[google-appengine] Re: Really Terribly Designed Pricing Page

2011-09-01 Thread nickmilon
@GAEfun I bet you got to change your nickname pretty soon, as I have
to say sorry to my blog readers :-(

On Sep 1, 6:37 pm, GAEfan ken...@gmail.com wrote:o

 And, where is the always on feature in this list?  Is that the
 reserved instance hours?

 Correct me if I am wrong, but the always on gives you 3 instances, but
 not necessarily 72 instance hours per day.  If your app averages 2
 instances all day, then spikes to 10 for an hour, you would be charged
 for 7 more instance hours.  The extra 23 unused instance hours you
 reserved are wasted.

 And, please explain the Datastore tabulations shown in the billing
 preview.  The numbers for my app seem very high (millions per day?).

 And, when I look at the open instances right now, I see an instance
 that is more than 2 hours old, but has only served 1 request.  Another
 is 5 hours old, and only served 6 requests.  Seems like a bug that
 would result in over billing.

 It gets curiouser and curiouser.

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[google-appengine] Re: Updated App Engine Pricing FAQ!

2011-07-08 Thread nickmilon
@Tim +1

On Jul 8, 4:39 pm, Tim meer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Greg,

 On Thursday, July 7, 2011 8:14:57 PM UTC+1, Greg D wrote:

  I'm happy to give clarification, but I need a little more information on
  the sort of clarification you want.  When you say what GAE is aimed at, do
  you mean language support?  Uptime?  Scale?  Business model?  Customer type?
   Developer type?

 I put some more details of my particular scenario in the longer parent post
 that may fill in some details.

 What I'm looking for is the idea of the type of developer / application
 architecture that you see GAE aimed at.

 ** TL;DR alert **
 I was going to send the below to Greg off-list, but figured I'd do it on
 list to see if other agree or not. Apologies for anyone not interested :)

 To be quite explicit, early on, it looked like GAE was aimed very much at
 what I'd call a purely reactive web service - plenty of capacity for serving
 static content and some mutable state with a good solid user authentication
 model built in, but the focus very much on the fact that processing only
 occurs when a request comes in (no background tasks, no execution beyond the
 response, cap on maximum execution model, no push to clients mechanism), but
 with a richer API in that it can also accept requests via email and
 scheduled tasks and similar as long as these handlers are short and sweet

 This was quite a clean model and aligned with what I planned to use it for -
 a cloud based application for users to maintain and manipulate a body of
 data in a browser but with most of the complexity in the client, and GAE
 providing centralisation of storage and some processing and perhaps some
 interaction between users, but no real autonomous processing on the server,
 and the request handling code is quick to start and finish as it maintains
 no in-memory state in the process. And this felt like an outgrowth of an
 attempt to monetise of spare capacity in google's existing infrastructure -
 a good deal for both sides.

 As new features were introduced (Channel API, increased runtime limits) then
 this seemed to reinforce this impression - the server can run a bit longer,
 and can push data out to clients to reduce dumb polling queries, but it
 seems still that a system will only startup when needed, should do all it
 needs, and close down as soon as possible. And then we let Google identify
 bursts when it might actually keep your processes in memory (the 'if
 __name__ == __main__:' trick), but that's part of playing nicely, not a
 change in the type of application you write.

 So although no one needs to write yet another wiki/blog engine, it seemed
 that style of usage was what was being envisioned, and as long as you play
 nicely and don't store too much data then it's the platform for you, with
 little things like memcache thrown in so you make your app run a bit quicker
 when it's hit with a burst of traffic, and you can schedule tasks to do
 things like age your data, clean up stale items, send email admin reports of
 who's been doing what etc.

 So it's somewhat ideal for services that are available 24/7 but may be idle
 for long periods, get a few queries at other times, and then might get some
 bursty periods when they get hit by a load of traffic:
    You could get a dedicated server or two, but in a typical day it'll
 spend 10 hours doing absolutely nothing, 7 hours ticking over quietly with a
 few requests, 6 hours pretty consistently busy, and one hour desperately
 overloaded and unresponsive. Instead, let us (Google) host it for you, and
 in return for writing it using our datastore etc then we'll look after
 making the above all work by spreading your app over 0, 1, 2 or 10 machines
 for the different times and you don't have to worry about it, lots of other
 people are doing the same but we think they'll have different bursts, and we
 can spread the load over our server farms - it'll be cheaper than buying too
 much capacity that sits idle and more robust than skimping on capacity and
 then getting slashdotted etc. And if, over time, you need it to be 10, 20 or
 200 machines depending on the time of day, you won't have to rewrite it,
 we've got the capacity if you pay for it, and the infrastructure is well up
 to it.

 And let's be clear, I have no major gripe with the datastore (I've hated SQL
 for a long long time) but I wouldn't choose to be shackled by such a
 restrictive data model unless I thought it was being done to make it easy
 for you guys to spread the data persistence around so you can can scale the
 data and the agents around without big startup times when a new host is
 suddenly invoked.

 So far, so good: it's an engine for applications, it starts when the
 applications need it, and turns off when the applications stop making
 demands, and in between it automatically changes from being an electric
 hybrid with a frugal 4 cylinder engine, to a high-revving turbo charged F1
 engine, and to a shedload of 

[google-appengine] Re: GAE Pricing Changes - Sucker Punching the Development Community

2011-07-05 Thread nickmilon
Stephen +1
The situation is that 'App Engine for Business' has been renamed
Engine' and 'App Engine' as we knew it does not exist any more. 

 This describes the situation we are in.
Problem though is: 'App Engine for Business' has not been really tried
in the battlefield.

On Jul 5, 12:12 pm, Stephen sdeasey+gro...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 9:40 AM, zdravko email.workbe...@gmail.com wrote:

  Surely, they could have projected the inevitable after
  the first 3 months of real usage patterns analysis.

 You would think so. Is it credible that they didn't?

 History shows that they waited 10 months before introducing billing,
 tweaking quotas, adjusting measurement techniques, and reaffirming
 their desire to offer about 5 million free page views/month:


 The situation is that 'App Engine for Business' has been renamed 'App
 Engine' and 'App Engine' as we knew it does not exist any more.
 They've been pretty clear about that.

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[google-appengine] Re: FAQ for out of preview pricing changes

2011-06-19 Thread nickmilon
@Nickolas Daskalou + 1
except for the part of free quotas.
You need those in order to attract developers to try out the platform
and build up the eco system.
Without a strong  healthy ecosystem no platform can survive for long.
Still there are other solutions to this (i.e. limit to 1 year or less
as Amazon is doing)

See also my notes here:

happy coding (or waiting)  ;-)

On Jun 19, 7:09 am, Nickolas Daskalou n...@daskalou.com wrote:
 Hi Greg,

 Yet another 2nd 'next week' ending has come and gone (for those playing at
 home, that makes 4 weeks).

 The application we had been working on has been halted in light of the new
 pricing announcement, and we have been waiting for some good news for a
 while now. Is there any update you can give us?

 I feel your initial announcement was made a little prematurely, and by
 greedy corporates with dollar signs in their eyes, who are not at all in
 touch with the App Engine community. If they had been, they would have known
 that a major selling point of App Engine was its pay for what you use
 pricing model.

 As has been mentioned earlier, the new proposed prices are almost absurd
 when compared with other cloud computing providers. Even if App Engine
 finally gets full multithreading support, an App Engine instance will still
 cost over 10x that of an equivalent, less handicapped instance on Amazon

 Given the old (current?) pricing scheme, I think the logical thing would
 have been to start charging users for RAM consumption (which has already
 been mentioned in other threads). A pay for what you use hosting service
 can indeed work, just take a look at NearlyFreeSpeech.net.

 Due to the overhead of running a PaaS as opposed to an IaaS, App Engine
 obviously cannot be as cheap as EC2, but a 10x price difference is
 definitely not a true reflection of this overhead. In my opinion, doubling
 the EC2 price to remove server administration headaches from developers
 would be reasonable, but beyond that it may not make sense for a developer
 to pay such a high premium when they can administer an EC2 stack themselves
 with less restrictions than App Engine, and save a considerable amount of
 money in the process.

 Sticking to your guns with this new pricing scheme could be the beginning of
 the end for App Engine. A company wishing to build the next big app can
 easily play with the numbers and realise that if they get decent user
 numbers in the future, the costs of App Engine would be astronomical
 compared with other cloud computing providers. With more PaaS providers
 coming into the market, and Google's reputation of being extremely price
 competitive, the new pricing has definitely been a big shock for most of us.

 On the other end of the scale, developers looking for a free ride to try out
 their hobby app are given extremely generous quotas, both with the old and
 new pricing models. If the need to support these developers has caused the
 rest of App Engine to become expensive, then I recommend substantially
 reducing the free quotas down to almost nothing (as a gesture of goodwill,
 old apps should probably keep their old free quotas). App Engine has been
 around long enough to have gained good exposure, and the free quotas have
 played a part in that, but now that the word is out it may be time to become
 more realistic with the amount of money lost to free riding apps.

 On a personal note (and as someone else mentioned in this group), I am both
 disappointed and embarrassed that I not only praised App Engine to other
 developers, managers and stakeholders when it was an unproven technology,
 but also that I have spent a considerable amount of time learning the system
 and new design patterns, along with a substantial amount of time developing
 on it.

 If a large change is not made to the new proposed pricing, I daresay the
 only developers and companies you will see using App Engine will be those
 that have already committed a large amount of resources on their project,
 and are too far in to be able to port across to a new system. All it then
 takes to pull the rug out from under App Engine's feet is someone building a
 commercial-grade, drop-in replacement for the App Engine stack, and charging
 a lot less for it.


 On 6 June 2011 10:58, Gregory D'alesandre gr...@google.com wrote:

  Sorry it has taken so long, but we are still working on clarifying some of
  these areas internally, I will send an update soon, thanks for your


  On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Vanni Totaro vanni.tot...@gmail.comwrote:

  Hi Greg,

  2nd next week ending :)
  Any update for us?


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[google-appengine] Re: How to get an app banned?

2011-05-24 Thread nickmilon
@Ikai +1
I'm glad this process is in place, but I'd rather let 10
abuse apps sit around longer than they should than avoid shutting down
legitimate user.

Nick Milon

On May 24, 4:54 am, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:

 I understand your frustrations, but do realize that shutting a user down is
 not as simple as waving a banhammer. We try to give users the benefit of the
 doubt, and we verify with our legal team whether it is within our right to
 shut a user down. I'm glad this process is in place, but I'd rather let 10
 abuse apps sit around longer than they should than avoid shutting down a
 legitimate user.

 I agree that our abuse handling can be improved - this was definitely
 something that was considered as part of our plan to take App Engine out of
 preview. People on the internet are scammy, and it costs a non-trivial
 amount of money to fight bad people. Who knew?

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Ben nospam...@gmail.com wrote:
  Thanks for finally taking care of it.

  If you're taking suggestions:

  1) it's very hard to find out where to contact GAE to report abuse -
  the link Barry mentioned does not even exist on most pages, the only
  page I can even see it on is itself down the bottom.

  2) It would be awesome if anyone ever replied, I filled out the
  complaint form shortly after Barry revealed the URL and never heard
  anything until the separate, earlier complaint was rejected for
  hilariously bad reasoning.  I really don't see what's complicated
  about a generic internet spammer scraping content (or technically
  proxying, though whether he saves the content or not hardly seems
  relevant), it happens anywhere scammers and spammers can make a dime
  dishonestly, it should be a lot easier and a lot faster to report.


  PS. Not sure how you missed the porn ads but you can still see them in
  Google's cache:


  !--JuicyAds v2.0--
  iframe hspace=0 vspace=0 border=0 frameborder=0 marginheight=0
  marginwidth=0 width=632 height=142 scrolling=no allowtransparency=true
  !--JuicyAds END--

  On May 23, 5:45 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:
   Turns out there were a bunch more terms of service violations being
   committed by the developer of this application. I couldn't get the porn
   to load (that could also have been a violation).

   Anyway, the app and other apps by this developer have been disabled.

   Ikai Lan
   Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

   On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Ben nospam...@gmail.com wrote:
Pretty sure it's technically a phishing site now since all links get
rewritten to reside inside the scraper's website including
registration  login:


That should get them shut down fast enough.

On May 23, 3:09 pm, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:
 That's no fun, you should send the APP Engine requests something more
 Like bit torrents of barnyard animals mating.  Or if you want to get
 site taken down quickly forward the traffic to Sony licensed music.

 -Original Message-
 From: google-appengine@googlegroups.com

 [mailto:google-appengine@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ben
 Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 2:03 PM
 To: Google App Engine
 Subject: [google-appengine] Re: How to get an app banned?

 Google's DMCA team got back to me today finally, I lodged a complaint
 before I started looking for how to contact the App Engine team about
 They were kindly informed me since it's just a proxy they are going
 continue hosting my stolen content complete with pornographic ads.

 Between that and the lack of action on this end I decided to take
 of the equation - I'm now redirecting any requests from the
 the Google App Engine website.  You probably won't have the problem
 ranking high enough to lure visitors from search engines at least as
 happened to me, but at least you get the pretty porn ads.


 On May 22, 10:51 am, Ben nospam...@gmail.com wrote:
  Thanks everyone.  I reported it through that contact link, not sure
  how I missed that when I was looking for a way to report the guy.


  On May 18, 5:50 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:

   Thanks for reporting it Ben. Please use that link above. We'll

[google-appengine] Re: Google removing posts that raised concerns on the new pricing model?

2011-05-23 Thread nickmilon
I am following the posts closely since the very beginning and haven't
noticed any thread or individual post disappearing, same applies to
app-engines blog.

Nick Milon

On May 23, 8:15 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:
 As far as I know, we're not deleting threads about this topic. Do you have
 any additional information about the deletions?

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 6:57 PM, Brandon Donnelson

  I haven't seen any get erased.

  Brandon Donnelson

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[google-appengine] Re: Price comparison between GAE, EC2 Azure

2011-05-22 Thread nickmilon
+1 bill by : cpu cycles + memory used + may be overhead of spinning
new instances.
it is not only about savings by optimizing it helps the environment
too. This is what I call green computing.


On May 22, 11:54 pm, Danny Tuppeny da...@tuppeny.com wrote:
 On 22 May 2011 21:39, Anders blabl...@gmail.com wrote:

  Oh, you're right! Separating CPU and RAM usage would be a good idea (if it
  can be done in practice). The price model already contains a large number of
  different quotas for all kinds of APIs and stuff. Separating CPU and RAM
  usage would not add much complexity. There is still of course the problem
  with how to measure CPU time. Is idle CPU time included, or is 100% CPU load
  the only measurement or is some other average combination used?

 I think the current (eg. live today, not after the change) method is the
 fairest - you're effectively billed for the CPU cycles. This way you can
 save money by optimising, and not charged when your app is idle. If RAM
 costs money, then that should be charged too. I'm a huge fan of paying for
 what you actually get, and no all-you-can-eat deals like the newer CPU

 If you don't charge people for a resource, they will chomp it up. Why waste
 time optimising your CPU usage if the cost doesn't change?

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[google-appengine] Re: Is MapReduce still a flexible solution on AppEngine under the new pricing model?

2011-05-20 Thread nickmilon
Very interesting question:
Is MapReduce still a flexible solution on AppEngine under the new
pricing model ?
My answer: probably not, new pricing model makes mapreduce operations
a no - no. Price will be prohibitive for such operation especially
ones that depend  on many instances to run a job fast, unless those
used to take hours rather than minutes to complete.
So I guess the team can drop the reduce part and query based
mapreduce things from roadmap, new model renders  those irrelevant for
most use cases.
Also drawing a danger - high $$$ icon as a precaution next to copy/
delete model buttons on control panel would be a good idea.


On May 20, 3:56 pm, Raymond C. windz...@gmail.com wrote:
 As I know MapReduce rely on a relative large number of instances (on top of
 the normal traffic) to perform the calculation efficiently in parallel.
  Under the new pricing model each instance will cost you 15min idle time
 after the job is done.  Therefore 15min times n instances are wasted (cost
 you without using them).  If n=8 (for a relatively small and slow task),
 there will be an additional cost of $0.16 just for one MapReduce operation.
  It will be very costly if you are doing sth like hourly job like reporting.
  8 instances will cost you $115.2/month for hourly MapReduce task, which is
 *in additional* to the cost of the actual run time, just for MapReduce

 My question is, is it still a flexible mechanism on AppEngine?  Or we should
 rely on external service to do these kind of calculation? (complex but could
 be more cost effective?)

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[google-appengine] Re: FAQ for out of preview pricing changes

2011-05-19 Thread nickmilon
I would question any comparisons that ends like If you’re going to
buy a VPS I’d appreciate it if you used my referral page for Linode or
for Slicehost when doing so.
I would prefer a donate button and most probably I would contribute.

Nick Milon

On May 19, 9:55 pm, Jeff Schnitzer j...@infohazard.org wrote:
 On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Stephen sdeasey+gro...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Jeff Schnitzer j...@infohazard.org wrote:

  This is not too surprising; if you look at the rest of the cloud
  industry, almost all services are priced by the amount of RAM used and
  make no mention of how much CPU is allocated.


  CPU/RAM ratio seems pretty linear.


 And for kicks, here's a peformance comparison (conclusion: EC2 sucks):



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[google-appengine] Re: FAQ for out of preview pricing changes

2011-05-19 Thread nickmilon
Lots of talk and fighting here with developers comparing App Engine vs
AWS vs Rackspace vs any_other_VPS_service_on_earth.
There was not such big talk before, coz App Engine looked different
from those products both in terms of pricing as well as features.
Now, thanks to latest news, it managed to be transformed to
Yet_An_Other_VPS overnight and I can not blame developers for those
To tell you the truth I have seen that coming ever since I show SQL
databases on the roadmap.
IMHO these are signs that we are on the wrong path, but  then
again who am I to give advice ?

