RE: what problem is solved by proscribing non-64 bit prefixes?

2008-10-03 Thread michael.dillon
 I'm aware of several IEEE link layers and none uses 64bit addresses. 
 IEEE tries to have them all 48bit.  Even non-IEEE (like USB) 
 tries to be 48bit.

Have you ever heard of EUI-64?

One notable IEEE protocol which uses EUI-64 is Firewire (IEEE 1394). For
more info see RFC 3146.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: what problem is solved by proscribing non-64 bit prefixes?

2008-10-01 Thread michael.dillon
 Actually, you cannot just assign a /48 to each site.  The RIR 
 H-ratio requirements may make this infeasible.  Further, each 
 /48 (/56 for
 IANA) allocations must be registered with the RIR, which is 
 an administrate headache.  Finally, there is the issue of 
 reverse lookup registration for sites.  These are just the 
 policy issues.

I don't believe that /48 assignments have to be registered with
the RIR unless it is a situation where an ISP is assigning the
/48 to another entity. Within an enterprise, /48 assignments to
a site do not need any RIR interaction. In addition, if you
are a large organization, then the RIRs will give you a /32 ISP
allocation which should be enough forever, except for a few of
the very largest companies. Those companies should actually plan
ahead and get a bigger than /32 allocation to begin with. The 
H-ratio should only ever be an issue for ISPs since their networks
are expected to grow continuously and eventually outgrow any allocation.

However, RIR rules are set by the networking community collectively
and bad rules can be changed.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: what problem is solved by proscribing non-64 bit prefixes?

2008-10-01 Thread michael.dillon
 In a typical IPv6 ADSL household landscape...
 An ADSL IPv6 operational deployment offers a /64 prefix at 
 home.  With that, I can't subnet _and_ use IPv6 stateless 

In a typical IPv6 ADSL household landscape the ISP will assign
you a /48 with plenty of subnetting space. In some regions
there will be some ISPs who will only assign a /56 to residential
sites, but that still gives you a reasonable amount of subnetting
ability. Under RIR rules, an ISP can justify giving you a /48
if you ask them for it.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: what problem is solved by proscribing non-64 bit prefixes?

2008-09-30 Thread michael.dillon
 When managing such a scheme alongside an IPv6 prefix which 
 needs to be assigned to the same set of servers, which are 
 all dual-stack, the *number* of prefixes, their *relative* 
 numbering, and the host *addresses* within the prefixes, it 
 is quickly apparent that use of only /64 prefixes makes for a 
 management nightmare, particularly if renumbering of prefixes 
 and/or servers occurs, e.g. re-balancing the VLSM arrangement 
 itself in IPv4-land.

Given that in IPv6, you can justify allocating a /48 to each
separate site, which gives you 16 bits to mirror the IPv4
subnet hierarchy, while maintaining 64 bit interface sddresses,
I don't see a technical issue here.

And I would really recommend that you upgrade all of your management
systems to fully support IPv6 instead of relying on tricks like
generating an IPv6 address by applying a transform to an existing
IPv4 address. Then you have no technical issue at all.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: the role of the node requirements document

2008-02-27 Thread michael.dillon
 I totally appreciate Alain's concern for cable modem devices 
 with limited memory for IPv6 but the problem is that IPv6 
 community decided as far back as 1998 with RFC 2401 that 
 IPSec is mandatory for IPv6.

The events of 1998 are irrelevant. The fact is that this website
clearly does not consider IPsec to be part of the IPv6 core protocols
and therefore lots of implementations will not have it.

Cable boxes are not much different from general purpose computers
running Linux. In fact, they may use Linux for all I know. In any
case, they are complex devices and if you looked at an architecture
diagram for them they would like rather like a network in a box
with many functions on separate chips (or areas of an FPGA) all
communicating with various internal protocols and busses.

But IPv6 is not just for devices like that. It was also intended
to be something that could be implemented on embedded devices
that often use 8-bit CPUs with the IP stack written in carefully
handcoded assembly language. TINI is an example of such a device
but there are hundreds of them out there and manufacturers continue
to introduce new 8-bit microcontrollers all the time.

If you have any contacts with Yokogawa in Japan, they have a lot
of experience in this area and will be able to give a better idea
of how common it is to implement IPv6 without IPsec. WIDE people
may also know more about this.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: the role of the node requirements document

2008-02-26 Thread michael.dillon
 I totally appreciate Alain's concern for cable modem devices 
 with limited memory for IPv6 but the problem is that IPv6 
 community decided as far back as 1998 with RFC 2401 that 
 IPSec is mandatory for IPv6.

The events of 1998 are irrelevant. The fact is that this website
clearly does not consider IPsec to be part of the IPv6 core protocols
and therefore lots of implementations will not have it.

Cable boxes are not much different from general purpose computers
running Linux. In fact, they may use Linux for all I know. In any
case, they are complex devices and if you looked at an architecture
diagram for them they would like rather like a network in a box
with many functions on separate chips (or areas of an FPGA) all
communicating with various internal protocols and busses.

But IPv6 is not just for devices like that. It was also intended
to be something that could be implemented on embedded devices
that often use 8-bit CPUs with the IP stack written in carefully
handcoded assembly language. TINI is an example of such a device
but there are hundreds of them out there and manufacturers continue
to introduce new 8-bit microcontrollers all the time.

If you have any contacts with Yokogawa in Japan, they have a lot
of experience in this area and will be able to give a better idea
of how common it is to implement IPv6 without IPsec. WIDE people
may also know more about this.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: RFC 4193

2008-01-08 Thread michael.dillon
 Is there any implementation available for RFC 4193 (Unique 
 Local IPv6 Unicast Address) on a host machine?  
 Since the Global ID in these address are to be randomly 
 generated, there is no way to manual assign a local ipv6 
 address to an interface?  

You should only generate the Global ID once, for your entire
site. Then use this Global ID in the same way that you use
the /48 assigned by your ISP, except that you tell all your
Internet gateway devices to block fc00::/7 traffic and

This should not affect the way in which interface addresses
are assigned and you could certainly use the same interface
address with both the ULA prefix and the ISP-assigned prefix.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: Stupid ULA discussion

2007-12-05 Thread michael.dillon
 It has nothing to do with PI.
 People need address space to number the links between their 
 SQL and web servers. This is completely orthogonal to address 
 space used on the internet.


 If it's routed at some point, this means we're all getting 
 enough money to change our minds on the merits of routing 
 unroutable space so by definition, we'll be happy with that.

In other words, any arguments that say but people will take that
address block and use it on the public Internet apply equally to
people who use a 3FFE block or just pick some random address block
that is not in use. The only thing that stops people from doing
this is ISPs policing the BGP routes that they hear which will
also stop ULA use. 

In a way, people are right when they have a gut feel that ULA-C 
addresses are just like PI addresses. But they forget that they
are also like any other unicast IPv6 address. All addresses work
everywhere on the Internet, except where they are filtered/policed
and ULA-C addresses will be filtered just like any other kind of
address which is technically usable, but defined by policy as unusable.

