Re: how to lose a sysplex in 30 seconds

2005-11-29 Thread Gil Peleg
The reason IXC256A eventually escaped our eyes was of course a combination
of several configuration errors which we have taken actions to correct. But,
I wonder if this is something that can/should be inserted into the z/OS and
Sysplex Health Checker. The Health Checker already alerts about
misconfigured consoles and their alternates. With little effort (I imagine)
it could also alert that the sysplex is running with AMRF(N) and only one
console in the sysplex is defined with DEL=RD, which could potentially cause
action messages not to be seen in case of a failure with the one console
running with DEL=RD.


On 11/28/05, Peter Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you are going to run your consoles with DEL=R which explicitly tells
> the
> system not to keep things where you can see them (i.e., it tells the
> system
> to let them roll off the screen), even when the message was issued to do
> exactly that, then you had better provide some means of noticing those
> messages. If it hurts, then don't do it.
> As I understand the scenario, system MVSA was running without access to
> the
> backup. There surely were messages telling you to fix that.
> All that you had to do was to inform MVSB that MVSA was down, which gets
> back to the original point of why you were running with DEL=R without
> automation (or whatever) to alert you of vital messages..
> Peter Relson
> z/OS Core Technology Design

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[no subject]

2005-11-29 Thread Didier Lamare
Hello listeners,

I have tested successfully the submit of a member from a local PDS to an
another LPAR via FTP with this jcl,

host address

I now want to know if it is possible to submit  an JCL from a PDS in remote

Any help will be appreciated.


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Re: how to lose a sysplex in 30 seconds

2005-11-29 Thread Edward E. Jaffe

Gil Peleg wrote:

The reason IXC256A eventually escaped our eyes was of course a combination
of several configuration errors which we have taken actions to correct. But,
I wonder if this is something that can/should be inserted into the z/OS and
Sysplex Health Checker. The Health Checker already alerts about
misconfigured consoles and their alternates. With little effort (I imagine)
it could also alert that the sysplex is running with AMRF(N) and only one
console in the sysplex is defined with DEL=RD, which could potentially cause
action messages not to be seen in case of a failure with the one console
running with DEL=RD.

With the right kind of automation, the problem should have been detected 
even with the above "problem" configuration.

Noticing highlighted console messages requires an (alert) operator. Some 
shops (like ours) run "dark". No operator in sight.

| Edward E. Jaffe||
| Mgr, Research & Development| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Phoenix Software International | Tel: (310) 338-0400 x318   |
| 5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800 | Fax: (310) 338-0801|
| Los Angeles, CA 90045  | |

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Re: how to lose a sysplex in 30 seconds

2005-11-29 Thread ibm-main
From: "Edward E. Jaffe"
> Some shops (like ours) run "dark". No operator in sight.

Some run staffed 24x7.
Same comment applies generally.

Shane ...

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Re: CA-1 to RMM Conversion

2005-11-29 Thread Mike Wood
Mikey, The extract file is a good place to start for reporting in RMM and
it is used by many of the reporting vehicles shipped with RMM. However, if
one of the shipped reports is not quite what you want why not look to
using the rmm equivalent of 'grw' - look at the report generator option in
ISPF. It allows reports to be quickly created or customized, the JCL saved
and either run or used later.  It does use DFSORTs ICETOOL, but has
options for using SYNCTOOL, or any other 'utility' you want such as SAS.
Also, supports reporting on data other than RMMs.

Mike Wood   RMM Development
On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 01:20:25 -0600, Michael W. Moss

>Hi James,
> ...
>3) Decide on your reporting strategy
>CA-1 has its own built in reports and we have probably used these for
>years and take them for granted.  DFSMSrmm has a plethora of reporting
>options but doesn’t have a Generalised Report Writer (E.g. TMSGRW) and so
>your options are numerous (E.g. DFSMSrmm House-Keeping Reports, Sort,
>Rexx, SAS, et al).  You just need to decide which methodology is best for
>your installation.  Generally I would recommend creating a flat file from
>the DFSMSrmm CDS via the EDGHSKP REPTEXT function and this file has
>numerous mapping macros (E.g. MXG, ASM DESCT, et al) and so the world is
>your oyster so to speak…
>Regards, UK Mikey.

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IBM 3590 shared

2005-11-29 Thread Carlos A Bodra

Anyone has the following situation:

An IBM 3590-E11 shared between OS/390 system and an Windows 2000 Server
running CA-Arcserver.

The problem is that we only can access 3590-E11 from Windows system if we
vary CHPID OFF, so  all 04 drives
are offline for OS/390. When we started to use 3590-E11 for S390 and Open
world backup, for us should be
transparent use of one 3590-E11 interface (interface 0) for S390 and other
(interface 1) for Open world.

Any hint about?

Carlos Alberto Bodra
Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil

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Sysplex survey (was: Using symbolic in JCL)

2005-11-29 Thread R.S.
I already get some responses, so I think people are interested in the 

However *please* follow the following rules:
- Send directly to me (R dot Skorupka at bremultibank dot com dot pl)
- Write "sysplex survey" in the Subject field
- Provide the information:
  1. sysplex (yes/no)
  2. coupling facility usage (yes/no)
  3. # of sysplex members (production)
  4. total # of LPARs
  5. total # of MIPS

I'd suggest a deadline, let's say 13 December 2005
After that date I'll send the results, obviously as stats only, no 
details like company names, contributors, etc.

A little bit frightened
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: Submitting JCL via FTP

2005-11-29 Thread Martin Kline
> I now want to know if it is possible to submit an JCL from a PDS in
> remote LPAR.

Use GET to retrieve the JCL member as a local file, then PUT as you did

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Submitting a JCL via Email

2005-11-29 Thread Miklos Szigetvari


Theoretically we can submit a JOB via Email and receive the output via 

Has any sense to do this ?

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Autoswitch across Sysplex's

2005-11-29 Thread Ceruti, Gerard G
 Hi Folks

I anyone aware of any products that facilitate AutoSwitching of tape drives
(3490/3590) across Sysplex's ?



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Re: Submitting JCL via FTP

2005-11-29 Thread John S. Giltner, Jr.

