Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-30 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 30, 2005, at 2:11 PM, Ricardo Morin wrote:


I have some comments on Section I, Division of the
Repository.  In the current proposal, it appears as if
the partitioning of the repository is three big
chunks: JVM, Class library and Website/Documentation.

Due to the very large size of this project, I would
like to propose to break down the Class library part
into the following more discrete modules:

- GUI – Essentially swing
- Client – Awt, java2D, etc
- Core – lang, util, networking, io
- Enterprise – jdbc, corba, jmx, etc
- Security – security and crypto
- XML – Xerces/Xalan
- Tools – javac, jar, jdb, etc

If we ever have to do a class library, this is fine by me.

This will move the project more in the modular
direction, which was stated as one of main goals for
Harmony. I believe that communities of interest are
most likely to form around these projects.

Yes, indeed.  But for now, until we have a compelling reason to  
consider our own class library, we're working out how to work with  
GNU Classpath.

So Section I would look like:

I. Division of Repository

1) JVM
2) GUI class libraries
3) Client class libraries
4) Core class libraries
5) Enterprise class libraries
6) Security class libraries
7) XML class libraries
8) Tools
9) Website and Documentation

I'd rather see, if we did classlib :

1) JVM
a) core
b) mm
c) JIT
   i) interpreter
   ii) compiler

2) ClassLibrary
a) GUI
b) Client
c) core
z) tools

3) Website and documentation

This is a minor restructuring, but one that seems to make more  
hierarchical sense to me.

I would also like to propose to update Section II to
clarify the granularity of the access control list to
the division of the repository above.

That or finer, because we may need to partition some of the large  
grain down, such as having a person who has to be kept out of  
jvm.jit.compiler but can work in interpreter.



Thoughts? Comments?



--- Geir Magnusson Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


There are many legal and political concerns about
the Apache Harmony
project, and it behooves us to do the best job we
can at all times in
ensuring that the software contributed or created by
the community is
as clean (in the IP sense) as possible.  We do
this to protect the
ASF, the committers, and the users of the software.

There are are few issues that come to mind when
thinking about
committers :

1) What IP has the committer been exposed to,
   and what is the position of the owner of that
   with respect to the committer's
   For example, has the committer been exposed
   copyrighted or patented material, in which an
   accidental re-creation would put the project
   or users at risk of legal action from the
   IP owner?

2) If people have been exposed to code that
would be
   problematic for us, what can we do to allow
the maximum
   participation with the minimal risk?

3) How do we ensure that we carefully track our
   committers and what they've been exposed to?

To solve, consider the following :

I. Division of Repository

For starters, we can divide our SVN repository into
parts :

1) JVM
 - VM
 - JIT
 - GC
 - etc

2) Class library
  - VM/lib interface  :-b

3) Website and Documentation

and we limit access to the SVN to which your
contributions have no
taint as we understand it at the moment.  Because
attitudes will
change over time, I think that taint can go away
as an individual's
issue that causes the 'taint' gets resolved.

We can start with access for website and docs
immediately w/o much
consideration for 'taint'.

II. Specific Access Control Lists

Through fine-grained (as necessary) access control
lists for the SVN
repo, we'll allow committers into repos for project
components for
which they have no taint.  If they've worked on
Sun's class
libraries in the past but no exposure to VM, we keep
them from any
class library work we do (if any) and allow them
into VM-related code.

I think for simplicity in accounting, we should be
conservative and
explicit about access.  You are granted access only
to repos that you
ask to be granted access to (although with the
exception of the
taint issue, we should grant to anything asked
for...) and
encourage people to keep their personal list small,
and ask for
access to be removed if they no longer need it.

III. Strict Limits on Committer Contribution

Committers can only commit contributions to the
repositories that
they personally created specifically for
contribution to Apache
Harmony.  This is the standard 

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-23 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 23, 2005, at 3:36 AM, usman bashir wrote:

 gier! i m from Pakistan and here and in even our some neigbouring
counteries like INDIA etc , the employer has the right over only those
things that we write for them. but not for those whom we write for  
us , so

even it is possible to do parrallel work for others.
 but as u suggested a letter from our contractor, i can provide but  
it ll
certainly raise some eyebrowse here even though it is not going to  

harmory me or my company:)
 as for as other restrcition are concern i am free from them as i  
have never
feel concern what the Sun writes for us. so even though having more  
onse (as due to several JDKs on my machine) , i never dig  
into their

 so i request u either reiterate over ur statment about company  

and if u r still looking over it then i have to mess up with my PM.

We'll have a new version of this out here on the list soon that  
addresses this.  I think that you won't have to go hassle your  
manager or employer if there is clearly no right over the work you  
would be doing for Harmony.


 On 6/14/05, Ben Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Jun 9, 2005, at 3:48 AM, Robin Garner wrote:

8) Employment Limitations

Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
IT professional? If so, you may be an commiter
only if your employer either:

a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
and lists you as a designated employee or

b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
in your current or future contributions to this project.

To me, this is _way_ too restructive.

It is very restrictive, and is a starting point for the discussion.

This is a real problem, I think. I believe that people don't
understand the restrictions they are working under, and the
ramifications of what can happen.