 And again: keep the RIRs out of this, this has nothing to do 
 with their current business.

Really, this is none of our business. When push comes to shove, the IANA
is responsible for registering numbers and if they want to delegate the
job to RIRs, then they will. 

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: IPv6 address notation for example IPv6 architectures

2007-11-27 Thread michael.dillon

  You are looking for 2001:0DB8::/32

 What I'm looking for now is a 2nd documentation prefix, that 
 would differ in the first bit.  Such that nobody could say 
 that this prefix X has an aggregation relationship with 
 2001:db8::/32.  Such that I can picture a Router with two 
 non-hierarchical non-aggregated prefixes on its two interfaces.

You could use a ULA address such as fd67:039d:7a3a::/48
That differs in the first bit. If you don't like the one that
that I suggested, you could try generating your own at

Note that the generator algorithm is random so even if you 
don't change the MAC address that you enter, you can just keep
clicking on Generate until you get an address that looks nice

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: IPv6 address notation for example IPv6 architectures

2007-11-27 Thread michael.dillon

 I will however suggest it.  For info, this is about 
 discussion around addressing architectures for AUTOCONF WG.

As long as it is for discussion there should be no worries 
about colliding with someone else's use of that /48. And there
is no need to register these ULA addresses.

In future, we may add another type of ULA address that is 
centrally registered, and it would probably be a good idea 
to reserve a block from that space for documentation purposes
as well. 

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: New Version Notification for draft-mrw-6man-ulac-analysis-00

2007-11-26 Thread michael.dillon
 Not sure what you mean by solving this problem. Some people 
 want ULA- C. Presumably, they'll be willing to pay reasonable 
 registration costs. Find a few parties willing to run 
 registries and be done with it.

The IETF doesn't need to find anyone to run registries. The registry
task is delegated to the IANA. In the case of IP addresses, the IANA
has further delegated the task to 5 regional RIRs. I don't think that
ULA-C or G addresses are important enough to deviate from this
The RIRs already have the capability to communicate with applicants in
several languages and it would be expensive and complex for IANA to
do this kind of work directly.

One advantage of delegating this to the RIRs through IANA is that the
IETF does not need to deal with the issue of ULA-C addresses becoming
a cheap form of PI addresses since the control of that issue will be
in the RIRs. If the network operators do not want ULA-C to become a
form of PI addresses, then they will maintain strict ULA filters and 
participate in their RIR's grass-roots democratic process. In fact, 
a final ULA-C or G RFC should really contain some language that explains
this fact and explains why the IETF does not see the need to take any
specific action on the cheap PI issue.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: New Version Notification for draft-mrw-6man-ulac-analysis-00

2007-11-20 Thread michael.dillon

 This sounds like provider independent which is a very 
 different ballgame.
 The point of ULAs is not that they are independent of any 
 particular provider, they're independent of any and all 
 connectivity to the internet at large.

I agree that a ULA-C RFC must state that these addresses are
not the same as provider independent addresses and that they
are intended for connectivity that does not involve the public
Internet. I think it would be reasonable for the RFC to contain
a definition of provider independent something like the

  Provider Independent addresses are global unicast addresses that
  have been allocated to an organization directly by one of the
  RIRs. As part of the agreement between the RIR and the organization
  receiving the allocation, these addresses are considered to be
  for the use of the receiving organization regardless of how they
  connect to the public Internet.

 I don't think this is widely held, but it's certainly vocally held.

Totally agree on this. 

 Since addresses are only usable when a rather large part of 
 the internet accepts routes for them, it seems rather strange 
 to make this assumption in the presence of explicit standards 
 language that these addresses are NOT to be used in this way. 
 I.e., the argument is that the entire internet is going to to 
 something which is undesireable if these addresses are 
 created. However, if the entire internet is doing it, 
 wouldn't that action by definition be desireable (regardless 
 of whether it's a good idea)?

That is a mouthful, but it does seem sensible to assume that
either the public Internet will NOT allow ULA-C addresses to
be used as PI addresses, or, they will allow it, in which case
this is what the operators of the public Internet want. In either
case, the IETF only provides the signal as to what is appropriate.
It cannot force operators to act one way or another.

Does anyone know what is happening with the ULA-G draft?

--Michael Dillon.

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: New Version Notification for draft-mrw-6man-ulac-analysis-00

2007-11-20 Thread michael.dillon

 In practice, what are you going to do when you do a DNS 
 lookup for some random domain name and you get a ULA address? 
 Ignore it because you know it's unreachable? Try to send a 
 packet anyway? 

You have to send a packet because that is the only way to
discover if it is reachable or not. The address may be for
a device just down the hall from you.

Now you might want to configure your DNS proxy (resursive server)
to not pass through  records with ULA addresses unless they
are from known sources with whom you have a prior arrangement.
But that is a different issue.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: New Version Notification for draft-mrw-6man-ulac-analysis-00

2007-11-20 Thread michael.dillon
  Now you might want to configure your DNS proxy (resursive 
 server) to 
  not pass through  records with ULA addresses unless 
 they are from 
  known sources with whom you have a prior arrangement.
  But that is a different issue.
 Now the DNS must know about routing?

Why would the DNS need to know anything about routing?
ULA addressing is intended for local use. If an organization
wants to enforce that policy by putting filters in their
routers which talk to the public Internet, they are free 
to do so. If they want to put filters in the DNS servers
which talk to the public Internet, they are free to do
so. The DNS filters are about policy, and have nothing to
do with routing.

You are the one who said that somebody might put ULA 
addresses in  records that are visible to the Internet
instead of running proper split-horizon for their internal
DNS. If I want to protect my DNS and my systems from somebody
elses misconfigurations, then filtering and proxying is the
standard way to do it, regardless of whether we are talking
about routing packets, DNS queries, http queries 
or telephone calls.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: Misunderstanding IPv6 (Was: IPv6 Books)

2007-10-25 Thread michael.dillon
 Have you read the analysis pieces on how, Powerpoint doomed 
 the Columbia (space shuttle)?

No but I have read the original report of the investigating committee
into the Challenger disaster and I remember the cluttered slide which
mentioned the O-ring problem. That's why I am not suggesting that the
IETF start producing slideware, but instead suggesting that we need a
summary prose RFC.

 It doomed the Columbia, and killed seven astronauts.

Not to mention Challenger which also killed astronauts.

  It matters when people make claims about IPv6 exhaustion based on

 I hope that isn't how you are characterizing my proposal, or 
 the underlying premise.

Did I mention your name? If I recall correctly it was Geoff Huston who
raised concerns about IPv6 exhaustion which led to ARIN changing its
policies to recommend that ISPs assign /56 blocks to small site users.

 What I *am* concerned about, is maintaining 1 prefix per ASN, 
 to prevent routing table bloat.

