Re: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Marco Leise
This is just normal in a forum. I wouldn't give it too much. HL coding issues are still discussed, there is just more discussion about moral at the moment. And I don't think this is bad. (Almost) everyone here codes and hacking, cracking, 'lending sourcecode' when it is Half-Life is *big* news for the people on this list. It's only natural that a big discussion arouse. But if someone has a serious question I think it has priority for everyone here (right? :]). What I don't know is how full your mail box is already with 'spam' and I know how annoying unwanted mail can be. (A week ago I had my 20MB mail account full after a day from two lame coded 140/150 KB worms, until I created a looong filter for all their 'subjects')


Am Fri, 10 Oct 2003 14:05:02 -0500 hat Jeffrey "botman" Broome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> geschrieben:

Charlie Cleveland wrote:

Keep in mind this is supposed to be a mailing list for people who WANT to
code for Half-life, not a place to get up on your high-horse and preach, or
a place to nitpick hacker definitions.
Let's get back on topic please.
Yeah, good luck with that suggestion!  ;)

Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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[hlcoders] a sub models

2003-10-10 Thread mike
Somewhere on this list someone said something that they had a solution
to allow you have more then the default fixed numbers of sub models.
does anyone know this solution?

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[hlcoders] the dead is horse, yet

2003-10-10 Thread tei

Enough for me.

I am sorry for my complains, this is a nice coders mail list, or its
the target. So.. I will forget all about and return to make more
bluffy suggestions to the HL2 team or HL1 modders here.

Return to the roots.




I have send a mail to the webmaster of valvesoftware because a severe
security flaw revealing internal paths. I hope will receive the mail
and fix the problem.

Cool to help Valve to enforce security.



Read about:

Its compiled for Q1, but I think will be easy to change the HL2 tool
for the same use. For top-down view mods (Rpg alike) can be cool, as
will force a very small PVS or something ( I am not expert ). For this
type of mods will boosth fps a lot (will render only a small section
of the map, and not what normally a FPS will render).

The file is here:

Good Modding.

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Re: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Charlie Cleveland wrote:

Keep in mind this is supposed to be a mailing list for people who WANT to
code for Half-life, not a place to get up on your high-horse and preach, or
a place to nitpick hacker definitions.
Let's get back on topic please.
Yeah, good luck with that suggestion!  ;)

Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Re: Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Phantom

- Original Message -
From: "Pat Magnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Re: Open Letter To Hacker Community

> And 'good ole quake I'.. people complain that the Halflife engine is
> quake I rendering with significant improvements in many areas like
> networking, animation, etc etc (essentially what Halflife is), is surely
> dated as well, if we need new BSP formats for HL2, it's about time. I'm
> sick of hearing level designers bitching about being limited, and I think
> the new BSP format will STILL be limiting, but hopefully not so severely
> so. Hopefully enough so to give me a few months reprieve before the
> start bitching all over again (because we all know they will... ).

BSP is becoming dated anyways, its main use was back when we had software
renders and it made rendering without a z-buffer alot faster, now adays
people are starting to drop BSP in favour of other systems such as octtress,
ABT and virants on them, which are better suited to the new kinds of
enviroments ppl want to make such as large open areas, jungles etc which
dont have the 'box room' style partioning that BSP is perfectly suited for.

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Re: Re[2]: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Pat Magnan
Good point.. tei, I am trying to be as inoffensive as possible, but it's
not really possible here, if you're a merely a gamer, this is NOT the list
for you.
There are Quake I lists, and probably Halflife fans lists &c, if you want
to see what we talk about you're welcome to lurk, but a few of you new
folks on the list have been taking things WAY off topic. We don't give a
hoot what you can or can't do in Quake I, or any other engine, we ask each
other and the VALVe folks when they have time how you do stuff in Halflife.
Technical questions, if you've never looked at the SDK or done it yourself,
you're not really qualified to comment..
Now how do I retract my last post? :p

At 02:07 PM 10/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Keep in mind this is supposed to be a mailing list for people who WANT to
code for Half-life, not a place to get up on your high-horse and preach, or
a place to nitpick hacker definitions.
Let's get back on topic please.