While this kind of statement
wouldn't be a problem for me currently, from time to time I've been
employeed by either a large company or the Australian Government,
of which have any legal rights to anything I do out of hours,  
but who
would have conniptions if asked to sign an agreement like this.  
because the pointy haired bosses wouldn't understand what it was  

and would go into knee-jerk abnegation-of-responsibility mode.


Well, what do we do? I'm not sure we can punt here, but clearly we
want to make it so the broadest community can participate.

Clearly your requirements only apply if the contributor's employer  

rights to their contribution. If the employer has no rights, then all
the contributor need do is to state that.




ApacheCon Europe

There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit. - Robert Woodruff

Usman Bashir
Certified IBM XML Solution Developer
Certified UML Developer
Brainbench Certified Internet Perfessional[advance](BCIP)
Brainbench Certified Java Perfessional (BCJP)
Brainbench Certified .NET Perfessional
Brainbench Ceritified C++ Perfessional (BCCP)
Software engineer IT24
Faculty Member Operation Badar Lahore

Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: On Tainting/Residual Rights (Was: Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers)

2005-06-14 Thread Ben Laurie

Dalibor Topic wrote:

Steve Blackburn wrote:

Dalibor Topic wrote:

Many people don't see the need to look at non-free software in 
general, and chances are pretty slim that anyone I know will ever get 
that bored and out of reading material to accept the 'Read only' 
license, for an example of a very funny non-free software license.

I have never looked at non-free implementations, but I am interested 
to know what this means for those of us who have extensive exposure to 
implementations such as Kaffe (GPL) or Jikes RVM (CPL).  My reading of 
it is that I can't work on any part of Harmony for which I am tainted 
by my Jikes RVM exposure without permission from the copyright holder 
of Jikes RVM.  Is that right?

Nope. :)

You can look at free software and work on other software as much as you 
want to, as free software licenses do not claim further rights beyound 
the rights granted to the author through copyright laws. I.e. if you 
copy or modify free software works, you are bound by their license 
terms, as the copyright laws grant the authors a say in derivative 
works. If you don't do that, then the author has no say in your own, 
original work. You are allowed to study free software (freedom 1 [1]). 
You can do what you want with that knowledge, modulo patents and 
creating derived works.[0]

Its not quite as simple as that (I happen to have been taking legal 
advice recently on this question) - if I look at your implementation, 
then I write my own, and my own is substantially similar to yours, then 
I may be infringing your copyright, even if I wrote mine from scratch.

ApacheCon Europe

There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit. - Robert Woodruff

Re: On Tainting/Residual Rights (Was: Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers)

2005-06-13 Thread acoliver
I've had different answers on legal-discuss to some of these questions. 
 I would encourage folks to avoid these kinds of detailed legal 
discussions here in favor of discussions with generally more qualified 
people on that list.  I would merely like to state that the issue of 
derivative work is NOT straightforward and the issue of the JRL is not 
even as straighforward as it seems unfortunately and encourage further 
discussion take place on legal-discuss.

Moreover, it is my personal opinion that the JBoss-Geronimo issue was a 
very specific set of circumstances that have no real lessons to learn 
for this project (though I speak only for myself).


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Jun 9, 2005, at 8:10 AM, Bruno F. Souza wrote:

Dalibor Topic wrote:

You can look at free software and work on other software as much  as 
you want to, as free software licenses do not claim further  rights 
beyound the rights granted to the author through copyright  laws. 
I.e. if you copy or modify free software works, you are  bound by 
their license terms, as the copyright laws grant the  authors a say 
in derivative works. If you don't do that, then the  author has no 
say in your own, original work. You are allowed to  study free 
software (freedom 1 [1]). You can do what you want with  that 
knowledge, modulo patents and creating derived works.[0]

Well, the tainting (if that can be said that way) on open source  
licenses only have any effect if the original license has some  
reciprocity rules (like the GPL/LGPL for example) that prevents you  
to use the code anyway you want. Under copyright, you cannot simply  
copy the code, and as such, Harmony's code should not bear any  
resemblance to other free J2SE implementations to which the license  
is not Apache compatible. As seen in the JBoss vs Geronimo legal  
discussion, we should probably be careful here as well.

To be clear, there never was any JBoss code copied for Geronimo.  One  
issue from that discussion was similarity of design approach, but I  
think that's ok.  If we see that Kaffe has a great trick of caching  the 
$foo objects to solve the problem of constantly reloading from  disk, 
then I don't see a problem with us using the same strategy as  long as 
we don't use the source code from Kaffe.

This is how fields of knowledge grow - people learn from each other.

And another can or worms is Sun's research license (JRL), that  
specifically says:

 B.  Residual Rights.  You may use any information in
 intangible form that you remember after accessing the
 Technology, except when such use violates Sun's copyrights
 or patent rights.

That pretty much spells out the same as what Dalibor said:

 You can do what you want with that knowledge, modulo
 patents [rights] and creating derived works [copyright rights].

So, if we're allowing (with the mentioned care to not infringe  
copyright rights) anyone to work on Harmony that have worked on the  
open source implementations, should we allow those that have read  or 
worked on Sun's code under the JRL the same treatment?

This non-lawyer says yes, but there may be some clarification needed.

