Re: [Jmol-users] Finally! A nice cyclohexane chair/chair flip demo

2011-02-23 Thread Hens Borkent

Op 23-2-2011 10:12, Rzepa Henry schreef:

 I appreciate a debate on this topic may or may not be suited for the
 Jmol list, but if anyone wants to add their opinion,  I would welcome
 this, if only because my  synthetic organic chemistry colleagues
 need to know what the  most realistic description of this iconic
 potential surface is!

I think the synthetic organic chemist  should realize that what is 
shown is not a potential surface, but one degree of freedom singled out.
To put it crudely: the molecule is wobbling all the time, hopping from 
one possible path to the other, distorting any symmetry all the time.
More realistic, although not so appealing maybe as the animations shown.
My original was based on a series MOPAC IRC calculations starting from 
selected transition state maxima.

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] message command

2007-01-09 Thread Hens Borkent
Dear Rick, Eric,

What the simpler solution is I don't know, but I can tell what I do 
(since a long time, before jmol.js emerged, so it could be a bit 
Write your comments in javascript in a data array data[1], data[2] where 
the index corresponds to the frame number it is related to, and use
function JSAnimcontrol (appname,frameno) {
 document.some.textarea.value = data(frameno);
In the applet include AnimFrameCallback='JSAnimcontrol'
For an example look at the source of
which looks cumbersome, but it is entirely generated by script from a 
computational output file.


Dear Rick,

In FirstGlance in Jmol, I use the message command and 
messageCallback(). (I do not use jmol.js.) I use message to mark 
the beginning and end of blocks in the message stream. Then I use 
those marks to parse out what I need.

You could do the same, something like this:

message begin comment
message Here is a two-line comment
message that I would like to display in a textarea.
message end comment

Then you need to write javascript to watch each line coming through 
messageCallback(), and trap lines following begin comment, then 
display in the textarea what was trapped when end comment comes along.

Perhaps someone else knows a simpler way?


At 1/8/07, you wrote:


I have several anaimations where I would like to print comments to a
textarea controlled by the animation sequence. I have experimented with the
SetCallback(meassageCallback, javascript_function) which works well,
except that I get messages from everything (status, error, echos etc). Is
there a way to limit this to just the message commmands? (set loglevel does
not have the desired effect.)

Thanks, Rick Spinney

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[Jmol-users] lines in frames

2006-10-26 Thread Hens Borkent
A short question, concerning lines and planes in an animation (multiple 
XYZ file).
When I call a script like

frame 1
draw line1 120 (atomno=1) (atomno=2)
draw plane1 200 PERP PLANE $line1

the line is shown in all frames of the animation, while the plane turns 
out to be attached to frame1 only.
Is there a way to confine a line to a particular frame too?
And vice versa, to show the plane in all frames?
(Context: I'd like to show in an animation that eclipsed 
2,3-dichlorobutane has a plane of symmetry, while the most stable all 
trans conformation has an inversion center, visualized by drawing lines 
between related atoms).


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] surfaces and JVXL files

2006-08-20 Thread Hens Borkent
Hi Frieda

 Solvent-accessible surfaces of macromolecules are what I am accustomed 
 to using vis Chime, hence what I am seeking to create. However I have 
 to admit that I am not aware of what the distinction is between 
 isosurface and solvent-accessible surface...

Isosurface became the name of the command in Jmol to generate surfaces, 
probably because the first surfaces were molecular orbitals. Orbitals do 
not have a particular size; the values of the function get smaller and 
smaller  with distance from the molecule, and surfaces are created by 
connecting points with the same value. Hence isosurface. Same for 
electron density, for which an isosurface can be drawn that coincides 
more or less with the van der Waals surface. Or much smaller, or larger, 
depends on what feature you would like to show.
To solvent accessible surfaces this doesn't apply. There is only one, 
given the radius of the solvent.
However, all these surfaces, spheres and so on are currently created 
with the command isosurface.

(At this time Bob is really crossing the ocean, but I wouldn't be 
surprised if he is reading his e-mail and working on Jmol. Or is it 
still out of the question to take a pencil, let alone your laptop with you?)

