Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-07-16 Thread Florian Königstein
I also changed the columns with the "left image" and the "right image". You 
know that every control
point connects two images. One of the image is declared to be the "left 
image" and the other the "right image".
But for the functionality of the control point it doesn't matter whether 
it's declared so or vice versa (reversing the assignment
of "left image" and "right image".

It seems that when creating CPs with CPfind (Hugin's automatic CP 
detector), the image with the smaller image number
is declared as "left image" and the other (with bigger number) the "right 
image". But if you add CPs manually in
the CP editor, you may select an image with a bigger number in the left 
image pane and the other in the right pane.
Then when adding CPs manually, they have the bigger image number "left" and 
the smaller number "right".

When using Hugin, I may want to see in the control point list all CPs that 
connect one special image (say image Nr. 100)
with any other image. In Hugin version 2020 I can sort the column "left 
image" by clicking on its header.  Sometimes I made the error
to assume that by scrolling to the CPs with "left image" 100 I could see 
all CPs that connect image 100 with some other.
But this is not right because there are also CPs that have image 100 as 
"right image" and some other as "left image".

So I decided not to use the columns "left image" and "right image", but 
instead the columns "Min Image Nr" and "Max Image Nr".
The problem with finding all CPs with and image Nr 100 and any other image 
is still there in my version of Hugin (with the new columns),
but in my eyes it's clearer with my solution. When sorting by ascending 
"Min image" and go to where the min images Nr 100 are,
it's clear that the corresponding "Max images" cannot be smaller that 100. 
So you must afterwards sort by "Max image Nr" and goto
max images 100. So you can see the min images with numbers < 100.

Of course the problem of finding all CPs that connect e.g. image Nr. 100 
with some other image can also be solved in the CP editor
by selecting image Nr. 100 left and seeing the images that are highlighted 
in the drop-down list right.

When selecting two images in the left and right drop-down lists in the 
image editor all CPs are shown if they connect these
two images - even if the assignment to "left" and "right" image is 
reversed. This also shows that the order in that "left" and "right" are 
assigned to the images of a CP doesn't matter for the functionality.

Florian Königstein schrieb am Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2021 um 09:36:42 UTC+2:

> I did the following changes on Hugin++:
> * When stitching the panorama, a temporary file with the image filenames 
> is created if the command line would be longer than about
> 7000 characters (to be exact: 8191 - 1024, older versions of Windows 
> support only 8191 chars in a command line,
> and for other arguments I reserved generously 1024 chars). So Hugin++ 
> works both with enblend and with my modified Multiblend if the command line 
> would be too long.
> In the control point list the following is changed:
> * Added the buttons "next new image pair" and "previous new image pair". A 
> click on
>   "next new image pair" causes the next image pair (down) in the current 
> ordering to
>   be selected that is not used by the current or any of the above control 
> points.
>   I find it useful because I order the list by descending errors. I begin 
> with image
>   pairs with control points with high errors and delete bad CPs or 
> increase weights of good CPs.
>   Then I go down in the list, but often there are CPs from the same image 
> pair that I have
>   already checked. So by clicking on "next new image pair" I don't loose 
> time by looking at
>   the same image pair several times.
> * "Stable ordering": You know that the list is sorted when clicking on the 
> list header in one column.
>   It is sorted by the "sort keys" in that column.
>   Stable ordering means that - if there are CPs with equal sort keys - 
> they are sorted by the (subordinated) sort key
>   of the column on whose header was previously clicked. If there are CPs 
> whose subordinated sort keys are also
>   equal, they are sorted by a sub-subordinated sort key (in the 2nd 
> previously clicked column).
> * Added "average yaw" and "average pitch" in respective new columns of the 
> list. These are the
>   average yaw or pitch of the two images of the CP. The yaw and pitch can 
> be used just for information or for
>   sorting. Since yaw and pitch are real (not integer) values, CPs with 
> equal "average" yaw or pitch are typically
>   only those belonging to the same pair of images.
> However you may want to view e.g. all control points with yaw between 20 
> and 40 and pitch between 0 and 20 and
> sort them by descending error.
> This is possible by not using the average yaw or pitch directly as sort 
> key. Instead the average yaw and pitch can be
> projected into one 

Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-07-15 Thread Florian Königstein

I did the following changes on Hugin++:

* When stitching the panorama, a temporary file with the image filenames is 
created if the command line would be longer than about
7000 characters (to be exact: 8191 - 1024, older versions of Windows 
support only 8191 chars in a command line,
and for other arguments I reserved generously 1024 chars). So Hugin++ works 
both with enblend and with my modified Multiblend if the command line would 
be too long.

In the control point list the following is changed:

* Added the buttons "next new image pair" and "previous new image pair". A 
click on
  "next new image pair" causes the next image pair (down) in the current 
ordering to
  be selected that is not used by the current or any of the above control 
  I find it useful because I order the list by descending errors. I begin 
with image
  pairs with control points with high errors and delete bad CPs or increase 
weights of good CPs.
  Then I go down in the list, but often there are CPs from the same image 
pair that I have
  already checked. So by clicking on "next new image pair" I don't loose 
time by looking at
  the same image pair several times.
* "Stable ordering": You know that the list is sorted when clicking on the 
list header in one column.
  It is sorted by the "sort keys" in that column.
  Stable ordering means that - if there are CPs with equal sort keys - they 
are sorted by the (subordinated) sort key
  of the column on whose header was previously clicked. If there are CPs 
whose subordinated sort keys are also
  equal, they are sorted by a sub-subordinated sort key (in the 2nd 
previously clicked column).
* Added "average yaw" and "average pitch" in respective new columns of the 
list. These are the
  average yaw or pitch of the two images of the CP. The yaw and pitch can 
be used just for information or for
  sorting. Since yaw and pitch are real (not integer) values, CPs with 
equal "average" yaw or pitch are typically
  only those belonging to the same pair of images.
However you may want to view e.g. all control points with yaw between 20 
and 40 and pitch between 0 and 20 and
sort them by descending error.
This is possible by not using the average yaw or pitch directly as sort 
key. Instead the average yaw and pitch can be
projected into one interval inside a "stack" of equally-sized intervals. 
Then the number of the intervals can
be used as sorting key.
The sorting from the above example can be achieved as follows: First, click 
on the "error" column header once
or twice, so that sorting is done by descending errors.
Then click on the header of the "average pitch" column. A dialog appears in 
that you can specify the pitch interval
from 0 to 20. Chose OK. Now sorting is done by the average pitch interval 
number, followed by the error as subordinated
sort key. Now click on the "average yaw" column header. In the appearing 
dialog choose the interval from 20 to 40.
Now sorting is done by the average yaw interval number, followed by the 
average pitch interval number as subordinated
sort key and by the error as sub-subordinated sort key. All CPs that have 
an image pair with average yaw and pitch in
the respective interval have yaw and pitch interval numbers 0. Scroll the 
list to where these CPs are. They are
sorted by descending errors.

