Re: GWT App Deployed To Tomcat Displays Old Content

2012-01-24 Thread StrongSteve
Delete the content of the Tomcat temp and work directory and restart
the Tomcat.


On 24 Jan., 04:52, KGD wrote:
         I am currently using Eclipse with GWT SDK 2.4.0 to develop a
 GWT application.  Inside Eclipse, I have tested my application to
 ensure it pulls the dynamic content from a mysql database correctly.

         I have deployed it to a local Tomcat 7 installaton and the
 application war file deploys successfully.  However, the page displays
 the OLD hard-coded content which were merely placeholders.

         The content that is displayed when I deploy the app to Tomcat
 does not exist ANYWHERE in my source code as I removed it when I
 changed the source to my database.

           Again, the app works fine when using the embedded App Engine
 for testing but real deployment to Tomcat continues to reflect old

           I have started/stopped Tomcat, cleared my browser cache,
 manually deleted all files from the Tomcat webapps directory and still
 it's the exact same.

          There must be something that I'm missing and I'd appreciate
 any help that is available.


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Re: how to find the path to image resources

2012-01-12 Thread StrongSteve
You have to navigate relatively from the directory your Resource
interfaces resides in...

On 11 Jan., 20:32, mars wrote:

 i have a maven gwt project, no exception all the images are stored
 under 'src/main/webapp/img', then in the package :
 'com.mycom.myapp.client' i have which defines all
 images/text/css resources for the whole project as below:

 public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
     final static String IMG_ROOT_PATH = src/main/webapp/img/;

     Resources INSTANCE = GWT.create(Resources.class);

     @Source(IMG_ROOT_PATH + logo.png)
     ImageResource logo();


 however when i complied it complaint cannot find that image. how
 should i specify the path here? thanks

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Re: Mouse Cursor Position

2012-01-12 Thread StrongSteve
I would suggest adding a mouseMove Listener to the root panel of the
GWT application.
That way you get informed about every mouseMove - and the new

Of there is no event within your time interval (2 seconds), the mouse
has obviously not moved and the position is the same as before.


On 5 Jan., 10:38, campa4bt wrote:

 I hope not to have been wrong to post in this forum.

 I need to know if it's possible in GWT to know the position of the
 mouse cursor, x e y, also if the mouse don't move or click, for
 example, i need to know the position every 2 seconds.

 Thanks if someone want to help me.


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Re: How to support multiple custom cache manifest for offline use in GWT, on a user by user basis?

2011-10-18 Thread StrongSteve
Hi David,

Let me point out the steps I have performed to solve a similar task.
A while ago I wanted to create different manifest files - specific for
the browser type - because I did not want to cache all HTML files
(even the ones that are not relevant for a specific browser) in its

Here is what I did:

1.) Create a custom GWT-Linker by extending the class
2.) Register this new Linker in the module.gwt.xml
3.) Inside the linker i have put code for generating different
manifest files
4.) On every build the linker gets called and new manifest files are
5.) Paste a UID as a comment in every manifest and change the UID on
every build process. Your browser will only validate the cached files,
if the manifest file has changed...

6.) Within the applications main HTML file I reference the manifest
like html manifest=myApp/appcache.nocache.manifest
7.) In order to return the correct manifest file to the caller (the
browser) I added a simple ServletFilter to the application.
8.) This ServletFilter listens for requests for the file
appcache.nocache.manifest. If such a request is detected - the filter
reads the HTTP Header Attribute to detect the typ of the calling
9.) Last but not least the filter redirects the response to the
correct, appropriate manifest file.

I think with little adaptions this approach may be usesful for your
problem as well.

Hope this helps!


On 18 Okt., 14:50, David Sauvier wrote:
 My app uses the concept of Projects, each Project has multiple support
 files (primarily image files and pdf's)  that need to be made
 available offline. I want to use HTML5 cache to accomplish this.

 If I include all the support files for all the projects in the cache-
 manifest it would be massive and not feasible.

 User's are assigned to Projects, so ideally I could have a custom
 cache-manifest file for each user that contains the support files
 needed for the projects that user is assigned to.

 How can I accomplish this? Is there a way to assign a cache-manifest
 grammatically after onModulueLoad()?

 Thanks in advance for the solution or any advice on how to accomplish
 this functionality.

 David S.

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Re: How do I develop a large GWT application with generally correct architecture?

2011-10-06 Thread StrongSteve
1.) Start by watching and understanding the architecture talk
presented by google at their annual developer conferences [1].
2.) Make sure you really understand them. If not, repeat step 1.
3.) Work your way through the GWT documentation [2].
4.) Start with a simple GWT sample project and work your way up from

BTW... Just providing a link to a previously asked question is not the
nice way to go...



On 4 Okt., 19:05, Анатолий Ручка wrote:
  I already ask questions 
  that was very awful, but i need answers

 Exists video lessons about mvp 

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JPA2 Support inside Legacy and GWT Application

2011-09-19 Thread StrongSteve

I am currently facing the task of adding a new database layer based on
JPA2 to both a standalone Java application as well as a GWT project
that is based on the business logic provided inside this standalone
Java application. (Basically GWT acts as the UI-layer by providing
service methods for accessing certain methods of the business
The GWT application is running ontop of Tomcat 6 (so no EJBs, ... -
But EJBs would not work in the standalone application... so no need to
feel pitty ;)
Right now the database connectivity is solved by direct SQL commands.

The standalone application has to be runnable without the GWT project
as well. Especially the JPA2 connectivity.

So here is my approach so far, which I would like to discuss.

1.) Create DB-Entitiy objects for all needed DB-Tables.
2.) Create some kind of static class that holds the
EntityManagerFactory for our persistence context.
3.) As soon as any method (inside the business logic of the standalone
application or within a GWT service class) needs to create/update/read/
delete data from the database, use the EntityManagerFactory from the
static class to obtain a new entitymanager.
4.) Perform the transaction and close the entitymanager at the end of
the method.
5.) Objects transferred between the server and the client are simple
DTOs. No annotations or anything. The service methods will wrap the
objects obtained from the database into the corresponding DTOs. The
update process works the other way round.

This way both the standalone application as well as the GWT
application would work fine, am I right?
No problems with parallel sessions, ... or am I overseeing anything.
It is kind of the same approach Google Guice suggest by creating a new
Entity Manager for every HTTP Request with the help of a
ServletFilter. But honestly I can not see the need for dependency
injection in my scenario.

