[JOYnet] Chastity is demanded from Priests & US

2003-04-05 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

 We know that by grace we are adopted children of God  members of Christ 
and temples of Holy Spirit. By virtue of our Christian vocation, chastity is 
demanded of us. It is called the index virtue because it was one of the most 
distinctive virtues, which followed the establishment of the religion of 
Christ. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly (Jn. 
10:10). He founded a new family, each member bearing within himself, by 
Baptism, the seed of eternal life and destined to be nourished by the 
heavenly food of the Eucharist. As a result of this mystery of grace and 
divine love, we are, in a mysterious way, one with Jesus. "You are the body 
of Christ" (1 Cor 12:27). Therefore, our new birth to life in Christ gives 
us new obligation to be worthy of Him who is the Head of that Body. 
Elsewhere, St. Paul tells that we must "glorify God in our body". This can 
be done only when, in our body, we show forth spiritual beauty and glory of 
a true Christian.

  It is easy to understand why St. Paul emphasized the malice of impurity 
by instilling in early converts the dignity of the body of the Christian. 
"Every other sin a man commit is outside his body, but the fornicator sins 
against his own body. You must know that your body is the temple of Holy 
Spirit"(1 Cor. 1: 18-19).

  Thus it is clear that Chastity should be practiced by all including those 
in the married state because only in chastity can true love exist. Take away 
chastity and there will be no real charity or true love.

   Family members who want to cultivate real love and affection ought to 
value chastity."All good things come from chastity", St. Don Bosco used to 
say and conversely proportional, "all bad things result where there is not 
chastity." Couples should observe conjugal chastity. The marriage bed must 
be honored because sex is holy and should be used for the twofold purpose of 
union and procreation.

 A good family helps build a good and morally upright nation. If 
the youth are the future of the world, then they must be taught the right 
things in life. They must be prepared to become good and chaste citizens if 
we want our world to be better place to live in. Soon, they to will become 
parents. They should then be prepared for a good marriage, which can only be 
attained if they lived chaste and holy, lives while still young.

  Needless to say, priests and bishops ought to preserve their chastity or 
celibacy. If they become lax and let the urge of the flesh have its way, 
their credibility is lost. As teachers and evangelizers of the faith, they 
are to be exemplify the virtue of chastity. They can only become real guide 
to families if they are chaste. Otherwise they cannot advise erring 
families. They must treasure chastity or celibacy as their most precious 
gift because it is a sign of the totality of their love for God.

 If we are single or unmarried, we remain chaste by NOT engaging in any 
sexual activity that violates the Sixth and Ninth Commandments of God. 
However, stricter observance of the virtue of chastity is expected of all 
those in the religious life, the priesthood and consecrated life.

Married couples must be faithful to their licit and 
valid spouse. Observing conjugal chastity also means, of course, the 
avoidance of extramarital relationships.

  Through movements like Jesus Youth, many of the teenagers, all over the 
world discover, that God can be understood by simple ordinary youth, and 
after experiencing God, they will not settle for anything less. They value 
their purity and chastity as much as they value their prayer life. Virginity 
prepares them for the real vocation in life.
Thousands of teenagers around the world have now joined the cause for 
virginity, to save the family. Indeed, there is much to hope for!

  "Chastity is the guarantee of genuine charity. It prevents the lover 
from possessing his beloved because he loves God above all creatures. The 
reason is most compelling when we consider Christian life and teaching" (Fr. 
Edgardo Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko, DE, USA.

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[JOYnet] Priests & Chastity

2003-04-03 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

Since 1965, more than 80,000 priests have been laicized according to Fr. 
Florencio Testera, former dean of cannon law. In the USA, more than 2500 
priests since 1982 have sexually molested children. Many bishops were forced 
to resign from their offices after newspapers had exposed their sexual 

  After having found several orphanages worldwide a certain priest, devoted 
all his time to his apostolate, which soon turned into a purely humanitarian 
activity. Because he was too busy, he found less time for prayer. Though he 
continued to celebrate mass, he neglected his meditation, Rosary, Confession 
and Holy Hours.

  Soon, he began to drink. When wine no longer satisfied him, he was driven 
to sexual fantacies. But he was well known as a priest, so he could not be 
in sexual relationship with a women. He thought he should release his sexual 
urges either alone or with the children in the orphanage.

One victim followed another. It all become so obvious that the New York 
Times exposed his sexual abuses and accused him of pedophilia.  His donors 
were shocked, the staff was appalled forcing the hierarchy to remove him 
from the orphanage he had supported for forty years. Truly, without 
Chastity, all good works come to an end.

 Yet the opposite is also true. St. John Bosco established many 
orphanages- more than this priest in New York ever did. The big difference 
is Don Bosco remained chaste and holy. His life was a life of intense 
prayer. He would meditate from 1:00 am to 5:00 am daily; heard confession 
ten hours a day; celebrated Mass with great reverence as if each Mass was 
his last; and he would pray at least three Rosaries everyday and the 
Stations of the Cross. His chastity and sanctity brought many orphans to 
love God and the Virgin Mary. It was no surprise then that saints were 
nurtured in his orphanages. Even Virgin Mary would physically visit some of 
them. Don Boscos work has brought the Church many young saints such as St. 
Dominic Savio, Blessed Laura Vicuna, and hundreds of others.

"True imitation of Jesus Christ is to remain chaste, poor and obedient. 
Moreover the problem of unchastity among clerics cannot be solved by simply 
allowing priests to marry. St. Paul tells us in Corinthians 7:14, that there 
are those who are called to be virgins. Let them who can remain virgins 
remain as such, for it is written (Rev 14:4): " The virgins follow the Lamp 
wherever He goes" "(Fr. Bing Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko,DE,USA.

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[JOYnet] Poverty = love of God above all things

2003-04-01 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

 Poverty is the love of God above all things. It is a disposition of the 
will that inclines us to detach our hearts from all affections to the 
temporal goods.

   Poverty requires perfect detachment. This means being satisfied with 
what is necessary, removing all superfluous and inordinate attachment to 
things. Poverty also means choosing what is least attractive and valuable 
while foregoing what is luxurious and extravagant. It means rejoicing even 
when in need because when in want, dependence on grace and goodness of God 
is strengthened.

   To destroy our spirit of poverty, the devil goads us to be attached to 
earthly things; to be anxious over the deprivation of material goods and to 
be obsessed with wanting to have them at all cost. Satan incites feelings of 
discontentment when we are deprived of certain wants and necessities. Using 
hedonism and materialism, satan succeeds in causing the spiritual death of 
countless souls.

  The whole of Matthew 6:25-34 invites us to abandon ourselves to Divine 
Providence that we may be free from the anxieties of tomorrow.

   In many homes, anxiety over lack of material things has replaced the 
more important consideration of parents: the moral and spiritual values of 
their children. Materialism is a major reason for the compromise of family 

  The time we spend with our loved ones is the first to be compromised in 
the home. The second is security, trust and happiness. Unfortunately these 
are the more important things essential in maintaining a home, which no 
material comfort can ever replace.

   Nowadays many young people are work for living. They are employed in 
offices, banks, malls, entertainment centers, schools, and factories, almost 
everywhere. Many of them work to be financially independent from their 
parents or guardians. The result is self-centeredness materialism and 
individualism because money gives them the license to do whatever they 
please. It is sad to think that many youth do not realize the shortness of 
time and that everything in this world passes. Trapped within themselves, 
many young people are oblivious of what spiritual life is. They are trapped 
in pursuit of what is momentary and fleeting.

Today our television sets, radio, and newspapers openly promote 
glorification of wealth, power, fame, beauty and fashion. Film actors and 
actresses are the best examples. They are being idolized and imitated as 
"pseudo gods and goddesses" by many. Their fans follow everything they do 
even the illicit and immoral. Abortion, premarital and extramarital 
relationships, contraception, drugs, violence are endorsed with such glamour 
that media has turned sin into an exciting "spice of life".

 "If world conversion is to be hoped for, the media must be renewed and 
converted. If the media is used in conformity with the providential design 
of God and with proper respect for the dignity of man, it can contribute to 
the development of true culture, also to a more widespread knowledge of the 
Gospel" (Fr. Edgardo)

Bensilal Chacko , DE, USA

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[JOYnet] Why did Jesus Lived a life of utmost poverty?

2003-03-31 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

Jesus lived His entire life in total detachment from all material goods.
>From His childhood to His death, He lived life of utmost poverty.

At the time of His birth, the world did not recognize Him as Messiah or
as the Savior the way the three Magi did. He found no welcome even in a
simple inn. He chooses to be born in a manger to show us the supreme
value of poverty and humility.

When Jesus reached manhood, His state did not change. He was so poor
threat He did not even have a place where He could lay His head. He sent
His apostles to preach in far places without extra cloths or even a purse
but only the Word that God speaks.

Even at the brink of death Jesus last  earthly possession was taken
away from Him by soldiers who used it to cast lots.

The poverty of Jesus was perfect and complete yet it was not a cult of
squalid, the mean or the unloved. His poverty was not the poverty of mere
rags and utter wretchedness. He showed us that nothing in the world could
enhance or increase His glory. Jesus poverty was simply a magnificent
independence from created things in order to show us that true greatness
does not lie in materialism. True value comes from within. He knows that
man cannot be exalted, ennobled or elevated by what can be given enrich
the soul. Hence, Christs contempt for material goods proves His high
esteem for heavenly treasures. Facing his detractors at the Tribunal,
Jesus answered  My Kingdom is mot of this world (Jn: 18:16)

Let us not have ambitions of the devil to become like God, to have
possessions over the universe, to be above everyone else. Let is follow
Christ who made Himself a poor servant.

The devil tempts us unceasingly to become superfluous. We must then
remain steadfast for as the Holy Father point out, poverty is the
guardian of virtues. It preserves mortification, humility, detachment
from creatures and above all interior recollection

 We ought to remember that Our Lord has done His part. He has gone ahead
to prepare a place for us. Now, we must work, pray and live in virtue in
order to merit Heaven. Heaven is meant for all of us. But because of our
wrong choices (our sinful nature) we run the risk of depriving ourselves
of the wonderful privilege. We give in to worldly suggestions and we lose
sight of our goal. (Fr. Bing Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko DE, USA.

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[JOYnet] How Deep is Your Love?

2003-02-22 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

We all want to love and to be loved. The problem is, hardly anyone seems
to understand love, and so many people who want love dont seem to have
it. Harold Birke-Sivers explains that we can understand love better if we
recognize the depth of love to which we are called as an imaging of Gods
love for us. We can then see why love cant be just physical, or just
emotional. True love, the love that everyone wants to experience, is
about truly and deeply wanting what is best for the other person.

