Re: [HOT] Spam messages

2017-10-30 Thread Kretzer


I totally agree that this should be changed. I like your solution #3 with the checkbox.


Blake, I can see your point about wanting to give positive feedback. But this feedback is way more likely to be annoying than uplifting. It's okay if you get it once, but nobody will feel positively rewarded when they get dozens of identical messages. I think feedback has to be specific to be useful.

And never ever should a bot pretend to be a person. Less so when the person in questions doesn't even know about it. This will only create confusion, anger and misunderstandings.

If anything I would prefer a message like " This is an automated message to let you know that @noobuser has validated your task".


And one more thing: Sometimes it would be useful to answer directly to an inbox message. but that does not seem possible, or did I miss something?



Gesendet: Sonntag, 29. Oktober 2017 um 17:22 Uhr
Von: "Florian Kratochwil" 
Betreff: Re: [HOT] Spam messages

I also think automated messages (especially with this text) are no good. For me validating, I see three situations:
1) The work is bad or the tile is not fully mapped: --> I invalidate. I always invalidate with a comment and I think everybody does it like this (or maybe it is even a must?)
2) The work is perfect, I don't have to correct anything --> I validate, and sometimes I write a comment, sometimes not (if it was a lot of work I write something, if there was almost nothing to map I dont)
3) It is something in between. A few objects are not mapped or some overlapping / not squared buildings etc. --> I correct it and press validate. Again, I comment sometimes, but not everytime.

Especially for number 3, the work is neither perfect or "awesome". So if there is an automated message like the text John posted, I don't want it to be sent out because it would be wrong.

How to improve it? Possible solutions (not ranked):
1) Make comments compulsory (maybe provide some text for copy-paste or own templates?)
2) Provide a page for every user with information about my mapped tasks. How many have been validated, how many invalidated, how many not checked? I am definitely interested in that. And if you map a lot it is better to have an overview over your work on such a page than on dozens of mails.
3) Create a checkbox: "I want to be informed, when this task gets validated" and when you check it, you get an email, if not you don't. (One should be able to set the default setting of this checkbox individually)

And apart from this: In the TM2 comment box, when I pressed "@" all usernames of mappers of the locked tile were proposed. In TM3 this isnt. I hope this will be implemented again, it really speeds things up.

Am 2017-10-29 um 14:36 schrieb john whelan:

If you work by validating tiles on a project as they are done as I do so the tile is validated within a day or so and the project has 95% of the mapped tiles validated this isn't a problem.


I do have a strong negative reaction to seeing the word awesome all over the place it might work in Chicago but it doesn't fit the culture of many people from other backgrounds.


I have removed my email address so I no longer get these unwanted messages in my email.


A lot of OSM mapping is done by a few mappers.  On a project I'm working on one mapper has mapped more than 120 tiles. Fine but with so many messages any feedback I might want to give them will get lost in the bulk of the messages.  The other objection to this is the time it takes to review and read the messages in Task Manager.  The more you map the more junk mail you get.


A very unhappy validator.



On 29 October 2017 at 08:22, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM  wrote:

Hi John,
One of the main feedback items we got was that people received no
notifications of when their work was validated so that is why we
switched from sending a message to the users when their work was
validated instead of only when it was invalidated.

They are probably going to stay and as I said, improved so when people
do not want to receive them anymore they can opt out of validation
emails/messages specifically.

Typically spam is unsolicited emails, however, emails from the Tasking
Manager are fully opt-in. If you do not provide your email address,
you do not receive any emails. You can remove your email address at
anytime and you will no longer receive emails from the Tasking

As I said, eventually you will be able to opt in and out of different
types of emails/messages so you could choose to not receive messages
or emails when your tasks get validated.


On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 1:06 PM, john whelan  wrote:
> I think I've validated more than 10,000 tiles I would hate to think I'd be
> responsible for 10,000 spam messages.
> These are meaningless and I think they should be stopped as quickly as
> possible.
> I apologise to 

Re: [HOT] Checking validation work in TM3

2017-10-22 Thread Kretzer
Plus one. 
I also think a link on the "latest activity" list would be very useful. 
(By the way, is there a reason why this tab is hidden in the map? That looks a 
little strange to me)

"Last active" would also help to figure out if a new user is still around and 
likely to get the feedback in useful time. I think that's what you'd asked for 
before, and I agree that would be helpful  

Today I got some kind feedback by a user who validated two tasks and encouraged 
me to keep mapping. This user joined OSM a day ago and has 6 tasks mapped and 4 
tasks validated ... :-)


Gesendet mit der GMX iPhone App

Am 22.10.17 um 13:06 schrieb john whelan

> I would concur.  Currently there is one tile validated by a new user that
> I've picked up making a few mistakes and I'd dearly love to find which tile
> they validated just to go over it again.
> The other points I would agree with also.
> Note to Scott at the bottom of the project page is a link to github.  If
> you add these to the issues tab then there is less likely hood they will be
> forgotten.
> TM3 is a big change and anytime you mess with an operational user interface
> things don't always go smoothly.  A lot of it is very good but there are
> one or two points that could do with a bit of attention.
> Cheerio John
> On 22 October 2017 at 05:44, Scott Davies  wrote:
> > Thanks again for taking the time to chat, Blake. Yes, you've identified
> > the issue and some potential improvements. I think perhaps the single
> > easiest solution would be to link to the task on the 'last activity' list.
> > Cheers,
> > Scott.
> >
> >
> > On 22 Oct 2017 09:35, "Blake Girardot HOT/OSM" 
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hi Scott,
> >
> > Thank you very much for the feedback. We chatted about this on slack
> > and I just want to make clear and review to make sure I did not
> > misunderstand, this is about finding validated tasks to review the
> > validation work. We have had issues with new mappers validating task
> > squares so Scott, you are trying to review "new validators" not "new
> > mappers".
> >
> > We did not come up with a good way to do that, but identified some
> > possible improvements we can make to support this critical use. We
> > focused on some improvements to the stats page, like sortable columns
> > and maybe adding a column or two to the mapper list to indicate their
> > experience level.
> >
> > Thank you again for your time Scott.
> >
> > Respectfully,
> > blake
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 3:14 AM, Scott Davies 
> > wrote:
> > > There's a lot I love about TM3, and hats off to those that put in the
> > hard
> > > work to make it happen.
> > >
> > > There are a few teething issues, though. eg. Many projects in the new TM
> > are
> > > still open to anyone to validate, so it's necessary to check that newer
> > > validators are doing a good job. But this is more difficult than it was
> > in
> > > TM2.
> > >
> > > The problem is finding the squares they validated in order to review
> > them.
> > >
> > > Hovering over 'start' next to the user's name on the main project page
> > can
> > > show you which task squares they've mapped, but not those they've
> > validated.
> > > The Activity & Stats page shows how many squares a user has validated
> > (under
> > > 'Contributions'), which allows us to figure out which newer users are
> > > validating. So far, so good. However that list doesn't include any link
> > to
> > > the actual task.
> > > The 'last activity' list similarly contains the information about who is
> > > doing what in the project (and is expandable, unlike in TM2), but the
> > > usefulness of that list is greatly undermined by the fact that, again,
> > there
> > > is no link to the task.
> > > The 'Comments by users' list *does* provide a link to the specific task
> > > square. However, where they've left a comment it's normally where they've
> > > invalidated the square; but if we're checking their work we're generally
> > > more interested in the ones they've validated (ie. possibly wrongly). And
> > > those who aren't used to validating might not leave a comment at all, of
> > > course.
> > > Another option is to look at the user's profile page, which shows the
> > number
> > > of tasks mapped and validated, but again, this doesn't have a link to
> > > specific tasks. (As an aside, in the list of projects on the user's page,
> > > the totals are incorrect-- but perhaps that issue is already known).
> > >
> > >
> > > Given all the above, I'm currently generally resorting to clicking
> > randomly
> > > on squares on the map, hoping to find one that the specific user I'm
> > > interested in has validated-- very time-consuming.
> > >
> > > Have I missed something? There must be an easier way to do this?
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > HOT mailing list
> > >
> > > 

Re: [HOT] #Map4Ebola DRC OpenStreetMap Response to 2017 Ebola outbreak : 23-May 2017 priority mapping work

2017-05-23 Thread Kretzer

> If you'd have suggestions to improve this (should we have created some kind
> of regular squared pattern?), we could integrate this to the workflow of
> the next task. 
I think the standard squares are fine. The residential areas are easy to find, 
so scanning again is really no effort. 

