GWT cannot display Chinese Words or JAPANESE words correctly

2009-08-27 Thread Shadowsong

GWT cannot display Chinese Words or JAPANESE words correctly.I edit
the CSS files but it still can not display Chinese words or Japanese
words correctly.
It's only can displayer English.
sorry for my English.Can somebody help me.

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Re: Issues Debugging GWT apps

2009-08-27 Thread

Thanks. I did find some information related to debugging not working
in eclipse with JDK version 1.6.14.

I have some lame questions:
- I did not manually install JDK. I installed eclipse 3.5 and the
google plugin.
  So, what is the default version of JDK that eclipse uses.
- How do i change this?
  Going to Windows->Preferences0>Java->Compiler, i can only change the
compiler compliance level to 1.5, 1.6 etc...
  I am assuming this is not the right thing!!

On Aug 28, 12:53 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> On 27 août, 18:40, "" 
> wrote:
> > S/W versions:
> > - Google Plugin -> 1.1.0
> > - GWT SDK -> 1.7.0
> > - Eclipse -> 3.5
> > When i register a break point, it gets registered properly.
> > I can go to the Debug Perspective and my breakpoint shows up in the
> > Breakpoints list.
> > (I can also see the small blue dot.)
> > However, the Debugger never halts on the breakpoint.
> > Execution just runs past it.
> Could it be related to 
> this?
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Re: Issues Debugging GWT apps

2009-08-27 Thread

Thanks, the settings are present as you mentioned.
Initially, i had breakpoints at variable declarations in the
thinking, it might be a problem (although should not be), i moved the
to regular statements and if conditions.

Something strange happened yesterday.
While i was editing the code with the Hosted mode running,
suddenly breakpoints were hit. Or rather, due to a bug,
the debugger broke into the code.
For that particular instance, breakpoints worked.

Unfortunately, when i restarted the Hosted mode,
i was back to the original problem

On Aug 28, 12:24 am, mikedshaffer  wrote:
> Maybe not the greatest amount of help, but look into your Debug
> Configurations first.  Click the down arrow next to the debug "bug"
> icon, and second from the bottom should be "Debug Configurations..."
> You should have a Web Application configuration (make sure it has the
> blue Google G) in the tree on the left.  You should have a leaf under
> that labeled "GWTTestProject" or what ever you named your project.
> Click that to reveal the configuration (Eclipse sometimes takes you
> right here, so the previous couple of steps might be unnecessary).  On
> the first tab you should have a reference to your project.  And the
> "run built in server" box should be checked and is probably set for
> port 8080 (at least that's how mine is).  Unless I'm really on a deep
> fishing expedition, I don't look any further on the remaining tabs
> (And I'm doing this from memory on the bus on my phone).  I was just
> using my set up to run the test project not 20 minutes ago and it was
> breaking right on sendNameToServer.  I did think of one other thing,
> make sure you set your break point on an executable line of code, not
> the method declaration line but like the first line in the method.
> Eclipse is funny that way
> On Aug 27, 10:40 am, "" 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am new to GWT and eclipse (I have done some Java programming in the
> > past - long time back though :)).
> > I am running into an issue regarding debugging.
> > S/W versions:
> > - Google Plugin -> 1.1.0
> > - GWT SDK -> 1.7.0
> > - Eclipse -> 3.5
> > When i register a break point, it gets registered properly.
> > I can go to the Debug Perspective and my breakpoint shows up in the
> > Breakpoints list.
> > (I can also see the small blue dot.)
> > However, the Debugger never halts on the breakpoint.
> > Execution just runs past it.
> > I have tried launching the debug mode in various ways.
> > - Thru the "bug like" shortcut in the tool bar
> > - Right Click on Package -> Debug As -> Web Application
> > - Right Click *.gwt.xml -> Debug As -> Web Application
> > I am playing with the default application created when you create a
> > new project (Web Application Starter Project).
> > and i have tried setting breakpoints in onModuleLoad and
> > sendNameToServer.
> > I have also written the sample StockWatcher app. Unable to debug it as
> > well.
> > Any tips would be appreciated.
> > Regards,
> > Divya
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how to determine when StackPanel index changes?

2009-08-27 Thread Phineas Gage

When using a StackPanel, is there any way to listen for when the
selected index of the StackPanel changes?

I see that it can be retrieved with getSelectedIndex() and set with
showStack(index), but there is no apparent way to be called when
someone clicks to set the current index. I'd like to do this so that I
can set a history token and restore the StackPanel to its original
state when the back button is pressed or an external link is used...

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Re: gwt 1.6 eclipse plugin

2009-08-27 Thread philipmac


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Performance issues in GWT application

2009-08-27 Thread Ganesh

Hi All

I am facing performance issues in my GWT application. My scenario is
as explained below:

My GWT application is deployed on a JBoss server which is running on a
machine with static IP say with port 8080. Now when I
access my application using this IP & port, speed of my application is
very good and all is running very well. Now I want to setup a named
proxy server say for accessing my application. For
this, I made an account on and created a mapping of my
named server to my static IP with port 80. On port 80 on my static
server, I setup an Apache server. In Apache server's config file, I
forward my all requests to JBoss server running on same machine. Now
using this setup, I am able to access my application using link

But now the performance issues started. Request which is sent to
server from my application, starts taking too much time. A blank (no
data is being sent b/w server & client and no processing is being done
on server) request which takes 450 ms if access application through
static IP, takes 1400 ms when application is accessed using

Below is the code which I use to send request to my server:

_MyServiceAsync myServiceAsync = (_MyServiceAsync) GWT.create
ServiceDefTarget endpoint = (ServiceDefTarget) myServiceAsync;
String moduleRelativeURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "MyService";

The problem which seems to be is because all my requests are going to and than to my server and that's why they are taking a
lot of time. A solution which I thought was replacing
GWT.getModuleBaseURL() with my static IP in moduleRelativeURL for
sending direct request, but that didn't work because of cross domain
AJAX call restriction.

I request if someone can help me how can I achieve performance without
telling exact IP (it is also difficult to remember an IP) to my
clients on which my application is running. Any suggestion/help will
be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Ganesh Bansal
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Re: Hosted mode hanging 4 out of 10times

2009-08-27 Thread Ian Bambury
I don't think you'll find it there Rahul, That was only really a suggestion
for next time :-)
It sounds like a strange problem, but if you can provide some code, that at
least means that other people can have a play - sometimes it happens that
the code people provide works OK for other people - it all helps to pin it
down though.


2009/8/27 Rahul 

> Hi Ian,
> I did try to cut out the call tired to find it out, but i was not
> successful in getting the answer whats causing the problem
> Sorry for my ignorance but i did not knew anything about the issue
> tracker. I would look at issue tracker first and if i am not able to
> get solution to that problem ill paste my code here.
> On Aug 27, 5:29 pm, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> > Hi Rahul,
> > Why don't you cut out the call and find out?
> >
> > :-)
> >
> > It's very hard to answer questions like this when there is no code to
> look
> > at.
> >
> > There are no blindingly desperate problems with GWT that I know of that
> do
> > this. Since the server side is not anything to do with GWT, then that is
> > very probably not a GWT problem (although connecting to the server might
> > be).
> >
> > In this kind of situation, I'd say that the first stop is the issue
> tracker.
> > Pretty much everything major has been picked up and even when there is a
> new
> > release, the chances are that someone else will find it before you do
> > (unless you are the most up-to-date, active and comprehensive user of GWT
> > out of the 20,000 of us here - I'm not, so I check the issue tracker).
> >
> > Coming up with a simple example to demonstrate your problem is the next
> > step. If you take a copy of your problem project and cut it down step by
> > step will a) mean you end up with a good, reproducible example of the
> > problem. But if your experience is anything like mine, you'll cut out one
> > bit which can't possibly cause the problem and discover that the problem
> > goes away. And then you have a Peter Glaze 'Doh!' moment (don't worry if
> you
> > didn't get that 'Peter Glaze' reference reference, I'd be surprised if
> > anyone does). Anyway, you might well look at a bit of code that you
> hadn't
> > considered before.
> >
> > If you *do* get it down to a 10-50-line example, then you definitely have
> a
> > problem, but then it is one that we can all reproduce and play about
> with.
> >
> > So ... I don't have an answer for you, but if you can come up with a demo
> of
> > it, I'll have a look.
> >
> > There used to be a problem like this where clicking on the screen allowed
> > the app to continue (something to do with multiple css files if I
> remember
> > correctly) but I'm sure that was fixed in about 1.3.
> >
> > Just my 2p worth.
> >
> > Ian
> >
> >
> >
> > 2009/8/27 Rahul 
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > This is been happening a lot lately with me.
> > > Whenever i am running the hosted mode, the hosted mode just hangs 4
> > > out of 10 times. At the left end of window, it shows that "Connecting
> > > to site"
> > > and if i just close it and start it again the application works or it
> > > just says the same message again as above. After a few tries it starts
> > > working.
> > > This never happens when i am running on IE. Also my application
> > > connects to sqlserver2005, is tht wht is causing this problem?
> >

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Re: PlaceManager etc

2009-08-27 Thread Dave Pinn

I've learned a lot from looking at the Hupa code; thanks very much for

+1 on the call for more information about PlaceManager. Or maybe some
more comments in the code? ;-)

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GWT google maps, determine the balloon is hidden after user drag the map

2009-08-27 Thread zinkronz network
hello all,

i need help. how can i know the balloon is hidden after user drag the map to
another location? i want to re center the balloon if the balloon is not
visible after user drag map to another location.



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Fwd: Unusual and Creative Slippers

2009-08-27 Thread sathya vikram
 Unusual and Creative
24th, 2009 | Inspiration  |

[image: 14 Unusual and Creative Slippers]

Collection of unusual and creative *slippers* that will allow you to walk
around your house in style.

Bedside Rug Slippers

Cool bedside rug with porthole cut outs for your matching slippers.

