Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Typed Properties

2018-07-12 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Well... it's not being voted on because, despite being six days till
> the originally planned feature freeze date, neither sponsor has opened
> a vote.

And I think it's a good thing. Both for selfish reasons (I haven't
actually have the time to read the proposal and the mail thread
properly yet, though I might be able to get to it next week) and for
procedural reasons - we're already in release process, we shouldn't be
voting on one of the biggest features in years this late. For me it
just doesn't feel right.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC Proposal] var keyword deprecation/removal

2016-02-18 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Although it is true that an upgrade from PHP 7 to 8 will involve more
> work, it is not true that it does not hurt anyone. This is a well
> known problem in design:
> sign-decisions/

This is all generic advice which is nice and well if we would be
designing language anew. As it is, we are not - we already have lots of
code using var. For code not using var, removing var does not do
anything. For code using var, removing var means no upgrade. It is
unnecessary breakage for the sake of feeling that we follow the advice
somebody put on the website. That feeling is not worth very real work
that people would have to do to achieve what they already have now.

> - "What is the difference between *implode* and *join*?"

Yes, PHP has aliases. Nothing wrong with that, provided you bother to
look in the manual once, and then you are enlightened forever.

> It confuses users and wastes their time.

It only wastes their time if they don't read the manual but instead chat
on Stackoverflow :) Which I have nothing against,
Stas Malyshev

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] [Draft] Adopt Code of Conduct

2016-01-05 Thread Stas Malyshev

> > own custom one, there are two reasons for this. First, it's a standard
> > that's been adopted by a number of significant scale projects. Second,
> I completely disagree that Contributor Covenant's text is any kind of
> "standard". I've seen a number of CoCs, and it's not the worst (though
> their homepage is... meh) but also not the best, and certainly not only.

Here are couple more:

I think all those have several common threads:
- more space spent on good conduct than bad conduct
- advice on how to resolve conflicts without escalation
- clear guidelines for reporting problems
- specific one for the project, not a prefabricated copy

Comparing this one to the Covenant one, I clearly think any of those
examples is superior. Is reflects specific project, is helpful, is
positive, and looks like is is written by actual people, not copied
from somewhere because we need to have something.

I think that if we think having CoC is important, then we should have
one that is actually helpful and positive, and not a cookie-cutter
one. And if it's not important enough for us to spend some time on
formulating it, then maybe we don't need it that much? :)

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Serializing exceptions

2015-07-27 Thread Stas Malyshev

Looking into some issue, I've discovered that, to my surprise,
> Exceptions are serializable. Except that it doesn't always work of
> course (e.g. see because
> exceptions contain backtraces, and those can contain non-serializable
> objects. So in reality, you never know if you can serialize it or not.
> So, I wonder - would it be ok to make exceptions not serializable at
> all? I think that would prevent major WTF factor when people try it and
> it randomly fails.

Since discussion on this did not lead to a definite conclusion, but I did
not hear from anybody that they need serialized exceptions, and we keep
getting bug reports about exception serialization and various issues
triggered by it, I propose this change:

Since it is kind of BC break (even though I assume it breaks something that
needed not to be allowed in the first place) I'd like to merge it in 7.0.0.
Please object if you think this should not be done and explain why.
Otherwise I intend to merge it after a suitable wait and after adding
necessary tests/docs.

Stas Malyshev

Re: [PHP-DEV] Safe execution timeout handling

2015-03-11 Thread Stas Malyshev
On Mar 11, 2015 7:01 PM, "Stas Malyshev"  wrote:
> Hi!
> > Instead of throwing zend_error() from signal handler, now we just set
> > EG(vm_interrupt) and EG(timed_out) flags. PHP VM checks EG(vm_interrupt)
> > flag on each JMPx instruction (potential loop iteration) and then throws
> JMPs are not the only operations that can transfer control and thus
> potentially form a loop.

Oops, please ignore this, it was a draft sent accidentally.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Safe execution timeout handling

2015-03-11 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Instead of throwing zend_error() from signal handler, now we just set
> EG(vm_interrupt) and EG(timed_out) flags. PHP VM checks EG(vm_interrupt)
> flag on each JMPx instruction (potential loop iteration) and then throws

JMPs are not the only operations that can transfer control and thus
potentially form a loop.

> Unfortunately this approach doesn't support interruption of long-running
> internal functions yet. It should be extended in some way. May be
> additional timeout.

Doing additional setjmp when entering internal function probably would
be too expensive. So the question is how to get out of the bad function
without incurring per-function overhead... Not sure how to do it.

Stas Malyshev

Re: [PHP-DEV] Using Other Channels (was Scalar Type Declarations v0.5)

2015-02-19 Thread Stas Malyshev

> So rather than go for the 70-75% consensus that we **know** we have,

How we magically know that? We have the (unfinished) vote, which has a
tiny bit over 66% for the proposal. Where 75% comes from?

> I created a forked RFC. You can keep her as lead all you want, that
> doesn't mean I can't move forward with my RFC.

I think it would really be better to have a lot less "us vs them" and a
bit more cooperative spirit here.

> That's fine. Let's let the votes decide rather than relying on

And cooperation means a bit more than "we've got 66% so we don't care
about anything else".

> Saying a problem doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.

Except if it really doesn't exist, so there's nothing to go away :)

Stas Malyshev

[PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-CVS] com php-src: Fix tests I broke with the E_ERROR > E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR change: tests/output/ob_010.phpt tests/output/ob_011.phpt tests/output/ob_start_error_005.phpt

2014-12-29 Thread Stas Malyshev

On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Kalle Sommer Nielsen 

> Commit:334b9718d578caa9f4c6d3c2f7e2fb9b65696dc3
> Author:Kalle Sommer Nielsen  Mon, 29 Dec 2014
> 07:54:44 +0100
> Parents:   3bd96e0735f45359bc3cff2981acbd34c60770c9
> Branches:  master
> Link:
> Log:
> Fix tests I broke with the E_ERROR > E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR change

The CI tests still seem to be failing:

SPL: spl_autoload() and friends [ext/spl/tests/spl_autoload_001.phpt]
SPL: spl_autoload() with methods [ext/spl/tests/spl_autoload_005.phpt]
SPL: spl_autoload() with inaccessible methods
SPL: spl_autoload() with exceptions [ext/spl/tests/spl_autoload_008.phpt]

Please take a look.

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-11-20 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Please refer to CWE/SANS TOP 25, Monster Mitigation especially.
> and ISO 27000. (I cannot provide link to it, since one should buy the
> document to read)

Could you please be more specific about how this relevant to this
specific case? "But an ISO standard and read it whole" is not exactly a
good argument discussing specific issue.

> Programmer should control over all inputs as the most important security
> measure.
> There are two strategies in general.
> - Convert inputs to secure values and ignore possible attacks.
> (Sanitization)
> - Validate inputs to reject malformed values and record possible
> attacks. (Validation and logging)

Thank you, I am aware of what sanitizing and validating input is.

> to_int can be used as validation. It has advantage to record possible
> attack (or bug). Logging is
> one of important security feature. Therefore, validation could be said
> more secure than sanitization.

This is just your personal opinion. Logging is not a security feature,
and if it were, it could be established independently, and should be
anyway since to_* log nothing. So claiming to_* is a security feature is
just wrong - it's like saying fopen() is a security feature because you
could use it to open a log file to which you'd write security-relevant

> Which strategy to adopt is that depends on organization/application
> policy. Public web sites may ignore

This is right. So your claim that one is more secure than the other is
not correct.
Stas Malyshev

Re: [PHP-DEV] forbid use declaration outside of a namespace in PHP 7

2014-11-11 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I don’t like the sound of changing the spec before the implementation.

I agree - whatever are our considerations and limitations on what we can
and can not do in PHP 7, the spec should reflect what is there.
Otherwise we end up releasing an implementation that does not match our
own spec, that'd be embarrassing.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New Standardized HTTP Interface

2014-11-07 Thread Stas Malyshev

> makes user land code more readily equipped to enable the user to do that
> handling. In the same way that it does for POST. This creates some more

Well, for POST PHP actually parses the data - url encoding, form
encoding, files, etc. - and puts it into the data structure. For generic
REST case, it'd be harder to do the same because there are too many
options of how the data could arrive.

> For this to be possible in a more generic sense this would mean that PHP
> only relies on the Content-encoding and Content-type headers to
> determine how to decode the payload and parse its contents into super
> global variables such as $_POST and $_FILES. This is currently what
> PHP's SAPI implementation already does. The changes required to make

Currently, it supports only basic form encodings. But if we get into
handling all application types, it's a huge can of worms to have in core.

> If the Content-type is applicatoin/json, for example, instead of the
> normal application/x-www-form-urlencoded, PHP would simply parse the
> enclosed entity body as JSON rather than urldecode it. If the

That's not as easy as you think. Even JSON can have different encodings,
be parsed in different way (json_decode right now has three options, and
could have more in the future) an so on. But that's only JSON - why
would then we single out JSON and not support XML or YAML or iCalendar
or any other 1001 formats?

> multipart/form-data MIME in the same way that post does, so encoding
> can't vary. If the Content-type header is application/binary, for
> example, we can simply make the file available in $_FILES or just leave

There's no application/binary in standard MIME, ITYM
application/octet-stream, but files do not have to be octet-stream, they
can be of any type. And when you get the data, you in general don't know
if it is meant to be a file or field or something else - that's on the
app to decide. In the specific multipart/form-data case, we have
content-disposition which tells us it was a file upload, but if it's not
that format, all bets are off. In fact, nothing prevents a client from
sending a file contents but the server treating it as a regular data field.

