Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Server-Side Request and Response Objects (v2)

2020-02-11 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Paul M. Jones :

Hi Internals,

After a couple of years of incubation, I am happy to offer a second  
version of this RFC:

It proposes an object-oriented approach around request and response  
functionality already existing in PHP, in order to reduce the  
global-state problems that come with superglobals and the various  
response-related functions.

I like this proposal a lot, since it provides a clear, concise  
interface to these commonly uses, yet inconveniant to use, existing  
functions and variables without having to always use a full-featured  
userland library.
Speaking of interfaces: since you suggest using decoration and  
composition over extension for ServerResponse, I am missing a  
ServerResponseInterface, so that you can easily typehint such userland  

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: patch for imap bug 77153

2019-02-01 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Bishop Bettini :

On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 7:27 PM Stanislav Malyshev 


> Anyhow, this is water under the bridge now, and I think we should issue
> a call for maintainership[4] for ext/imap as soon as possible, since
> this is not the only issue[5] of this unmaintained[6] extension.

Pierre is listed as maintainer. But given that he is for deprecating it,
I guess we try to find somebody who is willing to revive it (not likely)
and failing that (likely) go the deprecation route probably... Given how
many references to it I see on github though, it's not the best outcome.

I'd like to take this one, too.

RoundCube may roll its own, but I know the popular Horde IMP uses this

Horde isn't using ext/imap since ages, but has developed a PHP-only  
IMAP library long ago, that's being used by many other OSS projects too.

I suspect that the extension's going to have the performance
one would desire when dealing with giant mailboxes, but c-client is hard to
deal with. I've had experience with c-client for a while (stretching back
to Pine days), and yet still would like to roadmap our way to a modern


Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecating ldap_sort

2015-06-26 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Andreas Heigl

Hi Anatol.

Côme already replied to the technical aspects of what we are trying to do.

Am 25.06.15 um 17:56 schrieb Anatol Belski:

Hi Andreas,

-Original Message-
From: Andreas Heigl []
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 5:40 PM
Subject: [PHP-DEV] Deprecating ldap_sort

Hi everyone.

Côme Bernigaud and myself are currently cleaning up the LDAP-Extension
(Well, Côme is doing the hard work and I'm trying to assist in some
way). We would like to bring it in line with a more recent version of
the OpenLDAP-lib. Currently the plan is to require OpenLDAP 2.4 as the
minimum version to build ext/ldap against. This is on a very good way [1].

But in said OpenLDAP-library the ldap_sort-function already has been
marked as deprecated [2]. Therefore we'd like to at least mark PHPs
ldap_sort function as deprecated also.

The current rewrite will make it possible to later use the server-sided
sort functionality so there will be only limited need for the current
(client sided) ldap_sort function.

As it's a BC-break to remove the ldap_sort function will we have to
setup an RFC for that? Or is it a plain mark it deprecated in PHP7 and
throw it away in PHP8 kind of decission? And will it be possible to get
that marked deprecated in 7 at all?

I've a few questions to this. Can it be implemented with non  
deprecated symbols? Or maybe, can the server side sort not be done  
with the same function, as it's probably the same job? Or it will  
be really not required? Any info about the plans on the openldap  
side to remove the deprecated symbols (AFAIR those are kept already  
for years)?

We're currently don't know, how wide this function is used and how  
much it would break. In general, deprecating it if there's a strong  
reason, could be sufficient. If there's a small possibility to keep  
this function, we should use it. Fe maybe it could kept and enabled  
with a configure option, that way it'll be still usable.

I might have not expressed myself correctly about the deprecated thingy.
I was actually refering to whether it would be possible to raise an
E_DEPRECATED for calling ldap_sort. If we could bring that into PHP7.0
we would be able to remove it from PHP7.1 and get a clean codebase
without any functions marked as deprecated in the underlying lib.

If we'd have to wait for PHP7.1 for the E_DEPRECATED that would mean we
can remove the deprecated function_calls at the earliest in PHP7.2.
That's a long timescale ;)

Any feedback from the ldap users were appreciated here, as well.

I don't use it ;)

I've checked phpLdapAdmin (not used), GOsa (not used) and Zend\Ldap
(sadly used, but I can rewrite that part) but that are just three libs
out there out of so many self-written scripts

FWIW Net_LDAP and its successors Net_LDAP2 and Horde_Ldap don't use  
ldap_sort anymore since 2006 either.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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[PHP-DEV] Streams BC break unfixed since 5.6.5

2015-03-17 Thread Jan Schneider


now that RFCing has settled down a bit, and things should get back to  
more development and less politics, can someone please take a look at  
this regression: that has a PR  

This BC breaking regression is breaking real world applications since  
two 5.5 and 5.6 releases ( and the fix is ready  
to merge, at least to the master branch.

Thanks for looking into this,

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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Re: [PHP-DEV][RFC][VOTE][RESTART] Strict Argument Count On Function Calls

2015-03-16 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Marcio Almada


As promised, the Strict Argument Count RFC vote was restarted:


There was no need to update the BC break section. The only minor change was
the addition of the following section:

The voting will close in exactly 14 days counting from now. This is the
discussion summary so far

Acknowledgments to Bob Weinand for offering a practical solution that will
help many in case the RFC passes.


I voted no because I see the Flexible Interface Implementations  
mentioned in the RFC a valid and common use case, and the proposed  
solutions not suitable.

You probably haven't found those during real code tests because it's  
commonly used to migrate or extend APIs. You add a new optional  
parameter to both the caller and callee of an API, with defensive  
coding so that both still work if that parameter is not available.  
This is done to not require new dependency versions. But you won't  
find those cases if you test complete software stacks, because in the  
most current version of both modules you will have the new parameter  

Beside that, your testing sample was pretty small.


Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][VOTE] Removal of dead or not yet PHP7 ported SAPIs and extensions

2015-02-04 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Anatol Belski

Hi Stas,

On Wed, February 4, 2015 07:51, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:


And at list this one living native PHP implementation (and
more library links in the older thread link above).

This is part of Horde with 9 listed dependencies and 9 suggested ones,
and probably also sub-dependencies. It is much less convenient than having
imap right here when you run PHP. And looks like on top of that it lists
PHP 7 as not supported.
I'm sure there are other imap implementations, but I wouldn't be that
quick in throwing out one that a lot of people may use. --
Stas Malyshev

Horde is being developed by a some ISP, so it's mostlikely gonna support
PHP7, even if not already. But this is actually what one can say regarding
PHP7 compatibility with any scripts at the current stage.

FWIW Horde is an open source project and not developed by any ISP.  
Furthermore we're actively testing against PHP 7 and already detected  
(and reported) a few bugs an regressions in master.

Not that this matters for this discussion, just for completeness.

For security tickets - there are still some on mitre, NVD and others.

The point with ext/imap being available now and here instead of the
userland implementation is of course good. However removing it has the
same reasons like f.e. removing ext/regex or Apache 1.x SAPI. Letting it
be there, unmaintained, is kinda of a black hole. And every day it grows.