Florian Königstein schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021 um 22:01:19 UTC+2:

> There's a bug both in Hugin++ and in the latest official Hugin release 
> (Hugin-2020.0.0):
> To reproduce it, start Hugin, and open a PTO file that is large enough so 
> that the loading takes some seconds.
> Before the loading has finished, press the grayed out button for 
> geometrical optimization in the "images" tab TWO times.
> After loading has finished, two windows with title "Panorama Tools" will 
> appear. In one the text 012345678901234567890123456789... appears
> and nothing changes over time.
> The other "Panorama Tools" window behaves normally. When finished 
> optimization, accept the results.
> Then Hugin / Hugin++ will crash.
> I didn't have the time to fix the bug. Maybe later.
> Florian Königstein schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021 um 21:46:47 UTC+2:
>> I have an update for fastPTOptimizer and also for the Windows installer 
>> for Hugin++ that also installs the binaries for fastPTOptimizer.
>> When there are weights for CPs other than 1, say a weight 'w', it should 
>> be exactly as if you had 'w' CPs with weight 1 at the same position. In the 
>> old version of fastPTOptimizer the reported error during the optimization 
>> wasn't correct. If e.g. all weights are 1000, the reported error should be 
>> the same as if all weights were 1 since the error is an average over all 
>> CP's errors. In the old version the error was too high if weights > 1 were 
>> used. I have corrected it.
>> schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021 um 12:14:54 UTC+2:
>>> Apologies, I was wrong about this. Sourceforge does support the usual 

Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-07-01 Thread Florian Königstein
There's a bug both in Hugin++ and in the latest official Hugin release 
To reproduce it, start Hugin, and open a PTO file that is large enough so 
that the loading takes some seconds.
Before the loading has finished, press the grayed out button for 
geometrical optimization in the "images" tab TWO times.
After loading has finished, two windows with title "Panorama Tools" will 
appear. In one the text 012345678901234567890123456789... appears
and nothing changes over time.
The other "Panorama Tools" window behaves normally. When finished 
optimization, accept the results.
Then Hugin / Hugin++ will crash.

I didn't have the time to fix the bug. Maybe later.

Florian Königstein schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021 um 21:46:47 UTC+2:

> I have an update for fastPTOptimizer and also for the Windows installer 
> for Hugin++ that also installs the binaries for fastPTOptimizer.
> When there are weights for CPs other than 1, say a weight 'w', it should 
> be exactly as if you had 'w' CPs with weight 1 at the same position. In the 
> old version of fastPTOptimizer the reported error during the optimization 
> wasn't correct. If e.g. all weights are 1000, the reported error should be 
> the same as if all weights were 1 since the error is an average over all 
> CP's errors. In the old version the error was too high if weights > 1 were 
> used. I have corrected it.
> schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021 um 12:14:54 UTC+2:
>> Apologies, I was wrong about this. Sourceforge does support the usual 
>> fork/pull-request workflow, with both mercurial and git. 
>> -- 
>> Bruno 
>> On 28 June 2021 20:51:13 BST, Bruno Postle wrote: 
>> >This is an illustration of our creaking infrastructure. Sourceforge 
>> >doesn't support the fork/pull-request/merge workflow that we have 
>> >become used-to with github/bitbucket, so anyone wanting to work 
>> >separately on Hugin needs to create a new repository or create a 
>> >branch in the main repository. Florian, do you need access to work on 
>> >this in a Hugin branch? 

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-07-01 Thread Florian Königstein
I have an update for fastPTOptimizer and also for the Windows installer for 
Hugin++ that also installs the binaries for fastPTOptimizer.
When there are weights for CPs other than 1, say a weight 'w', it should be 
exactly as if you had 'w' CPs with weight 1 at the same position. In the 
old version of fastPTOptimizer the reported error during the optimization 
wasn't correct. If e.g. all weights are 1000, the reported error should be 
the same as if all weights were 1 since the error is an average over all 
CP's errors. In the old version the error was too high if weights > 1 were 
used. I have corrected it. schrieb am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021 um 12:14:54 UTC+2:

> Apologies, I was wrong about this. Sourceforge does support the usual 
> fork/pull-request workflow, with both mercurial and git.
> -- 
> Bruno
> On 28 June 2021 20:51:13 BST, Bruno Postle wrote:
> >This is an illustration of our creaking infrastructure. Sourceforge
> >doesn't support the fork/pull-request/merge workflow that we have
> >become used-to with github/bitbucket, so anyone wanting to work
> >separately on Hugin needs to create a new repository or create a
> >branch in the main repository. Florian, do you need access to work on
> >this in a Hugin branch?

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-07-01 Thread Bruno Postle
Apologies, I was wrong about this. Sourceforge does support the usual 
fork/pull-request workflow, with both mercurial and git.


On 28 June 2021 20:51:13 BST, Bruno Postle wrote:

>This is an illustration of our creaking infrastructure. Sourceforge
>doesn't support the fork/pull-request/merge workflow that we have
>become used-to with github/bitbucket, so anyone wanting to work
>separately on Hugin needs to create a new repository or create a
>branch in the main repository. Florian, do you need access to work on
>this in a Hugin branch?

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-06-30 Thread Florian Königstein
@Bruno: Thanks, but I think for the moment I put my work into Hugin++ / 
fastPTOptimizer. Maybe later. schrieb am Montag, 28. Juni 2021 um 22:08:55 UTC+2:

> If weighing control points by cpfind's confidence that this is a valid 
> control point makes sense? If there are repeating structures like window 
> fronts sometimes control points look excellent even at the second glance, 
> though...
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-06-28 Thread Gunter Königsmann
If weighing control points by cpfind's confidence that this is a valid control 
point makes sense? If there are repeating structures like window fronts   
sometimes control points look excellent even at the second glance, though...
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-06-28 Thread Bruno Postle
On Mon, 28 Jun 2021 at 16:19, Tobias  wrote:
> what is the reason, that fastPTOptimizer is not part of the official hugin.

It is in a branch of libpano13, but this code is still being
worked-on, so ready for testing but not ready for release:

This is an illustration of our creaking infrastructure. Sourceforge
doesn't support the fork/pull-request/merge workflow that we have
become used-to with github/bitbucket, so anyone wanting to work
separately on Hugin needs to create a new repository or create a
branch in the main repository. Florian, do you need access to work on
this in a Hugin branch?


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-06-28 Thread Bruno Postle
On Mon, 28 Jun 2021 at 16:19, Tobias  wrote:
> what is the reason, that fastPTOptimizer is not part of the official hugin.

It is in the

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-06-28 Thread Florian Königstein
I believe that fast optimization like in fastPTOptimizer will also be 
available in Hugin in the next official release.

I see fastPTOptimizer and Hugin++ as a possibility to publish my ideas as 
sources and also binaries a bit earlier - for encouraging discussions and 
also because I like using these features for my own panoramas.

Maybe there are some features in Hugin++ that shall not be integrated into 
Hugin for some reasons, e.g. there was a discussion whether weights for 
control points make sense.
Anyway I try to avoid unnecessary changes to the source code in order to 
facilitate a possible integration of my new features into Hugin.


Tobias schrieb am Montag, 28. Juni 2021 um 17:19:18 UTC+2:

> Hello,
> what is the reason, that fastPTOptimizer is not part of the official hugin.
> Regards,
> Tobias
> Florian Königstein schrieb am Montag, 28. Juni 2021 um 09:31:08 UTC+2:
>> Hugin++ is a fork of Hugin that is linked to fastPTOptimizer, a fork of 
>> the libpano13 library.
>> When you have only a small or medium number of images and control points, 
>> the original optimizer does the optimization in a fairly short time. 
>> However if you have a large number of images (several hundrets or even more 
>> than thousand) and many control points, the original optimizer typically 
>> needs much time for the optimization of the parameters.
>> With Hugin++ the time for the geometrical optimization is much shorter 
>> for large panoramas. Speedup factors of 100 or more are possible.
>> Update 28.06.2021:
>> I have added support for weights for control points. The default weight 
>> for each control points is 1. Assigning a weight higher than 1, say 'w', to 
>> a control point is equivalent to have 'w' control points with weight 1 at 
>> the same position. This causes the control point's error to contribute 'w' 
>> times more to the (weighted) sum of squares that the optimizer tries to 
>> minimize.
>> A control point with a high weight tends to have a small error after 
>> optimization - if this is
>> possible. But high weights should be used with care: In the extreme case 
>> that all control points have a weight of e.g. 1000 the optimizer finds 
>> exactly the same parameters as if the control points had the weight 1. What 
>> counts is the relation of the weights for the different control points.
>> What makes sense is assigning higher weights to control points that are 
>> likely placed precisely and lower weights to points that are less precise, 
>> e.g. if the object where they are placed may have moved in the meantime 
>> between shooting the two images.
>> You may also assign high weights to control points on objects where 
>> larger errors would be visually striking - if you are sure that these 
>> objects have not moved much.
>> For example, I have shot photos for a panorama where are trees, a stream 
>> and a bridge over the stream. After optimization without weights for 
>> control points (or all CPs having equal weight) there were visually 
>> striking errors on the bridge. On the other hand I know that the bridge has 
>> not moved noticeably.
>> So I could assign higher weights to CPs on the bridge. Other CPs, e.g. on 
>> the trees, might have moved - especially if they are on leafs of smaller 
>> branches of trees. Of course I tried not to place CPs on leafs but instead 
>> on trunks or bigger branches of the trees. But this in not always possible 
>> - especially if you use a high focal length (low angle of view).
>> Generally, assigning higher weight to a control point can lead to smaller 
>> errors of the CPs - if this it possible. But this is on the cost of getting 
>> larger errors on other control points.
>> If the CP with a higher weight is placed precisely, the increase of 
>> errors on other control points will probably be tolerable. A counterexample 
>> is the following: If a "bad" control point, e.g. an outlier (placed on 
>> different objects) or on a moving object, is assigned a higher weight, the 
>> error for this CP might decrease, but all other errors might increase in a 
>> non-tolerable way.
>> The "weights for control points" feature is currently available in a 
>> development version of Hugin++:
>> Currently the only way to assign weights other than 1 to control points 
>> is changing the weight manually in the "control points" tab of Hugin++.  
>> Control points that are generated automatically, e.g. by CPfind, will 
>> currently have weight 1.
>> A nice task for the future would be to change CPfind so that the control 
>> points get a weight other than 1 automatically. Some algorithm - including 
>> machine learning algorithms - might predict whether the control points 
>> might be on a moving object and how large a possible movement might be. 
>> With this information the CP detector could assign reasonable weights to 
>> the control point.

A list 

[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin++ : fast geometrical optimization and other features

2021-06-28 Thread Tobias

what is the reason, that fastPTOptimizer is not part of the official hugin.


Florian Königstein schrieb am Montag, 28. Juni 2021 um 09:31:08 UTC+2:

> Hugin++ is a fork of Hugin that is linked to fastPTOptimizer, a fork of 
> the libpano13 library.
> When you have only a small or medium number of images and control points, 
> the original optimizer does the optimization in a fairly short time. 
> However if you have a large number of images (several hundrets or even more 
> than thousand) and many control points, the original optimizer typically 
> needs much time for the optimization of the parameters.
> With Hugin++ the time for the geometrical optimization is much shorter for 
> large panoramas. Speedup factors of 100 or more are possible.
> Update 28.06.2021:
> I have added support for weights for control points. The default weight 
> for each control points is 1. Assigning a weight higher than 1, say 'w', to 
> a control point is equivalent to have 'w' control points with weight 1 at 
> the same position. This causes the control point's error to contribute 'w' 
> times more to the (weighted) sum of squares that the optimizer tries to 
> minimize.
> A control point with a high weight tends to have a small error after 
> optimization - if this is
> possible. But high weights should be used with care: In the extreme case 
> that all control points have a weight of e.g. 1000 the optimizer finds 
> exactly the same parameters as if the control points had the weight 1. What 
> counts is the relation of the weights for the different control points.
> What makes sense is assigning higher weights to control points that are 
> likely placed precisely and lower weights to points that are less precise, 
> e.g. if the object where they are placed may have moved in the meantime 
> between shooting the two images.
> You may also assign high weights to control points on objects where larger 
> errors would be visually striking - if you are sure that these objects have 
> not moved much.
> For example, I have shot photos for a panorama where are trees, a stream 
> and a bridge over the stream. After optimization without weights for 
> control points (or all CPs having equal weight) there were visually 
> striking errors on the bridge. On the other hand I know that the bridge has 
> not moved noticeably.
> So I could assign higher weights to CPs on the bridge. Other CPs, e.g. on 
> the trees, might have moved - especially if they are on leafs of smaller 
> branches of trees. Of course I tried not to place CPs on leafs but instead 
> on trunks or bigger branches of the trees. But this in not always possible 
> - especially if you use a high focal length (low angle of view).
> Generally, assigning higher weight to a control point can lead to smaller 
> errors of the CPs - if this it possible. But this is on the cost of getting 
> larger errors on other control points.
> If the CP with a higher weight is placed precisely, the increase of errors 
> on other control points will probably be tolerable. A counterexample is the 
> following: If a "bad" control point, e.g. an outlier (placed on different 
> objects) or on a moving object, is assigned a higher weight, the error for 
> this CP might decrease, but all other errors might increase in a 
> non-tolerable way.
> The "weights for control points" feature is currently available in a 
> development version of Hugin++:
> Currently the only way to assign weights other than 1 to control points is 
> changing the weight manually in the "control points" tab of Hugin++.  
> Control points that are generated automatically, e.g. by CPfind, will 
> currently have weight 1.
> A nice task for the future would be to change CPfind so that the control 
> points get a weight other than 1 automatically. Some algorithm - including 
> machine learning algorithms - might predict whether the control points 
> might be on a moving object and how large a possible movement might be. 
> With this information the CP detector could assign reasonable weights to 
> the control point.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Lost fast panorama preview under Microsoft

2015-11-02 Thread T. Modes

Am Montag, 2. November 2015 03:39:13 UTC+1 schrieb Groogle:
> > No, it is still there. But it is deactivated by default. Press the 
> > ctrl key and move over the panorama or activate the identify tool on 
> > the preview tab. 
> There used to be two ways.  That's one of them; the other was to run 
> the cursor over the image numbers at the top.  That no longer works. 
Wrong. It is still working, but only when the identify tool is activated, 
as written above. 

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Lost fast panorama preview under Microsoft

2015-11-01 Thread T. Modes

Am Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015 23:31:36 UTC+1 schrieb Groogle:
> OK, I'm a Microsoft novice, but how do I start it?  I've tried holding 
> down the Ctrl key and clicking on the icon on the root window, and 
> also from the start menu.  In each case Hugin starts, but the fast 
> panorama preview is still disabled. 

When starting Hugin with pressed ctrl key you should get a dialog with the 
option to enable or disable the OpenGL part.
It should not matter how you start Hugin, as long as you hold the ctrl key.

> Reinstall.  This time it runs and produces a completely broken 
> panorama.  The test images I'm using here are at 
>, and 00---07.pto is the PTO 
> file generated by the Microsoft version. 

The pto file refer to images "00" to "07" without extension. But your 
example files are named  "house-n-9mm-x.jpeg".
I tested with these images and with the Hugin version from sourceforge on 
Windows. All works okay with your images.
Maybe the missing extension make some trouble?

> I've already noted that the highlighting of individual images in the fast 
panorama preview went away,
No, it is still there. But it is deactivated by default. Press the ctrl key 
and move over the panorama or activate the identify tool on the preview tab.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Lost fast panorama preview under Microsoft

2015-11-01 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Sunday,  1 November 2015 at  1:09:53 -0700, T. Modes wrote:
> Am Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015 23:31:36 UTC+1 schrieb Groogle:
>> OK, I'm a Microsoft novice, but how do I start it?  I've tried holding
>> down the Ctrl key and clicking on the icon on the root window, and
>> also from the start menu.  In each case Hugin starts, but the fast
>> panorama preview is still disabled.
> When starting Hugin with pressed ctrl key you should get a dialog
> with the option to enable or disable the OpenGL part.
> It should not matter how you start Hugin, as long as you hold the
> ctrl key.

