Deploy and Re-deploy

2009-08-03 Thread srihari


Well, I am curious in deploying a GWT based application.

I went through couple of deployment posts and little bit of searching
in internet, I do understand there are several ways in deploying a GWT
application. The simplest could be generating the .war file and
uploading it to webapp directory of the application server (Ex:

What I am not able to understand or rather figure out, how do I deploy
a fix or a patch. It could be server side or client side. I couldn't
get any information on this.

The scenario is this. I deployed my current stable version of the
application. Then I fixed few bugs here and there and now I need to
deploy only those which are undergone a change.

Any suggestions on the above

Thank You
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Re: inject hack value when call RPC like setScore(..)

2009-08-03 Thread brett.wooldridge

Using HTTPS only helps to prevent the forged packet attack.  It does
nothing to prevent a user from using firebug to change values on the

With respect to Google and gmail or adsense, they are probably not in
the same position as you.  You are relying entirely on the client to
report a valid score.  In the case of adsense, it's hard to see how a
client hacking a value could cause damage to the integrity of their
system.  If the user is using firebug to alter the name of a keyword
they wish to bid on, how does that hurt adsense?  The user can achieve
the same effect through the UI, so there's no benefit to changing it.
In your case, you have a critical piece of data that is entirely in
control of the client, there is no simple way around it.

It really depends on how far you want to go with securing that data,
but because of the fundamental fact that the client owns the data
there is no way to totally secure it.  Note that this is not a
JavaScript problem.  If you had a game that was an .exe file, but
you relied on the client to post the final score back to the server,
you would have the same problem.  The user could hack the .exe to post
back bogus scores.

The best you can achieve under that constraint is to obscure the data
and make it difficult to hack, but there can never be completely
insured integrity under your scenario.  You can keep the score
encrypted on the client, which will help make it difficult -- possibly
very difficult.  One advantage is that Google's obsfucated code is a
true nightmare to decipher.  However, as noted, a truly determined
hacker can do it.  Your only other option is to track scores on the
server-side and only have the client send delta adjustments to the
score periodically (one a second or every few seconds).  At least in
that case you would have some control over verifying the deltas sent
by the client, and rate-limiting their frequency, but depending on the
number of users could create a fair amount of load on your server.


On Aug 3, 10:42 am, asianCoolz wrote:
 1.u mentioned about https. even if using https, the javascript is
 still visible to user. therefore using firebug..etc still possible to
 change the value right?
 2. what is the extra measurement taken by google for app like gmail
 and adsense written in gwt?
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Re: fileupload: ensuring the same file being uploaded

2009-08-03 Thread Vinz369

Hi twittwit,
And thanks for your reply.
What I want is quite simple. I want to be able to place a button in my
UI. When he user clicks on this button he can retrieve a file on his
machine and clicking another button it will upload it to the server
hosting the website.
I tried with fileupload from gwt, gwt-ext, and others but I usually
get the error that my server code is not found when I click on the
upload button.
Would it be possible to know step by step how should I proceed?

On Aug 2, 10:09 pm, twittwit wrote:
 if you mean common fileupload. it should be at the server.
 nope for web.xml. and nope for project.gwt.xml -- since you putting
 common fileupload to the server.
 try to be more clear ini what u want? and where is the problem.

 On Jul 21, 4:13 pm, Vinz369 wrote:

  Hello twittwit and others,

  I've been trying to implement fileuploadfor days in my application.
  It may looks stupid but I really don't understand how it works.
  I have few questions:
  - If I want to use the same code as twittwit where should I place it?
  in my client folder or server folder? should I add something else in
  my web.xml and project.gwt.xml files?

  I'm completely lost, please help me!

  On Jul 18, 10:15 am, twittwit wrote:

   perfect! thanks Manuel!
   common-fileupload is great!
   On Jul 18, 8:51 am, Manuel Carrasco

filename = item.getName();

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:27 AM, twittwit wrote:

 ok thank you. i found the answer:

 public class MyFormHandler extends HttpServlet{
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
 response)  throws ServletException, IOException {
        ServletFileUploadupload= new ServletFileUpload();

            FileItemIterator iter =upload.getItemIterator(request);

            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                FileItemStream item =;

                String name = item.getFieldName();
                InputStream stream = item.openStream();

                // Process the input stream
                FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream
                //ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
                int len;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                while ((len =, 0, buffer.length)) !
 = -1) {
                    out.write(buffer, 0, len);

        catch(Exception e){



 however, how can i extract the name of the csv file(client side) so
 that the csv file in my server can have the same name?

 On Jul 18, 12:19 am, Manuel Carrasco
  In the dialog between the browser and the server, the client sends a
  multipart/form-data request and there is more information besides 
  content, like form elements values, boundary tags, etc.

  I recommend you to use apache commons-fileupload library to handle
  multipart/form-data request in your servlets.

  On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 11:44 PM, imgnik wrote:

   hi all,

   i posted a question about fileupload here
   but i think i didn't phrase my question correctly. so gonna do 

   I tried to use agwtfileupload widget to send a csv file to the
   server. and at the server i will write it as a file (for other 
   it by doing : (where request is the httpservletrequest and bw is 

    BufferedReader r = request.getReader();
            while((thisread= r.readLine())!=null){


            catch(Exception e1){}

   however, i realised that the csv file send out contains :

   --WebKitFormBoundaryN8Z6DOy7DqEWTwtLContent-Disposition: form-
   data; name=uploadFormElement; filename=first.csvContent-Type:

   which results in the file created not the same as the fileupload.
   I might be wrong in my analysis. can someone advice me?
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Re: Error message on 64 bit system

2009-08-03 Thread brett.wooldridge

Your only option right now (for 64-bit) is to use the new Out Of
Process Hosted Mode.  I won't even go into setting this up, for me it
was a pain (on Mac OS X), but you can read more about it here:

Note, it is not for the faint of heart, but if you don't mind
compiling GWT and the new host mode code (native code, gcc required),
you can use your 64-bit VM.  Expect to burn a day or three on it, and
not get a lot of support, if you go that route.  It would be generous
to call it Alpha code, but at least for me it works and is mostly
stable, except for crashing my browser under certain avoidable but
easily reproducible conditions.  They don't call it the bleeding
edge for nothing, expect some blood letting.

On Aug 3, 1:30 pm, Anton wrote:

 Not for hosted mode. 
 - the note for Mac users at the top).

 I am on am Mac and have to use an old Java version because 1.6 is only
 available in 64 bit on the Mac...

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Re: Changing from Gwt 1.5.3 to 1.7

2009-08-03 Thread brett.wooldridge

I wouldn't suggest it this late in the game.  Event handling changed
between 1.5.3 and 1.7, not to mention a bunch of layout fixes that
you've probably already worked around in various ways.  If your
release time is very close this kind of change can be hazardous to
your delivery schedule.  If your are experiencing problems with 1.5.3
that you know are fixed by 1.7 and are blocking your delivery then of
course you may not have a choice.  But short of that, I wouldn't do

On Aug 1, 1:25 pm, jagadesh wrote:
 HI Guys ,

 We Developed a Application using Gwt 1.5.3 . now our release time is
 very close .
 Is it possible to change the existing code from 1.5.3 to Gwt 1.7 with
 minor changes

 what are the important changes that may take place .

 Can any one give me a suggestion?

 Thank u
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Re: Quick fix for broken hosted mode with Snow Leopard 10A380 on x86_64

2009-08-03 Thread brett.wooldridge

Jesus Christ, you're considering hacking the Java6 binaries?  Before I
got anywhere near that I would go with the new Out Of Process Hosted
Mode.  See

That's a million times simpler (and less sketchy) than hacking your
Java6 in OS X.

On Jul 3, 11:05 am, minichate wrote:
 Thank you very much!

 It is ugly, but it'll do until GWT itself is fixed. A note for others
 trying this -- I believe some of the formatting got mangled in the
 post. The last command should be:

 for bin in `find . -type f -exec file {} \; | grep 'Mach-O universal
 binary with 2 architectures' | sed -e 's/:.*//' ` ; do ditto --rsrc --
 arch i386 $bin $ ; mv $ $bin ; done


 On Jun 20, 1:50 pm, kugutsumen wrote:

  This is going to become a real issue in September when Mac OS X 10.6
  starts shipping.

  Cross-compiling works but hosted mode is broken.

  Darwin wolf 10.0.0b1 Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0b1: Fri May 29
  00:02:02 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1456~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

  java version 1.6.0_13
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03-208)
  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.3-b02-81, mixed mode)

  GWT 0.0.0 At revision 5593.

  You must use a Java 1.5 runtime to use GWT Hosted Mode on Mac OS X.

  If I skip the Java 1.5 test...  UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown.

  On Mac OS X, ensure that you have Safari 3 installed.
  Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to
  load required native library 'gwt-ll'.  Detailed error:
  /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib:  no
  suitable image found.  Did find:  /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-
  mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib: no matching architecture in universal

  $ file /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib
  /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib: Mach-
  O universal binary with 2 architectures
  /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib (for
  architecture i386):     Mach-O bundle i386
  /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib (for
  architecture ppc):      Mach-O bundle ppc

  libgwt-ll.jnilib is prebuilt so adding -arch x86_64 to jni/mac/
  Makefile has no effect.

  I managed to get gwt hosted mode to work by patching  isJava5 to
  always return true:

  --- ./dev/mac/src/com/google/gwt/dev/
  2009-06-21 00:42:40.0 +0700
  +++ ./dev/mac/src/com/google/gwt/dev/     2009-06-20
  22:44:17.0 +0700
  @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
      * 64-bit.
     private static boolean isJava5() {
  -    return System.getProperty(java.version).startsWith(1.5);
  +    return true; /* System.getProperty(java.version).startsWith
  (1.5); */


  Then I hacked a 32bit only version of the 1.6 JRE by stripping the
  x86_64 architecture:

  cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
  cp -pPR 1.6.0 1.6.0_32bit
  cd !$
  for bin in `find . -type f -exec file {} \; | grep 'Mach-O universal
  binary with 2 architectures' | sed -e 's/:.*//' ` ; do ditto --rsrc --
  arch i386 $bin $ ; mv $ $bin ; done

  Added /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0_32bit/
  Home in  Eclipse - Preferences - Java - Installed JRE  and selected

  Really ugly fix but at least hosted mode works.
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Re: inject hack value when call RPC like setScore(..)

2009-08-03 Thread CoolDude

do i still need to use the method that you suggested
Integer.toOctalString() for setValue(), in the case, i already use
obscure for my score even though it is stored in int?
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Re: Quick fix for broken hosted mode with Snow Leopard 10A380 on x86_64

2009-08-03 Thread brett.wooldridge

Just as clarification, I use Java 6, 64-bit Eclipse Galileo, and OOPHM
on OS X 10.5.7.

On Aug 3, 3:27 pm, brett.wooldridge
 Jesus Christ, you're considering hacking the Java6 binaries?  Before I
 got anywhere near that I would go with the new Out Of Process Hosted
 Mode.  See

 That's a million times simpler (and less sketchy) than hacking your
 Java6 in OS X.

 On Jul 3, 11:05 am, minichate wrote:

  Thank you very much!

  It is ugly, but it'll do until GWT itself is fixed. A note for others
  trying this -- I believe some of the formatting got mangled in the
  post. The last command should be:

  for bin in `find . -type f -exec file {} \; | grep 'Mach-O universal
  binary with 2 architectures' | sed -e 's/:.*//' ` ; do ditto --rsrc --
  arch i386 $bin $ ; mv $ $bin ; done


  On Jun 20, 1:50 pm, kugutsumen wrote:

   This is going to become a real issue in September when Mac OS X 10.6
   starts shipping.

   Cross-compiling works but hosted mode is broken.

   Darwin wolf 10.0.0b1 Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0b1: Fri May 29
   00:02:02 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1456~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

   java version 1.6.0_13
   Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03-208)
   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.3-b02-81, mixed mode)

   GWT 0.0.0 At revision 5593.

   You must use a Java 1.5 runtime to use GWT Hosted Mode on Mac OS X.

   If I skip the Java 1.5 test...  UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown.

   On Mac OS X, ensure that you have Safari 3 installed.
   Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to
   load required native library 'gwt-ll'.  Detailed error:
   /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib:  no
   suitable image found.  Did find:  /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-
   mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib: no matching architecture in universal

   $ file /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib
   /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib: Mach-
   O universal binary with 2 architectures
   /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib (for
   architecture i386):     Mach-O bundle i386
   /Users/Shared/tank/pub/devel/gwt/gwt-mac-0.0.0/libgwt-ll.jnilib (for
   architecture ppc):      Mach-O bundle ppc

   libgwt-ll.jnilib is prebuilt so adding -arch x86_64 to jni/mac/
   Makefile has no effect.

