[jQuery] Re: thickbox + more jquery issue

2008-05-08 Thread boermans

If thickbox provides a callback function you should define the
rollover behaviour within that. This will ensure the element/s to
receive the events are present in the page when the events are

Or try attaching your rollover event with this plugin:


On May 9, 11:22 am, mike ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Basically, all I am trying to do inside the thickbox popup is have a
> rollover image. I cannot get jquery to work inside the thickbox, not
> even the alert('test') function.
> Should this normally be working or do I need to rebind the DOM or
> something kooky like that?

[jQuery] New object based on existing / Or understanding $.extend

2008-05-08 Thread boermans

Stretching my grasp of JavaScript here...

Please view source of this for context:

$.fn.test = function() {

// Creating what I thought was a new object
var dupe = $.extend({},$.fn.test.orig);

// Adding item to array in my 'new' object

// Success

// but... I didn’t intend to add the list item to my original

return this;
$.fn.test.orig = {
list : []

I have created an object based on another object. (At least I thought
I did...)
When I attempt to manipulate my new object I discover the original
object has also been changed.
Therefore I presume my new object is actually a reference to the

If not $.extend, how would I add the empty 'list' array (in reality a
bunch of properties) to my 'dupe' as a new separate object that can be
manipulated independent of the original?

[jQuery] [jQuery][ANN] jQuery.batch 1.0

2008-05-08 Thread Brandon Aaron
jQuery.batch is a small extension (951 bytes min'd, 520 bytes gzipped) to
jQuery that allows you to batch the results of any jQuery method, plugin
into an array. By default the batch plugin aliases the getter methods in
jQuery by adding an 's' to the end (attrs, offsets, vals ...). You can also
just call $(...).batch('methodName', arg1, arg*n).

Download: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/batch
Blog post: http://blog.brandonaaron.net/2008/05/08/jquery-batch/

Brandon Aaron

[jQuery] Re: requesting and sending JSON in a ruby on rails app

2008-05-08 Thread Adam Greene

hey Max,
Mike has a good point.  Many of us in Rails land use jquery.

While I'm using Rails 2.0.2, I started working with jquery back in
1.0.x.  Back then you had to explicitly ask jquery to send json
the rails respond_to block expects the content-type and expects
headers to be set to work.  I know things have changed since then and
all the work around logic I built in is no longer needed, but I
haven't spent the time figuring out what is cruft or what is still

here are some things to look for:
* put a breakpoint (or at least a print statement...oh, did I just say
that? ;) into the various sections of your respond to block... and see
what rails is rendering.
* in rails land, format.json and format.js in your respond_to block
are not exactly the same thing.  I would recommend keeping json calls
defined as json in jquery (see below) and all other ajax calls as js.
* when you call your ajax, make sure you specify 'json' as the
dataType.  In an older version of jquery this didn't do the trick for
rails..and this is where i"m not sure if they fixed it or not.  BUT,
if that doesn't work, try adding a 'beforeSend' function in your
jquery ajax call that does something like this:

function(dataType) {
   // we want to update the logout timer becaue the user just made an
if ( dataType == 'script' || dataType == 'json' ){
   return function(xhr){
  xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript, text/
html,application/xml, text/xml, */*");
if ( dataType == 'xml' ) {
   return function(xhr){
  xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml,
text/html, text/javascript */*");

on a rails note (and this is a personal observation!), but your
respond_to block could probably be simplified (and you have a bug when
processing errored xml with json... the @json object will be blank
when it hits that else statement, so calling #errors on it will throw
an exception, returning a 500)

@json = property.self_and_children_to_json
respond_to do |format|
  format.json{ render :json => @json}
  format.html{ render :nothing => true, :status =>
unprocessable_entity }

good luck!

Adam Greene
SweetSpot.dm -- Diabetes Wellness for the Family

On May 7, 9:32 am, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, very good, Max, you're a step ahead of me on the debugging.
> Since you've narrowed it down to a Rails issue, would it make more sense to
> ask on a Rails list? Don't get me wrong, there are a number of Rails experts
> here who would probably be happy to help, it's just that you might get more
> focused assistance that way.
> -Mike
> > From: Max Williams (Brighton)
> > Hi Mike, thanks for your advice.  In answer:
> > 1) The JSON is valid (it was generated using rails .to_json
> > method and that site you recommended says it's valid)
> > 2) I'm pretty sure a JSON download will work with JS/jQuery,
> > because the async treeview example uses a php script to
> > return some json - see
> >http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/async.html, look
> > at the 'server component used' to see the php in question.
> > 3) See 2.
> > I'm confident that the json/jquery side of things is all
> > cool.  My problem is purely rails-specific:  how do i ask a
> > rails controller for a specific chunk of json, and how do i
> > send it back?  Or, in other words, how do i manage in rails
> > what the example uses a php script for?
> > thanks again
> > On May 7, 4:57 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > It sounds like you're trying to debug three things at once:
> > > * Can I generate valid JSON from myRailsapp?
> > > * Can I get a JSON download to work with JavaScript and jQuery?
> > > * Can I getasyncJSON to work withtreeview?
> > > I would simplfy the debugging problem by separating those three
> > > questions and tackling them one at a time. That will make it a lot
> > > easier to track down the problem.
> > > For example, you can test the first one all by itself by generating
> > > your JSON data and simply copying and pasting it
> > > intowww.jsonlint.comtosee if it accepts it. That way you
> > don't even
> > > have to think about JavaScript at all; you are simply
> > debugging yourRailsapp.
> > > Once you know you have good JSON data, you can test
> > question #2 with a
> > > simple test case that just downloads the JSON data with jQuery and
> > > displays it (even with just a console.log call).
> > > Finally, with all that working, you can tackle thetreeviewquestion.
> > > -Mike
> > > > From: Max Williams (Brighton)
> > > > Hi - first of all this is a plugin-specific question
> > (abouttreeview)
> > > > - i sent it to the plugin discussion page but it seems
> > pretty dead
> > > > (no posts for over a year), so i'm sending it here as well.  If
> > > > anyone could help me o

[jQuery] Re: MM_preloadImages

2008-05-08 Thread Ariel Flesler


Ariel Flesler

> You're not using jQuery 
> ?
> Cherry
> On May 9, 12:34 am, all4one <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My images are loading too slow. I have 5. They are less that 50k each.
> > Can I preload the first image and then load 2-5?
> > CODE:
> > function loadBanner()
> > {
> > bC = bannerCount();
> > if (bC > 0)
> > {
> > sponsor = getCookie("bannerIndex", bC, 1);
> > var banner = "\'banner" + sponsor + "\'";
> > var numberBar = "\'numberBar" + sponsor + "\'";
> > max = bC;
> > MM_preloadImages();
> > setTimeout('MM_effectAppearFade(' + banner + ', 1000, 0, 100, false)',
> > 1000);
> > document.getElementById('banner' + sponsor).style.display='block';
> > if (document.getElementById('numberBar' + sponsor) != null)
> > {
> > setTimeout('document.getElementById("numberBar" +
> > sponsor).style.display="block"',1);
> > setTimeout('document.getElementById("numberBar").style.display="block"',
> > 1);
> > alertTimerId = setInterval('swapBanner2();',cycleTime);
> > }
> > }
> > }- Ocultar texto de la cita -
> - Mostrar texto de la cita -

[jQuery] thickbox + more jquery issue

2008-05-08 Thread mike ray

I am using thickbox in a web site. I am having trouble getting jquery
to work inside of the thickbox that is displayed.

Basically, all I am trying to do inside the thickbox popup is have a
rollover image. I cannot get jquery to work inside the thickbox, not
even the alert('test') function.

Should this normally be working or do I need to rebind the DOM or
something kooky like that?

[jQuery] Re: Best way to do Lightbox-like modal windows?

2008-05-08 Thread Adam Greene

another favorite of mine is:

though the Jquery UI stuff is looking pretty darn good!!

Adam Greene
SweetSpot.dm -- Diabetes Wellness for the Family

On May 8, 2:37 am, Kyrre Nygård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Err.. where's the message I just posted? Wizzud, did I sent it
> directly to you instead?
> On May 8, 2:24 am, Wizzud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There's Shadowbox too (http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox/).
> > On May 8, 12:06 am, Adwin  Wijaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I use JQuery UI Dialog ...easy and elegant :)
> > > enough for simple to complex dialog box.
> > > for displaying error/warning/info I use jqalert() as replacement of
> > > alert box by browser.
> > > On May 8, 4:36 am, Kyrre Nygård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hello!
> > > > What's the best way to do a Lightbox-like modal windows? jqModal?
> > > > Facebox? Thickbox? There are so many options out there, so many of
> > > > them look so bloated and really getting confused. Maybe you guys with
> > > > experience and all could show me the right way? I'm looking for the
> > > > simplest, most elegant alternative where I can do stuff like
> > > > newsletter signups, logins, etc.
> > > > Much obliged,
> > > > Kyrre

[jQuery] Re: "$(document).ready(function() {" giving error "$ is not a function" - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-08 Thread Byron

You are using jQuery.noConflict() which unbinds the jquery object from
the $ namespace so jQuery('a') still works on your site just $('a')
does not
from a cursory glace i cant see any reason for using the noConflict
function, remove that and your code will work.

> Test page here -http://www.justice.net.nz/static.html
> Jquery is definitely being loaded - I'm currently pulling it from
> jquery.com, and Firebug is showing that it has loaded.
> Any ideas? This is my first attempt at jquery and I'm falling at the
> first hurdle :<

[jQuery] Re: "$(document).ready(function() {" giving error "$ is not a function" - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-08 Thread Ryura

cherry austin - good idea, but not quite :)

You've declared jQuery.noConflict(); . This reverts $ back to its
previous value, in this case undefined. Either remove
jQuery.noConflict() or replace $(document).read(function(){}); with

> Test page here -http://www.justice.net.nz/static.html
> Jquery is definitely being loaded - I'm currently pulling it from
> jquery.com, and Firebug is showing that it has loaded.
> Any ideas? This is my first attempt at jquery and I'm falling at the
> first hurdle :<

[jQuery] old tablesorter works, new one doesn't

2008-05-08 Thread lamp5matt

I inherited an app with a lot of tablesorter implementations, but
wanted the zebra functionality -- alternating css-styled rows -- so i

Now I'm getting
Error: $("#writer-table").tableSorter is not a function

If I revert to the jquery.tablesorter.js file that I inherited (not
sure what version, but at least 6 mos. old), it works but no zebra

[jQuery] Re: "$(document).ready(function() {" giving error "$ is not a function" - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-08 Thread Richard D. Worth
Line 135:


This turns off the $ alias in case you're using jQuery with another library
that wants it. Simply use jQuery in place of each $. Or, if you don't need
it, remove the noConflict call.

- Richard

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

> Test page here - http://www.justice.net.nz/static.html
> Jquery is definitely being loaded - I'm currently pulling it from
> jquery.com, and Firebug is showing that it has loaded.
> Any ideas? This is my first attempt at jquery and I'm falling at the
> first hurdle :<

[jQuery] Re: Expression/Selector question...

2008-05-08 Thread Wizzud

In the docs, where 'expr' as stated as being either a 'string' or an
'expression' it means that it is a selector expression, ie. a string
that would be acceptable as a selector in $("selector").
In all the examples you have given - filter, find, parent, etc - the
expected argument is a selector expression (and possibly a function
but that's beside the point).
The exception you found for find() is simply the code being kind(?) to
you. Running find(DOMelement) could be considered a waste of time
because you're trying to find() something you already have. So the
code actually doesn't do a find() at all, it simply returns (in a
jQuery object) the element you supplied, regardless of whether or not
that element was actually within the context of the initial jQuery
var b = $('body');
$('ul li').find(b[0]) == b;

(This may be considered strange behaviour, seeing as 'body' is well
outside the context of 'ul li', but then this is actually a misuse of
find() and so shouldn't be particularly surprising.)