The fundamental significance of love for the human person is perhaps best
summarized by the evangelist: "God is love and he who lives in love lives
in God, and God lives in him. We are to love, then, because He loved us
first" (1 John 4:16,19). Therefore, love is significant to the human
person because man, through love, is "called to communion with God. This
invitation to converse with God is addressed to man as soon as he comes
into being. For if man exists, it is because God has created him through
love, and through love continues to hold him in existence. He cannot live
fully according to truth unless he freely acknowledges that love and
entrusts himself to his Creator" (CCC, n. 27). God's sustaining and
life-giving love affects man at every level of his being, that is,
physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

On the physical level, Pope John Paul II sees sexuality as a fundamental
component of our personality, that is, as one of the means in which human
beings express and live out God's life within us. As the image of God, we
are created for love and this love should be made manifest in sexual
intimacy. This physical expression of human love "includes right from the
beginning the nuptial attribute, that is, the capacity of expressing love
... in which a person becomes a gift andby means of this giftfulfills
the meaning of his being and existence" (Theology of the Body, p. 63).
Human sexuality, through which we participate in the mystery of loving
communion with God, can never find its full expression apart from the
intimate partnership of life and love established by the Creator in
marriage. Through this sacramental bond of unity and love "the conjugal
act preserves in its fullness the sense of true mutual love" (Theology of
the Body, p. 432), which is an expression of God's divine love within us.

Insofar as it entails sincere self-giving, growth in love is helped by
the discipline of the feelings, passions, and emotions. Thomas Aquinas
tells us that love is the root of all other passions because there is no
passion in the soul of man that is not founded on love of some kind. The
Catechism of the Catholic Church reiterates both Aquinas and Augustine
when it states that "to love is to will the good of another. All other
affections have their source in this first movement of the human heart
toward the good. Only the good can be loved" (CCC, n. 1766). On this
point, Joseph Pieper notes that "loving someone or something means
finding him or it good" (Joseph Pieper, About Love, p. 19). True love,
which perfects man in his totality as a human person, becomes realized in
him when he seeks and loves what is intrinsically true and ultimately
good. Love is perfected in man in as much as it leads to his ultimate
end: union with God

The gift of love is transformed through the power of Christ's redeeming
grace. Through His death and resurrection, we become partakers in God's
divine nature. Pope John Paul II puts it this way: "as an incarnate
spirit, that is, a soul which expresses itself in a body and a body
informed by an immortal spirit, man is called to love in his unified
totality" (Familiaris Consortio, n. 11). Love entails a total
self-giving, an act of selflessness that unites us to Christ crucified
and opens our hearts to accept God's divine and loving will. Without
love, man "remains a being that is incomprehensible for himself; his life
is senseless" (Redemptor Hominis, n. 25). The fundamental nature of love
itself, inherent within that symbiotic relationship of man and God, is
spiritual communion. The spiritual dimension of love must be understood
in light of Christ's redemption of the world, which calls us to God's
grace and love in relationship, for "to be truly human means to be
related in love" (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth, p.

Human love should be a response to God's call to love one another as He
first loved us. However, due to our sinfulness, love's true meaning is
often distorted and reduced to silly platitudes and clichis which
permeate much of modern society ("love means never having to say you're
sorry," for example). God is often removed from society's understanding
and perception of love. Many purport that contraception, homosexuality,
and pornography are "loving" acts, but in reality this is not love at
all. They undermine the intimacy of a truly loving relationship with God
by rejecting the inherent openness to life-giving love through faithful,

[JOYnet] In the New Covenant the % is not 10% but 100%

2003-02-01 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

  The word tithe is used only four times in the New Testament. It is used 
in Matt 23:23, Luke 11:42, Luke 18:12, and Heb 7:5. In the first three 
references we hear about how hypocrites, serpents, and broods of vipers who 
shall not escape hell practice such things as the tithe. Clearly practicing 
the tithe is not a ticket to heaven! Here Jesus was talking about the people 
who made the tithe practice a method of legalism.

  Heb 7:12 tells us that with the change of priesthood there is a change of 
law. We now have a new, and infinitely better High Priest, Jesus Christ and 
our allegiance to Him is total. In Col 2:9-12 we read that Jesus is the head 
over all rule and authority and that we have been buried with Him in baptism 
and raised by the power of God. When we thought we were alive, we were 
really dead; and, when we knew that we deserved death and died to self, as 
reflected in baptism, we were then really made alive (Col 2:13). So we are 
dead to this world and alive to the world of God (Col 3:3 "For you have died 
and your life is hidden with Christ in God"). A dead man has no rights and 
owns nothing in the arena in which he is dead. While we live on this earth, 
we own nothing. Everything we have is God's.

References to giving to the church as the group of believers who represent 
Christ do exist in the Bible. We find in Acts 2:44-47 where church members 
sold their property and possessions to share with others so all would have 
their needs met. We also read in Acts 5:1-11 where a couple sold a piece of 
property ostensibly to give money to the group of believers, called the 
church. These people were asked to sell property and to give all the 
proceeds to the church so others could have their needs met, and Ananias and 
Sapphira lied about the price they received for the property. Also they did 
not give it all to the church as they claimed, so they were killed by God. 
"And great fear came upon the whole church, and upon all who heard of these 
things." (Acts 5:11) As a result of this event, many people believed in 
Christ and many signs and wonders took place. Where is that fear today? We 
need to be ready to give whatever God asks and to whomever He specifies.

  We find in the New Testament that giving is to support the Christian 
workers and the fellow Christians in need (Acts 4:32-37, 1Cor 16:1-3, 2Cor 
8:1-13, and 1Tim 5:17,18). There was also organized giving within the local 
churches to take care of believing widows and orphans who had no other 
support (Acts 6:1-4 and 1Tim 5:1-16). We see in 2 Cor 8,9 that Christians 
are to evaluate the needs of others and to give to help them as they are 
able. There is never any percentage given but rather the Christian is to 
give "what he has decided in his heart to give" (2 Cor 9:7). That means that 
what we give is a reflection of our heart in that matter, and of course our 
heart means where we have our center of being which should be focused on 
Christ. This does not mean that we are necessarily to always answer yes to 
every request. We should really pray about giving and be sure that our 
motives are as pure as possible.
Jesus said in Matt 10:10 and Luke 10:7 that the Christian worker should 
receive support from those he serves. We also read in 1 Cor 9:7-14 and 1 Tim 
5:17,18 that people involved in full-time ministry have a right to be 
supported by the persons whom they serve. Another Scripture reference to 
giving is 1 Cor 16:1,2 where we are told that on the first day of every week 
(Sunday) we are to put aside, as each may prosper. These collections are for 
the saints. Paul was going to visit them and he would take the collection to 
meet the needs of the missionaries in the field. So what does "as each may 
prosper" mean? God has promised to take care of our needs if we place His 
kingdom as number one priority in our life (Matt 6:33).

 A regular giving of about 10% is certainly not a bad place to start in our 
practice of an understanding of Christian stewardship.

 God gave His only son, Jesus Christ, to die that I might be forgiven for 
my sins. In response to that great love, I want to give back to God as much 
as I can to help others for whom He died and to help in the cause of 
reaching and teaching others about Jesus.

 All we have belongs to Christ, and if He calls for all of it, we should 
freely give it. In the New Covenant the percentage is not 10% but 100%. As 
we walk in this world we are to respond joyfully to the times when Christ 
commands us to give of His material resources, money or whatever. "God loves 
a cheerful giver." Since we know that God loves us, for He gave His son for 
us while we were still sinners so that we might have everlasting life.

Give Cheerfully!

Bensilal Chacko/ DE / USA

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] Which is the greatest miracle do you think that Jesus ever performed?

2003-01-15 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

  Please find the answer from Dr. Sindu ( Sindu Chechi). Thanks Sindu for
the wonderful sharing

In JMJ, Bensilal Chacko, DE, US

From: "sindhu"

To: "Bensi Chacko"

Subject: Re: [JYA] Which is the greatest miracle do you think that Jesus
ever performed?

Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 11:17:01 -0600

Dear Bensi,

 Of course the Catholic Church is a mystery and is seldom called as the  sleeping
Giant; but  I think the gretest miracle Jesus ever performed is
establishment of Eucharist..turning mere bread and vine to His body and
blood itself..like wise fulfilling His promise to be with us till the
ends of the time.and this mystery gets fulfilled only through His
Church. But i got your point.And i'm so proud ,and considers it to be the
 greatest previlege I ever got is, to  be a Catholic.Praise the Lord. Thanks,In
joyful communion, Sindhu.

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[JOYnet] Which is the greatest miracle Jesus ever performed?

2003-01-14 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,


 Which is the greatest miracle do you think that Jesus ever performed?


 Is it raising Lazarus from dead? Or is it turning water into wine? Or is
it multiplying 5 loves of bread and feed 5000? Or is it walking over the
water?Or is it giving sight to a man who born blind? Or is it curing the
leprous? Or is it driving out demons?


  There is a greatest miracle, which Jesus ever performed, is performing
and will perform.


Can you guess what?


That is His promise to Peter. Yes the greatest miracle Jesus ever
performed is the Catholic Church, which is having 2003 years of history.
Many media men in US were shouting and wishing to see an end of the
Catholic Church. But listen; long after those media persons were gone to
soil, the Catholic Church will be there to proclaim the truth, till the
end of the world.  Because it is His Church and it has His promise that.
The gates of hell will not be prevailed against it. And He will be with
the Church till the end of the ages.


Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth
has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And
behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."  Mathew




 In JMJ,

Bensilal Chacko, DE , USA.

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[JOYnet] Pala Achayans son

2003-01-09 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends, 

 Long long back a Pala Achayan (wealthy man from a place called Pala in
Kerala, India) send his son to US to get a MBA Degree from a famous
University in US. Just after landing in US the son forget about his
mission. He got attracted in car chasing, fond of roaming around with
girls, visiting nightclubs and sitting behind bottles etc. He failed in
all his exams and got many arrears. Mean while his father in India was
sending money regularly and was very anxiously looking forward his son
coming back with a MAB degree from States.  At the end of his course the
son was so ashamed and was reluctant to go back to home to look at his
father’s eyes.

    Are we any better than this Pala Achayan’s son? God the
father has sent each of us to this world with a purpose. He regularly
sent many blessings to us. If we forget His purpose on us and became
attached to this world’s materialistic possessions, positions etc then,
at the end of our life, when we go back to our Heavenly home are we able
to look at our Heavenly Father’s eye?

 Our Heavenly Father was so intensely want all of us to pass the exam
that he even send the question and answer through his only beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus. The question and answer can be found in the Gospel of
Mathew 25:31-46.

    Each day is an opportunity for us to live according to His purpose.
With His blessings let us do what He wants us to do in this life by
sharing our talents and passions with the less fortunate people in the

 "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me
drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and
you cared for me, in prison and you visited me."  (Mathew 25:35-36)

 In JMJ,
Bensilal Chacko, DE, USA.



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[JOYnet] Recipe for a Happy New Year

2003-01-04 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

Here is the Recipe for a Happy New Year.