> Here, I'm just proposing that PHP take on the addition of PUT handling
> in a similar fashion that it does for POST, but only in the even that

The problem is that while POST is used for forms (not only, but
frequenly especially in webform context), PUT can be used for anything.
We could of course make the core to identify PUT with
mulitpart/form-data and parse it in the POST manner, I don't see any
technical reason preventing that, but I think if you're already doing
generic REST, then you'd be better served by generic parsing library (or
a set of them) than by selecting one use case. I could be wrong of
course, if PUT+mulitpart/form-data is a frequent use case and I just am
not aware of it, then it makes sense to make RFC to add handling of it.
So the question here is how common is the case of PUT+mulitpart/form-data?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New Standardized HTTP Interface

2014-11-06 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Again, I think you're oversimplifying the problem. For one, you don't know
> that the payload is JSON unless you check the Content-type header yourself,
> and you really shouldn't have to since PHP could easily do this for you.

Sure, PHP could easily do this, or any other one specific use case for
you. What it can't do, however, is to do all 1000 use cases that modern
REST application presents, automatically for you. What if you use XML
and not JSON? What if you use both and determine which one it is by
request URL suffix being .xml or .json? What if it instead is switched
by query parameter? What if also it can be compressed, encrypted and
wrapped in some MIME multipart message? Having all these complications
handled in the core of PHP would be extremely hard, not because each of
them is hard, but because there can be so many of them. And you'd run a
big change of PHP still not matching your specific case exactly, or
being behind times, because core can not evolve as quickly as userland
does. That's why it's better done in extensions or user space - unless
you can identify a case which covers a huge proportion of all cases -
just like forms are for POST. For generic REST, I'm not sure there's
such case, except for very generic API giving access to the basic
request, its fields and supporting basic URL/MIME parsing.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Thresholds of backwards compatibility breaks

2014-11-06 Thread Stas Malyshev

> - major BC break: major versions only. 5 major BC breaks allowed per major
> version.

I'm not sure how such numbers make sense. Why 5 and not 3 or 7 or 17? If
that breaks your code, even one is too much. If your code is not
affected, why would you care if it's 5 or 15 or 150? I'm afraid this
would just devolve into semantics discussion and arguments about how to
count them and why it can be 5 but not 6. I don't see any reason to put
any numeric value on it.

> - minor BC break:
>   - minor versions: 5 minor BC breaks allowed.
>   - patch versions: 1 BC break allowed.

Patch & minors should not have BC breaks, excepting bugfixes where it is
inevitable. Of course, it is an ideal situation, and in practice we may
miss stuff, or we may not have a choice, or we may prefer BC break to
the alternative. But again I don't see how putting a number on it helps
something. If we have two cases where we must have BC break and not one
- and we absolutely sure we have no better choice and that's what we
have to do - how having arbitrary limit of 1 would help?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allow arbitrary expressions when using instanceof operator

2014-11-06 Thread Stas Malyshev

> This is exactly what I'm doing right now, requiring the expression to
> always be enclosed in parenthesis. I think it's way better to be able to
> do this instead of creating temporary variables just to assign a class

Why? What's so bad in variables? It doesn't cost that much and makes you
code clearer.

> name. Also, is_a, since it's a function, is significantly slower than
> instanceof, which is a construct (but of course you already now that).

I find it very hard to accept this particular argument. First, if your
code significantly depends on the speed of instanceof, you probably have
some very uncommon code that does some very uncommon things. For such
code, changing syntax of PHP may be not the best idea. Secondly, if we
discover that the speed of is_a is a common problem, we can treat it -
i.e. by converting it to opcode, etc. - but in general the argument
"function calls are too slow in PHP so we should have duplicates for
them" sounds wrong. They are not *that* slow and in most cases it's
completely fine to use functions. If your particular code is so
performance-sensitive that the speed of instanceof really matters so
much that function call is not acceptable, maybe it's time for a little
C extension?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allow arbitrary expressions when using instanceof operator

2014-11-06 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Also one thing not mentioned in the initial letter - this will also allow  
> you to use expressions for new operator in the same way: `new  
> (str_replace('/', '\\', $classPath))()` - just an example.

OK, if we apply it consistently - i.e. say anywhere that we allow
literal or ${variable-like expression} we also allow (generic
expression) - then it would probably work. I'm still not sure I like it
too much - for instance, if I saw something like the example above in
the code review, I'd ask to rewrite it with a variable, since it's
unreadable and all too easy to make a mistake. Variables are not that
bad, and not everything needs to be a one-liner.

> I would say that it's just not logical to have some operator that can  
> accept dynamic (runtime-defined) value but not an expression.

Right now, many constructs do exactly that - they accept literal or
variable (with some stretching of what "variable" is, esp. with uniform
syntax RFC which allows to stuff quite a lot in a variable) but not
generic expression. However, the same uniform variable RFC allows many
operations now to accept expressions via (expression) syntax, so maybe
we can expand on that further and allow this in any context where
literal+variable previously were accepted. I.e. now FOO() accepts FOO
being (expression) but new FOO() does not, which does seem a bit
inconsistent. So maybe it can be done. I'm still not sure personally
doing this is a good thing - it is too easy to make code completely
incomprehensible with this - but maybe I'm wrong here.

I think it may be worth asking Nikita Popov if if it's be feasible to
extend his RFC to these cases.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allow arbitrary expressions when using instanceof operator

2014-11-06 Thread Stas Malyshev

> What I want to implement is the ability to allow arbitrary expressions on
> the second operand, so instead of having to write something like this:

I'm afraid there's a problem with this. Arbitrary expressions include
constants, right? So what this means:

var_dump($foo instanceof Bar);

is it checking $foo for being instance of class Bar (that's what is
happening now) or is it taking the value of the constant Bar (whatever
it is) - since constant is an expression - and using it as a class name
and then checking if $foo is an instance of that class?

You could of course require the expression to always be enclosed in (),
but that produces weird syntax where some forms of instanceof work
without () and some only with (). Given that you can easily assign your
value to a variable, is it worth it?

Also, you can always use is_a($foo, $bar->getClassName()).
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][Vote] Return Types

2014-11-05 Thread Stas Malyshev

> No, classes are not loaded for type checks, since it would be pointless
> - if the class is not loaded, you could not have a value of that type,
> so if the class is not present, the answer is "no".
> It's not true anymore, with this proposal.

This is not good. The base premise of type checks always was if you
don't use them, they are basically free - you don't load the classes,
you don't do any work, until you actually need them, and by then your
class is supposed to be already loaded, so again it's not costly. But if
just declaring a type could trigger loading of code, this may
significantly increase the footprint and loading time for classes that
have many options but only use some of them at the time.
Also, it is kind of weird that arguments require exact match but return
types do not. Not that we care for consistency anymore...
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][Vote] Return Types

2014-11-05 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Do we always load the class in the hint? We could perhaps only do it
> for inheritance checks?

No, classes are not loaded for type checks, since it would be pointless
- if the class is not loaded, you could not have a value of that type,
so if the class is not present, the answer is "no".

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> C++11 adds suffixed types for returns despite having prefixed types
> for everything else, including previous return types.

C++ does it for entirely different reasons, related to scoping, and it
still has "auto" type at the beginning. In any case, I'd be very vary
taking late C++ hacks as a guide for syntax, as advanced C++ syntax is
not something I would recommend as an example of clarity.

> 3) Claiming compatibility for things which aren't proposed is meaningless.
> People have already asked for support for static return types; doing

People asked for a lot of things, it doesn't mean it makes sense.
"static" as return type doesn't, since it does not specify any type at
all - it just says "I will return a type that is this class or derived
from this class" - which is the same as saying 'self'. There's no
additional information one can gather from 'static' declaration which is
not in 'self' declaration, and I see no use case to ever use it.

> ` "function"  "(  ")` would
> then be ambiguous. This is not some pie-in-the sky issue.

It's not, it's a non-issue at all, since "static" does not make sense in
that context.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> What arguments do you have in favor of doing ` "function"
>  "(  ")`? So far I haven't heard any

We already using "type before entity" for parameter typing, and it is a
natural way to do it, both from linguistic perspective (in English, we
say "green house", not "house: green") and it is the way used in all
languages that PHP borrowed the concepts from, such as C, C++, Java,
etc. No language I can think of (excepting Hack) does parameters as
  but functions as  :  - they use or
always the former, or always the latter. Making PHP the only language
that uses half that and half this would further add to the reputation of
PHP being inconsistent and haphazard language. If we consistently used
"entity : type", it would be acceptable, though detaching somewhat from
PHP roots. But what is being proposed is to use half this and half that.
And this is not a very good idea, IMHO.

I already wrote all this in previous emails, but for those who
accidentally missed them I don't mind repeating.

>  Other examples not already included are generics and function
signatures as types.

We did not see any proposal for generics or anything else, but as
examples of C++ and Java amply prove, there's no problems working with
generics and having this syntax. In any case, we do not have any
proposals right now and any argument relating to generics whatsoever, so
telling "oh, my proposal is better because generics and other awesome
stuff that maybe will happen but I'm not telling now" is a meaningless
argument, since it does not specify any connection between your proposal
and generics - it only uses a vague dream of having generics in the
future to hint at nonexistent advantage your proposal would provide in
the present.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Except `static function()` and `static function foo()` already have
> meaning, and if we allowed static return types (very possible) that
> would be ambiguous. This syntax is a no-go.

If it is possible, why it's not the part of the RFC? Probably because
there's not much place where it would make sense. So, the only
objections so far have been:

1. Foo function bar() somehow is not greppable
2. It is not clear that Foo function bar() means function
3. We could somehow in some undefined time in the future allow static
there, even though we're designing it right now and we actually *do not*
allow it and see no reason to allow it.
4. People would think in "Foo function bar()" "Foo" is somehow type of
the whole function, not its return value, despite PHP having no concept
of function type at all and no means to express such type and no need to
do so.
5. Using ":" is more consistent, because it's "output type", so it is
not the same as type on parameters.
6. It's inconsistent with "normal function declarations".
7. We discussed it on Stack Overflow, and decided it's not inconsistent.
8. "It is weird".
9. "It is a no go".

Does this really sound convincing argument to anybody? Because it
definitely doesn't to me.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Annotation PHP 7

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Primarily, I do not see docblocks as the right place to store class'
metadata information. Metadata != Comments.