The only difference is, that my solution does not create an
EntityManager automatically with the help of a ServletFilter, but
manually through the EntityManagerFactory obtained from the Singleton

Please share your comments, advices, hints on the proposed
approach. ;)

Thanks in Advance for your help!


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Re: JPA2 Support inside Legacy and GWT Application

2011-09-19 Thread StrongSteve
Hi Jens,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I have the creation of DTOs and the JPA query language in mind. Thanks
for pointing out.
Our DB-Accesses are very straight forward, so no really complex

Just one more thing... Why is it important to have one EntityManager
instance per request?
What would the consequences be? If I am only allowed to have one
EntityManager from the top till deep down in the business logic maybe
it would be better to write a servlet filter and keep the
EntityManager as a ThreadLocal variable for this request...


On 19 Sep., 12:26, Jens wrote:
 Should work.. just make sure you only have one EntityManager instance per
 request. I use a command pattern so I have one place where I can handle the
 transaction (create transaction before command handler executes and commit
 afterwards). But command pattern as well as DTO's leads to lots of classes
 for a simple server request...don't know if I would choose it again
 (command, command result, command handler, JPA entity, DTO class, possibly
 DAO class). Also JPA's query language (JPQL) does not support everything
 that native SQL supports so you have to keep that in mind (but sure you can
 also execute native SQL queries with JPA if there is no other possibility).

 Currently I am looking into myBatis ( for a new
 projects. It uses native SQL and has some nice code generator support. Maybe
 you should take a look at it, as you already have native SQL for a given

 -- J.

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Re: i want a example for AnimatedLayout

2011-09-19 Thread StrongSteve
...and i would like to have a cup of steaming hot coffee! ;)

On 20 Sep., 05:12, wahaha wrote:
 i want a example for AnimatedLayout

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Application Cache Events

2011-08-26 Thread StrongSteve

I am currently experimenting with the application cache.
After creating a appcache.manifests for the different browser versions
I am wondering if there is a way to listen for the application cache
events inside GWT?

Using Chrome Dev Tools you see a lot what is going on with the
application cache.
For example things like:

Document was loaded from Application Cache with manifest XXX
Application Cache Checking event
Application Cache Downloading event
Application Cache Progress event (0 of 43) XXX
Application Cache UpdateReady event

Any chance to capture these events inside GWT?
My further goal is to detect dynamically if my application is on- or

Thanks in Advance!

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Re: HTML5 Offline Web-Application

2011-08-25 Thread StrongSteve
Hello Shwan,

Thanks for you reply!

@1: Chrome Dev Tools are great. Nevertheless I was thinking about
reading the online/offline DOM flag from within my client code to
detect whether the application is online or offline.

@2: Great idea. Servlet filter, intercepting requests to
appcache.nocache.manifest and returning the correct one (depending on
browser version) seems pretty clear to me.

But I am really stuck on how to write the linker class that generates
different appcache.nocache.manifest files for every permutation.
I am using the class SimpleAppCacheLinker (see below) provided within
a GWT mobile sample.
This linker get called once during the GWT compile - right after all
permutations have been compiled. And not, as you said once for every
permutation. GWT API says that the link() method gets called once -
and only once - too.

Can you point me in the right direction on how to generated manifests
for different permutations?
Maybe even a code snippet?



package com.siemens.html5.whiteboard.linker;

 * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you
may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under
 * the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;


 * Currently taken from the Google SVN. Should be part of GWT 2.4 br
 * AppCacheLinker - linker for public path resources in the
Application Cache.
 * p
 * To use:
 * ol
 * liAdd {@code manifest=YOURMODULENAME/appcache.nocache.manifest}
to the
 * {@code html} tag in your base html file. E.g.,
 * {@code html manifest=mymodule/appcache.nocache.manifest}/li
 * liAdd a mime-mapping to your web.xml file:
 * p
 * pre{@code mime-mapping
 * extensionmanifest/extension
 * mime-typetext/cache-manifest/mime-type
 * /mime-mapping
 * }/pre
 * /li
 * /ol
 * p
 * On every compile, this linker will regenerate the
 * file with files from the public path of your module.
 * p
 * To obtain a manifest that contains other files in addition to those
 * generated by this linker, create a class that inherits from this
 * and overrides {@code otherCachedFiles()}, and use it as a linker
 * p
 * preblockquote
 * {@code @Shardable}
 * public class MyAppCacheLinker extends AbstractAppCacheLinker {
 *   {@code @Override}
 *   protected String[] otherCachedFiles() {
 * return new String[] {/MyApp.html,/MyApp.css};
 *   }
 * }
 * /blockquote/pre
public class SimpleAppCacheLinker extends AbstractLinker {

  private static final String MANIFEST = appcache.nocache.manifest;

  public String getDescription() {
return AppCacheLinker;

  public ArtifactSet link(TreeLogger logger, LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
  boolean onePermutation)
  throws UnableToCompleteException {

ArtifactSet toReturn = new ArtifactSet(artifacts);

if (onePermutation) {
  return toReturn;

if (toReturn.find(SelectionInformation.class).isEmpty()) {
  logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, DevMode warning: Clobbering  +
MANIFEST +  to allow debugging. 
  + Recompile before deploying your app!);
  artifacts = null;

// Create the general cache-manifest resource for the landing
toReturn.add(emitLandingPageCacheManifest(context, logger,
return toReturn;

   * Override this method to force the linker to also include more
   * in the manifest.
  protected String[] otherCachedFiles() {
return null;

   * Creates the cache-manifest resource specific for the landing
   * @param context the linker environment
   * @param logger the tree logger to record to
   * @param artifacts {@code null} to generate an empty cache manifest

Re: HTML5 Offline Web-Application

2011-08-25 Thread StrongSteve
Sorry for getting confused with the API. I did not want to sound

Using the @Shardable annotation, the method link(...) gets called for
every permutation.
The paramter ArtifactSet artifacts contains exactly those files I need
and want to add to my offline manifest.

Sadly I am stuck on getting the user.agent of the permuation, the
method link has been called for.
Using the LinkerContext returns null for the property user.agent.

The only solution I have come up so far is this:
(It generates an offline manifest for every user.agent. So after
compiling I have six different manifests in the WAR directory. I plan
on writing a servlet filter that returns the correct one upon
requesting the offline manifest...)

  public ArtifactSet link(TreeLogger logger, LinkerContext context,
ArtifactSet artifacts,
  boolean onePermutation)
  throws UnableToCompleteException {

ArtifactSet toReturn = new ArtifactSet(artifacts);

for (CompilationResult compilationResult :
artifacts.find(CompilationResult.class)) {
for (SelectionProperty property :
compilationResult.getPropertyMap().first().keySet()) {
if (property.getName().equals(user.agent)) {
String userAgent = 
// Create the general cache-manifest resource 
for the
// landing page:

toReturn.add(emitLandingPageCacheManifest(context, logger,
artifacts, userAgent));

This calls a method for generating a offline manifest for every
user.agent. But there gotta be an easier way than to navigate over the
compilation result?

