[Ilugc] Ubuntu vs. CentOS vs. Fedora for my new server ?

2015-04-12 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,
Important: This can easily become a flame war - request all to please avoid 
making this personal and keep this limited to the distros instead of the distro 
users. (Hate the sin not the sinner.) :-)
Am setting up a new public server. This will have our default website as well 
as all tools to help our developers develop from across the globe.Will host 
website, proj mgmt (redmine), subversion, jenkins, Selenium automated test, 
build tools etc. 

This will be either on digitalocean or AWS.
I have not been a linux admin for about 3-4 yrs now and have not really kept up 
to date on the developments. 
At that time I was managing Fedora/CentOS and I am comfortable with its 
internals. Very comfortable with rpm, service and init processes, file system 
layout etc.

At that time Ubuntu was fast catching up as a great alternative to 
Fedora/CentOS on the serverbut did not follow it after 2010. 
I did use Ubuntu exclusive as my default desktop OS for almost 6-7 yrs but 
never really had to use command line there and hence I am familiar with (but 
not an expert) with 'Ubuntu' specific stuff like upstart and the placement of 
config files in filesystem etc. Ubuntu on Desktop was a dream - it just worked 
with all the hardware without me having to compile any drivers.

I want to manage this server with minimal compiles but want latest versions of 
tools and libraries (RoR, php, Java).

My current "old" server is CentOS 5 which I initially booted up in 2008. I 
really need to upgrade :-)
For my new server, which would you recommend between Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS ?

Please do not make this a flame war. I know they are great distros - I am 
trying to see if it is worth learning Ubuntu server side stuff or go with 
Fedora/CentOS where I am already comfortable.

K. C. Ramakrishna
ILUGC Mailing List:
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[Ilugc] Solution - Skype on Linux

2008-08-20 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

You can add the skype repository in Ubuntu:

System -> Administration -> Software Sources -> Third party software

Click on 'Add' 
in URI add 'http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/
Distribution: stable
components: non-free

This will ensure that you always get the latest updates too.


For fedora - there is something called 'easylife'.

K. C. Ramakrishna

rKnowsys Technologies


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[Ilugc] Re: Sify Vs Linux Consumer Forum (Raja Subramanian)

2008-08-20 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I would recommend not to go for any cable at all. I have tried 2-3 cable 
vendors and all of them suck big time. Hathway, Sify included.

In my experience - DSL is much more reliable. Airtel and BSNL are pretty good. 
I have been using Airtel ADSL for more than 3 yrs in my office (10 employees) 
and BSNL DSL at home for > 6 months. speeds are close to what is claimed and 
service is rarely down.

K. C. Ramakrishna

rKnowsys Technologies


   1. Re: Sify Vs Linux Consumer Forum (Raja Subramanian)

Perhaps a better course of action is to dump Sify and move to a different
ISP that does not have these shortcomings?

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[Ilugc] Dell Vostro 1510 Keyboard and Touchpad (Arun Venkataswamy)

2008-08-30 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

We have 2 Dell Vostro 1510 (bought a few weeks back) running Ubuntu. Everything 
works out of the box except wifi for which I was too lazy to configure 
I have configured wifi with ndiswrapper in quite a few machines and it works 

Based on your description "noapm, noapic and noacpi" it looks like you have an 
AMD64 processor. Intel does not need those options.
Try Ubuntu (either live or install) - it should support all hardware without 
trouble (except wifi). I shifted from Suse to Ubuntu. Suse seems a lot slower 
on the same hardware.
I was born & brought up on fedora but fedora needs more tinkering to get it 
working correctly on laptops especially wifi and multimedia. Tried Suse for a 
few months. Seemed *very* sluggish. Ubuntu's restricted drivers makes it really 
easy for laptops/desktops.

kcK. C. Ramakrishna
rKnowsys Technologies

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[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] Looking for liferay developer - 2-3 yrs experience

2008-09-18 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

As you know, we are a pure FLOSS firm based in Hyd. We are looking for a 
competent Liferay developer. Min 2 yrs in J2EE and min 1yr in liferay. 
Experience on Hibernate required. Please apply with detailed resume with 
academic details too including % from 10th onwards.
Salary/perks will be based on skill set. We expect the candidate to have good 
exposure to FLOSS technologies. Prior involvement in FLOSS projs will be a very 
big bonus. We hope to pay more than industry average and this will be decided 
based on job performance.

We have released a few products and plugins under GPL on rubyforge. We also 
support FSF, KDE and Phussion monetarily. We encourage our associates to be 
invovlved in FLOSS projects in their spare time. We hope to contribute more to 
the FLOSS communities and do our bit in contributing from India.

K. C. Ramakrishna
rKnowsys Technologies

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[Ilugc] Re: Error while installing rubygems-0.9.4 in fedora core 6 (Vamsee Kanakala)

2008-10-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

You will find the rpms at www.rpmfind.net
If you need to be up to date - install the latest from source but in most 
cases, rpm should work fine.

K. C. Ramakrishna
rKnowsys Technologies

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[Ilugc] Re: [JOB][OT][Commericial] Job opening for fresher 2008 passed ou

2008-10-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I am in a senior position in a IT firm. The posting was definitely nothing 
related to this list. If this posting is valid, I don't see anything preventing 
other training firms across India posting similar offers on this list. We will 
have to create another list called '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

While I welcome people trying to recruit FOSS experts on this list, I take 
strong objection to a 'deposit' linked scheme.
I wouldn't have a problem if the hiring co. directly posted here and even then 
only if there is no mention of  'deposits'. I don't think it is justified for 
an intermediary to post that message which is *closely* related to deposits and 
incidentally related to FOSS.

I understand the logic of the person posting that message on this list. I would 
consider the posting not to be in the spirit of this list even if its 
technically 'OT+COMMERCIAL+FOSS'. I think the author is new and misunderstood 
the purpose of this list. I wish success to the author in his business but also 
to respect the time of the many subscribers of  ilugc.

I am from Hyderabad. I find ilugc much more active and useful than ilughyd. 
Please keep it that way. 

I personally know of a lot of firms in Hyd which offer jobs by taking
'non-refundable deposits'. A lot of them work in php related technologies. 
Some even give fake experience letters in FOSS technologies in return for 
money. If
this post is valid, we will have a deluge of mails from all these fake  cos. 
just because they fulfill the 3 criteria [OT][COMMERCIAL] and related to FOSS.

I think the mailing list moderator should take a stronger view and ask the user 
not to post such messages in the future.
K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] AWS hosting tutorial and EXPORT Command (Ashish Verma)

2008-11-21 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
>Hi All,
>I need to set an environment variable. Following is what I did.

I am not sure putting it in /etc/bashrc is a good idea. It might give rise to 
security issues as well as if some other admin changes it, everything will get 

I would recommend you put it in each script before your commands
export var=
and then chmod a+x that file.

Of course this will not work if there are too many places you are using this. 
In that case, your solution might be better.

I finally managed to prepare a HOWTO for hosting on AWS - 
Look at how I am taking backups in this tutorial - (Sec - 7.4) 


 K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Tutorial - hosting on AWS

2008-11-21 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

I finally got round to writing down howtos for hosting on AWS. The tutorials 
are released under FDL.