   I managed to get gwt hosted mode to work by patching  isJava5 to
   always return true:

   --- ./dev/mac/src/com/google/gwt/dev/
   2009-06-21 00:42:40.0 +0700
   +++ ./dev/mac/src/com/google/gwt/dev/     2009-06-20
   22:44:17.0 +0700
   @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
       * 64-bit.
      private static boolean isJava5() {
   -    return System.getProperty(java.version).startsWith(1.5);
   +    return true; /* System.getProperty(java.version).startsWith
   (1.5); */


   Then I hacked a 32bit only version of the 1.6 JRE by stripping the
   x86_64 architecture:

   cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
   cp -pPR 1.6.0 1.6.0_32bit
   cd !$
   for bin in `find . -type f -exec file {} \; | grep 'Mach-O universal
   binary with 2 architectures' | sed -e 's/:.*//' ` ; do ditto --rsrc --
   arch i386 $bin $ ; mv $ $bin ; done

   Added /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0_32bit/
   Home in  Eclipse - Preferences - Java - Installed JRE  and selected

   Really ugly fix but at least hosted mode works.
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Re: inject hack value when call RPC like setScore(..)

2009-08-03 Thread brett.wooldridge

Probably if you obscure the score internally as octal, you don't need
anything more (encryption, server-based score, etc.).  If your game is
a gambling game and money is at stake, you would need to redesign it
with tighter security.  If it's a just for fun game, simple
obsfucation of the score and Google's obsfucation of the code is
sufficient to deter anyone poking around with firebug.

On Aug 3, 3:45 pm, CoolDude wrote:
 do i still need to use the method that you suggested
 Integer.toOctalString() for setValue(), in the case, i already use
 obscure for my score even though it is stored in int?
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Module Inheritance in 1.7

2009-08-03 Thread Ahmed Ashour

Dear all,

I wonder where is the .gwt.xml in 1.7, because I can only see

What is needed is to inherit XML module, and on referencing any* an error occurs No source code is
available for type; did you forget
to inherit a required module?

Can some please help?
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Re: dead code elimination of unused method arguments?

2009-08-03 Thread Ed

Thanks Manuel.
I know that, but the exact features/limits are unclear and vague,
which is understandable as it constantly under development.
Also there are still some tickets open about dead code elimination
that doesn't work bullet proof.

I think I just test it myself.
I did that with some other global variables which should, but where
not eliminated (ticket in ticket system)...
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Stockwatcher source code (Java + Eclipse + Datastore)

2009-08-03 Thread John V Denley

Does anyone have a full finished and working version of stockwatcher
built in eclipse?

Basically the source code for:

My version of it just doesnt work, and i cant work out why:

in hosted mode it says cant display this website
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How to use Servlet filter in RPC?

2009-08-03 Thread Alex Luya

Can anybody tell me how to use it?I tried,but seemly ,filter
worked,but servlet does not work,

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse
FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException

web.xml configuration


  !-- Servlets --


  !-- Default page to serve --

 !-- FilterDemo --



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JSNI for non-static functions.

2009-08-03 Thread dougx

I can't seem to get the JSNI interface to work, as described here:

Specifically, the th...@::call functionality seems not to work
when invoked from external javascript.

When I bind a static function like this:
$wnd.js_test_static = function() {  @com.gwt.client.demo::runStatic()
();  };

I can invoke it in the page js like this:
a href=# onclick=js_test_static();Static test/a

However, this combination does not work:
$wnd.js_test = function() { th...@com.gwt.client.demo::run()();  };
a href=# onclick=js_test();Static test/a

I've searched high and low for this, and all I can find is blog posts
saying that it -should- work, nothing actually show that it can.

I'd be greatful for a working sample, or anyone who can point out my
(Perhaps I need to establish a context before the call to th...@...
will work? But how?)

This is the test case I'm using:


public class demo implements EntryPoint {

  public void onModuleLoad() {

  private native void init() /*-{
  $wnd.js_test = function() {

  private native void initStatic() /*-{
  $wnd.js_test_static = function() {

  private void run() {
Element el = RootPanel.get(around).getBodyElement();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, border, 1px solid #0f0);

  public static void runStatic() {
Element el = RootPanel.get(around).getBodyElement();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, border, 1px solid #f00);

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Re: GWT Hosted Mode Schriftgrößen Problem

2009-08-03 Thread Michael

Hallo Julia,

erstmal, bitte auf Englisch, sonst versteht Dich hier kaum einer und
hat auch nichts von evtl. Antworten.

Which platform, Mac, Windows, Linux?


On Aug 2, 2:30 pm, Julia_HD wrote:

 ich versuche mich seit einigen Wochen an GWT und bin an sich sehr
 Bisher lief alles und meine Anwendung ist auch soweit fertig, nur habe
 ich heute beim Testen (im Hosted Mode) irgendein Tastaturkürzel
 gedrückt, sodass die Oberfläche komplett vergrößert ist.

 Der Style, den ich im *.css verwalte, ist gleich geblieben, aber
 FlexTable/Grid/ListBoxItems sind alle plötzlich um das 10fache
 vergrößert. Die Farben etc stimmen auch ist nur die
 Anfangs dachte ich, dass ich die Standard Werte ueberschreiben
 muesste, aber das hilft auch nicht...die Wochen zuvor gings auch

 Es kommt mir so vor, als haette ich ausversehen auf irgendwas
 gedrueckt, was eine Art Barrierefreiheit ausloest!?

 Hat vielleicht einer eine Idee? Lieben Dank im Voraus

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Re: GWT App Runs Everywhere but on 1 computer

2009-08-03 Thread mars1412

just a guess:
I think, that an exception is thrown in this case
if you don't explicitly handle it anywhere, GWT's uncaught-exception
handler will get it
and AFAIK, the default UEH will only write the exception to the hosted
mode console

so maybe this will get you a step further:
set a custom exception handler: GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler() that
writes a log message that will be displayed in the firebug console ( I
am using gwt-log for this)
this may at least reveal what kind of exception occurs (if any)

here's what I do (pseudo-code):
when the app starts, I replace the default exception handler with my
own one (but remember the default):
  private final UncaughtExceptionHandler

  originalUncaughtExceptionHandler = GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler
  GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
  public void onUncaughtException(Throwable t) {
Log.warn(AppController: Uncaught exception handled: , t);

 * if we cannot handle this exception we pass control to the
original uncaught exception handler in hosted mode
 * the exception will be logged to the gwt console. in web mode 
originalUncaughtExceptionHandler will be null
if (originalUncaughtExceptionHandler != null) {

On Jul 31, 10:32 pm, Chris wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion.  For the most part, I can't install a
 packet sniffer into the clients network/machine.  However, I did
 install a couple of tools into the browser (firebug being the main
 one) and I do see that the response is at least registering with

 It's just not evaluated or throwing an error.  I guess my next step is
 to start putting in debug statements everywhere I think the path might
 be breaking

 Thanks for the idea.  I always wonder about how other people debug
 hard issues that can't be replicated in a controlled environment.


 On Jul 31, 12:25 am, Joe Cole wrote:

  If you can, install ethereal (it has a new name) on  the client and
  monitor your server logs at the same time. That usually helps in
  issues like this.

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logging/debugging issue with oophm and gwt 1.7

2009-08-03 Thread denis56

His again,

I thought to have gotten oophm to work with gwt 1.7, but it just now
caught my eye, that when launching the firefoxed oophm from eclipse
there is no browser tab added to the GWT Hosted Mode window
confirming that a browser is connected:

00:00:02,073 [INFO] Launching firefox with MY_URL?

is the last message. Firefox (3.0.4) does receive the requested page
and functions properly.
But there is no GWT logging, and I cannot set breakpoints (using Java

I am pretty sure that depends on the classpath that I use to compile
and than run the project: I tried using only the jars from trunk for
compilation (ant) and running hosted mode (eclipse launch task), but
also mixing 1.7 jars and trunk jars together. Cannot at the moment
strike the right combination.

Thankful for your suggestions,
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Nathan Wells

would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well as
how you are using the FileWriter.

On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
         I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
 should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a text
 area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My problem
 is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
 FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.
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Re: GWT Hosted Mode Schriftgrößen Problem

2009-08-03 Thread Nathan Wells


The best answer is probably to copy the standard.css that you can find
either in the GWT SDK (in eclipse) or in the gwt folder in your war.
After you have copied it, put it into the public folder of your
module and reference it using the regular *.gwt.xml syntax.


PS. Michael's right, this is an English forum. I personally love the
sight of German (I spent a couple years there), but it kind of makes
it hard for everyone else to understand.

On Aug 3, 3:17 am, Michael wrote:
 Hallo Julia,

 erstmal, bitte auf Englisch, sonst versteht Dich hier kaum einer und
 hat auch nichts von evtl. Antworten.

 Which platform, Mac, Windows, Linux?


 On Aug 2, 2:30 pm, Julia_HD wrote:


  ich versuche mich seit einigen Wochen an GWT und bin an sich sehr
  Bisher lief alles und meine Anwendung ist auch soweit fertig, nur habe
  ich heute beim Testen (im Hosted Mode) irgendein Tastaturkürzel
  gedrückt, sodass die Oberfläche komplett vergrößert ist.

  Der Style, den ich im *.css verwalte, ist gleich geblieben, aber
  FlexTable/Grid/ListBoxItems sind alle plötzlich um das 10fache
  vergrößert. Die Farben etc stimmen auch ist nur die
  Anfangs dachte ich, dass ich die Standard Werte ueberschreiben
  muesste, aber das hilft auch nicht...die Wochen zuvor gings auch

  Es kommt mir so vor, als haette ich ausversehen auf irgendwas
  gedrueckt, was eine Art Barrierefreiheit ausloest!?

  Hat vielleicht einer eine Idee? Lieben Dank im Voraus

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Re: How does cooiked be transfered?Where is that cookies be hold when being tranfered to client?

2009-08-03 Thread Nathan Wells

Well there you go!

so, I think we agree that the cookies in the response would be held in
the http response headers then, right?

On Aug 2, 9:16 pm, Alex Luya wrote:
     Actually,we can set cookies into response,try this:
 package com.ts.test.server;

 import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;

 import com.ts.test.client.GreetingService;

  * The server side implementation of the RPC service.
 public class GreetingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements

     public String greetServer(String input)
         String serverInfo = getServletContext().getServerInfo();
         String userAgent = getThreadLocalRequest().getHeader(User-Agent);

         Cookie cookie=new Cookie(ID,1234);
         Cookie[] cookies=getThreadLocalRequest().getCookies();

         Cookie clientCookie=null;

         return Hello,  + input+clientCookie.getValue() + !brbrI
 am running  + serverInfo
                 + .brbrIt looks like you are using:br + userAgent;


 Nathan Wells a écrit :


  1) Use the Cookies class, as in

  2) GWT-RPC has no mechanism for setting Cookies in the response. All
  cookie setting work is done purely client-side. In normal HTTP, you
  have the option of setting cookies in the response, but this is not an
  option in GWT-RPC, AFAIK.

  3) Yes, all cookies are transferred automatically, and they are held
  in the HTTP Request headers.

  On Aug 1, 8:32 pm, Alex Luya wrote:

  1,How to write a cookie into a response object?

  t is easy in JSP-Servelt programming,,but how to do it in RPC-Style

  2,Where is cookies be hold when being tranfered to client?

  In servlet programming,I can write cookies into reponse object,and
  client will receive it and write to text.But question is where this
  object will be held when it  is passing to client,HTTP Header or any
  other places.

  3,Does cookies be passed automaticlly?
  I mean I can get cookies from reques object,so will cookied be passed
  between server and client automaticlly  through HTTP protocol,if so,as
  question 2:where is be held when transfering?

  Thank you in advance.
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Re: Modelling framework

2009-08-03 Thread Nathan Wells


I would simply do it the first way, or (in OO now)

class ConceptualQuestionnaire {
  String title;

class Question {
  String text;

class PossibleAnswer {
  String text;

class PhysicalQuestionnaire {
  User user; //assuming you want to associate a user
  ConceptualQuestionnaire theQuestionList;
  ListRealAnswer answers;

class RealAnswer {
  Question q;
  PossibleAnswer a;

The thing is, there IS a framework for what you are trying to do (i.e.
represent a data structure without being tied to implementation). It's
called Java. If you're looking for the ability to quickly add fields
to customer's data structures, that's dependent on low coupling and
other good programming /techniques/ not a given framework. As far as
persisting the data goes, you can look at Hibernate or JPA, for which
there is much information about integrating with GWT.

I'm sorry if this isn't what you're looking for. Anytime I see someone
with an class that models classes or types or objects in anyway,
I start to think, Hey, Java's already done this for me. If you
really want to go down that route, maybe you should look at
reflection? Though there's very little support for reflection in GWT.

Sorry this is getting so long, but I'm just saying that you face a

A - have a dynamic/meta-data structure or
B - have a domain specific data structure

A - represents huge upfront development and design costs to ensure
future usability in your domain. Also, runtime efficiency will, of
necessity, take a hit, as the processor first tries to understand
the structure, then does the actual processing.
B - more risk of getting too specific, increasing coupling, and making
maintainability/rapidly adjusting to customer's ever-changing
requirements more time consuming. A lot of good OOA/D will go a long
way to getting you out of these messes though.

Anyway, /rant and HTH

On Aug 2, 7:59 pm, Jeff Chimene wrote:
 Hi Kaspar,

 I  found some javascript +XML libraries out there. My issue was that
 none of them really modeled the questionnaire I was asked to build.

 I rolled my own using GWT+XML. It isn't that difficult. Once I had the
 DTD, the survey designer could use that DTD in an XML aware editor to
 create a questionnaire. The other advantage of using XML was that I
 could transform the questionnaire results[1] into HTML via XSLT.

