Re: zFS aggregate growth amount query

2014-03-03 Thread Tom Ambros
Yeah, this is one of the things that has me muttering darkly upon 

The mount parm is "AGGRGROW". 

The command is "zfsadm grow".  No aggr. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "Staller, Allan" 
Date:   03/03/2014 09:31
Subject:Re: zFS aggregate growth amount query
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

There is a currently open APR on ZFS secondary allocation. See OA44214.

I have always had success w/ zfsadm agggrow -size (final desired size). 
Check the fine manual for syntax. I am sure the above is incorrect.

Listcat the zFS.  It is the secondary allocation by default, I do believe. 

 You can override this by hand with the zfsadm grow command but if it is 
done as a result of the AGGRGROW parm on the mount it is the secondary 
allocation of the linear VSAM cluster, IIRC. 

I've developed a zFS aggregate & am loading it up with a fairly large 
amount of data.
I keep on seeing console messages sequences like:

IOEZ00078E zFS aggregate  exceeds 99% full (1282681/1285920)
IOEZ00312I Dynamic growth of aggregate  in progress, (by 
user ).
IOEZ00309I Aggregate  successfully dynamically grown (by 
user ).
IOEZ00078E zFS aggregate  exceeds 99% full (1285920/1289160)

My question is with regard to the amount that the aggregate has grown by.
The difference between the '1285920' and '1289160' is 3240 - presumably 
that is # 8k-byte blocks, but available documentation appears to be 
woefully inadequate.
Who defines that '3420'? I certainly didn't specify it when creating the 
cluster, nor with any parm value when formatting it with IOEAGFMT. When I 
look at either IOEFSPRM or IOEPRMxx, all I see is a bunch of comment 

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Re: zFS aggregate growth amount query

2014-03-02 Thread Tom Ambros
Listcat the zFS.  It is the secondary allocation by default, I do believe. 
 You can override this by hand with the zfsadm grow command but if it is 
done as a result of the AGGRGROW parm on the mount it is the secondary 
allocation of the linear VSAM cluster, IIRC. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   John Compton 
Date:   03/02/2014 14:09
Subject:zFS aggregate growth amount query
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

...not sure if I'm in the right forum here - doubtless I'll be told :)

I've developed a zFS aggregate & am loading it up with a fairly large
amount of data.
I keep on seeing console messages sequences like:

IOEZ00078E zFS aggregate  exceeds 99% full (1282681/1285920)
IOEZ00312I Dynamic growth of aggregate  in progress, (by 
IOEZ00309I Aggregate  successfully dynamically grown (by 
IOEZ00078E zFS aggregate  exceeds 99% full (1285920/1289160)

My question is with regard to the amount that the aggregate has grown by.
The difference between the '1285920' and '1289160' is 3240 - presumably
that is # 8k-byte blocks, but available documentation appears to be
woefully inadequate.
Who defines that '3420'? I certainly didn't specify it when creating the
cluster, nor with any parm value when formatting it with IOEAGFMT. When I
look at either IOEFSPRM or IOEPRMxx, all I see is a bunch of comment 
How can I override this value? I expected to see something far larger...

Any help would be much appreciated

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Re: IOCDS Write Protected

2014-02-21 Thread Tom Ambros
You wrote: 

"In such case one should write new IOCDS from current IODF file."

Always, then switch it to active in the HCD dialog after activating the 
IODF.  That write protects it.  I'm fairly certain that releases write 
protect on the last one. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "R.S." 
Date:   02/21/2014 14:36
Subject:Re: IOCDS Write Protected
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

W dniu 2014-02-21 20:17, Gibney, Dave pisze:
> In the interest of avoiding foot shooting, IMO, your current active 
IOCDS should always be write protected.
Yes, but it's important to know what is "current active" IOCDS. If you 
performed POR month ago and no changes in HCD/IODF were made, then it's 
obvious - POR IOCDS is the "current" one.
However let's imagine another scenario: last POR was performed 2 years 
ago, several upgrades were made, maybe new DASD box arrived, maybe some 
devices were disconnected, some cards added... In such scenarion POR 
IOCDS may be useless. In such case one should write new IOCDS from 
current IODF file.
My ?0.02

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: Sysplex Common Time Source

2014-02-07 Thread Tom Ambros
In my opinion you may run into some interesting issues with timestamped 
stuff in the CFs and whatnot if the times start coming in a slightly 
unpredictable sequence.  I don't think I'd take that risk. 

When we migrated from ETR to mixed to all STP CTN, the key was two 
machines were ETR and had the STP feature, we had one machine that was ETR 
only with no STP but it was getting fed by the two ETR/STP machines.  Note 
that we had two machines as time sources, I'm also not totally sure I'd go 
with one machine connected to the 9037 and rely on that. 

I do not believe that anything z196 and up can do ETR at all.  I'm pretty 
sure I read that in the z196 Tech Guide redbook somewhere.  (Page 14 - STP 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "Staller, Allan" 
Date:   02/07/2014 09:03
Subject:Re: Sysplex Common Time Source
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

ISTR that all time references in a SYSPLEX must be within a certain 
tolerance (I have no recollection of the actual value). 
If the local time source exceeded this tolerance, the ETR (STP/9037) would 
guide them to the same value, or failing that , remove the system from the 

The act of syncing the STP and the 9037 to the same time ETR might/might 
not provide sufficient accuracy.