Martin Kline wrote:

I now want to know if it is possible to submit an JCL from a PDS in
remote LPAR.

Use GET to retrieve the JCL member as a local file, then PUT as you did

If you are a non-APPC JES scheduling enviroment you can code the JCL 
XMIT statment to send the job to a remote system, assuming you have a 
NJE connection between the two JES's.

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Re: Running COBOL under z/os.e

2005-11-29 Thread Timothy Sipples
>I was thinking of CGIs. I was also thinking of the HTTPD server. We
>don't have Websphere. Perhaps Websphere has things in it to make
>developing CGI-like applications in COBOL easier. When we tried to do
>CGI in COBOL a few years ago, it was very difficult due to not being
>able to use "stdin" and "stdout" directly from COBOL code, using COBOL
>verbs. I haven't looked at this since installing Enterprise COBOL, so
>maybe it is easier now.

Ah. Well, J2EE is a complete replacement for CGI (and then some).  There's 
something called JNI if you absolutely positively must make a native 
platform-specific call, but there are vanishingly few reasons to do that. 
CGI has fallen out of fashion (industry wide) for a variety of reasons.

Aside: WebSphere Application Server for z/OS is unique in being able to 
run COBOL as EJBs (Enterprise Java Beans -- don't take the "Java" too 
literally here). The COBOL code appears as "Java" objects within the 
WebSphere runtime, interacting with ordinary EJBs.  None of that is CGI, 
though, and it wouldn't require a C compiler.

>Plus, I'm trying to get my C compiler back . Not likely as I'm the
>only C literate person here on the z/OS side. The Windows side might
>have some C people. Although from what I know of them, they are all
>VB.Net people now.

OK.  Well, in that case, you should probably go into the z/OS Web Services 
business.  Make everything (or at least almost everything) accessible as 
VB.Net-friendly Web Services.  "Update account" a Web Service.  "Query 
account(s)" a Web Service.  Everything you possibly can, starting with the 
important ones (from an application perspective).  Then you're relevant -- 
you have a directory (yes, directory) of oh-so-easy to use services that 
VB.Net developers can just grab-and-go.  (It's also pretty easy to do in 
many different ways.)

VB.Net really doesn't know much about anything else -- including core 
business function -- unless it looks like a database (ODBC) or a Web 
Service (SOAP/WSDL). (Yes, it's that stupid. :-))  If all the valuable 
stuff (i.e. your mainframe apps) doesn't look like either one (especially 
SOAP/WSDL) then, of course, that mainframe stuff will be everything you 
mentioned.  It'll be like an interstate highway with no on-ramps.

Now I can't think of anything more proprietary than VB.Net, and even 
Microsoft isn't sure what to do with legacy VB. (Q: How do you bring 
classic VB to the Web? A: With major difficulty.) But the beauty of Web 
Services is that when your company changes its mind about its primary 
development environment you're still in very good shape because you've 
abstracted your core business functions into reusable, language-neutral 
Web Services.  In fact, the more rewriting of existing code you do in 
VB.Net -- without abstracting as services -- the worse off your company 
will be in the future.

Another aside: I'll let you in on a little secret.  IBM treasures its ~300 
MIPS customers -- a brand new z890 starts at 26 MIPS, after all -- but, 
just as with its ~30,000 MIPS customers, it doesn't work if everything is 
frozen at circa 1976.  It's a mixed workload platform with significant 
economies of scale, and that means it should run code you wrote 30 years 
ago alongside code you wrote 5 minutes ago.  What IBM is saying is pretty 
simple, actually: put something "new," anything "new," on your mainframe 
and you will enjoy the best cost-of-ownership (and qualities of service) 
any IT money can buy.  Making your VB.Net programmers more productive (and 
more architecturally sensible) could be your "new."

Probably no surprise (or secret), actually, come to think of it.  But hope 
it helps someone.

What you're probably not going to win is the argument about "primary" 
development platform. Sounds like it's VB.Net in your shop. A VB.Net 
developer is going to take a dim view of someone arguing that *their* next 
line of code ought to be written in COBOL or C on z/OS. It's like asking 
someone to change their brand of cola. But Web Services -- well, that's a 
different story. Now you're actually making their job easier and simpler 
because they don't have to figure out how to write thousands of lines of 
code to recreate that accounting system you already have (for example). If 
they could only plagarize that business function from the comfort and 
convenience of the only development environment they know in the ways 
they're used to working

Oh, one more thing. Ask for help. Go to your friendly IBM rep and say, 
"Let's find out more about a zIAW."  (That stands for zSeries Integration 
Architecture Workshop, also known as a SOA Workshop.)  Your friendly IBM 
rep will go to and figure out what you mean, then 
they'll understand.  See if it makes sense to have a workshop at your 
company.  As it happens the workshop doesn't cost anything except a couple 
days' time.

Good luck!  (Or is it "Lose a bit"? :-))

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Enterprise Softwa

Re: Submitting JCL via FTP

2005-11-29 Thread Hunkeler Peter (KRDO 4)
Make the job submitted via FTP (TESTFTP in your test case) look
like this:

//jobname  JOB
//SYSUT1   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.remote.pds(jobmemb)

This will run the above job on the remote LPAR which in turn
will read and "submit" the remote member "jobmemb" from library
"your.remote.pds" on that remote LPAR.

Peter Hunkeler

Credit Suisse - Information Technology

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Re: Autoswitch across Sysplex's

2005-11-29 Thread Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM
"Ceruti, Gerard G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL 
>  Hi Folks
> I anyone aware of any products that facilitate AutoSwitching of tape drives
> (3490/3590) across Sysplex's ?
> Thanks
> Gerard

1. CA's MIM can do this.
2. Wasn't Autoswitch changed a few years ago to also work accross Sysplexes?


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Re: Autoswitch across Sysplex's

2005-11-29 Thread R.S.

Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM wrote:

"Ceruti, Gerard G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL 

Hi Folks

I anyone aware of any products that facilitate AutoSwitching of tape drives
(3490/3590) across Sysplex's ?


