[jQuery] Form values getting unsynchronized after ajaxsubmit [validate]

2009-07-24 Thread Anoop kumar V
Hi All,

I have a very weird issue that I have been trying to resolve for over a week
now with no success in sight.

I use jsp to generate a page of regional information. The regions are
displayed as clickable blocks. On clicking each block a pop-up form opens up
with the corresponding region details like id, name and acronym. These can
be edited and submitted as updates. There is also a last block that allows
to create a new region which on clicking opens the same kind of form as the
others, except all the fields are blank and required.

I am using jquery validator plugin (bassistance) to ensure that the user
does not leave any field blank and I also use the form plugin to do an
ajaxsubmit, so that the id enterred is not a duplicate id.

On submitting the new region form, a new region gets created and updates the
page fine, but intermittently when I click on the other existing blocks the
information shown in the pop-up is for a completely different region: for
example when I click on a block labelled Washington, the popup that comes up
shows New York, NY, 02. On clicking New York block, the same (correct)
information is show. This does not happen always and I have noticed it
happening only in firefox, I use firefox more often also. Also if I take out
the ajaxsubmit and do a simple form submit, it seems to not occur, but I
need the ajaxsubmit for the id validation..
Interestingly, when I click on the reset button on the individual form, the
values in the fields correct themselves automagically for that form..

I also used firebug, and when I mouseover the field in the firebug console,
the values in the fields are shown correct (in forebug), except the page
displays the incorrect info. I think this safely eliminates my java code as
the culprit... Again - when I reset the particular form, the values are
good, but only for that form, so if I want to clean all such incorrect data,
I will have to open each form pop-up on the page and click on the reset
button - this would not work even as a workaround.

Below is the code if it helps:

*** JS***
$(function() {
var bbap = function() {
  $('.cbnav').live('click',function(event) {
var target = $(event.target);
if(($(target).is(.main-title)) || ($(target).is(.cls)))
} else if ($(target).is('input[type=reset]')){

var v = $(function() {
$('.main-title').click(function(event) {
  var target = $(event.target);
  var parent = $(target).parent();
rules: {
regionid: required,
regionname: required,
regionacronym: required,
regioncode: required
submitHandler: function(form) {
target: 'body',
error: function (xhr) {
  $('.derror').text(Errors: Please fix  +
  return false;

$('input[type=reset]').click(function() {
*** /JS***
*** HTML***

div class=cbdd

form class=cbnav action=user/region.jsp method=post

  div class='main-title'Washington (WAS)/div

  div class=details
div class=clsclose /div

div class=form-class

input type=text name=regionid value=01 size=2


div class=form-class

input type=text name=regionacronym value=WAS size=3/

div class=form-class

input type=text name=regionname
value=Washington size=20/


div class=form-class

input type=text name =regioncode value=M00 size=2/

div class=btn
  input type=submit value=Submit/

  input type=reset name=resetButton value=Reset /



form class=cbnav action=user/region.jsp method=post

  div class='main-title'New York (NY)/div
  div class=details

div class=clsclose /div
div class=form-class

input type=text name=regionid value=01 size=2

div class=form-class

input type=text name=regionacronym value=NY size=3/

div class=form-class


[jQuery] Re: switching jquery tabs in code behind(C#)

2009-07-24 Thread noorul

Hi karngu, Here is the one of my tab: Can you send me the javascript
to select this tab..

 div id=tabs
lia href=#tabs-1 style=font-
size: 12pxAll/a/li
   div id=tabs-1

On Jul 24, 1:38 am, karnqu jake.al...@gmail.com wrote:
 like morningZ said your probably looking for this...
 ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof (page class name),
 startupTabScript, javascript to select correct tab, true);

 The pain is knowing what the last tab they selected was. But in your
 case if the button they clicked was on that tab then it sounds pretty
 straight forward.

 On Jul 23, 1:34 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  onclick event would be:

  - in the aspx'scode?
  - on the client?

  if it is in thecode, then any running of that postbackcodeis going
  to cause a page reload, and consequent defaulting to the first tab by

  if you want the new page reload to stay on the current tab, then you
  would emit some client script (using Page.ClientScript) object to call
  theTabs' event that will switch the tab

  On Jul 23, 9:49 am, noorul noorulameen...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have five div tags(jquerytabs) in my aspx page...Inside the second
   div(tab) i have a button. onclick of that buttton the second div(tab)
   should be switched..instead of that the first tab is coming.. How can
   i switch the tab incodebehind(Inside button onclick event)...

[jQuery] Re: Toggle Div Based on Value

2009-07-24 Thread Liam Potter

This should work fine

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$(#directors input[type='checkbox']).click(function() {
$('span.RelStatus').each(function() {
var RelStatusValue = 
if (RelStatusValue == 'Retired') {


When you are trying to affect more then one element at once, you need to 
be dealing in classes rather then id's.
I also noticed the script was targeting 
#rptDirectors_ctl00_chkIncludeRetired which doesn't exist on the page.

evanbu...@gmail.com wrote:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://

html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;

meta content=en-us http-equiv=Content-Language /
meta content=text/html; charset=windows-1252 http-equiv=Content-
Type /
script src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/
jquery.min.js type=text/javascript/script

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$(#rptDirectors_ctl00_chkIncludeRetired).click(function() {
$('.RelStatus').each(function() {
var RelStatusValue = $(this).text();
if (RelStatusValue == 'Retired') {

titleCustomize Your PDF Request/title

form name=form1 method=post action=customize.PDF2.aspx

table style=width: 375px class=style1 id=table1 border=0
td colspan=2 align=left nowrap
div id=directors
input id=chkIncludeRetired type=checkbox 
checked=checked /

iShow Retired/i

br /

  div id=10110 class=IndividualDirectors
  img src=/images/vspacer.gif width=58 alt=spacer /
  input name=rptDirectors$ctl01$chkDirectorName
type=checkbox id=rptDirectors_ctl01_chkDirectorName
class=chkDirector checked=checked

value=10110 /
  span id=rptDirectors_ctl01_Label1M. Bernard/span
span id=rptDirectors_ctl01_Label2Aidinoff/span (span

id=rptDirectors_ctl01_Label3Director/span) (span
class=RelStatus id=RelStatusspan


  div id=106659 class=IndividualDirectors
  img src=/images/vspacer.gif width=58 alt=spacer /
  input name=rptDirectors$ctl02$chkDirectorName
type=checkbox id=rptDirectors_ctl02_chkDirectorName
class=chkDirector checked=checked

value=106659 /
  span id=rptDirectors_ctl02_Label1Steven J./span  span
id=rptDirectors_ctl02_Label2Bensinger/span (span

id=rptDirectors_ctl02_Label3CFO/span) (span class=RelStatus
id=RelStatusspan id=rptDirectors_ctl02_lblRelStatusRetired/
span/span)br /


  div id=11685 class=IndividualDirectors
  img src=/images/vspacer.gif width=58 alt=spacer /
  input name=rptDirectors$ctl03$chkDirectorName
type=checkbox id=rptDirectors_ctl03_chkDirectorName
class=chkDirector checked=checked

value=11685 /
  span id=rptDirectors_ctl03_Label1Stephen F./span
span id=rptDirectors_ctl03_Label2Bollenbach/span (span

id=rptDirectors_ctl03_Label3Director/span) (span
class=RelStatus id=RelStatusspan



td colspan=2 align=centerbr /input type=submit
name=btnContinue value=Continue  id=btnContinue /br //td



[jQuery] Re: Need to validate Multiple email IDs with Comma Seprated

2009-07-24 Thread Kuo Yang
With pleasure.

