Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Jan Brosius wrote:

  "x" in the domain of your model, and that that element, at least,

 x is a variable ; no domain ; no model

You must have some assumed convention that makes x a variable.
For the rest of us it might as well be a constant, because there is
no way to tell if it is a variable or not.


-- Lennart

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Frank Atanassow

Jan Brosius writes:
 I must put this in the good way;

 [forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x) is True
   Yes, by instantiation.
  I disagree.

You disagree with my agreeing with you?

 If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) = [forall x.
   No, alpha(x) only asserts that some element named x satisfies alpha. It
   not follow that therefore every other element also satisfies alpha.
  No the variable x means that it can be substituted by any term. That is the
  real meaning of a variable
  (at least in classical logic).

Only when the variable is bound by a forall. It is exactly the same situation
as with lambda-calculus and lambda. The term "x" denotes a fixed element of
its type. When I bind it, as in "\x - x", I'm saying that that x may range
over any element in the type. Once I've said that, yes, I can substitute any
element for x in the body.

  (\x - P(x)) t = P(x) [t/x]

  Consider e.g. Carl Witty's formula  : prime(x) == x is a prime number.
  Then  prime(2) == (2|x) prime(x) is true , and prime (4) is false
  Take something else alpha(x) == prime(x) AND ¬ prime(x)   ( ¬  signifies
  then alpha(x) is a false formula  and you have  ¬ [exists x. alpha(x)]
  On the contrary   beta(x) == ¬ alpha(x) is true for any x

Yes, because x is bound in the body of beta.

  beta := \x - not(alpha(x))

BTW, I don't understand your "(2|x)" notation. Is this a substitution?

 So if alpha(x) is TRUE then [forall x. alpha(x) ]= alpha(x)
   This does not follow. It is truth-equivalent to:
  Sorry, I disagree

Well, you certainly have the right to disagree. But you are disagreeing with
every logician since Gentzen.

 [forall x. alpha(x)] = True
  ( In the above you should at the very least not forget to mention that
  [forall x. alpha(x)] must be true )

Isn't that what I wrote?

  In principle   True is a sloppy expression for saying that [forall x .
  alpha(x)] is a theorem of some mathematical theory. I have used True because
  discussing mathematical theories would have lead the discussion
  out of the scope of the discussion.
  For instance let "T="  denote a mathematical theory with equality
  then one has   "T="  -|  x = x
  that is  the formula  x = x  is a theorem in "T=" . More sloppy the formula
  x=xis  TRUE in   "T="

This has no bearing on the discussion.

   which is equivalent to:
 forall x. alpha(x)
   which is only true when every element satisifies alpha; so it is not a
   I repeat: you do not understand the difference between bound and free
  I disagree  a free variable is not a constant.

I didn't say it _was_ a constant. I said it behaved like a constant, but that
they are syntactically distinct because you cannot bind a constant.

  A bound variable is a variable tied to a quantifier. In principle a bound
  variable is not visibly.
  This is best illustrated by  Bourbaki's approach where they first define :
  exists x . alpha(x) == (`t x (alpha)| x) alpha
  where if e.g.  alpha(x) == x = x then
  `t x (alpha) == `t ( `sq = `sq )  where `sq denotes a small square  and
  where here both `sq are tied to `t by a line
   In this way I can really say that in   [existx x. x = x] the variable x has
  Finally Bourbaki defines   forall x . alpha(x) == ¬ [exists x . ¬ alpha(x)]

Sorry, I don't understand your notation, or what relevance this has.

  I repeat : there are no domains in propositional calculus , but I am aware
  that in some text books about
  propositional calculus one speaks about it , I regard this as cheating :
  introducing a concept that one is   going to define later. I remember my
  prof, in logic in 1 cand. math - physics where his first lesson began by
  on the blackboard  :  p V ¬ p  and he only said  " p or not p "  " tertium
  non datur"  " a third possibility is not given "
  His whole course was as formally as possible, and variables were not
  supposed to range about a domain.

I don't understand what relevance this has.

   A free variable behaves like a constant.
  No a constant is always the same constant, it is never substituted by
  something else, it is "immutable".
  A variable is a placeholder for a Term ( a constant is a special term)

I see where you are heading. In the reduction laws, you substitute for free
variables. This is true, but you can only substitute for a free variable if it
was bound in an outer scope, and you are stripping off the binding, as in the
beta-equality for lambda-calculus, which I will repeat:

  (\x - P(x)) t = P(x) [t/x]

You cannot simply substitute any value you please for an arbitrary free
variable and expect the new term to be equal to the old one. For example in
Haskell, fst :: (a,b) - a is a free variable in every term (where it's not
shadowed). Now if I have the term

  fst p

and I substitute snd for fst:

  (fst p) [snd/fst] = snd p



Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Ketil Malde

Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I agree, and I think it's hopeless. This is my last message to the Haskell
 list on the subject. There is nothing Haskell-specific any longer about this

Uh, I feel I'm a bit of a hobbyist on this list, but what exactly is
the relevance of all this?  Flipping through these messages, I feel I
have aquired some grasp of forall, but in what contexts is forall used 
in Haskell - can anybody point me to an URL that explains or

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Frank Atanassow

There is a good introduction by Cardelli and Wegner:

  Luca Cardelli and Peter Wegner. On understanding types, data abstraction,
  and polymorphism. Computing Surveys, 17(4):471-522, 1985.

available from Cardelli's page at{US,A4}.{ps.pdf}

Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Lars Lundgren

On 19 May 2000, Ketil Malde wrote:

 Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I agree, and I think it's hopeless. This is my last message to the Haskell
  list on the subject. There is nothing Haskell-specific any longer about this
 Uh, I feel I'm a bit of a hobbyist on this list, but what exactly is
 the relevance of all this?  Flipping through these messages, I feel I
 have aquired some grasp of forall, but in what contexts is forall used 
 in Haskell - can anybody point me to an URL that explains or

How about:

/Lars L

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Jan Brosius

|From: Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|To: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:07 PM
|Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Jan Brosius wrote:

   "x" in the domain of your model, and that that element, at least,
  x is a variable ; no domain ; no model

 You must have some assumed convention that makes x a variable.

That's true . To be complete in Bourbaki's formal logic  they don't speak in
the beginning about
a variable but they define a substitution mechanism for ONLY small latin
letters ,denoted

 ( T | u) S

which means replace in S , being just consecutive string of symbols, every
occurence of the letter u
by  T  , which itself is also a consecutive string of symbols , I think this
corresponds to

  (T | u) S   == (lambda u . S) T

(as far as I know lambda- calculus)

Of course they begin with a set of allowable symbols.

Later when they talk about a mathematical theory they introduce the
"metha-mathematical " notion of variable
in the following sense  a letter  t  is a variable of the theory if this
letter does not occur explicitly
in one of the axioms of the theory.

Another way to introduce a variable would be to use a special letter say x
and to say, that a variable

is  an x subscripted by an integer number , this would mean that only  x0 ,
x1 , x2 , ... ,x10 , etc. ..
are variables.

But this is not the place to explain in full detail Bourbaki's approach of
formal logic . I thought there is a common
consensus in logic about a variable.

Allow me to come back to to some meaning of variable expressed by someone
else in a previous email.

A person said  something like this  "  alpha(x) means that alpha(x) is true
for some x " (where alpha(x) denotes
a formula containing a variable x .)

Now if one looks carefully this above sentence means formally

[exists x. alpha(x) is true]  which is a FALSE assertion. To be honest he
didn't wrote the above english phrase
not like this , but he represented it by the implication

  alpha(x) = [exists x . alpha(x)] which is a totally other thing . This
implication should more be read as

" if alpha(x) is true for some x then there exists an x such that alpha(x)
is true" Now as everybody can see
the above phrase looks a bit strange . It would have been better to replace
it by

(T | x) alpha(x) = [exists x . alpha(x)]   where  T is a TERM not
containing the letter x

which can be read " if alpha(x) is true for some x = T then  there exists an
x such that alpha(x) is true " which
is perhaps an english phrase that makes more sense (I don't know) . Bourbaki
uses this implication ( (T | x) alpha(x) = [exists x . alpha(x)]   where  T
is a TERM not containing the letter x ) as an axiom scheme for his theory
quantifiers . Bourbaki makes a distinction about axioms and speaks about
explicit axioms and axiom schemes.

But the above remarks would have lead the discussion off the road and also
not everybody knows about

When I referred to variables and to the forall quantifier  I implicitly
thought that there was a common consensus
about the use of variables and the forall quantifier.  Now it doesn't bite
me if someone regards variables as ranging
over a domain . But I had to reply since one was insinuating that I don't
understand the difference
between free and bound variables , that is saying as much as : you don't
understand logic.

As Mark Jones has allready said  this thread should end or come to a
conclusion. Unfortunately he said more than that . He said that the
discussion was all about the difference  a - a  and forall a. a - a . And
that's not
true . One only has to read the first  2 or 4 emails about this thread of

On the other hand someone's remark  and about the meaning Haskell gives to
these two types and I wonder since today if one means  by  a - a   a type
indication to be understood as a function having this type signature
means that the function is only defined for some a 's   and by forall a.
a - a a type indication to be understood
as a function that is really defined for ALL type's a .
The above is just a question . If my interpretation is right then one can
change  a - a by  [exists a. a - a]
But again my first email didn't talk about that , as every reader willing to
look in the archives would acknowledge.

Jan Brosius

PS : by saying weird I didn't mean illigitimate I meant more something like
"it surprises me" where I am talking
as a mathematician trying to use Haskell , not knowing the type system that
is used nor the theory behind it , only
being surprised that in some cases forall cannot be understood anymore as
forall in formal logic.
E.g. it is a true fact that Bourbaki doesn't use forall before a type , and
I thought it is common consensus in
formal logic used in math th

RE: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Peter Douglass

Frank Atanassow wrote:
 However, I think maybe it has demonstrated that the implicit 
 forall'ing in
 Haskell can be confusing in practice. In particular, it makes 
 it hard to talk
 unambiguously about types of non-top-level definitions/terms.

I'm sure this pot has been stirred up enough already, but as a newbie to
Haskell I also found the "forall" rules counter-intuitive with regard to
exitential types.  (i.e. the use of forall a. when exists a. might have been
clearer.)  I hope that at some point this area of Haskell will be revised.
--Peter Douglass

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Jan Brosius

I also think it is hopeless , but I still want to try again

*- Original Message - 
*From: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*To: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:59 PM
*Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

*Jan Brosius writes:
* I must put this in the good way;
* [forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x) is True
*   Yes, by instantiation.
*  I disagree.

*You disagree with my agreeing with you?

About what do you agree with me?

* If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) = [forall x.
* alpha(x)]
*   No, alpha(x) only asserts that some element named x satisfies alpha. It
*  does
*   not follow that therefore every other element also satisfies alpha.
*  No the variable x means that it can be substituted by any term. That is the
*  real meaning of a variable
*  (at least in classical logic).

*Only when the variable is bound by a forall. It is exactly the same situation
*as with lambda-calculus and lambda. The term "x" denotes a fixed element of
*its type. When I bind it, as in "\x - x", I'm saying that that x may range
*over any element in the type. Once I've said that, yes, I can substitute any
*element for x in the body.

 * (\x - P(x)) t = P(x) [t/x]

*  Consider e.g. Carl Witty's formula  : prime(x) == x is a prime number.
*  Then  prime(2) == (2|x) prime(x) is true , and prime (4) is false
*  Take something else alpha(x) == prime(x) AND ¬ prime(x)   ( ¬  signifies
*  not)
* then alpha(x) is a false formula  and you have  ¬ [exists x. alpha(x)]
*  On the contrary   beta(x) == ¬ alpha(x) is true for any x

*Yes, because x is bound in the body of beta.

I have seen what you mean by bound.
Clearly you are talking about something else than quantified logic

* beta := \x - not(alpha(x))

You are talking about lambda calculus where I am talking about quantified logic

*BTW, I don't understand your "(2|x)" notation. Is this a substitution?


* So if alpha(x) is TRUE then [forall x. alpha(x) ]= alpha(x)
*   This does not follow. It is truth-equivalent to:
*  Sorry, I disagree

*Well, you certainly have the right to disagree. But you are disagreeing with
*every logician since Gentzen.

I disagree with you Frank , the rest is your imagination. 

* [forall x. alpha(x)] = True
*  ( In the above you should at the very least not forget to mention that
*  [forall x. alpha(x)] must be true )

*Isn't that what I wrote?

Of course not , what you wrote down is FALSE stated like that. Don't you see that?

*   I repeat: you do not understand the difference between bound and free
*  variables.
*  I disagree  a free variable is not a constant.

*  A free variable behaves like a constant.
*  No a constant is always the same constant, it is never substituted by
*  something else, it is "immutable".
*  A variable is a placeholder for a Term ( a constant is a special term)

*I see where you are heading. In the reduction laws, you substitute for free
*variables. This is true, but you can only substitute for a free variable if it
*was bound in an outer scope, and you are stripping off the binding, as in the
*beta-equality for lambda-calculus, which I will repeat:

I am not talking about reduction laws

* (\x - P(x)) t = P(x) [t/x]

*You cannot simply substitute any value you please for an arbitrary free
*variable and expect the new term to be equal to the old one. For example in
*Haskell, fst :: (a,b) - a is a free variable in every term (where it's not
*shadowed). Now if I have the term

*  fst p

*and I substitute snd for fst:

*  (fst p) [snd/fst] = snd p


*  fst p /= snd p

*which demonstrates that substitution on free variables is not sound in

No you still don't understand me 

* This is the reason for abstraction: it asserts that a free variable
*in the scope of the abstraction can range over the whole domain, so any
*substitution will preserve equality. It is exactly the same with forall.

