[GRASS-user] Re: grass-user Digest, Vol 70, Issue 7

2012-02-04 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Aldo, Martin

In last week I to did some work with adding scale/north to a map.

using 6.4.svn (a couple of days behind update at time of post).
With python wx GUI

Found similar to Aldo, where adding scalebar seemed to be a 'once-off'
option, couldn't click on it etc to edit. using icon on toolbar to open
'add scalebar' again didn't seem to help, I may have even crashed the
display/GRASS at one point by clicking around too much on that... but at
time was busy to print the map so did what I had to do to get job done
and continued.

Other bits I noticed, was if I chose to use print icon, and sent to pdf,
much of the map was a black box, with scalebar in top-left of black box
but positioned on right place of map. Black box though seemed to be this
huge bit of extra space associated with scalebar.

printing/exporting to .png image did not result in this black box.

Also, if I made a scalebar but then zoomed map in/out, the scalebar
stayed the same size and in the same position within the display window,
not in the same position relative to the map.
So whatever calculates the scalebar does not refresh if zoom is used
after creation of the scalebar.

Have not tried any of this back in tcltk GUI

Any aspects here worth verifying and adding to a bug report, or putting
in as their own bugs?
Aldo - let me know what bug # you have for putting yours in.


 Message: 3
 Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 12:09:47 +0100
 From: Aldo Clerici aldo.cler...@unipr.it
 Subject: [GRASS-user] Problems with histogram and scalebar in wxpython
   GUI (GRASS6.4.2RC3)
 To: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
 Message-ID: 059f01cce32d$81c6e1b0$8554a510$@cler...@unipr.it
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Dear GRASSusers and developers,
 I'm using GRASS6.4.2RC3 under Fedora 16 and I'm having problems with the
 wxpython GUI.
 1) In the 'Create histogram of raster map' function, the style pie and the
 Color for text and axes options are not working.
 The options  run fine on the tcltk GUI and in command line mode.
 2) In the 'Add scalebar and north arrow', the scale can be modified only
 once and the option can't be re-entered nor the scale can't be deleted.
 Also in this case there are no problems with the tcltk GUI.
 Bugs or something wrong in my Python?
 Many thanks in advance
 A. Clerici
 Parma University
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 Message: 4
 Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 12:44:23 +0100
 From: Aldo Clerici aldo.cler...@unipr.it
 Subject: [GRASS-user] Problems with histogram and scalebar in wxpython
   GUI (GRASS6.4.2RC3) (supplement)
 To: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
 Message-ID: 05aa01cce332$574b62d0$05e22870$@cler...@unipr.it
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 In GRASS6.4.0 USB version I have the same problems with the histogram, but
 add scalebar works fine.
 A.  Clerici
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 Message: 5
 Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 13:36:48 +0100
 From: Martin Landa landa.mar...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] Problems with histogram and scalebar in
   wxpython GUI(GRASS6.4.2RC3)
 To: Aldo Clerici aldo.cler...@unipr.it
 Cc: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 2012/2/4 Aldo Clerici aldo.cler...@unipr.it:
  1) In the 'Create histogram of raster map' function, the style pie and the
  Color for text and axes options are not working.
 right, wxGUI histogramming tool happily ignores any d.histogram
 settings expect map name, see [1]. Please fill a bug report, I would
 assume that this bug will be fixed for 6.4.3 (where wxGUI code base
 will change).

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] how to report/measure a vector area?

2012-01-30 Thread Shane Litherland
Thanks Micha,

I've used v.to.db a bit, just not recently enough to remember that was
my answer! Thanks for your tips/reminder, I should be OK in getting it
to happen for me now :-) If you don't hear from me again on this, I've


On Mon, 2012-01-30 at 10:01 +0200, Micha Silver wrote:
 On 30/01/2012 09:52, Shane Litherland wrote: 
  Hi all,
  I'm lost. I have looked around in GRASS for how to report the area (e.g.
  in hectares) for a vector map that, yes, has area (i.e. centroids and
  I cannot find a way to do this. A bit of web searching, even gave some
  suggestions this basic facility may not be available in GRASS?? surely
  there's something tucked away to do it?
  I'm sure I've done something in the past to view vector area data,
  though it may have been area data that was already in a table. When I
  use the query tool in map display, it tells me 'nothing'. Seems that is
  because my vector is not connected to an attribute table. For the
  purpose of my exercise I did not need cats for the boundaries/centroids
  so I didn't bother with a table connection either. Maybe this is where
  I've gone wrong?
  I did try vector to raster to try and report on how many raster
  cells/area... no luck there either.
  I also tried the 'measure' tool in the map display, but it only gives
  I could go and learn more about PostGIS for sending the vector data to a
  postgres geometry table and figure it out that way... I was hoping to
  find a way to do it in GRASS in a matter of minutes, not via a database
  and a couple of days/weeks of learning how...
  What tool/command should I be using?
 v.to.db is what you need. From the man page:
 Upload polygon areas to corresponding centroid record in the attribute
 v.to.db map=soils type=centroid option=area col=area_size unit=h
 You'll need to start by adding a database connection and a column for
 area. Again in the man page there's a sample you can follow- just use
 option=area instead of option=sides:
 Upload category numbers of left and right area, to an attribute table
 of boundaries common for the areas:
 # add categories for boundaries of the input vector map, in layer 2:
 v.category soils out=mysoils layer=2 type=boundary option=add
 # add a table with columns named left and right to layer 2 of the
 # vector map:
 v.db.addtable mysoils layer=2 col=left integer,right integer
 # upload categories of left and right areas:
 v.to.db mysoils option=sides col=left,right layer=2
 # display the result:
 v.db.select mysoils layer=2
  grass-user mailing list
  This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: GRASS-user] how to report/measure a vector area?

2012-01-30 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

yes,yesYES thank you for your inputs :-)
it was a simple case of me not having a table with the info in to start
with, so once i remedied that with v.to.db (hello old friend, where have
you been hiding?) reports and map queries were a breeze, as well as easy
calculations directly on the table in sql (in pgadmin) to answer the
number-crunching I desired.

A happy chappy :-)

and although I noted a coupla odd things in the digitiser (which I'm
still to check in north carolina dataset and give feedback on) i managed
to NOT do any bad combination of mouse-clicks and ruin the vector in
question ;-) soon i'll earn the badge of guru-beginner ;-)


On Mon, 2012-01-30 at 12:53 -0800, Hamish wrote:
 Michael wrote:
 Ismael wrote:
  Yes. The cool (and sometimes confusing) thing
  about GRASS is that often there are several ways
  of getting the result you want.
 n.b. in this case v.report is just a more obvious
 wrapper-frontend to v.to.db.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] RE: Hidrological network (ALT SHN)

2012-01-30 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Andr,

You mention that you have streams of different 'order', does that mean
you have a table connected with a column containing a value for each bit
of stream (e.g. the river and tributaries are a combination of vector
lines, and each line between one stream junction and the next has a
'stream order' number)?

If so, could you do something as simple as putting a sql query in the
'where' box of the properties dialog (on the 'selection' tab)? e.g.
(where) stream_order_column4
This has worked for me when viewing a stream-order vector map with
appropriate values.
(this properties tab is the gui for d.vect, if you're looking for it by
other means)

I am not sure if, after that stage, you may be able to save a copy of
that vector with the same 'where' criteria applied during the copy
process, to then have a smaller vector file for your own use. Or copy
the entire vector then delete/drop the vectors (and attributes from
table) for the higher-order streams you don't want?

Any other thoughts on this one people? or am I paddling up the wrong
stream, so to speak?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Re: setting up GRASS svn

2012-01-22 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Markus,

Thanks for confirming why my initial fumbling didn't appear
successful :-)

Note that my final outcome was a fresh setup so the hurdles I had along
the way aren't residing in my current GRASS now.

couple of other notes in context below:

On Sat, 2012-01-21 at 21:24 +0100, Markus Neteler wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 5:44 AM, Shane Litherland
 litherland-f...@bigpond.com wrote:
  Hi Markus and mailing list;
  I tackled the svn setup today. after several hrs of web browsing,
  uninstalling old versions, and trying a few approaches to svn commands,
  I think I have succeeded. the 'info' under GRASS HELPABOUT GRASS GIS
  now shows I have 'GRASS GIS 6.4.2svn50340 (2012)
 Excellent, congrats.
  A couple of hurdles I had on the way... simply following your initial
  instruction of:
  If you compile yourself, consider to switch to the 6.4.x release branch
  version (stable), which continuously receives bugfixes, using
  the command:
  svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4
  did something in a terminal,
 It downloads the source code to your local disk.
good to know what happened :-) (note for later explanations)
  seemed to indicate there were a lot of bits
  to update to my existing 6.4.2RC2. But I don't think that command by
  itself did anything to my GRASS version?
 You needed to execute it in a fresh/empty directory. If you did so in
 an existing tree, you have a source code version mixture now. Better
 to fetch it again.

this is a good tip to include with INSTALL/Wiki (continued below)
  I tried running above, then doing 'configure' (with several custom
  settings) and 'make' and 'checkinstall' which kept the computer busy for
 Yes, make does the compilation, i.e. convert the source code into
 a binary code which is machine readable.
  but still didn't seem to change my GRASS install... still
  6.4.2RC2 (2011) but not a svn version and not 2012??
 Yes, because you likely missed the installation step:
 make install
I used checkinstall in preference to make install because (at least on
ubuntu) it makes a .deb package for easy uninstall later on (I've found
that handy for spring-cleaning). Also use sudo. My problem here would
have been a result of not doing it in a clean/empty directory as you
noted above.

Use of checkinstall came straight from
(this page has been quite useful for several occasions of me installing
GRASS, thanks!)

 Note that this may require administrator (root) password or you have to
 do (depends on your distro):
 sudo make install
  After doing this, re-running 'svn update' suggested it was current, but
  the GRASS program itself told me something else??
 Yes (see above).
  I ended up following tips from
  i.e. first downloading and installing an svn snapshot. This web page was
  the only place I found that gave any clear info on how to start off with
  svn versions.
 Please tell us which places are *not* clear so that we can fix them.
The downloads page
would be the starting point - either on this page or on the pages that
can be opened from here that relate to svn e.g.

on this page
you could provide a link 'how to (start to) use GRASS svn' to
(or would both these pages be better condensed into one?)

The same link/s could be done for

Note that 'Working with SVN' page could do with some correction at the
end of the 'first time' section - it goes as far as explaining 'svn
update' but doesn't state one must continue with ./configure, make and
make install (the reader can infer this from the next bit of info on
updating, but it doesn't need to be left up to inference;-) )

Markus, your tips above could be added to that 'Working with SVN' page,
in the Setting it up first time section, particularly if the 'svn
checkout' is an alternative to downloading, unpacking and updating a
snapshot as is currently described.
It would also help to give a short explanation on why 'svn checkout' or
'wget - tar - svn update' can both achieve the same outcome (if in fact
they do?) or, simply remove the latter steps and put the 'checkout'
instructions there.

Possibly a condensed note in the INSTALL file from line 39 (or from line
source code or svn/snapshots should be downloaded and uncompressed to
clean/empty directories prior to compilation. Do not try to upgrade
existing versions or move an (official) release to svn by unpacking in
an existing GRASS directory. For more info see website (the 'Working
with svn' page I suggested above could replace the current address, or
leave as is if the extra links I suggested get added).

Hope my comments

[GRASS-user] d.vect struggles on Map.Render() for 'larger' vectors

2012-01-21 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi GRASSers,

I've just clarified something for myself, that I've only occasionally
noticed before because most of my work is with small vector files.
Starting to play with the North Carolina dataset highlighted this issue
for me again, as it has some 'larger' files in there (not that I'd
consider 300KB coor file large!).

I've got 6.4.2svn updated 21-01-12, on Ubuntu 10.04.

The steps I've used:

1. open GRASS, in NC mapset, PERMANENT
2. click 'add vector'
3. in d.vect, choose a vector e.g. bridges
4. hit OK, and GRASS greys out for over 10 minutes, while things are

There seems to be a few pauses in terminal output,

GUI D3/5: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd='d.vect map=bridges@PERMANENT'
(the next line after about 2 minutes was
GUI D4/5: LayerTree.ReorderLayers(): items=bridges@PERMANENT,

but the longest (around 10 minutes) was after:
GUI D3/5: utils.GetVectorNumberOfLayers(): vector=bridges@PERMANENT - 1

The next line after this when output resumes in the terminal is:

GUI D3/5: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=bridges@PERMANENT

Nothing showed in map display, so;
5. click 'zoom to selected layer' tool and again it greys out for
several minutes,

again the delay is at the Map.Render() step.

6. right-click vector in Layer Manager, choose 'Properties' to bring up
d.vect dialog
7. click 'Selection' tab, (it greys out again for several seconds), then
deselecting all but one Feature Type and hitting OK (starting with
points and working my way through each type)

-I tried points, then lines, but with each of them taking around ten
minutes I could not afford the time to continue through each type like

I'd also tried reducing resolution - halving column/row numbers
essentially. No discernable improvement.

This issue is barely noticeable on very small files (e.g busroute1 in NC

I've also tried a statewide 'soils' map I have in my own system, coor
file is 1.1MB. It it sluggish, but still loads much faster than the NC
bridges vector (which is a third the coor filesize). It loads
significantly faster (maybe 10-15 seconds?) if I deselect the 'area'
option on the 'Selection' tab.

So it would appear that it's not just the size of the vector file that
causes the delay?

Am I just asking too much from my computer, or is there some way to cut
down on the computing that takes place in GRASS? Should/could I tweak
certain settings for my GRASS or computer setup to improve performance?

