Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Deleu
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 7:03 PM Larry

> Again, let's assume there is no question it will happen.  The question for
> you: What process for making it happen would you consider sufficiently
> BC-friendly?  What timeline?  What level of pre-review?  What reasonable
> process would you propose that maximizes the ability of the language to
> remove its own design bugs while minimizing the hassle for responsible
> developers?  (Responsible: They actually pay attention to upcoming changes
> and prepare for them in less than 7 years.)

What I would consider sufficiently BC-friendly is having a cut-off. Any
code written by the previous generation (folks that are long gone or
retired by now) continue to work as it used to while I catch up in removing
it from production systems. If the code was written in 2010 or earlier and
uses $a++; with the expectation that it will result in "b", leave it as-is.
If the code was written in 2018 or earlier, feel free to break it.

Several discussions around this have happened, but unfortunately none
landed anywhere. Whether it be a new opening tag of 

Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP Modules

2023-04-10 Thread Sara Golemon

> On Apr 10, 2023, at 20:40, Michael Morris  wrote:
> This will be long.

Yes, it's long, so I'm going to focus on a couple things and not quote too much.

> I propose PHP Modules to hold new features.

What you seem to have described is improved lexical scoping.  Rather than a 
shared "global" scope for classes, functions, constants, and variables, you'd 
like to allow files, or perhaps even statement lists (open brace to closed 
brace) to work as either independent or compositional scopes.  Basically, make 
scopes in a certain mode of PHP act more like Javascript.

I'll be honest, if we could throw away PHP's old behavior and make this the 
only mode, I'd be pretty happy.  We can't of course, at best we'd have to mix 
(and yes, I know that's part of your suggestion).

This is a LOT of complexity.

Not impossible, nothing is, but I'm fairly confident it would make maintaining 
the runtime harder, and would notably slow execution.  Not saying "no", since I 
lack that power, but I do want to make it clear how HARD this feature would be 
to implement well.

> PHP Modules also would not
> parse as templates at all - no opening  that will be a headache for IDE makers, but it's not insurmountable).

I would suggest, as a compromise, keep the initial open tag (or maybe an 
alternative one, like  I hope this helps, or at least spurs a conversation to come up with
> something to address this issue.

Lastly, like the stability thread, this isn't a new suggestion, and I'd 
recommend googling back through the archives for prior discussions.  Past 
failures don't mean it won't work today... Opinions change and so does the 
runtime, but it may be helpful to understand the complexities presented by this 
strategy, and what the objections to it will likely boil down to.

See also "PHP Editions" which is a different, but closely related proposal put 
forth by Andi as recently as the 7.x era.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Sara Golemon
> PHP has FFI but IMO it would benefit from further development. And the
> benefits of native extensions will often be what's needed instead of FFI.

I'm sorry.  I must be misunderstanding you. Are you implying PHP has no native 
extension mechanism/API?

PHP has had a native extension API since PHP 3.  Longer technically, but only 
the PHP 3 and later APIs are still supported.

Yes. I must not have understood you.

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[PHP-DEV] PHP Modules

2023-04-10 Thread Michael Morris
This will be long. I've read over the Future Stability thread and taken it
in, and decided to mull over an idea I touched on over a decade ago that I
think might help. Also, in the interceding years the JavaScript community
has overcome a compatibility issue using this technique, so we might do the

The crux of the stability problem is the need to update functions without
introducing a BC break. Adding in new features without removing old ones
also makes it confusing to incoming programmers as to what to use.

I propose PHP Modules to hold new features. The existing namespace and
functions would be left alone. Existing files would also not be affected -
the behavior of PHP modules would be entirely opt in.

They would work similar JavaScript modules - they would use the import
keyword and the include, require, include_once and require_once directives
would pitch an error if used in a PHP module.  PHP Modules also would not
parse as templates at all - no opening 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Matthew Sewell

This is a really interesting thread and am glad that Stephan raised it as I've 
been thinking along similar lines for a while now and am glad I'm not the only 

Considering the range of people adding comments (especially someone like Mark) 
then I would hope everyone agrees that this deserves a full discussion (though 
am now concerned by a couple of Larry's comments that I've referenced below). 
If I may though, I'd like to take it back to Stephan's original point as I feel 
there is a bit of digression (though some is really interesting).

I generally come across 3 types of projects:
1. Projects that were originally developed a number of years ago and have not 
been updated since
2. Projects that were originally developed a number of years ago and have been 
updated regularly since
3. Projects that were originally developed in the last 5 years and have been 
updated regularly since

Generally projects in 1 match what Stephan described:
> My usual tool set for web projects like that is plain PHP, HTML, CSS and JS. 
> Everything without any frameworks or unnecessary libraries and kept as simple 
> as possible. If possible I just use builtin and stable APIs and usually end 
> up without any or with just one or two dependencies (e.g. PDF generation).

I've tried to keep this generic, but in a lot of cases I see this with local 
government work that was developed several years ago (generally PHP 5). They 
had budget up front to build something but then expected to maintain it without 
any code changes, just by updating the OS and PHP. They perfectly match 
Stephan's use case group:
> I think a lot of programmers underestimate the flexibility and simplicity of 
> file based webservers like Apache with PHP. If you keep it simple they allow 
> projects to grow organically.
> A lot of that are just small projects, small customers or the inglorious 
> everyday work that nobody likes but someone has to do. So it doesn't get 
> talked about much.

These tend to run for 10 years plus.

Projects in 2 are the trickiest. They're often projects that were started in 
PHP 5 (or in some cases even 4) and have been upgraded over time. They're 
generally well maintained and structured code bases although don't have full 
test coverage. For these the upgrade to PHP 7 took a lot of planning and effort 
(and some of them have been my projects since the beginning so unlike the 
others I can't always even blame other people for most of the original 
decisions as they were mine 15-20 years ago! ), though that was unsurprising 
given the context, but that process then needed to be repeated for PHP 8 (as 
previously mentioned, null handling was our biggest issue especially as we 
couldn't change our integrations with several hundred partners).

Projects in 3 are generally modern PHP applications, often using frameworks. 
They tend to be the easiest to maintain and upgrade as they're written as 
modern applications with full test coverage. Once you throw in the business 
processes around upgrading though they're still not as easy as is being 
suggested in some places here :)

As Andreas said:
> The PHP ecosystem even just in the last 10 years has changed completely, with 
> composer, more mature frameworks, easily usable independent components and 
> even static analyzers. For me that ecosystem is the big value proposition of 
> PHP, in addition to a good standard library.

Does this mean that projects which use the traditional PHP approach (i.e. 
without the complexity) are now not considered a good fit for PHP?

Back to Stephan's original question. Is PHP still the best use case for type 1? 
A long running, simple application that doesn't use Composer or a framework 
that can be extended slightly over time?

If the answer to that is no then so is the answer to 2. In our case the 
projects in 2 are generally static because they're critical and therefore have 
budget, though haven't been upgraded to entirely new applications as they're 
overly complex, integrated with multiple partners or subject to legal 
regulations. Is PHP still a suitable language for building a long running, 
complex application that needs to be maintained for 20 years plus? The issue 
with this is more to do with the frequency of breaking changes?

Following on from that then I had some other thoughts and questions. I'm not 
suggesting that the issue isn't that there weren't warnings, and that 
deprecation notices weren't in place. The issue wasn't that we didn't know that 
the changes were coming, but that we had to make them.

As Ilija said (and his opinion is obviously very relevant):
> Sadly, there's a conflict of interest here. There are people who want to keep 
> running their existing websites without having to make any changes, and there 
> are people who are using PHP daily and would like to see the language evolve. 
> We would like to satisfy both of these groups but that is difficult when they 
> are often directly opposed. I do think that 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Arvids Godjuks
On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 01:08, Deleu  wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 6:42 PM Arvids Godjuks 
> wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 00:03, Deleu  wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 4:01 PM Arvids Godjuks 
>>> wrote:

> *snip to keep the email short*
 Hello Deleu, I want to highlight your response specifically, because
 you blame the wrong people here.
 This is the failure of the business owner to plan accordingly and
 ignore all the warnings for years and decades. That is if any developer
 raised any concerns lately, which I also have seen quite a bit when "yes
 man" just shove code into the meatgrinder for a year or two and then just
 move to the next job: "It's not my problem, the next guy will deal with
 this". And that feeds the vicious cycle, and the owner is either oblivious
 or does not understand the implications because "well, it works, it
 generates money" at the moment right until that plane hits the ground and
 things blow up.
 I've handled a big legacy project, did major updates to it, seen how an
 effort of 1 month of my time to drag it into the modern day paid off over
 the next 6 months by picking up development speed by 3x with the same team
 of 5 people + me. In 1 year we started to literally take away clients from
 our competitors who could not keep up with us and we had a literal line of
 clients to onboard, we had to scale our sales team 3x and had a backlog of
 6 months still. All stemmed from a single decision "I will tackle this, we
 need it to update to newer PHP". Business owners were really stoked that
 they actually listened to developers.

 You cannot expect to run code that was written 2 decades ago without
 major updates on modern language versions. It's not possible for almost any
 language that is being actively developed. Think laterally - instead of
 hand-fixing every null check out there, introduce a library that can handle
 data structures and handle the nulls for you en mass. Isolate the internals
 and just pass already sanitized values into it. Suddenly you cut off like
 90% of the needed fixes that prevent you from running your code. It's still
 needs fixing, but at least you give it good data to start with, so it does
 not error out.

 Arvīds Godjuks
 +371 26 851 664
 Telegram: @psihius

>>> Thanks for your reply, I understand everything you mean here by
>>> improving a development flow. I've been responsible to for doing that
>>> improvement for the past 6 years and I'm pretty close to retiring 100% of
>>> the legacy code, but I still need a couple of years to do it. I have long
>>> ago convinced the people in my business that we need to pay this technical
>>> debt.
>>> You mentioned that I'm blaming the wrong people, but I'm not blaming
>>> anyone here. I have 4 teams working with me to replace our entire legacy,
>>> one bite at a time, but I lead only 1 of those teams. The other 3 teams
>>> have not only decided that the technical debt needs to be paid, but also
>>> its not worth it to pay it with PHP and have move to Typescript.
>>> My points are:
>>> - development practices has changed and we know it, but it takes time to
>>> shutdown legacy
>>> - we are actively working towards paying that technical debt and PHP
>>> improvements are great to help with it, but the deprecations aren't always.
>>> - like it or not, there is a community unhappy with how hard it has
>>> become to maintain a PHP codebase.
>>> I believe there's a lot more leeway in breaking BC and fast evolving the
>>> language around projects that have started in 2018+ with automation tests
>>> from day one. Introducing a BC break on PHP 8.3 about something that was
>>> first released on PHP 7.4 is orders of magnitude easier to deal with than
>>> BC breaks on things first Introduced on or before PHP 5.6. If we could just
>>> have a way to opt-in to a faster-paced language for all new code while not
>>> breaking PHP 5.6 features until the previous generation of software can be
>>> retired, that would be awesome.