[image: Bedside Rug Slippers]
LED Slippers

These creative night slippers allow you to easily move around dark areas
without turning on any lights.

[image: LED Slippers]
SPA Slippers

Unique slippers designed by Ondřej Václavík for Imperial SPA Hotel.

[image: SPA Slippers]
Fish Slippers

These creative slippers were a part of Tolnaftate cream ad campaign.

[image: Fish Slippers]
Water Slippers

With a squish of your heel, water sucks into the duck, and another squish
ejects the water in a stream of fun.

[image: Water Slippers]
Killer Rabbit Slippers

Monty Python Killer Rabbit slippers from ThinkGeek.

[image: Killer Rabbit Slippers]
Grass Slippers

Take a walk in the grass wherever you are in these creative slippers.

[image: Grass Slippers]
Sushi Slippers

Handmade sushi slippers make a cool gift for anyone who loves sushi.

[image: Sushi Slippers]
Rat Slippers

Unique slippers created for Tolnaftate cream advertisement campaign.

[image: Rat Slippers]
South Park Slippers

OMG they killed Kenny and made slippers out of him!

[image: South Park Slippers]
Mat Walk Slippers

Creative bathmat with build in slippers, great for keeping your feet clean
and warm after a luxurious bath.

[image: Mat Walk Slippers]
Futuristic Slippers

These futuristic slippers are made from soft molded rubber that promises to
stick to your feet even while you are chasing after a bus.

[image: Futuristic Slippers]
Homer Simpson Slippers

Adorable Homer slippers. Your foot fits inside Homer's mouth.
img ]

[image: Homer Simpson Slippers]
Cleaning Slippers

Now you can dust your floors by simply walking across them.

[image: Cleaning Slippers]


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Re: shop in gwt

2009-08-27 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi jamer,
GWT is a great toolkit for building somewhat large-scale Ajax applications.
I imagine that a virtual store would fit into that category, so seeing if
GWT is a good fit for your project is probably a good idea. You can see
examples of applications that were built with GWT in the GWT Gallery (link

GWT Gallery:

The number of pages that compose your application as well as what each page
represents and does is completely up to you. The advantage of using Ajax
techniques to build your web application is faster response time by avoiding
full-page fetches for each user action, and therefore keeping the number of
pages to a minimum and simply updating the page through JavaScript code that
manipulates the DOM. That said, you should probably try to keep the number
of individual pages to a minimum and use GWT to create and bring up various
display panels for the sake of a better user experience.

You can also use GWT for specific widgets in an existing page, but you're
not going to get as much benefit in such a scenario, and might be better off
using a JavaScript library that provides only that widget that you need or
want. If the widget you want to add to your page is somewhat complex, then
GWT can be a good option to implement it.

I recommend checking out some of the online samples and their source code
(in the samples directory in your GWT distribution). That should give you a
good idea of what GWT development looks like and how you can start building
your own application using the toolkit.

Showcase sample application (see source in distribution):

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:59 AM, jamer  wrote:

> Hi group
> I would like to make a virtual store and have some questions
> Is it a good idea to do it all in GWT?
> Do I believe all as a single page or several?
> Do I believe in another programming language and use GWT for only
> specific widget?
> How can I do that when you click each option to load a module in the
> middle of the page?
> Thank you!!
> >

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Re: Build error of compile GWT Source Code

2009-08-27 Thread cobra


Thank you for your help, now I can build the GWT src!!!
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Re: 求助,无法在eclipse3.5中导入samples里的项目

2009-08-27 Thread Ian Bambury
Hi Ian,
It *is* an English language forum. But I agree with you that there hasn't
been a problem so far (I'm guessing that is your thought too).

There are other GWT forums for different languages albeit with very few

Given that this is an English language forum, I don't think it is too much
to ask that people try English first. If I went to a Japanese forum and
bombed it with English posts it wouldn't seem unreasonable to be asked to
try Japanese first.

Not that one thread is a bombing, however.

People who subscribe here must have some grasp of English (how much use
would all these messages be if you didn't?) so a basic summary of why the
rest of the post is in some other language doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
Nicknames on the other and should (IMNSHO) be allowed in any alphabet - you
shouldn't have to change it every time you post to a different language

I've been here since 2006 and there have only been a few messages in other
languages and this has been the first time there has been a comment. I think
if we all shut up, it will all fade away.

That said, I'm now going to click 'Send' ;-)


2009/8/27 Ian Petersen 

> 2009/8/27 Sumit Chandel :
> > However, I have updated the
> > GWT Discussion Group Charter to reflect a language policy of posting in
> > English first, and then resorting to native language if that fails. This
> > should at least make it so that the message subjects for initial posts
> are
> > in English. Hopefully this will lead to keeping the group maximally
> useful,
> > both for English and non-English speakers.
> >
> I think that's an unfortunate change that, in my eyes, contradicts the
> goal of keeping the forum friendly.
> I'm not really an active member of this community anymore, so I'm not
> going to belabour this point, I just felt I should raise the issue
> rather than letting it slide.
> Ian
> >

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Re: GWT on IPod Touch - Page Rendering Hangs

2009-08-27 Thread Tim Martens

Yes, after upgrading to version 3.0, the problem only occurs when I
use a DeferredCommand.

On Aug 27, 1:38 pm, mdwarne  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have no way to test, but have you tried using a DeferredCommand?
> Deferred commands should run after the current event has finished
> processing.
> So hopefully everything is idle at this time, so maybe no race
> condition can happen?
> Mike.
> On Aug 27, 7:44 am, Tim Martens  wrote:
> > It boils down to a race condition between the content being updated
> > and keystrokes in the TextBox.  If they happen at the same time,
> > rendering freezes.  The only way I can prevent this from happening is
> > to block the javascript event loop while I build/update the content.
> > Which is obviously not a solution.  This is a show stopper for us
> > using GWT on the IPod Touch/IPhone.
> > On Aug 25, 11:27 am, Tim Martens  wrote:
> > > I'm working on a small GWT web app to run on my IPod Touch (version:
> > > 2.2.1 (5H11)).  The problem is that rendering of the page hangs when I
> > > type into a TextBox and update a Label at the same time.  Below is
> > > some sample code that reproduces the issue:
> > > public class IPodKillTest extends VerticalPanel implements
> > > KeyUpHandler
> > > {
> > >         private Label label = new Label("0");
> > >         private TextBox box = new TextBox();
> > >         public IPhoneKillTest()
> > >         {
> > >                 box.addKeyUpHandler(this);
> > >                 this.add(box);
> > >                 this.add(label);
> > >         }
> > >         public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event)
> > >         {
> > >                 label.setText(box.getText());
> > >         }
> > > }
> > > When I entered text using the IPod's keyboard fast enough, the whole
> > > page goes white and I have to reload the page.  Am I doing something
> > > wrong?  Is there anything I can do to work around this issue?  Any
> > > help is appreciated.
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Re: GWT on IPod Touch - Page Rendering Hangs

2009-08-27 Thread Tim Martens

On Aug 27, 3:55 pm, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> On 27 août, 19:44, Tim Martens  wrote:
> > It boils down to a race condition between the content being updated
> > and keystrokes in the TextBox.  If they happen at the same time,
> > rendering freezes.  The only way I can prevent this from happening is
> > to block the javascript event loop while I build/update the content.
> > Which is obviously not a solution.  This is a show stopper for us
> > using GWT on the IPod Touch/IPhone.
> Is it at least a GWT issue? (re issue 3988 [1])
> Did you try a similar pure-JS code?
> Will it kill the iPhone?
> var box = document.getElementById("box");
> var label = document.getElementById("label");
> box.onkeyup = function() {
>    label.innerText = box.value;};

I had to modify the code slightly, but it works fine on my IPhone.

Will it kill the iPhone?


var box = document.getElementById("box");
var label = document.getElementById("label");
box.onkeyup = function() {
   label.innerHTML = box.value;

I also tried setting a timeout to mimic the DeferredCommand I was

setTimeout('label.innerHTML = box.value',250);

Can't get the pure JS to crash the IPhone.  Seems to me that it is a
GWT issue...

> If it doesn't blow-up, try again wrapping everything in a  (to
> simulate the VerticalPanel) in case their would a problem with the
>  (you could then replace it with, say a FlowPanel in GWT);

Tried using FlowPanels.  Didn't seem to make a difference

> otherwise, it's definitely an iPhone (safari mobile) bug, not a GWT
> bug.
> What surprises me is that I tried a GWT app with SuggestBox on an
> iPhone and didn't have a problem (maybe I didn't type fast enough to
> trigger the issue), and suggestbox also updates the DOM while text is
> being typed in...
> [1]
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Migrating from GWTCompiler to Compiler

2009-08-27 Thread Daniele De Gregorio

When i compile a gwt ( with smartgwt ) project i got this warning
//"WARNING: '' is deprecated and will be
removed in a future release.
Use '' instead."//

I try to modify "build-gwt.xml" file changing in "post compile"
element the className of compiler as indicted in the warning.
So the structure of that file wasn't well formed for this new
compiler. Then i got several Error messages when i try to compile
with this new class (

Can anybody indicate me where can i find some kind of tutorial or tips
on this argument???

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Re: JUnit testing RPCServlet without client

2009-08-27 Thread Joe Cole

On the server side it's good practice to move all your code from the
servlet to another injected implementation:

class MyRPCService extends RemoteService implements IMyRPCService {

@Inject MyRPCServiceHandler handler;

public boolean yourRequest(String yourParams){
 // do auth
 return handler.yourRequest(yourParams);

That way you are able to test outside of the servlet container.