*  It is not "implicitly"
*   quantified in any way, because it denotes a specific element. The only
*   difference between a constant and a free variable is syntactic: a free
 *  variable can be bound in an outer scope,
*  No the real role of a variable   say  x in a formula alpha(x) or a term T(x)
*  is a PLACEHOLDER ready to be substituted by a Term (e.g. constant or a
*  parameterized term)
*  And that's the reason why I should find it weird if  In Haskell 98+ one
*  would distinguish  between
*  a - a   and [forall a. a - a]
*  while a constant cannot.
*  The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_
*  element
*  named
* NO , saying that there is a distinguished element T that satisfies
*  alpha
* implies
* that exists x. alpha(x) is true
*   Yes, it also impli

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Lennart Augustsson

 As Mark Jones has allready said  this thread should end or come to a
 conclusion. Unfortunately he said more than that . He said that the
 discussion was all about the difference  a - a  and forall a. a - a . And
 that's not
 true . One only has to read the first  2 or 4 emails about this thread of

I can't resist another comment.  I think you are both right here.
In Haskell there are no free type variables, it just looks as if there
is because of a Haskell convention.  If you write
  f :: a - a
it really means
  f :: forall a . a - a
So if "a - a" appears as a type signature it is indeed equal to 
"forall a . a - a" because Haskell has implicit forall quantifers for
the free type variables of a signature.

On the other hand, if we talk about a subexpression having type "a - a"
(which there is no syntax for in Haskell) this does not imply that it has
type "forall a . a - a", but rather that it has a type where the variable
"a" has been bound in some outer scope.

I think the source of all this debate is the convetion that type variables
are implicitely quantified.  I agree with Jon here, it was a mistake.

-- Lennart

RE: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Peter Douglass

Jan Brosius wrote:

 look at this example:  
  alpha(x) ==  x is_an Integer = x^2  -1 
 this is an example of a formula that is true  
 *If you want to come up with your own logic, where alpha(x) 
 is equivalent to
 *forall x. alpha(x), then that's fine.
 No, if alpha(x) is a true formula then forall x. alpha(x) is 
 again a  true assertion 

I think part of the confusion here has to do with the notation alpha(x).
The traditional mathematical notation f(x) is ambiguous.  It may either
refer to an abstraction or an application.  In this regard, lambda notation
is much superior.   What does the alpha(x) here mean?  
If we assume it is a function like:  
  alpha = \ x . (x is_an Integer = x^2  -1 )
then it is meaningful to debate whether or not the inner 'x's refer to the
same x as the lambda bound x or whether "x is_an integer" creates a new
  On the other hand, if we assume that alpha(x) is an application of alpha
to x then the debate seems to be whether x refers to some value, or whether
it is simply a place-holder.
  Perhaps Jan can clarify what is meant here.
--Peter Douglass

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Keith Wansbrough

Peter Hancock writes:

 Please guys, you are making clowns of yourselves. 

Amen to that!  I've just added the above subject line to my kill file, 
rather than stop reading the Haskell list altogether.

--KW 8-)

: Keith Wansbrough, MSc, BSc(Hons) (Auckland) ---:
: PhD Student, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK. :
: Native of Antipodean Auckland, New Zealand: 174d47'E, 36d55'S. :
: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Fri, 19 May 2000 14:48:24 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

 On the other hand someone's remark  and about the meaning Haskell gives to
 these two types and I wonder since today if one means  by  a - a   a type
 indication to be understood as a function having this type signature
 means that the function is only defined for some a 's   and by forall a.
 a - a a type indication to be understood
 as a function that is really defined for ALL type's a .

Not quite. Let's have an example:

rep:: Int - (a - a) - (a - a)
rep 0 f = id
rep n f = f . rep (n-1) f

What is the type of f inside rep?

It is not "forall a. a - a". If it was, one could write
rep 0 f = if f True then id else undefined
and it would not have any semantics, because one can pass the function
"\x - x+1" as the second argument of rep.

It is not "exists a. a - a". If it was, one could not write the
second equation for rep, because the function "not" should have the
type "exists a. a - a" too, and it clearly cannot be used instead of
"f" in the second equation. In other words, the fact that exists some
type "a" for which "f" has the type "a - a" does not guarantee that
this is exacly this "a" that is needed here.

So what is the type of f?

Answer: it is "a - a", where "a" is bound by the fact that rep is
polymorphic. It is bound by an implicit kind-of-lambda over types
at the definition of rep.

You cannot write such type in a standard Haskell program, i.e. you
cannot change "f" in the body of rep by "(f :: sometype)", for any type
expression "sometype". But this type, depending on instantiation of a
polymorphic function it is used in, clearly exists, has well-defined
semantics, and is extremely useful.

 I am well aware that  the predicates (I would prefer to speak about
 functional relations)  Free ( ) and Variable( ) are NOT IMPLEMENTED
 yet , so up to now these predicates serve only the purpose of an
 additional documentation ;

They don't have any semantics defined yet. I mean not informal
explanation what they mean, but how they fit into the type system
of Haskell, what are the typing rules.

I'm afraid it cannot be done in any useful way.

 But I think they might be useful.
 E.g. let's trying to say that instead of the function
 pr2:: (a, b) - b
 pr2 (x,y) =  y
 I wanted a slightly differing function
 pr2':: forall a. [forall b `notin Free(a) . (a,b) - b]
 pr2' (x,y) = y

What do you gain by the restriction of type of pr2', compared to
pr2? How can the body of a function make use of the restriction? If it
cannot, I don't see why to complicate the type system by introducing
useless constructs.

But first, we must know what it means at all.

 With the above I filter out all arguments having a type of the form
 (a, T(a)) ;

f:: forall c. c - [c]
f y = let g x = pr2' (x, y) in ...

Does the above compile when we replace "..." with something of the
right type (e.g. []), and if so, what is the inferred type of g as
seen inside "..."?

 __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
  ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Iavor Diatchki


i have been following the evolution of haskell for about 2 years now in my spare
time, but haven't had time to really get into haskell programming. so i am not
an expert or anything. i do not see the need for the "forall" quantifier to be written
explicitly however, and i quite like the way haskell currently deals with the 
here is how i think about functions and their types.  i would be glad if someone points
out any mistakes i made, as (as i wrote above) i am by no means an advanced haskell 
user and
am still learning.  anyways here we go:

1) f :: Int f is of type integer

2) f :: Int - Int  f is a function, which given an integer produces and integer

3) f :: a   f is of types 'a', where 'a' denotes some type
(since we haven't imposed any restrictions on 'a' it can be 
any type,
so the implicit universal quantification done by haskell makes 
(would bottom be of this type?)

4) f :: a - Intf is a function, which given an object of some type 'a' 
returns an integer
(i.e. f does not assume anything about what its parameter 
might be, 
so f works on paramters of any type)

5) f :: a - a  f is a function, which given an object of some type 'a' 
an object of the *same* type 'a' 9again no restrictions on 
what 'a' might be)

6) f :: (Eq a) = a f is of type 'a', but 'a' is of class Eq, so now we have 
some restrictions on the types of which f can be, i.e. any 
which can deal with equality

7) f :: (Eq a) = a - Int
is a function, which assumes that its parameter can deal with 
(so the function can compare the parameter to things for 
however it does not assume anything else about its parameter.


so my questions are:

1) what would it mean if one writes f :: a (in general: how does one think of unbound 
type variables)?
this is i think what the big discussion was all about, here are the solutions i can 
1.1 this is an ivalid expressions, but then we get a more verbose version of what we 
have at the moment, is it worthed?
1.2 it is a valid expression and is the same as f :: forall a.a , i.e. it is 
implicitly universally
quantified by haskell, so f :: forall a.a  and f :: a is really the same thing.  the 
probelm with
this is that there is more than one way to write the same thing and will probably 
confuse the issue even more.
1.3 it is a valid expression, but has some other meaning, but what?
1.4 f is a type variable :-) .  i just tought of this now, and i think this *really* 
will confuse things

2) how will one write constraints on the types (e.g. as in (7) above)?  i presume that 
since with
the 'forall' we get the whole scoping thing, so the constraints have to be written per 
quantifier, i.e.
something like:

f :: forall a of_class Eq. (a - Int)

but what about:
f :: forall a of_class Eq. forall a.a 
now i think f :: forall a.a

something like this may happen in a large type expressions (and with 'forall' they 
will become quite large),
when one renames variables, and accidentally a type variable might get bounded by the 
wrong quantifier.

3) is 'forall' going to be used at the type level as well, i.e.  would one have to 
data forall a. BinaryTree a = Empty | BT a (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a) 

3.1 now as far as i understand BinaryTree is of kind * - * (ie a type constructor), 
which is different to *
would the 'forall' for types range over * only, or both? 

4) why is 'forall' needed? could someone plese give an example.



iavor s. diatchki
university of cape town

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Jan Brosius

From: Peter Douglass [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jan Brosius' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 6:03 PM
Subject: RE: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

| Jan Brosius wrote:
|  look at this example:  
|   alpha(x) ==  x is_an Integer = x^2  -1 
|  this is an example of a formula that is true  

Sorry, this is not my logic. Since this formula is "true" it is allowed to be 

forall x . alpha(x) == forall x. (x is_an Integer = x^2  -1)

and this may be rewritten in a more known form

forall x. alpha(x) == [forall x is_an Integer. (x^2  -1)]

or still another way

forall x. alpha(x) == [forall x `element_of` N) .( x^2  -1)]  (where N denotes the 
set of integers)

which can be read as " forall x element of the set of integers N , x^2  -1 "

The forall in the above expression is an example of a bounded forall. It is also an 
example of a so called
closed formula (because having no free variables anymore ) or also called a sentence.

An other example , let R be the set of real numbers and we want to express that the 
square of a real number is 
always = 0 then on can write

beta == [forall x `element_of R . ( x^2 = 0)]

then by definition of a bounded forall :

beta == [forall x . (x `element_of R = x^2 = 0 )]

and define next : alpha (x) ==( x `element_of R  = X^2 =0 )

Next remember that everybody agreed that the following is a TRUE implication:

(*)  forall x . alpha(x)  =  alpha(x)

Finally remember that the Modus Ponens rule gives us a way to derive new theorems from 
implications :

P = Q   true
Q  true

Then I get 

[forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x)  (true)

forall x . alpha(x)  (true)
alpha(x)   (true)

So we get the  true formula


where x is free.

I only wanted to state that this is not my logic and that IF one accepts the validity 
of the Modus Ponens rule and the fact  agreed by everybody that the implication  
[forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x) is true,
then one HAS to accept that the following formula


is true.

Finally, since I have been attacked by someone to have misread Bourbaki's book , well 
you have something:

Book entitled  : " N. Bourbaki 

Elements de Mathematique

editor : Hermann, Paris 1970

page: E I.39

Theoreme 1. -   x = x

" Designons par S la relation x = x de T0. ..

For those who don't know French  :  In Bourbaki one  proves theorem  1  :   x = x

this shows that alpha(x) ==  x = x   is a true formula in a quantified theory with an 
equal sign

A message to the one who liked to ridiculize me so much :  If you don't agree with all 
this , please send your 
comments directly to Bourbaki (a famous french society of mathematicians ) , say to 
these mathematicians 
they are a laughing stock for all logicians from the time of Tarski , Gentzen  and ... 
your name . Please 
don't forget to put a stamp on the envelope ( joke about Dutch).

I hope that this will settle once and for all that this is not my logic , but I 
appreciate it much that you (the person in Dutch - land) want to give me full credit 
of their work. 

|  *If you want to come up with your own logic, where alpha(x) 
|  is equivalent to
|  *forall x. alpha(x), then that's fine.
|  No, if alpha(x) is a true formula then forall x. alpha(x) is 
|  again a  true assertion 
| I think part of the confusion here has to do with the notation alpha(x).
| The traditional mathematical notation f(x) is ambiguous.  It may either
| refer to an abstraction or an application.  In this regard, lambda notation
| is much superior.   What does the alpha(x) here mean?  
| If we assume it is a function like:  
|   alpha = \ x . (x is_an Integer = x^2  -1 )
| then it is meaningful to debate whether or not the inner 'x's refer to the
| same x as the lambda bound x or whether "x is_an integer" creates a new
| binding.
|   On the other hand, if we assume that alpha(x) is an application of alpha
| to x then the debate seems to be whether x refers to some value, or whether
| it is simply a place-holder.

|   Perhaps Jan can clarify what is meant here.
| --Peter Douglass

Still friendly greetings

Jan Brosius

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Fri, 19 May 2000 19:47:38 +0200, Iavor Diatchki [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

 i do not see the need for the "forall" quantifier to be written
 explicitly however,

It is needed when the quantifier is inside a function argument,
to spell the difference between
f1 :: forall a. ([a] - [a]) - [a] - [a]
f2 :: (forall a. [a] - [a]) - [a] - [a]
the second being the same as
f2 :: forall a. (forall b. [b] - [b]) - [a] - [a]

What is the difference?

f1 cannot assume anything about "a". It only knows that the function
passed as the first parameter can be applied to a value of the same
type as the second parameter, yielding the same type, and that this
type is a list of something.

f2 can use its first parameter for any type "a" it chooses, even
for different types in different places. For example to apply it to
[False,False,True] and check if the first element of the result
is True.