>> I do have to ask: How any of that is the concern of PHP the language, PHP
>> the project? This is pure and simple is a company issue. Now they have to
>> pay for their decision by probably buying some 3rd party extended support.
> I think that's a very honest and on-point question. Which is somewhat
> related to what I meant to mention here:
> but got called out as
> "spreading BS" by Larry here:
> I don't agree with Larry and I think you're dead right. PHP has a limited
> resource and maybe it has decided that the "legacy community" is not a
> priority and/or not worth the work. If that's the decision, I have nothing

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Arvids Godjuks
On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 01:12, Mark Baker  wrote:

> On 10/04/2023 23:33, Arvids Godjuks wrote:
> >
> >> Yes we know, and we're very grateful; but that doesn't mean we should be
> >> unquestioningly grateful!
> >>
> >> And some of us are also open-source contributors, not getting
> >> compensated for it. We understand; and just as I try to take a
> >> professional approach to my OS contributions, and assess the impact of
> >> any change that may affect bc, I hope that PHP Internals does the same,
> >> but I don't often see that. So am I expected to stay silent when I see
> >> potential problems with bc breaks because I should just be grateful?
> >>
> > Almost all other languages have deep pockets behind them one way or the
> > other. Frankly, they can afford it. PHP has no such option. So, in some
> > way, yes, sometimes you just have to take the loss and move on. PHP has
> to
> > prioritize the resources and relies on what people are interested in
> doing
> > for the project. Historically PHP just can't maintain lots of legacy
> stuff,
> > nor have long LTS releases - that's why there are only 3 versions of the
> > engine ever supported at the same time.
> That does not mean that I should stay silent when I see problems; nor do
> I intend to.
Sure, but I would suggest picking the battles carefully. Resources are one
of the major problems here and getting new core devs on board is tough as
it is. As cliche as it sounds, we all should choose our words carefully.
God knows this list has a poor track record over the decades with making
newcomers feel comfortable :D But that's offtopic.

> This is business. Adapt or be swallowed by competitors. This really has
> > nothing to do with language development.  2 decades is enough for a
> > commercial entity to realise something needs to be done about the code
> base.
> > Speaking of competition - PHP needs to move forward at a pace where it
> > stays competitive with other languages too. The project has already
> > stumbled once, that's why the RFC process and yearly release cycle was
> > born. Because that thread was identified and people decided to do
> something
> > about it.
> I've not mentioned 20 years; but business application should have a
> lifespan longer than a mayfly. Even 3 years feels too short for
> companies that have a lot of apps that need to be maintained alongside
> new development work. Not every company has enough developers for
> dedicated teams to handle upgrade work full time.
Well, we were given an example for discussion a real-life application
that's 20 years old. So I have been referring to that case.

As someone who dabbles in business, I see this a lot of the time when
company owners just decide to get a new 100k car instead of investing in
their business a bit, so it can survive the next 5 years. Personally, I
don' think a company that can't even upkeep it's own systems should be a
company that survives. It's better to have a new better company to take
it's place.

> > PHP 8 was released 2.5 years ago. To be frank, I have a feeling that the
> > code base in question is never going to keep up with PHP even if it does
> 1
> > release every 2 years. The result will be the same.
> > In my case, on multiple occasions, the management just decided to sunset
> > the old systems and just build new once on modern code bases with modern
> > frameworks, libraries and using all those bells and whistles like Psalm,
> > phpstan, cs-fixer, run modern development practices. Some people left,
> new
> > people got hired. Business moved on to have far more sustainable software
> > on their hands that underpins it's whole existence. Most clients I worked
> > for who clung to their old systems at this point are all defunct. Because
> > competitors just ate them up eventually.
> Rewriting any system from scratch can be a major undertaking (I do know,
> I've done this myself, and it took a team of 6 people over 8 month in
> the most recent case). It isn't the type of undertaking that can be
> taken without considerable investment. Yes, the new system was written
> with all the bells and whistles; but upgrades still take time and
> investment, and there's still the demand for new features. No companies
> but the very biggest can indulge in that on a regular basis: developers
> are there to add value with new features, not just staving off technical
> debt.
Yes, yes it is. But it also can usually be done in chunks - most systems
only seem like monoliths, but they aren't really.
I've literally headed a re-write project with a team of 4 at a company that
was barely 20 people total. So I will never take the argument "only big
companies can do that" as a valid one. If anything, bigger companies have a
far more higher failure rate because of bureaucracy, internal politics and
your typical corporate backstabbing.

> >> Telling them that the debt collectors and lawyers are here isn't going
> >> to help them when the people that pay them so they 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 11/04/2023 00:03, Larry Garfield wrote:

Here, I'll even give you a concrete 

This is a good change to clean up an old buggy design.  Let's suppose that we 
were 100% certain it would pass with 100% approval.  However, if someone is 
doing something screwy and buggy it will change the behavior by making 
previously-kinda-working-but-definitely-buggy code throw a Warning, and later 
another oddball usage will throw a deprecation, and then eventually in PHP 9 a 

Perhaps not the best example. There's definitely some cases that need 
cleaning up; but deprecating inc/dec for anything but numeric values is 
IMO too extreme in what it proposes making it little more than syntactic 
sugar for the += and -= operators, only working with numeric values. might be a better example.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 23:33, Arvids Godjuks wrote:

Yes we know, and we're very grateful; but that doesn't mean we should be
unquestioningly grateful!

And some of us are also open-source contributors, not getting
compensated for it. We understand; and just as I try to take a
professional approach to my OS contributions, and assess the impact of
any change that may affect bc, I hope that PHP Internals does the same,
but I don't often see that. So am I expected to stay silent when I see
potential problems with bc breaks because I should just be grateful?

Almost all other languages have deep pockets behind them one way or the
other. Frankly, they can afford it. PHP has no such option. So, in some
way, yes, sometimes you just have to take the loss and move on. PHP has to
prioritize the resources and relies on what people are interested in doing
for the project. Historically PHP just can't maintain lots of legacy stuff,
nor have long LTS releases - that's why there are only 3 versions of the
engine ever supported at the same time.

That does not mean that I should stay silent when I see problems; nor do 
I intend to.

This is business. Adapt or be swallowed by competitors. This really has
nothing to do with language development.  2 decades is enough for a
commercial entity to realise something needs to be done about the code base.
Speaking of competition - PHP needs to move forward at a pace where it
stays competitive with other languages too. The project has already
stumbled once, that's why the RFC process and yearly release cycle was
born. Because that thread was identified and people decided to do something
about it.

I've not mentioned 20 years; but business application should have a 
lifespan longer than a mayfly. Even 3 years feels too short for 
companies that have a lot of apps that need to be maintained alongside 
new development work. Not every company has enough developers for 
dedicated teams to handle upgrade work full time.

PHP 8 was released 2.5 years ago. To be frank, I have a feeling that the
code base in question is never going to keep up with PHP even if it does 1
release every 2 years. The result will be the same.
In my case, on multiple occasions, the management just decided to sunset
the old systems and just build new once on modern code bases with modern
frameworks, libraries and using all those bells and whistles like Psalm,
phpstan, cs-fixer, run modern development practices. Some people left, new
people got hired. Business moved on to have far more sustainable software
on their hands that underpins it's whole existence. Most clients I worked
for who clung to their old systems at this point are all defunct. Because
competitors just ate them up eventually.

Rewriting any system from scratch can be a major undertaking (I do know, 
I've done this myself, and it took a team of 6 people over 8 month in 
the most recent case). It isn't the type of undertaking that can be 
taken without considerable investment. Yes, the new system was written 
with all the bells and whistles; but upgrades still take time and 
investment, and there's still the demand for new features. No companies 
but the very biggest can indulge in that on a regular basis: developers 
are there to add value with new features, not just staving off technical 

Telling them that the debt collectors and lawyers are here isn't going
to help them when the people that pay them so they can eat and have a
roof over their heads and care for their families is a slap in the face
to them when they are torn between business demands and wanting to do
technical upgrades.

The point I was making is that at that moment it's too late to do anything.
That's when you close the business and hope you are not in the red.

And that's tough on the developers that have been struggling with those 
legacy debt issues alongside trying to keep a system running and making 
money for their employer. When the business closes, it's the developers 
that suffer, not the business.

Again, I'll re-iterate. Not all developers are working on shiny 
greenfield projects, and they do have to balance upgrades with the new 
work that the business is demanding. And not all developers are 
freelance who can just walk away from companies that run legacy code, 
and walk into new jobs with the latest shiny, latest tooling, and latest 

And the attitude of some here on PHP Internals that we should just
ignore those who can't develop in greenfield environments using the
latest shiny, or that it should just be a simple upgrade step from last
version to current release... that's the equivalent of having unit tests
that only test the happy path.

In my opinion, it's not the job of the internals developers to solve legacy
system issues. They are developing a language, they are making sure
deprecations are issued well in advance, sometimes through multiple
versions and only then the feature is completely removed or made a full-on
Why a PHP 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Deleu
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 6:42 PM Arvids Godjuks 

> On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 00:03, Deleu  wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 4:01 PM Arvids Godjuks 
>> wrote:
 *snip to keep the email short*

>>> Hello Deleu, I want to highlight your response specifically, because you
>>> blame the wrong people here.
>>> This is the failure of the business owner to plan accordingly and ignore
>>> all the warnings for years and decades. That is if any developer raised any
>>> concerns lately, which I also have seen quite a bit when "yes man" just
>>> shove code into the meatgrinder for a year or two and then just move to the
>>> next job: "It's not my problem, the next guy will deal with this". And that
>>> feeds the vicious cycle, and the owner is either oblivious or does not
>>> understand the implications because "well, it works, it generates money" at
>>> the moment right until that plane hits the ground and things blow up.
>>> I've handled a big legacy project, did major updates to it, seen how an
>>> effort of 1 month of my time to drag it into the modern day paid off over
>>> the next 6 months by picking up development speed by 3x with the same team
>>> of 5 people + me. In 1 year we started to literally take away clients from
>>> our competitors who could not keep up with us and we had a literal line of
>>> clients to onboard, we had to scale our sales team 3x and had a backlog of
>>> 6 months still. All stemmed from a single decision "I will tackle this, we
>>> need it to update to newer PHP". Business owners were really stoked that
>>> they actually listened to developers.
>>> You cannot expect to run code that was written 2 decades ago without
>>> major updates on modern language versions. It's not possible for almost any
>>> language that is being actively developed. Think laterally - instead of
>>> hand-fixing every null check out there, introduce a library that can handle
>>> data structures and handle the nulls for you en mass. Isolate the internals
>>> and just pass already sanitized values into it. Suddenly you cut off like
>>> 90% of the needed fixes that prevent you from running your code. It's still
>>> needs fixing, but at least you give it good data to start with, so it does
>>> not error out.
>>> --
>>> Arvīds Godjuks
>>> +371 26 851 664
>>> Telegram: @psihius
>> Thanks for your reply, I understand everything you mean here by improving
>> a development flow. I've been responsible to for doing that improvement for
>> the past 6 years and I'm pretty close to retiring 100% of the legacy code,
>> but I still need a couple of years to do it. I have long ago convinced the
>> people in my business that we need to pay this technical debt.
>> You mentioned that I'm blaming the wrong people, but I'm not blaming
>> anyone here. I have 4 teams working with me to replace our entire legacy,
>> one bite at a time, but I lead only 1 of those teams. The other 3 teams
>> have not only decided that the technical debt needs to be paid, but also
>> its not worth it to pay it with PHP and have move to Typescript.
>> My points are:
>> - development practices has changed and we know it, but it takes time to
>> shutdown legacy
>> - we are actively working towards paying that technical debt and PHP
>> improvements are great to help with it, but the deprecations aren't always.
>> - like it or not, there is a community unhappy with how hard it has
>> become to maintain a PHP codebase.
>> I believe there's a lot more leeway in breaking BC and fast evolving the
>> language around projects that have started in 2018+ with automation tests
>> from day one. Introducing a BC break on PHP 8.3 about something that was
>> first released on PHP 7.4 is orders of magnitude easier to deal with than
>> BC breaks on things first Introduced on or before PHP 5.6. If we could just
>> have a way to opt-in to a faster-paced language for all new code while not
>> breaking PHP 5.6 features until the previous generation of software can be
>> retired, that would be awesome.
> I do have to ask: How any of that is the concern of PHP the language, PHP
> the project? This is pure and simple is a company issue. Now they have to
> pay for their decision by probably buying some 3rd party extended support.

