Re: Instream Commands

2009-11-16 Thread Walter Farrell

Walter Farrell/Poughkeepsie/i...@ibmus
STSM, z/OS Security Design
845-435-7750 (tie: 295)

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
Walter Farrell/Poughkeepsie/i...@ibmus
11/14/2009 10:45 PM
Re: Instream Commands

In, on 10/14/2009
   at 09:09 AM, Walt Farrell said:

Offline due to age.

Commands contained within a job's JCL should run as though issued by the
execution user ID (not necessarily the same as the submitting user ID).

The OP asked If that is the case, under whose address space and userid
does it run. Just in case this question comes up again, it runs in the
Converter address space. You are correct, of course, about the security
environment, which is for the job owner rather than the Converter, JES or
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
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2008-11-12 Thread Walter Farrell
(If you don't use RACF, feel free to ignore this message.)

In z/OS R10 we implemented some new RACF checks in the Health Checker for 
z/OS to warn you if you have any entries in ICHAUTAB, the RACF Authorized 
Caller Table. 

For those not familiar with ICHAUTAB, it's a very old RACF facility that 
you can use to allow non-authorized (neither APF, supervisor state, nor 
system key) programs to issue some forms of RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY and 
RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST.  However, as we document it's dangerous to use 
ICHAUTAB, and we recommend not using it, so we decided that we should 
implement the check for entries in ICHAUTAB and warn you about them.

Ideally, I would like to completely remove ICHAUTAB processing from RACF, 
and simply require that all invokers of the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY and 
LIST functions run with authorization (APF, supervisor state, or system 
key).  So I thought I'd conduct a bit of research to see who, if anyone, 
is using it and why.  This should help us gauge the consequences of 
removing ICHAUTAB, should we decide to do so in some future z/OS release.

So, if you use RACF and have any entries in ICHAUTAB, I'd like you to send 
me an email describing the entries that you have and why you need them. 
Please send the responses to me ( mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ), not to 
IBM-MAIN.  Depending on the responses I may make further requests or 
provide some feedback to the list.

I've also posted this on RACF-L.  Apologies in advance to those of you on 
both lists who will see this twice, and to those of you on IBM-MAIN who do 
not use RACF.

Walter Farrell/Poughkeepsie/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
STSM, z/OS Security Design
845-435-7750 (tie: 295)

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Re: Lnnnnn tapes mystery

2007-04-25 Thread Walter Farrell

On 4/25/2007 8:24 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

Is it sufficient explanation that storage used to be expensive?

But why does the deficiency persist into the 21st century?

Perhaps because it's difficult to change standards and get everyone to 
recode their applications, especially across different types of systems?


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Re: TSO logon exits

2007-04-18 Thread Walter Farrell

On 4/18/2007 8:37 AM, Mark Zelden wrote:

Too bad WHEN(SYSID()) is only valid for the program class.  Wonder why.

The usual reasons, basically.

At the time we developed WHEN(SYSID...) we had an urgent requirement for 
it for the PROGRAM class.  Implementing the more general solution would 
have cost us more in resources (people) than we had available just then, 
given the other items we needed to do, so we implemented only the more 
limited solution.

Feel free to submit a requirement.

In the meantime, using separate proclibs for the different systems is 
probably the simplest solution, though I sometimes suggest a different 
method that requires a small bit of programming but simplifies 
maintenance of the logon procs by keeping just one copy of them:

(a) write an APF-authorized, non-LPA program.
(b) that program will simply XCTL to IKJEFT01, passing the original 

Then change the logon procs to run that new program rather than 
IKJEFT01, and use PROGRAM control for the new program, with WHEN(SYSID...).

If you have the case of some procs that should be usable on any system, 
you can leave them directly executing IKJEFT01.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: RACF and Member Level Protection

2007-04-10 Thread Walter Farrell

On 4/9/2007 1:25 PM, Edward Jaffe wrote:

Paul Gilmartin wrote:

Since BPAM now supports read access to HFS directories (barring
those utilities that balk at this), might an alternative be to
use HFS rather than PDS, and protect the members with ACLs?  If
so, it's a solved problem.

What about write access?

That gets back to the question about what one really means by member 
protection, I think.

Many times when I've heard the question it really has meant a desire to 
control who can update which members.  If all the readers of the PDS 
support the simulation of a PDS by a UNIX directory, then you could 
(perhaps) simply tell all the updaters that they needed to update UNIX 
files rather than updating a PDS directory.

I can envision a lot of cases that would not handle, of course.