> Thanks for the piece of art ;)
> In JOSM it is easy to hide those marqueurs' labels. Not too sure about iD
> though. Would be good to have an option to hide them by default after the
> first few editing sessions;.
That sounds like a good idea. 
I quite like the artistic effects, but they do make it hard to see the actual 
work ... 

Goodnight from the Alps

> Cheers
> Claire
> Claire Halleux
> +243 81 611 6998 (Kinshasa, DRC)
> OpenStreetMap RDC
> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 10:38 PM, Kretzer <> wrote:
> > This task is nearly finished in the meantime ...
> >
> > "Buildings only" is an ice and quick job. But I wonder if it is neccessary
> > to make such tiny tiles. Sometimes each house gets its own tile like her in
> > the eastern part:
> > This makes it a bit boring to open every tile in JOSM. In ID the ronud
> > boundary boxes produce unintentional artwork  For example: 
> >
> > :-)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Mai 2017 um 16:22 Uhr
> > Von: "nicolas chavent" <>
> > An: "Rafael Avila Coya" <>
> > Cc: hot <>
> > Betreff: Re: [HOT] #Map4Ebola DRC OpenStreetMap Response to 2017 Ebola
> > outbreak : 23-May 2017 priority mapping work
> >
> > Thanks Rafael for spotting this and thanks everyone for your mapping work.
> >
> > On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:14 PM, Rafael Avila Coya <
> > []> wrote:Thank you, Nicolas:
> >
> > You committed a mistake with the URL. The correct one is
> >[]
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Rafael.
> >
> > On 23/05/17 16:01, nicolas chavent wrote:Hi all,
> >
> > On behalf of Claire Halleux and fresh from her coordination work in DRC,
> > here's the current priority mapping task for the OSM response to the Ebola
> > outbreak
> > URL of Mapping Task 3060 (project #10):
> > project/3009[] <
> >[]
> > >
> >
> > Excellent day
> > Nicolas
> >
> > --
> > Nicolas Chavent
> > Les Libres Géographes
> > Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
> > Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
> > Projet GeOrchestra
> > Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
> > Mobile (BJ): +229 96 25 62 71 <tel:%2B225%2089%2097%2098%
> > 2045><tel:%2B225%2089%2097%2098%2045>
> > <[]>
> > Email:[]
> > <[]>
> > Skype: c_nicolas
> > Twitter: nicolas_chavent
> >
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >[]
> >
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >[]
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Nicolas Chavent
> > Les Libres Géographes
> >
> > Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
> > Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
> > Projet GeOrchestra
> >
> > Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
> > Mobile (BJ): +229 96 25 62 71
> >
> > Email:[]
> > Skype: c_nicolas
> > Twitter: nicolas_chavent___
> > HOT mailing list https://lists.openstreetmap.
> > org/listinfo/hot[]
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >
> >
> >

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] #Map4Ebola DRC OpenStreetMap Response to 2017 Ebola outbreak : 23-May 2017 priority mapping work

2017-05-23 Thread Kretzer
This task is nearly finished in the meantime ... 

"Buildings only" is an ice and quick job. But I wonder if it is neccessary to 
make such tiny tiles. Sometimes each house gets its own tile like her in the 
eastern part:
This makes it a bit boring to open every tile in JOSM. In ID the ronud boundary 
boxes produce unintentional artwork  For example:

Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Mai 2017 um 16:22 Uhr
Von: "nicolas chavent" 
An: "Rafael Avila Coya" 
Cc: hot 
Betreff: Re: [HOT] #Map4Ebola DRC OpenStreetMap Response to 2017 Ebola outbreak 
: 23-May 2017 priority mapping work

Thanks Rafael for spotting this and thanks everyone for your mapping work.
On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:14 PM, Rafael Avila Coya 
 wrote:Thank you, Nicolas:

You committed a mistake with the URL. The correct one is[]



On 23/05/17 16:01, nicolas chavent wrote:Hi all,

On behalf of Claire Halleux and fresh from her coordination work in DRC, here's 
the current priority mapping task for the OSM response to the Ebola outbreak
URL of Mapping Task 3060 (project 

Excellent day

Nicolas Chavent
Les Libres Géographes
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Projet GeOrchestra
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (BJ): +229 96 25 62 71 


Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent

HOT mailing list[]
HOT mailing list[]


Nicolas Chavent
Les Libres Géographes

Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Projet GeOrchestra

Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (BJ): +229 96 25 62 71
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent___ HOT 
mailing list[]

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Chequerboard Pattern

2017-05-17 Thread Kretzer
have you noticed how the use of the Task Manager sometimes produces nice 
patterns like here: ?

You can see that at least some users are very diciplined in staying inside the 
box :-)

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Fwd: Re: landuse=residential within landuse=residential

2017-03-29 Thread Kretzer
Hi, I was also bothered by the coexistence of very small and very large residential area in many loosely populated African areas. 

I agree that the tag seems to make most sense in densely built-up areas - to differentiate it from other uses of built-up land, not from open areas.  


But I'm not sure about "boundary" either. In Johns original example it was suggested to circle clusters of two or three buildings, and I'm not sure about the benefits of this. In these cases I think  mapping buildings alone would be sufficient. Or am I missing something? In most renderings you can see the residential areas in smaller scales as the buildings - so you could identify populated areas more easily. Is that a benfit? Or could that be solved by different rendering?


Surely population density could be accessed more accurately by numbers of buildings than by sizes of "blobs", which are outlines very inconsistently ?



Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. März 2017 um 10:33 Uhr
Von: majka 
An: "" 
Betreff: Re: [HOT] Fwd: Re: landuse=residential within landuse=residential

First, overlapping landuse areas (even different ones) should always be corrected. It brings problems with the map data, I have seen and corrected areas where the overlapping did hide ponds from the rendered map. The same overlapping area masks some of the problems but should be corrected as well - either by deleting of one of the areas or by merging both together.

The next question is the landuse size in the mapped area.

From the view of the mapper in Europe, the landuse=residential in HOT is problematic. The residential area should be only where the region is used above all for housing people. The HOT use is to mark areas where there are some houses, depending on the project instructions. This ends with a very problematic rendering of some areas. Visually, you get one big blob of something most people understand as a town, not the reality of fields and farms. The very loose residential areas shouldn’t be there at all, IMHO. Villages/towns boundaries have their own tag, boundary. Usually, this is paired with boundary=administrative which is mostly unusable for HOT distance mapping because the information isn't available to the mapper. But nothing speaks against own tag - see here.

IMHO, the ideal solution would be to change the HOT practice of mapping residential areas. Leave landuse=residential only to the areas, where the buildings are densely packed together (even in a village, where there is real street there might be a residential area) - keeping the common interpretation. Give the residential area a lower importance than it has now, and start using the boundary instead, for example boundary=residential to mark the areas with buildings. A later mapping on the ground or use of governmental data if available could then change this in real administrative areas marking the hamlets, villages, and towns where appropriate and leaving the residential boundaries to the rural farm areas.

Ideally, such change would be preceded by discussing on the HOT and tagging list and followed by updating the wiki definition of a boundary, and by updating the HOT materials for users. It would need a slight change in JOSM HOT presets and in the iD editor as well, probably. However, it shouldn’t be very difficult to do so.

I understand the residential areas are used for getting population density in the HOT projects. The use of both tags together would be a better choice, getting the information about sparsely and densely populated areas at the same time.


On 29 March 2017 at 08:10, Vao Matua wrote:

Nick & John,

Determining where to draw the edge of landuse=residential can be difficult.
Here in Ethiopia most of the population lives in a rural setting where they farm areas of 1 to 10 hectares in size.
There are places where people live in villages, but often dwellings are quite dispersed.


___ HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Mapping buildings

2017-03-21 Thread Kretzer

I didn't know about the JOSM shortcut. Thanks, that's  very useful!

Also Iove the idea of having a scaling tool in iD - would second that 
On the other hand I don't have much practical use for the new mirroring tools. 
Maybe others have the same priorities?

Am 20.03.17 um 08:29 schrieb Jo

> In JOSM you can use the 'Improve way accuracy' tool (w) to conveniently
> drag those corners followed by 'q' to square the building. That is somewhat
> less time consuming than redrawing (and it keeps the history). A validator
> can choose to either do this, or to invalidate the task. It's probably a
> good idea to include a link to a video explaining how to fix the problem,
> in case the square gets invalidated.
> Concerning the round buildings, it would be good to make mappers aware of
> the possibility to use Ctrl-Alt-drag left mouse button to rescale after
> using Ctrl-d. OK, that's also a JOSM thing. I think we should instruct
> people to use JOSM for HOT mapping in the first place or finally implement
> this kind of useful functionality in iD. Maybe there is still time to
> propose it for GSoC? I won't propose it, as I'll only propose things that I
> can mentor myself.
> Polyglot
> 2017-03-20 1:31 GMT+01:00 Daniel O'Connor :
> > I tend to use osmose to detect 'large building intersection clusters' at a
> > very large scale - IE during the Nepal activation.
> > Others that show up building-in-building or 'special building due to size
> > marked building=yes' are also useful QA checks, often catching whole
> > residential areas marked as a building for example.
> >
> > I think those may be the low hanging fruit of validation; and worth
> > considering as a recommended check at the project level.
> > Would be interesting to integrate those results into a 'validations' tab
> > per tile or per project, keyed off of an osmose feed.
> >
> > Beyond that, its reasonably common to encourage 'squaring' the buildings -
> > but I dont think you'd be able to push much further than that and get the
> > majority doing it by default (would have to make it easier to one click
> > improve the traced data somehow)
> >
> > On 20 Mar 2017 7:47 AM, "john whelan"  wrote:
> >
> > We tend to think of mapping buildings as one of the simpler tasks we ask
> > mappers to do but recently I've been looking at code that can extract
> > buildings from OpenStreetMap aggregate the floor area then calculate an
> > estimated population.
> >
> > Trouble is when I look at the map in some areas the buildings are
> > accurately​ mapped but in others the standard of mapping leaves much to be
> > desired.  Validation is a problem.  Do we expect validators to carefully
> > move the four points to the correct corners and square them?  This is more
> > effort than remapping them with the JOSM building_tool plugin and is
> > unlikely to happen.  I also come a cross a large number of settlements
> > tagged building=yes or building=residential these I correct as I come
> > across them.
> >
> > Round huts are a particular problem, it's very easy to copy one hut which
> > means they often end up being mapped the same standard size.
> >
> > Perhaps if we explain why it is important to map buildings accurately in
> > the instructions we might get better results.
> >
> > Dunno, perhaps answer is not to estimate population based on floor area.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > Thanks John
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Task Manager slowness

2017-02-01 Thread Kretzer

Then again, I would have thought that 15% of one task always equal 15%, no 
matter how big the tiles are ...  ;-)

Personally I quite like small tiles, if they open up quickly. But as John 
pointed out - waiting for those tiles to come up can take a lot of the 
available time. 

Am 31.01.17 um 14:11 schrieb Jan Martinec

> Ah, actually, it's progressing rather well, IMNSHO - but 15% out of
> thousands looks rather pitiful, compared to 100% out of 20 tasks ;)
> (This psychological effect is also an argument against huge projects, but
> rather a minor one)
> Dne 31. 1. 2017 1:56 odp. napsal uživatel "Kretzer" <>:
> >
> > Yes, those Aweil projects with the large number of tiny, odd shaped areas
> > are nearly unusable.
> > I guess that's the reason why #2419 for example is not geting on
> >
> > Shame, it's quite frustrating ... and I'd love a little after-lunch
> > mapping at work ...
> >
> >
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 31. Januar 2017 um 11:56 Uhr
> > Von: "Pete Masters" <>
> > An: "Donal Hunt" <>
> > Cc: "" <>
> > Betreff: Re: [HOT] Task Manager slowness
> >
> > It's a good point, Jan... And one we've learnt from the current Aweil
> > projects...!
> >
> > P
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 10:24 AM, Donal Hunt <[mailto:
> >]> wrote:
> > Can the process be moved to another server (I'm not familiar with the
> > deployment strategy so apologies if this is a dumb question)? Resource
> > starvation really shouldn't be an issue in 2017...
> >
> > Donal
> >
> >
> > On 31 Jan 2017 10:21 am, "Pierre GIRAUD" <[mailto:
> >]> wrote:I'm sorry for that but this is not a
> > "Tasking Manager" issue. The fact
> > is that the application is installed on a server on which an other
> > process takes a lot of resources every 2 minutes for 30-40 seconds.
> > When this happens, other applications on this server are also slow.
> > You can check the HOT website and you'll see a bad behavior as well.
> >
> > Pierre
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Pete Masters
> > <[]> wrote:
> > > Still slow for me
> > >
> > >
> > > Pete
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 7:41 AM, Ralf Stephan <[mailto:
> >]> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Thanks, that was quick!
> > >>
> > >> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 8:15 AM Ralf Stephan <[mailto:
> >]> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> Hello,
> > >>> The TM is quite sluggish for some days now at least. Can someone please
> > >>> help?
> > >>>
> > >>> Regards,
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> ___
> > >> HOT mailing list
> > >>[]
> > >>[https://
> >]
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Pete Masters
> > > Missing Maps Project Coordinator
> > > +44 7921 781 518
> > >
> > >[]
> > >
> > > @pedrito1414
> > > @theMissingMaps
> > >[]
> > >
> > > ___
> > > HOT mailing list
> > >[]
> > >[https://
> >]
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > -
> >   | Pierre GIRAUD
> > -
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >[]
> >
> >  --
> >
> > Pete Masters
> > Missing Maps Project Coordinator
> > +44 7921 781 518
> >
> >[]
> > @pedrito1414[]
> > @theMissingMaps[]
> >[
> > MissingMapsProject]___ HOT
> > mailing list https://lists.openstreetmap.
> > org/listinfo/hot[]
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >
> >
> >

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Task Manager slowness

2017-01-31 Thread Kretzer

Yes, those Aweil projects with the large number of tiny, odd shaped areas are 
nearly unusable.
I guess that's the reason why #2419 for example is not geting on

Shame, it's quite frustrating ... and I'd love a little after-lunch mapping at 
work ...

Gesendet: Dienstag, 31. Januar 2017 um 11:56 Uhr
Von: "Pete Masters" 
An: "Donal Hunt" 
Cc: "" 
Betreff: Re: [HOT] Task Manager slowness

It's a good point, Jan... And one we've learnt from the current Aweil 
On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 10:24 AM, Donal Hunt 
Can the process be moved to another server (I'm not familiar with the 
deployment strategy so apologies if this is a dumb question)? Resource 
starvation really shouldn't be an issue in 2017...

On 31 Jan 2017 10:21 am, "Pierre GIRAUD" 
 wrote:I'm sorry for 
that but this is not a "Tasking Manager" issue. The fact
is that the application is installed on a server on which an other
process takes a lot of resources every 2 minutes for 30-40 seconds.
When this happens, other applications on this server are also slow.
You can check the HOT website and you'll see a bad behavior as well.


