Re: [Haskell-cafe] Search monad

2007-03-19 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 05:11:19PM +, Edsko de Vries wrote:
> What I'm wondering about is if this monad is an instance of a more
> general monad(if so, which one?), and generally if people have any
> comments about these definitions.

It's like the Writer monad used with different monoids.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: MIME Strike Force

2007-03-19 Thread Bjorn Bringert

On Mar 18, 2007, at 21:36 , Jeremy Shaw wrote:


If you have tried to do any MIME processing using Haskell, you are
likely to have found two things:

 1) There are a lot of MIME libraries for Haskell
 2) None of them do everything you want

So, I propose that we form a MIME Strike Force and create the one,
true MIME library.

The plan is something like this:

1) Document all the things the MIME library needs to support.

2) Pick the technology, and design the infrastructure for supporting
   these features. For example, I don't think we will be able to use
   Parsec because:

   i) We want to support ByteString
   ii) We want to be able to lazily parse the message

3) Try to reuse as much existing code as possible to implement the

I have started step 1 by creating this page:

Please add your comments, requirements, etc.

If you are interesting in helping contrib ideas, code, or flames,
please let me know. If there is enough interest, we should probably
set up a mailing list for discussion.


ps. This *might* make a decent SoC project, but only if it results in
the one, true MIME library. We definitely do not need another
incomplete MIME library floating around.

I added this as a SoC project proposal. We can decide on its merits  
when voting for the projects. See 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Matrices in Haskell

2007-03-19 Thread Matthew Brecknell
Ivan Miljenovic:
> As such, I'd like to know if there's any way of storing a an n-by-n
> matrix such that the algorithm/function to get either the rows or the
> columns is less than O(n^2) like transposition is.  I did try using an
> Array, but my (admittedly hurried and naive) usage of them took longer
> than a list of lists, was more difficult to manipulate, and wasn't
> required separate inverse functions to row and cols.  Also, since I
> need to look all throughout the list of values, it's still O(n^2), but
> this time for both rows and columns.

I'm not sure I see the problem, since any operation that touches all the
elements of a n-by-n matrix will be at least O(n^2). For such an
operation, a transposition should just add a constant factor.

When you tried using Arrays, I presume you used an array indexed by a
pair (i,j), and just reversed the order of the index pair to switch from
row-wise to column-wise access? It's hard to see how that would slow you
down. Perhaps the slowdown was caused by excessive array copying?
Immutable arrays can be efficient for algorithms that write a whole
array at once, but usually not for algorithms that modify one element at
a time.

I think you'll need to show specific functions that are performing below
expectation before the list will be able to help.

For problems like latin squares and sudoku, also try thinking "outside
the matrix". Do you really need to structure the problem in terms of
rows and columns? What about a set of mutually-intersecting sets of

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: There can be only one fix? Pondering Bekic's lemma

2007-03-19 Thread oleg

Nicolas Frisby wrote:
> My question is: Given products and a fixed point combinator, can any
> pure expression be transformed into a corresponding expression that
> has just a single use of fix?

Albert Y. C. Lai pointed out model-theoretical and CPU-practical
answers. There is also a Haskell-automatic answer. That is,
polyvariadic fixpoint, a combinator to obtain a mutually least
fixpoint of several terms, is expressible in Haskell itself, via the regular
I like its inferred type
fix':: [[a->b]->a->b] -> [a->b]
which is truly the type of the (applicative, or eta-expanded) regular
fix with some round parentheses replaced with square ones.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Two Other AI Sources

2007-03-19 Thread Alfonso Acosta

Just in case it helps, I ported the code of Norvigs Paradigms of
Artificial Intelligence Programming chapter 8 (integrals and
derivates) for a collage course.

It passes all the tests proposed by Norvig in his book, includes an
expression parser written in Parsec and has a small libreadline

I as well have a pretty bad written report (done in a hurry before the
deadline) but could be useful to understand the differences between
the Norvigs implementation and my port.

On 3/19/07, Adam Wyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For the Haskell and AI work, we ought to consider AI programming books
in addition to Russell and Norvig:

/Paradigms of AI Programming:  Case Studies in Common Lisp/, P. Norvig,
/Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence/, I. Bratko, 1990./
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Prolog/, Y. Shoham, 1994.

Perhaps there are newer additions (e.g. Bratko), but the problems and
solutions from these languages are presented.  We can build on them
rather than starting from scratch or even just the theoretical outline
of Russell and Norvig.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: flip fix and iterate

2007-03-19 Thread Chung-chieh Shan
Bryan Burgers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in
> On the topic of 'fix', is there any good tutorial for fix? I searched
> google, but mostly came up with pages including things like 'bug fix'.
> It's hard for me to get an intuition about it when 'fix' always stack
> overflows on me because I don't really know how to use it.

Perhaps try:

Bruce J. McAdam. 1997. That about wraps it up: Using FIX to handle
errors without exceptions, and other programming tricks. Tech. Rep.
ECS-LFCS-97-375, Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science,
Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh.

Edit this signature at
This is a fairly straightforward coding problem: There aren't many
really interesting ways to screw up. -- Leslie Lamport

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] flip fix and iterate (was: Lazy IO and closing of file handles)

2007-03-19 Thread Matthew Brecknell
Bryan Burgers:
> On the topic of 'fix', is there any good tutorial for fix? I searched
> google, but mostly came up with pages including things like 'bug fix'.
> It's hard for me to get an intuition about it when 'fix' always stack
> overflows on me because I don't really know how to use it.

I don't know of any tutorials that teach how to use fix, but these are
some of the pages that helped me on the way towards understanding what
it is:

In Haskell, it might help to note the equivalence between a and a', b
and b', etc, in the following (given appropriate definitions for p, q,
r, s, t, etc):

> a = fix (\f -> if t then f else r)
> a' = let f = (if t then f else r) in f

> b = fix (\f x -> if t' x then f (s' x) else r' x) p
> b' = let f x = (if t' x then f (s' x) else r' x) in f p

> c = fix (\f x y -> if t'' x y then uncurry f (s'' x y) else r'' x y) p q
> c' = let f x y = (if t'' x y then uncurry f (s'' x y) else r'' x y) in f p q


The first case is not of much practical use, since each iteration of f
must produce the same result, so it must either return immediately (if
it doesn't recurse into f) or never (if it does). The other cases can be
useful, since the additional arguments can be used by the implementation
of f to decide whether or not to recurse.

When writing an anonymous function inside an invocation of fix, the main
thing to realise is that the first argument of that anonymous function
is the anonymous function itself. You can use that argument to make a
recursive call to the anonymous function. So you could say it's not
really anonymous after all. Of course, you eventually have to return
without recursing if you want to avoid an infinite loop.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and AI

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Wagner

Ok, I've done some more thinking about this. I think the primary
difference between the games you cited in your article, and more
complex games is that for more complex games, it's easier to think of
a strategy as a function of the current board position, rather than
the moves leading up to it. For games like Nim, it's not so hard to
characterize the moves made thus far, and devise a strategy. Take
chess for an example of a more complex game though. Let's just
consider a couple of moves from the starting position (I'll assume you
know or can work out the meaning of this basic notation). f2-f3,
e7-e5, g2-g4. Now black has a mate-in-1 he can play: d8-h4#. This is
relatively trivial to see from the given position - yet the 2 main
pieces involved in the mate (the black queen and white king) haven't
even been moved yet, and it's not at all easy to see just what the
given moves have to do with the mate. It's much easier if you take the
original position, make the moves, and then create a strategy that is
a function of the current position.

So, while I'm not necessarily disagreeing with anything you said in
your article, I'm just not sure this is a viable way to model
game-playing strategies for non-trivial games. I'd definitely like to
hear more of your thoughts on this though. Thanks for all your great

On 3/19/07, Andrew Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Dan,
I just made the connection between you and your blog, by the way -
great stuff, keep it up. This particular blog is fascinating, too, but
I'm not sure how useful it is to look at more complex 2-player games
this way. I'll have to think about it some more

On 3/19/07, Dan Piponi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: "Andrew Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > After all, functional programming has
> > long been recognized for being good at AI, yet you rarely hear about
> > it being done in Haskell.
> A small observation that might or might not be useful for implementing
> game AIs: 2 player games and their strategies form a monad in a
> non-trivial way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] flip fix and iterate (was: Lazy IO and closing of file handles)

2007-03-19 Thread Bryan Burgers

On the topic of 'fix', is there any good tutorial for fix? I searched
google, but mostly came up with pages including things like 'bug fix'.
It's hard for me to get an intuition about it when 'fix' always stack
overflows on me because I don't really know how to use it.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 14:27 +0100, Maxime Henrion wrote:

> As for the portability of the my graphics code, I can just say it's
> GTK+, using Glade XML files, Cairo and SVG on top of Cairo.  All
> of this is supposed to work fine on Windows, if that's what you
> were asking.  I'm not sure about OS X but I think it could also
> work there.  My primary target is UNIX.

The SVG cairo stuff does build and work on Windows. I didn't include it
in the standard build of the installer since it depends on rather more C
libs and made the download a bit bigger than I'd have liked for such a
small addition.

So we could do another build with that in. Deploying Gtk+ apps on
windows is pretty easy, I'm going to write a bit about how to it some
time, but in the mean time here's one I prepared earlier:

Users don't need GHC or Gtk+ installed, you just bundle all the .dlls
and the download isn't too big I think (3.5M compressed installer for a
1Mb GHC-built .exe + all the Gtk+ dlls).

I've got pre-prepared bundles of gtk+ .dlls that you can use when
building an installer (and another bundle incuding the other header
files and stuff needed to build Gtk2Hs from source):


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: N and R are categories, no?

2007-03-19 Thread Steve Downey

Picky is good, because it helps me realize things like I haven't been
paying enough attention to unit and join. Other than realizing that
they make the box diagram and triangle diagram commute.