There is nothing strange about not() and filter(). They both accept a
selector expression; however, not() will *also* accept an element, or
array thereof, whereas filter() won't (but will accept a function
Knocking a known element out of a set using not(DOMelement) is
reasonable; reducing a set to a known element using filter(DOMelement)
is not - the result is part of query!

On May 8, 3:21 pm, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Karl,
> >Yeah, it's also strange that while this doesn't work:
> > $("body > ul > li").filter($li[0]);
> >this does:
> >$("body > ul > li").not($li[0]);
> >I'm a little lost by your parents example, though. Not sure exactly
> >what you're trying to get (esp. since you don't show where you've
> >declared $el and $parent.
> Let's say you have:
> Parent 1
> Child 1
> What I want to do is see if "Child 1" has "Parent 1" somewhere in it's
> parent path. I don't really care if "Child 1" would be a child of a child of
> a child, just that at some point "Parent 1" was actually in the parent path.
> So, I would expect to be able to do:
> var $p = $("#1");
> $("#2").parents($p);
> Well this does work:
> $("#2").parents("#1");
> It doesn't work for me, since the actually "expression" I need to check
> against a jQuery object that can't be reliable queried through a pure
> CSS-style selector.
> >couldn't you do something like
> >$el.parent() ?
> >or $el.parent('.someclass') ?
> >or $el.parents('.someclass:first') ?
> >(just using class in the parents filter because not sure what you're
> >after).
> As I stated, using a CSS expression doesn't work for me because I'm actually
> checking to see if another jQuery object is somewhere in the parent's tree.
> -Dan

[jQuery] Re: "$(document).ready(function() {" giving error "$ is not a function" - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Kent. I'm a beginner myself, so I'm replying to you in the hope
that one of this group's more-experienced gurus will pick up!

It looks to me like you've bunged jQuery in the middle of a bunch of
other javascript (some of which was actually meant to work with
jQuery; it won't do too well outside your "document.ready" function).

The jQuery call is equivalent to .onload in that it begins when the
DOM has fully loaded. You probably already read this:

Why not try putting all of your javascript calls INSIDE the jQuery
function, and see what happens? And hope somebody better-qualified
than me replies to your post ;)


> Test page here -http://www.justice.net.nz/static.html
> Jquery is definitely being loaded - I'm currently pulling it from
> jquery.com, and Firebug is showing that it has loaded.
> Any ideas? This is my first attempt at jquery and I'm falling at the
> first hurdle :<

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread Michael Geary

With markup as invalid as that, it's no surprise that elements are not where
you expect them in to be in the DOM. A FORM element can't be sandwiched in
between a TABLE and TR like that. So the browser tries to turn this into
something it can work with. It may shuffle things around, or just put up
with the "incorrect" structure, or whatever. And yeah, it may be different
from one browser to another.

But I think you mentioned that you're stuck with working with the HTML as it
is, so lucky you, you get to deal with the aftermath. :-(


> ok, i'm not sure if this is the easiest way, however, this is 
> how I got the form action in the following HTML:
>cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
>border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="100%">
>Method="Post" Action="phoenix.zhtml?c=69181&p=IROL-
> irhome&t=SwitchQuote" >
>SELECTED="">opt 1
>   opt 2
> I used:
> var formAction = $
> (elm).parents('table:first').children("form:first").attr("action");
> For some reason, it misses the form object on the way back 
> using "parents" so i move forward after hitting the FORM's 
> parent to get the form.  Not sure if this is browser 
> specific, but definitely a headache. (and the terrible HTML 
> syntax doesn't help either)

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - modified Richard Willis

2008-05-08 Thread Joel Birch

Thanks Drew, sorry I overlooked that issue. Here's another hack to
solve that one. Add the following line inside your document ready
block, after the Superfish initialisation code:

$('ul.superfish li li').hideSuperfishUl();

That will close the last level of submenu. Sorry for another hacky
solution - I'll consider working on something more permanent. Good

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: MM_preloadImages

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You're not using jQuery 

On May 9, 12:34 am, all4one <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My images are loading too slow. I have 5. They are less that 50k each.
> Can I preload the first image and then load 2-5?
> function loadBanner()
> {
> bC = bannerCount();
> if (bC > 0)
> {
> sponsor = getCookie("bannerIndex", bC, 1);
> var banner = "\'banner" + sponsor + "\'";
> var numberBar = "\'numberBar" + sponsor + "\'";
> max = bC;
> MM_preloadImages();
> setTimeout('MM_effectAppearFade(' + banner + ', 1000, 0, 100, false)',
> 1000);
> document.getElementById('banner' + sponsor).style.display='block';
> if (document.getElementById('numberBar' + sponsor) != null)
> {
> setTimeout('document.getElementById("numberBar" +
> sponsor).style.display="block"',1);
> setTimeout('document.getElementById("numberBar").style.display="block"',
> 1);
> alertTimerId = setInterval('swapBanner2();',cycleTime);
> }
> }
> }

[jQuery] Re: List slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, Panman! Welcome.

It would help if you posted a link to your work page.

Without seeing your actual code, it looks like you have every second-
child  sliding up & down with every mouseover, which would kind of
explain the problem ;)

To make life easy you could use the jQuery UI Accordion plugin; see
http://ui.jquery.com/ and 

Alternatively, use an each or an iteration or a class/id to allow
jQuery select the item you want expanded.

Panman wrote:
> Hi, new to jQuery and very impressed. I already have a CSS menu that
> shows/hides a list menu. However, I'd like to add more "dynamics" and
> have the sub menus slide down and back up. So using the below code,
> I've got it to slide down and up, but repeatedly. It seems like it
> wants to keep sliding for each  and even multiple times per hover.
> Seems like it should be easy... Any ideas?
> $('#Main_Nav ul li').mouseover(function() {
> $(this).children('ul').slideDown('normal');
> }).mouseout(function() {
> $(this).children('ul').slideUp('normal');
> }).end();
> Here is a link to the type of CSS menu I have:
> http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/menus/demo.html
> However, I only have two levels of lists. Ex:
>   abc
>   abc
>   abc
>   abc
>   abc

[jQuery] jqGrid Metadata

2008-05-08 Thread Sanjiv

Hi All,

Is there a ready made solution for using jqGrid by querying column
metadata from the server. I want to create a generic grid where the
colModel and colNames are not fixed and are be created dynamically by
querying the server.


[jQuery] How to trigger my modal window after 30 seconds?

2008-05-08 Thread Kyrre Nygård

Please excuse me, I'm a bit new to all of this. I'm trying to use
jqModal for my Lightbox-like newsletter signup. Right now it's being
triggered by a link. Instead, how do I trigger it after 30 seconds? It
would also be cool if I could make it not bother the same user more
than once... maybe a cookie or something?

Here's what I have so far, example 2 from http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal/


$().ready(function() {
  $('#ex2').jqm({ajax: 'examples/2.html', trigger: 'a.ex2trigger'});



Please wait... 


Much obliged,

[jQuery] "$(document).ready(function() {" giving error "$ is not a function" - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Test page here - http://www.justice.net.nz/static.html

Jquery is definitely being loaded - I'm currently pulling it from
jquery.com, and Firebug is showing that it has loaded.

Any ideas? This is my first attempt at jquery and I'm falling at the
first hurdle :<

[jQuery] MM_preloadImages

2008-05-08 Thread all4one

My images are loading too slow. I have 5. They are less that 50k each.
Can I preload the first image and then load 2-5?

function loadBanner()
bC = bannerCount();
if (bC > 0)
sponsor = getCookie("bannerIndex", bC, 1);
var banner = "\'banner" + sponsor + "\'";
var numberBar = "\'numberBar" + sponsor + "\'";
max = bC;
setTimeout('MM_effectAppearFade(' + banner + ', 1000, 0, 100, false)',
document.getElementById('banner' + sponsor).style.display='block';
if (document.getElementById('numberBar' + sponsor) != null)
setTimeout('document.getElementById("numberBar" +
alertTimerId = setInterval('swapBanner2();',cycleTime);

[jQuery] Re: Static List - Move Item Up or Down

2008-05-08 Thread all4one

On May 8, 3:37 pm, all4one <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Contributors have moved items in the order they wish to display on the
> page but the page displays the items in random order.
> I have four columns of content: Parent, Description, Image, and
> Title... the order should be based on the Title.  What am I missing?



[jQuery] Re: BlockUI displayBox() thickbox alternative?

2008-05-08 Thread Mike Alsup

> On Apr 30, 5:03 am, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can still use blockUI in that way even though the displayBox
>> function has been removed in the 2.x line.
> Is there an easy way to close the box by clicking outside of it --
> like how it worked in the old displayBox?

This should work:

$.blockUI({ message: 'Just a moment' });
title: 'Click to Close'

[jQuery] Re: BlockUI displayBox() thickbox alternative?

2008-05-08 Thread Nathaniel Whiteinge

On Apr 30, 5:03 am, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can still use blockUI in that way even though the displayBox
> function has been removed in the 2.x line.

Is there an easy way to close the box by clicking outside of it --
like how it worked in the old displayBox?

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread Josh Nathanson

Could you possibly just give your form an id attribute?  Then onchange you 
could just return $("#myformid").attr("action") and not have to mess with 
any traversing.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: "briandichiara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "jQuery (English)" 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 1:58 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

Ok, I tried this:

$(elm).parents().map(function () {

but the FORM never shows up. Reason is because the source looks like

opt 1
opt 2

I won't be able to alter the source, for it is nothing i have much
control over. So, how would i get the ACTION from the FORM above on
the SELECT menu's ONCHANGE event using jQuery?

On May 8, 2:30 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
onchange inline like so:

var formAction = null;

$("select[name=some_name]").change(function() {
formAction = $(this).parent().attr("action");


This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
change event of the select.

-- Josh

- Original Message -
From: "briandichiara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jQuery (English)" 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using "this"

> I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
> the onchange event on a select, like so:


> I can't figure out how to use "this" + a selector with jQuery,

> I've tried

> function changeAction(elm){
>var formAction = elm.$(":parent form").attr("action");
> }

> I really have no clue how to do effectively use "this" + a selector. 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery AJAX IE Error

2008-05-08 Thread Wil Everts
Instead of:

  var status = $("status", dataSet).text();

Try this:

  var status = $(dataSet).find('status').text();

Hope that helps.

Wil Everts

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

ok, i'm not sure if this is the easiest way, however, this is how I
got the form action in the following HTML:

opt 1

opt 2

I used:

var formAction = $

For some reason, it misses the form object on the way back using
"parents" so i move forward after hitting the FORM's parent to get the
form.  Not sure if this is browser specific, but definitely a
headache. (and the terrible HTML syntax doesn't help either)


On May 8, 4:20 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't know why my reply's aren't showing up, but:
> > What if the first parent is not a form (like it could be a
> > label or div)? and also, I would like to avoid using the
> > "name=something" just because the name could change without
> > me knowing it.
> Assuming you have a DOM element in 'this', you can get its parent form with:
> $(this).parents('form:first')
> Since forms can't be nested, you don't actually need the :first part, but
> it's a good habit to get into if you use this technique for other element
> types that can be nested.
> BTW, nesting a select element inside a label element only works in some
> browsers (IIRC, it doesn't work in IE). Use the for="id" attribute in your
> label for cross-browser compatibility.
> -Mike

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

Ok, I tried this:

$(elm).parents().map(function () {

but the FORM never shows up. Reason is because the source looks like

opt 1

opt 2

I won't be able to alter the source, for it is nothing i have much
control over. So, how would i get the ACTION from the FORM above on
the SELECT menu's ONCHANGE event using jQuery?