On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Pete Masters
> Still slow for me
> Pete
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 7:41 AM, Ralf Stephan 
>  wrote:
>> Thanks, that was quick!
>> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 8:15 AM Ralf Stephan 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> The TM is quite sluggish for some days now at least. Can someone please
>>> help?
>>> Regards,
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
> --
> Pete Masters
> Missing Maps Project Coordinator
> +44 7921 781 518
> @pedrito1414
> @theMissingMaps
> ___
> HOT mailing list

  | Pierre GIRAUD

HOT mailing list[] 

Pete Masters
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518[]
 HOT mailing list[]

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Validating and imagery offset

2016-10-24 Thread Kretzer

Well, as I said, in most of the tiles I checked, the mapping was surprisingly 
good. I only did a little cleanup in some tiles, and reminded one or two 
mappers of the squaring.
But in my example there were cleanly mapped buidlings aligned to the provided 
custom imagery, and a well mapped road aligned to the Bing image which was 
quite offset. So I was wondering if it's the right thing to do to move the road 
as all the other features are aligned to the custom image.
Also most of the other newly mapped structures in the task would be aligned to 
the custom imagery. So I guess it's better to keep those? 
But in the end everything should be in the "right" place, shouldn't it? 


Gesendet: Montag, 24. Oktober 2016 um 16:38 Uhr
Von: "john whelan" <>
An: Kretzer <>
Cc: "HOT Openstreetmap" <>
Betreff: Re: [HOT] Validating and imagery offset

This is my personal view after doing more than a fair amount of validation.
If you square the buildings you are making an approximation on what the 
original mapper mapped.  It doesn't look as pretty to leave it as it was but 
that is what I would do.  If mappers used the JOSM building tool to start with 
there wouldn't be the problem.  Garbage in garbage out I think is the technical 
computing term.  Politically you aren't supposed to delete the mapper's work 
realistically it can be faster to delete and remap using the JOSB building_tool 
plugin.  If you have the mappers for three hours I can get more buildings 
mapped with the tool than they can do in iD and its a lot more accurate, that 
includes the overhead for installing and configuring JOSM.
If the buildings are way out compared to Bing then you could select one 
displaced building and note the name.  Now search for all the buildings, within 
that search for the mapper.  Hopefully all their buildings will be displaced 
the same amount, move one building to alignment and the others will fall into 
place.  Again realistically if a building is six feet or a couple of meters out 
its findable so I don't even bother moving them these days.
Why even bother validating you may ask, well its the 10,000+ unlabeled ways in 
Africa, the 2,000+ highway=living_street in Nigeria the groups of buildings 
that should be tagged landuse=residential but are tagged building=house, the 
crossing highways, the highways that almost meet, the highway=motorway between 
two villages 200 meters apart these are the ones I try to catch.
Try to provide feedback, "added 97 buildings" if it nudges the mapper to do it 
right next time you've saved some poor validator a lot of work correcting but 
don't bother if it was mapped more than a month earlier.
I know I'm cynical.
Cheerio John
On 24 October 2016 at 08:03, Kretzer <[]> 
as there seemed to be a need for validating the last Haiti projects, I did some 
tiles, though I am not very comfortable with validating - considering myself 
halfway experienced at best.

I found several tiles that were very neatly mapped, all the buidlings squared, 
although they were all done by new mappers ... probably that was a mapathon or 
something with good instructions and supervisison.

But I don't really know what do do when I hit structures that are mapped to 
different imagery whith quite a lot of offset, like here:[]
Should I clean this up while validating the "buildings only" project? How would 
I do this, align everything to Bing? (I remmeber having read that this is 
considered the most accurate). But then I would have to move around a lot of 
polygons, as all the new buildings are mapped to the custom imagery.
Or would you move the road to fit in with the majority of existing structures?

Thanks for your advice!

HOT mailing list[]

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Validating and imagery offset

2016-10-24 Thread Kretzer
as there seemed to be a need for validating the last Haiti projects, I did some 
tiles, though I am not very comfortable with validating - considering myself 
halfway experienced at best.

I found several tiles that were very neatly mapped, all the buidlings squared, 
although they were all done by new mappers ... probably that was a mapathon or 
something with good instructions and supervisison.

But I don't really know what do do when I hit structures that are mapped to 
different imagery whith quite a lot of offset, like here:
Should I clean this up while validating the "buildings only" project? How would 
I do this, align everything to Bing? (I remmeber having read that this is 
considered the most accurate). But then I would have to move around a lot of 
polygons, as all the new buildings are mapped to the custom imagery.
Or would you move the road to fit in with the majority of existing structures?

Thanks for your advice!

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Image offset issue #1515

2016-02-18 Thread Kretzer
Sorry, with the link it's easier to find:

> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2016 um 23:41 Uhr
> Von: Kretzer <>
> An: "HOT Openstreetmap" <>
> Betreff: Image offset issue #1515
> Hi,
> I started some tracing in task #1515 (Mochendi, Botswana). I opened a tile 
> (#30) with all roads and many buildings already in place, all somewhat offset 
> from the Bing imagery. Between them they were very consistent, so I figured 
> it would make more sense to align the image than move alle the existing 
> features. This I did and traced the missing buildings to the realigned image.
> Now this tile is pretty consistent in itself but not to the adjoining areas. 
> So what next? 
> Can someone check the georeferencing of the Bing image? Or should the whole 
> content be moved to fit to the current imagery? I did not check the whole 
> area, but many roads seem to be similarly offset and many buildings aligned 
> to the current Bing imagery.
> Thanks!
> K
> (feeling confused at the moment)

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Image offset issue #1515

2016-02-18 Thread Kretzer
I started some tracing in task #1515 (Mochendi, Botswana). I opened a tile 
(#30) with all roads and many buildings already in place, all somewhat offset 
from the Bing imagery. Between them they were very consistent, so I figured it 
would make more sense to align the image than move alle the existing features. 
This I did and traced the missing buildings to the realigned image.

Now this tile is pretty consistent in itself but not to the adjoining areas. So 
what next? 
Can someone check the georeferencing of the Bing image? Or should the whole 
content be moved to fit to the current imagery? I did not check the whole area, 
but many roads seem to be similarly offset and many buildings aligned to the 
current Bing imagery.

(feeling confused at the moment)

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal earthquake - Roads query

2015-05-08 Thread Kretzer
Hi Al,
do you still have that problem?

It's not quite clear to me - is that the iD editor you are using? That is, you 
clicked on start mapping and then on edit with iD editor? Usually you just 
see the black lines at the starting zoom level, and when you zoom in you can 
see the features in different colours. Maybe you zoomed in too much so that 
there was nothing in that area? (Sometimes that can happen really quickly when 
you use the mouse wheel for zooming). Have you tried to move the map around a 
bit, using the left mouse button?
Otherwise maybe the map data was just slow to load for some reason, I can't 
think of any other explanation.

Gesendet: Freitag, 08. Mai 2015 um 08:26 Uhr
Von: Al Taylor
Betreff: [HOT] Nepal earthquake - Roads query

I'm quite new to this process and have come across something I don't 
understand. I have gone in to a couple of tasks bad round the Sindhuli highway 
(Task #2742) where many of the roads have been put on (coloured black), but 
when you magnify the area to mark, the roads disappear. This makes it difficult 
to know which ones have been done. 
Can anybody explain or help me with this?
Al Taylor
 ___ HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] 30 m DEM TMS rendering for Nepal

2015-05-07 Thread Kretzer
Thank you, this is brilliant!

I like to get an idea of the terrain to help with the mapping - particularly in 
this steep terrain, and the DEM layer helps a lot. 
(Just recently I wondere if it would be possible to ad contour lines as a 
standard layer in iD. If this information has the right licence it should be 
possible, shouldn't it?)