I personally regard this as a kind of superstition. There's nothing
wrong with extending what can be in comments. In fact, Javascript was
officially "HTML comment" for years, and it didn't prevent anybody from
using Javascript. There are instances of significant comments in various
environments. Outright refusing comments can be significant is just
arbitrarily limiting our options for no reason. I don't say it
necessarily the best option, but we should not reject it because "oh
noes, significant comments!". It has been done, and it's nothing
special, just one of the possibilities

> This brings the next piece of the puzzle. We have to update lexical and
> semantical understanding of PHP. Taking Java's approach (@) does not
> work in PHP, because it conflicts with error supression. Same thing

Except for the mental context, how @ conflicts with errors? Suppression
is always in runtime context and applied to expressions, annotations are
always outside of it and apply to declarations. Unless of course you
want to annotate variables and closures, but I'm not sure annotating
expressions is such a good idea anyway.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [VOTE] Filtered unserialize()

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> To clarify: I don't think it makes sense to add an additional security
> option, if we cannot say that unserialize() is to our knowledge *fully*

That's where we disagree. I think security is a spectrum, and you can
make it better. It looks like you think it's binary - either it is
*fully* airtight secure, or there's no point even bothering. I think
there is a point.

> Just looking at your implementation again, it looks like "false" is not
> a special value and you actually accept anything, regardless of type. So

The RFC is not about specific pull, it's about the design. If there are
bugs in the pull, it can be fixed.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> But it’s rather weird for closures:
> $foo = Foo function () {
> };

Not much weirder than:

$foo = static function () { ... }

which we already have. Putting modifiers in front of the function is
nothing foreign to PHP.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [VOTE] Filtered unserialize()

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I'm -1 on this RFC, because I think this only further encourages
> ill-advised usages of unserialize() on user-provided strings. I don't

I guess that's where we disagree. I think that security is a layered
approach (see more here: Some
people think that if somebody deviates from the best practice, however
good are the reasons, there should be no support whatsoever in securing
the alternative approach since it "encourages" departing from best
practices. I think this approach is wrong.

> format allows you to create references. I'd imagine that you can easily
> use this to cause a DOS condition if the code processing the unserialize
> output uses any kind of recursion.

I'm not sure what you mean here. I'm not aware of any way to cause any
recursion or DoS when parsing serialized data, as for user-side data
processing, of course I do not attempt to cure the world and solve the
halting problem, I only give you a tool to filter data. If you store
recursive data structures in your data and process it, this RFC does not
provide recursion protection, we can not do everything in one RFC :)

> Furthermore I dislike some details of the particular implementation: The
> ability to use false as a synonym for [] seems unnecessary. Directly

I could make it produce an error on false, but I don't see what use case
it would help. If you have such use case, please describe it.

> using an extra argument will be inconvenient for future additions, e.g.
> if you really wanted to more this secure, you'd probably also want to
> have options to disable references and to limit the cumulative number of
> array elements (hashdos). I'd prefer using an options array for this.

I sill have hope named parameters happen some time, which would
eliminate the need option arrays. Since right now we have only one
option, I think option array is redundant here.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Because if that function has a return type, e.g.:
> public function Foo bar()
> Then you couldn’t grep for “function bar” because of the Foo.

And that's not what I have proposed. Would anybody actually *read* what
I am proposing? Or reading is optional for discussion now?

> If we used this syntax instead, which wouldn’t disrupt grep:
> public Foo function bar();
> It’d be inconsistent with normal function declarations which would have to 
> have Foo after function.

What's "normal function" and why it would have to have "Foo" after
function? What's wrong with "Foo function bar()"? It reads nicely (at
least in English, where the natural word order is adjective-noun, not
noun-adjective), it does not disrupt any searches, what exactly is wrong
with it?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Annotation PHP 7

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> The approach for annotations that I like best would actually be not
> annotations, but Python-style decorators. They’re very simple, but
> very powerful. They would allow you to do annotations, but also add
> extra functionality to functions.

For python-style decorators, at least the way they work in Python, we'd
need to organize our function tables differently, as Python just
replaces the function with another one while decorating, and I'm not
sure it'd be as easy to do with PHP.

> Which would be equivalent to the following PHP code:
> $myfunc = function myfunc() { # function source code here }; $myfunc
> = some_decorator($myfunc, foo, bar);

Not really, because functions work differently in Python and in PHP. You
can not just replace a function in class's function table with random
closure in PHP, at least easily.
You'd have to convert all such functions to closures (or something that
can be both, maybe) and have the engine be aware that function table now
can store closures. And, also, inheritance may get a bit weird there. It
would be very powerful, but it may not be very simple to do.

Also, it is a major overkill for what annotations are commonly used -
attaching a piece of data to an entity. In Python, decorators are very
powerful for modifying function behavior (i.e., attaching pre/post
conditions to functions or doing some things phpunit does is really
easy) but it is too much for just attaching data.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Annotation PHP 7

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> All projects mentioned in this thread use:
> That makes a pretty good base spec. 
Reading it, it looks pretty big - strictly typed values, named
parameters, default constructors linked to properties, support for enum
types, support for typed arrays, separate constant syntax within
annotations. These are all features not supported in PHP, and it seems a
bit weird to me to have mini-language inside PHP that would support
these. And, of course, arbitrary depth recursive annotations, and for
some reason separate array syntax using {} and not [].
Moreover, there's extensive checking for annotations with exceptions
thrown if any of the above doesn't typecheck - I'm not even sure where
that would fit in PHP parser.

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Re: AW: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> In PHP, input types go on the left and output types go on the right.

What is the "output type"? If I wanted to type a variable - is it input
or output?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: AW: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I thought it was inconsistent, but after discussions on
> StackOverflow, I don't think it actually is.

If you specify the type once as "Foo something" and once as "something:
Foo" then I don't see how there's even a place for discussions that it's

> Return types describe the return type of a function, not the type of
> a function.

Given that in PHP functions do not have types, not being objects of the
language, this seems to be argument invented just to ignore the

Moreover, in languages where functions do have types - e.g. ML for
example - the return of the function is specified in exactly the same
manner as parameter type, and type of the function itself is never
specified explicitly, but if needed, it is referred to with different
syntax (->). See:

Same situation with ActionScript:
both parameters and return type use ":" and nobody thinks that specifies
type of the function - as, again, nobody ever specifies type of the
function as such. In fact, I can remember no language that would specify
type of the function (as opposed to parameters + returns) when declaring
a function, even among languages with first class functions.

> Also, it's worth bearing in mind that `public Foo function` was
> rejected previously.

Many things were rejected previously, but the RFC does not bring any
argument about it and never even mentions it as far as I can see.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: AW: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

>> "public Foo function bar()" would be so much worse than "public function
>> bar() : Foo"
> Because when you grep for "function bar", in future you'd have to know
> the return type too.

Sorry, I do not understand - why to grep for "function bar" you'd have
to know the type? Just grep for "function bar" as you did before.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Annotation PHP 7

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> As I do consider personal tastes important, there are times where we should
> listen to our users.

It would be nice to take "paving the walkways" approach, but last time
we tried, IIRC we've got into something very over-engineered. Maybe if
we try again with more restricted scope (i.e. not trying to put a DSL
for describing arbitrarily complex data structures into it :) it would
be more successful this time.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: AW: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-04 Thread Stas Malyshev

> put types only on the right, or only on the left or mix it. I
> followed the return type RFC and thus know that many people think it
> has to be on the left hand side. Fair enough, I do not have anything
> against such a decision. I also have nothing against putting the type
> on the right hand side. What merely bothers me is that it would be
> another inconsistency in the language design. It's not very intuitive
> for a user if a type hint is once on the right hand side and once on
> the left hand side.

I agree, this is not a very good situation. It would be much better to
take a systematic approach to this, but this is impossible since there
is no systematic approach to strict typing in PHP, just some pieces here
and there. I think this is not right, but obviously many people here
disagree and are happy to have the inconsistent syntax. I don't see why
"public Foo function bar()" would be so much worse than "public function
bar() : Foo"  but for some reason this possibility wasn't even
considered as far as I can see.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHPDBG scope

2014-11-03 Thread Stas Malyshev

> - PHPDBG was originally envisioned as a "gdb" for the Zend VM, with gdb
>   like commands to debug, and step through code.

That was also my impression when the RFC was discussed.
Now, I do not object in principle on growing the scope of phpdbg. But
this needs to be done the right way if it's the core part -
having an RFC that explains what exactly happens and why, getting
consensus, and only then merging.

> Then later, they "documented a way that you could use it to emulate an 
> HTTP request, by setting those superglobals and executing your index.php 
> - your code doesn't know the difference between a real request, and a 
> cli-like script with the same super globals set."

I don't think this as such is a bad idea, I wouldn't mind having such
thing available, I can see use cases where it would be handy.

So I think it would be useful to have some ordered RFC describing where
phpdbg wants to expand to and then we can discuss it and see if we can
arrive at something that would be ok with everybody.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [VOTE] Filtered unserialize()

2014-11-03 Thread Stas Malyshev
> I wonder how often the final parameter will simply be
> get_declared_classes()
That would be quite dangerous as there are a lot of classes in the
extensions, not all of them are your friends. Also, in a big projects,
you don't always know which classes may be currently loaded.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [VOTE] Filtered unserialize()

2014-11-03 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Coming late to the discussion. Was there any discussion to make the
> new argument a callback instead? Pass it the fully-qualified class
> name, have it return true (the class should be loaded) or false (the
> class should not be loaded). Deprecate the `unserialize_callback_func`
> mechanism at the same time.

That was not discussed. It can be made this way, though it would be more
complicated and have more moving parts, but that's not part of the
present RFC.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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[PHP-DEV] [RFC] [VOTE] Filtered unserialize()

2014-11-03 Thread Stas Malyshev

I'd like to put to vote my proposal about the filtered unserialize():

It was discussed a number of times before and I think it is time to have
a decision on it. If you need any clarifications on the proposal, please
do not hesitate to ask.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-03 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Again, an unfair comparison. Hack isn’t intended to be a completely

I'm not sure what you refer to by "fair". Hack is not "intended", but IS
a separate language - just read the manual and you will see, it is a new
language which borrows some syntax from PHP. Just read their own site:

Hack is a programming language for HHVM that interoperates seamlessly
with PHP.