On 3/15/07, Dominic Steinitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I haven't formally checked it, but I would bet that this endofunctor
> over N, called Sign, is a monad:

Just to be picky a functor isn't a monad. A monad is a triple consisting of
functor and 2 natural transformations which make certain diagrams commute.

If you are looking for examples, I always think that a partially ordered set
is a good because the objects don't have any elements. A functor is then an
order preserving map between 2 ordered sets and monad is then a closure
( - I didn't know this latter
fact until I just looked it up.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: N and R are categories, no?

2007-03-19 Thread Steve Downey

Thanks. I am trying to develop some intuition / understanding of
monads outside category Fun, because I suspect that once I do, they
will be both simpler and more interesting.

I think if I take the category N to be the natural numbers and the
algebraic functions of a single variable to be the arrows, then the
functor that takes n to 2n might be a monad. That is, a coordinate
transform should be monadic.


On 3/15/07, Nicolas Frisby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That said, N and R are indeed categories; however, considering them as
categories should be carefully interlaced with your intuitions about
them as types.

I haven't formally checked it, but I would bet that this endofunctor
over N, called Sign, is a monad:

  Sign x = x + x
  Pos = injectLeft
  Neg = injectRight

  unit = Pos
  join (Pos (Pos n)) = Pos n
  join (Pos (Neg n)) = Neg n
  join (Neg (Pos n)) = Neg n
  join (Neg (Neg n)) = Pos n

Pos and Neg are just labels for sign. I'm assuming N is the naturals,
not the integers; thus this monad might actually be useful :). Also
note that this means there is not necessarily a mapping from F x -> x.
Neg 3 should not necessarily map to 3. Also, this structure is
probably satisfies many more laws than just the monad laws--e.g.
monoids or monoidals.

So while it might not always make sense to consider N and R as
categories when learning about category theory and Haskell, it might
be helpful to learn about monads (and other notions) in categories
simpler than the Fun category of functional types and partial
functions--N and R are could be good categories for such learning.
Have fun!

On 3/15/07, Ulf Norell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/15/07, Steve Downey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > EOk, i'm trying to write down, not another monad tutorial, because I
> > don't know that much yet, but an explication of my current
> > understanding of monads.
> >
> > But before I write down something that is just flat worng, I thought
> > I'd get a cross check. (and I can't get to #haskell)
> >
> > Monads are Functors. Functors are projections from one category to
> > another such that structure is preserved. One example I have in mind
> > is the embedding of the natural numbers into the real numbers. The
> > mapping is so good, that we don't flinch at saying 1 == 1.0.
>  Monads are endofunctors (functors from one category to itself). This is
> easy to see from the type of join:
>  join : m (m a) -> m a
>  For Haskell monads the category is the category of Haskell types and
> Haskell functions. In this category N and R are objects, so you'll get the
> wrong idea trying to see them as categories.
>  / Ulf
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and AI

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Wagner

Hi Dan,
I just made the connection between you and your blog, by the way -
great stuff, keep it up. This particular blog is fascinating, too, but
I'm not sure how useful it is to look at more complex 2-player games
this way. I'll have to think about it some more

On 3/19/07, Dan Piponi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: "Andrew Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> After all, functional programming has
> long been recognized for being good at AI, yet you rarely hear about
> it being done in Haskell.

A small observation that might or might not be useful for implementing
game AIs: 2 player games and their strategies form a monad in a
non-trivial way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: N and R are categories, no?

2007-03-19 Thread Steve Downey

Thanks! Somehow, the,  now blindingly obvious, fact that a monad must
be a mapping into (not onto, right, at least in general?) is something
I had missed, although it did lead me to be puzzled about join.

So, although you could have a functor from N to R, there is no way it
could be a monad.

In Haskell, it would be Integer instead of N, since the category we
deal with for Haskell Monads are Haskell types.

Does a typeclass, like Num or Eq, form a category? I know that you
can't restrict an instance of Monad to be only over a particular
typeclass, but could I have an EqMonad, with all of the non-sugar
properties of Monad?

On 3/15/07, Ulf Norell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/15/07, Steve Downey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> EOk, i'm trying to write down, not another monad tutorial, because I
> don't know that much yet, but an explication of my current
> understanding of monads.
> But before I write down something that is just flat worng, I thought
> I'd get a cross check. (and I can't get to #haskell)
> Monads are Functors. Functors are projections from one category to
> another such that structure is preserved. One example I have in mind
> is the embedding of the natural numbers into the real numbers. The
> mapping is so good, that we don't flinch at saying 1 == 1.0.

Monads are endofunctors (functors from one category to itself). This is easy
to see from the type of join:

join : m (m a) -> m a

For Haskell monads the category is the category of Haskell types and Haskell
functions. In this category N and R are objects, so you'll get the wrong
idea trying to see them as categories.

/ Ulf

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Matrices in Haskell

2007-03-19 Thread Ivan Miljenovic

Some of you might recall me annoying people on #haskell over the New
Year about my Latin Squares project.  Well, I'm looking at re-doing it
from scratch, but the first thing I need to do is find a new way of
representing my square.

I have been using a list of lists ([[a]]) to represent a matrix.  The
problem with this data structure is that I need to be able to
manipulate matrices as both row-oriented and column-oriented data
structures, as I need to examine the values in the columns as well as
in the rows.  As it stands, I was doing this by transposing the
matrix, manipulating it, then transposing it back again.  This is a
pain, as it takes up about 15% to 20% of the run time.  The other
problem with using a list of lists is that the only reason I'm sure
that the matrix is valid (i.e. all the rows are the same length, etc.)
is because I created it that way, not because the data structure
requires it.

As such, I'd like to know if there's any way of storing a an n-by-n
matrix such that the algorithm/function to get either the rows or the
columns is less than O(n^2) like transposition is.  I did try using an
Array, but my (admittedly hurried and naive) usage of them took longer
than a list of lists, was more difficult to manipulate, and wasn't
required separate inverse functions to row and cols.  Also, since I
need to look all throughout the list of values, it's still O(n^2), but
this time for both rows and columns.

I know that when doing something similar to this in Java a few years
ago (a primitive Sudoku solver, to be precise), I could represent the
rows and columns as to separate 2D arrays, with rows(i,j) pointing to
the same object as cols(j,i).  Is something like this possible in
Haskell?  in particular, I will be storing lists of possible values in
the cells of the matrix, so the capability to backtrack would be very
nice, as I'd be trying each value at a time to see if it is valid.

I'd also want to use such a matrix implementation next semester for a
project, which I plan on being a quick comparison of various
programming languages as to ease of use and efficiency for
matrix-based computing problems.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and AI

2007-03-19 Thread Dan Piponi

From: "Andrew Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After all, functional programming has
long been recognized for being good at AI, yet you rarely hear about
it being done in Haskell.

A small observation that might or might not be useful for implementing
game AIs: 2 player games and their strategies form a monad in a
non-trivial way.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] flip fix and iterate (was: Lazy IO and closing of file handles)

2007-03-19 Thread Matthew Brecknell
Pete Kazmier:
> I understand the intent of this code, but I am having a hard time
> understanding the implementation, specifically the combination of
> 'fix', 'flip', and 'interate'.  I looked up 'fix' and I'm unsure how
> one can call 'flip' on a function that takes one argument.

I threw that in there because I figured you were up for another
challenge. :-)

It took me ages to get some clue about how to use fix, quite apart from
combining it with flip. The concept of passing the output of a function
as one of its parameters ("tying the knot") can be difficult to accept,
particularly if you haven't studied lambda calculus. Note that I could
have just written this:

> let iterate a = do
>   ... iterate a' ...
> iterate accum

Or this:

> fix iterate accum
> where
>   iterate a = do
> ... iterate a' ...

Though with the latter, I presume you would still be confused about how
I can pass two arguments to a function that only takes one. Actually,
that's not that difficult. Say I have a function "f" that takes two
arguments. Then I could write:

> (id f) a b

No problem. But function application associates to the left (at least in
value-land), so I could just as easily write:

> id f a b

You could say I was passing three arguments to id, which only takes one
argument. But id returns its first argument, so I'm really just passing
the last two arguments to the function returned by id.

So with my use of "flip fix", I'm really just calling fix on the
anonymous function (\iterate accum -> ...), and then the parameter
("accum") is passed to the function returned by fix. So now you just
need a couple of weeks (or months if you're as slow as me) to understand
what fix is all about... :-)

There is the question of whether it's preferable to use the "let" form
or the "fix" form for embedding a recursive function in the middle of a
do-block. I don't know if there's any consensus on this question, but it
seems to me to be about whether one prefers to read a function top-down
or bottom-up. I think I'm about 80/20 top-down/bottom-up. When I read a
"let", I know (due to laziness) that it doesn't have any effect until
the bindings are used, so I usually find myself scanning forward to find
those uses. When I read "fix \f -> ...", I see exactly how the
(anonymous) function is used, just before I get to its definition. So
fix helps me to see things in a mostly top-down fashion.

A couple of times I have wished that the libraries contained
"pre-flipped" versions of fix, for example:

> fix1 a f = fix f a
> fix2 a b f = fix f a b
> fix3 a b c f = fix f a b c

Any opinions on whether this would be a worthwhile addition? Or would it
just legitimise an obscure idiom?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread David House

On 19/03/07, Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Vectors don't act like numbers, a vector space is not a field, even if
they have some common operations.