The latest tutorial is hosting with Ruby Enterprise Edition and Phusion 
passenger. There is another link which is a tutorial for hosting with mongrel.



 K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: Employee Agreement of a FOSS company

2008-12-03 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I am part of a FOSS based consultancy. We work only with FOSS technologies. 
Even our development environments are Fedora and Ubuntu. We only have one 
laptop with Windows (bundled when bought). We use that laptop for IE 

We do have agreements where employees assign all copyright to firm. We then 
further handle it. All our employees are encouraged to contribute to FOSS 
projects whether related to rknowsys or not. Around 98% of internal code is 
released as FOSS. Some minor parts are held back for various considerations.

We can have a more meaningful discussion if the question is clear else the 
answer is 42.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: [OT] Online Survey on the awareness/usage of Open Source

2008-12-14 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
>PS. The study does not deal about data privacy  which is against  OSS 
Data privacy is actually encouraged. RMS actually called the SaaS model flawed 
(though I don't fully agree) as we are giving control of our data to 3rd party 
service providers and hence implies that we do not have full control (including 
privacy). One of the reasons for FOSS is to prevent backdoors and hence boost 
FOSS is against proprietary software and not against data privacy. Simple and 
obvious examples are personal data, medical history, financial data etc.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: This is T.Arulalan, doing M.C.A in Saveetha Engg College

2009-01-11 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi Arulalan,

TCP/IP is the underlying architecture of the whole Internet. The power of these 
protocols is surpassed only by their simplicity and elegance. 
I have worked on various Internet protocols for Lucent and Conexant and I think 
TCP/IP are the most elegant, simple and powerful protocols of them all.

I am based in Hyd and hence cannot give a one day seminar but the right way to 
understand the protocols is to read the RFCs. 
At first the RFCs may seem a bit dry/complicated but once you read a couple, 
you will start enjoying them and appreciate the precise language used as well 
as the thought process.

TCP/IP includes UDP/ICMP too. For a more complete understanding, you will need 
to understand at least one routing protocol like RIP and also how DNS works.

Some resources/books are also listed below.

You will find the RFCs on http://www.rfc-editor.org/
Here is the RFC for IP: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/std/std5.txt
Here is the RFC for TCP: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc793.txt

Other RFCs: 
ICMP: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc792.txt
UDP: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc768.txt

Books: (Only if the RFCs seem too complicated. I rememeber the authors - not 
the exact title of books)
1. TCP/IP programming by Doughlas and Comer (3 parts when I read them in 1998 - 
don't know about now.)
2. Networking by Tannebaum. (This book tends to be a bit confusing. Don't focus 
too much on the OSI model - just read the TCP/IP parts.)

If it all seems too confusing, just take a deep breath, close the books and 
focus that we are just simply trying to achieve transfer of data from one comp 
to another without loss. Try and imagine your own solution for it and then 
compare your model with the mechanism described in the RFC - you will 
understand the RFCs faster.
You can master the RFCs mentioned above if you spend 3-4 hrs a day - it will 
take 3-5 weeks including re-reads, confusions, clarifications 
For code samples, you can see the Linux kernel but that is of course very 
advanced at this stage :-) 

You can mail me if you have queries of course. I have had a lot of fun reading 
and understanding these protocols and
am totally awed by Jon Postel, Vincent Cerf, and other assorted authors
and how they could plan so much in advance. I hope you derive as much
joy as I did.
Congratulations on having started on something very wonderous and believe me, 
if you manage to really understand how these protocols work, you will have an 
excellent understanding of the Internet, joy in life in addition to high paying 
jobs waiting for you :-)

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: This is T.Arulalan, doing M.C.A in Saveetha Engg College(Mohan R)

2009-01-12 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
>> have an excellent understanding of the Internet, joy in life in addition to
>> high paying jobs waiting for you :-)

> எல்லாம் சூப்பர்.. ஆனா இவ்ளோ தெரிஞ்சுகிட்டு கடைசியா சம்பளத்திக்குத் தான் வேலை
>பார்க்கணுமா? ம்ம்ம்...

Translation please!! I am from AP and can't read Tamil.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] F/OSS Support for Enterprise, Education and Domestic purpose

2009-01-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Ravi Jaya  
> > Dear Luggies,
> >
> > I am interested  to know form you, does any IT service company in
> > India who provides F/OSS Support for Enterprise, Education and
> > Domestic users in their
> > day to day operations. To migrate from Copyright software to F/OSS
> > environment.

We are a FOSS based consultancy based in Hyderabad. Though we are primarily a 
software development/outsourcing firm, we also provide support for FOSS 
deployments and migrations.
Our FOSS clients in India include GVKBio, NTPC. Please get in touch, We will be 
glad to provide references.

You can send an email to kcr AT rknowsys DOT com

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: Anyone at MIT, GOI listening?

2009-01-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
We definitely need more activity here. I don't know how many of you read this:

Recently we have volunteered to contribute to IT systems for Lok Satta Party.
We are trying to provide all solutions using FOSS technologies. We have
plans to build some FOSS software too. Please let me know if any one of
you are interested. This is purely voluntary of course. 

Recently we built a data entry app in OpenOffice Base. We will take up
more projs as time permits. We can do more work if some of you
Our next step is a helping set up a helpdesk system and as we go fwd, we want 
to look at an Enterprise deployment like Liferay. Of course all software 
developed will be under GPL.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: why 'of course'? why not BSD license?

2009-01-18 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Apologies for changing the subject but I though this makes more sense.

On Friday 16 Jan 2009 12:00:55 pm K.C. Ramakrishna wrote:
>> Of course all software developed will be under GPL.

>why 'of course'? why not BSD license?

I understand the GPL well and am comfortable with it and I also thought GPL 
will be more popular on this list. But point taken. 

>Go ahead and scratch your itch with politicians , Let me guess  you must be
>a comitee member for IT in LSP  if not can you ask them to change from IIS
>to Apache and Windows2000  to Gnu/Linux , if you have not tasted it ,  it
>would be a fun excercise on a small scale about the resistance to change and
>fi and buts for buy in  . Yes i see they are using php in some way.

I am a recent volunteer and not a committee member. 
I understand the resistance you are talking about. I have been an evangelist 
for quite some time now and have had my share of wins and losses.
My strategy is to take it slow and steady - one step at a time. 
I have volunteered to build some apps and since the tech/license for these is 
my choice alone, all of them will be on FOSS technologies and will be under 
The reason I am GPLing them is so that everybody can use them. I hope LokSatta 
is as clean as it is projected. If not, these modules will be useful to any 
The web-site is hosted by an external agency based out of Bombay and I am not 
touching it right now. 

I would all readers to not be too cynical. It may be difficult but we 
definitely need to make an attempt.

Please do make it a point to vote for your favorite party on election day. 
Remember that every single vote *does* count.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: PDF Editing using OpenOffice 3.0 (Shrinivasan T)

2009-01-30 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi there,

If you are not particular on using OpenOffice, you can try 'pdfedit' available 
on sourceforge. It works pretty well for me barring an occasional crash while 
handling large documents - no data loss ever though.