Charlie Cleveland
Game programmer and designer
- Original Message -
From: "tei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 9:33 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community
> Hello Phil,
> P> Firstly, I would encourage you to get your definition of 'hacker'
> P> before you start shaking your finger at them.
> "Open Letter to Hacker Community" was better than
> "Open Letter to Hacker, Cracker, ScriptKiddie, Virii, Troyan Makers
> etc... people".
> I know hacker mean a guy soo good at coding/system that can write
> workarounds for problems not-soluble other way.
> Hollywood is redefining hacker has "system cracker".
> >> I think Valve is triing to become the next Microsoft. The Steam tools
> >> is crappy, and damage users gameplay with delays and failures, and
> >> restrict singleplayer ability. Its the first step of a highly
> >> dangerous technology to damage freedom: DRM.
> P> How have they done any of that? That is just your personal experience.
> P> hasn't changed the way that authentication is done, it hasn't
introduced any
> P> new DRM, it hasn't restricted anything that you couldn't do before.
> P> All it is, is a new way to deliver Valve's content, authenticate to the
> P> (which were WON until Steam) and update the games.
> I dont want to comments the negative points, but...
> Not true:
> You have to use the same tool (Steam), you can't use 3th party
> tools, better tools than Steam.  Bye Bye GameSpy, QTracker,...
> You can't still LAN or SP offline (will be fixed soon).
> You can't hack files into cache, but you can hack files into pak
> files. Ok, only power users and hackers care about, but the letter
> was address to this people...
> Everything is now imprisioned and buried inside Steam. The tool that
> access/able everything IF valve want Hopefully you can still
> directly access the hl.exe executable to lauch games :]
> This is somewhat like these TCPA .doc files. If Valve want to forbid
> "Mod Bart Simpson" can remake a new version that disable that mod, and
> "withouth consent" download to all users computers.
> This is not a problem for me, but I am not a hacker. But I think
> hacker will really disagree TCPA alike stuff...
> Maybe hackers will help to fix the Steam limitations.
> >> Valve as work dirty in the past. Unable Quake1 developpers to use
> >> both tools and some media into Quake1.
> P> When you take the Q1 engine, mix in stuff from Q2 and your own custom
> P> modifications, I'd love to see you do anything like backwards
> P> with Q1. Valve licensed the Q1 engine fair and square and had no
> P> need or want to make it backwards compatable.
> Had not obligation other than be fair and make friends. Soo If you
> remove Q1 compatibility from Worldcraft... you gain enemys!.. not
> good. Ooops... maybe compatibility is droooped ? maybe... but is
> forbid at the license AND people as discovered a way to workaround
> (HACK HACK HACK) the problem to still use Worldcraft.  q1rad is a
> quake1 tool to light maps with rendersity... maybe a illegal tool, but
> exist. You can also make Q1 maps with Hammer, but Valve forbit it...
> I not like that, but I not blame Valve. I list stuff that hackers
> disagree and hate. This is a well know example.  Worldcraft, a Q1 map
> tool, generate BSP maps, Valve disable that (or drop) and forbid, also
> create is own "incompatible" BSP format. But this is also "fake" as is
> very easy to enable support for HL maps for Quake1. A lot of Q1
> engines support HL maps. Valve forbid *me*, to upload cs_siege.bsp to
> my homepage and share with other files with instructions to copy this
> file at /quake/cstrike-ish-mod/maps
> Maybe this was a bussines decision, made to have more profit. Cool!.
> But you gain more enemys. More people will become angry.
> >> Abducting good mods inside
> >> (like Counter-Stri

Re: [hlcoders] Re: Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Phantom

- Original Message -
From: "tei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Phantom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 6:32 PM
Subject: [hlcoders] Re: Open Letter To Hacker Community

> I am interested at HL2 only as gammer. Soo you will find 0 or none
> references to hl2 in my messages.
> Hehehehe

hehe, opps, that was a typo on my part, i ment HL1 :)