That's why my point is rather - link to some userland implementation
instead of shipping worky stuff in the unknown security state. Same
actually for mcrypt. Probably the same motivation can be attributed to the
unavailability of libc-client and mcrypt in RHEL6.



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Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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Re: [PHP-DEV] php7dev Vagrant box

2015-01-29 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Rasmus Lerdorf

As a follow-up to my PHP7 Homework post last week, here is a bit of
spoon-feeding for all you lurkers on this list.

The description there should be fairly self-explanatory. If you have a
computer running Linux, OSX or Windows and about 4G of disk space, heck
install it on a $5 USB stick, then you don't have any excuses. It will
takes less than 15 minutes of your time, and most of that is waiting for
the download.

Please use it to install your own applications or whatever random PHP
applications out there you can find and help us track down issues. We
have been plagued by bugs being found after initial releases because not
enough people helped test in the past. Let's try to get ahead of them
this time.


The first command from your instructions there get me:

$ vagrant box add rasmus/php7dev
This command was not invoked properly. The help for this command is
available below.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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Re: [PHP-DEV] php7dev Vagrant box

2015-01-29 Thread Jan Schneider

 Zitat von Ferenc Kovacs

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:

_Zitat von Ferenc Kovacs

_On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:_

_Zitat von Rasmus Lerdorf

_As a follow-up to my PHP7 Homework post last week, here is a bit of
spoon-feeding for all you lurkers on this list.

_The description there should be fairly self-explanatory. If you
have a
computer running Linux, OSX or Windows and about 4G of disk space,
install it on a $5 USB stick, then you don't have any excuses. It


takes less than 15 minutes of your time, and most of that is waiting
the download.

Please use it to install your own applications or whatever random PHP
applications out there you can find and help us track down issues. We
have been plagued by bugs being found after initial releases because
enough people helped test in the past. Let's try to get ahead of them
this time.


__The first command from your instructions there get me:

$ vagrant box add rasmus/php7dev
This command was not invoked properly. The help for this command is
available below.__
 _ _

 _ _
 __what version of vagrant are you using? (you can check
via vagrant --version)__
 __adding boxes like that (username/boxname format instead
of using the full url for the box) is only supported since vagrant
 __if you don't wanna upgrade you could try something


 __vagrant box add __
 __vagrant init php7dev__

__but probably easier to just upgrade__

_ _
__Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu__

_It's indeed 1.4, but that doesn't work with the full URL either.
Upgrading is the way to go._

_agree, but out of curiosity, could you try the following with 1.4?:_
_vagrant box add rasmus/php7dev

_-- _
_Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu_

Too late, I already upgraded. But 1.4.x is the version shipped with recent
Ubunutu (and thus probably recent Debian), so you can easily test it there.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Remove PHP 4 Constructors

2014-11-21 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Lester Caine

On 21/11/14 11:31, Rowan Collins wrote:

I know I sound like a broken record, but this is EXACTLY the same
problem as e_strict! It is all very well saying old code can still run
if you hide the the warnings and ERRORS, but you have to spend the time
fixing each and every warning simply to ensure that it will work on the
next release ... hiding things does not work.

And I still run my own version of PEAR to get around the e_strict

To reply with a broken record of my own: E_STRICT does not indicate code
that will break in a future version. Hiding E_STRICT notices will have
absolutely no detrimental effect on your code, now or in the future. It
is up to you if you want to improve the code by following the hints, or
ignore them because the code works fine.

So, no this is not at all similar to the problem of E_STRICT, because
that problem is not real.

So everything that currently requires e_strict disabled to allow it to
work will continue to work in PHP7? Including the parts that have now
been marked for removal since being deprecated since PHP5.3?

You confuse E_STRICT with E_DEPRECATED. Without raising E_DEPRECATED  
in an earlier minor PHP release, a feature/construct cannot be removed  
from PHP.

In practice ... NO the code does not work fine UNLESS you ensure that
all of the infrastructure is still using old versions of libraries. And
even then we still get white screen responses with changes of PHP
versions. My point is that on one hand people are COMPLAINING that code
such as PHP 4 Constructors is not being updated and then ALSO claiming
that we don't need to ... PLEASE can we have a level playing field to
code to!

I still don't get get what problem this RFC is actually going to  
solve? I don't see a problem. Yes, PHP4 constructors are are old and  
should no longer be used. But there is no problem still supporting  
them. Raise an E_DEPRECATED for those, and be done with it.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: is_a() - again - a better fix

2011-10-28 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Pierre Joye

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Jan Schneider wrote:

I'm going to check with our Jenkins guru, but I'm wondering how such a VM
should look like. Should it contain a complete Jenkins instance, or just a
checkout of the Horde packages that you would run from your own Jenkins

It will be no different to what you have now to run the tests locally.
All we need is a result set (json) that will be pushed in our servers
and displayed, alerts will be sent on errors, etc.

Are you online somewhere for a chat?

Each and every day on #horde @ freenode.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: is_a() - again - a better fix

2011-10-27 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Pierre Joye

hi Jan!

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:

from a quick look on their setup, they only have one node, and they are
using the global php binary, so no, they are only testing one php
and I don't think that it would be the snapshot.
but that would be cool. :)

Ferenc is right, this is testing against the distro's latest version.

It is sadly not very useful for us, while being informative. To know
that something went wrong when a release is already out is too late,
let alone when the distros updated their package :)

Sure, this was just to showcase the number of tests that we already  
run continuously to find regressions in *our* snapshots.

It is a must and it is what we need to do.

We don't have the resources to run such a node on our own. The idea was to
provide the test suite of the most recent package releases for such a
snaphot testing machine (run by the php group?)

Do you have some time to setup the tests script in a VM? Then we will
use what we have already to run php's snapshot and RCs. We will share
VMs for 2-3 projects.

I'm going to check with our Jenkins guru, but I'm wondering how such a  
VM should look like. Should it contain a complete Jenkins instance, or  
just a checkout of the Horde packages that you would run from your own  
Jenkins server(s)?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: is_a() - again - a better fix

2011-10-26 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Pierre Joye

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:

from a quick look on their setup, they only have one node, and they are
using the global php binary, so no, they are only testing one php version,
and I don't think that it would be the snapshot.
but that would be cool. :)

Ferenc is right, this is testing against the distro's latest version.

It is a must and it is what we need to do.

We don't have the resources to run such a node on our own. The idea  
was to provide the test suite of the most recent package releases for  
such a snaphot testing machine (run by the php group?)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: is_a() - again - a better fix

2011-10-25 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Ferenc Kovacs

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Jan Schneider wrote:

Zitat von Pierre Joye

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf

On 09/23/2011 12:17 PM, Pierre Joye wrote:

We do 2) already (while we are working on increasing the amount of
apps and frameworks being tested), as I was asking to revert this
patch between 5.3.7 and 5.3.8 back then pointing to our tests results
and numerous reports. The problem was not in the QA but in the
decision process. QA should have a kind of veto power in this case to
avoid arguing and still have BC breaks landing in stable releases.