Any ideas!


On 25 Aug., 10:19, Shawn Brown wrote:
  @1: Chrome Dev Tools are great. Nevertheless I was thinking about
  reading the online/offline DOM flag from within my client code to
  detect whether the application is online or offline.

 Oh, that I do not know.

  @2: Great idea. Servlet filter, intercepting requests to
 appcache.nocache.manifest and returning the correct one (depending on
  browser version) seems pretty clear to me.

  But I am really stuck on how to write the linker class that generates
  differentappcache.nocache.manifest files for every permutation.

 oops sorry forgot to say use @Shardable

 @Shardable @LinkerOrder(LinkerOrder.Order.POST) public class
 SimpleAppCacheLinker extends AbstractLinker {


 be sure to read the api for the method you'll use to understand the
 behavior - it calls link for every permutation and then one final time
 (with onePermutation set as true )

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Re: HTML5 Offline Web-Application

2011-08-25 Thread StrongSteve
So now I created a servlet filter that listens for request for the
offline manifest. Not perfect, but working.
Upon requesting the offline manifest, the filter redirects to the
version applicable for the current user-agent.

Problem is, that as soon as there is no network connection, the
offline mode does not work...

Do I have to rename the returned offline manifest to match the name
described in the HTML file? (appcache.nocache.manifest)
Because now I return appcache.nocache.manifest.gecko1_8 for example...
If it needs to be renamed how can this rename be achived with a
servlet filter?
Right now the only technique I am aware of is to send a redirect...

Thanks for your help!

Here is the filter code

package com.siemens.html5.whiteboard.server.filters;

import java.util.HashMap;

import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class OfflineManifestFilter implements Filter {

public static final HashMapString, String offlineManifestMap = new
HashMapString, String(6);

static {

public static final String OFFLINE_MANIFEST =

public void destroy() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res,
FilterChain fc) throws IOException, ServletException {

HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest)req;

if (httpRequest.getRequestURI().contains(OFFLINE_MANIFEST)) {

String userAgent = ((HttpServletRequest) 
System.out.println(User-Agent:  +userAgent);

for (String browser : offlineManifestMap.keySet()) {
if (userAgent.contains(browser)) {
System.out.println(Sending redirect 



fc.doFilter(req, res);


public void init(FilterConfig cfg) throws ServletException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub



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HTML5 Offline Web-Application

2011-08-24 Thread StrongSteve

I already succeeded in tweaking the simpleappcachelinker class a
little bit to create a first simple Offline application.

Now I have two question concerning this topic:

1.) Are there methods inside GWT to read HTML5 Offline Web Appliation
events? (Online? Offline? Finished Caching? Caching not
necessary? ...)

2.) appcache.nocache.manifest contains all HTML files generated by
GWT. The effect is that a user calling the web app from FireFox will
cache all HTML files inside this browser. Altough he/she  would only
need the FireFox HTML file. Difficult topic because creating the
manifest happens during linking, browser detection during runtime.
Any thoughts on this?

Thanks for your help!


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Re: GWTCanvas alternatives

2011-08-23 Thread StrongSteve
Take a look at [1] for a quick start.


On 22 Aug., 22:23, AThinerCoin wrote:
 I'm trying to create a chart using GWT.  The chart has a grid and x
 and y axis labels and at least one line indicating status over time.
 The example code I got from a co-worker uses two classes the package: GWTCanvas and

 The documentation about GWTCanvas says to use Canvas instead, but
 Canvas has a very limited number of methods.  How do I replicate these
 - clear()
 - setFillStyle(Color color)
 - fillRect(double startX, double startY, double width, double height)
 - setLineWidth(double width)
 - setStrokeStyle(Color color)
 - beginPath()
 - moveTo(double x, double y)
 - lineTo(double x, double y)
 - stoke()

 Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!

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2011-08-23 Thread StrongSteve
Why is the class SimpleAppCacheLinker found in the mobile web app
sample not part of GWT 2.4 beta or GWT 2.4 RC1?


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Re: image.preFetch - How to determine its loaded?

2011-08-22 Thread StrongSteve
apply a loadhandler onto the image.
Something like the code below...

final Image imgPin = new
imgPin.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() {

public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {

//Do something with the image


//Add the image invisible to the root panel to force an image load

On 21 Aug., 16:50, al76 wrote:
 How can I check that an image has been prefetched and is ready to be

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Re: Regular expressions in GWT

2011-08-22 Thread StrongSteve
java.util.regex is not available on the client-side.
Use Class RegExp instead.


On 22 Aug., 08:57, Raja Shekhar wrote:

 Can we use java.util.regex.Pattern in GWT?
 i'm getting the following error.

 [ERROR] [esms] - Line 31: No source code is available for type
 java.util.regex.Pattern; did you forget to inherit a required module?

 I included JRE.


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Re: SimpleAppCacheLinker missing?

2011-05-17 Thread StrongSteve
Do not know why, but the SimpleAppCacheLinker is missing in GWT 2.4.
I was searching for it, too. ;)
Seems we are too early to test this new feature!

It can be found on the SVN repository but I am kinda stuck on adding
it to my project.
I mean I copied, compiled the source code, run a build, everything
works fine but no
appcache.nocache.manifest is being generated. :(

Any adivice?


On 16 Mai, 08:49, dudi wrote:

 please help a newb :)

 I'm trying to follow the MobileWebApp example:
 from i/o 2011

 I have so many problems, prob because I didn't manage to compile gwt
 on windows.

 1) did anyone managed to turn MobileWebApp  into an eclipse project on

 2)SimpleAppCacheLinkeris not available in the gwt jar (checked gwt
 2.3, 2.4) - any clue where to find it?

 3) I didn't manage to view the ui.xml in GWT Designer, I get an error
 screen: ...error loading module: error in gwt.xml module description,
 incorrect resource which requires processing with GWT generator or by
 some other configuration erro

 Any tip will be appreciated!

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Re: SimpleAppCacheLinker missing?

2011-05-17 Thread StrongSteve
I was too quick to draw my conclusions.
I copied both the SimpleCacheAppLinker code as well as the
AppCacheLinker code to my project and now it works.