As I said in my previous email, this is because Num is too big. We
need to split it down, but there's no sane way of doing this without
your average numeric function needing about a thousand different
constraints on it. Type class synonyms [1] look promising, but
no-one's implemented them yet AFAIK.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Fawzi,

Monday, March 19, 2007, 1:20:37 PM, you wrote:

> Also arrays, inset,... have quite some overlapping.
> For array the use of the IArray typeclass kept the things nice also 
> using Arrays and UArrays together, but adding IntSet to the whole worked
> only qualifying, and then I also wanted to define a fold for my type...

there are two libraries, Edison and Collection, that includes type
classes hierarchy for collection types. may be, it will be useful for

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Fawzi,

Monday, March 19, 2007, 8:26:33 PM, you wrote:

> Maybe I did not express me clearly enough, I think that classes are
> useful (and the language that I was speaking of, aldor, has them), but
> it is not nice that the only way to have an overloaded function is to 
> define a type class

overloading without using type classes (as it is implemented in C++)
is hardly compatible with type inference. imagine that you has two

f :: String -> Int
f :: Int -> Int

and write (f a). what should be type of a? it becomes a list of
possible types. because type inference mechanism pushes inferred types
up and down, the whole information about type of each term will become
much more complicated. compare this to current requirement to overload
using only type classes. in this case, you know that 'a' belongs to
some class, so possible variants don't multiply at each inference step

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Two Other AI Sources

2007-03-19 Thread Adam Wyner
For the Haskell and AI work, we ought to consider AI programming books 
in addition to Russell and Norvig:

/Paradigms of AI Programming:  Case Studies in Common Lisp/, P. Norvig, 

/Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence/, I. Bratko, 1990./
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Prolog/, Y. Shoham, 1994.

Perhaps there are newer additions (e.g. Bratko), but the problems and 
solutions from these languages are presented.  We can build on them 
rather than starting from scratch or even just the theoretical outline 
of Russell and Norvig.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] There can be only one fix? Pondering Bekic's lemma

2007-03-19 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

Nicolas Frisby wrote:

My question is: Given products and a fixed point combinator, can any
pure expression be transformed into a corresponding expression that
has just a single use of fix?

If yes, has there been any usage of such a transformation, or is it just 


One use is theoretical and conscious. Facts proven about single 
recursion automatically carry over to mutual recursions, since the 
latter can be packaged up as the former. For example, one fact says that 
regarding the equation x = f x, you can construct the sequence

_|_, f _|_, f (f _|_), ..., f^n _|_, ...

the terms get closer to a solution for x as you go down the sequence, 
and under a continuity assumption, you just need omega iterations to get 
to the fixed point. The same fact automatically applies to the system of 
equations {y = g z, z = h y}, i.e., the sequence

(_|_, _|_), (g_|_, h_|_), (g (h_|_), h (g_|_)), ...

gets closer and closer to a solution for (y,z), and under a continuity 
assumption you just need omega iterations to get to the solution. This 
is of course the most basic example of facts. There are more advanced 
facts, such as fusion, leapfrogging, etc. with practical use in code 
optimization, and they are enjoyed by both single recursion and mutual 

(Perhaps it is now clear what is meant by "true product" and why it is 
required. The above example fact says in general: start your sequence 
from the bottom. This "bottom" seems a bit ambiguous in the mutual case, 
since there are two different common ways of tupling up two partial 
orders. One is the cartesian product, which you probably know how to do, 
and its bottom is (_|_, _|_). The other is, on top of that --- or shall 
I say below bottom of that --- insert an extra _|_ below (_|_, _|_), and 
this is what Haskell 98 does with its (,) type. Clearly, for our theory 
to work, you want the former, and its probably called the "true product" 
in contrast to the latter, which is the "lifted product" or "pointed 

But perhaps the most widespread practical use is a subconscious one. How 
do you write an interpreter, for a language that supports mutual 
recursion, in a language that just provides iteration? You introduce a 
program counter and a stack, then you write just one loop: it 
dereferences the program counter, does a case analysis, updates stack as 
necessary, updates program counter as necessary, repeat. You have turned 
a mutual recursion into a single tail recursion. In an indirect sense it 
is an application of the basic example theoretical fact above. It is so 
widespread and yet so subconscious, you cannot avoid it if you use any 
real computer at all, and yet you hardly think about it, as this is 
exactly what every existing CPU does.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Lazy IO and closing of file handles

2007-03-19 Thread Isaac Dupree
Hash: SHA1

Pete Kazmier wrote:
> Bryan O'Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Pete Kazmier wrote:
>>> I understand the intent of this code, but I am having a hard time
>>> understanding the implementation, specifically the combination of
>>> 'fix', 'flip', and 'interate'.  I looked up 'fix' and I'm unsure how
>>> one can call 'flip' on a function that takes one argument.
>> As to why it's okay to call "flip" on "fix" at all, look at the types
>> involved.
>> fix :: (a -> a) -> a
>> flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
>> By substitution:
>> flip fix :: a -> ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> b
> Sadly, I'm still confused.  I understand how 'flip' works in the case
> where its argument is a function that takes two arguments.  I've
> started to use this in my own code lately.  But my brain refuses to
> understand how 'flip' is applied to 'fix', a function that takes one
> argument only, which happens to be a function itself.  What is 'flip'
> flipping when the function passed to it only takes one argument?

fix :: (a -> a) -> a
In this case, we know something about 'a': it is a function (b -> c).
fix :: ((b -> c) -> (b -> c)) -> (b -> c)
Take advantage of the right-associativity of (->)
fix :: ((b -> c) -> b -> c) -> b -> c
Now it looks like a function of two arguments, because the return value
(normally ordinary data) can in fact, in this case, take arguments.

Here's another example of that:

data Box a = Box a
get (Box a) = a
- -- get (Box 1) :: Int
- -- get (Box (\a -> a)) :: Int -> Int
- -- (get (Box (\a -> a))) 1 :: Int
 --function application is left-associative:
- -- get (Box (\a -> a)) 1 :: Int
- -- flip get 1 (Box (\a -> a)) :: Int

Yes, it sometimes confuses me too.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Lazy IO and closing of file handles

2007-03-19 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Here's what happens:
fix has type (x->x)->x
and that has to match the first argument to flip, namely 'a->b->c'.
The only chance of that is if x is actually a function type.
Pick x=b->c, now we have
fix has type ((b->c)->b->c)->b->c
and it matches a->b->c if a=(b->c)->b->c

Flip returns b->a->c, and if we substitute we get

If you rename the variables you get the suggested type.

-- Lennart

On Mar 19, 2007, at 20:35 , Pete Kazmier wrote:

Bryan O'Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Pete Kazmier wrote:

I understand the intent of this code, but I am having a hard time
understanding the implementation, specifically the combination of
'fix', 'flip', and 'interate'.  I looked up 'fix' and I'm unsure how
one can call 'flip' on a function that takes one argument.

As to why it's okay to call "flip" on "fix" at all, look at the types

fix :: (a -> a) -> a
flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c

By substitution:

flip fix :: a -> ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> b

Sadly, I'm still confused.  I understand how 'flip' works in the case
where its argument is a function that takes two arguments.  I've
started to use this in my own code lately.  But my brain refuses to
understand how 'flip' is applied to 'fix', a function that takes one
argument only, which happens to be a function itself.  What is 'flip'
flipping when the function passed to it only takes one argument?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Lazy IO and closing of file handles

2007-03-19 Thread Pete Kazmier
Bryan O'Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Pete Kazmier wrote:
>> I understand the intent of this code, but I am having a hard time
>> understanding the implementation, specifically the combination of
>> 'fix', 'flip', and 'interate'.  I looked up 'fix' and I'm unsure how
>> one can call 'flip' on a function that takes one argument.

> As to why it's okay to call "flip" on "fix" at all, look at the types
> involved.
> fix :: (a -> a) -> a
> flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
> By substitution:
> flip fix :: a -> ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> b

Sadly, I'm still confused.  I understand how 'flip' works in the case
where its argument is a function that takes two arguments.  I've
started to use this in my own code lately.  But my brain refuses to
understand how 'flip' is applied to 'fix', a function that takes one
argument only, which happens to be a function itself.  What is 'flip'
flipping when the function passed to it only takes one argument?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Algorithms

2007-03-19 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

P. R. Stanley wrote:
yes, this is good. So, let's start with A. How would you sope the 
problem? What's your algorithm for identifying problems?

What is "understanding"? Discuss...

To relate a problem to known problems, I think I use a heuristic search 
that may bite the bullet and do a brute-force search. The search is on 
both the target problem and the relation.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Search monad

2007-03-19 Thread Jeff Polakow

  You might want to look at the scrap your boilerplate papers and/or their 
implementation in GHC in Data.Generics.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/19/2007 01:11:19 PM:

> Hey,
> I have a structure containing Xs in various places, like so
> data X
> data Structure = Structure .. [X] .. [X] ..
> And I defined mapStructure 
> mapStructure :: (X -> X) -> (Structure -> Structure)
> I then wanted to use mapStructure to define queries as well as
> transformations on structures. I generalized mapStructure to
> mapStructureM:
> mapStructure :: Monad m => (X -> m X) -> (Structure -> m Structure)
> and then defined the following search monad:
> > data Search f a b = Found (f a) b
> > 
> > class Monad (m a) => SearchMonad m a where
> > found :: a -> m a a
> > 
> > fromSearch :: Search f a b -> f a
> > fromSearch (Found a _) = a
> > 
> > search :: (SearchMonad m a) => (a -> Bool) -> a -> m a a
> > search f a
> > | f a = found a
> > | otherwise = return a
> Instances of the monad for finding one and for finding all elements:
> > instance SearchMonad (Search Maybe) a where
> > found a = Found (Just a) a
> > 
> > instance SearchMonad (Search []) a where
> > found a = Found [a] a
> > 
> > instance Monad (Search Maybe a) where
> > return b = Found Nothing b
> > Found (Just a) a' >>= f = case f a' of
> > Found _ b -> Found (Just a) b
> > Found Nothing a' >>= f = f a'
> > 
> > instance Monad (Search [] a) where
> > return b = Found [] b
> > Found as a' >>= f = case f a' of
> > Found as' b -> Found (as ++ as') b
> Here is a simple sample session with ghci
> *Util> fromSearch $ mapM (search even) [1,3,5] :: Maybe Int
> Nothing
> *Util> fromSearch $ mapM (search even) [1,2,3,4,5] :: Maybe Int
> Just 2
> *Util> fromSearch $ mapM (search even) [1,2,3,4,5] :: [Int]
> [2,4]
> What I'm wondering about is if this monad is an instance of a more 
> general monad(if so, which one?), and generally if people have any 
> comments about these definitions.
> Thanks!
> Edsko 
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell and AI

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Wagner

 I agree with Andrew Wagner re: Haskell and AI.

