Re: [JOYnet] Dowry

2001-12-07 Thread Smiju Joseph

God is with you all.

I read the mails regarding Dowry. I am not saying
Dowry is good. If God allows me to marry a girl, sure
I won't ask for Dowry.
That's good if we stop Dowry. Aftwards what will
happen to the girls who are not so beatiful? Most of
the guys like to marry beatiful girls! then girls'
parents has no other choice, they will offer dowry.

If the girl is beautiful and rich, dowry is a prestige

If the girl is not beautiful and is rich, dowry helps
the parents to buy the guy.

If the girl is beautiful and poor, chances are more
for a good family. Lots of JY guys are searching such

If the girl is not beautiful and is poor, I don't know
what will be her future. God will help her.

with lots of lov & prayers
smiju joseph, abu dhabi

--- Priya Joy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lovely, you were asking, is it necessary to get
> dowry/share at the time of
> marriage
> The Indian women, I mean most of them are not
> getting
> anything other than this dowry as their share from
> own family.
> There are lots of laws that assure women equal
> share, but in real life how
> many got befit of this laws? Thinks many are
> not.
> More than that many girls are not ready to have
> legal fight or tongue war
> between their own brothers or parents for this
> issue...
> Many studies proved that girls give much importance
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[JOYnet] Re:

2001-12-07 Thread nelson abel

   Dear friends,
 Now a days very interesting topic is going on for discussion.  I want 
to add some thing regarding dowry.
See, what ever name we call it either share or dowry, it becomes a 
social evil now in our society. Think about the lower middle class family. 
Many parents are suffering because of this evil. Parents will not send a 
girl with empty handed. They will try to give their child maximum they can. 
But always we can see a bargain in the marriage market. I want to share some 
personal things with you.
   Before 1 1/2 years, when I was searching for a girl, I got a letter from 
one of my Jesus youth leader. He has written a few lines regarding one 
proposal. He was written that- I have one educated girlwhos parents are 
ready to give this much lack rupees and some land as her share.  If you are 
interested please give me a reply. When reading that letter I felt very sad. 
Actually we cannot blame him. Because now the system is like that. If a boy 
is trying for a marriage, everybody will ask him a question-what is your 
demand? ( In lakhs). Same thing in girls case, the first question they are 
asking will be how much you will give her?
  Some body is telling that, for starting a new family some initial 
investment necessary, so dowry can justifiable. Let me ask you one question, 
do you think this amount (3lakh /5 lakh…what ever it may be) will be enough 
to make secure your future life?
And with all his abundant wealth through Christ Jesus, my god will supply 
all our needs. (Phil 4:19) why we are not able to trust in word of god? He 
is the sovereign lord who fed five thousand people with five loaves of 
bread. So don’t put your foundation with money, but if we build our family 
in Jesus then it will be strong.
Before one year, at the time of my marriage lot of confusions came 
because of this matter. At the initial stage itself I put one 
condition-money should not be a factor. My aim was that the girl’s parents 
should not run for money to send his daughter with me. So when things become 
serious, mini’s (my wife) father told what amount they will give at the time 
of marriage. Hearing the sum my relatives become disappointed. As per their 
calculation I am eligible for a higher amount. Even thinking about her 
family financial situation I was also afraid. Because she was the only 
earning member in her family. Two younger brothers students. Papa & mummy 
are sick persons. She is working as staff nurse in Saudi( in company). She 
was in India for a vacation of 45 days. My first demand was either she will 
extend her vacation for two months or should resign her job. As per demand 
she applied for extention, but the chance was only 2%. So when she comes for 
marriage preperation course, I asked her that after her marriage how her 
family would survive? She said that god would show them a way. After 
realizing her family situation, I was really confused thinking that whether 
am I putting a burden on my head? But john Wilfred and Annie was with me 
with great support and prayer. John gives me a thought. -Nelson may be god 
want to enter this house through you. Yes that was a great thought and I  
understood this as a god’s plan and I accepted it with much joy. On 27th 
august, 2000, I married to mini. After 7 days her visa finished and no 
information come from her company. So we thought she will be lost her job. 
But I told her that we will support her family also. But god’s plan was 
great. First week of October we received the letter from her company that 
they renewed her visa and she reached Saudi on 15th October. Even though we 
both are in Saudi, we are1500km away from each other. . We have completed 
one year of our married life in which about 95 days stayed together. Both of 
our families are happy now. Next week mini will be   coming to my place 
for a vacation of 45 days. So I hope you all will remember us in your 
So as a conclusion my opinion is the evil behind the dowry is the 
greed for money. If a person who gives Jesus the first place in his life can 
fight against this evil, even though it seems difficult.
With love and prayers
Your brother in Jesus
Nelson Abel, turaif, Saudi Arabia