On May 8, 2:30 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
> onchange inline like so:
> var formAction = null;
> $("select[name=some_name]").change(function() {
> formAction = $(this).parent().attr("action");
> });
> This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
> change event of the select.
> -- Josh
> - Original Message -
> From: "briandichiara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "jQuery (English)" 
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
> Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using "this"
> > I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
> > the onchange event on a select, like so:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I can't figure out how to use "this" + a selector with jQuery,
> > I've tried
> > function changeAction(elm){
> >var formAction = elm.$(":parent form").attr("action");
> > }
> > I really have no clue how to do effectively use "this" + a selector.

[jQuery] Re: simplemodal and datepicker

2008-05-08 Thread surfast

I am having similar issues using thickbox. I can get the datepicker to
show as long as I am using TB_inline but can not get it to work with
an ajax call to thickbox?

On Mar 12, 5:13 pm, MikeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hm, I took a look at the example generously supplied by Eric Martin,
> but was unable to get mine working...
> // #
> function AddGalleryPromo_Modal() {
> $('#add_promo_schedule_box').modal({
> onShow: function() {
> $('#date_picker').datepicker();
> }
> });
> }
> That function is called when a link is clicked... the modal box shows
> up great as it should.. and I click the text field
> (id="date_picker").. and it slides/fades in as it should, but then
> vanishes. i see it in firebug, it's behind the actual modal box.
> Any idea what could be wrong? Thanks!
> On Mar 8, 7:38 am, Eric Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I updated all of 
> the JS files and moved the datepicker initialization
> > into the SimpleModal onShow callback, and now it works w/o any 
> > errors:http://ericmmartin.com/code/datepicker/
> > On Mar 7, 7:36 am, 4e4en <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > in your example, if you one time open modal box, then open datepicker,
> > > close s-modal, and one more open s-modal, then you either get an error
> > > or datepicker moves to (0, 0) point.
> > > On Jan 31, 3:52 am, Eric Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Thanks for the example Marc. To answer the OP's question, I added an
> > > > example usingSimpleModal:
> > > >http://ericmmartin.com/code/datepicker/
> > > > -Eric
> > > > On Jan 30, 12:43 pm, 1Marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I've had a lot of questions about modal windows and UI Datepicker, so
> > > > > I created a demo example using thickbox:
> > > > >http://marcgrabanski.com/code/ui-datepicker/extras/thickbox-datepicker
> > > > > I hope that helps.
> > > > > On Jan 30, 10:55 am, Eric Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jan 30, 6:13 am, rayfidelity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > > > I want to enable datepicker in the modal window that
> > > > > > > opens...datepicker works fine for itself but i cannot get it to 
> > > > > > > work
> > > > > > > in modal. Any ideas?
> > > > > > Can you clarify what you mean by "cannot get it to work in modal"?
> > > > > > > Modal window is loaded through ajax...
> > > > > > Do you have a page or code that we/I can view?
> > > > > > -Eric

[jQuery] Static List - Move Item Up or Down

2008-05-08 Thread all4one

Contributors have moved items in the order they wish to display on the
page but the page displays the items in random order.

I have four columns of content: Parent, Description, Image, and
Title... the order should be based on the Title.  What am I missing?


[jQuery] Re: Error $.ajax on IE

2008-05-08 Thread mrpollo

hello, what type of object dados is?
make sure its defined first, also does the #busca Element is rendered
when you receive the success callback?

On May 8, 9:54 am, mmoreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi People!
> This my code, sorry my stupid english! rs..
> $.ajax({
> contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
> url: "cad_produto.do.php",
> type: "post",
> data: dados,
> success: function(msg) {
> $('#busca').html(msg);
> }
> });
> I don't understand because it does not work in IE. In Firefox works
> normally.
> The error is reported: "Object Required" on the line that does not
> exist.

[jQuery] Re: Howto assign $(this) to variable

2008-05-08 Thread mrpollo

actually you are not cloning your element, you are just making a
pointer of the element in this line

foo = $(this);

so its not the same element, its just a pointer comparing with an
actual element DOM object

you can see it live in action in this site if you have firebug

run your code

var foo = false;

jQuery('div div div div div div div div div').each(function() {

foo = jQuery(this);

// debugging in firebug
console.log(jQuery(this), foo);
console.log(jQuery(this) == foo);


if you get div's out of the initial selector you are going to get more
results but i think with those its just fine for now
in the firebug console check the results and get your mouse over the
elements that the trace did, you are going to see that one of them
actually gets highlighted in the rendered web page and the other
doesn't, but if you do click on them you are getting for sure the same
result, so you may want to look to another way around the problem you
were trying to solve with your solution
unless im really wrong, and if i am please guys correct my path

On May 8, 12:58 pm, Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm pretty new to jQuery, and I have stumbled across a weird problem.
> It may just be me fooling around, anyway here goes...
> var foo = false;
> $('div span').each(function() {
> foo = $(this);
> // debugging in firebug
> console.log($(this), foo);
> console.log($(this) == foo);
> });
> You should, at least I am, think it's the same element, although it
> returns false! I cannot figure out why.

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread Michael Geary

> I don't know why my reply's aren't showing up, but:
> What if the first parent is not a form (like it could be a 
> label or div)? and also, I would like to avoid using the 
> "name=something" just because the name could change without 
> me knowing it.

Assuming you have a DOM element in 'this', you can get its parent form with:


Since forms can't be nested, you don't actually need the :first part, but
it's a good habit to get into if you use this technique for other element
types that can be nested.

BTW, nesting a select element inside a label element only works in some
browsers (IIRC, it doesn't work in IE). Use the for="id" attribute in your
label for cross-browser compatibility.


[jQuery] Re: Any plugin like this one, double select boxes ???

2008-05-08 Thread Jason Huck

Yes, here's one I wrote recently:



On May 8, 3:28 pm, Vivek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> i am looking for an functionality in jquery. some thing like this
> one.
> Sometimes we see two big text boxes with values, one on the left side
> other one is on the right side and there is two arrow buttons ( faced
> towards left and right ) in the center of both of them with the help
> of those (buttons) we can move the values from one text box to other.
> Is there any plugin for such kind of functionality in Jquery ?
> Please let me know.
> Thanks !!

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

I don't know why my reply's aren't showing up, but:

What if the first parent is not a form (like it could be a label or
div)? and also, I would like to avoid using the "name=something" just
because the name could change without me knowing it.

Thanks for the help.

On May 8, 2:30 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
> onchange inline like so:
> var formAction = null;
> $("select[name=some_name]").change(function() {
> formAction = $(this).parent().attr("action");
> });
> This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
> change event of the select.
> -- Josh
> - Original Message -
> From: "briandichiara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "jQuery (English)" 
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
> Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using "this"
> > I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
> > the onchange event on a select, like so:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I can't figure out how to use "this" + a selector with jQuery,
> > I've tried
> > function changeAction(elm){
> >var formAction = elm.$(":parent form").attr("action");
> > }
> > I really have no clue how to do effectively use "this" + a selector.

[jQuery] List slideDown/Up Menu

2008-05-08 Thread Panman

Hi, new to jQuery and very impressed. I already have a CSS menu that
shows/hides a list menu. However, I'd like to add more "dynamics" and
have the sub menus slide down and back up. So using the below code,
I've got it to slide down and up, but repeatedly. It seems like it
wants to keep sliding for each  and even multiple times per hover.
Seems like it should be easy... Any ideas?

$('#Main_Nav ul li').mouseover(function() {
}).mouseout(function() {

Here is a link to the type of CSS menu I have:

However, I only have two levels of lists. Ex:




[jQuery] Howto assign $(this) to variable

2008-05-08 Thread Jong


I'm pretty new to jQuery, and I have stumbled across a weird problem.
It may just be me fooling around, anyway here goes...

var foo = false;

$('div span').each(function() {

foo = $(this);

// debugging in firebug
console.log($(this), foo);
console.log($(this) == foo);


You should, at least I am, think it's the same element, although it
returns false! I cannot figure out why.

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

Also, i'd rather not "commit" anything i.e. using "name=blah" in case
the name gets changed. without me knowing.

On May 8, 2:30 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
> onchange inline like so:
> var formAction = null;
> $("select[name=some_name]").change(function() {
> formAction = $(this).parent().attr("action");
> });
> This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
> change event of the select.
> -- Josh
> - Original Message -
> From: "briandichiara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "jQuery (English)" 
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
> Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using "this"
> > I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
> > the onchange event on a select, like so:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I can't figure out how to use "this" + a selector with jQuery,
> > I've tried
> > function changeAction(elm){
> >var formAction = elm.$(":parent form").attr("action");
> > }
> > I really have no clue how to do effectively use "this" + a selector.

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

what if the parent element is not a form. like:

On May 8, 2:30 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your
> onchange inline like so:
> var formAction = null;
> $("select[name=some_name]").change(function() {
> formAction = $(this).parent().attr("action");
> });
> This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the
> change event of the select.
> -- Josh
> - Original Message -
> From: "briandichiara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "jQuery (English)" 
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
> Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using "this"
> > I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
> > the onchange event on a select, like so:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I can't figure out how to use "this" + a selector with jQuery,
> > I've tried
> > function changeAction(elm){
> >var formAction = elm.$(":parent form").attr("action");
> > }
> > I really have no clue how to do effectively use "this" + a selector.

[jQuery] Any plugin like this one, double select boxes ???

2008-05-08 Thread Vivek

Hi Guys,

i am looking for an functionality in jquery. some thing like this

Sometimes we see two big text boxes with values, one on the left side
other one is on the right side and there is two arrow buttons ( faced
towards left and right ) in the center of both of them with the help
of those (buttons) we can move the values from one text box to other.

Is there any plugin for such kind of functionality in Jquery ?

Please let me know.

Thanks !!

[jQuery] Re: The $(xxx).load(url,param,callback) may have a bug

2008-05-08 Thread Ariel Flesler


Ariel Flesler

On 8 mayo, 09:40, kaneg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can see the example below, do you know what will be alerted?
>     http://code.jquery.com/
> nightlies/jquery-nightly.js">
>         function callback(args)
>         {
>             alert(typeof args)
>         }
>         function f1()
>         {
>             $('#parent').load('jq.html', null, callback)
>         }
> Go
> In jquery's source:
> line 2451:               self.each( callback, [res.responseText,
> status, res] );
> I found the callback function should have a array argument which
> includes three elements, but when the callback function is called, it
> can only get the first element of the array.
> After some test, I found where the problem is :
> in line 740:   if ( callback.apply( object[ i ], args ) === false )
> the usage callback.apply has problem,  if I change  "callback.apply"
> to "callback.call", it can work correctly, though I don't know what
> the real reason is.
> Is it a bug?
> Anyone can explain?

[jQuery] Re: [validate] Jquery validation plugin and FCKeditor

2008-05-08 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

FCKeditor most likely provides a method to update the underlying
textarea. One approach would be to update the textarea on keyup, then
the validation plugin can handle the actual validation.