 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 07. Mai 2015 um 00:28 Uhr
 Von: Jean-Guilhem Cailton
 Betreff: Re: [HOT] 30 m DEM TMS rendering for Nepal

 The same DEM rendering now covers all of Nepal.
 URL for JOSM is:
 and for iD:{z}/{x}/{y}
 Best wishes,
 Le 06/05/2015 22:24, piz a écrit :
  I was thinking about the same rendering but didn't know about USGS data 
  I think that the DEM should be used for evaluating helicopter landing areas
   quote of the day ~
  Yeah, yeah, life sucks and then you die
  (Bret Easton Ellis - Pat Bateman American Psycho)
  -- In data mercoledì 6 maggio 2015 20:42:16, Jean-Guilhem Cailton ha 
  Needing a DEM background for some task, I've prepared a rendering from
  the 30m SRTM DEM data made available by USGS for Central Nepal on HDX,
  and shared it as TMS it in case it could useful to others too. Note that
  it is not void-filled (The voids occur in areas where the initial
  processing did not meet quality specifications).
  URL for JOSM is:
  and for iD:
  The color ramp used follows the rainbow, for visual contrast (and also
  for the spiritual symbol):
  0 m : black
  1000 m : blue
  2000 m : cyan
  3000 m : green
  4000 m : yellow
  5000 m : red
  6000 m : white
  This only covers Central Nepal for now (N27E83 to N28E85). Please let me
  know if you'd like extended coverage (in particular to the East, or for
  entire Nepal), or have other suggestions or comments.
  Best wishes,
 HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] chinese letters

2015-05-06 Thread Kretzer
Hi Henning,

Google translate is cool! ( You can make it automatically recognize the language and offer translations.

These characters abviously mean area (or space, clearing or vacancy) - I would guess its a newbies attempt to mark something.

To be honest, I have deleted a similar area. But do make sure its not something based on newer imagery, like a new IDP camp. Some people apperantly have deleted those, because they couldnt see anything in the older Bing imagery ...

Gesendet:Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2015 um 10:09 Uhr
Von:Henning Bolz
An:HOT openstreetmap
Betreff:[HOT] chinese letters

Hello all,
can someone read these fiery letters?

I found 29 areas, completely unremarkable, mapped by a new user.
The tags are area=yes and name=

For an example see way 340648957 .

What does it mean and what to do with it?

I will contact the user, but tend to delete them.

Henning (aka hebolz)

___ HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice - connecting paths

2015-05-06 Thread Kretzer
Thank you, Blake!
In the meantime I had traced those paths, and did fill some gaps where they got 
through vegetation - in this case I felt confident to do that.  I didn't follow 
on, as I need to get back to may day's work ...

To me it looks as if all the aligned buildings to the west are right at the 
edge on top of the ridge and like ther is a quite steep face to the north 
(where the forest begins) Probably the CycleMap is not quite accurate there?

 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2015 um 14:32 Uhr
 Von: Blake Girardot
 An: Kretzer,
 Betreff: Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice - connecting paths

 Hi that is an excellent example.
 Between the buildings you are right I don't see a path and more over, we 
 don't really need a path between those two individual buildings if that 
 is what you were referencing.
 But I do see a path going off into the woods to the NNE that I would 
 map, even though the trees obscure parts of it, it looks pretty clear it 
 is a complete path going to other buildings NNE of there.
 And I see one going E, ESE that is more obvious.
 And one basically W-E along the base of the forested hills.
 Those are about the only 3 significant paths that I see that I would map 
 and I would probably map them as complete trails even though it is 
 across rough terrain where the path is difficult to see. It looks pretty 
 clear to me you can walk a path along the base of those hills to all the 
 buildings at the base.
 It does take some experience and local knowledge helps and by all means, 
 if you are in doubt, do not map something, better something gets not 
 mapped than you map something that does not exist.
 Thank you all for the discussion!
 On 5/6/2015 2:07 PM, Kretzer wrote:
  This is one of the examples I came across:
  Maybe it's not the best one - it looks like you can easily walk from one 
  building to the other, but you can't really tell the altitude differences. 
  OpenCycleMaps knows that there are steep gradients nearby, but I don't 
  think it's accurate enough to use with certainty at that scale.
  So I did not want to just draw an arbitrary line. The paths are each 
  connected at one side, so it's not like ther has to be a connection.
  My inclination is to err on the side of caution, but I'm interested to know 
  what others think.
  (Sorry I did not disable HTML in my former mails. The web client should do 
  that automatically, but doesn't always.)
  Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2015 um 11:49 Uhr
  Von: Kretzer
  An: Andre Engels
  Cc: Suzan Reed, hot
  Betreff: Aw: Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice - connecting paths
  Andre, I think the case Suzan describes is not a proper path being 
  invisible, rather that people just walk without paths, eg between several 
  houses. In this case it would be pointless to draw a fan of paths to each 
  house. I would rather end the path somewhere in the village.
  In general I agree, that it is better to have a connected network - that's 
  why I asked. Still I think there are limits to this. In the cases I am 
  thinking of it was not possible to judge from the imagery if it is 
  physicallv possible to walk between two visible paths (like paths on either 
  side of a steep ridge). I did not want to send anyone over a cliff just 
  because I filled in the blanks ... After all we should map what is on the 
  ground, not what we think should be there.
  And I don't think many people use routing with paths in this time and 
  space. They don't even do that in my part of the Alps where a dense and 
  well mapped networks of official hiking paths exists.
  Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2015 um 06:36 Uhr
  Von: Andre Engels
  An: Suzan Reed
  Cc: hot, Kretzer
  Betreff: Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice - connecting paths
  I disagree. In a case like you mention - a path, then an open area, then a 
  path again - in my opinion there is a path across the open space, just one 
  that is not easily visible in the terrain. Having gaps in ways seriously 
  undermines the usability of the database.
  On 6 May 2015 03:54, Suzan Reed wrote:Walking in 
  Nepal one can be on a path and it will suddenly disappear, and then you 
  walk across open ground to your destination. People don't necessarily walk 
  on a path, especially between houses, and houses in the same village can 
  be a quarter mile away or more. Knowing this, I have not connected paths 
  blindly. I know they just end sometimes. Yet it is still valuable to know 
  where they are.
  Most of the Bing imagery I'm working with was taken during the dry season, 
  so all the rushing great streams and rivers are dry

Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice - connecting paths

2015-05-05 Thread Kretzer


I was also wondering about the best approach to connecting paths.

On one hand all highways only make sense when they are connected, on the other it does not feel good to me to guess too freely where an invisible path might go. Particularly in steep terrain paths that are quite close horizontally really dont connect, as there can be a cliff or something in between. I often feel tempted to close a short gap blindly but did not as this can be really dangerous. Its probably better to leave it as patchwork and hope that the map will be improved later with better imagery or people with local knowledge.

In other situations it feels quite safe to fill in the blanks, like when a clearly visible road disappears into a small forest and the same type of road appears on the other side.

As to waterways and paths it often helps to follow them for a longer stretch and see where they go. This often gives you a better picture, if you see them run into a bigger river for example.

PS Id also prefer a more permanent place than IRC to get answers, so people can read them up later. Maybe a kind of forum would be useful to not clog up the mailing list?

Gesendet:Dienstag, 05. Mai 2015 um 17:34 Uhr
Von:Katja Ulbert
Betreff:[HOT] newbie needs advice

Hi all,

I am a newbie coming up with a few questions, It would be great if someone with more knowledge could take the time to answer them. They dont have to be answered here and now or via mailinglist, I am also on IRC #hot as katjaulbert. I am mapping in task #1018.

1) Paths: I have come across some that are obviously connected but there are small areas where I cantt follow their course. Same with paths that lead into forests, where they disappear and reappear on the other side. Should I connect them? I dont think its useful to have tiny bits of paths in the map or paths that lead into nowhere.

2) I need advice to distinguish dried waterways from paths. Waterways seem to be much broader and uneven and often accompanied from paths.

3) Tags: I cantt find some tags that are advised in the task instruction, for example bridge=supension. Are there any presets I forgot to load?

4) Imagery: I use Bing and Mapbox, are there any more sources? Also, is there a way to digitally zoom Mapbox imagery? Sometimes its easier to spot things with Mapbox, especially paths, but it stops displaying at some point.

Thanks for taking time!


Katja ___ HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] data alignment to satellite imagery

2015-05-03 Thread Kretzer
Hi Joshua,
if you do the fix alignment, you actually move the image, not the data. As 
far as I know usually Bing is used as the reference imagery, so I would not 
adjust that. If the other shapes are not aligned, the other people have 
probably used different imagery and not adjusted that.

Probably there are only some shapes in the wrong place, not all? Then you can 
adjust those manually or ignore them and ad your features with the default 

Experts jump in please, if I am wrong here.