I think that's a very honest and on-point question. Which is somewhat
related to what I meant to mention here: but got called out as "spreading
BS" by Larry here:

I don't agree with Larry and I think you're dead right. PHP has a limited
resource and maybe it has decided that the "legacy community" is not a
priority and/or not worth the work. If that's the decision, I have nothing
else to argue and I can accept it.

Marco Deleu

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Larry Garfield
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, at 8:47 PM, Deleu wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 2:26 PM Larry Garfield  wrote:
>> No.  Stop.  This is not what Ilija said at all.  It is FUD to the point of
>> disinformation, and is an insult to the hundreds of people that have
>> worked, mostly on their own time, to give you the most popular web language
>> in the world, for free.
> I understand that you have misread my message as some kind of insult. I can
> get 100% behind the "misinformation" aspect, so please inform me if you can.
>> > There's a large world out there that thinks PHP is still PHP 4.
>> Most of them that I've met are not PHP developers.  They're JS or Python
>> or Ruby devs who like to hate on PHP as a way to build their own community
>> cred.
> Yes. And they're succeeding at luring the best PHP engineers I've met on my
> career out of PHP.

They'd be doing that regardless of what the engine fixes.  If anything, their 
argument is easier if the engine never fixes old bad decisions.

>> > now being forced by the language to stay behind or rewrite
>> This is BS.  I have worked on a 20+ year old code base.  It's BS.  Stop
>> spreading BS.
> Perhaps you'd like to read the rules and guidelines of participating in the
> PHP Internals and would like a chance to reword this? I would be happy to
> disregard this message and read a new one where you present your message
> with more clarity.

Perhaps you'd like to not insult the people you're trying to persuade.  No one, 
*literally no one*, in all of the Internals community is "forcing" you or 
anyone else to "rewrite" your entire code base.

Asserting that is a lie.  It is disinformation.  And it makes it less likely 
that anything will change; I know multiple internals devs who are not in this 
thread, who have been doing the work of keeping PHP going and moving it forward 
(and I do not count myself among their number), who took one look at this 
thread and went "nope, not this crap again, not interested."

>> Perhaps the risk analyses et al that Mark Baker talked about would be more
>> likely to happen if core devs weren't insulted on a regular basis by people
>> making hyperbolic lies and trashing their existing efforts.
>> I've written about this before, just recently.  Please read it twice
>> before posting again and insulting the work of those who have given you a
>> platform for your career, for free.
> I'm sorry you feel that way. Whatever message you're trying to get across
> has not reached me, at least. But I also know whatever message I'm trying
> to get across will not reach you.
> In fact, this is precisely the type of toxicity that habits Internals
> during controversial discussions. While you have decided that I'm a
> ungrateful enemy that wants to trash talk about volunteers work, I'm
> actually here spending my time advocating for things that I believe could
> improve on PHP out of pure selfish reasons: I don't want to leave PHP and I
> don't want to be forced to take a NodeJS job, but the little bubble I live
> in that's becoming the only way forward.
> On Twitter you see a lot of folks advocating for more voices and
> participation on Internals even if you don't have a vote. But when we come
> here to participate this is how we're received?

Don't try with the guilt trip.  

When more voices come on the list and make reasonable proposals?  Sure, welcome.
When more voices come on the list and raise reasonable concerns?  Sure, welcome.
When more voices come on the list and lie?  No, that's not welcome.

The OP at the start of this thread sounded earnest, even if this is a 
well-deceased horse by now.  The initial responses to him were reasonable.  The 
hyperbole that a few people are tossing around is not.

Could internals do better on BC, to make upgrades easier?  Yes!  I have said so 
many times.  I proposed several possible improvements in the blog post above.  
Mark Baker has focused on better risk analysis elsewhere in this thread, and 
that's fine.  A more formal, standard way to measure the risk of a change would 
be a good thing.  Let's discuss that.

Do you have an actionable, concrete proposal for how to let PHP continue to get 
rid of 20 year old bad ideas that make development worse for everyone, while 
minimizing the hassle for the most developers?  If so, please share that 
instead of spreading nonsense about "have to rewrite everything."  As soon as 
you get into that hyperbole, you lose all credibility and no one cares if you 
are raising valid concerns.

Let's discuss how *specific* changes could have been handled better, in a 
non-judgmental fashion, so that we can collectively do better on the next 
similar change.

Here, I'll even give you a concrete example:

This is a good change to clean up an old buggy design.  Let's suppose that we 
were 100% certain it would pass with 100% 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Arvids Godjuks
On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 at 00:03, Deleu  wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 4:01 PM Arvids Godjuks 
> wrote:
>>> *snip to keep the email short*
>> Hello Deleu, I want to highlight your response specifically, because you
>> blame the wrong people here.
>> This is the failure of the business owner to plan accordingly and ignore
>> all the warnings for years and decades. That is if any developer raised any
>> concerns lately, which I also have seen quite a bit when "yes man" just
>> shove code into the meatgrinder for a year or two and then just move to the
>> next job: "It's not my problem, the next guy will deal with this". And that
>> feeds the vicious cycle, and the owner is either oblivious or does not
>> understand the implications because "well, it works, it generates money" at
>> the moment right until that plane hits the ground and things blow up.
>> I've handled a big legacy project, did major updates to it, seen how an
>> effort of 1 month of my time to drag it into the modern day paid off over
>> the next 6 months by picking up development speed by 3x with the same team
>> of 5 people + me. In 1 year we started to literally take away clients from
>> our competitors who could not keep up with us and we had a literal line of
>> clients to onboard, we had to scale our sales team 3x and had a backlog of
>> 6 months still. All stemmed from a single decision "I will tackle this, we
>> need it to update to newer PHP". Business owners were really stoked that
>> they actually listened to developers.
>> You cannot expect to run code that was written 2 decades ago without
>> major updates on modern language versions. It's not possible for almost any
>> language that is being actively developed. Think laterally - instead of
>> hand-fixing every null check out there, introduce a library that can handle
>> data structures and handle the nulls for you en mass. Isolate the internals
>> and just pass already sanitized values into it. Suddenly you cut off like
>> 90% of the needed fixes that prevent you from running your code. It's still
>> needs fixing, but at least you give it good data to start with, so it does
>> not error out.
>> --
>> Arvīds Godjuks
>> +371 26 851 664
>> Telegram: @psihius
> Thanks for your reply, I understand everything you mean here by improving
> a development flow. I've been responsible to for doing that improvement for
> the past 6 years and I'm pretty close to retiring 100% of the legacy code,
> but I still need a couple of years to do it. I have long ago convinced the
> people in my business that we need to pay this technical debt.
> You mentioned that I'm blaming the wrong people, but I'm not blaming
> anyone here. I have 4 teams working with me to replace our entire legacy,
> one bite at a time, but I lead only 1 of those teams. The other 3 teams
> have not only decided that the technical debt needs to be paid, but also
> its not worth it to pay it with PHP and have move to Typescript.
> My points are:
> - development practices has changed and we know it, but it takes time to
> shutdown legacy
> - we are actively working towards paying that technical debt and PHP
> improvements are great to help with it, but the deprecations aren't always.
> - like it or not, there is a community unhappy with how hard it has become
> to maintain a PHP codebase.
> I believe there's a lot more leeway in breaking BC and fast evolving the
> language around projects that have started in 2018+ with automation tests
> from day one. Introducing a BC break on PHP 8.3 about something that was
> first released on PHP 7.4 is orders of magnitude easier to deal with than
> BC breaks on things first Introduced on or before PHP 5.6. If we could just
> have a way to opt-in to a faster-paced language for all new code while not
> breaking PHP 5.6 features until the previous generation of software can be
> retired, that would be awesome.
I do have to ask: How any of that is the concern of PHP the language, PHP
the project? This is pure and simple is a company issue. Now they have to
pay for their decision by probably buying some 3rd party extended support.

P.S. I wish all the luck to the teams going with TypeScript rewrite. Having
dealt with NodeJS on a sizeable project - never again (the npm ecosystem
has an atrocious problem with code quality and bugs that are not fixed for
decades - you have to raw dog it on low-level nodejs drivers and modules to
get code that works reliably). I sincerely hope they know what they got
themselves into, considering they were working on a PHP project.


Arvīds Godjuks
+371 26 851 664
Telegram: @psihius

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Arvids Godjuks
On Mon, 10 Apr 2023 at 23:43, Mark Baker  wrote:

> On 10/04/2023 19:04, Arvids Godjuks wrote:
> > I also want to add that PHP is purely developed by open-source
> contributor
> > efforts who are limited in their numbers and not a lot of them are
> getting
> > compensated for it (exceptions being specific people working for
> companies
> > who have a vested interest in PHP development like JetBrains, hosting
> > giants and some others. And now PHP Foundation is there to help people
> get
> > paid for their crucial roles in PHP project and their dedicated time).
> Yes we know, and we're very grateful; but that doesn't mean we should be
> unquestioningly grateful!
> And some of us are also open-source contributors, not getting
> compensated for it. We understand; and just as I try to take a
> professional approach to my OS contributions, and assess the impact of
> any change that may affect bc, I hope that PHP Internals does the same,
> but I don't often see that. So am I expected to stay silent when I see
> potential problems with bc breaks because I should just be grateful?

Almost all other languages have deep pockets behind them one way or the
other. Frankly, they can afford it. PHP has no such option. So, in some
way, yes, sometimes you just have to take the loss and move on. PHP has to
prioritize the resources and relies on what people are interested in doing
for the project. Historically PHP just can't maintain lots of legacy stuff,
nor have long LTS releases - that's why there are only 3 versions of the
engine ever supported at the same time.

> > You also have a world on your hands that is changing - everywhere you
> look
> > things are going for a more typed approach. That's what developers of
> today
> > expect. That's the reality of how modern libraries are developed and old
> > libraries have been actively migrating to strict type code bases. This
> code
> > quality improvement absolutely takes a huge load off those developers'
> > shoulders. I'm seeing libraries out there now that basically require PHP
> > 8.1 as a minimum because Enums are all the rage and almost half the
> > libraries I use have introduced them in their code in the latest versions
> > and authors just flat-out tell you "use the older version of the lib or
> > update your project"  (and I have at least 7 of them in my code already
> and
> > that project will never run on anything lower than 8.2). Some of the
> > biggest libraries out there have fully adopted SemVer and will bump the
> > minimal PHP version quite aggressively. And will tell you to pay for
> > commercial support or deal with it on your own. And now the Union types
> are
> > coming and I expect that to get adopted at a rapid pace by everyone and
> > their dog.
> Yes it is changing, but at different speeds in different companies.
> Changes aren't being adopted at that rapid pace by everyone and their
> dog, that's the reality.