Take 12 fine, full-grown months.

See that these are thoroughly cleansed from all old memories of
bitterness, rancor, hate, and jealousy.

Cut these months into 30 or 31 equal parts.

(This batch will keep for one year.  Do not attempt to make more than
one batch at a time  many people spoil the entire lot in this way).

Prepare one day at a time as follows:

Into each day, put 12 parts of faith, 11 of patience, 10 of courage,
nine of work, eight of hope, seven of prayer, six of meditation, five of 
kindness, four of rest, three of fidelity, two of open-mindedness, and one 
of well-selected resolution.

Pour love liberally into the whole, and mix well.

Cook thoroughly in a fervent heat.

Garnish with a few smiles and a sprig of joy; then serve with
quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness.

A Happy New Year is a certainty!

With Regards,
Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Prayer for a Blessing on the New Year

2003-01-03 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

Please find the prayer for a Blessing on the New Year
(From the Catholic Pocket Prayer Book)

O sacred and adorable Trinity,
hear our prayers on behalf of our Holy Father the Pope,
our bishops, our clergy, and for all that are in authority over us.
Bless, we beseech thee, during the coming year, the whole Catholic Church;
convert heretics and unbelievers;
soften the hearts of sinners to that they may return to Thy friendship;
give prosperity to our country and peace among the nations of the world;
pour down Thy blessings upon our friends, relatives, and acquaintances, and 
upon our enemies, if we have any;
assist the poor and the sick;
have pity on the souls of those whom this past year has taken from us;
and do Thou be merciful to those who during the coming year will be summoned 
before Thy judgment seat.
May all our actions be preceded by Thy inspirations and carried on by Thy 
assistance, so that all our prayers and works, having been begun in Thee, 
may likewise be ended through Thee. Amen.

Copyright © 2002 Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, Our Sunday Visitor, 
Inc. All rights reserved.

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Secret of meeting all your needs.

2002-12-30 Thread Bensi Chacko
Secret of meeting all your needs

   Go to the church daily and sit in front of the tabernacle 20 minutes and 
don’t pray anything for you. Pray for all the poor, sick, blind, deaf, lame, 
people who suffering with terminal disease, all other kinds of afflicted 
people in the world and God in turn will take care of your needs.

In your life have you ever heard a priest or nun dying with hunger? They 
live and pray for others and are always under Divine Providence.

   Have a Grace Filled Happy New Year 2003.

With Regards,
Bensilal, Bency & our son Francis (New born)

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2002-11-07 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

The life of the Church depends essentially in Christ, the Victim Priest. 
Jesus, institutes the Sacrament of Holy Orders to share His priesthood to 
selected men until He comes again.

 The Ministry of priests is very important. For the redemption of mankind, 
Christ gives them power which nobody else, even angles could do. It is only 
to them that the power of forgiveness of sinners in the brink of hell and 
the power to command Christ to be really present, Body, Blood, Soul and 
Divinity in the Eucharist, under the species of Bread, and Wine for the life 
of the Church, are granted.

  Now when is the last time you say a prayer for the Priests. Let us all 
say the below typed prayer now.

(By Richard Cardinal Cushing)

  O, Almighty and Eternal God, look upon the face of Thy Christ and 
love of Him, who is the Eternal High Priest, have pity on Thy priests. 
Remember O most compassionate God that they are but weak and frail human 
beings. Stir up in them the grace of their vocation, which is in them by the 
imposition of the bishop’s hands. Keep them close to Thee, lest the enemy 
prevail against them, so that they may never do anything in the slightest 
degree unworthy of their sublime vocation.

O Jesus I pray for Thy faithful and fervent priests, for Thy unfaithful 
and tepid priests; for Thy priests laboring at home or abroad in distant 
mission fields; for tempted priests; for Thy lonely and desolate priests; 
for Thy young priests; for Thy aged priests; for Thy sick priests; for Thy 
dying priests; for the souls of Thy priests in purgatory.

  But above all I command to Thee the priests dearest to me. The 
priest who baptize me, the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests 
at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Thy Body in Holy Communion; the 
priest who taught and instructed me or helped me and encouraged me, al the 
priests to whom I am indebted in any other way particularly, (mention 
names). O Jesus, keep them all close to Thy Heart and bless them abundantly, 
in time and in eternity. Amen.

Bensilal Chacko

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] The gospel strongly teaches us to give

2002-10-30 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

 When Jesus came here on earth, he imparted to us so many valuable things. 
But there is one value that is of great importance and that is giving. An 
open hand signifies an open heart. The gospel strongly teaches us to give 
and it will be given unto you—good measure, pressed down, shaken together, 
overflowing, will be poured into your lap (Luke 6:38)

 God gives. He gives us everything we have. He gives us the world—the sun, 
rain, sea, wind, trees, food, drink, clothing, shelter—everything.

 Sacrifice is the universal proof of real love. Our Lord sacrificed 
Himself, giving up everything—His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity just to win 
back our eternal life. Contrary to the values of the world that takes, 
possesses, hoards, the Lord teaches us a counter-value—to deny one’s self 
and to take up one’s cross.

  It is customary to say that the real value of the gospel is love. That is 
true, but the guarantee that the person is truly in love is when the person 
gives, not only his things but also his very self. St. Ignatius Loyola 
confirms this when he said that authentic love is shown in deeds, not in 

 When we give, we suffer. We experience pain. But pain has a special place 
in the plans of God. A mother gives life—in pain. But after the birth of the 
child, her painful ordeal is forgotten; there is only exquisite joy. All 
God’s gift comes wrapped in pain. His best gifts are usually the one, which 
we receive in tears in our eyes. When we try to live the values of Lord, it 
initially accompanies the cross, but soon it turns into the joy of 
resurrection. Our Lord said, "I have come that you have life and have it 
more abundantly. I have come that my joy might be in you, and that your joy 
might be complete." (John 15:11) On the other hand if we embrace the values 
of the world, then we will experience unparallel sadness that will 
ultimately lead to despair.

   "God is besides you. He is present in the heart of 
every individual. We are the temple of Holy Spirit. Therefore we are 
exhorted by our Lord to love our neighbor, even those we consider our 
enemies. But if you are unable and still you say you love, then that is a 
lie. Because you cannot love God, whom you do not see, if you cannot love 
your neighbor, whom you do see" (Fr. Ramon Villena).

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Various ways of undergoing suffering

2002-10-29 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

  There are many various ways of undergoing suffering, but the Blessed 
Virgin Mary has shown us the best way. She too had her own suffering on the 
way to Calvary. She was there to reassure Jesus Christ that indeed He was 
not alone. Seeing her Son suffer terribly in the hands of men, Mary’s pain 
must have been unbearable. Had it not been for the grace of the Father, she 
would have died of pain and affliction. Our Lord has shown us the value of 
the following virtues:

1.	Silence
2.	Humility and Obedience
3.	Sacrifice
4.	Burning Charity.

Silence: In her silence, the Blessed Virgin endured every pain, every blow. 
She was always focused on the presence of God. She totally participated in 
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, her Son—in silence.

Humility and Obedience: Mary was humble enough to accept fully the will of 
the Father, even to sacrifice her only Son to be obtain for the remission of 
the sins of the mankind. Her fidelity is the same as that of Jesus Christ: “ 
Here I am Lord, I came to do Your will.

Sacrifice: By her spirit of sacrifice and atonement, the Blessed Virgin also 
offered reparation in union with Jesus, for the sins of humanity. She 
continues to intercede for the Church and lead souls to prayer, conversion 
and reparation.

Burning Charity: Despite all the hardship and injustices she suffered, the 
Blessed Virgin remained in the spirit of charity. She never returned evil 
for evil. She always spoke well of all, thought well of all and did good to 
all, excusing even those who killed her Son. Precisely it is sin that wounds 
and it is grace that heals and strengthens souls.

  In our sufferings it is therefore very important to be able 
to imitate the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Then healing will come.

 "Through suffering, the new man with a new heart, a new spirit, a new law 
and obedient to God’s statutes will emerge from within us, and we will 
experience a new life—here and unto eternity" (Fr. Edgardo)

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Are we running away from Suffering?

2002-10-28 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

 Several times Jesus was tempted not to take up His cross. Peter 
reprimanded Him not to take up the cross. But Jesus said: "Be gone Satan, 
your ways are not my ways" (Luke 18:31-33). Even the Jews rebuked Him: "If 
You are really the Son of Man, come down from the Cross!" Jesus could have 
succumbed to this temptation but if He did, there would have been no 
redemption and man would have died in its sins.

 Christ had His suffering too. There was the shock upon recognizing that 
the chalice of salvation had come. The alarm and anxiety came when Judas 
kissed Him during His arrest. The confrontation face to face with death 
came: "Are you the king of the Jews?" Pilate asked Him. " Why don't you talk 
to me? Don’t you know that I have the power to give you life?"

  Then there was the encounter with the feeling of grief: 
"Father, why have You forsaken Me?" The last phase was that of His 
acceptance of death: "Father into Thy hands I command My spirit." Christ 
died but after three days He rose again--- never to die again. He won. 
Thorough His cross, He conquered death. Had He run away through escapism 
mankind's Redemption would not have been.

The same is true with us. If we run away from our cross, there 
will be no learning, there will be no resurrection. "Unless you deny 
yourself, take up your cross and follow Me, you cannot be My disciple" (Luke 

 "Suffering is essential in our Christian life that without undergoing 
its process, we would all end up in brokenness, not fit to become 
instruments of salvation" (Fr.Bing Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Nobody can Change us.

2002-07-12 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

Nobody can change us, unless there occurs a change in our 
attitude. If our attitude change our entire life will be changed. What 
should be our attitude towards worldly pleasures, which will be perishing? 
2000 years back Jesus beautifully told us ‘Lay your treasures in heaven 
where no one can steel it’.

 We need to try to make our attitude towards world similar 
to the attitude of Jesus. What we need at this hour is a pair of faith 
glass. We need to trust God fully and need to live according to His will. 
While living on earth Jesus never seek his own will, but always searched and 
obeyed His Father’s will and he taught us to pray for it  ‘ Thy will be done 
on earth as it is in Heaven’.

   We are called to live as aliens in this world. We should live in 
the world in such a manner that we does not belong to this world. Our true 
home is in heaven and we are citizens of Heavenly Jerusalem, where there is 
no more tears or weeping. Our primary aim in this life should be search and 
obey His will. We have His promise as ‘ I will never leave you or forsake 
you’. He has only better plans for us. For the worlds standard the most 
important thing in life is to become a successful professional or 
businessman. But for a Christian the most important thing should be attain 
the eternal crown. Now let me ask you a question. ‘Whom should you call 
first if you happen to see some of your family member is dying?’ Most of us 
will call the doctor first. In America we will dial 9-1-1 and the ambulance 
will come at once. But as Christians we are not supposed to forget the 
importance of calling our local priest. The doctor can only save us from 
physical death. But the priest can save us from eternal death too. Our Lord 
saved the good thief on the cross because of His Mercy and He has given the 
same authority to our priests as  ‘Whatsoever you forgiven on earth will be 
forgiven in heaven too’.