On Aug 28, 6:27 am, Gary S  wrote:
> I want to test a RemoteService, its Async and an RPCServlet with an
> ordinary TestCase that calls the Servlet. Is there an example of how
> to do this?
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Re: Hosted mode hanging 4 out of 10times

2009-08-27 Thread Rahul

Hi Ian,
I did try to cut out the call tired to find it out, but i was not
successful in getting the answer whats causing the problem

Sorry for my ignorance but i did not knew anything about the issue
tracker. I would look at issue tracker first and if i am not able to
get solution to that problem ill paste my code here.

On Aug 27, 5:29 pm, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> Hi Rahul,
> Why don't you cut out the call and find out?
> :-)
> It's very hard to answer questions like this when there is no code to look
> at.
> There are no blindingly desperate problems with GWT that I know of that do
> this. Since the server side is not anything to do with GWT, then that is
> very probably not a GWT problem (although connecting to the server might
> be).
> In this kind of situation, I'd say that the first stop is the issue tracker.
> Pretty much everything major has been picked up and even when there is a new
> release, the chances are that someone else will find it before you do
> (unless you are the most up-to-date, active and comprehensive user of GWT
> out of the 20,000 of us here - I'm not, so I check the issue tracker).
> Coming up with a simple example to demonstrate your problem is the next
> step. If you take a copy of your problem project and cut it down step by
> step will a) mean you end up with a good, reproducible example of the
> problem. But if your experience is anything like mine, you'll cut out one
> bit which can't possibly cause the problem and discover that the problem
> goes away. And then you have a Peter Glaze 'Doh!' moment (don't worry if you
> didn't get that 'Peter Glaze' reference reference, I'd be surprised if
> anyone does). Anyway, you might well look at a bit of code that you hadn't
> considered before.
> If you *do* get it down to a 10-50-line example, then you definitely have a
> problem, but then it is one that we can all reproduce and play about with.
> So ... I don't have an answer for you, but if you can come up with a demo of
> it, I'll have a look.
> There used to be a problem like this where clicking on the screen allowed
> the app to continue (something to do with multiple css files if I remember
> correctly) but I'm sure that was fixed in about 1.3.
> Just my 2p worth.
> Ian
> 2009/8/27 Rahul 
> > Hi,
> > This is been happening a lot lately with me.
> > Whenever i am running the hosted mode, the hosted mode just hangs 4
> > out of 10 times. At the left end of window, it shows that "Connecting
> > to site"
> > and if i just close it and start it again the application works or it
> > just says the same message again as above. After a few tries it starts
> > working.
> > This never happens when i am running on IE. Also my application
> > connects to sqlserver2005, is tht wht is causing this problem?
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Re: GWT on IPod Touch - Page Rendering Hangs

2009-08-27 Thread mdwarne

I have no way to test, but have you tried using a DeferredCommand?

Deferred commands should run after the current event has finished
So hopefully everything is idle at this time, so maybe no race
condition can happen?


On Aug 27, 7:44 am, Tim Martens  wrote:
> It boils down to a race condition between the content being updated
> and keystrokes in the TextBox.  If they happen at the same time,
> rendering freezes.  The only way I can prevent this from happening is
> to block the javascript event loop while I build/update the content.
> Which is obviously not a solution.  This is a show stopper for us
> using GWT on the IPod Touch/IPhone.
> On Aug 25, 11:27 am, Tim Martens  wrote:
> > I'm working on a small GWT web app to run on my IPod Touch (version:
> > 2.2.1 (5H11)).  The problem is that rendering of the page hangs when I
> > type into a TextBox and update a Label at the same time.  Below is
> > some sample code that reproduces the issue:
> > public class IPodKillTest extends VerticalPanel implements
> > KeyUpHandler
> > {
> >         private Label label = new Label("0");
> >         private TextBox box = new TextBox();
> >         public IPhoneKillTest()
> >         {
> >                 box.addKeyUpHandler(this);
> >                 this.add(box);
> >                 this.add(label);
> >         }
> >         public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event)
> >         {
> >                 label.setText(box.getText());
> >         }
> > }
> > When I entered text using the IPod's keyboard fast enough, the whole
> > page goes white and I have to reload the page.  Am I doing something
> > wrong?  Is there anything I can do to work around this issue?  Any
> > help is appreciated.
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Re: GWT on IPod Touch - Page Rendering Hangs

2009-08-27 Thread Tim Martens

It boils down to a race condition between the content being updated
and keystrokes in the TextBox.  If they happen at the same time,
rendering freezes.  The only way I can prevent this from happening is
to block the javascript event loop while I build/update the content.
Which is obviously not a solution.  This is a show stopper for us
using GWT on the IPod Touch/IPhone.

On Aug 25, 11:27 am, Tim Martens  wrote:
> I'm working on a small GWT web app to run on my IPod Touch (version:
> 2.2.1 (5H11)).  The problem is that rendering of the page hangs when I
> type into a TextBox and update a Label at the same time.  Below is
> some sample code that reproduces the issue:
> public class IPodKillTest extends VerticalPanel implements
> KeyUpHandler
> {
>         private Label label = new Label("0");
>         private TextBox box = new TextBox();
>         public IPhoneKillTest()
>         {
>                 box.addKeyUpHandler(this);
>                 this.add(box);
>                 this.add(label);
>         }
>         public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event)
>         {
>                 label.setText(box.getText());
>         }
> }
> When I entered text using the IPod's keyboard fast enough, the whole
> page goes white and I have to reload the page.  Am I doing something
> wrong?  Is there anything I can do to work around this issue?  Any
> help is appreciated.
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styling TabPanel

2009-08-27 Thread badgerduke


We seem to be at the mercy of the standard.css classes for styling
tabs.  Overrding them is not possible due to the references to
images.  I want to change the shape of the tabs and the color.  Does
anybody know of a widget library that will allow one to do this?  Or
can I accomplish this with GWT alone?  Thanks.

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Re: Hosted mode hanging 4 out of 10times

2009-08-27 Thread Ian Bambury
Hi Rahul,
Why don't you cut out the call and find out?


It's very hard to answer questions like this when there is no code to look

There are no blindingly desperate problems with GWT that I know of that do
this. Since the server side is not anything to do with GWT, then that is
very probably not a GWT problem (although connecting to the server might

In this kind of situation, I'd say that the first stop is the issue tracker.
Pretty much everything major has been picked up and even when there is a new
release, the chances are that someone else will find it before you do
(unless you are the most up-to-date, active and comprehensive user of GWT
out of the 20,000 of us here - I'm not, so I check the issue tracker).

Coming up with a simple example to demonstrate your problem is the next
step. If you take a copy of your problem project and cut it down step by
step will a) mean you end up with a good, reproducible example of the
problem. But if your experience is anything like mine, you'll cut out one
bit which can't possibly cause the problem and discover that the problem
goes away. And then you have a Peter Glaze 'Doh!' moment (don't worry if you
didn't get that 'Peter Glaze' reference reference, I'd be surprised if
anyone does). Anyway, you might well look at a bit of code that you hadn't
considered before.

If you *do* get it down to a 10-50-line example, then you definitely have a
problem, but then it is one that we can all reproduce and play about with.

So ... I don't have an answer for you, but if you can come up with a demo of
it, I'll have a look.

There used to be a problem like this where clicking on the screen allowed
the app to continue (something to do with multiple css files if I remember
correctly) but I'm sure that was fixed in about 1.3.

Just my 2p worth.


2009/8/27 Rahul 

> Hi,
> This is been happening a lot lately with me.
> Whenever i am running the hosted mode, the hosted mode just hangs 4
> out of 10 times. At the left end of window, it shows that "Connecting
> to site"
> and if i just close it and start it again the application works or it
> just says the same message again as above. After a few tries it starts
> working.
> This never happens when i am running on IE. Also my application
> connects to sqlserver2005, is tht wht is causing this problem?

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Re: mvp / gwt-presenter / uibinder

2009-08-27 Thread Etienne Neveu

Hi Ricardo and Thomas,

I don't know much about UIBinder (excepted that it seems promising and
that I'll have to look into it!), but I might have an idea regarding
the use of GIN / DI to improve upon Thomas' suggestion of:
"revers[ing] the dependency and hav[ing] StatsView instantiate its
StatsPresenter and keep a reference to it in a private field".

I got this idea the other day while reading this semi-related google-
guice thread :

What about:

- adding a provider method in your GinModule:

StatView provideStatView(StatPresenter statPresenter) {
 return statPresenter.getView();

- then injecting the view where you need it:
public MainView extends View {

private final StatView statView;

public MainView(StatView statView) {
this.statView = statView;


When Gin creates the MainView, it looks a StatView to inject, sees
that it is provided by the @Provides method, creates and injects
dependencies into a new presenter (including a new view associated to
this presenter), and then returns the view.
You can then inject multiple StatViews in your UI, and they will each
create their associated presenter.

If you want a singleton StatView, make the StatPresenter a singleton.
In this case, the @Provides method will create the presenter the first
time it is called, but will re-use this presenter (and associated
view) the following times.
You wouldn't even need to declare the StatView as a Singleton, because
its scope would be the same as the StatPresenter's scope, due to the
use of the @Provides method.

In this case, your view would not have to instantiate your presenter /
keep a reference to it. Gin does the magic for you. Which is IMO good
for the separation of concerns.

What do you think?

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Re: Issues Debugging GWT apps

2009-08-27 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 27 août, 18:40, "" 
> S/W versions:
> - Google Plugin -> 1.1.0
> - GWT SDK -> 1.7.0
> - Eclipse -> 3.5
> When i register a break point, it gets registered properly.
> I can go to the Debug Perspective and my breakpoint shows up in the
> Breakpoints list.
> (I can also see the small blue dot.)
> However, the Debugger never halts on the breakpoint.
> Execution just runs past it.

Could it be related to this?
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Re: GWT on IPod Touch - Page Rendering Hangs

2009-08-27 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 27 août, 19:44, Tim Martens  wrote:
> It boils down to a race condition between the content being updated
> and keystrokes in the TextBox.  If they happen at the same time,
> rendering freezes.  The only way I can prevent this from happening is
> to block the javascript event loop while I build/update the content.
> Which is obviously not a solution.  This is a show stopper for us
> using GWT on the IPod Touch/IPhone.

