Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers

2007-02-26 Thread Gabe Menezes 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 25/02/07, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mario responds:

 The concept of global giants pillaging a country is a
 myth.  Global giants like Enron and several others do
 not even exist any more.  Other global giants like
 Ford and GM and Daimler-Chrysler are struggling to


RESPONSE:  What a load of crock ! One has to just check the narrow Dow
Jones Index, to find U.S. Global companies and there are many more.

Coca Cola, Pepsi, Citi Group, J.P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan
Stanley, Procter and Gamble, the Big Mac and Burger King, as well as
finger lickin good ( all of which are Goveia's staple diet )  are
found almost all over the World. Boeing Planes carry vast amounts of
people every day. G.E. and Pratt and Whitney ( United Technologies )
provide the Jet engines. When men like Goveia want a lift, they look
to Pfizer inc ! All of our Telfon coated pots and pans are the product
of Du Pont.

We were informed that Goveia would only post to counter ''Left Wing''
ideology ! The truth of the matter is, Goveia can't exist without
Goanet :-)).

To crown it all, we now read in the Newspapers, that both the U.S. and
U.K. are putting pressure on surrender their oil fields to
the Multi National oil Companiesmost of whose shareholders are
Americans. We were informed that the invasion of Iraq was not about
oil; what a load of rubbish !


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers(Eugene Correia) - final

2007-02-26 Thread Jose Colaco 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eugene Correia wrote on GoaNet

1:Jose's posing more questions makes this issue go longer. As another netter
suggested, it's time to bury this issue.

2: If Jose is asking about the Dadra incident that provoke Indian invasion
into Goa, it is not definitely known if it was true or not.

jc's final response on this matter :

re 1: The above might fall into Goveian logic i.e. let's bury this issue.
Perhaps, it is a good idea, Perhaps not. Perhaps, our forebears should have
accepted that the earth was flat or that the sun rotated round the earth.
Perhaps, we should never ask questions about what and why, or we should just
accept 'talking points'.

re 2: I did not ask any such thing. My point relates to my measured distrust
of politicians. My point relates to the point you had made on Feb 21 i.e.
Goa ruined Nehru's reputation as an advocate of non-violence

Would you know what statement Nehru issued immediately post Dadra ? Is that
statement questionable? If that is so, How could Goa ruin Nehru's
reputation as an advocate of non-violence when Dadra preceded Goa?

In closing, I'd say this:

Let's not expect politicians to be honest, peace loving, democracy
fostering, caring individuals. When in power, they never were, are nor will
ever be. Power changes the equation. Nehru may have publicly professed
non-violence' but he could not justifiably be called an advocate of
non-violence. Mahatma Gandhi was. We all should be peace loving and non
violent individuals. Violence never brings happiness. It always brings
misery - however much we justify it today  in Goveian terms.
It is better to accept our politicians as they are i.e. Humans, and not put
them on pedestals. Politicians should be judged for what they were elected
to do. Did they do a good job towards helping the people be happier, safer
and more prosperous? That would be the question to ask.

As far as India is concerned, give me a Rajiv Gandhi, Narsimha Rao, Atal
behari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh ...any daybetter still Sonia! but
please do not make them into demi-gods..and kiss their feet when they
are in power.

-- next part --
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Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers - Why are they not very entrepreneurial ?

2007-02-25 Thread Mario Goveia 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 So is Nehru to blame why Goan Cooks and Butlers are
 not quite entrepreneurial with all their epicurean 
 skills like the Bhayya Bhelpuri wallahs from Uttar 
 Pradesh ? Why or Why not ? Or is it the fervent 
 Portuguese-Catholic culture among Goan Christaos -
 where entrepreneurial money making is frowned upon 
 and it is considered a sin to be a rich 
 entrepreneur (aka business man) !
Mario responds:

You certainly did not see any blame for Nehru in
anything I wrote with regard to those Goan cooks and
butlers who you say are not entrepreneurial - only for
the monumental waste and inefficiency and mounting
poverty of India's first 50 years since independence.

However, while your Bhayya Bhelpuriwallahs are
entrepreneurial by definition, some Goan cooks and
butlers are as well, and there are most Bhayyas are
not entrepreneurial and work as laborers.  Besides,
many of the Goans you deride may have been more
enterprising because they are to be found all over the
world making a better living for their families than
most of your jhopdi-existing, railway-line-urinating
and defecating, pavement-spitting,
public-electricity-robbing bhayya bhelpuriwallahs.

