Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stackage with GHC 7.8 has started

2013-10-14 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

I see one of my packages is on that list, because of the upper bound on 
template-haskell. I would love the raise the upper bound, but of course only if 
it will actually build.

Can I download a binary version snapshot GHC 7.8 somewhere so I can test and 
apply changes accordingly? I actively avoid building GHC from source.


On Oct 13, 2013, at 5:50 PM, Michael Snoyman wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I wanted to announce that FP Complete is now running a Jenkins job to build 
 Stackage with GHC 7.8. You can see the current results in the relevant Github 
 issue[1]. Essentially, we're still trying to get version bounds updated so 
 that a build can commence.
 I'd like to ask two things from the community:
 * If you have a package with a restrictive upper bound, now's a good time to 
 start testing that package with GHC 7.8 and relaxing those upper bounds. It 
 would be great if, when GHC 7.8 is released, a large percentage of Hackage 
 already compiled with it.
 * If you have a package on Hackage that is not yet on Stackage, now's a great 
 time to add it. We're going to be doing daily builds against three versions 
 of GHC (7.4.2, 7.6.3, and 7.8), which will help ensure your packages continue 
 to build consistently.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Seeking Control.Lens Combinator

2013-10-05 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

I know you specifically asked for a Control.Lens combinator and I don't have 
one for you, but I take the opportunity to show you how easy this is using 

tupleUp :: f :- a
- f :- b
- f :- (a, b)
tupleUp a b = point $
  (,) $ L.fst - a -- L.fst, L.snd are lenses from Data.Label.Base
  * L.snd - b

In fclabels you can use the Applicative instance (and Alternative for 
multi-constructor cases) to derive views like this. If you look at the 
structure it'll become clear how easily this scales up to different types of 

This particular example uses total monomorphic lenses, but also works for 
partial lenses and polymorphic updates.

Maybe there is a similar way in Control.Lens to do this.


On Oct 5, 2013, at 1:23 AM, Charlie Paul wrote:
 I'm looking for a combinator along the lines of
 () :: Lens' a b - Lens' a b' - Lens' a (b,b')
 I can see how it could lead to lenses that don't follow the laws, but
 for Lenses which are somehow independent (like _1 and _2), it works
 perfectly well. Is there a way in lens to specify this independence?
 Thank you,
 Charles Paul

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Using lenses

2013-10-03 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

I've used lenses to manipulate URIs represented as strings in a structured way, 

  modify (port . iso parsePrintUri) (+10) http://localhost:8070/index.html;

Of course using fclabels and not lens ;-)


On Oct 3, 2013, at 10:07 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

 (I sent this to ‘libraries’ but Kim-Ee suggested adding Café, where so many 
 smart people hang out.)
 Some of you will know that I’ve promised to give a talk about Edward’s lens 
 library at the Haskell Exchange in London next Wednesday (9th).  I did this 
 to give everyone (including me) a break from GHC hackery, and also to force 
 me to learn about this lens voodoo that everyone is twittering about.  Edward 
 generously gave me quite a bit of one-to-one attention last week (my hair is 
 still standing on end), but this message is to ask your help too.
 Specifically, I’d like to give some compelling use-cases.   If you are using 
 the lens library yourself, could you spare a few minutes to tell me how you 
 are using it?  I expect to cover Lens and Traversal but not Prism.
 The use-case everyone starts with is nested records, but I’d like to go 
 beyond that.  The next levels seem to be:
 · Lenses as views of data that isn’t “really there” e.g. regarding a 
 record with rectangular coordinates as having polar coordinates too.
 · Lenses and Traversals that focus on elements of finite maps 
 What else? I’m sure you are using them in all sorts of cool ways that I would 
 never think of, and I’d love to know.
 Please don’t tell me anything secret!  To give everyone the benefit I may 
 just concatenate all the replies and send to you all, so please say if you 
 don’t want me to do that with yours.
 And don’t burn too many cycles on this...I don’t want to waste your time, and 
 I can always get back to you if I can’t understand what you say.  Sooner is 
 better than later...Weds is coming.
 Simon “Edward’s prophet” PJ
 Libraries mailing list
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[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] fclabels 2.0

2013-10-01 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Hello everyone,

I’m excited to announce a brand new major version of fclabels. This library
provides first class labels that can act as bidirectional record fields.
The labels are implemented as lenses.

This new version contains some interesting new features like support for
polymorphic updates and lens derivation for GADTs. Furthermore the API has
been cleanup significantly and should be easier to work with.

You can read everything about this release at:

All feedback more than welcome!



On Hackage:

Source on github:

Full changelog:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Using MonadFix to tie the knot with STM

2011-02-16 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
On Feb 12, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:
 Hi all,
 During a little experiment I discovered there is no MonadFix instance 
 available for the STM monad. Is this absence the consequence of some deep 
 restriction of how STM works or 'just accidental'? Is there some way I could 
 derive this instance?
 If you port `fixST` to the STM monad, it seems to work fine at first glance:
 But I would want someone else's opinion on it to make sure I'm not
 doing something like introducing lazy STM values that violate
 atomicity, or something. The strict `case` on the return value makes
 me feel pretty good about it.

Interesting! This approach seems to work for my examples as well. Unfortunately 
I do not have enough insides into STM to be able to tell if the code is correct.

Does someone else have an opinion on this? When not I might propose adding the 
instance to the STM package.


 For those who are interested and may know other ways to solve my problem, 
 I'm trying to tie the knot in a graph by using transactional variables as 
 the edges between nodes. I'm trying to do this in a rather generic way:
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, 
 StandaloneDeriving, DoRec #-}
 module Graph where
 import Control.Applicative
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Monad.Fix
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Foldable
 import Data.Traversable
 import Prelude hiding (mapM)
 import qualified Data.Map as M
 instance MonadFix STM where
   mfix = error I need this instance!  -- What to do?
 -- A single node is a graph, has a list of both incoming and outgoing edges.
 data Node edge = Node
   { nodeId   :: NodeId
   , payload  :: String
   , incoming :: [edge]
   , ougoing  :: [edge]
   } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
 type NodeId = String
 -- A graph with an index on the nodes by NodeId, parametrized with the type 
 -- want to used as the edge pointer.
 type Graph edge = M.Map NodeId (Node edge)
 -- Type level fixed point combinator with a TVar annotation.
 newtype TFix f = TIn { tout :: TVar (f (TFix f)) }
 -- Take a graph that uses NodeIds as edges and recursively transform it 
 into a
 -- graph with TVars to the neighbouring nodes in the edges.
 tieTheKnot :: Graph NodeId - STM (Graph (TFix Node))
 tieTheKnot untied =
   do rec tied - (mapM . mapM) (\nodeid - TIn $ newTVar (tryLookup 
 nodeid tied)) untied
  return tied
 -- Helper function to lookup a pre-tied node from a graph, throws an error 
 -- the edge could not be resolved. This should, of course, not happen!
 tryLookup :: NodeId - Graph (TFix Node) - Node (TFix Node)
 tryLookup i = fromJust (error msg) . M.lookup i
   where msg = tieTheKnot: Lookup error, input is an incomplete graph.
 Thanks in advance,
 Sebastiaan Visser
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Using MonadFix to tie the knot with STM

2011-02-12 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Hi all,

During a little experiment I discovered there is no MonadFix instance available 
for the STM monad. Is this absence the consequence of some deep restriction of 
how STM works or 'just accidental'? Is there some way I could derive this 

For those who are interested and may know other ways to solve my problem, I'm 
trying to tie the knot in a graph by using transactional variables as the edges 
between nodes. I'm trying to do this in a rather generic way:

 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, 
 StandaloneDeriving, DoRec #-}
 module Graph where
 import Control.Applicative
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Monad.Fix
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Foldable
 import Data.Traversable
 import Prelude hiding (mapM)
 import qualified Data.Map as M
 instance MonadFix STM where
   mfix = error I need this instance!  -- What to do?
 -- A single node is a graph, has a list of both incoming and outgoing edges.
 data Node edge = Node
   { nodeId   :: NodeId
   , payload  :: String
   , incoming :: [edge]
   , ougoing  :: [edge]
   } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
 type NodeId = String
 -- A graph with an index on the nodes by NodeId, parametrized with the type we
 -- want to used as the edge pointer.
 type Graph edge = M.Map NodeId (Node edge)
 -- Type level fixed point combinator with a TVar annotation.
 newtype TFix f = TIn { tout :: TVar (f (TFix f)) }
 -- Take a graph that uses NodeIds as edges and recursively transform it into a
 -- graph with TVars to the neighbouring nodes in the edges.
 tieTheKnot :: Graph NodeId - STM (Graph (TFix Node))
 tieTheKnot untied =
   do rec tied - (mapM . mapM) (\nodeid - TIn $ newTVar (tryLookup nodeid 
 tied)) untied
  return tied
 -- Helper function to lookup a pre-tied node from a graph, throws an error 
 -- the edge could not be resolved. This should, of course, not happen!
 tryLookup :: NodeId - Graph (TFix Node) - Node (TFix Node)
 tryLookup i = fromJust (error msg) . M.lookup i
   where msg = tieTheKnot: Lookup error, input is an incomplete graph.

Thanks in advance,

Sebastiaan Visser
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strong version of 'local' for reader monad

2010-12-13 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Hey Brent,

Of course, because your type signature has no valid implementation, the 
expected semantics are hard to guess. Why should strongLocal bother about the 
MonadReader constraint on m1 anyway? Are you internally combining it with 'ask' 
or another 'local'?

The monads are potentially different, so m1 has to be run inside m2.

A more specific version of strongLocal could be:

 strongLocalReader :: MonadReader r2 m2 = (r2 - r1) - Reader r1 a - m2 a
 strongLocalReader f m = 
   do r - asks f
  return (runReader m r)

Or you can generalize it to every 'Runnable' monad:

 class Monad m = Runnable m where
   run :: m a - a

   :: (MonadReader r2 m2, Runnable m1)
   = (r2 - r1) - (r1 - m1 a) - m2 a
 strongLocalRunnable f m =
   do r - asks f
  return (run (m r))

Is this what you want to express?


