow and someone may pull out a knife etc. I salute the 
captain and crew for somehow managing under such appalling circumstances,with 
minimum space to maneuver due huge casino vessel near the ramp and crowded 
Mondovi  river traffic.
Two ferries and river navigation police control to instill discipline is 
paramount. Traffic Chaos, uncontrolled public indiscipline, ministers fighting, 
lax government.No administration ! Is Goa heading for anarchy?

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at


2010-10-28 Thread John Gomes


The weak existing Vigilance Department is holding an Awareness Week from Oct25 
to 1Nov where they expect  Government Departments,CEOs of public and private 
enterprises and the people to help minimise corruption, nail the suspects and 
prevent the dramatic increase in scams. May I bring to notice that all are 
already painfully aware, there is a big trust deficit regarding confidence in 
action being taken and why  corrupt from among ministers, law makers and senior 
people from civil services are never sent to jail? Complainants and whistle 
blowers are not protected. Permission is required to prosecute any civil 
servant.What for example happened to the rare bribery case indictment of The 
Director of Cooperative Societies?Exemplary punishment is the need of the hour!
RTI information reveals that awareness is first and foremost required in their 
own directorate as to proper records and documentation, administration and 
control regarding follow up status of cases, time for disposal, monitoring of 
penalties awarded, weeding out officers of prov-en/doubtful integrity and those 
living beyond their means.Their track record is uninspiring.I understand from 
1/4/05 to 31/3/2010 out of 1393 complaints received, 468 are still in progress 
and  information on their website is redundant.Since January this year,the ACB 
has conducted six surprise checks based on public complaints,and recommended 
departmental proceedings against 66 government officials.Many cases lie pending 
for want of government approval,and many others due shortage of staff!  
I have some suggestions:
1. Denmark holds the number one position in corruption free government. They 
attribute it to zero tolerance for corruption, swift investigation and 
punishment which involves not only loss of job and property etc but  
contempt from  colleagues and all society! 
2.Have a hot line for complaints/information. Ask for proof but Do not insist 
on identity. Investigation required,not enquiry which delay results in 
information all are already aware of, and gives time for manipulation, 
bribing/intimidating witnesses etc. .
3.Have a web site like" www.". Act on it proactively.
4.Last but not least,show results! Follow up and let public have confidence 
that complaints will be investigated to their logical conclusion and we do no 
have prosecutions falling flat like the Mahanand serial killer cases.
.5. The law must flow swiftly, and not meander to courses with no end!
Surely there will be false information,cranks/jokers, someone falsely accusing 
etc. Even if out of 20, two big fish are caught and fried,that will be reward 

tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original art, writing, music, 
news and commentary from and about the smallest state in the subcontinent. 
check out the newest member of the Goanet family daily at

[Goanet] CRITICISM should be welcome

2010-10-18 Thread John Gomes
In a Democracy, the motto should be"I may not agree with what you say,but I 
will die for your right to say it". Then there are know alls, who denigrate and 
insult at things they do not agree with.Others ascribe motives etc.I salute 
Aires Rodrigues and the GBA for what they are doing in the interest of Goa and 
justice as they see it. And if others could help, where they consider right is 
being addressed, the goan crab mentality will die and let us achieve stemming 
the rot better and faster.Many drops an ocean make, and if the drops are 
separate and fight with each other, where is the power of unity in diversity?


2010-09-23 Thread John Gomes
We all know this and every thing has been tried by the commuters ,promises made 
by the Ministers and assurances given in the Assembly...ALL in  vain! Short of 
acting like naxalites/maoists to get some action, Who will bell the cat?

--- On Wed, 22/9/10, Aires Rodrigues  wrote:

From: Aires Rodrigues 
Date: Wednesday, 22 September, 2010, 5:22 AM


  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
      Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

        Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
               state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

         For more information see:

If the government improves the public transport system more people may opt
to travel by buses and this will help decongest our roads.  The Kadamba
Transport Corporation needs to be brought on track. The private bus
operators also cannot be allowed to blatantly violate the provisions of the
Motor Vehicles Act. They drive just as recklessly as the KTC buses.

While travelling on a Panaji – Mapusa bus, when I requested a ticket I was
told that they were under printing. The conductor was also without his
uniform and badge too. The condition of the bus warranted that it should
have been undergoing repair in the garage and not plying on the roads. The
Transport department and the traffic cell of the Goa Police need to crack
the whip. Every passenger should also insist on a ticket and that the
drivers and conductors should be licensed and uniformed. There should be no
room for cowboys who are rude to passengers and even sometimes deny students
their rightful 50% bus concession.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] Head injuries among Teenagers playing basketball on the rise

2010-09-20 Thread John Gomes

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see:

For Petes sake..we are talking of specifically basketball and 
concussions!These days of specialists for everything, we are building namby 
pamby beings,with no faith in the human body to build its own defences.So we 
have weak immune systems due antibiotics , pills,and scans for everything, 
psycomatic diseases. Nobody said do not beware of concussions which can be if 
you hit your head against the door or even another persons head etc.It can 
happen in any sport,and anyhow, anywhere.So don't scare children away from 
participating in basketball. And pray ,are you an expert in the above fields?