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:38 PM, cdawg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello,
>  I am trying to validate an FCKeditor textarea with the validation
>  plugin. FCKeditor apparently holds it's input in memory until the form
>  is submitted.
>  Is there a way to do an onkeyup validation of this input before the
>  form is submitted?
>  Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread Josh Nathanson

jQuery is even easier than that.  You can remove the need to put your 
onchange inline like so:

var formAction = null;

$("select[name=some_name]").change(function() {
   formAction = $(this).parent().attr("action");

This binds the anonymous function to set the variable formAction, to the 
change event of the select.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: "briandichiara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "jQuery (English)" 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Getting Parent Element using "this"

I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
the onchange event on a select, like so:

I can't figure out how to use "this" + a selector with jQuery,

I've tried

function changeAction(elm){
   var formAction = elm.$(":parent form").attr("action");

I really have no clue how to do effectively use "this" + a selector. 

[jQuery] Getting Parent Element using "this"

2008-05-08 Thread briandichiara

I have a page where I need to get a parent forms action after firing
the onchange event on a select, like so:

I can't figure out how to use "this" + a selector with jQuery,

I've tried

function changeAction(elm){
var formAction = elm.$(":parent form").attr("action");

I really have no clue how to do effectively use "this" + a selector.

[jQuery] Re: unbinding, livequery or other way to cancel an ajax retrieved form or remove form from DOM?

2008-05-08 Thread pedalpete

sorry, correction to my code posted above.
the cancel funciton has to have unbind() or it submits the form
anyway, but even with the unbind, it then submits the form twice the
next time the form is called.
 cancel function above should read

View profile
 More options May 8, 11:53 am
From: pedalpete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 11:53:31 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Thurs, May 8 2008 11:53 am
Subject: unbinding, livequery or other way to cancel an ajax retrieved
form or remove form from DOM?
Reply | Reply to author | Forward | Print | Individual message | Show
original | Remove | Report this message | Find messages by this author
Hi All,

I'm building a site with lots of ajax retrieved forms, and have
finally realized why I'm seeing tons of errors (I think).

On the site, if you select an input which gets an ajax form, I add a
'cancel' button to the form which will hide the form if the user
decides not to take that action.

However, if the user then decides to go back and fill out that form
later, when they submit the form, it submits twice once without any
parameters, but that may be of no consequence if it only submits for
the form the user intends to submit.

wherever I retrieve the form initially, i use .livequery so the dom is
always up to date.

$(".addReq").livequery('click', function(event) {
var id = this.id;
var formID = "#addReqForm"
type: "POST",
url: "processes/addRequests.php",
data: id,
success: function(response){

the 'cancelForm' function looks like this

function cancelForm(formID){
$(".cancel").click( function(){

On May 8, 11:53 am, pedalpete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm building a site with lots of ajax retrieved forms, and have
> finally realized why I'm seeing tons of errors (I think).
> On the site, if you select an input which gets an ajax form, I add a
> 'cancel' button to the form which will hide the form if the user
> decides not to take that action.
> However, if the user then decides to go back and fill out that form
> later, when they submit the form, it submits twice once without any
> parameters, but that may be of no consequence if it only submits for
> the form the user intends to submit.
> wherever I retrieve the form initially, i use .livequery so the dom is
> always up to date.
> [code]
> $(".addReq").livequery('click', function(event) {
> var id = this.id;
> var formID = "#addReqForm"
> $(formID).fadeIn("slow").html(loading);
> $.ajax({
> type: "POST",
> url: "processes/addRequests.php",
> data: id,
> success: function(response){
> $(formID).html(response);
> cancelForm(formID);
> addReqSubmit();
> }
> });
> });
> [/code]
> the 'cancelForm' function looks like this
> [code]
> function cancelForm(formID){
> $(formID).append(' value="cancel">');
> $(".cancel").click( function(){
> $(formID).fadeOut("slow");
> });
> };
> [/code]
> I have tried attaching the following actions to the cancel.click
> action
> 1) .livequery
> 2) $(this)unbind()
> 3) $(this).children().remove()
> 4) return false;
> but so far no luck. Anybody have a simple way to remove a form from a
> page which actually results in it's complete removal?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-08 Thread Josh Nathanson

It would be cool if said something like:


...in Courier typeface...and then had the jQuery logo on it.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Branski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "jQuery (English)" 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:36 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

Agreed! A darker blue with white text would look good (design

On May 8, 10:32 am, "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE offer colors other than just black!!

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

Behalf Of John Resig
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:24 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

There's one in the works right now - we're sending it to the producer and
will have a store to go along with it. We'll definitely make an 

when it's ready.


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09 AM, CVertex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>  I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com
> tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they were
> selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.

>  I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were around?

>  What would you put on your jQuery T?

>  $(body)

>  -CV 

[jQuery] unbinding, livequery or other way to cancel an ajax retrieved form or remove form from DOM?

2008-05-08 Thread pedalpete

Hi All,

I'm building a site with lots of ajax retrieved forms, and have
finally realized why I'm seeing tons of errors (I think).

On the site, if you select an input which gets an ajax form, I add a
'cancel' button to the form which will hide the form if the user
decides not to take that action.

However, if the user then decides to go back and fill out that form
later, when they submit the form, it submits twice once without any
parameters, but that may be of no consequence if it only submits for
the form the user intends to submit.

wherever I retrieve the form initially, i use .livequery so the dom is
always up to date.

$(".addReq").livequery('click', function(event) {
var id = this.id;
var formID = "#addReqForm"
type: "POST",
url: "processes/addRequests.php",
data: id,
success: function(response){

the 'cancelForm' function looks like this

function cancelForm(formID){
$(".cancel").click( function(){

I have tried attaching the following actions to the cancel.click
1) .livequery
2) $(this)unbind()
3) $(this).children().remove()
4) return false;

but so far no luck. Anybody have a simple way to remove a form from a
page which actually results in it's complete removal?

[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin inside Tabbed Menu?

2008-05-08 Thread Mike Alsup

> Hitting a big wall here. I have the Cycle plugin working and have it
> now added into a tabbed menu as the default value for the loading tab
> content, using this tabbed menu script: 
> http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/ajaxtabscontent/
> My problem is, on load the Cycle plugin works fine, but when I click
> tab 2, load some content via ajax and return to tab 1 by clicking it,
> my cycle content turns off and it just lists all the images out, no
> more fading-slideshow of the images. Anyone have any ideas how to get
> the Cycle plugin to keep going or turn back on this sort of change of
> action? It seems like this flipping to a new tab and then back to
> cycle tab resets the js or whatnot.
> Any ideas much appreciated!

That tab script works with a single display area.  When it initializes
it captures the original content HTML as a string.  When you switch
tabs the content of the display area is replaced with that of the new
tab.  When you tab back, the original content is regenerated.  This
kills cycle because it is now cycling elements that are no longer in
the DOM.

Have you considered using the jQuery Tabs Plugin?



[jQuery] Cycle plugin inside Tabbed Menu?

2008-05-08 Thread YWFTDG

Hey guys,
Hitting a big wall here. I have the Cycle plugin working and have it
now added into a tabbed menu as the default value for the loading tab
content, using this tabbed menu script: 

My problem is, on load the Cycle plugin works fine, but when I click
tab 2, load some content via ajax and return to tab 1 by clicking it,
my cycle content turns off and it just lists all the images out, no
more fading-slideshow of the images. Anyone have any ideas how to get
the Cycle plugin to keep going or turn back on this sort of change of
action? It seems like this flipping to a new tab and then back to
cycle tab resets the js or whatnot.

Any ideas much appreciated!

[jQuery] [validate] Jquery validation plugin and FCKeditor

2008-05-08 Thread cdawg


I am trying to validate an FCKeditor textarea with the validation
plugin. FCKeditor apparently holds it's input in memory until the form
is submitted.

Is there a way to do an onkeyup validation of this input before the
form is submitted?

Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-08 Thread Mike Branski

Agreed! A darker blue with white text would look good (design

On May 8, 10:32 am, "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE offer colors other than just black!!
> -Original Message-
> From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of John Resig
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:24 AM
> To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt
> There's one in the works right now - we're sending it to the producer and
> will have a store to go along with it. We'll definitely make an announcement
> when it's ready.
> --John
> On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09 AM, CVertex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com
> > tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they were
> > selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.
> >  I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were around?
> >  What would you put on your jQuery T?
> >  $(body)
> >  -CV

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - modified Richard Willis

2008-05-08 Thread Drew

Hi Joel,

Thanks a lot for taking the time to look into this.  Your solution
does stop the dropdowns from staying open, which was a problem, so
that's great.

Perhaps I didn't state the biggest problem clearly though...if you
actually click on a link from a dropdown, (for example, go to the
About Us page) that particular dropdown will be open when the page

I assume this is because the class "active" is assigned to that

Is there anything that can be done about this?

Thanks again.

On May 8, 12:17 am, "Joel Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the 'if' is removed from the out function, the menu almost works
> perfectly. The only downside is that the current second tier menu is
> 'refreshed' when you mouseout rather than simply staying revealed. It
> disappears then animates back in as if it is being restored as it
> would if you moused out from a sibling non-current second tier menu.
> It may be an acceptable workaround for you though and it is far better
> than your current problem. Change the 'out' function to this:
> out = function(){
> var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$);
> var o = getOpts(menu,true);
> clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer);
> menu.sfTimer=setTimeout(function(){
> $$.hideSuperfishUl();
> if (o.$path.length){over.call(o.$path);}
> },o.delay);
> },
> All I did there is remove the "if" statement. It's a hack, but until
> Superfish officially supports using pathClass with three tiered menus,
> this may have to suffice. I did try a few things to try and get a
> perfect result but it eluded me and I don't have as much time to spend
> on this as I used to unfortunately. I hope this workaround helps you
> out.
> Joel Birch.

[jQuery] JQuery Form Plugin returns nothing in Opera

2008-05-08 Thread Kosarev Denis

  Hello, Mike!

  You saved my day! :)
  This version worked perfectly for me!
  Thanks for the fast reply!

Thursday, May 8, 2008, 8:05:19 PM, you wrote:

>> I've got a form that uploads a file. It's an AJAX form, initialized by the
>> following code:
>> $(document).ready(
>> function()
>> {
>>  $('#filer').ajaxForm(
>>  {
>>  target: '#vars',
>>  beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) { alert('sending'); },
>>  success: function(responseText, statusText) { alert(responseText); }
>>  });
>> });
>>  an the form is:
>> > enctype='multipart/form-data'>
>>  The problem: responseText is empty in Opera after submit. It is filled by
>> the correct response of catcher.php in IE, FF and Safari. The contents of
>> catcher.php means nothing - I tested it with only an 'ok' in that file -
>> Opera shows noting, the other browsers show 'ok'.
>>  I am using the lates stable versions of all browsers and latest jquery.js +
>> jquery.form.js.
>> What could that be?

MA> Thanks for reporting this.  It seems to be a regression (or at least a
MA> timing change) in the Opera 9.2.x line.  If I use Opera v9.1
MA> everything works fine, but the 9.2+ fails.  Can you try this version
MA> of the form plugin to see if it works for you?

MA> http://malsup.com/jquery/form/jquery.form.2.09.js

MA> Mike

Denis Kosarev, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[jQuery] Trac macro for clueTip?

2008-05-08 Thread Scott Bussinger

Since it looks like the jQuery developers use Trac for their project
tracking, I was wondering if anyone had produced a Trac macro for

I like the look of clueTip tooltips and would love to use them in my
own Trac wiki pages. Trac already uses jQuery so hopefully this
wouldn't be too hard. Has anyone already done the work on putting
together a Trac macro?

Thanks for any leads!

[jQuery] Error $.ajax on IE

2008-05-08 Thread mmoreira

Hi People!