Well, 5.3.7 - 5.3.8 wasn't really the problem. That release was rushed
to fix my crypt screwup. This should have been caught in the 5.3.6 -
5.3.7 testing which lasted much longer than the short window to 5.3.8.

Right, also reported back then with the same success ;)

Anyway, that's past, the BC break has been fixed and we are working to
get these appsframeworks tests result as part of our release process
(symfony and doctrine are on the road, must see with zf if we can
share resources as they do it anyway internally).

If using the released versions, that would add another 5000 tests.
It's not just you! looks down from here.

FWIW it seems to be more stable now since upgrading to a newer Jenkins  


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: is_a() - again - a better fix

2011-10-06 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Pierre Joye

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

On 09/23/2011 12:17 PM, Pierre Joye wrote:

We do 2) already (while we are working on increasing the amount of
apps and frameworks being tested), as I was asking to revert this
patch between 5.3.7 and 5.3.8 back then pointing to our tests results
and numerous reports. The problem was not in the QA but in the
decision process. QA should have a kind of veto power in this case to
avoid arguing and still have BC breaks landing in stable releases.

Well, 5.3.7 - 5.3.8 wasn't really the problem. That release was rushed
to fix my crypt screwup. This should have been caught in the 5.3.6 -
5.3.7 testing which lasted much longer than the short window to 5.3.8.

Right, also reported back then with the same success ;)

Anyway, that's past, the BC break has been fixed and we are working to
get these appsframeworks tests result as part of our release process
(symfony and doctrine are on the road, must see with zf if we can
share resources as they do it anyway internally).

If using the released versions, that would add another 5000 tests.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Make primitive type names reserved words (Was: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] 5.4 features for vote (long))

2011-07-12 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Pierre Joye

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:

Zitat von Ferenc Kovacs

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 11:17 PM, Pierre Joye


As I could agree on this fact, I can't find any existing project
having int(eger), floatco as class, namespaced or not. Do you have
any example at hand?


not too many though.

Try that for String and it reveals a different picture. Horde 3 used that
too FWIW.


Even the php5 versions of Horde? That's rather bad given the so strong
and loud warnings we gave about using common names w/o namespace, by
the time of the date problem.

No, of course not. That's why I didn't voice an opinion, I just found  
it worth mentioning. Horde 3 users can stick with PHP 5.3, while Horde  
4 users are not affected at all.

It's still used in a lot of other code though, see the github search.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Make primitive type names reserved words (Was: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] 5.4 features for vote (long))

2011-07-11 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Ferenc Kovacs

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 11:17 PM, Pierre Joye wrote:


As I could agree on this fact, I can't find any existing project
having int(eger), floatco as class, namespaced or not. Do you have
any example at hand?


not too many though.

Try that for String and it reveals a different picture. Horde 3 used  
that too FWIW.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] foreach() for strings

2011-06-23 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Larry Garfield

On 06/20/2011 10:25 AM, John Crenshaw wrote:
Doing this with an explicit iterator object is a fine idea. The  
syntax becomes something like:

foreach(new TextIterator($s, 'UTF8') as $pos=$c)

On the other hand, I think that trying to support iteration without  
using an iterator object to mediate would be a disaster, and I'm  
opposed to doing something like that because:
1. The code just looks wrong. PHP developers are generally  
insulated from the char-arrayness of strings. In addition, since  
PHP isn't typesafe, the code becomes highly ambiguous. Is the code  
iterating an array, or a string? It is very hard to tell just by  
looking. It may be convenient to write, but it's certainly not  
convenient to read or maintain later. On the other hand, with a  
mediating iterator object, the intent becomes obvious, and the code  
is highly readable.
2. The odds of iterating any given string are slim at best.  
Supporting current, key, next, etc. would require the string object  
internally to get bloated with additional unnecessary data that is  
almost never used. This bloat isn't a single int either. For  
optimal performance it would need to consist of no less than two  
size_t (char position and binary position), and one encoding  
3. Iteration cannot work without knowing which encoding to use for  
the string. Is it UTF8? UTF16? UTF7? Binary or some single byte  
encoding? Some other exotic wide encoding? Without an iterator  
object in the middle, there is no way to specify this encoding.  
Always treating this as binary would also be a mistake, since this  
is almost certainly never actually the correct behavior, even  
though it may often appear to behave correctly with simple inputs.
4. I've had simple mistakes caught numerous times when foreach  
complains about getting a scalar rather than an array. So far, it  
has been exactly right every time. Allowing strings to be iterated  
would, in the name of convenience, increase the probability of  
stupid mistakes evading detection. Even worse, the code itself  
would look logically correct until the developer finally realizes  
that they have a string and not an array. Errors like this are  
probably far more common in most projects than the need to iterate  
a string, so making this change hurts debugging in the common case,  
for the sake of syntactic sugar in the rare case. Not a good trade.

John Crenshaw
Priacta, Inc.

I would echo John's statements here.  foreach() directly iterating a  
string is going to make my life substantially harder.  I work in  
array-heavy systems, and bad first argument for foreach() is  
already a hard enough error to track down.  It means somewhere,  
somehow, you put a string where you meant to put an array.  GLWT.   
Adding automatic string iteration would take away even that error  
message and leave me with no way to figure out why my code is  
randomly misbehaving.  Just looking at the code, I would have no way  
of knowing that such a bug lurks within.  That's the downside of a  
weakly typed but still typed language.

And if that very same string that's supposed to be an array is  
processed using the $var[$n] syntax nowadays is any different? It's  
not, you won't get an error message for that either, and it's the same  
amount of work to track this down. Granted, making PHP behaving the  
same in foreach gives you one more place to track down such errors,  
but making it easier to track down developer errors is not anything  
that should keep PHP from adding new features.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] ChangeLog

2010-05-31 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Pierre Joye

2010/5/29 Johannes Schlüter


On Fri, 2010-05-28 at 23:50 +0200, Pierre Joye wrote:

I'd to add that unless we add everything in the NEWS file, the
ChangeLog remains the only way to have a list of all changes (without
doing manually).

Having the file is absolutely fine with me, while I can fulfill my needs
with svn annotate and svn log. But if we ship it, it should be correct
and at least since 5.2.0 we ship a wrong (not updated) file. And that I
consider bad. So I ask somebody to either remove it or make sure  
it's updated

(automatically or by adding instructions to README.RELEASE_PROCESS) in
all places.

Maybe simply do it at release time?

Having the changelog updated automatically used to be a really useful  
thing, because there also existed a mailing list that sent daily (or  
weekly?) diffs to the changelog file.
This way you could easily follow development of PHP without having to  
subscribe to the commits mailing list.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Turkish/Azeri locale support

2010-05-05 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Adam Harvey

Well, I'm going to assume that people have had whatever say they were
going to. It seems that we have three options, so let's put it to a

+1 for option 1.