When calling f1, we can pass it a function [Int]-[Int] and a list of
Ints, or similarly for another type. OTOH as the first argument of
f2 we must pass a polymorphic function that will accept any list,
independently of the second argument. For example id, reverse,
List.cycle, (take 5) and (\x - x++x) are OK, but sort is not.

I am generally talking about Haskell with GHC and Hugs extensions.
Standard Haskell does not have explicit foralls, one cannot define
a function like f2 in it, and one cannot write a type signature
depending on type variables that are bound outside.

forall is also used in local universal quantification and local
existential quantification in data types - both are language
extensions. I will not write about them here.

 and i quite like the way haskell currently deals with the situation.

Me too. Since in 99% of cases the quantifier is at the top of the
signature, I like having it implicit in those cases, although it
causes troubles (see below).

Some people get confused, but IMHO they would get confused even
when explicit forall was mandatory - the problem is in them, not in
Haskell's syntax.

 3) f :: a f is of types 'a', where 'a' denotes some type

This descripton looks unclear for me. I hope you meant that f can be
used as a value of any type the caller chooses.

So the caller can use f as a String. OTOH there is no much freedom
in implementation of f, The only choice is bottom, and it can only
be spelt differently:
f = f
f = undefined
f = error "foo"
They are theoretically the same, but in practice their effects are

 4) f :: a - Int  f is a function, which given an object of some type 'a' 
returns an integer

In other words, the caller can choose a type for "a" and use "f" as
the type "a - Int". This does not explain the intuitive meaning of
"f" so well, but allows uniform understanding of all polymorphic types.

 so my questions are:
 1) what would it mean if one writes f :: a (in general: how does
 one think of unbound type variables)?

This type signature in program source means the same as "f :: forall a. a".
Except two cases:

- In a method signature inside class declaration, when "a" was in the
  class head. It means that f will have the type "forall a. Class a = a".

- With GHC and Hugs extension of pattern type signatures, it means "f :: a"
  (for "a" bound outside) if "a" was indeed bound outside by a pattern
  type signature. Example:
  g :: b - b -- The name "b" here is independent of all other names,
  g (x::a) = -- but the name "a" defined here can be used below:
  f1 :: a -- The type of f1 is the same as of g's argument.
  -- It is not implicitly quantified by forall here!
  f2 :: b -- The type of f2 is forall b. b.
  -- This is the same type as forall z. z, etc.
  f3 :: forall a. a -- The type of f3 is the same as of f2.
  -- Thus forall can be used to be sure that we introduce
  -- a new type variable, and not mention one bound outside.

When you use "f :: a" in an expression, not in a type signature among
declarations, in GHC these rules apply too. In standard Haskell the
second rule obviously does not apply, because there are no pattern type
signatures, but the first does not apply either, which is not very
obvious (one has a chance to write such expression in the default
implementation of a method). In Hugs these rules don't apply for
types in expressions, but maybe they will, I don't know.

 2) how will one write constraints on the types (e.g. as in
 (7) above)?  i presume that since with the 'forall' we get the
 whole scoping thing, so the constraints have to be written per
 quantifier, i.e.  something like:
 f:: forall a of_class Eq. (a - Int)

No. The context is always written just inside forall, no matter if
forall is explicit or not:
f :: forall a. Eq a = a - Int

Similarly for local quantification:
g :: Ord b = (forall a. Eq a = [a] - [a]) - [b] - [b]

It does not make sense to write context together with forall when we

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

Thanks for your comments.
They are to the point.

But the first email arose from the fact that someone else claimed that
the forall quantifier was used in the same way as in (say "classical")

I still claim  that everything could be put in a classical logic framework,
which is then another framework than the  one proposed in Haskell

Very friendly
Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Lars Lundgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 On Tue, 16 May 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:

  - Original Message -
  From: Lars Lundgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 1:54 PM
  Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell
   On Tue, 16 May 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:
Ok I understand this isomorphism better. However this remark seems
to be
no value to functional programmers.
Why trying to mix terms( otr types) with relations ?
   What is a 'type' in your oppinion?
  I look at it as a set (either a variable set or a specific set). E.g. I
  at Bool as a specific set which itself contains
  values  True , False that are not sets. Next I interpret   something
like f
  :: a - Int  as a family (indexed by a) of functions of   " set"  a into

 So in other words, f will map any value - given that it is an element of
 the right set (i.e given that it satisfies the precondition) to a value
 that is an element of Int - sounds like a postcondition to me.

  I didn't come into problems by this interpretation after having read the
  Haskell's User Guide. Which is my
  only general source about Haskell. It is up to someone else to say if
  an interpretation shall lead into misinterpretation.
  I think Haskell will not be attractive to mathematicians if types MUST
  read as formula's .

 But of course, that is not the case, but it might help if you want to
 understand the rationale behind the choice of name for the type quantifier

  If that is the case
  I can only say that I find the term "functional programming"  a bit
   Isn't a type a statement about pre- and post-conditions, i.e. a
  I can't answer this since I have never read the definition of a type in
  typed lambda calculus.

 I wasn't after a definition, I just tried to explain that it is quite
 natural to view types as formulas, and that it is not in conflict with
 other views. (and it is not restricted to type systems for fp languages)

  I have a book about logic that deals about plain lambda calculus and
  deals about "restricted" typed lambda calculus (where a type is not
  considered as a formula). I never read the definition of Hindley-Milner

 If you read the typing rules, remember to have a reference of the natural
 deduction rules with you...

  And the only introduction about types were the general user's guides
  from Clean , SML , Ocaml and of Haskell.

 If you are interested in systems that exploit the isomorphism further you
 can take a look at :

 cayenne, agda, alfa from:

 /Lars L

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

From: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 1:35 PM
Subject: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Jan Brosius writes:
Why do some computer scientists have such problems with the good
and exist.  Remember that good old logic came first.
On it was build SET theory.
On it was built topological space
To prove some theorem in lambda calculus one used a topological
You see : good old logic came FIRST  afterwards came theorems of
lambda calculus .
This is not the sophistic question : what came first : the egg or the
NO good old logic came first .

 Your argument is absurd and irrelevant.

  SORRY,  this is quite TRUE , in fact  [forall x. alpha(x)]  = alpha(x)

Here, I have to say that the above equivalence is false . SHAME on me.

I must put this in the good way;

[forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x)   is   True

If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) = [forall x.

So if alpha(x) is TRUE then  [forall x. alpha(x) ]= alpha(x)

Sorry for the error
  the above true equivalence seems to be easily considered as wrong . Why?
  Because alpha(x)  is TRUE can be read as  alpha(x) is TRUE for ANY x.

 I think this is one of the roots of your misconceptions.

These two
 propositions are certainly not equivalent. Maybe it is because you have
 told that, in Haskell, syntax we typically elide the "forall" quantifier.

 The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_ element

NO , saying that there is a distinguished element T that satisfies alpha

that   exists x. alpha(x) is true

So the following implication is true

(T | x) alpha(x) = exists x. alpha(x)

that is , if alpha(T) is true then  [exists x. alpha(x)] is true

more precisely , let c be a constant , and if alpha(c) is true then

you can say that  exists x. alpha(x) is true.

 "x" in the domain of your model, and that that element, at least,

x is a variable ; no domain ; no model

 "alpha". The sentence "forall x. alpha(x)", OTOH, asserts that _any_
 in your domain satisifies "alpha". So if your domain is a set D, then a
 of "alpha(x)" needs a subset C of D to interpret "alpha", along with a
 X of C to interpret "x", and the sentence is true iff X is in C. OTOH, a
 of "forall x. alpha(x)" needs only the subset C, and is true iff C=D,
since it
 asserts that for any element Y of D, Y is in C.

 In Haskell the situation is complicated by the fact that there are no
 "set-theoretic" models (are you even aware that Haskell's type system is
 unsound?), and the fact that the domain is multi-sorted. But those facts
 not bear on the distinction between the two terms on either side of the
 equivalence above.

Very friendly
Jan Brosius

 Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
 Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
 Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

Sorry, if in some way I have upset you
Jan Brosius

From: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 1:50 PM
Subject: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Frank Atanassow writes:
   Jan Brosius writes:
  Why do some computer scientists have such problems with the good
  and exist.  Remember that good old logic came first.
  On it was build SET theory.
  On it was built topological space
  To prove some theorem in lambda calculus one used a topological
  You see : good old logic came FIRST  afterwards came theorems of
  lambda calculus .
  This is not the sophistic question : what came first : the egg or
  NO good old logic came first .
   Your argument is absurd and irrelevant.

 I take it back. There is no argument here, only the childish insinuation
 "my daddy can beat up your daddy".

 So there. blt!

 Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
 Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
 Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Fw: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Thanks Carl for letting me see an ugly error that I made . SHAME on me.

  the equivalence  [forall x. alpha(x)] =  alpha(x)  is ONLY TRUE if
 alpha(x) is a TRUE formula.

 [forall x. alpha(x)] = alpha(x)  is TRUE

 Let's see what happens when alpha(x) is FALSE for not all x and if one
 accept that:alpha(x) = [forall x. alpha(x)] is TRUE.

 Since alpha(x) is FALSE there might still be a constant c such that
 is TRUE

 Then (Modus Ponens)

 alpha(c) = [forall x. alpha(x)]



 forall x . alpha(x)  is TRUE

 which is of course false

 this shows that the implication  alpha(x) = [forall x. alpha(x)]  is in
 general false (it is only true if alpha(x) is a true formula.

 Very friendly
 Jan Brosius

 .From: Carl R. Witty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 4:24 AM
 Subject: Re: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

  "Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
SORRY,  this is quite TRUE , in fact  [forall x. alpha(x)]  =
the above true equivalence seems to be easily considered as wrong .
Because alpha(x)  is TRUE can be read as  alpha(x) is TRUE for ANY
(Is there something wrong with the education of a computer
  Jan, could you tell us whether you think the following statements are
  true or false?
  Let prime(x) mean "x is a prime number".
  1. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(x)
  2. forall x.([forall x. prime(x)] = prime(x))
  3. forall y.([forall x. prime(x)] = prime(y))
  4. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(y)
  5. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(2)
  6. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(2)
  7. prime(2) = [forall x. prime(x)]
  8. prime(2)
  9. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(4)
  10. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(4)
  11. prime(4) = [forall x. prime(x)]
  12. prime(4)
  13. forall x. prime(x)
  14. prime(x)
  15. Statement 1 above means the same thing as statement 2 above.
  16. Statement 2 above means the same thing as statement 3 above.
  17. Statement 3 above means the same thing as statement 4 above.
  18. Statement 5 above is a substitution instance of statement 3;
  thus, if statement 3 were true, statement 5 would be true.
  19. Statement 13 above means the same thing as statement 14 above.
  If we follow the convention that free variables are to be considered
  implicitly universally quantified, my vote is that statements 6, 8, 9,
  10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 are true; the rest are false.
  Carl Witty

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Frank Atanassow

Jan Brosius writes:
  I must put this in the good way;
  [forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x) is True

Yes, by instantiation.

  If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) = [forall x.

No, alpha(x) only asserts that some element named x satisfies alpha. It does
not follow that therefore every other element also satisfies alpha.

  So if alpha(x) is TRUE then [forall x. alpha(x) ]= alpha(x)

This does not follow. It is truth-equivalent to:

  [forall x. alpha(x)] = True

which is equivalent to:

  forall x. alpha(x)

which is only true when every element satisifies alpha; so it is not a

I repeat: you do not understand the difference between bound and free
variables. A free variable behaves like a constant. It is not "implicitly"
quantified in any way, because it denotes a specific element. The only
difference between a constant and a free variable is syntactic: a free
variable can be bound in an outer scope, while a constant cannot.

   The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_ element
  NO , saying that there is a distinguished element T that satisfies alpha
  that exists x. alpha(x) is true

Yes, it also implies this fact, because it can be derived by extensionality:

  alpha(x) = exists y. alpha(y)

However, existential quantification hides the identity of the element in
question. The fact that we know _which_ element it is that satisifies alpha
permits us to say more. This is why:

  exists x. alpha(x),


  forall x. alpha(x)

are not truth-equivalent. Rather we have:

  forall y. alpha(y) = alpha(x)   and   alpha (x) = exists z. alpha(z)

   "x" in the domain of your model, and that that element, at least,
  x is a variable ; no domain ; no model

A model must assign an element in the domain to each free variable. You need a
model to determine the truth-value of a first-order proposition which is not
tautological. We are trying to establish the truth-value of a proposition with
a free variable; therefore we need a model. A model needs a domain of elements
to draw from. Therefore we need a domain. OK?

Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University Padualaan 14,
PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31
(030) 251-3791

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

From: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Jan Brosius writes:
   I must put this in the good way;
   [forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x) is True

 Yes, by instantiation.

I disagree.

   If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) = [forall x.

 No, alpha(x) only asserts that some element named x satisfies alpha. It
 not follow that therefore every other element also satisfies alpha.

No the variable x means that it can be substituted by any term. That is the
real meaning of a variable
(at least in classical logic).

