Re: Differences in IEFTMS7 and IEFTMS8

2008-11-11 Thread John Giltner
You remember correctly, those messages have been with the product since 
UCC1 days.

Linda Mooney wrote:
If I remember correctly (and I don't remember if I do ;-),  this may have been with the product since UCC1 days.  Anyway, (and this I definitely remember), years ago we used to run without any UPS whatsoever, not in any form.  We took hard power hits fairly often and the machine would forget what time it was.  There was more than once that these messages reminded some flustered (or green)operator that they should have set the TOD.  In those days we IPL'ed at least once a week on a planned basis, too.  IEFTMS8 is a WTOR, the others are just WTOs.  

This code was again useful for those shops that set their TOD forward for Y2K testing.  Good safety net on the way back.  

The only usefulness we find for it now is as confirmation that TMS is up.  We 
don't IPL very often anymore either, but I know some who still IPL weekly.

Linda Mooney

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Re: Measuring performance with job elapsed time

2008-11-10 Thread John Giltner

Roded Bahat wrote:

We're rewriting a batch application to work with more than one task as
it does now.
The basic idea is to divide the work needed to be done into 2 or more
different tasks in order to allow parallel processing and decrease the
job's elapsed running time.

The improvement we're expecting to see is a decrease in the elapsed
time. The CPU will most likely not change much as the amount of work
being done remains the same (except maybe for the task managing

Does anyone have any idea of how I could accurately and empirically
measure the performance gain in a situation such as this?
Unfortunately, we don't have a sterile environment to produce the
before and after elapsed time and conclude the gained performance
percentage from that.

Thanks a lot,

You can't use elapsed time.  Even running the same job over and over 
again you will get different elapsed time.

In fact it is possible that nothing will change.  If both jobs are 
competing for the same resources (data?) then they could hold each other 
up enough to make no change in elapsed time.

It would probably better to attempt to tune the application or the 

It all depends on what the job is doing.

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Re: Comparing Mainframe and Windows Server CICS Transactions per kWh

2008-10-30 Thread John Giltner

Fred Schmidt wrote:

The latest z/Journal has a study by Microsoft comparing Windows against
the mainframe in terms of electrical power usage for CICS web-based
applications. It claims that Windows is many times more efficient. 

You can find the PDF document at 


Well, some of this has been stated by others:

They never ran on a real 2094-704.  They assumed the transaction rate 
based on using a specific test set of LSPR tests.

They assumed that somebody would actually run a distributed Intel based 
Windows box a 84+% busy the majority of the time.  Most Windows server 
guys I talk to start looking at adding new servers once they get above 
any extended time period running at 30-40% busy (extended being more 
than 1 or 2 hours).  This would mean 2-3 of the distributed servers to 
run the same level of workload at the 30-40% busy level.

I don't know where the got the 5,221 watts from, because the paper they 
reference showing the z9 power consumption showed 3,916 watts for a 

They don't talk about what happens if you need to support a workload 
greater than the test environment could handle, or greater than the 
extrapolated z9 workload could handle.  From the z/9 power paper a 
2094-716 uses 5,920 and had 3x the throughput.

I doubt if the Prime system could be upgraded enough to handle 3x the 
throughput, so you would need to add more distributed boxes and then add 
equipment to do the load balancing between those servers.  Then if they 
are like most distrusted environments, 1 or 2 extra servers just in case 
one of the other ones fail.

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Re: Using RACF for Single Signon ( logon )

2008-10-17 Thread John Giltner
As Rich Smrcina said, this can be accomplished by using LDAP.  For OS 
that support using NIS servers (Unix/Linux), you can even use LDAP on 
z/OS as a NIS server, thus you don't even have to add users to the local 
security database.

In addition to politics you may also run into password length problems. 
 Our distributed guys want 16 character passwords at a minimum.  They 
feel that 6 characters is too short (our current RACF minumum), even 
with a 4 tries and your revoked.