This is business. Adapt or be swallowed by competitors. This really has
nothing to do with language development.  2 decades is enough for a
commercial entity to realise something needs to be done about the code base.
Speaking of competition - PHP needs to move forward at a pace where it
stays competitive with other languages too. The project has already
stumbled once, that's why the RFC process and yearly release cycle was
born. Because that thread was identified and people decided to do something
about it.

> > Just as owning your own house means you need to do the upkeep on a yearly
> > basis or it will become a mess, the same is with code and not maintaining
> > it - eventually, the roof will cave in and the costs of fixing it all
> will
> > skyrocket. And, frankly, this is the feeling I get from a lot of this
> > thread - the roof has collapsed and people are put into impossible
> > positions of "no, you can't have the time or resources to update the
> > project to the new PHP version, here are 20 KPI's for the next 3 months
> you
> > need to hit". The codebase was run on a credit of "this will be fixed
> down
> > the line". Well, the debt collectors now what their debt, their late fees
> > and lawyers want their slice of the pie.
> Do you think we're unaware of that! But you're suggesting that anybody
> that isn't using the latest shiny release should be treated as though
> they don't exist. They're not your problem, so forget about them. Many
> of those developers would love to upgrade to the latest shiny release,
> but that isn't always an option every November; that run-up to Christmas
> can often be the busiest time of year for those developers, the time
> when they are least in a position to go through an upgrade.

PHP 8 was released 2.5 years ago. To be frank, I have a feeling that the
code base in question is never going to keep up with PHP even if it does 1
release every 2 years. The result will be the same.
In my case, on multiple occasions, the management just decided to sunset
the old systems and just 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Deleu
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 4:01 PM Arvids Godjuks 

> On Mon, 10 Apr 2023 at 21:30, Deleu  wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 1:17 PM Pierre Joye  wrote:
>> > hello,
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sun, Apr 9, 2023, 1:37 AM Stephan Soller <
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > > Hello,
>> > >
>> > > I'm sorry if this isn't the correct mailing list for that discussion
>> but
>> > I
>> > > couldn't find a more appropriate one where people actually know how
>> the
>> > > wind is
>> > > blowing.
>> > >
>> > > A few days ago I migrated a project from PHP 7.1 to 8.2 and the
>> amount of
>> > > deprecations and fatal errors spooked me a bit (details below if
>> you're
>> > > interested). That got me wondering about the long-term stability of
>> PHP
>> > > (as in
>> > > language and API breaks) and I looked at the RFCs. I got the
>> impression
>> > > that
>> > > static typing has a lot of traction now and I have no idea of what the
>> > > fallout
>> > > might be of changing a dynamically typed language into a statically
>> > > typed one.
>> >
>> >
>> > I keep reading this in multiple languages, pr even more frameworks.
>> >
>> > I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
>> > cleaning some legacy.
>> >
>> > however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
>> > right before 8.0).
>> >
>> > Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
>> > base, if they had tests.
>> >
>> > I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
>> > flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.
>> >
>> > best,
>> > Pierre
>> >
>> I resent the sentiment of "if your code or development process was exactly
>> like mine you wouldn't be here complaining" and I believe nobody is asking
>> PHP to freeze. Not everyone has the ability to fix every deprecation
>> within
>> a couple of hours and not everyone has tests. Yes, we get it, it's common
>> knowledge nowadays that code without test is unmanageable, but if you
>> inherited a 15 year old codebase developed by multiple developers in a
>> start-up mentality producing code faster than they could actually plan for
>> and with no tests, its going to take some time to clean that up and if I
>> take longer than you would, does it mean I matter less as a PHP user?
>> PHP 8 is pretty great to work with and a lot better than previous
>> versions,
>> but there was no opt-in aspect to a lot of PHP breakages. All that we're
>> asking here is for a bit more forgiveness to existing code that was
>> developed 2 decades ago by a complete different generation and still need
>> to run today while we clean it up.
>> >
> Hello Deleu, I want to highlight your response specifically, because you
> blame the wrong people here.
> This is the failure of the business owner to plan accordingly and ignore
> all the warnings for years and decades. That is if any developer raised any
> concerns lately, which I also have seen quite a bit when "yes man" just
> shove code into the meatgrinder for a year or two and then just move to the
> next job: "It's not my problem, the next guy will deal with this". And that
> feeds the vicious cycle, and the owner is either oblivious or does not
> understand the implications because "well, it works, it generates money" at
> the moment right until that plane hits the ground and things blow up.
> I've handled a big legacy project, did major updates to it, seen how an
> effort of 1 month of my time to drag it into the modern day paid off over
> the next 6 months by picking up development speed by 3x with the same team
> of 5 people + me. In 1 year we started to literally take away clients from
> our competitors who could not keep up with us and we had a literal line of
> clients to onboard, we had to scale our sales team 3x and had a backlog of
> 6 months still. All stemmed from a single decision "I will tackle this, we
> need it to update to newer PHP". Business owners were really stoked that
> they actually listened to developers.
> You cannot expect to run code that was written 2 decades ago without major
> updates on modern language versions. It's not possible for almost any
> language that is being actively developed. Think laterally - instead of
> hand-fixing every null check out there, introduce a library that can handle
> data structures and handle the nulls for you en mass. Isolate the internals
> and just pass already sanitized values into it. Suddenly you cut off like
> 90% of the needed fixes that prevent you from running your code. It's still
> needs fixing, but at least you give it good data to start with, so it does
> not error out.
> --
> Arvīds Godjuks
> +371 26 851 664
> Telegram: @psihius

Thanks for your reply, I understand everything you mean here by improving a
development flow. I've been responsible to for doing that improvement for
the past 6 years and I'm pretty close to retiring 

[PHP-DEV] Re: Allowing $a = foo($a) to operate in-place (was Re: [PHP-DEV] Array spread append)

2023-04-10 Thread Niels Dossche

On 10/04/2023 22:11, Tim Düsterhus wrote:
> Hi
> On 4/10/23 21:50, Niels Dossche wrote:
>>> The suggested optimization of "the input is overwritten with the output" 
>>> would then also allow to avoid introducing reference parameters just for 
>>> optimization purposes. The sort() family comes to my mind and also the 
>>> shuffle() function. Randomizer::shuffleArray() already returns a copy and 
>>> thus would benefit from the proposed optimization for $a = 
>>> $r->shuffleArray($a).
>> I did extend my optimization since the first time I posted it here.
>> It can handle two cases:
>> - $x = array_something($x, ...) like I previously showed with array_merge
>> - $x = array_something(temporary_array_with_refcount_1,...) which is new
>> There is one caveat with the first optimization: it is only safe if we know 
>> for sure no exception can happen during array modification.
>> Because, if an exception happens during modification, then the changed array 
>> is already visible to the exception handler, but this isn't allowed because 
>> the assignment didn't happen yet.
>> This "exception problem" does not happen for the second optimization though.
> I see. That makes stuff certainly more complicated, because an exception can 
> also arise in an error handler (i.e. for any warnings and notices).

Right. Thanks for pointing this out! I completely forgot about this.
That's unfortunate... So far only the array_unique optimization will have 
trouble with this. I added a check now that checks if a user handler is 

In any case, if anyone is interested, I created a PR against my fork 
( where I'm tinkering with the 
optimization idea.

> It's also not just about visibility to the exception handler, but also 
> "incomplete modifications" in cases like these:
>     try {
>     $foo = something($foo);
>     } catch (\Exception) {}
>     // $foo might or might not be fully modified.
>> So I looked if it was possible to do the optimization for shuffleArray.
>> It is only possible for the second case, because I see some EG(exception) 
>> checks inside php_array_data_shuffle().
>> Unless we can determine upfront which random algorithms have an 
>> exception-free range function.
> For the internal engines this is easy (when ignoring extensions):
> - Mt19937
> - PcgOneseq128XslRr64
> - Xoshiro256StarStar
> ... are all infallible.
> - Secure
> ... is fallible (it doesn't fail in practice on modern OSes, though [1])
> Any userland engine (engine_user.c) can do anything it wants, of course. 
> Unfortunately with Secure being fallible, this optimization is of little use 
> in practice. The same would likely be true for a non-reference sorting 
> function, because of incomparable values and userland comparison handlers 
> that can all kinds of unsafe stuff.

That's unfortunate. Then it does indeed seem like the optimization will not 
work well for your use case :/

> Best regards
> Tim Düsterhus
> [1] For a future major we *might* be able to make a working CSPRNG a hard 
> requirement.

Kind regards

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 21:01, Hans Henrik Bergan wrote:

several PHP versions will be maintained for 10 years by third-party vendors.
PHP5.6 will meet the 10 year mark by 28 august 2024, and
maintains PHP5.6 with multiple customers paying 6000€/year for 5.6
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.0 until April 2026 for their Ubuntu
Pro 16.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.2 until April 2028 for their Ubuntu
Pro 18.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.4 until April 2030 for their Ubuntu
Pro 20.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP8.1 until April 2032 for their Ubuntu
Pro 22.04.

I'm glad that some people can make money out of all this. The 70+ hours 
a week that I put in to maintaining my own libraries nets me €16,30 a 
month from a userbase that averages 120k downloads a day

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Deleu
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 2:26 PM Larry Garfield  wrote:

> No.  Stop.  This is not what Ilija said at all.  It is FUD to the point of
> disinformation, and is an insult to the hundreds of people that have
> worked, mostly on their own time, to give you the most popular web language
> in the world, for free.

I understand that you have misread my message as some kind of insult. I can
get 100% behind the "misinformation" aspect, so please inform me if you can.

> > There's a large world out there that thinks PHP is still PHP 4.
> Most of them that I've met are not PHP developers.  They're JS or Python
> or Ruby devs who like to hate on PHP as a way to build their own community
> cred.

Yes. And they're succeeding at luring the best PHP engineers I've met on my
career out of PHP.

> > now being forced by the language to stay behind or rewrite
> This is BS.  I have worked on a 20+ year old code base.  It's BS.  Stop
> spreading BS.

Perhaps you'd like to read the rules and guidelines of participating in the
PHP Internals and would like a chance to reword this? I would be happy to
disregard this message and read a new one where you present your message
with more clarity.

> Perhaps the risk analyses et al that Mark Baker talked about would be more
> likely to happen if core devs weren't insulted on a regular basis by people
> making hyperbolic lies and trashing their existing efforts.
> I've written about this before, just recently.  Please read it twice
> before posting again and insulting the work of those who have given you a
> platform for your career, for free.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Whatever message you're trying to get across
has not reached me, at least. But I also know whatever message I'm trying
to get across will not reach you.

In fact, this is precisely the type of toxicity that habits Internals
during controversial discussions. While you have decided that I'm a
ungrateful enemy that wants to trash talk about volunteers work, I'm
actually here spending my time advocating for things that I believe could
improve on PHP out of pure selfish reasons: I don't want to leave PHP and I
don't want to be forced to take a NodeJS job, but the little bubble I live
in that's becoming the only way forward.

On Twitter you see a lot of folks advocating for more voices and
participation on Internals even if you don't have a vote. But when we come
here to participate this is how we're received?