There are some relevant resources on Haskell, Maths, and Logic:

The Haskell Road To Logic, Maths And Programming (Paperback)
by Kees Doets (Author), Jan van Eijck (Author)

I liked this book. What parts did you have in mind specifically as
being relevant to AI?

van Eijck has another book on Computational Semantics. Elsewhere, there is
work on learning algorithms in Haskell.

Broadly, we might start by gathering known resources, projects, and people.
We could consider one of the standard AI books as a guide for chapters,
sections, and problems to fill in with Haskell approaches.

I like this idea. On the other thread [1] Ricardo Herrmann suggested
following the structure of "AI: A Modern Approach", the classical text
[2] by Russell and Norvig. Do others agree? I think we should carve
out a section of the wiki, in the Applications and Libraries section
[3] for AI, which should then be split into (at least) a section each
for relevant papers, code, interesting AI problems with their
solutions, and a table-of-contents type page, structured according to
a text like this. Comments?

I'd be very interested to contribute to this.

Maybe we should assemble an AI strike force? :)

Adam Wyner

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Lazy IO and closing of file handles

2007-03-19 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan

Pete Kazmier wrote:

I understand the intent of this code, but I am having a hard time
understanding the implementation, specifically the combination of
'fix', 'flip', and 'interate'.  I looked up 'fix' and I'm unsure how
one can call 'flip' on a function that takes one argument.

If you look at the code, that's not really what's happening.  See the 
embedded anonymous function below?

>  flip fix accum $
> \iterate accum -> do
>   ...

It's a function of two arguments.  All "flip" is doing is switching the 
order of the arguments to "fix", in this case for readability.  If you 
were to get rid of the "flip", you'd need to remove the "accum" after 
"fix" and move it after the lambda expression, which would make the 
expression much uglier to write and read.  So all the "flip" is doing 
here is tidying up the code.

(If you're still confused, look at the difference between forM and mapM. 
 The only reason forM exists is readability when you have - in terms of 
the amount of screen space they consume - a big function and a small 
piece of data, just as here.)

As to why it's okay to call "flip" on "fix" at all, look at the types 

fix :: (a -> a) -> a
flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c

By substitution:

flip fix :: a -> ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> b

In the case above, accum has type a, and the lambda has type
(a -> IO a) -> a -> IO a, and these fit nicely into the type expected by 
"flip fix".

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: System.Random StdGen read fails on some strings? [also continues: Random/StdGen/read: there is something unclear (or misunderstood!)]

2007-03-19 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 3/19/07, Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Good point.  It's a bit stupid that 'read' fails utterly on strings shorter 
than 6.

I don't thin StdRandom has an "owner" at the moment.  There's a process for proposing 
library changes, described under "guidelines for developers" here

That's the way to get your change adopted.

There's already a thread about this on the libraries list:
Ian commented with a proposal for fixing it, and no one has followed
up yet. That would probably be a good place to direct any more

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell and AI

2007-03-19 Thread Adam Wyner

I agree with Andrew Wagner re:  Haskell and AI.

There are some relevant resources on Haskell, Maths, and Logic:

*The Haskell Road To Logic, Maths And Programming (Paperback) *
by Kees Doets 

 (Author), Jan van Eijck 


van Eijck has another book on Computational Semantics.  Elsewhere, there is 
work on learning algorithms in Haskell.

Broadly, we might start by gathering known resources, projects, and people.  We 
could consider one of the standard AI books as a guide for chapters, sections, 
and problems to fill in with Haskell approaches.

I'd be very interested to contribute to this.

Adam Wyner

Message: 7
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:51:19 -0400
From: "Andrew Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Chess
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Here's my take on this: I've thought for a while now that Haskell
needs a general toolkit for AI. After all, functional programming has
long been recognized for being good at AI, yet you rarely hear about
it being done in Haskell. Anyway, my suggestion would be to
concentrate on methods of AI. For example, if we implement alpha-beta
polymorphically enough, it should be trivial to use it for any game
that it makes sense to use it on. This kind of thing is what I was
thinking of when I talked about some "fundamental design" ideas I had.
Things like writing a Board type-class, so that you can implement any
board representation you want to for chess. Or writing alpha-beta in
terms of positions and moves, regardless of what kind of game you're
talking about (I also think you simply must use unfoldTree, as this is
a beautiful instance of it). Things like learning, and other general
strategies, should be developed independently of any particular game,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Jón Fairbairn
Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Vectors don't act like numbers, a vector space is not a
> field, even if they have some common operations.

That's a long-standing flaw in the design of numeric
classes. It's not a problem with typeclasses per se.

> I find it misleading to define something a number when it
> does not satisfy all the properties of numbers.

Justifiably so. But if you had a class Additive, would you
be unhappy about defining (+) on non-numbers?

> The numerical prelude might fix this, but still I think that
> class and overloading should be distinct concepts.

I think the problem here is that you are using the word
class to mean something different from Haskell
classes. Haskell typeclasses /are/ overloading, and that's
what I understand them as.  They were originally introduced
as a solution to the question of how to handle equality so
that one didn't have to use different names for the same
concept on different types.

Jón Fairbairn [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (updated 2006-09-13)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Ricardo Herrmann

Same as the MIME case:

It would be great trying to unify all of these (and many more) into a
library. Following he AIMA structure could be a good start.

At the moment I'm working on implementing some AI Planning systems in
Haskell and wrote my own logic unification, for example.

On 3/19/07, Andrew Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's my take on this: I've thought for a while now that Haskell
needs a general toolkit for AI. After all, functional programming has
long been recognized for being good at AI, yet you rarely hear about
it being done in Haskell. Anyway, my suggestion would be to
concentrate on methods of AI. For example, if we implement alpha-beta
polymorphically enough, it should be trivial to use it for any game
that it makes sense to use it on. This kind of thing is what I was
thinking of when I talked about some "fundamental design" ideas I had.
Things like writing a Board type-class, so that you can implement any
board representation you want to for chess. Or writing alpha-beta in
terms of positions and moves, regardless of what kind of game you're
talking about (I also think you simply must use unfoldTree, as this is
a beautiful instance of it). Things like learning, and other general
strategies, should be developed independently of any particular game,

On 3/19/07, Steffen Mazanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I originally used a more general approach (probably similar to the one
> you refer to), but
> kicked generality out in favor of simplicity. In teaching one should
> probably just discuss
> this aspect, but stay with the simple approach (I'll add a note to the
> wiki page :-)). In
> contrast, for the real Haskell world such a library would be great. One
> could even use
> an abstract game specification and compute the corresponding core (if
> existing and
> computation being feasible according to the complexity of the game).
> Two-Player-zero-sum games are very library friendly kinds of games.
> However, interesting
> "other" games are probably too diverse to be pressed in a general
> framework, aren't they?
> Henning Thielemann schrieb:
> > On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Andrew Wagner wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Steffen,
> >> I've done some chess AI programming in the past, so I'd be happy to
> >> help with this project. I have some pretty fundamental design
> >> suggestions that I'll write up for the wiki page.
> >>
> >
> > As a spin-off, will there grow some library for general strategies in
> > board games, like those described in "why functional programming
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Ricardo Guimarães Herrmann
"Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc,
informally specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common
"Any sufficiently complicated Lisp or Ruby program contains an ad hoc,
informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Haskell"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Lazy IO and closing of file handles

2007-03-19 Thread Pete Kazmier
Pete Kazmier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I attempted to read Oleg's fold-stream implementation [1] as this
> sounds quite appealing to me, but I was completely overwhelmed,
> especially with all of the various type signatures used.  It would be
> great if one of the regular Haskell bloggers (Tom Moertel are you
> reading this?) might write a blog entry or two interpreting his
> implementation for those of us starting out in Haskell perhaps by
> starting out with a non-polymorphic version so as to emphasize the
> approach.
> [1]

In the event any other Haskell newbie comes along someday and is just
as overwhelmed as I was, I've found this post by Oleg to be a much
easier to understand than the above paper because it is not as generic
and thus the type signatures are a bit easier on the eyes:

With that said, I have a question regarding Hal's response to the
above email in which he states:

> Just thought I'd mention that this is, in fact, my preferred method of
> iterating over a file.  It alleviates the pain associated with lazy file
> IO, and simultaneously provides a useful abstraction.  I actually have
> 3*2 functions that I use which look like:
> > type Iteratee  iter seed = seed -> iter -> Either seed seed
> > hFoldChars  :: FilePath -> Iteratee  Char seed -> seed -> IO seed
> > hFoldLines  :: FilePath -> Iteratee  String   seed -> seed -> IO seed
> > hFoldWords  :: FilePath -> Iteratee  [String] seed -> seed -> IO seed
> > type IterateeM iter seed = seed -> iter -> IO (Either seed seed)
> > hFoldCharsM :: FilePath -> IterateeM Char seed -> seed -> IO seed
> > hFoldLinesM :: FilePath -> IterateeM String   seed -> seed -> IO seed
> > hFoldWordsM :: FilePath -> IterateeM [String] seed -> seed -> IO seed
> Which perform as expected (hFoldWords(M) can be written in terms of
> hFoldLinesM, but I find I use it sufficiently frequently to warrent
> having it stand out).  Also, of course, the only ones actually
> implemented are the (M) variants; the non-M variants just throw a return
> into the Iteratee.