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] surfaces and JVXL files

2006-08-18 Thread Hens Borkent
Hi Frieda,

While Bob is crossing the ocean: As I understood it, JVXL files can be 
generated from any surface displayed by Jmol.
The JVXL lines are written to the Java console (if your browser has 
one..Mine at home hasn't, so I can't test what I'm writing here).
The source of the surface could be a CUBE file, but not necessarily.
Cube files (often very large) are produced by quantum chemistry programs 
(Gaussian in particular) to describe orbitals or electron density, and 
the surface (at a particular contour level) can be written out in the 
much smaller JVXL format. This doesn't apply to macromolecules.
For proteins something like surface resolution 6 solvent 3.0 should 
create a solvent-excluded surface, after a while. Or surface sasurface 
radius for the solvent accessible one. Also this surface could be 
written out by the applet in JVXL format, and it might be more efficient 
to offer the JVXL file on your web page rather then recalculating it by 
the surface command.


 Hi All,

 I am interested in fast rendering of surfaces for large molecules. It 
 seems that Bob Hanson has invented a file format for this purpose, 
 called JVXL. I have seem Angel Herraez's and Bob's test pages for 
 surfaces, but I am still puzzled as to how to get started in doing this.

 To create a JVXL surface file in Jmol, do you first have to load a 
 CUBE file into Jmol? I have started to read a little about CUBE files 
 but am unfamiliar with them. How do you generate a CUBE file?



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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Interpolation in animation?

2006-08-02 Thread Hens Borkent
Egon Willighagen wrote:

On Tuesday 01 August 2006 21:20, Eric Martz wrote:

1. I would be pleased to see a simple linear interpolation option built
into Jmol. The need for such morph animations is becoming more common as
more structures are solved in different conformations. Having it built into
Jmol would save a lot of time and make this kind of visualization more
accessible to a much wider authorship.

Thanx for this elaborate discussion, though I haven't read it in detail yet. 
But I do already want to mention an concept triggered by your email, and 
might also be mentioned in your email...

Some long time ago I was discussion interpolation with someone (might have 
been Hens...?), and this someone suggested that a linear interpolation is 
fine, *especially* if done on the internal coordinates instead of the 
Eucledian ones. Using the internal coordinates ensures that bond length and 
angles are reasonable for the interpolated steps.


Quite possible Egon. Our examples were about small molecules, and the 
animations often involved rotations of groups in the molecule. In these 
cases a linear interpolation of cartesian coordinates is not what you want.
Maybe the four-point spline interpolation suggested by Michael would 
work better, but we found it simpler to do the interpolation outside 
Jmol (or Chime then).
Starting from a MOPAC multi-structure file in internal coordinates, we 
use(d) a script to produce any number of intermediate structures.
This method doesn't seem practical in the case of moving proteins though.
Or do you think the sequence PDB -- internal -- interpolate -- PDB 


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Re: [Jmol-users] orbitals as cartoons

2006-06-07 Thread Hens Borkent
Jonathan Gutow wrote:

   I think I see where you are going, but am a little worried. 
If it is a cartoon, it needs to be clear that it is.  


   I think a tool like Jmol should be used to provide as 
accurate a representation of things as we can.  Thus in relation to 
orbitals the use of .cube and .jvxl files seems like a good idea.  I 
do see how someone might want to think about the orbitals on a 
molecule in terms of the cartoon orbitals, but I still think that 
learning to use the more complete MOs is better.  

Yes, I agree with the last statement.
However, I can also imagine applications where a cartoon better explains 
what you're trying to tell.
As is done in pictures in text books, showing a cartoon of a pi system 
instead of a more complicated MO.
In particular I'm thinking of showing free electron pairs (a subject 
which returns regularly in this forum), for instance as a cartoon of an 
sp3 (or sp2, or ...) orbital on a nitrogen atom.
Is that an option, Bob?
Often the calculated MO describing this f.e.p. shows many more 
contributions that you don't want to show at this point.
[Now we can prepare ourselves for the discussion on how to show the 2 
fep's on a carbonyl oxygen]


Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] orbitals as cartoons

2006-06-07 Thread Hens Borkent
Bob Hanson wrote:

What we can now do is depict isosurfaces for:

 (a) CUBE files,
 (b) essentially equivalent but 1/500 the size JVXL files,
 (c) atomic orbitals centered at (0,0,0) and aligned with the molecular 
xyz axis.