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Re: [JOYnet] Interesting Dowry Story....

2001-12-07 Thread george kuriakose

Hi Lalmon,

   Thanks for sharing,but I have to differ with you a
little bit.Let's us not make decisions
in life or generalise things based on one of the
events or cases that took place in some corner of the

   Another thing is that we need to work on is to
develop  our self image than developing the image
.Image is what other people think about you.Self image
is what you think about yourself.The Lord has created
 one equal and gave them equal value.BA and BTech
 are educational degrees people aquire from

   we should focus on qualifying ourselves for the
final interview of Jesus than on these little things.
 By the way this is my personal sharing and not an 

God Bless
George Kuriakose



--- Lalmon C Kurian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi friends
> I have some acute views about dowry. If I am wrong,
> pls forgive me. I feel, there is nothing wrong in
> getting dowry. For this I have my justification. You
> can just think of the current kerala. I can tell you
> a
> very interesting story, if you can listen me.
>  Well, the story goes like this. …There is one very
> nice, happy family. The father is a schoolteacher
> and
> mother is a housewife. By gods grace they have got
> two
> children; the first one is a smart guy cupped with
> intelligence, moral values and humbleness. The
> second
> once is cute sweet little girl. She was blessed with
> the beauty and softness. They both stated going to
> school, guy in 1st std and girl in LKG. But the time
> was on his way to heaven and mean while our hero,
> prince Guy and heroine Princess Gal was going to
> their
> youth. Gay took his Engineering from a well-known
> institute and working as a software engineer in
> reputed MNC. But unfortunately, our heroin could not
> reach up to that but still she completed her BA
> degree
> from a private college. Slowly; the time came for
> the
> guy to get marry. Many faces came to his hand as
> color
> snaps of beauty queens, but at last he selected a
> very
> humble cute girl as his life partner. She was very
> humble and god fearing, but she did only Bsc degree.
> And they lived happily. But soon, the other thing
> happened; our heroin is going to get marry. So many
> guys came her way, doctors, engineers, IPS, IAS…etc,
> but at last she selected her partner, a smart IPS
> guy.
> But everybody knew that this guy is leading a very
> bad
> life, but has much treasure in his pocket. But this
> girl and her parents didn’t think about his
> character,
> but just saw his money and position. And now it’s
> your
> tern to answer me what happen to their life, they
> are
>   Well, apart from that, I would like to point out
> one
> important thing that AN IAS GUY CAN MARRY A BA GIRL,
> But
> ACCEPTING DOWRY IS NOT FAIR…girls are short, and
> hence
> they will always look UP and as we poor guys are
> tall,
> always we need to look DOWN…nothing official about
> it,
> is it not?
> I have a request to u guys and gals pls think at
> least
> once before telling some comments about anything…
> Note: - But I am not going to ask any dowry as I
> believe; if we marry a girl, then we should be
> capable
> of nourishing her, even without her father’s help!!!
>  Luv Lalmon
> =
> Lalmon C kurian
> Senior Software Consultant.
> Infosys Technologies Ltd.
> Bangalore.
> Ph: 9845208884,
>   91-80-3474156.
> Visit:
> Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

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Re:[JOYnet] Interesting Dowry Story....

2001-12-07 Thread LOVELYST

I read Bijoy's and Lalmon's emails.  I agree with Bijoy that greed is the 
problem.  I also agree that parents want the best for their children and 
therefore they are willing to do whatever it takes to give them a better 
future.  I also believe that girls and their parents need to take a stronger 
stand for the system to change. 