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 19:04, Arvids Godjuks wrote:

I also want to add that PHP is purely developed by open-source contributor
efforts who are limited in their numbers and not a lot of them are getting
compensated for it (exceptions being specific people working for companies
who have a vested interest in PHP development like JetBrains, hosting
giants and some others. And now PHP Foundation is there to help people get
paid for their crucial roles in PHP project and their dedicated time).

Yes we know, and we're very grateful; but that doesn't mean we should be 
unquestioningly grateful!

And some of us are also open-source contributors, not getting 
compensated for it. We understand; and just as I try to take a 
professional approach to my OS contributions, and assess the impact of 
any change that may affect bc, I hope that PHP Internals does the same, 
but I don't often see that. So am I expected to stay silent when I see 
potential problems with bc breaks because I should just be grateful?

You also have a world on your hands that is changing - everywhere you look
things are going for a more typed approach. That's what developers of today
expect. That's the reality of how modern libraries are developed and old
libraries have been actively migrating to strict type code bases. This code
quality improvement absolutely takes a huge load off those developers'
shoulders. I'm seeing libraries out there now that basically require PHP
8.1 as a minimum because Enums are all the rage and almost half the
libraries I use have introduced them in their code in the latest versions
and authors just flat-out tell you "use the older version of the lib or
update your project"  (and I have at least 7 of them in my code already and
that project will never run on anything lower than 8.2). Some of the
biggest libraries out there have fully adopted SemVer and will bump the
minimal PHP version quite aggressively. And will tell you to pay for
commercial support or deal with it on your own. And now the Union types are
coming and I expect that to get adopted at a rapid pace by everyone and
their dog.

Yes it is changing, but at different speeds in different companies. 
Changes aren't being adopted at that rapid pace by everyone and their 
dog, that's the reality.

Just as owning your own house means you need to do the upkeep on a yearly
basis or it will become a mess, the same is with code and not maintaining
it - eventually, the roof will cave in and the costs of fixing it all will
skyrocket. And, frankly, this is the feeling I get from a lot of this
thread - the roof has collapsed and people are put into impossible
positions of "no, you can't have the time or resources to update the
project to the new PHP version, here are 20 KPI's for the next 3 months you
need to hit". The codebase was run on a credit of "this will be fixed down
the line". Well, the debt collectors now what their debt, their late fees
and lawyers want their slice of the pie.

Do you think we're unaware of that! But you're suggesting that anybody 
that isn't using the latest shiny release should be treated as though 
they don't exist. They're not your problem, so forget about them. Many 
of those developers would love to upgrade to the latest shiny release, 
but that isn't always an option every November; that run-up to Christmas 
can often be the busiest time of year for those developers, the time 
when they are least in a position to go through an upgrade.

Telling them that the debt collectors and lawyers are here isn't going 
to help them when the people that pay them so they can eat and have a 
roof over their heads and care for their families is a slap in the face 
to them when they are torn between business demands and wanting to do 
technical upgrades.

And the attitude of some here on PHP Internals that we should just 
ignore those who can't develop in greenfield environments using the 
latest shiny, or that it should just be a simple upgrade step from last 
version to current release... that's the equivalent of having unit tests 
that only test the happy path.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Rowan Tommins

On 10/04/2023 16:10, Thomas Bley wrote:

So having support for multiple php versions inside one binary would be a great 
thing, same as modern web browsers still support html 4 even though html 5 is 
out for so many years.

As far as I'm aware, browsers have no specific support for HTML 4. 
Arguably, they have no specific support for HTML 5, either. They (aim 
to) implement the "HTML Living Standard", which has a carefully designed 
parsing algorithm and three modes ("no-quirks", "quirks", and 
"limited-quirks"), which standardise and emulate certain behaviours of 
older browsers, not necessarily older specifications.

Certainly, web technologies like HTML + DOM, JS / ECMAScript, and CSS, 
are good examples of carefully maintaining compatibility where possible, 
and including features specifically to keep old websites working. But 
that doesn't mean no feature is ever removed, and no default behaviour 
ever changes. Nor will there be an ever-growing list of switches to go 
back to what things looked like 10, 20, 30 years ago.

That's because maintaining extra behaviour is difficult - adding the 
feature switch might be just a few lines of code, but it will *multiply* 
a section of tests; and it will need to be re-implemented to pass those 
tests every time the surrounding code is refactored, and accounted for 
every time a related feature is added.

That might be worthwhile for one or two switches - HTML's "quirks" & 
"limited-quirks", JS's "use strict" - but it doesn't scale, so it's 
never going to replace the genuinely hard question of how to improve a 
language for new code, while limiting pain for existing code.


Rowan Tommins

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 18:17, Pierre Joye wrote:

I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
cleaning some legacy.

however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
right before 8.0).

Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
base, if they had tests.

I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.

We're NOT asking PHP to freeze!

We're asking for proper analysis of the effects of these changes on end 
users, and proper consideration of the time that it will take for 
end-users to upgrade... and the answer to that is NOT "within a couple 
of hours". Call it unnecesary overhead if you will, but many tech teams 
have process flows for their work that don't simply entail "run rector 
on your codebase and deploy". Even just the admin overheads of raising a 
ticket for the change, creating a Merge Request, Peer Review, etc can 
take a few hours of time in many teams. And that's before making the 
assumption that all older code has a good test suite, and CI pipeline... 
if it has, then it's probably code that's being updated regularly 
anyway, by developers that do try to keep everything up-to-date.

Nor are end-user developers the only people that are affected. End-user 
developers typically have the luxury of writing their code for a single 
version of PHP, so upgrading the version is a step from one version to 
the next. Library writers don't have that luxury: their codebase 
normally has to work with a range of PHP versions including the latest 
release; and any fixes that are made for the latest release still have 
to work with older PHP versions, which can take significantly more 
effort to maintain.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Allowing $a = foo($a) to operate in-place (was Re: [PHP-DEV] Array spread append)

2023-04-10 Thread Tim Düsterhus


On 4/10/23 21:50, Niels Dossche wrote:

The suggested optimization of "the input is overwritten with the output" would 
then also allow to avoid introducing reference parameters just for optimization purposes. 
The sort() family comes to my mind and also the shuffle() function. 
Randomizer::shuffleArray() already returns a copy and thus would benefit from the proposed 
optimization for $a = $r->shuffleArray($a).

I did extend my optimization since the first time I posted it here.
It can handle two cases:
- $x = array_something($x, ...) like I previously showed with array_merge
- $x = array_something(temporary_array_with_refcount_1,...) which is new

There is one caveat with the first optimization: it is only safe if we know for 
sure no exception can happen during array modification.
Because, if an exception happens during modification, then the changed array is 
already visible to the exception handler, but this isn't allowed because the 
assignment didn't happen yet.
This "exception problem" does not happen for the second optimization though.

I see. That makes stuff certainly more complicated, because an exception 
can also arise in an error handler (i.e. for any warnings and notices).

It's also not just about visibility to the exception handler, but also 
"incomplete modifications" in cases like these:

try {
$foo = something($foo);
} catch (\Exception) {}

// $foo might or might not be fully modified.

So I looked if it was possible to do the optimization for shuffleArray.
It is only possible for the second case, because I see some EG(exception) 
checks inside php_array_data_shuffle().
Unless we can determine upfront which random algorithms have an exception-free 
range function.

For the internal engines this is easy (when ignoring extensions):

- Mt19937
- PcgOneseq128XslRr64
- Xoshiro256StarStar

... are all infallible.

- Secure

... is fallible (it doesn't fail in practice on modern OSes, though [1])

Any userland engine (engine_user.c) can do anything it wants, of course. 
Unfortunately with Secure being fallible, this optimization is of little 
use in practice. The same would likely be true for a non-reference 
sorting function, because of incomparable values and userland comparison 
handlers that can all kinds of unsafe stuff.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

[1] For a future major we *might* be able to make a working CSPRNG a 
hard requirement.

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Array spread append

2023-04-10 Thread Niels Dossche
Hey Tim

On 10/04/2023 14:45, Tim Düsterhus wrote:
> Hi
> On 4/8/23 22:17, Niels Dossche wrote:
>> I think this could be made more generic, and be cleaned up.
>> But I don't know if something like this is desired in PHP.
> Yes, please. I believe that “performance” should not influence API design if 
> it can be avoided. Instead the heavy lifting of optimization should be done 
> by the engine (see also:

I agree.

> The suggested optimization of "the input is overwritten with the output" 
> would then also allow to avoid introducing reference parameters just for 
> optimization purposes. The sort() family comes to my mind and also the 
> shuffle() function. Randomizer::shuffleArray() already returns a copy and 
> thus would benefit from the proposed optimization for $a = 
> $r->shuffleArray($a).

I did extend my optimization since the first time I posted it here.
It can handle two cases:
- $x = array_something($x, ...) like I previously showed with array_merge
- $x = array_something(temporary_array_with_refcount_1,...) which is new

There is one caveat with the first optimization: it is only safe if we know for 
sure no exception can happen during array modification.
Because, if an exception happens during modification, then the changed array is 
already visible to the exception handler, but this isn't allowed because the 
assignment didn't happen yet.
This "exception problem" does not happen for the second optimization though.

So I looked if it was possible to do the optimization for shuffleArray.
It is only possible for the second case, because I see some EG(exception) 
checks inside php_array_data_shuffle().
Unless we can determine upfront which random algorithms have an exception-free 
range function.

> Best regards
> Tim Düsterhus

Kind regards

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] New core autoloading mechanism with support for function autoloading

2023-04-10 Thread Anton Smirnov
Hello George,

I'm not sure I'm 100% correct but I think that this RFC still allows to
call different functions for the same code, just not in the same run.

Consider this pseudocode:

//- funcs.php

namespace My;

function myfunc(...) { ... }
function array_map(...) { ... }

//- code1.php

namespace My;

myfunc(1); // autoload triggered
// bonus points if it's a different file or some obscure method
array_map(strlen(...), []); // My\array_map

//- code2.php

namespace My;

// no prior autoload
array_map(strlen(...), []); // global array_map

And if I understand the current order of execution correctly, here is a
more extreme example:

//- moreextreme.php

namespace My;

if (some_random()) {
  array_map('My\myfunc', []); // global array_map
} else {
  array_map(myfunc(...), []); // My\array_map


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Hans Henrik Bergan
several PHP versions will be maintained for 10 years by third-party vendors.
PHP5.6 will meet the 10 year mark by 28 august 2024, and
maintains PHP5.6 with multiple customers paying 6000€/year for 5.6
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.0 until April 2026 for their Ubuntu
Pro 16.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.2 until April 2028 for their Ubuntu
Pro 18.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.4 until April 2030 for their Ubuntu
Pro 20.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP8.1 until April 2032 for their Ubuntu
Pro 22.04.