The fact that we can do (c) suggests that any reasonable built-in 
function could be mapped.
The isosurface method is just calling:

  value = getPsi2(x,y,z)

so I don't se why we couldn't substitute in a few other functions as 
well -- perhaps a small set of hybrids.

The real question is simply: How does one orient these so that they are 
actually useful in relation to molecules?

You mean: like a p orbital at any heavy atom, perpendicular to the plane 
of the atom and its neighbours?
And an sp3 type, pointing along the axis defined by the other three 
substituents at an atom?
Or a hybrid of the two, defined by the deviation from planarity of the 
central atom?
I think that would be great, and cover many text book examples.


Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] proposed addition to Jmol web site

2006-05-26 Thread Hens Borkent


They are very clear, should be a great help.


Hi all.
Looking at several recent posts, it seems that new Jmol users tend to visit the 
example pages on the Jmol web site, copy the source code of the page, then make 
their changes and find that they don't work, usually because of testing on hard disk, 
without using a web server.

So, I have thought it could be a good idea to provide advice right there on the example 
pages. I have rewritten the pages for simple example and UI controls example so 
that the code is shown and commented alongside the Jmol applet and controls.

I have put this new versions at

so that, if the community finds them adequate, I will send the files to some of the 
administrators and they put them on Jmol web, substituting the current example 

Please, give your opinion.

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Re: [Jmol-users] displaying orbitals/isosurfaces...

2006-05-23 Thread Hens Borkent


Very nice page indeed.
I once made a page with gaussian calculated AO's, and found that a 3p 
orbital had some of the 2p mixed in, resulting in too many nodal planes. 
A problem which you managed to avoid.
On top of Miguels suggestion to add a 'translucent' option I'd like to 
point at the 'slab on;slab 50' command to remove the front half of the 
displayed surface.


Is anyone interested in a perl script that generates a web page using 
jmol to view multiple selectable isosurfaces/orbitals?

An example of the kind of page it generates may be seen at:

The perl script is a bit of a rough and ready job.  I am hoping to 
eventually make something (maybe Java) that my students can use to 
post rotatable orbitals as part of web posters I have them make of 
their in-class calculations.

I also wonder if something like the page linked above should be added 
to the examples pages on the main Jmol site?  There is no examples of 
surfaces there yet.


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] altLoc and disorder

2006-05-11 Thread Hens Borkent

Bob Hanson wrote:

I just meant that's how I implemented it -- for crystals -- where runs 
are not the issue. (or are they?)

Well, somebody already mentioned the relation with partial occupancy, a 
phenomenon found in crystals.
A quick check showed that of the 1400 CSD structures with a 
trifluoromethylphenyl-group, 700 show disorder in the CF3 group.

Read this comment in the experimental section of ACACIQ.cif (and shiver):
F24-F26, F31-F33, F44-F46 and F51-F53, from four trifluoromethyl groups, 
are disordered over two sites with occupancies 0.60:0.40. F34-F36, 
F41-F43 and F54-F56, from three trifluoromethyl groups, are disordered 
equally over two sites. The dichloromethane solvent molecule is also 

CSD software shows the disordered locations as crosses, not connected to 
other atoms.
The current xtalx site treats all atoms as part of the same molecule and 
draws bonds between all those fluor atoms.

[Try url in the loader.]
So also here we have to decide how to separate the coordinates (prevent 
bond generation) and to display the disorder.
Like showing the altloc positions transparent, to a degree determined 
from the occupancy factor?


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] connected() -- and functional groups

2006-04-18 Thread Hens Borkent

Hi Bob,

Nice initiative.
I don't have the definite file yet (think about ring detection 
techniques during your sabbatical ;) ), just a few additions:

define ~nitroN nitrogen and connected(3) and connected(2,~sp2O)
define ~nitroO ~sp2O and connected(~nitroN)
define ~nitro ~nitroN or ~nitroO
define ~carboxylateC ~sp2C and connected(2,~sp2O)
define ~carboxylateO ~sp2O and connected(~carboxylateC)
define ~carboxylate ~carboxylateO or ~carboxylateC
define ~nitrilN nitrogen and connected(1) and connected(carbon)
define ~nitrilC carbon and connected(2) and connected(1,~nitrilN)
define ~nitril ~nitrilN or ~nitrilC
define ~amideN nitrogen and connected(3) and connected(1,~carbonylC)