As long as the time of multiple IPv6 prefixes per ASN is delayed until
IPv4 networks start disappearing from the global routing table, we are
OK. I expect to see this begin in 5 years.

 Rational folks can disagree on how much this needs to be contained.

The vendors seem confident that there is no near-term issue here. 

 Basically, this boils down to whatever the WG chair, AD, and 
 consensus of the WG say it is.

Precisely. It has to be discussed in the WG for consensus to form, one
way or another.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: IPv6 Books (Re: An example of what is wrong with the IETF's IPv6 documentation)

2007-10-25 Thread michael.dillon
 Maybe a wiki or other online / real-time solution would be 
 best, but this will require someone to manage it and people 
 who have a clue to monitor (moderate) it, and most of these 
 people are either doing it or are working on improving it ( 
 i.e. writing RFCs).

I think this is the reason why ARIN set up the wiki at and I have been contributing to this wiki along
with a few others. Mostly I have taken comments from mailing lists, such
as Brian Carpenter's specific recommandation of two books as being up to

But it would help if more of the people in IETF who really know IPv6
would go to the wiki and contribute. In particular, there is a page on
adressing plans that is very light, more of a strawman than anything
else. The wiki *is* being managed by ARIN staff so that SPAM/defacementr
attempts are quickly removed.

Ideally, the above-mentioned wiki would evolve into an authoritative
reference source to other materials on the web and in print. I have
started this page in
order to collect such references. Please feel free to add any other
books to the page.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: IPv6 Books (Re: An example of what is wrong with the IETF's IPv6 documentation)

2007-10-24 Thread michael.dillon
 Also online: (first hit 
 for google
 (ipv6 book) btw.

I've already mentioned that one on but I can't
say that it is recommended unless I learn more about it.

I trust Brian Carpenter's recommendation due to his history with the
IETF and I think I trust the French book because it is a wiki and Mohsen
claims it is being kept up to date. I'm not sure that I trust the other
books in your list, especially since you reference Huitema's book which
is part of the problem. I have Huitema's book among others, and that is
one of the reasons why I don't feel confident that I understand IPv6
well enough to write a draft of Guidelines for RIRs or Guidelines for
ISPs. Perhaps there is a newer edition, but is it new enough? Was it,
or any of the other books on your list, vetted by enough eyes to be
trusted? The advantage of an RFC is that it does undergo some serious
vetting by people who went through the process of creating IPv6 and
understand how it works.

Books written by IPv4 experts are particularly problematic, because how
do we know that the author is not blinded by invalid IPv4 assumptions?

 The 'correct' one for you thus depends on what you are 
 looking for of course ;)

Indeed. I'm not looking for a book at all, but an RFC which summarizes
the current state of IPv6 that can be used as an authoritative source to
win arguments with people who are still stuck in IPv4 thinking. At this
point, I have to trawl through dozens of RFCs looking for this
information, or else use one of the books Brian recommended and hope
that the fact of his recommendation holds some weight. People are just
beginning to seriously deploy IPv6, many just in lab test environments.
A lot of mistakes are being made because too many people think of IPv6
as IPv4 with more bits. 

 Practical experience is of course the real way to learn to 
 use it. Books are good references though and tend to read 
 easier than RFCs.

It takes years to get the practical experience, and even more years to
unlearn bad habits. As for readability, an overview RFC is not likely to
be as hard to read as a protocol specification.

The real issue here is, does the IETF's responsibility end with giving
the vendors the specs that they need, or does the IETF have a
responsibility to RIRs, network operators, enterprise network managers,
and end users?

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: IPv6 Books (Re: An example of what is wrong with the IETF's IPv6 documentation)

2007-10-24 Thread michael.dillon

 Next to that they also have technical reviewers and nowadays 
 in the age of the Internet there are sites where reviews are 
 given about the books and you can base your opinion on that too.

I've seen enough inaccuracies in books that I don't really trust the
technical review process of publishers, and the website reviews require
a certain volume of reviewers in order to converge to a reasonably
accurate result. I don't believe any IPv6 books have reached the volume
of sales that would result in consensus on review sites.

  I'm not sure that I trust the other
  books in your list, especially since you reference Huitema's book 
  which is part of the problem.
 As I stated, it is the old bible, it is from 1996 or so 
 after all. As such it is FAR from current but still it is a 
 great book, just a wee bit outdated.

I think that you and I have a fundamental disagreement on how technical
material would be presented. I would prefer to hide wee bit outdated
books, just as I don't say anything about Classful addressing when
teaching people what an IPv4 address is. VLSM and CIDR is the state of
the art, and classful adressing only deserves mention as an afterthought
to explain why on earth so many people still talk about Class C blocks. 

People don't need to know about TLAs, and the wonderful goals of IPNG
which were later discarded along the way. They need to know how IPv6
works and how to implement it today. They need to be able to design a
sensible addressing plan that maintains the IPv6 architecture and will
not require renumbering large parts of their network in a few years to
accommodate growth. They need to understand that it is a sin to
undersize a subnet block which is the reverse of the situation with

 If you have an IPv6 book 
 collection that that and also IPng Internet Protocol Next 
 Generation by Scott Bradner and Allison Mankin is definitely 
 a must on the shelf.

Yet another book that I have on my bookshelf which led me to require an
IPv6 reeducation.

 Books need to be edited and published which takes quite some 
 time and people are not going to redo them everyday. Though, 
 as I noted, most of them have websites which will contain 
 errata fixups and also new chapters or extra material to 
 cover that gap though.
 Run into a bookstore, browse through them and then decide. It 
 is also a matter of taste and what you want.

It takes more than some browsing to judge whether the author really is
up to date and not mired in IPv4 thinking or past glories of the IPNG
that never was.

  Indeed. I'm not looking for a book at all, but an RFC which 
  the current state of IPv6 that can be used as an 
 authoritative source 
  to win arguments with people who are still stuck in IPv4 thinking.
 Ehmm, you are trying to make an argument against people while 
 you actually don't know what you are talking about? :)

I'm not so arrogant as to claim I am all-knowing. That doesn't help win
technical arguments. And although I can deal with my own educational
needs by plodding through RFCs and books etc., that doesn't help me find
a concise overview of the CURRENT state of the IPv6 art to recomment to
others, so that they too, can win technical arguments, or see the error
of their ways.

 Really, that won't work. A summary won't help there either, 
 you will need to know really what you want to talk about. Do 
 it, then you know and then you can win arguments. That is if 
 your only target is to always win in those things, 
 sometimes the other party actually makes a very completely 
 valid point...

I don't think you understand the situation. There are loads of people
with many years of deep IPv4 experience under their belt. They have
gotten used to understanding networks and being right when they make
design tradeoffs. The vast majority of these people have a very slim
understanding of IPv6 and no experience implementing or running it. Yet
they will be expected to design and deploy IPv6 networks that take us
through the transition period. You can't tell these people to stop what
they are doing, and go back to school. This is the audience for the kind
of summary that I proposed. 