Consider e.g. Carl Witty's formula  : prime(x) == x is a prime number.
Then  prime(2) == (2|x) prime(x) is true , and prime (4) is false

Take something else alpha(x) == prime(x) AND ¬ prime(x)   ( ¬  signifies

then alpha(x) is a false formula  and you have  ¬ [exists x. alpha(x)]

On the contrary   beta(x) == ¬ alpha(x) is true for any x

   So if alpha(x) is TRUE then [forall x. alpha(x) ]= alpha(x)

 This does not follow. It is truth-equivalent to:

Sorry, I disagree

   [forall x. alpha(x)] = True

( In the above you should at the very least not forget to mention that
[forall x. alpha(x)] must be true )

In principle   True is a sloppy expression for saying that [forall x .
alpha(x)] is a theorem of some mathematical theory. I have used True because
discussing mathematical theories would have lead the discussion
out of the scope of the discussion.

For instance let "T="  denote a mathematical theory with equality

then one has   "T="  -|  x = x

that is  the formula  x = x  is a theorem in "T=" . More sloppy the formula
x=xis  TRUE in   "T="

 which is equivalent to:

   forall x. alpha(x)

 which is only true when every element satisifies alpha; so it is not a

 I repeat: you do not understand the difference between bound and free

I disagree  a free variable is not a constant.

A bound variable is a variable tied to a quantifier. In principle a bound
variable is not visibly.
This is best illustrated by  Bourbaki's approach where they first define :

exists x . alpha(x) == (`t x (alpha)| x) alpha

where if e.g.  alpha(x) == x = x then

`t x (alpha) == `t ( `sq = `sq )  where `sq denotes a small square  and
where here both `sq are tied to `t by a line
 In this way I can really say that in   [existx x. x = x] the variable x has

Finally Bourbaki defines   forall x . alpha(x) == ¬ [exists x . ¬ alpha(x)]

I repeat : there are no domains in propositional calculus , but I am aware
that in some text books about
propositional calculus one speaks about it , I regard this as cheating :
introducing a concept that one is   going to define later. I remember my
prof, in logic in 1 cand. math - physics where his first lesson began by
on the blackboard  :  p V ¬ p  and he only said  " p or not p "  " tertium
non datur"  " a third possibility is not given "
His whole course was as formally as possible, and variables were not
supposed to range about a domain.

 A free variable behaves like a constant.

No a constant is always the same constant, it is never substituted by
something else, it is "immutable".

A variable is a placeholder for a Term ( a constant is a special term)

It is not "implicitly"
 quantified in any way, because it denotes a specific element. The only
 difference between a constant and a free variable is syntactic: a free
 variable can be bound in an outer scope,

No the real role of a variable   say  x in a formula alpha(x) or a term T(x)
is a PLACEHOLDER ready to be substituted by a Term (e.g. constant or a
parameterized term)

And that's the reason why I should find it weird if  In Haskell 98+ one
would distinguish  between

a - a   and [forall a. a - a]

while a constant cannot.

The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_
   NO , saying that there is a distinguished element T that satisfies
   that exists x. alpha(x) is true

 Yes, it also implies this fact, because it can be derived by

   alpha(x) = exists y. alpha(y)

 However, existential quantification hides the identity of the element in
 question. The fact that we know _which_ element it is that satisifies
 permits us to say more. This is why:

   exists x. alpha(x),


   forall x. alpha(x)

 are not truth-equivalent. Rather we have:

   forall y. alpha(y) = alpha(x)   and   alpha (x) = exists z. alpha(z)

AND ifalpha(x)  is a TRUE formula then   alpha(x) = forall x. alpha(x)

A better way to express this is

Rule of genaralization:

alpha(x )  is True (and x is a variable)

forall x . alpha(x ) is true

I repeat that my use of true or false 

Re: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Tweed

On 16 May 2000, Carl R. Witty wrote:

 "Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   SORRY,  this is quite TRUE , in fact  [forall x. alpha(x)]  = alpha(x)
   the above true equivalence seems to be easily considered as wrong . Why?
   Because alpha(x)  is TRUE can be read as  alpha(x) is TRUE for ANY x.
   (Is there something wrong with the education of a computer scientist?)
 Jan, could you tell us whether you think the following statements are
 true or false?  
 Let prime(x) mean "x is a prime number".
 1. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(x)
 2. forall x.([forall x. prime(x)] = prime(x))

So far I've avoided stepping into of an this increasingly rancorous
discussion but... could I just check that what I think both sides mean
when the write "="  (so "=") is what I think it is?

That is "=" is a symbol within the set of formulae whose relations
are defined by the logic under consideration which
combines to formulae to produce another formula, which may be (a)
provable under the set of axioms of the theorem and hence (b) is said to
be a true statement in the system under the consideration (I'd prefer to
say it's a `result', `theorem', etc since there's a grave danger of
confusing true as in the value of certain boolean formulae in the system
and true as in `this statement is a correct result in the logic'). If so
then I certainly agree with Carl, but I half suspect that in the snippet
above Jan is using it in the sense  of what I'd write as X -||- Y, ie 
`an occurrence of a formula X in a proof can validly be replaced by
formula Y'. If this is so, then it's clearly non-sensical to write

forall x ([forall] -||- prime x)

because forall is a symbol in the formulae whose relations are defined and
examined in the logic under consideration, and the implicit quantification
would instead be

[forall] -||- [forall]

ie, a tautology.

(I may well be wrong: third year undergrad logic was _way_ to long

___cheers,_dave|I shoulda realised building the 
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |memory allocation subsytem with 
work tel: (0117) 954-5253  |--with-malicious-ai was a bad idea.

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-17 Thread Jon Fairbairn

I'm reluctant to get involved in this discussion, cheifly
because it seems to me that Jan is attacking a position that
has quite a long history with (inter alia) the argument that
a different position has a longer history, which doesn't
strike me as terribly likely to lead to insight.

Also my present powers of concentration don't allow me to 
keep up with the argument, so I'll just drop in a couple of 
points and duck out again.

 [Lars asked]
  What is a 'type' in your oppinion?

[Jan replied]

 I look at it as a set (either a variable set or a specific set). E.g. I look
 at Bool as a specific set which itself contains
 values  True , False that are not sets. Next I interpret   something  like f
 :: a - Int  as a family (indexed by a) of functions of   " set"  a into set
 Int. [snippety]
 It is up to someone else to say if such
 an interpretation shall lead into misinterpretation.

Interpreting types as sets is not straightforward: try 

 "Types are not sets" by James H. Morris, JR. 
  in POPL 1973

as one pointer into this area.

 I think Haskell will not be attractive to mathematicians
 if types MUST be read as formula's . If that is the case I
 can only say that I find the term "functional programming"
 a bit strange.

I don't think anyone said that they must. They can be, and
one useful way of interpreting a type is as a statement of
limitations on the use and behaviour of a term.

f :: A - B can be read as "if x is of type A, then f x will
be of type B"

x :: forall a . E can be read as "for all types A, x :: E [A/a]"

I think the major source of confusion is that Haskell
started out using the convention that a type expression
containing a free variable was understood as being
universally quantified at the top level (a convention which,
I might add, I argued against in the first Haskell
committee, so nyaa...), but then added 'forall' as an
extension later (I thought this was going to happen :-))

Apart from that, I think that (once they have had the
conventions and notation described to them) most
mathematicians are not going to be put off by the type
system. Certainly mathematicians must be warned against
interpreting types simply as sets, but they also need to be
warned that a "function" is not a function in the
mathematical sense either, being constrained by the limits
of computation.

  Isn't a type a statement about pre- and post-conditions, i.e. a formula?

I'd say that's another reasonable way of reading them.

 I can't answer this since I have never read the definition of a type in say
 typed lambda calculus.

Go on then! It won't hurt!


18 Kimberley Road[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB4 1HH+44 1223 570179 (after 14:00 only, please!)

Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-17 Thread Frank Atanassow

Jan Brosius writes:
   Why do some computer scientists have such problems with the good logical
   and exist.  Remember that good old logic came first.
   On it was build SET theory.
   On it was built topological space
   To prove some theorem in lambda calculus one used a topological model.
   You see : good old logic came FIRST  afterwards came theorems of typed
   lambda calculus .
   This is not the sophistic question : what came first : the egg or the
   NO good old logic came first .

Your argument is absurd and irrelevant.

 SORRY,  this is quite TRUE , in fact  [forall x. alpha(x)]  = alpha(x)

 the above true equivalence seems to be easily considered as wrong . Why?
 Because alpha(x)  is TRUE can be read as  alpha(x) is TRUE for ANY x.

I think this is one of the roots of your misconceptions. These two
propositions are certainly not equivalent. Maybe it is because you have been
told that, in Haskell, syntax we typically elide the "forall" quantifier.

The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_ element named
"x" in the domain of your model, and that that element, at least, satisfies
"alpha". The sentence "forall x. alpha(x)", OTOH, asserts that _any_ element
in your domain satisifies "alpha". So if your domain is a set D, then a model
of "alpha(x)" needs a subset C of D to interpret "alpha", along with a member
X of C to interpret "x", and the sentence is true iff X is in C. OTOH, a model
of "forall x. alpha(x)" needs only the subset C, and is true iff C=D, since it
asserts that for any element Y of D, Y is in C.

In Haskell the situation is complicated by the fact that there are no
"set-theoretic" models (are you even aware that Haskell's type system is
unsound?), and the fact that the domain is multi-sorted. But those facts do
not bear on the distinction between the two terms on either side of the
equivalence above.

Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-17 Thread Frank Atanassow

Frank Atanassow writes:
  Jan Brosius writes:
 Why do some computer scientists have such problems with the good logical
 and exist.  Remember that good old logic came first.
 On it was build SET theory.
 On it was built topological space

 To prove some theorem in lambda calculus one used a topological model.

 You see : good old logic came FIRST  afterwards came theorems of typed
 lambda calculus .
 This is not the sophistic question : what came first : the egg or the

 NO good old logic came first .
  Your argument is absurd and irrelevant.

I take it back. There is no argument here, only the childish insinuation that
"my daddy can beat up your daddy".

So there. blt!

Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

Ok I understand this isomorphism better. However this remark seems to be of
no value to functional programmers.
Why trying to mix terms( otr types) with relations ?

Anyway, in intuitionistic logic it is natural indentify proofs and
programs and proposition and types. Maybe best illustrated by the
(Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogoroff) semantics:
A proof of a /\ b is a proof of a and a proof of b, hence a /\ b =
   Sorry, are you going to say that a tuple (a,b) is the same as " a AND

 Not quite. He said that tuples and logical conjunctions are often
 in some logics. Here's an explanation attempt from a non-specialist:

 In some logics (keywords: intuitionistic, constructive), propositions are
 not accepted as true unless they come with an explicit, constructive

 This has useful applications for typed programming languages. Read
 types as claims of existence (e.g., "Bool" interpreted as a proposition
 means "there are booleans", and in general, a type "t" when interpreted
 as a proposition, means "there are objects of type t"). Now, the core of
 constructive logics is that we do not accept such claims to be true unless
 we are given an example, or at least a method by which such a concrete
 example can be constructed.

 For base types such as "Bool", this is quite simple (*), as we can give
 some example objects, each of which is a proof of our claim

 True :: Bool-- read: "True" is a boolean (so there are booleans)
 False :: Bool   -- read: "False" is a boolean

 For complex types constructed from simpler types, we can give proofs
 constructed from the simpler proofs that prove the existence claims for
 the element types.

 (Int,Bool) -- read: there are pairs of integers and booleans
 (1,False)::(Int,Bool) -- read: "(1,False)" is such a pair

 To proof the existence of pairs of integers and booleans, I have to
 prove the existence of integers AND I have to prove the existence of
 booleans. Also, I cannot simply say "'Int and Bool' is true because I've
 seen proofs for 'Int' and for 'Bool' - trust me!". In constructive logic,
 you won't believe me without the constructive proof. So I have to
 package my two proofs for "Int" and for "Bool" into one pair of proofs.
 And if I have a proof for the existence of pairs, I can extract from it
 the proofs for its component types.

 This is why pairs correspond to conjunctions in such a logic.

 With these examples, Thorsten's brief summary (with the slight corrections
 noted earlier) should make sense, I hope, but for completeness:

 Either a b
 -- read: there are objects of type a OR there are objects of type b
 -- to prove this I can either give a (non-bottom) object/proof of type a
 -- OR a (non-bottom) object/proof of type b,
 -- so this corresponds to a disjunctive proposition

 a - b
 -- read: provided that there are objects of type a,
 -- there are objects of type b
 -- to prove this, I have to give an object of type b,
 -- but I may assume that I have an object of type a at hand
 -- so this corresponds to an implication

   In formal logic we say just this
  a (true)
 a = b  (true )
   b (true)

 Which happens to correspond to the typing rule for function application:

 x :: a
 f :: a - b
 f x :: b

 Given a proof for "as exist" and a proof for "if as exist, then bs exist
 well", we can construct a proof that "bs exist" by simply applying the
 for the implication to the proof of its assumption; evaluating the
 applications corresponds to simplifying the proof (we hope).

As an example how do we prove (a \/ b) /\ c - (a /\ c) \/ (a /\ b)
in Haskell ?
lem :: (Either a b,c) - Either (a,c) (b,c)
lem (Left a,c) = Left (a,c)
lem (Right b,c) = Right (b,c)
   Sorry I don't have to know all this , do you really think I am
   illiterate in propositional logic or boolean algebra

 The beauty of this correspondence (or isomorphism) is that you can use
 what you already know (about logic) in a new context (types).

 lem can be interpreted as a proof for the proposition corresponding to
 its type (it constructs a proof for the right-hand side from a proof of
 the left-hand side).