Can't enough girls and their parents to decide not proceed with a proposal if 
the boy or his family wants to know how much dowry is going to be given?  
Can't boys ask their family to not say a word about dowry?

I think something is changing from the story Lalmon is describing.  Girls are 
getting more and more educated these days.  We all know that most of the SSLC 
rank holders are girls for several years.  Such results are slowly being 
shown after SSLC also.  When I was doing my Engineering the number of girls 
in the college was definitely much less than half.  But the number of girls 
are increasing every year.  The earning capacity of girls are not going to be 
much different from that boys for too long.  Most of my classmates and 
friends (who are girls) from college are getting married to boys of similar 
With Prayers,

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[JOYnet] Immaculate Conception

2001-12-07 Thread Thomas Mathew



Immaculate Conception


Mary the Mother Of God treasured everything in her heart. She was a
silent witness to the Word of God. The Word became flesh in her Womb and
that is Jesus.  We are celebrating the Immaculate Conception of Our
Blessed Mother. From the moment of her conception God kept her sinless,
Immaculate and Pure.


 Snow White


I remember driving along the Sierra Mountains in California, one winter
time and the hills were clad in pure, white snow. The Pine tree branches
were holding chunks of white snow. Everything was white. A very
immaculate experience.  I had some people with me and one of them said

“ Immaculate White” I think that statement sunk into my heart.  Since
then every Immaculate Conception feast gave me a better idea about the
immaculate nature of Our Blessed Mother. Every time I read Isaiah 1.18
and 19, I get a different impact in my life. There I see, sinless ness is
white as snow.  “You are stained red with sin, I will clean you as white
as snow” Is. 1.18. God has made Our Blessed Mother sinless from the first
moment of her conception, immaculate and clean as snow. Is she our Snow

Perfect Jesus

Jesus was like any of us except in sin.   I think the Immanuel made her (
Mary) sinless.   We find some common grounds in the life of Jesus and
Mary. When the Angel of the Lord announced to Mary, “You will be with
child and that will be from the Holy Spirit” Mary said “ Behold the
Handmaid of the Lord. Let your Holy Will be Done”. Jesus did the same
thing. Jesus, said when he was confronted with awesome difficulties
“father let your will be Done”.  Even on the Cross Jesus said “I
surrender my soul to you”. In a way Jesus was reiterating the same Spirit
that gave Mary the courage to say “I surrender to the Holy Will of God”.
We are trying to understand this mystery. Many a treatise and sermons are
w! ritten every generation about the announcement of the Immanuel and
Mary’s response. All the more it becomes difficult for us to comprehend.
It is difficult for us to comprehend because we are trying to analyse he
birth of God as human from the point of view of the sinful people.


Witnessing  aspects of the Immaculate onception;

The Immaculate Conception gave a lot of witnessing aspects.  When God
decided to make His Mother Mary, immaculate from the first moment of her
existence, God decided to make her witness many events, many Godly
events. Mary saw the First Christmas. Mary was privileged to bear witness
to the angels singing  “Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to men of
goodwill on earth”. 


Immaculate Conception and the First Miracle of Jesus.


Mary witnessed many miracles of Jesus. Mary was instrumental in the first
miracle of Jesus  (turning water into wine). Mary walked with with Jesus,
giving him, moral strength Jesus needed. Is there any mother who won’t
give moral courage to a son whom she knows is the Son of God. Mary
remembered with pleasure the Intervention of God in her own life bringing
the life of God a reality on this Earth.   Mary was with Jesus when he
preached in the Temple. Mary and Joseph made a difference in the life of
Jesus. They were the legal parents of Jesus, on the face of this earth.
Jesus, God who walked on the earth made Mary, the Mother of God. The
Immaculate Conception made her Mother of God and Mother to each and every
one of us.