In the RIR sphere it will stop people from supporting policies which
recommend *ALL* ISPs to assign a /120 to *ALL* customers unless they can
justify more space. To my mind, that is not IPv6 and yet in order to
argue against such a policy, people have had to trawl through IPv6 RFCs
to see if it is clearly written somewhere that assignments should be a
/48 except if you know for sure that there will only ever be one subnet
in which case a /64 is appropriate. Even then, the RFCs for IPv6 are
known to be full of deprecated material, non-standards material, and so
forth, that a lot of people doubt whether or not assigning a /48 is the
right thing to do. If we had an RFC with Guidelines for RIRs it would
not only say that a /48 is right, but it would also explain why it is
right and how it fits into a wholistic 

RE: Misunderstanding IPv6 (Was: IPv6 Books)

2007-10-24 Thread michael.dillon

 So you are letting people 'design' networks who can't even be 
 bothered to read up? Can you inform me of the places where 
 that is, so that I can avoid them?

You seem to think that the world is nice and neat and tidy.
That people don't do things unless a more informed person
lets them do it. Unfortunately, the world is not like that.

 And really, what is so hard about giving a /64 per LAN, 
 counting a bit how many subnets you have in this neighborhood 
 and that region and applying some simple arithmetic?

Because when that neighborhood needs to expand beyond what
you were able to foresee, then you need to restructure both
the neighborhood and the region. But if you had stuck to the
model of giving a /48 per site, and a /64 per LAN, then 
you would never suffer this problem.

 Fortunately the RIRs still in most cases require people to 
 actually submit a network plan before getting an allocation from them.

But the network plan counts /48 subnets, not /64s.

 Fortunately also those very same RIRs do provide excellent 
 guidance when people don't get it.

Given that one RIR has already introduced a policy that allocates
/56 to small sites, I can see no reason to trust that RIRs are
necessarily better informed. The fact that they give excellent 
advice on IPv4 does not imply that they are capable of giving
similarly excellent advice on IPv6.

  They need to understand that it is a sin to undersize a 
 subnet block 
  which is the reverse of the situation with IPv4.
 I have one very simple solution to your problem:
  Write and publish a book or website about this ;)

Why add yet another website to the mix? ARIN has set up an educational
wiki for IPv6 so I am satisfied to just contribute to that. Because it
is a wiki, many people can contribute and errors can be corrected, or
conflicting theories can be clearly explained.

 You will quickly find out that:
  - not many people will use it
  - that it is outdated the moment you are done

That is not true of wikis.

  - that the same arguments you raise against those books you
are trying to claim are 'inaccurate' also go for your site.

If a wiki is inaccurate, then it can be corrected.

 But you do want the summary so you can win it without 
 actually knowing why those decisions where made, which 
 actually would allow you to argument why they where made, 
 though by other people and thus allow you to make a stronger case? :)

It doesn't matter how strong your case is if people don't understand it.
The more that you require the other person to learn and understand, the
harder it is to convince them of something or displace a mistaken idea.
Referring to an IETF standards document is a shortcut for this.

 Thus you claim to have the answers but are unable to write them down?

I've never claimed to have the answers.

 Also since when are RFC's even remotely the 'current state' anyway?
 They tend to take a long time to become actual RFC's and 
 vendors tend to do things just a bit different.

That's why I am highlighting the fact that now, when we are finally
beginning to reach exponential growth of IPv6 deployment, we need to
have an RFC that reflects the current state of IPv6.

 Then they should also know that sometimes they are wrong. 
 They should also know that things change. And that sometimes 
 they need to read a book or a some other material on it.

And if they don't know this, and you only have 15 minutes of their time,
how do you convince them that they really need to take the time to read
the book? Where is the authoritative summary that can be used to make
this argument?

 The current RIR policies are simple:
  - /48 for end-sites
  - /64 when you know very sure that that end-site will have only
ever one single network behind it.

Wrong. The current policies depend on region and in one region, it
includes /56 for small sites. There is also a proposal under discussion
that would recommend /120 for smallest sites.

 This has been the same already for the last, what, 5 years++? :)

Keeping your head in the sand will not fix the problem. There is a
growing number of people tinkering with IPv6 policies and architecture
whose goal is to conserve IPv6 address space, just as IPv4 address space
is conserved.

 Since when is anycast an exclusive IPv6 property? Anycast is 
 a routing trick. Nothing more, nothing less.

In IPv4, anycast is a routing trick. In IPv6 it is part of the
addressing architecture.

  1/8th of the total space is currently allocated for unicast.
 Does that matter? You are only supposed to use the space that 
 gets assigned/allocated to you from a RIR.

It matters when people make claims about IPv6 exhaustion based on

 Actually answer that he doesn't know what he is talking about 
 and go/redirect to a place where they do.
 tip: [EMAIL PROTECTED] already exists for more than 10 years now 
 and a lot of people have found great help there. Don't be 
 afraid to ask!

Are you suggesting that the best we can do to 

RE: An example of what is wrong with the IETF's IPv6 documentation

2007-10-23 Thread michael.dillon
  The following thread from ARIN's Public Policy Mailing List is an 
  example of what is wrong with the IETF's documentation of IPv6.
 I look forward to seeing your draft.

Unfortunately, I was not involved in the creation of IPv6, nor did I
follow it as RFCs were released and then deprecated, so I don't fully
understand it myself. This is a piece of work that needs to be taken on
by some of the people who were immersed in the creation of IPv6.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: dickson-v6man-new-autoconf

2007-10-22 Thread michael.dillon
 Of course, once you don't reserve a /44 for each customer, 
 because a /48 is plenty for nearly everybody, the 12 bits 
 turn into 16, making Brian's concerns far less concerning, 
 and probably no concern at all.

Well said. 

I do not support extending 6MAN's mandate to include 
this draft.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

An example of what is wrong with the IETF's IPv6 documentation

2007-10-22 Thread michael.dillon
The following thread from ARIN's Public Policy Mailing List is an
example of what is wrong with the IETF's documentation of IPv6. People
are struggling to understand just how IPv6 works, not at the
implementation level of detail, but at a higher level. 

What is mandatory, what is optional? What are the basic principles, what
is the fundamental architecture?

Some people argue that IPv6 is merely IPv4 with more bits, therefore all
the rules and constraints of IPv4 must necessarily be applied. There is
no IETF document that provides the right kind of high-level view of
IPv6, and no document that provides guidelines for RIRs.

In the absence of such guidance, it appears as though people who plan to
alloocate /120's to customers are right, and Brian Dickson is the
authoritative voice of the IETF who understands IPv6 most clearly.

Most people who make decisions about addressing plans in the RIRs or in
ISPs, do not have the time to wade through dozens of RFCs trying to
figure out what is NOT DEPRECATED and what is the IPv6 STANDARD.