 The main caveat is the insistence on constructive proofs (in the classical
 logic most of us tend to learn, there is this favourite proof technique:
 I assume that xs don't exist, I am led to a contradiction, so xs have to
 exist, even if I haven't seen any of them yet - this is not acceptable in
 constructive logics).

 [haven't read the papers on a correspondence for classical logic yet, but
 I assume they exist, for otherwise I would contradict Frank Atanassow ;-]

The disputed forall is just the (2nd order) quantification over all

 forall a,b . (a, b) - b
 -- read: for all (types) a and for all (types) b, if (a proof exists that)
 -- a(-typed objects)s exist and (a proof exists that) b(-typed objects)s
 -- exist, 

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

I reply , but I like to make some comments before:

As readers would have noticed from the former email my answers are put here
in a different context.
This might give the reader the false impression that I made some serious
mistakes in the formal

 Fri, 12 May 2000 00:42:52 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a)
readSTRef :: STRef s a - ST s a
  f:: STRef s a - STRef s a
  f v = runST( newSTRef v = \w - readSTRef w)

Here you have omitted something of the former email . By doing that the
context of the below has changed.

Readers may think that I committed an error! Is this a HONEST way to reply?

  Let's start
  v has type   STRef s a

 ...for "s" and "a" coming from the instantiation of a polymorphic
 function "f". Yes.

Next one sees that below something is reproduced but out of the context of
the former email.

  newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))
  (THIS is of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))

 No. It has the type
 ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))

That is indeed what I said in my former email where I
stated that newSTRef does NOT deliver something with type St s (STRef s
T(s))v and where you
said the CONYRARY.

 where "s1" is free (thus can be later generalized over) and "s" and
 "a" come from the environment inside "f" (thus are monomorphic).

Really? are there now 2 sorts of variables  , variables that are variables
and variables that are not variables?

 It would have the type you wrote if "v" was created in this thread.


Now   forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s))  IMPLIES   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )
   It does not. And I have already told why, a few e-mails ago.

Why then doen't you repeat it here? Because this is most interesting for the
In which email have you told it ? In a private email ? or in the

  IT DOES  : that is a well known rule of forall  (forall x,y . alpha(x.y)
  forall x. alpha(x,x) )

 I see no "forall s" in the left type.

I shall make it easier:
forall s1. ST s1 T(s)   is EQUIVALENT with forall s1,s. ST s1 T(s)

Now  forall s1.s ST s1 T(s)  IMPLIES ( =) forall s1.  ST s1 T(s1)

Marcin, forall s1 . alpha(s1,s) is EQUIVALENT with alpha(s1,s)
One has  alpha(s1,s) IMPLIES alpha(s,s) and the latter is EQUIVALENT to
forall s. alpha (s,s)

   When you use runST, you don't always know if the type given for "s"
   will be instantiated to a type variable or not. Being a type variable
   is not a property of a type.
  I can only say here : ???

 runST':: ST s Int - Int
 runST' x = ...

 Inside the body of runST' "x" has the type "ST s Int", with "s"
 taken from the environment.

s is here a type variable , isn't it?

 When runST' will be later applied to a value of the type "ST s Int"
 with "s" free, "x" will have the type "ST s Int" with nothing more
 known about "s". (If runST was applied to this value directly, it
 would be OK.)

 When runST' will be applied to a value of the type "ST RealWorld Int",
 "x" will have the type "ST RealWorld Int".

I thought that runST does not work on types of the form ST Blurb Int
Has something changed in the documentation?

 But you have to compile runST' _now_, and decide whether the first
 argument of ST from the type of "x" is a type variable.

 Haskell does not have this problem. It does not ever check if a type
 is a type variable, but if it is a _free_ type variable, i.e. one
 that can be generalized over.

 what's the difference between a -free-type variable and a type variable (if
bound by a quantifier)?My, my!! Haskell is even more difficult than I

 runST':: forall s. ST s Int - Int
 runST' x = runST x

 Should it compile with your type of runST?

"my" type of runST is nothing else but the official runST .
So, I expect that if s is instantiated to the type RealWorld you will get a
since is not defined for s = RealWorld  because runST will not work with
with s= RealWorld.
So, you should get (I guess) an error.

  function runST are fullfilled . So ("my") runST will work.

With this I mean MORE  "my" runST is nothing but the OFFICIAL runST.
So I see that your runST' is only partially defined
, like e.g.  head :: [a] - [a]  where in the definition one does not
consider the case [a] == [] .

 Now I write
 len :: Int
 len = runST' (liftM length (readFile "foo") :: ST RealWorld Int)
 which creates a global value of type Int which changes in time. Oops!

Oops! Did  the above program work in Hugs ?  Or did it come from your



  __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
   ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
 QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Tue, 16 May 2000 10:54:59 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

   newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))
   (THIS is of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))
  No. It has the type
  ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))
 That is indeed what I said in my former email where I stated that
 newSTRef does NOT deliver something with type St s (STRef s T(s))v
 and where you said the CONYRARY.

newSTRef applied to some value can have a type ST s (STRef s T(s)),
thus the type of newSTRef must be as in Haskell, not as you say.

But it does not have such type in your example.

  When runST' will be applied to a value of the type "ST RealWorld Int",
  "x" will have the type "ST RealWorld Int".
 I thought that runST does not work on types of the form ST Blurb Int

runST was already compiled into the body of runST'. It does not have
a chance of accepting or rejecting types. What matters when we use
runST' is the type of runST', nothing more. It allows aplying runST'
to any type "s", including RealWorld.

 what's the difference between a -free-type variable and a type
 variable (if not bound by a quantifier)?

f1:: (a - a) - [Int] - [Int]
f1 f l = map f l

This definition does not compile, although f has type a-a.
f does not have the type forall a. a-a.

The type variable "a" in the type of "f" here is bound by implicit
lambda in the definition of f1. It is some concrete type each time
"f1" is used. The type variable "a" in the type "a-a" of the function
"\x - x" is free, so can be generalized over and the function "\x - x"
can be instantiated for any choice of "a".

 __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
  ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Lars Lundgren

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:

 Ok I understand this isomorphism better. However this remark seems to be of
 no value to functional programmers.
 Why trying to mix terms( otr types) with relations ?

What is a 'type' in your oppinion?

Isn't a type a statement about pre- and post-conditions, i.e. a formula?

/Lars L

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

From: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Tue, 16 May 2000 10:54:59 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))
(THIS is of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))
   No. It has the type
   ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))
  That is indeed what I said in my former email where I stated that
  newSTRef does NOT deliver something with type St s (STRef s T(s))v
  and where you said the CONYRARY.

 newSTRef applied to some value can have a type ST s (STRef s T(s)),

That is strange , can you give a little example?

 thus the type of newSTRef must be as in Haskell, not as you say.

I agree if you can give me an example. But if you are right then newSTRef
should be more documented,
and then I guess I would still be able to give the correct logical
description of newSTRef.
However everything depends on the answers of the questions posed below.

(e.g. if there are 2 sorts of type variables in Haskell 2 (or in Haskell
98 ) then I would really like to know
what is the practical reason of this.
I have no problem with the diference between a variable in a function
definition and in a type signature.
But making a distinction among type variables looks very WEIRD to me.
Sincerely I can't think of any practical (implementation) reason to do this
Before saying more I await your answer.

 But it does not have such type in your example.

   When runST' will be applied to a value of the type "ST RealWorld Int",
   "x" will have the type "ST RealWorld Int".
  I thought that runST does not work on types of the form ST Blurb Int

 runST was already compiled into the body of runST'. It does not have
 a chance of accepting or rejecting types. What matters when we use
 runST' is the type of runST', nothing more. It allows aplying runST'
 to any type "s", including RealWorld.

I don't know if it compiles. If it compiles I can only say that this seems
strange to me.
I certainly should not expect that that is possible.
I repeat here your runST'

runST' :: ST s Int - Int
 runST' x = runST x

written down like that I thought runST' would work fine  as long as runST
works fine.
Since runST does not work on something with type  ST World Int , I would
have expected
that since x has now the wrong type  thart runST x woulg give an error at
least at runtime.
It looks very strange to me that such a thing can happen. VERY strange.
Since I have not tried
it myself . This is indeed contrary to math:  where , if given a function f
: a - b and if one defines
a function g :: c - b where c contains a then if one defines

g by  :  g(x) = f(x) then this automatically guarantees that g and f are
IDENTICAL functions.

Do I have to conclude that Haskell departs  from this common sense?
QUESTION : Is this true ?

  what's the difference between a -free-type variable and a type
  variable (if not bound by a quantifier)?

 f1:: (a - a) - [Int] - [Int]
 f1 f l = map f l

 This definition does not compile, although f has type a-a.

First I didn't know that the use of forall was obligatory in Haskell 98 .
Next I would read  a - a as:  this argument is a (general) endomorphism .
Third If I would  give any meaning to  forall a. a- a  then I would give it
same meaning as   a - a . If Haskell doesn't do so I can only regret this
and I would like to know
why for heaven's sake a distinction has to be made between

f1 :: ( a - a) -  [Int] - [Int]
f1' :: ( forall a . a - a) - [Int] - [Int]

??? What is the practical reason for such a distinction?

Very Friendly
Jan Brosius

 f does not have the type forall a. a-a.

 The type variable "a" in the type of "f" here is bound by implicit
 lambda in the definition of f1. It is some concrete type each time
 "f1" is used. The type variable "a" in the type "a-a" of the function
 "\x - x" is free, so can be generalized over and the function "\x - x"
 can be instantiated for any choice of "a".

  __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
   ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
 QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Lars Lundgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 On Tue, 16 May 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:

  Ok I understand this isomorphism better. However this remark seems to be
  no value to functional programmers.
  Why trying to mix terms( otr types) with relations ?

 What is a 'type' in your oppinion?

I look at it as a set (either a variable set or a specific set). E.g. I look
at Bool as a specific set which itself contains
values  True , False that are not sets. Next I interpret   something  like f
:: a - Int  as a family (indexed by a) of functions of   " set"  a into set
I didn't come into problems by this interpretation after having read the
Haskell's User Guide. Which is my
only general source about Haskell. It is up to someone else to say if such
an interpretation shall lead into misinterpretation.
I think Haskell will not be attractive to mathematicians if types MUST be
read as formula's . If that is the case
I can only say that I find the term "functional programming"  a bit strange.

 Isn't a type a statement about pre- and post-conditions, i.e. a formula?

I can't answer this since I have never read the definition of a type in say
typed lambda calculus.
I have a book about logic that deals about plain lambda calculus and that
deals about "restricted" typed lambda calculus (where a type is not
considered as a formula). I never read the definition of Hindley-Milner
types.And the only introduction about types were the general user's guides
from Clean , SML , Ocaml and of Haskell.

 /Lars L

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Richard Uhtenwoldt

although this argument originated from a discussion of rank-2
polymorphism in Haskell's type system, the part I am replying to
addresses only first-order predicate logic (also called "predicate

Jan Brosius asserts 

 Now   forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s))  IMPLIES   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )

Marcin replies

 It does not. And I have already told why, a few e-mails ago.
 I can explain it again.
 For the first term to have any meaning, "s" must have a meaning,
 because it is a free variable. So for a counter-example assume that
 we sit in real numbers and
 ST a b  means  a^2  b
 T(a)means  a+1
 s   means  -2
 The first term means forall s1. s1^2  -1, which is true.
 The second term means forall s. s^2  s+1, which is false.
 So the first does not imply the second.

Jan's assertion and Marcin's counter-assertion are later repeated two
more times in different words.  I think Marcin's counterexample
completely disproves Jan's assertion.  I am adding my thoughts to the
discussion simply to argue for Marcin's conclusion using different (and
more numerous) words and concepts.

it might prove illustrative to quantify every variable in Jan's
assertion. this means quantifying the single free occurence of s.
there are two ways to do that, and I am tempted to say that this next
way is the right way.

forall s.((forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s)))  implies   forall s . ( ST s T(s) ))

(redundant parentheses added for emphasis.)  but to be perfectly
intellectually honest, Jan wrote the formula, so Jan has a right to
decide what it means.  Jan could have meant this next.  the only
syntactic difference between that last formula and this next one is that
the scope of the "forall s" that I added to Jan's assertion is limited
to the left of the "implies".

(forall s,s1.( ST s1 T(s)))  implies   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )

the latter has the considerable advantage of being true whereas the
former is false.  however, the true one is less useful in establishing
conclusions than the false one.  if we have already proved (forall s1. (
ST s1 T(foo))) for some concrete thing "foo", then the false formula
allows us immediately to conclude forall s.(ST s T(s)).

moreover, Jan wrote that "(forall y) ( forall x ) alpha(x,y) is
equivalent with alpha(x,y)".  I am tempted to say that that is just
wrong, but rather I ask Jan: do you think that the two formulae, which I
call the false one and the true one, are equivalent?

btw, the natural-deduction style of proof is a lot more useful
than that Bourbaki stuff for understanding this dispute.  eg,
here is a proof in the natural-deduction style of the "true formula".

step 1.  suppose (forall s,s1.( ST s1 T(s))).

step 2.  consider an arbitrary thing, foo.

step 3.  by instatiation of the s in step 1, (forall s1.(ST s1 T(foo))).

step 4.  by instatiation of the s1 in step 3, (ST foo T(foo)).

step 5.  summarizing steps 2-4, (forall s.(ST s T(s.

step 6.  summarizing steps 1-5, (forall s,s1.( ST s1 T(s))) implies
forall s . ( ST s T(s) )

here is an invalid proof of the false formula.  step 3 is invalid 
because to replace an old quantified variable with a new one is only
valid if the new variable does not occur free in the old variable's
scope.  this error is called "variable capture".

step 1.  consider an arbitrary thing. call it s this time instead of foo.

step 2.  suppose (forall s1.(ST s1 T(s)))

step 3.  change the quantified variable from s1 to s, yielding (forall s.
(ST s T(s))).

step 4.  summarizing steps 2-3, (forall s1.(ST s1 T(s))) implies forall
s . ( ST s T(s) )

step 5.  summarizing steps 1-4, forall s.((forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s)))
implies forall s . ( ST s T(s) ))

this has been a very tedious post.  if you've read this far I would love
to know which if any of the "proof assistants" you reccommend that can be
used to let the machine perform the checking of "trivial but tedious"
proofs like those last 2.