Mary silent witness


The Immaculate Conception enabled Mary to be a silent witness to the Love
of God. The Immaculate Conception made Mary to be a silent partner of God
on the earth along the way of the Cross. Mary was with Jesus, when Jesus
walked to Calvary. I am sure Mary had participation in the ministry of
Jesus. Many other women supported Jesus in his ministry. I am sure they
had connection with Mary. I don’t think there would be a mother who won’t
be  touched with her sons friends. Mary might have cooked food for the
friends of Jesus. If Mary was instrumental in motivating him to change
water into wine, I am sure Mary was also beside the friends of Jesus
motivating them to effect a great change in their lives. I think my
mother is happy to invite and to provide food hospitality for my friends
who come home. . I have noticed that my friends have become the fri! ends
of my mother and the rest of my family and vise versa.


Holy War


I think the Immaculate Conception was a Holy War of God to change people
into prayer partners with Jesus. Mary became friends with the friends and
benefactors of Jesus.  I remember every time when my friends come home my
mother   and the rest of my family is there to welcome and make them feel
at home. Many of my friends felt at home when they visited with me and
that is because of my parents and the rest of my family and their
attitude to them. I am sure Mary knew Jesus. She

[JOYnet] Goals for JY - 2002

2001-12-07 Thread Berly Earnest

Dear friends,
The following are the goals of Jesus Youth for the year 2002, discussed and
finalised in the Kerala Youth Central Team
1.To begin prayer groups and make them effective.
Each Jesus Youth be a part of a prayer group and help build
the group.
2.Each Jesus Youth be an intercessor,with a heavy burden in his
   heart for the growth of God's Kingdom.
3.Formation of leaders.
4.To further strengthen Mission activities.
God bless us all.

Jomon Varghese.
Co-ordinator JY ,Kerala

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[JOYnet] He spoke to them in Parables

2001-12-07 Thread Berly Earnest

Dear friends,
A story I came across today:
A rabbi,famed for his learning and his wit,was once asked by his students
why he so often illustrated a truth by telling a story.
"That I can best explain through a story,"he said,"a parable about Parable
itself.There was a time when Truth went among men unadorned,as naked as his
name.And whoever saw Truth turned away,in fear or in shame,and gave him no
welcome.So Truth wandered through the lands of the earth,rebuffed and
"One day,most disconsolate,he met Parable,strolling along happily in fine
and many-coloured garb.'Truth,why do you seem so sad?'asked Parable
'Because I am so old and ugly that all men avoid me,'replied Truth.
'Nonsense,'laughed Parable.'That is not why men avoid you.Here-borrow some
of my clothes,and see what happens.'"
"So Truth donned some of Parable's lovely garments-and lo,everywhere he
went,he was welcomed",the rabbi smiled.
"For the truth is that men cannot face Truth naked;they much prefer him

Annie Berly/Cochin/India

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Re: [JOYnet] Create God !!!

2001-12-07 Thread george kuriakose

Hi joe,
 Yes ,You are absolutely right Joe.There is nothing
God really hides from us .It's just that we might not
have a great amount of  wisdom to understand or see

For example we don't have the wisdom to know what's
to happen to us this evening ,end of this month or end
of this

But when we aquire the gift of wisdom of the Holy
Spirit (to the full)
I am sure we will know everything.

I have a very strong feeling that that's something God
in store for us when we reach heaven.WOW!Exciting

 Do continue to share Joe,God bless you

 George Kuriakose

--- st  micheals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi george...
> thannx george for ur sharing ..however i was told
> there's nothing that god would keep a mystery with
> it does'nt matter whether we are humans
> ..joe
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 george kuriakose wrote :
> > Dear Brother Joe,
> > It would be a nice idea to ask this question to 
> > God Himself.Are'nt you aware that we are all human
> >  beings ?
> >  God Bless
> >  Thanks
> >  George Kuriakose
> > 
> > --- st  micheals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > hi friends..just a small query..
> > > 
> > >  who created GOD ?? or how did God come into
> > > existence..
> > > 
> > > thanks and praying ..joe 
> > > 
> > >
> >
> > 
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[JOYnet] urgent prayer request.

2001-12-07 Thread Abraham Puthenkalam

Urgent Prayer Request.

Thomas Mathew ( 21 ), suffering from G.B.Syndrome ( Gillian Barrie Syndrome )

now suffering from Pneumonia, paralyzed; admitted in Sanjay Gandhi

Now his condition is Very critical. Please pray for his sudden recovery.