If I can't get the NC maps to work faster than this, it's going to limit
how much I can use them to check/replicate glitches I find when doing my
own digitising etc... just this experience has chewed up about 5 hrs of
my afternoon... :-/


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Re: setting up GRASS svn

2012-01-20 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Markus and mailing list;

I tackled the svn setup today. after several hrs of web browsing,
uninstalling old versions, and trying a few approaches to svn commands,
I think I have succeeded. the 'info' under GRASS HELPABOUT GRASS GIS
now shows I have 'GRASS GIS 6.4.2svn50340 (2012)

A couple of hurdles I had on the way... simply following your initial
instruction of:

 If you compile yourself, consider to switch to the 6.4.x release branch
 version (stable), which continuously receives bugfixes, using
 the command:
 svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4

did something in a terminal, seemed to indicate there were a lot of bits
to update to my existing 6.4.2RC2. But I don't think that command by
itself did anything to my GRASS version? 

I tried running above, then doing 'configure' (with several custom
settings) and 'make' and 'checkinstall' which kept the computer busy for
awhile, but still didn't seem to change my GRASS install... still
6.4.2RC2 (2011) but not a svn version and not 2012??
After doing this, re-running 'svn update' suggested it was current, but
the GRASS program itself told me something else??

I ended up following tips from

i.e. first downloading and installing an svn snapshot. This web page was
the only place I found that gave any clear info on how to start off with
svn versions.

I noted in the INSTALL files the process of updating svn was more
similar to this website than to Markus' tip above... but the install
file is dated July 2010. Is 'svn checkout' a newer option?

It now seems I'm on track. Were my initial blunders actually working
without me knowing, or was the latter approach the correct thing to do,
and Markus' tip is what is used for subsequent updates of an existing
svn version of GRASS?


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] tabbing between multiple displays in manager

2012-01-08 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Anna,

Thanks for that note :-) It's not something I'm desperately needing, so
I won't jump up to 6.5 or 7, I'll stay with the 6.4.x's for now (as i'm
more a novice user than developer) and it will be something to
appreciate when 7 gets to release stage :-)
Or a nice surprise if it gets backported to the 6.4's.


On Wed, 2011-12-28 at 17:10 +0100, Anna Kratochvílová wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Shane Litherland
 litherland-f...@bigpond.com wrote:
  passing thought - is there a way to rename the display tabs (currently
  just 'display 1', 'display 2' etc)? could be handy where one has several
  display tabs and can't remember what's on each one... e.g. can I name
  them to be 'weeds', 'catchments', 'cadastre data' and so forth?
 It should work now (in G65 and 7) by right click on the tab (menu appears).
  grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS 6.4.2RC2 crashing during digitising

2012-01-08 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Martin, Markus;

appreciate this guidance, I probably glossed over this tip somewhere in
the manuals, you've saved me a bit of study time. Now for me to put it
to use to help save you some time when it comes to deciphering my
problematic posts ;-)

Bear with me, I've got several paddocks worth of weeds to digitise from
the last week or two, then I have to implement your debug suggestion,
along with North Carolina sample mapset for testing my problems, and
move to svn versions of 6.4.x... then I'll post back on the few issues I
noted over xmas/NY.


On Tue, 2011-12-27 at 01:39 +0100, Martin Landa wrote:
 2011/12/27 Markus Neteler nete...@osgeo.org:
  @devs: Since you wrote that all windows disappeared, I wonder if the crash
  log could be saved anywhere for inspection?
 if you enable WX_DEBUG or DEBUG messages then any error messages are
 redirected to the terminal.
 Debug messages `g.gisenv set=DEBUG=5` would help to understand what is
 wrong with digitizer.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] erroneous creation of single-point boundary

2012-01-07 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again,

I mentioned in an earlier post when GRASS crashed, that I eventually
fixed via tcltk instead of wxgui, and found in the process a
single-point boundary in the area I'd been digitising prior to a crash.

I've found a few more times, that a single-point boundary gets
incorrectly created, it seems to be when I am trying to do a small
boundary and maybe the snapping process is interfering with it?

I can, for example, have an existing boundary (say, one that will be a
common boundary between two areas when I'm finished).
I might activate the boundary tool, left click on one end of the
existing boundary to start another boundary, go out a short distance,
left click again to create a vertex, then left click at other end of
existing boundary and right click to finish. prior to the final right
click, there is a yellow dotted line and vertices to show my new
boundary will form a triangle beside the existing boundary. After the
right click, I cannot see anything where this triangle should be. Upon
closer inspection, I find a single-point boundary where I did the first
click to start the boundary (usually obscured by the node/vertex of the
existing boundary).

On one or two occasions, rather than it 'reverting' to a single point,
it has 'reverted' to a boundary between the first and second vertex,
i.e. an unclosed boundary, it seemed to 'lose' the third vertex that
should have closed the new boundary to the existing one.

when these glitches occurred, I tried a few times to delete the faulty
boundary and do it again, but the same error happened. I found I had to
zoom in on the map, so that my new boundary / mouse-clicks were further
apart?? this is why I suspected the snapping setting might be
'interfering', even though whilst drawing the boundary it appeared to be
snapping to the nodes I intended.

can anyone else repeat this scenario? i'm on wxgui 6.4.2RC2 ubuntu
If anyone else can validate my experience I'll follow it up in the bug


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] GRASS 6.4.2RC2 crashing during digitising

2011-12-26 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

Note this is in the WXPYTHON GUI

I have been digitising vectors, using tools including add new boundary
or centroid, move vertex, delete vertex, split line, probably a few
others too.

Most of the time no problems, but I just had GRASS crash (all windows
disappeared, only the 'terminal' I started it from still open) after
using the split tool, then using the 'delete vertex' tool. I selected a
boundary vertex to delete (left-mouse click), then on right-click to
confirm, it all crashed.

When I have just started up GRASS again, I found that vector had
boundaries and centroids, but the areas were not shaded. when I started
the digitiser mode, it gave me the 'no topology' message. I clicked OK
to rebuild, and it crashed again, though in the terminal I noted the
usual output from when topology is rebuilt (e.g. number of boundaries,
centroids, number of areas without centroids, etc).

Upon starting GRASS a third time, I found that vector still did not have
topology. I used the v.build (rather than just asking it to rebuild
prior to digitising). This seemed to recover my vector correctly, and
did not cause a GRASS crash. I found one area that seemed to have 'lost'
its centroid though.

I was checking the data (in digitising mode) for the areas I'd digitised
before the crash, they seemed in order, then I used the pan tool (about
the third time I'd used it whilst in this digitising session) to move
towards the part of the map where I'd been working at the time of the
initial crash, and GRASS crashed again!

Upon starting up GRASS AGAIN! I found that vector had lost topology

run v.build again, seemed to correct the problems, tried to open up
digitiser mode and it crashed AGAIN.

Did a shut-down and restart of my computer.
Another GRASS session - had to do v.build again, then it crashed when I
tried to enter digitiser mode and select that vector layer.

Went back to running GRASS in tcltk. Had to do v.build on the vector in
question, but could open it for editing with v.digit. I got a message
upon running v.digit that 
Coor files of vector map GRT11_12@Lacebark is larger than it should
be (1113 bytes excess)

Which I understand as I've come across this sort of message before when
vectors have been corrupted or there's erroneous boundaries/centroids
etc floating around from a job part-done before a crash.

Why though, has this occurred in the first place (i.e. the initial crash
and loss of topology when using 'move vertex' tool in digitiser)? It
seems all the crashes that followed in wxgui when I tried to get back to
the vector to correct/digitise may have been caused by this coor file
error, but the wxgui didn't tell me that, it just crashed repeatedly. at
least the tcltk gui has told me of this problem, so now I could get on
to fixing it with v.digit.

I tidied up the boundaries/centroids where I'd had the crash, found a
single-point boundary in existence under one of the vertices of a
'proper' boundary, not sure how or when this could/would have been
created. But along with some unclosed boundaries and centroids in these
unclosed areas, I got it tidy, and tried wxgui again.

HOORAY! I can digitise again in wxgui, it didn't crash!

Now, this experience is currently too longwinded to report as a bug,
does anyone else have some suggestions on what parts would be the
relevant bits if I was to report this as a bug? do I need to run GRASS
and replicate the problem with 'debug' mode or something to get more
useful output on what's happening?

Feedback appreciated. As a footnote - I don't mind persevering with
'newer' GRASS versions to help figure out glitches etc, but it is
frustrating when the glitches I find cause substantial loss or
corruption of my data. I do have irregular manual backups, but even
losing half-an-hour's worth of work between backups, and taking twice as
long to check/restore/redo it all is precious wasted time for me. Does
anyone else have a protocol (maybe an auto-save to
'filename-dateextension') to reduce their data loss / downtime when
testing out newer GRASS setups on their system?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] d.area.thematic ? and other d. in wxgui

2011-12-26 Thread Shane Litherland
Fellow GRASSers,

I have been playing/reading through vector classification, in the help
files under v.class, there is reference to d.area.thematic which
actually opens up a help page for d.thematic.area.

I was also looking via the wxgui search module, for either combination
of these tools, didn't seem to come up in the menu tree.

I tried typing either of these into the command console, the latter gave
a message that it's not yet implemented in wxgui, the former had no

So it seems the reference to d.area.thematic in the help files (at least
on the v.class page) is merely a typo?

Whilst looking around, I happened to type d.vect.. in the command
console, and found there was a d.vect.thematic tool. It opened up a
dialog for me to play with. Yet using the search module, I could not
find where d.vect.thematic was in the menu tree.

In fact, I had trouble finding where many d. commands are in the wxgui,
I tried entering a few in the command console from the several that came
up for auto-fill, often got a message about 'not yet in wxgui' so are
most d. commands still a work in progress to activate in wxgui?

I have more question/comments regarding d.vect.thematic, a tool which I
found in wxgui that seems to do a similar task to d.thematic.area, in a
separate post.


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] d.vect.thematic in wxgui

2011-12-26 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again,

here's some of my experience with the d.vect.thematic in 6.4.2RC2 wxgui:

I tried doing a basic process through the dialog i.e. select a map,
feature type=area, pick a column, 5 intervals, most of other settings
were default.

I ran it, and it showed the vector in thematic colouring, as a new layer
in the existing display. It was listed as a layer in the layer manager
Right-clicking on it in the manager and choosing properties, brought up
the d.vect.thematic dialog again, not the d.vect properties dialog that
other 'normal' vector layers showed. Seemed right to me.

Trying to use the query tool on the layer in the display window
repeatedly gave me a message that:
no map layer selected for querying
I checked it was the active layer in manager, and tried several places
on the thematic as I could see it in the display, with same result.

I tried zooming in/out to see if I could select a spot better (maybe I
wasn't getting the mouse click over the middle of the area, or over
where the centroid should be?..) and had a strange result.

The display did zoom, but the thematic was redrawn at the new scale
whilst the previous draw remained in place. even using the
display/render map tools in the display window did not 'clear' it up. So
after three or four zooms, I had a very colourful tessellation of my
thematic vector layer at multiple scales, but it was not very useful for
data analysis :-}

the panning tool at first seemed to be dragging the thematics and
background around in the display window, but upon releasing the mouse,
the background was redrawn in the new position but the thematics
'snapped' back to the same position they were relative to the display
window. i.e. if I had some thematic areas coloured lower-left of screen,
and I panned the display so they and background seemed to be centred,
the background would redraw with my new 'centre' but the thematic that
was lower-left still showed in lower-left. So it was no longer over the
same bit of ground, in effect.

Is this tool still a 'work in progress' to be fully functional in wxgui?
Or should it be working but I have found a bug?

A coupla questions moving past the issue of whether it works or not:

Can I use SQL or v.class or mathematical combos of columns for the
'column' input (similar to use in v.class or d.thematic.area)? It seems
I have to select a column from the table, looking at the dialog box for
this tool.

In my situation, I want to use column_3 x (column_4 squared) as the
value input for the 'column' part of the command. I can easily create
this value in the table with a bit of SQL but if I can implement this
step in GRASS it would keep the table smaller and be more versatile for

I wanted to use the query tool as mentioned above, to check what values
the thematic had chosen... I'd previously used a thematic tool in tcltk
in earlier GRASS versions and noted that for a vector layer with
numerous cats for each centroid, the value chosen for the thematic
corresponded to the entry with the highest cat (generally the most
recent entry). I actually wanted to display the highest value from the
column in question for all of the entries...
Does anyone know if d.vect.thematic can be manipulated to define what
values it uses for a given area/point/etc if multiple values exist for
that area/point? in some cases, maybe I do want to display the value
from the most recent event, other times I might want to see the max or
min value at that point from all the values for that area/point.

I am OK at doing bits like this in SQL, but am somewhat lost as to how
I'd cover the geospatial aspect if GRASS itself can't do it. I am
wondering if using PostGIS to put a geometry column to the table in
question might be what I should pursue? Then I could do all the
selecting/filtering in SQL feed a 'view' (as a 'table') to GRASS to do
the d.vect.thematic on?

Hope the comments above are useful; hope someone has feedback on my
latter questions :-)


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] 6.4.2RC2 on ubuntu 10.04

2011-12-23 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

been busy away from computer last several weeks.

Last I posted, was playing with ~RC1, and noting several little
glitches, at least one of which I was supposed to file a bug report
on... :-/
Have dusted off my login etc for doing that, and just installed the ~RC2
OK it seems, from source. used the advice on 
as I'd done for ~RC1, and seemed to do the trick.