1. CA's MIM can do this.
2. Wasn't Autoswitch changed a few years ago to also work accross Sysplexes?

2. No, Autoswitch was changed, but it still doesn't work across 
sysplexes. It no longer requires IEFAUTOS structure, so in fact it 
requires base sysplex.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: Submitting JCL via FTP

2005-11-29 Thread Didier Lamare
Thank you for your assistance, the function GET is appropriate perfectly,
the more so as we must recover the sysout.

-Message d'origine-
De : IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la
part de John S. Giltner, Jr.
Envoye : mardi 29 novembre 2005 15:00
Objet : Re: Submitting JCL via FTP

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Re: Autoswitch across Sysplex's

2005-11-29 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 15:18:39 +0100, R.S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> 1. CA's MIM can do this.
>> 2. Wasn't Autoswitch changed a few years ago to also work accross Sysplexes?
>2. No, Autoswitch was changed, but it still doesn't work across
>sysplexes. It no longer requires IEFAUTOS structure, so in fact it
>requires base sysplex.

Sorry for the terse answer (I'm on my way to a DR drill), but I'm
pretty sure ATS can work across sysplexes (although I have never
done so) due to the way it checks for the drives being in use.
See the fine manual.

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America and Farmers Insurance Group
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: Autoswitch across Sysplex's

2005-11-29 Thread Mike Wood
Gerard, Further to the other replies, one more I am aware of; IBM Tivoli
Tape Allocation Manager (ATAM) http://www-

Mike Wood   RMM Development
On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 15:33:54 +0200, Ceruti, Gerard G

> Hi Folks
>I anyone aware of any products that facilitate AutoSwitching of tape
>(3490/3590) across Sysplex's ?

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Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Dave Cartwright
Can anyone point me to a table of machine types and the values set by each
in the Store CPUID instruction? I couldn't find it in the archives nor Pop.


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Re: Submitting a JCL via Email

2005-11-29 Thread Marian Gasparovic
Sure, there are situations you can use it. But security is the biggest
concern. Again think about security. An don't forget security issues.

But I did it once for our developers. They were at customer site, no access
to our network. So I created "automated solution". They sent specificaly
(very strict requirements) formatted email to special user with list of
names of stored procedures. It submitted a job, which extracted those
members from libraries, xmited to seq file, zipped and sent to requestor (of
course limited list of requestors). Works fine till now although I left the
company 18 months ago... :)

Oh, did I mention security ?


On 11/29/05, Miklos Szigetvari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Theoretically we can submit a JOB via Email and receive the output via
> reply.
> Has any sense to do this ?
> --
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Re: Autoswitch across Sysplex's

2005-11-29 Thread Witold Scislak

IBM Tivoli Automated Tape Allocation Manager for z/OS

Automated Tape Allocation Manager for z/OS V2.1 directly addresses tape
device availability issues by providing automatic, unattended sharing of
tape resources for optimal use across multiple images. Instead of
dedicating tape devices to a specific image, Automated Tape Allocation
Manager ensures that existing tape drives are available, on demand, for
requests from multiple images. As a result, tape drives can be used at
maximum capacity instead of sitting idle. This helps reduce tape-related
bottlenecks and minimizes the backlog of job requests that require tape

Since your existing tape storage devices can be shared between multiple
images, the result is:

Better return on tape hardware investments
Reduced delays in batch processing
Improved use of existing devices
Less operational overhead


 Witold Scislak,  mobile  +48 601606821
 z/OS Software Support
(The sooner and in more detail you announce bad news, the better)
IBM Poland,

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Re: Submitting JCL via FTP

2005-11-29 Thread John S. Giltner, Jr.
With NJE you can route the output back to the orignal system (/*ROUTE) 
or to any other system that has NJE connectivity.

This all does assume that the remote LPAR is not part of a SYSPLEX and a 
shared JES spool enviroment.  If you are sharing JES spool, then it 
much, much easier.

Didier Lamare wrote:

Thank you for your assistance, the function GET is appropriate perfectly,
the more so as we must recover the sysout.

-Message d'origine-
De : IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la
part de John S. Giltner, Jr.
Envoye : mardi 29 novembre 2005 15:00
Objet : Re: Submitting JCL via FTP

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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Scott Barry
Google search on search string "+stsi +stidp" yielded this


Scott Barry
SBBWorks, Inc.

On 11/29/05, Dave Cartwright wrote:

Can anyone point me to a table of machine types and the values set by each
in the Store CPUID instruction? I couldn't find it in the archives nor Pop.


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Re: trigonometric functions

2005-11-29 Thread john gilmore
Tony said that he used a REXX function to 'build the table' of 360 
integer-degree sine x values (90 would of course have been enough).   He did 
not say that he used REXX to calculate the values of the elements of this 
table, and I suspect that he took them from a table printed in a textbook or 
handbook, which would not have been far to seek.

John Gilmore
Ashland, MA 01721-1817

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

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Re: Submitting a JCL via Email

2005-11-29 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, Marian Gasparovic said:

> Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 16:09:05 +0100
> Sure, there are situations you can use it. But security is the biggest
> concern. Again think about security. An don't forget security issues.
> But I did it once for our developers. They were at customer site, no access
> to our network. So I created "automated solution". They sent specificaly
> (very strict requirements) formatted email to special user with list of
> names of stored procedures. It submitted a job, which extracted those
> members from libraries, xmited to seq file, zipped and sent to requestor (of
> course limited list of requestors). Works fine till now although I left the
> company 18 months ago... :)
> Oh, did I mention security ?
On rereading carefully, I see you did mention security.  But you didn't
mention encryption.  Or digital signatures, unless that's implicit
in "specificaly (very strict requirements) formatted".

-- gil

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Re: Autoswitch across Sysplex's

2005-11-29 Thread Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM
"R.S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM wrote:
> > "Ceruti, Gerard G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED]>...
> > 
> >> Hi Folks
> >>
> >>I anyone aware of any products that facilitate AutoSwitching of tape drives
> >>(3490/3590) across Sysplex's ?
> >>
> >>Thanks
> >>Gerard
> > 
> > 
> > 1. CA's MIM can do this.
> > 2. Wasn't Autoswitch changed a few years ago to also work accross Sysplexes?
> 2. No, Autoswitch was changed, but it still doesn't work across 
> sysplexes. It no longer requires IEFAUTOS structure, so in fact it 
> requires base sysplex.
> -- 


you are right. From the z/OS V1R6.0 HCD Planning:
The ATS STAR design in z/OS R2, with APARs OW51103 and OW50900 installed, 
improves the availability and system management characteristics of the prior 
automatic tape switching function. The ATS STAR design drops the use of the 
IEFAUTOS coupling facility structure and instead uses global resource 
serialization and XCF services to maintain serialization when allocating shared 
tape devices.