On Dec 13, 2010, at 9:30 PM, Brent Yorgey wrote:
 Hi all,
 Today I wanted this function
  strongLocal :: (MonadReader r1 m1, MonadReader r2 m2) = 
 (r2 - r1) - m1 a - m2 a
 Of course, after staring at this type for ten seconds I realized that
 it cannot be implemented.  But I wondered whether anyone has any
 pointers to anything related, or if anyone has good ideas for a
 reasonable interface that would allow this.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: arrow-list. List arrows for Haskell.

2010-11-07 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
On Nov 7, 2010, at 1:40 AM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:
 On Nov 6, 2010, at 10:00 PM, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:
 List arrows are a powerful tool when processing XML, building query 
 languages and lots of other domains that build on functions that might 
 return more than one value as their output.
 Interesting. Do you plan to write some examples that show
  * how to use ListArrows,

Yes, I certainly am. Although, time is currently not on my side. I'm planning 
to write up a blog post about using list arrows for XML processing.

  * differences to using the list monad, and
  * when using ListArrow is preferrable?

Currently I'm playing with the idea of a translation of XML list arrows in 
Haskell to DOM operations in JavaScript. The lack of ArrowApply (the full power 
of monads) allows you to inspect your computations, this makes translations to 
other languages possible.

 I'm interested to see something like this worked out although I have some 
 rough ideas like monads are more powerful and arrows may allow stronger 
 reasoning and more efficient implementations. Can you substantiate these 
 general points for the concrete case of ListArrow vs list monad?

Beside the fact that, after playing with them for while, I find arrows more 
convenient to use than monads, the ability to inspect their structure can help 
you to optimize them.

Maybe this sounds weird on the Haskell mailing list, but at Silk[1] we have a 
full implementation of (functional reactive) list arrows in JavaScript. The 
arrows build up an AST of operations that we statically optimize to a more 
efficient form. This is needed because JavaScript itself is not going to fuse 
intermediate list for you.

I'm reinventing all of this in Haskell now to gain more insight in what we've 
actually done in JavaScript. :-)

 I assume your implementation is *not* more efficient than the list monad as 
 it builds on ListT.

That is entirely true.

But this is only implementation, different implementations may be possible that 
are more efficient. As long as ArrowApply is not involved static optimization 
might be possible that fuses intermediate lists, as far as the compiler is not 
already doing so. 

I'm also planning to investigate whether it is possible (useful) to perform the 
list computations (the map in concatMap) in parallel. I'm not sure if someone 
has already tried this for list monads.




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: arrow-list. List arrows for Haskell.

2010-11-06 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Hi all,

Live from the Hackaton in Ghent, Belgium, I present the first release of the 
arrow-list[1,2] package. List arrows are a powerful tool when processing XML, 
building query languages and lots of other domains that build on functions that 
might return more than one value as their output.

This package is inspired by the arrow combinators provided by the HXT package, 
but in my opinion list arrows deserve to be on Hackage on their own.



(package description)

List arrows for Haskell.

This small Haskell library provides some type class, types and functions to
work with list arrows. List arrows represent computations that may return
multiple outputs. Making functions that return lists an instance of both the
`Category` and `Arrow` type classes allow you to easily compose multiple
computations into one with standard building blocks.

This package provides:

  - A type class `ArrowList` for embedding functions that produce a list of
outputs into _some_ list arrow.
  - A list of utility functions for working with list-arrows, these functions
are based on the `ArrowList` type class so they are not tied one specific

  - A concrete list arrow type that is implemented as a `Kleisli` arrow over
the `ListT` list monad transformer. In short, you can both build pure list
arrows and list arrows that produce tributary effects.

  - Not list arrow specific: A type class `ArrowKleisli` for embedding monadic
computations into an arrow.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] DSL libraries

2010-11-04 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

The `AwesomePrelude' (we apologize for this name) is a very experimental 
project that is not a workable library or executable at all. You can better 
consider it to be a `bunch of code' with some interesting ideas and some 
interesting potential.

At least my branch[1] runs on my machine and I'm still able to produce 
javascript code.

But don't expect it to solve any of your problems. ;-) We (at least I) still 
have some ideas for this project and hope we can someday revive it.



On Nov 4, 2010, at 6:51 PM, Dupont Corentin wrote:
 Nobody had the compilation messages I had?
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Dupont Corentin
 Date: Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 2:30 PM
 Subject: [Haskell-cafe] DSL libraries (Was: Map constructor in a DSL)
 To: steffen,
 Hello Steffen,
 can you compile AwesomePrelude?
 I've got error messages (see below).
 By the way, I've looked at some DSLs made in Haskell, if I don't mistake 
 there are lots of similarities between them.
 There similarities could be put in a library to help the implementors of a 
 DSL, more or less like AwesomePrelude.
 Is there already packages on Hackage dealing with that?
 AwesomePrelude compilation error:
 I'm using GHC 6.12.1.
  cd tomlokhorst-AwesomePrelude-9819315
  cabal install
 Warning: Lang.Haskell: Instances of type and data families are not yet 
 supported. Instances of the following families will be filtered out:  H
 Then, when trying with a very simple GATD in GHCI, I've got:
 interactive: HSAwesomePrelude-0.1.0.o: unknown symbol 
 ghc: unable to load package `AwesomePrelude-0.1.0'
 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:02 PM, steffen 
 I think you would love to have a look at AwesomePrelude[1] or a fork
 of AwesomePrelude using associated types[2]
 Some more background information by Tom Lokhorst [3][4].
 On 28 Okt., 12:09, Dupont Corentin wrote:
  Thank you for your rich responses.
  Indeed I think I miss some thinks in my DSL, that would make things easier
  to deal with lists and first class functions.
  I don't really know what for now.
  Perhaps a List Constructor? Or a constructor on functions like yours Ryan?
  EAp :: Exp ref (a - b) - Exp ref a - Exp ref b
  It's from which DSL? It is accessible on the net?
  Chris suggested me that I can only define the Foldr constructor and deduce
  Map from it.
  But maybe I have to add a List constructor for that.
  But in the suggestions from Ryan and Brandon I don't understand why I should
  add an extra type parameter and what it is!
  Steffen: Wow nice. I'll integrate that ;)
  I'm also looking at the Atom's DSL to get inspiration.
  Something I don't understand in it is that it has two languages, on typed:
  data E a where
VRef:: V a - E a
Const   :: a - E a
Cast:: (NumE a, NumE b) = E a - E b
Add :: NumE a = E a - E a - E a
  And, along with it, an untyped counterpart:
  -- | An untyped term.
  data UE
= UVRef UV
| UConst Const
| UCast  Type UE
| UAdd   UE UE
  What that for? What's the use of having beautiful GADT if you have to
  maintain an untyped ADT aside??
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Who is afraid of arrows, was Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haskell XML Toolbox Version 9.0.0

2010-10-12 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

I use arrows (especially list arrows) in a lot of my projects and find them 
(after some training) easier to work with than monands. Code that I write 
point-free using arrows generally contains fewer bugs than code I write in 
monadic style.

On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:48 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
 Thank you for your reply.
 On 10/11/10 6:20 AM, Uwe Schmidt wrote:
 I thing, this is not a question of functionality, it's a question of style.
 Of course everything in hxt could have been done with monads,
 but does this also mean: Everything must have been done with monads?
 No, but there is no point in using a formalism that adds complexity without 
 adding functionality.  Arrows are more awkward to use than monads because 
 they were intentionally designed to be less powerful than monads in order to 
 cover situations in which one could not use a monad.  When your problem is 
 solved by a monad there is no point in using arrows since an arrow require 
 you to jump through extra hoops to accomplish the same goal.

I think it is unfair to say that arrows add complexity over monads. This 
statement can only be true to people who actually know monads and do not know 
arrows. This has more to do with the direction of one's knowledge than the 
'complexity' (whatever this means) of a programming abstraction.

Don't see arrows a less restricted monads, see them as a generalization of 
functions, than it will all make sense. Use them in situations that need 
generalization of functions, not in cases that require the power of monads.

 Arrows are a generalisation of functions, so if you know all about working
 with functions you know (almost) all about working with arrows.
 When generalizing a pure algorithm, something like f3 . f2 . f1,
 or in Unix pipe style f1  f2  f3, you don't have to rewrite
 the code, you just generalize function composition.
 Yes, but the = operator lets you do the same thing with monads, and in fact 
 I use it all the time to do point-free programming with monads, so this isn't 
 at all an advantage that arrows have over monads.

I'd rather use (.) for composition of expressions than (=) and I'd rather use 
the 'id' for identity than return. Writing my arrow computations point-free as 
if they were functions feels far less clumsy and a far more readable than 
monadic style.

 When constructing code, it is of course sometimes simpler to start with a
 point wise version and then refactor and rewrite it into a more compact point
 free version. The problem with arrows seems, that the arrow style forces to
 start with the point free style. And that may be the main hurdle in mind.
 No, that is not at all the problem with arrows.  The problem with arrows is 
 that they are more restrictive than monads in two respects.  First, unlike 
 monads, in general they do not let you perform an arbitrary action in 
 response to an input.  Second, they place restrictions on how you define the 
 input arguments of the arrow because you can't feed the output of one arrow 
 into to input of the next unless said input is captured in the arrows type.

This restriction, though not always, can be very useful. This restriction 
allows you to do full inspection of the arrow expression. This inspection can 
in some cases be used to serialize an arrow computation of statically optimize 
it to a more efficient form.

When you don't need the power of Monads (or ArrowApply) why use a formalism 
that does provide this power? That will only make it harder to reason about 
your program, which isn't quite the Haskell way.