Happy coding;)

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[google-appengine] Re: FAQ for out of preview pricing changes

2011-05-19 Thread nickmilon
No bad intentions neither for his objectivity nor your findings.
I just wanted to say that product - comparison publications should not
depend on products/services compared for an income, it is a matter of
I would be grateful if you could possibly share your own tests


On May 20, 1:55 am, Jeff Schnitzer j...@infohazard.org wrote:
 If you're worried about his objectivity, it's worth noting that
 Slicehost performed very poorly - worse than EC2 in most tests.  Most
 likely, he mentions the referral page for Linode and Slicehost because
 they are the only providers that offer an affiliate program.

 In the absence of any reason to doubt his statistics, I'll take them
 at face value.  That said, they're 1.5 years old now.  The hybrid part
 of one of my GAE applications is CPU-intensive, and when/if it hits
 scale I will be doing a fair amount of this research on my own.


 On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 2:34 PM, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:
  I would question any comparisons that ends like If you’re going to
  buy a VPS I’d appreciate it if you used my referral page for Linode or
  for Slicehost when doing so.
  I would prefer a donate button and most probably I would contribute.

  Nick Milon

  On May 19, 9:55 pm, Jeff Schnitzer j...@infohazard.org wrote:
  On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Stephen sdeasey+gro...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Jeff Schnitzer j...@infohazard.org 

   This is not too surprising; if you look at the rest of the cloud
   industry, almost all services are priced by the amount of RAM used and
   make no mention of how much CPU is allocated.


   CPU/RAM ratio seems pretty linear.


  And for kicks, here's a peformance comparison (conclusion: EC2 sucks):



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[google-appengine] Re: So Google want us to make use of the instances? Give us the tools to do that!

2011-05-18 Thread nickmilon
@Raymond  + 1
This is what I also think.
App engine is moving closer to an IaaS rather than a PaaS service and
I believe this is not really good move.
see here : 


On May 18, 10:14 am, Raymond C. windz...@gmail.com wrote:
 The original design of AppEngine is pay for what you use.  Obviously the new
 pricing model (min 15 min instance charge, low latency over resources
 usage) is going after the pay for the machines you use model.

 If this is the case, it is so stupid to me that the original language of the
 choice of AppEngine (python) is single threaded on AppEngine.  Google should
 also update their platform alongside with the new pricing so we could make
 full use of the machine resources.  Non-blocking server like tornado
 (http://www.tornadoweb.org/) or node.js have proven that a single machine
 can do a lot of thing. I hate to see the new pricing goes into effect
 without platform update that let us make us of the machines that we are
 paying for.

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[google-appengine] Re: FAQ for out of preview pricing changes

2011-05-18 Thread nickmilon
@Sergey good questions.
IMHO this is a sisyphean task, new policy has opened Pandora's box
with questions popping up from it in a much faster rate that can be

On May 18, 11:06 pm, Sergey Schetinin ser...@maluke.com wrote:
 A couple more questions for the FAQ:

 1) What are the expected limits on the concurrency for Python 2.7
 instances? Assuming the requests handlers / threads are just waiting
 for RPC to finish (say on urlfetch service), how many per-process are
 allowed? This is probably still TBD, but a ballpark figure would be
 very welcome.

 2) How the keys-only queries will be charged for?

 3) What controls are in place to make sure that the instances do not
 get stuck on a bad / slow host? I have experienced very different
 response times from a noop WSGI app hosted on GAE, and given the costs
 will now be tied very directly to the latency, how can you make us
 comfortable with the fact that this latency is volatile and often
 completely out of our control? (or remove the volatility)

 4) Can we have some assurance that the hosts are not oversold and the
 CPU / Memory quota is actually guaranteed? Volatility in response
 times (as measured by the GAE dashboard itself) suggests that
 different hosts are under a different load and sometimes the
 instance's process has to wait to get to run on a CPU. (When a no-op
 app sometimes runs in 10ms and sometimes in 300ms+, that doesn't look
 like guaranteed CPU to me).

 5) Can we configure scheduler to shut instances down faster than in 15
 minutes? (And not get charged for that idle time). If not, please
 justify this limitation.

 6) Will we have a way to explicitly shut down an instance from the
 instance itself? (Without returning an error, basically to suggest to
 scheduler that this is the last request I want to handle)

 7) Will the pricing become stable after this change? How can you
 assure us that it will?

 8) Is there any intention to adjust the prices in a year or two to
 account for falling hardware prices?

 Thank you.


 PS I also wanted to mention to people asking if GIL will be removed --
 of course it will stay. Also, there's no need to remove it, so please
 don't make random requests and learn what GIL is and why it's there. I
 would bet that the concurrency will be via regular Python threads (no
 multiprocessing), but the app itself would not be allowed to spawn or
 control those threads.


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[google-appengine] Re: Is App Engine suddenly becoming more expensive???

2011-05-17 Thread nickmilon
New App Engine Pricing policy, the good the bad and the ugly.
Happy coding :-)
Nick Milon

On May 10, 8:29 pm, Ugorji ugo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Did App Engine suddenly start costing a minimum of $45 per month?


 Summary: pay-as-you-go is 8 cents per hour an instance is running, or 5
 cents per hour if you pre-reserve. This translates to $58 per month for
 pay-as-you-go or $36 per month for pre-reserved. Add the $9/app/month fee
 for any serious apps with billing enabled (required for using blobstore,
 etc), and it translates to $45 (if pre-reserved) or $67 (pay-as-you-go). And
 this is for an app with only one instance always running.

 Compared to what we've been used to, this seems like a major increase in
 price. Maybe someone can shed some light on this - I hope it's not as bad as
 it looks to me.

 (P.S. Pricing for High Replication Datastore is a welcome change - thanks
 Google. You've also made it easier to pick HRD, as there'd no pricing
 advantage for M/S anymore).

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[google-appengine] Re: Charging for memory using Megabyte.hours

2011-05-15 Thread nickmilon
+ 1 to more granularity in every way possible.
15 minutes looks more like IaaS not PaaS.


On May 15, 8:02 pm, Vinuth Madinur vinuth.madi...@gmail.com wrote:
 2011/5/15 Luís Marques luismarq...@gmail.com

  That is indeed an interesting suggestion, but I suspect it might be
  unworkable at that granularity. If you have an idle instance occupying
  20 MB of a 128 MB instance class, GAE can't make use of the remaining
  108 MB without restrictions. If your instance suddenly needs more than
  20 MB to process an incoming request then it could not have it
  available (without paging) because some other process would be using

 These are issues that the scheduler anyway has to deal with. It's not like
 the remaining 108 MB will be left unused or that the scheduler would totally
 avoid paging.

 I don't get what this has to do with pricing.

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[google-appengine] Re: Cannot log in. Not authorized to access this application

2011-05-13 Thread nickmilon
Greg who ?

On May 13, 8:33 am, daodao daoda...@gmail.com wrote:
 I got the solution. Thanks Greg. It's the problem that my account was
 recently changed to a new type of account.

 The solution is:

 1.Login my admin account of my custom domain (mail.mydomain.com)
 2.go to Google Apps domain admin panel
 3.click Organization and users
 4.click Services under Organization and users tab
 5.turn on Google App Engine
 6.click Save changes


 On May 9, 1:27 pm, daodao daoda...@gmail.com wrote:

  I receive the message as follows when trying to log into my google
  appengine account.

  You are not authorized to access this application.

  I'm using custom domain. I have tried both appengine.google.com/a/
  mydomain and

  Any help?

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[google-appengine] Re: GAE vs other stuff Clouds and the rest

2011-05-13 Thread nickmilon
Well this is hard to answer.
Things look very liquid right now especially for python apps.
IMHO that you wait a little till all the dust, raised of new pricing
model and infrastructure (scheduler etc.) changes, settle.
Only then we will have a clear view of which way we are heading.
Also lot depends on what type of apps you have in mind.

Take care :-)
Nick Milon

On May 12, 10:02 am, Jonathan Chen tamasia...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey guys,

 I am about to develop three new apps that range from small, medium,
 and large. (I'm a Python developer)

 Knowing the price changes now would you guys still recommend that I
 build things in Google App Engine?

 What other benefits do we get for having GAE?

 Migrating any application from one cloud to another cloud is still
 very difficult, and never an easy job. Any cloud infrastructure then
 becomes somewhat vendor lock-in. Though GAE's datastore API' take more
 time to migrate over.

 Jonathan C.

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[google-appengine] Re: 1.5 improvements Make me less scared of Pricing

2011-05-13 Thread nickmilon
@Brandon Wirtz
All this can't be explained by you upgrading to 1.5  as @Stephen
@Vinuth Madinur +1 for all your  points especially minimum

Nick Milon

On May 13, 4:28 pm, Tim meer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Currently all my python scripts use the script-or-module mechanism as
 recommended by the docs

 application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/somepage',
 SomeHandler), ('/anotherpage', AnotherHandler)], debug=True)

 # GAE will look for a main() with no args and, if found, caches this script
 # so we supply one to make the requests more efficient
 def main():

 # How a file can be both a script and an imprtable module...
 if __name__ == __main__:

 I'm wondering if I rename that function to not be main, hence making the
 page just a script and no longer an importable module, will that effectively
 kill the instance after the script runs (my load time is minimal - most of
 my pages simply do datatore-query - JSON or the reverse) and so minimise my
 instance hours ??

 Would it be possible to add something to the GAE API's so that an instance
 can suggest how long it would like to hang around for, or an ability to
 explicitly request to kill itself ?


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[google-appengine] Re: Where I pulled the 70X from AND How the new pricing could be cheaper for you!

2011-05-13 Thread nickmilon
Expanding @Stephens thoughts and given the new granularity 15 min (how
in the world we moved from ms to minutes is a wander to me) a lot
about pricing will depend on scheduler and I can foresee fights here
every time scheduler algorithm changes in future handicapping this or
the other type of applications.
Google says that they made the move to instance pricing coz a request
on hold is not consuming cpu cycles but still occupies memory.
This is true but ...
a) we developers have already many incentives to make a request return
as fast as possible.
b) they could still charge by ms used to serve.
The way I see it new pricing is more appropriate to an IaasS rather
than a PaaS and I think GAE  is mainly a PaaS solution and this model
does not fit right, neither it gives us incentives to write efficient
- green code.

Nick Milon

On May 13, 1:21 pm, Stephen sdeasey+gro...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:

  OR… (and this one kills me)

  User: I need a  big file
  APP: I don’t have that in memcache let me go get that for you

  110ms later…

  DataStore: Here is that file you asked for its big.
  App: Yeah I know and this user is on dial up. They Suck

 App Engine i/o is fully buffered. Your instance is done and ready to
 serve a new request once it has written the current response to stdout
 and returned from main. The App Engine infrastructure will dribble the
 bytes back to the user as fast as possible.

  And In all three of these scenarios what I’m really paying for if I get 
  billed by instances is the
  waiting to send stuff to the user, and possibly read it out of GQL.  None 
  of this uses
   the “Python” bits for anything useful.

 Try caching your data  1MB in the blobstore. You can then use the
 send_blob() call of the BlobstoreDownloadHandler which acts like the
 X-Sendfile header in some other web servers. This should return


  And I think some days this works, (so do cache control headers and the  edge
  caching such that when two people ask for the same exact thing only 1 hits 
  my APP) and
  other days it doesn’t work so much. And I don’t really know why cause I 
  can’t see the
  moving parts, only part of what is on each side of a row of magic black 

 So you're saying: when the engineers make a mistake the accountants
 are happy? Mistakes are rewarded?

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[google-appengine] Re: GAE vs other stuff Clouds and the rest

2011-05-13 Thread nickmilon
Data migration is not a real problem with GAE unless you are on the
Terra-byte region. There are quite a few mechanisms for that.
I also hope that GAE will make it at the end and what we are
experiencing now is only a bad nightmare caused by short-sighted
accountants temporary hijacking the shop from engineers and creating a
PR disaster in the process.

Happy coding;-)


On May 14, 2:53 am, Jonathan Chen tamasia...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks Nick Milon for the reply.

 I am right now trying to build my app so that the only thing that can
 be affected if GAE becomes a bad choice is just my DB layer. But that
 isn't too bad. The worst would be migrating data from any cloud
 provider to another one. But I am going to go out on a limb to say
 that I have some faith that Google will make it okay for us small
 Python developers in the future :)

 Jonathan C.

 On May 13, 2:44 pm, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well this is hard to answer.
  Things look very liquid right now especially for python apps.
  IMHO that you wait a little till all the dust, raised of new pricing
  model and infrastructure (scheduler etc.) changes, settle.
  Only then we will have a clear view of which way we are heading.
  Also lot depends on what type of apps you have in mind.

  Take care :-)
  Nick Milon

  On May 12, 10:02 am, Jonathan Chen tamasia...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hey guys,

   I am about to develop three new apps that range from small, medium,
   and large. (I'm a Python developer)

   Knowing the price changes now would you guys still recommend that I
   build things in Google App Engine?

   What other benefits do we get for having GAE?

   Migrating any application from one cloud to another cloud is still
   very difficult, and never an easy job. Any cloud infrastructure then
   becomes somewhat vendor lock-in. Though GAE's datastore API' take more
   time to migrate over.

   Jonathan C.

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[google-appengine] Re: Is App Engine suddenly becoming more expensive???

2011-05-12 Thread nickmilon

On May 12, 6:20 pm, Tim meer...@gmail.com wrote:
 I agree, Google is not a charity, but equally I thought they had a vested
 interest in bringing developers on board using their technologies and APIs.

 Here's a suggestion
   free is a quota like the new quota, 24 instance hours etc
   enterprise is like the new paid for system, with easy to bulk-manage
 instance hours etc
 and somewhere in between, you introduce a paid for scheme that's more like
 the old free quota, say:
   - No more than 10 (5 ? 3 ?) simultaneous instances at any one time
   - X number of CPU hours per day (rather than instance hours)
   - higher than free limits, if any on database API calls etc
 but the important thing being that, when your cap is used up for the day,
 things stop, so we know that we're not going to accidentally run up a huge
 bill while we're trying things out with a few hundred users, 10s of queries
 per minute or hour...

 You could call this hobbyist or personal or soho - put a fixed price
 on it ($30 / month?), enough to keep out spammers and abusers, but enough to
 let people do interesting things without busting your systems, enough for
 there to be a groundswell of people who know enough about GAE that the
 platform becomes of interest to enterprise (who need a fungible pool of
 developers to adopt any technology).

 That way we small guys can still see it as something we can experiment with
 and maybe handle the odd burst of users, and if we progress beyond that,
 then we get into the enterprise level billing.

 The leap at the moment from free to enterprise is maybe what's
 underlying people's concerns, surely it's not beyond the skills of Google to
 introduce some more tiers and find a variety of sweet spots, if only to suck
 a few of us back in :)

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[google-appengine] Re: Is App Engine suddenly becoming more expensive???

2011-05-12 Thread nickmilon
@Nischal  +1
What you are asking is what @TIM above is suggesting which myself also
Also as I can see many others in this list are proposing something to
this effect.

Happy coding :-)
Nick Milon

On May 12, 7:36 pm, Nischal Shetty nischalshett...@gmail.com wrote:
 GAE now has Free and Enterprise plans. The free plan is useless for any
 serious app and the enterprise plan will rip single developers like me and
 everyone else who thinks they can sustain this through adsense and other
 means (unless you do not want to make anything for yourself).

 There should be a third plan in between the free and enterprise and that
 plan exists, it is the current paid plan that we are all making use of where
 we pay for the CPU Hours. Increase the price for that if you want!

 I currently pay around $200-$300 per month to GAE. I can go a maximum of 2x
 increase in price (I would still cry a couple of nights and curse whoever
 thought of charging so much) but anything above that would simply make me
 move on to some other platform.

 I'm guessing there would be more like me. Enterprises will not spread the
 word about GAE, most if not all will not participate in your google group
 discussion to help others out, no one will tweet thank you GAE for making
 my life easier. We are not Enterprise!

 There are a lot of things that won't happen if GAE starts treating
 individual devs (or small teams of 2-3 devs) as ENTERPRISE!

 Bring out a third plan. Don't be Evil.

 On 12 May 2011 21:19, Brandon Donnelson branflake2...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm sorry, but what the FUD is going on in here :).


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 twitter: NischalShetty http://twitter.com/nischalshetty
 facebook: Nischal http://facebook.com/nischal

 http://www.justunfollow.com     http://www.buffr.com

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[google-appengine] Re: Cannot log in. Not authorized to access this application

2011-05-12 Thread nickmilon
I am not 100% sure but 
I feel all of those issues are related to conflicting accounts
mentioned here:
And googles forced transition that happened on May 11.

take care :-)

On May 11, 12:25 pm, Warren wenh...@gmail.com wrote:
 Same issue. I also cannot log in to my GAE Admin Console and get the
 Unauthorized (401) error.

 In My Account page(Google Apps Account), The App Engine is in My
 Products list. When click the My Applications next to it, the
 Unauthorized (401) appears. This link works in my Google Account
 (gmail.com), it redirects me to the GAE Admin Console correctly.

 And I also tried to log in to Admin Console of another domain which
 never deployed an application. It also said Unauthorized, which should
 be a Get Start page.

 My Google Apps Account is wenh...@kylinworks.com

 Anyone helps?


 On May 10, 1:19 pm, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:

  Appengine.google.com Log in.  Don't go to the url you are. Select the
  domain. Administer it.  