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CA-1 to RMM Conversion

2005-11-29 Thread Jim Mooney
Hi James,

IBM converted us a couple of years ago.  They sent us some worksheets to 
assess our environment. I forwarded you a copy in an email.


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Re: Is there a JES3 equivalent to SEGMENT= in JES2?

2005-11-29 Thread Tom Schmidt
On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 20:34:44 -0800, Edward E. Jaffe wrote:

>Larre Shiller wrote:
>>Take a look at the THRESHLD parameters of the OUTPUT JCL and the
>>JES3 //*FORMAT PR statements.
>SEGMENT dices up a report as it's being created. THRESHLD dices up a
>report as it's being printed. Both cause the report to "break" at an
>arbitrary point, based on number of lines written. My approach has
>always been to give the application control over where the report breaks
>using the SETPRT macro.

Actually, JES2's SEGMENT support is based on the number of PAGES, which in
turn are based strictly on skips to channel 1, while the JES3 THRESHLD
support is based on the number of LINES.  Presumably JES2 output that has
LINECT=0 specified (somewhere) would result in no SEGMENTs produced,
whereas JES3 is more difficult to confuse (in that aspect, at least).

Tom Schmidt
Madison, WI

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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Chase, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Scott Barry
> Google search on search string "+stsi +stidp" 
> yielded this link:

... which my "workstation" running MS IE6 renders thus:";>"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">

IBM Mainframe Server processor version codes and SRM

LE version

2005-11-29 Thread Jon Brock
Tomorrow I have a meeting about installing a product that requires "IBM 
Language Environment 2.10 or later."  We are running z/OS 1.4, and the version 
of LE is 1.4.0.  Since I can already see this question coming tomorrow morning, 
I'm going to ask this just to cover my bases: "Is the 1.4.0 version of LE more 
current than the 2.10 version?"  


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Re: LE version

2005-11-29 Thread Mark Jacobs
On Tuesday 29 November 2005 01:24 pm, Jon Brock wrote:
>   Tomorrow I have a meeting about installing a product that requires "IBM
> Language Environment 2.10 or later."  We are running z/OS 1.4, and the
> version of LE is 1.4.0.  Since I can already see this question coming
> tomorrow morning, I'm going to ask this just to cover my bases: "Is the
> 1.4.0 version of LE more current than the 2.10 version?"
> Thanks,
> Jon
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
> Search the archives at
Yes. LE 2.10 shipped with OS/390 2.10.

Mark Jacobs
Technical Services
Time Customer Service, Tampa FL
Time Warner

Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy ... [sic] 
censorship. When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to 
say to its subjects, 'This you may not read, this you must not see, this you 
are forbidden to know,' the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter 
how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose 
mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free 
man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not 
anything —you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.

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Re: LE version

2005-11-29 Thread Jon Brock
Thanks.  I was pretty sure of it, but I wanted to head that question off when 
it was asked.


Yes. LE 2.10 shipped with OS/390 2.10.

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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Charles Mills
I can view it just fine in IE 6.029.

Very useful document,


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Chase, John
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: Machine Type

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Scott Barry
> Google search on search string "+stsi +stidp" 
> yielded this link:

... which my "workstation" running MS IE6 renders thus:

Re: LE version

2005-11-29 Thread Charles Mills
2.10 is OS/390 2.10, I would guess, so the answer would be yes.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Jon Brock
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:25 PM
Subject: LE version

Tomorrow I have a meeting about installing a product that requires
"IBM Language Environment 2.10 or later."  We are running z/OS 1.4, and the
version of LE is 1.4.0.  Since I can already see this question coming
tomorrow morning, I'm going to ask this just to cover my bases: "Is the
1.4.0 version of LE more current than the 2.10 version?"  

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Re: Autoswitch across Sysplex's

2005-11-29 Thread R.S.
2. No, Autoswitch was changed, but it still doesn't work across 
sysplexes. It no longer requires IEFAUTOS structure, so in fact it 
requires base sysplex.

It is also possible to use ATS Star (built in z/OS tape sharing in 
sysplex boundary) and manually share the drives with out-of-sysplex systems.

Good for the following scenario:
Production sysplex uses ATS star, rarely tape drives are manually varied 
online on tech system.
It is also possible to use ATS star for some drives, leaving the rest 
under manual control (in fact you can change it dynamically).

Everything above for free (included in bill for z/OS).
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: LE version

2005-11-29 Thread Ted MacNEIL
The vendor should really update their 
documentation to avoid confusion.
2.10 is OS/390 2.10
1.4 is z/OS 1.4

z/OS is more curren than any release of OS/390.

>"Is the 1.4.0 version of LE more current than 
the 2.10 version?"  
Me? A skeptic? I trust you have proof!

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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Farley, Peter x23353
Something wacky with your "workstation" or your network firewall then,
because I get to an IBM page whose title is "Processor version codes and SRM
constants" with a lot of other content.  It looks like you only got the
first 20 or 30 lines of the web page source code.  There's a lot more than
that when I "View Source".


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Machine Type

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Scott Barry
> Google search on search string "+stsi +stidp" 
> yielded this link:

... which my "workstation" running MS IE6 renders thus:";>"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">

IBM Mainframe Server processor version codes and SRM

Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Chase, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Farley, Peter x23353
> Something wacky with your "workstation" or your network 
> firewall then, because I get to an IBM page whose title is 
> "Processor version codes and SRM constants" with a lot of 
> other content.  It looks like you only got the first 20 or 30 
> lines of the web page source code.  There's a lot more than 
> that when I "View Source".

Must be phase of the moon, or something.  I can display the whole page now.