My English is not so good,so I paste the code directly:

//copied from http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-trim.html
function trim(str, chars) {
return ltrim(rtrim(str, chars), chars);
function ltrim(str, chars) {
chars = chars || \\s;
return str.replace(new RegExp(^[ + chars + ]+, g), );
function rtrim(str, chars) {
chars = chars || \\s;
return str.replace(new RegExp([ + chars + ]+$, g), );

//I modified the regex.
function validateEmail(field) {
//var regex=/\b[a-z0-9._%+...@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}\b/i;
var regex=/^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/;
return (regex.test(trim(field))) ? true : false;
function validateMultipleEmailsCommaSeparated(value) {
var result = value.split(,);

for(var i = 0;i  result.length;i++)
return false;
return true;

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Kuo Yang, *
 *Thanks for your reply.*
 *I am doing the same thing, but if i am entering any other charecter like
 ( _ | ) ( ] [  )*
 *instead of comma, so its considering as a string  after that not able to
 validate it.*
 *I am writing this kind of functions to validate my multiple email value.*
 function validateEmail(field) {
 var regex=/\b[a-z0-9._%+...@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}\b/i;
 return (regex.test(field)) ? true : false;
 function validateMultipleEmailsCommaSeparated(value) {
 var result = value.split(,);
 for(var i = 0;i  result.length;i++)
 return false;
 return true;

 *By the ways I am hitting to fix this problem of my script.*

 *If you have any suggestions for the same then plz let me know ... :)*

 On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Kuo Yang daras...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can split the Emails with the comma, and then validate them one by

 On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Guys,

 Can any one tell me validation ' *Email Validation for multiple emails
 (comma separated)* ' for textarea.

 I am writing Regular expression but not able validating the given input
 with comma :(

 Please suggest something in JQuery Or Javascript

 Thanking you





[jQuery] Re: Parsing a complicated JSON file with JQUERY !

2009-07-24 Thread Abraham Boray

well wot I'm doing is an ajax call to retrieve my json data .
then i want to parse it  show all the records in the  #postContent.
but wot is harder here is the fact that in my jason file there are
three objects at the same time returned by the query.


The Categorystructure is :

 - comment

U can also take a look to the picture 4 more explained structure of
the JSON data
and i want go through each table(object)  show it's records ...

I did this code, it's browser cross(it works perfectly with FF IE6..

$('#blogPage #blogPostsHolder .Post a').live('click',function(){
 var currentPost=$(this).attr('post_id');//get the current(Clicked)
post id

//Load The Blog Post When A Post Link Is Clicked/**/
$.post('posts/postslistbycat/', {params: ''},
   $.each(data, function(i){

//here i want to show my json records after parsing the different
$(#postContent).html('some records here');


}, 'json');
return false;   });

I hope I did explain it well this time

On Jul 22, 3:17 pm, Abraham Boray abrahambo...@gmail.com wrote:
 As U can see guys , I got that json structure ,  I want to parse it
 with jquery , I searched in the web but it's seems my json file is a
 bite complicated :S

 here is the picture more clear thatn the file down 

 Here is my plane JSON file
 Mastering,date:2009-07-21 22:40:00,content:How 2 CSS Master in
 5 Days :D ,This association creation and destruction is done using the
 CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a
 very helpful behavior called \Containable\, please refer to manual
 section about Built-in behaviors for more information). Let's set up a
 few models so we can see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll
 start with two models: This association creation and destruction is
 done using the CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods.
 (There is also a very helpful behavior called \Containable\, please
 refer to manual section about Built-in behaviors for more
 information). Let's set up a few models so we can see how bindModel()
 and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two models: This association
 creation and destruction is done using the CakePHP model bindModel()
 and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a very helpful behavior
 called \Containable\, please refer to manual section about Built-in
 behaviors for more information). Let's set up a few models so we can
 see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two
 models: ,visible:1},Category:{id:1,name:CSS,Post:
 Mastering,date:2009-07-21 22:40:00,content:How 2 CSS Master in
 5 Days :D ,This association creation and destruction is done using the
 CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a
 very helpful behavior called \Containable\, please refer to manual
 section about Built-in behaviors for more information). Let's set up a
 few models so we can see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll
 start with two models: This association creation and destruction is
 done using the CakePHP model bindModel() and unbindModel() methods.
 (There is also a very helpful behavior called \Containable\, please
 refer to manual section about Built-in behaviors for more
 information). Let's set up a few models so we can see how bindModel()
 and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two models: This association
 creation and destruction is done using the CakePHP model bindModel()
 and unbindModel() methods. (There is also a very helpful behavior
 called \Containable\, please refer to manual section about Built-in
 behaviors for more information). Let's set up a few models so we can
 see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We'll start with two
 models: ,visible:1,Category:{id:1,name:CSS},Comment:
 [{id:2,post_id:1,date:2009-07-22 14:10:00,content:Nice
 TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!,userName:Reda,a_url:http:\/\/
 {id:6,post_id:1,date:2009-07-22 14:38:00,content:Nice
 TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!,userName:reda,a_url:http:\/\/
 {id:2,category_id:1,title:Beginning CSS,date:2009-07-21
 22:41:00,content:Courses 4 Dummies . Beginning
 [{id:3,post_id:2,date:2009-07-22 14:16:00,content:Nice
 CSS tut ;),userName:Talal,a_url:http:\/\/
 [{id:2,post_id:1,date:2009-07-22 14:10:00,content:Nice
 TUTO ,Keep it up Dude!,userName:Reda,a_url:http:\/\/
 {id:1,category_id:1,title:CSS Mastering,date:2009-07-21
 22:40:00,content:How 2 CSS Master in 5 Days :D ,This association
 creation and destruction is done using the CakePHP 

[jQuery] How to deterine number of words in a string?

2009-07-24 Thread Conrad Cheng
Hi all,
Any jquery plugin can check number of word in a string instead using of

Many thanks.


[jQuery] Re: Make width of inner div equal outer

2009-07-24 Thread Paul Collins
Excellent, works a treat, thanks Eric...

2009/7/23 Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com

 $('.secondLevel').css('width', $('#header').width());

 On Jul 23, 1:16 pm, Paul Collins pauldcoll...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi all,
  I've got a problem with IE6 and I need to basically find the width of the
  header DIV and make the secondLevel DIV match it. So, I guess I need
  target IE6 specifically in the code. Here's what I have:
  div id=header
  ul id=topNavigation
  lia href=/Home/a/li
  li class=selected
  a href=/About Us/a
  div class=secondLevel
  lia href=/Overview/a/li
  lia href=/Contact/a/li
  I'm not sure how to start with the script. I can calculate the width of
  header DIV, but not sure how to force the secondLevel one to match
  Any help would be fantastic.

[jQuery] Re: How to deterine number of words in a string?

2009-07-24 Thread Liam Potter

you don't need a plugin, this will do it

var string = $(span.string).text();
var count = string.split( );

Conrad Cheng wrote:
Hi all, 

Any jquery plugin can check number of word in a string instead using 
of .length?...

Many thanks.


[jQuery] help with an animation effect

2009-07-24 Thread Sir Rawlins

Morning all,

I'm looking for some help with an animation effect and your thoughts
on how best to achieve it. At this stage we simply have a graphical
representation, we can splice the images up any way we like, I'm
really looking for your suggestions.

The first stage is just the basic static object:


Then, we have a slight mouse-over effect on the small tab at the
bottom which slightly reveals the content (width a nice slidey
effect). On a mouse-out the tab would go back to it's static state.


