Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread KaffeineComa
Hey Google GWT developers, could we get a response to this question please? 
You've created this elaborate editors framework that lots of people are 
trying to adopt, but there seems to be no way to secure it on the server 

Without any server-side checks, attackers are free to query, modify and 
persist entities as they see fit. This is a really serious problem. 

Maybe there is an obvious solution and I've been too dumb to find it. I've 
looked through the documentation, examples and even the source and haven't 
been able to solve this.  We'd all be happy to RTFM, if you could give us a 


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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread Jeff Schwartz
I haven't used the request factory so I am sorry, no I can't help you with

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Kathiravan Tamilvanan kat...@gmail.comwrote:

  Do you have any idea how to do session validation with RequestFactory

  I am using RequestFactory with a  ServiceLocator to locate my spring
 service layer. I would like to validate the session, when a request is made
 through the RequestFactory, before invoking the Spring service layer. Do you
 have any recommendation on this?


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*Jeff Schwartz*
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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread KaffeineComa
FWIW, I also tried securing my services layer by using a servlet Filter 
(same way that I'm using a PersistenceFilter to manage by 

I was hoping to query the user's session for a loggedInUser object, but 
was stymied by the fact that the Filter interface only has a ServletRequest, 
not an HttpServletRequest, and thus no access to the user's session. If 
anyone knows a solution to this, please share.  (Hmm, now I'm wondering if 
the ServletRequest can simply be cast to an HttpServletRequest...)

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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread KaffeineComa
OK, I feel as if I'm solving this problem via Rubber duck 
sitting down to phrase my question reveals a potential solution:

   - create MyRequestFactoryServlet that extends RequestFactoryServlet (I 
   didn't realize this was an option; I thought the relevant methods therein 
   were marked final, but that's not the case)
   - override doGet()/doPost to check the user's session for a 
   userIsLoggedIn object (which you can set via RPC or similar at your login 
   - throw an exception (or perhaps redirect) if the user is not logged in
   - use MyRequestFactoryServlet in your web.xml rather than 

I think this will work, but I wonder if there is not a more official 
solution, given that there used to be a UserInformation class that seemed to 
address this issue.

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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, March 3, 2011 4:16:40 PM UTC+1, KaffeineComa wrote:

 Hey Google GWT developers, could we get a response to this question please? 
 You've created this elaborate editors framework that lots of people are 
 trying to adopt, but there seems to be no way to secure it on the server 

 Without any server-side checks, attackers are free to query, modify and 
 persist entities as they see fit. This is a really serious problem. 

 Maybe there is an obvious solution and I've been too dumb to find it. I've 
 looked through the documentation, examples and even the source and haven't 
 been able to solve this.  We'd all be happy to RTFM, if you could give us a 

It's indeed easy and rather obvious. If you look at the Expenses sample, 
you'll see how they do it using GAE to authenticate the user, but the 
overall mechanism is portable to any environment.

First, you need a way to intercept requests to the RequestFactoryServlet to 
check the user is authenticated: this is the role of a servlet Filter (or 
you can extend RequestFactoryServlet and override the service() or doPost() 

Next, you have to communicate to the client that the user is not 
authenticated (important in case the session times out, for instance): it's 
up to you to choose your protocol, but a 
response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); will be enough.

Finally, sending the info the client is one thing, but the client has to 
handle it: this is the role of the RequestTransport that you can pass to 
RequestFactory's initialize() method. Just inherit DefaultRequestTransport 
and wrap the RequestCallback from super.createRequestCallback to handle 
getStatusCode()==401 (or whatever protocol you chose above) and do 
whatever you want (dispatch an event on your application's EventBus, 
redirect to the login page, simply do a Window.alert() and let the user 
refresh the page after they backed up their data using copy/paste to the 
Windows Notebook, etc.)

I'm sure I've already written all of this here (last month?), unfortunately 
I can't find it.

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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread KaffeineComa
Hi Thomas,

Thank you. I actually came to the same solution just a few minutes after 
posting my plea for help. Here's my code, for anyone else who'd like to 

It wasn't obvious to me because for some reason I thought the 
doPost()/doGet() in RequestFactoryServlet were marked final, as they are in 


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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread Kathiravan Tamilvanan
 I just looked at your Stackoverflow solution. I understand it to some 
extent but i am new to web development, here is my doubt,

 According to the , 
it is good to send the session information on the payload. So i am assuming 
the RequestContext will have the session information as a parameter.
something like EntityProxy getEntityWithId(String id, User);

In this case i am not sure how to get the User information from inside the 

Am i talking sense?


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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread JN
When you inherit from DefaultRequestTransport as Thomas says, you can 
overwrite the method

protected void configureRequestBuilder(RequestBuilder builder)

You can then set custom HTTP headers to transport additional information 
like the session id or some other auth token. So there is no need to add 
these extra information to every RequestContext method.