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Re: RACF and Member Level Protection

2007-04-04 Thread Walter Farrell

On 4/4/2007 3:33 PM, Steven Conway wrote:
CA Top Secret supports member level security in a PDS or PDSE, allowing a 
variance of access authority to users of the dataset versus an individual 
member.  We have that plugged in.  A few months ago, there was a problem 
that led me to open an issue with Top Secret to verify what they do, and 
with another vendor to determine why their program hung on failed access 
at the member level.

The other vendor runs RACF, and today told me his RACF Admin says RACF 
does not support member level protection.  Not being a RACF guy, I went to 
the books.  Neither the Admin Guide or User's Guide yielded anything to 
searches on 'member protection' or 'member level protection'. 

I would have sworn all three major security packages supported this 
function, but I can't find anything to verify that. 

Will someone who knows the true scoop hook me up with either No, RACF 
doesn't do that or Hey, dope.  Look at reference here.

It is more appropriate to say that z/OS does not support member level 
protection.  As the resource manager for data sets, it would be up to 
DFP or DFSMS to call the security product to make security checks for 
members, and DFP/DFSMS does not do so.

Any security product that provides such protection has therefore had to 
modify z/OS in some way in order to do so.  RACF does not make such 
modifications to other components of z/OS.

If you would like member level protection supported natively in z/OS, 
please submit a requirement via SHARE or directly via someone on your 
IBM account team, and ask DFSMS for that support.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: ishell vs 3.17

2007-03-23 Thread Walter Farrell

On 3/23/2007 3:33 PM, Bryan Klimek wrote:
Now that we have our first LPAR up and running on z/OS 1.8, I see that ISPF 
option 3.17 is available.

17 Udlist  Print or display (to process) z/OS UNIX directory list

This utility seems to have most all of the capabilities that the ISHELL has. I 
tried to search for a techdoc or redbook that would explain the history of why 
3.17 Udlist was created and how it compares to ISHELL. 

Which direction is IBM headed? Are ISHELL's days numbered? Will IBM 
continue to support and enhance both interfaces. 

I don't know of an official answer, and we have not made any statements 
of direction about that officially as far as I know, but I'm told it 
seems likely that we'll stop accepting requirements for enhancements to 
the ishell file/directory functions and to oedit/obrowse.  Instead we'll 
depend on ISPF for enhancements in that area.

However, ishell also has other functions that ISPF has not picked up. so 
ishell may provide enhancements in those areas in the future.

By the way, I generally suggest posting z/OS UNIX questions to the 
MVS-OE mailing list rather than IBM-MAIN, as it's more likely to reach 
IBM's z/OS UNIX developers over there.  However, this question overlaps 
both UNIX and ISPF, so it's hard to say which is the better list.  Or 
whether ISPF-L would be a good one, too.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: Mixed Case Password on z/OS 1.7 and ACF 2 Version 8

2007-02-16 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/15/2007 7:59 PM, Don Leahy wrote:
It is pretty obvious that weak passwords greatly increase the likelihood 
that a brute force attack will work.

However, since most (all?) systems revoke userids after a very small 
number of unsuccessful password attempts, the issue of strong vs weak 
passwords is totally irrelevant to your end users, so why burden them 
with strict password policies?   Even a weak password will stand up to a 
brute force attack if the userid is revoked after 3 failures.

Protecting the password data base from theft is the security 
administrator's job, not the end user's.  It doesn't matter how strong 
the safe or how complex the combination, if the thief can tuck it under 
his arm and take it home with him to work on at his leisure.

Good points.  Note, however, that there's a difference between requiring 
mixed-case passwords and having overly strict password rules.  A rule 
requiring 8-character passwords, with at least one upper case alpha, one 
lower case alpha, and one numeric is not overly strict, and can be met 
easily by the users.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: Mixed Case Password on z/OS 1.7 and ACF 2 Version 8

2007-02-14 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/13/2007 1:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I believe that allowing mixed-case does increase security, as it makes
the number of possible passwords of any given length much greater, and
increases the amount of time needed for brute-force password guessing.

How can you do a brute-force password guess when you have a max of 3
password attempts before the ID is revoked?

Or are you saying that mixed-case increases security in those rare
shops that haven't implemented revoking IDs on wrong passwords?

Revocation based on number of invalid attempts should (for the most 
part) prevent attacks from people actually trying to login.  It does not 
stop attacks from people who have acquired a copy of your database, and 
can thus see the encrypted data in the password fields.

Given the encrypted authentication data, and the user ID, the brute 
force attack would involve examining all possible passwords until you 
find one that generates that same encrypted data.