With amines/imines things get complicated rather quickly.
Combined with the connect command one could set a number of bond types:

connect 1.42 (~sp2C or nitrogen) (~sp2C or nitrogen) aromatic
connect 1.345 (~sp2C or nitrogen) (~sp2C or nitrogen) double
connect 1.21 (carbon or nitrogen) (carbon or nitrogen) triple
connect (~carbonylC) (~carbonylO) double modify
connect (~nitroN) (~nitroO) aromatic modify
connect (~carboxylateC) (~carboxylateO) aromatic modify

This is a translation of some of my perl script lines defining bond types.
Applying these rules is a matter of taste, to some extent.
Some prefer three double bonds in benzene rather than 6 aromatic ones, etc.
In heterocyles, caffeine being a good example, bond typing becomes 
rather arbitrary anyhow.

To be continued.


Something interesting, I think, for the organic chemists:

Check out:

This page highlights the new connected() capability and uses the 
script file
which is called by an embedded #jmolscript: command (not available in 
Jmol 10.2) in taxol.pdb.

Lots of possibilities here, I think. Maybe someone will write the 
definitive organic functional group definition file? I don't have 
time to do much more than what is there. (Maybe some mistakes.)


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] partial bond

2006-04-07 Thread Hens Borkent


I think the point is that there is a role for a bond type that looks 
like a single, thick, dotted line, not solid+dotted as in aromatic; 
not thin and dotted like typical hbonds.
The fact that there is a file type that registers this suggests that 
it is warranted.

Hens, for the life of me I can't find support for partial01 in the 
history of CML file readers. That was in there? Miguel will have to 
look into this when he gets back. In the mean time, you can certainly 
use connect. Are these animations? Connect can do a nice job of 
displaying such bonds.


[Excuse for the chime2, still there for historical reasons ;)]
An animation indeed, with bonds being formed and broken.
This uses Jmol 10.00.11. The mCML file contains several partial01 bonds, 
displayed as dotted.
(Angel: note that we use type A for not really aromatic, but partial12 
bonds. )
Currently I use a Perl script that calculates the bond order -based on 
distances- and writes the multipleCML file.

It is for this particular reason that I use the CML format.
Using the same distance information I could rewrite this to a series of 
Jmol commands, as in your example below, and stick to multipleXYZ files.

I'll experiment with that anyway.
However, as the partial01 support used to be there, and these type of 
bonds can still be drawn by Jmol, is it really so difficult to 
re-implement it? Haven't I seen you doing things much more complicated 
the past couple of weeks?

For example, here would be a trick to assign all long bonds between 
specific atoms as normal-width dashed bonds, assuming there were 
several frames with animation:

connect 1.6 3.0 (atomno=1) (atomno=2) create single
connect 1.6 3.0 (atomno=1) (atomno=2) modify hbond

The first creates a standard-diameter single bond. The second turns 
into a dashed line. This, I think, might be even better than the 
partial01 bond idea, because you would have full flexibility over what 
is going to be indicated and what isn't, and you could decide exactly 
what distances would be displayed as dashed lines. What isn't possible 
at this time (but we have discussed it as a possibility) would be 
something like:

connect 1.6 3.0 (atomno=1) (atomno=2) create hbond RADIUS 0.05

(SOMETHING like that, anyway), where the bond radius would be created 
at the time of connection. Would you have use for that?

Not if we are talking about real hbonds here. I brought up the hbond 
only because it is dotted.
On the other hand, I can imagine that some people find the hbond a bit 
too thin.


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] partial bond

2006-04-06 Thread Hens Borkent

To follow up on this:
I realized that the suggestion to interpret partail01 as an hbond wasn't 
such a good idea, as hbonds are drawn as thin lines.
However, when I checked Bob's 10.1 demo page I noticed something odd (to 
The last caffeine command CONNECT MODIFY HBOND turns all the existing 
single bonds (between atoms selected in the previous command) into thick 
partial single bonds. So these still exist.
The comment says #modified hbonds take previous bond's diameter, but 
it seems the other way around, #previous bonds take hbond appearance.

Do I interpret this correctly?
And, can the CML bondtype partial01 be drawn again as a partial single 
bond with default wireframe value?


Sorry for bringing this up rather late, but I noticed that with all 
the recent changes in the bond features one of my favourites got lost: 
in reaction mechanisms I use the partial01 bond type as defined in a 
cml structure file. It was drawn as a dashed bond, now it is displayed 
as a single bond.
Maybe it is solved if the partial01 bond in a CML file is interpreted 
as a hbond?