 Please note that I am deliberately using the term questionnaire as
 opposed to survey .The latter assumes amenability to statistical
 evaluation; the questionnaire was not subject to such constraints.


   wedged into the questionnaire via attributes (e.g. score) and
 elements (e.g.  comments)
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Re: Google analytics integration

2009-08-03 Thread Juraj Vitko

That's true, the difference is not that big.

On Aug 3, 1:57 am, Ian Bambury wrote:
 I didn't comment on the *need* to be able to track bookmarks, just the
 Personally, I am not troubled by GA reporting /Home in place of #Home
 and /Widgets/Grid instead of #Widgets/Grid.


 2009/8/2 Juraj Vitko

  Does anything you just wrote invalidate the need of GWT applications
  for tracking individual dynamic pages via Google Analytics, in a way
  that admins don't have to manually correlate real GWT dynamic page
  urls (with hashes), with the pseudo page urls (classic urls) in the
  Google Analytics user interface?

  On Aug 1, 4:50 pm, Ian Bambury wrote:
   GA tracks pages. Ajax sites have only one page therefore you only get one
   Changing the bookmark changes your place on a page, therefore it doesn't
   count as a page-change. Furthermore, the server doesn't get notified of
   bookmark changes (since there is no page request) and therefore doesn't
   a hit. Even more than that, the server doesn't ever get sent the
   so there is no way for it to do *anything* with it even if it *did* get
   notified and could discriminate between
   history token which indicates a hit and't,
   and from a GWT app but isn't being used

   Short of being psychic, there's not a lot GA can do AFAICT


   2009/7/31 Donovan Jimenez

What I'd like to see is analytics support for tracking the history
token in page tracks we submit.

Its annoying to use GWT's history support but then find that Google
Analytics won't let you track dynamic pages of that form. Transforming
the URLs into a form that GA will accept is the workaround, but
without adding extra URL parsing on the server side those links are
not clickable from GA.

I submitted a request to analytics months ago and got no response.
Does anyone else see that as useful?

On Jul 30, 12:06 pm, Carver wrote:
 To use Google Analytics in GWT, we set up a couple methods like this:

         public static native void runGoogleAnalytics() /*-{
         try {
                 $wnd.gaTrack = $wnd._gat._getTracker(UA-XX-X);
         } catch(err) {}
         public static native void runGoogleAnalytics(String pageName)
         try {
         } catch(err) {}

 We call runGoogleAnalytics() in onModuleLoad, and then
 runGoogleAnalytics(/gwt/ministry/of/silly/walks) wherever we want
 track a new page.  I hear that GA Events are the right way to do
 this, but this has gotten us started.

 Note: the setDomainName call is only necessary for us because we use
 the same GA account to track all subdomains on our site.

 Does that help?

 ~Carver memory by putting all your
 email, files and documents in one place
 I'm not being curt, I'm just using

 On Jul 30, 11:25 am, makoki wrote:

  Yes, right, we're trying to track dynamic pages. Otherwise, as
  says, we don't have any problem.
  On 29 jul, 17:22, Juraj Vitko wrote:

   I have not implemented Analytics in GWT yet, but it seems that
   you want to track dynamic pages inside your GWT app, you may
   include the urchin.js script plus the trigger scriptlet (possibly
   wrapped in try { } catch) in you host HTML page.

   On Jul 28, 7:22 pm, makoki wrote:

We had recently discovered a bug in our application that came
be a problem with google analytics integration and liked to
  know if
someone had any idea for a better way to integrate GA with GWT.
been using GA in out GWT application for quite a time (nearly a
without a problem but today we discovered that there's a
IE6 and GA when we browse the application through localhost or
hostname that hasn't a complete domain (i.e. so
our app throughhttp://localhost/myapporhttp://netbiosname/myapp
raises the problem otherwise the integration works seamlesly,
  if we
use the IP or the public domain.
We've been tracking down the problem until we found it was the
_trackEvent(c,v,d,b) method of GA that was causing the problem
found it empirically :P)

Re: how to solve this basic problem in GWT..Pls help

2009-08-03 Thread Chaaru

My Error Trace shows the following error:
[TRACE] The development shell servlet received a request for 'quotes'
in module 'com.packtpub.gwtbook.hellogwt.HelloGWT.gwt.xml'

On Aug 2, 4:55 am, mdwarne wrote:

 Please check  your Error message, and look for the java stack trace.
 With out the stack trace it's hard to locate your error.

 P.S.  in your code:

 I don't see any div or span elements with ID=slot1 I believe the
 code is trying to find an element with an ID of 'slot1' to insert
 your quote into that location on the HTML page.

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Re: how to solve this basic problem in GWT..Pls help

2009-08-03 Thread Chaaru

My Error Trace shows the following error:
[TRACE] The development shell servlet received a request for 'quotes'
in module 'com.packtpub.gwtbook.hellogwt.HelloGWT.gwt.xml'

On Aug 2, 4:55 am, mdwarne wrote:

 Please check  your Error message, and look for the java stack trace.
 With out the stack trace it's hard to locate your error.

 P.S.  in your code:

 I don't see any div or span elements with ID=slot1 I believe the
 code is trying to find an element with an ID of 'slot1' to insert
 your quote into that location on the HTML page.

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Re: GWT Compile Issue

2009-08-03 Thread Rajeev Dayal
GWT Compilation requires that the Java source be available for every type
which is part of a GWT module. You'll need to get the source for the Apache
Commons library and add it to your classpath. I'm sure that all of Apache
Commons is not translatable, but perhaps the parts that you're using (such
as StringUtils) are translatable.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 4:01 PM, gangurg gangurg wrote:

 I have included org.apache.common.lang.StrinUtils  in my Entry Point java
 file . I have included common-lang.jar in my web-app library .The Java
 Compilation goes through . but if i do a GWT compile i get the following

 [ERROR] Line 32: No source code is available for type
 org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; did you forget to inherit a required

 I use Eclipse , GWT plug in .


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Re: Announcing the Google Plugin for Eclipse 1.1.0

2009-08-03 Thread Miguel Méndez
Hi Dean, we do support GWT 1.7 -- it's included in the latest update sites.
 Or did I misunderstand the question?

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Dean S. Jones wrote:

 Thanks to the Google Plugin Team and all involved!!!

 Any idea when you will switch up to GWT 1.7???


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Re: Automated JUnit Tests for GWT

2009-08-03 Thread Jason Parekh
Hey Ben,

You can create a new Run configuration to run your tests.  Open Run  Run
configurations menu item, and double-click on the GWT JUnit Test.  Finally,
configure the created configuration to point to your test cases.


On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:56 AM, Ben2008 wrote:

 Is there anyway to do this with eclipse only?
 I do not want to have too much other stuff that will only complicate
 my project ...
 Best way is possibly to define a compile or build configuration in
 eclipse that will serve my needs.
 IF i click on that GWT compiler, just compile and run my test suite
 thats all i want to have.
 Maybe there is a chance to invoke the testsuite as soon as my server
 starts up ...
 for example if i run in hosted mode, my method xyz will be invoked and
 that method will start up that Junit Tests ...
 But i dont know how to start them manually.

 Thanks for any help mates

 On Aug 1, 7:24 pm, Daniel Wellman wrote:
  Are you using Ant or Maven?
  The Maven plugin (from Codehaus) has documentation on running tests
  For Ant, you'll run your tests using the standard JUnit task, but make
  sure to include your test and project source in the classpath,
  otherwise you'll get errors that code couldn't be found at test
  runtime.  And as you mentioned, you'll need to compile your test code
  first before running the JUnit task.
  On Jul 30, 3:23 pm, Ben2008 wrote:
   Hi folks,
   When developing a large project, a good practice is to integrate the
   running of your test cases with your regular build process. When you
   build manually, such as using ant from the command line or using your
   desktop IDE, this is as simple as just adding the invocation of JUnit
   into your regular build process. When building in a server
   environment, there are a few extra considerations.
   But i did not find any advice on the net how to implement automated
   I use Eclipse 3.4 and Gwt 1.7 and my GreetTestCase works finde for
   Client und Remote Testing.
   How can i add this test to my build process? Like Compiling Project?-
 Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

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Re: logging/debugging issue with oophm and gwt 1.7

2009-08-03 Thread Jason Parekh
Hi Denis,

If you haven't already, could you try running the same scenario without
Eclipse (to reduce the search space for the issue)?


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 6:04 AM, denis56 wrote:

 His again,

 I thought to have gotten oophm to work with gwt 1.7, but it just now
 caught my eye, that when launching the firefoxed oophm from eclipse
 there is no browser tab added to the GWT Hosted Mode window
 confirming that a browser is connected:

 00:00:02,073 [INFO] Launching firefox with MY_URL?

 is the last message. Firefox (3.0.4) does receive the requested page
 and functions properly.
 But there is no GWT logging, and I cannot set breakpoints (using Java

 I am pretty sure that depends on the classpath that I use to compile
 and than run the project: I tried using only the jars from trunk for
 compilation (ant) and running hosted mode (eclipse launch task), but
 also mixing 1.7 jars and trunk jars together. Cannot at the moment
 strike the right combination.

 Thankful for your suggestions,

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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Jason Parekh
In addition to what Nathan requests, is your backend running on App Engine?
They do not support FileWriter.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nathan Wells wrote:

 would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
 work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well as
 how you are using the FileWriter.

 On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
  I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
  should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a text
  area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My problem
  is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
  FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.

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Re: Stockwatcher source code (Java + Eclipse + Datastore)

2009-08-03 Thread John V Denley

In the Eclipse Console, Im getting the following error:

The server is running at http://localhost:8080/
03-Aug-2009 13:34:52 doGet
WARNING: No file found for: /stockwatcher/login

On Aug 3, 9:41 am, John V Denley wrote:
 Does anyone have a full finished and working version of stockwatcher
 built in eclipse?

 Basically the source code for:

 My version of it just doesnt work, and i cant work out 

 in hosted mode it says cant display this website
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Re: Eclipse Plugin WebContent Refresh

2009-08-03 Thread Miguel Méndez
Could you add a feature request for this to ?


On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:58 PM, wrote:

 I am quite successfully using Google Eclipse Plugin for GWT with
 Eclipse J2EE 3.5 (Galileo) release

 Only issue I have is with automatic refresh of WebContent folder.
 Under an Eclipse WTP project the default folder for generating web
 files is WebContent. default for google plugin in war.
 I changed google plugin's default but when compiling Eclipse does not
 seem to refresh the contents of the output folder and thus WTP cannot
 republish the output to running web server. (I had to do it manually
 or semi-automatically using an eclipse external tool configuration
 with ant)

 Is it possible to consider implementing the refresh in future versions
 of google plugin? Plugin works perfectly under eclipse. It is just a
 matter of convenience and easier project maintenance.



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TabBar css rules

2009-08-03 Thread Thamizharasu S

Hi All,

I am using tabBar control to have some tab kind of stuff in my UI. I
want to have my own css rules. how this can be set to tab bar. Because
i need to have various css rule for selected and non-selected tab.

Any idea?

Thamizharasu S
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How to create an UI from Metadata XML file

2009-08-03 Thread Rahul

I am new to gwt and I have a question.

I am working with HL7 files, Health Level 7. Each HL7 files has a
metadata information in an XML file. I want that each of the HL7
fields are converted into an textbox and label in form of a UI in

Is this possible to do ? How should I start with it ?

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Re: File Upload error 404

2009-08-03 Thread Vinz369

Hi Ghita,

I have the same problem as the one you are experimenting.
Did you find a solution?

On Jul 10, 8:44 am, Ghita Benkirane wrote:
 Thanks for the reply, but I'm still getting the same error. any idea what
 could be wrong?

 On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 6:11 PM, ghita wrote:


  I'm a newbie to gwt, I have a simple application that I use to upload
  file to server, but keeps giving the following error. I read that it
  may be because of the mapping of the servlet, here is my web.xml.
  any suggestions?

  h1HTTP Status 404 - /upload_0.2/UploadFileServlet/h1
  hr size=1 noshade=noshadep
  btype/b Status report/ppbmessage/b
   uThe requested resource (/upload_0.2/UploadFileServlet) is not
  hr size=1 noshade=noshadeh3Apache Tomcat/5.5.27/h3




 Ghita Benkirane
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Re: GWT Eclipse plugin Ant integration

2009-08-03 Thread Eric

On Jul 31, 9:15 am, Rajeev Dayal wrote:
 Unfortunately, the plugin does not have a way to generate ant scripts to
 mimic its actions, though this is on our feature list.

 What I would recommend is to use GWTs webAppCreator to generate a sample
 project. A build.xml file will be generated as well, and it will have
 targets for GWT compilation and hosted mode execution. You can adapt this
 script for your specific project.

 Give that a try, and post back here if you run into any problems.