BTW, while on the subject of entrepreneurial Goans,
albeit not from the cook and butler category, while
visiting Goa recently, I was surprised to find that
most of the local Goans did not know who Mark
(the investment banker, not my cousin) or Francisco
DeSouza were, even though everyone knew who Victor
Menezes is, whose achievements in entrepreneurial
wealth creation in the US these Goan youngsters may
have surpassed now.

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers

2007-02-25 Thread Mario Goveia 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- allwyntc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, I think the idea of socialism seemed to
 many, at that time, to be an attractive alternative 
 to capitalism...
 I'm not convinced India would have done much better
 with a different economic model.  What, let the 
 global corporate giants come and continue the 
 pillage of the country?  I think India needed to be 
 able to play in the international arena with a
 hand, and while economically it was weak, it was 
 self-sufficient in several areas before we came out 
 to play.
Mario responds:

Socialism is a siren song that has failed miserably
wherever it has been tried, created massive economic
waste and poverty and disruptions in resource
allocation and has therefore been rejected by almost
all its major proponents like India, Russia and China.

There is a good reason for this.  Simply put, a group
of ruling elites and the small army of bureaucratic
controls that results from socialism, cannot manage an
entire economy efficiently and decide what is good for
everyone else.

The massive brain drain from all socialist countries
reflects the failure of socialism, and all the
migrations are towards countries that are towards the
capitalistic end of the economic spectrum, the US
being the large economy closest to capitalism which is
the strongest magnet for immigrants.

The US is an excellent example of a country that
started from scratch with mostly immigrants fleeing
religious discrimination.  It has never been reluctant
to allow people and economic assets from any and
everwhere to be freely used within its economy, with a
minimum of governmental controls, imposed mainly for
political reasons.  This allows individuals, all
following what they see as their best interests, to
decide what they want and need, and the businesses
respond to satisfy those wants and needs.  Its a
win-win situation for everyone, and competition keeps
everyone on their toes.  We are beginning to see the
effects in India, ever since Manmohan Singh was able
to influence economic affairs, which was
euphemistically called economic liberalization, but
not prior to that.

The concept of global giants pillaging a country is a
myth.  Global giants like Enron and several others do
not even exist any more.  Other global giants like
Ford and GM and Daimler-Chrysler are struggling to
survive.  In the US over 80% of the jobs are created
by small and medium sized bussinesses, not the
corporate giants.  Yet, the US is the most vibrant and
consistent economy among all the westernized
industrial countries, with low inflation, low taxes,
low interest rates and low unemployment rates, and
high private ownership of cars and homes and
amenities.  Low income Americans enjoy a standard of
living better than most middle income Europeans.

Regarding India playing a strong hand in the
international arena, how does being economically weak
achieve this?  It has far more influence now than the
wasted Nehru years.  Back then it was all talk and
pious posturing, no action.  This continues today,
especially among the elite who write for the major
Indian newspapers and posture at social gatherings. 
What has India done for any oppressed country, from
Rwanda to Darfur to Palestine to Iraq, India is
nowhere to be found.

In fact, I blame India and other countries like it for
the mess in Iraq.  They sat on the sidelines and
watched impotently from 1991 on, when Saddam was
violating 17 UN Security Council resolutions to
disclose an accounting of his WMDs, and massacring
hundreds of thousands of his own citizens in order to
preserve his power.  Even when Saddam was given an
ultimatum in UN 1441, and the coalition was massed on
its borders, India and these countries were unable to
convince him to tell the UN inspectors a) whether he
had destroyed his WMDs and b) proof that he had done
so.  Now, they implausibly expect us to believe that
Saddam did not have any WMDs but was willing to give
up his cushy dictatorship just because he did not want
to tell the UN this and provide proof - after
previously raping, torturing and killing hundreds of
thousands of innocent Iraqis in order to stay in

What kind of a cynical and callous democracy is India
and the others that they sit and watch and do not use
their supposed influence to help another country
become free and democratic, after the US spilled it
own blood to give the Iraqis an opportunity they never
had before?  The UN confirmed that 12 million Iraqis
voted in each of three elections, even at the 