Before I continue putting in bug reports I'm checking whether the
glitches I had in ~RC1 are (or are not) still there in ~RC2. I have so
far noted one small one regarding displaying of layers in wxgui (ticket
Next on list is to check if issue that Moritz advised me on is still
there (as per email 22/11/11)

FYI, I used the following for the install:

sudo CFLAGS=-g -Wall ./configure \
--prefix=/usr \
--enable-64bit \
--with-libs=/usr/lib64 \
--with-cxx \
--with-postgres \
--with-odbc \
--with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config \
--with-python=/usr/bin/python2.6-config \
--with-wxwidgets=/usr/bin/wx-config \
--with-geos=/usr/bin/geos-config \
--with-postgres-libs=/usr/include/postgresql/libpq \
--with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/postgresql \
--enable-largefile=yes \
--with-includes=/usr/include \
--with-proj-share=/usr/share/proj \

briefly saw a few 'syntax error' messages fly by in the terminal during
install, but in the end there were zero errors reported and GRASS opens
up OK.

One thing I did note, is that the INSTALL file that comes with the ~RC2
file, had a note about compiling for 64 bit (which I have) and referred
to correctly configuring the FFTW2 with a -fPIC flag... as per the info
on above website, I have already apt-get a newer version (3.0 or 3.+?)
and I assume the apt-get would have done the 64-bit configuring... I
haven't seen any issues so far in operating GRASS anyhow. Though I
haven't done any number crunching that might employ FFTW. The note in
the install file may be worth updating though, if version 3+ is now
available and maybe it doesn't need specifically configuring for 64-bit
with the -fPIC flag?

Hope those comments are useful :-)

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] digitising area crashes GRASS in wx GUI

2011-12-23 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,
this seems to be a serious thing!

wxGUI, ubuntu 10.04, GRASS 6.4.2RC2;

I created a new vector 'testing_vectors' for troubleshooting.
obviously it was empty to start with.

I chose 'digitize' from the listbox on top-right of map display window,
then selected the vector from listbox that appears with digitizing

I proceeded to select 'area' tool, and draw an area. when I used the
right-mouse click to finish/close the area, GRASS crashed (as in all
windows shut down, disappeared, only the terminal that I used to start
GRASS was still there, no messages or anything in it).

I restarted GRASS, opened the workspace, same steps above to digitize
the vector again. after selecting it, I got a Topology missing dialog
that stated:

Topology for vector map testing_vectors is not available. Topology is
required by digitizer. Do you want to rebuild topology (takes some time)
and open the vector map for editing?

I clicked yes, and it seemed to go OK, let me continue to digitize and
it showed the vector i'd digitized prior to the crash. BUT IT WAS ONLY A
BOUNDARY, NO CENTROID. I chose the 'area' tool again, and same result
(crash on completion; rebuild topology on opening it again).

In the same vector, I could draw a boundary and complete it with no
crash. I could add centroids to the boundary I drew, and to the previous
boundaries that were the result of the crashed 'area' tool.

So is there something wrong with the area tool in the process of it
adding a centroid? I did not change any of the digitising settings, they
were all at default I believe. (The 'add new record to table' was
unchecked, maybe I had changed that option?)


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] RE: query tool in wxGUI doesn't work on multiple table connections

2011-12-23 Thread Shane Litherland
I found another case where the tool seems to not function fully:

A different vector to my earlier post, has for a given centroid:
layer 1: cats 4,5 and 107
layer 2: cat 40

I checked the connection to this info is fine within the wx digitiser
using the attributes tool there.

the query tool in general view though, only reports the data for this
point to match layer 1, cat 107. none of the other cats have a tab
showing their data.

elsewhere in that same vector, i found a centroid where I got same error
messages as earlier reported, the layer/cat details for that were:
layer 1, cats 1 and 2
layer 2, cat 39

a third centroid was OK, with layer 1, cats 76 - 81, but the query tool
only showed data for cat 81.

a fourth centroid, only layer 1, cat 33, was reported OK by the query

a fifth centroid, layer 1, cat 2 and layer 2 cat 39, gave an error with
the query tool.

I noted that the cases that the query tool gave an error, at least one
of the entries for layer one had a 'null' value for the 'notes' column
in my table.

however, with the fifth centroid example above, which had a blank notes
field, I entered a note, but that did not stop the query tool giving an
error message.

I went back to the first centroid which for some reason did not report
an error despite having multiple connections on layer one and one
connection on layer two, compared to example two which had a very
similar setup but gave the errors:
I could not see any difference in the details for the relevant entries
in the table/column that gave an error in the latter.
The only thing I could figure out is that the centroid that the query
tool partly worked for had layer 1, cat 107 data returned which just
happened to be a different date (in relevant table column) to the data
on layer 2, whereas the centroid that gave an error had the same date
for the data on both layers. This does not explain anything to me though
because I have not got any connections/joins etc between these tables
based on a date field (unless table conditions that I set up in
PostgreSQL have any bearing on GRASS??)

Does this make the problem any clearer to anybody else? I don't
understand enough about the query tool to eliminate possible sources of
the error despite this testing.


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] how to use 'copy cats' tool in wx digitiser

2011-11-20 Thread Shane Litherland
Another little query, am I using the 'copy categories' tool the wrong
way... instructions when selecting that tool say 'left click =select;
ctrl+left = unselect, right click=confirm'
I have tried several combos of left and right, e.g. select/confirm
source, select/confirm target; or select source, select/confirm target;
select source, confirm target; but cannot seem to successfully copy cats
from one centroid to another.

from recollection, the old v.digit tool for this process had a 'click
source - click target - confirm click' i.e. three stages whereas the
current tool seems to only have two... does it need three?


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] category number incrementing when digitising

2011-11-20 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Moritz et al,

Thanks for your patient description. I have been using cats and tables
for a while now, and think I understand enough about how they work, your
explanation seems similar to what I'd read in the GRASS docs.

My concern here is not how to use them, but that the check/list boxes in
the dialog appear to increment the cat numbers without them actually
being used. e.g. If I click on 'next to use' in the listbox ten times,
the cat that will be used next goes from 320 to 330, before I have
digitised anything to even give a cat to.

A couple of other odd things like this in wx dialogs/gui seem to have
come down to what version of wx/python/GRASS is being run together, so I
was wondering if anyone else can repeat this event in their dialog, and
if not, why (maybe newer wx/python?)

Too late at night for me to dig up my system specs... tonight got wasted
with other dramas on GRASS and a bunch of lost data... but if you want
them, I can get them


On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 11:19 +0100, Moritz Lennert wrote:
 On 16/11/11 07:12, Shane Litherland wrote:
  Hi all,
  6.4.2RC1 on ubuntu 10.04.3, using wxgui
  when digitising new vector, in 'digitisation settings' on 'attributes'
  tab, I can play around with settings to add record to table, auto or
  manual cat etc.
  Noted that when cat mode is 'next to use' clicking the checkbox on/off
  for 'add new record into table', the number keeps going up by one for
  each click. same happens for the listbox for category mode if i keep
  clicking on the 'next to use'
 Assigning category numbers to a geometrical object is independent from 
 the fact whether you add a record to a table or not. Category numbers 
 are identifiers you can assign to objects. If you wish you can link a 
 specific layer to a table and then those objects whose category number 
 appears in a specified key column in that table have attribute 
 information in the table, others don't.
 So, if you use 'next to use' mode, but check off 'add new record into 
 table', you assign a category value to the objects you will digitize, 
 but no corresponding entry is added to the category table. This can be 
 very useful when all you need is categories and not other attributes 
 (e.g. you use specific integer codes for land use classes and just 
 assign each polygon the relevant land use class code as category value 
 without creating an attribute table).
 I'm not sure, but I have the feeling that the above explanation might 
 also respond to all your other issues.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] digitising area crashed GRASS

2011-11-20 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Martin,

the wxGUI digitiser. I've been brave lately and given it some
workouts ;-)

alas, tonight, i've had more dramas with it...

Trying to use the 'digitise area' tool for a separate vector has crashed
grass for a second (third, fourth, fifth..) time in a few days. it made
the boundary but not the centroid (I determined that upon re-opening)
and lost topology but seemed to rebuild ok. tried tool again, just the
same way, and it worked with no crash to digitise two more areas, then
crashed on the third.
The next time I opened GRASS to do same process, it crashed on first
area again.

digitising a boundary and manually adding a centroid doesn't seem to
cause me this grief.

Any more sleuthing required at my end?


On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 11:23 +0100, Martin Landa wrote:
 2011/11/16 Shane Litherland litherland-f...@bigpond.com:
  6.4.2RC1 ubuntu 10.04.3 wxgui
  Not as bad as it sounds though...only happened once so far.
  At first, I thought it was because I may have had the 'no category' or
  'don't save to table' settings ( a hangover from whatever I'd just
  done), and when I used the area tool upon completion of a boundary by
  right-click, GRASS crashed/closed. Did a restart, the boundary was
  there, topology had to be rebuilt for the vector layer, easily added the
  missing centroid. didn't seem to affect other existing parts of vector.
  have tried area tool again, with several combos of 'add/don't add to
  table', and 'manual, next, no cats' without any crashes. The area tool
  even worked with 'no cats' just made a centroid with no cat.
  so dunno what happened. if it does again, will try and note more detail.
 are you speaking about v.digit of wxGUI digitizer?

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] wx digitiser destroyed my vector again

2011-11-20 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

just had an unsavoury experience for the second time since using wxgui
in 6.4.2RC1

when digitising a vector that consisted of boundaries and centroids, I
was attempting to split a boundary to add more adjacent
boundaries/centroids. somewhere in process of trying/learning to get the
break/split/similar tools to work, then moving boundary segments to tidy
up mistakes and/or using undo button, everything in the vector except
for a handful of boundaries that were in view of the gui vanished. It
seemed to become apparent at the point of hitting the 'undo' button. I
didn't save anything just quit GRASS and reopened, but that's how it

had to restore vector file from a backup and re-do any recent stuff I'd

am i using some of these tools wrong or does GRASS wx digitiser have
some serious issues when it comes to data integrity? i thought i'd
figured enough out to safely use the wx digitiser but if i have to keep
restoring from backups every couple of weeks i might be better off going
back to the v.digit option...??

a bit further into things, i've now had GRASS crash when trying to split
and delete centroids or boundary vertices. I re-opened GRASS with
relevant vector, went to digitise and got 'topology needs to be rebuilt'
message but when I chose to rebuild it crashed GRASS again. I have now
re-opened GRASS four times and tried to rebuild topology from the
message and it keeps crashing.
I tried rebuilding with v.build and it seemed to work but told me I had
more boundaries with errors than i expected, then tried to open up
vector to digitise (wxgui) and it still crashed.
I had to re-recover the vector from my backup, and use v.digit (tcl/tk)
digitiser to check over things.
only when i'd removed the aberrant boundaries (in tcl/tk) that had
resulted from me splitting/moving sections, could I get it to build
without reporting any boundaries with errors, and not crashing in the
wxgui digitiser.

I later found two tables connected to this vector had been deleted from
postgresql! I did a force remove (using wxgui) of the faulty vector
before restoring from my backup, but i have used force remove many times
prior to 6.4.2RC1 without it deleting tables... so has something changed
here, or did the tables get deleted somewhere in the mess that resulted
with the wx digitiser...???

This kind of stuff is bloody annoying... what was 15 minutes work has
now taken me 3 or more hours up late fixing the mistakes/errors... If
i'm doing something wrong i'd be most appreciative of being corrected,
if GRASS is misbehaving then i'd appreciate suggestions on what part of
my experience to document in a bug report. in the meantime, looks like
i'll go back to using the tcltk digitiser even though the wx one is a
bit fancier... i'd prefer stable data over latest fashions any day!

too tired tonight to dig up specs on my wx, python, etc but using ubuntu
10.04.3 mostly from standard repositories for updates etc. can get more
info if required.



grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] RE: more on misaligned rasters vs vectors

2011-11-18 Thread Shane Litherland
hi all,

I had a similar oddity with two rasters that were in Albers Equal Area,
which should have overlapped but appeared to be about 1.5 hemispheres
apart... At first I thought the metadata may have been erroneous but
maybe there's something else afoot. I got around it by opening them in
separate Albers locations/mapsets, then from there into one latlong
location/mapset where they did align as I initially expected them to in
the Albers projection.

Anyone wanting to check this out first hand to see if it's a GRASS thing
or the original data, can freely download from the following site:

and just look up these two files in the search option at bottom
Digital Elevation Model (25m) South East Queensland (Data Package)
Landsat Imagery Mosaic 2006 Queensland

It may shed some more light on Kirk's issue?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] digitising area crashed GRASS

2011-11-17 Thread Shane Litherland
6.4.2RC1 ubuntu 10.04.3 wxgui

Not as bad as it sounds though...only happened once so far.

At first, I thought it was because I may have had the 'no category' or
'don't save to table' settings ( a hangover from whatever I'd just
done), and when I used the area tool upon completion of a boundary by
right-click, GRASS crashed/closed. Did a restart, the boundary was
there, topology had to be rebuilt for the vector layer, easily added the
missing centroid. didn't seem to affect other existing parts of vector.

have tried area tool again, with several combos of 'add/don't add to
table', and 'manual, next, no cats' without any crashes. The area tool
even worked with 'no cats' just made a centroid with no cat.

so dunno what happened. if it does again, will try and note more detail.


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] category number incrementing when digitising

2011-11-17 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

6.4.2RC1 on ubuntu 10.04.3, using wxgui

when digitising new vector, in 'digitisation settings' on 'attributes'
tab, I can play around with settings to add record to table, auto or
manual cat etc.

Noted that when cat mode is 'next to use' clicking the checkbox on/off
for 'add new record into table', the number keeps going up by one for
each click. same happens for the listbox for category mode if i keep
clicking on the 'next to use'

result seems to be some cat numbers get skipped when actually doing

thought i could work around it by doing manual cat number to bring 'next
number' back to where it should be, which will happen if i go through
digitising a new centroid. If I just change 'manual' and apply, then
continue playing with settings without digitising something, each time I
return to the 'next number' option it remembers the number generated
from the previous bout of clicking the checkbox/listbox as per above.