Is it at least a GWT issue? (re issue 3988 [1])

Did you try a similar pure-JS code?

Will it kill the iPhone?

var box = document.getElementById("box");
var label = document.getElementById("label");
box.onkeyup = function() {
   label.innerText = box.value;

If it doesn't blow-up, try again wrapping everything in a  (to
simulate the VerticalPanel) in case their would a problem with the
 (you could then replace it with, say a FlowPanel in GWT);
otherwise, it's definitely an iPhone (safari mobile) bug, not a GWT

What surprises me is that I tried a GWT app with SuggestBox on an
iPhone and didn't have a problem (maybe I didn't type fast enough to
trigger the issue), and suggestbox also updates the DOM while text is
being typed in...

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Re: GWT and external jars

2009-08-27 Thread Paul Robinson

In your server, you can use whatever code you want, and whatever
language you want (java, php, whatever)

In your GWT client, you can only use code that is translatable to java
(see to
see what is and isn't translatable).

That doesn't include hibernate, so you can't use hibernate to talk
directly to a database from a GWT client.

lutti wrote:
> Hello,
> sorry for my little question.
> I have a little problem with the Google Web Toolkit.
> Is it possible to use external jars in my GWT-projects, which are not
> developed for the GWT?
> For example hibernate.
> If it is possible, can anybody explain, how i can realize this?
> Yours faithfully,
> lutti
> >

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Re: 求助,无法在eclipse3.5中导入samples里的项目

2009-08-27 Thread Ian Petersen

2009/8/27 Sumit Chandel :
> However, I have updated the
> GWT Discussion Group Charter to reflect a language policy of posting in
> English first, and then resorting to native language if that fails. This
> should at least make it so that the message subjects for initial posts are
> in English. Hopefully this will lead to keeping the group maximally useful,
> both for English and non-English speakers.

I think that's an unfortunate change that, in my eyes, contradicts the
goal of keeping the forum friendly.

I'm not really an active member of this community anymore, so I'm not
going to belabour this point, I just felt I should raise the issue
rather than letting it slide.


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Re: Class.forName

2009-08-27 Thread Jason Essington

Your database code should not be located in any *.client.* package.


On Aug 27, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Tom wrote:

> I am trying to compile the java class SlicrPopulatr, found here:
> The following error occurs though:
>  Loading an instance of module 'slicr'
>   Refreshing module from source
>  Validating newly compiled units
> Removing units with errors
>Errors in 'file:/C:/gwt/Slicr/src/com/ibm/examples/client/
> client/'
>   Line 19: The method forName(String) is undefined for
> the type Class
>Errors in 'file:/C:/gwt/Slicr/src/com/ibm/examples/client/
> client/'
>   Line 22: The method forName(String) is undefined for
> the type Class
> After doing some research it seems that the method forName is not
> allowed by GWT. How do I pass the required Derby URL not using
> forName? This is a homework assignment for an online class, but can
> someone please point me in the right direction?  I have not had any
> luck trying to find an answer by myself.
> Thank you.
> >

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Re: FileUpload

2009-08-27 Thread Jason Essington

you can add additional file upload widgets to the same form and all  
files will be sent with the single submit


On Aug 27, 2009, at 1:19 PM, huy wrote:

> Is it possible to upload multiple files at one time?  FileUpload will
> only allow selection of one file so I'm not sure how to do this.  Any
> suggestions would be helpful.
> >

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Re: RichTextArea on IE7 insert after enter typed

2009-08-27 Thread Troll

I'm having the same problem, no one managed to solve?

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Issues Debugging GWT apps

2009-08-27 Thread


I am new to GWT and eclipse (I have done some Java programming in the
past - long time back though :)).
I am running into an issue regarding debugging.

S/W versions:
- Google Plugin -> 1.1.0
- GWT SDK -> 1.7.0
- Eclipse -> 3.5

When i register a break point, it gets registered properly.
I can go to the Debug Perspective and my breakpoint shows up in the
Breakpoints list.
(I can also see the small blue dot.)

However, the Debugger never halts on the breakpoint.
Execution just runs past it.

I have tried launching the debug mode in various ways.
- Thru the "bug like" shortcut in the tool bar
- Right Click on Package -> Debug As -> Web Application
- Right Click *.gwt.xml -> Debug As -> Web Application

I am playing with the default application created when you create a
new project (Web Application Starter Project).
and i have tried setting breakpoints in onModuleLoad and
I have also written the sample StockWatcher app. Unable to debug it as

Any tips would be appreciated.


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Port to OpenBSD

2009-08-27 Thread obvvbooo obvvbooo

Is there any chance that somebody in this group would like to port it to
OpenBSD, or make it run on OpenBSD? Although I'd like to do this, but I'm
too unfamiliar with this kinds of tasks: shell, native apis, compiles...

If nobody would like to do this. Any suggestion on steps how to do this
besides reading port document and googling results?

All help is appreciated.


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2009-08-27 Thread Tom

I am trying to compile the java class SlicrPopulatr, found here:

The following error occurs though:
  Loading an instance of module 'slicr'
   Refreshing module from source
  Validating newly compiled units
 Removing units with errors
Errors in 'file:/C:/gwt/Slicr/src/com/ibm/examples/client/
   Line 19: The method forName(String) is undefined for
the type Class
Errors in 'file:/C:/gwt/Slicr/src/com/ibm/examples/client/
   Line 22: The method forName(String) is undefined for
the type Class

After doing some research it seems that the method forName is not
allowed by GWT. How do I pass the required Derby URL not using
forName? This is a homework assignment for an online class, but can
someone please point me in the right direction?  I have not had any
luck trying to find an answer by myself.

Thank you.

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2009-08-27 Thread huy

Is it possible to upload multiple files at one time?  FileUpload will
only allow selection of one file so I'm not sure how to do this.  Any
suggestions would be helpful.
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Re: Issues Debugging GWT apps

2009-08-27 Thread mikedshaffer

Maybe not the greatest amount of help, but look into your Debug
Configurations first.  Click the down arrow next to the debug "bug"
icon, and second from the bottom should be "Debug Configurations..."
You should have a Web Application configuration (make sure it has the
blue Google G) in the tree on the left.  You should have a leaf under
that labeled "GWTTestProject" or what ever you named your project.
Click that to reveal the configuration (Eclipse sometimes takes you
right here, so the previous couple of steps might be unnecessary).  On
the first tab you should have a reference to your project.  And the
"run built in server" box should be checked and is probably set for
port 8080 (at least that's how mine is).  Unless I'm really on a deep
fishing expedition, I don't look any further on the remaining tabs
(And I'm doing this from memory on the bus on my phone).  I was just
using my set up to run the test project not 20 minutes ago and it was
breaking right on sendNameToServer.  I did think of one other thing,
make sure you set your break point on an executable line of code, not
the method declaration line but like the first line in the method.
Eclipse is funny that way

On Aug 27, 10:40 am, "" 
> Hi,
> I am new to GWT and eclipse (I have done some Java programming in the
> past - long time back though :)).
> I am running into an issue regarding debugging.
> S/W versions:
> - Google Plugin -> 1.1.0
> - GWT SDK -> 1.7.0
> - Eclipse -> 3.5
> When i register a break point, it gets registered properly.
> I can go to the Debug Perspective and my breakpoint shows up in the
> Breakpoints list.
> (I can also see the small blue dot.)
> However, the Debugger never halts on the breakpoint.
> Execution just runs past it.
> I have tried launching the debug mode in various ways.
> - Thru the "bug like" shortcut in the tool bar
> - Right Click on Package -> Debug As -> Web Application
> - Right Click *.gwt.xml -> Debug As -> Web Application
> I am playing with the default application created when you create a
> new project (Web Application Starter Project).
> and i have tried setting breakpoints in onModuleLoad and
> sendNameToServer.
> I have also written the sample StockWatcher app. Unable to debug it as
> well.
> Any tips would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Divya
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Re: Cannot compile gadget: GadgetGenerator threw org.w3c.dom.DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR

2009-08-27 Thread Art

Thank you for your reply again, Eric.

I looked at the generateGadgetManifest method (line 261 in\.googlecode\.com),
and I could repro this with really simple regular Java project (not
GWT project) like below copied code. So, no GWT library (and, of
cause, no AppEngine library) in class path.

public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
registry =
org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation impl = 
("Core 3.0");
org.w3c.dom.Document d = impl.createDocument(null, 
null, null);
catch( Exception exception) {

When I run it, I got the same exception like below at the statement,
"org.w3c.dom.Document d = impl.createDocument(null, null, null);":
org.w3c.dom.DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create
or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to

As I wrote at the beginning of this thread, my environment is (x86)
Sun JDK 1.6.0_13.
The rt.jar in the JRE lib folder of that JDK contains package. Mater of the fact, JDK
1.5's rt.jar also contains
I don't know how you guys have being doing not to hit this. Do you set
something to class loader?