Unless we can have some aliases to fix the problem with some PHP  
functions being documented non-all-lower-case, like the GD functions  
mentioned earlier in the thread. In that case: +1 for 2.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.4 branch and trunk

2010-03-17 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Johannes Schlüter

On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 22:13 +0100, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

On 16.03.2010, at 16:58, Derick Rethans wrote:

 Before we add features, they need to be discussed whether we want to
 have them. As version name for it I would like to use trunk-dev (and
 not 5.4-dev or 6.0-dev) as we're not quite sure where this is moving.
 Right now, there are the following features that I can see we should
 think about:

Since we do not know the name of the next version yet, maybe its best to
base the name on what version it will have as a predecessor and add
support for this in version_compare()? Something like 5.3post. Ok this
isnt a good suggestion, but I hope you get what I am suggesting.

We need a version number which can be represented as a numeric value

#define PHP_VERSION_ID 50303

to help extension authors; as said on IRC 5.4 is the only sane choice
there. We can still increase the number if needed.

How to document this is a good question...

How about 5.3.99? A lot of projects use this for pre-releases, but it  
still might make sense.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.3.0alpha2

2008-09-02 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Lukas Kahwe Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Windows binaries (optimized for various versions of Windows) are  
available from the new website dedicated to PHP's windows binaries:

Looks like the file descriptions are wrong. The non-TS
PHP 5.3.0alpha2 VC9 x86 is labeled as VC9 build x64.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] why we must get rid of unicode.semantics switch ASAP

2008-01-21 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Antony Dovgal [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

6 reasons why we must to get rid of The Switch ASAP

Having maintained a huge Unicode compatible codebase in PHP4 for the  
last few years, I know which PITA it already is today, having to  
consider the availability of mbstring and iconv, or dealing with  
different input, processing, backend, and output charsets. I don't  
event want to start thinking about adding unicode semantics to that  
equation. Drop it.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.2.1RC2 Released

2007-01-05 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Ilia Alshanetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The 2nd release candidate for PHP 5.2.1 is now available for  
download. The tarballs can be found here:

The ming extension doesn't compile at the moment:

/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c: In function  
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:3847: error:  
'fontchar_class_entry_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:3847: error: (Each  
undeclared identifier is reported only once
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:3847: error: for each  
function it appears in.)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c: In function  
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4234: error:  
'SWFTEXTFIELD_USEFONT' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4235: error:  
'SWFTEXTFIELD_AUTOSIZE' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4255: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_NOT_COMPRESSED' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4256: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_ADPCM_COMPRESSED' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4257: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_MP3_COMPRESSED' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4258: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_NOT_COMPRESSED_LE' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4259: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_NELLY_COMPRESSED' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4260: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_5KHZ' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4261: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_11KHZ' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4262: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_22KHZ' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4263: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_44KHZ' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4264: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_8BITS' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4265: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_16BITS' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4266: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_MONO' undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php-5.2.1RC2/ext/ming/ming.c:4267: error:  
'SWF_SOUND_STEREO' undeclared (first use in this function)

make: *** [ext/ming/ming.lo] Fehler 1


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespaces in PHP 6 - ++$take

2006-11-11 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Hans Lellelid [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I think there is far more
demand for a fast  stable PHP then for syntatic sugar features which
seem extremely useful, but in the end prove to carry too much baggage.

Nothing has been proven either way.. at least not publicly.. unless I
just missed it.

I haven't talked to a single developer a large-scale PHP tool,
application, etc. that wouldn't switch their trunk to using namespaces
tomorrow if they were adopted in the engine.  We [in] PHP developers who
are building enterprise open-source components and frameworks really
will use this feature -- and I think we'd all argue that we really need
this feature.  I hope that namespaces would be more than syntactic sugar
-- e.g. providing an import/using keyword that would declare namespace
context -- but even if they were only syntactic sugar they would at
minimum provide a naming standard for PHP packages to avoid collisions.

Namespaces certainly got a lot of mention at Int'l PHP Conference (in
form of request and, during the panel, applause from audience when
mentioned); it was clear that this is a very anticipated PHP6 feature.
None of us non-C developers are trying to say we think this should be
easy, or trying to otherwise minimize the problems that have been
presented in the past or the reasons why it hasn't been implemented so
far, but let there be no confusion that this is a really, really
important feature for us.

I couldn't agree more. There really wasn't an appealing reason to  
switch to PHP5 too quickly for me, and force the users of our code to  
do the same. There are a few reasons to switch to 5.2 probably, but  
that's a different story.
But if there wasn't already Unicode support in PHP 6, having  
namespaces was definitely a good reason to force our user to that  


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Feature request

2006-11-10 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Dmitry Shirokov [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hey guys.

What are you thinking about adding this feature:

function foo()
   return array(1,2,3,4,5,6);

echo foo()[4];  //   it that
// or may be (foo())[4] ?

// instead of
$var = foo();
echo $var[4];

Yes, please, that would be most important shorthand functionality  
after dereferencing.


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2006-01-24 Thread Jan Schneider

Zitat von Derick Rethans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


For some reason all of our code in all repositories in CVS have a tag
RELEASE_1_0_4. Seems to have happened on the 18th, according to the
timestamp in the ChangeLog's history:

If you think you've something to do with this, please reply as we'll
have to cleanup this tag from many extensions. :I

That's pretty easy, isn't it? RELEASE_x_x_x tags are used for PEAR  
package releases, and the only PEAR release in question is  
System_Command 1.0.4 on the 20th.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Patch: Rasmus statcallpatch with configure option

2004-09-15 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Derick Rethans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Andi Gutmans wrote:
a) I will try and send internals@ an updated version of the realpath()
cache in the next few days. This should give a lot of bang for the buck
because realpath() is probably the suckiest system call in the startup.
b) Maybe Wez  Sara can take one more look to double check if there aren't
any checks they can possibly save without impairing functionality.
c) Create a new version of your patch based on (a)  (b) and make sure we
find an accessible place for it with the disclaimer.
A good accessible place would be our distribution. It's annoying to have
to maintain a patch outside the main tree. There is also no reason why
people would just enable this feature by default if they have no clue
what they are doing, we can add big nice disclaimers around it. I can
see nothing wrong with it, I also don't think this is a nasty hack or a
crappy patch. I do not seek to have this patch into PHP 5, you can do
your realcache magic there if you want.
Why not keeping that patch (and others that might be worth it as well) in
the php-src module, but really as a patch, not applied to the default
distro? This way it's available at a single point, everyone having a
tarball can apply it, and it still won't be available with a simple config
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: cvs: php-src /ext/imap php_imap.c