Red Hat does something similar for their RHEL customers. ~~

On Mon, 10 Apr 2023 at 20:30, Deleu  wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 1:17 PM Pierre Joye  wrote:
> > hello,
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Apr 9, 2023, 1:37 AM Stephan Soller 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I'm sorry if this isn't the correct mailing list for that discussion but
> > I
> > > couldn't find a more appropriate one where people actually know how the
> > > wind is
> > > blowing.
> > >
> > > A few days ago I migrated a project from PHP 7.1 to 8.2 and the amount of
> > > deprecations and fatal errors spooked me a bit (details below if you're
> > > interested). That got me wondering about the long-term stability of PHP
> > > (as in
> > > language and API breaks) and I looked at the RFCs. I got the impression
> > > that
> > > static typing has a lot of traction now and I have no idea of what the
> > > fallout
> > > might be of changing a dynamically typed language into a statically
> > > typed one.
> >
> >
> > I keep reading this in multiple languages, pr even more frameworks.
> >
> > I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
> > cleaning some legacy.
> >
> > however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
> > right before 8.0).
> >
> > Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
> > base, if they had tests.
> >
> > I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
> > flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.
> >
> > best,
> > Pierre
> >
> I resent the sentiment of "if your code or development process was exactly
> like mine you wouldn't be here complaining" and I believe nobody is asking
> PHP to freeze. Not everyone has the ability to fix every deprecation within
> a couple of hours and not everyone has tests. Yes, we get it, it's common
> knowledge nowadays that code without test is unmanageable, but if you
> inherited a 15 year old codebase developed by multiple developers in a
> start-up mentality producing code faster than they could actually plan for
> and with no tests, its going to take some time to clean that up and if I
> take longer than you would, does it mean I matter less as a PHP user?
> PHP 8 is pretty great to work with and a lot better than previous versions,
> but there was no opt-in aspect to a lot of PHP breakages. All that we're
> asking here is for a bit more forgiveness to existing code that was
> developed 2 decades ago by a complete different generation and still need
> to run today while we clean it up.
> >

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Arvids Godjuks
On Mon, 10 Apr 2023 at 21:30, Deleu  wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 1:17 PM Pierre Joye  wrote:
> > hello,
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Apr 9, 2023, 1:37 AM Stephan Soller  >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I'm sorry if this isn't the correct mailing list for that discussion
> but
> > I
> > > couldn't find a more appropriate one where people actually know how the
> > > wind is
> > > blowing.
> > >
> > > A few days ago I migrated a project from PHP 7.1 to 8.2 and the amount
> of
> > > deprecations and fatal errors spooked me a bit (details below if you're
> > > interested). That got me wondering about the long-term stability of PHP
> > > (as in
> > > language and API breaks) and I looked at the RFCs. I got the impression
> > > that
> > > static typing has a lot of traction now and I have no idea of what the
> > > fallout
> > > might be of changing a dynamically typed language into a statically
> > > typed one.
> >
> >
> > I keep reading this in multiple languages, pr even more frameworks.
> >
> > I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
> > cleaning some legacy.
> >
> > however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
> > right before 8.0).
> >
> > Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
> > base, if they had tests.
> >
> > I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
> > flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.
> >
> > best,
> > Pierre
> >
> I resent the sentiment of "if your code or development process was exactly
> like mine you wouldn't be here complaining" and I believe nobody is asking
> PHP to freeze. Not everyone has the ability to fix every deprecation within
> a couple of hours and not everyone has tests. Yes, we get it, it's common
> knowledge nowadays that code without test is unmanageable, but if you
> inherited a 15 year old codebase developed by multiple developers in a
> start-up mentality producing code faster than they could actually plan for
> and with no tests, its going to take some time to clean that up and if I
> take longer than you would, does it mean I matter less as a PHP user?
> PHP 8 is pretty great to work with and a lot better than previous versions,
> but there was no opt-in aspect to a lot of PHP breakages. All that we're
> asking here is for a bit more forgiveness to existing code that was
> developed 2 decades ago by a complete different generation and still need
> to run today while we clean it up.
> >

Hello Deleu, I want to highlight your response specifically, because you
blame the wrong people here.
This is the failure of the business owner to plan accordingly and ignore
all the warnings for years and decades. That is if any developer raised any
concerns lately, which I also have seen quite a bit when "yes man" just
shove code into the meatgrinder for a year or two and then just move to the
next job: "It's not my problem, the next guy will deal with this". And that
feeds the vicious cycle, and the owner is either oblivious or does not
understand the implications because "well, it works, it generates money" at
the moment right until that plane hits the ground and things blow up.
I've handled a big legacy project, did major updates to it, seen how an
effort of 1 month of my time to drag it into the modern day paid off over
the next 6 months by picking up development speed by 3x with the same team
of 5 people + me. In 1 year we started to literally take away clients from
our competitors who could not keep up with us and we had a literal line of
clients to onboard, we had to scale our sales team 3x and had a backlog of
6 months still. All stemmed from a single decision "I will tackle this, we
need it to update to newer PHP". Business owners were really stoked that
they actually listened to developers.

You cannot expect to run code that was written 2 decades ago without major
updates on modern language versions. It's not possible for almost any
language that is being actively developed. Think laterally - instead of
hand-fixing every null check out there, introduce a library that can handle
data structures and handle the nulls for you en mass. Isolate the internals
and just pass already sanitized values into it. Suddenly you cut off like
90% of the needed fixes that prevent you from running your code. It's still
needs fixing, but at least you give it good data to start with, so it does
not error out.

Arvīds Godjuks
+371 26 851 664
Telegram: @psihius

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Peter Bowyer
On Sun, 9 Apr 2023 at 22:52, Deleu  wrote:

> But what's the point of starting a greenfield project in PHP while
> Typescript is right there?

An angle that isn't discussed enough is the ease of writing extensions for
other languages compared to PHP. I've written PHP for 23 years, and I'm
increasingly looking to other languages because they either come with a
prewritten extension PHP doesn't have or because I can more easily hack one
together to wrap a library (example: a new DB client)

PHP has FFI but IMO it would benefit from further development. And the
benefits of native extensions will often be what's needed instead of FFI.


Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Deleu
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 1:17 PM Pierre Joye  wrote:

> hello,
> On Sun, Apr 9, 2023, 1:37 AM Stephan Soller 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm sorry if this isn't the correct mailing list for that discussion but
> I
> > couldn't find a more appropriate one where people actually know how the
> > wind is
> > blowing.
> >
> > A few days ago I migrated a project from PHP 7.1 to 8.2 and the amount of
> > deprecations and fatal errors spooked me a bit (details below if you're
> > interested). That got me wondering about the long-term stability of PHP
> > (as in
> > language and API breaks) and I looked at the RFCs. I got the impression
> > that
> > static typing has a lot of traction now and I have no idea of what the
> > fallout
> > might be of changing a dynamically typed language into a statically
> > typed one.
> I keep reading this in multiple languages, pr even more frameworks.
> I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
> cleaning some legacy.
> however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
> right before 8.0).
> Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
> base, if they had tests.
> I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
> flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.
> best,
> Pierre

I resent the sentiment of "if your code or development process was exactly
like mine you wouldn't be here complaining" and I believe nobody is asking
PHP to freeze. Not everyone has the ability to fix every deprecation within
a couple of hours and not everyone has tests. Yes, we get it, it's common
knowledge nowadays that code without test is unmanageable, but if you
inherited a 15 year old codebase developed by multiple developers in a
start-up mentality producing code faster than they could actually plan for
and with no tests, its going to take some time to clean that up and if I
take longer than you would, does it mean I matter less as a PHP user?

PHP 8 is pretty great to work with and a lot better than previous versions,
but there was no opt-in aspect to a lot of PHP breakages. All that we're
asking here is for a bit more forgiveness to existing code that was
developed 2 decades ago by a complete different generation and still need
to run today while we clean it up.


Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Thomas Bley
I fully understand your point, having more tests is the best thing to do. 
Unfortunately many old code bases are not written to be tested easily. There is 
excessive inheritence, traits, reflection, globals, static calls, missing DI, 
magic functions, feature flags, database dependancies (e.g. 1 request reads 40 
tables with 500 queries), library/framework dependancies (some unsupported, 
unmaintained, deprecated, etc.). So people spend a few months to get the 
coverage from 10 percent to 20 or 30 percent and the problems are still the 
My point is that every hour being spend on old code is one hour less that can 
be spend on writing newer code, being better tested, following newer standards, 
So having language levels would make things a lot easier. There are many more 
things that should be deprecated and removed, but cannot be done now due to BC 
breaks and the risks for negative votings on the rfcs.
With language levels like  Pierre Joye  hat am 10.04.2023 18:17 CEST geschrieben:
> hello,
> On Sun, Apr 9, 2023, 1:37 AM Stephan Soller 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm sorry if this isn't the correct mailing list for that discussion but I
> > couldn't find a more appropriate one where people actually know how the
> > wind is
> > blowing.
> >
> > A few days ago I migrated a project from PHP 7.1 to 8.2 and the amount of
> > deprecations and fatal errors spooked me a bit (details below if you're
> > interested). That got me wondering about the long-term stability of PHP
> > (as in
> > language and API breaks) and I looked at the RFCs. I got the impression
> > that
> > static typing has a lot of traction now and I have no idea of what the
> > fallout
> > might be of changing a dynamically typed language into a statically
> > typed one.
> I keep reading this in multiple languages, pr even more frameworks.
> I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
> cleaning some legacy.
> however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
> right before 8.0).
> Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
> base, if they had tests.
> I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
> flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.
> best,
> Pierre

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Larry Garfield
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, at 3:32 AM, Deleu wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 8, 2023, 6:04 PM Ilija Tovilo  wrote:
>> Sadly, there's a conflict of interest here. There are people who want
>> to keep running their existing websites without having to make any
>> changes, and there are people who are using PHP daily and would like
>> to see the language evolve. We would like to satisfy both of these
>> groups but that is difficult when they are often directly opposed. I
>> do think that if we only manage to satisfy the former, PHP will
>> gradually become less and less significant. That would be sad.
>> Ilija
> That makes total sense to me. On the other hand, throwing the existing
> community out and chasing after a new community puts PHP at a very delicate
> spot. There's a large world out there that thinks PHP is still PHP 4. Of
> the large group of PHP adopters that stayed with the language for the last
> decade, a large set seem to have their interests neglected and are being
> forced into greenfield/rewrite. If you've bet money on PHP 15 years ago and
> you're now being forced by the language to stay behind or rewrite, what are
> the odds that PHP will keep being the betting choice?

> On the other hand, throwing the existing
> community out and chasing after a new community puts PHP at a very delicate
> spot.

No.  Stop.  This is not what Ilija said at all.  It is FUD to the point of 
disinformation, and is an insult to the hundreds of people that have worked, 
mostly on their own time, to give you the most popular web language in the 
world, for free.

> There's a large world out there that thinks PHP is still PHP 4. 

Most of them that I've met are not PHP developers.  They're JS or Python or 
Ruby devs who like to hate on PHP as a way to build their own community cred.

> now being forced by the language to stay behind or rewrite

This is BS.  I have worked on a 20+ year old code base.  It's BS.  Stop 
spreading BS.

Perhaps the risk analyses et al that Mark Baker talked about would be more 
likely to happen if core devs weren't insulted on a regular basis by people 
making hyperbolic lies and trashing their existing efforts.

I've written about this before, just recently.  Please read it twice before 
posting again and insulting the work of those who have given you a platform for 
your career, for free.

--Larry Garfield

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Arvids Godjuks
On Mon, 10 Apr 2023 at 19:18, Pierre Joye  wrote:

> hello,
> On Sun, Apr 9, 2023, 1:37 AM Stephan Soller 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm sorry if this isn't the correct mailing list for that discussion but
> I
> > couldn't find a more appropriate one where people actually know how the
> > wind is
> > blowing.
> >
> > A few days ago I migrated a project from PHP 7.1 to 8.2 and the amount of
> > deprecations and fatal errors spooked me a bit (details below if you're
> > interested). That got me wondering about the long-term stability of PHP
> > (as in
> > language and API breaks) and I looked at the RFCs. I got the impression
> > that
> > static typing has a lot of traction now and I have no idea of what the
> > fallout
> > might be of changing a dynamically typed language into a statically
> > typed one.
> I keep reading this in multiple languages, pr even more frameworks.
> I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
> cleaning some legacy.
> however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
> right before 8.0).
> Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
> base, if they had tests.
> I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
> flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.
> best,
> Pierre


I also want to add that PHP is purely developed by open-source contributor
efforts who are limited in their numbers and not a lot of them are getting
compensated for it (exceptions being specific people working for companies
who have a vested interest in PHP development like JetBrains, hosting
giants and some others. And now PHP Foundation is there to help people get
paid for their crucial roles in PHP project and their dedicated time).
You also have a world on your hands that is changing - everywhere you look
things are going for a more typed approach. That's what developers of today
expect. That's the reality of how modern libraries are developed and old
libraries have been actively migrating to strict type code bases. This code
quality improvement absolutely takes a huge load off those developers'
shoulders. I'm seeing libraries out there now that basically require PHP
8.1 as a minimum because Enums are all the rage and almost half the
libraries I use have introduced them in their code in the latest versions
and authors just flat-out tell you "use the older version of the lib or
update your project"  (and I have at least 7 of them in my code already and
that project will never run on anything lower than 8.2). Some of the
biggest libraries out there have fully adopted SemVer and will bump the
minimal PHP version quite aggressively. And will tell you to pay for
commercial support or deal with it on your own. And now the Union types are
coming and I expect that to get adopted at a rapid pace by everyone and
their dog.

Just as owning your own house means you need to do the upkeep on a yearly
basis or it will become a mess, the same is with code and not maintaining
it - eventually, the roof will cave in and the costs of fixing it all will
skyrocket. And, frankly, this is the feeling I get from a lot of this
thread - the roof has collapsed and people are put into impossible
positions of "no, you can't have the time or resources to update the
project to the new PHP version, here are 20 KPI's for the next 3 months you
need to hit". The codebase was run on a credit of "this will be fixed down
the line". Well, the debt collectors now what their debt, their late fees
and lawyers want their slice of the pie.

Arvīds Godjuks
+371 26 851 664
Telegram: @psihius

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Dan Liebner
> The change in null handling. We have a codebase that dates to 1998. It's
> fairly well written. Upgrading to 8 was a major effort (4 devs, 2 QA) that
> took almost a year due to the change in null handling. We have 40 XML and
> JSON APIs with various banks. Elements may or may not exist. The database,
> which is 45TB, has nulls all over it. And when it was all "upgraded" to run
> on PHP8 all we really got that was useful to us is two new string
> functions. And a codebase that now has ?? as every third line.

This is probably my biggest stylistic gripe with PHP 8+ just because of how
ubiquitous the "undefined array index" scenario is.

In JavaScript:
let obj = {};
obj['undefinedkey'] === undefined;
let str = `Welcome, ${obj['undefinedkey'] ?? 'Customer'}!`;
if( obj['undefinedkey'] || $obj['undefinedkey2'] ) doSomething();

$obj = [];
($obj['undefinedkey'] ?? null) === null;
$str = "Welcome, " . ($obj['undefinedkey'] ?? 'Customer') . "!";
if( ( $obj['undefinedkey'] ?? null) || ($obj['undefinedkey2'] ?? null) )

On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 8:35 AM Jeffrey Dafoe  wrote:

> > I wonder about this every time I hear this claim. What exactly changed
> in PHP
> > 8.0 that made the upgrade path so difficult? The upgrade to PHP 9 may be
> a
> > little more difficult because of some of the recent deprecations, but
> that's
> > still years ahead of us. So what's exactly driving people away from PHP
> 8?
> > Why is the adoption dwindling?
> The change in null handling. We have a codebase that dates to 1998. It's
> fairly well written. Upgrading to 8 was a major effort (4 devs, 2 QA) that
> took almost a year due to the change in null handling. We have 40 XML and
> JSON APIs with various banks. Elements may or may not exist. The database,
> which is 45TB, has nulls all over it. And when it was all "upgraded" to run
> on PHP8 all we really got that was useful to us is two new string
> functions. And a codebase that now has ?? as every third line.
> -Jeff
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Pierre Joye

On Sun, Apr 9, 2023, 1:37 AM Stephan Soller 

> Hello,
> I'm sorry if this isn't the correct mailing list for that discussion but I
> couldn't find a more appropriate one where people actually know how the
> wind is
> blowing.
> A few days ago I migrated a project from PHP 7.1 to 8.2 and the amount of
> deprecations and fatal errors spooked me a bit (details below if you're
> interested). That got me wondering about the long-term stability of PHP
> (as in
> language and API breaks) and I looked at the RFCs. I got the impression
> that
> static typing has a lot of traction now and I have no idea of what the
> fallout
> might be of changing a dynamically typed language into a statically
> typed one.

I keep reading this in multiple languages, pr even more frameworks.

I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
cleaning some legacy.

however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
right before 8.0).

Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
base, if they had tests.

I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.


Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Alex Wells
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 3:59 PM Craig Francis 

> One team of developers I know are still finding these issues well over a
> year later (they also introduce new code that trips it as well); two other
> teams specifically ignore this deprecation (far too many instances to
> "fix"), and one team is still to decide what they are going to do
> (annoyingly they are still using 7.4).

How can they be finding those issues over a year later? Do they have pieces
completely untested code that has never been called in more than a year? If
so, they have
bigger problems than PHP deprecations. Otherwise, they should see the
logs either on production or on CI. I highly doubt they're not collecting
any logs
from production, so they had more than a year to collect all the places
where a
deprecation is triggered and fix them.

Speaking of those that ignore them, well, I'm not
sure what the expectation is. Do they think the deprecation will simply go
away on
itself? Or do they expect the already small PHP team to infinitely support
their code,
sacrificing other developers' experience? Also, can you name an actively
software product that introduced no breaking changes in the span of the
expected 10

Besides, as mentioned before, it's likely that such projects are also using
at least some other 3rd party PHP dependencies, and those usually have a
BC lifespan than PHP and require more efforts to keep them up-to-date.
Again, is
the expectation here to infinitely keep the backwards-compatibility? If so,
why is
it that almost every dependency follows Semver specifically to manage
changes, and there are practically no examples of actually avoiding
breaking changes in
the long term?

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] New core autoloading mechanism with support for function autoloading

2023-04-10 Thread Deleu
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 10:01 AM Ondřej Mirtes  wrote:

> I don’t like the proposed function names:
> autoload_register_class to me reads like “register this class for
> autoloading”. If I observe the intended meaning correctly, it should be
> called “register_class_autoloader”.
> Same for autoload_register_function - better name would be
> “register_function_autoloader”.
> Other functions should be renamed accordingly. Function names should read
> like a sentence, like a command.
> On Mon 10. 4. 2023 at 14:17, G. P. B.  wrote:
> > Hello Internals,
> >
> > Dan and I would like to propose a new core autoloading mechanism that
> fixes
> > some minor design issues with the current class autoloading mechanism and
> > introduce a brand-new function autoloading mechanism:
> >
> >
> > The existing SPL autoloading functions would become aliases to the new
> Core
> > ones and will continue to work without any migrations needing to be
> > performed.
> >
> > Hope to hear your opinions about this!
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > George P. Banyard
> >
> --
> Ondřej Mirtes

I'm guessing autoload_* was chosen because PHP internal functions are
bundled by prefix and register_* would not make a good bundle name for the
autoloading functionality.

What helps me when thinking about PHP internals function is to assume the
first word is a class, such as:

$autoload = new Autoload();

And then everything after the first underscore is a method name, such as
$autoload->register_class();. What I can recommend in this case is to make
them autoload_register_class_loader() and
autload_unregister_class_loader(), but prefixing everything with register_*
would be essentially $register = new Register();, but register what?

Marco Deleu

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 10:48, Andreas Leathley wrote:

It would be interesting to know why some people are having such huge
problems upgrading their applications, as I think those would often be
good stories with something to learn in them. So to the original poster
or other people with big problems when upgrading, writing a blog article
detailing what happened would be helpful to evaluate if the PHP project
could improve something, or even why something broke.

Would it really be considered helpful? When I or others like jrf who see 
the potential problems try to warn about these issues here on Internals, 
our concerns are generally ignored, or it's considered that we don't 
want to allow PHP to move forward, or that we're simply scaremongering.

We aren't against PHP moving forward; we're not advocating that changes 
and improvements shouldn't be made.

We are saying that they shouldn't be purely technical discussions about 
implementation here on Internals, but there should also be consideration 
for the impact on existing userland code. All too many of the changes 
made in 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 had no impact assessment, no consideration of 
how much effort might be required for users to make the necessary 
changes in their code. Thankfully, I've started seeing some effort again 
to include a risk analysis or impact assessment in some of the more 
recent RFCs.

And many of those RFCs work on the assumption that all existing PHP 
codebases are adequately covered by unit tests to identify the points 
where changes need to be made, and written well enough that any 
designated fix will always work. But in the real world, that is rarely 
the case, particularly with older codebases. Too often the RFCs seems to 
assume the happy path; with testing for edge cases in developers 
applications after release.

> Nowadays there are even tools now like Rector that can help you 

> upgrade your codebase - that is also a new value proposition.

Tools like rector can help, particularly for developers that are 
specifically upgrading from one PHP version to another; and rector is 
certainly a game-changer there in the same way that Composer changed the 
way that we build applications and manage dependencies. Where rector is 
less useful is if we need to maintain the same codebase across multiple 
PHP versions, which is the case for many libraries, as well as some of 
the tools that we use for developing and testing.

Mark Baker

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Thomas Bley
I don't want to say that everything in old code bases makes sense, I just want 
to say that mixing null and empty string was quite common in the past, mostly 
coming from accessing undefined array keys. PHP has always been good to create 
new business value quickly. The problem now is that bringing all code into new 
standards does not bring new business value, so companies try to delay or 
refuse the upgrades as long as possible (also thanks to docker and others). 
Also many developers don't like upgrading code since it's either too boring or 
too challenging. The first thing done is mostly silencing deprecation messages, 
which makes the gap bigger when upgrading to the next major version.
So having support for multiple php versions inside one binary would be a great 
thing, same as modern web browsers still support html 4 even though html 5 is 
out for so many years.



> Tim Düsterhus  hat am 10.04.2023 16:48 CEST geschrieben:
> Hi
> On 4/10/23 16:37, Thomas Bley wrote:
> > Regarding compatibility promise, I'd also like to mention that things are 
> > quite complex now, e.g.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > has 4 different outputs between php 7.x and 8.x. From userland perspective, 
> > having  
> No, it has two different outputs, one for PHP 7, one for PHP 8.
> It also has two different deprecation notices, one concerning the 
> behavioral change between PHP 7 and PHP 8 we're seeing and one 
> concerning an upcoming behavioral change with PHP 9.
> However in all PHP versions the function call clearly is non-sense, 
> because 'null' clearly cannot be a substring of a string, as it is a 
> completely unrelated data type.
> Best regards
> Tim Düsterhus
> -- 
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Tim Düsterhus


On 4/10/23 16:37, Thomas Bley wrote:

Regarding compatibility promise, I'd also like to mention that things are quite 
complex now, e.g.

has 4 different outputs between php 7.x and 8.x. From userland perspective, having 

No, it has two different outputs, one for PHP 7, one for PHP 8.

