2003-01-31 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear Joynetters

A BIG THANK YOU for all your prayers.

We had a spirit filled retreat here in the Sacred Heart Church.

Our Retreat priest, Fr. Augustine Vallooran, left Bahrain yesterday evening. 
 Please keep him in your prayers.

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas

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2003-01-24 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear Joynetters

Let us thank Josun for this well written, informative and thought provoking 
mail.  Let us also thank him for the good work he is doing among AIDS 
affected people and pray that May Almighty God bless him for all his 

If you have not read this, eventhough its a bit longer, please read it.

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas

Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 04:06:53 - (UTC)

Hey you people set apart for the lord,

Its really wonderful to read the profound inputs by various Joynetters on
the topic of Pre marital and extramarital sex. I’d like to share a bit of
what I feel on the subject.

Firstly, I don’t think the aspect of sexual fidelity/promiscuity is
limited to religious or moral standards alone.

There are natural laws that govern nature, from which none of us are
exempt. We have the freedom to abide by the law of flout the law. Whatever
our choice is, the consequences of our choices are not within the freedom
of choice bracket. They are an aftermath that follow irrespective of who
or what you are. Wise choices reap wise results; foolish choices reap
foolish results. At the moment I’m at our Jesus Youth house in Delhi, its
on the second floor. If I want to go down to the shop 2 blocks away, I
have two options to choose from coz I’m a free human being and ‘its my
life’. One option is to jump off from the balcony and the other is to use
the staircase provided. Both my actions have consequences over which I
have no control. If I say I’m free and jump off My freedom will last
but 2 seconds after that I’ll be a pile of dead meat and bones! (One
bloody fool less in the world!!)

The same nature has laws with regard to exercising of sexual freedom. If
we transgress them there’s no way but to bear the negative consequences
that follow.

Sometime back I had shared a bit about an experience I had at an AIDS
rehab centre, well the experience was not over with just meeting those
kidos. I also met most of the adult inmates in the centre. I made it a
point to speak to as many of them as I could and know a bit about their
lives. I did that intentionally so that I could share their stories of
pain, sorrow and shattered hopes and dreams later as opportunity would
unfold. Honestly their stories were unbearably gut wrenching.

I met a young Keralite youth there. He’s about 25 years old. On completing
a course in hotel management, he embarked on a job in a 5 star hotel in
Goa. One day while on duty, a guest in the hotel made sexual advances
towards him, he was seduced and succumbed to moments of pleasure with her.
 The boy is such a nice person to talk to. I felt really sad for him. With
his smile he was trying to conceal the agony he was going thru within. It
was a poor effort, for me it was rather obvious. He’s HIV positive. He
told me, that was the only time he had sex with anyone. He also told me he
used a condom.  (a number of the inmates there told me they used condoms).
Well that one time was enough for him to make an entrance into the world
of no return

I meditated a lot on that outreach to the AIDS home and my memory of the
inmates and their lives is still vivid and fresh. Their stories of pain,
of unfulfilled dreams, shattered lives, orphaned children, wrecked homes,
worst of all that haunting sense of guilt and self debasement, often made
me speculate at how stupid we all can be sometimes.

Imagine, Just for an orgasm or orgasmic pleasure people are ready to stake
their dreams, health, their integrity, self esteem and sense of self
worth, their unlimited potential, their families, their entire life and
the beautiful things God has in store for them in the future! Don’t I
sound sufficiently absurd??

This youth I met cannot achieve the dreams that he had of a beautiful life
ahead. He is shattered. Actually shattered is not the word for it. He
finds no meaning in his existence. He’s already a ‘living’ dead man. You
may say, “but he’s still living” well, that’s just to postpone funeral
expenses! His family is dismembered, they have ostracized him. The same
society that endorsed his promiscuity is the first one to give him a kick
in the ass when he’s a victim

All this honestly makes me wonder, “is one moment of forbidden pleasure
worth the tag? Is it really worth staking all that in the bargain? ” You
can answer the question yourselves.

I’ve got a number of acquaintances (lamentably some catholic youth also!)
who think pre-marital sex is the ‘IN THING’ and its absolutely normal
these days, a number of them have indulged in it themselves. They narrate
big stories of their ‘sexcapades’ with me They do a lot to justify
their actions, but deep down they too know that its wrong. Its pernicious.
Its fatal!. It fragments a person from within.

Thanks to the media hyped up coverage that ‘nothing sells like sex’ the
advertisements, tv programs, movies, ser

[JOYnet] Fr. Augustine Vallooran in Bahrain

2003-01-20 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear JOYnetters,

Its Annual Retreat time here in Bahrain at the Sacred Heart Church.  This 
time our Retreat priest is Fr. Augustine Vallooran from the Divine Retreat 

Retreat in English started yesterday, 20th Jan 2003 at 7pm and will conclude 
on the 24th Jan 2003.

Retreat in Malayalam will be from 27th Jan 2003 to 31st Jan 2003

Theme of the Retreat: Launch into the Deep.

As usual, I request all JOYnetters to pray in a special way for the success 
of the Retreats.  Please pray for a Sakheus experience, a Barthemeus 
experience, a total God experience.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Fr. Augustine Vallooran in Bahrain

2003-01-20 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear JOYnetters,

Its Annual Retreat time here in Bahrain at the Sacred Heart Church.  This 
time our Retreat priest is Fr. Augustine Vallooran from the Divine Retreat 

Retreat in English started yesterday, 20th Jan 2003 at 7pm and will finish 
by 24th Jan 2003.

Retreat in Malayalam will be from 27th Jan 2003 to 31st Jan 2003

Theme of the Retreat: Launch into the Deep.

As usual, I request all JOYnetters pray in a special way for the success of 
the Retreats.  Please pray for a Sakheus experience, a Barthemeus 
experience, a total God experience.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Merry Christmas

2002-12-23 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear JOYnetters


In union with Jesus & Mary

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Unique experience

2002-10-29 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear Joynetters

I am forwarding herewith a message received by Fr.Thomas Mathew from Nisha, 
a teenager, during his retreat in Auckland, New Zealand.  Hope this will 
help someone.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From : Nisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject :unique experience

Date :Tue, 29 Oct 2002 23:26:30 +1300 (NZDT)

Dear Rev. Fr. Dr. Thomas Mathew,

My name is Nisha. I am daughter of Mr. Rajan Clemence.
I am writing this to share my experience I had in the
retreat conducted by Fr.Thomas Mathew, at Auckland,
New Zealand.

First of all, have to admit, I wasn't too keen on
attending this retreat - 2 reasons.

One main reason was my finals coming up the following
week. I was stressing hard out since I felt I had not
prepared enough. So I had made up my mind not to
attend the retreat. That first morning, My Dad came
and asked me one last time if I would like to go. I
wondered, there must be something God wants me to do
or else Dad wouldn't come and ask me like that - even
though I made it clear with my parents until the
previous night that I wasn't going. So I decided to
read the Bible - that's where I find my answers every
time I have some difficulty. I got a quote (I can't
remember the exact quote) which prompted me to attend
the retreat.  Then I prayed, now I felt like someone
was telling me - whatever and how much you study, its
never complete without his blessing and that this is a
great opportunity. So I decided to go. It was a good
experience. I went home and shared my experience with
many others including family friends - 6 of them
decided to come the next day!

Another main reason was - I have had unsweet
experiences with retreats in the past and thought this
will be no different from others. I don't mean to
criticize anyone, I know I'm no one to, but the
retreat conductors usually force the attendees to pray
in a way they are not comfortable with and not used
to. I've seen a lot of "picking" in retreats by the
conductors and often the person being picked on, feels
a little uncomfortable attending further, thinking
others might have this impression on him/her.