 Gesendet: Sonntag, 03. Mai 2015 um 23:45 Uhr
 Von: Joshua Kennedy
 Betreff: [HOT] data alignment to satellite imagery

 I'm new to HOT and I'm using the iD editor.
 I'm looking at an area that has shapes which do not align with the  
 Bing imagery.  Should I use the fix alignment tool before I add  
 additional data or just add the features as they appear with the  
 current alignment?
 HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?

2015-05-03 Thread Kretzer
When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several nodes tagged as 
Hospital with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA as source, but obviously 
in the wrong place, because there is nothing nearby. Like here:
Looks like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because hospitals 
are important!

By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a task now? Is 
it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole project?

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task #1955, other mistakes

2015-05-02 Thread Kretzer
Hi Susan,
zooming out you can see that this is at the bottom of a quite large valley, so 
it is very likely that there is a stream, even if it isn't clearly visible. 
Maybe the person who drew it was using different imagery. I think it's not in 
the right place in the middle section (near the mapped path), but I would 
prolong it to the river in the east. it's not the most important feature at the 
moment, though.

What disturbs me more in the tile are the huge residential areas - those 
boundaries should be close to the buildings. They are also overlapping in one 
place, and there is an area within an area in the western part. Both shouldn't 

I'm just a semi-noob myself, but I am quite sure about these questions.

 Gesendet: Sonntag, 03. Mai 2015 um 00:02 Uhr
 Von: Suzan Reed
 Betreff: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task 
 #1955, other mistakes

 Someone with advanced mapping experience, please review. 
 There isn't a stream at the locations listed below. Seem to be lots of 
 mistakes on this task. Might be new information, or? 
 #1018 - Nepal Earthquake, 2015, detailed mapping 2nd pass
 Task #1955
 HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task #1955, other mistakes

2015-05-02 Thread Kretzer
Hi again, I just noticed Emmor beat me to the answer ... 
I wanted to ad that it can be useful to look at the history of changes in a 
case like this. Sometime I do this to make sure if the other person possibly 
had more recent information (or local knowledge, as there was a lot of mapping 
activity in Nepal in the last years - in some areas I have seen many edits by 
users with Nepalese sounding names). 

You can find the history if you change to the map view and click on the 
History tab on the top. In this case there were several very new users 

As to the residential areas, I would draw the line around the larger clusters 
of buildings and leave the others outside. The instructions in this project 
specify that it should be around 20 or so buildings. Mappers' styles vary, 
personally I don't like the tiny residential areas. 
The important thing is that the buildings are there, so that rescuers can see 
were people are living.

 Gesendet: Sonntag, 03. Mai 2015 um 00:47 Uhr
 Von: Suzan Reed
 An: Kretzer
 Betreff: Re: Aw: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream 
 on Task #1955, other mistakes

 I questioned the large areas, yet villages in Nepal are really spread out 
 over big areas. I'm not sure what to do but to leave them for not and wait. 
 Portland, Oregon USA
 On May 2, 2015, at 3:42 PM, Kretzer wrote:
 Hi Susan,
 zooming out you can see that this is at the bottom of a quite large valley, 
 so it is very likely that there is a stream, even if it isn't clearly 
 visible. Maybe the person who drew it was using different imagery. I think 
 it's not in the right place in the middle section (near the mapped path), but 
 I would prolong it to the river in the east. it's not the most important 
 feature at the moment, though.
 What disturbs me more in the tile are the huge residential areas - those 
 boundaries should be close to the buildings. They are also overlapping in one 
 place, and there is an area within an area in the western part. Both 
 shouldn't happen.
 I'm just a semi-noob myself, but I am quite sure about these questions.
  Gesendet: Sonntag, 03. Mai 2015 um 00:02 Uhr
  Von: Suzan Reed
  Betreff: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task 
  #1955, other mistakes
  Someone with advanced mapping experience, please review. 
  There isn't a stream at the locations listed below. Seem to be lots of 
  mistakes on this task. Might be new information, or? 
  #1018 - Nepal Earthquake, 2015, detailed mapping 2nd pass
  Task #1955
  HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task #1955, other mistakes

2015-05-02 Thread Kretzer

Thanks, Pierre!

In this case the buildings are all mapped individually, the question was just where to draw the line around them. I guess its not that important, as long as all the buildings are on the map.

so Ill better go back and do that ...

Gesendet:Sonntag, 03. Mai 2015 um 01:19 Uhr
Von:Pierre Bland
An:Kretzer, Suzan Reed
Betreff:Re: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task #1955, other mistakes

Dont forget that we work to locate people at risk after 8 days without any relief. People have lost everything under the houses ruins including food. It is important to report all the residential areas to assure to provide them relief.

We should remove the instructions 20 or so. Did not notice. This is valuable if you trace all buildings under clusters of 20. Isolated areas, even under 20 houses should be reported too.



De: Kretzer
: Suzan Reed
Envoy le : Samedi 2 mai 2015 19h07
Objet: Re: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task #1955, other mistakes

Hi again, I just noticed Emmor beat me to the answer ...
I wanted to ad that it can be useful to look at the history of changes in a case like this. Sometime I do this to make sure if the other person possibly had more recent information (or local knowledge, as there was a lot of mapping activity in Nepal in the last years - in some areas I have seen many edits by users with Nepalese sounding names).

You can find the history if you change to the map view and click on the History tab on the top. In this case there were several very new users contributing.

As to the residential areas, I would draw the line around the larger clusters of buildings and leave the others outside. The instructions in this project specify that it should be around 20 or so buildings. Mappers styles vary, personally I dont like the tiny residential areas.
The important thing is that the buildings are there, so that rescuers can see were people are living.

 Gesendet: Sonntag, 03. Mai 2015 um 00:47 Uhr
 Von: Suzan Reed
 An: Kretzer
 Betreff: Re: Aw: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task #1955, other mistakes


 I questioned the large areas, yet villages in Nepal are really spread out over big areas. Im not sure what to do but to leave them for not and wait.

 Portland, Oregon USA

 On May 2, 2015, at 3:42 PM, Kretzer wrote:

 Hi Susan,
 zooming out you can see that this is at the bottom of a quite large valley, so it is very likely that there is a stream, even if it isnt clearly visible. Maybe the person who drew it was using different imagery. I think its not in the right place in the middle section (near the mapped path), but I would prolong it to the river in the east. its not the most important feature at the moment, though.

 What disturbs me more in the tile are the huge residential areas - those boundaries should be close to the buildings. They are also overlapping in one place, and there is an area within an area in the western part. Both shouldnt happen.

 Im just a semi-noob myself, but I am quite sure about these questions.

  Gesendet: Sonntag, 03. Mai 2015 um 00:02 Uhr
  Von: Suzan Reed
  Betreff: [HOT] Experienced mapper please verify: nonexistent stream on Task #1955, other mistakes
  Someone with advanced mapping experience, please review.
  There isnt a stream at the locations listed below. Seem to be lots of mistakes on this task. Might be new information, or?
  #1018 - Nepal Earthquake, 2015, detailed mapping 2nd pass
  Task #1955
  HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] limit validation to experienced users

2015-04-30 Thread Kretzer
Makes sense to me ...

In task #1018 there seems to be a user with little experience and lots of 
confidence invalidating dozens of tiles, arguing that every individual 
structure needs to be traced. 
The person even entered in a kind if edit war with maning. I really feel this 
is a waste of precious time. 

In this tasks there are very specific instructions on how to validate (which is 
a very good idea!). 
They do clearly say that the major highways need to be there, not all the 

I guess the goal is to get the relevant structures as quickly as possible. That 
kind of nitpicking seems to be just slowing the job. 