On Aug 7, 5:59 pm, Eric Ayers  wrote:
> I'm not sure why this would fix the problem you're seeing, but have
> you tried rebuilding the gadgets distribution from SVN trunk?  I think
> if you get past this problem, you're doing to find another one since
> you are using GWT 1.6:
> See issue 275:
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 8:31 PM, Art wrote:
> > Eric, thank you for your reply.
> > The thing is that I encounter this issue by trying to work around the
> > Xerces class issue.
> > I had encountered the Xerces class issue with Google GWT Gadget
> > library file described at
> >
> > Thereby, as I wrote, I picked up the gwt-gadgets-noredist.jar from
> >,
> > which does not contain Xerces classes (And I confirmed that gwt-
> > gadgets-noredist.jar does not contain Xerces classes.)
> > So, I had good expectation of that it would compile without a problem.
> > But.. I got this issue.
> > Regards
> > On Aug 6, 7:51 pm, Eric Ayers  wrote:
> >> This error I've seen caused by a conflict in Xerces distributed with
> >> gwt-gadget.jar.  Try using the gwt-gadget-noredist.jar file.  It
> >> doesn't bundle the Xerces library.
> >> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Art wrote:
> >> > Hello,
> >> > I'm blocked from trying to have fun with Google gadget and GWT. ;-)
> >> > I got the exception like below in trying to compile a simple Google
> >> > gadget on Eclipse (Galileo).
> >> > I highly appreciate if someone can give me the crew of this cause.
> >> > Regards.
> >> > Compiling module com.inetools.igadgetexperiment2.IGadgetExperiment2
> >> >   Computing all possible rebind results for
> >> > 'com.inetools.igadgetexperiment2.client.IGadgetExperiment2'
> >> >      Rebinding
> >> > com.inetools.igadgetexperiment2.client.IGadgetExperiment2
> >> >         Invoking  >> > class=''/>
> >> >            [ERROR] Generator
> >> > '' threw threw an
> >> > exception while rebinding
> >> > 'com.inetools.igadgetexperiment2.client.IGadgetExperiment2'
> >> > org.w3c.dom.DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create
> >> > or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to
> >> > namespaces.
> >> >        at
> >> > (
> >> >        at
> >> > (
> >> >        at
> >> >

Re: mvp / gwt-presenter / uibinder

2009-08-27 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 27 août, 17:15, "" 
> Hi all.
> I've been trying to use the UIBinder, i like it a lot. At the same
> time i've replaced my own MVP implementation with gwt-presenter (which
> is cleaner than what i had), but there's one bit i can't figure out by
> myself regarding dependency injection with GIN.
> I have a MainPresenter which is retrieved by the injector interface
> after i instantiate the injector. This one instantiates the
> corresponding MainView using DI, and the actual layout is defined in a
> UiBinder xml file. This works fine, until i try to add another of my
> View objects into the MainView UiBinder file. Something like:
>     ...
>    xmlns:stats="urn:import:my.package.for.statistics">
>      ...
>      ...
> One question and one issue.
> 1) How do you instantiate your Presenter objects? I have a
> StatsPresenter for the StatsView, but if i simply use the UiBinder
> like in here, it will never be instantiated. I've 'fixed' this by
> adding a reference to this StatsPresenter from the MainPresenter -
> which is injected - but only so that one is created, it's not like i
> need that reference there.

If your presenter has no public method of any kind (i.e. a
StatsPresenter instance has to exist, but nothing will actually do
anything with it; e.g. it just listens to events from the view and
fire events on the event bus and/or listens to events from the
eventBus and updates the view accordingly), then maybe you can reverse
the dependency and have StatsView instantiate its StatsPresenter and
keep a reference to it in a private field (StatsPresenter would still
be an independent class that could be tested without StatsView and
with mock StatsPresenter.Display instead); this would make StatsView a
"simple" Composite widget (that happens to use MVP but this becomes an
implementation detail).

Did I correctly understand your problem?

> 2) Given my solution above, i need to make sure that the StatsView is
> a singleton, otherwise the Presenter instantiates a new StatsView
> which is different from the one created by the UiBinder.

Er, I don't understand...

> Again i try
> to use dependency injection by defining in the MainView a StatsView
> field as in:
>     @UiField(provided=true)
>     StatsView statsView;

If StatsView has dependencies that should be injected view GIN in its
constructor then yes, that the way to go

> I then add in my injector:
> bind(StatsView.class).in(Singleton.class);

See above, I don't understand why it has to be a singleton (actually,
I believe it shouldn't)

> but either this or using a Provider method instead gives me the
> following:
> 00:01:18.766 [ERROR] Failed to create an instance of 'MainView' via
> deferred binding java.lang.NullPointerException: null at
> at
> 53) at
> ...
> Any hints on this? I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.

Have you assigned a StatsView instance to your statsView field? When
using @UiField(provided=true), you're telling UiBinder to not
instantiate a StatsView but instead use the one you're providing; i.e.
UiBinder will read the field value and use that to build the UI
instead of building the UI and write the field's value with the widget
it instantiated.
Have a look at the examples on the UiBinder wiki page, section
named... "Using a widget that requires constructor args" (sic!)

(the @UiFactory method –first example, without method arguments– would
allow you to use a Provider for instance and have the
factory return provider.get(); this would be handy when you need to
have several StatsView instances in the same .ui.xml)

(@UiConstructor, or the @UiFactory with arguments, wouldn't fit with
DI via GIN, as the values come from the ui.xml itself)

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hosted mode start-up slows to a crawl with large number of static resources

2009-08-27 Thread aircow33

Hi all,

I am trying to write a GWT with google maps api that will use my own
custom map tiles.   There are a lot of map tiles, something like 300k
png images.   When I try to run it in hosted mode, it copies all 300k
png images to the war output directory..which took 3 hours.   And
once it is in the war directory the subsequent launches of the hosted
mode browser takes 30 minutes because i think it is doing a check to
see if any of the 300k png files have changed.   BTW I am using the
eclipse plug-in.  Is there a way around this?

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Re: Long response time GlassFish GWT

2009-08-27 Thread Šobis


we don't have much data in serialization proces, about 10 kb in both

Yes, application is behaving OK when we don't exectute stress test. We
tried a scenario where a few users used application (it was working
ok), then we execute stress test and then, after test was finished,
users tried again and application resposne time was ok.

We all suspenct, that there must be some kind of queue in Glassfish,
because server side code executes in less then 1 second, but all
response time is in rang of 10 seconds!!!

Do you thing it would be better if we switch to Tomcat?


On 27 avg., 20:10, Sumit Chandel  wrote:
> Hi Matej,
> How much data are you serializing in the hanging RPC call? Does the RPC call
> behave differently when running in the normal deployed environment (outside
> the stress test tool execution)?
> Regards,
> -Sumit Chandel
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Šobis  wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > we have a problem with application, which is written in GWT. We made
> > some kind of Video on demand portal, which is deployed on Glassfish
> > server.
> > We are doing stress testing (using qTest tool) and we have found out,
> > that application on server (server side code) is executing quite fast
> > (less than 1 second) but responses for our request (20 requests per
> > second), which are measured at client side (before client side code
> > executes) are like 5 - 10 seconds.
> > Heap space is not full used, CPU usage is below 40 %. Glassfish server
> > and stress test tool server are on the same hub, so network cannot be
> > problem.
> > Is there any ideja what is wrong? Is it operation serialize? I would
> > apreciate any idea, because we are quite desperate.
> > regards Matej
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Hosted mode hanging 4 out of 10times

2009-08-27 Thread Rahul

This is been happening a lot lately with me.
Whenever i am running the hosted mode, the hosted mode just hangs 4
out of 10 times. At the left end of window, it shows that "Connecting
to site"
and if i just close it and start it again the application works or it
just says the same message again as above. After a few tries it starts
This never happens when i am running on IE. Also my application
connects to sqlserver2005, is tht wht is causing this problem?

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JUnit testing RPCServlet without client

2009-08-27 Thread Gary S

I want to test a RemoteService, its Async and an RPCServlet with an
ordinary TestCase that calls the Servlet. Is there an example of how
to do this?
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Image in server side

2009-08-27 Thread osquitranki


Is possible make a image in the server side and send it in a JSON call
by client?


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Re: Long response time GlassFish GWT

2009-08-27 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Matej,
How much data are you serializing in the hanging RPC call? Does the RPC call
behave differently when running in the normal deployed environment (outside
the stress test tool execution)?

-Sumit Chandel

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Šobis  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> we have a problem with application, which is written in GWT. We made
> some kind of Video on demand portal, which is deployed on Glassfish
> server.
> We are doing stress testing (using qTest tool) and we have found out,
> that application on server (server side code) is executing quite fast
> (less than 1 second) but responses for our request (20 requests per
> second), which are measured at client side (before client side code
> executes) are like 5 - 10 seconds.
> Heap space is not full used, CPU usage is below 40 %. Glassfish server
> and stress test tool server are on the same hub, so network cannot be
> problem.
> Is there any ideja what is wrong? Is it operation serialize? I would
> apreciate any idea, because we are quite desperate.
> regards Matej
> >

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Re: How to list items from a data base

2009-08-27 Thread Robnauticus-

Hey Ted,

There are some things that need clarification.

1. Where do you have this database?
2. What type of DB?
3. How you plan on connecting to it? (GWT does not handle the back end
DB connections)  You will need a Server of some kind beyond a simple
HTTP server.  PHP or Java Servlet are most common.
4. What are the security requirements? (Login single user, multi-user,
read-only, encryption)
5. Will this be available on the Internet?

What you are trying to do is a fairly easy project, from the GWT
perspective.  However, depending on the above questions there could be
a few different routes you could take.

The dynamic buttons thing itself is really simple in GWT.  Create a
composite of the row, loop over the list of emails from the server and
add them to a Vertical Panel.


On Aug 26, 1:34 pm, tedpottel  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting to program in GWT.  I wrote a program to recive  email
> informtion I have stored in a database.  I would like to display the
> informtion so each row reprsents a record in the database with a dlete
> button next to it. so it looks like
>     [del]  fred
>     [del]  tom
>   ..
>  ..
> Would the best way to do this to dymcally create buttons and lables?
> - Ted
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Re: 求助,无法在eclipse3.5中导入samples里的项目

2009-08-27 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Frank,
It might not be feasible for members to change their nicknames to English as
their nickname can sometimes be related to other online nicknames they use
in other technical forums or online accounts. However, I have updated the
GWT Discussion Group Charter to reflect a language policy of posting in
English first, and then resorting to native language if that fails. This
should at least make it so that the message subjects for initial posts are
in English. Hopefully this will lead to keeping the group maximally useful,
both for English and non-English speakers.