Thirdly, once the tab has been clicked it should pull out (nice slidey
effect again), notice this isn't like the slideDown() effect, the
bottom of the thing comes out first, as if it were a card being pulled
out from behind another by hand. Also note that the text/icon on the
tab has changed.


Finally we have it's resting state once it's pulled out completely, a
click would simply send it back up again the way it came.


Now this with any luck would degrade so that if JS was disabled then
the tab would default to being fully pulled out so the content was
exposed for anyone viewing the site without JS enabled.

I'd imagine we'll be using the animate() method but this isn't
something I've worked with before, I'd appreciate any help you can
offer on how I should be structuring my HTML and JS for this.

Thanks guys I appreciate it.


[jQuery] Re: How to deterine number of words in a string?

2009-07-24 Thread Liam Potter

or if you really do want it as a plugin

  $.fn.stringCount = function() {
   var string = this.text();

   var count = string.split( );
   var result = count.length;
   return result


   alert( $(span.string).stringCount() );

Liam Potter wrote:

you don't need a plugin, this will do it

var string = $(span.string).text();
var count = string.split( );

Conrad Cheng wrote:

Hi all,
Any jquery plugin can check number of word in a string instead using 
of .length?...

Many thanks.


[jQuery] Tablesorter problem when moving columns around

2009-07-24 Thread StephenBungert

For an app I'm making I have a table with one always visible column, then you
can view 5 more, any extra columns are hidden. The 5 are selectable so that
you can choose which 5 you want to see.

This all works great except that I need to move the columns so that the
order of the columns is the same as what the use has selected. (see:
http://www.bungert.co.uk/forum_pics/table1.jpg )

To do that I use the following function:

this.moveColumn = function(selecIdNum, selector)
var cells   = $('.' + 
selector).clone(true); // Copy the cells
var numberOfRows= cells.length - 2; // - Cells from 
tfoot and thead
var cellSelector= 'TextCell';

// Remove the cells
$('.' + selector).remove();

if (selecIdNum  0) // If this is not the first selector
// Change the cellSelector
cellSelector = selectors[selecIdNum - 1].lastActive + 

// Add the thead tfoot cells
$('#contentTable thead th.' + cellSelector).after(cells[0]);
$('#contentTable tfoot th.' + cellSelector).after(cells[1]);

// Now the tbody cells
for (row = 0; row  numberOfRows; row ++)
// Get the TD that we need to paste after
var td = $('#contentTable tbody tr.row' + row + ' td.' 
+ cellSelector);

// Insert the new cell
$(td).after(cells[row + 2]);


The move is fine, it shows the columns in the same order as the user has
selected but the events are all gone when I copy the cells using:

var cells   = $('.' + selector)

I now use:
var cells   = $('.' + selector).clone(true);

and this copies my onmouseover/out events but the table sorting ones are no
longer there.

I tried re-applying tablesorter();, this sort of works. I can sort the new
column but only once, then it does nothing... teh same is also true for all
columns after calling tablesorter() again.

Anyone know how I can clone the cells with all their tablesorting functions?
Or re-apply the tablesorter() function so that the sorting works?

Stephen Bungert
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] find() not working in Firefox

2009-07-24 Thread Sourabh

Hello all,

Below code works well for IE but not for firefox due to newlines
present in the html source.Can anybody help me making this work in
FF.It works well in IE6

  script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js;/script


$(body).find(p:contains('When the day is short find that which
matters to you or stop believing')).replaceWith( 'spanchota/
span' );


When the day is spanshort/span
find that which bmatters/b to you
or stop believing

Thanks in advance


[jQuery] Re: Listnav initial display of no items?

2009-07-24 Thread rubycat

Yes, the little treasure is your plug-in!!

Um, I hit a deadend though. But it's not you, it's me! I don't quite
understand where to put this stuff--am I to add it to to this?

 includeAll: false,
 cookieName: 'xalpha_list'

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter problem when moving columns around SOLVED

2009-07-24 Thread StephenBungert

Hello all,

I solved this problem by making a new trigger which I call after moving the
columns around:

.bind(colOrderChanged,function() {
$headers = buildHeaders(this);
var sortList = config.sortList;


//set css for headers



Stephen Bungert
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: How to deterine number of words in a string?

2009-07-24 Thread Rick Faircloth

Is it as simple to do a letter count?

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Liam Potter
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 6:53 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to deterine number of words in a string?

or if you really do want it as a plugin

   $.fn.stringCount = function() {
var string = this.text();
var count = string.split( );
var result = count.length;
return result

alert( $(span.string).stringCount() );

Liam Potter wrote:
 you don't need a plugin, this will do it

 var string = $(span.string).text();
 var count = string.split( );

 Conrad Cheng wrote:
 Hi all,
 Any jquery plugin can check number of word in a string instead using 
 of .length?...

 Many thanks.


[jQuery] Re: find() not working in Firefox

2009-07-24 Thread Liam Byrne

I could see that being VERY slow

$(p).each(function() {
   if ($(this).text()=='When the day..believing') {
  return false

would work, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Anyway, why would you want to do this, and how would you manage to get 
the exact text that's going to be in the paragraph into the JavaScript ? 
If you have to edit the page to do that, why not just edit the paragraph 
itself ?


Sourabh wrote:

Hello all,

Below code works well for IE but not for firefox due to newlines
present in the html source.Can anybody help me making this work in
FF.It works well in IE6

  script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js;/script


$(body).find(p:contains('When the day is short find that which
matters to you or stop believing')).replaceWith( 'spanchota/
span' );


When the day is spanshort/span
find that which bmatters/b to you
or stop believing

Thanks in advance


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[jQuery] Re: How to deterine number of words in a string?

2009-07-24 Thread Liam Byrne

Assuming that people entering the string leave spaces after punctuation 
- commas, full-stops, exclamation marks, etc

I've often had to tweak routines like this because people didn't.

Depends on how accurate you need it, though; the code below will be 
thrown slightly by dashes, em-dashes (debatable as to whether they're 
counted as words) and people typing immediately after punctuation:


correct : I went out last night. I had a great time, but I'm tired 
today! Can't wait til work ends - but that's 5 hours away [ only the 
dash will skew this ]
incorrect, but regularly types : I went out last night.I had a great 
time,but I'm tired today!Can't wait til work ends-but that's 5 hours 
away [a few words discounted because of the lack of spaces after .,!

Makes me wonder how the word-processors handle these, although I suspect 
they have approximately at the end ?

If you need an approximation, though, [the other] Liam's solution will 
do nicely.

Liam Potter wrote:

or if you really do want it as a plugin

  $.fn.stringCount = function() {
var string = this.text();
   var count = string.split( );
   var result = count.length;
 return result

   alert( $(span.string).stringCount() );

Liam Potter wrote:

you don't need a plugin, this will do it

var string = $(span.string).text();
var count = string.split( );

Conrad Cheng wrote:

Hi all,
Any jquery plugin can check number of word in a string instead using 
of .length?...

Many thanks.


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[jQuery] Re: jquery ui dialog get element from button

2009-07-24 Thread Mean Mike

ok sorry for the delay, been kind of busy. Your problem is this ...

the var somevar is defined in the click function and your are trying
to use it in the constructor for the dialog therefore it is out of
scope and not defined. This wouldn't work even if you made the var
global because you must write the constructor before the click event
occurs.  So what you must do is define the buttons on click.  like

//construct dialog
overlay: {backgroundColor: #000,opacity: 0.5},
//create click event function
// on click do the following
//change the title of the dialog
// put a message in the dialog
var message = You are about to do something: ;
$(.ui-dialog-content).text(message + $(this).attr(id));

//set the dialog buttons
$(#dialog).dialog('option', 'buttons', {
Delete: function() {window.location = /home/+ 
(id) ;},
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog(close);}



Make sense ?