But Father's attitude and style were different. The
humorous manner you presented the retreat in with so
many real life experiences was one factor that
attracted my attention. Usually, I tend to get absent
minded in the middle of talks and sermons. But your
retreat really grabbed my whole concentration during
the entire course. Another factor, you explained
everything in an unadorned, non elaborate way and was
simple & understandable. Usually people of my age,
would find it hard to grasp sermons and retreat talks
when it is all just complicated concepts. Besides all
this, I could pray well during the retreat - Felt like
God is listening and I can ask him anything, I mean
anything. I discovered this from one of your sermons.
Another good thing I felt was that you were not
forcing anyone or picking on anyone or making people
embarrassed if their praying style/attitude were
different. You were so easy to reach - I'm not sure if
this is due to the limited number of people there, but
it was good. It meant everyone had your attention when

This retreat was definitely one of a kind for me. I am
telling this from my past experiences with retreats.
It was certainly a "not to be missed" opportunity and
I am glad God helped me make the decision to come for
this retreat. It was a special one indeed.

Now I'm trying to get some of my friends join us for
the youth retreat Father is about to conduct soon. I
very much look forward to attending that.

With Prayers

Elizabeth Nisha Rajan
New Zealand

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Re: [JOYnet] we are 1000 now!!!!

2002-10-05 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetterrs

Ooh we are in 4 digits now!.

A million thanks to our loving God.

Congratulations to all in this JOYful net community.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From: "Mathew Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] we are 1000 now
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 14:23:20 +0530

Hi all,

Nice to see that JOYnet has now 1000 members.

Praise God for this wonderful ministry.

Congratulations to all of you for making JOYnet a loving family.

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

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[JOYnet] Prayer request for mother of Fr.Thomas Mathew

2002-09-11 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Following is a msg received from our pastor, Fr. Thomas Mathew.  His mother 
is undergoing a triple bypass surgery.

Let us all storm the heaven for this particular intention.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From: "Thomas Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Attention: London JYs
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 12:06:06 +

Dear Sebastian,

Greetings from USA. My mom needs a tripple By Pass so I have come away. Most 
of the programmes in Singapore was over.

The Surg is scheduled  in a few hours. Please pray . I will get in touch. 
Please ask our friends to pray for my mom

God Bless you

Thomas Achan

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[JOYnet] Attention: London JYs

2002-09-09 Thread sebastian thomas

Hi Joynetters of London,

I am writing this to inform you about our Bahrain JOYnetter Miss Mable 
Mathew.  She left Bahrain yesterday to join University of East London.

She is the daughter of Mr. Mathew Thaoms, our previous co.ordinator of 
malayalam prayer group of Sacred Heart Church, Bahrain.

Following is her e-mail id:

Please contact Mable on the above e-mail id as she will be happy to 
participate in the JY activities over there.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Update on the burn victims

2002-06-25 Thread sebastian thomas

Thank you for your prayer support.

Here we could experience the power of prayer.  When we needed blood for Mani 
for his surgery to be carried out today, our Lord provided us 8 persons from 
our prayer group within matter of 24 hours.  Praise the Lord.
Please continue your prayers for their complete healing.

Following is a news report appeared in the local daily about the present 
condition of the burn victims:

M Mani, 45, Josemon Stephan, 28, and Chandran Narikkot Meethal, 46, are 
currently under treatment at the Salmaniy Medical Centre (SMC), Bahrain, 
burns unit, after a gas cylinder exploded when the workers ignited the gas 
stove in the kitchen.

Mr Mani's condition was very critical when he was brought to the SMC by a 
BDF Hospital ambulance last Wednesday. He was unconscious, after inhaling 
Following the special care given at the burns unit, his condition improved 
and he is now out of danger, said Dr Gang.

Mr Stephan, who suffered 50 per cent burn injuries on the face, both limbs, 
back and chest, underwent a major surgery on Sunday.  Dr Gang said the dead 
skin was removed and new skin taken from the thigh was grafted on the 
injured part.  "Mr Stephan has to undergo two more surgeries in 10 days," he 

"Mr Mani, who was taken off the ventilator after three days, will undergo a 
surgery today and a second surgery a week later.  "He had suffered 45pc 
burns on the face, upper limbs, neck and the back."

Both patients have to spend at least two to three months in the hospital.

Mr Meethal, a cold store worker, who rushed to the blaze scene after hearing 
the explosion, suffered 15pc burns.
He will be discharged from the hospital next week.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Request for URGENT prayers

2002-06-22 Thread sebastian thomas

Subject: [Prayer Board] from Sabu Joseph
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 23:59:44 -0500

Name  : Sabu Joseph
Time  : 22 Jun 2002   23:59
Subject : Prayer Request

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please pray for Manichettan, Jose and a Muslim brother who are in a very 
critical condition in the Salmaniya Medical College at Manama in Bahrain. 
The gas cylinder in the sandwich shop they work exploded and the first two 
suffered 45 to 50 percent burning. Manichettan and Jose are part of our 
Charismatic community in Bahrain and their families depend entirely on them. 
Manichettan is very serious and Jose is undergoing a surgery today. It was 
the Muslim brother who saved them and he is much better. Please pray with 
the entire Malayalam Catholic Community of Bahrain who are on their knees 
for the life of these two brothers. May God bless you all for your prayers.
In Christ - Sabu Joseph

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[JOYnet] Fwd: [ParableNet] Unbelievable but true

2002-05-27 Thread sebastian thomas

Thank you Irma for your efforts to post this msg in the Parablenet.
I am posting this to JOYnet as I found its very touching and this is meant 
for those who have not subscribed to Parablnet.

Dear JOYnetters please read and pray for thos souls.

Regards - Sebastian Thomas / Bahrain

Subject: [ParableNet] Unbelievable but true…
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 22:48:09 +0500 (IST)

Dear Friends,

Do not ignore this email, please read till the end though its quite
long but worth reading. Just imagine how cruel a human being can be.

   Hi friends (for I cannot call you brothers or sisters) I don't even
have a name.

   Anyway, my irresponsible father called who-knows-what saw my cruel
mother at the supermarket. She was bending over and he could make out
the outline of her figure. That was it, he began talking to her and
they got in to a conversation, all for the sake of sex. In hardly two
hours they were doing it on a bed and my eternal seed was sown. After
that my father just pulled out a cigarette smoked it and went away
pretending that he loved my mother.

  After a few weeks I was already taking shape when my father
met the same woman, my mother, again. He wanted to do it again, and
again they went to her apartment. For the sake of arousing her he
bought her a bouquets of flowers. His main goal however was to do it.
She however began to get serious and told him that he must marry her.
But he avoided the answer giving some reason or the other then she
told him of her change in metabolism and her frequent dizzy spells.
Since he was all worked up and ready to go, he promised her that he
would take her for a check-up the next day.

  After the deed was done in pure lust without the slightest trace of love, 
blew her a flying kiss from the door and went away.

  For the next few weeks there was no sign of him and his promises.
So she went to the doctor for a check up and her hunch was right,
she was pregnant. Things which would make a childless wife happy
were now making this woman black as night. She tried desperately
calling him all to no avail. Now things were beginning to get dead

  After many days of crying she again went to the doctor and
that brute gave her the option of guess what? - Killing me, so she
could be free of worry. With that he assigned her a date in the

  I knew nothing at that time and was dividing and subdividing
my cells. My hands, legs and hands were developed I could hear faint
sounds of my mother's heart from above - the callous heart that
would consent to murder.

  The horrible day finally arrived. My mother dressed up and
went to the gynecologist or should I say butcher. She spread her legs
on the butchers table into a specially made frame that would hold her
legs apart and ready for the horrendous homicide. The butcher was
cold and by the looks of it you could make out that he had done this
a number of times. This person had ceased to be a human being.