We need to send our children to Catechism Classes and take 
interest in teach them and show them as models of those who value the 
importance of sacraments and the teachings of the Church. But the sad fact 
is that now a days parent’s value pleasures and academic success more and 
they give less importance for their Child’s soul nourishments. Let us not 
forget that our life mission is to see all of our family members in Heaven. 
All other things are of secondary importance. Have a Nice Weekend.

With Regards,

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Who Runs the finest beauty parlor

2002-06-21 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   How much time usually we spend for make-ups. Some of us may be visiting 
the beautician frequently for the make-ups. Some times I happened to see 
some faces with their eyebrow above in the middle of their eyes. It appears 
that they are plucking their eyebrows so hardly and reached the point that 
there is nothing more to pluck. I’m not against the normal make-ups, which 
we all do for going somewhere.

 But the sad fact is that we often forget to do 
the make ups for our souls. How much time we spend in meditation or prayer 
compared to the time we spend for our external appearance make-ups?  Most of 
the time we forget the inner beauty that our heart should have. According to 
some theologians God runs world’s finest beauty parlor. When we visit God’s 
beauty parlor through genuine confession, we not only get inner beauty but 
also get the external beauty as a by product of our inner peace and 
happiness.  We will become real beautiful when our hearts gets filled with 
the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The external appearance will no longer matter 
to us. Mother Theresa is the best example for such beauty. Her Godly love 
and compassion make her so beautiful that thousands around the world longed 
to see her while she was living on Calcutta.

   Now what happened to our body, which we are so caring with 
make-ups? St. Allophones Ligori beautifully said that if our body were 
buried under 6 feet down the soil, on the 13th hour the worms would start 
eating us. They will eat our nose, lips, face, fingers etc one by one and 
finally they will reach the point where there is nothing more to eat. The 
worms then start eat each other and will die to become soil.

 If this is our end why should we spend so much time for 
external beauty, which will be perishing? . We need to think over it and use 
our time wisely. As our dear Mother remembers us, please don’t forget to 
visit God’s beauty parlor through frequent confessions, Holy hours and 
Rosaries. Have a beautiful weekend.

With Regards,

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[JOYnet] What should be the real issue if India and Pakistan strike each other?

2002-05-31 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear friends,

What should be the real issue if India and Pakistan strike each other?

  If nuclear war broke between India and Pakistan, what should be the 
real issue for us as a Christian? As a Christian the real issue is not how 
many million will die or how big will be the $ damage. The real issue should 
be how many will be saved and how many will be damned.

 As we know, a Christian should live to die. So we should always be 
ready to die. Let me ask you a question 'Will you die for India?' (I don’t 
know your answer, but for me it is very hard to die even for my own family 
members or friends.) There is a joke with a husband and wife. The wife asked 
'Honey how much you love me?' and the husband said 'very much'. Then the 
wife again asked 'Will you die for me' and the husband said 'No'. The poor 
wife start crying and our husband start consoling her by saying 'Honey, I 
told I won't die for you because my love for you, is an undying love.'

Now let me ask you another question 'Will you die for Pakistan?' I can 
imagine your feeling while you read this question. Some of you may be asking 
'Why should I die for Pakistan who is continuously making problems and 
irritating us?'  But that is what exactly Jesus did. While we were still 
enemies, still rebellious to God, on the appointed time, Jesus came down 
from heaven to save us and died for us. Think about that great love and 
sacrifice and let us thank God from the bottom of our heart.

 When we praise and thank God from our heart then the peace of God, 
which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in 
Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).

The peace of God does not depend on external circumstances. It comes 
from the Lord and it is placed in our hearts. Do you need the peace of God? 
Let us look to the Lord in prayer and sing a song of praise from our heart. 
Know that Christ will guard our heart and our mind in Him.

"A great many people are trying to make peace, but that has already been 
done.God has not left it for us to do; all we have to do is to enter into 
it." – D.L. Moody

Have a peace filled weekend.

With Regards,

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[JOYnet] Little Jacinta told us why our Mother only can save or protect

2002-04-16 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

 Our Lady revealed at Fatima that She came because: “ God wishes to 
establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart.”

The leprous Syrian nobleman refused to bathe in the Jordan, at the 
command of the prophet Eliseus, because he could not understand. Where there 
not better rivers in his own country?

 And are there not greater things we might do in this computer age than 
take refuge in the immaculate heart of Mary?

  But look at our leprosy. It is far more terrible than leprosy of the 
body. It is leprosy of turning away from God. And as we fail to cry out for 
His Mercy, we ourselves call down His Justice.

  But our Lord revealed to Blessed Faustina, this is a time of 
exceptional Mercy. Little Jacinta, youngest of the Fatima children expressed 
“He has entrusted the peace of the world to Holy Mother,”  He had sent our 
Redeemer through Her. Now He wills that we bathe in the river of Her love 
and be delivered from our leprosy.

Our Lady said that the reason our Heavenly Mother and Queen was 
sent to mankind at Fatima is because “Only she can save them.”

 Most writers substitute: “ Only She can help,” because in an 
absolute sense only GOD can save. But the Portuguese words Our Lady spoke, 
exactly as Lucia recorded them are: “Porque so Ela lhes podera valer.” This 
means only She can save – or protect. (Documentos de Fatima, by Fr. Antonio 
Martins, S.J., pg. 339).

 Why did Our Lady use words, which might cause us to hesitate to 
quote them for fear they might be considered “untheological,” or be 

   Little Jacinta told us why. She said, as a matter of fact: “ God has 
entrusted the peace of the world to Her”.

  Again, we may ask why. The answer is BECAUSE THIS IS GOD’S PLAN.
We deserve annihilation. He has given us THE MOTHER – the Mother of the 
Savior, whom the Savior Himself gave us from the Cross – to save us from 

   She can ask little things, which She can offer up with the Passion of Her 
son, from Her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, and thereby blind Satan, and 
turn aside the just wrath of God. She told the children over and over to say 
Rosary. She even used the words: “ You must say the Rosary”.  Why? Because 
it is the little thing possible to children and adults, to young and old. 
Yet it touches upon the mysteries of God and causes Him to see us not in the 
black of our evil but in the light of Her love, in the blinding purity of 
Her Immaculate Heart.

And that is why She held the Scapular out of the sky at the climax of 
the miracle performed, “so that all may believe.”

   “She wants all to wear it,” said Lucia, “it is the sign of consecration 
to Her Immaculate Heart.” It is a cloak not only to protect us but also to 
show us before God as Her children, for whom she suffered with Jesus on 
Calvary. How could His Justice annihilate these children under Her mantle of 

“Oh, blessed words: “ ONLY SHE CAN SAVE YOU!” Oh , words of God’s 
Mercy!- the Marcy Which cried out from the Cross: “ BEHOLD YOUR MOTHER!” let 
us never hesitate to use them and to shout them to the world: “Only SHE can 
save you!” Listen to Her! She can save you with little, easy things. God’s 
Merciful plan has made this possible” (John M. Haffert).

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[JOYnet] ABCD....

2002-04-11 Thread Bensi Chacko

A lthough things are not perfect
B ecause of trial or pain
C ontinue in thanksgiving
D o not begin to blame
E ven when the times are hard
F ierce winds are bound to blow
G od is forever able
H old on to what you know
I magine life without His love
J oy would cease to be
K eep thanking Him for all the things
L ove imparts to thee
M ove out of "Camp Complaining"
N o weapon that is known
O n earth can yield the power
P raise can do alone
Q uit looking at the future
R edeem the time at hand
S tart every day with worship
T o "thank" is a command
U ntil we see Him coming
V ictorious in the sky
W e'll run the race with gratitude
X alting God most high
Y es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Master Card

2002-03-17 Thread Bensi Chacko

Subject:Master Card

You have probably seen the catchy television commercials for MasterCard.
They start by identifying some things that people can buy with their
MasterCard, then show a moment that is priceless and end by saying, "There
are some things money can't buy, for everything else there's MasterCard."

I'm here to advertise my credit card. I'm a card carrying representative for
the Master's Card. That's right, the MASTER'S CARD. Let me tell you about

There are no finance charges, no payments due. My bill has already been
covered . . . it's a prepaid deal. I couldn't afford the price. Jesus paid
it for me and you.

It is accessible twenty-four hours a day from anywhere in the world. The
MASTER'S CARD has so many benefits it's hard to list them all. Let me share
some of them with you . . .

Just for starters there is unlimited grace.
Apply for the MASTER'S CARD.

Looking for love in all the wrong places?
Apply for the MASTER'S CARD.

Want real joy despite the difficulties of life?
Apply for the MASTER'S CARD.

Want a lasting peace?
Apply for the MASTER'S CARD.

How do you obtain the MASTER'S CARD? Dial 1-800-BeSaved for the following
messages: Romans 10:9 "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord,"
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be
saved." Matthew 10:22 "All men will hate you because of me, but he who
stands firm to the end will be saved."

Jesus is standing by right now to take your call. Don't delay. This great
offer won't last forever.

There are some things money can't buy. For those things, there's the
Master's Card.

Author Unknown

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[JOYnet] Why do Modern disciples run away from Cross?

2002-03-13 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

 There are many reasons why men today reject of the Cross:

1.  With today’s materialistic world people prefer a painless
society, a society without Cross or a Cross without sacrifice.
2.  Born-Again Christians preach of a life totally committed to
Jesus Christ, one that brings only wealth and good health.
Sacrifice and Cross are considered enemies.
3.  People are scared of the Cross because they see it as symbol of
sarcasm and masochism.
4.  With the Protestant movement’s emphasis on Resurrection,
Catholics too have influenced to believe less in the Cross of
Christ. They argue that since Christ has already paid for our
sins, why then could they not enjoy the fruit of Christ’s
passion and death?
   5.   Atheists and hedonists do not feel a need for the Cross since
they live only for the present. The future does not exist and
Heaven can be lived here on earth. Unfortunately, whether they
believe or not, tomorrow does exit and brings with it death.

Jesus told us: "No one who does not carry his cross and 
come after me can be my disciple" (Lk 14.17). We should never therefore 
reject the Cross. Given a choice between easy and hard, beautiful and ugly, 
consoling and discouraging, stable and unstable, popular and unpopular, 
wealthy and poor, St. John of the Cross said that we should opt for the 
worst or the least of all things. WHY?  Because the power of Christ is felt 
more in the Cross than in comfort. Experience shows that those who have been 
tested by sacrifice are tougher and better Christians than those who have 
been spared from it. The Church was born from persecution and it is best 
when persecuted.

  " The mark of a true disciple of Christ is the Cross. While we 
live here on earth, we cannot have a "Christless Cross" or a "Crossless 
Christ""(Fr. Bing Arellano).

Bensilal Chacko.

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[JOYnet] Jesus is both strict and loving in His dealings with us

2002-03-11 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

The chosen race was punished by God when they disobeyed His will. He 
punished them at Meribah and Massah in the desert. He punished Moses Himself 
when the latter disobeyed the Will of God, desecrating as such His holiness. 
God punished David when he stole the wife of Uriah, Bathsheba. He again 
punished David when he wanted a census of the people for his own caprice. 
God punished more than eighty percent of the kings of Israel for disobeying 
Him and worshipping Baal.

God punished Judas for betraying the Son of God. He threatened the 
Pharisees and scribes for being so self-righteous. He cursed them eight 
times by calling them names: "brood of vipers," "white washed sepulchers," 
"hypocrites," "sounding cymbals," etc. At first sight there seemed to be no 
sign of God’s love. He seemed to appear more like a police or a criminal 
lawyer rather than a benevolent father. Only our "enlightened theologians 
and scriptures" presented God as pure love; That He is light (1Jn 1:5) and 
there is no darkness in Him. If it were so, then there is no place in God’s 
character wherein He will threaten and punish people, damn the Pharisees to 
hell, and curse them even by calling them "fools".

Yet these people forgot that Jesus has two natures: one divine, the 
other human. To better relate with Him is to treat Him like a loving Father. 
Now we can understand why Jesus is both strict and loving in His dealings 
with us. It is part of the father’s love to discipline so that the child 
learns better and grows more in virtue. This fatherly love includes 
punishment, which is neither motivated by hatred or malice. It is only for 
good of the child that the Father punishes. St. Paul, in his letter to the 
Hebrews 12:5-10 explains it well.

"In every suffering there is death and how we resurrent in each death 
depends on how we died in each suffering. Love is the ultimate factor." (Fr. 

Bensilal Chacko.

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[JOYnet] Why many illnesses are left unhealed?

2002-03-07 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   In a world created and provided for an all powerful, all knowing, and 
loving God, suffering should have no place in this world, only blessedness. 
But God tolerates the workings of suffering in the very same world He 
created because man needs it. Love may cause pain to its object but only if 
the object needs a change to be fully lovable.

   We need suffering to purify our pride of life. Proud people sing the 
same tune: "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul!" For 
both Jews and Greeks, "pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit 
before a fall" (Prov 16:18). If there is a road to disaster (pride), and a 
road away from disaster (repentance), then God and goodness will triumph. In 
the history of Israel, which is the chosen race, suffering indeed has a 
reason. It was God’s way of showing that suffering is a way out of sin, a 
road to repentance, so that all could reach the gate of holiness.

 For some people suffering is considered unthinkable, almost a scandal. 
It is a scandal to get sick, to have a headache, a sunburn, bruised hands, 
and to be fatigued in searching for the lost sheep. It is totally unheard 
of, even scandalous others might say, to fast on bread and water, to attend 
reparation vigils and spend sleepless night praying and making sacrifices 
for the sins of the world. For others, it is scandal to sleep on the floor 
with the poor, to walk barefooted, to eat with bare hands, to wear old and 
worn clothes.

The Gospel is Good News for it brings healing to those who realize that 
they are mortally ill. Unfortunately, this view has drastically changed in 
many Catholic circles because of the wrong kind of psychology. For instance, 
Freud and Dewey’s method of psychology has warped some people’s notion of 
sin that it does not exist. They declare that it is unfair for man to be 
implicated in the sin of Adam and Eve. They infer that man was basically 
born good. The most that man can do when he errs is to experience guilty 
feelings. Psychotherapists process this guilt feeling by increasing the 
patient’s self-image and self-confidence. But never really hitting the core 
of the problem, which is sin because they do not believe in sin. This is 
precisely why many illnesses are left unhealed because sin is not rooted 
out. Spiritual and interior healing does not take place. Many out to 
frustration, even after seeing several psychologists or psychiatrists, still 
commit suicide because it is the only way for them to be alleviated form 
their suffering.

"Psychologist Dale Carnegie, famous for human development and 
communications techniques using pure methods of psychotherapy, committed 
suicide after years of trying to teach people how to stop worrying and start 
living. Experimental psychology has ruined many congregations of priests and 
sisters because of this kind of orientation. With human therapy alone and 
without the administration of the Sacraments, who can be cured?" (Fr. Bing 

Bensilal Chacko.

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[JOYnet] Why good things happen to bad people?

2002-03-06 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   We have discussed why good people also suffer. More puzzling is the fact 
that good things happen to bad people. The truth, however, is that being 
"good" is relative. We are only good in relation to the standard of what is 
bad, for the sight of God we are all sinners. "If we say, ‘ We have never 
sinned,’ we make Him a liar, and His word has no place in us" (1 Jh 1:10).

 In Jer 6:13, the prophet Jeremiah said: "For, from the least to 
the greatest, they are all greedy for gain; prophet no less than priest, all 
of them practice fraud." Isaiah adds in Is 64:15, "We have all been like 
unclean things and our upright deeds like filthy rags. We wither, all of us, 
like leaves, and all our misdeeds carry us off like the wind."  Not our 
worst but our best is a filthy rag, infested with impurities. Our generosity 
is mixed with self-interest, our passion for justice with our lust for 
vengeance, our love for God mixed with fear of God.

   In chapter four of his book "Problem of pain", C.S. Lewis listed 
a few reasons why good people suffer. He explained that man is good 
ontologically (by existence). God did not create defective images for Him, 
however defaced they may be. This is the reason why man is worth more than 
any gold or treasure in the world. But although man is ontologically good 
morally he is not. We are all sinners. The world is a battlefield strewn 
with broken treaties, families, promises, marriages, vows, lives, and 
hearts. We are good stuff gone bad, a deformed masterpiece and a rebellious 
child of God. We are not only imperfect creatures who need to grow; we need 
to lay down our weapons. Suffering reminds us of the most obvious and 
evident truth which we oftentimes forget- that we are not gods.

   If we are truly good by existence, it should not be difficult 
to recognize our moral weakness. This is humility: truth and justice. The 

 Justice tells us that we deserve nothing else but humiliation, 
persecution, contempt, capital punishment etc. because we are NOTHING. 
Moreover the good things God has lent to us were mainly used for our own 
selfish interests and not for His glory, for the honor of the Blessed 
Mother, and for the salvation of souls. This was the case of Adam and Eve, 
who committed the original sin and handed it down to us, their offspring. 
Justice tells us too that since all good thing come from God, it is but 
fitting that all glory, honor , praise, and thanksgiving be given to Him 
forever and always. The love of Christ, therefore, is only possible for the 
humble: "It is not the healthy who needs the doctor, but the sick…. I came 
to call not the upright but the sinners"(Mt 9:12). Jesus, the physician, 
gives us the effective medicine – the Good News. But He tells us first the 
bad news, that we are sick.

   Unfortunately many of us refuse to believe that we are sick or forget 
that we are sick. In the same vein, pharisseeism is evident among those who 
rejoice and say: "I am better than others because I pray, I give alms, I 
receive communion regularly. I am no thief, gambler, or murder." But the 
minute they are asked to leave their comfort zone for a life of sacrifice to 
atone for sins, they refuse, because they have become attached to 
materialism, secularism, and hedonism.

  This is the reason why some authentic messages of God as revealed by 
Our Blessed Mother (e.g. Fatima) are rejected even now by some bishops, 
priests, and lay people. Mother Mary tells us all to make sacrifice, to turn 
our backs from a too comfortable lifestyle and to be in solidarity with the 
poor. She tells us to do whatever Jesus tells us.

"Jesus Christ, if He were to live with us now as He did in 
Jerusalem, would blush at the extravagant way we live. As God He owns the 
whole world but He opted to live in poverty while on earth" ( Fr. Edgardo).

Bensilal Chacko.

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[JOYnet] Samuels view about suffering.

2002-03-05 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   Samuel was the prophet who anointed Saul and later his successor 
David as king of Israel. Samuel gives us the meaning of suffering in his 
first and second book of Kings, in Samuel and in the Book of Judges.

  In the Old Testament people lived through a six period cycle.  They 
went from a period of

 1. Suffering
 2. to a period of repentance
 3. through a period of blessedness
 4. in to a life of luxury.
 5. to a life of pride
 6. and finally into a life of disaster.

   But only after the life of suffering does Israel as a nation 
turn back to God.

Suffering brings repentance and repentance leads to holiness for God is 
the source of all life, joy and goodness. This principle is not arbitrary 
and unchangeable. God has fashioned in this way since repentance is the 
prerequisite to holiness of life.

   Two essential point of Christian doctrine are sin and salvation, 
disease and the cure. Suffering is needed as a cure for our sins. As such 
the only way to find out why we suffer is to discover where the disease 
lies, where the sin comes from. Our heart may be filled with full of hatred, 
greed, lust, ambition, and power. We can’t love our neighbor as ourselves. 
We hunger so much for money. Sometimes our hearts longs for everything and 
everyone but not God. We do judge others by human standards and not by 
God’s. Unless we cleanse our heart and turn back to Him and repent, we will 
forever languish in our miserable state.

  Suffering is the road that leads to ultimate freedom. It is a 
road of repentance that brings us to a life of blessedness. Not all 
sufferings, however, are punishment for sins. Not all sufferings are 
deserved. Good people suffer too- people who do not need hell, fire, and 
brimstone to repent. So why does God allow even good people to suffer?

   Samuel offers two answers to this. First: Even good people 
need repentance and the better they are, the more they see the need for it. 
A good example is the saints. Every saint considers himself or herself a 
great sinner who needs God’s conversion. Second: The good suffer not only 
for themselves but for others as well.

   "Spouses who have only ease and pleasure in life lack depth in their 
love. True love needs to suffer. And the path of true love is never smooth; 
rather it is full of winding, uphill roads with sharp turns and bends. Only 
true love endures all these challenges. Mere kindness cannot tolerate 
suffering, but love can tolerate anything. Love then even though it hurts" 
(Fr. Bing Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko.

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[JOYnet] Abraham and Suffering

2002-03-04 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

 Not a few Christians today would leave their life of comfort and 
security for a life of poverty and instability. Only those who have infinite 
trust in Divine Province could ever undertake such a bold move; for faith in 
God provides us with the hope and courage to dare to risk everything that is 
good and worthwhile in this world. Abraham trusted beyond doubt and was 
given entire lands and properties far beyond his imagining.

 God told Abraham, the rich man, to leave one day the comfort and 
security of his life in Ur in Chaldea, the cultured and civilized city of 
his home, to travel to a land in the wilderness, which God will show him. It 
would be a land of scarcity where amenities will be lacking and comfort and 
security unknown. He was to turn his back on everything and embrace 
suffering, insecurity, and darkness with blind faith. Who could obey such a 
stern command unless there is valid reason to do so? Unlike other souls who 
would just turn and walk away, Abraham followed and did what God commanded.

   Several times in his journey in the desert, Abraham fell and 
committed a number of blunders. This did not discourage him in the lease but 
rather made him rely more on God’s word. God promised in return to reward 
Abraham for his fidelity. He will be the father of nations. He will be a 
father of the womb that will heal the suffering and death of the people of 
God. It shall be a salvation from suffering and death through the suffering 
and death of the "offspring of the Woman".(Gen. 3:15). But the suffering is 
for a reason, a purpose. It was not mainly to be a physical death, but above 
all a spiritual one. It was the suffering and death of the ego, the self 
will and the human reason; the suffering of the good, strong minded and 
strong willed man who had the wisdom to trust the Lord’s Will with all his 
heart, and lean not on his own understanding (Prov: 3:5).

   Abraham was to suffer even the most painful ordeal – when the 
very reason for enduring all his suffering was tested. Isaac, his only 
beloved son who was to be the key to the realization of God’s promise to 
make him the father of nations, was to be killed and scarified to the Father 
in heaven. What a painful blow to a father who longed so much to have a son! 
It seemed unreasonable to be finally given a child and then to be asked to 
have him sacrificed! What sheer madness! But Abraham went even against this 
very human reaction. Yes, he loved Isaac enough to suffer anything for him, 
but his love for God went far beyond his own son. And God saw all this. In 
Abraham’s heart nothing ever mattered except the will of God, and he follow 
with joy and willingness to gave him the greatest pleasure. With such 
generosity, God was pleased with Abraham and blessed him even more. No 
wonder Abraham is called the "Father of faith".

" To talk about accepting suffering in theory is easy, but to 
actually practice in reality is difficult" (Fr. Edgardo).

Bensilal Chacko,

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[JOYnet] What is the Cause of Suffering? according to Buddha

2002-02-28 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

Based on the teachings of Gautama Siddharta Buddha, the "awakened one," 
Buddhism is one of the largest religions of Eastern and Central Asia. 
Tracing its roots form four painful realities which Buddha saw as a young 
prince, Buddhism also believes that suffering is an integral part of life. 
But this suffering can only be alleviated through mental and moral 

As a young prince, Buddha was kept for years within his father’s palace in a 
vain attempt to convince him to become king. One day, after bribing his 
charioteer to drive him outside the palace grounds, Buddha witnessed four 
painful events, which led to the great change in his life.

  First. The sight of a SICK man. His father never allowed sick man in
the palace.
"Why do people get sick and suffer so?" That night Gautama spent
his night in meditation but was unable to resolve the riddle of
  Second. The sight of an OLD man. His father never allowed an old man
in the palace.
"Why do people get old?" Once again Gautama spent his second night
in deep meditation but could not resolve the riddle of old age.
  Third. The sight of a DEAD man.  First time in his life he was seeing
a man with no motion, no breath and no life in him.
"Why does one suffer and die?" Gautama was confused.
  Fourth. The sight of a "Sannyasin", who left the world to purify his
soul and find wisdom.
"What is a Sannyasin?" Gautama wondered and his charioteer
explained that a Sannyasin is one who has renounced all worldly
pleasures and possessions to become wise to understand the great
mysteries like why we suffer, get old, and die. "Then I want to be
Sannyasin!". Gautama told himself.

   Gautama then left his palace in spite of his father’s objection and 
became a Sannyasin. At first he found it hard to fast and renounce his 
worldly attachments. Taking the middle ground, Gautama took enough food and 
did enough fasting. He then sat in a lotus position meditating under a Bo 
Tree and neither stirred nor changed position until he find the answers of 
the four riddles, he saw. When he finally did he rose up and called himself 
Buddha, the "awakened one". He then revealed what he called his Four Noble 
(1)That life is a Suffering. We are born, we live, and we die in
   suffering. To have what you do not like and to be deprived of what
   you want to have is suffering.
(2)The cause of suffering is desire. Desire creates a gap between
   itself and satisfaction; that gap is suffering.
(3)The way to end suffering is to end desire ("Nirvana" is extinction
   of desire). The world tries to close in the gap between desire and
   satisfaction by increasing the satisfaction. But it never succeeds.
   Buddha, however, took the opposite direction: he bought desire to
   nothing, to zero level.
(4)The way to end desire is to go through the noble "eight-fold path of
   ego reduction". Life is made up of eight aspects and in each aspect
   the disciple practices a gradual release, simplification, and
   purification of self. Everything is brought to the service of desire-   
reduction for the sake of “Nirvana”, the sate where suffering no
   longer exists.

  Buddha believed the curing egotism, selfishness, by renouncing
the "self", the "I". Buddhism eliminates the "I" who hates, but 
inadvertently also destroys the "I" who loves. Compassion (Karuna) is one of 
the great important Buddhist virtues. But Buddha does not know unselfish 
love, unselfish will, unselfish passion, the unselfish self. Founded on 
natural law, Buddhism cannot explain at length what suffering is all about, 
for suffering transcends natural law. Buddhism does not comprehend why Jesus 
Christ, the Son of God, had to suffer the worst kind of torture and die for 
our sins.

"The notion of suffering based on the teachings of Buddhism has gained 
so much popularity among Christians that even a few priests and religious 
recommend the exercise of some of its concepts and practices. From the lotus 
position of meditation in prayer to a whole new approach and techniques in 
health care, these priests and nuns have changed their outlook towards 
Christianity. But many of these Eastern practices do not apply the Christian 
concept of love and sacrifice". (Fr. Bing Arellano).

Bensilal Chacko,

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2002-02-26 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

  How do we regard suffering in relation to the Cross? How do we answer the 
commonly asked question, "WHY DO WE SUFFER?" specially from those who go 
through life’s endless pains, trails, agonies, and, misfortunes?

At the height of suffering, when the pain is so intense and the burden of 
the Cross too heavy to carry, we hear many Christians cry out in misery: 
"Why me, Lord?" "Why does God allow this to happen to me?" "What have I done 
to deserve this fate?" "I’ve never wronged anyone, why am I suffering this 
much?" "Why must it be so painful, Lord?" "How much longer must I suffer?" 
"I am suffering unjustly!"

  Many of these questions can only be answered by countering with other 
questions: "What are you a Christian for?" "Why did He have to die for you?" 
"Why could it not have been you, instead Him, who had to die?" "What did 
Jesus do to merit death on the Cross?" "Why did God the Father allow Jesus, 
His only Son, to die a most cruel death?" "Jesus never wronged anyone, why 
did He have to suffer?" "Was it not unjust to have killed Jesus?"

   For Christians to cry out in the face of suffering is to defeat the 
purpose of being a Christian. Suffering is an integral part of 
Christianity’s unique qualities – for only through the Cross-can we find 
salvation. It is one quality that is constantly being forgotten or rejected 
by many Christians because of its strong affinity to pain. Spiritual amnesia 
aggravates the situation even more by making Christian forget that when they 
accept the Cross-, they also accept the suffering that goes with it. A cross 
without suffering is not a cross,  for true Christianity is tested by the 

  It is suffering that provides us the opportunity to strengthen our weak 
human nature that is inclined to sin. It is the doorway to sanctity, the 
lifestyle of the saints. Through suffering we identify with the suffering of 
Jesus and it gives us the chance to follow in His footsteps: to love instead 
of hate, to give rater than to take, to forgive and not to avenge, to remain 
peaceful rater than to be violent, to offer unconditionally ones pains in 
reparation for the sins of others, and even to die for the sake of others.

   "God never said that our cross in life would be custom-made, that its 
make would depend on our taste. It could be a light as a branch of a tree or 
as heavy as the tree itself! It could be as small as a drop of water in the 
bucket or as big an wide as the ocean itself" (Fr.Bing Arellano).


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[JOYnet] Cross will bring peace to our heart

2002-02-21 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   Whenever we ask graces from the Lord we sometimes expect that they will 
be given to us on a silver platter. This is a misconception. So that we will 
value His grace more, God would always grant them through the Cross.

  All virtues are handed to us by God through the Cross. 
Although it hurts, love continues on because the mysteries of the Trinity 
are revealed at the foot of the Cross. It was at the foot of the Cross that 
the Church was born. It was at the foot of the Cross that the covenant of 
love between Jesus an Mary was sealed. It was at the foot of the Cross that 
Jesus gave his mother, Mary, as out spiritual mother. This is the reason 
why, while we live here on earth we will never be truly orphaned as long as 
we believe in the Blessed Mother. It was at the foot of the Cross that St. 
John the Apostle become the adopted son of God, the temple of the Holy 
Spirit, and the heir of heaven. It was at the foot of the Cross that the 
greatest sacraments were instituted in the pierced Heart of Jesus.(Fr. 

 St. Anthony said "The summit of Christ’s wisdom was revealed on the 
Cross; when Jesus defeated the devil, as mentioned in Job(26:12): Wisdom has 
struck the proud one." We read in the  Catechism of Catholic Church that… " 
The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of the Christian life."

  "The Cross brought peace to the world; and it must bring peace to our 
heart" A women once said "We cannot expect to end abortion through 
legislation; it can only be done by changing men’s hearts." Brothers and 
Sisters, when that come about we will see the end of the merciless slaughter 
of innocent unborn babies, the Church will be richer with holy religious 
allowed to come into the world, our country will be united under the God 
under Whom we were created; and the world will know peace because as our 
dear Pope John Paul II pleaded we "the moral leaders of the world will 
change men’s heart and then with one head, one heart and one Spirit we will 
know peace!"

Bensilal Chacko.

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[JOYnet] Suffering makes us ask WHY?

2002-02-20 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   Suffering is for every one, whether strong or week, rich or poor, 
good or bad. In suffering we are all equal- our human weakness come out when 
we suffer in pain. Suffering makes us ask WHY! When we are young and 
healthy, surrounded by loving family, and with wonderful plans for the 
future, we never given it much thought that we can be suddenly struck down 
by a terrible illness, have an accident, or lose someone dear to us. This is 
what it means when we begin to follow the straight and narrow path to 
Heaven. Misfortune strikes us without warning regardless of how well or bad 
we have lived.

   Every day we see it in newspaper or TV or in our own neighborhood 
– happy, peaceful lives shattered in an instant by sickness or trail. With 
the collapse of world trade center we see innocent lives ruined and their 
relatives affected by painful memories, and we ask WHY? Many have fallen 
into depression and worse still, despair, because of their poor 
understanding of suffering. True suffering can make us bitter or better. To 
avoid falling into despair, or having to suffer miserably, we should instead 
bless life in spite of all its trials and difficulties and give thanks to 

   When accepted suffering and converted into sacrifice for the 
atonement of sins then suffering will purify us and heal us of all 
bitterness and pain. It makes us sweet to talk, kind but firm in instilling 
discipline and most of all it improves our prayer life. On the other hand, 
failure to accept suffering, makes us very bitter, highly critical and 
sarcastic towards life in general.

The crucial point in a Christian life is how to deal with Suffering. 
When it is united with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to atone for sins, 
sacrifice can save countless number of souls. There is so much joy in pain 
which makes our hearts sing with the Blessed Mother: “ My soul magnifies the 
Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior….” (Fr. Bing Arellano.

Bensilal Chacko,

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2002-02-15 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

Wait until they get hurt and their true color will come out. For example 
fasting which is an effective means of sacrifice is done more out of conceit 
to gain the praise of others and not to actually repair for ones sins. Once 
the person gets week, hungry, and sick he stops fasting altogether.

This is also true for almsgiving. Unfortunately not all fasting and 
almsgiving are done with real generosity. Only when giving becomes painful, 
when the self begins to hurt, does almsgiving become authentic.

In the case of obeying God’s will it should not only be done for as long 
as it is honorable and convenient. When misfortune hits us and we are left 
homeless, hungry, without money, and abandoned by our very own kin then also 
we should obey God’s will. (See the example of Job)

   Lastly, the true color of a Christian is tested when perfection of 
one’s duty is demanded. A married woman continues to be a loving mother and 
a dutiful wife 24 Hours a day because she has said “ in sickness or in 
health, in good times and in bad. ”. The same applies to the religious who 
must remain faithful to his vows regardless of whether life inside the 
congregation is hell or not. No ifs or buts. It is to God that he has 
committed himself and not man. (Fr. Binge Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Holy Spirit will strengthen us

2002-02-15 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   Through sacrifice Jesus redeemed humanity—the Way of the Cross-to Mt. 
Calvary.   Sacrifice was his living proof of His great love for us. In the 
same way sacrifice is our greatest proof of love of God. A mother with a 
sick child will spend sleepless night looking after her baby out of great 
love for him or her. For the mother hardship and inconvenience are 
immaterial. Only true love can make anyone go through the fire for the 
beloved. St. Alphonsus. Liguori said that love is measured by sacrifice.  
The lesser the sacrifice, the lesser the love; the greater the sacrifice, 
the greater the love.

For mankind to understand the value of sacrifice, Christ 
left us a covenant where we can truly find his real presence here on earth.- 
the Holy sacrifice of the Mass or the Eucharist.

As Disciples of Christ, we therefore, prepared to face trials and 
difficulties – to be tested by fire. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus tells 
us to give Him souls who are like “gold tested in fire” (Rev 3.18). With 
life’s daily encounter with trails and difficulties, sacrifice prepares us 
to a life of perseverance and enduring faith. It strengthens us to face the 
odds and misfortunes. Openness to the Holy Sprit provides this strength.

   One who is full of confidence in Holy Spirit knows know fear 
or danger, he or she only knows great love. This was how the three young men 
whom King Nebuchadnezzar, in the Book of Daniel, threw into fiery furnace 
felt. In the midst of flame, they sang and glorified God even more.

  The expression, “Love till it hurts,” could be a very 
misleading. People who are in love are very careful not to get hurt; and 
when they do get hurt, they stop loving altogether. This is why they say, 
“love only until it hurts.” Carrying this negative impression further could 
also mean, “give only until it hurts,” which explains why many people stop 
giving their services or charity when they begin to hurt. Yet the Positive 
interpretation should be “ Love eventhough it hurts. As St. Francis of Sales 
would remind us, “ The limit of love is love without limit.” This means 
there should be no limit to ones giving even if it is already hurting. We 
must be like Jesus Christ who never stopped giving until he died on the 
cross. Of course to continue in giving one needs the gift of fortitude, 
which only comes from the Holy Spirit, to give us the strength to go on.

   The Catechism of Catholic Church tells us, in the work of 
Redemption, Jesus and the Holy Sprit are inseparable (CCC #485).  Pope 
Benedict XV also tells us that had Mary not been supported by the Holy 
Spirit, she would have died at the sight of Her Son’s agony. She would have 
stopped giving as well.

It is the Holy Sprit who will empower us to go 
beyond our limit. It was through the power of Holy Spirit that the early 
Christians, during the Roman Empire, managed to endure the cruelty of 
martyrdom. It was the Holy Spirit who gave them the strength and will to 
sing praises to God while being fed to the lions or being put to the sword 
or boiling oil to give witness to the world that Jesus is the Lord and God 
is the father of all. (Fr. Edgardo).

Bensilal Chacko,

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Re: Subject: [JOYnet] Doubt : Mark 6:3

2002-02-14 Thread Bensi Chacko


St. Mark mentions by name a number of brothers of Jesus, and refers in
general to His sisters. But the word "brother" does not necessarily
mean son of the same parents. It can also indicate other degrees of
relationship--cousins, nephews, etc. Thus in Genesis 13:8 and 14:14
and 16 Lot is called the brother of Abraham (translated as "kinsman" in
RSV), whereas we know that he was Abraham's nephew, the son of
Abraham's brother Haran. The same is true of Laban, who is called the
brother of Jacob (Genesis 29:15) although he was his mother's brother
(Genesis 29:15); there are other instances: cf. 1 Chronicles 23:21-22,
etc. This confusion is due to the poverty of Hebrew and Aramaic
language: in the absence of distinct terms, the same word, brother, is
used to designate different degrees of relationship.

   From other Gospel passages we know that James and Joses, who are
mentioned here, were sons of Mary of Clophas (John 19:25). We know
less about Judas and Simon: it seems that they are the Apostles Simon
the Cananaean (Matthew 10:4) and Judas the son of James (Luke 6:16),
the author of the Catholic Epistle, in which he describes himself as
"brother" of James. In any event, although James, Simon and Judas are
referred to as brothers of Jesus, it is nowhere said they were "sons of
Mary"--which would have been the natural thing if they had been our
Lord's brothers in the strict sense. Jesus always appears as an only
son: to the people of Nazareth, He is "the son of Mary" (Matthew
13:55). When He was dying Jesus entrusted His mother to St. John (cf.
John 19:26-27), which shows that Mary had no other children. To this
is added the constant belief of the Church, which regards Mary as the
ever-virgin: "a perfect virgin before, while, and forever after she
gave birth" (Paul IV, "Cum Quorumdam").

Bensilal Chacko

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 08:39:46 + (GMT)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?jannet=20fernandez?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Doubt : Mark 6:3

>Hi All,
>Now I have another doubt. Could somebody throw light in this view. In Mark 
>6:3 we read "Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't
>this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph,
>Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?"


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[JOYnet] Unless you repent you will all perish (Luke 13.3).

2002-02-12 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   The sign of Cross on the forehead is the seal of the true Christian. It 
sets him apart from beast that has the sign, 666 (Rev. 20.4). On judgement 
day the seal will be laid bare and each one will be asked, "Where is your 
Sign?" Everyone found with the sign of Cross will be saved and those with 
the mark of the beast will be damned.

  The ordinary Cross of a Christian is integrated with Penance. 
"Unless you repent you will all perish"(Luke 13.3).   There exist 5 common 
means of penance. They are.

1. Fasting
2. Abstinence
3. Almsgiving
4. Joyful obedience to the Will of God
5. Perfection of duties attached to one’s state of life


  In the Fatima message, we are asked to fast every Friday in reparation 
for the sins committed against God. The devil is powerless against fasting.


It refers to the non-eating of meat on certain days like Wednesday and 
Friday and other days prescribed by the Church. The physical weakness we 
experience during abstinence is the sacrifice we make to repair for the sins 
committed against God. “ For it is when I am weak that I am strong (2 Cor 


  Almsgiving is giving up to the poor or the needy an essential portion 
of what we have and not of what is in excess or surplus in our budget. In 
spite of their poverty, the Holy Family of Nazareth gave 30% of everything 
they had. It must have hurt their budget considerably, knowing that it was 
only St. Joseph, through his humble work as a carpenter, who provide for the 
family needs.

 If even in our want we continue to share with those who are in 
greater need, and if it leaves us hurting, then we experience the true 
meaning of the Cross of almsgiving.


   It is our resignation to accept with joy and openness the crosses God 
deems to send us. Jesus told us "No one who does not carry his cross and 
come after me can be my disciple" (Luke 14.:27)


 It consisting of performing according to what our roles in life 
dictate. If we are married, then we should be a good mother or father to our 
children and a devoted spouse to our wife or husband. If we are in the 
religious life, whether priest or sister, then we must faithful to our vows 
or promises. Lastly if we are single then we must live in purity and work 
with diligence in our profession. According to Father Tanquerey to fulfill 
one’s duty as perfectly as one can is to offer God the most perfect 
sacrifice within our giving, a perpetual holocaust, since this duty rests 
upon us from morning until night.

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Who posses two checkbooks in joy net?

2002-02-03 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

Who posses two checkbooks in joy net?

No doubt the mother of Joy net our Sweet mother posses two 
checkbooks.  Mother Mary has the checkbook of Jesus and she has her own 
checkbook. She earned her own checkbook through Her sufferings. The seven 
agonies that our Mother went through and which enables Her to gain Her own 
check book was

1. The Flee to Egypt with Child Jesus.
2. The Prophesy of  Simon.
3. The loss of Jesus at the temple.
4. Meeting with Jesus on the way to Calvary.
5. The Crucifixion.
6. Lying at the lap.
7. The burial.

  So whenever we feel short of Grace please remember to ask to our Mother 
and She will wrote check of graces freely to us. She is the Queen of all 
saints. Many Martyrs and Saints were happened to die with out receiving the 
Communion due to the political situations in their time. But they clung to 
their Rosary and all they said was Mother Mary help us. No doubt when Jesus 
was given His Mother to His beloved disciple John, at the foot of the cross, 
He was giving His mother to the entire mankind.

But our Mother is very gentle. She will not intrude in our lives since 
She is gentle. So we need to ask her help and She will intercede for us. She 
will crush the serpent's head in our life. The rosary which was given by our 
Mother and which was centered on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, 
was a powerful tool to crush the serpent’s head in our life, when we pray it 
slowly and meaningfully. So let us pray the Rosary every day and receive 
graces from our Mother to get courage in our sufferings and afflictions.

 Holy Mary Mother of God Pray for us sinners NOW and AT THE 

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] promise for life

2002-01-15 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear All,

  Sin is responsible for death. God is responsible for life. When we truly 
understand these two statements, we will realize why it is so important to 
throw off everything that hinders us from running the race that God has set 
before us. Since God is responsible for life, we should immerse ourselves in 
God's thoughts and constantly be filled with the Holy Spirit. "The mind of 
sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and 
peace" (Romans 8:6).

 So many times we find it hard to do this because we have been caught in 
the web of our natural thoughts and plans, which will come to nothing. "Many 
are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purposes that prevail" 
(Proverbs 19:21). We cannot bring anything of ourselves into the plan of 
God. We must completely take on God's nature. "Be not conformed to this 
world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2a).