  -Original Message-
  From: daodao [mailto:daoda...@gmail.com]
  Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 10:08 PM
  To: Brandon Wirtz
  Subject: Re:Cannotlog in. Not authorized to access this application

  Here're my steps:

  1. I logout all of my google accounts and restart browser 2. open page 
  3. I was redirected to a google login page. I login with admin account of my
  custom domain awfullychocoate-bj.com 4. The message prompted: Unauthorized,
  You are not authorized to access this application.

  At step 4, I can see my admin account of awfullychocolate-bj.com displalying
  at top-right corner, which means the login succeeded.
  I can access my mailbox through mail.awfullychocolate-bj.com.

  Just several weeks ago, I can reach my dashboard through above steps.

  Any helps?

  BTW, I can access my app through awfullysystem.awfullychocolate- bj.com. The
  app works fine. But I need access dashboard to make some changes to my data.

  On 5月9日, 下午2时52分, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:
   Works better if you include the name of the app you need help with.

   Also make sure you are signed out of Google when you go to
   appengine.google.com .  Try using an Incognito window.

   From the error you are getting it doesn't sound like you are trying to
   log in to the dash board.  If you are locked out of the dashboard you
   should be able to recover your password.  If you locked yourself out
   of your deployed app, we can't help you, that's an Application/programming


   -Original Message-
   From: google-appengine@googlegroups.com

   [mailto:google-appengine@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of daodao
   Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 1:27 PM
   To: Google App Engine
   Subject: [google-appengine]Cannotlog in. Not authorized to access
   this application

   I receive the message as follows when trying to log into my google
   apps appengine account.

   You are not authorized to access this application.

   I'm using custom domain. I have tried both appengine.google.com/a/
   mydomain and appengine.google.com.

   Any help?

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[google-appengine] Re: Google should want to provide messaging in App Engine

2011-05-10 Thread nickmilon
+1 for best sentence by Brandon so far 

You are a Prius driver complaining that the
Ferrari doesn't have a Continuous Variable Transmission, and that the
F350 doesn't have remote trunk unlock on the key fob.

On May 10, 11:54 pm, Darien Caldwell darien.caldw...@gmail.com
 Well, Brandon happens to be right. You can add any kind of messaging
 to GAE you want. Or anything else, for that matter. And GAE already
 does support XMPP, which is a messaging system, and a very widely
 adopted and robust, and open one at that.  Basically the OP doesn't
 want to get with the times and doesn't want to do any work. Make a JMS
 system for GAE. Someone with your credentials should be able to do
 that, right?

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[google-appengine] Re: Under new billing, how would a multiget/multiput be billed?

2011-05-10 Thread nickmilon
+ 1
Old model was much more on the green side.
Now we have to optimise for the new model.

On May 11, 12:11 am, Spines kwste...@gmail.com wrote:
 Similarly, with the new pricing, gets and puts will now cost the same?
 I liked the old model that encouraged efficiency.

 On May 10, 1:50 pm, Spines kwste...@gmail.com wrote:

  Doing a get of a 100 entities at once would be one API call right? So
  it would cost the same as doing a get of 1 entity?

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[google-appengine] Re: Frequently is Relative Right? Help with FAQ

2011-05-10 Thread nickmilon
Brandon, nice work  great page and  texts there  - hope you manage
with new pricing model.

On May 10, 2:13 am, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:
 Good catch on the what is a CDN question.  

 I was trying to decide if I want the customer that thinks I'm cheap :-) .
 It's like Cars or Hookers, the kind of person looking for a cheap one is
 likely not a good client :-).

 I have been thinking about the if you are running on GAE would we make you
 faster/better.  We have the whole serve things really fast out of Memcache
 thing down, and that helps. but obviously I'm marking up the service so
 you'd think if you wrote your own app you could get the mem-cache working
 correctly and be really close to the same numbers.  I'll have to think about
 that one and get back to you.

 From: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
 [mailto:google-appengine@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Tim
 Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 4:06 PM
 To: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [google-appengine] Re: Frequently is Relative Right? Help with FAQ

   Quote: How do I know I need a CDN? You made it here, you must think you
 need a CDN.

 What about those who follow tweet like Make your site load much faster with
 ... ?? You will get some who need it (or could do with it) explaining -
 at least the acronym...

  Quote: You seem expensive. Are you?

 This makes me think, before I look at anything else, that it's going to be
 pricey - I'd pair this up with a You seem cheap. Are you? FAQ (that lets
 you talk about how it's a quality service despite the low low price etc)

 Extra Q: But my site already runs on GAE - so why will you be any different
 to me serving the files myself ?

 (Dunno the answer, that's why I'm asking, and it seems relevant here...).



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[google-appengine] Re: Appropriate way to save hundreds of thousands of ids per user

2011-04-28 Thread nickmilon
1) Yaps it means fetching   1000 entities, how many exactly ? it
depends (entity size probably is the main factor here) but something
in the range of 5000 + is achievable.
2) A task does some background work i.e. fetching - creating -
modifying records doing calculations and preparing intermediary
results etc. can run for 10 minutes, sure you can call a url when
while or after a task executes.
The 30'' limit applies to client facing requests.

On Apr 28, 5:35 am, Nischal Shetty nischalshett...@gmail.com wrote:

 1) the 1000 entities (rows) limit has been lifted long time ago.

 I thought by lifting the limit it meant I could go ahead and fetech 1001-
 2000 using a cursor. So I guess, it means pulling more than 1000 rows at a
 time, stupid me :)

 2) tasks are not limited by the 30s limit - can run for 10 minutes.

 We provide URLs that would be called when the task executes. Those would
 stop in  30s right? So, what exactly is this 10 minute limit, I haven't been
 able to wrap my head around the 10 minute thingy.

 On 26 April 2011 00:58, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:

  1) the 1000 entities (rows) limit has been lifted long time ago.
  2) tasks are not limited by the 30s limit - can run for 10 minutes.

  Happy coding ;-)
  On Apr 25, 9:01 am, Nischal Shetty nischalshett...@gmail.com wrote:
   I will indeed try a few ways to do this. But pulling all rows
   would be an overkill because every query gives us 1000 rows at a time
   means I would hit the 30s limit while I'm at it :(

   For searching the IDs that I have at hand, I would not need to
   the array of ids. I would be making use of Bloom Filter which I think
   speed things up. I would need to deserialize all the ids occasionally for
   some rare computational purposes.

   So my use case would consist  80% search a bunch of IDs and 20%
   all the IDs.

   On 25 April 2011 10:24, David Parks davidpark...@yahoo.com wrote:

I did indeed mean pulling back a result set of say 200,000 rows. If I’m
following the conversation correctly then what you described was
  storing all
IDs, querying that one field and de-serializing all IDs into an array
you can then search for the ID’s you need.

I like that idea. But I certainly can’t tell you if the overhead of
all values, and deserializing them will be better or worse than the
of scrolling through a large result set and loading the database with
hundreds of millions of rows. Of all databases you could be using,
big table is certainly well designed for large data sets.

It seems that your proposed method makes great sense when you need the
entire result set (or close to it) for one or more users. But when you
need 100 results of 150,000, then the deserialization process is going
constitute a measurable overhead. Also, I can’t say for sure how the
datastore will  perform when you commit hundreds of millions of rows to
Of course, if small queries like are rare, then maybe it’s not so
to consider them.

Anyway, I guess you could write, in perhaps a day or less, a very
test case that populate the datastore with both scenarios and profile

Doing the profiling work will probably give you some very useful
and experience on how things will really perform in reality.

I’d also suggest that you encapsulate this functionality so that you
easily replace one strategy with another without changing code
  unrelated to
the data store (e.g. design your code using proper data access objects
keep this code separate from the rest of your code, and code to
up front).

*From:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com [mailto:
google-appengine@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Nischal Shetty
*Sent:* Monday, April 25, 2011 10:34 AM

*To:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* Re: [google-appengine] Appropriate way to save hundreds of
thousands of ids per user


Querying the whole group would mean having 200,000 results for few of
users. Pulling all that and then searching, wouldn't that be
  inefficient? or
are you talking about sharded ListProperty here?

On 25 April 2011 05:41, David Parks davidpark...@yahoo.com wrote:

That seems like a reasonable approach. But I think you should do both
tests. 1) let google do the work and store a lot of records, 2) query
whole group and parse it into an array and search the array. It
  wouldn’t be
too hard to created a simple test case that populates the data for
# of users you need to plan for and profile the lookup and storage
  speeds of

I’d love to know your results if you do test both approaches.

*From:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com [mailto:

[google-appengine] Re: Appropriate way to save hundreds of thousands of ids per user

2011-04-25 Thread nickmilon
1) the 1000 entities (rows) limit has been lifted long time ago.
2) tasks are not limited by the 30s limit - can run for 10 minutes.

Happy coding ;-)
On Apr 25, 9:01 am, Nischal Shetty nischalshett...@gmail.com wrote:
 I will indeed try a few ways to do this. But pulling all rows individually
 would be an overkill because every query gives us 1000 rows at a time which
 means I would hit the 30s limit while I'm at it :(

 For searching the IDs that I have at hand, I would not need to deserialize
 the array of ids. I would be making use of Bloom Filter which I think would
 speed things up. I would need to deserialize all the ids occasionally for
 some rare computational purposes.

 So my use case would consist  80% search a bunch of IDs and 20% deserialize
 all the IDs.

 On 25 April 2011 10:24, David Parks davidpark...@yahoo.com wrote:

  I did indeed mean pulling back a result set of say 200,000 rows. If I’m
  following the conversation correctly then what you described was storing all
  IDs, querying that one field and de-serializing all IDs into an array that
  you can then search for the ID’s you need.

  I like that idea. But I certainly can’t tell you if the overhead of reading
  all values, and deserializing them will be better or worse than the overhead
  of scrolling through a large result set and loading the database with
  hundreds of millions of rows. Of all databases you could be using, googles
  big table is certainly well designed for large data sets.

  It seems that your proposed method makes great sense when you need the
  entire result set (or close to it) for one or more users. But when you only
  need 100 results of 150,000, then the deserialization process is going to
  constitute a measurable overhead. Also, I can’t say for sure how the google
  datastore will  perform when you commit hundreds of millions of rows to it.
  Of course, if small queries like are rare, then maybe it’s not so important
  to consider them.

  Anyway, I guess you could write, in perhaps a day or less, a very simple
  test case that populate the datastore with both scenarios and profile them.

  Doing the profiling work will probably give you some very useful insight
  and experience on how things will really perform in reality.

  I’d also suggest that you encapsulate this functionality so that you can
  easily replace one strategy with another without changing code unrelated to
  the data store (e.g. design your code using proper data access objects to
  keep this code separate from the rest of your code, and code to interfaces
  up front).

  *From:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com [mailto:
  google-appengine@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Nischal Shetty
  *Sent:* Monday, April 25, 2011 10:34 AM

  *To:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com
  *Subject:* Re: [google-appengine] Appropriate way to save hundreds of
  thousands of ids per user


  Querying the whole group would mean having 200,000 results for few of my
  users. Pulling all that and then searching, wouldn't that be inefficient? or
  are you talking about sharded ListProperty here?

  On 25 April 2011 05:41, David Parks davidpark...@yahoo.com wrote:

  That seems like a reasonable approach. But I think you should do both
  tests. 1) let google do the work and store a lot of records, 2) query the
  whole group and parse it into an array and search the array. It wouldn’t be
  too hard to created a simple test case that populates the data for whatever
  # of users you need to plan for and profile the lookup and storage speeds of

  I’d love to know your results if you do test both approaches.

  *From:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com [mailto:
  google-appengine@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Nischal Shetty
  *Sent:* Friday, April 22, 2011 3:10 PM

  *To:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com

  *Subject:* Re: [google-appengine] Appropriate way to save hundreds of
  thousands of ids per user


  Thanks for the input. Every reply gives me some more insight into how I
  achieve this. My use case is as below :

  1. At times I would need all the IDs at the same time in memory

  2. Most of the times I would need to check if a set of IDs as input by the
  user (say 100 IDs) are present in the datastore

  I've been thinking of doing the following :

  1. Persisting all the IDs by putting them into an array (I will probably
  have shards where each array would hold 50k IDs)

  2. Implementing a bloom filter to search for the set of IDs if they exist
  in the datastore.

  On 22 April 2011 09:34, David Parks davidpark...@yahoo.com wrote:

  I don’t know your intended use of these ID’s, my thoughts here are limited
  to assumed use, feel free to ignore thoughts that are off base for your use

  If, when you query for the IDs you are looking for **all** the IDs, then
  just serialize them into one field and retrieve them as one record and
  de-serialize them in a way that doesn’t require they all fit into 

Re: Ang.: RE: RE: [google-appengine] Advantages of GAE

2011-04-25 Thread nickmilon
One major advantage of GAE it is that is more green than alternatives.
Charging by resource usage (cpu cycles, bandwidth etc) forces us to
energy efficient programming style.
Also I am sure G datacenters are much more efficient than someone's
LAMP stack.


On Apr 25, 8:42 am, Niklas Rosencrantz nikla...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you Robert for putting it very well said: on AppEngine you're not
 paying for massive amounts of idle capacity This is what a mean with
 cost-effectiveness. When all you pay for is outgoing bandwidth and storage
 you can for instance make just an indexing service extremely cheap with
 almost no capital and almost only labor intensive. Our work now is
 labor-intensive instead of capital-intensive exactly as Robert states below:
 Knowing well hoping that more is needed interestingly stating a law which
 is exactly the opposite of mechanics: The more you load our network the more
 successful it will get. Contrary to a mechanical car which will get less
 efficient the more you load it.

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[google-appengine] Re: email sent by GAE would be regarded as spam for some email services

2011-04-16 Thread nickmilon

On Apr 16, 9:02 pm, n8gray n8g...@gmail.com wrote:

 I totally understand that you guys want to focus on the interesting parts of
 the problem, but you could make one really simple change that would probably
 *solve* the problem for most of your users: allow us to set the DKIM header
 on outgoing mail.  All it would require is allowing write access to one more

 See this bug for 


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[google-appengine] Re: email sent by GAE would be regarded as spam for some email services

2011-04-16 Thread nickmilon

On Apr 16, 10:06 pm, Adam Sah adam@gmail.com wrote:
 Ikai-- totally agree re:bulk email, but please please please add DKIM, which
 (I'm told) is 90% of the solution for
 enterprise/extranet apps that need to use email for workflow.  The Big
 Reason I chose AppEngine was to get
 an integrated solution from one vendor: forcing me to use multiple vendors
 makes GAE far less compelling.


 thanks again!

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[google-appengine] Re: HItting query limit using Geocoding API from App Engine

2011-04-08 Thread nickmilon
@bFlood : Maps Premium is an expensive service used by not public-
facing, password protected Web sites, while what we are talking about
here is the free Google Maps service, where G is penalizing all Apps
running on top of GAE since they have to share the ip addresses pool
of GAE ip adresses.

@Ikai : what you write applies to old maps (V2) API where you can
obtain an application authorization key and applications are rate
limited based on this key, although I feel that some kind of ip based
limitations exists also.
Maps V3 which is the way to go especially for mobile appls, do not
require an application key, instead there are rate limitations based
just on originating IP addresses, this puts GAE based appls on a
disadvantage since we have to share this with all other GAE based
appls using the service.


On Apr 8, 2:58 pm, bFlood bfl...@spatialdatalogic.com wrote:
 Google Maps Premiumhttp://www.google.com/enterprise/earthmaps/maps.html

 Dev guide for Url 

 On Apr 8, 3:31 am, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:

  I'll admit that I don't understand the maps API to be an authority on this,
  but the last time I spoke to them, they mentioned some kind of a key you can
  get a hold of? With this key you can make signed requests that can be
  whitelisted. Otherwise, you're put into the general pool of IPs and subject
  to throttling.

  Ikai Lan
  Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

  On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 12:20 AM, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:
   IMHO a proxy will complicate things.
   What about if GAE team gets in touch with maps V3 team and explain to
   them the issue so may be they can rate limit all GAE originated appls
   by app id which is a very secure method since app id can't be
   hacked ?

   @Joe sorry my api isn't that useful in your case.

   On Apr 7, 1:06 am, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:
Use a Proxy.  Then you can come through your own IP-pool.

From: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
[mailto:google-appengine@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Joe Tyson
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 2:59 PM
To: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [google-appengine] Re: HItting query limit using Geocoding
from App Engine

We are delegating some of that to the client now, but it is far

less than ideal. Our client is mobile, so every byte that we send

over can end up costing our users money (you would be surprised

how sensitive some people are to this).

Thanks for the resource, though. I wish country level would be

enough information for us :-(.

Doing some additional searching around, it looks this issue has

been bought up by some other users on the maps forum:


On Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 2:44 PM, nickmilon wrote:

May be you can delegate the geocoding job to the client side using
js ?
also you can take a look here :

Nick ;-)

On Apr 6, 7:25 pm, Joe Tyson joety...@gmail.com wrote:


This seems to be more of a problem with the geocoding api than app
but I'm unable to get ahold of anyone on that team so I'll post here

The new Geocoding API doesn't do any form of url signing or api keys for
non-premier accounts and resorts to using IP address to control quotas.
Since App Engine uses a shared IP pool, my app gets clumped in the quota
limitations of other apps. This must be a somewhat frequent problem for
other apps, since 90% of my geocoding attempts get an 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT'
message. These last few days, it has been closer to 100% at 500-600
spread out over an 15-20 hours.

I'll add that I don't think using a pool of IPs is at all the issue. Any
large scale deployment would be hitting the Geocoding API from a pool of
IPs, and if the pool were dedicated to a single service, the service
be circumventing the Geocoding API quotas anyway.