It also has two different deprecation notices, one concerning the 
behavioral change between PHP 7 and PHP 8 we're seeing and one 
concerning an upcoming behavioral change with PHP 9.

However in all PHP versions the function call clearly is non-sense, 
because 'null' clearly cannot be a substring of a string, as it is a 
completely unrelated data type.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Thomas Bley
Regarding compatibility promise, I'd also like to mention that things are quite 
complex now, e.g.

has 4 different outputs between php 7.x and 8.x. From userland perspective, 
having  Craig Francis  hat am 10.04.2023 14:58 CEST 
> geschrieben:
> On 9 Apr 2023, at 23:10, Kamil Tekiela  wrote:
> > I wonder about this every time I hear this claim. What exactly changed in 
> > PHP 8.0 that made the upgrade path so difficult? The upgrade to PHP 9 may 
> > be a little more difficult because of some of the recent deprecations, but 
> > that's still years ahead of us.
> Most of the deprecations and changes do make sense, and while deprecating 
> dynamic properties is going to be a pain, I think it's going to be worth it 
> (like undefined variables), same with ${} string interpolation (better to be 
> consistent); and I know it's been mentioned in this thread, but `utf8_decode` 
> does get misused a lot (read the RFC as to why).
> But I do not understand "Passing null to parameter # of type string is 
> deprecated" specifically.
> I should note that the other coercion/type tweaks that G.B.P (Girgias) is 
> suggesting, and has partially implemented, do make sense:
> And (fortunately) NULL coercion still works when concatenating NULL to a 
> string, adding NULL to an integer, NULL being treated as false, etc.
> One team of developers I know are still finding these issues well over a year 
> later (they also introduce new code that trips it as well); two other teams 
> specifically ignore this deprecation (far too many instances to "fix"), and 
> one team is still to decide what they are going to do (annoyingly they are 
> still using 7.4).
> Even Rector gives up and uses `(string) $var` for every variable that's a 
> non-nullable string, which can result in thousands of changes in a project 
> (that's for the ~434 function arguments being checked; personally I'd have 
> only gone with 335 of the ~997):
> Anyway, when PHP 9.0 makes this a type error, in the ~85% of code that isn't 
> using strict types, that's going to cause lots of random and unexpected 
> problems.
> Craig
> PS: I drafted this RFC, but didn't continue due to the negativity (i.e. it 
> would have been voted down, and then used to justify the type error):

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] New core autoloading mechanism with support for function autoloading

2023-04-10 Thread Aleksander Machniak

On 10.04.2023 14:17, G. P. B. wrote:

Hello Internals,

Dan and I would like to propose a new core autoloading mechanism 

I think it would make a lot of sense to have one function for all kind 
of features, but the user should define which ones. For example:

Loader::register(callable $callback, int $type, bool $prepend = false): 


Loader::register($callback, Loader::TYPE_CLASS | Loader::TYPE_FUNCTION);

Or sth like that. My 2c.

Aleksander Machniak
Kolab Groupware Developer[]
Roundcube Webmail Developer  []

PGP: 19359DC1 # Blog:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] New core autoloading mechanism with support for function autoloading

2023-04-10 Thread Ondřej Mirtes
I don’t like the proposed function names:

autoload_register_class to me reads like “register this class for
autoloading”. If I observe the intended meaning correctly, it should be
called “register_class_autoloader”.

Same for autoload_register_function - better name would be

Other functions should be renamed accordingly. Function names should read
like a sentence, like a command.

On Mon 10. 4. 2023 at 14:17, G. P. B.  wrote:

> Hello Internals,
> Dan and I would like to propose a new core autoloading mechanism that fixes
> some minor design issues with the current class autoloading mechanism and
> introduce a brand-new function autoloading mechanism:
> The existing SPL autoloading functions would become aliases to the new Core
> ones and will continue to work without any migrations needing to be
> performed.
> Hope to hear your opinions about this!
> Best regards,
> George P. Banyard

Ondřej Mirtes

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Craig Francis
On 9 Apr 2023, at 23:10, Kamil Tekiela  wrote:
> I wonder about this every time I hear this claim. What exactly changed in PHP 
> 8.0 that made the upgrade path so difficult? The upgrade to PHP 9 may be a 
> little more difficult because of some of the recent deprecations, but that's 
> still years ahead of us.

Most of the deprecations and changes do make sense, and while deprecating 
dynamic properties is going to be a pain, I think it's going to be worth it 
(like undefined variables), same with ${} string interpolation (better to be 
consistent); and I know it's been mentioned in this thread, but `utf8_decode` 
does get misused a lot (read the RFC as to why).

But I do not understand "Passing null to parameter # of type string is 
deprecated" specifically.

I should note that the other coercion/type tweaks that G.B.P (Girgias) is 
suggesting, and has partially implemented, do make sense:

And (fortunately) NULL coercion still works when concatenating NULL to a 
string, adding NULL to an integer, NULL being treated as false, etc.

One team of developers I know are still finding these issues well over a year 
later (they also introduce new code that trips it as well); two other teams 
specifically ignore this deprecation (far too many instances to "fix"), and one 
team is still to decide what they are going to do (annoyingly they are still 
using 7.4).

Even Rector gives up and uses `(string) $var` for every variable that's a 
non-nullable string, which can result in thousands of changes in a project 
(that's for the ~434 function arguments being checked; personally I'd have only 
gone with 335 of the ~997):

Anyway, when PHP 9.0 makes this a type error, in the ~85% of code that isn't 
using strict types, that's going to cause lots of random and unexpected 


PS: I drafted this RFC, but didn't continue due to the negativity (i.e. it 
would have been voted down, and then used to justify the type error):

Re: [PHP-DEV] Array spread append

2023-04-10 Thread Tim Düsterhus


On 4/8/23 22:17, Niels Dossche wrote:

I think this could be made more generic, and be cleaned up.
But I don't know if something like this is desired in PHP.

Yes, please. I believe that “performance” should not influence API 
design if it can be avoided. Instead the heavy lifting of optimization 
should be done by the engine (see also:

The suggested optimization of "the input is overwritten with the output" 
would then also allow to avoid introducing reference parameters just for 
optimization purposes. The sort() family comes to my mind and also the 
shuffle() function. Randomizer::shuffleArray() already returns a copy 
and thus would benefit from the proposed optimization for $a = 

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC [Discussion]: Make unserialize() emit a warning for trailing bytes

2023-04-10 Thread Tim Düsterhus


On 3/27/23 19:03, Tim Düsterhus wrote:

RFC: Make unserialize() emit a warning for trailing bytes

Proof of concept implementation is in:

The minimum 2 weeks of discussion will be over in a few hours:

I believe RFC is fairly simple and the proposal is well-explained. The 
comments during discussion were generally positive and no new emails 
came in since day 2 of discussion.

With regard to the request of making this an exception, this will not be 
part of this RFC, as I explained in my previous email. I've also added 
that to "rejected features" within the wiki.

With that said, I plan to open voting later this week (likely Wednesday, 
time permitting), unless any significant commentary happens in response 
to this pre-vote announcement. I don't plan any further changes to 
either the RFC text or the voting widget title.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] [RFC] New core autoloading mechanism with support for function autoloading

2023-04-10 Thread G. P. B.
Hello Internals,

Dan and I would like to propose a new core autoloading mechanism that fixes
some minor design issues with the current class autoloading mechanism and
introduce a brand-new function autoloading mechanism:

The existing SPL autoloading functions would become aliases to the new Core
ones and will continue to work without any migrations needing to be

Hope to hear your opinions about this!

Best regards,

George P. Banyard

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Lynn
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 1:45 AM Deleu  wrote:

> Unfortunately I couldn't find where, but I remember reading that PHP 7.2
> deprecation of non-countable types was one of the biggest "busywork"
> generator of the PHP 7 series. It made an extremely large impact at public
> and private projects across the world for something with questionable
> benefits.

I'm very thankful for fixes like this, it made us discover a lot of bugs in
a 20 year old product that we are still actively developing on.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Kamil Tekiela
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 04:17 Deleu  wrote:

> Or maybe when you wrote "Even if nothing would change in PHP 8" you meant
> something different than what I interpreted?

I meant things like refactoring, fixing bugs, updating dependencies.
Changes in code unrelated to changes in the language. When people leave
technical debt for later, the upgrade becomes more painful to them.


Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Andreas Leathley

On 10.04.23 01:44, Deleu wrote:

Over the course of PHP 7 and 8, there were significant concerns on how
problematic PHP deprecations and breaking changes were. Now we're starting
to see the result of such concerns being ignored. This isn't the first time
someone mentions on PHP internals that it's getting harder and harder to
stay with PHP, but it's never really received with an open mind. It's
either "you don't have to run deprecation-free code" or "you've had years
to get rid of that deprecation error, tough luck if you didn't".

I love PHP and I built my career around it. I have zero interest in
starting from scratch in another language, but I've lost count on how many
projects, friends and companies around me have already made the switch to
Typescript. It's getting harder and harder to argue in favour of staying
with PHP.

The PHP ecosystem even just in the last 10 years has changed completely,
with composer, more mature frameworks, easily usable independent
components and even static analyzers. For me that ecosystem is the big
value proposition of PHP, in addition to a good standard library.
Typescript has a completely different value proposition, and the
language itself is usually not the deciding factor, as there is so much
more to it.

Only through the deprecations and the type system does PHP even offer
some similar features as Typescript - like type checks and the
possibility of a static analyzer. If all these changes would not have
happened, people likely would argue even more that they had to switch to
Typescript, because of the missing type safety in PHP. Nowadays there
are even tools now like Rector that can help you automatically upgrade
your codebase - that is also a new value proposition. My projects were
affected by all the new warnings, deprecations etc. over the years, but
I found countless bugs because of those (and many bad choices - is
count($string) really what I wanted?). The language warning you when you
are likely doing something with little sense is a huge value proposition
- otherwise why are people using Typescript instead of Javascript?

It would be interesting to know why some people are having such huge
problems upgrading their applications, as I think those would often be
good stories with something to learn in them. So to the original poster
or other people with big problems when upgrading, writing a blog article
detailing what happened would be helpful to evaluate if the PHP project
could improve something, or even why something broke. And just as a
sidenote: I never have more things breaking than when trying to upgrade
a JS/TS-project, because of changes in NodeJS, because of slight breaks
in dependencies, etc. To me that clearly works better in PHP, but
experiences can differ.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Robert Landers
Here are my 2 cents:

The "dangerous" part of PHP upgrades is when you have more than one
server and since you can't migrate a distributed system atomically, it
often means that for a period of time, your code needs to support
multiple versions (and you probably *always* have to do this for
libraries). Personally, I've been bitten by small, undocumented, BC
breaks that get marked 'wontfix' once reported, because fixing it
after a release is considered a BC break. All I can do is facepalm
while I update the code to handle different versions of PHP.

I freakin love PHP, so I'm not going anywhere, but it would be amazing
if core devs contributed to Rector (or something like it) that allowed
you to run a simple tool to upgrade your code from "8.2 compatible"
code to "8.2 + 8.3 compatible code" and then to "8.3-only compatible"
code. The community does its best, but the core devs working on it
know about the undocumented bits and probably the most efficient
implementation. For all I know, you all are already doing this, and if
so, you should tell the world.



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