OK, I've tried this in several different ways:

- From COMMAND.COM: hugin not found.
- From the Desktop: nothing at all happens.
- From the start menu.  Nothing happens.
- Dragged the icon from the desktop to the task bar.  It works!
- Later went back to confirm.  The start menu has changed completely,
  and now when I climb down the tree to Hugin, it too works.  I never
  will understand Microsoft.

The message currently reads "Should the openGL powered fast preview
window disabled?".  A bit of rephrasing would be good.  When I get
round to building the default branch, I'll submit a patch.

>> Reinstall.  This time it runs and produces a completely broken
>> panorama.  The test images I'm using here are at
>>, and 00---07.pto is the PTO
> The pto file refer to images "00" to "07" without extension. But
> your example files are named "house-n-9mm-x.jpeg".

Sorry about that.  I have a script that works around the pain of file
selection boxes by linking the images I want to an empty directory,
where I can simply select them all.  While I'm at it I change the
names to match the numbers that Hugin assigns.  I had forgotten that
this information is visible in the PTO file.

> I tested with these images and with the Hugin version from
> sourceforge on Windows. All works okay with your images.

Yes, it seems that this message overlapped with my last one, where I
noted that there's some additional configuration information somewhere
in the home directory, but not in ~/.hugin.  After creating a new home
directory, Hugin works as expected.

> Maybe the missing extension make some trouble?

No, Hugin recognizes files for what they are regardless of the name.

>> I've already noted that the highlighting of individual images in
>> the fast panorama preview went away,
> No, it is still there. But it is deactivated by default. Press the
> ctrl key and move over the panorama or activate the identify tool on
> the preview tab.

There used to be two ways.  That's one of them; the other was to run
the cursor over the image numbers at the top.  That no longer works.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Lost fast panorama preview under Microsoft

2015-10-31 Thread T. Modes

Am Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015 07:57:33 UTC+1 schrieb Groogle:
> OK, I can understand that.  But how do I reenable it?  I can't find a 
> menu option, and "load defaults" doesn't help. 

Start Hugin with pressed ctrl key. 

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Lost fast panorama preview under Microsoft

2015-10-31 Thread Terry Duell

Hello Greg,

On Sun, 01 Nov 2015 09:31:25 +1100, Greg 'groggy' Lehey  


Reinstall.  This time it runs and produces a completely broken
panorama.  The test images I'm using here are at, and 00---07.pto is the PTO
file generated by the Microsoft version.

I grabbed the first two images and they are handled OK here  
(hugin-2015.1.0, Fedora)...control points found OK and aligned OK.

So it looks like your MS version is broken.
The PTO uses different image filenames to those you posted, but that's a  
minor issue and probably unrelated.

As it looks like an MS issue I'm not any help I'm afraid.

Terry Duell

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Lost fast panorama preview under Microsoft

2015-10-31 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Saturday, 31 October 2015 at  1:32:22 -0700, T. Modes wrote:
> Am Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015 07:57:33 UTC+1 schrieb Groogle:
>> OK, I can understand that.  But how do I reenable it?  I can't find
>> a menu option, and "load defaults" doesn't help.
> Start Hugin with pressed ctrl key.

OK, I'm a Microsoft novice, but how do I start it?  I've tried holding
down the Ctrl key and clicking on the icon on the root window, and
also from the start menu.  In each case Hugin starts, but the fast
panorama preview is still disabled.

So I removed Hugin from the machine (using Control Panel/Programs and
Features and selecting "clean registry settings") and reinstalled from
sourceforge.  I couldn't get it to work at all!  When selecting files
it didn't wait for me to click on "Open" and loaded only a single
file.  When I tried again, it crashed, repeatedly.  It's interesting
to note that although I cleaned registry settings, it remembered the
path to my images.

Reinstall.  This time it runs and produces a completely broken
panorama.  The test images I'm using here are at, and 00---07.pto is the PTO
file generated by the Microsoft version.

I'll add other files as I answer the other messages.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Lost fast panorama preview under Microsoft

2015-10-31 Thread 'Brandon' via hugin and other free panoramic software
I did not download and test the images with the pto. Just looking at the 
pto, it looks like there are no control points in it yet. In what way is it 
broken? I do note that most of the images have different yaw settings. Did 
you move them around, apply a preset to them or did hugin do that? If so at 
what point did hugin do it?

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Lost fast panorama preview under Microsoft

2015-10-31 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Saturday, 31 October 2015 at 15:42:12 -0700, Hugin developers list wrote:
> I did not download and test the images with the pto. Just looking at
> the pto, it looks like there are no control points in it yet. In
> what way is it broken? I do note that most of the images have
> different yaw settings. Did you move them around, apply a preset to
> them or did hugin do that? If so at what point did hugin do it?

This is the breakage with Microsoft, right?  The images were spread
randomly across the fast panorama preview window.  What I did:

- Load files with the Assistant.
- Let it do its thing.

The result is at .  I've
also put the pto file there as Microsoft.pto , and there are also
comparison files 2012-preview.png and 2012.pto showing what the 2012
version of Hugin does under FreeBSD.

I'm still looking at the 2015 issues.  Watch this space.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin – fast preview not working?

2014-12-15 Thread T. Modes

Am Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2014 22:52:53 UTC+1 schrieb Mike Mackinven:

 Hey guys,

 This morning I opened up Hugin to make a panorama, and a popup came up (my 
 mistake, didn't read it properly) and mentioned something about the Fast 
 Preview Window (GL), so I clicked OK. Now the GL button is greyed out and 
 will not work whats ever. 

 I am stuck now as I use that window to edit my panorama before 
 stitching!@#$ How can I get this preview back?? I have deleted Hugin off my 
 Mac and reinstalled it, same problem :(

 Start Hugin with pressed command key. Then you can activate the fast 
preview window. There is no need to fiddle with the preferences.
Next time, please read the message box before confirming.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Weird-looking Fast Preview window

2014-11-07 Thread Marius Loots
Hallo Everyone

Thursday, November 6, 2014, 7:59:28 PM, you wrote:
Michael Me too on OSX 10.7.5. Quite irregular, though I will pay more attention
Michael next time

 Not always, but often I get weird previews in the Fast Preview window.
 See the attached. The stitching will go just fine, but of course I can't 
 use any of the functions in Fast Preview.

 I sometimes get this too on Windows. I may be wrong, but I recently 
 managed to get the preview correctly by just closing Hugin and then loading 
 it again. But I think (I did not pay much attention) that sometimes this 
 did not work.

On Windows 7. Have seen this, but never thought that it could be a
bug. Mostly restart the project from scratch, assuming it to be a
problem with a control point or two. Impression I had, but never
actively followed up on, is that two images are connected with a
faulty control point and that hugin attempts to bridge them via the
spokes that are criss-crossing the field.

I also use 2012 and 2013 interchangeably, so not able to pin it on a
specific version. 

Will attempt to reproduce if I see it again.

add some chaos to your life and put the world in order
skype: marius_loots

Hierdie boodskap en aanhangsels is aan 'n vrywaringsklousule 
onderhewig. Volledige besonderhede is by 

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Weird-looking Fast Preview window

2014-11-07 Thread John Muccigrosso
On Friday, November 7, 2014 4:57:31 AM UTC-5, Marius Loots wrote:

 Hallo Everyone 

 On Windows 7. Have seen this, but never thought that it could be a 
 bug. Mostly restart the project from scratch, assuming it to be a 
 problem with a control point or two. Impression I had, but never 
 actively followed up on, is that two images are connected with a 
 faulty control point and that hugin attempts to bridge them via the 
 spokes that are criss-crossing the field. 