I have looked at the build.xml files provided with the sample
I am glad they now use the java task to run the compiler and not
imitate a shell script.  I assume these were generated by
However, I do suggest that the options webAppCreator provides to
and java be parameterized:

!-- Allow user overrides --
!-- Default property values --
property name=javac.source.level value=1.5/
!-- Repeat for every property. --

javac srcdir=src includes=** encoding=utf-8

I doubt people will need to compile production systems
for debugging, so let them simply change the

Eric Jablow

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Re: Module Inheritance in 1.7

2009-08-03 Thread Ahmed Ashour

Please ignore this quesiton, I seem to be drowsy.

the XML is found in /src/package/
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General Question about Coding

2009-08-03 Thread Rahul

I have a general question about coding.
I am working with XML documents presently and I am not able to
understand what cast to an object does.

for example:

NodeList URLs = (NodeList) root.getChildNodes();

this gives me an error of
[ERROR] Uncaught exception escaped
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to

but when i change the code to URLs = root.getChildNodes();
this works fine

also again
Document xmlDoc = (Document) XMLParser.parse(response.getText());
this gives me an error
but xmlDoc =   XMLParser.parse
does not

can someone explain why does this happen??

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Re: Getting Started on Tomcat server....kinda

2009-08-03 Thread Rajeev Dayal
Prior to GWT 1.5, GWT did not support Java Generics. As a result, GWT
required that the specific type be specified for Collections classes. This
was done via the gwt.typeargs annotation. Now that GWT supports generics,
there is no need to specify the specific type with this annotation - it can
be derived from the generic declaration.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Chris Bailey wrote:

 Thanks, I knew that part. I think THAT error was talking about putting
 inherits name='com.gwtext.GwtExt' / in my project xml file. BUT
 now I'm getting another error:

  Deprecated use of gwt.typeArgs for field attributesAllowed; Please
 use java.util.ArrayListjava.lang.String as the field's type

 On Aug 1, 1:58 am, Saurabh Naik wrote:
  after downloading gwtext there is one jar file named gwtext.jar something
  like that. in eclipse just right click on your project root window go to
  properties there in one of the tabs you will see button named add
  jars . click on that and add the downloaded jar file gwtext.jar.
  On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Chris Bailey wrote:
No source code is available for type
   com.gwtext.client.widgets.Window; did you forget to inherit a required
   On Jul 31, 11:30 am, Rajeev Dayal wrote:
On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Chris Bailey
 OK, my natual language would probably have to be PHP for web
 development, but I really want to work in java and GWT. So I
 Eclipse and installed the gwt plugin but I'm still new with java
 it's envirement. I've been playing around with it but I was hoping
 could get some answers around here.
 1. I compiled the test code to see if it would work on my server.
 I go to the page it asks for login info. after playing around
 apparently it was my root admin/pass (I kinda figured). After that
 loads everythign but if you type into the box to send a name to the
 server it returns an error. I figure it's because of somekind of
 permission thing going on (because of the fact I had to login to
 started). I'm using a VPS and they set tomcat up using Plesk, I'm
 to cPanel so this is also new to me. Anyone have any ideas on what
 should do??
What is the exact error that you're seeing?
 2. For the life of me I can't include any kind of JAR files in my
 projects. Eclipse says something about the cross path. Can someone
 help me plz
Can you tell more about the error you're getting? What is the exact
message that Eclipse is spitting out?
- Hide quoted text -
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- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Sednus

yes, it is runnning on App Engine, if it's not supported is there
anyway to make this happen?

public class CompileServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
ICompileSercvice {

public String compile(String code) {
File file = new File(temp.c);
System.out.println(file created);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new 
On Aug 3, 8:38 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
 In addition to what Nathan requests, is your backend running on App Engine?
 They do not support FileWriter.


 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nathan Wells wrote:

  would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
  work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well as
  how you are using the FileWriter.

  On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
           I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
   should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a text
   area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My problem
   is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
   FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.
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Compilation: Different user.agent settings for different scenarios

2009-08-03 Thread dduck


We use Ant to build our GWT.

We would like to be able to configure a specific system with a
specific user.agent setting for compilation. This way developers only
need to compile for the specific browser they use, but our production
server would compile all permutations.

Is this at all possible?

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Re: GWT Eclipse plugin Ant integration

2009-08-03 Thread Rajeev Dayal
Hey Eric,

That's a reasonable suggestion. Do you mind filing a feature request for
this at ?


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Eric wrote:

 On Jul 31, 9:15 am, Rajeev Dayal wrote:
  Unfortunately, the plugin does not have a way to generate ant scripts to
  mimic its actions, though this is on our feature list.
  What I would recommend is to use GWTs webAppCreator to generate a sample
  project. A build.xml file will be generated as well, and it will have
  targets for GWT compilation and hosted mode execution. You can adapt this
  script for your specific project.
  Give that a try, and post back here if you run into any problems.

 I have looked at the build.xml files provided with the sample
 I am glad they now use the java task to run the compiler and not
 imitate a shell script.  I assume these were generated by
 However, I do suggest that the options webAppCreator provides to
 and java be parameterized:

 !-- Allow user overrides --
 !-- Default property values --
 property name=javac.source.level value=1.5/
 !-- Repeat for every property. --

 javac srcdir=src includes=** encoding=utf-8

 I doubt people will need to compile production systems
 for debugging, so let them simply change the

 Eric Jablow


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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Jason Parekh
No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.  You can
store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that data.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Sednus wrote:

 yes, it is runnning on App Engine, if it's not supported is there
 anyway to make this happen?

 public class CompileServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
 ICompileSercvice {

public String compile(String code) {
File file = new File(temp.c);
System.out.println(file created);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
 On Aug 3, 8:38 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
  In addition to what Nathan requests, is your backend running on App
  They do not support FileWriter.
  On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nathan Wells wrote:
   would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
   work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well as
   how you are using the FileWriter.
   On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a text
area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My problem
is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.

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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Sednus

Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
to accomplish this?

On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
 No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.  You can
 store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that data.

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Sednus wrote:

  yes, it is runnning on App Engine, if it's not supported is there
  anyway to make this happen?

  public class CompileServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
  ICompileSercvice {

         public String compile(String code) {
                         File file = new File(temp.c);
                         System.out.println(file created);
                         BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
  On Aug 3, 8:38 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
   In addition to what Nathan requests, is your backend running on App
   They do not support FileWriter.


   On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nathan Wells wrote:

would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well as
how you are using the FileWriter.

On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
         I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
 should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a text
 area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My problem
 is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
 FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Sednus

Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
to accomplish this?

On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
 No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.  You can
 store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that data.

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Sednus wrote:

  yes, it is runnning on App Engine, if it's not supported is there
  anyway to make this happen?

  public class CompileServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
  ICompileSercvice {

         public String compile(String code) {
                         File file = new File(temp.c);
                         System.out.println(file created);
                         BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
  On Aug 3, 8:38 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
   In addition to what Nathan requests, is your backend running on App
   They do not support FileWriter.


   On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nathan Wells wrote:

would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well as
how you are using the FileWriter.

On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
         I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
 should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a text
 area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My problem
 is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
 FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Sednus

Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
to accomplish this?

On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
 No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.  You can
 store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that data.

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Sednus wrote:

  yes, it is runnning on App Engine, if it's not supported is there
  anyway to make this happen?

  public class CompileServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
  ICompileSercvice {

         public String compile(String code) {
                         File file = new File(temp.c);
                         System.out.println(file created);
                         BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
  On Aug 3, 8:38 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
   In addition to what Nathan requests, is your backend running on App
   They do not support FileWriter.


   On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nathan Wells wrote:

would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well as
how you are using the FileWriter.

On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
         I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
 should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a text
 area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My problem
 is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
 FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Sednus

Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
to accomplish this?

On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
 No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.  You can
 store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that data.

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Sednus wrote:

  yes, it is runnning on App Engine, if it's not supported is there
  anyway to make this happen?

  public class CompileServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
  ICompileSercvice {

         public String compile(String code) {
                         File file = new File(temp.c);
                         System.out.println(file created);
                         BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
  On Aug 3, 8:38 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
   In addition to what Nathan requests, is your backend running on App
   They do not support FileWriter.


   On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nathan Wells wrote:

would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well as
how you are using the FileWriter.

On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
         I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
 should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a text
 area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My problem
 is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
 FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Jason Parekh
Not that I'm aware of (I'm not too familiar with App Engine though, so
hopefully someone else chimes in.)


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus wrote:

 Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
 it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
 to accomplish this?

 On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
  No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.  You
  store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that
  On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Sednus wrote:
   yes, it is runnning on App Engine, if it's not supported is there
   anyway to make this happen?
   public class CompileServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet
   ICompileSercvice {
  public String compile(String code) {
  File file = new File(temp.c);
  System.out.println(file created);
  BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
   On Aug 3, 8:38 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
In addition to what Nathan requests, is your backend running on App
They do not support FileWriter.
On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Nathan Wells
 would you mind posting the code of the class you are trying to make
 work? it would be nice to see the package name and imports, as well
 how you are using the FileWriter.
 On Aug 2, 1:42 am, Sednus wrote:
  I am tring to implement a service using RPC, this service
  should be able to take a string (originally written by user on a
  area) and save it into a text file onto the server side.  My
  is that when I create the FileWriter object Eclipse says that
  FileWriter is not supporteed by gwt.

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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Daniel Jue
Sure, you just have to run it on your own server, running jetty or tomcat,

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus wrote:

 Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
 it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
 to accomplish this?

 On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
  No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.  You
  store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that

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gwt 1.7 app - blank page in ie7, safari

2009-08-03 Thread otismo

My application works fine in hosted mode and web mode for ie8, and
ff3.5.  It shows a blank page for ie7 and safari 3.2.1.  I don't get
any javascript exceptions.  Upgrading from ie7 to ie8 fixed the blank
page which seems to rule out any networking issues.

My application loads and then immediately makes an ajax call to the
server.  When the blank page shows, the ajax call to the server is
never made.

I'm not really sure how to even start debugging.  Could someone give
me a pointer?

I'm developing on Windows XP and Eclipse using GWT 1.7.0.

My compile script looks like this:
@java -Xms128M -Xmx512M -Xss64M -cp %~dp0\src;%~dp0\bin;war\WEB-INF
\lib\core.jar;C:\Program Files\dev_tools\web\gwt\gwt-windows-1.7.0\gwt-
user.jar;C:\Program Files\dev_tools\web\gwt\gwt-windows-1.7.0\gwt-dev-
windows.jar -style obf %*

I am not specifying any user.agent properties in my module.xml file.

Thanks for any help!


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Offline GWT Applications

2009-08-03 Thread Dominic Holt

Greetings all,

I am currently building a GWT application that functions entirely
offline (as in, never connects to the internet to update, sync, what
have you). In a normal web application, you can typically run your
application offline just as well as long as you use an application
server that you have deployed your app in and assuming you have local
network access to the application server.

The problem inherent with GWT is that you must use GWT-RPC in order to
call the server from the client side in order to do interesting
things. Normally this would not be a problem, it would just be a
server call and would make use of the local application server, but
GWT insists on having a connection to the internet to make an RPC call
(and I'm having a hard time understanding why this is a good idea).

At any rate, Google's answer to this problem seems to be to use Gears
to stick everything in a database. I've accomplished reasonable
functionality by creating separate java projects that do interesting
things, which access the Gears SQLite database used by my GWT project.
Essentially the GWT project has to stick things into the database, the
other projects have to read these inputs out of the database, perform
magic with them, and then put them back in the database so that the
GWT project can read them again. Unfortunately, this method is
becoming increasingly cumbersome, especially with the limitations of
SQLite and how you can only update so often without the database
locking. Is there a way to fake an internet connection for GWT so
that GWT-RPC calls will work offline? Is there a better method?

Thanks very much for your time,

Dominic Holt

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contextual search in a ComboBox

2009-08-03 Thread Artem Budnikov

Hi, everybody.

Is there a method to set up contextual search in a ComboBox? (I mean
search not by beginnig of a displayed field but by an arbitrary part
of string) like search in a combobox when it is used with
I cannot use PagingMemoryProxy because I have to change data
dinamically and in this case combobox doesn't show new records.
If it isn't possible could anybody suggest how to make this without a

Thank you.

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Suggest to be able to set null to selectedItem in MenuBar

2009-08-03 Thread Frankel

I am doing a context menu for a site. I extends MenuBar class as my
context menu class. When i close the context menu while one menuItem
is selected, and close and reopen it, i want to see no menuItem is
selected. My implementation is to remove gwt-MenuItem-selected css
style from the selected item when i reopen it. But actually when mouse
over the previously selected menuItem in the reopen menu, the ui
doesn't change. The reason is that GWT will verify if a private
variable called selectedItem is null. If selectedItem is not null,
GWT will consider that one item is selected so that won't call the
change-ui code.

What i want is whether GWT could expose a method named something like
setNoItemSelected to MenuBar class, to make the selectedItem to


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Widget not rendered completely when its appended to DOM dynamically.

2009-08-03 Thread


I am trying to manipulate the DOM based on the response from the
server. After I receive a response from server, I am appending to DOM
a HorizantalPanel that contains a datebox ,a button and a few
textfields. The panel is appended perfectly but the datebox and the
button are not rendered completely meaning datebox appears as a
textfield and would not prompt the calendar when tabbing to it or
focusing on it. Similar is the situation with the Button, the click
handler on the button is never getting executed when clicking the

I am thinking that after the DOM is manipulated to add these widgets,
the widgets have to be re-initialized but I am not sure how can we
achieve this.