  He put his hand inside the womb and grasped my leg. At that
time I was confused but I had no more time to be confused nor for any
other emotion. The butcher then put in a very sharp scalpel and
severed my "Part B" as they called it to disguise the ghastly
deed. I tried to scream as my leg was ripped off, nothing came out
just a very silent cry. My entire being vibrated violently in
uncontrollable spasms. Before I could get accustomed to the
excruciating pain my second leg was cut off. Now the spasms
increased and reached a peak.
In the same way the butcher cut off my hands and I could not believe
that another human being was doing this to me. Then he did the
unthinkable he snapped my neck into two and removed my head. He
completed the barbaric job by removing the torso and wrapped it up
with a vacuum cleaner and a swab.

  My mother was now "free" free to hold her head high in society again
because she was a murderess, her stomach was flat again, the stretch
marks gone and she walked about as if nothing had happened.

  I suffered extremely excruciating pain till the very last moment
when my head was severed. Then my tiny soul rose away from my
body and I could see the most horrendous sight ever seen. I saw four
or five diabolical creatures standing around my mother and another
seemed to be sort of affixed into the doctor and his legs and hands
moved with the doctor's hands and legs. My mother's neck had
a chain around it and one of the diabolical creatures held this
chain with a firm grip.

  Suddenly my soul was being gently drawn by a very powerful
light and I traveled down a tunnel of light for a few minutes. I saw
an extremely beautiful place and thought I was going in when abruptly
I was stopped short and diverted to another place. As I neared this
place I saw thousands of souls in weird shapes some were like tennis
balls with tiny feet and hands sticking out and some were as small as

[JOYnet] Life is beautiful !!!

2002-05-13 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

After a short period of hibernation our friend Suru is out from cold to say 
that he is alone.

Suru, its hightime to get doubled???!!! :)  Josun from Delhi is also in 
the same boat and he has declared his intention loud and clear.

I am filling out what you have left blank in your mail (about family life).  
YES indeed family life with wife and kids are really beautiful.
I have two tiny tots: One is 4 1/2 and the other 1 1/2 years old.  Both are 
boys.  So you know how hard it is.  Still I find life is beautiful...

If you consider every inconvenience as an adventure and face that adventure 
with JESUS you will find life most beautiful.

So you are not alone my buddy.we all are with you along with our JESUS.

Dont worry .be hapy.

sebastian thomas

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [JOYnet] Life is beautiful !!!
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 02:31:16 +0600

Hi friends,

Life is beautiful !!!

Why life is beautiful 
There are many things coming into mind.. let me start with few

Everywhere it is War & Terrorism and war against Terrorism
CNN, BBC, Sky news, Foxnews or any Tv channels you get this peice
of news... India you get Gujrat, Middle east you get Palestine issues,
Nepal you get Maoists, Sri Lanka you get Tamil issues, Taliban, IRA,
Al Fatah, Jihad, Hamas, Japaneese Red Armay, ETA, PKK, list is going on...
If you take religions there also problems, In kerala itself we have
time long issues on various things like liturgy, etc, politics is
hopeless anywhere... Globalism, International trade, World bank,etc.
Attack on a building in New York is affecting a family in the remote
village of Assam or Bihar but same time a million dollar profit for
the neighbor might not give that family any benefit.. Everywhere
you can see unrest among the people. Still life is beautiful

Like to share few things coming into Mind. We Joynet members
are scattered all around the world. unless like other JY communities
we are not from a particular place, job or situation... many of us
are alone in their country or City (I mean no other Jy's around).
this part of sharing specially for them... for  my friends who are away
from their home, far away from their parents and loving ones.

No Man can Live as an Island
Journeying through the life alone

Last few days I was feeling so lonely... Where else can we share
all this feelings... Being in this community for more than 3 years
I feel this is the place we can get the real love, help, spiritual
support etc. My job is like operating from my house itself
and not much works always so in literal meaning here I am alone.
That's is the reason these days thinking the worthiness of
being with friends, Being in a Community, Being with family etc.

God created this world in a beautiful harmony...Where we all can
live as a community...where nobody is alone...Family ties are most
important in our life. My father, Mother, their sufferings
for me, How they managed to support all our way, They gave
everything for us, My sister, brother, their love for me,
How much they care for me... (My wife, kids don't know
how to explain this part... Some married guys can explain)...
Yes experincing all this... Life is beautiful... Something
very beautiful right

Friends -  My memories going back to college days, The
friendships we will remember till the end of our life
My college days I got my best friends... still we are best
friends and when ever in kerala I spend my time with them.
Those days we worked for Jesus youth with whole heart.
We have a three men Army there me, James & Binu (we are
best freinds for last 12 years) Last month I went to
home for just two days out of that one day I spend time
with these JY friends... yes life is beautiful...

Today I am stopping here with a small prayer.


With Love,

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Please Visit : www.crash.to/suresh

sebastian thomas

The storms of our life prove the strength of our anchor.
God sends trials not to impair us but to improve us.

True wisdom begins and ends with God

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Re: [JOYnet] Induction of Joynet Member Sebastian Thomas to lead Bahrain Parish .

2002-05-04 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

I thank Fr. Thomas Mathew for sharing with you all about my induction in the 
core group and thank you for your payers.

Please note that I am inducted as a Core group member and NOT as Core group 
leader as mentioned in Fr. Thomas' mail.It was a misunderstanding.

Our Core group leader is Mr. Harry Fernandes.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From: "Thomas Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Induction of Joynet Member Sebastian Thomas to lead 
Bahrain  Parish .
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 19:34:19 +


Dear Joynet members,

It is a pleasure to share joyful moments in our lives and in the lives of
the brothers and sisters in the joynet.  

Our good friend,  Mr. Sebastian Thomas from Bahrain, as I understand,
will be installed as the leader of the core group for the Malayalee 
people at the Sacred Heart Parish Church, Bahrain,  in the Gulf  
Region.  There
are over two thousand Malayalee Catholics at the Sacred Heart

Main duty of the core group is to assist the priests in the Spiritual
Activities of the parish and to help the Pastors to plan and execute the
socio-cultural programs. Mr. Sebastian Thomas is to lead this core 
sort of a Parish Council President for the Malayalee people at Bahrain.  

I think this is an honor,knowing the personalities at Bahrain. At an
young age,Mr.Sebastian is chosen to lead the core group. He was a core
group member previously. Now the leader of the group.He holds
the recognition and respectof the Pastors and the Parishioners. This is
an honor. I think this is also a recognition for the Joynet. We form one
family. Our people are in lead positions all over the world.This is God’s

! Installation is on May 3rd at 7.00 PM during the Syro-Malabar Mass and
during the Holy Mass, the core-group members with their spouses are to
bring offerings to the Altar. They take Oath and pledge  allegiance to
the Parish and to their duties.Thegroup will be blessed by Fr.Felicio
Diniz and the other priests in the Parish.

Congratulations to Mr.Sebastian Thomas, Sherine his wife,Chris and Joel
their loving children. Their's is a joy family. Please pray with and
for Mrand Mrs. Sebastian so they will be the model couple in the parish
at Bahrain.

God Bless you Sebastian and Congratulations to you and to your team at

Fr. Thomas Mathew

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[JOYnet] Anyone from Muscat?

2002-04-07 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear Joynetters in Oman,

Please help Stephen to find out a prayer group in Muscat.