Is anyone else on the list having this issue? Have you been able to work
with the geocoding team to get auth tokens that don't require having a
premier account?


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[google-appengine] Re: HItting query limit using Geocoding API from App Engine

2011-04-07 Thread nickmilon
IMHO a proxy will complicate things.
What about if GAE team gets in touch with maps V3 team and explain to
them the issue so may be they can rate limit all GAE originated appls
by app id which is a very secure method since app id can't be
hacked ?

@Joe sorry my api isn't that useful in your case.

On Apr 7, 1:06 am, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:
 Use a Proxy.  Then you can come through your own IP-pool.

 From: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
 [mailto:google-appengine@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Joe Tyson
 Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 2:59 PM
 To: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
 Subject: Re: [google-appengine] Re: HItting query limit using Geocoding API
 from App Engine

 We are delegating some of that to the client now, but it is far

 less than ideal. Our client is mobile, so every byte that we send

 over can end up costing our users money (you would be surprised

 how sensitive some people are to this).

 Thanks for the resource, though. I wish country level would be

 enough information for us :-(.

 Doing some additional searching around, it looks this issue has

 been bought up by some other users on the maps forum:


 On Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 2:44 PM, nickmilon wrote:

 May be you can delegate the geocoding job to the client side using
 js ?
 also you can take a look here 

 Nick ;-)

 On Apr 6, 7:25 pm, Joe Tyson joety...@gmail.com wrote:


 This seems to be more of a problem with the geocoding api than app engine,
 but I'm unable to get ahold of anyone on that team so I'll post here

 The new Geocoding API doesn't do any form of url signing or api keys for
 non-premier accounts and resorts to using IP address to control quotas.
 Since App Engine uses a shared IP pool, my app gets clumped in the quota
 limitations of other apps. This must be a somewhat frequent problem for
 other apps, since 90% of my geocoding attempts get an 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT'
 message. These last few days, it has been closer to 100% at 500-600 queries
 spread out over an 15-20 hours.

 I'll add that I don't think using a pool of IPs is at all the issue. Any
 large scale deployment would be hitting the Geocoding API from a pool of
 IPs, and if the pool were dedicated to a single service, the service would
 be circumventing the Geocoding API quotas anyway.

 Is anyone else on the list having this issue? Have you been able to work
 with the geocoding team to get auth tokens that don't require having a
 premier account?


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 Google App Engine group.
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[google-appengine] Re: HItting query limit using Geocoding API from App Engine

2011-04-06 Thread nickmilon
May be you can delegate the geocoding job to the client  side using
js  ?
also you can take a look here : 

Nick ;-)

On Apr 6, 7:25 pm, Joe Tyson joety...@gmail.com wrote:

 This seems to be more of a problem with the geocoding api than app engine,
 but I'm unable to get ahold of anyone on that team so I'll post here

 The new Geocoding API doesn't do any form of url signing or api keys for
 non-premier accounts and resorts to using IP address to control quotas.
 Since App Engine uses a shared IP pool, my app gets clumped in the quota
 limitations of other apps. This must be a somewhat frequent problem for
 other apps, since 90% of my geocoding attempts get an 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT'
 message. These last few days, it has been closer to 100% at 500-600 queries
 spread out over an 15-20 hours.

 I'll add that I don't think using a pool of IPs is at all the issue. Any
 large scale deployment would be hitting the Geocoding API from a pool of
 IPs, and if the pool were dedicated to a single service, the service would
 be circumventing the Geocoding API quotas anyway.

 Is anyone else on the list having this issue? Have you been able to work
 with the geocoding team to get auth tokens that don't require having a
 premier account?


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[google-appengine] Re: How to filter date

2011-04-02 Thread nickmilon
although  you can find it here:
I agree it is not well documented, although it it very useful, since
it behaves as all other properties (can be included in indexes etc.)


On Apr 2, 1:14 am, walter wdv...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you very much. This is a very useful and helped. But, I've bit
 confused.  I didn't find any references to @db.ComputedProperty. :(

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[google-appengine] Re: How to filter date

2011-04-01 Thread nickmilon
you need something like:

News.all().filter('created_at.month ',datetime(2011,3,31,23,59))


your result set will be ordered primarily on created_at coz you are
using an inequality filter, if you do not mind that then ok.

IMHO a better solution to your problem would be if you use an equality
filter based on a computed property:

class BaseArticleModel(polymodel.PolyModel):
title = db.StringProperty()
created_at = db.DateProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated_at = db.DateProperty(auto_now=True)
def CM(self):return self.created_at.month

then you can filter on an equality which is much more convenient for
the query at the expense of a little overhead on storage and put

q = News.all().filter('CM =',1)

happy coding;)

On Apr 1, 7:20 pm, walter wdv...@gmail.com wrote:
 My model

 class BaseArticleModel(polymodel.PolyModel):
     title = db.StringProperty()
     created_at = db.DateProperty(auto_now_add=True)
     updated_at = db.DateProperty(auto_now=True)

 class News(BaseArticleModel):
     body = db.TextProperty()

 I ned get rows by last month. When to do filter like this

 q = News.all().filter('created_at.month = ',

 I get IndexError: The query returned fewer than 1 results

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[google-appengine] Re: Prerelease SDK 1.4.3 now available for download

2011-03-30 Thread nickmilon

No I did not receive an invitation or anything for the group ;-(

On Mar 30, 12:09 am, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:
 The app IDs should be enabled. Are they not? Did you get an invite for the
 google group?

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 1:43 PM, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:
  By the way did you sent the invitations for server feature ?.
  I have sign the NDA sent to me by Google Ireland some weeks ago and
  heard nothing since then.


  On Mar 29, 7:59 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:
   No, servers should be available for both Python and Java.

   Ikai Lan
   Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

   On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 6:47 AM, Prashant antsh...@gmail.com wrote:
is this feature available only for python runtime ???

On 29 March 2011 14:10, Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui 
sahid.ferdja...@gmail.com wrote:


- You can now configure the specific application version to which a
  or cron job will send requests.

Yes, good news! With App Engine Servers, now we can enable a great
taskrunner server!

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[google-appengine] Re: Prerelease SDK 1.4.3 now available for download

2011-03-29 Thread nickmilon
By the way did you sent the invitations for server feature ?.
I have sign the NDA sent to me by Google Ireland some weeks ago and
heard nothing since then.


On Mar 29, 7:59 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:
 No, servers should be available for both Python and Java.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 6:47 AM, Prashant antsh...@gmail.com wrote:
  is this feature available only for python runtime ???

  On 29 March 2011 14:10, Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui 
  sahid.ferdja...@gmail.com wrote:


  - You can now configure the specific application version to which a task
    or cron job will send requests.

  Yes, good news! With App Engine Servers, now we can enable a great
  taskrunner server!

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[google-appengine] Re: Yahoo Classing GAE Mail as Spam

2011-03-25 Thread nickmilon
@Greg +1
See also here: 

On Mar 25, 4:53 am, Greg g.fawc...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mar 25, 3:31 pm, Broc Seib broc.s...@gmail.com wrote:

  There is mention of using Amazon's SES with more success.

 I'd prefer to keep it all on one platform if possible - one less point
 of failure.

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[google-appengine] Re: What's the syntax of the cron job for the first day of every month?

2011-03-24 Thread nickmilon
How do you know ?
I guess you have to wait till the end of the month to see if it really
just joking ;-)

On Mar 24, 9:26 am, 王宇辉 yuhui.w...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks, Bob,
 It seems runs well

 2011/3/22 Robert Kluin robert.kl...@gmail.com

   Have you tried:

     - description: monthly summary job
       url: /tasks/summary/monthly
       schedule: 1 of month 00:00


  On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 04:12, 王宇辉 yuhui.w...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hey, I want to generate a monthly report on the first day of the month,
   idea on doing this with cron jobs?

   Best regards,

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 Best regards,

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[google-appengine] Re: email sent by GAE would be regarded as spam for some email services

2011-03-24 Thread nickmilon

I agree on most of what you write above, and I understand that you
prefer to focus on more important things, also having run Email
services for enterprises in the past I do know it is not trivial.
still I believe Email service is a major asset for GAE and dropping
it (or anything to that effect) will constitute a major blow to App
Gae offers a limited subset of services compared to what a  LAMP box
or a IaaS box can offer but been a PaaS  provides trouble free
operation and automatic scalability.
Email service usually is part of any web operation so by dropping it
out  you farther limit the number of potential applications that fit
well into what GAE offers.
Of course, developers can look into alternative options but this makes
our life difficult since we have to integrate several other third
party services to make a working web solution i.e. setting up multiple
accounts, feed traffic back and forth to other services, having to
monitor and deal with one more possible point of failure. All this
defies to some extend the benefits of GAE as a PaaS.
Also, dropping a service in a time when competition is adding
services, will sent the wrong signal to App Engine's developers/users
echo system and having in mind that G is associated with the best
email service can possibly turn into a PR disaster.

Further more, been a regular reader of the groups and following App
Engine since the very early days  I do not see that Email service has
raised a lot of issues. I believe for most people who know what they
are doing and do not abuse the service it works quite smoothly. Some
of the issues raised (mainly spam flagging)
a) happen to the best of Email services b) are addressed by well known
techniques and practices described by others here and elsewhere.

In conclusion:
I would welcome any measure taken to fight service abuse like using
GAE primarily  as a mail server - we all understand that this is not
what GAE is all about.
Instead of dropping the service I would prefer to consider:
a) put false positive spam flagging issues under the responsibility of
b) exclude the service or part of it (like delivery assurances) from
the future SLA offer.
c) think about the technical possibility to integrate it to gmail
which is the *most* reliable email service in town.


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[google-appengine] Re: email sent by GAE would be regarded as spam for some email services

2011-03-23 Thread nickmilon
IMHO it is not a good policy for GAE to abandon(?) services middle way
instead of improving - enhancing those. ;-(

On Mar 23, 7:31 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:
 That sounds like a good idea. There's a good chance we'll change the quotas
 for email sometime in the near future. When we do that it would make sense
 for us to document that we do not suggest App Engine as a service for
 sending large amounts of email, and for reliable email delivery, to look at
 third party services.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Eric Ka Ka Ng ngk...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Ikai,

  thx for your note. with this, we could better decide on which cases we
  would like to send emails through GAE and which we would like to use other
  external services.

  and would it be more formally stated in any documents, or any guideline for
  these considerations be documented? if i'm a new GAE user, i would just use
  the email service straight forwardly without these considerations and
  background information.

  - eric

  On 23 March 2011 05:29, Ikai Lan (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:

  I actually think we are moving away from this direction. For customers
  sending large volumes of email or who require delivery guarantees, we'll be
  encouraging the use of services that are specifically designed for this

  Ikai Lan
  Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

  On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Eric Ka Ka Ng ngk...@gmail.com wrote:

  me 2. Have integrated the SES service within our GAE apps.  work good and
  solved our problems

  sure it would be more nice if GAE can provide email service at the
  quality level similar to the Amazon SES one (at least would not be
  classified as SPAM), so we dont need to manage both . could we make this
  suggestion to GAE team?

  - eric

  On 22 March 2011 05:30, Jamie H ja...@mhztech.com wrote:

  Wow, great idea!  I have been having some delivery issues lately with
  GAE and looking for an alternative.

  I just downloaded a pythong Amazon SES library, signed up for SES, and
  put it all together and it works like a charm with GAE!

  On Mar 20, 10:31 pm, Nickolas Daskalou n...@daskalou.com wrote:
   Hi Eric,

   Have you looked at Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES)?


   Pretty much the same cost as sending email using GAE, except with SES
   only get 2,000 free emails if you're sending email from an EC2

   I haven't used it myself but apparently they scan outgoing mail to
  make sure
   it meets ISP standards. This leads me to believe emails sent via SES
   be less likely to be automatically marked as spam than on GAE, since
   spam-sending-reputation would be lower than GAE's, due to their
   pre-filtering and rate-limiting.


   On 21 March 2011 13:51, Eric Ka Ka Ng ngk...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Ernesto,

thx for your suggestion! yes, i think it shall work.

but in general if we can't ask all our users to add our email to
contact list (or they are not willing to do so), how can emails sent
  by us
prevent to be regarded as spam? all our subject, body etc. are
spam-liked, and seems it's the problem of the email server that
sends the email. anyone share similar case, or has other solution?


On 19 March 2011 00:12, Ernesto Karim Oltra ernestoka...@gmail.com

Ask the user to add the e-mail from address of your e-mails to
contacts list, so your e-mails would never been sent to spam again
(for that users, at least).

It's a bit hacky, but can do a great work meanwhile you find

On 18 mar, 07:52, Eric Ka Ka Ng ngk...@gmail.com wrote:
 we use mail.send_mail() to send some important messages to our
 an app hosted on GAE, in which the 'from' has been set to one of
 registered admin for the app.

 it works quite well for most users, except for some email service
 (e.g. '...@yahoo.com.hk'), they would always automatically treat
 as spam and put them into spam box of the user's email account
  (if the
 has enabled the spam filtering feature, which is by default ON)
  . in
 case, many of our users do not aware for these important messages
 would seldom look into mails in their spambox)

 we have tried using different from, subject, body and the
 the same. we suspect that it is the email server does matter, and
 before there were some other apps hosted on GAE sending spams 

[google-appengine] Re: Lifting the 43,200,000 Requests/Day limit

2011-03-23 Thread nickmilon
Long time now see:-(
Nice to see you back in the group.

On Mar 23, 10:13 pm, Marzia Niccolai ma...@google.com wrote:
 Hi Adam,

 Apologies for the delay in response.

 I'm going to bump this limit for your app. In general Barry is correct that
 this limit is able to be increased by filing a request with the team.

 And, of course, we are always working to refine and/or remove these limits
 so issues like this won't pop up for our developers.

 Thanks for your patience,

 On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 11:49 PM, Adam Green (AutoComplete+) 

 autocompletep...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi - I'd appreciate any help on finding the best solution to our scale
  issue with GAE.

  Our GAE application went way above expectation and in the last few
  days we're hitting the 43,200,000 requests/day limit.  We were trying
  various ways to contact GAE but to no avail - any advise how to lift
  this limit?  (besides switching to AWS...)


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[google-appengine] Re: Please star this if you want datastore backups

2011-03-20 Thread nickmilon
I tried that with a dataset of around 190K items couple of times - No
Errors No warnings
as @Francois is writing I have also seen other people in the group
that complain.

On Mar 20, 9:06 pm, Francois Masurel f.masu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have tried the Copy to another app option from datastore_admin python
 app with a rather small datastore.

 It was far from perfect and a few entities where not copied.  A few people
 on this forum had the same kind of problems.


 It's not a production ready way to backup/restore your data.


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[google-appengine] Re: HR Issues (But Up time is great)

2011-03-20 Thread nickmilon
If caching does not work in HR this  is a real problem.
Could it be by design ?
Have others observed this ?

happy coding:-)

On Mar 19, 10:32 pm, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:
 So they are all in one place, here are the things I know to be an Issue with

 1.       Caching doesn't work, and because of the way headers are forced to
 be set all requests expire immediately so the user won't cache either.

 (Headers from a request)

 HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
 Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
 Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
 Set-Cookie: S=apphosting=5hoCHm4x9c3ZrrxQEN5Q4A; path=/
 Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 19:37:21 GMT
 Pragma: no-cache
 Server: Google Frontend
 Content-Length: 0

 This happens even if you programmatically set output to have some other
 expiration, pragma, and/or cache-control.

 2.       Charts in the dash board only go back 24 hours.

 Vs. up to 30 days for Master Slave.

 3.       Data Store Viewer always errors if you try to edit entities.

 This works most of the time when I use MS. (not always but mostly)

 4.       This isn't so much an issue as an observation.  I get a higher
 error rate on HR at the same time I get higher rates on MS.  Sometimes I get
 errors on MS and won't get them on HR, but it seems anytime my error rate
 goes up on HR it is up on MS as well.  

 Most  of these errors are memcache.add failed  [ ok in my app that is the
 only error I ever get, but that's cause my code is perfect it's the platform
 that has issues :-) ]




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[google-appengine] Re: Please star this if you want datastore backups

2011-03-19 Thread nickmilon
@nischalshetty in python you have to enable it in appl.yaml:
- datastore_admin: on

It seems not yet available in java

sorry :-(

On Mar 19, 1:05 pm, nischalshetty nischalshett...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't see the Datastore Admin link. Is it available for GAE/J ?


 On Mar 19, 4:32 am, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:

  @Brandon +1
  @nischalshetty you can make a backup to an other appl of yours without
  writing a single line of code -  control panel  datastore admin 
  copy to an other appl.

  On Mar 18, 12:22 pm, Brandon Wirtz drak...@digerat.com wrote:

   Plenty of sample code to export to other things, and if you have a 
   named Foobar you can just copy it to FoobarBU it's really fast.  

   I'd rather have the team work on things I can't do for myself. Better 
   headers, smarter instance spin up, more reliable Master Slave.

   From: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
   [mailto:google-appengine@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of nischalshetty
   Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 2:54 AM
   To: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [google-appengine] Pleasestarthis if you want datastore backups

   Does the idea of having a snapshot of your datastore excite you? Come on,
   you always feel safer if you know you have an option to rollback changes
   you end up making to the datastore.

   Pleasestarthis issue if you would like to have datastore archives 

   Hoping GAE team starts work on this on priority.

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[google-appengine] Re: Deleting Data Really Expensive!

2011-03-10 Thread nickmilon
I also think deleting data is quite cpu intensive and expensive
process, different techniques described above by Tim, Wesley, Ikai and
others give only marginal benefits.
There are some use cases where we deal with ephemeral data and all
entities of a model are obsolete-irrelevant after some time.
There must be a way to wipe out a  model without having to delete all
individual entities.