Marvin Lukasik wrote:

In thinking about uses for the mainframe to extend its life, one that came to
mind is using RACF as a password server so users need only a single password
to logon into the many systems they must access. Like most shops today,
we have a multitude of Microsoft  Unix servers, each having different
security and hence, different passwords. We have reviewed many offerings
from vendors and most ( if not all ) completely ignore the mainframe and
are ENORMOUSLY expensive. Also, their performance was disappointing
and their systems were buggy. I would be interested in hearing comments
about anyone who has heard of a RACF-based product or written something
of their own to accomplish this. Also comments about the general feasability
and difficulty of such an endeavor would be welcome. To do this relatively
inexpensively on the mainframe would be quite a coup for an 'obsolete' 

Marv Lukasik
Systems Programmer
Carle Clinic Association  

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2008-10-15 Thread John Giltner

Look for RACF messages at the same time for the same userid.  Could be that:

  userid is not valid
  password is wrong
  userid and password is correct, but userid is not authorized to 
access  DB2.

MVSGuy wrote:

I'm getting a security error when accessing DB2 9.1 from DB2 connect
on the PC -
db2 = connect to [mainframe] user [userid] USING [password]
SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason 15 (PROCESSING

The mainframe spits out the following message -
AUTHID=[userid], REASON=00F30013

How can I tell what is causing the error?


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Re: Simple VTAM-Question?

2008-10-15 Thread John Giltner
Look up the MODIFY NET,TABLE command in the SNA Operation.  I think it 
is something like:

 F NET,TABLE,NEWTAB=tablename,OLDTAB=tablename

but it has been a long time since I had to use it.

Michael Knigge wrote:


I've modified my VTAM Logon Screen and now want to activate it. Is 
this possible without an IPL? I guess I have to do a F LLA,REFRESH and 
then to restart the TN3270-Server. But what do I have to do for the 
real 3270-Terminals? Restart VTAM? How?

Thank you - guess it is a simple question for VTAM-Guys but I'm pretty 
new in this area


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Re: dynamically generating Netview global variable names

2008-08-26 Thread John Giltner
Here is code that I use to check and set global variable that uses 
dynamic variable:

/* Display and Set Global Variable */
SAY 'Old value of 'MSGVAR(1)' is ' VALUE(MSGVAR(1)) ' and will be MSGVAR(2)

The REXX EXEC is used like:


I know I have done this in NetView CLIST also, but I just can't find the 
clist where I do this.

Barkow, Eileen wrote:

Would anyone know if there is a way to dynamically set the name of
Netview global variables.

i tried in both Netview clist and Rexx languages but cannot get what i






  results in global variable named PNAME but i really want the global
name to be the value ABC 

CGLOBAL PNAME is not allowed.


with rex GLOBALV :







 the above is allowd and looks like it works but does not put any
variable named ABC



'GLOBALV DEFC TNAME' will put a variable named TNAME with value ABC

'GLOBALV DEFC TNAME' is not allowed. 


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Re: TSO PING command

2008-08-13 Thread John Giltner

Look at what you posted, you are missing the paren before the options:

  ping (TCP TCPIP

Mohd Shahrifuddin wrote:

Dear all,

Try this command PING XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX TCP TCPIP follow from the manual 
get this error:

EZZ3109I Extraneous parameter TCP.

We in z/OS 1.4.

Below is command from the manual.



  │ └─(─┤ Option ├──┘ │
  ├─ Help─┤
  └─ ?┘

│  └─ipv6─┘│
│   ┌─1┐   │
│   └─echo─┘   │
├─Intf interface───┤
│┌─256───┐ │
│└─bytes─┘ │
├─Srcip srcip──┤
├─TCP tcpname──┤
│ ┌─10──┐  │
Thanks in advance.

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Re: IBM's financial results ?