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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] Re: Polyhedra connections

2006-03-21 Thread Hens Borkent


Incredible what a nice, estetically pleasing pictures one can make this 
way with a few commands.
The facet type of depiction I really like, as it doesn't hide the 
central atom.
Not knowing what (or who? New sponsor?) maxFactor was I changed the 
number to e.g, 1.9, and that froze the applet, so some checking needs to 
be done probably.

For the rest: great!


folks interested in polyhedra and/or connections, please take a look 
at this page. Several new ideas there:

-- facet depiction for polyhedra
-- selectable number of bond connections in polyhedra
-- select connected(min_bonds, max_bonds, atom selection set)
-- variable number of bonds in polyhedra, not just 4 or 6.

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] internal coordinate spinning and rotating -- request for comment

2006-03-15 Thread Hens Borkent


At the end of a difficult but ultimately satisfying day,
I offer the following page for comment:

Worked great for me, except one thing:
Clicking an axis to rotate it didn't work with my MS IE6/WindowsXP;
it was in Mozilla Firefox/Linux that I found out that the far end of the 
axis is clickable.

For the rest: flawless!


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] internal coordinate spinning and rotating -- request for comment

2006-03-15 Thread Hens Borkent

Bob Hanson wrote:

I'm guessing that your IE cached something; it makes no sense that 
IE/Windows works differently from Firefox/Windows in this case. My 
IE/Windows works fine. 

You're right; working fine now. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] to Miguel

2006-02-12 Thread Hens Borkent

Bob Hanson wrote:

Twenty-three left shift plus one, He makes our beautious Jmol run.
With many thanks and loads of praise, to Him today this glass I raise.

To find a coder so enlightened, it almost makes me slightly frightened,
But, no, in truth I cannot write a single tiny bit or byte
That would disparage one so swell as Who in silico we call Miguel.

So join me now to fete Miguel, His virtual self we know so well,
I challenge you to write more lines, of any sort or any kinds.

Happy Birthday, Miguel!!

In Spanish, Dutch or German tongue, we sing this Happy Birthday song,
wij kennen hem slechts virtueel, maar onze feestdronk is zijn deel,
De kurk waarop Jmol drijft, en meester van de code blijft,
die niet moe wordt ons te leren, vragen exact te formuleren,
Jmol naar top-positie bracht, slimme oplossingen bedacht,
die niet genoeg kan worden gelauwerd, driewerf hoera voor Michael Howard!

Hens Borkent

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] applet -- callback brainstorming

2006-02-11 Thread Hens Borkent

Hi Bob,


a) Do you implement callbacks? If so, which ones?

AnimFrame to synchronize other Javascript functions with an animation
Pick to identify atoms, in particular in our molecule editor
Message to return measurements, now largely replaced by monitors though

b) What WOULD you use if you had it available?

This pretty much serves our needs.
Although we do a lot of other things in scripts that are not directly 
related to callbacks.
You suggested reading the second line of an XYZ file, but this can be 
done by a script outside Jmol as well, where the results are being 

c) What sort of information (exactly) are you looking for?

d) Is there a particular format that you would like to see,
   other than just the current text-stream of messages?

e) Is it important to you that this mechanism be backward

Well yes. We could always maintain a current version of Jmol of course, 
in case we don't find the time to rewrite our pages. (I wish I had your 
efficient way of working.)


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Define a bond

2006-01-05 Thread Hens Borkent

Hi Eran,



Is there an option to artificially create and show a bond between two 
atoms, even if the distance between them is smaller or larger than the 
range which is considered by default for a covalent bond?




There is no script command to create a bond, but there is a workaround 
to create the same effect.
In CML files you can define bonds between any two atoms, and in that 
case the default Jmol definitions are overruled.
You can even make a CML file consisting of two identical structures, 
only differing in the definition of one (or more) extra bonds. Now make 
a button that animates the structure, and the effect is that the bond is 
switched on and off.

Send me a structure file if you want me to try it.


Hens Borkent
CMBI, Nijmegen

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] CHIME to JMol data interchange?