>That was what we originally though too, but our local IBM support 
>person told us we couldn't. Thinking further about configuration 
>activities to migrate to mixed CTN mode, I'm not seeing how on the non 
>STP capable processor we're going to be able to set the name of the 
>mixed CTN, since it isn't going to have the STP tab for that CEC,

I'm not sure that that matters. IIRC, the requirement is that all systems 
in the sysplex get their time from the same source. As long as the z10 
gets it from the timers, and there's another CEC in the CTN getting it 
from the same timers and acting as the primary time server for the CTN, I 
believe that would work. 

z10 <- timer
zEC12 <- timer
 | Primary time server
\/ STP
other STP CECs

Before STP, there was no STP tab on the HMC and the CECs were able to 
participate in the sysplex by virtue of using the same timer. 

I *think* the migration would be to make the time source the timer 
connected to one zEC12, make that the PTS, then add the z10 pointing to 
the timer.

But I haven't read the fine manuals for some time, and it seems like the 
PTS becomes a sinle point of failure, unless at least one other machine in 
the CTS has a timer connection too. The point about the mixed mode CTN 
being envisioned as a fall-back situation, not an expected long-term 
situation is also good one. And if IBM is telling you "no", it's hard to 
argue that you'd want to try to do it. 

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Re: Impact of XCF offline

2014-01-20 Thread Tom Ambros
You don't have another working console in the sysplex?  If you don't vary 
the offending system out of the sysplex when it behaves as you describe 
it'll be a while (failure interval) before serialized resources are freed 
up and any new serialization takes place, if I remember correctly.  If you 
don't have the luxury of a sysplex that is all non-production you run the 
risk of affecting your production workload.  We went to the trouble of 
implementing the BCPii interface to handle a system that can't be 
partitioned because it is unreachable by any other means just for this 
situation.  I forget precisely what they called it, the first iteration 
was a function in System Automation.  It was a while back we did it. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "van der Grijn, Bart (B)" 
Date:   01/20/2014 07:59
Subject:Re: Impact of XCF offline
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 


We used to IPL our systems without the V XCF,,OFFLINE. That 
worked for years until we started to run into issues with signaling 
structures (one of the systems would occasionally not use one of the 
signaling structures after an IPL). We opened a PMR and IBM's response was 
to perform the V XCF as per <>.
We changed our IPL procedure and haven't seen the problem since.
(This was back in z/OS 1.10)

So yes, we did see an impact with not using the V XCF OFFLINE.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On 
Behalf Of mf db
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2014 9:05 AM
Subject: Impact of XCF offline

Hello All,

This question might sound little basic and dummy, but my apologies first.
There are some situation in our shop when one of our Development LPAR do
undergo to  unresponsive state(This happens when our developers do some
destructive testings or many other factors) and even we cannot issue any
commands on Console. To resolve this we just do a de-activate and activate
to re-ipl the system. As a normal IPL procedure we issue V
XCF,OFF,SYSNAME=something. Will there be any impact to the system when we
do not issue the V XCF,OFFLINE and just do a de-activate and activate ?


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Re: New and improved V2R1 manuals (UNCLASSIFIED)

2013-11-20 Thread Tom Ambros
Perhaps because it is a new version all that stuff starts over.  Just a 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "Storr, Lon A CTR USARMY HRC (US)" 
Date:   11/20/2013 09:10
Subject:New and improved V2R1 manuals (UNCLASSIFIED)
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Hello List,

I have been scanning the manuals associated with z/OS V2R1 and have 
noticed the following in those I've seen:

1) Summary of changes at the beginning of the manual has been deleted and 
replaced by a reference to other manuals
2) The vertical bars in the left margin that denote changes no longer 
appear (e.g. JCL Reference: description of EXPORT statement and SYMBOLS 
keyword on DD statement).

If this is a permanent "improvement", I shall miss them.


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Re: SET CONSOLE every time you invoke SDSF ULOG

2013-10-04 Thread Tom Ambros
Is there any reason to change the console ID other than to your boss's ID 
right before you do something mischievous? 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Paul Gilmartin 
Date:   10/04/2013 11:34
Subject:Re: SET CONSOLE every time you invoke SDSF ULOG
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

On Fri, 4 Oct 2013 09:06:59 -0500, Yashshri G wrote:
>I have designed a REXX to invoke SDSF and SET CONSOLE name automatically 
to a random value as follows, 
>/* REXX */ 
Eek!  Think "Collisions!"

(But then a capable and prolific contributor to this list and to CBTTAPE
favors such a scheme to generate DDNAMEs.)

-- gil

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Two RACF databases with different definitions in a single sysplex?

2013-07-23 Thread Tom Ambros
A group is concerned that we have a single RACF database and there is no 
'test' RACF database where the organization can implement 'test' rulesets. 
 We have two sysplexes - a systems sandbox with no applications and a 
mixed development/production sysplex where all the applications reside. 
The only way I see this happening is if non-production partitions refer to 
one RACF database and the production partitions refer to the other. 
However, there is no binary separation of production and non-production 
work, and all resources (datasets etc.) are accessible from every 

Intuitively I think their idea is not good practice, to say the very 
least.   Does anybody know of IBM documentation that can allow me to back 
up my assertion that they are proposing a mistake?

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough... or reply with enough information,

2013-07-11 Thread Tom Ambros
OK, I'll try and make it clear. 

PR/SM Planning Guide spells out that at partition activation the initial 
storage allocation is made in contiguous segments. 