2008-08-09 Thread John Giltner

Anton Britz wrote:


Just to get all these Wandering minds on to something more productive :

How do you think IBM keeps their financial results so rosy ?

All the other vendors have annouced buy backs ex. Dell/Sun etc but IBM still 
announced fantastic results.

Something smells fishy some where..


Maybe it what their business, or businesses, is.

IBM sells a wide variety of servers, tape systems, disk/dasd/SAN 
systems, software.  In addition to that they do outsourcing, managed 
services, and consulting services.

Sun has almost as wide variety of hardware as IBM, but I don't think 
they have nearly as wide of variety of software and other services.

Dell is basically desktop, laptop, and servers.  They have some other 
products but they are a minor player in those products and I don't think 
they account for a lot of sales.  I mean when you go to buy a TV, do you 
think Dell?  For the most part they sell  PC's.  I would say that a lot 
of their customers are home and small business customers.  When the 
economy either seems or is having problems, those are the customers that 
stop buying first.

I think the wider variety of products/services you offer the better off 
you can survive varying economic conditions.

Think about it.  If you have a store that sells 2 different things, a 
store that sells 5 different things, and a store that sells 20 different 
things.  Which one will most likely do good the majority of the time?

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Re: Can I tell whether a site is Linux on z

2008-08-04 Thread John Giltner
Well if this is the same company, it seems that some of the company runs
SUSE Linux on Intel/AMD and zSeries along with some other OS on zSeries. 
They don't mention what the other OS is.

The software that they use HAFAS is avaliable for IBM Mainframes:

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Re: Can I tell whether a site is Linux on z

2008-08-04 Thread John Giltner
After re-looking at it, I don't think it is Linux at all.

If you go you will see you are re-directed to:

Notice the query.exe.I would say off hand that this is a Windows box. 
However, they could be running Wine under Linux or just doing the .exe to
throw people off.

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Re: z/OS BIND9 DNS Vulnerable to Cache Poisoning Attack Problem?

2008-08-04 Thread John Giltner

Edward Jaffe wrote:

John Giltner wrote:

Edward Jaffe wrote:

Is z/OS vulnerable? If not, why not? If so, what is the fixing APAR?

It might be, but the way I am reading the information about the 
vulnerability you have to have your DNS server setup for recursion.  
Do you have your z/OS based DNS server(s) setup for recursion?

Recursion is the norm for DNS. I've never seen a DNS set up any other way.

It's been my experience that most DNS servers for private companies are 
setup to forward to DNS servers that thier ISP provides.  That way they 
rely on their ISP's DNS server's cache and do one query instead of going 
from the root dns servers, to the next level, to the next level, and so on.

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Re: Any way to make printer continue after an error?

2008-06-03 Thread John Giltner

Rick Stetser wrote:
I have a developer asking if there is any way to cause a printer to continue 
printing after encountering an error such as a missing page segment or a 
missing font.  He says why should that kind of error be a complete show 
stopper such that any subsequent documents in the same output stream don't 
print.  Has anyone else been asked this and is there any way to make this 
happen?  We are z/OS 1.7 using IP Printway with laser printers (HP 4200, etc).

Any suggestions are appreciated.  Thank you.

Since the HP 4200 is a distributed (PC/LAN) printer I would say that 
IP Printway has no say in the matter.  I don't even think that IP 
Printway gets back an error at all.

I know with the distributed printers we have the only thing IP Printway 
knows is that it has sent the full document.  Just like printing from 
Windows to a PC/LAN based printer, all Windows knows is that the 
complete job was sent.  If you turn the printer off during while it is 
printing, but after the complete job has been sent to the printer, 
Windows (or IP Printway) has no clue and assumes the complete job has 
been printed.

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Re: MULC availability

2008-04-25 Thread John Giltner
We are still under MULC and we are on z990's.  I know when we upgraded 
from z900 we looked at both z990 and z9 and we were still going to be 
allowed to do MULC on the z9 if we had gone with a pair of those.

