Re: Ten Questions to ask a Prospective z/VM Systems Programmer

2008-04-09 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Do you follow the IBMVM Discussion List? (In which case, if the 
answer's, "Yes" you might reasonably expect them to have revised and 
already know the answers to the other nine. :-) )

A couple of, "matters arising" that're otherwise apropos of nothing ...

Do people who survive on a diet of pizza and coffee ever LIVE to see 80?

What is a, "normal" personality profile for a Systems Programmer?

Re: something with tn3270 and ssl

2008-02-28 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
If you specify the HOLD option on your LOGOFF / DISC command:

 -- or --

do the symptoms change at all?

To quote from the HELP ...

causes the non-SNA TTY display terminal telecommunication connection 

remain in effect after your session is disconnected. If you specify 

HOLD option from a logical device, you disconnect from the logical 

without losing the connection between the logical device and the 

Re: Shared *-STAT not available

2008-02-06 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
and ... purely becasue I'm paranoid ...



Re: CMS Programming: How to sort files entries retrieved by DMSGETDF

2008-01-27 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
If I wanted a completely self-contained program (no calls to PIPE, Rexx, 

etc) then I think I'd be tempted to code a sort routine into the program.
After all - the entire, "file" to be sorted is in-store, it's not going t
be very large (even a rather inefficient bubble sort should be able to 

cope with up to 10K entries without causing the CPU to break into a sweat
 and how many typical 191's contain even 1K files?) and doing it myself 

would give me complete control over the final sequence.

Gosh - how many years is it since I last coded a sort routine? (JPH's 
fault - nowadays it's hard for me to imagine developing a capability that
is to run in a VM/CMS environment that wouldn't involve PIPE at some poin
in the proceedings.)

Jeff Gribbin

Re: how to wait for dfsmsrm command

2008-01-23 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
I have no direct experience of the specific device in question, but would
a slow poll on a CP REWIND command do the trick? Say something like ...

Do 10
   Mounted = 1
   "CP REWIND 181"
   If Rc == 0 then Leave
   Mounted = 0
If \ Mounted then
   <<< Timeout Logic >>>

One of my earliest usermods was to make CP REWIND give a non-zero return-

code on REWIND NOT PERFORMED as it was (and probably still is) the 
only, "easy" command that gives control back regardless of whether or not
the device is ready. (TAPE REW waits for the device to come ready before 

returning control.)

Jeff Gribbin

Re: Moving Spool

2007-12-19 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Hello Richard,
If a Q ALLOC shows the SPOOL (DUMP) areas on the pack as being empty, and
there's no other data on the pack that should be preserved then, provided
the new pack is format/allocated in the same way as the old pack, I see n
requirement to copy the contents.

However, given your, "standalone" environment, DDRing it would be equally
effective and removes the need to do the format/allocate - so, overall, 

I'd suggest is unlikely to take much longer and leaves you with a simpler
process to execute because there will be no exceptions to handle.

Jeff Gribbin

Good Citizenship Opportunity

2007-12-06 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
It's been a while but, if I may, I think it's time to repeat my perennial
plea on behalf of those who, like me, have good reasons to access this 

list in, "Plain Daily Digest Mode".

When possible, could you PLEASE use Plain Text for your messages and 
ESPECIALLY PLEASE, when possible, avoid HTML. Daily Digest Mode displays 

all the HTML source and, currently, the, "junk" substantially overwhelms 

the, "content" when one is reading a digest (I would estimate about 80% 

junk in every digest received).

Secondary to this plea for Plain Text, but also significant; it would als
be appreciated if you could consciously consider whether or not it is 
strictly necessary to re-send the original message when replying. 
Sometimes it's obviously of benefit but at other times it's, "just more 

clutter" and communication is actually enhanced by the deletion of the 

original from the reply.

As I usually do when it's time for me to make this request, I'd like to 

emphasise that I'm not trying to discourage anybody from posting - if all
you have is HTML, and all your replies are required to contain the 
original messages, then, please, fire away! However, if you DO have any 

control over this and are willing to exercise that control, your 
consideration for others will be appreciated.


Re: Controlling MONWRITE and the size of its 191 disk

2007-11-07 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Regarding the, "problem" of perhaps wishing to only collect a subset of 

the monitor records for, "MONWRITE" / post-processing activities while 

still needing a fuller set of records for realtime monitoring, it is 
really a trivial exercise to write a PIPE that collects MONITOR records (
la MONWRITE) and, of course, it would be equally trivial to code a filter
into that pipe to drop the records that were only of, "real time" interes

While I completely understand that new folks on the block may have other 

priorities I'm always bemused when I see folk struggling with the vanilla
data collection mechanisms for accounting, monitoring and the such when 

it's so easy use PIPE to roll a customised collector that fits your exact

(Nowadays, the vanilla tools are, "sufficient unto my needs" - but this 

has not always been the case and, of course, Melinda's Plumbing Papers 

contain discussion regarding the collection of accounting data - most of 

which reads straight across into the monitor data collection context.)