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Pat Magnan
At 07:32 PM 10/10/2003 +0200, you wrote:

>> Had not obligation other than be fair and make friends. Soo If you
>> remove Q1 compatibility from Worldcraft... you gain enemys!.. not
>> good. Ooops... maybe compatibility is droooped ? maybe... but is
>> forbid at the license AND people as discovered a way to workaround
>> (HACK HACK HACK) the problem to still use Worldcraft.  q1rad is a
>> quake1 tool to light maps with rendersity... maybe a illegal tool, but
>> exist. You can also make Q1 maps with Hammer, but Valve forbit it...
P> This is the first time i've seen ANYONE complain about HL2 not supporting
P> Quake1 maps (and i know alot of mappers). End of the day this is Valve's
P> product, so you either play by their rules or dont play at all. As was
P> mentioned they was under no obligation, moneytry or otherwise, to support a
P> game by another company in their product. Its a bit like complaining that
P> you cant make Quake1 map for UT, different products and different map
P> formats.

Complains where about a license that ban tools, SDK source, maps,
textures... everything... to use with other engines. Like good old
Its legit, ok, but is annoying, so people may hate that. I really not
care soo much about.
But tei, those people are fools, plain and simple. That's like saying that
when you buy DukeNukem3D you are expecting to be able to use their CONTENT
or file formats to make a mod for Quake I , you bloody well can't, I
understand in your case, English is a second language, but you're pretty
fluent. Re-read the SDK license, it never ever said anything about doing
things for ANY engine but VALVes, nor should it.
It's not even logic these people are using, they're just 12 year olds
deciding VALVe is the enemy because they have a corporate name, they've
outstripped all the competition in the FPS and done something old ID fans
may not like, they licensed Quake's tech, made it way better than any Quake
or ID release since (apart from using new rendering techniques, which
Carmack is a leader at even if he makes the most dull games on the earth),
Quake III doesn't have skeletal animations, there's crap you can do in
Halflife you STILL can't do in Quake, or RTCW or any ID product.
This is all sour grapes. ID had their heyday, but fell from grace when they
didn't reorganize their code enough to use things like C++, which made
modding infinitetly more achievable for students, and professionals from
other fields as well.
And 'good ole quake I'.. people complain that the Halflife engine is dated,
quake I rendering with significant improvements in many areas like
networking, animation, etc etc (essentially what Halflife is), is surely
dated as well, if we need new BSP formats for HL2, it's about time. I'm
sick of hearing level designers bitching about being limited, and I think
the new BSP format will STILL be limiting, but hopefully not so severely
so. Hopefully enough so to give me a few months reprieve before the artists
start bitching all over again (because we all know they will... ).
We've tried every trick in the book to try to do believable jungles in
Halflife, it's just hard as pewp. Hopefully with a bit more improved
environment like HL2, we'll be able to pull it off more believably (well we
just finally stumbled on yet another technique to add some reality to
levels, and i'm sure it will carry over to HL2 ;)).
I am interested at HL2 only as gammer. Soo you will find 0 or none
references to hl2 in my messages.

I am sorry for my english.

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Pat 'sluggo' Magnan
Tour of Duty mod

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Re: Re[2]: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Charlie Cleveland
Keep in mind this is supposed to be a mailing list for people who WANT to
code for Half-life, not a place to get up on your high-horse and preach, or
a place to nitpick hacker definitions.

Let's get back on topic please.

Charlie Cleveland
Game programmer and designer

- Original Message -
From: "tei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 9:33 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