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers(Eugene Correia)

2007-02-25 Thread Eugene Correia 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Excuse me for the errors. The off-the-maturity was
supposed to be off-the-cuff remark. The word
maturity possibly cropped in as I wanted to write
that Nehru felt Goans (by which I meant those who lead
the Goans in the freedom movement) lacked political
maturity to decide what they wanted.
Thanks for bringing it up, as I wanted to clarify it
because delayed because of lack of time.
Heard what? Heard that Nehur had said the words. I
heard from many Goan fighters in Mumbai, including my
relatives, that Nehru was ill-at-ease with some
diehard freedom fighters who wanted Nehru to send in
the army much before it actually happened.
IT is the remark which Nehru is supposed to have
made, but not in the way it has been worded. Having
read Prof. Aloysius Soares's autobiography I don't
remember having coming across Nehru's remarks.
Unfortunately, I never had a chance to ask the good
professor about it.
There is no foolproof that Nehru said the words
attributed to him. So not much importance was given to
the remark, even it was ever made. Hence, it was
considered a rumour and used by those who were against
the nationalist movement to show how Nehru was
disrespectful of Goans.
There were few few Goans in the freedom movement who
had access to Nehru. 


--- Jose Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Eugene Correia noted the following on GoaNet:
 1:  Nehru, supposed to have felt frustrated
 at the dilly-dallying of
 Goan freedom fighters and also because of their
 in-fighting, as you know
 there were many groups espousing the cause of Goa's
 2: Nehru wanted an universal agreement on the course
 of action from the
 groups, which were divided on how Goa should be
 3: He is said to have made THIS öff-the-maturity
 when it came to dealing
 with Goa's freedom.
 4: Nehru himself was caught between his philosophy
 of non-alingment and no
 use of force and the pressure to liberate Goa
 because of the forthcoming
 elections. Congress was to benefit largely from such
 an action, which would
 divert the attention of the nation from other
 domestic crisis.
 5: Lino Leitao, as I know, was involved in the
 freedom movement and possibly
 heard over the grapevine.
 6: IT was not a putdown of Goans as Nehru had high
 respects for some Goans
 such as Frank Moraes, his biographer and a renowned
 journalist, and Cardinal
 Gracias, to mention but two.
 jc's comment
 Interesting points from Eugene Correia:
 re1: speaks for itself.
 re2: NEHRU wanted? !  (just like someone saying that
 amche modern day
 Jorge or Antonio wanted )
 re3: I don't know what off-the-maturity means
 but what is Eugene
 referring to when he writes THIS ?
 re4: speaks for itself
 re5: Heard WHAT, Eugene?
 re6: What does IT stand for, Eugene? BTW: I wonder
 whether Eugene has seen
 and read the Bulletin issued in February 1955
 under the patronage of
 Cardinal Gracias.
 It ''THIS', WHAT' and 'IT' (in re3, re5  re6 above
 respectively) stand for
 the 'Goans are cooks and butlers' comment, it looks
 pretty much that Roland
 needs to pack his bags to Carmo's place for a
 month's labour as K4's 'Cuzner
 ani Botler'
 Unless Roland (his recent email from an anonymous
 friend notwithstanding) is
 ducking his part of the bargain, again?


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Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers(Eugene Correia) 2

2007-02-25 Thread Jose Colaco 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 25/02/07, Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1: Heard that Nehru had said the words. I heard from many Goan fighters in 
Mumbai, including my relatives, ..

2:  It is the remark which Nehru is supposed to have made, but not in the 
way it has been worded.
3: There is no foolproof that Nehru said the words attributed to him.

jc's response:

Thank You Eugene Correia.

If one fast-forwards to present times, we have all kinds of racist (et al) 
statements made by people in position and denied, only to be 'caught on 

The 1950s afford us no such luxury. We have to hear what we are being told 
about those times, and decipher (if we wish) on the balance of 

Impressions that we as individuals develop largely depend  upon our own 
experiences and upon what we read and hear. What was (from your 
understanding)  Nehru's prior experience and information about Goa and 
Goans?  What could it have been? What role did Goans play in the social 
scene in British India and in the UK (in Nehru's time).