If you are specifically interested in OO 3.0, ignore this.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] [OT][COMMERCIAL] J2EE (Liferay) contractor required for 2-3 months

2009-02-16 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

We are working on a Liferay based project and require a full-time contractor 
for 2-3 months.

At least 1.5 yrs  experience in J2EE. Liferay exposure will be a big bonus. 
Reasonably good acads expected. Preferably B.Tech, MCA.
May lead to permanent position if candidate is excellent.
People involved in FOSS projs will get special consideration.

Compensation commensurate with experience. 
We are open to Senior programmers (>4 yrs) working from anywhere in India. 
People with lesser experience will have to work out of our office in Madhapur.

We are currently not looking for freshers unless you are from IIT/NIT and have 
done one training/summer proj in J2EE.


 K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: [OT][COMMERCIAL] need a web designer (Mano)

2009-02-17 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi Mano,

I seemed to have missed your original email. We have a good xhtml/css person 
in-house. He is currently involved with spread.kde.org
Please do get back to me if this is still open and we can figure out if we can 
help you.


 K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] (no subject)

2009-02-18 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
> I wanna make my team interactions, coordinating day-to-day activities, 
> scheduling etc. through web.
> Can anyone pls point me to some effective web service for this.

I think you are looking for basecamp - http://www.basecamphq.com/

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[Ilugc] Re: Configuring LAN with BSNL DataOne (Sahid Khan (?????))

2009-03-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

There are 2 solutions apart from iptables:

1. Hardware solution: Buy a hub (~ Rs. 600 for 8 port I think - dont remember 
exactly but very cheap) and connect both machines to this. You will have to set 
them to DHCP and they will get LAN IPs from hub. This way you can add more 
machines and also will not have issues with any protocol.
You can also buy a wireless router which you can plug either to your BSNL modem 
or the (new) hub - that will give you wireless internet.
I have BSNL in my house and they have given me a wireless router - we use 2 
laptops(wifi) and a desktop(Lan cable) in our house.

2. Software solution: Run squid on CentOS. It is a fairly easy install and will 
also provide caching - this will improve your browsing experience.
If you are able to ping the Internet from CentOS, just load and configure squid 
(~1-2 steps) and configure the proxy in your Ubuntu.
Squid will also help in terms of content filtering, access control, log of 
sites visited.
Squid will not help with ftp - there used to be a ftp-proxy sometime back. You 
might have to configure ftp in iptables - which is again a pain.

Let me know if you run into issues.

I wouldn't recommend iptables as they are pretty complicated even for 
experienced admins. 

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: Configuring LAN with BSNL DataOne (Sahid Khan (?????))

2009-03-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Please find correction below.


There are 2 solutions apart from iptables:

1. Hardware solution: Buy a hub (~ Rs. 600 for 8 port I think - dont remember 
exactly but very cheap) and connect both machines to this. You will have to set 
them to DHCP and they will get LAN IPs from hub. This way you can add more 
machines and also will not have issues with any protocol.
You can also buy a wireless router which you can plug either to your BSNL modem 
or the (new) hub - that will give you wireless internet.
I have BSNL in my house and they have given me a wireless router - we use 2 
laptops(wifi) and a desktop(Lan cable) in our house.

Correction: You don't get the LAN IPs from hub - what I meant was that you will 
get the IPs from modem but connecting via hub is equivalent to connecting 
directly to modem.

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[Ilugc] STPI mandating MS technologies!!

2009-03-30 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

I was planning to get my firm registered with the STPI and noticed a very 
curious pattern. 
Most downloads from STPI are in MS formats (doc, xls...)- 

Also STPI is asking exclusively for power-point presentations.

I was wondering if there is any group in India which will take this up. Will 
FSF India be interested? If there is nobody to do this, I might have to start 
something myself - am open to ideas.
I think we need a signature/letter campaign with participation from profs/HODs 
of major Educational institutes and CEOs'/mgmt. of as many IT firms as we can. 
If these firms are already registered with STPI, it will be even better.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] Liferay and Alfresco developers needed

2009-04-09 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
We are looking for Liferay and Alfresco developers - either full time or 
contract basis. 
At least 1 year of experience in Liferay/Alfresco. 

Employee will have to relocate to Hyderabad. We can be flexible on location of 
Contract developers.

Compensation will be above industry average. 

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Help needed - recovering formatted ext3

2009-04-28 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

I recently installed ubuntu 9.04 and reformatted my hard drive. I had taken a 
backup before I attempted this but the restore failed after the installation. 
I had re-allocated partitions of my harddrive and know for a fact that the 
previous sectors were not overwritten. In fact with a couple of tools, I can 
see signs of it.

I am currently not using the partitions to ensure that existing blocks are not 
overwritten and am using OS on another partition.
Does anybody know of good tools to recover this data? I am in Hyd, is there a 
reliable data recovery firm in Hyd and what are the usual charges?

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: Help needed - recovering formatted ext3 (Ravi Kumar Tenneti)

2009-04-29 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
> Please try http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk
> and post the details.

Thank you. I did download Testdisk but was not sure whether I should use it. I 
did use it after you recommended it and it worked like a charm. Its absolutely 
fantastic. It showed me all previously deleted partitions, the folders and 
files. It offered to copy them and as I am typing this, it is copying files 
from the depeted partition to my external harddisk. 

It must have saved me at least Rs. 5k in charges and a lot of headache. I can't 
praise this software enough.

Mohan suggested Photorec. It is a part of Testdisk download package. I havn't 
tried it out but will do it today.

For referrence, I will explain how the backups/restore failed -- this should 
prevent others from making the same mistake.

1. I use the tool 'Simple Backup and restore' in Ubuntu. 
2. I had configured it to store the backup files into an external hard drive.
3. I took a backup (almost a year back) and tested it by restoring from the 
backup and everything worked fine.
4. I have been backing up regularly at least once a fortnight. I look at the 
processes to verify and have noticed that the tar and gz processes run as 
4. I also took a backup just before formatting.
5. After formatting, when I tried recovering, I realised that the last backup 
in the hard drive was about 3-4 months back.

So what happened to all the backup files  I think I solved the mystery 
..Read on to know.

1. My external drive is named "KC" and when mounted is accessible via 
1.1 I configured 'Simple Backup and restore' to backup to "/media/KC".
2. About 3-4 months, back, I clicked on backup without noticing that my 
external drive was not attached.
2.1 Half way thorough the backup, I realised it, aborted the backup, attached 
the external drive and started the backup again.
3. The 'Simple Backup and restore' tool did a very stupid thing. When the 
external drive was not attached, it went ahead an created a directory called 
"KC" in "/media".
4. So, when I attached the external drive, Ubuntu mounted it to "/media/_KC" - 
notice the underscore in "_KC".
5. Since 'Simple Backup and restore' was configured to use "/media/KC", it 
happily backed up everything to my laptop harddrive and not my external drive.
6. When I formatted my harddrive, I lost all backups in "/media/KC".
7. I should have done a simple copy/paste of the important folders from hard 
disk to external drive but my supreme stupidity made me decide against it and I 
paid the price.

Please be very careful when taking backups and do try a restore at least once a 
month. These kind of stupid problems can be easily detected and corrected by 
doing a test restore to a different PC or distro every month or so. I had 
Fedora on a separate partition. If I had tried a restore in Fedora, I would 
have found this error during the restore. (Don't try on the same 
machine/partition as it will restore perfectly.)

Hope people learn from my mistakes and don't have to face the sinking feeling 
when I realised that I lost almost 3-4 months of very valuable data.

Thanks again to Ravi and Mohan.

There are a couple of other tools too but will try very hard not to be in 
another situation where I have to recover from formatted hard drive.
K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Recovery with testdisk

2009-04-29 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

I have successfully recovered quite a bit of data using testdisk. There is one 
important folder that I am not able to recover. I can see the folder but when I 
try to navigate into it, it is saying that the file system may have an issue.

The folder contains images and a DB backup. I think Photorec can recover 
images. Are there any tools which can recognise and recover sql, sqlz files?


 K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: Recovery with testdisk

2009-05-01 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

While trying to recover, I had another idea, if you remember, I theorised that 
"Simple backup and restore" created a directory in /media.
Following up on that theory, I used testdisk to go to /media/KC in the old 
partition of my laptop harddisk and lo behold, the directory did exist and all 
my backups (almost 15 of them - I am a paranoid backer upper) were safely in 
that directory. 
!!! WIN !!!
I recovered all my incremental backup files. I had my original full backup and 
hence have all my data back.

BTW, Ubuntu puts the underscore *after* the name. Since /media/KC" was created 
by "Simple backup", Ubuntu created the directory "/media/KC_"
and not "/media/_KC" (i.e. the underscore is *after* "KC" and not before) as I 
wrongly reported in my earlier email.

Moral of the story:
1. Take regular backups on external media like DVDs and keep testing restores 
once a month or so.
2. Keep thanking the selfless souls who write great software and release it 
under GPL
3. Make contributions to projects which save your life - either code, bug 
reports, testing, documentation or cash (I am donating $$ to testdisk!!)

With this exercise, I have become pretty experienced in data recovery -
I recovered a mysql DB after a bug dropped all tables in the DB in the
production server. It was a new server and we still hadn't started
automated backups on it. It is possible to recover the DB from just the
ibdata files provided you have the schema and have some idea of the
text content of the tables. 

I would also recommend Jaunty - Ubuntu 9.04 to all. It really is very good. 
Though I have been a lifelong RH/Fedora fan and use Fedora/CentOs on servers as 
well as my laptop, I started dual booting (actually quadraple booting - Fedora, 
Ubuntu, Suse and ...) Ubuntu since 7.10. With 9.04 I think I have migrated 
completely to Ubuntu on my laptop. I erased Fedora 10. I am very used to 
Fedora/Cent on servers mainly because I have been using it since 1999 and know 
it well - .profiles, .rc, service controls, init.d.but for everyday office 
use - documents, scans, productivity...Ubuntu is really up there. In terms of 
usability for non-geeks, I think Ubuntu has finally beaten Windows. The 
usability is fantastic and desktop effects work without binary drivers. It is 
very close to Mac and should beat it too pretty soon.

Thanks to all for reading my lng emails and for pitching in with 

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: Configuring squid to block the systems on a network

2009-05-05 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I searched to see if I have any old acl lists but couldn't find them. I did 
this a long time back but remember enough to give you a start.
For the actual syntax, there are a *lot* of articles on the net.

1. You will have to define groups of computers(IP addresses) or users(people). 
1.1 Lets look at IP addresses:
1.1.1 You can have lists of individual IP addresses: Eg. 
developers=,,, ..
test_engineers=,, ..
1.1.2 You can have a group defined as a net mask:

2. You can create groups of URLs, whitelists and blacklists
Eg: blacklist1=*facebook.com, *myspace.com, *exe
blacklist2=*flickr.com, *picasa*, *zip
whitelist1=sourceforge.net, rubyforge.net
whitelist2=google.com, rediff.com
You can have these as external text files. Also accepts regex
You can restrict downloads too using this process - notice the *exe above.
A group can consist of single IP too. A single IP can be in multiple groups but 
try to avoid that as it leads to confusion on what is allowed and what is 

3. Finally define which group can access which list. (acl = access control list)
3.1 For a tightly restrictive system, first DENY everything to everybody and 
then allow access to individual whitelistslists/sites to individual groups.
3.2 For loose system, ALLOW everything to everybody and then DENY individual 
balcklists/sites to individual groups.
3.3 Make sure that you set relatively loose permissions to CEO and top mgmt.

4 MOST IMPORTANT: Make sure you communicate well with all people in the firm.
4.1 First send out an email that you are introducing usage policies and that 
they will be some teething problems and that they will be streamlined over 
time. Tell your users that they may initially face issues in accessing regular 
sites too as the rules are not fully tested. Ask them to send emails with 
requests - this will reduce a lot of friction during the initial phases and you 
will also have a list so that you will not forget.
4.2 Start with a small group, stabilise it, then move on to bigger groups - do 
not try a big bang approach. You will face a lot of problems with a big-bang 
4.3 Finally remember that you are trying to reduce wastage and bandwidth usage 
to enhance productivity - be responsive to allowing productivity sites like 
technical help...be proactive about helping them be more productive.

5. You can also ask squid to use your Directory Server so that you monitor 
based on user rather than IP address. That is slightly advanced and you can try 
it later.

K. C. Ramakrishna


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[Ilugc] FOSS app released

2009-05-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

Hi all,

We have released a Free application on rubyforge quite sometime back. 
In addition to the source code, we are planning to host it for free for the 
Free Software Community.
The tool is basically a filtering mechanism of community ideas based on 'widsom 
of the crowds'.
1. Any registered user can create an idea.
2. Other registered users can 'vote up'/'vote down' the idea. A single user can 
cast multiple cotes to a single idea.
3. Users have a 'vote account'. When a user casts a vote, this account is 
depleted accordingly - so use your votes wisely. The account balance is 
increased when a new idea is created in the system.
4. Every idea is 'retired' after 3 months and prizes are announced based on its 
5. We are also planning to introduce cash prizes within a month. Prizes will be 
awarded to both the idea creator as well as the users who have voted for the 
idea. There is a logistical issue with this currently and we will be paying 
only to paypal accounts. If you do not have a paypal account, the amount will 
be either donated to FSF or to a free software project of your choice which 
accepts paypal.
We can look at other modes of payment in the future.

I will be releasing the documentation including installation instructions over 
the coming week.

Meanwhile please log in and start using the site - who knows - your idea may 
win cash prizes.

The application will get its own URL within a week and will be migrated without 
data loss.
The source code link is available at the bottom of the home page in the app.

I would like to introduce it to all lugs and once the application is stable, a 
more plublic launch is planned. Please forward this link to other lugs and 
other Free software enthusiasts.

Of course contributions (code, bug reports, documentation) are welcome.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] [OT] Safer domain search

2009-06-03 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

Hi all,

I have been searching for a domain name for a new service we were planning to 
launch. I shortlisted a few good ones which were available and went back to 
register them the next week. To my surprise, I found them not available. These 
are not common names - they are very specific to a niche service and I doubted 
that somebody else would have thought the of same names at the exact same time.

On googling, I found that Network solutions and some other registrars do 
something called 'front-running' where they basically block all domain names 
that were searched for and force you to pay more.

There is a work around to this - Use

Hope this helps somebody.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] LDAP/OpenDS consulting required

2009-06-16 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

One of our clients is trying to implement Single-Sign-On (considering OpenSSO) 
for Liferay for a mildly complex scenario.
We need to talk to somebody good with LDAP/OpenDS on Linux/Unix. We need to 
discuss on which is the best approach with somebody who has worked with 
single-sign-on in large orgs.
Has anyone worked with OpenSSO and/or OpenDS? Let me know if you can put me in 
touch with someone.

We will pay if the work extends to more than just simple discussions/strategies.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] [OT] Wireless broadband recommendations?

2009-07-14 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

Hi all,

Has anybody used wireless broadband services in India? I was looking to 
subscribe to one but not sure which one to buy. Google hasn't really helped.

I (and many people I know) have had very bad experiences with Tata Indicom in 
general (telecom as well as internet/broadband, billing etc) and am not too 
keen on Tata.

I am looking at Reliance. Does Airtel have any? Are there other good services 

I primarily use Ubuntu and do not travel much to rural areas. This will be more 
like an emergency backup during power outages and for use during in-frequent 
trips outside Hyderabad.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] web conferencing in GNU/linux?

2009-07-14 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

Hi all,

1. Is there a good web conferencing tool for conferencing between Linux and 
Windows? Our clients use gotomeeting or gomeetnow. Both of these force us to 
use Windows (XP) on our laptops. 

Is there any way that we can use Ubuntu (our default desktop OS) for web 
I heard about Dimdim but only the server seems to be runnng on Linux. Looks 
like it has a 'windows only' client.

2. We are currently using empathy as a gtalk VOIP client on Ubuntu. The voice 
quality is not great. Our clients complain about it and we are forced to use 
Windows for gtalk. Is that a problem with our config or is there a better 
client around?

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] https config help needed

2009-07-18 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna

I need some help in configuring certificates and https

Here is the scenario:

1. Application is Liferay (running in tomcat without Apache) which also has Web 
2. There are clients (.NET, ruby..) which access these services after logging 
is as a special user.
3. Currently both authentication and data transfer between Liferay and clients 
is also on https (for the web services part).
4. I want to configure so that clients authenticate using https but the data 
transfer is over http. I read somewhere that https is approc 30% overhead 
compared to http.

a. Can we do this with just tomcat? What configurations should I make in tomcat 
and/or apache? Can we do this without Apache in the picture?
b. What changes do we need to make in the clients?

I am a new to Apache configs and will appreciate any help.


K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] how people are gaining money using opensource softwares

2010-10-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
We too are making quite a healthy living with Free software. There are a lot of 
cos. who do so too.

You can charge USD/hr kind of rates even for Indian clients and most of them 
end up with solutions which are lesser than 50% of MS/Proprietary solutions.

Most small IT service companies make tons of money with LAMP/Drupal/Joomla etc. 
But most of them do not give anything back to the community or to the products 
they use.

We go the additional step of making donations/contributions to almost all FOSS 
tools/products that we use.

And yes, I live in upmarket place in Hyd, bought 42'LCD, Mitsubishi Cedia, and 
tons of electronic goodies and all from FOSS consulting. I make about 30%-40% 
more than my peers and we are completely FOSS - ROR/Liferay/Alfresco.

Careers in FOSS are quite rewarding but FOSS alone does not guarantee that. You 
also need to have business acumen. Else, if you are great with tech, just join 
a FOSS firm like Red Hat, Novell, rknowsys :-) etc. You will of course get paid 
well and will have the satisfaction of contributing to FOSS too.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] queries: setting up svn access via apache/ssl

2010-11-21 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

I am trying to set up a svn with access via https.

System is some Ubuntu system. I have ssh/root access and am unfamiliar with 
Ubuntu servers. I have better experience with Redhat and hence you might have 
to tell me how to find out info.

I need to have a svn server which I can access as either:
a. https://svn..com
b. https://.com/svn

I am not apache expert nor svn expert but have very basic config knowledge in 
them but am reasonably good with Linux in general.

I am doing a lot of googling but will appreciate if anyone can help me out. Am 
also willing to look at short contract for setting up an 'industrial strength' 
server with full security.

Here is the: less /etc/debian_version

Here is what I have done:
1. Created repo: 
sudo mkdir -p /storage/repos
sudo svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /storage/repos

2. In apache:
sudo mv /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav* /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
sudo mv /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.* /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

ad...@redmine:~$ sudo apt-get install mod*svn*
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package mod*svn*

And... I am stuck here. 

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] Need short duration contractor - senior Java programmer.

2011-01-06 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

We are looking for a senior Java expert for short assignment. He/She can work 
from anywhere. They need to be pretty good.

Preferably someone with > 7 yrs experience for a short assignment for code 
review and writing high performance web services.

Good compensation.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] [Lengthy reply] Making a Career in FOSS [New Business]

2011-03-01 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I am usually just a lurker but I HAD to reply to this.

1. For ANY business, cash flow is the critical. Be stingy while spending. You 
could rent comps rather than buy. You need not have a fancy office in the 
beginning. Always have cash equivalent to 2-3 months of expenses in the bank. 

2. Get good people to work with.

3. Keep thinking on how you can give more value for money to the client. This 
is for throughout your career.

4. Personally recommend having at least a few years of work ex as most business 
will be vary of trying out freshers for business critical stuff. 
Also recommend reading up basics of mkting, strategy. Remember that 99% of 
startups fail - plan around this.

5. You can be in a niche area and charge premium or get into LAMP kind of stuff 
which is low billing but high volume.

6. Entrepreneurship is more of a marathon and not a sprint. Keep this in mind 
while preparing. Staying power makes the difference in building an org.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] More on freshers planning a startup

2011-03-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

One word of caution. I would recommend people sticking to facts rather than 
anecdotes. The golden image of college dropouts starting successful companies 
if the exception and not the rule. 

For every successful college dropout, there will be 200 failures. Do not 
compare yourselves to Bill Gates, Steve jobs, Dell etc. Bill Gates was from a 
VERY wealthy family with a LOT of connections. Steve Jobs had a team of 
experienced people from Xerox and stuff, Dell was running the business for some 
time as a student before he quit. Also US has way more opportunities in terms 
of funding and entrepreneur support.

I would like to remind Karthik that these are really young and impressionable 
people and I would advise caution. 

I have built a sustainable business based on FOSS consulting. Been through a 
lot of ups and downs.

Starting up sounds sexy but there is a lot of risk - it takes talent, a lot of 
hard work, adaptability, a very strong heart and most importantly dollops of 
luck. Yes. Luck plays a pretty important part.

Also the potential entrepreneurs should understand the there will be a lot of 
advise on this forum but if your business fails, at the end of the day, you 
have to feed yourself and pay your own bills. If you try to go back to a job, 
it will be tougher both for you and potential employers. You will not have any 
hard skills and for the other skills, prospective employers will be under the 
impression that you will quit as soon as you have the next great idea.

The thrill of entrepreneurship is that bottom-line responsibility rests with 
you and that exactly is the risk too.

Be aware that you are risking your life. Better do it with more preparation.

>> And maturity counts in biz more than anything else.
>> Also working for companies will tell you what it takes to do biz.

> This is a myth.  The history of startups shows us that the best
> entrepreneurs were neither mature nor experienced when they started out

> If anything, the history of college-dropout entrepreneurs shows us that
> understanding a specific customer need and build a kickass product to
> address it is the best way to build a startup.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] Require sysadmin support for tomcat/Java server setup and support

2011-05-23 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

We are looking for help us with the requirements mentioned below.
We are open to dealing with multiple vendors or individuals for specific areas. 
We are open to any of contracting to organisations or independent contractors. 
We are open to hiring the right individual(s) full time too. We are not 
considering contracting to individuals with full time employment elsewhere i.e. 

Please get in touch with me at k...@rknowsys.com or at +91-98494-16664


K. C. Ramakrishna
I'm looking for a firm, since I think the range of knowledge is too big 
for one person, that has the experience below. I'd like to create a 
project that would start with a
I’m thinking of creating a project that would manage downstream from the
 Hudson-QA-Deploy to Beta process. In general it would ensure that our 
hardware infrastructure and our web environment are configured optimally
 and are scalable. 
-       Initial and periodic review of tomcat/apache server configurations
-       Initial and periodic review of OS setup (memory, file handles, ???)
-       Scalability testing of web services and website (various tools)
-       Recommendations for hardware/software enhancements/upgrades
-       Etc.

Substantial experience on managing large scale, high traffic, high data volume 
sites with strong experience using
- RedHat Linux
- Apache/Tomcat
- Citrix NetScaler Load Balancing
- MySQL in Multi-Master mode
- Virtualized servers running in a hosted environment
- web sites and web services distributed on multiple servers

Versed in monitor tools such as Cacti, Nagios, VisualVM, jConsole, etc.
Experienced with scripting tools such as jMeter, SoupUI, etc
Experienced with website performance evaluation processes such as ChromeSpeed, 

Tasks include
- manage multiple virtual servers and LAN traffic between them
- manage Linux servers to support web server and services
- ensure Redhat is configured optimally
- ensure Apache and Tomcat are configured optimally
- ensure an optimal user experience by evaluating client/server 
communications and make refactoring recommendations to improve 
- perform scalability testing with tools such as jMeter, SoapUI, etc.
- continually monitor and measure web site / web services uptime and response 
- troubleshoot issues that may be related to JVM, Redhat, LAN/WAN, MySQL, etc.
- regularly evaluate JVM process, memory allocations, CPU performance
- monitor web site and web traffic, data volumes on a regular basis to address 
scaling challenges
- make recommendations for configuration changes, performance tuning, hardware 
upgrades to support escalating needs
ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] [OT] Reliable SMTP gateway ?

2011-07-06 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
We run a *very* restricted website where people register with their email ids. 
We need to send confirmatory emails when they register. 

We were using google-apps till now but traffic has increased and we are looking 
for a reliable email provider to send approx ~ 100 emails per day and 
occasionally 500-1000 emails per day (during new customer acquisitions).

This is not SPAM as this is strictly opt-in. 

We are willing to pay standard rates and are looking for reliable email 
gateways and not fly-by-night operators.

Google search is not really useful as we cannot verify the authenticity. Please 
suggest ones that you have used in the past.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] [TwinCLinG] [OT] Reliable SMTP gateway ?

2011-07-07 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
> > From: Suresh Ramasubramanian 
> > If you want outbound relay solely for your
> registration emails there are
> > sites like smtp.com and authsmtp.com that you might
> look at.
> Thanks for the ref. I registered with smtp.com
> They sent me something called SPF record - 
>  SPF record: "v=spf1 include:_spf.smtp.com ?all" 

> In the DNS-manager
> "Add record" -> "Select SPF" -> "Select 'an ISP or
> other mail provider'" -> "Selected tab 'Outbound'" ->
> "Entered the full text 'v=spf1 include:_spf.smtp.com ?all'"
> and then saved, also saved the zone file.

Just wanted to update that I exported my zone file as text and here is the 
relevant entry. Can anyone confirm that this is set up correctly?

; TXT Records
@   3600IN  TXT 
@   3600IN  TXT "v=spf1 mx ip4:v=spf1 include:_spf.smtp.com 
?all ~all"

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Help needed in configuring Apache with SSL 123 cert from Thawte

2012-02-16 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

This is my first time ever that I am configuring a cert. I have read various 
tutorials but am unable to figure out which variables are associated to which 

Some contextual explanation of each file will also help.

I have these files from Thawte. Which variables should I associate them to in 







I of course have a my_domain.key which I generated using openssl command - 2048 
bit encryption.
A sample ssl.conf and httpd.conf with Virtualhost contents will be very 


K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Kolab is a good MS Exchange Alternative

2009-09-13 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
You can even suggest an MS Outlook alternative. The latest KDE email client 
runs on QT4 and hence on windows. 

Whichever solution you choose, try and do this the incremental way.
 - migrate them slowly - first only 10% of users, then 15%(of total users), 
then 25%, 25%, 25%. This will mitigate the learning and support backlash. There 
will be considerable support issues involved - best to do it slowly rather than 
a big bang approach.
Also the later groups will have support from the groups migrated earlier - will 
create a informal knowledgebase reducing pressure on IT Helpdesk.


K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: Suggest a Project management software

2009-09-16 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Redmine with plugins


We use it commercially in our firm:

We liked it so much that we have donated cash and also are in the process of 
writing a couple of plugins - for backup and a couple of other features.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] [OT?] Clarification on what may be OT

2009-10-01 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

I am actually in Hyderabad but am also a member in this list due to the 
activity and quality.

Recently there was an email regarding a petition to get the Supreme Court to 
choose FOSS over Apple.

Can a LUG be considered a suitable forum for garnering support for these kinds 
of issues?

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] [Commercial] short term python + C skils for custom distro

2009-12-11 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

We have an enquiry for building a custom distro based on Ubuntu. We are looking 
for python and C skills for the work. 
We are looking for open to full-time or contract basis but will confirm based 
on signing on the project.

Please do send me an email if you have the skills and are willing to work on 

We are always looking for full time Liferay and/or Java developers.

K. C. Ramakrishna

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[Ilugc] Re: any one can tell which is better php vs java or ruby on rails ?

2010-04-09 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
This is going to be so much fun !!! 

1. The comparison itself is not really fair. php and Java are languages while 
RoR is a language+framework combo. The correct comparison will be php vs. Java 
vs. Ruby. My order of preference here is 1st Ruby, then Java and then php.

2. php and Java have MVC frameworks too which compete with Rails. php has 
'Symfony' and Java has 'Struts'. Hence you can have Rails vs. symfony vs. 

3. The nitty-gritty 

3.a. php + symfony - good to excellent for small projects. php started as a 
procedural language and is not fully OO. Hence, code gets increasingly 
difficult to maintain as proj size grows. But php is easier to learn, very 
mature libraries, lots of php developers and in general easier, cheaper both 
for development and maintenance. 
Yahoo front end is pretty much entirely php. I think the total amount of PHP 
code available on the net is 2nd only to 'C'.
I personally detest php due to the inline html part. Also the language/syntax 
is not 'elegant'. php is also aged - parallel will be that php took up a lot of 
space where initially PERL was used. Similarly, ROR is eating into php 

3.b. RoR - my personal favourite. excellent for upto medium-large sized projs. 
Absolutely a programmers delight. Ruby is fully OO. Rails is excellent MVC and 
the ORM is great.
By 2009, even the libraries and plugins sorta caught up with php - rubyforge.com
High productivity - much higher than php due to the native methods of Ruby. 
i.e. You do not have to write code for sorting, searching, ordering etc in ruby 
- just use the inbuilt stuff unless you are Knuth's Ekalavya and know a 
'better' optimisation.
Same for Rails. The framework does so much that you just concentrate on the 
business logic rather than algorithms and n vs. n^2 vs. log(n).
jquery is the only major library not fully integrated with ROR but that should 
be integrated in 1-2 months with the release with Rails 3.0
RoR is perfect for almost 90%-95% of web apps where CRUD is the main concern. 
For the remaining projects that don't require MVC, do NOT go for RoR. 
The number of RoR programmers are lesser and hence more expensive. Shared 
hosting of RoR is not as popular as php. 

3.c. Java/Struts - This is for 'industrial strength' projects. Java has a lot 
of good stuff going for it but I really don't think you can compare Java/Struts 
with RoR/symfony - they are aimed at different categories of applications 
altogether. Java is more resource hungry. Java is a bit of a pain to develop 
and test due to the building+deploying latency and unless you need Application 
Server features, you really don't need Java/Struts. Java also requires more 
effort to deploy and maintain.

Have a good look at what your planning to do and then take a decision based on 
your comfort zone.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Where can I get digital cert using Ubuntu

2010-07-26 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

I am planning to get a Digital Cert and was going through the TCS site - 

The problem is that they insist on WinXP and IE. Is there any place where I can 
complete this process using Firefox/Linux (Ubuntu)?

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Re: Where can I get digital cert using Ubuntu

2010-07-27 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
--- From Arun
> To the best of my knowledge, the Indian tax authorities accept
> personal  Dig. Certs. only from selected CAs.

--- From Suresh (ilughyd)
> Of course nic.in provides it only for govt agencies, IDRBT for banks, but
> you can try ncode, safescrypt, e-mudhra etc. TCS is rather expensive.

Well, yeah. I am looking for certs primarily to file IT returns. And later on 
use this for email communication and wherever I can use it. Looks like I will 
go with TCS as it is closest to my office and home. I will pay premium for the 
by brand - at least it will not go bankrupt anytime soon.

Thanks for all the suggestions though.

BTW, members of this list will be happy to know that RKnowsys while operating 
as a pure FOSS services vendor (since inception) has grown enough to make 
e-filing of IT returns mandatory :-) 

Experienced programmers are welcome to apply. We work with Liferay, Alfresco, 
Pentaho(planned), RoR, Groovy/Grails. As in FOSS communities, high end skills 
are required, valued and rewarded. We are currently *not* into php, python or 
regular CMS like Drupal, Joomla. 

We are too small to be absorbing/training freshers but if you are good and can 
show commits to any FOSS proj, we can consider you. We are very focused on FOSS 
and you will not survive if you are not passionate about this.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Re: repeating Virus on pen-drive

2010-08-10 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
> I have tried overwriting the exe files using the dd command (find -name *\
> .exe ./ -exec dd -if=/dev/zero or some text file of={} bs=512 count=some
> count enough to override the file size \;) to get rid of whatever code is > 
> in the virus.

Now this is an interesting problem. It does not seem logical that a Win virus 
can cause this. There are a couple of possibilities -
1. The virus is at a lower level than 'autorun' - extremely unlikely.
2. My guess is that the drive itself is faulty - not easy to verify.
3. Something else which I can't begin to understand.

Try googling to see how you can 'reset' flash drives. We could wave strong 
magnets over previous generation of hard disks - is there something equivalent 
for flash drives?


K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Re: Re: How to protect an idea from getting patented by

2010-08-22 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
> Seems like if you want to do software business in united states, you 
> have to commit the sin.

We are a free software consulting firm. I am a paying member of the FSF. I 
subscribe to the patent related views of FSF. I also subscribe to the 
'pragmatic idealism' view point. 
Morality and Legality are very different. We need to operate within the 
established laws. As the laws are bad, FSF and other organisations are  
lobbying to change them. Until they are changed, we need to adopt a practical 
approach within the boundaries of the law.

Best thing is to patent it and then transfer ownership to FSF. We applied for a 
patent which was rejected. But if we had been awarded it, we were planning to 
assign ownership to either the FSF or http://www.openinventionnetwork.com/ 

The other solution is to challenge the patents legally by citing prior-art.

I am not commenting on the morality of patenting here but the practical 
solution in the real world scenario where patent laws exist. Until software 
patent system are legally dealt with, the above solution is the most practical.

Patenting costs quite a bit of money so be warned.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Best practices? svn as a release mgmt tool in production.

2010-09-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

We have been using svn for a long time now but want to improve our usage in 
terms of config mgmt. and release mgmt.

Do any of you manage a production svn server for a product co? I want to 
explore usage of svn in different release/production scenarios.

Basically I want to explore "Best Practices" in using svn.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Re: Linux compatible printer (Arun Khan)

2010-10-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
> The OP is querying specific brand/model that are *known* to work from
> Linux user experience.

I recently did quite some research and ended up buying samsung CLP 300 series - 
specifically Samsung CLP 315. This is a pure printer i.e. no 

Most Samsung devices have Linux drivers and are downloadable from their site - 

I also researched other printers - HP, Canon, Brother...but Samsung is a pretty 
strong brand with a clear Linux driver policy and I just went with it.

My only regret is that I did not buy the wifi enabled model :-)

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Kalculate, Tally, GNUCash

2010-10-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

I wanted to maintain accounts of our small FOSS firm. Currently the accounts 
are being maintained by an external accountant in Tally.

I want to start maintaining them in-house (hopefully myself) and in my research 
I found Kalculate as a promising alternative. But looks like you are better off 
with GNUCash.

Here are my reservations on Kalculate:

1. It is not Free software in any sense. There is no 'community edition' 
either. Just an evaluation edition.
2. The last release of Kalculate seemed to be in 2006 - 
3. I do not seem to be able to download from here: 
4. Don't know if it is keeping up with changes in accounting standards. Looks 
like the co. is dormany/hibernating. I sent them and email - lets see if they 
5. The only connection with Free Software is that it runs on Linux and they 
have some OpenLX distro but Kalculate itself is NOT under and 'Free' license - 

I am currently trying out GNUCash. This should be interesting - I do not really 
know the difference between voucher and invoice. 

If anyone is planning a GPL alternative to Tally (accounting ONLY and not ERP), 
please talk to me. I should be able to provide support.

K. C. Ramakrishna

ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Updates Re: Kalculate, Tally, GNUCash

2010-10-05 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

Am posting this on both ilugc and ilughyd.
> 2a. Re: Kalculate, Tally, GNUCash
> http://bitbucket.org/lawgon/avsapdjango

1. Gave up on Kalculate - no response from the co. and no community edition 
either. Will strongly urge them to GPL it. 

2. Not trying to run Tally on Ubuntu. Also Tally has expanded to include ERP 
functionalities and cannot figure out from their site how to buy just the 
accounting part. Will continue with external accountant if forced to use Tally. 

3. GNUCash is on standby as its more tuned for US accounting. I would prefer an 
India specific package. Will support one of the evolving ones till its ready 
for use.

I looked at the 'avsap' link above but will appreciate feedback from actual 
users. are there people using this software? Also updates to this seem to be 
sporadic. KG generously offered a login to test it but I am yet to take him up 
on it. Am not an accountant - what will I test? :-)

I also looked at GNUKhata. This seems to be under more active development and 
am getting email digests from their user lists. 
GNUKhata seems relatively more mature. Installation seems fairly simple on 
Ubuntu 9.04. One issue is that they do not seem to have tested with an empty 
Database. I had a few crashes when I was adding master data. I have not 
proceeded to adding transactions yet. 

At this point I am partial to GNUKhata. Will update afer I check out avsap.

I am looking at India specific accounting software as hopefully these will be 
more in tune with Indian accounting and taxation practices. I also hope that as 
these softwares mature, they will automatically calculate tax, depreciation etc 
:-) I just want to enter data and click buttons for everything else :-)

I have to buy a book to learn accounting I guess (sigh!!! the travails of 


ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] Query: Tools for monitoring servers

2012-06-24 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

We are trying to look into monitoring servers in Beta and Prod environments.

The stack:
a. 2(more in future) Front End apache httpd/tomcat/Liferay Servers
b. Independent CAS-SSO and SOLR servers.
c. standalone server running webservices (written in Java)
d. 2MySQL (Percona) servers 1 WRITE server and both READ.
e. Front end Hardware Load Balancers.

We want to monitor continuously:
a. All the Linux boxes and the services running on them,
b. The performance (and history) of the Java applications too.

We are exploring the best ways to monitor the whole setup including alerts and 
automated restarts etc. We are primarily from a development background with 
only basic admin experience (basic bash, installations, tuning etc).

I have researched all the usual suspects: Cacti, Nagios, ZenOSS, Zabix?..
JMX seems to be very popular for tomcat/Java.

What are your recommendations for handling this scenario? What are the pros and 
cons of various tools and approaches?
Please do share your thoughts on what will be a good solution. All live 
examples will be very welcome in educating us.

K. C. Ramakrishna
ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] [OT] Challenging Aadhar (UUID)

2012-10-22 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all,

Slightly off topic depending on how we perceive this.
Posting this here as I assume most Free Software people will be opposed to 
surveillance as a matter of principle. I am sure most people on this forum are 
familiar with Dr. Stallman's views on surveillance, facebook and mobile phones.

Though the stated objectives of Aadhar is improving govt. delivery efficiency 
and fighting corruption, in reality it is also enabling a massive surveillance 
structure over all Indian residents.
I think there some free software / open source components to the Aadhar project 
and in my opinion that is an irony.

Mr. Matthew Thomas and his team have started a legal battle against Aadhar. 
They are using RTI and courts to unravel the facts and publicise the truth.
Apart from my other contributions, I am trying to do my bit in trying to raise 
support for it.

You may find more here: http://www.thefifthestateworld.com/

Here is a gist of Mr. Thomas's appeal in his own words:
>"What we need is people to 
analyse the UID scheme and take appropriate decisions. They should not 
be carried away by the media image or political affiliations of the 
prime-movers of the >project. 

>People who understand the dangers of UID could contribute by taking the 
message through any media they have an opportunity to bring out the 

>I request you to email, suggesting to the community to 
register on the website, post articles, news, blogs, mails to MPs, CMs, 
post comments on news, like the one on 'IBN Live' today. >They could 
promote the website.

>Please post your comments on the lies he is saying. He said that the trials 
for LPG delivery is successful. Reply to my RTI query on this is that 
the trial is NOT complete.

>I have two Google groups, one called 'Citizens Action Forum' and the 
other called, 'UID - India's Orwell'. They could register on these 
groups and post there too. "

If you care about this cause, please register on the sites and the forums. If 
you think other lugs across India will be interested, please do spread the word 
on those forums too.

Thanks and Best Regards

K. C. Ramakrishna
ILUGC Mailing List:

[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] - Exciting opportunity for Linux admins

2013-08-21 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Geeky FOSS company is looking for the following skills on priority. Opportunity 
to be associated with a HOT startup.

We are seeking a university educated, highly motivated Linux admins. (Minimum 
of 3 yrs experience. Max of 8 yrs.)
Good experience on tomcat is mandatory. Some experience with Amazon cloud (AWS) 
is desired. If you have experience with at least 30-40% of below requirements, 
we can help you learn the rest.

Location: Madhapur, Hyderabad.

Excellent compensation. Please refer anyone you know and I can promise that the 
work will be VERY exciting.

Qualifications: B.Tech/M.Tech/MCA/BSc/MSc/BCA
The candidate needs to be strong in the following areas:
* Strong ability to work independently and solve problems 
* Strong ability to research solutions on the Internet
* Good communication skills
* Amazon EC2 (and related services)
* RedHat/CentOS Linux experience (Fedora fine as well)
* Network administration
* Firewall (iptables)
* SSH configuration & maintenance
* Volume administration / maintenance
These would be an added bonus
* Java web application installation, support, and deployment procedures
* Website High Availability
* Load balancers
* Clustering App servers
* Apache 2.x setup & support
* Apache Tomcat setup & support 
* Subversion (SVN) setup & support
* MySQL or Postgresql (or Oracle) setup & support
* Memcached (or other in-memory application caching) 

Primary Duties
* Maintain Amazon EC2 linux server instances (CentOS)
* Create & setup new web application server instances for various 
environments (dev, test, production)
* Deploy new versions of application software to the various 
* Patch and maintain all of the servers
* Maintain DNS entries (elastic IPs, domain names, sub-domains, 
switching in an emergency, etc...)
* Setup & monitor servers with monitoring software and alerts when 
specific thresholds are met
* Support developers with web based tools like: JIRA, Confluence, 
Subversion, Jenkins, etc...
* Continuously expand the high-availability server infrastructure using 
Amazon EC2 hosting features
* Explore database high availability with database administrators
* Assist with creating a disaster recovery plan
* Create disaster recover locations regionally around the U.S. using 
* Regularly practice disaster recovery procedures


K. C. Ramakrishna
ILUGC Mailing List:
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