I completely agree with this statement - Hack is a programming language
that is different from PHP but built in a way to interoperate with it.

> separate language. It’s supposed to be an augmented PHP, which is

The fact that you can run (some) PHP code in Hack is a feature of Hack,
the same way as if you craft Perl code I'm sure there is some code that
you can run with minimal modification in PHP. So what?
I'm not sure what you mean by "augmented" - you can claim C++ is an
"augmented assembly language" since you can insert assembly pieces into
C++ code and it would work. But that would make little sense, since C++
goes way beyond and is a separate language. That yes, with some
iterations, borrowed some things (one may say too many if so inclined)
from lower-level languages, but it does not mean it *is* any of those.

> compatible with PHP. PHP code can use Hack code (in HHVM, anyway) and

PHP code can use C, C++, Java or Lua code with suitable extensions. So

> Hack code can use PHP code. Hack is a superset of PHP. There are
> transitional modes, too.

I'm not sure how this is relevant. Hack is a new language and a new
project, with its own design, its own rules, its own governorship, its
own community, its own everything. It's not something that is an
opinion, it's an obvious fact. Trying to present it as if it is some
part of PHP project just makes no sense to me.
Yes, it build on PHP and it is great for many practical and theoretical
reasons. But it does not change the plain fact of Hack being its own
project and its own language. I honestly do not understand why
recognition of this simple fact is such an issue.

> The damage is in fragmentation. Hack threatens to fragment the PHP
> community by making people jump ship to use its added features. While

I don't understand that "jump ship" mentality. In last couple of months,
I have used at least 6 different programming languages (not counting
stuff like config languages, shell scripts, etc.) Did I "jump ship"
every time? If I use PHP, am I somehow married to it and using another
language is somehow becomes "cheating"? Is it the case that once I use
Hack I somehow not allowed to use PHP again because I "jumped ship"?
What is that "jumping" thing?

I say - let people use Hack as much as they want. Let them use PHP as
much as they want. Let them use anything their heart likes as much as
they want. There's absolutely no "damage" or "threat" in that. PHP is
not diminished because somebody is using another language, even if that
language uses dollars before variable names. If PHP is ever diminished,
the only reason would be because PHP is not serving its community needs
well enough anymore. That what we should be thinking about - how to make
PHP better suited for its users, not how to prevent people from using
other languages.

> the whole Hack community can use PHP libraries, only some of the PHP
> community (HHVM users) can use Hack code. The consequences of this
> could be severe.

I do not see any "severe" consequences on that at all. If there are Hack
libraries that are so awesome PHP community wants them, they'll be
ported or interfaced - as happened to number of other libraries.

> I’d rather there are less differences between PHP and Hack so there
> are less reasons to switch. Though I suppose the specific syntax of
> types is probably not a major issue.

If you need Hack, by all means use Hack. There's absolutely no problem
and no threat in this. If you need PHP, use PHP. I think our work here
is to make PHP better, not somehow prevent people from using Hack or
change PHP in a way that would make people less inclined to use Hack.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-03 Thread Stas Malyshev

> This is an unfair comparison. Hack is a compatible superset of PHP,
> much like TypeScript is a compatible superset of JavaScript.

So? PHP once borrowed Perl syntax, and Java syntax, and so on. Hack
borrowed PHP syntax, and that's great. But that doesn't mean what they
do in their own language should constraint what we do in PHP.

> I’d rather there be less divergence between Hack and PHP, to limit
> the damage that it causes to the community.

I don't see any damage to the community. How PHP not matching other
language's syntax does any damage to the community? What kind of damage
and where this damage comes from? Are we damaged because PHP arrays and
Perl arrays have different syntax, despite obvious Perl roots in PHP?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Types on the right or on the left

2014-11-03 Thread Stas Malyshev

> PHP doesn’t need more inconsistency, sure, but we must be practical
> here. It is bad if PHP and Hack have the same feature with different
> syntax, it will cause developer confusion and further segment the
> communities.

Given that Hack is a different language, which was designed AFAIK with
little input from PHP community, I don't see how there would be any
confusion - it's like saying PHP and Perl or PHP and Java having
different syntaxes leads to segmenting the communities. In fact, there
are two different communities - though, of course, people can belong to
both - and two different languages. I do not think Hack syntax should
have much weight in decisions about what syntax to choose in PHP - it's
a different language, even though it has many similarities.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New Standardized HTTP Interface

2014-11-02 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Also, removing $_GET and $_POST is a *massive*
> backwards-compatibility break. I would vote against this proposal and
> I hope everyone else will join me in doing so, for that reason
> alone.

I think removing $_* is a no go and even discussing it is kind of
pointless unless somebody wants to create a completely new language only
barely connected to PHP. Creating a more advanced HTTP API is a good
thing, but I'd look to cooperate with pecl/http on that maybe?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] GitHub Pull Requests Triage Team

2014-11-02 Thread Stas Malyshev

>> I would like to propose the creation of a team to triage the pull requests
>> on GitHub, to help ensure that the pull requests are handled in a timely
>> manner. I am also volunteering to lead such a team, should the RFC be
>> approved.

I've read the proposal, and the idea of labeling the PRs and having
reports looks good. The only thing I would be more careful about is
closing the requests - 2 weeks sounds a bit too aggressive, I'd chose
something like a month. Inactive pull does not consume any resources,
and it's much better to have a pull lie around for some time and be
picked up when somebody has time to look at it than to bury it and lose
a contribution.
Many PRs also get stuck in limbo because they either need some minor
modification that the original author does not provide because he either
lost interest or unaware of the need, or need somebody interested to
push the discussion forward. In the former case, it would be nice for
someone to make the minor change, which is mostly the question of time
investment. In the latter, it's more the question of need - does
somebody need this change enough? Closing such requests would be ok
provided it'd be easy to resurrect them in case somebody gets interested.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] GitHub Pull Requests Triage Team

2014-11-02 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Slightly off-topic, but how about the same thing for and
> patches?

I'd say this would be excellent - somebody contributing time to triage
the bugs on and separating "I made a typo but I'm sure it's
PHP's fault" from "I discovered a major case of broken but nobody knows
about it", giving suitable feedback for the former and raising profile
of the latter on internals - that would be awesome. I think that would
also have more people that have knowledge to fix bugs but only have
limited to spend on them be able to contribute much more efficiently.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] setcookie() minor BC break - fixes issue #67736

2014-11-02 Thread Stas Malyshev

> The behaviour of PHP is ABSOLUTELY in compliance with the RFC 6265.
> Setting two headers may not follow best practice but it is conformant,
> and it is only doing what the users PHP script told it to do.

I think I agree here - we're providing a low level API, and if somebody
uses this API in a manner contrary to best practices, it's on them, but
as long as it is not prohibited by the RFC, we should support this
behavior in case the users have good reasons to do this. Yes, in 99% of
cases it would not be a good reason - that's why it is not the best
practice - but as it is not prohibited, there would be valid 1% of cases
where it is required by the user.

As I see now, the behavior of following user instructions does not break
anything, right? It just allows the user to do something that the RFC
says he SHOULD NOT do. But I don't think this is a priority to enforce
best practices in a low level API, risking breaking BC and causing
trouble. If there's a case for higher level API enforcing the best
practices, fine, HTTP classes (like pecl/http ones) or frameworks can
always handle this.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-30 Thread Stas Malyshev

> My only concern at this point is the default value of the hash. If we
> were to use spl _object_hash, we could be setting a precedence that a
> hash must be unique to each object.

I don't think there should be any default value. Most objects are not
suitable as keys, only some of them are (they must be immutable and have
easily derived identity). So the default is to not allow it for
arbitrary object. The programmer should specially designate the objects
to be suitable for hashing by creating the hash function - and there the
suitable function can be used, spl_object_hash or stringification or
anything else, depending on the actual case.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-30 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Put another way, I think a key question here is:
> class Foo {
>public $bar;
> }
> $a = new Foo;
> $a->bar = 'baz';
> $b = new Foo;
> $b->bar = 'baz';
> $arr[$a] = true;
> $arr[$b] = true;
> Does $arr now contain one value or two?

That depends on the semantics of class Foo. If Foo is something like
UString, then it should contain one value, since UString is a value
object ( - or at least it
should be. However, if Foo represents something having separate identity
- i.e. it's a Person class and 'bar' represents name - then of course it
should contain two values, since the name is not the sole source of
Person's identity. So the decision is on you as a programmer.

And to give you the tool to make this decision and let PHP engine know
about is exactly the point of this RFC.

> If the desire is for it to contain 2, then spl_object_hash($a) already 
> has that covered, I think.
> If the desire is for it to contain 1, then the proposal sounds like a 
> way to normalize Foo::stringifiedValueObjectEquivalent().

You can describe it as such, but in a proper standartized way and with
syntax that allows you to use same syntax constructs on all keys and not
have to check each time if it's a special value and call a special
function on it (same purpose as for __toString).
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: phpdbg situation in PHP-5.6

2014-10-30 Thread Stas Malyshev

> An alternative would be just putting a few #if 0 in code
> (phpdbg_out.c where the outputting of anything is centralized) to
> make XML stuff not usable. Maybe that one is the cleanest and least
> invasive with still allowing us to change the whole XML stuff. And at
> the same time the normal improvements would still go into 5.6.3?

Hot-patching with if-0's is not how things should be done in stable
branch. If the code is not ready for prime time - which is obviously the
case here - it should be developed - and tested! - in the feature
branch. Then merged to master. And only then, after proving working -
wait for it - put to discussion on internals about getting it into
stable branch. Dumping it into a stable branch and hoping "maybe we get
lucky and can get it into the next release" is not how release
management should be done. Stable branch is called "stable" for a reason.
This is not something critical that we have to release ASAP or the world
burns. It's not a security fix. It's not even a critical feature
millions asked for for years and this is the only chance to get it in.
There is absolutely enough time to do it right. So let's do it right.