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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 11/29/2005 1:26:14 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Must be  phase of the moon, or something.  I can display the whole page  now.

Run virus scan, worm checker, spyware immediately then format

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Re: Running COBOL under z/os.e

2005-11-29 Thread Hal Merritt
Or, you could use file 730 from the CBT. It is a modified CEEPIPI that
accepts a program name from the parm. 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tom Russell
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: Running COBOL under z/os.e

>Date:Thu, 24 Nov 2005 01:19:28 -0700
>From:"William M. Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fw: Running COBOL under z/os.e

FWIW I have modified the CEEPIPI sample program and tested it on z/OS.e.
Obviously you cannot compile the COBOL program on z/OS.e but you can run
the program object. The program currently loads a hard coded program
but could be modified to fetch any program. If anyone would like a copy
will send it along.

Tom Russell

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Re: Running COBOL under z/os.e

2005-11-29 Thread Hal Merritt
AFAIK, the COBOL compiler is not written in COBOL. 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ed Finnell
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Running COBOL under z/os.e

In a message dated 11/23/2005 3:14:23 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

You may  not run the compiler under z/os.e. The COBOL program must have
been  complied using LE runtimes. There is no restriction found as to
which  compliers may be used. 

Other than the one in the first sentence?

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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Ed Gould

On Nov 29, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Ed Finnell wrote:

In a message dated 11/29/2005 1:26:14 P.M. Central Standard Time,

Must be  phase of the moon, or something.  I can display the whole  
page  now.

Run virus scan, worm checker, spyware immediately then format


Don't forget to run ICKDSF as well:-)


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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Chase, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Ed Gould
> On Nov 29, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Ed Finnell wrote:
> >>>
> > Run virus scan, worm checker, spyware immediately then format 
> > harddrive..;
> Ed,
> Don't forget to run ICKDSF as well:-)

Does ICKDSF run on Wintel (without Hercules)?


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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Kris Johnson
I believe I am getting messages by mistake

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/29/2005 2:24 PM >>>
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Ed Gould
> On Nov 29, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Ed Finnell wrote:
> >>>
> > Run virus scan, worm checker, spyware immediately then format 
> > harddrive..;
> Ed,
> Don't forget to run ICKDSF as well:-)

Does ICKDSF run on Wintel (without Hercules)?


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Re: Machine Type

2005-11-29 Thread Ed Gould

On Nov 29, 2005, at 2:24 PM, Chase, John wrote:

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Ed Gould

On Nov 29, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Ed Finnell wrote:

Run virus scan, worm checker, spyware immediately then format


Don't forget to run ICKDSF as well:-)

Does ICKDSF run on Wintel (without Hercules)?

It runs on VM and who cares about stickin wintel?



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Re: dynamic LPA

2005-11-29 Thread Knutson, Sam
Hi Barbara,

Even before I left ASG TMONMVS used supported interfaces for DYNAMIC LPA
since OS/390 R4 was GA and also DYNAMIC EXITS on releases where those
interfaces are present.  It has support to update the SVC (& ESR) table,
SMF exits, RACF exits and others while doing the load.  He would have to
contact ASG for support but I just used this to quickly reload an
updated copy of IEFUSI and IEFU29 in the last couple weeks without any
difficulty.  It is no longer a must have for SMF exits but it does save
keystrokes.  If I recall it supports a number of exits/modules which are
still not enabled by IBM for DYNAMIC EXITS.  

TMONMVS and the updated exit itself as well as the IBM interfaces are
all suspects because they were found at the scene but if no
documentation was gathered (standalone dump, SVC dumps, logrec, syslog
would all be useful) and it cannot be replicated then they may never

Best Regards,

Sam Knutson, GEICO
Performance and Availability Management
(office)  301.986.3574

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Barbara Nitz
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: dynamic LPA

>We recently attempted to replace our IEFACTRT routine in our production

>platform using TMON..

And how do they do it these days? Do they use the interfaces CSVDYNLPA
and CSVDYNEXIT (or whatever that one's called)? Or do they do it the way
it was done before these interfaces became available - by altering
addresses in MVS control blocks?

>Well, as luck would have it, our system appeared to freeze up. We had 
>been able to do this replace function successfully on our test LPAR.

How did you determine that the iefactrt change was the reason for the
freeze? What exactly does your actrt do? For which types of work (TSO,

>Anyone care to comment on this type of a replacement in dynamic LPA...
>hazards, potential problems?

As long as I have used the MVS commands utilizing the dynamic interfaces
I never had any problem (other than code problems in the exit itself -
which has nothing to do with how they were loaded/defined). It took me
some time, though, to really understand the relationship between
sys.iefactrt, sysstc.iefactrt, systso.iefactrt and sysjes.iefactrt and
how that interacts with the module that gets called for each dynamic

Regards, Barbara Nitz

Telefonieren Sie schon oder sparen Sie noch?
NEU: GMX Phone_Flat

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2005-11-29 Thread Alan Schwartz
I think IBM's lawyers took a long Thanksgiving holiday.  Let's see if you 
see what we see.

Go to Servicelink and on the right should be a link to the latest IBMLink 
news.  Click on this and we see the latest entry is titled "TESTE".  View 
this puppy.  Someone in corporate land has a sense of humor.

Alan Schwartz
Assurant Shared Business Services
Lead Systems Programmer
Phone:  651-361-4758
Fax:   651-361-5625
This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally 
privileged and/or confidential information intended solely for the use of the 
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forwarding or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly 
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sender immediately and delete this message and all copies and backups thereof.

Thank you.

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2005-11-29 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alan Schwartz
> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:23 PM
> Subject: IBMLINK News
> I think IBM's lawyers took a long Thanksgiving holiday.  
> Let's see if you 
> see what we see.
> Go to Servicelink and on the right should be a link to the 
> latest IBMLink 
> news.  Click on this and we see the latest entry is titled 
> "TESTE".  View 
> this puppy.  Someone in corporate land has a sense of humor.
> Alan Schwartz

Somebody is gonna catch "the theological place of etnernal damnation" if
AOL and/or Time-Warner see that.

too true, however. Maybe I can figure out a way to skin off some of that
virtual cash?!?