Name  : stephen rajesh

i have just come to muscat to work in a tyre company.  pray for me that i 
continue to be active in spiritula life. if there is any jy member or any 
prayer groups kindly let me know so that i can join..
praise the lord


sebastian thomas

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Fwd: [JOYnet] My Good Friday became My Best Friday!:-)

2002-04-01 Thread Sebastian Thomas

 Dear JOYnetters
Yes, Jesus is alive, Jesus lives for ever.  Yes He is the same yesterday, today & 
tomorrow.  This is what we could learn from the experience Josun had on the Good 
Josun had a blessed Good Friday and he won a soul by discouraging Vinod Kumar from 
suicide attempt.  This indeed is a touching incident.  We praise you Lord!
Love n prayers
sebastian thomas / Bahrain
  Josun Jose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: From: "Josun Jose" 
To: "joynet" 
Subject: [JOYnet] My Good Friday became My Best Friday!:-)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:15:16 +0530

Dear friends,

My mail is a bit long.do forgive me for that ok:-)

Good Friday also happened to be on the same day Holi (festival of colors) was
celebrated. I was in the Jesus youth house that day. I woke up late; all the
rest had gone to the chapel to spend time in prayer. Dilbet, Ratnagaran and
me, were the ones left at home. All three of us started cleaning the house. We
did a gr8 job of cleaning and tidying up the place. About 1 pm I went to
church and spent sometime in prayer. In church I was feeling a bit drowsy and
so I got up and decided to go home so that I could be with my family. So I
went back to JY house. picked my bag and I was walking towards Safderjung bus
terminal..I was getting sporadic throws of color, water balloons etc. some
rotten kids emptied a bucket of colored water on me from their terrace.. I was
feeling weak (due to abstinence) so I didn't bother much, even if I was
feeling stronger there was nothing much I could have done, coz today was their
day! Nevertheless, walking, running, ducking, hiding here and there, I managed
to reach the bus terminal. It had an unusually deserted look. No buses, No
people, no noise.

I was saying the chaplet of mercy hoping that a bus would turn up. I waited
about 2 hrs. but no bus came. I was getting a bit annoyed with my self, why
didn't I just stay in Jy house, now I've got to walk back all the way .and get
my self bombarded color missiles, and water grenades .. Nevertheless I decided
to mediate on the passion of Jesus rather than, dwell on my sticky situation.

As I had finished the chaplet and was putting my rosary back on my neck, a
young man, carrying a traveling bag, having an army style hair cut came up to
me and asked " Bhaisahab, Gurgaon Jaane wala bus yahan se milega kya?" (Sir,
will I get a bus going to Guragon from here) I told him, "Yes, u'll get buses,
but today being Holi I think its difficult. He told me he's in the terminal
for the past 5 hrs. I said to him " I guess, you are on holiday's from the
army isn't it?" as soon as I said that..He just broke down into tears.and
started crying profusely.I felt a little out of place "why would a guy just
break down becoz I asked him if he's in the army??"

I asked him, whats the matter with him, the story he told me brought tears to
my eyes. I took him to the nearby park and he shared...

His name is vinod Kumar, hearing the way he spoke hindi, I understood he's not
a Delhi wala, He is from a place called Benares in Uttar Pradesh, and he talks
a dialect that's a branch of Hindi called 'Bhojpuri'

Vinod is only 20 years young, about a month ago, his family, staking its 2
acre plot against 60 thousand rupees from the money lender, gave that money as
bribe for Vinod to enter the Army. Being a good sportsman, he managed to clear
the physical test and was doing well in the training, he was happy there.
About a week ago he wrote a letter to his family saying that he's happy in the
army and everything is fine with him..

A few days ago, they were taken for a medical examination and in that Vinod
was axed due to some defect in his hearing.

He was shattered, a few other friends of his were also axed due to similar
defects, 3 of them commited suicide 2 days ago, another one jumped the train
to his death yesterday that vinod and him were traveling in. Vinod was saying,
all these village boys, their families have staked their properties etc. to
get them into the army, and their families will not be able to bear it to hear
of their misfortune. Vinod also wanted to commit suicide..He told me, "its
only becoz I have a small sister that I am not having the courage to hang
myself.what will happen to her?"

He was sharing all this with me in the park, I was in tears by now, I took
vinod in my arms and embraced him.I told him, "God has something very special
for you.The army is not the only option u have" I shared with him how I too,
some years back was rejected when I applied for the navy.. I too was
shattered.but now when I look back..i am very happy that I didn't get
selected. I shared with him, that I am a Christian, and Jesus is the lord of
my life. I told him how Jesus also is suffering today (good Friday) with him.
I affirmed him that he's a unique person, an un-repeatable gift of God...when

[JOYnet] Easter Blessing from our Lord

2002-04-01 Thread sebastian thomas

//Glory to God and Peace to His people on earth//

Dear JOYnetters

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter.

All these years we had Easter mass in English.  On this Easter, in the 
evening we had the opportunity to attend a Malaylam Mass here in the Sacred 
Heart Church, Bahrain for the first time eventhough we have malayalam mass 
on every friday evening.

I consider this as a blessing from our Almighty Lord to the Malayalam 
community here in our Parish.   I thank and praise our Lord along with our 
parishners for this blessing on this Easter.

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Joyful Easter to all

2002-03-30 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetter



Sebastian, Sherine, Christy & Joel

The storms of our life prove the strength of our anchor.
God sends trials not to impair us but to improve us.

True wisdom begins and ends with God

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[JOYnet] Joyful Easter to all

2002-03-30 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetter



Sebastian, Sherine, Christy & Joel

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[JOYnet] The Miracle Baby - A real story from Fr. Thomas Mathew

2002-02-17 Thread sebastian thomas

The Miracle Baby

“Your Sins have obstructed the vision of God’s face”. Is 59.2

It was an evening. I was preparing for prayer. I have heard the door bell. 
Emily came with her husband. Emily ( Real name is withheld to respect the 
privacy of the person concerned) was a practicing nurse. She appeared sad. 
Her face told the tale of a heavy heart. Emily’s husband tried to be 
pleasant but reflected an inner wound.

Her husband was well informed

“We like to talk with you” Emily insisted.
We sat down to talk. We prayed to the revealing Spirit of God. Holy Spirit 
is the revealing Spirit of God. In the Holy Spirit we are set free.
During that amazing sharing I felt  a heavy down pour of God’s grace on 
Emily and her husband. Those were specially set and anointed moments of 

Emily shared how she sinned against God. That didn’t take much time for her 
to open up her inner self although her husband was present. “ I have told my 
husband everything about my past life ” Emily clutched his hands and said. 
Emily couldn’t control the tears. She shared with him her life and it was a 
great miracle that her husband although he went through a lot of inner 
conflict, stood by her pain and punishment.  They had no children although 
they were married for ten long years. They lost all hopes of getting a moral 
child natural.

Emily shared how she and her ex-boy friend who was much younger to her had 
an illicit affair.  She was pregnant twice and both the times she underwent 
abortion,  without her former boyfriend’s knowledge and consent.

“I didn’t want to let him know that I was pregnant for fear that he might 
ask me to keep the baby.  I loved him but I didn’t want to marry him. That 
was just for fun” Emily said.

In due time they parted ways. She doesn’t know the whereabouts of her ex-boy 
friend. “Possibly married”. Now she feels that she should have told him 
about the two abortions she underwent. She fears that God might be punishing 
him too for their sins.  As we journeyed through the healing process of 
asking pardon from the aborted children she cried bitterly. She now realized 
that God knows us by our name. “ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. 
Before you were born I have dedicated you” Jeremiah 1.3

Emily realized  that God  formed her inmost being “you knit me in my 
mother’s womb” Pslam 139.14. One of the remarkable ways of healing the inner 
self, if one is involved in abortion is asking forgiveness from God, from 
self, and from the baby or babies that are aborted. One has to pray for both 
the parents, the families of the parents, the people who are and were 
accessories in the act of abortion. Special prayers have to be offered for 
the conversion of the doctors and nurses and even the political wings that 
propagate abortion and similar ignominious crimes of manslaughter.