 To be more concrete about my second point, suppose you have some monadic 
f :: a - b - m c
 How would you structure this same action as an arrow?  One thing that you 
 could do is take one of the arguments and turn it into the input of the arrow:
 f' :: a - Arrow b c
 But now you can't feed the output of an arrow into the first argument.  
 Alternatively, you could pack both arguments into the input of the arrow:
f'' :: Arrow (a,b) c
 Great, but now you have made it more awkward to use f'' because you have to 
 always pack the arguments into a tuple, so that for example if one of the 
 arguments is a constant then you can no longer easily use currying.  The 
 advantage of f over both alternatives is that you don't have to waste any of 
 your time fitting multiple input arguments into the input type of an arrow.
 In fact, if the first argument to f'' is usually a constant, then f'' is 
 arguably more awkward to use in a point-free setting than f, because instead 
 of being able to write
a = f 42 = b
 You have to write something like
a  (const 42  id)  f''  b
 Of course, if the first argument were *always* a constant then you could use 
 f', but then you lose the ability to ever feed in the output of an arrow into 
 the first argument.  So in short, arrows force you to make choices and 
 trade-offs that never come up when using monads.

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Removing alternate items from a list

2010-06-10 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Or, when lists had a decent eliminator defined in the Prelude (just like maybe 
for Maybe and either for Either):

 list :: b - (a - [a] - b) - [a] - b
 list d _ [] = d 
 list _ f (x:xs) = f x xs

 fromList = list []

we could write the alternate function like this:

 alt :: [a] - [a] 
 alt = list [] $ \a - (a:)
 . list [] (const alt)


On Jun 6, 2010, at 4:46 PM, R J wrote:
 What's the cleanest definition for a function f :: [a] - [a] that takes a 
 list and returns the same list, with alternate items removed?  e.g., f [0, 1, 
 2, 3, 4, 5] = [1,3,5]?
 The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. 
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Agata-0.2.0

2010-04-20 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

You can also derive (Co)Arbitrary instances automatically using the 
regular-extras package based on the Regular generic programming library.

The advantage of using a library like Regular is that you do not have to write 
any Template Haskell code. The library generates a nice algebraic generic view 
on your datatype that you can use to write your generic functions. The Regular 
library itself of course uses TH internally, but this is done once and all 
datatype generic functions can piggy bag on the same TH derivation. For 
example, look at Generics.Regular.Functions.Arbitrary, this module is really 

Nice work though!


On Apr 18, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:
 I'm pleased to announce Agata (Agata Generates Algebraic Types Automatically)!
 Avoiding excessive details, usage is best described by a small example:
 {-#LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 import Test.QuickCheck
 import Test.AgataTH
 data X a b = X [Either a b] deriving Show
 data Y = Y deriving Show
 data Z = Z deriving Show
 $(agatath $ deriveall [''X,''Y,''Z])
 main = sample (arbitrary :: Gen (X Y Z))
 This code derives instances of Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary for the data
 types X, Y and Z.
 Regards Jonas

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] re-design

2010-03-29 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
On Mar 28, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Christopher Done wrote:
 This is a post about re-designing the whole Haskell web site.
 We got a new logo but didn't really take it any further. For a while there's 
 been talk about a new design for the Haskell web site, and there are loads of 
 web pages about Haskell that don't follow a theme consistent with's, probably because it doesn't really have a proper theme.
 I'm not a designer so take my suggestion with a grain of salt, but something 
 that showed pictures of the latest events and the feeds we currently have 
 would be nice. The feeds let you know that the community is busy, and 
 pictures tell you that we are human and friendly.
 Anyway, I came up with something to kick off a discussion:
 It answers the basic questions:
   • What's Haskell?
   • Where am I on the site? (Answered by a universally recognised tab 
   • What's it like?
   • How do I learn it?
   • Does it have an active community?
   • What's going on in the community? What are they making?
   • This language is weird. Are they human? -- Yes. The picture of a 
 recent event can fade from one to another with jQuery.
 The colours aren't the most exciting, but someone who's a professional 
 designer could do a proper design. But I like the idea of the site being like 
 this; really busy but not scarily busy.
 Subsections of the site could use the header and footer and heading theme, 
 but have a completely different primary-content layout. Probably sub-sections 
 would need a left-nav. Keeping the design simple like this also makes it easy 
 to theme the current Wiki to fit in with it seamlessly.
 Personally I don't have a problem with the existing site, functionally. It 
 has all the stuff I want to look at. The only stuff that I had issue with as 
 a newbie was finding The One Book I Should Read and The One Download I Should 
 Get. The current site is starting to address this with a Download Haskell 
 button. However, looking at it as a marketing site, it does look pretty lame 
 and messy, and it gives you that impression of Haskell. So if people who own 
 the site are going to redesign it, I thought I'd contribute a bit.
 Anyway, please contribute your ideas. (Again, I'm not a designer, so you 
 don't need to pick at the aesthetics, a real designer can sort that out.)

Nice work, definitely beats the current version!

A few remarks:
  - Please throw in a bit more color somehow. Like said before, this shade of 
gray is a bit depressive.
  - The more links are far to prominent. These links are not that important 
and form a very distractive part of the design. Maybe you can right-align them 
and make them less button-like.
  - I would recommend to use a bit more conservative font for the headers and 
the headlines. Why not stick with Helvetica, Gill Sans or Myriad Pro?
  - Don't use a bold font-face in running text.
  - Align the bottom of the tabs headers with the content frame?
  - Maybe you can make the right column less wide, making is more easy to focus 
on the main content?

These remarks might help to make the overall appearance a bit less heavy. Your 
design is quite lean and quiet, which is good, but some of the details make it 
a bit messy.


Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Salvia-1.0.0

2010-03-23 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Nice! This is certainly worth it. 

I really liked the simplicity of the threadmanager package, it certainly was 
better than managing threads manually. But your concurrent-extra package seems 
to do a way better job, I'm certainly going to apply this patch.

Thanks a lot guys!


On Mar 23, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Bas van Dijk wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:
 Straight from Zurihac: I'm very pleased to announce the 1.0.0 release of the 
 Salvia web server.
 Hoi Sebastiaan,
 (switching to English) I discovered a major space-leak in
 Network.Salvia.Impl.Server.start due to the use of threadmanager:
 When a request handler is forked the threadmanager internally maps the
 threadId to a status MVar. However when the request handler terminates
 this association is not deleted from the internal Map. This results in
 a major O(n) space-leak where n = the number of requests accepted.
 This space-leak can be visualized when you heap-profile the
 salvia-helloworld demo:
 salvia-helloworld +RTS -hy
 and perform some requests:
 $ for ((a=0; a1; a++)); do curl -s -o /dev/null localhost:8080; done
 You will then get the following heap profile which will clearly
 highlight the linear space-leak:
 I fixed it by replacing threadmanager by Control.Concurrent.Thread[1]
 from Roel's and mines concurrent-extra. This module has the following
 advantages over threadmanager:
 * Simpler: We don't have the concept of a ThreadManager. So you don't
 need to make one and pass it to fork and wait.
 * More efficient: We don't keep an internal mapping from ThreadIds to
 status MVars.
 * Correct: threadmanager has a bug where it can potentially miss the
 termination of a thread. It doesn't block asynchronous exceptions
 before it forks the computation that will install the necessary
 exception handler before executing the given action. We correctly
 block asynchronous exceptions.
 Besides these advantages we have the ability to get the return value
 of the forked thread so you don't need a mutable variable.
 Besides replacing threadmanager I now manually delete the threadId of
 the request handler when it terminates.
 When I repeat the heap-profile you will now see a nice constant heap-usage:
 I don't know how to attach my git patch to this email so I just copied
 my git repository to:
 I think you can just pull from there.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Salvia-1.0.0

2010-03-21 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Hi all,

Straight from Zurihac: I'm very pleased to announce the 1.0.0 release of the 
Salvia web server.

Salvia is a feature rich web server and web application framework that can be 
used to write dynamic websites in Haskell. From the lower level protocol code 
up to the high level application code, everything is written as a Salvia 
handler. This approach makes the framework extremely modular and extensible.

This release include the following stack of packages:

  * salvia-protocol: Protocol stack containing URI, HTTP, Cookie and Mime.
  * salvia: Basic server interface and implementation.
  * salvia-extras: Additional server handlers and back end implementation.
  * salvia-sessions: Session and user management support.
  * salvia-websocket: Cutting edge HTML5 web socket support.
  * salvia-demo: Demo servers showing how to use Salvia.

All the code is on Hackage[1] and the source repositories can be found on 

Most of the basic ideas of the previous Salvia release are still in these 
package, but all the code has been cleaned up considerably. There is now a very 
strong separation between interface and implementation making it more easy to 
plug-in new back-ends for your web application.

To do a full install first run `cabal update' followed by `cabal install 
salvia-demo'. Now you can run the salvia-demo command and point your browser to 
http://localhost:8080/ .

Thanks to the people that helped me with coding, suggestions and bug-reports. 
Any comments/suggestions are welcome!

Have fun,


Sebatiaan Visser

[1] (-protocol, -demo, etc)
[2] (-protocol, -demo, etc)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage down

2009-10-19 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Oct 19, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Ross Paterson wrote:

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 09:30:55AM +0100, Dougal Stanton wrote:

Has not been responding for at least the last 12 hours.

Is there somewhere to look for status reports on sysadmin details  

this, so we can tell if

- it's a scheduled down time
- it's a problem but the admins know about it
- etc etc.

{hackage,darcs,cvs} has been up continuously for 6 days  

is still working via ssh, but Apache isn't responding.

Anyone any clue how to get the thing running again? We're trying to  
install a new Haskell-development machine here which is near  
impossible without the wonderful Hackage.


Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: fclabels-0.4.0 - First class accessor labels.

2009-09-09 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Sep 8, 2009, at 11:54 PM, Henning Thielemann wrote:
On Fri, 4 Sep 2009, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

Hello all,

There are more package around that serve the same purpose (like the  
Lenses package which was uploaded a few days ago), but I'm  
convinced the simplicity and elegance of fclabels will strike you  
all. ;-)

How does it compare to data-accessor and data-accessor-template?

Please see this reddit thread for more info on this subject:

Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: fclabels-0.4.0 - First class accessor labels.

2009-09-04 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

Hello all,

IFCP is a really inspiring place to hang/hack around with your fellow  
Haskell hackers. So, straight from Edinburgh, I proudly present a new  
release of fclabels[1,2], your favourite record selector package. This  
version is joint work with Chris Eidhof and Sjoerd Visscher.

This package has been around for a while but has been changed almost  
entirely now. Naming is different and has a far more consistent usage.  
This library might look cryptic at first sight, but give it a try it  
is not that hard.

There are more package around that serve the same purpose (like the  
Lenses package which was uploaded a few days ago), but I'm convinced  
the simplicity and elegance of fclabels will strike you all. ;-)

The package description is included below. Documentation can be found  
in the package itself or on Hackage.


Sebastiaan Visser

[1] Hackage:
[2] Github:

* package description *

  First class labels that act as bidirectional records fields.
  The labels are fully composable and can be used to get, set
  and modify part of datatypes in a consistent way. The label
  datatype, conveniently called `:-', is an instance of the
  `Category' type class meaning it has a proper identity and
  composition. The library has support for automatically
  deriving labels from record selectors that start with an
  underscore. Labels can be used in a pure functional setting or
  be applied to mutable state in some state monad.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mapping over multiple values of a list at once?

2009-08-27 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Or, when the list is infinite, turn it into a some neat but cryptic  
State computation:

avgs = (:) $ ((\d - sum d `div` 3) $ StateT (pure . splitAt 3))  
* avgs

test = evalState avgs [1,2..]

Sebastiaan Visser

On Aug 27, 2009, at 11:19 AM, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

How about this one? Should be pretty efficient.

let mavg n xs = let (sum - seed,rest) = splitAt n xs in map (%n) .
scanl (\a (p,n) - a+n-p) seed $ xs `zip` rest

2009/8/27 Patai Gergely

For example, starting from


you need to find the averages of

4,3,2 and 3,2,6 and 2,6,7

resulting in


What is the most elegant way to do that?
It's probably less elegant than tails, but very likely more  
efficient to
keep track of running sums instead of summing the sublists over and  


import Data.Ratio

nsums n xs = map (% n) $ scanl (+) (sum (take n xs)) $ zipWith (-)  

n xs) xs


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: jail-0.0.1 - Jailed IO monad

2009-08-27 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

Hi all,

I am very pleased to announce the first release of the jail[1,2]  
package. A jailed IO monad that can restrict filesystem access for  
your code. This package will soon be an integral part of the Salvia  
web server. (a new and improved Salvia will be released soon)

Basic documentation of the jail package is included below.

Any comments, suggestions, audits, etc. are welcome!


Sebastiaan Visser

[1] Source repo:

[2] Hackage:

Like all of us know, the IO monad from the System.IO module is a wild  
beast allowing all forms of insecure computations that can read, or  
even worse, alter the real world. Writing to sockets, deleting files  
or even launching missiles, its possibilities are endless. This  
library provides a special IO module that wraps all file and handle  
based IO operations from the System.IO module, but provides a  
possibility to run them in an restricted environment. When running a  
jailed IO computation a file path can be specified all IO operations  
will be checked against. Accessing files outside this directory is not  
allowed and results in a runtime error. Additionally, when running a  
jailed IO computation a whitelist of file handles can be specified  
that are accessible as well.

For example, running some code with the permission to access all files  
within (and only within) my home directory and allowing to access the  
standard output and standard error can be enforced like this: (Just /home/sebas) [stdout, stderr]  
Only allowing the code to access the standard input and nothing else  
can be enforced like this: Nothing [stdin] yourEvenMoreUntrustworthyComputation
Because the jailed IO environment keeps track of all file handles and  
checks that are opened by its own operations, smuggling in evil file  
handles from the fierce and dangerous outside world will be punished  
by border patrol. Only handles from the whitelist or handles securely  
opened by functions like openFile will be accepted. Because of the  
opaque IO constructor and the restricted set of exported operations  
this module is not easily fooled.

I would almost dare to say this module is conceptually safe and code  
with the jailed IO type can blindly be trusted. Except, yes  
unfortunately except, unsafePerformIO ruins it all. I would almost  
suggest adding a flag to the compiler to enforce the absence  
ofunsafeRuinMyTypeSafety-alike functions in order to be able to create  
systems in which code can be trusted by its type alone.

Nonetheless, this module is one step forward in trusting your own  
programs. Some real prefer writing  
there software in one of the most insecure programming languages and  
perform security audits by hand, I'd rather have my compiler do the  
job. (Anyone who wants to audit this library is more than welcome!)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: jail-0.0.1 - Jailed IO monad

2009-08-27 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Aug 27, 2009, at 4:16 PM, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:


However, it does not protect me from doing
System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO in whatever fashion I like, does it?

Unfortunately not, hence my disclaimer:

I would almost dare to say this module is conceptually safe and code  
with the jailed IO type can blindly be trusted. Except, yes  
unfortunately except, unsafePerformIO ruins it all. I would almost  
suggest adding a flag to the compiler to enforce the absence  
ofunsafeRuinMyTypeSafety-alike functions in order to be able to create  
systems in which code can be trusted by its type alone.

Hope there will once be a nice solution to this...

Sebastiaan Visser

2009/8/27 Sebastiaan Visser

Hi all,

I am very pleased to announce the first release of the jail[1,2]  
package. A
jailed IO monad that can restrict filesystem access for your code.  
package will soon be an integral part of the Salvia web server. (a  
new and

improved Salvia will be released soon)

Basic documentation of the jail package is included below.

Any comments, suggestions, audits, etc. are welcome!


Sebastiaan Visser

[1] Source repo:

[2] Hackage:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: package Boolean: Generalized booleans

2009-06-30 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 30, 2009, at 2:44 AM, Conal Elliott wrote:
I just uploaded a new package [1] for generalized booleans, which  
provides type classes with generalizations of boolean values   
operations, if-then-else, Eq and Ord.  These values  types come up  
for me with every new deep DSEL, and I think they do for others as  
well.  The design space has some tricky trade-offs, and I'm not  
positive I've found the optimum yet.  Users  comments are very  
welcome.  Please direct discussion to the haskell-cafe list (rather  
than haskell list).


Good work!

Together with Tom Lokhorst I've been working on something very  
similar. We've been using a rather consistent way of eliminating data  
structures that scales well to other data types. Although we are also  
using functional dependencies I think we might want to change them to  
type families.


class Bool f r | f - r where
  bool  :: r - r - f - r
  false :: f
  true  :: f

class Maybe f a r | f - a, f - r where
  maybe   :: r - (a - r) - f a - r
  nothing :: f a
  just:: a - f a

class Either f a b r | f - a, f - b, f - r where
  either :: (a - r) - (b - r) - f a b - r
  left   :: a - f a b
  right  :: b - f a b
Currently we have a very limited and somewhat messy code base on  
github[1] which shows how to instantiate these types to get back the  
original Haskell functionality and how to produce JavaScript code that  
runs in a browser. The the JavaScript instance is very much the same  
as I used in my FRP to JS EDSL[4]. Next target will, off course, be  
Objective C. :-)
Our code is not yet release worthy and probably never will be in this  
form. But is would be very nice to see some kind of generalized  
prelude evolving.


   - Conal

Sebastiaan Visser


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: BerkeleyDBXML linking problems.

2009-06-30 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

(crosspost from haskell-libraries)

Hello all, again.

Meanwhile I've been able to install this package without too much  
trouble on a Linux system. Unfortunately MacOSX is still a problem.  
Both on Linux and Mac I installed the Berkeley DB and DBXML packages  
with `--prefix=/usr' so all include files and libraries end up in a  
standard place.

Also both on Linux and Mac I installed the Haskell BerkeleyDB bindings  
just with:

  cabal install BerkeleyDB

Because the DBXML include files are installed under /usr/include/dbxml/ 
*.hpp and the BerkeleyDBXML binding accesses them without this prefix  
I did:

  cabal install BerkeleyDBXML --extra-include-dirs=/usr/include/dbxml

On both system installation is not a problem. Compiling the demo  
`adventure' included in de bindings distribution works fine on Linux  
but fails on MacOSX. The errors are the ones in my previous mail  
below. A full hpaste of it can be found here[1].

Any idea where the difference in behaviour comes from on these  
platforms and how to fix this? Unfortunately, my knowledge of the c++  
toolchain and Haskell FFI bindings using these is _very_ limited.



On Jun 26, 2009, at 12:56 PM, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

Hello all,

After manually specifying where to find the appropriate include and  
library directories for the dbxml distribution, I succeeded to  
install both the BerkeleyDB and the BerkeleyDBXML Haskell bindings.  
They both nicely show up in `ghc-pkg list'.

But when I try to compile my own test or the demo program included  
in the BerkeleyDBXML package it will kindly present me a dozen or so  
pages of linking errors. The top lines are:

 Undefined symbols:
   std::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar,  
std::allocatorchar ::_Rep::_M_destroy(std::allocatorchar  
const), referenced from:
   __xmlDocument_setContent in  


Do I have to tell GHC where to find the original dbxml libraries  
when compiling my BerkeleyDBXML aware Haskell programs?

Small system overview:
 - Mac OS X 10.5.7
 - GHC 6.10.3
 - BerkeleyDB 0.7.1
 - BerkeleyDBXML 0.6.2
 - gcc/g++ 4.0.1

Any clue on how to fix this?


Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: package Boolean: Generalized booleans

2009-06-30 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 30, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

Hi Sebastiaan,

I like your extensions of generalized booleans to other common  
Haskell types!

I also prefer using type families to fundeps.  In this case I didn't  
because of some awkwardness with vector operations, but I'm going to  
try again.

I'm confused about your particular fundep choice.  For instance,

class Bool f r | f - r where
 bool  :: r - r - f - r
 false :: f
 true  :: f

Do you *really* mean that the boolean type f determines the value  
type r?

Yes, that is really what I mean. This can be used to enforce that the  
return value of elimination can be restricted by the boolean type.  
This is especially useful when using GADTs to encode your domain  

For example, take this simple JavaScript language:
  data Js a where
Prim :: String - Js a-- Primitive embedding.
App :: Js (a - b) - Js a - Js b-- Function application.

  data JsBool

Now the functional dependencies can be used to enforce that  
eliminating booleans in the Js domain always returns a value in the Js  

  instance Bool (Js JsBool) (Js r) where
bool f t c = Prim (function ifthenelse (f, t, c) c ? t : f)  
`App` f `App` t `App` c

true  = Prim true
false = Prim false
Getting rid of this fundep and using type families will probably be a  
lot more intuitive.

Any suggestions on how to enforce elimination to be able to go from  
`Js JsBool - Js r' using other techniques?

Regards,   - Conal


Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Nested tests [Code walking off the right edge of the screen]

2009-06-21 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 21, 2009, at 2:36 PM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

On Jun 21, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

When using

failUnless boolAction message = lift boolAction = (`unless`fail  

the code becomes

either (hPutStrLn stderr) return = runErrorT $
 do failUnless (doesDirectoryExist d1) $ Directory  ++ d1 ++   
not found.
failUnless (doesFileExist (d1 / f1)) $ File  ++ f1 ++  not  
failUnless (doesDirectoryExist d2) $ Directory  ++ d2 ++   
not found.
failUnless (doesFileExist (d2 / f2)) $ File  ++ f2 ++  not  

lift $ doStuff d1 d2 f1 f2

Or make is somewhat prettier (imho) using infix:

orError boolAction message = lift boolAction = (`unless`fail message)

either (hPutStrLn stderr) return = runErrorT $
 do doesDirectoryExist d1 `orError` (Directory  ++ d1 ++  not  
doesFileExist (d1 / f1) `orError` (File  ++ f1 ++  not  
doesDirectoryExist d2 `orError` (Directory  ++ d2 ++  not  
doesFileExist (d2 / f2) `orError` (File  ++ f2 ++  not  

lift $ doStuff d1 d2 f1 f2

It's similar to Claus's proposal to use MaybeT with additional  
support for error messages.


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] Data.Reify.CSE

2009-06-12 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

Hi all,

This module[1] implements common sub-expression elimination for graphs  
generated by the Data.Reify package. (Which is a really neat tool!)  
The algorithm performs a simple fixed point iteration and is not  
(consciously) optimized for speed.

This package might especially be useful for optimizing simple  
compilers for referential transparent domain specific languages. Which  
is exactly the reason I've written this code.

An example of the usage is included in the Haddock documentation.


Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small puzzle: inTwain as function of foldr

2009-06-04 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 4, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:

Martijn van Steenbergen wrote:

Consider the function inTwain that splits a list of even length
evenly into two sublists:

inTwain Hello world!

(Hello ,world!)

Is it possible to implement inTwain such that the recursion is done
by one of the standard list folds?

Does this help?


And maybe this helps:

Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bool as type class to serve EDSLs.

2009-05-28 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Or overloading the `whitespace operator' for several kinds of  

On May 28, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Augustsson, Lennart wrote:

And explicit desugaring of list syntax.

-Original Message-
From: Sittampalam, Ganesh [mailto:ganesh.sittampa...@credit-]

Sent: 28 May 2009 08:46
To: Simon Peyton-Jones; Sebastiaan Visser; Haskell Cafe
Cc: Augustsson, Lennart
Subject: RE: [Haskell-cafe] Bool as type class to serve EDSLs.

There are multiple possible classes that you might want under  

circumstances (I think the most interesting issue is whether the class
(==), () etc is in has a fundep from the type of the thing being
compared to the type of the boolean), but if NoImplicitPrelude (or  

other extension) just desugars if-then-else into ifthenelse (with a
default implementation of ifthenelse somewhere) I think that would be

Of course once you've got ifthenelse you find yourself wanting  

desugaring of pattern matching (could view patterns help here?),
recursion (into an explicit use of fix), etc...



Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

You are absolutely right about the tantalising opportunity.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I love purity, but it's killing me.

2009-05-27 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On May 27, 2009, at 1:49 AM, Conal Elliott wrote:

Hi Tom,

I've been working on another code-generating graphics compiler,  
generating GPU code.  As always, I run into the problem of efficient  
common subexpression elimination.  In Pan, Vertigo  Pajama, I used  
lazy memoization, using stable pointers and weak references, to  
avoid the worst-case-exponential behavior you mention below.  I'm  
now using a bottom-up CSE method that's slower and more complicated  
than I'm going for.

What do you mean with `exponential behavior'? Exponential related to  

For my FRP EDSL to JavaScript (toy) compiler[1] I've been implementing  
CSE as well. I traverses the expression tree recursively and creates  
an small intermediate language containing id's (pointers) to  
expressions instead of real sub-expressions.

Maybe (probably) I am very naive, but I think this trick takes time  
linear to the amount of sub-expressions in my script. When using a  
trie instead of a binary tree for the comparisons there should be no  
more character (or atomic expression) comparisons that the amount of  
characters in the script.

So the problem seems not to be CSE algorithm, but the fact that EDSL  
itself tends to blow up because it is hosted in Haskell. Like Tom's  

 let d = Add c c
 e = Add d d-- e now as 16 leaf nodes.

But again, I might be missing some important point here.

What's your latest wisdom about CSE in DSELs?

Thanks,  - Conal

On Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 11:33 PM, Tom Hawkins  


Sebastiaan Visser

(warning: messy code)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I love purity, but it's killing me.

2009-05-27 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On May 27, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:

Sebastiaan Visser wrote:


But again, I might be missing some important point here.

That's exactly right. But it's pretty inconvenient to have your
expression tree to blow up exponentially in relation to the code the
user actually wrote! You can indeed construct an intermediate language
that collapses this blowup, but the pass to create it must take
exponential time if written completely purely, since it has to visit
everything at least once.

In my experience [1], observable sharing using GHC's stable names is a
pretty effective solution to this problem.



Thanks, I just pushed your paper on top of my stack.

Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Bool as type class to serve EDSLs.

2009-05-27 Thread Sebastiaan Visser


While playing with embedded domain specific languages in Haskell I  
discovered the Num type class is a really neat tool. Take this simple  
example embedded language that can embed primitives from the output  
language and can do function application.

data Expr :: * - * where
  Prim :: String - Expr a
  App  :: Expr (a - b) - Expr a - Expr b

Take these two dummy types to represent things in the output language.

data MyNum
data MyBool

Now it is very easy to create an Num instance for this language:

primPlus :: Expr (MyNum - MyNum - MyNum)
primPlus = Prim prim+

instance Num (Epxr MyNum) where
  a + b = primPlus `App` a `App` b
  fromInteger = Prim . show

Which allows you to create very beautiful expression for your language  
embedded inside Haskell. The Haskell expression `10 * 5 + 2' produces  
a nice and well typed expression in your embedded domain.

But unfortunately, not everyone in the Prelude is as tolerant as the  
Num instance. Take the Eq and the Ord type classes for example, they  
require you to deliver real Haskell `Bool's. This makes it impossible  
make your DSL an instance of these two, because there are no `Bool's  
only `Expr Bool's.

Which brings me to the point that, for the sake of embedding other  
languages, Haskell's Prelude (or an alternative) can greatly benefit  
from (at least) a Boolean type class like this:

class Boolean a where
  ifthenelse :: a - b - b - b -- Not sure about this  


And one instance:

instance Boolean (Expr MyBool) where
  ifthenelse c a b = Prim if-then-else `App` c `App` a `App` b

Now we can change (for example) the Eq type class to this:

class Eq a where
  (==) :: Boolean b = a - a - b
  (/=) :: Boolean b = a - a - b

For which we can give an implementation for our domain:

primEq :: Epxr (a - a - MyBool)
primEq = Prim ==

instance Eq (Expr a) where
  a == b = primEq `App` a `App` b

And now we get all functionality from the Prelude that is based on Eq  
(like not, , ||, etc) for free in our domain specific language! Off  
course there are many, many more examples of things from the standard  
libraries that can be generalised in order to serve reuse in EDSLs.

Anyone already working on such a generalized Prelude? I can imagine  
much more domains can benefit from this than my example above. Any  
interesting thoughts or pointers related to this subject?


Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] multirec-binary

2009-05-25 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

Hello all,

MultiRec[1,2] is a great library for generic programming for families  
of possibly mutual recursive data types. Creating new generic  
functions might take some effort but the use of these functions is  
very straightforward.

The multirec-binary[3] packages allows generic derivation of  
Data.Binary instances using the MultiRec library.

Just try something like this:

 import Data.Binary
 import Generics.MultiRec.Base
 import Generics.MultiRec.Binary

 instance Binary MyType where
   put = gput MyFamily
   get = gget MyFamily

Have fun,

Sebastiaan Visser


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing a compiler in Hakell

2009-05-06 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On May 6, 2009, at 8:07 AM, Rouan van Dalen wrote:

Hi everyone.

I am designing my own programming language.

I would like to know what is the best way to go about writing my  
compiler in haskell.
What are the tools available in haskell that can help with compiler  

I know about Happy.  Is that a good tool to use?

The compiler is intended for serious use and I would like it to be  
very efficient, maybe competing
with compilers written in C.  It should also be very easy to extend  
as the languoge grows.