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
UICI Insurance Center
Information Technology

This message (including any attachments) contains confidential
information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and its'
content is protected by law.  If you are not the intended recipient, you
should delete this message and are hereby notified that any disclosure,
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based on it, is strictly prohibited.

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2005-11-29 Thread Pope, Lynette
Very nice.  It's good to know that a sense of humor survives.  Let's
just hope that the author doesn't get fired or reassigned when the
muckity-mucks find out.   (they love to throw their weight around just
because they can) 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alan Schwartz
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: IBMLINK News

I think IBM's lawyers took a long Thanksgiving holiday.  Let's see if
you see what we see.

Go to Servicelink and on the right should be a link to the latest
IBMLink news.  Click on this and we see the latest entry is titled
"TESTE".  View this puppy.  Someone in corporate land has a sense of

Alan Schwartz
Assurant Shared Business Services
Lead Systems Programmer
Phone:  651-361-4758
Fax:   651-361-5625

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legally privileged and/or confidential information intended solely for
the use of the addressee(s). If the reader of this message is not the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading,
dissemination, distribution, copying, forwarding or other use of this
message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
this message and all copies and backups thereof.

Thank you.


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2005-11-29 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
You can bet someone is on vacation still. ;-). I am still waiting for
the acquisition of GM.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of McKown, John
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: IBMLINK News

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alan Schwartz
> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:23 PM
> Subject: IBMLINK News
> I think IBM's lawyers took a long Thanksgiving holiday.
> Let's see if you 
> see what we see.
> Go to Servicelink and on the right should be a link to the
> latest IBMLink 
> news.  Click on this and we see the latest entry is titled 
> "TESTE".  View 
> this puppy.  Someone in corporate land has a sense of humor.
> Alan Schwartz

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2005-11-29 Thread Raymond Noal

Can you post the final destination URL? When I go to Service link and
click on Latest news, there is no entry for 'TESTE".



Raymond E. Noal
Lab Manager, San Diego Facility
Office: (858) 537 - 3268
Cell:   (858) 248 - 1172

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alan Schwartz
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: IBMLINK News

I think IBM's lawyers took a long Thanksgiving holiday.  Let's see if
see what we see.

Go to Servicelink and on the right should be a link to the latest
news.  Click on this and we see the latest entry is titled "TESTE".
this puppy.  Someone in corporate land has a sense of humor.

Alan Schwartz
Assurant Shared Business Services
Lead Systems Programmer
Phone:  651-361-4758
Fax:   651-361-5625

This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain
legally privileged and/or confidential information intended solely for
the use of the addressee(s). If the reader of this message is not the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading,
dissemination, distribution, copying, forwarding or other use of this
message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
this message and all copies and backups thereof.

Thank you.


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2005-11-29 Thread Richard Crook
And somebody else must be reading this list. It now says "News is currently


  Alan Schwartz 
  SURANT.COM>  cc:  
  Sent by: IBM Subject:  IBMLINK News   
  Discussion List   


  30/11/2005 10:22  
  Please respond to 
  IBM Mainframe 
  Discussion List   



I think IBM's lawyers took a long Thanksgiving holiday.  Let's see if you
see what we see.

Go to Servicelink and on the right should be a link to the latest IBMLink
news.  Click on this and we see the latest entry is titled "TESTE".  View
this puppy.  Someone in corporate land has a sense of humor.

Alan Schwartz
Assurant Shared Business Services
Lead Systems Programmer
Phone:  651-361-4758
Fax:   651-361-5625

The contents of this e-mail are confidential. If you have received this
communication by mistake, please advise the sender immediately and delete
the message and any attachments.
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Westpac Banking Corporation, ABN 33 007 457 141, is incorporated in

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IDC3009I Return Code 18, Reason Code 12 for IDCAMS ALTER with security-related parameters (READPW, ...)

2005-11-29 Thread Knutson, Sam

Let me SHARE a little pain and maybe save you some. 

We are currently in the process of upgrading from 1.4 to 1.6.  On   
the 1.6 system we hit the following problem.

 READPW(   )

This works just fine on z/OS R4. 

 READPW(   )

It turns out the new message is documented in the z/os V1.7 MVS System
Messages Vol 6.  

12  Explanation: An attempt to alter a data set's security  
information was rejected. Security information is no
longer supported in catalogs.   
Programmer Response: Remove the security-related
ATTEMPTS, CODE, AUTHORIZATION) and retry the alter  

Apparently the loophole for allowing these to pass is closed at z/OS R5
for IDCAMS ALTER.  Starting from that
release, those unsupported parms will lead to IDC3009I RC18 RSN12.  

As far as the DEFINE goes, the same job that gets the IDC3009I
when it tries to ALTER the READPW, is able to successfully DELETE   
and then DEFINE the same data set, with all of the PW() parameters  
specified.  The last few lines of the DEFINE CLUSTER command and
the resulting messages from the job are:
MASTERPW(  )   -   
UPDATEPW(  )   -
READPW(   )-
CISZ(4096) )

It looks like the cleanup is not complete but Level 2 indicated that
some cases like a DEFINE NONVSAM would fail and that we could expect all
the others to fail at some point in the future.

We could only find references to this back in the OS/390 R9 migration
guide.  The parameters have been obsolete for a long time and we should
have been more diligent about getting them removed from all jobs after
RACF was implemented to replace Top Secret in the early 90's but a very
few instances linger.

If you are upgrading from z/OS R4 consider to run scans against all your
SYSIN libraries looking for the security-related parameters (READPW,


2005-11-29 Thread David Kreiss
I don't think I'd have put my name in the Owner meta data of the page.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Fletcher, Kevin
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: IBMLINK News

You can bet someone is on vacation still. ;-). I am still waiting for
the acquisition of GM.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of McKown, John
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: IBMLINK News

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alan Schwartz
> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:23 PM
> Subject: IBMLINK News
> I think IBM's lawyers took a long Thanksgiving holiday.
> Let's see if you 
> see what we see.
> Go to Servicelink and on the right should be a link to the
> latest IBMLink 
> news.  Click on this and we see the latest entry is titled 
> "TESTE".  View 
> this puppy.  Someone in corporate land has a sense of humor.
> Alan Schwartz

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Resource cost of encryption

2005-11-29 Thread Chase, John
Hi, All,

Have any of you implemented SSL over TCPIP (z/OS 1.5 or thereabouts) without
using an ICSF, and obtained any measurements of the additional resources
consumed by computing encryption on "standard" CPU engines?