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[JOYnet] Praise GOD and thanks for the prayers

2001-12-07 Thread Joseph Sebastian

Dear friends on the JOYnet,

I want to thank all of you'll for having praying for me. I don't know a lot 
many of you'll and I also do not know who all has prayed for me. But i am 
100% sure that there has been intercessions for me. I had been sending some 
request for prayers on the JOYnet and also some of my friends in JY. The  
reason as to why I am so sure is that I am presently having THE PEACE THAT 

Just today I was getting a bit irritaed because of my elder son - in an 
earlier situtation i would have got angry and scolded him but today i not 
only realised that i was getting irritated but was able to pray silently.




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2001-12-07 Thread Joseph Sebastian


i have one more request. do any one of you at pune know of a ok place where 
i could stay.



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[JOYnet] Goals of JY for 2002

2001-12-07 Thread Berly Earnest

Dear friends,
The following are the goals of Jesus Youth for 2002:
1.To begin prayer groups and make them effective.
Each Jesus Youth be a part of a prayer group and help build
the group.
2.Each Jesus Youth be an intercessor,with a heavy burden in his
   heart for the growth of God's Kingdom.
3.Formation of leaders.
4.To strengthen Mission activities.
God bless us all.
Jomon Varghese.

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[JOYnet] He spoke to them in parables

2001-12-07 Thread Berly Earnest

Dear friends,
A story I came across today:
A rabbi,famed for his learning and his wit,was once asked by his students
why he so often illustrated a truth by telling a story.
"That I can best explain through a story,"he said,"a parable about Parable
itself.There was a time when Truth went among men unadorned,as naked as his
name.And whoever saw Truth turned away,in fear or in shame,and gave him no
welcome.So Truth wandered through the lands of the earth,rebuffed and
"One day,most disconsolate,he met Parable,strolling along happily in fine
and many-coloured garb.'Truth,why do you seem so sad?'asked Parable
'Because I am so old and ugly that all men avoid me,'replied Truth.
'Nonsense,'laughed Parable.'That is not why men avoid you.Here-borrow some
of my clothes,and see what happens.'"
"So Truth donned some of Parable's lovely garments-and lo,everywhere he
went,he was welcomed",the rabbi smiled.
"For the truth is that men cannot face Truth naked;they much prefer him
Annie Berly/Cochin/India

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[JOYnet] Request Again..

2001-12-07 Thread JY Ahmedabad

Dear Friends,

Praise God!! Greetings from Ahmedabad! I hope all of you are in good spirit and cheer! 

We wanted you to pray for the following programmes specially.

1. Village outreach to Petlad village tomorrow (8th Dec). We will go tomorrow at 2.00 
pm and will come back on Sunday. Please interceed specially.

2. Initial Youth Retreat for the whole of Gujarat in Rajkot from Jan 24th to 27th.

Please keep these in your prayers specially.

Jose Fernandes

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[JOYnet] evangelisation in australia (ente mail no: 5)