You lived in Bombay (like I lived in Poona). What was the sum total of what 
nonGoans thought of Goans -  when you lived there? Did they believe that 
Goans were mainly Hindu and had a good number of intellectuals within their 
fold?  Is that the impression you got when you spoke to your nonGoan 
colleagues and co-workers?.

What exactly might have been the basis/incentive for Nehru to think of Goans 
as other than cooks and butlers ?

I ask: If there was a choice between believing your family members (who were 
Freedom Fighters) and a politician, Who would you, on the balance of 
probabilities, believe? Did Nehru tell the truth about Dadra  Nagar Haveli? 
Was he totally honest about Subhas Chandra Bose? I am not sure. I am just 
asking. And Yes, I have learnt to understand that anything is possible when 
it comes to politicians. They ALL (as far as I can decipher) profess to be 
philantrophists and humanitarians. What they practice is altogether 

Mahatma Gandhi fortunately - was not a politician


BTW: Have you any knowledge of any declaration (drawn up by Cardinal 
Gracias) meant to be signed by Bombay Goans ...which apparently was 
eventually scrapped as it allegedly got a very cold reception from the 

One of these days, I will try read Leo Lawrence's book on Nehru and Goa, and 
see if there is any reference to Cardinal Gracias.

Have you read that book, What have you heard about Leo's credibility, Is he 

Once again, I ask because I do not know.

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers (Francis Rodrigues)

2007-02-24 Thread Tony Soares

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Eugene

I heard (as a boy) that what Nehru actually said was cooks, butlers and 
musicians. That is not so bad.

Tony Soares 

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers - Why are they not very entrepreneurial

2007-02-24 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 20:23 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers - Why are they not very
 entrepreneurial ?

 So is Nehru to blame why Goan Cooks and Butlers are not quite 
 entrepreneurial with all their epicurean skills like the Bhayya
 wallahs from Uttar Pradesh ? Why or Why not ? 

What a question, and coming from you of all people! The answer to this
(as to all problems of Goa) is quite simple. It is because the foolish
Goan people in their wilful unwisdom have not seen fit to anoint Manohar
Parrikar -- the magnificent, great, sensational, fantastic, superb,
unmatchable, etc. etc., who will go on to become PM of India and be the
most magnificent (etc. etc. same as above) PM India has ever had -- as
CM of Goa. Once they do that and get rid of all the GOAN GOON GAON CHORS
and Maharashtrawadi gantis etc. and bring in the IIT educated,
entrepreneurial, enterprising etc. etc. Manohar Parrikar, then Goans
will become heads of all the big hotel chains in the world, occupy all
seats in the IITs (oh, heaven) and Goa will wake into a new dawn!

Please correct any errors in the above, I may have missed out some
superlatives to describe the GREAT IIT-EDUCATED MAN and some expletives
to condemn those who don't think much of him. Am still trying to get
used to all this terminology and trend of thinking, never having been
much enamoured of the genres of fantasy (or horror) writing.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers

2007-02-23 Thread allwyntc

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 While Jawarhalal Nehru must be acknowledged as a
 heroic freedom fighter and one of India's founding
 fathers, he was an elitist Fabian socialist who had
 the utmost contempt for private businesses and
 businessmen, which is why India had to suffer 50 years
 of monumental waste and bureaucracy under socialism
 and friendships with totalitarian communist regimes -
 while preaching peace and non-violence - until the
 unassuming Manmohan Singh began to turn this misguided
 ship around when he was Finance Minister about ten
 years ago.

Regarding the bureaucracy and corruption, and the solitary friendship
with one totalitarian communist regime, there can be no excuse.
However, I think the idea of socialism seemed to many, at that time,
to be an attractive alternative to capitalism...

I'm not convinced India would have done much better with a different
economic model.  What, let the global corporate giants come and
continue the pillage of the country?  I think India needed to be able
to play in the international arena with a strong hand, and while
economically it was weak, it was self-sufficient in several areas
before we came out to play.


Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers - Why are they not very entrepreneurial ?