2005-11-15 Thread Hens Borkent

Hello Shravan,

Hi All,
 We are trying to migrate an application from CHIME to JMol. We have a 
setup which requires CHIME to read a *.pdb file and build an IR 
spectra graph with the information provided. There is another frame 
where CHIME creates an animated visual of the loaded PDB data. 

It sounds like you are inquiring about JCamp compatibility in Jmol.
The message below is from the Jmol list archives; I hope it will get you 


I know that some of you may be interested in displaying
spectral data (which is possible with chime) to go along with chemical
structures in jmol.

We've got a
java applet which will display jcamp spectral data! The project's home
base is at sourceforge: .
It's a work in progress and we'd love to have your feedback and 

about how to improve it. You can see a demonstration of the applet from
the project home page ( ).
It's possible that one or both of the students involved will continue 
working in

the fall term, and your comments will help shape the work that will be
done. Huge thanks to Bob Hanson for helping us work through the data
compression algorithms.

The best way to
submit your feedback is probably via the sourceforge site, so that we 
can keep

track of the suggestions and our progress.

Jennifer Muzyka Associate Professor of Chemistry Centre
College 600 W. Walnut Street Danville, KY
40422 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 859-238-5413 fax


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Re: [Jmol-users] decimal places in measurements

2005-09-01 Thread Hens Borkent

Phillip Barak wrote:

I must weigh in here. I'll be surprised if the hundredths place has  
reasonable significance in any protein crystal structure. 

But Jmol is so adept at rendering non-proteins, too! :-)


And crystallography isn't the only source of coordinates.
But for the rest the point is taken.


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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] Re: decimal places in measurements

2005-08-30 Thread Hens Borkent

Miguel wrote:

I like this but prefer one digit to the right for Angstroms.

If noone makes a strong argument to the contrary then we will change it to
one digit.


I support Rich in that one digit (in Angstroms) is too few for comparing 
bond lengths in organic structures, two is the minimum, three is mostly 
used in cartesian coordinates.

(Ever seen cartesian coordinates in pm or nm?)


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Re: [Jmol-users] axes and planes

2005-08-22 Thread Hens Borkent

Miguel wrote:

Currently, the pmesh code only supports triangles and quadrilaterals.

I did not see any reason to support polygons any bigger than that ... I
even hesitated before putting in quadrilateral support.

You are defining a plane ... Three non-colinear points are sufficient.

Q: Why do you want to have 5 points?


Most of the time my script generates 4 corners, so it seemed logical to 
write a pmesh rectangle.

Or a pentagon when I get 5.
But the more general solution for a script would be to write triangles 
only, even if that implies that one has to create a number of partly 
overlapping ones to cover the whole area, because the directionality is 
not known.

I'll experiment with that.


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] color bonds not atoms

2005-05-24 Thread Hens Borkent

Hi Brandon,


I was wondering if there is a way to color the bonds of 
the structure instead of the atoms.

The answer is rather intuitive:
set bondmode and;select atomno1,atomno=2;color bonds blue


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[Jmol-users] Re: release the signed applet?

2005-04-19 Thread Hens Borkent
Miguel wrote:
hi Miguel,
a suggestion:  can you release the signed Jmol applet as a compiled
update?  seems like it would address a lot of the recent (and ongoing)
issues about local use of the Jmol applet.
I know we can get the signed applet from CVS-HEAD, but I imagine the extra
steps involved are an obstacle for many people.

The signed applet has been released as part of the prerelease version that
is available from:
Note that in one particular case, Hens decided that the Signed Jmol Applet
did not adequately meet their needs.

To be complete: that case was importing (multistructure) CML files.
Moreover, there didn't appear to be a need for a signed applet.
As discussed at length here the normal applet works if you maintain the 
proper path structure.
A signed applet invokes some extra security checks, which we'd rather 
like to avoid in the use of our cd-rom.

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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] Re: 'set measurements ...' to update *all* labels

2005-03-09 Thread Hens Borkent
To add to the confusion: we are talking about different things here.
As I understood it, Chris was talking about changing the units during 
measurements, say from the default nm to angstroms, and then updating 
the values already being displayed.
In one particular structure.
[a problem I never encountered and I have no opinion on]
Then Miguel threw in an older question, about dynamically transfering a 
measurement from one model to the next, in an animation.
This is very useful in an (XYZ or CML) animation, characterized by 
models/frames with all the same atoms in the same order (and to be 
distinguished from multi-model PDB files which can be completely 
different molecules).
In the animations the select command is not involved: you do not 
select a new model, you simply go to the next frame (well, maybe Jmol 
does internally?).
So Jmol could do a check which multimodel system we have, and translate 
the measurements to all frames if appropriate.
As I see it now it could be done on the basis of the file type (XYZ/CML 
vs PDB), but that is only a first order approach that will run into 
ambiguities soon.
Or we separate the two completely and reserve different commands  for 
say  'frames' and 'models' .