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2005-11-29 Thread Alan Schwartz
watch for wrapping:
This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally 
privileged and/or confidential information intended solely for the use of the 
addressee(s). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you 
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2005-11-29 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 11/29/2005 4:06:10 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

And  somebody else must be reading this list. It now says "News is  currently

They must be watching their own stupid adds  kaching!

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Re: sftp interactive under uss shell?

2005-11-29 Thread Joel Ivey
Sorry, I should have been more thorough in my first message.

>From my linux workstation, I can sftp all day.  In zOS, I cannot establish
an sftp session in what the zOS Ported Tools manual calls "interactive mode"
under the uss shell.  (sftp can not be executed under OMVS, according to the
error message stating so when that attempt is made.)  My question is simply
how do I enter into this "interactive mode" with sftp (ssh) using the uss
shell?   I need to be prompted for a password under zOS as in Linux.

Note the differences in the debug log between my linux ws and zOS...


debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug3: start over, passed a different list publickey,password
debug3: preferred publickey,keyboard-interactive,password
debug3: authmethod_lookup publickey
debug3: remaining preferred: keyboard-interactive,password
debug3: authmethod_is_enabled publickey
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Trying private key: /home/bubbajoe/.ssh/id_rsa
debug3: no such identity: /home/bubbajoe/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Trying private key: /home/bubbajoe/.ssh/id_dsa
debug3: no such identity: /home/bubbajoe/.ssh/id_dsa
debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method
debug3: authmethod_lookup password
debug3: remaining preferred: ,password
debug3: authmethod_is_enabled password
debug1: Next authentication method: password
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:


zOS under USS shell:

debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password.
debug3: start over, passed a different list publickey,password.
debug3: preferred publickey,keyboard-interactive,password.
debug3: authmethod_lookup publickey.
debug3: remaining preferred: keyboard-interactive,password.
debug3: authmethod_is_enabled publickey.
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey.
debug1: Trying private key: /SSHROOT/jivey/.ssh/id_rsa.
debug3: no such identity: /SSHROOT/jivey/.ssh/id_rsa.
debug1: Trying private key: /SSHROOT/jivey/.ssh/id_dsa.
debug3: no such identity: /SSHROOT/jivey/.ssh/id_dsa.
debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method.
debug3: authmethod_lookup password.
debug3: remaining preferred: ,password.
debug3: authmethod_is_enabled password.
debug1: Next authentication method: password.
debug3: packet_send2: adding 64 (len 52 padlen 12 extra_pad 64).
debug2: we sent a password packet, wait for reply.
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password.
Permission denied, please try again..
debug3: packet_send2: adding 64 (len 52 padlen 12 extra_pad 64).
debug2: we sent a password packet, wait for reply.
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey.
debug3: start over, passed a different list publickey.
debug3: preferred publickey,keyboard-interactive,password.
debug3: authmethod_lookup publickey.
debug3: remaining preferred: keyboard-interactive,password.
debug1: No more authentication methods to try..
Permission denied (publickey)..
Connection closed.

NOTE WE DO NOT RECEIVE A PASSWORD PROMPT, yet it appears a password is being
sent, hence no "interactive mode".   How do I enter a password on zOS
without it being interactive??

SC Employment Security Commission

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Re: IDC3009I Return Code 18,Reason Code 12 for IDCAMS ALTER with security-related parameters(READPW, ...)

2005-11-29 Thread Mark Thomen
"Knutson, Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Let me SHARE a little pain and maybe save you some.
> We are currently in the process of upgrading from 1.4 to 1.6.  On
> the 1.6 system we hit the following problem.
>  READPW(   )
> This works just fine on z/OS R4.
>  READPW(   )
> It turns out the new message is documented in the z/os V1.7 MVS System
> Messages Vol 6.
> 12  Explanation: An attempt to alter a data set's security
> information was rejected. Security information is no
> longer supported in catalogs.
> Programmer Response: Remove the security-related
> ATTEMPTS, CODE, AUTHORIZATION) and retry the alter
> request.
> Apparently the loophole for allowing these to pass is closed at z/OS R5
> for IDCAMS ALTER.  Starting from that
> release, those unsupported parms will lead to IDC3009I RC18 RSN12.

We were gradually removing the code in each new release, but honoring
requests to extract the data because down-level systems could be still
using the passwords (i.e. systems sharing the same catalog).  As of
HDZ11H0, the code was removed and security information is no longer kept in
the catalog records.

Mark Thomen
Catalog/IDCAMS/VSAM Development
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Re: Resource cost of encryption

2005-11-29 Thread Timothy Sipples
John Chase wrote:
>Have any of you implemented SSL over TCPIP (z/OS 1.5 or thereabouts) 
>using an ICSF, and obtained any measurements of the additional resources
>consumed by computing encryption on "standard" CPU engines?

Yes, but bear in mind there are a lot of variables you'll need to know in 
order to get a good forecast.  Some examples:

1.  Protocol(s) (HTTPS, SFTP, TN3270E, etc.)
2.  Network load (# of handshakes and megabytes transferred per unit time, 
3.  SSL/TLS algorithm(s) and key lengths used -- and whether it's "clear 
key" or not.
4.  Model mainframe.
5.  Whether or not you have CryptoExpress cards, and which ones. (Not in 
your case.)
6.  Whether you're depending on z/OS-supplied algorithms (i.e. ICSF) or 
some other set of crypto libraries.
7.  Operating system (z/OS, Linux, etc.)
8.  Whether there's other encryption going on already -- could the CPACF 
facilities be saturated?

Note that z/OS 1.7 throws another variable into the mix because it has 
TCP/IP stack-level encryption as something you can use even if the 
original application doesn't directly support network encryption.  The 
model mainframe matters because CPACF (CP Assist) can give a boost to 
certain algorithms.  The variety of algorithms and the amount of boost 
will vary according to your mainframe model, with the System z9-109 
obviously being king of the hill.