I believe that the 6MAN group should add to its charter two documents:
IPv6 guidelines for RIRs and IPv6 Overview for ISPs.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Brian Dickson
 Sent: 22 October 2007 22:42
 Subject: Re: [ppml] IPv6 assignment - proposal for change to nrpm
 Leo Bicknell wrote:
  In a message written on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 09:31:36AM 
 -0400, Azinger, Marla wrote:

  3177 is a recommendation from 2001 and not a standar of any kind.
  I'm afraid many people are not looking at the right RFC's and/or 
  considering what all needs to be changed if the /64 
 boundary is to be 
  updated.  I'm fairly sure this is not an exhaustive list, /64 is 
  referenced in many locations in different IPv6 RFC's, many of which 
  are standards track.
IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture
Status: Standards Track
Section 2.5.1: Interface IDs are required to be 64 bits long...
Section 2.5.7: Aggregatable Global Unicast Addresses
Section 2.5.8: Local-Use IPv6 Unicast Addresses

 RFC 2373 was obsoleted by 3531 which was obsoleted by 4291.
 2.5.8 is gone, but AGUA is still roughly the same (all but 
 000 require use of EUI-64 modified), and ditto 2.5.1
An IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format
Status: Standards Track
Section 3.1 makes it clear the lower 64 bits are an interface
identifier for
I also point out section 3.4 makes a recomendation we 
 continue to use
a slow start method:
  It is recommended that
  organizations assigning NLA address space use slow 
 start allocation
  procedures similar to [RFC2050].

 2374 was obsoleted by 3587.
Proposed TLA and NLA Assignment Rule
Status: Informational
Section 3: IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format

 This bit was itself in RFC 2374, which was obsoleted by RFC 3587.
Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
Status: Standards Track
Section 3: Specifically referrs to 2373 (ADDRARCH)

 4291  obsoletes 3531 which obsoleted 2373.
 (I don't know why 2460 hasn't been updated with the new references...)
IAB/IESG Recommendations on IPv6 Address Allocations to Sites
Status: Informational
Section 3: Recomendations

 This was informational only, from 2001, and IMHO no longer as 
 relevant as it once was.
 So, by my count, that is 4291 and 3587.
 My IETF draft also lists 2464 (Ethernet),  4941 (privacy), 
 and 4862 (autoconfiguration).
 Most other IPv6 RFCs inherit from those few, and mostly the 
 choice is rather axiomatic.
 Two small changes, basically, in a backward-compatible 
 manner, is meant to be as minimally-disruptive as is possible.
 (Think surgery to remove a burst appendix or inflamed tonsils.)
 Anyone interested can see the draft at:
 My draft even includes the necessary patch for Linux, about 
 17 lines in total, mostly the result of the necesssary line 
 length provisions for an RFC. (It was 10 lines
 You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to 
 the ARIN Public Policy Mailing List ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
 Unsubscribe or manage your mailing list subscription at: Please contact 
 the ARIN Member Services Help Desk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you 
 experience any issues.

I don't think it is necessary to discuss the quoted text, just be aware
of how hard it is to pin down how IPv6 works and find authoritative IETF
documents to back up an assertion.

--Michael Dillon 

RE: Virtualization And IPv6 : Part Of IPv6 Address For Virtual Hosts

2007-09-26 Thread michael.dillon
 Alternatively, you could create a virtual network/link within 
 the physical host, 

This is precisely what machine virtualization already does. And many
setups involve a set of physical hosts providing resources, and a set of
virtual machines consuming resources. A management system migrates the
virtual machines from host to host as it tries to make the best use of
the resources. At any given point in time, the only way to truly know
what virtual machines are on a given physical host is to ask the
physical host.

Since the virtual machines use virtual network interfaces provided by
the physical host, this physical host can see MAC addresses and IP

As a management problem, this can be easily solved by an agent which
runs on the physical hosts therefore I don't think the IETF needs to do
work on this problem. What would be good is for more people to implement
pure IPv6 networks on their virtual machine infrastructure and write
about it.

Since virtualization increases the number of IP addresses consumed per
physical machine, it could lead to IPv4 exhaustion happening sooner
rather than later. By using pure IPv6 on the virtual machines there is
effectively no limit to the number of addresses that can be used, and if
someone wants to implement some kind of structured numbering system in
their /64 subnet, the bits are freely available to do this.

This USENIX paper:
Optimizing Network Virtualization in Xen
provides some information on how one of the more popular virtualization
environments handles networking.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: prefix length determination for DHCPv6

2007-08-15 Thread michael.dillon
 A fixed length network portion is also simpler and easier to 
 administer and operate if you have the opportunity, which is 
 why I'm an advocate for /48s for nearly everybody. Leaving 
 the problems of dealing with the complexity of variable 
 length prefixes to the expert employees of the network 
 service providers, not their customers, makes good sense to me.
 Again, I think people who've worked with Novell IPX or 
 Appletalk would also agree.

Then you need to get involved in setting RIR policy because this concept
of the fixed /48 network size is already starting to disappear. Nobody
from the IETF was available to explain why the designers of IPv6
intended for /48 to be the fixed length network size when ARIN passed a
policy to allow ISPs to allocate /56s to consumer customers. Even though
the ARIN decision was not a bad one, unless better understanding of the
IPv6 design is communicated, then the /48 boundary will fade away and
everyone will have to renumber their networks when they change

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: Closure of IPv6 WG and creation of IPv6 Maintenance WG

2007-07-26 Thread michael.dillon
  The sole purpose of this group is in the maintenance of the core
 IPv6 protocol specifications and *not* in the development of 
 new solutions or changes to the specifications.  For example, 
 the deployment of new transition tools is out of scope of 
 this working group.
 Proposals for work beyond the scope of this working group 
 should be sent to relevant ADs.

The language in this email is quite clear. Interestingly, it is missing
from the charter text. I see that there are two kinds of new work that
could come up, and the charter should make it clear which new work falls
within the charter, and should be submitted to the WG for approval, and
which new work should not be submitted to the WG, but to other ADs.

For instance if ULA-C fails to meet consensus and in a few months,
someone comes up with a ULA-W proposal, that does not involve protocol
changes and should go to the WG for approval. But if someone comes up
with a new routing proposal which separates locaters and identifiers,
that does involve protocol changes and should go to other ADs.

--Michael Dillon 

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-13 Thread michael.dillon
 As far as why site has been abused to mean administrative 
 domain, that comes from the IETF and RIRs being very 
 ISP-centric, as I said; a single downstream connection 
 denotes a single site regardless of how complex the 
 internal network behind it is or how many other locations it 
 serves.  Or maybe it doesn't, depending on who's talking; 
 that's the problem.

I have always believed that the definition of a site in IPv6 is tied in
with the idea that if every site has a /48 subnet assignment, then
migration to a different provider only requires changing the prefix
bits. The existing subnet topology hidden inside the /48 remains

By this definition an apartment or family home is a site. An office in
big buidling is a site. A company building is a site. A campus-like
collection of buildings is a site. Here is where definitions need to be
precise and relate back to original goals.