This my code, sorry my stupid english! rs..

contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
url: "cad_produto.do.php",
type: "post",
data: dados,
success: function(msg) {

I don't understand because it does not work in IE. In Firefox works
The error is reported: "Object Required" on the line that does not

[jQuery] Re: Accessing an iframe after fileupload

2008-05-08 Thread Mike Alsup
2008/5/8 Ben Rooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am having the devil's own business trying to access the contents of an 
> iframe which is used as a target for a file upload.
> In a php file called AJAXaddFile.php, I have the form etc - as you can see it 
> handles the return itself:
>  enctype="multipart/form-data" target="form_iframe">
>  style="background-color:#2C5E9B; color:#FF;" />
> Then outside the form is the actual iframe itself:
>  class="loader" style="display:none">
> Blank.html is exactly that – just an empty page with no mark up at all.
> The fileupload works just fine, but what I want to do refresh the screen once 
> the file has been uploaded. My plan had been to grab the contents of the 
> iFrame and then using a $().html function dynamically refresh the screen 
> showing the newly uploaded file.
> Playing around with CSS off I can see the iFrame contains the returned data 
> with the recently uploaded file as the top of the list which is exactly what 
> I want. But try as I might I can't seem to access that wretched iFrame 
> through jQuery.
> The jQuery is hanging off a submit function:
> $('#AJAXaddFile').submit(function() {
> }
> I have tried all manner of ways of getting hold of that content. If I do 
> $('#form_iframe').html()  after the .submit call I simply get the contents of 
> blank.html back again. I tried doing an Ajax call using .get on the original 
> file as part of the submit callback, but it seems to access the data *before* 
> the upload has taken place, not after the sumbit has happened. If I try and 
> grab the iframe outside of the .submit call then obviously it doesn't contain 
> the data.
> What I  am trying to do is to grab the data once the server has returned the 
> data (I tried a .ready on the iFrame but it picks it up before the php script 
> has fired).
> Alas I can't point to this in real life as it is on a development server 
> which is not visible.
> I suspect that is as clear as mud – but if anyone can pick their way through 
> this and has any pointers ... I would be s appreciative.
> Many many thanks
> Ben

You need to add an onload handler to listen for when the iframe has
loaded the response content.  You can then access the content via DOM
traversal.  There are a number of interesting x-browser issues however
that make this less than straight-forward, including one I just fixed
today for Opera 9.2x.  I would recommend at least looking over the
form plugin code to see how it manages this task.  In particular, look
at the fileUpload and cb functions.



[jQuery] Accessing an iframe after fileupload

2008-05-08 Thread Ben Rooney

I am having the devil’s own business trying to access the contents of an iframe 
which is used as a target for a file upload.

In a php file called AJAXaddFile.php, I have the form etc - as you can see it 
handles the return itself:

Then outside the form is the actual iframe itself:

Blank.html is exactly that – just an empty page with no mark up at all.

The fileupload works just fine, but what I want to do refresh the screen once 
the file has been uploaded. My plan had been to grab the contents of the iFrame 
and then using a $().html function dynamically refresh the screen showing the 
newly uploaded file.  

Playing around with CSS off I can see the iFrame contains the returned data 
with the recently uploaded file as the top of the list which is exactly what I 
want. But try as I might I can’t seem to access that wretched iFrame through 

The jQuery is hanging off a submit function:
$('#AJAXaddFile').submit(function() {

I have tried all manner of ways of getting hold of that content. If I do 
$('#form_iframe').html()  after the .submit call I simply get the contents of 
blank.html back again. I tried doing an Ajax call using .get on the original 
file as part of the submit callback, but it seems to access the data *before* 
the upload has taken place, not after the sumbit has happened. If I try and 
grab the iframe outside of the .submit call then obviously it doesn't contain 
the data. 
What I  am trying to do is to grab the data once the server has returned the 
data (I tried a .ready on the iFrame but it picks it up before the php script 
has fired).

Alas I can't point to this in real life as it is on a development server which 
is not visible.

I suspect that is as clear as mud – but if anyone can pick their way through 
this and has any pointers ... I would be s appreciative.

Many many thanks

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.10/1421 - Release Date: 07/05/2008 

[jQuery] Re: SELECTOR MADNESS! How To Grab Lowest Child Node's Text?!

2008-05-08 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Darren,

I just remembered that I wrote a plugin a few months ago for someone  
else who was trying to work with text nodes. Maybe it will help?


There is an interactive demo here:


Karl Swedberg

On May 8, 2008, at 9:52 AM, Ariel Flesler wrote:

You can't do $('*').filter('[nodeType=3]') because text nodes aren't
included when finding.
This is only valid when using .contents() but that only gathers the
childNodes, so you still need to recurse.

In conclusion, jQuery doesn't save you much work, you'll probably have
as many lines of code as a non-jQuery approach, and using jQuery will
surely hit on perfomance.

Ariel Flesler

On 8 mayo, 03:39, darren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hey joe, it looks like testing node types may help with your problem.
Google node types and you'll find that DOM text nodes are type 3,
element nodes are type 1 etc etc. You could do something using the
selector expression [nodeType=3] to determine if the current node you
have selected is a text node.

On May 7, 4:22 pm, Ariel Flesler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey, made a 10 min class to do this. It doesn't use jQuery at all,  

it will work as fast as possible.
You only need to specify the translating function.

Made a blog post to detail its use.


I never used Google translator, but it probably requires AJAX, so  

attention to the 'sync' part.


Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

On 7 mayo, 16:22, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks, but I tried your plugin and it did not work.  There is no  
for say clicking a button and converting the page; the  
bookmarklet is
cool, but doesn't really help when I can't get the plugin to  
work.  I

emailed you so hopefully I'll hear back...

I did actually re-create your plugin, but didn't author it or add  
bells and whistles, just translating an entire page and/or  




On May 7, 1:39 pm, Balazs Endresz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi! I replied in the previous thread but it hasn't appeared in  
groups, just here:http://www.nabble.com/Selector-Madness!--How-to-Select-all-the-Text-o 

So there is a translate plugin that works this way:


On May 5, 9:32 pm, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Last week I had a question on how to traverse the DOM and find  
all elements that had some text (p, a, li, h1, etc.) so I could  

it with Google's translation API.  Well with some help from the
community I was able to accomplish this feat.


However, I have a bigger problem.  Now, when I grab  

$a = $(' #container > * ').contents();

And parse thru them tofindwhich ones have text, it does just that
BUT if an unordered list is within a div and that UL has text  
it will

show up not only with the UL, but within the DIV as well.

{ ... translate stuff here ..});

So in iteration one, wefindthe DIV, and then locate any  

in the DIV.  Quite a bit for the header navigation.

Example Result for Div:

Then the next iteration is the UL, and it finds its text, which  

basically the same as the DIV's text result.

Example Result for UL:

Then the next iteration is the LI element, which has the proper  


The next iteration is the A element which is finally the text I
actually want to translate.

Example Result for LI and A:

So myquestionis how can Itraversedown and grab thelastchild on
that particular "branch" of theDOM.  Surely there's a way to  
check if

current node has or does not have a child, but how with jQuery?


BTW, Ariel Fleisler's recommendation from the previous post  
appears to
be the best approach, but my pure Javascript mixing with jQuery  
are not quite up to snuff to hash that out...- Ocultar texto de  
la cita -

- Mostrar texto de la cita -- Ocultar texto de la cita -

- Mostrar texto de la cita -

[jQuery] Re: [tooltip] Help creating tooltips for several objects

2008-05-08 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Try to put "var" in front of your variables to avoid declaring and
overwriting global variables.


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Kusanagi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello.
>  I have a problem with the tooltip plugin.
>  I have several dynamicaly created images, with different id's and
>  classes; the same goes for DIVs that i will use to fill the contents
>  for the tooltip, here's the code (i'm using PHP):
>  echo '';
>  echo '  class="txtInput">'.$filterData['help'].'';
>  the problem comes when i try to set different tooltips for each img,
>  here's te js code:
>  $(document).ready(function(){
> $('img.tooltip').each(function(){
> id = this.id.split('-');
> helpId = 'help_'+id[1];
> helpHtml = $('#'+helpId).html();
> $(this).tooltip({
>   track: true,
>   delay: 0,
>   showURL: false,
>   opacity: 0.85,
>  bodyHandler: function(){return(helpHtml);}
> });
> });
>  });
>  What i get as a result is putting the last div's html for every img,
>  instead of actually attaching that div's html to the corresponding
>  img.
>  I hope you guys understand.
>  Thanks in advance

[jQuery] [tooltip] Help creating tooltips for several objects

2008-05-08 Thread Kusanagi


I have a problem with the tooltip plugin.

I have several dynamicaly created images, with different id's and
classes; the same goes for DIVs that i will use to fill the contents
for the tooltip, here's the code (i'm using PHP):

echo '';
echo ''.$filterData['help'].'';

the problem comes when i try to set different tooltips for each img,
here's te js code:

id = this.id.split('-');
helpId = 'help_'+id[1];
helpHtml = $('#'+helpId).html();
  track: true,
  delay: 0,
  showURL: false,
  opacity: 0.85,
 bodyHandler: function(){return(helpHtml);}

What i get as a result is putting the last div's html for every img,
instead of actually attaching that div's html to the corresponding

I hope you guys understand.

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Innerfade Crashing Safari 2.0.4

2008-05-08 Thread jqNoob


I'm having a problem with the innerfade plug-in crashing Safari 2.0.4.
It's working fine in all newer browsers with this one exception. As
luck would have it, my client is using this version of Safari. In
addition to innerfade, I'm using the Perciformes drop down plug-in. I
tried running innerfade on it's own and it still crashed the browser.
I'd greatly appreciate any input.


[jQuery] Re: TableSorter + Filtering + Ajax

2008-05-08 Thread matt

Here is an example of Ingrid doing what you are looking for.

tablesorter does not have the ajax/pagination bits.  Your pretty much
rolling your own.

On May 7, 1:25 am, Adwin  Wijaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Uhmm ...  flexigrid looks more difficult to master that tablesorter :)
> btw, can tablesorter sort using ajax and pagination. I have 1000 data
> and I dont want to throw all the data to user. so i use pagination,
> separated into 10 records per page ... but I dont have any idea how to
> override the sort function, because when the sort clicked, I want to
> call my ajax function and doing sort from database.
> On May 7, 3:13 am, patrick davey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Kevin,
> > That looks like a really excellent plugin - might have to give it a
> > try.  The one thing it doesn't do that I need it to - is *filtering*.
> > That is, say I am returning rows and one of the columns is a city -
> > and there may be multiple rows with the same city data.  I want to be
> > able to choose 'Dublin' and then only have rows which have dublin as a
> > city returned.
> > And then... I want to be able to continue sorting and paging through
> > my ajax'd data!  Fun eh ;)  When I get something working I'll try to
> > post it up somewhere... as long as I can make it readable etc!
> > Thanks,
> > Patrick
> > On May 6, 9:47 pm, Kevin Kietel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Try Flexigrid!
> > >http://webplicity.net/flexigrid/
> > > This jQuery plugin is a Lightweight but rich data grid with resizable
> > > columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to
> > > connect to an json/xml based data source using Ajax to load the
> > > content.
> > > If you need any help implementing it, just contact me or take a look
> > > at the Flexigrid discussion on CodeIgniter 
> > > forums:http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/75326/
> > > There are several examples that you can use.
> > > Let me know if this is what you're looking for!
> > > Bye,
> > > Kevin
> > > On May 6, 2:18 am, patrick davey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I am using thetablesorterpluginghttp://tablesorter.com/andit
> > > > works fine for smallish tables.  However, I need to page through large
> > > > result sets (and filter them) - so I am going to use AJAX to
> > > > repopulate the table once the options have been selected.
> > > > Now, if through filtering / whetever - less than 100 rows are
> > > > returned, then I wanttablesorterto just sort the table (without
> > > > having to make an AJAX call)
> > > > To do this I want to edit thetablesorterplugin to call a function
> > > > which returns true/false depending on how many records there are to
> > > > sort.
> > > > So my question (there is one!) is how do I do that withtablesorter.
> > > > I have tried using 'sortStart' and returning false but no joy.  I can
> > > > edit the source of course - but if there is a simple way I'd love to
> > > > know it.
> > > > Better still, does anyone have an example of doing filtering&sorting&
> > > > paging of large datasets using  JSON/AJAX and Jquery? :)
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Patrick

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Form Plugin returns nothing in Opera

2008-05-08 Thread Mike Alsup

> I've got a form that uploads a file. It's an AJAX form, initialized by the
> following code:
> $(document).ready(
> function()
> {
>  $('#filer').ajaxForm(
>  {
>  target: '#vars',
>  beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) { alert('sending'); },
>  success: function(responseText, statusText) { alert(responseText); }
>  });
> });
>  an the form is:
>  enctype='multipart/form-data'>
>  The problem: responseText is empty in Opera after submit. It is filled by
> the correct response of catcher.php in IE, FF and Safari. The contents of
> catcher.php means nothing - I tested it with only an 'ok' in that file -
> Opera shows noting, the other browsers show 'ok'.
>  I am using the lates stable versions of all browsers and latest jquery.js +
> jquery.form.js.
> What could that be?

