[ietf-dkim] DKIM BOF -- draft charter and agenda

2005-10-11 Thread Barry Leiba
The most important thing we have to do before the BOF is to get some
consensus on a charter for the proposed Working Group, and set an
agenda for the BOF.  To the first end, let me start by posting the
current version of the post-Paris draft charter.  I think a few changes
to it will help, and I know Stephen has some quite significant comments
and changes that he'd like to see, so let's bat this around and try to
wind up with something we can go with by the end of this week.

The main changes that I think are needed are these:

* I think the intent of this sentence has been widely misunderstood:
"The working group will make only the minimal changes deemed useful to
improve the viability of services that are based on these
...and I'd like the clarify it.  The point is not that we want to limit
discussion to moving commas.  The point is that there's a significant
deployment of some of this already out there, and we'd like to maintain
compatibilty with that installed base, to the extent that it's
reasonable to do so.  If an incompatible change is Really the Right
Thing, we should do it.  But let's be sure that it's Really the Right

So I'd like to see wording that clarifies the intent there.

* I want to make it much clearer, right in the charter, that no one
thinks this will "stop spam", and that that isn't the intent of the
spec nor the goal of the Working Group.  We do mention forgery, but I
don't think we point out clearly enough that it's the forgery that this
is addressing, and not other aspects of spam fighting.

Stephen and I also talked about adding an informational document to the
deliverables, and I'll let him talk about that some more when he
responds here.

Also: I know the milestones are extremely aggressive, and that's
intentional.  Those of us who've worked on getting this far want to
move this work along *quickly*, because we believe that it's a critical
component of the anti-spam/anti-phishing toolbox, and that we need it
*now*.  That said, let's look at those dates and accept "aggressive",
but make sure they're feasible.

OK, let's get started.  What do you think?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 22 Aug 2005 0932

 Domain Keys Identified Message (DKIM)

  Russell Housley, Sam Hartman
  Russell Housley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 General Discussion: ietf-dkim@mipassoc.org
 To Subscribe: http://mipassoc.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-dkim
 Archive: http://mipassoc.org/pipermail/ietf-dkim/


 Forgery of headers that indicate message origin is a problem for users of
 Internet mail. The DKIM working group will produce standards-track 
 specifications that permit authentication of message headers during transit, 
 using public-key signatures and based on domain name identifiers. Keys will 
 be stored in the responsible identity's DNS hierarchy. The specification will 
 be based on the draft-allman-dkim-*.txt Internet-Drafts. The working group 
 will make only the minimal changes deemed useful to improve the viability 
 of services that are based on these specifications. The specifications will 
 contain summaries of the threats, requirements and limitations that are 
 associated with the specified mechanism. The DKIM working group will also 
 address mechanisms for advertising "signing policy" so that a recipient can 
 determine whether a valid message signature should be present.

 The working group will NOT consider related topics, such as reputation and
 accreditation systems, and message encryption.  It will also NOT
 consider signatures which are intended to make long-term assertions
 (beyond the expected transit time of a message) nor signatures which
 attempt to make strong assertions of the identity of the message

 The working group may also study whether to adopt a work item for specifying
 a common mechanism to communicate the results of message verification to the
 message recipient.  


  7/05 Issue initial Internet-Draft[s] of signature specification
 10/05 Submit to IESG - for DKIM threats and requirements
  2/06 Submit to IESG - DKIM signature specification
  2/06 Submit to IESG - DKIM public key Resource Record
  5/06 Submit to IESG - DKIM policy specification
ietf-dkim mailing list

[ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM BOF -- draft charter and agenda

2005-10-13 Thread Barry Leiba
OK, I've let this simmer for a couple of days, and I think it's time
to come back with my take on it, as the other BOF chair, and as someone
who's worked on the specs as they currently are.  I'm including Russ
as a CC on this message, asking him (Hi Russ!) explicitly to comment.

As I said in my previous note, I had a couple of issues with the
draft charter as it was, and I agreed with some of Stephen's comments.
I also agree with what Dave, Jim, Mike, and some others have said about
questioning the value of a too-extensive rewrite of the charter (though
that might be what I'm posting here anyway, since I tend to rewrite,
when I get my hands on stuff).  I think I've got a good compromise,
which I'm attaching here.

It keeps the general flavour of the original charter, and expands
the text a bit in the areas where some have said it's lacking.  I've
rearranged and reworded some things, without, I hope, completely
changing it.  And I've revised the milestones to be what I think are
feasible, and still aggressive.

I left out two points (perhaps more, but I'm sure he'll point that
out) that Stephen had put into his version with a "?" on them: those
involving doing additional work on canonicalization and cryptographic
transforms.  I think the specs allow us to plug things in here, and
that work on them doesn't need to be explicitly called out in the
charter.  If people disagree, I'm sure they'll say.

Russ: What do you, who will need to approve the charter, think about
this pass?  Do you think it's reasonably solid, and takes into account
the major comments that've been made?  Would you be comfortable with
a working group with this charter?

Everyone: Pretty much the same questions.  Does this reflect what
most of us think?  Does it adequately explain what we're trying to do,
and not trying to do?  And do the milestones seem feasible?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

13 Oct 2005

Domain Keys Identified Message (DKIM)

 Russell Housley, Sam Hartman
 Russell Housley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
General Discussion: ietf-dkim@mipassoc.org
To Subscribe: http://mipassoc.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-dkim
Archive: http://mipassoc.org/pipermail/ietf-dkim/


The Internet mail protocols and infrastructure allow mail sent from one
domain to purport to be from another.  While there are sometimes legitimate
reasons for doing this, it has become a source of general confusion, as
well as a mechanism for fraud and for distribution of spam (and is, in this
context, called "spoofing").

The DKIM working group will produce standards-track specifications that 
allow a domain to take responsibility for having a part in the transmission 
of an email message, using digital signatures, and to publish "policy" 
information about how it uses those signatures.  Taken together, these will 
allow receiving domains to detect (or rule out) spoofing in many 
circumstances.  The specifications will also contain summaries of the 
threats, requirements and limitations that are associated with the specified 

While the techniques specified by this working group will not prevent fraud 
or spam, they will provide a valuable tool for defense against them by 
allowing receiving domains to detect spoofing of known domains.  What to do 
with that information is still left to the receiving domain, and this group 
makes no attempt to define that, or to establish trust relationships, or 
reputation of accreditation systems.

The signatures will use public-key cryptography and will be based on domain 
name identifiers.  Keys will be stored in the responsible identity's DNS 
hierarchy.  The specifications will be based on the following Internet 
* draft-fenton-dkim-threats
* draft-allman-dkim-base
* draft-allman-dkim-ssp
which represent experimentation and consensus from a number of designers and 
early implementors.  Because there is significant deployment on the Internet 
of these specifications, as part of the experimentation, the working group 
will make every reasonable attempt to keep changes compatible with what is 
deployed, making incompatible changes only when they are necessary for the 
success of the specifications.  
The working group will NOT consider related topics, including, but not
limited to, the following:
* Reputation and accreditation systems.  While we expect these to add value
to what is defined by this working group, their development will be 
separate, and is out of scope for this group.
* Message encryption.
* Key management, including key-distribution infrastructure.
* Signatures that are intended to make long-term a

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: dkim service

2005-10-13 Thread Barry Leiba
John says...
> Ohhh, noo, not this again.  We flogged this topic at length while
> arguing DK versus IIM.


> I think it'll be a swell idea for list software to use DKIM on
> incoming messages to verify the sender, but that's the list manager's
> job, not the subscribers'.

Right.  The idea, as I put it once, was that "If you break it, you
bought it."  Put less colloquially, if a mailing list that knows it's
going to mangle the message receives a DKIM-signed message, it should

1. Verify the signature.

2. Apply whatever reputation service, white/black lists, spam
filtering, etc that it wants to, to decide whether the message should
pass on to the mailing list.

3. If it decides that it should pass, the mailing list should LEAVE the
existing signature (that part is not universally agreed on, of course,
but the next part is), mangle the message, and re-sign it (which is not
the same as being resigned to it).

The mailing list may, of course, choose to re-sign the message even if
it does not mangle it, which is all the more reason to leave the
original (still-valid) signature there.

> Or maybe you meant remailers and forwarders rather than lists?  I
> think we all agree that DKIM is intended to survive those.

Yea, verily, 'tis.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: signature construct

2005-10-14 Thread Barry Leiba

John Levine wrote:

Since you have to read through the whole body anyway, I don't see much
advantage to a two-stage hash and sign strategy.

I agree with this point.  What's important to me, though, is that we be 
able to tell the difference between a failed signature (because the body 
was changed) and a bogus signature (something signed with the wrong key, 
or something made to look like a sig that's not).

Why do I care?  It may be a matter of the degree of risk I'm willing to 
take, and the information is useful.  If I know that mybigcustomer.com 
signs all of its mail (because of its SSP), then I know that mail "from" 
mybigcustomer.com with no sig... is spoofed.  That's easy.  If I get 
mail from mybigcustomer.com with a sig that validates, I know it's good. 
 That's easy too.

If I get mail from mybigcustomer.com with a sig, or something that looks 
like one, and it fails validation, I need to decide what to do.  There 
could be three reasons (maybe more, but let's say three):
1. It's valid mail that was sent through some forwarder that breaks the 
sig... but the changes are inconsequential.
2. It's an attack, where a spammer took a valid mybigcustomer.com sig 
and stuck spam onto it.
3. It's someone trying to game the system, by just sticking a bad "sig" 
on something... but it's spoofed.

If I can rule (3) out because I can tell that the sig is a good one, but 
the message no longer matches it, then I can decide that perhaps 
mybigcustomer.com is important enough that I want it whitelisted anyway, 
and take the risk.  This seems to me to be useful information.  Do 
others agree?  Or do we think that spammers would just use it to their 
advantage too much for it to be useful to us?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM BOF -- draft charter and agenda

2005-10-14 Thread Barry Leiba
Time for the next pass, after input from several of you, on and off the
list, and input from Russ as well.  The attached version covers pretty
much everything, and I think we might be done with the charter now.
Can we close on this, and work up an agenda for the BOF?

The only significant comment that I think I haven't done anything about
is from Ned: you suggested including words about canonicalization and
hashing, along with those about public-key crypto.  I decided that the
reference to p-k crypto is sufficient to specify the mechanism in the
charter (distinguishing it, for instance, from looking at IP addresses,
or the Farmer's Almanac), and that getting into "we canonicalize the
message, take a hash of that, digitally sign that, put the result into
the header..." is really what the spec is for.  So I left that as it
was.  If you *really* think mentioning c<237>n and hashing is very
important for the charter, please bring it up again.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
14 Oct 2005

Domain Keys Identified Message (DKIM)

 Russell Housley, Sam Hartman
 Russell Housley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
General Discussion: ietf-dkim@mipassoc.org
To Subscribe: http://mipassoc.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-dkim
Archive: http://mipassoc.org/pipermail/ietf-dkim/


The Internet mail protocols and infrastructure allow mail sent from one 
domain to purport to be from another.  While there are sometimes legitimate 
reasons for doing this, it has become a source of general confusion, as well 
as a mechanism for fraud and for distribution of spam.  When done 
illegitimately, it's called "spoofing".  

The DKIM working group will produce standards-track specifications that 
allow a domain to take responsibility, using digital signatures, for having 
taken part in the transmission of an email message and to publish "policy" 
information about how it applies those signatures.  Taken together, these 
will allow receiving domains to detect (or rule out) spoofing in many 

The DKIM working group will produce summaries of the threats that are 
addressed by the standards-track specifications, while acknowledging their 
limitations and scope.  The DKIM working group will also produce security 
requirements to guide their efforts.  

While the techniques specified by the DKIM working group will not prevent 
fraud or spam, they will provide a valuable tool for defense against them by 
allowing receiving domains to detect spoofing of known domains.  The 
standards-track specifications will not mandate any particular action by the 
receiving domain when spoofing is detected.  The DKIM working group will not 
attempt to define such actions, to establish requirements for trust 
relationships between domains, or to specify reputation or accreditation 

The signatures will use public-key cryptography and will be based on domain 
name identifiers.  Public keys needed to validate the signatures will be 
stored in the responsible identity's DNS hierarchy.  The specifications will 
be based on the following Internet Drafts: 

* draft-fenton-dkim-threats
* draft-allman-dkim-base
* draft-allman-dkim-ssp

which represent experimentation and consensus from a number of designers and 
early implementors.  
Since experimentation resulted in significant Internet deployment of these 
specifications, the DKIM working group will make every reasonable attempt to 
keep changes compatible with what is deployed, making incompatible changes 
only when they are necessary for the success of the specifications.  

The resulting protocols must meet typical criteria for success.  In addition 
to security, these include usability, scalability, ease of deployment, and 
cryptographic algorithm independence.  

To prevent this task from becoming unwieldy, several related topics are
considered out of scope for the DKIM working group.  These topics include:

* Reputation and accreditation systems.  While we expect these to add value 
  to what is defined by the DKIM working group, their development will be 
  separate, and is out of scope for the DKIM working group.  

* Message content encryption.  

* Additional key management protocols or infrastructure.  

* Signatures that are intended to make long-term assertions beyond the 
  expected transit time of a message from originator to recipient, which is 
  normally only a matter of a few days at most.  

* Signatures that attempt to make strong assertions the identity of the 
  message author, and details of user-level signing of messages (as 
  distinguished from domain-level keys that are restricted to specific 

* Duplication of prior work in signed email, incud

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM BOF -- draft charter and agenda

2005-10-17 Thread Barry Leiba

Phillip wrote:
> A comment that came up internaly from folk who are not directly
> involved:
> The charter says that the group will not look at key distribution
> infrastructure. So they are not going to distribute keys in the DNS
> after all?
> I think its just a wording issue, insert the word 'other'
> appropriately.