It works too if you append the annotation @Shareable to the class

Can anyone explain to me why? What is the purpose of this annotation?

Anyway - offline web apps rock!!! ;)


On 17 Mai, 13:11, StrongSteve wrote:
 Do not know why, but theSimpleAppCacheLinkeris missing in GWT 2.4.
 I was searching for it, too. ;)
 Seems we are too early to test this new feature!

 It can be found on the SVN repository but I am kinda stuck on adding
 it to my project.
 I mean I copied, compiled the source code, run a build, everything
 works fine but no
 appcache.nocache.manifest is being generated. :(

 Any adivice?


 On 16 Mai, 08:49, dudi wrote:


  please help a newb :)

  I'm trying to follow the MobileWebApp example:
  from i/o 2011

  I have so many problems, prob because I didn't manage to compile gwt
  on windows.

  1) did anyone managed to turn MobileWebApp  into an eclipse project on

  2)SimpleAppCacheLinkeris not available in the gwt jar (checked gwt
  2.3, 2.4) - any clue where to find it?

  3) I didn't manage to view the ui.xml in GWT Designer, I get an error
  screen: ...error loading module: error in gwt.xml module description,
  incorrect resource which requires processing with GWT generator or by
  some other configuration erro

  Any tip will be appreciated!

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Canvas Multi-Touch Simulation for FireFox

2011-04-27 Thread StrongSteve

I am currently developing a small prototyp using the HTML 5 canvas
element included in GWT 2.2

The focus of this prototyp is in evaluating the multi-touch event of
the HTML 5 canvas.

Basically I have some questions about HTML 5 and multi-touch and I
hope someone can help me answer them! ;)

1.) Is the touch event mechanism (Touchstart, touchmove, touchend,
touchcancel) HTML 5 or specifc to every browser like FF. Chrome,
IE, ... Is a multitouch canvas specified by HTML 5 or be the browser

2.) Is there a way to simulate multi-touch without having a multi-
touch monitor/trackpad/... I am thinking about something like
connecting two or more mice to the computer to simulate multiple
fingers. I have already seen and testes such approaches for mt4j or
the MS Surface. Anything for GWT and Firefox?

Thanks in Advance for both your knowledge and your time!


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Re: Canvas Multi-Touch Simulation for FireFox

2011-04-27 Thread StrongSteve
I am running Windows XP 64bit, just in case it is relevant to the
multi-touch simulation...

On 27 Apr., 13:04, StrongSteve wrote:

 I am currently developing a small prototyp using the HTML 5 canvas
 element included in GWT 2.2

 The focus of this prototyp is in evaluating the multi-touch event of
 the HTML 5 canvas.

 Basically I have some questions about HTML 5 and multi-touch and I
 hope someone can help me answer them! ;)

 1.) Is the touch event mechanism (Touchstart, touchmove, touchend,
 touchcancel) HTML 5 or specifc to every browser like FF. Chrome,
 IE, ... Is a multitouch canvas specified by HTML 5 or be the browser

 2.) Is there a way to simulate multi-touch without having a multi-
 touch monitor/trackpad/... I am thinking about something like
 connecting two or more mice to the computer to simulate multiple
 fingers. I have already seen and testes such approaches for mt4j or
 the MS Surface. Anything for GWT and Firefox?

 Thanks in Advance for both your knowledge and your time!


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Re: To GWT or Not to GWT

2010-12-17 Thread StrongSteve

After reading the whole thread - it has gotten quite large, I would
like to share some thoughts, too. ;)

Personally I regard creating something like a desktop JRE for GWT to
be a suboptimal solution. From my point of view all GWT application/
projects/... already have a common base - HTML 4, CSS and JS. Every
new GWT application is based on these three components. So in a
certain way this can be seen as a - and I quote you - desktop GWT

Creating a common library with GWT logic that may or may not be needed
by every new application sure sounds promising when thinking about
filesizes and transfer time. After all this library would have to be
transferred only once to the client and live on inside the browser
cache for some time.
BUT the code inside this library would not be optimized for your
specific application. Moreover it would contain code for all possible
browsers supporting all of their weird interpretations.
One of the strength of GWT is the compile step and the optimization of
the produced code for one specific application - one specific problem.
And for the next project the code will be optimized again - but maybe
in a different way.

So personally I can not honestly see your problem.


On Dec 16, 3:31 pm, wrote:
 I think you're still not understanding the distinction Christian,
 since GWT is Java let's try to use an appropriate Java analogy rather
 than .exe's... The distinction is more like whether a class is on the
 environment/server classpath (even part of the JRE itself like Swing)
 vs each app having a distinct copy of it.  The JRE is kind of the most
 obvious example - in theory, we could compile up only the relevant
 bits of the JRE and deliver one hyper-optimal download for each app.
 Given Java's classloading architecture, anything above the JRE level
 is probably less analogous. So that's kind of the two things that I'd
 like to see...

 1) Some way to deliver a single sort of desktop JRE which would
 include the GWT JavaScript JRE stuff + an exposed base of the whole
 WT part which the rest of my projects can just use... Just like the
 regular JRE, I'm totally willing to say go ahead and get the whole
 thing, because I only have to get it once per version no matter how
 many programs I develop against it... I can stick it on a CDN and
 I'll never have to re-get, in fact, if more people did it, most apps
 would never even pay the initial cost.  Even in IE6, the memory
 required for that whole kit to be there once loaded is comparatively

 2) (ideally) Something more or less analogous to a specialized URL
 classloader for this (and potentially of things like it) where I can
 provide a URL to point it at some GWT lib resource, effectively
 putting it on the classpath and accounted for by the compiler by not
 attempting to optimize it, but merely reference.

 On Dec 16, 9:00 am, Christian Goudreau

   But would it be possible in the future to allow building GWT-app by 
   previously built GWT-dlls

  It is already possible. Just build your dll project and export a Jar to be
  used within your .exe.

  On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 7:34 AM, yves wrote:

   Some times ago I had same kind of questions than bkardell.

   Actually I would reformulate it another way : I compare the problem to
   an .exe that is using .dll files

   If you build a new .exe app you may reuse existing .dlls

   I understand that this is not possible with GWT as when you compile
   your GWT-app, you compile the entire code in once.
   The big advantage is the javascript optimization.

   But would it be possible in the future to allow building GWT-app by
   reusing previously built GWT-dlls ?
   This implies that those GWT-dlls have a know API-contract used by
   the main GWT-exe

   In a distributed and disparate environment this has been solved with
   the SOA concept using SOAP, an ESB,... with all the paylod and
   complexity allowing the communication between the components.