If you follow the sequence of the scenario I presented, you'll see that I 
am in fact asking whether lpar A, when activated, would be able to have 
two discontiguous storage segments - the storage released by lpar C past 
the end of its new allocation and its original segment.   It cannot, if I 
understand what is written in the PR/SM Planning Guide. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "Pommier, Rex R." 
Date:   07/11/2013 15:47
Subject:Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be 
contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough... or reply with enough 
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

OK, now I'm confused.  Which question are you answering 'yes' to?  You 
asked 2 opposite questions.  In the subject line, you asked if the storage 
needs to be contiguous.  In the body of the e-mail you ask if you could 
remove storage from C and give it to A without messing with B in the 

At partition activation the storage is assigned contiguously.  That makes 
sense as it is the easiest algorithm.  But it doesn't answer the question 
of whether it needs to be contiguous on a reconfiguration.  I'm guessing 
it has to be contiguous, but at this point that's all it is, a guess.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Tom Ambros
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be 
contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough... or reply with enough 

Sorry, the answer is YES if one has not defined reserved storage.  At
partition activation the storage is assigned in contiguous segments.

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "Vernooij, CP - SPLXM" 
Date:   07/11/2013 10:18
Subject:Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be
contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough.
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

To take away the confusion you might have caused with some of us (and
prevent us from having to rtfm in order to sleep well tonight): the
answer is NO?

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Tom Ambros
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 16:13
Subject: Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be
contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough.

PR/SM Planning Guide spells it out.

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Tom Ambros 
Date:   07/11/2013 09:20
Subject:Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

z9 with three partitions, activated in order A, B, C.  No reserved

defined.  We need to remove some storage from C and assign it to A.
Without any operations on B, can we deactivate C, reduce initial
storage, reactivate it and then deactivate A later that night, increase
initial storage and reactivate it successfully?  I do not see any
mention of a requirement for contiguous storage in the z9 Tech Guide, it
says only that

the storage can come from any unused storage or storage released from
another partition.   Thanks...

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough... or reply with enough information,

2013-07-11 Thread Tom Ambros
Sorry, the answer is YES if one has not defined reserved storage.  At 
partition activation the storage is assigned in contiguous segments. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "Vernooij, CP - SPLXM" 
Date:   07/11/2013 10:18
Subject:Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be 
contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough.
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

To take away the confusion you might have caused with some of us (and
prevent us from having to rtfm in order to sleep well tonight): the
answer is NO?

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Tom Ambros
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 16:13
Subject: Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be
contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough.

PR/SM Planning Guide spells it out. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Tom Ambros 
Date:   07/11/2013 09:20
Subject:Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be 
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

z9 with three partitions, activated in order A, B, C.  No reserved

defined.  We need to remove some storage from C and assign it to A. 
Without any operations on B, can we deactivate C, reduce initial
storage, reactivate it and then deactivate A later that night, increase
initial storage and reactivate it successfully?  I do not see any
mention of a requirement for contiguous storage in the z9 Tech Guide, it
says only that 

the storage can come from any unused storage or storage released from 
another partition.   Thanks... 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Re: Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be contiguous? - Never mind, didn't read enough.

2013-07-11 Thread Tom Ambros
PR/SM Planning Guide spells it out. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Tom Ambros 
Date:   07/11/2013 09:20
Subject:Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be 
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

z9 with three partitions, activated in order A, B, C.  No reserved storage 

defined.  We need to remove some storage from C and assign it to A. 
Without any operations on B, can we deactivate C, reduce initial storage, 
reactivate it and then deactivate A later that night, increase initial 
storage and reactivate it successfully?  I do not see any mention of a 
requirement for contiguous storage in the z9 Tech Guide, it says only that 

the storage can come from any unused storage or storage released from 
another partition.   Thanks... 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Central Storage reallocation on z9 - requirement to be contiguous?

2013-07-11 Thread Tom Ambros
z9 with three partitions, activated in order A, B, C.  No reserved storage 
defined.  We need to remove some storage from C and assign it to A. 
Without any operations on B, can we deactivate C, reduce initial storage, 
reactivate it and then deactivate A later that night, increase initial 
storage and reactivate it successfully?  I do not see any mention of a 
requirement for contiguous storage in the z9 Tech Guide, it says only that 
the storage can come from any unused storage or storage released from 
another partition.   Thanks... 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended 
recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing 
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STP-only CTN, timing links between standalone CFs for PTS/BTS coordination

2013-07-02 Thread Tom Ambros
We're migrating from mixed-mode to STP-only mode in the near future.  The 
standalone coupling facilities are such that we will need to drop the CF 
links to the last ETR-only machine after it is shut down and replace them 
with STP-only links between the coupling facilities, no room to do 
otherwise.   We are going to make the coupling facilities our PTS and BTS 
machines so they need to coordinate with each other. 

I am not completely clear on one point.  Is it possible to simply connect 
up the STP-only links and configure them online at the coupling facilities 
and expect the STP function to recognize them as available links?  I am 
unsure because if I logically connect them in HCD I end up with an STP 
CNTLUNIT macro in the coupling facility hardware definitions that wasn't 
there before.  I've looked in the Planning and Configuration redbooks but 
it isn't explicit enough for me to grasp.   Does anybody have experience 
with this?  I'm thinking of being conservative and implementing the I/O 
configuration with the links connected but on the other hand I don't want 
to break something that'll work.   Thanks... 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Re: CFRM Policy with new CPU

2013-05-02 Thread Tom Ambros
I vaguely remember some advice somewhere that it is cleaner to remove the 
CF definitions as you go.  'Setting Up A Sysplex' has procedures to do 
this.  Same reason we don't maintain the DR CF definitions in our policies 
because structure allocation may get twisty. 