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Hosted Mode CSS Refresh

2009-08-03 Thread carpmike

Environment: Windows/IE8 Hosted Mode

I recently upgrade my application to GWT 1.7 and the Codehaus Maven
plugin. Previously when using the GWTShell I was able to make changes
to css files and refresh the hosted browser to see the changes. After
upgrading I decided to use the HostedMode browser instead and now I
don't see css changes when I refresh the page. Is this expected
behavior? I turned on Filemon and I see the css file being retrieved
when I refresh the page, but no change in the  FYI - I am not using
the Maven plugins run goal, I have set this up to run from an
Eclipse run configuration. If someone thinks that might be the
problem, I'm happy to explain further what I have done. TIA!

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GWT internal frames

2009-08-03 Thread Phineas Gage

I would like to create an application that has a series of movable
internal frames. It would be nice if these were not iframes so there
wouldn't need to be a new request to fetch the content for each frame,
so I don't think the Frame class does it for me (plus, those can't be

Is there such a thing in GWT as frames or panels that can be moved
(dragged by the user or moved programmatically) within the browser
window? Resize support isn't necessary in my case, although that would
be nice as well. Basically, I'm thinking of a analog to the Swing
internal frame...

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GWT compilation error with boolean operator

2009-08-03 Thread Thierry Boileau

Hello all,

I get a the following compilation exception:
... 34 more

with the following code:
public boolean isEntityAvailable() {
   return (entity.isAvailable())  (entity.getSize() != 0);

isAvailable() and getSize() are very simple getters that return
simple primitive values respectively a boolean and an int.

I notice also that when using this code, it works:
public boolean isEntityAvailable() {
   boolean result = (getEntity().isAvailable())  (getEntity().getSize
() != 0);
   return result;

Finally, I notice that it works also when the method returns only one
side of the  boolean operation.

I suspect there could be a problem converting  the Boolean class to
the boolean primitive type or vice and versa.
Can somebody tells me why?

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

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Re: How to use Servlet filter in RPC?

2009-08-03 Thread gwtGrady

It would appear you need to allow the request to contiue. Try this:

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse
FilterChain chain) throws IOException,

chain.doFilter(request, response);


On Aug 3, 2:51 am, Alex Luya wrote:
 Can anybody tell me how to use it?I tried,but seemly ,filter
 worked,but servlet does not work,

         public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse
                         FilterChain chain) throws IOException, 

 web.xml configuration


   !-- Servlets --


   !-- Default page to serve --

          !-- FilterDemo --


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Re: gwt 1.7 app - blank page in ie7, safari

2009-08-03 Thread Jason Parekh
Hey Peter,

Not sure if this will help, but could you try clearing the cache in each of
your browsers?  Have you tried viewing the source in IE7 and Safari?


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:05 PM, otismo wrote:

 My application works fine in hosted mode and web mode for ie8, and
 ff3.5.  It shows a blank page for ie7 and safari 3.2.1.  I don't get
 any javascript exceptions.  Upgrading from ie7 to ie8 fixed the blank
 page which seems to rule out any networking issues.

 My application loads and then immediately makes an ajax call to the
 server.  When the blank page shows, the ajax call to the server is
 never made.

 I'm not really sure how to even start debugging.  Could someone give
 me a pointer?

 I'm developing on Windows XP and Eclipse using GWT 1.7.0.

 My compile script looks like this:
 @java -Xms128M -Xmx512M -Xss64M -cp %~dp0\src;%~dp0\bin;war\WEB-INF
 \lib\core.jar;C:\Program Files\dev_tools\web\gwt\gwt-windows-1.7.0\gwt-
 user.jar;C:\Program Files\dev_tools\web\gwt\gwt-windows-1.7.0\gwt-dev-
 windows.jar -style obf %*

 I am not specifying any user.agent properties in my module.xml file.

 Thanks for any help!



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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Sednus

Yes, I was planning to run it on my own server... but how do I make
that while still using GWT? is it possible?

On Aug 3, 11:04 am, Daniel Jue wrote:
 Sure, you just have to run it on your own server, running jetty or tomcat,

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus wrote:

  Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
  it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
  to accomplish this?

  On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
   No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.  You
   store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Daniel Jue
It really has nothing to do with GWT.  You would have a servlet on the
serverside that responds to rpc calls, and the servlet would call some file
writing command.  (in the simplest, non-refactored way).
The file writing part doesn't care where the input came from.
As in logging, you won't be able to guarantee what order the data comes in
when getting RPC calls.  So multiple commands issued quicky may generate
out-of-order text.

This said, since you are asking kind of basic questions...

Are you absolutely sure you want to write a file on the system?
Are you trying to do something unusual?

Most people would use a DB tier because it can handle multiple users and
updates better, and it's easier to have a timestamp tacked onto the message,
where it can be sorted.
Cleaning up the filesystem can be a chore.
Dealing with the filesystem is a chore. File locking? etc.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Sednus wrote:

 Yes, I was planning to run it on my own server... but how do I make
 that while still using GWT? is it possible?

 On Aug 3, 11:04 am, Daniel Jue wrote:
  Sure, you just have to run it on your own server, running jetty or
  On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus wrote:
   Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
   it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
   to accomplish this?
   On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.
store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that

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Re: Changing from Gwt 1.5.3 to 1.7

2009-08-03 Thread mikedshaffer

I'm going to disagree with the last two comments.  Now is exactly the
time to make the changes.  If they are looking at 1.7, they probably
have some amount of issues and bugs that they aren't able to fix
themselves.  We're assuming they don't have a lot of development
resources, maybe they do.  So I would recommend moving to 1.7 (and as
Jeff points out, leave the 1.5 path in place) and test to determine
what does and doesn't work.  Size up the effort.  And then determine
the real answer.  We all have a natural risk adversion to upgrading...
As he originally writes with minor changes so they are at least
reasonable enough to know that a change won't be zero cost.

Just my random thoughts

On Aug 3, 8:31 am, Jeff Chimene wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 11:23 PM, wrote:

  I wouldn't suggest it this late in the game.  Event handling changed
  between 1.5.3 and 1.7, not to mention a bunch of layout fixes that
  you've probably already worked around in various ways.  If your
  release time is very close this kind of change can be hazardous to
  your delivery schedule.  If your are experiencing problems with 1.5.3
  that you know are fixed by 1.7 and are blocking your delivery then of
  course you may not have a choice.  But short of that, I wouldn't do

 +1 on this. Unless you have a developer or two (as opposed to QA
 staff) who can do nothing but regression test your app,  this question
 really has nothing to do w/ GWT. Would you upgrade your C++ compiler
 just before shipping? Would you install a new version of  Windows in
 that same time frame?

 Note however, that it's easily possibile to install 1.7 in its own
 path. It will happily coexist w/ another version. Simply tell your IDE
 to use the 1.7 path instead of the 1.5 path.

  On Aug 1, 1:25 pm, jagadesh wrote:
  HI Guys ,

  We Developed a Application using Gwt 1.5.3 . now our release time is
  very close .
  Is it possible to change the existing code from 1.5.3 to Gwt 1.7 with
  minor changes

  what are the important changes that may take place .

  Can any one give me a suggestion?

  Thank u
  jagadesh.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Google plgin 64 bit support

2009-08-03 Thread Max

Does google plugin support 64bit? What could course that problem?

I created project and Run as - Web Application

Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/user/
linux-1.7.0/ /home/user/my/tools/eclipse/plugins/
linux-1.7.0/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
(Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
at java.lang.System.load(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.clinit(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.clinit(
Could not find the main class:  Program
will exit.

Cheers, Max
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Re: Offline GWT Applications

2009-08-03 Thread John V Denley

Great Question, Im doing a similar thing, but Im using the App Engine,
but at present I cant get the datastore access to work, Ive been stuck
on that for 3 days now, and I only wanted to do that so that I could
move on to testing gears outhowever it looks like that might be a
waste of time anyway! Thanks for the heads up and saving me some
time... Still want to get the datastore thing working though, thats
reallly frustrating me!

On Aug 3, 4:18 pm, Dominic Holt wrote:
 Greetings all,

 I am currently building a GWT application that functions entirely
 offline (as in, never connects to the internet to update, sync, what
 have you). In a normal web application, you can typically run your
 application offline just as well as long as you use an application
 server that you have deployed your app in and assuming you have local
 network access to the application server.

 The problem inherent with GWT is that you must use GWT-RPC in order to
 call the server from the client side in order to do interesting
 things. Normally this would not be a problem, it would just be a
 server call and would make use of the local application server, but
 GWT insists on having a connection to the internet to make an RPC call
 (and I'm having a hard time understanding why this is a good idea).

 At any rate, Google's answer to this problem seems to be to use Gears
 to stick everything in a database. I've accomplished reasonable
 functionality by creating separate java projects that do interesting
 things, which access the Gears SQLite database used by my GWT project.
 Essentially the GWT project has to stick things into the database, the
 other projects have to read these inputs out of the database, perform
 magic with them, and then put them back in the database so that the
 GWT project can read them again. Unfortunately, this method is
 becoming increasingly cumbersome, especially with the limitations of
 SQLite and how you can only update so often without the database
 locking. Is there a way to fake an internet connection for GWT so
 that GWT-RPC calls will work offline? Is there a better method?

 Thanks very much for your time,

 Dominic Holt
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Sednus

Well, I am trying to make an interface so that students can write
their code on the web and I can compile it and run it in a computer
cluster( Parallel Programs)... For them to see the how they work...
but I've never worked woth stuff like this :s I am really noobie , but
yes I need to create the file so to compile it and run it, yes its
something unususal and i don't know what a DB tier is :(

On Aug 3, 11:38 am, Daniel Jue wrote:
 It really has nothing to do with GWT.  You would have a servlet on the
 serverside that responds to rpc calls, and the servlet would call some file
 writing command.  (in the simplest, non-refactored way).
 The file writing part doesn't care where the input came from.
 As in logging, you won't be able to guarantee what order the data comes in
 when getting RPC calls.  So multiple commands issued quicky may generate
 out-of-order text.

 This said, since you are asking kind of basic questions...

 Are you absolutely sure you want to write a file on the system?
 Are you trying to do something unusual?

 Most people would use a DB tier because it can handle multiple users and
 updates better, and it's easier to have a timestamp tacked onto the message,
 where it can be sorted.
 Cleaning up the filesystem can be a chore.
 Dealing with the filesystem is a chore. File locking? etc.

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Sednus wrote:

  Yes, I was planning to run it on my own server... but how do I make
  that while still using GWT? is it possible?

  On Aug 3, 11:04 am, Daniel Jue wrote:
   Sure, you just have to run it on your own server, running jetty or

   On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus wrote:

Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
to accomplish this?

On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
 No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.
 store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to that
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Re: gwt 1.7 app - blank page in ie7, safari

2009-08-03 Thread otismo

Thanks for the response, Jason.  Yup, I've tried clearing the cache in
both browsers -- no help.

Looking at the source in both browsers shows my html host page code.
Looking at the DOM though shows that my UI widget never gets added to
the DOM for ie7 and safari.  The DOM shows the iframe but no ui div
element.  On the functioning browsers, ff3.5 and ie8, the DOM shows me
the iframe and the div for my ui element.  So it looks like adding my
widget to the RootPanel doesn't work for ie7 and safari.

My host page looks like this:
link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css type=text/css
script language='javascript'

and I add my widget like this:

I tried adding a div to my host page and then adding my UI widget to
that div, but that didn't work either:
div id=ui/div

Any other ideas?
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Re: Offline GWT Applications

2009-08-03 Thread Jeff Chimene

On 08/03/2009 08:18 AM, Dominic Holt wrote:
 Greetings all,
 I am currently building a GWT application that functions entirely
 offline (as in, never connects to the internet to update, sync, what
 have you). In a normal web application, you can typically run your
 application offline just as well as long as you use an application
 server that you have deployed your app in and assuming you have local
 network access to the application server.
 The problem inherent with GWT is that you must use GWT-RPC in order to
 call the server from the client side in order to do interesting
 things. Normally this would not be a problem, it would just be a
 server call and would make use of the local application server, but
 GWT insists on having a connection to the internet to make an RPC call
 (and I'm having a hard time understanding why this is a good idea).

So you're saying that a Java app that listens on won't
handle a GWT RPC call? I've never tried it, so I'm just asking...

GWT uses the browser's XMLHTTPRequest object.

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Re: Google plgin 64 bit support

2009-08-03 Thread Max

Thanks Jason,

I will try to install 32bit java
sudo apt-get install ia32-sun-java6-bin

On Aug 3, 8:02 pm, Jason Parekh wrote:
 The Google Plugin does support 64-bit, but right now GWT still requires a
 32-bit JRE.

 What you can do is go to your launch configuration (Run - Run
 configurations, and find the Web Application launch config) and update its
 JRE to a 32-bit version.


 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Max wrote:

  Does google plugin support 64bit? What could course that problem?

  I created project and Run as - Web Application

  Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/user/
  linux-1.7.0/ /home/user/my/tools/eclipse/plugins/
  linux-1.7.0/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
  (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
         at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
         at java.lang.System.load(
         at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
         at org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.clinit(
         at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
         at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.clinit(
  Could not find the main class:  Program
  will exit.

  Cheers, Max
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Re: Hosted Mode CSS Refresh

2009-08-03 Thread ping

I think this started to happen from 1.6. you will need to restart the
application in order to see the changes in css. I didn't use Chodehaus
Maven plugin and still have this problem.

