Re: [Haskell-cafe] HDF5 binding (was: why is ghci trying to load hsc file ??)

2011-04-04 Thread mauricio . antunes
 Bindings to the full hdf5 were supposed to be in the example set for
 bindings-DSL. It doesn't use pkg-config, though, and hdf5 developers
 didn't like the idea of adding support. [...]

 That seems strange to me - pkg-config is such a useful system, and  
 support for it is incredibly easy to add and practically zero- 
 maintenance. [...]

I have to start asking for forgiveness. In fact, PETSc
( developers refused pkg-config, not HDF5. I
investigated several libraries for numerical and massive data processing,
and most didn't had pkg-config support.  I started asking about it at
pkg-scicomp-devel debian list, and then Tollef (maintainer of pkg-config):

After learning from them that pkg-config files belong to upstream
packages, not distribution packages, I asked PETSc guys. Unfortunately,
their petsc-maint mainling list doesn't seem to have an external
archive. But Matthew Knepley, from PETSc, said that we do not use that
system. It's unreliable, and in my opinion, one of the worst designs
possible. They (Matthew and Satish Balay) suggested that we use the
makefile targets which give the include and library information.

I'm not sure how practical that is with cabal, but I gave up before
trying harder and decided to focus on packages with pkg-config already
available. I think 'hmatrix' package on hackage uses a script to check
for dependencies, but I didn't read enough to check how portable that
method can be.

 Currently I've got a template hdf5.pc file in the source tree which  
 can be customized and dropped into the appropriate directory.  It's a  
 lot less manual than it ought to be, but it's at least a lot less ugly  
 than hard-coding my development machine's include and lib paths.   

Maybe it's worth contacting HDF5 guys about that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HDF5 binding (was: why is ghci trying to load hsc file ??)

2011-04-03 Thread mauricio . antunes
 I worked out a small hdf5 binding using cabal and bindings-DSL and
 sqlite3 as my example.

 I just wanted to add that I also started an HDF5 binding recently
 (using hsc2hs only).  It does more than enough for me ATM, so I don't
 develop it actively, but if you want to pursue this (and I think
 it would be a useful addition to Hackage), we may share experience
 and code.  My binding is part of a bigger project, but I meant to
 split it out anyway.

 What an interesting coincidence, that makes at least three of
 us. Apparently it's an idea whose time has come.  Mine is also an
 incomplete low-level binding but is currently under semi-active
 development and I aim to make it cover the entire hdf5.h interface.
 If anyone is interested in it I've put it on github at:

Bindings to the full hdf5 were supposed to be in the example set for
bindings-DSL. It doesn't use pkg-config, though, and hdf5 developers
didn't like the idea of adding support. I wanted reference bindings-*
libraries to be free of linking problems some users might not be able
to solve or understand, so I gave up.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Existencial quantification and polymorphic datatypes

2009-01-20 Thread Mauricio


I'm trying, without success, to understand the difference
between existencial quantification and polymorphic
datatypes. Can you give me a hint, or an example where
one is valid and the other is not?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existencial quantification and polymorphic datatypes (actually, components...)

2009-01-20 Thread Mauricio

4294967296 :: Integer

In the above you can see the polymorphism of the return type of 
fromInteger, it returns a Int8 or a Int32.

You can see the polymorphism of the argument of show, it takes an Int8 
or Int32 or Integer.

The latest ghc-6.10.1 also allows avoiding use of SomeNum, see 

Great, thanks! I'm enlightened :)

But how is this:

data SomeNum = forall a. SN a

different from:

data SomeNum = SN (forall a. a)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existencial quantification and polymorphic datatypes (actually, components...)

2009-01-20 Thread Mauricio

But how is this:
data SomeNum = forall a. SN a
different from:
data SomeNum = SN (forall a. a)

At a glance they look the same to me — but only the first is accepted by 

Following the link you pointed in the last
message, I found this at

data T a = T1 (forall b. b - b - b) a

If I understand properly, it can be activated
with -XPolymorphicComponents. It's different
from my example, but I would like to know what
it does that this can't:

data T a = forall b. T1 (b-b-b) a

(The last one I think I understand well after the
previous message, although I see no use for this
particular form, since after pattern match there's
no other 'b' value to which we could aply that
function field.)

Link for convenience:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] What could be considered standard Haskell these days?

2009-01-16 Thread Mauricio


I would like to take some time to study Haskell properly, so
that I could help others and pay my debt for the many times
I had to bother with my syntax questions. And, of course,
make better use of the language.

My first attempt was to read the syntax description in
Haskell 98 report, and that helped a lot. But I've realized
that it's far from the language as used today. But just
adding all available extensions would not be good, as some
are very experimental e others are obsolete.

I saw Haskell-prime page and a few features are marked
as accepted. That mean I can trust them to be part of the
next Haskell standard?

So: if someone wants to learn the details of the language,
what could be the subset of extensions one should learn
and make regular use, and also include in code supposed
to be used by others in the long term?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type errors, would extensions help?

2009-01-15 Thread Mauricio


I have this problem trying to define a function
inside a do expression. I tried this small code
to help me check. This works well:

import Data.Ratio ;
main = do {
  printNumber - let {
  print :: (Num n,Show n) = n - IO () ;
  print n = do { putStrLn $ show n}
} in return print ;
  print (1%5) ;
  print 5.0

However, just removing 'Num n' gives:

 Ambiguous type variable `n' in the constraint:
   `Show n' arising from a use of `print' at teste.hs:7:16-20

Why is it ambiguous? Since I don't use numeric
functions, 'Num n,Show n' doesn't seem more specific.

Besides that, the real problem I have is a similar
function declared inside a 'let' as

col :: (WidgetClass w) = w-IO Int
col wid = do {...

that, after beeing used with w beeing Table (and
instance WidgetClass Table do exist) refuses beeing
used with DrawingArea (also with instance WidgetClass
DrawingArea), but I wasn't able to simulate that
in a small program, and don't know if it's related
to the case I'm showing.

Thanks for your kindness,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Type errors, would extensions help?

2009-01-15 Thread Mauricio

I have this problem trying to define a function
inside a do expression. I tried this small code
to help me check. This works well:

I guess you intended to call printNumber in the quoted snippet?
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}

After you pointed my dumb mistake, I was able to build
the first example -- without any of the extensions! Haskell
can be misterious some times.

Strange enough, I can't get the original (and, to my eyes,
equal) problem to work. This is the smallest I could get it
to be:

--- WARNING: wrong use of gtk, just to get an example
import Graphics.UI.Gtk ;
main = do {
  initGUI ;
  j1 - drawingAreaNew ; j2 - tableNew 1 1 True ;
  notebook - do {
note - notebookNew ;
insertInNotebook - let {
  colocar :: (WidgetClass w) = w - String - IO Int ;
  colocar wid texto = do {
lb - labelNew Nothing ;
labelSetMarkup lb texto ;
notebookAppendPageMenu note wid lb lb
  } } in return $ colocar ;
insertInNotebook j1 J1 ;
insertInNotebook j2 J2 ;
return note
  } ;
  putStrLn Finish

GHC says:

Couldn't match expected type `DrawingArea'
   against inferred type `Table'
In the first argument of `insertInNotebook', namely `j2'
In a stmt of a 'do' expression: insertInNotebook j2 J2

but I would like first argument of insert... to be any
instance of WidgetClass, be it Drawing... or Table.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Type errors, would extensions help?

2009-01-15 Thread Mauricio

Thanks, everything works now.

What should I read to better understand the difference
for the type system between using - and 'let'? That is
not intuitive for me.

About layout, I used to filter my code to better fit
everyone taste before posting to this list. The filter
stoped working due to some problems in 'Language.Haskell',
but I'll rewrite it with haskell-src-exts before
posting again.


I suggest you start using let in your do blocks; both of these
problems are solvable with let.

Binding with - instead of let makes the type system work harder,
and will generally require type annotations  extensions for
polymorphic results.  (...)

Also, is there a reason you hate the layout rule and are using
explicit semicolons everywhere?

I have this problem trying to define a function
inside a do expression. (...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Recursive modules, GHC /= Report?

2009-01-14 Thread Mauricio



I read:

  Modules may reference other modules via
  explicit import declarations, each giving
  the name of a module to be imported and
  specifying its entities to be imported.
  Modules may be mutually recursive.

However, I get this from GHC:

Module imports form a cycle for modules:
imports: Control.Concurrent.MVar GtkMostrarConfig GtkLerECG
imports: Control.Concurrent.MVar Graphics.UI.Gtk Main

Aren't cycles of modules just recursive modules? Why
wasn't that allowed?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: databases in Haskell type-safety

2009-01-14 Thread Mauricio

Mauricio No. Only sqlite3_exec with INSERT, SELECT stuff,
Mauricio and saving everything that needs structure in pseudo-xml
Mauricio strings. Not that efficient, but easy to change to blobs when
Mauricio everything is ready and tested.

I see...I'm thinking to maybe store only paths for bigger BLOBs, but
still there is need to store smaller (thumbnails pics) ones...