>> To add for 3.: Issues where with what I really couldn’t think of
>> (separate build dir on Linux…) or the issues with a JSON dep or
>> Windows which I couldn’t test.

And that's exactly the point. It's not your failure. It's nobody's
failure. That's how the software world works - you can not foresee
everything. You have to test. That's why we do not start with merging
into the stable branch a day before the RC. It's not because somebody's
code is particularly bad. It's because the release practices are the
result of experience - if you don't do it, you *will* have trouble about
which you had no way of knowing.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHPDBG nonsense (Was: Re: [PHP-CVS] com php-src: Made phpdbg compatible with new engine: ...)

2014-10-28 Thread Stas Malyshev

> phpdbg is under ; every decision about phpdbg should then be
> debatted with all the team, and new ideas, such as a protocol, RFC'ed,
> whoever are the maintainers of the code. It's like that for every
> piece of code, of every extension. This is PHP process. If you dont
> want to 
Do I understand it right that after all we've being discussing here
about not putting big new stuff into PHP without discussion, we've got
new stuff in phpdbg now merged not only to master but into the stable
branch of 5.6? Am I missing something here?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Serialize filtering

2014-10-27 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Suggestion on improving the API: Why bother with three values?
> If there’s no parameter, use current behaviour. If there’s an array,
> it’s allowed classes. If that array is empty, obviously there are no
> allowed classes.

You are right, empty array probably would do the same thing.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Currently supported versions of PHP

2014-10-27 Thread Stas Malyshev

> It hasn't propagated to all the mirrors yet, but we now have
>, as suggested. I used the

The page looks good, but we've moved 5.4 to security-only on 18 Sep 2014
(5.4.33), and it'll be supported for 1 year starting that date.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-27 Thread Stas Malyshev
> As others noted, it also prevents a full-fledged objects-as-key
> implementation in the future.
You do realize to have such implementation we'd need to rewrite our hash
layer completely and also introduce the concept of immutable object,
otherwise changing the object would make the hash completely broken?
Which means it would probably never happen unless PHP engine is
radically rewritten.
> In the end it causes issues and brings very little compared to an
> explicit call to convert an object to a key.
Same as __toString obviously is useless as you could just call a method

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-27 Thread Stas Malyshev
> Is the resulting value intended always to return the same object
> independent of what has been done to the object in the mean time? 
That's on you to decide. If you have immutable value object, then yes.
If you have mutable value object (which usually isn't a good idea, but
who knows) then no. If it's not a value object, then probably you don't
want __hash on it at all.

> A fixed 'address' for the physical data when used as an array key? If
> that is the case, then __toKey seems more comfortable. To me a hash is 
I'm fine with __toKey, if that's what seems better to the majority.

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[PHP-DEV] [RFC] Serialize filtering

2014-10-27 Thread Stas Malyshev

I'd like to have a vote on unserialize() improvement proposal outlined here:

soon-ish, but since discussion on it has been more than a year ago I'd
like to give it some prior notice and some time to re-consider. I still
think it is a good improvement, not fixing all problems but allowing to
fix some at reasonable cost. I've added some outline of arguments
discussed before, but still open for comments.  The patch is probably
outdated but I'll fix it if it's accepted, if not I don't want to spend
time on it. I'd like to have a vote sometime next week, but if there's
more discussion it can be postponed.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-27 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Once your proposal is in the language, you will never, in the future, be
> able to add real support for objects as keys, because the semantics is
> blocked.

This implies this support is not "real" and we want some other support.
I don't think I agree with either.

> I do understand where your proposal is coming from and what it is trying
> to accomplish. But I think, at least, that it should clearly spell out
> that any ambition to really support objects as array keys in the base
> language, will then be given up.

Was there ever such an ambition? Does somebody have any idea how to
properly do it and a reason why?

> I hardly see how that would make sense. SplObjectStorate operates with
> object identity as determined by spl_object_hash, right? Changing that

Now, it does, since there's no other option. However, in the future
there may be other options - i.e. objects whose identity is not the same
as their memory address. For example, for an object representing number
(GMP) or string (UString) their identity is their content, not their
memory address. Thus, if you want to use UString as an index, or have an
unique set of strings, spl_object_hash would not be your friend.
Of course, there's always an option of just telling it - e.g. by
providing an option to the ctor.

> Right. Somehow python manages to live quite fine with that fact.

For some definitions of "quite fine", I presume - I can't see how a
hashtable that repeatedly calls user code can be efficient. It probably

> Right. You don't do that when your object implements __hash__ and __eq__.

Or, more precisely, you're asked nicely not to do it - because there's
no way to actually ensure it.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-27 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I don't like this, mainly because it blocks a future direct use and storage
> of objects as keys in an array, i.e. what SplObjectStorage does.

It does not. It just allows the objects to control how they are seen
when they are used as keys in regular PHP arrays. That does not prevent
SplObjectStorage or anything else from doing whatever one wants. I
personally would say SplObjectStorage probably should respect __hash if
provided, but we can discuss it separately.

> It is also badly named, because it does NOT implement objects as keys. It
> implements deriving surrogate keys from objects when used in an array key
> context.

That's how the objects are used as keys. Storing objects in the
hashtable would really require rewriting the whole hashtable and would
probably be very inefficient as you'd have to call PHP code each time
you compare two objects in the chain. Moreover, modifying such objects
would probably create havoc. So having an immutable value sounds like
the best solution for the practical use cases.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-26 Thread Stas Malyshev

> It seems __toScalar might be a good name, this is what the method
> actually does, the engine then coerces to a type suitable for use as a
> key, but you can return a double. It might be more forward thinking
> therefore to use the name __toScalar, while today we'd only be using
> it for this, 
__toScalar does not express the fact why we are calling it - to use it
as a key. It's not just a scalar conversion, it's conversion for the
purpose of hashing.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-26 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I’m trying to wrap my head around a real-world use-case with this.
> We have spl_object_hash, which effectively provides a unique hash for

This hash has nothing to do with object's contents. But imagine number
GMP("42") and imagine you actually want two GMP objects expressing "42"
actually represent the same hash key. Or imagine you want to generate
the key somehow in a way related to object's content and not just a
random number. As I said in the RFC, evidence that so many languages
implement it shows that this use case is quite real. Of course, you can
always default to spl_object_hash, but now you have control over it.

> an object. If the intent is to provide an opportunity of individual
> classes to decide what their hash is, couldn’t they provide that via
> __toString? I know many frameworks use __toString to build out some
> implementation of an object (Zend form for example), but the point of
> __toString is to provide a string representation of an object.

This is covered in the RFC, right in the introduction.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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[PHP-DEV] [RFC] Using objects as keys

2014-10-26 Thread Stas Malyshev

I would like to present to your attention an RFC about using object as keys:

It was discussed in the past on the list:
and I think it makes sense to propose a formal RFC for it. Both the text
and the code in the patch includes bits done by myself and Joe Watkins.
The patch does not cover 100% of cases but should work for most
reasonable scenarios, if something is wrong or you have ideas how to
make it better please tell.

The name __hash is not final, I am open to using __toKey instead or any
reasonable alternative, we may also include a couple of options in the
vote if that will be a point of disagreement.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] New globals for PUT and DELETE

2014-10-26 Thread Stas Malyshev

> The only way to do this in PHP now is write a userland function that parses
> multipart form data, which is non-trivial. I had written one, but would

It is true that PUT data need to be parsed, however it is not true you
have to implement MIME parsing from scratch. There are frameworks that
implement that. Not everything must be written in C. But if you want C,
doesn't pecl/http already have the required bits?

> Having the ability to access the data provided in $_POST for other methods
> is ideal (by whatever means: $_PUT, $_FORM, get_parsed_form_data(), etc).

There are a lot of HTTP verbs - PUT, DELETE, TRACE, PATCH... And what if
you want to do WebDAV? Wouldn't having separate superglobal for each be
taking it a bit too far?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHPDBG nonsense (Was: Re: [PHP-CVS] com php-src: Made phpdbg compatible with new engine: ...)

2014-10-25 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Just a minor question, Derick. If you care about phpdbg, why are you
> only dropping any comment about it by the time it got into php-src
> repo? It’s known that all the development currently (except for
> master, but that just was a merge and then a pure rewrite on top of
> that merge, nothing related to the protocol) is going on in
> krakjoe/phpdbg github repo. There was now an xml-protocol branch for
> three weeks before it got merged into krakjoe/phpdbg#master. You had
> vast time to notice it and complain before, if you’d really have
> cared.

I would like to weigh in here. If we're talking about things in PHP core
repo, "we did it somewhere in public repo and nobody complained" is not
a good stance. People do literally hundreds of things around PHP in
public places, but not everything is part of PHP core. phpdbg now is.
That involves not only good parts (by-default acceptance by millions of
PHP users) but some obligations - like proper discussion and
notification. Of course, since master is not stable yet, we have
somewhat relaxed rules there, but even then introducing new debugging
protocol into PHP core seems to be something that warrants some
notification. As a person who spent significant time on implementing and
maintaining one of PHP debugging solutions in the past, I, for example,
would be interested to take a look into what is being checked into core
repo in this regard. However, the first note I see about this happening
is the commit messages. And that takes us back to old and not-so-good
"check in first, discuss later" times. With project of the size of PHP,
it having good process matters no less than having good code.

So saying "we had this branch for whole three weeks before merging it
into PHP repo" is not really saying much.

That said, we are where we are, and I think it would be great if this
would somehow server as a starting point for developing a unified
protocol for debugging PHP. There are a number of good tools for
debugging PHP, and it would be a pity if everybody invented their own
protocols and required to install half-dozen of extensions to be
compatible with all tools doing the same in slightly different way.
We have so many unification efforts with PSR and the spec and so on, I'm
pretty sure we can make a protocol that would be workable for all,
debugging PHP is not exactly rocket surgery and there are not that many
things there that we couldn't find a common ground.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Readonly Properties

2014-10-24 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Here’s another RFC:
> It proposes, with a working implementation, a modifier for properties that 
> makes them readable and writeable from different scopes.