Stephen wrote:

So instead of:

* Additional key management protocols or infrastructure.


* Generic key management protocols or infrastructure.

I think the comment that Phillip reports on was from before the last
iteration, where it said
> * Key management, including key-distribution infrastructure.

Several people pointed out the problem in that, and we changed it to the 

> * Additional key management protocols or infrastructure.

I think it's fine as it currently is, yes?  I don't think it needs
changing again.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM BOF -- draft charter and agenda

2005-10-18 Thread Barry Leiba

Earl Hood wrote:

It may be better to state:


  Taken together, these will assist receiving domains in detecting
  (or ruling out) certain forms of spoofing as it pertains to the
  signing domain.

I like Earl's change, and I've changed it in the master version.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

[ietf-dkim] DKIM BOF agenda

2005-10-19 Thread Barry Leiba
Stephen and I have put together a proposed agenda, and talked it over
with Jim and Eric, who we've asked brief presentations of.  Here's what
we propose.  When you look at it, keep in mind that the goal of this
BOF is to decide whether or not to form a Working Group, and if the
answer to that is "Yes," to close on a charter for it.

That means that, while we don't want to shut down all discussions of
the specs (indeed, some discussion of them is needed in order to answer
the primary question), it is NOT the goal of the BOF to hash out issues
with the specs, so we aren't allocating a large block of time for that.
The "multiple signatures" issue, for instance, that was discussed here
on the list, is something that we DO have to deal with in the Working
Group, if it is formed, but that isn't a decision point in whether or
not to form a Working Group.

OK, here's the proposed agenda.
Times are in minutes, items with no names are for Farrell and Leiba to

1.  Agenda & introduction (10)
2.  Walk through proposed charter (15)
3.  Discussion of proposed charter -- open (20)
4.  Walk through threat analysis -- Fenton (15)
5.  Walk through base spec -- Allman (10)
6.  Walk through policy spec -- Allman (10)
7.  Introduce other deliverables (10)
8.  Open discussion of specs & deliverables -- open (20)
9.  Decision: should a WG be formed with this charter? (10)

I invite immediate comments on this, so let me know quickly if you
think something important is missing, or the time balance is
drastically off.  I'll post it to the IETF agenda list later today (and
my apologies to the people in Europe and Asia, who won't have much time
to comment; we will be able to address gaps in the agenda at the start
of the BOF, and, of course, you can make comments to me or to this
mailing list even after I post the "official" agenda).


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] over-the-wire (in)compatibility between pre-IETF DKIMand (eventual) IETF DKIM

2005-10-19 Thread Barry Leiba

Douglas Otis wrote:
When the From/Sender headers do not represent the actual 
sender, such messages may be forfeit had the domain contained within the 
From/Sender published close-ended authorizations.  SSP policies reduce 
delivery integrity for other senders! : (

I don't agree.  I believe the combination of the ability to specify
which header you're attesting to, combined with the ability to specify
in the SSP whether you sign and whether you authorize third parties
to sign (though I'm not happy with the confusion that the term "third
party" has generated, I don't have a better term in mind), gives the
flexibility we need to solve the problem we're trying to solve --
which, keep in mind, is a limited one.

protection and makes the domain highly restricted to two-party use, but 
still suitable for sensitive transactions.

  - All originating headers match the signing-domain!

I argue that "sensitive transactions" are not what DKIM is about.  If
one wants to protect sensitive transactions, one should use S/MIME or

That said, I wouldn't object to an additional, strict signing policy
that lists headers and asserts that they must match.  I think it'd be
rather nice to say, "Only consider a message validly signed by us if
the signature verifies AND ALL of the following SMTP and header fields
represent our domain: HELO, MAIL-FROM, From, Sender, Reply-To [...]."

What do others think of this?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM BOF agenda

2005-10-24 Thread Barry Leiba
For everyone's info: the BOF has now been rescheduled for Monday at
1300, which seems to conflict with nothing that would have significant
attendee-overlap.  We hope.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM BOF agenda

2005-10-24 Thread Barry Leiba

According to
it is still on Friday. Is the Monday firm, do you know?

Yes, it is.  Marcia confirmed it with Russ, Stephen, and me this morning.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

[ietf-dkim] DKIM proposed charter tweak

2005-11-02 Thread Barry Leiba
After some discussion with IESG/IAB folks, I have an update to the
proposed DKIM charter that I want to float here.  The change is to the
third paragraph, and relates to our not defining actions taken by the
verifier when verification fails.  The thought was, and I agree, that
while it's true that we want (need) to leave this up to implementers
and sys admins, it's not a good idea to have people just make it up,
some guidance and analysis.  So here's my proposed replacement for the
third paragraph in the proposed charter:

While the techniques specified by the DKIM working group will not
prevent fraud or spam, they will provide a tool for defense against
them by allowing receiving domains to detect spoofing of known domains.
The standards-track specifications will not mandate any particular
action by the receiving domain when spoofing is detected.  That said,
with the understanding that guidance is necessary for implementers, the
threat summary should document a reasonable set of possible actions and
strategies, and analyze their likely effects on attacks and on normal
email delivery.  The DKIM working group will not attempt to establish
requirements for trust relationships between domains or to specify
reputation or accreditation systems.  

Comments ASAP, please.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM charter

2005-11-11 Thread Barry Leiba

DKIM Chair wrote:

2. Apart from that, since we've seen clear consensus (yes, I realize
it's not anonymity

Uh.  *U*nanimity.  Sorry.


ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM charter

2005-11-12 Thread Barry Leiba

> It appears to me that the mailing list stripped the attachment, or
> maybe the attachment never made it to the list.  Either way, I the
> charter didn't make here.

Most likely, I forgot to attach it.  :-(  I shouldn't try to do
anything like this while running on an IETF-fried brain.

Here it is, appended (not attached) below.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

8 Nov 2005

Domain Keys Identified Message (DKIM)

 Russell Housley, Sam Hartman
 Russell Housley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
General Discussion: ietf-dkim@mipassoc.org
To Subscribe: http://mipassoc.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-dkim
Archive: http://mipassoc.org/pipermail/ietf-dkim/


The Internet mail protocols and infrastructure allow mail sent from one
domain to purport to be from another.  While there are sometimes legitimate
reasons for doing this, it has become a source of general confusion, as well
as a mechanism for fraud and for distribution of spam (when done
illegitimately, it's called "spoofing").  The DKIM working group will
produce standards-track specifications that allow a domain to take
responsibility, using digital signatures, for having taken part in the
transmission of an email message and to publish "policy" information about
how it applies those signatures.  Taken together, these will
assist receiving domains in detecting (or ruling out) certain forms of
spoofing as it pertains to the signing domain.

The DKIM working group will produce a summary of the threats that are
addressed by the standards-track specifications, while acknowledging their
limitations and scope.  The DKIM working group will also produce security
requirements to guide their efforts, and will analyze the impact on senders
and receivers who are not using DKIM, particularly any cases in which
mail may be inappropriately labeled as suspicious or spoofed.

While the techniques specified by the DKIM working group will not prevent
fraud or spam, they will provide a tool for defense against them by
assisting receiving domains in detecting some spoofing of known domains.
The standards-track specifications will not mandate any particular action by
the receiving domain when a signature fails to validate.  That said,
with the understanding that guidance is necessary for implementers, the DKIM
documents should discuss a reasonable set of possible actions and strategies,
and analyze their likely effects on attacks and on normal email delivery.
The DKIM working group will not attempt to establish requirements for trust
relationships between domains or to specify reputation or accreditation

The DKIM working group will consider mailing-list behaviour that is
currently deemed acceptable, will make every effort to allow such
mailing lists to continue to operate in a DKIM environment, and will
provide a plan for smooth transition of mailing lists that fail to
operate.  The specs will also advise mailing lists on how to take
advantage of DKIM if they should choose to do so.

The signatures will use public-key cryptography and will be based on domain
name identifiers.  Public keys needed to validate the signatures will be
stored in the responsible identity's DNS hierarchy.  The specifications will
be based on the following Internet Drafts:

* draft-fenton-dkim-threats
* draft-allman-dkim-base
* draft-allman-dkim-ssp

which represent experimentation and consensus from a number of designers and
early implementors.

Since experimentation resulted in significant Internet deployment of these
specifications, the DKIM working group will make every reasonable attempt to
keep changes compatible with what is deployed, making incompatible changes
only when they are necessary for the success of the specifications.

The resulting protocols must meet typical criteria for success.  In addition
to security, these include usability, scalability, ease of deployment, and
cryptographic algorithm independence.

To prevent this task from becoming unwieldy, several related topics are
considered out of scope for the DKIM working group.  These topics include:

* Reputation and accreditation systems.  While we expect these to add value
  to what is defined by the DKIM working group, their development will be
  separate, and is out of scope for the DKIM working group.

* Message content encryption.

* Additional key management protocols or infrastructure.

* Signatures that are intended to make long-term assertions beyond the
  expected transit time of a message from originator to recipient, which is
  normally only a matter of a few days at most.

* Signatures that attempt to make strong assertions about the iden

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: dkim.org (mipassoc.org/dkim) web page updated

2005-11-12 Thread Barry Leiba

Assertions suggested in SSP such as '~' (signs some?), '-' (third-
party?) offers questionable benefit and delay.   Grading email with
respect to "partial" conformance offers a means for coercion

There does seem to be a swell of current opinion, as people think about
it and read the discussion, that any sender signing declaration (let's
consider moving away from the term "policy") should simply start with a
straight "I sign everything" (or not), which doesn't get directly
into the "what does that really mean, and who's responsible for
interpreting it" questions.  At that stage, we take the "partial"
issue out of it.

That'll be a good thing for us to get back into a discussion of, when
the time comes to discuss it.  I think we'll do some {SSP/SSD/whatever
we wind up calling it} discussion when we get to the threats document,
after the charter's settled.  And then, of course, the bulk of it will
come later, when we're actively working on the SS{P/D/x} document.

For now, let's all think about what aspects of SS{P/D/x} we need to
consider for the threats document, and what is a matter for banging out
later in the detailed SS{P/D/x} brawl.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM charter

2005-11-13 Thread Barry Leiba

In my view, DKIM is establishing an "implied" trust relationship between
domains by the very nature of making any attempt to support or adopt the
protocol.  It is going to be difficult to keep the concept of "protocol
trust" out of any discussions of SSP.

Hm, interesting approach.  The way I look at it, DKIM is providing information
that could be used to define a trust relationship, but is not defining any
trust relationship itself.  The recipient decides whether to validate the
signature, and what to do with the results of the validation.  I believe this
is true with or without SSP, which is why I don't think that SSP is transferring
responsibility to the recipient: DKIM is giving information, the recipient 
is using that information however it chooses, and the DKIM spec does not tell it
what to do with that.

In other words, I don't think I read if 2821 integrated issues is out of
scope or naturally part of the process.

I'd have to say that updating RFC 2821 is out of scope, and anyone who
participated in DRUMS will understand why.  We want to finish the DKIM work in
2006, not in 2016.

I'd certainly think it'd be fine to have a non-normative section (or a section
in a non-normative document, such as the overview) that recommends changes to
the existing standards or infrastructure.

I also think it's not necessary to list everything that's not in scope, so I
don't think we need to declare "updating RFC 2821" to be out of scope, 


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP Threat Analysis vs SSP Impact Analysis

2005-11-13 Thread Barry Leiba

Is it reasonable to ask if the thread considerations include impact

Assuming that's "threat"... what do you mean by "impact considerations"?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP Threat Analysis vs SSP Impact Analysis

2005-11-14 Thread Barry Leiba

Assuming that's "threat"... what do you mean by "impact considerations"?

How a "known Feature or Expected Logic" may alter or effect current

This should not be construed as a threat unless there is an entry point that
causes an expected mode of operation to run amonk.

OK, that's what I thought you probably meant.
At one level, this is what Sam Hartman was concerned about, when he
spoke from the floor in the BOF (see the draft minutes that Stephen
has posted).

I guess we have three broad categories here:
1. What attacks against the email infrastructure does DKIM address?
2. What attacks will there be against DKIM, once it's deployed?
3. What effects does DKIM itself have on the email infrastructure?

The "threats" document is trying to include (1) completely, and a good
analysis of (2) [we can never be *complete* there, of course].  Sam
was asking for more thought on (3), and especially -- which is why
Russ asked us to add language about this to the charter -- with respect
to mailing lists.

It's not clear that (3) needs to go in the threats document, and we
certainly can't be "complete" about it either, but the charter clearly
commits us to looking at (3) at least somewhat (in the "mailing list"
paragraph).  I see it as material for the overview document, but I
don't think it'd be unreasonable to include a specific item or three
in the threats doc if we decide that item/those items belong there
(because they're important enough to write down early, and to include
with the discussion of attacks).

In any case, I think the charter covers this, and it's in scope (though
we have to be careful of ratholes here).


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM charter

2005-11-14 Thread Barry Leiba
The parenthetical seems to be a bit misplaced, and might fit better to 
the use of the word "legitimate".  This might read more easily if broken 
into two sentences.

Actually, the content and placement of the parenthetical is due to an
attempt to correct a misunderstanding followed by awkwardness, when there
were two sentences.  :-)  Unless others think it's unclear, I'd rather
leave it as it is (though it's surely not Shakespeare).

Detection of spoofing is indirect at best; I'd prefer that we emphasize 
the ability of DKIM to rule out spoofing.

I kind of agree, but I'd rather not change that bit of text, which is
another that we modified a couple of times before settling on that.

I really like your suggestion in 
http://mipassoc.org/pipermail/ietf-dkim/2005q4/001359.html that we move 
away from the word "policy" and use "declaration".  Should we do that 
here as well?