In the process of healing the inner self, one needs to ask God to forgive 
him/her for eliminating killing the unborn and defenseless children.  
Abortion is premeditated murder. It is planned murder for convenience. One 
might mistakenly state that he or she has ultimate power over her baby to 
choose to let live or let die an unborn baby. The right thing for him/her.  
But God is the ultimate author of life. We are just vessels that carry the 
sublime gift the gift of life.  God created us from nothing, giving us HIS 
Eternal and holy breath, the spirit of God.

I think no one has the ultimate power over his/her body and mind.  If we 
think we own our body, we are walking in the wrong path. In such instances, 
God is not the light in our path. How we could be the light of the world if 
we carry darkness.

Name the Aborted children

Coming to the faith  journey of Emily and her husband, I would say in 
effecting the inner healing, Emily has to ask pardon from God and then from 
the child /children she aborted.   I let her name the unborn, and aborted 
children. She named the aborted children  if they were either boys or girls. 
Those were touching moments. When Emily called the children by their names, 
for the first time in her life, I had goose bumps. I heard her say, 
mentioning their respective names, son/daughter, “Mom loves you”. Then she 
said “ forgive mom. God gave you life but I have killed you”.  When I have 
heard Emily pronounce those words I remembered  the very words of God  “ 
Even if a mother forgets her child, I will not forget you.  Upon the plam of 
my hands I have inscribed your name” Is 49. 15-16.

I thanked the immense love of God towards me. I felt God’s love flowing 
through me at that moment. I thanked God for protecting me and my life. I 
thanked my mother for saving my life.  I felt the love of my parents.  I 
myself felt being wanted and those were powerful moments for myself.  If my 
parents didn’t want me, I would never have seen light.  My parents loved me 
with the love of God and I cannot express my thankfulness no matter how much 
I say “ I love you my mom and my Dad”. My da

Re: [JOYnet] Give to others.....

2002-02-12 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear Friends

Let us congratulate Priya for she has transformed that boy with the powerful 
verses from the Bible and in the process she has won one more soul... Great 
indeed are your works O'Lord.

Keep up the good work Priya.

“Give to others and god will give to you. Indeed you will receive a full 
measure, a generous helping poured in to your hands – all that you can hold” 
Luke 6:38-39

Friends, I have experienced the power of this very verses in my life several 
times. Whenever I have given alms even when I am running short of money or 
extended any other help, God has given me many folds in return.

Let us make a fruitful lent season this year by emulating the above verses.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From: "Priya Joy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Joynet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Give to others.
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:38:48 -0800

We, Christians are expected to be different. The Bible reveals the life
style of early Christians & they shared what they had with the other fellow
men.They were real role models! Now a days what's wrong with us?
Where is the value of "Sharing?"

Two days before we had an annual scouts and guides camp in our institution.
The first day morning, a kid approached a senior guy for little toothpaste.
But he refused to share. In camp at noontime, they all trained to mould a
tent, there this senior boy was asked to bring his bed sheet to decorate the
tent. Again, he was reluctant to give his things.

With out knowing any of these, I approached the same guy to
get some clothes to cover the table. He said "NO”. Other boys heard
our talk and they started complaining against him. All his
loutishness made me furious & I made him to give that bed sheets
for others.

While we were about to leave, I said 'bye' to him. He didn't respond back,
the reason was plain that he felt bad when I pointed out his stinginess in
front of others. Really, my intention was to inculcate good value in him and
the out come of my deal was a 'gloomy face.' I felt sorry for him. How to
console/ settles this...
Oh! Thank god! In the Bible - Luke 6: 38-39, we reads “ Give to others
and God will give to you.” I approached him, repeating this scripture in my
mind. At first, he seems to be rebellious but slowly he
melted & we shared lighter moments. He admitted frankly that he didn't have
enough role models to learn about this value sharing. Finally I quoted the
first half of the above verse and prompted him to complete the rest. (I knew
he is a Christian) In a soft voice, he completed “ Indeed you will receive a
full measure, a generous helping poured in to your hands- all that you can
hold.” The boy went back by promising me that he will share his things with
others! May God help him to keep his words!

Future generation needs role model to inculcate this great value 'Sharing'
We have some role models in our Jesus youth community but needed more
apostles in our midst!!!

Let’s learn the meaning of these verses in depth. “Give to others and god
will give to you. Indeed you will receive a full measure, a generous helping
poured in to your hands – all that you can hold” Luke 6:38-39

In this lent try to implement these verse in our own life! Let's others know
we are Christians!

Praise God!


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[JOYnet] Test msg - pls. ignore

2002-02-06 Thread sebastian thomas

sebastian thomas
God sends trials not to impair us but to improve us.

True wisdom begins and ends with God

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[JOYnet] It is not the medicine that cured him.......

2002-02-06 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Following is a testimony of a mother and her 12 year old son.  They are 
testifying how Lord Jesus touched them during the 2nd day of the retreat 
lead by Fr. Thomas Mathew at the Sacred Heart Church, Bahrain:

Please read.

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas

I am Marykutty Mathew, mother of Rhonnie Mathew, 14 years old, who was 
suffering from high fever and backache for the past 12 days, had no effect 
on the medicines he took till we brought him for the retreat on 29th January 
2002 at Sacred Heart Church at 6.30 pm which was led by Rev. Fr. Thomas 
Mathw, from U.S.A.   Rhonnie was lying down my shoulder because he couldn’t 
hold his head, nor open his eyes.  Everytime he said he wanted to lie down, 
go home, wants to vomit, etc..  To our great surprise, some somehow I could 
attend the Retreat till the adoration took place at 9 pm.  When the 
adoration started, he stood up and praised the Lord with everyone.  During 
the adoration, as I was fully attending to the “Eucharistic host" and 
praising and worshipping, I saw a “Fire” burning around the "Eucharistic 
host" – for a moment I couldn’t believe my eyes and again I looked to 
confirm and again I could only see the ‘fire’ around the ‘bread’!

With my tears falling down I kept on praising and worshipping the ‘Living 
God Jesus Christ’.  After a second my son asked me “Mummy did you see a 
‘fire’ buring around the ‘Eucharistic host’?  Therefore, I could confirm to 
him I have asked him whether he saw anything.  He said “Mummy I saw a ‘fire’ 
burning around the ‘Eucharistic host’.  I broke off with tears of happiness 
and joy and both of us kept on thanking and praising the Lord.  From that 
time on, my son was freed of all his sufferings he had for the past 12 days. 
  It is not the medicine that cured him but the WORD and the faith on the 
LIVING GOD that cured him.


Mary Mathew Punnoos (Muttathethu)


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[JOYnet] It is not the medicine that cured him.......

2002-02-05 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Following is a testimony of a mother and her 12 year old son.  They are 
testifying how Lord Jesus touched them during the 2nd day of the retreat 
lead by Fr. Thomas Mathew at the Sacred Heart Church, Bahrain:

Please read.

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas

I am Marykutty Mathew, mother of Rhonnie Mathew, 14 years old, who was 
suffering from high fever and backache for the past 12 days, had no effect 
on the medicines he took till we brought him for the retreat on 29th January 
2002 at Sacred Heart Church at 6.30 pm which was led by Rev. Fr. Thomas 
Mathw, from U.S.A.   Rhonnie was lying down my shoulder because he couldn’t 
hold his head, nor open his eyes.  Everytime he said he wanted to lie down, 
go home, wants to vomit, etc..  To our great surprise, some somehow I could 
attend the Retreat till the adoration took place at 9 pm.  When the 
adoration started, he stood up and praised the Lord with everyone.  During 
the adoration, as I was fully attending to the “Eucharistic host" and 
praising and worshipping, I saw a “Fire” burning around the "Eucharistic 
host" – for a moment I couldn’t believe my eyes and again I looked to 
confirm and again I could only see the ‘fire’ around the ‘bread’!

