Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-06-03 Thread Brenda Yi
I guess most people who want to comment on this topic have done so. I 
have read them all.  Actually most of what I want to say has been 
said. But I still want to say something from a non-Jewish, Chinese 
librarian in a one-person Judaica Library from the other side of the world.
I have joined this listserv for 12 years and been to convention once, 
in 2004, New York. I know a lot of you on-line and met some of you in 
person in NY, which was a great experience to me, who is a loner in 
this corner of the East.
I must say that a lot of the discussions here does not relate to my 
tiny library. Yet it is actually because of this, that I find this 
listserv very helpful and nourishing and I learn a lot, which I would 
never have come across with, no matter academically or 
politically.   I also enjoy knowing the personal chatter among us, it 
is like having a break and getting to know each other better.
I will continue reading the emails I like and delete those that do 
not interest me. So please make the subject clear in the subject line.
To tell you the truth, I look forward to receiving emails from this 
listserv everyday. Those who work in one-person libraries may 
understand my feelings.
Let me not forget to thank our voluntary listserv moderator who 
dutifully sends us news on the happenings of libraries and librarians everyday.
Brenda Yi, Librarian
Jewish Community Centre
One Robinson Place
70 Robinson Road
Hong Kong S.A.R., China
Tel: (852)2589-2660
Fax: (852)2877-0917

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-06-02 Thread shoshanah (rose) seidman
I second Anne's position.
I am not on the East Coast but I enjoy knowing what's happening (good 
events and bereavement), cultural notices (they give us ideas) and 
political arguments.
Please, delete this message and others - it's not so difficult.
Shoshanah Seidman
Northwestern University

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-30 Thread alba toscano
When books are written that take radical or unconventional stands it 
is important for us as an organization to discuss.

I'll stop goofing around for a moment and be quite serious. The book 
Outwitting History by Lansky brings up some really delicate issues 
that superficially might not appear to be so. One of the underlying 
themes is the Diaspora v.s. Israel question. That may sound curious 
but I definitely suggest that everybody take a gander at this work. 
There are certain ideas that will most definitely shock more than a 
few especially if you are members of the conservative/masorti movement.

Shabat shalom
Besos de Valencia (Espana)
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti La Javura

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RE: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-30 Thread Brown, Joyce J.
I completely agree. If you find the information too cumbersome, delete.
I too have made Alba's acquaintance, and others, and cherish the time I
have with my online friends.

Joyce J. Brown
Chester County, PA

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-30 Thread V.Korobkin
This has nothing to do with building a strong community. Let's just drop
it and move it. Vicki Korobkin

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RE: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-30 Thread Vanessa Freedman
Dear Safranim

I agree with Lee's comments. Being based in an academic library in the UK, I
find ha-Safran very useful on occasion and it's interesting to hear about
what's going on in the US, as we have such a small community of Jewish
librarians over here.  However, a lot of the postings aren't relevant to me
and they do clog up my inbox (when I came back after the Christmas break,
thinking there'd be hardly any emails, I had over 200, many of them from
ha-Safran and another listserv). This is fine as long as people make the
subject clear in the subject line, so I can then delete the irrelevant
postings without needing to read them.

Shabbat Shalom

Vanessa Freedman
Hebrew & Jewish Studies Librarian
UCL Library Services
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 2598 (Internal ext. 32598)
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7679 7373

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread Enid Sperber
If it weren't for this list I would never have met Alba Toscano. We 
have only seen each other panim al panim once, at the convention in 
Denver, yet because of this listserv I consider her my good friend 
who lives in Spain.  I think we have a powerful online community and 
isn't one of the tenets of Judaism to build strong community?
Enid Sperber
Temple Israel of Hollywood Synagogue and Schools
Los Angeles, CA 90046

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread Chana Adar
Very quickly, I, too, enjoy the whole of the list dedicated to Jewish
books, jewish libraries and those who work in them and those who love the
books, who read them, think about them, and cherish them.

Sanyasin *

(* is there a hebrew word for this kind of journey in later

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RE: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread Yoel Sheridan
I thought that libraries were there to broaden the mind
And sadly now I find
Some librarians with a narrow mind
Have no compassion for those with passion
And reject the notion that all forms of knowledge are entwined
To make the whole greater than the parts – oh what a grind
To discover that not only love is blind!!

Yoel Sheridan

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread alba toscano
On this lovely list, the Jewish Fed of Greater Philly in partnership 
with Jewish Outreach Partnership offered, for the outlandish price of 
only 6$$$, Outwitting History by Aaron Lansky. I sent in my 2 box 
tops and 6 one-dollar bills and it got to Spain 8 days later.  I love 
this book. I have marked up this book. I have trashed the binding. I 
have marked it with pen, pencil and coloured markers and turned down 
the corners. While reading this book, I have had no less than 4 major 
revelations about life, the universe and an incredible amount of 
other stuff. And then, on page 294, I found this:

"The next day (after the bombing of AMIA in Buenos Aires), I (Lansky) 
wired the head of the Jewish community in Buenos Aires, offering to 
replace every volume that had been destroyed. Four months later, our 
bibliographer, Neil Zagorin, and ZACHARY BAKER, then head librarian 
of the YIVO, traveled south to make the necessary arrangements..."

And I thought: Bless my ears and whiskers, blimey blimey. I know that 
Zachary guy from AJL. Not like we're bosom buddies or anything or 
that I would ever come close to recognizing him in a dark alley.  But 
it's nice to feel connected like that to people for whose opinions 
you have read, respected and considered commentating on on the AJL 
list. I like to see what lectures are being given (which give me 
ideas for what I can do around this here popsicle stand) and what 
jobs are being offered (which I shall never be able to apply for) and 
what projects people are involved in.

Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti La Javura
Valencia (Espana)

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread Lee Jaffe
I'm new to HaSafran but I've been a member of many mailing lists 
going back more than 20 years and thought I could share some useful 
thoughts on this matter.

First, each group is different and therefore the style and scope of 
its communication is correspondingly shaped to meet the needs of that 
community.  These discussions emerge in all lists eventually and 
sometimes repeatedly, especially as new members join and the list 
grows and changes.  From observing the nature of the messages passed 
through HaSafran in the months since I joined, I've come to 
understand that this mailing list serves to support a sense of 
community among the members.  In other words, it's more about 
providing a collective identity, with a large share of a social 
component, that it is about a strictly professional 
relationship.  This makes a lot of sense, considering we're a widely 
dispersed and often isolated collection of individuals.  We can talk 
to each other in a way we can't always talk to our geographic 
neighbors.  If you are in a general library, can you say "Tanakh" to 
the librarian in the next office without explaining?  If you are the 
sole librarian in your institution, can you discuss "Cutter numbers" 
and "deaccessioning" with your neighbors?  And, as in so many similar 
cases, that sense of shared understanding and values evolves into a 
sense of community that spills over into other areas of our 
lives.  Another way to look at it is that this virtual community 
fills an important niche or void in our lives, professional and 
otherwise.  I think it would be good to accept this as the nature of 
this group and move on.
Second, some of the issues raised have less to do with this wider 
scope and more to do with the mechanics of communicating.  A lot of 
frustration could be avoided if subject headings were more articulate 
and other important information was more prominent (or simply 
included) in many of the messages.  I've often marveled at folks 
posting items with subjects headings like "need advice" or "a 
question" or announcing at event at "Temple Beth El"  or "the Jewish 
Community Center" (really? is there only one in the whole 
world?).  Many problems with email communication could be avoided if 
folks spent a couple of seconds before hitting the Send button to 
think about their audience.  Ask yourself, Is this going to make 
sense to someone that doesn't work or live in the same area?  Is the 
topic of this note clear?  Is there other information -- a complete 
citation,  URL, address -- that will make this more useful to the 
recipients?  (There were two recent postings about new additions to 
the AJL site that did not  include the URL!  Sure I can look it up, 
but why should I have to?)
Along these lines, I'd like to recommend that event announcements 
include some location and date info in the subject header.  I want to 
know about events even if I can't attend -- that's part of being 
professionally aware, in my view -- but I also want to know right off 
the top whether or not I can go or share with local 
colleagues.  Including "SF - 5/20" in the subject doesn't seem to me 
to be an onerous requirement and I think this is a reasonable guideline.

Similarly, if you are posting any item, use the subject field to 
provide a clear indication of what the message is about.  The recent 
posting headed "Chumash for 4-6 graders" is an example of a good 
application of this idea.
Finally, and this seems to be such a no-brainer for a library list, 
provide clear and complete bibliographic information and links for 
any of the items you cite.
As someone who joined HaSafran to be able to be part of this 
community, I ask that we don't try to fix the scope or the style of 
the discussions that take place here -- it isn't broken from that 
perspective -- but that, at the same time that we try to make what we 
share as clear and as useful to others as possible.
Thanks for your indulgence,

-- Lee Jaffe, UC Santa Cruz

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RE: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread Toby Harris
I respectfully disagree as well.  I enjoy seeing what the NY chapters 
and others are doing, topics being covered, names of lecturers 
(perhaps they are names I want to be familiar with).  I also enjoy 
the political arguments because it indicates the diversity of Jews on 
Hasafran and who they are, where they stand both professionally and 
politically. And Hasafran is an online community - community is the 
key word, I hope. Though I'm in a big city and know other Judaic 
librarians, I essentially work in isolation and Hasafran is something 
I look forward to checking.  Deleting is quick and painless, much 
easier than weeding books!

Toby Harris, Librarian
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
(206)315-7398  Seattle
(206)323-8486, Ext. 7481  Bellevue

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread Naomi Morse
Dear Judy and Yossi,
I for one, enjoy the human, Jewish touch of Hasafran, with death notices and
appreciations, mixed in with professional matters.I find it anything but
Naomi Morse

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RE: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread Joyce Levine
I believe our HaSafran community encompasses people all over the US, 
Canada, Israel and the world. I personally am connected to many 
people outside my region whom I've met at Convention and even just 
through virtual communication on the Web. It enriches my experience 
to learn about programs conducted in places other than my own region, 
and to know what others are doing in our profession.
The subject line is usually adequate to determine if I need to open a 
message, so if something isn't pertinent to me  I don't feel 
compelled to read through the whole thing.
How sad that someone would wish to curtail and censor the information 
which is so freely offered and so relevant to many.

Joyce Levine, Librarian
North Shore Hebrew Academy High School
400 North Service Road
Great Neck, NY 11020
(516) 487-2424 ext. 1140

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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-29 Thread tzolelet
Judy, I politely disagree.  I am no longer - at this moment anyway - 
working in the field, but I find the cultural notices, bereavement 
notices and political arguments very enlightening in terms of 
self-definition of our role as information people.  I never worked in 
a social vacuum and I think these are all part of the professional 
picture.  I would hope that the subject line in each message would 
enable subscribers to use the delete button appropriately.  I do not 
post my personal issues on the web but it is good to know that I 
won't make a gaffe should I happen to meet someone at a conference or 
socially because of this posted information.

As for there being a tight East coast community of librarians, I wish 
I had been part of it when I practiced in the field -but I never 
found it to exist. Perhaps the whole point of the messages to which 
you object is to enable those of us outside this putative community 
to become part of it and to forge new useful social and professional 

Anne Jaron

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