Thank you.  I looked at the text here, and there are only two places
where we say "policy", and I can't see a good way to turn either of
those directly into "declaration" without changing what they mean.
The first says, "and to publish 'policy' information about how it
applies those signatures."  I could make it, "and to publish declarative
information about how it applies those signatures," or simply, "and to
publish information about how it applies those signatures."  What do you
(plural) think?

The second one is in the definition of the deliverable, so I could
change that from, "A standards-track specification for DKIM policy
handling," to "A standards-track specification for DKIM signing
declarations."  That changes it significantly, and it worries me to
change the charter text so much -- and the actual content of the document
is quite up-in-the-air right now anyway.

Maybe we should leave the charter text as it is, and wait until we start
beating on the document before we decide whether we want to call it
"policy" or "declaration" or "bad thing that we've decided not to do
after all."

I got a little confused by the use of "standards-track specifications" 
here, because the threat analysis is done before any standards-track 
specifications exist.  Should it say "DKIM specifications" instead?

Really?  You don't think it's clear that it means "the standards-track
specifications that we mentioned in the previous paragraph"?  Well, I
changed it to say "proposed standards-track specifications" in my copy.
Is that better?

Last sentence: "or" -> "nor"

Yep; changed.

The specs will also advise mailing lists on how to take
advantage of DKIM if they should choose to do so.

"specs" (which should probably be spelled out) is plural.  Is that to 
say that all of the documents will say something about mailing lists?

(I've spelled it out now, in my copy.)
Of course it doesn't mean to say that; it means that, collectively, the
documents will say that.  It doesn't mean to define, at this point, which
document(s) will do it.

The current drafts have two DKIM RRs, one for keys and another for 
"policy".  So that should be Resource Records.



Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: wg formation status?

2005-12-02 Thread Barry Leiba

AFAIK, the charter is in the works at the IESG (but I sent
Russ a note checking), and should pop out to the new-work
list soon. We're looking at official wg-dom just before or
after the new year if all goes well.

I believe the IESG meeting (phone) where they'll discuss it and
move it forward (or not) is Tuesday, IIRC.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: wg formation status?

2005-12-02 Thread Barry Leiba
In the Threat Analysis discussions I have been struck by the 
difference in clarity and apparent consensus on the issues that 
pertain to the core functions, versus those that pertain to the 
"policy" functions.

All of this suggests that de-coupling the TA for the core 
functionality, from that of the policy-related enhancements, will be 
necessary if we are to stay on schedule.

I think that that may turn out to be the case, but I'd rather
see the next revision and work from there.

Having not talked with Stephen about this, I'll say that I see no
problem with making a reasonable effort at documenting policy-related
threats, knowing that it may change and not allowing it to get in the
way of the schedule... and then updating the document later, after
we've done the policy work.  It could turn out that the best way to
have a thorough Threat Analysis document in the end is to obsolete
(yes, yes, "make obsolescent") the early version.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

[ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail (dkim)

2005-12-20 Thread Barry Leiba

> the IETF has done work on message signing before,

and some of those earlier efforts (like CMS in detached signature mode) look
enough like pieces of DKIM that there is question of whether DKIM not using
them indicates that they do not work, that this message signing is
a better point solution, that this message signing mechanism would be
better over all, or none of the above. 

I believe the discussion Ted suggests IS in scope for the working group we're
proposing to charter, and I don't believe that the charter text in question
affects that.  It will be up to the WG chairs to judge rough consensus on the
discussion, or to decide, should it happen, when the discussion has become
fruitless and wasteful of the WG's time, especially considering the short
schedule that's proposed.  If Russ should choose me as a co-chair of the DKIM
WG, be assured that we WILL have this discussion.  Be also assured that I
won't let it turn into a rathole and impede progress.

I believe that is the balance that has to exist in any WG, and that the ADs
place a good deal of trust in the WG chairs to both allow discussions that
ought to happen, and control discussions so they stay within the scope of the
WG and do not get out of hand.

I don't think that anything we say in the charter changes this; it is meant
to provide a guide for resolving the ratholes and distractions.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

[ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail (dkim)

2005-12-21 Thread Barry Leiba

Ted Hardie wrote:

I would be happy with the text that was used in the xmpp charter:

Although not encouraged, non-backwards-compatible changes to the
basis specifications will be acceptable if the working group
determines that the changes are required to meet the group's
technical objectives and the group clearly documents the reasons
for making them.

I agree with Tony on the benefits of re-using this language, and it certainly 
works for me.

Then it sounds like we have some text that we can compromise on.  Jim
Fenton has already said that this text covers his concerns about as well
as what we had, Stephen Farrell has accepted it, and now I'm weighing in.

I suggest that the IESG replace that paragraph in the proposed DKIM
charter with the paragraph above, and that we move on from this topic
to any others that need to be dealt with.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail (dkim)

2005-12-21 Thread Barry Leiba

Dave Crocker wrote:
and now the chairs quickly concede the change, even before getting 
support from the rest of the group.

'scuse me; it seemed to me that Tony Hansen and Jim Fenton counted as
some of the rest of the group.  It also seems to me that no one has made
me the boss, so what I suggested was just that: a suggestion.  You may
feel free to spend more time arguing about that paragraph if you like.
My opinion (and that's all it is) is that that's not useful.

I understand the principle you're fighting for, Dave.  And I think it
will come up again, which is why you're fighting it.  I think it will be
better to fight it later, if necessary.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: Pre-picking one solution (Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: WG Review: Domain Keys Identified Mail) (dkim)

2005-12-22 Thread Barry Leiba

Keith Moore wrote:
OTOH, the assumption that _all_ public keys used to validate DKIM 
signatures will be stored in DNS is a very limiting one, because it 
appears to lead to either

a) a constraint that policy be specified only on a per-domain basis 
(which is far too coarse for many domains) or

Actually, the DKIM base spec does provide a mechanism for replacing the
DNS keystore with something else.  Look at 1.4 for a general statement,
and the description of the "q=" tag in 3.5.  DKIM's intended to be able
to support user-level keys in a future version (there's some discussion
of that in appendix A), and its design is set up specifically not to
prevent that.

The proposed charter puts the details of other key management systems
and user-level keys out of scope so that we can contain the work at this
stage, and make quick progress on the first version.  It'd be entirely
reasonable to recharter and attack these issues immediately after
completing the first round of chartered work, if there are enough people
who want to work on that.  Or we can see how a while of deployment goes,
and form another WG in a year or so to do it.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

[ietf-dkim] Re: The Value of Reputation

2006-01-02 Thread Barry Leiba

Selamat tahun baru.

Bonne année to you too.

I agree with Dave sometimes, and disagree sometimes.  For this note,
I agree with everything he says.  I have a few things to add (though
as I went through it trying to add more, I realized how unnecessary
that was).

Unless I have missed something quite basic, the proposed DKIM charter 
and the draft DKIM specifications do not include doing work on reputation

> services.

Just to add one to this:
Yes, that is correct.  And if the WG be chartered and if I be a co-chair,
I will certainly declare any discussion of it to be out of scope.  That
doesn't mean it can't come up here and there, as part of other discussions,
but we must not focus on it, taking time from the work to hand.

I, as do others, believe that some sort (or sorts) of reputation service
will be important, and should be developed.  I see several ways to
approach it:
1. Recharter this WG after its primary work is done.
2. Start one or more new WGs for this, beginning the chartering process
as the DKIM work nears completion.
3. Work on some reputation services separately -- as I believe will happen
in any case -- and bring some of them to the IETF after some experimentation.

I think (1) is probably NOT the right way, but both (2) and (3) will work well.

role of reputation. To say this differently, many folks seem to think
you can choose a "reputation system" almost at random, and it's sure
to improve your signal/noise ratio

I don't think "many" people seriously think that, and hyperbole isn't useful
here.  Most participants here (and I base this on what people have said) think
a *well designed* system will be very useful.  That's why we should wait until
we've finished some of the other discussions that pend here, so that we may
take the time to design the reputation system(s) well.

   As a practical matter, _many_ folks will prefer sorting through
100 spams to losing one good email. I see darn little "market" for
anything which can't get it 99% right. 

Actually, I have a good bit to say about this particular item in a paper
I'm writing for CEAS [and so here's a shameless plug for CEAS, the Conference
on Email and AntiSpam, and an urging to all to consider writing papers for
it: http://ceas.cc, and click on "2006 Call for Papers"].  The bottom line
is that the answer varies, and whatever infrastructure we have has to have
the flexibility to support the varying needs of different customers and groups.

This seems to suggest a policy requirement for all IETF work, that it 
anticipate and document "obvious" abuses and specify the means of

> avoiding them.

This feels more like a bureaucratic barrier to productive work, than a 
useful adjunct to the technical specifications work that the IETF tries

> to perform.

The suggestion seems so "obviously" reasonable that it's hard to imagine
why we shouldn't do it.  And yet, as Dave points out, it could just pull
the reins tight on all IETF work.

Our focus has to be on making sure the specifications are clear.  We can
(and we do) talk about some things we do NOT support and that you should
NOT do... but, "obviously", we can't possibly cover all the "don't"s, and
attempts to will fail, and will bring the process down with them.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [ietf-dkim] Agenda updated again

2006-03-10 Thread Barry Leiba

I wish there were something that could be done about the conflict with
the eai Email Address Internationalization BOF.

yeah, that's a pretty impressive conflict to have set up.

For what it's worth, it's because those arranging the EAI BOF didn't put 
DKIM as a conflict, probably at least partly because DKIM is in the 
Security Area and not everyone who spends their time in the Apps Area 
looks there.

When we scheduled DKIM, I put IEE -- the name EAI used in Vancouver -- 
as a conflict, but I had no idea that they would use a different name 
now.  And apparently Marcia wasn't able to resolve it afterward (DKIM 
has a long list of conflicting WGs).


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] ABNF: Sender = Originator / Operator

2006-03-10 Thread Barry Leiba

Douglas Otis said
DKIM is not about defining the author of the message and would conflict 
with the charter.

Regardless of what DKIM does or doesn't have to say about the author of 
a message, it's useful to have consistent and well defined terminology. 
 It might be a good idea to have an informational RFC that defines all 
these terms (and I think Keith Moore's tried to do something like that).

I like this, for the purpose of DKIM:
   "author" -- the entity who wrote the text
   "originator" -- the entity who sent the message
   "originating domain" -- the domain of the originator
   "signing domain" -- a domain that has signed the message
   "MTA" -- widely used term; does "operator" really say something else?
   "verifying domain" -- a somain that verifies the message
   "signer" -- an MTA/operator that has signed the message
   "verifier" -- an MTA/operator that verifies the message
   "recipient" -- a final recipient of the message
   "recipient's domain" -- a recipient's domain


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

[ietf-dkim] Concentrate on the threats doc

2006-03-10 Thread Barry Leiba
Since we have only one week now before the IETF meeting, I'd like to see 
us hold off on all discussion that does not have to do with open or new 
issues with the two documents we're currently focused on: threats and base.

Getting the terminology right is important, but let's please not spend 
all of this next week discussing that, and omit issues with the docs.

* Please, everyone, concentrate on reviewing the threats document.
* Please look at the open issues list that Stephen posted the other day, 
and comment on the dispositions, giving primary importance to those 
against the threats doc.
* If you have reviewed the threats doc and think it's ready, please say 
so explicitly.
* After doing "threats", review the issues with the base doc from 
Stephen's note, and address those.

This should get us ready for the sessions at the IETF meeting.

I particularly want to make sure we have explicit review of the threats 
doc from enough participants to be sure it's ready to go to the IESG 
with the next update after the IETF meeting.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Core algorithm support/use, draft text v2

2006-03-10 Thread Barry Leiba
I didn't see any follow-up to this comment by Phill, and I think it 
might be useful:

I believe that the best way to do this would be to introduce a signature
counter so that the order of signing can be recovered even if a message
has its headers reordered.

This might also be a good answer to the issue of downgrade attacks 
during a transition period.  If, say, we have a tag "n=", and the value 
is "i,j" (this is signature record "i" of "j"), then a sender might do this:

  DKIM-Signature: d=example.com; a=rsa-sha256; n=2,2 ...etc...
  DKIM-Signature: d=example.com; a=rsa-sha1; n=1,2 ...etc...

...and a verifier can figure out whether signatures have been reordered 
or stripped out.

We have also talked about putting something in the key record to 
indicate which algorithms must be used, so a verifier can see that the 
signer always uses sha256, and can be suspicious if a sha256 sig isn't 
there, but sha1 is.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Concentrate on the threats doc

2006-03-14 Thread Barry Leiba


Is this microphone working?
Testing... testing...
Can you hear me?

Repeating two things in particular:

* Please look at the open issues list that Stephen posted the other day, 
and comment on the dispositions, giving primary importance to those 
against the threats doc.

* If you have reviewed the threats doc and think it's ready, please say 
so explicitly.


I particularly want to make sure we have explicit review of the threats 
doc from enough participants to be sure it's ready to go to the IESG 
with the next update after the IETF meeting.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] New issue: DKIM and mailiing lists

2006-03-14 Thread Barry Leiba

Dave says...
So if this is going to be on the agenda, I suggest that it be specific 
questions or problems, with specific suggestions for specific 

Agreed... see below.

Mike says...

And at this point, I really think what we need is data far more
than we need conjecture. I'm in the beginning process of getting
more data on this subject in our deployment, but don't yet have
any meaningful numbers. Hopefully within the next few months though.

That sounds good.  I think some good data will be a good starting point, 
and I appreciate that Mike's working on providing some.  Thanks.

As I interpret the discussion that we've had with Russ, and the 
requirement for mailing-list consideration that was added to the charter 
as a result of concerns from the Vancouver BOF, I believe that an 
analysis of the mailing-list issues is a prerequisite to having the base 
spec approved as an RFC (that is, it's not something we can do later).