On Aug 3, 10:07 pm, carpmike wrote:
 Environment: Windows/IE8 Hosted Mode

 I recently upgrade my application to GWT 1.7 and the Codehaus Maven
 plugin. Previously when using the GWTShell I was able to make changes
 to css files and refresh the hosted browser to see the changes. After
 upgrading I decided to use the HostedMode browser instead and now I
 don't see css changes when I refresh the page. Is this expected
 behavior? I turned on Filemon and I see the css file being retrieved
 when I refresh the page, but no change in the  FYI - I am not using
 the Maven plugins run goal, I have set this up to run from an
 Eclipse run configuration. If someone thinks that might be the
 problem, I'm happy to explain further what I have done. TIA!
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Re: Offline GWT Applications

2009-08-03 Thread Dominic Holt

 So you're saying that a Java app that listens on won't
 handle a GWT RPC call? I've never tried it, so I'm just asking...

 GWT uses the browser's XMLHTTPRequest object

No, not without an internet connection
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Re: gwt 1.7 app - blank page in ie7, safari

2009-08-03 Thread Jason Parekh
Is your nocache.js file in the same directory as your HTML?  I believe so
since it works on some of the browsers, but just wanted to make sure since
the default layout places this into a module-specific directory.

Sorry, I'm not familiar enough with GWT to give you better support.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 1:07 PM, otismo wrote:

 Thanks for the response, Jason.  Yup, I've tried clearing the cache in
 both browsers -- no help.

 Looking at the source in both browsers shows my html host page code.
 Looking at the DOM though shows that my UI widget never gets added to
 the DOM for ie7 and safari.  The DOM shows the iframe but no ui div
 element.  On the functioning browsers, ff3.5 and ie8, the DOM shows me
 the iframe and the div for my ui element.  So it looks like adding my
 widget to the RootPanel doesn't work for ie7 and safari.

 My host page looks like this:
 link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css type=text/css
 script language='javascript'

 and I add my widget like this:

 I tried adding a div to my host page and then adding my UI widget to
 that div, but that didn't work either:
 div id=ui/div

 Any other ideas?

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Re: fileupload: ensuring the same file being uploaded

2009-08-03 Thread Trevis

This book as a chapter which holds your hand through file upload in
GWT with Apache Commons:

The book is a tad out of date but still helpful.

Here's an online example using apache but you'll still need the stuff
to create the form on the client side to initiate the upload from
gwt.  I'm sure that there is an example online, but i'll leave that
googling to you.

On Aug 3, 1:12 am, Vinz369 wrote:
 Hi twittwit,
 And thanks for your reply.
 What I want is quite simple. I want to be able to place a button in my
 UI. When he user clicks on this button he can retrieve a file on his
 machine and clicking another button it will upload it to the server
 hosting the website.
 I tried with fileupload from gwt, gwt-ext, and others but I usually
 get the error that my server code is not found when I click on the
 upload button.
 Would it be possible to know step by step how should I proceed?

 On Aug 2, 10:09 pm, twittwit wrote:

  if you mean common fileupload. it should be at the server.
  nope for web.xml. and nope for project.gwt.xml -- since you putting
  common fileupload to the server.
  try to be more clear ini what u want? and where is the problem.

  On Jul 21, 4:13 pm, Vinz369 wrote:

   Hello twittwit and others,

   I've been trying to implement fileuploadfor days in my application.
   It may looks stupid but I really don't understand how it works.
   I have few questions:
   - If I want to use the same code as twittwit where should I place it?
   in my client folder or server folder? should I add something else in
   my web.xml and project.gwt.xml files?

   I'm completely lost, please help me!

   On Jul 18, 10:15 am, twittwit wrote:

perfect! thanks Manuel!
common-fileupload is great!
On Jul 18, 8:51 am, Manuel Carrasco

 filename = item.getName();

 On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:27 AM, twittwit wrote:

  ok thank you. i found the answer:

  public class MyFormHandler extends HttpServlet{
     public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, 
  response)  throws ServletException, IOException {
         ServletFileUploadupload= new ServletFileUpload();

             FileItemIterator iter =upload.getItemIterator(request);

             while (iter.hasNext()) {
                 FileItemStream item =;

                 String name = item.getFieldName();
                 InputStream stream = item.openStream();

                 // Process the input stream
                 FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream
                 //ByteArrayOutputStream out = new 
                 int len;
                 byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                 while ((len =, 0, buffer.length)) 
  = -1) {
                     out.write(buffer, 0, len);

         catch(Exception e){



  however, how can i extract the name of the csv file(client side) so
  that the csv file in my server can have the same name?

  On Jul 18, 12:19 am, Manuel Carrasco
   In the dialog between the browser and the server, the client 
   sends a
   multipart/form-data request and there is more information besides 
   content, like form elements values, boundary tags, etc.

   I recommend you to use apache commons-fileupload library to handle
   multipart/form-data request in your servlets.

   On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 11:44 PM, imgnik 

hi all,

i posted a question about fileupload here
but i think i didn't phrase my question correctly. so gonna do 

I tried to use agwtfileupload widget to send a csv file to the
server. and at the server i will write it as a file (for other 
it by doing : (where request is the httpservletrequest and bw 
is the

 BufferedReader r = request.getReader();
         while((thisread= r.readLine())!=null){


         catch(Exception e1){}

however, i realised that the csv file send out contains :

data; name=uploadFormElement; 

Re: gwt 1.7 app - blank page in ie7, safari

2009-08-03 Thread Jason Parekh
Hey Peter,

Could you try changing your script tag to include the attribute:

link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css type=text/css
script *type=text/javascript* language='javascript'

If this works, give thanks to Rajeev for pointing this out :)


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 1:07 PM, otismo wrote:

 Thanks for the response, Jason.  Yup, I've tried clearing the cache in
 both browsers -- no help.

 Looking at the source in both browsers shows my html host page code.
 Looking at the DOM though shows that my UI widget never gets added to
 the DOM for ie7 and safari.  The DOM shows the iframe but no ui div
 element.  On the functioning browsers, ff3.5 and ie8, the DOM shows me
 the iframe and the div for my ui element.  So it looks like adding my
 widget to the RootPanel doesn't work for ie7 and safari.

 My host page looks like this:
 link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css type=text/css
 script language='javascript'

 and I add my widget like this:

 I tried adding a div to my host page and then adding my UI widget to
 that div, but that didn't work either:
 div id=ui/div

 Any other ideas?

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Trouble scrolling a GWT Frame (IFrame) form the parent window

2009-08-03 Thread Nick

I'm trying to scroll a GWT Frame that contains external content.

final Frame f = new Frame(;

First i tried using Element method:


f.getElement().setAttribute(scrollTop, 100px);

I tried using JSNI:


public static native void scrollIt(Element frame, int px) /*-{;

I have searches for both javaScript and GWT solutions.  I know its
possible to scroll an iframe from the parent window as seen in this
java script example:

Any help will be appreciated greatly! Thanks!
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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Trevis

I dont think that you're looking at your problem right.  For starters
GWT and AppEngine are to totally separate and unrelated things. If you
don't intend to host on AppEngine you probably dont need to develop
with it.

Using RPC's to add lines of text to a file sounds like a really bad
idea. Like everyone else is saying, use a DB.  AppEngine should make
persisting the info to a DB about as simple as it gets. (if you want
to use it)

When you're ready to pull down the user entered code to compile it you
can use an admin GWT page (or a simple servlet) that you would create
to read the text from the DB, and send it down to you so that it can
be compiled.  If you wrote the retrieving component as a servlet then
you could set the page content type to plain/text and write the text
directly to the response which would give you a file save dialog when
you try to retrieve it.

Just my quick though to solving the problem, ymmv.

On Aug 3, 12:04 pm, Sednus wrote:
 Well, I am trying to make an interface so that students can write
 their code on the web and I can compile it and run it in a computer
 cluster( Parallel Programs)... For them to see the how they work...
 but I've never worked woth stuff like this :s I am really noobie , but
 yes I need to create the file so to compile it and run it, yes its
 something unususal and i don't know what a DB tier is :(

 On Aug 3, 11:38 am, Daniel Jue wrote:

  It really has nothing to do with GWT.  You would have a servlet on the
  serverside that responds to rpc calls, and the servlet would call some file
  writing command.  (in the simplest, non-refactored way).
  The file writing part doesn't care where the input came from.
  As in logging, you won't be able to guarantee what order the data comes in
  when getting RPC calls.  So multiple commands issued quicky may generate
  out-of-order text.

  This said, since you are asking kind of basic questions...

  Are you absolutely sure you want to write a file on the system?
  Are you trying to do something unusual?

  Most people would use a DB tier because it can handle multiple users and
  updates better, and it's easier to have a timestamp tacked onto the message,
  where it can be sorted.
  Cleaning up the filesystem can be a chore.
  Dealing with the filesystem is a chore. File locking? etc.

  On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Sednus wrote:

   Yes, I was planning to run it on my own server... but how do I make
   that while still using GWT? is it possible?

   On Aug 3, 11:04 am, Daniel Jue wrote:
Sure, you just have to run it on your own server, running jetty or

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus wrote:

 Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write on
 it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther way
 to accomplish this?

 On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
  No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App Engine.
  store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers to 
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Re: Hosted Mode CSS Refresh

2009-08-03 Thread carpmike

Ugh - that bites. Am I missing something - do people normally do css
work outside hosted mode (i figured that was one of the reasons for
OOPHM - so I can use firebug in hosted mode to have a really
productive environment)?

On Aug 3, 1:59 pm, ping wrote:
 I think this started to happen from 1.6. you will need to restart the
 application in order to see the changes in css. I didn't use Chodehaus
 Maven plugin and still have this problem.

 On Aug 3, 10:07 pm, carpmike wrote:

  Environment: Windows/IE8 Hosted Mode

  I recently upgrade my application to GWT 1.7 and the Codehaus Maven
  plugin. Previously when using the GWTShell I was able to make changes
  to css files and refresh the hosted browser to see the changes. After
  upgrading I decided to use the HostedMode browser instead and now I
  don't see css changes when I refresh the page. Is this expected
  behavior? I turned on Filemon and I see the css file being retrieved
  when I refresh the page, but no change in the  FYI - I am not using
  the Maven plugins run goal, I have set this up to run from an
  Eclipse run configuration. If someone thinks that might be the
  problem, I'm happy to explain further what I have done. TIA!
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Re: Offline GWT Applications

2009-08-03 Thread Jeff Chimene

On 08/03/2009 11:00 AM, Dominic Holt wrote:
 So you're saying that a Java app that listens on won't
 handle a GWT RPC call? I've never tried it, so I'm just asking...

 GWT uses the browser's XMLHTTPRequest object
 No, not without an internet connection

Well, I generally test my applications in GWT noserver mode using a URL
that resembles the following:

I use a specific port so that multiple applications can co-exist on this
box. Each port maps to a web root. Apache listens on these several
ports, directing requests to the appropriate directory based on the port.

The server responds to XMLHTTPRequests from GWT. I use Perl to handle to
provide database and XSLT support operations among other things.

No internet connection required for testing XMLHTTPRequests.

Perhaps I misunderstand what you're asking.

Bueno suerte,

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Re: Hosted Mode CSS Refresh

2009-08-03 Thread Ian Bambury
I'm using 1.7 and have had no problem since 1.4, maybe before, and maybe
before that it was my fault :-)
My CSS files are linked to in the HTML (this is because I need the
flexibility to select themes if the user is logged in and wants to be
remembered) and I'm using the noserver option because my clients need to use
PHP. Refresh, and it turns up, and did do before I went to noserver.

It's one of the real perks to be able to compile and then change the css and
test in all browsers without a recompile, though.


2009/8/3 carpmike

 Ugh - that bites. Am I missing something - do people normally do css
 work outside hosted mode (i figured that was one of the reasons for
 OOPHM - so I can use firebug in hosted mode to have a really
 productive environment)?

 On Aug 3, 1:59 pm, ping wrote:
  I think this started to happen from 1.6. you will need to restart the
  application in order to see the changes in css. I didn't use Chodehaus
  Maven plugin and still have this problem.
  On Aug 3, 10:07 pm, carpmike wrote:
   Environment: Windows/IE8 Hosted Mode
   I recently upgrade my application to GWT 1.7 and the Codehaus Maven
   plugin. Previously when using the GWTShell I was able to make changes
   to css files and refresh the hosted browser to see the changes. After
   upgrading I decided to use the HostedMode browser instead and now I
   don't see css changes when I refresh the page. Is this expected
   behavior? I turned on Filemon and I see the css file being retrieved
   when I refresh the page, but no change in the  FYI - I am not using
   the Maven plugins run goal, I have set this up to run from an
   Eclipse run configuration. If someone thinks that might be the
   problem, I'm happy to explain further what I have done. TIA!

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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Daniel Jue
Thinking more on this particular app, I think you've hit the nail on the

While I don't know all the requirements,  I would say you would split this
into a few pieces:
A console/service app that gets text from somewhere and runs it.
(The somewhere could be directly from a DB if you can contact it, or through
a servlet request or email.)

A GWT web app that records the user entries to a DB.
You don't even really *need* GWT's async abilities since you probably aren't
trying to do real time compiling on each line, etc.
Just a big text box with a submit button on the bottom.