On Jul 22, 9:29 am, Carlo Landmeter clandme...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry i forgot to add it.

 img style=cursor:pointer class=button id=REF09624002
 src=images/delete.png /

 The button is placed before the dialog div.


 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Mean Mikemcgra...@gmail.com wrote:

  Carlo buddy where is the button with the id that your looking for ?

  On Jul 21, 5:06 am, Carlo Landmeter clandme...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm not able to send the whole html but i can show you the jquery stuff:
  I am using this in a drupal CMS with jQuery 1.2.6 and jQuery UI 1.6.

  Drupal includes the following css/js

  style type=text/css media=all@import
  script type=text/javascript src=/misc/jquery.js/script
  script type=text/javascript
  script type=text/javascript
  script type=text/javascript
  script type=text/javascript
                     overlay: {backgroundColor: #000,opacity: 0.5},
                       Delete: function() {window.location = /home/
  + somevar ;},
                       Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog(close);}
                     var message = You are about to do something: ;
                     $(.ui-dialog-content).text(message + 
                     var somevar = $(this).attr(id);

  Then somewhere at the end of the page I have:

  div id=dialog/div

  Hope this helps.


  On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:11 PM, Mean Mikemcgra...@gmail.com wrote:

   can I see the html that goes with this code ?

   On Jul 18, 4:48 am, Carlo Landmeter clandme...@gmail.com wrote:
   Thanks for tip for my vars. I have tried the code you provided but
   this does not work. When i click my delete button it will complain
   that somevar is not set. So i guess it means the dialog function is
   run before the somevar variable is set. Anyway arround this?


   On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Mean Mikemcgra...@gmail.com wrote:


jQuery /javascript is procedural  so you just need to move things

like this
               overlay: {backgroundColor: #000,opacity: 0.5},
                 Delete: function() {window.location = /home/ + 
$somevar ;},
                 Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog(close);}
               var message = You are about to do something: ;
               $(.ui-dialog-content).text($message + 
               var somevar = $(this).attr(id);

[jQuery] Re: find() not working in Firefox

2009-07-24 Thread Sourabh

Thanks for your help

Ok I have  a scenario like this -

I have an array with

['spanoriganal html/span' ]['spanhtml to be replaced /span']

This array will be available to me when the page is loaded.

Now I have a HTML page (DOM or DOM container element) in which I need
to search the ['spanoriganal html/span' ] and replace it with the
['spanhtml to be
replaced /span'].

This will apply to ANY HTML page . and  HTML to find  can be
ANYTHING like bI /b am a igood/i span class=''fooboy /

Is there any better way to do this ? I also tried to go for traversing
dom but I was not able to do that

On Jul 24, 4:48 pm, Liam Byrne l...@onsight.ie wrote:
 I could see that being VERY slow

 $(p).each(function() {
     if ($(this).text()=='When the day..believing') {
        return false


 would work, but I wouldn't recommend it.

 Anyway, why would you want to do this, and how would you manage to get
 the exact text that's going to be in the paragraph into the JavaScript ?
 If you have to edit the page to do that, why not just edit the paragraph
 itself ?


 Sourabh wrote:
  Hello all,

  Below code works well for IE but not for firefox due to newlines
  present in the html source.Can anybody help me making this work in
  FF.It works well in IE6

    script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js;/script


      $(body).find(p:contains('When the day is short find that which
  matters to you or stop believing')).replaceWith( 'spanchota/
  span' );


      When the day is spanshort/span
      find that which bmatters/b to you
      or stop believing

  Thanks in advance


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  Checked by AVG -www.avg.com
  Version: 8.5.392 / Virus Database: 270.13.27/2258 - Release Date: 07/24/09 

[jQuery] Re: How to deterine number of words in a string?

2009-07-24 Thread Liam Potter

Yeah, if you need an all situation plugin there would be a lot more to 
add, but if you can guarantee each word will be separated by a space it 
will be fine, if not it will just be an approximate number.
you would need to use regex to find all punctuation (except quotations), 
check if there is a letter afterwards and if so, to add a space/count as 
a new word.

Liam Byrne wrote:

Assuming that people entering the string leave spaces after 
punctuation - commas, full-stops, exclamation marks, etc

I've often had to tweak routines like this because people didn't.

Depends on how accurate you need it, though; the code below will be 
thrown slightly by dashes, em-dashes (debatable as to whether they're 
counted as words) and people typing immediately after punctuation:


correct : I went out last night. I had a great time, but I'm tired 
today! Can't wait til work ends - but that's 5 hours away [ only the 
dash will skew this ]
incorrect, but regularly types : I went out last night.I had a great 
time,but I'm tired today!Can't wait til work ends-but that's 5 hours 
away [a few words discounted because of the lack of spaces after .,!

Makes me wonder how the word-processors handle these, although I 
suspect they have approximately at the end ?

If you need an approximation, though, [the other] Liam's solution will 
do nicely.

Liam Potter wrote:

or if you really do want it as a plugin

  $.fn.stringCount = function() {
var string = this.text();
   var count = string.split( );
   var result = count.length;
 return result

   alert( $(span.string).stringCount() );

Liam Potter wrote:

you don't need a plugin, this will do it

var string = $(span.string).text();
var count = string.split( );

Conrad Cheng wrote:

Hi all,
Any jquery plugin can check number of word in a string instead 
using of .length?...

Many thanks.


No virus found in this incoming message.
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[jQuery] Re: listnav letter question?

2009-07-24 Thread keith . westberg
Ok... I think I got it. I tweaked the addClasses function to eval a list  
items attribute instead of the text value. I'm using the attrib LANG for  
now. I populate this server side with either the first character of the  
persons firstname or lastname depending on what order was selected on the  
page. So now I can generate a dynamic list of anything I like without  
needing to ensure the first char matches the navigation line selected  
character. I'm sure there is allot wrong with this approach, and I  
apologize in advance. My enviornment is strictly Intranet with mandated  
browser and version, so I can normally get away with much less test  
overhead than the will wild west... =)


function addClasses() {
var str, firstChar;
var temp;

$($list).children().each(function() {

// $(this).text().replace(/\s+/g, ''); //.toLowerCase();
// strip all white space (including tabs and linebreaks that might have  
been in the HTML)

// thanks to Liam Byrne, l...@onsight.ie

// NEW
str = $(this).attr(lang);

if (str != '') {

// firstChar = str.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase();

// NEW
firstChar = str.toLowerCase();

if (!isNaN(firstChar)) firstChar = '_'; // use '_' if the first char is a  

$(this).addClass('ln-' + firstChar);

if (counts[firstChar] == undefined) counts[firstChar] = 0;

On Jul 20, 2009 11:33pm, keith keith.westb...@gmail.com wrote:

Great solution to managing large lists... 3 thumbs up! =)

After playing with it this evening, I found myself wondering what it

would take to possibly target another attribute to determine its

placement? For instance if I were to use an image instead of a link

or some other type of content without any text, how would I tweak the

plugin to eval this area instead of its text. Do you believe this

would be a simple endeavor?

Before I really dig in, I thought I would first ask yourselves and see

if this was even possible without a huge rewrite.

Thank you again for a really great tool... I look forward to using it

in future projects.