Rob Wunderlich wrote:
We asked our IBM Business Partner to do a study of PSLC + MULC pricing vs 
WLC on our Z890 machine. We have a number of required big ticket products 
that get almost zero utilization on our machine and we thought it might be a 
useful study. We provided the BP with a list of eligible products from the IBM 
website. We understand we cannot mix MULC with WLM. The response from 
the BP was:

ULC is no longer supported on IBM new processors.
Supported on older processors like 9672's.
ULC has been replaced by sub capacity.

This does not sound correct to me. Can anyone refer me to an source to 
refute this response? Or straighten me out?


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Re: SALC pricing for MQ

2008-04-17 Thread John Giltner

Rob Wunderlich wrote:
We license MQ V5 on MLC for about 2k/month. We have very little MQ 
activity, so we are looking at changing this to SALC (usage based) to save 
money. The quote from IBM for 1 MSU, the lowest band, is 10k/month! This 
doesn't make sense based on our experience with other usage based 
products. We've asked IBM if they mean 10K *annual*, but they have 
confirmed that it's monthly. 

Is there anyone out there who is licensing MQ with SALC who would be willing 
to share thier experience? You can contact me privately. I don't want to poke 
around in anyone's specfic licensing agreements with IBM -- I'm just trying to 
get a reality check on this one quote that doesn't make sense. 

Rob Wunderlich

I am no longer in managment, so I don't sit in the meetings that deal 
with this any more (and that is a good thing), but we last time I was 
invoved we had the same situation. We are running MQ under MLC at 1 MSU 
and paying $2K/month.

When ever IBM told us that we would save money by switching to other 
software licensing options we had them run the numbers and everything, 
but MQ, does go down.  But MQ always goes up and goes up so much that we 
either break even or end up spending more.  IBM is alway surprised by this.

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Re: MVS initiated FTP to Windows

2008-03-18 Thread John Giltner

Hal Merritt wrote:

Not possible with standard Windows because it don't come with a FTP

Yes it does.  You install the Personal Web Services or Server and it 
installed Web Server (IIS), FTP server, and a SMTP server.

Initiation and control of FTP always comes from the client. Therefore,
your z/os job would run as a client (see FTPCDATA) and you'd need a FTP
server on Windows. 

It follows that you'd need logon credentials for the server. Not sure if
it is current information, but once upon a time auditors frowned on
running FTP server software on ordinary desktops. 


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Re: Printing a PDF or PS doc

2008-01-04 Thread John Giltner
If you have IP Printway or something like it you can (I am sure VPS can 
do it).  IP Printway can act like a LPD server and IBM has software 
available on their printer web site for free that allows you to print 
from Windows to the mainframe printer.

You can print PDF document, or from any other application on a PC (Word, 
Excel, Notepad, and so on).

Lindy Mayfield wrote:

That was my first thought.  I've worked in places that have that sort of

The question I got was so bizarre to me, something like: How do I print
a PDF on the mainframe?  When I print it, it comes out with the source
code of the PDF.

One the surface it seems like a reasonable enough question.  In my
wildest imagination I expected the answer to be something like: Yes,
certain IBM printer models have a dual mode of operation and can handle
Postscript.  Just add xyz to the SYSOUT parms on your JCL.  Or even
better: No, sorry.  Send it to a PC printer if you need that. (Like
you said.)  

Or even better than that: Check which model printer you have and read
the fine manual.  Some do, some don't.   

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Patrick Falcone
Sent: 4. tammikuuta 2008 14:39
Subject: Re: Printing a PDF or PS doc

Yes, I don't know all the particulars but our support group's LAN had a
mainframe attached printer, IBM IP 1140, defined to it to do just what
you are asking. I'm sure someone will chime in with more definitive
setup requirements.
Lindy Mayfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I was asked this question and I have to admit I am so clueless I'm not
even sure how to google it.

Is it possible to print PDF's or PS documents on a mainframe printer?