A single company may own several buildings and those buildings may be
next to each other. I believe that each separate building should be
considered to be a site. A campus is more than a collection of buildings
because it is difficult, or impossible to separate one building from the
group. On a campus there is centralization of utilities, even going so
far as to connect all buildings by tunnel systems and heat all buildings
via hot water from a central steam plant.

Why is the definition of a site so important? Because a site is
mobile. It can change providers and it can change ownership indpendent
of neighboring sites. By that definition, airplanes, trucks and train
carriages are also sites. They are just mobile more frequently than
sites in buildings.

I think it is important for the IETF to have clear documentation of the
interconnectedness of sites, /48 prefixes, mobility, and freedom of

At least one RIR now allows ISPs to assign shorter /56 prefixes to
consumer sites, i.e. family homes and apartments. This is not
necessarily a bad thing since it is rare for a family home to turn into
an office without significant infrastructure change. But if there is to
be a special size for the family home, it too should be the same
worldwide. And it too should be documented by the IETF.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-11 Thread michael.dillon

 It is more about creating a address space that can be used 
 for OTHER thing than the DFZ-way of thinking Internet we have now.

Up until now, I've been on the fence regarding ULA-centrally-registered
address space, but after several comments in the past two days, I now
support defining these addresses.

Other factors that I think help make the case:

1) The RIR system is already in place to deal with DFZ grey areas. If we
delegate the central registry function to the RIRs, they can deal with
the details of how such addresses are handed out (automatically or on
demand), charges for maintaining the registry and services, and
sorting out the issues of non-aggregation and global routing table

2) These ULA addresses provide an additional layer of security in a
layered security model. If I use my PI addresses for secret internal
infrastructure, I must block those ranges in my firewall. Networks which
I connect to will likely not block these ranges, so I have one layer of
security. If I use ULA addresses, then the vast majority of other
networks will block the entire ULA range, thus giving me an additional
layer of security. If I need to use ULA addreses to talk to a peer, we
can both punch holes in our filters/firewalls.

3) ULA addresses reduce the administrative burden. If I use some PI
addresses for secret internal infrastructure, I must repeatedly update
filters at the edge to block traffic to these ranges. If I use ULA
addresses, then I simply block the entire ULA range and never need to
update filters.

In general, it seems to me that the benefits fall on the enterprise
network side, and the possibly disadvantages fall on the ISP side. The
IETF needs to provide technology that supports all users of IPv6. Since
there are other mechanisms outside the IETF to deal with the ISPs'
issues, I think we need to go ahead with ULA centrally-registered.

Paul's draft which assigns 12 bits to each RIR seems to be the right
thing since it clearly delineates which RIR is responsible for each
subset range, and therefore if an RIR policy dictates special handling
for certain ULA addresses, there is a simple technical means to
accomplish this.

I'm not sure what the status of Paul's document is since the drafts
directory only contains this one:

Is Paul's superceding that or is there a merge in process?

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-11 Thread michael.dillon
 The question here still remains though: how really different 
 is this from PI. In effect it is non-DFZ-PI space that is 
 being defined here.

PI (Provider Independent) is not a relevant term to refer to addresses
that are allocated to end-user organizations for use in their own
networks. There is no provider in such a scenario, therefore the
addresses are neither provider-independent nor provider-dependent. In
fact, they are local to the end-user network which is why people have
been referring to them as Unique Local Addresses (ULA). It appears that
we are accumulating enough changes from the original ULA that it is not
correct to refer to them as ULA addresses that are centrally registered.
However, they are Unique, and they are Local. Perhaps ULRA (Unique Local
Registered Addresses) is sufficiently different from ULA that people
will not accidentally look to RFC 4193 for advice?

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: [ppml] Why ULA-* will not harm the DFZ

2007-07-10 Thread michael.dillon
 2. Or release space FC00::/8 for another type of use (becuase 
 sitting on the shelf is wasteful)

This is a good example of ossified IPv4 thinking. IPv6 is different from
IPv4. It is not just IPv4 with more address bits. It is not wasteful to
leave IPv6 address ranges sitting on the shelf any more than it is
wasteful to assign a /48 prefix to a homeowner.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-09 Thread michael.dillon
 At this point it is plain to see that ULA-C is nothing but PI 
 address space, because the IETF is in no position to enforce 
 otherwise.  So please, let's just call it what it is.

The IETF is not in a position to enforce the special handling of ULA-C
addresses however, IANA via the RIRs is in such a position. The C in
ULA-C refers to a central registry. It is likely that IANA will appoint
the RIRs to handle that function. Since the RIRs only allocate numbers
to organizations who sign a contract with the RIR, this places the RIR
in a legal position to enforce any special rules that may be attached to
ULA-C addresses.

The IETF can state its intent that ULA-C address ranges should not be
announced on the Internet or routed across the Internet outside of
tunneling technologies. The RIRs can then enforce that intent.

If the membership of the RIRs decide that it is valuable to allow ULA-C
addresses to be used on the Internet and that they can handle the
increase of entries in the global routing table, then those members can
collectively override the IETF's intent. 

Essentially, the IETF is placing control over the route announcement
question in the hands of those who are actually impacted by the
question. If there is any dispute over the specifics of how this is
handled, the RIRs are the forum in which it should be worked out. 

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-03 Thread michael.dillon
 consider an ipv6-reachable light switch in my house.  does 
 anyone still think that it can have end to end 
 connectivity, so that if i want to monitor it or control it 
 while on vacation, i'll send IPSEC-signed datagrams from my 
 hotel room to do so?  that i'll subject it to every DDoS 
 attack, stack smash attack, IPSEC key guessing attack, plus 
 any other attacks i can't think of or which havn't been 
 invented yet?  or do we think that it'll sit in fe80:: and be 
 talked to only by some local (hardened) proxy?  or that at 
 best it'll have a ULA-G address, reachable by my household 
 security company's local embedded network but no further?

This isn't the use-case that matters because, as you pointed out,
light-switches are likely to be hidden behind a master-controller of
some sort. The important use-case is devices which need to behave like a
telephone set, i.e. raise an alarm when there is an incoming connection
attempt and establish a connection upon request of the local user or
some device that proxies for the local user. Of course this
telephone-set device may be an actual VoIP telephone with attached
answering machine. Or it could be something entirely different such as a
medical monitoring device, a home security device which is polled at
random intervals, or a blackberry-like device, etc. etc.

 on the other hand, i like where you went with this, so i'll 
 quote it all in hopes that those who didn't read it the first 
 time will read it now:
  On the other hand, PA is a form of lock-in. Renumbering 
 is painful, 
  if the scope of the renumbering is large.
  If a PA assignment is directly to an end user, e.g. an 
  this in theory isn't likely to be a large scope, or is at 
 least manageable.
  It is when the PA assignments are further subassigned, that 
 the scope 
  becomes a significant issue, and the pain (of renumbering) grows.
 yea, verily.  tell it, brother!