> Hello Phil,
> P> Firstly, I would encourage you to get your definition of 'hacker'
> P> before you start shaking your finger at them.
> "Open Letter to Hacker Community" was better than
> "Open Letter to Hacker, Cracker, ScriptKiddie, Virii, Troyan Makers
> etc... people".
> I know hacker mean a guy soo good at coding/system that can write
> workarounds for problems not-soluble other way.
> Hollywood is redefining hacker has "system cracker".
> >> I think Valve is triing to become the next Microsoft. The Steam tools
> >> is crappy, and damage users gameplay with delays and failures, and
> >> restrict singleplayer ability. Its the first step of a highly
> >> dangerous technology to damage freedom: DRM.
> P> How have they done any of that? That is just your personal experience.
> P> hasn't changed the way that authentication is done, it hasn't
introduced any
> P> new DRM, it hasn't restricted anything that you couldn't do before.
> P> All it is, is a new way to deliver Valve's content, authenticate to the
> P> (which were WON until Steam) and update the games.
> I dont want to comments the negative points, but...
> Not true:
> You have to use the same tool (Steam), you can't use 3th party
> tools, better tools than Steam.  Bye Bye GameSpy, QTracker,...
> You can't still LAN or SP offline (will be fixed soon).
> You can't hack files into cache, but you can hack files into pak
> files. Ok, only power users and hackers care about, but the letter
> was address to this people...
> Everything is now imprisioned and buried inside Steam. The tool that
> access/able everything IF valve want Hopefully you can still
> directly access the hl.exe executable to lauch games :]
> This is somewhat like these TCPA .doc files. If Valve want to forbid
> "Mod Bart Simpson" can remake a new version that disable that mod, and
> "withouth consent" download to all users computers.
> This is not a problem for me, but I am not a hacker. But I think
> hacker will really disagree TCPA alike stuff...
> Maybe hackers will help to fix the Steam limitations.
> >> Valve as work dirty in the past. Unable Quake1 developpers to use
> >> both tools and some media into Quake1.
> P> When you take the Q1 engine, mix in stuff from Q2 and your own custom
> P> modifications, I'd love to see you do anything like backwards
> P> with Q1. Valve licensed the Q1 engine fair and square and had no
> P> need or want to make it backwards compatable.
> Had not obligation other than be fair and make friends. Soo If you
> remove Q1 compatibility from Worldcraft... you gain enemys!.. not
> good. Ooops... maybe compatibility is droooped ? maybe... but is
> forbid at the license AND people as discovered a way to workaround
> (HACK HACK HACK) the problem to still use Worldcraft.  q1rad is a
> quake1 tool to light maps with rendersity... maybe a illegal tool, but
> exist. You can also make Q1 maps with Hammer, but Valve forbit it...
> I not like that, but I not blame Valve. I list stuff that hackers
> disagree and hate. This is a well know example.  Worldcraft, a Q1 map
> tool, generate BSP maps, Valve disable that (or drop) and forbid, also
> create is own "incompatible" BSP format. But this is also "fake" as is
> very easy to enable support for HL maps for Quake1. A lot of Q1
> engines support HL maps. Valve forbid *me*, to upload cs_siege.bsp to
> my homepage and share with other files with instructions to copy this
> file at /quake/cstrike-ish-mod/maps
> Maybe this was a bussines decision, made to have more profit. Cool!.
> But you gain more enemys. More people will become angry.
> >> Abducting good mods inside
> >> (like Counter-Strike). Valve overload the market with his product,
> >> that unable oportunitys for other developers. Valve write nazi
> >> Licenses.
> P> Abducting? I'm assuming that gooseman agreed to having his MOD
> P> otherwise Valve faces some serious charges.
> Microsoft Abducting.
> Lotus 1-2-3 => Excel
> Wordperfect => Word
> Mosaic => IE (builtin)
> Winzip => Explorer (builtin)
> ftp => Explorer (builtin)
> Winamp => Windows Media Player
> Valve Abducting
> Counter-Strike
> TeamFortress
> ...
> (more?)
> Good or Bad? I am not sure. Maybe enhance the mods itself. Good to the
> community. But its harder to make other mods. Its a tradeoff.
> P> And where are these nazi licenses, valve are in

Re: [hlcoders] Re: Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Neale Roberts
- Original Message -
From: "tei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am sorry for my english.

I feel sorry for it too.