 I also use 2012 and 2013 interchangeably, so not able to pin it on a 
 specific version. 

 I got it to stop on this project by adding more CPs, not taking any away. 

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Weird-looking Fast Preview window

2014-11-06 Thread Frederic Da Vitoria
2014-11-06 18:34 GMT+01:00 John Muccigrosso

 Hugin 2014 RC4 on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9.5 with Intel HD Graphics
 3000 512 MB

 Not always, but often I get weird previews in the Fast Preview window. See
 the attached. The stitching will go just fine, but of course I can't use
 any of the functions in Fast Preview.

 Any help?

I sometimes get this too on Windows. I may be wrong, but I recently managed
to get the preview correctly by just closing Hugin and then loading it
again. But I think (I did not pay much attention) that sometimes this did
not work.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Weird-looking Fast Preview window

2014-11-06 Thread Michael Perry
Me too on OSX 10.7.5. Quite irregular, though I will pay more attention 
next time

On Thursday, November 6, 2014 5:55:42 PM UTC, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:

 2014-11-06 18:34 GMT+01:00 John Muccigrosso 

 Hugin 2014 RC4 on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9.5 with Intel HD 
 Graphics 3000 512 MB

 Not always, but often I get weird previews in the Fast Preview window. 
 See the attached. The stitching will go just fine, but of course I can't 
 use any of the functions in Fast Preview.

 Any help?

 I sometimes get this too on Windows. I may be wrong, but I recently 
 managed to get the preview correctly by just closing Hugin and then loading 
 it again. But I think (I did not pay much attention) that sometimes this 
 did not work.

 Frederic Da Vitoria

 Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Weird-looking Fast Preview window

2014-11-06 Thread John Muccigrosso
I've tried to quit and restart the app, even boosting the image cache 
memory to 2048 when I did it. No luck.

Now, I just added some more control points and re-optimized and all is 
well. Not sure those steps had anything to do with it though.

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Weird-looking Fast Preview window

2014-11-06 Thread Frederic Da Vitoria
2014-11-06 19:09 GMT+01:00 John Muccigrosso

 I've tried to quit and restart the app, even boosting the image cache
 memory to 2048 when I did it. No luck.

 Now, I just added some more control points and re-optimized and all is
 well. Not sure those steps had anything to do with it though.

I am almost sure that some (most?) optimization results will never trigger
this bug, so that re-optimizing quite probably was why the issue
disappeared. I always use the progressive optimization technique (where
you first optimize by positions, then by positions-and-view and so on and I
often noticed that when this bug appeared, I could avoid it by resetting
all optimization parameters and then stopping at the last step which did
not trigger the bug. So my workflow when seeing this issue would be:
- use one optimization level
- check in the preview if the bug does not appear
- use the next optimization level
- if the bug appears, undo the last optimization.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Weird-looking Fast Preview window

2014-11-06 Thread John Muccigrosso
Good to know. Did you file a bug report?

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Weird-looking Fast Preview window

2014-11-06 Thread Frederic Da Vitoria
2014-11-06 19:58 GMT+01:00 John Muccigrosso

 Good to know. Did you file a bug report?

No. I know, I should have. Maybe someone else did... No, I just checked and
couldn't find anything. I could enter a bug, but I currently don't have any
pto file to show the issue, so it would be useless. I'll do it next time it
happens, if no one beats me to it.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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[hugin-ptx] Re: new fast preview functionality

2011-07-12 Thread Henk Tijdink
Hello Yuv

It looks nice to change the background color in the fast preview.
But in the 2 screenviews I see no differences in the panosphere.
In both is the checkbox for Flip ticked.
Overlook I something or is it because your sleepless night?
Don't have too much sleepless nights.

Kind regards,

On Jul 12, 10:55 am, Yuval Levy wrote:
 Hi all,

 Sleepless night, scratching an itch, I just added new functionality to the
 fast preview:
 1. user-selectable background color (for those who take picture of black/dark
 subjects such as the night sky).
 2. a switch to display the panosphere inside-out.

 I left the defaults unchanged, i.e. if you don't touch the controls, the
 background is black by default and the panosphere is shown outside-in.

 see attached screenshots.





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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: new fast preview functionality

2011-07-12 Thread Yuval Levy
Hi Terry,

On July 12, 2011 08:38:07 pm Tduell wrote:
 It builds and works OK here, Fedora 15 x86_64.

thanks for testing.

 I think I would prefer the overview to show the view from inside the
 panosphere as the bright view.

Me too, but for now this is how far I got.  I might look into that later on, 
or somebody else may beat me.  The way it is solved now is a quick fix.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Hugin 2011.0.0 fast panorama preview hangs

2011-06-06 Thread Gnome Nomad

Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

On Friday,  3 June 2011 at 21:30:36 -0700, rocketmonkeys wrote:

I've used older builds of hugin before, and I like it. I updated to
the 2011.0.0 release to try it out.  I loaded in just a few (4) small
(1024x768, I think) images to try it out.  I load the images, align
them, but when the Fast Panorama Preview window shows it's very short,
the actual panorama image itself is only about 5 pixels tall, and the
entire program hangs (ie. windows shows Not Responding).

FWIW, it works fine on FreeBSD.  Is this problem limited to Microsoft

Works fine here on Linux, too. Just made my first 360-degree pano (along 
with 7 other panos) using it today! :-)

Gnome Nomad
wandering the landscape of god

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[hugin-ptx] Hugin 2011.0.0 fast panorama preview hangs (was: subject too long)

2011-06-05 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Friday,  3 June 2011 at 21:30:36 -0700, rocketmonkeys wrote:
 I've used older builds of hugin before, and I like it. I updated to
 the 2011.0.0 release to try it out.  I loaded in just a few (4) small
 (1024x768, I think) images to try it out.  I load the images, align
 them, but when the Fast Panorama Preview window shows it's very short,
 the actual panorama image itself is only about 5 pixels tall, and the
 entire program hangs (ie. windows shows Not Responding).

FWIW, it works fine on FreeBSD.  Is this problem limited to Microsoft

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-19 Thread Lukáš Jirkovský
2010/12/18 Lukáš Jirkovský
 On 18 December 2010 16:22, Jan Martin wrote:

 care to estimate what kind of speed improvement optimizing the code would be
 good for?
 What would it need to get it done?
 Who is qualified to do it?


 I think it would be quite difficult. I remeber I looked at the nona
 code quite some time ago (bit it didn't really change since that
 time). Most of the code is generated at compile time from templates so
 sometimes it's a bit difficult to really understand what it does and
 especially how to optimize it. But I guess that a big slowdown is
 caused by vigra. Yeah, it allows to write completelly generic code
 like the nona code is but for a price.

 I know it from my experiments with hugin deghosting. Vigra's types are
 due to extensive polymorphism usage slow, even the simple ones like
 RGBsomethingsomething (I had too much vine to remeber that) or vector
 types like tinyvector. Also the reason of the slowdown is operator

 As I said, it allows you to write generic code but at a price. For
 example you can do things like a + b and it translates to a + b for
 one component data (eg. grayscale image) or (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1],
 a[2] + b[2]) for RGB or Lab or whatever type which is a 3-component
 vector. The problem is code generated by the compiler when you add
 more together. For example a * b + c is, for three component data,
 implemented as somethinglike

 for (i=0; i 3; i++)
  tmpres[i] = a[i] + b[i]
 for (i = 0; i  3; i++)
  res[i] = tmpres[i] + c[i]

 You  can see that there these loops can be shrinked to one, but
 compiler won't do this. But there are some possibilities how to make
 compiler to make it in one loop but it's a black magic. If you
 implement all this manually (ie. you implement different code for
 vector types and scalar types) you can gain quite some speed but I
 wouldn't like to mutilate nona - this code is just too sexy.