Agreed. This is a problem that still needs to be addressed by the IETF.
In IPv4 the excuse was that the number space was limited. But in IPv6 we
no longer need to impose one model on everyone. I'm working on a draft
that presents one possibility.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-01 Thread michael.dillon
 My main question about ULA-C still stands: how is it 
 different from PI?

To understand the difference between PI and ULA-C you need to understand
the difference between the public Internet and an IP internetwork. Any
set of networks that use the Internet Protocols are an IP internetwork.
However there is only one public Internet and that is the subset of IP
internetworks which have chosen to connect together so that end hosts
can communicate without prior arrangements.

PI addresses are public Internet addresses which end hosts can use to
communicate without prior arrangements. ULA-C addresses can only be used
to communicate between end hosts where both ends have made prior
arrangements to enable communication between the two ULA-C blocks from
which the end-hosts are numbered. Any IP internetwork managed by a
single authority can make use of ULA-C addresses because the single
authority presumably is in charge of making things work. When two or
more authorities who manage internetworks wish to enable inter-authority
(inter-AS) communication, they need to make specific arrangements either
bilaterally or unilaterally. 

These arrangements are a lot like Internet peering arrangements
although, technically, it is not necessary to use ASes and BGP4 to do
this, just hook things up with circuits or tunnels. What is missing in
this ULA-C picture is transit. On the public Internet there is the
assumption that packets will be carried across as many autonomous
networks as necessary to reach their destination. However, when the
source address or destination address is ULA-C, the transit assumption
breaks down. There is no assumed interconnectivity with ULA-C
addresses which makes them quite different from PI addresses.

There will be some groups of organizations who find the requirement for
making prior arrangements to be very useful. They may not want any
packets from sources who have not signed a mutual agreement. These
Community Of Interest Networks exist today in the IPv4 world and they
are thriving. Examples are the auto industry with ANX and ENX, the air
transport industry with Aeronet and the global financial services
industry with RadianzNet. 

I am not suggesting that any of these existing networks would use ULA-C
but that they represent real-world use-cases for globally unique
registered address space that is explicitly *NOT* routed on the public
Internet. The big question here is whether ULA-C presents any advantage
over simply using PI and selectivly shutting off the characteristics
which are not desirable. For instance, if you never announce your PI
prefix on the Internet, then you will never receive any packets without
prior arrangement.

--Michael Dillon

P.S. if anyone has other examples besides automotive, air transport and
financial services idustries, I would be interested in hearing about

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-01 Thread michael.dillon
 A site is a network of computers with a single 
 administration, this can mean indeed a major corporation (who 
 maybe even require multiple /48's which is why rfc4193 is a 
 bit off to cover those cases)

Where has the IETF redefined the meaning of the word site?
In plain English, this word refers to a distinct physical location such
as an office or building or campus.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: AfriNIC, ULA-C, why not just get PI space

2007-07-01 Thread michael.dillon

 those in the AfriNIC region who want globally unique, 
 registered space but do not plan to announce the IPv6 PI 
 address space have no method of getting any such space. if 
 anyone reads this differently than i do, please educate me.

Do the RIRs actually refuse to allocate addresses to organizations
outside their region? If not, then anyone in Africa who needs IPv6 PI
can simply go registry shopping.

Of course, the reason AfriNIC is *Afri* NIC is to support organizations
in Africa. As such, I'm sure it has mechanisms by which organizations in
Africa can influence AfriNIC policies.

There is really no need to worry about this sort of thing at a global
level. Besides, the IETF designs protocols, not RIR policy mechanisms.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-01 Thread michael.dillon
 First, s/laptop/platform - where, a platform could be 
 something relatively small (like my laptop) or something 
 quite a bit larger (like a cruise ship). Any points 
 in-between (planes, trains, automobiles, etc.) also meet the 
 description. But, all of them are platforms and all of them 
 are also sites.

Don't forget things like the containers full of suitcase that they load
into airplanes. Or packing crates full of produce stored in a warehouse,
moved into a shipping container, loaded on a truck, transferred to a
ship, transferred to a train, loaded on another truck, and unloaded in
another warehouse cooler. Or medical devices with built-in computers
somewhat analogous to car engine computers, i.e. an insulin drip device
which needs to be docked at the pharmacy for data analysis before they
refill the insulin tank. Basically, IPv6 will be used for stuff which
was sci-fi a few years ago, not just the same old things as IPv4.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-01 Thread michael.dillon
   4) can the ULA-C's be kept out of the DFZ?

Since the IETF has no control whatsoever over the DFZ, then the answer
has to be, no.

The DFZ is the core of the public Internet, one of many internetworks
which use IETF protocols. If the operators of the private networks who
have formed the DFZ, decide that they don't want ULA-C prefixes in the
DFZ, then they won't be there. But that is up to the network operators,
not up to the IETF.

The IETF's role is not limited to only specifying technology that is
useful for the public Internet.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-01 Thread michael.dillon
   I would support Paul proposal, but with one small change. Paul 
   proposes a delegation hierarchy in the ULA-C space:
   should be replaced with this one:
 | 7 bits |1|  8 bits  | 16 bits | 16 bits | 80 bits  |
 | Prefix |L| Reserved | RIR Num | LIR Num | User Num |

Something that has been overlooked is the number of bits in each
section. How was this number determined? Is it the right number of bits
for each level? Is there a technical reason for sticking with octet
boundaries here? Does there need to be an actual boundary between the
RIR and LIR section at all?

I think that the RIR section has too many bits (there are 5 of them) and
the LIR section has too few.

It seems to me that the boundary between RIR and LIR should be left
unspecified. IANA can allocate chunks of whatever size is needed to RIRs
as those needs arise. 

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-01 Thread michael.dillon

 where in my diffs do i restrict RIRs to the current set of 
 RIRs?  it's expected that there may be more RIRs in the 

Is this a backdoor attempt to make it possible for sovereign nations to
acquire their own IP allocations as proposed by Houlin Zhao of the ITU?

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-01 Thread michael.dillon
 Oddly enough, what I recommend for now is - put ULA-C on the 
 back burner.

I generally agree with what Brian has said here and I especially support
his recommendation to push this to the backburner and let it stew for a
while. We really need more clarity on use-cases for this before going
further. And, we need to get a broader perspective, i.e. more people
looking at the issues.

 Make travel plans to attend the next IANA meeting, and in the 
 meantime, join the IANA mailing lists. Voice your concern 
 over PI space issues, and the making available of small PI 
 blocks to all comers.

In particular, the whole issue of PI versus ULA-C has not been clearly
stated. What does ULA-C bring to the table that cannot be done with PI
addresses? If the answer is nothing, then ULA-C is not needed at all.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt and NAT

2007-06-21 Thread michael.dillon
  I'd be more sympathetic to arguments like this if we RFC 
 4864 didn't 
  insist on recommending  the deployment of stateful packet filters in
  IPv6 that break most of the things NAT breaks in IPv4.