[jQuery] Selector help needed

2009-07-24 Thread iceangel89

with the markup like:

lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 1lt;/agt;lt;/ligt;
lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 2lt;/agt;
lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;
class=quot;activequot;gt;Link 2.1lt;/agt;lt;/ligt;
lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 2.2lt;/

i want to add a class active to , Link 2 (line 4), or links that
have inner a.active links. how can i do it with jquery or even pure

[jQuery] Re: Selector help needed

2009-07-24 Thread iceangel89

sorry the code is

lia href=#Link 1/a/li
a href=#Link 2/a
lia href=# class=activeLink 2.1/a/li
lia href=#Link 2.2/a/li

On Jul 24, 9:20 pm, iceangel89 iceange...@gmail.com wrote:
 with the markup like:

     lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 1lt;/agt;lt;/ligt;
         lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 2lt;/agt;
             lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;
 class=quot;activequot;gt;Link 2.1lt;/agt;lt;/ligt;
             lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 2.2lt;/

 i want to add a class active to , Link 2 (line 4), or links that
 have inner a.active links. how can i do it with jquery or even pure

[jQuery] Re: Selector help needed

2009-07-24 Thread Michael Lawson

Links that have inner active links?

$(a:has(ul li a.active)).css(active);

i think that'll work if i understood you right


Michael Lawson
Development Lead, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-276-206-8393
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Whether one believes in a religion or not,
and whether one believes in rebirth or not,
there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion..'

  From:   iceangel89 iceange...@gmail.com
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   07/24/2009 09:24 AM  
  Subject:[jQuery] Re: Selector help needed

sorry the code is

lia href=#Link 1/a/li
a href=#Link 2/a
lia href=# class=activeLink 2.1/a/li
lia href=#Link 2.2/a/li

On Jul 24, 9:20 pm, iceangel89 iceange...@gmail.com wrote:
 with the markup like:

     lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 1lt;/agt;lt;/ligt;
         lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 2lt;/agt;
             lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;
 class=quot;activequot;gt;Link 2.1lt;/agt;lt;/ligt;
             lt;ligt;lt;a href=quot;#quot;gt;Link 2.2lt;/

 i want to add a class active to , Link 2 (line 4), or links that
 have inner a.active links. how can i do it with jquery or even pure

inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] Re: Loop with mouse enter / leave events: help needed !

2009-07-24 Thread nitin

hello EE,

the problem here that you have positioned the background 24px from the
top, so the button though looks till the image ends, but the actual
div container which reads the mouseenter and mouseleave ends at the
middle of the button image itself.

as deltaf said, install the firebug add-on in firefox and then play
around with you html/css and you can make out the reason.


On Jul 23, 9:40 pm, eelziere eelzi...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am very new to jquery.

 Here is a small page I made to get familiar with it:


 Could anybody explain me the following: when mouse cursor is located
 above the middle of the height of the button image, javascript is
 looping while sending mouseenter and mouseleave events. When the mouse
 cursor is below the middle of the height of the button image, it does
 not happen!

 Any idea?

 Thanks for your help.


[jQuery] How to load innovaeditor dynamically using jQuery AJAX

2009-07-24 Thread Poul_Erik

I have tried and contacted www.innovastudio.com about how to load
their Editor dynamically by using jQuery Ajax.I have 3 files:
Default.asp - ajax.js and a request page editor.asp

What I have tried:
By rendering ajax.js in default.asp I try to the load the editor in a
div id=editor/ in default.asp

I can't get it work - does anyone have any ideas?

Best regards,

[jQuery] sortable bug in ie7

2009-07-24 Thread amsele

hi guys.

someone have a solution to the following problem?

im using the sortable ui and when i sort some divs (bug is just in ie7
or below, in ie8, ff or somewhere else it works) the dragged div

seems is is a sort of render problem cause when i perform a right
click (contextmenu opens) the div is appearing again. but each other
js function on the page activates the div again. maybe after
performing a js function ie renders the page new... i dunno.

someone can help me?

im sorry for my bad english! :-(


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[jQuery] Re: Insert SWF using JS

2009-07-24 Thread nitin

Hey shaolin,

the better way doing this is using the swfobject script which is much
easier to implement and has better integration with javascript/ajax
interaction with flash.


On Jul 24, 12:38 am, shaf shaolinfin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Guys

 I have some JS that flash cs4 generated when I published my swf. I am
 trying to do some AJAX and download the SWF and then insert it into
 the page's DIV tag. How can I do this. Code below:

 'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/
 'width', '873',
 'height', '247',
 'src', 'banner',
 'quality', 'high',
 'pluginspage', 'http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer',
 'play', 'true',
 'loop', 'false',
 'scale', 'showall',
 'wmode', 'transparent',
 'devicefont', 'false',
 'id', 'banner',
 'name', 'banner',
 'menu', 'false',
 'allowFullScreen', 'false',
 'movie', 'banner'
 ); //end AC code

[jQuery] Form Elements . button with jQuery

2009-07-24 Thread toshinori

Hi ,   
I have problem with Form in HTML .   

I cannot access button like this 


div id=newsletter class=facebox style=display: none; 

form id=myForm  class=jqTransform   
 input type=text name=email id=emaill value=wpisz email
maxlength=50 / 
 input type=button class=buttonNewsSub id=submit
name=submit value=wyślij / 


script type=text/javascript 
$(function() { 



I have no succces with accesing button from that Form ,  I use  #myForm  
and other:button   .class   and no succes .   


script type=text/javascript 

$(document).ready(function() { 

var emailT = function() { 
  var email = $(#emaill).val() 
return (email);   

// alert( emailT); 



function showValues() { 
 // var str = $(form).serialize(); 

$(#myForm input[type=button]).click(function () { 

var email = emailT(); 

var dataString = 'addr='+ $(#emaill).val() + 'action=sub'; 


type: get, 
url: maillist/index.php, 
data: dataString, 
success: function(data) { 

var response = $(data).find('#faceboxDiv').html(); 
$('#faceboxDiv').hide().html('brbrstrong' + data +



Please help  ,   how can I assign  .click()   to submit  properly  ? 
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] (validate) IE6 odd focus behavior

2009-07-24 Thread jckos

I'm using the validate plugin on a form and in IE when I click right
above the second required  field the cursor focus is between the label
and the form field.

It looks like you are typing outside of the form, in between the /
label and input.

I validated the html of the form.  It looks like it only happens on
required fields which makes me think it's something with the
validation success HTML in the plugin.

Any suggestions?
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[jQuery] Re: (validate) IE6 odd focus behavior

2009-07-24 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

I've seen that, but had no idea what caused it. Your help with
localizing the issue is very welcome.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 3:44 PM, jckosjohncar...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm using the validate plugin on a form and in IE when I click right
 above the second required  field the cursor focus is between the label
 and the form field.

 It looks like you are typing outside of the form, in between the /
 label and input.

 I validated the html of the form.  It looks like it only happens on
 required fields which makes me think it's something with the
 validation success HTML in the plugin.

 Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: clone() + Sortable and Draggable

2009-07-24 Thread Mean Mike

its because you need to make it live so that when new items with the
same class show up they become sortable. I've never used live with
sortable so you might need to investigate further but I think this
will work

$(.liste_champs)live(sortable, function(){
  revert: true,
  connectWith: $(.liste_champs),
  start: function(){
  stop: function(){
  receive: function(){

btw sorry for the delay

On Jul 17, 4:35 pm, Jérôme GRAS jeromeg...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, I fixed the first id bug.
 The new version is online.

 Unfortunately, the main problem is still present.
 I tried a lot of things unsuccessfully...