After looking at the vigra code I found out I was probably completely wrong.

It is possible to evaluate operator chain in one loop by creating a
parser tree. I thought it's not used in vigra, but I just found
UnrollLoop in tinyvector.hxx to do something which at a first glance
look like a tree creation.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-18 Thread Bruno Postle
Regarding speeding up stitching with nona, there has been very little 
optimisation of the code over the years. For instance nona still does a full 
panorama calculation for every pixel in the output, where it could easily 
interpolate most of these values.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-18 Thread Jan Martin

care to estimate what kind of speed improvement optimizing the code would be
good for?
What would it need to get it done?
Who is qualified to do it?


On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Bruno Postle

 Regarding speeding up stitching with nona, there has been very little
 optimisation of the code over the years. For instance nona still does a full
 panorama calculation for every pixel in the output, where it could easily
 interpolate most of these values.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-18 Thread Bruno Postle
I've no idea how easy it is to speed up nona. Code optimisation should always 
follow profiling, but this is straightforward with nona as it only does one 


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-18 Thread Lukáš Jirkovský
On 18 December 2010 16:22, Jan Martin wrote:

 care to estimate what kind of speed improvement optimizing the code would be
 good for?
 What would it need to get it done?
 Who is qualified to do it?


I think it would be quite difficult. I remeber I looked at the nona
code quite some time ago (bit it didn't really change since that
time). Most of the code is generated at compile time from templates so
sometimes it's a bit difficult to really understand what it does and
especially how to optimize it. But I guess that a big slowdown is
caused by vigra. Yeah, it allows to write completelly generic code
like the nona code is but for a price.

I know it from my experiments with hugin deghosting. Vigra's types are
due to extensive polymorphism usage slow, even the simple ones like
RGBsomethingsomething (I had too much vine to remeber that) or vector
types like tinyvector. Also the reason of the slowdown is operator

As I said, it allows you to write generic code but at a price. For
example you can do things like a + b and it translates to a + b for
one component data (eg. grayscale image) or (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1],
a[2] + b[2]) for RGB or Lab or whatever type which is a 3-component
vector. The problem is code generated by the compiler when you add
more together. For example a * b + c is, for three component data,
implemented as somethinglike

for (i=0; i 3; i++)
  tmpres[i] = a[i] + b[i]
for (i = 0; i  3; i++)
  res[i] = tmpres[i] + c[i]

You  can see that there these loops can be shrinked to one, but
compiler won't do this. But there are some possibilities how to make
compiler to make it in one loop but it's a black magic. If you
implement all this manually (ie. you implement different code for
vector types and scalar types) you can gain quite some speed but I
wouldn't like to mutilate nona - this code is just too sexy.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-12 Thread James Legg
On Sat, 2010-12-11 at 23:39 -0500, Yuval Levy wrote:
 Hi James,
 On December 11, 2010 11:48:22 am James Legg wrote:
  This isn't working on my system. It would be a more user friendly not
  working with the attached patch.
 you have access to the Enblend repo now.

Thanks. I've committed the patch to the default branch.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-11 Thread Yuval Levy
Hi James,

On December 11, 2010 11:48:22 am James Legg wrote:
 This isn't working on my system. It would be a more user friendly not
 working with the attached patch.

you have access to the Enblend repo now.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-10 Thread Jeffrey Martin
my guess is the fast pano preview window uses small images with a
simple (e.g. nearest neighbor) interpolator for stitching.

this will give say 5 seconds stitching time. nothing mysterious there.

the openGL part is just the remapping of the equirect into different
shapes as you drag it around, same as any other panoviewer.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-10 Thread kfj

On 10 Dez., 08:39, Jan Martin wrote:
 Hi all,
 Background for this question:
 You might now that athttp://www.DIY-streetview.orgI do streetview.
 The amount of data to process in unbelievable and nearly impossible to
 handle using just a CPU. (Or eight.)
 So I am looking for graphic cards and openGL to speed things up a lot.

Have a look at

In the hugin preferences, in the stitching tab, you can activate the
use of the GPU for stitching.
If I am not mistaken, this is currently an experimental feature, and I
also think it only affects
the warping and not the actual stitching, but it should still speed up

with regards

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[hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-10 Thread Aron H
On Dec 10, 8:37 am, Yuval Levy wrote:
 Hi Jan,

 On December 10, 2010 02:39:19 am Jan Martin wrote:

  Does hugin already use openGL for the Fast Panorama preview window?
  Can that code be used to stitch full size streetviews a lot faster?

 nona, Hugin's stitcher, already uses the GPU if instructed to do so.  Whether
 it is faster or not depends on what type of GPU is pitched against what type
 of CPU.  Kay already pointed you in the right direction.

It seems to me that Enblend is the missing piece. The Fast Panorama is
rendering each image separately, it looks like. So the nice seam-
blending is missing. It is possible you might reproduce some of the
blending in an OpenGL programmable shader, but doing the smart seams
is an unknown and would require creative development.

Another possibility is the OpenMP build of enblend, which uses modern
processor optimizations. I'm not sure if it's using OpenCL as well,
which would use your GPU for appropriate parallel computation. Just
some suggestions to go look for more info...

The biggest speed savings is reducing resolution. How far can you
limit it? It sounds like you are not trying to do responsive
rendering, so a two-pass render, once at low resolution followed by a
high resolution final pass, is not interesting?

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: hugin Fast Panorama preview code for a lot faster stitching?

2010-12-10 Thread Yuval Levy
On December 10, 2010 10:06:43 am Aron H wrote:
 It seems to me that Enblend is the missing piece.

Enblend (properly compiled) has had GPU blending for longer than Hugin has had 
GPU remapping.

enblend --gpu

 Another possibility is the OpenMP build of enblend, which uses modern
 processor optimizations.

Again: it will depend what CPU power vs. what GPU power are pitched.

Also: OpenMP does not scale as well as GPU.  An eight-core CPU won't be 8 
faster than a single-core CPU.  I think somebody posted once test results and 
most of what there is to be gained with OpenMP is within the 3-4 cores range.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Lately, a Fast Preview error message seen in windows

2010-12-06 Thread Emad ud din Btt
This problem started from builds with Masking feature. Masking is a very
very fine addition to hugin. But this causes this problem to windows users.
I have pointed out this problem on this forum and after much investigation
by experts..there is no solution. You have to change VGA card that
supports it or  You can also try Ubuntu operating system. All my VGA cards
that are not compatible with hugin fast preview mode, works perfectly under
ubuntu. I dont know why is that? Why one VGA supports it in ubuntu and same
VGA doest not support it in windows.

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 7:36 AM, AKS-Gmail-IMAP wrote:

 I have been running Hugin on a Windows 7 box for a few months without any
 problems until about the time the 64 bit Hugin builds started to appear.
 This error started to crop up when opening the fast preview, so I revert to
 earlier builds.

 Sorry, the fast preview window requires a system which supports OpenGL
 version 1.1 with GL_ARB_multitexture extension. The fast preview cannot be

 I see this error in the most recent 32bit and 64bit builds. The computer
 equipment being used is an up to date CAD workstation. I guess it might
 handle just about anything thrown to it. Could it be there is some other
 error occurring that is trapped by the code that outputs the error message?