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Re: OT: For the History buff's an IBM 5150 pc

2008-01-01 Thread John Giltner

Ed Gould wrote: 

This represents itself to be the first PC ever. I do not know if this is 
true or not. You can make up your own mind.


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Re: Forcing a userid and password prompt on session connect

2007-12-10 Thread John Giltner
On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 02:19:23 -0600, Support, DUNNIT SYSTEMS LTD.

To John, I think I mentioned earlier on that SSL is not what we're looking for
because our goal here is to place a sentry on the Flex-Es box's Telnet port
23 and not allow anyone to pass without a valid ID and password. Encrypting
3270 datastreams is what SSL does, from my understanding, which is not
what we're tackling here. In addition, we have tentative circumstances that
prevent us from implementing SSL for the short term.

Sorry, I missed the part about not wanting to do SSL.  Yes, SSL will encrypt
the data streams.

However, if you are going to have a non-z/OS based sentry, won't this slow
things down?  This sentry sounds like a proxy server running under
Flex-ES, that will prompt the user for their user-id and password, validate
it, and then start passing the traffic between the client and server.

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Re: Forcing a userid and password prompt on session connect

2007-12-09 Thread John Giltner

Support, DUNNIT SYSTEMS LTD. wrote:
Yes, I found the short reference to it in the IP Configuration Guide but I'm not 
sure as to exactly what needs to be changed and where and what the 
consequences are in contrast to our current use of the default USSTAB. 
Helping this knucklehead out appreciated at all times.

We've also contacted IBM about what's involved in us, as PWD members, 
obtaining Netview Access Service (NVAS). Waiting for their response.

We've also got a vendor offering a similar product. Checking. The price would 
have to be very right.


On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 14:20:57 +, Jim McAlpine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Did you check out the Telnet Solicitor.

Have you looked at TN3270 with SSL?  IRRC you can setup the TN3270 
server to require client side certificates.  All you need to a TN3270 
client that supports client side certificates.

If properly setup on the client side, it should verify who is logged on 
to the PC.  It may not verify who is actually sitting in front of the 
keyboard, but not a whole lot can verify that.

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Re: Any details on this migration

2006-04-07 Thread John Giltner
On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 14:38:10 -0300, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 04/05/2006
   at 09:10 PM, John S. Giltner, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Our director point to this as see it's possible to migrate a large
scale applications off of a IBM mainframe and save money.

It's also possible to migrate off of the mainframe and lose a lot of
money. Some analysis up front might save some grief down the road.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

I agree 100% and I have been trying to tell them that in the end we will be
spending much more money, but after two teams of conslutants have looked at
our system they say we will save money.  Of course both teams of conslutants
are biding to help us re-write and migrate.

Some of our board members have the idea that mainframe = expesnive and open
systems (Intel) = cheap.  They have all had project to migrate some of
their applicatons off of mainframe, but they all are still running all of
their core applications on mainframes and their applications depend on the
data that we provide them.

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Any details on this migration

2006-04-05 Thread John Giltner
Does anybody have any details on the size of the IBM mainframe that was
replaced in this migration?

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Re: TCP/IP and CMC?

2005-08-06 Thread John Giltner
On Fri, 5 Aug 2005 22:10:20 -0500, Ed Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Aug 5, 2005, at 8:47 PM, John S. Giltner, Jr. wrote:


 Yes you can have a CMC in a TCP/IP envorment.  In fact IBM even
 renamed it to something else NET390.

 It included everything you had in a traditional SNA and APPN CMC along
 with the equalivent TCP/IP server ype functions.

 Oh, CMC = Communications Management Configuration.

 Just search for NET390 on IBM's web site, there are a few PDF's and
 some RedBooks.


Interesting... I will have to figure out how they handle NJE in a TCP

Thanks will look for the manual(s).