Anyone else noticed this and/or can repeat this?

Something else in the process:
noticed if i make a centroid and the 'next number' is not what I wanted
as the next number, I can change the cat number of the centroid OK. But
if there's no entry in the table for that cat because it was skipped
earlier in the digitising stage, the attributes tool comes up blank.
kinda makes sense to me but i was hoping the attributes dialog would
still open up showing blank fields for each table column and then I
could add the info. currently have to first add record (or at least a
partial record with relevant cat) to the table (e.g. using PGadmin to
access the postgres table)

also found if I change digitisation settings for attributes, but don't
hit the 'apply' button, the digitiser window still responds to whatever
the earlier settings were.
-could the settings automatically update/apply whenever a change is made
to one of the options in this dialog?

furthermore, it seems that cat increments within the digitising window
don't fully obey the dialog settings e.g. I've used manual cat to do a
centroid #752. back to dialog and set cat to 'next to use' and it shows
#753 (yay). click apply, go to digitise next centroid, dialog to enter
table data pops up but it's for cat #754...?!?
If I hit cancel, delete the cat, and try again, the next dialog comes up
with #755. All the while the settings dialog shows next to use should be
#753 still...??

Should it be reported as a bug or could it be result of my end (have had
other small anomalies that appear to be based in what versions of python
and wx I have)?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] better way to add layer categories?

2011-11-17 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

I have a vector, with three layers each connected to a different table.

I heard about v.db.join and thought that would be a great tool, which it
is but it doesn't satisfy me for this purpose, as it seems to result in
the joined info displaying like one big table with all data from joined
tables together.

I would prefer to keep the info from each table on separate layers just
so I can do things a particular way.

Currently when I digitise an area, I add the cat for each layer.
Is there a better way to do it, a bit like an update query? Because I
could digitise the areas and do the cats for the first layer, then the
other layers share a common value in a 'date' field which could join
them. or a partly-automated, partly-manual approach where I tell GRASS
to add to vector layer 2, a cat value of x, when the date (of layer one)

I have spent some time going through GRASS manual for various things,
but so far haven't had anything hit me in the face as being an answer to
this... maybe I need glasses... ;-)

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] d.vect colour wheel not active wxGUI 6.4.2RC1

2011-10-25 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Martin,

python 2.6.5 is what comes from the repositories for my ubuntu 10.04 64
bit. I read elsewhere that there's a fair bit of fixes in 2.6.6, but
also saw a few forums/bug reports about upgrade issues in ubuntu so as
it's a small issue I'll wait until there's a 'proper' package available
for my system.

wx is so that is same as what you have.


On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 12:18 +0200, Martin Landa wrote:
 2011/10/20 Shane Litherland litherland-f...@bigpond.com:
  any others find this too? ubuntu 10.04.3 64 bit, wxGUI python 2.6
 seems to work for me. Debian GNU/Linux unstable, python 2.6.7, wx

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] d.vect colour wheel not active wxGUI 6.4.2RC1

2011-10-20 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Martin,
Thanks for comment. will look into it further, including checking
versions etc.


On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 12:18 +0200, Martin Landa wrote:
 2011/10/20 Shane Litherland litherland-f...@bigpond.com:
  any others find this too? ubuntu 10.04.3 64 bit, wxGUI python 2.6
 seems to work for me. Debian GNU/Linux unstable, python 2.6.7, wx

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] map query tool in 6.4.2RC1 ???

2011-10-20 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Martin,
thanks for confirmation on query tool operation :-)

Further on the other issue (below):
  A problem I find, is that some things I click on don't give results, I
  get this sort of error:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp
  _window.py, line 1017, in MouseActions
   File /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp
  _window.py, line 1207, in OnLeftUp
  line 1382, in QueryVector
  action = mode)
   File /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/dbm_dia
  logs.py, line 104, in __init__
  self.UpdateDialog(query = query, cats = cats)
   File /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/dbm_dia
  logs.py, line 362, in UpdateDialog
  line 109, in SelectByPoint
  if self.tables[table][key]['ctype'] != types.StringType:
  I get similar message with different last line for different vectors I
  query, but it seems to be having an issue with certain columns from
  connected tables? for one vector as above, it is the last column of the
  table connected on layer 3. column is character varying(20)
  On another vector, I get similar message and it is the last column of
  the table connected on layer 2, format integer
  Yet I can go to another vector, that has integer double precision
  and character and the edit dialog box will pop up when I click on the
 could you send `v.db.connect -g` and `v.info -c` output for
 problematic sample vector map?
Here's output from a vector that query tool did work on:
v.db.connect -g
1 public.VIP_transects cat gisdb pg

v.info -c
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:

Below is output for a vector that it gave error on, but whilst I was
checking this problem, I found that the query tool did work for a couple
of centroids that ONLY had data in a connection with table one (happens
to be vectors I am still updating info for other layers) So that may
help narrow down the possibilities i.e. it may not be the entire vector
that causes error, but maybe only when querying something which should
return info for 1 table connections.

Note I also have multiple entries within each layer for a given
centroid, I don't think I can confirm if that is or isn't an issue
whilst the current error stops me from getting any query result for such

v.db.connect -g
1 GRT_prevalence cat gisdb pg
2 chemical_use cat gisdb pg
3 grt_hours cat gisdb pg

v.info -c
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:

v.info -c map=GRT10_11@Lacebark
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 2:

v.info -c map=GRT10_11@Lacebark
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 3:

Let me know if any more sleuthing required at this end :-)


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] v.digit options in 6.4.2RC1

2011-10-20 Thread Shane Litherland
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 12:47 +0200, Martin Landa wrote:
 2011/10/20 Shane Litherland litherland-f...@bigpond.com:
  At first these three different ways to get to v.digit seemed a bit
 there is only one way how to start v.digit (Tcl/Tk, from the menu) and
 three ways how to reach wxGUI vector digitizer (which is not called
 v.digit to avoid mess).
  messy/unprofessional, but after using it a bit more, I can see some
  benefits in current layout... but thought I'd comment in case the
  various ways to get there weren't actually intentional?
 More ways how to reach a goal seems to you as messy/unprofessional?
No, no! :-) just that _initially_, given their variations in getting
there, i felt that.. or maybe more accurate adjective would have been
confusing, thinking from angle of newcomers being bamboozled by finding
too many ways to get something done... sometimes people like just one
option, keep it simple, don't scare them ;-) Mind you, such people
probably would never agree which 'one' avenue was 'the one'.
But I'm all good with the options, now that I've given them a bit more

Thanks for clarifying v.digit vs wxGUI too :-)


 BTW, you can also click on icon in the toolbar.


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.db.join - am I using it right?

2011-10-19 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

On 6.4.2RC1, I have just played with v.db.join after seeing it suggested
for a use I thought would benefit me (I'd briefly looked at it on 6.4.1
before upgrade, had similar 'errors' there too).

when I open the dialog box for it (using wxpython GUI), from the listbox
I can select vector map. I can then select 'join column in map table'.
Then when I select 'other table name' the 'join column in map table'
field goes blank (looking at command-line at bottom of dialog box shows
column=required). I can go back to 'join column' listbox and
reselect what I wanted and it seems to recognise it again, but if I
change the 'other table' it will blank the 'join column' listbox each

Then on going to last listbox 'join column in other table' it lists the
column names for the map table, when it should list the columns for the
other table! So I just cheated and typed in the column name I knew I
wanted for 'other table'.

This was what I ended up with:
v.db.join --verbose map=camphors@Lacebark column=chem_cat
otable=public.chemical_use ocolumn=cat
DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot execute:
ERROR:  column cat of relation camphors already exists
ERROR: Error while executing: 'ALTER TABLE camphors ADD COLUMN cat
ERROR: Cannot continue (problem adding column).
ERROR: Cannot continue.

I tried again, using different columns because I thought choosing a
'cat' column might have mucked things up. this case, I tried joining on
two date columns:

v.db.join map=camphors@Lacebark column=camphor_date
otable=public.chemical_use ocolumn=chem_date
DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot execute:
ERROR:  column cat of relation camphors already exists
ERROR: Error while executing: 'ALTER TABLE camphors ADD COLUMN cat
ERROR: Cannot continue (problem adding column).
ERROR: Cannot continue.

So it isn't the choice of columns... it's still trying to add another
'cat' column... why...?

This confused me. Why does v.db.join submit and ADD COLUMN command? I
expected a 'join' process to simply do that - join two tables based on
an existing column from each table; then display the data from both. The
info and examples in GRASS help for v.db.join show this is what should
happen with the Spearfish soils example.

So I thought I'd look at the vector map to see what, if anything, had
happened. Just in case these error messages were not-quite-relevant. But
ran into problem with query tool in map display as per separate post.

So I ran v.db.select on the table I'd just ran v.db.join on, it returned
the data from table one only (when having the layer selected that I'd
tried running v.db.join on) i.e. join not successful. So I guess error
message in this case was relevant.

Have I missed something elementary, or is the v.db.join passing the
wrong sort of SQL to db.execute or wherever it goes...?? What can I do
about it?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] d.vect colour wheel not active wxGUI 6.4.2RC1

2011-10-19 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

in d.vect dialog, going to select colour for lines/fill, the colour
wheel can be moved around with mouse, but the colour chosen on the wheel
isn't recognised to start with by the dialog. I found I had to click on
the eye-dropper icon, then click the colour wheel with the eye-dropper
tool. then the colour showed in bar at bottom as the new colour, and I
could continue to move the wheel around and the new colour would display

I'm fairly sure in 6.4.1 I could just select a colour on the wheel with
the mouse and 'OK' and it would be the new colour for the vector
line/fill. Don't remember ever having to use the eye-dropper tool within
the dialog itself.

any others find this too? ubuntu 10.04.3 64 bit, wxGUI python 2.6


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] map display in 6.4.2RC1 incorrect on startup

2011-10-19 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

I have started grass wxGUI from a terminal, then open a saved workspace.

that workspace has,
vector 1
vector 2
vector 3
raster 1

in that order in layer manager.

vectors are some lines/boundaries/centroids/points, raster is a fairly
high-res aerial photograph.
All of these layers are marked as 'visible'.

Once I've chosen to open this workspace, I see in the map display the
vectors appear, then a pause as raster loads (I'm used to a pause
because of file size on my old computer), but then once raster loads,
the vectors which should actually be showing over top of it, aren't. as
if the last thing to finish loading ends up as top layer in the display.

Clicking on the 'display map' or 'render map' icons doesn't seem to
re-draw it and sort things out. Neither does zooming in/out. raster map
continues to be only visible layer.
If i go to the layer manager though, and deselect 'visible' checkbox for
any of the vectors, the whole thing sorts itself out and appears as
expected, and continues to do so if i re-select 'visible' for any
layers. i.e. if i deselect vector 2, the map display refreshes showing
vectors 1 and 3 over top of raster 1.

Anyone else notice this?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] map query tool in 6.4.2RC1 ???

2011-10-19 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again all,

In 6.4.1 wxGUI, I noticed that the query tool icon in map display gave
user an option to query (display mode) or query (edit mode) - the former
showed details in output window, the latter opened a dialog box allowing
view/edit of data in connected table.

now in 6.4.2RC1, there does not seem to be an option to choose - I click
the tool, then clicking on the map does the 'edit' option of opening
dialog to view/edit data in table if/when it works that is...

A problem I find, is that some things I click on don't give results, I
get this sort of error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp
_window.py, line 1017, in MouseActions

  File /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp
_window.py, line 1207, in OnLeftUp

line 1382, in QueryVector

action = mode)
  File /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/dbm_dia
logs.py, line 104, in __init__

self.UpdateDialog(query = query, cats = cats)
  File /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/dbm_dia
logs.py, line 362, in UpdateDialog

line 109, in SelectByPoint

if self.tables[table][key]['ctype'] != types.StringType:

I get similar message with different last line for different vectors I
query, but it seems to be having an issue with certain columns from
connected tables? for one vector as above, it is the last column of the
table connected on layer 3. column is character varying(20)

On another vector, I get similar message and it is the last column of
the table connected on layer 2, format integer

Yet I can go to another vector, that has integer double precision
and character and the edit dialog box will pop up when I click on the

I am using Postgres db.

Any hints? Also, if it's something serious, should I head over to
reporting it as a bug and/or posting to the dev mailing list?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.digit options in 6.4.2RC1

2011-10-19 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

the wxGUI v.digit seems nice! a few things different to tcltk digitiser
to get used to but overall seems to have more versatility.

I have noticed that if I go to vector menu in main window, the option
there is for editing a vector with tcltk.

To use the wx option, one has to either right-click  start editing on
a vector in the layer manager, or in map viewer, choose 'digitise' from
listbox in top-right corner.
If I use the former option, then the vector highlighted in layer manager
is opened for editing. If I choose the latter, no layer is chosen by
default, not even if one is highlighted in layer manager, I have to
select which one I want to edit from a listbox on
left side.

At first these three different ways to get to v.digit seemed a bit
messy/unprofessional, but after using it a bit more, I can see some
benefits in current layout... but thought I'd comment in case the
various ways to get there weren't actually intentional?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.digit in 6.4.2RC1 wxGUI destroyed my vectors, OK second attempt.

2011-10-19 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again,

last night I was playing with the wxGUI digitiser, first time I've used
it (was not available in 6.4.1?)

In figuring out how select/commit worked a little different with mouse,
and how the display showed 'live' movements, I used the move/add/remove
vertex tools, the edit line/boundary, move features, and delete

Somewhere in my experimenting, the whole thing went weird on me. Started
showing random lines from corner of window to my (moving) mouse cursor,
duplicated boundaries when I chose to move a single point, refused to
close after clicking on the 'exit digitising' button and choosing
'no-don't save'. Eventually, ended up with most of the vector layer gone
(it was composed of boundaries and centroids), topology obviously
stuffed, one boundary I hadn't gone near still showed on the map and the
last half-dozen 'moves' of another boundary showed as half-dozen
overlapping boundaries, each with one of the vertices (whichever I'd
moved in that step) in a different position.