2004-08-13 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Wez Furlong [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 16:16:51 -0400, Jon Parise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And what if Jan doesn't know C or feel comfortable writing PHP
extension code, for example?
Even more reason to stop complaining and wait for someone with the
appropriate skill to get home from work and give the problem the
investigation it deserves.
Just to calm this thread down (the issue is fixed anyway, thanks to everyone
involved): no, i don't have enough C skills to fix it myself, and no, I
didn't want to complain, I just feared that I didn't make clear with my
first message that this was a BC break and that 4.3.9 might be released
with this broken behaviour.
I even rewrote that message to make it sound less complaining before I sent
it. In the end it's all about language nuances that you don't get if you
aren't a native speaker.
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[PHP-DEV] Re: cvs: php-src /ext/imap php_imap.c

2004-08-12 Thread Jan Schneider
Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
iliaa   Wed Jul 21 17:57:03 2004 EDT
  Modified files:  
/php-src/ext/imap	php_imap.c 
  Fixed bug #29209 (imap_fetchbody() doesn't check message index).
  # Initial Patch by tony2001 at phpclub dot net
This fix breaks retrieving message bodies if not using the sequence
number in imap_fetchbody() but the UID instead.
imap_fetchbody($stream, 1, 1, FT_UID)
doesn't work anymore, while
imap_fetchbody($stream, imap_msgno($stream, 1), 1)
P.S.: this patch has been committed to all branches.
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: cvs: php-src /ext/imap php_imap.c

2004-08-12 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Jan Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
iliaa   Wed Jul 21 17:57:03 2004 EDT
  Modified files:  /php-src/ext/imap	php_imap.c   Log:
  Fixed bug #29209 (imap_fetchbody() doesn't check message index).
# Initial Patch by tony2001 at phpclub dot net
This fix breaks retrieving message bodies if not using the sequence
number in imap_fetchbody() but the UID instead.
imap_fetchbody($stream, 1, 1, FT_UID)
doesn't work anymore, while
imap_fetchbody($stream, imap_msgno($stream, 1), 1)
P.S.: this patch has been committed to all branches.
Just in case I wasn't clear: this is a showstopper for 4.3.9 and 5.0.1 as it
breaks every second application using the imap extension to retrieve
messages, including IMP.
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: protected/private access and var_dump/print_r

2004-05-20 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I'm OK with adding it to print_r() too if no one has any serious objections.
Perhaps only for members explicitely declared public, as opposed to
var-style properties.
At 12:04 PM 5/20/2004 +0200, Derick Rethans wrote:
On Thu, 20 May 2004, Andi Gutmans wrote:
 Fine with me. I'm not sure printing public is a bad idea. How many ppl
 actually use this in their application for purposes other than debugging?
Well, print_r doesn't print it either; so IMO if we add public here, we
need to do that for print_r too.
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Interface inheritance

2004-04-19 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Zeev Suraski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

At 13:01 19/04/2004, Christian Schneider wrote:
Zeev Suraski wrote:
Any method that implements (directly or indirectly) an interface 
method or an abstract method, will have implementation checks fully 
enforced, with an E_COMPILE_ERROR emitted in case of an error.
Excuse my ignorance: What is defined as fully implementing the 
interface? I guess all methods have to be implemented with all the 
parameters having the same type if specified, right? What about 
extending the parameter set, especially with default values?
E.g. is  foo(A $a, $newparam = 'false) valid for foo(A $a)?
This is valid.  As long as you *can* call the function using the same
prototype as the one in the interface, it's considered to be
compatible.  You can extend it using default values.
+1 from a user's perspective, that is pro fatal errors on interfaces and
abstract methods but not on regular methods. That's the best balance on
keeping BC and introducing useful OO features.

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[PHP-DEV] Re: reproduce script (Re: [PHP-DEV] No static method callbacks anmore?)

2004-03-16 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Should be fixed now. Thanks for the reproducing test case.
Yeah, works fine now, thanks.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] RC1 of RC1

2004-03-15 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I will roll RC1 on the 17th so if there are serious show stoppers speak up.
Dunno what you consider serious, but bug 2 is on the ze2 level.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RC1 of RC1

2004-03-15 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I fixed get_object_vars() a couple of days ago. Can you check if this still
No, that seems to have fixed it, thanks!

At 01:52 PM 3/15/2004 +0100, Jan Schneider wrote:
Zitat von Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I will roll RC1 on the 17th so if there are serious show stoppers 
speak up.
Dunno what you consider serious, but bug 2 is on the ze2 level.

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[PHP-DEV] No static method callbacks anmore?

2004-03-15 Thread Jan Schneider

before reporting a bug, I want to make sure that this is no intentional
change. Are static methods no longer supported as callbacks?

preg_replace_callback('/some pattern/', array('MyClass', 'Method'),

raises a warning atm:
Unable to call custom replacement function in ...


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Re: [PHP-DEV] No static method callbacks anmore?

2004-03-15 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Can you do a reverse apply of the following diff and let me know if it
fixes the problem?
No, it doesn't.

At 05:04 PM 3/15/2004 +0100, Jan Schneider wrote:

before reporting a bug, I want to make sure that this is no intentional
change. Are static methods no longer supported as callbacks?
preg_replace_callback('/some pattern/', array('MyClass', 'Method'),
raises a warning atm:
Unable to call custom replacement function in ...

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Parse error in parsedate.y

2004-03-02 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Jan Lehnardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Jan,
On 2 Mar 2004, at 12:25, Jan Schneider wrote:
bison -y /home/jan/cvs/php5/ext/standard/parsedate.y -o
/home/jan/cvs/php5/ext/standard/parsedate.y:389.12: parse error, unexpected
:, expecting ; or |
make: *** [/home/jan/cvs/php5/ext/standard/parsedate.c] Fehler 1
Which version of bison are you running? 1.28 works fine here.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Parse error in parsedate.y

2004-03-02 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Derick Rethans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Edin Kadribasic wrote:

Same problem on win32 snap box which used to work fine. bison version is
Should be fixed in CVS now.
Yeah, works again, thanks.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] SimpleXML Docs

2004-01-23 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Ken Tossell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Internals,

 I've just committed a new documentation module for SimpleXML, which
should show up on sometime. It's available at -- if you see any major
errors (and there are some, I'm sure), please point them out.
The 2nd example uses the undefined $movies variable, should probably be

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Re: [PHP-DEV] convert_to_writable_*

2004-01-12 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Any idea who added the following macros?

Zeev in version 1.19:

Tue Apr 18 18:23:28 2000
Add convert_to_writable_*_ex() macros (unused at this time)



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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Regarding the latest patch on fgetcsv() (stable branch)

2003-12-13 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Moriyoshi Koizumi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  The cool thing that mbstring provides is transparent overloading of
  of the common string manipulation functions.  This means that at least
  a subset of applications, even though they may not have been written
  multibyte support in mind, they may in fact work perfectly in a
  environment with mbstring enabled and overloading turned on.

 Overloading is evil, because functions like substr() are often
 used to splice a certain length of octets byte-wise while mb_substr()
 treats the sequence of octets on a character-basis. And overloading
 cannot be turned on in scripts, this prevents us from writing portable
 scripts. There're virtually no cleaner way to do the tasks elegantly.