Or for the sake of extra care, we should avoid both or one of the  
situations? Maybe that would be going too far? Geronimo did not  avoid 
contributions from people that worked at JBoss, and I  understand that 
besides some trouble along the way, it all turned  out OK in the end.

Yes.  One of the key lessons from Geronimo (which had nothing to do  
with JBoss, actually) was that we should track the bulk  
contributions, even from committers.  These can be a small as a  
developers favorite little string library or something, and if that  
person has been doing OSS for a while, has probably licensed that  under 
other licenses to other projects.  That dev is free to  relicense if 
they choose, of course.  The problem is when someone  does a source code 
comparison and gets a match, questions are asked,  and it's much easier 
to answer the question when you have a database  of contributions you 
can refer to rather than um, lets go look...


More food for though...

Bruno Peres Ferreira de Souza Brazil's JavaMan  bruno at
if I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe

Andrew C. Oliver
SuperLink Software, Inc.

Java to Excel using POI
Commercial support including features added/implemented, bugs fixed.

Re: On Tainting/Residual Rights (Was: Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers)

2005-06-10 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 9, 2005, at 8:10 AM, Bruno F. Souza wrote:

Dalibor Topic wrote:

You can look at free software and work on other software as much  
as you want to, as free software licenses do not claim further  
rights beyound the rights granted to the author through copyright  
laws. I.e. if you copy or modify free software works, you are  
bound by their license terms, as the copyright laws grant the  
authors a say in derivative works. If you don't do that, then the  
author has no say in your own, original work. You are allowed to  
study free software (freedom 1 [1]). You can do what you want with  
that knowledge, modulo patents and creating derived works.[0]

Well, the tainting (if that can be said that way) on open source  
licenses only have any effect if the original license has some  
reciprocity rules (like the GPL/LGPL for example) that prevents you  
to use the code anyway you want. Under copyright, you cannot simply  
copy the code, and as such, Harmony's code should not bear any  
resemblance to other free J2SE implementations to which the license  
is not Apache compatible. As seen in the JBoss vs Geronimo legal  
discussion, we should probably be careful here as well.

To be clear, there never was any JBoss code copied for Geronimo.  One  
issue from that discussion was similarity of design approach, but I  
think that's ok.  If we see that Kaffe has a great trick of caching  
the $foo objects to solve the problem of constantly reloading from  
disk, then I don't see a problem with us using the same strategy as  
long as we don't use the source code from Kaffe.

This is how fields of knowledge grow - people learn from each other.

And another can or worms is Sun's research license (JRL), that  
specifically says:

 B.  Residual Rights.  You may use any information in
 intangible form that you remember after accessing the
 Technology, except when such use violates Sun's copyrights
 or patent rights.

That pretty much spells out the same as what Dalibor said:

 You can do what you want with that knowledge, modulo
 patents [rights] and creating derived works [copyright rights].

So, if we're allowing (with the mentioned care to not infringe  
copyright rights) anyone to work on Harmony that have worked on the  
open source implementations, should we allow those that have read  
or worked on Sun's code under the JRL the same treatment?

This non-lawyer says yes, but there may be some clarification needed.

Or for the sake of extra care, we should avoid both or one of the  
situations? Maybe that would be going too far? Geronimo did not  
avoid contributions from people that worked at JBoss, and I  
understand that besides some trouble along the way, it all turned  
out OK in the end.

Yes.  One of the key lessons from Geronimo (which had nothing to do  
with JBoss, actually) was that we should track the bulk  
contributions, even from committers.  These can be a small as a  
developers favorite little string library or something, and if that  
person has been doing OSS for a while, has probably licensed that  
under other licenses to other projects.  That dev is free to  
relicense if they choose, of course.  The problem is when someone  
does a source code comparison and gets a match, questions are asked,  
and it's much easier to answer the question when you have a database  
of contributions you can refer to rather than um, lets go look...


More food for though...

Bruno Peres Ferreira de Souza Brazil's JavaMan  bruno at
if I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe

Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-10 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 9, 2005, at 7:51 AM, Ahmed Saad wrote:

On 6/8/05, Steve Blackburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have never looked at non-free implementations, but I am  
interested to

know what this means for those of us who have extensive exposure to
implementations such as Kaffe (GPL) or Jikes RVM (CPL).  My  
reading of
it is that I can't work on any part of Harmony for which I am  
tainted by

my Jikes RVM exposure without permission from the copyright holder of
Jikes RVM.  Is that right?

Same goes here!!  here is the story.. i got two books (Programming the
Java Virtual Machine and Inside the Java Virtual Machine).. i started
reading about VM internals... and i thought i'd download kaffe or
jikes RVM source code to look at their implementation and to play a
little after reading some chapters from one of these books... will i
be able to contribute to harmony vm if i do such?

That is our intention, yes.  We just need to work out how we do this.


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-10 Thread Onno Kluyt
What I meant was there is little one can do against someone signing a 
license in bad faith. You can do, and should do, certain due diligence 
beforehand but there is a point where you just have to assume someone 
will live up to the promise he or she is making by agreeing to a 

On Jun 9, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Onno Kluyt wrote:

That is what courts are for  .