--- On Mon, 20/9/10, Bosco D  wrote:

From: Bosco D 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Head injuries among Teenagers playing basketball on the 
Date: Monday, 20 September, 2010, 8:28 AM


Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
     Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

       Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
              state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

        For more information see:

I find the dismissive comments below disturbing. And a lack of understanding of 
the seriousness of concussions, especially within youth sports, even more 

Here is a recent news report:

And here is a link I have passed on to parents over the years in my field of 

I think the experts on Goanet in the above field should address issues such as 
this that may affect youth in Goa rather than argue endlessly about God, 
Science, Life and other topics that end-up in dysfunctional threads. Get off 
the carousel, you guys!!

- B
PS. I do not watch nor vouch for the content of Dianne Sawyer's programs

-Original Message-
From: John Gomes

> I agree with Frederick Noronha that this sort of reaction based on
> one interview is immature.By all means report it, but do not jump to
> general conclusions.There maybe many other reasons why this one girls
> neck was affected by basketball. No heading like in football is done,
> and all games require turning the head .In fact concussion due
> hammering of head due basketball is unimaginable!.As a basket ball
> player of repute myself (inter -college/Maharashtra),I find this
> "Protect your children" warning overeacting and scaremongering!

>> From: Frederick Noronha
>> Hi Filomena, Is this a statistically-significant enough figure to be
>> concerned about?  Or is Diane Sawyers doing what we in the media
>> often do -- take episodic evidence and talk about it as if it is
>> something worth serious worry about?

Re: [Goanet] Fw: FW: On Line Doctor - Just click and proceed

2010-09-20 Thread John Gomes

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see:

What is the SITE please? Cannot find it in said letter..JEG

--- On Sun, 19/9/10, Con Menezes  wrote:

From: Con Menezes 
Subject: [Goanet] Fw: FW: On Line Doctor - Just click and proceed
To: "Goanet" 
Date: Sunday, 19 September, 2010, 11:06 AM


  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
      Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

        Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
               state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

         For more information see:


Goanetters..Here is an ON-Line Doctor  with a list of illnesses in 
alphabetical order.
From AtoZ Just click and proceed.

Subject: On Line Doctor - Just click and proceed

            Dear all, 
                  This is one of the best mails I have ever received. It is 
worth preserving. 
                  U can definitely spend your precious time going through the 
contents of this mail as it covers number of physical ailments affecting us. 
Moreover, it covers the health issues in detail and in systematical order.  

                  My sincere thanks to the person/s whoever collected and 
collated this information because he/she/they did a fantastic job. 

                  This site is very informative, which ever diseases you 
click-upon (I wish you don’t have one), it gives you the video explanation 
                  Interactive Sites on Medical Information 

                  The tutorials listed below are interactive health education 
resources from the Patient Education Institute. Using animated graphics, each 
tutorial explains the procedure or condition in easy-to-read and understand 
language. You can also listen to the tutorial. 

                  These tutorials require a special Flash plug-in, version 6 or 
above... If you do not have this in your PC, you will be prompted to obtain a 
free download of the software before you start the tutorial. 

                      Diseases and Conditions 
                    a.. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 
                    b.. Acne 
                    c.. AIDS 
                    d.. Allergies to Dust Mites 
                    e.. Alopecia 
                    f.. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 
                    g.. Angina 
                    h.. Anthrax 
                    i.. Arrhythmias 
                    j.. Arthritis 
                    k.. Asthma 
                    l.. Atrial Fibrillation 
                    m.. Avian Influenza 
                    n.. Back Pain - How to Prevent 
                    o.. Bell's Palsy 
                    p.. Brain Cancer 
                    q.. Breast Cancer 
                    r.. Burns 
                    s.. Cataracts 
                    t.. Cerebral Palsy 
                    u.. Cold Sores (Herpes) 
                    v.. Colon Cancer 
                    w.. Congestive Heart Failure 
                    x.. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 
                    y.. Crohn's Disease 
                    z.. Cystic Fibrosis 
                    aa.. Depression 
                    ab.. Diabetes - Eye Complications 
                    ac.. Diabetes - Foot Care 
                    ad.. Diabetes - Introduction 
                    ae.. Diabetes - Meal Planning 
                    af.. Diverticulosis 
                    ag.. Endometriosis 
                    ah.. Epstein Barr (Mononucleosis) 
                    ai.. Erectile Dysfunction 
                    aj.. Fibromyalgia 
                    ak.. Flashes and Floaters 
                    al.. Fractures and Sprains 
                    am.. Ganglion Cysts 
                    an.. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 
                    ao.. Glaucoma 
                    ap.. Gout 
                    aq.. Hearing Loss 