For now you can use SNA over IP (a.k.a. TCP62) or Enterprise Extender.  z/OS
1.7 is the last release to support TCP62, however I do beleive that IBM has
announced native NJE over IP support.

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Re: DFHSM...Can it be controlled via RACF?

2005-06-21 Thread John Giltner
You might try giving DFHSM access of NONE to the files you do not want it to

However, IMHO, this would be as much work as updating/maintaining management

Why do you not want to use management classes?

On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 08:26:43 -0500, Daniel Moshief [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We are interested in testing our migration and recall DFSMS exits and wish
for a bullet proof way to make sure that we are only migrating specific
datasets.  Yes, we can alter the management classes to not migrate dataset
other than the ones we want.  But we are seeking some way in which RACF
would fail a migration because DFHSM is unable to catalog/uncatalog
datasets that this DFHSM is not supposed to handle.
We tried giving our DFHSM address space the attributes of a USERID that
only had update access to one specific usercatalog, but that did not work.
DFHSM was able to migrate datasets that the address space only had read
access to that user catalog.
Is there any way of crippling DFHSM to be assured that we only handling
certain datasets without updating an exit or updating management class


Dan Moshief
EMC Corp.

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Re: IBM to Acquire Isogon Corporation

2005-06-16 Thread John Giltner
Sure the heck does.  We've been told that NetView Access Services is
functionally stable and will not be enhanced, that IBM Session Manager was
the way of the future.  However, that was before Candle and Isogon.

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 11:28:12 -0500, Eric Chevalier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Doesn't this purchase now give IBM *four* VTAM session manager offerings?

  * InterSession (from Isogon)
  * SuperSession (from Candle)
  * IBM Session Manager for z/OS (rebranded Macro4 Tubes)
  * NetView Access Services


Eric Chevalier  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is that call really worth your child's life?  HANG UP AND DRIVE!

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Re: Sync A z/OS Clock To An SNTP Time Server?

2005-06-15 Thread John Giltner
z/OS gets it time from TOD.

The TOD gets it time from either an operator or a sysplex timer.

A sysplex timer can be sync'ed with an external time referece, but that is
using special hardware (a modem dialing out) and not SNTPD server on the

On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 14:39:27 -0400, Jim Blalock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks,

I have been asked to look into some sort of automated way to sync a z/OS
clock from Internet time servers.  Syncing either local time (offset) or
the TOD clock (GMT) will be adequate.  We are z/OS 1.4, single image, no
sysplex timer.

I spent some time looking into the SNTPD daemon that came out with z/OS
1.4.  SNTPD only supports being a stratum 1 server (where stratum 0 is a
time reference like an atomic clock or a sysplex timer).  Nowhere does the
(scant) doc say that SNTPD syncs the z/OS clock:  it sounds like IBM
assumes you have a big studly 'plex and the sysplex timer support takes
care of your clock for you.  So, this version of SNTPD looks like a dead end.

If I were asked to write one of these, I know how I'd try to do it;  it
should be easy.  There are tons of little freebie time syncers available
for Windows;  surely there's something for big computers too?

-- Jim Blalock
 z/OS Support, Clemson University
 (864) 656-3680

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Re: Setting the Creation Date for datasets

2005-06-14 Thread John Giltner
Unless I am misunderstood he is creating a MVS file and not a Unix System
Services file, so what attributes is he attempting to keep?

Even if is he ftp'ing to Unix System Services what system attributes will he
be maintaining, other than create date/time?  The owner and group ID's and
permissions will all be different.

If who created is not the same, does it matter when it was actually created?
 From the point of view of an auditor.

On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 14:20:11 -0400, Farley, Peter x23353

But this is a very normal thing to need to do, to maintain the original
create date/time of the data, no matter where it was created.  An auditor
should applaud such attention to detail, because it preserves attribute
information about the data rather than losing it just because the data
crossed system boundaries.

Making it part of the file name does not preserve it as a file attribute.
It is a crude workaround, at best.


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