(at least the bad faith part)

On Jun 9, 2005, at 6:23 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Worse is someone signing in bad faith or in ignorance.

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-09 Thread Robin Garner
 8) Employment Limitations

 Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
 IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
 only if your employer either:

 a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
and lists you as a designated employee or

 b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
in your current or future contributions to this project.

To me, this is _way_ too restructive.  While this kind of statement
wouldn't be a problem for me currently, from time to time I've been
employeed by either a large company or the Australian Government, neither
of which have any legal rights to anything I do out of hours, but who
would have conniptions if asked to sign an agreement like this.  Simply
because the pointy haired bosses wouldn't understand what it was about,
and would go into knee-jerk abnegation-of-responsibility mode.

What is wrong with a personal statement confirming that no third party has
a claim on the IP of the contribution.  Seems to work for the CPL, but
then IANAL ...


RE: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-09 Thread Renaud BECHADE
 Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
 IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
 only if your employer either:

 a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
and lists you as a designated employee or

 b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
in your current or future contributions to this project.

To me, this is _way_ too restructive.

... Same in France. Besides, by default, the employer cannot take property
on what is done out of the scope of work [A]; and even in the case when an
employee writes some code out of the scope of his job and at work, some
French justice cases [1] say the work is the employee's. (although it seems
this is up to the judge to decide it...)
All the same, the author's 'droit moral' (moral right [?]) and its most
restrictive interpretation, 'droit de paternite' (paternity right [?]) is 
'perpetuel, inalienable et imprescriptible' (perpetual, not cessible,
unprescriptible; art L212-1, French Intellectual Property Code).

I think we really need to rephrase correctly the legal aspect of the
committer's conditions because such very blatantly impossible to defend kind
of stances are amongst the best ways to have a judge angry... 

Also, contrats de cession (sort of copyright agreements) must be very
precisely phrased but limited in scope [2] lest French courts decide to
break them [3].
All the same with subsequent lease or copyleft, of course [4].

Sorry these are more problems than solutions. 

(please note I am not a lawyer, so you should trust it and die - if you are
interested I can try to find good references in France. As I live in Japan I
leave to our Japanese colleagues the honor to expose the situation in Japan,
which I would be very interested to hear about)



[A] When writing code as an employee, French law says the author is not you
but your employer, only and only if it is done under the employer's
directions (this last point being of course spicy to prove or falsify :-) ).
Technically the property (droit moral, droit de paternite) is
[1] arret Pachot, 7 fev. 1986
[2] L131-3
La validite d'une trasmission est subordonnee
 a la distinction des droits transferes et a la
 delimitation de leur domaine d'exploitation
 dans l'acte
[3] TGI Paris, 26 novembre 2002, M. Demont c/ SARL Forever Living Products  
Dossier : Salarié
La personne physique qui cède en pleine propriété deux logiciels conçus
avant son embauche obtient la requalification de la cession en droit d'usage
à durée déterminée. Le TGI rappelle le caractère nécessairement explicite de
la cession de droits...
[4] TGI Paris 4 oct 1983
une sous-license de droit d'auteur sur le logiciel
 consentie en l'absence d'autorisation du titulaire
 du droit constitue une contrefacon.

Other sources:

[Droit de la propriete intellectuelle,
 2eme ed. Jonanna Schmidt-Szalewski, 
 Jean-Luc Pierre Ed. Litec]
[Propriete Litteraire
 et artistique Pierre-Yves Gautier
 4eme ed. PUF Droit]

-Original Message-
From: Robin Garner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

 8) Employment Limitations

 Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
 IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
 only if your employer either:

 a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
and lists you as a designated employee or

 b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
in your current or future contributions to this project.

To me, this is _way_ too restructive.  While this kind of statement
wouldn't be a problem for me currently, from time to time I've been
employeed by either a large company or the Australian Government, neither
of which have any legal rights to anything I do out of hours, but who
would have conniptions if asked to sign an agreement like this.  Simply
because the pointy haired bosses wouldn't understand what it was about,
and would go into knee-jerk abnegation-of-responsibility mode.

What is wrong with a personal statement confirming that no third party has
a claim on the IP of the contribution.  Seems to work for the CPL, but
then IANAL ...


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-09 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 9, 2005, at 3:48 AM, Robin Garner wrote:

8) Employment Limitations

Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
only if your employer either:

a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
   and lists you as a designated employee or

b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
   project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality  

   in your current or future contributions to this project.

To me, this is _way_ too restructive.

It is very restrictive, and is a starting point for the discussion.

This is a real problem, I think.  I believe that people don't  
understand the restrictions they are working under, and the  
ramifications of what can happen.

While this kind of statement
wouldn't be a problem for me currently, from time to time I've been
employeed by either a large company or the Australian Government,  

of which have any legal rights to anything I do out of hours, but who
would have conniptions if asked to sign an agreement like this.   
because the pointy haired bosses wouldn't understand what it was  

and would go into knee-jerk abnegation-of-responsibility mode.


Well, what do we do?  I'm not sure we can punt here, but clearly we  
want to make it so the broadest community can participate.

What is wrong with a personal statement confirming that no third  
party has

a claim on the IP of the contribution.  Seems to work for the CPL, but
then IANAL ...