You could ask your friendly IBM or business partner representative to run 
a SIZE390 estimate based on your variables.  You can also ask them for 
some "What if?" analysis (e.g. whether a CryptoExpress card be worthwhile, 
for example).

Hope that helps.

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
IBM Americas zSeries/z9 Software
Phone: +1 312 529 1612

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Re: CA-1 to RMM Conversion

2005-11-29 Thread James Smith
Thanks to all who responded.  The feedback and comments have been very
useful and raised issues which may otherwise have been omitted.  

Jim S

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Jim Mooney
Sent: 30 November 2005 00:22
Subject: CA-1 to RMM Conversion

Hi James,

IBM converted us a couple of years ago.  They sent us some worksheets to 
assess our environment. I forwarded you a copy in an email.


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Re: LE version

2005-11-29 Thread Timothy Sipples
There's a pretty good history of Language Environment releases here if you 
need proof:

You could check FMIDs to be sure you've got the right release level.  z/OS 
1.4's LE has an FMID of HLE7707, and OS/390 2.10's LE is HLE7703 (same 
FMID as z/OS 1.1).  I agree with the comment about the documentation 
you've found needing to be updated.  If they put something like "OS/390 
V2R10 Language Environment or z/OS Language Environment" in their 
documentation it'd be more understandable.  Or simply "IBM Language 
Environment for z/OS."

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
IBM Americas zSeries/z9 Software
Phone: +1 312 529 1612

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Re: Using symbolic in JCL

2005-11-29 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 11/28/2005
   at 11:29 AM, Peter Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Symbols may be used in started tasks and started jobs,

Don't forget APPC and TSU.

>but not batch jobs.

What about &SYSUID?
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: trigonometric functions

2005-11-29 Thread Arthur T.
On 29 Nov 2005 07:18:33 -0800, in 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (john gilmore) wrote:

Tony said that he used a REXX function to 'build the 
table' of 360 integer-degree sine x values (90 would of 
course have been enough).   He did not say that he used 
REXX to calculate the values of the elements of this 
table, and I suspect that he took them from a table 
printed in a textbook or handbook, which would not have 
been far to seek.

 I never saw the message to which you're 
responding.  However, there are several packages out there 
to compute trig functions.  One written entirely in REXX is 
RXXMATH, made freely availably by John Brock.  Google on 
that and you'll get it. 

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Re: IDC3009I Return Code 18,Reason Code 12 for IDCAMS ALTER with

2005-11-29 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, Mark Thomen said:

> Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 15:31:34 -0800
> "Knutson, Sam" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> news:<[log in to unmask]>...
> >
> > It turns out the new message is documented in the z/os V1.7 MVS System
> > Messages Vol 6.
> >
> > 12  Explanation: An attempt to alter a data set's security
> > information was rejected. Security information is no
> > longer supported in catalogs.
> > Programmer Response: Remove the security-related
> > ATTEMPTS, CODE, AUTHORIZATION) and retry the alter
> > request.
> >
> >
> > Apparently the loophole for allowing these to pass is closed at z/OS R5
> > for IDCAMS ALTER.  Starting from that
> > release, those unsupported parms will lead to IDC3009I RC18 RSN12.
> We were gradually removing the code in each new release, but honoring
> requests to extract the data because down-level systems could be still
> using the passwords (i.e. systems sharing the same catalog).  As of
> HDZ11H0, the code was removed and security information is no longer kept in
> the catalog records.
Good, however belated.  READPW (if I guess its meaning as an extract
function) should never have existed.

o No secure system should _ever_ disclose a password to someone not
  authorized to access the object it protects.

o Anyone not knowing the password is presumed not to be so authorized.
  "I forgot" is no excuse.

-- gil

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Re: trigonometric functions

2005-11-29 Thread Mark L. Wheeler
I posted various REXX trig functions on the old VMSHARE system back in '95.
They're still available at

Mark Wheeler, 3M Company

 "Arthur T."   
 Y.NET> To 
 Mainframe  cc 
 Discussion List   
 .EDU> Re: trigonometric functions 
 11/29/2005 07:27  
 Please respond to 
   IBM Mainframe   
  Discussion List  

On 29 Nov 2005 07:18:33 -0800, in
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (john gilmore) wrote:

>Tony said that he used a REXX function to 'build the
>table' of 360 integer-degree sine x values (90 would of
>course have been enough).   He did not say that he used
>REXX to calculate the values of the elements of this
>table, and I suspect that he took them from a table
>printed in a textbook or handbook, which would not have
>been far to seek.

  I never saw the message to which you're
responding.  However, there are several packages out there
to compute trig functions.  One written entirely in REXX is
RXXMATH, made freely availably by John Brock.  Google on
that and you'll get it.

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Re: Is there a JES3 equivalent to SEGMENT= in JES2?

2005-11-29 Thread Hunkeler Peter (KRDO 4)
>Actually, JES2's SEGMENT support is based on the number of PAGES, which
>turn are based strictly on skips to channel 1, while the JES3 THRESHLD
>support is based on the number of LINES.  Presumably JES2 output that
>LINECT=0 specified (somewhere) would result in no SEGMENTs produced,
>whereas JES3 is more difficult to confuse (in that aspect, at least).

As far as I have learnt now, JES3 will only split groups of SYSOUT data 
sets so that the group total does not exceed the threshold. It does 
not split one single large data set into multiple chunks.  The latter
wouldn't make sense anyway, since the threshold is defined as a number
of records not pages (i.e. skip-to-channel-one).

Peter Hunkeler

Credit Suisse - Information Technology

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Re: IDC3009I Return Code 18,Reason Code 12 for IDCAMS ALTER with

2005-11-29 Thread Hunkeler Peter (KRDO 4)
Please, RTFM before accusing the system to be insecure. ALTER 
changes catalog entries, LISTCAT retrieves information. READPW()
sets (or has set) a password that allows opening the data set in
read-only mode. There are/have been passwords for other levels
of access.

Peter Hunkeler

Credit Suisse - Information Technology

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