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Lately, a Fast Preview error message seen in windows

2010-12-06 Thread AKS-Gmail-IMAP
The build that does work for me without exhibiting this problem has  
the Masking feature and the feature functions.

On Dec 6, 2010, at 3:40 AM, Emad ud din Btt wrote:

This problem started from builds with Masking feature. Masking is a  
very very fine addition to hugin. But this causes this problem to  
windows users. I have pointed out this problem on this forum and  
after much investigation by experts..there is no solution. You  
have to change VGA card that supports it or  You can also try Ubuntu  
operating system. All my VGA cards that are not compatible with  
hugin fast preview mode, works perfectly under ubuntu. I dont know  
why is that? Why one VGA supports it in ubuntu and same VGA doest  
not support it in windows.

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 7:36 AM, AKS-Gmail-IMAP  
I have been running Hugin on a Windows 7 box for a few months  
without any problems until about the time the 64 bit Hugin builds  
started to appear. This error started to crop up when opening the  
fast preview, so I revert to earlier builds.

Sorry, the fast preview window requires a system which supports  
OpenGL version 1.1 with GL_ARB_multitexture extension. The fast  
preview cannot be opened.

I see this error in the most recent 32bit and 64bit builds. The  
computer equipment being used is an up to date CAD workstation. I  
guess it might handle just about anything thrown to it. Could it be  
there is some other error occurring that is trapped by the code that  
outputs the error message?


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[hugin-ptx] Lately, a Fast Preview error message seen in windows

2010-12-05 Thread AKS-Gmail-IMAP
I have been running Hugin on a Windows 7 box for a few months without  
any problems until about the time the 64 bit Hugin builds started to  
appear. This error started to crop up when opening the fast preview,  
so I revert to earlier builds.

Sorry, the fast preview window requires a system which supports  
OpenGL version 1.1 with GL_ARB_multitexture extension. The fast  
preview cannot be opened.

I see this error in the most recent 32bit and 64bit builds. The  
computer equipment being used is an up to date CAD workstation. I  
guess it might handle just about anything thrown to it. Could it be  
there is some other error occurring that is trapped by the code that  
outputs the error message?


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Re: [hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-24 Thread paul womack

michael crane wrote:

On Tue, November 23, 2010 5:23 am, Yuval Levy wrote:

On November 22, 2010 06:17:38 pm michael crane wrote:

as I understand things you are not such a hot coder so why are we
on you ?

good question indeed.  why are you waiting?

It is one of those mysteries. I do not know what your motivation is. for 5
years or so I have seen you pontificating as project self appointed leader
and I do not know what has been successful.

I think the ongoing support and development of Hugin is your answer.

Thanks Yuval - more power to you!


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Re: [hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-24 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Dienstag, 23. November 2010 schrieb michael crane:
 On Tue, November 23, 2010 5:23 am, Yuval Levy wrote:
  On November 22, 2010 06:17:38 pm michael crane wrote:
  as I understand things you are not such a hot coder so why are we
  waiting on you ?

We are not waiting on him. Rather, he is well administering this project. 
in every possible way to make the project mature. I for one very appreciate his 
  good question indeed.  why are you waiting?
 It is one of those mysteries. I do not know what your motivation is. for 5
 years or so I have seen you pontificating as project self appointed leader

No, he is not self appointed leader. We _need_ someone to take over. And he 
is making a good job.
There is no reason to affront him.

 and I do not know what has been successful. Please do a feature freeze.
 take a back seat and let the guys who know what they are doing tidy
 everything up.

Please stop this flame.



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Re: [hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-24 Thread Harry van der Wolf
2010/11/24 Kornel Benko

  Am Dienstag, 23. November 2010 schrieb michael crane:

  On Tue, November 23, 2010 5:23 am, Yuval Levy wrote:

   On November 22, 2010 06:17:38 pm michael crane wrote:

   as I understand things you are not such a hot coder so why are we

   waiting on you ?

 We are not waiting on him. Rather, he is well administering this project.

 in every possible way to make the project mature. I for one very appreciate
 his work.

good question indeed. why are you waiting?


  It is one of those mysteries. I do not know what your motivation is. for

  years or so I have seen you pontificating as project self appointed

 No, he is not self appointed leader. We _need_ someone to take over. And
 he is making a good job.

 There is no reason to affront him.

  and I do not know what has been successful. Please do a feature freeze.

  take a back seat and let the guys who know what they are doing tidy

  everything up.

 Please stop this flame.





I fully agree with Kornel (and Gerry and Rew and Paul). I have been out of
the air for 3 days and I might be a little late now with my response, so
I'll keep it short.

Yuval has been a contributor to this project for many, many years.
With regard to self appointed leader: He indeed has taken the lead on
multiple occasions when so many others didn't, and he did lead us further
along the road (please don't think I will start a new religion). Most of us
in the community are very grateful he did take the lead. I am for sure.
Being a leader is something else than a self appointed leader.

To finish this: I'm grateful in general that we have so many volunteer (keep
that in mind) contributors that help this project progress further.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-23 Thread michael crane

On Tue, November 23, 2010 5:23 am, Yuval Levy wrote:
 On November 22, 2010 06:17:38 pm michael crane wrote:
 as I understand things you are not such a hot coder so why are we
 on you ?

 good question indeed.  why are you waiting?
It is one of those mysteries. I do not know what your motivation is. for 5
years or so I have seen you pontificating as project self appointed leader
and I do not know what has been successful. Please do a feature freeze.
take a back seat and let the guys who know what they are doing tidy
everything up.



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Re: [hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-23 Thread Gerry Patterson
On Nov 23, 2010, at 4:50 PM, michael crane wrote:

 On Tue, November 23, 2010 5:23 am, Yuval Levy wrote:
 On November 22, 2010 06:17:38 pm michael crane wrote:
 as I understand things you are not such a hot coder so why are we
 on you ?
 good question indeed.  why are you waiting?
 It is one of those mysteries. I do not know what your motivation is. for 5
 years or so I have seen you pontificating as project self appointed leader
 and I do not know what has been successful. Please do a feature freeze.
 take a back seat and let the guys who know what they are doing tidy
 everything up.

Speaking as someone who has stepped in in the past to help tidy up and fix 
bugs, having Yuval volunteer to coordinate a release cycle is a good thing.  

And _very_ appreciated.


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[hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-22 Thread Yuval Levy
Thomas Modes was faster than lightning.  He's now admin of both LP teams.  The 
Hugin Developers team (currently Pablo, Thomas, Lukas, and myself) are now 
officially owners of the Hugin on LP infrastructure.

When joining the two groups, please bear with us as the mailing lists are 
still set to defaults and there may be a higher volume of mails than wanted, 
especially with all new joiners and changes to their status to admin.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-22 Thread Yuval Levy
On November 22, 2010 05:26:45 pm michael crane wrote:
 Do I hear a YES ? [0]
 [0] Oh I want it so bad

I hear you.  A little bit of patience.  We all want that.  For now all I can 
say is that Santa Claus is coming soon.  Given how poor we are, this means a 
*source* release.  There can't be a binary release before a source release 
anyway.  Given how many people/resources have been gravitating toward building 
and testing binaries in recent releases, maybe the time between the source and 
the binary release can be further shortened.

And as far as *all* platform goes:  there won't be support for Android or iOS 
(it has not even started yet) and I doubt anybody will want to spend time 
trying to make the latest code work on Windows 98 despite the fact that it was 
a hugely popular platform once upon a long ago.

So you will excuse me if I lower your expectations, and say that we do 
whatever effort we can to have the source code build on the main supported 
platforms - a definition that changes over time and depends on the resources 
available to the project; and that we strive to have quality builds available 
for said platform, and that this too is a matter of time and resources.