The CPL is just a license, not an organization that would be creating  
and distributing software under that license.

The scenario that I fear is someone confirming that no third party  
has a claim, in perfectly good faith.  Then, after some time goes by,  
they get involved with a big company as an employee, contractor or  
such, and as part of the paperwork, sign a document that changes that  
situation.  They may not remember their claim, and thus any work  
after that puts the project at some level of risk we didn't have before.

Worse is someone signing in bad faith or in ignorance.

We're open to any and all suggestions.


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

On Tainting/Residual Rights (Was: Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers)

2005-06-09 Thread Dalibor Topic

Steve Blackburn wrote:

Dalibor Topic wrote:

Many people don't see the need to look at non-free software in 
general, and chances are pretty slim that anyone I know will ever get 
that bored and out of reading material to accept the 'Read only' 
license, for an example of a very funny non-free software license.

I have never looked at non-free implementations, but I am interested to 
know what this means for those of us who have extensive exposure to 
implementations such as Kaffe (GPL) or Jikes RVM (CPL).  My reading of 
it is that I can't work on any part of Harmony for which I am tainted by 
my Jikes RVM exposure without permission from the copyright holder of 
Jikes RVM.  Is that right?

Nope. :)

You can look at free software and work on other software as much as you 
want to, as free software licenses do not claim further rights beyound 
the rights granted to the author through copyright laws. I.e. if you 
copy or modify free software works, you are bound by their license 
terms, as the copyright laws grant the authors a say in derivative 
works. If you don't do that, then the author has no say in your own, 
original work. You are allowed to study free software (freedom 1 [1]). 
You can do what you want with that knowledge, modulo patents and 
creating derived works.[0]

Non-free software licenses, though, like the SCSL-derivatives covering 
large portions of core Java technology, make claims that go wildly 
beyound the rights given to the copyright holders through copyright law. 
For example, the SCSL claims all sorts of rights on 'Modifications', 
defining Modifications for the purpose of the license way beyound the 
scope of the copyright law.

 GLOSSARY, 13. Modification(s) means (i) any change to Covered Code; 
(ii) any new file or other representation of computer program statements 
that contains any portion of Covered Code; and/or (iii) any new Source 
Code implementing any portion of the Specifications.

13(i) is your normal copyright law. 13(ii) is your normal copyright law 
with an extra spin: it tries to prohibit fair use by claiming that 
containing *any portion* of SCSL covered code turns your code into a 
modification of SCSL covered code.

Given that you're writing your code in java, chances are that any class 
you write shares a certain amount of text with some SCSLd covered code, 
simply because they are written in the same programming language. So 
13(ii) covers pretty much all java code ever written by anyone who 
licensed code under SCSL. To put more graphically, GLOSSARY,13(ii) == 
All your Java are belong to us

Let's get to 13(iii), which is a little more convulted. It says any 
*new* Source Code implementing *any portion* of the *Specifications*. 
New code is quite obvious, so it coveres all new code you write. Then we 
have a clarification, it's any new code you write that implements any 
portion of some specs. implementing any portion of specs doesn't say 
'extending Object is OK', it says there are some specs, you implement 
any single bit out of them, your code is covered. Both the JDK API spec 
and the JLS cover java.lang.Object's method signatures. If your code 
extends java.lang.Object, it implements a portion of the JLS and JDK 
API, since you can call the methods covered by the Object API on it. If 
that's too far fetched for you, take classes implementing the 
Serializable interface, or your classes extending SCSL covered classes, 
and overriding methods in them.

But the really convulted part of 13(iii) is in the reference to 
Specifications. If we look up Specifications in the glossary, we'll find

GLOSSARY, 21. Specifications means the specifications for the 
Technology and other documentation, as designated on the Technology 
Download Site, as may be revised by Original Contributor from time to time.

This clause gives the copyright owner (or whoever hacks the site) a 
backdoor to revise the specifications, and claim violation afterwards, 
even if you were compliant originally. The license does not specify the 
Technology download site precisely (with some URL) anywhere. It does 
specify the community source download site, but that one has no JDK 
specs. Beautyful.

From my blog on just a few of the hidden gems of tragicomical legalese 
buried in the SCSL available on

Free Software licenses don't start from the maximal 'we now fully own 
you, period' position. They start from the minimal 'we own our work, 
copyright law is cute, this license and copyright law together grant you 
broad rights, use them wisely and have fun' position and simply rely on 
copyright law, permissions for dervied works and common sense to sort 
out the authorship rights rather than claiming everything and all you 
come up with by default as covered by them.

You still own your own brain after studying Free software. Free Software 
licenses need not to explicitely tell you that, as they make no claims 
to your 

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-09 Thread Onno Kluyt

That is what courts are for  .

(at least the bad faith part)

On Jun 9, 2005, at 6:23 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Worse is someone signing in bad faith or in ignorance.