Re: Z/VM 5.3 and VTAM and GCS

2007-09-12 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Check out SC24-6098-02 (z/VM Group Control System) Appendix A (Tailoring 

and Building the GCS Nucleus) - subsection headed, "Creating a New GCS 

Nucleus Build List". Items 7 and 8 at the bottom of page 544 through to 

the top of Page 547) are what you need.

It's terse to the point of incomprehensibility unless you have prior 
experience of nucleus addressing in a VM context (something which, 
nowadays, fewer and fewer people have need of) but this is definitely 
your, "official reference point".

Essentially, what you need to do is to widen the gaps between GCALP and 

GCTZET (to expand Low Common Storage), and/or between GCTBHC and GCTEHC 

(to expand High Common Storage) by changing / replacing the SLC ("Set 
Location Counter") files referenced by the load list.

It's these, "gaps" which define the amount of Low/High Common Storage 
("CSA" in z/OS parlance) available to a particular GCS group and it's thi
Common Storage which is used by VTAM (and any other app which needs to 

share storage between separate tasks running in the group). As you're 
carrying forward an existing update I'll assume that you can work out how
much increase you need by referring back to your previous system but, if 

not, then ask again and maybe somebody a bit more current than I am on 

VTAM will be able to offer some pointers.

The precise mechanics of WHAT to do are (IMV) fairly well-described in th
manual (albeit without any real explanation as to WHY) but if you want to
explore the background to this further - or have other questions - then 

please say so and I'll try (no doubt along with others) to expand on the 

above and clarify what's going on.

Don't forget to put in your notes that the GCS NSS definitions (DEFNSS 

stuff) need to be reviewed / adjusted to match with whatever locations ar
used by the loadlist or you'll end up building a new nucleus in storage 

and then saving the wrong stuff into the NSS - a practice that can be the
source of some serious head-scratching until the penny (dime?) drops ...

Jeff Gribbin


2007-08-22 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Hi Anne,
Unless you discover a bug in CP (HIGHLY unlikely) then nothing that you d
in a Class G virtual machine can impact the first-level system (other tha
maybe in terms of excessive resource consumption if your system is 
, "inappropriately" tuned ).

Maybe it's the, "do it all again on first level" that's worrying you ...

I tend not to, "do it all again" because I only keep the maintenance 
materials on second-level - what I do for first-level is to identify the 

RESULTS of the maintenance and then copy just those parts that a running 

system requires, "up" to first level. I do this, "by hand" and set things
up on first-level in a very manual and (relatively) labour-intensive way.
If I don't use any automatic procedures then it's much harder to 
be, "surprised" because the quantum value of each step is sufficiently 

small for me to be usually be able to fully grasp its impact before I tak
it - if I manually enter ten commands rather than run an EXEC containing 

those ten commands then I have time to think between each micro-step and 

confirm to myself that I'm still comfortable with what I'm about to do.

The downside is that you have to dig around a bit and discover what is 

truly, "The tip of the iceberg" that is actually NEEDED to run the 
system / subsystems and learn how to migrate those essentials to first-
level. You have to develop skills with some of the elemental commands 
(such as, say, DEFNSS), but the payback is that you end up with a far 
greater awareness of the detail of what's going on in your system which 

then spins off into better problem diagnosis and analysis skills and 
better ways of ensuring that maintenance is non-disruptive.

If that seems like, "all too much" and you DO want to simply, "do it all 

again" then I suggest investing effort in replicating as complete a model
as you can of your first-level environment in your second-level system. 

Then, when you, "do it second-level" you can look for and learning how to
deal with any unexpected side-effects that might arise (such as TCPIP 
suddenly going off the air).

The other thing of course, which I'm SURE I don't really need to tell you
is to take copious notes - document exactly what you did and what happene
as a result - including all those things that you thought at first 
happened but then it turned out that they didn't, plus all those things 

that you didn't notice had happened and only discovered afterwards.

Hmm - I'm preaching again - does any of that help or am I off-target? (If
yes, please rephrase the question and I - plus many others, I'm sure  
will take another shot at it.)


Jeff Gribbin

Re: 2007 Order of the Knights of VM

2007-08-15 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
The certificate makes a great background for your PC's desktop (I've been
using mine since about 30 minutes after I first discovered scanners). The
resolution's improved a bit over the years as scanner technology has move
forward. :-)

Congratulations and Welcome!

Sir Jeff the Builder of Bridges

Re: Guest in 31 or 64 bit?

2007-08-11 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
If you have TRACK installed, that'll answer the question on an ad-hoc 
basis without any further programming effort on your part. Otherwise, if 

it were me and I were looking for a reliable, "programmable" interface I 

reckon I'd be starting to think about writing an extension to QUERY ...