Gesendet mit der GMX iPhone AppIFFK

Am 30.04.15 um 15:49 schrieb Pierre GIRAUD

 Hi all,
 I wasn't able to read all the email I got for the last 3 days, and
 there's a ton of those.
 However, I've seen a lot of people complaining about beginner mappers
 validating tasks even if they're not experienced enough to do so.
 Before we find a way to avoid this with additions to the tasking
 manager, I think there may be a workaround.
 What about making the (100% done) projects in a private mode
 temporarily and give access to a limited list of users so that they
 can validate the done tasks.
 This could be used for this project for example:
 This would prevent beginners to come to this project, wonder what to
 do and then validate tasks even if they don't know what they're doing.
 My 2 cents.
   | Pierre GIRAUD
 HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Malawi Floods - residential areas vs. individual buildings

2015-03-10 Thread Kretzer
while mapping some rural areas in the lake region, I was often debating with 
myself when it makes sense to draw a residential area - there are many 
buildings thinly spread over a wide area that seems to be used for agriculture. 
Like here:
With myself I agreed on the rule that we would map a residential area, if there 
are more than two larger buildings close together, otherwise just map 
individual buildings. Does that make sense? I guess the advanteage of the areas 
is that they are visible at a smaller scale. On the other hand is seems silly 
to cover all the agricultaral land with residentisl tags.

By the way, wouldn't it be cool to have a place to ask such questions right in 
the Task Manager? Or at least have some FAQs there? I just noticed in another 
task - Mayendit, South Sudan, that is - that many people have the some 
questions about the conrete task. Like what are the round shapes here? - how 
can I tell the difference between a ditch and a path - how do we deal with 
different imagery from different seasons? - how do we tag the roads here?
This would certainly ad to the workload of the organizers, but I think it would 
be useful to achieve more conistent mapping. 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - highways to ditches?

2015-03-06 Thread Kretzer

Actually, I was considering mapping all the fences as well, because the patterns are really beautiful ...

Right now I took a brave (or stupid?) decision to change some long stretches from highway to waterway=ditch. One was even tagged as motorway_link .

With the imagery it is often quite hard to tell the difference bewteen paths or raods and ditches, but it seems to make more sense that there are many drainage ditches in those wetlands. And the end is a giveaway: roads normally dont end in rivers

I wasnt sure about the middle structure though, this could be path or ditch. maybe there are path running along such ditches.

What do you think? Or doesnt it matter at all, as no humanitarian units would need this information for finding the people? (At least it does make sense to remove the motorway, I guess ...)

Also I found this video that shows some of the area: - it does look quite wet there, but of course this will depend on the season.

Gesendet:Freitag, 06. Mrz 2015 um 12:52 Uhr
Von:Severin Menard
An:Tom Taylor
Betreff:Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - buildings and roads


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Tom Taylor wrote:

The larger round huts are dwellings, the smaller ones are storage. The linear items around the buildings and huts are walls (barrier=wall).

In South Sudan, actually it is generally fences and not walls. Check on these pics

The buildings and huts should be labelled building=yes.

On 05/03/2015 7:00 PM, Kretzer wrote:

I have some questions about this new project:
In the western part there are quite unusual structures, there are many buildings
stretched in long lines. Like here:
I started mapping these as residential areas, unless there were only one or two
single buildings - would you do that? Or is it better to just map the buildings?
I cant even be sure there buildings are really used for permanent living, just
assumed that. Maybe there is someone with mor knowledge of the area?
Im also curious what the many round strucures in the open area are. They could
well be man-made, maybe something like haystacks (or whatever material would be
collected there).
Also I am unsure about the roads. There is one tagged as main road thats not
even visible on the imagery. I guess that doesnt make sense (particularly as
the other main road can clearly be seen as something like that), but didnt dare
to touch the top-level structures.
Thanks, and sorry again if I am asking in the wrong place!

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Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - highways to ditches?

2015-03-06 Thread Kretzer

Yes, I think the plane is landing on that very road, coming in from the north. 
I think I recognized this bypass 
( in the video at about 

But the road I was changing into a ditch was in the north east, clearly not 
visible as a major road and running straight into the big river.
I think a lot of the area is flooded often, but have no local knowlegde 


Gesendet: Freitag, 06. März 2015 um 18:27 Uhr
Von: Vao Matua
An: Kein Empfänger
Betreff: Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - highways to ditches?

It appears that the Leer-Mayendit primary road in the north portion of the 
project is under construction in this imagery?
Is it flooded?  There appears to be quite a bit of water in the video.
Any tag requirements?
On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 7:12 AM, Kretzer wrote:

Actually, I was considering mapping all the fences as well, because the 
patterns are really beautiful ...
Right now I took a brave (or stupid?) decision to change some long stretches 
from highway to waterway=ditch. One was even tagged as 
With the imagery it is often quite hard to tell the difference bewteen paths or 
raods and ditches, but it seems to make more sense that there are many drainage 
ditches in those wetlands. And the end is a giveaway: roads normally don't end 
in rivers[]
I wasn't sure about the middle structure though, this could be path or ditch. 
maybe there are path running along such ditches.
What do you think? Or doesn't it matter at all, as no humanitarian units would 
need this information for finding the people? (At least it does make sense to 
remove the motorway, I guess ...)
Also I found this video that shows some of the area:[]
 - it does look quite wet there, but of course this will depend on the season.

Gesendet: Freitag, 06. März 2015 um 12:52 Uhr
Von: Severin Menard[]
An: Tom Taylor[]
Cc: Kretzer[],[][]
Betreff: Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - buildings and roads


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Tom Taylor[] wrote:The larger 
round huts are dwellings, the smaller ones are storage. The linear items around 
the buildings and huts are walls (barrier=wall).
In South Sudan, actually it is generally fences and not walls. Check on these 
 The buildings and huts should be labelled building=yes.

On 05/03/2015 7:00 PM, Kretzer wrote:

I have some questions about this new project:
In the western part there are quite unusual structures, there are many buildings
stretched in long lines. Like here:[]
I started mapping these as residential areas, unless there were only one or two
single buildings - would you do that? Or is it better to just map the buildings?
I can't even be sure there buildings are really used for permanent living, just
assumed that. Maybe there is someone with mor knowledge of the area?
I'm also curious what the many round strucures in the open area are. They could
well be man-made, maybe something like haystacks (or whatever material would be
collected there).
Also I am unsure about the roads. There is one tagged as main road that's not
even visible on the imagery. I guess that doesn't make sense (particularly as
the other main road can clearly be seen as something like that), but didn't dare
to touch the top-level structures.
Thanks, and sorry again if I am asking in the wrong place!

HOT mailing list[]
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[HOT] Fw: Aw: Re: #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - highways to ditches?

2015-03-06 Thread Kretzer
sorry, I really meant north-west - top-left, that is ... confused ...

Gesendet:Freitag, 06. Mrz 2015 um 18:41 Uhr
An:Vao Matua
Betreff:Aw: Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - highways to ditches?

Yes, I think the plane is landing on that very road, coming in from the north. I think I recognized this bypass ( in the video at about 1:00.

But the road I was changing into a ditch was in the north east, clearly not visible as a major road and running straight into the big river.
I think a lot of the area is flooded often, but have no local knowlegde whatsoever.

Gesendet:Freitag, 06. Mrz 2015 um 18:27 Uhr
Von:Vao Matua
An:Kein Empfnger
Betreff:Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - highways to ditches?

It appears that the Leer-Mayendit primary road in the north portion of the project is under construction in this imagery?

Is it flooded? There appears to be quite a bit of water in the video.

Any tag requirements?



On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 7:12 AM, Kretzer wrote:

Actually, I was considering mapping all the fences as well, because the patterns are really beautiful ...

Right now I took a brave (or stupid?) decision to change some long stretches from highway to waterway=ditch. One was even tagged as motorway_link[] .
With the imagery it is often quite hard to tell the difference bewteen paths or raods and ditches, but it seems to make more sense that there are many drainage ditches in those wetlands. And the end is a giveaway: roads normally dont end in rivers[]
I wasnt sure about the middle structure though, this could be path or ditch. maybe there are path running along such ditches.
What do you think? Or doesnt it matter at all, as no humanitarian units would need this information for finding the people? (At least it does make sense to remove the motorway, I guess ...)

Also I found this video that shows some of the area:[] - it does look quite wet there, but of course this will depend on the season.