What does he mean by the very last sentence?  Oleg's version seems
more like the non-M versions.  What is his implication?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

David House wrote:

On 19/03/07, Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is is very ugly in my opinion, because for me a type class should
represent something more than just a way to overload, is something is
not a number then it should not have the class Num.

Num is a collection of types whose members can be added and subtracted
and so on. As numbers are the most common example of this, one could
say the members of Num _act like numbers_, rather than are numbers in

Really typeclasses are all about overloading. For example, Eq is the
collection of types that the equality predicate (==) applies to. I
don't see this as ugly; quite the contrary, in that if you know a type
instantiates Eq you can use (==) without worrying about using a
type-specific equality predicate. E.g. it's nice to see the same (==)
everywhere rather than seeing (say) (Int.==), (Bool.==) and so on.

Maybe I did not express me clearly enough, I think that classes are 
useful (and the language that I was speaking of, aldor, has them), but 
it is not nice that the only way to have an overloaded function is to 
define a type class, or that you need to fully implement a class just to 
overload one function of it.
Vectors don't act like numbers, a vector space is not a field, even if 
they have some common operations.
I find it misleading to define something a number when it does not 
satisfy all the properties of numbers.
The numerical prelude might fix this, but still I think that class and 
overloading should be distinct concepts.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: MIME Strike Force

2007-03-19 Thread Björn Bringert

Jeremy Shaw wrote:


If you have tried to do any MIME processing using Haskell, you are
likely to have found two things:

 1) There are a lot of MIME libraries for Haskell
 2) None of them do everything you want

So, I propose that we form a MIME Strike Force and create the one,
true MIME library. 

The plan is something like this:

1) Document all the things the MIME library needs to support.

2) Pick the technology, and design the infrastructure for supporting
   these features. For example, I don't think we will be able to use
   Parsec because:

   i) We want to support ByteString
   ii) We want to be able to lazily parse the message

3) Try to reuse as much existing code as possible to implement the

I have started step 1 by creating this page:

Please add your comments, requirements, etc.

If you are interesting in helping contrib ideas, code, or flames,
please let me know. If there is enough interest, we should probably
set up a mailing list for discussion.


ps. This *might* make a decent SoC project, but only if it results in
the one, true MIME library. We definitely do not need another
incomplete MIME library floating around. 

Good idea! I added a subsection for existing code to the wiki page, and 
added the multipart parser from the cgi package, which uses ByteStrings.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Search monad

2007-03-19 Thread Edsko de Vries

I have a structure containing Xs in various places, like so

data X
data Structure = Structure .. [X] .. [X] ..

And I defined mapStructure 

mapStructure :: (X -> X) -> (Structure -> Structure)

I then wanted to use mapStructure to define queries as well as
transformations on structures. I generalized mapStructure to

mapStructure :: Monad m => (X -> m X) -> (Structure -> m Structure)

and then defined the following search monad:

> data Search f a b = Found (f a) b
> class Monad (m a) => SearchMonad m a where
> found :: a -> m a a
> fromSearch :: Search f a b -> f a
> fromSearch (Found a _) = a
> search :: (SearchMonad m a) => (a -> Bool) -> a -> m a a
> search f a
> | f a = found a
> | otherwise = return a

Instances of the monad for finding one and for finding all elements:

> instance SearchMonad (Search Maybe) a where
> found a = Found (Just a) a
> instance SearchMonad (Search []) a where
> found a = Found [a] a
> instance Monad (Search Maybe a) where
> return b = Found Nothing b
> Found (Just a) a' >>= f = case f a' of
> Found _ b -> Found (Just a) b
> Found Nothing a' >>= f = f a'
> instance Monad (Search [] a) where
> return b = Found [] b
> Found as a' >>= f = case f a' of
> Found as' b -> Found (as ++ as') b

Here is a simple sample session with ghci

*Util> fromSearch $ mapM (search even) [1,3,5] :: Maybe Int
*Util> fromSearch $ mapM (search even) [1,2,3,4,5] :: Maybe Int
Just 2
*Util> fromSearch $ mapM (search even) [1,2,3,4,5] :: [Int]

What I'm wondering about is if this monad is an instance of a more general 
monad(if so, which one?), and generally if people have any comments about these 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread David House

On 19/03/07, Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is is very ugly in my opinion, because for me a type class should
represent something more than just a way to overload, is something is
not a number then it should not have the class Num.

Num is a collection of types whose members can be added and subtracted
and so on. As numbers are the most common example of this, one could
say the members of Num _act like numbers_, rather than are numbers in

Really typeclasses are all about overloading. For example, Eq is the
collection of types that the equality predicate (==) applies to. I
don't see this as ugly; quite the contrary, in that if you know a type
instantiates Eq you can use (==) without worrying about using a
type-specific equality predicate. E.g. it's nice to see the same (==)
everywhere rather than seeing (say) (Int.==), (Bool.==) and so on.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type synonym application

2007-03-19 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Ian Lynagh wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 05:47:21PM +, C Rodrigues wrote:
> > Type synonyms aren't applied as I would expect during kind checking.
> > What's going on here?
> >
> > type WithList a b = b [a]
> > type FooPair a b = (b, a -> b)
> >
> > -- error: `WithList' is applied to too many type arguments
> > ints1 :: WithList Int FooPair [Int]
> > ints1 = ([1], id)
> That's caused by kind defaulting, as bulat said.

In Haskell 98 it is not allowed to define type synonymes in a partially
applied manner. That is, there is no alternative to

type WithList a b c = b [a] c
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] There can be only one fix? Pondering Bekic's lemma

2007-03-19 Thread Nicolas Frisby

Nope, but I believe the two are equipotent. This usage of "believe" is
one of those "I think I remember reading it somewhere" usages.

On 3/19/07, Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Nicolas Frisby wrote:

> Bekic's lemma [1], allows us to transform nested fixed points into a
> single fixed point, such as:
> fix (\x -> fix (\y -> f (x, y))) = fix f where f :: (a, a) -> a

The 'fix' on the right hand side is not the standard one (e.g.
Control.Monad.Fix), is it?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Wagner

Here's my take on this: I've thought for a while now that Haskell
needs a general toolkit for AI. After all, functional programming has
long been recognized for being good at AI, yet you rarely hear about
it being done in Haskell. Anyway, my suggestion would be to
concentrate on methods of AI. For example, if we implement alpha-beta
polymorphically enough, it should be trivial to use it for any game
that it makes sense to use it on. This kind of thing is what I was
thinking of when I talked about some "fundamental design" ideas I had.
Things like writing a Board type-class, so that you can implement any
board representation you want to for chess. Or writing alpha-beta in
terms of positions and moves, regardless of what kind of game you're
talking about (I also think you simply must use unfoldTree, as this is
a beautiful instance of it). Things like learning, and other general
strategies, should be developed independently of any particular game,

On 3/19/07, Steffen Mazanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I originally used a more general approach (probably similar to the one
you refer to), but
kicked generality out in favor of simplicity. In teaching one should
probably just discuss
this aspect, but stay with the simple approach (I'll add a note to the
wiki page :-)). In
contrast, for the real Haskell world such a library would be great. One
could even use
an abstract game specification and compute the corresponding core (if
existing and
computation being feasible according to the complexity of the game).

Two-Player-zero-sum games are very library friendly kinds of games.
However, interesting
"other" games are probably too diverse to be pressed in a general
framework, aren't they?

Henning Thielemann schrieb:
> On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Andrew Wagner wrote:
>> Steffen,
>> I've done some chess AI programming in the past, so I'd be happy to
>> help with this project. I have some pretty fundamental design
>> suggestions that I'll write up for the wiki page.
> As a spin-off, will there grow some library for general strategies in
> board games, like those described in "why functional programming matters"?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Hi Andrew, and thank you for invitation.

Well, what can I say. I am glad that the wise game can spark spirit of
cooperation here. Perhaps it is time for Mr. Haskell to leave stale
university rooms and go out for beer:-)

On my part I can promise to watch the project and perhaps, architecture
permitting, I may suggest a module that could learn from mistakes.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread apfelmus
Robert Dockins wrote:
> The main reason is to avoid the need for mutually
> recursive modules, and not because its a particularly nice design.

Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
> This seems to be a result of "module/import" being the one-true-and-unique-way
> to create a namespace combined with almost no support for recursive modules.

I'd like to remind you that the Haskell98 report explicitly allows
recursive modules

However, it's a real pity that Hugs doesn't support them at all and that
you have to take extra pains with .boot-files to get them in GHC.
Recursive modules are the lazy evaluation of modules and "One should not
obstruct access to such a vital tool". I want recursive modules for free!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Steffen Mazanek
I originally used a more general approach (probably similar to the one 
you refer to), but
kicked generality out in favor of simplicity. In teaching one should 
probably just discuss
this aspect, but stay with the simple approach (I'll add a note to the 
wiki page :-)). In
contrast, for the real Haskell world such a library would be great. One 
could even use
an abstract game specification and compute the corresponding core (if 
existing and

computation being feasible according to the complexity of the game).

Two-Player-zero-sum games are very library friendly kinds of games. 
However, interesting
"other" games are probably too diverse to be pressed in a general 
framework, aren't they?

Henning Thielemann schrieb:

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Andrew Wagner wrote:


I've done some chess AI programming in the past, so I'd be happy to
help with this project. I have some pretty fundamental design
suggestions that I'll write up for the wiki page.