I suggest -- and I haven't discussed this with Stephen, so, Stephen, 
pipe up if you disagree -- that we get a small group (up to three, I 
think) of participants who are concerned about this and who have 
appropriate experience, and work up an Internet Draft discussing the 
mailing-list issues.  That draft would either be merged with the base 
spec before the latter goes to the IESG, or would be sent at the same 
time, as a companion document.



Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] 5 outstanding issues with the threat review

2006-03-15 Thread Barry Leiba
I agree with what Stephen says about these, and in particular, that as 
we look at the threats doc we consider carefully what belongs there, as 
opposed to what should be brought up in discussion of the base doc.

Doug, if you decide to separate any of these out to ask that a new issue 
be opened, please really, really try to keep what you say concise -- I 
have trouble sifting through it, and I'm sure that the non-native 
English speakers have more trouble.

Providers offering low cost or free services will not be able to 
adequately vet their many users, who often number in the millions.  
This same provider may wish to send messages from the same domain and 
have these messages receive a trustworthy evaluation.  Perhaps these 
would be messages from a system administrator indicating that the 
user's system appears compromised or that their payment information is 
no longer valid.  The use of trusted/non-trusted keys would permit the 
signing domain to both retain their trustworthy status and prevent 
un-vetted users within the same domain from spoofing with "trusted" 

That's largely sales talk and I can't see any valid issue applying
to the threats draft. Another expedient assessment.

It's definitely not relevant to the threats doc, but I do think it could 
be a useful discussion to have about the base doc.  We've suggested that 
domains that want to divide their reputation create subdomains (the sort 
of thing like "official.bigbank.example" vs "users.bigbank.example"), 
but for various reasons not all domains want to do that.  It would be a 
reasonable discussion to have if one wanted to propose a tag in the key 
that defined the level of "officialness" or "trust" or some such that 
the signing domain places on the use of this key.  That allows the 
domain to use selectors, rather than subdomains, to make this division.

Doug's item 5 fits here too, but takes the discussion directly into the 
formation of reputation, which is out of this WG's scope.  I'd like to 
see more discussion of this in a separate group that addresses 
reputation and accreditation standards.

In any case, again, this is definitely NOT a threats doc issue.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Concerns about DKIM and mailiing lists

2006-03-15 Thread Barry Leiba
Hector points out something that I was planning to say about this: that 
it's really an issue for SSP (and so maybe that's the doc that's really 
held up by this discussion).  Here's how I see it:

From a base-spec point of view, as Dave says, we have the length tag, 
the list of signed headers, and the canonicalization that all help 
protect signatures against existing mailing-list behaviour.  That means 
that the base spec mostly has the issue covered, and I think a brief 
discussion needs to be in there about what signers should consider with 
respect to mailing lists, and what mailing-list software developers 
should consider with respect to signatures.

The biggest issue that existing mailing lists have is what they do to 
the subject header, since we particularly recommend signing the header 
and since so many lists (including this one) modify the header.  And, in 
fact, many subscribers insist on that modification, even though they 
could filter on headers such as List-ID instead.

One note here: the base spec COULD suggest that if the signature fails 
to verify and the subject is signed and begins with "[", that the 
verifier might retry after removing the "[xxx]" part.  And then, much as 
with that part of the message that comes after the signed length, the 
verifier must decide what to do if the retry succeeds.

But in the worst case, the list has simply invalidated the signature, 
and we say that this SHOULD be considered equivalent to no signature at 
all.  Absent SSP, this is no bad thing.

When we add SSP in, though, we have to consider the issue of a policy 
that says "we sign everything" and a mailing list that breaks the 
signature and does not add its own (remember, we're talking, now, about 
existing mailing-list software that is not DKIM-aware).  I DO think the 
problem gets complex here, because we do not want to take this 
behaviour, which is now considered acceptable, and suddenly declare it 
to be "suspicious".  And yet bad actors could take advantage of this 

Hector says:
> SSP is what sold me on DKIM when it was

first presented last year.  Unfortunately, the deemphasis or movement away
from SSP has made DKIM a lot harder to justify.

I don't think we're de-emphasizing SSP nor moving away from it.  What 
we've said is that DKIM signatures and keys are defined by a pretty 
mature spec that's gotten a lot of work put into it, but that SSP is 
much less mature and needs significantly more work.  And that we believe 
DKIM has value without SSP, so the work on SSP should wait until after 
the base spec is done.  We've allocated several months to work on SSP 
and, while some have opinions that differ markedly from Hector's about 
it, we DO aim to spend the time on it.

In short, the responsible DKIM domain must have a way to tell potential
verifiers and "resigners" (LS or not) how to best handle their DKIM

If the domain doesn't care about potential downlink problems, then it can
only expect to be using a relaxed policy and therefore should not have any
reasonable expectation for protection.   If he wants protection, then it
needs to declares the stronger, more 3PS restrictive or none/never policies.

I don't think this considers the issue I discussed a couple of 
paragraphs up, where a signer wants to say that it signs everything, and 
a DKIM-unaware mailing list breaks the signature.  That is the very 
issue that was brought up in Vancouver, and that some are quite 
seriously concerned about.  The complexity isn't in the changes needed 
to mailing-list software; the complexity is in sorting it out WITHOUT 
causing existing mailing lists, which are considered well-behaved today, 
to be looked at suspiciously.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] 5 outstanding issues with the threat review

2006-03-15 Thread Barry Leiba

That's more of an issue of SSP, right? It's with SSP that you'd
like to subdivide the policy

Mm, I see your point, but I don't know that we want SSP changing the key 
record, and that's where I'm thinking this would go ("This key is used 
for Really Serious Stuff"; "This key is used for Frivolous User Stuff"). 
 I'm not sure how to move that to SSP.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Concerns about DKIM and mailiing lists

2006-03-15 Thread Barry Leiba
One note here: the base spec COULD suggest that if the signature fails 
to verify and the subject is signed and begins with "[", that the 
verifier might retry after removing the "[xxx]" part.  And then, much 
as with that part of the message that comes after the signed length, 
the verifier must decide what to do if the retry succeeds.

Not only would that be building a heuristic into the validation portion 
of an otherwise precise security specification, it would be basing the 
heuristic on an undocumented convention that is far from universal, 
rather than on a a formal standard.

But in the worst case, the list has simply invalidated the signature, 
and we say that this SHOULD be considered equivalent to no signature 
at all.  Absent SSP, this is no bad thing.

I am inclined to agree.  However the [] behavior is rather common.  So 
we probably should consider whether it is reasonable to have DKIM 
contain features that are intended to allow a signature survive mailing 
list transit, when we know that the final result will usually fail.

Dave, your two comments here seem contradictory: "We shouldn't try to 
handle '[]', because it'd be heuristic, but we should try to handle '[]' 
because it's rather common behaviour."  Do you have any ideas for 
handling it that don't throw us into heuristics?

I don't think there's a problem with verifiers applying some heuristics 
to this, given that (1) the signature is making a weak statement, and is 
not mean to be strong security and (2) this whole evaluation (the 
verification) is feeding into heuristics anyway ("What do I do with the 
message, given all the input I have about it?").

I appreciate Paul's comment, though, about spammers using that to their 
advantages.  Maybe it's part of the next-stage heuristics, where some 
hypothetical verifier considers "[ietf-dkim]" to be OK, "[Buy-Viagra]" 
to be , and "[Come visit us at http://spam.example.com]"; to be 
junk, using whatever next-stage heuristics it chooses.

I'm just afraid that the "[listname]" custom is sufficiently common that 
if we DON'T deal with it, we're throwing away too much opportunity to 
play nicely with existing well-behaved mailing lists.  So I'd LIKE to 
try to come up with a recommendation that helps (not a requirement, and 
not perfection).


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: Concerns about DKIM and mailiing lists, etc.

2006-03-16 Thread Barry Leiba

Let me try to pull this discussion back a bit...

 >> The verifier then simply replaces the subject text with the value
 >> from z= that was signed.  That's one way of solving the mailing list
 >> subject munging problem.
 > This goes far beyond the specification.  While it might be useful, it
 > is really a heuristic and it is not part of the draft that is seeking
 > standardization.

On the Cisco discussion:
My understanding (Mike, please correct me if I misrepresent this) is 
that Cisco is primarily using DKIM, at least for now, to verify that 
mail purporting to be from cisco.com (and is TO cisco.com) is, indeed, 
from cisco.com.  To that end, when you look at an incoming "cisco.com" 
message, you see one of these cases:

1. It has a valid cisco.com sig.
2. It has a failed cisco.com sig.
3. It has no cisco.com sig.

For case 1, you're done, but see below.
For case 2, you check SSP and see that cisco.com signs all mail, and you 
have to decide what to do with it (again, see below).
For case 3, you check SSP and see that cisco.com signs all mail, and 
since this isn't signed, you toss it (or place it under other scrutiny).

This is "below":
To minimize the incidents of case 2, you use the z= tag in the 
signature, so that you can verify the sig with the ORIGINAL headers. 
You can then see WHICH headers changed in transit, and take action based 
on that.  Now, z= was in IIM for that purpose, but in forming the DKIM 
spec we decided to label it for diagnostic/tracing purposes, and not for 
signature verification purposes.  Of course, any implementation is free 
to implement.

So some of the "case 2" cases now become "case 1" cases.  For case 1, 
you have what amounts to a "reputation DB" that says "cisco.com is 
good."  (Alternative interpretation, see next paragraph.)

In any case, you can show mail with verified sigs to the users in some 
way that tells them that the "sending domain" (sorry Dave; we never did 
close on terminology here) has been verified.  Whether or not you've 
done something special with "cisco.com" in the previous paragraph, the 
end user can look at "cisco.com" and "verified", and be happy.  The user 
can also look at "nastyspammer.com" and "verified", and it's up to the 
user whether she's happy or not.  In this case, the user's brain is 
providing the "reputation DB".

Is that relatively close to what's happening?


Now there's the question of whether using z= for the purpose that Cisco 
(and, if the option is turned on, Alt-N) is using it for is "OK".  The 
DKIM spec does not say that that's what it for.  Moreover, the DKIM spec 
gives a clear and well defined method for verifying sigs, and the use of 
z= is not part of it.  So I'd say (as a participant, not in any "chair" 
capacity) that this doesn't meet the spec; that is, it isn't "compliant".

That may be perfectly OK -- every implementation, as I said above, is 
free to implement.  In Cisco's case, if this implementation is an 
internal thing, does anyone else care if it's "non-compliant"?  In 
Alt-N's case, I'd think it ought to be clear that if the option to use 
z= is turned on, it deviates from compliance with the DKIM spec.

Arvel, I'm curious: how do you explain that option to the administrator?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] 1193 considered harmful

2006-03-21 Thread Barry Leiba

I'm really astonished that an open item that had no list discussion that
I can find and that is backward incompatible with -allman-01 is being
"accepted". Why?

As a WG chair:
As we said in the IETF session and in the Jabber room, nothing "decided" 
at the IETF meeting is final until the issue is confirmed on the mailing 
list.  All that was "accepted" in the meeting is that the consensus in 
the room was to favour this change.

We are now (thank you for starting it, Mike) discussing it on the 
mailing list.

I have for quite some time been placing a hash of the headers alone in
the DKIM signature in an unassigned tag (X= in this message) to help
me determine whether it's the headers or the body that broke on a failed
signature. It's cheap: I just call SHAx_Final when the headers are
hashed; it's unobtrusive: it doesn't require that we change our current
hashing mechanism; and it doesn't bring up any nettlesome issues with
l= which are tricky.

As a WG participant:
I don't see the problem you have, though.  In particular, why is it 
better to store a header hash in a tag in DKIM-Signature than it is to 
store a body hash there?  It seems to me that the combination of a BODY 
hash and z= will give the best diagnostic combination.  l= seems a red 
herring (but explain, if I'm wrong), since the signer and verifier must 
already deal with deciding which part of the body contributes to the 
hash, whether they then hash it separately or not.

Further, there are other reasons it might be rather nice to have the 
body hash.  For one, it means that the verifier can start validating the 
sig after having read the header-terminating CRLF, without yet having to 
read the body, thus allowing the signature validation to be done in 
parallel with the reading of the body (which may be significant with 
large bodies).  Related to that, it means that the verifier, if it has 
decided to trash the message, can do so by routing the body to /dev/null 
as soon as it's made that decision, rather than having to write the body 
to disk (or keep it in memory) while computing the hash.  Third, as was 
pointed out, a sender could hash a large body once and send it multiple 
times, possibly saving a lot of time/effort.

I don't see it as a big compatibility issue.  If this be put in as a 
"bodyhash=" tag (yes, we'd use a single letter, but never mind that for 
now), a verifier could simply tell by the absence of that that this is 
an allman-01 signature, and could easily verify it anyway.  We could 
even put a non-normative suggestion in the spec to that effect.

So it seems to me that this doesn't harm existing implementations, 
because it provides a smooth transition and not an abrupt 
incompatibility.  And it seems to me that it provides some useful 
benefits.  As a participant, I support it.

Mike, rebuttal?
Others, comments?  Are others worried about this introducing a damaging 


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] 1193 considered harmful

2006-03-21 Thread Barry Leiba

Third, as was pointed out, a sender could hash a large body once and
send it multiple times, possibly saving a lot of time/effort.

I'm sort of missing why this is an interesting feature. Reusing the
hash of the body would only help if you were generating multiple 

Or using the same body in multiple messages.  Suppose "Company I", say, 
is sending a (legitimate, opted-into) mass-mailing of a 70 MB video file 
to, say, 200,000 opted-in recipients.  Suppose also that for some reason 
it has to batch these with different headers, so it can't just sign the 
whole message once.  Saving the work of hashing that 70 MB video 
multiple times would be nice.

I don't consider this a compelling reason (because I think most of these 
cases could -- and would -- just send identical messages, and could just 
hash once in either case)... it's just another reason beyond the others, 
which I do find compelling.

> I suspect that the RSA signing operation overwhelms the

SHAx cost by a very good bit on your average size of body.