You can always uuencode the pictures. Package 'dataenc'
seems nice, although I have not used it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: ghci-haskeline 0.1

2009-01-13 Thread Mauricio
Haskeline is designed to remove the readline dependency, because Windows 
does not have readline.  So rlwrap is useless there.

Ah, I hadn't considered Windows support--that makes sense.  Thanks,
that answers my questions.


One nice thing would be to write something like rlwrap
that would work everywhere Haskell does. Even more
sofisticated behavior could come from some comunication
from the api, using standard OS facilities (like a file
with an updated list of completions, or something more

(For those interested: rlwrap is available in cygwin.
It used to work very well on old ghci, when line
editing wasn't available.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: real haskell difficulties (at least for me)

2009-01-13 Thread Mauricio

There's a 'stability' field on cabal description files. Maybe
it could appear after the name on the main listing. Or, all
packages marked as 'Stable' at that field could get a beautifull

I agree completely. There is not nearly enough documentation on
packaging in haskell and too many hackage packages are broken or do
not install. I know several people are working on improving this but
they seem do be doing so rather quietly. Could someone briefly outline
what improvements are planned and what stage the current work is at? I
remember seeing some demos at anglohaskell during the summer but
nothing since.


On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Regis Saint-Paul wrote:


I've seen many times the monad topic coming around on the cafe and plentiful
tutorials on monads have been published. However, as a complete Haskell
newbie coming from OOP, I felt monads were not particularly difficult to
grasp, and very exciting to work with.

During my experiments with Haskell so far, the main problems I kept bumping
into were not related to the language but to its libraries: their
compilation and installation. Unfortunately, this topic has not received
nearly as much attention. I was unable to find a comprehensive tutorial on
how to deal with the variety of problems I get when trying to install
Hackage packages. This turned out to be (and still is) THE main source of
wasted time and headaches. And worse, unlike type problems, these are not
interesting ones to solve.

Thus, as a beginner, the package management is what is really getting in the
way of switching to Haskell--not the language. Even books like Real World
Haskell (otherwise excellent) ignore entirely the topic. Cabal and
Cabal-install are clearly wonderful applications that make installing most
packages very straightforward. Unfortunately, whenever this standard
method for package installation fails (or when it is not available as with,
e.g., gtk2hs), I find myself in complete disarray.

Below are some of the questions and issues I faced regarding package

- For a number of packages, cabal-install gets stuck and has to be killed. I
assume this is due to some difficulties in solving the dependencies and it
is fine, not all can be automated and cabal-install is not responsible for
poor packages. But the question then becomes what to do from there? Is their
some method to solve dependencies? How should we proceed to debug a
package installation? How do gurus deal with that? (maybe some less known
command line arguments? Or ways to figure out the problem and work out its
solution (cabal-install is silent in such case)? In particular, how to know
why did cabal get stuck in the first place?

- Some packages on Hackage are reported as not building successfully with
GHC6.10 (e.g., encoding) while others do not build with 6.8 (e.g., salvia)
and the later might depend on the former...What is one supposed to do in
such case? For example, is it an appropriate way to proceed to compile a
package with one version of GHC and then use the compiled package with
another version of GHC? Is it safe? What could possibly go wrong? If it is
the right way to go, how should we setup the two GHC versions? For instance,
should we have a shared package configuration file and choose through the
path which GHC is used or is there nicer way to set this up?

- Taking for example the encoding package on Hackage. Last time I tried,
the log was saying it fails to build on GHC 6.10, however, looking inside
this Hackage log, I could see a successful compilation using preferred
versions. So it looks as if the thing can be compiled somehow. What should
one do with this information? If cabal manages to compile it using this
method on Hackage, then isn't cabal install just doing it on my disk? Is it
possible through some command line? Is it possible manually (without
cabal-install) and, if so, how? (I tried to copy-past the build instruction
as it appeared on the log...that somehow compiled, but then, I failed to
figure out how to install...)

- I'm primarily a windows user and lots of my initial struggles probably
came from that. After many difficulties, I figured out that installing MinGW
and MSys was *THE* way to get a bit more of the things working. First, a lot
of time would be saved by just saying clearly on the GHC download page that
MinGW and MSys are mandatory installation (or even package that with GHC for
the windows distribution if license allows, who cares the extra few Mb).
Even if that is not technically exact, i.e., even if ghci and many trivial
command line programs can work without, MSys and MinGW turn out to be quiet
necessary whenever trying to install anything producing side effect. Making
it plain that these two are necessary would real come has a great time
savers for newbie like me on windows (personal opinion of course). Or, if
another path exists to go without these two, I'd be very glad to learn.
Besides, even these 

[Haskell-cafe] Re: databases in Haskell type-safety

2009-01-13 Thread Mauricio

Mauricio I've been doing a lot of low level sqlite3 lately (it's going
Mauricio to be on a hackage package as soon as I finish my current
Mauricio work). 

Have you done any work with BLOBs?

No. Only sqlite3_exec with INSERT, SELECT stuff,
and saving everything that needs structure in
pseudo-xml strings. Not that efficient, but easy
to change to blobs when everything is ready and


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: System.CPUTime and picoseconds

2009-01-12 Thread Mauricio

Aren't Doubles evil? Integer is a nice type, Haskell
filosofy compliant. Doubles are not CDoubles, IEEE, infinite
precision or anything long term meaninfull. (Warning:
non-expert opinion.)

I've found the pico second accuracy useful in working with 'rate 
equivalent' real time systems. Systems where the individual timings 
(their jitter) is not critical but the long term rate should be accurate 
- the extra precision helps with keeping the error accumulation under 

When you are selling something (like data bandwidth) and you are pacing 
the data stream on a per packet basis you definitely want any error to 
accumulate slowly - you are in the 10^10 events per day range here.


On 12 Jan 2009, at 00:00, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 8:28 PM, ChrisK wrote:
An Double or Int64 are both 8 bytes and counts with picoseconds 
for 2.5 hours to 106 days.  Going to 12 byte integer lets you count 
to 3.9

billion years (signed).  Going to 16 byte integer is over 10^38 years.

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

A double has 53 bits in the mantissa which means that for a running
time of about 24 hours you'd still have picoseconds.  I doubt anyone
cares about picoseconds when the running time is a day.

The above is an unfounded claim about the rest of humanity.

It's not really about humanity, but about physics.  The best known
clocks have a long term error of about 1e-14.
If anyone claims to have made a time measurement where the accuracy
exceeds the precision of a double I will just assume that this person
is a liar.

For counting discrete events, like clock cycles, I want something like
Integer or Int64.  For measuring physical quantities, like CPU time,
I'll settle for Double, because we can't measure any better than this
(this can of course become obsolete, but I'll accept that error).

 -- Lennart
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Computer time, independent of date

2009-01-12 Thread Mauricio

patients, I wanted to be sure not to save wrong
information. It wouldn't matter if the clock is
saying we are on XVII century, as long as 10 seconds
would never be 10.1.

What are the interval durations you need to measure?
Since they are from equipment, what is the spec?

I read from serial port. When the equipment was
available for testing, we measured the output to
be a few thowsand bytes/second. The program is
supposed to run in Windows computers at physicians
offices (and their only requirement is to be able
to run windows and have a serial port). Errors of
1 byte per second would be acceptable, even if they

I have no equipment specs and, right now, no
equipment to test. (Yes, I know this is crazy.) So,
I need to know what kind of problems I may expect,
so I'm able to deal with them.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Looking for Haskellers on Windows

2009-01-10 Thread Mauricio

Hi Bulat,


Thus my cry for help explicitly to Haskellers on Windows.

It's a pitty that Windows receives so little support, but I guess if 
nobody has a Windows box to test with, there's not much you can do about 

I think it deserves consideration: what about a mailing
list like haskell-portability? If someone asks on this
haskell-cafe for some way to do, say, USB on windows using
Haskell, some answers would arrive; but if one asks at
this, say, haskell-portability list, I have a working
Haskell USB library running everywhere except on Windows,
it's likely to get the attention of people who do have deep
OS understanding and are willing to do a big effort to
solve a problem if that results in a new library that
can be trusted at any OS.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Computer time, independent of date

2009-01-10 Thread Mauricio

POSIX realtime extensions have been developed to be high reliable.

(...) However, they offer
no guarantees on interval measurements, and the correction algorithms
can cause the measurement of a time interval of an hour or so duration
to be off by +/- 1 sec, especially within the first few hours after a
cold boot. (...)

At the start of this thread, my assumption was that
all computers had a 100% reliable tick counter. Well,
this shows I understand nothing about hardware.

My problem is that the equipment I interact with is
supposed to deliver data at a constant rate. Since
I don't know how much its engineers care about
patients, I wanted to be sure not to save wrong
information. It wouldn't matter if the clock is
saying we are on XVII century, as long as 10 seconds
would never be 10.1.

But, as I learned from you, my PC is not to be
considered as a reference. Maybe the right approach
is to ask people who understand hardware if mine is
actually a valid concern.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Computer time, independent of date

2009-01-09 Thread Mauricio

benchpress also uses System.CPUTime -- is

 that what you are looking for?

I'm writing a program that will read medical signs
from many patients. It's important to have a precise
measure of the time interval between some signs, and
that can't depend on adjustments of time. (Supose
my software is running midnight at the end of a year
with leap seconds. I would get wrong time intervals.)