For me, this seems both too big and too small. Too small, because if you
really it assigns a keyword to special use case of a generic feature,
and thus I think does not lead us on the right path - we could not
assign keywords to every behavior of properties, so either we forever
reject the idea of having any generic solution there, or we'd eventually
have two solutions, working in two different ways.

Too big because this particular case is already very easy to implement
by just making the property protected and having a public getter. It
doesn't add any capability that we already don't have, and having a
keyword just to save typing () seems unnecessary to me (performance is
really irrelevant here, if your performance is bound by speed of
accessors, you should be writing that code in C).

Also, the name "readonly" appears misleading as it's not really read
only - it's only read only for some classes, but writeable for others.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] UString

2014-10-23 Thread Stas Malyshev

> P.S. u() is a bad name, will break lots of code, i.e.

Maybe __u()? It's a bit ugly but you're not allowed to use __ so it's safe.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] UString

2014-10-23 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Not ready for discussion yet ...

Hey, I've just started my own... I guess
we should combine them :)

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-10-22 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Are you opposed to the existence of ext/filter given it has
> FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, a “primitive for handling type conversions”?

FILTER_VALIDATE_INT is an option for a filter_var function, and it is
not introducing any new rules for handling types in the engine. What you
are proposing is not like FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, it's like (int).

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-10-22 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Yes, that’s still merely an implementation detail. If HHVM decides to
> make explode() into an opcode, it’s not a language change. It is not
> any different if PHP does the same.

If HHVM decides to introduce new type handling rules, however, it is.
Even if they are going to be called using ( and ).

>> You propose to add completely new type conversion rules into the
>> engine, in addition to ones already present and used there. It's
>> not the same as merely changing how the engine internally runs
>> pre-existing code. The new rules are definitely becoming major part
>> of the language, not an implementation detail of some random
>> function like str_pad.
> No, they’re just a set of new validation functions.

No, they are not. They are new engine primitives for handling type
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-10-22 Thread Stas Malyshev

> No, it wouldn’t require a 2/3 majority. The optimisation me and
> Dmitry are referring to is merely an optimisation, it’s an
> implementation detail. This doesn’t touch any of the language spec or
> the language as understood by users.

Sorry, it's not "merely an optimization", it's making it an engine
primitive, like (int) or empty() are.

> Or would you argue that the fact is_long is now an opcode is a
> language change, and Dmitry should’ve made an RFC before making a
> change that is completely non-user-facing?!

is_long existed long before that, and nothing changed for it. You
propose to add completely new type conversion rules into the engine, in
addition to ones already present and used there. It's not the same as
merely changing how the engine internally runs pre-existing code. The
new rules are definitely becoming major part of the language, not an
implementation detail of some random function like str_pad.

Saying "oh, we just add it like a random function and _only then_ we'll
make it an opcode and it will be implementation detail" sounds a lot
like gaming the system to me.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-10-22 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Thinking a bit more on this, if we don't want the 2/3 hurdle and perhaps
> make this a bit (or actually a lot) less controversial, we should change the
> names of these functions.  to_float() strongly implies that this function
> represents PHP's standard typing ruleset, which these functions do not.

If it's done as part of filter or maybe even some aliases, like
filter_float for example (I still not completely getting why one needs
them, but assuming it's just my problem), then it can be considered
filter part, under the condition that these rules are not set in the
engine as "the rules" for treating the types - otherwise it's still be
language change.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-10-22 Thread Stas Malyshev

>>> - it's probably make sense to implement these function as a new
>> opcode(s) in VM
>> That could be an optimisation later, yes. I note that you’ve added
>> function replacement with opcodes for certain commonly-used functions. We
>> could make these functions use that. Then they’d still be usable as
>> callbacks.

If those are opcodes, those rules will require 2/3 majority for
acceptance, since those will be the engine rules for type conversion,
not just a set of functions. And, of course, the rules not matching the
other engine rules for type conversion, sorry for sounding like broken

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] UString

2014-10-21 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Just a quick point: most of the core is not ASCII. PHP strings are byte 
> strings, completely divorced from any encoding. A few native functions 
> assume ISO8859-1 (or possibly Windows CP1252), but mostly they just 
> juggle which ever bytes you give them.

True, but not all extensions and functions behave this way. Some
(especially with intl, but not only) assume it's utf-8, for example, and
for some utf-8 is a changeable default, which in practice often becomes
the used encoding since people are not aware of need to track their
encoding and most of them do use utf-8 anyway.

> The main exception I can think of is that numbers are often handled 
> specially, with digits and separators as defined by ASCII. But since 
> we're talking UTF-8, that doesn't need to change.

More interesting case actually is, well, case conversion. We unknowingly
used locale-dependent lowercasing routines until the inevitable
encounter with the dreaded Turkish 'i'. At which point we switched to
forced ASCII. So identifiers in the engine are kind of assumed to be
ASCII, even though you can somethimes sneak non-ASCII past it and it
will work, but weirdly.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] UString

2014-10-21 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I wish there was a way for specific objects to opt into this.

There will be, if __hashKey() or whatever would be the properly
bikeshedded name, becomes reality as discussed elsewhere. It shouldn't
be hard to do and it's exactly what many other languages do when trying
to use objects as keys for maps.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] UString

2014-10-21 Thread Stas Malyshev

>   This is the result of work done by a few of us, we won't be opening any
> vote in a fortnight. We have a long time before 7, there is no rush
> whatever.

Couple of thoughts:
- I like the idea of having a unicode string class. May be a way to
figure out the right way to do it without messing up the whole core.

- I wish there were more description of which API this class provides.
If it's planned to be direct copy of UnicodeString, some of the
operations there are not how PHP strings usually work (i.e. in-place
modification) and it's not really enough to make it useful - e.g. what
if I need to do regexps on it, for example? Or does it cover whole
mbstring API too? What about something mbstring doesn't cover, like
ucfirst or strrev?

- Do we really need different encodings, different backends and so on,
internally? Note that each backend has its own quirks, limitations and
bugs, and there's nothing worse than dealing with unpredictable set of
dependencies. The user cares what they send into the class and what
comes out, but very rarely they care what happens inside - why not just
do it one way everywhere?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-10-20 Thread Stas Malyshev

> No, not quite. One of the nice things about rejecting whitespace is
> it lets you handle it however you want. Want to reject all
> whitespace? to_int($foo). Want to accept all whitespace?
> to_int(trim($foo)). Want to trim only tabs? to_int(trim($foo, “\t”)).
> This is actually allows more flexibility than filter_var does with
> its maze of flags.

This looks like "if you don't like my rules, you can easily apply string
handling functions to implement any rule you like". Which makes total
sense, except if I wanted to play with string handling functions, why
not just write a regexp and be done with it? Of course you can do any
transformation you like to the data, but if you propose it as a default
solution, then "you can add more transformations" is not an advantage -
you could always do that.

> It would be possible to make to_int() merely an alias of
> filter_var(…, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT). Though that would make it depend
> on ext/filter or otherwise duplicate functionality.

You seem to sound like depending on something already existing in PHP is
a bad thing.

> Also, treating whitespace differently wasn’t actually my idea. I’m
> perfectly fine with ignoring it, but Nikita convinced me I shouldn’t
> tolerate it. He has a point - it opens more possibilities than
> allowing it.

The point is not whether ignore or not ignore the whitespace. The point
is that having multiple APIs doing the same but differing in one small
detail because somebody thinks this detail is not exactly to his liking
in existing API - IMO is not a good thing.

> Not quite. With strict type hints, FALSE would fail for an integer

PHP is not a strictly typed language, so arguing as if it were or just
about to become one doesn't sound like a very good selling point. For
me, it exactly the reverse - you're emphasizing the fact that for it to
work, you need to change the whole nature of PHP not being a strictly
typed language.

> parameter. Even without them, this still makes validation more
> straightforward. I suppose there are varying degrees of laziness.

I'm not sure how using function starting with to_ is "more
straightforward" than using function starting with filter_ - which seems
to be the only thing different here. Except, of course, for whitespace
handling. Which in my opinion, still does not explain why we should
ignore existing API and create a completely new one.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-10-20 Thread Stas Malyshev

>> Wait, we actually already have FILTER_VALIDATE_INT and 
> Actually, to_int is very close to FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, and I’m not
> sure, but I think to_float may be close to FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT. The
> main difference with integers is rejection of whitespace and
> toString-able objects.

So essentially we have a number of rules, which all are only slightly
different. And when somebody wants to skip spaces, but not tabs, we'd
have yet another set of functions? I don't think it's good for the
language to have a set of functions doing exactly the same, but in
slightly different way, because some people had different preferences.
The language should not be just a bag of use-cases that somebody wanted
to implement. We're getting a lot of criticism for parts of the language
not always playing cohesively together, why make it worse?

> The main point of the RFC is to add casting functions as an
> alternative to the built-in explicit casts. Currently, the easiest
> way to convert to an integer is (int), but this is quite dangerous as
> it performs no validation whatsoever and cannot fail. to_int() and

So, why not have filter_var($suspected_int, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) and
filter_var($suspected_int, FILTER_CONVERT_INT)? We already have
infrastructure for that, why ignore it completely and build another
solution that does exactly the same but treats whitespace differently
and has couple of other tweaks? OK, you want to treat the whitespace
differently, I get it - but why ignore whole filter infrastructure?

> the like are intended to be just as convenient as an explicit cast,
> so that doing the safer thing (failing on garbage input) is not any
> more difficult. The hope is that the lazy developer will use is_int()
> instead of (int) when they need to explicitly cast, and  avoid the
> problems of the latter.

The lazy developer won't check the return value anyway and would get 0
as the result of false-to-int conversion, thus making the whole exercise
pointless anyway :)
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Safe Casting Functions

2014-10-20 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I am presenting a new RFC to add a set of three functions to do validated 
> casts for scalar types:
> Please read it.