-Sumit Chandel

2009/8/27 Frank Argueta 

> I would request that this group require message subjects and sender
> names to be in English. The foreign characters in sender name /
> subjects are quite distracting. Alternatively if non-english posts can
> be somehow tagged. I can setup a gmail filter to sent them to another
> folder or sent to trash as I will not be able to read or respond to
> them.
> On Aug 26, 6:56 pm, Sumit Chandel  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > While the group is primarily an English language group, there is no
> policy
> > preventing anyone from posting in their native language if they have
> trouble
> > expressing or communicating their issues in English. As mentioned
> > previously, the machine translations can sometimes do a bad job in
> > translating a message (although sometimes humourous), and might not allow
> > the poster to correctly describe the issue they're facing. More often
> than
> > not, there are other developers in the community who speak the same
> language
> > that can reply back with some helpful information.
> >
> > That said, members who post here should try their best to post in English
> > first and try to get their point across. If that fails, feel free to post
> in
> > your native language. If posting in multiple languages ever starts
> affecting
> > the usability of the forum for the majority of its community, we can
> always
> > consider splitting out this group into multiple groups per language.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > -Sumit Chandel
> >
> > 2009/8/26 Ian Bambury 
> >
> > > 2009/8/26 Roy 
> >
> > >> Is there a policy that no language other than English can be used in
> > >> this group? If so, I would suggest Google auto inserting the
> > >> translated English text below whatever language used.
> >
> > > It's an English language group, so 'yes'. If it were a free-for-all as
> far
> > > as languages were concerned then it would become much less usable for
> > > everyone.
> >
> > > Some people in the past have written in their own language with a
> machine
> > > translation underneath. Answers have been given by English-speakers in
> > > English, also with a machine translation back to the OP's language.
> That
> > > seems to keep everyone happy and works quite well.
> >
> > > There's a story that 'To be, or not to be. That is the question.' was
> > > translated into Japanese and then back to English and ended up as 'It
> is, it
> > > isn't. Isn't it?' It's not a perfect science yet.
> >
> > > Ian
> >
> > >
> >

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GWT and external jars

2009-08-27 Thread lutti


sorry for my little question.

I have a little problem with the Google Web Toolkit.

Is it possible to use external jars in my GWT-projects, which are not
developed for the GWT?
For example hibernate.

If it is possible, can anybody explain, how i can realize this?

Yours faithfully,


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Email support & client side security

2009-08-27 Thread Jambi

Hej folks, i´m a computerscience student from germany and I have some
questions about the GWT. I can tell that i´m a newbie in GWT and my
java skills aren´t that good, too. But I want to know if there´s
possible to set up something like an smtp server for email support in
gwt? How can I realize that? Is there maybe a tutorial? (still
learning ;)..) I would run the app on the app-engine... And how about
the client side encryption in gwt? I heard that there is no native
encryption in  gwt, but how to realize that? with https? A tutorial
would be nice here too ;). It would help me a lot if someone could
give me some answers.

greets, Michael

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User Interface Standards?

2009-08-27 Thread David C. Hicks

I'm looking for documentation about what UI standards GWT may follow, if 
any.  My "higher ups" are interested in where we stand in this regard.  
Can someone point me to a good source for information?  I've had no 
luck, so far.


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Re: gwt-dispatch cross-post: InstantiationException of DispatchServiceServlet

2009-08-27 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 27 août, 16:48, grigory  wrote:
> Hi,
> I just downloaded gwt-dispatch-1.0.0.jar and tried to use it on our
> new GWT project but encountered the following error both on hosted and
> web mode when launching our GWT app.
> This is the full stacktrace for the hosted mode:
> [WARN] /
> java.lang.InstantiationException:
> net.customware.gwt.dispatch.server.service.DispatchServiceServlet
> gwt-dispatch-1.0.0.jar, gin.jar, guice-2.0.jar are on the classpath if
> that matters.

You seem to be missing the Guice-Servlet configuration (and guice-

or you might rather want to do your server-side DI by hand:
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mvp / gwt-presenter / uibinder

2009-08-27 Thread

Hi all.

I've been trying to use the UIBinder, i like it a lot. At the same
time i've replaced my own MVP implementation with gwt-presenter (which
is cleaner than what i had), but there's one bit i can't figure out by
myself regarding dependency injection with GIN.

I have a MainPresenter which is retrieved by the injector interface
after i instantiate the injector. This one instantiates the
corresponding MainView using DI, and the actual layout is defined in a
UiBinder xml file. This works fine, until i try to add another of my
View objects into the MainView UiBinder file. Something like:


One question and one issue.

1) How do you instantiate your Presenter objects? I have a
StatsPresenter for the StatsView, but if i simply use the UiBinder
like in here, it will never be instantiated. I've 'fixed' this by
adding a reference to this StatsPresenter from the MainPresenter -
which is injected - but only so that one is created, it's not like i
need that reference there.

2) Given my solution above, i need to make sure that the StatsView is
a singleton, otherwise the Presenter instantiates a new StatsView
which is different from the one created by the UiBinder. Again i try
to use dependency injection by defining in the MainView a StatsView
field as in:

StatsView statsView;

I then add in my injector:

but either this or using a Provider method instead gives me the
00:01:18.766 [ERROR] Failed to create an instance of 'MainView' via
deferred binding java.lang.NullPointerException: null at
53) at

Any hints on this? I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.

Thanks a lot in advance,
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bmi.js interfering with GWT (mobile connection

2009-08-27 Thread Sebastian


we are experiencing a problem with the loading of GWT on mobile
broadband connections.

Some providers add a script called bmi.js to any site. This script is
supposed to increase speed by compressing images, etc.

One version of this script can be found here:

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Re: fromLatLngToPixel() returns null

2009-08-27 Thread G

Hello  Anyone ??

On Aug 26, 8:39 pm, G  wrote:
> I am using GWT 1.5.3 with Google maps 1.0.4.
> Basically, after adding map widget I am doing the following:
> MercatorProjection  currProj = new MercatorProjection(16);
> Point startPosXY    = currProj.fromLatLngToPixel(startPosLatLong,16);
> startPosLatLong is the center of the map.
> startPosXY is returning null. Can someone explain me why ?
> Exception in hosted mode:
> Expected primitive type int; actual value was undefined
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Spinner Widget in 3d

2009-08-27 Thread Jupiter

I love the following link

I was wondering that is it possible to have 3d objects in the
spinner.Can I make it possible with GWT?I know javascript supports
3d.So I guess it should be possible.Can anyone tell me whether its
possible or not?If so please guide me how I can make a 3d spinner

Any help is appreciated
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Re: GWT on IPod Touch - Page Rendering Hangs

2009-08-27 Thread Tim Martens

On Aug 26, 6:16 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> On 25 août, 20:27, Tim Martens  wrote:
> > I'm working on a small GWT web app to run on my IPod Touch (version:
> > 2.2.1 (5H11)).  The problem is that rendering of the page hangs when I
> > type into a TextBox and update a Label at the same time.  Below is
> > some sample code that reproduces the issue:
> > public class IPodKillTest extends VerticalPanel implements
> > KeyUpHandler
> > {
> >         private Label label = new Label("0");
> >         private TextBox box = new TextBox();
> >         public IPhoneKillTest()
> >         {
> >                 box.addKeyUpHandler(this);
> >                 this.add(box);
> >                 this.add(label);
> >         }
> >         public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event)
> >         {
> >                 label.setText(box.getText());
> >         }
> > }
> > When I entered text using the IPod's keyboard fast enough, the whole
> > page goes white and I have to reload the page.  Am I doing something
> > wrong?  Is there anything I can do to work around this issue?  Any
> > help is appreciated.
> ...don't try to update the label on each key; prefer using a timer
> instead (the timer could be reset on each key, to update the label
> only a few milliseconds after the last key press event; or just run at
> fixed intervals).
> See
> (at the end, the comparison between computation time and rendering
> time)

I tried something similar to this, but the problem seems to occur when
I enter keystrokes into a TextBox while the contents of the page are
being changed.  I upgraded my IPod to 3.0 and it fixed the simple case
above due to the javascript speed increase.  However, I still get the
problem in my actual App.

I wait 250ms after the last keystroke to initiate the screen update,
however, the update takes long enough that it is possible for the user
to enter new keystrokes while the Grid is being rendered.  This causes
the freeze.
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Re: Problem deploying with Firefox/Chrome

2009-08-27 Thread Rahul

Hi Jason,
what do think is the problem?

On Aug 26, 3:33 pm, Jason  wrote:
> Having same problem here but I don't think its related to the
> RequestBuilder.
> On Aug 26, 11:20 am, Rahul  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > There are few posts with problems with firefox but i was not able to
> > find a solution reading those so i am having a new post.
> > My code runs fine on IE but it fails on Firefox/Chrome.
> > I am using RequestBuilder to parse some xml files and showing them as
> > labels on my UI.
> > The UI is build perfectly wit IE but not with Firefox/Chrome
> > I am believing that it gets an null response received with
> > RequestBuilder with firefox/chrome.
> > any idea whats causing this problem and how to solve it
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Re: GWT 1.5 Plugin - Can I still get it?

2009-08-27 Thread Miguel Méndez
We bundle the SDKs as a convenience, but they really are separate.  When you
update the plugin, eclipse will remove older plugins, like the GWT SDK :).
 That is most likely the cause of the problem.
All you need to do is to download the GWT SDK version that you need from, expand it, and
then tell the plugin where the SDK is using the following

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Hiedi  wrote:

> I made the mistake of updating my GWT eclipse plugin whie prototyping
> a 1.7 upgrade path and now I can't run anything that has the 1.5 SDK
> in hosted mode. Does anyone know how to get around that - or how to
> get a copy of the old google plugin??
> Thanks,
> Hiedi
> >


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Re: Load external html files inside a popup

2009-08-27 Thread ThomasWrobel

surely thats just a method of styleing the html pages to look like
If you use an iFrame, gwt will treat the contained page exactly like a
normal website within it.