All I can promise from my side is that I am working on:
- getting the migration to the LP tracker done
- cleaning up the visual appearance of the app (Cristian's design has been 
waiting for too long)
- getting a source release out before Christmas (first beta likely toward the 
end of the week, to start drumming up support from the builders on the 
different platforms)
- getting a robust build infrastructure for distribution on Ubuntu.  Lucid, 
and Jaunty (work already, is just a matter of time that I don't have).  Maybe 
Maverick (though I am afraid breaking my workstation in the process of 
upgrading and I need it for work too.  And over Christmas I won't have access 
to my HTPC on which I do the rather experimental creepy stuff, so maybe 
Maverick and Natty will be for early January).
- getting the source package produced approved so that they will flow into the 
official Natty release 11.4 (by then we might have another release and the 
Hugin PPA will take up where the Ubuntu distro left).

That said, I still have a family (and my son just told me that supper is on 
the table) and a life, so no matter how badly you want it, I may not be able 
to give it to you and I won't apologize for that.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-22 Thread michael crane

On Mon, November 22, 2010 10:59 pm, Yuval Levy wrote:

 That said, I still have a family (and my son just told me that supper is
 the table) and a life, so no matter how badly you want it, I may not be
 to give it to you and I won't apologize for that.

as I understand things you are not such a hot coder so why are we waiting
on you ?



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Re: [hugin-ptx] that was fast!

2010-11-22 Thread Yuval Levy
On November 22, 2010 06:17:38 pm michael crane wrote:
 as I understand things you are not such a hot coder so why are we waiting
 on you ?

good question indeed.  why are you waiting?  


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[hugin-ptx] Zooming for fast preview proposal

2010-04-08 Thread Darko Makreshanski


I wrote the additional proposal for the zooming for the fast preview 
idea on the wiki.

Its available at:


I have also added all the links at the student proposal page


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Possible fast preview enhancements

2010-01-21 Thread Tom Sharpless
Hi Bruno

On Jan 20, 12:56 pm, Bruno Postle wrote:
 On Wed 20-Jan-2010 at 05:22 -0800, Tom Sharpless wrote:

 The numeric boxes for yaw, pitch, roll on the  Move/Drag tab of the
 fast preview window do not display the current settings for the
 panorama.  That should be easy to fix.  Maybe they could be changed to
 spin boxes at the same time.

 Spin controls would be good for all these numeric entry boxes.

 Though Hugin doesn't have a concept of view-direction for the
 panorama - All panoramas are effectively at 0,0,0 roll/pitch/yaw.  
 Instead the numeric transform function rotates all the photos in the
 scene by the angles you set, as does the Drag functionality.

Thomas Modes already pointed that out to me, I withdraw the

 In the longer term, I wonder if we could add another tab to this
 window that would let one adjust lens parameters interactively.  That
 would be a big help when using hugin as a de-fish tool, and possibly
 for manual lens calibration.

 Yes, new tabs are likely (I have a wish-list ;-), though potentially
 a panorama can have hundreds of different 'lenses' so I'm not sure
 how the GUI would work.  You can currently play with lens settings
 interactively if you have both the Camera and lens tab and Preview
 side by side.

This idea came from experience with some 'de-fishing' mathmap scripts
based on the general Panini projection.  I found that to get straight
verticals all across the picture I needed to adjust both FOV and an
assumed projection curve.  Just adjusting FOV takes care of the
curvature that is visible in MathMap's little preview, but at full
resolution the projection function is really needed too.

So what I'd really like on this tab is sliders for hFOV and Curve,
plus a listbox with the available input formats (aka lens types).
Curve would only be active when the input format designates a lens
type, perhaps only for fisheye lenses.

Now I know perfectly well that 'Curve' is not a libpano or hugin
parameter.  To do its work in the present context, that control would
have to set the a,b,c values for the radial correction polynomial.
Which is feasible, although a better way of representing the radial
correction function would make things a lot easier.

Why not have sliders that set a, b, c, directly?  Because no human
being can find the optimum combination, and it is far too easy to set
a wildly wrong one (even the optimizer, using hundreds of control
points,  has a hard time getting it right).   If you doubt me, fire up
PTLens and try correcting your favorite fisheye.   What is needed is
something that lets you get close enough without letting you go too
far wrong.

In my Mathmap scripts, which are limited to fisheye input, Curve
constructs the radial function as a linear combination of three
prototype functions, that span the range of existing fisheye designs:
the stereographic projection at one end, the equal-solid-angle aka
equal-area projection at the other end, and the equal-angle projection
in the middle.  In fact all the curves are weighted sums of  the equal-
angle and whichever of the other two functions is nearest the slider
position.  Simple, robust, and it works.

Translating that function to a,b,c is a complicated but doable least
squares fitting problem.  Translating it to a cubic spline table is
dead easy, and has the big advantage that it is just as easy to
tabulate the inverse function.  And Dersch's radial polynomial.  And
its inverse.  And any other radial correction function you care to
use.  So I would really want to change the way libpano represents the
radial function, before implementing this new preview tab.

Best, Tom

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[hugin-ptx] Zoom in fast preview - how to do or new function?

2010-01-02 Thread Oskar Sander
I have a need to zoom in in the preview window, especially when using the
new layout view, but also sometimes when previewing a classical panorama
with many images.

Is this something already there that I have missed?

Basically the only way to zoom in that i have found, is to change the
vertical and horizontal FOV with the sliders, but that obviously changes the
panorama too, and ruins for example the selected crop borders.

What would be useful to do is to be able to zoom.  The preview now always
shows 100% of the panorama fitted to the window.  Maybe it would be possible
to allow that to be changed to another percentage, and then add vertical and
horizontal scroll bars when needed.

Particularly when working with in layout mode, you need to check the
connections in one part of the project at a time, especially if it is very
oblong, taking a lot of space of the preview window, and thus forcing it to
zoom ut making the layout thumbnails and connections very small, and
sometimes even overlapping which in turn makes it impossible to view the
connection lines.

Any thoughts on this?

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Zoom in fast preview - how to do or new function?

2010-01-02 Thread James Legg
On Sat, 2010-01-02 at 23:16 +0100, Oskar Sander wrote:
 I have a need to zoom in in the preview window, especially when using
 the new layout view, but also sometimes when previewing a classical
 panorama with many images.
 Is this something already there that I have missed?

There is currently no zoom feature.
 Basically the only way to zoom in that i have found, is to change the
 vertical and horizontal FOV with the sliders, but that obviously
 changes the panorama too, and ruins for example the selected crop

You could (if your window manager allows it) make the preview window
larger than your screen a drag the whole window about using a modifier
 What would be useful to do is to be able to zoom.  The preview now
 always shows 100% of the panorama fitted to the window.  Maybe it
 would be possible to allow that to be changed to another percentage,
 and then add vertical and horizontal scroll bars when needed.

Agreed, though a preview window with two scroll bars, two field of view
sliders just next to them, and maybe another slider for the zoom will be
a bit of a sliding widget overload. Maybe with Thomas Modes' patch[0] we
should hide the field of view sliders unless on the projection or crop
 Particularly when working with in layout mode, you need to check the
 connections in one part of the project at a time, especially if it is
 very oblong, taking a lot of space of the preview window, and thus
 forcing it to zoom ut making the layout thumbnails and connections
 very small, and sometimes even overlapping which in turn makes it
 impossible to view the connection lines.
The size of the images in layout view is a separate issue. They could
have their own adjustable scale different to the panorama zoom.

 Any thoughts on this?

The preview is highly approximated, zooming in will make that more

It shouldn't be too difficult to implement, however.



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