 Please take a look :-)

 On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 15:07, Mean Mike mcgra...@gmail.com wrote:

  I found a least one major problem here


   your cloning div with id #champs_caches thereby creating another
  div with the same id

  there may be more problems than that but get that fixed then lets go
  from there

  Mean Mike

  On Jul 17, 2:58 am, rejome jeromeg...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hello everyone !

   I am facing a strange problem here :

   When I clone a list that is part of a Sortable, the Draggable objects
   are not bound to the cloned list, only the original one.

   Do you have a solution or a hint for me please ?

   Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Digg JSONP API seems to have problem with $.getJSON implementation

2009-07-24 Thread Samyak Bhuta

Hi Everybody,

I was trying to access Digg's search API with $.getJSON as well as
with Twitter and Identica.

Although, the twitter and identica search api are working fine, I have
found trouble when it come to accessing Digg API.

The case in point URL :

This URL, when provided in location bar of the browser gives back the
result successfully. Now change the someFunction with ?  to access
( for JSONP approach in $.getJSON ) the JSON data provided by this
Digg API URL in a jQuery code and sadly it will give return error
message  saying Unrecognized argument.

The script element generated is following.
script src=http://services.digg.com/search/stories?

This is due to the additional argument provided when replacing ? in
the implementation of getJSON method . That additional argument has
_ as name and some timestamp  as value.

I commented out line 3453 in the latest jquery-1.3.2.js file meant to
be used while in development and things are working fine. Note that, I
don't see any change of behaviour for the Twitter as well as Identica
call. It looks they are ignoring the additional arguments while the
Digg is not.

I don't know why the additional parameter is added while replacing ?
in getJSON request, but it is definately not acceptable to one of the
popular webservice.

Hope this brings any compatibility issue to the notice.

Thanks  Best Regards


[jQuery] Using a load function with a post

2009-07-24 Thread Anthony Smith

I am unsure as to how to make this work.

var params = $('form#createAdjForm').serialize();
var url = ?= $this-url(array('controller'='create-adjustment',

I want my data POSTed but it is still sent as a get. What am I doing

[jQuery] jQuery validation on 3 select box

2009-07-24 Thread c.sokun

Hi there,

I had a form where I need user to input the their birthdate:

select id=sel_dd name=sel_dd
 option value=/option
 option value=11/option

select id=sel_mm name=sel_mm
 option value=/option
 option value=1Jan/option

select id=sel_yy name=sel_yy
 option value=/option
 option value=19801980/option

How do I write custom validation rule to check if user had selected
appropriate input?
And which control should I assign the rule on?


[jQuery] Re: jquery ui dialog get element from button

2009-07-24 Thread Carlo Landmeter

Hi Mike,

Yes its working now. Now that i understand that part and looked at the
api again i saw:

Get or set the buttons option, after init.

Glad I get that fixed. Thanks for your help!
I think if i play more with jquery things get easier for me to understand.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Mean Mikemcgra...@gmail.com wrote:

 ok sorry for the delay, been kind of busy. Your problem is this ...

 the var somevar is defined in the click function and your are trying
 to use it in the constructor for the dialog therefore it is out of
 scope and not defined. This wouldn't work even if you made the var
 global because you must write the constructor before the click event
 occurs.  So what you must do is define the buttons on click.  like

 //construct dialog
                overlay: {backgroundColor: #000,opacity: 0.5},
 //create click event function
                // on click do the following
                //change the title of the dialog
                // put a message in the dialog
                var message = You are about to do something: ;
                $(.ui-dialog-content).text(message + $(this).attr(id));

                //set the dialog buttons
                $(#dialog).dialog('option', 'buttons', {
                        Delete: function() {window.location = /home/+ 
 (id) ;},
                        Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog(close);}



 Make sense ?

 On Jul 22, 9:29 am, Carlo Landmeter clandme...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry i forgot to add it.

 img style=cursor:pointer class=button id=REF09624002
 src=images/delete.png /

 The button is placed before the dialog div.


 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Mean Mikemcgra...@gmail.com wrote:

  Carlo buddy where is the button with the id that your looking for ?

  On Jul 21, 5:06 am, Carlo Landmeter clandme...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm not able to send the whole html but i can show you the jquery stuff:
  I am using this in a drupal CMS with jQuery 1.2.6 and jQuery UI 1.6.

  Drupal includes the following css/js

  style type=text/css media=all@import
  script type=text/javascript src=/misc/jquery.js/script
  script type=text/javascript
  script type=text/javascript
  script type=text/javascript
  script type=text/javascript
                     overlay: {backgroundColor: #000,opacity: 0.5},
                       Delete: function() {window.location = /home/
  + somevar ;},
                       Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog(close);}
                     var message = You are about to do something: ;
                     $(.ui-dialog-content).text(message + 
                     var somevar = $(this).attr(id);

  Then somewhere at the end of the page I have:

  div id=dialog/div

  Hope this helps.


  On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:11 PM, Mean Mikemcgra...@gmail.com wrote:

   can I see the html that goes with this code ?

   On Jul 18, 4:48 am, Carlo Landmeter clandme...@gmail.com wrote:
   Thanks for tip for my vars. I have tried the code you provided but
   this does not work. When i click my delete button it will complain
   that somevar is not set. So i guess it means the dialog function is
   run before the somevar variable is set. Anyway arround this?


   On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Mean Mikemcgra...@gmail.com wrote:


jQuery /javascript is procedural  so you just need to move things

like this
               overlay: {backgroundColor: #000,opacity: 0.5},
                 Delete: function() {window.location = /home/ + 
$somevar ;},
                 Cancel: function() 

[jQuery] Re: Form values getting unsynchronized after ajaxsubmit [validate]

2009-07-24 Thread Anoop kumar V
Attached an html - that shows my situation...

In the page - clicking on any region opens the pop-up form, and once in a
while after you submit the pop-ups are mixed up, you see Newyork details for
the Washington tab etc. But as soon as I click on the reset button, it
rectifies itself...

Can somebody please help a bit? I am not able to understand / explain why
this happens - I do not have a lot of javascript / jquery code, just the 2

Should I call reset for all forms after I submit? If so can someone please
show / hint at how that can be achieved?


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Anoop kumar V anoopkum...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 I have a very weird issue that I have been trying to resolve for over a
 week now with no success in sight.

 I use jsp to generate a page of regional information. The regions are
 displayed as clickable blocks. On clicking each block a pop-up form opens up
 with the corresponding region details like id, name and acronym. These can
 be edited and submitted as updates. There is also a last block that allows
 to create a new region which on clicking opens the same kind of form as the
 others, except all the fields are blank and required.

 I am using jquery validator plugin (bassistance) to ensure that the user
 does not leave any field blank and I also use the form plugin to do an
 ajaxsubmit, so that the id enterred is not a duplicate id.

 On submitting the new region form, a new region gets created and updates
 the page fine, but intermittently when I click on the other existing blocks
 the information shown in the pop-up is for a completely different region:
 for example when I click on a block labelled Washington, the popup that
 comes up shows New York, NY, 02. On clicking New York block, the same
 (correct) information is show. This does not happen always and I have
 noticed it happening only in firefox, I use firefox more often also. Also if
 I take out the ajaxsubmit and do a simple form submit, it seems to not
 occur, but I need the ajaxsubmit for the id validation..
 Interestingly, when I click on the reset button on the individual form, the
 values in the fields correct themselves automagically for that form..

 I also used firebug, and when I mouseover the field in the firebug console,
 the values in the fields are shown correct (in forebug), except the page
 displays the incorrect info. I think this safely eliminates my java code as
 the culprit... Again - when I reset the particular form, the values are
 good, but only for that form, so if I want to clean all such incorrect data,
 I will have to open each form pop-up on the page and click on the reset
 button - this would not work even as a workaround.