On Aug 27, 3:06 pm, zujee  wrote:
> Hi myapplicationQuestions,
> thanks for the quick reply..
> I wonder is there a way to show my help files like "compiled html
> creator" chm
> thanks
> Zujee
> On Aug 27, 5:11 pm, myapplicationquestions 
> wrote:
> > Hi Zujee,
> > Are the help files deployed on the webserver? meaning can u access
> > them usinghttp://help1.html?Ifyes u can give taht url in the
> > iframe.
> > Thanks
> > On Aug 27, 6:57 am, zujee  wrote:
> > > Hi experts,
> > > I have some help files for my application. when user clicks on help
> > > page, I want to show it  inside the Frame. Inside my help folder i
> > > have 1 toc (table of content) and when user clicks , i need to
> > > navigate to that page.
> > > Can some body help me how i can do it.
> > > thansk
> > > zuje- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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EclipseLink & Glassfish

2009-08-27 Thread MamboJumbo

Can anyone please help I am stuck for two days already cannot
understand why EclipseLink is not giving the EntityManager.
I started with GWT Galileo plugins with Glassfish app server that
comes with EclipseLink JPA. If I setup a dinamic web project with JPA
everything works fine i can get the EntityManager by dependency
injection [ @PersistenceContext(unitName="somename") EntityManager
em; ] if I debug it the em variable is some object not null. However
if I do exactly the same but with addition of GWT to the dynamic web
project the em variable is always empty (null);
I am creating a new GWT project and than adding a facet of dynamic web
project and JPA like described in
 Everything else is the same. Can anyone point me in the right
direction what could be wrong when using GWT + Dynamic web project?
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gwt-dispatch cross-post: InstantiationException of DispatchServiceServlet

2009-08-27 Thread grigory


I just downloaded gwt-dispatch-1.0.0.jar and tried to use it on our
new GWT project but encountered the following error both on hosted and
web mode when launching our GWT app.

This is the full stacktrace for the hosted mode:

[WARN] /
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Holder.newInstance(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.getServlet
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle
at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.RequestLogHandler.handle
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle
at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.content
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$

and this one deployed in tomcat:

at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.allocate
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol

on my web.xml



gwt-dispatch-1.0.0.jar, gin.jar, guice-2.0.jar are on the classpath if
that matters.

Thank you!
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How to rotate or flip GWTCanvas?

2009-08-27 Thread darkflame

Simple question.
I drew an arrow in gwtcanvas and I want to be able to flip it around.
(so it points the other way).
I tried both .scale(-1,1)  and .rotate(180)  neither of these seem to
have any effect.
Is there any special method involved?
The shape was just made from strokes, no image.

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Re: Load external html files inside a popup

2009-08-27 Thread zujee

Hi myapplicationQuestions,
thanks for the quick reply..
I wonder is there a way to show my help files like "compiled html
creator" chm


On Aug 27, 5:11 pm, myapplicationquestions 
> Hi Zujee,
> Are the help files deployed on the webserver? meaning can u access
> them usinghttp://help1.html?If yes u can give taht url in the
> iframe.
> Thanks
> On Aug 27, 6:57 am, zujee  wrote:
> > Hi experts,
> > I have some help files for my application. when user clicks on help
> > page, I want to show it  inside the Frame. Inside my help folder i
> > have 1 toc (table of content) and when user clicks , i need to
> > navigate to that page.
> > Can some body help me how i can do it.
> > thansk
> > zuje- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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Re: method getPropertyInt not working? Is it a bug?

2009-08-27 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 27 août, 14:08, myapplicationquestions 
> Thanks David. That worked.. basically it seems u cannot use
> getproperty.. method unless u explicitly do a setProperty.. but
> getAttribute works for my case.

getProperty returns the JS property of the DOM element (equivalent to
elt.myProperty) while getAttribute returns the DOM/markup attribute's
value; and attributes are not guaranteed to be accessible as
properties too (particularly illegal/invalid, home-made attributes
such as the ones your using)

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Re: Adding white spaces to my xml

2009-08-27 Thread Frank Argueta

This is not your only post pleading for non-GWT related help so stop
pretending that your questions have been on topic. Do not abuse the
forum help by trying to get others to do your (server side) work.
Learn Java, or use another forum for non-GWT help.

" why xml manipulations fails on server "

"Executing DOS command"

On Aug 25, 1:27 pm, Rahul  wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't understand how come this issue is not related to gwt.GWT
> parser which is import;
> has a function to remove white spaces so its common sense for someone
> to think that there are predefined functions in GWT which does the
> reversed functionality of that, so that the xml file can be retrieved
> and seen in a nice output manner.
> Yeah, I agree i should not have posted the urgent tag, except that I
> still agree this is an GWT issue.
> On Aug 25, 7:07 am, Frank Argueta  wrote:
> > Perhaps you should learn Java and also learn how to solve your
> > problems instead, especially if its urgent to you - which does not
> > make your issue urgent to anyone else. Please stop posting questions
> > not related to GWT on this forum.
> > On Aug 24, 11:50 pm,Rahul wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I got another writer XML Writer but i am still not able to add white
> > > spaces into it.
> > > For example: i want a file like this
> > >
> > > 1.1"> > > root="jdbc_response"> > > url=""/> > > ns:input> > > root="ORU"> > > ns:formats> > > name="database" type="class"> > > value="Setup"/> > > value="Connection1"/> > > value="1"/>
> > > name="connectionFile" value="${cbesb_jbi_sa_proj}::src/database/
> > > connections/SQLServer.dbc"/> > > value=""/> > > value=""/
> > > >
> > > value="false"/> > > value="3"/>
> > > ns:parameters> > > ns:parameters>
> > > to be converted like this
> > > 
> > >
> > > 1.1">
> > >   
> > >     
> > >       
> > >
> > > jdbc/1.0" />
> > >       
> > >     
> > >      > > root="ORU">
> > >       
> > >
> > > hl7/v2_2" />
> > >       
> > >     
> > >   
> > >   
> > >     
> > >       
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >         
> > >       
> > >     
> > >     
> > >       
> > >         
> > >         
> > >       
> > >       
> > >         
> > > any suggestions anyone?
> > > I need it to work urgently
> > > On Aug 24, 11:45 am,Rahul wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > Confirmation, i opened my generated xml in XML notepad 2007, it added
> > > > white spaces automatically and then i saved and then send to the
> > > > application, it was giving me the desired output
> > > > how should i add white spaces to my xml in gwt? also would i need to
> > > > add it on server side when i am saving the modified xml?
> > > > Sincerely,
> > > >Rahul
> > > > On Aug 24, 11:22 am,Rahul wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > My gwt application modifies an xml document, and sends it to another
> > > > > application where the output is generated. Now for parsing with gwt, i
> > > > > had to remove the white spaces in it because if i didnt it was givin
> > > > > me an error.
> > > > > Now my application wants my generated xml to have whitespaces in it,
> > > > > any idea how can I add whitespaces to my xml document through gwt?
> > > > > Sincerely,
> > > > >Rahul
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Re: 求助,无法在eclipse3.5中导入samples里的项目

2009-08-27 Thread Frank Argueta

I would request that this group require message subjects and sender
names to be in English. The foreign characters in sender name /
subjects are quite distracting. Alternatively if non-english posts can
be somehow tagged. I can setup a gmail filter to sent them to another
folder or sent to trash as I will not be able to read or respond to

On Aug 26, 6:56 pm, Sumit Chandel  wrote:
> Hi all,
> While the group is primarily an English language group, there is no policy
> preventing anyone from posting in their native language if they have trouble
> expressing or communicating their issues in English. As mentioned
> previously, the machine translations can sometimes do a bad job in
> translating a message (although sometimes humourous), and might not allow
> the poster to correctly describe the issue they're facing. More often than
> not, there are other developers in the community who speak the same language
> that can reply back with some helpful information.
> That said, members who post here should try their best to post in English
> first and try to get their point across. If that fails, feel free to post in
> your native language. If posting in multiple languages ever starts affecting
> the usability of the forum for the majority of its community, we can always
> consider splitting out this group into multiple groups per language.
> Cheers,
> -Sumit Chandel
> 2009/8/26 Ian Bambury 
> > 2009/8/26 Roy 
> >> Is there a policy that no language other than English can be used in
> >> this group? If so, I would suggest Google auto inserting the
> >> translated English text below whatever language used.
> > It's an English language group, so 'yes'. If it were a free-for-all as far
> > as languages were concerned then it would become much less usable for
> > everyone.
> > Some people in the past have written in their own language with a machine
> > translation underneath. Answers have been given by English-speakers in
> > English, also with a machine translation back to the OP's language. That
> > seems to keep everyone happy and works quite well.
> > There's a story that 'To be, or not to be. That is the question.' was
> > translated into Japanese and then back to English and ended up as 'It is, it
> > isn't. Isn't it?' It's not a perfect science yet.
> > Ian
> >
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Re: Load external html files inside a popup

2009-08-27 Thread myapplicationquestions

Hi Zujee,

Are the help files deployed on the webserver? meaning can u access
them using http://help1.html? If yes u can give taht url in the


On Aug 27, 6:57 am, zujee  wrote:
> Hi experts,
> I have some help files for my application. when user clicks on help
> page, I want to show it  inside the Frame. Inside my help folder i
> have 1 toc (table of content) and when user clicks , i need to
> navigate to that page.
> Can some body help me how i can do it.
> thansk
> zuje
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Re: method getPropertyInt not working? Is it a bug?

2009-08-27 Thread myapplicationquestions

Thanks David. That worked.. basically it seems u cannot use
getproperty.. method unless u explicitly do a setProperty.. but
getAttribute works for my case.