2001-12-07 Thread jose mathew

You awesome people .. it is me again...
still i receive lot of mails. thankx.. thankx alot...
some people r wondering seeing my mails every day.
they gussed well..yes. it is true.. i am having my
holidays.. so i can spend little more than the usual
time before the net..
well, today i thought of sharing something about
australia. it is a nice country. may be the only
country which posesses the entire continent. the
poulation is little less than 20 million! (two third
of kerala!)i think it is almost 3 times bigger than
India. people mainly live in cities. the center part
of australia is desert. two third is not fit for
living.main problem is the scarecity of water.
australia may be one of the richest countries of the
world. though the population is multicultural in
nature 90% are that of Europian origin. english is the
main and the only official language.the country has it
own local people  i.e aborginee people or indigienious
people as they r called. but they r less than 5% of
the total population. the main cities r sydney,
melbourne, brisbane and adelaide. the cities r really
beautiful.australia is blessed with beautiful beaches
and variety if wildelife and land scape. it is rich in
the ordinary aussies r kind and fun loving. aussies r
known for their sence of humour. one can see that
every where(now u dont ask me about aussi cricket team
and their sense of humour!..that is a very different
story..u know it better than me) 
well it is a christian country. more than 30% r
catholic. but like many western countries australia
too is becoming less God oriented. that is the biggest
challenge before the church here. charismatic movement
is spreaded almost every where, but it is not active
as we hav it in india. may be we need more jys here!
people hav practically every thing here. lot of
wealth, great sence of security due to the
Geographical isolation, and absence of natural and man
made calamities..etc. it is a young country
established by british convicts 200 years ago. but
natives were here for more than 6000 years. catholic
presence is mainly felt in education and health care.
these days church is active in justice and peace
issues. since the younger generation is lossing their
faith church tries faith formulation through schools.
every catholic school has it own dept. of religious
education. also another major problem australian
society faces is the family disintergration. marriages
often break off here. it often leads children to lack
of security and higher level of immorality. young
people often do not hav a role model to look up. 
at the same time lot of young adults hav started to
thtink differently. australia has a powerful
charismatic covenent community and a powerful youth
ministry in which every year 40 young people take one
year or more full time committment to serve the
lord.they travel all around australia sharing the good
news among the young pople.the church is almost in the
theshold of a new spring time . 
keep the aussie church in your prayers. we need a lot
of prayers here. 
lov you all heaps
God bless you all 
jose mathew  australia   

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[no subject]

2001-12-07 Thread Angela Maria

1st dec

hi friends,
i would like to share this incident that happened yesterday. my dad was havin' some 
discomfort in the chest and me and my mom  immediately took him to the hospital. there 
i came to know that daddy had a massive heart attack (myocardial infartion) . i was 
always a person who would be totally down at any little thing that went wrong and 
usually my friends call me a touch-me-not. but when i knew abt this all that came to 
my mouth was just praises to my lord . from this i got immense strength.  and i became 
so  bold with jesus by my side and could be a comfort to my family and friends around. 
 i asked jesus 'n mother mary to take care of him . and i could see mother mary 
sitting beside my daddy and massaging his chest . and i was too sure that they were 
taking good care of him . all were very astonished at my cool attitude which i very 
firmly know isn't my capabilty but my god's grace that is flowing in me. and i 
intensely understood the power of praise.
doctors said that dad's situation was really serious , if v had been late by a second 
things would've been different . the initial ecg reports proved that any time v could 
lose him  . when they knew abt this , they gave an injection that would remove the 
clot in the heart. following this the doctors had to immediately give a shock so that 
the heart beat came to the normal state. and guess what the 2nd and 3rd stages of the 
ecg proved that my daddy's heart was back to the normal condition. doctors said that 
usually it might take a few hours for the person's heart beat to be normal .  this is 
just a miracle that happened . and i know its becoz of my jesus who was constantly 
taking care of every little thing in my life. 
as i write this, my daddy is still in the icu  under observation. and i know that my 
jesus will take care of him. and i sincerely ask 4 ur prayers for my daddy . 
3rd dec

he is getting better now but he is a little bit weak . so continue ur prayers

6th dec

he has been discharged from the hospital 'n he is far better . 

with lotsa luv in jesus,

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Re: [JOYnet] Another input on dowry

2001-12-07 Thread Thomas George

Dear JOYnetters,

 Thanks Priya for your thoughts.  Well, this issue
of Dowry can go on and on.  You have rightly mentioned
by saying that " we are knowingly or unknowingly
getting trapped in the lust for money which comes into
our thoughts through various forms ".

 Now-a-days, people make it convenient by using
the word 'share' instead of 'dowry'.  I know in many
cases (which I cannot believe) that even before the
boy has seen the girl, the talk of dowry creeps in. 
So it is like this...  even if the boy does not like
the girl.. it is okay...  but the important thing is
money!  Well! Are we selling the girl or what it is? 
I just can't understand? And in most of the cases, the
boy's side demand cash rather than jewellery because
by demanding "cash" even the expenses for the boy
(naturally the family of the boy has to do it)are
taken care of.  This is something stupid, I feel. In
some families where they cannot afford to give dowry,
they really pass through a torrid time.

 Well, it's time for us to ring in the new!  It's
time to bring our children in the right path so that
the Lord may guide them or else the Lord will hold us

 In HIS grip & grace,

  Bangalore, India.