 Below is the code if it helps:

 *** JS***
 $(function() {
 var bbap = function() {
   $('.cbnav').live('click',function(event) {
 var target = $(event.target);
 if(($(target).is(.main-title)) || ($(target).is(.cls)))
 } else if ($(target).is('input[type=reset]')){

 var v = $(function() {
 $('.main-title').click(function(event) {
   var target = $(event.target);
   var parent = $(target).parent();
 rules: {
 regionid: required,
 regionname: required,
 regionacronym: required,
 regioncode: required
 submitHandler: function(form) {
 target: 'body',
 error: function (xhr) {
   $('.derror').text(Errors: Please fix  +
   return false;

 $('input[type=reset]').click(function() {
 *** /JS***
 *** HTML***

 div class=cbdd

 form class=cbnav action=user/region.jsp method=post

   div class='main-title'Washington (WAS)/div

   div class=details
 div class=clsclose /div

 div class=form-class

 input type=text name=regionid value=01 size=2 


 div class=form-class

 input type=text name=regionacronym value=WAS size=3/

 div class=form-class

 input type=text name=regionname value=Washington 


 div class=form-class

 input type=text name =regioncode value=M00 size=2/


[jQuery] Iframe Scroll

2009-07-24 Thread FrenchiInLA

I tried  to open a iframe with a definite position. Let’s say I have an
iframe like:
iframe id=frame src=http://google.com; width=350
And I’d like to scroll at the position X,Y of google page. I tried
scrollTop, scrollLeft and even the plugin scrollTo to no avail. Can I make 
$(‘#frame’).scrollTo(300); or 
Any help would be appreciated.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Using Queue

2009-07-24 Thread shaf

Hi Guys

I have 4 scripts I want to load and insert into the html. So the
script should download and insert the first and then the second and so
on. How can I do this in such a order ? From my research it looks like
a queue is the best option for this. Is this true ? If yes, how do I
go about to doing it ?

[jQuery] Re: listnav letter question?

2009-07-24 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi Keith,

Glad you like the plugin. I missed your original post, but just spotted 
this one. Your change looks good, that's where I would have done it, 
too. I'm having a little trouble picturing your use case, though. Do you 
have an example anywhere or could you explain it a little bit more? I 
might considering adding an option for this kind of thing to the plugin.


keith.westb...@gmail.com wrote:
Ok... I think I got it. I tweaked the addClasses function to eval a 
list items attribute instead of the text value. I'm using the attrib 
LANG for now. I populate this server side with either the first 
character of the persons firstname or lastname depending on what order 
was selected on the page. So now I can generate a dynamic list of 
anything I like without needing to ensure the first char matches the 
navigation line selected character. I'm sure there is allot wrong with 
this approach, and I apologize in advance. My enviornment is strictly 
Intranet with mandated browser and version, so I can normally get away 
with much less test overhead than the will wild west... =)


function addClasses() {
var str, firstChar;
var temp;

$($list).children().each(function() {

// $(this).text().replace(/\s+/g, ''); //.toLowerCase();
// strip all white space (including tabs and linebreaks that might 
have been in the HTML)

// thanks to Liam Byrne, l...@onsight.ie

// NEW
str = $(this).attr(lang);

if (str != '') {

// firstChar = str.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase();

// NEW
firstChar = str.toLowerCase();

if (!isNaN(firstChar)) firstChar = '_'; // use '_' if the first char 
is a number

$(this).addClass('ln-' + firstChar);

if (counts[firstChar] == undefined) counts[firstChar] = 0;

On Jul 20, 2009 11:33pm, keith keith.westb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Great solution to managing large lists... 3 thumbs up!  =)

 After playing with it this evening, I found myself wondering what it

 would take to possibly target another attribute to determine its

 placement?  For instance if I were to use an image instead of a link

 or some other type of content without any text, how would I tweak the

 plugin to eval this area instead of its text.   Do you believe this

 would be a simple endeavor?

 Before I really dig in, I thought I would first ask yourselves and see

 if this was even possible without a huge rewrite.

 Thank you again for a really great tool... I look forward to using it

 in future projects.




[jQuery] Re: Listnav initial display of no items?

2009-07-24 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Like this:

style type=text/css
   #alphalist { display:none; }

   var clicks = 0;

includeAll: false,
cookieName: 'xalpha_list',
 onClick: function(){
if(clicks == 2){

You can also take a look at demo 5 here to see onClick being used:


- Jack

rubycat wrote:

Yes, the little treasure is your plug-in!!

Um, I hit a deadend though. But it's not you, it's me! I don't quite
understand where to put this stuff--am I to add it to to this?

 includeAll: false,
 cookieName: 'xalpha_list'


[jQuery] Test - please ignore

2009-07-24 Thread anoop

Test - please ignore

[jQuery] Re: Test - please ignore

2009-07-24 Thread Liam Potter

no, I will acknowledge!

anoop wrote:

Test - please ignore

[jQuery] Re: clone() + Sortable and Draggable

2009-07-24 Thread Jérôme GRAS
No problem for the delay, thank you for your response.
I may be away for a while but I'll try to test and investigate as soon as
I will keep you updated.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 16:16, Mean Mike mcgra...@gmail.com wrote:

 its because you need to make it live so that when new items with the
 same class show up they become sortable. I've never used live with
 sortable so you might need to investigate further but I think this
 will work

 $(.liste_champs)live(sortable, function(){
  revert: true,
  connectWith: $(.liste_champs),
  start: function(){
  stop: function(){
  receive: function(){

 btw sorry for the delay

 On Jul 17, 4:35 pm, Jérôme GRAS jeromeg...@gmail.com wrote:
  Ok, I fixed the first id bug.
  The new version is online.
  Unfortunately, the main problem is still present.
  I tried a lot of things unsuccessfully...
  Please take a look :-)
  On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 15:07, Mean Mike mcgra...@gmail.com wrote:
   I found a least one major problem here
your cloning div with id #champs_caches thereby creating another
   div with the same id
   there may be more problems than that but get that fixed then lets go
   from there
   Mean Mike
   On Jul 17, 2:58 am, rejome jeromeg...@gmail.com wrote:
Hello everyone !
I am facing a strange problem here :
When I clone a list that is part of a Sortable, the Draggable objects
are not bound to the cloned list, only the original one.
Do you have a solution or a hint for me please ?
Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] can't get textarea field value using jquery rte plugin

2009-07-24 Thread marksimon

Hi. I'm using this plugin: http://code.google.com/p/lwrte/ for a
lightweight text editor. I want to be able to submit without a page
reload and I can't seem to figure out how to override whatever code
the author created to disable the value of the text area field unless
the form is formally submitted using the submit button. Additionally I
don't seem to be able to attach any events to the submit button. I'm
not sure you will be able to help me but thought it's worth a shot.
Here's the form:
form method=post action=../postingfiles/tasks-main.php
input name=id value= id=id type=hidden/
input type=text value=Untitled id=title name=title /
a href=# id=saveSave/a
textarea name=notes  id=notes class=rte1 
input type=submit value=click id=submit /
Here's my code which returns id=title=untitled.
$(document).ready(function() {
   $('#save').click(function($e) {

  var str = $(form).serialize();

If you have any idea how someone would disable the textarea unless
formally submitted maybe I can go searching for that type of thing in
the js file. Or if you know of a better text editor I should check out
that would be great too. I liked this one because it seemed fairly
simple and not too ugly.