Got a whole heap of error messages in output and also topology errors in
terminal from where I ran GRASS. Can post them if anyone interested.

Had to dig out a backup of that vector and restore it to the GRASS

Have tried, much more carefully, to repeat process this morning. Adding
vertex, moving boundary/centroid, moving vertices, seems to be OK.

So far, only thing I can find again, is when choosing 'exit' and 'no',
the changes I just did ARE saved (e.g. i'd opened digitiser, moved a
boundary, exit-nosave, but boundary shows where I'd moved it to, not
where it was previously). Doesn't seem right to me - I know the tcltk
digitiser saved things as they were done, does the wxGUI in fact do the
same thing, in which case why the yes/no option to save when quitting

Tried a couple of tools from 'additional tools' icon/menu; some like
'split line/boundary' I've used before, and can find a v.split page in
GRASS help, whereas others like merge, connect, even snap, seem to be
new options or modifications of older techniques, which didn't do what I
expected initially, and couldn't find something in GRASS help where I
expected to, e.g. v.connect, v.merge, etc...

Any pointers on where to look for info on the 'additional tools' would
be appreciated. I've got enough grasp of the main tools in digitiser
that have their own icons already.

As for repeating my destruction of a vector layer, who knows? maybe
clicking left mouse button to select, then again to where I wanted to
move/add a vertex when I shoulda used right button (that was how old
tcltk worked - left select, left new spot, right commit - old habits!)
confused it before I finally clicked right button. Or clicking on a
centroid with 'move vertex' tool (no move happened, but centroid did
momentarily disappear until i right-clicked again)... or when the 'exit
digitiser' seemed to partly return the map display to 2d view but still
left the digitising toolbar showing, and I then re-opened the vector to
digitise some more... I think I was a fair way into playing before I
started noting odd things and recording the error messages.


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] 6.4.2RC1 breaks libgdal1-1.8.0-grass package on ubuntu 10.04

2011-10-17 Thread Shane Litherland
hi all,

since successful compile of ~RC1, have noted in synaptic package manager
that it thinks libgdal1-1.8.0-grass is a broken package.
Note, this wouldn't have arisen if I had 6.4.1 AND the newer version, I
suppose? But having only 6.4.2RC1 is why the system is having a hissy
fit ;-) the package has a depends on grass6.4.1

I foolishly took its advice at first, and asked for it to
clean/update/fix etc... it's idea of fixing was deleting it.

Took me ages to figure out how to get it back - I had to download
the .deb file (and associated files?) from where the package was at the
ubuntugis-unstable ppa, then use dpkg --ignore-depends=grass641 to get
it back on my system.

Now it's back, but synaptic is complaining again, as far as i can tell i
won't be able to do any updates until i 'fix' this broken package. It
seems getting synaptic to ignore broken packages and get on with life is
basically like telling it you have revoked its sole purpose of

I was looking into ways to convince synaptic that this dependency wasn't
there, or that the broken package wasn't there, but that was getting a
bit technical for me to figure out, diving into /var/lib/dpkg/status
where it didn't actually list grass6.4.1 as one of the dependencies
anyway... I guess I could have edited something in the .tar.gz archive
that was with the .deb archive, and repackaged that to a .deb without
the dependency and installed that??? like I said, getting a bit outta my
comfort zone...

I'm OK with ignoring synaptic and its tantrum for now. Maybe the package
in question can have the depends=grass6.4.1 updated and when that's done
I can let synaptic go back and sort its silly dramas out ;-)

So heads up for anyone else seeing that error on ubuntu - I suggest
ignoring it for awhile, and see if the relevant package can be tweaked
to accommodate ~RC1.
It may be that this dependency will exist in the corresponding packages
for the other distro versions of ubuntu too.\

Trust that's beneficial feedback :-)


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] 6.4.2RC1 on ubuntu 10.04 - successful

2011-10-16 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

Still early days in test-driving it, but I managed to swim the deep
waters of compiling from source and I figured I have been successful
because I can type 'grass64' in a terminal and things happen :-)

FYI, below is what I did to 'build/configure/whatever-the-right-term-is'
on ubuntu 10.04.3 64bit, with a previous version of grass 6.4.1.

I had hoped that I'd do it in such a way as the new version would take
the place of the old, but it appears that the new one has set up
in /usr/grass-6.4.2RC1 whereas the previous version (done from ubuntugis
unstable repo's) put it in... somewhere else.. i think because i did
'make distclean' before the new install, it tidied all that up (i.e.

anyway, that doesn't seem to affect it operating. just slightly out of
line with where ubuntu would normally have put it. I think it would have
been /usr/share as that is where all my other programs seem to be.

#ran this batch of apt-get, as per website

sudo apt-get install \
 build-essential \
 make flex bison gcc libgcc1 g++ cmake ccache \
 swig swig1.3 \
 python python-dev python-qt4 python-qt4-dev \
 sip4 python-sip4 python-sip4-dev python-opengl \
 python-wxversion python-wxtools python-wxgtk2.8 \
 libgsl0-dev \
 wx2.8-headers wx-common libwxgtk2.8-dev libwxgtk2.8-dbg \
 libwxbase2.8-dev  libwxbase2.8-dbg \
 libncurses5-dev \
 zlib1g-dev gettext \
 libjpeg62-dev libtiff4-dev libpngwriter-dev \
 tcl8.4-dev tk8.4-dev \
 libcairo libcairo-dev \
 sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev \
 libpq-dev \
 libreadline5 libreadline5-dev libfreetype6-dev \
 txt2tags \
 fftw3 fftw3-dev \
 libqt4-core libqt4-dbg libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libqt4-sql
libqt4-qt3support \
 lsb-qt4 qt4-designer qt4-dev-tools qt4-doc qt4-qtconfig \
 libapt-pkg-perl resolvconf \
 libjasper-dev \
 ruby \
 subversion \
 ffmpeg ffmpeg2theora \
 libffmpegthumbnailer-dev \
 libavcodec-dev \
 libxmu-dev \
 libavformat-dev libswscale-dev \

##note my system already had a lot of what was in this list, either
##from default ubuntu installs or from me
##reading through grass-compiling info and manually adding bits
##prior to just pasting this whole thing into a terminal

#and this specifically for ubuntu 10.04 again from website

sudo apt-get install libhdf4-alt-dev libhdf4-0-alt

## next steps

#note had to instal libgdal1-dev from ubuntu repo's
#in order to get /usr/bin/gdal-config
#also wx-common, libwxbase2.8-dev and/or libwxgtk2.8-dev
#and/or wx2.8-headers
#in order to get wx-config to enable wxwidgets
#(may also have been included in ~-dbg of
#these files instead of ~-dev, as per info obtained from terminal).

#then as per website instructions do a make distclean

sudo make distclean

##my idea for configure parameters:

sudo CFLAGS=-g -Wall ./configure \
--prefix=/usr \
--enable-64bit \
--with-libs=/usr/lib64 \
--with-cxx \
--with-postgres \
--with-odbc \
--with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config \
--with-python=/usr/bin/python2.6-config \
--with-wxwidgets=/usr/bin/wx-config \
--with-geos=/usr/bin/geos-config \
--with-postgres-libs=/usr/include/postgresql/libpq \
--with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/postgresql \
--enable-largefile=yes \
--with-includes=/usr/include \
--with-proj-share=/usr/share/proj \

#configured ok, then from website instructions do this
#but I had to add 'sudo' before make

sudo make -j2  sudo checkinstall  sudo ldconfig


That's what worked :-)
a couple of basic questions showed in terminal as I finished the process
but they went straightforward.

One small thing, is that I now have to type 'grass64' from the terminal,
on previous version/s I had the option to just type 'grass' (possibly
the ubuntu install just make a link in the relevant ./bin file from
'grass' to 'grass 6.x')
I used 'locate' and 'whereis' in a terminal to check if 'grass' still
existed, it seems not. Trivial issue though :-)

Overall, am pleased that I managed to A) get it working and B) not have
the old version hanging around to confuse me or the computer!

I will post feedback on usage, particularly regarding recent problems I
reported, in separate emails.

Regards, and a pat on back to the GRASS collective :-)


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] d.vect anomalies 'fixed' in 6.4.2RC1

2011-10-16 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

over last couple of weeks, wrote about problems with the GUI for d.vect
in wxpython. Basically, tweaking properties for vectors caused GRASS to
freeze after a few operations of d.vect dialog.

I have just been playing with d.vect in wxGUI and it seems to be working
well :-) I've done 3-4 times more changes using the d.vect dialog than
what I'd achieve previously before a crash - changing colours,
displaying different layers, display cats/topology for vectors, change
what features (line/area/etc) are displayed, even putting SQL 'where'
clauses in that worked correctly...

So I think the problems I faced, have been dealt with in this version.
Fabulous! Will continue to use wxGUI now, if other things arise will
note them.


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] i.ortho.photo questions -testing in 6.4.2RC1

2011-10-16 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again all,

I'm trying i.ortho.photo from wxGUI to assess an earlier problem. So far
I have hit a similar error message when zooming after a few GCP's are
present, but I am wondering if I have done some things wrong in earlier

For entering camera position at step 6 for omega/phi/kappa, I read the
help/instructions in GRASS, and based on having the camera pointing
straight down from the plane, I put the angles for both of these at 0.
The instructions state that I don't need this step when using vertical
images anyway, but for the sake of me understanding how this whole
process works I wanted to enter the values (and can just leave 'use at
run-time' set to 0).
Should I actually have used 90? My interpretation of the instructions
may have been wrong in assuming zero is when camera view is
perpendicular to ground in the x and y planes. Is camera angle for these
values measured from horizontal?
Then, if there is roll or pitch, do either of these have a
positive/negative or clockwise/counterclockwise format? the instructions
explain yaw is measure in degrees from north, clockwise being positive
(but not full 360; goes to +180 or -180)?

Another key thing I may have shot myself in the foot with, is editing
original image. It was too big to use in entirety, so I cropped out the
section I wanted in the middle. I also increased resolution of this
cropped bit to give a clearer picture. So whilst dimensions have
changed, it is not the extent of image that is indicated by original
camera specs e.g. focal length, width/height, pixel dimensions will be
Does this mean the use of orth-photo rectification is voided for me? Or
can I employ some trigonometry and basic maths to calculate parameters
for the cropped image from the parameters of the original image and then
feed those into i.ortho.photo?

Comments appreciated.


PS, on similar note, another poster asked about using ortho-photo
rectification of satellite images, to which the advice was 'you can't'.
I would have thought a satellite image is akin to an aerial image taken
just a little higher off the ground...?? or do sat images span too much
curvature of the earth to rectify well in i.ortho.photo? or do they lack
the parameters required such as camera angles, focal lenghts/points,

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: d.vect dialog issues, and query tool issues (previously: GRASS GUI issues)

2011-10-13 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Martin, excuse slight delay in reply, busy elsewhere..

yeah, i think i put specs in earlier posts but they're _days_ old
now ;-) and longwinded.

6.4.1 from 'unstable' ubuntu-gis repositories, as per info on grass
download site. ubuntu 10.04.3 64 bit
uname -a output:
Linux [my-computer-name] 2.6.32-34-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 13
19:39:17 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

If you want to see how to 'reproduce' the problems I have, refer back to
earlier post/s.

Thanks :-)

On Tue, 2011-10-11 at 12:07 +0200, Martin Landa wrote:
 2011/10/11 Shane Litherland litherland-f...@bigpond.com:
  so if those error messages aren't relevant, and the wxGUI should be
  working with python 2.6... any suggestions on what else I should be
  looking into to figure out the d.vect freeze issue, and/or the lack of
  output from query tool in display mode?
 which version of GRASS? (on Ubuntu right?)

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] RE: Connect two tables in vector data

2011-10-13 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Sebastian et al.,

I gathered from the original post, that you did manage to connect each
table, separately to the vector, using different layers, which I have
done myself several times.

I then gathered that this was not what you ideally wanted, and you then
proceeded to play with connection settings and got some errors about
GRASS not recognising a column for key/cat/Schluessel? It could be that
the column, though appearing to have numbers in it, wasn't actually
numeric (that was the kind of error message I'd expect for such a
situation). I've seen this sort of thing happen if, for example, the
tables are being imported from other formats such as .csv without the
column type as 'integer', 'serial' etc. Or the imported data (associated
with your .shp file) did have valid column formats but those formats
were not recognised by dbf. In the past, this has happened to me with a
couple of number/date formats.

For that particular situation where you had that error, you might be
able to check/change the column format in the database... but if you are
using the inbuilt dbf database, well, I found it too limiting for my
purposes when playing with tables and SQL queries and moved to
PostgreSQL. As another post suggested, you could move to something like
this or SQlite, MySQL, or others(?) for better table/database

Another issue you mentioned related to querying the vector, and not
getting info back for all the layers/connections... I have recently had
similar issues with the query tool in the wxGUI (python) that I've noted
in a couple of posts over the last week or two. So that issue may have
been separate to how you were connecting the tables (more a problem with
the GUI), but I can see how you could interpret it as being a problem
with the tables/connections. I'm not sure what the verdict is on this
query tool issue at moment.