Are there any good books that you can recommend on compiler  
construction in general and specific to haskell?

What is your goal? Writing a compiler, for fun and educational  
purposes, or to implement a new language?

When the actual language is the main purpose and your language will be  
a functional one you can try to piggyback on existing compilers.

For example, translate your language to the GHC core or UHC[1] core  
and you get a cross platform highly optimizing compiler for free. You  
can now freely focus on the semantics of your language and let an  
existing code generator do the dirty work for you.

When, in the end when your languages is finished, the existing  
compiler is not fast enough, improve it and everyone benefits!

On another note, how is the operator + implemented in haskell?

is there a primitve (say #+) that is wrapped by the haskell operator  

Maybe something like:

(+) :: a - a - a
v1 + v2 = #+ v1 v2

Thanks in advance



Sebastiaan Visser

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] default values in a record structure

2009-04-29 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:18 AM, Luke Palmer wrote:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Vasili I. Galchin 


 Is there anyway when defining a dat type record struct to  
indicate default values for some of the  fields?

The usual pattern is to use a default record, and specialize it:

data Foo = Foo { bar :: Int, baz :: Int, quux :: Int }

fooDefault = Foo { bar = 1, baz = 2, quux = 3 }

newRecord = fooDefault { quux = 42 }

If you only want some of the fields to be defaulted, you can make  
them undefined in the default record... unfortunately this won't be  
checked by the compiler.


Additionally, you can choose to not export the constructor Foo and to  
only export your fooDefault quasi-constructor and your record selectors.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Cute Hack - Hyena handler + Bamboo Blog Engine :)

2009-04-25 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

What kind of port is this? Direct translation from ruby source?

I see that you are using the (.) for OO-style reversed function  
application. Which feels a bit weird at first sight.

Snippet from your Hack.Handler.Kibro:

handle app = do
  env - get_env
  response - app env .liftIO

  -- set response
  response.headers.mapM_ (splash setHeader) Status

On Apr 25, 2009, at 7:58 AM, Jinjing Wang wrote:


A few interesting progress on Hack:

* many middleware ported from Rack, including a lambda! ( just like a
pony for wsgi, and a lobster for rack )
* 2 handlers, one for Kibro on fcgi / lighttpd, one for Hyena web  

* apps are portable, Bamboo is a port of Panda that runs on Hack,
works fine with both handlers
* Hyena handler is still experimental

A lambda app looks like this

-- Main.hs source

module Main where

import Hack
import Hack.Utils

import Hack.Handler.Hyena
import Hack.Contrib.Lambda

main = run $ lambda dummy_app

-- compile

ghc --make -O2 Main.hs

-- run

now go to http://localhost:3000/lambda



* [Hack] (
* [Bamboo] (

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] CPS and the product function

2009-04-20 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Apr 20, 2009, at 4:32 PM, michael rice wrote:

Hi Eugene,

Clever solution.

It didn't come right back so I interrupted it. Guess it would do all  
those multiplies by zero.

Does anyone know how to define it to avoid that?



--- On Mon, 4/20/09, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

From: Eugene Kirpichov
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] CPS and the product function
To: michael rice
Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 9:40 AM

Check that by experiment in ghci or by looking at the source:

Prelude* product [0..]

Or search product at
and click on one of the Source links.

2009/4/20 michael rice
 I've been looking at CPS in Haskell and wondering how many  
 the product function performs if it encounters a zero somewhere in  
the input

 list. Zero?

 Does anyone know the definition of the product function?

Eugene Kirpichov

Making multiplication non-strict?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE: Utrecht Haskell Compiler (UHC) -- first release

2009-04-20 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Apr 20, 2009, at 5:44 PM, David Leimbach wrote:
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Malcolm Wallace 

  Just refuse to use UHC until it conforms.
 Do you not use Hugs for the same reason?

Not to mention that GHC does not comply with the H'98 standard either:


It's still a matter of choice.  So we're saying there are no  
implementations of Haskell 98?  Sounds like the same problem C++ and  
C99 have.


Why is this such a problem?

You can still write and compile very beautiful programs with both GHC  
and UHC.

And keep in mind that the UHC compiler is probably not designed to  
replace GHC and to be fully compliant with the Haskell 98 standard. It  
still has a very useful place in education and is certainly worth  
looking at.

It is intensively making use of the attribute grammar system to  
perform traversals over the different internally used languages. This  
is a very different approach from what GHC does which makes it very  
interesting from an educational and scientific point of view.

I encourage you to take a look inside, it is reasonably easy to grasp  
what going on inside of UHC.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANN] salvia-0.1, salvia-extras-0.1

2009-04-01 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
There is now. Not much new in Orchid itself, but builds against the  
updated Salvia. Because of the use of keep-alive the performance of  
orchid should be a lot better now (at some places).


On Mar 28, 2009, at 10:26 PM, Paul L wrote:
Thanks for the massive update! Is there a new version of Orchid  
coming along?

On 3/22/09, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

Hi all,

I am pleased to announce a new version of Salvia, the lightweight
Haskell Web Server Framework with modular support for serving static
files, directories indices, default error responses, connection
counting and logging, HEAD and PUT requests, keep-alives, custom
banner printing, default handler environments for parsing request and
printing responses, dispatching based on request methods, URI, paths
and filename extension, URI rewriting and redirection, virtual
hosting, cookie, session and user management and more...

Changes since previous version:

- Some more advanced, non-fundamental handlers have been moved to
their own package salvia-extras. This helps pruning the  
dependencies a

- The package now has some default handler environments that simplify
setting up a server application.
- The server now has support for keep-alive, significantly increasing
the performance.
- The library functions are now almost fully documented instead of  

documentation-at-all in the previous versions.
- Salvia now also works on windows (I heard).
- Lots of code cleanups throughout the code.
- Lots of minor bug fixes.

To install: use cabal.

Thanks to the people that helped me with suggestions and bug-reports!


Paul Liu

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [SoC] XML Schema Implementation

2009-03-31 Thread Sebastiaan Visser


Some time ago I wrote a generic Haskell data type to XML/XSD  
library[1]. It was based on an old singleton version of the  
multirec[2] generic programming library. I never released any of it  
because it is not really usable in a serious setting but you might  
want to look at it for some inspiration.

Generic programming is *really* useful when it comes to managing XML  
from Haskell.



On Mar 31, 2009, at 12:16 AM, Vlad Dogaru wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am writing to judge interest in a Summer of Code proposition: an XML
Schema[1] implementation, described as a possbile application here[2].
As both a tool and an inspiration, I intend to use HaXML[3].

More specifically, I would be interested in the degree the Haskell
community uses XML Schema, and if you were tempted to use it if we had
an implementation. To further expand the question, how useful do you
consider each of these components:
* a validator
* a pretty-printer
* a translator from XML Schema to Haskell, similar to DtdToHaskell[4]

For the latter item, some runtime checking will definitely be  

restrictions such as value ranges for integers or minimum and maximum
occurences of an element cannot, to my knowledge, be enforced through
type definitions. Finally, I kindly ask anyone with relevant  

to point out other possible pitfalls.

Vlad Dogaru


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: cmonad 0.1.1

2009-03-30 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Mar 30, 2009, at 3:30 PM, Bas van Dijk wrote:

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I've uploaded my CMonad package to Hackage.  It allows you to write
Haskell code in a C style.


A nice addition would be to output a C AST from language-c:



And compile and link that back into your program!
Nice toys indeed.

Lennart, what is the next language DSL you are going to build?
Prolog? XSLT?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The votes are in!

2009-03-24 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

Well done!

Although I am quite happy with the result, this was definitely my  
favorite, this logo is not really 'finished'.

Is there going to be some kind of second round in which we can vote  
for/suggest variations of this logo? With different texts/fonts/colors/ 


On Mar 24, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Eelco Lempsink wrote:

The results of the Haskell logo competition are in!

You can view them at 

Congratulations Jeff Wheeler!

I'll set up a page with the results visibile.


Eelco Lempsink

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hackage upload problems?

2009-03-23 Thread Sebastiaan Visser


Currently I'm trying to upload a minor update of Salvia to Hackage to  
fix some dependency issues but Hackage times out all the time? Both  
the CLI tool and the web-interface do not react to my upload request.

Any known problems here?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] salvia-0.1, salvia-extras-0.1

2009-03-22 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

Hi all,

I am pleased to announce a new version of Salvia, the lightweight  
Haskell Web Server Framework with modular support for serving static  
files, directories indices, default error responses, connection  
counting and logging, HEAD and PUT requests, keep-alives, custom  
banner printing, default handler environments for parsing request and  
printing responses, dispatching based on request methods, URI, paths  
and filename extension, URI rewriting and redirection, virtual  
hosting, cookie, session and user management and more...

Changes since previous version:

- Some more advanced, non-fundamental handlers have been moved to  
their own package salvia-extras. This helps pruning the dependencies a  
- The package now has some default handler environments that simplify  
setting up a server application.
- The server now has support for keep-alive, significantly increasing  
the performance.
- The library functions are now almost fully documented instead of no- 
documentation-at-all in the previous versions.

- Salvia now also works on windows (I heard).
- Lots of code cleanups throughout the code.
- Lots of minor bug fixes.

To install: use cabal.

Thanks to the people that helped me with suggestions and bug-reports!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Memoizing partially evaluated computations.