Re: On Tainting/Residual Rights (Was: Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers)

2005-06-09 Thread Dalibor Topic

Dalibor Topic wrote:
[hot stuff]

Holy cow, with a bit of hindsight, that was one little emotional 
firebrand speech without harmonic undertones. I am afraid I pressed the 
send button way too soon, so sorry about that, and I hope to avoid 
turning the list into a legal speculative fest. After some experience on 
debian-legal, I should know better than to send firebrand speeches to 
mailing lists. ;(

Instead of sheepishly feeding the speculations further myself, I'll take 
it up with some friendly folks at the parents of the JRL, and try to 
figure out what the JRL is really meant to mean, and see if all of my 
fears regarding the JRL covering other things really are as unfounded as 
everyone would/should hope. If they are unfounded, well, awesome, 
everyone wins. If they are not unfounded, well, the JRL could be fixed 
to make them unfounded, and everyone wins. Let's be winners.

love, peace and understanding,
dalibor topic

RE: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Emmanuel Lecharny
On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 10:34 +0900, Renaud BECHADE wrote:
 It is quite similar in French law (soft copyright law being a derivative of
 usual author copyright law: author's right belongs to the author, period;
 usage right can be granted/sold/etc. but NOT the author's property). 

Hi, be aware that in France, when your are working for companies, they
are the Author of what you are working on during your working hours. So,
either do it during your spare time, or have a signed agreement with
your company which specifically name you as the Author...

Emmanuel Lcharny

RE: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Renaud BECHADE

I forgot to mention what happens in the case of a working contract... Sorry.
(But we are not linked with a working contract and the derogative article of
the intellectual property right you cite contains the very word employees
/ art. L113-9)
After checking a few sources it seems though that there are many pitfalls
when doing the rights transfer after the soft is written... I'll try to
check more sources.



Ex: (in French below, sorry) 
Basically a guy sold a soft to a company before he was employed. This was
restated by the judge as a use right lease for a given, limited duration.

TGI Paris, 26 novembre 2002, M. Demont c/ SARL Forever Living Products  
Thème : TIC  
Dossier : Salarié
La personne physique qui cède en pleine propriété deux logiciels conçus
avant son embauche obtient la requalification de la cession en droit d'usage
à durée déterminée. Le TGI rappelle le caractère nécessairement explicite de
la cession de droits...

Mots clés : logiciel ; progiciel ; droits d'auteur ; contrat de travail ;
transaction ; droit d'usage ; exploitation ; cession des droits (non) ;
atteinte au droit moral (non) ; articles L.113-9 et L.131-3 du CPI ;
requalification ; cession ; gestion d'entreprise.

-Original Message-
From: Emmanuel Lecharny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 3:41 PM
Subject: RE: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 10:34 +0900, Renaud BECHADE wrote:
 It is quite similar in French law (soft copyright law being a derivative
 usual author copyright law: author's right belongs to the author, period;
 usage right can be granted/sold/etc. but NOT the author's property). 

Hi, be aware that in France, when your are working for companies, they
are the Author of what you are working on during your working hours. So,
either do it during your spare time, or have a signed agreement with
your company which specifically name you as the Author...

Emmanuel Lécharny

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Leo Simons
On 08-06-2005 00:08, Geir Magnusson Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I. Division of Repository


 II. Specific Access Control Lists


We could consider setting up a totally separate SVN repo for this, because
the svn-authorization file would be the authoritive source of tainting
info and we may want to publish that file.

 III. Strict Limits on Committer Contribution


 IV. Be Proactive in Committer Education


 We could have [a legal form] as part of a standard svn commit message
 template, for example.  Other ideas welcome.

Perhaps employ a post-commit hook that rejects commits that don't have a
filled-out template.

 we might consider a form asking information like the following.

There's a lot in there. I don't feel qualified to comment.


Expanding on what I said in my other e-mail, committer is something that
has many non-legal connotations here at the ASF. It might make sense to
define all or most of this in terms of contributors. WDYT?

- Leo

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 8, 2005, at 5:16 AM, Leo Simons wrote:

On 08-06-2005 00:08, Geir Magnusson Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I. Division of Repository


II. Specific Access Control Lists


We could consider setting up a totally separate SVN repo for this,  
the svn-authorization file would be the authoritive source of  

info and we may want to publish that file.

Yes, good idea

III. Strict Limits on Committer Contribution


IV. Be Proactive in Committer Education


We could have [a legal form] as part of a standard svn commit message
template, for example.  Other ideas welcome.

Perhaps employ a post-commit hook that rejects commits that don't  
have a

filled-out template.

Well, I was thinking more of an informational message, but a short,  
simple set of Y/N questions might help.  OTOH, people might just get  
in the habit of just doing the right answers, and not reading...

we might consider a form asking information like the following.

There's a lot in there. I don't feel qualified to comment.


Expanding on what I said in my other e-mail, committer is  
something that
has many non-legal connotations here at the ASF. It might make  
sense to

define all or most of this in terms of contributors. WDYT?

Yes - Authorized Contributor as a defined term as one who has  
executed the form.


- Leo

Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 8, 2005, at 8:54 AM, Nacho G. Mac Dowell wrote:

Hi all,

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

a) Having a copy of src.jar on a computer as long as you never
   viewed or edited the contents of the file.

How many people on this list have NEVER looked (not edited) at,  
say, java.lang.String?

I've seen it via the debugger, but no - I've never opened src.jar and  

Thats said, this is an important issue.  We do need to figure out  
what the ramifications of exposure to src.jar code are. (The  
statement you are commenting on was just the first of what I suspect  
will be an iteration or two...)