 Would it be possible to have the set measurements ... command
 the units on *all* distance labels?

Perhaps both behaviours could be supported, say, something like
set measurements ...affects subsequent measurement labels
set measurements ALL ...affects all measurement labels

Several other people have asked for this, so you are not the only one.
I think that having a 'setting' to control the behavior would be OK.
We need to specify the behavior a bit more ...
Let's talk a little bit about what the criteria would be for deciding
whether or not the measurements get replicated.
Different frames/models are can be completely different. Sometimes they
all contain exactly the same atoms in exactly the same order ... only 
position changes. This is what happens in many animations.


why not linking the set measurements command to the current selected 
set, this was consistent and flexible.
select all
select /3
regards, Jan

From one frame to the next, we need to decide whether or not the
measurements could be replicated.
I suppose that we use one or more of the following:
- the two frames have the same number and types of atoms in exactly the
same order
- the atom numbers of the elements being measured are the same
- the atom numbers and types of the elements being measured are the same
Don't know ... does anyone have any other thoughts.

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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] Re: two targets on the same page

2005-01-21 Thread Hens Borkent
Let your button call a javascript function, and in this function you 
send any script to any applet you like
In this way one can construct toggle buttons as well, which I don't find 
in the current jmol.js
Is this what you meant?

Is there any way to send a command (script)  to two different 
jmolapplets on the same page  by the way of one single button, radio 
group, checkbox or menu ?
Or even better send to different commands to two  applets  on the same 
I have tried several synthaxes  but I couldn't get it.


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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] Re: Questions regarding surfaces

2005-01-20 Thread Hens Borkent
The vanderWaals surface is useful to colour-code other information on it.
In Chime one can display the electrostatic potential (ESP) or the 
lipophilicity on the vdw-surface.
Especially the ESP is useful, but in Chime it turned out to be rather 
difficult to override the default charges that it assumed present in a 
molecule, and the colour  range.
(I'm using past tense I notice!)
Does Jmol read the optional (4th) charge column in a XYZ file?
Moreover Chime read Gaussian cube files to plot orbitals, or the 
electron density.
Problem is that these are huge files, and Chime plotted only one phase 
of the orbital anyway so it was a rarely used option.
Orbital plotting would be very useful if a more compressed format was 
adopted for the 3D surface information.


I have a question regarding surfaces ...
Certainly there is a need for a Connolly surface ...
Q: Is there really any need to have a vanderWaals surface?
Q: What type of surface(s) does Chime support?

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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] Re: charge in XYZ format

2005-01-20 Thread Hens Borkent
Q: Please confirm that if I put in support for partial charges in the
range (-1  partialCharge  1) inside the XyzReader then you will test and
use this capability.

Yes, I will.
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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] vibrations

2004-11-10 Thread Hens Borkent
To return to a familiar subject: visualization of vibrations.
In Chime I used multipleXYZ  files, written out by MOLDEN for a 
particular vibration and as calculated by Gaussian, MOPAC, etc.
In Jmol I can still animate these mXYZ file, however the animation 
doesn't run smoothly.
After one cycle it waits for a second before it restarts. So the 
animation doesn't look like a vibration.
So my first question is: can this delay be avoided?
I know that people are working on reading and displaying vibrations 
directly from Gaussian output.
Can I select -scriptwise- a particular one of the 3N-6 vibrations?
Will this feature be extended to MOPAC output?