But that doesn't matter, because we're not RSA-signing the body, only 
the hash.  So it's only the overhead of the hashing that matters.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] 1193 considered harmful

2006-03-21 Thread Barry Leiba

Well for one very big reason: it doesn't break current interoperability.


This is very different from the current method, and a naive receiver
would *not* compute the new signature correctly.

That's correct; it would not -- the verifier would have to change to add 
this method of verifying, and could remove support for the allman-01 
version when it's satisfied that it's not seeing them any more.

You (Mike) clearly see this as more of a problem than I do.  The 
compatibility I want to be careful to maintain is this:

1. Continue to be able to use existing DNS records.

2. Make the transition to the IETF spec easy by making sure that 
verifiers can verify both old and new sigs without much difficulty, and 
that signers can, therefore, make their transition when enough verifiers 
have done theirs.

Even given that, I wouldn't advocate a change that means verifiers have 
to have two ways of verifying during the transition... if I didn't think 
it worth it.  In this case, I do think it worth it.

The method I outlined -- and have implemented for around 6 months
or so -- does not break backward compatiblity and achieves the goal
of determining if the breakage is in the headers or not.

But it doesn't do any of the other nice things that I outlined.

What would allow it, with no transition needed, would be to hash the 
body and put it in the header tag... and then continue to do the 
full-message hash as now.  I think that's a non-starter, though, because 
it requires hashing the entire body twice (once by itself, and once with 
the header stuck on).


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] 1193 considered harmful

2006-03-21 Thread Barry Leiba

It does not break current implementations though. As Murray
and Arvel's implementations can attest. 

Again, I didn't say your "X=" broke anything. I said that it
requires a change in the signer and verifier in order to detect
which of the header or body broke the signature.

Well, but that's irrelevant.  Mike's (correct) point is that if the 
verifier doesn't care about the new information provided, the verifier 
doesn't have to change.  With the proposal on the table, all verifiers 
would have to migrate.

I agree, though, that since the verifiers have to migrate anyway (to 
SHA-256), I think this is a less-than-compelling reason not to do this.

The "slippery slope" reason is more compelling.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] 1193 considered harmful

2006-03-24 Thread Barry Leiba
I have a suggestion that I think might (ha!) satisfy everyone.  That is, 
I THINK it will satisfy those who want the separate body hash, it will 
address Mike's compatibility concern, and it will not give Mark hives 
because of overloaded tags and burgeoning combinatorics.

Suppose the base doc said this sort of thing:

... signers MUST use a=rsa-sha256 ...
... hash the body and put the hash value in bh= ...
... hash the headers, sign that hash, put the signature into b= ...
... etc, etc, etc ...

Section x.y: Backward compatibility with the pre-standard version

Earlier, pre-standard implementations of DKIM used a different hash 
mechanism.  Owing to significant deployment of that mechanism for early 
adoption and experimentation/refinement leading to this specification, 
current implementations SHOULD maintain signature-verification 
compatibility with the earlier version as follows:

1. Support the SHA-1 hash algorithm, and recognize and respect the 
a=rsa-sha1 tag.

2. Support the earlier mechanism of using a single hash, as indicated by 
the absence of bh=, by computing the message hash thus:  to put the headers and body together for the hash here, noting that the 
canonicalization is identical>

Verifiers MUST NOT accept a=rsa-sha1 in the presence of bh=, and MUST 
NOT accept the absence of bh= in the presence of a=rsa-SHA256; those 
combinations are contrary to this specification, and their use is 


What do y'all think (I picked that up in Dallas)?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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[ietf-dkim] Splitting the DKIM base doc

2006-03-24 Thread Barry Leiba
Dave brought up, at the Monday DKIM IETF session, the idea of splitting
out the key-discovery parts from the base document.  I've recently come
up with a need to have the canonicalization be separately referenced.
I'm throwing this out to the mailing list for discussion:

Should we split the DKIM base doc into independent modules?  I believe
Dave has a specific idea that he might share with us... Dave?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM Working Group Summary, IETF 65

2006-03-24 Thread Barry Leiba
> Would it make sense to break these up into separate threads?  Anyway,
> here is my comments on some of these issues.

It might, but mostly it would be useful to remove
from the distribution list if there are further replies to this thread.
Those addresses were only there for the official Security Area
submission of the WG meeting summary.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Splitting the DKIM base doc

2006-03-25 Thread Barry Leiba

The next milestone should be WG last call on
base in May, so if your suggestion is likely to cause that
date to slip, I guess it'd be good to include a justification
for that.

Good point, of course.  Dave and I babbled briefly at each other about 
this recently, and I think a split makes sense -- the benefit is keeping 
the independent elements isolated, allowing
1. components that can be referenced separately (and can reference each 
other, and
2. components that can be added or replaced as necessary; this is 
particularly useful for things like "how do I canonicalize the message", 
"how to I get the signing key", and "how do I encrypt/decrypt" (that 
last is already split out, by reference to RSA and SHA-x).

I think the work of splitting it will be small, and won't affect the 
schedule, but I'll let Eric, et al, make that ultimate judgement.  My 
inclination is to give the document editor a veto option on it, to avoid 
schedule problems.  On the other hand, I think getting the document 
structure right is important.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] 1193 considered harmful

2006-03-25 Thread Barry Leiba

How does this address my concern? This looks like my current receiver
would fail with the new signature format. That's not backward compatable.

All verifiers already have to change, to support SHA-256.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] 1193 considered harmful

2006-03-26 Thread Barry Leiba
However we have so far preserved the ability of a pre-IETF signer to 
work with a post-IETF DKIM verifier. (So, Barry's statement is true,

> but I'm not sure it addressed the concern.

I believe my text, or a reasonable variant of it (modulo Paul's 
concerns, for instance) preserves this ability.  Do you disagree? 
Perhaps, if you do, changing a SHOULD to a MUST would fix that?


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] 1193 considered harmful

2006-03-27 Thread Barry Leiba

1) ± can determine if body or headers are broken; - because it can
  be done in a backward compatible fashion.
2) +   can determine early on if header signature is valid; weak
  because you won't ordinarily have the key, and most especially
  not from malicious domains
3) +   can hash a body once for redistribution; a fairly marginal
  feature that might help mass mailers, but Moore's law is just
  as likely to help, um, more.
4) -   breaks backward compatibility
5) -   no way for signer to determine when it's safe to not send
 -allman-01; the longer we wait for the RFC #, the bigger this
  problem becomes
6) -   canonicalization/hashing agreement is the hardest part of the
  spec to get right from an interop standpoint.

So the way I look at it you've got one nice benefit that can be
implemented in a backward compatible way, and two benefits that
are of fairly marginal utility. The downside is that we get churn
in the part of the spec that's hardest to get right, and a not
terribly easy way for a signer to know when it's safe to deprecate

If (2) were more a reliable feature this would be harder call, but
absent other upsides I've missed, I really don't see the overall

When Mike posted this the first time, I thought he made a couple of good 
new points with items 2 and 5.  I decided to leave my "chair" hat on and 
see where we went with those, and I don't think they've been adequately 
responded to so far.  Comments addressing those are cetainly new input, 
and are welcome.

I do think we can write the spec so that the proposed change doesn't 
break old signers with new verifiers.  I think that's the side of 
compatibility that's most important.

I think we cannot make old verifiers work with new signers in any case, 
if we encourage new signers to move to SHA-256 (unless the signers 

I think Mike's still right that the advantage in item 2 is weakened by 
the fact that we still have to retrieve the key, and we might as well 
continue sucking down the message body while that happens.


Back to "chair" hat again:
I agree with Stephen that we need to finish up this issue.  I've seen a 
few posts supporting the change, so I'd like to ask specifically if 
anyone besides Mike thinks that we should NOT change the spec to hash 
the body separately as discussed.

If you have not yet said that you support the change, please post here 
and say that you DO support the change, that you DO NOT support the 
change, or that you DON'T CARE.  Further discussion is also fine if 
there's something NEW to add, but please don't rehash what's already 
been said.  The key point is, as Mike makes clear, whether the 
advantages of this are worth the incompatibility that it causes.

I plan to get minutes posted tomorrow, and we'll have a comment period 
on the minutes, including this issue.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for specifying syntax and semantics for multiple signatures

2006-03-31 Thread Barry Leiba

This must
be done in a way to prevent bid-down attacks during transitions, 

I believe that Mark also has a proposal on the table for how to deal
with bid-down attackes.

And actually, as I recall the discussion in Dallas it seems that even 
Russ and EKR were not worried about this issue.  The idea was that it's 
down to the verifier to determine which algorithms it's willing to 
accept, and the removal of a "stronger" signature only matters if the 
verifier isn't willing to accept the remaining, "weaker" one.  I have no 
opinion on this; I'm just bringing it up to the mailing list from the 
session in Dallas.

also must be done in a way so the recipient can unambiguously determine
the order in which the signatures appeared.

The downside of this are MTA's that reorder headers, which they do
unless they know it's a trace header. Which they don't for DKIM
since it's new.

Someone else had suggested adding some sort of signature sequence field, 
which, if we did that, could robustly identify the order, and could make 
is clear which are missing.  Something like this:

  DKIM-Signature: seq=3,1,1; ...
  DKIM-Signature: seq=2,2,2; ...
  DKIM-Signature: seq=2,1,2; ...
  DKIM-Signature: seq=1,1,1; ...

...where the numbers represent signer sequence, signature sequence for 
this signer, number of signatures that this signer added.  Mike is right 
that we can already sign all the existing sigs when we add a new one, so 
it's really only the ordering that we have to worry about.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for specifying syntax and semantics for multiple signatures

2006-03-31 Thread Barry Leiba
Someone else had suggested adding some sort of signature sequence 
field, which, if we did that, could robustly identify the order, and 
could make is clear which are missing.  Something like this:

  DKIM-Signature: seq=3,1,1; ...
  DKIM-Signature: seq=2,2,2; ...
  DKIM-Signature: seq=2,1,2; ...
  DKIM-Signature: seq=1,1,1; ...

...where the numbers represent signer sequence, signature sequence for 
this signer, number of signatures that this signer added.  Mike is 
right that we can already sign all the existing sigs when we add a new 
one, so it's really only the ordering that we have to worry about.

Somebody needs to help me out here. What problem is getting solved with
this geneology exercise? I've been at this a while, and I've never had
a moment where I thought "it would really be nice to know which begat

Well, the issue is that if, say with the above example, signer #3 signs 
the other three signature headers, and then the next hop re-orders them, 
the verifier can still figure out which records signed which others.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for specifying syntax and semantics for multiple signatures

2006-03-31 Thread Barry Leiba
Well, the issue is that if, say with the above example, signer #3 
signs the other three signature headers, and then the next hop 
re-orders them, the verifier can still figure out which records signed 
which others.

So what?

So the signature can survive the reordering; it's essentially a helper 
for canonicalization.

I'm not suggesting it's critical, only that it was suggested, that we 
had no further discussion on it, and that it's an alternative to Paul's 
proposal and should be discussed together with it.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for specifying syntax and semantics for multiple signatures

2006-04-01 Thread Barry Leiba

So, in an attempt to move towards that,  let me
try to ask for opinions on this discrete part of
the issue

And I'd like to get us to close on two other discrete parts:
1. Whether we want to have a mechanism to let the signature survive the 
reordering of multiple sig headers or not.  I've heard Mike and Dave say 
no, we don't.  Is that correct?

2. Whether we want to be able to detect the removal of a signature 
header (as perhaps in the case of a "stronger" one and leaving a 
"weaker" one).  I think the consensus is that we don't care about this; 
I'd like to confirm that.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for specifying syntax and semantics formultiple signatures

2006-04-02 Thread Barry Leiba

I think it depends on your "Verifier" the guys who have to make the decision
with all the junk coming into the system how it will view it.


Are we suppose to turn a blind eye to the quality of the message and just
look at who is responsible?  If so, then who cares what the message quality
is as long as it comes from a "good person."

We have to be clear about what DKIM is and isn't.

DKIM is something that lets a sender say "my domain sent this message".
DKIM is something that lets a verifier confirm that, and use it as part 
of its decision of what to do with the message.

DKIM is NOT something that says ANYthing about the trustworthiness of 
the signer, or of the "quality" of the message.

Any decisions about the quality of the message or the goodness of the 
source are made by the verifier, POSSIBLY using the information provided 
by DKIM as input, but not directly resulting from DKIM.

In particular, any attempt to include that sort of information in DKIM 
is explicitly out of scope for this working group.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for specifying syntax and semanticsformultiple signatures

2006-04-02 Thread Barry Leiba

In particular, any attempt to include that sort of information in DKIM
is explicitly out of scope for this working group.

I thought we have moved on to SSP?  SSP is not out of scope. Correct? I am
referring to SSP to help answer many of these questions being raised,
including this thread about nth signatures and ambiguious mandate on how it
should be "Intepreted!"

Well, first, we're still focusing on the base, which is supposed to be 
done within two months now.

Second, even SSP does not aim to address the quality of the message or 
the trustworthiness of the signer.  The closest it comes to that is that 
in the current formulation, the RFC822 From domain can advise the 
recipient that it would like them to be suspicious of messages that are 
not signed directly by it.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for specifying syntax and semantics formultiple signatures

2006-04-02 Thread Barry Leiba

DKIM is something that lets a sender say "my domain sent this message".

If you went out and asked 20 non-technical people -- enough to make an 
interesting sample of the population -- what they think your above 
sentence means, I predict that all 20 would respond that the semantics 
were along the lines of "someone in that domain wrote the message"

Yes; I was trying to be very terse, and obviously succeeded too well. 
The wording I usually use is "my domain put this message onto the 
Internet", usually clarifying that it could be an initial "put" or a relay.

rather than something like "something (person/software) related to that 
domain *handled* the message."