We want to start with the most conservative definition of taint and  
work our way out of it.  I believe that we can work with Sun (or any  
other copyright holder) to clarify the position on this matter.

If you want people with extensive java knowledge to contribute to  
Harmony this requirement seems like a dead-end to me. Not for the  
VM internals, but for the class libraries. I suppose that, at  
least, any curious java developer using eclipse (I don't know about  
other IDE's) has. Something else would be pretending no one ever  
looked at src.jar... Don't flame me, please. I'm just trying to  
address one of my major concerns about Harmony. If this is a MUST  
requirement, then Sun did a great job when releasing src.jar...

No one will flame you - this is a valid point.

I'm pretty sure that wasn't Sun's intention, and I also believe that  
Sun has no desire to assert that casual exposure to the contents of  
src.jar by developers creating, debugging or running Java  
applications taints those developers.  However, we do need to find  
a clear way for them to express this, if they are interested or we  
must remain conservative on this issue.  (I don't speak for Sun, of  


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Sven de Marothy
On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 14:54 +0200, Nacho G. Mac Dowell wrote:

 How many people on this list have NEVER looked (not edited) at, say, 

Me. And all other GNU Classpath contributors on this list. At least 3 of
the 9 listed in the proposal as possible commiters.

 If you want people with extensive java knowledge to contribute to 
 Harmony this requirement seems like a dead-end to me. 

I view myself as having extensive java knowledge. 

 Not for the VM internals, but for the class libraries. 

I already addressed this. It's a fallacy to believe you need to look at
Sun's code to do a good implementation of the class libraries. In fact,
I belive it will lead to a better implementation. 


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Dalibor Topic

Nacho G. Mac Dowell wrote:

Hi all,

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

a) Having a copy of src.jar on a computer as long as you never
   viewed or edited the contents of the file.

How many people on this list have NEVER looked (not edited) at, say, 

Many, I'd think. To avoid the temptation, you should simply delete 
src.jar from your computer.

If you want people with extensive java knowledge to contribute to 
Harmony this requirement seems like a dead-end to me. Not for the VM 
internals, but for the class libraries. I suppose that, at least, any 
curious java developer using eclipse (I don't know about other IDE's) 
has. Something else would be pretending no one ever looked at src.jar... 

There actually are people that have not looked at Sun's code out there. 
Everyone coming new to the language, for example.

Many people don't see the need to look at non-free software in general, 
and chances are pretty slim that anyone I know will ever get that bored 
and out of reading material to accept the 'Read only' license, for an 
example of a very funny non-free software license.

Don't flame me, please. I'm just trying to address one of my major 
concerns about Harmony. If this is a MUST requirement, then Sun did a 
great job when releasing src.jar...

The current licensing terms of a popular non-free implementation(SCSL, 
JRL, JIUL, JDL), despite all the various FAQs, and enthousiastic 
statements by some marketing staff at the respective company, do not 
address the issues at hand in a clear enough fashion.

for one of many, many problems with the JRL, for example.

Yes, a certain company's legal team is pretty good at not helping what 
they perceive as potential threats to their status. If that is an itch 
you need to scratch, get in touch with *them* and get it fixed, as they 
are the only ones who can.

dalibor topic

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Steve Blackburn

Dalibor Topic wrote:

Many people don't see the need to look at non-free software in 
general, and chances are pretty slim that anyone I know will ever get 
that bored and out of reading material to accept the 'Read only' 
license, for an example of a very funny non-free software license.

I have never looked at non-free implementations, but I am interested to 
know what this means for those of us who have extensive exposure to 
implementations such as Kaffe (GPL) or Jikes RVM (CPL).  My reading of 
it is that I can't work on any part of Harmony for which I am tainted by 
my Jikes RVM exposure without permission from the copyright holder of 
Jikes RVM.  Is that right?


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-08 Thread Ulrich Kunitz
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Dalibor Topic wrote:

  Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
   a) Having a copy of src.jar on a computer as long as you never
  viewed or edited the contents of the file.

At least in the Linux versions 1.5.0_03 and 1.4.2_05 of the J2SE
SDK there is no file src.jar. However there seems to be a file Maybe it is a good sign, that most folks here don't
actually know, how the file is named.


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-07 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

8) Employment Limitations

   Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
   IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
   only if your employer either:

   a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
  and lists you as a designated employee or

   b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
  project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
  in your current or future contributions to this project.

IANAL, but this is a really tricky part, as different laws apply 
depending on where the contributor lives. Most countries have a 
different approach on this subject than the anglo-american copyright, 
namely the author's right.

For my part, living in Germany, there is no way for my employer (even 
though I'm employed as a software developer) to claim any rights on work 
I'm doing in my spare time and there is no legal way for me to disclaim 
or overdraw my author's right on any work I've done. Even the author's 
right on the work I'm doing for my employer stays with me, all they can 
claim is an exclusive right to _use_ the code.

I have been working on a few smaller projects lately, which may be of 
interest to the Harmony project, and I would find it a pity, if your 
legal requirements makes it difficult for me to contribute.


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-07 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

What are you working on?