Happy coding ;-)

On Mar 10, 6:27 pm, Jason Collins jason.a.coll...@gmail.com wrote:
 We are also finding that deletion is an expensive prospect. So much so
 that we find ourselves discussing the cost-tradeoff of simply leaving
 the dead data around because the storage cost is so much lower than
 what it would take to delete - even using the techniques mentioned in
 this post.

 It hurts me to think that we're leaving disks spinning with junk on

 Google, any improvements on this front that would lead to less
 datastore CPU usage for deletions?


 On Mar 10, 5:01 am, andreas schmid a.schmi...@gmail.com wrote:

  at this point i would delete the app and create a new one at no cost!

  On Mar 10, 2011, at 3:25 AM, Robert Kluin wrote:

   I've tried using the datastore admin to delete some very large
   datasets as well.  The solution Bemmu is using will be *significantly*
   faster, and from my experience, should be more cost effective.

   I'm also eager to hear what Bemmu thinks after the delete has ran for a 


   On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 21:20, David Mora dla.m...@gmail.com wrote:
   hmmm, well Wesley's option B was merely because the batch operations i
   think. One nice feature about the map reduce is the mutation pool which
   handles the logic of batching an operation while you yield thru 
   I guess in a big dataset like yours make sense (the model retrieval vs 
   only). Anyways, interested case - i'll love to see where it ends :)

   On 9 March 2011 19:26, Simon Knott knott.si...@gmail.com wrote:

   I've been given the impression from these forums that the datastore 
   tool is so expensive for exactly the reason you've stated David - it 
   each entity by key before deletion, whereas deleting purely on keys is 
   cheaper CPU-wise as you don't need to bother with the retrieval of the
   entire entity to carry out the delete.

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[google-appengine] Re: HR Vs. Master-Slave Comparison. Is it worth extra cost?

2011-03-04 Thread nickmilon
+ 1 to Ikai for making up and been so open.

and   some thoughts :

1) Before making HR de facto standard, a simple (just press a button
and wait - no need foor alias) migration path should be devised for
legacy MS appls.
2) Pricing - although new price can be acceptable for frequent used
data, it becomes prohibitive for some use cases that need to store
large volume of rarely used data for which access latency is not
So ...
May be the solution could be MS and HR available side by side to all
appls, though I am not sure if this is technically feasible.

Happy coding;-)

On Mar 4, 11:26 pm, Ugorji ugo...@gmail.com wrote:
 First of all, I just wanted to echo Jeff Schwartz's comment. Ikai, I think
 your response was very well thought out, for a thread which was close to
 going off-course. You nipped it right in the bud, while being clear about
 the reasons for careful dialogue. I appreciate that.

 I've been following different threads and notes and documentation on HR
 Datastore. From these, I had also come to the conclusion that the eventual
 consistency issue was minimal because
 - The write blocks while a replication to all the other sites is done in
 - However, other requests that go to the sites might see the old or new
 - However, the stale data only exists until the write returns.
 - The edge case is if there is a network disconnect with one of the other
 sites during the replication. Then it may have to catch up later.

 If this is correct, then in the general scenario, all the sites are
 consistent when a write returns.

 Ikai, can you please confirm if this is more or less how it works. If so,
 then it may help alleviate people's concerns with the HR Datastore.

 Personally, my only concern with HR Datastore is that it is much more
 expensive than the MS, and also significantly more expensive than Amazon
 SimpleDB which promises the same features (HA, replication to multiple
 sites, etc) but at $0.25 per GB (while app engine charges $0.45 per GB for
 now). I understand that's a preliminary price till June/July when Google
 figures out what to charge, but I (and I reckon some other developers) would
 be more eager to jump on the HR Datastore option if the price difference
 wasn't so much.

 P.S. GAE was always cheaper than AWS and provided a richer development
 environment which made the decision easier for some of us. Just a thought.

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[google-appengine] Re: A difficult app engine optimisation problem - selecting distinct entities across a large table

2011-02-14 Thread nickmilon
I have faced same kind of problem some time ago.
I tried some of the solutions suggested here (in memory sort and
filtering, encoding things into keys etc. and I have benchmarked those
for both latency and cpu cycles using some test data around 100K
An other approach I have taken is encoding the date as an integer (day
since start of epoch or day since start of year, same for hour of day
or month depending on how much detail you need in your output) and
saving this into a property. This way you turn your date query filter
into an equality only filter which does not even needs to specify an
index) then you can sort or filter on other properties.
Benchmarking the latest solution I have found that when the filtered
result set is a small fraction of the unfiltered original set, is  1+
order of magnitude faster and cpu-eficient. Worst case when no
reduction of the result set due to filtering the latency and cpu usage
was comparable to the previous solutions)

Hope this helps, or did I missed something ?
Happy coding-:)

On Feb 14, 11:51 pm, Stephen Johnson onepagewo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Okay I think I got something that might work. Reverse the StartDate and
 CarId for the key from what I said above so the key would look like this:
 2011:02:14:17:13:33:123 and the KEYS ONLY query then is:

 select __key__ where __key__ = MAKEKEY(StartDate + CarId)  __key__ =
 MAKEKEY(EndDate + CarId) order by __key__ DESC

 Now, you can use the Async query to start processing. You're going to get
 entries that you're not interested in but you're only getting the key field
 back and not the whole CarJourney entry and this key/id has the Date and Car
 ID, so the first time you hit a Car ID for each Car then you have the ID for
 the latest CarJourney for that car. Now, once you've found all car ID's your
 looking for you can abort the query or you'll reach the end of the query
 results. Now, as you're looping, store the KEYs of the entries your looking
 for and then do a batch GET on memcache to retrieve as many Car (you've got
 the car id) and CarJourney (you've got the carjourney id) entries that might
 be stored there and then for any that you didn't get from memcache, you can
 do a batch GET on the datastore using the keys/ids that you have.

 I think that if you memcache things appropriately and use the batch gets for
 memcache and datastore then this might just work for you.

 Let me know what you think. It's an interestng problem,

 On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Stephen Johnson 

  Or maybe it blocks on different result sets just not on getting the next
  fetch block?? Hmmm. Sounds like a tough problem.

  On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Stephen Johnson 

  Are you using .asList (which I think blocks like you describe), but I
  thought asIterable or asIterator wasn't suppose to. (if you're using Java).

  On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Edward Hartwell Goose 
  ed.go...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Calvin  Stephen,

  Thanks for the ideas.

  We can't do the filtering in memory. We potentially have a car making
  a journey (the car analogy isn't so good...) making a journey every 3
  seconds, and we could have up to 2,000 cars.

  We need to be able to look back up to 2 months, so it could be up to
  1.8 billion rows in this table.

  That's an interesting idea. However the Asynchronous api actually
  fires the requests synchronously, it just doesn't block. (Or at least,
  that's my experience).

  So, at the moment we fire off 1 query (which Google turns into 2) for
  each site. And although the method call returns instantly, it still
  takes ~5 seconds in total with basic test data. If each call takes
  12ms, we still have to wait 24 seconds for 2,000 sites.

  So, the first call starts at time 0, the second call starts at 0+12,
  the third at 0+12+12... etc. With 2,000 sites, this works out about 24
  seconds. Once you've added in the overheads and getting the list of
  Cars in the first place, it's too long.

  If we could start even 100 queries at the same time of time 0, that'd
  be superb. We thought we could do it with multithreading, but that's
  not allowed on App Engine.

  Finally - I've also posted this on StackOverflow -


  I'll try and keep both updated.

  Any more thoughts welcome!

  On Feb 14, 6:47 pm, Calvin calvin.r...@gmail.com wrote:
   Can you do filtering in memory?

   This query would give you all of the journeys for a list of cars within
   date range:
   carlist = ['123','333','543','753','963','1236']
   start_date = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 30)
   end_date = datetime(2011, 2, 10)

   journeys = Journey.all().filter('start ', start_date).filter('start
   end_date).filter('car IN', carlist).order('-start').fetch(100)
   43 # - since it's less than 100 I know I've gotten them all


[google-appengine] Re: Is there anyway to use classes that aren't supported by appengine sandbox locally?

2011-02-07 Thread nickmilon
As Tim above suggests Remote API is a very flexible and powerful tool
that I feel is been overlooked by developers, it is ideal for some
dirty one time or repeated jobs. Of course it has some drawbacks (high
CPU and bandwidth consumption) but still very handy at times.


On Feb 7, 5:19 am, Tim Hoffman zutes...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can use remote_api_shell, gives you access to remote datastore and you
 aren't restricted to the sandbox.
 Modify remote_api_shell to do your own thing.


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[google-appengine] Re: whats this site ? i have problem

2011-02-07 Thread nickmilon
Look for an answer in this thread: 


On Feb 5, 8:45 pm, عيد القرني mlk33...@gmail.com wrote:
  this site ((http://proxyfly1.appspot.com/http/blog.glaksa.com/
 07chat)) its the same site of my website and appear in google search
 result  , i did not subscribe in this site and i dont want to

 and in my country this site blocked , its my site and you put your

 this is Violation of my rights

 and this appear in webmaster with my sites this is Violation of my

 sorry for my bad English

 best regards

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[google-appengine] Re: whats this site ? i have problem

2011-02-07 Thread nickmilon
Just checked and I think your worries are over now ! probably some
body sorted out for you.

On Feb 8, 1:44 am, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Look for an answer in this 


 On Feb 5, 8:45 pm, عيد القرني mlk33...@gmail.com wrote:

   this site ((http://proxyfly1.appspot.com/http/blog.glaksa.com/
  07chat)) its the same site of my website and appear in google search
  result  , i did not subscribe in this site and i dont want to

  and in my country this site blocked , its my site and you put your

  this is Violation of my rights

  and this appear in webmaster with my sites this is Violation of my

  sorry for my bad English

  best regards

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[google-appengine] Re: Cannot access to Datastore Admin

2011-01-23 Thread nickmilon
Same thing here configuration: Linux -  Chrome
Enabled Chrome's third party cookies and worked - then disabled it
again and works OK
So it is not about disabling 3rd party cookies but just switching
state solves the problem (at least in my case)


On Jan 23, 8:09 pm, orange80 jpsw...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, problem SOLVED.  I had disabled 3rd-party cookies in my browsers.
 That was the problem.  So if you are experiencing the same issue, make
 sure you don't have 3rd-party cookies disabled.


 On Jan 5, 8:25 pm, orange80 jpsw...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok, I did some more checking and found that I *can* access the datastore
  admin using my very same account on my wife's Mac.  So, the problem is NOT
  my account.

  I used FF and Chrome just the same as on my computer.  On her computer I can
  access the datastore no problem.  On mine I get infinite login.  I tried
  deleting all the cookies, resetting cache, etc., rebooting(!), all to no
  avail.  I have racked my brain trying to think of what could be different.

  Any ideas would be _very much_ appreciated.


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[google-appengine] Re: IRC Office hours January 19th, 2011 transcript

2011-01-21 Thread nickmilon
Very useful this posting of IRC Trancripts - to people like me who are
not able to attend coz  different time zones or many other reasons.
So please keep posting those.

On Jan 21, 12:34 am, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
 Hey guys, below is the transcript for January 19th, 2011 office hours. I
 wanted to thank Robert Kluin and Mike Wesner for helping out!

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine


 Status #appengineX
 [Google App Enginehttp://code.google.com/appengine/| App Engine news and
 articleshttp://reddit.com/r/appengine| Developer chat 1st Weds 7PM PST,
 3rd Weds 9AM PST]
 [09:11] mbw oh, ok... robertk you are off the hook.. he just came back
 [09:11] == Nickname is already in use: ikai_google
 [09:11] ikai_google_ ugh
 [09:12] mbw ikai_google_:  I nominated robertk to run the office hours
 when you left
 [09:12] robertk starship, when you see the timeouts and instances with
 0qps does your average latency go way up too?
 [09:12] ikai_google_ who says OS X never crashes
 [09:12] King946 is there any sort of etiquette when it comes to asking
 questions in here?
 [09:12] starship Apple
 [09:12] ikai_google_ anyway I'm logged into webchat with a personal
 computer, couldn't identify as myself
 [09:12] mbw King946: what is your question?
 [09:12] == slynch_google [~sly...@] has joined #appengine
 [09:12] robertk ikai_google_: ha ha, steve j said flash causes 9x% of osx
 crashes, right?
 [09:12] mbw hey now... lets not get into flash bashing
 [09:12] robertk oh yeah, sorry mbw  :P
 [09:12] mbw poorly written flash, yes
 [09:13] ikai_google_ yeah I've used OS X enough to know macs crash, and
 they crash hard. I can't even boot up my work laptop right now
 [09:13] starship Another question for you: I know different requests get
 handled at different datacenters(not sure if that is the right term) how
 does this effect different Instances
 [09:13] == wesley_google [d8ef2d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has
 joined #appengine
 [09:14] robertk damn ikai_google_, i thought i did a lot of harry stuff to
 my macs (especially when i was doing a lot of C work), but i've never truely
 _killed_ one ;)
 [09:14] mbw hi wesley_google
 [09:15] matija_j _google: What is meaning of throttle_cold=1,
 throttle_cold=2 and throttle_cold=4 in request log ?
 [09:15] robertk ^^  would also like that answered  :)
 [09:17] robertk googlers, starship asked why we see instances with 0qps, i
 sometimes see over 50% with 0qps
 [09:17] King946 mbw: I'm looking for an easy way to delete my datastore...
  I was trying to overwrite an old GAE app with a new one, and it seems to be
 creating errors as i explained in the 
 someone suggested that I delete my old datastores, and I tried doing
 that in the dashboard, but it doesn't seem to delete e
 [09:19] mbw King946: have you tried using the new builtins
 datastore_admin: on option?
 [09:19] mbw King946: it would allow you to wipe your datastore
 [09:19] robertk how much data do you have King946?
 [09:19] == matija_j [~mat...@93-137-5-186.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has quit [Ping
 timeout: 240 seconds]
 [09:20] == matija_j [~mat...@93-137-28-93.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined
 [09:20] == dac_ [~...@74-115-199-33.eng.wind.ca] has joined #appengine
 [09:20] mbw King946: your groups post leads me to believe you are having
 code issues though, not datastore... are you just trying to deploy a new
 version or trying to wipe data?
 [09:20] ikai_google_ starship: 0 qps instances happen when those instances
 don't get requests. they should eventually be terminated
 [09:20] ristoh hey, I wanted to ask about the changes in time limit for
 urlfetch, can my tasks now request external resources within a 10 minute
 time limit? or did I misunderstand the release?
 [09:21] ikai_google_ starship: do you see patterns of relatively spiky
 requests or is it steady?
 [09:21] == xenru [~xe...@] has joined #appengine
 [09:21] ikai_google_ ristoh: yes, you should have a 10 minute time limit
 [09:21] ikai_google_ ristoh but you have to do it in a task queue or cron
 job because those requests have 10 minute deadlines
 [09:21] robertk do you have to  explicitly specifiy the higher deadline?
 [09:21] ristoh ikai_google: but it can be for an external resource? ( in
 my case twitter API )
 [09:21] King946 mbw: i was trying to overwrite an old app with a
 completely different new app
 [09:22] mbw King946: all you have to do is deploy with the same version,
 and that should take care of it
 [09:22] mbw King946: or you could change the version, deploy a new one,
 and delete the old version to get a fresh set of logs going
 [09:22] ikai_google_ ristoh: it should be yes
 [09:22] ikai_google_ ristoh: but I don't 

[google-appengine] Happy New Year

2010-12-31 Thread nickmilon
Wish a happy 2011 to fellow coders and GAE team ;-)

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[google-appengine] Re: my app has been disabled

2010-12-20 Thread nickmilon
False alarm then.
+1 IKai for cleaning the mess although I was sure it was something
like this.

On Dec 20, 11:08 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
 I'm working with him off-list to resolve the issue.

 In general, it's important to remember that as application developers, you
 are responsible for the content that is posted to your application. If
 objectionable content is reported that violates the terms of service,
 someone from our team will usually email the developers. We expect a
 response within 48 business hours. In most (99.99%) of cases, we will not
 disable applications before notifying developers. We ask people requesting
 takedowns for proof or, in cases of copyright violations, to follow the DMCA
 takedown procedures as documented for all Google properties.

 The type of situations where we'd take down a site while notifying a
 developer at the same time would be, for instance, a site that hosts a worm
 or exploits end user computer vulnerabilities.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Maxim Veksler ma...@vekslers.org wrote:

  On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Joshua Smith 

  Thanks for posting this to the list.  His story was disconcerting, and
  it's good to hear that he didn't respond to your emails.


  On Dec 20, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Ikai Lan (Google) wrote:


  I sent you an email a week requesting a response. Please check your inbox
  for emails from me addressed to the billing administrator of your
  application (vrypan@). Because you didn't respond, I was forced to
  disable your application.

  Your application is in violation of our terms of service because it is
  being targeted by spammers to shorten spam URLs. If we are reported
  instances of these, we will contact the developers to:

  1. Remove the content
  2. Take aggressive measures to prevent spamming of their service

  Our terms of service dictate that you are responsible for policing the
  content of your application. If you are in violation, we will first notify
  you and work with you before disabling your application. However, if we do
  not receive a response, we will go ahead and disable the application.

  Please work with me off mailing list to resolve the issue.

  Ikai Lan
  Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

  On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Jorge Guberte 

  If that's the case, then the app i'm developing will be shut for sure,
  because it extends the Google Contacts platform, making use of the API
  Google provides.
  Makes no sense, right?

