[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-17 Thread bmelloni
I am really puzzled then.  What else can cause a NoClassDefFoundError 
exception, for a class that is present inside the commons-collections.jar in 
WEB-INF/lib, and only happen in 4.0.2RC1 but not in all other versions?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-17 Thread bmelloni
I have added a new coA.ear (and supporting files) to the JBAS-1551 bug report 
that demonstrates both problems:

(1) Logging is still not properly isolated (even in 4.0.2RC1).  In 4.0.x there 
are no longer any exceptions, and the app controls the logging, but the app log 
also incorrectly captures all messages that should be going to the server logs. 
 The app should not have visibility to those messages.

(2) 4.0.2RC1 (only that version) has new problems with other JARs 
(commons-collections.jar for one, as mentioned in earlier posts).  

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread bmelloni
My apologies.  I seem to be having trouble conveying the problem.  This might 
be detailed and long, but let me try again:

A) The WAR approach you mention works fine to separate just the logging from 
jBoss.  I have tested in 3.2.3, 3.2.6, 4.0.0 (finally succeeded in download) 
and 4.0.1.

B) The second part of the problem is to separate code (any code) between one 
WAR and another.  This is necessary for write once deploy anywhere.  The 
following are the scenarios I followed:

B1) Although I expected a conflict, I created 2 WARs as per (A), both 
containing a servlet TestServlet.java that displayed Hello 1 or Hello 2 
on the console when deployed, depending of which WAR.  As expected both 
displayed the string from the WAR that was deployed first.

B2) Found some instructions in the jBoss site to accomplish (A) using EARs.  
The instructions were virtually identical, except for requiring 
META-INF/jboss-app.xml instead of jboss-web.xml and also needing 

B3) Deployed it on 3.2.6 and got log4j exceptions.  Stripped it down to the 
point that there isn't even log4j code in the EARs, just the presence of 
log4j.jar (of a different version than jBoss) in the WEB-INF/lib.  It seems 
that jBoss commons-logging.jar is trying to call the WAR's log4j.jar.

B4) Tested on other jBoss versions.  3.2.3 works fine.  4.0.0 works fine.  
4.0.1 does not work, even after following the release notes to make it 
compatible with J2EE 1.4 as 4.0.0 was.

B5) Reported problem as bug JBAS-1551.  The two EARs and TestServlet.java are 
attached there.

Ultimately, the goal is to build EARs that are build once, deploy anywhere 
for any jBoss version (in its default as downloaded configuration) as well as 
servers from other vendors, and have no log4j problems nor conflicts with any 
classes in other EARs that might have the same package/class names.  

I hope this long description helps understand the problem, and that a solution 
can be found.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is a specific problem with leakage of the commons-logging from tomcat to 
the deployment wars. Removal of the commons-logging.jar from the wars results 
in a valid scoped deployment as does the use the ears as is with  4.0.1RC2 when 
UseJBossWebLoader=false on the jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread bmelloni
Thanks, this is so close... but not quite. 

I used 4.0.1sp1 (newer than 4.0.1rc2, and if I understand correctly it is a 
production release rather than beta or release candidate).

1) The release notes in the docs section have a minor error (I noticed it by 
comparing the config files of 4.0.0 and 4.0.1sp1).  The instructions at 
http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/whatsnew40/html_single/ say to set 
tomcat50.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml Java2ClassLoadingCompliance to false. 
 I believe the correct value is true,as it was in 4.0.0, but I don't claim to 
understand what it does.  With the false value you get a pile of exceptions.  
With true, it mostly works.

2) Once setup as above, it no longer throws exceptions and the application's 
log4j.xml takes over logging as expected.  Problem is, it also takes all of the 
server logging messages!  Could it be that the fix that you mentioned was done 
in 4.0.1RC2 was perhaps done in 4.0.2RC1?

2B) Of course, I might have made a mistake in my log4j initialization (I don't 
think so, but you never know), so here is my log4j.xml file, loaded from the 
file system with DOMConfigurator.configure(log4jCfgFile):

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
 !DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd
 log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/;
   appender name=rollfile class=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
 param name=Threshold value=DEBUG/
 param name=File value=/jboss-4.0.1sp1/server/default/log/co.log/
 param name=Appendvalue=true /
 param name=MaxFileSize   value=500KB/
 param name=MaxBackupIndexvalue=2/
 layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
   param name=ConversionPattern value=%d{-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p 
[%C.%M,%L] %m%n/

 priority value =debug/
 appender-ref ref=rollfile/


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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread bmelloni
Just tried 4.0.2RC1... same exact behavior as 4.0.1sp1

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I tested 4.0.2RC1, not 4.0.1RC1. 4.0.1sp1 does not have the updated tomcat 
5.5.x codease which dropped the commons-logging.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread bmelloni
If I understand correctly, you are saying that the problem is not supposed to 
exist in 4.0.2RC1.  That was not completely my experience.  

If you read my last 2 posts you should see that even 4.0.2RC1 still has logging 
crossover behavior left - now the application logs are being controlled by the 
application log4j.xml and have no apparent .jar problems, but are being 
polluted by server-originated messages.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread bmelloni
Didn't finish that sentence... being polluted by server-originated messages 
... that should be going to the server logs.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread bmelloni
Upon further testing, 4.0.2RC1 is far worse that its predecessors about leaking 
its jars to the applications encapsulated in EARs.

The latest leak problem I discovered is now with commons-collections.  
Logging-related leaks were bad, but commons-collections is used so widely that 
it has thorougly disabled all of our database access.  The latest exception is 
org/apache/commons/collections/SequencedHashMap, and it does not occur on ANY 
of the previous versions.

Seems like the same cause, different symptom.  Can't class leakage from 
jBoss/Tomcat to the EARs be prevented once and for all?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, 4.0.2RC1 worked for me. There is no use of any commons-collection classes 
in tomcat 5.5.x:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] jbossweb-tomcat55.sar]$ for j in *.jar; do echo $j; jar -tf 
$j | grep SequencedHashMap; done
[EMAIL PROTECTED] jbossweb-tomcat55.sar]$

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread bmelloni
I made some progress, but not as much as I'd like.  Here is what I found:

1) The WAR approach in the WIKI above separates the logging, but does not seem 
to produce truly separate classloaders... if I have a log4j.jar in my WAR and 
is of a different version, or if I have 2 WARs with a class of the same name 
but different content... then I still have problems.

2) The EAR approach, similar to (1) but using jboss-app.xml in the EAR instead 
of jboss-web.xml in the WAR works on jBoss 3.2.3 (mostly), but does not work on 
jBoss 3.2.6 or jBoss 4.0.1.  I suspect that it might work on jBoss 4.0.0  
because it is J2EE 1.4 compliant, but I have failed at all attempted downloads 
of that version.

3) I have submitted a bug report, but I have not heard even a peep of an 
acknowledgement that anyone even read it.

I hope this helps others, and that a proper solution will eventually appear.  

This is the single biggest problem that jBoss has, and its solution is now 
mandated by the J2EE 1.4 standard that jBoss claims to meet (of course, you 
have to know the secret setup to accomplish it - because the instructions in 
the release notes for jBoss 4.0.1 do not work).  

The unified classloader is a great concept - as long as it is not the only 
way and it is not used to lock people out of the write once run anywhere 
concept of java or is used to lock people into one application server.  That 
may not be jBoss' intention, but it sure looks that way.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread karanmg
I'm using jBoss 4.0.1sp1. My log4j.jar is version 1.2.9. 

I played around with the logging. I like to use log4j.properties. I have been 
able to seperate the logging between jboss and myapp.war (I'm fairly new to all 
this, so have no idea how an EAR works). I have updated the wiki:

However, I still have to change jboss-service.xml on every server. I am 
checking to see if the approach outlined in the link above will work without 
doing that. Will post what I find, soon. 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread karanmg
The log4j.jar in server/default/lib is 1.2.8. 
The log4j.jar in server/default/deploy/myapp.war/WEB-INF/lib is 1.2.9.
The log4j.properties system described in the wiki works even with different 
versions of jars being used by jBoss and my application. Does this mean 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread karanmg
I tested it out. If I want to use log4j.properties in my application, I will 
HAVE to make the required change in jboss-service.xml, i.e. rename the resource 
file that jBoss uses to pick up its log4j settings (conf/log4j.xml  - 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is the precedence used by log4j so there is no way to preferentially load 
a log4j.properties file using the default search mechanism if there is a 
log4j.xml on the classpath search path. We should probably just rename our file 
to avoid the conflict.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread karanmg
That should solve this issue.


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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread karanmg
What difference, does it make, if I have different versions of log4j (as 
describe in the post above)i.e., a diff version in server/default/lib (call it 
version A)and a diff version in server/default/deploy/myapp.war/WEB-INF/lib 
(call this version B)?

Since jBoss has already loaded log4j before it begins to load my application, 
is version A running/loading my log4j.properties or is the one I have supplied, 
version B, loaded again, being used by my application?


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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread bmelloni
karanmg, I used the approach you mention in some of my tests.  It seemed to 
work for isolating log4j, but did nothing for keeping EARs separate from each 

Redefining the problem one more time:  

I need total isolation of the contents of the EAR (like J2EE 1.4), including 
the logging.  

That way everything needed can be in the EAR, the EAR can be deployed to ANY 
version of the server, any server vendor, and logging is configured in the EAR 
and utterly independent.  

jBoss claims to allow this and there are some instructions - like the one 
referenced - that solve part of the problem.  But I have yet to find a single 
set of instructions that solves the problem completely.  

At our company we are getting very close to dumping jBoss and declaring it 
unsupported because of this issue.  A sad situation, since our focus is on open 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The existing log4j.war example from the wiki works fine for me under 
jboss-4.0.1. I have updated the snoop.jsp to display the log4j Logger 
codesource and the log4j.xml. Both are seen to come from the war:

h1Log4j Information/h1

Logger CodeSource: 
 no certificates)
log4j.xml resource: 

I also do not see any bug report related to this in jira, so point out the 
issue url.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-14 Thread karanmg
Did you get a solution to your problem?
I am trying to do the same thing with no luck, yet.
I don't want to have to change jBoss's log4j.xml file on every machine I 
install my application to. Also, it is much cleaner to maintain everythign 
related to your application in the application's dir only.
Please post your progress on this issue.


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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-04 Thread wiggum14
Try this:


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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-04 Thread vashistvishal
I presume what you are saying here is you need a dedicated logging for 
yr application without interfrence of JBoss logging.
If thats the case then you need a dedicated appender say
RollingFile Appender.
appender name=YR_FILE class=org.jboss.logging.appender.RollingFileAppender
  | ---Path of appender and other setting comes here
  | /appender

So what you need is to get the logger you have used in yr application,
get that logger in log4j.xml config file.
logger name=au.com.j2ee.MyLogger appenditvity=false
  | appender-ref ref=YR_FILE /
  | /logger  

Don't attach this appender to  logger ...and as long as yr appender name is 
unique  in the sense that loggers of JBos are not using that appender, so be 
careful with the name of appender.

I hope this helps.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Log4j - separating logging from jBoss logging

2005-03-04 Thread bmelloni
No, I am not just talking about separate logging via an appender.  

I am talking about being able to have ALL logging jar and configuration in the 
WAR/EAR - with ZERO interaction or dependency on jBoss.  

As a matter of fact, I am even talking about my application having its own jars 
for all of the apache commons libraries and NEVER see the logging, commons, 
dom, etc jars from jBoss.  Log4j is just a symptom of a much bigger problem.

This is essential if you are going to build an application that is to be 
deployed in multiple servers.  The EAR has to be built once, including all the 
jars that it relies on, and be deployed - untouched - to jBoss, Weblogic, 
Websphere, etc.  

The solutions I have seen proposed all rely on the log4j.jar from jBoss.  If 
the log4j.jar in the application is a different version than jBoss' then 
everything breaks.  This is the jBoss configuration problem that I need to fix.

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