 We have the privilege of partaking of His divine nature by being 
transformed. This produces life. The opportunity is there for us because we 
are new creatures. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: 
old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (II 
Corinthians 5:17). This is our promise for life.

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[JOYnet] installing an eternal value system

2002-01-10 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

 The Word of God richly resident in the believer, coupled with the 
filling and controlling of the Holy Spirit, produces an eternal value system 
of his life. This means, by faith, we begin to "look not at the things which 
are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things which are 
seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (II 
Corinthians 4:18). We begin to "walk by faith, and not by sight" (II 
Corinthians 5:7), and set our minds on things above where Christ is seated 
in His Finished Work glory at the right hand of the Father.

Jesus expanded His eternal value system by saying, "Lay not up for 
yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust corrupt, and where 
thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in 
heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not 
break through nor steal: For where your treasure is there will your heart be 
also" (Matthew 6:19-21). In the first part of Matthew 6, Jesus is installing 
an eternal value system into His disciples. In the second part, He is 
showing them the importance of having kingdom priorities. "But seek ye first 
the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be 
added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).

 Once we develop eternal values, kingdom priorities will govern our life 
and fill our souls. Eternal blessings will be the result of this type of 


(1) Matthew 6:19-21 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where 
moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: (20) 
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust 
doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: (21) For 
where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
(2) Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all 
wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and 
spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
(3) Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be 
filled with the Spirit.
(4) Colossians 3:1-2 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things 
which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your 
affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

(5) Matthew 6:25-34 : (25) Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for 
your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, 
what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than 
raiment? (26) Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they 
reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye 
not much better than they? (27) Which of you by taking thought can add one 
cubit unto his stature? (28) And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider 
the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 
(29) And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not 
arrayed like one of these. (30) Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the 
field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not 
much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? (31) Therefore take no thought, 
saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we 
be clothed? (32) (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your 
heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. (33) But seek 
ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things 
shall be added unto you. (34) Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for 
the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the 
day is the evil thereof.

Bensilal Chacko/DE/USA

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[JOYnet] Tetelestai

2002-01-09 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   All of us have been relieved and gladdened by bringing a necessary task 
to completion. An architect who plans and builds a bridge to connect two 
towns or cities looks upon the accomplishment of his design and celebrates 
with satisfaction his completed work. He may even cry out, "It is finished!"

 There is one accomplishment which gives eternal significance to those 
three words, which is tetelestai in the Greek. These words were said by our 
Lord Jesus Christ from the Cross. They are the most significant words ever 
uttered after the greatest work completed in human history. For you see, our 
Lord Jesus Christ cried out these words after finishing the work, paying for 
the sins of the whole world.

 On the Cross at Calvary, every single sin of every single man, woman 
and child was imputed, counted or charged to the One who knew no sin so that 
we could be made the righteousness of God in Him. Jesus Christ finished the 
work of taking away the sins of the world as God's sacrificial Lamb. It was 
there that God completed a provision for us to be reconciled to Him. His 
love is so great that He manifested it by the sacrifice of the only pure 
Lamb that ever has been and ever will be. We are that special to Him. May 
our hearts be full of Thanksgiving because, "Tetelestai!"


(1) John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is 
finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
(2) 1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours 
only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
(3) 2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no 
sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
(4) Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, 
whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the 
foundation of the world.

Bensilal Chacko/DE/USA

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[JOYnet] counseling:- key to divine creativity

2002-01-08 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

Isaiah 50:4 imparts God's viewpoint on counseling. It is better not to 
use constructive criticism whenever it may hinder the individual's spiritual 
growth. In all cases it is best to apply "wisdom" from the Word of God as 
well as impart the unconditional love of God; both of these principles work 
beautifully together to accomplish a unique work in the soul.

 The individual needs to be "built up" within the assembly of believers; 
he needs to understand the great privilege God has given him to function 
within his calling as a "member in particular". Counsel must always be 
limited to eternal viewpoint from the Word of God; it must never involve 
subjective evaluation on either side.

 As the counselor inclines his ear toward heaven, just as Jesus Christ 
listened intently to His Father, he may confidently advise a believer (while 
creatively applying grace and love) according to specific definition from 
the Word of God. This is the key to divine creativity: draw Christ's life 
from the individual, build up his soul with the Word of God specifically in 
the place of need, and edify him in areas of strength, so that he will be 
motivated to serve God with all of his heart. Remember this principle: never 
counsel or constructively criticize from your own human resources - instead 
apply the Word of God as your only frame of reference in problem solving.

(1) Isaiah 50:4 The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I 
should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth 
morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.
(2) John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my 
judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the 
Father which hath sent me.


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[JOYnet] Want to learn Love lessons?

2002-01-06 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

Many times people get involved with loving someone and then become hurt 
because of rejection. They seem to place a limit on their love because they 
feel they have been used. But we must stop and understand that there is 
Someone who loves us so much that He will never leave us for one moment. "I 
will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Hebrews 13:5b).

 We can love people the way Jesus Christ does, for He will love them 
through us. Loving is not characterized by what we can get out of a 
relationship, but what we can give someone. It is not what we need, but what 
we can share. Does it make a difference if our love is not returned? "But 
God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, 
Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

 In Matthew 5:44 Jesus says how can we effectively serve our enemies. 
"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good 
to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and 
persecute you."
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his 
friends" (John 15:13). Let us learn to be imitators of God and live a life 
of love. "Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children and walk in 
love, as Christ also hath loved us"(Ephesians 5:1-2).

"Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: 
and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren" (1 John 3:16).

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[JOYnet] How we can fight against the Contraceptive mentality

2001-11-15 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

   The devil is a smooth operator. His favorite devices are sex 
education, contraception and mass media. Sex education is not dangerous 
provided it follows the guidelines set by the Church on modesty and purity. 
Oftentimes the sex education is used by Satan to excite a youth to lust. 
Most of the schools in the United States and Europe now have incorporated 
sex education in their curriculum. Schools teach artificial birth control 
methods as prevention against contracting HIV- related diseases.  In a 
community college in California, this was even made a requirement for 
admittance. All freshmen students were treated to a "live demonstration" to 
how HIV is transmitted to both the opposite and the same sexes. " We are 
only interested in your own health", the teacher said. "We promote safe sex 
here in this college"

   What the youth do not realize is that to play with sex for 
experimentation before marriage is fornication; with other partners during 
marriage is adultery. Fornication and adultery are both mortal sins, which 
will bring us to hell.

   Sex education encourages masturbation as a healthy practice, 
which any normal individual, whether male or female, should engage in as a 
form of release from pressure or tension. However Pope Paul VI decried this 
act in his Sexual Ethics as a grave sin, being intrinsically evil. And this 
is where a lot of people are misled because of wrong information given by 
psychologists and sex education teachers. A person who has engaged in 
habitual masturbation will not hesitate later on to urge another willing 
victim to indulge in other promiscuous sexual acts. With the availability of 
artificial birth controls, the evil of seduction gains more adherents. The 
devil succeeds in making impurity, adultery, fornication, and sexual orgy 
accepted norms of society, which ordinary individuals must regard as 
natural. This is the great deception!  Remember the scripture is clear: “NO 

  It is erroneous and unsound to put all the blame on Satan and his 
legions for all the evil in the world without also considering human 
responsibility. Temptation, it must be remembered, no matter how grave in 
its nature or duration, remains only a temptation. No guilt or sin is 
committed as long as we do not give consent to evil.

We must be bear in mind that though we may, most of the time, find 
ourselves sinning and conniving with the devil, we can still take this 
occasion to repent, and redouble our confidence in God’s mercy. "The sin," 
as Leon Christiani aptly says in his book Evidence of Satan in the Modern 
World, "which is regretted as soon as it is committed, because one knows 
that it involvement of Satan, is a accident, a false step, a lapse. It does 
not prevent spiritual progress"

 By virtue of Our Lord’s passion and death and His triumphant 
resurrection, He has gained for us the victory over sin. Our duty is to 
bring about in our lives that victory. Jesus has conquered the evil one. 
Christ tells us: "Let not your hearts be troubled… for I’m with you until 
the consummation of the world"

St. Paul tells us: "Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, 
nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, will be able 
to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, Our Lord."

Let us then fight the good fight. The battle, St. Prosper tells us, 
shall cease when life shall have ended, and the conquest of the eternal 
Kingdom shall attained.

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] family planning is a threat to the Church

2001-11-14 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

The family planning is a threat to the Church. Some countries already have a 
restriction on couples for the number of children. If there is only one 
child in a family it might be unusual to send him to the seminary. If there 
is less number of priests then there will be less number of celebrations of 
the Holy Mass, conducting of confessions and other blessed sacraments. The 
contraceptive mentality of the modern world is not from God but from the 
prince of this world. We should be aware of his tricks to fight against him. 
  There is a spiritual warfare going on in our minds. Satan wants all of us 
with him in hell. But Jesus with His Mother, His angles and Saints, will not 
stand back and let him win. Everyone is called to be a warrior in this 
spiritual battle

What we can do against this threat.

 Nothing happens without the knowledge of our God. In Job’s book we 
see Satan asking permission to God before attacking Job. There is a formula 
that we can practice against this contraceptive mentality of the world. The 
formula consists of Rosary, frequent Confession, Adoration of the Holy 
Eucharist, and the Holy Mass. This is the formula our Mother has revealed in 
Fathima to fight against the evil concepts of this world.

We should respect life and should trust in God and his Divine Providence. We 
have His promise as ‘I will never fail you nor forsake you’. Only a fool 
will ever doubt the promise of God.

Bensilal Chacko.

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[JOYnet] "What's that in your hand?"

2001-06-10 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

"What's that in your hand?"

When Moses had fears for the journey, God asked him, "What's that in your

"It's only a rod," said Moses; but God had a miracle planned, And
marvelous things were accomplished with that plain and simple rod. It
became an awesome weapon when fully surrendered to God.

When David faced mighty Goliath, God asked, "What's that in your hand?"

"It's only a sling," said David; but God showed him how he could stand and
face unafraid on the hillside that Philistine nine feet tall. And soon the
giant Goliath lay dead from a pebble so small.

To Bunyan in Bedford Prison. God asked, "What's that in your hand?"

"It's only a pen," John answered. But led by the Spirit's command He
penned the book "Pilgrim's Progress"; a blessing surviving the years. So a
pen to the Lord consecrated has helped conquer doubtings and fears.

And still God is asking the question of us, "What's that in your hand?"

It might be a small gift He's given; it doesn't have to be grand, But if
it is used for His glory, His multiple blessings we'll know. And as we
surrender to Jesus, His love and His peace He'll bestow.

By Betty Jo Mings ) 2000
Submitted by  Bensilal/DE/USA

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