Re: [Goanet] Head injuries among Teenagers playing basketball on the rise

2010-09-19 Thread John Gomes


 Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
 Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

   Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
  state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

For more information see:

I agree with Frederick Noronha that this sort of reaction based on one 
interview is immature.By all means report it, but do not jump to general 
conclusions.There maybe many other reasons why this one girls neck was 
affected by basketball.No heading like in football is done, and all 
games require turning the head .In fact concussion due hammering of head 
due basketball is unimaginable!.As a basket ball player of repute myself 
(inter -college/Maharashtra),I find this "Protect your children" warning 
overeacting and scaremongering!

From: Frederick Noronha

Hi Filomena, Is this a statistically-significant enough figure to be 
concerned about?  Or is Diane Sawyers doing what we in the media often 
do -- take episodic evidence and talk about it as if it is something 
worth serious worry about?

Of course, one could argue that even a single case of the kind you 
describe below is important. But it's also an issue of priorities, isn't 
it? (Sometime back, they were suggesting boxing is to cruel to be a 
sport. Even watching TV can be risky to health, as we all know.) FN

PS: Tuned in to NRP via Minnesota Public Radio.

Re: [Goanet] Horror of Dual Citizenship With India (OCI)

2010-09-19 Thread John Gomes

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see:

I too was wondering about Tony's praising government staff.In fact that is one 
of the problems in Goa.If you know somebody in the government,the machinery 
works.Otherwise,with the same person there,it does not for others!Talking in 
general and no disrespect to this individual.
A non christian government official attended mass and was impressed with the 
sermon! His observation "We are not fortunate in having our priests remind us 
of morality and service in the name of God.However I see So& So christian 
colleague receiving communion and at office if I take a bribe of Rs50/- , he 
will not do the same work for less than Rs500/- !
What is wrong is that religion instead of positive effect,seems to be the root 
cause of all the trouble in this world. Here again,fact,,No 
disrespect to the 20% non corrupt people in India(according to the just retired 

--- On Sat, 18/9/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

From: Frederick Noronha 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Horror of Dual Citizenship With India (OCI)
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Saturday, 18 September, 2010, 7:00 PM


  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
      Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

        Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
               state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

         For more information see:

On 17 September 2010 10:20, Tony de Sa  wrote:

> On the flip side, as a parting shot, let me cite a personal experience when
> a bureaucrat/ Government official went out of her way to help an inbound NRI
> without being asked to do so, WITHOUT ANY MONEY CHANGING HANDS, but merely
> because of the goodness of her heart. Bureaucrats are also human beings.
> It happened this way:...

> drivers, touts, etc. I was standing there, getting more and more anxious by
> the minute, when Customs Officer, Late Nina D'Silva, happened to walk by and
> she spotted me. We knew each other in St. Xavier's, Mapusa. She asked me who
> X was. I explained and we left things at that. After a wait of around 15
> minutes, to my great surprise, there was Nina again with a stout old lady in
> tow. Yes, it was Aunt X. Aunty explained to me that her one big suitcase had
> just come and she was struggling with it and would eventually meet me at the
> door on completing formalities.
> About ten minutes or so later, Nina came to me and asked  me if I would like
> to help my aunt with her luggage. I naturally agreed. She took me to her
> boss, who was, I think, an Asst. Collector of Customs, and took permission
> to allow me to lug my aunt's suitcase. Not only that but aunty X was waltzed
> through customs and immigration and out into my car as if by magic. God rest
> poor Nina's soul. (Nina was killed in a tragic accident at Porvorim when she
> was coming home from work)

Hi Tony, I knew the late Nina and she was a smiley, good natured
person till her life was cut tragically short in the road accident at
Porvorim (another area for concern in Goa we hear so little about).

What I'm saying here is by no way a disrespect to her attitude or work.

But what you have described seems to have more to do with the fact
that you knew each other (were collegemates, etc). There's little to
conclude that it was a government officer who was helping you, but
rather, a friend.

I too often get that little extra special treatment, often because of
the work done by me. But that counts for little when it comes to
evaluating the efficiency of the system, and how it treats the average
person passing through.

What we need is measures to ensure efficiency that benefits all. Is
there a problem because of (i) lack of staff and overwork (ii) the
wrong mental attitude which survives from (British, and Portuguese)
colonial times -- i.e. government "servants" are answerable to the
government (iii) more severe structural problems (iv) attitudinal
problems in our wider society (v) all of the above?

Once we zero in accurate, we could be clos

  1   2   3   >