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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] writing text with animations

2004-08-14 Thread Hens Borkent
Brian Keay wrote:
To Whom It May Concern:
I'm in the process of creating animations for the Web
site using Jmol10pre12
and I was wondering if there is a way to print text to
the screen while the animation is playing, for
example, in order to explain to the viewer what is
being displayed.
Thank you and best regards.
Brian Keay

It can also be done by javascript;
Define data lines containing the frame number:
data[2]=text2 etc
In the applet add: AnimFrameCallback='JSAnimcontrol'
and in
function JSAnimcontrol (name, framenr)
document.formname.textareaname.value = data[framenr] ;
Something like that, try it.
Hens Borkent

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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] dummy atoms

2004-08-10 Thread Hens Borkent
You should also be able to select them as 'select elemno=0'
Note that I have not tried either of these things. If they do not work
then let me know.
It works, thanks.
The script command: restrict elemno=1
excludes the dummy atoms from the display.
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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] dummy atoms included/excluded

2004-08-09 Thread Hens Borkent
Rene Kanters wrote:
I am using JMol to look at Gaussian 03 output and wanted to know 
whether in a future version JMol will also show dummy atoms. 
Since I am using z-matrix optimizations, several of the angles that 
are important to me are defined using a dummy atom.

It looks like JMol uses the standard orientation to parse for the 
multiple structures in a log file, which has the dummy atoms 
stripped. If it were to look for the Z-Matrix orientation: it  would 
find the cartesian coordinates of all the atoms.
The added advantage of using the Z-Matrix orientation is that it will 
also not flip my molecule around (which the standard orientation 
sometimes does).


On this subject:
There are two sides to this: Jmol *is* showing dummy atoms when they 
appear in XYZ files, and I didn't find a simple command to *exclude* 
them from the display.
Did I overlook something?
It would be convenient if they could be addressed by the element name 
'dummy' or by the atom type X / Xx / XX.
Miguel: a dummy atom is a point in space on a position where there is no 
atom, but which is convenient to include in the definition of the 
positions of real atoms, or a group of real atoms.
Example: one can write the structure of cyclopropane very efficiently in 
internal coordinates ( z-matrix) using the center of the ring as the 
origin, i.e. by placing a dummy atom there.
Or: to measure the distance to a benzene ring, one could take the center 
of the ring as a reference point.

Hens Borkent

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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] models and frames

2004-02-27 Thread hens borkent

  However if that can be controlled in JMol by a script command set
  models nmr|anim ( set frames nmr|anim ?) it would be a good solution to
  distinguish between the two applications.
 Why is there a need to distinguish between the two?
You're right.
What I meant is that there should be an option to display the frames
sequentially or (all or some selected) on top of each other. That's
clear now.

  Chime requires that all framed structures in a file have the same atoms
  in the same order.
  Not so for pdb-models I guess, I'm not sure though.
  Is this a restriction we would like to question? Is it present in JMol?
 My plan is to try to do something reasonable ... not crash. If it looks
 bad then don't play it as an animation.
 Please let me know if you see any fundamental problems with this.

I don't, I agree completely.


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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] xyz vs pdb

2004-02-26 Thread hens borkent
:tim wrote

 AFAIK (again), xyz files are generally useful for small molecules but not for
 larger macromolecules.  but maybe that's not quite accurate?
Well, it is not so much the size that matters, as does the extra
information a pdb file carries for proteins:
e.g. secondary structure, amino acid labels, chains, models, and connect
For non-proteins only the latter apply: bonding information in HETATM
Could be very usefull in small molecules too, for instance to show
double bonds.
Which opens new vistas!
Currently in Chime XYZ animations we can't show multiple bonds, but if
we equate PDB NMR Models to XYZ frames it could be possible to define
the bonding scheme for each separate structure!
How to create such PDB models (from computational packages) is another
question; I'm willing to edit the files by hand if need arises.

I don't recall: was it ever discussed to finetune the distance criteria
in JMol in order to decide upon the bond type?


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[Jmol-users] Chime2JMol

2003-09-26 Thread Hens Borkent

There is one more small issue concerning Chime to JMol migration:
while Chime starts numbering atoms (and everything else) at zero (a
programmers choice), JMol starts numbering with atom 1 ( a chemists, or
any other 'normal' person's choice).
So there is a decision to be made: stick to Atom-one, and increase all
your numbers in current scripts by one (not a big deal), or adopt the
Chime numbering.
My vote would be for the former.
Furthermore I support Pat Carroll's compliments for JMol, and his
request for a measuring panel (dist, angle. dihedral) and adjustable
atom radii.
Rasmol scripts have a provision for both: set picking distance etc.
(would require a mechanism to place the result somewhere) ,
and 'spacefill number'.

Hens Borkent

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