System.CPUTime.getCPUTime is supposed to give cpu
time my program have used. However, something like
a platform independent way to know for how long the
computer has been turned on would do all I need. Or,
maybe, how much has elapsed since the program started.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Computer time, independent of date

2009-01-09 Thread Mauricio

Both wikipedia and hackage rdtsc packages have lot of
warnings regarding things I'm not able to control. It
seems it doesn't work with many platforms, be it older
or multi-core, hibernating computers.

yes, i mean this lib but forget its name :) thank you

Don't know if it might help but:
cabal install rdtsc

computer has been turned on would do all I need. Or,

  maybe, how much has elapsed since the program started.
i think you should look into system counters (if you on windows). for

 example, task managet in vista shows time since reboot, i think that
 in registry it should be available in previous windowses too. at the
 cpu level, there is cpu ticks counter, it should be readable via
 special libraries

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: databases in Haskell type-safety

2009-01-09 Thread Mauricio

However options in d) do not offer, afaik, type-safety which is emblem of
Haskell language, so I wonder how much this could be the problem for
real-world usage?

I've been doing a lot of low level sqlite3 lately (it's going to
be on a hackage package as soon as I finish my current work). As
long as I clearly isolate and test the marshalling of my data to SQL
and back, my (personal, probably different from yours) experience using
just sqlite3_exec has never got me into trouble.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Computer time, independent of date

2009-01-09 Thread Mauricio

Linux has High-Resolution Timers (HRTs) that may be appropriate.  See
the manpage for clock_gettime(), which defines these HRTs:
CLOCK_MONOTONIC, in particular, looks suitable.  Using it could be a
matter of just a few quick likes in FFI.

I don't know if Windows has similar features.
and QueryPerformanceCounter, in detail.

Going from GetProcessTimes, which I found in ghc code
in libraries/base/System/CPUTime.hsc, I was just able
to find this in that same site:

Seems simpler. Since linux (and unix?) have clock_gettime
and windows has this GetTickCount, maybe it could be possible
to add getSystemCPUTime to System.CPUTime.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Computer time, independent of date

2009-01-08 Thread Mauricio


I'm writing a program where I need to know elapsed
times between some events, but I can't depende on
Data.Time since ntpd or user can change that while
my program is running.

Is there an alternative? Something like how much
time has passed since the program has started would
be great.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Computer time, independent of date

2009-01-08 Thread Mauricio

 Is there an alternative? Something like how much
 time has passed since the program has started would
 be great.

Have a look at benchpress on hackage.

But benchpress uses Data.Time.Clock.getCurrentTime. I understand
that is dependent from configuration. It's okay to benchmark a
fast application, but mine will be running for days, so it
would not be reliable.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Detecting system endianness

2008-12-18 Thread Mauricio


Is there some way I can check the endianness
of the machine my haskell code is running in?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can my type be allowed as return type in FFI?

2008-12-11 Thread Mauricio

This would  solve half my problem.  Can I always  trust that? I've
been told before  that everytime a C function  returns a struct it
is actually  returning a pointer, but  I wasn't able  to find that
written  in stone

That's because it isn't true.
In fact one of the classical ways for a C function to
return a struct is to be *GIVEN* a pointer, e.g.,

Sure, sorry. I should have said that the C functions fill memory
from a given pointer.

and obviously a C compiler is entitled to return a small struct
in registers if it feels like it.

If a compiler is compiling code that calls a library, how is it
supposed to know if a return pointer is been passed as a register
or by using a pointer? The compiler may not have access to the
built library to check that. (Begginer question, I never wrote
assembly code.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can my type be allowed as return type in FFI?

2008-12-11 Thread Mauricio

Sorry, I'm not talking about how C implements passing structures to
functions. The Haskell FFI can only bind functions that pass structures
by pointer, not by value. So if you've got a C function that passes them
by value then you need to write a wrapper function in C and bind to

This should definitely be in the documentation somewhere. I
delayed some work for a few weeks with that :)

Thanks a lot for making this clear.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Does ghc use Language.Haskell.*?

2008-12-10 Thread Mauricio

Why can ghc read the program, but not the standard
library parser? Does ghc use something else?
Is it possible to use whatever ghc uses to build
a prettyprinter?

Language.Haskell is known to be incomplete.  The haskell-src-exts 
package on will be more useful.

Haskell-src-exts understands mode features, but I
just tried using it and it seems it's also not
Unicode aware.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Can my type be allowed as return type in FFI?

2008-12-10 Thread Mauricio


When I do:

foreign import nameOfFunction nameOfFunction
 :: IO MyType

I can get a function that return MyType only if
it's a pointer or some of the C* type family. Is
it possible to write a new MyType and make it
allowed as a return type from foreign functions?
Is changing the compiler the only way to do that?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can my type be allowed as return type in FFI?

2008-12-10 Thread Mauricio

   foreign import nameOfFunction nameOfFunction
:: IO MyType
   Is it possible to write a  new MyType and make it allowed as
   a  return  type from  foreign  functions?   Is changing  the
   compiler the only way to do that?

  Of course you're  not really returning a MyType  but a pointer
  to one. (...)

This would  solve half my problem.  Can I always  trust that? I've
been told before  that everytime a C function  returns a struct it
is actually  returning a pointer, but  I wasn't able  to find that
written  in stone  so that  I can  trust it  to be  valid anywhere
Haskell will run and for any return type (like a struct containing
just a char, for instance).

How does  that pointer work?  My  code didn't provide it  to the C
function, so, I believe I  don't have to deallocate it. Where does
the memory  it points to live?   Did Haskell FFI  engine gave that
pointer to  the C  function? How  much time is  it going  to live?
Enough so I can 'peek' it?

  Using raw  Ptrs is not very  nice, so we  would usually either
  wrap that in a ForeignPtr or  use a Storable instance to get a
  MyType directly.

OK. I've instances of Storable for all the appropriate types.

  If do recommend reading the  FFI spec. It's quite readable and
  explains a lot of the issues.

Sure. It helped a lot. Actually, I've been able to do everything I
needed so far with just the spec and Foreign.*.

 I would also  add the chapter 17 of Real  World Haskell. you can
 read it here:

Nice. It  shows unsafePerformIO. Some  functions returning structs
are  side effect  free.  I'm  writing bindings  I want  to  put on
hackage,  so what  do  you think  would  fit better  the taste  of
Haskell  programmers:  pure  functions  using  unsafePerformIO  or
IO functions?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Problem with System.Random.randoms

2008-12-08 Thread Mauricio


I have a small problem with System.Random.randoms. I need a rather
large number of random numbers but the following program consumes a
huge amount of memory. I terminated it when it used up more than 2 Gb:

Interesting. Well, if you don't solve this problem,
I recently needed random numbers and it was very
clean to use State and StateT to get them updated.
Depending on your problem, this may be easier
than using a list.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Cabal: defaultMainNoRead and source file location

2008-12-08 Thread Mauricio


I've just seen this from Distribution.ModuleName (ghc 6.10):

toFilePath $ ( simple A.B.C )

to which ghci answers: A.B.C.

Shouldn't it say  A/B/C? The reason why I'm  asking is that I've
just  created  a  Setup.hs  with 'defaultMainNoRead',  and  'Setup
build' complains  it can't find  A.B.C. When I copy  (move doesn't
work)  C.hs from src_dir/A/B  to src_dir/A.B.C.hs,  it doesn't
complain, although it fails to generate my library saying:

[1 of 1] Compiling A.B.C ( src/A/B/C.hs, dist/build/A/B/C.o)
/usr/bin/ar: creating dist/build/libHSabc-0.a
/usr/bin/ar: dist/build/A.B.C.o: No such file or directory

Thanks for your tips,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Cabal: defaultMainNoRead and source file location

2008-12-08 Thread Mauricio

 (...)  The reason why  I'm asking  is that  I've just  created a
 Setup.hs with  'defaultMainNoRead', and 'Setup  build' complains
 it can't find  A.B.C. When I copy (move  doesn't work) C.hs from
 src_dir/A/B   to  src_dir/A.B.C.hs,  it   doesn't  complain,
 although it fails to generate my library saying:

I'm changing to normal defaultMain, but just in case someone wants
to  check the  problem I'm  appending a  'darcs whatsnew'  over an
empty repo.