On Aug 26, 10:57 am, David  wrote:
> Hi,
> You might want to try getAttribute instead of getPropertyInt.
> David
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:45 PM,
> myapplicationquestions wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I am developing a widget which has an hyperlink as given below
> > TEST1  > a>
> > In onPreviewNativeEvent i have the following code snippet
> >   if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONCLICK)
> >   {
> >      Element loElement =;
> >      if(loElement.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("A"))
> >      {
> >        // Window.alert(" in here1 ");
> >         String lsId = loElement.getId();
> >         int liRowNumber = loElement.getPropertyInt("rownum");
> >         Window.alert(" in here1 "+liRowNumber+"-->"+loElement.getId()
> > +"-->"+lsId+"-->"+loElement.getString());
> > The alert is always giving me liRowNumber as 0 even though its 20...
> > the loeElement.getString shows the cirrect anchor tag where rownum is
> > 20...does any one know what i am doing wrong or if it is a bug?
> > Thanks,
> > Parag- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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Re: Plugin-based application built with GWT ?

2009-08-27 Thread gjoseph

On Aug 26, 9:48 pm, gjoseph  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone had pointers, ideas, examples, or anything
> that could help clarify if writing a GWT-based application that would
> also be based on plugins, where said plugins would consist of client-
> side code (i.e gwt modules) AND server-side components... is at all
> possible. These plugins can be added/updated/removed from the app,
> much like osgi allows one to do with bundles.
> At the moment I can't quite picture yet how to build and deploy this
> sort of application (without having each plugin re-embedding the whole
> of the application client code itself), especially if we're talking
> dynamic (at runtime) (un/)loading of said plugins. The one way we're
> sort-of considering at the moment would be to actually use the
> compiler in our app (!), when plugins are added/updated/removed. That
> doesn't seem like the most optimal and elegant approach ;)
> I am looking into wrapper types, custom linkers, ... but it's still a
> bit blurry how it all would fit together... so if anybody has any
> pointer or thoughts about this subject, that would be much
> appreciated !

Let me add some context, which I realize now might be missing: our app
is (ideally) bundled as a single .war file; we currently have the
afore-mentioned plugin-based system, but we're trying to replace our
antiquated ui code with GWT.
Plugins, as far as client code go, could introduce new widgets, add
menu items to existing menus, that sort of thing... which renders half
of the optimization that GWT can do useless (i.e dead code can't be
removed, because it might be needed by plugins).

Any hope ?

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Load external html files inside a popup

2009-08-27 Thread zujee

Hi experts,
I have some help files for my application. when user clicks on help
page, I want to show it  inside the Frame. Inside my help folder i
have 1 toc (table of content) and when user clicks , i need to
navigate to that page.
Can some body help me how i can do it.


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Re: SmartGWT (or any other GWT-compatible JAR) integration

2009-08-27 Thread CI-CUBE

The problem was: if "System library (added to the boot class path)" is
checkmarked the user library (here SmartGWT) is added to the bootstrap
section and not available in the application's Default Classpath.

So a simple checkmark is the origin of a several-days-nitemare...


On Aug 27, 12:05 pm, mirceade  wrote:
> Maybe adding the jars to sources in the Eclipse java build config?
> On Aug 24, 4:29 pm, CI-CUBE  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm fighting for several hours :-( but still get this 'No source code
> > is available for type  ...' error. From my
> > setup on the home office I know it works but until now I did not find
> > the essential piece to be added to the build/source path.
> > I did successfully integrate my own GWT-based JAR. But in that case I
> > have the sources. Everything works as expected. In case of SmartGWT I
> > only have those two JARs.
> > Can anyone please tell me how to integrate them in the Eclipse
> > settings and/or .classpath to remove the error? Thx alot in advance!
> >    Ekki
> > SmartGWT 1.2, GWT 1.7, App Engine 1.2.2, Eclipse 3.5, JRE 1.6.0_13
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Re: SmartGWT (or any other GWT-compatible JAR) integration

2009-08-27 Thread mirceade

Maybe adding the jars to sources in the Eclipse java build config?

On Aug 24, 4:29 pm, CI-CUBE  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm fighting for several hours :-( but still get this 'No source code
> is available for type  ...' error. From my
> setup on the home office I know it works but until now I did not find
> the essential piece to be added to the build/source path.
> I did successfully integrate my own GWT-based JAR. But in that case I
> have the sources. Everything works as expected. In case of SmartGWT I
> only have those two JARs.
> Can anyone please tell me how to integrate them in the Eclipse
> settings and/or .classpath to remove the error? Thx alot in advance!
>    Ekki
> SmartGWT 1.2, GWT 1.7, App Engine 1.2.2, Eclipse 3.5, JRE 1.6.0_13
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Re: SmartGWT (or any other GWT-compatible JAR) integration

2009-08-27 Thread CI-CUBE

If I subscribe the two individual SmartGWT jars instead of a 'Library'
SmartGWT (that as components has those two jars) then it works!

Doesn't make sense to me :-( but it's working now, that's all what
counts for me at the moment...

BTW GWT itself is integrated the same way I originally did integrate
SmartGWT (see above) which however didn't work...


On Aug 26, 3:33 pm, CI-CUBE  wrote:
> no one who can help? It's just crazy :-( SmartGWT jar's are registered
> in the Classpath - no matter if in the Bootstrap or User Entries,
> there are also in the Source Path - under Default.
> Once again, if I copy the whole project directory and install it at
> home, in an identical setup (Eclipse, GWT, App Engine, SmartGWT, JRE
> versions) this works perfectly w/o any mod.
> What further settings could be relevant that are outside this project
> directory (Workspace settings, Registry)? I'm starting to spend too
> much time on this minor issue :-(
> TIA,
>    Ekki
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Re: Drawing Lines

2009-08-27 Thread Paul Robinson

Does your gwt.xml file have an entry in it to inherit the Diagrams
module you're trying to use?
Something like:

You may be interested in instead
(I've not used either of them though)


GTM wrote:
> Any help with this error?
> On Aug 25, 6:36 pm, GTM  wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> Am I allowed to use the code?
>> I am trying to use it and I get this error:
>> [ERROR] Line 49: No source code is available for type
>> pl.balon.gwt.diagrams.client.connector.UIObjectConnector; did you
>> forget to inherit a required module?
>> On Aug 25, 4:58 am, (श्री) GNU Yoga  wrote:
>>> hi
>>> On Aug 25, 6:06 am, GTM  wrote:
 I was wondering if there was any option to allow a user to draw lines.
 Basically, I would a bunch of icons to appear on the screen. The user
 would be able to draw lines to connect two of these icons to show a
>>> perhaps u can look at gwt-diagrams

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Re: Build error of compile GWT Source Code

2009-08-27 Thread Cristiano

I had the same problem,

you need a command line svn version with the 'bin' folder added to
system path (I used a '' from this page
just unzip it in a folder and set the path)

but i received the same error because I already had Subversion
installed on my compute and it was older (was 1.5.3) than the one used
for the GWT SVN repository.
so if you already have one like me, you may need to update it.

Hope this help,

On Aug 27, 10:16 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> On 27 août, 06:15, cobra  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >         When I try to build the GWT Source Code in Eclipse IDE, here
> > is the error message.
> >         I build the src by Ant to run build.xml, and I have check out
> > the file in trunk and tools folder.
> [...]
> > G:\GWT Project\GWT\trunk\common.ant.xml:270: Unable to launch command:
> > svn info
> GWT's build system need to know the branch and revision you're
> building to be able to package it (I don't really know why, but it's
> the way it works).
> It defaults to launching "svn info" (as if you were typing it on a
> command window), which either isn't available on your machine (for
> instance, if you use TortoiseSVN) or isn't in the PATH.
> But you can bypass this call and directly tell the build script which
> branch and revision you're building by setting the gwt.svnrev property
> (in Eclipse, "External Tools Configuration...", the "Properties" tab
> for your launch entry) to something like "bra...@rev" (e.g.
> "tr...@6019").
> (oh, and by the way, you should use the "dist-one" or "dev-one" ant
> target to only build for Windows)
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Re: Build error of compile GWT Source Code

2009-08-27 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 27 août, 06:15, cobra  wrote:
> Hi all,
>         When I try to build the GWT Source Code in Eclipse IDE, here
> is the error message.
>         I build the src by Ant to run build.xml, and I have check out
> the file in trunk and tools folder.
> G:\GWT Project\GWT\trunk\common.ant.xml:270: Unable to launch command:
> svn info

GWT's build system need to know the branch and revision you're
building to be able to package it (I don't really know why, but it's
the way it works).
It defaults to launching "svn info" (as if you were typing it on a
command window), which either isn't available on your machine (for
instance, if you use TortoiseSVN) or isn't in the PATH.
But you can bypass this call and directly tell the build script which
branch and revision you're building by setting the gwt.svnrev property
(in Eclipse, "External Tools Configuration...", the "Properties" tab
for your launch entry) to something like "bra...@rev" (e.g.

(oh, and by the way, you should use the "dist-one" or "dev-one" ant
target to only build for Windows)
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Re: Server communicating with Client

2009-08-27 Thread mars1412

I think you mean some kind of server push:

On Aug 27, 4:26 am, Arun  wrote:
> I have this situation where I want to make a RPC call when new data is
> inserted into the database. I do not want to make a call to the server
> every few seconds and see if there is new data. Is there anyway we can
> make server hold the response until the data is changed??? Any help is
> really appreciated.
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Heavy performance problems in ie6 and ie7 with both gwt1.6 and gwt1.7

2009-08-27 Thread goolie


We've recently upgraded our project to both gwt1.6 and gwt1.7. The
problem is that our app becomes VERY slow running on both ie6 and ie7.
With ie8 it works very well but none of our customers run that browser
yet. Has anyone experienced the same thing? Any pointers of what could
cause this problem?

We've tried backing up to gwt 1.5 and with this version all works fine
on all browsers (ie 6,7,8).

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