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Tue, 16 May 2000 22:37:45 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

  newSTRef applied to some value can have a type ST s (STRef s T(s)),
 That is strange , can you give a little example?

I've given it four mail pairs ago, but here it is again:

refRef :: ST s Int
refRef = do
v1 - newSTRef 0
v2 - newSTRef v1 -- Here!
v1' - readSTRef v2
readSTRef v1'

 (e.g. if there are 2 sorts of type variables in Haskell 2 (or in
 Haskell 98 ) then I would really like to know what is the practical
 reason of this.

I see nothing that could be described as 2 sorts of type variables.

 I don't know if it compiles. If it compiles I can only say that
 this seems strange to me.
 I certainly should not expect that that is possible.

Of course it does not compile in Haskell. This was to show that your
checking "whether something is a type variable" is meaningless: here
a type is a type variable as far as I can tell, but runST requires
some different condition.

  f1:: (a - a) - [Int] - [Int]
  f1 f l = map f l
  This definition does not compile, although f has type a-a.
 First I didn't know that the use of forall was obligatory in Haskell 98 .

It is not - and that's why in Haskell 98 you cannot write the
type signature of "f" inside the definition of "f1". If you write
"f:: a - a", it means "f :: forall a. a - a", but "f" has a
different type.

In GHC you can write the type of "f", provided that you have given a
name to the type variable in question, using a pattern type signature
or result type signature (the latter not working yet).

 Third If I would  give any meaning to  forall a. a- a  then I
 would give it the same meaning as   a - a .

Wrong. The first is the type of a function that is polymorphic:
works for any argument type and gives a result of the same type
(there exist only three function of that type in Haskell 98:
bottom, function that always returns bottom, and identity).

The second is the type of a function from "a" to "a". Depending on what
"a" is, it can mean different things. For example if "a" is bound at
some outer function definition, it is the function from the whatever
type the outer function has been instantiated to, to the same type.

 I would like to know why for heaven's sake a distinction has to be
 made between
 f1:: ( a - a) -  [Int] - [Int]
 f1':: ( forall a . a - a) - [Int] - [Int]

How can you propose a better type of runST if you don't understand
such basic things?!

To use f1, you choose a type for "a", pass a function of the type
"a - a" and get a function [Int] - [Int]. For example you can
pass not (of type Bool-Bool) to f1.

To use f1', you must pass a polymorphic function of the type
"forall a. a - a" to it, and get a function [Int] - [Int].
You have only three choices for the first function.

To implement f1, you must be prepared for any type for "a" a caller has
chosen. It is hard to use the first argument in an interesting way,
because you have no values of type "a" other than bottom, and there
is little to do with a value of type "a" you get from the function,
because you don't know what "a" will be.

To implement f1', you know that the function is polymorphic, and you
can use it on any type you wish. For example apply it to each element
of the list and then to the list itself.

 __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
  ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Tue, 16 May 2000 22:37:45 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   newSTRef applied to some value can have a type ST s (STRef s T(s)),
  That is strange , can you give a little example?

 I've given it four mail pairs ago, but here it is again:

 refRef :: ST s Int
 refRef = do
 v1 - newSTRef 0

I have not the do notation definition in front of me, so I guess (I am

type of v1 is ST s (STRef s Int) ? (or STRef s Int ?)

 v2 - newSTRef v1 -- Here!

Ok, type of v2 is ST s1 [STRef s1 (ST s (STRef s Int)] ? (or  STRef s1
[STRef s Int]  ?)

which is of the form ST s1 (STRef s1 T(s)) with the additional condition
given to
the type checker that s1 =/ s and will always be considered as different
i.e. s1 =/ s

This shows that the additional comments given by me for the signature of
newSTRef  are not  redundant.

 v1' - readSTRef v2
 readSTRef v1'

  (e.g. if there are 2 sorts of type variables in Haskell 2 (or in
  Haskell 98 ) then I would really like to know what is the practical
  reason of this.

 I see nothing that could be described as 2 sorts of type variables.

Sorry, what were you then talking about in the former email??

  I don't know if it compiles. If it compiles I can only say that
  this seems strange to me.
  I certainly should not expect that that is possible.

 Of course it does not compile in Haskell. This was to show that your

Why then did you say it compiled?

 checking "whether something is a type variable" is meaningless: here
 a type is a type variable as far as I can tell, but runST requires
 some different condition.


As I said allready before the socalled "my" runST is nothing else but a
better documented runST.
The Terms Variable(s) and Free(a) are not implemented (yet)
This is for the implementor to do ,if he wants. If these "terms" could be
implemented that could allow
a richer set of functions then one can have today.

   f1:: (a - a) - [Int] - [Int]
   f1 f l = map f l
   This definition does not compile, although f has type a-a.
  First I didn't know that the use of forall was obligatory in Haskell 98

 It is not - and that's why in Haskell 98 you cannot write the
 type signature of "f" inside the definition of "f1". If you write
 "f:: a - a", it means "f :: forall a. a - a", but "f" has a
 different type.

 In GHC you can write the type of "f", provided that you have given a
 name to the type variable in question, using a pattern type signature
 or result type signature (the latter not working yet).

  Third If I would  give any meaning to  forall a. a- a  then I
  would give it the same meaning as   a - a .

 Wrong. The first is the type of a function that is polymorphic:
 works for any argument type and gives a result of the same type
 (there exist only three function of that type in Haskell 98:
 bottom, function that always returns bottom, and identity).

 The second is the type of a function from "a" to "a". Depending on what
 "a" is, it can mean different things. For example if "a" is bound at
 some outer function definition, it is the function from the whatever
 type the outer function has been instantiated to, to the same type.

  I would like to know why for heaven's sake a distinction has to be
  made between
  f1:: ( a - a) -  [Int] - [Int]
  f1':: ( forall a . a - a) - [Int] - [Int]

 How can you propose a better type of runST if you don't understand
 such basic things?!

I don't understand illogical things. You on the contrary made mistake after
mistake with your so called counterexample.

Moreover you said your runST' did compile and now you say your runST' does
not compile.
Next time please don't lie. Try to be as clear as possible.

Because I don't use forall in a bad and meaningless manner. You do ,perhaps
Haskell 2 does, when it is not

a - a  should mean an  endomorphism e.g. id etc.or something like

 f :: Int - Int

f x = x^2 + x + 1

is an instance of an endomorphism  a - a

forall a. a - a should mean the same thing but clearly it does not in
Haskell 2 .

Please people, do not accept this in Haskell 2 ? I am almost sure there is
no need for it.

 To use f1, you choose a type for "a", pass a function of the type
 "a - a" and get a function [Int] - [Int]. For example you can
 pass not (of type Bool-Bool) to f1.

Yes, and inid . f  (where f is as above f x  = x^2 + x + 1 and where id
x = x ) you cannot pass type Bool - Bool
to id .

Very Friendly
Jan Brosius

Very primitive explanation to defend  the writings   a - a and forall a.
a - a as different .
If Haskell 2 interprets a - a as ea GENERAL endomorphism ther is no problem
at all.

Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Richard Uhtenwoldt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 - Original Message -
 From: Richard Uhtenwoldt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 11:06 PM
 Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

  although this argument originated from a discussion of rank-2
  polymorphism in Haskell's type system, the part I am replying to
  addresses only first-order predicate logic (also called "predicate
  Jan Brosius asserts
   Now   forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s))  IMPLIES   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )
  Marcin replies
   It does not. And I have already told why, a few e-mails ago.
   I can explain it again.
   For the first term to have any meaning, "s" must have a meaning,
   because it is a free variable. So for a counter-example assume that
   we sit in real numbers and
   ST a b  means  a^2  b
   T(a)means  a+1
   s   means  -2
   The first term means forall s1. s1^2  -1, which is true.
   The second term means forall s. s^2  s+1, which is false.
   So the first does not imply the second.

 Now I understand what Marcin meant with this "counterexample".
 I admit I was very puzzled to find out where these formulas came from.
 It's a pity that I didn't saw it in a previous email.

 I guess Marcin meant with first term:

 forall s1. ST s1 T(s) == forall s1. s1^2  T(s)  == forall s1. s1^2  s +

 As everybody can notice the first term is FALSE . Indeed let s1 = 1 and s
 and we get a false assertion.
 (the assertion 1^2  20

 [forall s1. ST s1 T(s)  ]  = [ forall s. ST s T(s)]  is always TRUE.

 Since  EX FALSO QUODLIBET ( a false assertion implies everything) if we
 would say

 [ forall s1. ST s1 T(s) ] = [ forall s . ST s T(s)]  ( remember always )

 forall s1. ST s1 T(s)   (FALSE)

 forall s . ST s T(s)   == forall s . s^2  s + 1 (TRUE or FALSE) ( here

 The above rule is called a syllogism

 Marcin departed in his reasoning allready with a false assertion. The
 he committed was to say
 that the first term was true for the case s = -2 . Here it is clear what
 confusion computer scientists
 might experience if they lose the real meaning of a variable. Indeed if I
 would put s =3 then everybody sees
 that one gets a FALSE assertion  forall s1. s1^2  4   (false for s1 = 1)

 So Marcin's statement that he gave a counterexample was FALSE.

 (Sometimes one needs to reread something several days later in order to
 what was meant
 by somebodyelse)

  Jan's assertion and Marcin's counter-assertion are later repeated two
  more times in different words.  I think Marcin's counterexample
  completely disproves Jan's assertion.

 Well Marcin's counterexample is FALSE ( see above)

  I am adding my thoughts to the
  discussion simply to argue for Marcin's conclusion using different (and
  more numerous) words and concepts.

 too numerous and thus too dangerous.

  it might prove illustrative to quantify every variable in Jan's
  assertion. this means quantifying the single free occurence of s.
  there are two ways to do that, and I am tempted to say that this next
  way is the right way.
  forall s.((forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s)))  implies   forall s . ( ST s
T(s) ))

 WARNING : The notation forall s1 , s . alpha(s1, s)  is since unbounded
 forall's commute simply an abbreviation
 for either forall s1. forall s . alpha(s1,s)  or forall s. forall s1 .

  (redundant parentheses added for emphasis.)  but to be perfectly
  intellectually honest, Jan wrote the formula, so Jan has a right to
  decide what it means.  Jan could have meant this next.  the only
  syntactic difference between that last formula and this next one is that
  the scope of the "forall s" that I added to Jan's assertion is limited
  to the left of the "implies".
  (forall s,s1.( ST s1 T(s)))  implies   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )

 yes  using braces is better if there is risk of confusion

  the latter has the considerable advantage of being true whereas the
  former is false.

 If you mean by the former : [forall s1. ST s1 T(s) ] = [forall s. ST s
 T(s)]  then I must say
 that on the contrary this is TRUE

 REMEMBER : [ forall s1. ST s1 T(s)] is EQUIVALENT to [forall s1, s . ST s1

 These are the formall rules of forall (even not using Bourbaki's logic)

 however, the true one is less useful in establishing
  conclusions than the false one.  if we have already proved (forall s1. (
  ST s1 T(foo))) for some concrete thing "foo", then the false formula
  allows us immediately to conclude forall s.(ST s T(s)).
  moreover, Jan wrote that "(forall y) ( foral

Re: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Carl R. Witty

"Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  SORRY,  this is quite TRUE , in fact  [forall x. alpha(x)]  = alpha(x)
  the above true equivalence seems to be easily considered as wrong . Why?
  Because alpha(x)  is TRUE can be read as  alpha(x) is TRUE for ANY x.
  (Is there something wrong with the education of a computer scientist?)

Jan, could you tell us whether you think the following statements are
true or false?  

Let prime(x) mean "x is a prime number".

1. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(x)
2. forall x.([forall x. prime(x)] = prime(x))
3. forall y.([forall x. prime(x)] = prime(y))
4. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(y)
5. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(2)
6. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(2)
7. prime(2) = [forall x. prime(x)]
8. prime(2)
9. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(4)
10. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(4)
11. prime(4) = [forall x. prime(x)]
12. prime(4)
13. forall x. prime(x)
14. prime(x)
15. Statement 1 above means the same thing as statement 2 above.
16. Statement 2 above means the same thing as statement 3 above.
17. Statement 3 above means the same thing as statement 4 above.
18. Statement 5 above is a substitution instance of statement 3;
thus, if statement 3 were true, statement 5 would be true.
19. Statement 13 above means the same thing as statement 14 above.

If we follow the convention that free variables are to be considered
implicitly universally quantified, my vote is that statements 6, 8, 9,
10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 are true; the rest are false.