Re: Multiple Logical Operator Consoles... how?

2007-07-19 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Hello Fred,
I hope that you (eventually) find this useful, but I'm going to 
unhelpfully start by suggesting that you take a step back and delete from
your mind the idea that VM has a, "console".

The VM paradigm is fundamentally different to the OS paradigm - in VM, an
appropriately privileged userid can issue any CP command from any 
location. Period. The idea of a, "system console" is not part of the mode

Asynchronous system status messages are directed to the VIRTUAL console o
the currently-logged on userid that is designated as SYSTEM OPERATOR. If 

there is no logged-on and currently-designated SYSTEM OPERATOR then the 

asynchronous messages are simply discarded. The SYSTEM OPERATOR may be 

logged-on-connected or it may be be logged-on-disconnected - CP just 
doesn't care.

So ... I'll now attempt to redefine what I think is the problem that 
you're trying to solve - it'll be helpful to the list if you would confir
or refine this definition so that we can then suggest pragmatic solutions

I think that your, "problem" is that you wish to display all (or some 
subset of) the asynchronous system status messages on several real displa
devices. Possibly you also wish to allow provileged commands that alter 

the system status to be entered from several real display devices.

Both of these capabilities are quite straightforward to implement in a 

basic form using nothing other than the essential VM capabilities - the 

challenges come once one starts imposing all those, "real life" 
constraints such as subsetting of function, logging, authorisation, 
readability, usability, automation of routine events and the such.

So - to summarise - in the VM paradigm there is a single, "touchpoint" 

(SYSTEM OPERATOR) through which all asynchronous system status messages 

are channelled. This touchpoint is programmable and the end-capability is
therefore limited only by our imaginations and our ability to develop 
suitable code. As you have suggested, much commercial code is available 

that makes use of this touchpoint, but at a monetary cost. However, all 

the interfaces are documented and there is nothing to stop you from 
developing your own code that uses the touchpoint. (Note well that PROP i
NOT the touchpoint - it's an example of a user of the touchpoint.)

Hope that helps - please publish a bit more background on what you're 
trying to achieve and then we can better advise you regarding what's 
already, "out there" and what you might have to, "roll yourself".

Jeff Gribbin

Re: Best procedure to migrate dedicated VSE volume to VM minidisk

2007-04-21 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
I have had lots of experience with DDR - not recently, but I'm pretty 
confident that this should still be accurate.

I've no experience pre-3330 and the following is written in a 3390 contex

Assuming you're runnning DDR in a virtual machine and moving from and to 

the same VIRTUAL cylinders you'll NEVER need to use REORDER. The actual 

physical cylinders occupied by the minidisks are irrelevant - it's the 

(virtual) cylinder values, "seen" by DDR that are significant.

Therefore, assuming you have a virtual machine with read access to your 

source disk at (say) , and write access to your (3338 cylinder) targe
disk at (say) , some variation ( supply the disk labels) on th
theme of:

IN  3390
OUT  3390
COPY 0 3337

will do what you want.

If you were running standalone to real disks then you could achieve the 

same effect using REORDER, thus;

but personally I'd have to be short of options to choose this method!

Jeff (writing as me, not an EDS employee) Gribbin

Re: Historical curiousity question.

2007-03-15 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Chris Langford has already stated the fundamental answer to the original 

question - I'll re-state it for emphasis before we fly off on too many 

tangents and it gets lost:

To allow complete virtualisation of minidisks of any size up to and 
including full-pack. Virtualising a full-pack minidisk makes it 
intrinsically impossible to save hypervisor-related information on the 

physical pack that's being virtualised - there's nowhere to put it!

Remember - one is virtualising HARDWARE - so there's no scope 
for, "agreement" with the (software running in the) guests to not use par
of the pack - at best this would lead to a less-than-complete 

CP-OWNED volumes are a different kettle of fish - they are specifically 

reserved for use by (and ownership of) CP itself - not guests. The fact 

that CP is generous enough to allow (guest) minidisk allocation of the 

parts that it does not wish to use itself (the, "I'm not using these 
cylinders" generally being flagged as, 'PERM' in the Allocation Table) - 

and even allow minidisk mapping of the parts that it DOES use - is a 
bonus. (This bonus is one that definitely fits in with VM's philosophy of
only expecting grownups to play at system level - gun-bullet-foot - but, 

if you survive, a great way to learn!)

Jeff (These opinions are entirely personal) Gribbin

Re: Issuing HX from Rexx

2007-03-10 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
"An Assembler Program That ABENDs" ...

A little convoluted, and it would need a bit of wrap-round code to 
generalise it and do things like verify load/start address, but it seems 

that one could write an EXEC that effectively, "HX"d based on the 
following ...

load dmsbtp 
DMSLIO201W The following names are undefined:  
Ready(4); T=0.01/0.01 12:41:03 

st s14002 
Store complete.

Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:41:19   
DMSLIO740I Execution begins...   
DMSABE141T Operation exception occurred at 0006 in routine USER PGM 


(I really should get out more)


Re: PSI story

2007-02-28 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
With a small amount of trepidation (but inviting stomping from anybody wh
feels that I'm off-base here) can I remind folk that, on IBM mainframe 

hardware, MIPS aren't the whole story. There's channels too - and in an 

I/O-related situation their power needs to be ADDED to the CPU power to 

come up with a realistic, "comparative MIPS" figure.

It's a very long time since I saw anything that indicated how much MIPpag
is offloaded into the channels by a typical, "mainframe" workload but 
please remember that, unless you understand how channels are implemented 

when comparing two different solutions, you can quickly mislead yourself 

regarding the genuine value of the, "MIPS" comparison.

(I have a similar problem regarding, "channel bandwidth" - each individua
channel on a mainframe might be, "slow" but potentially I can have severa
hundred running in parallel - in the right circumstances doesn't this giv
me greater capacity to work with than a single but much faster I/O portal
Do I want a firehose or do I want the Mississippi? As a man to whom I 
would happily defer when it comes to performance issues has occasionally 

been heard to comment, I think, "It depends ...")

Jeff Gribbin (Speaking only for himself.)

Re: z/VM 5.3

2007-02-06 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Ahah! Guess I just got lucky then! :-)

Looks like several nice features in there that I'm unlikely to ever get5 

to use in anger.

Seen a GA date yet?

z/VM 5.3

2007-02-06 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Stumbled across this while lookig for TCP/IP Manuals. I don't recall 
seeing any discussion on the topic - did I miss it?

The really weird part was that I was looking in the TCP/IP Manuals to fin
out if there was a recommended way of doing a SET RESERVE on MPROUTE ... 

and what do I find in here ... ? ...

Enhanced Guest Configuration
z/VM V5.3 helps improve the guest LOGON process by providing a new COMMAN
directory statement in a virtual machine definition or profile to 
configure the virtual machine. Any form of a CP command may be invoked 

using this capability, including privileged class commands (such as SET 

RESERVED), on behalf of the virtual machine, eliminating the need to 
provide some other method to configure it.

Spooky ...

(Alas, they forgot to spell, "privileged" VM-style with an extra, "d" 
("priviledged") - the curse of the spellchecker strikes again. )


Re: Question re: Hercules

2006-10-19 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Alan / David / Adam,
Thanks for your responses - it would seem that my understanding of the 

rules is not at odds with yours and that such a strategy is at least 
acceptable from a legal / contractural standpoint.

Support of old DASD geometries was my specific thought - but I love the 

idea of, "doing" a 64-bit system under a 31-bit system via Hercules - hig
on cough-syrup indeed!

Your responses leave me with the comfortable feeling that, should the nee
ever arise, I do at least have some kind of, "Plan B" to entertain.


Re: Question re: Hercules

2006-10-18 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
> "NO you can not run VM - any version - under  
> Hercules".

Now, this is one of those, "But why would you want to do this?" questions
but howabout running z/VM in a Hercules that was itself running under 
Linux in a virtual machine that was being delivered using the same z/VM a
was running, "down there" - and is, of course, properly and fully license

Not entirely academic - some of the devices that Hercules can emulate are
pretty hard to find nowadays and if one happened to have an application 

that depended on one of these devices ...

(I would, of course, not expect such a configuration to be SUPPORTED 
but ... is it legal?)


Re: Saving a backup copy of NSSs with no tape drive

2006-09-12 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
To save into CMS files, somebody would have to teach CP how to WRITE CMS 

files - MUCH more challenging than its current ability to ("simply") read
them. (SAVESYS needs to be a CP function - just because most SAVESYS 
commands are executed within CMS doesn't mean that we can simply throw 

away the capability to SAVESYS any image.)

SAVESYS onto a single SPOOL volume - yes, very nice, but to what end? 
Being able to DDR restore that volume for recovery? Yes, quite reasonable
Being able to avoid loss of a SDF if a single SPOOL volume fails? 
Reasonable, but long odds and probably of minor consideration alongside 

the other problems you'll be mitigating against to cover that scenario.

Missing SDF's at IPL time? This problem is already solved by V/SEG - 
AUTOVSEG (with an IPL 190 in its directory entry) already scans for 
missing SDF's and replaces them - and even comes with instructions on how
to make AUTOLOG1 wait until the restores are complete before proceeding. 

(It's fun at a DR to do a CLEAN start and watch all those SDF's 
automagically appear at IPL time.)

So far, I haven't seen a single goal expressed which hasn't already been 

solved by V/SEG so, once again I ask the question - what business reason 

can we show IBM that would make it worthwhile investing time money and 

effort in providing a second solution to a problem that's already been 

solved? I'm not trying to suggest that a more modern set of solutions 
wouldn't be attractive (V/SEG is seriously showing its age in some places
and has a certain, "clunkiness" about it which makes it kind-of endearing
and I'd love to see CA investing some serious manpower in the product (I 

still suspect they aren't really aware of what a gem they acquired here) 
but I just can't see how it'd make commercial sense for IBM to develop a 

rival product unless it solves some real operational problem that's not 

already been solved by V/SEG. So far, (unless I've missed it) nobody's 

come up with one. (Folk have suggested alternative METHODS, but nobody's 

yet pointed out a significant PROBLEM that's outside of V/SEG's scope.)


Re: Saving a backup copy of NSSs with no tape drive

2006-09-11 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
To protect oneself from rapid depletion of backups given a, "Post me when
the SDF changes" situation and a beserk SDF-generator one simply needs to
apply a minimum age on any backup-to-be-deleted. Couple that with a 
maximum-versions-to be-retained mechanism plus a notify-when-backup-
disallowed-due-to-age-of-oldest-version process and (I think) all bases 

would be covered. (Of course, the minidisk where the backups are held is 

itself backed up on a cyclic basis to meet the need to recover a VERY OLD
backup. Make minimum age for deletion 1 day and backup the disk daily and
nothing will ever be, "lost accidentally".)

I've never had reason to look closely at this part of V/SEG but I'd be 

surprised if it's not do-able by any user of the product who's also a sem
competent Rexx coder in < 1 day and possibly do-able in exits (I'll leave
Phil to provide a considered opinion ).

Like others, I do wonder if the existence of a well-respected product tha
already does the job puts the damper on any further commercial developmen
of this capability inside IBM. Why reinvent the wheel where there are so 

many other wheels crying out to be invented!

Jeff Gribbin

Re: VM directory entry for shared DASD

2006-09-08 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Unsurprisingly, it looks as if I need to clarify a little ...

Tom's not happy with, "assuming" R/R support for Reloc 0 Minidisks. My 

take here is that CP is not unilaterally adding any R/R activity - if the
disk at Reloc 0 is a VSE minidisk and VSE doesn't issue any R/R then CP 

won't either - but if VSE DOES, "feel the need" then the R/R will be 
honoured by CP and protection from other systems running in other images 

will be provided - just as it would be in the, "Real World". This being 

the case, I don't see how with R/R propagation at the, "real" level we're
significantly worse off than we are today - if VSE doesn't do it then CP 

doesn't do it - if VSE DOES do it then it gets the protection it's asking
for instead of a weak subset of what it's expecting. There IS a new impac
(in terms of responsiveness) for users of other minidisks that share the 

real volume - but I would far rather manage the impact of coping with the
consequences of, "safe" behaviour than manage the impact of coping with 

the consequences of a data corruption caused by CP's failure to fully 
honour a request from a guest asking for short-term exclusive use of a 


(I contend that the CPU overhead of checking for the need to drive R/R 

support is not worthy of consideration - we are talking a few tens of 
instructions increase in the normal pathlength at most and - to my mind -
the benefit of consistent behaviour far outweighs the cost of these few 


Richard's appears to be unhappy with me suggesting that XLINK has a part 

to play here. I think that Rob's response should have settled these 
concerns but, just to make sure, a reminder that XLINK extends the 
protection against, "unintentional" multi-write access that one gets on a
single system to cover multiple systems sharing a single real volume. It 

does this via a, "Compare-and-Swap" mechanism on a cylinder-map that 
resides on the real volume and it requires no additional hardware or (onc
set up) support process. Again, as it's intrinsically dangerous to have 

multiple CP images sharing minidisks on a real volume without the 
protection of XLINK, and XLINK is part of the base system, why on Earth 

would anyone wish to operate a production system without it? That being 

the case, it seems natural to me to deliver real R/R in support of any 

virtual R/R issued by a guest to any minidisk with a, "V" in the MDISK 

statement (or starts at Cylinder 0) that's on a real volume under the 
control of XLINK. In the vast majority of cases the non-reloc-0 minidisks
will be CMS minidisks and (because CMS doesn't use R/R) there will not be
any reason to code the, "V" anyway - but having the support in CP gives u
the CAPABILITY (which we don't currently have) should we wish to make use
of it for - say - a VSE LOCKFILE residence minidisk.

(At least nobody's yet taking me to task for suggesting that volumes unde
XLINK control should default to SHARED when ATTACHED to SYSTEM! )

Hopefully I've been able to make my points somewhat more clearly this tim
around. Tom and Richard - through your comments, thanks for giving me the
opportunity to do so.


Re: VM directory entry for shared DASD

2006-09-07 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Well Alan, as you've, "Opened the floor for discussion" - here's my two 

penn'orth on how I think it SHOULD work.

I think we're all pretty-much agreed on Virtual R/R support within a 
single VM image, it's when to issue a REAL R/R that's the sticking-point.

I would contend that a REAL R/R should be issued whenever the virtual R/R
is honoured on ANY minidisk associated with a real volume (that supports 

real R/R) that's under control of cross-system link (aka XLINK) or 
whenever the subject minidisk begins on real cylinder zero.

I would like to retain the "V" appendage to explicitly tell CP which 
minidisks are subject to virtual R/R support because this would protect m
from, "denial of service" behaviour based on someone realising that their
CMS minidisk is on a cross-system-linked disk and that they can therefore
mess things up by issuing a RESERVE CCW. However, this is unlikely enough
that I'd be willing to be persuaded that CP should simply honour all R/R 

activity on all minidisks under the scheme outlined above. (Maybe relocat
zero should imply, "V" but it needs to be explicitly coded on non-relocat

While I was at it, I would also extend the automatic assignment of SHARED
status to any real volume that's put under XLINK control at the time that
it's ATTACHED to SYSTEM, with (of course) the option of using the 
appropriate SET command to change this to cater for, "unusual" 
circumstances. I find the current mechanisms for establishing SHARED 
status on real packs tiresome - and it'd be so natural to assume shared 

for XLINK packs.

OK, let's see what others think :-)

Jeff Gribbin

S/N Ratio - A Suggestion ...

2006-07-31 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
A suggestion I'd like to make on behalf of the Digest Readers to help 
maintain the Signal-to-Noise ration on the list as high as conveniently 

possible ...

When you're replying via email to a post and quoting the original message
if possible, could you please review the quoted material and prune out an
noise - in particular any now-redundant / duplicate lengthy legal 
disclaimers attached to the quoted material. (I'm even tempted to suggest
getting in the habit of defaulting to NOT quoting original message as an 

appendage - but that's maybe a bit TOO radical for some ... )

If you can then I think that it'd help a little to avoid my problem of 

occasionally missing a, "nugget" because I was, "scrolling dross" and wen
a little too far.

I'm not asking anyone to, "Do the impossible" - we all have to live with 

Company Rules on these things - just, "if you can" ... :-)

With thanks in anticipation,
Jeff Gribbin

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-26 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Somebody please pass me my hat - it's lunchtime.

I'm astonished and delighted.

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-26 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Mmmm - after I hit, 'submit' I thought, "What's wrong with adding some ne
stuff and just draining the old stuff." (Never say, "Oops" after 
hitting, "Submit" :sigh.)

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-26 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Hello Alan,
Seriously, what in your opinion are the odds that a problem with a paging
volume on a running system that's having NO OTHER paging problems could 

produce the symptoms of ONLY and ALWAYS failing on IPL vdev?

Replacing paging volumes might be simple and easy but -given the symptoms
as described- I see it as being so incredibly unlikely to resolve the 
problem that even the slight effort involved is unjustified without 
something else to corroborate the, "bad pack" hypothesis.

Finding out if IPL CLEAR works and checking with Support for known 
problems are both (in my view) even simpler and easier and even negative 

answers will at least move Ed's understanding forward. Rob's TRSOURCE 
suggestion also looks like effort that one can expect to bear some fruit 

even if, again, it's of a negative nature.

I'd be nervous about IPLing without understanding the problem - if for no
other reason than potentially destroying the evidence without ever 
identifying the cause. (This is, of course, Ed's call - does he want to 

identify the problem or is he happy for it to just, "go away" - if the 

latter and it's not too disruptive to his community then maybe an IPL is 

justified ...)

Regards Jeff

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-26 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
If Ed can confirm whether or not IPL vdev CLEAR fails that should reduce 

the number of places where TRSOURCE traps need to be set ...

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-25 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Er ... meanwhile back at the original problem ...

Folks, Ed is reporting that EVERY attempt to issue CP IPL command to ANY 

vdev is ALWAYS generating HCPCLS174E on a system that is otherwise runnin
happily. Now, sorry and all that, but I just don't buy the idea that thes
symptoms match with a faulty paging pack - the symptoms are too consisten
and there are no other symptoms - remember that this system is UP AND 
RUNNING, with LOTS of active users - unless Ed's current system pagerate 

is really and truly zero, for this to be the one-and-only symptom of a 

faulty page volume would be downright bizarre.

Now, IIRC, the way that CP, "loads" the IPL simulator is by first paging 

out a guest page (page 1?) and then messing with the guest's page tables 

to point the guest page at the IPL simulator which sits inside the CP 
nucleus (it's been several years - can anybody help out here?) and then 

dispatching the guest, which triggers a pagein. This, "feels" like the 

only paging operation that's going to be common the ALL IPL VDEV commands

Personally, for starters, I'd be using TRACE ALL (probably NOT to the 
console, but to the virtual printer) just to get a feel for how long it 

goes before it crashes - and then, "fine down" the trace based on that 

experience. If Ed gets HCPCLS174E before any instructions are executed 

then we'll have a, "smoking gun" pointing straight at the process that 

saves the guest page and then loads the IPL Simulator - if not then at 

least one real possibility will have been eliminated. (A thought - the 

guest page is probably not saved with IPL CLEAR - Ed, can you confirm tha
IPL vdev CLEAR fails as well as IPL vdev NOCLEAR?)

I have a second Euro that I'll stake against a nickel that says that this
is NOT a problem with Ed's paging packs - any takers for THIS one?

Jeff (Eliminate the impossible) Gribbin

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-24 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
I've been sitting on my thumbs ever since this thread started, expecting 

the, "Ahah!" post at any minute ... but it's not arrived.

If I'm reading the problem definition correctly we have a consistent, 
repeatable problem - that alone makes me suspect that it's not a dodgy 

chunk of pagespace. However, it DOES get me asking, "Why not TRACE the 


If you set traces before issuing the IPL command you will, "see" the IPL 

Command Simulator running in guest storage and will (hopefully) gain some
insight as to exactly what's happening at the moment that the error occur

In extremis, assuming that the problem can be recreated 2nd-level and the
guest trace is insufficient to generate that, "Ahah!" moment, you could 

even enjoy a day tracing it through CP . It just depends on how stubborn 

you really are.

I have 5 cents that says we're all going to feel dreadfully dumb once thi
one is bottomed out. (Well, actually, it might have to be a Euro - not 

sure if there are any nickels left in my coin collection - any takers?)

Re: MDC, Storage, xstore, and cache on External dasd.

2006-07-12 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
On the, "Get close to the application" thread, remember that any I/O 
request satisfied from MDC is likely to be satisfied (on modern boxes) in
less than a microsecond. Even cached, anything that involves a 
conversation with a channel is going to experience a service time that is
several orders of magnitude higher.

It's always important to reflect on the cost and consider the best way of
investing ones limited currency (in this case, central / expanded 
storage), but some MDC payback is usually a no-brainer.

I believe this to be especially true when dealing with synchronous I/O - 

and how much I/O nowadays is truly, "application asynchronous"? Not as 

much as in the, "batch sequential" days, that's for sure. (Not, of course
that CMS has ever been strong in the, "I/O overlap" department from a 
single user's perspective.)

It would be an unusual configuration that would benefit from the 
reassignment of all MDC storage to, "other uses".

Re: duplicate dasd volume serial numbers

2006-06-30 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
In this specific instance ("I wanna move a dedicated paging volume") wher
the data contained on the pack is purely ephemeral and only relevant unti
the next SHUTDOWN, it can be worthwhile to know that, once CP's recognise
a CP-OWNED volume at (usually) IPL time and added it to the CP-OWNED list
it has no reason to go back and re-read the volume serial number.

It is therefore perfectly straightforward to format and allocate a new 

paging pack and then, via a minidisk definition covering cylinder zero of
the, "old" pack, relabel the, "old" pack without giving the currently-
running system any problems at all - it'll happily carry on paging to the
relabelled pack until SHUTDOWN time. If one format/allocates the new pack
with a dummy label and then runs the two relabel steps together using a 

single file as input to ICKDSF then this reduces the, "window of 
opportunity" when (neither or) both volumes have the, "magic" volser to 

(usually) milliseconds.

"There's old sysprogs, and there's bold sysprogs ..."

Jeff Gribbin

Re: Volume with minidisks has no allocation information

2006-06-27 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Further to the comments regarding sharing of DASD between CMS users and 

OS - this was routine behaviour at a former employer of mine (back when 

DASD was always in short supply). We would format the DASD on the OS side
allocate a dataset covering the back end - and then zap the VTOC to flag 

the dataset as password-protected, but never put a password into the 
password dataset (RAC-who? ). This effectively rendered the, "CMS" 

cylinders unreadable from OS. On VM we would allocate a dummy minidisk 

that mapped the OS part of the disk (to keep DISKMAP and the such happy) 

and then simply allocate CMS minidisks on the, "CMS portion" in the usual
manner. Never a problem in many years of operation. As Tom said, "As long
as everyone agrees to what's being done ...". In this particular setup, V
and OS ran on separate machines with a fully-shared DASD farm.

Reading CMS minidisks from OS is not, "difficult". Again, at a different 

former employer, this was routine behaviour - we had a utility that serve
as a kind-of poor man's RSCS by reading JCL stored on a specified CMS 
minidisk and submitting it into the internal reader. The writing of code 

of this kind was considered a training exercise for junior sysprogs - onc
they'd successfully done something like this you could confidently expect
them to understand a whole raft of basic functionality from BDAM through 

DYNALLOC and the internals of the CMS File System and the CP Object 
Directory. It also helped to break down the barriers between the VM Bigot
and the OS Bigots (not that, other than in the sense of gentle rivalry, 

I've ever found this to exist among real systems programmers - who seem 

eager to take apart anything and everything to find out how it works - or
was that, "worked" ).