With mixed-case that brute force process needs to cover more possible 
passwords, and thus will take longer, on average.  You have a possible 
password space (for 8-character passwords) of 65**8 rather than 39**8.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: Mixed Case Password on z/OS 1.7 and ACF 2 Version 8

2007-02-13 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/13/2007 12:30 PM, Hal Merritt wrote:

Other than there is not one shred of evidence to suggest this makes for
stronger security? And ample experiences of increased help desk calls
that actually lead to weakened security? And complex passwords generate
sticky notes? 

Mixed-case does not necessarily mean the password will seem more complex 
to the user.  That kind of complexity is really a function of the rules 
that the security administrator tries to impose.  If you tell me I can 
use mixed-case, but do not restrict where I put the characters, then I 
can, for example, use two words with initial or trailing caps, and other 
letters lower-case.  That is then more complex for a brute-force 
password cracker, but no more complex for me as a user.

Only auditors think that this adds value. Those with actual knowledge
think otherwise.  

I believe that allowing mixed-case does increase security, as it makes 
the number of possible passwords of any given length much greater, and 
increases the amount of time needed for brute-force password guessing.

However, whether you have mixed-case or not, the administrator can 
compromise security by making the password rules too restrictive.

But wait. There is more. Not all applications that actually interact
with the keyboard will get this right. Some might pass the password as
is, but some may translate it to upper case first. And then there are
the character translation issues.  

The character translation issues should not apply; we're only talking 
mixed-case A-Z, a-z, not allowing additional characters with variant 
mappings depending on code page.

You're right, though, that all the applications that are passing the 
password along need to know to leave it as the user entered it.  That 
makes migrating to mixed-case passwords harder than it would have been 
if we'd made the security product do the upper-casing of the input many 
years ago.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: RACF Surrogate Authority

2007-02-12 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/12/2007 10:35 AM, R.S. wrote:

Mautalen Juan Guillermo wrote:


I general i agree with you, but there are some exceptions where
surrogate authority proves useful even for users (persons).

I needed that 4 users could fully administrate some RACF profile.
Basically, they should be able to do what the OWNER of the profile is
able to do. However, you know that ownership of profiles only gives
administrative authority when the owner is actually a RACF USER and not
So, my solution was:
I specifically created a user and made it the OWNER of the profile. It
is a PROTECTED user.
Then, i gave those 4 users authority to submit jobs on behalf of it
(surrogate authority). This way, i managed to give those 4 users
ownership of the profile.

That's why we use group-special.

Right.  Group-SPECIAL is the intended solution for that, not SURROGAT. 
SURROGAT will work, but I think it would prove more cumbersome to use 
(since users would have to submit batch jobs rather than issuing the 
commands interactively).

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: RACF Surrogate Authority

2007-02-12 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/12/2007 8:58 AM, R.S. wrote:

Jacky Bright wrote:


I have 2 TSO Users (ABC and XYZ)

ABC has high level access privileges.

XYZ do not have any such access.

I am trying to submit 1 job from XYZ userid which require access 

from ABC.

In case I define XYZ user as surrogate user for ABC then is that going to

what implications it will have at system side ? security issue ?

It depends.
However surrogate means, XYZ can do everything (*) that ABC can.
(*) With exception (AFAIK) to rarely used security labels.

SURROGAT can allow many cases of using security labels, too, I believe. 
  Not all cases, though; thanks for mentioning that case as I hadn't 
thought about it before.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: RACF Surrogate Authority

2007-02-12 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/12/2007 1:27 PM, R.S. wrote:

John, it can be more complex:
Question: who submitted SOMEJOB,

ABC submitted the job that's in (SOMEJOB).  You will not see anything in 
the SMF records for (SOMEJOB) related to the user who submitted JOB1.

 who is execution userid of the job,

Whatever it says on the JOB statement in (SOMEJOB), or ABC if it does 
not have USER=.

last but not least: what's inside SOMEJOB member ???

RACF has no idea.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: Changing logon behavior using RACF

2007-02-09 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/9/2007 12:00 PM, Steve Rawlins wrote:

I work at a small company where our z9 is used just for our development and 
testing, not a production environment.  So I sometimes am my own sysadmin, 
sysprog, security officer, etc.

I am trying to edit my user profile so that:

1.  When I logon to USS (aka OMVS), I get bash shell by default (instead of having to 
type bash every time I logon, as I do now)

2.  When I logon to TSO, I want to execute a certain CLIST.

I have tried to accomplish both of the above for myself via RACF.  In neither case does my change 
take.   Anybody recognize this RACF behavior?  Am I supposed to push the 
change out somehow?