2009-03-18 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Suppose I have a list of IO computations that depends on a few very  
time consuming pure operations. The pure operations are not dependent  
on the real world:

  computation :: [IO Int]
  computation = [
  smallIOfunc timeConsumingPureOperation0
, smallIOfunc timeConsumingPureOperation1
, smallIOfunc timeConsumingPureOperation2
, smallIOfunc timeConsumingPureOperation3
where smallIOfunc a = print a  return a

In my main function I would like to repeatedly print the values

  main = forever $
sequence_ (map (=print) computation)

When I do this, all the time consuming operations will be reevaluated  
every run of the main loop. Is there a any (simple or smart) way to  
prevent the garbage collector from cleaning up the fully evaluated  
thunks inside my computation? As if it were something like this:

  computation :: [IO Int]
  computation = [smallIOfunc 42, smallIOfunc 34385, smallIOfunc 3,  
smallIOfunc 55]

Of course I could plugin some kind of Int memoizer inside my  
computation, but I do not really have the control to change things  
`deep' inside the code. I want to have some form of snapshot of a list  
of partially evaluated IO computations...

Any suggestions?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memoizing partially evaluated computations.

2009-03-18 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Mar 18, 2009, at 12:06 PM, minh thu wrote:

2009/3/18 Sebastiaan Visser
Suppose I have a list of IO computations that depends on a few very  
consuming pure operations. The pure operations are not dependent on  
the real


computation :: [IO Int]
computation = [
smallIOfunc timeConsumingPureOperation0
  , smallIOfunc timeConsumingPureOperation1
  , smallIOfunc timeConsumingPureOperation2
  , smallIOfunc timeConsumingPureOperation3
  where smallIOfunc a = print a  return a

In my main function I would like to repeatedly print the values

main = forever $
  sequence_ (map (=print) computation)

When I do this, all the time consuming operations will be  
reevaluated every
run of the main loop. Is there a any (simple or smart) way to  
prevent the
garbage collector from cleaning up the fully evaluated thunks  
inside my

computation? As if it were something like this:

computation :: [IO Int]
computation = [smallIOfunc 42, smallIOfunc 34385, smallIOfunc 3,
smallIOfunc 55]

Of course I could plugin some kind of Int memoizer inside my  
but I do not really have the control to change things `deep' inside  
code. I want to have some form of snapshot of a list of partially  

IO computations...

Any suggestions?


If timeConsumingPureOperation is pure, the problem is thus not  
related to IO,
and your question remains the same : how to memoize  
for some arguments. Since you want to repeatidly call main, it seems  
a good idea
to wrap your pure operation in a memoizing CAF (and give the wrapped  
version to


The problem is that the `timeConsumingPureOperation' is somewhere very  
deep inside my code at a point I cannot alter. Like this:

 -- This I can change:
 myIOCode = forever (deepLibraryCode = print)

 -- This I cannot change:
 deepLibraryCode :: IO Int
 deepLibraryCode = makeIOfunctionFrom timeConsumingPureOperation

The separation between the make `makeIOfunctionFrom' and  
`timeConsumingPureOperation' might not even be that clear as in my  

That is why I am looking for some high level way of memoizing.

You can here :


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: haha-0.1 - Animated ascii lambda

2009-02-14 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
Always wanted to have an full-color rotating vector based ascii art  
lambda on your terminal? This is your chance, installing `haha' will  
do the trick!

This is very minimal vector based ascii art library written just for  
fun. There is a sample program called `rotating-lambda' which does  
exactly what is says.

Make sure your terminal window is at least 80x40 and supports the most  
basic ANSI escape sequences before trying the demo.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: orchid-0.0.7

2009-01-24 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
I am pleased to announce a new release of Orchid, just another Haskell  

Some new features/fixes:

  * Attached wiki to FileStore package which means we now also have  
Git backend.
  * Orchid-demo now has a flag which allows user to choose Git or  

  * Searching document is now possible.
  * Deleting and renaming documents is now possible.
  * Better keyboard support in user interface.
  * Fixed the in-page HTML anchors.
  * Password are now saved in md5, not plain text.
  * Use extensible exceptions to be more compatible with older GHC.
  * Fixed bugs in directory listings.
  * Users now also have a email.

Watch the demo at:

Or get the demo from cabal:
  $ cabal install orchid-demo

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] Haskell web server + wiki: salvia-0.0.4 + orchid-0.0.6

2009-01-01 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

Happy new year, you all!

I'm pleased to announce three new packages on Hackage:

  * salvia-0.0.4: A lightweight modular web server framework.

  * orchid-0.0.6: A(nother) Wiki written in Haskell, currently using  
Darcs as a versioning back-end and Salvia as the application server.   
Orchid ships as a library that can be installed as a server module for  
the Salvia framework.

  * orchid-demo-0.0.4: A simple demo application using Salvia and  
Orchid to serve an example darcs repository.

An online demo of the wiki can be found at [1]. The front-end is a  
typical Ajax application and heavily relies on the availability of  
JavaScript. A more plain (REST like) web interface to system can be  
found at [2]. You can signup, login and edit/create some pages. Feel  
free to play around, it's just a demo.

Orchid has an abstract notion of a versioning back-end, theoretically  
allowing for multiple versioning systems. Currently only a Darcs back- 
end is available, but it shouldn't be too much work to implement a  
liaison for Git, Subversion, Mercurial etc.

The Wiki uses its own experimental document system with printers to  
HTML, LaTeX, PDF via LaTeX and some others in the making. The system  
makes us of the UUAGC [3] attribute grammar system, but is not  
required in order to build the package. The document system is plug-in  
based allowing easy addition of new structures. There are currently  
plug-ins for inline LaTeX formulae, HSColour'ed Haskell code snippets  
and a table of contents. Some others in the making.

Be aware, this is an early release to allow people the play around  
with the packages and enable me to see how this all behaves in the  
wild. The tools are not yet finished and I cannot guarantee any form  
of stability. But, in my experience, they seem to `just work'. Most of  
the time.

I had some trouble getting all dependencies right on systems other  
than my own. Using `cabal install' seems to behave differently from `./ 
Setup install' in the package directory, but this may vary from system  
to system. It is known to work at least on Macosx and Linux with GHC  
6.8, 6.10 or even 6.11. Pdflatex is needed for PDF generation, dvipng  
for inline formulas.

Have fun and best wishes for this new year!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANN] Haskell web server + wiki: salvia-0.0.4 + orchid-0.0.6

2009-01-01 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jan 1, 2009, at 7:15 PM, Gwern Branwen wrote:

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Sebastiaan Visser  wrote:

Happy new year, you all!

I'm pleased to announce three new packages on Hackage:

Miscellaneous comments:
1) You're right about cabal-install versus runhaskell etc. There seems
to be a(nother) Control.Exception issue with cabal-install using
   Couldn't match expected type `IOException'
  against inferred type `Exception'
 Expected type: IO (Either IOException String)
 Inferred type: IO (Either Exception String)
   In the second argument of `()', namely
   `(try (U.readFile (repo /+ file)) ::
   IO (Either IOException String))'
   In the expression:

 (try (U.readFile (repo /+ file)) :: IO (Either IOException  

I tried to enable building against both the old and the new Exception  
libraries by using some preprocessor statements. It seems this attempt  

2) Have you looked into integrating with Pandoc for generating TeX,
PDFs, etc. (instead of rolling your own)? Seems to work fairly well
for Gitit.

Nope haven't really looked into Pandoc, rolling my was just more fun.

3) Is it just me, or is the fancy AJAX interface - as nice as it is -
rather slow?

No, it's not really the Ajax that is the performance bottleneck here.  
It is the slow machine the demo is running on currently, the LaTeX  
tools running in the background and the poor caching. When I would  
cache all the generated documents (and images) there will probably a  
big speedup. This is in my todo.

4) In orchid-demo, I notice it by default looks in /tmp for its
datafiles. Is there some particular reason why a better default
wouldn't be looking in ./? I was wondering how orchid-demo would do
for a personal wiki, where it makes most sense to have a ~/wiki
directory to keep all the files in.

The /tmp directory is just world writable by default, being a good  
candidate to get the demo running quick. The command line options  
allow you to have more control. The demo is only one single `Main.hs',  
so adapting it to your own needs is also possible.

5) Setting up orchid-demo is not all that clear; I figured out that
you want to run 'orchid-demo --extract' to set up a stock
configuration and repo, and then one can just run 'orchid-demo', but I
think a better way would be to look in the default location for files
and if orchid-demo doesn't find any, then fall back to --extract and
look again.

A better way to roll your own wiki is:

$ echo show signup  user.db
$ echo myusername mypassword loginfo show edit create signup   

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo
$ darcs init
$ orhid-demo --data-dir=. --user-db=../user.db

- --

Thanks for the feedback.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Verifying a list of properties using QuickCheck

2008-10-22 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Oct 22, 2008, at 1:03 PM, Martijn van Steenbergen wrote:

Thomas van Noort wrote:
However, I would like a single result for the complete list of  
properties instead of a result for each property. I realize that  
this restricts the properties to be of the same type, but that  
isn't a problem for my application.

Why not concatenate your properties into one big conjuction?

Prelude Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck . and) [1==1,2==2]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


What to do when your properties are parametrised by some `arbitrary'  


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there already an abstraction for this?

2008-09-23 Thread Sebastiaan Visser
This (recent) paper describes a very interesting way to perform  
generic term rewriting:

On Sep 23, 2008, at 3:46 AM, Jeremy Shaw wrote:


I am trying to figure out if there is an existing abstraction I am
missing here.

I have an expression data-type:

data Expr
  = Quotient Expr Expr
  | Product Expr Expr
  | Sum Expr Expr
  | Difference Expr Expr
  | Lit Double
  | Var Char
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Read, Show)

And I want to write a function that will take an expression and
automatically apply the identity laws to simplify the expression.