Getting back to your original question though...I reckon Moritz' answer
might have solved your original question..
I haven't yet played with v.db.join myself, thanks to Moritz for
mentioning its use for this application, it might be useful for me
too :-)

There may also be another approach to 'joining' the tables for
connecting to GRASS, if you are working in a database. You may be able
to make a 'view' (akin to a temporary new table or a select statement)
from both tables of interest and connect to the 'view' from GRASS... I
know in PostgreSQL, a view is considered much the same as a table and a
quick check in GRASS shows I can connect to a 'view', but being a view
it's not actually the original data so adding/editing I don't think is
possible. That in some situations might actually be a benefit though?
i.e. no unanticipated data changes whilst in GRASS. safe for punters to
use... ;-)

Anyway,  was really just throwing in my basic experiences for your info.
Hope it might help you understand some of the hurdles you've come to!


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] 'Show attribute data' icon gives db.select error

2011-10-13 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

I've known about this for awhile but worked around it. Maybe it's
already been reported, it's a small thing.

Using tcltk GUI (ver. 6.4.1), when I have a vector layer, some options
for settings include two icons to show table info - one prints column
names in the output, the other is supposed to print table data.

what that latter button does for me connected to postgres database, is
submit this command to the output:

db.select table=weeds database=/home/my_home_directory/gisdb driver=pg

When what it should be is:
db.select table=weeds database=gisdb driver=pg

I know this because I copy the 'bad' command to the 'terminal' at bottom
of the output monitor, delete the /home/my_home_directory/ and re-run

I suspect the /path/to/local/directory part of this db.select is
relevant if one is still connecting to a dbf within GRASS or a local
SQLite database, but it seems for postgres (all server db's?) GRASS
already knows how to locate the postgres server, it doesn't need a
directory path. it only needs the database name.

Anyone know if this has been rectified? Like I said I've known about it
awhile, many months even, but such an easy workaround was quicker than
writing this email about the problem!


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Re: d.vect dialog issues, and query tool issues (previously: GRASS GUI issues)

2011-10-13 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all, and Martin FYI,

I see there's a 6.4.2RC release hot off the press. I've had a quick look
at info about it, there's a sizeable amount of things been done around
wxGUI/python, some of the stuff might still be on the wishlist for
backporting etc, but I'll try and install a separate GRASS of this RC,
and test if the previous issues I wrote about have been fixed. Will take
me a week or so to fit it in with other tasks. Have to brush up on how
to install multiple versions, let alone how to compile...!!

will report back when I've played with the new toy :-)

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Multiple installs of GRASS?

2011-10-13 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

So, I know one can have a 'working' GRASS and a 'try-if-you-dare' GRASS
on the one computer... a quick web search on how to do multiple grass
installs gave me more info on laying turf than on computing though!

The GRASS wiki has good info on compiling from source, but didn't see
anything clear about how to set up a testing GRASS without it
interfering with my existing, functional one.

Any tips on where/what to read to get this right? am on ubuntu 10.04,
working with GRASS 6.4.1, want to try the 6.4.2RC to check if a few
glitches I am aware of have been sorted out.

I probably read info about this months/years ago but need to update
myself before I blunder on into compiling from source-code!


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Multiple installs of GRASS?

2011-10-13 Thread Shane Litherland
Thanks Paulo, I suspected that was the 'right' way to approach it but
was vague on the locations/config.

See how I go with it (a weekend project I think).


On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 14:49 +0200, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
 You can compile your ' working' GRASS in e.g., /usr/local/grass64 and
 your 'try-out' GRASS in /usr/local/grass70. You do this setting the
 --prefix option when configuring (e.g., ./configure
 --prefix=/usr/local/grass64 ...).
 To be able to run the working and try-out versions by typing
 respectively grass64 and grass70 on the command line, you copy their
 executables to the /usr/bin, like below;
 ln -s /usr/local/grass64/bin/grass64 /usr/bin/
 ls -s /usr/local/grass70/bin/grass70 /usr/bin/
 Just realized you already have a functional one installed. In that
 case, just install the try-out version as described above, it should
 not interfere with the existing one.
 On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 2:33 PM, Shane Litherland
 litherland-f...@bigpond.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 So, I know one can have a 'working' GRASS and a
 'try-if-you-dare' GRASS
 on the one computer... a quick web search on how to do
 multiple grass
 installs gave me more info on laying turf than on computing
 The GRASS wiki has good info on compiling from source, but
 didn't see
 anything clear about how to set up a testing GRASS without it
 interfering with my existing, functional one.
 Any tips on where/what to read to get this right? am on ubuntu
 working with GRASS 6.4.1, want to try the 6.4.2RC to check if
 a few
 glitches I am aware of have been sorted out.
 I probably read info about this months/years ago but need to
 myself before I blunder on into compiling from source-code!
 grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Multiple installs of GRASS?

2011-10-13 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Sylvain, thanks it must be too late at night... I'd had a quick look
at that site before but missed the attention dummy, this will work for
you I was hoping to see in relation to two installs ;-)

-Mind you, after getting a coupla good tips for this, one suggested I
need not bother with 2 versions if merely going from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2RC...
just upgrade.
But maybe it's time I lived on the edge and had a 7.x to tinker with as
well... :-)


On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 15:40 +0200, Sylvain Maillard wrote:
 in fact it's pretty easy to have multiple grass install on your
 computer: you just need to follow the instructions on
 http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Compile_and_Install#Ubuntu, and use the
 --prefix=/opt/grass64 (or whatever you want)
 on my gentoo box, i have a regular grass-6.4.1, and a compiled
 6.4-svn, grass-6.5, and grass-7 without any trouble!
 2011/10/13 Shane Litherland litherland-f...@bigpond.com
 Hi all,
 So, I know one can have a 'working' GRASS and a
 'try-if-you-dare' GRASS
 on the one computer... a quick web search on how to do
 multiple grass
 installs gave me more info on laying turf than on computing
 The GRASS wiki has good info on compiling from source, but
 didn't see
 anything clear about how to set up a testing GRASS without it
 interfering with my existing, functional one.
 Any tips on where/what to read to get this right? am on ubuntu
 working with GRASS 6.4.1, want to try the 6.4.2RC to check if
 a few
 glitches I am aware of have been sorted out.
 I probably read info about this months/years ago but need to
 myself before I blunder on into compiling from source-code!
 grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] orthophoto georeferencing stops working when adding points

2011-10-11 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

GRASS 6.4.1 on ubuntu 10.04 64 bit, tcltk GUI (because of other wxpython
probs previously reported)

Have been trying my hand at orthophoto georeferencing.

I started with a digital image that was taken with a digital aerial
camera. Has most of the camera settings required for the orthophoto
parameters asked for in the steps. As the image is direct from the
camera I didn't have a fudicial marks etc to do one of the steps but
that didn't seem to be a problem.

Seemed to be going OK, putting in parameters etc.

Got up to option 7 (as per what shows in a terminal after i.ortho.photo
is run from the GUI menu

I have put in 4 control points using the monitor. For each one, i used
zoom-box to get up closer before positioning point, and using keyboard
to enter GCP co-ords.

I then did a fifth point. it seemed to work OK, but then when trying to
do zoom for another point, get messages:
WARNING: Unable to find raster_i_am_georeferencing (click mouse to
[so i click mouse, then second message]
WARNING: Unable to open raster map ditto (click mouse to continue)
[click mouse again, options along bottom of screen come back, so I quit]

I have tried repeatedly with fresh sessions of GRASS, to add more points
without luck. Also noted that only four GCP's are saved. each time I
start it up, I can apparently add GCP #5, and then get warnings after
that, but that #5 point isn't being saved to the control points file.

I tried a workaround: open up the GCP monitor/terminal, zoom and click a
point, then go and open up the control-points text file and manually
enter in that point co-ords and matching control co-ords. Go back to the
monitor/terminal and hit 'enter' to blank out the point I'd just clicked
on. Then tried zooming on another spot of the map, still got the errors.

Opened up a fresh monitor/terminal, and noted that the point I'd
manually added to text file was displayed correctly.

Did a zoom box, actually missed where I wanted so then used zoom-point
option to try and reposition the zoomed view, got the warning messages

Dunno if it is part of same thing, but notice when I hit 'analyse' that
the errors for east and north are up around 657900 and -6603200
respectively, using UTM 56J wgs84 (i.e. metres). target points are
around 476900 and 7096500.
It's a while since I've done some georeferencing, but these figures just
seem too wrong. or does the error get calculated at the next stage and
these are really just dummy/filler numbers?

I tried another work around - run the 'georectify' tool from GUI menu,
as far as the i.points part I think? i.e. enough to put one example
point into the points text file. Then I copied the points from 'control
points' text file for ortho-photo process, over to the points file for
the regular process, noting the spaces, elevation etc that wasn't
relevant for the points file.

I could open that up in the georectify monitor, and the error shown for
each of the points was more along the lines of 0.7 - 26 forward error
and 5 - 125 backwards error (1st order rectification). That's hugely
different from what I reported above in ortho-photo analyse.

What have I done, that it was happy to input 4 points and after that I
can't work it?

If I have to manually add points to the text file, one at a time and
restart i.ortho.photo each time, I will eventually achieve what I want.
but that's time consuming, and absolutely not what the program was
designed for, right? :-\ On the other hand, I could go back to what I've
done before with the 'basic' georectify (i.points etc) but that won't
let me add elevation data to an image like orthophoto does??


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Re: d.vect dialog issues, and query tool issues (previously: GRASS GUI issues)

2011-10-11 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Martin,

so if those error messages aren't relevant, and the wxGUI should be
working with python 2.6... any suggestions on what else I should be
looking into to figure out the d.vect freeze issue, and/or the lack of
output from query tool in display mode?


On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 15:40 +0200, Martin Landa wrote:
 2011/10/10 Shane Litherland litherland-f...@bigpond.com:
  Anyone know if newer versions of GRASS use python 2.6 or higher?
 GRASS (wxGUI) should work with python2.4+ (including 2.6 or 2.7).
 Python 3 is not supported.

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Re: d.vect dialog issues, and query tool issues (previously: GRASS GUI issues)

2011-10-10 Thread Shane Litherland
I just came across something more in regards to python misbehaviour - it
may well be that GRASS 6.4.1 needs python 2.5 and ubuntu 10.04 has 2.6.

One website that outlined their success with GRASS after getting the 2.5
python version is
(note they were using windows7 and it too had python 2.6)

more searching finds other sites with ppa's etc for this 2.5 version.

I am yet to try it... a bit hesitant in whether I'll break something on my 
system... ;-)

Anyone know if newer versions of GRASS use python 2.6 or higher?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] d.vect dialog issues, and query tool issues (previously: GRASS GUI issues)

2011-10-08 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

With all quiet on the users emails on my subject, I went web-searching
and found some leads: The ubuntu desktop themes seemed to have an issue
reported for a range of programs that the GNOME/gtk settings needed
hacking/tweaking, see

I followed the info therein, and have just run GRASS again with wxpython

The outcome is partially successful in that when choosing the query tool
in map display, I can click on the map and not get the previously posted
error in the terminal (I launch grass from terminal / command line).

But I am only partly getting what I expected from the query tool. When I
choose the option for display mode and click on a point in active
layer, the 'Abort Command' button in Command Console tab briefly
activates then returns to being inactive but nothing actually
happens/shows in the console.

When I choose the edit mode for the query tool and click on a
point/line/etc that I know has a db connection ONLY for layer one, it
brings up a dialog box with details from the relevant table that the
point/line/etc is linked to. If I click on something that I know has
connections for both layer one and layer two, the query tool even in
edit mode doesn't return anything. If I change

The more serious issue of GRASS freezing if I use the d.vect dialog is
still happening. several examples of what happens:

-open GRASS from terminal then open a saved workspace (OK)
-right-click on any vector layer in 'Map Layers' tab, choose properties,
and the d.vect dialog box shows (OK)
-if I do not change any settings in the dialog box, I can continue to
right-click and display the d.vect dialog for any of the vector layers,
as many times as I like without causing a freeze (OK)
-I then started working my way down the vectors listed in 'map layers'
-first vector, changed 'Selection - Layer number' to '2', hit OK button,
and map display window updates accordingly to show only the points with
db entries for layer 2 (OK)
-second vector, changed 'Colours - line colour' (OK)
-third vector, changed 'Selection - feature type' and unchecked
'centroid' (OK)
-returned to second vector, changed colour again (OK)
-returned to third vector, and right-clickproperties results in the
d.vect dialog opening with a blank window instead of all the tabs and
settings. Clicking on the close icon then gives the 'system busy' msg
and I have to force-quit which closes all the GRASS GUI's.

-in a fresh start of the GUI, I repeated this and did not get a freeze
on the last step above, I could change the 'feature type' to re-display
-I then continued and went back to vector two, changed colour again (OK)
-back to vector 3, unchecked 'centroids' again (OK)
-back to vector 3, try to re-check 'centroids' but got blank d.vect

another fresh start and I did this:
-vector one, change layers to 2 (OK)
-vector two, change colour (OK)
-click on all vectors numerous times to view d.vect but close dialog
each time with no changes (OK)
-vector three, deselect 'centroids' (OK)
-vector one, change layers to -1 (OK)
-vector one, change layers to 2 (OK)
-vector one, change layers back again to -1 (OK)
-vector two, change colour again (OK)
-vector two, try to change colour yet again, get blank d.vect dialog

another fresh start;
-vector two, change colour (OK)
-vector three, deselect centroids (OK)
-vector two, change colour again(OK)
-vector three, select centroids again (OK)
-vector three, change line colour (OK)
-vector three, change line colour back again (OK)
-vector one, add cat criteria '10' (OK)
-vector one, add cat criteria '5' (OK)
-vector one, remove cat critera and 'apply', change layers to 2 and
'apply, then change fill colour and 'OK' (i.e. closes dialog) (OK)
-vector one, view the d.vect dialog but just close it again no changes
-vector two, change colour (OK)
-vector two, view d.vect dialog but close no changes (OK)
-vector three, d.vect opens with blank dialog.

upon force-closing after this example, the terminal had the message:
(office:5204): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_layout_get_cursor_pos: assertion
`index = 0  index = layout-length' failed

(office:5204): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_layout_get_cursor_pos: assertion
`index = 0  index = layout-length' failed

a shorter scenario from fresh start:
-vector three, deselect centroids  (OK)
-vector one, select layer two (OK)
-vector three, re-select centroids (OK)
-vector one, get blank d.vect

repeating this scenario, I only got to the third point where the GUI
closed again and gave terminal message:

(office:5675): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(office:5675): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(office:5675): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
office: Fatal IO error 0 (Success) on X server 

[GRASS-user] Re: Pango error, still relevant?