2007-02-23 Thread Samir Kelekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Goans have got left behind in all intellectual

In general, fear is gripping them more and more
and so they are becoming more and more religious.
The growing number of churches, temples etc reflects

Also, they want easy money so they are out to sell
their land, and their mother land, which currently
fetches them good money. But I think this is not
goign to last for more than 10 to 20 years. The
politicians of course lead the fray in this sell

For the next generation of Goans, prostitution and
unfortunately might be the only way to earn a



 So is Nehru to blame why Goan Cooks and Butlers are
 not quite 
 entrepreneurial with all their epicurean skills like
 the Bhayya Bhelpuri 
 wallahs from Uttar Pradesh ? Why or Why not ? Or is
 it the fervent 
 Portuguese-Catholic culture among Goan Christaos -
 where entrepreneurial 
 money-making is frowned upon and it is considered a
 sin to be a rich 
 entrepreneur (aka business man) !
 Best Regards,
 Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
 Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
 From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE:  Goans - Cooks n Butlers
 Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 23:43:40 -0800 (PST)
 While Jawarhalal Nehru must be acknowledged as a
 heroic freedom fighter 
 and one of India's founding fathers, he was an
 elitist Fabian socialist who 
 had the utmost contempt for private businesses and
 businessmen, which is 
 why India had to suffer 50 years of monumental
 waste and bureaucracy under 
 socialism and friendships with totalitarian
 communist regimes - while 
 preaching peace and non-violence - until the
 unassuming Manmohan Singh 
 began to turn this misguided
 ship around when he was Finance Minister about ten
 years ago.


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Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers

2007-02-22 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

While Jawarhalal Nehru must be acknowledged as a
heroic freedom fighter and one of India's founding
fathers, he was an elitist Fabian socialist who had
the utmost contempt for private businesses and
businessmen, which is why India had to suffer 50 years
of monumental waste and bureaucracy under socialism
and friendships with totalitarian communist regimes -
while preaching peace and non-violence - until the
unassuming Manmohan Singh began to turn this misguided
ship around when he was Finance Minister about ten
years ago.


 Dear Cousin Jose,
 Thanks for all your support regarding the Goans -
 Cooks n Butlers issue. I 
 really appreciate it. As I mentioned earlier, I do
 not take it as  a 
 derogatory comment at all -  Infact, I took it as a
 compliment  at IIT 
 whenever the other Indian students quoted Babu Nirad
 Chaudhari (in Continent 
 of Circe) and teased us Goans in the mess-hall. I
 was always chin up and 
 chest out when I retorted that It only shows that 
 We Goans have great 
 epicurean tastes and preferences and we dont eat
 just dal-bhath (dal-rice) 
 like the rest of them !
 Best Regards,
 Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
 From: Jose Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Roland Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Lino Leitao 
 Subject: Nehru, Goa and Roland
 Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 07:07:41 -0500
 Roland Francis wrote to carmo K3 d'cruz:
 1: Nehru despite all his faults and prejudices, did
 not and would not ever 
 utter such a derogatory remark against his fellow
 2: Purportedly quoting Nehru from Jose Colaco's
 offhand written remarks is 
 not my idea of you proving that Jawaharlal actually
 said what you imputed to 
 While one should  fully understand why Carmo K3
 d'Cruz and the other 
 saffronites would like to denigrate those who oppose
 the saffronites, I 
 wonder on what basis Roland states with such
 categorical certainty that 
 Nehru would not ever utter such a derogatory remark
 against (Goans).
 Was Roland living with Nehru? Was he working in his
 office? if not, how is 
 Roland so certain?
 On the other hand, there is every reason for him to
 have considered Goans to 
 be mere 'cooks and butlers'. That was the prevailing
 impression created 
 about Goans by the Indian media at the time; even
 later (vide appendix 1 
 BTW: those remarks have been reported by a well
 known Goan Canadian 
 intelectual who has a history of close association
 with the Goa Freedom 
 Fighters and anti-Salazar intellectuals in Goa.(vide
 appendix 2 infra)
 Is Roland Francis saying that Lino Leitao has made
 this up from thin air?
 I do not know about others but it does appear to me
 that Roland Francis has 
 lost this challenge with K3.
 Time to pack your bags and masala, old chap. The net
 is full of recipes. 
 K3's mouth is watering. Hopefully, Roland can cook.
 Appendix 1:
 Sandesh Prabhudesai in Panaji: Goa, Haryana in
 culture war
 Appendix 2:

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers (Francis Rodrigues)