   So I don't have in mind an ESB solution, as the environment is not
   distributed nor disparate.

   But in the context of GWT, would it be nonsense (for the future of
   course) to build new app by using pre-compiled building blocks having
   their own life-cycle independant of each other ?


   On 15 déc, 21:40, zixzigma wrote:
if you use JQuery or any other Library,
there is a core JSLibrary,
and third party plugins.

in a typical app/site you end up adding plugin after plugin to your

each of those plugins are developed by separate developer somewhere in
the world.
they might have used similar utility library, but when you use them
together you have no idea.

so this problem is not a GWT related problem.

your team/company should put in a place a process regarding code-

one alternative 

Re: To GWT or Not to GWT

2010-12-17 Thread StrongSteve
Very brave of you to point out that this discussion is meaningless.

Especially when your understanding of GWT is to have one widget on the
same page at a certain time.
Good luck with that. I am very eager to see one of your applications
having one label or one button or one textbox on the same page. ;)

So, and now back to the topic:

I think we all got a little bit mixed up with the wording widget -
composite - gadget. Because of that I think - or at least I hope - you
are not referring to a widget but to a more complex user-built GUI
object - an composite.

And honestly I can not see anything wrong with having different
composites on one page.
I would go even further and say that this behavior - having
independent composites within one page - should be the only way to go
for it.


On Dec 17, 10:30 am, Matt Hill wrote:
 I don't understand the discussion of widgets here because GWT is clearly not
 designed to be used for multiple embedded widgets on the same page.

 You can do it, but it'll require using some lesser-known features and maybe
 even hacks to get it to run as get the initial download for all of the
 gadgets as small as it would be with other libraries. As GWT clearly isn't
 designed for gadgets this discussion is meaningless.

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GWTCanvas and IE8

2010-12-07 Thread StrongSteve
Hello Everybody,

Currently I am trying to use the GWTCanvas from gwt-incubator-2.1.0
(together with gwt2.1).
All I want to do right now is a simple proof on concept by drawing two
Does not sound very fancy, but even this simple task fails in IE8.

I started by creating a new GWT project using the Eclipse Plugin (The
HelloWorldService template).

Then I placed basic GWTCanvas code into the onLoad method.

 * This is the entry point method.
public void onModuleLoad() {

GWTCanvas canvas = new GWTCanvas(640, 480);


canvas.strokeRect(30, 30, 100, 100);

canvas.strokeRect(60, 50, 200, 200);



Works perfectly in FF  3.5, Chrome but shows an empty page in IE8.
Compatibility mode in IE7 show one rectangle, but only one. Changing
from HTML Standard to Quirks mode did not have any effect.

Am I doing something obvious wrong?
I have found no information stating that the GWTCanvas does not work
with IE8.
Moreover the provided sample [1] from google incubator work perfectly
even in IE8.
What are the guys doing differently? ;)

Thanks in Advance for both your time and your knowledge!



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Re: GWT and Google Maps API

2010-11-09 Thread StrongSteve
Sure, I have already taken a deep look at the API libraries and even
experimented a little bit.

Currently I am able to create a route between two addresses and
display this route as a polyline.
This polyline has n vertexes.

Now I am pondering about how to move a graphical object along this
polyline at a given speed.

Any advices?

Thanks in Advance!

On 8 Nov., 22:18, Eric Ayers wrote:
 Have you seen the Google API libraries for 

 On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 2:27 PM, StrongSteve wrote:
  Hello Group,

  I am currently doing some basic research for an upcoming project of

  Basically I want to simulate a large number of driving cars on Google
  The way I imagine it right now is that I want to define a startpoint
  and an endpoint. Either by GPS Coordinates (xx° yy' zz'') or by an
  address (f.e. City, Street, Number) for every car.
  Then I would like Google Maps to calculate the route between the start
  and endpoint. (Preferably the shortes route)
  Last but not least a graphic symbol - at least a colored dot - should
  simulate the driving of a vehicle from the start point to the end
  point. This should occur in realtime and in addition simulated at lets
  say 500% of the normal speed. Some kind of a simulation mode.
  Of course the dot - the car - should move along the streets and not
  directly from start to end.

  Is this possible using GWT and the Google Maps API?
  Can anyone point out best practices, maybe even existing samples?

  Thanks in Advance for both your time and your help!


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 Eric Z. Ayers
 Google Web Toolkit, Atlanta, GA USA

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[Basic] GWT and Google Maps API

2010-11-08 Thread StrongSteve
Hello Group,

I am currently doing some basic research for an upcoming project of

Basically I want to simulate a large number of driving cars on Google
The way I imagine it right now is that I want to define a startpoint
and an endpoint. Either by GPS Coordinates (xx° yy' zz'') or by an
address (f.e. City, Street, Number) for every car.
Then I would like Google Maps to calculate the route between the start
and endpoint. (Preferably the shortes route)
Last but not least a graphic symbol - at least a colored dot - should
simulate the driving of a vehicle from the start point to the end
point. This should occur in realtime and in addition simulated at lets
say 500% of the normal speed. Some kind of a simulation mode.
Of course the dot - the car - should move along the streets and not
directly from start to end.

Is this possible using GWT and the Google Maps API?
Can anyone point out best practices, maybe even existing samples?

Thanks in Advance for both your time and your help!


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Re: server push

2010-11-04 Thread StrongSteve
What is the question? ;)

On Nov 4, 5:33 am, Ray Tayek wrote:
 hi, trying to do 

 does anyone have any experience with this?

 i know there may be other options, but i want to roll my own for demo.



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[Tutorial] Create Re-Usable GWT Composites/Projects

2010-11-02 Thread StrongSteve

I just created a quick blog entry explaining how to create re-usable
GWT composites/projects.
This tutorial covers the creating of a base GWT project including a
selfmade composite (I18N and CSS included), export to a JAR-file and
using this packaged project within the scope of a secondary GWT

The sample project is available as a download as well.

Hope it helps someone!


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Re: Composite Library

2010-10-29 Thread StrongSteve
Thanks a lot Steve!

I just overlooked one simple detail - include the source files.
Now it is working perfectly!

Currently I am just pondering about two follow up questions:
Say I have kind of a GWT Base project. Including CSS, Entry Point, ...
What would be a recommended approach to create an inherited lets say
extended project based on the base project?