I have to agree. While in the past it helped mb users to turn on overloading
if they wanted to use our framework, it will now break it. This is because
we now explicitely use the str*() function for byte-wise string
manipulation and their mb_*() equivalents for character-wise manipulation.
This is the only way to predict the results, the magic that is done by
overloading or transparent charset conversion is not suitable for real
production environments.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Regarding the latest patch on fgetcsv() (stable branch)

2003-12-13 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Derick Rethans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Moriyoshi Koizumi wrote:

  Overloading is evil, because functions like substr() are often
  used to splice a certain length of octets byte-wise while mb_substr()
  treats the sequence of octets on a character-basis. And overloading
  cannot be turned on in scripts, this prevents us from writing portable
  scripts. There're virtually no cleaner way to do the tasks elegantly.

 I also think overloading is evil, w've seen before what the problems can
 be because of difference between an overloaded and a non-overloaded
 version. It is however perfectly possible to tune this behavior in the
 php.ini file; not sure if we want that though.

I guess it depends on your pov. If you want to write portable scripts,
relying on overloading or even special php.ini tuning is a nightmare.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Regarding the latest patch on fgetcsv() (stable branch)

2003-12-13 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Jan Schneider wrote:
  I have to agree. While in the past it helped mb users to turn on
  if they wanted to use our framework, it will now break it. This is
  we now explicitely use the str*() function for byte-wise string
  manipulation and their mb_*() equivalents for character-wise
  This is the only way to predict the results, the magic that is done by
  overloading or transparent charset conversion is not suitable for real
  production environments.

 Using str*() functions for octet manipulation is fundamentally wrong.
 str*() functions by definition work on character boundaries.  If we need
 to operate on byte boundaries we need to introduce a set of mem*()

Maybe. Due to PHP lacking byte stream functions, working with str* is the
only solution atm.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Regarding the latest patch on fgetcsv() (stable branch)

2003-12-13 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Jan Schneider wrote:
  Maybe. Due to PHP lacking byte stream functions, working with str* is
  only solution atm.

 And my contention is that there is no way to do this right now.  If you
 rely on a str*() function to do this your application is broken since you
 cannot reasonably expect a character to always be 8 bits wide.

With the current implemention and assuming that mbstring overloading is
turned off, I can. This not documentated, but I'd still consider a change
of this behaviour an huge bc break.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Regarding the latest patch on fgetcsv() (stable branch)

2003-12-12 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Ilia Alshanetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On December 12, 2003 05:38 pm, Moriyoshi Koizumi wrote:
  And I don't think fgetcsv() is an exception, since htmlentities() can
  be referred to as an example that is placed in core and
  supports multibyte strings. As I mentioned, purging that kind of
  functionality into the mbstring extension doesn't solve the problem
  in practice by any means.

 htmlentities() is a rather special function it handles not only multibyte
 a whole lot of diffrent  unusual things. I do not think you can fairly
 compare it to fgetcsv(). We have a multibyte extension for people who
 that functionality, why force it on everyone else?

   2) IMO speed is not a key factor here. People rather wants
   trust-worthy behaviour.
   When it's a few percent and the changes offer significant
   but when were are talking about a performance loss of 250-300% or
   performance must become a consideration as well.
  If there are virtually no ways to improve it, it'd be natural to me
  we dismiss the issue.

 Why does a vast majority of users have to endure degredation in
 for functionality that are needed by a few? It's as simple as that. Same
 argument applies to basename().

Just a general note on this discussion becoming sort of a meta-topic:
From a PHP developers POV, complete charset support should be a key
technology for ZE and the standard extensions, as is now XML for PHP5 as a
whole. While the comparison might be a bit strange, it even reminds on the
relation of these two: The standard encoding for XML data is a multibyte

But the real problem is, that it's *really* hard for developers outside of
the multibyte world to understand the ins and outs of these charsets and
how to handle them correctly. It was a PITA to make the whole Horde
framework charset independent without knowing anything on mb charsets and
their support in php.
I did this due to popular demand, because there are a *lot* of people
using/needing mb charsets. It would be great if others developers wouldn't
have to take this steep road, because php would support these out of the

While writing this message, Rasmus got my point in fewer words. ;-)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Compatibility problems with PHP 5

2003-11-27 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Andi Gutmans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi guys,

 Now that we're at a very advanced stage and the code freeze is coming up,
 think it'd be a good idea to start running some PHP 4 applications on PHP
 and see how easy things go. I'm sure we'll bump into some issues and many
 of them might be solvable (using the already existing compatibility mode
 for object cloning or by other means).

 If anyone here has time or has already tried running some popular PHP
 packages such as php-nuke, phpbb, phpmyadmin and so on, I'd love to hear
 about your experience and especially the problems.

Horde et al suffered from new reserved words, the known
return-non-variables-by-reference-problem, the changed array_merge()
behaviour/notification and not working on-the-fly-generation of stdClass
objects. It's not that much of a problem for us as we will release new
major versions near to the PHP 5 release, that will be tested with PHP


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Compatibility problems with PHP 5

2003-11-27 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Edin Kadribasic [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Thursday 27 November 2003 11:47, Jan Schneider wrote:
  behaviour/notification and not working on-the-fly-generation of
  objects. It's not that much of a problem for us as we will release new

 What exactly is the problem with stdClass? We have a lot of code overhere
 rely on stdClass behaiving as it did in php4.

Actually I'm not sure if this problem still exists, but I found that
checking our commits related to ZE2 fixes.

Creating objects on the fly didn't work or at least raised a warning/error.
I changed code like:

$not_existing_object-foo = bar;


$not_existing_object = new stdClass();
$not_existing_object-foo = bar;


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2003-10-30 Thread Jan Schneider
... has not yet been reset to -dev in


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Re: [PHP-DEV] header() behaviour

2003-10-28 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Tal Peer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Gareth Ardron wrote:

  I can't figure out if this is desired or not, if it's not, I'll happily
  draft up a patch to alter the behaviour - I just want to make sure
  before I do.

 Why should header() start parsing its argument? its only job is to add
 argument to the HTTP headers, nothing more, nothing less.
 It's the browser job to parse the amp; entity into the character ''.

Beside that, HTTP headers have nothing to do with XHTML, so this behaviour
is absolutely correct.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Fwd: Re: #25494 [Com]: array_merge allowing false as argument (silent when non-array is passed)

2003-10-08 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Ilia Alshanetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On October 7, 2003 08:45 pm, Jan Schneider wrote:
  I never said that the current behaviour is in any way consistent. But
  behaviour the more logical one is, is debateable. Many languages
  context dependant implicit casting, and PHP even says so explicitely in
  manual. Why should this now be incorrect, not logical or not proper?