I'd go something like this: 

- Activate CFRM policy removing CF External Old entirely - no definition, 
no preflist.  Drain CF External Old.  Rebuild Reallocate anything else 
pending.  SA panels are great for this. 
- Install CF External New, make sure you have connectivity 
- Activate CFRM policy with CF External New and populate it.  If you're 
feeling brave, combine this with the next step.  I never do.  Don't know 
if you can. 
- Activate CFRM policy removing CF Internal Old entirely - no definition, 
no preflist.  Drain CF Internal Old. Rebuild Reallocate etc etc.   Now 
you've got everything in CF External New. 
- Shut down the z9 and bring up the zEC12 
- When you're satisfied with zOS, activate a CFRM policy including both 
new CFs.  Populate CF Internal New.  Rebuild Reallocate the stuff that 
stays where it is but has new preflist. 
- Execute JES2 checkpoint reconfig to put it back in the CF... both copies 
on disk before you begin prevents embarrassing cold starts, eh?  Plex 
outage is enough explaining for one day. 

This way you keep CF names and partition names the same as before, and if 
the zEC12 isn't hosting all your zOS images you don't take an outage. 
Extra steps but all along the way you have the assurance stuff is still 

This used to be a chore before the SA panels and more advanced SETXCF 
REBUILD options but is fairly straightforward now. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Alan Field 
Date:   05/02/2013 15:58
Subject:Re: CFRM Policy with new CPU
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

Yes, you will need new names for the CFs. We just upgraded our processors 
and we had CF1 and CF2, In the new processors I defined CF3 and CF4 so we 
are now running with CFs named CF3 and CF4 only.

Note though. In the IOCDS I named the NEW CF lpars CF1 and CF2 s so that 
in the CFRM policy CF3 runs in lpar CF1 etc. 

I'm thinking at some point I'll change the CFRM policy back to CF1 and CF2 

to match the LPAR names. 

Yes - you need to make this change on your running system before you IPL 
the new system. 

Alan Field
Technical Engineer Principal
BCBS Minnesota

Phone: 651.662.3546  Mobile:  651.428.8826

From:   "Mohamed Juma" 
Date:   05/02/2013 14:50
Subject:Re: CFRM Policy with new CPU
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

Alan, in this case, I have to put new names for the new CF. I was thinking 

to keep the old names.
I think you also mean, that I have to make this change in the running 
system before IPL the new

 From: Jerry Whitteridge 
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2013 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: CFRM Policy with new CPU

Agree with this.

Given a recent experience I'd also very specifically also update the
COUPLExx member to explicitly load the correct policy.

This is more a safety measure than anything else - I had a bad experience 
just updating a CFRM policy and now am pretty gun-shy about updates like

However we have routinely had non connected CF's in our production 
listing our DR CF's(I got bit during a development upgrade  )

Jerry Whitteridge
Lead Systems Programmer
Safeway Inc.
925 951 4184

If you feel in control
you just aren't going fast enough.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Alan Field
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: CFRM Policy with new CPU

Create a CFRM policy with ALL your CFs defined, both existing and new. 

Change the PREFLIST to specify ALL the CFs. e.g. 

Activate the policy. This the key step. 

Now no matter what combination of old and new CFs you come up on the 
structures will be allocated. 

Alan Field
Technical Engineer Principal
BCBS Minnesota

From:   "Mohamed Juma" 
Date:   05/02/2013 14:06
Subject:CFRM Policy with new CPU
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

We are in migration stage from old Z9 to zEC12 CPU, in parallel sysplex 
environment, regarding
CFRM we referring now to  two CFs, internal and external CFs.
I will configure new CFRM policy referring to the new CFs. I have some 
doubt, that when I will 
IPL with the new policy with the new CPU, still it will point to the old 
CFRM policy, even if I define
the new policy in COUPLExx member in parmlib.

Any advise or recommendation will be appreciated  to help me.



Re: Assigning Same SVC Number

2013-03-05 Thread Tom Ambros
Does the product give you the option of specifying the SVC number, a la 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   David Andrews 
Date:   03/05/2013 08:21
Subject:Re: Assigning Same SVC Number
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

On Tue, 2013-03-05 at 17:53 +0530, Jake anderson wrote:
> Can we assign the same SVC numbers to the same Product of two different
> Versions when two different Versions of same product are running 

If you named the product, someone with specific knowledge could help.

For example: in my environment IDMS SVC code is downward compatible.
You may NOT replace the SVC code with the IDMS CV running.

David Andrews
A. Duda & Sons, Inc.

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IPSec filter rule definition for sysplex distributed dynamic VIPA

2013-02-12 Thread Tom Ambros
ROUTED or LOCAL?  I *think* it may have to be ROUTED but I am not finding 
any information to conclusively prove that and before I test it out, I 
ask.  The reason I ask is because I have reason to specify a traffic 
descriptor for a restricted set of ports and that would not be in 
compliance with RFC 4301.  I understand that the distributing stack 
forwards the packets, but at the same time the VIPA is on the distributing 
stack... so is it local or is it routed? 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Re: OT - Huge Maple Syrup heist solved.

2012-12-27 Thread Tom Ambros
Family are producers in Vermont so seeing the cache described in the NYT 
as the 'global strategic reserve' gave me a chuckle. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Mike Schwab 
Date:   12/27/2012 01:28
Subject:OT - Huge Maple Syrup heist solved.
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List

Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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Re: Correlating workstation userid to TN3270 logon using client certificates

2012-12-05 Thread Tom Ambros
This is what I was thinking.   I believe I can require my admin users to 
use a particular port on the TN3270 server task and assign a unique set of 
LUs that way.  Non-admin users would not have access to that port.  If a 
user connects to the open port, they would wind up with an LU that would 
not be eligible for admin sign-on, so a non-admin user that somehow gets 
an admin's RACF userid and password would not get anywhere easily.  The 
sticky part is finding that LU for the RACF exit.   We'll see how that 

Express Logon Feature is attractive, if I can't manage what I'm thinking, 
what I'd need to be able to do is require the function for admin users, so 
they'd have to pass a cert to log on and knowing the RACF password 
wouldn't get it done. 