--- Priya Cyriac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I like to putforth my view on this dowry debate as
> it turned towards share
> being received by a girl. Let me put some questions
> which are coming into my
> mind right now.
> 1) If it is the share which needs to be divided
> equally among all the
> children, isn't a girl relying on her parents after
> her marriage. Or is the
> accounts cleared by the day of marriage??. There
> still follows lot of
> ceremonies and formalities which needs to be
> followed. If a girl is a
> share-holder for the property for her parents, she
> should be share-holder for
> the sorrows, sickness etc of her parents too. How
> many percent girls in
> reality are able to share all these with her parents
> after marriage? It is
> quite obvious that her responsibilities and the
> priorities in life changes
> after marriage, but do our sisters ever think that
> we are a share-holder of it
> or we think that our brothers have the
> responsibility as they have inherited
> the so called "tharavadu" (house) from our parents.
> Do the girls think of it?
> 2) All these properties are given to us as a gift by
> our Abba Father. Would we
> be satisfied or rather would it be enough by merely
> getting the "gift"/"share"
> from our parents? When HE shows us the partner HE
> has chosen and bless the
> couples in their marriage, we should seek to get the
> gifts/share from HIM. HE
> has said, "I will supply all your needs"
> (Philippians 4:19). Don't we have
> faith in HIS promise to us?. The word of GOD again
> says..."My grace is
> sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9) ". Is it not enough
> for us or still we need
> something else ?
> When we talk about shares/gift..I just feel that our
> attitude again is
> changing. We are knowingly or unknowingly getting
> trapped in the lust for
> money which comes into our thoughts through various
> forms. Marriage is a
> celebration in the two families which is much above
> the show-offs of dowry,
> expenditure. We need to rejoice rather than setting
> up or clearing the
> accounts, dues etc. Whatever we get as our share,
> our savings etc are not of
> that important but our investment in heaven. If this
> is the case, then why
> should we think or demand of shares?
> This is just what I feel, differences of opinion are
> bound to be there and I
> am sorry if I have hurt the feelings of any of our
> friends over here. I am not
> pointing towards girls in particular, but I am
> pointing towards the attitude
> which I feel needs to be shared. I am reminded of a
> comment of one of my
> ex-colleague. He says...we are so well educated,
> handsome ..etc that there is
> no girl who can stand with us. Hence the girls
> parents in order to neautralise
> have to pay a handsome amount along with the girl
> when they give!!. Sorry
> guys, I am not pointing to your attitude either,
> just sharing what all are the
> thoughts being dominated in our minds.
> Priya
> Baroda, Gujarat, India
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[JOYnet] Interesting Dowry Story....

2001-12-07 Thread Lalmon C Kurian

Hi friends

I have some acute views about dowry. If I am wrong,
pls forgive me. I feel, there is nothing wrong in
getting dowry. For this I have my justification. You
can just think of the current kerala. I can tell you a
very interesting story, if you can listen me.

 Well, the story goes like this. …There is one very
nice, happy family. The father is a schoolteacher and
mother is a housewife. By gods grace they have got two
children; the first one is a smart guy cupped with
intelligence, moral values and humbleness. The second
once is cute sweet little girl. She was blessed with
the beauty and softness. They both stated going to
school, guy in 1st std and girl in LKG. But the time
was on his way to heaven and mean while our hero,
prince Guy and heroine Princess Gal was going to their
youth. Gay took his Engineering from a well-known
institute and working as a software engineer in
reputed MNC. But unfortunately, our heroin could not
reach up to that but still she completed her BA degree
from a private college. Slowly; the time came for the
guy to get marry. Many faces came to his hand as color
snaps of beauty queens, but at last he selected a very
humble cute girl as his life partner. She was very
humble and god fearing, but she did only Bsc degree.
And they lived happily. But soon, the other thing
happened; our heroin is going to get marry. So many
guys came her way, doctors, engineers, IPS, IAS…etc,
but at last she selected her partner, a smart IPS guy.
But everybody knew that this guy is leading a very bad
life, but has much treasure in his pocket. But this
girl and her parents didn’t think about his character,
but just saw his money and position. And now it’s your
tern to answer me what happen to their life, they are

  Well, apart from that, I would like to point out one
important thing that AN IAS GUY CAN MARRY A BA GIRL,
ACCEPTING DOWRY IS NOT FAIR…girls are short, and hence
they will always look UP and as we poor guys are tall,
always we need to look DOWN…nothing official about it,
is it not?