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[hlcoders] Re: Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread tei

>> Had not obligation other than be fair and make friends. Soo If you
>> remove Q1 compatibility from Worldcraft... you gain enemys!.. not
>> good. Ooops... maybe compatibility is droooped ? maybe... but is
>> forbid at the license AND people as discovered a way to workaround
>> (HACK HACK HACK) the problem to still use Worldcraft.  q1rad is a
>> quake1 tool to light maps with rendersity... maybe a illegal tool, but
>> exist. You can also make Q1 maps with Hammer, but Valve forbit it...

P> This is the first time i've seen ANYONE complain about HL2 not supporting
P> Quake1 maps (and i know alot of mappers). End of the day this is Valve's
P> product, so you either play by their rules or dont play at all. As was
P> mentioned they was under no obligation, moneytry or otherwise, to support a
P> game by another company in their product. Its a bit like complaining that
P> you cant make Quake1 map for UT, different products and different map
P> formats.


Complains where about a license that ban tools, SDK source, maps,
textures... everything... to use with other engines. Like good old

Its legit, ok, but is annoying, so people may hate that. I really not
care soo much about.

I am interested at HL2 only as gammer. Soo you will find 0 or none
references to hl2 in my messages.


I am sorry for my english.

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Re: Re[2]: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Phantom
reply intermingled below...

- Original Message -
From: "tei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 2:33 PM
Subject: Re[2]: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

> P> How have they done any of that? That is just your personal experience.
> P> hasn't changed the way that authentication is done, it hasn't
introduced any
> P> new DRM, it hasn't restricted anything that you couldn't do before.
> P> All it is, is a new way to deliver Valve's content, authenticate to the
> P> (which were WON until Steam) and update the games.
> I dont want to comments the negative points, but...
> Not true:
> You have to use the same tool (Steam), you can't use 3th party
> tools, better tools than Steam.  Bye Bye GameSpy, QTracker,...

I hate to point out to you the flaw in this but you can already use ASE to
run HL based games to connect to steam servers, yes you have to have steam
running in the background to log you in but as it autoruns and autologs you
in i hardly see this as an issue. So in effect you can just leave it running
in the background and forget about it. If Gamespy, QTracker etc dont update
their software to work with Steam then its not Valve's fault. And remember,
Steam is going to be used for HL2, so really updating their software would
be needed anyways if only because of a new game to be released.

> You can't still LAN or SP offline (will be fixed soon).
> You can't hack files into cache, but you can hack files into pak
> files. Ok, only power users and hackers care about, but the letter
> was address to this people...
> Everything is now imprisioned and buried inside Steam. The tool that
> access/able everything IF valve want Hopefully you can still
> directly access the hl.exe executable to lauch games :]

Again, i dont see the issue here, ANY game with an online component which
talks to a master server can access ANYTHING on your system could be viewed
like this, hell for all you know Gamespy could be sending back your
username/password files and cookies everytime you run it to Gamespy, but you
have to trust these things are doing only what they need to do and not
anything else.

> This is somewhat like these TCPA .doc files. If Valve want to forbid
> "Mod Bart Simpson" can remake a new version that disable that mod, and
> "withouth consent" download to all users computers.

By allowing Steam to update files as/when needed you are giving them
explicate consent to do what you just described, as to if thats right or
wrong or not is another matter, but remember you can disable automatic

> >> Valve as work dirty in the past. Unable Quake1 developpers to use
> >> both tools and some media into Quake1.
> P> When you take the Q1 engine, mix in stuff from Q2 and your own custom
> P> modifications, I'd love to see you do anything like backwards
> P> with Q1. Valve licensed the Q1 engine fair and square and had no
> P> need or want to make it backwards compatable.
> Had not obligation other than be fair and make friends. Soo If you
> remove Q1 compatibility from Worldcraft... you gain enemys!.. not
> good. Ooops... maybe compatibility is droooped ? maybe... but is
> forbid at the license AND people as discovered a way to workaround
> (HACK HACK HACK) the problem to still use Worldcraft.  q1rad is a
> quake1 tool to light maps with rendersity... maybe a illegal tool, but
> exist. You can also make Q1 maps with Hammer, but Valve forbit it...