Or is it better to create a base widget library which can be used by
both a GWT Base project and an Extended Project?
Actually I prefer this way. Nevertheless this does not answer the
question on how to deal with for example CSS resources...
They are specified by each projects HTML Start page. So how can I use
the one from the base widget library?
Sure I can manually include the CSS inlcude to HTML but that is a step
that is potentially failure prone...

Thanks in Advance for your help!


On Oct 29, 4:00 am, Steve Moyer wrote:
 That's actually a pretty simple prospect ... you need your class
 files, plus their source code and the *.gwt.xml module descriptor.  I
 use Maven as my build system so I originally followed the guide 
 But it also serves well as a generic description of the process.  I
 also vaguely remember seeing instructions on the GWT site, but I
 couldn't find it as fast.

 Hope this helps!


 On Oct 28, 10:23 am, StrongSteve wrote:


  Can anyone provide a sample project or a link to a tutorial describing
  how to create a JAR-file containing self created composites and how to
  use this JAR-file in another GWT project?

  Thanks in Advance!


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Re: Sample App using DI/Gin, MVP, UiBinder, etc

2010-10-28 Thread StrongSteve
Very nice idea. Thanks a lot for your effort.

Will there be a recording of the seminar for all of us on the other
side of the pond? ;)


On Oct 28, 4:19 am, Ashton Thomas wrote:
 Here is a direct link to the source 

 I will continue to update the code for this site as well as the
 content on this app. Over the next few weeks I will post a lot of
 different sample code.

 Hopefully it will help others get started quicker!

 On Oct 27, 8:16 pm, Ashton Thomas wrote:

  Hey Everyone,

  I am working on a seminar for GWT 2.1 that will happen in late
  November. But I will be putting together a lot of sample code. I have
  already pushed one app to github:

  I am still working on this, so expect updates


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[JAR] Composite Library

2010-10-28 Thread StrongSteve

Can anyone provide a sample project or a link to a tutorial describing
how to create a JAR-file containing self created composites and how to
use this JAR-file in another GWT project?

Thanks in Advance!


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Re: GWT and CSS - Style Problem

2010-10-27 Thread StrongSteve
the way to go would be to define your own styles in the css and to
bind them to the decorated stack panel using


On Oct 26, 4:09 pm, Jeff Larsen wrote:
 The default styles are being pulled in via this line in your *.gwt.xml

   inherits name=''/

 On Oct 26, 6:35 am, alexoffspring wrote:

  If i do delete any occurence of the .gwt-DecoratedStackPanel style in
  the CSS file,
  i ALWAYS see the panel with its DEFAULT STYLE (!?)
  If the style is not present in my Main.CSS, where is it defined

  Is it because this widget uses others CSS styles, like:
  .gwt-StackPanel ...??
  .gwt-TabBar ...??

  But this sound strange, since
  decoratedStackPanel.getStylePrimaryName()    and
  return    gwt-DecoratedStackPanel.

  On 26 Ott, 13:28, alexoffspring wrote:

   the Style name of decoratedStackPanel is gwt-DecoratedStackPanel

   On 26 Ott, 10:39, alexoffspring wrote:

Try to definite your CSS style for a generic Decorated Stack Panel
like following:

.gwt-DecoratedStackPanel .gwt-StackPanelItem {
        background-color: #00;
        color: #00;
        border-color: #00;


.gwt-DecoratedStackPanel {
        background-color: #00;
        color: #00;
        border-color: #00;


.gwt-DecoratedStackPanel .gwt-StackPanelItem-selected {
        background-color: #00;
        color: #00;
        border-color: #00;}


and create it like following:

DecoratedStackPanel decoratedStackPanel = new DecoratedStackPanel();
decoratedStackPanel.add(new VerticalPanel(), Feed Rss);
decoratedStackPanel.add(new VerticalPanel(), News);

When launching the application, you will see that the DSP style
appears ALWAYS the default style.
You can write whatever you want in your CSS file, but for this Widget,
style NEVER changes.

Am i doing something wrong, or is a GWT bug?

Please answer- Nascondi testo citato

   - Mostra testo citato -

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Detect the selected language

2010-10-12 Thread StrongSteve

I have a GWT application with I18N features.
Within one composite I do not want to access internationalized strings
but I want to know which language is selected.

So my question is if there is a mechanism like
GWT.getSelectedLanguage() which would return en or de.
Is there such a thing?

An intensive internet research did not help me... :(

Thanks in Advance for your time!


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Re: Detect the selected language

2010-10-12 Thread StrongSteve
Exactly what I was searching for!

Thx a lot! ;)


On Oct 12, 10:13 am, Jason Morris wrote:
 Hi Stefan,

 Is what
 you're looking for?

 Hope this helps.

 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:08 AM, StrongSteve wrote:

  I have a GWT application with I18N features.
  Within one composite I do not want to access internationalized strings
  but I want to know which language is selected.

  So my question is if there is a mechanism like
  GWT.getSelectedLanguage() which would return en or de.
  Is there such a thing?

  An intensive internet research did not help me... :(

  Thanks in Advance for your time!


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[DialogBox] Problem with lower corners

2010-07-09 Thread StrongSteve
Hello Everybody,

I used the GWT Theme Generator [1] to generate kind of  a gray style
with thin lines for our application.

Not I am facing the problem that the lower corners of a DialogBox look
kinda weird on IE7+ and FF 3.5+.

Please see these screenshots [2], [3] for an explanation.

As you can see within IE the corner are missing/wrong.
In FF the whole bottom is missing...

Honestly I have no idea why...

Any ideas or entry points for fixing/tweaking this behaviour?
Has anyone faced similar problems? And solved them!? ;)

Thanks in Advance for your help!





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Re: Question about gwt from a newbie.

2010-06-24 Thread StrongSteve
I would suggest to implement a ValueChangeListener on the Widget A.
So every time the value of the Widget A changes, Widget B get informed
and can perform its necessary code.

Is this what you meant?


On 23 Jun., 20:46, tank wrote:
     Assume i have two widgets A and B in host page. They bind to
 datasource DSA and DSB respectly. I do some stuff in A then DSA has
 changed. DSA's change leads to  DSB's change. Question is:
     How to reflect DSB's change on B and where to put such code?
     I can let widget A has a reference of B. When the rpc call for
 changing DSA finished i call B's some function to refresh B's data.
 Another way is keeping widget A and B seperately and to put this logic
 in entrypoint. But first, refresh data always means refilling , i cant
 do it with an incremental manner. Second, when we have more than two
 widgets whose datasources all have relationship with other, the code
 will become more ugly and hard to maintain.
     I am not familiar with RIA, i used to write some jsps/servlets and
 just jump from page to page. I dont need worry about data
 refreshing.Then what's the common way in GWT?