Gesendet:Freitag, 06. Mrz 2015 um 12:52 Uhr
Von:Severin Menard[]
An:Tom Taylor[]
Betreff:Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - buildings and roads


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Tom Taylor[] wrote:The larger round huts are dwellings, the smaller ones are storage. The linear items around the buildings and huts are walls (barrier=wall).
In South Sudan, actually it is generally fences and not walls. Check on these pics[]
The buildings and huts should be labelled building=yes.

On 05/03/2015 7:00 PM, Kretzer wrote:

I have some questions about this new project:
In the western part there are quite unusual structures, there are many buildings
stretched in long lines. Like here:[]
I started mapping these as residential areas, unless there were only one or two
single buildings - would you do that? Or is it better to just map the buildings?
I cant even be sure there buildings are really used for permanent living, just
assumed that. Maybe there is someone with mor knowledge of the area?
Im also curious what the many round strucures in the open area are. They could
well be man-made, maybe something like haystacks (or whatever material would be
collected there).
Also I am unsure about the roads. There is one tagged as main road thats not
even visible on the imagery. I guess that doesnt make sense (particularly as
the other main road can clearly be seen as something like that), but didnt dare
to touch the top-level structures.
Thanks, and sorry again if I am asking in the wrong place!

HOT mailing list[]

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Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - buildings and roads

2015-03-06 Thread Kretzer
Yes, I can see that. But would also map thin worm-shaped residential areas in 
such a case? 

Am 06.03.15 um 07:49 schrieb Pete Masters

 Also, on the buildings. This is important as it gives the MSF
 epidemiologists a building count which then can be used for various
 analyses before the assessment team goes and used to cross-validate survey
 results when they are done.
 Thanks all for contributing!
 On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 12:55 AM, Kretzer wrote:
  Thanks! My question was not so clear there: The road you mention splits
  further to the west:
  Here, the left branch clearly is a high category road, on the right I
  don't even see a track. Maybe they should be merged?
  There are some random entries in this tile, so maybe it's just an
  *Gesendet:* Freitag, 06. März 2015 um 01:44 Uhr
  *Von:* Tom Taylor
  *An:* Kretzer,
  *Betreff:* Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - buildings and roads
  P.S. Bing imagery clearly shows a main road running south of the hamlet.
  Tom Taylor
  On 05/03/2015 7:00 PM, Kretzer wrote:
   I have some questions about this new project:
   In the western part there are quite unusual structures, there are many
   stretched in long lines. Like here:
   I started mapping these as residential areas, unless there were only one
  or two
   single buildings - would you do that? Or is it better to just map the
   I can't even be sure there buildings are really used for permanent
  living, just
   assumed that. Maybe there is someone with mor knowledge of the area?
   I'm also curious what the many round strucures in the open area are.
  They could
   well be man-made, maybe something like haystacks (or whatever material
  would be
   collected there).
   Also I am unsure about the roads. There is one tagged as main road
  that's not
   even visible on the imagery. I guess that doesn't make sense
  (particularly as
   the other main road can clearly be seen as something like that), but
  didn't dare
   to touch the top-level structures.
   Thanks, and sorry again if I am asking in the wrong place!
   HOT mailing list
  HOT mailing list
 *Pete Masters*
 Missing Maps Project Coordinator
 +44 7921 781 518

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[HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - buildings and roads

2015-03-05 Thread Kretzer

I have some questions about this new project:

In the western part there are quite unusual structures, there are many buildings stretched in long lines. Like here:

I started mapping these as residential areas, unless there were only one or two single buildings - would you do that? Or is it better to just map the buildings? I cant even be sure there buildings are really used for permanent living, just assumed that. Maybe there is someone with mor knowledge of the area?

Im also curious what the many round strucures in the open area are. They could well be man-made, maybe something like haystacks (or whatever material would be collected there).

Also I am unsure about the roads. There is one tagged as main road thats not even visible on the imagery. I guess that doesnt make sense (particularly as the other main road can clearly be seen as something like that), but didnt dare to touch the top-level structures.

Thanks, and sorry again if I am asking in the wrong place!

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - buildings and roads

2015-03-05 Thread Kretzer

Thanks! My question was not so clear there: The road you mention splits further to the west:

Here, the left branch clearly is a high category road, on the right I dont even see a track. Maybe they should be merged?

There are some random entries in this tile, so maybe its just an accident.

Gesendet:Freitag, 06. Mrz 2015 um 01:44 Uhr
Von:Tom Taylor
Betreff:Re: [HOT] #923 - Mayendit, South Sudan - buildings and roads

P.S. Bing imagery clearly shows a main road running south of the hamlet.

Tom Taylor

On 05/03/2015 7:00 PM, Kretzer wrote:
 I have some questions about this new project:
 In the western part there are quite unusual structures, there are many buildings
 stretched in long lines. Like here:
 I started mapping these as residential areas, unless there were only one or two
 single buildings - would you do that? Or is it better to just map the buildings?
 I cant even be sure there buildings are really used for permanent living, just
 assumed that. Maybe there is someone with mor knowledge of the area?
 Im also curious what the many round strucures in the open area are. They could
 well be man-made, maybe something like haystacks (or whatever material would be
 collected there).
 Also I am unsure about the roads. There is one tagged as main road thats not
 even visible on the imagery. I guess that doesnt make sense (particularly as
 the other main road can clearly be seen as something like that), but didnt dare
 to touch the top-level structures.
 Thanks, and sorry again if I am asking in the wrong place!

 HOT mailing list

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Re: [HOT] Blog post on the mapping to support Support the Disaster Response in Malawi Flooding (Severin Menard)

2015-02-27 Thread Kretzer
Thanks, interesting post!

Will the mapping be evaluated by the local volunteers? I guess there is some 
cleaning needed, and a lot of decisions can't really be made from the aerial 
imagery. Like the classification of the roads, for example, or often you can't 
tell if something is really a building, or if its used for living (more so, 
where the imagery is not so clear).

I quite unsure how to handle the buildings that were tagged as nodes. Sometimes 
I could see to which buildings they belonged I included the node in the 
building outline, so that the tag information wasn't lost (I hope this the 
correct way of doing this ...). Often this is impossible, though, as there are 
lots of small buildings, often blurred, and lots of nodes. But if the outlines 
are added, many buildings would be counted twice. So is it best to do nothing 
where the survey was done on the ground and only ad buildings outside the 
tagged areas?
This is the first time I have done this, so maybe I'm overly confused ...

Also it would be very useful to see the date when the images were taken, so we 
could tell e.g. which is the newer iamge, where more than one is available. Is 
that technically possible? (the BING images say (C)2015, but I'm not sure that 
means the photos were actually taken in in 2015).


With the Help of Charlotte, Cristiano and Blake, I published on the HOT
website this blog post presenting an overview of both the disaster and the
OSM mapping to support the response with pictures provided by the HOT
interns in Malawi There are two ongoing Tasking Manager jobs, one almost
done and the other one just starting. Please read, join and contribute!
-- next part --
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[HOT] HOT 847 Malawi - small fields and dams

2015-02-27 Thread Kretzer
Hello again,

and sorry again, if Im asking in the wrong place (but I dont know any other ...).

While trying to do some lunchbreak-mapping, I came across a tile with lots of small fields with dams in between (at least thats what it looks like, I guess its rice??).

Someone started mapping all the dams as highway=footway, someone else started mappping some as highway=path.

Thats here:

I wonder if that makes sense, even if you can surely walk on them, but there a really lots ... Anyway, if so, I think path would be a better tag than footway, the latter is more of an urban feature, isnt it?

Thanks again and greetings from the Alps!


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[HOT] Malawi Flood #847 - buildings among fields

2015-02-20 Thread Kretzer

I have just been mapping some areas of the Malawi Flood task 847 and found many 
buildings or small groups of buildings among the fields. I wonder if these 
should be mapped as residential- of course I can't know if there rally are 
people living. Some might be used for storage or animals, but many look like 
they are inhabited. Like her for example:
If I understand it correctly the ares for the task are the recently flooded 
ares intersected with the residential areas.
So the areas I am looking at here at are not part of the task, because they 
have not been marked as residential before. Does that mean they should not be 
Sorry, if that's a stupid question - I'm quite new to this, but find it really 

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