Thanks for reporting this.  It seems to be a regression (or at least a
timing change) in the Opera 9.2.x line.  If I use Opera v9.1
everything works fine, but the 9.2+ fails.  Can you try this version
of the form plugin to see if it works for you?



[jQuery] Re: beginner selector question

2008-05-08 Thread bobh

thanks mike. my hover area is about 400x300px in size so accidental
show/hides shouldn't be an issue. but I'll keep the hoverintent plugin
in the back of my head shoud it ever become one.

On 8 mei, 17:23, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sure, use $('p',this) where you have $(this.'p').
> Once you get it working, though, you may find yourself in a situation where
> paragraphs get hidden and shown rather unexpectedly. Suppose you have one of
> your paragraphs expanded and you now move the mouse over the next heading
> below that. What order will things happen in now? It may happen that the
> original paragraph gets collapsed first, which means the mouse may now be
> over a *different* heading than the one it was over after you moved it.
> Which one will be expanded? Maybe the one you want, maybe not.
> You may want to try the hoverintent plugin to help avoid this. I'm not
> saying it's a silver bullet, but it may do better than the raw hover method.
> -Mike

[jQuery] [treeview] Href/click-parameters on asynchronous treeview

2008-05-08 Thread Jyrki Pulliainen

Hi there,

I'm working on an application to a client that uses Asynchronous
treeview. However, at the moment, if I want to create a link with
onclick functionality, I need to pass html inside the JSON sent to the
treeview js.

I'm thinking of making modifications to the treeview plugin so that it
accepts two more options: href and click. The "href" is used as the
href attribute of the link and the function specified in "click" is
assigned via the JQuery binding mechanism.

If there already is a mechanism, let me know. Otherwise I'd be happy
to contribute the changes I'm going to do to the treeview if this kind
of behaviour fits in to it!

[jQuery] remove() works differently in 1.5b4, at least for UI Dialogs

2008-05-08 Thread snobo

I stumbled upon a tricky situation. In my app, I use UI Dialogs based
on my 's. When a dialog is created, it takes the  out of
the HTML context where it was originally located, moves before the
closing  tag and wraps it with all these dialog divs, buttons
etc. But when my AJAX calls replace body content with a new HTML, the
problem occurs that now I have TWO identical forms in the DOM: one
that was just returned with AJAX call, and another one that remains in
this "ghost" dialog stuck in the end of the body. This makes a mess
and also leads to creating duplicated dialogs...

So, before creating a dialog, I previously had to check for existence
of those "ghost" dialogs:

if ($('.ui-dialog '+pid).length) $('.ui-dialog '+pid).parents('.ui-

where pid is the id of my  that the dialog is made of.

Now, after upgrading to 1.5b4, it turned out that remove() works
differently! It doesn't remove the $('.ui-dialog '+pid).parents('.ui-
dialog'), which is a main dialog div, from DOM! Instead, it kinda
destroys the dialog, stripping all its divs and buttons, and leaving
my original  "hanging in the air", still stuck in the end of the

Maybe it's because UI Dialogs have their own remove() method and it
"replaces" general jQuery remove-from-DOM method?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-08 Thread Andy Matthews

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE offer colors other than just black!! 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of John Resig
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:24 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

There's one in the works right now - we're sending it to the producer and
will have a store to go along with it. We'll definitely make an announcement
when it's ready.


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09 AM, CVertex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com  
> tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they were  
> selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.
>  I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were around?
>  What would you put on your jQuery T?
>  $(body)
>  -CV

[jQuery] Re: error with $(this).val(value) in IE 6.x

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haven't tested it - but did you try it with your forward slashes

On May 8, 2:44 pm, code_berzerker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> anybody any clue?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery TShirt

2008-05-08 Thread John Resig

There's one in the works right now - we're sending it to the producer
and will have a store to go along with it. We'll definitely make an
announcement when it's ready.


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:09 AM, CVertex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com
>  tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they were
>  selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.
>  I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were around?
>  What would you put on your jQuery T?
>  $(body)
>  -CV

[jQuery] Re: beginner selector question

2008-05-08 Thread Michael Geary

Sure, use $('p',this) where you have $(this.'p').

Once you get it working, though, you may find yourself in a situation where
paragraphs get hidden and shown rather unexpectedly. Suppose you have one of
your paragraphs expanded and you now move the mouse over the next heading
below that. What order will things happen in now? It may happen that the
original paragraph gets collapsed first, which means the mouse may now be
over a *different* heading than the one it was over after you moved it.
Which one will be expanded? Maybe the one you want, maybe not.

You may want to try the hoverintent plugin to help avoid this. I'm not
saying it's a silver bullet, but it may do better than the raw hover method.


> I'm wondering if there is such a thing as:
> $("div").hover(
>   function(){
>   $(this."p").show();
>   },
>   function(){
>   $(this."p").hide();
>   }
> );
> I know the above code is useless because of the use of "this" 
> but I wonder if there's a selector that does this?
> the objective would be to show/hide the paragraph inside the 
> div which is being hovered
> ...

[jQuery] Re: beginner selector question

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, you can go $( this ).children( 'p' ).hover( function () { ...

On May 8, 3:28 pm, bobh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello,
> I'm wondering if there is such a thing as:
> $("div").hover(
> function(){
> $(this."p").show();
> },
> function(){
> $(this."p").hide();
> }
> );
> I know the above code is useless because of the use of "this" but I
> wonder if there's a selector that does this?
> the objective would be to show/hide the paragraph inside the div which
> is being hovered
> ...
> thank you

[jQuery] Re: ajax textStatus documented?

2008-05-08 Thread Mike Alsup


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 9:32 AM, deer421 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is ajax textStatus documented anywhere? I am looking for a list of
> textStatus values.

[jQuery] Re: beginner question on show/hide and reusing functions

2008-05-08 Thread illtron

Thank you! That's *exactly* the sort of thing I had in mind, and
*exactly* how I thought it might work (I just didn't know exactly how
to do it myself). Great commenting too; it'll really help me learn!

On May 8, 5:24 am, Wizzud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something like this?...
> $(document).ready(function() {
>   var sp = $('.searchpanel').hide() //hide boxes initially
>     , so = $('#searchoptions')
>     , anim = false //prevents fast clicking of second option
>     ;
>   // shows all
>   $('a.showall', sp).click(function() {
>     anim = true;
>     //hide the visible search box...
>     sp.filter(':visible').hide();
>     //show the options...
>     so.show('slow', function(){ anim = false; });
>     return false;
>   });
>  // show and hide
>   $('a', so).click(function() {
>     if(!anim){ //only act on the first option clicked...
>       anim = true;
>       //get the target from the clicked option's href...
>       var t = $('#'+this.href.split('#')[1]);
>       //hide the options...
>       so.hide('slow', function(){ //when options are hidden...
>           //...show the target searchbox...
>           t.show('slow', function(){ anim = false; });
>         });
>     }
>     return false;
>   });
> });
> On May 8, 1:52 am, illtron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm new to (writing anything myself with) jQuery, so bear with me if
> > this is a boneheaded question.
> > I'm trying to build a box that starts with six options, then if you
> > click one of them, that content fades out, and is replaced with the
> > content for that option. (You're given a different search box for each
> > one).
> > This is the code I have to show and hide. It sort-of works. It's
> > certainly not optimal.  In the actual code I have five more of that
> > second function, each one specific to the div that is revealed. I know
> > there has got to be a way to reuse the code.
> > Based on the HTML below, can you help me optimize the jQuery code so I
> > don't have to repeat things six times?
> > Also, what I have here does work, but it's hella choppy in IE. Is
> > there a better way to fade out and then fade in?
> > 
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> >  // hides the boxes before the page loads
> >   $('.searchpanel').hide();
> >  // show and hide
> >   $('a.show').click(function() {
> >     $('#searchoptions').hide('slow');
> >     $('#musicsearch').show('slow');
> >     return false;
> >   });
> > //
> > // And five more just like the one above
> > //
> > // shows all
> >   $('a.showall').click(function() {
> >     $('#searchoptions').show('slow');
> >         $('.searchpanel').hide();
> >     return false;
> >   });
> > });
> > 
> > Here's the HTML I'm working with.
> >         
> >                 
> >                         What are you looking for?
> >                         
> >                                  > class="showmusic">Music > a>
> >                                  > class="showevents">Events > a>
> >                                  > class="showfood">Restaurants
> >                                  > class="showbars">Bars & Clubs > span>
> >                                  > class="showhotels">Places to
> > stay
> >                                  > class="showrec">Attractions
> > & recreation
> >                         
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                         Search for Music
> >                         form goes here
> >                         « 
> > Start Over
> >                 
> > -- and five more just like the one above -
> >                 
> >         

[jQuery] Tabs 3 Ajax issue

2008-05-08 Thread HelloGoodbye

Hello dear JQ community,

I'm having some problems regarding the Tabs 3 Plugin:
My page has a div container called "maincontent" which contains all
the data except the navigation, footer, etc. I use this container to
store content served by my phpscript and to load other content
dynamically via AJAX.

Let's say I request a page like index.php?action=showusers (as a HTTP
GET request, NOT AJAX)

Then "maincontent" should contain all the info about the users.

However, I also integrated a navigation based on the Tabs 3 plugin.
The div-container the tabs are assigned to is "maincontent".

 Allthough all tabs are disabled at start, say:

$('#nav > ul').tabs({selected:null});

And my list looks like this:


Cat 1

Cat 2

Cat 3

Cat 4

(It is obvious, that it works via ajax)

maincontent's innerhtml is empty, because the tabs plugin hasn't got
any tabs selected and therefore sets maincontent's innerhtml to

However I want maincontent to keep its original html(e.g. the
userlist) until the user has decided to move over to another category
by switching to another tab.

How can I preserve the original content, so it won't get overridden by
the Tabs 3 plugin?
Or can you give any other solutions?

Thanks in regard

[jQuery] [jQuery][ANN] New jQuery group on LinkedIn

2008-05-08 Thread Brandon Aaron
You can join the LinkedIn group by following this invite link:

Brandon Aaron

[jQuery] Re: DataTables plugin

2008-05-08 Thread mriendea

In Flexigrid XML, you can wrap your cell content in a CDATA construct.