A DB structured to hold a user's text data.  It would need all the meta data
necessary to recreate it as a file (name, timestamp, etc) and also support

Back at the university, we would email our jar'd source to an automated
account, and then it would scan the source for plagarism, compile it, the
run dozens of tests and record the output.
Then we'd get the results mailed back to us.  Not sure if the plagarism scan
was done on the source or on the bytecode, but that's another note of a
different song.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Trevis wrote:

 I dont think that you're looking at your problem right.  For starters
 GWT and AppEngine are to totally separate and unrelated things. If you
 don't intend to host on AppEngine you probably dont need to develop
 with it.

 Using RPC's to add lines of text to a file sounds like a really bad
 idea. Like everyone else is saying, use a DB.  AppEngine should make
 persisting the info to a DB about as simple as it gets. (if you want
 to use it)

 When you're ready to pull down the user entered code to compile it you
 can use an admin GWT page (or a simple servlet) that you would create
 to read the text from the DB, and send it down to you so that it can
 be compiled.  If you wrote the retrieving component as a servlet then
 you could set the page content type to plain/text and write the text
 directly to the response which would give you a file save dialog when
 you try to retrieve it.

 Just my quick though to solving the problem, ymmv.

 On Aug 3, 12:04 pm, Sednus wrote:
  Well, I am trying to make an interface so that students can write
  their code on the web and I can compile it and run it in a computer
  cluster( Parallel Programs)... For them to see the how they work...
  but I've never worked woth stuff like this :s I am really noobie , but
  yes I need to create the file so to compile it and run it, yes its
  something unususal and i don't know what a DB tier is :(
  On Aug 3, 11:38 am, Daniel Jue wrote:
   It really has nothing to do with GWT.  You would have a servlet on the
   serverside that responds to rpc calls, and the servlet would call some
   writing command.  (in the simplest, non-refactored way).
   The file writing part doesn't care where the input came from.
   As in logging, you won't be able to guarantee what order the data comes
   when getting RPC calls.  So multiple commands issued quicky may
   out-of-order text.
   This said, since you are asking kind of basic questions...
   Are you absolutely sure you want to write a file on the system?
   Are you trying to do something unusual?
   Most people would use a DB tier because it can handle multiple users
   updates better, and it's easier to have a timestamp tacked onto the
   where it can be sorted.
   Cleaning up the filesystem can be a chore.
   Dealing with the filesystem is a chore. File locking? etc.
   On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Sednus wrote:
Yes, I was planning to run it on my own server... but how do I make
that while still using GWT? is it possible?
On Aug 3, 11:04 am, Daniel Jue wrote:
 Sure, you just have to run it on your own server, running jetty or
 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus wrote:
  Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write
  it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther
  to accomplish this?
  On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
   No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App
   store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers
 to that

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Re: Upgrade to GWT 1.7.0

2009-08-03 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi ninads,
The first thing that springs to mind is conflicting JARs from 1.6.4 and
1.7.0, especially if you were able to run hosted mode without problems on
1.6.4. Can you double-check to make sure that you've updated your JARs to
1.7.0 (both for your project classpath and your hosted mode launch
configuration classpath) an try to launch again?

If that doesn't work, try following the upgrade path describes in the GWT
1.7.0 upgrade guide (link below):

GWT 1.7.0 Upgrade guide:
that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:26 AM, ninads wrote:


 I am presently using GWT 1.6.4 for my projects in Eclipse (Ganymede),
 platform being Linux. I have tried to upgrade to GWT 1.7.0. Trying to
 run the code in hosted mode gives me the following error:

 ** Unable to find a usable Mozilla install **
 You may specify one in mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, see comments in
 the file for details.

 I have tried everything but was unable to solve this problem. Can you
 please help me as soon as possible.
 Thanks in advance.

 Best Regards,


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Re: Problem creating a RPC Service

2009-08-03 Thread Sednus

Thanks a lot guys, I'll give it a try.

On Aug 3, 1:40 pm, Daniel Jue wrote:
 Thinking more on this particular app, I think you've hit the nail on the

 While I don't know all the requirements,  I would say you would split this
 into a few pieces:
 A console/service app that gets text from somewhere and runs it.
 (The somewhere could be directly from a DB if you can contact it, or through
 a servlet request or email.)

 A GWT web app that records the user entries to a DB.
 You don't even really *need* GWT's async abilities since you probably aren't
 trying to do real time compiling on each line, etc.
 Just a big text box with a submit button on the bottom.

 A DB structured to hold a user's text data.  It would need all the meta data
 necessary to recreate it as a file (name, timestamp, etc) and also support

 Back at the university, we would email our jar'd source to an automated
 account, and then it would scan the source for plagarism, compile it, the
 run dozens of tests and record the output.
 Then we'd get the results mailed back to us.  Not sure if the plagarism scan
 was done on the source or on the bytecode, but that's another note of a
 different song.

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Trevis wrote:

  I dont think that you're looking at your problem right.  For starters
  GWT and AppEngine are to totally separate and unrelated things. If you
  don't intend to host on AppEngine you probably dont need to develop
  with it.

  Using RPC's to add lines of text to a file sounds like a really bad
  idea. Like everyone else is saying, use a DB.  AppEngine should make
  persisting the info to a DB about as simple as it gets. (if you want
  to use it)

  When you're ready to pull down the user entered code to compile it you
  can use an admin GWT page (or a simple servlet) that you would create
  to read the text from the DB, and send it down to you so that it can
  be compiled.  If you wrote the retrieving component as a servlet then
  you could set the page content type to plain/text and write the text
  directly to the response which would give you a file save dialog when
  you try to retrieve it.

  Just my quick though to solving the problem, ymmv.

  On Aug 3, 12:04 pm, Sednus wrote:
   Well, I am trying to make an interface so that students can write
   their code on the web and I can compile it and run it in a computer
   cluster( Parallel Programs)... For them to see the how they work...
   but I've never worked woth stuff like this :s I am really noobie , but
   yes I need to create the file so to compile it and run it, yes its
   something unususal and i don't know what a DB tier is :(

   On Aug 3, 11:38 am, Daniel Jue wrote:

It really has nothing to do with GWT.  You would have a servlet on the
serverside that responds to rpc calls, and the servlet would call some
writing command.  (in the simplest, non-refactored way).
The file writing part doesn't care where the input came from.
As in logging, you won't be able to guarantee what order the data comes
when getting RPC calls.  So multiple commands issued quicky may
out-of-order text.

This said, since you are asking kind of basic questions...

Are you absolutely sure you want to write a file on the system?
Are you trying to do something unusual?

Most people would use a DB tier because it can handle multiple users
updates better, and it's easier to have a timestamp tacked onto the
where it can be sorted.
Cleaning up the filesystem can be a chore.
Dealing with the filesystem is a chore. File locking? etc.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Sednus wrote:

 Yes, I was planning to run it on my own server... but how do I make
 that while still using GWT? is it possible?

 On Aug 3, 11:04 am, Daniel Jue wrote:
  Sure, you just have to run it on your own server, running jetty or

  On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sednus wrote:

   Well, I really need to create a file on the server side and write
   it whatever the user types on a text area is there any onther
   to accomplish this?

   On Aug 3, 10:30 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
No, unfortunately you don't have file system access on App
store data in databases, but you won't have any file handlers
  to that
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Building an XML document with namespaces

2009-08-03 Thread Rahul

I can create XML documents without namespace, but any idea how to
create XML documents with namespaces??

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Re: Upgrade to GWT 1.7.0

2009-08-03 Thread Miguel Méndez
Also, are you using the Google Plugin for Eclipse?  That would also impact
how we go about triaging the issue.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Sumit Chandel sumitchan...@google.comwrote:

 Hi ninads,
 The first thing that springs to mind is conflicting JARs from 1.6.4 and
 1.7.0, especially if you were able to run hosted mode without problems on
 1.6.4. Can you double-check to make sure that you've updated your JARs to
 1.7.0 (both for your project classpath and your hosted mode launch
 configuration classpath) an try to launch again?

 If that doesn't work, try following the upgrade path describes in the GWT
 1.7.0 upgrade guide (link below):

 GWT 1.7.0 Upgrade guide:
 that helps,
 -Sumit Chandel

 On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:26 AM, ninads ninadshringarp...@gmail.comwrote:


 I am presently using GWT 1.6.4 for my projects in Eclipse (Ganymede),
 platform being Linux. I have tried to upgrade to GWT 1.7.0. Trying to
 run the code in hosted mode gives me the following error:

 ** Unable to find a usable Mozilla install **
 You may specify one in mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, see comments in
 the file for details.

 I have tried everything but was unable to solve this problem. Can you
 please help me as soon as possible.
 Thanks in advance.

 Best Regards,



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Re: gwt 1.7 app - blank page in ie7, safari

2009-08-03 Thread otismo

It wasn't a syntax issue.  It was a coding problem.  I'm using various
client-side datastores (i.e. localstorage, userdata, whatwg, etc.).
The datastores behave differently on store and load and were
triggering different code paths.  I've got it fixed.

Thanks for your help!

On Aug 3, 11:11 am, Jason Parekh wrote:
 Hey Peter,

 Could you try changing your script tag to include the attribute:

 link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css type=text/css
 script *type=text/javascript* language='javascript'

 If this works, give thanks to Rajeev for pointing this out :)


 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 1:07 PM, otismo wrote:

  Thanks for the response, Jason.  Yup, I've tried clearing the cache in
  both browsers -- no help.

  Looking at the source in both browsers shows my html host page code.
  Looking at the DOM though shows that my UI widget never gets added to
  the DOM for ie7 and safari.  The DOM shows the iframe but no ui div
  element.  On the functioning browsers, ff3.5 and ie8, the DOM shows me
  the iframe and the div for my ui element.  So it looks like adding my
  widget to the RootPanel doesn't work for ie7 and safari.

  My host page looks like this:
  link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css type=text/css
  script language='javascript'

  and I add my widget like this:

  I tried adding a div to my host page and then adding my UI widget to
  that div, but that didn't work either:
  div id=ui/div

  Any other ideas?
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New GWT Event wizard for plugin

2009-08-03 Thread Isaac Truett

I was creating a new event in the GWT 1.6 style today when it struck
me that a good deal of the code was standard boilerplate. This seems
like an easy win for the plugin. It would make new events easier to
create, encouraging developers to make new custom events and reduce
coupling. So, I opened up issue 3914 and I encourage anyone who likes
this idea to go and star it to show your support.


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Re: Deploy and Re-deploy

2009-08-03 Thread Isaac Truett

I never consider it good practice to patch a deployed web
application. Do you really need to deploy only the files that have
changed? You should an automated build process that you can run again
and get a new .war file with the updated patch included. Then you
deploy that file and you're done.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:02 AM, wrote:


 Well, I am curious in deploying a GWT based application.

 I went through couple of deployment posts and little bit of searching
 in internet, I do understand there are several ways in deploying a GWT
 application. The simplest could be generating the .war file and
 uploading it to webapp directory of the application server (Ex:

 What I am not able to understand or rather figure out, how do I deploy
 a fix or a patch. It could be server side or client side. I couldn't
 get any information on this.

 The scenario is this. I deployed my current stable version of the
 application. Then I fixed few bugs here and there and now I need to
 deploy only those which are undergone a change.

 Any suggestions on the above

 Thank You

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Re: Widget not rendered completely when its appended to DOM dynamically.

2009-08-03 Thread Isaac Truett

I would guess that you're using a String representation of the widgets
instead of the widgets themselves. Could you post the code where you
add your HorizontalPanel?

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 9:42 AM, wrote:


 I am trying to manipulate the DOM based on the response from the
 server. After I receive a response from server, I am appending to DOM
 a HorizantalPanel that contains a datebox ,a button and a few
 textfields. The panel is appended perfectly but the datebox and the
 button are not rendered completely meaning datebox appears as a
 textfield and would not prompt the calendar when tabbing to it or
 focusing on it. Similar is the situation with the Button, the click
 handler on the button is never getting executed when clicking the

 I am thinking that after the DOM is manipulated to add these widgets,
 the widgets have to be re-initialized but I am not sure how can we
 achieve this.



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Re: contextual search in a ComboBox

2009-08-03 Thread Isaac Truett

Sounds like you're using a third party library, since neither of the
classes you mentioned appear in GWT itself. Perhaps the library has
its own forum that would be better equipped to help you?

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:59 AM, Artem wrote:

 Hi, everybody.

 Is there a method to set up contextual search in a ComboBox? (I mean
 search not by beginnig of a displayed field but by an arbitrary part
 of string) like search in a combobox when it is used with
 I cannot use PagingMemoryProxy because I have to change data
 dinamically and in this case combobox doesn't show new records.
 If it isn't possible could anybody suggest how to make this without a

 Thank you.


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Re: GWT Incubator project

2009-08-03 Thread jay

I started putting together a description, but then realized it's along
the lines of we subclassed these 3 classes, overrode those 5
methods... which really isn't that helpful.

I'll try over the next week or so to extract what we've done into
something that may reasonably help you out.


On Jul 31, 11:21 am, Norman Maurer wrote:
 Hi Jay,

 I would be really interested in adding drag-n-drop to my
 PagingScrollTable. Do you have some sample code to show you did this


 2009/7/31 jay

  We're also using the PagingScrollTable in production. For the most
  part it's been great. We've restyled things, and added support for
  drag-n-drop of the columns.