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Re: Session Management on server side through timer task

2010-06-24 Thread StrongSteve
Hi Sunny,

You need some kind of polling solution.

For example an invisible frame on the client side that asks the server
periodically (f.e. every second) if the session is still valid.
If not, then this invisible frame will display an alert box on the
client side informing about the session expiration.


On 24 Jun., 12:02, CIAO wrote:
 What i am trying to do is that I have created a simple login page
 through which user identifies himself, after successful authentication
 of the user as soon as he enters the data page a cookie is created on
 the client side with a session name string in it also the same session
 name and the time of creation of the session gets stored in a Hash-map
 on the server side say if user does not logs out then his session
 continues to persists till the session is timed out. Also at the time
 of session expiry the cookie gets deleted and the value from the Hash-
 map is removed by a timer task running on the server side. thereby
 removing all the information about that session from the application

 Now the problem is Say that user has opened a window (Session) and has
 forgotten about it then he will remains logged in (Till he refreshes/
 Closes the browser/Sign-out) in-spite of the fact that his session has
 What i want to do is that as soon as the timer task discovers that the
 session has expired it should send the user information that your
 session has expired and log him out automatically.

 mind that the hash-map used is a static map and its method for
 inserting the values has been kept as synchronous to cater to
 different browser/Systems

 Thanks in Advance

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Re: Session Management on server side through timer task

2010-06-24 Thread StrongSteve
Although you found the thread on the server there is no way (except
polling) to inform the user/client/browser about the occurrence of
this event.

Nice solution, but it is basically a counter/timer on the client side.
Please correct me if I am wrong. You specify a time and after the time
has run off, the user gets logged off. Except if his is clicking a
special button in the small window of opportunity.

Basically what you all want to do is to kick the user after he/she has
worked for an amount of time.
From my point of view this differs from the concept of session. Those
define a timeout of inactivity time - not a maximum working time
(There is a great difference in limiting the time a user has to max.
30 minutes or set the maximum inactivity time to 30 minutes). If this
time is reached the session object is removed from the server. Why? In
order to free up resources on the server side.
In your client timer solutions how to you ensure that the session
object gets removed from the server?
In order for your solution to work properly you need to start your
server with an infinite session timeout and this can very easily be a
problem if your session-object-free-up mechanism fails.


On 24 Jun., 14:51, Bruno Lopes wrote:

 I have the solution :)

 Check the file atttached

 Hope it helps :)


 On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Sunny wrote:
  Hi Stefan,
  Thanks for the suggestion but i cannot do that because that will
  create too much of network traffic.
  Mean While i have found a way to identify the DAEMON THREAD for the
  session that has recently expired
  but i still need a way to send the message to correct widget, in my
  case a Label, to show the message to the user.


  On Jun 24, 4:49 pm, StrongSteve wrote:
   Hi Sunny,

   You need some kind of polling solution.

   For example an invisible frame on the client side that asks the server
   periodically (f.e. every second) if the session is still valid.
   If not, then this invisible frame will display an alert box on the
   client side informing about the session expiration.


   On 24 Jun., 12:02, CIAO wrote:

What i am trying to do is that I have created a simple login page
through which user identifies himself, after successful authentication
of the user as soon as he enters the data page a cookie is created on
the client side with a session name string in it also the same session
name and the time of creation of the session gets stored in a Hash-map
on the server side say if user does not logs out then his session
continues to persists till the session is timed out. Also at the time
of session expiry the cookie gets deleted and the value from the Hash-
map is removed by a timer task running on the server side. thereby
removing all the information about that session from the application

Now the problem is Say that user has opened a window (Session) and has
forgotten about it then he will remains logged in (Till he refreshes/
Closes the browser/Sign-out) in-spite of the fact that his session has
What i want to do is that as soon as the timer task discovers that the
session has expired it should send the user information that your
session has expired and log him out automatically.

mind that the hash-map used is a static map and its method for
inserting the values has been kept as synchronous to cater to
different browser/Systems

Thanks in Advance

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Format Double to String

2010-05-25 Thread StrongSteve
Hello Everybody,

Our application puts out a lot of double values.
Unfortunately it is not ok to output the double value using the
exponent - for example: 12E-7 we want the the whole number - for
example 0.00012

I am really stuck, as GWT does not support the DecimalNumberFormat and
I do not get it to work using the NumberFormat class.

Any ideas? Help?

Thanks in Advance for your help!


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MenuBar with Icons

2010-05-07 Thread StrongSteve
Hello Everybody,

Can anyone be so kind and point out some documentation for creating
MenuBars with Icons.

I already have the ResourceBundle (MenuBar.MenuBarImages) and I create
the menubar using the follwing constructor: new MenuBar(Resource

Unfortunately no icons are displayed. Furthermore I could not find any
examples about this on google or any documentation at all. Very
sad... :(

Perhaps I could proceed if a knew what the method:
AbstractImagePrototype  menuBarSubMenuIcon()  does?
Do the image resources and the menuItems have special names so that
the appropriate icons can be found?

As you can see help is really appreciated! ;)

Thanks in Advance for your help!


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Register Labels to listen for combo box events

2010-04-28 Thread StrongSteve
Hello Everybody!

I have a more or less complex GWT page, consisting of comboxboxes,
labels, buttons... (yes, it is the specification for a calculation! ;)

Now I need a good approach/solution for the following problem:

As soon as I change the value on one combobox I need the text of some
labels to change.
It can not be done manually from the combobox (use the onValueChange
event and call label1.setText, label2.setText, ...) as the combobox
does not known which labels to change. Only the label knows which
combo box it should listen to. (Reason:  Number of comboboxes is
created dynamically)

So I was thinking if there is a way to tell specific labels (during
their creation) to listen for onValueChange events on a specific
combobox. If the comboxbox changes its value, and an event is fired,
all labels will be called an can change their value.

Is this possible? (How!? ;)
Anyone ever had the same problem?

Thanks in Advance for your help!


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Re: Session Timeout Popup

2010-04-27 Thread StrongSteve
Thanks for your quick reply.

I am just wondering if there is no easier way to do this.

I mean, adding an exception to all server methods and checking it in
every onFailure block does not seem so pratical to me.

There should be an easier way!

Thanks in Advance!

On Apr 26, 5:08 pm, kozura wrote:
 Easiest is probably to just create an exception for session timeout,
 and throw it on the server side after you check for session validity.
 Then put a standard method in your onFailure call to popup the error
 when that exception is received.