1.  For the bash change, even though RACF shows that my change has taken 

			UID= 007571  
			HOME= /u/sjr 
			PROGRAM= /usr/lpp/oss/bin/bash   

nothing happens, i.e. my logon default is still sh and I end-up having to type bash every logon.  Same happens for the two other users here for whom I have tried to set-up the same logon behavior. 

That's really a question about z/OS UNIX System Services, not RACF. 
I'll guess, however, that the PROGRAM specification applies when you 
logon to z/OS UNIX, e.g., via telnet or rlogin.  Specifying OMVS under 
TSO is not really the same as logging on.  But again, that's a guess. 
Someone here may know, but if not I suggest you ask on the MVS-OE list.

2.  For the TSO CLIST change.  I have tried updating the TSO command.


  RACF seems to have taken this COMMAND update, but when I log-off and log-in 
again - it's gone.  As if I'd never tried updating RACF this way.

Also not really a RACF question, but one about how TSO/E operates. I 
believe that TSO/E documents that changes made to a user's TSO segment 
while the user is logged on may be lost when the user logs off, as TSO/E 
rewrites the TSO segment during LOGOFF processing.

So, don't try to do an ALTUSER to change your TSO segment.  Instead, 
just specify the command on the full-screen logon panel and TSO/E will 
save it for you.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: Missing fixes

2007-02-08 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/7/2007 3:24 PM, R.S. wrote:

I just get held by two APARs:
AK34959 and AK33471. Those APARs can be found ...under PK34595 and PK33471.
I guess PKn is APAR number, and AKn is APAR fix number.

Those APAR describe fixes UK21449 and UK21373 respectively.
However ...I cannot download those fixes, because IBM system Download 
fixes claims they do not exist.

I tried the same on ShopzSeries. UK21373 is available, UK21449 is not.
I also tried to make an oredr with PK and AK numbers. Result: not found.
I tried ServiceLink: both PTFs are unavailable.

Any clue ???

Contact the IBM Support Center and request the fixes.


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Re: Missing fixes

2007-02-08 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/7/2007 4:05 PM, Patrick O'Keefe wrote:

The entry for UK21449 gives no info whatsoever except that it is open.
Not even an associated APAR identifier.  (Maybe it's a security 
exposure APAR so they are being secretive.)

RETAIN shows the APAR number when I browse that PTF number.  And no, the 
APAR is not related to system integrity or security.

(In any case, as far as I know the PTF will always link to the APAR, but 
for a security/integrity APAR you won't be able to see the APAR itself.)

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: Changing the SMF SID Parameter

2007-02-07 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/6/2007 5:32 PM, Eric Bielefeld wrote:
My question is, will this affect anything?  Is there any program products 
that could be affected by changing the SID?  I read the whole chapter in 
the Init  Tuning Reference, and I didn't see anything that would matter to 

RACF allows you to specify conditional access list entries for PROGRAM 
profiles that grant access to run a program WHEN(SYSID(sid)). Changing 
the SID might affect some users' access to programs on that system if 
your security administrators have used that capability.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: Audit failures(update)

2007-02-07 Thread Walter Farrell
On 2/7/2007 5:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have defined the dataset profile as AUDIT(FAILURES(UPDATE)). When
 will log the failure to SMF.

That specification will cause auditing only for attempts that need
UPDATE access or higher (failing attempts to change the data in the data
set, or (for example) to delete the data set).

Failing attempts to READ the data set would not cause auditing, nor
would any successful attempts to READ or UPDATE the data set.

Walt Farrell, CISSP
z/OS Security Design, IBM

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Re: SMP/E in TSO (was: Why AUTHPGM?)

2007-02-05 Thread Walter Farrell

On 2/4/2007 4:53 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

On Sat, 4 Nov 2006 09:16:44 -0500, Gilbert Saint-Flour wrote:

The system closes DCBs at end-of-task.

You and IBM are in agreement, at least insofar as this should happen;
they've taken APAR OA19801 for a case where it doesn't.  Interesting --
the APAR seems to say that an attempt is made to flush the buffer after
the task has already terminated.  This seems to leave the file at least
partially open, but closed enough that I could FREE the DDNAME.  I'd
almost expect a program check from an attempt to manipulate previously
freed resources.

I think I interpret the APAR text a little differently than you do, gil.

To me it seems like the UNIX task termination code runs before the 
DCB-related task termination code, and so has already deleted the 
UNIX-related information that underlies the DCB, before the DCB-related 
code can flush the buffers and close the DCB.  Thus the 614 abend that 
the APAR talks about.  So, the system is closing the DCB during task 
termination, but we have the situation where two things need to happen 
in a particular order, and they're out of order right now.


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