  The one issue we've run into (which I have not yet solved) is
  programmatically setting the values in all the cells of a column can
  be quite slow in IE. (Sorry, I cannot quantify right now, other than
  to's slooowww.) [Please note: I don't know if this is
  inherent in the table itself, or the way we're setting the values.]


  On Jul 30, 8:17 pm, Zheren wrote:
  Joe, thanks for your experiences. From the demo in the incubator
  project now, it seems like the PagingScrollTable is really powerful.


  On Jul 30, 9:22 pm, Joe Cole wrote:

   We have been using the ScrollTable in production for a over a year.
   Things we have had to implement on our own (not sure if this stuff is
   covered in the current drops):
    - sorting using comparators
    - tablemodel interface (supporting paging)
    - storing of current sorting indices to original row indices.
    - We built our own paging mechanism, but if doing it again would
   probably use the incubators
    - On window resize recalculate columns.

   It works really well though, no complaints here.

   On Jul 31, 12:09 pm, Ben wrote:

Is there anyone using GWT incubator project in production? The
PagiongScrollTable looks pretty interesting to me. But not sure if
this incubator project is fine for production as GWT itself. If anyone
has experiences, could you share your experiences?
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Re: problem with rpc calls

2009-08-03 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi gerry,
The most likely cause for this problem is that your hosted mode launch
configuration is referring to the old GWTShell instead of the new HostedMode
class to start hosted mode. You should double-check that the launch config
includes the GWT 1.7.0 JARs on the classpath and uses as the main class instead of

Let us know if that solves the issue.

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 8:51 AM, gerry wrote:

 Hello all,
 I can't workaround this problem for days, and I have read the
 documentation and the getting started example and searched this forum
 but I still can't find a solution.

 When I try to run my application in hosted mode i get this:
 Cannot find resource 'something' in the public path of module

 And on the development shell:
 [TRACE] The development shell servlet received a request for
 'something' in module 'queryinterface.gwt.xml'
 [WARN] Resource not found: something; (could a file be missing from
 the public path or a servlet tag misconfigured in module
 queryinterface.gwt.xml ?)

 My web.xml file looks like this:
 web-app version=2.4 xmlns=;
  !-- Servlets --



 on the server side, the service is:
 package com.diplomatiki.mypackage.client;

 import .;

 public interface MyService extends RemoteService {

public String myMethod(String s);
public String myMethod2 (String Prefixes, String query) ;

 and my module .gwt.xml file is:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 standalone=no?module rename-

!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff.  --

!-- Inherit the GWTExt Toolkit library configuration.--
inherits name=com.gwtext.GwtExt/

!-- Specify the app entry point class.   --

!--servlet path=/something
 class=com.diplomatiki.mypackage.server.MyServiceImpl/ --

stylesheet src=js/ext/resources/css/ext-all.css/
script src=js/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js/
script src=js/ext/ext-all.js/


 But when I add the line
 servlet path=/something
 class=com.diplomatiki.mypackage.server.MyServiceImpl/ on the
 module, everything works fine
 But why do I have to do this, since I have istalled gwt 1.7.0? I
 created the project on eclipse as a dynamic web project and I also
 used the gwt-ext library.

 Please help, I can't think of anything.

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Accessing context param's in GWT RPC Servlets?

2009-08-03 Thread Joshua Lambert


I have some basic information stored in our web.xml, primarily config
related settings like database connection information.  I would
ideally like to read this in during the constructor of the
RemoteServiceServlet, however I am generating exceptions when I try to
do so.  (I am using getInitParam())

Does anyone have any hints?  Is this not supported?  I did some
searching and found an old document on this, but it seemed to imply
patching the gwt jar file.  I'd rather not do this...

Thanks for any help.

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Re: Creating and Importing GWT Independent Modules

2009-08-03 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Lucas,
You can follow the steps below to package an existing module, say module A
defined in project A, that you want to reuse in another project, say project
B that defines module B which itself defines an entrypoint class.

1) Create / move all the GWT code that you want to reuse in project A.

2) Create / update the module XML file for module A in the normal way,
except you no longer need to define an entry point class.

3) Create a JAR for project A (project-a.jar), which should include 1) GWT
source code that you want to reuse from the project, 2) The module XML file,
3) Any other public resources referenced by the module XML file,  4) The
binary .class files for any server-side code that you want to reuse

4) Add the project-a.jar file to the project B classpath, as well as any
other launch configurations related to project B (typically hosted mode and
compile configurations).

5) Reference the module A xml file from the module B xml file (e.g.
inherits /). Note that since the module
A xml file should already include the inherits / inherits tag, you shouldn't need to add
that reference again to the module B xml file.

You should be ready to go. Give those instructions a try and let us know if
you managed to package and reuse your module.

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Lucas Neves Martins snown...@gmail.comwrote:


 Can anybody give a step-by-step ?

 On 29 jul, 10:49, Nuno wrote:
  you dont need to do much thing for this...
  just create your gwt library project, you dont need to define any
  after, just click with your right button on your project, then export,
  select java package
  after you only need to import
  this jar on the other project you want to use it, and on the module
  xml make reference to the xml of the library.
  you can find an example on my blog.
  On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Lucas Neves Martins 
   I looked it up all over the internet, but I only found this link :
   I need to create a .jar with gwt views (those .java in the client
   package) and then import it to other gwt project, much like they do
   with the SmartGwt api.
   How they did the SmartGwt api? Where is the Docs/Tutorial/Whitepapers
   on how to create and export GWT modules?
   I follow the instructions on this link above, but it just doesn't
   work, when I try to compile it, I get an error telling me that the
   compiler couldn't find the class I am using, even the class is on the /
   lib dir, and in my buildpath, and in the .xml with a declared inherit.
   Does anybody know how do I do that?
  Quer aprender a programar? acompanhe:
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Re: Widget not rendered completely when its appended to DOM dynamically.

2009-08-03 Thread

// this is where i am dynamically adding the horizontalpanel element
to the DOM.
public void editMode(Player player) { child = DOM.getElementById
(view_player_panel_+player.getId().toString()); parent = 
HorizontalPanel newChild = prepareEditPanel(player);
DOM.removeChild(parent, child);
DOM.appendChild(parent, newChild.getElement());
// this is where i construct the horizontal panel which is called from
the above method
protected HorizontalPanel prepareEditPanel(Player player){
HorizontalPanel playerPanel = new HorizontalPanel();

DateBox dateOfBirth = new DateBox();
dateOfBirth.setValue(new Date());
dateOfBirth.setFormat(new DateBox.DefaultFormat
td = DOM.getParent(dateOfBirth.getElement());

Button saveButton = getSaveButton(player.getId());
td = DOM.getParent(saveButton.getElement());

return playerPanel;


On Aug 3, 4:05 pm, Isaac Truett wrote:
 I would guess that you're using a String representation of the widgets
 instead of the widgets themselves. Could you post the code where you
 add your HorizontalPanel?

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 9:42 AM, wrote:


  I am trying to manipulate the DOM based on the response from the
  server. After I receive a response from server, I am appending to DOM
  a HorizantalPanel that contains a datebox ,a button and a few
  textfields. The panel is appended perfectly but the datebox and the
  button are not rendered completely meaning datebox appears as a
  textfield and would not prompt the calendar when tabbing to it or
  focusing on it. Similar is the situation with the Button, the click
  handler on the button is never getting executed when clicking the

  I am thinking that after the DOM is manipulated to add these widgets,
  the widgets have to be re-initialized but I am not sure how can we
  achieve this.

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gwtSetup is not executed

2009-08-03 Thread Art

By overriding the gwtSetup method (http://google-web-
summary.html), I tried to do prep before each test execution. However,
gwtSetup has never been executed before test execution.
I feel strange that I could not to find any discussion about such
simple issue anywhere. Is this happening only me?

Here's the simple test case as an example:
package com.appspot.inetools.newsfetcher.client;


 * GWT JUnit tests must extend GWTTestCase.
public class ValidaterExecuterTest extends GWTTestCase {

   * Must refer to a valid module that sources this class.
  public String getModuleName() {
return com.appspot.inetools.newsfetcher.NewsFetcher;

  protected boolean gwtSetupFlag = false;
  protected void gwtSetup() throws Exception {
  gwtSetupFlag = true;
  //fail( gwtSetup has been called);

   * Add as many tests as you like.
  public void testSimple() {
assertTrue( gwtSetupFlag);


I launch that test by ValidaterExecuterTest-hosted.launch file on
Eclipse (Galileo or Ganymede).
Expected it to pass, but it fails.

Environment info:
x86 XP SP 3
(Repro on Ganymede too)
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
Framework arguments:  -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product
Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -product
GWT 1.7.0
JUnit3: plugins\org.junit_3.8.2.v20090203-1005\junit.jar

I have been currently working around by putting initialization method
at the beginning of each tests. It's tedious. I like to avoid it. If
someone can provide any info about this issue, I highly appreciate it.


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Re: Accessing context param's in GWT RPC Servlets?

2009-08-03 Thread Kamal Chandana Mettananda

You must not use the constructor, try using the init(ServletConfig) method
of a Servlet when you are trying to access init params.




On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Joshua Lambert joshua.lamb...@gmail.comwrote:


 I have some basic information stored in our web.xml, primarily config
 related settings like database connection information.  I would
 ideally like to read this in during the constructor of the
 RemoteServiceServlet, however I am generating exceptions when I try to
 do so.  (I am using getInitParam())

 Does anyone have any hints?  Is this not supported?  I did some
 searching and found an old document on this, but it seemed to imply
 patching the gwt jar file.  I'd rather not do this...

 Thanks for any help.


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uibinder in svn repository?

2009-08-03 Thread asianCoolz

is uibinder already included inside gwt core svn repository ?
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-~--~~~~--~~--~--~--- and broken history

2009-08-03 Thread Bryan

The javadoc for frame says Note that if you are using History, any
browser history items generated by the Frame will interleave with your
application's history.

Really?  It just breaks it and that's it?  Are there any suggested
workarounds?  This is a huge problem for sites that serve up ads in
iframes and it seems like there's got to be some way to not end up
with 4 history tokens per 'page' when you have one 'page' and 3 ads on

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What is difference between ChangeHandler and ValueChangeHandler in TextBox?

2009-08-03 Thread Alex Luya

I tried to  test,but no difference has be found.

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Re: Accessing context param's in GWT RPC Servlets?

2009-08-03 Thread Joshua Lambert

Thanks, I was using that in my HttpServlet based servlets but did not
realize that the GWT RPC servlets also called this.

On Aug 3, 10:28 pm, Kamal Chandana Mettananda

 You must not use the constructor, try using the init(ServletConfig) method
 of a Servlet when you are trying to access init params.




 On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Joshua Lambert 


  I have some basic information stored in our web.xml, primarily config
  related settings like database connection information.  I would
  ideally like to read this in during the constructor of the
  RemoteServiceServlet, however I am generating exceptions when I try to
  do so.  (I am using getInitParam())

  Does anyone have any hints?  Is this not supported?  I did some
  searching and found an old document on this, but it seemed to imply
  patching the gwt jar file.  I'd rather not do this...

  Thanks for any help.
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Re: how to write file to server using rpc?

2009-08-03 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Sednus,
It's hard to tell from your first post what you would like to do exactly.
I'm guessing that you would like to implement a file upload feature, where
users can upload files to your server and you can write them on the
server-side. If this is what you're trying to do, you may find the
FileUpload widget useful. More particularly, you may find the recently
announced GWTUpload project nice as it includes GWT components to make file
upload easier.

GWTUpload project:

FileUpload widget:

On the other hand, if you would simply like to write a file on the server
(that isn't uploaded from the browser client), you should note that file
writing  on the server should only occur on the server-side. You should be
able to perform File I/O in your GWT RPC servlet from within one of the RPC
methods you've defined in your interface.

Conversely, you shouldn't try to perform File I/O in your GWT client-side
code as this code will be cross-compiled and run in the browser as
JavaScript code, where file access is not available.

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Norman Maurer wrote:


 just checkout the formpanel.


 2009/7/31 Sednus
   I need help I am new using GWT and I want to write a text file to
  the server but i can't find a writer supported by this JRE... Can
  anybody help?


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Re: RichTextToolbar Question

2009-08-03 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Sean,
You may want to keep an eye on Issue #3042 (link below). You're not the
first to be stumble upon the lack of a toolbar within GWT itself after
dropping the RichTextArea in your project. I've bumped up the priority on
Issue #3042 to make sure it's on the radar for a future release.

Issue #3042:

-Sumit Chandel

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Sean wrote:

 Ah, thank you. I forgot all the examples are in the GWT source code.
 This thing is pretty sweet, I'm surprised it's not part of the normal

 Thank you,


 On Jul 31, 9:23 am, Imran wrote:
  This class is not part of the API. Instead, it was created in the demo to
  show you what can be done. Download the code for the demo and copy the
  from there.
  On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Sean wrote:
   So, I am looking at the GWT Showcase and at:
   They have this amazing Toolbar. I look at the source code and they
RichTextArea area = new RichTextArea();
area.setSize(100%, 14em);
RichTextToolbar toolbar = new RichTextToolbar(area);
   Problem is, I can't find RichTextToolbar in GWT. Eclipse can't include
   it and I can't find it in the javadocs. Are they using something that
   isn't in language yet?

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