Then there are all the operational issues, such as how to grant access 
when my brilliant schemes break. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Charles Mills 
Date:   12/04/2012 17:27
Subject:Re: Correlating workstation userid to TN3270 logon using 
client certificates
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

I am not an expert on your exact question but I have done a lot with SSL
certificates and with SMF data from RACF and from TCP/IP. I think RACF is
pretty far removed from your TCP/IP sign-on, because TN3270 sits in the
middle. As far as RACF is concerned, your client didn't sign on, a virtual
terminal owned by TN3270 signed on.

You would have to capture it from TCP/IP somehow and hand it off to your
RACF exit.

Not an entire answer, but I hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Tom Ambros
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 11:25 AM
Subject: Correlating workstation userid to TN3270 logon using client

I apologize if this has been covered already, but I probably need to tell
somebody if this can be done before I read up and put the pieces together. 

If I have an SSL-capable emulator, is it possible to validate the client 
certificate and extract the userid (this part, at least, I know can be 
done) and somehow persistently store it so that  the RACF logon exits can 
locate it and verify that the userid entered at the application logon 
screen is the same userid that was presented in the client certificate? 

There are two factor authentication products that work at RACF logon but 
they have their drawbacks, we're musing about the possibility of fitting 
in with some of the distributed schemes for consistency's sake and closing 

the gap where one can get on a workstation with one set of credentials and 

then use another set that fell off the back of a truck to have a good old 
time in ways that may be distasteful to some.   The distributed schemes 
involve seemingly robust what I have and what I know type processes and if 

we can then implement something reasonably inobtrusive on zOS we'd be in 
better shape. 

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Correlating workstation userid to TN3270 logon using client certificates

2012-12-04 Thread Tom Ambros
I apologize if this has been covered already, but I probably need to tell 
somebody if this can be done before I read up and put the pieces together. 

If I have an SSL-capable emulator, is it possible to validate the client 
certificate and extract the userid (this part, at least, I know can be 
done) and somehow persistently store it so that  the RACF logon exits can 
locate it and verify that the userid entered at the application logon 
screen is the same userid that was presented in the client certificate? 

There are two factor authentication products that work at RACF logon but 
they have their drawbacks, we're musing about the possibility of fitting 
in with some of the distributed schemes for consistency's sake and closing 
the gap where one can get on a workstation with one set of credentials and 
then use another set that fell off the back of a truck to have a good old 
time in ways that may be distasteful to some.   The distributed schemes 
involve seemingly robust what I have and what I know type processes and if 
we can then implement something reasonably inobtrusive on zOS we'd be in 
better shape. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Re: IPSec

2012-09-21 Thread Tom Ambros
You want to use zOSMF and the configuration selections within there.  It 
is possible to write the configuration files yourself but it is much like 
taping together the contents of a shredder bucket to restore the original 
documents.  It is not a requirement to use the GUI but you will be glad 
you did. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Scott Ford 
Date:   09/21/2012 11:08
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 


I am looking at implementing IPSec between z/os and windows/XP server.
The RedBook sg247342 mentions using IBMs Configuration Assistant, does 
anyone know if this is a requirement ? 

Scott ford
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PCI-DSS, sysplex implementation question.

2012-09-13 Thread Tom Ambros
We are in the process of implementing the Payment Card Industry Data 
Security Standards and in an effort to cover everything and not be obliged 
to look at each instance in a one-off we are curious how other sysplex 
implementations were done.  We would like to understand if we can approach 
this as virtually a single system image with the appropriate obfuscation, 
data and network access controls or if it gets more complicated than that. 
  We're running a single zOS sysplex that hosts all our workload and we'd 
like to keep it that way.  We've read the PCI-DSS standard documentation 
and were impressed by how much they leave open to interpretation and we 
have read the atsec doc on large system implementations. 

 What has been the experience of the people here?   Thank you for your 
help, maybe we can offer an idea or two of our own that might be useful. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Re: The IBM zEnterprise EC12 announcment

2012-08-28 Thread Tom Ambros
It cracks me up that there are about 12 posts about the name and nothing 
about the content. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Phil Smith III 
Date:   08/28/2012 08:47
Subject:Re: The IBM zEnterprise EC12 announcment
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 6:27 AM, Alvaro Guirao Lopez

>I did'nt see it, but I understand EC12 means Enterpise Class 12 (why 12?)


12 comes after 11, and while the z196 wasn't called the z-anything-11, it
logically was. I think we can safely consider the z196 naming convention 
be an aberration, hopefully not to be repeated (although these are the 
folks who brought us the "Magic Box" and "Super Human Software" campaigns,
so anything's possible).


>That could be the reason mainframezone had chaged the name to Enterprise

Hm? Thomas Publications aka Enterprise Systems Media changed Mainframe
Executive to Enterprise Executive, and z/Journal to Enterprise Tech 
"Enterprise Class" was IBM's name for the big machines since the z9
machines. (As opposed, of course, to "Business Class", which always struck
me as funny, since IBM essentially co-opted the name "enterprise" to be
synonymous with "business" back in 1990 with the ESA announcement. Reminds
me of a meeting I was in once, where a marketroid was describing something
about support options. "Suppose we have three levels of support", he 
"Basic, Standard," - he paused to think of a third name. "Regular?" 
suggested, which got me a dirty look!)


I believe the Thomas changes were to broaden the publications' appeal,
acknowledging the reality that nobody is *just* a mainframe shop any more.
With the zBX, even that hypothetical all-mainframe shop isn't necessarily
that any more.



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Re: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing

2012-07-19 Thread Tom Ambros
Different in CLIST or Rexx?  Not according to the documentation. 