This will force the XML parser to ignore the HTML markup.
Hope this helps.


On Apr 21, 2:31 pm, matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can any of the above decorator columns with hyperlinks?
> Or force single select only?
> Prototype in progress here.
> http://sutternow.com/sti/summaryFlex.action
> I would like to link to the details page.
> Matt
> On Apr 20, 12:56 am, fbloggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's ok - but not as nice as Ingrid or Flexigrid.
> > On Apr 17, 1:02 am, theallan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello all,
> > > I've recently being trying out jQuery for the first time and it has been
> > > absolutely outstanding. I'm currently working on a project that needs 
> > > tables
> > > with filter, pagination, sorting etc, and I found that no one plugin does
> > > all of this, so I thought it would be interesting to try and create my 
> > > own.
> > > As a result I've bashed out the DataTables plugin, and I thought it'd post
> > > it to see what you all think!
> > >http://plugins.jquery.com/project/DataTables
> > > Thanks
> > > Allan
> > > --
> > > View this message in 
> > > context:http://www.nabble.com/DataTables-plugin-tp16673213s27240p16673213.html
> > > Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at 
> > > Nabble.com.

[jQuery] beginner selector question

2008-05-08 Thread bobh


I'm wondering if there is such a thing as:


I know the above code is useless because of the use of "this" but I
wonder if there's a selector that does this?

the objective would be to show/hide the paragraph inside the div which
is being hovered


thank you

[jQuery] Re: error with $(this).val(value) in IE 6.x

2008-05-08 Thread code_berzerker

anybody any clue?

[jQuery] The $(xxx).load(url,param,callback) may have a bug

2008-05-08 Thread kaneg

You can see the example below, do you know what will be alerted?


function callback(args)
alert(typeof args)
function f1()
$('#parent').load('jq.html', null, callback)


In jquery's source:
line 2451:   self.each( callback, [res.responseText,
status, res] );
I found the callback function should have a array argument which
includes three elements, but when the callback function is called, it
can only get the first element of the array.

After some test, I found where the problem is :

in line 740:   if ( callback.apply( object[ i ], args ) === false )

the usage callback.apply has problem,  if I change  "callback.apply"
to "callback.call", it can work correctly, though I don't know what
the real reason is.

Is it a bug?
Anyone can explain?

[jQuery] Error when tablesorter is applied to empty table

2008-05-08 Thread owen

I'm using the tablesorter plugin in a web application that sometimes
outputs empty tables. I'm trying wherever possible to catch these
instances and skip the output of the table altogether when necessary,
but it begs the question:

Is there a way to avoid errors when tablesorter tries to sort an empty



[jQuery] Tabs 3 Ajax issue

2008-05-08 Thread HelloGoodbye

Hello dear JQ community,

I'm having some problems regarding the Tabs 3 Plugin:
My page has a div container called "maincontent" which contains all
the data except the navigation, footer, etc. I use this container to
store content served by my phpscript and to load other content
dynamically via AJAX.

Let's say I request a page like index.php?action=showusers (as a HTTP
GET request, NOT AJAX)

Then "maincontent" should contain all the info about the users.

However, I also integrated a navigation based on the Tabs 3 plugin.
The div-container the tabs are assigned to is "maincontent".

 Allthough all tabs are disabled at start, say:

$('#nav > ul').tabs({selected:null});

And my list looks like this:


Cat 1

Cat 2

Cat 3

Cat 4

(It is obvious, that it works via ajax)

maincontent's innerhtml is empty, because the tabs plugin hasn't got
any tabs selected and therefore sets maincontent's innerhtml to

However I want maincontent to keep its original html(e.g. the
userlist) until the user has decided to move over to another category
by switching to another tab.

How can I preserve the original content, so it won't get overridden by
the Tabs 3 plugin?
Or can you give any other solutions?

Thanks in regard

[jQuery] Re: New to JQ

2008-05-08 Thread canadaduane

> Along with this if i change the xml  tag to a  tag or
>  tag it stops working.. Any help is greatly appreciated!

It looks to me like you just need to change this line:

>> $("headline a").click(function(){

If you replace the "" tags in your HTML with, say, ""
tags, then you should also change that line to:

>> $("h1 a").click(function(){

You can also change it to "header" (in the jQuery code, not the html)
if you want it to work on all H1, H2, H3, ... etc. tags.

Duane Johnson

[jQuery] JSON Serializer

2008-05-08 Thread KG

I'm having an issue using an asmx web service to return json to a
jQuery ajax call. If I run the web service stand alone i get a nice
json response as follows:


I'm using the DataContractJsonSerializer in .NET to create this json.

When I call this web service from a $.ajax call I can't get at the
values of the json object and i notice in firebug that the response is
now :


Here is my jQuery call:

  url: '/webservices/WebService2.asmx/HelloWorldJson',
  dataType: 'json',
  type: 'post',
  error: function(req, textStatus, errorThrown){alert('error
loading response: ' + textStatus);
 beforeSend: function(xhr){
  success: function (d) {
  //var customers = eval("(" + d + ")");

but i can never get at the values of the json object that is returned
for some reason. What am i doing wrong?

[jQuery] ajax textStatus documented?

2008-05-08 Thread deer421

Is ajax textStatus documented anywhere? I am looking for a list of
textStatus values.

[jQuery] jTip

2008-05-08 Thread Mr.Morton

Hi Group!

I am very new to jQuery, and I need help!

I am trying to make jTip work the way i want.
I found this http://15daysofjquery.com/jquery-tooltips/21/
and from that I made this

And with a few modification I almost got it working the way I want...

But what do I want? Yes, I want a "tooltip" that you can move the
mouse over and when the mouse leaves the tooltip it fades out. This
part works! Hurray! But when you leave the link without touching the
tooltip, the tooltip stays  So i need a way to make the tooltip
fadeout when the mouse leaves the link, but at the same being able to
move the mouse over the tooltip.

Does it make any sense??

[jQuery] jQuery TShirt

2008-05-08 Thread CVertex

I noticed captain John Resig wearing a few nice threadless.com
tshirts, and he mentioned a few times in a recent talk that they were
selling jQuery tshirts in this or that place.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any jQuery tshirts that were around?

What would you put on your jQuery T?



[jQuery] jQuery ui tabs crashes in IE 6 & 7

2008-05-08 Thread Ash

Hi I have a site I am working on


The tabs work on FF fine, but in IE 6 & 7 the last one (More Info) at
best crashes the browser, and at worst the whole PC!

Can some one help? I don't see why it would to this on one tab.


[jQuery] Re: Photo Crop proposal

2008-05-08 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 10:40 AM, LTG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know who did the existing "real world" crop example?  I
> see no credits for it.

This was done by Bruno Basto, during our recent jQuery Sprint:


Here's the changeset where it was first added:


Other contributers since then include miksago and braeker (Eduardo

- Richard

Richard D. Worth

[jQuery] Re: Expression/Selector question...

2008-05-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


>Yeah, it's also strange that while this doesn't work:
>$("body > ul > li").filter($li[0]);
>this does:
>   $("body > ul > li").not($li[0]);
>I'm a little lost by your parents example, though. Not sure exactly
>what you're trying to get (esp. since you don't show where you've
>declared $el and $parent.

Let's say you have:

Parent 1

Child 1

What I want to do is see if "Child 1" has "Parent 1" somewhere in it's
parent path. I don't really care if "Child 1" would be a child of a child of
a child, just that at some point "Parent 1" was actually in the parent path.

So, I would expect to be able to do:

var $p = $("#1");

Well this does work:

It doesn't work for me, since the actually "expression" I need to check
against a jQuery object that can't be reliable queried through a pure
CSS-style selector.

>couldn't you do something like
>$el.parent() ?
>or $el.parent('.someclass') ?
>or $el.parents('.someclass:first') ?
>(just using class in the parents filter because not sure what you're

As I stated, using a CSS expression doesn't work for me because I'm actually
checking to see if another jQuery object is somewhere in the parent's tree.


[jQuery] Re: SELECTOR MADNESS! How To Grab Lowest Child Node's Text?!

2008-05-08 Thread Ariel Flesler

You can't do $('*').filter('[nodeType=3]') because text nodes aren't
included when finding.
This is only valid when using .contents() but that only gathers the
childNodes, so you still need to recurse.

In conclusion, jQuery doesn't save you much work, you'll probably have
as many lines of code as a non-jQuery approach, and using jQuery will
surely hit on perfomance.

Ariel Flesler

On 8 mayo, 03:39, darren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey joe, it looks like testing node types may help with your problem.
> Google node types and you'll find that DOM text nodes are type 3,
> element nodes are type 1 etc etc. You could do something using the
> selector expression [nodeType=3] to determine if the current node you
> have selected is a text node.
> On May 7, 4:22 pm, Ariel Flesler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey, made a 10 min class to do this. It doesn't use jQuery at all, so
> > it will work as fast as possible.
> > You only need to specify the translating function.
> > Made a blog post to detail its use.
> >http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/05/textnode-translator-for-javascrip...
> > I never used Google translator, but it probably requires AJAX, so pay
> > attention to the 'sync' part.
> > Cheers
> > --
> > Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com
> > On 7 mayo, 16:22, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Balazs,
> > > Thanks, but I tried your plugin and it did not work.  There is no demo
> > > for say clicking a button and converting the page; the bookmarklet is
> > > cool, but doesn't really help when I can't get the plugin to work.  I
> > > emailed you so hopefully I'll hear back...
> > > I did actually re-create your plugin, but didn't author it or add any
> > > bells and whistles, just translating an entire page and/or element...
> > > Cheers.
> > > Joe
> > >www.subprint.com
> > > On May 7, 1:39 pm, Balazs Endresz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi! I replied in the previous thread but it hasn't appeared in Google
> > > > groups, just 
> > > > here:http://www.nabble.com/Selector-Madness!--How-to-Select-all-the-Text-o...
> > > > So there is a translate plugin that works this way:
> > > >http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/
> > > > On May 5, 9:32 pm, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Last week I had a question on how to traverse the DOM and find all 
> > > > > elements that had some text (p, a, li, h1, etc.) so I could manipulate
> > > > > it with Google's translation API.  Well with some help from the
> > > > > community I was able to accomplish this feat.
> > > > >http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/c63da32...
> > > > > However, I have a bigger problem.  Now, when I grab 
> > > > > theallproperelements:
> > > > > $a = $(' #container > * ').contents();
> > > > > And parse thru them tofindwhich ones have text, it does just that
> > > > > BUT if an unordered list is within a div and that UL has text it will
> > > > > show up not only with the UL, but within the DIV as well.
> > > > > $a.each(function()
> > > > > { ... translate stuff here ..});
> > > > > So in iteration one, wefindthe DIV, and then locate any andALLtext
> > > > > in the DIV.  Quite a bit for the header navigation.
> > > > > Example Result for Div:
> > > > > Then the next iteration is the UL, and it finds its text, which is
> > > > > basically the same as the DIV's text result.
> > > > > Example Result for UL:
> > > > > Then the next iteration is the LI element, which has the proper text
> > > > > but,
> > > > > The next iteration is the A element which is finally the text I
> > > > > actually want to translate.
> > > > > Example Result for LI and A:
> > > > > HOME
> > > > > So myquestionis how can Itraversedown and grab thelastchild on
> > > > > that particular "branch" of theDOM.  Surely there's a way to check if
> > > > > current node has or does not have a child, but how with jQuery?
> > > > > Thanks!
> > > > > BTW, Ariel Fleisler's recommendation from the previous post appears to
> > > > > be the best approach, but my pure Javascript mixing with jQuery skills
> > > > > are not quite up to snuff to hash that out...- Ocultar texto de la 
> > > > > cita -
> > > - Mostrar texto de la cita -- Ocultar texto de la cita -
> - Mostrar texto de la cita -

[jQuery] Re: sortable: drag list items by custom handle

2008-05-08 Thread tlphipps

You need to use the "handle" option as detailed here:
(the sortable docs refer you to this description for that handle

On May 8, 4:09 am, "emi polak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am using $("#myList").sortable({}); to "sortable-ize" a ul list. All works
> fine, however the entire "li" element responds to dragging and I want the
> "li" elements to be draggable only by using a custom handle like this:
> some content here
> Any ideas? Thank you!
> emi

[jQuery] How to use data() ?