[jQuery] Re: Test - please ignore

2009-07-24 Thread Anoop kumar V
Thanks - but if you really should, then please acknowledge my actual posts:


I would much appreciate any help you could provide.. :-)


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.comwrote:

 no, I will acknowledge!

 anoop wrote:

 Test - please ignore

[jQuery] Jquery Column Manager

2009-07-24 Thread Leandro Tuttini


I am using column manager plugin, Did somebody use this plugin ?


I am having a problem when work with nested tables.

I can post a example where I have the problem, if somebody can help


[jQuery] Re: Listnav initial display of no items?

2009-07-24 Thread rubycat

Thanks for the response and explaining it to me. Alas, I'm not having
any luck. Using your exact example (both CSS and JS), the items
associated with the first navigation item are still being displayed
(the 0-9 option) on initial page load. I even disabled cookies while
testing. :-(

[jQuery] Re: can't get textarea field value using jquery rte plugin

2009-07-24 Thread marksimon

Nevermind. I'm stupid.

[jQuery] Re: GPL version of jQuery

2009-07-24 Thread Alexey Chernov

Brilliant! Thank you very much for the information and also big thanks
for such a good library )

On 24 июл, 03:54, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
 You don't need to worry about that at all.

 jQuery is also licensed under the MIT license, a much more liberal license
 than GPL.

 Simply use jQuery under the MIT license, not the GPL. That makes it fully
 compatible with any version of GPL you want to use for the rest of your
 code. More info here:


 You don't have to do anything special to make this happen; just use the code
 and have fun!


  From: Alexey Chernov

  I develop open source CMS under GPLv3 and would like to use
  jQuery in it.
  Could you please tell me what is the version of GPL of
  jQuery? I tried to find it onhttp://jquery.combut it's
  still a little bit unclear.
  This is important for me, because GPLv2-only and GPLv3 are

  Thank you in advance,

[jQuery] Draggables and offset

2009-07-24 Thread littlerobothead

I've built an expanding HUD control for a map in a project. I've got
it expanding, and, using some code from this group I have it avoiding
the edges of the viewport on first resize. The problem is that it
doesn't seem like an object updates its position when you make it
draggable with the jQuery UI draggable plugin. The net effect is that
this element constantly resizes outside the viewport, so that only an
edge is showing and it has to be dragged back into the center of the
page. What I'm looking for is a bulletproof solution for a window that
is resizable on click and is aware of its -x and -y position even
after being moved with jQuery UI Draggable. Current code follows...


// Collapse HUD

// Triggers the #data floater to slide down
// if a tab is clicked and it's closed
hud = $('.hud-data');

hudPosition_init = hud.position();
hudWidth_init = hud.width();
var viewport = $(document).width();
var hudOffset = hud.offset();
hudChild = $('.jScrollPaneContainer');

$('.event-controls').click(function() {
var eventBar = $('form.events');
$(eventBar).slideToggle({height:40px}, 90);

$('li.hud-left-tab').click(function() {
// First, if the hud is collapsed, slide it down
// Next, if it's been expanded, shrink it
hud.animate({width : hudWidth_init}, 90);
hudChild.css({width: hudWidth_init});
var viewport = $(document).width();
var hudOffset = hud.offset();
$('li.hud-center-tab').click(function() {
// Perform the same check for this tab
if (viewport - hudOffset.left  10) {
hud.animate({width : hudWidth_init+359, margin-left 
hudChild.animate({width: hudWidth_init+360}, 20);
} else {
hud.animate({width : hudWidth_init+360}, 90);
hudChild.animate({width: hudWidth_init+360}, 20);
//hud.animate({width : hudWidth_init+360}, 90);
//hudChild.css({width: hudWidth_init+360});
}, function() {

[jQuery] Re: treeview, can only let +- expand tree?

2009-07-24 Thread Mario Soto

Renewind this post. I have the asame problem. If any knows the
solution, please post, or guide to proper answer. Thanks.

[jQuery] Which editor is best for inplace HTML

2009-07-24 Thread Steve Hueners

I'm hoping someone can help me narrow down the field
according to these priorities...

Stability  Well-formed XHTML
Inplace editing
Good AJAX integration
For internal / admin / CMS usage so size doesn't matter
Only need the basics:

No need for tables but dropdowns with relevent CSS selectors would be nice.


[jQuery] Re: Using a load function with a post

2009-07-24 Thread James

According to the documentation for $.load:

if you pass in any extra parameters in the form of an Object/Map (key/
value pairs) then a POST will occur. Extra parameters passed as a
string will still use a GET request.

Using serialize() will pass the data value in as a String. You want to
pass in an Object (JSON) instead by using serializeArray():

On Jul 24, 4:32 am, Anthony Smith mrsmi...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I am unsure as to how to make this work.

         var params = $('form#createAdjForm').serialize();
         var url = ?= $this-url(array('controller'='create-adjustment',

 I want my data POSTed but it is still sent as a get. What am I doing

[jQuery] How can I keep the overlay in jQuery UI dialog longer than the modal window?

2009-07-24 Thread Rick Faircloth
If the body of the page on which the modal window overlays is shorter than
the dialog window, itself,

then the overlay is cutoff.  I want the overlay behind the modal window to
extend beyond the window

even if the body of the document is shorter than the modal dialog.


Make sense?





Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger


[jQuery] Re: Which editor is best for inplace HTML

2009-07-24 Thread Donny Kurnia

Steve Hueners wrote:

I'm hoping someone can help me narrow down the field
according to these priorities...

Stability  Well-formed XHTML
Inplace editing
Good AJAX integration
For internal / admin / CMS usage so size doesn't matter
Only need the basics:

No need for tables but dropdowns with relevent CSS selectors would be nice.


Got this list a few days ago: 

Since I use malsup's form plugins, fsck and tinymce can work well with 
it. Fsck need 
Using TinyMCE, you need to call save method before submit using form 

Hope this help.

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Sortables - accessing elements in each container

2009-07-24 Thread tecmo

I have some sortable div containers numbered 1 to 5.  I would like to
keep the input boxes in order (1 to 5) even while dragging and

I've made code to plus/subtract upon a rearrange and that works if
used properly.  If you drag violently though, you can get the order
out of whack.  Maybe if I loop through all containers I could ensure
the order is correct, but I don't see how I could access the first
container, then the second container, etc.

any ideas are appreciated.  I'm very new to programming, maybe there's
a simple way.

thx, Eric is Sac

[jQuery] Re: How can I keep the overlay in jQuery UI dialog longer than the modal window?

2009-07-24 Thread Rick Faircloth
Anyone have any idea about this?


I thought about perhaps determining the height of the modal window and then

it to the body height and using whichever is greater as the overlay
height.is that possible with js?


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 5:00 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] How can I keep the overlay in jQuery UI dialog longer than
the modal window?


If the body of the page on which the modal window overlays is shorter than
the dialog window, itself,

then the overlay is cutoff.  I want the overlay behind the modal window to
extend beyond the window

even if the body of the document is shorter than the modal dialog.


Make sense?





Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger


[jQuery] how to delay operation

2009-07-24 Thread bharani kumar
Hi ,

Am doing one support ticketing systems,

user submit his problem through form ,

my task is after submitted , i want to send his ticketID . to his mail , for
track the supprt request ,

The ticket ID not and sequential order , its random order ,

So my idea is we write one mail function , after form submited , after the
30sec , we run the mail function and get the ticket id from the DB using his
emailID  and based on ticket created time as the unique ,

,,,no my question is , how run the mail function / any function  after

please advise