The main problem that happened with scalar typing RFC remains here:
third set of rules for casting types. Of course, since it's "just"
functions and not language constructs, we can have a set of functions
for any set of casting rules anybody wants. But I think it's still the
same problem here - having three sets of casting rules is not good.
Wait, we actually already have FILTER_VALIDATE_INT and
FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT, so that would be the fourth set of rules, and the
second set of validation rules, despite already having an extension
specially dedicated to filtering and validation. I think we should not
multiply entities needlessly - if we need some different validation
primitives, why not add them to filter, for example?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] question regarding #67309

2014-10-18 Thread Stas Malyshev

> resurrecting this thread in the hope of getting a bit more feedback.

About removing functions - I don't really see any particular win in it.
I mean, we'd have enough BC concerns in PHP 7 without having to worry
about missing functions that didn't hurt anybody. However, it may be
fine to add a note in the manual saying "please use ini_*, it's better
style" or something like that.

About adding getter for execution time - not sure if there's any
practical need for it, though I wouldn't lose sleep if it were added :)
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 5.4.34 Released

2014-10-16 Thread Stas Malyshev

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP
6 security-related bugs were fixed in this release, including fixes for
CVE-2014-3669 and CVE-2014-3670.
Also, a fix for OpenSSL which produced regressions was reverted.

All PHP 5.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

For source downloads of PHP 5.4.34 please visit our
downloads page:

Windows binaries can be found on

The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog:

Stanislav Malyshev
PHP 5.4 RM

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New globals for PUT and DELETE

2014-10-15 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I added the variable field, how do I get its value, with use the query
> method PUT and enctype="multipart/form-data"?
> This debate not for tediousness, this is a real problem, if you want
> to use the query method PUT and enctype="multipart/form-data",
> variable $_POST is empty and file_get_contents('php://input') is empty

No, file_get_contents('php://input') is not empty - I just checked it
and if you send PUT request the whole request - files and all - is in
the php://input. If you don't see it you might be doing something wrong.

You are talking about PUT, but post example about POST for the second
time. I'm not sure what you mean by that as certainly your script does
not demonstrate what you are saying.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New globals for PUT and DELETE

2014-10-15 Thread Stas Malyshev

> {
>  var_dump(file_get_contents('php://input'));
>  exit;
> }

I tried this script, if you do POST, your data is in $_FILES, if you do
PUT, your data is in php://input. Still not sure what is the big problem.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New globals for PUT and DELETE

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> PHP today to enable successful & easy implementation of RESTful

Having done this, I beg to differ.

> Try to send a parameter in the body, by PUT method, for reading
> parameters have to use an ugly way file_get_contents(‘php://input')

What exactly is the problem in this one-liner?

> But yet worst, you can not do upload files and send parameters because
> - php://input is not available with enctype="multipart/form-data"

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do, could you explain in
more detail with examples?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Possibilities to fix some really poor behaviors in PHP7

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> For the array-to-object conversion, no scanning is necessary, since the 
> internal implementation already knows which keys are integers and which 
> strings. For the vast majority of cases, the array passed in will have 

Could you explain this? How you know which keys are integers and which
strings without actually checking them?

> object. I would strongly suspect that most objects have very few 
> properties, and very few property names would pass a simple test of "is 
> first character a digit" but subsequently fail the full is numeric test. 

You still have to scan through all of them, even if they have no digits
at all.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Possibilities to fix some really poor behaviors in PHP7

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Please correct me if I'm wrong but object properties should be strings
> in all cases.

In all cases where they are assigned as object properties. If they were
produced by other means, it can be different.

> So all properties set should be converted to string means the following
> should be equal but isn't and I don't see any performance issues forcing
> strings here:

While for objects all keys are strings, for arrays keys '123' and 123
are the same - integer 123.

> |$obj = (object)array('123' => '456');
> var_dump($obj);

Here the array had numeric index, so the object property became numeric
index too. The alternative for this would be for this operation to scan
through whole array and convert each key from numeric to string, which
given how exotic is this case seems to be a waste of time.

> For the case of object to array conversion a numeric check could be very
> improved by simply check if the first character between 0-9 before
> starting the complete numeric check. That would be very fest and it

You seem to ignore the fact that you still have to go through the whole
array and scan each key and convert some of them, and all this work in
99.9% of real cases is for nothing and is useful only in an invented
abstract example. So the question is - would this check be useful for
anything than fixing an exotic case which nobody ever encounters in

> produces right results. It's poor to say "... very narrow use case with
> hardly any legit uses ..." in programming languages. In my opinion the
> right result have to be the first goal and performance optimization is
> something to keep in mind but should never produce wrong results.

No. Performance is a feature. If we can have something that works for
all practical uses and is fast, it is much preferable than having
something that works in 100% of theoretical invented corner cases and in
practice is too slow to be useful since it is ridden with useless checks
just to cover the theoretical corner cases. So the question is - do we
really need this working that way for anything useful? If not, then
there's no point in fixing it, if yes - there is.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Big Integer Support

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> You throw an error. Just as plenty of functions already can’t handle
> ridiculously large integer arguments.

The problem is, if you function can handle the int range and you checked
for is_int() and everything worked fine - now it's broken because
is_int() no longer implies fixed range and there's no way to check if
you're dealing with fixed-range number or infinite-range number.

> No, it does: There are now integers, and objects that represent large
> integers, which behave differently.

IS_INT and IS_BIGINT would necessarily behave differently too - since
some functions may support both and some only integers. Again, no change

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Big Integer Support

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> We already have this danger for another type: boolean. phpng got rid
> of IS_BOOL in favour of IS_TRUE and IS_FALSE. If we can update
> everything to handle the IS_BOOL change, surely we can update
> everything to handle bigints, too.

No, it's not the same thing at all. For bool, you still have only true
and false. For bigint, your function now should be able to handle
infinite integers internally, but what if it has fixed resources that
assume integers have fixed range? For extensions, it's a commonplace,
but even for user code that can happen. That means, any call that you do
to an internal function with int argument now could fail since the
internal function is unable to support bigint, and you can't even guard
for this since your code can not distinguish regular int from bigint. I
don't think it is a good situation.

> Then get weird results when someone passes a large number in.

Why would you get weird results? You describe some vague dangers but I
didn't see any concrete example of what is different.

> The main point of the RFC is to make integers completely consistent
> across platforms and to remove the need to worry about overflow.

Which does not change with my proposal.

> Adding optional overflow to GMP means you still have to worry about
> it. It doesn’t solve anything. You can already use GMP for

You seem to misunderstand what my proposal is. It doesn't add any
additional overflow, it just changes from using separate type
masquerading as int to using objects. All the rest stays the same.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Big Integer Support

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Still, it’s inconvenient. More for developers to worry about.

I still have no idea why one would need a bigint constant, could you
give an common example where you would do that?

> No, only extensions. It is *completely* transparent to userland.
> That’s the whole point.

I'm not sure how it can be completely transparent if it's a different
type. Is it still identifying as int? In this case, this is dangerous as
some functions may not be able to accept big integers when accepting int
arguments, but checks for is_int, etc. would pass.

> Yes, but they don’t handle large integer objects already. So you pass
> it a GMP object, it converts to a string, then that overflows and you
> end up with a float when it converts it to a number. Which isn’t what
> you wanted. Or, it handles it as a string, which is also not ideal,
> as while a string and an int may be the same thing to some
> extensions, they are not to others.

If it's not, the extension has to handle it, the same way it has to
handle bigint anyway if it makes difference for it. The point is many
common cases are already covered, e.g. if the extension just needs a
string, or if the bigint actually represents a small int, etc.

> It’s not about “extensions your code needs”. If you need ext/gmp, you
> can already require it. This RFC is about removing cross-platform
> integer handling differences.

But nothing changes there - it is still removing the diffs and it still
requires GMP. The only change is you're not paying for it if you don't
need it.

> No, but existing code does have to handle float overflow. If you
> allow that to optionally be int overflow, you now need to worry about
> handling both.

What's "float overflow"? I'm not sure I'm getting your point here. You
don't need to handle anything - if your code doesn't care about big
ints, you just do math as usual. If it does, then you have to check big
ints are there, then do math as usual but be aware that int can be now
of two different types. I don't see any difference from the RFC here.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Big Integer Support

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> I'm not sure what this would solve. Sure, you could just use objects
> instead of a new type, but both present exactly the same challenges.
> Adding a new type isn't hard in itself. The problem is updating
> everything which handles numbers and their associated tests. This

Exactly. Since objects are convertable to numbers (and to anything, in
fact) we get double profit here - we make objects work better and we
achieve big integer support. And we don't need to handle new type where
we don't need numbers

> doesn't make my job any easier. It also wouldn't cover a few places
> that a new type can, like constants. Another problem is this means

I'm not sure I see much case for bigint constants. Would be pretty hard
for me to come up with a case where you need such a constant, and if you
do, you could just have a string constant and convert it to GMP in runtime.

> that bigints are a separate thing from ints, meaning users have to
> worry about a new type which sometimes behaves differently. This
> isn't good. Under this RFC's proposal, however, bigints are a mere
> implementation detail. So far as the user cares, there are just
> ints.

No, they are not implementation detail - they are whole new type, which
means every extension and every piece of PHP code aware of types now
needs to know about it and needs special code to handle it. I.e. you
pass it to mysql - mysql needs to handle this type. You pass it to SOAP
- SOAP needs to handle this type. Etc. But if it's an object, they
already deal with objects, one way or another.

> Making it optional destroys most of the benefits of the RFC. Instead
> of reducing platform differences, it adds a massive new one. Now

I'm not saying we have to make it optional. I'm just saying it's possible.

> developers have to check whether or not bigints are enabled and have
> two different code paths. That's much worse than the status quo.

I don't see why you'd have two code paths. If you need bigints and they
are not there, then you just fail, like with any extension your code
needs and is not installed. If it's there, you just continue working.
All the code existing now doesn't need bigints, and even in the future
most code won't need it. But for some code it would just work like
before, only with unlimited range now.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: PHP 7.0 timeline

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> IMO,  AST, INT64, NG, Uniforme variables style is enough for a new
> marjor version.. why we still need to wait?

We don't need to just "wait", as sit and do nothing. We need to allocate
time for other features.

> New features which missed PHP7.0, they can target at 7.1 instead.

Only features that preserve BC, which is a limiting factor.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: PHP 7.0 timeline

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> we should freeze new features by the end of this year. then we could
> release 7 asap

I think this is way too aggressive. This means basically next to nothing
that is not already has prepared RC gets into 7, since only discussion +
vote would take at least a month for anything substantial, and you have
to also work on RFC and patch. And not everybody has time to work on all
this fulltime, and some discussions can be slow or long-winded.

I think Zeev's timeline looks much better in this regard. I think GA
mid-October 2015 sounds a bit optimistic, but who knows, maybe it's me
that it too pessimistic :)
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: PHP 7.0 timeline

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> do you remember how PHP6 dies?

I do. We failed to implement proper Unicode support. How is it relevant now?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Big Integer Support

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Since I don’t want this to languish as a ‘Draft’ forever, despite the
> patch being incomplete, I am finally putting the Big Integer Support
> RFC “Under Discussion”.
> The RFC can be found here:

This introduces new type, IS_BIGINT. However, given that GMP now
supports arithmetical operations, I wonder if it won't be easier to do
it in slightly different way, specifically create a hook that is going
to be called when an operation is about to cause over/underflow and let
GMP hook there and produce a GMP number (I'm not sure about the exact
details how to actually do it, so it's just an idea now, but if it makes
sense we can try to work out technical details).

Of course, this would require some rough edges to be polished, such as
what happens if you try to use it as int, or convert, etc. but this is
already present with IS_BIGINT too, and additionally we already have
conversion handlers for objects, which aren't consistently used in all
cases but can be made so. The benefit is we're not creating anything
completely new, we just improving how objects work.

This would also allow anybody who doesn't like GMP big integers easily
implement their own module to replace them.

Moreover, this also allows to make the support for bigints optional -
i.e., if you don't need bigints, you don't have to carry GMP and thus do
not have to be bound by its license.

What do you think?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Possibilities to fix some really poor behaviors in PHP7

2014-10-14 Thread Stas Malyshev

> ... like the hidden array element:
> ... like the hidden object property:

The issue seems to be that array lookup always looks for numeric results
when looking for numeric-like keys. But when adding property, the
numeric check is not done since properties are not supposed to be
numeric. Thus, when converting the object to array, the property named
"123" becomes inaccessible, because in array it is supposed to be under
number 123.

We could, of course, add numeric checks to properties, but it would slow
things down only to serve very narrow use case with hardly any legit
uses. We could also rewrite hashtable with numeric keys instead of
string keys when doing conversion, but again that would be significant
slowdown for a very rare use case. Not sure it's worth it.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Remove deprecated functionality in PHP 7

2014-10-13 Thread Stas Malyshev

I would say we should choose according to the following criteria:

1. Is anybody likely to use it, and if so, will dropping it impede
adoption significantly?
2. Would using it get you into some trouble you can't see easily?
3. How easy it's to detect that something is broken due to BC change?

According to this, I think it would be really good to do this:

- move mysql and ereg out to PECL (disros can bundle them anyway, and
pecl is available for all self builders so adoption won't be hurt much).
- drop incompatible $this context calls (probably seriously messed up code)
- drop magic quotes stuff (if the code relies on magic quotes, something
is seriously wrong). However, I'd consider keeping the get function
(always false) to keep code that checks for it running. It wouldn't
really hurt anybody I think.
- drop dl on FPM - this can lead to some bad crashes
- drop preg_replace() eval - it's a security problem waiting to happen

I think it can be problematic for:

- # style comments in ini files, it's harder to detect and fix and as
far as I can see, # doesn't hurt anybody

For the rest, don't really have a strong opinion but agree with Zeev on
each function being removed gets upgrade barrier a little higher and
adds more people to the list of "can not upgrade, need code working".

With ini settings, it's a bit easier since one ini edit fixes everything
on the server, no need to check millions of lines of code. However, if
we just drop them it would be hard to detect that these no longer work,
maybe we should produce an error if those are used?

Same for removing options from stream context - in general, if the
option stopped working, I think it's better to let the user know.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Remove deprecated functionality in PHP 7

2014-10-13 Thread Stas Malyshev

>> We have chosen to deprecate features, including ext/mysql. If we now
>> decide not to remove some of them for 7, we may just remove the
>> deprecation flag as we are going to support them for the next decade
>> as well, whether we like it or not.

I don't see how this follows. We may keep them deprecated (which means -
don't use this, it's bad idea) but not remove them to support older
code. Deprecated doesn't have to mean "we will mandatory remove it in
the next version", it may also mean "we no longer think this is a good
idea, please move on from it".

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecation of func_get_args(), call_user_func_array() and related API

2014-10-13 Thread Stas Malyshev

> The problem always existed, and it's that it is very hard to escape from
> an API that is dictated by the language itself.

It is not a problem, at least not a define problem - what is "escape
from an API"? Why you would want to escape from the language you're
writing in?

> Getting gradually rid of those APIs and making them swappable pieces
> simply increases the degree of freedom that we get in our applications,

No, it does not. It increases the number of moving parts, makes the
environment more uncertain, requires more testing and potentially
fragments the ecosystem.

> by having less people rely on stuff like `array_map` and `array_filter`

Why would you want less people to use PHP features? More people should
be using array_map, not less.

> Right, and now they can be built in a way that isn't coupled with the
> engine itself.

It's not coupled with the engine, it's part of the PHP core functions
(which is separate part of PHP from the engine). And I still have to see
one reason why having them implemented in C is a problem. Without having
this reason, the discussion is pointless.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecation of func_get_args(), call_user_func_array() and related API

2014-10-13 Thread Stas Malyshev

> My point is that providing them as "userland implementation" even inside
> core would be more interesting than having something magic going on
> under the hood.

It certainly may be "interesting", and nobody prevents you from writing
a blog or implementing a library doing this. However, it is not the
reason to change the core functions of PHP.

> Yes, I realize that complete removal would completely kill PHP's
> adoption for the next version, so I'm thinking about something like an
> ini setting:
> "zeh_legacy_includeh = '/zeh/path/to/old/functions.php';"

You're trying to solve a problem that did not exist before you tried to
solve it.

> Yet this would allow removing a lot of internal functions that were
> written just for the sake of it, and move them to something that can be
> maintained by a larger userbase.

These functions weren't written "just for the sake of it". They were
written because people needed it.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecation of func_get_args(), call_user_func_array() and related API

2014-10-13 Thread Stas Malyshev

> While rambling with some code today, I realized that `call_user_func`
> behaves strangely, appearing and disappearing from stack traces depending
> on versions of PHP. 

If there's a problem with these functions, some bug in backtrace
reporting, they of course need to be fixed. However I see no reason at
all to deprecate a widely used function and create a myriad of BC issues
for no gain at all. Compatibility is a feature, and not only it is just
a feature - it's one of the most requested and most influential
features. BC breaks delay adoption of new versions by years, even for
minor things. For major widely used things

Please, when proposing removing something from PHP, check:
1. If it is widely used
2. If its removal gains huge benefit for PHP which can not be achieved
by any other way

If you answer yes on 1 or no on 2, then there's no point proposing this
removal. That would only make the next version unadoptable for a decade.
Remember, we still have people reluctant to move to 5.4, and you propose
to have them to rewrite all their code and wait until all their
libraries are rewritten (major cause of python 3 adoption problems is
libraries) for what exactly?

Yes, we can rewrite these functions in userland. So we can may others.
The long standing tradition of PHP in this area is to go the extra mile
for the user and actually provide helpful functions, even when
duplicating the functionality already available in user-land, for the
convenience of the user. But this is for adding things. For removing
things, bar is much, much higher.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Re: OpenSSL bug in 5.4.33 and 5.5.17

2014-10-10 Thread Stas Malyshev

> When do you plan to release a new 5.4.34 / 5.5.18 version with a fix for 

Next week.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] GMP memory allocator, various issues

2014-10-10 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Can you please elaborate a little ?
> Doesn't such leak have to be fixed in ext/gmp ?

We clean up the memory at the end of the request. But if the request
ended abnormally and we had some active gmp objects, with gmp data
allocated outside emalloc we could not clean that and it ends up being
persistent memory leak. Also, of course, that also excepts gmp objects
from PHP memory limit, which makes it less useful.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-CVS] com php-src: Remove support for classes without class entries: Zend/zend_API.c Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c Zend/zend_closures.c Zend/zend_execute.h Zend/zend_interfaces.c Zen

2014-10-09 Thread Stas Malyshev

> we discussed this issue with Nikita on IRC, and didn't find any use
> cases for objects without ce now.
> Nor in php neither in pecl.
> Do you see any problems?

Those were used to create "bridge" APIs - like Zend's Java bridge (not
sure if supported now, probably not, and if it's still uses that), as
far as I remember. It may be that PECL does not use it but people have
internal extensions that are not published. So deleting a chunk of the
API without as much as a note on internals is not really a good idea, I

IRC discussion is not a public discussion, since most of the people are
not present on the IRC and have no idea about anything being discussed
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-CVS] com php-src: Remove support for classes without class entries: Zend/zend_API.c Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c Zend/zend_closures.c Zend/zend_execute.h Zend/zend_interfaces.c Zen

2014-10-09 Thread Stas Malyshev

> Commit:ee5b30fa197046973e813a80dd0b7c67827c0ae1
> Author:Nikita Popov  Thu, 9 Oct 2014 13:58:14 +0200
> Parents:   43f1c94ddace679cac008b674ef983199a951542
> Branches:  master
> Link:   
> Log:
> Remove support for classes without class entries
> get_class_entry must be non-NULL and return non-NULL.

I wonder why this feature removal is done without even a note on the
internals, let alone any discussion. Have I missed something?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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Re: [PHP-DEV] EXTENSIONS file (enchant, ereg, hash, opcache)

2014-10-07 Thread Stas Malyshev

>   * opcache

For opcache I guess that'd be Dmitry probably.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect

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