It's a framework to ease JNI programming, or more precisely to make it 
possible to call native, e.g. OS functions without writing wrapper code 
in C to do type conversions etc.

For example, invoking the Windows MessageBox function in user32.dll can 
be done like this:

EasyJni jni = EasyJni.getInstance();
NativeLibrary user32 = jni.loadNativeLibrary(user32);

long ctext = jni.createCString(Message box text, UTF-16LE);
long ctitle = jni.createCString(Message box title, UTF-16LE);

int res = (int)user32.invokeLong(
 MessageBoxW, 0, ctext, ctitle, MessageBoxConstants.MB_OKCANCEL);;;

C structs can be mapped to Java classes using annotations, as here with 
the WAVEFORMAT struct used by the Windows audio API:

@NativeStruct(endian=Endian.little, size=16)
public class WaveFormat implements Modifiable {

   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int16, offset=0)
   private int formatTag;

   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int16, offset=2)
   private int channels;
   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int32, offset=4)

   private int samplesPerSecond;

   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int32, offset=8)
   private int avgBytesPerSecond;
   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int32, offset=12)

   private int blockAlign;

   // getter and setter methods ...

I needed this for some audio functionality, which is not available 
through JavaSound. The JNI library could probably be used in several 
fields, and seeing that Classpath does not implement any parts of 
JavaSound, my Windows media API wrappers are probably a good starting 
point for a new JavaSound implementation (at least targetted for Windows).


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-07 Thread Steven Gong
On 6/8/05, Tor-Einar Jarnbjo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
  What are you working on?
 It's a framework to ease JNI programming, or more precisely to make it
 possible to call native, e.g. OS functions without writing wrapper code
 in C to do type conversions etc.

Tor, is it legal to for you to contribute the API of this JNI programming 
framework? IMHO the API is as valuable as the implementation.

Best Regards
Steven Gong

RE: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-07 Thread Renaud BECHADE

It is quite similar in French law (soft copyright law being a derivative of
usual author copyright law: author's right belongs to the author, period;
usage right can be granted/sold/etc. but NOT the author's property). Not
sure about Japanese law (I am living in Japan and France :-)).

I guess we should not try to have legal stances that are just too obscure or
absolute (and hence just not compatible with some countries laws).

Sorry this is more like a problem than a solution, but it would be a pity to
be deep in the  because we ignore laws diversity.

-Original Message-
From: Tor-Einar Jarnbjo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

 8) Employment Limitations

Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
only if your employer either:

a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
   and lists you as a designated employee or

b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
   project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
   in your current or future contributions to this project.

IANAL, but this is a really tricky part, as different laws apply 
depending on where the contributor lives. Most countries have a 
different approach on this subject than the anglo-american copyright, 
namely the author's right.

For my part, living in Germany, there is no way for my employer (even 
though I'm employed as a software developer) to claim any rights on work 
I'm doing in my spare time and there is no legal way for me to disclaim 
or overdraw my author's right on any work I've done. Even the author's 
right on the work I'm doing for my employer stays with me, all they can 
claim is an exclusive right to _use_ the code.

I have been working on a few smaller projects lately, which may be of 
interest to the Harmony project, and I would find it a pity, if your 
legal requirements makes it difficult for me to contribute.


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-07 Thread William . Wu
Best Regards, 

William Wu
Software Engineer
Sybase Shanghai RD Center
Room 1202-1206, Building One, 
Zhangjiang Semiconductor Industry Park
3000 Longdong Avenue
Pudong, Shanghai 201203
Tel: 8621-68799918 ext 3081
Fax: 8621-68790199

Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-07 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 7, 2005, at 9:34 PM, Renaud BECHADE wrote:

It is quite similar in French law (soft copyright law being a  
derivative of
usual author copyright law: author's right belongs to the author,  
usage right can be granted/sold/etc. but NOT the author's  
property). Not

sure about Japanese law (I am living in Japan and France :-)).

I guess we should not try to have legal stances that are just too  
obscure or

absolute (and hence just not compatible with some countries laws).

Sorry this is more like a problem than a solution, but it would be  
a pity to

be deep in the  because we ignore laws diversity.

Which aspect?  We're not ignoring diversity here.  We're trying to  
get started figuring out what to do.  We'll have to consult the ASF  
legal team, but the issues of the CCLA is universal at the ASF anyway.

The issues won't go away if we just try and ignore them.


-Original Message-
From: Tor-Einar Jarnbjo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

8) Employment Limitations

   Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
   IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
   only if your employer either:

   a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
  and lists you as a designated employee or

   b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
  project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
  in your current or future contributions to this project.

IANAL, but this is a really tricky part, as different laws apply
depending on where the contributor lives. Most countries have a
different approach on this subject than the anglo-american copyright,
namely the author's right.

For my part, living in Germany, there is no way for my employer (even
though I'm employed as a software developer) to claim any rights on  
I'm doing in my spare time and there is no legal way for me to  

or overdraw my author's right on any work I've done. Even the author's
right on the work I'm doing for my employer stays with me, all they  

claim is an exclusive right to _use_ the code.

I have been working on a few smaller projects lately, which may be of
interest to the Harmony project, and I would find it a pity, if your
legal requirements makes it difficult for me to contribute.


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437