2011-10-08 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

in digging around for answers in regards to my 'd.vect problems I found
a post by Antonio from 14 April 2010:

I'm using GRASS6.4svn in an Ubuntu Machine and, when I start GRASS I
this warning at command line:
(python:3305): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_layout_get_cursor_pos:
`index = 0  index = layout-length' failed
What might be causing this? and what are the consequences of this?


Best regards

-Antonio, did you solve your problem I wonder?
-Given this message showed up in my d.vect trials, is that consistent
with Antonio's problem?
-Given Antonio reported this over a year ago and I've still struck it
with 6.4.1 also on an ubuntu box, is there still something to be dealt
with in ubuntu, or in GRASS?

Anyone wanting more on where I got the message, see my other post re:
d.vect etc...


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] r.mapcalc appears to have changed behavior

2011-10-03 Thread Shane Litherland
Nice to know I can remove one possibility from my list of computing
worries :-)

On Sat, 2011-10-01 at 00:51 -0700, Michael Barton wrote:
 Fortunately, upgrading GRASS should have no effect on the region settings for 
 C. Michael Barton
 Director, Center for Social Dynamics  Complexity 
 Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution  Social Change
 Arizona State University
 voice:480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-727-9746 (CSDC)
 fax:  480-965-7671 (SHESC),  480-727-0709 (CSDC)
 www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu
 On Sep 30, 2011, at 11:35 PM, Shane Litherland wrote:
  Jim, et al.,
  I am not an authority on GRASS, but it may not have been you that 'did
  that' - if you were using an earlier version and did a significant
  upgrade or a fresh install of a newer version of GRASS, some fine
  details like this might end up with new default values (?) I recall
  doing a few re-installs/upgrades and having to keep a close eye on user
  settings, mapset locations, etc when starting up a newer GRASS.
  May not be what happened in your case, but worth keeping in mind if/when
  you are moving around GRASS versions or using it on other computers etc,
  check up on some of the environment variables as you go. Help docs have
  info on how to find the gory detail :-)
  From: Jim Mochel jim.mochel.hi...@gmail.com
  Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] r.mapcalc appears to have changed behavior
  To: Michael Barton michael.bar...@asu.edu
  Cc: grass-user grass-user grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
  Thank you. !
  I am not sure how I did that but I am sure it seemed like a good idea at
  time :-)

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] RE: GRASS GUI issues

2011-10-01 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again all,

Took a break from computer, had a brilliant idea... ;-)

Tried running GRASS in good old skool tcltk GUI - it happily let me
query the map display, it happily accepted the sql 'where' clauses for
layer that the python gui ignored, and it happily let me change numerous
times, the settings for a layer...

So, would seem the issue is not with GRASS in essence, nor with me, but
with the python GUI. Whether it's from my O/S side or GRASS side on that
aspect is beyond my computing knowledge.

Should this be added to bugs now that I have a clearer understanding of
what did and didn't work? Or should I be looking to add/update my O/S
with certain python packages?


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] r.mapcalc appears to have changed behavior

2011-10-01 Thread Shane Litherland
Jim, et al.,

I am not an authority on GRASS, but it may not have been you that 'did
that' - if you were using an earlier version and did a significant
upgrade or a fresh install of a newer version of GRASS, some fine
details like this might end up with new default values (?) I recall
doing a few re-installs/upgrades and having to keep a close eye on user
settings, mapset locations, etc when starting up a newer GRASS.

May not be what happened in your case, but worth keeping in mind if/when
you are moving around GRASS versions or using it on other computers etc,
check up on some of the environment variables as you go. Help docs have
info on how to find the gory detail :-)

From: Jim Mochel jim.mochel.hi...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] r.mapcalc appears to have changed behavior
To: Michael Barton michael.bar...@asu.edu
Cc: grass-user grass-user grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Thank you. !

I am not sure how I did that but I am sure it seemed like a good idea at
time :-)


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] GRASS GUI issues

2011-09-30 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi all,

I had GRASS 6.4.0 from stable rep's for ubuntu lucid 64-bit, and it was
freezing when I opened the properties dialog for a vector layer. Worked
OK the first time I used it for a layer, but if I tried going back to
change things, everything just 'greyed out' and even after leaving it
for a cup of tea, it was still stuck. Tried to close the offending box
(d.vect dialog), got msg that it was busy etc, chose to force quit which
closed GRASS entirely.

So I checked what was currently stable on the GRASS site, i.e. 6.4.1
(available from the unstable ubuntu rep's)

It may have gotten rid of the freezing issue, I'm still checking it out.
But in the process of checking it out, I tried to change to the command
tab in main window and each time I click on the tab, the following
message came up in the terminal:

(python:1736): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box: assertion `height =
-1' failed

Nothing seemed to show in the GRASS command tab.

I noted on re-starting GRASS, I was getting same msg but different
python: number at start.

Also got same msg if I went to the map display and chose the 'query'
tool. when I clicked on the map, above msg occured multiple times
(possibly same multiples as object had connections to db tables?)

On top of this, the original problem of d.vect dialog freezing, is still
happening. e.g. first time I opened it to type in a criteria in 'where'
box, seemed OK (apart from the map display not showing anything and I'm
fairly sure my sql was OK). Second time opening it to try removing the
sql, it froze.

Before I venture into the world of bug reporting for GRASS, thought I'd
check with user group in case it's something I've mucked up...? or
something already known about? 


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] leftover node in v.digit

2011-01-09 Thread Shane Litherland
trust me to do something strange with otherwise healthy software ;-)
... that dangerous stage where I think I know enough to use it but don't
really (i.e. brashly clicking on tool icons without checking what tool
i've clicked on...)


On Sun, 2011-01-09 at 20:00 +0200, Maris Nartiss wrote:
 Hello Maciek,
 it wouldn't change a lot, as this bug is also present in 6.5. It's
 just a corner case. Nobody has been doing such strange thing before
 and thus it has went unnoticed for years.
 Shane, thanks for report. I will fix it someday (hopefully for 6.4.2).
 2011/1/9, Maciej Sieczka msiec...@sieczka.org:
  W dniu 08.01.2011 06:01, Shane Litherland pisze:
  Hi Maris,
  Have braved my first attempt at filing a bug report, and appear to have
  put enough together to generate a ticket
  Ticket #1256
  leftover node when deleting boundaries vertex-by-vertex
  hope it's of help... :-)
  6.4.0 RC6 is several months old.
  Please try installing and veryfing your issues against the newest stable
  release candidate - http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/binary/linux/snapshot/.
  If impossible, please at least try the 6.4.0 final Ubuntu package from
  On Fri, 2011-01-07 at 12:49 +0200, Maris Nartiss wrote:
  Open a bug report with exact step-by-step how to reproduce this issue.
  2011/1/7, Shane Litherlandlitherland-f...@bigpond.com:
  Hi again,
  another little thing I found by accident,
  If digitising boundaries, then using 'remove vertex' to delete some of a
  boundary, vertex-by-vertex... If I kept going and removed all the
  vertexes (instead of the correct way of using 'delete
  point/line/boundary'), it was possible to end up with some leftovers..
  I could see a lone red cross on the v.digit screen (meaning, node(1
  line) ) that I could not select to move, add, delete, anything... no
  matter what my zoom.
  This errant node did not show in the GRASS map view of the vector in
  question, only in v.digit.
  Using v.clean 'found' and removed this errant node (using the rmline
  option) and I checked the vector info of the 'dirty' versus 'clean'
  vectors to see nothing else had been upset.
  It was an accident, I thought I'd selected the 'delete' tool...
  but interesting, nonetheless ;-)
  grass-user mailing list
  grass-user mailing list
  Maciej Sieczka

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] leftover node in v.digit

2011-01-09 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Maciek, 

Just looking into newer version/s. Appreciate comment. I check the
standard ubuntu stable reps for versions, RC6 has been hanging in there
for a while... I generally have stuck with those ubuntu-reps versions
for ease-of-use etc, but will see what I can get from 'unstable' (seems
6.4.0-2 is an option) or, manually upgrade GRASS to on my box. Alas,
when I set this box up early 2010, the consensus seemed to be to stick
with 32-bit unless I really needed 64-bit... now GRASS 6.4.1 is only (?)
in 64-bit on the link you gave, so I'll either resort to the next-best
32-bit that I can find... or tackle the small drama of reinstalling
64-bit on my box... at the moment, the former is easier, but I know, I
know, at some point I'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming to
64-bit ;-)
... I could probably wade through compiling from source to get 6.4.1 as
32-bit if it's available but i'd be stretching my computing skills there


On Sun, 2011-01-09 at 20:39 +0100, Maciej Sieczka wrote:
 W dniu 08.01.2011 06:01, Shane Litherland pisze:
  Hi Maris,
  Have braved my first attempt at filing a bug report, and appear
  to have put enough together to generate a ticket
  Ticket #1256 leftover node when deleting boundaries
  hope it's of help... :-)
  2011/1/9, Maciej Sieczka msiec...@sieczka.org:
  6.4.0 RC6 is several months old.
  Please try installing and veryfing your issues against the newest
  stable release candidate -
  If impossible, please at least try the 6.4.0 final Ubuntu package
  from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntugis-unstable/.
 W dniu 09.01.2011 19:00, Maris Nartiss pisze:
  Hello Maciek, it wouldn't change a lot, as this bug is also present
  in 6.5. It's just a corner case. Nobody has been doing such strange
  thing before and thus it has went unnoticed for years.
  Shane, thanks for report. I will fix it someday (hopefully for
 FWIW - I was referring to reporting an testing habbits in general :).

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.digit 'next not used' cat error

2011-01-07 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again fellow GRASSers,

Just noticed this little issue (GRASS 6.4 on ubuntu 10.04)

I am digitising boundaries, using 'no category' option, then I digitise
centroids with 'next not used' and 'add to table', where I enter
relevant info for my postgres db table. That's all fine.

I then had a couple of existing centroids where I used the 'display
categories' icon to view, and then add, an additional category to that
centroid, choosing 'add to table' option. I could then 'view attributes'
for the new second cat number, and add/edit data fields. Thereby, ending
up with two bits of data from my table, for one centroid. Again, that is
all fine.

When I returned to making new centroids, I noticed the 'next not used'
number that GRASS 'remembered' was the last cat number used when
digitising a new centroid, it did NOT recognise that I had added cat(s)
by another means to the table, and therefore should have increased the
'next not used' to suit. Instead, if I continued to just digitise the
centroid, it gave a message 'that category already exists in table' etc
and shows data for that existing cat.
I easily deleted that existing cat connection and added a new one in the
same way I added a second cat as outlined above, so it didn't affect my
db/table data at all, just a longer way of getting to the end result.

Even then though, the 'next not used' cat number had only incremented
itself by one, so if i blindly continued to digitise centroids, I would
continue to get simliar 'record exists' issue and have to manually
change/enter correct new cat and data.
To get 'next not used' to catch up, I had to use 'manual entry' for at
least one new centroid cat, then the counter for 'next not used' was
happy again.

It seems that the counter for this aspect must look up the cat numbers
in the table when starting v.digit, then increment when the 'next not
used' option is chosen whilst digitising, but it does not check
repeatedly with the db for the REAL 'next not used' cat in the db that
(as I found) can be increased by adding cats by other means.

May this have been addressed since the version of GRASS i'm using?? Or
is it something still of relevance for addressing?


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] leftover node in v.digit

2011-01-07 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi again,

another little thing I found by accident,

If digitising boundaries, then using 'remove vertex' to delete some of a
boundary, vertex-by-vertex... If I kept going and removed all the
vertexes (instead of the correct way of using 'delete
point/line/boundary'), it was possible to end up with some leftovers..

I could see a lone red cross on the v.digit screen (meaning, node(1
line) ) that I could not select to move, add, delete, anything... no
matter what my zoom.

This errant node did not show in the GRASS map view of the vector in
question, only in v.digit.

Using v.clean 'found' and removed this errant node (using the rmline
option) and I checked the vector info of the 'dirty' versus 'clean'
vectors to see nothing else had been upset.

It was an accident, I thought I'd selected the 'delete' tool...
but interesting, nonetheless ;-)


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] v.digit doesn't like mouse-wheel

2011-01-07 Thread Shane Litherland
while i'm on a roll with my complaining...

i've known about this one for a while, so probably others do too.

in the main v.digit monitor, or some of the GUI bits like 'attributes',
if I try to use the mouse scroll up/down wheel, i get an error pop up,
(or, if i wheel for more than one 'notch' of the wheel, the error
repeats for said number of notches).

can't read bind_scroll_list: no such variable
can't read bind_scroll_list: no such variable
while executing
lsearch -exact $bind_scroll_list $window
(procedure handle_scroll line 5)
invoked from within
handle_scroll 1 .screen.canvas
(command bound to event)

Again, FYI, GRASS 6.4.0RC6 on ubuntu 10.04
I believe the GUI is default tcltk

-shane :-)

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] leftover node in v.digit

2011-01-07 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Maris,

Have braved my first attempt at filing a bug report, and appear to have
put enough together to generate a ticket

Ticket #1256
leftover node when deleting boundaries vertex-by-vertex

hope it's of help... :-)


On Fri, 2011-01-07 at 12:49 +0200, Maris Nartiss wrote:
 Open a bug report with exact step-by-step how to reproduce this issue.
 2011/1/7, Shane Litherland litherland-f...@bigpond.com:
  Hi again,
  another little thing I found by accident,
  If digitising boundaries, then using 'remove vertex' to delete some of a
  boundary, vertex-by-vertex... If I kept going and removed all the
  vertexes (instead of the correct way of using 'delete
  point/line/boundary'), it was possible to end up with some leftovers..
  I could see a lone red cross on the v.digit screen (meaning, node(1
  line) ) that I could not select to move, add, delete, anything... no
  matter what my zoom.
  This errant node did not show in the GRASS map view of the vector in
  question, only in v.digit.
  Using v.clean 'found' and removed this errant node (using the rmline
  option) and I checked the vector info of the 'dirty' versus 'clean'
  vectors to see nothing else had been upset.
  It was an accident, I thought I'd selected the 'delete' tool...
  but interesting, nonetheless ;-)
  grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Re: Assign attributes of start and enpoints to connecting lines

2010-12-12 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Hanlie,
I am getting out of my depth here, and might be leading you astray...