As a spin-off, will there grow some library for general strategies in
board games, like those described in "why functional programming matters"?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type synonym application

2007-03-19 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 05:47:21PM +, C Rodrigues wrote:
> Type synonyms aren't applied as I would expect during kind checking.  
> What's going on here?
> type WithList a b = b [a]
> type FooPair a b = (b, a -> b)
> -- error: `WithList' is applied to too many type arguments
> ints1 :: WithList Int FooPair [Int]
> ints1 = ([1], id)

That's caused by kind defaulting, as bulat said.

> -- error: `FooPair' is not applied to enough type arguments
> ints2 :: (WithList Int FooPair) [Int]
> ints2 = ([1], id)

Type synonyms must be fully applied, i.e. you must always have something
(FooPair a Int)
in types, not just FooPair, (FooPair a) or (FooPair Char).

The reason is that otherwise you get type-level lambdas, and type
inference becomes undecidable.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Andrew Wagner wrote:

> Steffen,
> I've done some chess AI programming in the past, so I'd be happy to
> help with this project. I have some pretty fundamental design
> suggestions that I'll write up for the wiki page.

As a spin-off, will there grow some library for general strategies in
board games, like those described in "why functional programming matters"?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Lazy IO and closing of file handles

2007-03-19 Thread Pete Kazmier
"Matthew Brecknell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Pete Kazmier:
>> I attempted to read Oleg's fold-stream implementation [1] as this
>> sounds quite appealing to me, but I was completely overwhelmed,
>> especially with all of the various type signatures used.  It would be
>> great if one of the regular Haskell bloggers (Tom Moertel are you
>> reading this?) might write a blog entry or two interpreting his
>> implementation for those of us starting out in Haskell perhaps by
>> starting out with a non-polymorphic version so as to emphasize the
>> approach.
>> [1]
> The basic idea of the paper is the use of a left-fold operator as the
> primary interface for enumarating collections. The recursive version
> (less general than the non-recursive version) of a left-fold operator
> for enumerating the lines of a text file might look something like this:
>> import Control.Monad.Fix
>> import Control.Exception
>> import Data.List
>> import qualified Data.Set as S
>> import qualified Data.Map as M
>> import System.IO
>> enumLines :: (a -> String -> Either a a) -> a -> FilePath -> IO a
>> enumLines iter accum filename = do
>>   h <- openFile filename ReadMode
>>   flip fix accum $
>> \iterate accum -> do
>>   try_line <- try (hGetLine h)
>>   case try_line of
>> Left e -> hClose h >> return accum
>> Right line -> do
>>   case iter accum line of
>> Left accum -> hClose h >> return accum
>> Right accum -> iterate accum

I understand the intent of this code, but I am having a hard time
understanding the implementation, specifically the combination of
'fix', 'flip', and 'interate'.  I looked up 'fix' and I'm unsure how
one can call 'flip' on a function that takes one argument.

> To use this, you provide an "iteratee", a function which takes an
> accumulator and a line from the file, and returns a new accumulator
> embedded in an Either. Using the Left branch causes immediate
> termination of the enumeration. For example, to search for the first
> occurrence of each of a set of email headers:
>> getHeaders :: S.Set String -> FilePath -> IO (S.Set String, M.Map String 
>> String)
>> getHeaders hdrs file = enumLines findHdrs (hdrs,M.empty) file where
>>   findHdrs accum@(wanted,found) line =
>> if null line
>>   then Left accum
>>   else
>> case headerLine line of
>>   Nothing -> Right accum
>>   Just hdr ->
>> case findDelete hdr wanted of
>>   Nothing -> Right accum
>>   Just wanted ->
>> let accum = (wanted, M.insert hdr line found) in
>>   if S.null wanted
>> then Left accum
>> else Right accum
>> headerLine :: String -> Maybe String
>> headerLine (':':xs) = Just []
>> headerLine (x:xs) = fmap (x:) (headerLine xs)
>> headerLine [] = Nothing
>> findDelete :: Ord a => a -> S.Set a -> Maybe (S.Set a)
>> findDelete e s = if S.member e s
>>   then Just (S.delete e s)
>>   else Nothing
> It's a bit of a case-analysis nightmare, but when comparing this to
> previous approaches, note that file traversal and processing are cleanly
> separated, file handle closure is guaranteed to be timely, file
> traversal stops as soon as all the required headers have been found,
> memory usage is minimised.

Very nice.  I like the clean separation, but as you say, its one ugly
bit of code compared to my original code, although much more elegant
no doubt.

> I hope that helps.

Very much so.  Thank you for you help.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Summer of Code project proposal

2007-03-19 Thread Neil Mitchell

Hi Nikhil,

haskell-case is probably a better choice of list for this - haskell is
more for announcements.

> I am Nikhil N, a third year Computer Science student from India. I am
looking at building a good
IDE for people learning Haskell(as part of SoC).This IDE will be modeled
on Dr Scheme or blueJ.

Have you looked at something based on HIDE or GuiHaskell? The latter
is certainly in the SoC database (I added it), the former was an
active project a while ago.

How much work do you think is involved in writing an IDE?  I suspect
its a massive amount - much more than one summers worth


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] There can be only one fix? Pondering Bekic's lemma

2007-03-19 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Nicolas Frisby wrote:

> Bekic's lemma [1], allows us to transform nested fixed points into a
> single fixed point, such as:
> fix (\x -> fix (\y -> f (x, y))) = fix f where f :: (a, a) -> a

The 'fix' on the right hand side is not the standard one (e.g.
Control.Monad.Fix), is it?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

> I used a "Types" module for most of the types in the all haskell regex-*
> backends I wrote.  Doing anything else tended to lead to cycles, like Rob 
> mentioned.
> This seems to be a result of "module/import" being the one-true-and-unique-way
> to create a namespace combined with almost no support for recursive modules.
> Thus data types that (indirectly) refer to each other must be in the same
> namespace.  Thus one cannot even have a "all data types go in separate 
> modules"
> policy.
> As I write the above, I wonder: if a new variant of "module" that only defines
> data constructors and types could be created then could compilers support 
> these
> if they have mutual recursive imports/references?

If I remember correctly, Oberon has one file per module and allows
recursive modules. The identifiers to be exported are marked with a '*' on
declaration. Interface files are automatically generated from these module
files. (And Oberon programmers do not need to maintain export lists.)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Chris Kuklewicz
Robert Dockins wrote:
> On Mar 19, 2007, at 9:56 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
 A practice I've seen a lot in small- to mid-sized programs is to have
 a Types module that contains definitions of the types used in the
>>> ok I will think about it
>> I'd avoid that and suggest a more decentralized design, where each module
>> contributes one main type and according functions.
> I'd just like to mention that I've used the central "Types" module
> myself on occasion.  The main reason is to avoid the need for mutually
> recursive modules, and not because its a particularly nice design.  I
> try to arrange the user-visible API around some coherent organizing
> principle, such as the one Henning proposes, but that sometimes leads to
> module dependency cycles; factoring out a Types module is one way to
> break the cycles.
> Rob Dockins

I used a "Types" module for most of the types in the all haskell regex-*
backends I wrote.  Doing anything else tended to lead to cycles, like Rob 

This seems to be a result of "module/import" being the one-true-and-unique-way
to create a namespace combined with almost no support for recursive modules.

Thus data types that (indirectly) refer to each other must be in the same
namespace.  Thus one cannot even have a "all data types go in separate modules"

As I write the above, I wonder: if a new variant of "module" that only defines
data constructors and types could be created then could compilers support these
if they have mutual recursive imports/references?

The other alternative being: Make one "Types" module file that has a new variant
of "sub-module" that defines module namespaces inside the file.  This is much
that same as concatenating all the separate type modules into a single file.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Robert Dockins

On Mar 19, 2007, at 9:56 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:

A practice I've seen a lot in small- to mid-sized programs is to  

a Types module that contains definitions of the types used in the

ok I will think about it

I'd avoid that and suggest a more decentralized design, where each  

contributes one main type and according functions.

I'd just like to mention that I've used the central "Types" module  
myself on occasion.  The main reason is to avoid the need for  
mutually recursive modules, and not because its a particularly nice  
design.  I try to arrange the user-visible API around some coherent  
organizing principle, such as the one Henning proposes, but that  
sometimes leads to module dependency cycles; factoring out a Types  
module is one way to break the cycles.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Wagner

I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on these things. I agree with
you about brute-force not being the best approach in haskell (or maybe
at all). I think we should switch to haskell-cafe, since that's where
much of this discussion has gone, and that's more for extended
discussions anyway.

On 3/18/07, Andrzej Jaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Didactic it may be but brute force on search trees means in Haskell problem
with garbage collection. So students may build a punch but loose a street

Instead of using Haskell as a hammer I would rather explore what monadic
programming can offer in terms of encapsulating constraints, heuristics,
modal logic or agents. Chess is a human game so why not use computing along
this line and employ Haskell on humane terms? The force is with us!


Haskell mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Dougal Stanton
Quoth Henning Thielemann, nevermore,
> On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
> > > A practice I've seen a lot in small- to mid-sized programs is to have
> > > a Types module that contains definitions of the types used in the
> > > program.
> >
> > ok I will think about it
> I'd avoid that and suggest a more decentralized design, where each module
> contributes one main type and according functions.

That sounds like a kind of stateless object-oriented approach.
Interesting. I probably do something like that but have never really
formalised my thoughts on the matter. Nice one!

Dougal Stanton
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:

> > A practice I've seen a lot in small- to mid-sized programs is to have
> > a Types module that contains definitions of the types used in the
> > program.
> ok I will think about it

I'd avoid that and suggest a more decentralized design, where each module
contributes one main type and according functions.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Philippa Cowderoy wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
> > So I am wondering how people cope with them,  share your opinion,
> > for me the best thing seem to be to try to use one
> > module per "big" type, and then "import qualified x as y", what are
> > good coding practices?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Wagner

Sounds great! I can add patches for ICC, as long as your chess-server
code is flexible enough to allow for multiple possible servers. I can
also try to do some testing under windows. I think for this to be
popular, it will need to work there. As for playing on FICS through, you're a much more patient man than I!