 On Apr 26, 8:25 am, wrote:

  Hi Everbody,

  I am looking for a way to implement a session timeout behaviour into
  my GWT application.

  On the ServerSide I have a session listener that sets the value for
  the session timeout as soon as a new session is being created.

  Now what I would like to do is to present the user a popup as soon as
  the session has experied.
  This does not have to happen automatically. It is also ok to show this
  popup as soon as a new request is addressed against the server.

  Now I am looking for some best practices on how to deal with this
  I believe some of you have already dealt with similar problem! ;)

  Thanks in Advance for your help!


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Session Timeout Popup

2010-04-26 Thread StrongSteve
Hi Everbody,

I am looking for a way to implement a session timeout behaviour into
my GWT application.

On the ServerSide I have a session listener that sets the value for
the session timeout as soon as a new session is being created.

Now what I would like to do is to present the user a popup as soon as
the session has experied.
This does not have to happen automatically. It is also ok to show this
popup as soon as a new request is addressed against the server.

Now I am looking for some best practices on how to deal with this
I believe some of you have already dealt with similar problem! ;)

Thanks in Advance for your help!


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Re: NumberFormat

2010-04-01 Thread StrongSteve
No one?

On Mar 25, 11:32 am, StrongSteve wrote:

 I experience the following - from my point of view unexplainable -
 behaviour when using the GWT NumberFormat
 ( I am using GWT 2.0.3,
 Eclipse Ganymed and IE8/FF3.6.

 Within my client package I have a static helper class which contains
 the following method:


 public class Utils {
   public static final NumberFormat DOUBLE2_FORMAT =

   public String formatDouble2(double d) {
     return DOUBLE2_FORMAT.format(d);




 Using the code above I get a javascript error when using the
 formatDouble2 method. Compiling the GWT code in a detailed way and
 the javascript error message is something like
 com...i18n.client.positivePrefix is null or not an object. The GUI
 gets stuck and the application is no longer usable.

 So how did I solve it?
 During debug instrumentalization I found two ways. Unfortunately I can
 not explain either of them - so I was hoping someone can explain me
 why it works! ;)

 Adding a Window.alert(...) into the formatDouble2 and everything works
 fine. Why!?


 public class Utils {
   public static final NumberFormat DOUBLE2_FORMAT =

   public String formatDouble2(double d) {
     Window.alert(Utils: inside formatDouble2 d= +d);
     return DOUBLE2_FORMAT.format(d);




 The solution I am currently using is to only use pattern itself as a
 static member and create the NumerFormat within the method. This works


 public class Utils {
   public static final String DOUBLE2_FORMAT_PATTERN = ##.00;

   public String formatDouble2(double d) {
     return NumberFormat.getFormat(DOUBLE2_FORMAT_PATTERN).format(d);




 BTW, changing the public static to private static did not work either.

 Thanks in Advance for your help!

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[Javascript Error] NumberFormat

2010-03-25 Thread StrongSteve

I experience the following - from my point of view unexplainable -
behaviour when using the GWT NumberFormat
( I am using GWT 2.0.3,
Eclipse Ganymed and IE8/FF3.6.

Within my client package I have a static helper class which contains
the following method:


public class Utils {
  public static final NumberFormat DOUBLE2_FORMAT =

  public String formatDouble2(double d) {
return DOUBLE2_FORMAT.format(d);



Using the code above I get a javascript error when using the
formatDouble2 method. Compiling the GWT code in a detailed way and
the javascript error message is something like
com...i18n.client.positivePrefix is null or not an object. The GUI
gets stuck and the application is no longer usable.

So how did I solve it?
During debug instrumentalization I found two ways. Unfortunately I can
not explain either of them - so I was hoping someone can explain me
why it works! ;)

Adding a Window.alert(...) into the formatDouble2 and everything works
fine. Why!?


public class Utils {
  public static final NumberFormat DOUBLE2_FORMAT =

  public String formatDouble2(double d) {
Window.alert(Utils: inside formatDouble2 d= +d);
return DOUBLE2_FORMAT.format(d);



The solution I am currently using is to only use pattern itself as a
static member and create the NumerFormat within the method. This works


public class Utils {
  public static final String DOUBLE2_FORMAT_PATTERN = ##.00;

  public String formatDouble2(double d) {
return NumberFormat.getFormat(DOUBLE2_FORMAT_PATTERN).format(d);



BTW, changing the public static to private static did not work either.

Thanks in Advance for your help!

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Textbox React on Paste (Event)

2010-03-22 Thread StrongSteve
Hi Everybody,

Is it possible to react on the user pasting text into a GWT textbox?
(Both using STRG+V and using the right-mouse context menu Paste).

ValueChange, MouseUp, ... are not fired, as I had expected them to
do. :(

Any ideas?

Thanks in Advance for your help!

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Re: Portlet Layout - Similar to iGoogle

2008-12-02 Thread StrongSteve

Thanks a lot! Exactly what I was searching for.
Will give it a try!


On 2 Dez., 15:53, rakesh wagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check demo #3, #5 and #7 of gwt-dnd demo.

 You will require the draggable and resizable Iframe from demo7. And
 place those widgets in a layout similar to that of demo 5.

 Here is the project link:

 Hope that helps.
 Rakesh Wagh

 On Nov 28, 4:58 am,StrongSteve[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Everybody!

  I have a very basic question and you hope you can provide me an
  answer! ;)

  So basically I have an existing web-application consisting of several
  JSP/HTML pages that provide different simple tasks.

  What I want to do now, is change the user interface in a way, that it
  looks like the main screen of iGoogle.

  So that I have a wide area with different widgets, that can be dragged
  around, hidden, ...
  Within each widget I want to display one of my existing Java Server

  Is this possible with GWT? Or do I need additional libraries to
  support this behaviour.

  Can you please point me out the major steps that would be necessary to
  reach this goal?

  Thanks in Advance for both your time and your knowledge!

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Portlet Layout - Similar to iGoogle

2008-11-28 Thread StrongSteve

Hi Everybody!

I have a very basic question and you hope you can provide me an
answer! ;)

So basically I have an existing web-application consisting of several
JSP/HTML pages that provide different simple tasks.

What I want to do now, is change the user interface in a way, that it
looks like the main screen of iGoogle.

So that I have a wide area with different widgets, that can be dragged
around, hidden, ...
Within each widget I want to display one of my existing Java Server

Is this possible with GWT? Or do I need additional libraries to
support this behaviour.

Can you please point me out the major steps that would be necessary to
reach this goal?

Thanks in Advance for both your time and your knowledge!


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