I have a request to u guys and gals pls think at least
once before telling some comments about anything…


Note: - But I am not going to ask any dowry as I
believe; if we marry a girl, then we should be capable
of nourishing her, even without her father’s help!!!

 Luv Lalmon

Lalmon C kurian
Senior Software Consultant.
Infosys Technologies Ltd.
Ph: 9845208884,
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Re: [JOYnet] me dowry and my cows!!! (ente mail No4)

2001-12-07 Thread sheril daniel

hey guys!  

did you know that in south africa and some other
southern african countries, there is somethng similar
to the dowry system, except it is called "lobola" and
it is not the girl who has to give for marriage, but
the guy!  :)  and it is usually in terms of cows!
it is a custom whereby cattle is given by the "boy" to
the father of the bride as a "compensation" for the
"loss" of his daughter!  number of cattle will depend
on her "marriageability".  emphasis is also  sometimes
placed on the education of the prospective bride.
sometimes the lobola can be other types of livestock
like horses, but "modern" ppl often ask for money!  
The money received by the bride's family is used to
help the young bride set up house. Lobola is also a
gesture of gratitude on the part of groom's family for
looking after and bringing up the young bride. 

this custom is firmly rooted in black society and so
greatly valued for the protection it offers the bride.
The modern usage of Lobola does not always have a
happy outcome, however; there are many instances when
families use Lobola to acquire money to pay their
debt. Worse still, some men see women as "goods" that
have been paid for. This creates a marital climate
that is not conducive to trust and love.

so there!  dowry and lobola are part of particular
cultures.  i guess it is when they are not looked at
wth the right attitude that they become an "evil".  

--- jose mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi .. u wondeful people.. it is me again...
> (if any of u hav problems with me  numbering the
> mails
>  pl. tell me.. i will do something about it  ok)
> well i am fine here.  thankx for all those mails u
> sent me.. some of those mails made my eyes to be
> filled with tears...
> to be very honest i enjoy joy net more than ever
> now.
> (so those of u dont send mails to joy net start
> sending now and enjoy it.. it is from my own
> experience  ho...)
> well today i thought of adding something to the
> discussion going on.. i.e dowry(hope this is the
> right
> spelling) i am soo poor at spelling. so do not
> get
> surprised if u find some strange words)
> couple of months back some of my australian friends
> asked me about the indian marriages. so i hav to
> explain the concept of dowry to them. it was funny
> to
> see the feelings on their faces.(any way latter on
> some of the guys told me that they r planning to
> come
> to india to get married! )
> then a week latter one of my friend came to me with 
> a
> chapter from a sociology text book, telling  me
> something about the dowry system, its origin etc. i
> found that it was a very early primitive tribal
> practice, where often it was goods not money was
> given
> to the boy by girls parents. also the book said
> mainly
> animals were used  as dowry viz, cows,  goat  etc. 
> as i was reading the matter my friend out of his
> total
>  innocence asked me how much cows will i be getting
> on
> the day of my marriage!!!(latter on i realised that
> he
> missed the point when i told the group early that it
> was money not goods  in India)
> so my advise for u guys is that care ful when u
> demand
> dowry.. u may become like Krishna of Hindu mythology
> chaising the cows all your life!
> n.b:now when u come for my mariage do not look for
> cows out side the church.. Ok  
> lov u all heaps   
> God bless you all
> jos mathew  australia 
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[JOYnet] Pray for me to take the right decision

2001-12-07 Thread Monisha Rebello

Dear All!

I need your prayers for me to take the right decision regarding a job opportunity. Its 
a good opportunity but I need to know that this is God's will for me to accept this 

I need to take a decision by Monday, so please keep me in your prayers!

Love u all in Christ! God bless!


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