 Incosistent behaviour is a problem, whether it is a serious problem or a
 trivial one depends on a situation, however it does not change the fact
 it is

Agreed. But we are talking about PHP, not a nice, clean programming
language. While PHP is indeed nice, it was never and still isn't very
clean, for historical reasons. To make it cleaner and fix inconsistencies
is a great goal if done in a new major or a single dot version. PHP 5 would
be a good possibility for such changes but even then have many suggestions
been dropped for bc reasons.

 a problem. IMO when a function expects an array it should error out when
 argument it recieves is not array, with a possible exception of object's
 in ZE1 are nearly identical to arrays. Further more there is already an
 fairly large number of functions of a similar function that operate in a
 similar manner. It only makes sense to fix the one or two that do not.

Heck, we are talking about a *bugfix* release. May I quote you're own
announce message? This release candidate contains only bug fixes, so it
should be quite stable. What bug is this change to fix? There is no bug,
only a inconsistency that worked perfectly for ages. And while it may be
stable is makes existing apps instable.

I can't believe we have to argue about this. You are going to break (or at
least annoy user of) at least two of the biggest and mostly used PHP
projects that happen to have E_ALL enabled by default. Will *you*
personally subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and [EMAIL PROTECTED] and answer every single soul complaining why after
upgrading to a bugfix release of PHP they are now flooded by PHP notices of
code that worked flawlessly for months?

You argue that this already is an E_WARNING in PHP 5 and making it an
E_NOTICE in 4.3.4 would teach the users (will it? it will only teach
developers) to fix unlogical code. You shouldn't call it a bugfix release
then but an educational release. Or call it a pre-release version of PHP
5 to show users what will be completely broken if they upgrade to PHP 5.

So can now someone *please* revert this in the PHP_4_3 branch, or start a
voting about this, but let us stop this needless discussion.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Fwd: Re: #25494 [Com]: array_merge allowing false as argument (silent when non-array is passed)

2003-10-07 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Jay Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Most of the other array functions are more stringent -- they don't throw
 E_NOTICEs, they throw E_WARNINGs. array_intersect(), array_diff() and
 array_sum() being the ones that I can think of offhand.

This might be true, but the str_* functions for example don't throw anything
at all if you pass them a NULL. So we're inconsistent no matter what we do,
it's a bogus argument.

The point is that the behaviour changes in a minor release an that is A Bad
Thing IMO. I'm selfish admittedly, but Horde's default configuration is to
report E_ALL and we are indeed writing E_NOTICE-safe code. In the end we
will be flooded with complaints on error messages from code that worked
flawlessly for months or even years and still does, just because people
upgraded to a *bug fix* PHP release.

I'm fine with this notice to be added to the PHP_4 and HEAD branch, but
PHP_4_3 is the wrong place.

 Jan Schneider wrote:

  Zitat von Jani Taskinen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Passing array_merge*() anything else but arrays is undocumented.
  These functions were meant to be used on arrays and this change
  (very, VERY minor change, if I may say so) just fixes this.
  The only case I really care about are NULLs being passed to that
  And we don't throw E_NOTICEs if using NULLs with any type specific
  function AFAIK.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Fwd: Re: #25494 [Com]: array_merge allowing false as argument (silent when non-array is passed)

2003-10-07 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Ilia Alshanetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   $a = null;

 Majority (if not all) array function, will error out when they encounter
 variable that is not array when an array argument is expected. If
 this patch add consistency that helps to make code clearer. Heck, Is
 a far number of people will be able to find bugs in their code because
 will now be warned that a function is getting a string/null/etc...
 silently accepting any argument.

I never said that the current behaviour is in any way consistent. But which
behaviour the more logical one is, is debateable. Many languages support
context dependant implicit casting, and PHP even says so explicitely in the
manual. Why should this now be incorrect, not logical or not proper?

You can safely argue the opposite, namely that no array function should
raise a warning but instead cast the value to an array.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Fwd: Re: #25494 [Com]: array_merge allowing false as argument (silent when non-array is passed)

2003-10-06 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Jani Taskinen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Passing array_merge*() anything else but arrays is undocumented.
 These functions were meant to be used on arrays and this change
 (very, VERY minor change, if I may say so) just fixes this.

The only case I really care about are NULLs being passed to that function.
And we don't throw E_NOTICEs if using NULLs with any type specific function


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Fwd: Re: #25494 [Com]: array_merge allowing false as argument (silent when non-array is passed)

2003-09-27 Thread Jan Schneider
I *love* it when threads silently die. ;-)

Will this problem actually adressed by anyone or will we again have to
release new versions of our software just because a minor PHP came out or
deal with a huge amount of user complaints?

Zitat von Jan Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Zitat von Jay Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Jan Schneider wrote:
   I generally agree (this is the purpose of E_NOTICE after all), but
   is a subtle difference between what has been fixed and what is broken
   Passing NULLs to array_merge didn't lead to the borked arrays that
   been fixed by this patch.
  How are the arrays borked? The patch doesn't touch, skip or otherwise
  anything to any of the parameters, it just does a type check. Am I
  something here? (Which is quite possible...)

 Ah, well, I misread the original bug report. With borked I meant that
 array_merge(false, array(foo = bar)) resulted in array(0 = false,
 foo = bar). I though this was changed by the patch.

 Anyway, array_merge(array(foo = bar), null) was never producing such
 array and should thus not result in an E_NOTICE.


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[PHP-DEV] Fwd: Re: #25494 [Com]: array_merge allowing false as argument (silent when non-array is passed)

2003-09-23 Thread Jan Schneider

the recent change to array_merge that now checks for IS_ARRAY breaks BC IMO.
At least I know get a lot of E_NOTICEs everywhere.

On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, jan at horde dot org wrote:

 ID:   25494
 Comment by:   jan at horde dot org
 Reported By:  enygma at phpdeveloper dot org
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Arrays related
 Operating System: Any
 PHP Version:  4.3.2
 New Comment:

This fix also breaks BC in the way that previously allowed (and
working) NULLs being passed as arguments, now produce an unnecessary


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Fwd: Re: #25494 [Com]: array_merge allowing false as argument (silent when non-array is passed)

2003-09-23 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Ilia Alshanetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 In my opinion the change is fine, given the current state of affairs a
 transitional release between 4.3  5.0 does not seem likely. Therefor it
 would only seem logical to give people a fair warning (E_NOTICE) that the
 (wrong) behavior they are relying upon is not going work/last forever.
 Otherwise, without a word of warning working code will suddenly become
 code once they upgrade.

But they would expect their code to (potentially) break if they upgrade to
PHP 5.0. And it actually will, despite the efforts to make 5.0 as BC as

 Most people have their error reporting set to E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE (do not
 notices) so it won't affect them anyway. Even then, the behavior itself
 implies a failure in some code, since an non-array value is passed to a
 function expecting an array. I venture it would help a number of people
 errors in their code that before were nigh impossible to find and/or

I generally agree (this is the purpose of E_NOTICE after all), but there is
a subtle difference between what has been fixed and what is broken now.
Passing NULLs to array_merge didn't lead to the borked arrays that have
been fixed by this patch.