Carl Witty

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-12 Thread Frank Atanassow

Claus Reinke writes:
[nice exposition of C-H correspondence  state threads]

 The main caveat is the insistence on constructive proofs (in the classical
  logic most of us tend to learn, there is this favourite proof technique: if
  I assume that xs don't exist, I am led to a contradiction, so xs have to
  exist, even if I haven't seen any of them yet - this is not acceptable in
  constructive logics).
  [haven't read the papers on a correspondence for classical logic yet, but
  I assume they exist, for otherwise I would contradict Frank Atanassow ;-]

Here's a nice example, which you alluded to.  Reading | as `or' and ~ as
`not', a|~a is a theorem of classical logic but not intuitionistic logic. By
definition, ~a = a-_|_ (falsum). A proof of this proposition is given by the

  /\ a - \\(m::a|n::a-Void) - [n] (\x - [m] x)-- /\ is big-lambda

"[m] t" and "\\m::a - t" are new term forms. They throw and catch
continuations, where a continuation accepting values of type a is something of
type a - Void. Void is the empty type, so this means that a continuation is a
something like a function which never returns.

"[m] t" takes a term t :: a, and yields a term of type Void with a fresh free
variable m :: a-Void. You can think of [m] t as meaning, "throw value t at
continuation m". When this gets reduced, the current context is discarded and
execution proceeds from m, with t as input.

"\\" is usually written with Greek letter `mu'. In "\\m::a - t", the term t
must be of type Void and possess a free variable m :: a-Void; the result is a
term of type a, in which m is now bound. You can think of "\\m::a - t" as
meaning, "catch a value v thrown to continuation m and return v as the
result". Note that since t has type Void, it must always throw something and
can never return normally. (In case of conflicts, which value gets caught
depends of course on the reduction order.)

"\\(m::a|n::b) - t" is a pattern-matching variation on the mu-binder. t is
again of type Void, but the result is of type a|b. The meaning is that it
catches values thrown to either continuation, injects it into the sum, and
then returns it. (There is also variant "[m|n] t" of the "[m] t" syntax, but
we don't need it.)

So what does our term

  /\a - \\(m::a|n::a-Void) - [n] (\x - [m] x)

mean? Well, when it gets reduced, it remembers its calling context and
associates it with m and n. Then it initially returns (by throwing it at n) to
that context the closure (\x-[m]x)::a-Void which gets injected into the
right summand. Execution proceeds, and if at any point this closure ever gets
applied to some value v, then the original context is magically restored, but
this time with v injected into the left summand. So this is an example of the
time-travelling effect you get with multiply-invoked continuations (because we
can consider that there is only one continuation of type a|a-Void.)

Incidentally, the reason you need a special form for continuation
"application" is that I glossed over a technical detail concerning whether to
take ~a or a-Void as primitive. At least in the lambda-mu calculus, you're
not allowed, actually, to write "f x" if f::A-Void for any A; you have to use
"[f] x". I forget the details.

Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-12 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Fri, 12 May 2000 00:42:52 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

   newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a)
   readSTRef :: STRef s a - ST s a
 f:: STRef s a - STRef s a
 f v = runST( newSTRef v = \w - readSTRef w)
 Let's start
 v has type   STRef s a

...for "s" and "a" coming from the instantiation of a polymorphic
function "f". Yes.

 newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))
 (THIS is of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))

No. It has the type
ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))
where "s1" is free (thus can be later generalized over) and "s" and
"a" come from the environment inside "f" (thus are monomorphic).

It would have the type you wrote if "v" was created in this thread.

   Now   forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s))  IMPLIES   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )
  It does not. And I have already told why, a few e-mails ago.
 IT DOES  : that is a well known rule of forall  (forall x,y . alpha(x.y) =
 forall x. alpha(x,x) )

I see no "forall s" in the left type.

  When you use runST, you don't always know if the type given for "s"
  will be instantiated to a type variable or not. Being a type variable
  is not a property of a type.
 I can only say here : ???

runST':: ST s Int - Int
runST' x = ...

Inside the body of runST' "x" has the type "ST s Int", with "s"
taken from the environment.

When runST' will be later applied to a value of the type "ST s Int"
with "s" free, "x" will have the type "ST s Int" with nothing more
known about "s". (If runST was applied to this value directly, it
would be OK.)

When runST' will be applied to a value of the type "ST RealWorld Int",
"x" will have the type "ST RealWorld Int".

But you have to compile runST' _now_, and decide whether the first
argument of ST from the type of "x" is a type variable.

Haskell does not have this problem. It does not ever check if a type
is a type variable, but if it is a _free_ type variable, i.e. one
that can be generalized over.

runST':: forall s. ST s Int - Int
runST' x = runST x
Should it compile with your type of runST?

 function runST are fullfilled . So ("my") runST will work.

Now I write
len :: Int
len = runST' (liftM length (readFile "foo") :: ST RealWorld Int)
which creates a global value of type Int which changes in time. Oops!

 __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
  ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Jan Brosius

Marcin Kowalczyk wrote at Wed, May 10, 2000 7:54 PM :

 Wed, 10 May 2000 16:18:06 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

pisze ? you meant wrote? Please don't use Russian in your reply, I don't
know Russian.
Do You know what pisze in Dutch could mean if spoken out loosely?

  2. Next let me point out once and for all that
  logical quantifiers are used only in logical formula's .

 Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the Curry-Howard

Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.

I see no reason to change the notation of forall in types,
 which coresponds to forall in formulas.

This is your claim . I leave it to you to prove it

E.g. explain to me what is meant by:

forall a. (a,b)

not (a,b)

(a,b) equivalent to forall c. (c,d)

(a,b) implies (c,d)

exists a.(a,b)

(a,b) is true

(a,b) is false

  b.  bad use :
newSTRef:: forall s.a . a - ST s STRef s a

 You meant ST s (STRef s a).


  This type signature MUST be replaced by
  newSTRef:: forall a. [forall s ni Free ( a ) .  a - ST s STRef s a]
  where  Forall s ni Free(a)  means " forall s not being a free variable
  (occurring in ) of a "

 Wrong. You disallowed a perfectly legal usage:

NO, NO it seems legal to you and perhaps to others but in the detailed
explanation it was
shown that the version I propose gives the necessary information for the
reader that
the type of   newSTRef v  shall never be of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))

As I said allready in the first email the following are different functions:

id2 :: forall s, a . (s,a) - (s,a)
id2 (x,y) = (x,y)

id2" :: forall a. [forall s ni Free(a) . (s,a) - (s,a)]
id2" (x,y) = (x,y)  (here of course the definition is not complete since the
above information cannot be treated now
by the typechecker)

But perhaps you prefer

id2" :: forall a. (forall s. (s,a) - (s,a))

and tell everybody that forall s   in id2"  is an example of second rank

id2 (x,x) will compile but id2" (x,x) not

Other examples:

pr2 :: forall s, a . (s,a) - a
pr2  (x,y) = y


pr2" :: forall a. [forall s ni Free(a) . (s,a) - a]
pr2" (x,y) = y   (here the definition is of course not complete, because the
typechecker can not treat this information

 pr2 (x,x) will give x and   pr2"(x,x) will do complain the typechecker

But perhaps you will prefer

pr2" :: forall a. (forall s. (s,a) - a)

and tell everybody that the use of forall s in pr2"  is an example of second
rank polymorphism.

 refRef :: ST s Int
 refRef = do
 v1 - newSTRef 0
 v2 - newSTRef v1 -- Here!
 v1' - readSTRef v2
 readSTRef v1'
 and you did not disallow any illegal usage that current rules allow
 (in fact I believe there is not any). Of course you did not allow more,
 because this type is a subset of what we have now.

I did answer this question somewhere above.

  c. illigitimate use :
  runST:: forall a. ( forall s. ST s a ) - a

 Let's see why do you claim that, because I see nothing wrong here.

  3. The why
  b. This is because in reality the function newSTRef is meant to be
  used only in cases where s is not a free variable of a.

 False: see above.

No, I disagree, you must look below for the why.
I know very well that the type newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a )
shall work , because the typechecker in some way does the job.
But the reason why is not explained to the programmer.

As I said below ifforall x,y alpha(x,y) is truethen alpha(x, x) is
for any x

  c.  forall s. ST s a   is illigitimate since you can not form a
  logical phrase with it

 You can: for all s, ST(s,a) holds.

Yes? and what does it mean?  Up to now it doesn't mean more than  (forall
apple . apple )   is true (false ) ?, and
wat does the last thing mean?

  (It is not supposed to be known that ST s a is in reality implemented
  as a function.).

 Why is this a problem?

This is not a problem , but if   ST s a :: s - (s,a)  is a function you
could in principle use forall

forall s . ST s a :: s - (s,a)  then means  (could then mean) : " forall s
. ST s a is a function of s into (s,a) "
Admitted such a function will be very uncommon. Is it an injection? Then
which injection. Everybody is immediately interested to see the

Now if you look at the implementation you will see that it is not an
injection but a family f(a) indexed by a , of
constant functions  of  s into (s,a) .The actual implementation of  f(a)
was not given in the paper.

  There are 2 ways to circumvent this problem.

 There is no problem!

Obviously not for you.

 And you create additional language, which would have to be understood,
 given a precise meaning, implemented, documented etc. It is not needed.
 BTW, would it change the semantics, or only the language we talk about

It certainly does not change the way GHC is compiled . It is  more a
for everybody learning these functions , the 

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Lars Lundgren

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:

 Marcin Kowalczyk wrote at Wed, May 10, 2000 7:54 PM :
  Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the Curry-Howard
 Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.

M H Sørensen and P Urzyczyn.
Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism. 
Available as DIKU Rapport 98/14, 1998. 

Keywords: The Curry-Howard isomorphism, Logic, Lambda-Calculus

/Lars L

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Frank Atanassow

Thorsten Altenkirch writes:
  Jan Brosius writes:
Marcin Kowalczyk wrote at Wed, May 10, 2000 7:54 PM :
  2. Next let me point out once and for all that
  logical quantifiers are used only in logical formula's .

 Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the Curry-Howard

Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.
  [I hope it is ok if I reply, although I am sure Marcin can defend
  himself just as well]
  Maybe because you have only learnt about classical logic, which is a
  shame especially for a computer scientist. Have a look at a standard
  text book, like Troestra  van Dalen's "Intuitionism I,II".

BTW there is a C-H correspondence for classical logic too, although it
requires a constructive presentation of the rules and considerable care with
reduction laws. The trick is to model the type of a continuation as a negated
proposition, with reductio ad absurdum as a call/cc-like operation.

See for example:

  C.-H. L. Ong, A semantic view of classical proofs: type-theoretic,
  categorical, denotational characterizations. In Proceedings of 11th IEEE
  Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, IEEE Computer Society Press,
  pp. 230-241, 1996.

Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Jan Brosius

  Jan Brosius writes:
Marcin Kowalczyk wrote at Wed, May 10, 2000 7:54 PM :
  2. Next let me point out once and for all that
  logical quantifiers are used only in logical formula's .

 Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the
Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.
  [I hope it is ok if I reply, although I am sure Marcin can defend
  himself just as well]
  Maybe because you have only learnt about classical logic, which is a
  shame especially for a computer scientist. Have a look at a standard
  text book, like Troestra  van Dalen's "Intuitionism I,II".

 Sorry, but I cannot study all sorts of logic that circulate around. I
 know what a computer scientist is supposed to know. I follow Bourbaki's
 logic where there is no need for an axiom of choice . However the so
 axiom of choice is there a theorem that is one proves that the Cartesian
 product of a non empty family of non empty sets is in fact non empty.

 What about me : I have done  theoretical physics and mathematics.
 I have embraced formal logic ,and the whole of math can be build on it.
 Formal logic is not sentimental.
  Anyway, in intuitionistic logic it is natural indentify proofs and
  programs and proposition and types. Maybe best illustrated by the BHK
  (Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogoroff) semantics:
  A proof of a /\ b is a proof of a and a proof of b, hence a /\ b = (a,b)

 Sorry, are you going to say that a tuple (a,b) is the same as " a AND b "
 Then the Haskell language didn't state it. Sorry, a tuple is a tuple and
 nothing else,
 what you tell me is that the notation of tuple can be used as logical AND
 for propositions.

  A proof of a \/ b is a proof of a or a proof of b, hence a /\ b = Either

 You mean  a V b = Either a b ?
 I guess you mean with  a V b the logical or?

  A proof of a - b is a method to calculate a proof of b from a proof

 Here you use the sign  - (function ) for the sign = (implies)

  of a hence a - b = a - b

 In formal logic we say just this

a (true)

   a = b  (true )
 b (true)

  There is no proof of False, hence one would identify False with the
  empty type, but as far as I know there is no empty type in Haskell?
  As an example how do we prove (a \/ b) /\ c - (a /\ c) \/ (a /\ b)
  in Haskell ?
  lem :: (Either a b,c) - Either (a,c) (b,c)
  lem (Left a,c) = Left (a,c)
  lem (Right b,c) = Right (b,c)

 Sorry I don't have to know all this , do you really think I am illiterate
 propositional logic or boolean algebra

 (a + b) . c = a . c + b . c (distributivity) AND (a.b) + c = (a+c).(b+c)

  The disputed forall is just the (2nd order) quantification over all

 RunST is not the only disputed thing .
 newSTRef is also disputed.

 and what I was saying (UP TO NOW NOBODY could show where I was wrong)
 is the following:

 Hi, folks you can forget everything about this second order
 the usual forall does all .

 What I want to say is this :

  put   forall s. ST s a   in a logical phrase . This is an invitation.

 By the way I am trying to forward my comments to the Haskell committee.
 can I reach them?