On 3/19/07, Maxime Henrion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andrew Wagner wrote:
> Steffen,
> I've done some chess AI programming in the past, so I'd be happy to
> help with this project. I have some pretty fundamental design
> suggestions that I'll write up for the wiki page.
> Maxime,
> Handling different chess engines isn't hard. chess engine
> communication is pretty standardized - you would just need to add
> support for the winboard and/or UCI protocols. FICS is a little bit
> harder, but it's just a pure test stream over a socket, somewhat like
> IRC, but less defined. ICC (another chess server) has a slightly
> better-defined protocol. I can get you more details on any of these
> protocols (except maybe FICS, which I don't think is documented), if
> you'd like. By the way, how portable is your graphics code going to
> be?

I haven't yet looked in details at the winboard protocol or UCI,
but having used crafty and gnuchess in CLI, I have a pretty good
idea how this is all working, and this is indeed what I intend to

As for FICS, I have often played on it through telnet, so I have a
good knowledge of this text-based protocol.  I don't know of any
standard for FICS, but it isn't strictly required to get something
working.  I'd be interested in ICC support too, but since it's not
free, it'll have to wait :-).

As for the portability of the my graphics code, I can just say it's
GTK+, using Glade XML files, Cairo and SVG on top of Cairo.  All
of this is supposed to work fine on Windows, if that's what you
were asking.  I'm not sure about OS X but I think it could also
work there.  My primary target is UNIX.  For those of you who know
it, I think BabasChess under Windows sums up what I'd like to obtain
in the end quite nicely, features-wise.

I'm looking forward receiving your patches! ;-)


> Sounds like this will be an interesting project. I look forward to it!
> Andrew
> On 3/19/07, Duncan Coutts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 12:14 +0100, Maxime Henrion wrote:
> >
> >> I stepped onto your mail and found it particularly interesting since
> >> I'm currently writing a chess client in Haskell, using GTK+, glade
> >> and the nice Cairo library :-).  It is called LambdaChess!
> >
> >Cool! When you have something you want to show off, we could always do
> >with more expositions & screen shots etc for the Gtk2Hs website like the
> >things we've got here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >And I'm glad someone is using the new SVG module that got added in the
> >latest Gtk2Hs release :-)
> >
> >Duncan
> >
> >___
> >Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Maxime Henrion
Andrew Wagner wrote:
> Steffen,
> I've done some chess AI programming in the past, so I'd be happy to
> help with this project. I have some pretty fundamental design
> suggestions that I'll write up for the wiki page.
> Maxime,
> Handling different chess engines isn't hard. chess engine
> communication is pretty standardized - you would just need to add
> support for the winboard and/or UCI protocols. FICS is a little bit
> harder, but it's just a pure test stream over a socket, somewhat like
> IRC, but less defined. ICC (another chess server) has a slightly
> better-defined protocol. I can get you more details on any of these
> protocols (except maybe FICS, which I don't think is documented), if
> you'd like. By the way, how portable is your graphics code going to
> be?

I haven't yet looked in details at the winboard protocol or UCI,
but having used crafty and gnuchess in CLI, I have a pretty good
idea how this is all working, and this is indeed what I intend to

As for FICS, I have often played on it through telnet, so I have a
good knowledge of this text-based protocol.  I don't know of any
standard for FICS, but it isn't strictly required to get something
working.  I'd be interested in ICC support too, but since it's not
free, it'll have to wait :-).

As for the portability of the my graphics code, I can just say it's
GTK+, using Glade XML files, Cairo and SVG on top of Cairo.  All
of this is supposed to work fine on Windows, if that's what you
were asking.  I'm not sure about OS X but I think it could also
work there.  My primary target is UNIX.  For those of you who know
it, I think BabasChess under Windows sums up what I'd like to obtain
in the end quite nicely, features-wise.

I'm looking forward receiving your patches! ;-)


> Sounds like this will be an interesting project. I look forward to it!
> Andrew
> On 3/19/07, Duncan Coutts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 12:14 +0100, Maxime Henrion wrote:
> >
> >> I stepped onto your mail and found it particularly interesting since
> >> I'm currently writing a chess client in Haskell, using GTK+, glade
> >> and the nice Cairo library :-).  It is called LambdaChess!
> >
> >Cool! When you have something you want to show off, we could always do
> >with more expositions & screen shots etc for the Gtk2Hs website like the
> >things we've got here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >And I'm glad someone is using the new SVG module that got added in the
> >latest Gtk2Hs release :-)
> >
> >Duncan
> >
> >___
> >Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Wagner

I've done some chess AI programming in the past, so I'd be happy to
help with this project. I have some pretty fundamental design
suggestions that I'll write up for the wiki page.

Handling different chess engines isn't hard. chess engine
communication is pretty standardized - you would just need to add
support for the winboard and/or UCI protocols. FICS is a little bit
harder, but it's just a pure test stream over a socket, somewhat like
IRC, but less defined. ICC (another chess server) has a slightly
better-defined protocol. I can get you more details on any of these
protocols (except maybe FICS, which I don't think is documented), if
you'd like. By the way, how portable is your graphics code going to

Sounds like this will be an interesting project. I look forward to it!


On 3/19/07, Duncan Coutts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 12:14 +0100, Maxime Henrion wrote:

> I stepped onto your mail and found it particularly interesting since
> I'm currently writing a chess client in Haskell, using GTK+, glade
> and the nice Cairo library :-).  It is called LambdaChess!

Cool! When you have something you want to show off, we could always do
with more expositions & screen shots etc for the Gtk2Hs website like the
things we've got here:

And I'm glad someone is using the new SVG module that got added in the
latest Gtk2Hs release :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Performance Help

2007-03-19 Thread apfelmus
>> Fusing the ws is trickier. Directly appealing to the fibonacci-number
>> example is not recommended because this would mean to keep the last 16
>> ws in memory and shifting them right to left by hand. But as the
> Are you saying this because we don't want a 16-tuple?


>> "Alternate method of computation" on the website suggests, you can
>> delegate the shifting to an index that shifts around mod 16. Having a
>> mutable array is helpful, then.
> Are you saying that because haskell doesn't really have mutable arrays, this 
> is ruled out?

Yes, a bit. But you can use ST-arrays if you want.

>> Of course, you can also fill a large static (boxed!) array of 80 Word8s via
>>   ws :: Data.Array.IArray.Array Int Word8
>>   ws = accumArray 0 (0,80) (curry snd) $
>>zip [0..15] xs ++ [(i, xxor i) | i<-[16..80]]
>>   where
>>   xxor i = ws ! (i-16) `xor`
>>ws ! (i-3) `xor` ws ! (i-8) `xor` ws ! (i-14)
>> or something like that (I didn't care about correct indices and bounds).
>> GHC can fuse such array accumulations.
> Why is an array better than a list? Is it because (!) is O(1) and (!!) is 
> O(n)?

In this case, we don't need random access anyway because the 80th
element is only available once the previous ones have been calculated.
In a sense, lists are perfectly fine. The only point of introducing
arrays is that current CPU architecture is optimized to access
contiguous blocks of memory and performs much worse on linked lists
(besides the fact that lazy evaluation introduces another tiny overhead).

Note that the above immutable array has lazy elements as well, so I'm
unsure how much benefit they bring. You'd have to try.

Maybe it's best to separate the choice between lists and arrays from the
actual algorithm with the help of a higher order function that
encapsulates the essence of evaluating a recurrence equation. Something like

  recurrence :: Int -> (Int -> a) -> ((Int -> a) -> a) -> Int -> a

that satisfies the following laws (beware, they're not suitable for
direct implementation)

  recurrence w start = recurrence w (clip w start)

  recurrence w start f k
 | 1 <= k && k <= w = start k
 | otherwise = f (clip w (\i -> recurrence w start f (k-i)))


  clip w f = \x -> if 1 <= x && x <= w then f x else undefined

clips a function to accept only values between 1 and w. This clipping is
a bit ad-hoc and you can play various tricks with lightweight dependent
types to define functions that are statically known to be defined on the
interval [1..w].

For example, the Fibonacci numbers can then be defined as

  fib n = recurrence 2 (\i -> [1,1] !! i) (\g -> g 1 + g 2) n

In other words, the first higher order argument is the list of starting
values and the second higher order arguments is the recurrence equation
that defines how to calculate a new element from the 1..w previous ones.

Now, you can implement 'recurrence' with lists or arrays or mutable
arrays, whatever is fastest.

>> In general, keeping stuff in lists is not wrong, but ByteStrings are
>> more adapted to current CPU and RAM architecture.
> I'm not clear how ByteStrings help here. We need to put bits into 32 words 
> and 
> operate on these.

Ah yes. I think there was some semi-published library of "Byte"-Strings
for any instances of Storable including Word32. Dons knows more.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 12:14 +0100, Maxime Henrion wrote:

> I stepped onto your mail and found it particularly interesting since
> I'm currently writing a chess client in Haskell, using GTK+, glade
> and the nice Cairo library :-).  It is called LambdaChess!

Cool! When you have something you want to show off, we could always do
with more expositions & screen shots etc for the Gtk2Hs website like the
things we've got here:

And I'm glad someone is using the new SVG module that got added in the
latest Gtk2Hs release :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Maxime Henrion
Steffen Mazanek wrote:
> Hello again,
> first of all, thank you Don for your help in making hsChess accessible. 
> I have
> to have a look at darcs and cabal first :-)
> I have added some more content and a discussion page to the wiki, please
> contribute your thoughts.
> Furthermore I added a link to the german project and task description used
> in the exercises; the English version will be the wiki (although it has 
> no convert2tex
> function).
> Best regards,
> Steffen

I stepped onto your mail and found it particularly interesting since
I'm currently writing a chess client in Haskell, using GTK+, glade
and the nice Cairo library :-).  It is called LambdaChess!