 It seems to me that you're 
 making the assumption that the only scenario IPv6 will be 
 deployed in is one where end-nodes always have an upstream 
 stateful firewalling device. 

Even if the stateful firewalling algorithm is being executed by an
upstream device, the fact that the IPv6 destination address is globally
known means that the device knows exactly which internal device is the
intended destination of the packet. This makes it easier for additional
software on the upstream device to do something intelligent that will
not break connectivity in the way that IPv4 NAT/PAT does.

For instance, there could be an application on the end host that
receives notifications from the upstream device so that the user can
accept the packet flow. Or there could be a bit of software on the
upstream device that recognizes this particular packet as belonging to a
known protocol which should be allowed through. Some of this already
exists in IPv4 such as application layer gateways, but some is yet to be

IPv6 brings a fundamental difference, that the end hosts can use
globally unique addresses and that the upstream gateways do not need to
do any address translation in order to apply stateful firewalling. Once
this becomes more widely understood, then some creative solutions like
the host notification mentioned above, could be implemented. 

Also, firewalling is a process. It has already been pointed out that the
process could take place on the end hosts. It can also be distributed
between the end host and an upstream gateway. Or even partly distributed
to a 3rd party host inside the perimeter by diverting the packet flow
such as is often done with proxy caching. Because of the broad
possibilities it is hard to make absolute statements about what effect
firewalls will have on any particular protocol.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt and NAT

2007-06-21 Thread michael.dillon
 Firewalls don't get upgraded to support SCTP and DCCP because 
 applications are all limping along with TCP and UDP.  Egg: 
 meet chicken.

Sounds like a good area for standardization so that this state of
affairs is not carried forward into IPv6. And especially, if there is a
standard way for upstream gateways with stateful filtering to talk to
end hosts with stateful filtering, then the two of them can agree to
divide the work such that the DCCP-related code runs on the end host.

 If NAT between PA and ULA-C unicast addresses solves a 
 problem for somebody, without breaking anything important 
 that isn't already broken by something else we've already 
 done, then why shouldn't we be pragmatic and define a mostly 
 sensible way for them to do it?

End hosts that need to communicate on the Internet should have globally
unique IPv6 addresses end-to-end. ULA is for end hosts that do not need
to communicate beyond the boundaries of an administrative domain. And
since IPv6 allows multiple addresses per end-host, those hosts who need
to be schizophrenic can use both ULA and globally unique addresses.
Network Address Translation does not seem to offer anything new here.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt - avoid policy costs

2007-06-21 Thread michael.dillon
 This is the place for me to say that I believe the draft is 
 wrong in delegating this as an RIR policy matter. Like 
 existing ULAs, ULA-C should be treated as *technical* address 
 space, and we should specify that assignments will be made 
 and recorded by a single instance of a robot, operated by a 
 trusted party. Designation of that trusted party could 
 certainly be a matter for IANA to negotiate with the community.

In my earlier comment I mentioned that the RIRs should stock a supply of
already-generated ULA-C addresses so that the applicants did not have to
wait while 5 RIRs worked out whether or not there was a conflict. Add
that to Brian's comment above and you have a scenario where IANA runs
the robot, ensures global uniqueness (just like they do with IP
addresses) and allocates a supply of ULA-C addresses to an RIR when
their supply runs low. Since running the robot and maintaining the
database of already-generated ULA-C addresses is a minor technical
matter requiring very little technical infrastructure, it seems
reasonable for the RFC to specify that IANA should do this.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: Why does everyone see router renumbnering as hard? (was Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt and NAT)

2007-06-20 Thread michael.dillon
 In my opinion, this means that the router of the future needs 
 to look a little different, and this has implications for 
 other subsystems.  Much of this could conceivably be hidden 
 with DNS, 

Since when do IP networks require DNS to function. We run a global IPv4
network with over 10,000 customer sites in over 20 countries, and there
is virtually no DNS on this network at all. After all, it's an IP
network, i.e. its job is forwarding IP packets.

As to why DNS is not used, it has something to do with unneccesarily
trusting third parties to figure out your packet destinations and the
added complexity of DNS. It turns out to be simpler and more flexible to
just use IP addresses directly. If you need to fail-over communications
to a disaster-recovery site, or merely to a backup server, you can
configure two or four IP addresses in the application and let the app
sort out where to send packets. 

DNS should not be overloaded with so many new functions that it becomes
a requirement of running an IP network.

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

RE: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-19 Thread michael.dillon
 IMHO, if reverse DNS is provided, it should be required that 
 the authoritative DNS servers have non-ULA addresses. 

Not only that, but since the goal of ULA-C addresses is to provide
something similar to what site-local was going to be, perhaps the RIRs
should operate authoritative reverse DNS servers for the entire ULA-C
space to ensure that reverse DNS for ULA-C addresses is permanently
broken on the public Internet. Of course, anyone who wants to run their
own internal reverse DNS in their own private network, or networks,
should feel free to do so.

Is the goal of this document merely to define the ULA-C address range
well enough to throw it into the lake and see if it sinks or swims? Or
is there some requirement to provide a more workable form of site-local

--Michael Dillon

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:


2007-06-18 Thread michael.dillon
In this draft it has some requirements for generating ULA-C prefixes and
then in 7.0 it requires the RIRs to publish an RFC documenting how they
will implement these requirements.

I think it would be better not to require the RIRs to also go through
the RFC process after a ULA-C RFC has been issued, if it ever gets to
that point. One possible solution is to downgrade this to simply require
the RIRs to publish an RIR document explaining how they implement
section 3.2.

But a better way is for the ULA-C document to include this. I note that
any algorithm for checking (and registering) a generated prefix in the 5
RIR databases could easily be done in advance so that each RIR keeps a
supply of unique ULA-C prefixes on hand based on their forecast rate of
requests for such addresses. That means that an applicant does not have
to wait for turnaround time of the uniqueness test. As far as protocols
for communication between the RIRs, this should also be specified in the
ULA-C document, however it should not develop any new protocols, merely
specify that something like XML-RPC or REST be used, and the semantics
of the transaction which should be atomic, i.e. test uniqueness and
register in one transaction. This transaction should provide some kind
of positive response so that there is no possibility of a false
positive. And since it will likely be most heavily used to register
batches of unique ULA-C prefixes, it should allow for a single
transaction to register the entire batch (or at least as many are
actually unique). Race conditions can occur here but it is not necessary
for a protocol or application to resolve these since this can be done by
some manual exception process. As long as conflicting prefixes (ones
which have not passed all 5 RIR checks) are removed from all the
databases regularly, that is sufficient.

Michael Dillon
Capacity Management, 66 Prescot St., London, E1 8HG, UK
Mobile: +44 7900 823 672 
Phone: +44 20 7650 9493 Fax: +44 20 7650 9030
One Community One Connection One Focus 

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests: