[JDEV] MSN Transport

2003-09-09 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Hey everybody...

I've gotten a working version of MSN-T with MSNP8...
None of the new features of MSNP8 though.. The only noticeable difference from 
the old version is it takes longer to login (needs to setup two SSL 

This transport will work after October 15th.

If anybody would like a copy of the code, email or Jabber me (same address)

Btw, please CC, as I'm not subscribed to jdev.. Thanks..

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[JDEV] MSN-T pre-release

2003-09-12 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Version 1.2.8pre3 is up for download on http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org

This gives MSNP8 support.. The latest additions to CVS include support for 
non-hotmail accounts, and fixes to presence and the some subscription 

If you're running the old MSN-T and are able to test, please do so...

Any bug reports to me. Thanks..
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[JDEV] MSN-T 1.2.8pre4

2003-09-21 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Hi... MSN-T 1.2.8pre4 has been released on 

Please test this.. If you are still having problems building or running it 
contact me.. If you have problems, run the transport with -D for heaps of 
debugging info.. Then mail it all to me.. Seriously... ;)
You might want to search it for passwords, etc though, as they'll be in there 
in several places... 

Thanks for testing!
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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] Re: MSN-T 1.2.8pre4

2003-09-21 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

D'oh! When I adjusted configure.in to let you specify the path to curl 
(--with-curl=/path/to/curl) I forgot to add -lcurl to the libs... =|
That's what I get for testing with LD_PRELOAD already set..

Ok.. Hopefully the next build will run.. =)

For now you can either apply the attached patch, or run the transport with
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.2
(or whatever your library is called)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)

--- msn-transport-cvs/configure.in	2003-09-22 08:04:47.0 +1000
+++ msn-transport-new/configure.in	2003-09-22 08:05:32.0 +1000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for curl.h)
 if test -f "$CURL_PATH/curl.h"; then
+LIBS="$LIBS -lcurl"

Re: [JDEV] MSN-T 1.2.8pre5

2003-09-26 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Anybody still getting this error, please send me the output from running with 
debug turned on (-D at the command line).

Also, please apply this patch (it will be pre7 in CVS), it turns off the 
status_nick feature for now, I was having some weird crashes with it. I'll 
wait for a stable version to be released before I put it back in.



Morgan McMillian wrote:
> Hi, I'm attempting to setup the lastes version of msn-t.  It compiled
> just fine however I get the following error whenever I try to login.
> 20030923T02:45:20: [alert] (-internal): Error processing packet! USR 8 TWN S 
> I'm not quite sure what to even make of this error.  Any ideas?
> Suggestions?  I've attached my configuration and the debug log...
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)

diff -ur msn-transport-cvs/configure.in msn-transport-new/configure.in
--- msn-transport-cvs/configure.in	2003-09-26 18:29:40.0 +1000
+++ msn-transport-new/configure.in	2003-09-26 22:44:43.0 +1000
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for jabberd.h)
 if test -f "$JABBERD_PATH/jabberd.h"; then
-LIBS="$LIBS -lcurl"
@@ -51,6 +50,7 @@
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for curl.h)
 if test -f "$CURL_PATH/curl.h"; then
+LIBS="$LIBS -lcurl"
diff -ur msn-transport-cvs/include/session.h msn-transport-new/include/session.h
--- msn-transport-cvs/include/session.h	2003-09-26 18:29:40.0 +1000
+++ msn-transport-new/include/session.h	2003-09-26 21:59:59.0 +1000
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 xht rooms;
 xht chats;
 xht invites;
-char *user, *nick, *status_msg;
+char *user, *nick/*, *status_msg*/;
 char *pass;
 int exit_flag, attemps, connected, ref;
 		unsigned long int currentcontact, numcontacts;
diff -ur msn-transport-cvs/src/chat.c msn-transport-new/src/chat.c
--- msn-transport-cvs/src/chat.c	2003-09-19 16:35:22.0 +1000
+++ msn-transport-new/src/chat.c	2003-09-26 22:29:27.0 +1000
@@ -542,6 +542,7 @@
 if (jp->to->user != NULL)
 char *to = mt_jid2mid(jp->p,jp->to);
 if (to == NULL || strcmp(to,s->user) == 0)
Binary files msn-transport-cvs/src/chat.o and msn-transport-new/src/chat.o differ
diff -ur msn-transport-cvs/src/conf_room.c msn-transport-new/src/conf_room.c
--- msn-transport-cvs/src/conf_room.c	2003-09-19 16:35:22.0 +1000
+++ msn-transport-new/src/conf_room.c	2003-09-26 22:33:58.0 +1000
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 mti ti = s->ti;
 sbroom r;
 r = (sbroom) xhash_get(s->rooms,jp->to->user);
 if (r != NULL && r->state == sb_READY)
Binary files msn-transport-cvs/src/conf_room.o and msn-transport-new/src/conf_room.o differ
Binary files msn-transport-cvs/src/msntrans.so and msn-transport-new/src/msntrans.so differ
Binary files msn-transport-cvs/src/ns.o and msn-transport-new/src/ns.o differ
diff -ur msn-transport-cvs/src/presence.c msn-transport-new/src/presence.c
--- msn-transport-cvs/src/presence.c	2003-09-26 18:29:40.0 +1000
+++ msn-transport-new/src/presence.c	2003-09-26 22:03:19.0 +1000
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
-mt_update_nick(s, jp);
+//mt_update_nick(s, jp);
 switch (jpacket_subtype(jp))
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
 s->p_db = ppdb_insert(s->p_db,jp->from,jp->x);
 state = mt_show2state(xmlnode_get_tag_data(jp->x,"show"));
-if (s->connected /* && state != s->state */)
+if (s->connected && state != s->state) // NICK_STATUS
 mt_stream_register(s->st,&mt_presence_chg,(void *) s);
 s->state = state;
Binary files msn-transport-cvs/src/presence.o and msn-transport-new/src/presence.o differ
Binary files msn-transport-cvs/src/receive.o and msn-transport-new/src/receive.o differ
diff -ur msn-transport-cvs/src/register.c msn-transport-new/src/register.c
--- msn-transport-cvs/src/register.c	2003-09-26 18:29:42.0 +1000
+++ msn-transport-new/src/register.c	2003-09-26 22:02:06.0 +1000
@@ -184,9 +184,10 @@
 s->nick = mt_strdup(tmp);
 if (rcon == 0) {
-log_debug(ZONE,"Sending nickname & status for session %

[JDEV] MSN-T 1.2.8pre7

2003-09-28 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

MSN-T 1.2.8pre7 is now available for download from 

This should fix all the problems people are currently having with the 

Those of you who were getting segfaults or Server Connect Errors on login, the 
problem is that your OpenSSL certificates are not setup properly. You can 
either set them up correctly (sorry, can't help you there), or set the 
 option in msn.xml (thanks to David Carter).

Also many build problems have been fixed (hopefully), so cvsup or, grab the 
tarball.. :)

Full ChangeLog from 1.2.0 to 1.2.8pre7:

* Updated the protocol to MSNP8
* Improved the build system somewhat, it should now work on a clean 
jabberd1.4.2 install without needing to move files around
* Fixed bug with case sensitive session names (now logging on with Jabber ID 
* Fixed bug with case sensitive group names (sending to 

Please download it, crash it and break it in as many ways as you can.. =)

If you have any problems, mail or jabber me (same address).

Thanks for testing everybody..
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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] MSN-T 1.2.8pre8

2003-09-28 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Sorry guys.. Replace all instances of pre7 in the last email with pre8
And it's not there just yet. But it should be soon..


- ---

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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] Email outage

2003-10-02 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Hi, if anybody sent any emails to me and I haven't replied yet, please resend 
them. My email server silently dropped two days worth of mail. :|

Also, MSN-T 1.2.8pre10 is up for download. This fixes a bunch of things (all 
listed on http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org)

I'm hoping that this will be the last pre-release, so if anybody is still 
having problems. Please tell me. If not, I'll release around October 10th as 
a final.

- ---

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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] MSN-t 1.2.8rc1

2003-10-12 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Ok, I'd classify this version as ready for production machines. I haven't had 
a single problem with it, and I don't know of any current issues. It's 
already running on several servers including tipic.com

Almost no changes from pre10 to rc1, just a few cosmetic things in the code 
that have no effect on how it runs. So if you're using pre10, you don't need 
to bother bringing down your server, these two are exactly the same.

So, if you're not running it yet, now is the time to upgrade. I've only got a 
few more days to work out any possible problems. Have a look at the new 
Trouble-Shooting section of the README file if you have problems..

- ---


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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] Re: MSN-t 1.2.8rc1

2003-10-15 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

> Hi,
> I have just applied the latest version MSN-t 1.2.8rc1
> with CURL 7.10.4. Everything works fine except when I
> delete the msn agent from winjab. I got the following
> error when using Winjab. The Jabber is running on
> Redhat 7.3. Will be the cause since I set
> ?

No,  only effects the login.. 

Have you tried using any other clients, it doesn't look like Winjab is sending 
the right XML. Try Psi (http://psi.affinix.com), that works fine for me, 
removes it from my roster, and deregisters me with the transport.

- ---


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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] Re: Jabber Component Runtime (JCR) Pre-Release

2003-10-18 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Wow! This sounds great.. :)

And to think I was going to try and do all that myself in a few days time... 

Thanks guys, I'll work on porting MSN-t to this sometime soon, for the next 
release after 1.2.8

- ---


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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] MSN-T not sending presences to real MSN users

2003-11-07 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Oops... Accidentally sent this to jadmin first.. :)

> I'm using the MSN gateway. When I :
> - remove an MSN contact
> - add it again
> My MSN contact doesn't see me as online anymore, but I see him as
> online.
> I discovered that deleting an MSN contact removes the  jid='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' subscription='both'/> from my jid.xml file in the
> spool dir of my MSN gateway.
> But when I add it again, the  tag isn't re-added to the file.
> If I add it manually, to the file, I receive a message "We unsubscribed
> from [EMAIL PROTECTED], and the line is removed from the file
> again.
> Can someone explain this behaviour ?

Whenever your jabber client sends remove authorisation packet to an MSN user,
MSN-t adds that user to your block list.

If your client supports XML streaming, this is what the packet looks like for

My client by default doesn't send a remove auth packet to users when they're
removed from my list, so if I delete somebody, they are still subscribed to
my presence. Have a look and see if yours does.

The reason MSN-t does this is because there is that after authorising an MSN
user, the only way to stop them from seeing your presence is to block them.
Blocking them also means that you will not receive messages or other auth
requests from them.

The quick fix is to resend auth to those people, your client should have an
option for this. In Psi it's right-click -> Authorisation -> Resend Auth

Hope all that helps.

- ---


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[JDEV] MSN-t update

2003-11-11 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

It's been a while since there was a real change, so I thought I'd do some 

As somebody pointed out, in the passport auth section there were a few 
possible buffer overrun exploits, plus the code was a bit of an ugly mess.

I've cleaned it up, and rewritten it according to the latest guide at 
hypothetic.org (which is a simpler scheme, so it's cleaner in itself).

I was also able to make it cache a few things, and reuse some Curl handles, so 
hopefully things will speed up for users logging in.

I've only tested this on my server, but it seems to work fine for me, please 
reply here with success or failures so I can keep working on it.

You can get the code by CVS, or as a tarball from 

Thanks, and good luck. =)

- ---


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[JDEV] msn-transport-1.2.1 on jabberd1.4.2 not working!!

2003-11-20 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

Try http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org

Have a look at the README file for instructions for setting it up, I don't 
know of any binary packages you can download, so you'll have to compile it 

Good luck! If you have any troubles, check the troubleshooting section of the 
README, if you still can't fix it, mail and ask.

- ---


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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] MSN-t crashes

2003-11-20 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

I've been tracking down the source of the crashes in MSN-t for anywise.org and 
it turned out that it was actually segfaulting inside the Curl library 
This problem only occurs with Curl 7.10.8, it has been fixed in Curl CVS, and 
wasn't present in 7.10.7

Anybody using 7.10.8 who has the Curl source handy can apply this patch to 
curl-src/lib/transfer.c to fix the problem (an free() on an uninitialised 

Otherwise, try to find a binary of latest CVS, or downgrade to 7.10.7

If this doesn't fix the crashes for some of you, *please* send me a backtrace 
so I can debug it.

Run ulimit -c 1
Then start MSN-t, when it crashes, run

gdb jabberd -c corefile
>> bt

And send me the backtrace. Thanks

Good luck people!

- ---

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jdev mailing list

[JDEV] MSN-t update: proxy & curl

2003-11-21 Thread James Bunton
Hash: SHA1

A few small changes.

It's now a bit easier to tell if you're having a crash inside libcurl (a 
message is printed just before and after the call to curl)

Also, support for HTTPS proxies is now in there properly, this means that you 
can specify in the config file a proxy for curl to use in it's HTTP SSL 
connections. Note that you still need to be able to make a direct connection 
to the messenger servers, this is *only* for the passport authentication.

cvs update, or grab the tarball from http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org if 
you need these fixes

And just one more plea/reminder, if you're still having crashes, please send 
me a backtrace. There are better instructions in the new readme on the site.

- ---


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jdev mailing list

[jdev] Re: MSN: an open protocol?

2004-06-05 Thread James Bunton
> It states "an open protocol in MSN's case", but is MSN like completely open?
> I thought it was a closed protocol, or isn't it completely closed? Or did
> the author meant "an open protocol in Jabbers case".  

The very first version of the MSN protocol was submitted as a draft protocol 
to the IETF (I think). There was a public draft of MSNP2. Microsoft never 
updated the draft with any of their modifications to the protocol as it went 
from MSNP2 to MSNP10. It eventually expired, and can now only be found in at 
a few websites. http://www.hypothetic.org/docs/msn is one.

On October 15th 2003 Microsoft discontinued support on it's servers for any 
protocols less than MSNP8. So the draft is now useless anyway, and MSN is 
effectively a closed protocol. Critical information to use the servers had to 
be reversed engineered from the official client (which I'm pretty sure is 
illegal in the US under DMCA), and Microsoft says that you are not allowed to 
connect to their servers without a license.

So far I don't know of any attempts to block third party software from 
accessing their network, so they're at least more "open" than AOL/Yahoo in 
that respect. I maintain the MSN transport, and it supports MSNP8, I've never 
had to modify it to fix something to Microsoft broke.

MSN-t has no license to access the MSN network at the moment, but I've had no 
trouble connecting using information from the website listed above (which 
documents MSNP8).

Hope that clears it up for you..


jdev mailing list

[jdev] New MSN-t release with experimental file transfer support

2004-06-22 Thread James Bunton
Hi. I've just put a new release of MSN-t online with very experimental file 
transfer support.

Any files that a MSN user sends will be accepted and downloaded to the server 
that MSN-t runs on. There are a few problems with the way this works now, 
most notably the fact that all files are accepted, and that all the data is 
read into ram before being saved to disk.

I'll update this soon to actually send the file to the Jabber user that it's 
intended for, and then hopefully eventually we'll have two-way file transfer.

Anybody interested in contributing some code would be most welcome, testers 
aren't needed at the moment, but will be later.

Also, does anybody know of any existing C code that either uses the Jabberd1.4 
API, or would be compatibly with it, that does file transfers?

Have fun with it everybody..


jdev mailing list

[jdev] New MSN-t in the works

2004-08-10 Thread James Bunton
Hi. Just thought I'd put the word out that I'm working on a new version of 

I've started rewriting the transport from scratch in Python using Twisted 
(unrelated to the dead twisted-pymsnt on Jabberstudio).
It's still undergoing heavy testing, and lots doesn't work yet (notably 
registration of new users.
When it is released it will be a drop-in replacement for the current MSN-t. So 
you can remove Jabberd1.4 completely (no need for XDB services, unless you 
have another transport that needs them). The new version accesses the 
msn.host.com spool directory directly, and you'll be able to swap between the 
Python & C version (in case something breaks.). 

The main reason I started this was because I want to get rid of Jabberd1.4.3, 
JCR doesn't have the mtq functions needed for MSN-t to work, and I didn't 
want to put yet more work into maintaining that codebase (which had some bugs 
that I hadn't been able to track down), as well as working directly with the 
MSN protocol.
The twisted framework already has classes for working with MSN, as well as 
Oscar (AOL/ICQ), and others. So maybe other people could pick up this code 
and adapt it to that.

Check http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org every now and then for a new 
release. I'll probably put some code up there to download in the next few 
weeks. If you want a copy now, just email me, but it's not ready to be used 


jdev mailing list

Re: [jdev] New MSN-t in the works

2004-08-10 Thread James Bunton
> Contact me directly ... I had the same problem when porting Yahoo to
> JCR. I replaced the 'mtq' functions with glib-2.0 equivalents to get the
> same functionality, if you are interested.
Yeah, it might be useful to have a JCR version as well as the Python one.
Could you let me know how you did it? I don't have any experience with glib.

> On another note ... I'm looking into using Gaim plugins as the
> "transport layer" and building a generic transport framework. The Gaim
> plugin API has most of the functions we would need for a transport, and
> this may be a way to streamline the development of transports for Jabber.
> Of course, I'm very interested in MSN-t with Twisted. Perhaps that would
> be a way to make a set of the legacy transports ... AIM, MSN, and Yahoo.
> Anything that will make the transport more usable and esaier to maintain.
I think twisted would be a lot easier to work with than the GAIM plugins. It's 
a framework for creating networked applications that may use multiple 
protocols. http://www.twistedmatrix.com for more info.


jdev mailing list

[jdev] Re: New MSN-t in the works

2004-08-12 Thread James Bunton
On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 06:20 am, Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  James Bunton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Contact me directly ... I had the same problem when porting Yahoo to
> > > JCR. I replaced the 'mtq' functions with glib-2.0 equivalents to get
> > > the same functionality, if you are interested.
> >
> > Yeah, it might be useful to have a JCR version as well as the Python one.
> > Could you let me know how you did it? I don't have any experience with
> > glib.
> >
> > > On another note ... I'm looking into using Gaim plugins as the
> > > "transport layer" and building a generic transport framework. The Gaim
> > > plugin API has most of the functions we would need for a transport, and
> > > this may be a way to streamline the development of transports for
> > > Jabber.
> > >
> > > Of course, I'm very interested in MSN-t with Twisted. Perhaps that
> > > would be a way to make a set of the legacy transports ... AIM, MSN, and
> > > Yahoo. Anything that will make the transport more usable and esaier to
> > > maintain.
> >
> > I think twisted would be a lot easier to work with than the GAIM plugins.
> > It's
> > a framework for creating networked applications that may use multiple
> > protocols. http://www.twistedmatrix.com for more info.
> Would it be possible to somehow build the GAIM plugins into Twisted? I
> know that Twisted has support for lots of protocols, but the closed IM
> protocols are not on that list AFAIK.
> /psa

It would probably be possible to build the GAIM plugins into twisted, but it 
would be messy, and that's what I'm trying to avoid =P
Twisted has support for the Oscar, MSN, IRC and Jabber IM protocols. It also 
has support for lots of others, like pop3, smtp, etc (maybe for later on =))

Right now I have the new transport working. It shouldn't be too hard to adapt 
for AOL/ICQ, all the legacy protocol code is in one directory, so that can be 
swapped out. I've still got a few critical things. Disco/Browse/Agents (think 
it's still worth supporting the last two?), as well as in band registration 
and groupchat.

Oh yeah, I wanted to ask. Has anybody got any good ideas for a better way to 
do Jabber<->MSN groupchat? The MSN protocol makes no separation between 
groupchats and ordinary chats, and extra people can be invited into a room at 
any time. So the only way I can think of handling it is..
* MSN contact invites a new person into the room.
* MSN-t notices, converts the room to a conference and sends Jabber user an 
invite to the virtual conference room
* Jabber joins the conference and receives any buffered events with 
* If the Jabber user doesn't join the conference within (maybe 3 minutes?) 
then they get a message from the transport with a transcript of the 
conference room so far, and they leave the conference on the MSN side.

Any objections/suggestions?

For starting an MSN groupchat on the jabber side, just join any random room on 
conference.msn.host.com and invite your msn contacts to it.


jdev mailing list

[jdev] Re: New MSN-t in the works

2004-08-13 Thread James Bunton
On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 03:00 am, Trejkaz Xaoza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That already sounds infinitely better than what we currently have. :-)
> Does the MSN protocol really give the user no way to reject an invite?  I
> always thought it was odd that an MSN user was able to get me into a
> conference even if I didn't want to be there.  I always figured it would be
> better if it sent an invite, and only joined me to the real conference when
> I joined to the transported one. :-/

Yup. In the MSN protocol all conversation map to a switchboard session. It 
corresponds directly to a room in Jabber MUC, or IRC. When you double-click 
on a contact in the MSN client, it joins a new room, then invites that 
person. Anybody in the room can at any time invite other people to the room 
(annoying I think, that you can be moved from a private to public place 
without permission).

I want to make sure that a  only 
ever gets sent to that one contact.


jdev mailing list

[jdev] Re: New MSN-t in the works

2004-08-13 Thread James Bunton
On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 03:00 am, "Tijl Houtbeckers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 10:07:51 +1000, James Bunton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
> > Oh yeah, I wanted to ask. Has anybody got any good ideas for a better  
> > way to
> > do Jabber<->MSN groupchat? The MSN protocol makes no separation between
> > groupchats and ordinary chats, and extra people can be invited into a  
> > room at
> > any time. So the only way I can think of handling it is..
> You could drop groupchat and use SHIM (JEP-0131) to indicate there are  
> multiple recipients to a message. That would require clients to implement  
> parts of SHIM though, and to be smart about it when they write a reply to  
> a message or start their own mini-conferences. (they should add their own  
> SHIM headers, particulary when they do the inviting themselves).

That actually sounds quite good. But it's still in experimental, so there 
isn't going to be any client support for quite a while. Also how would that 
work for when the user has, for example
Contact A
Contact B
Contact C
Contact D
User has a one-to-one chat with contact A
User has a conference with all four
User has another conference running with Contact A and B

I think it would probably require to much MSN specific code in the clients to 
support that.

Thanks for the suggestion though.


jdev mailing list

[jdev] New MSN-t available for testing

2004-08-19 Thread James Bunton
Hi everybody.

Please check out the new MSN transport available. It has been completely 
re-written using Python and Twisted. See here for details.

There are lots of niceties fixed. About the only things not implemented that 
were in the old version are typing notification (coming soon), and support 
for MSN notification messages (probably coming soon).

If you're in a position to test please do try it out. It's fully forwards and 
backwards compatible with the old transport (so you can swap between them at 
will, the spool files are compatible).

Maqi, did you say we could get a wiki setup for documentation of this 
transport? That would be great thanks.. =)


jdev mailing list

[jdev] PyMSNt 0.3 release + docs!

2004-08-23 Thread James Bunton
http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org has a new release of PyMSNt with mostly 

There's also a wiki that's been setup to help everybody get the transport 
configured and installed. Please read it if you have a chance and let me know 
if you have any comments or suggestions. Thanks.

There's also some documentation on how to use MSN transport from a user's 
perspective. That probably needs to be expanded on in many areas too. Feel 
free to link to this from wherever if you want to.


jdev mailing list

[jdev] Re: [jadmin] PyMSNt 0.3 release + docs!

2004-08-24 Thread James Bunton
On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 03:00 am, Bruce Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got a bug related to UTF-8 encoding/or i18n charsets
> after I send two Chinese characters using Psi
> peer is one using MSN Messenger
> File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/xish/utility.py", line
> 50, in callback
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/xish/utility.py",
> line 34, in __call__
>   File "main.py", line 99, in onMessage
>     self.sessions[froj.userhost()].onMessage(el)
>   File "/home/bruce/sandbox/PyMSNt/src/jabw.py", line 97, in onMessage
>     body = str(child)
> exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters
> in position 0-1: ordinal not in range(128)
> --
> simple is good

Yes. At the moment the transport doesn't support unicode at all. I'm looking 
into how to get it working properly with UTF-16.
If anybody wants to help out, have a look in jabw.py for the parts that need 
to be changed.


jdev mailing list

[jdev] PyMSNt 0.5 released

2004-09-01 Thread James Bunton
Lots of fixes.. Here's the release summary. Testing would be greatly 
appreciated =)

* Unicode support! (please test thoroughly with as many clients as you can) 
* Found the cause of the XML parsing bug. Anybody having exceptions thrown 
with particular Jabber clients should check out the server admin page and 
apply the domish.py patch there 
* Ghost sessions should happen less
* If a contact changes their nick you'll see it
* Other misc bugfixes

Enjoy! :)


jdev mailing list

Re: [jdev] PyMSNt 0.5 released

2004-09-03 Thread James Bunton
On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 08:23 am, Peter Millard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 15:01:41 -0600
> From: Peter Millard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [jdev] PyMSNt 0.5 released
> To: Jabber software development list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 07:49:22 +1000, James Bunton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > * If a contact changes their nick you'll see it
> This COULD be the cause of the serious performance problems we're
> seeing on jabber.org. I'm wondering what the motivation is behind this
> change was? Jabber has ALWAYS valued MY setting of your nickname, over
> yours. The problem that I think we're seeing is that some MSN clients
> change folks nicknames as they change their presence (like from "pgm"
> to "pgm-away"). This results in a change to everyone's roster who has
> me in there. This is BAD since it can easily over-whelm XDB data
> stores. (It's no so bad until you have 200k+ users :).
> I'm hoping this change can be rolled OUT of this release? And possibly
> have server admins revert back to an older version until this can be
> fixed.
No, that's definitely not the problem. All that happens when an MSN user 
changes their nick (or all that's supposed to happen) is a MSN nickname

I agree with you entirely, I really dislike the official MSN client, with one 
of the main reasons being because of the nickname thing. But it's sometimes 
important to be able to see what people have as their nicknames, so it's 
mapped to a status message. Which is pretty much what most MSNers use it for 

> Not sure if any other BIG public servers are getting hit by this, but
> I've seen our load our main server skyrocket today. I _believe_ this
> is the cause.
hmm.. I'll look at it. I did notice a bug like this ages ago, but I thought I 
fixed it.



jdev mailing list

[jdev] ANNOUNCE: PyMSNt 0.6

2004-09-03 Thread James Bunton
2004-09-04 - PyMSNt 0.6 released 
* Unicode now works with the official MSN client 
* Service ID translation works (jabber:iq:gateway) 
* Moved all strings seen by users into config.py for ease of translation (this 
means you'll have to start from the distribution config file if you're 
* Made mail notifications an admin option 
* No more exceptions if a message is sent before the transport has logged you 
* Lots of other little fixes. Please test it as hard as you can. Do all sorts 
of nasty stuff (send login/logout XML with messages, etc, over & over) to see 
what breaks =P

Go to http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org to download it.
Happy testing!


jdev mailing list

[jdev] ANNOUNCE: PyMSNt 0.6.1

2004-09-03 Thread James Bunton
Sorry.. I had it working, then added that line to fix something else, and 
forgot to test unicode again afterwards..

It should be fine now.


jdev mailing list

[jdev] Proposal for a solution to transport rosters

2004-09-03 Thread James Bunton
This a proposal for a quick and easy solution to the current issues with 
transport rosters.

The current situation is:
* A user with an account on a legacy service will have a legacy contact list 
that will need to be synchronised with their Jabber contact list by the 
* The current way that gateways do this is illegal according to XMPP. It also 
no longer works in Jabberd2s3 (and it shouldn't, it's a security flaw when it 
* There are no existing protocols for shared roster groups, and we need a way 
for this to work quickly, so that users can see their legacy contacts without 
* A user should not have to authorise all their legacy system contacts on 
Jabber. They have already authorised them on the legacy service.

My proposal is an extension to the presence subscription packets (allowed by 
XMPP) which will work in such a way that existing clients will still function 
(the user will just have to authorise all their contacts again), but modified 
clients would work securely without bothering the user.

An example flow with a modified client follows:

A user has been using MSN Messenger, and has acquired a large contact list on 
this service. The user has heard about Jabber and wants to try it out. They 
still want to be able to talk to their MSN friends, so they will use the MSN 
transport on their server (host.com)

* User registers with msn.host.com
* The transport obtains the user's MSN contacts from MSN servers and begins 
the import process
* The transport sends a series of packets looking like this:

* The user's client notices the import tag, and checks to see if the user's 
contact list contains msn.host.com. It does, so the client then prompts the 
user in order to double-check that this entity is allowed to send roster 
imports to the user's contact list.
* The user gives the affirmative. From now on all presence type=subscribe 
packets originating from the msn.host.com domain will be automatically 
authorised by the client.
* The effect for the user is that by registering with the MSN gateway, and 
answering yes to one prompt, they now have their entire MSN contact list 

If the user had been using an existing client, they would need to answer yes 
to every subscription request, but they will still receive their contact list 
at the end of it. That's the advantage of using this method, any client will 
support it, and all can be easily modified.

Rules for the client:
* If the client receives a presence subscription packet with an import tag, 
but the originating domain is not on the user's contact list the client MUST 
ignore the import tag, and treat the presence packet as normal. (this 
prevents arbitrary Jabber users from auto-authorising themselves)
* A client MUST check with the user at least once before auto-importing any 
contacts. The client SHOULD remember the user's answer for the duration of 
the session and MAY choose to remember the answer forever. (If the latter, 
then the transport will be able to transparently keep the user's contact list 
in sync, if for example it is modified using another legacy client)
* A client MUST NOT auto-authorise any contacts that do not have an import tag

Rules for the transport:
* The transport SHOULD send a presence packet with an import tag if the user 
has already authorised that contact on the legacy service.
* The transport MUST NOT send a presence packet with an import tag in any 
other case (eg, when a legacy user requests subscription for the first time)




jdev mailing list

[jdev] ANNOUNCE: PyMSNt 0.7

2004-09-05 Thread James Bunton
2004-09-05 - PyMSNt 0.7 release 
Wow, lots of changes =) 
* Twisted is in the download tarball for this release (I'll keep it there 
until all the patches I've made make it into a Twisted release) 
* The transport recognises xml:lang. Meaning if you send your initial presence 
with an xml:lang="nl" attribute, the transport will send any messages back in 
Dutch! Translations would be much appreciated. 
* Support for the Roster-Import(1) proposal. Check out Remko's Psi patches to 
see this in action. It's great! Iris patch(2) and Psi patch(3)
* The above change also means that PyMSNt will now work with Jabberd2s3 
* Fixed many bugs (no longer crashes on incoming MSN alerts, and more)

(1) http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org/roster-import.txt
(2) http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~remko/psi/patches/autoimport_iris.diff
(3) http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~remko/psi/patches/autoimport_psi.diff

I've been running this since release since yesterday. It works fine for me.

Enjoy! =)


jdev mailing list

[jdev] Re: Proposal for a solution to transport rosters

2004-09-06 Thread James Bunton
Mike wrote:
> Hi James & all others.
> What is 'wrong' with using JEP-0093 (jabber:x:roster) after a disco or caps 
> to the client? I am using '93 within my yahoo-transport.
> The only change in the logic would be:
> 1 User registers with msn.host.com
> 2 Transport does disco or caps comparison to see if '93 is supported, client 
> advertises the jabber:x:disco feature.
> 3 If '93 is supported then provide a roster exchange list to which the
> client can decide what to do with (user configurable), or go through old
> method of sending a subscription for each  
> (or just sending a '93 anyway which is what I do).
> As you are already checking for the registered hostname the logic is easier
> and a lot of clients already support '93 so you loose nothing in real terms. 
> Please correct me if I have made a major error in logic.
> Thanks
> Mike

The main reason is that not all clients support jabber:x:roster (including all 
current releases of Psi). I was not aware that those that did advertised 
their support with service discovery (it doesn't seem to be in the JEP).

My reasoning for not using it is that if the client doesn't support it, then 
they do not see their roster at all. To fix this, we say send the presence 
type="subscribe" messages anyway. But this means that the clients that do 
support x:roster receive these anyway, and the user still gets lots of 

My idea would allow for XMPP compatibility (which needed to be fixed by 
changing any presence subscribed into presence subscribe), as well as 
compatibility with all clients that support subscriptions, and a better user 
experience for newer clients. Older clients would still show the roster 
though (which is very important).

I just think it's cleaner to integrate the importing into the presence 
subscription packets, since they pretty much have to be sent at some point 

Eventually of course we'll have proper shared groups functionality, then we 
can drop all the subscription stuff completely, as there will be no need to 
even have the MSN contacts stored on the Jabber user's roster, they can just 
be sent at login. =)
That's my hopes anyway :)


jdev mailing list

[jdev] ANNOUNCE: PyMSNt 0.7.3 released

2004-09-17 Thread James Bunton
PyMSNt 0.7.3 has been released. This version doesn't bring any major new 
features (look for 0.8 which will)

New stuff:
* Easier for new transport developers to get started (thanks Daniel!) 
* Configurable spool directory and PID file locations 
* Much improved debug logging (exceptions now go to console and debug log 
* Updated subscription stuff to partially comply with roster-subsync (for the 
first few use cases)
* More translations
* Periodically ping the MSN server (will help for servers on ADSL links like 
* Runs tests against Twisted on startup to make sure you're using the patched 
* Other misc fixes

You'll need the new patched Twisted to run this. So grab that too.

Please mail any bug reports to me. Have fun everyone!


jdev mailing list

[jdev] Re: Gaim -> transport

2004-09-18 Thread James Bunton
Trejkaz Xaoza wrote:
> This protocol-specific effort is exactly the issue.  When a protocol
> changes, Trillian and GAIM are the _first_ clients to adapt.  By linking
> straight to their protocol plugins, we get the fixes at the same time.  We
> don't have to wait for someone to port the fixes to Python.
> I agree that something like Twisted would be good if it were just as fast 
> moving as GAIM, though... only perhaps in a more efficient runtime than 
> Python. :-/
> TX

There's nothing stopping somebody from grabbing the latest version of PyMSNt, 
and adapting it to use libgaim for the legacy protocol. You'd just have to 
make a python wrapper for libgaim instead of a Perl one.

btw, what's wrong with Python? It runs as fast as perl for me.


jdev mailing list

[jdev] PyMSNt 0.8 released

2004-12-04 Thread James Bunton
Hi everybody.
After quite a long delay (been busy at school and work) I've finally 
gotten around to making another release of PyMSNt.

New in this release:
* Message Events (JEP0022) support, aka Typing Notification
* Beginnings of HTTPS proxy support (not functional yet)
* Checks PID file on startup to make sure another instance of PyMSNt 
isn't running
* Multiple resources support should work (No really! It should)
* Fixed some memory leaks and other bugs

It runs stable enough for me, and there are a lot of fixes over the 
previous version. Please upgrade to test it out, and let me know about 
any problems you have.

jdev mailing list

[jdev] PyMSNt 0.9 preview

2005-02-01 Thread James Bunton
Hi everyone.
A few things:
For the jadmin & jdev people, from now on everything related to PyMSNt 
will be only posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (along with 
Daniel's PyAIM/ICQ stuff)
I suggest you subscribe if you're interested :)

Also, there's a preview of PyMSNt 0.9 available for download from my 

Done so far for 0.9:
* HTTPS proxy support
* Switch to using xish for all XML parsing
* Make an option of registration
* Review subscription code (WRT eJabberd)
* Don't reconnect if disconnect reason is connected from another 
* jabber:x:delay in groupchat messages
* Send error messages as errors
* Better config format (XML)
* Fix groupchat

Remaining to do...
* Keep track of MSN contact list versions and get the SYN command to 
use them
* Finish MSN Notification messages (NOT message, send as headline 

The last two may or may not get done in time for release.
Basically, there's a few cleanups, lots of bugfixes (memory leak still 
there), as well as a new config file format (XML no less :P) and a 
couple of small features.

I'm running the transport now, it seems stable to me, but of course 
will need testing, especially on the features listed above :)
I welcome any bug reports and feedback.

Also, if anybody has a copy of MSN Messenger 7.0beta that they can test 
for compatibility, that would be great. I have now Windows machine, so 
I can't do it.

Any questions, comments, or bug reports, please don't hesitate to 
contact me.
Thanks for testing :)

jdev mailing list

[jdev] Transport Registration

2005-05-01 Thread James Bunton
Hi everybody.
I just cooked up a neat little PHP script that will register you with a 
Jabber gateway.
If the Jabber gateway supports roster-subsync (That's Py*t), then your 
contacts will even be added to your list for you :)

Here's what it does..
1) Log into Jabber server
2) Send disco#items to the server's JID
3) Send disco#info to the JID of everything returned from the above 
4) Save to $gatewayjid When we find something that has 
category="gateway" and type="msn"
5) Send jabber:iq:register to $gatewayjid
6) Accept auth from $gatewayjid
7) Autoauthorise anything in the $gatewayjid domain that has 
roster-subsync flag
8) Respond with "I am not here" to any messages sent from MSN users in 
this time
9) Wait for 15 seconds
10) Disconnect from Jabber server

If there is a delay of more than 15 seconds between any of these steps, 
bail out & warn the user

Please feel free to try it out
http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org/tarballs/webreg.tar.gz to 
download and try for yourself.
I suggest you install php4-mhash (otherwise passwords are sent in 
Apart from that it should just work in any PHP enabled web server.

Oh yeah, anybody with design skills, please have a look at index.php & 
style.css to make it prettier :)

Edit config.php to allow registration with ICQ, AIM, etc. I'll make a 
better way of doing this soon.

jdev mailing list

[jdev] PyMSNt 0.9.3 released!

2005-05-13 Thread James Bunton
Hi everybody.
I've decided to release PyMSNt 0.9.3
http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org to download, and read on for 

It's been running very nicely on SAPO (http://messenger.sapo.pt) 
servers for a week or so now, so I figure it should be fine for 
everybody else too :)

Anyway, changes in this release:
* Lots and lots and lots and lots of stability fixes. No really, heaps.
* Support for Twisted 2.0 if you want to try that out.
* An option to only log things to debug.log if there's an error.
* You can send packets to the transport in  wrappers from other 
server components and they will work.
* You can add the tag  to a message if 
you don't wish to have it bounced upon an error (useful for scripts)
* Lots and lots more bugfixes.
* A few new languages. If yours isn't here, please have a look at 
lang.py and send me a translation :)

The documentation has been updated to reflect anything new. Please have 
a look if you have troubles. Upgrades shouldn't require anything more 
than a "cvs update" though.

Also, you might want to check out the web registration form while 
you're at it.
http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org/webreg for a live demo.

If you have any trouble getting this working, or any bugs to report, 
please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (email or Jabber).

Now, back to work on avatars :)
jdev mailing list

[jdev] Ad-Hoc Commands permissions

2005-08-27 Thread James Bunton

Hi all.

I'm implementing a few ad-hoc commands in PyMSNt.

What should I send as a response if the requesting client doesn't have 
permission to execute the command?

At the moment it goes like this

node="connectusers" />

to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Powerbook" >

Psi (with ad-hoc patches) doesn't display any error though, and 
JEP-0050 doesn't actually mention an error case for lack of 



jdev mailing list

[jdev] PyMSNt 0.9.4 released, PyMSNt 0.10-rc1 available, epoll-0.5 released!

2005-08-27 Thread James Bunton

Hi all!

PyMSNt 0.9.4 has been released for those of you not wanting to try out 
the avatars branch yet. It just contains bugfixes to 0.9.3.

PyMSNt 0.10 release candidate 1 is available. This is the latest 
branch, with avatars, ad-hoc commands, entity capabilities and all 
sorts of other goodies available. You can now view MSN avatars with 
See the developer documentation for more details on things that are 

If there's no complains about rc1 there'll be 0.10 in a few days time.

epoll-0.5 is also available. This allows Linux servers to perform 

Check out

Enjoy :)



jdev mailing list

[jdev] PyMSNt 0.10 released! Now with avatars!

2005-10-02 Thread James Bunton

Hi everybody.

PyMSNt 0.10 has been released and declared stable. Its handling several 
thousand concurrent users on SAPO (http://messenger.sapo.pt) servers 
right now.

This release brings all sorts of niceties:
* Limited ad-hoc commands
* More stability
* Fixes to contact list handling (this may mean you have to redelete a 
few contacts as a once-off)
* Clustering support (requires an extra component. Join py-transports 
if you're interested)
* MSN7 personal message -> Jabber status, and MSN nick -> Jabber vCard 

*  tag in presence for willing clients.
* And of course, vCard and (limited) JEP-8 avatars!

Grab it from: http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org

Have a look at the developer docs to see how to make sure your client 
works well with the transport.

At the moment the user guide isn't fully up to date.

As always, please mail me, (or preferably 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) with any bug reports or requests for 
assistance, or just to let me know its all working :)




[jdev] PyMSNt 0.10.2 released

2005-11-01 Thread James Bunton

Hi all.

PyMSNt 0.10.2 has been released. This release just has a few critical 
fixes, and is recommended for all users of 0.10.x

Please remember to read through the documentation on that page. As 
always, feedback on the program and docs are welcome.

Also of note is that the transport now uses SVN. The repository is 
available for anonymous public access at svn://delx.cjb.net/pymsnt

In svn://delx.cjb.net/pymsnt/branches/0_11_x is some preliminary file 
transfer code. It works for receiving files. I'll be polishing this up 
so that it works with more clients, and so that you can send as well.

If you want to track the progress of file transfer, its probably a good 
idea to join py-transports. Also, you're best off not checking out 
trunk :)




[jdev] PyMSNt 0.11 release

2006-02-17 Thread James Bunton

Hi all.

PyMSNt 0.11 is being released.

Major new features:
* File transfer support
* Removed annoying twistd stuff
* Log verbosity controls
* Should run better than 0.10.x on Windows
* Automatically chooses reactor
* Files don't get erased if the filesystem is full

Lots of other little things have changed. Be sure to read through the 
documentation at


This is especially important for client developers, because a new 
namespace is being used for roster-subsync. The old code had a nasty 
bug in it, and to avoid clients accidentally blocking all their 
contacts, you should only pay attention to roster-subsyncs from the new 
xmlns. Check the developer docs for details.

I'll be releasing a new version of webreg to match this release within 
a few weeks. Including that patch to allow it to work with Google Talk 
(DNS SRV support)

I'll be away and out of touch for a week. I'll get onto any bug reports 
when I get home. This is the same code from svn trunk that I haven't 
received any bug reports on for a few weeks though, so it should work 
just fine :)

Please direct any bug reports to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailing list. I'm more likely to miss something in jadmin or jdev when 
I get back.




[jdev] PyMSNt 0.11.1 released!

2006-07-08 Thread James Bunton

Hi all. Here are the changes since version 0.11
* * Avatars, and other things, work better with Google Talk
* * Adding/removing contacts is more reliable.
* * SVN revision is checked on startup and is sent with  
jabber:iq:version results
* * Transport doesn't 'randomly' change status on disconnection  
from MSN

* * Reconnect automatically
* * Groupchat timeout is configurable
* * Compatibility with Twisted 2.2
* * MSN file send failure message should go to both parties.  
With correct wording.

* * More reliable avatar and file transfers.
* * config option for service discovery name (MSN GW1, GW2, etc)
* * Use vCard full name (FN) instead of NICKNAME if empty
* * Fixed chunked messages
* * Fixed error messages missing XMPP_STANZAS
* * Fixed exception with MSNConnection.connectionFailed

I recommend all users of any version of PyMSNt upgrade to this one.
It is the most stable release so far. If you wish to disable file  
transfer, all you have to do is comment the  option in  

If you are running any version since 0.10.1 you can run this command  
to upgrade

svn switch svn://delx.cjb.net/pymsnt/tags/pymsnt-0.11.1

Please visit http://delx.cjb.net/pymsnt for more information, or to  
download a tarball.

Make sure you read the documentation on that page, or included with  
the tarball, for information about setting the transport up.

Have fun! :)



[jdev] PyMSNt 0.11.2 released!

2006-10-18 Thread James Bunton
PyMSNt 0.11.2 is primarily a bugfix release. All users of PyMSNt are  
advised to upgrade.

2006-10-18 - PyMSNt 0.11.2 released!
* Fixed problem caused by small MSN protocol change
* Use md5 hashes for spool directory
* Moved avatar to root of spool directory
* Supported Twisted versions: 1.3, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4
* Fixed licensing problems for the Debian people
* kqueue apparently doesn't work too well, so it is no longer the  
default reactor on BSD



Re: [jdev] help us fix jabberd2 and get $500

2008-05-23 Thread James Bunton
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 07:10:10AM -0600, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

> so I'll add back the per-message footers (which BTW prevent a
> message from being properly signed with digital signatures, oh well).

I've seen some mailing lists where signatures still work. On fink-devel
the text appended by sourceforge is just marked as not signed.

Mutt says "Warning: Part of this message has not been signed." and marks
the signed content with "This data has been signed" and "End of signed

This works for multipart/signed MIME messages by simply adding an extra
text/plain section to the end.



Description: PGP signature