Is this  the right place to report  that? Does Distribution.Simple
or cabal have a bug tracking of its own?


addfile ./Setup.hs
hunk ./Setup.hs 1
+#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
+module  Main (main)  where {  import Distribution.Simple  ; import
+Distribution.PackageDescription  ;  import Distribution.ModuleName
+hiding ( main ) ; import Distribution.PackageDescription.Check ;
+ main = defaultMainNoRead pkg ;
+ pkg :: PackageDescription ;
+ oneLineSynopsis =
+  bla ble bli ;
+ longDescription = \
+  \blabla bleble blibli\
+  \ ;
+ modules = map simple [ A.B.C ] ;
+ pkg  = emptyPackageDescription  {
+  package  =  PackageIdentifier {
+   pkgName   =  PackageName   abc   ,
+   pkgVersion   =  Version   {
+versionBranch  = [0]  ,
+versionTags  = [   ]
+   }
+  }  ,
+  license = PublicDomain ,
+  maintainer =  Me ,
+  author  = Me ,
+  synopsis = oneLineSynopsis  ,
+  description =  longDescription  ,
+  category  = any  ,
+  buildDepends = [ Dependency ( PackageName base ) AnyVersion ] ,
+  descCabalVersion  = orLaterVersion  $ Version  {
+versionBranch = [ 1 , 2 ] ,
+versionTags = [  ]
+  } ,
+  buildType = Just Custom ,
+  library = Just ( Library {
+  exposedModules = modules ,
+  libExposed  =   True  ,
+  libBuildInfo  =   emptyBuildInfo  {
+hsSourceDirs = [ ./src ] ,
+extensions = [ ]
+  }
+   } )
+ }
adddir ./src
adddir ./src/A
addfile ./src/A.B.C.hs
hunk ./src/A.B.C.hs 1
+module A.B.C where {
+ a = asdf ;
+ b = qwer ;
+ c = zxcv
adddir ./src/A/B
addfile ./src/A/B/C.hs
hunk ./src/A/B/C.hs 1
+module A.B.C where {
+ a = asdf ;
+ b = qwer ;
+ c = zxcv

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Sugestion for a basic Utf8 type.

2008-12-02 Thread Mauricio


I would like to sugest a new basic type in Haskell. What if we had
something like this (with any other quoting character):

«Je ne parle pas français. Meu nome é Maurício. ¿Hablas español?»

This would  be of type  Utf8. I  think now it  is not a  bad idea,
since Haskell source  code is supposed to be  utf-8.  The internal
representation of  this datatype would be a  null terminated utf-8
byte vector. No standard operations would be defined on that type,
i.e., it would be  a “communication standard” between everybody,
but module  writers could develop  different basic usage  based on
operations on them  using Foreign.  (I think it  would be dificult
to set default operations, since  there are so many things you can
do with utf-8.)


 * There  would  be  no  doubt   you  can  use  utf-8  when  using
   this, since there's no conversion involved.

 * Cleaner code  on utf8 operations,  maybe.  There are  many utf8
   modules today with different goals in mind, I thing it would be
   nice if  they could share this  common basic type  and a common
   underline implementation.


 * Probably, many. I have no deep understanding of Haskell.

Thanks for your attention,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sugestion for a basic Utf8 type.

2008-12-02 Thread Mauricio

 I would like to sugest a new basic type in Haskell. What if we had
 something like this (with any other quoting character):

 «Je ne parle pas français. (...) ¿Hablas español?»

 This would  be of type  Utf8. I  think now it  is not a  bad idea,
 since Haskell source  code is supposed to be  utf-8.  The internal
 representation of  this datatype would be a  null terminated utf-8
 byte vector. ...

 Stream fusion on Haskell Unicode strings - Tom Harper

Actually, what  I suggest is quite  different, in points  I see as

* His focus  is on speed and  memory, my goal is  more elegant and
  safe code.

* His approach  consolidates Prelude. My  approach allows complete
  elimination of  Prelude. If we had  a Utf8 basic  type, we could
  have modules with many different basic types, and many different
  ideas on how to 'read «something» :: sometype'. In the future,
  we  could write  a  module to  implement  some sort  of not  yet
  invented  numeral type,  which other  module would  allow  to be
  readed from Chinese kanji.

* He wants  to preserve  many properties of  [Char]. I  think Utf8
  type  should  have  no  standard  properties at  all.  See  next
  argument on why this would avoid some unsafe code.

* He insists on the idea of text as something over char. Well, I'm
  probably alone  there, but I think  this was nice,  but today we
  could have better approachs.  Except  for source code, text is a
  block of information, not  a sequence of anything.  I explicitly
  would like  a type we  could not map  over, because we  can't do
  that — text is built from  so many things, there's no basic unit
  we can apply  functions to.  Even something like  printing of a
  table  of   all  characters   and  their  unicode   numbers  is
  impossible, since a lot of  unicode is not printable. Are these
  blocks  of text  equal?   also  do not  work  like that,  since
  different sets of  bytes can have the same  meaning. If you want
  some piece of text to  obey specific properties, you should have
  to extract it to a  proper type.

Sorry if this is insane for some reason.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sugestion for a basic Utf8 type.

2008-12-02 Thread Mauricio

   So  this  proposal  is  more   than  a  UTF8  type,  since  it
   encompasses a  move away from  text as lists.  What interfaces
   would we have to text in this proposal?

Normal users  would import modules with  specific interfaces, like
functions or instances.

One possible such  module would be Streams like  those sugested in
the  previous article.  Others could  offer functionality  I don't
know of  -- maybe there's  some usefull interface for  japanese or
greek users we (non japanese or greek) don't imagine.

My first attempt  would be PortugueseText, with a  type that could
only be built after Portuguese primitives or read from Utf8 with
possible errors,  and convert to  Utf8 of course. That  type would
always convert  to Utf8 with  correct diacriticals, and  sort with
the  latest Portuguese  agreements. Mapping  over syllables  could
be  allowed,  that  makes  sense in  syllabic  languages.  Quotes,
questions,  parenthesis etc.  could  be done  with functions  like
'quote «Ser ou não ser»'.

Other could be SimpleEnglishTextAsList, that could offer something
close  to what  we  have today,  with  functions for  uppercasing,
lowercasing and well behaved (non ambiguous) sorting.

Writers  of very  basic modules  would  have to  touch Utf8  using
Foreign.  So,  maybe  the  only  standard  interface  would  be  a
(ForeignPtr?) pointer to  a null terminated block  of memory. This
would make Foreign a new Prelude,  maybe. In the end, this is just
a basic block of memory that we can fill with utf-8 text, and that
serves as a common denominador.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Question about fastcgi

2008-11-28 Thread Mauricio


I'm learnng to use fastcgi and, reading the examples,
I see the main loop is like this:

main = runFastCGI my_work

However, isn't a fastcgi program supposed to choose
a port where to listen to calls? For instance, in this
C example:

doesn't the line

listen_socket = FCGX_OpenSocket(:8002, 2000);

says it's listening to port 8002? I read the code
for fastcgi, from hackage, and I can't find anything
related to ports like, for instance, a default port.
Am I understanding something the wrong way?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Question about fastcgi

2008-11-28 Thread Mauricio

I was able to get this working with lighttpd, and
I did had to choose a port, but only at lighttpd
configuration, not at the Haskell source.


ChrisK a écrit :

I have only used this, all of these are from Haskell:

pamac-cek10:~ chrisk$ cat /etc/apache2/other/httpd-fastcgi.conf
IfModule mod_fastcgi.c
  Alias /fcgi-bin/ /Library/WebServer/FastCGI-Executables/

  Directory /Library/WebServer/FastCGI-Executables/
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

SetHandler fastcgi-script
Options +ExecCGI

  FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fastcgi
  FastCgiServer /Library/WebServer/FastCGI-Executables/hw.fastcgi 
-pass-header Cookie
  FastCgiServer /Library/WebServer/FastCGI-Executables/test.fastcgi 
-pass-header Cookie
/Library/WebServer/FastCGI-Executables/xwords.fastcgi -pass-header 


The above is included from the main httpd.conf which has:

pamac-cek10:~ chrisk$ grep -i fast /etc/apache2/httpd.conf LoadModule 
fastcgi_module libexec/apache2/

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Begginer question about alignment in Storable

2008-11-21 Thread Mauricio

Thanks! This is actually a really  nice tutorial! Do you mind if I
try to find a place for it in the wiki?

Go right ahead (...)

For reference:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Begginer question about alignment in Storable

2008-11-20 Thread Mauricio

 (...)   But the  major advantage  of hsc2hs  is that  if  your C
 struct changes or you use a different C compiler, the allignment
 and size as well as the offsets used in peek and poke will still
 be correct since the compiler will calculate it for you. (...)

 And you  wanted to write  a storable instance.  With  hsc2hs you
 would write it like this: (...)

Thanks! This is actually a really  nice tutorial! Do you mind if I
try to find a place for it in the wiki?

 Regarding cabal setup, that is only really needed if you are
 intending to build a package to distribute to other people. (...)

I didn't  know about hsc2hs, but I'm  a big fan of  cabal. I would
use it even in Hello Word.

 (...)  (I don't have a good link for learning cabal; you'll have
 to google around (e.g. haskell cabal) for info.)

Compreensive as a reference, easy to follow as a tutorial:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Begginer question about alignment in Storable

2008-11-19 Thread Mauricio

If you are using hsc2hs (if you are using Cabal this is easy; just
rename the file to *.hsc and Cabal will take care of the rest), then
there is a macro for making this easier and so you don't have to think
about it. (...)

Well, after reading FFI addendum, I'm using
my loyal text editor. Am I supposed to use
something else? Is there something a tool like
hsc2hs or cabal setup can do that is more
portable than what I could write myself? Where
should I learn about that?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: What *not* to use Haskell for

2008-11-11 Thread Mauricio

I think Haskell is not nice to write general purpouse libraries
that could be easily and completly wrapped by other languages.
You can wrap gtk, sqlite3, gsl, opengl etc., but you can't write
python bindings for Data.Graph.

But, then, if you claim there's nothing else Haskell can't do,
what do you need those bindings for ? :)


Hi everyone

So I should clarify I'm not a troll and do see the Haskell light. But
one thing I can never answer when preaching to others is what does
Haskell not do well?

Usually I'll avoid then question and explain that it is a 'complete'
language and we do have more than enough libraries to make it useful and
productive. But I'd be keen to know if people have any anecdotes,
ideally ones which can subsequently be twisted into an argument for
Haskell ;)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: FFI documentation?

2008-11-10 Thread Mauricio

 Where do I find the documentation  for the FFI for GHC?  I've read the
 FFI report,  the GHC user guide  and scoured  but they all
 gloss over what commands you actually need to give GHC and how to give
 them.  foreign import blah blah just gives me undefined references.

One well  documented and compiler independent  way to do that  is to use
Cabal packages:

as used on Hackage:

If you have  never done that, you will take some  time to understand the
role of the  setup file (which in your case  will problably be something
like: import  Distribution.Simple; main=defaultMain) and  the details of
.cabal files. (The problem you  are concerned with is detailed in 3.1.4:
Build Information. You'll  see you can also list C  files to be compiled
with your  code, and if you  are using some library  that implements the
pkg-config standard  then everything is  really, really easy.   I advise
you to  also understand well how  'build-depends' works and  how to list
language  features out  of  Haskell 98  —  in your  situation, at  least
'extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface'.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Monad.Reader with updates

2008-11-07 Thread Mauricio

 Hi Mauricio.  What you want actually already exists in QuickCheck as
 the Gen monad.

 newtype Gen a
   = Gen (Int - StdGen - a)

 instance Monad Gen where
   return a= Gen (\n r - a)
   Gen m = k =
 Gen (\n r0 - let (r1,r2) = split r0
   Gen m'  = k (m n r1)
in m' n r2)


Nice. I think that's exactly what I was trying to do.

 You could also implement this as a variation on the State monad if you
 wanted to avoid using split: (...)

Yes.  After Brent's explanation I finally realized State was the perfect
option. Maybe  it should  also be better  for QuickCheck. I  just didn't
know it…  There are  many things  in the standard  library that  do nice
things, but  I don't understand them  until I write a  few hundred lines
trying to do what they do :)

Thanks for your support and patience,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monad.Reader with updates

2008-11-06 Thread Mauricio


Is there some abstraction in current ghc library
that implements something like Reader, but where
the value of the environment is updated at every
step? I imagine something that instead of running
like this:

runReader ( do ... ) environment

I would run like:

runReader ( do ... ) environment update_function

So, when I write a monad like:

 a - asks f
 b - asks f2
 c - asks f3

f, f2 and f3 would be called with parameters
environment, (update_function environment),
(update_function . updatefunction $ environment)

Does that make sense? Is it easy to adapt
something already existing to do that?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Monad.Reader with updates

2008-11-06 Thread Mauricio

Is there some abstraction in current ghc library
that implements something like Reader, but where
the value of the environment is updated at every

do-it-yourself? you can start from reader definition and add what you
need. you just need to make initial state consisting from state
itself and update function so `run` will have just one initialization argument

Sure. I've done a few versions, trying to change
the way (=) is defined, and learned a lot with
that. But I wanted to know if there's already the
right way to do it instead of my newbie way to
do it :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list


2008-11-06 Thread Mauricio


According to this page:

there's an available toplevel declaration named:


in Distribution.Simple. However:

ghci --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.8.2

Prelude :m +Distribution.Simple
Prelude Distribution.Simple :t autoconfUserHooks
interactive:1:0: Not in scope: `autoconfUserHooks'

What would the experienced Haskell programmer do in such
situation? Is there some way to ask ghci (or ghc) to list
all available declarations, in a way that I could '| grep'
it or save it to a file? Can I ask ghci to look for a
declaration inside all available modules in all available


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Monad.Reader with updates

2008-11-06 Thread Mauricio

 Is there  some abstraction in  current ghc library  that implements
 something like  Reader, but where  the value of the  environment is
 updated at every step?

 It doesn't  quite make sense,  because one step isn't  well defined.
 How many  steps is return (f  x) ? how  about return x =  \y -
 return (f y) ? (...)

I  understand.  But  do  you  think something  like  the (obviously  not
working)  code below  could  respect  monad laws,  if  I could  consider
(environment-a) a monad over a?

 update = snd . next ; -- this updates a random number generator

 instance RandomGen environment = Monad ( environment - a ) where {

   -- below, f :: g1 - ( environment - g2 )
   p = f = p2 where { p2 e = ( f . p $ e ) . update } ;

   return = const ;


Then I would do something like:

 getStdGen = ( return . do { a = b = c } )

 So I think you'd have to make the steps explicit. (...)

 advance :: m () -- your primitive which changes the environment

 a * b = a  advance  b
 a *= f = do { r - a; advance; f r }

The problem is that I need 'a' or 'b' above to sometimes also change the
environment. I think with this method I could not get that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Making 'community' server our social network

2008-11-03 Thread Mauricio

Hello Maurí­cio,

Monday, November 3, 2008, 4:43:26 AM, you wrote:

darcs add .emacs

darcs get

thank, it's a great ideas! and don't forget that you can use as online backup of history of your config files

Nice. Just did that, according to Duncan instructions.

I can't share with those who don't know darcs, though, since
hidden files (like .emacs or .xmonad directory) do not show up
in the web page (code/~mauricio). So my next sugestion is
that listing of files starting with dots be allowed, if that
doesn't cause problems elsewhere.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Newbie on instance of Monad

2008-11-02 Thread Mauricio


After a lot of thinking, I can't get what I
am doing wrong in this code:
data ( RandomGen g ) = RandomMonad g a = RandomMonad (g - a)

RandomGen g is considered the constraint for the application of 
RandomMonad constructor, but GHC does not conclude that every value of 
(RandomMonad g a) fulfills this constraint. Actually, 'undefined' is 
available for any 'g'.

you need to make (RandomGen g) a constraint of the instance:

instance RandomGen g = Monad (RandomMonad g) where

Nice. I wasn't so wrong as I though :)

I didn't understand why can't the compiler deduce
that g is always going to be of type RandomGen. Even
if I use 'undefined', it has to be a RandomGen undefined.

Btw. RandomMonad looks like Control.Monad.Reader.

You are right, I'll try that instead so I learn a little
bit more. But I can't understand this syntax:

class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

What is the '|' doing there? I'll post that in a new thread
since it's a different question.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Syntax question: class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

2008-11-02 Thread Mauricio


I've reading Control.Monad.Reader source code and
arrived here:

class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

I can't understand that syntax. Since this is not a
'data' line, what is the '|' supposed mean?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Syntax question: class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

2008-11-02 Thread Mauricio


I've reading Control.Monad.Reader source code and
arrived here:

class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

I can't understand that syntax. Since this is not a
'data' line, what is the '|' supposed mean?

It's called a functional dependency. This is not part of the 
Haskell-98 language standard; check the GHC manual.

The documentation says There should be more documentation, but there 
isn't (yet). Yell if you need it. :)

But I think I was able to understand everything from
the examples.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Syntax question: class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

2008-11-02 Thread Mauricio

It's called a functional dependency. This is not part of the
Haskell-98 language standard; check the GHC manual.

The documentation says There should be more documentation, but there 
isn't (yet). Yell if you need it. :)

you probably don't found it. since 6.6 (or 6.8?) ghc includes great
tutorial on fundeps derived from hugs docs

It's here, on 'latest' directory:

But yes, you're right, there's a lot of good examples and
explanations. But that comment is still there, just in
the end of the first paragraph.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Newbie on instance of Monad

2008-10-31 Thread Mauricio


After a lot of thinking, I can't get what I
am doing wrong in this code:

data ( RandomGen g ) = RandomMonad g a = RandomMonad (g - a)

instance Monad (RandomMonad g) where
  return = RandomMonad . const
  RandomMonad f1 = f2 = RandomMonad f3 where
f3 a = f2f1 a (next a)
RandomMonad f2f1 = f2 . f1

I get this error message:

Could not deduce (RandomGen g)
 from the context (Monad (RandomMonad g))
 arising from a use of `RandomMonad' at src/encherDB.hs:10:11-21
  Possible fix:
   add (RandomGen g) to the context of the type signature for `return'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `RandomMonad'
In the expression: RandomMonad . const
In the definition of `return': return = RandomMonad . const

but I'm not smart enough to understand what
it means.

Thanks a lot,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Build without install, using cabal

2008-10-22 Thread Mauricio

I would like to include a few source files
as 'executable' sections in a .cabal package
description. However, although I do want to
use main=mainDefault features, I do not want
those packages to be installed when I run
'Setup.hs install'.

Yes, just use this in the executable section:

buildable: False

But I do want it to be built (so Setup will
check dependencies, allow me to './Setup clean'
etc.). However, I would like './Setup install'
to install just the main library.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A heretic question

2008-10-22 Thread Mauricio

At first, make sure you have Bjarne Stroustrup book
(very important: last edition). If there's anything good
in C++, it's there. Look also at his homepage:

I got the third edition and read it a couple of times... It's not that
I'm lacking knowledge of the language, but routine and a deeper
grokking of it's essence like I have with C, Scheme, Java and I guess
also Haskell.

Well, one thing I miss from C++ is the idea of acquiring resources in 
constructors and releasing them in destructors, as explained here:

(Haskell uses that in 'with...' functions, like 'withFile', but the 
syntax in C++ seems cleaner to me.) So, I can sugest you to try 
something where dealing with external (out of your control) resources is 
important, and where you need graceful handling of exceptions. Also, 
it's very easy to write your own memory allocator and use it to manage 
memory under pressure, and so you can go far beyond where 
'Foreign.Marshal.Pool' Haskell module can go.

Here is my sugestion: write something to interface with hardware. I 
tried to find something more specific but failed in available time, so I 
sugest you to take a look at many stuff you can find in thinkgeek. Then 
you can try unusual uses for it. For instance, they have a USB 
microscope. I don't know if you can move the microscope from the 
computer, but if you do, you could write something to automatically find 
evidences of failure in some kind of material or traces of chemical dust 
in surfaces. Or maybe you can get some security toys and try to identify 
people using their faces, or allow them to type text using just the 
movements of their heads. All of that involves heavy processing and at 
the same time interaction with equipment that can behave badly (like 
faces that can just go away from the computer). The nice thing about 
this is that in the end you can write a C wrapper over the main code and 
we can use it from Haskell :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Build without install, using cabal

2008-10-22 Thread Mauricio

But I do want it to be built (so Setup will
check dependencies, allow me to './Setup clean'
etc.). However, I would like './Setup install'
to install just the main library.

Just in case my response to you (in a previous thread that you started) 
wasn't clear, EMGM also provides an example of this feature. See the 
Cabal configuration file. (...)

Sure, I read that. But my idea was to get something
with build-time flags, not configure-time flags. But
I think that was a begginer mistake. Your way seems
to be the standard way of doing that. That's what
I'm going to do.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A heretic question

2008-10-20 Thread Mauricio

What kind of things do you prefer? Databases, science,
math, web?

At first, make sure you have Bjarne Stroustrup book
(very important: last edition). If there's anything good
in C++, it's there. Look also at his homepage:

Bjarne is the guy who first started C++, and in a certain
way still leads its development.

What kind of things, barring coding on Haskell-less platforms and
library interfaces would you choose to do in C++?

I'm asking 'cos I'm learning C++ and can't get the proper motivation to
do any program I can think of in it: If I need abstraction, I'm
thinking Haskell or Scheme, and if I'm thinking performance, C itself
more than suffices.

Plus template programming makes me shudder because of its atrocities
against clear and straightforward FP, but that's a different matter.

Coming to think of it, a compiler from a clean syntax to C++ templates
sounds like a fun project... which I'd do in Haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Cabal package with library and tests

2008-10-16 Thread Mauricio

I'm writing a Cabal package, using main=defaultMain
in Setup.hs. It has a library, and I want to also
build a few executables so I can test the library.
How am I supposed to do that? (...)

You might consider looking at the EMGM cabal file in the source.


From the site:

  Échec de la connexion sécurisée utilise un certificat de sécurité invalide.
  Le certificat n'est pas sûr car l'autorité délivrant le certificat est
  (Code d'erreur : sec_error_unknown_issuer)

The test argument to Setup seems nice. Is there some
already defined on the hook for tests?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FFI Newbie: c functions that want pointers to objects

2008-10-16 Thread Mauricio


Some functions in C changes data using pointers,
like this example:

void change_int (int *n)
  *n ++;

What is the proper way to handle that? I
guess I should wrap it like this:

foreign ccall change_int change_int
 :: Ptr CInt - IO ()

Can I use that on a CInt in Haskell code?
Like this obviously wrong code, but that
probably shows what I want:

  let myN = 5
  change_int myN


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Cabal package with library and tests

2008-10-16 Thread Mauricio

You might consider looking at the EMGM cabal file in the source.


 From the site:

 Échec de la connexion sécurisée utilise un
certificat de sécurité invalide.
 Le certificat n'est pas sûr car l'autorité délivrant le certificat est
 (Code d'erreur : sec_error_unknown_issuer)

That looks like what I see in Firefox when I go to a site that's using a 
non-verified SSL certificate. (...)

Right. I didn't know I could just accept that
and go further...

Yours is actually a very good example on how
to build a customized cabal package :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type safety in foreign pointer

2008-10-15 Thread Mauricio


I'm wrapping a library where functions take
as parameters pointers to a few standard
structs (as, well, all C libraries). I
would like to ensure that only pointers of
correct structs are passed to those functions.
What is the Haskell way to do that? My
idea is to do something like this:

newtype SomeStruct = SomeStruct ()

and then

foreign import ccall my_function myfunction
  :: Ptr SomeStruct - IO int

Is that the proper way to do that?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Cabal package with library and tests

2008-10-15 Thread Mauricio


I'm writing a Cabal package, using main=defaultMain
in Setup.hs. It has a library, and I want to also
build a few executables so I can test the library.
How am I supposed to do that? My attempt was to
create 'executable' sections for those tests. However,
I don't know how to include the main library in the
modules used by those tests. I tried to insert my
own package in a 'build-depends' line, but that
didn't work.

Thanks for your tips,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Linking and unsafePerformIO

2008-10-14 Thread Mauricio


If I have a Haskell wrapper (with unsafe...)
over a function that's never going to return
different values and is always side-effect
free, but can change depending on compile time
options of its library; my program is running,
and then the version of my library is updated
by my distribution smart instalation system,
which does update versions of libraries in
use; is it possible that I get a wrong behavior
of my program?

I do not understand enough about package
management to understand how running programs
or libraries are updated, and less about how
linking works between Haskelll and libraries
on other languages, so I don't know if my
program is guaranteed to stay with a single
version of a library for each run.

(Sure this is a weird situation, but I do
like to think about worst cases.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Linking and unsafePerformIO

2008-10-14 Thread Mauricio


If I have a Haskell wrapper (with unsafe...)
over a function that's never going to return
different values and is always side-effect
free, but can change depending on compile time
options of its library; my program is running,
and then the version of my library is updated
by my distribution smart instalation system,
which does update versions of libraries in
use; is it possible that I get a wrong behavior
of my program?

I do not understand enough about package
management to understand how running programs
or libraries are updated, and less about how
linking works between Haskelll and libraries
on other languages, so I don't know if my
program is guaranteed to stay with a single
version of a library for each run.

(Sure this is a weird situation, but I do
like to think about worst cases.)

In practice that is fine, with current RTSes and so on.

In principle it's not fine. A 'constant' should be constant over all 
time, not just constant over a particular library version or sub-version 
or a particular program invocation or OS or

Who knows, maybe some future haskell runtime will be able to perform the 
trickery you describe and will cause this to break ;)

What I actually want to use that way are build
time configs. For instance, 'isThisLibraryThreadSafe'
or 'maximumNumberOfBigObjects'. Actually, I don't
know why people allow build time options at all.
We always use the best set of options, and the
alternatives are there just to compel us to check
for them :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Foreign.Marshal.Error.void

2008-10-14 Thread Mauricio


Wouldn't it be nice if we had something
like 'void' in Foreign.Marshal.Error in
standard monad functions, so that we could
use it instead of, for instance, mapM_
or sequence_?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Interesting new user perspective

2008-10-13 Thread Mauricio
_Some_ newcommers flounder because they expect Haskell to be just 
another VB / C++ / Java / whatever. (Do we really want to encourage 
these people to be learning Haskell in the first place?) (...)

I hope so. One of my most important motivations to try
Haskell was that I thought it was radically drived by
some ideas that were only beggining to show up in C++,
and I'm happy to know I was right :)

(And, really, I was scared by how much time is lost with
misinformed critics about other languages.)

My begginer problem: syntax was a *major* issue, and I
only could overcome it with a lot of love for this
language. The best reference I was able to find is this:

and it's not exactly for begginers.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Multi-line string literals are both easy /and/ elegant in Haskell

2008-10-13 Thread Mauricio

The new QuasiQuotes extension arriving with ghc 6.10 is very exciting,
and handling multi-line string literals is like stealing candy from
a baby. ;)



How exactly QuasiQuote behave, and what
is available to handle them? (Or: can I
find information already on the web?)

Sugestion: what about tex like syntax,
i.e., change of line is a space, blank
line is a newline (so that we could
reformat the string without changing


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [] vs [()]

2008-10-10 Thread Mauricio
What is the difference between empty list [] and list with one unit 
element [()]?

Or, yet:

():[()] --is legal
10:[()] --is not

One list can contain elements of a
single type. Since the type of () is
() (element constructors  and types
are allowed to have the same name),
a list of type [()] can only contain
elements of type (), i.e., ()s. Try
this is ghci:

:t [()]
:t [(),(),(),()]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Libraries in home dir

2008-10-09 Thread Mauricio


I want to use a few libraries from hackage
and have already download and built them. Can
I install those libraries somewhere in my
home dir (I want to avoid installing as root)
so that ghc can find them?

If so, which options should I give to Setup.hs
(with main=defaultMain) so that the libraries
are going to be copy to that dir?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Libraries in home dir

2008-10-09 Thread Mauricio


I want to use a few libraries from hackage
and have already download and built them. Can
I install those libraries somewhere in my
home dir (...)

$ cabal instsll xmonad

Does exactly that by default. No other flags are required.

Nice. Thanks for all tips. Reading them I understood
defaultMain works like usual 'configure' scripts, and
tried Setup.hs --help, and found the full documentation
I needed.

About cabal: the fact that the last versions of packages
are not available in the pointed place mean I should
not use cabal? For instance, utf8-string is using
instead of the darcs page pointed in its hackage page. Does
that mean the package available in hackage is not the one
I should use?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: I'll do USB in Haskell - tips?

2008-10-08 Thread Mauricio

Looking for Posix Linux API, I found It
has a lot (I think all I need) to start in Linux. Does anyone
knows where can I find related information for Windows, so
I can start without writing something that would be difficult
to support there?



I am also interested in SCSI, PCI, etc. (...)  Maybe Marco
should talk to the people doing the Linux implementation for the Posix 
API and see how viable that API is before spending a  year for nothing.  
Or Marco maybe you can be a trailblazer and come up with a better 
Posix/Win32 USB APIquo t; and implement in Haskell? ;^)

Very kind regards, Vasili

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] I'll do USB in Haskell - tips?

2008-10-06 Thread Mauricio


I'll need to use a lot of USB at work and, after
looking around, it seems there's no general USB
code done. 'libusb' and 'openusb' do not seem
ready enough so that wrapping them would be easier
than writing from scratch. (If you think I am
wrong until here and have time to write me your
opinion, I'll value it a lot.)

So: I would like to (try to) write a good
implementation of USB access in Haskell.  I would
like it to be really general, so that we could use
all of USB without need to resort to something
else; available to all possible environments and
operating systems; allow easy testing of USB
clients, maybe using fake USB devices that could
simulate problems; do that using Haskell code to
directly access operating system API.

I've read the appropriate chapters of USB 2.0
standard reference. I'll greatly appreciate any
information you can give me: sugestions on what
would be the Haskell way of doing USB; good
technical information on how USB is implemented in
different OSes; warnings on problems I may have;
wishes of good luck :)

I hope in one year I'll be able to post a message
here saying Haskell is the greatest language to
interface with USB devices.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-18 Thread Mauricio

Agree about the answer, not about the question. The
correct one would be is it possible to change haskell
syntax to support the international notation (...)

For some sense of possible, the answer is clearly yes.
However, it is perhaps misleading to call commas
THE international notation.  (...)   You might as
well ask is it possible to change Haskell syntax to
support only the *real* Arabic digits ... for ...
numbers.  (... + evindences that there isn't one

 single standard)

Well, utf-8 strings seemed to me a good way to initialize
variables, and we could, for instance use something
like [1,2,3,4] to initialize other kinds of lists
besides the standard one. One example I got from gtk2hs
are marked-up text on labels. So, I actually thought
we could add support for arabic and japanese digits,
and any other ways we get without ambiguities (continued
fractions, I would like, and I also liked the idea of
the raised dot).

Well, after all the comments, I'm convinced changing
the Show and Read classes are not the way to go. But
I'll think of something like a InitializableByUFT8String
class, and I'll advertize it here if I ever get
something usable and interesting.

Thanks for your comments,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

No, it is not. Strings created by show are
always supposed to be readable by read, no
matter which system used 'show' and which
system is using 'read'.


Rafael C. de Almeida a écrit :

Mauricio wrote:


A small annoyance some users outside
english speaking countries usually
experiment when learning programming
languages is that real numbers use
a '.' instead of ','. Of course, that
is not such a problem except for the
inconsistence between computer and
free hand notation.

Do you think 'read' (actually,
'readsPrec'?) could be made to also
read the international convention
(ie., read 1,5 would also work
besides read 1.5)? I'm happy to
finaly use a language where I can
use words of my language to name
variables, so I wonder if we could
also make that step.

Isn't it locale dependent? If it isn't, it should be. Try setting your
locale right and see if things work. At least awk work fine that way.

Although I don't like too much that kinda stuff, I usually set the
locale to C so I keep all my programs behaving consistently. I have
problems with that stuff before (a file generated by an awk script had ,
instead of . and that would confuse other computers with a different

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

Maybe. Doubles 'show' function always print something
after the decimal separator, so 'show [doubles]' is
easy to parse but difficult for human reading. It
would be nice to have a space between elements of a
shown list, though. It's an annoyance, but
internationalization is really great, I think it
deserves the effort.


Tilo Wiklund a écrit :

Wouldn't that make it hard to parse lists of floats?

On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 09:29 -0300, Mauricio wrote:


A small annoyance some users outside
english speaking countries usually
experiment when learning programming
languages is that real numbers use
a '.' instead of ','. Of course, that
is not such a problem except for the
inconsistence between computer and
free hand notation.

Do you think 'read' (actually,
'readsPrec'?) could be made to also
read the international convention
(ie., read 1,5 would also work
besides read 1.5)? I'm happy to
finaly use a language where I can
use words of my language to name
variables, so I wonder if we could
also make that step.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

I'm happy to
finaly use a language where I can
use words of my language to name
variables, so I wonder if we could
also make that step.


There is a bunch of languages (like Glagol) that use words of Russian 
language as keywords; AFAIK there aren't any Russian programmer who uses 
them. I've always felt sorry for English-speaking programmers: they HAVE 
to use the same words as keywords and as usual talking words at the same 

Here I totally aggree with you. It's great
that I can use words in my language for
variables, but the same would be really
annoying if the same was true for keywords.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

Do you think 'read' (actually,
'readsPrec'?) could be made to also
read the international convention
(ie., read 1,5 would also work
besides read 1.5)? I'm happy to
finaly use a language where I can
use words of my language to name
variables, so I wonder if we could
also make that step.

That would be quite problematic in combination with lists, is

  read [1,2,3,4] == [1,2,3,4]


  read [1,2,3,4] == [1.2, 3.4]

Or something else?

As of today, at least in ghc, show ([1,2,3]::[Double])
will always produce [1.0,2.0,3.0]. Since the requirement
for read is to read what is produced by show, that
would not be a problem.

Localized reading should be somewhere else, perhaps related to Locales.

No! If we had that, string from a program would not
be readable by some program running in other machine,
or other locale. As, actually, you describe below.
Show and Read are for programs reading, not for
user reading. That's a work for Pango :)

As an aside, this is one of the (many) places where Haskell has made the 
right choice. In other languages such as Java input functions suddenly 
break when the user has a different locale setting. While for user input 
this might be desired, in my experience much of the i/o a program does 
is with well defined file formats where changing '.' to ',' just 
shouldn't happen.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

As of today, show ((1,2)::(Float,Float))
would not produce that kind of output.

Dan Piponi a écrit :

Mauricio asked:

Do you think 'read' (actually,
'readsPrec'?) could be made to also
read the international convention
(ie., read 1,5 would also work
besides read 1.5)?

What would you hope the value of

read (1,2,3)::(Float,Float)

would be?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

Do you think 'read' (actually,
'readsPrec'?) could be made to also
read the international convention
(ie., read 1,5 would also work
besides read 1.5)? I'm happy to
finaly use a language where I can
use words of my language to name
variables, so I wonder if we could
also make that step.

The purpose of 'read' is to read haskell notation, not to read 
locally-sensitive notation.

So the right question to ask is should we change haskell's lexical 
syntax to support locally-sensitive number notation.

IMO, the answer is no. (...)

Agree about the answer, not about the question. The
correct one would be is it possible to change haskell
syntax to support the international notation (not any
locally sensitive one) for decimal real numbers? Would
a change in 'read' be a good first step?

I know this looks difficult, but I'm sure it deserves at
least some thinking. We have previous examples for
less important issues: ghc does accept Windows end
of line conventions, the minus and sign needs special
syntax, and '.' can be used as decimal separator even
if it's use as function notation.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

Do you think 'read' (actually,
'readsPrec'?) could be made to also
read the international convention
(ie., read 1,5 would also work
besides read 1.5)?

No, as read is really intended to be a language-level tool, not 
something that you should expose to end users. For locale-aware number 
input and formatting, you'd want to do something else.

Sure. What I think would be great if possible
would be a language-level tool. The same way
'.' can be used as decimal separator even if
it's the function composition operator. If
it's not possible to change the syntax,
changing 'read' could be a good step (since,
sometimes, 'read' is a good way to inialize
some variables if proper care is taken.

I know this sound weird, but it is an issue,
for instance, when teaching programming.
Students who face programming classes usually
start writing numbers the wrong way, and
sometimes this leads to confusion. A similar
problem we had in the days when zeros were
cut so they would be different of O, and
now we have a lot of grown up people still
writing 0 as if it were a greek phi. (As
my father used to complain, when his students
had to write something like phi=0.)

Read and Show are, IMHO, a great way to
initialize variables. a = read 123 is
an alternative to a = 123, and maybe even
a replacement. If, for instance, both
show and read used some kind of delimiter,
it would be easy to use reasonable ways
to write constants of any kind. A big effort,
but not less than is needed for unicode
support in strings, and almost as usefull.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to check if two Haskell files are the same?

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

I would like to write a Haskell pretty-printer,
using standard libraries for that. How can I
check if the original and the pretty-printed
versions are the same? For instance, is there
a file generated by GHC at the compilation
pipe that is always guaranteed to have the
same MD5 hash when it comes from equivalent

Compare .hi files?

That was my first thought, but can I be sure
.hi files are going to be exactly the same,
i.e., isn't there some kind of information
(timestamps?) that can change without changes
in the code?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

 Do you think 'read' (actually, 'readsPrec'?)
 could be made to also read the international
 convention (ie., read 1,5 would also work
 besides read 1.5)?


 IMAO, it's bloody well stupid to use commas for
 either the decimal separator or the thousands
 separator, as it has a well established role in
 separating the items in a list that conflicts
 with this. (...)

After 10 years of professional experience, I'm
getting used to the fact that almost every time
someone says my idea is stupid I'm going in the
right direction.  Linux, firefox… And know
everybody in the office uses nothing else. It's
stupid to use anything but Java, that's what the
whole world is using, and here I am writing
software in Haskell.

Really, no troll intended. This is an open source
world, I'll try my own Read and Show classes. If
others like it, great, if not, I was wrong in the
first place :)

Best! Thanks for your attention,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to check if two Haskell files are the same?

2008-09-17 Thread Mauricio

Chaddaï Fouché a écrit :

2008/9/16 Mauricio [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I would like to write a Haskell pretty-printer,
using standard libraries for that. How can I
check if the original and the pretty-printed
versions are the same? For instance, is there
a file generated by GHC at the compilation
pipe that is always guaranteed to have the
same MD5 hash when it comes from equivalent

There is not, though I have a suggestion :
Am I correct in assuming that you mean equivalent source in the
sense that only the formatting (and eventually {;} as a layout format
consequence) differs ?

Exactly! And with comments removed, since the last
time I checked Language.Haskell.* used not to preserve

Then the sequence of tokens from the source ought to do the trick as
long as you delete location information (map unLoc) and transform
ITvocurly (virtual braces for layout induced blocks) into ITocurly
(real braces for no-layout blocks) (and same for ITvccurly) (it's just
another map). If only the formatting differs, those two should be

Good idea. I think that's all that I need. I can write a
hash function that filters and transforms like that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Float instance of 'read'

2008-09-16 Thread Mauricio


A small annoyance some users outside
english speaking countries usually
experiment when learning programming
languages is that real numbers use
a '.' instead of ','. Of course, that
is not such a problem except for the
inconsistence between computer and
free hand notation.

Do you think 'read' (actually,
'readsPrec'?) could be made to also
read the international convention
(ie., read 1,5 would also work
besides read 1.5)? I'm happy to
finaly use a language where I can
use words of my language to name
variables, so I wonder if we could
also make that step.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How to check if two Haskell files are the same?

2008-09-16 Thread Mauricio


I would like to write a Haskell pretty-printer,
using standard libraries for that. How can I
check if the original and the pretty-printed
versions are the same? For instance, is there
a file generated by GHC at the compilation
pipe that is always guaranteed to have the
same MD5 hash when it comes from equivalent


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Import qualified, inverse of hiding

2008-09-15 Thread Mauricio

Exactly! Thanks.


Paulo Tanimoto a écrit :

You mean like this?

import Data.List (foldl', nub)

Or am I misunderstanding your question?


On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Mauricio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


'import' allows one to say 'hiding' to
a list of names. Is it possible to do the
opposite, i.e., list the names I want to
import? Something like import Module showing x?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Import qualified, inverse of hiding

2008-09-15 Thread Mauricio


'import' allows one to say 'hiding' to
a list of names. Is it possible to do the
opposite, i.e., list the names I want to
import? Something like import Module showing x?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Should `(flip (^^))` work?

2008-09-15 Thread Mauricio


I tested the expression below
and it doesn't work. Is there
some way to achieve that (i.e.,
turning an expression inside
parenthesis into an operator)?

2 `(flip (^^))` (3%4)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Should `(flip (^^))` work?

2008-09-15 Thread Mauricio

Rafael C. de Almeida a écrit :

Derek Elkins wrote:

On Mon, 2008-09-15 at 18:42 -0300, Mauricio wrote:


I tested the expression below
and it doesn't work. Is there
some way to achieve that (i.e.,
turning an expression inside
parenthesis into an operator)?

2 `(flip (^^))` (3%4)

No it shouldn't work.  The fact that the opening and closing marks are the same 
suggests that it shouldn't.  You can fake it though.

x -| f = f x
f |- x = f x

2 -| flip (^^) |- (3%4)

Isn't naming the expression 'flip (^^)' much clearer?

I think that is an interesting question
about programming style. In practical
code I think we should have a balance
between the complexity of big expressions
and the complexity of too many names.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell and Java

2008-09-11 Thread Mauricio

 Sorry about this. I hit a critical mass of darcs conflicts (I look
 forward to giving git a try) around the same time I got really busy at
 work. I've been meaning to get back into it (and update it to GHC HEAD)
 but I haven't received sufficient nagging yet. Please yell if you're
 interested in LambdaVM. At the very least I should be able to help get
 whatever is in darcs compiling.

Would it allow allow Haskell to also call Java code,
besides running in JVM?

I think I'm not enough to nag you alone.

If you're looking for more people to nag you... I'm working on a 
compiler for a new declarative language. Right now we're using Haskell 
for a proof-of-concept interpreter, though one of the near-term goals 
for the compiler itself is a Java FFI/backend. Since much of the 
language is in the runtime engine, it'd be a shame to have to rewrite it 
all in Java or deal with the horror of JNI.

We can use this page, already pointed
on this thread:

We could add something like if you want something
working regarding the interaction between Haskell
and Java, please nag Brian Alliet at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell and Java

2008-09-10 Thread Mauricio

At this time It's not really a question
of better implementation, but cooperation.
I know Haskell, they know Java, and it
would be nice if we could share code and
work. The idea of the api, or maybe dbus,
seems OK. It just would be easier if we
could join everything in a single piece,
but it is no big deal.


Daryoush Mehrtash a écrit :
Why do you want to mix haskall and Java in one VM?  If there are 
functionality within your code that is better implemented in haskell, 
then why not  make that into a service (run it as haskell) with some api 
that Java code can use.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 2:36 AM, Maurí­cio [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I use Haskell, and my friends at
work use Java. Do you think it
could be a good idea to use Haskell
with Java, so I could understand
and cooperate with them? Is there a
a Haskell to Java compiler that's
already ready to use?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Field names

2008-09-10 Thread Mauricio

* Since a data constructor can be an infix operator (either spelled with 
backticks or a symbolic name beginning with ':' ) we can also write our 
patterns with infix notation.


(Slightly off-topic?)

Do you have any reference for that use of infixing
constructors by start their name with ':'? That's
interesting, and I didn't know about it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Field names

2008-09-10 Thread Mauricio

 Do you have any reference for that use of infixing
 constructors by start their name with ':'?

 (...) for data constructors, go to

 and search for `Operator symbols'. (...)

Here it is:

  “Operator symbols are formed from one or more
  symbol characters, as defined above, and are
  lexically distinguished into two namespaces
  (Section 1.4):

* An operator symbol starting with a colon is
  a constructor.(...)”

Cool! What is the syntax for using that in 'data'?
Is it something like “data X = Y | Int :° Double”?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell and Java

2008-09-10 Thread Mauricio

There used to be.
(Last darcs change log entry:
Sun Oct 21 03:05:20 CEST 2007  Brian Alliet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * fix build for hsjava change

Sorry about this. I hit a critical mass of darcs conflicts (I look
forward to giving git a try) around the same time I got really busy at
work. I've been meaning to get back into it (and update it to GHC HEAD)
but I haven't received sufficient nagging yet. Please yell if you're
interested in LambdaVM. At the very least I should be able to help get
whatever is in darcs compiling.

Would it allow allow Haskell to also call Java code,
besides running in JVM?

I think I'm not enough to nag you alone. However,
anybody who allows a Haskell programmer to avoid
using other languages can be sure to have brought a
lot of happiness to this sad world. If you can do it,
I don't know how you can resist :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] STM and FFI

2008-09-08 Thread Mauricio


Is it possible to use foreign function
interface with STMs? If so, where can I
find examples?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Field names

2008-09-08 Thread Mauricio

abs (Pt {pointx = x, pointy = y}) = sqrt (x*x + y+y) 

Why is it pointx=x and not x=pointx?

Your intuition is probably telling you that this
is something like:

abs (point) = sqrt (x*x+y*y)
  where {x=pointx point ; y=pointy point}

Actually, it's an example of pattern matching:

abs (Pt {pointx=3 , pointy=4}) = 5
abs (Pt {pointx=3 , pointy=y}) = sqrt (9+y*y)
abs (Pt {pointx=z , pointy=z}) = (sqrt 2)*z



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