>From the Edit and Edit Macros doc: 

Section 3.3.80  SCAN--Set Command Scan Mode

 To set a line whose number is in variable &LNUM to:  
   &SYSDATE is a CLIST built-in function  
 set scan mode off and issue the LINE command with &&SYSDATE as the CLIST  

 function name. The CLIST processor strips off the first &, but, because  
 scan mode is off, the editor does not remove the second &:;  
   ISREDIT LINE &LNUM = "&&SYSDATE is a CLIST built-in function"  
 Because the ISPEXEC call interface for REXX EXECs allows you to specify  
 parameters as symbolic variables, a single scan always takes place before 
 the syntax check of a statement. Therefore, the rule of using two  
 ampersands (&) before variable names to avoid substitution of variable  
 names also applies to REXX EXECs.  

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Paul Gilmartin 
Date:   07/19/2012 12:35
Subject:Re: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

On Thu, 19 Jul 2012 09:12:54 -0700, John Mattson wrote:

>And the grand prize goes to Tom Ambros 
>Yes, use DOUBLE AMPERSANDS in REXX and the FINDs work properly.
>So simple when we finally see it.  Many thanks to everyone.
So is the behavior of EDIT different when identical command
strings are issued from Rexx vs. CLIST?  Ugh!

But might this be because the ISPF developers recognized
that '&' symbolics would be elaborated by CLIST but not by
Rexx and made a misguided attempt to make the Rexx
behavior superficially more CLIST-like by processing Rexx
command strings in a front-end?  Did they break an API
to offset their misunderstanding of Rexx?

What's the behavior when the macro is written in Assembler/
PL/I/C using the CALL interface?

-- gil

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Re: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing

2012-07-19 Thread Tom Ambros
That's strange, they work fine as Rexx for me: 

JCL: Note line 4 


Macro Source:   Note the double ampersands as documented in the ISPF Edit 
and Edit Macros manual. 

/* REXX */  
trace i  





+++ RC(-3) +++  
  5 *-* "ISREDIT X ALL"  
  6 *-* "ISREDIT SCAN OFF"  

 12 *-* "ISREDIT F ALL 

JCL member now shows: 

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 1 Line(s) not 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   John Mattson 
Date:   07/19/2012 10:49
Subject:Re: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

Shmuel !  I sent my original source, and it was REXX.   Having a few spare 

moments, I quickly converted the REXX to CLIST and all of the FIND's 
worked as a clist.  Oddly, they work with or withOUT SCAN OFF.   Whether 
the problem belongs to ISPF, REXX, or both is not my problem.  These 
commands should work as a REXX.   I'll let IBM sort it out. 

From:   "Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)" 
Date:   07/19/2012 07:17 AM
Subject:Re: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

on 07/18/2012
   at 10:37 AM, "Hardee, Chuck"  said:

>Uh, I don't think so.
>You're thinking CLIST not REXX.

I doubt it. What he wrote was 'The problem is that ISPF/ISREDIT
evaluates/substitutes any ISPF variable, which in this case is
"&PDQR".', which does not refer to either CLIST or REXX variables.

>Try adding the statement: &PDQR="A"

To set the ISPF variable PDQR from REXX he needs to dreop the


>You will see in the trace that &PDQR was not substituted.

In what trace? The REXX trace is not relevant to substitutions
performed by ISPF.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing

2012-07-18 Thread Tom Ambros
This is probably easier.


Scan is initialized to ON when the macro starts so unconditionally 
changing it is probably OK. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "Hardee, Chuck" 
Date:   07/18/2012 14:35
Subject:Re: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

You need to be careful with your picture string components.
It didn't work with your suggested string below and in looking at the 
rules for pictures, the "." (period) represents any non-displayable 
character. Since a "." as it is used in the JCL example is a displayable 
character, when I changed the "." in the picture string to be an "=" then 
I found the string.


Charles (Chuck) Hardee
Senior Systems Engineer
Database Administration
Information Technology Services
Thermo Fisher Scientific
300 Industry Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275
Direct: 724-517-2633
FAX: 412-490-9230

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing

Personally I would use the ISPF Picture string instead of a physical line

For example

would become

The equal signs equate to any char.
The $ equate to any special char (& . , etc...)

This might make it work better


-Original Message-
>From: John Mattson 
>Sent: Jul 18, 2012 9:47 AM
>Subject: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
>I have a little dataset which contains 
>I have a little REXX which I want to "FIND" these strings 
>/* REXX */ 
>Address ISPEXEC 
>The First Three FIND's work fine.  Starting from the fourth find, 

>they all get RC=4, not found.  Even tho I can clearly see that the 
>exist in the dataset.  What in the whirled is going on here?? Is there 
>something "special" about two &'s in a string?  I have tried removing the 

>second & from both the find and my dataset and the find still fails.  I 
>at wits end here. 
>I have also tried "extracting" the actual finds like: F ALL 
>'DISP=SHR,DSN=&PDQ.ALC.UNVLIB(&MY)'and executing them in TSO, and they 
>work. What is special here.  FYI, the final " is in col 71 

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127 Public Square, Cleveland, OH 44114
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Re: SV: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing - oops, forgot SCAN mode

2012-07-18 Thread Tom Ambros
Check out SCAN mode discussion in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros doc.  It has 
good instructions and example. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Tom Ambros 
Date:   07/18/2012 13:41
Subject:Re: SV: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

Is it possible that if you code &PDQR as &&PDQR edit strips the first 
ampersand and looks for the string the way you want?  I have some code 
which does something similar with &SYSNAME variable in the started task 
JCL.   I change a string containing that variable during DR adjustments of 

the VTAM proc. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Thomas Berg 
Date:   07/18/2012 13:27
Subject:SV: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

The problem is that ISPF/ISREDIT evaluates/substitutes any ISPF variable, 
which in this case is "&PDQR".
 is the same as
 and is the same as 

In the latter two cases (apparently) "&PDQR" resolves into "" (empty) and 
"&PDQR." also. (The dot "." is used as an end-of-variable-name marker, 

In e g this:
wich is no to be found in the dataset.