I like "handled".  Of course, I'm sure we'd get 20 different versions of 
what THAT means too, so

Given the predisposition folks have towards such misunderstandings, it 
well might be worth a distinct section of text (with a table of contents 
entry) that anticipates the problem and discusses it.

...that's probably worth doing, yes.
Thanks, Dave, for volunteering to write the text.  Post here and send to 
Eric when it's ready.


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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[ietf-dkim] Jabber room problems

2006-04-20 Thread Barry Leiba
We seem to have lost the jabber room for the meeting... and I seem to 
have lost Stephen on a separate chat window.

Let's see if we can convene some people in a different room, though I'm 
not sure we can work it with short notice:


If you're trying to attend the "real" jabber meeting, please try that 
one.  At least we can try to sort out logistics from there.  I'll stay 
in that room until 1600 GMT (1200 my time, New York).


Barry Leiba, Pervasive Computing Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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[ietf-dkim] Summary of jabber meeting on 2006-05-25

2006-05-25 Thread Barry Leiba

Before I get into the summary of the jabber meeting, I want to say this:

We finished getting through the open issues, and there are just a few 
that need more discussion on the list.  I've asked Eric to work on 
getting an -03 version out, after mailing list discussion of those few 
issues, within two weeks.  That means that (1) everyone MUST read -02 
and make sure that it's ready (modulo these few open items), and (2) we 
must get these last few items discussed and sorted through, and we must 
all focus on resolving our differences on them and finding a consensus 
that we think works.  Please hold to hard lines at this point only when 
compromising on that item will truly be harmful.  I know we can get this 
wrapped up and ready for Working Group Last Call on the -03 version of 
the document!


We called today's jabber session to order today at 15:00 UTC, and went 
through the remainder of Eric's issues list, starting where we left off 
last week.  Eric's list does mostly match with Eliot's, and we referred 
to Eliot's for the details of the issues.  For reference, some pointers:

Last week's log:
This week's log:
Eric's issues list:

In attendance:
Barry Leiba, Stephen Farrell, Paul Hoffman, Doug Otis, Peter Koch, Eric 
Allman, Mike Thomas, Jim Fenton, Dave Crocker, Tony Hansen, Bill Oxley.

The bits in quotes at each issue title are quoted from Eric's list.

Issue 1263: "(get rid of x=): I /think/ this has been resolved."
Participants did, indeed think it has been resolved; issue should be closed.

Issue 1264: "(proposed fingerprint tag description)."
This was proposed by Murray, who wasn't on the jabber chat, and the 
participants didn't know enough about it to discuss it in Murray's 
absence.  Issue remains open; push it back to the mailing list.

Issue 1265: "(signing by parent domains)."
Some see potential issues with the ability to say something like 
"d=example.com" and "i=sub.example.com".  In particular, there's the 
danger of something like "d=com; i=example.com".  Some think there's 
little benefit to allowing it, and closing the hole would be better. 
Others see a great benefit, allowing example.com to have one place to go 
for keys, while signing for many subdomains.  Eric suggests this: 
"thought: a domain could use a CNAME for _domainkey..example.com 
that would point up the tree." Jim Fenton will start a thread about this 
on the mailing list.  No resolution for now; leave open, discuss on 
mailing list.

Issue 1266: "(sec 5.2 move recommendations for key retention to a BCP)."
Lots of discussion about whether to specify a length of time or be vague 
about it, whether being vague is of any value to implementors, and 
whether it even makes sense to try to tell verifiers what they MAY or 
SHOULD do, since they can (and will) do whatever they want anyway.  In 
the end it seems that a modification of Doug's proposed rewording can be 
acceptable to all, so Eric is going to do another pass on the wording 
and post it to the mailing list.  Issue remains open until then.

Issue 1267: "(expiry based on received time rather than current time)."
Doug is happy with what's in the -02 draft on this, and no one else 
voiced any concern.  Close.

Issue 1268: "(format of t=)."
The issue is whether to leave this as an integer representing seconds 
since 1970, or whether to change it to some more readable version, which 
might be easier to compare with other fields in the message.  Brief 
discussion, which included a "not broke, don't fix it" comment.  Chairs 
agree and suggest no change unless there's a "really good reason to 
change it." Much agreement, and no "really good reason," so issue is 
closed with no change to the spec.

Issue 1269: "(body length mechanism rejections)."
Looks like we're happy with what's in -02, but just as we start to move 
on there's more discussion along the "can't tell verifiers what to do" 
line.  The original issue was an objection to advising verifiers to 
"reject", and the consensus on that, as advice, stays.  In particular, 
we want to advise verifiers on determining whether a signature is 
*valid*, but leave the "what to do with it" part for another document 
(or local policy).  Tony doesn't like the advice to ignore the 
signature.  Others clarified that what we're really saying is to look at 
the other sigs in that case.  Most accept current wording, but there's 
some unhappiness all 'round, so it&#

Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue #1265: Signing by parent domains

2006-05-29 Thread Barry Leiba

indeed.  which prompts the obvious question:  why are folks pursuing this.

And I think the thread has gone on long enough with enough participants 
for me to say that I see strong consensus that this particular concern 
is not shared.

This subtopic is closed.  Let's look at any other reasons to remove the 
parent-domain point.  Is there one?

Barry Leiba, DKIM Working Group Chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] draft changes discussed in Thursday Jabber session

2006-06-05 Thread Barry Leiba

Eric Allman said the following:
I've put the revised version of the draft (I called it "-03a") up on 
This has the changes we discussed yesterday, and I'm hoping that enough 
people will have read the relevant sections that we can discuss them in 
our Monday Jabber session.

And so this is a reminder that we have a jabber session in about 45 
minutes, as I type this.  I'll be moderating, and I'm going to let Eric 
control the agenda, since the goal is to resolve the issues that he 
thinks he needs to sort out for an "official" -base-03 version.

The broader goal will be to have a -base-03 submission that we can do 
"working group last call" on.


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue 1287: K... Otis, signature removal

2006-06-05 Thread Barry Leiba

Wait a minute, hasn't this been discussed ad nauseum with the clear
consensus to leave this text in?

 Signers SHOULD NOT remove any DKIM-Signature header fields from
 messages they are signing, even if they know that the signatures
 cannot be verified.

Well, it's easy to sort out whether we've had sufficient discussion:
Does anyone support Doug's request to remove this text?  If you do, 
please respond here by Thursday's jabber chat.


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Montreal agenda, other than base

2006-06-08 Thread Barry Leiba

We do have draft-allman-dkim-ssp-01; is there any problem with using
that as a starting point?

As Stephen says, it's in our charter as a starting point.  But we have 
to consider it *a* starting point, because we've already seen at least 
two more views on what a signing policy/practices/poodle should look 
like, and they differ enough that we need to review them as separate IDs 
first.  I certainly expect that allman-dkim-ssp will be one of those we 


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

[ietf-dkim] jabber again today

2006-06-08 Thread Barry Leiba
Reminder: We have another jabber meeting scheduled for today, 8 June, at 
1500 UTC.  I have one hour free then, but Stephen has said he can 
continue it up to two hours, if that's needed.  The first goal today 
will be to finish up the issues we missed getting to last time.

Please have reviewed Eric's -base-03b document before the meeting:

And again, the room is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

[ietf-dkim] Run away! Run away!

2006-06-13 Thread Barry Leiba

Stephen is in Bruxelles, with little or no Internettedness.

I will be leaving for Germany tonight, and will be away from the 
Internet 'til Monday.

The cats are away.  Y'all play nice while we're gone.


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

[ietf-dkim] Jabber meeting for 22 June

2006-06-21 Thread Barry Leiba
We will have the next jabber meeting this Thursday, 22 June, at 1500 
UTC.  We'll try to keep it to an hour, and the plan is to review the 
issue list, with the goal of being ready to submit a -base-04 draft 
before the Monday deadline.


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

[ietf-dkim] Summary of jabber meeting of 22 June

2006-06-22 Thread Barry Leiba

The full jabber log can be found here:

The 22 June jabber meeting was called to order at 1500 UTC on, 
surprisingly, 22 June.  In attendance were, in jabber-roll-call order, 
Barry Leiba, Dennis Dayman, Doug Otis, Eric Allman, Jim Fenton, Peter 
Koch, Murray Kucherawy, and Mike Thomas.  The agenda was simply to go 
through the issues list and check status, to make sure we're on track 
for working-group last call of the -base-04 spec, which Eric intends to 
submit by the deadline of this Monday, 26 June, at 6 a.m. Pacific Time.

I will list the issues here, along with the conclusion and action 
item(s).  For details of the discussion, see the jabber log.

1286: draft-ietf-dkim-base-02 //a= algorithm ABNF
1286 will be CLOSED, change made for -base-04.

1287: base: signature removal
Discussion revealed that John Levine had volunteered to give Eric some 
proposed text to resolve this.

1287: REMAINS OPEN, John Levine to propose text to Eric.

1288: base: signing address
Jim Fenton had agreed to work with Eric on text for this.
1288: REMAINS OPEN, Jim to work with Eric on defining default in one 
place & referring to it later.

1289: Base-02 signature process clarification requested
Some did not understand this; Barry and Jim both do, and have 
volunteered to propose text.

1289: REMAINS OPEN, Barry to propose text.

1291: Use of "sender" in -base
Dave sent Eric text for this, but one other issue came up yesterday. 
Eric is OK to resolve that, so...

1291: CLOSE, fixed in -base-04

1292: draft-ietf-dkim-base-02 //g= template
Much discussion of this, with decision to define a flag instead of what 
the issue DB suggests now: Key record will have a new flag that says 
that i= must be the same as d= in order to use this key.

1292: CLOSE, fix will be made in -base-04 as per above.

1293: base-02 // worst-case scenario/duration of exploit/use of deprecated
Insufficient understanding of this item.  Doug has posted something he 
says is clearer, but people hadn't read it yet.  We'll all go back to 
the list with this one.

1293: REMAINS OPEN, study and discuss on mailing list.

1294: draft-ietf-dkim-base-02 //i= parameter conflict
Only Doug wants this, but no one else agrees.  Doug says that John 
Levine supports it, so we'll check that on the mailing list.  As it 
stands, NO CHANGE will be made for this unless there is other support.

1294: CLOSE with no change... pending confirmation on mailing list.

1295: issue with relaxed body canonicalization?
Brief discussion on whether to leave it in for now, consensus is to 
leave it and remove later (maybe at move to Draft Std) if it turns out 
to be unused.

1295: CLOSE, no change.

This is John Levine's version of what basically is the same as 1292. 
Let's see if John likes the answer to 1292 for this too.

1296: CLOSE, see resolution for 1292 -- subject to confirmation with JohnL.

1297: Clarification on z=
Discussion about the QP thing and how to put leading blanks, already 
discussed on the mailing list.  Eric has posted text to mailing list, 
but not everyone has read it.  Go read.  Lacking objections, we'll use 
that text and close this.

1297: CLOSE, accept Eric's text for -base-04.

That's the end of the issues list.  Doug repeated a request that he's 
made before:  "There should be some consideration give the Security 
Consideration section regarding the affects of the _domainkey subdomain 
use."  Eliot, please open a new issue for this so we can track it.  So 
far, we've not seen support on the mailing list for putting this in, but 
we'll open a tracked issue for it and give it one more chance during WGLC.

DKIM meeting ended at 1558 UTC.  Thanks, all.

Barry Leiba, DKIM Working Group Chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Base-02 //Deprecated Signature Version & New List

2006-06-24 Thread Barry Leiba

Douglas Otis said:
There remains the issue describing a deprecated algorithm as being 
ignored, which is identical to treatments for obsolete algorithms 
(signature versions).  Perhaps there could be few minutes placed on the 
agenda to allow an attempt to explain why this could become a problem.  
The solution could be as simple as defining an optional c= tag 
(concurrent requirement) in the key.

No, I'm not convinced we need to spend more time on it, I see no support 
for the idea that we should, and I see several people saying we shouldn't.

We decided a long time ago:
1. If a signer doesn't want to use an algorithm any more, it should 
simply not use it, and should cease publishing the keys that were used 
for it before.

2. If a verifier doesn't want to accept an algorithm any more, it should 
simply not accept it, and treat signatures with that algorithm as absent 
or invalid, depending upon how it chooses to interpret things.

3. We're left with the case where an algorithm is sufficiently 
compromised that an attacker can insert a valid signature with that 
algorithm, and yet the signer wants to keep publishing the public keys 
for a while because it's still within the reasonable verification time 
for some already-sent messages.  No one thinks this is a problem worth 
solving because the likelihood is low, the window is small, and the 
signer CAN resolve it by not publishing the key and letting the 
legitimate signatures that remain fail.

Unless there's more support for spending time on this again, it seems 
that Stephen and I agree that the issue is closed.


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Relaxed body canonicalization

2006-06-26 Thread Barry Leiba

Paul Hoffman said (abridged):

[11:42:35]  1295: issue with relaxed body canonicalization?
[11:43:07]  i feel strongly about keeping relaxed header, but 
i'm neutral on relaxed body.

[11:43:42]  I'm sort of weakly in favor of keeping it
[11:43:51]  what he said
[11:43:59]  deleting it would simplify the code, but not by much.
[11:44:07]  I'd sort of like to keep options open, though 
with no good empirical reason

[11:44:12]  and maybe some rewriter we haven't anticipated yet
[11:44:13]  so I'm +0.1 for keeping it.
[11:44:38]  i'm a little stronger for that, let's say +(2/3)

I definitely think relaxed body canonicalization 
should be removed from the -base spec unless there is a known use case.

As we can see from the jabber-log excerpt, there are three opinions to 
keep "relaxed body", but they're weak (Murray is the strongest, and he, 
too, is waffling).  Paul, on the other hand, is strongly in favour of 
dropping it.

The decision from the jabber meeting was to keep it, thinking that we 
could drop it later if it turns out not to be used.  Paul correctly 
points out that we could just as well drop it, and put it in later if it 
turns out to be needed.

I'd like to see other participants weigh in; please do not remain silent 
and assume anything about what Stephen and I will take that to mean. 
I'd especially like Eric, Murray, and Mike to say whether they're swayed 
by what Paul said.

For what it's worth, I agree with Paul.  If those who've been running 
this stuff haven't found a real need for "relaxed body", why don't we 
fall on the side of simplification?


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

[ietf-dkim] Working-Group Last Call on draft-ietf-dkim-base-03

2006-07-05 Thread Barry Leiba
Since we seem to be working out what issues remain with 
draft-ietf-dkim-base-03, and it's a batch of relatively small things, 
Stephen and I feel confident in calling for Working-Group Last Call on 
that document, to end the Friday AFTER the Montreal meeting -- that will 
be 21 July.

The goal is to close out the base doc at that point and for Eric to get 
the next draft submitted ASAP after that... and that draft would go to 
the IESG.

So... let's continue as we've been, with that in mind.  Eric may post 
intermediate pre-04 drafts here if he thinks that'd be useful.


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Comments on -overview document?

2006-07-10 Thread Barry Leiba
I started going through the overview doc, but it wasn't clear to me 
whether discussion on it was welcomed yet on the list, lest it steal 
focus from -base.

Can the chairs clarify this?

The chairs think this is a fine thing to start discussing now.

Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Draft minutes...

2006-07-13 Thread Barry Leiba


Please STOP using this subject line.
If you have an issue to discuss, please create a new subject that 
describes the issue you are discussing.


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue: which headers should we REQUIRE to be signed?

2006-07-13 Thread Barry Leiba
I liked Dave's phrasing, so I'm using his message as the anchor for my 

If we take the view that -base should be limited to mechanism, and that it
defers "policy" issues to separate specification, as well as operational
preferences that develop over time, then this makes quite a bit of sense.

Given the discussion during today's working group meeting, I think we should
seriously consider taking Mark's suggestion seriously.

I agree.
I personally like the idea that we should leave the decision of which 
header fields to sign purely up to the signer.  But that's me, not the 
chair, talking.

As chair, I see a growing consensus to do it that way.  Let's try to 
resolve this issue tout de suite, and move on.  I'd like to hear from 
people who think we should have some headers as "MUST sign".  I'd like 
to hear from those who agree with Mark and Mike, that we should not have 
any with "MUST".

What say you?


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] drop requirement to sign "From" or other "originator" headers?

2006-07-13 Thread Barry Leiba
Oops... I didn't get to this yet when I made my last post, so I'm sorry 
for adding another subject line for the same thread.  I hope people have 
the sense to ignore me, and to post here.  :-)

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Which tags are required?

2006-07-17 Thread Barry Leiba

Section 6.1.1 says:
   If the DKIM-Signature header field does not contain any of the tags
   listed as required in Section 3.5 the verifier MUST ignore the DKIM-
   Signature header field and return PERMFAIL (signature missing
   required tag).
It would be good to list all of them in 6.1.1.

While we're here, I'll point out something I missed until Paul set this 
sentence out separately: the sentence's negative is done badly, leaving 
it open to misinterpretation (it looks like it means "if NONE of them 
are there").  I think this works better:

"If any tag listed as 'required' in Section 3.5 is missing from the 
DKIM-Signature header field, the verifier [...]."

"Omitted" might be better than "missing"; I'm not sure.


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] More on naked CR canonicalization

2006-07-20 Thread Barry Leiba
(I'm just picking a random message from this thread to respond to; this 
isn't a specific response to this specific message.)

I see a clear consensus in this discussion, and I think the issue's 
actually already handled in the spec.  In section 5.3, we say this:

   Should the message be submitted to the signer with any local encoding
   that will be modified before transmission, such conversion to
   canonical form MUST be done before signing.  In particular, some
   systems use local line separator conventions (such as the Unix
   newline character) internally rather than the SMTP-standard CRLF
   sequence.  All such local conventions MUST be converted to canonical
   format before signing.

I think it might be helpful to mention that some messages are formed 
with bare-CR, as well as with bare-LF, to clarify this particular 
situation, but beyond that we're OK.

In other words, rather than making this a canonicalization issue, I 
suggest that we make it an issue in the normalization step of the 
message.  (For those who aren't sure, the distinction is that the 
normalization step is actually permanently changing the message by 
putting it into normalized form, which the canonicalization is only 
changing the bytes that get signed, but not changing the message itself. 
 Therefore, the normalization is only ever done once, before doing the 
rest of the steps for signing, and the verifier never has to know about it.)

Unless we hear objections to this other than from Mike, we'll call this 
finished.  So:

Mike: Can you live with this answer, even if it's not what you'd prefer?
Eric: Will you tweak that paragraph in 5.3 to mention that some messages 
that are considered compliant with RFC 82x fail complicance with RFC 
282x in this regard and MUST be normalized?


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] 822/2822 or just 2822

2006-07-20 Thread Barry Leiba
I have seen a combination of references to 822 and 2822 in recent discussions 
on the list.  Is the requirement that DKIM support both 822/2822 content (822 
being the current standard) or is the intent that DKIM is just required to 
support 2822 content?

I believe there are two parts to the answer to that:

1. We refer to RFC 282x, as the current standard, and that's what we're 
aiming to support.

2. We're trying, to the extent we reasonably can, to deal with most of 
what's actually out there, which includes RFC-82x-compliant stuff as 
well as some small subset of odd or "broken" behaviour that we consider 
to be common enough to be worth working with.

Does anyone think that's not the right answer?


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] More on naked CR canonicalization

2006-07-20 Thread Barry Leiba

This paragraph is rather misleading because it implies to me that you must
convert to the canonical form for the *hash* function, not that you must 
convert the message before forwarding.

OK; if you can propose a rewrite to Eric that'll make the intended 
meaning clearer, I'm sure he'll appreciate that.

I'd still like to hear from Eric about this though.

Yep; me too.  He's away (and away from computers), and will be back some 
time next week.


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Internationalized domain names

2006-07-20 Thread Barry Leiba
We should not be thinking about changing IDNA or RFC 2822 in the 

The chairs agree, and the chairs also note that, related to this, we 
have said that we will also mostly not be thinking about how to work 
with EAI here.  I say "mostly" because there's a likely outcome for much 
of what EAI's doing, and we shouldn't make changes to DKIM that will 
interoperate badly with that outcome.


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Base-04 // ABNF cruft & errors

2006-07-22 Thread Barry Leiba
All of these in Doug's latest note seem like reasonable changes.  Only 
one thing:

The RFC2822 FWS ABNF definition carries some cruft.

obs-FWS =   1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP); obsolete RFC822 text
FWS =   ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) / obs-FWS

Is there a reason to permit multiple CRLFs? To obsolete support, the 
definition should be removed after 5 years of being declared obsolete.

FWS should be redefined as Revised FWS such as:

R-FWS=([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP); revised

I'd rather leave the FWS definition in RFC2822, rather than putting in 
our own.  Is there a way to say something that means "FWS from RFC2822, 
but NOT obs-FWS"?


Barry Leiba, Internet Messaging Technology  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: Fwd: Re: [ietf-dkim] Introducing myself

2006-12-07 Thread Barry Leiba

Please stop this thread with this subject line, and see my next message.

Barry Leiba, DKIM Working Group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

[ietf-dkim] Re: Canonicalization that decodes Content-Transfer-Encoding

2006-12-07 Thread Barry Leiba
If this discussion is to continue, please use this subject line (or 
another one like it that you prefer).  Looking for it and keeping track 
of it with that "introducing myself" subject is silly.

Apart from that, I'd like to see the discussion stop (though we chairs 
are not going to put any feet down about it yet) until there's an 
Internet Draft documenting a new proposed canonicalization.  Then we 
have something clear to discuss.

Also note that the base spec has completed last call and is scheduled 
for the next IESG telechat on 12 Dec.  Charles has brought this up in 
last-call comments, and the IESG will be considering it, along with the 
work the WG has already done on canonicalization.

Barry Leiba, DKIM Working Group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] draft-ietf-dkim-base-08 submitted

2007-01-19 Thread Barry Leiba
Most of the changes that Eric made should be non-controversial, 
involving clarifications and tweaking that have helped us (the draft 
authors and the working group chairs) explain things to the IESG. 
Regardless, though, of the non-controversial nature of those changes, 
the chairs would like the working group to review the document fully.

The most changes are in two areas:

The security considerations, where some significant changes went in 
after discussion with the Security Directorate.  We hope these fall into 
the "non-controversial" category, and we urge the working group to 
object only with strong reason.

Section 5.4.1, "Recommended Signature Content".  Stephen has posted a 
pointer to the extensive IESG comments, but to summarize: there is 
concern in the IESG that, given no guidance at all, some signers will 
create perfectly compliant signatures that no verifier will accept even 
after verification succeeds, resulting in an interoperability problem. 
The new version of section 5.4.1 is thus attempting to give minimal 
advice, which might be modified by more specific signing policies 
defined later, to alleviate this concern.

Please review and discuss.  The chairs would like the group to complete 
this discussion quickly and efficiently, so that the IESG can send a 
final draft to the RFC editor very soon.  To that end, we're setting the 
discussion period to a week, and we're asking that we keep any 
discussion of the -08 draft tightly on track.  The point here is not to 
rehash anything that's already been discussed, to pick again at anyone's 
pet points, nor to go on about unimportant details.  The point is to 
decide whether with these changes, the document remains a solid protocol 
that has the rough consensus of this community.

As usual, when you start a discussion thread, don't use this subject 
line.  Use something specific to the topic you're discussing.

A week of discussion -- which ends on 26 January... and starts now.

Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] draft-ietf-dkim-base-10 submitted

2007-02-21 Thread Barry Leiba
The DKIM base draft has been updated and submitted.  The changes are 
minimal, comprising response to IESG review and some XML updates 
intended to smooth the rfc-editor review.

And the -base-10 draft is now on its way to the RFC editor queue,[1] 
having passed IESG review.  Many thanks to everyone who worked to get 
this done.  And now we just wait for the RFC editor process, and the RFC 
number for the Proposed Standard.

Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[1] Here's the datatracker link:
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: Adding SMTP client Requirements

2007-05-25 Thread Barry Leiba

Our next step with the SSP requirements document is to push
it to the IESG (on Barry's to-do list I believe).

Yep, and that's now done.


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: Adding SMTP client Requirements

2007-05-25 Thread Barry Leiba
Because DKIM has not resolved the issue of replay abuse, DKIM is 
indirectly promoting a dangerous means to associate domains.  The DKIM 
WG should reconsider their strategy.

Doug, will you (briefly) say what the replay scenario you're looking to 
address is?  Thanks.


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: Adding SMTP client Requirements

2007-05-26 Thread Barry Leiba
A DKIM signed message can be replayed from other SMTP clients.  This is 
a desirable feature, but permits abuse when receivers base message 
acceptance upon (the reputation of) the DKIM domain.

Are you talking about the scenario wherein you send a message in a 
legitimate way and capture the signed message (for instance, you send a 
message from your mail-abuse.org address to your own yahoo.com address), 
and then you re-send that message, perhaps as spam, from some other 
domain (say, spam-is-profitable.com)?


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: [ietf-dkim] IETF 69 DKIM session

2007-06-08 Thread Barry Leiba

Next pass:
MON 1520-1720 Afternoon Session II
Breakout 2 SEC dkim Domain Keys Identified Mail WG

This looks reasonably solid, but keep an eye on the agenda.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM in the local news

2007-07-30 Thread Barry Leiba
The Chicago Tribune used to be THE paper of record in Chicago.  It had a 
national reputation.  THe quality of the enclosed article suggests it 
isn't quite at the level it used to be.  Still, it's nice to see the 
DKIM reference...

BTW, I'll point out that the "quotes" from me were not actually quotes. 
 Jon Van took notes during conversation over lunch, and those are 
actually his approximations of what I said, based on his notes and his 
understanding.  So please, no quibbling with me about the quotes. 
Basically, he got it mostly right and it's decent publicity.

Dave, will you put it on the dkim.org page?  I think the basic link is this:
...but I think it'll drift into the archives in 30 days, so I'm not sure 
how to save it.  Maybe I'll print a PDF of the web page and we can post 


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Processing SSP issues in January using jabber/concalls....

2007-12-11 Thread Barry Leiba

Dave Crocker said the following:

Stephen Farrell wrote:

Only place we're a bit off is the 30 day notice period.
If we want to be strict about that then I guess we can
push the dates further forward, but if everyone's ok with
starting early in the new year, then I think we should be

Who is the 'everyone' that you are relying on to vet the decision to do 
a variance?

I should point out that we're off by ONE DAY on the 30-day notice issue.
If you think we should toss out the 9 Jan session on that basis, OK, we 

Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair
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Re: [ietf-dkim] Processing SSP issues in January using jabber/concalls....

2007-12-12 Thread Barry Leiba

Barry Leiba said:

I should point out that we're off by ONE DAY on the 30-day notice issue.
If you think we should toss out the 9 Jan session on that basis, OK, we 

Um, as y'all've noticed, my brain said "9 Jan", though Stephen said "3 
Jan".  So, yes, we're short a week, not a day, on the 30-day notice.

Still, the rest of what I said stands:  If any participants, or the ADs, 
think that 23 days' notice isn't sufficient, or that 3 Jan is too close 
to the new year, we can lose that one and start on 10 Jan.

Dave, it's not clear whether you actually object to it, or whether 
you're just concerned that others might have a problem with it, and are 
noting that it's not standard procedure.

Scott Kitterman said:
> Personally, I'm not aware of any such complaints and I think in
> an open entity such as the IETF, secret complaints should get no
> weight.