The code is completely embryonic and totally useless at the moment,
but there's a base for a decent GUI interface, with an SVG board,
so easily themable.  There is also some base code for a PGN file
parser written using Parsec, and the whole thing is cabalized.

The pieces aren't even drawn yet, but that should be quite easy to
do, and I've found a few nice SVG piece sets.  The PGN parser doesn't
completely parses SAN moves yet, nor does it parse NAG annotations.
It doesn't properly validates the presence of the mandatory tags,
and so on...  I guess I should stop since it's going to be huge if
I'm listing all the missing features :-).

Ultimately, it'd be nice if this code was able to handle local games
between two humans and also playing against the various chess engines
(crafty, gnuchess, sjeng, etc...).  If it was also able to connect
to FICS, it would be the absolute greatness :D.

If you or anyone else on this mailing list feels like joining the
fun, please do!

The code is available here:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread Fawzi Mohamed

Thanks for the long answer David,
David House wrote:

On 17/03/07, Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Surely within a group of related types there'd be no overlapping names 
yes, but I found out that I would have an overlap with functions that I 
wanted to use and function I wanted to define, resulting in quite some 

Also arrays, inset,... have quite some overlapping.
For array the use of the IArray typeclass kept the things nice also 
using Arrays and UArrays together, but adding IntSet to the whole worked 
only qualifying, and then I also wanted to define a fold for my type...
I found Data.Foldable, but then in the end I just prefixed my operation 
names which is what you did for record names.
Is this recommanded? It makes it difficult to change types, but at least 
is easy to memorize...

So I am wondering how people cope with them,  share your opinion,
for me the best thing seem to be to try to use one
module per "big" type, and then "import qualified x as y", what are
good coding practices?

A practice I've seen a lot in small- to mid-sized programs is to have
a Types module that contains definitions of the types used in the

ok I will think about it

* vector & matrices *

A thing that bothered me a little was the absence of good standardized
vectors and matrices, for now I rolled my own 3x3, I have seen numerical
prelude, maybe in the future thre will be a standard interface for 

Rolling my own mattrixes/vectors I have hit against some limitations of
classes, nothing terrible, but not so nice, and something that I 
gather is

known for example the fact that you cannot overload + or (in haskell 98)
you cannot have overlapping instances.

Why not write up your module then send it off to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list? If this has frustrated you then
it's probably frustrated others. Why not contribute something back and
polish this problem off?
I thought about it, the problem is that I need just a partial 
implementation of it, but if I will have an enough cleaned and version I 
will do it.

And you can overload (+), just make your matrix type an instance of
Num. If some operations shouldn't be supported (like signum, perhaps),
the general strategy is just to use error (this is basically due to
the fact that Num has too many methods because we don't have a sane
way of splitting up type classes. Type class synonyms -- google for
them -- look like a good solution, but are lacking an implementation).

This is is very ugly in my opinion, because for me a type class should 
represent something more than just a way to overload, is something is 
not a number then it should not have the class Num.
In this I liked very much the approach of aldor where being an instance 
of a class is separated from overloading, and must always be explicit, 
so that a type class can be used also to advertise that something (for 
example) is commutative and it can have exactly the same functions as 
another class.

Maybe here I should say something explicitly that I realized I had 
completely forgotten  to say: I like haskell very much and I enjoyed 
using it, but there are some areas where coming from other languages do 
not seem too well rounded (but maybe it is just that I am not yet fully 
*in* haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Performance Help

2007-03-19 Thread Dominic Steinitz

> Fusing the ws is trickier. Directly appealing to the fibonacci-number
> example is not recommended because this would mean to keep the last 16
> ws in memory and shifting them right to left by hand. But as the

Are you saying this because we don't want a 16-tuple?

> "Alternate method of computation" on the website suggests, you can
> delegate the shifting to an index that shifts around mod 16. Having a
> mutable array is helpful, then.

Are you saying that because haskell doesn't really have mutable arrays, this 
is ruled out?

> Of course, you can also fill a large static (boxed!) array of 80 Word8s via
>   ws :: Data.Array.IArray.Array Int Word8
>   ws = accumArray 0 (0,80) (curry snd) $
>zip [0..15] xs ++ [(i, xxor i) | i<-[16..80]]
>   where
>   xxor i = ws ! (i-16) `xor`
>ws ! (i-3) `xor` ws ! (i-8) `xor` ws ! (i-14)
> or something like that (I didn't care about correct indices and bounds).
> GHC can fuse such array accumulations.

Why is an array better than a list? Is it because (!) is O(1) and (!!) is 

> In general, keeping stuff in lists is not wrong, but ByteStrings are
> more adapted to current CPU and RAM architecture.

I'm not clear how ByteStrings help here. We need to put bits into 32 words and 
operate on these.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Steffen Mazanek

Hello again,

first of all, thank you Don for your help in making hsChess accessible. 
I have

to have a look at darcs and cabal first :-)

I have added some more content and a discussion page to the wiki, please
contribute your thoughts.

Furthermore I added a link to the german project and task description used
in the exercises; the English version will be the wiki (although it has 
no convert2tex


Best regards,

Donald Bruce Stewart schrieb:


Hello again,

I got a lot of interesting and useful comments on my posting
about Haskell Chess. Somebody suggested using the program
for benchmarks. Several people asked me to open the program
for contributions. And others were just interested in the exercises.

It is probably the best to branch the development, so that we
have a teachers' and a hackers' version (ease of understanding
and learning paradigms vs. efficiency and implementation of
full ruleset). I will do the necessary steps next week (svn, etc).
Somebody already offered help for cabalizing hsChess.

hsChess has been cabalised, and is available now via darcs;

darcs get

You can also browse the source directly:

Several people asked me for the exercises so I started the wiki
on this topic. I will add more content when I am back to office.

Every contribution and discussion is welcome.

I am happy to host the code at the above url, unless Steffen, you have a
better place to host the repository?

-- Don

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: System.Random StdGen read fails on some strings? [also continues: Random/StdGen/read: there is something unclear (or misunderstood!)]

2007-03-19 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

Good point.  It's a bit stupid that 'read' fails utterly on strings shorter 
than 6.

I don't thin StdRandom has an "owner" at the moment.  There's a process for 
proposing library changes, described under "guidelines for developers" here

That's the way to get your change adopted.

However, in this case the bug is in your code.  The function 'read' (which you 
use) fails unless it consumes its entire input.  That is not what you want 
here.  The right thing to do is to use 'reads' instead.  The wrong thing to do 
is to make reading a StdGen read the entire input string!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: HS-Plugins 1.0 chokes on simple test, WinXP GHC-6.6 (Conal Elliott)

2007-03-19 Thread Bayley, Alistair
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vivian McPhail
> I just setup and installed hs-plugins from darcs on WinXP 
> using ghc-6.6 and
> The hs-plugin test suite all passes.
> Can you send me something that generates your error and I'll 
> have a look at
> it.
> Vivian

Well, if I haven't misunderstood what you're asking for, there is the
original test case at the root of this mail thread (copied below). This
produces the same error message that Conal gets:

c:/ghc/ghc-6.6/HSbase.o: unknown symbol `_free'
Main: user error (Dynamic loader returned: user error (resolvedObjs



module Test1 where
test1 = putStrLn "test1"

module Main where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.Plugins

instance Show (LoadStatus a) where
  show (LoadFailure errors) = "LoadFailure - " ++ (concat (intersperse
"\n" errors))
  show (LoadSuccess m p) = "LoadSuccess"

main = do
  a <- getArgs
modName = case a of
  (n:_) -> n
  _ -> "Test1"
  let modPath = "./" ++ modName ++ ".o"
  let method = "test1"
  fc <- catch (load modPath [""] [] method)
(\e -> return (LoadFailure
  ["Dynamic loader returned: " ++ show e]))
  case fc of
LoadFailure errors -> do
  fail (concat (intersperse "\n" errors))
LoadSuccess modul proc -> do
  let p :: IO (); p = proc
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance Help

2007-03-19 Thread Dominic Steinitz
On Friday 16 March 2007 21:29, David Brown wrote:
> Ian Lynagh wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 08:18:44PM +, Dominic Steinitz wrote:
> >> I have re-written the sha1 code so that it is (hopefully) easy to see
> that it
> >> faithfully implements the algorithm (see
> >> Having got rid of the
> space
> >> leak, I have been trying to improve performance.
> >>
> >> Currently, the haskell code is 2 orders of magnitude slower than the
> sha1sum
> >> that ships with my linux.
> >
> > I don't know if this is useful to you, but darcs has some SHA1 code that
> > IIRC is much closer to C's performance. It currently uses darcs' own
> > FastPackedString library, but porting it to ByteString should be fairly
> > easy.
> >
> > See SHA1.lhs in
> >
> > It might even be able to be made faster still by calling lower-level
> > functions than {shift,rotate}{L,R} directly.
> I ended up deciding to call SHA1 routines out of openssl.  For
> applications where this is possible, it does very well, I got about
> 2.5 times the speed out of it, compared to ordinary C implementations.
> But, since harchive spends most of its CPU computing SHA1 hashes (and
> almost all of the rest in zlib), it is worth a complex binding there.
> Dave
Ian, Dave,

Thanks. My goal is to have natural haskell code that's reasonably efficient. I 
don't have a problem to solve that needs an efficient implementation of SHA1.

I'm going to try apfelmus' suggestions next and then (if I ever get yhc to 
build) start looking at what gets generated.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Algorithms

2007-03-19 Thread Mirko Rahn

A. understand the problem
B. decompose or reduce it into subproblems
C. solve the subproblems

D. compose a solution from the sub-solutions

-- Mirko Rahn -- Tel +49-721 608 7504 --
--- ---
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