Thomas Berg
Thomas Berg   Specialist   AM/SM&S   SWEDBANK AB (publ)

> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Från: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> För John Mattson
> Skickat: den 18 juli 2012 18:48
> Ämne: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
> I have a little dataset which contains
> I have a little REXX which I want to "FIND" these strings
> /* REXX */
> Address ISPEXEC
> The First Three FIND's work fine.  Starting from the fourth
> find, they all get RC=4, not found.  Even tho I can clearly see that the
> strings exist in the dataset.  What in the whirled is going on here?? Is
> there something "special" about two &'s in a string?  I have tried
> removing the second & from both the find and my dataset and the find
> still fails.  I am at wits end here.
> I have also tried "extracting" the actual finds like: F ALL
> 'DISP=SHR,DSN=&PDQ.ALC.UNVLIB(&MY)'and executing them in TSO, and they
> all work. What is special here.  FYI, the final " is in col 71
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: SV: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing

2012-07-18 Thread Tom Ambros
Is it possible that if you code &PDQR as &&PDQR edit strips the first 
ampersand and looks for the string the way you want?  I have some code 
which does something similar with &SYSNAME variable in the started task 
JCL.   I change a string containing that variable during DR adjustments of 
the VTAM proc. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Thomas Berg 
Date:   07/18/2012 13:27
Subject:SV: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

The problem is that ISPF/ISREDIT evaluates/substitutes any ISPF variable, 
which in this case is "&PDQR".
 is the same as
 and is the same as 

In the latter two cases (apparently) "&PDQR" resolves into "" (empty) and 
"&PDQR." also. (The dot "." is used as an end-of-variable-name marker, 

In e g this:
wich is no to be found in the dataset.

Thomas Berg
Thomas Berg   Specialist   AM/SM&S   SWEDBANK AB (publ)

> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Från: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> För John Mattson
> Skickat: den 18 juli 2012 18:48
> Ämne: REXX ISPF edit FIND failing
> I have a little dataset which contains
> I have a little REXX which I want to "FIND" these strings
> /* REXX */
> Address ISPEXEC
> The First Three FIND's work fine.  Starting from the fourth
> find, they all get RC=4, not found.  Even tho I can clearly see that the
> strings exist in the dataset.  What in the whirled is going on here?? Is
> there something "special" about two &'s in a string?  I have tried
> removing the second & from both the find and my dataset and the find
> still fails.  I am at wits end here.
> I have also tried "extracting" the actual finds like: F ALL
> 'DISP=SHR,DSN=&PDQ.ALC.UNVLIB(&MY)'and executing them in TSO, and they
> all work. What is special here.  FYI, the final " is in col 71
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: Secure Encryption Keys vs Protected Keys

2012-07-09 Thread Tom Ambros
Phil Smith wrote: 

"Yes, Protected Key requires ICSF and a CEX."

Should that not read  "Yes, Secure Key requires ICSF and a CEX."? 

Blatant plagiarism follows from my copy of the z196 Tech Guide, Section 
6.2.2 'CPACF Protected key': 

"The zEnterprise CPCs support the protected key implementation. Since 
deployment, secure keys are processed on the PCI-X and PCIe cards, 
requiring an
asynchronous operation to move the data and keys from the general purpose 
CP to the
crypto cards. Clear keys process faster than secure keys because the 
process is done
synchronously on the CPACF. Protected keys blend the security of Crypto 
coprocessors (CEX3C) and the performance characteristics of the CPACF, 
running closer to
the speed of clear keys.

An enhancement to CPACF facilitates the continued privacy of cryptographic 
key material
when used for data encryption. In Crypto Express3 coprocessors, a secure 
key is encrypted
under a master key, whereas a protected key is encrypted under a wrapping 
key that is
unique to each LPAR. After the wrapping key is unique to each LPAR, a 
protected key cannot
be shared with another LPAR. CPACF, using key wrapping, ensures that key 
material is not
visible to applications or operating systems during encryption operations.

CPACF code generates the wrapping key and stores it in the protected area 
of hardware
system area (HSA). The wrapping key is accessible only by firmware. It 
cannot be accessed
by operating systems or applications. DES/T-DES and AES algorithms were 
implemented in
CPACF code with support of hardware assist functions. Two variations of 
wrapping key are
generated, one for DES/T-DES keys and another for AES keys."

Note that CPACF generates the wrapping key and the use of the term 
'protected key' in this context.  Thus my confusion, I am not entirely 
sure that the CEX hardware is required in this case.  I see the 
distinction that is drawn between 'secure key' and 'protected key' and I 
believe it is significant. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

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Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to banking meltdown

2012-06-27 Thread Tom Ambros
We just happened to upgrade our scheduler earlier this year and the tech 
doing it took advantage of a DR test to practice the production upgrade 
and backout, he had done the backout in the sandbox but wanted to see how 
long production would take.  He happens to be the tech with the least 
tenure as a tech but with many years of operations and batch support 
experience... sort of how a lot of people used to end up in tech, I guess. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Jerry Whitteridge 
Date:   06/27/2012 12:48
Subject:Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to 
banking meltdown
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

One relates to a conditioning PTF required on the back level system to be 
able to backout an upgrade from a higher using a backup (DMPQ/MOVQ) 
process native to CA-7. As I read it they attempted to backout using the 
standard documented process but the downlevel system couldn't use the data 
formatted for the uplevel system and queue corruption might have occurred.