  2010/12/19 Philip philip.mates...@driggle.com

  There is no way that the app was disabled because Google fears
  competition. I'm currently developing a google news like service on
  app engine and I got access to the matcher api and prediction api
  without any problems even though I have told explicitly that I am
  doing this. I also got always help from Googlers like Ikai in the IRC

  Besides, I'm pretty sure that it would be *highly* risky for Google to
  disable apps that are competing with their own services. They would
  abuse their online monopoly and this could result in astronomically
  huge judicial punishment.

  On Dec 18, 8:56 am, Nickolas Daskalou n...@daskalou.com wrote:
   It may have been disabled because it competes with Google's URL
   shortening offering (http://goo.gl/).


   On 18/12/2010, at 1:21 PM, vrypan vry...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi. I've been running my URL shortener, urlborg.com, on appengine
since 2008. Suddenly, yesterday, the app was marked as DISABLED by
google, and no one can access it. How do I get in contact with
someone that can explain what's going on? I feel really bad for the

users that relied on my service.

I really, really like AppEngine, I mean, if you are offering a
hosting environment, and people are paying for it, you can't just
switch off an account, without a warning, or a notice or

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[google-appengine] Re: This request used a high amount of CPU and may soon exceed its quota - 2010/2011

2010-12-17 Thread nickmilon
Somebody (Ikai L if I remember well) even mentioned sub-400ms as
optimal number.
I agree we need more light on this.
For the complete (almost) story of those numbers you can take a look
at my
post here: 

Happy coding :-)
On Dec 17, 10:43 pm, Darien Caldwell darien.caldw...@gmail.com
 I had a thread saved where Nick or someone else on the team confirmed
 the 1000 ms boundary, however it seems my saved thread collection has
 grown ridiculously big and I can't find it.  I did find this thread
 discussing it however:  

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[google-appengine] Re: Amazon AWS vs Google App Engine

2010-12-09 Thread nickmilon
Yes that was the original question.

On Dec 8, 2:04 am, Barry Hunter barrybhun...@gmail.com wrote:
 Blocking is nothing new. China of course has been doing it for a long
 time - but they are by no means the only country.

 Surely in this thread you asking if Google would do anything themselves?

 On 7 December 2010 22:36, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:

  It seems the question is not hypothetical any more and a new
  government request is coming soon:

  The Tunisian government, known for its restriction on freedom of
  expression, rapidly blocked the access to Tunileaks. They first
  blockedhttp://tunileaks.appspot.com/( without the https). One day
  later, they blocked Google App Engine’s IP address ( in
  order to block Tunileaks under https, making appspot.com partially
  unavailable in the country .

  On Dec 6, 10:10 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
  I don't have anything to add to this discussion except that we're
  always thinking of our users first. We recently published something
  called the Transparency Report which shows which governments ask us
  to take things down:


  Ikai Lan
  Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
  Blogger: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com
  Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/appengine
  Twitter: http://twitter.com/app_engine

  On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 6:30 AM, Jeff Schwartz jefftschwa...@gmail.com 
   Freedom of speech is always a worthwhile subject and its defense is the
   ethical and moral obligation of every freedom loving individual but 
   this is best discussed in a dedicated blog on the subject.

   On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 9:11 AM, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:

   Philip +1
   Still I am not sure that G would surrender so easily as Amazon did,
   there is a precedence: G vs Lieberman story:

   when G stood to its values.

   By the way ...
  http://wikileaks.org/support.html doesn't work for me is working (for the time been)

   On Dec 4, 3:15 pm, Philip philip.mates...@driggle.com wrote:
It's sad that Amazon does not support customers that exercise the
right of free speech. But I'd also assume that Google would not stand
up against the us government for offending the first amendment. :-(

However, I will still donate to Wikileaks and I would suggest anyone
else to do the same:http://wikileaks.org/support.html

Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be
limited without being lost.
Thomas Jefferson

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be
led, like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington

On Dec 4, 1:34 am, supercobra superco...@gmail.com wrote:

 Amazon and Google have been long-time partisans of freedom of 

 However in this case, the pressure coming from the government must 
 incredible. Amazon is not the only victim of these intimidations. US
 government employees have been forbidden to visit Wikileaks sites 
 to discuss these matters on Facebook. At least one US university has
 been 'persuaded' to ask their students not to reference any 
 documents in their research papers... (how is that for doing 

 Even crounties bend under US pressure. We have seen it to be the 
 with Spain  Germany which dropped their lawsuits, investigations 
 enforcement of arrest warrants for torture and kidnappings
 (renditions) after the US pressured them (source Wikileaks cables).

 So I would assume that Google or any organization would probably
 comply as well.

 To ensure free speech can not be prevented by taking down web sites,
 we need to create a totally distributed website hosting technology
 based on BitTorrent or something similar.

 Happy coding. ;-)

 Daniel Guermeur

 -- superco...@gmail.com

 Co-author of App Engine Java and GWT 

 On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 5:18 PM, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com 
  There is a lot of talk and flame wars going on AWS vs GAE topic,
  to now all this talk was concentrated on technical and economic
  News of Amazon throwing  away the WikiLeaks website has raised new
  arguments on the cloud battlefront.
  So I want to raise here the hypothetical question what would be 
  fate of WikiLeaks if it was hosted on App Engine ?
  (For obvious reasons I do not expect a definite yes/no answer from
  Google's team, but may be I am wrong)

  Happy coding

[google-appengine] Re: Amazon AWS vs Google App Engine

2010-12-04 Thread nickmilon
Philip +1
Still I am not sure that G would surrender so easily as Amazon did,
there is a precedence: G vs Lieberman story:
when G stood to its values.

By the way ...
http://wikileaks.org/support.html  doesn't work for me   is working (for the time been)

On Dec 4, 3:15 pm, Philip philip.mates...@driggle.com wrote:
 It's sad that Amazon does not support customers that exercise the
 right of free speech. But I'd also assume that Google would not stand
 up against the us government for offending the first amendment. :-(

 However, I will still donate to Wikileaks and I would suggest anyone
 else to do the same:http://wikileaks.org/support.html

 Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be
 limited without being lost.
 Thomas Jefferson

 If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be
 led, like sheep to the slaughter.
 George Washington

 On Dec 4, 1:34 am, supercobra superco...@gmail.com wrote:

  Amazon and Google have been long-time partisans of freedom of speech.

  However in this case, the pressure coming from the government must be
  incredible. Amazon is not the only victim of these intimidations. US
  government employees have been forbidden to visit Wikileaks sites and
  to discuss these matters on Facebook. At least one US university has
  been 'persuaded' to ask their students not to reference any Wikileaks
  documents in their research papers... (how is that for doing thorough

  Even crounties bend under US pressure. We have seen it to be the case
  with Spain  Germany which dropped their lawsuits, investigations and
  enforcement of arrest warrants for torture and kidnappings
  (renditions) after the US pressured them (source Wikileaks cables).

  So I would assume that Google or any organization would probably comply as 

  To ensure free speech can not be prevented by taking down web sites,
  we need to create a totally distributed website hosting technology
  based on BitTorrent or something similar.

  Happy coding. ;-)

  Daniel Guermeur

  -- superco...@gmail.com

  Co-author of App Engine Java and GWT Development:http://bit.ly/hdTHyB

  On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 5:18 PM, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:
   There is a lot of talk and flame wars going on AWS vs GAE topic, up
   to now all this talk was concentrated on technical and economic
   News of Amazon throwing  away the WikiLeaks website has raised new
   arguments on the cloud battlefront.
   So I want to raise here the hypothetical question what would be the
   fate of WikiLeaks if it was hosted on App Engine ?
   (For obvious reasons I do not expect a definite yes/no answer from
   Google's team, but may be I am wrong)

   Happy coding:-)


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[google-appengine] Amazon AWS vs Google App Engine

2010-12-03 Thread nickmilon
There is a lot of talk and flame wars going on AWS vs GAE topic, up
to now all this talk was concentrated on technical and economic
News of Amazon throwing  away the WikiLeaks website has raised new
arguments on the cloud battlefront.
So I want to raise here the hypothetical question what would be the
fate of WikiLeaks if it was hosted on App Engine ?
(For obvious reasons I do not expect a definite yes/no answer from
Google's team, but may be I am wrong)

Happy coding:-)


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[google-appengine] Re: Policy for instance startup

2010-11-24 Thread nickmilon
While waiting from a Googler to give us some light on this may be you
do your stress tests in the staging server ? (just an other version
will do as staging server)
Also I remember people from App Engine team stating here that the best
performance comes when load comes in a natural matter.

Still IMHO that there must be some more transparency into those
parameters within which our appls have to operate. - It helps both us
and the platform.


On Nov 24, 9:21 am, Tomas Alaeus tala...@gmail.com wrote:
 Probably. With some more thinking I got to this conclusion:

 At first, an application can utilize up to 30 instances. After having
 used all those instances for a few minutes, and it still isn't enough,
 GAE will increase the maximum number of available instances to 40, and
 then to 50 etc. Every time it increases the number of instances it
 will probably also adjust how and when it boots up new instances.

 For my production app it probably tries to keep at least 10 instances
 running since it thinks a huge amount of users can use the site at any
 given time. The staging haven't had any rush of users, and therefore
 thinks it is safe with just 1 instance running.

 I would still like to hear something from a Googler. If this is how it
 works then it means that stress testing the application (with a lot
 more pressure than it will normally get) may lead to worse (!)
 performance permanently.

 On 24 Nov, 00:01, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:

  Not been a Googler can't help much with this.
  Having said that, I suspect there is a kind of build in algorithm that
  does some kind of application profiling taking into acount QPS,
  response times, and other parameters which adjusts instance life time,
  number of instances to start etc..
  This could possibly explain the difference in behaviour between your
  staging and production appls.

  happy coding;-)

  On Nov 23, 11:58 am, Tomas Alaeus tala...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm curious when exactly instances are started. I have two
   applications running on GAE, one of them have billing enabled. The one
   with billing enabled have been stress tested and have at most started
   100 simultaneous instances. The other is just for testing and staging
   purposes and have never handeled much traffic.

   What I experience is that the staging server never starts more
   instances than needed. If a single person views pages it will never
   load more than a single instance. The other one however seems to start
   about 5 instances before anyone can get hot responses, and it will
   continue to start up to about 10 before realizing that ~1 QPS isn't
   that much traffic (the requests finish in about 100ms each).

   So, why does GAE boot up lots of instances even though 1 instance can
   serve the incoming traffic without a problem (the requests doesn't
   even overlap, so no waiting is needed)?

   I realize that this isn't a very big issue, since when it gets lots of
   traffic it will indeed need all the instances. I'm just curious why it

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[google-appengine] Re: Prerelease SDK 1.4.0 is out!

2010-11-24 Thread nickmilon
Icai, I was for an opt-in solution but IMHO One way disable button is
also OK and also it takes into account the interests of newbies.

On Nov 24, 10:51 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
 Trust me, we thought out all the scenarios. Here are the scenarios:

 1. Just enable it in app.yaml
 - completely useless from a security perspective, an attacker would just
 enable it, download code, upload malicious code and steal data/compromise
 users' data over time

 2. Make it opt-in, so you can't download the code unless there's a version
 of app.yaml that has this enabled uploaded
 So an attacker can't download previous versions, but the problem here is:
 who would use this feature? The type of folks that want code download are
 unlikely to have known about this feature prior to uploading an app version.

 3. Just enable it, allow disabling in app.yaml and don't allow versions
 uploaded before 1.4.0 going live to be downloaded
 Same problems - users that ask for this feature won't benefit.

 4. One way disable button
 Seems to be the best compromise for all worlds. People that don't needs this
 feature will just turn it off once and never, ever worry about it again.
 Developers that need this feature (generally seem like neophyte developers
 who are still learning about backups and source control) won't know to turn
 it off, and when they lose their code, they'll be relieved they can download
 their code.

 In general we do NOT recommend this feature as a replacement for:

 1. Backups
 2. Source control

 A lot of folks come to App Engine because they're learning how to program,
 and they're not aware of source control or have always back up your stuff
 hammered in yet. See this blog post:


 I'm going to be pretty adamant about not using this feature as a replacement
 for source control or backups in the groups, but I'm open to hearing about
 other reasons developers want this feature and why a permanent opt-out
 button is a bad idea.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Thomas Johansson prenc...@gmail.comwrote:

  If the guy uploading enables downloads to be malicious, he could
  equally just post up the code somewhere.

  That being said, I hadn't thought about the case of accidentally re-
  enabling and then having the account compromised. Even still, not
  being able to ever turn it back on seems short sighted. Perhaps a way
  to enable it similar to how disabling an app works, so it can't be
  done maliciously.

  On Nov 24, 6:07 pm, Barry Hunter barrybhun...@gmail.com wrote:
   Being a one time nuke, means its not possible to for a developer to
   accidentally (or maliciously) re enable downloads :)

   One of the main objections to 'download' is it makes it easier for
   someone who shouldnt get their hands on the source code. Yes the fact
   only the uploading developer gets it, makes it more secure, but not
   totally. Being able to turn off downloads, is another serious barrier
   to the 'thief'. Someone who as invested IP in their code, wants to be
   able to do everything possible to protect that.

   On 24 November 2010 16:25, Thomas Johansson prenc...@gmail.com wrote:

Why was the decision made to make this an app-wide one time only nuke

I think enabling/disabling it in app.yaml per-upload would be much
more useful.

On Nov 23, 8:30 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) 

You'll be able to download code, but anyone that wants to turn it off
be able to go to their admin dashboard and push a one-way,
button to disallow this feature.

Please do not depend on this feature to do source control.

Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Sandeep Koduri

 Hello ikai,

 Thanks and congrats for the great release.

 Will there be an option for source code download control in
 according to the mail thread in pre-release of 1.3.8 we thought this
 be implemented, and that would be very helpful.

 the feature announced now will be a very good add-on but, by default
  if the
 config is to be on app.yaml.
 Will there be any option for the creator of the app to get any
 source code.

 We have some use cases relying on this option. so please make a
  reply about
 this, accordingly we can streamline the development process at our


 On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 3:57 AM, Ikai Lan (Google) 

[google-appengine] Re: Policy for instance startup

2010-11-23 Thread nickmilon
Not been a Googler can't help much with this.
Having said that, I suspect there is a kind of build in algorithm that
does some kind of application profiling taking into acount QPS,
response times, and other parameters which adjusts instance life time,
number of instances to start etc..
This could possibly explain the difference in behaviour between your
staging and production appls.

happy coding;-)

On Nov 23, 11:58 am, Tomas Alaeus tala...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm curious when exactly instances are started. I have two
 applications running on GAE, one of them have billing enabled. The one
 with billing enabled have been stress tested and have at most started
 100 simultaneous instances. The other is just for testing and staging
 purposes and have never handeled much traffic.

 What I experience is that the staging server never starts more
 instances than needed. If a single person views pages it will never
 load more than a single instance. The other one however seems to start
 about 5 instances before anyone can get hot responses, and it will
 continue to start up to about 10 before realizing that ~1 QPS isn't
 that much traffic (the requests finish in about 100ms each).

 So, why does GAE boot up lots of instances even though 1 instance can
 serve the incoming traffic without a problem (the requests doesn't
 even overlap, so no waiting is needed)?

 I realize that this isn't a very big issue, since when it gets lots of
 traffic it will indeed need all the instances. I'm just curious why it

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[google-appengine] Re: Google app engine has been down for my app for the last 5 hours

2010-11-22 Thread nickmilon
+ 1 to Tim Hoffman
I followed his advice (albeit with some delay I regret) last time that
I had some issues and my problem was sorted out by App - Engines team
in 7 hours although it was a weekend if I remember well.

On Nov 22, 9:52 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
 Do you have an application ID? Can you explain the downtime? Is your
 app serving 500s, are service RPCs not running, etc?

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
 Blogger: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com
 Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/appengine
 Twitter: http://twitter.com/app_engine

 On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 4:16 AM, esilver ericsilverb...@gmail.com wrote:
  Sorry, I'm just very frustrated at this point. My app has been down
  for the past 12 hours  I would consider myself a major App Engine
  customer ($1k/mo) , so I'm quite familiar with this platform. At this
  point, I'm seeing constant datastore timeouts and download errors (I
  had to move major parts of my index off of app engine and retrieve
  data via urlfetching of a database hosted on EC2). As I've mentioned
  before on this forum, I can accept downtime, but there's no evidence
  of this on the status page, and it's not clear who to contact to
  resolve this issue other than file a bug that may or may not be
  investigated. I'm at a loss about what to do. I just tried pushing a
  new version, no luck.

  On Nov 22, 2:58 am, Tim Hoffman zutes...@gmail.com wrote:
  What sort of error are you getting in your logs ?

  I have half a dozen apps running all without any issues.  You may be
  stuck in a bad patch of
  hardware or you could have a broken instance, that isn't getting

  I don't agree with your general statement about fitness or
  reliability. Yes appengine has its bad patches
  but 99% of the time its great.


  On Nov 22, 2:26 pm, esilver ericsilverb...@gmail.com wrote:

   App engine status has reported AOK the whole time. This is ridiculous.
   This platform is grossly unreliable. This is unfit for web
   applications of any size or scale. At least be honest 

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[google-appengine] Re: Unable to deploy due to 500 server error

2010-11-18 Thread nickmilon
Same here
App ID: geognos
Language: python

On Nov 19, 2:07 am, Zeynel azeyn...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Nov 18, 7:00 pm, Peter Warren pe...@nomad.org wrote:


 I just tried and I got 500 error

 Error 500: --- begin server output ---

 meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=utf-8
 title500 Server Error/title
 body text=#00 bgcolor=#ff
 h1Error: Server Error/h1
 h2The server encountered an error and could not complete your
 request.pIf the problem persists, please A HREF=http://
 code.google.com/appengine/community.htmlreport/A your problem and
 mention this error message and the query that caused it./h2
 --- end server output ---
 2010-11-18 19:02:58 (Process exited with code 1)

 You can close this window now.