The basic identity laws are:

a + 0 = a
a * 1 = a

I can implement these with some 'sugar' as:

identity (Sum (Lit 0) a)= a
identity (Sum a (Lit 0))= a
identity (Difference a (Lit 0)) = a
identity (Product a (Lit 1))= a
identity (Product (Lit 1) a)= a
identity (Quotient a (Lit 1))   = a
identity a  = a

This works fine when the identity only needs to be applied to the root
of the expression tree:

*Main ppExpr $ identity (expr 1 + 0)

But for more complicated trees it does not fully apply the identity  

*Main ppExpr $ identity (expr 0 + (0 + 0) + (0 + 0))
((0 + 0) + (0 + 0))

What we need to do is first apply the identity function to the
children, and then apply them to the parent of the updated children. A
first attempt would be to extend the identity function like this:

identity (Sum a b)  = identity (Sum (identity a)  
(identity b))

However, that will not terminate because that same case will keep
matching over and over. Another approach is to have two mutually
recursive functions like:

identity' (Sum (Lit 0) a)= identityRec a
identity' (Sum a (Lit 0))= identityRec a
identity' a = a

identityRec (Sum a b) = identity' (Sum (identity' a) (identity' b))

This prevents non-termination, but you have to be careful about
calling identity' vs identityRec or you will either re-introduce
non-termination, or you may not fully apply the identity laws.

Another option to create a helper function like:

-- |Deep map of an expression.
eMap :: (Expr - Expr) - Expr - Expr
eMap f (Sum a b) = f (Sum (eMap f a) (eMap f b))
eMap f (Difference a b) = f (Difference (eMap f a) (eMap f b))
eMap f (Product a b) = f (Product (eMap f a) (eMap f b))
eMap f (Quotient a b) = f (Quotient (eMap f a) (eMap f b))
eMap f (Var v) = f (Var v)
eMap f (Lit i) = f (Lit i)

Now we can easily apply the identity law recursively like:

deepIdentity :: Expr - Expr
deepIdentity = eMap identity

*Main ppExpr (deepIdentity (expr 0 + (0 + 0) + (0 + 0)))


But, having to write eMap out by hand like that somehow feels wrong --
as if I am missing some additional abstraction. In some respects eMap
is like a Functor, but not quite. I expect there is a way to implement
eMap using Data.Generics, which is perhaps better, but I still feel
like that is missing something?

Anyway, I just thought I would ask in case someone recognized this
pattern and could point me in the right direction. I have attached a
working example program you can play with.

I would also be interested in alternative approaches besides the ones
I outlined.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bit streams

2008-06-18 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 17, 2008, at 10:05 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

OK, so today I tried to write my first program using the Binary  
library. And I've hit a snag: It appears the library will only  
handle data that is byte-aligned. So if I try to write three Bool  
values, it uses three bytes, not three bits.

Before I sit down and spend 3 months designing my own library from  
scratch, does anybody know of an existing library that allows you  
to do what Binary does, but with single-bit precision? [I presume  
Binary is byte-aligned for efficiency...]


Maybe you could look at the generic encode/decode in this paper:

When you look at some more literature about generic programming the  
(bit-aligned) encode and decode are quite common examples. It  
shouldn't be that hard to de-generify them, if you even want that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphic QuickCheck arguments

2008-06-17 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 17, 2008, at 11:53 AM, Hugo Pacheco wrote:

Hi all,

There is something about polymorphic tests in QuickCheck that I do  
not understand.

If you write the simplest dummy test function

tst :: a - Bool
tst _ = True

and evaluate it we get

 verboseCheck tst

How come did the polymorphic value a get instanciated to ()? Is  
this done via the Testable type class?
Could someone please explain this to me? I'm not saying it does not  
make sense, but I would like to understand how it works. Being  
possible to change this behavior, this is, assign another default  
type whenever polymorphic types occur, would be awesome.

I think it is GHCi that is instantiating the type with (). Try  
compiling the program, it will probably be rejected by the compiler  
when you do not specify a concrete type.

You can, for example, try this:

verboseCheck (tst :: [Int] - Bool)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-16 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 16, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jules Bean wrote:

Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

Does anyone know a pattern in which I can do this easily?

Don't use hGetContents on a socket. That's asking for trouble.

Can you please explain why?

What is a more easier method to spool your HTTP post data to a file  

  Bs.hGetContens sock = Bs.hPut fd


Use hGetContents either NEVER (easy option) or only on throwaway  
handles/files which won't be used again.

My sockets will be thrown away eventually. Isn't anything? I can  
imagine that this can be a problem when using Keep-Alive connections  
- or alike - but that is a whole different story.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-14 Thread Sebastiaan Visser


I've got a question about lazy IO in Haskell. The most well known
function to do lazy IO is the `hGetContents', which lazily reads all the
contents from a handle and returns this as a regular [Char].

The thing with hGetContents is that is puts the Handle in a semi-closed
state, no one can use the handle anymore. This behaviour is
understandable from the point of safety; it is not yet determined when
the result of hGetContents will actually be computed, using the handle
in the meantime is undesirable.

The point is, I think I really have a situation in which I want to use
the handle again `after' a call to hGetContents. I think I can best
explain this using a code example.

  readHttpMessage :: IO (Headers, Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString)
  readHttpMessage = do
myStream - accept http connection from client
request - hGetContents myStream
header - parseHttpHeader request
bs - Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents myStream
return (header, body)

The Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents in the example above obviously
fails because the handle is semi-closed.

So, what I am trying to do here is apply a parser (on that consumes
Char's) to the input stream until it has succeeded. After this I want to
collect the remainings of the stream in a lazy ByteString, or maybe even
something else.

I tried to open the handler again using some internal handle hackery,
but this failed (luckily). In the module GHC.IO there is a function
`lazyRead' that more or less seems to do what I want. But I'll guess
there is a good reason for not exporting it.

Does anyone know a pattern in which I can do this easily?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] const is question

2008-06-14 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 14, 2008, at 6:14 PM, odtaa48 wrote:

could someone explain the following differing results const id 0
5 - 5 -- ie. 'takes' the 'last' one

const (id 0) 5 - 0 -- ie. 'takes' the 'first' one


You can easily see what is happening by rewriting the equations step  
by step. Remember that the const function is (\x y - x) and the id  
function is (\x - x).

Example 1:

   const id 0 5
== (const id 0) 5
== id 5
== 5

Example 2:

   const (id 0) 5
== const 0 5
== 0

So, in both cases const takes the first.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-14 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 14, 2008, at 6:45 PM, Felipe Lessa wrote:

(Sorry, Sebastiaan, I hit send accidentally)

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Sebastiaan Visser  

 readHttpMessage :: IO (Headers, Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString)
 readHttpMessage = do
   myStream - accept http connection from client
   request - hGetContents myStream
   header - parseHttpHeader request
   bs - Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents myStream
   return (header, body)

Why not

readHttpMessage = do
  myStream - accept http connection from client
  data - Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents myStream
  (header, rest) - parseHttpHeader data
  return (header, rest)

i.e. make parseHttpHeader return the rest of the string it didn't  

Doesn't this imply that the parseHttpHeader must work on ByteStrings  
instead of regular Strings? Maybe this works for HTTP headers, but  
sometimes ByteStrings are not appropriate. Especially when you are  
not using the regular `System.IO.hGetContents' but the  

In fact, may I ask why parseHttpHeader is not a pure function?

This is not a real-life example. It might as well be a pure function.


-- Felipe.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-14 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 14, 2008, at 6:49 PM, Isaac Dupree wrote:

Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

I've got a question about lazy IO in Haskell. The most well known
function to do lazy IO is the `hGetContents', which lazily reads  
all the

contents from a handle and returns this as a regular [Char].
The thing with hGetContents is that is puts the Handle in a semi- 

state, no one can use the handle anymore. This behaviour is
understandable from the point of safety; it is not yet determined  
the result of hGetContents will actually be computed, using the  

in the meantime is undesirable.
The point is, I think I really have a situation in which I want to  

the handle again `after' a call to hGetContents. I think I can best
explain this using a code example.
  readHttpMessage :: IO (Headers, Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString)
  readHttpMessage = do
myStream - accept http connection from client
request - hGetContents myStream
header - parseHttpHeader request
bs - Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents myStream
return (header, body)

that's impure because parseHttpHeader doesn't return anything  
telling you how much of the stream it's looked at.  Maybe it looked  
ahead more than it needed to, thus deleting part of the body.  I  
was going to suggest, if you can't change parseHttpHeader to use  

 bs - Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents myStream
 header - parseHttpHeader (Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack bs)

but you still have to get parseHttpHeader (or perhaps if it has  
similar friends) to tell you how much of the string it consumed!  I  
don't know what parsing functions you have available to work with,  
so I can't tell you whether it's possible.

It is a regular Parsec parser and I am pretty sure it does not  
consume anything other than the header itself. Maybe I could rewrite  
my parser to work on Word8's instead of Char's, I don't think HTTP  
even allows Unicode characters within HTTP headers.

Thanks. I think I'll try this.

But I'm still curious about how to lazily parse messages with  
arbitrary size Unicode headers and plain (possibly) binary bodies.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-14 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 14, 2008, at 7:16 PM, Felipe Lessa wrote:

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Sebastiaan Visser  
Doesn't this imply that the parseHttpHeader must work on  
ByteStrings instead

of regular Strings?

I made the change because it's easier and faster to go from ByteString
to String than the converse.

Maybe this works for HTTP headers, but sometimes
ByteStrings are not appropriate. Especially when you are not using  
regular `System.IO.hGetContents' but the  

You may use the package encoding instead, take a look at [1]. It will
decode a lazy ByteString into a String. In your HTTP parsing example,
you could break the ByteString on \r\n\r\n and then decodeLazy only
the first part, while returning the second without modifying it.

Sounds interesting. This could indeed solve (a part of) my problem.

The thing is, when decoding the header - in my web server  
architecture - it is not yet clear what should be done be the body.  
Some `handlers' may want to have it as a String, UTF8 String,  
ByteString or may not even need it at all.


Because HTTP headers are line based and the parser does not need any  
look ahead - the first \r\n\r\n is the header delimiter - it might  
be possible to use the hGetLine for the headers. After this I am  
still `free' to decide what to do for the body:  
System.IO.hGetContents, System.IO.UTF8.hGetContents,  
Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents, hClose, etc...

-- Felipe.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list