It's  shutting the door after the event - but also points to a code not a 
process problem.

Jerry Whitteridge
Lead Systems Programmer
Safeway Inc.
925 951 4184

If you feel in control
you just aren't going fast enough.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Bill Ashton
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to banking 

Without having seen the HIPERs, it could be that they are trying to keep
others from blowing off their feet if they have staff who are
"operationally challenged."

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Jerry Whitteridge <> wrote:

> I've just seen 3 HIPER PTF's from CA related to CA-7 that also fit the
> reported information on the RBS outage. I'd not be too hasty in blaming
> staff at this point.
> Jerry Whitteridge
> Lead Systems Programmer
> Safeway Inc.
> 925 951 4184
> If you feel in control
> you just aren't going fast enough.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Knutson, Sam
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:49 AM
> Subject: Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to banking
> meltdown
> To someone who is inexperienced on platform I imagine managing a CA-7
> upgrade is like having the world's smartest dog but it only responds to
> commands in Latin.  Miscommunication is likely to be a source of
> dissatisfaction.
> The average person <30 is not stupid because they haven't been editing
> command decks and JCL for 25 years or lazy but software on our platform
> tends to be very particular and sometimes unforgiving of mistakes i.e.
> failure to specify QUEUE=NOFORMAT or some non-obvious phrase as part of
> START command.   Since business is no longer content to bring in newbies
> and let them spend 5-10 years to reach Journeyman status under the 
> of more senior folks software is going to have to get smarter and more
> forgiving, documentation is going to have to be written with less
> assumptions about the expertise of the "systems programmer" and zNextGen
> (generic) is going to operate "our" mainframes weather we think they are
> ready or not.  Some of those next generation folks are not going to be
> based in the home office anymore either whether we like that or not.
> The Register is fun reading sometimes but they rarely have enough detail
> to get real insight into what actually happened.  So really anything we 
> here is just idle speculation.   Feels like Friday so that's my .02 
> of idle speculation :-)
> Best Regards,
> Sam Knutson, GEICO
> System z Team Leader
> (office)  301.986.3574
> (cell) 301.996.1318
> "Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Tom Ambros
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:25 AM
> Subject: Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to banking
> meltdown
> "Complicated legacy mainframe system"?  It's CA-7!  If they think that's
> complicated they probably can't work a Mr. Coffee.
> Thomas Ambros
> Operating Systems and Connectivi

Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to banking meltdown

2012-06-27 Thread Tom Ambros
And whoever decided Tuesday night was the most appropriate probably has 
some explaining to do.  Right before a full sized cycle?  Unless every 
night is like that, probably not the most prudent decision. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   "McKown, John" 
Date:   06/27/2012 11:26
Subject:Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to 
banking meltdown
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

I somewhat agree (as difficult as that is for me). In today's world, it is 
expected that a worker will just walk in off the street and have the 
"intuitive" knowledge of how to use computers. As much as I dislike it 
personally, z/OS really needs the "new look" interface to present to the 
end users, and even programmers. I wonder if anybody has done a study of 
productivity between "old style" development using ISPF and 
edit-compile-test versus using the RD/z Eclipse based software.

John McKown 
Systems Engineer IV

Administrative Services Group


9151 Boulevard 26 . N. Richland Hills . TX 76010
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> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Knutson, Sam
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:49 AM
> Subject: Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led 
> to banking meltdown
> To someone who is inexperienced on platform I imagine 
> managing a CA-7 upgrade is like having the world's smartest 
> dog but it only responds to commands in Latin. 
> Miscommunication is likely to be a source of dissatisfaction.
> The average person <30 is not stupid because they haven't 
> been editing command decks and JCL for 25 years or lazy but 
> software on our platform tends to be very particular and 
> sometimes unforgiving of mistakes i.e. failure to specify 
> QUEUE=NOFORMAT or some non-obvious phrase as part of START 
> command.   Since business is no longer content to bring in 
> newbies and let them spend 5-10 years to reach Journeyman 
> status under the guidance of more senior folks software is 
> going to have to get smarter and more forgiving, 
> documentation is going to have to be written with less 
> assumptions about the expertise of the "systems programmer" 
> and zNextGen (generic) is going to operate "our" mainframes 
> weather we think they are ready or not.  Some of those next 
> generation folks are not going to be based in the home office 
> anymore either whether we like that or not. 
> The Register is fun reading sometimes but they rarely have 
> enough detail to get real insight into what actually 
> happened.  So really anything we say here is just idle 
> speculation.   Feels like Friday so that's my .02  worth of 
> idle speculation :-) 
> Best Regards, 
> Sam Knutson, GEICO 
> System z Team Leader 
> (office)  301.986.3574 
> (cell) 301.996.1318   
> "Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..." 
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Tom Ambros
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:25 AM
> Subject: Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led 
> to banking meltdown
> "Complicated legacy mainframe system"?  It's CA-7!  If they 
> think that's complicated they probably can't work a Mr. Coffee. 
> Thomas Ambros
> Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering
> 518-436-6433
> From:   Ed Gould 
> Date:   06/27/2012 00:44
> Subject:'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to 
> banking meltdown
> Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

Re: 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to banking meltdown

2012-06-27 Thread Tom Ambros
"Complicated legacy mainframe system"?  It's CA-7!  If they think that's 
complicated they probably can't work a Mr. Coffee. 

Thomas Ambros
Operating Systems and Connectivity Engineering

From:   Ed Gould 
Date:   06/27/2012 00:44
Subject:'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to 
banking meltdown
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

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