Jeff Gribbin

Re: Emulated tape/ECKD disk

2006-05-23 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
David - thanks for the clarification - it certainly improves my 
understanding of what-and-why and where you're coming from.

I agree that we should refrain from asking IBM for specific solutions - 

this makes it all the more important though that the problem is well-
defined - otherwise (especially in todays business climate) one ends up 

with a narrow and specific solution that is incapable of forming the 
foundation for further development into currently-unimagined areas. We 

need to ensure that any solution is engineered with an eye on the future.

As you so rightly say, this is hopefully addressed by dialogue with the 

developers at the design / concept stage - ensuring that the problem 
description accurately reflects the vision of what is needed.

Alas, so far it only seems to be you-and-me that're willing to get excite
by this - I really expected you to start a mailstorm with this one but it
seems to have failed to capture the community's imagination. We'll 
certainly need more opinions than just yours-and-mine if this ever gets t
the, "IBM asking for feedback" stage!


Re: Emulated tape/ECKD disk

2006-05-19 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
"This really needs to be core VM function" ...

Let me reiterate that comment as I understand it, because I think it's 

possible to interpret the scope of what you mean by, "Core VM function" i
different ways - and it's a definition that we need to agree upon if we'r
to have a fruitful discussion.

In my view, the, "Core VM Function" that IBM has to buy into is the 
provision of an API in CP that allows the creation of an RDEV of any kind
("take, "any" with a pinch of salt - hopefully it could be architeched to
do, "any" in principle but maybe limited for practical/business reasons t
(say) tape and DASD on its first outing) together with the supporting API
that allows communication between the created RDEV and a Service Virtual 

Machine. Again, I cite *CCS as the conceptual model.

Personally, I DO NOT see (and, if I read you correctly, neither do you) 

the provision of the server code that drives this API as part of the "Cor
VM Function" that IBM needs to buy into. While I can see that IBM might 

well wish to take advantage of the API and deliver function that is based
on the API I am also certain that there are entrepreneurs across the whol
spectrum from Open-Sourcers to Proprietary OCOers who would gladly grab 

the opportunity to provide all kinds of arcane and esoteric device suppor
base upon the aforesaid, "Core VM Function".

As I said earlier, I believe that this is just a re-statement and 
clarification of the scope that you already subscribe to but - if not the
at least, with your reply, we're likely all to be definitely talking abou
the same thing.

Pardon my pedantry.


Re: Emulated tape/ECKD disk

2006-05-16 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
I recall how excited I was when I first learned about the *CCS support 

mechanism that is used to support VTAM logon terminals in CP. The concept
of having an RDEVBLOK as the gateway to a server (didn't call 'em servers
back then - big mistake) opened up so many possibilities for device 
emulation and mapping that I (then) felt that it was OBVIOUS that this 

interface would be extended to other device types - providing a general-
purpose API for using a server to emulate any kind of RDEV that CP 

Alas, in those young, exciting days I was horribly naive and didn't 
understand words like, "business case". I'm thankful that David, however,
does. If implemented, this proposal would, in my view, be the best thing 

to happen to VM since Linux. (Sliced bread? Doesn't even come close.)

Re: zVM 5.2 ESAMAP and MXG

2006-04-05 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
This has now been resolved. MXG Update 24.035, available from Merrill, 

addresses the problems.

Many thanks to all who contributed to identifying and resolving this 


Re: zVM 5.2 ESAMAP and MXG

2006-03-29 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Thanks Mike - that makes it more likely, "something silly" at this end. 

Yes, I meant the HISTORY file (we actually ship the, "daily" HISTORY file
that ESAMAP builds from the HISTORY file created by ESAWRITE - the one 

with the date as the filetype). We use NETDATA to pack the file and ship 

it via RSCS rather than go via tape but otherwise we're doing similar 

Our ESAWRITE / ESAMAP (as shown in the header of the HISTORY records) is 

at and our MXG is at 23.05. I'd be interested in knowing your 

Suggest we now take this off-list as it looks like a, "minority interest 

topic" and I'll post a conclusion once one's achieved.


zVM 5.2 ESAMAP and MXG

2006-03-28 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
This is a stab in the dark - I'm looking for somebody else who's running 

Velocity's ESAMAP under zVM 5.2 and feeding the ESAMAP, "Daily Digests" 

into Merrill's MXG software.

We are (obviously) experiencing some difficulties with this setup, or I 

wouldn't be asking, but we'd like to reassure ourselves that they're 
problems of our own making - hopefully by finding somebody who 
says, "Problem? What problem?".

If you ARE running this software mix - either successfully or 
unsuccessfully - I'd appreciate it if you could please say so - either on
list or off-list, whichever you prefer. I'll take silence to mean that 

we're the pioneers.

Jeff Gribbin