This is the first time i've seen ANYONE complain about HL2 not supporting
Quake1 maps (and i know alot of mappers). End of the day this is Valve's
product, so you either play by their rules or dont play at all. As was
mentioned they was under no obligation, moneytry or otherwise, to support a
game by another company in their product. Its a bit like complaining that
you cant make Quake1 map for UT, different products and different map

> I not like that, but I not blame Valve. I list stuff that hackers
> disagree and hate. This is a well know example.  Worldcraft, a Q1 map
> tool, generate BSP maps, Valve disable that (or drop) and forbid, also
> create is own "incompatible" BSP format. But this is also "fake" as is
> very easy to enable support for HL maps for Quake1. A lot of Q1
> engines support HL maps. Valve forbid *me*, to upload cs_siege.bsp to
> my homepage and share with other files with instructions to copy this
> file at /quake/cstrike-ish-mod/maps

I'm guessing the reason for the 'incompatible' BSP format was needed for
engine enhancements in HL, which is like complaining that your newly created
WordXP document is no longer openable in Word3.0 and there is no reason it
should be. The Quake1 engines you speak of have been written from the
Opensource code and known HL BSP format loaders, and although they can load
HL maps (and i dare say if you created your own HL format BSP files you are
allowed to create and use with whatever you want) Va

RE: Re[2]: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Rice, Rick
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Well said!!! You are exactly correct with Valve locking out (at least for
the moment) 3rd party accessibility, although I believe that this is
temporary and will open up eventually.

Valves strength was developed by leveraging the 'hacker' community in
developing game mods to enhance the online experience. Once the SDK is
released, this will become a moot point. I am not one to believe that Valve
is becoming another Microsoft. Every company has to develop and progress or
die. Valve is doing just that, but there are growing pains.

They are NOT creating enemies, but people are impatient and upset. If the
game continues to progress in the direction it is and the SDK opens up Steam
to the mod developers, then we will all see just how progressive the changes
have become. It would be careless and stupid for Valve to lock out or
restrict access. This is what made Valve successful to begin with. "Don't
bite the hand that feeds you", as the old saying goes.

Be patient. Everything will open up in time (although the sooner the

(BTW, your English is surprisingly good, with some exceptions (LOL)!!!)

([EMAIL PROTECTED], just an avid player who happens to be a developer)


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Re[2]: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread tei
Hello Phil,

P> Firstly, I would encourage you to get your definition of 'hacker' correct
P> before you start shaking your finger at them.

"Open Letter to Hacker Community" was better than

"Open Letter to Hacker, Cracker, ScriptKiddie, Virii, Troyan Makers
etc... people".

I know hacker mean a guy soo good at coding/system that can write no-obvious
workarounds for problems not-soluble other way.

Hollywood is redefining hacker has "system cracker".

>> I think Valve is triing to become the next Microsoft. The Steam tools
>> is crappy, and damage users gameplay with delays and failures, and
>> restrict singleplayer ability. Its the first step of a highly
>> dangerous technology to damage freedom: DRM.

P> How have they done any of that? That is just your personal experience. It
P> hasn't changed the way that authentication is done, it hasn't introduced any
P> new DRM, it hasn't restricted anything that you couldn't do before.
P> All it is, is a new way to deliver Valve's content, authenticate to the servers
P> (which were WON until Steam) and update the games.

I dont want to comments the negative points, but...

Not true:

You have to use the same tool (Steam), you can't use 3th party
tools, better tools than Steam.  Bye Bye GameSpy, QTracker,...

You can't still LAN or SP offline (will be fixed soon).
You can't hack files into cache, but you can hack files into pak
files. Ok, only power users and hackers care about, but the letter
was address to this people...

Everything is now imprisioned and buried inside Steam. The tool that
access/able everything IF valve want Hopefully you can still
directly access the hl.exe executable to lauch games :]

This is somewhat like these TCPA .doc files. If Valve want to forbid
"Mod Bart Simpson" can remake a new version that disable that mod, and
"withouth consent" download to all users computers.

This is not a problem for me, but I am not a hacker. But I think
hacker will really disagree TCPA alike stuff...

Maybe hackers will help to fix the Steam limitations.