 And yes PHP is typeless, but all of the code using new argument parsing
 functions will most definitely reject strings passed to functions
 arrays and vice versa. I see this situations as not being any different.

Does this apply to NULL values too?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Incorrect locale support for decimal_point

2003-09-03 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von David Guerrero [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I opened Bug #25246 some days ago. The bug was closed as bogus by

 I think that this issue (locale numeric settings) is not correctly
 addressed in the php core. And i would like to open a discussion about
 it, because i think is a very important one.

 As stated in the bug report, this breaks backward compatibility with 4.2
 and older releases. I think that an innapropiate patch broke this in the
 end of 2002.

 The question is that databases returns float values with , or .
 based in its own locale (good locale behavior). I can't understand why
 php could not work with these settings as usual. Why the new reset the
 locale setting is better?

 There is not a workaround solution for applications manipulating those
 values (maybe an database function returning floats always with .).

 Please, consider this as a genuine bug as this could make a lot of
 people outside the US, to stick with older versions of PHP.

100% agreed, I already tried to put that on the agenda again, without luck:


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Re: [PHP-DEV] php5 interfaces...

2003-07-15 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Marcus BXrger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello Tony,

 Friday, July 11, 2003, 9:39:55 PM, you wrote:

 TB In PHP5 I noticed this behaviou with interfaces.  If I have an
 TB with a method that takes no paramaters, an implementing class for
 TB interfaces can have the same method take that right?
 TB For example:

 TB interface foo {
 TB public function myFunction();
 TB }

 TB class foobar implements foo {
 TBpublic function myFunction($someText)
 TB   {
 TB   echo $someText;
 TB }

 TB $myObj = new foobar();
 $myObj-myFunction('Testing, 1, 2, 3');

 TB This code works.  To me it should flag an error or, at least a
 TB no?  I can see the flexibility of allowing this as it provides a
 TB form of overloading but I want to make sure this behaves as intended
 TB before I make use of this feature/bug.

 TB --Tony

 PHP is a wek typed languagei see your point but we are not strict

What does this have to do with typed languages? Interfaces are not types of
method implementations or some such.

There's also a warning if you call a function/method with too few or too
much arguments, that seems much more similar to this case for me.


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2003-07-09 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Edin Kadribasic [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 EK You need to check out -r PHP_4_3 as ze1 does not exist in head.

 How do I check out -r PHP_4_3 on website?

 Sorry I didn't realise you were talking about web interface to the

 I have no idea how to view branches in Chora.

Click on View branches ;-)


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2003-07-09 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Stanislav Malyshev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 JS Click on View branches ;-)

 I'm sorry I see no view branches on
 you please help me with URL?

You can only see branches in the file view, not in the directory view,
because directories can't be branched.

If you're just missing some files that still exist in one branch but were
removed from HEAD, click on Show deleted.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] protected interface methods

2003-07-03 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Moriyoshi Koizumi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcus Brger) wrote:

  Hello internals,
  It is of course correct that an interface method cannot be declared
  but i think it should be possible to declare it protected.

 I don't see the benefit to allow interfaces to have protected methods as
 use abstracts for that purpose. What's your point?

Agreed. As the name implies interfaces define interfaces to the outside
not to extending classes.


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[PHP-DEV] make test doesn't work on PHP_4_3

2003-07-02 Thread Jan Schneider
/bin/sh: line 1: /home/jan/software/php43/: is a directory
make: *** [test] Fehler 126

This is how the Makefile part looks like:

test: $(SAPI_CLI_PATH)
 TEST_PHP_SRCDIR=$(top_srcdir) \
 CC=$(CC) \
$(top_builddir)/$(SAPI_CLI_PATH) -d 'open_basedir='
-d 'safe_mode=0' -d 'output_buffering=0' $(top_srcdir)/run-tests.php


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2003-06-28 Thread Jan Schneider
Zitat von Sterling Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Source distro ::

 Win32 binaries ::

 Download, compile, test.

Just something that doesn't have something to do with the pre-beta, but this
HEAD generally: I think the register globals warning can safely be removed
from the configure script now.

Btw, compiles and tests fine.


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[PHP-DEV] Compile error with LDAP extension

2003-06-11 Thread Jan Schneider
Current HEAD:

/home/jan/software/php5/ext/ldap/ldap.c: In function `_php_sasl_interact':
/home/jan/software/php5/ext/ldap/ldap.c:474: error: `sasl_interact_t'
undeclared (first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php5/ext/ldap/ldap.c:474: error: (Each undeclared
identifier is reported only once
/home/jan/software/php5/ext/ldap/ldap.c:474: error: for each function it
appears in.)
/home/jan/software/php5/ext/ldap/ldap.c:474: error: `interact' undeclared
(first use in this function)
/home/jan/software/php5/ext/ldap/ldap.c:476: error: `SASL_CB_LIST_END'
undeclared (first use in this function)
make: *** [ext/ldap/ldap.lo] Fehler 1


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Re: [PHP-DEV] magic_quotes_sybase and php_stripslashes

2003-03-31 Thread Jan Schneider
Quoting Jani Taskinen [EMAIL PROTECTED]: magic_quotes_sybase ini setting affects how stripslashes()
 function works too? Pretty high WTF factor there. It should be
 an additional option for php_stripslashes() that is passed where

As long as it affects addslashes() it should also affect stripslashes(). The
WTF factor would be even higher else.

 On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Sander Roobol wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 03:45:13PM +0200, moshe doron wrote:
  could some1 explain the first if here (php_stripslashes:cybase mode)
  that have nothing with slashes but with quotes?
 Sybase escapes ' with '' and NUL with \0 so we needed a special
 version of php_stripslashes().
  could this if be removed safely?


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[PHP-DEV] ZE2 race condition

2003-03-25 Thread Jan Schneider
Running the following code:

class Foo {
  var $bar_ref;

class Bar {
  var $foo_ref;

$foo = new Foo();
$bar = new Bar();
$foo-bar_ref = $bar;
$bar-foo_ref = $foo;


$s = serialize($foo);
$s = serialize($bar);

in PHP_4_3 results to:

object(foo)(1) {
  object(bar)(1) {
object(bar)(1) {
  object(foo)(1) {
object(bar)(1) {
string(58) O:3:foo:1:{s:7:bar_ref;O:3:bar:1:{s:7:foo_ref;N;}}

in HEAD:

object(foo)#1 (1) {
  object(bar)#2 (1) {
object(foo)#1 (1) {
  object(bar)#2 (1) {
object(bar)#2 (1) {
  object(foo)#1 (1) {
object(bar)#2 (1) {
  object(foo)#1 (1) {

and a segfault (apache 1 sapi) or a runaway process (cli sapi).


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[PHP-DEV] Fields of extended class not instatiated

2003-03-22 Thread Jan Schneider
This code run in current code (HEAD):

class Foo {
  var $arr = array();
class FooX extends Foo {
  function bar()

$foo = new FooX();

produces NULL as the output. I guess this is not the intended behaviour? 


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