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[google-appengine] Re: Unable to deploy due to 500 server error

2010-11-18 Thread nickmilon
No login issues (I believe)
Just deployment errors and sporadic errors/increased latancies while
viewing the logs or using datastore viewer.

On Nov 19, 2:23 am, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
 We're been working on addressing the issues.

 Besides deploy, is anyone seeing issues with login or receiving reports from
 end users about login failures? We're seeing some indications that there may
 be an elevated error rate for session creation.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 4:15 PM, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:
  Same here
  App ID: geognos
  Language: python

  On Nov 19, 2:07 am, Zeynel azeyn...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Nov 18, 7:00 pm, Peter Warren pe...@nomad.org wrote:


   I just tried and I got 500 error

   Error 500: --- begin server output ---

   meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=utf-8
   title500 Server Error/title
   body text=#00 bgcolor=#ff
   h1Error: Server Error/h1
   h2The server encountered an error and could not complete your
   request.pIf the problem persists, please A HREF=http://
   code.google.com/appengine/community.htmlreport/A your problem and
   mention this error message and the query that caused it./h2
   --- end server output ---
   2010-11-18 19:02:58 (Process exited with code 1)

   You can close this window now.

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[google-appengine] Re: Unable to deploy due to 500 server error

2010-11-18 Thread nickmilon
Deployment Working again for apid geognos.

On Nov 19, 2:59 am, Sundar cyberto...@gmail.com wrote:
 Now that it's back to working order, I'm curious about what happened. I'm
 sure I'm asking prematurely and that Ikai/Google-Guys will update in a few

 On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Dai Decheng dai.dech...@gmail.com wrote:
  And I also can not use appcfg.py to download data.

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[google-appengine] Re: Early Christmas Present from Google?

2010-11-07 Thread nickmilon
+ 1
Impressive performance gains - congratulation to Google and App Engine
Lets hope current performance will be a benchmark for the future.

On Nov 7, 12:17 am, Greg g.fawc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Check out the datastore stats after today's maintenance...


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[google-appengine] Re: App Gallery no longer available

2010-11-06 Thread nickmilon
Julian: - I do agree that some contents of the gallery were garbage or
spam application not even running on GAE, along with some really cute
applications. . This was a real problem but instead of fixing it (not
a very difficult task) they just dropped it without notice.

Also the gallery was a kind of museum where you could see how GAE
appls have been evolved in time from the early days circa April 2008
till now, always advancing using new features of the platform or as
the features were understood by the developers.
Now if they even do substitute this with a new site I doubt early
developers will go and resubmit their work.
So I only hope Google reconsiders this, fixes the problems related to
spam and classification of appls and restore the site.

On Nov 6, 5:17 am, Julian Namaro namarojul...@gmail.com wrote:
 An App Gallery is a great idea but Google's one looked like a weekend
 project thrown out in the wild and was pretty useless.
 There was a lot of spam, unhelpful reviews, and occasionally you could
 see Desktop software (running only on Windows, not even cross-
 plateform) with a whole bunch of 5-stars ratings in this App Engine

 My guess is that they're deprecating the gallery in favor of the
 Chrome Web Store. Hope this will be a more serious attempt :]

 On Nov 5, 6:14 am, MLTrim michele.trimar...@gmail.com wrote:

  Do you know why App Gallery  is no longer available?



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[google-appengine] Re: App Gallery no longer available

2010-11-05 Thread nickmilon
This is not a good thing if it isn't down by a mistake or something.
Developers contributed there, then out of a sudden see their writings
disappearing !

On Nov 4, 11:14 pm, MLTrim michele.trimar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you know why App Gallery  is no longer available?



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[google-appengine] Re: App Engine - Adding Domains

2010-11-01 Thread nickmilon
1) thats the way it works through google appls where you can register
your existing domain or buy a new one.
2) You can use the free Google apps Standard addition, you are not
forced to use the Premiere edition.

On Oct 31, 7:57 pm, Rodrigo Teixo horariofa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello Everybody!

 I want to host my application in my own domain but why must I use
 google apps??

 In the add domain button there is this note:

 Note: You must sign up for Google Apps to register this domain or
 prove that you already own it.

 So, can I use the second option?? How can I prove that I already have
 a domain register without paying for google apps?

 Thanks for helping,


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[google-appengine] Re: New issue tracker template for production issues

2010-11-01 Thread nickmilon
Wrong group here -

On Nov 1, 6:21 pm, Jay Levan iamj...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have no idea if this is where I'm supposed to post this issue but
 this is where I was lead.
 I was trying to post a question in Google Labs about a calendar feature
 and the app returned
 a Server Error and took me to this 

 So I could not enter my suggestion.


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[google-appengine] Re: how to upload a csv file, parse it, and save in the data model

2010-10-31 Thread nickmilon
Did you took a look in python csv package ?
you can import it
configure then configure a reader parser to match your input files
:-) happy coding

On Oct 31, 9:14 pm, Jeff Schwartz jefftschwa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Like I said, I am not a Python person though I find Python quite easy to
 read so perhaps a real Python person can help you with your request.
 Certainly, though, splitting your input on tab when it was comma separated
 would have presented an issue so I am glad I could offer you some help.

 Good luck.


 On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 2:54 PM, He Jibo hej...@gmail.com wrote:
   Thanks for your quick response. The '\t' is a problem, but I think it is
  not a reason why the code does not work. Even if I do the following code,
  without any code for csv, it does direct my to debug.html after file upload.
  It seems the page is not posted file I clicked 'upload' in the page at


  class TestUpload(webapp.RequestHandler):

  '''add item using .csv file'''

  def get(self):

  path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'template','TestUpload.html')

  self.response.out.write(template.render(path, {}))

  def post(self):

   path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'template','debug.html')


  He Jibo
  Department of Psychology,
  Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
  University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign,
  603 East Daniel St.,
  Champaign, IL 61820

  On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Jeff Schwartz 

  I am not a Python person but you said the file was 'comma' separated yet
  it looks like (again, I am not a Python person) you are using tab instead 
  comma to split your input.

  On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 2:29 PM, He Jibo hej...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, Can someone teach me how to parse a file uploaded to GAE?

  I am writing a feature that users can upload a .csv file, and save
  data into the data model. I have already implemented the uploading,
  see the link below:
  But I do not know how to parse it, and save in my data model. Below is
  my html and processing code. I can upload a csv file, but the data in
  the csv is not saved into the data model. Can someone teach me what's
  wrong with my code, and how should I do? Thanks!

  --html file code
  form name=uploadform
           /pCSV File(Comma Separated Value) File*: /p
           input type=file
       input type=submit value=Upload/div

  --processing code
  class TestUpload(webapp.RequestHandler):
     '''add item using .csv file'''
     def get(self):
         path =
         self.response.out.write(template.render(path, {}))
     def post(self):
         fileReader = open(self.request.get('uploadfilename'))
         fileReader = csv.reader(csv_file.split(\n))

         for row in fileReader:
             cell = row.split('\t')

             fourchoice = FourChoices()
             fourchoice.description = cell[0]
             fourchoice.choiceA = cell[1]
             fourchoice.choiceB = cell[2]
             fourchoice.choiceC = cell[3]
             fourchoice.choiceD = cell[4]
             fourchoice.a = cell[5]
             fourchoice.b = cell[6]
             fourchoice.c = cell[7]
             fourchoice.answer = cell[8]
         path =

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[google-appengine] H E L P - needed from App Engine team

2010-10-29 Thread nickmilon
AppId ID: geognos
version:5 (default) - or any version if that matters
QPS :  0.1
live instances at error time:0 or 1-3 live instances

I have posted already about my application's Errors 500 and time out
problems since Short service outage on October 27.
see :

but I got no answers.

I am desperate because around 30% of Requests result in Error 500 and/
or time outs  while for the rest the latency has quadrupled to
unacceptable levels, making  the application useless.
I was pretty sure it has nothing to do with my appl, since I changed
nothing on my code.
Now I can prove it :
Take a look at the error trace and logs below where you can see it
returning Error 500 /or time outs  while on a Datastore Admin requests
which have nothing to do with my code. Also notice that the appl was
idling at the time, no other requests except mine trying to access
Data store Admin page. Also it is not something intermittent it
repeats it self almost all the time.

From this and from other stack traces and debugging i have done I
believe the problem has nothing to do with any App Engine service
since it happens on handlers that are not using the datastore or
Most - if not all - of the errors and time outs happen while
application tries to access the file system for a read (module
or plain file reads - no huge files involved just some Kbytes)
Usually happens on cold starts but I have seen it also happening on
hot instances.

So please somebody take a look at this.

T R A C E :

Last record searched: 10-26 03:32PM 43.618.
10-29 08:40AM 48.122 /_ah/datastore_admin/static/img/help.gif 500
31892ms 180cpu_ms 1kb Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US)
AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.41 Safari/
534.7,gzip(gfe) - nickmilon [29/Oct/2010:08:41:20 -0700] GET /_ah/
datastore_admin/static/img/help.gif HTTP/1.1 500 1268 http://
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.41 Safari/534.7,gzip(gfe)
5.latest.geognos.appspot.com ms=31893 cpu_ms=180 api_cpu_ms=0
E 10-29 08:41AM 20.008
class 'google.appengine.runtime.DeadlineExceededError':
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
ext/datastore_admin/main.py, line 204, in module
  File /base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
ext/datastore_admin/main.py, line 200, in main
  File /base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
ext/webapp/util.py, line 97, in run_wsgi_app
  File /base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
ext/webapp/util.py, line 115, in run_bare_wsgi_app
result = application(env, _start_response)
  File /base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
ext/webapp/__init__.py, line 511, in __call__
  File /base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
ext/datastore_admin/main.py, line 171, in get
10-29 08:30AM 58.405 /_ah/datastore_admin/?
500 36561ms 220cpu_ms 0kb Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US)
AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.41 Safari/
534.7,gzip(gfe) - nickmilon [29/Oct/2010:08:31:34 -0700] GET /_ah/
HTTP/1.1 500 850 - Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US)
AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.41 Safari/
534.7,gzip(gfe) 5.latest.geognos.appspot.com ms=36561 cpu_ms=220
api_cpu_ms=0 cpm_usd=0.006364
E 10-29 08:31AM 34.802
class 'google.appengine.runtime.DeadlineExceededError':
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
ext/datastore_admin/main.py, line 30, in module
from google.appengine.ext.datastore_admin import delete_handler
  File /base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
ext/datastore_admin/delete_handler.py, line

[google-appengine] October 27 - Short service outage - Still having problems

2010-10-28 Thread nickmilon
The App Engine team has declared all clear now At 8:10PM PST but it
seems this is not the case with my Application.
I am still experiencing a high proportion (15% of all requests) of
500s like the following:
10-28 02:17AM 13.897 /geo/en/cc/mm.html 500 10020ms 0cpu_ms 0kb
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/
bingbot.htm),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe) - - [28/Oct/2010:02:17:23 -0700] GET /geo/en/cc/mm.html
HTTP/1.1 500 0 - Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://
www.bing.com/bingbot.htm),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe) www.geognos.com
ms=10021 cpu_ms=0 api_cpu_ms=0 cpm_usd=0.38
W 10-28 02:17AM 23.917
Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your
request ..
This happens on handlers that used to have an average response of sub
900 ms for cold start instances the days before.

AppId ID: geognos
version:5 (default)
QPS : very very low

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[google-appengine] Re: Latency spikes and aborted requests in the last 24 hours

2010-10-27 Thread nickmilon
Appl id:geognos
appl version : 5
language :python
live instances at the time:  2
loading request: no

A typical normal operation for this request  :
10-27 09:47AM 08.920 /api/countries/info/CL.json 200 17ms 19cpu_ms 0kb
MSIE 15.0,gzip(gfe) - - [27/Oct/2010:09:47:08 -0700] GET /api/countries/
info/CL.json HTTP/1.1 200 551 - MSIE 8.0,gzip(gfe)
5.latest.geognos.appspot.com ms=18 cpu_ms=19 api_cpu_ms=0

While I was load testing the above app with a steady load of around 2
QPS   I got 2 error requests out of 3  (see below).
Particular request handler is very light no access to any service
except a mcache get no heavy imports.
Also some more errors today on an other handler.

10-27 09:04AM 59.320 /api/countries/info/CL.json 500 12599ms 0cpu_ms
0kb MSIE 15.0,gzip(gfe)
W 10-27 09:05AM 11.920 Request was aborted after waiting too long to
attempt to service your request. This may happen sporadically when the
App Engine serving cluster is .
10-27 08:20AM 51.444 /api/countries/info/CL.json 500 17015ms 0cpu_ms
0kb MSIE 15.0,gzip(gfe)
W 10-27 08:21AM 08.460 Request was aborted after waiting too long to
attempt to service your request. This may happen sporadically when the
App Engine serving cluster is 

On Sep 23, 6:19 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
 Hey guys,

 We've been tracking latency spikes and intermittent batches of aborted
 requests over the last 24 hour period. There were at least 3 periods of
 spikes yesterday:

 ~1100 Pacific (moderate, brief period of high)
 ~1300 Pacific (small)
 ~1530 Pacific (small)

 Community reports seem to indicate that these are related to loading
 requests. If you are being affected, can you report your environment,
 language and if these times correlate with your experiences in this thread?
 Are there periods that this particular report did not cover? Please provide
 measurements, times and application IDs.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

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[google-appengine] Re: Bug in Datastore Admin page

2010-10-27 Thread nickmilon
Same issue with me while trying from Chrome.
Cleared cookies - no lack.
Works OK from Firefox.

On Oct 18, 2:19 pm, Andrius andriu...@gmail.com wrote:

 when I try to open datastore admin page in google app engine admin
 area I get frame window asking me to provide google account to log in.
 Not sure why is it asking because I am already logged in. If I try to
 login within that frame I get error: Error: Server Error The server
 encountered an error and could not complete your request. If the
 problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error
 message and the query that caused it. Tried few times with no luck.

 Could someone from google have a look please?
 ID: cloudbidder


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[google-appengine] Instance maximum number of requests

2010-10-27 Thread nickmilon
I was doing some load tests on app engine today when I noticed a new
Info message in the logs: After handling this request, the process
that handled this request reached the maximum number of requests that
may be handled in a single process' lifetime, and exited normally.

So what that supposed to mean ?
Up to know we new that application instances are automatically
terminated after some inactivity time out. If I understand this
message well now we know that a process can be terminated after
handling so many requests. How many exactly ? is this a new magic
number ? Lets hope we will have some answers from the always helpful
App Engines team.

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[google-appengine] Re: download_app

2010-10-23 Thread nickmilon
I think community here has by a vast majority rejected the idea of
code downloading at least as default (opt out) option.
I also do not like the idea of a payable service, since it will
complicate the pricing model, will attract criticism against the
platform and help guys who are in the business of doing unresonabel
GAE vs S3 vs whatever_looks_like_cloud comparisons happy.

But ... then again who am I to tell mother G what to do ? -:)

On Oct 23, 10:00 pm, A. Stevko andy.ste...@gmail.com wrote:
 IMO, I think source code download is a great disaster recovery option that
 should have a $$$ price tag associated with it.

 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 5:08 AM, Tim Hoffman zutes...@gmail.com wrote:

  This was nearly introduced, and the community overwhelmingly rejected
  the proposal.
  There are a number of issues that such a facility introduces.

  Using a shared fileservice or source code control (actually a much
  better strategy) is what
  you should be using.

  I don't think Ikai was being humorous.  It might be worth reviewing
  this thread to see just how negative the facility was received.


  Tim Hoffman

  On Oct 23, 9:43 am, mykhal michal.bo...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Oct 18, 10:26 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) 


Have you looked into Dropbox?


There is a free offering.

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[google-appengine] Re: Updating static files

2010-10-21 Thread nickmilon

May be a caching issue ?
Old version served by an intermediate caching proxy?

On Oct 21, 12:14 pm, djidjadji djidja...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't know if this is still sometimes happening with uploading, but
 in the early days of GAE the new static files where always visible
 when you upload to a
 NON-default version. After uploading change the default version. I
 still use this method.

 2010/10/21 Rafael Sierra rafaeljs...@gmail.com:

  Hi, I made an update which changed only 1 static file (js), after 3
  updates, nothing had changed, then I tried change something in some
  python file, after that the static file was updated too.

  Is this a bug?

  Rafael Sierra

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[google-appengine] Re: Cound not acces my site. (times out / connection failed)

2010-10-19 Thread nickmilon
Most probably you have issues with China's Firewall.

On Oct 19, 7:50 pm, antichrist ttlt...@gmail.com wrote:
 I launched my website using google app engine, but my user complain
 about connectivity.

 They said they can access site at some time, but some time can't.

 I found thread below, but here(Korea) have no government issue.

 AppEngine times out / connection failed when trying to access from

 Can anyone think about reason?

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[google-appengine] Re: Why so many instances?

2010-10-19 Thread nickmilon
More transparency is always welcomed, helps developers and the
platform alike  :-)

On Oct 18, 11:30 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
 I don't think it scales linearly like that. We're working on improvements to
 the request scheduler so that we can make better use of existing resources,
 so be on the lookout for that. This is just us providing more transparency
 into how many instances are serving your application so it's easier to try
 to figure out your auto-scaling situation.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 6:30 PM, Jeff Schnitzer j...@infohazard.org wrote:
  Thanks for the new Instances dashboard - it's neat to know.  I'm
  curious though, why are so many instances running?