With my tears falling down I kept on praising and worshipping the ‘Living 
God Jesus Christ’.  After a second my son asked me “Mummy did you see a 
‘fire’ buring around the ‘Eucharistic host’?  Therefore, I could confirm to 
him I have asked him whether he saw anything.  He said “Mummy I saw a ‘fire’ 
burning around the ‘Eucharistic host’.  I broke off with tears of happiness 
and joy and both of us kept on thanking and praising the Lord.  From that 
time on, my son was freed of all his sufferings he had for the past 12 days. 
  It is not the medicine that cured him but the WORD and the faith on the 
LIVING GOD that cured him.


Mary Mathew Punnoos (Muttathethu)


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2002-02-03 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

THANK YOU once again for your prayers for the RETREAT led by Fr. Thomas 
Mathew in Bahrain.

The Second leg of the Retreat which was in Malayalam was a great success.  
It was a shower of amazing healings for 5 consecutive days from 28th Jan to 
1st Feb. 2001.

So many were miraculously healed from their illness.  I will highlight some 
in this mail:

=>On the first day 2 heart patients were healed and both of them
  testified the healings soon after the service.

=>On the third day 2 childless couples were blessed with children

=>One lady who had bleeding for the past 12 years was healed on the
  fourth day

On the fifth day:
=>7 childless couples were blessed.
=>One lady who had hearing disability was healed during the adoration

So many families received Lord’s grace to lead a peaceful spirit filled 


After accomplishing his mission, Fr. Thomas said:  “God’s glory shown in and 
through us at Sacred Heart church.  I am impressed.  Thanks God”
A satisfied and cheerful (he is always cheerful) Fr. Thomas left Bahrain 
yesterday afternoon with a heart full of good memories.  .

Fr. Felicio Diniz, Vicar of Sacred Heart Church, Bahrain, in his concluding 
speech on the fifth day thanked Fr. Thomas for his hard work during the 15 
days stay and appreciated his simple and humble manner in which he conducted 
his duties. During his stay in Bahrain at the Sacred Heart Church, through 
his counseling and preaching sessions Lord has touched hundreds of people 
which I am sure will bear fruits in the coming days, said Fr. Felicio.

Fr. Thomas praised JOYnetters in many of his preaching sessions and  the 
good work being carried out by the net community  in the field of 
evangelisation.  Hope you will see so many new faces from Bahrain in our 
JOYful net in the near future.

I praise and thank God along with all JOYnetters for making me an instrument 
to bring Fr. Thomas to Bahrain to conduct this Retreat.  I will write about 
this in detail in the coming days.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas
True wisdom begins and ends with God

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[JOYnet] Days of healing in Bahrain

2002-01-26 Thread sebastian thomas

Days of healing in Bahrain

Fr. Thomas Mathew’s retreat in Bahrain (First leg from Jan 21st to Jan 24th 
in English)

Theme: “God is close to me than I thought” covering following topics:
=> Jesus Coming as the Judge and redeemer
=> Consciousness of our sins
=> Reconciliation with God, Self, Family & Community
=> Anointing in the Holy Spirit, Teaching About the holy spirit &
   God experience
=> Hope and Salvation in the Risen Lord, call to the Family, work &

Let me thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your prayers.

We had a spirit filled retreat.  It was a grand success.   So many healings 
took place during the praise & worship session and adoration, both physical 
as well mental.  All Glory and honour to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fr. Thomas took a place in the hearts of the parishners of Sacred Heart 
Church with his “ever smiling face” and sense of  humour.  Eventhough he 
didn’t have much time for counseling, he counseled so many by squeezing his 
busy schedule.

Dear Joynetters, please continue your prayers for the next leg of the 
retreat in Malayalam, which starts from 28th Jan 2002 to 1st Feb 2002.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

True wisdom begins and ends with God

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Re: [JOYnet] Viruses - a suggestion.

2002-01-19 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

I accept Alfred Samji's suggestion in the light of my experience.

Last month, my office computer was infected with some sort of worm (you all 
know this virus).  We open our company e-mails through Outlook express and I 
used to get 50 to 60 e-mails with virus attachments everyday along with 
other regular e-mails.  Until this was sorted out, I used to open our 
company account through the web.

So it is better to avoid using Outlook express.  Always prevention is better 
than cure.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From: "Alfred Samji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Viruses - a suggestion.
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 13:30:29 +0400

Hi. I myself received a message with an attachment which was a virus with
the extension (.scr). We all netters do know and our net co-ordinator had
also informed us earlier that the JOYnet server will not accept or deliver
'attachments' along with emails. So obviously something fishy can be noted
when you see you have received an attachment from JOYnet, even before going
on an executing the attachment.

Secondly all users accessing JOYnet mails through hotmail, yahoo, eudora,
etc will not have problems as these mail gateways are protected and will not
let the user execute the virus file.

So, in short I suggest that those who have internet access to have a hotmail
or yahoo id instead of using Outlook. Outlook is the most virus prone mail
application ever.

This is only a suggestion and can be accepted or discarded, but it will save
a lot of pc problems in the long run.

Regards in Christ,

Samji / Dubai

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2002-01-16 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Its Annual Retreat time for us in Bahrain.

This time we are blessed to have our JOYnet pastor Fr. Thomas Mathew  as our 
Retreat preacher here in Sacred Heart Church.

Fr. Thomas Mathew from California arrived here last night (15th Jan)
He will conduct Retreat in English from 21st Jan 2002 thru 24th Jan 2002 
followed by Retreat in Malayalam from 28th Jan 2002 thru 1st Feb 2002.

I request all JOYnetters to pray in a special way for the success of these 
retreats.  Also, please remember Fr. Thomas Mathew in your personal prayers.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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2002-01-16 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Its Annual Retreat time for us in Bahrain.

This time we are blessed to have our JOYnet pastor Fr. Thomas Mathew  as our 
Retreat preacher here in Sacred Heart Church.

Fr. Thomas Mathew from California arrived here last night (15th Jan)
He will conduct Retreat in English from 21st Jan 2002 thru 24th Jan 2002 
followed by Retreat in Malayalam from 28th Jan 2002 thru 1st Feb 2002.

I request all JOYnetters to pray in a special way for the success of these 
retreats.  Also, please remember Fr. Thomas Mathew in your personal prayers.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

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[JOYnet] Any JY from London or.......

2002-01-11 Thread sebastian thomas

Hi friends

Any JY from London?  If so, please contact me as I need your help.
if any of you have a london JY's e-mail id please send it to me.

Thanks n regards

sebastian thomas

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Re: [JOYnet] Re:what the stars foretell !!!

2002-01-08 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear friends,

Thats a good one from our sister Welchy!

I was also a one time slave of MIDDAY (a tabloid newspaper of Bombay 
metropolis) horoscope during my BOmbay (now Mumbai) days.

Now there is no word "luck" in my dictionary for my JESUS is in and around 
me and HE is my everthing.


With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From: Welchy Fatima Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Re:what the stars foretell !!!
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 01:27:22 -0800 (PST)

I remember those days in college when I bought Midday
just to read my stars for the day
When some once asked me ,y do u  believe in
..I used to say just for fun not knowing this was
Funny thing kept ringing in my mind all the time  &
making me a slave of the same .