2007-02-22 Thread Eugene Correia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think this one had come on this forum. But like the
customary circle, issues come up, get thrashed and
I think I wrote on similar lines before, but I will
repeat it. Nehru, who was known for his temperament
and not adapt to suffering fools, is supposed to
have felt frustrated at the dilly-dallying of Goan
freedom fighters and also because of their
in-fighting, as you know there were many groups
espousing the cause of Goa's freedom.
Nehru wanted an universal agreement on the course of
action from the groups, which were divided on how Goa
should be freed. He is said to have made this
öff-the-maturity when it came to dealing with Goa's
Nehru himself was caught between his philosophy of
non-alingment and no use of force and the pressure to
liberate Goa because of the forthcoming elections. 
Congress was to benefit largely from such an action,
which would divert the attention of the nation from
other domestic crisis. It would also help Krishna
Menon in his bid to win the North Bomaby seat, which
he did.
Lino Leitao, as I know, was involved in the freedom
movement and possibly heard over the grapevine. It was
not a putdown of Goans as Nehru had high respects for
some Goans such as Frank Moraes, his biographer and a
renowned journalist, and Cardinal Gracias, to mention
but two.
As many have mentioned here, Goa ruined Nehru's
reputation as an advocate of non-violence. Perhaps he
was wise to use force because he was a target of
nationalists and Indian intellectuals for taking the
Kashmir case to the UN.
Similarly, the Goa case too lingered in the UN without
result. He played into Portugal's hands, but Menon
ultimately forced Nehru's hand to send the army and
free Goa.

Eugene Correia


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Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers - Why are they not very entrepreneurial ?

2007-02-22 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


So is Nehru to blame why Goan Cooks and Butlers are not quite 
entrepreneurial with all their epicurean skills like the Bhayya Bhelpuri 
wallahs from Uttar Pradesh ? Why or Why not ? Or is it the fervent 
Portuguese-Catholic culture among Goan Christaos - where entrepreneurial 
money-making is frowned upon and it is considered a sin to be a rich 
entrepreneur (aka business man) !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE:  Goans - Cooks n Butlers
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 23:43:40 -0800 (PST)

While Jawarhalal Nehru must be acknowledged as a heroic freedom fighter 
and one of India's founding fathers, he was an elitist Fabian socialist who 
had the utmost contempt for private businesses and businessmen, which is 
why India had to suffer 50 years of monumental waste and bureaucracy under 
socialism and friendships with totalitarian communist regimes - while 
preaching peace and non-violence - until the unassuming Manmohan Singh 
began to turn this misguided
ship around when he was Finance Minister about ten years ago.

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers

2007-02-21 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Cousin Jose,

Thanks for all your support regarding the Goans - Cooks n Butlers issue. I
really appreciate it. As I mentioned earlier, I do not take it as  a
derogatory comment at all -  Infact, I took it as a compliment  at IIT
whenever the other Indian students quoted Babu Nirad Chaudhari (in Continent
of Circe) and teased us Goans in the mess-hall. I was always chin up and
chest out when I retorted that It only shows that  We Goans have great
epicurean tastes and preferences and we dont eat just dal-bhath (dal-rice)
like the rest of them !

Best Regards,

Indian Harbour Beach, Florida 

Re: [Goanet] Goans - Cooks n Butlers

2007-02-21 Thread Francis Rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Flat for Sale: Mapuca, Goa (Ansabhat) - 10 min walk to Mapuca Market
  2 Bedroom-Living-Dining-Kitchen-Bath-Balcony-Terrazo Floors
 Great Investment - Winter Getaway
  Asking Canadian $ 31,500/-  or  Indian Rs 10 lakhs

Contact Rosario Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Both your appendices are vague to the point of varnish.
Roland is right. That infamous 'quote' is an urban myth -
perpetrated by Portuguese apologists - of which I may
or not be one! Time for the well-fed Carmo to up his
wind-blown kashti  and head for Ontario, via Nassau!


From: Jose Colaco

 BTW: those remarks have been reported by a well known Goan Canadian
 intelectual who has a history of close association with the Goa Freedom
 Fighters and anti-Salazar intellectuals in Goa.(vide appendix 2 infra)

 Is Roland Francis saying that Lino Leitao has made this up from thin air?

 I do not know about others but it does appear to me that Roland Francis 
 lost this challenge with K3.

 Time to pack your bags and masala, old chap. The net is full of recipes.
 K3's mouth is watering. Hopefully, Roland can cook.