  I have one (java) app that gets a steady 0.5 hits/s, and another
  (python) app that gets a steady 2.5 hits/s.

  The 0.5 hits/s Java app is running 4 instances.
  The 2.5 hits/s Python app is running 6 instances.

  Obviously I don't mind that Google devotes so many resources to
  serving my application, but it does seem odd.  Does GAE need this many
  instances to serve so few requests?  If my Java app surges to 50
  hits/s, will I consume 400 instances??


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[google-appengine] Re: Check out my new tetris game

2010-10-17 Thread nickmilon
Nice appl and useful, feel a little younger too  -:)

On Oct 17, 3:21 pm, Yotam yotamma...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, checkout a new Tetris game with high score table, made in GWT
 powerd by appengine.
 the tetris itself was taken from the gwt-tetris project on google


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[google-appengine] Re: How about JavaScript v8 as the next language for Google App Engine?

2010-10-11 Thread nickmilon
I think a new language should be out of the question, well until
current platform is stabilized.
  then again who am I to tell big G what to do and what not.

On Oct 11, 10:06 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com
 Believe it or not, we've talked about this. There's a lot of interest in V8
 and JavaScript. From a technical standpoint, there are still advances that
 need to be made in V8 (garbage collection comes to mind) - see for yourself
 by searching for articles about Node.js and GC.

 Ultimately, it comes down to resources, which is probably why we aren't
 working on this right away. It makes more sense for us to harden our Java
 and Python runtimes, allow more classes into the whitelist, and look into
 ways we can support versions of Python that are higher than 2.5. As much
 traction as Node.js has in the blogosphere and Hacker News, it's still hard
 to make a business case for a platform that has, at best, poor tooling and a
 small (albeit enthusiastic) core community. You have a gripe with Python
 being slow - I'm surprised this is an issue, as most of your time is spent
 blocking on RPC calls, not interpreter gotchas. It doesn't matter how fast
 your Ferrari is if there are stop signs on every block.

 I'd look into Heroku's experimental node.js support:


 Try building an application using node.js as your full application stack.
 I'd love to see more article content about the challenges/benefits of doing
 this. There isn't enough, as far as I am concerned.

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 8:46 PM, John McLaughlin 

 johnmclaugh...@massanimation.com wrote:
  Thanks for the info Demis, I alway like listening to Douglas
  Crockford.  I also checked out
  Very interesting stuff, I can definitely see using it in the future.
  In particular using JavaScript as the templating engine seems really
  powerful.  So you've changed my mind.  However since I'm still worried
  about the plethora part of ...plethora of well-tested JavaScript
  frameworks and libraries available..., I'll say that if node.js,
  YUI3, and JSLint are defined as best practices -- I'm on board --
  server-side JavaScript all the way.

  - John

  On Oct 10, 4:21 pm, Demis Bellot demis.bel...@gmail.com wrote:
   Unless I'm mistaken about recent advancements, Python belongs in the same
   performance category as Ruby, Perl and PHP i.e. slow compared against
   or optimized managed languages.

   I understand there are a number efforts underway to improve performance
   (e.g. using an LLVM backend withhttp://
   but I don't think this is actually being used yet?
   I'm sure with having Guido onboard Python has been heavily optimized for
   but there is only so much optimizations possible with CPython. The
   code may be fast (i.e. thin wrappers over C libs) but the users code is
   going to be interpreted and slow.

   Since it impacts the performance of Chrome (one of Google's most valuable
   assets) and its millions of end users, I would think that more of
   engineering effort is behind making JavaScript as fast as possible with
   which I believe shows in the computer language shoot-out benchmarks,
   it looks as if V8 is several times faster than any Python implementation

   The GAE Python API's also exposes sync IO requests and encourages
   which I believe also contributes a significant performance penalty per
   This is only an educated guess and I'm not sure what these raw language
   numbers translates in GAE performance though it should be pretty
   of the perf advantages possible. With the lack of an actual V8
   implementation, internal Google Engineers would have the best insight as
   the potential gains if any (which I encourage on this thread).

   As for the language impedance mismatch, I think that having code from the
   same application being able to run on both client and server is heavily
   YUI is show casing some exciting possibilities they're doing around

   Where currently a lot of their JavaScript libraries already run on
   but even more impressive than that they have implemented a server-side
   DOM that enables the same code they use do generate their DHTML Calendar
   control can be run on the server and output rendered on clients that have
   JavaScript disabled. Much of Google's Closure Library and its optimized

[google-appengine] Re: issue on apps permission

2010-10-08 Thread nickmilon
No much help I can give you on this except that this mechanism makes
possible the transfer of application ownership.

On Oct 8, 9:23 pm, Sandeep Koduri sandeep.kod...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello dose any idea about my above query??
 waiting for some response

 On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 6:36 PM, $ÂÑЀ€P sandeep.kod...@gmail.com wrote:
  also another point regarding permissions.
  when i invite a...@mycompany.com as developer, the mail sent to
  a...@mycompany.com is forwarded  to x...@gmail.com. when user accepts
  the permissions from x...@gmail.com. x...@gmail.com is gaining
  permissions for the app. i feel this is going bit out of track.

  On Sep 30, 5:53 pm, $ÂÑЀ€P sandeep.kod...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have doubt granting permissions to developers for apps. dose it mean
   that developer has equal rights as i am having.
   i did not understand the point that a developer having access to
   remove my access to my app.

   Is there no importance in roles for granting permissions. dose it mean
   that my developer can sell away my app to some one else, by revoking
   my access and granting some one else the access.

   i gave developer, permission to my app he has removed my access to my
   app how can i get it back.
   can i have option to provide my developer access just to sync data or
   login at app, avoiding him sharing access and deleting app.

   thanks, regards.

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 Sandeep Koduri
 Atok Soft India | Cricfeeds.com
 Phone: +91- 99 666 02 456
 Gtalk: sandeep.koduri | Skype: sandeep.koduri

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[google-appengine] Re: Prerelease SDK 1.3.8 is out!

2010-10-06 Thread nickmilon

On Oct 6, 12:48 pm, Greg g.fawc...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 6, 1:28 pm, Ikai Lan (Google) ikai.l+gro...@google.com

  - The developer who uploaded an app version can download that version's code
    using the appcfg.py download_app command.

 I'm not at all happy about this. I know how frequent plaintive I lost
 my code how can I get it back? messages are in this group, but the
 write-only nature of appengine gave me a lot of confidence that our
 source code is safe. Now a single password is all that stands between
 our competitors and our IP.

 Why expose ALL users to risk (and open Google to lawsuits) for the
 sake of a few inexperienced developers? Star this post if you agree.

 I guess one solution would be to make downloading optional. A setting
 to disable source downloading in app.yaml would be safe, because
 uploading a new version would destroy the existing code.


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[google-appengine] Re: Special Greetings

2010-10-04 Thread nickmilon
Seems the group has been hijacked today ;-(

On Oct 4, 6:54 am, Grant Brown grant-br...@uiowa.edu wrote:
 Fuck off, you are in the wrong place.

 On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 12:49 PM, kof nklaw hduyew...@gmail.com wrote:
  Special Greetings
  Wishing you vertical and horizontal love, perfect peace, eternal
  safety, plus favor  blessings.

  Very important eyewitness accounts - (mp3);
  [1] The 7 Colombian youth – To listen, just click here,
  [2] The 8-year old Girl – click here;
  [3] Special Rapture-readiness and revelations

  If the links are unclick-able, simply copy paste on browser;

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[google-appengine] Re: Regarding Geoode API

2010-09-21 Thread nickmilon
For an explanation of the issue and workarounds you can take a look
here  : http://gaengine.blogspot.com/search/label/Maps%20Api
and yes   G does have a paid version of the api  in the enterprise
edition here: http://www.google.com/enterprise/earthmaps/maps.html

On Sep 21, 1:54 pm, mohit rawat.mo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am using google geocode 
 To get the time and distance between 2 points now i am getting the
 OVER_QUERY_LIMIT   ..Does google provide paid version of this API to
 resolve this..?

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[google-appengine] Re: Google only Indexing my URL that I disallow in my robot.txt file, not indexing any of the ones I allow

2010-09-17 Thread nickmilon
I am quite confident your problem has nothing to do with app engine.
Your robots.txt looks fine to me.
As you also mention there can be some legitimate reasons that Google
can visit a page excluded by robots.txt
/datasource/  can be an html page or any other resource for that
matter as far a browser is concerned.
My small piece of advice :  sign in for G webmasters tools and submit
a sitemap.xml, then use webmasters tools to see what is going on with
your site's indexing and all seo related issues hm.. I have seen you
have already submitted the site.
By the way you have left DEBUG=True in your production server.
hope all this helped ;-)

On Sep 16, 11:25 pm, mvilr...@gmail.com mvilr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I asked this question already in the Google Webmasters group but I was
 recommended to ask it here as they seem to think it might be AppEngine
 related ...

 I have read the FAQs and checked for similar issues: YES

 My site's URL (web address) is:http://bptrack.appspot.com

 Description (including timeline of any changes made):
 I have the following in my robot.txt file:

 User-agent: *
 Allow: /
 Disallow: /datasource/

 It has been that for over a month now yet when I look for my site on
 google (site:http://bptrack.appspot.com), it only 
 findshttp://bptrack.appspot.com/datasource/, exactly the URL I do not want
 it to index.  It doesn't find any other URLs, including the main one
 (http://bptrack.appspot.com).  Can anybody please explain to me how
 that is possible?  Do I have a mistake in my robot.txt file
 (eventhough I had it generated by Google Webmasters Tool)?


 Through the google Websmasters Group I figured out that the robot.txt
 file might not actually prevent that URL from being crawled and/or
 indexed, however,http://bptrack.appspot.com/datasource/is not even a
 webpage, so it is empty AND inaccessible so why would that one be
 indexed at all and none of the other pages which are accessible
 (home page, about and contacts)?

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[google-appengine] Re: Google Maps over query limit

2010-09-13 Thread nickmilon
This issue has been raise here many times before.
It is caused by many third party API's imposing per IP quota
Since all app engine's applications are served from a limited number
of IP addresses you have to share this quota with other applications
using same API.
Although I am using  google's geocode in a small application myself
and had no problem so far.
For some ideas and  possible solutions may be you can take a look
and here:

happy coding:-)

On Sep 13, 6:52 am, eeepc701 yorkchri...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm getting an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT response when trying to geocode from
 the following url (python syntax):
 I tried to geocode one location in a day and got this response which
 doesn't exceed 20/sec or any daily limit. When I use my browser, I
 always get a json geocode response with 'results'.
 Does GAE impose other restrictions?

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[google-appengine] Re: Is this allowed?

2010-09-11 Thread nickmilon
Not been a Googler neither a lawyer  - don't take what I write for

But this issue has been raised here many times in the past and the
answer from Google is in the line  yes you can, provided you are not
doing it just to circumnavigate  quota restrictions which is not your
intention as I can judge.

Take care :-)

On Sep 11, 10:59 pm, David Hewitson thesplatz...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm not sure. Probably go down :)

 I'd probably open source the code too. :)

 2010/9/11 Jaroslav Záruba jaroslav.zar...@gmail.com

  What would happen when this service of yours reached the free quota limits?

  On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 1:45 AM, David Hewitson 

  I'm developing some small micro applications to help developers with
  specific tasks, such as an application to cache screenshots of websites and
  provide different sizes (through a remote screen capture node.)

  Would it be against the GAE terms of service to use an application like
  this in another GAE application of mine? I'm pretty sure I read that it's
  not permitted to circumvent the quotas by splitting resources among 
  applications, but I don't know if this falls under that. It's more a public
  service that I'd be using myself.

  Does anyone know? I don't want to end up being banned for misconduct :)



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[google-appengine] Re: mail api calls number incrasing while application is not sending any, why?

2010-09-08 Thread nickmilon
I am not sure if this helps, or if indeed is your case :
When your receiving mail handler doesn't exit properly (throws an
exception) the  mail server form where this email has come from is
notified that the Email is not delivered, this usually tigers  a
retry, resending this Email several times (depending on the mail


On Sep 8, 6:35 am, Greg g.fawc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there some exception reporting system buried deep in Django that is
 trying to send email warnings?

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[google-appengine] Re: Sending SMS

2010-09-03 Thread nickmilon
 1) Yes Google calendar does sent  event reminders via SMS - and by
the way it is very trustworthy service- all my birthdays reminders
come from google's calendar since more than a year.

2) An other SMS gateway that works with App Engine via a WEB API is
tropo, I have tried it last week with very satisfactory results.
may be you take a look  here:

Happy coding :-)

On Sep 3, 2:47 am, Jaroslav Záruba jaroslav.zar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you, I'm looking at it.

 On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:23 PM, James jamesk...@gmail.com wrote:
  Check outwww.twilio.com

  On Sep 2, 4:08 am, Jaroslav Záruba jaroslav.zar...@gmail.com wrote:
   Is it possible to send messages using the same service Google Calendar
   sends event reminders with? Are there any plans to offer that as a
   service on GAE?

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[google-appengine] Re: updates on appenginepeople.net

2010-08-30 Thread nickmilon
Good appl,
Statistics I have suggested some time ago look pretty, although I am
afraid these are skewed coz of small sampling space.
For example it seems more developers coming in from Europe than
Americas which seems interesting.
I would encourage everybody here to sign in to this appl so we can
have some real stats that will help all of us.

Happy coding ;-)

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[google-appengine] Re: RSS Feed Aggregator

2010-08-26 Thread nickmilon
Sure  an aggregator is doable in App Engine.
May be you also take a look here: http://code.google.com/p/pubsubhubbub/

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[google-appengine] Re: May I use the Google logo?

2010-08-22 Thread nickmilon
Since Niklasro's link above seems broken,

you can get an other transparent App Engine Logo in png  format from a
link you can find here : 

By the way you can see  this lovely plane flying  if it happens to
visit above page with Chrome browser.

Happy coding:-)

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[google-appengine] Re: GAE vs. Google Wave Discontinue

2010-08-10 Thread nickmilon
Nice, open and very convincing  talk  from Ikai.  !

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[google-appengine] Re: Question for Google Team regarding Receive Email address count limit?

2010-07-21 Thread nickmilon
As far as I remember :
1) No limit
2) No limit except api and cpu limits applicable.
A limit of 2000  outgoing emails (no billing enabled).

Happy coding :-)
Nick Milon

On Jul 21, 6:23 pm, Vivek Ramachandran
vivek.securitywiz...@gmail.com wrote:

 My mail is regarding the option for receiving email to any address which
 looks like - x...@appid.appspotmail.com documented 

 My questions are:

 1. Is there any restriction on the number of email addresses which can be
 created using the above format and used inside the application?
 As an example I may have a million users and could have some sort of a
 in-mail facility where each user is assigned a unique xxx id.

 2. Is there any limit on the number of emails which can be received by an
 address of the above format? I don't see any quota restrictions specified



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[google-appengine] Re: App Engine Google Geocoding Service (OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) II

2010-07-08 Thread nickmilon
This issue comes and goes in this thread all the the time.
I also suggested in the past to delegate the job to the client since I
could't see a scenario where we use server side request and be within
the TOR's.
(see here : 
I was wrong. Recently I run into a case where I had to do this and
still I am sure I am within legal limits, this is so when you need the
geolocation service in order to publish a static map served from
So this is a real problem and the issue has to be resolved somehow,
although I think we are discussing this in the wrong group. IMO that
this is an issue for the maps group and we should adress it there.

Happy coding:-)

On Jul 8, 10:29 pm, Zarko eladza...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, it is in use with a Google map, actually I am trying to save
 requests to Google from clients...

 On Jul 8, 6:43 pm, Barry Hunter barrybhun...@gmail.com wrote:

  On 8 July 2010 16:08, Zarko eladza...@gmail.com wrote:

   By the way I can't transfer the job to the client (it's not a browser

  Are you sure your app is using the API legally then?

  *Note: **the Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with a Google
  map; geocoding results without displaying them on a map is prohibited.*

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[google-appengine] Re: Problem with maps api key

2010-07-02 Thread nickmilon
may be you find my post here interesting :

Happy coding:-)

On Jul 2, 1:19 pm, Barry Hunter barrybhun...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 2 July 2010 09:12, Zarko eladza...@gmail.com wrote:

  You can try and use V3 (does not require a key)...
  The problem is that it have a low free limit of 2,500 geolocation
  requests per day (server initiated).

 The quota changed for V2 too I beleive. (besides can use v2 or v3 of
 the geocoding api independant of the mapping api version)

  And a premiere key cost like a new sports car : /

  Furthermore, from app engine you can't know if you will get this too.
  In a previous tread somebody told me that you share your quota with
  others app...
  Is this true ?!

 If you do it server side. The rate limiting is via IP address (even in
 v2), which via AppEngine's URLFetch is shared.
 So do geocoding client side, and then it uses the users quota :)

 From time to time the AppEngine IPs get whitelisted by the Maps Team,
 but that breaks sometimes (persumably when AppEngine moves to a new

  On Jul 1, 1:00 am, nickmilon nickmi...@gmail.com wrote:
  Why don't work with G  MAP API V3 which does not require a key and it
  is quite faster ?

  On Jun 30, 10:03 pm, Ikai L (Google) ika...@google.com wrote:

   This question is probably better directed here:


   I am fairly certain that this means the Maps API key is tied to the 
   and not the appspot.com URL, but not 100% sure.

   On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Mac mmack3...@gmail.com wrote:
Whenever I visithttp://hospitalsusa.appspot.com, I get an error
message that says,
This website needs a different google maps api key Any
suggestions on how to fix this?

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   Ikai Lan
   Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

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