I freaked out on Birthstones in  those days too
...Being a gemology student ..I loved playing around
with Gemstones .
I kept my birthday stone with me so that  it could
bring me Good luck  & on my moms  birthday ,I gifted
her a cute pendant with her birth stone engrafted on

(Little did I know at that time that stones don't
really bring good things.)

Once a Hindu Friend  also printed a computerized
horoscope depending on my birth timings etc & i
treasured that too .

Any way, the first thing I did after the retreat was
to dispose away all these so called lucky things .

& Yes today the  CROSS & the Word Of GOD  has replaced
Stars & Stones in my life .

Praise God I dont need these so called Luck
Bearers anymore .I am doing much  better  without them

In Jesus  & His Glorious Cross



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sebastian thomas
God sends trials not to impair us but to improve us.

True wisdom begins and ends with God

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[JOYnet] Christmas

2001-12-24 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters


with best regards

Sebastian, Sherine, Christy & Joel

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[JOYnet] Merry Xmas

2001-12-24 Thread sebastian thomas

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Fwd: [JOYnet] Human Cloning and the ethical problems to share

2001-11-28 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Suru (Suresh) has ignited the fire in the JOYnet with subjects such as Birth 
control, Contraception, etc.  It was indeed a fruitful discussion.

To continue the discussion and to keep the fire on, Fr. Thomas Mathew has 
posted another interesting subject: Human cloning and the ethical problems.  
No doubt, this is going to be another interesting discussion.

Common JOYnetters, let us have another fruitful discussion on this.

Suru, are you listening to me?

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas
True wisdom begins and ends with God

From: "Thomas Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Human Cloning and the ethical problems to share
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 02:49:21 +


Human Cloning and the ethical Ramifications.



“How wonderful it would be to become wise” Gen3.6



Last year, I was in the doctor’s lounge in one of the famous Hospitals in
California and my friends were sharing the possibilities of human
cloning. One of the Doctors said, “Before long we will have technology
and facilities that would promote longer and more productive lives.” in
lieu of the possibilities of human cloning.  The Doctors discussed the
upcoming possibilities of healing many sick people through Genetic
engineering. The doctors talked about how human cells could be attained
from cloned humans. Some Doctors were for the Research where as the
others objected and raised moral issues and some of them looked at me as
though I am the authority on this topic.


At present as I understand from the aborted fetus, scientists harvest
human cells to repair the ill parts of human body. This has developed to
be a  good and promising business too.  (Please correct me if I am
wrong).  I don’t have the technical terms in this field. Anyone who has
the technical language and the right terminology might chip in to help.


As I heard in the News, human cloning is possible now.  A new human
person could be developed. We have the knowledge and the

Technology to clone a human person.  I think it is good to talk about
this most recent form of scientific development that might change our
attitudes, ideas and even perceptions of morality. The stage is open with
the camera, lights and sound on. Share your views and talk about this
topic. This is a young and developing field of science.  It could be
beneficial to talk about the possibilities of doing research staying
within the confines and directives of the Church.  I find it difficult to
kill an embryo, which is a potential human being to assist a fully-grown
human being who is ill. The issue is “Is it lawful ! to kill to
construct?”. If you think other issues are involved, please don’t
hesitate to share them.


Another angle we might look into is the possibility of scientific
research. If we do not allow this research, many people who might
otherwise live for a longer period of time may loose their chances to
live to materialize their dreams. How ethical is the attitude that “It is
Ok for a man to die for the good of the majority?”  I think this new
discussion could be like opening the Pandora’s box, but I feel that this
discussion might benefit us as good people of God.  Besides as Jesus
youth let us share our views and see how we could fit into the tea!
chings of Jesus and the Church mindful that God’s unseen Hands are
guiding and directing every form of research and development.


President Bush and the United States Government are taking steps to halt
the research from cloning a human being. I have listened to Dr. West the
CEO of the Research Center and he said that this research will benefit
many a sick people, especially people with Parkinson’s disease and
similar disabilities for which there is no remedy yet, in the sense, this
scientific break through is for the good of humanity.


The segment of Ethics considers this human cloning as an act of violating
Human Dignity, in the sense we are creating a human being for the purpose
of destroying that life so as to aid an ailing person to live a healthy
life.  I think it is time for a lively discussion on this topic. We have
tossed the Contraceptive measures and family planning issues. We voiced
our views on those pertinent and related topics from the faith
perspective as well and the sharing contributed to a very healthy and
lively discussion, which was both informative and educational.  We talked
in detail about! the gift of life. Now there is another angle at which we
could view the Gift of Life.


The latest news tells us that human cloning is possible. The scientists
were able to clone Human Embryo, as I understood from the News. The new
cell lived. No one knows the parameters of this research and desired
outcome. Is it beneficial to ignore and or to give a cold shoulder to
this scientific research? Is God behind this human clon

[JOYnet] Article from Fr. Thomas Mathew

2001-11-06 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear JOYnetters

Following is an article from Fr. Thomas Mathew currently in Manila, 

sebastian thomas

"All who believe in the Son of Man will have eternal life and I will raise 
them to life again on the Last Day"   John 6.10

In the Philippines the First of November, All Saints Day, is celebrated as 
All Souls day. This has a  cultural  intonation than an ecclesiastical 
dimension. The whole of the Philippine Archipelago celebrates the First of 
November as the day to remember their dead relatives and friends although 
the Church  insists and teaches that the First of  November is All saints 
day. Somehow the Church has cooperated with the traditions and culture of  
the people. (I am trying to refresh my memories as I am in this wonderful 
country the pearl of the Oreint.)

On the 30th of October Sr. Carmela, the Mother General of a Congregation who 
was my former parishioner in Manila, asked me to celebrate Mass at the Tomb 
of her parents. I  remember anointing her mom as her Mother was in critical 
stage. On the 31st eveneing, Sr, Carmela came with a car and  her nephew 
drove us to the cemetery. The traffic in the Philippines, especially in 
Manila is beyond anyone's imagination.  I think there are more cars than the 
capacity of the roads and  the  traffic system  needs to be revamped. It 
seems that no one likes to stop at the red light.


As we reached the Cemetery at Caloocan City, at the suburb of Manila, we had 
to drive through narrow roads where children played  unmindful of the cars , 
jeepeneys( jeepneys are special to the Philipines. They are special jeeps 
and very colorful. The jeepneys are well decorated and this is the common 
man's transportation. The Jeepneys  reminds one of  the colorful Island 
culture of the Philippines. I think the attraction to colors and sound is 
very common among the Islanders. At times, I have to leave some of the 
jeepneys because of sound pollution. The drivers keep the speakers full 
blast and that hurts me so I had to leave two jeepneys even yesterday that 
pligh along Tandang Sora route, in Quezon City.( I love this land and  
culture so the comments I make are in no way intended to downgrade the 
Filipino culture. I am trying to state what I  observe.)

At one point as we were driving to the cemetry, the  driver stopped for a 
couple of minutes as two young girls sat in the midle of the  already 
crowded street, playing in the mud. One has to be mindful that we were in 
one of the poorer and crowded sections.   I  admire the patience of the 
driver. Although many cars, trucks, and tricyles were sounding horns , the 
children were not affected and we waited till the children got off the road 
and then continued the journey. On either side of the street, leading to the 
cemetry there were flower shops, food stalls, candles for sale, and I  
enjoyed watching them as I was away for more than a decade from this culture 
on this particular day.