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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread KaffeineComa

I believe that a large part of the discussion in that FAQ has to do with 
implementing remember me functionality, whereby you persist the session 
information (or some hash thereof) in a cookie. I'm not using that 
functionality, and so I'm simply relying on the session management provided 
by regular old servlets.

I'm assuming you're asking how do I get the User object in the session (so 
RequestFactoryServlet can later find it) in the first place?  The answer to 
that is that I have a login page that uses normal GWT RPC to validate the 
login (well, I'm using OpenID, which is quite a bit more complicated than 
that, but the upshot is the same): in the ServiceImpl for my GWT RPC, I do 
the following:

User user = validateLoginCredentials(...)
req.getSession().setAttribute(LOGGED_IN_USER, user);

Then I can retrieve the User object from the HttpSession in 

Does that make sense? 

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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread Kathiravan Tamilvanan
 I am summarizing below what i understood from the discussion

   1.  User logins to the Application - The session id is created on the 
   server side and sent back to the client.
   2. For every request from the client, the client sends the session id as 
   part of the request. ( can't be cookies as per the loginsecurityFAQ )
   3. The overwritten RequestTransport sets the session id in the HTTP 
   Header ( this is happening on the client side. Is this right?)
   4. The overwitten RequestFactoryServlet gets this session id from the 
   HTTP header and validates the user state using the session id ( this is 
   happening on the server side )
   5. If the validation fails RequestFactoryServlet sends an Exception, 
   which is again handled by the overwritten RequestTransport (the client 
   handling part as per Thomas suggestion ) 

Is the above understanding correct.

I confused with the Payload and HttpHeader, are they the same?


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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread Kathiravan Tamilvanan
Ooops..we both were posting at the same time. I dont think I understand the 
PayLoad concept properly. Is setting information on the Session with 
setAttribute termed as PayLoad. 

If thats the case, your explanation makes total sense to me. 

can you also look at my response to JN's post.

I may be asking the same thing again and again. Things are little over my 
head now :-(


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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-03 Thread JN
Just do an instanceof HttpServletRequest check and then cast it. It should 
always be a HttpServletRequest because your GWT app talks to a HttpServlet. 
If the instanceof check fails, well then just deny the request and send back 
a http error.

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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-02 Thread Kathiravan Tamilvanan
I am also looking for some recommendation for this.

I have read this link and 
also wanted to implement the security with RequestFactory. But as the 
article suggests, the session id should be sent on the payload of the 
request instead of the cookie approach.

The following questions come to my mind

1. Do we need to send the session id on each method on the RequestContext? 
If so how do we validate this on the Server side?

2. Does servlet filter help in validating the session before every request? 
I am not really sure how to get the RequestContext session id parameter from 
the servlet filter . Is it even right thinking?

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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-02 Thread Jeff Schwartz
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Kathiravan Tamilvanan kat...@gmail.comwrote:

 I am also looking for some recommendation for this.

 I have read this link 
 also wanted to implement the security with RequestFactory. But as the
 article suggests, the session id should be sent on the payload of the
 request instead of the cookie approach.

 The following questions come to my mind

 1. Do we need to send the session id on each method on the RequestContext?
 If so how do we validate this on the Server side?

IMO if a GET exposes sensitive data to the client then I would say it
should. Also, if a request is a POST then I would say it should. For
everything else it would depend on the nature of the application and the
data. For instance, does the application fall under the guidelines of an
industry's governance board like many financial applications and
specifically those related to banking and the credit card industries.

You can validate the session id by comparing it to the Session object's
session id as follows (show in the context of a RemoteServiceServlet):

HttpSession session = getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(true);
String sid = session.getId();
if (!clientSid.equals(sid)) {
throw new MyInvalidSessionException();

MyInvalidSessionException is a custom exception class derived from Throwable
and can be caught in the onFailure methods of each RPC call.

 2. Does servlet filter help in validating the session before every request?
 I am not really sure how to get the RequestContext session id parameter from
 the servlet filter . Is it even right thinking?

Yes if you were to use the session id in the request header which isn't a
good idea and no if you are using RPC because the filter will be called
prior to the serialization of your payload forcing you to resort to bit
twiddling with the request headers to get at it.

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*Jeff Schwartz*
follow me on twitter: @jefftschwartz

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Re: how to secure RequestFactory in GWT 2.2

2011-03-02 Thread Kathiravan Tamilvanan
 Do you have any idea how to do session validation with RequestFactory 

 I am using RequestFactory with a  ServiceLocator to locate my spring 
service layer. I would like to validate the session, when a request is made 
through the RequestFactory, before invoking the Spring service layer. Do you 
have any recommendation on this?


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