But I had a little challenge a few months ago, wanting to generate
points along a line to then use to create other tangent lines (in
science terms, generating belt-transects across a gully, at randomly
defined distances from start of gully)... sounds vaguely like a simpler
version of what you're doing.

I used a combo of v.segment, v.type_wrapper.sh,... and some beginner
fumbling... from your initial post, I'm guessing you've already got
these under your belt?

If your current hurdle is getting a new column into the table for the
river segments layer, from info in the points layer, could you achieve
this by working directly with the tables (database)? rather than a GRASS
command?? Do you have some linking field between the points and the
segments layers (e.g. segment_cat)? if you do, or can make one, could
you e.g.:
SELECT (start_node_name\ end_node_name) AS segment_name FROM
and update this to the river segment table??
UPDATE river_segment_table SET new_column_for_label=segment_name
WHERE river_segment_table.segment_cat=points_layer.segment_cat

##note this isn't gramatically correct SQL... just an idea..
Please excuse crude SQL example, I'm still dusting off my old MSACCESS
knowledge and 'converting' it to Postgresql... You can probably get a
select/update process in one easy step with the right SQL sweet-talking?

If i'm off track, apologies for misleading you ;-) if you get something
out of it, i might promote myself from complete novice at sql to
someone that knows just enough to break things


grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] RE: Where the grassdata base resides

2010-12-09 Thread Shane Litherland

I have no probs with my GRASS having been set up (on Ubuntu)
at /home/my-home/GIS/GRASSdata, which, for you, might be equivalent to
c:/users/path-to-your-folders/GIS... (sorry, haven't used that OS for

I'd also recently installed it on a colleagues laptop, I think they were
running Vista or 7... I think I put the GRASSdata somewhere on their
user's desktop... I was in a rush, and struggling to remember my way
around windows so unfortunately can't recall much of the detail to help
you. But the program did work fine.
I was already aware that whitespace in folder/directory names is a bad
practice (at least in my experiences.. even though i think windows still
works ok with them, your GRASS installation, having been born from
another family, still might not like them) so in my previous example I
know I actively avoided that. if_you_insist_on_spaces,...be\ prepared\
to\ possibly\ do\things\ differently... :-)

Did you install GRASS, then try moving the folder location? that may
have confused some of the startup settings and cause your crash?? not
sure if/how to edit startup stuff if this is your case, might be best to
try clean install to your desired location.. unless you've already tried

Maybe, if you don't get it solved 'neatly', a sym-link from C: to where
you prefer to keep GRASS??

my two cents ;-)

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Re: v.in-out quirks

2010-12-07 Thread Shane Litherland
Hi Micha, yes, by all means, wiki away :-) I haven't yet educated myself
on how to contribute to wikis and bugzillas and the likes, so if you
want to take that task off my hands you're welcome :-)
Somewhat pleased that my verbosity had some elements of usefulness

now, to spend a bit more time in GRASS and come up with my next
'victim'.. I reckon I can give v.digit and its friends a good workout!


On Tue, 2010-12-07 at 12:03 +0200, Micha Silver wrote:
 Shane Litherland wrote:
  (my first-ever reply to the list...hope I get the cc / subject stuff

 Seems to be OK
  (also FYI - GRASS 6.4.0RC, Ubuntu 10.04LTS (most of my sys/progs from
  synaptic package manager)
  Micha - your suggestion much appreciated :-) I had used v.in.ascii a
  while back, had forgotten how versatile it could be!
  I used a slight adjustment to your suggestion - I still like having
  another copy of my gps data, so did it in the two steps rather than
  piping, i.e. gpsbabel (gebabbel GUI) to save a unicsv format file from
  the garmin handset, then the v.in.ascii (GRASS GUI) to get the unicsv
  format into grass.

 May I take take your suggestions to add to the GRASS wki?

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Re: v.in-out quirks

2010-12-06 Thread Shane Litherland
(my first-ever reply to the list...hope I get the cc / subject stuff
(also FYI - GRASS 6.4.0RC, Ubuntu 10.04LTS (most of my sys/progs from
synaptic package manager)

Micha - your suggestion much appreciated :-) I had used v.in.ascii a
while back, had forgotten how versatile it could be!

I used a slight adjustment to your suggestion - I still like having
another copy of my gps data, so did it in the two steps rather than
piping, i.e. gpsbabel (gebabbel GUI) to save a unicsv format file from
the garmin handset, then the v.in.ascii (GRASS GUI) to get the unicsv
format into grass.
Having the csv file also meant I could 'clean' it up (remove a few 
from around text/numbers) so it went into a Postgres table much neater
when i ran v.in.ascii
I played with a few other format options in gpsbabel; garmin_txt and
openoffice formats 'found' all the data though the txt files probably
needed cleaning up (excess empty fields) before taking into

In a nutshell, it seems my 'lost info problem' may lie with my GPS and
GPSBABEL - my model records the date/time for a waypoint as a
'note' (e.g. 06-DEC-10 20:15:40), hence gpsbabel finds it as
text/description. Looking at some of the source styles and other
C-source-code files of gpsbabel, it seems this type of date/time/note
doesn't match what gpsbabel would expect as a proper date/time. Thought
I'd try and streamline my tasks with my own style code, got the waypoint
'names' recognised, but hit a wall with the 'strptime'-based date/time
formatting options... something to take up on a gpsbabel forum..

So for now I stick with the workaround :-)

Also -
Using Postgres as db, I had the option of choosing a date-time field as
timestamp without time zone which is an option that didn't seem
available in the default dbf... so it can convert the date/time string
to a proper date and time - which means I can get away with having
gpsbabel output the date/time as one text field... I like Postgres :-)

I think the reason I could not get v.in.garmin to work, is that it uses
GPSTRANS (or GARDUMP) as the means to download the data from the gps in
the first steps. So the issue there, is more with gpstrans than
v.in.garmin. From all my reading and experimenting, it seems these
programs are geared at communicating with a serial or usb-to-serial gps
unit. My unit is 'proper' usb (i.e. no /dev/tyyUSB0 etc, 'lsusb' in
terminal shows it connects to /dev/bus/usb/) but despite my
experimenting, i could not get gpstrans to find the usb ports. Didn't
try gardump yet. The above workaround is easier than fiddling with more
unfamilar software ;-) From what I read, both these have been around a
while, and not so much has happened with them of late?? maybe
v.in.garmin could be rolled into v.in.gpsbabel, with gpstrans and
gardump as second or third options to gpsbabel... if it's not something
that's already been improved since my 6.4 version!

If I edited a csv file, to change field names, edit date/time to correct
format etc, and ran this into v.in.gpsbabel, I got all the right info
out the other side (i.e. vector points and data in db table). So,
similar to above, it seems that the fields/format that gpsbabel attaches
to my gps data, don't get recognised accurately when being used by
v.in.gpsbabel. i.e. the issue is not really with GRASS.

But If anyone is interested in following this gps-connection stuff, to
improve v.in.garmin or v.in.gpsbabel, I have had success communicating
with my usb-gps in other programs (e.g. Viking, Prune) so there may be
ideas to get from there... Short of taking 'garmin_gps' off the modprobe
'blacklist', I have NOT had any luck getting my gps to connect to
gpstrans, gpsman or QlandkarteGT 0.17.1 from ubuntu rep's (yet to try
latest QlandkarteGT which apparently had work done on garmin issues). So
no tips to offer from there :-/

- done a bit more experimenting... still doing more... there might be
something to check in regards to v.in.ogr using 'desc' as a field name
and causing the database (Postgres in my case) to be upset by a reserved
word being used as a field/column name.. if I get a chance to look at
the source code (have figured out I can do that from source downloads,
yay!) I'll see if I can narrow this one down too..

Hope someone finds a bit of useful stuff in all that rambling!


On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 14:07 +0200, Micha Silver wrote:
 On 12/02/2010 02:01 PM, Shane Litherland wrote:
  hi all you GRASSers ;-)
  not sure what happened when i first tried to join the mailing list a few
  months ago, but i got my user/subscription sorted now :-)
  I have been using GRASS for a couple years now, more consistently in the
  last 12 months after a steady learning process. So hopefully as I come
  across 'things' there's less likelihood it's just me being a silly
  novice (less, but not a surety..)
  my latest fiddling has been with import of GPS data by a few different

[GRASS-user] v.in-out quirks

2010-12-02 Thread Shane Litherland
hi all you GRASSers ;-)
not sure what happened when i first tried to join the mailing list a few
months ago, but i got my user/subscription sorted now :-)

I have been using GRASS for a couple years now, more consistently in the
last 12 months after a steady learning process. So hopefully as I come
across 'things' there's less likelihood it's just me being a silly
novice (less, but not a surety..)

my latest fiddling has been with import of GPS data by a few different
means, and some issues I struck.

my methods:
GPS to .gpx file using GEBABBEL (GUI for gpsbabel);
.gpx file has:
wpt (waypoints co-ords lat-long)
ele (elevation)
name (the name/number I gave each waypoint when I marked them)
cmt (supposedly a comment, it is the date/time)
desc (date/time again)
sym (name of symbol used in gps)

v.in.ogr to import gpx file to GRASS;
using Postgres as database;
specifying just one layer (e.g. waypoints);
... get an error when v.in.ogr tries to create table in postgres -
doesn't like 'desc' as a column name (one of those special db words).
...OK, so I can change the column names with cnames, but then it was
upset by 'time datetime' that corresponded to what should be 'name
varchar' in the .gpx file.
... or change 'desc' to 'description' in the .gpx file- but no, the
error still happens, seems the 'desc' cname is built into the v.in.ogr,
it's not checking any of the cnames with the input file
...but I also note in the output that the columns generated by the
v.in.ogr are way more than I have in the .gpx file, and the column
formats for the first few columns don't all match the formats for the
data they'd 'find' in the .gpx file.
... was wondering how then, I might get to the part of the v.in.ogr
module(?) that has all these columns to edit it...?? I did try in the
cnames, including 'name format' like i'd do when making a table, but
that confused the poor v.in.ogr (showed 'name format format' in the
output and didn't like making a table that way!)
... can check the box to 'not create attribute table' and import it OK
but of course, any waypoint name/info doesn't make it into GRASS /
...OK, so v.in.ogr might not be the way to get .gpx stuff into grass
anyway, but i'm trying things out here!

my next approach-
using .gpx format;
... it runs OK, but generates a table with:
cat (added for the db)
x (lat)
y (long)
altitude (elevation)
gmt_date (blank - zero string length when table created)
gmt_time (blank - ditto)
comments (obvious)

when what was in the .gpx file was really

(cat - to be added for the db)
cmt ('comment' actually datetime)
description (also datetime)
sym (name of symbol used in gps)

... so, whilst the v.in.gpsbabel got the waypoints in, it too 'lost' the
name of each waypoint and mucked up the date/time field/format when
populating the table.

I have not tried creating a db table directly (i.e. in postgres) and
then creating vector in GRASS and connecting them, as I figure the only
field i could safely link them on would be the datetime, because cats
generated during vector import probably wouldn't match the cats I made
manually in the table... and if the datetime was mucked up in its format
(e.g. as varchar instead) ... well, I just reckon that option could be
rather messy ;-)

Of course, I seem to have 'missed' the obvious option of directly
importing from the GPS unit to GRASS... well, I tried, but had to go and
figure out how the GPS connected to my computer (in Ubuntu 10.04, the
default connection shown in v.in.garmin of /dev/gps wasn't found)
...after getting fresh batteries for my gps, I tried connecting via:
/dev/usbmon0 (thru to mon7)
...these 'ideas' from bits I saw in other GUI's and/or on the web, but
to no avail - the receiver did not respond on any of these ports.
I know gpsbabel (gebabbel GUI) connected to the unit with the usb:
setting because that's how I made my .gpx file in the first place.

I know of other 'workarounds' e.g. I have (a while ago) run the old
Mapsource in Wine, and then get the waypoints/tracks etc into a format
for GRASS, had also played with gpsman and some other bits. But I'm not
elaborating on those workarounds, at the moment it's more about sharing
my experience on how the more direct options didn't-quite-work ;-)

At the end of all that, I guess if I knew how to edit the v.in.ogr /
v.in.garmin / etc, I could tweak the bits to work..? but (I find this
bemusing still) these are .bin files, so despite them being part of an
open-source software, they are, from my perspective, still 'closed' as
far as being able to know what's going on in there ;-) and i'm not sure
i'm quite skilled enough to play too much with those binary-readers... i
could do something wrong and break things...

That's my 'quirk of the month' session done :-) I hear the sighs of

As an aside, I've been considering putting in bits for manuals/tutorials
along the way - my use of GRASS is more-or-less from