We reached the gate to the cemetry and the cemetry might be more than  
hundred acres of land. The whole cemetry was filled with tombs. There were 
even people living on top of the  tombs. Some of the squatters found place 
among the dead. I think people are not mindful of the dead anymore. The 
children walked unafraid of the cemetery atmosphere and Mother Carmela 
reflected " I think these children live in this place,because they seem to 
be quite at peace with this place"

We reached the tomb of Motehr Carmela's parents.That was a huge musolium,as 
big as a house even with two comfort rooms (The CR is for the family members 
who visit the tomb.) There was a care taker for this tomb. The inside of the 
musolium was clean and  well lit.
There was an altar too.  We were suposed to start the celebraton of the Holy 
Mass at 6.30 PM but  we were the only people from that family at that time.  
Mother Carmela recieved a text message in her cell phone. ( The Filipino 
peole like to send text messages than to speak  through the cell phone.  To 
send a text mesage costs only One dollar per transmission) The messsage read 
that the rest of the family is on their way. We waited. One of her sisters 
and her husband who is  medical doctor appeared at 8.30 P.M. The rest of the 
family came by 9.45 P.M and we started the Mass  near the tomb. The passers 
by paused for a while and mentioend " They have a priest' which meant that 
the others were not able to get a priest to go with them to their relatives 

In that huge cemetry there are rich and poor and the poor  are burried in 
the ground and the rich have even  air conditioned tombs.  There is a 
Chinese cemetry nearer to the one we were in and  some of the tombs look 
like mansions and most of them are Air Conditioned too. I dont say that the 
tombs are air conditioned rather the musolium  is Air Conditioned.

By the time we finished the Holy Mass, it was late an

[JOYnet] Tithing & offering

2001-07-29 Thread sebastian thomas

It is more blessed to give than to receive

Dear friends,

Following is a  short story from the last week's Daily Bread which is worth 
reading in conjuction with our ongoing discussion on tithing and offering.


A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in 
the stream.  The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the 
wise woman opened her bag to share her food.  The hungry traveler saw the 
pervious stone and asked the woman to give it
to him.  She did so without hesitation.  The traveler left, rejoicing in his 
good fortune.

He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime.  But 
a few hours later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman.  "I've 
been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable the stone
is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more 
precious.  Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the 

Love n prayers

sebastian thomas
Arabian Gulf

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[JOYnet] A touching incident

2001-07-15 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear Joynetters.

The Daily Bread of 12th July 2001 is a touchig one.  Its a bit long but 
please do read.

This incident reminds us not to give up an opportunity to
share the good news.

With prayerful regards
Sebastian Thomas

July 12, 2001

Acts 26:28 "Then Agrippa said to Paul, 'Do you think that in such a short
time you can persuade me to be a Christian?'"

-A (personal) BREAD-
Hey Pops,

How's life in PA?  All's well down here in KY.  Have been working my tail
off this summer.  A few churches asked me to lead worship for their youth
camp and so I did.  Sometimes the pay is good, other times it is not all
that great.  What do I care, I do my service unto the Lord and for His 
glory! :)
At any rate, I am still doing internet web page design to get me through
school... however starting August, I change jobs.  I will be officially the
Youth intern at Valley View Baptist Church.  I'm so excited about that.  I
really feel God defining my call to be a youth and collegiate evangelist.
I also want to continue the music thing, but school has taken so much of my
time that I don't practice near as much as I should.  Overall though, life 
grand.  Live and learn.  Was just thinking about you and thought I'd drop a
note.  Better consider yourself lucky, I don't ever write anybody 

...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Dear Subscribers:  We had a different bread planned for today.  In fact, I
normally don't even write the breads.  Knox & Mandy do and I maintain all 
technical stuff.  Today's bread was letter I wrote my unsaved grandfather 
a few days ago on July 7th.  I planned to finish it the next day and send it
out.  He would have probably received it the Monday or Tuesday of this week.
I was real excited about writing him; I normally don't write him often.  I
am usually so busy, I don't write anyone postal mail anymore.  In fact, I
hadn't even talked to him in at least six months or so.  He didn't have
e-mail either.  My grandfather is probably the most hateful, dishonest, 
man I have ever met.  I recall times when he would deliberately embarass me
in front of my female friends using vulgur and indecent racy language, 
he knew I was a Christian--as were they.  At 16 he taught me how to steal by
demonstrating it at Wal-Mart.  He knew I was a Christian the whole time.  I
talked to my mom tonight.  She told me Pops said that he loved her only two
Once in 1993, and once back a few months ago.  He has softened up a little.  
do mean, a little.  Boy.  This letter I wrote though... just excited me.  I
couldn't wait to tell him all about what God had been doing in my life.  
we've had times in the past when "God" was brought up.  He was always 
about the things I did.  Once, he randomly came to visit my mom in Tennessee
and also to see me lead worship for about 1,500 youth.  He sat in the back 
watched.  Afterwards at dinner, he was so amazed at me.  He asked me if I 
paid to do what I did.  I told him no... I just loved serving the Lord.  He
about fell out of his seat.  He then shook my hand and told me good job.
It was the only positive comment to date I ever remember him telling me.  In
his hand-shake was a $100 bill.  I was floored.  Obviously, so was he.  So,
I purposely desired to write this letter to him, putting "Christ" all over 
I wanted him to see how much I loved God and what God had been doing in my 
I wanted my letter to testify to the greatness of God and witness to him.
Unfortunately... I never sent the letter.  As you see, it's unfinished.  I
to finish it, but my day was so busy... had so many things to do.  In fact, 
still saved on my harddrive as HeyPops.doc.  -  9:05pm, phone rang.  It 
my mom.  She could barely speak over the tears.  My first two words before 
said anything, "What happened?" I asked fearfully.  "Pop-pop died."  If you 
knew my initial thoughts as my mother wept telling me that.  My heart 
oh no... I thought.  Oh God no.  My mother wept and wept... she could barely
sentences and kept repeating... please tell me he made peace with God, Josh.
I didn't know what to say.  I didn't know what to think.  Immediate guilt 
into my soul.  It is my fault.  It is all my fault.  I had a chance.  Nobody
"spiritual" things with Robert Winn bu

[JOYnet] For Meaningful debates

2001-06-16 Thread sebastian thomas

Dear Joynetters,

First of all, let me thank Joseph Lonth for this mail.
I wholeheartedly support the suggestions of Joseph and request everyone to 
follow his suggestions for the good of the JOYnet.

Oflate, I am sick and tired of reading some mails the contents of which are 
totally against the kind of sharing which JOYnet is meant for.

We are not here to judge anyone.
We are here to share our Christ experience
We are here to share our love

Let us share our thoughts in HIS NAME and to HIS GLORY

Let us be disciplined disciples of JESUS CHRIST.

With parayerful regards

Sebastian Thomas
Arabian Gulf

From: Joseph Lonth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Meaningless debates for what?
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 02:33:04 -0700

Dear Friends,
Although we in the JOYnet boast about 300+ membership, less a dozen read
all the messages that are generated and a handful indulge meaningless
debates, claiming to know many things more than anybody else.
First of all, as some friends have suggested, before anyone starts a topic
for discussion let him or her sit down and pray. Let us hear the voice of
God and then, and only then, start the discussion.
Secondly, think for at least a day whether such a discussion will foster
anybody's faith, build up the Church of Christ or Christian friendship.
Thirdly, write properly with capital/lower case, punctuations, correct
spelling, grammar etc so that those reading the item get the message 
This is how one cultivates oneself and fosters discipline.
Just shoot some crap, hurt a few readers and then say sorry is not a
Charismatic, Jesus Youth or Christian tradition. What is the difference
between such a person and a street fighter?
If the topic/item is interesting even minor mistakes are tolerable. For
example, I enjoy the series by Priya Joy on 9th batch - final gathering.
Please be discreet and respectful to others so that you may be respected.
Sorry for the forthrightness, but I felt it is necessary.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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sebastian thomas
Arabian Gulf

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