 It is a pleasure to know that somebody else than Marcin is also reading ,
 because the discussion is reaching the point
 where it will be yes against no . Please people don't come with books  nor
 names to strengthen claims.
 Talk logically about it , try to define very clearly what you mean.

I see no reason to change the notation of forall in types,
 which coresponds to forall in formulas.
This is your claim . I leave it to you to prove it
  Seems more an issue of explanation?!

 Sorry , I don't understand . In a logical language there are RELATIONS
 (formula's if you want) and TERMS (types if you want) and these
 2 are distinct and shall ever be distinct. But if I can learn something
 , why not ?

 e.g.  (a,b) is a tuple , a special TERM and no RELATION . But you and the
 Haskell committee are free to
 INTERPRET this as   a AND b , but in that latter case a and b denote
 RELATIONS . In the former case
 a and b denote TERMS


 May I forward this mail to the Haskell - mailing list?

I saw that your email allready found his way to the Haskell-list

 Very friendly
 Jan Brosius

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Thu, 11 May 2000 13:48:56 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

  Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the Curry-Howard
 Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.

Others explained it better that I could.

   newSTRef:: forall a. [forall s ni Free ( a ) .  a - ST s STRef s a]
   where  Forall s ni Free(a)  means " forall s not being a free variable
   (occurring in ) of a "
  Wrong. You disallowed a perfectly legal usage:
 NO, NO it seems legal to you and perhaps to others but in the
 detailed explanation it was shown that the version I propose gives
 the necessary information for the reader that the type of newSTRef v
 shall never be of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))

Wrong: it can have this form.

I have posted a legal and correct program which uses newSTRef with
such type.

If you claim that it should not be used with that type, please show
a program which is legal without the restriction of type of newSTRef
and whose semantics are incorrect (e.g. allows a value to depend on
the order of reduction, or allows using IO in pure expressions).

 I know very well that the type newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a )
 shall work , because the typechecker in some way does the job.
 But the reason why is not explained to the programmer.

There is nothing to explain. newSTRef can be used for any choice of
"s" and "a", exactly as the type says.

  What would be the definition of `b?
 Sorry, I bet you can't give the definition of  "forall"  and of
 "exists" in a pure formal way.

It needs not to be formal. And assume that we both know what forall
means, and how types are constructed, and what type variables mean
(even if the assumption is wrong)

Your example gave the same meaning to `b and forall. I don't see
any gain in changing the symbol from forall to `b, without changing
anything else.

 you don't seem to see the difference between
 forall s . (ST s T(s))
   (T(s) | a ) [ forall s. ( ST s a ) ]  ==  forall s1 . ( ST s1 T(s) )

I do see it.

 Now   forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s))  IMPLIES   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )

It does not. And I have already told why, a few e-mails ago.
I can explain it again.

For the first term to have any meaning, "s" must have a meaning,
because it is a free variable. So for a counter-example assume that
we sit in real numbers and
ST a b  means  a^2  b
T(a)means  a+1
s   means  -2

The first term means forall s1. s1^2  -1, which is true.
The second term means forall s. s^2  s+1, which is false.
So the first does not imply the second.

 So you do understand a bit , the meaning of  `b

Your examples imply that `b means the same as forall. But it does
not explain why you advocate replacing forall with `b if it means
the same thing.

   runST:: forall a. [forall Variable ( s ) ni Free ( a ) . ST s a - a ]
   where Variable (s) means " s is a type variable".
  What does it mean "s is a type variable"?
 this means that all things of the form Variable ( Sblurb )  are false ,
 that is Variable ( World ) is false since World is not a variable.

When you use runST, you don't always know if the type given for "s"
will be instantiated to a type variable or not. Being a type variable
is not a property of a type.

  runST':: forall s. ST s Int - Int
  runST' x = runST x
  Should it compile with your type of runST?
 I shall not answer your question , since the changes I propose don't
 introduce a NEW type system they are only a BETTER explanation of
 these forall's.

They don't explain it if you cannot answer a simple question.

 E.g. do you agree that   s   and   a  represent general type variables?

It depends on what does it mean "general" and how they are used.

  If yes, I cannot see why do you say that here runST is instantiated
  with a type that is not a type variable. What does it mean "s is
  a type variable"?
 It means "World is a type variable " is false  (substitution of
 s by World here.)  It also means " sWorld is a type variable "
 is true. (substitution of s by sWorld here)

From this I assume that the above example should compile, because
you instantiate "s" from the type of runST with "s" from the local
environment of runST', and you don't know anything more about this "s"
here. If so, your type of runST is wrong, because it allows performing
I/O in a pure expression (because nothing prevents me from using runST'
instantiated with RealWorld).

 __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
  ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Jan Brosius

Dear Marcin,
I think we have reached now a point in the discussion that will only result
in yes and no.

1. Even as I still think that the forall in runST is misplaced I still stand
open for everyone that could
put forall s. (ST s a)  in an acceptable logical phrase. forall and exist
work like that PERIOD. And if you want an excellent mathematical society
from which I borrowed this formal logic (still the best I ever saw) then I
only have to name the French mathematical society NICOLAS BOURBAKI. I guess
none of the readers on the Haskell -list has ever read their "Theory of
sets". The foundation upon which they wanted to build the whole of math..
Their books are the best books on mathematics that I have ever seen ; the
formulation is always precise . Ok enough  "laudatio" (latin).
The sad thing is : they never reached their goal.

2. I still try to be open for any new insights (I am myself involved in a
conservative extension of their logic :
a work that I shall restart as soon as possible) but then you will have to
do a minimum of effort to make some things clear and not answer most of the
time in semi-programmese - mathese .

3. Promise me to reply from which doubly quantified formula your formula
comes from.

 Thu, 11 May 2000 13:48:56 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the
  Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.

 Others explained it better that I could.

NO, they did not explain : at the very best they gave a site to look at .
Which I shall do if my phone bill allows it.
I did expect these explanations from you, otherwise withdraw your claim. So
in the next reply surprise me with these explanations (copy and paste ).

newSTRef:: forall a. [forall s ni Free ( a ) .  a - ST s STRef s a]
where  Forall s ni Free(a)  means " forall s not being a free
(occurring in ) of a "
   Wrong. You disallowed a perfectly legal usage:
  NO, NO it seems legal to you and perhaps to others but in the
  detailed explanation it was shown that the version I propose gives
  the necessary information for the reader that the type of newSTRef v
  shall never be of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))

 Wrong: it can have this form.

OK this is something to start from. I rehearse the definitions and the
little program I found in the paper.

  newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a)

  readSTRef :: STRef s a - ST s a


f :: STRef s a - STRef s a
f v = runST( newSTRef v = \w - readSTRef w)

Let's start

v has type   STRef s a

newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))(THIS is of the form ST
s (STRef s T(s))

w has type STRef s (STRef s a)

readSTRef w   has type  ST s (STRef s a)

runST  gets as argument  ST s (STRef s a)   and the typechecker or whatever
thing complains.

AM I right or not.?

Since I know that this program works (found in the paper) you are going to
use the following trick:

newSTRef :: forall s,a . a - ST s (STRef s a)

Ok, a "needs" to be instantiated , I prefer substituted

(STRef s a | a) forall s. [ a - ST s (STRef s a)]

== forall s1 . [ STRef s a - ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))

Ok in logic one has the following rule for forall :

 forall s1 . [STRef s a - ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a)) = forall s.
[STRef s a - ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))]

Now where in the Haskell documentation is written down NOT to use

forall s. [ STRef s a - ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))]

and thus not to use

STRef s (STRef s a)  as type for w.

So, at this point I guess a little daemon informs the typechecker that the
type for w is in reality

STRef s1 (STRef s a) and this little daemon performed a check to see if s1
does not occur in STRef s a
and further informs the typechecker that s1 from now on is never to be
allowed to become s.

Next  readSTRef w  gets type ST s1 (STRef s a)

and the argument of runST can now work and will deliver something with type
STRef s a

look closely at

newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a)  and at

runST :: forall s .(ST s a) - a

as seen above : newSTRef is NOT allowed to DELIVER something of the type  ST
s (STRef s T(s))

also runST is NOT allowed to ACCEPT anything with type  ST s T(s)

Do you see the similarity

 I have posted a legal and correct program which uses newSTRef with
 such type.

Well , if that's true  there is a problem ( I think)

 If you claim that it should not be used with that type, please show
 a program which is legal without the restriction of type of newSTRef
 and whose semantics are incorrect (e.g. allows a value to depend on
 the order of reduction, or allows using IO in pure expressions).

I thought this program is above , see f v

(believe it or not I still have not typed some little code in Hugs in my
Windows NT OS ; I guess I am lazy)

  I know very well that the type newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a )
  shall work , because the typechecker in some way does the job.
  But the reason why is not explained to the 

more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-10 Thread Jan Brosius


According to the reactions that I have received
I feel the need to explain in more detail my 
in mime type entitled : about the abuse of 
in Haskell. The easiest thing for me would be to
send an attachment in pdf to the Haskell - 
list. But I guess this is impossible.

1. Let ' s rehearse some things w.r.t. my first 
As you know I used the following notation for 
substitution : if x is a variable 
, T a term
(say type or say set) and alpha 
is a formula,
that is a logical phrase , a logical 
then I define by :

 (T | x 
) alpha

the (new) formula beta obtained by 
in alpha every free occurrence of the 
variable x
by T . For example


 Alpha == [forall x. (A x )]  

then ( T | x ) alpha becomes

 [forall x. (A x) ] 

This example shows at the same time that it 
best to rename before 
substitution of x by T , every
bound occurrence of x in alpha by a (new) variable(s) that 
is (are)  neither a free variable of alpha nor a free variable of T .

Of course it is (better for reading) to have different 
for all different bound variables ocurring in alpha and in 


An example might explain better the above tactic:

E.g. suppose T == [forall x. ST x [forall x. STRef x a]] 

Then first change T to the equivalent form

 T==[forall u. ST u [ forall s. STRef s a]] 

Next let aplha be of the form

 alpha==[forall x. forall s in Free ( x ) . (x =/s ) ] x 
=/ x

Then before the substitution ( T | x ) 

rename eventually all bound variables in T 
and alpha


 T == [forall u. ST u [forall s. STRef s a]] 


 alpha == [forall v. [forall w in Free ( v ). ( v =/w 
)]] x =/ x

Then ( T | x ) alpha becomes

(T|x)alpha == [forall v. [forall w in Free (v ). (v=/w)]] T=/ 

(I hope that in the above no typo's got in).

2. Next let me point out once and for all that 
logical quantifiers are used only in logical formula's 
The disobedience of this rule means necessarily 
a departure from the logical meaning of a
quantifier . PERIOD .

3.Next look at some Haskell functions and the use
of the forall's there.

a. good use:

id :: forall a . a - a

id x = x

 id2 :: 
forall s,a . (s,a)  - (s.a)

 id2 (x, 
y ) = (x,y)

readSTRef :: forall s,a . STRef s a 
- ST s a
b. bad use :

 newSTRef:: forall s.a 
. a - ST s STRef s a

This type signature MUST be replaced by

newSTRef:: forall a. [forall s ni Free ( a ) . a - 
ST s STRef s a]
where Forall s ni Free(a) means " forall s not 
being a free variable 
(occurring in ) of a "

c. illigitimate use :

runST :: forall a. ( forall s. ST s a ) - a

3. The why

b. This is because in reality the function 
is meant to be used only in cases where s is not a free 
of a.

b1. e.g.we KNOW that the following code will 

f :: forall s, a. STRef s a - 
STRef s a

f v = runST( newSTRef v =\w - 
readSTRef w ) 

let the type of v be STRef s a , then the type of 
newSTRef v 
is not meant to be something of the form

ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))

because then the type of readSTRef w 
would become

ST s STRef s a

and we KNOW that this should not be a good
argument of the function runST.

Because f v is supposed to WORK
we can hope that the type of 
readSTRef given above is correct.(to be honest I don't 
I deduced this from another  working little program 
"swap"  in the paper entitled 
"lazy functional state threads"

So the correct type signature
of newSTRef must be:

newSTRef :: forall a . [forall s ni Free(a) . a - ST s 
(STRef s a)]

Let's see what happens when type of v = 
STRef s a.
Then the type of newSTRef v becomes: after renaming bound 
first and after substituting a in newSTRef by STRef s a : and 
after the
following steps:

first newSTRef "becomes" (admitted this is a bit 

forall s1 ni Free( STRef s a) . [STRef 
s a - ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))]

and since s is a free variablein STRef s a the type of 

newSTRef v becomes

ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a)) WITH the 
additional information given to the
typechecker (?) that now s1 is a variable that will 
never be allowed
to get instantiated to s , i.e. s1 =/ s.

This remark is important, indeed suppose that forall x,y . 
is a true formula then alpha(x,y) is a true formula and 
alpha(x,x) is a true formula !!!

Next the type of w becomes STRef s1(STRef s a)  
and the
type of readSTRef w becomes

ST s1 (STRef s a) WITH s1 =/ s

and thisis an acceptable type for the argument 
runST (VERY loosely indicated by forall s . ST s a 

That is runST will deliver something of the type
STRef s a

Finally remark that , if we would have given for 
the type signature

id2 :: forall a . [forall s ni Free ( a ) .(s,a) - 

we would have excluded the possibility that the 
of id2 could become of type (s.s).

c. forall s. ST s a is 
illigitimate since you can not 
form a logical phrase with it (It is not supposed 
be known that ST s a is in reality implemented 

as a