Well, for better or worse, there are often reasons not to make 
complaints public, and we do consider them, at least at the early 
stages.  I personally think that's for the better.  Eventually, if the 
complaint is overruled and the plaintiff wants to appeal that decision, 
s/he will have to go public.  But we digress

Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair

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Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP issues status

2008-01-14 Thread Barry Leiba

Stephen Farrell said...

Sorry about the delay with this, Barry and I had problems syncing
up over the holiday and have only now gotten this done.

Stephen is being too kind.  He had nothing to do with the delay; that's 
down to me.  And thanks, Stephen, for getting the list posted to the list.

Eliot has set us up for a conference call this Thursday, 17 Jan, as we'd 
originally scheduled back in December (actually, we'd planned to start 
on 10 Jan, but we didn't make that; see "delay" above).  It'll go along 
with a jabber meeting, for which we'll use the normal DKIM jabber chat 
room, < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >.

The conference call will be at 16:00 UTC (11:00 US Eastern, 08:00 US 
Pacific, 17:00 in much of Europe), and is scheduled for an hour.  The 
call-in information is pasted below.


Date/Time:   January 17, 2008 at 05:00PM Europe/Amsterdam
Length:  60
Frequency:   once
Meeting ID:  312851247
Meeting Password:

Global Access Numbers:
(See list below.)

1. Dial into Cisco Unified MeetingPlace (view the Access Numbers or link 

2. Press 1 to attend the meeting
3. Follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID 312851247 and join the meeting

Information about this Conference: Contact Eliot Lear, 41448787525
Cisco IT Support Center: Attend the Voice Conference and then press #0 
on your phone keypad



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   Rome   +39.06.5164.4006
Japan  Tokyo Akasaka  +81.3.5763.9394 +0120.312271
Kazakhstan Almaty +7.327.244.2198
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LatviaPlease see Finland
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Malaysia   Kuala Lump

Re: [ietf-dkim] Seriously.

2008-01-21 Thread Barry Leiba

Dave says...
1. Multiple From addresses are in the RFC2822 standard, folks. The 
capability was defined in RFC 733 (1977) and has been retained in every 
iteration up to the current RFC2822 revision work.   That means that it 
has gone through repeated review by the email standards community. Why 
in the world would it be appropriate for the DKIM working group to 
debate its legitimacy?

2. While it is certainly useful to prune obsolete constructs, it is 
dangerous to assume that what a particular segment of the community is 
familiar with is all that ought to be allowed.  Email is a very 
general-purpose tool for human communications.  Human communications is 
a very, very rich space.  Just because on or another person -- or lots 
of them -- do not use a feature does not mean its use can be ignored or 

Yeah.  I'm speaking here not as DKIM working group chair, nor as DKIM 
working group participant, but as a member of the IAB: in that capacity, 
I would look VERY skeptically at any attempt to say that DKIM doesn't 
have to support something that's in the RFC2822 standard, on the basis 
that either (1) "no one uses it" or (2) "it doesn't interoperate well in 
the first place".

I'm sympathetic to the idea that we'd like not to spend a lot of time on 
an aspect that's pretty much never going to show up... on a "corner 
case".  But saying that we can ignore that aspect is just not on.  I 
would hope that Lisa or Chris, or both, would send up a DISCUSS if that 

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] Draft summary for IETF 71 DKIM meeting

2008-03-11 Thread Barry Leiba
> One thing that occurred to me after the meeting is that we didn't talk
> about when last call for asp should be. Last call is usually a good
> forcing function, especially since there's usually a lull after the
> meeting. Aren't we pretty close to being there if not there already?

Stephen and I specifically didn't want to set a date for last call yet.  We'd 
like to get those last five (or so) issues resolved first.  If discussion of 
those seems torpid, we'll propose leaving the document as is and going into 
on it.  Let's see what happens.

Yes, we're pretty close.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue 1550 - the name of the document (remains open *briefly*); there's still,disagreement on "Author"

2008-03-18 Thread Barry Leiba
> There was supposed to be a poll, can we please start
> that now ?  Or roll a dice for ASP, ADSP, SPAD. 

You'll recall, perhaps, that Stephen said we'd discuss it until the 19th 
  (that's tomorrow), and then take a poll.  So far, from the discussion, 
I see overwhelming support for "ADSP" (and I'm s sad that you 
folks didn't eat up my "FroDo" idea (which DC and I both claim, so we 
can have a pub fight in Dublin about that)).

To Mike Thomas's concern: I'm sympathetic to the desire not to "keep" 
changing it, and I note that the proposal is that if we decide to change 
it, it will be the last change.

We should consider, in our last day before the poll, whether to 
de-couple the DNS name from the document name.  Perhaps a final change 
of the DNS name to, say, _SigningPractice would be suitable, and that 
would insulate us from any changes to the document.

During the discussion of Mike's concern, there were a few messages that 
were unnecessarily combative (on both sides of the discussion).  It's my 
declaration that that has stopped now.  It's my hope that that won't 
happen again.  I don't have time to watch this mailing list on a 
minute-to-minute basis, but I will get back to you if I see that sort of 
thing cropping up again.  We remain polite and respectful here.  We WILL 
start pursuing process-related remedies if things get nasty.  Please do 
remain respectful -- we all have a lot of work to do, and we all get a 
bit chafed sometimes.

Poll starts tomorrow.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue 1535 - clarify need for domain existence check in the decision tree (step 2)

2008-03-18 Thread Barry Leiba
6 days with no follow-up, so

Jim Fenton said the following:
> Steve, thank you for refreshing my memory on this.  I would state it a 
> little differently now since SSP doesn't really have a "comply", that an 
> unsigned message from the domain bar.baz.ebay.com will be considered to 
> have an "Unknown" ASP unless...
> So yes, it is important that we keep this.

Dave, does this satisfy you?  Does anyone else have an issue with 
retaining step 2?  I'm looking for consensus to close issue 1535 and 
leave the spec as it is, with step 2 in there

Barry (as WG chair)

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[ietf-dkim] OT: Conference on Email and Anti-Spam final call for papers

2008-04-02 Thread Barry Leiba
The 2008 Conference on Email and Anti-Spam submission deadline is approaching, 
and has been extended by a week, to 10 April.  If you have any work to report 
in the area of Internet messaging abuse and its prevention — not limited to 
email spam; see the topic list in the CfP, below — please form it into a paper 
by next week, and submit it.



Thursday August 21 and Friday August 22, 2008
   Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
  Mountain View, California


The Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) invites the submission
of papers for its fifth meeting. Papers are invited on all aspects of
electronic communication including email, instant messaging, text
messaging, and voice over internet protocol (VoIP). Topics of interest
include novel applications of electronic messaging, abatement of abuses
of electronic messaging, spam, spit (spam over internet telephony), spim
(spam over instant messenger), phishing, identity theft via messaging,
viruses, and spyware.

Paper submissions can be either research papers, extended abstracts,
industry reports, or law and policy papers. Submissions from
practitioners and vendors are encouraged. Papers will be selected by
peer review for presentation at CEAS 2008. Papers will be reviewed based
on their contribution to the literature.


*  Message filtering, blocking, authentication
   -  Machine learning
   -  Natural language processing
   -  Adversarial learning
   -  Challenge-response
   -  Payment schemes
   -  Disposable addresses
   -  Messaging protocols
   -  Digital signatures
*  Evaluation
   - Corpus and benchmark creation
   - Measures and methodologies
   - Comparative tests of methods or products
*  Analysis
   - Economics of spam, spit, spim, phishing, etc.
   - Abuse tactics and patterns
   - Legitimate use patterns
   - Historical data
*  Message organization and search
   - Advanced calendaring and scheduling
   - Automatic foldering
   - Automatic routing
   - Summarization
   - Search
*  Systems and network issues
   - Performance & scalability
   - Reliability & security
   - Archival & retrieval
*  User issues
   - User interfaces
   - Usability studies
   - Messaging in support of user activities
*  Social issues
   - Deducing social networks
   - Costs and benefits of messaging use and abuse
   - Other social impacts
*  Industry
   - Cooperation for stopping abuse
   - Messaging and abuse reporting standards
   - Interoperability
*  Legal issues
   - Spam, spit, spim and phishing, etc.
   - Identity theft
   - Privacy
   - Freedom of speech
   - Digital rights management


*  Submission deadline: April 10, 2008 (10:59pm UTC) -- EXTENDED DATE
*  Notification of acceptance: June 6, 2008.
*  Final camera-ready version of papers: June 21, 2008
*  Conference: August 21 and 22, 2008


Papers may be of one of two types:
*  Extended abstracts (up to 2 pages) may outline work in progress,
   exceptional papers published for different scientific communities,
   original research, or industry reports.
*  Full papers (up to 10 pages). Work may not have been previously
   published in, or under consideration for publication in any other
   conference or journal.

Submissions must use the CEAS electronic system at:
https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/CEAS2008/. The style for
submissions and final papers is a two-column, 8.5 by 11 inch format. See
http://www.ceas.cc/2008/format.htm for details.

Papers will be reviewed by a committee of experts from academic and
industrial research centers. Accepted papers will be made freely
available on the web, and will be published on CD-ROM. Authors will
retain copyright of their work.


*  The conference chair and co-chairs can be reached at


*  Gordon Cormack
   University of Waterloo


*  Aleksander Kolcz
   Microsoft Live Labs


*  Andrej Bratko
   Jozef Stefan Institute

*  Barry Leiba
   IBM Research

*  Tobias Scheffer
   Max Planck Institute for Computer Science

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

Re: [ietf-dkim] New Issue: protecting a domain name vs. protecting a domain tree

2008-04-07 Thread Barry Leiba
Eliot Lear said the following:
> By my recollection, 
> this topic alone has been discussed at at least two - and possibly three 
> - working group meetings.  Please advise.

This topic has definitely been discussed a number of times.  And Stephen 
and I have discussed Dave's note from today, and think it's appropriate 
to continue the discussion a bit.  We need to keep it focused and come 
to a clear conclusion -- the problem is that we don't think we really 
have agreement on this question.

The particular point in Dave's note that troubles me, and that I don't 
think we have agreement on, is his third one:

> 3.  At least one of the sub-tree mechanisms is attempting to glean 
> information 
> from the absence of publisher action.  Let me explain:
>>  c) Checking for the presence of an A record is intended to try tell 
>> you 
>> something in the absence of an explicit action by the domain owner.  That's 
>> it's 
>> flaw: It is intuiting ADSP information from non-ADSP action.
>>  While there is nothing wrong with checking the A record, it's semantics 
>> have literally nothing (directly) to do with ADSP.

I agree with that assessment, but more importantly, I think the working 
group doesn't yet agree on whether he's right or not.  So let's clear 
this up with a focused discussion that gets one of the following results:
* We have consensus that ADSP should explicitly say that in the absence 
of an ADSP record you have no information, and you treat the message as 
you did before DKIM/ADSP existed.  Any other processing might be 
proposed as an extension, in another document.
* We have consensus that there IS a well-defined process that we 
recommend following in the absence of an ADSP record, and that having 
the ADSP document define this is within scope for the base document.

Yes, this discussion is in scope for now.  Let's keep the discussion on 
track, and resolve this quickly.

Barry, as DKIM working group chair
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[ietf-dkim] OT: Conference on Email and AntiSpam is next week

2008-08-15 Thread Barry Leiba
The Conference on Email and AntiSpam should be of interest to most of the 
following the DKIM work (indeed, we had a paper about DKIM in last year's 
conference).  This year's conference is next Thursday and Friday, 21 and 22 
August 2008.  We'll see invited talks by Lois Grisman, of the U.S. Federal 
Commission's Bureau of Consumer Protection, and by Brad Taylor, Google's "Spam 
Czar".  We'll see presentations of 23 papers about anti-spam research and 
operation.  And we'll see posters from participants in the conference's Spam 
Filtering Challenge.  There'll be plenty of opportunity to talk with people and 
share ideas.

For details, see the conference's web site:  http://www.ceas.cc/

I hope to see some of you in Mountain View

Barry, for the CEAS 2008 Conference Chairs
-- Alek Kolcz
-- Andrej Bratko
-- Barry Leiba
-- Tobias Scheffer

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Re: [ietf-dkim] NO DKIM "POLICY"

2009-02-19 Thread Barry Leiba
>> By design, a broken signature is equivalent to no signature.
> Yeah, that RFC 4871 anomaly "Failure Promotion to no signature" always
> did baffled me.

If either one were "better", attackers would just shift to the better
one.  It's simple enough to use no signature at all, if no signature
is better than a broken one.  Similarly, it's easy to fake a signature
if that way be better.

Making the cases equivalent means we don't have to try to deal with
convoluted heuristics that will only be attacked anyway.

But that's really a digression; please, let's not clutter the
discussion with that issue again.

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[ietf-dkim] Change of mailing address

2009-02-24 Thread Barry Leiba
IBM Research has eliminated almost 200 positions, including mine, and this 
Thursday (26 Feb) will be my last day with IBM, after almost 32 years.  I'm now 
looking for the next stage in my life (and any help with that will be 

So, effective immediately, please discard any IBM email addresses you have for 
me, and exclusively use .  I'll also remind everyone 
that if you're sending mail to the working group chairs, you can and should use 
the generic alias for us,  (and that works for any 
working group, substituting the working group's name, obviously).


Barry Leiba  (barryle...@computer.org)

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Handling the errata after the consensus call

2009-03-06 Thread Barry Leiba
> If we were to come out with a 4871bis *without* also attempting to move
> it forward on the standards track, then I agree that we'd be sending a
> bad message to the industry. But I don't think doing a bis without
> concurrent advancement is being seriously considered -- I'm certainly
> advocating moving it to Draft Standard.

In other words, Tony, you're advocating option 1: put the "errata" out
as an RFC that only makes updates, and reserve the 4871 replacement
for an attempt to go to Draft Standard.

Option 2 is the one you aren't considering seriously.

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