>> Valve as work dirty in the past. Unable Quake1 developpers to use
>> both tools and some media into Quake1.

P> When you take the Q1 engine, mix in stuff from Q2 and your own custom
P> modifications, I'd love to see you do anything like backwards compatability
P> with Q1. Valve licensed the Q1 engine fair and square and had no obligation,
P> need or want to make it backwards compatable.

Had not obligation other than be fair and make friends. Soo If you
remove Q1 compatibility from Worldcraft... you gain enemys!.. not
good. Ooops... maybe compatibility is droooped ? maybe... but is
forbid at the license AND people as discovered a way to workaround
(HACK HACK HACK) the problem to still use Worldcraft.  q1rad is a
quake1 tool to light maps with rendersity... maybe a illegal tool, but
exist. You can also make Q1 maps with Hammer, but Valve forbit it...

I not like that, but I not blame Valve. I list stuff that hackers
disagree and hate. This is a well know example.  Worldcraft, a Q1 map
tool, generate BSP maps, Valve disable that (or drop) and forbid, also
create is own "incompatible" BSP format. But this is also "fake" as is
very easy to enable support for HL maps for Quake1. A lot of Q1
engines support HL maps. Valve forbid *me*, to upload cs_siege.bsp to
my homepage and share with other files with instructions to copy this
file at /quake/cstrike-ish-mod/maps

Maybe this was a bussines decision, made to have more profit. Cool!.
But you gain more enemys. More people will become angry.

>> Abducting good mods inside
>> (like Counter-Strike). Valve overload the market with his product,
>> that unable oportunitys for other developers. Valve write nazi
>> Licenses.

P> Abducting? I'm assuming that gooseman agreed to having his MOD commercialised,
P> otherwise Valve faces some serious charges.

Microsoft Abducting.

Lotus 1-2-3 => Excel
Wordperfect => Word
Mosaic => IE (builtin)
Winzip => Explorer (builtin)
ftp => Explorer (builtin)
Winamp => Windows Media Player

Valve Abducting


Good or Bad? I am not sure. Maybe enhance the mods itself. Good to the
community. But its harder to make other mods. Its a tradeoff.

P> And where are these nazi licenses, valve are incredibly nice with their MOD
P> licenses.

Already comment.

>> If you think now the target is Valve. Please re-think. Its not cool to
>> fuck a lot of people that where triing to get his fun from this. And
>> Its not cool to fuck people doing fun games for all of us. If you have
>> fun hacking, download Uplink game.

P> Might want to address that one to the CRACKER community.


yes, but for the public consume the word hacker is more common

P> -Philip

Thanks for your mail.

Helll I have comment the negative side of the letter. Not good. The
Valve work was sooo nice. Quake1 Singleplayer and most other FPS games
was boring. But Half-Life has break everything to a new level. Good sp
gameplay, good DM,...

RE: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Phil
Quoting Cale 'Mazor' Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I still go by the 'true' definition of a hacker. The name has lost the
> respect it deserves and I try to keep it alive.

I agree. Some people should see -


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RE: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Cale 'Mazor' Dunlap
I still go by the 'true' definition of a hacker. The name has lost the
respect it deserves and I try to keep it alive.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Manip
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

Actually, the definition of 'hacker' has changed and is generally
as 'hacker' or 'cracker' and now most of the time a really good coder
known as a 'hacker'

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RE: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread McCormack, Chris
Hollywood's interpretation of hacker, is actually the definition of a cracker.
The only people that see the hacker definition as 'changed', are the people that 
assumed a hacker was infact a cracker in the first place.

-Original Message-
From: Manip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 October 2003 09:12
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

Actually, the definition of 'hacker' has changed and is generally accepted
as 'hacker' or 'cracker' and now most of the time a really good coder isn't
known as a 'hacker'

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Re: [hlcoders] Open Letter To Hacker Community

2003-10-10 Thread Manip
Actually, the definition of 'hacker' has changed and is generally accepted
as 'hacker' or 'cracker' and now most of the time a really good coder isn't
known as a 'hacker'

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