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi :)

I was interested to see the new data method (is it a 'method'?) and
imagine I should be using it with the shopping basket I'm building.
But I can't work out how to use it properly!

I presently have code like this:
$( 'form.basket .productchoice:last[value]' ).val( 
productid ) ;
$( 'form.basket .myproduct:last > span' ).html( product 
) ;
$( 'form.basket .description:last[value]' ).val( number 
) ;
$( 'form.basket .price:last[value]' ).val( 
unitprice.toFixed(2) ) ;
number = parseInt( number ) ;
unitprice = parseFloat( unitprice ) ;

var currNum = $( '#totalnumber' ).val() ;
var currPrice = $( '#totalprice' ).val() ;
currNum = parseInt( currNum ) ;
currPrice = parseFloat( currPrice ) ;

$( '#totalnumber' ).val( number + currNum ) ;
$( '#totalprice' ).val( (unitprice + 
currPrice).toFixed(2) ) ;

 - it's at http://vanilla-spa.co.uk/shop.php

I haven't even finished it and I've already got vars all over the
place, plus the values are only retained for one pass so it's hard to
work with them. It will be incredibly helpful to know whether this is
the right type of use for data()  and, er, how to take advantage
of it!


[jQuery] Re: Simple AJAX Call to Google Maps

2008-05-08 Thread Joe

So what is it you are trying to accomplish?  Maybe a demo link would

On May 7, 4:11 pm, quigebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having trouble taking various fields from a form, concatenating
> them and then sending it off to do a local business search on Google
> maps. I'll send the results to a lightbox for users to click, which
> will return the location information to another text field. Sorry, i'm
> new to the jQuery/JS scene! Any ideas to go forward? Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: SELECTOR MADNESS! How To Grab Lowest Child Node's Text?!

2008-05-08 Thread Joe

Thanks Darren.  I was originally thinking this route and actually
google "node type" to find out the text node number, but ended up
writing my script differently.  I will most likely optimize it with
something Ariel suggested or yourself.



On May 8, 1:39 am, darren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey joe, it looks like testing node types may help with your problem.
> Google node types and you'll find that DOM text nodes are type 3,
> element nodes are type 1 etc etc. You could do something using the
> selector expression [nodeType=3] to determine if the current node you
> have selected is a text node.
> On May 7, 4:22 pm, Ariel Flesler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey, made a 10 min class to do this. It doesn't use jQuery at all, so
> > it will work as fast as possible.
> > You only need to specify the translating function.
> > Made a blog post to detail its use.
> >http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/05/textnode-translator-for-javascrip...
> > I never used Google translator, but it probably requires AJAX, so pay
> > attention to the 'sync' part.
> > Cheers
> > --
> > Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com
> > On 7 mayo, 16:22, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Balazs,
> > > Thanks, but I tried your plugin and it did not work.  There is no demo
> > > for say clicking a button and converting the page; the bookmarklet is
> > > cool, but doesn't really help when I can't get the plugin to work.  I
> > > emailed you so hopefully I'll hear back...
> > > I did actually re-create your plugin, but didn't author it or add any
> > > bells and whistles, just translating an entire page and/or element...
> > > Cheers.
> > > Joe
> > >www.subprint.com
> > > On May 7, 1:39 pm, Balazs Endresz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi! I replied in the previous thread but it hasn't appeared in Google
> > > > groups, just 
> > > > here:http://www.nabble.com/Selector-Madness!--How-to-Select-all-the-Text-o...
> > > > So there is a translate plugin that works this way:
> > > >http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/
> > > > On May 5, 9:32 pm, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Last week I had a question on how to traverse the DOM and find all 
> > > > > elements that had some text (p, a, li, h1, etc.) so I could manipulate
> > > > > it with Google's translation API.  Well with some help from the
> > > > > community I was able to accomplish this feat.
> > > > >http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/c63da32...
> > > > > However, I have a bigger problem.  Now, when I grab 
> > > > > theallproperelements:
> > > > > $a = $(' #container > * ').contents();
> > > > > And parse thru them tofindwhich ones have text, it does just that
> > > > > BUT if an unordered list is within a div and that UL has text it will
> > > > > show up not only with the UL, but within the DIV as well.
> > > > > $a.each(function()
> > > > > { ... translate stuff here ..});
> > > > > So in iteration one, wefindthe DIV, and then locate any andALLtext
> > > > > in the DIV.  Quite a bit for the header navigation.
> > > > > Example Result for Div:
> > > > > Then the next iteration is the UL, and it finds its text, which is
> > > > > basically the same as the DIV's text result.
> > > > > Example Result for UL:
> > > > > Then the next iteration is the LI element, which has the proper text
> > > > > but,
> > > > > The next iteration is the A element which is finally the text I
> > > > > actually want to translate.
> > > > > Example Result for LI and A:
> > > > > HOME
> > > > > So myquestionis how can Itraversedown and grab thelastchild on
> > > > > that particular "branch" of theDOM.  Surely there's a way to check if
> > > > > current node has or does not have a child, but how with jQuery?
> > > > > Thanks!
> > > > > BTW, Ariel Fleisler's recommendation from the previous post appears to
> > > > > be the best approach, but my pure Javascript mixing with jQuery skills
> > > > > are not quite up to snuff to hash that out...- Ocultar texto de la 
> > > > > cita -
> > > - Mostrar texto de la cita -

[jQuery] JQuery Form Plugin returns nothing in Opera

2008-05-08 Thread dkosarev

I've got a form that uploads a file. It's an AJAX form, initialized by the
following code:

  target: '#vars',
  beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) { alert('sending'); },
  success: function(responseText, statusText) { alert(responseText); }
  an the form is:


 The problem: responseText is empty in Opera after submit. It is filled by
the correct response of catcher.php in IE, FF and Safari. The contents of
catcher.php means nothing - I tested it with only an 'ok' in that file -
Opera shows noting, the other browsers show 'ok'.
 I am using the lates stable versions of all browsers and latest jquery.js +

What could that be?
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Loading a js file with the ajax content

2008-05-08 Thread warpdesign

>From PHP (or whatever language you're using..):

$my_array['script'] = '$(document).ready';
$my_array['html'] = 'blabla...';


>From javascript, the function called on ajax success:

function return(msg)


This is just a way to do it... Maybe not the best, but I hope you'll
get the idea...
On 7 mai, 14:21, vimal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i already have a base javascript file containing $
> (document).ready()..
> but i am loading a content using ajax into a div container
> for those items i just need to load a js file with a $
> (document).ready()
> can any one help me
> regards
> vimal das

[jQuery] Re: Photo Crop proposal

2008-05-08 Thread netvibe

@ LTG,

I'm very busy at the moment with another project.. (remake of

What's the meaning of "Face cropping (elliptical crop) "..  I think
when u save that image, you get a black background (or another color)
with a elliptical image over it. It's really funny, but usefull?

@ Tlob,

Maybe it's a good idea..

I'm seriously considering to upload the functionality to a single
domain like oim.com (online image manager) or something like that..
Develope and integrate some extra futures (like fotogallerys,
comments, populair fotos etc. )

Thanks for the advice.. When i'm a miljonair you will get your 2
cents .. :)

On May 7, 4:59 pm, tlob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Don't sell the functionality (crop,rotate,...)
> Sell the service: Online Image manager. Store, manage, Edit, Share,
> Comment, .
> my 2 Cents ;-)
> cheers
> tlz
> On May 5, 5:21 pm, LTG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, (pls excuse dbl post)
> > I would like to get feedback on:
> >1)  Would a photo crop plug-in be useful to others?
> >2)  How doable is it in JQuery?
> >3)  Would anyone be interested in a bounty on it? ($$$)
> > Please see the video of my prototype 
> > here:http://www.hdgreetings.com/view.aspx?name=JQuery%20Crop%20Prototype&v...
> > So the basic features are:
> >   - Photo cropping with aspect ratio locking
> >   - Face cropping (elliptical crop)
> >   - Straighten photo with real time adjustments
> >   - Real-time preview of result photo
> > This the prototype is a working application, so all the logic is known
> > and perfected.  I think I know ways to make all the imaging pieces
> > fast enough for good performance.
> > Any feedback on these points would be appreciated.
> > thank you,
> > Lee

[jQuery] [autocomplete] Multiple values to autocomplete

2008-05-08 Thread realin

hi guys,

i m new in the list, i want to know how can i add multiple values
using autocomplete in a single text field, just like gmail when we add
email address in to field.

can i capture a keypress event, so that a list is again opened when i
press a seperator ?

Please let me know thanks :)

[jQuery] Re: Best way to do Lightbox-like modal windows?

2008-05-08 Thread Kyrre Nygård

I wish Google'd let me fix the typos in my posts.

mmiller: Wow, that sure is simple! But perhaps a little bit too
simple. Like Einstein said: "Everything should be made as simple as
possible, but no simpler." Cool thing it's based on jqModal though.

Wizzud: Looks interesting indeed man, thanks a lot for the tip!

Adwin: I hear the UI Dialog thing is a bit complicated. Mind showing
us some code? ;)

All the best,

On May 8, 2:24 am, Wizzud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's Shadowbox too (http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox/).
> On May 8, 12:06 am, Adwin  Wijaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I use JQuery UI Dialog ...easy and elegant :)
> > enough for simple to complex dialog box.
> > for displaying error/warning/info I use jqalert() as replacement of
> > alert box by browser.
> > On May 8, 4:36 am, Kyrre Nygård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello!
> > > What's the best way to do a Lightbox-like modal windows? jqModal?
> > > Facebox? Thickbox? There are so many options out there, so many of
> > > them look so bloated and really getting confused. Maybe you guys with
> > > experience and all could show me the right way? I'm looking for the
> > > simplest, most elegant alternative where I can do stuff like
> > > newsletter signups, logins, etc.
> > > Much obliged,
> > > Kyrre

[jQuery] Re: Best way to do Lightbox-like modal windows?

2008-05-08 Thread Kyrre Nygård

Err.. where's the message I just posted? Wizzud, did I sent it
directly to you instead?

On May 8, 2:24 am, Wizzud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's Shadowbox too (http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox/).
> On May 8, 12:06 am, Adwin  Wijaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I use JQuery UI Dialog ...easy and elegant :)
> > enough for simple to complex dialog box.
> > for displaying error/warning/info I use jqalert() as replacement of
> > alert box by browser.
> > On May 8, 4:36 am, Kyrre Nygård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello!
> > > What's the best way to do a Lightbox-like modal windows? jqModal?
> > > Facebox? Thickbox? There are so many options out there, so many of
> > > them look so bloated and really getting confused. Maybe you guys with
> > > experience and all could show me the right way? I'm looking for the
> > > simplest, most elegant alternative where I can do stuff like
> > > newsletter signups, logins, etc.
> > > Much obliged,
> > > Kyrre

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